"The government should make its decision in accordance with the general interests of the country and not the Refounded Communists," he said. The centre-left coalition's dependence on the Communists' support in the lower house was amply demonstrated early this month when their opposition to the deployment of Italian troops in Albania nearly brought down the government.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(32,40)", "(23,27)", "(72,81)", "(135,139)", "(169,179)", "(199,206)", "(236,248)", "(277,287)", "(295,305)", "(342,349)" ], "spans": [ "decision", "make", "interests", "said", "dependence", "support", "demonstrated", "opposition", "deployment", "brought" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(342,349)", "(135,139)", "(236,248)" ], "spans": [ "brought", "said", "demonstrated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(169,179)", "(199,206)", "(277,287)" ], "spans": [ "dependence", "support", "opposition" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(32,40)", "(23,27)" ], "spans": [ "decision", "make" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)", "(32,40)" ], "spans": [ "make", "decision" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What will happen after he said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(236,248)" ], "spans": [ "demonstrated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What happened before he said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(342,349)" ], "spans": [ "brought" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What almost happened before he said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(199,206)", "(169,179)" ], "spans": [ "support", "dependence" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What started before something was demonstrated?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)", "(32,40)" ], "spans": [ "make", "decision" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What will happen after something was demonstrated?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(342,349)" ], "spans": [ "brought" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970428.0521_sentid_7", "question": "What almost happened after their opposition?" } ]
The Stock Exchange of Thailand ( SET)index on Friday moved down 3.99 points to close at 690.45 points. Some 2.29 billion shares worth 11.21 billion Thai baht (about 280.250 million US dollars) changed hands.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(53,58)", "(79,84)", "(193,200)" ], "spans": [ "moved", "close", "changed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(53,58)", "(79,84)", "(193,200)" ], "spans": [ "moved", "close", "changed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(79,84)" ], "spans": [ "close" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the the stock exchange moved down?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(193,200)" ], "spans": [ "changed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What started while the stock exchange moved down?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the stock exchange closed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(53,58)" ], "spans": [ "moved" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the stock exchange closed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What took place before shares started changing hands?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(53,58)", "(79,84)" ], "spans": [ "moved", "close" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051111.0096_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after shares started changing hands?" } ]
"Because of the strong winds, the fire spread north of Mina," the director of Saudi civil defense, General Mohammed ibn Ali al-Sahili, told the official SPA news agency. The fire, sparked by a gas bottle used for cooking, began at 11:45 a.m. (0845 GMT) Tuesday about five kilometers (three miles) north of Mecca, the home of Islam's holiest shrines, witnesses said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(39,45)", "(135,139)", "(180,187)", "(204,208)", "(213,220)", "(222,227)", "(360,364)" ], "spans": [ "spread", "told", "sparked", "used", "cooking", "began", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(39,45)", "(135,139)", "(180,187)", "(222,227)", "(213,220)", "(204,208)", "(360,364)" ], "spans": [ "spread", "told", "sparked", "began", "cooking", "used", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(180,187)", "(204,208)", "(222,227)" ], "spans": [ "sparked", "used", "began" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before the fire spread?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(135,139)", "(360,364)" ], "spans": [ "told", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What happened after the fire spread?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before the cooking started?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(204,208)", "(222,227)", "(180,187)", "(135,139)", "(360,364)", "(39,45)" ], "spans": [ "used", "began", "sparked", "told", "said", "spread" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What happened after the cooking started?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(39,45)", "(135,139)", "(360,364)" ], "spans": [ "spread", "told", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What happened once the fire was sparked?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(204,208)" ], "spans": [ "used" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before the fire was sparked?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(213,220)" ], "spans": [ "cooking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What was happening when the fire was sparked?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(180,187)", "(204,208)", "(222,227)" ], "spans": [ "sparked", "used", "began" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What had to happen before General Mohammed ibn Ali al-Sahili talked to the SPA news agency?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970415.0338_sentid_2", "question": "What took place after General Mohammed ibn Ali al-Sahili talked to the SPA news agency?" } ]
``We acknowledge, as a widely accepted truth, that Cuba does violate human rights and fundamental freedoms and does not guarantee the rule of law to people living in Cuba,'' wrote Judge J.L. Edmonson, on behalf of the panel.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(5,16)", "(61,68)", "(120,129)", "(174,179)" ], "spans": [ "acknowledge", "violate", "guarantee", "wrote" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(174,179)" ], "spans": [ "wrote" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(5,16)", "(61,68)" ], "spans": [ "acknowledge", "violate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(5,16)", "(61,68)" ], "spans": [ "acknowledge", "violate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What is happening while the rule of law is not guaranteed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(174,179)" ], "spans": [ "wrote" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What happened after the rule of law began to not be guaranteed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What happened before the rule of law began to not be guaranteed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(5,16)", "(61,68)" ], "spans": [ "acknowledge", "violate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What needed to start happening before Judge J.L. Edmonson wrote?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(120,129)" ], "spans": [ "guarantee" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What was not happening before Judge J.L. Edmonson wrote?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What happened after Judge J.L. Edmonson wrote?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(120,129)" ], "spans": [ "guarantee" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What needed to not happen before human rights and fundamental freedoms began to be violated?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(174,179)" ], "spans": [ "wrote" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What happened after human rights and fundamental freedoms began to be violated?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(5,16)" ], "spans": [ "acknowledge" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000601.0442_sentid_12", "question": "What is happening while human rights and fundamental freedoms are being violated?" } ]
Also in Pattani, several insurgents set fire to a government-run elementary school, gutting its main building, police said. No one was injured in the arson attack.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,39)", "(84,91)", "(118,122)", "(135,142)", "(156,162)" ], "spans": [ "set", "gutting", "said", "injured", "attack" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,39)", "(118,122)" ], "spans": [ "set", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(84,91)", "(156,162)" ], "spans": [ "gutting", "attack" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(156,162)" ], "spans": [ "attack" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,39)" ], "spans": [ "set" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before the attack?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(84,91)" ], "spans": [ "gutting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What was happening during the attack?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(118,122)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What occurred after the attack?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What might happen after the police commented on the attack?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,39)", "(84,91)", "(156,162)" ], "spans": [ "set", "gutting", "attack" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What began before the police commented on the attack?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(135,142)" ], "spans": [ "injured" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061227.0136_sentid_2", "question": "What did not occur after the attack?" } ]
The US embassy in Manila filed a diplomatic note invoking the right of the US military authorities to exercise custody of the marine in keeping with the provisions of the Visiting Forces Agreement between the two countries.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(25,30)", "(49,57)", "(102,110)", "(136,143)" ], "spans": [ "filed", "invoking", "exercise", "keeping" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061205.0069_sentid_1" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061205.0069_sentid_1", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(49,57)", "(136,143)" ], "spans": [ "invoking", "keeping" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061205.0069_sentid_1", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061205.0069_sentid_1", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061205.0069_sentid_1", "question": "What started before US embassy filed a note?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(49,57)", "(136,143)" ], "spans": [ "invoking", "keeping" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061205.0069_sentid_1", "question": "What is happening after US embassy filed a note?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(25,30)" ], "spans": [ "filed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061205.0069_sentid_1", "question": "What occurred before the right of the US military authorities to exercise custody is invoked?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(102,110)" ], "spans": [ "exercise" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061205.0069_sentid_1", "question": "What will not happen after the right of the US military authorities to exercise custody is invoked?" } ]
It is the fist telescope in China specialized in NEO observation and one of only six, one-meter NEO observation telescopes in the world, said Yang Jiexing, a researcher with the observatory. Near-earth objects are comets and asteroids that have been nudged by the gravitational pull and may collide with earth.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(3,5)", "(137,141)", "(210,213)", "(250,256)", "(291,298)" ], "spans": [ "is", "said", "are", "nudged", "collide" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0054_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(137,141)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0054_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(3,5)", "(210,213)" ], "spans": [ "is", "are" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0054_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0054_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(291,298)" ], "spans": [ "collide" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0054_sentid_2", "question": "What might happen after comets and asteroids are nudged by the gravitational pull?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0054_sentid_2", "question": "What might happen before comets and asteroids are nudged by the gravitational pull?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(250,256)" ], "spans": [ "nudged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0054_sentid_2", "question": "What might happen before near-earth objects collide with earth?" } ]
The prosecutor had earlier asked for eight years for Dita and six for Coen. Subversion carries a maximum penalty of death.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,32)", "(87,94)", "(116,121)", "(76,86)" ], "spans": [ "asked", "carries", "death", "Subversion" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0163_sentid_10" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,32)" ], "spans": [ "asked" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0163_sentid_10", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0163_sentid_10", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0163_sentid_10", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0163_sentid_10", "question": "What happened after the prosecutor asked for eight years for Dita and six for Coen?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0163_sentid_10", "question": "What happened before the prosecutor asked for eight years for Dita and six for Coen?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(116,121)" ], "spans": [ "death" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0163_sentid_10", "question": "What might happen after subversion?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0163_sentid_10", "question": "What did the prosecutor do before he asked for eight years for Dita and six for Coen?" } ]
In Baghdad, five people were killed and 19 wounded when a car bomb exploded in a bustling marketplace in the mixed Shiite-Sunni neighbourhood of Saidiyah, a security source said. A national electricity employee, a police colonel and a university guard were also killed in separate attacks, security sources said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(29,35)", "(43,50)", "(67,75)", "(262,268)", "(281,288)", "(307,311)", "(173,177)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "wounded", "exploded", "killed", "attacks", "said", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(29,35)", "(43,50)", "(67,75)", "(173,177)", "(262,268)", "(281,288)", "(307,311)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "wounded", "exploded", "said", "killed", "attacks", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(29,35)", "(43,50)", "(173,177)", "(307,311)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "wounded", "said", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16", "question": "What happened after a car bomb exploded in Baghdad?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before a car bomb exploded in Baghdad?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(262,268)", "(307,311)", "(173,177)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "said", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16", "question": "What happened after separate attacks in Baghdad?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16", "question": "What happened during separate attacks in Baghdad?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061218.0198_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before separate attacks in Baghdad?" } ]
"We'll be in Iraq until the job is complete," Bush said Thursday after talks in Amman, Jordan, with embattled Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. "There's a lot of speculation that these reports in Washington mean there's going to be some kind of graceful exit out of Iraq.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(28,31)", "(51,55)", "(71,76)", "(165,176)", "(188,195)", "(257,261)" ], "spans": [ "job", "said", "talks", "speculation", "reports", "exit" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(51,55)", "(71,76)" ], "spans": [ "said", "talks" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(165,176)", "(28,31)" ], "spans": [ "speculation", "job" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(257,261)" ], "spans": [ "exit" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What is hoped to happen after the reports?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What will happen after the reports?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(51,55)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What happened after the reports?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(28,31)" ], "spans": [ "job" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What is happening during the reports?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(165,176)", "(188,195)" ], "spans": [ "speculation", "reports" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What will happen after the talks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(28,31)" ], "spans": [ "job" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What began before the talks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What finished before the talks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(51,55)", "(165,176)", "(188,195)" ], "spans": [ "said", "speculation", "reports" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0325_sentid_19", "question": "What happened after the talks?" } ]
While the life insurance association has the authority to work out the bail-out scheme, he said Hitachi and Nissan Motor might participate. "We cannot say that the Hitachi-Nissan group is entirely irrelevant, as they have been sending managers to Nissan Life," Fukuda said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(58,62)", "(71,79)", "(91,95)", "(127,138)", "(151,154)", "(185,187)", "(227,234)", "(268,272)" ], "spans": [ "work", "bail-out", "said", "participate", "say", "is", "sending", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(91,95)", "(227,234)", "(268,272)" ], "spans": [ "said", "sending", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(58,62)", "(71,79)" ], "spans": [ "work", "bail-out" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(127,138)" ], "spans": [ "participate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26", "question": "What might happen after Fukuda said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(58,62)", "(71,79)" ], "spans": [ "work", "bail-out" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26", "question": "What will happen after Fukuda said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(227,234)" ], "spans": [ "sending" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26", "question": "What happened before Fukuda said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(151,154)" ], "spans": [ "say" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26", "question": "What cannot happen while Fukuda said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(91,95)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_26", "question": "What happened while Fukuda said something?" } ]
"This merger in no way lessens APL's commitment to the US flag and American seafaring labor," said APL president Timothy Rhein. APL officials said a separate US-owned company would manage the fleet, to ensure the vessels qould qualify for US subsidies under the Maritime Security Program and to be eligible for US military shipments.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,12)", "(23,30)", "(37,47)", "(76,85)", "(86,91)", "(94,98)", "(142,146)", "(181,187)", "(202,208)", "(227,234)", "(242,251)", "(298,306)", "(323,332)" ], "spans": [ "merger", "lessens", "commitment", "seafaring", "labor", "said", "said", "manage", "ensure", "qualify", "subsidies", "eligible", "shipments" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(94,98)", "(142,146)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(37,47)", "(76,85)", "(86,91)" ], "spans": [ "commitment", "seafaring", "labor" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(181,187)", "(202,208)", "(227,234)", "(242,251)", "(298,306)", "(323,332)" ], "spans": [ "manage", "ensure", "qualify", "subsidies", "eligible", "shipments" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(181,187)", "(202,208)", "(227,234)", "(242,251)", "(298,306)", "(323,332)" ], "spans": [ "manage", "ensure", "qualify", "subsidies", "eligible", "shipments" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen after the merger?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen before the merger?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(227,234)", "(202,208)" ], "spans": [ "qualify", "ensure" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What must happen before the US subsidies?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What happens after the US subsidies?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(298,306)" ], "spans": [ "eligible" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What must happen before shipments?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(181,187)", "(202,208)", "(227,234)", "(242,251)", "(298,306)", "(323,332)" ], "spans": [ "manage", "ensure", "qualify", "subsidies", "eligible", "shipments" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen after the merger according to APL officials?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen before the merger according to APL officials?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,30)" ], "spans": [ "lessens" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What will not happen after the merger?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(37,47)", "(76,85)", "(86,91)" ], "spans": [ "commitment", "seafaring", "labor" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970413.0420_sentid_5", "question": "What will remain after the merger?" } ]
England were given a flying start by Willstrop who overcame the first game loss to defeat Shabana 4-9, 9-6, 9-3, 9-1 in 57 minutes. Nicol, a former world and British open champion brushed aside Mohammad Abbas 9-0, 9-2, 9-1 in under half-an-hour to give England an unassailable 2-0 lead.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(28,33)", "(51,59)", "(75,79)", "(83,89)", "(70,74)", "(180,187)" ], "spans": [ "were", "start", "overcame", "loss", "defeat", "game", "brushed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(28,33)", "(51,59)", "(70,74)", "(75,79)", "(83,89)", "(180,187)" ], "spans": [ "were", "start", "overcame", "game", "loss", "defeat", "brushed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What happened before the game started?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(28,33)", "(51,59)", "(70,74)", "(75,79)", "(83,89)", "(180,187)" ], "spans": [ "were", "start", "overcame", "game", "loss", "defeat", "brushed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after the game started?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(28,33)", "(51,59)", "(83,89)", "(180,187)" ], "spans": [ "were", "start", "overcame", "defeat", "brushed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after the first game?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after the before first game?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What happened before the loss?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(28,33)", "(51,59)", "(83,89)", "(180,187)" ], "spans": [ "were", "start", "overcame", "defeat", "brushed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0341_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after the loss?" } ]
Monday's broadcast came at the same time as a Muslim woman in a full-face veil delivered an alternative Christmas message on Britain's Channel 4 television. The woman, known only as Khadijah said she felt more "liberated" since she began covering her face with the niqab 10 years ago and people should be more tolerant.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,18)", "(19,23)", "(79,88)", "(168,173)", "(232,237)", "(238,246)" ], "spans": [ "broadcast", "came", "delivered", "known", "began", "covering" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061225.0195_sentid_14" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,18)", "(19,23)", "(79,88)", "(232,237)", "(238,246)" ], "spans": [ "broadcast", "came", "delivered", "began", "covering" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061225.0195_sentid_14", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(168,173)" ], "spans": [ "known" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061225.0195_sentid_14", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061225.0195_sentid_14", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(232,237)", "(238,246)" ], "spans": [ "began", "covering" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061225.0195_sentid_14", "question": "What happened before the broadcast started?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(79,88)" ], "spans": [ "delivered" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061225.0195_sentid_14", "question": "What happened during the broadcast?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,18)", "(19,23)", "(79,88)" ], "spans": [ "broadcast", "came", "delivered" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061225.0195_sentid_14", "question": "What happened after the woman began covering her face?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061225.0195_sentid_14", "question": "What happened before the woman began covering her face?" } ]
The US Congress is expected to ratify the nomination of the first US ambassador to Hanoi, Douglas Peterson later this week. Rubin added that he had raised impediments faced by American businesses in Vietnam.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,37)", "(42,52)", "(130,135)", "(148,154)", "(167,172)" ], "spans": [ "ratify", "nomination", "added", "raised", "faced" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0074_sentid_9" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(130,135)", "(167,172)", "(148,154)" ], "spans": [ "added", "faced", "raised" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0074_sentid_9", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(42,52)" ], "spans": [ "nomination" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0074_sentid_9", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,37)" ], "spans": [ "ratify" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0074_sentid_9", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(148,154)" ], "spans": [ "raised" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0074_sentid_9", "question": "What happened before the nomination?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0074_sentid_9", "question": "What might happen after before the nomination?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(130,135)" ], "spans": [ "added" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0074_sentid_9", "question": "What happened after the impediments were raised?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(130,135)" ], "spans": [ "added" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0074_sentid_9", "question": "What happened after the impediments were faced?" } ]
A suicide car bombing attack killed four US soldiers south of Baghdad on Monday, the US military said in a statement. "Four Task Force Baghdad soldiers were killed when a suicide car bomber attacked their checkpoint (Monday) along a road south of Baghdad," said the statement, adding the incident is under investigation.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,28)", "(29,35)", "(97,101)", "(157,163)", "(190,198)", "(257,261)", "(288,296)", "(306,319)" ], "spans": [ "attack", "killed", "said", "killed", "attacked", "said", "incident", "investigation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,28)", "(29,35)", "(97,101)", "(157,163)", "(190,198)", "(257,261)", "(288,296)" ], "spans": [ "attack", "killed", "said", "killed", "attacked", "said", "incident" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(306,319)" ], "spans": [ "investigation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(29,35)", "(97,101)", "(157,163)", "(257,261)", "(288,296)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "said", "killed", "said", "incident" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the suicide car bombing attack?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(306,319)" ], "spans": [ "investigation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the suicide car bombing attack and not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the suicide car bombing attack?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(97,101)", "(257,261)", "(288,296)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said", "incident" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the US soldiers were killed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(306,319)" ], "spans": [ "investigation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the US soldiers were killed and not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,28)", "(190,198)" ], "spans": [ "attack", "attacked" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the US soldiers were killed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(288,296)", "(257,261)", "(190,198)", "(157,163)", "(97,101)", "(22,28)", "(29,35)" ], "spans": [ "incident", "said", "attacked", "killed", "said", "attack", "killed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the investigation?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0260_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the investigation?" } ]
"In these Games, we will carry out 1,200 urine tests and around 50 blood tests. We also carried out 86 pre-competition tests."
