# Django settings for test_project project DEBUG = True # We are not really using a relational database, but tests fail without # defining it because flush command is being run, which expects it DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': ':memory:', } } # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody SECRET_KEY = 'sq=uf!nqw=aibl+y1&5pp=)b7pc=c$4hnh$om*_c48r)^t!ob)' MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'test_project.urls' AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'mongoengine.django.auth.MongoEngineBackend', ) SESSION_ENGINE = 'mongoengine.django.sessions' TEST_RUNNER = 'tastypie_mongoengine.test_runner.MongoEngineTestSuiteRunner' INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'tastypie', 'tastypie_mongoengine', 'test_project.test_app', ) MONGO_DATABASE_NAME = 'test_project' import mongoengine mongoengine.connect(MONGO_DATABASE_NAME)
Set Mongoengine user for Django 1.5 in tests.
# Django settings for test_project project DEBUG = True # We are not really using a relational database, but tests fail without # defining it because flush command is being run, which expects it DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': ':memory:', } } # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody SECRET_KEY = 'sq=uf!nqw=aibl+y1&5pp=)b7pc=c$4hnh$om*_c48r)^t!ob)' MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'test_project.urls' AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'mongoengine.django.auth.MongoEngineBackend', ) SESSION_ENGINE = 'mongoengine.django.sessions' TEST_RUNNER = 'tastypie_mongoengine.test_runner.MongoEngineTestSuiteRunner' INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'mongoengine.django.mongo_auth', 'tastypie', 'tastypie_mongoengine', 'test_project.test_app', ) AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'mongo_auth.MongoUser' MONGO_DATABASE_NAME = 'test_project' import mongoengine mongoengine.connect(MONGO_DATABASE_NAME)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ .. module:: tests.test_pipeline.test_python :synopsis: Tests for bundled python pipelines """ from mock import patch, PropertyMock from .. import BaseTestCase class TestPythonVirtualenv(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): # Mocking State patcher = patch('facio.pipeline.python.virtualenv.state', new_callable=PropertyMock, create=True) self.mock_state = patcher.start() self.mock_state.project_name = 'foo' self.mock_state.context_variables = { 'PROJECT_NAME': 'foo'} self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
Test for getting virtualenv name, prompting the user
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ .. module:: tests.test_pipeline.test_python :synopsis: Tests for bundled python pipelines """ from facio.pipeline.python.virtualenv import Virtualenv from mock import patch, PropertyMock from .. import BaseTestCase class TestPythonVirtualenv(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): # Mocking State patcher = patch('facio.state.state.state', new_callable=PropertyMock, create=True) self.mock_state = patcher.start() self.mock_state.project_name = 'foo' self.mock_state.context_variables = { 'PROJECT_NAME': 'foo'} self.addCleanup(patcher.stop) @patch('facio.base.input') def test_get_name(self, mock_input): mock_input.return_value = 'bar' i = Virtualenv() name = i.get_name() self.assertEqual(name, 'bar') @patch('facio.base.input') def test_get_name_default(self, mock_input): mock_input.return_value = '' i = Virtualenv() name = i.get_name() self.assertEqual(name, 'foo')
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) from import CALCULATED from libqtile.widget import TextBox from powerline import Powerline class QTilePowerline(Powerline): def do_setup(self, obj): obj.powerline = self class PowerlineTextBox(TextBox): def __init__(self, timeout=2, text=' ', width=CALCULATED, **config): super(PowerlineTextBox, self).__init__(text, width, **config) self.timeout_add(timeout, self.update) powerline = QTilePowerline(ext='wm', renderer_module='pango_markup') powerline.setup(self) def update(self): if not self.configured: return True self.text = self.powerline.render(side='right') return True def cmd_update(self, text): self.update(text) def cmd_get(self): return self.text def _configure(self, qtile, bar): super(PowerlineTextBox, self)._configure(qtile, bar) self.layout = self.drawer.textlayout( self.text, self.foreground, self.font, self.fontsize, self.fontshadow, markup=True, ) # TODO: Remove this at next major release Powerline = PowerlineTextBox
Allow it to configure side
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) from import CALCULATED from libqtile.widget import TextBox from powerline import Powerline class QTilePowerline(Powerline): def do_setup(self, obj): obj.powerline = self class PowerlineTextBox(TextBox): def __init__(self, timeout=2, text=' ', width=CALCULATED, side='right', **config): super(PowerlineTextBox, self).__init__(text, width, **config) self.timeout_add(timeout, self.update) self.side = side powerline = QTilePowerline(ext='wm', renderer_module='pango_markup') powerline.setup(self) def update(self): if not self.configured: return True self.text = self.powerline.render(side=self.side) return True def cmd_update(self, text): self.update(text) def cmd_get(self): return self.text def _configure(self, qtile, bar): super(PowerlineTextBox, self)._configure(qtile, bar) self.layout = self.drawer.textlayout( self.text, self.foreground, self.font, self.fontsize, self.fontshadow, markup=True, ) # TODO: Remove this at next major release Powerline = PowerlineTextBox
import logging from troposphere.query import only_current_tokens logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def has_valid_token(user): """ Returns boolean indicating if there are non-expired authentication tokens associated with the user. """, "auth_tokens")) non_expired_tokens = user.auth_tokens.filter(only_current_tokens()) return len(non_expired_tokens) > 0 def get_current_tokens(user): """ Returns the non-expired authentication tokens. """, "auth_tokens")) return user.auth_tokens.filter(only_current_tokens())
Use exists() check from QuerySet; give logger-info context
import logging from troposphere.query import only_current_tokens logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def has_valid_token(user): """ Returns boolean indicating if there are non-expired authentication tokens associated with the user. """"user has auth_tokens attributes? %s" % (hasattr(user, "auth_tokens"))) return user.auth_tokens.filter(only_current_tokens()).exists() def get_current_tokens(user): """ Returns the non-expired authentication tokens. """"user has auth_tokens attributes? %s" % (hasattr(user, "auth_tokens"))) return user.auth_tokens.filter(only_current_tokens())
from import ( BaseCommand, ) from apps.api.models import ( Convention, Contest, Contestant, Performance, ) class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Command to denormailze data." def handle(self, *args, **options): vs = Convention.objects.all() for v in vs: ts = Contest.objects.all() for t in ts: cs = Contestant.objects.all() for c in cs: ps = Performance.objects.all() for p in ps: for t in ts: t.rank() return "Done"
Remove ranking from denormalization command
from import ( BaseCommand, ) from apps.api.models import ( Convention, Contest, Contestant, Performance, ) class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Command to denormailze data." def handle(self, *args, **options): vs = Convention.objects.all() for v in vs: ts = Contest.objects.all() for t in ts: cs = Contestant.objects.all() for c in cs: ps = Performance.objects.all() for p in ps: return "Done"
import cgen from sympy import Symbol __all__ = ['Dimension', 'x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'p'] class Dimension(Symbol): """Index object that represents a problem dimension and thus defines a potential iteration space. :param size: Optional, size of the array dimension. :param buffered: Optional, boolean flag indicating whether to buffer variables when iterating this dimension. """ def __new__(cls, name, **kwargs): newobj = Symbol.__new__(cls, name) newobj.size = kwargs.get('size', None) newobj.buffered = kwargs.get('buffered', None) newobj._count = 0 return newobj def __str__(self): return def get_varname(self): """Generates a new variables name based on an internal counter""" name = "%s%d" % (, self._count) self._count += 1 return name @property def ccode(self): """C-level variable name of this dimension""" return "%s_size" % if self.size is None else "%d" % self.size @property def decl(self): """Variable declaration for C-level kernel headers""" return cgen.Value("const int", self.ccode) # Set of default dimensions for space and time x = Dimension('x') y = Dimension('y') z = Dimension('z') t = Dimension('t') p = Dimension('p')
Dimension: Add dtype of iteration variable
import cgen import numpy as np from sympy import Symbol __all__ = ['Dimension', 'x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'p'] class Dimension(Symbol): """Index object that represents a problem dimension and thus defines a potential iteration space. :param size: Optional, size of the array dimension. :param buffered: Optional, boolean flag indicating whether to buffer variables when iterating this dimension. """ def __new__(cls, name, **kwargs): newobj = Symbol.__new__(cls, name) newobj.size = kwargs.get('size', None) newobj.buffered = kwargs.get('buffered', None) newobj._count = 0 return newobj def __str__(self): return def get_varname(self): """Generates a new variables name based on an internal counter""" name = "%s%d" % (, self._count) self._count += 1 return name @property def ccode(self): """C-level variable name of this dimension""" return "%s_size" % if self.size is None else "%d" % self.size @property def decl(self): """Variable declaration for C-level kernel headers""" return cgen.Value("const int", self.ccode) @property def dtype(self): """The data type of the iteration variable""" return np.int32 # Set of default dimensions for space and time x = Dimension('x') y = Dimension('y') z = Dimension('z') t = Dimension('t') p = Dimension('p')
from django import forms from ...product.models import Category class CategoryForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Category exclude = []
Add validation on category parent field
from django import forms from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from ...product.models import Category class CategoryForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Category exclude = [] def clean_parent(self): parent = self.cleaned_data['parent'] if parent == self.instance: raise forms.ValidationError(_('A category may not be made a child of itself')) return parent
# Package versioning solution originally found here: # # Store the version here so: # 1) we don't load dependencies by storing it in # 2) we can import it in for the same reason # 3) we can import it into your module __version__ = '1.2.0'
Create a pre-release version for PyPI, to test the new readme format.
# Package versioning solution originally found here: # # Store the version here so: # 1) we don't load dependencies by storing it in # 2) we can import it in for the same reason # 3) we can import it into your module __version__ = '1.3.0dev0'
# # Copyright (c) SAS Institute, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ UpdateBot is a module for the automated creation and updating of a conary packages from a yum or apt repository. """ from import Bot from updatebot.current import Bot as CurrentBot from updatebot.native import Bot as NativeBot from updatebot.config import UpdateBotConfig
Remove import of missing module
# # Copyright (c) SAS Institute, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ UpdateBot is a module for the automated creation and updating of a conary packages from a yum or apt repository. """ from import Bot from updatebot.current import Bot as CurrentBot from updatebot.config import UpdateBotConfig
from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User def get_user_model(): """ Return the User model Using this function instead of Django 1.5's get_user_model allows backwards compatibility with Django 1.4. """ try: # Django 1.5+ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model except ImportError: # Django <= 1.4 model = User else: model = get_user_model() # Test if user model has any custom fields and add attributes to the _meta # class core_fields = set([ for f in User._meta.fields]) model_fields = set([ for f in model._meta.fields]) new_fields = model_fields.difference(core_fields) model._meta.has_additional_fields = len(new_fields) > 0 model._meta.additional_fields = new_fields return model # A setting that can be used in foreign key declarations AUTH_USER_MODEL = getattr(settings, 'AUTH_USER_MODEL', 'auth.User') # Two additional settings that are useful in South migrations when # specifying the user model in the FakeORM AUTH_USER_APP_LABEL, AUTH_USER_MODEL_NAME = AUTH_USER_MODEL.split('.')
Use better exception for AUTH_USER_MODEL If AUTH_USER_MODEL is improperly configured as 'project.customer.User', the error is: ValueError: too many values to unpack Use rather standard Django's error: ImproperlyConfigured: AUTH_USER_MODEL must be of the form 'app_label.model_name'
from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured def get_user_model(): """ Return the User model Using this function instead of Django 1.5's get_user_model allows backwards compatibility with Django 1.4. """ try: # Django 1.5+ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model except ImportError: # Django <= 1.4 model = User else: model = get_user_model() # Test if user model has any custom fields and add attributes to the _meta # class core_fields = set([ for f in User._meta.fields]) model_fields = set([ for f in model._meta.fields]) new_fields = model_fields.difference(core_fields) model._meta.has_additional_fields = len(new_fields) > 0 model._meta.additional_fields = new_fields return model # A setting that can be used in foreign key declarations AUTH_USER_MODEL = getattr(settings, 'AUTH_USER_MODEL', 'auth.User') # Two additional settings that are useful in South migrations when # specifying the user model in the FakeORM try: AUTH_USER_APP_LABEL, AUTH_USER_MODEL_NAME = AUTH_USER_MODEL.split('.') except ValueError: raise ImproperlyConfigured("AUTH_USER_MODEL must be of the form 'app_label.model_name'")
SINGLE_BIT_MASK = [1 << x for x in range(7, -1, -1)] class BitString(object): def __init__(self, bytes, length=None, offset=None): self.bytes = bytes self.offset = offset if offset is not None else 0 self.length = length if length is not None else 8 * len(data) - self.offset def __getitem__(self, key): try: start = key.start stop = key.stop except AttributeError: if key < 0 or key >= length: raise IndexError() byte_index, bit_offset = divmod(self.offset + key), 8) return self.bytes[byte_index] & SINGLE_BIT_MASK[bit_offset]
Add closing paren to tuple expression Under Python 2.7.6, this file didn't compile for me as-is. I still need to clone and rerun the test suite, but I thought I'd try Github's nifty "fork and edit online" feature. Will comment again when the tests pass.
SINGLE_BIT_MASK = [1 << x for x in range(7, -1, -1)] class BitString(object): def __init__(self, bytes, length=None, offset=None): self.bytes = bytes self.offset = offset if offset is not None else 0 self.length = length if length is not None else 8 * len(data) - self.offset def __getitem__(self, key): try: start = key.start stop = key.stop except AttributeError: if key < 0 or key >= length: raise IndexError() byte_index, bit_offset = (divmod(self.offset + key), 8) return self.bytes[byte_index] & SINGLE_BIT_MASK[bit_offset]
from django.db.models import Manager class ShipmentManager(Manager): """Returns Shipments that are not delivered""" def undelivered(self): return self.get_query_set().exclude(status__exact='delivered')
Change filter syntax to be more direct.
from django.db.models import Manager class ShipmentManager(Manager): """Returns Shipments that are not delivered""" def undelivered(self): return self.get_query_set().exclude(status='delivered')
from setmagic.wrapper import SettingsWrapper # Initialize the magic settings = SettingsWrapper()
Rename the built-in wrapper from "settings" to "setmagic"
from setmagic.wrapper import SettingsWrapper # Initialize the magic setmagic = SettingsWrapper() # Support for backwards compatibility # @TODO: Drop at 0.4 settings = setmagic
# code support tractometric statistical analysis for dipy
Add a warning about future changes that will happen in dipy.stats.
