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2024-01-19 16:39:01.449
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 1 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2500) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2500) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:14:36 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:14:29 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H21) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:14:29 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H21) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:13:25 </actionTime> <text> Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H20-21) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000492 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> DREIER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 26 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional sessions </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 7, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-01-09T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Agreed to House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2500)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2500)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H20-21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 1, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000492", "district": "26", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DREIER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional sessions" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 7, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-09T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null } ], "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2500)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2500)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H20-21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000492", "district": "26", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DREIER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "CA" } ]
[ "Congressional sessions" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 7, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-09T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:40:01.249
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 2 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-07T17:27:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000259 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4] </fullName> <firstName> GERALD </firstName> <lastName> KLECZKA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000006 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> OBERSTAR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress and military policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative resolutions </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Military operations </name> </item> <item> <name> President and foreign policy </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000259", "district": "4", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KLECZKA", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 2, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
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[ { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000259", "district": "4", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KLECZKA", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "DC" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Congress and military policy", "Government Operations and Politics", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Legislative resolutions", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military operations", "President and foreign policy" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed.
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[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:41:00.979
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 3 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-07T17:27:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000022 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> ACKERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001140 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> MOORE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lampson, Nick [D-TX-9] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> LAMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001227 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000193 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2] </fullName> <firstName> BENNIE </firstName> <lastName> THOMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Green, Gene [D-TX-29] </fullName> <firstName> GENE </firstName> <lastName> GREEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000424 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Turner, Jim [D-TX-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> TURNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> SANDLIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000537 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> CLYBURN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001241 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bell, Chris [D-TX-25] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Bell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000485 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> MCINTYRE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] </fullName> <firstName> SILVESTRE </firstName> <lastName> REYES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000399 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10] </fullName> <firstName> LLOYD </firstName> <lastName> DOGGETT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000185 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" [D-VA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> C. "Bobby" </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000544 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> GONZALEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000490 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2] </fullName> <firstName> SANFORD </firstName> <lastName> BISHOP </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8] </fullName> <firstName> JO </firstName> <lastName> EMERSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000067 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [R-TX-4] </fullName> <firstName> RALPH </firstName> <lastName> HALL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000462 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> ROTHMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000107 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27] </fullName> <firstName> SOLOMON </firstName> <lastName> ORTIZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Ex-Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Food relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Hunger </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> International relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> <item> <name> Texas </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of George Thomas `Mickey' Leland; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas "Mickey" Leland. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas "Mickey" Leland. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas "Mickey" Leland. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000043", "district": "9", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Lampson, Nick [D-TX-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. 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Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000399", "district": "10", "first_name": "LLOYD", "full_name": "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOGGETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. 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[D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000172", "district": "8", "first_name": "JO", "full_name": "Rep. Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EMERSON", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000067", "district": "4", "first_name": "RALPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [R-TX-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HALL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000107", "district": "27", "first_name": "SOLOMON", "full_name": "Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ORTIZ", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "TX" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 3, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Agriculture and Food", "Congress", "Ex-Members of Congress", "Food relief", "Government Operations and Politics", "Hunger", "International Affairs", "International relief", "Postage stamps", "Texas" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of George Thomas `Mickey' Leland; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas \"Mickey\" Leland.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas \"Mickey\" Leland.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas \"Mickey\" Leland.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000043", "district": "9", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Lampson, Nick [D-TX-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000410", "district": "29", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. 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Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. 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[D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000172", "district": "8", "first_name": "JO", "full_name": "Rep. Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EMERSON", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000067", "district": "4", "first_name": "RALPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [R-TX-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HALL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000107", "district": "27", "first_name": "SOLOMON", "full_name": "Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ORTIZ", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "TX" } ]
[ "Agriculture and Food", "Congress", "Ex-Members of Congress", "Food relief", "Government Operations and Politics", "Hunger", "International Affairs", "International relief", "Postage stamps", "Texas" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of George Thomas `Mickey' Leland; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas "Mickey" Leland.
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[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 15:45:00.806
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Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5] </fullName> <firstName> VIRGIL </firstName> <lastName> GOODE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Cultural relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Educational exchanges </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> International cooperation in science </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations delegations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000116", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHRIS", "full_name": "Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CANNON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-09", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-22", "state": "VA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 4, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000583", "district": "14", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:11:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E3)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "P000583", "district": "14", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "PAUL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000116", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHRIS", "full_name": "Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CANNON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-09", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-22", "state": "VA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Cultural relations", "Education", "Educational exchanges", "Elementary and secondary education", "Higher education", "International cooperation in science", "Science, Technology, Communications", "United Nations", "United Nations delegations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
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[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:41:01.022
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 5 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-21T21:35:31Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-07T17:16:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-21 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000248 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSE </firstName> <lastName> SERRANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Alaska </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Bilingualism </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> English language </name> </item> <item> <name> Hawaiians </name> </item> <item> <name> Indian education </name> </item> <item> <name> Indigenous peoples </name> </item> <item> <name> Information technology </name> </item> <item> <name> Language and languages </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Native Americans </name> </item> <item> <name> Pluralism (Social sciences) </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S. Government should pursue policies that: (1) encourage all residents of this country to become fully proficient in English by expanding educational opportunities and access to information technologies; (2) conserve and develop the Nation's linguistic resources by encouraging all residents to learn or maintain skills in a language other than English; (3) assist Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, and other peoples indigenous to the United States in their efforts to prevent the extinction of their languages and cultures; (4) continue to provide services in languages other than English as needed to facilitate access to essential functions of government, promote public health and safety, ensure due process, promote equal educational opportunity, and protect fundamental rights; and (5) recognize the importance of multilingualism to vital national interests and individual rights, and oppose "English-only" measures and similar language restrictionist measures. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Entitled the "English Plus Resolution". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Entitled the "English Plus Resolution". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Entitled the "English Plus Resolution". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-21 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:16:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-21T21:35:31Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 5, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Alaska", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Bilingualism", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "English language", "Hawaiians", "Indian education", "Indigenous peoples", "Information technology", "Language and languages", "Minorities", "Native Americans", "Pluralism (Social sciences)", "Science, Technology, Communications" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S. Government should pursue policies that: (1) encourage all residents of this country to become fully proficient in English by expanding educational opportunities and access to information technologies; (2) conserve and develop the Nation's linguistic resources by encouraging all residents to learn or maintain skills in a language other than English; (3) assist Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, and other peoples indigenous to the United States in their efforts to prevent the extinction of their languages and cultures; (4) continue to provide services in languages other than English as needed to facilitate access to essential functions of government, promote public health and safety, ensure due process, promote equal educational opportunity, and protect fundamental rights; and (5) recognize the importance of multilingualism to vital national interests and individual rights, and oppose \"English-only\" measures and similar language restrictionist measures.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:16:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-21T21:35:31Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
Government Operations and Politics
[ "Alaska", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Bilingualism", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "English language", "Hawaiians", "Indian education", "Indigenous peoples", "Information technology", "Language and languages", "Minorities", "Native Americans", "Pluralism (Social sciences)", "Science, Technology, Communications" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S. Government should pursue policies that: (1) encourage all residents of this country to become fully proficient in English by expanding educational opportunities and access to information technologies; (2) conserve and develop the Nation's linguistic resources by encouraging all residents to learn or maintain skills in a language other than English; (3) assist Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, and other peoples indigenous to the United States in their efforts to prevent the extinction of their languages and cultures; (4) continue to provide services in languages other than English as needed to facilitate access to essential functions of government, promote public health and safety, ensure due process, promote equal educational opportunity, and protect fundamental rights; and (5) recognize the importance of multilingualism to vital national interests and individual rights, and oppose \"English-only\" measures and similar language restrictionist measures.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Entitled the "English Plus Resolution".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:41:01.061
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 6 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-07-17T17:42:18Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2003-06-19T15:41:16Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-28T16:40:59Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-06-19T21:51:31Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-07T17:27:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution supporting the goals and ideal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 59 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-07-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 229 </number> <type> SRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-09-23 </actionDate> <text> Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11873; text as passed Senate: CR S11873; text of measure as introduced: CR S11859) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:15:50 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:15:49 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 423 - 0 (Roll no. 374). (text: CR H6886) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 374 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll374.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-07-16T21:15:49Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:15:49 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 423 - 0 (Roll no. 374).(text: CR H6886) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 374 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll374.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-07-16T21:15:49Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:08:02 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H6948-6949) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:44:18 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:30:50 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 6. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:30:48 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H6886-6888) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:30:38 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Ose moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization Discharged. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-28 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E34) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000822 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6] </fullName> <firstName> CLIFF </firstName> <lastName> STEARNS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 6 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000445 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> Forbes </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> Randy </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000459 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2] </fullName> <firstName> LEE </firstName> <lastName> TERRY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000585 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19] </fullName> <firstName> TODD </firstName> <lastName> PLATTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> RUSSELL </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000119 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3] </fullName> <firstName> ZACH </firstName> <lastName> WAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRED </firstName> <lastName> UPTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000306 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kolbe, Jim [R-AZ-8] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> KOLBE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000226 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> ETHERIDGE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000522 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000113 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000573 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> ROSS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000280 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5] </fullName> <firstName> VIRGIL </firstName> <lastName> GOODE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000598 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53] </fullName> <firstName> SUSAN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 53 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000092 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ehlers, Vernon J. [R-MI-3] </fullName> <firstName> VERNON </firstName> <lastName> EHLERS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <cboCostEstimates> <item> <pubDate> 2003-06-23T04:00:00Z </pubDate> <title> H. Con. Res. 6, Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month </title> <url> http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14546 </url> <description> &lt;p&gt;Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Government Reform on June 19, 2003&lt;/p&gt; </description> </item> <item> <pubDate> 2003-06-23T04:00:00Z </pubDate> <title> H. Con. Res. 6, Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month </title> <url> https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14546 </url> <description> Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Government Reform on June 19, 2003 </description> </item> </cboCostEstimates> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Chronically ill </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Lung diseases </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses support for the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-07-24T19:04:59Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses support for the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-07-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-07-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 423 - 0 (Roll no. 374). (text: CR H6886)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 423 - 0 (Roll no. 374).(text: CR H6886)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H6948-6949)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 6.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H6886-6888)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Ose moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization Discharged.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E34)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [ { "description": "<p>Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Government Reform on June 19, 2003</p>", "pub_date": "2003-06-23T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 6, Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month", "url": "http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14546" }, { "description": "Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Government Reform on June 19, 2003", "pub_date": "2003-06-23T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 6, Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month", "url": "https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14546" } ], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-07-17T17:42:18Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-19T21:51:31Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-19T15:41:16Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-02-28T16:40:59Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000445", "district": "4", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Forbes", "middle_name": "Randy", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000585", "district": "19", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PLATTS", "middle_name": "RUSSELL", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000119", "district": "3", "first_name": "ZACH", "full_name": "Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000306", "district": "8", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Kolbe, Jim [R-AZ-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KOLBE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000226", "district": "2", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ETHERIDGE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000573", "district": "4", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROSS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-17", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. 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[R-MI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EHLERS", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "MI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 6, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": null }, "number": 59, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution supporting the goals and ideal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "type": "SCONRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11873; text as passed Senate: CR S11873; text of measure as introduced: CR S11859)", "type": null }, "number": 229, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "type": "SRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "STEARNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Chronically ill", "Health", "Lung diseases", "Special months" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses support for the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-07-16", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses support for the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. </p>", "update_date": "2003-07-24T19:04:59Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-07-17T17:42:18Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-19T21:51:31Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-19T15:41:16Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-02-28T16:40:59Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": null }, "number": 59, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution supporting the goals and ideal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "type": "SCONRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S11873; text as passed Senate: CR S11873; text of measure as introduced: CR S11859)", "type": null }, "number": 229, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "type": "SRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 423 - 0 (Roll no. 374). (text: CR H6886)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 423 - 0 (Roll no. 374).(text: CR H6886)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H6948-6949)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 6.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H6886-6888)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Ose moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization Discharged.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E34)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "STEARNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000445", "district": "4", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Forbes", "middle_name": "Randy", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000585", "district": "19", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PLATTS", "middle_name": "RUSSELL", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. 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[ { "description": "<p>Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Government Reform on June 19, 2003</p>", "pub_date": "2003-06-23T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 6, Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month", "url": "http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14546" }, { "description": "Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Government Reform on June 19, 2003", "pub_date": "2003-06-23T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 6, Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month", "url": "https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14546" } ]
[ "Chronically ill", "Health", "Lung diseases", "Special months" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses support for the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-07-16", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses support for the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month. </p>", "update_date": "2003-07-24T19:04:59Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:40:01.498
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 7 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsas27 </systemCode> <name> Total Force Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-03T15:08:51Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-07T17:08:35Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-03 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas27 </systemCode> <name> Total Force Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil War </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil rights workers </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </item> <item> <name> Military history </name> </item> <item> <name> Military pensions </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Nurses </name> </item> <item> <name> Women </name> </item> <item> <name> Women soldiers </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension at the rate of $25 each month for her service as a nurse and scout in the U.S. Army during the Civil War. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension for her service as a nurse and scout in the United States Army during the Civil War. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension for her service as a nurse and scout in the United States Army during the Civil War. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension for her service as a nurse and scout in the United States Army during the Civil War. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-03 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:08:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-03T15:08:51Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Total Force Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsas27" } ], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-03", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Total Force Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas27", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
Armed Forces and National Security
[ "Blacks", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Civil War", "Civil rights workers", "Health", "History", "Labor and Employment", "Military history", "Military pensions", "Military personnel", "Minorities", "Nurses", "Women", "Women soldiers" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension at the rate of $25 each month for her service as a nurse and scout in the U.S. Army during the Civil War.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension for her service as a nurse and scout in the United States Army during the Civil War.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension for her service as a nurse and scout in the United States Army during the Civil War.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension for her service as a nurse and scout in the United States Army during the Civil War.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-03", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:37:00.755
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 8 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-08 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-10 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S177) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-09 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S177) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 22:39:39 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 22:38:55 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H131) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 22:38:55 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H131) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 22:38:02 </actionTime> <text> Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H131) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pryce, Deborah [R-OH-15] </fullName> <firstName> DEBORAH </firstName> <lastName> PRYCE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional sessions </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from January 8, 9, or 10, 2003 until January 27, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate, any day from January 9, through January 24, 2003, until January 27, 2003. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-09 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from January 8, 9, or 10, 2003, until January 27, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate, any day from January 9 through January 24, 2003, until January 27, 2003. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Providing for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Providing for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Providing for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-01-09T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-01-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Agreed to House </type> <date> 2003-01-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-10 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S177)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-01-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S177)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H131)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H131)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H131)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-08", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 8, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000555", "district": "15", "first_name": "DEBORAH", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S177)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-01-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S177)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H131)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H131)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H131)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "P000555", "district": "15", "first_name": "DEBORAH", "full_name": "Rep. Pryce, Deborah [R-OH-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "PRYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "OH" } ]
[ "Congressional sessions" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from January 8, 9, or 10, 2003 until January 27, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate, any day from January 9, through January 24, 2003, until January 27, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-09", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from January 8, 9, or 10, 2003, until January 27, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate, any day from January 9 through January 24, 2003, until January 27, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Providing for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-09T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:33:00.147
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 9 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-08 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsas27 </systemCode> <name> Total Force Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-25T15:09:11Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-08T15:07:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-08T15:07:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas27 </systemCode> <name> Total Force Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100-A </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000280 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5] </fullName> <firstName> VIRGIL </firstName> <lastName> GOODE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000013 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6] </fullName> <firstName> SPENCER </firstName> <lastName> BACHUS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000255 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] </fullName> <firstName> WALTER </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001134 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9] </fullName> <firstName> SUE </firstName> <lastName> MYRICK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> WILKINS </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000208 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROSCOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTLETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed forces abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Interoceanic canals </name> </item> <item> <name> Latin America </name> </item> <item> <name> Marine and coastal resources, fisheries </name> </item> <item> <name> Military agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Military bases </name> </item> <item> <name> Negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Panama </name> </item> <item> <name> Panama Canal </name> </item> <item> <name> President and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> <item> <name> Treaties </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the President should: (1) negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of Panama to permit stationing U.S. forces in Panama and to ensure that the Panama Canal remains open, secure, and neutral; and (2) ensure that U.S. military facilities which could be utilized for stationing such forces are fully maintained and secured if the Government of Panama is willing to enter into good faith negotiations for a continued U.S. military presence in Panama. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Urging the President to negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of the Republic of Panama in order for United States Armed Forces to be stationed in Panama for the purposes of defending the Panama Canal. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Urging the President to negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of the Republic of Panama in order for United States Armed Forces to be stationed in Panama for the purposes of defending the Panama Canal. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Urging the President to negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of the Republic of Panama in order for United States Armed Forces to be stationed in Panama for the purposes of defending the Panama Canal. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Total Force Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas27", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-08T15:07:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T15:09:11Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Total Force Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsas27" } ], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-08T15:07:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000013", "district": "6", "first_name": "SPENCER", "full_name": "Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BACHUS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000293", "district": "2", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-21", "state": "MD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-08", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 9, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-08T15:07:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T15:09:11Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Total Force Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsas27" } ], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-08T15:07:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Total Force Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas27", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "VA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000013", "district": "6", "first_name": "SPENCER", "full_name": "Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BACHUS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000293", "district": "2", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-08", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-21", "state": "MD" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces abroad", "Government Operations and Politics", "Interoceanic canals", "Latin America", "Marine and coastal resources, fisheries", "Military agreements", "Military bases", "Negotiations", "Panama", "Panama Canal", "President and foreign policy", "Transportation and Public Works", "Treaties" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the President should: (1) negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of Panama to permit stationing U.S. forces in Panama and to ensure that the Panama Canal remains open, secure, and neutral; and (2) ensure that U.S. military facilities which could be utilized for stationing such forces are fully maintained and secured if the Government of Panama is willing to enter into good faith negotiations for a continued U.S. military presence in Panama.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Urging the President to negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of the Republic of Panama in order for United States Armed Forces to be stationed in Panama for the purposes of defending the Panama Canal.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Urging the President to negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of the Republic of Panama in order for United States Armed Forces to be stationed in Panama for the purposes of defending the Panama Canal.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Urging the President to negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of the Republic of Panama in order for United States Armed Forces to be stationed in Panama for the purposes of defending the Panama Canal.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Total Force.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:42:01.776
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 10 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-08 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-08T15:05:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control verification </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy </name> </item> <item> <name> International control of nuclear power </name> </item> <item> <name> North Korea </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear nonproliferation </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear power plants </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear reactors </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear weapons </name> </item> <item> <name> Petroleum </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Calls on North Korea to: (1) abide by specified articles of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which it has signed; (2) abide by the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework of 1994 by honoring its commitments to freeze its nuclear programs; and (3) comply with specified United Nations resolutions. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its failure to comply with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework of 1994. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its failure to comply with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework of 1994. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its failure to comply with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework of 1994. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-08T15:05:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "state": "FL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "IL" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control agreements", "Arms control verification", "Congress", "East Asia", "Energy", "International control of nuclear power", "North Korea", "Nuclear nonproliferation", "Nuclear power plants", "Nuclear reactors", "Nuclear weapons", "Petroleum", "United Nations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls on North Korea to: (1) abide by specified articles of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which it has signed; (2) abide by the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework of 1994 by honoring its commitments to freeze its nuclear programs; and (3) comply with specified United Nations resolutions.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its failure to comply with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework of 1994.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its failure to comply with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework of 1994.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its failure to comply with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework of 1994.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:42:01.926
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 11 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-08 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-28T15:52:37Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-08T15:02:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-28 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Authors and authorship </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Historic sites </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Military bases </name> </item> <item> <name> Military history </name> </item> <item> <name> Music </name> </item> <item> <name> New York State </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) Dr. Richard Shuckburgh should be recognized and honored as the primary author of "Yankee Doodle;" and (2) Fort Crailo in Rensselaer, New York, should be recognized as the "Home of Yankee Doodle." </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the primary author and the official home of "Yankee Doodle". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the primary author and the official home of "Yankee Doodle". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the primary author and the official home of "Yankee Doodle". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-08T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-08T15:02:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-28T15:52:37Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Authors and authorship", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Historic sites", "History", "Military bases", "Military history", "Music", "New York State" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-08", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) Dr. Richard Shuckburgh should be recognized and honored as the primary author of \"Yankee Doodle;\" and (2) Fort Crailo in Rensselaer, New York, should be recognized as the \"Home of Yankee Doodle.\"", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the primary author and the official home of "Yankee Doodle".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the primary author and the official home of \"Yankee Doodle\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the primary author and the official home of \"Yankee Doodle\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:42:01.506
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 12 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S1657) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S1657) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:09:48 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:09:44 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H143) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:09:44 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H143) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:09:19 </actionTime> <text> Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H143) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gibbons, Jim [R-NV-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> GIBBONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 2 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional sessions </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Presidential messages </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since being introduced in the House of Representatives on January 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since being introduced in the House of Representatives on January 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-01-28T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-01-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Agreed to House </type> <date> 2003-01-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S1657)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S1657)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H143)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H143)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H143)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 12, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000152", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Gibbons, Jim [R-NV-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "GIBBONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "NV" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional sessions", "Government Operations and Politics", "Presidential messages" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since being introduced in the House of Representatives on January 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since being introduced in the House of Representatives on January 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null } ], "title": "Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:33Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:33Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S1657)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S1657)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H143)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H143)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H143)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "G000152", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Gibbons, Jim [R-NV-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "GIBBONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "NV" } ]
[ "Congressional sessions", "Government Operations and Politics", "Presidential messages" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since being introduced in the House of Representatives on January 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since being introduced in the House of Representatives on January 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Provides for a joint session of Congress on January 28, 2003, to receive a message from the President.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President on the state of the Union.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:42:01.636
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 13 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-06-23T17:42:19Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-21T21:36:02Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-27T19:01:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-23 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:52:07 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:52:06 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 410 - 0 (Roll no. 282). (text: CR H4657) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 282 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2004/roll282.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-06-22T18:52:06Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:52:06 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 410 - 0 (Roll no. 282).(text: CR H4657) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 282 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2004/roll282.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-06-22T18:52:06Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:44:50 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H4684-4685) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:08:36 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:53:23 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 13. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:53:21 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H4657-4659) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:53:08 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Burns moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-21 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000262 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9] </fullName> <firstName> HAROLD </firstName> <lastName> FORD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Music </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Resolves that the Congress: (1) recognizes the importance of blues music with regard to many cultural developments in American history; (2) calls on Americans to study, reflect on, and celebrate the importance of the blues; and (3) requests that the President call on the American people and interested organizations to partake in ceremonies, activities, and educational programs with respect to the blues. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 36 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-06-30T20:47:09Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Resolves that the Congress: (1) recognizes the importance of blues music with regard to many cultural developments in American history; (2) calls on Americans to study, reflect on, and celebrate the importance of the blues; and (3) requests that the President call on the American people and interested organizations to partake in ceremonies, activities, and educational programs with respect to the blues. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2004-06-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2004-06-22T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-06-23 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 410 - 0 (Roll no. 282). (text: CR H4657)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 410 - 0 (Roll no. 282).(text: CR H4657)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H4684-4685)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 13.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H4657-4659)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Burns moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-06-23T17:42:19Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-27T19:01:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-21T21:36:02Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 13, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000262", "district": "9", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FORD", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "TN" } ], "subjects": [ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Music" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Resolves that the Congress: (1) recognizes the importance of blues music with regard to many cultural developments in American history; (2) calls on Americans to study, reflect on, and celebrate the importance of the blues; and (3) requests that the President call on the American people and interested organizations to partake in ceremonies, activities, and educational programs with respect to the blues.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-06-22", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Resolves that the Congress: (1) recognizes the importance of blues music with regard to many cultural developments in American history; (2) calls on Americans to study, reflect on, and celebrate the importance of the blues; and (3) requests that the President call on the American people and interested organizations to partake in ceremonies, activities, and educational programs with respect to the blues. </p>", "update_date": "2004-06-30T20:47:09Z", "version_code": "36" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-06-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-06-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:33Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:33Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-06-23T17:42:19Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-27T19:01:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-21T21:36:02Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 410 - 0 (Roll no. 282). (text: CR H4657)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 410 - 0 (Roll no. 282).(text: CR H4657)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H4684-4685)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 13.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H4657-4659)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Burns moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000262", "district": "9", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FORD", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "TN" } ]
[ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Music" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Resolves that the Congress: (1) recognizes the importance of blues music with regard to many cultural developments in American history; (2) calls on Americans to study, reflect on, and celebrate the importance of the blues; and (3) requests that the President call on the American people and interested organizations to partake in ceremonies, activities, and educational programs with respect to the blues.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-06-22", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Resolves that the Congress: (1) recognizes the importance of blues music with regard to many cultural developments in American history; (2) calls on Americans to study, reflect on, and celebrate the importance of the blues; and (3) requests that the President call on the American people and interested organizations to partake in ceremonies, activities, and educational programs with respect to the blues. </p>", "update_date": "2004-06-30T20:47:09Z", "version_code": "36" } ]
Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the importance of blues music, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-06-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-06-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:42:01.426
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 14 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-27T19:02:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Illinois </name> </item> <item> <name> Mayors </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service in honor of Harold Washington (42nd Mayor of Chicago); and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a postage stamp be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Harold Washington, the 42d mayor of Chicago. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Harold Washington, the 42d mayor of Chicago. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Harold Washington, the 42d mayor of Chicago. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-27T19:02:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ]
[ "Blacks", "Government Operations and Politics", "Illinois", "Mayors", "Minorities", "Postage stamps" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service in honor of Harold Washington (42nd Mayor of Chicago); and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a postage stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Harold Washington, the 42d mayor of Chicago.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Harold Washington, the 42d mayor of Chicago.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Harold Washington, the 42d mayor of Chicago.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:43:01.815
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 15 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:33Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-03-11T20:26:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2004-02-25T17:37:17Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-27T19:04:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-11 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:09:47 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:09:46 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 56). (text: CR 3/10/2004 H982) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 56 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2004/roll056.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-03-11T18:09:46Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:09:46 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 56).(text: CR 3/10/2004 H982) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 56 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2004/roll056.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2004-03-11T18:09:46Z </date> <sessionNumber> 2 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:00:55 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1035-1036) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-10 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:21:26 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-10 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:02:23 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 15. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-10 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:02:21 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H982-985) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-10 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:01:59 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Leach moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-02-25 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000114 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000510 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001134 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9] </fullName> <firstName> SUE </firstName> <lastName> MYRICK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> WILKINS </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Toomey, Patrick J. [R-PA-15] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> TOOMEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000014 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] </fullName> <firstName> NEIL </firstName> <lastName> ABERCROMBIE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000026 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Inslee, Jay [D-WA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> INSLEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MATHESON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000487 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40] </fullName> <firstName> ED </firstName> <lastName> ROYCE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 40 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Knollenberg, Joe [R-MI-9] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> KNOLLENBERG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47] </fullName> <firstName> LORETTA </firstName> <lastName> SANCHEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 47 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Holt, Rush [D-NJ-12] </fullName> <firstName> RUSH </firstName> <lastName> HOLT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000572 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Rogers </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000554 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LOBIONDO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000397 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16] </fullName> <firstName> ZOE </firstName> <lastName> LOFGREN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000136 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000078 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kelly, Sue W. [R-NY-19] </fullName> <firstName> SUE </firstName> <lastName> KELLY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001232 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13] </fullName> <firstName> JUDY </firstName> <lastName> BIGGERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> FOLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11] </fullName> <firstName> Thaddeus </firstName> <lastName> McCotter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRED </firstName> <lastName> UPTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> SOUDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> EDWARD </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000097 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3] </fullName> <firstName> H. </firstName> <lastName> SAXTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> JAMES </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7] </fullName> <firstName> ERIC </firstName> <lastName> CANTOR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Harris, Katherine [R-FL-13] </fullName> <firstName> Katherine </firstName> <lastName> Harris </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000267 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weldon, Dave [R-FL-15] </fullName> <firstName> DAVE </firstName> <lastName> WELDON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000099 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> WALSH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000447 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Feeney, Tom [R-FL-24] </fullName> <firstName> Tom </firstName> <lastName> Feeney </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001138 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> MANZULLO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Holidays </name> </item> <item> <name> India </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> South Asia </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Commends India on its celebration of Republic Day. Reiterates congressional support for continued strong relations between the United States and India. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-03-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-06-10T21:26:05Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commends India on its celebration of Republic Day. Reiterates congressional support for continued strong relations between the United States and India. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2004-03-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2004-03-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 56). (text: CR 3/10/2004 H982)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 56).(text: CR 3/10/2004 H982)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1035-1036)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2004-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 15.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H982-985)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Leach moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-03-11T20:26:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-02-25T17:37:17Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-01-27T19:04:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000114", "district": "11", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000461", "district": "15", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Toomey, Patrick J. [R-PA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOOMEY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": "10", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000026", "district": "1", "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Rep. Inslee, Jay [D-WA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "INSLEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001142", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MATHESON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000487", "district": "40", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000288", "district": "9", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Knollenberg, Joe [R-MI-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KNOLLENBERG", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001032", "district": "12", "first_name": "RUSH", "full_name": "Rep. Holt, Rush [D-NJ-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOLT", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000572", "district": "8", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000554", "district": "2", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOBIONDO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOFGREN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000136", "district": "11", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000078", "district": "19", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Kelly, Sue W. [R-NY-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KELLY", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-21", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001046", "district": "7", "first_name": "ERIC", "full_name": "Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CANTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001035", "district": "13", "first_name": "Katherine", "full_name": "Rep. Harris, Katherine [R-FL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Harris", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000267", "district": "15", "first_name": "DAVE", "full_name": "Rep. Weldon, Dave [R-FL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000099", "district": "25", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WALSH", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000447", "district": "24", "first_name": "Tom", "full_name": "Rep. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 15, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ], "subjects": [ "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Democracy", "Government Operations and Politics", "Holidays", "India", "Law", "South Asia" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commends India on its celebration of Republic Day. Reiterates congressional support for continued strong relations between the United States and India.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-03-11", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commends India on its celebration of Republic Day. Reiterates congressional support for continued strong relations between the United States and India. </p>", "update_date": "2004-06-10T21:26:05Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:33Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:33Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-03-11T20:26:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-02-25T17:37:17Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-01-27T19:04:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 56). (text: CR 3/10/2004 H982)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 56).(text: CR 3/10/2004 H982)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1035-1036)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2004-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 15.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H982-985)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Leach moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000114", "district": "11", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. 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[R-MI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000554", "district": "2", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOBIONDO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. 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Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-21", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001046", "district": "7", "first_name": "ERIC", "full_name": "Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CANTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001035", "district": "13", "first_name": "Katherine", "full_name": "Rep. Harris, Katherine [R-FL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Harris", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000267", "district": "15", "first_name": "DAVE", "full_name": "Rep. Weldon, Dave [R-FL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000099", "district": "25", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WALSH", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000447", "district": "24", "first_name": "Tom", "full_name": "Rep. Feeney, Tom [R-FL-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Feeney", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "IL" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Democracy", "Government Operations and Politics", "Holidays", "India", "Law", "South Asia" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commends India on its celebration of Republic Day. Reiterates congressional support for continued strong relations between the United States and India.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-03-11", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commends India on its celebration of Republic Day. Reiterates congressional support for continued strong relations between the United States and India. </p>", "update_date": "2004-06-10T21:26:05Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commending India on its celebration of Republic Day.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:39:01.542
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 16 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-28T15:18:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ANDREWS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Caribbean area </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Cuba </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Embargo </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Freedom of association </name> </item> <item> <name> Freedom of speech </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Latin America </name> </item> <item> <name> Physicians </name> </item> <item> <name> Political parties </name> </item> <item> <name> Political prisoners </name> </item> <item> <name> Right to travel </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the embargo of Cuba should not be lifted until the Cuban Government agrees to decriminalize free speech, association, and movement, and other elements crucial to the development of democracy and the protection of fundamental human rights.&lt;p&gt;Calls on the Cuban Government to: (1) immediately release all political prisoners in Cuba, including Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet; (2) eliminate all of Cuba's criminal laws that unnecessarily restrict the fundamental human rights to freedom of speech, association, and movement; and (3) respect fundamental human rights and free multiparty and internationally supervised elections in Cuba. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Cuba, including Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Cuba, including Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Cuba, including Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-28T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:18:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Caribbean area", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Cuba", "Democracy", "Embargo", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Freedom of association", "Freedom of speech", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health", "Human rights", "Latin America", "Physicians", "Political parties", "Political prisoners", "Right to travel" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the embargo of Cuba should not be lifted until the Cuban Government agrees to decriminalize free speech, association, and movement, and other elements crucial to the development of democracy and the protection of fundamental human rights.<p>Calls on the Cuban Government to: (1) immediately release all political prisoners in Cuba, including Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet; (2) eliminate all of Cuba's criminal laws that unnecessarily restrict the fundamental human rights to freedom of speech, association, and movement; and (3) respect fundamental human rights and free multiparty and internationally supervised elections in Cuba.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Cuba, including Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Cuba, including Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Cuba, including Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:39:01.663
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 17 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif17 </systemCode> <name> Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-14T19:21:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-28T15:21:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif17 </systemCode> <name> Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000268 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Everett, Terry [R-AL-2] </fullName> <firstName> TERRY </firstName> <lastName> EVERETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 2 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Rogers </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000602 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7] </fullName> <firstName> Artur </firstName> <lastName> Davis </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000868 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cramer, Robert E. (Bud), Jr. [D-AL-5] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> CRAMER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000013 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6] </fullName> <firstName> SPENCER </firstName> <lastName> BACHUS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001244 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bonner, Jo [R-AL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jo </firstName> <lastName> Bonner </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ADERHOLT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Alabama </name> </item> <item> <name> Automobile industry </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Economic growth </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign corporations </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign investments </name> </item> <item> <name> Job creation </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </item> <item> <name> Location of industries </name> </item> <item> <name> South Korea </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Commends the Hyundai Motor Company for its decision to locate its first U.S. automotive manufacturing facility in Montgomery, Alabama. Recognizes that the new facility will result in the gainful employment of several thousand, as well as foster economic growth in the surrounding area, and that Hyundai's decision to locate in Alabama is a positive step in improving trade relations between the United States and the Republic of Korea. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-28T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif17", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:21:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-14T19:21:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif17" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000575", "district": "3", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000868", "district": "5", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Cramer, Robert E. (Bud), Jr. [D-AL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRAMER", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000013", "district": "6", "first_name": "SPENCER", "full_name": "Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BACHUS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001244", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jo", "full_name": "Rep. Bonner, Jo [R-AL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bonner", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000055", "district": "4", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ADERHOLT", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 17, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "E000268", "district": "2", "first_name": "TERRY", "full_name": "Rep. Everett, Terry [R-AL-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "EVERETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ], "subjects": [ "Alabama", "Automobile industry", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "East Asia", "Economic growth", "Economics and Public Finance", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Foreign corporations", "Foreign investments", "Job creation", "Labor and Employment", "Location of industries", "South Korea", "Transportation and Public Works" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commends the Hyundai Motor Company for its decision to locate its first U.S. automotive manufacturing facility in Montgomery, Alabama. Recognizes that the new facility will result in the gainful employment of several thousand, as well as foster economic growth in the surrounding area, and that Hyundai's decision to locate in Alabama is a positive step in improving trade relations between the United States and the Republic of Korea.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:21:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-14T19:21:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif17" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif17", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "E000268", "district": "2", "first_name": "TERRY", "full_name": "Rep. Everett, Terry [R-AL-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "EVERETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "AL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000575", "district": "3", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000868", "district": "5", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Cramer, Robert E. (Bud), Jr. [D-AL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRAMER", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000013", "district": "6", "first_name": "SPENCER", "full_name": "Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BACHUS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001244", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jo", "full_name": "Rep. Bonner, Jo [R-AL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bonner", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000055", "district": "4", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ADERHOLT", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "AL" } ]
[ "Alabama", "Automobile industry", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "East Asia", "Economic growth", "Economics and Public Finance", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Foreign corporations", "Foreign investments", "Job creation", "Labor and Employment", "Location of industries", "South Korea", "Transportation and Public Works" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commends the Hyundai Motor Company for its decision to locate its first U.S. automotive manufacturing facility in Montgomery, Alabama. Recognizes that the new facility will result in the gainful employment of several thousand, as well as foster economic growth in the surrounding area, and that Hyundai's decision to locate in Alabama is a positive step in improving trade relations between the United States and the Republic of Korea.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment by the Hyundai Motor Company of its first automotive manufacturing facility in the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:38:00.755
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 18 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-28T15:21:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Ed </firstName> <lastName> Case </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control verification </name> </item> <item> <name> Australia </name> </item> <item> <name> Cameras </name> </item> <item> <name> Canada </name> </item> <item> <name> China </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Exports </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> International agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> International control of nuclear power </name> </item> <item> <name> International cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear facilities </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear nonproliferation </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear reactors </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear weapons </name> </item> <item> <name> Oceania </name> </item> <item> <name> Petroleum </name> </item> <item> <name> Plutonium </name> </item> <item> <name> Russia </name> </item> <item> <name> South Korea </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Calls on: (1) the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) in a sign of good faith to allow International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to return to North Korea, reinstall surveillance cameras, and reseal the country's plutonium reprocessing plant while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated with the United States; (2) the United States in a sign of good faith to resume monthly fuel oil shipments to North Korea while such agreement is worked out; (3) both countries to begin diplomatic talks and negotiations until a mutually acceptable binding treaty to resolve the current crisis has been agreed to by both parties; and (4) members of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), and the Russian Federation, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Canada, and other concerned nations to support all diplomatic attempts by the United States and North Korea to achieve a peaceful resolution to the current crisis.&lt;p&gt;Commends the IAEA for its efforts and calls on it to continue its negotiations with North Korea to allow its inspectors to return to the country. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Calling on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework of 1994 while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated by those two nations. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Calling on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework of 1994 while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated by those two nations. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Calling on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework of 1994 while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated by those two nations. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-28T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:21:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Case", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "HI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 18, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control agreements", "Arms control negotiations", "Arms control verification", "Australia", "Cameras", "Canada", "China", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Diplomacy", "East Asia", "Energy", "Environmental Protection", "Exports", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "International agencies", "International control of nuclear power", "International cooperation", "Nuclear facilities", "Nuclear nonproliferation", "Nuclear reactors", "Nuclear weapons", "Oceania", "Petroleum", "Plutonium", "Russia", "South Korea", "United Nations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls on: (1) the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) in a sign of good faith to allow International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to return to North Korea, reinstall surveillance cameras, and reseal the country's plutonium reprocessing plant while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated with the United States; (2) the United States in a sign of good faith to resume monthly fuel oil shipments to North Korea while such agreement is worked out; (3) both countries to begin diplomatic talks and negotiations until a mutually acceptable binding treaty to resolve the current crisis has been agreed to by both parties; and (4) members of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), and the Russian Federation, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Canada, and other concerned nations to support all diplomatic attempts by the United States and North Korea to achieve a peaceful resolution to the current crisis.<p>Commends the IAEA for its efforts and calls on it to continue its negotiations with North Korea to allow its inspectors to return to the country.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Calling on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework of 1994 while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated by those two nations.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Calling on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework of 1994 while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated by those two nations.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Calling on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework of 1994 while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated by those two nations.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:21:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "state": "FL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Case", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "HI" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control agreements", "Arms control negotiations", "Arms control verification", "Australia", "Cameras", "Canada", "China", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Diplomacy", "East Asia", "Energy", "Environmental Protection", "Exports", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "International agencies", "International control of nuclear power", "International cooperation", "Nuclear facilities", "Nuclear nonproliferation", "Nuclear reactors", "Nuclear weapons", "Oceania", "Petroleum", "Plutonium", "Russia", "South Korea", "United Nations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls on: (1) the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) in a sign of good faith to allow International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to return to North Korea, reinstall surveillance cameras, and reseal the country's plutonium reprocessing plant while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated with the United States; (2) the United States in a sign of good faith to resume monthly fuel oil shipments to North Korea while such agreement is worked out; (3) both countries to begin diplomatic talks and negotiations until a mutually acceptable binding treaty to resolve the current crisis has been agreed to by both parties; and (4) members of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), and the Russian Federation, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Canada, and other concerned nations to support all diplomatic attempts by the United States and North Korea to achieve a peaceful resolution to the current crisis.<p>Commends the IAEA for its efforts and calls on it to continue its negotiations with North Korea to allow its inspectors to return to the country.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Calling on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework of 1994 while a more comprehensive and mutually acceptable agreement can be negotiated by those two nations.
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[ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:36:00.615
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 19 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-28T15:52:58Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-28T15:18:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that there should continue to be parity between the adjustments in the pay of members of the uniformed services and the adjustments in the pay of civilian employees of the United States. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 88 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Committee on Governmental Affairs referred to Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 356 </number> <type> HCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-02-03 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-28 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000874 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5] </fullName> <firstName> STENY </firstName> <lastName> HOYER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000136 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000933 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MORAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> WOLF </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000128 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Van Hollen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000014 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] </fullName> <firstName> NEIL </firstName> <lastName> ABERCROMBIE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> SANDLIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000357 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD-3] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000099 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pastor, Ed [D-AZ-4] </fullName> <firstName> ED </firstName> <lastName> PASTOR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001234 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> BACA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 43 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18] </fullName> <firstName> NITA </firstName> <lastName> LOWEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38] </fullName> <firstName> GRACE </firstName> <lastName> NAPOLITANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 38 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001156 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39] </fullName> <firstName> Linda </firstName> <lastName> Sánchez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 39 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000309 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gordon, Bart [D-TN-6] </fullName> <firstName> BART </firstName> <lastName> GORDON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000510 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000558 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lucas, Ken [D-KY-4] </fullName> <firstName> KEN </firstName> <lastName> LUCAS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000482 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> DOYLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001036 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23] </fullName> <firstName> LOIS </firstName> <lastName> CAPPS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000754 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> COOPER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Michaud </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000560 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Larsen, Rick [D-WA-2] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> LARSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ANDREWS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DINGELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Military pay </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Salaries </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that rates of compensation for U.S. civilian employees should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are such rates for members of the uniformed services. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-28T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:18:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-28T15:52:58Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000136", "district": "11", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-ME-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. 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Baca, Joe [D-CA-43]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. Lowey, Nita M. 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Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000179", "district": "38", "first_name": "GRACE", "full_name": "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NAPOLITANO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000309", "district": "6", "first_name": "BART", "full_name": "Rep. Gordon, Bart [D-TN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GORDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. 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Capps, Lois [D-CA-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAPPS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000754", "district": "5", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COOPER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000560", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Rep. Larsen, Rick [D-WA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LARSEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-09", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "NC" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 19, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Committee on Governmental Affairs referred to Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia.", "type": null }, "number": 88, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that there should continue to be parity between the adjustments in the pay of members of the uniformed services and the adjustments in the pay of civilian employees of the United States.", "type": "SCONRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-02-03", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }, "number": 356, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.", "type": "HCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000874", "district": "5", "first_name": "STENY", "full_name": "Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HOYER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Federal employees", "Military pay", "Military personnel", "Salaries" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that rates of compensation for U.S. civilian employees should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are such rates for members of the uniformed services.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:18:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-28T15:52:58Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Committee on Governmental Affairs referred to Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia.", "type": null }, "number": 88, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that there should continue to be parity between the adjustments in the pay of members of the uniformed services and the adjustments in the pay of civilian employees of the United States.", "type": "SCONRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-02-03", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }, "number": 356, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.", "type": "HCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000874", "district": "5", "first_name": "STENY", "full_name": "Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HOYER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000136", "district": "11", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000044", "district": "1", "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANDLIN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000357", "district": "1", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": "3", "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Rep. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000099", "district": "4", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Pastor, Ed [D-AZ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PASTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001234", "district": "43", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOWEY", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000179", "district": "38", "first_name": "GRACE", "full_name": "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NAPOLITANO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000309", "district": "6", "first_name": "BART", "full_name": "Rep. Gordon, Bart [D-TN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GORDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000558", "district": "4", "first_name": "KEN", "full_name": "Rep. Lucas, Ken [D-KY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LUCAS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000482", "district": "14", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOYLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001036", "district": "23", "first_name": "LOIS", "full_name": "Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAPPS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000754", "district": "5", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COOPER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000560", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Rep. Larsen, Rick [D-WA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LARSEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-09", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "NC" } ]
Government Operations and Politics
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Federal employees", "Military pay", "Military personnel", "Salaries" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that rates of compensation for U.S. civilian employees should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are such rates for members of the uniformed services.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:40:01.212
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 20 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm00 </systemCode> <name> Ways and Means Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-28T15:19:35Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm00 </systemCode> <name> Ways and Means Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-8] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> PASCRELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Taxation </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Earned income tax credit </name> </item> <item> <name> Income tax </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Taxation </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor; (2) the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Members of Congress must be fully aware that not all eligible workers take advantage of the earned income tax credit; and (3) the IRS and Members of Congress should take steps to increase the number of qualifying residents who claim the credit. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-28T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:19:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 20, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Taxation", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000096", "district": "8", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-8]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "PASCRELL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ], "subjects": [ "Earned income tax credit", "Income tax", "Social Welfare" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor; (2) the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Members of Congress must be fully aware that not all eligible workers take advantage of the earned income tax credit; and (3) the IRS and Members of Congress should take steps to increase the number of qualifying residents who claim the credit.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-28T15:19:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "P000096", "district": "8", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-8]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "PASCRELL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ "Earned income tax credit", "Income tax", "Social Welfare" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor; (2) the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Members of Congress must be fully aware that not all eligible workers take advantage of the earned income tax credit; and (3) the IRS and Members of Congress should take steps to increase the number of qualifying residents who claim the credit.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the earned income tax credit is a program of critical importance designed to assist the working poor.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:39:01.236
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 21 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-28 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-09-24T17:36:33Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsii10 </systemCode> <name> Federal Lands Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2003-06-11T16:23:29Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T14:07:22Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2003-06-18T19:56:48Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-06-11T16:24:18Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-28T15:19:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <committeeReports> <committeeReport> <citation> H. Rept. 108-161 </citation> </committeeReport> </committeeReports> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-23 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:30:15 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-23 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:30:13 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H8412) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-23 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:30:13 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H8412) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-23 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:24:45 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 21. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-23 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:24:44 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H8412-8413) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-23 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:24:31 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Pearce moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-18 </actionDate> <text> Placed on the House Calendar, Calendar No. 68. </text> <type> Calendars </type> <actionCode> H12420 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <calendarNumber> <calendar> H00068 </calendar> </calendarNumber> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-18 </actionDate> <text> Reported by the Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 108-161. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> H12200 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-18 </actionDate> <text> Reported by the Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 108-161. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 5000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-11 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-11 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-11 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation and Public Lands Discharged. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Executive Comment Requested from Interior. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii10 </systemCode> <name> Federal Lands Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation and Public Lands. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Resources. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000361 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Alexander, Rodney [D-LA-5] </fullName> <firstName> Rodney </firstName> <lastName> Alexander </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> BAKER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000110 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. John, Christopher [D-LA-7] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> JOHN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCrery, Jim [R-LA-4] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCCRERY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000058 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tauzin, W. J. (Billy) [R-LA-3] </fullName> <firstName> W. </firstName> <lastName> TAUZIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000458 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> TANCREDO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000465 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4] </fullName> <firstName> IKE </firstName> <lastName> SKELTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000099 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> WALSH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001155 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Sullivan </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000420 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berry, Marion [D-AR-1] </fullName> <firstName> MARION </firstName> <lastName> BERRY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000528 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WALLY </firstName> <lastName> HERGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001140 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> MOORE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000566 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RYUN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000280 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5] </fullName> <firstName> VIRGIL </firstName> <lastName> GOODE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000948 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hulshof, Kenny C. [R-MO-9] </fullName> <firstName> KENNY </firstName> <lastName> HULSHOF </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Musgrave, Marilyn N. [R-CO-4] </fullName> <firstName> Marilyn </firstName> <lastName> Musgrave </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> N. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001048 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CULBERSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> ABNEY </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> France </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Jefferson Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Land transfers </name> </item> <item> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </item> <item> <name> West (U.S.) </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-28 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 79 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-06-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-09-23 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-10-01T19:38:22Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-09-24T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-09-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Reported in House </type> <date> 2003-06-18T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-28T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-09-24 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H8412)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H8412)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 21.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H8412-8413)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Pearce moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H12420", "action_date": "2003-06-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Placed on the House Calendar, Calendar No. 68.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": "H12200", "action_date": "2003-06-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Reported by the Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 108-161.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "5000", "action_date": "2003-06-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Reported by the Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 108-161.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation and Public Lands Discharged.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Executive Comment Requested from Interior.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Federal Lands Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii10", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation and Public Lands.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Resources.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [ { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-161" } ], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-09-24T17:36:33Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-18T19:56:48Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-06-11T16:24:18Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-01-28T15:19:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-11T16:23:29Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-02-12T14:07:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Federal Lands Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsii10" } ], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000361", "district": "5", "first_name": "Rodney", "full_name": "Rep. Alexander, Rodney [D-LA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000110", "district": "7", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. John, Christopher [D-LA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000388", "district": "4", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McCrery, Jim [R-LA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCRERY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000058", "district": "3", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Tauzin, W. J. (Billy) [R-LA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TAUZIN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000465", "district": "4", "first_name": "IKE", "full_name": "Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SKELTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000099", "district": "25", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WALSH", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001155", "district": "1", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sullivan", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000420", "district": "1", "first_name": "MARION", "full_name": "Rep. Berry, Marion [D-AR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000528", "district": "2", "first_name": "WALLY", "full_name": "Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HERGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000358", "district": "6", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000948", "district": "9", "first_name": "KENNY", "full_name": "Rep. Hulshof, Kenny C. [R-MO-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HULSHOF", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001152", "district": "4", "first_name": "Marilyn", "full_name": "Rep. Musgrave, Marilyn N. [R-CO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Musgrave", "middle_name": "N.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001048", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CULBERSON", "middle_name": "ABNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "TX" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-28", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 21, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "LA" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Europe", "France", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "International Affairs", "Jefferson Administration", "Land transfers", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "West (U.S.)" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-06-18", "action_desc": "Reported to House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "79" }, { "action_date": "2003-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase. </p>", "update_date": "2003-10-01T19:38:22Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-09-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-06-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-09-24T17:36:33Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-18T19:56:48Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-06-11T16:24:18Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-01-28T15:19:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-11T16:23:29Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-02-12T14:07:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Federal Lands Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsii10" } ], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-161" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H8412)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H8412)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 21.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H8412-8413)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-09-23", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Pearce moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H12420", "action_date": "2003-06-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Placed on the House Calendar, Calendar No. 68.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": "H12200", "action_date": "2003-06-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Reported by the Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 108-161.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "5000", "action_date": "2003-06-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Reported by the Committee on Resources. H. Rept. 108-161.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation and Public Lands Discharged.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Executive Comment Requested from Interior.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Federal Lands Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii10", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation and Public Lands.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Resources.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-28", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "LA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000361", "district": "5", "first_name": "Rodney", "full_name": "Rep. Alexander, Rodney [D-LA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Alexander", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000110", "district": "7", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. John, Christopher [D-LA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000388", "district": "4", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McCrery, Jim [R-LA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCRERY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000058", "district": "3", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Tauzin, W. J. (Billy) [R-LA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TAUZIN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-28", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000465", "district": "4", "first_name": "IKE", "full_name": "Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SKELTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000099", "district": "25", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WALSH", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001155", "district": "1", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sullivan", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000420", "district": "1", "first_name": "MARION", "full_name": "Rep. Berry, Marion [D-AR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000528", "district": "2", "first_name": "WALLY", "full_name": "Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HERGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000358", "district": "6", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000948", "district": "9", "first_name": "KENNY", "full_name": "Rep. Hulshof, Kenny C. [R-MO-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HULSHOF", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001152", "district": "4", "first_name": "Marilyn", "full_name": "Rep. Musgrave, Marilyn N. [R-CO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Musgrave", "middle_name": "N.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001048", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CULBERSON", "middle_name": "ABNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "TX" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Europe", "France", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "International Affairs", "Jefferson Administration", "Land transfers", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "West (U.S.)" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-28", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-06-18", "action_desc": "Reported to House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "79" }, { "action_date": "2003-09-23", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase. </p>", "update_date": "2003-10-01T19:38:22Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commemorating the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-09-24T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-09-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-06-18T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-28T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:41:01.397
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 22 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T19:56:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-29T17:01:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:55:00 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 21). (text: CR H339-340) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 21 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll021.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-02-11T23:55:00Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:55:00 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:55:00 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 21).(text: CR H339-340) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 21 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll021.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-02-11T23:55:00Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:48:32 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H362) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:16:49 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:48:59 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 22. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:48:55 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H339-343) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:48:33 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Bereuter moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000188 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> KIND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 3 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000403 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1] </fullName> <firstName> DOUGLAS </firstName> <lastName> BEREUTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000344 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> SHERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000316 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5] </fullName> <firstName> KAREN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11] </fullName> <firstName> Thaddeus </firstName> <lastName> McCotter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Authors and authorship </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Czech Republic </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Theater </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Honors the life-long commitment of Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel to human rights and democracy.&lt;p&gt;Recognizes the exceptional achievements of Mr. Havel as playwright and president, and congratulates him for his outstanding service to the people of the Czech Republic. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2007-05-09T18:11:55Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced on January 29, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Honors the life-long commitment of Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel to human rights and democracy.&lt;p&gt;Recognizes the exceptional achievements of Mr. Havel as playwright and president, and congratulates him for his outstanding service to the people of the Czech Republic. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-02-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-02-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-29T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 21). (text: CR H339-340)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 21).(text: CR H339-340)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H362)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 22.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H339-343)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Bereuter moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T19:56:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T17:01:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000403", "district": "1", "first_name": "DOUGLAS", "full_name": "Rep. Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BEREUTER", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000344", "district": "27", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHERMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MI" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 22, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Honors the life-long commitment of Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel to human rights and democracy.<p>Recognizes the exceptional achievements of Mr. Havel as playwright and president, and congratulates him for his outstanding service to the people of the Czech Republic.", "update_date": "2007-05-09T18:11:55Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T19:56:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T17:01:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 21). (text: CR H339-340)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 21).(text: CR H339-340)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H362)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 22.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H339-343)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Bereuter moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "KIND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "WI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000403", "district": "1", "first_name": "DOUGLAS", "full_name": "Rep. Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BEREUTER", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000344", "district": "27", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHERMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MI" } ]
[ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Authors and authorship", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Czech Republic", "Democracy", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "Human rights", "International Affairs", "Theater" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Honors the life-long commitment of Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel to human rights and democracy.<p>Recognizes the exceptional achievements of Mr. Havel as playwright and president, and congratulates him for his outstanding service to the people of the Czech Republic.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-11", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced on January 29, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Honors the life-long commitment of Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel to human rights and democracy.<p>Recognizes the exceptional achievements of Mr. Havel as playwright and president, and congratulates him for his outstanding service to the people of the Czech Republic.", "update_date": "2007-05-09T18:11:55Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:33:00.112
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 23 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm00 </systemCode> <name> Ways and Means Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hswm04 </systemCode> <name> Trade Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-03T19:08:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-29T17:04:10Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-03 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm04 </systemCode> <name> Trade Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm00 </systemCode> <name> Ways and Means Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E106-107) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Knollenberg, Joe [R-MI-9] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> KNOLLENBERG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 9 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001138 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> MANZULLO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000424 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dooley, Calvin M. [D-CA-20] </fullName> <firstName> CAL </firstName> <lastName> DOOLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blunt, Roy [R-MO-7] </fullName> <firstName> ROY </firstName> <lastName> BLUNT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001232 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13] </fullName> <firstName> JUDY </firstName> <lastName> BIGGERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000589 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boehner, John A. [R-OH-8] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> BOEHNER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000755 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8] </fullName> <firstName> KEVIN </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5] </fullName> <firstName> DAN </firstName> <lastName> BURTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4] </fullName> <firstName> DAVE </firstName> <lastName> CAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000873 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crane, Philip M. [R-IL-8] </fullName> <firstName> PHILIP </firstName> <lastName> CRANE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000114 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeMint, Jim [R-SC-4] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> DeMint </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000492 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> DREIER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 26 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000549 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dunn, Jennifer [R-WA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JENNIFER </firstName> <lastName> DUNN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000092 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ehlers, Vernon J. [R-MI-3] </fullName> <firstName> VERNON </firstName> <lastName> EHLERS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000372 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. [R-NJ-11] </fullName> <firstName> RODNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRELINGHUYSEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gillmor, Paul E. [R-OH-5] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> GILLMOR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000528 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WALLY </firstName> <lastName> HERGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000676 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI-2] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> HOEKSTRA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA-6] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Issa, Darrell E. [R-CA-49] </fullName> <firstName> DARRELL </firstName> <lastName> ISSA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 49 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000163 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5] </fullName> <firstName> NANCY </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000188 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> KIND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000306 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kolbe, Jim [R-AZ-8] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> KOLBE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Leach, James A. [R-IA-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> LEACH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000558 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lucas, Ken [D-KY-4] </fullName> <firstName> KEN </firstName> <lastName> LUCAS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11] </fullName> <firstName> Thaddeus </firstName> <lastName> McCotter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000583 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> PAUL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000587 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pence, Mike [R-IN-6] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> PENCE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000585 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19] </fullName> <firstName> TODD </firstName> <lastName> PLATTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> RUSSELL </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000555 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pryce, Deborah [R-OH-15] </fullName> <firstName> DEBORAH </firstName> <lastName> PRYCE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RAMSTAD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000572 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Rogers </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000437 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS-1] </fullName> <firstName> Roger </firstName> <lastName> Wicker </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SHAYS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Nick [R-MI-7] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000462 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tiberi, Patrick J. [R-OH-12] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> TIBERI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRED </firstName> <lastName> UPTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000666 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hobson, David L. [R-OH-7] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> HOBSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000814 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Houghton, Amo [R-NY-29] </fullName> <firstName> AMO </firstName> <lastName> HOUGHTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000652 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3] </fullName> <firstName> LEONARD </firstName> <lastName> BOSWELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000265 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Petri, Thomas E. [R-WI-6] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> PETRI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000220 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bass, Charles F. [R-NH-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> BASS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001139 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Gary G. [R-CA-42] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 42 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000388 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCrery, Jim [R-LA-4] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCCRERY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000598 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53] </fullName> <firstName> SUSAN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 53 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Turner, Michael R. [R-OH-3] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Turner </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000413 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Whitfield, Ed [R-KY-1] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> WHITFIELD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hill, Baron P. [D-IN-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARON </firstName> <lastName> HILL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000749 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Spratt, John M., Jr. [D-SC-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> SPRATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000510 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000570 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Paul [R-WI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PAUL </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000486 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34] </fullName> <firstName> LUCILLE </firstName> <lastName> ROYBAL-ALLARD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 34 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000174 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Sam [R-TX-3] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001048 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CULBERSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> ABNEY </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000807 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hostettler, John N. [R-IN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> HOSTETTLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000362 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-5] </fullName> <firstName> Steve </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000309 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000329 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Doc [R-WA-4] </fullName> <firstName> DOC </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000243 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Castle, Michael N. [R-DE-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> CASTLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> N. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7] </fullName> <firstName> ERIC </firstName> <lastName> CANTOR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001052 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Chocola, Chris [R-IN-2] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Chocola </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000078 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kelly, Sue W. [R-NY-19] </fullName> <firstName> SUE </firstName> <lastName> KELLY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000289 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> GOODLATTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Rogers </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> SOUDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> EDWARD </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000321 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LINDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional reporting requirements </name> </item> <item> <name> Economic impact statements </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Iron and steel industry </name> </item> <item> <name> Manufacturing industries </name> </item> <item> <name> Steel </name> </item> <item> <name> Tariff </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Recognizes that a strong domestic steel industry and strong domestic manufacturing base are vital to national defense and economic security.&lt;p&gt;Urges the President to request the United States International Trade Commission, in addition to monitoring and reporting on certain enumerated items in section 204 of the Trade Act of 1974 with respect to the tariff increases and tariff rate quotas proclaimed by the President on March 5, 2002, on certain steel imports, to also monitor and report on the impact of the temporary safeguards on domestic steel consuming industries. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-29T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-03 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-03", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Trade Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm04", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E106-107)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T17:04:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-03T19:08:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Trade Subcommittee", "system_code": "hswm04" } ], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000424", "district": "20", "first_name": "CAL", "full_name": "Rep. Dooley, Calvin M. [D-CA-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": "7", "first_name": "ROY", "full_name": "Rep. Blunt, Roy [R-MO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BLUNT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000589", "district": "8", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Boehner, John A. [R-OH-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOEHNER", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": "5", "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001149", "district": "5", "first_name": "DAN", "full_name": "Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BURTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000071", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVE", "full_name": "Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000873", "district": "8", "first_name": "PHILIP", "full_name": "Rep. Crane, Philip M. [R-IL-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRANE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000114", "district": "11", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000595", "district": "4", "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Rep. DeMint, Jim [R-SC-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DeMint", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000492", "district": "26", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DREIER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000549", "district": "8", "first_name": "JENNIFER", "full_name": "Rep. Dunn, Jennifer [R-WA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DUNN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000092", "district": "3", "first_name": "VERNON", "full_name": "Rep. Ehlers, Vernon J. [R-MI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EHLERS", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000372", "district": "11", "first_name": "RODNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. [R-NJ-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRELINGHUYSEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000210", "district": "5", "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Rep. Gillmor, Paul E. [R-OH-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GILLMOR", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000528", "district": "2", "first_name": "WALLY", "full_name": "Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HERGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000676", "district": "2", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOEKSTRA", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000055", "district": "6", "first_name": "Johnny", "full_name": "Rep. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000056", "district": "49", "first_name": "DARRELL", "full_name": "Rep. Issa, Darrell E. [R-CA-49]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ISSA", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000163", "district": "5", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000358", "district": "6", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": "10", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000306", "district": "8", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Kolbe, Jim [R-AZ-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KOLBE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000169", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Leach, James A. [R-IA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEACH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000293", "district": "2", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000558", "district": "4", "first_name": "KEN", "full_name": "Rep. Lucas, Ken [D-KY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LUCAS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000583", "district": "14", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAUL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000587", "district": "6", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Pence, Mike [R-IN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PENCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000585", "district": "19", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PLATTS", "middle_name": "RUSSELL", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000555", "district": "15", "first_name": "DEBORAH", "full_name": "Rep. Pryce, Deborah [R-OH-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PRYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000033", "district": "3", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RAMSTAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000572", "district": "8", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000437", "district": "1", "first_name": "Roger", "full_name": "Rep. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wicker", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001144", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SHAYS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000597", "district": "7", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Nick [R-MI-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000462", "district": "12", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Tiberi, Patrick J. [R-OH-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TIBERI", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000666", "district": "7", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Hobson, David L. [R-OH-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOBSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000814", "district": "29", "first_name": "AMO", "full_name": "Rep. Houghton, Amo [R-NY-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOUGHTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000265", "district": "6", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Petri, Thomas E. [R-WI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PETRI", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000220", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Bass, Charles F. [R-NH-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BASS", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001139", "district": "42", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Gary G. [R-CA-42]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000388", "district": "4", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McCrery, Jim [R-LA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCRERY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000598", "district": "53", "first_name": "SUSAN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000463", "district": "3", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Turner, Michael R. [R-OH-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Turner", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000413", "district": "1", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Whitfield, Ed [R-KY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WHITFIELD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001030", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARON", "full_name": "Rep. Hill, Baron P. [D-IN-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HILL", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000749", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Spratt, John M., Jr. [D-SC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SPRATT", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000570", "district": "1", "first_name": "PAUL", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Paul [R-WI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000486", "district": "34", "first_name": "LUCILLE", "full_name": "Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000174", "district": "3", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Sam [R-TX-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001048", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CULBERSON", "middle_name": "ABNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000807", "district": "8", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Hostettler, John N. [R-IN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOSTETTLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000362", "district": "5", "first_name": "Steve", "full_name": "Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000309", "district": "4", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000329", "district": "4", "first_name": "DOC", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Doc [R-WA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000243", "district": "0", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Castle, Michael N. [R-DE-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CASTLE", "middle_name": "N.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001046", "district": "7", "first_name": "ERIC", "full_name": "Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CANTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001052", "district": "2", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Chocola, Chris [R-IN-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Chocola", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000078", "district": "19", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Kelly, Sue W. [R-NY-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KELLY", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000289", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODLATTE", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000575", "district": "3", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000321", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LINDER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "GA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-03", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 23, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000288", "district": "9", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Knollenberg, Joe [R-MI-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "KNOLLENBERG", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "MI" } ], "subjects": [ "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Economic impact statements", "Economics and Public Finance", "Iron and steel industry", "Manufacturing industries", "Steel", "Tariff" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes that a strong domestic steel industry and strong domestic manufacturing base are vital to national defense and economic security.<p>Urges the President to request the United States International Trade Commission, in addition to monitoring and reporting on certain enumerated items in section 204 of the Trade Act of 1974 with respect to the tariff increases and tariff rate quotas proclaimed by the President on March 5, 2002, on certain steel imports, to also monitor and report on the impact of the temporary safeguards on domestic steel consuming industries.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T17:04:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-03T19:08:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Trade Subcommittee", "system_code": "hswm04" } ], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-03", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Trade Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm04", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E106-107)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "K000288", "district": "9", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Knollenberg, Joe [R-MI-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "KNOLLENBERG", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "MI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000424", "district": "20", "first_name": "CAL", "full_name": "Rep. Dooley, Calvin M. [D-CA-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": "7", "first_name": "ROY", "full_name": "Rep. Blunt, Roy [R-MO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BLUNT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000589", "district": "8", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Boehner, John A. [R-OH-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOEHNER", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": "5", "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001149", "district": "5", "first_name": "DAN", "full_name": "Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BURTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000071", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVE", "full_name": "Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000873", "district": "8", "first_name": "PHILIP", "full_name": "Rep. Crane, Philip M. [R-IL-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CRANE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000114", "district": "11", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000595", "district": "4", "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Rep. DeMint, Jim [R-SC-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DeMint", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000492", "district": "26", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DREIER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000549", "district": "8", "first_name": "JENNIFER", "full_name": "Rep. Dunn, Jennifer [R-WA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DUNN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000092", "district": "3", "first_name": "VERNON", "full_name": "Rep. Ehlers, Vernon J. [R-MI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EHLERS", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. 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Pryce, Deborah [R-OH-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PRYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000033", "district": "3", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RAMSTAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000572", "district": "8", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000437", "district": "1", "first_name": "Roger", "full_name": "Rep. Wicker, Roger F. 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Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000174", "district": "3", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Sam [R-TX-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001048", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CULBERSON", "middle_name": "ABNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000807", "district": "8", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Hostettler, John N. [R-IN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOSTETTLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000362", "district": "5", "first_name": "Steve", "full_name": "Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000309", "district": "4", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000329", "district": "4", "first_name": "DOC", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Doc [R-WA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000243", "district": "0", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Castle, Michael N. [R-DE-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CASTLE", "middle_name": "N.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "DE" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001046", "district": "7", "first_name": "ERIC", "full_name": "Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CANTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001052", "district": "2", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Chocola, Chris [R-IN-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Chocola", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000078", "district": "19", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Kelly, Sue W. [R-NY-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KELLY", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000289", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODLATTE", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000575", "district": "3", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000321", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LINDER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "GA" } ]
Foreign Trade and International Finance
[ "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Economic impact statements", "Economics and Public Finance", "Iron and steel industry", "Manufacturing industries", "Steel", "Tariff" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes that a strong domestic steel industry and strong domestic manufacturing base are vital to national defense and economic security.<p>Urges the President to request the United States International Trade Commission, in addition to monitoring and reporting on certain enumerated items in section 204 of the Trade Act of 1974 with respect to the tariff increases and tariff rate quotas proclaimed by the President on March 5, 2002, on certain steel imports, to also monitor and report on the impact of the temporary safeguards on domestic steel consuming industries.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to take certain actions with respect to the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-03", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 15:45:00.663
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Burr, Richard [R-NC-5] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000440 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13] </fullName> <firstName> VITO </firstName> <lastName> FOSSELLA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000255 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] </fullName> <firstName> WALTER </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2] </fullName> <firstName> W. </firstName> <lastName> AKIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> TODD </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> Libya </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Condemns the election of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ("Libya") to the chairmanship of the 59th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on the basis that this action seriously undermines the credibility of the Commission and thereby international efforts to advance human rights.&lt;p&gt;Urges the United States Government to take the lead in criticizing Libya's chairmanship and restricting criteria for Commission membership to countries with a solid and proven track record as defenders of human rights. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to the election of Libya to the chairmanship of 59th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to the election of Libya to the chairmanship of 59th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to the election of Libya to the chairmanship of 59th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-29T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "LA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 24, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": "5", "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T17:00:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": "5", "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "state": "NC" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000440", "district": "13", "first_name": "VITO", "full_name": "Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FOSSELLA", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000358", "district": "2", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "AKIN", "middle_name": "TODD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "LA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Human rights", "International agencies", "Libya", "Middle East and North Africa", "United Nations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Condemns the election of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (\"Libya\") to the chairmanship of the 59th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on the basis that this action seriously undermines the credibility of the Commission and thereby international efforts to advance human rights.<p>Urges the United States Government to take the lead in criticizing Libya's chairmanship and restricting criteria for Commission membership to countries with a solid and proven track record as defenders of human rights.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to the election of Libya to the chairmanship of 59th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland.