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(25,30)", "(47,52)", "(73,78)", "(88,95)", "(119,124)", "(10,15)" ], "spans": [ "carry", "tests", "tests", "carried", "tests", "Games" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061211.0214_sentid_17" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(88,95)", "(119,124)" ], "spans": [ "carried", "tests" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061211.0214_sentid_17", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(10,15)" ], "spans": [ "Games" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061211.0214_sentid_17", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(25,30)", "(47,52)", "(73,78)" ], "spans": [ "carry", "tests", "tests" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061211.0214_sentid_17", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(88,95)", "(119,124)" ], "spans": [ "carried", "tests" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061211.0214_sentid_17", "question": "What happened before 1200 urine tests and around 50 blood tests?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061211.0214_sentid_17", "question": "What happened after 1200 urine tests and around 50 blood tests?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(10,15)" ], "spans": [ "Games" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061211.0214_sentid_17", "question": "What happened before 1200 urine tests and around 50 blood tests and not finished?" } ]
"This is the last group we are meeting today, we have already met politicians, and government officials, police and civil society, and all the meetings are confidential to help come up with a lot of information," he said. The team collected other reports from both local and international observers, according to Gould.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,38)", "(62,65)", "(143,151)", "(172,176)", "(231,240)", "(247,254)", "(300,309)" ], "spans": [ "meeting", "met", "meetings", "help", "collected", "reports", "according" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(62,65)", "(231,240)", "(247,254)", "(300,309)" ], "spans": [ "met", "collected", "reports", "according" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(172,176)", "(31,38)" ], "spans": [ "help", "meeting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,38)" ], "spans": [ "meeting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(300,309)" ], "spans": [ "according" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What happened after reports were collected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(143,151)", "(172,176)" ], "spans": [ "meetings", "help" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What happened before reports were collected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,38)" ], "spans": [ "meeting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What will happen after reports were collected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(231,240)", "(247,254)", "(300,309)" ], "spans": [ "collected", "reports", "according" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What happened after they met with officials?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What happened before they met with officials?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(172,176)" ], "spans": [ "help" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0035_sentid_3", "question": "What happened during the meetings?" } ]
The ministers expressed the concern the threat that the highly pathogenic avian influenza posed to the Asia-Pacific region as well as to the world, said the statement. "They agreed it was critical to ensure that APEC was prepared for and had the capacity to effectively respond to infectious diseases at the individual, regional and international levels," said the statement.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(14,23)", "(148,152)", "(90,95)", "(174,180)", "(184,187)", "(221,229)", "(238,241)", "(270,277)", "(356,360)" ], "spans": [ "expressed", "said", "posed", "agreed", "was", "prepared", "had", "respond", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051116.0094_sentid_23" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(14,23)", "(148,152)", "(174,180)", "(184,187)", "(221,229)", "(238,241)", "(356,360)" ], "spans": [ "expressed", "said", "agreed", "was", "prepared", "had", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051116.0094_sentid_23", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051116.0094_sentid_23", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(270,277)" ], "spans": [ "respond" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051116.0094_sentid_23", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(148,152)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051116.0094_sentid_23", "question": "What happened after they agreed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(14,23)", "(90,95)", "(174,180)", "(184,187)" ], "spans": [ "expressed", "posed", "agreed", "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051116.0094_sentid_23", "question": "What happened before the statement said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(221,229)", "(238,241)", "(90,95)", "(174,180)" ], "spans": [ "prepared", "had", "posed", "agreed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051116.0094_sentid_23", "question": "What will happen before APEC can respond?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(14,23)", "(90,95)", "(184,187)" ], "spans": [ "expressed", "posed", "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051116.0094_sentid_23", "question": "What happened before they agreed?" } ]
The foreign ministry spokesman said there had been 80,000 Indians among the two million pilgrims. A prominent Indian Moslem cleric, meanwhile, said it was "highly regrettable" that there had not been better safety measures and called for a ban of cooking inside Hajj pilgrim camps.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,35)", "(143,147)", "(151,154)", "(195,199)", "(227,233)", "(240,243)", "(247,254)", "(46,50)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said", "was", "been", "called", "ban", "cooking", "been" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_23" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,35)", "(46,50)", "(143,147)", "(151,154)", "(195,199)" ], "spans": [ "said", "been", "said", "was", "been" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_23", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(247,254)" ], "spans": [ "cooking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_23", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(240,243)" ], "spans": [ "ban" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_23", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(227,233)" ], "spans": [ "called" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_23", "question": "What must happen before the ban?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(247,254)" ], "spans": [ "cooking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_23", "question": "What will not happen after the ban?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(46,50)" ], "spans": [ "been" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_23", "question": "What event happened before the spokesman said something?" } ]
A few weeks after taking the reins of government from his brother on July 31, Raul Castro hinted at some openness to dialogue with the United States in an interview with the Communist Party newspaper Granma, suggesting ties might be normalized on equal terms. But the US had shot back that it was not talking to "Fidel light."
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,24)", "(90,96)", "(117,125)", "(105,113)", "(155,164)", "(208,218)", "(233,243)", "(275,279)", "(301,308)" ], "spans": [ "taking", "hinted", "dialogue", "openness", "interview", "suggesting", "normalized", "shot", "talking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,24)", "(90,96)", "(155,164)", "(275,279)" ], "spans": [ "taking", "hinted", "interview", "shot" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(208,218)" ], "spans": [ "suggesting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(105,113)", "(117,125)" ], "spans": [ "openness", "dialogue" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(90,96)", "(155,164)", "(275,279)" ], "spans": [ "hinted", "interview", "shot" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10", "question": "What happened after taking the reins?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10", "question": "What happened before taking the reins?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,24)" ], "spans": [ "taking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10", "question": "What happened before Castro hinted?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(275,279)" ], "spans": [ "shot" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10", "question": "What happened after Castro hinted?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(105,113)", "(117,125)", "(233,243)" ], "spans": [ "openness", "dialogue", "normalized" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0469_sentid_10", "question": "What might happen after Castro hinted?" } ]
In it's place, around 1,200 fans marched in protest at the killing of a fan by an off-duty police officer the previous month after a UEFA Cup tie. The fan was among a mob attacking a French-Israeli fan and chanting antisemitist and racist slogans.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,40)", "(59,66)", "(142,145)", "(167,170)", "(171,180)", "(206,214)", "(155,158)" ], "spans": [ "marched", "killing", "tie", "mob", "attacking", "chanting", "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,40)", "(59,66)", "(142,145)", "(155,158)", "(167,170)", "(171,180)", "(206,214)" ], "spans": [ "marched", "killing", "tie", "was", "mob", "attacking", "chanting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(59,66)", "(142,145)", "(155,158)", "(167,170)", "(171,180)", "(206,214)" ], "spans": [ "killing", "tie", "was", "mob", "attacking", "chanting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What happened before marched?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What happened after marched?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(142,145)", "(167,170)", "(171,180)", "(206,214)" ], "spans": [ "tie", "mob", "attacking", "chanting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What happened before the killing?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,40)" ], "spans": [ "marched" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What happened after the killing?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(155,158)", "(171,180)", "(206,214)" ], "spans": [ "was", "attacking", "chanting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What was happening during the mob?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(59,66)", "(155,158)", "(171,180)", "(206,214)" ], "spans": [ "killing", "was", "attacking", "chanting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What happened during the mob?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What happened before the tie?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,40)", "(59,66)", "(155,158)", "(167,170)", "(171,180)", "(206,214)" ], "spans": [ "marched", "killing", "was", "mob", "attacking", "chanting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_23", "question": "What happened after the tie?" } ]
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, who spoke moments after Layton's speech, said he believes the NDP leader still has not made up his mind and is still negotiating with the Liberals. "It's the same soap opera.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(40,45)", "(69,75)", "(77,81)", "(85,93)", "(123,127)", "(153,164)", "(204,209)" ], "spans": [ "spoke", "speech", "said", "believes", "made", "negotiating", "opera" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0284_sentid_14" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(40,45)", "(69,75)", "(77,81)" ], "spans": [ "spoke", "speech", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0284_sentid_14", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(85,93)", "(153,164)", "(204,209)" ], "spans": [ "believes", "negotiating", "opera" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0284_sentid_14", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0284_sentid_14", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(40,45)", "(77,81)" ], "spans": [ "spoke", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0284_sentid_14", "question": "What did Stephen Harper do after layton's speech?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(69,75)" ], "spans": [ "speech" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0284_sentid_14", "question": "What happened before Stephen Harper spoke?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(153,164)" ], "spans": [ "negotiating" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0284_sentid_14", "question": "What is the NDP Leader still doing after the speech?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(123,127)" ], "spans": [ "made" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051107.0284_sentid_14", "question": "What does Harper believe the NDP Leader done after the speech?" } ]
Thomson, in India to talk to tourism leaders, said the flights would provide extra support to the growing tourism market. Qantas' India manager Khursheed Lam said the airline was working closely with the Australian Tourist Commission to develop greater awareness of Australia in the Indian market.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,25)", "(55,62)", "(69,76)", "(98,105)", "(158,162)", "(179,186)", "(237,244)", "(46,50)" ], "spans": [ "talk", "flights", "provide", "growing", "said", "working", "develop", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19980213.1320_sentid_6" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(158,162)", "(46,50)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19980213.1320_sentid_6", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(98,105)", "(179,186)" ], "spans": [ "growing", "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19980213.1320_sentid_6", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(55,62)", "(69,76)", "(21,25)", "(237,244)" ], "spans": [ "flights", "provide", "talk", "develop" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19980213.1320_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(98,105)" ], "spans": [ "growing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19980213.1320_sentid_6", "question": "What will the tourism market likely continue doing after with more awareness?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,25)", "(179,186)" ], "spans": [ "talk", "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19980213.1320_sentid_6", "question": "What is Thomas going to do in India with with tourism leaders before developing more awareness?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(69,76)" ], "spans": [ "provide" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19980213.1320_sentid_6", "question": "Would would the flights do to the tourism industry before developing more awareness?" } ]
Seoul-based MBC issued a statement late Sunday admitting its investigative reporting team had violated journalistic ethics in reporting on Hwang for the weekly program PD Network. The world-renowned researcher was forced to step down from his official posts and offer an apology on November 24, two days after the network broadcast allegations of ethical lapses in his research.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,22)", "(47,56)", "(94,102)", "(126,135)", "(214,220)", "(224,228)", "(262,267)", "(322,331)", "(332,343)", "(355,361)" ], "spans": [ "issued", "admitting", "violated", "reporting", "forced", "step", "offer", "broadcast", "allegations", "lapses" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,22)", "(94,102)", "(126,135)", "(214,220)", "(224,228)", "(262,267)", "(322,331)", "(332,343)", "(355,361)", "(47,56)" ], "spans": [ "issued", "violated", "reporting", "forced", "step", "offer", "broadcast", "allegations", "lapses", "admitting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,22)", "(47,56)", "(214,220)", "(224,228)", "(262,267)" ], "spans": [ "issued", "admitting", "forced", "step", "offer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after MBC's reporting team violated journalistic ethics in reporting on Hwang for the weekly program PD Network?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What happened before MBC's reporting team violated journalistic ethics in reporting on Hwang for the weekly program PD Network?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,22)", "(47,56)", "(214,220)", "(224,228)", "(262,267)" ], "spans": [ "issued", "admitting", "forced", "step", "offer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after MBC's investigative reporting team reported on Hwang for the weekly program PD Network?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What happened before MBC's investigative reporting team reported on Hwang for the weekly program PD Network?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(214,220)", "(224,228)", "(262,267)" ], "spans": [ "forced", "step", "offer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after the network broadcast allegations of ethical lapses in the research of the world-renowned researcher?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(94,102)", "(126,135)" ], "spans": [ "violated", "reporting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What happened before the network broadcast allegations of ethical lapses in the research of the world-renowned researcher?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(322,331)", "(332,343)", "(214,220)", "(224,228)", "(262,267)" ], "spans": [ "broadcast", "allegations", "forced", "step", "offer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after ethical lapses in the research of the world-renowned researcher?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051205.0111_sentid_1", "question": "What happened before ethical lapses in the research of the world-renowned researcher?" } ]
Russia's Soyuz launcher is to be used as a medium-sized option when launched from the ESA centre in French Guyana from 2008-2009. The European Space Agency had been seeking to persuade member states to give preference to Europe-produced launchers, rather than cheaper alternatives in Russia and India, in order to support technology developed on the continent.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,37)", "(68,76)", "(165,172)", "(176,184)", "(202,206)", "(314,321)", "(333,342)" ], "spans": [ "used", "launched", "seeking", "persuade", "give", "support", "developed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(333,342)", "(165,172)" ], "spans": [ "developed", "seeking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,37)", "(68,76)" ], "spans": [ "used", "launched" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(165,172)", "(176,184)" ], "spans": [ "seeking", "persuade" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after technology was developed on the continent?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before technology was developed on the continent?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,37)" ], "spans": [ "used" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen after Russia's Soyuz launcher is launched from the ESA centre?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(202,206)", "(314,321)" ], "spans": [ "give", "support" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4", "question": "What may take place in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051206.0377_sentid_4", "question": "What will never take place in the future?" } ]
According to a news release from IRC Ethiopia, 18 tons of cooking pots and plates, soap, and blankets were transported to Gode, some 650 km southeast of the capital Addis Ababa, via U.S. military air carrier early on Saturday. The items will be distributed by the United Nations and other national and international NGOs working on the ground.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(20,27)", "(107,118)", "(245,256)", "(321,328)" ], "spans": [ "release", "transported", "distributed", "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(20,27)", "(107,118)" ], "spans": [ "release", "transported" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(321,328)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(245,256)", "(321,328)" ], "spans": [ "distributed", "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(20,27)" ], "spans": [ "release" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after 18 tons of cooking pot and plates, soap, and blankets were transported to Gode?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What happened before 18 tons of cooking pot and plates, soap, and blankets were transported to Gode?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(321,328)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What will be going on when the items are distributed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What will happen after the items are distributed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(107,118)" ], "spans": [ "transported" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What happened before the news release?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061111.0187_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after the news release?" } ]