# code support tractometric statistical analysis for dipy import warnings w_string = "The `dipy.stats` module is still under heavy development " w_string += "and functionality, as well as the API is likely to change " w_string += "in future versions of the software" warnings.warn(w_string)
"""Tests for module gramcore.features.descriptors""" import numpy from import assert_equal from gramcore.features import descriptors def test_hog_size(): """Create a fixture and check hog result size Creates a square array and inputs it to hog. For simplicity the blocks and the cells are square. The calculated orientations are set to 9. Based on these the result should include a number of values equal to:: block_possitions^2 * cells_per_block^2 * orientations """ pixels_per_cell = 9 cells_per_block = 8 orientations = 9 # double the size so to generate some blocks and initialize the array arr_dim = 2 * pixels_per_cell * cells_per_block arr = numpy.zeros((arr_dim, arr_dim)) parameters = {'data': [arr], 'orientations': orientations, 'pixels_per_cell': [pixels_per_cell, pixels_per_cell], 'cells_per_block': [cells_per_block, cells_per_block]} results = descriptors.hog(parameters) # calculate how many blocks fit in the array, basically how many # sliding window positions are there block_positions = (arr_dim / pixels_per_cell) - cells_per_block + 1 assert_equal(results.shape[0], block_positions**2 *\ cells_per_block**2 *\ orientations)
Add note in hog test doc string
"""Tests for module gramcore.features.descriptors""" import numpy from import assert_equal from gramcore.features import descriptors def test_hog_size(): """Create a fixture and check hog result size There are already enough tests in skimage for this, just adding so to document how many values are returned and why. Creates a square array and inputs it to hog. For simplicity the blocks and the cells are square. The calculated orientations are set to 9. Based on these the result should include a number of values equal to:: block_possitions^2 * cells_per_block^2 * orientations """ pixels_per_cell = 9 cells_per_block = 8 orientations = 9 # double the size so to generate some blocks and initialize the array arr_dim = 2 * pixels_per_cell * cells_per_block arr = numpy.zeros((arr_dim, arr_dim)) parameters = {'data': [arr], 'orientations': orientations, 'pixels_per_cell': [pixels_per_cell, pixels_per_cell], 'cells_per_block': [cells_per_block, cells_per_block]} results = descriptors.hog(parameters) # calculate how many blocks fit in the array, basically how many # sliding window positions are there block_positions = (arr_dim / pixels_per_cell) - cells_per_block + 1 assert_equal(results.shape[0], block_positions**2 *\ cells_per_block**2 *\ orientations)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import glob import pvl DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/') PDS_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'pds3') def test_dump(): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PDS_DATA_DIR, "*.lbl")) for infile in files: label = pvl.load(infile) assert label == pvl.loads(pvl.dumps(label))
Add tests for cube and isis encoders.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import glob import pvl DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/') PDS_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'pds3') def test_dump(): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PDS_DATA_DIR, "*.lbl")) for infile in files: label = pvl.load(infile) assert label == pvl.loads(pvl.dumps(label)) def test_cube_dump(): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PDS_DATA_DIR, "*.lbl")) for infile in files: label = pvl.load(infile) encoder = pvl.encoder.IsisCubeLabelEncoder assert label == pvl.loads(pvl.dumps(label, cls=encoder)) def test_pds_dump(): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PDS_DATA_DIR, "*.lbl")) for infile in files: label = pvl.load(infile) encoder = pvl.encoder.PDSLabelEncoder assert label == pvl.loads(pvl.dumps(label, cls=encoder))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from .client import load_json, ingest_data, write_parquet, convert_json __title__ = 'json2parquet' __version__ = '0.0.24' __all__ = ['load_json', 'ingest_data', 'write_parquet', 'convert_json', 'write_parquet_dataset']
Make client.write_parquet_dataset available for export This commit adds write_parquet_dataset to the imports from .client in Previously, `from json2parquet import write_parquet_dataset` would result in an error: `ImportError: cannot import name 'write_parquet_dataset' from 'json2parquet' `
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from .client import load_json, ingest_data, write_parquet, convert_json, write_parquet_dataset __title__ = 'json2parquet' __version__ = '0.0.24' __all__ = ['load_json', 'ingest_data', 'write_parquet', 'convert_json', 'write_parquet_dataset']
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from import UserMixin, RoleMixin db = SQLAlchemy() ### Add models here roles_users = db.Table('roles_users', db.Column('user_id', db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')), db.Column('role_id', db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey(''))) class Role(db.Model, RoleMixin): id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True) description = db.Column(db.String(255)) class User(db.Model, UserMixin): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) email = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True) password = db.Column(db.String(255)) active = db.Column(db.Boolean()) confirmed_at = db.Column(db.DateTime()) roles = db.relationship('Role', secondary=roles_users, backref=db.backref('users', lazy='dynamic'))
Add missing cascade deletes on user/roles
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from import UserMixin, RoleMixin db = SQLAlchemy() ### Add models here roles_users = db.Table('roles_users', db.Column('user_id', db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE')), db.Column('role_id', db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'))) class Role(db.Model, RoleMixin): id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True) description = db.Column(db.String(255)) class User(db.Model, UserMixin): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) email = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True) password = db.Column(db.String(255)) active = db.Column(db.Boolean()) confirmed_at = db.Column(db.DateTime()) roles = db.relationship('Role', secondary=roles_users, backref=db.backref('users', lazy='dynamic'))
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Verifies that .so files that are order only dependencies are specified by their install location rather than by their alias. """ import os import TestGyp test = TestGyp.TestGyp(formats=['make']) test.run_gyp('shared_dependency.gyp', chdir='src') test.relocate('src', 'relocate/src')'shared_dependency.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src') with open('relocate/src/Makefile') as makefile: make_contents = # If we remove the code to generate lib1, Make should still be able # to build lib2 since already exists. make_contents = make_contents.replace('include', '') with open('relocate/src/Makefile', 'w') as makefile: makefile.write(make_contents)'shared_dependency.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src') test.pass_test()
Add with_statement import for python2.5. See which describes the with statement. Review URL: git-svn-id: e7e1075985beda50ea81ac4472467b4f6e91fc78@863 78cadc50-ecff-11dd-a971-7dbc132099af
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Verifies that .so files that are order only dependencies are specified by their install location rather than by their alias. """ # Python 2.5 needs this for the with statement. from __future__ import with_statement import os import TestGyp test = TestGyp.TestGyp(formats=['make']) test.run_gyp('shared_dependency.gyp', chdir='src') test.relocate('src', 'relocate/src')'shared_dependency.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src') with open('relocate/src/Makefile') as makefile: make_contents = # If we remove the code to generate lib1, Make should still be able # to build lib2 since already exists. make_contents = make_contents.replace('include', '') with open('relocate/src/Makefile', 'w') as makefile: makefile.write(make_contents)'shared_dependency.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src') test.pass_test()
# Copyright (c) 2015 Ansible, Inc.. # All Rights Reserved. import json from django.conf import settings as django_settings from awx.main.models.configuration import TowerSettings class TowerConfiguration(object): def __getattr__(self, key): ts = TowerSettings.objects.filter(key=key) if not ts.exists(): return getattr(django_settings, key) return ts[0].value_converted def create(key, value): settings_manifest = django_settings.TOWER_SETTINGS_MANIFEST if key not in settings_manifest: raise AttributeError("Tower Setting with key '{0}' does not exist".format(key)) settings_entry = settings_manifest[key] setting_actual = TowerSettings.objects.filter(key=key) if not settings_actual.exists(): settings_actual = TowerSettings(key=key, description=settings_entry['description'], category=settings_entry['category'], value=value, value_type=settings_entry['type']) else: settings_actual['value'] = value tower_settings = TowerConfiguration()
Add a note about caching
# Copyright (c) 2015 Ansible, Inc.. # All Rights Reserved. import json from django.conf import settings as django_settings from awx.main.models.configuration import TowerSettings class TowerConfiguration(object): # TODO: Caching so we don't have to hit the database every time for settings def __getattr__(self, key): ts = TowerSettings.objects.filter(key=key) if not ts.exists(): return getattr(django_settings, key) return ts[0].value_converted def create(key, value): settings_manifest = django_settings.TOWER_SETTINGS_MANIFEST if key not in settings_manifest: raise AttributeError("Tower Setting with key '{0}' does not exist".format(key)) settings_entry = settings_manifest[key] setting_actual = TowerSettings.objects.filter(key=key) if not settings_actual.exists(): settings_actual = TowerSettings(key=key, description=settings_entry['description'], category=settings_entry['category'], value=value, value_type=settings_entry['type']) else: settings_actual['value'] = value tower_settings = TowerConfiguration()
"""Git Commit Auto Save. Sublime Text 3 package to auto save commit messages when the window is closed. This allows the user to close the window without having to save before, or having to deal with the "Save File" popup. """ import sublime_plugin class GitCommitAutoSave(sublime_plugin.EventListener): def on_load(self, view): if view.file_name() and view.file_name().endswith('COMMIT_EDITMSG'): view.set_scratch(True) # disable save file dialog on exit def on_pre_close(self, view): if view.file_name() and view.file_name().endswith('COMMIT_EDITMSG'): view.run_command("save")
Add support for interactive rebase
"""Git Commit Auto Save. Sublime Text 3 package to auto save commit messages when the window is closed. This allows the user to close the window without having to save before, or having to deal with the "Save File" popup. """ import sublime_plugin class GitCommitAutoSave(sublime_plugin.EventListener): def on_load(self, view): if is_git_file(view.file_name()): view.set_scratch(True) # disable save file dialog on exit def on_pre_close(self, view): if is_git_file(view.file_name()): view.run_command("save") def is_git_file(path): git_files = ('COMMIT_EDITMSG', 'git-rebase-todo') if path and any(path.endswith(name) for name in git_files): return True
from comics.aggregator.crawler import CrawlerBase, CrawlerImage from comics.meta.base import MetaBase class Meta(MetaBase): name = 'Diesel Sweeties (web)' language = 'en' url = '' start_date = '2000-01-01' rights = 'Richard Stevens' class Crawler(CrawlerBase): history_capable_date = '2000-01-01' schedule = 'Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr' time_zone = -5 def crawl(self, pub_date): feed = self.parse_feed('') for entry in feed.for_date(pub_date): if not entry.summary: continue url = entry.summary.src('img[src*="/strips/"]') title = entry.title text = entry.summary.alt('img[src*="/strips/"]') return CrawlerImage(url, title, text)
Check if field exists, not if it's empty
from comics.aggregator.crawler import CrawlerBase, CrawlerImage from comics.meta.base import MetaBase class Meta(MetaBase): name = 'Diesel Sweeties (web)' language = 'en' url = '' start_date = '2000-01-01' rights = 'Richard Stevens' class Crawler(CrawlerBase): history_capable_date = '2000-01-01' schedule = 'Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr' time_zone = -5 def crawl(self, pub_date): feed = self.parse_feed('') for entry in feed.for_date(pub_date): if not hasattr(entry, 'summary'): continue url = entry.summary.src('img[src*="/strips/"]') title = entry.title text = entry.summary.alt('img[src*="/strips/"]') return CrawlerImage(url, title, text)
from .helper import IntegrationHelper import github3 class TestGist(IntegrationHelper): def test_comments(self): """Show that a user can iterate over the comments on a gist.""" cassette_name = self.cassette_name('comments') with self.recorder.use_cassette(cassette_name): gist = assert gist is not None for comment in gist.comments(): assert isinstance(comment, github3.gists.comment.GistComment) def test_iter_commits(self): cassette_name = self.cassette_name('commits') with self.recorder.use_cassette(cassette_name, preserve_exact_body_bytes=True): gist = assert gist is not None for commit in gist.iter_commits(): assert isinstance(commit, github3.gists.history.GistHistory) def test_iter_forks(self): cassette_name = self.cassette_name('forks') with self.recorder.use_cassette(cassette_name, preserve_exact_body_bytes=True): gist = assert gist is not None for commit in gist.iter_forks(): assert isinstance(commit, github3.gists.gist.Gist)
Add docstrings to Gist integration tests @esacteksab would be so proud
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Integration tests for methods implemented on Gist.""" from .helper import IntegrationHelper import github3 class TestGist(IntegrationHelper): """Gist integration tests.""" def test_comments(self): """Show that a user can iterate over the comments on a gist.""" cassette_name = self.cassette_name('comments') with self.recorder.use_cassette(cassette_name): gist = assert gist is not None for comment in gist.comments(): assert isinstance(comment, github3.gists.comment.GistComment) def test_iter_commits(self): """Show that a user can iterate over the commits in a gist.""" cassette_name = self.cassette_name('commits') with self.recorder.use_cassette(cassette_name, preserve_exact_body_bytes=True): gist = assert gist is not None for commit in gist.iter_commits(): assert isinstance(commit, github3.gists.history.GistHistory) def test_iter_forks(self): """Show that a user can iterate over the forks of a gist.""" cassette_name = self.cassette_name('forks') with self.recorder.use_cassette(cassette_name, preserve_exact_body_bytes=True): gist = assert gist is not None for commit in gist.iter_forks(): assert isinstance(commit, github3.gists.gist.Gist)
# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from sahara.conductor import resource as r def create_cluster(name, tenant, plugin, version, node_groups, **kwargs): dct = {'name': name, 'tenant_id': tenant, 'plugin_name': plugin, 'hadoop_version': version, 'node_groups': node_groups} dct.update(kwargs) return r.ClusterResource(dct) def make_ng_dict(name, flavor, processes, count, instances=[], **kwargs): dct = {'name': name, 'flavor_id': flavor, 'node_processes': processes, 'count': count, 'instances': instances} dct.update(kwargs) return dct def make_inst_dict(inst_id, inst_name): return {'instance_id': inst_id, 'instance_name': inst_name}
Use immutable arg rather mutable arg Passing mutable objects as default args is a known Python pitfall. We'd better avoid this. This commit changes mutable default args with None, then use 'arg = arg or []'. Change-Id: If3a10d58e6cd792a2011c177c49d3b865a7421ff
# Copyright (c) 2014 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from sahara.conductor import resource as r def create_cluster(name, tenant, plugin, version, node_groups, **kwargs): dct = {'name': name, 'tenant_id': tenant, 'plugin_name': plugin, 'hadoop_version': version, 'node_groups': node_groups} dct.update(kwargs) return r.ClusterResource(dct) def make_ng_dict(name, flavor, processes, count, instances=None, **kwargs): instances = instances or [] dct = {'name': name, 'flavor_id': flavor, 'node_processes': processes, 'count': count, 'instances': instances} dct.update(kwargs) return dct def make_inst_dict(inst_id, inst_name): return {'instance_id': inst_id, 'instance_name': inst_name}
#-*-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-*- # # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 University of Deusto # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. # # This software consists of contributions made by many individuals, # listed below: # # Author: Pablo Orduña <> # from sqlalchemy import Column, String, DateTime, Binary from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base SessionBase = declarative_base() class Session(SessionBase): __tablename__ = 'Sessions' sess_id = Column(String(100), primary_key = True) session_pool_id = Column(String(100), nullable = False) start_date = Column(DateTime(), nullable = False) latest_access = Column(DateTime()) latest_change = Column(DateTime()) session_obj = Column(Binary(), nullable = False) def __init__(self, sess_id, session_pool_id, start_date, session_obj): self.sess_id = sess_id self.session_pool_id = session_pool_id self.start_date = start_date self.session_obj = session_obj
Remove sqlalchemy 0.7 warning (Binary => LargeBinary)
#-*-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-*- # # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 University of Deusto # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. # # This software consists of contributions made by many individuals, # listed below: # # Author: Pablo Orduña <> # from sqlalchemy import Column, String, DateTime, LargeBinary from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base SessionBase = declarative_base() class Session(SessionBase): __tablename__ = 'Sessions' sess_id = Column(String(100), primary_key = True) session_pool_id = Column(String(100), nullable = False) start_date = Column(DateTime(), nullable = False) latest_access = Column(DateTime()) latest_change = Column(DateTime()) session_obj = Column(LargeBinary(), nullable = False) def __init__(self, sess_id, session_pool_id, start_date, session_obj): self.sess_id = sess_id self.session_pool_id = session_pool_id self.start_date = start_date self.session_obj = session_obj
# -*- encoding:utf8 -*- import os from oauth2client.client import OAuth2WebServerFlow class OAuth: def __init__(self): pass def get_flow(self): scope = '' try: client_id = os.environ['GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'] client_secret = os.environ['GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'] base_url = os.environ['BOTNYAN_BASE_URL'] separator = "/" if base_url.endswith("/"): separator = "" redirect_url = "{0}{1}drive/callback".format(base_url, separator) flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scope=scope, redirect_uri=redirect_url) return flow except: return None
Fix GoogleDrive OAuth callback URL in OAuth module.