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[ { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:35:00.163
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 25 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm00 </systemCode> <name> Ways and Means Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hswm01 </systemCode> <name> Social Security Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-04T19:08:51Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-29T17:04:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm01 </systemCode> <name> Social Security Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Social Security. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm00 </systemCode> <name> Ways and Means Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000545 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> GREEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 8 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hefley, Joel [R-CO-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOEL </firstName> <lastName> HEFLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> SESSIONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47] </fullName> <firstName> LORETTA </firstName> <lastName> SANCHEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 47 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Social Welfare </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil service retirement </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </item> <item> <name> Local employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Old age, survivors and disability insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> State employees </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Social Welfare </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Social Security reform measures should not cause State and local government employees covered under public pensions to be forced into coverage under title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Social Security Act. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-29T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Social Security. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Social Security Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm01", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Social Security.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T17:04:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T19:08:51Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Social Security Subcommittee", "system_code": "hswm01" } ], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000444", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOEL", "full_name": "Rep. Hefley, Joel [R-CO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HEFLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Social Security.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 25, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Social Welfare", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000545", "district": "8", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "WI" } ], "subjects": [ "Civil service retirement", "Government Operations and Politics", "Labor and Employment", "Local employees", "Old age, survivors and disability insurance", "State employees" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Social Security reform measures should not cause State and local government employees covered under public pensions to be forced into coverage under title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Social Security Act.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-29T17:04:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T19:08:51Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Social Security Subcommittee", "system_code": "hswm01" } ], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Social Security Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm01", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Social Security.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "G000545", "district": "8", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "WI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000444", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOEL", "full_name": "Rep. Hefley, Joel [R-CO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HEFLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" } ]
Social Welfare
[ "Civil service retirement", "Government Operations and Politics", "Labor and Employment", "Local employees", "Old age, survivors and disability insurance", "State employees" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Social Security reform measures should not cause State and local government employees covered under public pensions to be forced into coverage under title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Social Security Act.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that Social Security reform measures should not force State and local government employees into Social Security coverage.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Social Security.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:42:01.136
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 26 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-29 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-19T21:24:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-03-05T17:51:39Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-29T17:04:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 26 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-05-09 </actionDate> <text> Held at the desk. </text> <actionTime> 14:11:16 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:19:38 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:19:37 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 417 - 0 (Roll no. 65). (text: CR H1913) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 65 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll065.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-18T23:19:37Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:19:37 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 417 - 0 (Roll no. 65).(text: CR H1913) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 65 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll065.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-18T23:19:37Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:01:00 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1923) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:30:49 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:12:13 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 26. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:12:10 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1913-1915) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:11:43 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Royce moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000014 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] </fullName> <firstName> NEIL </firstName> <lastName> ABERCROMBIE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000357 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001037 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> CAPUANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [D-OR-4] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> DEFAZIO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000216 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] </fullName> <firstName> ROSA </firstName> <lastName> DELAURO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000327 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dicks, Norman D. [D-WA-6] </fullName> <firstName> NORMAN </firstName> <lastName> DICKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000399 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10] </fullName> <firstName> LLOYD </firstName> <lastName> DOGGETT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000226 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> ETHERIDGE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1] </fullName> <firstName> WAYNE </firstName> <lastName> GILCHREST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000113 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> KING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> MEEHAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000933 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MORAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000006 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> OBERSTAR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000085 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> OLVER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000011 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [D-WV-3] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> RAHALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000486 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34] </fullName> <firstName> LUCILLE </firstName> <lastName> ROYBAL-ALLARD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 34 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47] </fullName> <firstName> LORETTA </firstName> <lastName> SANCHEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 47 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000522 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> TIERNEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000275 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> DEUTSCH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000005 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> SABO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> OLAV </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> FARR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> SOUDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> EDWARD </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000535 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] </fullName> <firstName> LUIS </firstName> <lastName> GUTIERREZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MATHESON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000413 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> HAYWORTH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Michaud </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000397 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16] </fullName> <firstName> ZOE </firstName> <lastName> LOFGREN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2] </fullName> <firstName> ROB </firstName> <lastName> SIMMONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000342 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> LIPINSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> O. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Ed </firstName> <lastName> Case </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000163 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5] </fullName> <firstName> NANCY </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000188 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> KIND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000554 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LOBIONDO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17] </fullName> <firstName> Kendrick </firstName> <lastName> Meek </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001242 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Bishop </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000487 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40] </fullName> <firstName> ED </firstName> <lastName> ROYCE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 40 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001154 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13] </fullName> <firstName> Brad </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000373 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> PITTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Northup, Anne M. [R-KY-3] </fullName> <firstName> ANNE </firstName> <lastName> NORTHUP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000716 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boyd, Allen [D-FL-2] </fullName> <firstName> ALLEN </firstName> <lastName> BOYD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> JR. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000462 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> ROTHMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Capital punishment </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> International law </name> </item> <item> <name> Sentences (Criminal procedure) </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-29 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Condemns the practice of execution by stoning, and calls upon the international community to recognize this practice as a gross violation of human rights.&lt;p&gt;Requests that the President: (1) communicate this resolution to governments imposing this cruel punishment and urge the suspension of sentences of death by stoning; and (2) direct the Secretary of State to work with the international community to repeal stoning laws and adhere to international standards of human rights. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 29, 2003. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Condemns the practice of execution by stoning, and calls upon the international community to recognize this practice as a gross violation of human rights.&lt;p&gt;Requests the President to: (1) communicate this resolution formally to governments imposing this cruel punishment and urge the suspension of sentences of death by stoning; and (2) direct the Secretary of State to work with the international community toward the repeal of stoning laws and adherence to international standards of human rights. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-03-19T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-29T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 417 - 0 (Roll no. 65). (text: CR H1913)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 417 - 0 (Roll no. 65).(text: CR H1913)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1923)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 26.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1913-1915)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Royce moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T21:24:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T17:51:39Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-01-29T17:04:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000357", "district": "1", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000191", "district": "4", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [D-OR-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DEFAZIO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000327", "district": "6", "first_name": "NORMAN", "full_name": "Rep. Dicks, Norman D. [D-WA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DICKS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000399", "district": "10", "first_name": "LLOYD", "full_name": "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOGGETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000226", "district": "2", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ETHERIDGE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000180", "district": "1", "first_name": "WAYNE", "full_name": "Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GILCHREST", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000210", "district": "3", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KING", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000011", "district": "3", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [D-WV-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RAHALL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000486", "district": "34", "first_name": "LUCILLE", "full_name": "Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FARR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001142", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MATHESON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000413", "district": "5", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HAYWORTH", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOFGREN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SIMMONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. 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[R-CT-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KIND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000554", "district": "2", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOBIONDO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001242", "district": "1", "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000487", "district": "40", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001154", "district": "13", "first_name": "Brad", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000373", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PITTS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000143", "district": "3", "first_name": "ANNE", "full_name": "Rep. Northup, Anne M. [R-KY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTHUP", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000716", "district": "2", "first_name": "ALLEN", "full_name": "Rep. Boyd, Allen [D-FL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOYD", "middle_name": "JR.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-29", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 26, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 26, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MN" } ], "subjects": [ "Capital punishment", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Human rights", "International cooperation", "International law", "Sentences (Criminal procedure)" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Condemns the practice of execution by stoning, and calls upon the international community to recognize this practice as a gross violation of human rights.<p>Requests that the President: (1) communicate this resolution to governments imposing this cruel punishment and urge the suspension of sentences of death by stoning; and (2) direct the Secretary of State to work with the international community to repeal stoning laws and adhere to international standards of human rights.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 29, 2003. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)</b><p>Condemns the practice of execution by stoning, and calls upon the international community to recognize this practice as a gross violation of human rights.<p>Requests the President to: (1) communicate this resolution formally to governments imposing this cruel punishment and urge the suspension of sentences of death by stoning; and (2) direct the Secretary of State to work with the international community toward the repeal of stoning laws and adherence to international standards of human rights.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T21:24:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T17:51:39Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-01-29T17:04:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-09", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 26, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 417 - 0 (Roll no. 65). (text: CR H1913)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 417 - 0 (Roll no. 65).(text: CR H1913)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1923)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 26.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1913-1915)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Royce moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-29", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000357", "district": "1", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000191", "district": "4", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [D-OR-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DEFAZIO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000327", "district": "6", "first_name": "NORMAN", "full_name": "Rep. Dicks, Norman D. [D-WA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DICKS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000399", "district": "10", "first_name": "LLOYD", "full_name": "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOGGETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000226", "district": "2", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ETHERIDGE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000180", "district": "1", "first_name": "WAYNE", "full_name": "Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GILCHREST", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000210", "district": "3", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KING", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000011", "district": "3", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [D-WV-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RAHALL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000486", "district": "34", "first_name": "LUCILLE", "full_name": "Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FARR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001142", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MATHESON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000413", "district": "5", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HAYWORTH", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOFGREN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SIMMONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000342", "district": "3", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LIPINSKI", "middle_name": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Case", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000163", "district": "5", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KIND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000554", "district": "2", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOBIONDO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001242", "district": "1", "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000487", "district": "40", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001154", "district": "13", "first_name": "Brad", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000373", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PITTS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000143", "district": "3", "first_name": "ANNE", "full_name": "Rep. Northup, Anne M. [R-KY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTHUP", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000716", "district": "2", "first_name": "ALLEN", "full_name": "Rep. Boyd, Allen [D-FL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOYD", "middle_name": "JR.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Capital punishment", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Human rights", "International cooperation", "International law", "Sentences (Criminal procedure)" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-29", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Condemns the practice of execution by stoning, and calls upon the international community to recognize this practice as a gross violation of human rights.<p>Requests that the President: (1) communicate this resolution to governments imposing this cruel punishment and urge the suspension of sentences of death by stoning; and (2) direct the Secretary of State to work with the international community to repeal stoning laws and adhere to international standards of human rights.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 29, 2003. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)</b><p>Condemns the practice of execution by stoning, and calls upon the international community to recognize this practice as a gross violation of human rights.<p>Requests the President to: (1) communicate this resolution formally to governments imposing this cruel punishment and urge the suspension of sentences of death by stoning; and (2) direct the Secretary of State to work with the international community toward the repeal of stoning laws and adherence to international standards of human rights.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-29T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:40:00.252
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 27 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-04 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T19:56:44Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-04T21:00:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 13 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <text> Held at the desk. </text> <actionTime> 12:07:07 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:48:09 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:48:08 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 402 - 6, 8 Present (Roll no. 20). (text: CR H334-335) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 20 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll020.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-02-11T23:48:08Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:48:08 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 402 - 6, 8 Present (Roll no. 20).(text: CR H334-335) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 20 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll020.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-02-11T23:48:08Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:30:20 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H361-362) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:48:12 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:22:40 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 27. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:22:37 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H334-339) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:22:07 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Hyde moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001022 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> HYDE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1] </fullName> <firstName> STEVE </firstName> <lastName> CHABOT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000487 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40] </fullName> <firstName> ED </firstName> <lastName> ROYCE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 40 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000409 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46] </fullName> <firstName> DANA </firstName> <lastName> ROHRABACHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 46 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000522 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5] </fullName> <firstName> DAN </firstName> <lastName> BURTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11] </fullName> <firstName> Thaddeus </firstName> <lastName> McCotter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000021 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gallegly, Elton [R-CA-24] </fullName> <firstName> ELTON </firstName> <lastName> GALLEGLY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000273 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weller, Jerry [R-IL-11] </fullName> <firstName> GERALD </firstName> <lastName> WELLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001035 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Harris, Katherine [R-FL-13] </fullName> <firstName> Katherine </firstName> <lastName> Harris </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000373 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> PITTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000022 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> ACKERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> WOLF </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Janklow, William J. [R-SD-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Janklow </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000104 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballenger, Cass [R-NC-10] </fullName> <firstName> CASS </firstName> <lastName> BALLENGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> KING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000545 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> GREEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000164 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ose, Doug [R-CA-3] </fullName> <firstName> DOUG </firstName> <lastName> OSE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000344 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> SHERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000600 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-25] </fullName> <firstName> Mario </firstName> <lastName> Diaz-Balart </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000321 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LINDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001232 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13] </fullName> <firstName> JUDY </firstName> <lastName> BIGGERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Air piracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Bombings </name> </item> <item> <name> Bush (George W.) Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Commercial aircraft </name> </item> <item> <name> Compensation (Law) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> European Union </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government liability (International law) </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> International claims </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Libya </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Peace </name> </item> <item> <name> President and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Sanctions (International law) </name> </item> <item> <name> Scotland </name> </item> <item> <name> State-sponsored terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> <item> <name> United Kingdom </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Condemns the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.&lt;p&gt;Commends the President and the Administration and those countries which joined the United States for objecting to Libya's selection.&lt;p&gt;Expresses dismay at the European Union common position of abstention on the critical vote over Libya's chairmanship.&lt;p&gt;Promises to hold accountable countries who voted in favor of Libya's chairmanship.&lt;p&gt;Calls on countries at various stages of democratization to demonstrate their commitment to human rights, democracy, peace and security, and support efforts to reform the Commission.&lt;p&gt;Calls on the President to instruct the Secretary of State to consult with the appropriate congressional committees regarding the U.S. priorities and strategy for the 59th session of the Commission and strategy and proposals for its reform.&lt;p&gt;Requests the President to object to the continued suspension of sanctions against Libya and call for their full reinstatement until Libya: (1) publicly accepts responsibility for the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing; (2) provides appropriate compensation to the victims; and (3) is in full compliance with all UN sanctions imposed as a result of Libya's orchestration of the Pan Am 103 terrorist attack.&lt;p&gt;Calls on the Secretary of State to engage member countries to support U.S. efforts to ensure that states that are gross violators of human rights, sponsors of terrorist activities, or subject to UN sanctions will not be elected to leadership positions in the UN General Assembly nor will they be elected to membership or leadership positions on the UN Commission on Human Rights, the UN Security Council, or any other UN entity or affiliated agency. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced on February 4, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Condemns the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.&lt;p&gt;Commends the President and the Administration and those countries which joined the United States for objecting to Libya's selection.&lt;p&gt;Expresses dismay at the European Union common position of abstention on the critical vote over Libya's chairmanship.&lt;p&gt;Promises to hold accountable countries who voted in favor of Libya's chairmanship.&lt;p&gt;Calls on countries at various stages of democratization to demonstrate their commitment to human rights, democracy, peace and security, and support efforts to reform the Commission.&lt;p&gt;Calls on the President to instruct the Secretary of State to consult with the appropriate congressional committees regarding the U.S. priorities and strategy for the 59th session of the Commission and strategy and proposals for its reform.&lt;p&gt;Requests the President to object to the continued suspension of sanctions against Libya and call for their full reinstatement until Libya: (1) publicly accepts responsibility for the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing; (2) provides appropriate compensation to the victims; and (3) is in full compliance with all UN sanctions imposed as a result of Libya's orchestration of the Pan Am 103 terrorist attack.&lt;p&gt;Calls on the Secretary of State to engage member countries to support U.S. efforts to ensure that states that are gross violators of human rights, sponsors of terrorist activities, or subject to UN sanctions will not be elected to leadership positions in the UN General Assembly nor will they be elected to membership or leadership positions on the UN Commission on Human Rights, the UN Security Council, or any other UN entity or affiliated agency. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-02-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-02-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-04T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 402 - 6, 8 Present (Roll no. 20). (text: CR H334-335)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 402 - 6, 8 Present (Roll no. 20).(text: CR H334-335)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H361-362)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 27.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H334-339)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Hyde moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T19:56:44Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T21:00:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000266", "district": "1", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHABOT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000487", "district": "40", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001149", "district": "5", "first_name": "DAN", "full_name": "Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BURTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000021", "district": "24", "first_name": "ELTON", "full_name": "Rep. Gallegly, Elton [R-CA-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GALLEGLY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000273", "district": "11", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Weller, Jerry [R-IL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WELLER", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000358", "district": "6", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001035", "district": "13", "first_name": "Katherine", "full_name": "Rep. Harris, Katherine [R-FL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Harris", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000373", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PITTS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000286", "district": "0", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Janklow, William J. [R-SD-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Janklow", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000104", "district": "10", "first_name": "CASS", "full_name": "Rep. Ballenger, Cass [R-NC-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BALLENGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000210", "district": "3", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KING", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000545", "district": "8", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000164", "district": "3", "first_name": "DOUG", "full_name": "Rep. Ose, Doug [R-CA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OSE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000344", "district": "27", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHERMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000600", "district": "25", "first_name": "Mario", "full_name": "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Diaz-Balart", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000321", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LINDER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-04", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 27, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 13, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001022", "district": "6", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HYDE", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Air piracy", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Bombings", "Bush (George W.) Administration", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Commercial aircraft", "Compensation (Law)", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Democracy", "Europe", "European Union", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government liability (International law)", "Human rights", "International agencies", "International claims", "Law", "Libya", "Middle East and North Africa", "Negotiations", "Peace", "President and foreign policy", "Sanctions (International law)", "Scotland", "State-sponsored terrorism", "Terrorism", "Transportation and Public Works", "United Kingdom", "United Nations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Condemns the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.<p>Commends the President and the Administration and those countries which joined the United States for objecting to Libya's selection.<p>Expresses dismay at the European Union common position of abstention on the critical vote over Libya's chairmanship.<p>Promises to hold accountable countries who voted in favor of Libya's chairmanship.<p>Calls on countries at various stages of democratization to demonstrate their commitment to human rights, democracy, peace and security, and support efforts to reform the Commission.<p>Calls on the President to instruct the Secretary of State to consult with the appropriate congressional committees regarding the U.S. priorities and strategy for the 59th session of the Commission and strategy and proposals for its reform.<p>Requests the President to object to the continued suspension of sanctions against Libya and call for their full reinstatement until Libya: (1) publicly accepts responsibility for the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing; (2) provides appropriate compensation to the victims; and (3) is in full compliance with all UN sanctions imposed as a result of Libya's orchestration of the Pan Am 103 terrorist attack.<p>Calls on the Secretary of State to engage member countries to support U.S. efforts to ensure that states that are gross violators of human rights, sponsors of terrorist activities, or subject to UN sanctions will not be elected to leadership positions in the UN General Assembly nor will they be elected to membership or leadership positions on the UN Commission on Human Rights, the UN Security Council, or any other UN entity or affiliated agency.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-11", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced on February 4, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Condemns the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.<p>Commends the President and the Administration and those countries which joined the United States for objecting to Libya's selection.<p>Expresses dismay at the European Union common position of abstention on the critical vote over Libya's chairmanship.<p>Promises to hold accountable countries who voted in favor of Libya's chairmanship.<p>Calls on countries at various stages of democratization to demonstrate their commitment to human rights, democracy, peace and security, and support efforts to reform the Commission.<p>Calls on the President to instruct the Secretary of State to consult with the appropriate congressional committees regarding the U.S. priorities and strategy for the 59th session of the Commission and strategy and proposals for its reform.<p>Requests the President to object to the continued suspension of sanctions against Libya and call for their full reinstatement until Libya: (1) publicly accepts responsibility for the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing; (2) provides appropriate compensation to the victims; and (3) is in full compliance with all UN sanctions imposed as a result of Libya's orchestration of the Pan Am 103 terrorist attack.<p>Calls on the Secretary of State to engage member countries to support U.S. efforts to ensure that states that are gross violators of human rights, sponsors of terrorist activities, or subject to UN sanctions will not be elected to leadership positions in the UN General Assembly nor will they be elected to membership or leadership positions on the UN Commission on Human Rights, the UN Security Council, or any other UN entity or affiliated agency.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T19:56:44Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T21:00:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 13, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 402 - 6, 8 Present (Roll no. 20). (text: CR H334-335)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 402 - 6, 8 Present (Roll no. 20).(text: CR H334-335)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H361-362)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 27.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H334-339)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Hyde moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H001022", "district": "6", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HYDE", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "state": "IL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000266", "district": "1", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHABOT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000487", "district": "40", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001149", "district": "5", "first_name": "DAN", "full_name": "Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BURTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000021", "district": "24", "first_name": "ELTON", "full_name": "Rep. Gallegly, Elton [R-CA-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GALLEGLY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000273", "district": "11", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Weller, Jerry [R-IL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WELLER", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000358", "district": "6", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001035", "district": "13", "first_name": "Katherine", "full_name": "Rep. Harris, Katherine [R-FL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Harris", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000373", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PITTS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000286", "district": "0", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Janklow, William J. [R-SD-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Janklow", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000104", "district": "10", "first_name": "CASS", "full_name": "Rep. Ballenger, Cass [R-NC-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BALLENGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000210", "district": "3", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KING", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000545", "district": "8", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000164", "district": "3", "first_name": "DOUG", "full_name": "Rep. Ose, Doug [R-CA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OSE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000344", "district": "27", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHERMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000600", "district": "25", "first_name": "Mario", "full_name": "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Diaz-Balart", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000321", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LINDER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IL" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Air piracy", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Bombings", "Bush (George W.) Administration", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Commercial aircraft", "Compensation (Law)", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Democracy", "Europe", "European Union", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government liability (International law)", "Human rights", "International agencies", "International claims", "Law", "Libya", "Middle East and North Africa", "Negotiations", "Peace", "President and foreign policy", "Sanctions (International law)", "Scotland", "State-sponsored terrorism", "Terrorism", "Transportation and Public Works", "United Kingdom", "United Nations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Condemns the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.<p>Commends the President and the Administration and those countries which joined the United States for objecting to Libya's selection.<p>Expresses dismay at the European Union common position of abstention on the critical vote over Libya's chairmanship.<p>Promises to hold accountable countries who voted in favor of Libya's chairmanship.<p>Calls on countries at various stages of democratization to demonstrate their commitment to human rights, democracy, peace and security, and support efforts to reform the Commission.<p>Calls on the President to instruct the Secretary of State to consult with the appropriate congressional committees regarding the U.S. priorities and strategy for the 59th session of the Commission and strategy and proposals for its reform.<p>Requests the President to object to the continued suspension of sanctions against Libya and call for their full reinstatement until Libya: (1) publicly accepts responsibility for the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing; (2) provides appropriate compensation to the victims; and (3) is in full compliance with all UN sanctions imposed as a result of Libya's orchestration of the Pan Am 103 terrorist attack.<p>Calls on the Secretary of State to engage member countries to support U.S. efforts to ensure that states that are gross violators of human rights, sponsors of terrorist activities, or subject to UN sanctions will not be elected to leadership positions in the UN General Assembly nor will they be elected to membership or leadership positions on the UN Commission on Human Rights, the UN Security Council, or any other UN entity or affiliated agency.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-11", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced on February 4, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Condemns the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.<p>Commends the President and the Administration and those countries which joined the United States for objecting to Libya's selection.<p>Expresses dismay at the European Union common position of abstention on the critical vote over Libya's chairmanship.<p>Promises to hold accountable countries who voted in favor of Libya's chairmanship.<p>Calls on countries at various stages of democratization to demonstrate their commitment to human rights, democracy, peace and security, and support efforts to reform the Commission.<p>Calls on the President to instruct the Secretary of State to consult with the appropriate congressional committees regarding the U.S. priorities and strategy for the 59th session of the Commission and strategy and proposals for its reform.<p>Requests the President to object to the continued suspension of sanctions against Libya and call for their full reinstatement until Libya: (1) publicly accepts responsibility for the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing; (2) provides appropriate compensation to the victims; and (3) is in full compliance with all UN sanctions imposed as a result of Libya's orchestration of the Pan Am 103 terrorist attack.<p>Calls on the Secretary of State to engage member countries to support U.S. efforts to ensure that states that are gross violators of human rights, sponsors of terrorist activities, or subject to UN sanctions will not be elected to leadership positions in the UN General Assembly nor will they be elected to membership or leadership positions on the UN Commission on Human Rights, the UN Security Council, or any other UN entity or affiliated agency.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the selection of Libya to chair the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:39:01.011
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 28 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-04 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-04T21:00:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime prevention </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> <item> <name> School discipline </name> </item> <item> <name> School security </name> </item> <item> <name> Violence </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-09-03T20:40:53Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative postage stamp on the subject of school safety awareness; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-04T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T21:00:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-04", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 28, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "state": "OH" } ], "subjects": [ "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Crime prevention", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Government Operations and Politics", "Higher education", "Postage stamps", "School discipline", "School security", "Violence" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": " Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative postage stamp on the subject of school safety awareness; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2003-09-03T20:40:53Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T21:00:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "state": "OH" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" } ]
[ "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Crime prevention", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Government Operations and Politics", "Higher education", "Postage stamps", "School discipline", "School security", "Violence" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": " Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative postage stamp on the subject of school safety awareness; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2003-09-03T20:40:53Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative stamp on the subject of school safety awareness.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:37:01.140
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 29 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-04 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-04T21:00:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sweeney, John E. [R-NY-20] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> SWEENEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000522 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000445 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> Forbes </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> Randy </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ADERHOLT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> KING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000528 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WALLY </firstName> <lastName> HERGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000440 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13] </fullName> <firstName> VITO </firstName> <lastName> FOSSELLA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3] </fullName> <firstName> CHRIS </firstName> <lastName> CANNON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000755 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8] </fullName> <firstName> KEVIN </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000851 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stenholm, Charles W. [D-TX-17] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> STENHOLM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000873 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crane, Philip M. [R-IL-8] </fullName> <firstName> PHILIP </firstName> <lastName> CRANE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000362 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-5] </fullName> <firstName> Steve </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> SESSIONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000403 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1] </fullName> <firstName> DOUGLAS </firstName> <lastName> BEREUTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001243 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blackburn, Marsha [R-TN-7] </fullName> <firstName> Marsha </firstName> <lastName> Blackburn </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000574 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Renzi, Rick [R-AZ-1] </fullName> <firstName> Rick </firstName> <lastName> Renzi </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000081 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ney, Robert W. [R-OH-18] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> NEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Peterson, John E. [R-PA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> PETERSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001134 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9] </fullName> <firstName> SUE </firstName> <lastName> MYRICK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> WILKINS </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000566 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RYUN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000569 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reynolds, Thomas M. [R-NY-26] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> REYNOLDS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 26 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000213 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Barton, Joe [R-TX-6] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000572 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Rogers </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000585 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19] </fullName> <firstName> TODD </firstName> <lastName> PLATTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> RUSSELL </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000208 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROSCOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTLETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boozman, John [R-AR-3] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001247 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown-Waite, Ginny [R-FL-5] </fullName> <firstName> Ginny </firstName> <lastName> Brown-Waite </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000395 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Harold [R-KY-5] </fullName> <firstName> HAROLD </firstName> <lastName> ROGERS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control </name> </item> <item> <name> Conferences </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> International law </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> President and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Condemns the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament and calls for its immediate removal. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-04T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-04 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T21:00:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001149", "district": "20", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Sweeney, John E. [R-NY-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SWEENEY", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": "5", "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000445", "district": "4", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Forbes", "middle_name": "Randy", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000055", "district": "4", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ADERHOLT", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000210", "district": "3", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KING", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000528", "district": "2", "first_name": "WALLY", "full_name": "Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HERGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000440", "district": "13", "first_name": "VITO", "full_name": "Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FOSSELLA", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000116", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHRIS", "full_name": "Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CANNON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000851", "district": "17", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Stenholm, Charles W. [D-TX-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STENHOLM", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000873", "district": "8", "first_name": "PHILIP", "full_name": "Rep. Crane, Philip M. 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[D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000358", "district": "6", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000081", "district": "18", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Ney, Robert W. [R-OH-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000263", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Peterson, John E. [R-PA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PETERSON", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000569", "district": "26", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Reynolds, Thomas M. [R-NY-26]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "REYNOLDS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000213", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Barton, Joe [R-TX-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000572", "district": "8", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000585", "district": "19", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PLATTS", "middle_name": "RUSSELL", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001236", "district": "3", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. Boozman, John [R-AR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Boozman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001247", "district": "5", "first_name": "Ginny", "full_name": "Rep. Brown-Waite, Ginny [R-FL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Brown-Waite", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000395", "district": "5", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Harold [R-KY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROGERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "KY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-04", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 29, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "LA" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Conferences", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Government Operations and Politics", "International law", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Middle East and North Africa", "President and foreign policy", "United Nations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Condemns the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament and calls for its immediate removal.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-04T21:00:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "LA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001149", "district": "20", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Sweeney, John E. [R-NY-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SWEENEY", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": "5", "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000445", "district": "4", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Forbes", "middle_name": "Randy", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000055", "district": "4", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ADERHOLT", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000210", "district": "3", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KING", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000528", "district": "2", "first_name": "WALLY", "full_name": "Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HERGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000440", "district": "13", "first_name": "VITO", "full_name": "Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FOSSELLA", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000116", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHRIS", "full_name": "Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CANNON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000851", "district": "17", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Stenholm, Charles W. [D-TX-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STENHOLM", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000873", "district": "8", "first_name": "PHILIP", "full_name": "Rep. Crane, Philip M. 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[D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000358", "district": "6", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Mark R. [R-MN-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000081", "district": "18", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Ney, Robert W. [R-OH-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000263", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Peterson, John E. 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Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PLATTS", "middle_name": "RUSSELL", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001236", "district": "3", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. Boozman, John [R-AR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Boozman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001247", "district": "5", "first_name": "Ginny", "full_name": "Rep. 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International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Conferences", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Government Operations and Politics", "International law", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Middle East and North Africa", "President and foreign policy", "United Nations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Condemns the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament and calls for its immediate removal.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the designation of Iraq as chair of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:40:00.369
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 30 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-05 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-14T19:21:49Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-05T20:00:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-06 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E139) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000535 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] </fullName> <firstName> LUIS </firstName> <lastName> GUTIERREZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000004 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> RADANOVICH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000522 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000562 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-9] </fullName> <firstName> Stephen </firstName> <lastName> Lynch </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000586 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24] </fullName> <firstName> SHERWOOD </firstName> <lastName> BOEHLERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000472 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCHUGH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] </fullName> <firstName> SILVESTRE </firstName> <lastName> REYES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000465 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4] </fullName> <firstName> IKE </firstName> <lastName> SKELTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000342 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> LIPINSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> O. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Costello, Jerry F. [D-IL-12] </fullName> <firstName> JERRY </firstName> <lastName> COSTELLO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000523 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Price, David E. [D-NC-4] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> PRICE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001022 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> HYDE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DINGELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000275 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> DEUTSCH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17] </fullName> <firstName> Kendrick </firstName> <lastName> Meek </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000549 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gerlach, Jim [R-PA-6] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Gerlach </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> FOLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001229 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baird, Brian [D-WA-3] </fullName> <firstName> BRIAN </firstName> <lastName> BAIRD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000793 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> WU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blunt, Roy [R-MO-7] </fullName> <firstName> ROY </firstName> <lastName> BLUNT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001004 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6] </fullName> <firstName> TED </firstName> <lastName> STRICKLAND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000014 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] </fullName> <firstName> NEIL </firstName> <lastName> ABERCROMBIE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000754 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> COOPER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000013 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6] </fullName> <firstName> SPENCER </firstName> <lastName> BACHUS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000459 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2] </fullName> <firstName> LEE </firstName> <lastName> TERRY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-21] </fullName> <firstName> Devin </firstName> <lastName> Nunes </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> TIERNEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000166 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Otter, C. L. (Butch) [R-ID-1] </fullName> <firstName> C. L. </firstName> <lastName> OTTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000397 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16] </fullName> <firstName> ZOE </firstName> <lastName> LOFGREN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000022 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> ACKERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000537 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> CLYBURN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Tim [D-OH-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18] </fullName> <firstName> NITA </firstName> <lastName> LOWEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000357 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000573 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> ROSS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000558 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lucas, Ken [D-KY-4] </fullName> <firstName> KEN </firstName> <lastName> LUCAS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Majette, Denise L. [D-GA-4] </fullName> <firstName> Denise </firstName> <lastName> Majette </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001241 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bell, Chris [D-TX-25] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Bell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000599 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Lincoln [D-TN-4] </fullName> <firstName> Lincoln </firstName> <lastName> Davis </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000262 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9] </fullName> <firstName> HAROLD </firstName> <lastName> FORD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000268 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7] </fullName> <firstName> CURT </firstName> <lastName> WELDON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000057 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2] </fullName> <firstName> STEVE </firstName> <lastName> ISRAEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000309 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001242 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Bishop </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000107 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27] </fullName> <firstName> SOLOMON </firstName> <lastName> ORTIZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000602 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7] </fullName> <firstName> Artur </firstName> <lastName> Davis </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000185 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" [D-VA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> C. "Bobby" </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000560 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Larsen, Rick [D-WA-2] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> LARSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000216 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] </fullName> <firstName> ROSA </firstName> <lastName> DELAURO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000132 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gephardt, Richard A. [D-MO-3] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> GEPHARDT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shaw, E. Clay, Jr. [R-FL-22] </fullName> <firstName> E. </firstName> <lastName> SHAW </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> CLAY </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000114 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5] </fullName> <firstName> Rahm </firstName> <lastName> Emanuel </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000490 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2] </fullName> <firstName> SANFORD </firstName> <lastName> BISHOP </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000128 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Van Hollen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RAMSTAD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000373 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> PITTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD-3] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000299 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL-21] </fullName> <firstName> LINCOLN </firstName> <lastName> DIAZ-BALART </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000005 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> SABO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> OLAV </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SHAYS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] </fullName> <firstName> WM. </firstName> <lastName> CLAY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> LACY </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Autoimmune diseases </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Communication in medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Communication in science </name> </item> <item> <name> Conferences </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental research </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmentally induced diseases </name> </item> <item> <name> Epidemiology </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to research </name> </item> <item> <name> Genetic research </name> </item> <item> <name> Genetics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Health education </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical research </name> </item> <item> <name> Prescription pricing </name> </item> <item> <name> Quality of care </name> </item> <item> <name> Research grants </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Calls for: (1) recognition of private organizations and health care providers for promoting awareness of and research on scleroderma; (2) greater awareness of the symptoms of scleroderma and contributions to the fight against it; (3) the Government to promote awareness, to adequately fund scleroderma research projects, and to continue to consider ways to improve the quality of health care services for scleroderma patients; (4) the National Institutes of Health to continue to play a leadership role in the fight against scleroderma; and (5) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to give priority to establishing a national epidemiological study to better track and gather information about scleroderma. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-05T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E139)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-05T20:00:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-14T19:21:49Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000004", "district": "19", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RADANOVICH", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000562", "district": "9", "first_name": "Stephen", "full_name": "Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Lynch", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000586", "district": "24", "first_name": "SHERWOOD", "full_name": "Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOEHLERT", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000472", "district": "23", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCHUGH", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000465", "district": "4", "first_name": "IKE", "full_name": "Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SKELTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000342", "district": "3", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIPINSKI", "middle_name": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000794", "district": "12", "first_name": "JERRY", "full_name": "Rep. Costello, Jerry F. [D-IL-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COSTELLO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000523", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Price, David E. [D-NC-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PRICE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001022", "district": "6", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HYDE", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000549", "district": "6", "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Rep. Gerlach, Jim [R-PA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Gerlach", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. 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Wu, David [D-OR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-25", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": "7", "first_name": "ROY", "full_name": "Rep. Blunt, Roy [R-MO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BLUNT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001004", "district": "6", "first_name": "TED", "full_name": "Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STRICKLAND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000754", "district": "5", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COOPER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000013", "district": "6", "first_name": "SPENCER", "full_name": "Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACHUS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-22", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000181", "district": "21", "first_name": "Devin", "full_name": "Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Nunes", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-01", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000166", "district": "1", "first_name": "C. L.", "full_name": "Rep. Otter, C. L. (Butch) [R-ID-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OTTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-01", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOFGREN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Tim [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. 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[D-NY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000107", "district": "27", "first_name": "SOLOMON", "full_name": "Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ORTIZ", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000560", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Rep. Larsen, Rick [D-WA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LARSEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000132", "district": "3", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Gephardt, Richard A. [D-MO-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GEPHARDT", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000303", "district": "22", "first_name": "E.", "full_name": "Rep. Shaw, E. Clay, Jr. [R-FL-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAW", "middle_name": "CLAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000114", "district": "11", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. 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McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000373", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PITTS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": "3", "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Rep. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000299", "district": "21", "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DIAZ-BALART", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001144", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAYS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-14", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "MO" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-05", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 30, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Autoimmune diseases", "Commemorations", "Communication in medicine", "Communication in science", "Conferences", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Economics and Public Finance", "Environmental Protection", "Environmental research", "Environmentally induced diseases", "Epidemiology", "Federal aid to research", "Genetic research", "Genetics", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health education", "Medical research", "Prescription pricing", "Quality of care", "Research grants", "Science, Technology, Communications" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-05", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls for: (1) recognition of private organizations and health care providers for promoting awareness of and research on scleroderma; (2) greater awareness of the symptoms of scleroderma and contributions to the fight against it; (3) the Government to promote awareness, to adequately fund scleroderma research projects, and to continue to consider ways to improve the quality of health care services for scleroderma patients; (4) the National Institutes of Health to continue to play a leadership role in the fight against scleroderma; and (5) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to give priority to establishing a national epidemiological study to better track and gather information about scleroderma.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-05T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-05T20:00:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-14T19:21:49Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E139)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000004", "district": "19", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RADANOVICH", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000562", "district": "9", "first_name": "Stephen", "full_name": "Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Lynch", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000586", "district": "24", "first_name": "SHERWOOD", "full_name": "Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOEHLERT", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000472", "district": "23", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCHUGH", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000465", "district": "4", "first_name": "IKE", "full_name": "Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SKELTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000342", "district": "3", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIPINSKI", "middle_name": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000794", "district": "12", "first_name": "JERRY", "full_name": "Rep. Costello, Jerry F. [D-IL-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COSTELLO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000523", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Price, David E. [D-NC-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PRICE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001022", "district": "6", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HYDE", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. 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Wu, David [D-OR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-25", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": "7", "first_name": "ROY", "full_name": "Rep. Blunt, Roy [R-MO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BLUNT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001004", "district": "6", "first_name": "TED", "full_name": "Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STRICKLAND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000754", "district": "5", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COOPER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000013", "district": "6", "first_name": "SPENCER", "full_name": "Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACHUS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. 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L.", "full_name": "Rep. Otter, C. L. (Butch) [R-ID-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OTTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-01", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOFGREN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Tim [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001145", "district": "4", "first_name": "Denise", "full_name": "Rep. Majette, Denise L. [D-GA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Majette", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001241", "district": "25", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Bell, Chris [D-TX-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bell", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000599", "district": "4", "first_name": "Lincoln", "full_name": "Rep. 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Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000057", "district": "2", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ISRAEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000309", "district": "4", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001242", "district": "1", "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000107", "district": "27", "first_name": "SOLOMON", "full_name": "Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ORTIZ", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000560", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Rep. Larsen, Rick [D-WA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LARSEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-12", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000132", "district": "3", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Gephardt, Richard A. [D-MO-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GEPHARDT", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000303", "district": "22", "first_name": "E.", "full_name": "Rep. Shaw, E. Clay, Jr. [R-FL-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAW", "middle_name": "CLAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000114", "district": "11", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. 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Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000033", "district": "3", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RAMSTAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000373", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PITTS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": "3", "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Rep. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000299", "district": "21", "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DIAZ-BALART", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-28", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001144", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAYS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-14", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "MO" } ]
[ "Autoimmune diseases", "Commemorations", "Communication in medicine", "Communication in science", "Conferences", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Economics and Public Finance", "Environmental Protection", "Environmental research", "Environmentally induced diseases", "Epidemiology", "Federal aid to research", "Genetic research", "Genetics", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health education", "Medical research", "Prescription pricing", "Quality of care", "Research grants", "Science, Technology, Communications" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-05", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls for: (1) recognition of private organizations and health care providers for promoting awareness of and research on scleroderma; (2) greater awareness of the symptoms of scleroderma and contributions to the fight against it; (3) the Government to promote awareness, to adequately fund scleroderma research projects, and to continue to consider ways to improve the quality of health care services for scleroderma patients; (4) the National Institutes of Health to continue to play a leadership role in the fight against scleroderma; and (5) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to give priority to establishing a national epidemiological study to better track and gather information about scleroderma.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding scleroderma.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-05T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:39:01.046
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 31 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-05 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-05T20:03:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000057 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tauscher, Ellen O. [D-CA-10] </fullName> <firstName> ELLEN </firstName> <lastName> TAUSCHER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> O. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed forces abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Bahrain </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Military agreements </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Welcomes His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa of the Kingdom of Bahrain on his visit to the United States in February 2003.&lt;p&gt;Commends Bahrain for its strong support of the U.S. Armed Forces and reiterates support for continued strong relations between the United States and Bahrain. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Welcoming His Majesty Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al-Kalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, on his visit to the United States in February 2003. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Welcoming His Majesty Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al-Kalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, on his visit to the United States in February 2003. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Welcoming His Majesty Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al-Kalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, on his visit to the United States in February 2003. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-05T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "T000057", "district": "10", "first_name": "ELLEN", "full_name": "Rep. Tauscher, Ellen O. [D-CA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TAUSCHER", "middle_name": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces abroad", "Bahrain", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Foreign leaders", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military agreements" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-05", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Welcomes His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa of the Kingdom of Bahrain on his visit to the United States in February 2003.<p>Commends Bahrain for its strong support of the U.S. Armed Forces and reiterates support for continued strong relations between the United States and Bahrain.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Welcoming His Majesty Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al-Kalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, on his visit to the United States in February 2003.