The country's advertising business was worth 7.6 billion yuan (950 million U.S. dollars) in 2005, ranking sixth in the world. However, some ads for fake medicines have misled consumers and harmed their interests.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(26,34)", "(35,38)", "(98,105)", "(140,143)", "(168,174)", "(189,195)" ], "spans": [ "business", "was", "ranking", "ads", "misled", "harmed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061127.0217_sentid_8" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(35,38)", "(98,105)" ], "spans": [ "was", "ranking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061127.0217_sentid_8", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(168,174)", "(189,195)" ], "spans": [ "misled", "harmed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061127.0217_sentid_8", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(26,34)", "(140,143)" ], "spans": [ "business", "ads" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061127.0217_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(35,38)" ], "spans": [ "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061127.0217_sentid_8", "question": "What had occurred before the country's advertising business ranked sixth in the world?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061127.0217_sentid_8", "question": "What occurred after the country's advertising business ranked sixth in the world?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(26,34)", "(140,143)", "(168,174)", "(189,195)" ], "spans": [ "business", "ads", "misled", "harmed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061127.0217_sentid_8", "question": "What has been happening during 2005?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(168,174)", "(189,195)" ], "spans": [ "misled", "harmed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061127.0217_sentid_8", "question": "What might occur after the country's advertising business ranked sixth in the world?" } ]
The film has emerged as the critics' Oscar favourite with the Los Angeles Film Critics Association voting it best picture at the weekend, with another best director nod for Lee. The movie is sure to feature when nominations are announced Tuesday for the Golden Globes, which are seen as a potential bellwether for films which could dominate the Academy Awards.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)", "(99,105)", "(165,168)", "(188,190)", "(199,206)", "(228,237)", "(261,267)", "(279,283)", "(332,340)", "(353,359)" ], "spans": [ "emerged", "voting", "nod", "is", "feature", "announced", "Globes", "seen", "dominate", "Awards" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)", "(99,105)", "(165,168)" ], "spans": [ "emerged", "voting", "nod" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(279,283)", "(332,340)" ], "spans": [ "seen", "dominate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(188,190)", "(199,206)", "(228,237)", "(261,267)", "(353,359)" ], "spans": [ "is", "feature", "announced", "Globes", "Awards" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(99,105)", "(165,168)" ], "spans": [ "voting", "nod" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What occurred before the film has emerged as the critics' Oscar favourite?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(188,190)", "(199,206)", "(228,237)", "(261,267)", "(353,359)" ], "spans": [ "is", "feature", "announced", "Globes", "Awards" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What will occur after the film has emerged as the critics' Oscar favourite?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(279,283)", "(332,340)" ], "spans": [ "seen", "dominate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What does the Golden Globes do before the Academy Awards?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What will the Golden Globes do after the Academy Awards?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)", "(99,105)", "(165,168)", "(228,237)", "(261,267)" ], "spans": [ "emerged", "voting", "nod", "announced", "Globes" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the Golden Globes?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(188,190)", "(199,206)", "(228,237)" ], "spans": [ "is", "feature", "announced" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What happens during the Golden Globes?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(279,283)", "(332,340)", "(353,359)" ], "spans": [ "seen", "dominate", "Awards" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen after the Golden Globes?" } ]
Mirza won silver earlier in the day, losing to China's Zheng Jie in the women's singles final. Taiwan's Lu Yen Hsun and Hsieh Su Wei and China's Yu Xinyuan and Sun Tiantian share bronze.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,9)", "(32,35)", "(37,43)", "(88,93)", "(173,178)" ], "spans": [ "won", "day", "losing", "final", "share" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,9)", "(37,43)", "(88,93)" ], "spans": [ "won", "losing", "final" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(173,178)", "(32,35)" ], "spans": [ "share", "day" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,9)", "(37,43)", "(88,93)", "(173,178)" ], "spans": [ "won", "losing", "final", "share" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What happened during day?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(173,178)" ], "spans": [ "share" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after day?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before day?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(32,35)", "(37,43)", "(88,93)" ], "spans": [ "day", "losing", "final" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What happened during won?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(173,178)" ], "spans": [ "share" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after won?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before won?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(32,35)", "(88,93)" ], "spans": [ "day", "final" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What started before losing?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(173,178)" ], "spans": [ "share" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What started after losing?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,9)" ], "spans": [ "won" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0523_sentid_4", "question": "What started when losing started?" } ]
According to a statement from the UNHCR, the census team was made up of UNHCR-trained persons who will conduct the interviews in close co-operation and collaboration with the officials of the Nepali government to both count and update basic bio-data and profile of the refugees. The refugee agency's newly developed progress software will be used to log an accurate record of the number of refugees and to collect other related information.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(15,24)", "(45,51)", "(57,60)", "(72,85)", "(103,110)", "(115,125)", "(135,147)", "(152,165)", "(218,223)", "(228,234)", "(306,315)", "(316,324)", "(339,341)", "(342,346)", "(350,353)", "(406,413)" ], "spans": [ "statement", "census", "was", "UNHCR-trained", "conduct", "interviews", "co-operation", "collaboration", "count", "update", "developed", "progress", "be", "used", "log", "collect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(15,24)", "(72,85)", "(306,315)" ], "spans": [ "statement", "UNHCR-trained", "developed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(57,60)", "(316,324)" ], "spans": [ "was", "progress" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(45,51)", "(103,110)", "(115,125)", "(135,147)", "(152,165)", "(218,223)", "(228,234)", "(339,341)", "(342,346)", "(350,353)", "(406,413)" ], "spans": [ "census", "conduct", "interviews", "co-operation", "collaboration", "count", "update", "be", "used", "log", "collect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(72,85)", "(306,315)" ], "spans": [ "UNHCR-trained", "developed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3", "question": "What happened before statement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(45,51)", "(57,60)", "(103,110)", "(115,125)", "(135,147)", "(152,165)", "(218,223)", "(228,234)", "(316,324)", "(339,341)", "(342,346)", "(350,353)", "(406,413)" ], "spans": [ "census", "was", "conduct", "interviews", "co-operation", "collaboration", "count", "update", "progress", "be", "used", "log", "collect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3", "question": "What will happen after statement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(15,24)", "(45,51)", "(57,60)", "(103,110)", "(115,125)", "(135,147)", "(152,165)", "(218,223)", "(228,234)", "(316,324)", "(339,341)", "(342,346)", "(350,353)", "(406,413)" ], "spans": [ "statement", "census", "was", "conduct", "interviews", "co-operation", "collaboration", "count", "update", "progress", "be", "used", "log", "collect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3", "question": "What happened or will happen after developed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(72,85)", "(306,315)" ], "spans": [ "UNHCR-trained", "developed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3", "question": "What happened before was?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(15,24)", "(45,51)", "(103,110)", "(115,125)", "(135,147)", "(152,165)", "(218,223)", "(228,234)", "(316,324)", "(339,341)", "(342,346)", "(350,353)", "(406,413)" ], "spans": [ "statement", "census", "conduct", "interviews", "co-operation", "collaboration", "count", "update", "progress", "be", "used", "log", "collect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061115.0103_sentid_3", "question": "What happened or will happen after was began?" } ]
Thursday, spokesman Michael McCurry said that the US administration will watch the handover anxiously and be ready to pounce on any sign that democratic freedoms are being yanked. He evoked the 1984 Joint Declaration agreement between Britain and China which calls for the continuation of civil rights in the former British colony and said: "We will assert an interest in preserving that formula into the future."
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,40)", "(73,78)", "(83,91)", "(118,124)", "(172,178)", "(183,189)", "(217,226)", "(259,264)", "(273,285)", "(350,356)", "(372,382)" ], "spans": [ "said", "watch", "handover", "pounce", "yanked", "evoked", "agreement", "calls", "continuation", "assert", "preserving" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,40)", "(183,189)" ], "spans": [ "said", "evoked" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(217,226)", "(259,264)", "(273,285)" ], "spans": [ "agreement", "calls", "continuation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(73,78)", "(83,91)", "(350,356)", "(372,382)" ], "spans": [ "watch", "handover", "assert", "preserving" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(172,178)" ], "spans": [ "yanked" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What is McCurry concerned may happen during the handover?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(118,124)", "(73,78)" ], "spans": [ "pounce", "watch" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What is McCurry ready to do during the handover?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(217,226)" ], "spans": [ "agreement" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What event occured prior to the handover?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What event occured after the handover was completed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(273,285)" ], "spans": [ "continuation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What may happen after the 1984 Joint Declaration agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What probably happened before the 1984 Joint Declaration agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(350,356)", "(372,382)", "(118,124)" ], "spans": [ "assert", "preserving", "pounce" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What event may begin if the continuation does not happen?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(118,124)" ], "spans": [ "pounce" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What may happen after democratic freedoms are yanked?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(83,91)" ], "spans": [ "handover" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0422_sentid_8", "question": "What event probably occured while democratic freedoms were yanked?" } ]
"We are not selling them to any country that violates international laws," Lavrov said. The top diplomats of the two resource-rich countries also discussed biofuels, an area of expertise for Brazil, and signed an agreement to protect technology in their planned cooperation in space projects.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)", "(45,53)", "(82,86)", "(146,155)", "(203,209)", "(213,222)", "(262,273)", "(226,233)" ], "spans": [ "selling", "violates", "said", "discussed", "signed", "agreement", "cooperation", "protect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(82,86)", "(146,155)", "(203,209)" ], "spans": [ "said", "discussed", "signed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(213,222)" ], "spans": [ "agreement" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(262,273)", "(226,233)" ], "spans": [ "cooperation", "protect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)" ], "spans": [ "selling" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What will not occur after a country violates international laws?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What will occur after a country violates international laws?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)" ], "spans": [ "selling" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What was also discussed during the time the diplomates signed the agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What was discussed after the diplomats signed the agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(226,233)", "(262,273)" ], "spans": [ "protect", "cooperation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What may happen after the agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What likely happened before the agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What event began before the agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(213,222)" ], "spans": [ "agreement" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What event began before the planned cooperation?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(146,155)", "(203,209)" ], "spans": [ "discussed", "signed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0663_sentid_5", "question": "What event was finished before the planned cooperation?" } ]
Newspapers have also carried stories about children at a school being told not to use the word Christmas when writing to US troops in Iraq; the American Civil Liberties Union filing suit over some Tennessee school children singing "Away in a Manger" and "Joy to the World" at a Christmas event; attempts to change Christmas school vacations into winter breaks; and an overzealous employee at a retirement home clipping the wings of an angel on a Christmas tree so as to remove any religious connotations. Major stores meanwhile appear in a quandary over proper etiquette.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,28)", "(29,36)", "(70,74)", "(82,85)", "(95,104)", "(110,117)", "(175,181)", "(223,230)", "(288,293)", "(307,313)", "(410,418)", "(470,476)", "(528,534)", "(331,340)", "(353,359)" ], "spans": [ "carried", "stories", "told", "use", "Christmas", "writing", "filing", "singing", "event", "change", "clipping", "remove", "appear", "vacations", "breaks" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0701_sentid_12" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,28)", "(29,36)", "(175,181)", "(223,230)", "(288,293)", "(307,313)", "(410,418)", "(470,476)" ], "spans": [ "carried", "stories", "filing", "singing", "event", "change", "clipping", "remove" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0701_sentid_12", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(70,74)", "(82,85)", "(110,117)", "(528,534)" ], "spans": [ "told", "use", "writing", "appear" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0701_sentid_12", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(331,340)", "(353,359)", "(95,104)" ], "spans": [ "vacations", "breaks", "Christmas" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0701_sentid_12", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(70,74)", "(82,85)", "(110,117)", "(175,181)", "(223,230)", "(307,313)", "(410,418)", "(470,476)" ], "spans": [ "told", "use", "writing", "filing", "singing", "change", "clipping", "remove" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0701_sentid_12", "question": "What event that happened in the past is being reported by newspapers?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0701_sentid_12", "question": "What happened after the angel's wings were clipped at the retirement home?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0701_sentid_12", "question": "What happened when school children were told not to use the word Christmas when writing to US troops?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0701_sentid_12", "question": "What happened after the American Civil Liberties Union filed their lawsuit?" } ]
Crane holds 504,200 Milton Roy shares, including 254,200 bought from Sept. 14 to Thursday for $15.50 to $16.75 each. In New York Stock Exchange composite trading Friday, Milton Roy shares leaped $2, to $18.375 each, while Crane sank $1.125, to $21.125 a share.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,11)", "(57,63)", "(154,161)", "(188,194)", "(228,232)" ], "spans": [ "holds", "bought", "trading", "leaped", "sank" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0570_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(57,63)", "(154,161)", "(188,194)", "(228,232)" ], "spans": [ "bought", "trading", "leaped", "sank" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0570_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,11)" ], "spans": [ "holds" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0570_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0570_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,11)", "(188,194)", "(228,232)", "(154,161)" ], "spans": [ "holds", "leaped", "sank", "trading" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0570_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after Crane bought 254,000 Milton Roy shares?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(57,63)" ], "spans": [ "bought" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0570_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before Crane held 504,200 Milton Roy shares?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(57,63)" ], "spans": [ "bought" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0570_sentid_4", "question": "What event occurred before New York Stock Exchange trading on Friday?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0570_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after New York Stock Exchange trading on Friday?" } ]
Effective at 5:00 am on Nov. 30, the prices of premium and regular gasoline, as well as gasohol in Greater Bangkok drop to 24. 84, 24.04 and 23.34 baht (62 cents, 60 cents and 58 cents) per liter, while the diesel price remains unchanged at 22.72 baht (57 cents) per liter.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(115,119)", "(228,237)" ], "spans": [ "drop", "unchanged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051129.0342_sentid_1" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(115,119)", "(228,237)" ], "spans": [ "drop", "unchanged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051129.0342_sentid_1", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051129.0342_sentid_1", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051129.0342_sentid_1", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(228,237)" ], "spans": [ "unchanged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051129.0342_sentid_1", "question": "What happened while gasahol and regular gasoline prices drop?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051129.0342_sentid_1", "question": "What happens after gasahol and regular gasoline prices drop?" } ]
His car was spotted in Slepian's suburban Amherst neighborhood in the weeks before the shooting, and was found abandoned at New Jersey's Newark International Airport in December, investigators said. Kopp's stepmother, who married Kopp's father when Kopp was in his 30s, said Thursday from her home in Irving, Texas: ``I would like to see him come forward and clear his name if he's not guilty, and if he's guilty, to contact a priest and make his amends with society, face what he did.''