# -*- encoding:utf8 -*- import os from oauth2client.client import OAuth2WebServerFlow class OAuth: def __init__(self): pass def get_flow(self): scope = '' try: client_id = os.environ['GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'] client_secret = os.environ['GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'] base_url = os.environ['BOTNYAN_BASE_URL'] separator = "/" if base_url.endswith("/"): separator = "" redirect_url = "{0}{1}api/drive/callback".format(base_url, separator) flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scope=scope, redirect_uri=redirect_url) return flow except: return None
import ircbotframe import sys class Handler: def __init__(self, host, port=6667, name="MediaWiki", description="MediaWiki recent changes bot", channels=[]): self.channels = channels = ircbotframe.ircBot(host, port, name, description)"376", self.endMOTD) def endMOTD(self, sender, headers, message): for chan in self.channels: def main(cmd, args): args = args[:] parsemode = ["host"] host = None name = "MediaWiki" channels = [] while len(args) > 0: if len(parsemode) < 1: if args[0] == "-n": parsemode.insert(0, "name") else: channels.append(args[0]) else: if parsemode[0] == "name": name = args[0] elif parsemode[0] == "host": host = args[0] parsemode = parsemode[1:] args = args[1:] if host == None: print("Usage: " + cmd + " [-n <name>] <host> <channel> [<channel> ...]") return elif len(args) > 1: Handler(host=host, name=name channels=channels) if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else [])
Remove unnecessary conditional in argument parsing
import ircbotframe import sys class Handler: def __init__(self, host, port=6667, name="MediaWiki", description="MediaWiki recent changes bot", channels=[]): self.channels = channels = ircbotframe.ircBot(host, port, name, description)"376", self.endMOTD) def endMOTD(self, sender, headers, message): for chan in self.channels: def main(cmd, args): args = args[:] parsemode = ["host"] host = None name = "MediaWiki" channels = [] while len(args) > 0: if len(parsemode) < 1: if args[0] == "-n": parsemode.insert(0, "name") else: channels.append(args[0]) else: if parsemode[0] == "name": name = args[0] elif parsemode[0] == "host": host = args[0] parsemode = parsemode[1:] args = args[1:] if host == None: print("Usage: " + cmd + " [-n <name>] <host> <channel> [<channel> ...]") return else: Handler(host=host, name=name channels=channels) if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else [])
from __future__ import absolute_import import inspect import os import sys import psutil from collections import namedtuple from functools import wraps from pikos.abstract_monitors import AbstractMonitor __all__ = [ 'FunctionLogger', 'FunctionRecord', ] FunctionRecord = namedtuple('FunctionRecord', ['type', 'filename', 'lineNo', 'function']) class FunctionLogger(AbstractMonitor): _fields = FunctionRecord._fields def __init__(self, recorder): ''' Initialize the logger class. Parameters ---------- function : callable The callable to profile output : str The file in which to store profiling results. ''' super(FunctionLogger, self).__init__(None) self._recorder = recorder self._process = None self._old_profile_function = None def __call__(self, function): self._item = function @wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwds): return*args, **kwds) return wrapper def setup(self): self._recorder.prepare(self._fields) self._process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) self._old_profile_function = sys.getprofile() sys.setprofile(self.on_function_event) def teardown(self): sys.setprofile(self._old_profile_function) self._process = None self._recorder.finalize() def on_function_event(self, frame, event, arg): filename, lineno, function, _, _ = \ inspect.getframeinfo(frame, context=0) if event.startswith('c_'): function = arg.__name__ record = FunctionRecord(event, filename, lineno, function) self._recorder.record(record)
Make the FunctionLogger a context manager
from __future__ import absolute_import import inspect from collections import namedtuple from pikos._profile_functions import ProfileFunctions from pikos._trace_functions import TraceFunctions __all__ = [ 'FunctionLogger', 'FunctionRecord', ] FunctionRecord = namedtuple('FunctionRecord', ['type', 'filename', 'lineNo', 'function']) class FunctionLogger(object): _fields = FunctionRecord._fields def __init__(self, recorder): self._recorder = recorder self._profiler = ProfileFunctions() def __enter__(self): self._recorder.prepare(self._fields) self._profiler.set(self.on_function_event) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._profiler.unset() self._recorder.finalize() def on_function_event(self, frame, event, arg): filename, lineno, function, _, _ = \ inspect.getframeinfo(frame, context=0) if event.startswith('c_'): function = arg.__name__ record = FunctionRecord(event, filename, lineno, function) self._recorder.record(record)
"""Image Processing SciKit (Toolbox for SciPy)""" import os.path as _osp data_dir = _osp.join(_osp.dirname(__file__), 'data') from version import version as __version__ def _setup_test(): import functools basedir = _osp.dirname(_osp.join(__file__, '../')) args = ['', '--exe', '-w', '%s' % basedir] try: import nose as _nose except ImportError: print("Could not load nose. Unit tests not available.") return None else: return functools.partial(, 'scikits.image', argv=args) test = _setup_test() if test is None: del test def get_log(name): """Return a console logger. Output may be sent to the logger using the `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error` and `critical` methods. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the log. References ---------- .. [1] Logging facility for Python, """ import logging, sys logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG) return logging.getLogger(name)
Use absolute path for scikits.image.data_dir.
"""Image Processing SciKit (Toolbox for SciPy)""" import os.path as _osp data_dir = _osp.abspath(_osp.join(_osp.dirname(__file__), 'data')) from version import version as __version__ def _setup_test(): import functools basedir = _osp.dirname(_osp.join(__file__, '../')) args = ['', '--exe', '-w', '%s' % basedir] try: import nose as _nose except ImportError: print("Could not load nose. Unit tests not available.") return None else: return functools.partial(, 'scikits.image', argv=args) test = _setup_test() if test is None: del test def get_log(name): """Return a console logger. Output may be sent to the logger using the `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error` and `critical` methods. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the log. References ---------- .. [1] Logging facility for Python, """ import logging, sys logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG) return logging.getLogger(name)
import moarjson as json class User(object): def __init__(self, first_name, last_name): self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name def full_name(self): return '{} {}'.format(self.first_name, self.last_name) json.register_with_fields(User, ('first_name', 'last_name', 'full_name',)) def test_fields(): user = User('James', 'Bond') assert user.full_name() == 'James Bond' test_dict = {'first_name': 'James', 'last_name': 'Bond', 'full_name': 'James Bond'} json_dict = json.loads(json.dumps(user)) assert json_dict == test_dict
Make test compatible with Python 2.6
import moarjson as json class User(object): def __init__(self, first_name, last_name): self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name def full_name(self): return '{0} {1}'.format(self.first_name, self.last_name) json.register_with_fields(User, ('first_name', 'last_name', 'full_name',)) def test_fields(): user = User('James', 'Bond') assert user.full_name() == 'James Bond' test_dict = {'first_name': 'James', 'last_name': 'Bond', 'full_name': 'James Bond'} json_dict = json.loads(json.dumps(user)) assert json_dict == test_dict
""" Start the celery daemon from the Django management command. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from celery.bin import worker from import app from import CeleryCommand worker = worker.worker(app=app) class Command(CeleryCommand): """Run the celery daemon.""" help = 'Old alias to the "celery worker" command.' requires_model_validation = True options = (CeleryCommand.options + worker.get_options() + worker.preload_options) def handle(self, *args, **options):**options)
Add requested call to check_args.
""" Start the celery daemon from the Django management command. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from celery.bin import worker from import app from import CeleryCommand worker = worker.worker(app=app) class Command(CeleryCommand): """Run the celery daemon.""" help = 'Old alias to the "celery worker" command.' requires_model_validation = True options = (CeleryCommand.options + worker.get_options() + worker.preload_options) def handle(self, *args, **options): worker.check_args(args)**options)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django import template from ..generate import image_url as url register = template.Library() @register.simple_tag def image_url(image_url, **kwargs): return url(image_url=image_url, **kwargs) @register.simple_tag def image_obj(image, **kwargs): new = {} new['flip'] = image.flip new['flop'] = image.flop if image.halign: new['halign'] = image.halign if image.valign: new['valign'] = image.valign new['fit_in'] = image.fit_in new['smart'] = kwargs = dict(new, **kwargs) return url(image_url=image.image.url, **kwargs)
Fix has no attribute on templatetags image_obj
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django import template from ..generate import image_url as url register = template.Library() @register.simple_tag def image_url(image_url, **kwargs): return url(image_url=image_url, **kwargs) @register.simple_tag def image_obj(image, **kwargs): new = {} if getattr(image, 'flip'): new['flip'] = image.flip if getattr(image, 'flop'): new['flop'] = image.flop if getattr(image, 'halign'): new['halign'] = image.halign if getattr(image, 'valign'): new['valign'] = image.valign if getattr(image, 'fit_in'): new['fit_in'] = image.fit_in if getattr(image, 'smart'): new['smart'] = kwargs = dict(new, **kwargs) return url(image_url=image.image.url, **kwargs)
"""Tests for string searches""" from import eq_ from dxr.testing import SingleFileTestCase, MINIMAL_MAIN class StringTests(SingleFileTestCase): source = """ void main_idea() { } """ + MINIMAL_MAIN def test_negated_phrase(self): """Make sure a negated phrase search doesn't crash.""" eq_(self.search_results('void -"int"'), [])
Add a skipped failing test for the result-repetition bug.
"""Tests for string searches""" from nose import SkipTest from import eq_ from dxr.testing import SingleFileTestCase, MINIMAL_MAIN class StringTests(SingleFileTestCase): source = """ void main_idea() { } """ + MINIMAL_MAIN def test_negated_phrase(self): """Make sure a negated phrase search doesn't crash.""" eq_(self.search_results('void -"int"'), []) class RepeatedResultTests(SingleFileTestCase): # Putting code on the first line triggers the bug: source = """int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return 0; } """ def test_repeated_results(self): """Make sure we don't get the same line back twice.""" raise SkipTest self.found_lines_eq('int', '<b>int</b> main(<b>int</b> argc, char* argv[]) {')
from powerline.segments.common import bat, sys def system_load(pl, num_avgs=3): return sys.system_load(pl)[:num_avgs] def battery(pl, max_percent=101): if bat._get_capacity(pl) < max_percent: return bat.battery(pl) return []
Update powerline battery wrapper for new API
from powerline.segments.common import bat, sys def system_load(pl, num_avgs=3): return sys.system_load(pl)[:num_avgs] def battery(pl, max_percent=101): capacity, ac_powered = bat._get_battery_status(pl) if capacity < max_percent: return bat.battery(pl) return []
"""Used by pkg_resources to interpret PEP 345 environment markers.""" from _markerlib.markers import default_environment, compile, interpret, as_function
Remove missing import (since b62968cd2666) --HG-- branch : distribute extra : rebase_source : d1190f895d794dfcb838f7eb40a60ab07b8b309e
"""Used by pkg_resources to interpret PEP 345 environment markers.""" from _markerlib.markers import default_environment, compile, interpret
#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess import sys import uuid usage = """\ Run a command using a temporary docker-compose cluster, removing all containers \ and images after command completion (regardless of success or failure.) Generally, this would be used with the ``run`` command to provide a clean room \ testing environment. """ if not sys.argv[1:]: sys.stderr.write(usage) sys.exit(1) project = uuid.uuid1().hex sys.stderr.write('Starting ephemeral cluster: {0}\n'.format(project)) try: sys.exit(subprocess.check_call(['docker-compose', '-p', project] + sys.argv[1:])) finally: subprocess.check_call(['docker-compose', '-p', project, 'stop']) subprocess.check_call(['docker-compose', '-p', project, 'rm', '-f', '-v'])
Fix forwarding ephemeral cluster exit code. Summary: Also improves logging a little bit. Test Plan: $ python run --rm --entrypoint=bash pgshovel -c "exit 10" $ test $? -eq 10 Reviewers: jeff, tail Reviewed By: tail Differential Revision:
#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess import sys import uuid usage = """\ Run a command using a temporary docker-compose cluster, removing all containers \ and associated volumes after command completion (regardless of success or \ failure.) Generally, this would be used with the ``run`` command to provide a clean room \ testing environment. """ if not sys.argv[1:]: sys.stderr.write(usage) sys.exit(1) project = uuid.uuid1().hex sys.stderr.write('Setting up ephemeral cluster ({0})...\n'.format(project)) try: subprocess.check_call(['docker-compose', '-p', project] + sys.argv[1:]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise SystemExit(error.returncode) finally: sys.stderr.write('\nCleaning up ephemeral cluster ({0})...\n'.format(project)) subprocess.check_call(['docker-compose', '-p', project, 'stop']) subprocess.check_call(['docker-compose', '-p', project, 'rm', '-f', '-v'])
"""Utility for clearing all keys out of redis -- do not use in production!""" import sys from optparse import OptionParser import redis def option_parser(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-d", "--db", type="int", dest="db", default=1, help="Redis DB to clear.") parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False, help="Don't ask for confirmation.") return parser def main(): parser = option_parser() options, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.print_help() return 1 if not options.force: confirm = raw_input("About to delete ALL redis keys. " "Press Y to confirm, N to exit: ") if confirm.lower() != 'y': return 1 r_server = redis.Redis(db=options.db) keys = r_server.keys() for key in keys: r_server.delete(key) print "Deleted %i keys." % len(keys) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
Print which DB will be cleared.
"""Utility for clearing all keys out of redis -- do not use in production!""" import sys from optparse import OptionParser import redis def option_parser(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-d", "--db", type="int", dest="db", default=1, help="Redis DB to clear.") parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False, help="Don't ask for confirmation.") return parser def main(): parser = option_parser() options, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.print_help() return 1 if not options.force: confirm = raw_input("About to delete ALL redis keys in db %d. " "Press Y to confirm, N to exit: " % (options.db,)) if confirm.lower() != 'y': return 1 r_server = redis.Redis(db=options.db) keys = r_server.keys() for key in keys: r_server.delete(key) print "Deleted %i keys." % len(keys) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
import os from pathlib import Path from string import Template from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # helps with local dev TEMPLATE_PATH = Path.cwd() / "" STARMINDER_COUNT = int(os.getenv("STARMINDER_COUNT")) STARMINDER_RECIPIENT = os.getenv("STARMINDER_RECIPIENT") STARMINDER_SUBJECT = Template("[Starminder] Reminders for $today") AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") AWS_FROM = os.getenv("AWS_FROM") GITHUB_TOKEN = os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") GITHUB_SERVER_URL = os.getenv("GITHUB_SERVER_URL") GITHUB_REPOSITORY = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY") GITHUB_FORK_URL = f"{GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}"
Rename GH token env var GitHub disallows user set GITHUB_ prefixed ones.
import os from pathlib import Path from string import Template from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # helps with local dev TEMPLATE_PATH = Path.cwd() / "" STARMINDER_COUNT = int(os.getenv("STARMINDER_COUNT")) STARMINDER_RECIPIENT = os.getenv("STARMINDER_RECIPIENT") STARMINDER_SUBJECT = Template("[Starminder] Reminders for $today") AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") AWS_FROM = os.getenv("AWS_FROM") GITHUB_TOKEN = os.getenv("GH_TOKEN") GITHUB_SERVER_URL = os.getenv("GITHUB_SERVER_URL") GITHUB_REPOSITORY = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY") GITHUB_FORK_URL = f"{GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/{GITHUB_REPOSITORY}"
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import logging import subprocess from ..utils import _execute from .base import VCSBase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HgVCS(VCSBase): """ Mercurial support implementation """ name = 'hg' def get_vcs(self): """ Get git binary executable path """ vcs = _execute('which hg', strict=True).strip() self._check_extdiff_extension(vcs) return vcs def is_used(self): """ Determines if this VCS should be used TODO: implement """ return True def _check_extdiff_extension(self, vcs): try: return _execute('{vcs} extdiff'.format(vcs=vcs), strict=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: message = ( "Mercurial 'extdiff' extension is disabled.\n" "Please add the following lines to your ~/.hgrc\n\n" "[extensions]\n" "extdiff = \n") print(message) raise Exception("Please enable 'extdiff' extension")
Add changed_files support to mercurial
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import logging import subprocess from ..utils import _execute from .base import VCSBase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HgVCS(VCSBase): """ Mercurial support implementation """ name = 'hg' def get_vcs(self): """ Get git binary executable path """ vcs = _execute('which hg', strict=True).strip() self._check_extdiff_extension(vcs) return vcs def is_used(self): """ Determines if this VCS should be used TODO: implement """ return True def changed_files(self): """ Return a list of all changed files. """ commits = ['-r {}'.format(c) for c in self.commits] command = [self.vcs, 'diff', '--stat'] + commits result = _execute(' '.join(command)) lines = result.strip().split('\n')[:-1] files = [ line.split('|')[0].strip() for line in lines ] return files def _check_extdiff_extension(self, vcs): try: return _execute('{vcs} extdiff'.format(vcs=vcs), strict=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: message = ( "Mercurial 'extdiff' extension is disabled.\n" "Please add the following lines to your ~/.hgrc\n\n" "[extensions]\n" "extdiff = \n") print(message) raise Exception("Please enable 'extdiff' extension")
""" pytest runner control plugin """ import pytest def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): if 'setup_test' in item.keywords and call.excinfo: if not call.excinfo.errisinstance(pytest.skip.Exception): pytest.halt('A setup test has failed, aborting...') class Halt(object): def __init__(self): self.msg = None def __call__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def pytest_namespace(): return {'halt': Halt()} @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_protocol(item, nextitem): yield if pytest.halt.msg: item.session.shouldstop = pytest.halt.msg
Move some fixtures into better places Move datadir into the sipsecmon plugin and testname into lab.runnerctl.