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[ { "date": "2003-02-05T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:39:00.815
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 32 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-11T17:31:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Appellate procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Balance of power </name> </item> <item> <name> Bribery </name> </item> <item> <name> Central Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Church and state </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal investigation </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Detention of persons </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy </name> </item> <item> <name> Dissenters </name> </item> <item> <name> Due process of law </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Extradition </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal advisory bodies </name> </item> <item> <name> Freedom of speech </name> </item> <item> <name> Freedom of the press </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government and the press </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Immigration </name> </item> <item> <name> Islam </name> </item> <item> <name> Kazakhstan </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Military agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Military assistance </name> </item> <item> <name> Military relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Nonprofit organizations </name> </item> <item> <name> Nonviolence </name> </item> <item> <name> Opposition (Political science) </name> </item> <item> <name> Political parties </name> </item> <item> <name> Political persecution </name> </item> <item> <name> Political prisoners </name> </item> <item> <name> Press </name> </item> <item> <name> Public corruption </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion and politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Religious liberty </name> </item> <item> <name> Repatriation </name> </item> <item> <name> Russia </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Tajikistan </name> </item> <item> <name> Torture </name> </item> <item> <name> Turkmenistan </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> <item> <name> Uzbekistan </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Calls for the Governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan to accelerate democratic reforms and fulfill their human rights obligations. Declares that increased levels of U.S. assistance to the Central Asian governments made possible by their cooperation in the war in Afghanistan can be sustained only if there is substantial and continuing progress towards meeting these goals.&lt;p&gt;Calls for the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense to: (1) continue to raise specific cases of political and religious persecution with the Central Asian governments and urge greater respect for human rights and democratic freedoms; (2) consider progress in meeting such goals when determining diplomatic engagement and foreign assistance; (3) ensure that provisions of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act are fully implemented to ensure that no U.S. assistance benefits security forces in Central Asia implicated in human rights violations; (4) follow the recommendations of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom by designating Turkmenistan a Country of Particular Concern under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 and make clear that Uzbekistan risks designation if conditions there do not improve; (5) urge the Government of Turkmenistan to respect the right of imprisoned opposition leader Boris Shikmuradov to due process and a fair trial and to release democratic activists and their family members from prison; (6) urge the Government of the Russian Federation not to extradite political opposition members of Turkmenistan to Turkmenistan; (7) work with the Government of Kazakhstan to create a political climate free of intimidation and harassment and to reduce official corruption; (8) work with the Government of Uzbekistan to address concerns about torture there and to implement recommendations made in the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture; (9) work with the Government of Kyrgyzstan to introduce changes in the recently adopted constitution that would address concerns about protections for human rights and balance of powers; and (10) support through U.S. assistance programs those individuals, non-governmental organizations, and media outlets in Central Asia working to build more open societies, support the victims of human rights abuses, and expose official corruption. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 32, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Appellate procedure", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Balance of power", "Bribery", "Central Asia", "Church and state", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal investigation", "Democracy", "Detention of persons", "Diplomacy", "Dissenters", "Due process of law", "Economics and Public Finance", "Extradition", "Federal advisory bodies", "Freedom of speech", "Freedom of the press", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government and the press", "Human rights", "Immigration", "Islam", "Kazakhstan", "Law", "Military agreements", "Military assistance", "Military relations", "Nonprofit organizations", "Nonviolence", "Opposition (Political science)", "Political parties", "Political persecution", "Political prisoners", "Press", "Public corruption", "Religion", "Religion and politics", "Religious liberty", "Repatriation", "Russia", "Social Welfare", "Tajikistan", "Torture", "Turkmenistan", "United Nations", "Uzbekistan" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls for the Governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan to accelerate democratic reforms and fulfill their human rights obligations. Declares that increased levels of U.S. assistance to the Central Asian governments made possible by their cooperation in the war in Afghanistan can be sustained only if there is substantial and continuing progress towards meeting these goals.<p>Calls for the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense to: (1) continue to raise specific cases of political and religious persecution with the Central Asian governments and urge greater respect for human rights and democratic freedoms; (2) consider progress in meeting such goals when determining diplomatic engagement and foreign assistance; (3) ensure that provisions of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act are fully implemented to ensure that no U.S. assistance benefits security forces in Central Asia implicated in human rights violations; (4) follow the recommendations of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom by designating Turkmenistan a Country of Particular Concern under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 and make clear that Uzbekistan risks designation if conditions there do not improve; (5) urge the Government of Turkmenistan to respect the right of imprisoned opposition leader Boris Shikmuradov to due process and a fair trial and to release democratic activists and their family members from prison; (6) urge the Government of the Russian Federation not to extradite political opposition members of Turkmenistan to Turkmenistan; (7) work with the Government of Kazakhstan to create a political climate free of intimidation and harassment and to reduce official corruption; (8) work with the Government of Uzbekistan to address concerns about torture there and to implement recommendations made in the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture; (9) work with the Government of Kyrgyzstan to introduce changes in the recently adopted constitution that would address concerns about protections for human rights and balance of powers; and (10) support through U.S. assistance programs those individuals, non-governmental organizations, and media outlets in Central Asia working to build more open societies, support the victims of human rights abuses, and expose official corruption.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-11T17:31:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Appellate procedure", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Balance of power", "Bribery", "Central Asia", "Church and state", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal investigation", "Democracy", "Detention of persons", "Diplomacy", "Dissenters", "Due process of law", "Economics and Public Finance", "Extradition", "Federal advisory bodies", "Freedom of speech", "Freedom of the press", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government and the press", "Human rights", "Immigration", "Islam", "Kazakhstan", "Law", "Military agreements", "Military assistance", "Military relations", "Nonprofit organizations", "Nonviolence", "Opposition (Political science)", "Political parties", "Political persecution", "Political prisoners", "Press", "Public corruption", "Religion", "Religion and politics", "Religious liberty", "Repatriation", "Russia", "Social Welfare", "Tajikistan", "Torture", "Turkmenistan", "United Nations", "Uzbekistan" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls for the Governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan to accelerate democratic reforms and fulfill their human rights obligations. Declares that increased levels of U.S. assistance to the Central Asian governments made possible by their cooperation in the war in Afghanistan can be sustained only if there is substantial and continuing progress towards meeting these goals.<p>Calls for the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense to: (1) continue to raise specific cases of political and religious persecution with the Central Asian governments and urge greater respect for human rights and democratic freedoms; (2) consider progress in meeting such goals when determining diplomatic engagement and foreign assistance; (3) ensure that provisions of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act are fully implemented to ensure that no U.S. assistance benefits security forces in Central Asia implicated in human rights violations; (4) follow the recommendations of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom by designating Turkmenistan a Country of Particular Concern under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 and make clear that Uzbekistan risks designation if conditions there do not improve; (5) urge the Government of Turkmenistan to respect the right of imprisoned opposition leader Boris Shikmuradov to due process and a fair trial and to release democratic activists and their family members from prison; (6) urge the Government of the Russian Federation not to extradite political opposition members of Turkmenistan to Turkmenistan; (7) work with the Government of Kazakhstan to create a political climate free of intimidation and harassment and to reduce official corruption; (8) work with the Government of Uzbekistan to address concerns about torture there and to implement recommendations made in the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture; (9) work with the Government of Kyrgyzstan to introduce changes in the recently adopted constitution that would address concerns about protections for human rights and balance of powers; and (10) support through U.S. assistance programs those individuals, non-governmental organizations, and media outlets in Central Asia working to build more open societies, support the victims of human rights abuses, and expose official corruption.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to human rights in Central Asia.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:41:01.506
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(CR E201) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000583 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Lamar [R-TX-21] </fullName> <firstName> LAMAR </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 21 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Intellectual property </name> </item> <item> <name> Inventors </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Calls for establishment of a National Inventors' Day. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment of a National Inventors' Day. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment of a National Inventors' Day. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment of a National Inventors' Day. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-11T17:36:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-25T15:54:42Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E201)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000583", "district": "21", "first_name": "LAMAR", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Lamar [R-TX-21]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" } ]
[ "Intellectual property", "Inventors", "Special days" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls for establishment of a National Inventors' Day.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment of a National Inventors' Day.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment of a National Inventors' Day.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment of a National Inventors' Day.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:40:00.426
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 34 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-26T20:30:48Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2004-09-30T20:56:52Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T14:52:50Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:56:07 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:56:03 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H8091) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:56:03 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H8091) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:36:20 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 34. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:36:17 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H8091-8094) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:36:02 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Barton (TX) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-30 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-09-30 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000316 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5] </fullName> <firstName> KAREN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 5 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000566 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RYUN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000119 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3] </fullName> <firstName> ZACH </firstName> <lastName> WAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Cabinet officers </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Department of Health and Human Services </name> </item> <item> <name> Exercise </name> </item> <item> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Health insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Insurance companies </name> </item> <item> <name> Insurance premiums </name> </item> <item> <name> Lifestyle </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical economics </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical screening </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical tests </name> </item> <item> <name> Preventive medicine </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Commends Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson for urging private health insurance companies to encourage Americans to lead active lifestyles.&lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of Congress that private health insurance companies should: (1) do more to encourage Americans to lead healthier and more active lifestyles; (2) provide discounted premiums to those who exercise regularly; and (3) encourage frequent screening for diseases that are easily treatable in their early stages. Applauds private health insurance companies that are already taking such actions. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 36 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-10-05 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-11-03T15:35:19Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Commends Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson for urging private health insurance companies to encourage Americans to lead active lifestyles.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of Congress that private health insurance companies should: (1) do more to encourage Americans to lead healthier and more active lifestyles; (2) provide discounted premiums to those who exercise regularly; and (3) encourage frequent screening for diseases that are easily treatable in their early stages. Applauds private health insurance companies that are already taking such actions. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2004-10-06T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2004-10-05T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-10-06 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H8091)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H8091)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 34.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H8091-8094)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Barton (TX) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-30T20:56:52Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-12T14:52:50Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-26T20:30:48Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000119", "district": "3", "first_name": "ZACH", "full_name": "Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000285", "district": "15", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-22", "state": "IL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 34, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MO" } ], "subjects": [ "Cabinet officers", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Department of Health and Human Services", "Exercise", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health", "Health insurance", "Insurance companies", "Insurance premiums", "Lifestyle", "Medical economics", "Medical screening", "Medical tests", "Preventive medicine" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commends Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson for urging private health insurance companies to encourage Americans to lead active lifestyles.<p>Expresses the sense of Congress that private health insurance companies should: (1) do more to encourage Americans to lead healthier and more active lifestyles; (2) provide discounted premiums to those who exercise regularly; and (3) encourage frequent screening for diseases that are easily treatable in their early stages. Applauds private health insurance companies that are already taking such actions.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": " <p>Commends Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson for urging private health insurance companies to encourage Americans to lead active lifestyles.</p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that private health insurance companies should: (1) do more to encourage Americans to lead healthier and more active lifestyles; (2) provide discounted premiums to those who exercise regularly; and (3) encourage frequent screening for diseases that are easily treatable in their early stages. Applauds private health insurance companies that are already taking such actions.", "update_date": "2004-11-03T15:35:19Z", "version_code": "36" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-10-06T04:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-09-30T20:56:52Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-12T14:52:50Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-26T20:30:48Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H8091)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H8091)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 34.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H8091-8094)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-10-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Barton (TX) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-09-30", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MO" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000119", "district": "3", "first_name": "ZACH", "full_name": "Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000285", "district": "15", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-22", "state": "IL" } ]
[ "Cabinet officers", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Department of Health and Human Services", "Exercise", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health", "Health insurance", "Insurance companies", "Insurance premiums", "Lifestyle", "Medical economics", "Medical screening", "Medical tests", "Preventive medicine" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commends Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson for urging private health insurance companies to encourage Americans to lead active lifestyles.<p>Expresses the sense of Congress that private health insurance companies should: (1) do more to encourage Americans to lead healthier and more active lifestyles; (2) provide discounted premiums to those who exercise regularly; and (3) encourage frequent screening for diseases that are easily treatable in their early stages. Applauds private health insurance companies that are already taking such actions.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-10-05", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": " <p>Commends Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson for urging private health insurance companies to encourage Americans to lead active lifestyles.</p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that private health insurance companies should: (1) do more to encourage Americans to lead healthier and more active lifestyles; (2) provide discounted premiums to those who exercise regularly; and (3) encourage frequent screening for diseases that are easily treatable in their early stages. Applauds private health insurance companies that are already taking such actions.", "update_date": "2004-11-03T15:35:19Z", "version_code": "36" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-10-06T04:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-10-05T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-10-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:41:01.183
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 35 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsha00 </systemCode> <name> Committee on House Administration </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T14:54:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsap00 </systemCode> <name> Appropriations Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T14:54:35Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany, and providing for corrections in the enrollment of, the joint resolution (H.J. Res 2) making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 71 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 17:09:08 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Procedurally-related </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003 </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 2 </number> <type> HJRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-20 </actionDate> <text> Became Public Law No: 108-7. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Procedurally-related </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2499) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2499) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:58:46 </actionTime> <text> Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 71, H. Con. Res. 35 is considered passed House. (consideration: CR H673; text as passed House: CR H673) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H1B000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:58:46 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 71, H. Con. Res. 35 is considered passed House.(consideration: CR H673; text as passed House: CR H673) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsha00 </systemCode> <name> Committee on House Administration </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100-A </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsap00 </systemCode> <name> Appropriations Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> Y000031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Young, C. W. Bill [R-FL-10] </fullName> <firstName> C. W. </firstName> <lastName> Young </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> Bill </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> House of Representatives </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make specified technical corrections in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2 (making consolidated appropriations for FY 2003). </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 12, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make specified technical corrections in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2 (making consolidated appropriations for FY 2003). </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Titles as Amended by Senate </titleType> <title> A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2. </title> <chamberCode> S </chamberCode> <chamberName> Senate </chamberName> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2499)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2499)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H1B000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 71, H. Con. Res. 35 is considered passed House. (consideration: CR H673; text as passed House: CR H673)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 71, H. Con. Res. 35 is considered passed House.(consideration: CR H673; text as passed House: CR H673)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Appropriations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsap00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:54:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:54:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Appropriations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsap00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 35, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 71, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany, and providing for corrections in the enrollment of, the joint resolution (H.J. Res 2) making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Became Public Law No: 108-7.", "type": null }, "number": 2, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003", "type": "HJRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "Y000031", "district": "10", "first_name": "C. W.", "full_name": "Rep. Young, C. W. Bill [R-FL-10]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Young", "middle_name": "Bill", "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Economics and Public Finance", "House of Representatives", "Legislation" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make specified technical corrections in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2 (making consolidated appropriations for FY 2003).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 12, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make specified technical corrections in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2 (making consolidated appropriations for FY 2003).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": "S", "chamber_name": "Senate", "title": "A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2.", "title_type": "Official Titles as Amended by Senate" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:54:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:54:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Appropriations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsap00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 71, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany, and providing for corrections in the enrollment of, the joint resolution (H.J. Res 2) making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Became Public Law No: 108-7.", "type": null }, "number": 2, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003", "type": "HJRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2499)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2499)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H1B000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 71, H. Con. Res. 35 is considered passed House. (consideration: CR H673; text as passed House: CR H673)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 71, H. Con. Res. 35 is considered passed House.(consideration: CR H673; text as passed House: CR H673)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Appropriations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsap00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and in addition to the Committee on House Administration, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "Y000031", "district": "10", "first_name": "C. W.", "full_name": "Rep. Young, C. W. Bill [R-FL-10]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Young", "middle_name": "Bill", "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ]
[ "Economics and Public Finance", "House of Representatives", "Legislation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make specified technical corrections in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2 (making consolidated appropriations for FY 2003).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 12, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make specified technical corrections in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2 (making consolidated appropriations for FY 2003).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 2.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": "S", "chamber_name": "Senate", "title": "A concurrent resolution directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make a technical correction in the enrollment of H.J.Res. 2.", "title_type": "Official Titles as Amended by Senate" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:41:01.036
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 36 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T19:47:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T14:56:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution commemorating the 140th anniversary of the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 15 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-05-05 </actionDate> <text> Held at the desk. </text> <actionTime> 16:19:13 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:10:31 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:10:30 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 35). (text of measure as passed House: CR H1338) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 35 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll035.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-02-26T20:10:30Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:10:30 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 35).(text of measure as passed House: CR H1338) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 35 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll035.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-02-26T20:10:30Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:51:11 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1356) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:23:22 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:04:57 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 36. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:04:55 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1338-1341) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:04:50 </actionTime> <text> Mrs. Davis, Jo Ann moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000136 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000208 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROSCOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTLETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000712 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> HOLDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] </fullName> <firstName> WM. </firstName> <lastName> CLAY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> LACY </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2] </fullName> <firstName> W. </firstName> <lastName> AKIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> TODD </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5] </fullName> <firstName> Rahm </firstName> <lastName> Emanuel </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000259 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4] </fullName> <firstName> GERALD </firstName> <lastName> KLECZKA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000248 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSE </firstName> <lastName> SERRANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000081 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-12] </fullName> <firstName> NYDIA </firstName> <lastName> VELAZQUEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000226 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> ETHERIDGE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000185 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" [D-VA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> C. "Bobby" </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> FARR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28] </fullName> <firstName> LOUISE </firstName> <lastName> SLAUGHTER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] </fullName> <firstName> SILVESTRE </firstName> <lastName> REYES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> MEEHAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000057 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2] </fullName> <firstName> STEVE </firstName> <lastName> ISRAEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001140 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> MOORE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Majette, Denise L. [D-GA-4] </fullName> <firstName> Denise </firstName> <lastName> Majette </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000602 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7] </fullName> <firstName> Artur </firstName> <lastName> Davis </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000933 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MORAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000364 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shimkus, John [R-IL-19] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> SHIMKUS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000119 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3] </fullName> <firstName> ZACH </firstName> <lastName> WAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Ed </firstName> <lastName> Case </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Rogers </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000586 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24] </fullName> <firstName> SHERWOOD </firstName> <lastName> BOEHLERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000459 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2] </fullName> <firstName> LEE </firstName> <lastName> TERRY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000011 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [D-WV-3] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> RAHALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000482 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> DOYLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000005 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> SABO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> OLAV </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Michaud </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000002 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] </fullName> <firstName> JERROLD </firstName> <lastName> NADLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Costello, Jerry F. [D-IL-12] </fullName> <firstName> JERRY </firstName> <lastName> COSTELLO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> SANDLIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001227 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000216 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] </fullName> <firstName> ROSA </firstName> <lastName> DELAURO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000110 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. John, Christopher [D-LA-7] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> JOHN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000793 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> WU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001245 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Madeleine </firstName> <lastName> Bordallo </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GU </state> <middleName> Z. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000636 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinojosa, Ruben [D-TX-15] </fullName> <firstName> RUBEN </firstName> <lastName> HINOJOSA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000574 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3] </fullName> <firstName> EARL </firstName> <lastName> BLUMENAUER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000716 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boyd, Allen [D-FL-2] </fullName> <firstName> ALLEN </firstName> <lastName> BOYD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> JR. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17] </fullName> <firstName> Kendrick </firstName> <lastName> Meek </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000544 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> GONZALEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000026 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Inslee, Jay [D-WA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> INSLEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000568 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28] </fullName> <firstName> CIRO </firstName> <lastName> RODRIGUEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000327 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dicks, Norman D. [D-WA-6] </fullName> <firstName> NORMAN </firstName> <lastName> DICKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000508 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" [R-CA-25] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> MCKEON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001004 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6] </fullName> <firstName> TED </firstName> <lastName> STRICKLAND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000573 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> ROSS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001138 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> MANZULLO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000316 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5] </fullName> <firstName> KAREN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000197 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-8] </fullName> <firstName> NANCY </firstName> <lastName> PELOSI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000262 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9] </fullName> <firstName> HAROLD </firstName> <lastName> FORD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000490 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2] </fullName> <firstName> SANFORD </firstName> <lastName> BISHOP </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000545 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> GREEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001156 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39] </fullName> <firstName> Linda </firstName> <lastName> Sánchez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 39 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000754 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> COOPER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000552 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18] </fullName> <firstName> RAY </firstName> <lastName> LAHOOD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000749 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Spratt, John M., Jr. [D-SC-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> SPRATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000409 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46] </fullName> <firstName> DANA </firstName> <lastName> ROHRABACHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 46 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001232 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13] </fullName> <firstName> JUDY </firstName> <lastName> BIGGERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hill, Baron P. [D-IN-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARON </firstName> <lastName> HILL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Black history </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Lincoln Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Presidential messages </name> </item> <item> <name> Slavery </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Recognizes the historical significance and encourages celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 12, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Recognizes the historical significance and encourages celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-02-26T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 35). (text of measure as passed House: CR H1338)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 35).(text of measure as passed House: CR H1338)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1356)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 36.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1338-1341)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mrs. Davis, Jo Ann moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T19:47:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:56:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000136", "district": "11", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000712", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOLDEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000358", "district": "2", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "AKIN", "middle_name": "TODD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "Rahm", "full_name": "Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Emanuel", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000259", "district": "4", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KLECZKA", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000081", "district": "12", "first_name": "NYDIA", "full_name": "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "VELAZQUEZ", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000226", "district": "2", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ETHERIDGE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FARR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000057", "district": "2", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ISRAEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001145", "district": "4", "first_name": "Denise", "full_name": "Rep. Majette, Denise L. [D-GA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Majette", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000285", "district": "15", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000364", "district": "19", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Shimkus, John [R-IL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SHIMKUS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000119", "district": "3", "first_name": "ZACH", "full_name": "Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Case", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000575", "district": "3", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000586", "district": "24", "first_name": "SHERWOOD", "full_name": "Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOEHLERT", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000011", "district": "3", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [D-WV-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RAHALL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000482", "district": "14", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOYLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": "2", "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000794", "district": "12", "first_name": "JERRY", "full_name": "Rep. Costello, Jerry F. [D-IL-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COSTELLO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000044", "district": "1", "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANDLIN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000110", "district": "7", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. John, Christopher [D-LA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": "2", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000793", "district": "1", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001245", "district": "0", "first_name": "Madeleine", "full_name": "Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bordallo", "middle_name": "Z.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "GU" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000636", "district": "15", "first_name": "RUBEN", "full_name": "Rep. Hinojosa, Ruben [D-TX-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HINOJOSA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000574", "district": "3", "first_name": "EARL", "full_name": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BLUMENAUER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000716", "district": "2", "first_name": "ALLEN", "full_name": "Rep. Boyd, Allen [D-FL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOYD", "middle_name": "JR.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GONZALEZ", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000026", "district": "1", "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Rep. Inslee, Jay [D-WA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "INSLEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000327", "district": "6", "first_name": "NORMAN", "full_name": "Rep. Dicks, Norman D. [D-WA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DICKS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000508", "district": "25", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. McKeon, Howard P. \"Buck\" [R-CA-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCKEON", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001004", "district": "6", "first_name": "TED", "full_name": "Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STRICKLAND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000573", "district": "4", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROSS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000197", "district": "8", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PELOSI", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001044", "district": "2", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000545", "district": "8", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001156", "district": "39", "first_name": "Linda", "full_name": "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sánchez", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000754", "district": "5", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COOPER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000552", "district": "18", "first_name": "RAY", "full_name": "Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAHOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000749", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Spratt, John M., Jr. [D-SC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SPRATT", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001030", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARON", "full_name": "Rep. Hill, Baron P. [D-IN-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HILL", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "IN" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 36, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 15, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution commemorating the 140th anniversary of the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Black history", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "Lincoln Administration", "Minorities", "Presidential messages", "Slavery" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes the historical significance and encourages celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-26", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 12, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Recognizes the historical significance and encourages celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T19:47:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:56:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 15, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution commemorating the 140th anniversary of the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 35). (text of measure as passed House: CR H1338)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 415 - 0 (Roll no. 35).(text of measure as passed House: CR H1338)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1356)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 36.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1338-1341)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mrs. Davis, Jo Ann moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000136", "district": "11", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000712", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOLDEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000358", "district": "2", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "AKIN", "middle_name": "TODD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "Rahm", "full_name": "Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Emanuel", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000259", "district": "4", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KLECZKA", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000081", "district": "12", "first_name": "NYDIA", "full_name": "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "VELAZQUEZ", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000226", "district": "2", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ETHERIDGE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FARR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000057", "district": "2", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ISRAEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001145", "district": "4", "first_name": "Denise", "full_name": "Rep. Majette, Denise L. [D-GA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Majette", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000285", "district": "15", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000364", "district": "19", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Shimkus, John [R-IL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SHIMKUS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000119", "district": "3", "first_name": "ZACH", "full_name": "Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Case", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000575", "district": "3", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000586", "district": "24", "first_name": "SHERWOOD", "full_name": "Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOEHLERT", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000011", "district": "3", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [D-WV-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RAHALL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000482", "district": "14", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOYLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": "2", "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000794", "district": "12", "first_name": "JERRY", "full_name": "Rep. Costello, Jerry F. [D-IL-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COSTELLO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000044", "district": "1", "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANDLIN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000110", "district": "7", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. John, Christopher [D-LA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": "2", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000793", "district": "1", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001245", "district": "0", "first_name": "Madeleine", "full_name": "Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bordallo", "middle_name": "Z.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "GU" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000636", "district": "15", "first_name": "RUBEN", "full_name": "Rep. Hinojosa, Ruben [D-TX-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HINOJOSA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000574", "district": "3", "first_name": "EARL", "full_name": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BLUMENAUER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000716", "district": "2", "first_name": "ALLEN", "full_name": "Rep. Boyd, Allen [D-FL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOYD", "middle_name": "JR.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GONZALEZ", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000026", "district": "1", "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Rep. Inslee, Jay [D-WA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "INSLEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000327", "district": "6", "first_name": "NORMAN", "full_name": "Rep. Dicks, Norman D. [D-WA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DICKS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000508", "district": "25", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. McKeon, Howard P. \"Buck\" [R-CA-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCKEON", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001004", "district": "6", "first_name": "TED", "full_name": "Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STRICKLAND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000573", "district": "4", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROSS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000197", "district": "8", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PELOSI", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001044", "district": "2", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000262", "district": "9", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FORD", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000545", "district": "8", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001156", "district": "39", "first_name": "Linda", "full_name": "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sánchez", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000754", "district": "5", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Cooper, Jim [D-TN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COOPER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000552", "district": "18", "first_name": "RAY", "full_name": "Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAHOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000749", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Spratt, John M., Jr. [D-SC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SPRATT", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001030", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARON", "full_name": "Rep. Hill, Baron P. [D-IN-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HILL", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "IN" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Black history", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "Lincoln Administration", "Minorities", "Presidential messages", "Slavery" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes the historical significance and encourages celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-26", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 12, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Recognizes the historical significance and encourages celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Encouraging the people of the United States to honor and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and commending Abraham Lincoln's efforts to end slavery.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:38:01.792
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 37 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T14:58:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000097 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3] </fullName> <firstName> H. </firstName> <lastName> SAXTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> JAMES </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000443 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ferguson, Mike [R-NJ-7] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> FERGUSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000522 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-8] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> PASCRELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001029 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hayes, Robin [R-NC-8] </fullName> <firstName> ROBIN </firstName> <lastName> HAYES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001245 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Madeleine </firstName> <lastName> Bordallo </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GU </state> <middleName> Z. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000568 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28] </fullName> <firstName> CIRO </firstName> <lastName> RODRIGUEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] </fullName> <firstName> SILVESTRE </firstName> <lastName> REYES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000485 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> MCINTYRE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000994 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cunningham, Randy (Duke) [R-CA-50] </fullName> <firstName> RANDY </firstName> <lastName> CUNNINGHAM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 50 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000255 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] </fullName> <firstName> WALTER </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000074 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Taylor, Gene [D-MS-4] </fullName> <firstName> GENE </firstName> <lastName> TAYLOR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gibbons, Jim [R-NV-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> GIBBONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000448 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-2] </fullName> <firstName> Trent </firstName> <lastName> Franks </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [R-FL-9] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> BILIRAKIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000114 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000108 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Visclosky, Peter J. [D-IN-1] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> VISCLOSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000445 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> Forbes </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> Randy </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> Q000016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Quinn, Jack [R-NY-27] </fullName> <firstName> JACK </firstName> <lastName> QUINN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000458 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> TANCREDO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000440 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13] </fullName> <firstName> VITO </firstName> <lastName> FOSSELLA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hefley, Joel [R-CO-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOEL </firstName> <lastName> HEFLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000309 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2] </fullName> <firstName> W. </firstName> <lastName> AKIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> TODD </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000280 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5] </fullName> <firstName> VIRGIL </firstName> <lastName> GOODE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> FOLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000755 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8] </fullName> <firstName> KEVIN </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000188 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> KIND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> SIMPSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000057 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tauscher, Ellen O. [D-CA-10] </fullName> <firstName> ELLEN </firstName> <lastName> TAUSCHER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> O. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001242 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Bishop </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000477 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McInnis, Scott [R-CO-3] </fullName> <firstName> SCOTT </firstName> <lastName> MCINNIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001050 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cardoza, Dennis A. [D-CA-18] </fullName> <firstName> Dennis </firstName> <lastName> Cardoza </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47] </fullName> <firstName> LORETTA </firstName> <lastName> SANCHEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 47 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000465 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4] </fullName> <firstName> IKE </firstName> <lastName> SKELTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000574 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Renzi, Rick [R-AZ-1] </fullName> <firstName> Rick </firstName> <lastName> Renzi </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> WOLF </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000268 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7] </fullName> <firstName> CURT </firstName> <lastName> WELDON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000554 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LOBIONDO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000289 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> GOODLATTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001134 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9] </fullName> <firstName> SUE </firstName> <lastName> MYRICK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> WILKINS </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRED </firstName> <lastName> UPTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000185 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" [D-VA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> C. "Bobby" </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000573 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> ROSS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000490 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2] </fullName> <firstName> SANFORD </firstName> <lastName> BISHOP </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000208 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROSCOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTLETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000589 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Porter, Jon C. [R-NV-3] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Porter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000136 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ANIBAL </firstName> <lastName> ACEVEDO-VILA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PR </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001004 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6] </fullName> <firstName> TED </firstName> <lastName> STRICKLAND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000712 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> HOLDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-44] </fullName> <firstName> KEN </firstName> <lastName> CALVERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 44 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2] </fullName> <firstName> ROB </firstName> <lastName> SIMMONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000099 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> WALSH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Marshall, Jim [D-GA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Marshall </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA-6] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001236 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boozman, John [R-AR-3] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Boozman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> BAKER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> SOUDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> EDWARD </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Green, Gene [D-TX-29] </fullName> <firstName> GENE </firstName> <lastName> GREEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000128 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Van Hollen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001154 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13] </fullName> <firstName> Brad </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-28 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000273 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weller, Jerry [R-IL-11] </fullName> <firstName> GERALD </firstName> <lastName> WELLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Air force </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Coast guard </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Marines </name> </item> <item> <name> Military personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Navy </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-09-03T20:41:07Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) commemorative postage stamps should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, respectively; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such stamps be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:58:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000443", "district": "7", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Ferguson, Mike [R-NJ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FERGUSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000096", "district": "8", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PASCRELL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001029", "district": "8", "first_name": "ROBIN", "full_name": "Rep. Hayes, Robin [R-NC-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001245", "district": "0", "first_name": "Madeleine", "full_name": "Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bordallo", "middle_name": "Z.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "GU" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000485", "district": "7", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCINTYRE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000994", "district": "50", "first_name": "RANDY", "full_name": "Rep. Cunningham, Randy (Duke) [R-CA-50]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUNNINGHAM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000074", "district": "4", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. Taylor, Gene [D-MS-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TAYLOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000152", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Gibbons, Jim [R-NV-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GIBBONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000448", "district": "2", "first_name": "Trent", "full_name": "Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Franks", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000463", "district": "9", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [R-FL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BILIRAKIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000114", "district": "11", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jim [D-FL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000108", "district": "1", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Visclosky, Peter J. [D-IN-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "VISCLOSKY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000445", "district": "4", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Forbes", "middle_name": "Randy", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "Q000016", "district": "27", "first_name": "JACK", "full_name": "Rep. Quinn, Jack [R-NY-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "QUINN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000440", "district": "13", "first_name": "VITO", "full_name": "Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FOSSELLA", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000444", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOEL", "full_name": "Rep. Hefley, Joel [R-CO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HEFLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000309", "district": "4", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000358", "district": "2", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "AKIN", "middle_name": "TODD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001148", "district": "2", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SIMPSON", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000057", "district": "10", "first_name": "ELLEN", "full_name": "Rep. Tauscher, Ellen O. [D-CA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TAUSCHER", "middle_name": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001242", "district": "1", "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000477", "district": "3", "first_name": "SCOTT", "full_name": "Rep. McInnis, Scott [R-CO-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCINNIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001050", "district": "18", "first_name": "Dennis", "full_name": "Rep. Cardoza, Dennis A. [D-CA-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardoza", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000465", "district": "4", "first_name": "IKE", "full_name": "Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SKELTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000574", "district": "1", "first_name": "Rick", "full_name": "Rep. Renzi, Rick [R-AZ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Renzi", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000268", "district": "7", "first_name": "CURT", "full_name": "Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000554", "district": "2", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOBIONDO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000289", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. 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Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000589", "district": "3", "first_name": "Jon", "full_name": "Rep. Porter, Jon C. [R-NV-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Porter", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000136", "district": "11", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000359", "district": "0", "first_name": "ANIBAL", "full_name": "Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACEVEDO-VILA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "PR" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001004", "district": "6", "first_name": "TED", "full_name": "Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STRICKLAND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. 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[R-NY-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WALSH", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-24", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001146", "district": "3", "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Rep. Marshall, Jim [D-GA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Marshall", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-24", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000055", "district": "6", "first_name": "Johnny", "full_name": "Rep. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-30", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001236", "district": "3", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. Boozman, John [R-AR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Boozman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-08", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-16", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-30", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000410", "district": "29", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Gene [D-TX-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001154", "district": "13", "first_name": "Brad", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-28", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000273", "district": "11", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Weller, Jerry [R-IL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WELLER", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-02", "state": "IL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 37, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "VA" } ], "subjects": [ "Air force", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Coast guard", "Government Operations and Politics", "Marines", "Military personnel", "Navy", "Postage stamps" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": " Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) commemorative postage stamps should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, respectively; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such stamps be issued.", "update_date": "2003-09-03T20:41:07Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:58:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "VA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000443", "district": "7", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Ferguson, Mike [R-NJ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FERGUSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000096", "district": "8", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PASCRELL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-NY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000477", "district": "3", "first_name": "SCOTT", "full_name": "Rep. McInnis, Scott [R-CO-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCINNIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001050", "district": "18", "first_name": "Dennis", "full_name": "Rep. Cardoza, Dennis A. [D-CA-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardoza", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000465", "district": "4", "first_name": "IKE", "full_name": "Rep. Skelton, Ike [D-MO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SKELTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000574", "district": "1", "first_name": "Rick", "full_name": "Rep. Renzi, Rick [R-AZ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Renzi", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000268", "district": "7", "first_name": "CURT", "full_name": "Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000554", "district": "2", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOBIONDO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000289", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GOODLATTE", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000136", "district": "11", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Tom [R-VA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000359", "district": "0", "first_name": "ANIBAL", "full_name": "Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACEVEDO-VILA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "PR" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001004", "district": "6", "first_name": "TED", "full_name": "Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STRICKLAND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. 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[R-NY-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WALSH", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-24", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001146", "district": "3", "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Rep. Marshall, Jim [D-GA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Marshall", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-24", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000055", "district": "6", "first_name": "Johnny", "full_name": "Rep. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-30", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001236", "district": "3", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. 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[R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000410", "district": "29", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Gene [D-TX-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001154", "district": "13", "first_name": "Brad", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-28", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000273", "district": "11", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Weller, Jerry [R-IL-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WELLER", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-02", "state": "IL" } ]
[ "Air force", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Coast guard", "Government Operations and Politics", "Marines", "Military personnel", "Navy", "Postage stamps" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": " Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) commemorative postage stamps should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, respectively; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such stamps be issued.", "update_date": "2003-09-03T20:41:07Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue commemorative postage stamps honoring Americans who distinguished themselves by their service in the armed forces.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:37:01.181
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 38 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-28T15:55:01Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T14:53:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-28 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. 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[D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Massachusetts </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses pride for the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620, and honors their pioneer spirit and desire for freedom. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the pride of the Congress for the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the pride of the Congress for the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the pride of the Congress for the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-28 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 38, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000410", "district": "29", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:53:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-28T15:55:01Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E213)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "G000410", "district": "29", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Gene [D-TX-29]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000303", "district": "22", "first_name": "E.", "full_name": "Rep. Shaw, E. Clay, Jr. [R-FL-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAW", "middle_name": "CLAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MA" } ]
[ "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "History", "Massachusetts" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses pride for the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620, and honors their pioneer spirit and desire for freedom.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the pride of the Congress for the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the pride of the Congress for the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the pride of the Congress for the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:39:00.853
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 39 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-26T20:31:14Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-12T14:57:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> U000031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRED </firstName> <lastName> UPTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000262 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9] </fullName> <firstName> HAROLD </firstName> <lastName> FORD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000535 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] </fullName> <firstName> LUIS </firstName> <lastName> GUTIERREZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Janklow, William J. [R-SD-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Janklow </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000568 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28] </fullName> <firstName> CIRO </firstName> <lastName> RODRIGUEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001004 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6] </fullName> <firstName> TED </firstName> <lastName> STRICKLAND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DINGELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000377 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Granger, Kay [R-TX-12] </fullName> <firstName> KAY </firstName> <lastName> GRANGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001227 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47] </fullName> <firstName> LORETTA </firstName> <lastName> SANCHEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 47 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000014 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] </fullName> <firstName> NEIL </firstName> <lastName> ABERCROMBIE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000537 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> CLYBURN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Access to health care </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Conferences </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to health facilities </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to research </name> </item> <item> <name> Genetic research </name> </item> <item> <name> Health counseling </name> </item> <item> <name> Health education </name> </item> <item> <name> Hepatitis </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical research </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical screening </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical tests </name> </item> <item> <name> Preventive medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> Vaccination </name> </item> <item> <name> Virus diseases </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that national and community organizations and health care providers should be applauded for promoting awareness about viral hepatitis. Calls on the Federal Government to: (1) raise awareness about the importance of prevention of viral hepatitis, counseling, and treatment; (2) increase funding for prevention education, other prevention measures (such as vaccination), and research; (3) increase efforts to find more effective treatments and cures; and (4) consider ways to improve access to high-quality health care services for early detection and treatment. Calls on the Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to expand basic, clinical, and genetic research regarding viral hepatitis. Urges the Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to give priority consideration to establishing a national viral hepatitis round table with Federal representatives and those of private, nonprofit organizations. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:57:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-26T20:31:14Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000262", "district": "9", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FORD", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000286", "district": "0", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Janklow, William J. [R-SD-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Janklow", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001004", "district": "6", "first_name": "TED", "full_name": "Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STRICKLAND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. 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[D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-21", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-15", "state": "FL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 39, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Access to health care", "Commemorations", "Conferences", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Economics and Public Finance", "Federal aid to health facilities", "Federal aid to research", "Genetic research", "Health counseling", "Health education", "Hepatitis", "Medical personnel", "Medical research", "Medical screening", "Medical tests", "Preventive medicine", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Vaccination", "Virus diseases" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that national and community organizations and health care providers should be applauded for promoting awareness about viral hepatitis. Calls on the Federal Government to: (1) raise awareness about the importance of prevention of viral hepatitis, counseling, and treatment; (2) increase funding for prevention education, other prevention measures (such as vaccination), and research; (3) increase efforts to find more effective treatments and cures; and (4) consider ways to improve access to high-quality health care services for early detection and treatment. Calls on the Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to expand basic, clinical, and genetic research regarding viral hepatitis. Urges the Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to give priority consideration to establishing a national viral hepatitis round table with Federal representatives and those of private, nonprofit organizations.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-12T14:57:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-26T20:31:14Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000262", "district": "9", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FORD", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000286", "district": "0", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Janklow, William J. [R-SD-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Janklow", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001004", "district": "6", "first_name": "TED", "full_name": "Rep. Strickland, Ted [D-OH-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STRICKLAND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-12", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. 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[D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-26", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-21", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. 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[ "Access to health care", "Commemorations", "Conferences", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Economics and Public Finance", "Federal aid to health facilities", "Federal aid to research", "Genetic research", "Health counseling", "Health education", "Hepatitis", "Medical personnel", "Medical research", "Medical screening", "Medical tests", "Preventive medicine", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Vaccination", "Virus diseases" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that national and community organizations and health care providers should be applauded for promoting awareness about viral hepatitis. Calls on the Federal Government to: (1) raise awareness about the importance of prevention of viral hepatitis, counseling, and treatment; (2) increase funding for prevention education, other prevention measures (such as vaccination), and research; (3) increase efforts to find more effective treatments and cures; and (4) consider ways to improve access to high-quality health care services for early detection and treatment. Calls on the Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to expand basic, clinical, and genetic research regarding viral hepatitis. Urges the Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to give priority consideration to establishing a national viral hepatitis round table with Federal representatives and those of private, nonprofit organizations.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding viral hepatitis.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:41:01.137
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 40 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2003-03-19T01:42:07Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-26T22:35:22Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsha00 </systemCode> <name> Committee on House Administration </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:02:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3909-3910) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S3909-3910) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssra00 </systemCode> <name> Rules and Administration Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:56:24 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 408 - 0 (Roll no. 34). (text of measure as passed House: CR H1280) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 34 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll034.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-02-25T23:56:24Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:56:24 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:56:24 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 408 - 0 (Roll no. 34).(text of measure as passed House: CR H1280) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 34 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll034.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-02-25T23:56:24Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:50:14 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1283-1284) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:38:50 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:28:43 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 40. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:28:41 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1280-1282) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:28:23 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Mica moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on House Administration. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsha00 </systemCode> <name> Committee on House Administration </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001046 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7] </fullName> <firstName> ERIC </firstName> <lastName> CANTOR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 7 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000081 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ney, Robert W. [R-OH-18] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> NEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000557 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3] </fullName> <firstName> CHRIS </firstName> <lastName> CANNON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001227 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001134 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9] </fullName> <firstName> SUE </firstName> <lastName> MYRICK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> WILKINS </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Capitol (Washington, D.C.) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Jewish holocaust (1939-1945) </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> <item> <name> Special weeks </name> </item> <item> <name> Victims of crimes </name> </item> <item> <name> War crimes </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Authorizes the use of the Capitol rotunda on April 30, 2003, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the use of the Capitol rotunda on April 30, 2003, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-02-26T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-02-25T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3909-3910)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S3909-3910)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 408 - 0 (Roll no. 34). (text of measure as passed House: CR H1280)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 408 - 0 (Roll no. 34).(text of measure as passed House: CR H1280)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1283-1284)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 40.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1280-1282)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Mica moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T01:42:07Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-02-26T22:35:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:02:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000081", "district": "18", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Ney, Robert W. [R-OH-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000557", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LARSON", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000116", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHRIS", "full_name": "Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CANNON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "FL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 40, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001046", "district": "7", "first_name": "ERIC", "full_name": "Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CANTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "VA" } ], "subjects": [ "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Congress", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "History", "International Affairs", "Jewish holocaust (1939-1945)", "Special days", "Special weeks", "Victims of crimes", "War crimes" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Authorizes the use of the Capitol rotunda on April 30, 2003, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Authorizes the use of the Capitol rotunda on April 30, 2003, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T01:42:07Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-02-26T22:35:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:02:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3909-3910)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S3909-3910)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Rules and Administration Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssra00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 408 - 0 (Roll no. 34). (text of measure as passed House: CR H1280)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 408 - 0 (Roll no. 34).(text of measure as passed House: CR H1280)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1283-1284)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 40.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1280-1282)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Mica moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C001046", "district": "7", "first_name": "ERIC", "full_name": "Rep. Cantor, Eric [R-VA-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CANTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "VA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "N000081", "district": "18", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Ney, Robert W. [R-OH-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000557", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LARSON", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000116", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHRIS", "full_name": "Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CANNON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "FL" } ]
[ "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Congress", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "History", "International Affairs", "Jewish holocaust (1939-1945)", "Special days", "Special weeks", "Victims of crimes", "War crimes" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Authorizes the use of the Capitol rotunda on April 30, 2003, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Authorizes the use of the Capitol rotunda on April 30, 2003, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-18 14:37:00.825
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 41 </number> <updateDate> 2021-09-29T21:22:25Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T06:43:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2499; text as passed Senate: CR S2499) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2499; text as passed Senate: CR S2499) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionTime> 19:29:58 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionTime> 19:29:54 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H676) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionTime> 19:29:54 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H676) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionTime> 19:28:08 </actionTime> <text> Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H676) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> FOLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 16 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional sessions </name> </item> <item> <name> House of Representatives </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from February 13 or 14, 2003, until February 25, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate from February 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, or 21, 2003 until February 24, 2003. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the Senate on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from February 13 or 14, 2003, until February 25, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate from February 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, or 21, 2003 until February 24, 2003. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Official Titles as Amended by Senate </titleType> <title> A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate. </title> <chamberCode> S </chamberCode> <chamberName> Senate </chamberName> </item> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Agreed to House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2499; text as passed Senate: CR S2499)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2499; text as passed Senate: CR S2499)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H676)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H676)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H676)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 41, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional sessions", "House of Representatives", "Senate" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from February 13 or 14, 2003, until February 25, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate from February 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, or 21, 2003 until February 24, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the Senate on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from February 13 or 14, 2003, until February 25, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate from February 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, or 21, 2003 until February 24, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": "S", "chamber_name": "Senate", "title": "A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.", "title_type": "Official Titles as Amended by Senate" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2021-09-29T21:22:25Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T06:43:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2499; text as passed Senate: CR S2499)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2499; text as passed Senate: CR S2499)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H676)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H676)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H676)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ]
[ "Congressional sessions", "House of Representatives", "Senate" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from February 13 or 14, 2003, until February 25, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate from February 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, or 21, 2003 until February 24, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the Senate on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Provides for an adjournment of the House of Representatives from February 13 or 14, 2003, until February 25, 2003, and a recess or an adjournment of the Senate from February 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, or 21, 2003 until February 24, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": "S", "chamber_name": "Senate", "title": "A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.", "title_type": "Official Titles as Amended by Senate" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "A concurrent resolution providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:41:01.320
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 42 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:08:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Charities </name> </item> <item> <name> Fraternal organizations </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp in honor of Melvin Jones; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a postage stamp be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that a postage stamp should be issued in honor of Melvin Jones. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that a postage stamp should be issued in honor of Melvin Jones. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that a postage stamp should be issued in honor of Melvin Jones. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:08:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ]
[ "Charities", "Fraternal organizations", "Government Operations and Politics", "Postage stamps", "Social Welfare" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp in honor of Melvin Jones; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a postage stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that a postage stamp should be issued in honor of Melvin Jones.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that a postage stamp should be issued in honor of Melvin Jones.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that a postage stamp should be issued in honor of Melvin Jones.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:37:01.095
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 43 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:10:10Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 4 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control verification </name> </item> <item> <name> Croatia </name> </item> <item> <name> Czech Republic </name> </item> <item> <name> Denmark </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy </name> </item> <item> <name> Estonia </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Hungary </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Italy </name> </item> <item> <name> Latvia </name> </item> <item> <name> Lithuania </name> </item> <item> <name> Macedonia </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Poland </name> </item> <item> <name> Portugal </name> </item> <item> <name> Romania </name> </item> <item> <name> Slovakia </name> </item> <item> <name> Slovenia </name> </item> <item> <name> Spain </name> </item> <item> <name> United Kingdom </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> <item> <name> Weapons of mass destruction </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Welcomes the expression of support from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom for Iraq's full compliance with Security Council Resolution 1441, and of their solidarity with the United States in calling for the demands of the Security Council to be met with regard to Iraq's full disarmament. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:10:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 43, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "number": 4, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control verification", "Croatia", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Energy", "Estonia", "Europe", "Hungary", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Italy", "Latvia", "Lithuania", "Macedonia", "Middle East and North Africa", "Poland", "Portugal", "Romania", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Spain", "United Kingdom", "United Nations", "Weapons of mass destruction" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Welcomes the expression of support from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom for Iraq's full compliance with Security Council Resolution 1441, and of their solidarity with the United States in calling for the demands of the Security Council to be met with regard to Iraq's full disarmament.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:10:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "number": 4, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control verification", "Croatia", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Energy", "Estonia", "Europe", "Hungary", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Italy", "Latvia", "Lithuania", "Macedonia", "Middle East and North Africa", "Poland", "Portugal", "Romania", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Spain", "United Kingdom", "United Nations", "Weapons of mass destruction" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Welcomes the expression of support from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom for Iraq's full compliance with Security Council Resolution 1441, and of their solidarity with the United States in calling for the demands of the Security Council to be met with regard to Iraq's full disarmament.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Welcoming the expression of support of 18 European nations for the enforcement of United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 1441.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:16:00.346
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 44 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-27T18:09:52Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-28T16:42:28Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:05:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution expressing the support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 5 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-06-08 </actionDate> <text> Held at the desk. </text> <actionTime> 20:07:22 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-27 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:26:40 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:26:31 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H2327) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:26:31 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H2327) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:12:54 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 44. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:12:52 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H2327-2330) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:12:35 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Duncan moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-28 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Leach, James A. [R-IA-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> LEACH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 2 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> G000536 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutknecht, Gil [R-MN-1] </fullName> <firstName> GIL </firstName> <lastName> GUTKNECHT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000188 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> KIND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001138 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> MANZULLO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nussle, Jim [R-IA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> NUSSLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000005 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> SABO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> OLAV </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000652 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3] </fullName> <firstName> LEONARD </firstName> <lastName> BOSWELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Latham, Tom [R-IA-4] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LATHAM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000006 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> OBERSTAR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000583 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Lamar [R-TX-21] </fullName> <firstName> LAMAR </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Illinois </name> </item> <item> <name> Inland water transportation </name> </item> <item> <name> Iowa </name> </item> <item> <name> Minnesota </name> </item> <item> <name> Mississippi River </name> </item> <item> <name> Railroad passenger traffic </name> </item> <item> <name> Railroads </name> </item> <item> <name> Rivers </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> <item> <name> Travel </name> </item> <item> <name> Water Resources Development </name> </item> <item> <name> Wisconsin </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Supports the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854 (westward expansion of the railroad from the East Coast to the shores of the Mississippi River). </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2007-05-09T18:13:29Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Supports the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854 (westward expansion of the railroad from the East Coast to the shores of the Mississippi River). </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-03-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-03-26T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-27 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H2327)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H2327)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 44.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H2327-2330)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Duncan moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-27T18:09:52Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:05:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-28T16:42:28Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "G000536", "district": "1", "first_name": "GIL", "full_name": "Rep. Gutknecht, Gil [R-MN-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GUTKNECHT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000172", "district": "1", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Nussle, Jim [R-IA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NUSSLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000111", "district": "4", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Latham, Tom [R-IA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LATHAM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000583", "district": "21", "first_name": "LAMAR", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Lamar [R-TX-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "TX" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 44, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 5, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution expressing the support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000169", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Leach, James A. [R-IA-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LEACH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "IA" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "History", "Illinois", "Inland water transportation", "Iowa", "Minnesota", "Mississippi River", "Railroad passenger traffic", "Railroads", "Rivers", "Transportation and Public Works", "Travel", "Water Resources Development", "Wisconsin" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Supports the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854 (westward expansion of the railroad from the East Coast to the shores of the Mississippi River).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-26", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Supports the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854 (westward expansion of the railroad from the East Coast to the shores of the Mississippi River).", "update_date": "2007-05-09T18:13:29Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-27T18:09:52Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:05:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-28T16:42:28Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 5, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution expressing the support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H2327)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H2327)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 44.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H2327-2330)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Duncan moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-28", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000169", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Leach, James A. [R-IA-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LEACH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "IA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "G000536", "district": "1", "first_name": "GIL", "full_name": "Rep. Gutknecht, Gil [R-MN-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GUTKNECHT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIND", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000172", "district": "1", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Nussle, Jim [R-IA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NUSSLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000111", "district": "4", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Latham, Tom [R-IA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LATHAM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000583", "district": "21", "first_name": "LAMAR", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Lamar [R-TX-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "TX" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "History", "Illinois", "Inland water transportation", "Iowa", "Minnesota", "Mississippi River", "Railroad passenger traffic", "Railroads", "Rivers", "Transportation and Public Works", "Travel", "Water Resources Development", "Wisconsin" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Supports the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854 (westward expansion of the railroad from the East Coast to the shores of the Mississippi River).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-26", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 13, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Supports the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854 (westward expansion of the railroad from the East Coast to the shores of the Mississippi River).", "update_date": "2007-05-09T18:13:29Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "To express support for the celebration in 2004 of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Excursion of 1854.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:37:00.982
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 45 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-26T20:31:54Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:00:35Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000762 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hooley, Darlene [D-OR-5] </fullName> <firstName> DARLENE </firstName> <lastName> HOOLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blood banks </name> </item> <item> <name> Donation of organs, tissues, etc. </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> <item> <name> Tissue banks </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Supports the goals and ideas of National Donor Day. Encourages all Americans to learn about the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and to discuss such donations with their families and friends. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000762", "district": "5", "first_name": "DARLENE", "full_name": "Rep. Hooley, Darlene [D-OR-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "OR" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 45, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Blood banks", "Donation of organs, tissues, etc.", "Health", "Special days", "Tissue banks" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Supports the goals and ideas of National Donor Day. Encourages all Americans to learn about the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and to discuss such donations with their families and friends.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:00:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-26T20:31:54Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000762", "district": "5", "first_name": "DARLENE", "full_name": "Rep. Hooley, Darlene [D-OR-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "OR" } ]
[ "Blood banks", "Donation of organs, tissues, etc.", "Health", "Special days", "Tissue banks" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Supports the goals and ideas of National Donor Day. Encourages all Americans to learn about the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and to discuss such donations with their families and friends.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and supporting National Donor Day.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:37:00.930
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 46 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:06:50Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E239) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000583 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> PAUL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 14 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed forces abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Military agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Military withdrawal </name> </item> <item> <name> South Korea </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003 - Expresses the sense of Congress that U.S. troops should be withdrawn from South Korea and that the United States should end its defense guarantee of such country. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003 </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003 </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that all United States Armed Forces should be withdrawn from South Korea and the United States should end its defense guarantee of South Korea. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> <item> <titleType> Short Titles as Introduced </titleType> <title> United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003 </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E239)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:06:50Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 46, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000583", "district": "14", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "PAUL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces abroad", "East Asia", "Military agreements", "Military withdrawal", "South Korea" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003 - Expresses the sense of Congress that U.S. troops should be withdrawn from South Korea and that the United States should end its defense guarantee of such country.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that all United States Armed Forces should be withdrawn from South Korea and the United States should end its defense guarantee of South Korea.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003", "title_type": "Short Titles as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:06:50Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E239)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "P000583", "district": "14", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "PAUL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces abroad", "East Asia", "Military agreements", "Military withdrawal", "South Korea" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003 - Expresses the sense of Congress that U.S. troops should be withdrawn from South Korea and that the United States should end its defense guarantee of such country.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that all United States Armed Forces should be withdrawn from South Korea and the United States should end its defense guarantee of South Korea.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "United States-Korea Normalization Resolution of 2003", "title_type": "Short Titles as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:37:01.018
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 47 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:14:10Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Ed </firstName> <lastName> Case </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000248 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSE </firstName> <lastName> SERRANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000193 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2] </fullName> <firstName> BENNIE </firstName> <lastName> THOMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] </fullName> <firstName> SILVESTRE </firstName> <lastName> REYES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Becerra, Xavier [D-CA-31] </fullName> <firstName> XAVIER </firstName> <lastName> BECERRA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 31 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000568 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28] </fullName> <firstName> CIRO </firstName> <lastName> RODRIGUEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ANIBAL </firstName> <lastName> ACEVEDO-VILA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PR </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] </fullName> <firstName> WM. </firstName> <lastName> CLAY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> LACY </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000081 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-12] </fullName> <firstName> NYDIA </firstName> <lastName> VELAZQUEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000535 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] </fullName> <firstName> LUIS </firstName> <lastName> GUTIERREZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000537 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> CLYBURN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001234 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> BACA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 43 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38] </fullName> <firstName> GRACE </firstName> <lastName> NAPOLITANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 38 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ-13] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000544 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> GONZALEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001037 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> CAPUANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-06-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Access to health care </name> </item> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Caribbean area </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Community development </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Due process of law </name> </item> <item> <name> Economic research </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Equality before the law </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> Latin America </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Minority education </name> </item> <item> <name> Minority health </name> </item> <item> <name> Nongovernmental organizations </name> </item> <item> <name> Policy sciences </name> </item> <item> <name> Poverty </name> </item> <item> <name> Racial discrimination </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Technical assistance </name> </item> <item> <name> Trade agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Treaties </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Recognizes: (1) African descendants for their contributions to the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the countries in the Americas, particularly in Latin American and Caribbean societies; and (2) that as a result of their skin color and ancestry, such descendants have wrongfully experienced economic, social, and political injustices. Urges the President to encourage the celebration and remembrance of the achievements of African descendants in the Americas and a resolution of such injustices.&lt;p&gt;Urges the United States and the international community to: (1) work to ensure that extreme poverty is eradicated, universal education is achieved, quality healthcare is made available, sustainable environmental resources are provided, and equal access to justice and representation under the law is granted in Afro-descendant communities in Latin American and the Caribbean; and (2) achieve these goals by promoting research on identifying and eradicating racial disparities in economic, political, and social spheres; promoting, funding, and creating development programs that focus on such communities; providing technical support and training to Afro-descendant advocacy groups that work to uphold basic human rights in the region; promoting the creation of an international working group on problems of such communities; and promoting trade and other bilateral and multilateral agreements that take into account the needs of such communities. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:14:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Case", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000287", "district": "31", "first_name": "XAVIER", "full_name": "Rep. Becerra, Xavier [D-CA-31]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BECERRA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000359", "district": "0", "first_name": "ANIBAL", "full_name": "Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACEVEDO-VILA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "PR" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000081", "district": "12", "first_name": "NYDIA", "full_name": "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "VELAZQUEZ", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. 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Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001234", "district": "43", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-18", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": "13", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-02", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GONZALEZ", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-30", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-06-15", "state": "MA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 47, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Access to health care", "Blacks", "Caribbean area", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Community development", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Due process of law", "Economic research", "Economics and Public Finance", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Equality before the law", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health", "Higher education", "Human rights", "International agencies", "Latin America", "Law", "Minority education", "Minority health", "Nongovernmental organizations", "Policy sciences", "Poverty", "Racial discrimination", "Social Welfare", "Technical assistance", "Trade agreements", "Treaties" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes: (1) African descendants for their contributions to the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the countries in the Americas, particularly in Latin American and Caribbean societies; and (2) that as a result of their skin color and ancestry, such descendants have wrongfully experienced economic, social, and political injustices. Urges the President to encourage the celebration and remembrance of the achievements of African descendants in the Americas and a resolution of such injustices.<p>Urges the United States and the international community to: (1) work to ensure that extreme poverty is eradicated, universal education is achieved, quality healthcare is made available, sustainable environmental resources are provided, and equal access to justice and representation under the law is granted in Afro-descendant communities in Latin American and the Caribbean; and (2) achieve these goals by promoting research on identifying and eradicating racial disparities in economic, political, and social spheres; promoting, funding, and creating development programs that focus on such communities; providing technical support and training to Afro-descendant advocacy groups that work to uphold basic human rights in the region; promoting the creation of an international working group on problems of such communities; and promoting trade and other bilateral and multilateral agreements that take into account the needs of such communities.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:14:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. 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Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000287", "district": "31", "first_name": "XAVIER", "full_name": "Rep. Becerra, Xavier [D-CA-31]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BECERRA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000359", "district": "0", "first_name": "ANIBAL", "full_name": "Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACEVEDO-VILA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "PR" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000081", "district": "12", "first_name": "NYDIA", "full_name": "Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "VELAZQUEZ", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001234", "district": "43", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000179", "district": "38", "first_name": "GRACE", "full_name": "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NAPOLITANO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-18", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-18", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-18", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": "13", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-02", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GONZALEZ", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-30", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-06-15", "state": "MA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Access to health care", "Blacks", "Caribbean area", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Community development", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Due process of law", "Economic research", "Economics and Public Finance", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Equality before the law", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health", "Higher education", "Human rights", "International agencies", "Latin America", "Law", "Minority education", "Minority health", "Nongovernmental organizations", "Policy sciences", "Poverty", "Racial discrimination", "Social Welfare", "Technical assistance", "Trade agreements", "Treaties" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes: (1) African descendants for their contributions to the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the countries in the Americas, particularly in Latin American and Caribbean societies; and (2) that as a result of their skin color and ancestry, such descendants have wrongfully experienced economic, social, and political injustices. Urges the President to encourage the celebration and remembrance of the achievements of African descendants in the Americas and a resolution of such injustices.<p>Urges the United States and the international community to: (1) work to ensure that extreme poverty is eradicated, universal education is achieved, quality healthcare is made available, sustainable environmental resources are provided, and equal access to justice and representation under the law is granted in Afro-descendant communities in Latin American and the Caribbean; and (2) achieve these goals by promoting research on identifying and eradicating racial disparities in economic, political, and social spheres; promoting, funding, and creating development programs that focus on such communities; providing technical support and training to Afro-descendant advocacy groups that work to uphold basic human rights in the region; promoting the creation of an international working group on problems of such communities; and promoting trade and other bilateral and multilateral agreements that take into account the needs of such communities.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on those descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:37:01.052
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 48 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:09:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:09:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100-A </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000097 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3] </fullName> <firstName> H. </firstName> <lastName> SAXTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> JAMES </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ANDREWS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000981 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52] </fullName> <firstName> DUNCAN </firstName> <lastName> HUNTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 52 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001029 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hayes, Robin [R-NC-8] </fullName> <firstName> ROBIN </firstName> <lastName> HAYES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1] </fullName> <firstName> WAYNE </firstName> <lastName> GILCHREST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000789 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Heather [R-NM-1] </fullName> <firstName> HEATHER </firstName> <lastName> WILSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NM </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001151 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schrock, Edward L. [R-VA-2] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> SCHROCK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000321 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LINDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000429 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doolittle, John T. [R-CA-4] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DOOLITTLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. English, Phil [R-PA-3] </fullName> <firstName> PHIL </firstName> <lastName> ENGLISH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000554 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> LOBIONDO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2] </fullName> <firstName> ROB </firstName> <lastName> SIMMONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hefley, Joel [R-CO-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOEL </firstName> <lastName> HEFLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> FOLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000057 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2] </fullName> <firstName> STEVE </firstName> <lastName> ISRAEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000074 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Taylor, Gene [D-MS-4] </fullName> <firstName> GENE </firstName> <lastName> TAYLOR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000362 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-5] </fullName> <firstName> Steve </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000508 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" [R-CA-25] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> MCKEON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> SESSIONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Aircraft industry </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control verification </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> France </name> </item> <item> <name> International military forces </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Military intervention </name> </item> <item> <name> Trade fairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> <item> <name> Weapons of mass destruction </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the U.S. Armed Forces should not participate in the 45th Paris Air Show in France should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:09:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:09:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000981", "district": "52", "first_name": "DUNCAN", "full_name": "Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HUNTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001029", "district": "8", "first_name": "ROBIN", "full_name": "Rep. Hayes, Robin [R-NC-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000180", "district": "1", "first_name": "WAYNE", "full_name": "Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GILCHREST", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000789", "district": "1", "first_name": "HEATHER", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Heather [R-NM-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WILSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001151", "district": "2", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Schrock, Edward L. 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LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOBIONDO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SIMMONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000444", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOEL", "full_name": "Rep. Hefley, Joel [R-CO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HEFLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. 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Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "TX" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 48, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "state": "NJ" } ], "subjects": [ "Aircraft industry", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control verification", "Commerce", "Europe", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "France", "International military forces", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military intervention", "Trade fairs", "Transportation and Public Works", "United Nations", "Weapons of mass destruction" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the U.S. Armed Forces should not participate in the 45th Paris Air Show in France should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:09:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:09:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000981", "district": "52", "first_name": "DUNCAN", "full_name": "Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HUNTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001029", "district": "8", "first_name": "ROBIN", "full_name": "Rep. Hayes, Robin [R-NC-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000180", "district": "1", "first_name": "WAYNE", "full_name": "Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GILCHREST", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000789", "district": "1", "first_name": "HEATHER", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Heather [R-NM-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WILSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NM" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001151", "district": "2", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Schrock, Edward L. [R-VA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHROCK", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000321", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LINDER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000429", "district": "4", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Doolittle, John T. [R-CA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOOLITTLE", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000187", "district": "3", "first_name": "PHIL", "full_name": "Rep. English, Phil [R-PA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ENGLISH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000554", "district": "2", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. [R-NJ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOBIONDO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SIMMONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000444", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOEL", "full_name": "Rep. Hefley, Joel [R-CO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HEFLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000057", "district": "2", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ISRAEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000074", "district": "4", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. Taylor, Gene [D-MS-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TAYLOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000362", "district": "5", "first_name": "Steve", "full_name": "Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000508", "district": "25", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. McKeon, Howard P. \"Buck\" [R-CA-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCKEON", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "TX" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Aircraft industry", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control verification", "Commerce", "Europe", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "France", "International military forces", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military intervention", "Trade fairs", "Transportation and Public Works", "United Nations", "Weapons of mass destruction" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the U.S. Armed Forces should not participate in the 45th Paris Air Show in France should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the people and companies of the United States and the United States Armed Forces should not participate in the Paris Air Show, should the Government of France continue its opposition to the potential use of force to insure that Saddam Hussein complies with United Nations resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:00.833
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 49 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-06-26T17:33:06Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-06-12T21:34:35Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:11:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 7 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-06-02 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-26 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:05:18 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:05:17 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 412 - 0 (Roll no. 315). (text: CR H5841-5842) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 315 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll315.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-06-25T22:05:17Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:05:17 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 412 - 0 (Roll no. 315).(text: CR H5841-5842) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 315 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll315.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-06-25T22:05:17Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:47:25 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H5881) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:20:38 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:32:58 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 49. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:32:54 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H5841-5847) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:32:34 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Smith (NJ) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E237-238) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000522 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000141 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD-3] </fullName> <firstName> Ben </firstName> <lastName> Cardin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> WOLF </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000874 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5] </fullName> <firstName> STENY </firstName> <lastName> HOYER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000119 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3] </fullName> <firstName> ZACH </firstName> <lastName> WAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28] </fullName> <firstName> LOUISE </firstName> <lastName> SLAUGHTER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ADERHOLT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000321 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LINDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000128 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Van Hollen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000022 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> ACKERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000244 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. [R-WI-5] </fullName> <firstName> F. </firstName> <lastName> SENSENBRENNER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> JAMES </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> FOLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000575 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blunt, Roy [R-MO-7] </fullName> <firstName> ROY </firstName> <lastName> BLUNT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001155 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Sullivan </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sweeney, John E. [R-NY-20] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> SWEENEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000445 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> Forbes </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> Randy </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] </fullName> <firstName> WM. </firstName> <lastName> CLAY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> LACY </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> FARR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000364 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shimkus, John [R-IL-19] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> SHIMKUS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000275 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> DEUTSCH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000548 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Garrett, Scott [R-NJ-5] </fullName> <firstName> Scott </firstName> <lastName> Garrett </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000373 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> PITTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001248 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burgess, Michael C. [R-TX-26] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Burgess </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 26 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18] </fullName> <firstName> NITA </firstName> <lastName> LOWEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000197 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1] </fullName> <firstName> DIANA </firstName> <lastName> DEGETTE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000545 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> GREEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000057 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2] </fullName> <firstName> STEVE </firstName> <lastName> ISRAEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] </fullName> <firstName> SILVESTRE </firstName> <lastName> REYES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001234 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> BACA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 43 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000002 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] </fullName> <firstName> JERROLD </firstName> <lastName> NADLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000568 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28] </fullName> <firstName> CIRO </firstName> <lastName> RODRIGUEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000014 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] </fullName> <firstName> NEIL </firstName> <lastName> ABERCROMBIE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000344 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> SHERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001249 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burns, Max [R-GA-12] </fullName> <firstName> Max </firstName> <lastName> Burns </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> SOUDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> EDWARD </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000535 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] </fullName> <firstName> LUIS </firstName> <lastName> GUTIERREZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000462 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> ROTHMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000213 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Harman, Jane [D-CA-36] </fullName> <firstName> JANE </firstName> <lastName> HARMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 36 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001036 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23] </fullName> <firstName> LOIS </firstName> <lastName> CAPPS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SHAYS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000549 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gerlach, Jim [R-PA-6] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Gerlach </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2] </fullName> <firstName> W. </firstName> <lastName> AKIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> TODD </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000303 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shaw, E. Clay, Jr. [R-FL-22] </fullName> <firstName> E. </firstName> <lastName> SHAW </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> CLAY </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000602 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7] </fullName> <firstName> Artur </firstName> <lastName> Davis </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000113 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001229 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baird, Brian [D-WA-3] </fullName> <firstName> BRIAN </firstName> <lastName> BAIRD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000459 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2] </fullName> <firstName> LEE </firstName> <lastName> TERRY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000589 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Porter, Jon C. [R-NV-3] </fullName> <firstName> Jon </firstName> <lastName> Porter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000097 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3] </fullName> <firstName> H. </firstName> <lastName> SAXTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> JAMES </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> SESSIONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001240 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Beauprez </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Antisemitism </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Conferences </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal investigation </name> </item> <item> <name> Ethnic relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> International law </name> </item> <item> <name> Jewish holocaust (1939-1945) </name> </item> <item> <name> Jews </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Prejudice </name> </item> <item> <name> Prosecution </name> </item> <item> <name> Racial discrimination </name> </item> <item> <name> Racism </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Religious liberty </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Calls on executive branch officials and Members of Congress to raise the issue of anti-Semitism in their bilateral contacts with other countries and at multilateral fora, including meetings of the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the July 2003 Twelfth Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.&lt;p&gt;Calls on participating OSCE States to: (1) condemn anti-Semitism, racial and ethnic hatred, xenophobia, and discrimination, as well as persecution on religious grounds whenever it occurs; (2) ensure effective local and national law enforcement against criminal acts stemming from anti-Semitism, xenophobia, or racial or ethnic hatred, including thorough investigation and prosecution of such acts; (3) promote the creation of educational efforts throughout the region to counter anti-Semitic stereotypes and attitudes among younger people, increase Holocaust awareness programs, and help identify the necessary resources to accomplish this goal; (4) play a leading role in combating anti-Semitism and ensure that the resolution adopted at the 2002 meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Berlin is followed up by a series of concrete actions at the national level; and (5) organize a separately designated human dimension event on anti-Semitism as early as possible in 2003, consistent with the Porto Ministerial Declaration adopted by the OSCE at the Tenth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in December 2002. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-06-26T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-06-25T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-06-26 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 412 - 0 (Roll no. 315). (text: CR H5841-5842)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 412 - 0 (Roll no. 315).(text: CR H5841-5842)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H5881)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 49.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H5841-5847)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Smith (NJ) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E237-238)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-26T17:33:06Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-12T21:34:35Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-13T15:11:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": "3", "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Rep. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000874", "district": "5", "first_name": "STENY", "full_name": "Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOYER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000119", "district": "3", "first_name": "ZACH", "full_name": "Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000055", "district": "4", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ADERHOLT", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000321", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LINDER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000244", "district": "5", "first_name": "F.", "full_name": "Rep. Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. [R-WI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SENSENBRENNER", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000575", "district": "7", "first_name": "ROY", "full_name": "Rep. Blunt, Roy [R-MO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BLUNT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001155", "district": "1", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sullivan", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. 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[R-NY-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SWEENEY", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000445", "district": "4", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Forbes", "middle_name": "Randy", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FARR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000364", "district": "19", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Shimkus, John [R-IL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHIMKUS", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000548", "district": "5", "first_name": "Scott", "full_name": "Rep. Garrett, Scott [R-NJ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Garrett", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000373", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [R-PA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PITTS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001248", "district": "26", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Burgess, Michael C. [R-TX-26]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Burgess", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOWEY", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000197", "district": "1", "first_name": "DIANA", "full_name": "Rep. DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEGETTE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000545", "district": "8", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Green, Mark [R-WI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GREEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": "2", "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Rep. 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Baca, Joe [D-CA-43]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000344", "district": "27", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHERMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": "10", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001249", "district": "12", "first_name": "Max", "full_name": "Rep. Burns, Max [R-GA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Burns", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000213", "district": "36", "first_name": "JANE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000303", "district": "22", "first_name": "E.", "full_name": "Rep. Shaw, E. Clay, Jr. [R-FL-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAW", "middle_name": "CLAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. 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Baird, Brian [D-WA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAIRD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000589", "district": "3", "first_name": "Jon", "full_name": "Rep. Porter, Jon C. [R-NV-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Porter", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001240", "district": "7", "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Beauprez", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CO" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 49, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-02", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "number": 7, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "NJ" } ], "subjects": [ "Antisemitism", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Conferences", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal investigation", "Ethnic relations", "Europe", "History", "Human rights", "International agencies", "International law", "Jewish holocaust (1939-1945)", "Jews", "Minorities", "Prejudice", "Prosecution", "Racial discrimination", "Racism", "Religion", "Religious liberty" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls on executive branch officials and Members of Congress to raise the issue of anti-Semitism in their bilateral contacts with other countries and at multilateral fora, including meetings of the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the July 2003 Twelfth Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.<p>Calls on participating OSCE States to: (1) condemn anti-Semitism, racial and ethnic hatred, xenophobia, and discrimination, as well as persecution on religious grounds whenever it occurs; (2) ensure effective local and national law enforcement against criminal acts stemming from anti-Semitism, xenophobia, or racial or ethnic hatred, including thorough investigation and prosecution of such acts; (3) promote the creation of educational efforts throughout the region to counter anti-Semitic stereotypes and attitudes among younger people, increase Holocaust awareness programs, and help identify the necessary resources to accomplish this goal; (4) play a leading role in combating anti-Semitism and ensure that the resolution adopted at the 2002 meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Berlin is followed up by a series of concrete actions at the national level; and (5) organize a separately designated human dimension event on anti-Semitism as early as possible in 2003, consistent with the Porto Ministerial Declaration adopted by the OSCE at the Tenth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in December 2002.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-06-25T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-26T17:33:06Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-12T21:34:35Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-13T15:11:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-02", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "number": 7, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 412 - 0 (Roll no. 315). (text: CR H5841-5842)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 412 - 0 (Roll no. 315).(text: CR H5841-5842)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H5881)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 49.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H5841-5847)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-06-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Smith (NJ) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E237-238)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000522", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000141", "district": "3", "first_name": "Ben", "full_name": "Rep. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Cardin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000874", "district": "5", "first_name": "STENY", "full_name": "Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOYER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000119", "district": "3", "first_name": "ZACH", "full_name": "Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000055", "district": "4", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ADERHOLT", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000321", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LINDER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000244", "district": "5", "first_name": "F.", "full_name": "Rep. Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. [R-WI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SENSENBRENNER", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. 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[R-NY-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SWEENEY", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000445", "district": "4", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Forbes", "middle_name": "Randy", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FARR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. 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Baca, Joe [D-CA-43]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000568", "district": "28", "first_name": "CIRO", "full_name": "Rep. Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RODRIGUEZ", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000344", "district": "27", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHERMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": "10", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-01", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001249", "district": "12", "first_name": "Max", "full_name": "Rep. Burns, Max [R-GA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Burns", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000213", "district": "36", "first_name": "JANE", "full_name": "Rep. Harman, Jane [D-CA-36]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HARMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001036", "district": "23", "first_name": "LOIS", "full_name": "Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAPPS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001144", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAYS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000549", "district": "6", "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Rep. Gerlach, Jim [R-PA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Gerlach", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000358", "district": "2", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "AKIN", "middle_name": "TODD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000303", "district": "22", "first_name": "E.", "full_name": "Rep. Shaw, E. Clay, Jr. [R-FL-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAW", "middle_name": "CLAY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001229", "district": "3", "first_name": "BRIAN", "full_name": "Rep. Baird, Brian [D-WA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAIRD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000589", "district": "3", "first_name": "Jon", "full_name": "Rep. Porter, Jon C. [R-NV-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Porter", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001240", "district": "7", "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Beauprez", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CO" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Antisemitism", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Conferences", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal investigation", "Ethnic relations", "Europe", "History", "Human rights", "International agencies", "International law", "Jewish holocaust (1939-1945)", "Jews", "Minorities", "Prejudice", "Prosecution", "Racial discrimination", "Racism", "Religion", "Religious liberty" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls on executive branch officials and Members of Congress to raise the issue of anti-Semitism in their bilateral contacts with other countries and at multilateral fora, including meetings of the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the July 2003 Twelfth Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.<p>Calls on participating OSCE States to: (1) condemn anti-Semitism, racial and ethnic hatred, xenophobia, and discrimination, as well as persecution on religious grounds whenever it occurs; (2) ensure effective local and national law enforcement against criminal acts stemming from anti-Semitism, xenophobia, or racial or ethnic hatred, including thorough investigation and prosecution of such acts; (3) promote the creation of educational efforts throughout the region to counter anti-Semitic stereotypes and attitudes among younger people, increase Holocaust awareness programs, and help identify the necessary resources to accomplish this goal; (4) play a leading role in combating anti-Semitism and ensure that the resolution adopted at the 2002 meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Berlin is followed up by a series of concrete actions at the national level; and (5) organize a separately designated human dimension event on anti-Semitism as early as possible in 2003, consistent with the Porto Ministerial Declaration adopted by the OSCE at the Tenth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in December 2002.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to prevent future occurrences.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-06-26T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-06-25T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-26", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:00.915
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 50 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsha00 </systemCode> <name> Committee on House Administration </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-13T15:10:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on House Administration. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsha00 </systemCode> <name> Committee on House Administration </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000822 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6] </fullName> <firstName> CLIFF </firstName> <lastName> STEARNS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 6 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2] </fullName> <firstName> W. </firstName> <lastName> AKIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> TODD </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000599 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Lincoln [D-TN-4] </fullName> <firstName> Lincoln </firstName> <lastName> Davis </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001239 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Barrett, J. Gresham [R-SC-3] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> Barrett </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> Gresham </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000208 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROSCOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTLETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Rob [R-UT-1] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Bishop </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> SOUDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> EDWARD </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> BAKER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001247 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown-Waite, Ginny [R-FL-5] </fullName> <firstName> Ginny </firstName> <lastName> Brown-Waite </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000546 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO-6] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> GRAVES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000220 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kingston, Jack [R-GA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JACK </firstName> <lastName> KINGSTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000255 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] </fullName> <firstName> WALTER </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000807 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hostettler, John N. [R-IN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> HOSTETTLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000362 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-5] </fullName> <firstName> Steve </firstName> <lastName> King </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000168 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Deal, Nathan [R-GA-10] </fullName> <firstName> NATHAN </firstName> <lastName> DEAL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Bible </name> </item> <item> <name> Capitol (Washington, D.C.) </name> </item> <item> <name> Church and state </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Ethics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Religious liberty </name> </item> <item> <name> Signs and symbols </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Requires the Ten Commandments to be prominently posted for display in the chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> To require the posting of the Ten Commandments in the House and Senate chambers. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> To require the posting of the Ten Commandments in the House and Senate chambers. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> To require the posting of the Ten Commandments in the House and Senate chambers. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on House Administration. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Bishop, Rob [R-UT-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001247", "district": "5", "first_name": "Ginny", "full_name": "Rep. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 50, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:10:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "STEARNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000358", "district": "2", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "AKIN", "middle_name": "TODD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000599", "district": "4", "first_name": "Lincoln", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Lincoln [D-TN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000293", "district": "2", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-24", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001239", "district": "3", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Barrett, J. Gresham [R-SC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Barrett", "middle_name": "Gresham", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001250", "district": "1", "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Rob [R-UT-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001247", "district": "5", "first_name": "Ginny", "full_name": "Rep. Brown-Waite, Ginny [R-FL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Brown-Waite", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000546", "district": "6", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GRAVES", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000220", "district": "1", "first_name": "JACK", "full_name": "Rep. Kingston, Jack [R-GA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KINGSTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-15", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-15", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000807", "district": "8", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Hostettler, John N. [R-IN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOSTETTLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-15", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000362", "district": "5", "first_name": "Steve", "full_name": "Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "King", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-16", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000168", "district": "10", "first_name": "NATHAN", "full_name": "Rep. Deal, Nathan [R-GA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEAL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-30", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-01", "state": "FL" } ]
[ "Bible", "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Church and state", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Ethics", "Government Operations and Politics", "Religion", "Religious liberty", "Signs and symbols" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Requires the Ten Commandments to be prominently posted for display in the chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
To require the posting of the Ten Commandments in the House and Senate chambers.