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)", "(105,110)", "(111,120)", "(258,260)", "(298,300)", "(334,337)", "(386,392)", "(417,424)", "(468,472)", "(166,168)" ], "spans": [ "spotted", "found", "abandoned", "in", "in", "see", "guilty", "contact", "face", "in" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)", "(105,110)", "(258,260)" ], "spans": [ "spotted", "found", "in" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(298,300)" ], "spans": [ "in" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(105,110)", "(166,168)" ], "spans": [ "found", "in" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16", "question": "What happened while something was spotted?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(111,120)", "(258,260)" ], "spans": [ "abandoned", "in" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before something was spotted?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(334,337)", "(386,392)", "(417,424)", "(468,472)" ], "spans": [ "see", "guilty", "contact", "face" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16", "question": "What may happen after something was spotted?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(386,392)", "(417,424)", "(468,472)" ], "spans": [ "guilty", "contact", "face" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16", "question": "What happened may happen after someone is able to see something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(105,110)", "(111,120)", "(12,19)", "(258,260)" ], "spans": [ "found", "abandoned", "spotted", "in" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW19990506.0155_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before someone may see something?" } ]
But a principled commitment to provide a constitutionally protected service could not stop the assassin's bullet that tore through his kitchen window and into his back Friday night. His death shows again how tentative the right to abortion has become in the face of terrorism by anti-choice fanatics.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(86,90)", "(118,122)", "(154,158)", "(123,130)", "(186,191)", "(192,197)", "(231,239)", "(244,250)", "(266,275)" ], "spans": [ "stop", "tore", "into", "through", "death", "shows", "abortion", "become", "terrorism" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(118,122)", "(123,130)", "(154,158)", "(186,191)" ], "spans": [ "tore", "through", "into", "death" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(244,250)", "(266,275)", "(192,197)" ], "spans": [ "become", "terrorism", "shows" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(86,90)" ], "spans": [ "stop" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4", "question": "what did not happen before something tore?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(123,130)", "(154,158)" ], "spans": [ "through", "into" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4", "question": "what happened when something tore?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(186,191)", "(192,197)" ], "spans": [ "death", "shows" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4", "question": "what happened after something tore?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(231,239)", "(244,250)", "(266,275)" ], "spans": [ "abortion", "become", "terrorism" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4", "question": "What began before death?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(192,197)" ], "spans": [ "shows" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19981025.0188_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after before death?" } ]
And they question _ or ridicule _ news that the boy's father is planning to come here to retrieve his son. It is a Communist plot hatched by the hated dictator, Fidel Castro, they say.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,17)", "(23,31)", "(64,72)", "(76,80)", "(89,97)", "(130,137)", "(110,112)", "(180,183)" ], "spans": [ "question", "ridicule", "planning", "come", "retrieve", "hatched", "is", "say" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000330.0406_sentid_3" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(180,183)", "(130,137)" ], "spans": [ "say", "hatched" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000330.0406_sentid_3", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(64,72)" ], "spans": [ "planning" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000330.0406_sentid_3", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(76,80)", "(89,97)" ], "spans": [ "come", "retrieve" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000330.0406_sentid_3", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(76,80)", "(64,72)" ], "spans": [ "come", "planning" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000330.0406_sentid_3", "question": "What might have to happen before the boy's father retrieves his son?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,17)", "(23,31)", "(180,183)" ], "spans": [ "question", "ridicule", "say" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000330.0406_sentid_3", "question": "What is happening after people process the news?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT20000330.0406_sentid_3", "question": "What is happening before people process the news?" } ]
If the IRB is determined to get the sport into the Olympic Games, probably at the London Olympics of 2012, pressure could be applied on delegates to back Japan's bid, it said. "Reported recent comments by former Olympic supremo Juan Antonio Samaranch that rugby had no chance of gaining entry because it was not a truly global sport would be answered if the decision were made to take the 2011 Rugby World Cup to Japan," it said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(14,24)", "(28,31)", "(125,132)", "(149,153)", "(170,174)", "(177,185)", "(193,201)", "(262,265)", "(287,292)", "(304,307)", "(342,350)", "(372,376)", "(380,384)", "(424,428)" ], "spans": [ "determined", "get", "applied", "back", "said", "Reported", "comments", "had", "entry", "was", "answered", "made", "take", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051117.0140_sentid_5" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(170,174)", "(177,185)", "(193,201)", "(424,428)" ], "spans": [ "said", "Reported", "comments", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051117.0140_sentid_5", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(28,31)" ], "spans": [ "get" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051117.0140_sentid_5", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(372,376)", "(262,265)", "(380,384)" ], "spans": [ "made", "had", "take" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051117.0140_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(14,24)", "(28,31)", "(149,153)", "(372,376)", "(380,384)" ], "spans": [ "determined", "get", "back", "made", "take" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051117.0140_sentid_5", "question": "What could happen later?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051117.0140_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen later?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(287,292)" ], "spans": [ "entry" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051117.0140_sentid_5", "question": "What will not likely happen later?" } ]
The Financial Times 100-share index shed 47.3 points to close at 2082.1, down 4.5% from the previous Friday and 6.8% from Oct. 13, when Wall Street's plunge helped spark the current weakness in London. The 30-share index settled 42.0 points lower at 1678.5.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,40)", "(56,61)", "(150,156)", "(157,163)", "(164,169)", "(182,190)", "(221,228)" ], "spans": [ "shed", "close", "plunge", "helped", "spark", "weakness", "settled" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0586_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,40)", "(56,61)", "(150,156)", "(157,163)", "(164,169)", "(221,228)" ], "spans": [ "shed", "close", "plunge", "helped", "spark", "settled" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0586_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(182,190)" ], "spans": [ "weakness" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0586_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0586_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,40)", "(150,156)", "(157,163)", "(164,169)" ], "spans": [ "shed", "plunge", "helped", "spark" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0586_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the close?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(221,228)" ], "spans": [ "settled" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0586_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after the close?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(157,163)", "(164,169)", "(182,190)", "(221,228)", "(56,61)", "(36,40)" ], "spans": [ "helped", "spark", "weakness", "settled", "close", "shed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0586_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after Wall Street's plunge?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0586_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before Wall Street's plunge?" } ]
``Poland forever returns where she has always belonged _ the free world,'' said Bronislaw Geremek, the foreign minister of Poland, who was a dissident during the Communist era. Geremek said he had brought some appropriate mementoes from Poland to the Truman library, including a campaign poster from 1989 when the anti-communist Solidarity forces won against the Communists.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(17,24)", "(75,79)", "(135,138)", "(185,189)", "(197,204)", "(347,350)" ], "spans": [ "returns", "said", "was", "said", "brought", "won" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19990312.0271_sentid_23" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(75,79)", "(135,138)", "(185,189)", "(197,204)", "(347,350)" ], "spans": [ "said", "was", "said", "brought", "won" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19990312.0271_sentid_23", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(17,24)" ], "spans": [ "returns" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19990312.0271_sentid_23", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19990312.0271_sentid_23", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(135,138)" ], "spans": [ "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19990312.0271_sentid_23", "question": "What happened before Solidarity forces won against the Communists?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(17,24)", "(75,79)", "(185,189)", "(197,204)" ], "spans": [ "returns", "said", "said", "brought" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19990312.0271_sentid_23", "question": "What happened after Solidarity forces won against the Communists?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(17,24)", "(135,138)", "(197,204)", "(347,350)" ], "spans": [ "returns", "was", "brought", "won" ] }, "passageID": "docid_NYT19990312.0271_sentid_23", "question": "What happened before Geremek said anything?" } ]
They have this revolving door where they release people after a lot of pressure and re-imprison them later on when they think no one else is looking," she said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(5,9)", "(41,48)", "(71,79)", "(84,95)", "(120,125)", "(141,148)", "(155,159)" ], "spans": [ "have", "release", "pressure", "re-imprison", "think", "looking", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(155,159)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(5,9)", "(41,48)" ], "spans": [ "have", "release" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(84,95)", "(71,79)" ], "spans": [ "re-imprison", "pressure" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(84,95)", "(155,159)" ], "spans": [ "re-imprison", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What happens after the people are released?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(71,79)", "(5,9)" ], "spans": [ "pressure", "have" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What happens before the people are released?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(84,95)" ], "spans": [ "re-imprison" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What happens after they think no one else is looking?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What happens after people are re-imprisoned?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(41,48)", "(71,79)", "(120,125)", "(141,148)" ], "spans": [ "release", "pressure", "think", "looking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What happens before people are re-imprisoned?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(71,79)", "(41,48)", "(5,9)" ], "spans": [ "pressure", "release", "have" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0093_sentid_18", "question": "What happens before they think no one else is looking?" } ]
"The local tourism scene has seen phenomenal growth in the last couple of months and we want to support this route," he said. The increase in the number of international visitors to Kenya has spurred a greater interest in the tourism sector with the airports registering the highest number of traffic in the last five years.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,24)", "(45,51)", "(96,103)", "(109,114)", "(120,124)", "(130,138)", "(192,199)", "(210,218)", "(259,270)", "(293,300)" ], "spans": [ "scene", "growth", "support", "route", "said", "increase", "spurred", "interest", "registering", "traffic" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(45,51)", "(120,124)", "(130,138)", "(192,199)", "(259,270)", "(293,300)" ], "spans": [ "growth", "said", "increase", "spurred", "registering", "traffic" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,24)", "(109,114)", "(96,103)", "(210,218)" ], "spans": [ "scene", "route", "support", "interest" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the growth?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(120,124)", "(192,199)" ], "spans": [ "said", "spurred" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after the growth?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,24)", "(96,103)", "(109,114)", "(130,138)", "(210,218)", "(259,270)", "(293,300)" ], "spans": [ "scene", "support", "route", "increase", "interest", "registering", "traffic" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened during the growth?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(45,51)", "(130,138)", "(192,199)", "(259,270)", "(293,300)" ], "spans": [ "growth", "increase", "spurred", "registering", "traffic" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before he spoke?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after he spoke?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,24)", "(96,103)", "(109,114)", "(210,218)" ], "spans": [ "scene", "support", "route", "interest" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened while he spoke?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the increase in international visitors?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(120,124)", "(192,199)" ], "spans": [ "said", "spurred" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after the increase in international visitors?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,24)", "(45,51)", "(96,103)", "(109,114)", "(210,218)", "(259,270)", "(293,300)" ], "spans": [ "scene", "growth", "support", "route", "interest", "registering", "traffic" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened during the increase in international visitors?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before interest was spurred?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(120,124)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after interest was spurred?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,24)", "(45,51)", "(96,103)", "(109,114)", "(130,138)", "(259,270)", "(293,300)" ], "spans": [ "scene", "growth", "support", "route", "increase", "registering", "traffic" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051101.0196_sentid_4", "question": "What happened while interest was spurred?" } ]
The Australian group said one week ago that it had approached the LSE, the biggest equity market in Europe, over bid talks and indicated that it would be prepared to offer 580 pence per share in cash.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,25)", "(51,61)", "(117,122)", "(127,136)", "(154,162)", "(166,171)" ], "spans": [ "said", "approached", "talks", "indicated", "prepared", "offer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(127,136)", "(51,61)", "(21,25)" ], "spans": [ "indicated", "approached", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after the Australian group said something one week ago?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(117,122)", "(166,171)" ], "spans": [ "talks", "offer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What might happen after the Australian group said something one week ago?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(154,162)" ], "spans": [ "prepared" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen after the Australian group said something one week ago?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,25)", "(127,136)" ], "spans": [ "said", "indicated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after the Australian group approached the LSE?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What happened before the Australian group approached the LSE?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(117,122)", "(166,171)" ], "spans": [ "talks", "offer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What might happen after the Australian group approached the LSE?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(51,61)", "(127,136)" ], "spans": [ "approached", "indicated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0066_sentid_5", "question": "What happened before the Australian group said something one week ago?" } ]
"This is just the start we needed because every point earned will count in the tournament," Dancer said. "As Olympic champions we are one of the favoured sides to win the title and we are focused on that goal."
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,23)", "(54,60)", "(66,71)", "(99,103)", "(163,166)", "(188,195)", "(204,208)", "(79,89)", "(130,133)" ], "spans": [ "start", "earned", "count", "said", "win", "focused", "goal", "tournament", "are" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,23)", "(99,103)" ], "spans": [ "start", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(79,89)" ], "spans": [ "tournament" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(66,71)" ], "spans": [ "count" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(54,60)", "(163,166)", "(204,208)" ], "spans": [ "earned", "win", "goal" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What might happen after the start they needed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(130,133)" ], "spans": [ "are" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What happened before the start they needed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(99,103)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What happened after the start they needed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(66,71)", "(188,195)" ], "spans": [ "count", "focused" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen after the start they needed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,23)", "(99,103)", "(188,195)" ], "spans": [ "start", "said", "focused" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What happened after the tournament began?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(130,133)" ], "spans": [ "are" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What happened before the tournament began?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,23)", "(130,133)" ], "spans": [ "start", "are" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What finished before Dancer said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(188,195)", "(130,133)", "(18,23)", "(79,89)" ], "spans": [ "focused", "are", "start", "tournament" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What began before Dancer said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What happened after Dancer said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(54,60)", "(66,71)", "(163,166)", "(204,208)" ], "spans": [ "earned", "count", "win", "goal" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051210.0151_sentid_8", "question": "What might happen after Dancer said something?" } ]
The purchase price is equal to about 1.65 times Deseret's roughly $10.7 million book value, or assets less liabilities. Salt Lake City-based First Security, with $5.4 billion in assets, said the agreement is subject to shareholder and regulatory approval, and that it hopes to complete the transaction early next year.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(186,190)", "(195,204)", "(246,254)", "(277,285)", "(290,301)" ], "spans": [ "said", "agreement", "approval", "complete", "transaction" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(186,190)", "(195,204)" ], "spans": [ "said", "agreement" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(290,301)" ], "spans": [ "transaction" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after First Security said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(246,254)", "(277,285)", "(290,301)" ], "spans": [ "approval", "complete", "transaction" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What might happen after First Security said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(195,204)" ], "spans": [ "agreement" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What happened before First Security said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(186,190)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after the agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What happened before the agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(246,254)", "(277,285)", "(290,301)" ], "spans": [ "approval", "complete", "transaction" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What might happen after the agreement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(246,254)", "(195,204)", "(186,190)" ], "spans": [ "approval", "agreement", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What will have happened prior to the transaction being completed early next year?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0316_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen after the transaction is completed early next year?" } ]
Federer eased through Ivan Ljubicic of Croatia 7-6 (7-2), 6-4 in one hour and 48 minutes while Argentine Nalbandian needed only one hour and 37 minutes to edge past Andy Roddick 7-2, 7-6 (7-4) in an earlier match. Thus, Federer finishes first in the Red Group with wins and Nalbandian, who are tied with Ljubicic and Roddick on one win and two losses, places second with set winning advantage by claiming four out of eight sets in total.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,13)", "(116,122)", "(155,159)", "(207,212)", "(228,236)", "(265,269)", "(294,298)", "(332,335)", "(344,350)", "(352,358)", "(383,392)", "(396,404)", "(423,427)" ], "spans": [ "eased", "needed", "edge", "match", "finishes", "wins", "tied", "win", "losses", "places", "advantage", "claiming", "sets" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,13)", "(116,122)", "(155,159)", "(207,212)", "(228,236)", "(265,269)", "(332,335)", "(294,298)", "(344,350)", "(352,358)", "(383,392)", "(396,404)", "(423,427)" ], "spans": [ "eased", "needed", "edge", "match", "finishes", "wins", "win", "tied", "losses", "places", "advantage", "claiming", "sets" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(228,236)", "(265,269)" ], "spans": [ "finishes", "wins" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What happened to Federer after he eased through the match with Croatia?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What happened to Federer before he eased through the match with Croatia?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(116,122)", "(155,159)" ], "spans": [ "needed", "edge" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What happened to Nalbandian before winning the earlier match?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(332,335)", "(344,350)" ], "spans": [ "win", "losses" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What happened to Nalbandian, Ljubicic and Roddick before placing second?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(265,269)", "(8,13)" ], "spans": [ "wins", "eased" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What happened to Federer before he finished first?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(332,335)", "(344,350)" ], "spans": [ "win", "losses" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What happened with Nalbandian, Ljubicic, and Roddick, before the advantage was achieved?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(352,358)", "(396,404)", "(294,298)" ], "spans": [ "places", "claiming", "tied" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061116.0248_sentid_2", "question": "What is happened with Nalbandian, Ljubicic, and Roddick, while the advantage is achieved?" } ]
The US military is mounting a 300 million dollar psychological operations campaign to sway international opinion of the US war on terrorism through messages placed in foreign media, officials said Wednesday. Lawrence DiRita, the chief Pentagon spokesman, said the aim was to "provide factual, truthful information with some degree of transparency, whatever is appropriate."
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,18)", "(19,27)", "(74,82)", "(86,90)", "(157,163)", "(192,196)", "(255,259)", "(268,271)", "(276,283)", "(357,359)", "(123,126)" ], "spans": [ "is", "mounting", "campaign", "sway", "placed", "said", "said", "was", "provide", "is", "war" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(255,259)", "(192,196)", "(157,163)", "(268,271)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said", "placed", "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,18)", "(19,27)", "(123,126)", "(357,359)" ], "spans": [ "is", "mounting", "war", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(276,283)", "(86,90)", "(74,82)" ], "spans": [ "provide", "sway", "campaign" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(86,90)" ], "spans": [ "sway" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What will likely happen after the campaign is launched?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,18)", "(19,27)", "(123,126)", "(276,283)", "(357,359)" ], "spans": [ "is", "mounting", "war", "provide", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What has been happening since before the campaign was launched?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(123,126)" ], "spans": [ "war" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What had already begun before mounting the campaign?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the war began?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(157,163)" ], "spans": [ "placed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the officials spoke?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,18)", "(19,27)" ], "spans": [ "is", "mounting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What happened while the officials spoke?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(74,82)", "(276,283)", "(357,359)" ], "spans": [ "campaign", "provide", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0488_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen after the officials have spoken?" } ]
Despite the stuck solar array -- it has supplied electricity to the ISS for six years -- astronauts late Wednesday were able to activate the newer array so it could turn its photovoltaic cells to follow the sun. Once it is fully installed and operational, it will double the ISS's electrical output.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,39)", "(40,48)", "(115,119)", "(128,136)", "(165,169)", "(196,202)", "(220,222)", "(229,238)", "(264,270)", "(292,298)" ], "spans": [ "has", "supplied", "were", "activate", "turn", "follow", "is", "installed", "double", "output" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(115,119)", "(128,136)" ], "spans": [ "were", "activate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,39)", "(40,48)", "(165,169)", "(196,202)", "(292,298)" ], "spans": [ "has", "supplied", "turn", "follow", "output" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(264,270)", "(220,222)", "(229,238)" ], "spans": [ "double", "is", "installed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(128,136)", "(40,48)", "(36,39)" ], "spans": [ "activate", "supplied", "has" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15", "question": "What happened before the array turned?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(196,202)" ], "spans": [ "follow" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15", "question": "What happened after the array turned?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(220,222)", "(229,238)", "(264,270)" ], "spans": [ "is", "installed", "double" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15", "question": "What will likely happen to the array after it has been turned?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(36,39)", "(40,48)" ], "spans": [ "has", "supplied" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15", "question": "What has already happened with the array since when it was stuck?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061216.0379_sentid_15", "question": "What will happen once the array has doubled the ISS's electrical output?" } ]
"Let me step back: I'm proud of Prime Minister Siniora," Bush said. "He has shown tenacity, toughness in the face of enormous pressure from Syria as well as Hezbollah, which is funded by Iran," Bush said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(20,22)", "(62,66)", "(76,81)", "(126,134)", "(177,183)", "(199,203)" ], "spans": [ "step", "'m", "said", "shown", "pressure", "funded", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(62,66)", "(76,81)", "(199,203)" ], "spans": [ "step", "said", "shown", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(177,183)", "(20,22)" ], "spans": [ "funded", "'m" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(76,81)" ], "spans": [ "shown" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before Bush stepped back?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(62,66)", "(199,203)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What happened after Bush stepped back?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(20,22)", "(126,134)", "(177,183)" ], "spans": [ "'m", "pressure", "funded" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What is happening while Bush steps back?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before Syria and Hezbollah began exerting enormous pressure?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(62,66)", "(76,81)", "(199,203)" ], "spans": [ "step", "said", "shown", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What happened after Syria and Hezbollah began exerting enormous pressure?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(20,22)" ], "spans": [ "'m" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What started since Syria and Hezbollah began exerting enormous pressure?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(126,134)", "(20,22)" ], "spans": [ "pressure", "'m" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What is happening while Hezbollah is funded by Iran" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen once funding by Iran ends?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(126,134)", "(177,183)" ], "spans": [ "pressure", "funded" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What started happening before the person showed tenacity and toughness?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(20,22)" ], "spans": [ "'m" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What started happening after the person showed tenacity and toughness?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(8,12)", "(62,66)", "(199,203)" ], "spans": [ "step", "said", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061220.0438_sentid_2", "question": "What happened after the person showed tenacity and toughness?" } ]