""" pytest runner control plugin """ import pytest import string def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): if 'setup_test' in item.keywords and call.excinfo: if not call.excinfo.errisinstance(pytest.skip.Exception): pytest.halt('A setup test has failed, aborting...') class Halt(object): def __init__(self): self.msg = None def __call__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def pytest_namespace(): return {'halt': Halt()} @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_protocol(item, nextitem): yield if pytest.halt.msg: item.session.shouldstop = pytest.halt.msg @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def testname(request): """Pytest test node name with all unfriendly characters transformed into underscores. The lifetime is class scoped since this name is often used to provision remote sw profiles which live for the entirety of a test suite. """ return string.maketrans('\[', '__')).strip(']')
"""Pytac: Python Toolkit for Accelerator Controls.""" # PV types SP = 'setpoint' RB = 'readback' # Unit systems ENG = 'engineering' PHYS = 'physics' # Model types. SIM = 'simulation' LIVE = 'live'
Add modules to pytac namespace.
"""Pytac: Python Toolkit for Accelerator Controls.""" # PV types SP = 'setpoint' RB = 'readback' # Unit systems ENG = 'engineering' PHYS = 'physics' # Model types. SIM = 'simulation' LIVE = 'live' from . import device, element, lattice, load_csv, lattice, utils
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pytest import requests def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): if 'not headless' in metafunc.config.option.markexpr: return # test deslected by mark expression base_url = metafunc.config.option.base_url if not base_url: pytest.skip( 'This test requires a base URL to be specified on the command ' 'line or in a configuration file.') paths = ( '/firefox/all/', '/firefox/beta/all/', '/firefox/developer/all/', '/firefox/organizations/all/', '/firefox/android/all/', '/firefox/android/beta/all/') argvalues = [] for path in paths: r = requests.get(base_url + path) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser') table = soup.find('table', class_='build-table') urls = [a['href'] for a in table.find_all('a')] assert len(urls) > 0 argvalues.extend(urls) metafunc.parametrize('url', argvalues) @pytest.mark.headless @pytest.mark.nondestructive def test_localized_download_links(url): r = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True) assert == r.status_code
Add /firefox/nightly/all/ to download link tests
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pytest import requests def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): if 'not headless' in metafunc.config.option.markexpr: return # test deslected by mark expression base_url = metafunc.config.option.base_url if not base_url: pytest.skip( 'This test requires a base URL to be specified on the command ' 'line or in a configuration file.') paths = ( '/firefox/all/', '/firefox/beta/all/', '/firefox/developer/all/', '/firefox/nightly/all/', '/firefox/organizations/all/', '/firefox/android/all/', '/firefox/android/beta/all/') argvalues = [] for path in paths: r = requests.get(base_url + path) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser') table = soup.find('table', class_='build-table') urls = [a['href'] for a in table.find_all('a')] assert len(urls) > 0 argvalues.extend(urls) metafunc.parametrize('url', argvalues) @pytest.mark.headless @pytest.mark.nondestructive def test_localized_download_links(url): r = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True) assert == r.status_code
major = 0 minor=0 patch=0 branch="dev" timestamp=1376425015.74
Tag commit for v0.0.10-master generated by
major = 0 minor=0 patch=10 branch="master" timestamp=1376502388.26
# Copyright Hybrid Logic Ltd. See LICENSE file for details. """ Tests for ``flocker.provision._ssh._monkeypatch``. """ from twisted.trial.unittest import SynchronousTestCase as TestCase from .._ssh._monkeypatch import _patch_7672_needed, patch_7672_applied class Twisted7672Tests(TestCase): """" Tests for ``flocker.provision._ssh._monkeypatch``. """ def test_needsPatch(self): """ Check to see if patch is still required. """ self.assertTrue((not _patch_7672_needed()) or patch_7672_applied, "Monkeypatch for twisted bug #7672 can be removed.")
Fix monkey patch test condition.
# Copyright Hybrid Logic Ltd. See LICENSE file for details. """ Tests for ``flocker.provision._ssh._monkeypatch``. """ from twisted.trial.unittest import SynchronousTestCase as TestCase from .._ssh._monkeypatch import _patch_7672_needed, patch_7672_applied class Twisted7672Tests(TestCase): """" Tests for ``flocker.provision._ssh._monkeypatch``. """ def test_needsPatch(self): """ Check to see if patch is still required. This will be the case if the patch is still needed, or if it has been applied. """ self.assertFalse( # The patch is still needed _patch_7672_needed() # Or the patch has already been applied or patch_7672_applied, "Monkeypatch for twisted bug #7672 can be removed.")
from fabric import api def raspberry_pi(name): api.env.hosts = ["{0}.local".format(name)] api.env.user = 'pi' def deploy(): api.require('hosts', provided_by=[raspberry_pi]) with api.settings(warn_only=True): api.sudo('service sensor-rpc stop') with'~/Pi-Sensor-RPC-Service'):'git pull origin master') with'~/Pi-Sensor-RPC-Service/app'):'npm install') api.sudo('service sensor-rpc start')
Add install task to fab file
from StringIO import StringIO from fabric import api from fabric.operations import prompt, put UPSTART_TEMPLATE = """ description "Pi-Sensor-RPC-Service" start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [06] respawn respawn limit 10 5 env LOGGLY_TOKEN={loggly_token} env LOGGLY_SUBDOMAIN={loggly_domain} env SERIAL_ADDRESS={serial_address} env SERIAL_RATE={serial_rate} env RABBIT_URL={rabbit_url} script cd /home/pi/Pi-Sensor-RPC-Service/app && node main.js end script """ def raspberry_pi(): api.env.hosts = ["{0}.local".format(prompt("Raspberry Pi:"))] api.env.user = 'pi' def install(): api.require('hosts', provided_by=[raspberry_pi]) upstart_values = {} upstart_values['loggly_token'] = prompt("Loggly token:") upstart_values['loggly_domain'] = prompt("Loggly domain:") upstart_values['serial_address'] = prompt("Serial address:") upstart_values['serial_rate'] = prompt("Serial rate:") upstart_values['rabbit_url'] = prompt("Rabbit URL:") upstart_file = StringIO(UPSTART_TEMPLATE.format(**upstart_values)) with'/etc/init'): upload = put(upstart_file, 'sensor-rpc.conf', use_sudo=True) assert upload.succeeded'git clone') with'~/Pi-Sensor-RPC-Service/app'):'npm install') api.sudo('service sensor-rpc start') def update(): api.require('hosts', provided_by=[raspberry_pi]) with api.settings(warn_only=True): api.sudo('service sensor-rpc stop') with'~/Pi-Sensor-RPC-Service'):'git pull origin master') with'~/Pi-Sensor-RPC-Service/app'):'npm install') api.sudo('service sensor-rpc start')
Add foward propagation and network initialization functions
import numpy as np def initializeNetwork(layerSizes = [1,2,3,4,1]): l = len(layerSizes) parameters = {} for i in range(1,l): parameters['W'+str(i)] = np.random.randn(layerSizes[i],layerSizes[i-1])*0.1 parameters['b'+str(i)] = np.empty((i,1)) return parameters def forwardProp(X, parameters): As = {} A = X l = len(parameters)//2 for i in range(1, l): A =['W'+str(i)],A) As['A'+str(i)] = A return As parameters = initializeNetwork() forwardProp(np.array([[1,2,3,1]]),parameters)
from SVGGenerator import SVGGenerator class Label(SVGGenerator): def __init__(self, x, y, text): SVGGenerator.__init__(self, './label.svg.mustache') self.x = x self.y = y self.text = text self.alignment = "start" self.font_size = 12 self.color = "rgb(64,64,64)"
Set default label color to black
from SVGGenerator import SVGGenerator class Label(SVGGenerator): def __init__(self, x, y, text): SVGGenerator.__init__(self, './label.svg.mustache') self.x = x self.y = y self.text = text self.alignment = "start" self.font_size = 14 self.color = "rgb(0,0,0)"
VERSION = (0, 1, 1) def get_version(): "Returns the version as a human-format string." return '.'.join([str(i) for i in VERSION])
Increment version to 0.1.2 to fix pip not updating to edge
VERSION = (0, 1, 2) def get_version(): "Returns the version as a human-format string." return '.'.join([str(i) for i in VERSION])
from fabric.api import * env.hosts = [ '' ] env.user = 'pi' def prepare_raspberry_pi(): pass def remote_pull(): with cd('virtualenvs/queen/queen'): run('git pull') def deploy(): local('git commit -a') local('git push origin') remote_pull()
Add fab commands to push and pull
from fabric.api import * env.hosts = [ '' ] env.user = 'pi' def prepare_raspberry_pi(): pass def remote_pull(): with cd('virtualenvs/queen/queen'): run('git pull') def commit(): local('git commit -a') def push(): local('git push origin') def deploy(): commit() push() remote_pull()
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import pytest from screen19.screen import Screen19 def test_screen19_command_line_help_does_not_crash(): Screen19().run([]) def test_screen19(dials_data, tmpdir): data_dir = dials_data("x4wide").strpath with tmpdir.as_cwd(): Screen19().run([data_dir]) logfile = tmpdir.join("screen19.log").read() assert "screen19 successfully completed" in logfile assert "photon incidence rate is outside the linear response region" in logfile @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=ValueError, reason="LAPACK bug?") def test_screen19_single_frame(dials_data, tmpdir): # TODO Use a single frame with fewer than 80 reflections image = dials_data("x4wide").join("X4_wide_M1S4_2_0001.cbf").strpath with tmpdir.as_cwd(): Screen19().run([image]) logfile = tmpdir.join("screen19.log").read() assert "screen19 successfully completed" in logfile
Fix tests broken by new log configuration option
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import pytest from screen19.screen import Screen19 def test_screen19_command_line_help_does_not_crash(): Screen19().run([]) def test_screen19(dials_data, tmpdir): data_dir = dials_data("x4wide").strpath with tmpdir.as_cwd(): Screen19().run([data_dir], set_up_logging=True) logfile = tmpdir.join("screen19.log").read() assert "screen19 successfully completed" in logfile assert "photon incidence rate is outside the linear response region" in logfile @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=ValueError, reason="LAPACK bug?") def test_screen19_single_frame(dials_data, tmpdir): # TODO Use a single frame with fewer than 80 reflections image = dials_data("x4wide").join("X4_wide_M1S4_2_0001.cbf").strpath with tmpdir.as_cwd(): Screen19().run([image], set_up_logging=True) logfile = tmpdir.join("screen19.log").read() assert "screen19 successfully completed" in logfile
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.22 on 2019-10-31 16:33 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, OperationalError, ProgrammingError def fix_fee_product_index(apps, schema_editor): try: schema_editor.execute( 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_16977_product_id;' ) except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): pass try: schema_editor.execute( 'ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS cfpb.ratechecker_fee ' 'DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS idx_16977_product_id;' ) except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): pass try: schema_editor.execute( 'ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS cfpb.ratechecker_fee ' 'ADD CONSTRAINT idx_16977_product_id ' 'UNIQUE (product_id, state_id, lender, single_family, condo, coop);' ) except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): pass class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('ratechecker', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name='fee', unique_together=set([]), ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='fee', name='plan', ), migrations.RunPython(fix_fee_product_index), migrations.DeleteModel( name='Fee', ), ]
Fix order of migration in operations
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.22 on 2019-10-31 16:33 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, OperationalError, ProgrammingError def fix_fee_product_index(apps, schema_editor): try: schema_editor.execute( 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_16977_product_id;' ) except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): pass try: schema_editor.execute( 'ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS cfpb.ratechecker_fee ' 'DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS idx_16977_product_id;' ) except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): pass try: schema_editor.execute( 'ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS cfpb.ratechecker_fee ' 'ADD CONSTRAINT idx_16977_product_id ' 'UNIQUE (product_id, state_id, lender, single_family, condo, coop);' ) except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): pass class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('ratechecker', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(fix_fee_product_index), migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name='fee', unique_together=set([]), ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='fee', name='plan', ), migrations.DeleteModel( name='Fee', ), ]
import plugin import urllib2 import logging import re from httplib import HTTPException from htmllib import HTMLParser class Plugin(plugin.baseplugin): def __init__(self, bot): self._regex = re.compile("(https?://.+)\s?") self._ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0b8) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0b8" bot.register_regex(self._regex, self.title) def unescape(self, s): p = HTMLParser(None) p.save_bgn() p.feed(s) return p.save_end() def title(self, bot, user, channel, text, match_obj): url = match_obj.groups()[0] req = urllib2.Request(url) req.add_header("User-Agent", self._ua) try: content = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() except (urllib2.URLError, HTTPException), e: logging.debug("%s - %s" % (e, url)) return beg = content.find("<title>") if beg != -1: title = content[beg+7:content.find("</title>")].replace("\n","") title = self.unescape(title) bot.privmsg(channel, "Title: %s" % unicode(title, "utf-8"))
Use the HTMLParser module instead of htmllib
import plugin import urllib2 import logging import re from httplib import HTTPException import HTMLParser class Plugin(plugin.baseplugin): def __init__(self, bot): self._regex = re.compile("(https?://.+)\s?") self._ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0b8) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0b8" bot.register_regex(self._regex, self.title) def unescape(self, s): p = HTMLParser.HTMLParser(None) p.save_bgn() p.feed(s) return p.save_end() def title(self, bot, user, channel, text, match_obj): url = match_obj.groups()[0] req = urllib2.Request(url) req.add_header("User-Agent", self._ua) try: content = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() except (urllib2.URLError, HTTPException), e: logging.debug("%s - %s" % (e, url)) return beg = content.find("<title>") if beg != -1: title = content[beg+7:content.find("</title>")].replace("\n","") try: title = self.unescape(title) except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError, e:"%s - %s" % (e.msg, url)) bot.privmsg(channel, "Title: %s" % unicode(title, "utf-8"))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright © 2014-2016 Tim Bielawa <> # See GitHub Contributors Graph for more information # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Kept for backward compatibilty from .argparse import BitmathType try: from .progressbar import BitmathFileTransferSpeed except ModuleNotFoundError: # Ignore missing dependency as argparse integration will fail if # progressbar is not installed (#86). pass
Fix build errors with Python <3.6 The `ModuleNotFoundError` was introduced in Python 3.6.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright © 2014-2016 Tim Bielawa <> # See GitHub Contributors Graph for more information # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Kept for backward compatibilty from .argparse import BitmathType try: from .progressbar import BitmathFileTransferSpeed except ImportError: # Ignore missing dependency as argparse integration will fail if # progressbar is not installed (#86). pass
import curses from .character import Character from .console import Console from .line import Line from .attribute import RenditionAttribute, ColorAttribute from .misc import ESCAPE_CHARS, DELETE_CHARS, BACKSPACE_CHARS, \ is_printable_char, char_with_control_key __console = None def turn_on_console(asciize=False, spaces_per_tab=4): Line.ASCIIZE = asciize Line.SPACES_PER_TAB = spaces_per_tab window = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() ColorAttribute.initialize() global __console __console = Console(window) return __console def turn_off_console(): curses.nocbreak() curses.echo() curses.endwin()
Remove an extra global variable in xorcise package
import curses from .character import Character from .console import Console from .line import Line from .attribute import RenditionAttribute, ColorAttribute from .misc import ESCAPE_CHARS, DELETE_CHARS, BACKSPACE_CHARS, \ is_printable_char, char_with_control_key def turn_on_console(asciize=False, spaces_per_tab=4): Line.ASCIIZE = asciize Line.SPACES_PER_TAB = spaces_per_tab window = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() ColorAttribute.initialize() return Console(window) def turn_off_console(): curses.nocbreak() curses.echo() curses.endwin()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Import Python libs from __future__ import absolute_import # Import Salt Testing libs from import ModuleCase from import skipIf from import destructiveTest # Import Salt libs import salt.utils.platform @skipIf(not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(), 'windows test only') class WinDNSTest(ModuleCase): ''' Test for salt.modules.win_dns_client ''' @destructiveTest def test_add_remove_dns(self): ''' Test add and removing a dns server ''' dns = '' interface = 'Ethernet' # add dns server self.assertTrue(self.run_function('win_dns_client.add_dns', [dns, interface], index=42)) srvs = self.run_function('win_dns_client.get_dns_servers', interface=interface) self.assertIn(dns, srvs) # remove dns server self.assertTrue(self.run_function('win_dns_client.rm_dns', [dns], interface=interface)) srvs = self.run_function('win_dns_client.get_dns_servers', interface=interface) self.assertNotIn(dns, srvs)
Fix the failing dns test on Windows Gets the name of the first interface on the system. Windows network interfaces don't have the same name across Window systems. YOu can even go as far as naming them whatever you want. The test was failing because the interface name was hard-coded as 'Ethernet'.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Import Python libs from __future__ import absolute_import # Import Salt Testing libs from import ModuleCase from import skipIf from import destructiveTest # Import Salt libs import salt.utils.platform @skipIf(not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(), 'windows test only') class WinDNSTest(ModuleCase): ''' Test for salt.modules.win_dns_client ''' @destructiveTest def test_add_remove_dns(self): ''' Test add and removing a dns server ''' # Get a list of interfaces on the system interfaces = self.run_function('network.interfaces_names') skipIf(interfaces.count == 0, 'This test requires a network interface') interface = interfaces[0] dns = '' # add dns server self.assertTrue(self.run_function('win_dns_client.add_dns', [dns, interface], index=42)) srvs = self.run_function('win_dns_client.get_dns_servers', interface=interface) self.assertIn(dns, srvs) # remove dns server self.assertTrue(self.run_function('win_dns_client.rm_dns', [dns], interface=interface)) srvs = self.run_function('win_dns_client.get_dns_servers', interface=interface) self.assertNotIn(dns, srvs)
import os from import BaseCommand from django.conf import settings from fabtastic import db from import get_s3_connection class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Backs the DB up to S3. Make sure to run s3cmd --configure.' def handle(self, *args, **options): db_alias = getattr(settings, 'FABTASTIC_DUMP_DB_ALIAS', 'default') # Get DB settings from database = db.util.get_db_setting_dict(db_alias=db_alias) # Generate a temporary DB dump filename. dump_filename = db.util.get_db_dump_filename(db_alias=db_alias) # Carry out the DB dump. dump_file_path = db.dump_db_to_file(dump_filename, database) print "Uploading to S3." conn = get_s3_connection() bucket = conn.create_bucket(settings.S3_DB_BACKUP['BUCKET']) key = bucket.new_key(dump_filename) key.set_contents_from_filename(dump_file_path) print "S3 DB backup complete." # Clean up the temporary download file. os.remove(dump_filename)
Make backing up to S3 use a year/month/date structure for backups, for S3 clients that 'fake' directory structures.