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[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:00.874
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Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6] </fullName> <firstName> CLIFF </firstName> <lastName> STEARNS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 6 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional powers </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Flags </name> </item> <item> <name> Freedom of speech </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Congress should have the power to prohibit the desecration of the U.S. flag. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Congress should have the power to prohibit desecration of the flag of the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Congress should have the power to prohibit desecration of the flag of the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Congress should have the power to prohibit desecration of the flag of the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-13T15:10:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T20:57:32Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsju10" } ], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju10", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "STEARNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ]
[ "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Congress", "Congressional powers", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Flags", "Freedom of speech" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Congress should have the power to prohibit the desecration of the U.S. flag.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Congress should have the power to prohibit desecration of the flag of the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Congress should have the power to prohibit desecration of the flag of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Congress should have the power to prohibit desecration of the flag of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:38:02.248
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 52 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-25 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-10T15:26:17Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-25T19:05:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000762 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hooley, Darlene [D-OR-5] </fullName> <firstName> DARLENE </firstName> <lastName> HOOLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 5 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000413 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> HAYWORTH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000165 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Osborne, Tom [R-NE-3] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> OSBORNE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000552 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18] </fullName> <firstName> RAY </firstName> <lastName> LAHOOD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Associations, institutions, etc. </name> </item> <item> <name> Dietary supplements </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Weight loss </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-25T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T19:05:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-10T15:26:17Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000413", "district": "5", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAYWORTH", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000165", "district": "3", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Osborne, Tom [R-NE-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OSBORNE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000552", "district": "18", "first_name": "RAY", "full_name": "Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAHOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-25", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 52, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Sports and Recreation", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000762", "district": "5", "first_name": "DARLENE", "full_name": "Rep. Hooley, Darlene [D-OR-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HOOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "OR" } ], "subjects": [ "Associations, institutions, etc.", "Dietary supplements", "Health", "Weight loss" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T19:05:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-10T15:26:17Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000762", "district": "5", "first_name": "DARLENE", "full_name": "Rep. Hooley, Darlene [D-OR-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HOOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "OR" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000413", "district": "5", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAYWORTH", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000165", "district": "3", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Osborne, Tom [R-NE-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OSBORNE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000552", "district": "18", "first_name": "RAY", "full_name": "Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAHOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IL" } ]
Sports and Recreation
[ "Associations, institutions, etc.", "Dietary supplements", "Health", "Weight loss" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that all major sports organizations should ban the use of ephedra and dietary supplements containing ephedrine.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-20 00:46:00.819
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 53 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T23:47:51Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T23:47:51Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-25 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hspw13 </systemCode> <name> Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2003-03-19T14:25:08Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-03-19T14:24:29Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-19T14:24:17Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2003-05-01T20:21:11Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-04-09T19:09:07Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-25T19:01:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <committeeReports> <committeeReport> <citation> H. Rept. 108-86 </citation> </committeeReport> </committeeReports> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-08 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-08 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5978) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:31:10 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:31:09 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 168). (text: CR H3701-3702) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 168 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll168.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-05-07T19:31:09Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:31:09 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 168).(text: CR H3701-3702) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 168 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll168.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-05-07T19:31:09Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:24:52 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H3735-3736) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:09:13 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:57:28 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 53. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:57:26 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3701-3703) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:57:08 </actionTime> <text> Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-01 </actionDate> <text> Placed on the House Calendar, Calendar No. 31. </text> <type> Calendars </type> <actionCode> H12420 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <calendarNumber> <calendar> H00031 </calendar> </calendarNumber> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-01 </actionDate> <text> Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Transportation. H. Rept. 108-86. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> H12200 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-01 </actionDate> <text> Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Transportation. H. Rept. 108-86. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 5000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-09 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-09 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw13 </systemCode> <name> Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee (Amended) by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw13 </systemCode> <name> Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw13 </systemCode> <name> Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000874 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5] </fullName> <firstName> STENY </firstName> <lastName> HOYER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> WOLF </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000933 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MORAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000128 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Van Hollen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <cboCostEstimates> <item> <pubDate> 2003-04-10T04:00:00Z </pubDate> <title> H. Con. Res. 53, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby </title> <url> http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14389 </url> <description> &lt;p&gt;Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003&lt;/p&gt; </description> </item> <item> <pubDate> 2003-04-10T04:00:00Z </pubDate> <title> H. Con. Res. 53, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby </title> <url> https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14389 </url> <description> Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003 </description> </item> </cboCostEstimates> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Capitol (Washington, D.C.) </name> </item> <item> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 22, 2003. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 17 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-05-01 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to House with amendment(s) </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 36 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the House on May 1, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-05-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the House on May 1, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-05-08T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-05-07T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Reported in House </type> <date> 2003-05-01T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-25T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-05-08 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. 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Con. Res. 53, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby", "url": "http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14389" }, { "description": "Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003", "pub_date": "2003-04-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 53, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby", "url": "https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14389" } ], "committee_reports": [ { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-86" } ], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-05-01T20:21:11Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-04-09T19:09:07Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-25T19:01:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T14:25:08Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-03-19T14:24:29Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-19T14:24:17Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee", "system_code": "hspw13" } ], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-25", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 53, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000874", "district": "5", "first_name": "STENY", "full_name": "Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HOYER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "subjects": [ "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Sports and Recreation" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 22, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-01", "action_desc": "Reported to House with amendment(s)", "text": "Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "17" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-07", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the House on May 1, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "36" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-08", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the House on May 1, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-05-08T04:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-05-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-05-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T23:47:51Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T23:47:51Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-05-01T20:21:11Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-04-09T19:09:07Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-25T19:01:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T14:25:08Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-03-19T14:24:29Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-19T14:24:17Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee", "system_code": "hspw13" } ], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-86" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5978)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 168). (text: CR H3701-3702)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 168).(text: CR H3701-3702)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H3735-3736)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 53.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. 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[ { "bioguide_id": "H000874", "district": "5", "first_name": "STENY", "full_name": "Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [D-MD-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HOYER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "W000672", "district": "10", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Wolf, Frank R. [R-VA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOLF", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MD" } ]
[ { "description": "<p>Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003</p>", "pub_date": "2003-04-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 53, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby", "url": "http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14389" }, { "description": "Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003", "pub_date": "2003-04-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 53, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby", "url": "https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14389" } ]
[ "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Sports and Recreation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 22, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-01", "action_desc": "Reported to House with amendment(s)", "text": "Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "17" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-07", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the House on May 1, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "36" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-08", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the House on May 1, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Permits the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby Association to sponsor soap box derby races as a free public event on the Capitol grounds on June 21, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-05-08T04:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-05-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-05-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:17:01.319
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 54 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-25 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-06T17:31:07Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-25T19:00:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that there should be established a National Visiting Nurse Association Week." </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 8 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-11-19 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 19:37:32 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:55:14 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:55:10 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 411 - 0 (Roll no. 41). (text: CR H1481) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 41 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll041.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-04T23:55:10Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:55:10 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 411 - 0 (Roll no. 41).(text: CR H1481) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 41 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll041.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-04T23:55:10Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:48:46 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1488-1489) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:39:47 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:23:28 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 54. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:23:26 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1481-1484) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:23:10 </actionTime> <text> Mrs. Miller (MI) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E278) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Peterson, John E. [R-PA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> PETERSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000099 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> WALSH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001245 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Madeleine </firstName> <lastName> Bordallo </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GU </state> <middleName> Z. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DINGELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000712 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> HOLDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000249 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Matsui, Robert T. [D-CA-5] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> MATSUI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001037 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> CAPUANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000113 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001227 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38] </fullName> <firstName> GRACE </firstName> <lastName> NAPOLITANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 38 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000015 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> NEAL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28] </fullName> <firstName> LOUISE </firstName> <lastName> SLAUGHTER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sherwood, Don [R-PA-10] </fullName> <firstName> DON </firstName> <lastName> SHERWOOD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000508 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" [R-CA-25] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> MCKEON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000472 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCHUGH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000248 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSE </firstName> <lastName> SERRANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001234 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> BACA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 43 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11] </fullName> <firstName> Thaddeus </firstName> <lastName> McCotter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Community health services </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Home care services </name> </item> <item> <name> Nonprofit organizations </name> </item> <item> <name> Nurses </name> </item> <item> <name> Nursing </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Special weeks </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Declares the sense of the Congress that an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week should be established. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that there should be established an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that there should be established an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that there should be established an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-03-06T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-03-04T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-25T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 411 - 0 (Roll no. 41). (text: CR H1481)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 411 - 0 (Roll no. 41).(text: CR H1481)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1488-1489)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 54.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1481-1484)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mrs. Miller (MI) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E278)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T17:31:07Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T19:00:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000263", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Peterson, John E. [R-PA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PETERSON", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000099", "district": "25", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WALSH", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000712", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOLDEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000249", "district": "5", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Matsui, Robert T. [D-CA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MATSUI", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. 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Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001146", "district": "10", "first_name": "DON", "full_name": "Rep. Sherwood, Don [R-PA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SHERWOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000508", "district": "25", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. McKeon, Howard P. \"Buck\" [R-CA-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCKEON", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000472", "district": "23", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCHUGH", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001234", "district": "43", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-25", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 54, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 8, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that there should be established a National Visiting Nurse Association Week.\"", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T17:31:07Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T19:00:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 8, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that there should be established a National Visiting Nurse Association Week.\"", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 411 - 0 (Roll no. 41). (text: CR H1481)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 411 - 0 (Roll no. 41).(text: CR H1481)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1488-1489)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 54.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1481-1484)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mrs. Miller (MI) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E278)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "state": "MA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "P000263", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Peterson, John E. [R-PA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PETERSON", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000099", "district": "25", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Walsh, James T. [R-NY-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WALSH", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001245", "district": "0", "first_name": "Madeleine", "full_name": "Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bordallo", "middle_name": "Z.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "GU" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000712", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOLDEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000249", "district": "5", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Matsui, Robert T. [D-CA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MATSUI", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000179", "district": "38", "first_name": "GRACE", "full_name": "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NAPOLITANO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000015", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NEAL", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001146", "district": "10", "first_name": "DON", "full_name": "Rep. Sherwood, Don [R-PA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SHERWOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000508", "district": "25", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. McKeon, Howard P. \"Buck\" [R-CA-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCKEON", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000472", "district": "23", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCHUGH", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001234", "district": "43", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MI" } ]
[ "Community health services", "Health", "Home care services", "Nonprofit organizations", "Nurses", "Nursing", "Social Welfare", "Special weeks" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Declares the sense of the Congress that an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week should be established.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that there should be established an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that there should be established an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that there should be established an annual National Visiting Nurse Association Week.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:29:00.722
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 55 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-25 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-25T19:04:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000822 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6] </fullName> <firstName> CLIFF </firstName> <lastName> STEARNS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 6 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Air force </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Ballistic missiles </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Military research </name> </item> <item> <name> Officer personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Retired military personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Recognizes General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his service to the Air Force and in the development of the U.S. ballistic missile program. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-25T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-25 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T19:04:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-25", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 55, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "STEARNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Air force", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Ballistic missiles", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Military research", "Officer personnel", "Retired military personnel", "Science, Technology, Communications" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his service to the Air Force and in the development of the U.S. ballistic missile program.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-25T19:04:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "STEARNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "FL" } ]
[ "Air force", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Ballistic missiles", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Military research", "Officer personnel", "Retired military personnel", "Science, Technology, Communications" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-25", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his service to the Air Force and in the development of the U.S. ballistic missile program.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring General Bernard A. Schriever, United States Air Force (retired), for his dedication and service to the United States Air Force, for his essential service in the development of the United States ballistic missile program, and for his lifetime of work to enhance the security of the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:00.952
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 56 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-26 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sscm00 </systemCode> <name> Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-06-23T17:42:04Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hspw12 </systemCode> <name> Highways and Transit Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T21:01:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-26T18:01:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-23 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sscm00 </systemCode> <name> Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:15:49 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:15:45 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H4659) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:15:45 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H4659) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:09:47 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 56. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:09:38 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H4659-4660) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:09:23 </actionTime> <text> Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw12 </systemCode> <name> Highways and Transit Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Highways, Transit and Pipelines. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [R-FL-9] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> BILIRAKIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001246 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bradley, Jeb [R-NH-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeb </firstName> <lastName> Bradley </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> BAKER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MATHESON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000712 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> HOLDEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000598 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53] </fullName> <firstName> SUSAN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 53 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000585 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19] </fullName> <firstName> TODD </firstName> <lastName> PLATTS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> RUSSELL </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000309 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000933 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MORAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000413 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> HAYWORTH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000323 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pickering, Charles W. "Chip" [R-MS-3] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> PICKERING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000074 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Taylor, Gene [D-MS-4] </fullName> <firstName> GENE </firstName> <lastName> TAYLOR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000359 </bioguideId> <fullName> Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ANIBAL </firstName> <lastName> ACEVEDO-VILA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PR </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001235 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Henry E., Jr. [R-SC-1] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000535 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] </fullName> <firstName> LUIS </firstName> <lastName> GUTIERREZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hart, Melissa A. [R-PA-4] </fullName> <firstName> MELISSA </firstName> <lastName> HART </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000762 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hooley, Darlene [D-OR-5] </fullName> <firstName> DARLENE </firstName> <lastName> HOOLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000188 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kind, Ron [D-WI-3] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> KIND </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000258 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Peterson, Collin C. [D-MN-7] </fullName> <firstName> COLLIN </firstName> <lastName> PETERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> Q000016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Quinn, Jack [R-NY-27] </fullName> <firstName> JACK </firstName> <lastName> QUINN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000556 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Coble, Howard [R-NC-6] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> COBLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000255 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] </fullName> <firstName> WALTER </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Animals </name> </item> <item> <name> Blind </name> </item> <item> <name> Disabled </name> </item> <item> <name> Dogs </name> </item> <item> <name> Driver licenses </name> </item> <item> <name> Driver tests </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that each State should require, as a condition of obtaining a driver's license, that a candidate demonstrate an ability to associate the use of the white cane and guide dog with a visually impaired individual and to exercise increased caution when driving in proximity to a potentially visually impaired individual. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-06-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-07-07T20:32:18Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of Congress that each State should require, as a condition of obtaining a driver's license, that a candidate demonstrate an ability to associate the use of the white cane and guide dog with a visually impaired individual and to exercise increased caution when driving in proximity to a potentially visually impaired individual. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2004-06-23T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2004-06-22T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-26T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-06-23 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H4659)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H4659)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 56.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H4659-4660)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Highways and Transit Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hspw12", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Highways, Transit and Pipelines.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-06-23T17:42:04Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-26T18:01:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T21:01:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Highways and Transit Subcommittee", "system_code": "hspw12" } ], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000463", "district": "9", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [R-FL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BILIRAKIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001246", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeb", "full_name": "Rep. Bradley, Jeb [R-NH-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bradley", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001142", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MATHESON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000712", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Holden, Tim [D-PA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOLDEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000598", "district": "53", "first_name": "SUSAN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000585", "district": "19", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Platts, Todd Russell [R-PA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PLATTS", "middle_name": "RUSSELL", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-09", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000309", "district": "4", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000413", "district": "5", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HAYWORTH", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000323", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Pickering, Charles W. \"Chip\" [R-MS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PICKERING", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000074", "district": "4", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. Taylor, Gene [D-MS-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TAYLOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-30", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-30", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000359", "district": "0", "first_name": "ANIBAL", "full_name": "Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACEVEDO-VILA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "PR" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001235", "district": "1", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Henry E., Jr. [R-SC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001033", "district": "4", "first_name": "MELISSA", "full_name": "Rep. Hart, Melissa A. [R-PA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HART", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000762", "district": "5", "first_name": "DARLENE", "full_name": "Rep. Hooley, Darlene [D-OR-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-03", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-03", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-17", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000188", "district": "3", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. 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Coble, Howard [R-NC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COBLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-30", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-30", "state": "NC" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-26", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 56, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Transportation and Public Works", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Animals", "Blind", "Disabled", "Dogs", "Driver licenses", "Driver tests" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that each State should require, as a condition of obtaining a driver's license, that a candidate demonstrate an ability to associate the use of the white cane and guide dog with a visually impaired individual and to exercise increased caution when driving in proximity to a potentially visually impaired individual.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-06-22", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that each State should require, as a condition of obtaining a driver's license, that a candidate demonstrate an ability to associate the use of the white cane and guide dog with a visually impaired individual and to exercise increased caution when driving in proximity to a potentially visually impaired individual. </p>", "update_date": "2004-07-07T20:32:18Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-06-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-06-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-06-23T17:42:04Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-26T18:01:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T21:01:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Highways and Transit Subcommittee", "system_code": "hspw12" } ], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-23", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sscm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H4659)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H4659)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 56.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H4659-4660)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-06-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Highways and Transit Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hspw12", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Highways, Transit and Pipelines.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000463", "district": "9", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [R-FL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BILIRAKIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001246", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeb", "full_name": "Rep. Bradley, Jeb [R-NH-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bradley", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001142", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MATHESON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. 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[D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000309", "district": "4", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000413", "district": "5", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HAYWORTH", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Timothy J. [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000323", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-30", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000359", "district": "0", "first_name": "ANIBAL", "full_name": "Resident Commissioner Acevedo-Vila, Anibal [D-PR-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ACEVEDO-VILA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "PR" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. 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Transportation and Public Works
[ "Animals", "Blind", "Disabled", "Dogs", "Driver licenses", "Driver tests" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-26", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that each State should require, as a condition of obtaining a driver's license, that a candidate demonstrate an ability to associate the use of the white cane and guide dog with a visually impaired individual and to exercise increased caution when driving in proximity to a potentially visually impaired individual.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-06-22", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that each State should require, as a condition of obtaining a driver's license, that a candidate demonstrate an ability to associate the use of the white cane and guide dog with a visually impaired individual and to exercise increased caution when driving in proximity to a potentially visually impaired individual. </p>", "update_date": "2004-07-07T20:32:18Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that States should require candidates for driver's licenses to demonstrate an ability to exercise greatly increased caution when driving in the proximity of a potentially visually impaired individual.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-06-23T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-06-22T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-23", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:38:02.210
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 57 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsju10 </systemCode> <name> Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-06T20:58:35Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:01:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-03-05T17:51:18Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:01:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsju10 </systemCode> <name> Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100-A </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E317) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B001232 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13] </fullName> <firstName> JUDY </firstName> <lastName> BIGGERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000197 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-8] </fullName> <firstName> NANCY </firstName> <lastName> PELOSI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001047 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV-2] </fullName> <firstName> Shelley </firstName> <lastName> Capito </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WV </state> <middleName> Moore </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000360 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> KIRK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> STEVEN </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28] </fullName> <firstName> LOUISE </firstName> <lastName> SLAUGHTER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000216 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] </fullName> <firstName> ROSA </firstName> <lastName> DELAURO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2] </fullName> <firstName> ROB </firstName> <lastName> SIMMONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001036 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23] </fullName> <firstName> LOIS </firstName> <lastName> CAPPS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000085 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> OLVER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000002 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] </fullName> <firstName> JERROLD </firstName> <lastName> NADLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001156 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39] </fullName> <firstName> Linda </firstName> <lastName> Sánchez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 39 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000535 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] </fullName> <firstName> LUIS </firstName> <lastName> GUTIERREZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000486 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34] </fullName> <firstName> LUCILLE </firstName> <lastName> ROYBAL-ALLARD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 34 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5] </fullName> <firstName> Rahm </firstName> <lastName> Emanuel </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000652 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3] </fullName> <firstName> LEONARD </firstName> <lastName> BOSWELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000552 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18] </fullName> <firstName> RAY </firstName> <lastName> LAHOOD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000342 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> LIPINSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> O. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001138 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> MANZULLO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Ed </firstName> <lastName> Case </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000574 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3] </fullName> <firstName> EARL </firstName> <lastName> BLUMENAUER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000510 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ-13] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ANDREWS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000544 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> GONZALEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18] </fullName> <firstName> NITA </firstName> <lastName> LOWEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000128 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Van Hollen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> MEEHAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001247 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown-Waite, Ginny [R-FL-5] </fullName> <firstName> Ginny </firstName> <lastName> Brown-Waite </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Michaud </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000439 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Greenwood, James C. [R-PA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> GREENWOOD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000598 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53] </fullName> <firstName> SUSAN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 53 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38] </fullName> <firstName> GRACE </firstName> <lastName> NAPOLITANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 38 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child abuse </name> </item> <item> <name> Child health </name> </item> <item> <name> Children's rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Crimes against women </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Sex discrimination </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> <item> <name> Violence </name> </item> <item> <name> Women </name> </item> <item> <name> Women's health </name> </item> <item> <name> Women's rights </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses support for the goals of International Women's Day. Recognizes and honors the women who have fought and continue to struggle for gender equality and women's rights.&lt;p&gt;Reaffirms the commitment to ending discrimination and violence against women and girls, to ensuring their safety and welfare, and to pursuing policies that guarantee their basic rights.&lt;p&gt;Encourages the President to: (1) affirm his commitment to pursue policies to protect the health and rights of women and girls; and (2) issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe International Women's Day. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Supporting the goals of International Women's Day. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Supporting the goals of International Women's Day. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Supporting the goals of International Women's Day. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju10", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E317)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:01:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T20:58:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsju10" } ], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T17:51:18Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-27T18:01:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000197", "district": "8", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PELOSI", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001047", "district": "2", "first_name": "Shelley", "full_name": "Rep. Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Capito", "middle_name": "Moore", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": "10", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": "2", "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. 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Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001156", "district": "39", "first_name": "Linda", "full_name": "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sánchez", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000486", "district": "34", "first_name": "LUCILLE", "full_name": "Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "Rahm", "full_name": "Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Emanuel", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000552", "district": "18", "first_name": "RAY", "full_name": "Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAHOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000342", "district": "3", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIPINSKI", "middle_name": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000285", "district": "15", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000574", "district": "3", "first_name": "EARL", "full_name": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BLUMENAUER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": "13", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": "2", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GONZALEZ", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOWEY", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001247", "district": "5", "first_name": "Ginny", "full_name": "Rep. Brown-Waite, Ginny [R-FL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Brown-Waite", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000439", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Greenwood, James C. [R-PA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GREENWOOD", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000598", "district": "53", "first_name": "SUSAN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000179", "district": "38", "first_name": "GRACE", "full_name": "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NAPOLITANO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 57, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ], "subjects": [ "Child abuse", "Child health", "Children's rights", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Crimes against women", "Families", "Health", "Human rights", "Sex discrimination", "Special days", "Violence", "Women", "Women's health", "Women's rights" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses support for the goals of International Women's Day. Recognizes and honors the women who have fought and continue to struggle for gender equality and women's rights.<p>Reaffirms the commitment to ending discrimination and violence against women and girls, to ensuring their safety and welfare, and to pursuing policies that guarantee their basic rights.<p>Encourages the President to: (1) affirm his commitment to pursue policies to protect the health and rights of women and girls; and (2) issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe International Women's Day.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Supporting the goals of International Women's Day.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals of International Women's Day.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals of International Women's Day.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:01:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T20:58:35Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsju10" } ], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T17:51:18Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-27T18:01:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju10", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on International Relations, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E317)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "state": "IL" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B001232", "district": "13", "first_name": "JUDY", "full_name": "Rep. Biggert, Judy [R-IL-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BIGGERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000197", "district": "8", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PELOSI", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001047", "district": "2", "first_name": "Shelley", "full_name": "Rep. Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Capito", "middle_name": "Moore", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000360", "district": "10", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Kirk, Mark Steven [R-IL-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KIRK", "middle_name": "STEVEN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. 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[D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SIMMONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001036", "district": "23", "first_name": "LOIS", "full_name": "Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPPS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001156", "district": "39", "first_name": "Linda", "full_name": "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sánchez", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000486", "district": "34", "first_name": "LUCILLE", "full_name": "Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "Rahm", "full_name": "Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Emanuel", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000552", "district": "18", "first_name": "RAY", "full_name": "Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAHOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000342", "district": "3", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LIPINSKI", "middle_name": "O.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001138", "district": "16", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Manzullo, Donald A. [R-IL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MANZULLO", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000285", "district": "15", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Case", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000574", "district": "3", "first_name": "EARL", "full_name": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BLUMENAUER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000639", "district": "13", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Menendez", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": "2", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GONZALEZ", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOWEY", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001247", "district": "5", "first_name": "Ginny", "full_name": "Rep. Brown-Waite, Ginny [R-FL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Brown-Waite", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000439", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Greenwood, James C. [R-PA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GREENWOOD", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000598", "district": "53", "first_name": "SUSAN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Susan A. [D-CA-53]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000179", "district": "38", "first_name": "GRACE", "full_name": "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NAPOLITANO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-09", "state": "CA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Child abuse", "Child health", "Children's rights", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Crimes against women", "Families", "Health", "Human rights", "Sex discrimination", "Special days", "Violence", "Women", "Women's health", "Women's rights" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses support for the goals of International Women's Day. Recognizes and honors the women who have fought and continue to struggle for gender equality and women's rights.<p>Reaffirms the commitment to ending discrimination and violence against women and girls, to ensuring their safety and welfare, and to pursuing policies that guarantee their basic rights.<p>Encourages the President to: (1) affirm his commitment to pursue policies to protect the health and rights of women and girls; and (2) issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe International Women's Day.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Supporting the goals of International Women's Day.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals of International Women's Day.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals of International Women's Day.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:29:00.661
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 58 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2003-05-16T06:15:14Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-04-01T20:19:33Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:11:10Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-16 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-16 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-16 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 5/15/2003 S6568) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-16 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 5/15/2003 S6568) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:58:18 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:58:13 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 393 - 0 (Roll no. 93). (text: CR H2494-2495) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 93 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll093.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-31T23:58:13Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:58:13 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 393 - 0 (Roll no. 93).(text: CR H2494-2495) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 93 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll093.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-31T23:58:13Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:50:10 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H2505-2506) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:12:24 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:57:45 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 58. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:57:42 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H2494-2497) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:57:23 </actionTime> <text> Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E335) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000226 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> ETHERIDGE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 2 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000485 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> MCINTYRE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000104 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballenger, Cass [R-NC-10] </fullName> <firstName> CASS </firstName> <lastName> BALLENGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001134 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9] </fullName> <firstName> SUE </firstName> <lastName> MYRICK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> WILKINS </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001154 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13] </fullName> <firstName> Brad </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001029 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hayes, Robin [R-NC-8] </fullName> <firstName> ROBIN </firstName> <lastName> HAYES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000556 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Coble, Howard [R-NC-6] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> COBLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001135 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5] </fullName> <firstName> Richard </firstName> <lastName> Burr </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> Mauze </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000255 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] </fullName> <firstName> WALTER </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000523 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Price, David E. [D-NC-4] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> PRICE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000067 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Taylor, Charles H. [R-NC-11] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> TAYLOR </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Aeronautics </name> </item> <item> <name> Air travel </name> </item> <item> <name> Aircraft </name> </item> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> North Carolina </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight). </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight). </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-05-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight). </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-04-01T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-05-16 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 5/15/2003 S6568)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 5/15/2003 S6568)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 393 - 0 (Roll no. 93). (text: CR H2494-2495)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 393 - 0 (Roll no. 93).(text: CR H2494-2495)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H2505-2506)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 58.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H2494-2497)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E335)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-05-16T06:15:14Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-04-01T20:19:33Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:11:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000485", "district": "7", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCINTYRE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000104", "district": "10", "first_name": "CASS", "full_name": "Rep. Ballenger, Cass [R-NC-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BALLENGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001154", "district": "13", "first_name": "Brad", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001029", "district": "8", "first_name": "ROBIN", "full_name": "Rep. Hayes, Robin [R-NC-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000556", "district": "6", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Coble, Howard [R-NC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COBLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": "5", "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000523", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Price, David E. [D-NC-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PRICE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000067", "district": "11", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Taylor, Charles H. [R-NC-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TAYLOR", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 58, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "E000226", "district": "2", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ETHERIDGE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NC" } ], "subjects": [ "Aeronautics", "Air travel", "Aircraft", "Anniversaries", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "North Carolina", "Transportation and Public Works" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-31", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-16", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-04-01T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-05-16T06:15:14Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-04-01T20:19:33Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:11:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR 5/15/2003 S6568)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR 5/15/2003 S6568)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 393 - 0 (Roll no. 93). (text: CR H2494-2495)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 393 - 0 (Roll no. 93).(text: CR H2494-2495)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H2505-2506)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 58.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H2494-2497)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E335)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "E000226", "district": "2", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D-NC-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ETHERIDGE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "NC" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000485", "district": "7", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCINTYRE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000104", "district": "10", "first_name": "CASS", "full_name": "Rep. Ballenger, Cass [R-NC-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BALLENGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001134", "district": "9", "first_name": "SUE", "full_name": "Rep. Myrick, Sue Wilkins [R-NC-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MYRICK", "middle_name": "WILKINS", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001154", "district": "13", "first_name": "Brad", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001029", "district": "8", "first_name": "ROBIN", "full_name": "Rep. Hayes, Robin [R-NC-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HAYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000556", "district": "6", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Coble, Howard [R-NC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "COBLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001135", "district": "5", "first_name": "Richard", "full_name": "Rep. Burr, Richard [R-NC-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Burr", "middle_name": "Mauze", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000523", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Price, David E. [D-NC-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PRICE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000067", "district": "11", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Taylor, Charles H. [R-NC-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TAYLOR", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" } ]
[ "Aeronautics", "Air travel", "Aircraft", "Anniversaries", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "North Carolina", "Transportation and Public Works" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-31", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-16", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on February 27, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Honors the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners, for the Festival of Flight (a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina, and its many partners for the Festival of Flight, a celebration of the centennial of Wilbur and Orville Wright's first flight, the first controlled, powered flight in history.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-04-01T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-16", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:29:00.623
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 59 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hssy00 </systemCode> <name> Science, Space, and Technology Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:03:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Science. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hssy00 </systemCode> <name> Science, Space, and Technology Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17] </fullName> <firstName> Kendrick </firstName> <lastName> Meek </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000537 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> CLYBURN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] </fullName> <firstName> WM. </firstName> <lastName> CLAY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> LACY </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Majette, Denise L. [D-GA-4] </fullName> <firstName> Denise </firstName> <lastName> Majette </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000490 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2] </fullName> <firstName> SANFORD </firstName> <lastName> BISHOP </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000185 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" [D-VA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> C. "Bobby" </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000652 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3] </fullName> <firstName> LEONARD </firstName> <lastName> BOSWELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000602 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7] </fullName> <firstName> Artur </firstName> <lastName> Davis </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Intellectual property </name> </item> <item> <name> Inventors </name> </item> <item> <name> Mathematics </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> Scientists </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors end expresses support for establishment of a special day in their honor. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Science. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Science, Space, and Technology Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hssy00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Science.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:03:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Science, Space, and Technology Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hssy00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001145", "district": "4", "first_name": "Denise", "full_name": "Rep. Majette, Denise L. [D-GA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Majette", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-03", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "AL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Science.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 59, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Blacks", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Intellectual property", "Inventors", "Mathematics", "Minorities", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Scientists", "Special days" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors end expresses support for establishment of a special day in their honor.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:03:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Science, Space, and Technology Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hssy00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Science, Space, and Technology Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hssy00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Science.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001145", "district": "4", "first_name": "Denise", "full_name": "Rep. Majette, Denise L. [D-GA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Majette", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-03", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "AL" } ]
[ "Blacks", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Intellectual property", "Inventors", "Mathematics", "Minorities", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Scientists", "Special days" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors end expresses support for establishment of a special day in their honor.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizes the significant achievements and contributions of African-American scientists, mathematicians, and inventors, and supporting the establishment of a special day on which these great minds may be honored and esteemed.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Science.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:29:01.105
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 60 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:05:50Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000255 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] </fullName> <firstName> WALTER </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> FOLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000309 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gordon, Bart [D-TN-6] </fullName> <firstName> BART </firstName> <lastName> GORDON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RAMSTAD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3] </fullName> <firstName> CHRIS </firstName> <lastName> CANNON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000640 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Collins, Mac [R-GA-8] </fullName> <firstName> MAC </firstName> <lastName> COLLINS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000459 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2] </fullName> <firstName> LEE </firstName> <lastName> TERRY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001155 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Sullivan </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2] </fullName> <firstName> W. </firstName> <lastName> AKIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> TODD </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000280 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5] </fullName> <firstName> VIRGIL </firstName> <lastName> GOODE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001228 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bono, Mary [R-CA-45] </fullName> <firstName> Mary </firstName> <lastName> Bono </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 45 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Toomey, Patrick J. [R-PA-15] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> TOOMEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000448 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-2] </fullName> <firstName> Trent </firstName> <lastName> Franks </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000873 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crane, Philip M. [R-IL-8] </fullName> <firstName> PHILIP </firstName> <lastName> CRANE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001050 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cardoza, Dennis A. [D-CA-18] </fullName> <firstName> Dennis </firstName> <lastName> Cardoza </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000323 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pickering, Charles W. "Chip" [R-MS-3] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> PICKERING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MS </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001234 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> BACA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 43 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-44] </fullName> <firstName> KEN </firstName> <lastName> CALVERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 44 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000119 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3] </fullName> <firstName> ZACH </firstName> <lastName> WAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001045 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1] </fullName> <firstName> BART </firstName> <lastName> STUPAK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000413 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Whitfield, Ed [R-KY-1] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> WHITFIELD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000528 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WALLY </firstName> <lastName> HERGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000485 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> MCINTYRE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> SOUDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> EDWARD </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1] </fullName> <firstName> STEVE </firstName> <lastName> CHABOT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000097 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3] </fullName> <firstName> H. </firstName> <lastName> SAXTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> JAMES </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001240 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Beauprez </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000595 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeMint, Jim [R-SC-4] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> DeMint </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000409 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46] </fullName> <firstName> DANA </firstName> <lastName> ROHRABACHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 46 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000004 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> RADANOVICH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> American investments </name> </item> <item> <name> Bonds </name> </item> <item> <name> China </name> </item> <item> <name> Claims </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Government liability (International law) </name> </item> <item> <name> Government securities </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Urges the U.S. Government to take appropriate action to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to provide a fair resolution of the claims of U.S. citizens who hold Chinese Government bonds on which that Government has defaulted. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Requesting the United States Government to take appropriate action to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to provide for a fair resolution of the claims of United States citizens who hold Chinese Government bonds on which that Government has defaulted. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Requesting the United States Government to take appropriate action to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to provide for a fair resolution of the claims of United States citizens who hold Chinese Government bonds on which that Government has defaulted. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Requesting the United States Government to take appropriate action to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to provide for a fair resolution of the claims of United States citizens who hold Chinese Government bonds on which that Government has defaulted. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 60, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. 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Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001228", "district": "45", "first_name": "Mary", "full_name": "Rep. Bono, Mary [R-CA-45]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bono", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000461", "district": "15", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Toomey, Patrick J. [R-PA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TOOMEY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000448", "district": "2", "first_name": "Trent", "full_name": "Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Franks", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000873", "district": "8", "first_name": "PHILIP", "full_name": "Rep. Crane, Philip M. [R-IL-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CRANE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001050", "district": "18", "first_name": "Dennis", "full_name": "Rep. Cardoza, Dennis A. [D-CA-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Cardoza", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000323", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Pickering, Charles W. \"Chip\" [R-MS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PICKERING", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001234", "district": "43", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Baca, Joe [D-CA-43]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000059", "district": "44", "first_name": "KEN", "full_name": "Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-44]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CALVERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000119", "district": "3", "first_name": "ZACH", "full_name": "Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001045", "district": "1", "first_name": "BART", "full_name": "Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STUPAK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000413", "district": "1", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Whitfield, Ed [R-KY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WHITFIELD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000528", "district": "2", "first_name": "WALLY", "full_name": "Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HERGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000485", "district": "7", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCINTYRE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-25", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-25", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-25", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000266", "district": "1", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CHABOT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-25", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-25", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000097", "district": "3", "first_name": "H.", "full_name": "Rep. Saxton, Jim [R-NJ-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SAXTON", "middle_name": "JAMES", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-25", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001240", "district": "7", "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Beauprez", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000595", "district": "4", "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Rep. DeMint, Jim [R-SC-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DeMint", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000004", "district": "19", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RADANOVICH", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-07", "state": "LA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "American investments", "Bonds", "China", "Claims", "Diplomacy", "East Asia", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Government liability (International law)", "Government securities" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Urges the U.S. Government to take appropriate action to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to provide a fair resolution of the claims of U.S. citizens who hold Chinese Government bonds on which that Government has defaulted.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Requesting the United States Government to take appropriate action to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to provide for a fair resolution of the claims of United States citizens who hold Chinese Government bonds on which that Government has defaulted.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Requesting the United States Government to take appropriate action to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to provide for a fair resolution of the claims of United States citizens who hold Chinese Government bonds on which that Government has defaulted.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Requesting the United States Government to take appropriate action to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to provide for a fair resolution of the claims of United States citizens who hold Chinese Government bonds on which that Government has defaulted.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:29:00.582
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 61 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:03:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> FARR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000113 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000006 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> OBERSTAR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000039 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Udall, Tom [D-NM-3] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NM </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Ed </firstName> <lastName> Case </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000002 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] </fullName> <firstName> JERROLD </firstName> <lastName> NADLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lampson, Nick [D-TX-9] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> LAMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001154 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13] </fullName> <firstName> Brad </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Peace Corps </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Volunteer workers </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Recognizes: (1) the President's call to double the number of Peace Corps volunteers as an opportunity to improve understanding between the United States and the world; and (2) the need to double Peace Corps funding by 2007. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Recognizing the need to double Federal funding for the Peace Corps from fiscal year 2002 funding levels to $550,000,000 by 2007, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Recognizing the need to double Federal funding for the Peace Corps from fiscal year 2002 funding levels to $550,000,000 by 2007, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Recognizing the need to double Federal funding for the Peace Corps from fiscal year 2002 funding levels to $550,000,000 by 2007, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 61, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:03:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
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Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001055", "district": "2", "first_name": "Ed", "full_name": "Rep. Case, Ed [D-HI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Case", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000043", "district": "9", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Lampson, Nick [D-TX-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001154", "district": "13", "first_name": "Brad", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Brad [D-NC-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "NY" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Economics and Public Finance", "Government Operations and Politics", "Peace Corps", "Social Welfare", "Volunteer workers" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes: (1) the President's call to double the number of Peace Corps volunteers as an opportunity to improve understanding between the United States and the world; and (2) the need to double Peace Corps funding by 2007.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Recognizing the need to double Federal funding for the Peace Corps from fiscal year 2002 funding levels to $550,000,000 by 2007, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the need to double Federal funding for the Peace Corps from fiscal year 2002 funding levels to $550,000,000 by 2007, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the need to double Federal funding for the Peace Corps from fiscal year 2002 funding levels to $550,000,000 by 2007, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:29:00.808
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 62 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-06-15T20:25:41Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-17T16:34:42Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:13:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-15 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:18:09 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:18:07 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H3920) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:18:07 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H3920) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:12:10 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 62. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:12:07 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3920-3921) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:11:45 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Castle moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Artists </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil rights workers </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Entertainers </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Performing arts </name> </item> <item> <name> Teachers </name> </item> <item> <name> Theater </name> </item> <item> <name> Youth services </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her work as a teacher, dancer, choreographer, and actress, for her dedication to improving the opportunities in the arts that are available to the Nation's youth, and for her lifelong commitment to humanitarian causes. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-07-20T15:40:45Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her work as a teacher, dancer, choreographer, and actress, for her dedication to improving the opportunities in the arts that are available to the Nation's youth, and for her lifelong commitment to humanitarian causes. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2004-06-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2004-06-14T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-06-15 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H3920)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H3920)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 62.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3920-3921)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Castle moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-06-15T20:25:41Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-17T16:34:42Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 62, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Artists", "Arts", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Civil rights workers", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Education", "Entertainers", "Families", "Human rights", "International Affairs", "Performing arts", "Teachers", "Theater", "Youth services" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her work as a teacher, dancer, choreographer, and actress, for her dedication to improving the opportunities in the arts that are available to the Nation's youth, and for her lifelong commitment to humanitarian causes.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-06-14", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her work as a teacher, dancer, choreographer, and actress, for her dedication to improving the opportunities in the arts that are available to the Nation's youth, and for her lifelong commitment to humanitarian causes. </p>", "update_date": "2004-07-20T15:40:45Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-06-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-06-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-06-15T20:25:41Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-17T16:34:42Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H3920)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H3920)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 62.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3920-3921)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Castle moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Artists", "Arts", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Civil rights workers", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Education", "Entertainers", "Families", "Human rights", "International Affairs", "Performing arts", "Teachers", "Theater", "Youth services" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her work as a teacher, dancer, choreographer, and actress, for her dedication to improving the opportunities in the arts that are available to the Nation's youth, and for her lifelong commitment to humanitarian causes.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-06-14", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her work as a teacher, dancer, choreographer, and actress, for her dedication to improving the opportunities in the arts that are available to the Nation's youth, and for her lifelong commitment to humanitarian causes. </p>", "update_date": "2004-07-20T15:40:45Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Katherine Dunham should be recognized for her groundbreaking achievements in dance, theater, music, and education, as well as for her work as an activist striving for racial equality throughout the world.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2004-06-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-06-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:38:02.106
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 63 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2004-06-15T20:25:55Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-17T16:36:29Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:13:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-15 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:23:47 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:23:43 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H3921) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:23:43 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H3921) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:18:24 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 63. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:18:22 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3921-3922) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:18:10 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Castle moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomats </name> </item> <item> <name> Entertainers </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Music </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music and for his work as an ambassador of goodwill and democracy. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2004-06-14 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2004-07-20T15:39:37Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music and for his work as an ambassador of goodwill and democracy. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2004-06-15T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2004-06-14T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-06-15 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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(text: CR H3921)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H3921)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 63.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 63, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. 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The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music and for his work as an ambassador of goodwill and democracy. </p>", "update_date": "2004-07-20T15:39:37Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2004-06-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-06-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2004-06-15T20:25:55Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-17T16:36:29Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-15", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H3921)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H3921)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 63.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3921-3922)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2004-06-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Castle moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Democracy", "Diplomats", "Entertainers", "Government Operations and Politics", "International Affairs", "Music" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music and for his work as an ambassador of goodwill and democracy.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2004-06-14", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music and for his work as an ambassador of goodwill and democracy. </p>", "update_date": "2004-07-20T15:39:37Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Lionel Hampton should be honored for his contributions to American music.
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[ { "date": "2004-06-15T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2004-06-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-06-15", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:01.082
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[D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anthropology </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Authors and authorship </name> </item> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Literature </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> New York City </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Zora Neale Hurston should be recognized as an accomplished anthropologist, as one of the most talented novelists and literary figures of her time, and for her contributions to the Harlem Renaissance movement. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Zora Neale Hurston should be recognized for her achievements as a novelist and anthropologist, and for her contributions to the Harlem Renaissance movement. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Zora Neale Hurston should be recognized for her achievements as a novelist and anthropologist, and for her contributions to the Harlem Renaissance movement. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Zora Neale Hurston should be recognized for her achievements as a novelist and anthropologist, and for her contributions to the Harlem Renaissance movement. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 64, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:12:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T15:55:44Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Anthropology", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Authors and authorship", "Blacks", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Literature", "Minorities", "New York City" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Zora Neale Hurston should be recognized as an accomplished anthropologist, as one of the most talented novelists and literary figures of her time, and for her contributions to the Harlem Renaissance movement.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Zora Neale Hurston should be recognized for her achievements as a novelist and anthropologist, and for her contributions to the Harlem Renaissance movement.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Zora Neale Hurston should be recognized for her achievements as a novelist and anthropologist, and for her contributions to the Harlem Renaissance movement.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Zora Neale Hurston should be recognized for her achievements as a novelist and anthropologist, and for her contributions to the Harlem Renaissance movement.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:32:00.739
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 65 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-05T15:55:57Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:12:50Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Minority business enterprises </name> </item> <item> <name> Women </name> </item> <item> <name> Women in business </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Madame C. J. Walker should be recognized as one of history's greatest businesswomen and role models for the Nation's young people. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Madame C. J. Walker should be recognized for her achievements in business, her inventions, and her commitment to the African-American community. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Madame C. J. Walker should be recognized for her achievements in business, her inventions, and her commitment to the African-American community. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Madame C. J. Walker should be recognized for her achievements in business, her inventions, and her commitment to the African-American community. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:12:50Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T15:55:57Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
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[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Blacks", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Minorities", "Minority business enterprises", "Women", "Women in business" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Madame C. J. Walker should be recognized as one of history's greatest businesswomen and role models for the Nation's young people.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Madame C. J. Walker should be recognized for her achievements in business, her inventions, and her commitment to the African-American community.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Madame C. J. Walker should be recognized for her achievements in business, her inventions, and her commitment to the African-American community.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Madame C. J. Walker should be recognized for her achievements in business, her inventions, and her commitment to the African-American community.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:00.989
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Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil rights workers </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Election candidates </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Ex-Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities in government </name> </item> <item> <name> New York State </name> </item> <item> <name> Presidential elections </name> </item> <item> <name> Teachers </name> </item> <item> <name> Women </name> </item> <item> <name> Women in government </name> </item> <item> <name> Women's rights </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Shirley Chisholm should be recognized for her leadership in politics, her dedication to improving the opportunities available for women and the needy of the United States, and her continued role as a mentor and teacher to the Nation's youth. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Shirley Chisholm should be recognized for her activism and groundbreaking achievements in politics during the civil rights era, and for her efforts to reform the Nation's political system and legislatures so that they better represent the needs of a greater number of Americans. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Shirley Chisholm should be recognized for her activism and groundbreaking achievements in politics during the civil rights era, and for her efforts to reform the Nation's political system and legislatures so that they better represent the needs of a greater number of Americans. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Shirley Chisholm should be recognized for her activism and groundbreaking achievements in politics during the civil rights era, and for her efforts to reform the Nation's political system and legislatures so that they better represent the needs of a greater number of Americans. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 66, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T15:56:11Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Blacks", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Civil rights workers", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Education", "Election candidates", "Elementary and secondary education", "Ex-Members of Congress", "Government Operations and Politics", "Higher education", "Members of Congress", "Minorities", "Minorities in government", "New York State", "Presidential elections", "Teachers", "Women", "Women in government", "Women's rights" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Shirley Chisholm should be recognized for her leadership in politics, her dedication to improving the opportunities available for women and the needy of the United States, and her continued role as a mentor and teacher to the Nation's youth.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Shirley Chisholm should be recognized for her activism and groundbreaking achievements in politics during the civil rights era, and for her efforts to reform the Nation's political system and legislatures so that they better represent the needs of a greater number of Americans.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Shirley Chisholm should be recognized for her activism and groundbreaking achievements in politics during the civil rights era, and for her efforts to reform the Nation's political system and legislatures so that they better represent the needs of a greater number of Americans.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Shirley Chisholm should be recognized for her activism and groundbreaking achievements in politics during the civil rights era, and for her efforts to reform the Nation's political system and legislatures so that they better represent the needs of a greater number of Americans.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:01.031
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 67 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:13:10Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SHAYS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] </fullName> <firstName> SILVESTRE </firstName> <lastName> REYES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000652 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3] </fullName> <firstName> LEONARD </firstName> <lastName> BOSWELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5] </fullName> <firstName> Rahm </firstName> <lastName> Emanuel </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Athletes </name> </item> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Declares the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Arthur Ashe; and (2) the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Arthur Ashe, and that the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Arthur Ashe, and that the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Arthur Ashe, and that the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001144", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAYS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001044", "district": "2", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 67, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001144", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHAYS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000170", "district": "16", "first_name": "SILVESTRE", "full_name": "Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001044", "district": "2", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "Rahm", "full_name": "Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Emanuel", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-24", "state": "IL" } ]
[ "Athletes", "Blacks", "Government Operations and Politics", "Minorities", "Postage stamps", "Sports and Recreation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Declares the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Arthur Ashe; and (2) the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Arthur Ashe, and that the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.
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[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:01.156
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Height should be recognized for her lifelong work to secure equality and human rights for people around the world and for her leadership in creating opportunities for the Nation's youth. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Dorothy I. Height should be recognized for her achievements as a civil rights leader, dedicated activist working to fight racial and social prejudice, and for her lifetime commitment to improving the opportunities available to the most vulnerable in society. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Dorothy I. Height should be recognized for her achievements as a civil rights leader, dedicated activist working to fight racial and social prejudice, and for her lifetime commitment to improving the opportunities available to the most vulnerable in society. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Dorothy I. Height should be recognized for her achievements as a civil rights leader, dedicated activist working to fight racial and social prejudice, and for her lifetime commitment to improving the opportunities available to the most vulnerable in society. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 68, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T15:56:23Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Blacks", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Civil rights workers", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Human rights", "International Affairs", "Minorities", "Women", "Women's rights" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Dorothy I. Height should be recognized for her lifelong work to secure equality and human rights for people around the world and for her leadership in creating opportunities for the Nation's youth.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Dorothy I. Height should be recognized for her achievements as a civil rights leader, dedicated activist working to fight racial and social prejudice, and for her lifetime commitment to improving the opportunities available to the most vulnerable in society.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Dorothy I. Height should be recognized for her achievements as a civil rights leader, dedicated activist working to fight racial and social prejudice, and for her lifetime commitment to improving the opportunities available to the most vulnerable in society.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Dorothy I. Height should be recognized for her achievements as a civil rights leader, dedicated activist working to fight racial and social prejudice, and for her lifetime commitment to improving the opportunities available to the most vulnerable in society.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:36:01.121
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 69 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2003-11-22T23:33:46Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-11-19T22:31:09Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2003-11-06T16:44:26Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-05T15:56:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-11-06T22:02:32Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:13:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-25 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S15569-15570) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S15569-15570) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:42:56 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:42:50 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR 11/19/2003 H11480) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:42:50 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR 11/19/2003 H11480) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:35:15 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 69. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:35:13 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR 11/19/2003 H11480-11481) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-18 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:34:56 </actionTime> <text> Ms. Ros-Lehtinen moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-06 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-06 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-06 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization Discharged. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000275 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> DEUTSCH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000459 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2] </fullName> <firstName> LEE </firstName> <lastName> TERRY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> <item> <name> Women </name> </item> <item> <name> Women athletes </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-11-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-11-24T20:15:28Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-12-02T14:50:18Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-11-19T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-11-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-11-25 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S15569-15570)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S15569-15570)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR 11/19/2003 H11480)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR 11/19/2003 H11480)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 69.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR 11/19/2003 H11480-11481)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Ms. Ros-Lehtinen moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization Discharged.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-22T23:33:46Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-11-19T22:31:09Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-06T22:02:32Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-06T16:44:26Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-03-05T15:56:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. 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H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-04", "state": "AS" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 69, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Blacks", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Minorities", "Sports and Recreation", "Women", "Women athletes" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth. </p>", "update_date": "2003-11-24T20:15:28Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-22", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth. </p>", "update_date": "2003-12-02T14:50:18Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:34:02Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-22T23:33:46Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-11-19T22:31:09Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-06T22:02:32Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-06T16:44:26Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-03-05T15:56:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S15569-15570)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S15569-15570)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR 11/19/2003 H11480)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR 11/19/2003 H11480)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 69.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR 11/19/2003 H11480-11481)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-11-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Ms. Ros-Lehtinen moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization Discharged.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-17", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-04", "state": "AS" } ]
[ "Blacks", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Minorities", "Sports and Recreation", "Women", "Women athletes" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-18", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth. </p>", "update_date": "2003-11-24T20:15:28Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-22", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Expresses the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her groundbreaking athletic achievements and for continuing to serve as a role model for the Nation's youth. </p>", "update_date": "2003-12-02T14:50:18Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Althea Gibson should be recognized for her ground breaking achievements in athletics and her commitment to ending racial discrimination and prejudice within the world of sports.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-11-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:38:02.171
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 70 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:34:02Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:13:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil rights workers </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Muslims </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Calls for observing May 19th, the anniversary of the birth of Malcolm X, as a day of prayer, remembrance, and reflection on his life. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the anniversary of the birth of Malcom X should be observed as a day of prayer, remembrance, and reflection on the life of Malcolm X. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the anniversary of the birth of Malcom X should be observed as a day of prayer, remembrance, and reflection on the life of Malcolm X. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the anniversary of the birth of Malcom X should be observed as a day of prayer, remembrance, and reflection on the life of Malcolm X. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-10", "state": "IL" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 70, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-10", "state": "IL" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Blacks", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Civil rights workers", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Minorities", "Muslims", "Religion", "Special days" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls for observing May 19th, the anniversary of the birth of Malcolm X, as a day of prayer, remembrance, and reflection on his life.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that the anniversary of the birth of Malcom X should be observed as a day of prayer, remembrance, and reflection on the life of Malcolm X.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the anniversary of the birth of Malcom X should be observed as a day of prayer, remembrance, and reflection on the life of Malcolm X.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the anniversary of the birth of Malcom X should be observed as a day of prayer, remembrance, and reflection on the life of Malcolm X.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 19:05:01.595
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 71 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:49:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:49:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Discharged from </name> <date> 2003-11-22T23:33:46Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-10-14T15:41:13Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-05T16:47:31Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-09-12T20:19:18Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:13:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 82 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-11-25 </actionDate> <text> Held at the desk. </text> <actionTime> 16:36:14 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-25 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S15570) </text> <type> Discharge </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <text> Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S15570) </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 14500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-10-14 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-10-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:07:40 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-10-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:07:24 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H9316-9317) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-10-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:07:24 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H9316-9317) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-10-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:59:46 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 71. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-10-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:59:44 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H9316-9318) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-10-08 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:59:32 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Platts moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-09-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo18 </systemCode> <name> Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000193 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2] </fullName> <firstName> BENNIE </firstName> <lastName> THOMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> College teachers </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomats </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities in government </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations officials </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-10-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-10-10T20:18:11Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the President to take appropriate measures to encourage the celebration and remembrance of Ralph Bunche's many significant achievements.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-11-22 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-12-01T14:46:58Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The expanded summary of the House passed version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Urges the President to take appropriate measures to encourage the celebration and remembrance of Ralph Bunche's many significant achievements.&lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-10-14T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-10-08T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-11-25 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S15570)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S15570)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-10-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H9316-9317)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H9316-9317)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 71.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H9316-9318)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Platts moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-22T23:33:46Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-10-14T15:41:13Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-09-12T20:19:18Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T16:47:31Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. 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McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "WA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 71, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 82, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Blacks", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "College teachers", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Diplomats", "Education", "Government Operations and Politics", "Higher education", "Human rights", "International Affairs", "Minorities", "Minorities in government", "United Nations officials" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-10-08", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale. </p> <p>Urges the President to take appropriate measures to encourage the celebration and remembrance of Ralph Bunche's many significant achievements.</p>", "update_date": "2003-10-10T20:18:11Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-22", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The expanded summary of the House passed version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p></p> <p>Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale. </p> <p>Urges the President to take appropriate measures to encourage the celebration and remembrance of Ralph Bunche's many significant achievements.</p>", "update_date": "2003-12-01T14:46:58Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-10-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-10-08T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:49:03Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:49:03Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-22T23:33:46Z", "name": "Discharged from" }, { "date": "2003-10-14T15:41:13Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-09-12T20:19:18Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T16:47:31Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsgo18" } ], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Held at the desk.", "type": null }, "number": 82, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S15570)", "type": "Discharge" }, { "action_code": "14500", "action_date": "2003-11-22", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S15570)", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-10-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H9316-9317)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H9316-9317)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 71.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H9316-9318)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-10-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Platts moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-09-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Civil Service and Agency Organization Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo18", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-10", "state": "WA" } ]
[ "Blacks", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "College teachers", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Diplomats", "Education", "Government Operations and Politics", "Higher education", "Human rights", "International Affairs", "Minorities", "Minorities in government", "United Nations officials" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-10-08", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)</b></p> <p>Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale. </p> <p>Urges the President to take appropriate measures to encourage the celebration and remembrance of Ralph Bunche's many significant achievements.</p>", "update_date": "2003-10-10T20:18:11Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-22", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The expanded summary of the House passed version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p></p> <p>Recognizes Ralph Bunche as a pivotal 20th century figure and fighter in the struggle for human rights on a global scale. </p> <p>Urges the President to take appropriate measures to encourage the celebration and remembrance of Ralph Bunche's many significant achievements.</p>", "update_date": "2003-12-01T14:46:58Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the importance of Ralph Bunche as one of the great leaders of the United States, the first African-American Nobel Peace Prize winner, an accomplished scholar, a distinguished diplomat, and a tireless campaigner of civil rights for people throughout the world.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-10-14T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-10-08T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-25", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 17:29:00.766
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Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Ex-Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities in government </name> </item> <item> <name> New York State </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp commemorating Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp commemorating Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp commemorating Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp commemorating Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:50Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-10", "state": "MI" } ]
[ "Blacks", "Ex-Members of Congress", "Government Operations and Politics", "Members of Congress", "Minorities", "Minorities in government", "New York State", "Postage stamps" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp commemorating Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp commemorating Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp commemorating Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States Postal Service should issue a postage stamp commemorating Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 19:04:01.024
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 73 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:49:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:49:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:14:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Athletes </name> </item> <item> <name> Baseball </name> </item> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Roy Campanella; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Roy Campanella, and that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Roy Campanella, and that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Roy Campanella, and that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:14:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Athletes", "Baseball", "Blacks", "Government Operations and Politics", "Minorities", "Postage stamps", "Sports and Recreation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Roy Campanella; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Roy Campanella, and that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.
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[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 19:05:01.395
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 74 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:49:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:49:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:12:40Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-07-21 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E1456) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001227 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000128 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Van Hollen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Black history </name> </item> <item> <name> Blacks </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Pardons </name> </item> <item> <name> Sentences (Criminal procedure) </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Declares that Marcus Garvey (founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association): (1) was innocent of the charges brought against him by the U.S. Government; and (2) should be recognized internationally as a leader and thinker in the struggle for human rights.&lt;p&gt;Calls upon the President to take appropriate measures to clear Marcus Garvey's name. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to Marcus Garvey. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to Marcus Garvey. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to Marcus Garvey. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-07-21 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E1456) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-07-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E1456)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:12:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-21", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-21", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-21", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "MD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-07-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E1456)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 74, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Crime and Law Enforcement", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:12:40Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-07-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E1456)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-24", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-21", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-21", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-21", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-17", "state": "MD" } ]
Crime and Law Enforcement
[ "Black history", "Blacks", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Government Operations and Politics", "History", "Human rights", "International Affairs", "Minorities", "Pardons", "Sentences (Criminal procedure)" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Declares that Marcus Garvey (founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association): (1) was innocent of the charges brought against him by the U.S. Government; and (2) should be recognized internationally as a leader and thinker in the struggle for human rights.<p>Calls upon the President to take appropriate measures to clear Marcus Garvey's name.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to Marcus Garvey.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to Marcus Garvey.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to Marcus Garvey.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-07-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E1456)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 19:05:01.493
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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 75, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-27T18:13:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T20:58:54Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsju10" } ], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju10", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ "Black history", "Blacks", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Civil rights workers", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Historians", "History", "Leadership", "Minorities" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that Arthur Schomburg should be recognized for his leadership and contributions in documenting, recording, and researching the historical contributions to society of people of African descent and for his efforts to combat racial and ethnic discrimination in the United States.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that Arthur Schomburg should be recognized for his leadership and contributions in documenting, recording, and researching the historical contributions to society of peoples of African descent and for his efforts to combat racial and ethnic discrimination in the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Arthur Schomburg should be recognized for his leadership and contributions in documenting, recording, and researching the historical contributions to society of peoples of African descent and for his efforts to combat racial and ethnic discrimination in the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that Arthur Schomburg should be recognized for his leadership and contributions in documenting, recording, and researching the historical contributions to society of peoples of African descent and for his efforts to combat racial and ethnic discrimination in the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 19:05:01.554
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 76 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:49:03Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:49:03Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-02-27 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-10T15:26:36Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-27T18:10:20Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000462 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tiberi, Patrick J. [R-OH-12] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> TIBERI </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000342 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lipinski, William O. [D-IL-3] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> LIPINSKI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> O. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000119 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3] </fullName> <firstName> ZACH </firstName> <lastName> WAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000552 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18] </fullName> <firstName> RAY </firstName> <lastName> LAHOOD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001242 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Bishop </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000285 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15] </fullName> <firstName> TIMOTHY </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001157 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000165 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Osborne, Tom [R-NE-3] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> OSBORNE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000574 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3] </fullName> <firstName> EARL </firstName> <lastName> BLUMENAUER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000051 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nethercutt, George R., Jr. [R-WA-5] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> NETHERCUTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Child health </name> </item> <item> <name> Exercise </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Obesity </name> </item> <item> <name> Parent and child </name> </item> <item> <name> Preventive medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-27 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Resolves by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) that: (1) Congress recognizes the health risks associated with childhood obesity; (2) it is the sense of Congress that the perception of childhood obesity should be changed from an appearance problem to a treatable and preventable disease; and (3) Congress encourages parents to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity to their children. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Recognizing the health risks associated with childhood obesity and encouraging parents to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity to their children. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Recognizing the health risks associated with childhood obesity and encouraging parents to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity to their children. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Recognizing the health risks associated with childhood obesity and encouraging parents to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity to their children. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-02-27T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Wamp, Zach [R-TN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-30", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": "2", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-30", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000552", "district": "18", "first_name": "RAY", "full_name": "Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAHOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-30", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001242", "district": "1", "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-21", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000285", "district": "15", "first_name": "TIMOTHY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001157", "district": "13", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000165", "district": "3", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-02-27", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 76, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000462", "district": "12", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Tiberi, Patrick J. 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[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-02-27", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
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[ "Child health", "Exercise", "Families", "Obesity", "Parent and child", "Preventive medicine", "Sports and Recreation" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-02-27", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Resolves by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring) that: (1) Congress recognizes the health risks associated with childhood obesity; (2) it is the sense of Congress that the perception of childhood obesity should be changed from an appearance problem to a treatable and preventable disease; and (3) Congress encourages parents to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity to their children.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Recognizing the health risks associated with childhood obesity and encouraging parents to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity to their children.