And Rosneft benefits from BP's expertise in exploring in difficult and potentially hazardous conditions.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,20)", "(44,53)" ], "spans": [ "benefits", "exploring" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_332_sentid_15" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,53)" ], "spans": [ "exploring" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_332_sentid_15", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,20)", "(44,53)" ], "spans": [ "benefits", "exploring" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_332_sentid_15", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,53)" ], "spans": [ "exploring" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_332_sentid_15", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,53)" ], "spans": [ "exploring" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_332_sentid_15", "question": "What happens before Ronseft benefits?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,53)" ], "spans": [ "exploring" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_332_sentid_15", "question": "What will happen after Ronseft benefits?" } ]
Two US soldiers also died in separate attacks south of Baghdad and in the volatile western Sunni province of Al-Anbar. Calling for a peaceful ballot, Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari vigorously defended his 10-month record in government at a Baghdad news conference.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,25)", "(38,45)", "(119,126)", "(142,148)", "(192,200)", "(253,263)" ], "spans": [ "died", "attacks", "Calling", "ballot", "defended", "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,25)", "(38,45)", "(119,126)", "(192,200)", "(253,263)" ], "spans": [ "died", "attacks", "Calling", "defended", "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(142,148)" ], "spans": [ "ballot" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(38,45)" ], "spans": [ "attacks" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What happened before the US soldiers died?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(119,126)", "(192,200)", "(253,263)" ], "spans": [ "Calling", "defended", "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What happened after the US soldiers died?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(142,148)" ], "spans": [ "ballot" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What may happen after the US soldiers' deaths?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What will happen after the ballot?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(38,45)", "(21,25)" ], "spans": [ "attacks", "died" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What happened before Ibrahim Jaafari defended his record?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(119,126)", "(253,263)" ], "spans": [ "Calling", "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What was happening while Ibrahim Jaafari defended his record?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(142,148)" ], "spans": [ "ballot" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What may happen now that Ibrahim Jaafari has defended his record?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What happened before the attacks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(119,126)", "(21,25)", "(192,200)", "(253,263)" ], "spans": [ "Calling", "died", "defended", "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What happened after the attacks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,25)", "(38,45)" ], "spans": [ "died", "attacks" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What happened before the news conference?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(119,126)", "(192,200)" ], "spans": [ "Calling", "defended" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What happened during the news conference?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(142,148)" ], "spans": [ "ballot" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0378_sentid_7", "question": "What may happen after the news conference?" } ]
"The resumption of dialogue between all concerned parties is indispensable and urgent," he added. He also stressed that the DPRK's test was "a matter of deep regret and concern" and constituted a "serious challenge" to the current international nuclear non-proliferation regime.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(58,60)", "(91,96)", "(106,114)", "(136,139)", "(182,193)", "(205,214)", "(131,135)", "(19,27)" ], "spans": [ "is", "added", "stressed", "was", "constituted", "challenge", "test", "dialogue" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0377_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(91,96)", "(106,114)", "(136,139)", "(182,193)" ], "spans": [ "added", "stressed", "was", "constituted" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0377_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(205,214)", "(131,135)" ], "spans": [ "challenge", "test" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0377_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,27)" ], "spans": [ "dialogue" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0377_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,27)" ], "spans": [ "dialogue" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0377_sentid_2", "question": "What might happen after the test?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(205,214)", "(91,96)", "(106,114)", "(136,139)", "(182,193)" ], "spans": [ "challenge", "added", "stressed", "was", "constituted" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0377_sentid_2", "question": "What began after the test?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(131,135)", "(205,214)" ], "spans": [ "test", "challenge" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0377_sentid_2", "question": "What started before the comment was added?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(19,27)" ], "spans": [ "dialogue" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0377_sentid_2", "question": "What might happen the comment was added?" } ]
Juan Miguel Gonzalez objected to the media access to Elian that Lazaro Gonzalez's family has permitted and to the treatment of Elian by psychologists selected by Lazaro Gonzalez's family. Meantime, the possibility of a meeting between Attorney General Janet Reno and Lazaro Gonzalez's family reemerged Thursday.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,29)", "(43,49)", "(93,102)", "(114,123)", "(150,158)", "(219,226)", "(292,301)" ], "spans": [ "objected", "access", "permitted", "treatment", "selected", "meeting", "reemerged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,29)", "(93,102)", "(150,158)" ], "spans": [ "objected", "permitted", "selected" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(43,49)", "(114,123)", "(292,301)" ], "spans": [ "access", "treatment", "reemerged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(219,226)" ], "spans": [ "meeting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,29)", "(93,102)", "(150,158)", "(292,301)" ], "spans": [ "objected", "permitted", "selected", "reemerged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What will have happened before a potential meeting between Janet Reno and Lazaro Gonzalez's family?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(43,49)", "(114,123)" ], "spans": [ "access", "treatment" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What will have began before a potential meeting between Janet Reno and Lazaro Gonzalez's family?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen after a potential meeting between Janet Reno and Lazaro Gonzalez's family?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(93,102)", "(150,158)" ], "spans": [ "permitted", "selected" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before Juan Miguel Gonzalez objected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(292,301)" ], "spans": [ "reemerged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What happened while Juan Miguel Gonzalez objected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(43,49)", "(114,123)" ], "spans": [ "access", "treatment" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What began before Juan Miguel Gonzalez objected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(219,226)", "(43,49)", "(114,123)" ], "spans": [ "meeting", "access", "treatment" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What might happen after Juan Miguel Gonzalez's objection?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,29)", "(114,123)", "(292,301)" ], "spans": [ "objected", "treatment", "reemerged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What happened after Lazaro Gonzalez's family selected psychologists?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before Lazaro Gonzalez's family selected psychologists?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(43,49)", "(93,102)" ], "spans": [ "access", "permitted" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What happened while Lazaro Gonzalez's family selected psychologists?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(219,226)" ], "spans": [ "meeting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_APW20000210.0328_sentid_6", "question": "What might happen after Lazaro Gonzalez's family selected psychologists?" } ]
Indonesia and Russia will also sign an agreement for Russian energy firms Gazprom and Lukoil to take part in oil and gas projects on the island of Borneo and for Russia to build Indonesia's first nuclear reactor, Kommersant said. Yudhoyono has already visited the northern Russian city of Saint Petersburg during his visit and on Friday is set to address a business forum and receive an honorary diploma from a Russian foreign ministry academy.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,35)", "(39,48)", "(96,100)", "(121,129)", "(172,177)", "(224,228)", "(252,259)", "(317,322)", "(347,354)", "(376,383)" ], "spans": [ "sign", "agreement", "take", "projects", "build", "said", "visited", "visit", "address", "receive" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(224,228)", "(252,259)" ], "spans": [ "said", "visited" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(39,48)", "(317,322)" ], "spans": [ "agreement", "visit" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,35)", "(96,100)", "(121,129)", "(172,177)", "(347,354)", "(376,383)" ], "spans": [ "sign", "take", "projects", "build", "address", "receive" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(96,100)", "(121,129)", "(172,177)" ], "spans": [ "take", "projects", "build" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen after the agreement is signed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(224,228)", "(252,259)", "(347,354)", "(376,383)" ], "spans": [ "said", "visited", "address", "receive" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen before the agreement is signed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(317,322)" ], "spans": [ "visit" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen while the agreement is signed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(347,354)", "(376,383)" ], "spans": [ "address", "receive" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will Yudhoyono do after his visit to Saint Petersburg?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What did Yudhoyono do before his visit to Saint Petersburg?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,35)", "(39,48)", "(224,228)", "(252,259)", "(317,322)", "(347,354)", "(376,383)" ], "spans": [ "sign", "agreement", "said", "visited", "visit", "address", "receive" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will have happened before Russia builds Indonesia's first nuclear reactor?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will have happened after Russia builds Indonesia's first nuclear reactor?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(96,100)", "(121,129)" ], "spans": [ "take", "projects" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen while Russia builds Indonesia's first nuclear reactor?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(39,48)", "(252,259)", "(317,322)" ], "spans": [ "agreement", "visited", "visit" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What began before Kommersant made a statement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(252,259)" ], "spans": [ "visited" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What happened before Kommersant made a statement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,35)", "(96,100)", "(121,129)", "(172,177)", "(347,354)", "(376,383)" ], "spans": [ "sign", "take", "projects", "build", "address", "receive" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen after Kommersant's statement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(376,383)" ], "spans": [ "receive" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen immediately after Yudhoyono addresses a business forum?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061201.0062_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen immediately before Yudhoyono addresses a business forum?" } ]
The exhibitions will be for exclusively religious ends, the cardinal said, and do not imply the Church had taken a "position on the scientific discussions on the authenticity of this historic, unique and prestigious artifact evoking the death of Christ on the cross." The 4.4-metre (14.5-foot) by 1.1-metre (3.3-foot) shroud was saved at the last minute on April 12 when a blaze ravaged the chapel in Turin cathedral where it is normally housed.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,15)", "(69,73)", "(86,91)", "(107,112)", "(143,154)", "(225,232)", "(237,242)", "(329,334)", "(373,378)", "(379,386)", "(438,444)" ], "spans": [ "exhibitions", "said", "imply", "taken", "discussions", "evoking", "death", "saved", "blaze", "ravaged", "housed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(69,73)", "(237,242)", "(329,334)", "(373,378)", "(379,386)", "(438,444)" ], "spans": [ "said", "death", "saved", "blaze", "ravaged", "housed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(225,232)" ], "spans": [ "evoking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,15)" ], "spans": [ "exhibitions" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(373,378)", "(379,386)", "(438,444)", "(237,242)" ], "spans": [ "blaze", "ravaged", "housed", "death" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the shroud was saved?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What happened while the shroud was saved?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(69,73)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after the shroud was saved?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,15)" ], "spans": [ "exhibitions" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen after the shroud was saved?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(329,334)", "(69,73)" ], "spans": [ "saved", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after the chapel was ravaged?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,15)" ], "spans": [ "exhibitions" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen after the chapel was ravaged?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(237,242)" ], "spans": [ "death" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the chapel was ravaged?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(373,378)" ], "spans": [ "blaze" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What happened while the chapel was ravaged?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(379,386)", "(373,378)", "(329,334)", "(69,73)" ], "spans": [ "ravaged", "blaze", "saved", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after something was housed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(237,242)" ], "spans": [ "death" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before something was housed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,15)" ], "spans": [ "exhibitions" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970424.0358_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen after something was housed?" } ]
Italian Premier Romano Prodi, who narrowly beat former premier Silvio Berlusconi in April's general election, has been struggling to gain support among some of its allies for the budget, which is aimed at promoting growth and bringing the Italian deficit to within 3 percent of GDP by next year to meet Rome's EU commitments.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(43,47)", "(119,129)", "(196,201)", "(205,214)", "(215,221)", "(298,302)", "(313,324)" ], "spans": [ "beat", "struggling", "aimed", "promoting", "growth", "meet", "commitments" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061119.0196_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(43,47)" ], "spans": [ "beat" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061119.0196_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(313,324)", "(119,129)" ], "spans": [ "commitments", "struggling" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061119.0196_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(298,302)" ], "spans": [ "meet" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061119.0196_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(119,129)" ], "spans": [ "struggling" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061119.0196_sentid_2", "question": "What happened after Prodi beat Berlusconi?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(215,221)", "(298,302)" ], "spans": [ "growth", "meet" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061119.0196_sentid_2", "question": "What is hoped to happen after Prodi beat Berlusconi?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061119.0196_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before Prodi beat Berlusconi?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061119.0196_sentid_2", "question": "What happened while Prodi beat Berlusconi?" } ]
A senior military source said that in the past 96 hours, 25 Palestinian militants had been killed, and military pressure had shown them they were losing people and assets and making only small gains, even though they were hitting Israelis. The truce was made at a time of growing U.S. pressure on Olmert and the Palestinians to curtail spiraling violence and make progress toward ending decades of conflict.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(25,29)", "(91,97)", "(112,120)", "(125,130)", "(146,152)", "(175,181)", "(193,198)", "(222,229)", "(244,249)", "(254,258)", "(272,279)", "(285,293)", "(328,335)", "(336,345)", "(346,354)", "(359,363)", "(364,372)", "(380,386)", "(398,406)" ], "spans": [ "said", "killed", "pressure", "shown", "losing", "making", "gains", "hitting", "truce", "made", "growing", "pressure", "curtail", "spiraling", "violence", "make", "progress", "ending", "conflict" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(25,29)", "(91,97)", "(112,120)", "(125,130)", "(146,152)", "(175,181)", "(193,198)", "(222,229)", "(244,249)", "(254,258)" ], "spans": [ "said", "killed", "pressure", "shown", "losing", "making", "gains", "hitting", "truce", "made" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(272,279)", "(285,293)", "(398,406)" ], "spans": [ "growing", "pressure", "conflict" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(91,97)", "(112,120)", "(125,130)", "(146,152)", "(175,181)", "(193,198)", "(222,229)", "(244,249)", "(254,258)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "pressure", "shown", "losing", "making", "gains", "hitting", "truce", "made" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What happened before a source said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(272,279)", "(285,293)", "(346,354)", "(398,406)", "(336,345)" ], "spans": [ "growing", "pressure", "violence", "conflict", "spiraling" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What started but didn't finish before a source said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What happened before conflict started?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(25,29)", "(91,97)", "(112,120)", "(125,130)", "(146,152)", "(175,181)", "(193,198)", "(222,229)", "(244,249)", "(254,258)" ], "spans": [ "said", "killed", "pressure", "shown", "losing", "making", "gains", "hitting", "truce", "made" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What happened after conflict started?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(328,335)", "(359,363)", "(364,372)", "(380,386)" ], "spans": [ "curtail", "make", "progress", "ending" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What might happen after U.S. pressure?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(398,406)", "(336,345)", "(346,354)" ], "spans": [ "conflict", "spiraling", "violence" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061126.0195_sentid_12", "question": "What continued to happen after U.S. pressure?" } ]
The country faces a trade deficit of around 3 billion dollars and a budget deficit of 4 billion dollars during the fiscal 1996-97 ending June 30 next, the finance minister said. Over the past nine months, of the current fiscal year, the exports stood at 6.129 billion dollars, up from 5.928 billion dollars in the corresponding period last year.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,17)", "(20,25)", "(68,74)", "(130,136)", "(172,176)", "(237,244)", "(314,327)", "(245,250)" ], "spans": [ "faces", "trade", "budget", "ending", "said", "exports", "corresponding", "stood" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970412.0184_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(68,74)", "(172,176)", "(237,244)", "(245,250)" ], "spans": [ "budget", "said", "exports", "stood" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970412.0184_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,17)" ], "spans": [ "faces" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970412.0184_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(20,25)", "(130,136)" ], "spans": [ "trade", "ending" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970412.0184_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(130,136)" ], "spans": [ "ending" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970412.0184_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen after the minister said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(68,74)", "(237,244)", "(245,250)" ], "spans": [ "budget", "exports", "stood" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970412.0184_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the minister said something?" } ]
Britain's Natural Law Party (NLP), which is putting forward 300 candidates in the May 1 elections, issued its campaign manifesto on Friday with answers to such pressing problems as crime, unemployment and indigestion. Transcendental meditation and "yogic flying" hold the key to creating "heaven on earth" and a "happy, prosperous and trouble-free country," said the party which in 1992 won 64,000 votes nationwide, but no seats.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,51)", "(88,97)", "(99,105)", "(110,118)", "(144,151)", "(160,168)", "(233,243)", "(255,261)", "(263,267)", "(279,287)", "(358,362)", "(387,390)", "(398,403)", "(181,186)" ], "spans": [ "putting", "elections", "issued", "campaign", "answers", "pressing", "meditation", "flying", "hold", "creating", "said", "won", "votes", "crime" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(99,105)", "(144,151)", "(358,362)", "(387,390)", "(398,403)" ], "spans": [ "issued", "answers", "said", "won", "votes" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(160,168)", "(181,186)" ], "spans": [ "pressing", "crime" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(88,97)", "(110,118)", "(44,51)" ], "spans": [ "elections", "campaign", "putting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(88,97)", "(110,118)" ], "spans": [ "elections", "campaign" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen after the party said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(387,390)", "(398,403)" ], "spans": [ "won", "votes" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the party said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(233,243)", "(255,261)" ], "spans": [ "meditation", "flying" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What needs to happen before creating heaven on earth?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen after creating heaven on earth?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(88,97)" ], "spans": [ "elections" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen during May 1?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,51)", "(99,105)", "(144,151)", "(358,362)", "(387,390)", "(398,403)" ], "spans": [ "putting", "issued", "answers", "said", "won", "votes" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970411.0369_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before May 1?" } ]
"What happened today shows there can be no coexistence between us and Israeli settlers, who are here against our will and against all laws. This is terrorism itself."
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,14)", "(21,26)", "(43,54)", "(92,95)", "(145,147)", "(148,157)" ], "spans": [ "happened", "shows", "coexistence", "are", "is", "terrorism" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0377_sentid_14" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(6,14)" ], "spans": [ "happened" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0377_sentid_14", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,26)", "(92,95)", "(145,147)", "(148,157)" ], "spans": [ "shows", "are", "is", "terrorism" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0377_sentid_14", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0377_sentid_14", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(21,26)", "(92,95)", "(145,147)", "(148,157)" ], "spans": [ "shows", "are", "is", "terrorism" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0377_sentid_14", "question": "What has started since what happened today ?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(43,54)" ], "spans": [ "coexistence" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0377_sentid_14", "question": "What cannot happen after what happened today ?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0377_sentid_14", "question": "What might happen after what happened today ?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0377_sentid_14", "question": "What happened before what happened today ?" } ]
U.S. Trust also created a four-member office of the chairman, effective Feb. 1. It will include Messrs. Schwarz and Maurer.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,23)", "(88,95)" ], "spans": [ "created", "include" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0927_sentid_22" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(16,23)" ], "spans": [ "created" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0927_sentid_22", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0927_sentid_22", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(88,95)" ], "spans": [ "include" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0927_sentid_22", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(88,95)" ], "spans": [ "include" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0927_sentid_22", "question": "What will happen after U.S. Trust create a four-member office of the chairman ?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0927_sentid_22", "question": "What happened before U.S. Trust created a four-member office of the chairman ?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0927_sentid_22", "question": "What happened during the event in which U.S. Trust created a four-member office of the chairman ?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0927_sentid_22", "question": "What event finished after U.S. Trust created a four-member office of the chairman ?" } ]
Senator Barbara Boxer, the California Democrat who is chairwoman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, shepherded the highway bill. "We are growing in number," said Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(51,53)", "(112,122)", "(149,156)", "(169,173)" ], "spans": [ "is", "shepherded", "growing", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_nyt_20130321_women_senate_sentid_12" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(169,173)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_nyt_20130321_women_senate_sentid_12", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(51,53)", "(149,156)", "(112,122)" ], "spans": [ "is", "growing", "shepherded" ] }, "passageID": "docid_nyt_20130321_women_senate_sentid_12", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_nyt_20130321_women_senate_sentid_12", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(169,173)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_nyt_20130321_women_senate_sentid_12", "question": " What happened since growing in number?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_nyt_20130321_women_senate_sentid_12", "question": " What happened before growing in number?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(51,53)" ], "spans": [ "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_nyt_20130321_women_senate_sentid_12", "question": "What had already started before Senator Barbara Boxer shepherded the highway bill ?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(169,173)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_nyt_20130321_women_senate_sentid_12", "question": "What happened since Senator Barbara Boxer shepherded the highway bill ?" } ]
"We have set up a control office here and in Jeddah to co-ordinate the operation -- I hope we can provide some help." The foreign ministry spokesman, however, added: "We will have to wait for the pilgrims to return to Mecca from Arafat to know exactly how many are missing ... it is not an easy job."