import os import datetime from import BaseCommand from django.conf import settings from fabtastic import db from import get_s3_connection class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Backs the DB up to S3. Make sure to run s3cmd --configure.' def handle(self, *args, **options): db_alias = getattr(settings, 'FABTASTIC_DUMP_DB_ALIAS', 'default') # Get DB settings from database = db.util.get_db_setting_dict(db_alias=db_alias) # Generate a temporary DB dump filename. dump_filename = db.util.get_db_dump_filename(db_alias=db_alias) # Carry out the DB dump. dump_file_path = db.dump_db_to_file(dump_filename, database) print "Uploading to S3." conn = get_s3_connection() bucket = conn.create_bucket(settings.S3_DB_BACKUP['BUCKET']) now = s3_path = '%d/%d/%d/%s' % ( now.year, now.month,, dump_filename, ) key = bucket.new_key(s3_path) key.set_contents_from_filename(dump_file_path) bucket.copy_key( 'latest_db.sql.tar.bz2', settings.S3_DB_BACKUP['BUCKET'], s3_path, ) print "S3 DB backup complete." # Clean up the temporary download file. os.remove(dump_filename)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from . import utils from .main import Centerline __all__ = ['utils', 'Centerline']
Convert the list to a tuple
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from . import utils from .main import Centerline __all__ = ('utils', 'Centerline')
from import BaseCommand from nightreads.emails.models import Email from nightreads.emails.email_service import send_email_obj from nightreads.emails.views import get_subscriber_emails class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Send the email to susbcribers' def handle(self, *args, **options): email_obj = Email.objects.filter(is_sent=False).first() if not email_obj: return email_obj.recipients = get_subscriber_emails(email_obj=email_obj) send_email_obj(email_obj=email_obj) email_obj.is_sent = True email_obj.targetted_users = len(email_obj.recipients) self.stdout.write('Successfully sent email {}'.format(email_obj)))
Add a note if no emails are available to send
from import BaseCommand from nightreads.emails.models import Email from nightreads.emails.email_service import send_email_obj from nightreads.emails.views import get_subscriber_emails class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Send the email to susbcribers' def handle(self, *args, **options): email_obj = Email.objects.filter(is_sent=False).first() if not email_obj: self.stdout.write('No emails available to send')) return email_obj.recipients = get_subscriber_emails(email_obj=email_obj) send_email_obj(email_obj=email_obj) email_obj.is_sent = True email_obj.targetted_users = len(email_obj.recipients) self.stdout.write('Successfully sent email {}'.format(email_obj)))
# This file is part of e-Giełda. # Copyright (C) 2014 Mateusz Maćkowski and Tomasz Zieliński # # e-Giełda is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with e-Giełda. If not, see <>. from django.db.models import QuerySet def new_exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): new_kwargs = dict() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not ((isinstance(value, list) and not value) or (isinstance(value, QuerySet) and not value)): new_kwargs[key] = value if len(new_kwargs): return old_exclude(self, *args, **new_kwargs) else: return self def new_filter(self, *args, **kwargs): new_kwargs = dict() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not ((isinstance(value, list) and not value) or (isinstance(value, QuerySet) and not value)): new_kwargs[key] = value if len(new_kwargs): return old_filter(self, *args, **new_kwargs) else: return self old_exclude = QuerySet.exclude QuerySet.exclude = new_exclude old_filter = QuerySet.filter QuerySet.filter = new_filter
Fix buggy patched QuerySet methods
# This file is part of e-Giełda. # Copyright (C) 2014 Mateusz Maćkowski and Tomasz Zieliński # # e-Giełda is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with e-Giełda. If not, see <>. from django.db.models import QuerySet def new_exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): new_kwargs = dict() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not ((isinstance(value, list) and not value) or (isinstance(value, QuerySet) and not value)): new_kwargs[key] = value return old_exclude(self, *args, **new_kwargs) def new_filter(self, *args, **kwargs): new_kwargs = dict() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not ((isinstance(value, list) and not value) or (isinstance(value, QuerySet) and not value)): new_kwargs[key] = value return old_filter(self, *args, **new_kwargs) old_exclude = QuerySet.exclude QuerySet.exclude = new_exclude old_filter = QuerySet.filter QuerySet.filter = new_filter
from api.caching.tasks import ban_url, logger from framework.guid.model import Guid from framework.tasks.handlers import enqueue_task from modularodm import signals def log_object_saved(sender, instance, fields_changed, cached_data): abs_url = None if hasattr(instance, 'absolute_api_v2_url'): abs_url = instance.absolute_api_v2_url else: # I don't think this should ever happen, but ... just in case. guid_obj = Guid.load(instance._id) if guid_obj is not None: typedModel = guid_obj.referent if hasattr(typedModel, 'absolute_api_v2_url'): abs_url = typedModel.absolute_api_v2_url if abs_url is not None: enqueue_task(ban_url.s(abs_url)) else: logger.error('Cannot ban None url for {} with id {}'.format(instance._name, instance._id))
Remove logging. It will just break travis.
from api.caching.tasks import ban_url, logger from framework.guid.model import Guid from framework.tasks.handlers import enqueue_task from modularodm import signals def log_object_saved(sender, instance, fields_changed, cached_data): abs_url = None if hasattr(instance, 'absolute_api_v2_url'): abs_url = instance.absolute_api_v2_url else: # I don't think this should ever happen, but ... just in case. guid_obj = Guid.load(instance._id) if guid_obj is not None: typedModel = guid_obj.referent if hasattr(typedModel, 'absolute_api_v2_url'): abs_url = typedModel.absolute_api_v2_url if abs_url is not None: enqueue_task(ban_url.s(abs_url))
#!/usr/bin/env python import actorcore.ICC class OurActor(actorcore.ICC.ICC): def __init__(self, name, productName=None, configFile=None, modelNames=('charis', 'hx'), debugLevel=30): """ Setup an Actor instance. See help for actorcore.Actor for details. """ # This sets up the connections to/from the hub, the logger, and the twisted reactor. # actorcore.ICC.ICC.__init__(self, name, productName=productName, configFile=configFile, modelNames=modelNames) # # To work def main(): theActor = OurActor('hx', productName='hxActor') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Make sure we auto-connect to the IDL server
#!/usr/bin/env python import actorcore.ICC class OurActor(actorcore.ICC.ICC): def __init__(self, name, productName=None, configFile=None, modelNames=('charis', 'hx'), debugLevel=30): """ Setup an Actor instance. See help for actorcore.Actor for details. """ # This sets up the connections to/from the hub, the logger, and the twisted reactor. # actorcore.ICC.ICC.__init__(self, name, productName=productName, configFile=configFile, modelNames=modelNames) self.everConnected = False def connectionMade(self): if self.everConnected is False:"Attaching all controllers...") self.allControllers = [s.strip() for s in self.config.get(, 'startingControllers').split(',')] self.attachAllControllers() self.everConnected = True # # To work def main(): theActor = OurActor('hx', productName='hxActor') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.contenttypes.admin import GenericTabularInline from import_export.admin import ExportMixin from .models import AdditionalSpeaker, TalkProposal, TutorialProposal from .resources import TalkProposalResource class AdditionalSpeakerInline(GenericTabularInline): model = AdditionalSpeaker fields = ['user', 'status', 'cancelled'] ct_field = 'proposal_type' ct_fk_field = 'proposal_id' extra = 0 class ProposalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): fields = [ 'conference', 'submitter', 'title', 'category', 'duration', 'language', 'abstract', 'python_level', 'objective', 'detailed_description', 'outline', 'supplementary', 'recording_policy', 'slide_link', 'cancelled', ] readonly_fields = ['conference', 'submitter'] search_fields = ['title', 'abstract'] inlines = [AdditionalSpeakerInline] @admin.register(TalkProposal) class TalkProposalAdmin(ExportMixin, ProposalAdmin): fields = ProposalAdmin.fields + ['accepted'] list_display = [ 'title', 'category', 'duration', 'language', 'python_level', 'accepted', ] list_filter = [ 'category', 'duration', 'language', 'python_level', 'accepted', ] resource_class = TalkProposalResource @admin.register(TutorialProposal) class TutorialProposalAdmin(ProposalAdmin): list_display = ['title', 'category', 'language', 'python_level'] list_filter = ['category', 'language', 'python_level']
Make ProposalAdmin work when creating
from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.contenttypes.admin import GenericTabularInline from import_export.admin import ExportMixin from .models import AdditionalSpeaker, TalkProposal, TutorialProposal from .resources import TalkProposalResource class AdditionalSpeakerInline(GenericTabularInline): model = AdditionalSpeaker fields = ['user', 'status', 'cancelled'] ct_field = 'proposal_type' ct_fk_field = 'proposal_id' extra = 0 class ProposalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): fields = [ 'conference', 'submitter', 'title', 'category', 'duration', 'language', 'abstract', 'python_level', 'objective', 'detailed_description', 'outline', 'supplementary', 'recording_policy', 'slide_link', 'cancelled', ] search_fields = ['title', 'abstract'] inlines = [AdditionalSpeakerInline] @admin.register(TalkProposal) class TalkProposalAdmin(ExportMixin, ProposalAdmin): fields = ProposalAdmin.fields + ['accepted'] list_display = [ 'title', 'category', 'duration', 'language', 'python_level', 'accepted', ] list_filter = [ 'category', 'duration', 'language', 'python_level', 'accepted', ] resource_class = TalkProposalResource @admin.register(TutorialProposal) class TutorialProposalAdmin(ProposalAdmin): list_display = ['title', 'category', 'language', 'python_level'] list_filter = ['category', 'language', 'python_level']
#!/usr/bin/env python from storage import Storage NEW_REPORT = {'foo': 'bar', 'boo': 'baz'} def main(): db_store = Storage.get_storage() for key, value in db_store.__dict__.iteritems(): print '%s: %s' % (key, value) print '\n' # report_id = report_id = 'AVM0dGOF6iQbRONBw9yB' print db_store.get_report(report_id) print db_store.get_report(3) # db_store.delete(report_id) # print db_store.delete(2) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Add populate es function to test driver
#!/usr/bin/env python from storage import Storage NEW_REPORT = {'foo': 'bar', 'boo': 'baz'} REPORTS = [ {'report_id': 1, 'report': {"/tmp/example": {"MD5": "53f43f9591749b8cae536ff13e48d6de", "SHA256": "815d310bdbc8684c1163b62f583dbaffb2df74b9104e2aadabf8f8491bafab66", "libmagic": "ASCII text"}}}, {'report_id': 2, 'report': {"/opt/other_file": {"MD5": "96b47da202ddba8d7a6b91fecbf89a41", "SHA256": "26d11f0ea5cc77a59b6e47deee859440f26d2d14440beb712dbac8550d35ef1f", "libmagic": "a /bin/python script text executable"}}}, ] def populate_es(): db_store = Storage.get_storage() for report in REPORTS: def main(): db_store = Storage.get_storage() for key, value in db_store.__dict__.iteritems(): print '%s: %s' % (key, value) print '\n' # report_id = report_id = 'AVM0dGOF6iQbRONBw9yB' print db_store.get_report(report_id) print db_store.get_report(3) # db_store.delete(report_id) # print db_store.delete(2) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from datetime import timedelta CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE = { "reddit-validations": { "task": "reddit.tasks.process_validations", "schedule": timedelta(minutes=10), }, "eveapi-update": { "task": "eve_api.tasks.account.queue_apikey_updates", "schedule": timedelta(minutes=10), }, "alliance-update": { "task": "eve_api.tasks.alliance.import_alliance_details", "schedule": timedelta(hours=6), }, "api-log-clear": { "task": "eve_proxy.tasks.clear_old_logs", "schedule": timedelta(days=1), }, "blacklist-check": { "task": "hr.tasks.blacklist_check", "schedule": timedelta(days=1), }, "reddit-update": { "task": "reddit.tasks.queue_account_updates", "schedule": timedelta(minutes=15), } } CELERY_ROUTES = { "sso.tasks.update_service_groups": {'queue': 'bulk'}, }
Add the blacklist checking to the bulk
from datetime import timedelta CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE = { "reddit-validations": { "task": "reddit.tasks.process_validations", "schedule": timedelta(minutes=10), }, "eveapi-update": { "task": "eve_api.tasks.account.queue_apikey_updates", "schedule": timedelta(minutes=10), }, "alliance-update": { "task": "eve_api.tasks.alliance.import_alliance_details", "schedule": timedelta(hours=6), }, "api-log-clear": { "task": "eve_proxy.tasks.clear_old_logs", "schedule": timedelta(days=1), }, "blacklist-check": { "task": "hr.tasks.blacklist_check", "schedule": timedelta(days=1), }, "reddit-update": { "task": "reddit.tasks.queue_account_updates", "schedule": timedelta(minutes=15), } } CELERY_ROUTES = { "sso.tasks.update_service_groups": {'queue': 'bulk'}, "hr.tasks.blacklist_check": {'queue': 'bulk'}, }
from sqlalchemy.sql import text from c2corg_api.scripts.migration.migrate_base import MigrateBase class UpdateSequences(MigrateBase): sequences = [ ('guidebook', 'documents_archives', 'id', 'documents_archives_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents', 'document_id', 'documents_document_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents_geometries_archives', 'id', 'documents_geometries_archives_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents_locales_archives', 'id', 'documents_locales_archives_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents_locales', 'id', 'documents_locales_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents_versions', 'id', 'documents_versions_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'history_metadata', 'id', 'history_metadata_id_seq'), ] def migrate(self): self.start('sequences') stmt = "select setval('{0}.{1}', (select max({2}) from {0}.{3}));" for schema, table, field, sequence in UpdateSequences.sequences: self.session_target.execute(text( stmt.format(schema, sequence, field, table))) self.stop()
Add missing user_id_seq in migration script
from sqlalchemy.sql import text from c2corg_api.scripts.migration.migrate_base import MigrateBase class UpdateSequences(MigrateBase): sequences = [ ('guidebook', 'documents_archives', 'id', 'documents_archives_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents', 'document_id', 'documents_document_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents_geometries_archives', 'id', 'documents_geometries_archives_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents_locales_archives', 'id', 'documents_locales_archives_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents_locales', 'id', 'documents_locales_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'documents_versions', 'id', 'documents_versions_id_seq'), ('guidebook', 'history_metadata', 'id', 'history_metadata_id_seq'), ('users', 'user', 'id', 'user_id_seq'), ] def migrate(self): self.start('sequences') stmt = "select setval('{0}.{1}', (select max({2}) from {0}.{3}));" for schema, table, field, sequence in UpdateSequences.sequences: self.session_target.execute(text( stmt.format(schema, sequence, field, table))) self.stop()
from django.views.generic import View from django.http import JsonResponse from chatterbot import ChatBot from chatterbot.ext.django_chatterbot import settings class ChatterBotView(View): chatterbot = ChatBot(**settings.CHATTERBOT) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): input_statement = request.POST.get('text') response_data = self.chatterbot.get_response(input_statement) return JsonResponse(response_data, status=200) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): data = { 'detail': 'You should make a POST request to this endpoint.', 'name': } # Return a method not allowed response return JsonResponse(data, status=405) def patch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): data = { 'detail': 'You should make a POST request to this endpoint.' } # Return a method not allowed response return JsonResponse(data, status=405) def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): data = { 'detail': 'You should make a POST request to this endpoint.' } # Return a method not allowed response return JsonResponse(data, status=405)
Return recent statement data in GET response.