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[ { "date": "2003-02-27T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:17:01.171
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 77 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-04 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-12T16:49:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-03-05T17:51:58Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-04T17:33:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:58:01 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:58:00 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 51). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 51 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll051.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-11T23:58:00Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:58:00 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 51). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 51 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll051.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-11T23:58:00Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:51:11 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1711-1712) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:24:40 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:04:24 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 77. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:04:21 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1706-1709; text of measure as introduced: CR H1706) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:03:48 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Chabot moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> W000268 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7] </fullName> <firstName> CURT </firstName> <lastName> WELDON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000403 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1] </fullName> <firstName> DOUGLAS </firstName> <lastName> BEREUTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000409 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46] </fullName> <firstName> DANA </firstName> <lastName> ROHRABACHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 46 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Ethnic relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> History </name> </item> <item> <name> Jewish holocaust (1939-1945) </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Religious liberty </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-04 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Commemorates the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commends the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.&lt;p&gt;Reiterates the support of Congress for strong ties between the United States and Bulgaria. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 36 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 4, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Commemorates the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commends the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.&lt;p&gt;Reiterates the support of Congress for strong ties between the United States and Bulgaria. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-03-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-03-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-04T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 51).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 51).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1711-1712)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 77.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1706-1709; text of measure as introduced: CR H1706)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Chabot moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-12T16:49:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T17:51:58Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-04T17:33:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000268", "district": "7", "first_name": "CURT", "full_name": "Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000403", "district": "1", "first_name": "DOUGLAS", "full_name": "Rep. Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BEREUTER", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-04", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 77, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Ethnic relations", "Europe", "History", "Jewish holocaust (1939-1945)", "Minorities", "Religion", "Religious liberty" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commemorates the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commends the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.<p>Reiterates the support of Congress for strong ties between the United States and Bulgaria.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 4, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Commemorates the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commends the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.<p>Reiterates the support of Congress for strong ties between the United States and Bulgaria.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "36" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-12T16:49:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T17:51:58Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-04T17:33:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 51).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 51).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1711-1712)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 77.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1706-1709; text of measure as introduced: CR H1706)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Chabot moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Agreed to Seek Consideration Under Suspension of the Rules, by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "SC" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "W000268", "district": "7", "first_name": "CURT", "full_name": "Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000403", "district": "1", "first_name": "DOUGLAS", "full_name": "Rep. Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BEREUTER", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-04", "state": "CA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Anniversaries", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Ethnic relations", "Europe", "History", "Jewish holocaust (1939-1945)", "Minorities", "Religion", "Religious liberty" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-04", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commemorates the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commends the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.<p>Reiterates the support of Congress for strong ties between the United States and Bulgaria.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 4, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Commemorates the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commends the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.<p>Reiterates the support of Congress for strong ties between the United States and Bulgaria.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "36" } ]
Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the historic rescue of 50,000 Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust and commending the Bulgarian people for preserving and continuing their tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:15:04.002
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 78 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-05 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsba00 </systemCode> <name> Financial Services Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsba19 </systemCode> <name> Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-10T21:59:53Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-05T15:04:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-05T15:04:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2004-03-02 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H748) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsba19 </systemCode> <name> Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100-A </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsba00 </systemCode> <name> Financial Services Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000006 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> OBERSTAR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17] </fullName> <firstName> Kendrick </firstName> <lastName> Meek </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000185 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" [D-VA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> C. "Bobby" </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000275 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> DEUTSCH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000537 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> CLYBURN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] </fullName> <firstName> WM. </firstName> <lastName> CLAY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> LACY </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000535 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] </fullName> <firstName> LUIS </firstName> <lastName> GUTIERREZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> V. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000193 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2] </fullName> <firstName> BENNIE </firstName> <lastName> THOMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000002 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] </fullName> <firstName> JERROLD </firstName> <lastName> NADLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000602 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7] </fullName> <firstName> Artur </firstName> <lastName> Davis </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000490 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2] </fullName> <firstName> SANFORD </firstName> <lastName> BISHOP </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000933 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MORAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000216 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] </fullName> <firstName> ROSA </firstName> <lastName> DELAURO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000262 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9] </fullName> <firstName> HAROLD </firstName> <lastName> FORD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000316 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5] </fullName> <firstName> KAREN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-14] </fullName> <firstName> ANNA </firstName> <lastName> ESHOO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ANDREWS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000657 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boucher, Rick [D-VA-9] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> BOUCHER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Caribbean area </name> </item> <item> <name> Conferences </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional-executive relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Department of State </name> </item> <item> <name> Development credit institutions </name> </item> <item> <name> Economic development </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign loans </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Haiti </name> </item> <item> <name> Haiti compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Infrastructure </name> </item> <item> <name> Infrastructure (Economics) </name> </item> <item> <name> International agencies </name> </item> <item> <name> International relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Latin America </name> </item> <item> <name> Poverty </name> </item> <item> <name> Public health </name> </item> <item> <name> Refuse and refuse disposal </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> <item> <name> Water Resources Development </name> </item> <item> <name> Water supply </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-05 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Reaffirms Congress' support for the mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) to Haiti and calls on the President to urge that the mission work closely with the Haitian Government and people to advance their goals and not the objectives of other governments or international organizations.&lt;p&gt;Calls on certain international financial institutions to convene a meeting of donors to Haiti with the objective of launching a new humanitarian initiative, including a lending program to bolster Haiti's economic and infrastructure bases. Calls specifically on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to reevaluate current stall monitoring program conditions outlined for Haiti and work in the long-term toward a poverty reduction agreement for Haiti.&lt;p&gt;Urges the President to: (1) direct the Secretary of State to conduct a review of U.S. policy toward Haiti, including appropriate consultations with relevant congressional committees; and (2) instruct the Secretary of the Treasury to direct the U.S. Executive Director at the Inter-American Development Bank to release the four social sector and development loans for health, education, water and sanitation, and transportation that have been approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the Bank and ratified by the Haitian Parliament. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-05T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2004-03-02 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H748) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-03-02", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H748)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsba19", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Financial Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsba00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T15:04:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Financial Services Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-10T21:59:53Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsba19" } ], "system_code": "hsba00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T15:04:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000537", "district": "6", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLYBURN", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "SC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000535", "district": "4", "first_name": "LUIS", "full_name": "Rep. Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GUTIERREZ", "middle_name": "V.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. 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Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000602", "district": "7", "first_name": "Artur", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Artur [D-AL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Davis", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-21", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000262", "district": "9", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FORD", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-17", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000215", "district": "14", "first_name": "ANNA", "full_name": "Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ESHOO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-23", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-09", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000657", "district": "9", "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Rep. Boucher, Rick [D-VA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOUCHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-06", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-27", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-05", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-03-02", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H748)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 78, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Caribbean area", "Conferences", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Congressional-executive relations", "Department of State", "Development credit institutions", "Economic development", "Economics and Public Finance", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Environmental Protection", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Foreign loans", "Government Operations and Politics", "Haiti", "Haiti compilation", "Health", "Infrastructure", "Infrastructure (Economics)", "International agencies", "International relief", "Latin America", "Poverty", "Public health", "Refuse and refuse disposal", "Social Welfare", "Transportation and Public Works", "Water Resources Development", "Water supply" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-05", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Reaffirms Congress' support for the mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) to Haiti and calls on the President to urge that the mission work closely with the Haitian Government and people to advance their goals and not the objectives of other governments or international organizations.<p>Calls on certain international financial institutions to convene a meeting of donors to Haiti with the objective of launching a new humanitarian initiative, including a lending program to bolster Haiti's economic and infrastructure bases. Calls specifically on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to reevaluate current stall monitoring program conditions outlined for Haiti and work in the long-term toward a poverty reduction agreement for Haiti.<p>Urges the President to: (1) direct the Secretary of State to conduct a review of U.S. policy toward Haiti, including appropriate consultations with relevant congressional committees; and (2) instruct the Secretary of the Treasury to direct the U.S. Executive Director at the Inter-American Development Bank to release the four social sector and development loans for health, education, water and sanitation, and transportation that have been approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the Bank and ratified by the Haitian Parliament.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T15:04:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Financial Services Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-10T21:59:53Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsba19" } ], "system_code": "hsba00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-05T15:04:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2004-03-02", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H748)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsba19", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Financial Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsba00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-05", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001148", "district": "17", "first_name": "Kendrick", "full_name": "Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Meek", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-05", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. 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Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. 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Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-21", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000262", "district": "9", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Ford, Harold E., Jr. [D-TN-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FORD", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-17", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000215", "district": "14", "first_name": "ANNA", "full_name": "Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ESHOO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-23", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-09", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000657", "district": "9", "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Rep. Boucher, Rick [D-VA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOUCHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-06", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-27", "state": "CA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Caribbean area", "Conferences", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Congressional-executive relations", "Department of State", "Development credit institutions", "Economic development", "Economics and Public Finance", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Environmental Protection", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Foreign loans", "Government Operations and Politics", "Haiti", "Haiti compilation", "Health", "Infrastructure", "Infrastructure (Economics)", "International agencies", "International relief", "Latin America", "Poverty", "Public health", "Refuse and refuse disposal", "Social Welfare", "Transportation and Public Works", "Water Resources Development", "Water supply" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-05", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Reaffirms Congress' support for the mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) to Haiti and calls on the President to urge that the mission work closely with the Haitian Government and people to advance their goals and not the objectives of other governments or international organizations.<p>Calls on certain international financial institutions to convene a meeting of donors to Haiti with the objective of launching a new humanitarian initiative, including a lending program to bolster Haiti's economic and infrastructure bases. Calls specifically on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to reevaluate current stall monitoring program conditions outlined for Haiti and work in the long-term toward a poverty reduction agreement for Haiti.<p>Urges the President to: (1) direct the Secretary of State to conduct a review of U.S. policy toward Haiti, including appropriate consultations with relevant congressional committees; and (2) instruct the Secretary of the Treasury to direct the U.S. Executive Director at the Inter-American Development Bank to release the four social sector and development loans for health, education, water and sanitation, and transportation that have been approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the Bank and ratified by the Haitian Parliament.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the need to reengage Congress and the Administration regarding the social conditions and need for poverty reduction in Haiti, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-05T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2004-03-02", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H748)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:16:00.441
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Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1] </fullName> <firstName> DOUGLAS </firstName> <lastName> BEREUTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [R-FL-9] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> BILIRAKIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Cyprus </name> </item> <item> <name> Democracy </name> </item> <item> <name> Election administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign leaders </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Greece </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Referendum </name> </item> <item> <name> Treaties </name> </item> <item> <name> Turkey </name> </item> <item> <name> United Kingdom </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations officials </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Declares that Congress: (1) appreciates the efforts of the United Nations (UN) Secretary General to seek a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement of the Cyprus problem for the benefit of the Cypriot people and the region; (2) urges the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot sides, as well as the guarantor powers, the United Kingdom, Greece and Turkey, to agree to sign the commitment to put in place the Secretary General's plan to separate, simultaneous referenda on the island on March 30, 2003; (3) expresses its view that such referenda must be carried out in a transparent and fair manner so that the will of the Cypriot people can be democratically expressed; and (4) urges the Cypriot people to participate in the referenda and to vote in support of the UN plan for a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem in order to bring a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement which will benefit all people of Cyprus. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing support for a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement to the Cyprus problem. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing support for a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement to the Cyprus problem. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing support for a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement to the Cyprus problem. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-06T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-06", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 79, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000403", "district": "1", "first_name": "DOUGLAS", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:02:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
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[ { "bioguide_id": "B000403", "district": "1", "first_name": "DOUGLAS", "full_name": "Rep. Bereuter, Doug [R-NE-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BEREUTER", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "R", "state": "NE" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000463", "district": "9", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [R-FL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BILIRAKIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "FL" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Cyprus", "Democracy", "Election administration", "Europe", "Foreign leaders", "Government Operations and Politics", "Greece", "Middle East and North Africa", "Negotiations", "Referendum", "Treaties", "Turkey", "United Kingdom", "United Nations", "United Nations officials" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Declares that Congress: (1) appreciates the efforts of the United Nations (UN) Secretary General to seek a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement of the Cyprus problem for the benefit of the Cypriot people and the region; (2) urges the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot sides, as well as the guarantor powers, the United Kingdom, Greece and Turkey, to agree to sign the commitment to put in place the Secretary General's plan to separate, simultaneous referenda on the island on March 30, 2003; (3) expresses its view that such referenda must be carried out in a transparent and fair manner so that the will of the Cypriot people can be democratically expressed; and (4) urges the Cypriot people to participate in the referenda and to vote in support of the UN plan for a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem in order to bring a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement which will benefit all people of Cyprus.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing support for a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement to the Cyprus problem.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing support for a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement to the Cyprus problem.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing support for a peaceful, just, and lasting settlement to the Cyprus problem.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:15:03.862
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 80 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-07-07T14:02:49Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-06 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-07-17T17:42:49Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa08 </systemCode> <name> Africa Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2003-06-04T20:42:18Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-06-04T20:42:13Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-06-04T14:22:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-06-12T20:47:35Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-06T15:05:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:18:57 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:18:53 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H6891) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:18:53 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H6891) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:06:47 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 80. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:06:45 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H6891-6892) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:06:00 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Royce moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-12 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-04 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa08 </systemCode> <name> Africa Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee by Unanimous Consent. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-04 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa08 </systemCode> <name> Africa Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-04 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa08 </systemCode> <name> Africa Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Africa. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000586 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24] </fullName> <firstName> SHERWOOD </firstName> <lastName> BOEHLERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 24 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000487 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40] </fullName> <firstName> ED </firstName> <lastName> ROYCE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 40 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000814 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Houghton, Amo [R-NY-29] </fullName> <firstName> AMO </firstName> <lastName> HOUGHTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1] </fullName> <firstName> WAYNE </firstName> <lastName> GILCHREST </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> UDALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28] </fullName> <firstName> LOUISE </firstName> <lastName> SLAUGHTER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38] </fullName> <firstName> GRACE </firstName> <lastName> NAPOLITANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 38 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000574 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3] </fullName> <firstName> EARL </firstName> <lastName> BLUMENAUER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001022 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> HYDE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Africa (Sub-Saharan) </name> </item> <item> <name> African cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Angola </name> </item> <item> <name> Animals </name> </item> <item> <name> Botswana </name> </item> <item> <name> Democratic Republic of Congo </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Environmental Protection </name> </item> <item> <name> Foundations </name> </item> <item> <name> International environmental cooperation </name> </item> <item> <name> Lesotho </name> </item> <item> <name> Malawi </name> </item> <item> <name> Mauritius </name> </item> <item> <name> Mozambique </name> </item> <item> <name> Namibia </name> </item> <item> <name> Nature conservation </name> </item> <item> <name> Nongovernmental organizations </name> </item> <item> <name> Parks </name> </item> <item> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Seychelles </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> South Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Sustainable development </name> </item> <item> <name> Tanzania </name> </item> <item> <name> Wildlife conservation </name> </item> <item> <name> Zambia </name> </item> <item> <name> Zimbabwe </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Calls for: (1) U.S. support for efforts to facilitate the establishment and development of trans-frontier conservation areas in the Southern African Development Community countries; and (2) non-governmental organizations and foundations in the United States to support and promote sustainable economic development and benefits through the preservation of wildlife in peace parks on an expanded and inclusive basis to the benefit of the countries concerned and their people. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-07-16 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-10-28T22:35:04Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Calls for: (1) U.S. support for efforts to facilitate the establishment and development of trans-frontier conservation areas in the Southern African Development Community countries; and (2) non-governmental organizations and foundations in the United States to support and promote sustainable economic development and benefits through the preservation of wildlife in peace parks on an expanded and inclusive basis to the benefit of the countries concerned and their people. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-07-17T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-07-16T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-06T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-07-17 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H6891)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H6891)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 80.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. 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Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000814", "district": "29", "first_name": "AMO", "full_name": "Rep. Houghton, Amo [R-NY-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOUGHTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000180", "district": "1", "first_name": "WAYNE", "full_name": "Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GILCHREST", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": "2", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. 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Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000179", "district": "38", "first_name": "GRACE", "full_name": "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NAPOLITANO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000574", "district": "3", "first_name": "EARL", "full_name": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BLUMENAUER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001022", "district": "6", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HYDE", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "OH" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-06", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 80, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000586", "district": "24", "first_name": "SHERWOOD", "full_name": "Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BOEHLERT", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Africa (Sub-Saharan)", "African cooperation", "Angola", "Animals", "Botswana", "Democratic Republic of Congo", "Economics and Public Finance", "Environmental Protection", "Foundations", "International environmental cooperation", "Lesotho", "Malawi", "Mauritius", "Mozambique", "Namibia", "Nature conservation", "Nongovernmental organizations", "Parks", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Seychelles", "Social Welfare", "South Africa", "Sustainable development", "Tanzania", "Wildlife conservation", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls for: (1) U.S. support for efforts to facilitate the establishment and development of trans-frontier conservation areas in the Southern African Development Community countries; and (2) non-governmental organizations and foundations in the United States to support and promote sustainable economic development and benefits through the preservation of wildlife in peace parks on an expanded and inclusive basis to the benefit of the countries concerned and their people.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-07-16", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Calls for: (1) U.S. support for efforts to facilitate the establishment and development of trans-frontier conservation areas in the Southern African Development Community countries; and (2) non-governmental organizations and foundations in the United States to support and promote sustainable economic development and benefits through the preservation of wildlife in peace parks on an expanded and inclusive basis to the benefit of the countries concerned and their people. </p>", "update_date": "2003-10-28T22:35:04Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-07-07T14:02:49Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-07-17T17:42:49Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-12T20:47:35Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-06T15:05:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-06-04T20:42:18Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-06-04T20:42:13Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-06-04T14:22:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Africa Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsfa08" } ], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H6891)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(text: CR H6891)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 80.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H6891-6892)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-07-16", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Royce moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-12", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Africa Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa08", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee by Unanimous Consent.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Africa Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa08", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-04", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Africa Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa08", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Africa.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000586", "district": "24", "first_name": "SHERWOOD", "full_name": "Rep. Boehlert, Sherwood [R-NY-24]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BOEHLERT", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000487", "district": "40", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Royce, Edward R. [R-CA-40]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYCE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000814", "district": "29", "first_name": "AMO", "full_name": "Rep. Houghton, Amo [R-NY-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOUGHTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000180", "district": "1", "first_name": "WAYNE", "full_name": "Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [R-MD-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GILCHREST", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000038", "district": "2", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Udall, Mark [D-CO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UDALL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000179", "district": "38", "first_name": "GRACE", "full_name": "Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NAPOLITANO", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000574", "district": "3", "first_name": "EARL", "full_name": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BLUMENAUER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-19", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001022", "district": "6", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [R-IL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HYDE", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "OH" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Africa (Sub-Saharan)", "African cooperation", "Angola", "Animals", "Botswana", "Democratic Republic of Congo", "Economics and Public Finance", "Environmental Protection", "Foundations", "International environmental cooperation", "Lesotho", "Malawi", "Mauritius", "Mozambique", "Namibia", "Nature conservation", "Nongovernmental organizations", "Parks", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Seychelles", "Social Welfare", "South Africa", "Sustainable development", "Tanzania", "Wildlife conservation", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls for: (1) U.S. support for efforts to facilitate the establishment and development of trans-frontier conservation areas in the Southern African Development Community countries; and (2) non-governmental organizations and foundations in the United States to support and promote sustainable economic development and benefits through the preservation of wildlife in peace parks on an expanded and inclusive basis to the benefit of the countries concerned and their people.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-07-16", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Calls for: (1) U.S. support for efforts to facilitate the establishment and development of trans-frontier conservation areas in the Southern African Development Community countries; and (2) non-governmental organizations and foundations in the United States to support and promote sustainable economic development and benefits through the preservation of wildlife in peace parks on an expanded and inclusive basis to the benefit of the countries concerned and their people. </p>", "update_date": "2003-10-28T22:35:04Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to efforts of the Peace Parks Foundation in the Republic of South Africa to facilitate the establishment and development of transfrontier conservation efforts in southern Africa.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-07-17T04:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-07-16T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-07-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:19:54.421
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 81 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-06 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-06T15:06:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Aggression </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy </name> </item> <item> <name> Military aircraft </name> </item> <item> <name> North Korea </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear nonproliferation </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear power plants </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear reactors </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear weapons </name> </item> <item> <name> Petroleum </name> </item> <item> <name> Reconnaissance aircraft </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Calls on: (1) North Korea to honor its commitments under the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and the Agreed Framework between the United States of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (signed in Geneva on October 21, 1994); (2) North Korea to refrain from further acts of provocation against U.S. aircraft; (3) the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework; and (4) member states of the United Nations to join the United States and condemn the actions of North Korea. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-06T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-06", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 81, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "state": "FL" } ], "subjects": [ "Aggression", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control agreements", "East Asia", "Energy", "Military aircraft", "North Korea", "Nuclear nonproliferation", "Nuclear power plants", "Nuclear reactors", "Nuclear weapons", "Petroleum", "Reconnaissance aircraft", "United Nations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls on: (1) North Korea to honor its commitments under the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and the Agreed Framework between the United States of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (signed in Geneva on October 21, 1994); (2) North Korea to refrain from further acts of provocation against U.S. aircraft; (3) the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework; and (4) member states of the United Nations to join the United States and condemn the actions of North Korea.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:06:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "state": "FL" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Aggression", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control agreements", "East Asia", "Energy", "Military aircraft", "North Korea", "Nuclear nonproliferation", "Nuclear power plants", "Nuclear reactors", "Nuclear weapons", "Petroleum", "Reconnaissance aircraft", "United Nations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Calls on: (1) North Korea to honor its commitments under the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and the Agreed Framework between the United States of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (signed in Geneva on October 21, 1994); (2) North Korea to refrain from further acts of provocation against U.S. aircraft; (3) the United States to return to an interim level of compliance with the Agreed Framework; and (4) member states of the United Nations to join the United States and condemn the actions of North Korea.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its announcement that it has restarted a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon and for the provocation caused by the interception of a United States Air Force reconnaissance plane by North Korean military aircraft.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:16:00.291
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 82 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-06 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsas29 </systemCode> <name> Strategic Forces Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-27T15:09:49Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-06T15:00:10Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-06T15:00:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-27 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas29 </systemCode> <name> Strategic Forces Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100-A </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsas00 </systemCode> <name> Armed Services Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000807 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hostettler, John N. [R-IN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> HOSTETTLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 8 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000981 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52] </fullName> <firstName> DUNCAN </firstName> <lastName> HUNTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 52 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> Y000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Young, Don [R-AK-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DON </firstName> <lastName> YOUNG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AK </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000208 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROSCOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTLETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thornberry, Mac [R-TX-13] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> THORNBERRY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000268 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7] </fullName> <firstName> CURT </firstName> <lastName> WELDON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000127 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Vitter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> SESSIONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5] </fullName> <firstName> DAN </firstName> <lastName> BURTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001240 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Beauprez </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000795 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2] </fullName> <firstName> Joe </firstName> <lastName> Wilson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SC </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed forces abroad </name> </item> <item> <name> Ballistic missile defenses </name> </item> <item> <name> Biological warfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Bush (George W.) Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Chemical warfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Collective security </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear warfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear weapons </name> </item> <item> <name> Reagan Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Weapons of mass destruction </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's speech that provided for a visionary policy of seeking a defensive capability to counter the threat posed by strategic ballistic missiles.&lt;p&gt;Commends: (1) President Reagan for decreasing U.S. reliance on the threat of retaliation and increasing the contribution of defensive systems to the security of the United States and its allies; and (2) President Bush's commitment to a multi-layered missile defense system for protection against the threat of ballistic missiles. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-06T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-27 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Strategic Forces Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas29", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:00:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-27T15:09:49Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Strategic Forces Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsas29" } ], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:00:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000981", "district": "52", "first_name": "DUNCAN", "full_name": "Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HUNTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "Y000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "DON", "full_name": "Rep. Young, Don [R-AK-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "YOUNG", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000238", "district": "13", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Thornberry, Mac [R-TX-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "THORNBERRY", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000268", "district": "7", "first_name": "CURT", "full_name": "Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001149", "district": "5", "first_name": "DAN", "full_name": "Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BURTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001240", "district": "7", "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Beauprez", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-04", "state": "SC" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-06", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 82, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H000807", "district": "8", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Hostettler, John N. [R-IN-8]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HOSTETTLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "IN" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces abroad", "Ballistic missile defenses", "Biological warfare", "Bush (George W.) Administration", "Chemical warfare", "Collective security", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Government Operations and Politics", "International Affairs", "Nuclear warfare", "Nuclear weapons", "Reagan Administration", "Weapons of mass destruction" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's speech that provided for a visionary policy of seeking a defensive capability to counter the threat posed by strategic ballistic missiles.<p>Commends: (1) President Reagan for decreasing U.S. reliance on the threat of retaliation and increasing the contribution of defensive systems to the security of the United States and its allies; and (2) President Bush's commitment to a multi-layered missile defense system for protection against the threat of ballistic missiles.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:00:10Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-27T15:09:49Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Strategic Forces Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsas29" } ], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:00:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-27", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Strategic Forces Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas29", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000807", "district": "8", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Hostettler, John N. [R-IN-8]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "HOSTETTLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "IN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000981", "district": "52", "first_name": "DUNCAN", "full_name": "Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HUNTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "Y000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "DON", "full_name": "Rep. Young, Don [R-AK-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "YOUNG", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "AK" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000238", "district": "13", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Thornberry, Mac [R-TX-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "THORNBERRY", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000268", "district": "7", "first_name": "CURT", "full_name": "Rep. Weldon, Curt [R-PA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WELDON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000127", "district": "1", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Vitter, David [R-LA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Vitter", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001149", "district": "5", "first_name": "DAN", "full_name": "Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BURTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001240", "district": "7", "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Beauprez", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000795", "district": "2", "first_name": "Joe", "full_name": "Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Wilson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-04", "state": "SC" } ]
[ "Anniversaries", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces abroad", "Ballistic missile defenses", "Biological warfare", "Bush (George W.) Administration", "Chemical warfare", "Collective security", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Government Operations and Politics", "International Affairs", "Nuclear warfare", "Nuclear weapons", "Reagan Administration", "Weapons of mass destruction" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's speech that provided for a visionary policy of seeking a defensive capability to counter the threat posed by strategic ballistic missiles.<p>Commends: (1) President Reagan for decreasing U.S. reliance on the threat of retaliation and increasing the contribution of defensive systems to the security of the United States and its allies; and (2) President Bush's commitment to a multi-layered missile defense system for protection against the threat of ballistic missiles.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress on commemorating the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's vision for protecting the United States against ballistic missile attack and commending President George W. Bush's commitment to a multi-layered ballistic missile defense system to protect the homeland of the United States from ballistic missile attack.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:17:01.209
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 83 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-06 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-11-20T21:28:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-06T15:05:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-20 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> ssfr00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Relations Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:37:34 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:37:31 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 420 - 1 (Roll no. 640). (text: CR H11524-11525) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 640 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll640.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-11-19T21:37:31Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:37:31 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 420 - 1 (Roll no. 640).(text: CR H11524-11525) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 640 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll640.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-11-19T21:37:31Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:28:33 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H11573-11574) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:12:35 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:52:47 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 83. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:52:45 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H11524-11527) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:52:26 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Leach moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37] </fullName> <firstName> JUANITA </firstName> <lastName> MILLENDER-MCDONALD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 37 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000014 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] </fullName> <firstName> NEIL </firstName> <lastName> ABERCROMBIE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001245 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Madeleine </firstName> <lastName> Bordallo </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GU </state> <middleName> Z. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000399 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10] </fullName> <firstName> LLOYD </firstName> <lastName> DOGGETT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000057 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2] </fullName> <firstName> STEVE </firstName> <lastName> ISRAEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000557 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000397 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16] </fullName> <firstName> ZOE </firstName> <lastName> LOFGREN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000409 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46] </fullName> <firstName> DANA </firstName> <lastName> ROHRABACHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 46 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000486 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34] </fullName> <firstName> LUCILLE </firstName> <lastName> ROYBAL-ALLARD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 34 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47] </fullName> <firstName> LORETTA </firstName> <lastName> SANCHEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 47 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000260 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS-4] </fullName> <firstName> TODD </firstName> <lastName> TIAHRT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000793 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> WU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Cambodia </name> </item> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Genocide </name> </item> <item> <name> Human rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Victims of crimes </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Declares that Congress: (1) honors the victims of the genocide in Cambodia that took place beginning in April 1975 and ending in January 1979; and (2) is committed to pursuing justice for the victims of the Cambodian genocide. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-11-19 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-11-26T16:05:33Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Declares that Congress: (1) honors the victims of the genocide in Cambodia that took place beginning in April 1975 and ending in January 1979; and (2) is committed to pursuing justice for the victims of the Cambodian genocide. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-11-20T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-11-19T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-06T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-11-20 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-20", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 420 - 1 (Roll no. 640). (text: CR H11524-11525)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 420 - 1 (Roll no. 640).(text: CR H11524-11525)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H11573-11574)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 83.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H11524-11527)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Leach moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-20T21:28:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:05:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001245", "district": "0", "first_name": "Madeleine", "full_name": "Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bordallo", "middle_name": "Z.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "GU" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000399", "district": "10", "first_name": "LLOYD", "full_name": "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOGGETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000057", "district": "2", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ISRAEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000557", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LARSON", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOFGREN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000486", "district": "34", "first_name": "LUCILLE", "full_name": "Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000260", "district": "4", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TIAHRT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000793", "district": "1", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-18", "state": "DC" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-06", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 83, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Cambodia", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "East Asia", "Genocide", "Human rights", "Victims of crimes" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Declares that Congress: (1) honors the victims of the genocide in Cambodia that took place beginning in April 1975 and ending in January 1979; and (2) is committed to pursuing justice for the victims of the Cambodian genocide.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that Congress: (1) honors the victims of the genocide in Cambodia that took place beginning in April 1975 and ending in January 1979; and (2) is committed to pursuing justice for the victims of the Cambodian genocide. </p>", "update_date": "2003-11-26T16:05:33Z", "version_code": "81" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-11-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-20T21:28:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:05:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-20", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Relations Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "ssfr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 420 - 1 (Roll no. 640). (text: CR H11524-11525)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 420 - 1 (Roll no. 640).(text: CR H11524-11525)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H11573-11574)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 83.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H11524-11527)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-11-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Leach moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000714", "district": "37", "first_name": "JUANITA", "full_name": "Rep. Millender-McDonald, Juanita [D-CA-37]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MILLENDER-MCDONALD", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "CA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001245", "district": "0", "first_name": "Madeleine", "full_name": "Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Bordallo", "middle_name": "Z.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "GU" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000399", "district": "10", "first_name": "LLOYD", "full_name": "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DOGGETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000057", "district": "2", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Israel, Steve [D-NY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ISRAEL", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000557", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LARSON", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOFGREN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000486", "district": "34", "first_name": "LUCILLE", "full_name": "Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000030", "district": "47", "first_name": "LORETTA", "full_name": "Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA-47]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SANCHEZ", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000260", "district": "4", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TIAHRT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000793", "district": "1", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-18", "state": "DC" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Cambodia", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Commemorations", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "East Asia", "Genocide", "Human rights", "Victims of crimes" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Declares that Congress: (1) honors the victims of the genocide in Cambodia that took place beginning in April 1975 and ending in January 1979; and (2) is committed to pursuing justice for the victims of the Cambodian genocide.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-19", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <p><b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b></p> <p>Declares that Congress: (1) honors the victims of the genocide in Cambodia that took place beginning in April 1975 and ending in January 1979; and (2) is committed to pursuing justice for the victims of the Cambodian genocide. </p>", "update_date": "2003-11-26T16:05:33Z", "version_code": "81" } ]
Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-11-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-11-19T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:15:03.714
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 84 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-06 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsha00 </systemCode> <name> Committee on House Administration </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-06T15:01:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4590) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4590) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:23:55 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H2283-2284) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:23:52 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (consideration: CR H2283-2287) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:23:52 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(consideration: CR H2283-2287) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:09:12 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 84. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:09:09 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-25 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:08:50 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Ney moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on House Administration. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsha00 </systemCode> <name> Committee on House Administration </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000260 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS-4] </fullName> <firstName> TODD </firstName> <lastName> TIAHRT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 4 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000566 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RYUN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, Jerry [R-KS-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001140 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> MOORE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Capitol (Washington, D.C.) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Eisenhower Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Kansas </name> </item> <item> <name> Sculpture </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-06 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.&lt;p&gt;Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.&lt;p&gt;Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-25 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 6, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.&lt;p&gt;Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.&lt;p&gt;Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 6, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.&lt;p&gt;Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.&lt;p&gt;Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-03-26T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-03-25T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-06T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4590)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4590)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H2283-2284)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (consideration: CR H2283-2287)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(consideration: CR H2283-2287)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 84.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Ney moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:01:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000934", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jerry", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, Jerry [R-KS-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Moran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "KS" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-06", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 84, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000260", "district": "4", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "TIAHRT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KS" } ], "subjects": [ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Eisenhower Administration", "Government Operations and Politics", "Kansas", "Sculpture" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.<p>Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.<p>Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.<p>Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-25", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 6, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.<p>Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.<p>Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.<p>Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 6, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.<p>Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.<p>Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.<p>Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-06T15:01:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S4590)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S4590)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H2283-2284)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote. (consideration: CR H2283-2287)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.(consideration: CR H2283-2287)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 84.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-25", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Ney moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Committee on House Administration", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsha00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-06", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "T000260", "district": "4", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS-4]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "TIAHRT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "KS" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000934", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jerry", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, Jerry [R-KS-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Moran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-06", "state": "KS" } ]
[ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Eisenhower Administration", "Government Operations and Politics", "Kansas", "Sculpture" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-06", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.<p>Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.<p>Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.<p>Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-25", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 6, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.<p>Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.<p>Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.<p>Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-31", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 6, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Accepts in the name of the United States the statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower furnished by the people of Kansas for placement in the U.S. Capitol.<p>Extends the thanks of Congress to the people of Kansas for providing this commemoration of one of the most eminent persons from Kansas.<p>Authorizes the State of Kansas to use the Rotunda of the Capitol on June 4, 2003, for a presentation ceremony for the statue.<p>Declares that the statue shall be displayed in the Rotunda of the Capitol for up to six months, after which time it shall be moved to its permanent location.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Providing for the acceptance of a statue of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, presented by the people of Kansas, for placement in the Capitol, and for other purposes.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-25T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-06T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:14:00.837
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 85 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-10 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-10T17:08:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-14 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3760-3761) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S3760-3761) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:39:58 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 55). (text of measure as introduced: CR 3/11/2003 H1701-1702) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 55 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll055.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-12T16:39:58Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:39:58 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:39:58 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 55).(text of measure as introduced: CR 3/11/2003 H1701-1702) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 55 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll055.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-12T16:39:58Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <actionTime> 11:33:34 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1751) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:55:43 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:33:56 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 85. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:33:51 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1701-1704) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:31:31 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Turner (OH) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000113 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2] </fullName> <firstName> ROB </firstName> <lastName> SIMMONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001037 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> CAPUANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000562 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-9] </fullName> <firstName> Stephen </firstName> <lastName> Lynch </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> MEEHAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000015 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> NEAL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000085 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> OLVER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> TIERNEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Building laws </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency Management </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal officials </name> </item> <item> <name> Fire fighters </name> </item> <item> <name> Fire prevention </name> </item> <item> <name> Fires </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Local officials </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Nightclubs and cabarets </name> </item> <item> <name> Paramedical personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Rhode Island </name> </item> <item> <name> Safety measures </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> State officials </name> </item> <item> <name> Victims </name> </item> <item> <name> Volunteer workers </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.&lt;p&gt;Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.&lt;p&gt;Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 10, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.&lt;p&gt;Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.&lt;p&gt;Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 10, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.&lt;p&gt;Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.&lt;p&gt;Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-03-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-03-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-10T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-14 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3760-3761)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S3760-3761)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 55). (text of measure as introduced: CR 3/11/2003 H1701-1702)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 55).(text of measure as introduced: CR 3/11/2003 H1701-1702)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1751)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 85.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1701-1704)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Turner (OH) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-10T17:08:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SIMMONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000562", "district": "9", "first_name": "Stephen", "full_name": "Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Lynch", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000015", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NEAL", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-10", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 85, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "RI" } ], "subjects": [ "Building laws", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Emergency Management", "Emergency medicine", "Federal officials", "Fire fighters", "Fire prevention", "Fires", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health", "Local officials", "Medical personnel", "Nightclubs and cabarets", "Paramedical personnel", "Rhode Island", "Safety measures", "Social Welfare", "State officials", "Victims", "Volunteer workers" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.<p>Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.<p>Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-12", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 10, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.<p>Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.<p>Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 10, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.<p>Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.<p>Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-10T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-10T17:08:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3760-3761)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S3760-3761)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 55). (text of measure as introduced: CR 3/11/2003 H1701-1702)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 422 - 0 (Roll no. 55).(text of measure as introduced: CR 3/11/2003 H1701-1702)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1751)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 85.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H1701-1704)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Turner (OH) moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "state": "RI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SIMMONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000562", "district": "9", "first_name": "Stephen", "full_name": "Rep. Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Lynch", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000015", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NEAL", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-10", "state": "MA" } ]
[ "Building laws", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Emergency Management", "Emergency medicine", "Federal officials", "Fire fighters", "Fire prevention", "Fires", "Government Operations and Politics", "Health", "Local officials", "Medical personnel", "Nightclubs and cabarets", "Paramedical personnel", "Rhode Island", "Safety measures", "Social Welfare", "State officials", "Victims", "Volunteer workers" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-10", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.<p>Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.<p>Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-12", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 10, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.<p>Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.<p>Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 10, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Expresses the deepest condolences of Congress to the family members and friends who lost loved ones as a result of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, and offers its hope for the quick and full recovery of those persons who were injured in the fire.<p>Expresses immense gratitude for the efforts of countless emergency response personnel, local, State, and Federal officials, health care providers, volunteers, businesses, and citizens who have been part of the response to this tragedy.<p>Urges State and local officials and the owners of entertainment facilities to examine their safety practices, fire codes, and enforcement capabilities in light of this horrific tragedy and to take all necessary action to ensure that such a tragedy never befalls any community again.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with regard to the need for improved fire safety in nonresidential buildings in the aftermath of the tragic fire on February 20, 2003, at a nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-10T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:15:03.899
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 86 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsju10 </systemCode> <name> Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-05-05T17:53:13Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-11T17:33:10Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-24T17:21:18Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-11T17:33:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsju10 </systemCode> <name> Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsju00 </systemCode> <name> Judiciary Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100-A </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28] </fullName> <firstName> LOUISE </firstName> <lastName> SLAUGHTER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000002 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] </fullName> <firstName> JERROLD </firstName> <lastName> NADLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18] </fullName> <firstName> NITA </firstName> <lastName> LOWEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000248 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSE </firstName> <lastName> SERRANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> FARR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000005 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> SABO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> OLAV </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000793 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> WU </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ANDREWS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000216 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] </fullName> <firstName> ROSA </firstName> <lastName> DELAURO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000460 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-1] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> THOMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Holt, Rush [D-NJ-12] </fullName> <firstName> RUSH </firstName> <lastName> HOLT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> MEEHAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000574 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3] </fullName> <firstName> EARL </firstName> <lastName> BLUMENAUER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000486 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34] </fullName> <firstName> LUCILLE </firstName> <lastName> ROYBAL-ALLARD </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 34 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000085 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> OLVER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues </name> </item> <item> <name> Discrimination in education </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Homosexuality </name> </item> <item> <name> Local laws </name> </item> <item> <name> School districts </name> </item> <item> <name> School personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Sex change </name> </item> <item> <name> Sex discrimination </name> </item> <item> <name> Sexual harassment </name> </item> <item> <name> Sexual orientation </name> </item> <item> <name> Special days </name> </item> <item> <name> State laws </name> </item> <item> <name> Students </name> </item> <item> <name> Teachers </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Supports the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence (during which students vow to remain silent to bring attention to the harassment and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in schools). Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling for observation of April 9, 2003, as such Day.&lt;p&gt;Encourages each city and State to adopt laws, and each school district to adopt policies, to prohibit such discrimination and harassment. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-05-05 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 86, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. 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Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling for observation of April 9, 2003, as such Day.<p>Encourages each city and State to adopt laws, and each school district to adopt policies, to prohibit such discrimination and harassment.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
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[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju10", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100-A", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": "2", "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOWEY", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FARR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000210", "district": "10", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Delahunt", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000005", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Sabo, Martin Olav [D-MN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SABO", "middle_name": "OLAV", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000793", "district": "1", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Wu, David [D-OR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WU", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000460", "district": "1", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001032", "district": "12", "first_name": "RUSH", "full_name": "Rep. Holt, Rush [D-NJ-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOLT", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000515", "district": "1", "first_name": "BOBBY", "full_name": "Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000574", "district": "3", "first_name": "EARL", "full_name": "Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BLUMENAUER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000486", "district": "34", "first_name": "LUCILLE", "full_name": "Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROYBAL-ALLARD", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-08", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-30", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-30", "state": "MD" } ]
[ "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Discrimination in education", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Government Operations and Politics", "Higher education", "Homosexuality", "Local laws", "School districts", "School personnel", "Sex change", "Sex discrimination", "Sexual harassment", "Sexual orientation", "Special days", "State laws", "Students", "Teachers" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Supports the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence (during which students vow to remain silent to bring attention to the harassment and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in schools). Requests that the President issue a proclamation calling for observation of April 9, 2003, as such Day.<p>Encourages each city and State to adopt laws, and each school district to adopt policies, to prohibit such discrimination and harassment.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Supporting the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:15:03.769
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 87 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-11T17:33:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> ANDREWS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000463 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [R-FL-9] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> BILIRAKIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000344 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> SHERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000316 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5] </fullName> <firstName> KAREN </firstName> <lastName> MCCARTHY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> TIERNEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001156 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39] </fullName> <firstName> Linda </firstName> <lastName> Sánchez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 39 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000397 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16] </fullName> <firstName> ZOE </firstName> <lastName> LOFGREN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001139 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Gary G. [R-CA-42] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 42 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001036 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23] </fullName> <firstName> LOIS </firstName> <lastName> CAPPS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000482 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> DOYLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000004 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> RADANOVICH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000639 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ-13] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Menendez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Boundaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Dispute settlement </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Greece </name> </item> <item> <name> International courts </name> </item> <item> <name> Islands </name> </item> <item> <name> Italy </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Marine and coastal resources, fisheries </name> </item> <item> <name> Netherlands </name> </item> <item> <name> Peace treaties </name> </item> <item> <name> Territorial waters </name> </item> <item> <name> Treaties </name> </item> <item> <name> Turkey </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the water boundaries established in the 1923 Lausanne Treaty of Peace, the 1932 Convention and Protocol Between Italy and Turkey, and the 1947 Paris Treaty of Peace, under which the Dodecanese islands and adjacent islets were ceded by Italy to Greece, are the borders between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea; and (2) any party, including Turkey, objecting to such boundaries should seek redress in the International Court of Justice at The Hague. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding Turkey's claims of sovereignty over islands and islets in the Aegean Sea. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding Turkey's claims of sovereignty over islands and islets in the Aegean Sea. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding Turkey's claims of sovereignty over islands and islets in the Aegean Sea. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-23", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000316", "district": "5", "first_name": "KAREN", "full_name": "Rep. McCarthy, Karen [D-MO-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCARTHY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-04", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-04", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. 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As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 87, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-11T17:33:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
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Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-16", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001156", "district": "39", "first_name": "Linda", "full_name": "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sánchez", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-23", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000397", "district": "16", "first_name": "ZOE", "full_name": "Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LOFGREN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001139", "district": "42", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Gary G. [R-CA-42]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-17", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001036", "district": "23", "first_name": "LOIS", "full_name": "Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAPPS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-29", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-17", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000482", "district": "14", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOYLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-17", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-21", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000004", "district": "19", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. 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International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Boundaries", "Dispute settlement", "Europe", "Greece", "International courts", "Islands", "Italy", "Law", "Marine and coastal resources, fisheries", "Netherlands", "Peace treaties", "Territorial waters", "Treaties", "Turkey" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) the water boundaries established in the 1923 Lausanne Treaty of Peace, the 1932 Convention and Protocol Between Italy and Turkey, and the 1947 Paris Treaty of Peace, under which the Dodecanese islands and adjacent islets were ceded by Italy to Greece, are the borders between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea; and (2) any party, including Turkey, objecting to such boundaries should seek redress in the International Court of Justice at The Hague.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding Turkey's claims of sovereignty over islands and islets in the Aegean Sea.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding Turkey's claims of sovereignty over islands and islets in the Aegean Sea.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding Turkey's claims of sovereignty over islands and islets in the Aegean Sea.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:14:00.658
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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 88, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Arts, Culture, Religion", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. 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[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Constitution and Limited Government Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju10", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Judiciary Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsju00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000210", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Andrews, Robert E. [D-NJ-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "ANDREWS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "NJ" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "W000437", "district": "1", "first_name": "Roger", "full_name": "Rep. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Wicker", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-17", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000047", "district": "5", "first_name": "ERNEST", "full_name": "Rep. Istook, Ernest J., Jr. [R-OK-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ISTOOK", "middle_name": "JIM", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-17", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000422", "district": "0", "first_name": "EARL", "full_name": "Rep. Pomeroy, Earl [D-ND-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "POMEROY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-17", "state": "ND" } ]
Arts, Culture, Religion
[ "Child safety", "Child welfare", "Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues", "Congress", "Constitutional law", "Families", "Freedom of speech", "Internet", "Law", "Legislation", "Libraries", "Science, Technology, Communications" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the Children's Internet Protection Act is constitutional as it applies to public libraries.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that the Children's Internet Protection Act is constitutional as it applies to public libraries.
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[ { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:16:00.398
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 89 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-11T17:33:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000085 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> OLVER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control </name> </item> <item> <name> Arms control verification </name> </item> <item> <name> Diplomacy </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Sovereignty </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> <item> <name> Weapons of mass destruction </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the executive branch should respect the independent decision-making right of member states on the Security Council, as well as the principle set forth in Article 2, Section 1, of the United Nations Charter, in its diplomatic exchanges regarding Security Council resolutions; and (2) members of the executive branch and Members of Congress should refrain from threatening such member states with possible negative consequences with respect to diplomatic, economic, and social relations with the United States as a result of any vote cast in opposition to the U.S. position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-11T17:33:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 89, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "WA" } ], "subjects": [ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control verification", "Diplomacy", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Middle East and North Africa", "Sovereignty", "United Nations", "Weapons of mass destruction" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the executive branch should respect the independent decision-making right of member states on the Security Council, as well as the principle set forth in Article 2, Section 1, of the United Nations Charter, in its diplomatic exchanges regarding Security Council resolutions; and (2) members of the executive branch and Members of Congress should refrain from threatening such member states with possible negative consequences with respect to diplomatic, economic, and social relations with the United States as a result of any vote cast in opposition to the U.S. position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-11T17:33:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "WA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-11", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Arms control", "Arms control verification", "Diplomacy", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Middle East and North Africa", "Sovereignty", "United Nations", "Weapons of mass destruction" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the executive branch should respect the independent decision-making right of member states on the Security Council, as well as the principle set forth in Article 2, Section 1, of the United Nations Charter, in its diplomatic exchanges regarding Security Council resolutions; and (2) members of the executive branch and Members of Congress should refrain from threatening such member states with possible negative consequences with respect to diplomatic, economic, and social relations with the United States as a result of any vote cast in opposition to the U.S. position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should respect the sovereign equality of the member states of the United Nations Security Council with respect to each state's position concerning Iraq's compliance with Resolution 1441.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:19:54.226
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 90 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-11 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsii15 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-14T19:57:22Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-11T17:35:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-14 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii15 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E430-431) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Resources. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsii00 </systemCode> <name> Natural Resources Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> O000166 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Otter, C. L. (Butch) [R-ID-1] </fullName> <firstName> C. L. </firstName> <lastName> OTTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Animals </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Game and game birds </name> </item> <item> <name> Hunting </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative amendments </name> </item> <item> <name> Licenses </name> </item> <item> <name> Migratory bird conservation </name> </item> <item> <name> Sports and Recreation </name> </item> <item> <name> Treaties </name> </item> <item> <name> Wildlife conservation </name> </item> <item> <name> Wildlife management </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Animals </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-11 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 should be modified to allow for mourning dove hunting during the last week in August in areas north of 37 degrees north latitude; (2) the United States should begin discussions with the appropriate parties to ensure that all Americans have an opportunity to harvest migratory mourning doves in an equitable manner; and (3) hunters and wildlife management agencies in States north of 37 degrees north latitude should support an earlier opening date for the mourning dove hunting season. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-11T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-14 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii15", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E430-431)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Resources.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-11T17:35:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-14T19:57:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsii15" } ], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-11", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 90, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Animals", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "O000166", "district": "1", "first_name": "C. L.", "full_name": "Rep. Otter, C. L. (Butch) [R-ID-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "OTTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "ID" } ], "subjects": [ "Congress", "Game and game birds", "Hunting", "International Affairs", "Law", "Legislation", "Legislative amendments", "Licenses", "Migratory bird conservation", "Sports and Recreation", "Treaties", "Wildlife conservation", "Wildlife management" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 should be modified to allow for mourning dove hunting during the last week in August in areas north of 37 degrees north latitude; (2) the United States should begin discussions with the appropriate parties to ensure that all Americans have an opportunity to harvest migratory mourning doves in an equitable manner; and (3) hunters and wildlife management agencies in States north of 37 degrees north latitude should support an earlier opening date for the mourning dove hunting season.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-11T17:35:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-14T19:57:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsii15" } ], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-14", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii15", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-03-12", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E430-431)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Natural Resources Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsii00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Resources.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "O000166", "district": "1", "first_name": "C. L.", "full_name": "Rep. Otter, C. L. (Butch) [R-ID-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "OTTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "ID" } ]
[ "Congress", "Game and game birds", "Hunting", "International Affairs", "Law", "Legislation", "Legislative amendments", "Licenses", "Migratory bird conservation", "Sports and Recreation", "Treaties", "Wildlife conservation", "Wildlife management" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-11", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 should be modified to allow for mourning dove hunting during the last week in August in areas north of 37 degrees north latitude; (2) the United States should begin discussions with the appropriate parties to ensure that all Americans have an opportunity to harvest migratory mourning doves in an equitable manner; and (3) hunters and wildlife management agencies in States north of 37 degrees north latitude should support an earlier opening date for the mourning dove hunting season.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that hunting seasons for migratory mourning doves should be modified so that individuals have a fair and equitable opportunity to hunt such birds.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-11T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:16:00.245
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 91 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-12 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-17T22:14:47Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-12T16:04:25Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000243 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Castle, Michael N. [R-DE-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> CASTLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> DE </state> <middleName> N. </middleName> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18] </fullName> <firstName> NITA </firstName> <lastName> LOWEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000163 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5] </fullName> <firstName> NANCY </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001036 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23] </fullName> <firstName> LOIS </firstName> <lastName> CAPPS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000933 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MORAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001242 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1] </fullName> <firstName> Timothy </firstName> <lastName> Bishop </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000249 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Matsui, Robert T. [D-CA-5] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> MATSUI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000085 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> OLVER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001156 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39] </fullName> <firstName> Linda </firstName> <lastName> Sánchez </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 39 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DINGELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Michaud </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Shays, Christopher [R-CT-4] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> SHAYS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4] </fullName> <firstName> DAVE </firstName> <lastName> CAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000510 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Families </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Health education </name> </item> <item> <name> Premarital sex </name> </item> <item> <name> Sex education </name> </item> <item> <name> Teenage pregnancy </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Families </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-12 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the Nation should strive to prevent teen pregnancy by encouraging teens to view adolescence as a time for education and growing-up and by educating teens about the negative consequences of early sexual activity. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Nation should strive to prevent teen pregnancy by encouraging teens to view adolescence as a time for education and growing-up and by educating teens about the negative consequences of early sexual activity. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Nation should strive to prevent teen pregnancy by encouraging teens to view adolescence as a time for education and growing-up and by educating teens about the negative consequences of early sexual activity. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Nation should strive to prevent teen pregnancy by encouraging teens to view adolescence as a time for education and growing-up and by educating teens about the negative consequences of early sexual activity. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-12T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-12", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 91, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Families", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000243", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Castle, Michael N. 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[ { "bioguide_id": "C000243", "district": null, "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Castle, Michael N. [R-DE-At Large]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CASTLE", "middle_name": "N.", "party": "R", "state": "DE" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "L000480", "district": "18", "first_name": "NITA", "full_name": "Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LOWEY", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-12", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000163", "district": "5", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001036", "district": "23", "first_name": "LOIS", "full_name": "Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAPPS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001242", "district": "1", "first_name": "Timothy", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bishop", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000249", "district": "5", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Matsui, Robert T. [D-CA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MATSUI", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001156", "district": "39", "first_name": "Linda", "full_name": "Rep. Sánchez, Linda T. [D-CA-39]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sánchez", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-09", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-09", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001144", "district": "4", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Health", "Health education", "Premarital sex", "Sex education", "Teenage pregnancy" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-12", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the Nation should strive to prevent teen pregnancy by encouraging teens to view adolescence as a time for education and growing-up and by educating teens about the negative consequences of early sexual activity.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that the Nation should strive to prevent teen pregnancy by encouraging teens to view adolescence as a time for education and growing-up and by educating teens about the negative consequences of early sexual activity.