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,12)", "(55,66)", "(86,90)", "(98,105)", "(159,164)", "(183,187)", "(208,214)", "(239,243)", "(265,272)", "(280,282)" ], "spans": [ "set", "co-ordinate", "hope", "provide", "added", "wait", "return", "know", "missing", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,12)", "(265,272)" ], "spans": [ "set", "missing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(86,90)", "(183,187)", "(280,282)" ], "spans": [ "hope", "wait", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(55,66)", "(98,105)", "(208,214)", "(239,243)" ], "spans": [ "co-ordinate", "provide", "return", "know" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,12)", "(265,272)" ], "spans": [ "set", "missing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before Jeddah began to co-ordinate the operation?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(86,90)", "(98,105)", "(159,164)" ], "spans": [ "hope", "provide", "added" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What happened after Jeddah began to co-ordinate the operation?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,12)", "(55,66)", "(86,90)", "(159,164)", "(183,187)", "(265,272)" ], "spans": [ "set", "co-ordinate", "hope", "added", "wait", "missing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What happened after the pilgrims went to Arafat?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before the pilgrims went to Arafat?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,12)" ], "spans": [ "set" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before the control office began to co-ordinate?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(86,90)", "(98,105)", "(159,164)", "(183,187)", "(280,282)" ], "spans": [ "hope", "provide", "added", "wait", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What happened after the control office began to co-ordinate?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What will happen after the pilgrims return?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(55,66)", "(98,105)", "(183,187)", "(280,282)" ], "spans": [ "co-ordinate", "provide", "wait", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What will happen before the pilgrims return?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(208,214)" ], "spans": [ "return" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "When will we know how many are missing?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(9,12)", "(265,272)" ], "spans": [ "set", "missing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before the foreign ministry spokesman began to feel hope?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(55,66)", "(86,90)", "(98,105)", "(280,282)" ], "spans": [ "co-ordinate", "hope", "provide", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What will happen while everyone is waiting for the pilgrims to return?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970416.0040_sentid_16", "question": "What happened before the pilgrims were missing?" } ]
The force will have to cope with widespread lawlessness, with large areas of the country, particularly in the south, controlled by armed gangs. Apart from the Italians, the advance contingent is made up of three French, three Greeks, two Danes, two Spaniards and a Romanian.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)", "(44,55)", "(195,199)" ], "spans": [ "cope", "lawlessness", "made" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(195,199)" ], "spans": [ "made" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,55)" ], "spans": [ "lawlessness" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)" ], "spans": [ "cope" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen after the force copes with the problem?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,55)" ], "spans": [ "lawlessness" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6", "question": "What will be happening while the force copes with the problem?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(195,199)" ], "spans": [ "made" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before the force copes with the problem?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(195,199)" ], "spans": [ "made" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before the lawlessness?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)" ], "spans": [ "cope" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0289_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen after the lawnessness?" } ]
Up to now, 300,000 square km of indigenous reserves have been deforested and replaced by agriculture and cattle pastures.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(62,72)", "(77,85)" ], "spans": [ "deforested", "replaced" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0342_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(62,72)", "(77,85)" ], "spans": [ "deforested", "replaced" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0342_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0342_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0342_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(77,85)" ], "spans": [ "replaced" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0342_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after deforested?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0342_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before deforested?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(62,72)" ], "spans": [ "deforested" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0342_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before replaced?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061123.0342_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after replaced?" } ]
His own brother Pedro Fujimori was among the hostages, who were thought to have been freed safely. Peruvian media said all hostages were freed safely but that report had yet to be confirmed.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,34)", "(64,71)", "(85,90)", "(114,118)", "(137,142)", "(180,189)" ], "spans": [ "was", "thought", "freed", "said", "freed", "confirmed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0660_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,34)", "(64,71)", "(114,118)", "(180,189)", "(85,90)", "(137,142)" ], "spans": [ "was", "thought", "said", "confirmed", "freed", "freed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0660_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0660_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0660_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,34)", "(85,90)" ], "spans": [ "was", "freed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0660_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before thought?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,34)" ], "spans": [ "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0660_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the media said?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(85,90)" ], "spans": [ "freed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0660_sentid_4", "question": "What was thought to have happened after Fujimori was among the hostages?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(85,90)", "(137,142)" ], "spans": [ "freed", "freed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970422.0660_sentid_4", "question": "What may have happened before the media said?" } ]
Allrounder Andrew Flintoff hit seven boundaries in his 36 before he was bowled by supersub Yasir Arafat. Leg-spinner Shahid Afridi and Shoaib Malik then shared five wickets between them to wrap up the innings on a day totally dominated by Pakistan.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,30)", "(72,78)", "(153,159)", "(189,193)", "(226,235)" ], "spans": [ "hit", "bowled", "shared", "wrap", "dominated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0336_sentid_9" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,30)", "(72,78)", "(153,159)", "(189,193)" ], "spans": [ "hit", "bowled", "shared", "wrap" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0336_sentid_9", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(226,235)", "(153,159)" ], "spans": [ "dominated", "shared" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0336_sentid_9", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(189,193)" ], "spans": [ "wrap" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0336_sentid_9", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,30)", "(226,235)" ], "spans": [ "hit", "dominated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0336_sentid_9", "question": "What happened before bowled?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(189,193)", "(153,159)" ], "spans": [ "wrap", "shared" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0336_sentid_9", "question": "What happened after bowled?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(226,235)", "(72,78)", "(153,159)" ], "spans": [ "dominated", "bowled", "shared" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051215.0336_sentid_9", "question": "What began before the wrap?" } ]
"Helicopters carrying sick and elderly pilgrims arrived Sunday morning in Baghdad, Anbar (in western Iraq), Salahuddin (in the north), and Basra and Zikar (in the south)," the official news agency INA said. It did not say how many helicopters or passengers were involved.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,21)", "(48,55)", "(201,205)", "(218,221)", "(262,270)" ], "spans": [ "carrying", "arrived", "said", "say", "involved" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0208_sentid_1" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(48,55)", "(262,270)", "(201,205)" ], "spans": [ "arrived", "involved", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0208_sentid_1", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(218,221)", "(262,270)" ], "spans": [ "say", "involved" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0208_sentid_1", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0208_sentid_1", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(48,55)", "(201,205)", "(218,221)" ], "spans": [ "arrived", "said", "say" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0208_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after carrying?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,21)", "(262,270)" ], "spans": [ "carrying", "involved" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0208_sentid_1", "question": "what happened before pilgrims arrived?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(201,205)", "(218,221)" ], "spans": [ "said", "say" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0208_sentid_1", "question": "what happened after pilgrims arrived?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(201,205)", "(218,221)" ], "spans": [ "said", "say" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0208_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after the passengers were involved?" } ]
A weapons buyback in Australia dramatically ended gun massacres and sharply reduced the number of firearms deaths overall, a study published on Thursday says. The initiative was launched in 1996, within days of a massacre of 35 people in Port Arthur, Tasmania, by a gunman using semi-automatic weapons.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(10,17)", "(44,49)", "(54,63)", "(76,83)", "(107,113)", "(125,130)", "(131,140)", "(163,173)", "(178,186)", "(213,221)", "(273,278)", "(153,157)" ], "spans": [ "buyback", "ended", "massacres", "reduced", "deaths", "study", "published", "initiative", "launched", "massacre", "using", "says" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(178,186)", "(213,221)", "(273,278)", "(125,130)", "(131,140)" ], "spans": [ "launched", "massacre", "using", "study", "published" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(10,17)", "(44,49)", "(54,63)", "(76,83)", "(107,113)", "(153,157)" ], "spans": [ "buyback", "ended", "massacres", "reduced", "deaths", "says" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(153,157)" ], "spans": [ "says" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(163,173)", "(178,186)", "(213,221)", "(273,278)" ], "spans": [ "initiative", "launched", "massacre", "using" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the weapons buyback in Australia?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(44,49)", "(54,63)", "(76,83)", "(107,113)" ], "spans": [ "ended", "massacres", "reduced", "deaths" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What event was ongoing during the weapons buyback in Australia?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(153,157)" ], "spans": [ "says" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What happens after the study was published on Thursday?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(213,221)", "(273,278)" ], "spans": [ "massacre", "using" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What event had finished before the initiative was launched in 1996?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What started before the massacre by a gunman using semi-automatic weapons?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(213,221)", "(10,17)", "(44,49)", "(54,63)", "(76,83)", "(107,113)", "(125,130)", "(131,140)", "(163,173)", "(178,186)" ], "spans": [ "massacre", "buyback", "ended", "massacres", "reduced", "deaths", "study", "published", "initiative", "launched" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061213.0676_sentid_0", "question": "What has happened after the gunman used semi-automatic weapons?" } ]
The crayfish have been heading to the beaches to escape a toxic red tide -- a concentration of micro-organisms which depletes oxygen levels in the water. Thousands of people have flocked to the coast to collect the crustacea.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,30)", "(49,55)", "(68,72)", "(78,91)", "(117,125)", "(179,186)", "(203,210)", "(133,139)", "(147,152)", "(95,110)" ], "spans": [ "heading", "escape", "tide", "concentration", "depletes", "flocked", "collect", "levels", "water", "micro-organisms" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(179,186)", "(203,210)" ], "spans": [ "flocked", "collect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,30)", "(49,55)", "(68,72)", "(78,91)", "(117,125)", "(133,139)", "(147,152)", "(95,110)" ], "spans": [ "heading", "escape", "tide", "concentration", "depletes", "levels", "water", "micro-organisms" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,30)", "(49,55)", "(68,72)", "(78,91)", "(117,125)", "(133,139)", "(147,152)", "(95,110)" ], "spans": [ "heading", "escape", "tide", "concentration", "depletes", "levels", "water", "micro-organisms" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What event had begun before thousands of people flocked to the coast to collect the crustacea but not yet finished? " }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(49,55)" ], "spans": [ "escape" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen after a toxic red tide?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(78,91)", "(95,110)", "(117,125)", "(133,139)", "(147,152)" ], "spans": [ "concentration", "micro-organisms", "depletes", "levels", "water" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What happens during a toxic red tide?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(117,125)", "(133,139)", "(68,72)" ], "spans": [ "depletes", "levels", "tide" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What occurs when there is a concentration of micro-organisms in the water?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(203,210)" ], "spans": [ "collect" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What has happened after thousands of people flocked to the coast?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(49,55)", "(68,72)" ], "spans": [ "escape", "tide" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0523_sentid_2", "question": "What can the crayfish do after heading to the beaches? " } ]
"About the total was a surprise and I was happy to see that." Asada gained her international prominence by beating Slutskaya to win the Grand Prix Final last year.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(17,22)", "(28,31)", "(34,42)", "(49,52)", "(62,65)", "(79,85)", "(104,114)", "(118,125)", "(139,142)", "(158,163)" ], "spans": [ "score", "was", "surprise", "was", "see", "gained", "prominence", "beating", "win", "Final" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(17,22)", "(28,31)", "(34,42)", "(49,52)", "(62,65)", "(79,85)", "(118,125)", "(158,163)", "(139,142)" ], "spans": [ "score", "was", "surprise", "was", "see", "gained", "beating", "Final", "win" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(104,114)" ], "spans": [ "prominence" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(17,22)", "(28,31)", "(34,42)", "(49,52)", "(62,65)", "(79,85)" ], "spans": [ "score", "was", "surprise", "was", "see", "gained" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What happened after Asada won the Grand Prix Final last year?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(104,114)" ], "spans": [ "prominence" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What has happened after Asada won the Grand Prix Final last year but not yet finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(118,125)" ], "spans": [ "beating" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What did Asada do before winning the Grand Prix Final last year?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(28,31)", "(34,42)", "(49,52)", "(62,65)" ], "spans": [ "was", "surprise", "was", "see" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What happened to Asada after seeing the score?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(17,22)", "(28,31)", "(34,42)", "(49,52)", "(62,65)", "(118,125)", "(139,142)", "(158,163)" ], "spans": [ "score", "was", "surprise", "was", "see", "beating", "win", "Final" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What event has happened before Asada gained her international prominence?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061202.0190_sentid_5", "question": "What did Asada do before beating Slutskaya? " } ]
The Supreme Court will hear the government petition against the compensation order in six weeks. Three of the leaders - Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Abdul Mannan and Mirza Abbas - were freed hours after the court order on Monday but the fourth, Goeswar Roy, was still being detained as he is also wanted on other matters.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)", "(185,190)", "(213,218)", "(274,282)", "(297,303)", "(258,261)", "(289,291)" ], "spans": [ "hear", "freed", "order", "detained", "wanted", "was", "is" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0552_sentid_3" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(185,190)", "(213,218)" ], "spans": [ "freed", "order" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0552_sentid_3", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(258,261)", "(274,282)", "(289,291)", "(297,303)" ], "spans": [ "was", "detained", "is", "wanted" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0552_sentid_3", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)" ], "spans": [ "hear" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0552_sentid_3", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(289,291)", "(297,303)" ], "spans": [ "is", "wanted" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0552_sentid_3", "question": "What happened while Roy was being detained?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(185,190)" ], "spans": [ "freed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0552_sentid_3", "question": "What happened after the court order?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)" ], "spans": [ "hear" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0552_sentid_3", "question": "What will happen after the court order?" } ]
"The horror of biological weapons is shared by all," Annan told a meeting in Geneva to review the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, which has been ratified by 155 countries. "Now it is time for countries to build on results, and take further steps to ensure that the Convention will continue to serve as an effective barrier against biological weapons," Annan told the conference, which began on Monday and will end on Dec. 8.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(34,36)", "(59,63)", "(66,73)", "(149,157)", "(209,214)", "(244,249)", "(253,259)", "(285,293)", "(297,302)", "(362,366)", "(371,381)" ], "spans": [ "is", "told", "meeting", "ratified", "build", "steps", "ensure", "continue", "serve", "told", "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(59,63)", "(66,73)", "(149,157)", "(362,366)" ], "spans": [ "told", "meeting", "ratified", "told" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(34,36)", "(297,302)", "(371,381)" ], "spans": [ "is", "serve", "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(59,63)", "(362,366)" ], "spans": [ "told", "told" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What happened during the meeting?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(34,36)", "(297,302)", "(371,381)" ], "spans": [ "is", "serve", "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What was already happening during the meeting?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(209,214)", "(244,249)", "(253,259)", "(285,293)" ], "spans": [ "build", "steps", "ensure", "continue" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What could happen after the conference?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(371,381)" ], "spans": [ "conference" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What will finish after the meeting?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(34,36)", "(297,302)" ], "spans": [ "is", "serve" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What started before the meeting?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(59,63)", "(66,73)", "(297,302)", "(362,366)" ], "spans": [ "told", "meeting", "serve", "told" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0139_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after the ratification?" } ]
Shares in British Petroleum (BP) rose by two pence to 684.5 pence and Shell oil stocks rose by 11 pence to 1,050.5 pence. Banking shares rose after dealers predicted there would be further consolidation in the world's banking system.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,37)", "(87,91)", "(137,141)", "(156,165)", "(189,202)" ], "spans": [ "rose", "rose", "rose", "predicted", "consolidation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0167_sentid_7" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,37)", "(87,91)", "(137,141)", "(156,165)" ], "spans": [ "rose", "rose", "rose", "predicted" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0167_sentid_7", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0167_sentid_7", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0167_sentid_7", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(87,91)" ], "spans": [ "rose" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0167_sentid_7", "question": "What happened while British Petroleum rose?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(33,37)" ], "spans": [ "rose" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0167_sentid_7", "question": "What happened while Shell oil stocks rose?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(189,202)" ], "spans": [ "consolidation" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0167_sentid_7", "question": "What might happen after the prediction?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(137,141)" ], "spans": [ "rose" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970409.0167_sentid_7", "question": "What did happen after the prediction?" } ]
Two Italians working for International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) were released unharmed on Tuesday midnight shortly after their kidnapping in Gaza earlier in the day, Palestinian security officials said. The officials said that the kidnappers had run away after they dropped the two hostages, a male and a female, near a police station in central Gaza Strip.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)", "(78,86)", "(87,95)", "(136,146)", "(206,210)", "(226,230)", "(259,263)", "(275,282)" ], "spans": [ "working", "released", "unharmed", "kidnapping", "said", "said", "away", "dropped" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(78,86)", "(87,95)", "(136,146)", "(206,210)", "(226,230)", "(275,282)" ], "spans": [ "released", "unharmed", "kidnapping", "said", "said", "dropped" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)", "(259,263)" ], "spans": [ "working", "away" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(78,86)", "(87,95)", "(206,210)", "(226,230)", "(259,263)", "(275,282)" ], "spans": [ "released", "unharmed", "said", "said", "away", "dropped" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the kidnapping?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the kidnapping?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the kidnapping but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(136,146)" ], "spans": [ "kidnapping" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the two Italians were released?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(87,95)", "(206,210)", "(226,230)", "(259,263)", "(275,282)" ], "spans": [ "unharmed", "said", "said", "away", "dropped" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the two Italians were released?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the two Italians were released but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(275,282)", "(136,146)", "(87,95)", "(78,86)" ], "spans": [ "dropped", "kidnapping", "unharmed", "released" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the two kidnappers run away?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(206,210)", "(226,230)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the two kidnappers run away?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the two kidnappers run away but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(78,86)", "(87,95)", "(136,146)" ], "spans": [ "released", "unharmed", "kidnapping" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the two hostages were dropped?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(206,210)", "(226,230)", "(259,263)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said", "away" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened after the two hostages were dropped?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,20)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_0", "question": "What happened before the two hostages were dropped but has not finished?" } ]
He thanked the Indian parliament for offering an annual silent prayer to victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and added: "Again we call on your country to mutually cooperate to abolish nuclear weapons." Despite Japanese conservatives' bid to ally with New Delhi to balance Beijing, Singh did not mention China by name in his address -- other than to point out disapprovingly that it conducted more trade with India than Japan did.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(3,10)", "(37,45)", "(63,69)", "(111,116)", "(128,132)", "(161,170)", "(174,181)", "(232,235)", "(239,243)", "(262,269)", "(293,300)", "(353,356)", "(357,371)", "(380,389)", "(395,400)" ], "spans": [ "thanked", "offering", "prayer", "added", "call", "cooperate", "abolish", "bid", "ally", "balance", "mention", "out", "disapprovingly", "conducted", "trade" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(3,10)", "(37,45)", "(63,69)", "(111,116)", "(232,235)", "(239,243)", "(262,269)", "(293,300)", "(353,356)", "(357,371)", "(380,389)" ], "spans": [ "thanked", "offering", "prayer", "added", "bid", "ally", "balance", "mention", "out", "disapprovingly", "conducted" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(395,400)" ], "spans": [ "trade" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(128,132)", "(161,170)", "(174,181)" ], "spans": [ "call", "cooperate", "abolish" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(3,10)", "(37,45)", "(111,116)", "(353,356)", "(357,371)", "(380,389)", "(395,400)" ], "spans": [ "thanked", "offering", "added", "out", "disapprovingly", "conducted", "trade" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What happened after the annual silent prayer?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(232,235)", "(239,243)", "(262,269)" ], "spans": [ "bid", "ally", "balance" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What happened before the annual silent prayer?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(128,132)", "(161,170)", "(174,181)" ], "spans": [ "call", "cooperate", "abolish" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What might happen after the annual silent prayer?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(37,45)", "(63,69)", "(232,235)", "(239,243)", "(262,269)" ], "spans": [ "offering", "prayer", "bid", "ally", "balance" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What happened before he thanked the Indian parliament?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(111,116)", "(353,356)", "(357,371)", "(380,389)", "(395,400)" ], "spans": [ "added", "out", "disapprovingly", "conducted", "trade" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What happened after he thanked the Indian parliament?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(128,132)", "(161,170)", "(174,181)" ], "spans": [ "call", "cooperate", "abolish" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061214.0316_sentid_11", "question": "What might happen after he thanked the Indian parliament?" } ]