from django.views.generic import View from django.http import JsonResponse from chatterbot import ChatBot from chatterbot.ext.django_chatterbot import settings import json class ChatterBotView(View): chatterbot = ChatBot(**settings.CHATTERBOT) def _serialize_recent_statements(self): if self.chatterbot.recent_statements.empty(): return [] recent_statements = [] for statement, response in self.chatterbot.recent_statements: recent_statements.append([statement.serialize(), response.serialize()]) return recent_statements def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if request.is_ajax(): data = json.loads(request.body) input_statement = data.get('text') else: input_statement = request.POST.get('text') response_data = self.chatterbot.get_response(input_statement) return JsonResponse(response_data, status=200) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): data = { 'detail': 'You should make a POST request to this endpoint.', 'name':, 'recent_statements': self._serialize_recent_statements() } # Return a method not allowed response return JsonResponse(data, status=405) def patch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): data = { 'detail': 'You should make a POST request to this endpoint.' } # Return a method not allowed response return JsonResponse(data, status=405) def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): data = { 'detail': 'You should make a POST request to this endpoint.' } # Return a method not allowed response return JsonResponse(data, status=405)
from flask import Flask from flask_login import LoginManager from flask_misaka import Misaka from flask_moment import Moment from flask_security import Security, SQLAlchemyUserDatastore from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_whooshalchemy import whoosh_index from config import config db = SQLAlchemy() lm = LoginManager() markdown = Misaka() moment = Moment() security = Security() from app.models import Post, User, Role user_datastore = SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(db, User, Role) def create_app(config_name): """ Initializes a Flask app. Args: config_name: The configuration object to use. Returns: The Flask app object. """ app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config[config_name]) db.init_app(app) lm.init_app(app) markdown.init_app(app) moment.init_app(app) security.init_app(app, user_datastore) whoosh_index(app, Post) from app.main.views import main from app.admin.views import admin app.register_blueprint(main) app.register_blueprint(admin, url_prefix='/admin') return app
Add AppSettings dict to app config and inject it
from flask import Flask from flask_login import LoginManager from flask_misaka import Misaka from flask_moment import Moment from flask_security import Security, SQLAlchemyUserDatastore from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_whooshalchemy import whoosh_index from config import config db = SQLAlchemy() lm = LoginManager() markdown = Misaka() moment = Moment() security = Security() from app.models import Post, User, Role user_datastore = SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(db, User, Role) def create_app(config_name): """ Initializes a Flask app. Args: config_name: The configuration object to use. Returns: The Flask app object. """ app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(config[config_name]) db.init_app(app) lm.init_app(app) markdown.init_app(app) moment.init_app(app) security.init_app(app, user_datastore) whoosh_index(app, Post) from app.utils.settings import AppSettings with app.app_context(): app.config['SETTINGS'] = AppSettings() @app.context_processor def inject_settings(): return {'settings': app.config['SETTINGS']} from app.main.views import main from app.admin.views import admin app.register_blueprint(main) app.register_blueprint(admin, url_prefix='/admin') return app
class Countable(object): @classmethod def count(cls, options={}): return int(cls.get("count", **options)) class Metafields(object): def metafields(self): return Metafield.find(resource=self.__class__.plural, def add_metafield(self, metafield): if self.is_new(): raise ValueError("You can only add metafields to a resource that has been saved") metafield._prefix_options = dict(resource=self.__class__.plural, return metafield class Events(object): def events(self): return Event.find(resource=self.__class__.plural,
Allow count method to be used the same way as find.
class Countable(object): @classmethod def count(cls, _options=None, **kwargs): if _options is None: _options = kwargs return int(cls.get("count", **_options)) class Metafields(object): def metafields(self): return Metafield.find(resource=self.__class__.plural, def add_metafield(self, metafield): if self.is_new(): raise ValueError("You can only add metafields to a resource that has been saved") metafield._prefix_options = dict(resource=self.__class__.plural, return metafield class Events(object): def events(self): return Event.find(resource=self.__class__.plural,
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import six __all__ = [ 'collaboration', 'events', 'file', 'folder', 'group', 'group_membership', 'search', 'user', ] if six.PY2: __all__ = [unicode.encode(x, 'utf-8') for x in __all__]
Change format of sub-module names in the object module to str
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from six.moves import map # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin __all__ = list(map(str, ['collaboration', 'events', 'file', 'folder', 'group', 'group_membership', 'search', 'user']))
import pytest from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.strategies import lists, text from datatyping.datatyping import validate @given(ss=lists(text())) def test_simple(ss): assert validate([str], ss) is None @given(s=text()) def test_simple_error(s): with pytest.raises(TypeError): validate([str], s) @given(ss=lists(lists(text()))) def test_nested(ss): assert validate([[str]], ss) is None
Rewrite str tests with hypothesis Remove lists from testing
import pytest from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.strategies import integers, text from datatyping.datatyping import validate @given(string=text()) def test_simple(string): assert validate(str, string) is None @given(not_string=integers()) def test_simple_error(not_string): with pytest.raises(TypeError): validate(str, not_string)
# # # Linter for SublimeLinter3, a code checking framework for Sublime Text 3 # # Written by Ilya Akhmadullin # Copyright (c) 2013 Ilya Akhmadullin # # License: MIT # """This module exports the jscs plugin class.""" from SublimeLinter.lint import Linter class Jscs(Linter): """Provides an interface to jscs.""" syntax = ('javascript', 'html', 'html 5') cmd = 'jscs -r checkstyle' config_file = ('-c', '.jscs.json') regex = ( r'^\s+?<error line="(?P<line>\d+)" ' r'column="(?P<col>\d+)" ' # jscs always reports with error severity; show as warning r'severity="(?P<warning>error)" ' r'message="(?P<message>.+?)"' ) multiline = True selectors = {'html': 'source.js.embedded.html'} tempfile_suffix = 'js'
Use the full option name for clarity and also search in the user's home directory
# # # Linter for SublimeLinter3, a code checking framework for Sublime Text 3 # # Written by Ilya Akhmadullin # Copyright (c) 2013 Ilya Akhmadullin # # License: MIT # """This module exports the jscs plugin class.""" from SublimeLinter.lint import Linter class Jscs(Linter): """Provides an interface to jscs.""" syntax = ('javascript', 'html', 'html 5') cmd = 'jscs -r checkstyle' regex = ( r'^\s+?<error line="(?P<line>\d+)" ' r'column="(?P<col>\d+)" ' # jscs always reports with error severity; show as warning r'severity="(?P<warning>error)" ' r'message="(?P<message>.+?)"' ) multiline = True selectors = {'html': 'source.js.embedded.html'} tempfile_suffix = 'js' config_file = ('--config', '.jscs.json', '~')
title="ScreenX TV: First Impressions" description=""" My initial thoughts of [ScreenX TV](, a way to broadcast your terminal to the world. """ time="2012-12-07 Fri 09:53 PM" # related=[("Some article", "its/url")]
Update timestamp on screenx post
title="ScreenX TV: First Impressions" description=""" My initial thoughts of [ScreenX TV](, a way to broadcast your terminal to the world. """ time="2012-12-08 Sat 03:11 AM" # related=[("Some article", "its/url")]
__description__ = "VOEvent Broker" __url__ = "" __author__ = "John Swinbank" __contact__ = "" __version__ = "2.1.0-pre"
Add alias to appropriate raw bytes for this Python.
__description__ = "VOEvent Broker" __url__ = "" __author__ = "John Swinbank" __contact__ = "" __version__ = "2.1.0-pre" import sys if sys.version_info.major <= 2: BINARY_TYPE = str else: BINARY_TYPE = bytes
import os from rmc.config.flask_base import * import rmc.shared.secrets as s JS_DIR = 'js' DEBUG = False ENV = 'prod' GA_PROPERTY_ID = 'UA-35073503-1' LOG_DIR = '/home/rmc/logs' LOG_PATH = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'server/server.log') FB_APP_ID = '219309734863464' FB_APP_SECRET = s.FB_APP_SECRET_PROD
Revert "do not use minified js on prod" This reverts commit 338f5f9c3ff8be9a87abff2b235408c8fed26346.
import os from rmc.config.flask_base import * import rmc.shared.secrets as s JS_DIR = 'js_prod' DEBUG = False ENV = 'prod' GA_PROPERTY_ID = 'UA-35073503-1' LOG_DIR = '/home/rmc/logs' LOG_PATH = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'server/server.log') FB_APP_ID = '219309734863464' FB_APP_SECRET = s.FB_APP_SECRET_PROD
"""The vumi.application API.""" __all__ = ["ApplicationWorker", "SessionManager", "TagpoolManager", "MessageStore"] from vumi.application.base import ApplicationWorker from vumi.application.session import SessionManager from vumi.application.tagpool import TagpoolManager from vumi.application.message_store import MessageStore
Add HTTPRelayApplication to vumi.application package API.