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[ { "date": "2003-03-12T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:11:02.460
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Johnson, Sam [R-TX-3] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 3 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H000981 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52] </fullName> <firstName> DUNCAN </firstName> <lastName> HUNTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 52 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Defense budgets </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Gross national product </name> </item> <item> <name> Military readiness </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Military Investment Resolution - Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should invest a minimum of four percent of gross domestic product on national defense in order to reverse the neglect of the 1990s, improve military readiness to necessary defense levels, and promote American values domestically and abroad. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Military Investment Resolution </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Military Investment Resolution </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the need to invest a minimum of 4 percent of gross domestic product on national defense. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> <item> <titleType> Short Titles as Introduced </titleType> <title> Military Investment Resolution </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-13T15:05:25Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Armed Services Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsas00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "J000174", "district": "3", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Sam [R-TX-3]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "H000981", "district": "52", "first_name": "DUNCAN", "full_name": "Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HUNTER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "CA" } ]
Armed Forces and National Security
[ "Defense budgets", "Economics and Public Finance", "Gross national product", "Military readiness" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Military Investment Resolution - Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should invest a minimum of four percent of gross domestic product on national defense in order to reverse the neglect of the 1990s, improve military readiness to necessary defense levels, and promote American values domestically and abroad.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Military Investment Resolution
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[ { "date": "2003-03-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:19:54.082
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 93 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:39Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-13T15:04:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M000508 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" [R-CA-25] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> MCKEON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 25 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000755 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8] </fullName> <firstName> KEVIN </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000274 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, Jerry [R-CA-41] </fullName> <firstName> JERRY </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 41 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000280 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5] </fullName> <firstName> VIRGIL </firstName> <lastName> GOODE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000055 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA-6] </fullName> <firstName> Johnny </firstName> <lastName> Isakson </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000548 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Garrett, Scott [R-NJ-5] </fullName> <firstName> Scott </firstName> <lastName> Garrett </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000492 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> DREIER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 26 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000550 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gingrey, Phil [R-GA-11] </fullName> <firstName> Phil </firstName> <lastName> Gingrey </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001228 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bono, Mary [R-CA-45] </fullName> <firstName> Mary </firstName> <lastName> Bono </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 45 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000533 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN-2] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DUNCAN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TN </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000168 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Deal, Nathan [R-GA-10] </fullName> <firstName> NATHAN </firstName> <lastName> DEAL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-44] </fullName> <firstName> KEN </firstName> <lastName> CALVERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 44 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000994 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cunningham, Randy (Duke) [R-CA-50] </fullName> <firstName> RANDY </firstName> <lastName> CUNNINGHAM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 50 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000164 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ose, Doug [R-CA-3] </fullName> <firstName> DOUG </firstName> <lastName> OSE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Norwood, Charles W. [R-GA-9] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> NORWOOD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000409 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46] </fullName> <firstName> DANA </firstName> <lastName> ROHRABACHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 46 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000460 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-1] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> THOMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000021 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gallegly, Elton [R-CA-24] </fullName> <firstName> ELTON </firstName> <lastName> GALLEGLY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000429 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doolittle, John T. [R-CA-4] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DOOLITTLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> FARR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000830 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cox, Christopher [R-CA-48] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> COX </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 48 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000528 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WALLY </firstName> <lastName> HERGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000981 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hunter, Duncan [R-CA-52] </fullName> <firstName> DUNCAN </firstName> <lastName> HUNTER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 52 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000056 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Issa, Darrell E. [R-CA-49] </fullName> <firstName> DARRELL </firstName> <lastName> ISSA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 49 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001139 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Gary G. [R-CA-42] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 42 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-21] </fullName> <firstName> Devin </firstName> <lastName> Nunes </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000419 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pombo, Richard W. [R-CA-11] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> POMBO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000004 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> RADANOVICH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000188 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thomas, William M. [R-CA-22] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> THOMAS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> MARSHALL </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001045 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1] </fullName> <firstName> BART </firstName> <lastName> STUPAK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000344 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> SHERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRED </firstName> <lastName> UPTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000255 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] </fullName> <firstName> WALTER </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-05-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Capital punishment </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Extradition </name> </item> <item> <name> Latin America </name> </item> <item> <name> Life imprisonment </name> </item> <item> <name> Mexico </name> </item> <item> <name> Negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Sentences (Criminal procedure) </name> </item> <item> <name> Treaties </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the Extradition Treaty between the United States of America and the United Mexican States (signed in Mexico City on May 4, 1978 (31UST5059)), so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-13T15:04:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000274", "district": "41", "first_name": "JERRY", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, Jerry [R-CA-41]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000055", "district": "6", "first_name": "Johnny", "full_name": "Rep. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000548", "district": "5", "first_name": "Scott", "full_name": "Rep. Garrett, Scott [R-NJ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Garrett", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000492", "district": "26", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DREIER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000550", "district": "11", "first_name": "Phil", "full_name": "Rep. Gingrey, Phil [R-GA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Gingrey", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001228", "district": "45", "first_name": "Mary", "full_name": "Rep. Bono, Mary [R-CA-45]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bono", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000533", "district": "2", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DUNCAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000168", "district": "10", "first_name": "NATHAN", "full_name": "Rep. Deal, Nathan [R-GA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEAL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000059", "district": "44", "first_name": "KEN", "full_name": "Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-44]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CALVERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000994", "district": "50", "first_name": "RANDY", "full_name": "Rep. Cunningham, Randy (Duke) [R-CA-50]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUNNINGHAM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000164", "district": "3", "first_name": "DOUG", "full_name": "Rep. Ose, Doug [R-CA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OSE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-21", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000159", "district": "9", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Norwood, Charles W. 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[R-CA-42]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000181", "district": "21", "first_name": "Devin", "full_name": "Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Nunes", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000419", "district": "11", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Pombo, Richard W. [R-CA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "POMBO", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000004", "district": "19", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RADANOVICH", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000188", "district": "22", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Thomas, William M. [R-CA-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "THOMAS", "middle_name": "MARSHALL", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001045", "district": "1", "first_name": "BART", "full_name": "Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STUPAK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000344", "district": "27", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHERMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-09", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-05-20", "state": "NC" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 93, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M000508", "district": "25", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. McKeon, Howard P. \"Buck\" [R-CA-25]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCKEON", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Capital punishment", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Extradition", "Latin America", "Life imprisonment", "Mexico", "Negotiations", "Sentences (Criminal procedure)", "Treaties" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the Extradition Treaty between the United States of America and the United Mexican States (signed in Mexico City on May 4, 1978 (31UST5059)), so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:39Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-13T15:04:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M000508", "district": "25", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. McKeon, Howard P. \"Buck\" [R-CA-25]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "MCKEON", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "state": "CA" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000274", "district": "41", "first_name": "JERRY", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, Jerry [R-CA-41]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000055", "district": "6", "first_name": "Johnny", "full_name": "Rep. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Isakson", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000548", "district": "5", "first_name": "Scott", "full_name": "Rep. Garrett, Scott [R-NJ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Garrett", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000492", "district": "26", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DREIER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000550", "district": "11", "first_name": "Phil", "full_name": "Rep. Gingrey, Phil [R-GA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Gingrey", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-07", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001228", "district": "45", "first_name": "Mary", "full_name": "Rep. Bono, Mary [R-CA-45]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bono", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000533", "district": "2", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DUNCAN", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "TN" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000168", "district": "10", "first_name": "NATHAN", "full_name": "Rep. Deal, Nathan [R-GA-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEAL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-19", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000059", "district": "44", "first_name": "KEN", "full_name": "Rep. 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[R-CA-42]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000181", "district": "21", "first_name": "Devin", "full_name": "Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Nunes", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000419", "district": "11", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Pombo, Richard W. [R-CA-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "POMBO", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000004", "district": "19", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Radanovich, George [R-CA-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RADANOVICH", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000188", "district": "22", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Thomas, William M. [R-CA-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "THOMAS", "middle_name": "MARSHALL", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001045", "district": "1", "first_name": "BART", "full_name": "Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STUPAK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000344", "district": "27", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Sherman, Brad [D-CA-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SHERMAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-09", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-09", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000255", "district": "3", "first_name": "WALTER", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-05-20", "state": "NC" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Capital punishment", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Extradition", "Latin America", "Life imprisonment", "Mexico", "Negotiations", "Sentences (Criminal procedure)", "Treaties" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the Extradition Treaty between the United States of America and the United Mexican States (signed in Mexico City on May 4, 1978 (31UST5059)), so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should renegotiate the extradition treaty with Mexico so that the possibility of capital punishment or life imprisonment will not interfere with the timely extradition of criminal suspects from Mexico to the United States.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:11:02.192
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 94 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-13 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-11-05T23:21:54Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsed13 </systemCode> <name> Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcomittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-31T18:53:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-13T15:00:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 21 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-11-10 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-05 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> sshr00 </systemCode> <name> Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 19:08:42 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 382 - 0 (Roll no. 603). (text: CR H10301) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 603 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll603.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-11-05T00:08:42Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 19:08:42 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 19:08:42 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 382 - 0 (Roll no. 603).(text: CR H10301) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 603 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll603.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-11-05T00:08:42Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:52:06 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H10313-10314) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:50:00 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:37:48 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 94. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:37:46 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H10301-10304) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:37:11 </actionTime> <text> Mr. McKeon moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed13 </systemCode> <name> Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcomittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> SESSIONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 32 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C001036 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23] </fullName> <firstName> LOIS </firstName> <lastName> CAPPS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> TIERNEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000085 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> OLVER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000472 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MCHUGH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Northup, Anne M. [R-KY-3] </fullName> <firstName> ANNE </firstName> <lastName> NORTHUP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000441 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fletcher, Ernie [R-KY-6] </fullName> <firstName> ERNEST </firstName> <lastName> FLETCHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> SANDLIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000413 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5] </fullName> <firstName> J. </firstName> <lastName> HAYWORTH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001146 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Marshall, Jim [D-GA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Jim </firstName> <lastName> Marshall </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000429 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doolittle, John T. [R-CA-4] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DOOLITTLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000482 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> DOYLE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000652 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3] </fullName> <firstName> LEONARD </firstName> <lastName> BOSWELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000413 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Whitfield, Ed [R-KY-1] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> WHITFIELD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RAMSTAD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000934 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, Jerry [R-KS-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jerry </firstName> <lastName> Moran </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000163 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5] </fullName> <firstName> NANCY </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2] </fullName> <firstName> Michael </firstName> <lastName> Michaud </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000657 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Boucher, Rick [D-VA-9] </fullName> <firstName> RICK </firstName> <lastName> BOUCHER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000573 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> ROSS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> I000026 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Inslee, Jay [D-WA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JAY </firstName> <lastName> INSLEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000459 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2] </fullName> <firstName> LEE </firstName> <lastName> TERRY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NE </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000552 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18] </fullName> <firstName> RAY </firstName> <lastName> LAHOOD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000169 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Leach, James A. [R-IA-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> LEACH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gibbons, Jim [R-NV-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> GIBBONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000051 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nethercutt, George R., Jr. [R-WA-5] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> NETHERCUTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000558 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lucas, Ken [D-KY-4] </fullName> <firstName> KEN </firstName> <lastName> LUCAS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000293 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-14] </fullName> <firstName> ANNA </firstName> <lastName> ESHOO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000111 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Latham, Tom [R-IA-4] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LATHAM </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000566 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RYUN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000113 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000286 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Janklow, William J. [R-SD-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Janklow </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> SD </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000399 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10] </fullName> <firstName> LLOYD </firstName> <lastName> DOGGETT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000182 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Neugebauer, Randy [R-TX-19] </fullName> <firstName> Randy </firstName> <lastName> Neugebauer </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000099 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pastor, Ed [D-AZ-4] </fullName> <firstName> ED </firstName> <lastName> PASTOR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000395 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Harold [R-KY-5] </fullName> <firstName> HAROLD </firstName> <lastName> ROGERS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000357 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001142 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MATHESON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Caregivers </name> </item> <item> <name> Community health services </name> </item> <item> <name> Disabled </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor supply </name> </item> <item> <name> Mental health services </name> </item> <item> <name> Mentally disabled </name> </item> <item> <name> Paraprofessionals in social service </name> </item> <item> <name> Psychiatric personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Social work </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-11-06T21:49:49Z </updateDate> <text> Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution - Expresses the sense of Congress that the Federal Government and the States should make it a priority to ensure a stable, quality direct support workforce for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities that advances national commitment to community integration for such individuals and personal security for them and their families. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 36 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-11-04 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-11-07T20:38:22Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;p&gt;Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution - Expresses the sense of the Congress that the Federal Government and the States should make it a priority to promote a stable, quality direct support workforce for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities that advances national commitment to community integration for such individuals and personal security for them and their families. &lt;/p&gt; </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that community inclusion and enhanced lives for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities is at serious risk because of the crisis in recruiting and retaining direct support professionals, which impedes the availability of a stable, quality direct support workforce. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> <item> <titleType> Short Titles as Introduced </titleType> <title> Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Short Titles as Passed House </titleType> <title> Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution </title> <chamberCode> H </chamberCode> <chamberName> House </chamberName> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Referred in Senate </type> <date> 2003-11-05T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-11-04T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-13T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-11-05 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 382 - 0 (Roll no. 603). (text: CR H10301)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 382 - 0 (Roll no. 603).(text: CR H10301)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H10313-10314)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 94.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H10301-10304)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. McKeon moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcomittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed13", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-05T23:21:54Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-13T15:00:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-31T18:53:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcomittee", "system_code": "hsed13" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C001036", "district": "23", "first_name": "LOIS", "full_name": "Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPPS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000472", "district": "23", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCHUGH", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001044", "district": "2", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000143", "district": "3", "first_name": "ANNE", "full_name": "Rep. Northup, Anne M. [R-KY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTHUP", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000441", "district": "6", "first_name": "ERNEST", "full_name": "Rep. Fletcher, Ernie [R-KY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FLETCHER", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000044", "district": "1", "first_name": "MAX", "full_name": "Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SANDLIN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000413", "district": "5", "first_name": "J.", "full_name": "Rep. Hayworth, J. D. [R-AZ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HAYWORTH", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001146", "district": "3", "first_name": "Jim", "full_name": "Rep. Marshall, Jim [D-GA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Marshall", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000429", "district": "4", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Doolittle, John T. [R-CA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOOLITTLE", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000482", "district": "14", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOYLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000413", "district": "1", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Whitfield, Ed [R-KY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WHITFIELD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000033", "district": "3", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RAMSTAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000934", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jerry", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, Jerry [R-KS-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Moran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000163", "district": "5", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000657", "district": "9", "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Rep. Boucher, Rick [D-VA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOUCHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000573", "district": "4", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. 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Latham, Tom [R-IA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATHAM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000286", "district": "0", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Janklow, William J. 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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-13", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 94, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness.", "type": null }, "number": 21, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Caregivers", "Community health services", "Disabled", "Families", "Labor and Employment", "Labor supply", "Mental health services", "Mentally disabled", "Paraprofessionals in social service", "Psychiatric personnel", "Social Welfare", "Social work" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": " Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution - Expresses the sense of Congress that the Federal Government and the States should make it a priority to ensure a stable, quality direct support workforce for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities that advances national commitment to community integration for such individuals and personal security for them and their families.", "update_date": "2003-11-06T21:49:49Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-04", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": " <p>Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution - Expresses the sense of the Congress that the Federal Government and the States should make it a priority to promote a stable, quality direct support workforce for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities that advances national commitment to community integration for such individuals and personal security for them and their families. </p>", "update_date": "2003-11-07T20:38:22Z", "version_code": "36" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-11-05T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-11-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that community inclusion and enhanced lives for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities is at serious risk because of the crisis in recruiting and retaining direct support professionals, which impedes the availability of a stable, quality direct support workforce.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "title_type": "Short Titles as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": "H", "chamber_name": "House", "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "title_type": "Short Titles as Passed House" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-11-05T23:21:54Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "Senate", "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": "Standing" }, { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-13T15:00:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-31T18:53:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcomittee", "system_code": "hsed13" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-10", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness.", "type": null }, "number": 21, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" } ], "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-05", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "sshr00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 382 - 0 (Roll no. 603). (text: CR H10301)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 382 - 0 (Roll no. 603).(text: CR H10301)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H10313-10314)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 94.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H10301-10304)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-11-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. McKeon moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcomittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed13", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C001036", "district": "23", "first_name": "LOIS", "full_name": "Rep. Capps, Lois [D-CA-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAPPS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-13", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-11", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000472", "district": "23", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. McHugh, John M. [R-NY-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCHUGH", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001044", "district": "2", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-15", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000143", "district": "3", "first_name": "ANNE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[R-CA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOOLITTLE", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000482", "district": "14", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [D-PA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOYLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-25", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000652", "district": "3", "first_name": "LEONARD", "full_name": "Rep. Boswell, Leonard L. [D-IA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOSWELL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000413", "district": "1", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Whitfield, Ed [R-KY-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WHITFIELD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000033", "district": "3", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RAMSTAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000934", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jerry", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, Jerry [R-KS-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Moran", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000163", "district": "5", "first_name": "NANCY", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Nancy L. [R-CT-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001149", "district": "2", "first_name": "Michael", "full_name": "Rep. Michaud, Michael H. [D-ME-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Michaud", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000657", "district": "9", "first_name": "RICK", "full_name": "Rep. Boucher, Rick [D-VA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BOUCHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000573", "district": "4", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROSS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "I000026", "district": "1", "first_name": "JAY", "full_name": "Rep. Inslee, Jay [D-WA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "INSLEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000459", "district": "2", "first_name": "LEE", "full_name": "Rep. Terry, Lee [R-NE-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "NE" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000552", "district": "18", "first_name": "RAY", "full_name": "Rep. LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LAHOOD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000169", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Leach, James A. [R-IA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEACH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000152", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Gibbons, Jim [R-NV-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GIBBONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000051", "district": "5", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Nethercutt, George R., Jr. [R-WA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NETHERCUTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000558", "district": "4", "first_name": "KEN", "full_name": "Rep. Lucas, Ken [D-KY-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LUCAS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000293", "district": "2", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, Ron [R-KY-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000215", "district": "14", "first_name": "ANNA", "full_name": "Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ESHOO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000111", "district": "4", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Latham, Tom [R-IA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATHAM", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "IA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000286", "district": "0", "first_name": "William", "full_name": "Rep. Janklow, William J. [R-SD-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Janklow", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "SD" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000399", "district": "10", "first_name": "LLOYD", "full_name": "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOGGETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000182", "district": "19", "first_name": "Randy", "full_name": "Rep. Neugebauer, Randy [R-TX-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Neugebauer", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000099", "district": "4", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Pastor, Ed [D-AZ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PASTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-02", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-30", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000395", "district": "5", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Harold [R-KY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROGERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-30", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000357", "district": "1", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-30", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001142", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Matheson, Jim [D-UT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MATHESON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-30", "state": "UT" } ]
[ "Caregivers", "Community health services", "Disabled", "Families", "Labor and Employment", "Labor supply", "Mental health services", "Mentally disabled", "Paraprofessionals in social service", "Psychiatric personnel", "Social Welfare", "Social work" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-13", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": " Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution - Expresses the sense of Congress that the Federal Government and the States should make it a priority to ensure a stable, quality direct support workforce for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities that advances national commitment to community integration for such individuals and personal security for them and their families.", "update_date": "2003-11-06T21:49:49Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-11-04", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": " <p>Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution - Expresses the sense of the Congress that the Federal Government and the States should make it a priority to promote a stable, quality direct support workforce for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities that advances national commitment to community integration for such individuals and personal security for them and their families. </p>", "update_date": "2003-11-07T20:38:22Z", "version_code": "36" } ]
Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that community inclusion and enhanced lives for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities is at serious risk because of the crisis in recruiting and retaining direct support professionals, which impedes the availability of a stable, quality direct support workforce.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "title_type": "Short Titles as Introduced" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": "H", "chamber_name": "House", "title": "Direct Support Professional Recognition Resolution", "title_type": "Short Titles as Passed House" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-11-05T05:00:00Z", "type": "Referred in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-11-04T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-13T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-11-05", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:11:02.332
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 95 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-17 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsbu00 </systemCode> <name> Budget Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Reported original measure </name> <date> 2003-03-18T04:55:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <committeeReports> <committeeReport> <citation> H. Rept. 108-37 </citation> </committeeReport> <committeeReport> <citation> H. Rept. 108-71 </citation> </committeeReport> </committeeReports> <relatedBills> <item> <title> An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and including the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2003 and for fiscal years 2005 through 2013. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 23 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-06-27 </actionDate> <text> Indefinitely postponed by Senate by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8849) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related document </type> <identifiedBy> Senate </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Companion bill </type> <identifiedBy> Senate </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Procedurally-related </type> <identifiedBy> Senate </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Procedurally-related </type> <identifiedBy> Senate </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Increasing the statutory limit on the public debt. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 51 </number> <type> HJRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-05-27 </actionDate> <text> Became Public Law No: 108-24. </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Related bill </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> <item> <type> Procedurally-related </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 95) establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 151 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 13:35:27 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Procedurally-related </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> <item> <title> Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 95) establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 191 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 01:04:16 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Procedurally-related </type> <identifiedBy> House </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate agreed to conference report by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 50. Record Vote Number: 134. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 134 </rollNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1081/vote_108_1_00134.xml </url> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-04-11T21:29:12Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:29:12 </actionTime> <text> Conference report agreed to in Senate: Senate agreed to conference report by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 50. Record Vote Number: 134. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> 23000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 134 </rollNumber> <url> https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1081/vote_108_1_00134.xml </url> <chamber> Senate </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-04-11T21:29:12Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Conference report considered in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5266-5293, S5295-5316) </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Conference papers: Senate report and manager's statement and message on House action held at the desk in Senate. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:37:35 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 216 - 211 (Roll no. 141). </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H42510 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 141 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll141.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-04-11T06:37:35Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:37:35 </actionTime> <text> Conference report agreed to in House: On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 216 - 211 (Roll no. 141). </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> 21000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 141 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll141.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-04-11T06:37:35Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:19:13 </actionTime> <text> The previous question was ordered without objection. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H42300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 01:06:00 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the Conference Report. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 01:05:35 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Nussle brought up conference report H. Rept. 108-71 for consideration under the provisions of H. Res. 191. (consideration: CR 4/10/2003 H3194-3230, H3268, H3291-3298) </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H40200 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <actionTime> 01:04:14 </actionTime> <text> Rule H. Res. 191 passed House. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H1L220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-10 </actionDate> <actionTime> 23:05:07 </actionTime> <text> Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 191 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of the conference report to H. Con. Res. 95. All points of order against the conference report and against its consideration are waived. The conference report shall be considered as read and shall be debatable for one hour. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H1L210 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-10 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:03:25 </actionTime> <text> Conference report H. Rept. 108-71 filed. (text of conference report: CR H3194-3230) </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H25200 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-10 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:03:25 </actionTime> <text> Conference report filed: Conference report H. Rept. 108-71 filed.(text of conference report: CR H3194-3230) </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> 20900 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:50:05 </actionTime> <text> The Speaker appointed conferees for consideration of the House concurrent resolution and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Nussle, Shays, and Spratt. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H41800 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:49:46 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H41931 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:49:45 </actionTime> <text> On motion that the House instruct conferees Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 399 - 22 (Roll No. 95). </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H41610 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 95 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll095.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-04-01T20:49:45Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <actionTime> 15:26:07 </actionTime> <text> The previous question was ordered without objection. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H41400 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:09:54 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the Spratt motion to instruct conferees on H. Con. Res. 95. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the managers on the part of of the House to eliminate the reconciliation instruction to the Committee on Agriculture, the Committee on Education and the Workforce, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee on Transporation and Infrastructure, the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and the Committee on Ways and Means contained in section 201(b) of the House resolution; (2) to recede to the Senate on section 319 (entitled "Reserve Fund to Strengthen Social Security") of the Senate amendment; and (3) to adjust the revenue levels by the amounts needed to offset the cost of the instructions set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2), without resulting in any increase in the deficit or reduction in surplus for any fiscal year covered by the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:09:23 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Spratt moved that the House instruct conferees. (consideration: CR H2542-2553; text: CR H2542) </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H40150 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:08:49 </actionTime> <text> On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H41610 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-01 </actionDate> <actionTime> 14:08:15 </actionTime> <text> Mr. Nussle asked unanimous consent that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference. (consideration: CR H2542-2553) </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> <actionCode> H40110 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-31 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> See also S.Con.Res. 23. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate insists on its amendment, asks for a conference, appoints conferees Nickles; Domenici; Grassley; Gregg; Conrad; Hollings; Sarbanes. </text> <type> ResolvingDifferences </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate in lieu of S.Con.Res.23 with an amendment by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 3/31/2003 S4579-4589) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate in lieu of S.Con.Res.23 with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 3/31/2003 S4579-4589) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Senate struck all after the Resolving Clause and substituted the language of S.Con.Res. 23 amended. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S4422) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 48. </text> <type> Calendars </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:54:30 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:54:29 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 215 - 212 (Roll no. 82). (text: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2182) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 82 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll082.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T07:54:29Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:54:29 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 215 - 212 (Roll no. 82).(text: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2182) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 82 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll082.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T07:54:29Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:26:30 </actionTime> <text> The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H35000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:25:50 </actionTime> <text> The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H. Con. Res. 95. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32600 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:09:57 </actionTime> <text> GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with twenty minutes of additional general debate on H. Con. Res. 95. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <actionTime> 02:09:56 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2227, H2251-2262) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 23:04:33 </actionTime> <text> Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H. Con. Res. 95 as unfinished business. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32700 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:32:27 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Spratt amendment in the nature of a substitute. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:16:20 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Cummings amendment in the nature of a substitute. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:38:25 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Toomey amendment in the nature of a substitute. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:16:42 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Hill amendment in the nature of a substitute. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:40:13 </actionTime> <text> GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with 3 hours of general debate on H. Con. Res. 95. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:39:40 </actionTime> <text> The Speaker designated the Honorable Paul E. Gillmor to act as Chairman of the Committee. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32400 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:39:39 </actionTime> <text> House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 151 and Rule XXIII. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32020 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:39:31 </actionTime> <text> Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 95 with 3 hours of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Provides for three hours of general debate with two hours equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Budget and one hour on economic goals and policies equally divided and controlled by Representative Saxton and Representative Stark. Specified amendments are in order. Provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute specified in part A of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report which may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offer... </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:39:26 </actionTime> <text> Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 151. (consideration: CR H2145-2170) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 13:35:13 </actionTime> <text> Rule H. Res. 151 passed House. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H1L220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <actionTime> 22:33:08 </actionTime> <text> Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 151 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 95 with 3 hours of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Provides for three hours of general debate with two hours equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Budget and one hour on economic goals and policies equally divided and controlled by Representative Saxton and Representative Stark. Specified amendments are in order. Provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute specified in part A of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report which may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offer... </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H1L210 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <text> Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 25. </text> <type> Calendars </type> <actionCode> H12410 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <calendarNumber> <calendar> U00025 </calendar> </calendarNumber> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <text> The House Committee on The Budget reported an original measure, H. Rept. 108-37, by Mr. Nussle. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> H12100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsbu00 </systemCode> <name> Budget Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <text> The House Committee on The Budget reported an original measure, H. Rept. 108-37, by Mr. Nussle. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 5000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsbu00 </systemCode> <name> Budget Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nussle, Jim [R-IA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> NUSSLE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IA </state> <district> 1 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cboCostEstimates> <item> <pubDate> 2004-06-10T04:00:00Z </pubDate> <title> H. Con. Res. 95, Section 312 of the concurrent resolution setting forth the Congressional budget for the United States government for fiscal year 2005 </title> <url> http://www.cbo.gov/publication/15733 </url> <description> &lt;p&gt;Cost estimate for the bill as passed by the House of Representatives on May 19, 2004&lt;/p&gt; </description> </item> <item> <pubDate> 2004-06-10T04:00:00Z </pubDate> <title> H. Con. Res. 95, Section 312 of the concurrent resolution setting forth the Congressional budget for the United States government for fiscal year 2005 </title> <url> https://www.cbo.gov/publication/15733 </url> <description> Cost estimate for the bill as passed by the House of Representatives on May 19, 2004 </description> </item> </cboCostEstimates> <policyArea> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Access to health care </name> </item> <item> <name> Administration of justice </name> </item> <item> <name> Agricultural subsidies </name> </item> <item> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </item> <item> <name> Alaska </name> </item> <item> <name> Animals </name> </item> <item> <name> Appropriations </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Armed forces reserves </name> </item> <item> <name> Army Corps of Engineers </name> </item> <item> <name> Authorization </name> </item> <item> <name> Bermuda </name> </item> <item> <name> Biological warfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Budget deficits </name> </item> <item> <name> Budget reconciliation </name> </item> <item> <name> Budget resolutions </name> </item> <item> <name> Budget surpluses </name> </item> <item> <name> Casualty insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Chemical warfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Citizenship </name> </item> <item> <name> College costs </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional Budget Office </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional Record </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional budget </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committees (House) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional committees (Senate) </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional conference committees </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional reporting requirements </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional voting </name> </item> <item> <name> Corporate management </name> </item> <item> <name> Corporation taxes </name> </item> <item> <name> Cost of living adjustments </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal aliens </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal justice information </name> </item> <item> <name> Criminal statistics </name> </item> <item> <name> Debt limit </name> </item> <item> <name> Defense budgets </name> </item> <item> <name> Deposit insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Diabetes </name> </item> <item> <name> Disabled </name> </item> <item> <name> Disaster relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Droughts </name> </item> <item> <name> Drug abuse </name> </item> <item> <name> Drug addiction </name> </item> <item> <name> Drug law enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Drug traffic </name> </item> <item> <name> Drugs </name> </item> <item> <name> Economic growth </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency Management </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency communication systems </name> </item> <item> <name> Emergency medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Energy </name> </item> <item> <name> Entitlements </name> </item> <item> <name> Europe </name> </item> <item> <name> Executive reorganization </name> </item> <item> <name> Families </name> </item> <item> <name> Family violence </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal advisory bodies </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to child health services </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to education </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to law enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to research </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to transportation </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal budgets </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal employees </name> </item> <item> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </item> <item> <name> Fire departments </name> </item> <item> <name> Firearms control </name> </item> <item> <name> Food relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Free trade </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government downsizing </name> </item> <item> <name> Government lending </name> </item> <item> <name> Government procurement </name> </item> <item> <name> Government spending reductions </name> </item> <item> <name> Government trust funds </name> </item> <item> <name> Grants-in-aid </name> </item> <item> <name> Health </name> </item> <item> <name> Health insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Heroin </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> Highway finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Highway use tax </name> </item> <item> <name> House Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> House Agriculture </name> </item> <item> <name> House Budget </name> </item> <item> <name> House Education and the Workforce </name> </item> <item> <name> House Energy and Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> House Financial Services </name> </item> <item> <name> House Government Reform </name> </item> <item> <name> House Intelligence </name> </item> <item> <name> House International Relations </name> </item> <item> <name> House Judiciary </name> </item> <item> <name> House Resources </name> </item> <item> <name> House Science </name> </item> <item> <name> House Small Business </name> </item> <item> <name> House Transportation and Infrastructure </name> </item> <item> <name> House Veterans' Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> House Ways and Means </name> </item> <item> <name> House rules and procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Housing and Community Development </name> </item> <item> <name> Identification of criminals </name> </item> <item> <name> Immigration </name> </item> <item> <name> Income tax </name> </item> <item> <name> Indian education </name> </item> <item> <name> Indian medical care </name> </item> <item> <name> Insurance companies </name> </item> <item> <name> Intergovernmental fiscal relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Internal migration </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Labor and Employment </name> </item> <item> <name> Law </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative amendments </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative resolutions </name> </item> <item> <name> Livestock </name> </item> <item> <name> Location of industries </name> </item> <item> <name> Mass rapid transit </name> </item> <item> <name> Medicaid </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical education </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical research </name> </item> <item> <name> Medically uninsured </name> </item> <item> <name> Medicare </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Military civic action </name> </item> <item> <name> Military operations </name> </item> <item> <name> Military pensions </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> National Guard </name> </item> <item> <name> National parks </name> </item> <item> <name> Nuclear terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> Nutrition </name> </item> <item> <name> Oil and gas royalties </name> </item> <item> <name> Oil well drilling </name> </item> <item> <name> Old age, survivors and disability insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Pharmaceutical research </name> </item> <item> <name> Police communication systems </name> </item> <item> <name> Poor children </name> </item> <item> <name> Prescription pricing </name> </item> <item> <name> Preventive medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Property insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Prospecting </name> </item> <item> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Public broadcasting </name> </item> <item> <name> Public debt </name> </item> <item> <name> Reinsurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Research and development </name> </item> <item> <name> Rural economic development </name> </item> <item> <name> Salaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Scholarships </name> </item> <item> <name> School-age child care </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate Budget </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate Energy and Natural Resources </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </name> </item> <item> <name> Senate rules and procedure </name> </item> <item> <name> Sex offenders </name> </item> <item> <name> Small business </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Security Administration </name> </item> <item> <name> Social Welfare </name> </item> <item> <name> Social security finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Special education </name> </item> <item> <name> State finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Student loan funds </name> </item> <item> <name> Tax credits </name> </item> <item> <name> Tax deductions </name> </item> <item> <name> Tax evasion </name> </item> <item> <name> Tax rates </name> </item> <item> <name> Taxation </name> </item> <item> <name> Terrorism </name> </item> <item> <name> Trade agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Trade negotiations </name> </item> <item> <name> Traffic accidents and safety </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> <item> <name> United Kingdom </name> </item> <item> <name> User charges </name> </item> <item> <name> Vaccines </name> </item> <item> <name> Veterans' disability compensation </name> </item> <item> <name> War relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Waste in government spending </name> </item> <item> <name> Water Resources Development </name> </item> <item> <name> Weapons of mass destruction </name> </item> <item> <name> Wildlife refuges </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Sets forth the congressional budget for the Federal Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and 2005 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts, for FY 2003 through 2013, with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.&lt;p&gt;Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;Sets forth committee reconciliation instructions.&lt;p&gt;Provides for reserve funds for Medicaid and Project Bioshield.&lt;p&gt;Provides for contingency procedures for surface transportation and infrastructure. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 79 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-17 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 17, 2003. However, because action occurred on the measure, the summary has been expanded.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 102) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title II: Reconciliation - &lt;/b&gt;(Sec. 201) Requires recommendations of changes in law within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues and increase or reduce (as indicated) the total level of outlays by specified amounts to the House Committee on the Budget by the following Committees: (1) Ways and Means; (2) Education and the Workforce; (3) Agriculture; (4) Energy and Commerce; (5) Financial Services; (6) Government Reform; (7) House Administration; (8) International Relations; (9) Judiciary; (10) Resources; (11) Science; (12) Small Business; (13) Transportation and Infrastructure; and (14) Veterans' Affairs.&lt;p&gt;Requires the House Committee on the Budget to report to the House a reconciliation bill carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revision.&lt;p&gt;Sets forth a special rule that no reported reconciliation bill may be considered if the net effect of the legislation submitted by committees increases the deficits by more than $39.195 billion for FY 2004 through 2008 and $27.659 billion for FY 2004 through 2013. Requires the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman) to make the applicable adjustments in reconciliation instructions, allocations, and budget aggregates, taking into account (at the chairman's discretion) any other Medicare reform legislation enacted after the adoption of this resolution.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title III: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure - Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 301) Authorizes the Chairman, if the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that will modernize Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and reduce new budget authority and outlays by $9.01 billion for FY 2009 through 2013, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 302) Authorizes the Chairman, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and provides new budget authority for such a program, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure for Legislation Not Assumed in Budget Aggregates -&lt;/b&gt; (Sec. 311) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by reductions in the deficit or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with a specified limitation.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt;Authorizes the Chairman to increase the allocation of outlays for FY 2004 for the House Committee on Appropriations by the amount of outlays corresponding to such obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or an amendment thereto is offered or a conference report thereon is submitted, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $38.496 billion but an amount up to such limit was offset under this subtitle for programs, projects, and activities within the highway and transit categories, and if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Subtitle C: Implementation - &lt;/b&gt;(Sec. 321) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title IV: Budget Enforcement &lt;/b&gt;- (Sec. 401) Sets forth prohibitions on advance appropriations in the House. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.178 billion in new budget authority.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 402) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 36 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-21 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 102) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title II: Reconciliation&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 201) Requires recommendations of changes in law within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues and increase or reduce (as indicated) the total level of outlays by specified amounts to the House Committee on the Budget by the following Committees: (1) Ways and Means; (2) Education and the Workforce; (3) Agriculture; (4) Energy and Commerce; (5) Financial Services; (6) Government Reform; (7) House Administration; (8) International Relations; (9) Judiciary; (10) Resources; (11) Science; (12) Transportation and Infrastructure; and (13) Veterans' Affairs.&lt;p&gt;Requires the House Committee on the Budget to report to the House a reconciliation bill carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revision.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title III: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure&lt;/b&gt; - &lt;b&gt;Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 301) Authorizes the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman), if the Committee on Ways and Means or the Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that provides prescription drug benefit and modernizes Medicare, and provides adjustments to the Medicare program on a fee-for-service, capitated, or other basis, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7.5 billion in new budget authority and $7.5 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;Requires a separate allocation under section 302 (a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to the appropriate committees for Medicare for FY 2004 and for the total of FY 2004 through 2013. Declares such separate allocation shall be the exclusive allocation for Medicare under section 302 (a) of such Act.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 302) Authorizes the Chairman, if the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that will modernize Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and reduce new budget authority and outlays by $9.010 billion for FY 2009 through 2013, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 303) Authorizes the Chairman, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and provides new budget authority for such a program, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure for Legislation Not Assumed in Budget Aggregates&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 311) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway and transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by a reduction in mandatory outlays or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with a specified limitation.&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the Chairman to increase the allocation of outlays for FY 2004 for the appropriate committee by the amount of outlays corresponding to such obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or an amendment thereto is offered or a conference report thereon is submitted, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $38.496 billion but an amount up to such limit was offset under this subtitle for programs, projects, and activities within the highway and transit categories, and if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Subtitle C: Implementation - &lt;/b&gt;(Sec. 321) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title IV: Budget Enforcement&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 401) Sets forth prohibitions on advance appropriations in the House. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.178 billion in new budget authority.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 402) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 35 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-26 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate amended </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title I: Levels and Amounts&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits; (5) public debt; and (6) debt held by the public.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 102) Lists the amounts of Social Security revenues and appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Trust Fund.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 103) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 104) Directs the Senate Committee on Finance to report a reconciliation bill by April 8, 2003, that consists of changes in laws within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues by no more than $322.524 billion, and increase the total level of outlays by no more than $27.476 billion for the period of FY 2003 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title II: Budget Enforcement and Rulemaking&lt;/b&gt; - &lt;b&gt;Subtitle A: Budget Enforcemen&lt;/b&gt;t- (Sec. 201) Extends congressional supermajority enforcement requirements of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 for Senate purposes.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 202) Prescribes Senate discretionary, highway, and mass transit spending limits for FY 2003 through 2005. Authorizes the Senate Committee on the Budget to make certain adjustments in new budget authority and outlays in a measure at specified stages of legislative action.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 203) Prohibits advance appropriations in the Senate. Excepts from this prohibition, however, advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified for advance appropriations and for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Allows waiver or suspension of a point of order on advance appropriations by an affirmative three-fifths majority vote.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 204) Prescribes the criteria for designation of emergency legislation.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 205) Makes out of order in the Senate any direct spending or revenue legislation that would increase the on-budget deficit or cause an on-budget deficit for any one of three specified time periods (one year, five fiscal years, more than five fiscal years) covered by the most recently adopted concurrent resolution on the budget. (Provides for a pay-as-you-go point of order.)&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 206) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Congressional Budget Office shall consult with the Committee on the Budget of the Senate to prepare a report containing estimates of: (1) unfunded liabilities of the Federal Government; (2) contingent liabilities of Federal Programs; and (3) the current and future cost of Federal Programs.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Subtitle B: Reserve Funds and Other Adjustments&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 211) Authorizes the chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman), if grants to States for special education are reauthorized subject to specified requirements, to make budget authority revisions for such grants under part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of up to: (1) $205 million if the Committee on Appropriations reports legislation that provides in excess of $4.803 billion in new budget authority for FY 2004; and (2) $209 million if the Committee on Appropriations reports legislation that combined with any advance appropriations for FY 2005 provides in excess of $11.038 billion.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 212) Authorizes the Chairman to revise committee allocation for the appropriate committees to reauthorize the highway, highway safety, and transit programs set out in the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century if legislative action occurs to reauthorize programs under such Act and provide new governmental receipts.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 213) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation to reform Medicare and improve the access of beneficiaries to prescription drugs or promote geographic equity payments, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to $400 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 214) Allows the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that provides health insurance for the uninsured, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to $88 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 215) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that authorizes States to allow families with disabled children to purchase Medicaid coverage for them, to revise committee allocations, budgetary aggregates, and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $43 million in new budget authority and $42 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $7.462 billion in new budget authority and $7.262 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 216) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that provides significant reform of the Medicaid Program, to revise committee allocations, budgetary aggregates, and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution, as long as they do not increase the deficit, by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $12.782 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2010.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 217) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions reports legislation that will facilitate procurement for inclusion by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Strategic National Stockpile of countermeasures necessary to protect the public health from threats of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents (Project Bioshield), to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to specified amounts: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and $575 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $5.593 billion in new budget authority and $5.593 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 218) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources reports legislation subsequently enacted that will permit exploration and production of oil in the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and make available a portion of the resulting receipts to the National Park Service Stateside Grant Program, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $750 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (2) $2 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2013. Conditions such a reserve on the unavailability of any funds before FY 2006. Limits to $250 million the amount made available in any single fiscal year.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 219) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Finance reports legislation that extends the availability of FY 1998 and 1999 expired State Children's Health Insurance Program allotments and the expiring FY 2000 allotments, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $1.26 billion in new budget authority and $85 million in outlays for FY 2003; (2) $1.33 billion in new budget authority and $85 billion in outlays for FY 2004; (3) $1.95 billion in new budget authority and $845 million in outlays for FY 2003 through 2008; and (4) $1.825 billion in new budget authority and $975 million in outlays for FY 2003 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Subtitle C: Miscellaneous Provisions&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 221) Requires the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget to make adjustments to the levels and allocations in this resolution according to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act) upon enactment of any bill or resolution providing for a change in concepts or definitions.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 222) Sets forth requirements for enforcement of this resolution and the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 in the House and the Senate.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title III: Sense of the Senate&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 301) Expresses the sense of the Senate that rates of compensation for U.S. civilian employees should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 302) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) this resolution recognizes the funding challenges faced by tribal colleges and assumes that priority consideration will be provided to them through funding through the Tribally Controlled College or University Assistance Act, the Equity in Educational Land Grant Status Act, title III of the Higher Education Act, and the National Science Foundation Tribal College Program; and (2) such priority consideration reflects Congress' intent to continue to work toward statutory Federal funding goals for the tribal colleges and universities.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 303) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the performance of the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in administering the Federal Credit Reform Act for the 504 small business credit program remains unsatisfactory; (2) the administration should develop an econometric model for the 504 program for use in the FY 2004 appropriations cycle; and (3) OMB should report to the Budget and Small Business Committees on the progress of this work by June 2003.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 304) Declares the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that: (1) within the discretionary allocation provided to the Committee on Appropriations, the maximum Pell Grant award should be raised to the maximum extent practicable, and funding for the Pell Grant program should be higher than the level requested by the President; and (2) to the maximum extent practicable, Congress should seek to increase the maximum individual Federal Pell Grant award to $9,000 by FY 2010.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 305) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that the Department of Defense will give priority to fully funding the Active Guard/Reserves and Military Technicians at least at the minimum required levels.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 306) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the functional totals in this resolution assume that the Department of Defense should give priority to fully implementing the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 with respect to establishment of additional Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMD-CSTs) (at least one in each State and territory); and (2) the Department should increase its full-time manning requirements to include the 506 additional full-time National Guard personnel that will be needed to man the 23 additional WMD-CSTs.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 307) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate: (1) develop a long-term drought plan that effectively recognizes the reoccurring nature of drought cycles and adequately supports emergency and disaster assistance to livestock and agricultural producers hurt by drought; and (2) establish an agricultural reserve to fund activities under such a plan.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 308) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the President, the Congress and the American people should work together at the earliest opportunity to enact legislation to achieve a solvent and permanently sustainable Social Security system; (2) Social Security reform must protect current and near retirees from any changes to Social Security benefits, reduce the pressure on future taxpayers and provide benefit levels that adequately reflect individual contribution to the Social Security system and preserve and strengthen the safety net for vulnerable populations, including the disabled and survivors; and (3) we should honor the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 309) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that any legislation enacted to provide economic growth for the United States should include not less than $30 billion for State fiscal relief over the next 18 months (of which at least half should be provided through a temporary increase in the Federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP)).&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 310) Declares the sense of the Senate that a commission should be established to review Federal domestic agencies, and programs within such agencies, with the express purpose of providing Congress with recommendations, and legislation to implement those recommendations, to realign or eliminate government agencies and programs that are duplicative, wasteful, inefficient, outdated, or irrelevant, or have failed to accomplish their intended purpose.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 311) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate should only consider legislation that increases highway spending if such legislation changes highway user fees to pay for such increased spending.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 312) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that: (1) expanded access to health care coverage throughout the United States is a top priority for national policymaking; and (2) to the extent that additional funds are made available, a significant portion of them should be dedicated to expanding access to health care coverage so that fewer individuals are uninsured and fewer individuals are likely to become uninsured.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 313) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the functional totals underlying this resolution on the budget assumes that the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program be funded at $585 million to reimburse State and local law enforcement agencies for the burdens imposed in FY 2003 by the incarceration of undocumented criminal aliens; and (2) Congress enact a long-term reauthorization of the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program beginning with the authorization of $750 million in FY 2004 to reimburse State and county governments for the burdens undocumented criminal aliens have placed on the local criminal justice system.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 314) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) to perform vital functions the Corps of Engineers requires additional funding; and (2) the budgetary totals in this resolution assume that the level of funding provided for programs of the Corps will not be reduced below current baseline spending levels established for the programs.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 315) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Attorney General should study the need and cost to make the radio systems used by fire departments and emergency medical services agencies interoperable with those used by law enforcement to the extent that interoperability will not interfere with law enforcement operations.&lt;p&gt;Declares the sense of the Senate that Congress should authorize and appropriate $20 million to establish a grant program through which the Attorney General would award grants to local governments to assist fire departments and emergency medical services agencies to establish radio interoperability.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 316) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate should act to stop companies from avoiding paying their fair share of U.S. taxes by: (1) addressing the problem of corporations that have renounced their U.S. citizenship ("inverted") by relocating their headquarters to tax haven jurisdictions while maintaining their primary offices and production or service facilities in the United States; and (2) addressing the problem of Bermuda-based insurance companies that are using reinsurance agreements with their subsidiaries to direct property and casualty insurance premiums out of the United States into Bermuda to reduce their U.S. taxes in a way that places U.S. property and casualty insurance companies at a competitive disadvantage.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 317) Declares the sense of the Senate that the new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2013 for National Defense are adequate to provide, and should provide, for the phase-in of concurrent receipt of retired pay and veterans' disability compensation by veterans with service-connected disabilities rated 60 percent or higher.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 318) Declares the sense of the Senate that Congress has recognized the importance of Native American health and has enacted and increased by 500 percent the funding for a program of research for the prevention and treatment for diabetes, a major disease in the Native American community.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 319) Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget to revise the aggregates, function totals, allocations, and other appropriate levels and limits by up to $396 billion in budget authority and outlays for the total of fiscal years 2003 through 2013, if legislation is reported by the Senate Committee on Finance that would extend the solvency of the Social Security Trust Funds.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 320) Declares the sense of the Senate that if tax relief measures are passed in accordance with the assumptions in the budget resolution, such legislation should include tax and other financial incentives to help rural communities fight the economic decimation caused by chronic out-migration by giving them the tools they need to attract individuals to live and work, or to start and grow a business, in those areas.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 321) Declares the sense of the Senate that economic stimulus legislation should include provisions to make higher education affordable, including: (1) a provision to make permanent the above-the-line deduction for the higher education expenses of a taxpayer and members of the taxpayer's family and to increase such deduction to $8,000 for taxable year 2003 and $12,000 for taxable year 2004 and thereafter; and (2) a credit against tax up to $1,500 for each taxable year for interest paid during the year on loans incurred for higher education expenses.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 322) Declares the sense of the Senate that for fiscal year 2004, children's graduate medical education should be funded at $305 million.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 323) Declares the sense of the Senate that the funding levels in this resolution assume that the programs authorized under the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998 will be fully funded at the levels authorized for FY 2004 through 2007.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 324) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that up to $20 million from funds designated, but not obligated, from drug interdiction activities for travel and administrative expenses should be used for service-oriented targeted grants for the utilization of substances that block the craving for heroin and that are newly approved for such use by the Food and Drug Administration.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 325) Declares the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that funding for 21st Century Community Learning Centers is at least enough to ensure the number of children participating in after-school programs does not decrease.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 326) Declares the sense of the Senate that extending the $1,000 child credit for three additional years can be accommodated within the revenue totals and instructions of this resolution.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 327) Declares the sense of the Senate that the final budget conference agreement should not take or propose any actions that reduce the level of funding provided for domestic nutrition assistance programs administered by the Secretary of Agriculture below current baseline spending levels for the programs.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 328) Declares the sense of the Senate the President should negotiate a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 329) Authorizes the Committee on the Budget of the Senate to revise the level of total new budget authority and outlays, the functional totals, allocations, discretionary spending limits, and levels of deficits and debt by up to $100 billion in budget authority and outlays upon favorable reporting of legislation by the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate making discretionary appropriations in excess of the levels assumed in this resolution for expenses for possible military action and reconstruction in Iraq for FY 2003 through 2013. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 48 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-04-10 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Conference report filed in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 102) Lists recommended Social Security budget authority, revenues, and outlays for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Trust Fund.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 103) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title II: Reconciliation&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 201) Directs the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance to report reconciliation bills consisting of changes in laws within their respective jurisdictions sufficient to reduce revenues and increase the total level of outlays by specified amounts.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 202) Makes it out of order in the Senate to consider proposed legislation which would cause the total revenue reduction to exceed $322.524 billion or the total outlays to exceed $27.476 billion for FY 2003 through 2013, except for the purpose of inserting the text of a Senate-passed measure and requesting a conference with the House of Representatives.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title III: Submissions of Findings Providing for the Elimination of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Mandatory Programs - &lt;/b&gt;(Sec. 301) Requires specified congressional committees to submit findings that identify changes in law within their jurisdictions that would achieve the specified level of savings through the elimination of waste, fraud, and abuse.&lt;p&gt;Requires the Comptroller General to submit to the Committees on the Budget a comprehensive report identifying instances in which the committees of jurisdiction may make legislative changes to improve the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of programs within their jurisdiction. &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title IV: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure&lt;/b&gt; - &lt;b&gt;Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 401) Authorizes the Chairman of the House Committee on the Budget (House Chairman), if the House Committee on Ways and Means or the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that provides a prescription drug benefit and modernizes Medicare, and provides adjustments to the Medicare program on a fee-for-service, capitated, or other basis, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7 billion in new budget authority and $7 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;Requires a separate allocation, which shall be the exclusive allocation, to the appropriate committees for Medicare for FY 2004 and for the total of FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee of the Budget, if the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that strengthens and enhances the Medicare Program and improves the access of beneficiaries to prescription drugs or promotes geographic equity payments, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7 billion in new budget authority and $7 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 402) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that modernizes Medicaid, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation (if it would not increase the deficit over FY 2004 through 2013) to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $12.782 billion in budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2010 if the legislation would not increase the deficit over FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 403) Authorizes the Chairman of the appropriate Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that extends the availability of FY 1998 and 1999 expired State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) allotments and the expiring FY 2000 allotments, to revise appropriate budget aggregates and committee allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $1.26 billion in new budget authority and $85 million in outlays for FY 2003; (2) $690 million in new budget authority and $760 million in outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $565 million in new budget authority and $890 million in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 404) Authorizes the Chairman of the House Committee on the Budget, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and new budget authority for such a program is provided in one specified way or another, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget, if the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions reports legislation that provides for the Department of Homeland Security to procure countermeasures necessary to protect the public health from current and emerging threats of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents for inclusion by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Strategic National Stockpile, and provides new budget authority and outlays for such, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and $575 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $5.593 billion in new budget authority and $5.593 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 405) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the committee of jurisdiction in the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that provides health insurance for the uninsured (and tax deductions for specified others), to revise allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $28.457 billion for FY 2004 through 2008; and (2) $49.965 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 406) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that provides States with the option to expand Medicaid coverage for children with special needs, to revise committee allocations for that committee and other appropriate budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $43 million in new budget authority and $42 million in outlays for FY 2004; (2) $1.627 billion in new budget authority and $1.566 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $7.462 billion in new budget authority and $7.261 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 411) Authorizes the chairman of the appropriate Committee on the Budget to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with specified limitations, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House or the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, or the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway and transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by a reduction in mandatory outlays or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund.&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget to increase the allocation of outlays for the particular fiscal year for the appropriate committee by the amount of outlays corresponding to such excess obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or other specified legislative action is taken, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $39.684 billion for FY 2004, or $40.788 billion for FY 2005, for certain highway and transit programs, projects, and activities, if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.&lt;p&gt;Declares the intent of Congress that the increase in new budget authority and outlays above the baseline assumed for highways and highway safety in section 103 of this resolution is derived from the resources available to the Highway Trust Fund.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Subtitle C: Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2003 Levels&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 421) Requires the appropriate adjustments in the allocations and aggregates of new budget authority and outlays to reflect the difference between such measure and the corresponding levels assumed in this resolution, if legislation making supplemental appropriations for FY 2003 is enacted before May 1, 2003.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title V: Budget Enforcement&lt;/b&gt; - (Sec. 501) Sets forth prohibitions on advance congressional appropriations for FY 2004 and 2005. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.158 billion in new budget authority. Provides for specified advanced appropriations for FY 2006.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 502) Enables Congress, if in the absence of an extension of the discretionary spending limits and PAYGO requirements under the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, to designate provisions of legislation as an emergency (meeting specified criteria) in order to exempt such measures from enforcement of this resolution with respect to the new budget authority, outlays, and receipts resulting from them.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 503) Continues the supermajority enforcement requirements of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 as a Senate rule through FY 2008.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 504) Establishes specified discretionary spending limits in the Senate.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 505) Revises provisions concerning the Pay-As-You-Go point of order rule in the Senate to: (1) extend its application through FY 2008; and (2) exclude from "direct-spending legislation" and "revenue legislation" any concurrent resolution on the budget or any legislation that affect the full funding of, and continuation of, the deposit insurance guarantee commitment.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 506) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 507) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 508) Requires the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget to make adjustments to the levels and allocations in this resolution upon the enactment of legislation providing a change in concepts or definitions.&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Title VI: Sense of the Senate - &lt;/b&gt;(Sec. 601) Expresses the sense of the Senate that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 602) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that within the discretionary allocation provided to the Committee on Appropriations the maximum Pell Grant award should be raised to the maximum extent practicable.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 603) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Senate: (1) should develop a long-term drought plan that effectively recognizes the recurring nature of drought cycles and adequately supports emergency and disaster assistance to livestock and agricultural producers hurt by drought; and (2) establish an agricultural reserve to fund theses activities.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 604) Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the President, Congress, and the American people should work together to enact legislation to achieve a solvent and permanently sustainable Social Security system; and (2) Social Security reform must protect current and near retirees from any changes to Social Security benefits, reduce the pressure on future taxpayers and other budgetary priorities, provide benefit levels that adequately reflect individual contributions to the Social Security System, and preserve and strengthen the safety net for vulnerable populations.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 605) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that any legislation enacted to provide economic growth for the United States should include at least $30 billion for State fiscal relief over the next 18 months, of which at least half should be provided through a temporary increase in the Federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP).&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 606) Expresses the sense of the Senate that a commission should be established to review Federal domestic agencies and programs to provide Congress with recommendations to realign or eliminate Government agencies and programs that are duplicative, wasteful, inefficient, outdated, or irrelevant, or have failed to accomplish their intended purpose.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 607) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Senate should only consider legislation that increases highway spending if the legislation changes highway user fees to pay for such increased spending.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 608) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Congressional Budget Office shall consult with the Committee on the Budget of the Senate in order to prepare a report containing: (1) an estimate of the unfunded liabilities of the Federal Government; (2) an estimate of the contingent liabilities of Federal programs; and (3) an accrual-based estimate of the current and future cost of Federal programs.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 609) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that: (1) expanded access to health care coverage throughout the United States is a top priority for national policymaking; and (2) a significant portion of such expanded health care coverage funds should be dedicated to expanding access to health care coverage so that fewer individuals are uninsured and fewer individuals are likely to become uninsured.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 610) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Corps of Engineers requires additional funding to perform its vital functions and that the budgetary totals in this resolution assume that the level of funding provided for programs of the Corps will not be reduced below current baseline spending levels.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 611) Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress has recognized the importance of Native American health and has enacted and increased by 500 percent the funding for a program of research for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, a major disease in the Native American community.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 612) Expresses the sense of the Senate that if tax relief measures are enacted in accordance with the assumptions in the budget resolution in this session of Congress, such legislation should include incentives to help rural communities attract individuals to live and work and to start and grow a business in those communities.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 613) Expresses the sense of the Senate that children's graduate medical education should be funded at $305 million.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 614) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the funding levels in this resolution assume that the programs authorized under the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998 will be fully funded at the levels authorized for FY 2004 through 2007.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 615) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that $20 million from funds designated for travel and administrative expenses from drug interdiction activities should be used for service-oriented targeted grants for the utilization of substances that block the craving for heroin and that are newly approved for such use by the Food and Drug Administration.&lt;p&gt;(Sec. 616) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should negotiate a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> </item> </titles> <amendments> <amendment> <number> 16 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HAMDT </type> <description> Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered four was offered as the Democratic substitute. </description> <purpose> An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 4 printed in part B of House Report 108-44 that projects a balanced budget in FY 2010 and adds $573 billion less to the public debt over ten years than the committee-reported resolution. Restores $98 billion of direct spending cuts contained in the resolution as reported. Increases funding for homeland security, education, and other priorities. Provides $528 billion for a Medicare prescription drug benefit. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T05:36:49Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81). </text> <actionTime> 23:03:11 </actionTime> <links> <link> <name> Roll no. 81 </name> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll81.xml </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000749 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Spratt, John M., Jr. [D-SC-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> SPRATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2003-03-20T05:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> House of Representatives </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HCONRES </type> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <number> 95 </number> <title> Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <links> <link> <name> House Report 108-44 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44 </url> </link> </links> <actions> <count> 9 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 23:03:11 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32111 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 81 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T04:03:11Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:32:08 </actionTime> <text> Spratt amendment (A005) modified by unanimous consent. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32160 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:31:38 </actionTime> <text> Amendment (A005) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Spratt. (consideration: CR H2213-2226; text: CR H2213-2217) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H3A100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:31:38 </actionTime> <text> House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A005) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Spratt.(consideration: CR H2213-2226; text: CR H2213-2217) </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 71500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 23:03:11 </actionTime> <text> Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 77000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 81 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T04:03:11Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 23:03:11 </actionTime> <text> House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 73000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 81 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T04:03:11Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 23:03:11 </actionTime> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in House </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 75000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 81 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T04:03:11Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> House amendment offered </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 71000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 15 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HAMDT </type> <description> Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered three was offered as the Congressional Black Caucus/Congressional Progressive Caucus substitute. </description> <purpose> An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 3 printed in part B of House Report 108-44 would freeze the tax cut in order to generate greater revenue. Supports a level of funding for defense commensurate with the request of the President. Provides for more than $300 billion for an immediate economic stimulus; provides $528 billion for a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, most of which will be funded after 2004. Restores cuts in education and increases the education budget by $20 billion. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T05:36:49Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80). </text> <actionTime> 21:29:50 </actionTime> <links> <link> <name> Roll no. 80 </name> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll80.xml </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2003-03-20T05:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> House of Representatives </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HCONRES </type> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <number> 95 </number> <title> Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <links> <link> <name> House Report 108-44 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44 </url> </link> </links> <actions> <count> 8 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:29:50 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32111 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 80 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T02:29:50Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:16:07 </actionTime> <text> Amendment (A004) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Cummings. (consideration: CR H2203-2213; text: CR H2204-22206) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H3A100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:16:07 </actionTime> <text> House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A004) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Cummings.(consideration: CR H2203-2213; text: CR H2204-22206) </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 71500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:29:50 </actionTime> <text> House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 73000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 80 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T02:29:50Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:29:50 </actionTime> <text> Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 77000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 80 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T02:29:50Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 21:29:50 </actionTime> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in House </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 75000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 80 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T02:29:50Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> House amendment offered </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 71000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 14 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HAMDT </type> <description> Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered two was offered as the Republican Study Committee substitute. </description> <purpose> An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 2 printed in part B of House Report 108-44. Amendment achieves a balanced budget in 4 years and achieves balance excluding Social Security within 10 years. Provides $512 billion in tax relief over the next five years and $1.6 trillion over the next 10 years, all under reconciliation. Freezes total discretionary spending for one year and then permits growth at half of the approximate rate of inflation for two years and then at the rate of inflation for future years. Within the total level of discretionary spending, defense and homeland security are funded at the requested levels and non-defense is reduced to pay for these increases. Caps the mandatory spending increase (excluding Social Security) over last year's actual level at 1.5% for one year, then 3.1% annually for four years and then provides for growth at the annual baseline growth rates. Includes various budget enforcement mechanisms, including a definition of emergency spending. Includes a reserve fund for Social Security reform. Provides for real worldscoring of tax measures, and a prohibition on tax increases to offset spending increases. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T05:36:49Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79). </text> <actionTime> 20:15:52 </actionTime> <links> <link> <name> Roll no. 79 </name> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll79.xml </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> T000461 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Toomey, Patrick J. [R-PA-15] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> TOOMEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2003-03-20T05:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> House of Representatives </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HCONRES </type> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <number> 95 </number> <title> Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <links> <link> <name> House Report 108-44 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44 </url> </link> </links> <actions> <count> 8 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:15:52 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32111 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 79 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T01:15:52Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:37:23 </actionTime> <text> Amendment (A003) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Toomey. (consideration: CR H2189-2203; text: CR H2189-2195) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H3A100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:37:23 </actionTime> <text> House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A003) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Toomey.