Wednesday's strikes came after 24 hours of the Israeli withdrawal from the town. Over the past week, more than 63 Palestinians have been killed so far in Israeli incursion in Beit Hanoun.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)", "(20,24)", "(55,65)", "(137,143)", "(162,171)" ], "spans": [ "strikes", "came", "withdrawal", "killed", "incursion" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)", "(20,24)", "(55,65)", "(137,143)", "(162,171)" ], "spans": [ "strikes", "came", "withdrawal", "killed", "incursion" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What started after Wednesday's strikes?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(55,65)", "(137,143)", "(162,171)" ], "spans": [ "withdrawal", "killed", "incursion" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What happened before Wednesday's strikes?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)", "(20,24)" ], "spans": [ "strikes", "came" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What event ended after the Israeli withdrawal?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(137,143)", "(162,171)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "incursion" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What happened before the Israeli withdrawal?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(12,19)", "(20,24)", "(55,65)" ], "spans": [ "strikes", "came", "withdrawal" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What event terminated after the Israeli incursion?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(137,143)" ], "spans": [ "killed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What happened during the Israeli incursion?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What happened before the Israeli incursion?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061108.0125_sentid_8", "question": "What occurred during the Israeli withdrawal?" } ]
British troops, meanwhile, clashed with Shiite militia during a search operation in the southern city of Basra, Iraqi police said. Amid the carnage, there is a growing realisation in Washington that the current US strategy is failing and pressure is mounting for either a major change of course or rapid pullout of the 138,000 US troops deployed in theatre.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,34)", "(64,70)", "(125,129)", "(155,157)", "(226,233)", "(250,258)", "(337,345)", "(278,284)", "(304,311)" ], "spans": [ "clashed", "search", "said", "is", "failing", "mounting", "deployed", "change", "pullout" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,34)", "(64,70)", "(125,129)", "(337,345)" ], "spans": [ "clashed", "search", "said", "deployed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(250,258)", "(226,233)" ], "spans": [ "mounting", "failing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(304,311)", "(278,284)" ], "spans": [ "pullout", "change" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,34)" ], "spans": [ "clashed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What happened during the search operation?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(27,34)", "(64,70)" ], "spans": [ "clashed", "search" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What happened before the police said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(226,233)", "(250,258)" ], "spans": [ "failing", "mounting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What is happening now?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(304,311)", "(278,284)" ], "spans": [ "pullout", "change" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What could happen after the police said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(226,233)", "(250,258)", "(337,345)" ], "spans": [ "failing", "mounting", "deployed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What could happen before a pullout?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0193_sentid_10", "question": "What could happen after a pullout?" } ]
The museum and the scientific community in general do not endorse the information espoused by Carter, although he conducts his tours just like any other school group going through. "We welcome everybody to the museum and I'm happy to see the kids being exposed to the science world," Kirk Johnson, chief curator at the museum, said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(58,65)", "(82,90)", "(114,122)", "(185,192)", "(221,224)", "(234,237)", "(253,260)", "(327,331)", "(166,171)" ], "spans": [ "endorse", "espoused", "conducts", "welcome", "I'm", "see", "exposed", "said", "going" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(82,90)", "(327,331)" ], "spans": [ "espoused", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(114,122)" ], "spans": [ "conducts" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(82,90)" ], "spans": [ "espoused" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before the tours are conducted?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(253,260)" ], "spans": [ "exposed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What happens after the tours are conducted?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(114,122)", "(221,224)", "(234,237)", "(253,260)", "(166,171)" ], "spans": [ "conducts", "I'm", "see", "exposed", "going" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What happens after someone is welcomed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(114,122)", "(253,260)", "(185,192)", "(221,224)", "(234,237)", "(166,171)" ], "spans": [ "conducts", "exposed", "welcome", "I'm", "see", "going" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What happens after Carter espoused information?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(82,90)" ], "spans": [ "espoused" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before someone is welcomed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(58,65)" ], "spans": [ "endorse" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_6", "question": "What did not happen after Carter espoused information?" } ]
In the worst repressions of the Soviet period the label "foreign agents" was used to denounce dissidents - or simply political rivals of Joseph Stalin - and could lead to execution. Memorial says inspectors returned to its Moscow offices on Friday, having already seized 600 documents including accounts on Thursday.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,24)", "(77,81)", "(85,93)", "(163,167)", "(171,180)", "(191,195)", "(207,215)", "(264,270)" ], "spans": [ "repressions", "used", "denounce", "lead", "execution", "says", "returned", "seized" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,24)", "(77,81)", "(85,93)", "(191,195)", "(207,215)", "(264,270)" ], "spans": [ "repressions", "used", "denounce", "says", "returned", "seized" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,24)", "(207,215)", "(264,270)", "(77,81)", "(85,93)" ], "spans": [ "repressions", "returned", "seized", "used", "denounce" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What occurred during the Soviet period?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(171,180)" ], "spans": [ "execution" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What could happen during the Soviet period if a person was labelled foreign agent?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(207,215)" ], "spans": [ "returned" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What did inspectors do after they seized 600 documents?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(264,270)" ], "spans": [ "seized" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What did inspectors do before they returned to Moscow?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(85,93)" ], "spans": [ "denounce" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What would Soviets do to dissidents after labelling them foreign agents?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(191,195)" ], "spans": [ "says" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What did Memorial do after inspectors returned to Moscow?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(207,215)", "(264,270)" ], "spans": [ "returned", "seized" ] }, "passageID": "docid_bbc_20130322_721_sentid_4", "question": "What did inspectors do that led to Memorial saying so?" } ]
Most of the 20 industrial parks inspected had failed to carry out environmental assessments before construction. Central departments would send more inspectors this month to investigate local environmental protection, but Lu declined to identify the areas to be investigated.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(32,41)", "(46,52)", "(56,61)", "(80,91)", "(99,111)", "(139,143)", "(174,185)", "(225,233)", "(237,245)", "(262,274)" ], "spans": [ "inspected", "failed", "carry", "assessments", "construction", "send", "investigate", "declined", "identify", "investigated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(32,41)", "(46,52)", "(99,111)", "(225,233)" ], "spans": [ "inspected", "failed", "construction", "declined" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(139,143)", "(174,185)", "(262,274)" ], "spans": [ "send", "investigate", "investigated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(80,91)" ], "spans": [ "assessments" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What should have happened before construction of the industrial parks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(99,111)" ], "spans": [ "construction" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What happened after the parks failed to carry out assessments?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(46,52)" ], "spans": [ "failed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before construction of the industrial parks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(32,41)" ], "spans": [ "inspected" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What did Central departments do after the construction of the industrial parks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(139,143)", "(174,185)", "(262,274)" ], "spans": [ "send", "investigate", "investigated" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What will Central departments do after the construction of the industrial parks?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(237,245)" ], "spans": [ "identify" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What did Lu decline to do before sending more inspectors?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(225,233)" ], "spans": [ "declined" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0228_sentid_6", "question": "What did Lu do about identifying areas before they are to be investigated?" } ]
However investigators found no evidence of a racist or political motive for the deadly blaze, and on Friday the woman's husband, Aziz Demir, 42, was arrested and charged over the incident. Police said he was apparently angry that his wife was planning a divorce.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(87,92)", "(149,157)", "(162,169)", "(179,187)", "(196,200)", "(243,251)", "(254,261)", "(204,207)" ], "spans": [ "found", "blaze", "arrested", "charged", "incident", "said", "planning", "divorce", "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(149,157)", "(162,169)", "(179,187)", "(196,200)", "(87,92)" ], "spans": [ "found", "arrested", "charged", "incident", "said", "blaze" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(243,251)" ], "spans": [ "planning" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(254,261)" ], "spans": [ "divorce" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(196,200)", "(204,207)", "(149,157)", "(162,169)", "(179,187)", "(87,92)", "(22,27)" ], "spans": [ "said", "was", "arrested", "charged", "incident", "blaze", "found" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened after Aziz Demir's wife started planning a divorce?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before Aziz Demir's wife started planning a divorce?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(149,157)", "(162,169)", "(196,200)" ], "spans": [ "found", "arrested", "charged", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened after the deadly blaze?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before the deadly blaze?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(149,157)", "(162,169)" ], "spans": [ "arrested", "charged" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened Friday?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(87,92)", "(179,187)" ], "spans": [ "found", "blaze", "incident" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before Friday?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(196,200)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened after Aziz Demir was arrested and charged?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened before Aziz Demir was arrested and charged?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970405.0240_sentid_6", "question": "What happened after Friday?" } ]
Between 1999 and late 2005, the Red Cross made 453 visits to prisons and labor camps across Myanmar, one of the world's poorest and most isolated nations and with a dismal human rights record. The Red Cross said it had 332 staff in Myanmar, including 54 expatriates, last year.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(42,46)", "(51,57)", "(207,211)", "(215,218)" ], "spans": [ "made", "visits", "said", "had" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(42,46)", "(51,57)", "(207,211)", "(215,218)" ], "spans": [ "made", "visits", "said", "had" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(42,46)", "(51,57)" ], "spans": [ "made", "visits" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What happened between 1999 and late 2005?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What happened after 2005?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What happened before 1999?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(215,218)" ], "spans": [ "had" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What happened last year?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(207,211)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What happened since last year?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061215.0065_sentid_10", "question": "What happened before last year?" } ]
Swiss pharmaceutical firm Novartis is to build a 100 million-U.S.-dollar research and development center in Shanghai, China, employing 400 scientists, Swiss Radio International (SRI) reported on Monday. The investment aims to tap into the fast-growing Chinese pharmacy market, and to take advantage of China's low cost scientific talent, the report said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(41,46)", "(125,134)", "(183,191)", "(207,217)", "(226,229)", "(284,288)", "(342,348)" ], "spans": [ "build", "employing", "reported", "investment", "tap", "take", "report" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(183,191)", "(342,348)" ], "spans": [ "reported", "report" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(41,46)", "(125,134)", "(207,217)", "(226,229)", "(284,288)" ], "spans": [ "build", "employing", "investment", "tap", "take" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(125,134)", "(226,229)", "(284,288)" ], "spans": [ "employing", "tap", "take" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What will likely occur after Novartis builds the center?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(207,217)" ], "spans": [ "investment" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What will likely occur during the time that Novartis builds the center?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What likely occured before Novartis begins to build the center?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(41,46)" ], "spans": [ "build" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What must occur before 400 scientists are employed with Novartis?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(226,229)", "(284,288)" ], "spans": [ "tap", "take" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What will start occuring after 400 scientists are employed with Novartis?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(41,46)", "(125,134)", "(207,217)", "(226,229)", "(284,288)" ], "spans": [ "build", "employing", "investment", "tap", "take" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What is set to begin after the report?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What event occured before the report?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061106.0150_sentid_0", "question": "What event probably occured during the writing of the report?" } ]
The Congress began the crisis, ending 10 months of support to the Front coalition on March 30, and then made a bid to form its own administration. It later backed down after failing to woo support in India's hung lower house of parliament for a rival coalition.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,18)", "(23,29)", "(51,58)", "(104,108)", "(118,122)", "(156,162)", "(174,181)", "(185,188)", "(208,212)", "(31,37)" ], "spans": [ "began", "crisis", "support", "made", "form", "backed", "failing", "woo", "hung", "ending" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,18)", "(51,58)", "(104,108)", "(118,122)", "(156,162)", "(174,181)", "(185,188)", "(31,37)" ], "spans": [ "began", "support", "made", "form", "backed", "failing", "woo", "ending" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,29)", "(208,212)" ], "spans": [ "crisis", "hung" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(13,18)", "(23,29)" ], "spans": [ "began", "crisis" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12", "question": "What ended the support?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,37)", "(104,108)", "(118,122)", "(156,162)", "(174,181)" ], "spans": [ "ending", "made", "form", "backed", "failing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12", "question": "What happened after the crisis began?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(208,212)", "(51,58)" ], "spans": [ "hung", "support" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12", "question": "What happened before the crisis began?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(156,162)", "(174,181)" ], "spans": [ "backed", "failing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12", "question": "What happened after the congress made a bid?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(185,188)" ], "spans": [ "woo" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970418.0359_sentid_12", "question": "What could have happened after the congress made a bid?" } ]
Earlier this month, a primary school principal in southwest China was sacked over a food poisoning incident in late September that affected 92 pupils, including 23 who were hospitalized. Schools should hold high qualifications in selecting principals and teachers, State Councilor Chen Zhili said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(70,76)", "(99,107)", "(131,139)", "(173,185)", "(202,206)", "(230,239)", "(292,296)" ], "spans": [ "sacked", "incident", "affected", "hospitalized", "hold", "selecting", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(70,76)", "(99,107)", "(131,139)", "(173,185)", "(292,296)" ], "spans": [ "sacked", "incident", "affected", "hospitalized", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(202,206)" ], "spans": [ "hold" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(230,239)" ], "spans": [ "selecting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(70,76)", "(99,107)", "(131,139)", "(173,185)" ], "spans": [ "sacked", "incident", "affected", "hospitalized" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What happened before Chen Zhili said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What started after Chen Zhili said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(202,206)", "(230,239)" ], "spans": [ "hold", "selecting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What might happen after Chen Zhili said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(99,107)" ], "spans": [ "incident" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What ended before the principal was sacked?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(99,107)", "(131,139)", "(173,185)" ], "spans": [ "incident", "affected", "hospitalized" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What had started before the principal was sacked?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(292,296)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What happened after the principal was sacked?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(131,139)", "(70,76)", "(173,185)", "(292,296)" ], "spans": [ "affected", "sacked", "hospitalized", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What happened after the food poisoning incident?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What happened had finished before the food poisoning incident?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(131,139)", "(173,185)" ], "spans": [ "affected", "hospitalized" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What happened during the food poisoning incident?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(99,107)" ], "spans": [ "incident" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What had started before the 92 pupils were affected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(99,107)" ], "spans": [ "incident" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What happened before the 92 pupils were affected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(173,185)", "(99,107)" ], "spans": [ "hospitalized", "incident" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What happened during the time that the 92 pupils were affected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(70,76)", "(292,296)" ], "spans": [ "sacked", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What happened after the 92 pupils were affected?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(202,206)", "(230,239)" ], "spans": [ "hold", "selecting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061120.0197_sentid_14", "question": "What might happen after the food poisoning incident?" } ]
"We are currently working on the exact date and location for such a meeting, but I think it will be held quite soon," he said. The first such talks occurred in Berlin last April.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,25)", "(68,75)", "(83,88)", "(100,104)", "(121,125)", "(142,147)", "(148,156)" ], "spans": [ "working", "meeting", "think", "held", "said", "talks", "occurred" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(83,88)", "(121,125)", "(142,147)", "(148,156)" ], "spans": [ "think", "said", "talks", "occurred" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,25)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,25)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before the talks last April?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,25)", "(68,75)", "(100,104)" ], "spans": [ "working", "meeting", "held" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What seems likely to happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What might happen during the meeting?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(83,88)", "(142,147)", "(148,156)" ], "spans": [ "think", "talks", "occurred" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before the person said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What happened immediately after the person said something?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(18,25)" ], "spans": [ "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970408.0707_sentid_2", "question": "What started, but did not finish, before the person said something?" } ]
The fan was among a mob attacking a French-Israeli fan and chanting antisemitist and racist slogans. Lens won 3-0 at home to last seasons runners-up Bordeaux.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(24,33)", "(59,67)", "(106,109)", "(130,136)" ], "spans": [ "attacking", "chanting", "won", "season" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(24,33)", "(59,67)", "(106,109)", "(130,136)" ], "spans": [ "attacking", "chanting", "won", "season" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(59,67)" ], "spans": [ "chanting" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What was happening when a mob was attacking a fan?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(24,33)" ], "spans": [ "attacking" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What was happening when a mob was chanting slogans?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What happened after Lens won 3-0 at home?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What happened before Bordeaux became last season's runners-up?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What happened before a mob started chanting slogans?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061203.0513_sentid_24", "question": "What happened before a mob started attacking a fan?" } ]
Thank you Hungary, thank you Pancho," Ramon Calderon, Real Madrid's President, said in a tribute at Puskas stadium, using the legend's Spanish nickname. Following the memorial service, a procession, with a six-horse carriage drawing Puskas' casket, went through the city to Saint Stephen's Basilica, where the legendary player was buried.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(79,83)", "(89,96)", "(116,121)", "(153,162)", "(176,183)", "(187,197)", "(225,232)", "(249,253)", "(331,337)" ], "spans": [ "said", "tribute", "using", "Following", "service", "procession", "drawing", "went", "buried" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(0,5)", "(19,24)", "(79,83)", "(89,96)", "(116,121)", "(153,162)", "(176,183)", "(187,197)", "(225,232)", "(249,253)", "(331,337)" ], "spans": [ "Thank", "thank", "said", "tribute", "using", "Following", "service", "procession", "drawing", "went", "buried" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(79,83)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What happened at the tribute?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(116,121)", "(153,162)", "(176,183)", "(187,197)", "(225,232)", "(249,253)", "(331,337)" ], "spans": [ "using", "Following", "service", "procession", "drawing", "went", "buried" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What happened after the tribute?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(331,337)" ], "spans": [ "buried" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What happened after the procession?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(225,232)", "(249,253)" ], "spans": [ "drawing", "went" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What happened during the procession?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(176,183)", "(153,162)", "(116,121)", "(79,83)", "(89,96)" ], "spans": [ "service", "Following", "using", "said", "tribute" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What happened before the procession?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(187,197)", "(225,232)", "(249,253)", "(331,337)" ], "spans": [ "procession", "drawing", "went", "buried" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What came after the memorial service?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(249,253)", "(225,232)", "(187,197)", "(176,183)", "(153,162)", "(116,121)", "(79,83)", "(89,96)" ], "spans": [ "went", "drawing", "procession", "service", "Following", "using", "said", "tribute" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20061209.0429_sentid_13", "question": "What happened before Pancho was buried?" } ]
The bombings at U.S embassies in Kenya and Tanzania have killed more than 200 people, including 12 Americans, and wounded over 5,000. The United States has dispatched FBI agents to Africa to investigate the bombings but there was no word in Washington on Tuesday of any significant leads so far.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,12)", "(57,63)", "(114,121)", "(156,166)", "(191,202)", "(207,215)" ], "spans": [ "bombings", "killed", "wounded", "dispatched", "investigate", "bombings" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,12)", "(57,63)", "(114,121)", "(156,166)", "(207,215)" ], "spans": [ "bombings", "killed", "wounded", "dispatched", "bombings" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(191,202)" ], "spans": [ "investigate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(57,63)", "(114,121)", "(156,166)", "(191,202)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "wounded", "dispatched", "investigate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after the bombings?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(191,202)" ], "spans": [ "investigate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after the US dispatched FBI agents?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(207,215)", "(114,121)", "(57,63)", "(4,12)" ], "spans": [ "bombings", "wounded", "killed", "bombings" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before the US dispatched FBI agents?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(156,166)", "(191,202)" ], "spans": [ "dispatched", "investigate" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after people were wounded and killed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,12)", "(207,215)" ], "spans": [ "bombings", "bombings" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIE19980812.0062_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before people were wounded and killed?" } ]
A respected figure and twice a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Congress, Cai has used his scientific achievements to reach practical results for wetland conservation, defending the idea that "wetlands are closely linked to human survival and development." Cai also stressed the importance of wetlands for sustainable economic development and human well-being, especially in their function as the "kidneys of nature."
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(103,107)", "(139,144)", "(189,198)", "(235,241)", "(287,295)", "(402,410)" ], "spans": [ "used", "reach", "defending", "linked", "stressed", "function" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(287,295)", "(103,107)", "(139,144)" ], "spans": [ "stressed", "used", "reach" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(189,198)", "(235,241)", "(402,410)" ], "spans": [ "defending", "linked", "function" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(402,410)" ], "spans": [ "function" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(103,107)" ], "spans": [ "used" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What happened before Cai reached practical results?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(189,198)", "(287,295)" ], "spans": [ "defending", "stressed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What might have happened while Cai reached practical results?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(139,144)", "(189,198)" ], "spans": [ "reach", "defending" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What happened since Cai used his scientific achievements?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(235,241)", "(402,410)" ], "spans": [ "linked", "function" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What event had started before Cai had used his scientific advancements?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(402,410)" ], "spans": [ "function" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What might happen after Cai defends the idea that wetlands are very important?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051108.0281_sentid_5", "question": "What might not happen after Cai defends the idea that wetlands are very important?" } ]
The best actress award went to Reese Witherspoon for her portrayal of the wife of Johnny Cash in the biopic of the legendary singer's life, "Walk The Line." Based on a short story by novelist Annie Proulx, "Brokeback Mountain" chronicles the gay romance between cowboys -- played by Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal -- who meet while working on a ranch in 1963.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)", "(57,66)", "(157,162)", "(246,253)", "(273,279)", "(317,321)", "(328,335)" ], "spans": [ "went", "portrayal", "Based", "romance", "played", "meet", "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)", "(57,66)", "(157,162)", "(246,253)", "(273,279)", "(317,321)", "(328,335)" ], "spans": [ "went", "portrayal", "Based", "romance", "played", "meet", "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(57,66)", "(157,162)", "(246,253)", "(273,279)", "(317,321)", "(328,335)" ], "spans": [ "portrayal", "Based", "romance", "played", "meet", "working" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2", "question": "What happened before the award went to Reese Witherspoon?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2", "question": "What happened after the award went to Reese Witherspoon?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(23,27)" ], "spans": [ "went" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2", "question": "What happened since the portrayal?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(246,253)", "(317,321)" ], "spans": [ "romance", "meet" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2", "question": "What happened while the cowboys were working on the ranch?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(273,279)", "(57,66)", "(157,162)", "(23,27)" ], "spans": [ "played", "portrayal", "Based", "went" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051212.0535_sentid_2", "question": "What happened after the cowboys worked on the ranch?" } ]
For a little hometown shock he calls Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, two Colorado teenagers who killed 13 people at Columbine High School before killing themselves, evolutionists. "Creationism values each person," Carter says before ending the tour with a prayer.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(31,36)", "(95,101)", "(144,151)", "(192,198)", "(220,224)", "(232,238)", "(243,247)", "(255,261)" ], "spans": [ "shock", "calls", "killed", "killing", "values", "says", "ending", "tour", "prayer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(31,36)", "(95,101)", "(144,151)", "(220,224)", "(232,238)", "(243,247)", "(255,261)" ], "spans": [ "shock", "calls", "killed", "killing", "says", "ending", "tour", "prayer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(192,198)" ], "spans": [ "values" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened before the shock?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(220,224)", "(232,238)", "(243,247)", "(255,261)", "(31,36)" ], "spans": [ "says", "ending", "tour", "prayer", "calls" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened after the shock?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(95,101)", "(144,151)", "(192,198)" ], "spans": [ "killed", "killing", "values" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened during the shock?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened before the 13 people were killed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(144,151)", "(220,224)", "(232,238)", "(243,247)", "(255,261)", "(31,36)" ], "spans": [ "killing", "says", "ending", "tour", "prayer", "calls" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened after the 13 people were killed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(192,198)" ], "spans": [ "shock", "values" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened while the 13 people were killed?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(95,101)" ], "spans": [ "killed" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened before they killed themselves?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,36)", "(220,224)", "(232,238)", "(243,247)", "(255,261)" ], "spans": [ "calls", "says", "ending", "tour", "prayer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened after they killed themselves?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(192,198)" ], "spans": [ "shock", "values" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened while they killed themselves?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(22,27)", "(95,101)", "(144,151)" ], "spans": [ "shock", "killed", "killing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened before Carter spoke?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(232,238)", "(243,247)", "(255,261)" ], "spans": [ "ending", "tour", "prayer" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened after Carter spoke?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(31,36)", "(192,198)" ], "spans": [ "calls", "values" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_20051214.0326_sentid_17", "question": "What happened while Carter spoke?" } ]
The combined effect of these changes is expected to save the company about $4 million in interest expenses next year, or six cents a share. Shoney's said the latest restructuring affected bank indebtedness that was incurred to finance $585 million of the company's $728 million recapitalization that took place in 1988.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(29,36)", "(40,48)", "(52,56)", "(149,153)", "(165,178)", "(179,187)", "(193,205)", "(215,223)", "(278,294)", "(300,304)" ], "spans": [ "changes", "expected", "save", "said", "restructuring", "affected", "indebtedness", "incurred", "recapitalization", "took" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(40,48)", "(29,36)", "(149,153)", "(165,178)", "(179,187)", "(215,223)", "(300,304)" ], "spans": [ "expected", "changes", "said", "restructuring", "affected", "incurred", "took" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(278,294)" ], "spans": [ "recapitalization" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(179,187)", "(149,153)" ], "spans": [ "affected", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after restructuring?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(193,205)", "(215,223)", "(278,294)", "(300,304)" ], "spans": [ "indebtedness", "incurred", "recapitalization", "took" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before restructuring?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(29,36)" ], "spans": [ "changes" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What happened during restructuring?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What happened before took?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(278,294)", "(193,205)" ], "spans": [ "recapitalization", "indebtedness" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What happened during took?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(165,178)", "(215,223)", "(179,187)", "(149,153)", "(29,36)", "(40,48)" ], "spans": [ "restructuring", "incurred", "affected", "said", "changes", "expected" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after took?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(52,56)" ], "spans": [ "save" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What will likely happen as a result of changes? " }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(149,153)" ], "spans": [ "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_wsj_0667_sentid_4", "question": "What happened after changes? " } ]
However, the kidnappers' identity is still unknown as no one had claimed responsibility for the abduction, said the officials. For fear of more such abduction of its members, the local Red Cross office announced to suspend its activities in the area shortly before their release.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(65,72)", "(96,105)", "(107,111)", "(149,158)", "(202,211)", "(215,222)", "(227,237)", "(271,278)" ], "spans": [ "claimed", "abduction", "said", "abduction", "announced", "suspend", "activities", "release" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(65,72)", "(96,105)", "(107,111)", "(202,211)" ], "spans": [ "claimed", "abduction", "said", "announced" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(227,237)" ], "spans": [ "activities" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(215,222)", "(271,278)" ], "spans": [ "suspend", "release" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(96,105)", "(202,211)" ], "spans": [ "abduction", "announced" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What event lead to the suspension?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What happened before the abduction?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(107,111)", "(202,211)", "(227,237)" ], "spans": [ "said", "announced", "activities" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What happened after the abduction?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(215,222)" ], "spans": [ "suspend" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What event will happen shortly before release?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(227,237)" ], "spans": [ "activities" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What event will end before the release?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(271,278)" ], "spans": [ "release" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What event will begin after the suspension?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(149,158)" ], "spans": [ "abduction" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What might happen again?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(149,158)" ], "spans": [ "abduction" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20061121.0358_sentid_3", "question": "What event might not happen again?" } ]
The construction of Hong Kong's new airport alone has involved some 115 European companies and there are some 250 European business which have regional headquarters there. There are also an average of 50,000 EU citizens in Hong Kong at any one time, including 32,000 who are permanently settled there.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,16)", "(54,62)", "(287,294)" ], "spans": [ "construction", "involved", "settled" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(287,294)" ], "spans": [ "settled" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,16)", "(54,62)" ], "spans": [ "construction", "involved" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,16)", "(54,62)" ], "spans": [ "construction", "involved" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What event already started?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What event has not yet began?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(287,294)" ], "spans": [ "settled" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What event did citizens already conclude?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What event did citizens not yet conclude?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What happened before the citizens settled?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,16)", "(54,62)" ], "spans": [ "construction", "involved" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What happened after the citizens settled?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(54,62)" ], "spans": [ "involved" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What happened during construction?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(287,294)" ], "spans": [ "settled" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970427.0490_sentid_15", "question": "What happened before construction?" } ]
"We have explored a variety of options including a merger but under current legislation, this was the only option we could choose," he said. In a statement, Mitsuzuka said the suspension followed difficulties stemming from the sale of high-yielding pension policies and a subsequent downturn in share prices, causing a deterioration in returns.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,8)", "(9,17)", "(39,48)", "(94,97)", "(123,129)", "(135,139)", "(176,186)", "(196,208)", "(209,217)", "(227,231)", "(283,291)", "(319,332)", "(167,171)", "(309,316)" ], "spans": [ "have", "explored", "including", "was", "choose", "said", "suspension", "difficulties", "stemming", "sale", "downturn", "deterioration", "said", "causing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,8)", "(9,17)", "(39,48)", "(135,139)", "(176,186)", "(196,208)", "(209,217)", "(227,231)", "(283,291)", "(319,332)", "(309,316)" ], "spans": [ "have", "explored", "including", "said", "suspension", "difficulties", "stemming", "sale", "downturn", "deterioration", "causing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(94,97)", "(123,129)" ], "spans": [ "was", "choose" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [], "spans": [] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(123,129)", "(135,139)", "(94,97)" ], "spans": [ "choose", "said", "was" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What did Mitsuzuka do after exploring?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,8)", "(39,48)" ], "spans": [ "have", "including" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What did Mitsuzuka do while exploring?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(196,208)", "(209,217)", "(227,231)", "(283,291)", "(319,332)", "(309,316)" ], "spans": [ "difficulties", "stemming", "sale", "downturn", "deterioration", "causing" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What happened before speaking about the suspension?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(4,8)", "(9,17)", "(39,48)", "(94,97)", "(123,129)", "(135,139)" ], "spans": [ "have", "explored", "including", "was", "choose", "said" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What happened after the suspension?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(209,217)", "(227,231)" ], "spans": [ "stemming", "sale" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What occurred before the difficulties?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(283,291)" ], "spans": [ "downturn" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What occurred immediately after the difficulties?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(309,316)", "(319,332)" ], "spans": [ "causing", "deterioration" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What occurred immediately after the downturn?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(309,316)", "(283,291)", "(227,231)" ], "spans": [ "causing", "downturn", "sale" ] }, "passageID": "docid_AFP_ENG_19970425.0137_sentid_13", "question": "What happened immediately before the deterioration in returns?" } ]
Spokesman of the UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Neeraj Singh said that the threatening statement issued by the self-styled Army for Kosovo Independence would be a daily occurrence during the forthcoming status talks, the official Tanjug news agency reported. Regardless of threats and other forms of pressure, the Kosovo status will not be decided in the streets or on the Internet, Singh said.
{ "answer": { "indices": [ "(59,63)", "(95,101)", "(167,177)", "(208,213)", "(247,255)", "(271,278)", "(298,306)", "(335,337)", "(338,345)", "(387,391)", "(156,158)" ], "spans": [ "said", "issued", "occurrence", "talks", "reported", "threats", "pressure", "be", "decided", "said", "be" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051102.0287_sentid_1" }
[ { "answer": { "indices": [ "(387,391)", "(59,63)", "(95,101)" ], "spans": [ "said", "said", "issued" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051102.0287_sentid_1", "question": "What event has already finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(95,101)", "(271,278)", "(298,306)" ], "spans": [ "issued", "threats", "pressure" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051102.0287_sentid_1", "question": "What event has begun but has not finished?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(156,158)", "(167,177)", "(208,213)" ], "spans": [ "be", "occurrence", "talks" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051102.0287_sentid_1", "question": "What will happen in the future?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(95,101)" ], "spans": [ "issued" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051102.0287_sentid_1", "question": "What happened immediately before Singh made a statement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(247,255)" ], "spans": [ "reported" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051102.0287_sentid_1", "question": "What happened after Singh made a statement?" }, { "answer": { "indices": [ "(156,158)", "(167,177)", "(208,213)", "(271,278)", "(298,306)", "(338,345)" ], "spans": [ "be", "occurrence", "talks", "threats", "pressure", "decided" ] }, "passageID": "docid_XIN_ENG_20051102.0287_sentid_1", "question": "What will likely continue to occur since Singh's statement has been made?" } ]