"""The vumi.application API.""" __all__ = ["ApplicationWorker", "SessionManager", "TagpoolManager", "MessageStore", "HTTPRelayApplication"] from vumi.application.base import ApplicationWorker from vumi.application.session import SessionManager from vumi.application.tagpool import TagpoolManager from vumi.application.message_store import MessageStore from vumi.application.http_relay import HTTPRelayApplication
#!/usr/bin/env/python import socket, fcntl, sys #Lock to only allow one instance of this program to run pid_file = '/tmp/' fp = open(pid_file, 'w') try: fcntl.lockf(fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: print 'An instance of this program is already running' sys.exit(0) import Adafruit_CharLCD as LCD lcd = LCD.Adafruit_CharLCDPlate() lcd.set_color(0,0,0) listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) number_packets_received = 0 def print_lcd(): lcd.clear() lcd.message('# of packets\nreceived: ' + str(number_packets_received)) if __name__ == '__main__': while True: print_lcd() print listener.recvfrom(7777), '\n', type(listener) number_packets_received += 1
Fix header of Python file Now correctly points to the Python interpretor
#!/usr/bin/env python import socket, fcntl, sys #Lock to only allow one instance of this program to run pid_file = '/tmp/' fp = open(pid_file, 'w') try: fcntl.lockf(fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: print 'An instance of this program is already running' sys.exit(0) import Adafruit_CharLCD as LCD lcd = LCD.Adafruit_CharLCDPlate() lcd.set_color(0,0,0) listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) number_packets_received = 0 def print_lcd(): lcd.clear() lcd.message('# of packets\nreceived: ' + str(number_packets_received)) if __name__ == '__main__': while True: print_lcd() print listener.recvfrom(7777) number_packets_received += 1
import pytest from tests import api RESULT_ATTRIBUTES = [ 'id', 'total_products', 'total_stores', 'total_inventories', 'total_product_inventory_count', 'total_product_inventory_volume_in_milliliters', 'total_product_inventory_price_in_cents', 'store_ids', 'product_ids', 'added_product_ids', 'removed_product_ids', 'removed_product_ids', 'removed_store_ids', 'removed_store_ids', 'csv_dump', 'created_at', 'updated_at', ] DATASET_ID = 800 def _check_result_attrs(result_set): for attr in RESULT_ATTRIBUTES: assert attr in result_set def test_datasets_without_args(): resp = api.datasets() assert resp['status'] == 200 assert 'pager' in resp assert 'result' in resp for res in resp['result']: _check_result_attrs(res) def test_datasets_with_dataset_id(): resp = api.datasets(DATASET_ID) assert resp['status'] == 200 assert 'pager' not in resp assert 'result' in resp _check_result_attrs(resp['result'])
Add test for latest datasets
import pytest from tests import api RESULT_ATTRIBUTES = [ 'id', 'total_products', 'total_stores', 'total_inventories', 'total_product_inventory_count', 'total_product_inventory_volume_in_milliliters', 'total_product_inventory_price_in_cents', 'store_ids', 'product_ids', 'added_product_ids', 'removed_product_ids', 'removed_product_ids', 'removed_store_ids', 'removed_store_ids', 'csv_dump', 'created_at', 'updated_at', ] DATASET_ID = 800 def _check_result_attrs(result_set): for attr in RESULT_ATTRIBUTES: assert attr in result_set def test_datasets_without_args(): resp = api.datasets() assert resp['status'] == 200 assert 'pager' in resp assert 'result' in resp for res in resp['result']: _check_result_attrs(res) @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input", [ "latest", DATASET_ID, ]) def test_datasets_with_dataset_id(test_input): resp = api.datasets(test_input) assert resp['status'] == 200 assert 'pager' not in resp assert 'result' in resp _check_result_attrs(resp['result'])
import unittest # Remember: # Import your package here # Install AAAPT package to run the tests class Test_{package_name}Command(unittest.TestCase): pass
Add a way to reload the tests from the main command file
# Remember to install AAAPT package to run the tests import unittest # Import your package here # To reload your tests every time you save your command file, add the following to it: # for test_file in glob.glob("tests/test_*.py"): # key = "{package_name}." + test_file[:-3].replace("/", ".") # if key in sys.modules: # reload(sys.modules[key]) class Test_{package_name}Command(unittest.TestCase): pass
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ The `astropy.nddata` subpackage provides the `~astropy.nddata.NDData` class and related tools to manage n-dimensional array-based data (e.g. CCD images, IFU Data, grid-based simulation data, ...). This is more than just `numpy.ndarray` objects, because it provides metadata that cannot be easily provided by a single array. """ from .nddata import * from .nduncertainty import * from .flag_collection import * from .decorators import * from .arithmetic import * from .. import config as _config class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace): """ Configuration parameters for `astropy.nddata`. """ warn_unsupported_correlated = _config.ConfigItem( True, 'Whether to issue a warning if `~astropy.nddata.NDData` arithmetic ' 'is performed with uncertainties and the uncertainties do not ' 'support the propagation of correlated uncertainties.' ) warn_setting_unit_directly = _config.ConfigItem( True, 'Whether to issue a warning when the `~astropy.nddata.NDData` unit ' 'attribute is changed from a non-``None`` value to another value ' 'that data values/uncertainties are not scaled with the unit change.' ) conf = Conf()
Add NDDataBase to package import
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ The `astropy.nddata` subpackage provides the `~astropy.nddata.NDData` class and related tools to manage n-dimensional array-based data (e.g. CCD images, IFU Data, grid-based simulation data, ...). This is more than just `numpy.ndarray` objects, because it provides metadata that cannot be easily provided by a single array. """ from .nddata import * from .nddatabase import * from .nduncertainty import * from .flag_collection import * from .decorators import * from .arithmetic import * from .. import config as _config class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace): """ Configuration parameters for `astropy.nddata`. """ warn_unsupported_correlated = _config.ConfigItem( True, 'Whether to issue a warning if `~astropy.nddata.NDData` arithmetic ' 'is performed with uncertainties and the uncertainties do not ' 'support the propagation of correlated uncertainties.' ) warn_setting_unit_directly = _config.ConfigItem( True, 'Whether to issue a warning when the `~astropy.nddata.NDData` unit ' 'attribute is changed from a non-``None`` value to another value ' 'that data values/uncertainties are not scaled with the unit change.' ) conf = Conf()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from .menu import Menu, MenuError del menu
Add factory functions for dmenu and rofi in root dynmen file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from .menu import Menu, MenuError del menu def new_dmenu(**kwargs): from .dmenu import DMenu return DMenu(**kwargs) def new_rofi(**kwargs): from .rofi import Rofi return Rofi(**kwargs)
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.db import models from django.utils.six import python_2_unicode_compatible User = get_user_model() @python_2_unicode_compatible class OutstandingToken(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) jti = models.UUIDField(unique=True) token = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField() expires_at = models.DateTimeField() class Meta: ordering = ('user',) def __str__(self): return 'Token for {} ({})'.format( self.user, self.jti, ) @python_2_unicode_compatible class BlacklistedToken(models.Model): token = models.OneToOneField(OutstandingToken, on_delete=models.CASCADE) blacklisted_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) def __str__(self): return 'Blacklisted token for {}'.format(self.token.user)
Fix broken tests in 1.8-1.10
from django.conf import settings from django.db import models from django.utils.six import python_2_unicode_compatible @python_2_unicode_compatible class OutstandingToken(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE) jti = models.UUIDField(unique=True) token = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField() expires_at = models.DateTimeField() class Meta: ordering = ('user',) def __str__(self): return 'Token for {} ({})'.format( self.user, self.jti, ) @python_2_unicode_compatible class BlacklistedToken(models.Model): token = models.OneToOneField(OutstandingToken, on_delete=models.CASCADE) blacklisted_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) def __str__(self): return 'Blacklisted token for {}'.format(self.token.user)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Blitz speed reading trainer add-on for Anki # # Copyright (C) 2016 Jakub Szypulka, Dave Shifflett # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from anki.hooks import addHook from aqt.reviewer import Reviewer import time start_time = None def onShowQuestion(): global start_time start_time = time.time() addHook('showQuestion', onShowQuestion) def myDefaultEase(self): elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if elapsed_time < 2: return 3 if elapsed_time < 5: return 2 else: return 1 Reviewer._defaultEase = myDefaultEase
Adjust default times to 1.5 and 5 seconds
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Blitz speed reading trainer add-on for Anki # # Copyright (C) 2016 Jakub Szypulka, Dave Shifflett # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from anki.hooks import addHook from aqt.reviewer import Reviewer import time start_time = None def onShowQuestion(): global start_time start_time = time.time() addHook('showQuestion', onShowQuestion) def myDefaultEase(self): elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if elapsed_time < 1.5: return 3 if elapsed_time < 5: return 2 else: return 1 Reviewer._defaultEase = myDefaultEase
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- try: from configparser import RawConfigParser except ImportError: from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser import logging logger = logging.getLogger('tsstats') DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'General': { 'debug': False, 'log': '', 'output': 'output.html', 'idmap': '', 'onlinedc': True, 'template': 'template.html', 'datetimeformat': '%x %X %Z' } } def load(path=None): ''' parse config at `config_path` :param config_path: path to config-file :type config_path: str :return: values of config :rtype: tuple ''' logger.debug('reading config') config = RawConfigParser() # use this way to set defaults, because ConfigParser.read_dict # is not available < 3.2 for section, items in DEFAULT_CONFIG.items(): if section not in config.sections(): config.add_section(section) for key, value in items.items(): config.set(section, key, str(value)) if path: return config
Set default for General.output to tsstats.html
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- try: from configparser import RawConfigParser except ImportError: from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser import logging logger = logging.getLogger('tsstats') DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'General': { 'debug': False, 'log': '', 'output': 'tsstats.html', 'idmap': '', 'onlinedc': True, 'template': 'template.html', 'datetimeformat': '%x %X %Z' } } def load(path=None): ''' parse config at `config_path` :param config_path: path to config-file :type config_path: str :return: values of config :rtype: tuple ''' logger.debug('reading config') config = RawConfigParser() # use this way to set defaults, because ConfigParser.read_dict # is not available < 3.2 for section, items in DEFAULT_CONFIG.items(): if section not in config.sections(): config.add_section(section) for key, value in items.items(): config.set(section, key, str(value)) if path: return config
""" aospy.Proj class for organizing work in single project.""" import time from .utils import dict_name_keys class Proj(object): """Project parameters: models, regions, directories, etc.""" def __init__(self, name, vars={}, models={}, default_models={}, regions={}, direc_out='', nc_dir_struc=False, verbose=True): self.verbose = verbose if self.verbose: print ("Initializing Project instance: %s (%s)" % (name, time.ctime())) = name self.direc_out = direc_out self.nc_dir_struc = nc_dir_struc self.vars = dict_name_keys(vars) if models: self.models = dict_name_keys(models) else: self.models = {} if default_models == 'all': self.default_models = self.models elif default_models: self.default_models = dict_name_keys(default_models) else: self.default_models = {} if regions: self.regions = dict_name_keys(regions) else: self.regions = {} for obj_dict in (self.vars, self.models, self.regions): for obj in obj_dict.values(): setattr(obj, 'proj', self) def __str__(self): return 'Project instance "' + + '"' __repr__ = __str__
Delete unnecessary vars attr of Proj
""" aospy.Proj class for organizing work in single project.""" import time from .utils import dict_name_keys class Proj(object): """Project parameters: models, regions, directories, etc.""" def __init__(self, name, vars={}, models={}, default_models={}, regions={}, direc_out='', nc_dir_struc=False, verbose=True): self.verbose = verbose if self.verbose: print ("Initializing Project instance: %s (%s)" % (name, time.ctime())) = name self.direc_out = direc_out self.nc_dir_struc = nc_dir_struc if models: self.models = dict_name_keys(models) else: self.models = {} if default_models == 'all': self.default_models = self.models elif default_models: self.default_models = dict_name_keys(default_models) else: self.default_models = {} if regions: self.regions = dict_name_keys(regions) else: self.regions = {} for obj_dict in (self.models, self.regions): for obj in obj_dict.values(): setattr(obj, 'proj', self) def __str__(self): return 'Project instance "' + + '"' __repr__ = __str__
#!/usr/bin/env python """Handles decoding flac files""" import subprocess import config HANDLES=['flac','fla'] def decode(inF, outF): st =["flac", "--totally-silent", #No output "-d" #Decode "--force", #Overwrite files "-o", outF, #Output inF #input ]) if st == 0: return outF else: return False getMetadata = config.readExiftoolMetadata
Use full name (-d => --decode), and needed a comma
#!/usr/bin/env python """Handles decoding flac files""" import subprocess import config HANDLES=['flac','fla'] def decode(inF, outF): st =["flac", "--totally-silent", #No output "--decode", #Decode "--force", #Overwrite files "-o", outF, #Output inF #input ]) if st == 0: return outF else: return False getMetadata = config.readExiftoolMetadata
from predicthq import Client # Please copy paste your access token here # or read our Quickstart documentation if you don't have a token yet # ACCESS_TOKEN = 'abc123' phq = Client(access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN) # The search() method returns an EventResultSet which allows you to iterate # over the first page of Broadcast objects (10 events by default) for broadcast in print(broadcast.to_dict()) # You can access the Broadcast object attributes directly. # Broadcast fields and their description are available at # for broadcast in print(broadcast.event.title, broadcast.phq_viewership, broadcast.event.category, broadcast.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # You can add parameters to filter your search further. # The following example searches for the broadcasts # with PHQ viewership gte 100 and with event (the physical event the broadcast links to) label 'nfl'. # The full list of parameters is available at # for broadcast in, event__label='nfl'): print(broadcast.event.title, broadcast.phq_viewership, broadcast.event.labels, broadcast.dates.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
Fix typo in broadcasts endpoint usecase
from predicthq import Client # Please copy paste your access token here # or read our Quickstart documentation if you don't have a token yet # ACCESS_TOKEN = 'abc123' phq = Client(access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN) # The search() method returns an EventResultSet which allows you to iterate # over the first page of Broadcast objects (10 events by default) for broadcast in print(broadcast.to_dict()) # You can access the Broadcast object attributes directly. # Broadcast fields and their description are available at # for broadcast in print(broadcast.event.title, broadcast.phq_viewership, broadcast.event.category, broadcast.dates.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # You can add parameters to filter your search further. # The following example searches for the broadcasts # with PHQ viewership gte 100 and with event (the physical event the broadcast links to) label 'nfl'. # The full list of parameters is available at # for broadcast in, event__label='nfl'): print(broadcast.event.title, broadcast.phq_viewership, broadcast.event.labels, broadcast.dates.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
from django.db import models from datetime import date from django.utils import timezone # Create your models here. class Book(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) author = models.CharField(max_length=200) year = models.DateTimeField('year published', help_text="Please use the following format: <em>YYYY-MM-DD</em>.") pages = models.IntegerField(default=0) isbn_10 = models.IntegerField(default=0) isbn_13 = models.IntegerField(default=0) description = models.TextField() cover_image = models.ImageField('Cover Image', upload_to='cover_pics/%Y-%m-%d/', null=True, blank=True) add_date = models.DateTimeField('date added', def __str__(self): return self.title + " by " + def was_added_recently(self): return self.add_date >= - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
Fix date error in books model Fix typos and the auto addition of date to the date_added field.
from django.db import models from datetime import datetime from django.utils import timezone # Create your models here. class Book(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) author = models.CharField(max_length=200) year = models.DateTimeField('year published', help_text="Please use the following format: <em>YYYY-MM-DD</em>.") pages = models.IntegerField(default=0) isbn_10 = models.IntegerField(default=0) isbn_13 = models.IntegerField(default=0) description = models.TextField() cover_image = models.ImageField('cover Image', upload_to='cover_pics/%Y-%m-%d/', null=True, blank=True) date_added = models.DateTimeField( def __str__(self): return self.title + " by " + def was_added_recently(self): return self.date_added >= - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
def graph_dfs(matrix): rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) visited = set() directions = ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)) def dfs(i, j): if (i, j) in visited: return visited.add((i, j)) # Traverse neighbors. for direction in directions: next_i, next_j = i + direction[0], j + direction[1] if 0 <= next_i < rows and 0 <= next_j < cols: # Check boundary. # Add any other checking here ^ dfs(next_i, next_j) for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): dfs(i, j) graph_dfs([ [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], ])
Add follow up with matrix traversal
def graph_dfs(matrix): rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) visited = set() directions = ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)) def dfs(i, j): if (i, j) in visited: return visited.add((i, j)) # Traverse neighbors. for direction in directions: next_i, next_j = i + direction[0], j + direction[1] if 0 <= next_i < rows and 0 <= next_j < cols: # Check boundary. # Add any other checking here ^ dfs(next_i, next_j) for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): dfs(i, j) # Follow up: # 1) Diagonal cells are considered neighbors # 2) View the matrix like Earth, right boundary is adjacent to the left boundary, top adjacent to left, etc. def graph_dfs_diagonals(matrix): rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) visited = set() # Change 1: Add 4 more diagonal directions. directions = ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1)) def dfs(i, j): if (i, j) in visited: return print(matrix[i][j]) visited.add((i, j)) for direction in directions: # Change 2: No more boundary, use modulo to allow traversal that exceed boundaries to wrap around. next_i, next_j = (i + direction[0] + rows) % rows, (j + direction[1] + cols) % cols dfs(next_i, next_j) for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): dfs(i, j) graph_dfs([ [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], ])
""" Tests utility scripts """ import os from django.test import TestCase, RequestFactory from django.test.utils import override_settings import pivot from pivot.utils import get_latest_term, is_more_recent from pivot.templatetags.pivot_extras import year_select_tab TEST_CSV_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pivot.__file__), 'test', 'test_resources', 'csvfiles/',) class UtilsTest(TestCase): @override_settings(CSV_ROOT=TEST_CSV_PATH) def test_get_latest_term(self): self.assertEquals(get_latest_term(), 'au12') @override_settings(CSV_ROOT=TEST_CSV_PATH) def test_is_more_recent_true(self): self.assertTrue(is_more_recent('au19', 'au18')) @override_settings(CSV_ROOT=TEST_CSV_PATH) def test_pivot_extras(self): template = """ <a href=".?num_qtrs=8&end_yr=12&end_qtr=AU"> <strong>Last 2 Years</strong> <br> <span> AU10 - AU12 </span> </a> """ html = year_select_tab(8) self.assertEqual(html, template)
Add simple test for coverage.
""" Tests utility scripts """ import os from django.test import TestCase, RequestFactory from django.test.utils import override_settings import pivot from pivot.utils import get_latest_term, is_more_recent from pivot.templatetags.pivot_extras import year_select_tab TEST_CSV_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pivot.__file__), 'test', 'test_resources', 'csvfiles/',) class UtilsTest(TestCase): @override_settings(CSV_ROOT=TEST_CSV_PATH) def test_get_latest_term(self): self.assertEquals(get_latest_term(), 'au12') @override_settings(CSV_ROOT=TEST_CSV_PATH) def test_is_more_recent_true(self): self.assertTrue(is_more_recent('au19', 'au18')) @override_settings(CSV_ROOT=TEST_CSV_PATH) def test_is_more_recent_false(self): self.assertFalse(is_more_recent('au18', 'au19')) @override_settings(CSV_ROOT=TEST_CSV_PATH) def test_pivot_extras(self): template = """ <a href=".?num_qtrs=8&end_yr=12&end_qtr=AU"> <strong>Last 2 Years</strong> <br> <span> AU10 - AU12 </span> </a> """ html = year_select_tab(8) self.assertEqual(html, template)
from .base import * DEBUG = False WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'wagtail.wagtailsearch.backends.elasticsearch.ElasticSearch', 'INDEX': 'wagtaildemo' } } INSTALLED_APPS+= ( 'djcelery', 'kombu.transport.django', 'gunicorn', ) CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'redis_cache.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': '', 'OPTIONS': { 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'redis_cache.client.DefaultClient', } } } # CELERY SETTINGS import djcelery djcelery.setup_loader() BROKER_URL = 'redis://' CELERY_SEND_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS = True CELERYD_LOG_COLOR = False try: from .local import * except ImportError: pass
Set a KEY_PREFIX for the Redis cache, so that we don't get collisions when running multiple sites on one server
from .base import * DEBUG = False WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'wagtail.wagtailsearch.backends.elasticsearch.ElasticSearch', 'INDEX': 'wagtaildemo' } } INSTALLED_APPS+= ( 'djcelery', 'kombu.transport.django', 'gunicorn', ) CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'redis_cache.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': '', 'KEY_PREFIX': 'wagtaildemo', 'OPTIONS': { 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'redis_cache.client.DefaultClient', } } } # CELERY SETTINGS import djcelery djcelery.setup_loader() BROKER_URL = 'redis://' CELERY_SEND_TASK_ERROR_EMAILS = True CELERYD_LOG_COLOR = False try: from .local import * except ImportError: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import csv import time from datetime import datetime from collections import namedtuple from pymongo import Connection pid = os.getpid() DOCKETS_QUERY = {'scraped': True} DOCKET_FIELDS = ['docket_id', 'title', 'agency', 'year'] if __name__ == '__main__': # set up options from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] host dbname file_prefix") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # fetch options, args host = args[0] dbname = args[1] prefix = args[2] writer = csv.writer(open(sys.argv[3] + '_dockets.csv', 'w')) writer.writerow(DOCKET_FIELDS) cursor = Connection(host=host)[dbname].docs.find(DOCS_QUERY) run_start = time.time() print '[%s] Starting export...' % pid for row in cursor: csv.writerow([row[field] for field in DOCKET_FIELDS]) print '[%s] Completed export in %s seconds.' % (pid, time.time() - run_start)
Make docket export work (done last week, but not committed for some reason).
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import csv import time from datetime import datetime from collections import namedtuple from pymongo import Connection pid = os.getpid() DOCKETS_QUERY = {'scraped': True} DOCKET_FIELDS = ['docket_id', 'title', 'agency', 'year'] def filter_for_postgres(v): if v is None: return '\N' if isinstance(v, datetime): return str(v) return unicode(v).encode('utf8').replace("\.", ".") if __name__ == '__main__': # set up options from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] host dbname file_prefix") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # fetch options, args host = args[0] dbname = args[1] prefix = args[2] writer = csv.writer(open(sys.argv[3] + '_dockets.csv', 'w')) writer.writerow(DOCKET_FIELDS) cursor = Connection(host=host)[dbname].dockets.find(DOCKETS_QUERY) run_start = time.time() print '[%s] Starting export...' % pid for row in cursor: writer.writerow([filter_for_postgres(row[field]) for field in DOCKET_FIELDS]) print '[%s] Completed export in %s seconds.' % (pid, time.time() - run_start)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import json import os import sys import requests import scraperwiki def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv arg = argv[1:] if len(arg) > 0: # Developers can supply URL as an argument... url = arg[0] else: # ... but normally the URL comes from the allSettings.json file with open(os.path.expanduser("~/allSettings.json")) as settings: keywords = json.load(settings)['input'] return store_search(keywords) def store_search(keywords): """ Store results of search to . """ base_url = "http://localhost:59742/blog/post/_search" params = {'q': 'body:' + keywords, 'pretty': 'true'} response = requests.get(base_url, params=params) j = response.json() scraperwiki.sql.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS results') hits = j['hits']['hits'] results = [] for hit in hits: doc = hit['_source']['body'] score = hit['_score'] doc_id = hit['_id'] results.append(dict(doc=doc, score=score, doc_id=doc_id))['doc_id'], data=results, table_name='results') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Fix url to keywords; fix cmd line usage
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import json import os import sys import requests import scraperwiki def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv arg = argv[1:] if len(arg) > 0: # Developers can supply URL as an argument... keywords = arg[0] else: # ... but normally the URL comes from the allSettings.json file with open(os.path.expanduser("~/allSettings.json")) as settings: keywords = json.load(settings)['input'] return store_search(keywords) def store_search(keywords): """ Store results of search to . """ base_url = "http://localhost:59742/blog/post/_search" params = {'q': 'body:' + keywords, 'pretty': 'true'} response = requests.get(base_url, params=params) j = response.json() scraperwiki.sql.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS results') hits = j['hits']['hits'] results = [] for hit in hits: doc = hit['_source']['body'] score = hit['_score'] doc_id = hit['_id'] results.append(dict(doc=doc, score=score, doc_id=doc_id))['doc_id'], data=results, table_name='results') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.template.loader import render_to_string class AdminThumbnail(object): """ A convenience utility for adding thumbnails to Django's admin change list. """ short_description = _('Thumbnail') allow_tags = True def __init__(self, image_field, template=None): """ :param image_field: The name of the ImageField or ImageSpecField on the model to use for the thumbnail. :param template: The template with which to render the thumbnail """ self.image_field = image_field self.template = template def __call__(self, obj): try: thumbnail = getattr(obj, self.image_field) except AttributeError: raise Exception('The property %s is not defined on %s.' % \ (self.image_field, obj.__class__.__name__)) original_image = getattr(thumbnail, 'source_file', None) or thumbnail template = self.template or 'imagekit/admin/thumbnail.html' return render_to_string(template, { 'model': obj, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, 'original_image': original_image, })
Allow callables for AdminThumbnail image_field arg This allows images from related models to be displayed. Closes #138.
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.template.loader import render_to_string class AdminThumbnail(object): """ A convenience utility for adding thumbnails to Django's admin change list. """ short_description = _('Thumbnail') allow_tags = True def __init__(self, image_field, template=None): """ :param image_field: The name of the ImageField or ImageSpecField on the model to use for the thumbnail. :param template: The template with which to render the thumbnail """ self.image_field = image_field self.template = template def __call__(self, obj): if callable(self.image_field): thumbnail = self.image_field(obj) else: try: thumbnail = getattr(obj, self.image_field) except AttributeError: raise Exception('The property %s is not defined on %s.' % \ (self.image_field, obj.__class__.__name__)) original_image = getattr(thumbnail, 'source_file', None) or thumbnail template = self.template or 'imagekit/admin/thumbnail.html' return render_to_string(template, { 'model': obj, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, 'original_image': original_image, })
import os class Credential(object): def __init__(self, name, login, password, comments): = name self.login = login self.password = password self.comments = comments def save(self, database_path): credential_path = os.path.join(database_path, os.makedirs(credential_path) with open(os.path.join(credential_path, "login"), "w") as f: f.write(self.login) with open(os.path.join(credential_path, "password"), "w") as f: f.write(self.password) with open(os.path.join(credential_path, "comments"), "w") as f: f.write(self.comments) @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): return Credential( name=os.path.basename(path), login=open(path + "/login").read(), password=open(path + "/password").read(), comments=open(path + "/comments").read() ) def __str__(self): return "<Credential: {}, {}, {}>".format(, self.login, self.comments )
Reformat string representation of Credentials
import os class Credential(object): def __init__(self, name, login, password, comments): = name self.login = login self.password = password self.comments = comments def save(self, database_path): credential_path = os.path.join(database_path, os.makedirs(credential_path) with open(os.path.join(credential_path, "login"), "w") as f: f.write(self.login) with open(os.path.join(credential_path, "password"), "w") as f: f.write(self.password) with open(os.path.join(credential_path, "comments"), "w") as f: f.write(self.comments) @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): return Credential( name=os.path.basename(path), login=open(path + "/login").read(), password=open(path + "/password").read(), comments=open(path + "/comments").read() ) def __str__(self): return "<Credential: name={}, login={}, password='...', {}>".format(, self.login, self.comments )
import logging from carrot.messaging import Publisher from carrot.connection import BrokerConnection from lamson.routing import route, route_like, stateless from config.settings import relay from lamson import view, queue @route("forge-list@(host)") #@route("(post_name)@osb\\.(host)") @stateless def POSTING(message, post_name=None, host=None): relay.deliver(message) conn = BrokerConnection(hostname="localhost", port=5672, userid="celeryuser", password="celerypw", virtual_host="celeryvhost") publisher = Publisher(connection=conn, exchange="forge", routing_key="mail") publisher.send({"message": message}) publisher.close() #index_q = queue.Queue("run/posts") #index_q.push(message) return POSTING
Change carrot serialization from JSON to 'pickle'
import logging from carrot.messaging import Publisher from carrot.connection import BrokerConnection from lamson.routing import route, route_like, stateless from config.settings import relay from lamson import view, queue @route("forge-list@(host)") #@route("(post_name)@osb\\.(host)") @stateless def POSTING(message, post_name=None, host=None): relay.deliver(message) conn = BrokerConnection(hostname="localhost", port=5672, userid="celeryuser", password="celerypw", virtual_host="celeryvhost") publisher = Publisher(connection=conn, exchange="forge", routing_key="mail") publisher.send({"message": message}, serializer="pickle") publisher.close() #index_q = queue.Queue("run/posts") #index_q.push(message) return POSTING
import numpy as np import triangle import as ascii import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pyout ='test.pyout') idlout ='test.idlout') fig, axarr = plt.subplots(9, 9, figsize=(10, 10)) fig.suptitle("Black = python, red = IDL") triangle.corner(np.array([pyout['alpha'], pyout['beta'], pyout['sigsqr'], pyout['mu0'], pyout['usqr'], pyout['wsqr'], pyout['ximean'], pyout['xisig'], pyout['corr']]).T, labels=[r"$\alpha$", r"$\beta$", r"$\sigma^2$", r"$\mu_0$", r"$u^2$", r"$w^2$", r"$\bar{\xi}$", r"$\sigma_\xi$", r"$\rho_{\xi\eta}$"], extents=[0.99]*9, plot_datapoints=False, fig=fig) triangle.corner(np.array([idlout['alpha'], idlout['beta'], idlout['sigsqr'], idlout['mu00'], idlout['usqr'], idlout['wsqr'], idlout['ximean'], idlout['xisig'], idlout['corr']]).T, extents=[0.99]*9, plot_datapoints=False, fig=fig, color='r') fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.065, left=0.07)
Use updated corner plot API
import numpy as np import corner import as ascii import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pyout ='test.pyout') idlout ='test.idlout') fig, axarr = plt.subplots(9, 9, figsize=(10, 10)) fig.suptitle("Black = python, red = IDL") corner.corner(np.array([pyout['alpha'], pyout['beta'], pyout['sigsqr'], pyout['mu0'], pyout['usqr'], pyout['wsqr'], pyout['ximean'], pyout['xisig'], pyout['corr']]).T, labels=[r"$\alpha$", r"$\beta$", r"$\sigma^2$", r"$\mu_0$", r"$u^2$", r"$w^2$", r"$\bar{\xi}$", r"$\sigma_\xi$", r"$\rho_{\xi\eta}$"], range=[0.99]*9, plot_datapoints=False, fig=fig) corner.corner(np.array([idlout['alpha'], idlout['beta'], idlout['sigsqr'], idlout['mu00'], idlout['usqr'], idlout['wsqr'], idlout['ximean'], idlout['xisig'], idlout['corr']]).T, range=[0.99]*9, plot_datapoints=False, fig=fig, color='r') fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.065, left=0.07)
""" Interface for all launch-control-tool commands """ import inspect from launch_control.utils.registry import RegistryBase class Command(RegistryBase): """ Base class for all command line tool sub-commands. """ def __init__(self, parser, args): """ Prepare instance for executing commands. This method is called immediately after all arguments are parsed and results are available. This gives subclasses a chance to configure themselves. The default implementation does not do anything. """ pass def invoke(self, args): """ Invoke command action. """ raise NotImplemented() @classmethod def get_name(cls): """ Return the name of this command. The default implementation strips any leading underscores and replaces all other underscores with dashes. """ return cls.__name__.lstrip("_").replace("_", "-") @classmethod def get_help(cls): """ Return the help message of this command """ return inspect.getdoc(cls) @classmethod def register_arguments(cls, parser): """ Register arguments if required. Subclasses can override this to add any arguments that will be exposed to the command line interface. """ pass
Raise NotImplementedError instead of NotImplemented
""" Interface for all launch-control-tool commands """ import inspect from launch_control.utils.registry import RegistryBase class Command(RegistryBase): """ Base class for all command line tool sub-commands. """ def __init__(self, parser, args): """ Prepare instance for executing commands. This method is called immediately after all arguments are parsed and results are available. This gives subclasses a chance to configure themselves. The default implementation does not do anything. """ pass def invoke(self, args): """ Invoke command action. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def get_name(cls): """ Return the name of this command. The default implementation strips any leading underscores and replaces all other underscores with dashes. """ return cls.__name__.lstrip("_").replace("_", "-") @classmethod def get_help(cls): """ Return the help message of this command """ return inspect.getdoc(cls) @classmethod def register_arguments(cls, parser): """ Register arguments if required. Subclasses can override this to add any arguments that will be exposed to the command line interface. """ pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import webbrowser from Foundation import NSBundle import rumps import modules.google_calendar #rumps.debug_mode(True) # turn on command line logging information for development - default is off def about(sender):"") if __name__ == "__main__": app = rumps.App("My Toolbar App", title='0') app.title = "Q" modules.google_calendar.start(app) # separator version = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary()['CFBundleShortVersionString']"quiet %s" % version, callback=about))
Change about link to github wiki
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import webbrowser from Foundation import NSBundle import rumps import modules.google_calendar #rumps.debug_mode(True) # turn on command line logging information for development - default is off def about(sender):"") if __name__ == "__main__": app = rumps.App("My Toolbar App", title='0') app.title = "Q" modules.google_calendar.start(app) # separator version = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary()['CFBundleShortVersionString']"quiet %s" % version, callback=about))
import sys from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler class MyHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): client_ip = self.client_address[0] if client_ip == '' and 'X-Real-IP' in self.headers: client_ip = self.headers['X-Real-IP'] self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(client_ip + '\n', 'utf8')) return def run(port): server_address = ('', port) httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, MyHTTPRequestHandler) httpd.serve_forever() if __name__ == '__main__': run(int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) == 2 else 9000)
Add URI param that queries freegeoip
import json from string import capwords import sys from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler import ssl import urllib.request class MyHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __tabulate_results(self, json_obj): table = '' for k, v in json_obj.items(): table += '{:{width}} : {}\n'.format( capwords(' '.join(k.split('_'))), v, width=len(max(json_obj, key=len)) ) return table def __query_freegeoip(self, ip_address): ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_ctx.check_hostname = False ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL data = urllib.request.urlopen( '{}'.format(ip_address), context=ssl_ctx, ).read().decode() return data def do_GET(self): # Get the client IP. This is why this program exists. client_ip = self.client_address[0] # Casual check for proxied requests if client_ip == '' and 'X-Real-IP' in self.headers: client_ip = self.headers['X-Real-IP'] data = None response_code = 200 # Use to query for more details if requested if '?full' in self.path: try: data = self.__tabulate_results( json.loads( self.__query_freegeoip(client_ip) ) ) except Exception as e: response_code = 500 data = str(e) else: data = client_ip # Prepare and deliver response self.send_response(response_code) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes(data + '\n', 'utf8')) return def run(port): server = HTTPServer(('', port), MyHTTPRequestHandler) server.serve_forever() if __name__ == '__main__': run(int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) == 2 else 9000)
#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup from setuptools import find_packages import stackformation import sys if sys.version_info <= (2, 5): error = "ERROR: stackformation requires Python Version 2.6 or above...exiting." print >> sys.stderr, error sys.exit(1) setup(name="stackformation", version=stackformation.__version__, author="Steffen Opel", packages=find_packages(), license="Apache 2", platforms="Posix; MacOS X; Windows", install_requires=[ "boto >= 2.6.0", "botocross >= 1.1.0", ], classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Topic :: Internet", ], )
Fix incomplete update to botocross 1.1.1
#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup from setuptools import find_packages import stackformation import sys if sys.version_info <= (2, 5): error = "ERROR: stackformation requires Python Version 2.6 or above...exiting." print >> sys.stderr, error sys.exit(1) setup(name="stackformation", version=stackformation.__version__, author="Steffen Opel", packages=find_packages(), license="Apache 2", platforms="Posix; MacOS X; Windows", install_requires=[ "boto >= 2.6.0", "botocross >= 1.1.1", ], classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Topic :: Internet", ], )