(consideration: CR H2189-2203; text: CR H2189-2195) </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 71500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:15:52 </actionTime> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in House </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 75000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 79 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T01:15:52Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:15:52 </actionTime> <text> House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 73000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 79 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T01:15:52Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 20:15:52 </actionTime> <text> Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 77000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 79 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-21T01:15:52Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> House amendment offered </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 71000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 13 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HAMDT </type> <description> Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered one was offered as the Blue Dog substitute. </description> <purpose> An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 1 printed in part B of House Report 108-44. Amendment provides for spending at the levels contained in the President's budget as estimated by CBO. Includes reconciliation instructions for a tax package which would provide immediate tax relief for all taxpayers; incentives for business; immediate and permanent estate tax relief; and other items. Tax relief is offset by deferring a portion of additional tax cuts for upper income taxpayers if the budget remains in deficit because of the campaign in Iraq, the war on terrorism, or other factors. Directs the Ways and Means Committee and Energy and Commerce Committee to report reconciliation legislation providing a Medicare prescription drug benefit of $400 billion. Establishes discretionary spending limits, pay as you go rules, and other budget enforcement measures in the House of Representatives. Provides for an increase in the debt limit of $150 billion, which is projected to cover obligations through September 30, 2003, but prohibits any further increase in the debt limit of more than $100 billion until CBO certifies that the budget is on path to balance by 2009, except for any increase necessary to finance the costs of a war in Iraq. </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T05:36:49Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78). </text> <actionTime> 18:36:09 </actionTime> <links> <link> <name> Roll no. 78 </name> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll78.xml </url> </link> </links> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> H001030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hill, Baron P. [D-IN-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARON </firstName> <lastName> HILL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2003-03-20T05:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> House of Representatives </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HCONRES </type> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <number> 95 </number> <title> Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <links> <link> <name> House Report 108-44 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44 </url> </link> </links> <actions> <count> 8 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:36:09 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32111 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 78 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-20T23:36:09Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:14:43 </actionTime> <text> Amendment (A002) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Hill. (consideration: CR H2176-2189; text: CR H2176-2182) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H3A100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:14:43 </actionTime> <text> House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A002) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Hill.(consideration: CR H2176-2189; text: CR H2176-2182) </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 71500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:36:09 </actionTime> <text> Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 77000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 78 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-20T23:36:09Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:36:09 </actionTime> <text> House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78). </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 73000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 78 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-20T23:36:09Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 18:36:09 </actionTime> <text> Roll call votes on amendments in House </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 75000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 78 </rollNumber> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-03-20T23:36:09Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml </url> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> House amendment offered </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 71000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> <amendment> <number> 12 </number> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HAMDT </type> <description> Strike all after the resolving clause and insert the following: SECTION 1. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004. (a) DECLARATION- The Congress declares that the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2004 is hereby established and that the appropriate levels for fiscal years 2005 through 2013 are hereby set forth. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS- The table of contents for this concurrent resolution is as follows:***. </description> <purpose> An amendment considered as adopted pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151. Amendment eliminates across-the- board savings that could be attributable to Medicare, which increases the BA and outlay totals for Medicare (Function 570) by $200 billion over 10 years, as well as the aggregate levels of BA and outlays. It also increases interest, debt, and the deficits relative to the Committee-reported bill. Reinstates a separate 10-year allocation for Medicare, which can accommodate a bill reported by either Ways and Means or Energy and Commerce. Reinstates a reserve fund for Medicare, which fences off $400 billion for Medicare modernization and prescription drug coverage. Gets to balance in 2012, with a surplus of $21 billion. Increases discretionary BA for veterans (Function 700) by $844 million in fiscal year 2004. Adds findings and purpose language to reconciliation instructions to emphasize the congressional intent that the savings are to come from eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse. Retains tax cuts in reported bill, and continues to reconcile growth package. Retains mandatory initiatives for veterans, welfare reform (still $1 billion above President), the Civil Service Retirement System, Medicaid and the Family Opportunity Act. Compensates Postal Service for overpayments to pension system for Postal employees. Reconciles sav.ngs to 13 committees. Modifies across-the-board reduction to correct for error in agriculture baseline (this correction lowers the amount of savings requiredof most committee to achieve a 1-percent reduction from fiscal year 2003). Reduces outlays levels in transportation (Function 400) because the Committee-reported resolution overstates the increase in outlays necessary to reach </purpose> <updateDate> 2022-02-03T05:36:49Z </updateDate> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 17:14:35 </actionTime> </latestAction> <sponsors> <item> <name> Rules Committee </name> </item> </sponsors> <submittedDate> 2003-03-20T05:00:00Z </submittedDate> <chamber> House of Representatives </chamber> <amendedBill> <congress> 108 </congress> <type> HCONRES </type> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <number> 95 </number> <title> Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013. </title> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> </amendedBill> <links> <link> <name> H. Res. 151 </name> <url> https://www.congress.gov/bill/108th-congress/house-resolution/151 </url> </link> </links> <actions> <count> 7 </count> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:14:35 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H32111 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:13:42 </actionTime> <text> Amendment in the nature of a substitute reported by the House Committee on Rules. (consideration: CR H2145; text: CR H2145) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H3A100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:13:42 </actionTime> <text> House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment in the nature of a substitute reported by the House Committee on Rules.(consideration: CR H2145; text: CR H2145) </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 71500 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:14:35 </actionTime> <text> House amendment agreed to: On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 72000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <actionTime> 17:14:35 </actionTime> <text> Amendment agreed to Committee of the Whole </text> <type> NotUsed </type> <actionCode> 76000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> House amendment offered </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 71000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> </actions> </amendment> </amendments> <textVersions> <item> <type> Enrolled Bill </type> <date/> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed Amendment Senate </type> <date> 2003-03-26T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Placed on Calendar Senate </type> <date> 2003-03-21T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-03-21T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Reported in House </type> <date> 2003-03-17T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-04-11 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate agreed to conference report by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 50. Record Vote Number: 134.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "23000", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Conference report agreed to in Senate: Senate agreed to conference report by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 50. Record Vote Number: 134.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Conference report considered in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5266-5293, S5295-5316)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Conference papers: Senate report and manager's statement and message on House action held at the desk in Senate.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H42510", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 216 - 211 (Roll no. 141).", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "21000", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Conference report agreed to in House: On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 216 - 211 (Roll no. 141).", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H42300", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The previous question was ordered without objection.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the Conference Report.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H40200", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Nussle brought up conference report H. Rept. 108-71 for consideration under the provisions of H. Res. 191. (consideration: CR 4/10/2003 H3194-3230, H3268, H3291-3298)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H1L220", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rule H. Res. 191 passed House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H1L210", "action_date": "2003-04-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 191 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of the conference report to H. Con. Res. 95. All points of order against the conference report and against its consideration are waived. The conference report shall be considered as read and shall be debatable for one hour.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H25200", "action_date": "2003-04-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Conference report H. Rept. 108-71 filed. (text of conference report: CR H3194-3230)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "20900", "action_date": "2003-04-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Conference report filed: Conference report H. Rept. 108-71 filed.(text of conference report: CR H3194-3230)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41800", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The Speaker appointed conferees for consideration of the House concurrent resolution and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Nussle, Shays, and Spratt.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41931", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41610", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion that the House instruct conferees Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 399 - 22 (Roll No. 95).", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41400", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The previous question was ordered without objection.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the Spratt motion to instruct conferees on H. Con. Res. 95. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the managers on the part of of the House to eliminate the reconciliation instruction to the Committee on Agriculture, the Committee on Education and the Workforce, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee on Transporation and Infrastructure, the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and the Committee on Ways and Means contained in section 201(b) of the House resolution; (2) to recede to the Senate on section 319 (entitled \"Reserve Fund to Strengthen Social Security\") of the Senate amendment; and (3) to adjust the revenue levels by the amounts needed to offset the cost of the instructions set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2), without resulting in any increase in the deficit or reduction in surplus for any fiscal year covered by the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H40150", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Spratt moved that the House instruct conferees. (consideration: CR H2542-2553; text: CR H2542)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41610", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference Agreed to without objection.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H40110", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Nussle asked unanimous consent that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference. (consideration: CR H2542-2553)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "See also S.Con.Res. 23.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate insists on its amendment, asks for a conference, appoints conferees Nickles; Domenici; Grassley; Gregg; Conrad; Hollings; Sarbanes.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate in lieu of S.Con.Res.23 with an amendment by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 3/31/2003 S4579-4589)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate in lieu of S.Con.Res.23 with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 3/31/2003 S4579-4589)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate struck all after the Resolving Clause and substituted the language of S.Con.Res. 23 amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S4422)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 48.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 215 - 212 (Roll no. 82). (text: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2182)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 215 - 212 (Roll no. 82).(text: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2182)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H35000", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32600", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H. Con. Res. 95.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with twenty minutes of additional general debate on H. Con. Res. 95.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2227, H2251-2262)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32700", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H. Con. Res. 95 as unfinished business.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Spratt amendment in the nature of a substitute.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Cummings amendment in the nature of a substitute.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Toomey amendment in the nature of a substitute.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Hill amendment in the nature of a substitute.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with 3 hours of general debate on H. Con. Res. 95.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32400", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The Speaker designated the Honorable Paul E. Gillmor to act as Chairman of the Committee.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32020", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 151 and Rule XXIII.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 95 with 3 hours of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Provides for three hours of general debate with two hours equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Budget and one hour on economic goals and policies equally divided and controlled by Representative Saxton and Representative Stark. Specified amendments are in order. Provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute specified in part A of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report which may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offer...", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 151. (consideration: CR H2145-2170)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H1L220", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rule H. Res. 151 passed House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H1L210", "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 151 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 95 with 3 hours of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Provides for three hours of general debate with two hours equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Budget and one hour on economic goals and policies equally divided and controlled by Representative Saxton and Representative Stark. Specified amendments are in order. Provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute specified in part A of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report which may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offer...", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H12410", "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 25.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": "H12100", "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Budget Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsbu00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The House Committee on The Budget reported an original measure, H. Rept. 108-37, by Mr. Nussle.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "5000", "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Budget Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsbu00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "The House Committee on The Budget reported an original measure, H. Rept. 108-37, by Mr. Nussle.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [ { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T04:03:11Z", "roll_number": 81, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32160", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:32:08", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Spratt amendment (A005) modified by unanimous consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:31:38", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment (A005) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Spratt. (consideration: CR H2213-2226; text: CR H2213-2217)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:31:38", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A005) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Spratt.(consideration: CR H2213-2226; text: CR H2213-2217)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "77000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T04:03:11Z", "roll_number": 81, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "73000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T04:03:11Z", "roll_number": 81, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "75000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T04:03:11Z", "roll_number": 81, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in House", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered four was offered as the Democratic substitute.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [ { "name": "Roll no. 81", "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll81.xml" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81).", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "House Report 108-44", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44" } ], "number": 16, "purpose": "An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 4 printed in part B of House Report 108-44 that projects a balanced budget in FY 2010 and adds $573 billion less to the public debt over ten years than the committee-reported resolution. Restores $98 billion of direct spending cuts contained in the resolution as reported. Increases funding for homeland security, education, and other priorities. Provides $528 billion for a Medicare prescription drug benefit.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000749", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Spratt, John M., Jr. [D-SC-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "SPRATT", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "SC" } ], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T02:29:50Z", "roll_number": 80, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:16:07", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment (A004) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Cummings. (consideration: CR H2203-2213; text: CR H2204-22206)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:16:07", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A004) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Cummings.(consideration: CR H2203-2213; text: CR H2204-22206)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "73000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T02:29:50Z", "roll_number": 80, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "77000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T02:29:50Z", "roll_number": 80, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "75000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T02:29:50Z", "roll_number": 80, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in House", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered three was offered as the Congressional Black Caucus/Congressional Progressive Caucus substitute.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [ { "name": "Roll no. 80", "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll80.xml" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80).", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "House Report 108-44", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44" } ], "number": 15, "purpose": "An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 3 printed in part B of House Report 108-44 would freeze the tax cut in order to generate greater revenue. Supports a level of funding for defense commensurate with the request of the President. Provides for more than $300 billion for an immediate economic stimulus; provides $528 billion for a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, most of which will be funded after 2004. Restores cuts in education and increases the education budget by $20 billion.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T01:15:52Z", "roll_number": 79, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:37:23", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment (A003) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Toomey. (consideration: CR H2189-2203; text: CR H2189-2195)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:37:23", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A003) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Toomey.(consideration: CR H2189-2203; text: CR H2189-2195)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "75000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T01:15:52Z", "roll_number": 79, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in House", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "73000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T01:15:52Z", "roll_number": 79, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "77000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T01:15:52Z", "roll_number": 79, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered two was offered as the Republican Study Committee substitute.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [ { "name": "Roll no. 79", "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll79.xml" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79).", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "House Report 108-44", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44" } ], "number": 14, "purpose": "An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 2 printed in part B of House Report 108-44. Amendment achieves a balanced budget in 4 years and achieves balance excluding Social Security within 10 years. Provides $512 billion in tax relief over the next five years and $1.6 trillion over the next 10 years, all under reconciliation. Freezes total discretionary spending for one year and then permits growth at half of the approximate rate of inflation for two years and then at the rate of inflation for future years. Within the total level of discretionary spending, defense and homeland security are funded at the requested levels and non-defense is reduced to pay for these increases. Caps the mandatory spending increase (excluding Social Security) over last year's actual level at 1.5% for one year, then 3.1% annually for four years and then provides for growth at the annual baseline growth rates. Includes various budget enforcement mechanisms, including a definition of emergency spending. Includes a reserve fund for Social Security reform. Provides for real worldscoring of tax measures, and a prohibition on tax increases to offset spending increases.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000461", "district": "15", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Toomey, Patrick J. [R-PA-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "TOOMEY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "state": "PA" } ], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-20T23:36:09Z", "roll_number": 78, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:43", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment (A002) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Hill. (consideration: CR H2176-2189; text: CR H2176-2182)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:43", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A002) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Hill.(consideration: CR H2176-2189; text: CR H2176-2182)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "77000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-20T23:36:09Z", "roll_number": 78, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "73000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-20T23:36:09Z", "roll_number": 78, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "75000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-20T23:36:09Z", "roll_number": 78, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in House", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered one was offered as the Blue Dog substitute.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [ { "name": "Roll no. 78", "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll78.xml" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78).", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "House Report 108-44", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44" } ], "number": 13, "purpose": "An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 1 printed in part B of House Report 108-44. Amendment provides for spending at the levels contained in the President's budget as estimated by CBO. Includes reconciliation instructions for a tax package which would provide immediate tax relief for all taxpayers; incentives for business; immediate and permanent estate tax relief; and other items. Tax relief is offset by deferring a portion of additional tax cuts for upper income taxpayers if the budget remains in deficit because of the campaign in Iraq, the war on terrorism, or other factors. Directs the Ways and Means Committee and Energy and Commerce Committee to report reconciliation legislation providing a Medicare prescription drug benefit of $400 billion. Establishes discretionary spending limits, pay as you go rules, and other budget enforcement measures in the House of Representatives. Provides for an increase in the debt limit of $150 billion, which is projected to cover obligations through September 30, 2003, but prohibits any further increase in the debt limit of more than $100 billion until CBO certifies that the budget is on path to balance by 2009, except for any increase necessary to finance the costs of a war in Iraq.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001030", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARON", "full_name": "Rep. Hill, Baron P. [D-IN-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "HILL", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "state": "IN" } ], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:35", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:13:42", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute reported by the House Committee on Rules. (consideration: CR H2145; text: CR H2145)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:13:42", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment in the nature of a substitute reported by the House Committee on Rules.(consideration: CR H2145; text: CR H2145)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "72000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:35", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment agreed to: On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "76000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:35", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment agreed to Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Strike all after the resolving clause and insert the following: SECTION 1. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004. (a) DECLARATION- The Congress declares that the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2004 is hereby established and that the appropriate levels for fiscal years 2005 through 2013 are hereby set forth. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS- The table of contents for this concurrent resolution is as follows:***.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:35", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "H. Res. 151", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/bill/108th-congress/house-resolution/151" } ], "number": 12, "purpose": "An amendment considered as adopted pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151. Amendment eliminates across-the- board savings that could be attributable to Medicare, which increases the BA and outlay totals for Medicare (Function 570) by $200 billion over 10 years, as well as the aggregate levels of BA and outlays. It also increases interest, debt, and the deficits relative to the Committee-reported bill. Reinstates a separate 10-year allocation for Medicare, which can accommodate a bill reported by either Ways and Means or Energy and Commerce. Reinstates a reserve fund for Medicare, which fences off $400 billion for Medicare modernization and prescription drug coverage. Gets to balance in 2012, with a surplus of $21 billion. Increases discretionary BA for veterans (Function 700) by $844 million in fiscal year 2004. Adds findings and purpose language to reconciliation instructions to emphasize the congressional intent that the savings are to come from eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse. Retains tax cuts in reported bill, and continues to reconcile growth package. Retains mandatory initiatives for veterans, welfare reform (still $1 billion above President), the Civil Service Retirement System, Medicaid and the Family Opportunity Act. Compensates Postal Service for overpayments to pension system for Postal employees. Reconciles sav.ngs to 13 committees. Modifies across-the-board reduction to correct for error in agriculture baseline (this correction lowers the amount of savings requiredof most committee to achieve a 1-percent reduction from fiscal year 2003). Reduces outlays levels in transportation (Function 400) because the Committee-reported resolution overstates the increase in outlays necessary to reach", "sponsors": [], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" } ], "cbo_cost_estimates": [ { "description": "<p>Cost estimate for the bill as passed by the House of Representatives on May 19, 2004</p>", "pub_date": "2004-06-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 95, Section 312 of the concurrent resolution setting forth the Congressional budget for the United States government for fiscal year 2005", "url": "http://www.cbo.gov/publication/15733" }, { "description": "Cost estimate for the bill as passed by the House of Representatives on May 19, 2004", "pub_date": "2004-06-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 95, Section 312 of the concurrent resolution setting forth the Congressional budget for the United States government for fiscal year 2005", "url": "https://www.cbo.gov/publication/15733" } ], "committee_reports": [ { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-37" }, { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-71" } ], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T04:55:00Z", "name": "Reported original measure" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Budget Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsbu00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-17", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 95, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Economics and Public Finance", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Indefinitely postponed by Senate by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8849)", "type": null }, "number": 23, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "Senate", "type": "Related document" }, { "identified_by": "Senate", "type": "Companion bill" }, { "identified_by": "Senate", "type": "Procedurally-related" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identified_by": "Senate", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and including the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2003 and for fiscal years 2005 through 2013.", "type": "SCONRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Became Public Law No: 108-24.", "type": null }, "number": 51, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Increasing the statutory limit on the public debt.", "type": "HJRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 151, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 95) establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 191, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 95) establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000172", "district": "1", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Nussle, Jim [R-IA-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "NUSSLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "IA" } ], "subjects": [ "Access to health care", "Administration of justice", "Agricultural subsidies", "Agriculture and Food", "Alaska", "Animals", "Appropriations", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces reserves", "Army Corps of Engineers", "Authorization", "Bermuda", "Biological warfare", "Budget deficits", "Budget reconciliation", "Budget resolutions", "Budget surpluses", "Casualty insurance", "Chemical warfare", "Citizenship", "College costs", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional Budget Office", "Congressional Record", "Congressional budget", "Congressional committees (House)", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional conference committees", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Congressional voting", "Corporate management", "Corporation taxes", "Cost of living adjustments", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal aliens", "Criminal justice information", "Criminal statistics", "Debt limit", "Defense budgets", "Deposit insurance", "Diabetes", "Disabled", "Disaster relief", "Droughts", "Drug abuse", "Drug addiction", "Drug law enforcement", "Drug traffic", "Drugs", "Economic growth", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Emergency Management", "Emergency communication systems", "Emergency medicine", "Energy", "Entitlements", "Europe", "Executive reorganization", "Families", "Family violence", "Federal advisory bodies", "Federal aid to child health services", "Federal aid to education", "Federal aid to law enforcement", "Federal aid to research", "Federal aid to transportation", "Federal budgets", "Federal employees", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Fire departments", "Firearms control", "Food relief", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Free trade", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government downsizing", "Government lending", "Government procurement", "Government spending reductions", "Government trust funds", "Grants-in-aid", "Health", "Health insurance", "Heroin", "Higher education", "Highway finance", "Highway use tax", "House Administration", "House Agriculture", "House Budget", "House Education and the Workforce", "House Energy and Commerce", "House Financial Services", "House Government Reform", "House Intelligence", "House International Relations", "House Judiciary", "House Resources", "House Science", "House Small Business", "House Transportation and Infrastructure", "House Veterans' Affairs", "House Ways and Means", "House rules and procedure", "Housing and Community Development", "Identification of criminals", "Immigration", "Income tax", "Indian education", "Indian medical care", "Insurance companies", "Intergovernmental fiscal relations", "Internal migration", "International Affairs", "Iraq", "Labor and Employment", "Law", "Legislation", "Legislative amendments", "Legislative resolutions", "Livestock", "Location of industries", "Mass rapid transit", "Medicaid", "Medical education", "Medical research", "Medically uninsured", "Medicare", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military civic action", "Military operations", "Military pensions", "Minorities", "National Guard", "National parks", "Nuclear terrorism", "Nutrition", "Oil and gas royalties", "Oil well drilling", "Old age, survivors and disability insurance", "Pharmaceutical research", "Police communication systems", "Poor children", "Prescription pricing", "Preventive medicine", "Property insurance", "Prospecting", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Public broadcasting", "Public debt", "Reinsurance", "Research and development", "Rural economic development", "Salaries", "Scholarships", "School-age child care", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Senate Budget", "Senate Energy and Natural Resources", "Senate Finance", "Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions", "Senate rules and procedure", "Sex offenders", "Small business", "Social Security Administration", "Social Welfare", "Social security finance", "Special education", "State finance", "Student loan funds", "Tax credits", "Tax deductions", "Tax evasion", "Tax rates", "Taxation", "Terrorism", "Trade agreements", "Trade negotiations", "Traffic accidents and safety", "Transportation and Public Works", "United Kingdom", "User charges", "Vaccines", "Veterans' disability compensation", "War relief", "Waste in government spending", "Water Resources Development", "Weapons of mass destruction", "Wildlife refuges" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Sets forth the congressional budget for the Federal Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and 2005 through 2013.<p>Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts, for FY 2003 through 2013, with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p>Sets forth committee reconciliation instructions.<p>Provides for reserve funds for Medicaid and Project Bioshield.<p>Provides for contingency procedures for surface transportation and infrastructure.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-17", "action_desc": "Reported to House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 17, 2003. However, because action occurred on the measure, the summary has been expanded.)</b><p>Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.<p><b>Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts</b> - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>(Sec. 102) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Title II: Reconciliation - </b>(Sec. 201) Requires recommendations of changes in law within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues and increase or reduce (as indicated) the total level of outlays by specified amounts to the House Committee on the Budget by the following Committees: (1) Ways and Means; (2) Education and the Workforce; (3) Agriculture; (4) Energy and Commerce; (5) Financial Services; (6) Government Reform; (7) House Administration; (8) International Relations; (9) Judiciary; (10) Resources; (11) Science; (12) Small Business; (13) Transportation and Infrastructure; and (14) Veterans' Affairs.<p>Requires the House Committee on the Budget to report to the House a reconciliation bill carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revision.<p>Sets forth a special rule that no reported reconciliation bill may be considered if the net effect of the legislation submitted by committees increases the deficits by more than $39.195 billion for FY 2004 through 2008 and $27.659 billion for FY 2004 through 2013. Requires the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman) to make the applicable adjustments in reconciliation instructions, allocations, and budget aggregates, taking into account (at the chairman's discretion) any other Medicare reform legislation enacted after the adoption of this resolution.<p><b>Title III: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure - Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates</b> - (Sec. 301) Authorizes the Chairman, if the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that will modernize Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and reduce new budget authority and outlays by $9.01 billion for FY 2009 through 2013, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008.<p>(Sec. 302) Authorizes the Chairman, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and provides new budget authority for such a program, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.<p><b>Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure for Legislation Not Assumed in Budget Aggregates -</b> (Sec. 311) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by reductions in the deficit or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with a specified limitation.<p><b></b>Authorizes the Chairman to increase the allocation of outlays for FY 2004 for the House Committee on Appropriations by the amount of outlays corresponding to such obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or an amendment thereto is offered or a conference report thereon is submitted, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $38.496 billion but an amount up to such limit was offset under this subtitle for programs, projects, and activities within the highway and transit categories, and if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.<p><b>Subtitle C: Implementation - </b>(Sec. 321) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.<p><b>Title IV: Budget Enforcement </b>- (Sec. 401) Sets forth prohibitions on advance appropriations in the House. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.178 billion in new budget authority.<p>(Sec. 402) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "79" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-21", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": "Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.<p><b>Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts</b> - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>(Sec. 102) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Title II: Reconciliation</b> - (Sec. 201) Requires recommendations of changes in law within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues and increase or reduce (as indicated) the total level of outlays by specified amounts to the House Committee on the Budget by the following Committees: (1) Ways and Means; (2) Education and the Workforce; (3) Agriculture; (4) Energy and Commerce; (5) Financial Services; (6) Government Reform; (7) House Administration; (8) International Relations; (9) Judiciary; (10) Resources; (11) Science; (12) Transportation and Infrastructure; and (13) Veterans' Affairs.<p>Requires the House Committee on the Budget to report to the House a reconciliation bill carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revision.<p><b>Title III: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure</b> - <b>Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates</b> - (Sec. 301) Authorizes the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman), if the Committee on Ways and Means or the Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that provides prescription drug benefit and modernizes Medicare, and provides adjustments to the Medicare program on a fee-for-service, capitated, or other basis, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7.5 billion in new budget authority and $7.5 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>Requires a separate allocation under section 302 (a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to the appropriate committees for Medicare for FY 2004 and for the total of FY 2004 through 2013. Declares such separate allocation shall be the exclusive allocation for Medicare under section 302 (a) of such Act.<p>(Sec. 302) Authorizes the Chairman, if the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that will modernize Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and reduce new budget authority and outlays by $9.010 billion for FY 2009 through 2013, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008.<p>(Sec. 303) Authorizes the Chairman, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and provides new budget authority for such a program, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.<p><b>Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure for Legislation Not Assumed in Budget Aggregates</b> - (Sec. 311) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway and transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by a reduction in mandatory outlays or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with a specified limitation.<p>Authorizes the Chairman to increase the allocation of outlays for FY 2004 for the appropriate committee by the amount of outlays corresponding to such obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or an amendment thereto is offered or a conference report thereon is submitted, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $38.496 billion but an amount up to such limit was offset under this subtitle for programs, projects, and activities within the highway and transit categories, and if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.<p><b>Subtitle C: Implementation - </b>(Sec. 321) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.<p><b>Title IV: Budget Enforcement</b> - (Sec. 401) Sets forth prohibitions on advance appropriations in the House. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.178 billion in new budget authority.<p>(Sec. 402) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "36" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-26", "action_desc": "Passed Senate amended", "text": "Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.<p><b>Title I: Levels and Amounts</b> - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits; (5) public debt; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>(Sec. 102) Lists the amounts of Social Security revenues and appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Trust Fund.<p>(Sec. 103) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 104) Directs the Senate Committee on Finance to report a reconciliation bill by April 8, 2003, that consists of changes in laws within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues by no more than $322.524 billion, and increase the total level of outlays by no more than $27.476 billion for the period of FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Title II: Budget Enforcement and Rulemaking</b> - <b>Subtitle A: Budget Enforcemen</b>t- (Sec. 201) Extends congressional supermajority enforcement requirements of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 for Senate purposes.<p>(Sec. 202) Prescribes Senate discretionary, highway, and mass transit spending limits for FY 2003 through 2005. Authorizes the Senate Committee on the Budget to make certain adjustments in new budget authority and outlays in a measure at specified stages of legislative action.<p>(Sec. 203) Prohibits advance appropriations in the Senate. Excepts from this prohibition, however, advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified for advance appropriations and for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Allows waiver or suspension of a point of order on advance appropriations by an affirmative three-fifths majority vote.<p>(Sec. 204) Prescribes the criteria for designation of emergency legislation.<p>(Sec. 205) Makes out of order in the Senate any direct spending or revenue legislation that would increase the on-budget deficit or cause an on-budget deficit for any one of three specified time periods (one year, five fiscal years, more than five fiscal years) covered by the most recently adopted concurrent resolution on the budget. (Provides for a pay-as-you-go point of order.)<p>(Sec. 206) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Congressional Budget Office shall consult with the Committee on the Budget of the Senate to prepare a report containing estimates of: (1) unfunded liabilities of the Federal Government; (2) contingent liabilities of Federal Programs; and (3) the current and future cost of Federal Programs.<p><b>Subtitle B: Reserve Funds and Other Adjustments</b> - (Sec. 211) Authorizes the chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman), if grants to States for special education are reauthorized subject to specified requirements, to make budget authority revisions for such grants under part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of up to: (1) $205 million if the Committee on Appropriations reports legislation that provides in excess of $4.803 billion in new budget authority for FY 2004; and (2) $209 million if the Committee on Appropriations reports legislation that combined with any advance appropriations for FY 2005 provides in excess of $11.038 billion.<p>(Sec. 212) Authorizes the Chairman to revise committee allocation for the appropriate committees to reauthorize the highway, highway safety, and transit programs set out in the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century if legislative action occurs to reauthorize programs under such Act and provide new governmental receipts.<p>(Sec. 213) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation to reform Medicare and improve the access of beneficiaries to prescription drugs or promote geographic equity payments, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to $400 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 214) Allows the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that provides health insurance for the uninsured, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to $88 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 215) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that authorizes States to allow families with disabled children to purchase Medicaid coverage for them, to revise committee allocations, budgetary aggregates, and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $43 million in new budget authority and $42 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $7.462 billion in new budget authority and $7.262 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 216) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that provides significant reform of the Medicaid Program, to revise committee allocations, budgetary aggregates, and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution, as long as they do not increase the deficit, by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $12.782 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2010.<p>(Sec. 217) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions reports legislation that will facilitate procurement for inclusion by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Strategic National Stockpile of countermeasures necessary to protect the public health from threats of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents (Project Bioshield), to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to specified amounts: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and $575 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $5.593 billion in new budget authority and $5.593 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through2013.<p>(Sec. 218) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources reports legislation subsequently enacted that will permit exploration and production of oil in the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and make available a portion of the resulting receipts to the National Park Service Stateside Grant Program, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $750 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (2) $2 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2013. Conditions such a reserve on the unavailability of any funds before FY 2006. Limits to $250 million the amount made available in any single fiscal year.<p>(Sec. 219) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Finance reports legislation that extends the availability of FY 1998 and 1999 expired State Children's Health Insurance Program allotments and the expiring FY 2000 allotments, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $1.26 billion in new budget authority and $85 million in outlays for FY 2003; (2) $1.33 billion in new budget authority and $85 billion in outlays for FY 2004; (3) $1.95 billion in new budget authority and $845 million in outlays for FY 2003 through 2008; and (4) $1.825 billion in new budget authority and $975 million in outlays for FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Subtitle C: Miscellaneous Provisions</b> - (Sec. 221) Requires the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget to make adjustments to the levels and allocations in this resolution according to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act) upon enactment of any bill or resolution providing for a change in concepts or definitions.<p>(Sec. 222) Sets forth requirements for enforcement of this resolution and the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 in the House and the Senate.<p><b>Title III: Sense of the Senate</b> - (Sec. 301) Expresses the sense of the Senate that rates of compensation for U.S. civilian employees should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.<p>(Sec. 302) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) this resolution recognizes the funding challenges faced by tribal colleges and assumes that priority consideration will be provided to them through funding through the Tribally Controlled College or University Assistance Act, the Equity in Educational Land Grant Status Act, title III of the Higher Education Act, and the National Science Foundation Tribal College Program; and (2) such priority consideration reflects Congress' intent to continue to work toward statutory Federal funding goals for the tribal colleges and universities.<p>(Sec. 303) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the performance of the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in administering the Federal Credit Reform Act for the 504 small business credit program remains unsatisfactory; (2) the administration should develop an econometric model for the 504 program for use in the FY 2004 appropriations cycle; and (3) OMB should report to the Budget and Small Business Committees on the progress of this work by June 2003.<p>(Sec. 304) Declares the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that: (1) within the discretionary allocation provided to the Committee on Appropriations, the maximum Pell Grant award should be raised to the maximum extent practicable, and funding for the Pell Grant program should be higher than the level requested by the President; and (2) to the maximum extent practicable, Congress should seek to increase the maximum individual Federal Pell Grant award to $9,000 by FY 2010.<p>(Sec. 305) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that the Department of Defense will give priority to fully funding the Active Guard/Reserves and Military Technicians at least at the minimum required levels.<p>(Sec. 306) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the functional totals in this resolution assume that the Department of Defense should give priority to fully implementing the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 with respect to establishment of additional Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMD-CSTs) (at least one in each State and territory); and (2) the Department should increase its full-time manning requirements to include the 506 additional full-time National Guard personnel that will be needed to man the 23 additional WMD-CSTs.<p>(Sec. 307) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate: (1) develop a long-term drought plan that effectively recognizes the reoccurring nature of drought cycles and adequately supports emergency and disaster assistance to livestock and agricultural producers hurt by drought; and (2) establish an agricultural reserve to fund activities under such a plan.<p>(Sec. 308) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the President, the Congress and the American people should work together at the earliest opportunity to enact legislation to achieve a solvent and permanently sustainable Social Security system; (2) Social Security reform must protect current and near retirees from any changes to Social Security benefits, reduce the pressure on future taxpayers and provide benefit levels that adequately reflect individual contribution to the Social Security system and preserve and strengthen the safety net for vulnerable populations, including the disabled and survivors; and (3) we should honor the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990.<p>(Sec. 309) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that any legislation enacted to provide economic growth for the United States should include not less than $30 billion for State fiscal relief over the next 18 months (of which at least half should be provided through a temporary increase in the Federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP)).<p>(Sec. 310) Declares the sense of the Senate that a commission should be established to review Federal domestic agencies, and programs within such agencies, with the express purpose of providing Congress with recommendations, and legislation to implement those recommendations, to realign or eliminate government agencies and programs that are duplicative, wasteful, inefficient, outdated, or irrelevant, or have failed to accomplish their intended purpose.<p>(Sec. 311) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate should only consider legislation that increases highway spending if such legislation changes highway user fees to pay for such increased spending.<p>(Sec. 312) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that: (1) expanded access to health care coverage throughout the United States is a top priority for national policymaking; and (2) to the extent that additional funds are made available, a significant portion of them should be dedicated to expanding access to health care coverage so that fewer individuals are uninsured and fewer individuals are likely to become uninsured.<p>(Sec. 313) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the functional totals underlying this resolution on the budget assumes that the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program be funded at $585 million to reimburse State and local law enforcement agencies for the burdens imposed in FY 2003 by the incarceration of undocumented criminal aliens; and (2) Congress enact a long-term reauthorization of the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program beginning with the authorization of $750 million in FY 2004 to reimburse State and county governments for the burdens undocumented criminal aliens have placed on the local criminal justice system.<p>(Sec. 314) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) to perform vital functions the Corps of Engineers requires additional funding; and (2) the budgetary totals in this resolution assume that the level of funding provided for programs of the Corps will not be reduced below current baseline spending levels established for the programs.<p>(Sec. 315) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Attorney General should study the need and cost to make the radio systems used by fire departments and emergency medical services agencies interoperable with those used by law enforcement to the extent that interoperability will not interfere with law enforcement operations.<p>Declares the sense of the Senate that Congress should authorize and appropriate $20 million to establish a grant program through which the Attorney General would award grants to local governments to assist fire departments and emergency medical services agencies to establish radio interoperability.<p>(Sec. 316) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate should act to stop companies from avoiding paying their fair share of U.S. taxes by: (1) addressing the problem of corporations that have renounced their U.S. citizenship (\"inverted\") by relocating their headquarters to tax haven jurisdictions while maintaining their primary offices and production or service facilities in the United States; and (2) addressing the problem of Bermuda-based insurance companies that are using reinsurance agreements with their subsidiaries to direct property and casualty insurance premiums out of the United States into Bermuda to reduce their U.S. taxes in a way that places U.S. property and casualty insurance companies at a competitive disadvantage.<p>(Sec. 317) Declares the sense of the Senate that the new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2013 for National Defense are adequate to provide, and should provide, for the phase-in of concurrent receipt of retired pay and veterans' disability compensation by veterans with service-connected disabilities rated 60 percent or higher.<p>(Sec. 318) Declares the sense of the Senate that Congress has recognized the importance of Native American health and has enacted and increased by 500 percent the funding for a program of research for the prevention and treatment for diabetes, a major disease in the Native American community.<p>(Sec. 319) Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget to revise the aggregates, function totals, allocations, and other appropriate levels and limits by up to $396 billion in budget authority and outlays for the total of fiscal years 2003 through 2013, if legislation is reported by the Senate Committee on Finance that would extend the solvency of the Social Security Trust Funds.<p>(Sec. 320) Declares the sense of the Senate that if tax relief measures are passed in accordance with the assumptions in the budget resolution, such legislation should include tax and other financial incentives to help rural communities fight the economic decimation caused by chronic out-migration by giving them the tools they need to attract individuals to live and work, or to start and grow a business, in those areas.<p>(Sec. 321) Declares the sense of the Senate that economic stimulus legislation should include provisions to make higher education affordable, including: (1) a provision to make permanent the above-the-line deduction for the higher education expenses of a taxpayer and members of the taxpayer's family and to increase such deduction to $8,000 for taxable year 2003 and $12,000 for taxable year 2004 and thereafter; and (2) a credit against tax up to $1,500 for each taxable year for interest paid during the year on loans incurred for higher education expenses.<p>(Sec. 322) Declares the sense of the Senate that for fiscal year 2004, children's graduate medical education should be funded at $305 million.<p>(Sec. 323) Declares the sense of the Senate that the funding levels in this resolution assume that the programs authorized under the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998 will be fully funded at the levels authorized for FY 2004 through 2007.<p>(Sec. 324) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that up to $20 million from funds designated, but not obligated, from drug interdiction activities for travel and administrative expenses should be used for service-oriented targeted grants for the utilization of substances that block the craving for heroin and that are newly approved for such use by the Food and Drug Administration.<p>(Sec. 325) Declares the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that funding for 21st Century Community Learning Centers is at least enough to ensure the number of children participating in after-school programs does not decrease.<p>(Sec. 326) Declares the sense of the Senate that extending the $1,000 child credit for three additional years can be accommodated within the revenue totals and instructions of this resolution.<p>(Sec. 327) Declares the sense of the Senate that the final budget conference agreement should not take or propose any actions that reduce the level of funding provided for domestic nutrition assistance programs administered by the Secretary of Agriculture below current baseline spending levels for the programs.<p>(Sec. 328) Declares the sense of the Senate the President should negotiate a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom.<p>(Sec. 329) Authorizes the Committee on the Budget of the Senate to revise the level of total new budget authority and outlays, the functional totals, allocations, discretionary spending limits, and levels of deficits and debt by up to $100 billion in budget authority and outlays upon favorable reporting of legislation by the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate making discretionary appropriations in excess of the levels assumed in this resolution for expenses for possible military action and reconstruction in Iraq for FY 2003 through 2013.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "35" }, { "action_date": "2003-04-10", "action_desc": "Conference report filed in House", "text": "Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.<p><b>Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts</b> - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>(Sec. 102) Lists recommended Social Security budget authority, revenues, and outlays for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Trust Fund.<p>(Sec. 103) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Title II: Reconciliation</b> - (Sec. 201) Directs the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance to report reconciliation bills consisting of changes in laws within their respective jurisdictions sufficient to reduce revenues and increase the total level of outlays by specified amounts.<p>(Sec. 202) Makes it out of order in the Senate to consider proposed legislation which would cause the total revenue reduction to exceed $322.524 billion or the total outlays to exceed $27.476 billion for FY 2003 through 2013, except for the purpose of inserting the text of a Senate-passed measure and requesting a conference with the House of Representatives.<p><b>Title III: Submissions of Findings Providing for the Elimination of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Mandatory Programs - </b>(Sec. 301) Requires specified congressional committees to submit findings that identify changes in law within their jurisdictions that would achieve the specified level of savings through the elimination of waste, fraud, and abuse.<p>Requires the Comptroller General to submit to the Committees on the Budget a comprehensive report identifying instances in which the committees of jurisdiction may make legislative changes to improve the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of programs within their jurisdiction. <p><b>Title IV: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure</b> - <b>Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates</b> - (Sec. 401) Authorizes the Chairman of the House Committee on the Budget (House Chairman), if the House Committee on Ways and Means or the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that provides a prescription drug benefit and modernizes Medicare, and provides adjustments to the Medicare program on a fee-for-service, capitated, or other basis, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7 billion in new budget authority and $7 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>Requires a separate allocation, which shall be the exclusive allocation, to the appropriate committees for Medicare for FY 2004 and for the total of FY 2004 through 2013.<p>Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee of the Budget, if the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that strengthens and enhances the Medicare Program and improves the access of beneficiaries to prescription drugs or promotes geographic equity payments, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7 billion in new budget authority and $7 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 402) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that modernizes Medicaid, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation (if it would not increase the deficit over FY 2004 through 2013) to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $12.782 billion in budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2010 if the legislation would not increase the deficit over FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 403) Authorizes the Chairman of the appropriate Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that extends the availability of FY 1998 and 1999 expired State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) allotments and the expiring FY 2000 allotments, to revise appropriate budget aggregates and committee allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $1.26 billion in new budget authority and $85 million in outlays for FY 2003; (2) $690 million in new budget authority and $760 million in outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $565 million in new budget authority and $890 million in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 404) Authorizes the Chairman of the House Committee on the Budget, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and new budget authority for such a program is provided in one specified way or another, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.<p>Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget, if the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions reports legislation that provides for the Department of Homeland Security to procure countermeasures necessary to protect the public health from current and emerging threats of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents for inclusion by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Strategic National Stockpile, and provides new budget authority and outlays for such, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and $575 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $5.593 billion in new budget authority and $5.593 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 405) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the committee of jurisdiction in the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that provides health insurance for the uninsured (and tax deductions for specified others), to revise allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $28.457 billion for FY 2004 through 2008; and (2) $49.965 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 406) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that provides States with the option to expand Medicaid coverage for children with special needs, to revise committee allocations for that committee and other appropriate budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $43 million in new budget authority and $42 million in outlays for FY 2004; (2) $1.627 billion in new budget authority and $1.566 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $7.462 billion in new budget authority and $7.261 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p><b>Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure</b> - (Sec. 411) Authorizes the chairman of the appropriate Committee on the Budget to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with specified limitations, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House or the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, or the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway and transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by a reduction in mandatory outlays or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund.<p>Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget to increase the allocation of outlays for the particular fiscal year for the appropriate committee by the amount of outlays corresponding to such excess obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or other specified legislative action is taken, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $39.684 billion for FY 2004, or $40.788 billion for FY 2005, for certain highway and transit programs, projects, and activities, if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.<p>Declares the intent of Congress that the increase in new budget authority and outlays above the baseline assumed for highways and highway safety in section 103 of this resolution is derived from the resources available to the Highway Trust Fund.<p><b>Subtitle C: Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2003 Levels</b> - (Sec. 421) Requires the appropriate adjustments in the allocations and aggregates of new budget authority and outlays to reflect the difference between such measure and the corresponding levels assumed in this resolution, if legislation making supplemental appropriations for FY 2003 is enacted before May 1, 2003.<p><b>Title V: Budget Enforcement</b> - (Sec. 501) Sets forth prohibitions on advance congressional appropriations for FY 2004 and 2005. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.158 billion in new budget authority. Provides for specified advanced appropriations for FY 2006.<p>(Sec. 502) Enables Congress, if in the absence of an extension of the discretionary spending limits and PAYGO requirements under the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, to designate provisions of legislation as an emergency (meeting specified criteria) in order to exempt such measures from enforcement of this resolution with respect to the new budget authority, outlays, and receipts resulting from them.<p>(Sec. 503) Continues the supermajority enforcement requirements of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 as a Senate rule through FY 2008.<p>(Sec. 504) Establishes specified discretionary spending limits in the Senate.<p>(Sec. 505) Revises provisions concerning the Pay-As-You-Go point of order rule in the Senate to: (1) extend its application through FY 2008; and (2) exclude from \"direct-spending legislation\" and \"revenue legislation\" any concurrent resolution on the budget or any legislation that affect the full funding of, and continuation of, the deposit insurance guarantee commitment.<p>(Sec. 506) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration.<p>(Sec. 507) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.<p>(Sec. 508) Requires the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget to make adjustments to the levels and allocations in this resolution upon the enactment of legislation providing a change in concepts or definitions.<p><b>Title VI: Sense of the Senate - </b>(Sec. 601) Expresses the sense of the Senate that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.<p>(Sec. 602) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that within the discretionary allocation provided to the Committee on Appropriations the maximum Pell Grant award should be raised to the maximum extent practicable.<p>(Sec. 603) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Senate: (1) should develop a long-term drought plan that effectively recognizes the recurring nature of drought cycles and adequately supports emergency and disaster assistance to livestock and agricultural producers hurt by drought; and (2) establish an agricultural reserve to fund theses activities.<p>(Sec. 604) Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the President, Congress, and the American people should work together to enact legislation to achieve a solvent and permanently sustainable Social Security system; and (2) Social Security reform must protect current and near retirees from any changes to Social Security benefits, reduce the pressure on future taxpayers and other budgetary priorities, provide benefit levels that adequately reflect individual contributions to the Social Security System, and preserve and strengthen the safety net for vulnerable populations.<p>(Sec. 605) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that any legislation enacted to provide economic growth for the United States should include at least $30 billion for State fiscal relief over the next 18 months, of which at least half should be provided through a temporary increase in the Federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP).<p>(Sec. 606) Expresses the sense of the Senate that a commission should be established to review Federal domestic agencies and programs to provide Congress with recommendations to realign or eliminate Government agencies and programs that are duplicative, wasteful, inefficient, outdated, or irrelevant, or have failed to accomplish their intended purpose.<p>(Sec. 607) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Senate should only consider legislation that increases highway spending if the legislation changes highway user fees to pay for such increased spending.<p>(Sec. 608) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Congressional Budget Office shall consult with the Committee on the Budget of the Senate in order to prepare a report containing: (1) an estimate of the unfunded liabilities of the Federal Government; (2) an estimate of the contingent liabilities of Federal programs; and (3) an accrual-based estimate of the current and future cost of Federal programs.<p>(Sec. 609) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that: (1) expanded access to health care coverage throughout the United States is a top priority for national policymaking; and (2) a significant portion of such expanded health care coverage funds should be dedicated to expanding access to health care coverage so that fewer individuals are uninsured and fewer individuals are likely to become uninsured.<p>(Sec. 610) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Corps of Engineers requires additional funding to perform its vital functions and that the budgetary totals in this resolution assume that the level of funding provided for programs of the Corps will not be reduced below current baseline spending levels.<p>(Sec. 611) Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress has recognized the importance of Native American health and has enacted and increased by 500 percent the funding for a program of research for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, a major disease in the Native American community.<p>(Sec. 612) Expresses the sense of the Senate that if tax relief measures are enacted in accordance with the assumptions in the budget resolution in this session of Congress, such legislation should include incentives to help rural communities attract individuals to live and work and to start and grow a business in those communities.<p>(Sec. 613) Expresses the sense of the Senate that children's graduate medical education should be funded at $305 million.<p>(Sec. 614) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the funding levels in this resolution assume that the programs authorized under the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998 will be fully funded at the levels authorized for FY 2004 through 2007.<p>(Sec. 615) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that $20 million from funds designated for travel and administrative expenses from drug interdiction activities should be used for service-oriented targeted grants for the utilization of substances that block the craving for heroin and that are newly approved for such use by the Food and Drug Administration.<p>(Sec. 616) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should negotiate a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "48" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed Amendment Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Placed on Calendar Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-17T05:00:00Z", "type": "Reported in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T04:55:00Z", "name": "Reported original measure" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Budget Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsbu00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-37" }, { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-71" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Indefinitely postponed by Senate by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S8849)", "type": null }, "number": 23, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "Senate", "type": "Related document" }, { "identified_by": "Senate", "type": "Companion bill" }, { "identified_by": "Senate", "type": "Procedurally-related" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identified_by": "Senate", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and including the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2003 and for fiscal years 2005 through 2013.", "type": "SCONRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-27", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Became Public Law No: 108-24.", "type": null }, "number": 51, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Related bill" }, { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Increasing the statutory limit on the public debt.", "type": "HJRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 151, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 95) establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "type": "HRES" }, { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 191, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "House", "type": "Procedurally-related" } ], "title": "Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 95) establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "type": "HRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate agreed to conference report by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 50. Record Vote Number: 134.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "23000", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Conference report agreed to in Senate: Senate agreed to conference report by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 50. Record Vote Number: 134.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Conference report considered in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5266-5293, S5295-5316)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Conference papers: Senate report and manager's statement and message on House action held at the desk in Senate.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H42510", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 216 - 211 (Roll no. 141).", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "21000", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Conference report agreed to in House: On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 216 - 211 (Roll no. 141).", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H42300", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The previous question was ordered without objection.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the Conference Report.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H40200", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Nussle brought up conference report H. Rept. 108-71 for consideration under the provisions of H. Res. 191. (consideration: CR 4/10/2003 H3194-3230, H3268, H3291-3298)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H1L220", "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rule H. Res. 191 passed House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H1L210", "action_date": "2003-04-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 191 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of the conference report to H. Con. Res. 95. All points of order against the conference report and against its consideration are waived. The conference report shall be considered as read and shall be debatable for one hour.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H25200", "action_date": "2003-04-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Conference report H. Rept. 108-71 filed. (text of conference report: CR H3194-3230)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "20900", "action_date": "2003-04-10", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Conference report filed: Conference report H. Rept. 108-71 filed.(text of conference report: CR H3194-3230)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41800", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The Speaker appointed conferees for consideration of the House concurrent resolution and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Nussle, Shays, and Spratt.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41931", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41610", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion that the House instruct conferees Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 399 - 22 (Roll No. 95).", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41400", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The previous question was ordered without objection.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the Spratt motion to instruct conferees on H. Con. Res. 95. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the managers on the part of of the House to eliminate the reconciliation instruction to the Committee on Agriculture, the Committee on Education and the Workforce, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee on Transporation and Infrastructure, the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and the Committee on Ways and Means contained in section 201(b) of the House resolution; (2) to recede to the Senate on section 319 (entitled \"Reserve Fund to Strengthen Social Security\") of the Senate amendment; and (3) to adjust the revenue levels by the amounts needed to offset the cost of the instructions set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2), without resulting in any increase in the deficit or reduction in surplus for any fiscal year covered by the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H40150", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Spratt moved that the House instruct conferees. (consideration: CR H2542-2553; text: CR H2542)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H41610", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference Agreed to without objection.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": "H40110", "action_date": "2003-04-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. Nussle asked unanimous consent that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference. (consideration: CR H2542-2553)", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-31", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "See also S.Con.Res. 23.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate insists on its amendment, asks for a conference, appoints conferees Nickles; Domenici; Grassley; Gregg; Conrad; Hollings; Sarbanes.", "type": "ResolvingDifferences" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate in lieu of S.Con.Res.23 with an amendment by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR 3/31/2003 S4579-4589)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate in lieu of S.Con.Res.23 with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.(text: CR 3/31/2003 S4579-4589)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Senate struck all after the Resolving Clause and substituted the language of S.Con.Res. 23 amended.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-26", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S4422)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 48.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 215 - 212 (Roll no. 82). (text: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2182)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 215 - 212 (Roll no. 82).(text: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2182)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H35000", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32600", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H. Con. Res. 95.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with twenty minutes of additional general debate on H. Con. Res. 95.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-21", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR 3/20/2003 H2171-2227, H2251-2262)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32700", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H. Con. Res. 95 as unfinished business.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Spratt amendment in the nature of a substitute.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Cummings amendment in the nature of a substitute.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Toomey amendment in the nature of a substitute.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of debate on the Hill amendment in the nature of a substitute.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with 3 hours of general debate on H. Con. Res. 95.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32400", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The Speaker designated the Honorable Paul E. Gillmor to act as Chairman of the Committee.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32020", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 151 and Rule XXIII.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 95 with 3 hours of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Provides for three hours of general debate with two hours equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Budget and one hour on economic goals and policies equally divided and controlled by Representative Saxton and Representative Stark. Specified amendments are in order. Provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute specified in part A of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report which may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offer...", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 151. (consideration: CR H2145-2170)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H1L220", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rule H. Res. 151 passed House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H1L210", "action_date": "2003-03-19", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 151 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 95 with 3 hours of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Provides for three hours of general debate with two hours equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on the Budget and one hour on economic goals and policies equally divided and controlled by Representative Saxton and Representative Stark. Specified amendments are in order. Provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute specified in part A of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report which may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offer...", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H12410", "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 25.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": "H12100", "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Budget Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsbu00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "The House Committee on The Budget reported an original measure, H. Rept. 108-37, by Mr. Nussle.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "5000", "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Budget Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsbu00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "The House Committee on The Budget reported an original measure, H. Rept. 108-37, by Mr. Nussle.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-17", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "N000172", "district": "1", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Nussle, Jim [R-IA-1]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "NUSSLE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "IA" } ]
[ { "description": "<p>Cost estimate for the bill as passed by the House of Representatives on May 19, 2004</p>", "pub_date": "2004-06-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 95, Section 312 of the concurrent resolution setting forth the Congressional budget for the United States government for fiscal year 2005", "url": "http://www.cbo.gov/publication/15733" }, { "description": "Cost estimate for the bill as passed by the House of Representatives on May 19, 2004", "pub_date": "2004-06-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 95, Section 312 of the concurrent resolution setting forth the Congressional budget for the United States government for fiscal year 2005", "url": "https://www.cbo.gov/publication/15733" } ]
Economics and Public Finance
[ "Access to health care", "Administration of justice", "Agricultural subsidies", "Agriculture and Food", "Alaska", "Animals", "Appropriations", "Armed Forces and National Security", "Armed forces reserves", "Army Corps of Engineers", "Authorization", "Bermuda", "Biological warfare", "Budget deficits", "Budget reconciliation", "Budget resolutions", "Budget surpluses", "Casualty insurance", "Chemical warfare", "Citizenship", "College costs", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional Budget Office", "Congressional Record", "Congressional budget", "Congressional committees (House)", "Congressional committees (Senate)", "Congressional conference committees", "Congressional reporting requirements", "Congressional voting", "Corporate management", "Corporation taxes", "Cost of living adjustments", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Criminal aliens", "Criminal justice information", "Criminal statistics", "Debt limit", "Defense budgets", "Deposit insurance", "Diabetes", "Disabled", "Disaster relief", "Droughts", "Drug abuse", "Drug addiction", "Drug law enforcement", "Drug traffic", "Drugs", "Economic growth", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "Emergency Management", "Emergency communication systems", "Emergency medicine", "Energy", "Entitlements", "Europe", "Executive reorganization", "Families", "Family violence", "Federal advisory bodies", "Federal aid to child health services", "Federal aid to education", "Federal aid to law enforcement", "Federal aid to research", "Federal aid to transportation", "Federal budgets", "Federal employees", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Fire departments", "Firearms control", "Food relief", "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "Free trade", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government downsizing", "Government lending", "Government procurement", "Government spending reductions", "Government trust funds", "Grants-in-aid", "Health", "Health insurance", "Heroin", "Higher education", "Highway finance", "Highway use tax", "House Administration", "House Agriculture", "House Budget", "House Education and the Workforce", "House Energy and Commerce", "House Financial Services", "House Government Reform", "House Intelligence", "House International Relations", "House Judiciary", "House Resources", "House Science", "House Small Business", "House Transportation and Infrastructure", "House Veterans' Affairs", "House Ways and Means", "House rules and procedure", "Housing and Community Development", "Identification of criminals", "Immigration", "Income tax", "Indian education", "Indian medical care", "Insurance companies", "Intergovernmental fiscal relations", "Internal migration", "International Affairs", "Iraq", "Labor and Employment", "Law", "Legislation", "Legislative amendments", "Legislative resolutions", "Livestock", "Location of industries", "Mass rapid transit", "Medicaid", "Medical education", "Medical research", "Medically uninsured", "Medicare", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military civic action", "Military operations", "Military pensions", "Minorities", "National Guard", "National parks", "Nuclear terrorism", "Nutrition", "Oil and gas royalties", "Oil well drilling", "Old age, survivors and disability insurance", "Pharmaceutical research", "Police communication systems", "Poor children", "Prescription pricing", "Preventive medicine", "Property insurance", "Prospecting", "Public Lands and Natural Resources", "Public broadcasting", "Public debt", "Reinsurance", "Research and development", "Rural economic development", "Salaries", "Scholarships", "School-age child care", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Senate Budget", "Senate Energy and Natural Resources", "Senate Finance", "Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions", "Senate rules and procedure", "Sex offenders", "Small business", "Social Security Administration", "Social Welfare", "Social security finance", "Special education", "State finance", "Student loan funds", "Tax credits", "Tax deductions", "Tax evasion", "Tax rates", "Taxation", "Terrorism", "Trade agreements", "Trade negotiations", "Traffic accidents and safety", "Transportation and Public Works", "United Kingdom", "User charges", "Vaccines", "Veterans' disability compensation", "War relief", "Waste in government spending", "Water Resources Development", "Weapons of mass destruction", "Wildlife refuges" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-17", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Sets forth the congressional budget for the Federal Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and 2005 through 2013.<p>Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts, for FY 2003 through 2013, with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p>Sets forth committee reconciliation instructions.<p>Provides for reserve funds for Medicaid and Project Bioshield.<p>Provides for contingency procedures for surface transportation and infrastructure.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-17", "action_desc": "Reported to House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 17, 2003. However, because action occurred on the measure, the summary has been expanded.)</b><p>Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.<p><b>Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts</b> - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>(Sec. 102) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Title II: Reconciliation - </b>(Sec. 201) Requires recommendations of changes in law within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues and increase or reduce (as indicated) the total level of outlays by specified amounts to the House Committee on the Budget by the following Committees: (1) Ways and Means; (2) Education and the Workforce; (3) Agriculture; (4) Energy and Commerce; (5) Financial Services; (6) Government Reform; (7) House Administration; (8) International Relations; (9) Judiciary; (10) Resources; (11) Science; (12) Small Business; (13) Transportation and Infrastructure; and (14) Veterans' Affairs.<p>Requires the House Committee on the Budget to report to the House a reconciliation bill carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revision.<p>Sets forth a special rule that no reported reconciliation bill may be considered if the net effect of the legislation submitted by committees increases the deficits by more than $39.195 billion for FY 2004 through 2008 and $27.659 billion for FY 2004 through 2013. Requires the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman) to make the applicable adjustments in reconciliation instructions, allocations, and budget aggregates, taking into account (at the chairman's discretion) any other Medicare reform legislation enacted after the adoption of this resolution.<p><b>Title III: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure - Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates</b> - (Sec. 301) Authorizes the Chairman, if the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that will modernize Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and reduce new budget authority and outlays by $9.01 billion for FY 2009 through 2013, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008.<p>(Sec. 302) Authorizes the Chairman, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and provides new budget authority for such a program, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.<p><b>Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure for Legislation Not Assumed in Budget Aggregates -</b> (Sec. 311) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by reductions in the deficit or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with a specified limitation.<p><b></b>Authorizes the Chairman to increase the allocation of outlays for FY 2004 for the House Committee on Appropriations by the amount of outlays corresponding to such obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or an amendment thereto is offered or a conference report thereon is submitted, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $38.496 billion but an amount up to such limit was offset under this subtitle for programs, projects, and activities within the highway and transit categories, and if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.<p><b>Subtitle C: Implementation - </b>(Sec. 321) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.<p><b>Title IV: Budget Enforcement </b>- (Sec. 401) Sets forth prohibitions on advance appropriations in the House. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.178 billion in new budget authority.<p>(Sec. 402) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "79" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-21", "action_desc": "Passed House amended", "text": "Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.<p><b>Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts</b> - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>(Sec. 102) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Title II: Reconciliation</b> - (Sec. 201) Requires recommendations of changes in law within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues and increase or reduce (as indicated) the total level of outlays by specified amounts to the House Committee on the Budget by the following Committees: (1) Ways and Means; (2) Education and the Workforce; (3) Agriculture; (4) Energy and Commerce; (5) Financial Services; (6) Government Reform; (7) House Administration; (8) International Relations; (9) Judiciary; (10) Resources; (11) Science; (12) Transportation and Infrastructure; and (13) Veterans' Affairs.<p>Requires the House Committee on the Budget to report to the House a reconciliation bill carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revision.<p><b>Title III: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure</b> - <b>Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates</b> - (Sec. 301) Authorizes the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman), if the Committee on Ways and Means or the Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that provides prescription drug benefit and modernizes Medicare, and provides adjustments to the Medicare program on a fee-for-service, capitated, or other basis, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7.5 billion in new budget authority and $7.5 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>Requires a separate allocation under section 302 (a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to the appropriate committees for Medicare for FY 2004 and for the total of FY 2004 through 2013. Declares such separate allocation shall be the exclusive allocation for Medicare under section 302 (a) of such Act.<p>(Sec. 302) Authorizes the Chairman, if the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that will modernize Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and reduce new budget authority and outlays by $9.010 billion for FY 2009 through 2013, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008.<p>(Sec. 303) Authorizes the Chairman, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and provides new budget authority for such a program, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.<p><b>Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure for Legislation Not Assumed in Budget Aggregates</b> - (Sec. 311) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway and transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by a reduction in mandatory outlays or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with a specified limitation.<p>Authorizes the Chairman to increase the allocation of outlays for FY 2004 for the appropriate committee by the amount of outlays corresponding to such obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or an amendment thereto is offered or a conference report thereon is submitted, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $38.496 billion but an amount up to such limit was offset under this subtitle for programs, projects, and activities within the highway and transit categories, and if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.<p><b>Subtitle C: Implementation - </b>(Sec. 321) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.<p><b>Title IV: Budget Enforcement</b> - (Sec. 401) Sets forth prohibitions on advance appropriations in the House. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.178 billion in new budget authority.<p>(Sec. 402) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "36" }, { "action_date": "2003-03-26", "action_desc": "Passed Senate amended", "text": "Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.<p><b>Title I: Levels and Amounts</b> - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits; (5) public debt; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>(Sec. 102) Lists the amounts of Social Security revenues and appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Trust Fund.<p>(Sec. 103) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 104) Directs the Senate Committee on Finance to report a reconciliation bill by April 8, 2003, that consists of changes in laws within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues by no more than $322.524 billion, and increase the total level of outlays by no more than $27.476 billion for the period of FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Title II: Budget Enforcement and Rulemaking</b> - <b>Subtitle A: Budget Enforcemen</b>t- (Sec. 201) Extends congressional supermajority enforcement requirements of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 for Senate purposes.<p>(Sec. 202) Prescribes Senate discretionary, highway, and mass transit spending limits for FY 2003 through 2005. Authorizes the Senate Committee on the Budget to make certain adjustments in new budget authority and outlays in a measure at specified stages of legislative action.<p>(Sec. 203) Prohibits advance appropriations in the Senate. Excepts from this prohibition, however, advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified for advance appropriations and for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Allows waiver or suspension of a point of order on advance appropriations by an affirmative three-fifths majority vote.<p>(Sec. 204) Prescribes the criteria for designation of emergency legislation.<p>(Sec. 205) Makes out of order in the Senate any direct spending or revenue legislation that would increase the on-budget deficit or cause an on-budget deficit for any one of three specified time periods (one year, five fiscal years, more than five fiscal years) covered by the most recently adopted concurrent resolution on the budget. (Provides for a pay-as-you-go point of order.)<p>(Sec. 206) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Congressional Budget Office shall consult with the Committee on the Budget of the Senate to prepare a report containing estimates of: (1) unfunded liabilities of the Federal Government; (2) contingent liabilities of Federal Programs; and (3) the current and future cost of Federal Programs.<p><b>Subtitle B: Reserve Funds and Other Adjustments</b> - (Sec. 211) Authorizes the chairman of the Committee on the Budget (Chairman), if grants to States for special education are reauthorized subject to specified requirements, to make budget authority revisions for such grants under part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of up to: (1) $205 million if the Committee on Appropriations reports legislation that provides in excess of $4.803 billion in new budget authority for FY 2004; and (2) $209 million if the Committee on Appropriations reports legislation that combined with any advance appropriations for FY 2005 provides in excess of $11.038 billion.<p>(Sec. 212) Authorizes the Chairman to revise committee allocation for the appropriate committees to reauthorize the highway, highway safety, and transit programs set out in the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century if legislative action occurs to reauthorize programs under such Act and provide new governmental receipts.<p>(Sec. 213) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation to reform Medicare and improve the access of beneficiaries to prescription drugs or promote geographic equity payments, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to $400 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 214) Allows the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that provides health insurance for the uninsured, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to $88 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 215) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that authorizes States to allow families with disabled children to purchase Medicaid coverage for them, to revise committee allocations, budgetary aggregates, and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $43 million in new budget authority and $42 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $7.462 billion in new budget authority and $7.262 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 216) Authorizes the Chairman, if the Senate Finance Committee reports legislation that provides significant reform of the Medicaid Program, to revise committee allocations, budgetary aggregates, and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution, as long as they do not increase the deficit, by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $12.782 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2010.<p>(Sec. 217) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions reports legislation that will facilitate procurement for inclusion by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Strategic National Stockpile of countermeasures necessary to protect the public health from threats of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents (Project Bioshield), to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to specified amounts: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and $575 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $5.593 billion in new budget authority and $5.593 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through2013.<p>(Sec. 218) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources reports legislation subsequently enacted that will permit exploration and production of oil in the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and make available a portion of the resulting receipts to the National Park Service Stateside Grant Program, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $750 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (2) $2 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2013. Conditions such a reserve on the unavailability of any funds before FY 2006. Limits to $250 million the amount made available in any single fiscal year.<p>(Sec. 219) Allows the Chairman, if the Committee on Finance reports legislation that extends the availability of FY 1998 and 1999 expired State Children's Health Insurance Program allotments and the expiring FY 2000 allotments, to revise committee allocations and other budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays and to revise revenue aggregates and other aggregates and allocations by the amount provided by such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $1.26 billion in new budget authority and $85 million in outlays for FY 2003; (2) $1.33 billion in new budget authority and $85 billion in outlays for FY 2004; (3) $1.95 billion in new budget authority and $845 million in outlays for FY 2003 through 2008; and (4) $1.825 billion in new budget authority and $975 million in outlays for FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Subtitle C: Miscellaneous Provisions</b> - (Sec. 221) Requires the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget to make adjustments to the levels and allocations in this resolution according to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act) upon enactment of any bill or resolution providing for a change in concepts or definitions.<p>(Sec. 222) Sets forth requirements for enforcement of this resolution and the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 in the House and the Senate.<p><b>Title III: Sense of the Senate</b> - (Sec. 301) Expresses the sense of the Senate that rates of compensation for U.S. civilian employees should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.<p>(Sec. 302) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) this resolution recognizes the funding challenges faced by tribal colleges and assumes that priority consideration will be provided to them through funding through the Tribally Controlled College or University Assistance Act, the Equity in Educational Land Grant Status Act, title III of the Higher Education Act, and the National Science Foundation Tribal College Program; and (2) such priority consideration reflects Congress' intent to continue to work toward statutory Federal funding goals for the tribal colleges and universities.<p>(Sec. 303) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the performance of the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in administering the Federal Credit Reform Act for the 504 small business credit program remains unsatisfactory; (2) the administration should develop an econometric model for the 504 program for use in the FY 2004 appropriations cycle; and (3) OMB should report to the Budget and Small Business Committees on the progress of this work by June 2003.<p>(Sec. 304) Declares the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that: (1) within the discretionary allocation provided to the Committee on Appropriations, the maximum Pell Grant award should be raised to the maximum extent practicable, and funding for the Pell Grant program should be higher than the level requested by the President; and (2) to the maximum extent practicable, Congress should seek to increase the maximum individual Federal Pell Grant award to $9,000 by FY 2010.<p>(Sec. 305) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that the Department of Defense will give priority to fully funding the Active Guard/Reserves and Military Technicians at least at the minimum required levels.<p>(Sec. 306) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the functional totals in this resolution assume that the Department of Defense should give priority to fully implementing the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 with respect to establishment of additional Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMD-CSTs) (at least one in each State and territory); and (2) the Department should increase its full-time manning requirements to include the 506 additional full-time National Guard personnel that will be needed to man the 23 additional WMD-CSTs.<p>(Sec. 307) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate: (1) develop a long-term drought plan that effectively recognizes the reoccurring nature of drought cycles and adequately supports emergency and disaster assistance to livestock and agricultural producers hurt by drought; and (2) establish an agricultural reserve to fund activities under such a plan.<p>(Sec. 308) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the President, the Congress and the American people should work together at the earliest opportunity to enact legislation to achieve a solvent and permanently sustainable Social Security system; (2) Social Security reform must protect current and near retirees from any changes to Social Security benefits, reduce the pressure on future taxpayers and provide benefit levels that adequately reflect individual contribution to the Social Security system and preserve and strengthen the safety net for vulnerable populations, including the disabled and survivors; and (3) we should honor the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990.<p>(Sec. 309) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that any legislation enacted to provide economic growth for the United States should include not less than $30 billion for State fiscal relief over the next 18 months (of which at least half should be provided through a temporary increase in the Federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP)).<p>(Sec. 310) Declares the sense of the Senate that a commission should be established to review Federal domestic agencies, and programs within such agencies, with the express purpose of providing Congress with recommendations, and legislation to implement those recommendations, to realign or eliminate government agencies and programs that are duplicative, wasteful, inefficient, outdated, or irrelevant, or have failed to accomplish their intended purpose.<p>(Sec. 311) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate should only consider legislation that increases highway spending if such legislation changes highway user fees to pay for such increased spending.<p>(Sec. 312) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that: (1) expanded access to health care coverage throughout the United States is a top priority for national policymaking; and (2) to the extent that additional funds are made available, a significant portion of them should be dedicated to expanding access to health care coverage so that fewer individuals are uninsured and fewer individuals are likely to become uninsured.<p>(Sec. 313) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) the functional totals underlying this resolution on the budget assumes that the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program be funded at $585 million to reimburse State and local law enforcement agencies for the burdens imposed in FY 2003 by the incarceration of undocumented criminal aliens; and (2) Congress enact a long-term reauthorization of the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program beginning with the authorization of $750 million in FY 2004 to reimburse State and county governments for the burdens undocumented criminal aliens have placed on the local criminal justice system.<p>(Sec. 314) Declares the sense of the Senate that: (1) to perform vital functions the Corps of Engineers requires additional funding; and (2) the budgetary totals in this resolution assume that the level of funding provided for programs of the Corps will not be reduced below current baseline spending levels established for the programs.<p>(Sec. 315) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Attorney General should study the need and cost to make the radio systems used by fire departments and emergency medical services agencies interoperable with those used by law enforcement to the extent that interoperability will not interfere with law enforcement operations.<p>Declares the sense of the Senate that Congress should authorize and appropriate $20 million to establish a grant program through which the Attorney General would award grants to local governments to assist fire departments and emergency medical services agencies to establish radio interoperability.<p>(Sec. 316) Declares the sense of the Senate that the Senate should act to stop companies from avoiding paying their fair share of U.S. taxes by: (1) addressing the problem of corporations that have renounced their U.S. citizenship (\"inverted\") by relocating their headquarters to tax haven jurisdictions while maintaining their primary offices and production or service facilities in the United States; and (2) addressing the problem of Bermuda-based insurance companies that are using reinsurance agreements with their subsidiaries to direct property and casualty insurance premiums out of the United States into Bermuda to reduce their U.S. taxes in a way that places U.S. property and casualty insurance companies at a competitive disadvantage.<p>(Sec. 317) Declares the sense of the Senate that the new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2013 for National Defense are adequate to provide, and should provide, for the phase-in of concurrent receipt of retired pay and veterans' disability compensation by veterans with service-connected disabilities rated 60 percent or higher.<p>(Sec. 318) Declares the sense of the Senate that Congress has recognized the importance of Native American health and has enacted and increased by 500 percent the funding for a program of research for the prevention and treatment for diabetes, a major disease in the Native American community.<p>(Sec. 319) Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget to revise the aggregates, function totals, allocations, and other appropriate levels and limits by up to $396 billion in budget authority and outlays for the total of fiscal years 2003 through 2013, if legislation is reported by the Senate Committee on Finance that would extend the solvency of the Social Security Trust Funds.<p>(Sec. 320) Declares the sense of the Senate that if tax relief measures are passed in accordance with the assumptions in the budget resolution, such legislation should include tax and other financial incentives to help rural communities fight the economic decimation caused by chronic out-migration by giving them the tools they need to attract individuals to live and work, or to start and grow a business, in those areas.<p>(Sec. 321) Declares the sense of the Senate that economic stimulus legislation should include provisions to make higher education affordable, including: (1) a provision to make permanent the above-the-line deduction for the higher education expenses of a taxpayer and members of the taxpayer's family and to increase such deduction to $8,000 for taxable year 2003 and $12,000 for taxable year 2004 and thereafter; and (2) a credit against tax up to $1,500 for each taxable year for interest paid during the year on loans incurred for higher education expenses.<p>(Sec. 322) Declares the sense of the Senate that for fiscal year 2004, children's graduate medical education should be funded at $305 million.<p>(Sec. 323) Declares the sense of the Senate that the funding levels in this resolution assume that the programs authorized under the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998 will be fully funded at the levels authorized for FY 2004 through 2007.<p>(Sec. 324) Declares the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that up to $20 million from funds designated, but not obligated, from drug interdiction activities for travel and administrative expenses should be used for service-oriented targeted grants for the utilization of substances that block the craving for heroin and that are newly approved for such use by the Food and Drug Administration.<p>(Sec. 325) Declares the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that funding for 21st Century Community Learning Centers is at least enough to ensure the number of children participating in after-school programs does not decrease.<p>(Sec. 326) Declares the sense of the Senate that extending the $1,000 child credit for three additional years can be accommodated within the revenue totals and instructions of this resolution.<p>(Sec. 327) Declares the sense of the Senate that the final budget conference agreement should not take or propose any actions that reduce the level of funding provided for domestic nutrition assistance programs administered by the Secretary of Agriculture below current baseline spending levels for the programs.<p>(Sec. 328) Declares the sense of the Senate the President should negotiate a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom.<p>(Sec. 329) Authorizes the Committee on the Budget of the Senate to revise the level of total new budget authority and outlays, the functional totals, allocations, discretionary spending limits, and levels of deficits and debt by up to $100 billion in budget authority and outlays upon favorable reporting of legislation by the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate making discretionary appropriations in excess of the levels assumed in this resolution for expenses for possible military action and reconstruction in Iraq for FY 2003 through 2013.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "35" }, { "action_date": "2003-04-10", "action_desc": "Conference report filed in House", "text": "Sets forth the congressional budget for the Government for FY 2004, including the appropriate budgetary levels for FY 2003 and for FY 2005 through 2013.<p><b>Title I: Recommended Levels and Amounts</b> - (Sec. 101) Lists recommended budgetary levels and amounts for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to: (1) Federal revenues; (2) new budget authority; (3) budget outlays; (4) deficits (on-budget); (5) debt subject to limit; and (6) debt held by the public.<p>(Sec. 102) Lists recommended Social Security budget authority, revenues, and outlays for FY 2003 through 2013 with respect to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Trust Fund.<p>(Sec. 103) Lists the appropriate levels of new budget authority and outlays for specified major functional categories for FY 2003 through 2013.<p><b>Title II: Reconciliation</b> - (Sec. 201) Directs the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance to report reconciliation bills consisting of changes in laws within their respective jurisdictions sufficient to reduce revenues and increase the total level of outlays by specified amounts.<p>(Sec. 202) Makes it out of order in the Senate to consider proposed legislation which would cause the total revenue reduction to exceed $322.524 billion or the total outlays to exceed $27.476 billion for FY 2003 through 2013, except for the purpose of inserting the text of a Senate-passed measure and requesting a conference with the House of Representatives.<p><b>Title III: Submissions of Findings Providing for the Elimination of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Mandatory Programs - </b>(Sec. 301) Requires specified congressional committees to submit findings that identify changes in law within their jurisdictions that would achieve the specified level of savings through the elimination of waste, fraud, and abuse.<p>Requires the Comptroller General to submit to the Committees on the Budget a comprehensive report identifying instances in which the committees of jurisdiction may make legislative changes to improve the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of programs within their jurisdiction. <p><b>Title IV: Reserve Funds and Contingency Procedure</b> - <b>Subtitle A: Reserve Funds for Legislation Assumed in Budget Aggregates</b> - (Sec. 401) Authorizes the Chairman of the House Committee on the Budget (House Chairman), if the House Committee on Ways and Means or the House Committee on Energy and Commerce reports legislation that provides a prescription drug benefit and modernizes Medicare, and provides adjustments to the Medicare program on a fee-for-service, capitated, or other basis, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7 billion in new budget authority and $7 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>Requires a separate allocation, which shall be the exclusive allocation, to the appropriate committees for Medicare for FY 2004 and for the total of FY 2004 through 2013.<p>Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee of the Budget, if the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that strengthens and enhances the Medicare Program and improves the access of beneficiaries to prescription drugs or promotes geographic equity payments, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $7 billion in new budget authority and $7 billion in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $400 billion in new budget authority and $400 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 402) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that modernizes Medicaid, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation (if it would not increase the deficit over FY 2004 through 2013) to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $3.258 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; (2) $8.944 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $12.782 billion in budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2010 if the legislation would not increase the deficit over FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 403) Authorizes the Chairman of the appropriate Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that extends the availability of FY 1998 and 1999 expired State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) allotments and the expiring FY 2000 allotments, to revise appropriate budget aggregates and committee allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $1.26 billion in new budget authority and $85 million in outlays for FY 2003; (2) $690 million in new budget authority and $760 million in outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $565 million in new budget authority and $890 million in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 404) Authorizes the Chairman of the House Committee on the Budget, if the appropriate committee of jurisdiction reports legislation that establishes a program to accelerate the research, development, and purchase of biomedical threat countermeasures (bioshield), and new budget authority for such a program is provided in one specified way or another, to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $3.418 billion in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; or (3) if a measure is reported granting new discretionary authority to carry out such program, $890 million in new budget authority and outlays for FY 2004. Limits the total revision for FY 2004 to $890 million in new budget authority and outlays.<p>Authorizes the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget, if the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions reports legislation that provides for the Department of Homeland Security to procure countermeasures necessary to protect the public health from current and emerging threats of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents for inclusion by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Strategic National Stockpile, and provides new budget authority and outlays for such, to revise appropriate budgetary aggregates and committee allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $890 million in new budget authority and $575 million in outlays for FY 2004; and (2) $5.593 billion in new budget authority and $5.593 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 405) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the committee of jurisdiction in the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that provides health insurance for the uninsured (and tax deductions for specified others), to revise allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $28.457 billion for FY 2004 through 2008; and (2) $49.965 billion for FY 2004 through 2013.<p>(Sec. 406) Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget, if the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House or the Committee on Finance of the Senate reports legislation that provides States with the option to expand Medicaid coverage for children with special needs, to revise committee allocations for that committee and other appropriate budgetary aggregates and allocations of new budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation to establish a reserve fund of up to: (1) $43 million in new budget authority and $42 million in outlays for FY 2004; (2) $1.627 billion in new budget authority and $1.566 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2008; and (3) $7.462 billion in new budget authority and $7.261 billion in outlays for FY 2004 through 2013.<p><b>Subtitle B: Contingency Procedure</b> - (Sec. 411) Authorizes the chairman of the appropriate Committee on the Budget to revise committee allocations, aggregates, and allocations of budget authority and outlays in this resolution by the amount provided in such legislation, with specified limitations, if the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House or the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, or the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate reports legislation that provides new budget authority for accounts in the highway and transit categories in specified amounts and the amount of excess is offset by a reduction in mandatory outlays or receipts to the Highway Trust Fund.<p>Authorizes the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget to increase the allocation of outlays for the particular fiscal year for the appropriate committee by the amount of outlays corresponding to such excess obligation limitations if such committee reports a measure, or other specified legislative action is taken, establishing obligation limitations in excess of $39.684 billion for FY 2004, or $40.788 billion for FY 2005, for certain highway and transit programs, projects, and activities, if legislation has been enacted that satisfies specified conditions of this subtitle.<p>Declares the intent of Congress that the increase in new budget authority and outlays above the baseline assumed for highways and highway safety in section 103 of this resolution is derived from the resources available to the Highway Trust Fund.<p><b>Subtitle C: Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2003 Levels</b> - (Sec. 421) Requires the appropriate adjustments in the allocations and aggregates of new budget authority and outlays to reflect the difference between such measure and the corresponding levels assumed in this resolution, if legislation making supplemental appropriations for FY 2003 is enacted before May 1, 2003.<p><b>Title V: Budget Enforcement</b> - (Sec. 501) Sets forth prohibitions on advance congressional appropriations for FY 2004 and 2005. Allows advance appropriations for FY 2005 and 2006 for specified accounts identified in the joint explanatory statement accompanying this resolution, but only in an aggregate of up to $23.158 billion in new budget authority. Provides for specified advanced appropriations for FY 2006.<p>(Sec. 502) Enables Congress, if in the absence of an extension of the discretionary spending limits and PAYGO requirements under the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, to designate provisions of legislation as an emergency (meeting specified criteria) in order to exempt such measures from enforcement of this resolution with respect to the new budget authority, outlays, and receipts resulting from them.<p>(Sec. 503) Continues the supermajority enforcement requirements of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 as a Senate rule through FY 2008.<p>(Sec. 504) Establishes specified discretionary spending limits in the Senate.<p>(Sec. 505) Revises provisions concerning the Pay-As-You-Go point of order rule in the Senate to: (1) extend its application through FY 2008; and (2) exclude from \"direct-spending legislation\" and \"revenue legislation\" any concurrent resolution on the budget or any legislation that affect the full funding of, and continuation of, the deposit insurance guarantee commitment.<p>(Sec. 506) Requires all House budgetary legislation, as well as the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget, to include in its estimated levels of new budget authority and total outlays, or allocations, any discretionary amounts provided for the Social Security Administration.<p>(Sec. 507) Sets forth requirements for application of allocations and adjustments made pursuant to this resolution.<p>(Sec. 508) Requires the appropriate chairman of the Committee on the Budget to make adjustments to the levels and allocations in this resolution upon the enactment of legislation providing a change in concepts or definitions.<p><b>Title VI: Sense of the Senate - </b>(Sec. 601) Expresses the sense of the Senate that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services.<p>(Sec. 602) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution assume that within the discretionary allocation provided to the Committee on Appropriations the maximum Pell Grant award should be raised to the maximum extent practicable.<p>(Sec. 603) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Senate: (1) should develop a long-term drought plan that effectively recognizes the recurring nature of drought cycles and adequately supports emergency and disaster assistance to livestock and agricultural producers hurt by drought; and (2) establish an agricultural reserve to fund theses activities.<p>(Sec. 604) Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the President, Congress, and the American people should work together to enact legislation to achieve a solvent and permanently sustainable Social Security system; and (2) Social Security reform must protect current and near retirees from any changes to Social Security benefits, reduce the pressure on future taxpayers and other budgetary priorities, provide benefit levels that adequately reflect individual contributions to the Social Security System, and preserve and strengthen the safety net for vulnerable populations.<p>(Sec. 605) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that any legislation enacted to provide economic growth for the United States should include at least $30 billion for State fiscal relief over the next 18 months, of which at least half should be provided through a temporary increase in the Federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP).<p>(Sec. 606) Expresses the sense of the Senate that a commission should be established to review Federal domestic agencies and programs to provide Congress with recommendations to realign or eliminate Government agencies and programs that are duplicative, wasteful, inefficient, outdated, or irrelevant, or have failed to accomplish their intended purpose.<p>(Sec. 607) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Senate should only consider legislation that increases highway spending if the legislation changes highway user fees to pay for such increased spending.<p>(Sec. 608) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Congressional Budget Office shall consult with the Committee on the Budget of the Senate in order to prepare a report containing: (1) an estimate of the unfunded liabilities of the Federal Government; (2) an estimate of the contingent liabilities of Federal programs; and (3) an accrual-based estimate of the current and future cost of Federal programs.<p>(Sec. 609) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that: (1) expanded access to health care coverage throughout the United States is a top priority for national policymaking; and (2) a significant portion of such expanded health care coverage funds should be dedicated to expanding access to health care coverage so that fewer individuals are uninsured and fewer individuals are likely to become uninsured.<p>(Sec. 610) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the Corps of Engineers requires additional funding to perform its vital functions and that the budgetary totals in this resolution assume that the level of funding provided for programs of the Corps will not be reduced below current baseline spending levels.<p>(Sec. 611) Expresses the sense of the Senate that Congress has recognized the importance of Native American health and has enacted and increased by 500 percent the funding for a program of research for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, a major disease in the Native American community.<p>(Sec. 612) Expresses the sense of the Senate that if tax relief measures are enacted in accordance with the assumptions in the budget resolution in this session of Congress, such legislation should include incentives to help rural communities attract individuals to live and work and to start and grow a business in those communities.<p>(Sec. 613) Expresses the sense of the Senate that children's graduate medical education should be funded at $305 million.<p>(Sec. 614) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the funding levels in this resolution assume that the programs authorized under the Crime Identification Technology Act of 1998 will be fully funded at the levels authorized for FY 2004 through 2007.<p>(Sec. 615) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the functional totals in this resolution assume that $20 million from funds designated for travel and administrative expenses from drug interdiction activities should be used for service-oriented targeted grants for the utilization of substances that block the craving for heroin and that are newly approved for such use by the Food and Drug Administration.<p>(Sec. 616) Expresses the sense of the Senate that the President should negotiate a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "48" } ]
Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2003 and 2005 through 2013.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T04:03:11Z", "roll_number": 81, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H32160", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:32:08", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Spratt amendment (A005) modified by unanimous consent.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:31:38", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment (A005) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Spratt. (consideration: CR H2213-2226; text: CR H2213-2217)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:31:38", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A005) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Spratt.(consideration: CR H2213-2226; text: CR H2213-2217)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "77000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T04:03:11Z", "roll_number": 81, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "73000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T04:03:11Z", "roll_number": 81, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "75000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T04:03:11Z", "roll_number": 81, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll081.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in House", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered four was offered as the Democratic substitute.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "23:03:11", "links": [ { "name": "Roll no. 81", "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll81.xml" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Spratt amendment (A005) as modified Failed by recorded vote: 192 - 236 (Roll no. 81).", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "House Report 108-44", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44" } ], "number": 16, "purpose": "An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 4 printed in part B of House Report 108-44 that projects a balanced budget in FY 2010 and adds $573 billion less to the public debt over ten years than the committee-reported resolution. Restores $98 billion of direct spending cuts contained in the resolution as reported. Increases funding for homeland security, education, and other priorities. Provides $528 billion for a Medicare prescription drug benefit.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000749", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Spratt, John M., Jr. [D-SC-5]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "SPRATT", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "state": "SC" } ], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T02:29:50Z", "roll_number": 80, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:16:07", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment (A004) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Cummings. (consideration: CR H2203-2213; text: CR H2204-22206)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:16:07", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A004) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Cummings.(consideration: CR H2203-2213; text: CR H2204-22206)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "73000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T02:29:50Z", "roll_number": 80, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "77000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T02:29:50Z", "roll_number": 80, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "75000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T02:29:50Z", "roll_number": 80, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll080.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in House", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered three was offered as the Congressional Black Caucus/Congressional Progressive Caucus substitute.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "21:29:50", "links": [ { "name": "Roll no. 80", "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll80.xml" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Cummings amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 85 - 340 (Roll no. 80).", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "House Report 108-44", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44" } ], "number": 15, "purpose": "An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 3 printed in part B of House Report 108-44 would freeze the tax cut in order to generate greater revenue. Supports a level of funding for defense commensurate with the request of the President. Provides for more than $300 billion for an immediate economic stimulus; provides $528 billion for a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, most of which will be funded after 2004. Restores cuts in education and increases the education budget by $20 billion.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "MD" } ], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T01:15:52Z", "roll_number": 79, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:37:23", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment (A003) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Toomey. (consideration: CR H2189-2203; text: CR H2189-2195)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:37:23", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A003) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Toomey.(consideration: CR H2189-2203; text: CR H2189-2195)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "75000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T01:15:52Z", "roll_number": 79, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in House", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "73000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T01:15:52Z", "roll_number": 79, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "77000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-21T01:15:52Z", "roll_number": 79, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll079.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered two was offered as the Republican Study Committee substitute.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "20:15:52", "links": [ { "name": "Roll no. 79", "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll79.xml" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Toomey amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 80 - 342 (Roll no. 79).", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "House Report 108-44", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44" } ], "number": 14, "purpose": "An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 2 printed in part B of House Report 108-44. Amendment achieves a balanced budget in 4 years and achieves balance excluding Social Security within 10 years. Provides $512 billion in tax relief over the next five years and $1.6 trillion over the next 10 years, all under reconciliation. Freezes total discretionary spending for one year and then permits growth at half of the approximate rate of inflation for two years and then at the rate of inflation for future years. Within the total level of discretionary spending, defense and homeland security are funded at the requested levels and non-defense is reduced to pay for these increases. Caps the mandatory spending increase (excluding Social Security) over last year's actual level at 1.5% for one year, then 3.1% annually for four years and then provides for growth at the annual baseline growth rates. Includes various budget enforcement mechanisms, including a definition of emergency spending. Includes a reserve fund for Social Security reform. Provides for real worldscoring of tax measures, and a prohibition on tax increases to offset spending increases.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "T000461", "district": "15", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Toomey, Patrick J. [R-PA-15]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "TOOMEY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "state": "PA" } ], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-20T23:36:09Z", "roll_number": 78, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:43", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment (A002) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Hill. (consideration: CR H2176-2189; text: CR H2176-2182)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:43", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment (A002) in the nature of a substitute offered by Mr. Hill.(consideration: CR H2176-2189; text: CR H2176-2182)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "77000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-20T23:36:09Z", "roll_number": 78, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment failed in Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "73000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-20T23:36:09Z", "roll_number": 78, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment not agreed to: On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78).", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "75000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [ { "chamber": "House", "congress": 108, "date": "2003-03-20T23:36:09Z", "roll_number": 78, "session_number": 1, "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll078.xml" } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Roll call votes on amendments in House", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part B of H. Rept. 108-44 and numbered one was offered as the Blue Dog substitute.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "18:36:09", "links": [ { "name": "Roll no. 78", "url": "https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll78.xml" } ], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Hill amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 254 (Roll no. 78).", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "House Report 108-44", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/108th-congress/house-report/44" } ], "number": 13, "purpose": "An amendment in the nature of a substitute numbered 1 printed in part B of House Report 108-44. Amendment provides for spending at the levels contained in the President's budget as estimated by CBO. Includes reconciliation instructions for a tax package which would provide immediate tax relief for all taxpayers; incentives for business; immediate and permanent estate tax relief; and other items. Tax relief is offset by deferring a portion of additional tax cuts for upper income taxpayers if the budget remains in deficit because of the campaign in Iraq, the war on terrorism, or other factors. Directs the Ways and Means Committee and Energy and Commerce Committee to report reconciliation legislation providing a Medicare prescription drug benefit of $400 billion. Establishes discretionary spending limits, pay as you go rules, and other budget enforcement measures in the House of Representatives. Provides for an increase in the debt limit of $150 billion, which is projected to cover obligations through September 30, 2003, but prohibits any further increase in the debt limit of more than $100 billion until CBO certifies that the budget is on path to balance by 2009, except for any increase necessary to finance the costs of a war in Iraq.", "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "H001030", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARON", "full_name": "Rep. Hill, Baron P. [D-IN-9]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": null, "last_name": "HILL", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "state": "IN" } ], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" }, { "actions": [ { "action_code": "H32111", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:35", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H3A100", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:13:42", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Amendment in the nature of a substitute reported by the House Committee on Rules. (consideration: CR H2145; text: CR H2145)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "71500", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:13:42", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered/reported by : Amendment in the nature of a substitute reported by the House Committee on Rules.(consideration: CR H2145; text: CR H2145)", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "72000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:35", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment agreed to: On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "76000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:35", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Amendment agreed to Committee of the Whole", "type": "NotUsed" }, { "action_code": "71000", "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": null, "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "House amendment offered", "type": "Floor" } ], "chamber": "House of Representatives", "congress": 108, "description": "Strike all after the resolving clause and insert the following: SECTION 1. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004. (a) DECLARATION- The Congress declares that the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2004 is hereby established and that the appropriate levels for fiscal years 2005 through 2013 are hereby set forth. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS- The table of contents for this concurrent resolution is as follows:***.", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "action_time": "17:14:35", "links": [], "recorded_votes": [], "source_system": null, "text": "On agreeing to the Rules amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "links": [ { "name": "H. Res. 151", "url": "https://www.congress.gov/bill/108th-congress/house-resolution/151" } ], "number": 12, "purpose": "An amendment considered as adopted pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 151. Amendment eliminates across-the- board savings that could be attributable to Medicare, which increases the BA and outlay totals for Medicare (Function 570) by $200 billion over 10 years, as well as the aggregate levels of BA and outlays. It also increases interest, debt, and the deficits relative to the Committee-reported bill. Reinstates a separate 10-year allocation for Medicare, which can accommodate a bill reported by either Ways and Means or Energy and Commerce. Reinstates a reserve fund for Medicare, which fences off $400 billion for Medicare modernization and prescription drug coverage. Gets to balance in 2012, with a surplus of $21 billion. Increases discretionary BA for veterans (Function 700) by $844 million in fiscal year 2004. Adds findings and purpose language to reconciliation instructions to emphasize the congressional intent that the savings are to come from eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse. Retains tax cuts in reported bill, and continues to reconcile growth package. Retains mandatory initiatives for veterans, welfare reform (still $1 billion above President), the Civil Service Retirement System, Medicaid and the Family Opportunity Act. Compensates Postal Service for overpayments to pension system for Postal employees. Reconciles sav.ngs to 13 committees. Modifies across-the-board reduction to correct for error in agriculture baseline (this correction lowers the amount of savings requiredof most committee to achieve a 1-percent reduction from fiscal year 2003). Reduces outlays levels in transportation (Function 400) because the Committee-reported resolution overstates the increase in outlays necessary to reach", "sponsors": [], "submitted_date": "2003-03-20T05:00:00Z", "type": "HAMDT", "update_date": "2022-02-03T05:36:49Z" } ]
[ { "date": null, "type": "Enrolled Bill", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-26T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed Amendment Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Placed on Calendar Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-21T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-17T05:00:00Z", "type": "Reported in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-11", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-20 00:53:00.562
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 96 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T23:47:51Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T23:47:51Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hspw13 </systemCode> <name> Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2003-03-19T14:23:40Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-03-19T14:23:29Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-19T14:23:28Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Reported by </name> <date> 2003-05-01T20:22:18Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Markup by </name> <date> 2003-04-09T19:08:22Z </date> </item> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-18T17:30:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <committeeReports> <committeeReport> <citation> H. Rept. 108-87 </citation> </committeeReport> </committeeReports> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-08 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-08 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5978) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:36:58 </actionTime> <text> On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 419 - 0 (Roll no. 164). (text: CR H3701) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 164 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll164.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-05-07T16:36:58Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:36:58 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:36:58 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 419 - 0 (Roll no. 164).(text: CR H3701) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <recordedVotes> <recordedVote> <rollNumber> 164 </rollNumber> <url> https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2003/roll164.xml </url> <chamber> House </chamber> <congress> 108 </congress> <date> 2003-05-07T16:36:58Z </date> <sessionNumber> 1 </sessionNumber> </recordedVote> </recordedVotes> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 12:29:53 </actionTime> <text> Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H3713-3714) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:56:36 </actionTime> <text> At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37220 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:52:09 </actionTime> <text> DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 96. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H8D000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:52:06 </actionTime> <text> Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3701) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 10:51:47 </actionTime> <text> Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30300 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-01 </actionDate> <text> Placed on the House Calendar, Calendar No. 32. </text> <type> Calendars </type> <actionCode> H12420 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <calendarNumber> <calendar> H00032 </calendar> </calendarNumber> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-01 </actionDate> <text> Reported by the Committee on Transportation. H. Rept. 108-87. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> H12200 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-05-01 </actionDate> <text> Reported by the Committee on Transportation. H. Rept. 108-87. </text> <type> Committee </type> <actionCode> 5000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-09 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-04-09 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw13 </systemCode> <name> Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee by Voice Vote. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw13 </systemCode> <name> Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-19 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw13 </systemCode> <name> Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hspw00 </systemCode> <name> Transportation and Infrastructure Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000395 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Harold [R-KY-5] </fullName> <firstName> HAROLD </firstName> <lastName> ROGERS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <cboCostEstimates> <item> <pubDate> 2003-04-10T04:00:00Z </pubDate> <title> H. Con. Res. 96, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the National Peace Officer's Memorial Service </title> <url> http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14390 </url> <description> &lt;p&gt;Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003&lt;/p&gt; </description> </item> <item> <pubDate> 2003-04-10T04:00:00Z </pubDate> <title> H. Con. Res. 96, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the National Peace Officer's Memorial Service </title> <url> https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14390 </url> <description> Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003 </description> </item> </cboCostEstimates> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Capitol (Washington, D.C.) </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Crime and Law Enforcement </name> </item> <item> <name> Law enforcement officers </name> </item> <item> <name> Monuments and memorials </name> </item> <item> <name> Police </name> </item> <item> <name> Public Lands and Natural Resources </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 79 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-05-01 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Reported to House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 18, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-05-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2003-08-12T22:07:36Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt; &lt;p&gt;Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-05-08 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 18, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-05-08T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-05-07T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Reported in House </type> <date> 2003-05-01T04:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-05-08 </actionDate> <text> Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5978)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 419 - 0 (Roll no. 164). (text: CR H3701)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 419 - 0 (Roll no. 164).(text: CR H3701)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H3713-3714)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 96.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3701)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H12420", "action_date": "2003-05-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Placed on the House Calendar, Calendar No. 32.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": "H12200", "action_date": "2003-05-01", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Reported by the Committee on Transportation. H. Rept. 108-87.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "5000", "action_date": "2003-05-01", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Reported by the Committee on Transportation. H. 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Con. Res. 96, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the National Peace Officer's Memorial Service", "url": "http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14390" }, { "description": "Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003", "pub_date": "2003-04-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 96, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the National Peace Officer's Memorial Service", "url": "https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14390" } ], "committee_reports": [ { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-87" } ], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-05-01T20:22:18Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-04-09T19:08:22Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-18T17:30:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T14:23:40Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-03-19T14:23:29Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-19T14:23:28Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee", "system_code": "hspw13" } ], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000395", "district": "5", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Harold [R-KY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROGERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "KY" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 96, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "state": "OH" } ], "subjects": [ "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Commemorations", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Law enforcement officers", "Monuments and memorials", "Police", "Public Lands and Natural Resources" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-01", "action_desc": "Reported to House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 18, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "79" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-07", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b> <p>Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003.", "update_date": "2003-08-12T22:07:36Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-08", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 18, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-05-08T04:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-05-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-05-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T23:47:51Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T23:47:51Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-05-01T20:22:18Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-04-09T19:08:22Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-18T17:30:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-19T14:23:40Z", "name": "Reported by" }, { "date": "2003-03-19T14:23:29Z", "name": "Markup by" }, { "date": "2003-03-19T14:23:28Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee", "system_code": "hspw13" } ], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "citation": "H. Rept. 108-87" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S5978)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37300", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 419 - 0 (Roll no. 164). (text: CR H3701)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 419 - 0 (Roll no. 164).(text: CR H3701)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H3713-3714)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37220", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H8D000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Con. Res. 96.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H3701)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30300", "action_date": "2003-05-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Mr. LaTourette moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H12420", "action_date": "2003-05-01", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Placed on the House Calendar, Calendar No. 32.", "type": "Calendars" }, { "action_code": "H12200", "action_date": "2003-05-01", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hspw00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Reported by the Committee on Transportation. H. 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[ { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "state": "OH" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000395", "district": "5", "first_name": "HAROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Harold [R-KY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ROGERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "KY" } ]
[ { "description": "<p>Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003</p>", "pub_date": "2003-04-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 96, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the National Peace Officer's Memorial Service", "url": "http://www.cbo.gov/publication/14390" }, { "description": "Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 9, 2003", "pub_date": "2003-04-10T04:00:00Z", "title": "H. Con. Res. 96, Authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the National Peace Officer's Memorial Service", "url": "https://www.cbo.gov/publication/14390" } ]
[ "Capitol (Washington, D.C.)", "Commemorations", "Crime and Law Enforcement", "Law enforcement officers", "Monuments and memorials", "Police", "Public Lands and Natural Resources" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-01", "action_desc": "Reported to House without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 18, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "79" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-07", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": " <b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b> <p>Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003.", "update_date": "2003-08-12T22:07:36Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-05-08", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on March 18, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2003.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-05-08T04:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-05-07T04:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-05-01T04:00:00Z", "type": "Reported in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-08", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S5978)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:11:01.296
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 97 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-24T17:09:37Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-18T17:32:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> B000755 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8] </fullName> <firstName> KEVIN </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 8 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Access to health care </name> </item> <item> <name> Clinical trials </name> </item> <item> <name> Commemorations </name> </item> <item> <name> Economics and Public Finance </name> </item> <item> <name> Federal aid to research </name> </item> <item> <name> Genetic research </name> </item> <item> <name> Genetics </name> </item> <item> <name> Health education </name> </item> <item> <name> Lung diseases </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical research </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical screening </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical tests </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> Special months </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the role played by national and community organizations and health care providers in promoting awareness of the importance of early diagnosis, testing, and ongoing screening for pulmonary hypertension should be recognized and applauded; (2) the Federal Government should raise awareness about the importance of the early detection of and proper treatment for pulmonary hypertension, increase funding for research, and improve access to quality health care services for early detection and treatment; (3) the Director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute should continue to take a leadership role through the expansion of basic, clinical, and genetic research; (4) the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should give priority consideration to the establishment of a pulmonary hypertension awareness program aimed at the general public and health care providers; and (5) National Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month should be established. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 97, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Access to health care", "Clinical trials", "Commemorations", "Economics and Public Finance", "Federal aid to research", "Genetic research", "Genetics", "Health education", "Lung diseases", "Medical research", "Medical screening", "Medical tests", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Special months" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the role played by national and community organizations and health care providers in promoting awareness of the importance of early diagnosis, testing, and ongoing screening for pulmonary hypertension should be recognized and applauded; (2) the Federal Government should raise awareness about the importance of the early detection of and proper treatment for pulmonary hypertension, increase funding for research, and improve access to quality health care services for early detection and treatment; (3) the Director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute should continue to take a leadership role through the expansion of basic, clinical, and genetic research; (4) the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should give priority consideration to the establishment of a pulmonary hypertension awareness program aimed at the general public and health care providers; and (5) National Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month should be established.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T17:32:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-24T17:09:37Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "B000755", "district": "8", "first_name": "KEVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ]
[ "Access to health care", "Clinical trials", "Commemorations", "Economics and Public Finance", "Federal aid to research", "Genetic research", "Genetics", "Health education", "Lung diseases", "Medical research", "Medical screening", "Medical tests", "Science, Technology, Communications", "Special months" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the role played by national and community organizations and health care providers in promoting awareness of the importance of early diagnosis, testing, and ongoing screening for pulmonary hypertension should be recognized and applauded; (2) the Federal Government should raise awareness about the importance of the early detection of and proper treatment for pulmonary hypertension, increase funding for research, and improve access to quality health care services for early detection and treatment; (3) the Director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute should continue to take a leadership role through the expansion of basic, clinical, and genetic research; (4) the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should give priority consideration to the establishment of a pulmonary hypertension awareness program aimed at the general public and health care providers; and (5) National Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month should be established.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to pulmonary hypertension.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:14:00.796
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 98 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm00 </systemCode> <name> Ways and Means Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hswm04 </systemCode> <name> Trade Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-20T15:41:27Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-18T17:30:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm04 </systemCode> <name> Trade Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hswm00 </systemCode> <name> Ways and Means Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> R000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RAMSTAD </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 3 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> SESSIONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000275 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> DEUTSCH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> SOUDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <middleName> EDWARD </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001151 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schrock, Edward L. [R-VA-2] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> SCHROCK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000822 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6] </fullName> <firstName> CLIFF </firstName> <lastName> STEARNS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16] </fullName> <firstName> MARK </firstName> <lastName> FOLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000528 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WALLY </firstName> <lastName> HERGER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> KING </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2] </fullName> <firstName> ROB </firstName> <lastName> SIMMONS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000573 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> ROSS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000636 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinojosa, Ruben [D-TX-15] </fullName> <firstName> RUBEN </firstName> <lastName> HINOJOSA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000830 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cox, Christopher [R-CA-48] </fullName> <firstName> CHRISTOPHER </firstName> <lastName> COX </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 48 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sweeney, John E. [R-NY-20] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> SWEENEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001148 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> SIMPSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> ID </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-03 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000051 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nethercutt, George R., Jr. [R-WA-5] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> NETHERCUTT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000571 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rehberg, Dennis R. [R-MT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> REHBERG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MT </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000260 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS-4] </fullName> <firstName> TODD </firstName> <lastName> TIAHRT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000440 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13] </fullName> <firstName> VITO </firstName> <lastName> FOSSELLA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000059 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-44] </fullName> <firstName> KEN </firstName> <lastName> CALVERT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 44 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000208 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6] </fullName> <firstName> ROSCOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTLETT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000566 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> RYUN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000549 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dunn, Jennifer [R-WA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JENNIFER </firstName> <lastName> DUNN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000321 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LINDER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1] </fullName> <firstName> STEVE </firstName> <lastName> CHABOT </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000441 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fletcher, Ernie [R-KY-6] </fullName> <firstName> ERNEST </firstName> <lastName> FLETCHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2] </fullName> <firstName> BRAD </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001037 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> CAPUANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000420 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berry, Marion [D-AR-1] </fullName> <firstName> MARION </firstName> <lastName> BERRY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001152 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Musgrave, Marilyn N. [R-CO-4] </fullName> <firstName> Marilyn </firstName> <lastName> Musgrave </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> N. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001244 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bonner, Jo [R-AL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jo </firstName> <lastName> Bonner </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-13 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001231 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] </fullName> <firstName> SHELLEY </firstName> <lastName> BERKLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NV </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5] </fullName> <firstName> DAN </firstName> <lastName> BURTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000435 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] </fullName> <firstName> ILEANA </firstName> <lastName> ROS-LEHTINEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000548 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Garrett, Scott [R-NJ-5] </fullName> <firstName> Scott </firstName> <lastName> Garrett </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001140 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> MOORE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-05 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000409 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46] </fullName> <firstName> DANA </firstName> <lastName> ROHRABACHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 46 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-12 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] </fullName> <firstName> WM. </firstName> <lastName> CLAY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> LACY </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000791 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Walden, Greg [R-OR-2] </fullName> <firstName> GREG </firstName> <lastName> WALDEN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OR </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Nick [R-MI-7] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001245 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Madeleine </firstName> <lastName> Bordallo </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GU </state> <middleName> Z. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001157 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13] </fullName> <firstName> David </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000358 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2] </fullName> <firstName> W. </firstName> <lastName> AKIN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> TODD </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001139 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Gary G. [R-CA-42] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 42 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4] </fullName> <firstName> DAVE </firstName> <lastName> CAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000213 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Barton, Joe [R-TX-6] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> BARTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000013 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6] </fullName> <firstName> SPENCER </firstName> <lastName> BACHUS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AL </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-14 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001155 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1] </fullName> <firstName> John </firstName> <lastName> Sullivan </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OK </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-17 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000072 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> BAKER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000107 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27] </fullName> <firstName> SOLOMON </firstName> <lastName> ORTIZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000458 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> TANCREDO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000067 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [D-TX-4] </fullName> <firstName> RALPH </firstName> <lastName> HALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000689 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Mica, John L. [R-FL-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> MICA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-11-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000299 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL-21] </fullName> <firstName> LINCOLN </firstName> <lastName> DIAZ-BALART </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000181 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-21] </fullName> <firstName> Devin </firstName> <lastName> Nunes </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-10 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001048 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CULBERSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> ABNEY </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001240 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7] </fullName> <firstName> Bob </firstName> <lastName> Beauprez </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-05-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> East Asia </name> </item> <item> <name> Free trade </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Taiwan </name> </item> <item> <name> Trade agreements </name> </item> <item> <name> Trade negotiations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Foreign Trade and International Finance </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should increase trade opportunities with Taiwan by launching negotiations to enter into a free trade agreement with Taiwan. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-20 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Trade Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm04", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T17:30:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-20T15:41:27Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Trade Subcommittee", "system_code": "hswm04" } ], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001151", "district": "2", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Schrock, Edward L. [R-VA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHROCK", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STEARNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000238", "district": "16", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Foley, Mark [R-FL-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FOLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000528", "district": "2", "first_name": "WALLY", "full_name": "Rep. Herger, Wally [R-CA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HERGER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000210", "district": "3", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. King, Peter T. [R-NY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KING", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001152", "district": "2", "first_name": "ROB", "full_name": "Rep. Simmons, Rob [R-CT-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SIMMONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000573", "district": "4", "first_name": "MIKE", "full_name": "Rep. Ross, Mike [D-AR-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROSS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000636", "district": "15", "first_name": "RUBEN", "full_name": "Rep. Hinojosa, Ruben [D-TX-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINOJOSA", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000830", "district": "48", "first_name": "CHRISTOPHER", "full_name": "Rep. Cox, Christopher [R-CA-48]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "COX", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-31", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001149", "district": "20", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Sweeney, John E. [R-NY-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SWEENEY", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001148", "district": "2", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SIMPSON", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-03", "state": "ID" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000051", "district": "5", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Nethercutt, George R., Jr. [R-WA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NETHERCUTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000571", "district": "0", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Rehberg, Dennis R. [R-MT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "REHBERG", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "MT" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000260", "district": "4", "first_name": "TODD", "full_name": "Rep. Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TIAHRT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000440", "district": "13", "first_name": "VITO", "full_name": "Rep. Fossella, Vito [R-NY-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FOSSELLA", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000059", "district": "44", "first_name": "KEN", "full_name": "Rep. Calvert, Ken [R-CA-44]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CALVERT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000208", "district": "6", "first_name": "ROSCOE", "full_name": "Rep. Bartlett, Roscoe G. [R-MD-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTLETT", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000566", "district": "2", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryun, Jim [R-KS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYUN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-07", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000549", "district": "8", "first_name": "JENNIFER", "full_name": "Rep. Dunn, Jennifer [R-WA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DUNN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000321", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Linder, John [R-GA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LINDER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-10", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000266", "district": "1", "first_name": "STEVE", "full_name": "Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CHABOT", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000441", "district": "6", "first_name": "ERNEST", "full_name": "Rep. Fletcher, Ernie [R-KY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FLETCHER", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001044", "district": "2", "first_name": "BRAD", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Brad [D-OK-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001037", "district": "8", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAPUANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-29", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000420", "district": "1", "first_name": "MARION", "full_name": "Rep. Berry, Marion [D-AR-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERRY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-01", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001152", "district": "4", "first_name": "Marilyn", "full_name": "Rep. Musgrave, Marilyn N. [R-CO-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Musgrave", "middle_name": "N.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-13", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-13", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001244", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jo", "full_name": "Rep. Bonner, Jo [R-AL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bonner", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-13", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001231", "district": "1", "first_name": "SHELLEY", "full_name": "Rep. Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERKLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "NV" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001149", "district": "5", "first_name": "DAN", "full_name": "Rep. Burton, Dan [R-IN-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BURTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000435", "district": "18", "first_name": "ILEANA", "full_name": "Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROS-LEHTINEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000548", "district": "5", "first_name": "Scott", "full_name": "Rep. Garrett, Scott [R-NJ-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Garrett", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-05", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000409", "district": "46", "first_name": "DANA", "full_name": "Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA-46]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROHRABACHER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-12", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000791", "district": "2", "first_name": "GREG", "full_name": "Rep. Walden, Greg [R-OR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WALDEN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-17", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000597", "district": "7", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Nick [R-MI-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-17", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001245", "district": "0", "first_name": "Madeleine", "full_name": "Del. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [D-GU-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bordallo", "middle_name": "Z.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "GU" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001157", "district": "13", "first_name": "David", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000358", "district": "2", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "AKIN", "middle_name": "TODD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001139", "district": "42", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Gary G. [R-CA-42]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000071", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVE", "full_name": "Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000213", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Barton, Joe [R-TX-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000013", "district": "6", "first_name": "SPENCER", "full_name": "Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACHUS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001155", "district": "1", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sullivan", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-17", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-17", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-21", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000107", "district": "27", "first_name": "SOLOMON", "full_name": "Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ORTIZ", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-01", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000067", "district": "4", "first_name": "RALPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [D-TX-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HALL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-15", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000689", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Mica, John L. [R-FL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MICA", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-07", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000299", "district": "21", "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DIAZ-BALART", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000181", "district": "21", "first_name": "Devin", "full_name": "Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Nunes", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001048", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CULBERSON", "middle_name": "ABNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-22", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001240", "district": "7", "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Beauprez", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-05-04", "state": "CO" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 98, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Foreign Trade and International Finance", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "R000033", "district": "3", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RAMSTAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "MN" } ], "subjects": [ "East Asia", "Free trade", "International Affairs", "Taiwan", "Trade agreements", "Trade negotiations" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should increase trade opportunities with Taiwan by launching negotiations to enter into a free trade agreement with Taiwan.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T17:30:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-20T15:41:27Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Trade Subcommittee", "system_code": "hswm04" } ], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Trade Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm04", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Ways and Means Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hswm00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "R000033", "district": "3", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ramstad, Jim [R-MN-3]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "RAMSTAD", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "MN" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000250", "district": "32", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SESSIONS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000590", "district": "21", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCNULTY", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000275", "district": "20", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Deutsch, Peter [D-FL-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEUTSCH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001143", "district": "3", "first_name": "MARK", "full_name": "Rep. Souder, Mark E. [R-IN-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOUDER", "middle_name": "EDWARD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-20", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001151", "district": "2", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Schrock, Edward L. [R-VA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHROCK", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-27", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000822", "district": "6", "first_name": "CLIFF", "full_name": "Rep. 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Scott, David [D-GA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000358", "district": "2", "first_name": "W.", "full_name": "Rep. Akin, W. Todd [R-MO-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "AKIN", "middle_name": "TODD", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001139", "district": "42", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Gary G. [R-CA-42]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000071", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVE", "full_name": "Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000213", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Barton, Joe [R-TX-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BARTON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000013", "district": "6", "first_name": "SPENCER", "full_name": "Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R-AL-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BACHUS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-14", "state": "AL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001155", "district": "1", "first_name": "John", "full_name": "Rep. Sullivan, John [R-OK-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sullivan", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-17", "state": "OK" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-17", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000072", "district": "6", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Baker, Richard H. [R-LA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BAKER", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-21", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000107", "district": "27", "first_name": "SOLOMON", "full_name": "Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ORTIZ", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-10", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-01", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000067", "district": "4", "first_name": "RALPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [D-TX-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HALL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-15", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000689", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Mica, John L. [R-FL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MICA", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-11-07", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000299", "district": "21", "first_name": "LINCOLN", "full_name": "Rep. Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DIAZ-BALART", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000181", "district": "21", "first_name": "Devin", "full_name": "Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-21]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Nunes", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-10", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001048", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CULBERSON", "middle_name": "ABNEY", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-22", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001240", "district": "7", "first_name": "Bob", "full_name": "Rep. Beauprez, Bob [R-CO-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Beauprez", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-05-04", "state": "CO" } ]
Foreign Trade and International Finance
[ "East Asia", "Free trade", "International Affairs", "Taiwan", "Trade agreements", "Trade negotiations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should increase trade opportunities with Taiwan by launching negotiations to enter into a free trade agreement with Taiwan.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of Congress relating to a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-20", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Trade.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:13:00.957
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 99 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:38Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-24T17:10:02Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-18T17:34:45Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> A concurrent resolution directing Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 41 </number> <type> SCONRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-04-30 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5613-5614) </text> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-06-04 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H4974-4975) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif14 </systemCode> <name> Health Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000553 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> LATOURETTE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> C. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000014 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] </fullName> <firstName> NEIL </firstName> <lastName> ABERCROMBIE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> HI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000314 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> WEXLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 19 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000113 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1] </fullName> <firstName> PATRICK </firstName> <lastName> KENNEDY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001230 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2] </fullName> <firstName> Tammy </firstName> <lastName> Baldwin </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> HOEFFEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SCHIFF </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [D-OR-4] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> DEFAZIO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OR </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRANK </firstName> <lastName> PALLONE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000559 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> LANGEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> RI </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000002 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] </fullName> <firstName> JERROLD </firstName> <lastName> NADLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22] </fullName> <firstName> MAURICE </firstName> <lastName> HINCHEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 22 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000179 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17] </fullName> <firstName> ELIOT </firstName> <lastName> ENGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> A000357 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> ALLEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> ME </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000193 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2] </fullName> <firstName> BENNIE </firstName> <lastName> THOMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000087 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> MALONEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000010 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Eni </firstName> <lastName> Faleomavaega </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AS </state> <middleName> F. H. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-06 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000738 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6] </fullName> <firstName> LYNN </firstName> <lastName> WOOLSEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> V000128 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Van Hollen </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000480 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28] </fullName> <firstName> LOUISE </firstName> <lastName> SLAUGHTER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000099 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Pastor, Ed [D-AZ-4] </fullName> <firstName> ED </firstName> <lastName> PASTOR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000248 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSE </firstName> <lastName> SERRANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-05-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000085 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> OLVER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-02 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000216 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] </fullName> <firstName> ROSA </firstName> <lastName> DELAURO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000132 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gephardt, Richard A. [D-MO-3] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> GEPHARDT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000006 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> OBERSTAR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001153 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] </fullName> <firstName> HILDA </firstName> <lastName> SOLIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 32 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001049 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] </fullName> <firstName> WM. </firstName> <lastName> CLAY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> LACY </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000266 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> TIERNEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-24 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000250 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17] </fullName> <firstName> LANE </firstName> <lastName> EVANS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000627 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> MEEHAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-09-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000462 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> ROTHMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-10-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-21 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000015 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2] </fullName> <firstName> RICHARD </firstName> <lastName> NEAL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000249 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Matsui, Robert T. [D-CA-5] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> MATSUI </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> T. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000030 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> FARR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-23 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C001038 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] </fullName> <firstName> JOSEPH </firstName> <lastName> CROWLEY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000577 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ryan, Tim [D-OH-17] </fullName> <firstName> TIM </firstName> <lastName> RYAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 17 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000510 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9] </fullName> <firstName> ADAM </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-29 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001227 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-31 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000011 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [D-WV-3] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> RAHALL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WV </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-04-01 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5] </fullName> <firstName> Rahm </firstName> <lastName> Emanuel </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-06-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001045 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1] </fullName> <firstName> BART </firstName> <lastName> STUPAK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-07-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-07-15 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-07-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-07-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000933 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MORAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-09-30 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-11-19 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Access to health care </name> </item> <item> <name> Comprehensive health care </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Cost effectiveness </name> </item> <item> <name> Finance and Financial Sector </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Government paperwork </name> </item> <item> <name> Health facilities </name> </item> <item> <name> Health insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Health insurance continuation </name> </item> <item> <name> Housing and Community Development </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislation </name> </item> <item> <name> Long-term care </name> </item> <item> <name> Long-term care insurance </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical economics </name> </item> <item> <name> Medical personnel </name> </item> <item> <name> Medically uninsured </name> </item> <item> <name> Mental health services </name> </item> <item> <name> Patients' rights </name> </item> <item> <name> Preventive medicine </name> </item> <item> <name> Quality of care </name> </item> <item> <name> Rural health </name> </item> <item> <name> Urban affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> Urban areas </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Health </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Directs Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 to guarantee that every person in the United States, regardless of income, age, or employment or health status, has access to health care that: (1) is affordable and that removes financial barriers to needed care; (2) is as cost efficient as possible; (3) provides comprehensive benefits; (4) promotes prevention and early intervention; (5) includes parity for mental health and other services; (6) eliminates disparities in access to quality health care; (7) addresses the needs of people with special health care needs and underserved populations in rural and urban areas; (8) promotes quality and better health outcomes; (9) addresses the need to have adequate numbers of qualified health care practitioners; (10) provides adequate and timely payments; (11) fosters a strong network of health care facilities; (12) ensures continuity of coverage and continuity of care; (13) maximizes consumer choice of health care providers and practitioners; and (14) is easy for patients, providers, and practitioners to use and reduces paperwork. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-06-04 </actionDate> <text> Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H4974-4975) </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-06-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H4974-4975)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T17:34:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-24T17:10:02Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ABERCROMBIE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "HI" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000043", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHAKA", "full_name": "Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FATTAH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000314", "district": "19", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wexler, Robert [D-FL-19]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEXLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000113", "district": "1", "first_name": "PATRICK", "full_name": "Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [D-RI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KENNEDY", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001230", "district": "2", "first_name": "Tammy", "full_name": "Rep. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Baldwin", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000215", "district": "30", "first_name": "HENRY", "full_name": "Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WAXMAN", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001031", "district": "13", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hoeffel, Joseph M. [D-PA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HOEFFEL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000380", "district": "0", "first_name": "DONNA", "full_name": "Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CHRISTENSEN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "VI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001150", "district": "29", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-29]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHIFF", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000191", "district": "4", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [D-OR-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DEFAZIO", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "OR" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000034", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRANK", "full_name": "Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PALLONE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000559", "district": "2", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANGEVIN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "RI" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000002", "district": "8", "first_name": "JERROLD", "full_name": "Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NADLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. 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Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "DC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000410", "district": "28", "first_name": "HOWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000087", "district": "14", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000099", "district": "4", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-NY-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000132", "district": "3", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Gephardt, Richard A. [D-MO-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GEPHARDT", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-09", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-18", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-19", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-16", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-16", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-24", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-09", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-09", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. 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[D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000015", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NEAL", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000249", "district": "5", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Matsui, Robert T. [D-CA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MATSUI", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. 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Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Tim [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-29", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. 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[D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-20", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-20", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-30", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "MD" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H4974-4975)", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 99, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Health", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5613-5614)", "type": null }, "number": 41, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution directing Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.", "type": "SCONRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MI" } ], "subjects": [ "Access to health care", "Comprehensive health care", "Congress", "Cost effectiveness", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government paperwork", "Health facilities", "Health insurance", "Health insurance continuation", "Housing and Community Development", "Legislation", "Long-term care", "Long-term care insurance", "Medical economics", "Medical personnel", "Medically uninsured", "Mental health services", "Patients' rights", "Preventive medicine", "Quality of care", "Rural health", "Urban affairs", "Urban areas" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Directs Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 to guarantee that every person in the United States, regardless of income, age, or employment or health status, has access to health care that: (1) is affordable and that removes financial barriers to needed care; (2) is as cost efficient as possible; (3) provides comprehensive benefits; (4) promotes prevention and early intervention; (5) includes parity for mental health and other services; (6) eliminates disparities in access to quality health care; (7) addresses the needs of people with special health care needs and underserved populations in rural and urban areas; (8) promotes quality and better health outcomes; (9) addresses the need to have adequate numbers of qualified health care practitioners; (10) provides adequate and timely payments; (11) fosters a strong network of health care facilities; (12) ensures continuity of coverage and continuity of care; (13) maximizes consumer choice of health care providers and practitioners; and (14) is easy for patients, providers, and practitioners to use and reduces paperwork.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:38Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T17:34:45Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-24T17:10:02Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Health Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif14" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-04-30", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. (text of measure as introduced: CR S5613-5614)", "type": null }, "number": 41, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "A concurrent resolution directing Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.", "type": "SCONRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-06-04", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H4974-4975)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Health Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "MI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000792", "district": "9", "first_name": "ANTHONY", "full_name": "Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WEINER", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000553", "district": "14", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LATOURETTE", "middle_name": "C.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000014", "district": "1", "first_name": "NEIL", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-NJ-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PAYNE", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000627", "district": "22", "first_name": "MAURICE", "full_name": "Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [D-NY-22]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HINCHEY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000179", "district": "17", "first_name": "ELIOT", "full_name": "Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ENGEL", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-08", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-IL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RUSH", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "A000357", "district": "1", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Allen, Thomas H. [D-ME-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ALLEN", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "ME" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-NY-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MALONEY", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000010", "district": "0", "first_name": "Eni", "full_name": "Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. [D-AS-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Faleomavaega", "middle_name": "F. H.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-06", "state": "AS" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000738", "district": "6", "first_name": "LYNN", "full_name": "Rep. Woolsey, Lynn C. [D-CA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WOOLSEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "V000128", "district": "8", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Van Hollen", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000480", "district": "28", "first_name": "LOUISE", "full_name": "Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SLAUGHTER", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000099", "district": "4", "first_name": "ED", "full_name": "Rep. Pastor, Ed [D-AZ-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "PASTOR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-15", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-05-22", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000085", "district": "1", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Olver, John W. [D-MA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OLVER", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000070", "district": "2", "first_name": "WILLIAM", "full_name": "Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JEFFERSON", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-02", "state": "LA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000216", "district": "3", "first_name": "ROSA", "full_name": "Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DELAURO", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-04", "state": "CT" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000132", "district": "3", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Gephardt, Richard A. [D-MO-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GEPHARDT", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-09", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-18", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-19", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000126", "district": "30", "first_name": "EDDIE", "full_name": "Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JOHNSON", "middle_name": "BERNICE", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-26", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000725", "district": "7", "first_name": "GEORGE", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MILLER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001153", "district": "32", "first_name": "HILDA", "full_name": "Rep. Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SOLIS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-08", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-16", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001049", "district": "1", "first_name": "WM.", "full_name": "Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CLAY", "middle_name": "LACY", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-16", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000266", "district": "6", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Tierney, John F. [D-MA-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TIERNEY", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-24", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000250", "district": "17", "first_name": "LANE", "full_name": "Rep. Evans, Lane [D-IL-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EVANS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-09", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000627", "district": "5", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MEEHAN", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-09-09", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-10-21", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-21", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-21", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000312", "district": "3", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MCGOVERN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000015", "district": "2", "first_name": "RICHARD", "full_name": "Rep. Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NEAL", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000249", "district": "5", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Matsui, Robert T. [D-CA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MATSUI", "middle_name": "T.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000030", "district": "17", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Farr, Sam [D-CA-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FARR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-23", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-23", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000326", "district": "10", "first_name": "EDOLPHUS", "full_name": "Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TOWNS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "C001038", "district": "7", "first_name": "JOSEPH", "full_name": "Rep. Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CROWLEY", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000577", "district": "17", "first_name": "TIM", "full_name": "Rep. Ryan, Tim [D-OH-17]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RYAN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000510", "district": "9", "first_name": "ADAM", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Adam [D-WA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-29", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-31", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000810", "district": "13", "first_name": "PETE", "full_name": "Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STARK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-31", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000011", "district": "3", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [D-WV-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RAHALL", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-04-01", "state": "WV" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "Rahm", "full_name": "Rep. Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Emanuel", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-06-09", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001045", "district": "1", "first_name": "BART", "full_name": "Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "STUPAK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-07", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-15", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-20", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-07-20", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000933", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Moran, James P. [D-VA-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "MORAN", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-09-30", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000784", "district": "4", "first_name": "ALBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WYNN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-11-19", "state": "MD" } ]
[ "Access to health care", "Comprehensive health care", "Congress", "Cost effectiveness", "Finance and Financial Sector", "Government Operations and Politics", "Government paperwork", "Health facilities", "Health insurance", "Health insurance continuation", "Housing and Community Development", "Legislation", "Long-term care", "Long-term care insurance", "Medical economics", "Medical personnel", "Medically uninsured", "Mental health services", "Patients' rights", "Preventive medicine", "Quality of care", "Rural health", "Urban affairs", "Urban areas" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Directs Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 to guarantee that every person in the United States, regardless of income, age, or employment or health status, has access to health care that: (1) is affordable and that removes financial barriers to needed care; (2) is as cost efficient as possible; (3) provides comprehensive benefits; (4) promotes prevention and early intervention; (5) includes parity for mental health and other services; (6) eliminates disparities in access to quality health care; (7) addresses the needs of people with special health care needs and underserved populations in rural and urban areas; (8) promotes quality and better health outcomes; (9) addresses the need to have adequate numbers of qualified health care practitioners; (10) provides adequate and timely payments; (11) fosters a strong network of health care facilities; (12) ensures continuity of coverage and continuity of care; (13) maximizes consumer choice of health care providers and practitioners; and (14) is easy for patients, providers, and practitioners to use and reduces paperwork.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Directing the Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-06-04", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H4974-4975)", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 20:23:51.119
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 100 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T22:18:40Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T22:18:40Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-03-18 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsif17 </systemCode> <name> Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-24T17:10:22Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-03-18T17:35:15Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <relatedBills> <item> <title> Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution., and congratulating the Ford Motor Company for its achievements. </title> <congress> 108 </congress> <number> 100 </number> <type> HRES </type> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-05-21 </actionDate> <text> The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection. </text> <actionTime> 13:45:04 </actionTime> </latestAction> <relationshipDetails> <item> <type> Identical bill </type> <identifiedBy> CRS </identifiedBy> </item> </relationshipDetails> </item> </relatedBills> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-24 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif17 </systemCode> <name> Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsif00 </systemCode> <name> Energy and Commerce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11] </fullName> <firstName> Thaddeus </firstName> <lastName> McCotter </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000355 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> DINGELL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> U000031 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6] </fullName> <firstName> FRED </firstName> <lastName> UPTON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001045 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1] </fullName> <firstName> BART </firstName> <lastName> STUPAK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000572 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8] </fullName> <firstName> Mike </firstName> <lastName> Rogers </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000071 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4] </fullName> <firstName> DAVE </firstName> <lastName> CAMP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000288 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Knollenberg, Joe [R-MI-9] </fullName> <firstName> JOE </firstName> <lastName> KNOLLENBERG </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] </fullName> <firstName> DALE </firstName> <lastName> KILDEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Smith, Nick [R-MI-7] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> SMITH </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000263 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12] </fullName> <firstName> SANDER </firstName> <lastName> LEVIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000092 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ehlers, Vernon J. [R-MI-3] </fullName> <firstName> VERNON </firstName> <lastName> EHLERS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000676 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI-2] </fullName> <firstName> PETER </firstName> <lastName> HOEKSTRA </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001150 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Candice S. [R-MI-10] </fullName> <firstName> Candice </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> S. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000220 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bass, Charles F. [R-NH-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> BASS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NH </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000546 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO-6] </fullName> <firstName> SAM </firstName> <lastName> GRAVES </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001151 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schrock, Edward L. [R-VA-2] </fullName> <firstName> EDWARD </firstName> <lastName> SCHROCK </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> Q000016 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Quinn, Jack [R-NY-27] </fullName> <firstName> JACK </firstName> <lastName> QUINN </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000163 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Oxley, Michael G. [R-OH-4] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> OXLEY </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Northup, Anne M. [R-KY-3] </fullName> <firstName> ANNE </firstName> <lastName> NORTHUP </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000441 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fletcher, Ernie [R-KY-6] </fullName> <firstName> ERNEST </firstName> <lastName> FLETCHER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> KY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000449 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Portman, Rob [R-OH-2] </fullName> <firstName> Rob </firstName> <lastName> Portman </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8] </fullName> <firstName> JO </firstName> <lastName> EMERSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001143 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] </fullName> <firstName> BETTY </firstName> <lastName> MCCOLLUM </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000944 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13] </fullName> <firstName> Sherrod </firstName> <lastName> Brown </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-03-18 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Anniversaries </name> </item> <item> <name> Automobile industry </name> </item> <item> <name> Commerce </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congressional tributes </name> </item> <item> <name> Transportation and Public Works </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-03-18 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Recognizes: (1) the achievements of the Ford Motor Company on the occasion of its 100th anniversary; (2) the Company's impact on the lives of Americans and people of all nations; and (3) that Ford will continue to have an even greater impact and will enhance personal mobility for generations to come. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-03-18T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-03-24 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif17", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T17:35:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-24T17:10:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif17" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001045", "district": "1", "first_name": "BART", "full_name": "Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STUPAK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000572", "district": "8", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000071", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVE", "full_name": "Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000288", "district": "9", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Knollenberg, Joe [R-MI-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KNOLLENBERG", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILDEE", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000597", "district": "7", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Smith, Nick [R-MI-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SMITH", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000263", "district": "12", "first_name": "SANDER", "full_name": "Rep. Levin, Sander M. [D-MI-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEVIN", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000092", "district": "3", "first_name": "VERNON", "full_name": "Rep. Ehlers, Vernon J. [R-MI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EHLERS", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000676", "district": "2", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOEKSTRA", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001150", "district": "10", "first_name": "Candice", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Candice S. [R-MI-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": "S.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000220", "district": "2", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Bass, Charles F. [R-NH-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BASS", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "NH" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000546", "district": "6", "first_name": "SAM", "full_name": "Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "GRAVES", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001151", "district": "2", "first_name": "EDWARD", "full_name": "Rep. Schrock, Edward L. [R-VA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "SCHROCK", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "Q000016", "district": "27", "first_name": "JACK", "full_name": "Rep. Quinn, Jack [R-NY-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "QUINN", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000163", "district": "4", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Oxley, Michael G. [R-OH-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OXLEY", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000143", "district": "3", "first_name": "ANNE", "full_name": "Rep. Northup, Anne M. [R-KY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTHUP", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000441", "district": "6", "first_name": "ERNEST", "full_name": "Rep. Fletcher, Ernie [R-KY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLETCHER", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": "2", "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Rep. Portman, Rob [R-OH-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Portman", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000172", "district": "8", "first_name": "JO", "full_name": "Rep. Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EMERSON", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001143", "district": "4", "first_name": "BETTY", "full_name": "Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCCOLLUM", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000944", "district": "13", "first_name": "Sherrod", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Sherrod [D-OH-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Brown", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "OH" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-03-18", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 100, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 100, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution., and congratulating the Ford Motor Company for its achievements.", "type": "HRES" } ], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "state": "MI" } ], "subjects": [ "Anniversaries", "Automobile industry", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Transportation and Public Works" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes: (1) the achievements of the Ford Motor Company on the occasion of its 100th anniversary; (2) the Company's impact on the lives of Americans and people of all nations; and (3) that Ford will continue to have an even greater impact and will enhance personal mobility for generations to come.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T22:18:40Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T22:18:40Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-18T17:35:15Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-03-24T17:10:22Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsif17" } ], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "congress": 108, "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-05-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection.", "type": null }, "number": 100, "relationship_details": [ { "identified_by": "CRS", "type": "Identical bill" } ], "title": "Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution., and congratulating the Ford Motor Company for its achievements.", "type": "HRES" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif17", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Energy and Commerce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsif00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-03-18", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M001147", "district": "11", "first_name": "Thaddeus", "full_name": "Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [R-MI-11]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "McCotter", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "state": "MI" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000355", "district": "15", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Dingell, John D. [D-MI-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DINGELL", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "U000031", "district": "6", "first_name": "FRED", "full_name": "Rep. Upton, Fred [R-MI-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "UPTON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001045", "district": "1", "first_name": "BART", "full_name": "Rep. Stupak, Bart [D-MI-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "STUPAK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000572", "district": "8", "first_name": "Mike", "full_name": "Rep. Rogers, Mike J. [R-MI-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Rogers", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000071", "district": "4", "first_name": "DAVE", "full_name": "Rep. Camp, Dave [R-MI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CAMP", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000288", "district": "9", "first_name": "JOE", "full_name": "Rep. Knollenberg, Joe [R-MI-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KNOLLENBERG", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000172", "district": "5", "first_name": "DALE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[R-MI-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "EHLERS", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000676", "district": "2", "first_name": "PETER", "full_name": "Rep. Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HOEKSTRA", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001150", "district": "10", "first_name": "Candice", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Candice S. 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[R-OH-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "OXLEY", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000143", "district": "3", "first_name": "ANNE", "full_name": "Rep. Northup, Anne M. [R-KY-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "NORTHUP", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000441", "district": "6", "first_name": "ERNEST", "full_name": "Rep. Fletcher, Ernie [R-KY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLETCHER", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-03-18", "state": "KY" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000449", "district": "2", "first_name": "Rob", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ "Anniversaries", "Automobile industry", "Commerce", "Congress", "Congressional tributes", "Transportation and Public Works" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-03-18", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Recognizes: (1) the achievements of the Ford Motor Company on the occasion of its 100th anniversary; (2) the Company's impact on the lives of Americans and people of all nations; and (3) that Ford will continue to have an even greater impact and will enhance personal mobility for generations to come.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Recognizing the 100th anniversary year of the founding of the Ford Motor Company, which has been a significant part of the social, economic, and cultural heritage of the United States and many other nations and a revolutionary industrial and global institution.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-03-18T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-03-24", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }