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Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> Savin Corp. <ei148>reported</ei148> a <t30>third-quarter</t30> net <ei149>loss</ei149> of $35.2 million, or 31 cents a share, compared with <t31>year-earlier</t31> <ei150>profit</ei150> of $3.8 million, or one cent a share. A spokesman for the Stamford, Conn.based company <ei151>said</ei151> operations had a <ei152>loss</ei152> of $5.5 million for <t33>the quarter</t33>; in addition, the <ei153>loss</ei153> was <ei154>magnified</ei154> by nonrecurring charges totaling $23.5 million and $8.2 million in asset-valuation adjustments that he described as "unusual." The charges were partly <ei155>offset</ei155> by a $2 million <ei156>gain</ei156> on the <ei157>sale</ei157> of investments of two joint ventures, he <ei158>said</ei158>. Revenue <ei159>declined</ei159> 8% to $85.7 million, from $93.3 million <t38>a year earlier</t38>. Savin <ei161>cited</ei161> "a general <ei162>softening</ei162> in the demand for office products in the market segments in which Savin competes."
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Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/08/1998 06:26:00</t0> ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP)_ Some 1,500 ethnic Albanians <ei193>marched</ei193> <t68>Sunday</t68> in downtown Istanbul, <ei194>burning</ei194> Serbian flags to <ei195>protest</ei195> the <ei196>killings</ei196> of ethnic Albanians by Serb police in southern Serb Kosovo province. The police <ei197>barred</ei197> the crowd from <ei198>reaching</ei198> the Yugoslavian consulate in downtown Istanbul, but <ei199>allowed</ei199> them to <ei200>demonstrate</ei200> on nearby streets. ``<ei201>Stop</ei201> the <ei202>bloodshed</ei202> in Kosovo,'' the protesters <ei203>chanted</ei203>. Meanwhile in the capital, Ankara, a few hundred ethnic Albanians <ei204>laid</ei204> a black wreath at the gate of Yugoslavian embassy. Ethnic Albanians comprise 90 percent of the population in Kosovo, but Serbs maintain control through a large military and police presence.
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Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/08/1998 06:26:00</t0> Ethnic Albanians comprise 90 percent of the population in Kosovo, but Serbs maintain control through a large military and police presence. Serbian police <ei205>say</ei205> they are <ei206>trying</ei206> to <ei207>eliminate</ei207> the pro-independence Kosovo Liberation Army and <ei208>restore</ei208> order. At least 51 people were <ei210>reported</ei210> <ei211>killed</ei211> in <ei212>clashes</ei212> between Serb police and ethnic Albanians in the troubled region in <t71>recent days</t71>. Turkey, <ei213>worried</ei213> about civil war in Kosovo <ei215>spilling</ei215> to the whole Balkans, <ei216>urged</ei216> all Balkan states to <ei217>sign</ei217> a joint declaration that the Kosovo crisis be <ei219>solved</ei219> peacefully and without any <ei220>change</ei220> of borders. Turks feel they have special ties to the whole region, which they ruled for hundreds of years during the Ottoman Empire.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2197", "target": "end ei2202" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2202", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2201", "target": "start t29" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2206", "target": "start t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2198", "target": "start ei2200" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2201", "target": "start t29" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2196", "target": "end ei2198" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2195", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2197", "target": "start ei2199" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2195", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2201", "target": "end t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2201", "target": "end t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2198", "target": "start ei2200" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2202", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2196", "target": "start ei2198" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2197", "target": "end ei2202" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2197", "target": "end ei2199" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2196", "target": "start ei2200" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2195", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2198", "target": "end ei2200" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2206", "target": "end t29" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2197", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2195", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2203", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2201", "target": "start ei2206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2196", "target": "end ei2200" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2196", "target": "end ei2200" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2197", "target": "start ei2202" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2195", "target": "start ei2203" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2196", "target": "start ei2198" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2202", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2195", "target": "end ei2203" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2202", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2197", "target": "start ei2202" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2203", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2201", "target": "end ei2206" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2196", "target": "start ei2200" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2197", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2195", "target": "start ei2203" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2197", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2203", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2197", "target": "end ei2199" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2203", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2195", "target": "end ei2203" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2206", "target": "end t29" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2206", "target": "start t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2201", "target": "start ei2206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2201", "target": "end ei2206" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2196", "target": "end ei2198" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2197", "target": "start ei2199" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2198", "target": "end ei2200" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2197", "target": "end t1999" } ]
[ "ei2205", "t29", "ei2201", "ei2202", "ei2200", "ei2198", "ei2203", "t28", "t1999", "ei2197", "ei2195", "ei2199", "ei2204", "ei2206", "ei2196", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> Tony Lama Co. <ei2195>said</ei2195> that Equus Investment II Limited Partnership has <ei2196>proposed</ei2196> <ei2197>changing</ei2197> the <ei2198>offer</ei2198> for the company to $13.65 in cash and stock from an all-cash <ei2199>transaction</ei2199>. Under terms of the new <ei2200>proposal</ei2200>, Equus, managed by Equus Capital Corp., Houston, would <ei2201>pay</ei2201> $12 cash and one new preferred share with a liquidation preference of $1.65 a share for each of Tony Lama's 2.1 million shares outstanding. <t1999>Previously</t1999>, it <ei2202>offered</ei2202> $13.65 a share in cash, or $29 million. The El Paso, Texas, maker of Western boots and leather accessories <ei2203>said</ei2203> the preferred stock would <ei2204>accrue</ei2204> dividends at a 12% rate, but wouldn't be <ei2205>paid</ei2205> for <t28>the first two years</t28>. The stock would be <ei2206>redeemed</ei2206> in <t29>five years</t29>, subject to terms of the surviving company's debt.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2161", "target": "start ei2162" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2158", "target": "start ei2159" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2164", "target": "start t28" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2151", "target": "end ei2156" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2150", "target": "end ei2153" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2151", "target": "start ei2156" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2153", "target": "end ei2154" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2160", "target": "start ei2162" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2148", "target": "end ei2149" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2149", "target": "end ei2154" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2159", "target": "end ei2160" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2153", "target": "end ei2156" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2149", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2151", "target": "end ei2152" }, { "relation": 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[ "ei2161", "ei2156", "ei2149", "ei2164", "ei2151", "ei2154", "ei2153", "ei2158", "ei2160", "t28", "t26", "ei2148", "ei2159", "t30", "ei2155", "t27", "ei2150", "ei2152", "ei2147", "ei2162", "ei2163", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> Coleco Industries Inc., a <t30>once</t30> high-flying toy maker whose stock <ei2147>peaked</ei2147> at $65 a share in <t26>the early 1980s</t26>, <ei2148>filed</ei2148> a Chapter 11 reorganization plan that <ei2149>provides</ei2149> just 1.125 cents a share for common stockholders. Under the plan, unsecured creditors, who are <ei2150>owed</ei2150> about $430 million, would <ei2151>receive</ei2151> about $92 million, or 21 cents for each dollar they are <ei2152>owed</ei2152>. In addition, they will <ei2153>receive</ei2153> stock in the reorganized company, which will be <ei2154>named</ei2154> Ranger Industries Inc. After these <ei2155>payments</ei2155>, about $225,000 will be <ei2156>available</ei2156> for the 20 million common shares outstanding. The Avon, Conn., company's stock <ei2158>hit</ei2158> a high in <t27>1983</t27> after it <ei2159>unveiled</ei2159> its Adam home computer, but the product was <ei2160>plagued</ei2160> with glitches and the company's fortunes <ei2161>plunged</ei2161>. But Coleco <ei2162>bounced</ei2162> back with the <ei2163>introduction</ei2163> of the Cabbage Patch dolls, whose sales <ei2164>hit</ei2164> $600 million in <t28>1985</t28>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2164", "target": "end ei2165" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2170", "target": "end ei2171" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2162", "target": "start ei2163" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2165", "target": "start ei2166" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2164", "target": "start t28" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2170", "target": "start ei2171" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2170", "target": "start t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2168", "target": "end ei2171" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2164", "target": "end ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2163", "target": "start ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2165", "target": "end ei2166" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2162", "target": "start ei2163" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2168", "target": "start ei2170" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2164", "target": "start ei2165" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2168", "target": "start ei2171" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2162", "target": "end ei2163" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2163", "target": "start ei2165" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2164", "target": "end ei2165" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2164", "target": "end ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2163", "target": "start ei2165" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2163", "target": "start ei2164" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2170", "target": "end t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2164", "target": "end t28" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2168", "target": "start t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2168", "target": "end t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2170", "target": "end t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2163", "target": "end ei2165" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2164", "target": "start ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2163", "target": "start ei2164" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2164", "target": "end t28" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2163", "target": "end ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2168", "target": "end t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2170", "target": "end ei2171" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2163", "target": "end ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2168", "target": "end ei2170" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2170", "target": "start ei2171" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2164", "target": "start t28" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2168", "target": "start t29" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2162", "target": "end ei2163" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2168", "target": "end ei2170" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2168", "target": "start ei2170" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2165", "target": "end ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2163", "target": "end ei2164" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2163", "target": "end ei2164" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2164", "target": "start ei2165" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2163", "target": "start ei2166" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2170", "target": "start t29" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2168", "target": "start ei2171" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2168", "target": "end ei2171" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2164", "target": "start ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2165", "target": "start ei2166" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2163", "target": "end ei2165" } ]
[ "ei2165", "t29", "ei2164", "ei2166", "ei2170", "t28", "ei2171", "ei2168", "ei2167", "ei2162", "ei2163", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> But Coleco <ei2162>bounced</ei2162> back with the <ei2163>introduction</ei2163> of the Cabbage Patch dolls, whose sales <ei2164>hit</ei2164> $600 million in <t28>1985</t28>. But as the craze <ei2165>died</ei2165>, Coleco <ei2166>failed</ei2166> to <ei2167>come</ei2167> up with another winner and <ei2168>filed</ei2168> for bankruptcy-law protection in <t29>July 1988</t29>. The plan was <ei2170>filed</ei2170> jointly with unsecured creditors in federal bankruptcy court in New York and must be <ei2171>approved</ei2171> by the court.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2080", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2078", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end t2023", "target": "start t2027" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2080", "target": "start ei2087" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2078", "target": "start ei2080" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2078", "target": "end ei2087" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2081", "target": "end ei2082" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2082", "target": "end t2024" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2088", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2078", "target": "end ei2080" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2088", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2078", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2080", "target": "start ei2087" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2083", "target": "end t37" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2078", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2078", "target": "start ei2087" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2080", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2084", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2084", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2080", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2081", "target": "start ei2082" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2078", "target": "start ei2087" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2078", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2080", "target": "end ei2087" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2078", "target": "end ei2087" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2084", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2078", "target": "end ei2080" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2080", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2087", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2081", "target": "end ei2082" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2082", "target": "start t2024" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2087", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start t2023", "target": "start t2027" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2087", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2083", "target": "start t37" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2088", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2078", "target": "start ei2080" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2082", "target": "start t2024" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2083", "target": "start t37" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2087", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t2023", "target": "end t2027" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2081", "target": "start ei2082" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2080", "target": "end ei2087" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end t2023", "target": "end t2027" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2084", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2082", "target": "end t2024" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2083", "target": "end t37" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2088", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2082", "ei2079", "ei2085", "t37", "t2024", "ei2078", "t2027", "t2023", "ei2084", "ei2083", "ei2088", "ei2081", "ei2080", "ei2087", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> Oshkosh Truck Corp., Oshkosh, Wis., <ei2078>estimated</ei2078> earnings for its <t2027>fourth quarter</t2027> ended <t2023>Sept. 30</t2023> <ei2079>fell</ei2079> 50% to 75% below the year-earlier $4.5 million, or 51 cents a share. The truck maker <ei2080>said</ei2080> the significant <ei2081>drop</ei2081> in net income will <ei2082>result</ei2082> in lower earnings for <t2024>the fiscal year</t2024>. In <t37>fiscal 1988</t37>, the company <ei2083>earned</ei2083> $17.3 million, or $1.92 a share, on revenue of $352.9 million. Oshkosh Truck <ei2084>attributed</ei2084> the <ei2085>downturn</ei2085> in its earnings to higher start-up costs of its new chassis division, a softer motor-home market and higher administrative costs of compliance with government contractor regulations. The company <ei2087>said</ei2087> it is in the process of <ei2088>phasing</ei2088> out John Deere, its current source of production for midsized motor home chassis.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2087", "target": "start ei2091" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2090", "target": "start ei2091" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2088", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2087", "target": "start ei2090" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2088", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2090", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2087", "target": "end ei2091" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2091", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2087", "target": "end ei2090" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2087", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2087", "target": "end ei2091" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2090", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2087", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2087", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2088", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2087", "target": "end ei2090" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2091", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2087", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2087", "target": "start ei2091" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2091", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2090", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2090", "target": "end ei2091" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2087", "target": "start ei2090" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2090", "target": "end ei2091" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2090", "target": "start ei2091" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2090", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2091", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2088", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2091", "ei2092", "ei2090", "ei2088", "ei2087", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> The company <ei2087>said</ei2087> it is in the process of <ei2088>phasing</ei2088> out John Deere, its current source of production for midsized motor home chassis. In anticipation of the start-up of its new factory, the company <ei2090>said</ei2090> a larger-than-normal chassis supply has been <ei2091>built</ei2091> to <ei2092>carry</ei2092> it through the transition period.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2461", "target": "end ei2471" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2451", "target": "start ei2453" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2458", "target": "end ei2467" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2453", "target": "start ei2461" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2451", "target": "end ei2472" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2461", "target": "start ei2471" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2457", "target": "end t158" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2451", "target": "start ei2461" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2453", "target": "start ei2461" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2461", "target": "end ei2470" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2461", "target": "start ei2472" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2463", "target": "start ei2466" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2451", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2453", "target": "start ei2472" }, { 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"start t164" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2451", "target": "start ei2471" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2451", "target": "end ei2472" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2471", "target": "start ei2472" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2457", "target": "start t158" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2453", "target": "end ei2461" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2471", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2468", "t158", "ei2467", "ei2451", "ei2456", "ei2461", "ei2452", "ei2460", "ei2473", "ei2471", "ei2466", "ei2463", "t161", "ei2457", "ei2470", "ei2458", "ei2459", "ei2455", "ei2472", "ei2462", "t163", "ei2464", "ei2453", "t164", "ei2474", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/89</t0> General Motors Corp. <ei2451>wants</ei2451> to <ei2452>buy</ei2452> as much as 15% of Jaguar PLC, <ei2453>marking</ei2453> its first salvo in a possible full-scale <ei2455>battle</ei2455> against Ford Motor Co. for <ei2456>control</ei2456> of the British car maker. GM <ei2457>sought</ei2457> U.S. antitrust <ei2458>clearance</ei2458> <t158>last week</t158> to <ei2459>purchase</ei2459> more than $15 million worth of Jaguar shares but doesn't <ei2460>own</ei2460> any <t161>yet</t161>, <ei2461>according</ei2461> to GM officials here and at the company's Detroit headquarters. The No. 1 U.S. auto maker then <ei2462>wrote</ei2462> Jaguar that it <ei2463>intends</ei2463> "to <ei2464>go</ei2464> to that 15%" level once it <ei2466>wins</ei2466> the U.S. <ei2467>clearance</ei2467> to <ei2468>go</ei2468> beyond $15 million, a Jaguar spokesman <ei2470>said</ei2470> <t163>yesterday</t163>. The GM <ei2471>move</ei2471> follows <t164>Tuesday</t164>'s <ei2472>declaration</ei2472> by Ford, which holds an unwelcome 12.45% stake in Jaguar, that it is <ei2473>prepared</ei2473> to <ei2474>bid</ei2474> for the entire company.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2476", "target": "end ei2477" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2479", "target": "start ei2481" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2481", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2471", "target": "start ei2475" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2481", "target": "end ei2484" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2485", "target": "start t314" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2484", "target": "start t313" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2472", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2475", "target": "end ei2481" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2472", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2485", "target": "start t314" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2471", "target": "start ei2475" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2476", "target": "start ei2477" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2484", "target": "start t313" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2472", "target": "start ei2475" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2475", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2485", "target": "end t314" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2479", "target": "end ei2481" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2472", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2472", "target": "end t164" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2471", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2486", "target": "start t314" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2472", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2484", "target": "end t313" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2471", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2481", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2481", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2472", "target": "end ei2475" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2472", "target": "start t164" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2471", "target": "end ei2475" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2481", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2471", "target": "end ei2472" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2475", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2479", "target": "end ei2481" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2475", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2485", "target": "end t314" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2481", "target": "end t313" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2475", "target": "start ei2481" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2486", "target": "start t314" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2471", "target": "start ei2472" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2475", "target": "start ei2481" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2481", "target": "start ei2484" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2486", "target": "end t314" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2475", "target": "end ei2481" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2472", "target": "start t164" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2486", "target": "end t314" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2481", "target": "end ei2484" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2471", "target": "start ei2472" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2481", "target": "start ei2484" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2475", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2476", "target": "end ei2477" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2481", "target": "end t313" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2481", "target": "start t313" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2472", "target": "start ei2475" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2471", "target": "end ei2475" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2484", "target": "end t313" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2471", "target": "end ei2472" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2476", "target": "start ei2477" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2479", "target": "start ei2481" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2472", "target": "end ei2475" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2471", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2472", "target": "end t164" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2471", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2481", "target": "start t313" } ]
[ "ei2485", "ei2477", "ei2475", "ei2473", "ei2471", "ei2476", "ei2481", "t314", "ei2472", "ei2479", "t313", "ei2480", "ei2484", "ei2486", "t164", "ei2474", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/89</t0> The GM <ei2471>move</ei2471> follows <t164>Tuesday</t164>'s <ei2472>declaration</ei2472> by Ford, which holds an unwelcome 12.45% stake in Jaguar, that it is <ei2473>prepared</ei2473> to <ei2474>bid</ei2474> for the entire company. GM is close to <ei2475>completing</ei2475> a friendly <ei2476>deal</ei2476> with Jaguar that is likely to <ei2477>involve</ei2477> an eventual 30% stake and joint manufacturing ventures. Speculative investors, <ei2479>betting</ei2479> on an imminent <ei2480>clash</ei2480> between Ford and GM, <ei2481>pushed</ei2481> up Jaguar's share price five pence (eight U.S. cents) to a near-record 720 pence ($11.60) in late <ei2484>trading</ei2484> on London's stock exchange <t313>yesterday</t313>. Since <t314>Tuesday</t314>, the shares have <ei2485>gained</ei2485> nearly 4%. But an all-out bidding <ei2486>war</ei2486> between the world's top auto giants for Britain's leading luxury-car maker seems unlikely.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2501", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2497", "target": "start t325" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2488", "target": "end ei2489" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2500", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2499", "target": "start t327" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2489", "target": "end t315" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2492", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2488", "target": "end t315" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2486", "target": "start ei2490" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2486", "target": "end ei2490" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2500", "target": "start ei2501" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2486", "target": "start ei2491" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2495", "target": "end ei2497" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2500", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", 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[ "ei2500", "ei2489", "ei2497", "t325", "ei2499", "t327", "ei2493", "t315", "ei2492", "ei2498", "ei2488", "ei2495", "ei2491", "ei2490", "ei2494", "ei2486", "ei2487", "ei2501", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/89</t0> But an all-out bidding <ei2486>war</ei2486> between the world's top auto giants for Britain's leading luxury-car maker seems unlikely. "We will not <ei2487>go</ei2487> over a certain level," <ei2488>said</ei2488> David N. McCammon, Ford's vice president for finance, at a news <ei2489>conference</ei2489> <t315>yesterday</t315> in Dearborn, Mich. "There's some price at which we'd <ei2490>stop</ei2490> <ei2491>bidding</ei2491>." He wouldn't <ei2492>specify</ei2492> what it was. And powerful political <ei2493>pressures</ei2493> may <ei2494>convince</ei2494> the Conservative government to <ei2495>keep</ei2495> its so-called golden share, which limits any individual holding to 15%, until the restriction <ei2497>expires</ei2497> on <t325>Dec. 31, 1990</t325>. "I really don't <ei2498>see</ei2498> the government <ei2499>doing</ei2499> something that Jaguar doesn't <ei2500>want</ei2500> over <t327>the next 14 months</t327>," <ei2501>said</ei2501> Kenneth Warren, a Conservative member of Parliament and chairman of the Select Committee on Trade and Industry in Britain's House of Commons.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2501", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2504", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2500", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2499", "target": "start t327" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2500", "target": "start ei2504" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2505", "target": "start ei2506" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2500", "target": "start ei2501" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2504", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2502", "target": "end ei2503" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2500", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2499", "target": "start t327" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2499", "target": "end t327" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2500", "target": "end ei2501" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2504", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "start t330" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2500", "target": "start ei2504" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2501", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2502", "target": "start ei2503" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2500", "target": "end ei2504" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2501", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2500", "target": "start ei2501" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2500", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2501", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2505", "target": "end ei2506" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2505", "target": "start ei2506" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "end t330" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "end t330" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2504", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2505", "target": "end ei2506" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2500", "target": "end ei2501" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2502", "target": "start ei2503" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2500", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2502", "target": "end ei2503" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2499", "target": "end t327" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "start t330" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2500", "target": "end ei2504" } ]
[ "ei2500", "ei2507", "ei2505", "ei2499", "t327", "t330", "ei2502", "ei2498", "ei2503", "ei2506", "ei2501", "ei2504", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/89</t0> "I really don't <ei2498>see</ei2498> the government <ei2499>doing</ei2499> something that Jaguar doesn't <ei2500>want</ei2500> over <t327>the next 14 months</t327>," <ei2501>said</ei2501> Kenneth Warren, a Conservative member of Parliament and chairman of the Select Committee on Trade and Industry in Britain's House of Commons. "The golden share is a single share, but it is the magic share." The government <ei2502>retained</ei2502> the single share after <ei2503>selling</ei2503> its stake in Jaguar in <t330>1984</t330> -- part of a nationalistic practice of protecting former government-owned enterprises to deflect criticism of privatization. The 15% restriction covers any would-be suitor, British or foreign. Ford is <ei2504>willing</ei2504> to <ei2505>bid</ei2505> for 100% of Jaguar's shares if both the government and Jaguar shareholders <ei2506>agree</ei2506> to <ei2507>relax</ei2507> the anti-takeover barrier prematurely.
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[ "ei2507", "ei2515", "ei2511", "ei2514", "ei2505", "ei2520", "ei2510", "t1992", "ei2517", "ei2521", "ei2512", "ei2519", "ei2513", "t1998", "ei2508", "ei2506", "ei2516", "ei2509", "ei2518", "ei2504", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/89</t0> Ford is <ei2504>willing</ei2504> to <ei2505>bid</ei2505> for 100% of Jaguar's shares if both the government and Jaguar shareholders <ei2506>agree</ei2506> to <ei2507>relax</ei2507> the anti-takeover barrier prematurely. As Jaguar's biggest holder and Britain's biggest car maker, Ford could <ei2508>turn</ei2508> up the heat by <ei2509>convening</ei2509> a special shareholders' <ei2510>meeting</ei2510> and <ei2511>urging</ei2511> holders to <ei2512>drop</ei2512> the limits early. Ford might <ei2513>succeed</ei2513> because many shareholders are speculators <ei2514>keen</ei2514> for a full <ei2515>bid</ei2515> or institutional investors <ei2516>unhappy</ei2516> over Jaguar management's <ei2517>handling</ei2517> of its <t1992>current</t1992> financial <ei2518>difficulties</ei2518>. The government probably wouldn't <ei2519>give</ei2519> in readily to a hostile foray by Ford, however. It has <ei2520>relinquished</ei2520> a golden share only once before -- during British Petroleum Co.'s #2.5 billion ( $4 billion ) <ei2521>takeover</ei2521> of Britoil PLC in <t1998>1988</t1998>.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2527", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2531", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2530", "target": "start ei2538" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2527", "target": "end ei2531" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2530", "target": "start ei2533" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2535", "target": "end ei2536" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2533", "target": "end t2386" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2532", "target": "end ei2533" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2535", "target": "start t2386" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2536", "target": "end t2386" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2532", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2533", "target": "start t2386" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2531", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2530", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": 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[ "ei2525", "t2007", "ei2529", "ei2523", "ei2527", "ei2536", "ei2522", "ei2531", "ei2520", "ei2530", "ei2532", "t2386", "ei2537", "ei2533", "ei2535", "ei2526", "ei2521", "ei2528", "ei2534", "t1998", "ei2538", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/89</t0> It has <ei2520>relinquished</ei2520> a golden share only once before -- during British Petroleum Co.'s #2.5 billion ( $4 billion ) <ei2521>takeover</ei2521> of Britoil PLC in <t1998>1988</t1998>. In <ei2522>wooing</ei2522> British lawmakers, GM has <ei2523>pointed</ei2523> out that its willingness to <ei2525>settle</ei2525> for a minority stake would <ei2526>keep</ei2526> Jaguar <ei2527>British-owned</ei2527> and <ei2528>independent</ei2528>. <t2007>This week</t2007>, the U.S. auto giant <ei2529>paid</ei2529> for 10 House of Commons members and two House of Lords members to <ei2530>fly</ei2530> to Detroit and <ei2531>tour</ei2531> its operations there. While the <ei2532>visit</ei2532> was unrelated to Jaguar, GM Chairman Roger Smith <ei2533>answered</ei2533> the legislators' <ei2534>questions</ei2534> about it over <ei2535>lunch</ei2535> <t2386>Tuesday</t2386>. He <ei2536>said</ei2536> Jaguar "shouldn't be <ei2537>smothered</ei2537> by anyone else, " <ei2538>recalled</ei2538> one participant.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2536", "target": "end ei2538" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2544", "target": "start ei2545" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2539", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2539", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2544", "target": "end ei2545" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2536", "target": "start ei2538" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2536", "target": "start ei2538" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2544", "target": "start ei2545" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2539", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2536", "target": "end ei2538" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2539", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2544", "target": "end ei2545" } ]
[ "ei2536", "ei2541", "ei2540", "ei2537", "ei2543", "ei2544", "ei2545", "ei2538", "ei2539", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/89</t0> He <ei2536>said</ei2536> Jaguar "shouldn't be <ei2537>smothered</ei2537> by anyone else, " <ei2538>recalled</ei2538> one participant. Politics also influences the government's thinking on the anti-takeover restriction. The Conservatives don't dare jeopardize marginal Tory seats in Coventry, where Jaguar has headquarters, nor can the government easily back down on promised protection for a privatized company while it proceeds with controversial plans to privatize most of Britain's water and electricity industries. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher might, however, be <ei2539>receptive</ei2539> to any <ei2540>request</ei2540> by Jaguar Chairman Sir John Egan for the restriction's early <ei2541>removal</ei2541> to let GM <ei2543>amass</ei2543> more than 15% or <ei2544>mount</ei2544> a friendly suitor <ei2545>bid</ei2545> against Ford. In the end, Sir John -- rather than the government or Jaguar shareholders -- may hold the key that unlocks the golden share.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2317", "target": "start ei2318" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2306", "target": "end t2297" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2307", "target": "end t2297" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2309", "target": "start t154" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2306", "target": "start t2297" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2306", "target": "start ei2316" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2309", "target": "end t154" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2306", "target": "start ei2307" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2306", "target": "end ei2307" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2310", "target": "end ei2311" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2317", "target": "start ei2318" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2316", "target": "end t2297" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2309", "target": "end t154" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2306", "target": "start ei2307" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2307", "target": "start t2297" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2306", "target": "start t2297" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2311", "target": "end ei2312" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2310", "target": "end ei2311" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2306", "target": "start ei2316" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2306", "target": "end t2297" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2310", "target": "start ei2311" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2309", "target": "start t154" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2316", "target": "start t2297" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2310", "target": "start ei2311" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2306", "target": "end ei2316" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2307", "target": "start t2297" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2317", "target": "end ei2318" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2317", "target": "end ei2318" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2311", "target": "end ei2312" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2306", "target": "end ei2307" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2316", "target": "start t2297" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2306", "target": "end ei2316" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2316", "target": "end t2297" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2311", "target": "start ei2312" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2307", "target": "end t2297" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2311", "target": "start ei2312" } ]
[ "ei2312", "ei2315", "t2297", "ei2311", "ei2314", "ei2310", "ei2317", "t154", "ei2313", "ei2318", "ei2306", "ei2307", "ei2308", "ei2316", "ei2309", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/27/1998 08:17:00</t0> MOSCOW (AP)_ Presidents Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine and Boris Yeltsin of Russia <ei2306>signed</ei2306> an economic cooperation plan <t2297>Friday</t2297>, and Yeltsin <ei2307>claimed</ei2307> they <ei2308>resolved</ei2308> even more nagging problems. Russia and Ukraine share similar cultures and languages, and Ukraine was <ei2309>ruled</ei2309> from Moscow for <t154>centuries</t154>. But while the two Slavic neighbors see themselves as natural partners, their relations since the <ei2310>breakup</ei2310> of the Soviet Union have been <ei2311>bedeviled</ei2311> by a number of <ei2312>disputes</ei2312> _ Black Sea naval bases, border problems and Ukraine's natural gas debts. ``We have <ei2313>covered</ei2313> the entire list of questions and <ei2314>discussed</ei2314> how we will be <ei2315>tackling</ei2315> them,'' Yeltsin was <ei2316>quoted</ei2316> as <ei2317>saying</ei2317> by the ITAR-Tass news agency. ``I must <ei2318>say</ei2318> there are no unsettled problems any more.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2321", "target": "start ei2324" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2321", "target": "end ei2322" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2320", "target": "end ei2324" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2322", "target": "start ei2324" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2321", "target": "end ei2324" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2320", "target": "start ei2324" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2322", "target": "start ei2324" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2322", "target": "end ei2324" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2321", "target": "start ei2322" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2321", "target": "end ei2324" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2321", "target": "end ei2322" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2320", "target": "start ei2322" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2322", "target": "end ei2324" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2325", "target": "start t143" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2320", "target": "end ei2321" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2325", "target": "end t143" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2321", "target": "start ei2322" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2320", "target": "end ei2321" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2320", "target": "end ei2322" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2320", "target": "start ei2321" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2320", "target": "start ei2324" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2325", "target": "end t143" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2325", "target": "start t143" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2321", "target": "start ei2324" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2320", "target": "start ei2321" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2320", "target": "start ei2322" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2320", "target": "end ei2322" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2320", "target": "end ei2324" } ]
[ "ei2325", "t143", "ei2323", "ei2319", "ei2324", "ei2320", "ei2321", "ei2318", "ei2322", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/27/1998 08:17:00</t0> ``I must <ei2318>say</ei2318> there are no unsettled problems any more. We have <ei2319>solved</ei2319> them all.'' But his sweeping statement contained no details, and gave no indication of how the <ei2320>disputes</ei2320> could be <ei2321>resolved</ei2321>. Their solution would <ei2322>require</ei2322> a <ei2323>compromise</ei2323> between the two nations' parliaments. A major <ei2324>dispute</ei2324> concerns a broad political treaty calling for border demarcation, which the two presidents <ei2325>signed</ei2325> <t143>last May</t143>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2343", "target": "start ei2344" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2334", "target": "end ei2335" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2326", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2326", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2335", "target": "start ei2336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2327", "target": "end ei2329" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2327", "target": "end ei2329" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2335", "target": "end ei2336" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2325", "target": "start t143" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2335", "target": "end ei2336" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2334", "target": "start ei2335" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2334", "target": "start ei2335" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2325", "target": "end t143" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2327", "target": "start ei2329" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2334", "target": "end ei2335" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2326", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2335", "target": "start ei2336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2325", "target": "end t143" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2343", "target": "end ei2344" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2325", "target": "start t143" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2333", "target": "end t2300" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2333", "target": "start t2300" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2343", "target": "start ei2344" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2327", "target": "start ei2329" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2326", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2333", "target": "start t2300" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2333", "target": "end t2300" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2343", "target": "end ei2344" } ]
[ "ei2325", "ei2340", "t143", "ei2335", "ei2330", "ei2337", "ei2338", "ei2332", "ei2324", "ei2339", "ei2344", "ei2326", "ei2342", "ei2333", "ei2343", "ei2329", "t2300", "ei2336", "ei2327", "ei2341", "ei2328", "ei2334", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/27/1998 08:17:00</t0> A major <ei2324>dispute</ei2324> concerns a broad political treaty calling for border demarcation, which the two presidents <ei2325>signed</ei2325> <t143>last May</t143>. In effect, the treaty amounts to Russian recognition of Ukraine's sovereignty and borders, and the Ukrainian parliament has already <ei2326>ratified</ei2326> it. However, Russia has <ei2327>stalled</ei2327> <ei2328>ratification</ei2328>, <ei2329>trying</ei2329> to <ei2330>tie</ei2330> it to an agreement that would <ei2332>permit</ei2332> the Russian navy to <ei2333>use</ei2333> a naval base on Ukraine's Crimean peninsula for <t2300>at least 20 more years</t2300>. In their joint statement <ei2334>issued</ei2334> after the <ei2335>talks</ei2335>, Yeltsin and Kuchma <ei2336>called</ei2336> for the fastest possible <ei2337>ratification</ei2337> of the treaty, <ei2338>saying</ei2338> it would <ei2339>create</ei2339> a ``strong legal foundation'' for bilateral ties and <ei2340>help</ei2340> stability in Europe. Kuchma <ei2341>assured</ei2341> Yeltsin that Ukraine would not <ei2342>join</ei2342> NATO, Yeltsin's spokesman Sergei Yastrzhembsky <ei2343>said</ei2343>, <ei2344>according</ei2344> to the Interfax news agency.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2347", "target": "start ei2348" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2343", "target": "start ei2344" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2347", "target": "end ei2348" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2351", "target": "end ei2352" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2347", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2347", "target": "start ei2348" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2350", "target": "start t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2347", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2347", "target": "end ei2348" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2348", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2351", "target": "start ei2352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2350", "target": "start t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2350", "target": "end t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2348", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2347", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2351", "target": "start ei2352" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2350", "target": "end t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2351", "target": "end ei2352" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2348", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2343", "target": "end ei2344" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2347", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2348", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2343", "target": "start ei2344" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2343", "target": "end ei2344" } ]
[ "ei2351", "ei2352", "ei2353", "ei2345", "ei2349", "t146", "ei2344", "ei2342", "ei2350", "ei2343", "ei2347", "ei2341", "ei2348", "ei2346", "ei2354", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/27/1998 08:17:00</t0> Kuchma <ei2341>assured</ei2341> Yeltsin that Ukraine would not <ei2342>join</ei2342> NATO, Yeltsin's spokesman Sergei Yastrzhembsky <ei2343>said</ei2343>, <ei2344>according</ei2344> to the Interfax news agency. The Russian leadership has staunchly <ei2345>opposed</ei2345> the western alliance's <ei2346>expansion</ei2346> into Eastern Europe. In their joint statement, <ei2347>released</ei2347> by the Kremlin, the two leaders also <ei2348>pledged</ei2348> to <ei2349>consult</ei2349> each other regularly on their approaches to relations with NATO and, in particular, their action within the framework of NATO's Partnership for Peace program. <t146>Last year</t146>, Russian officials <ei2350>assailed</ei2350> Ukraine for <ei2351>holding</ei2351> joint naval <ei2352>exercises</ei2352> with NATO in the Black Sea _ an area Moscow considers its own turf. Kuchma has <ei2353>said</ei2353> repeatedly that Ukraine would <ei2354>remain</ei2354> neutral for the foreseeable future.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2363", "target": "start t152" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2359", "target": "start t150" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2365", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2355", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2363", "target": "start t152" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2361", "target": "start t150" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2361", "target": "end t150" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2353", "target": "end ei2360" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2363", "target": "start t2303" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2360", "target": "start ei2364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2359", "target": "end t150" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2360", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2365", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2363", "target": "end t152" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2363", "target": "end t152" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2365", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2357", "target": "start t149" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2353", "target": "start ei2360" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2364", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2360", "target": "start ei2364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2359", "target": "start ei2361" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2360", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2365", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2355", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2353", "target": "end ei2360" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2360", "target": "end ei2364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2357", "target": "end t149" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2353", "target": "start ei2360" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2355", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2357", "target": "end t149" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2361", "target": "end t150" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2359", "target": "start t150" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2363", "target": "end t2303" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2359", "target": "end ei2361" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2353", "target": "end ei2364" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2359", "target": "end ei2361" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2353", "target": "start ei2364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2360", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2363", "target": "end t2303" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2357", "target": "start t149" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2364", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2363", "target": "start t2303" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2364", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2361", "target": "start t150" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2353", "target": "start ei2364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2353", "target": "end ei2364" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2364", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2360", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2355", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2360", "target": "end ei2364" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2359", "target": "end t150" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2359", "target": "start ei2361" } ]
[ "ei2361", "t151", "t149", "ei2359", "ei2356", "ei2357", "ei2365", "ei2353", "ei2360", "t150", "ei2366", "ei2364", "t152", "ei2355", "ei2358", "ei2362", "t2303", "ei2363", "t500", "ei2354", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/27/1998 08:17:00</t0> Kuchma has <ei2353>said</ei2353> repeatedly that Ukraine would <ei2354>remain</ei2354> neutral for the foreseeable future. Yeltsin and Kuchma also <ei2355>called</ei2355> for <ei2356>developing</ei2356> the stagnant relations between the members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, a loose coalition of former Soviet republics. In <t149>the past</t149>, Russia has often <ei2357>claimed</ei2357> that Ukraine was <ei2358>undermining</ei2358> efforts at closer cooperation within the CIS. A major goal of Kuchma's <t150>four-day</t150> state <ei2359>visit</ei2359> was the <ei2360>signing</ei2360> of a <t500>10-year</t500> economic program <ei2361>aimed</ei2361> at <ei2362>doubling</ei2362> the two nations' trade turnover, which <ei2363>fell</ei2363> to dlrs 14 billion <t2303>last year</t2303>, down dlrs 2.5 billion from <t152>1996</t152>. The two presidents on <t151>Friday</t151> <ei2364>signed</ei2364> the plan, which <ei2365>calls</ei2365> for <ei2366>cooperation</ei2366> in the metallurgy, fuel, energy, aircraft building, missile, space and chemical industries.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2372", "target": "end ei2373" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2365", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2369", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2375", "target": "start ei2376" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2364", "target": "end ei2374" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2365", "target": "start ei2369" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2365", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2365", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2365", "target": "end ei2369" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2364", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2365", "target": "start ei2369" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2365", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2368", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2369", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2365", "target": "end ei2369" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2372", "target": "start ei2373" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2364", "target": "start ei2374" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2372", "target": "start ei2373" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2364", "target": "start ei2374" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2369", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2364", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2368", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2364", "target": "end ei2374" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2375", "target": "end ei2376" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2368", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2375", "target": "start ei2376" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2375", "target": "end ei2376" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2364", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2369", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2372", "target": "end ei2373" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2364", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2368", "target": "start t151" } ]
[ "ei2371", "t151", "ei2372", "ei2370", "ei2365", "ei2376", "ei2368", "ei2374", "ei2375", "ei2366", "ei2373", "ei2364", "ei2369", "ei2367", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/27/1998 08:17:00</t0> The two presidents on <t151>Friday</t151> <ei2364>signed</ei2364> the plan, which <ei2365>calls</ei2365> for <ei2366>cooperation</ei2366> in the metallurgy, fuel, energy, aircraft building, missile, space and chemical industries. A major project is joint <ei2367>manufacturing</ei2367> of An-70 cargo planes, the Kremlin statement <ei2368>said</ei2368>. The program also <ei2369>calls</ei2369> for <ei2370>coordination</ei2370> of economic reforms and joint <ei2371>improvement</ei2371> of social programs in the two countries, where many people have become <ei2372>impoverished</ei2372> during the chaotic post-Soviet <ei2373>transition</ei2373> to capitalism. Kuchma also <ei2374>planned</ei2374> to <ei2375>visit</ei2375> Russian gas giant Gazprom, most likely to <ei2376>discuss</ei2376> Ukraine's dlrs 1.2 billion debt to the company. (pvs/vi/ji)
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1531", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1543", "target": "end t290" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1550", "target": "start ei1553" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1531", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1539", "target": "end ei1540" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1553", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1550", "target": "end ei1551" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1550", "target": "end ei1553" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1523", "target": "end ei1524" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1542", "target": "start ei1543" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1523", "target": "end t288" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1522", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1539", "target": "start ei1540" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1547", "target": "end t291" }, { "relation": "<", "source": 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[ "ei1526", "ei1524", "ei1550", "ei1522", "t288", "ei1546", "ei1548", "ei1531", "ei1549", "ei1534", "ei1538", "ei1542", "ei1541", "ei1537", "ei1523", "t291", "ei1553", "ei1547", "ei1544", "ei1528", "ei1543", "ei1540", "ei1536", "ei1551", "t290", "t289", "ei1539", "ei1533", "ei1532", "ei1529", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> The Persian Gulf <ei1522>showdown</ei1522> between Iraq and the United States <ei1523>took</ei1523> a more personal turn <t288>Thursday</t288> when Iraq's Saddam Hussein <ei1524>called</ei1524> President Bush a liar and <ei1526>said</ei1526> the outbreak of holy <ei1528>war</ei1528> could <ei1529>bring</ei1529> thousands of Americans home in coffins. Bush, <ei1531>commenting</ei1531> on the <t289>two-week</t289> gulf <ei1532>crisis</ei1532> from his vacation home in Maine, <ei1533>said</ei1533> he <ei1534>saw</ei1534> little reason to be <ei1536>optimistic</ei1536> about a <ei1537>settlement</ei1537> of the <ei1538>dispute</ei1538>, which <ei1539>stems</ei1539> from Iraq's <ei1540>invasion</ei1540> of oil-wealthy Kuwait and its subsequent military <ei1541>buildup</ei1541> on the border of Saudi Arabia. After a <t290>two-hour</t290> <ei1542>meeting</ei1542> at his Kennebunkport home with King Hussein of Jordan, Bush <ei1543>said</ei1543>, ``I did not <ei1544>come</ei1544> away with any feeling of hope'' that Iraq would <ei1546>withdraw</ei1546> its army from Kuwait. Bush also <ei1547>said</ei1547> <t291>Thursday</t291> that King Hussein <ei1548>assured</ei1548> him Jordan would <ei1549>close</ei1549> the last remaining free port to most Iraqi trade as the economic <ei1550>embargo</ei1550> on materials to Iraq <ei1551>continued</ei1551> unabated. Foodstuffs are among the goods being <ei1553>blocked</ei1553> from entry; Iraq imports about three-quarters of its food.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1553", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1555", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1553", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1555", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1560", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1560", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1553", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1561", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1567", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1567", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "start ei1572" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1569", "target": "end ei1570" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1567", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1555", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1560", "target": "start ei1561" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1560", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "end ei1572" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1553", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1560", "target": "end ei1561" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1560", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1569", "target": "start ei1570" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1561", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "end ei1572" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "start ei1572" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1567", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1569", "target": "start ei1570" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1555", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1561", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1569", "target": "end ei1570" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1560", "target": "end ei1561" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1561", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1560", "target": "start ei1561" } ]
[ "ei1566", "ei1561", "ei1571", "ei1557", "ei1556", "ei1569", "ei1560", "ei1553", "ei1572", "ei1555", "ei1562", "ei1558", "ei1570", "ei1567", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> Foodstuffs are among the goods being <ei1553>blocked</ei1553> from entry; Iraq imports about three-quarters of its food. Pentagon sources in Washington meanwhile <ei1555>said</ei1555> the Bush administration <ei1556>plans</ei1556> to <ei1557>deploy</ei1557> 45,000 Marines to the region to <ei1558>back</ei1558> up the thousands of Army, Navy and Air Force troops already in place in the gulf and the Saudi desert. At a news <ei1560>conference</ei1560>, Secretary of State James A. Baker III <ei1561>said</ei1561> Jordan `` is <ei1562>seeking</ei1562> some guidance'' about a provision in the U.N.-backed trade embargo that <ei1566>allows</ei1566> food for humanitarian purposes. Worries however <ei1567>grew</ei1567> about the safety of Americans and other Westerners <ei1569>trapped</ei1569> in Kuwait. Iraqi military authorities <ei1570>ordered</ei1570> all Americans and Britons in Kuwait to <ei1571>assemble</ei1571> at a hotel, officials <ei1572>said</ei1572>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1579", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1579", "target": "end ei1583" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "start ei1583" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1573", "target": "end ei1574" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1573", "target": "start ei1574" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1579", "target": "start ei1583" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "start ei1574" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "start ei1574" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "end ei1583" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "end ei1583" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1579", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "end ei1573" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1573", "target": "start ei1574" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "end ei1574" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "start ei1572" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1583", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1575", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1579", "target": "end ei1583" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1583", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "end ei1572" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "start ei1583" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1579", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1579", "target": "start ei1583" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1579", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "end ei1572" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "end ei1579" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1575", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "end ei1573" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "start ei1573" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "start ei1579" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1573", "target": "end ei1574" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "start ei1572" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1575", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "start ei1579" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "end ei1574" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1575", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1583", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1570", "target": "start ei1573" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1583", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1570", "target": "end ei1579" } ]
[ "ei1578", "ei1581", "ei1582", "ei1577", "ei1571", "ei1573", "ei1572", "ei1579", "ei1574", "ei1575", "ei1583", "ei1570", "ei1576", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> Iraqi military authorities <ei1570>ordered</ei1570> all Americans and Britons in Kuwait to <ei1571>assemble</ei1571> at a hotel, officials <ei1572>said</ei1572>. ``Very few'' of the 2,500 Americans in occupied Kuwait <ei1573>complied</ei1573> with the order, a senior U.S. official <ei1574>told</ei1574> The Associated Press. Iraq <ei1575>said</ei1575> the <ei1576>roundup</ei1576> was to <ei1577>protect</ei1577> them from unspecified <ei1578>threats</ei1578>; British Foreign Office minister William Waldegrave <ei1579>called</ei1579> the order ``grave and sinister.'' ``What we <ei1581>fear</ei1581> is that they will be <ei1582>interned</ei1582> somewhere, most likely in Iraq,'' Waldegrave <ei1583>said</ei1583>. A total of about 3,000 Americans, 3,000 Britons and more than 450 Japanese are in Iraq and Kuwait.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1595", "target": "start ei1612" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1607", "target": "end ei1609" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1600", "target": "end t293" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1598", "target": "end t293" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1600", "target": "start t293" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1611", "target": "start t293" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1606", "target": "end ei1607" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1601", "target": "start ei1602" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1606", "target": "start ei1607" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1594", "target": "end ei1742" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1606", "target": "end ei1609" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1597", "target": "start ei1611" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1597", "target": "end ei1600" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1594", "target": "start t292" }, { "relation": "=", 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[ "ei1590", "t292", "ei1607", "ei1589", "ei1612", "ei1606", "ei1598", "ei1742", "ei1610", "ei1595", "ei1605", "ei1611", "ei1591", "ei1597", "ei1603", "ei1594", "ei1601", "ei1602", "t293", "ei1609", "ei1600", "ei1604", "t316", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> In Washington, Pentagon spokesman Pete Williams <ei1589>said</ei1589> Iraq has <ei1590>continued</ei1590> to <ei1591>increase</ei1591> its armed forces in Kuwait and they <t316>now</t316> number about 160,000. Saddam has been under international quarantine since his <t292>Aug. 2</t292> <ei1594>power-grab</ei1594>, or what he <ei1595>calls</ei1595> an ``eternal <ei1742>merger</ei1742>'' with Kuwait. In a long verbal <ei1597>attack</ei1597> read on Iraqi television <t293>Thursday</t293>, Saddam repeatedly <ei1598>called</ei1598> Bush ``a liar'' and <ei1600>said</ei1600> a shooting <ei1601>war</ei1601> could <ei1602>produce</ei1602> body bags courtesy of Baghdad. ``We <ei1603>continue</ei1603> to <ei1604>pray</ei1604> and <ei1605>pray</ei1605> hard to God so that there will be no <ei1606>confrontation</ei1606> whereby you will <ei1607>receive</ei1607> thousands of Americans wrapped in sad coffins after you had <ei1609>pushed</ei1609> them into a dark tunnel,'' Saddam <ei1610>said</ei1610>. He <ei1611>called</ei1611> U.S. soldiers <ei1612>massing</ei1612> in Saudi Arabia the real occupiers in the Persian Gulf.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1630", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1624", "target": "start ei1627" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1625", "target": "end ei1627" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1611", "target": "start ei1614" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1612", "target": "start ei1628" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1630", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1612", "target": "end ei1628" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1624", "target": "end ei1625" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1624", "target": "end ei1626" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1626", "target": "end ei1627" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1630", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1612", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "end ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1612", "target": "start ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1625", "target": "start ei1626" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1612", "target": "end ei1628" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1624", "target": "start ei1626" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1625", "target": "end ei1626" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1625", "target": "start ei1627" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1624", "target": "end ei1626" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1612", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "start ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1625", "target": "start ei1626" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1625", "target": "end ei1626" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1624", "target": "end ei1627" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1611", "target": "end ei1614" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1612", "target": "end ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "end ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1624", "target": "start ei1627" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1612", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1624", "target": "end ei1627" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1626", "target": "end ei1627" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1612", "target": "start ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1612", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1624", "target": "end ei1625" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1625", "target": "end ei1627" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1611", "target": "end ei1614" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1626", "target": "start ei1627" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1611", "target": "start ei1614" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1624", "target": "start ei1625" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1626", "target": "start ei1627" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1630", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "start ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1624", "target": "start ei1625" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1624", "target": "start ei1626" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1612", "target": "start ei1628" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1612", "target": "end ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1625", "target": "start ei1627" } ]
[ "ei1630", "ei1621", "ei1617", "ei1622", "ei1626", "ei1625", "ei1624", "ei1614", "ei1612", "ei1611", "ei1627", "ei1619", "ei1615", "ei1628", "ei1618", "ei1631", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> He <ei1611>called</ei1611> U.S. soldiers <ei1612>massing</ei1612> in Saudi Arabia the real occupiers in the Persian Gulf. <ei1614>Replied</ei1614> State Department deputy spokesman Richard Boucher, ``We haven't really <ei1615>analyzed</ei1615> the statement in detail but it <ei1617>appears</ei1617> to be just another example of his outlandish rhetoric and his <ei1618>attempts</ei1618> to <ei1619>distort</ei1619> the truth. ``We <ei1621>believe</ei1621> that his words cannot <ei1622>distract</ei1622> the world from the facts of Iraqi aggression.'' An international land, sea and air force has <ei1624>mobilized</ei1624> since Iraq's <ei1625>invasion</ei1625>, which was <ei1626>sparked</ei1626> by <ei1627>disputes</ei1627> over oil, land and repayment of war loans. In the largest U.S. military <ei1628>operation</ei1628> since Vietnam, an estimated 20,000 American GIs have already <ei1630>massed</ei1630> to <ei1631>defend</ei1631> Saudi Arabia.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1630", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1630", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1635", "target": "start t339" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1630", "target": "start ei1636" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1635", "target": "start t339" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1630", "target": "end ei1636" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1637", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1630", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1630", "target": "end ei1636" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "end ei1630" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1637", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "start ei1636" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1636", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "end ei1636" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1637", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "start ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1636", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1636", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "end ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1628", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1635", "target": "end t339" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1637", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "start ei1636" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1633", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "end ei1636" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1633", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1636", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1633", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1635", "target": "end t339" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1630", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1628", "target": "start ei1630" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1630", "target": "start ei1636" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1633", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei1630", "ei1635", "ei1636", "ei1633", "ei1632", "ei1628", "ei1631", "ei1637", "t339", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> In the largest U.S. military <ei1628>operation</ei1628> since Vietnam, an estimated 20,000 American GIs have already <ei1630>massed</ei1630> to <ei1631>defend</ei1631> Saudi Arabia. ``We don't just <ei1632>arrive</ei1632>,'' <ei1633>said</ei1633> four-star Gen. John Dailey, assistant commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps. ``We're there to <ei1635>stay</ei1635> for <t339>a fairly lengthy period</t339>.'' Egypt, Syria, Morocco and Bangladesh also <ei1636>committed</ei1636> ground troops, to a much lesser degree. The U.S. Navy <ei1637>has</ei1637> 27 ships in the maritime barricade of Iraq.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1637", "target": "start ei1646" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1643", "target": "start ei1646" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1643", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1643", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "start ei1648" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1646", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1638", "target": "end ei1646" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1641", "target": "start ei1644" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1646", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1638", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1646", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1637", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1637", "target": "end ei1646" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1638", "target": "start ei1646" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1648", "target": "end ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1637", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1648", "target": "end ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1637", "target": "end ei1646" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1648", "target": "start ei1649" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1637", "target": "start ei1638" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1643", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1638", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1637", "target": "start ei1646" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1637", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1643", "target": "start ei1646" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1637", "target": "start ei1638" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1638", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1638", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1646", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "start ei1649" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "end ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1641", "target": "end ei1644" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "start ei1648" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1643", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1643", "target": "end ei1646" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1641", "target": "start ei1644" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1637", "target": "end ei1638" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "end ei1648" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1648", "target": "start ei1649" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "start ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1643", "target": "end ei1646" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "end ei1648" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1638", "target": "end ei1646" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1637", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1641", "target": "end ei1644" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "end ei1649" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1637", "target": "end ei1638" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1638", "target": "start ei1646" } ]
[ "ei1642", "ei1648", "ei1649", "ei1645", "ei1647", "ei1641", "ei1638", "ei1640", "ei1639", "ei1643", "ei1644", "ei1637", "ei1646", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> The U.S. Navy <ei1637>has</ei1637> 27 ships in the maritime barricade of Iraq. They are <ei1638>aided</ei1638> by Britain, West Germany, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Belgium. Bush was <ei1639>expected</ei1639> to <ei1640>authorize</ei1640> naval commanders to <ei1641>use</ei1641> ``the minimum force necessary'' to <ei1642>interdict</ei1642> shipments to and from Iraq, a U.S. official <ei1643>said</ei1643>. That could include <ei1644>firing</ei1644> across the bow to <ei1645>halt</ei1645> a ship. In the air, U.S. Air Force fliers <ei1646>say</ei1646> they have <ei1647>engaged</ei1647> in ``a little cat and mouse'' with Iraqi warplanes, which have <ei1648>retreated</ei1648> when weapons radar <ei1649>locks</ei1649> onto them.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1648", "target": "start ei1652" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "end ei1652" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1646", "target": "end ei1653" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1649", "target": "end ei1652" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1653", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "start ei1648" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1646", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1654", "target": "start ei1655" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1646", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1646", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1649", "target": "start ei1652" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1648", "target": "end ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1648", "target": "end ei1652" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1648", "target": "end ei1649" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1648", "target": "start ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1648", "target": "end ei1652" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1649", "target": "end ei1652" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1654", "target": "start ei1655" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1653", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1646", "target": "start ei1653" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1654", "target": "end ei1655" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1653", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1646", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "start ei1649" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1646", "target": "end ei1653" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1646", "target": "start ei1653" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "end ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "start ei1648" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1648", "target": "start ei1652" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "end ei1652" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "end ei1648" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1648", "target": "start ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1649", "target": "start ei1652" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "start ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1654", "target": "end ei1655" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "end ei1648" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "end ei1649" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1653", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1647", "target": "start ei1652" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1647", "target": "start ei1652" } ]
[ "ei1653", "ei1652", "ei1656", "ei1648", "ei1651", "ei1649", "ei1647", "ei1657", "ei1654", "ei1655", "ei1650", "ei1646", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> In the air, U.S. Air Force fliers <ei1646>say</ei1646> they have <ei1647>engaged</ei1647> in ``a little cat and mouse'' with Iraqi warplanes, which have <ei1648>retreated</ei1648> when weapons radar <ei1649>locks</ei1649> onto them. ``They don't <ei1650>want</ei1650> to <ei1651>play</ei1651> with us,'' one U.S. crew chief <ei1652>said</ei1652>. In Kuwait, the Iraqis have <ei1653>rimmed</ei1653> the capital city with an air-defense system, <ei1654>according</ei1654> to a U.S. official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. He <ei1655>declined</ei1655> to <ei1656>say</ei1656> if the weapons <ei1657>included</ei1657> missiles, but the Iraqis have them in their arsenal. The Iraqis also possess chemical weapons.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1660", "target": "start ei1661" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1668", "target": "end ei1670" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1660", "target": "end ei1661" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1670", "target": "start t295" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1659", "target": "end ei1661" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1667", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1659", "target": "start ei1661" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1660", "target": "start ei1661" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1669", "target": "start t295" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1668", "target": "end t295" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1668", "target": "end ei1670" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1670", "target": "end t295" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1669", "target": "start ei1670" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1668", "target": "start ei1670" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1670", "target": "start t295" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1668", "target": "start ei1669" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1669", "target": "start ei1670" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1659", "target": "start ei1661" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1663", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1669", "target": "start t295" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1660", "target": "end ei1661" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1663", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1659", "target": "end ei1661" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1663", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1669", "target": "end ei1670" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1669", "target": "end t295" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1668", "target": "end t295" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1669", "target": "end ei1670" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1668", "target": "start ei1669" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1669", "target": "end t295" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1667", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1667", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1668", "target": "start t295" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1663", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1670", "target": "end t295" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1668", "target": "start ei1670" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1667", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1668", "target": "start t295" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1668", "target": "end ei1669" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1668", "target": "end ei1669" } ]
[ "ei1659", "ei1663", "ei1665", "ei1667", "ei1666", "ei1670", "ei1661", "ei1658", "ei1660", "t295", "ei1669", "ei1664", "ei1668", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> The Iraqis also possess chemical weapons. The combined <ei1658>operations</ei1658> are designed to <ei1659>isolate</ei1659> and <ei1660>strangle</ei1660> Iraq until it <ei1661>retreats</ei1661> from Kuwait. The quarantine <ei1663>hopes</ei1663> to <ei1664>staunch</ei1664> the <ei1665>flow</ei1665> of Iraqi oil, which is Iraq's economic lifeblood, and <ei1666>clamp</ei1666> down on food and supplies <ei1667>going</ei1667> in. Iraq <t295>now</t295> <ei1668>controls</ei1668> 20 percent of the world's oil reserves with its <ei1669>conquest</ei1669> of Kuwait. Only Saudi Arabia <ei1670>has</ei1670> more oil reserves.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1690", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1692", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1682", "target": "start t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1684", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1684", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1690", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1682", "target": "end t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1686", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1684", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1683", "target": "start t299" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1692", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1686", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1682", "target": "start ei1683" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1683", "target": "start t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1690", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1686", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1684", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1683", "target": "end t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1686", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1682", "target": "end ei1683" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1683", "target": "end t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1692", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1692", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1682", "target": "start ei1683" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1690", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1682", "target": "end ei1683" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1682", "target": "start t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1682", "target": "end t299" } ]
[ "ei1687", "t299", "ei1686", "ei1680", "ei1684", "ei1688", "ei1692", "ei1682", "ei1685", "ei1683", "ei1690", "ei1679", "ei1694", "ei1681", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> Bush's chief objective in his <ei1679>meeting</ei1679> with Hussein was to <ei1680>press</ei1680> the king to <ei1681>shut</ei1681> down Iraq's food and oil supply route from Aqaba on the Red Sea. Aqaba is Iraq's only <ei1682>outlet</ei1682> <t299>now</t299> that an international noose has <ei1683>tightened</ei1683>. Bush has <ei1684>indicated</ei1684> the U.S. Navy will <ei1685>barricade</ei1685> the port from Iraqi ships. The president also has <ei1686>offered</ei1686> to <ei1687>help</ei1687> <ei1688>offset</ei1688> Jordan's costs because 40 percent of its exports <ei1690>go</ei1690> to Iraq and 90 percent of its oil <ei1692>comes</ei1692> from there. ``It's our only outlet to the sea and the rest of the world,'' Hussein <ei1694>said</ei1694>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1699", "target": "end ei1703" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1698", "target": "start ei1699" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1698", "target": "start ei1703" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1694", "target": "end t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1694", "target": "start t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1694", "target": "start ei1695" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1694", "target": "start ei1695" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1698", "target": "end ei1699" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1695", "target": "start t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1695", "target": "start t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1695", "target": "end ei1697" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1694", "target": "start t352" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1694", "target": "end ei1695" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1698", "target": "end ei1703" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1697", "target": "start t352" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1698", "target": "end t300" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1698", "target": "start t300" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1694", "target": "end ei1697" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1698", "target": "end t300" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1695", "target": "end ei1697" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1698", "target": "start ei1699" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1697", "target": "end t352" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1699", "target": "start ei1703" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1695", "target": "end t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1694", "target": "start ei1697" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1699", "target": "start ei1703" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1695", "target": "start ei1697" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1697", "target": "end t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1694", "target": "start ei1697" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1698", "target": "end ei1699" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1697", "target": "start t352" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1695", "target": "end t352" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1699", "target": "end ei1703" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1694", "target": "end ei1697" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1698", "target": "start ei1703" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1695", "target": "start ei1697" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1694", "target": "end ei1695" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1698", "target": "end ei1703" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1694", "target": "end t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1698", "target": "start t300" } ]
[ "ei1695", "ei1698", "ei1703", "t300", "ei1699", "ei1694", "ei1701", "ei1697", "t352", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> ``It's our only outlet to the sea and the rest of the world,'' Hussein <ei1694>said</ei1694>. He also <ei1695>said</ei1695> of trade with Iraq: ``There are no shipments at the moment.'' <t352>A day earlier</t352>, scores of trucks, many with Iraqi license plates, <ei1697>streamed</ei1697> north out of Aqaba to Amman and onto the desert highway bound for Iraq. The Jordanian monarch <ei1698>met</ei1698> <t300>this week</t300> with Saddam, but he <ei1699>told</ei1699> reporters he had no message from Baghdad. ``I am not <ei1701>talking</ei1701> on behalf of anyone in the area... but myself,'' Hussein <ei1703>said</ei1703>.
[ { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1704", "target": "start ei1706" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1706", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1712", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1706", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1704", "target": "start ei1706" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1704", "target": "end ei1706" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1711", "target": "start ei1712" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1704", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1711", "target": "start ei1712" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1709", "target": "start ei1710" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1704", "target": "end ei1706" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1706", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1711", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1712", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1711", "target": "end ei1712" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1712", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1711", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1706", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1711", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1712", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1704", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1709", "target": "start ei1710" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1709", "target": "end ei1710" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1709", "target": "end ei1710" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1711", "target": "end ei1712" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1711", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1704", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1704", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei1708", "ei1706", "ei1710", "ei1709", "ei1705", "ei1703", "ei1704", "t301", "ei1712", "ei1707", "ei1701", "ei1711", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> ``I am not <ei1701>talking</ei1701> on behalf of anyone in the area... but myself,'' Hussein <ei1703>said</ei1703>. In the United Nations, Libya <ei1704>called</ei1704> for the <ei1705>replacement</ei1705> of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf with Arab League forces and U.N. soldiers. Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, in a letter to the U.N. Secretary-General, also <ei1706>called</ei1706> for an emergency Security Council <ei1707>meeting</ei1707> in Geneva to <ei1708>remove</ei1708> U.S. forces. There was no <ei1709>decision</ei1709> on a <ei1710>meeting</ei1710>. Thirty-two of the 159 U.N. members had <ei1711>filed</ei1711> compliance reports by <t301>Wednesday</t301>, and all were <ei1712>honoring</ei1712> the sanctions Iraq.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1727", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1724", "target": "end t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1718", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1727", "target": "start ei1728" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1723", "target": "start t303" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "start ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1712", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1727", "target": "end ei1728" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1724", "target": "start t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1727", "target": "end ei1728" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1711", "target": "start ei1712" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1724", "target": "end t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1721", "target": "end t304" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1711", "target": "start ei1712" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1723", "target": "start t303" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1728", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1718", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1718", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1711", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1712", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1721", "target": "end t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1727", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "end ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1711", "target": "end ei1712" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "end ei1727" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1728", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1728", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "start ei1727" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1712", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1714", "target": "start t302" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1711", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1711", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1727", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1724", "target": "start t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1712", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1721", "target": "start t304" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "start ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1718", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1714", "target": "end t302" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "start ei1727" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1714", "target": "end t302" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1721", "target": "start t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1723", "target": "end t303" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "end ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1723", "target": "end t303" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1711", "target": "end ei1712" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "end ei1727" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1711", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1714", "target": "start t302" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1727", "target": "start ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1727", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1728", "target": "start ei1729" } ]
[ "ei1717", "ei1720", "ei1718", "ei1716", "ei1714", "ei1721", "ei1722", "ei1728", "ei1724", "ei3000", "t301", "t304", "ei1712", "ei1729", "ei1711", "ei1715", "ei1727", "t302", "ei1723", "ei1725", "t303", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> Thirty-two of the 159 U.N. members had <ei1711>filed</ei1711> compliance reports by <t301>Wednesday</t301>, and all were <ei1712>honoring</ei1712> the sanctions Iraq. Also <t302>Thursday</t302>, Saudi Arabia <ei1714>called</ei1714> for an emergency <ei1715>conference</ei1715> of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to <ei1716>discuss</ei1716> how much oil to <ei1717>pump</ei1717>. The minister <ei1718>denied</ei1718> the kingdom had <ei3000>notified</ei3000> notified any of its customers of any <ei1720>cutbacks</ei1720> in oil supply. Reports attributed to the Japanese foreign ministry <ei1721>said</ei1721> Saudi Arabia <ei1722>told</ei1722> U.S., European and Japanese oil companies of a 15-20 percent <ei1723>cutback</ei1723> in its oil supply in <t303>September</t303>. Meanwhile, Egypt's official Middle East News Agency <ei1724>said</ei1724> <t304>Thursday</t304> that Saddam was the <ei1725>target</ei1725> of an assassination <ei1727>attempt</ei1727>, which <ei1728>led</ei1728> to ``large-scale'' <ei1729>arrests</ei1729>, including some close associates of the Iraqi strongman.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1727", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1724", "target": "end t304" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1727", "target": "start ei1728" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1737", "target": "end ei1738" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "start ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1737", "target": "start ei1738" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1727", "target": "end ei1728" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1724", "target": "start t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1727", "target": "end ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1724", "target": "end t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1728", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1724", "target": "end ei1736" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1727", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "end ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1730", "target": "end ei1733" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "end ei1727" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1728", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1728", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "start ei1727" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1724", "target": "start ei1736" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1736", "target": "start t304" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1737", "target": "start ei1738" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1730", "target": "start ei1733" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1727", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1724", "target": "start t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1737", "target": "end ei1738" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1736", "target": "end t304" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "start ei1728" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1724", "target": "start ei1736" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1724", "target": "end ei1736" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "start ei1727" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "start ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1730", "target": "start ei1733" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "end ei1728" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1736", "target": "start t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1725", "target": "end ei1727" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1725", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1736", "target": "end t304" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1727", "target": "end ei1729" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1727", "target": "start ei1728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1730", "target": "end ei1733" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1728", "target": "start ei1729" } ]
[ "ei1730", "ei1737", "ei1732", "ei1731", "ei1738", "ei1728", "ei1724", "t304", "ei1729", "ei1733", "ei1736", "ei1727", "ei1725", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08-16-90 2041EDT</t0> Meanwhile, Egypt's official Middle East News Agency <ei1724>said</ei1724> <t304>Thursday</t304> that Saddam was the <ei1725>target</ei1725> of an assassination <ei1727>attempt</ei1727>, which <ei1728>led</ei1728> to ``large-scale'' <ei1729>arrests</ei1729>, including some close associates of the Iraqi strongman. The agency <ei1730>quoted</ei1730> witnesses as <ei1731>saying</ei1731> tanks and armored cars are <ei1732>patrolling</ei1732> the streets of Baghdad. There was no independent <ei1733>confirmation</ei1733> of the report by the government-run news agency, which did not <ei1736>say</ei1736> when the reported <ei1737>attempt</ei1737> <ei1738>occurred</ei1738>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei66", "target": "end ei73" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei68", "target": "end ei71" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei68", "target": "start ei71" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei68", "target": "start ei73" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei68", "target": "start ei71" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei68", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei68", "target": "end ei74" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei68", "target": "end ei73" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei68", "target": "start ei74" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei66", "target": "start ei73" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei71", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei66", "target": "end ei74" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei66", "target": "start ei74" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei68", "target": "start ei74" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei68", "target": "end ei71" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei66", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei66", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei74", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei74", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei66", "target": "end ei74" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei66", "target": "start ei71" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei73", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei71", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei69", "target": "end ei70" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei69", "target": "start ei70" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei73", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei74", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei73", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei66", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei73", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei66", "target": "start ei71" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei66", "target": "end ei71" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei68", "target": "end ei74" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei69", "target": "start ei70" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei68", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei71", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei66", "target": "end ei71" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei66", "target": "start ei73" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei71", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei68", "target": "start ei73" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei66", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei68", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei66", "target": "start ei74" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei66", "target": "end ei73" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei68", "target": "end ei73" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei69", "target": "end ei70" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei68", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei74", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei68", "ei69", "t16", "ei71", "ei73", "ei66", "ei70", "ei74", "t17", "ei72", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> ONEIDA Ltd. <ei66>declared</ei66> a 10% stock dividend, payable <t16>Dec. 15</t16> to stock of record <t17>Nov. 17</t17>. The Oneida, N.Y., maker of consumer, food-service and industrial products also <ei68>declared</ei68> a quarterly cash dividend of 12 cents a share, with the same payable and record dates. The cash dividend <ei69>paid</ei69> on the common stock also will <ei70>apply</ei70> to the new shares, the company <ei71>said</ei71>. The move rewards shareholders and should <ei72>improve</ei72> the stock's liquidity, Oneida <ei73>said</ei73>. The company <ei74>has</ei74> about 8.8 million shares outstanding.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2007", "target": "start ei2011" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2007", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "end ei2005" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end t0", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end t0", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2011", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2011", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2007", "target": "start ei2011" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "end ei2011" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2007", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2011", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "start ei2011" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "end ei2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2007", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2007", "target": "end ei2011" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2007", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start t0", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "end ei2005" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "start ei2005" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "start ei2011" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "start ei2005" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "end ei2011" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "end ei2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2007", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2011", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "end ei2007" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2011", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "start ei2007" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2011", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "end ei2011" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2007", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "start ei2007" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2011", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "start ei2011" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2007", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "end ei2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "end ei2011" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "start ei2007" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t0", "target": "end t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "start ei2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2007", "target": "end ei2011" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2001", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2011", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2007", "target": "start t38" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2001", "target": "start ei2011" } ]
[ "ei2005", "t38", "ei2011", "ei2001", "ei2003", "ei2007", "ei2006", "ei2009", "t42", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>19980205</t0> Thousands of people in Germany have been <ei2001>demonstrating</ei2001> <t38>today</t38> against the high level of unemployment in the country. Latest figures show a sharp <ei2003>rise</ei2003>, with nearly five million Germans out of work. Caroline Wyatt reports. <ei2005>Chanting</ei2005> Helmut Kohl must <ei2006>go</ei2006> the unemployed <ei2007>took</ei2007> to the streets of the German capital, Berlin, mirroring <ei2009>protests</ei2009> around the country. Joblessness is <t42>now</t42> at its highest level in Germany since the second world <ei2011>war</ei2011>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2015", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2013", "target": "start t44" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2017", "target": "start t47" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2012", "target": "end ei2013" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2015", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2015", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2011", "target": "end t44" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2012", "target": "start ei2013" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2013", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2012", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2013", "target": "end t44" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2011", "target": "start t44" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2017", "target": "end ei2018" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2016", "target": "start t45" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2012", 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[ "ei2019", "t45", "ei2011", "t44", "ei2012", "ei2016", "ei2013", "ei2017", "ei2015", "t47", "ei2018", "t42", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>19980205</t0> Joblessness is <t42>now</t42> at its highest level in Germany since the second world <ei2011>war</ei2011>. With the general <ei2012>election</ei2012> due <t44>this September</t44>, record figures couldn't have <ei2013>come</ei2013> at a worst time for Chancellor Kohl. His <ei2015>promise</ei2015> to <ei2016>half</ei2016> unemployment by <t45>the year two thousand</t45> has <t47>now</t47> been <ei2017>abandoned</ei2017>. And the German electorate appears increasingly <ei2018>eager</ei2018> to <ei2019>dispense</ei2019> with the services of Europe's longest serving leader. Caroline Wyatt, BBC news, Bonn.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1242", "target": "end ei1243" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1236", "target": "start t140" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1235", "target": "start t139" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1233", "target": "end ei1235" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1233", "target": "end ei1235" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1238", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1233", "target": "start t138" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1233", "target": "start ei1235" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1238", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1237", "target": "start t140" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1233", "target": "end t138" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1233", "target": "end t139" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1233", "target": "end t139" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1234", "target": "start t138" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1233", "target": "start ei1235" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1242", "target": "start ei1243" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1236", "target": "end ei1237" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1236", "target": "start ei1237" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1242", "target": "end t1191" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1235", "target": "end t139" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1238", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1233", "target": "end t138" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1233", "target": "start t139" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1237", "target": "start t140" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1236", "target": "end t140" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1242", "target": "start ei1243" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1236", "target": "start ei1237" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1237", "target": "end t140" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1237", "target": "end t140" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1233", "target": "start t139" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1236", "target": "end ei1237" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1236", "target": "end t140" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1242", "target": "end t1191" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1242", "target": "start t1191" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1234", "target": "end t138" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1242", "target": "start t1191" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1235", "target": "start t139" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1242", "target": "end ei1243" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1235", "target": "end t139" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1234", "target": "end t138" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1238", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1233", "target": "start t138" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1236", "target": "start t140" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1234", "target": "start t138" } ]
[ "ei1243", "ei1238", "ei1244", "ei1242", "ei1236", "ei1241", "t1191", "ei1233", "ei1239", "t138", "ei1234", "ei1235", "t139", "t140", "ei1237", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/06/1998 13:19:00</t0> BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP)_ An American leader of a U.N. weapons inspection team <ei1233>resumed</ei1233> <ei1234>work</ei1234> in Iraq <t138>Friday</t138>, <t139>nearly two months</t139> after his team was effectively <ei1235>blocked</ei1235>. Scott Ritter <ei1236>led</ei1236> his team on a <t140>10-hour</t140> <ei1237>tour</ei1237> of three suspected weapons sites classified as ``sensitive'' by the Iraqi authorities, U.N. spokesman Alan Dacey <ei1238>said</ei1238>. ``All sites were <ei1239>inspected</ei1239> to the satisfaction of the inspection team and with full cooperation of Iraqi authorities,'' Dacey <ei1241>said</ei1241>. At least one of the sensitive sites was a barracks of the elite Republican Guard, a well-placed source told The Associated Press. <t1191>Previously</t1191> the Iraqis have <ei1242>resisted</ei1242> <ei1243>attempts</ei1243> to <ei1244>inspect</ei1244> such quarters.
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[ "t141", "ei1254", "ei1243", "ei1248", "t143", "ei1244", "ei1250", "ei1247", "ei1242", "ei1245", "ei1246", "t1191", "t1192", "ei1258", "ei1253", "ei1256", "ei1255", "ei1251", "ei1252", "ei1257", "ei1249", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/06/1998 13:19:00</t0> <t1191>Previously</t1191> the Iraqis have <ei1242>resisted</ei1242> <ei1243>attempts</ei1243> to <ei1244>inspect</ei1244> such quarters. The U.N. Security Council has <ei1245>charged</ei1245> the inspectors with <ei1246>verifying</ei1246> that Iraq has <ei1247>destroyed</ei1247> its long-range missiles and weapons of mass destruction. It was the first time that Ritter, who <ei1248>arrived</ei1248> <t141>Thursday</t141> with some 50 inspectors for a <ei1249>tour</ei1249> likely to <ei1250>last</ei1250> <t143>over a week</t143>, had been <ei1251>allowed</ei1251> to <ei1252>carry</ei1252> out an <ei1253>inspection</ei1253> since <t1192>Jan. 13</t1192>. Then the Baghdad government <ei1254>stopped</ei1254> <ei1255>providing</ei1255> Ritter's team with escorts, <ei1256>making</ei1256> it impossible for him to <ei1257>enter</ei1257> any site. Iraq <ei1258>alleged</ei1258> Ritter was an American spy whose team had a disproportionately high number of Americans and Britons.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1265", "target": "end t144" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1261", "target": "start ei1262" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1260", "target": "start ei1265" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1265", "target": "start t144" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1258", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1270", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1261", "target": "end ei1262" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1260", "target": "end t144" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1260", "target": "end ei1265" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1259", "target": "start ei1260" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1259", "target": "end ei1260" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1266", "target": "end ei1267" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1270", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1266", "target": "start ei1267" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1270", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1259", "target": "start ei1260" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1259", "target": "start t144" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1259", "target": "end t144" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1259", "target": "end ei1260" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1266", "target": "end ei1267" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1259", "target": "end ei1265" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1259", "target": "start ei1265" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1258", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1270", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1258", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1265", "target": "start t144" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1266", "target": "start ei1267" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1265", "target": "end t144" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1259", "target": "start ei1265" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1260", "target": "start t144" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1260", "target": "start ei1265" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1260", "target": "start t144" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1258", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1261", "target": "end ei1262" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1259", "target": "end t144" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1260", "target": "end t144" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1259", "target": "start t144" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1259", "target": "end ei1265" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1261", "target": "start ei1262" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1260", "target": "end ei1265" } ]
[ "ei1265", "ei1264", "ei1260", "ei1263", "ei1270", "ei1261", "ei1269", "t1000", "ei1258", "ei1262", "ei1259", "ei1266", "t144", "ei1267", "ei1268", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/06/1998 13:19:00</t0> Iraq <ei1258>alleged</ei1258> Ritter was an American spy whose team had a disproportionately high number of Americans and Britons. The official Iraqi News Agency, which gives the <t1000>daily</t1000> tally of inspections, did not <ei1259>mention</ei1259> Ritter by name, but <ei1260>said</ei1260> <t144>Friday</t144> that team no. 225 _ which Ritter heads _ <ei1261>made</ei1261> surprise <ei1262>visits</ei1262> to a number of sites and was <ei1263>assisted</ei1263> by aerial surveillance. Five other U.N. inspection teams <ei1264>visited</ei1264> a total of nine other sites, the agency <ei1265>reported</ei1265>. An Iraqi official, <ei1266>speaking</ei1266> on customary condition of anonymity, <ei1267>said</ei1267> Ritter would not <ei1268>try</ei1268> to <ei1269>visit</ei1269> any of the eight presidential sites that Baghdad had <ei1270>placed</ei1270> off-limits to U.N. weapons inspectors.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1277", "target": "start ei1278" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1273", "target": "start t1193" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1270", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1271", "target": "end ei1276" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1276", "target": "end ei1283" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1266", "target": "end ei1267" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1270", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1274", "target": "end t1193" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1266", "target": "start ei1267" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1276", "target": "end ei1283" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1274", "target": "start t1193" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1270", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1271", "target": "start ei1276" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1273", "target": "end t1193" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1266", "target": "end ei1267" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1277", "target": "end ei1278" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1280", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1276", "target": "start ei1283" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1275", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1280", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1270", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1266", "target": "start ei1267" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1280", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1271", "target": "start ei1276" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1276", "target": "start ei1281" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1275", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1274", "target": "end t1193" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1276", "target": "start ei1281" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1275", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1277", "target": "end ei1278" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1273", "target": "start t1193" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1275", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1271", "target": "end ei1276" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1277", "target": "start ei1278" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1273", "target": "end t1193" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1276", "target": "end ei1281" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1276", "target": "start ei1283" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1280", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1276", "target": "end ei1281" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1274", "target": "start t1193" } ]
[ "ei1279", "ei1273", "ei1272", "ei1276", "ei1278", "ei1277", "ei1283", "t1193", "ei1281", "ei1270", "ei1269", "ei1275", "ei1266", "ei1274", "ei1280", "ei1271", "ei1267", "ei1282", "ei1268", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/06/1998 13:19:00</t0> An Iraqi official, <ei1266>speaking</ei1266> on customary condition of anonymity, <ei1267>said</ei1267> Ritter would not <ei1268>try</ei1268> to <ei1269>visit</ei1269> any of the eight presidential sites that Baghdad had <ei1270>placed</ei1270> off-limits to U.N. weapons inspectors. The official <ei1271>said</ei1271> these sites could only be <ei1272>visited</ei1272> by a special team of U.N. monitors and diplomats as <ei1273>laid</ei1273> down by the <t1193>Feb. 23</t1193> accord <ei1274>signed</ei1274> by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz. Ritter's <ei1275>return</ei1275> is <ei1276>seen</ei1276> as something of a <ei1277>test</ei1277> of that agreement, under which Iraq <ei1278>agreed</ei1278> to <ei1279>give</ei1279> inspectors full access to eight of Saddam Hussein's presidential palaces. The United States had <ei1280>moved</ei1280> additional troops and a naval armada into the Gulf and <ei1281>said</ei1281> it would <ei1282>strike</ei1282> Iraq unless it gave the U.N. arms inspectors unfettered access to all potential weapons sites, including Saddam's palaces. Iraq had <ei1283>argued</ei1283> the presidential sites should be off limits as symbols of sovereignty.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1290", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1289", "target": "start t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1291", "target": "end t1194" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei1286", "target": "end ei1287" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1285", "target": "start t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1285", "target": "end t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1290", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1286", "target": "start ei1287" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1285", "target": "start t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1286", "target": "start ei1287" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1292", "target": "end ei1293" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1289", "target": "end t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1289", "target": "end t146" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1290", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1289", "target": "start t146" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1291", "target": "start t1194" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1290", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1291", "target": "start t1194" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1286", "target": "end ei1287" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1292", "target": "end ei1293" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1291", "target": "end t1194" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1292", "target": "start ei1293" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1292", "target": "start ei1293" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1285", "target": "end t146" } ]
[ "ei1290", "ei1287", "ei1283", "t146", "t1194", "ei1288", "ei1289", "ei1293", "ei1285", "ei1286", "ei1291", "ei1292", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/06/1998 13:19:00</t0> Iraq had <ei1283>argued</ei1283> the presidential sites should be off limits as symbols of sovereignty. A Pentagon spokesman <ei1285>said</ei1285> <t146>Thursday</t146> that the 38,000 U.S. troops in the Gulf will <ei1286>remain</ei1286> until Iraq <ei1287>complies</ei1287> with the U.N. Security Council agreement over weapons inspections. ``We are going to <ei1288>maintain</ei1288> our forces in the region for the foreseeable future,'' <ei1289>said</ei1289> spokesman Kenneth Bacon. The U.N.-Iraq accord was <ei1290>worked</ei1290> out by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who <ei1291>appointed</ei1291> a retired Indian diplomat on <t1194>Thursday</t1194> as his special representative to Iraq. Prakash Shah, 58, a former Indian ambassador to the United Nations, is part of an <ei1292>effort</ei1292> by Annan to <ei1293>expand</ei1293> contacts with the Iraqi leadership.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1298", "target": "end t148" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1303", "target": "start ei1306" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1301", "target": "start t150" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1298", "target": "end t148" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1304", "target": "start ei1305" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1304", "target": "end ei1305" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1303", "target": "end ei1306" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1301", "target": "start t150" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1305", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1292", "target": "end ei1293" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1294", "target": "end ei1295" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1298", "target": "start t148" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1294", "target": "start ei1295" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1304", "target": "end ei1305" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1303", "target": "end ei1306" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1294", "target": "start ei1295" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1305", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1294", "target": "end ei1295" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1292", "target": "end ei1293" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1292", "target": "start ei1293" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1301", "target": "end t150" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1304", "target": "start ei1305" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1298", "target": "start t148" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1292", "target": "start ei1293" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1303", "target": "start ei1306" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1305", "target": "end t151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1305", "target": "start t151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1301", "target": "end t150" } ]
[ "t151", "ei1301", "ei1295", "ei1298", "ei1304", "ei1306", "ei1307", "ei1299", "ei1294", "t150", "ei1302", "ei1303", "ei1293", "ei1296", "t148", "ei1305", "ei1292", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/06/1998 13:19:00</t0> Prakash Shah, 58, a former Indian ambassador to the United Nations, is part of an <ei1292>effort</ei1292> by Annan to <ei1293>expand</ei1293> contacts with the Iraqi leadership. Palace <ei1294>inspections</ei1294> are not <ei1295>expected</ei1295> to <ei1296>start</ei1296> until the new agreement's procedures are in place. U.N. officials in New York on <t148>Friday</t148> <ei1298>finished</ei1298> <ei1299>drafting</ei1299> the rules, in consultation with Iraqi diplomats. The procedures are due to <ei1301>go</ei1301> before the Security Council <t150>next week</t150>. The Security Council has <ei1302>said</ei1302> it will not <ei1303>lift</ei1303> the sweeping sanctions <ei1304>imposed</ei1304> on Iraq after its <t151>1990</t151> <ei1305>invasion</ei1305> of Kuwait until the U.N. inspectors <ei1306>certify</ei1306> that Baghdad has <ei1307>eliminated</ei1307> its weapons of mass destruction.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2647", "target": "start ei2648" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "start ei2638" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "end t204" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2640", "target": "end t206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "end t204" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2638", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2642", "target": "start ei2643" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2650", "target": "start t209" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "start t204" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2748", "target": "start t206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2647", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2646", "target": "end t209" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2638", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2643", "target": "start t2041" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2646", "target": "start ei2650" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2643", "target": "start t2041" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2650", "target": "end t209" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2638", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2646", "target": "end t209" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2646", "target": "end ei2650" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2646", "target": "start t209" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2642", "target": "end ei2643" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2646", "target": "start ei2650" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2643", "target": "end t2041" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2647", "target": "start ei2648" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "start t204" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "end ei2638" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2638", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "end ei2638" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2640", "target": "start t206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2748", "target": "end t206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2647", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2748", "target": "end t206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2643", "target": "end t2041" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2647", "target": "end ei2648" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "start ei2638" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2646", "target": "end ei2650" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2640", "target": "start t206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2642", "target": "end ei2643" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2642", "target": "start ei2643" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2646", "target": "start t209" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2640", "target": "end t206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2647", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2647", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2748", "target": "start t206" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2650", "target": "end t209" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2650", "target": "start t209" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2647", "target": "end ei2648" } ]
[ "ei2748", "ei2648", "ei2643", "ei2637", "ei2638", "t213", "ei2640", "ei2645", "ei2651", "ei2646", "ei2641", "t204", "ei2642", "ei2647", "t209", "ei2650", "t206", "t2041", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Control Data Corp., which just <t204>months ago</t204> was <ei2637>hemorrhaging</ei2637> financially, <ei2638>thinks</ei2638> it will be <ei2748>healthy</ei2748> enough <t206>soon</t206> to <ei2640>consider</ei2640> <ei2641>repurchasing</ei2641> public debt. Moreover, the company, whose go-it-alone approach nearly <ei2642>proved</ei2642> fatal, <t2041>now</t2041> <ei2643>sees</ei2643> alliances with others as the way back to prosperity in what it calls "the data solutions" business. "I'm not saying everything is hunky-dory, but we have <ei2645>completed</ei2645> the <ei2646>transition</ei2646>," Robert M. Price, chairman and chief executive, <ei2647>said</ei2647> in an <ei2648>interview</ei2648>. "Transition" is a reference to the company's <t209>five-year</t209> restructuring <ei2650>effort</ei2650>. During <t213>that time</t213>, Control Data <ei2651>had</ei2651> losses of more than $1 billion.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2656", "target": "end t218" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2653", "target": "start t2110" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2655", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2653", "target": "end ei2654" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2660", "target": "end ei2665" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2661", "target": "end ei2665" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2658", "target": "start ei2659" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2660", "target": "end ei2665" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2658", "target": "start ei2659" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2663", "target": "end ei2664" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2660", "target": "start ei2665" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2660", "target": "end ei2661" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2661", "target": "start ei2665" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2658", "target": "end ei2659" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2655", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2653", "target": "end t2110" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2663", "target": "end ei2664" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2661", "target": "start ei2665" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2656", "target": "end t218" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2660", "target": "start ei2661" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2663", "target": "start ei2664" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2653", "target": "end ei2654" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2658", "target": "end ei2659" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2653", "target": "start t2110" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2653", "target": "end t2110" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2656", "target": "start t218" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2661", "target": "end ei2665" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2655", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2653", "target": "start ei2654" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2660", "target": "start ei2665" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2655", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2656", "target": "start t218" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2653", "target": "start ei2654" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2660", "target": "end ei2661" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2660", "target": "start ei2661" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2663", "target": "start ei2664" } ]
[ "ei2668", "ei2666", "ei2665", "ei2661", "ei2664", "ei2667", "ei2663", "ei2655", "ei2660", "t213", "ei2658", "t2110", "ei2651", "ei2662", "ei2657", "ei2656", "ei2659", "ei2653", "ei2654", "t218", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> During <t213>that time</t213>, Control Data <ei2651>had</ei2651> losses of more than $1 billion. Now, following asset sales that <ei2653>shrank</ei2653> revenue by more than one-third <t2110>this year</t2110> alone, Control Data is <ei2654>flush</ei2654> with cash. So its senior executives are <ei2655>talking</ei2655> openly about possibly <ei2656>buying</ei2656> back some of the company's $172.5 million in subordinated convertible debentures <t218>next year</t218>. "We'd <ei2657>like</ei2657> to <ei2658>continue</ei2658> to <ei2659>reduce</ei2659> debt," President Lawrence Perlman <ei2660>said</ei2660>. <ei2661>Noting</ei2661> that the company is <ei2662>offering</ei2662> to <ei2663>buy</ei2663> back $154.2 million in senior notes <ei2664>paying</ei2664> 12 3/4%, he <ei2665>said</ei2665> the response will <ei2666>help</ei2666> <ei2667>determine</ei2667> future debt-reduction <ei2668>efforts</ei2668>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2677", "target": "end t224" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end t232", "target": "end t237" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2665", "target": "end ei2678" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2678", "target": "start ei2684" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2677", "target": "end t224" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2672", "target": "end ei2684" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2661", "target": "start ei2684" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "start t232" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "end t232" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2661", "target": "start ei2678" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2670", "target": "end ei2671" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "start t237" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2669", "target": "start ei2671" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2661", "target": "end ei2684" }, { "relation": "<", 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[ "ei2668", "ei2673", "ei2666", "t222", "t237", "ei2665", "ei2661", "ei2664", "ei2667", "ei2663", "ei2670", "ei2682", "t229", "t224", "ei2672", "ei2678", "ei2669", "ei2684", "ei2677", "ei2662", "t232", "ei2681", "ei2685", "ei2679", "ei2671", "ei2676", "t228", "ei2674", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> <ei2661>Noting</ei2661> that the company is <ei2662>offering</ei2662> to <ei2663>buy</ei2663> back $154.2 million in senior notes <ei2664>paying</ei2664> 12 3/4%, he <ei2665>said</ei2665> the response will <ei2666>help</ei2666> <ei2667>determine</ei2667> future debt-reduction <ei2668>efforts</ei2668>. The <ei2669>offer</ei2669> was automatically <ei2670>triggered</ei2670> by the <t222>recent</t222> <ei2671>sale</ei2671> of Control Data's Imprimis disk-drive business to Seagate Technology Inc. Mr. Perlman, who is also acting chief financial officer and the odds-on favorite to become the next chief executive, <ei2672>said</ei2672> the company is <ei2673>achieving</ei2673> "modest positive cash <ei2674>flow</ei2674> from operations, and we <ei2676>expect</ei2676> that to <ei2677>continue</ei2677> into <t224>1990</t224>." He <ei2678>said</ei2678> the company <ei2679>has</ei2679> no intention of <ei2681>tapping</ei2681> its short-term bank lines "for <t228>a good part of 1990</t228>." Sometime <t229>next year</t229>, Control Data will " <ei2682>develop</ei2682> a new bank relationship," Mr. Perlman <ei2684>said</ei2684>. In <t232>recent months</t232> a group of lenders, led by Bank of America, has <ei2685>extended</ei2685> Control Data up to $90 million in revolving loans through <t237>January</t237>, as well as $115 million in standby letters of credit.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2686", "target": "end t238" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2689", "target": "end t241" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "end ei2689" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end t232", "target": "end t237" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2691", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2690", "target": "start t241" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2689", "target": "end t241" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "end ei2689" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2689", "target": "end ei2690" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "start t232" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2689", "target": "end ei2690" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "start t232" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2689", "target": "start ei2690" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "start ei2690" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2689", "target": "start t241" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "start t241" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end t232", "target": "start t237" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2687", "target": "start t239" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2690", "target": "end t241" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2690", "target": "start t241" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2686", "target": "start t238" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t232", "target": "start t237" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "end ei2690" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2691", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "end t232" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "start ei2689" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2690", "target": "end t241" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2687", "target": "start t239" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "start t237" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "end t237" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "start t237" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "end t241" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2689", "target": "start t241" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t232", "target": "end t237" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "start ei2690" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2691", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "start ei2689" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2689", "target": "start ei2690" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2687", "target": "end t239" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2686", "target": "end t238" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "end ei2690" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2691", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "end t237" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "end t232" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "end t241" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2686", "target": "start t238" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2687", "target": "end t239" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "start t241" } ]
[ "t237", "t241", "ei2689", "t239", "ei2691", "ei2686", "ei2690", "t232", "ei2688", "ei2685", "ei2687", "t238", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> In <t232>recent months</t232> a group of lenders, led by Bank of America, has <ei2685>extended</ei2685> Control Data up to $90 million in revolving loans through <t237>January</t237>, as well as $115 million in standby letters of credit. Loan covenants require that the company achieve specified levels of operating earnings and meet a rolling four-quarter profitability test. <t238>Last week</t238> Control Data <ei2686>reported</ei2686> <t239>third-quarter</t239> <ei2687>earnings</ei2687> of $9.8 million, or 23 cents a share, on revenue of $763 million. Through <t241>the first nine months</t241>, the company <ei2688>had</ei2688> a <ei2689>loss</ei2689> of $484 million, largely reflecting the <ei2690>closing</ei2690> of its supercomputer unit. While a few assets are still being shopped -- including the sports and entertainment ticketing portion of the company's Ticketron unit -- Mr. Price <ei2691>said</ei2691> future restructuring would be a question of strategy.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2696", "target": "start ei2701" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2695", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2691", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2691", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2697", "target": "start ei2699" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2691", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2697", "target": "end ei2699" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2696", "target": "start ei2701" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2691", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2695", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2696", "target": "end ei2701" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2695", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2695", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2697", "target": "end ei2699" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2697", "target": "start ei2699" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2696", "target": "end ei2701" } ]
[ "ei2697", "ei2696", "ei2698", "ei2695", "ei2691", "ei2701", "ei2699", "ei2692", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> While a few assets are still being shopped -- including the sports and entertainment ticketing portion of the company's Ticketron unit -- Mr. Price <ei2691>said</ei2691> future restructuring would be a question of strategy. "We don't <ei2692>need</ei2692> the cash." Ticketron's automated wagering business, which operates lotteries in a half dozen states, is not for sale, the company <ei2695>said</ei2695>. Rather, Mr. Perlman <ei2696>said</ei2696>, Control Data <ei2697>intends</ei2697> to <ei2698>bid</ei2698> for the coming Minnesota lottery contract and is <ei2699>seeking</ei2699> new applications for the technology overseas, where "there is great interest in games of skill." He wouldn't <ei2701>elaborate</ei2701>.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2711", "target": "end ei2712" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2711", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2702", "target": "end ei2703" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2708", "target": "end t1991" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2708", "target": "end t1991" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2713", "target": "start t1995" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2704", "target": "start ei2705" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2711", "target": "end ei2712" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2711", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2712", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2702", "target": "start ei2703" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2711", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2708", "target": "end t1994" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2708", "target": "start t1991" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2711", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2708", "target": "start t1994" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2708", "target": "end t1994" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2710", "target": "end t1994" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2711", "target": "start ei2712" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2704", "target": "end ei2705" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2708", "target": "end ei2710" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2708", "target": "start ei2710" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2704", "target": "end ei2705" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2708", "target": "end ei2710" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2708", "target": "start t1994" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2710", "target": "end t1994" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2712", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2712", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2702", "target": "end ei2703" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2710", "target": "start t1994" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2704", "target": "start ei2705" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2702", "target": "start ei2703" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2712", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2708", "target": "start t1991" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2710", "target": "start t1994" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2713", "target": "end t1995" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2713", "target": "start t1995" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2711", "target": "start ei2712" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2708", "target": "start ei2710" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2713", "target": "end t1995" } ]
[ "ei2711", "ei2703", "ei2708", "ei2712", "ei2705", "t1995", "ei2707", "t1994", "ei2714", "ei2701", "ei2715", "ei2710", "ei2706", "ei2704", "ei2713", "ei2702", "t1991", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> He wouldn't <ei2701>elaborate</ei2701>. Control Data's semiconductor business, VTC Inc., <ei2702>continues</ei2702> to <ei2703>lose</ei2703> money, the executives <ei2704>acknowledged</ei2704>, but they <ei2705>said</ei2705> they consider some of the technology vital to national defense and so are <ei2706>reluctant</ei2706> to <ei2707>dispose</ei2707> of it. The company's strategy for keeping its computer products business profitable -- it <t1991>recently</t1991> <ei2708>achieved</ei2708> profitability after <t1994>several quarters</t1994> of <ei2710>losses</ei2710> -- calls for a narrow focus and a lid on expenses. Partly, costs will be <ei2711>held</ei2711> down through strategic technology alliances, management <ei2712>said</ei2712>. Control Data <t1995>recently</t1995> <ei2713>announced</ei2713> an <ei2714>agreement</ei2714> with MIPS Computer Systems Inc. to jointly <ei2715>develop</ei2715> machines with simplified operating software.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2719", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2719", "target": "end ei2726" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2721", "target": "end ei2722" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2719", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2726", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2721", "target": "end t2001" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2719", "target": "end t2000" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2719", "target": "end t2000" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2720", "target": "end ei2724" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2725", "target": "start ei2728" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2719", "target": "start t2000" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2713", "target": "start t1995" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2726", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2719", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2721", "target": "end ei2722" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2726", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2719", "target": "start t2000" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2716", "target": "end ei2724" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2719", "target": "start ei2726" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2719", "target": "start ei2726" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2716", "target": "start ei2724" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2722", "target": "end ei2723" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2716", "target": "end ei2720" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2719", "target": "end ei2726" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2716", "target": "end ei2724" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2716", "target": "start ei2720" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2721", "target": "start ei2723" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2722", "target": "start ei2723" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2716", "target": "start ei2724" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2721", "target": "end ei2723" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2721", "target": "end ei2723" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2716", "target": "start ei2720" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2725", "target": "end ei2728" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2720", "target": "start ei2724" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2725", "target": "start ei2728" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2721", "target": "start t2001" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2720", "target": "start ei2724" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2725", "target": "end ei2728" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2722", "target": "end ei2723" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2721", "target": "start ei2723" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2721", "target": "start ei2722" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2716", "target": "end ei2720" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2721", "target": "end t2001" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2719", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2721", "target": "start ei2722" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2722", "target": "start ei2723" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2713", "target": "end t1995" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2713", "target": "start t1995" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2721", "target": "start t2001" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2720", "target": "end ei2724" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2713", "target": "end t1995" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2726", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2727", "ei2722", "ei2728", "ei2721", "ei2723", "t2001", "ei2716", "t1995", "ei2718", "ei2719", "ei2725", "ei2714", "ei2724", "t2000", "ei2726", "ei2715", "ei2720", "ei2713", "ei2729", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Control Data <t1995>recently</t1995> <ei2713>announced</ei2713> an <ei2714>agreement</ei2714> with MIPS Computer Systems Inc. to jointly <ei2715>develop</ei2715> machines with simplified operating software. James E. Ousley, computer products group president, <ei2716>said</ei2716> such arrangements could <ei2718>help</ei2718> <ei2719>slash</ei2719> Control Data's computer research and development costs in half by <t2000>the end of 1990</t2000>. He <ei2720>disclosed</ei2720> that before Control Data <ei2721>scrapped</ei2721> its ETA Systems Inc. supercomputer business <t2001>this past spring</t2001>, those costs were <ei2722>running</ei2722> at nearly 35% of group revenue. At the same time four of six design projects were <ei2723>spiked</ei2723>, he <ei2724>said</ei2724>. <ei2725>Asked</ei2725> how the company <ei2726>hopes</ei2726> to <ei2727>expand</ei2727> its computer hardware business, Mr. Ousley <ei2728>said</ei2728> it <ei2729>sees</ei2729> good opportunities in systems integration.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2726", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2728", "target": "end ei2733" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2725", "target": "start ei2728" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2728", "target": "start ei2733" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2726", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2725", "target": "end ei2733" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2725", "target": "start ei2733" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2731", "target": "start ei2732" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2726", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2728", "target": "start ei2733" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2731", "target": "start ei2732" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2731", "target": "end ei2732" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2725", "target": "end ei2733" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2728", "target": "end ei2733" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2725", "target": "end ei2728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2725", "target": "start ei2728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2725", "target": "end ei2728" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2725", "target": "start ei2733" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2731", "target": "end ei2732" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2726", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2727", "ei2731", "ei2728", "ei2732", "ei2725", "ei2734", "ei2730", "ei2733", "ei2726", "ei2729", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> <ei2725>Asked</ei2725> how the company <ei2726>hopes</ei2726> to <ei2727>expand</ei2727> its computer hardware business, Mr. Ousley <ei2728>said</ei2728> it <ei2729>sees</ei2729> good opportunities in systems integration. "We <ei2730>think</ei2730> we're <ei2731>getting</ei2731> only 10% of the integration dollars our customers are <ei2732>spending</ei2732>," he <ei2733>said</ei2733>. "We're in environments that are going to <ei2734>spend</ei2734> a lot of money on that." Control Data mainframes are designed for numerically intensive computing users, such as the scientific, engineering and academic communities. Utilities management is a major commercial niche.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2735", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2742", "target": "start ei2743" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2735", "target": "end ei2737" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2737", "target": "end ei2747" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2742", "target": "start ei2743" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2735", "target": "start ei2741" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2740", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2741", "target": "end ei2747" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2737", "target": "end ei2741" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2741", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2735", "target": "end ei2747" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2737", "target": "start ei2747" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2745", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2737", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2741", "target": "end ei2747" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2735", "target": "end ei2737" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2736", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2745", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2737", "target": "start ei2741" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2736", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2735", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2745", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2747", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2735", "target": "end ei2747" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2741", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2737", "target": "end ei2747" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2747", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2745", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2741", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2735", "target": "start ei2737" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2740", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2741", "target": "start ei2747" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2741", "target": "start ei2747" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2741", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2737", "target": "end ei2741" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2736", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2742", "target": "end ei2743" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2737", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2735", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2737", "target": "start ei2747" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2737", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2737", "target": "start ei2741" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2735", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2735", "target": "start ei2737" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2742", "target": "end ei2743" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2747", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2735", "target": "start ei2741" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2737", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2747", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2736", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2735", "target": "end ei2741" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2735", "target": "start ei2747" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2740", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2735", "target": "start ei2747" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2735", "target": "end ei2741" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2740", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2736", "ei2737", "ei2747", "ei2745", "ei2738", "ei2741", "ei2742", "ei2739", "ei2735", "ei2743", "ei2744", "ei2740", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Utilities management is a major commercial niche. <ei2735>Reviewing</ei2735> the company's <ei2736>scrape</ei2736> with disaster, Mr. Price <ei2737>conceded</ei2737> it had <ei2738>tried</ei2738> to <ei2739>do</ei2739> too much on its own. "Absolutely," he said. But while its stock is <ei2740>selling</ei2740> at about half Control Data's estimated breakup value, neither Messrs. Perlman nor Price <ei2741>said</ei2741> he <ei2742>spends</ei2742> much time <ei2743>considering</ei2743> the possibility of a hostile <ei2744>takeover</ei2744>. "We've been <ei2745>listed</ei2745> as a candidate for so long it's not worth worrying about," <ei2747>said</ei2747> Mr. Price.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2588", "target": "start t288" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2589", "target": "start ei2591" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2579", "target": "start ei2582" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2584", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2583", "target": "end t287" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2584", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2584", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2578", "target": "end ei2582" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2588", "target": "end t288" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2583", "target": "start t287" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2579", "target": "end ei2582" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2579", "target": "start ei2582" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2578", "target": "start ei2579" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2578", "target": "start ei2582" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2589", "target": "end ei2591" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2580", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2584", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2589", "target": "start ei2591" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2578", "target": "end ei2582" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2583", "target": "start t287" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2591", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2583", "target": "end t287" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2579", "target": "end ei2582" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2578", "target": "end ei2579" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2588", "target": "end t288" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2578", "target": "end ei2579" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2578", "target": "start ei2579" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2580", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2580", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2588", "target": "start t288" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2589", "target": "end ei2591" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2591", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2580", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2591", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2591", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2578", "target": "start ei2582" } ]
[ "ei2582", "t287", "ei2584", "ei2578", "ei2576", "t288", "ei2591", "ei2585", "ei2575", "ei2580", "ei2583", "ei2588", "ei2586", "ei2579", "ei2589", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> The bolstered cellular agreement between BellSouth Corp. and LIN Broadcasting Corp. carries heightened risks and could <ei2575>fail</ei2575> to <ei2576>fend</ei2576> off McCaw Cellular Communications Inc., the rival suitor for LIN. Moreover, the amended pact shows how McCaw's persistence has <ei2578>pushed</ei2578> LIN and BellSouth into a corner, <ei2579>forcing</ei2579> huge debt on the proposed new company. The debt, <ei2580>estimated</ei2580> at $4.7 billion, could <ei2582>mortgage</ei2582> the cellular company's future earning power in order to <ei2583>placate</ei2583> some LIN holders in <t287>the short term</t287>. The plan still <ei2584>calls</ei2584> for LIN to <ei2585>combine</ei2585> its cellular telephone properties with BellSouth's and to <ei2586>spin</ei2586> off its broadcasting operations. But under new terms of the agreement, <ei2588>announced</ei2588> <t288>Friday</t288>, LIN holders would <ei2589>receive</ei2589> a special cash dividend of $42 a share, representing a payout of about $2.23 billion, shortly before the proposed <ei2591>merger</ei2591>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2597", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2591", "target": "start ei2592" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2592", "target": "end ei2597" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2592", "target": "start ei2597" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2592", "target": "end ei2597" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2591", "target": "start ei2592" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2591", "target": "end ei2592" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2588", "target": "start t288" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2589", "target": "start ei2591" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2599", "target": "end ei2602" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2588", "target": "end t288" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2599", "target": "end ei2602" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2592", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2589", "target": "end ei2591" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2597", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2597", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2589", "target": "start ei2591" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2591", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2588", "target": "end t288" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2597", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2591", "target": "end ei2597" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2594", "target": "start ei2596" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2599", "target": "start ei2602" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2594", "target": "end ei2596" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2591", "target": "start ei2597" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2588", "target": "start t288" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2594", "target": "start ei2596" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2592", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2589", "target": "end ei2591" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2594", "target": "end ei2596" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2591", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2591", "target": "end ei2597" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2591", "target": "start ei2597" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2591", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2591", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2591", "target": "end ei2592" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2592", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2592", "target": "start ei2597" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2599", "target": "start ei2602" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2592", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2592", "ei2595", "t288", "ei2600", "ei2596", "ei2591", "ei2602", "ei2594", "ei2598", "ei2597", "ei2593", "ei2588", "ei2599", "ei2589", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> But under new terms of the agreement, <ei2588>announced</ei2588> <t288>Friday</t288>, LIN holders would <ei2589>receive</ei2589> a special cash dividend of $42 a share, representing a payout of about $2.23 billion, shortly before the proposed <ei2591>merger</ei2591>. LIN <ei2592>said</ei2592> it <ei2593>expects</ei2593> to <ei2594>borrow</ei2594> the money to <ei2595>pay</ei2595> the dividend, but <ei2596>commitments</ei2596> from banks still haven't been <ei2597>obtained</ei2597>. Under previous terms, holders would have <ei2598>received</ei2598> a dividend of only $20 a share. In addition, New York-based LIN would <ei2599>exercise</ei2599> its right to <ei2600>buy</ei2600> out for $1.9 billion the 55% equity interest of its partner, Metromedia Co., in a New York cellular franchise. That money also would have to be <ei2602>borrowed</ei2602>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2603", "target": "end ei2604" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2603", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2604", "target": "end t292" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2606", "target": "end ei2607" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2614", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2606", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2613", "target": "end t299" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2614", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2606", "target": "start ei2608" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2606", "target": "end ei2612" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2603", "target": "start t292" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2607", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2613", "target": "start t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2607", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2607", "target": "start ei2608" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2604", "target": "start t292" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2612", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2607", "target": "end ei2608" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2604", "target": "end t292" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2603", "target": "start t292" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2606", "target": "end ei2608" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2606", "target": "start ei2612" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2607", "target": "start ei2608" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2614", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2612", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2603", "target": "end ei2604" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2604", "target": "start t292" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2603", "target": "end t292" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2608", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2603", "target": "start ei2604" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2608", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2607", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2607", "target": "end ei2608" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2613", "target": "end t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2606", "target": "start ei2607" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2614", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2608", "target": "start ei2612" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2607", "target": "start ei2612" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2604", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2608", "target": "start ei2612" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2607", "target": "end ei2612" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2607", "target": "end ei2612" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2603", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2612", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2613", "target": "start t299" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2608", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2608", "target": "end ei2612" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2607", "target": "start ei2612" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2603", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2604", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2604", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2608", "target": "end ei2612" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2603", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2606", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2606", "target": "start ei2608" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2606", "target": "end ei2608" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2606", "target": "end ei2612" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2612", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2607", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2606", "target": "start ei2612" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2606", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2606", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2603", "target": "start ei2604" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2603", "target": "end t292" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2606", "target": "end ei2607" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2604", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2606", "target": "start ei2607" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2608", "target": "start t0" } ]
[ "ei2612", "ei2610", "t292", "t299", "ei2613", "ei2608", "ei2602", "ei2603", "ei2614", "ei2607", "ei2611", "ei2604", "ei2605", "ei2606", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> That money also would have to be <ei2602>borrowed</ei2602>. In effect, McCaw has <ei2603>forced</ei2603> LIN's hand by <ei2604>bidding</ei2604> $1.9 billion for the stake <t292>earlier this month</t292>. "We're <ei2605>taking</ei2605> on more debt than we would have <ei2606>liked</ei2606> to," <ei2607>acknowledged</ei2607> Michael Plouf, LIN's vice president and treasurer. Although he <ei2608>expressed</ei2608> confidence that the proposed new company's cash flow would be <ei2610>sufficient</ei2610> to <ei2611>cover</ei2611> interest payments on the debt, he <ei2612>estimated</ei2612> that the company wouldn't be <ei2613>profitable</ei2613> until <t299>1994 or later</t299>. Analyst <ei2614>estimate</ei2614> the value of the BellSouth proposal at about $115 to $125 a share.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2619", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2614", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2614", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2614", "target": "end ei2619" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2617", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2623", "target": "end ei2624" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2619", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2614", "target": "start ei2616" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2614", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2616", "target": "start ei2619" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2614", "target": "start ei2619" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2623", "target": "start ei2624" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2614", "target": "end ei2619" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2614", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2614", "target": "start ei2616" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2617", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2614", "target": "end ei2616" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2616", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2616", "target": "start ei2619" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2616", "target": "end ei2619" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2623", "target": "start ei2624" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2619", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2616", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2617", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2623", "target": "end ei2624" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2616", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2617", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2614", "target": "start ei2619" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2616", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2614", "target": "end ei2616" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2616", "target": "end ei2619" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2619", "target": "start t0" } ]
[ "ei2623", "ei2617", "ei2616", "ei2624", "ei2614", "ei2619", "ei2621", "ei2622", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Analyst <ei2614>estimate</ei2614> the value of the BellSouth proposal at about $115 to $125 a share. They <ei2616>value</ei2616> McCaw's <ei2617>bid</ei2617> at $112 to $118 a share. The previous BellSouth pact was <ei2619>valued</ei2619> at about $98 to $110 a share. McCaw, the largest provider of cellular telephone service in the U.S., already owns about 9.4% of LIN's stock. In response to BellSouth's amended pact, the Kirkland, Wash., company <ei2621>extended</ei2621> its own <ei2622>offer</ei2622> to <ei2623>buy</ei2623> 22 million LIN shares for $125 apiece, which would <ei2624>give</ei2624> McCaw a 50.3% controlling interest.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2625", "target": "start ei2626" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2631", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2625", "target": "end ei2626" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2625", "target": "start t307" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2625", "target": "start t307" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2625", "target": "end t307" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2625", "target": "end t307" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2627", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2626", "target": "start t307" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2625", "target": "end ei2626" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2623", "target": "end ei2624" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2627", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2627", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2631", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2623", "target": "start ei2624" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2626", "target": "end t307" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2623", "target": "start ei2624" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2627", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2623", "target": "end ei2624" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2631", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2631", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2626", "target": "start t307" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2626", "target": "end t307" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2625", "target": "start ei2626" } ]
[ "ei2626", "ei2625", "ei2623", "ei2624", "t307", "ei2628", "ei2621", "ei2627", "ei2634", "ei2629", "ei2631", "ei2632", "ei2622", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> In response to BellSouth's amended pact, the Kirkland, Wash., company <ei2621>extended</ei2621> its own <ei2622>offer</ei2622> to <ei2623>buy</ei2623> 22 million LIN shares for $125 apiece, which would <ei2624>give</ei2624> McCaw a 50.3% controlling interest. Over <t307>the weekend</t307>, McCaw <ei2625>continued</ei2625> to <ei2626>call</ei2626> for an auction of LIN. Analysts <ei2627>said</ei2627> they <ei2628>expect</ei2628> McCaw to <ei2629>escalate</ei2629> the bidding again. "This game isn't over yet, " <ei2631>said</ei2631> Joel D. Gross, a vice president at Donaldson, Lufkin amp Jenrette Securities Corp. "At some point, it will <ei2632>become</ei2632> non-economical for one company. But I don't <ei2634>think</ei2634> we're at that point yet."
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "start ei2639" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "start ei2638" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2644", "target": "end ei2646" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "end ei2639" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2643", "target": "start ei2648" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "start ei2638" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2643", "target": "end ei2648" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "end ei2639" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2644", "target": "start ei2646" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2644", "target": "end ei2646" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2643", "target": "start ei2648" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "start ei2639" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2637", "target": "end ei2638" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2637", "target": "end ei2638" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2644", "target": "start ei2646" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2643", "target": "end ei2648" } ]
[ "ei2648", "ei2643", "ei2637", "ei2638", "ei2640", "ei2644", "ei2649", "ei2639", "ei2646", "ei2641", "ei2647", "ei2634", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> But I don't <ei2634>think</ei2634> we're at that point yet." Under its revised <ei2637>proposal</ei2637>, Atlanta-based BellSouth would <ei2638>have</ei2638> a 50% interest in the new cellular company and would be <ei2639>responsible</ei2639> for half of its debt. To <ei2640>sweeten</ei2640> the pact further -- and to <ei2641>ease</ei2641> concerns of institutional investors -- BellSouth <ei2643>added</ei2643> a provision designed to <ei2644>give</ei2644> extra protection to holders if the regional Bell company ever <ei2646>decides</ei2646> to <ei2647>buy</ei2647> the rest of the new cellular company. The provision, described as "back-end" protection, would <ei2648>require</ei2648> BellSouth to <ei2649>pay</ei2649> a price equivalent to what an outside party might have to pay. McCaw's bid also has a similar clause.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2651", "target": "start t322" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2657", "target": "end t326" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2652", "target": "end t322" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2657", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2653", "target": "start ei2654" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2664", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2652", "target": "start t322" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2650", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2650", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2664", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2651", "target": "end t322" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2650", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2653", "target": "end ei2654" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2651", "target": "end t322" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2664", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2657", "target": "start t326" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2650", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2657", "target": "start t326" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2653", "target": "end ei2654" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2657", "target": "end t326" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2664", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2657", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2657", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2657", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2651", "target": "start t322" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2652", "target": "end t322" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2652", "target": "start t322" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2653", "target": "start ei2654" } ]
[ "t326", "ei2664", "ei2663", "ei2652", "ei2660", "t322", "ei2658", "ei2651", "ei2662", "ei2657", "ei2653", "ei2654", "ei2650", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> McCaw's bid also has a similar clause. Only McCaw's proposal <ei2650>requires</ei2650> the company to <ei2651>begin</ei2651> an auction <ei2652>process</ei2652> in <t322>June 1994</t322> for remaining shares at third-party prices. To <ei2653>mollify</ei2653> shareholders <ei2654>concerned</ei2654> about the long-term value of the company under the BellSouth-LIN agreement, BellSouth also <ei2657>agreed</ei2657> to <ei2658>pay</ei2658> as much as $10 a share, or $540 million, if, after <t326>five years</t326>, the trading value of the new cellular company isn't as high as the value that shareholders would have realized from the McCaw offer. "We're very <ei2660>pleased</ei2660> with the new deal. We didn't <ei2662>expect</ei2662> BellSouth to be so <ei2663>responsive</ei2663>," <ei2664>said</ei2664> Frederick A. Moran, president of Moran Asset Management Inc., which holds 500,000 LIN shares.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2667", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2664", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2664", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2667", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2667", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2664", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2664", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2664", "target": "start ei2667" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2664", "target": "end ei2667" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2667", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2664", "target": "end ei2667" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2664", "target": "start ei2667" } ]
[ "ei2668", "ei2665", "ei2664", "ei2667", "ei2663", "ei2669", "ei2662", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> We didn't <ei2662>expect</ei2662> BellSouth to be so <ei2663>responsive</ei2663>," <ei2664>said</ei2664> Frederick A. Moran, president of Moran Asset Management Inc., which holds 500,000 LIN shares. BellSouth's "back-end protection was flawed previously. We <ei2665>think</ei2665> this is a superior deal to McCaw's. We're surprised. We didn't <ei2667>think</ei2667> a sleeping {Bell} mentality would be <ei2668>willing</ei2668> to <ei2669>take</ei2669> on dilution."
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2671", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2670", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2703", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2670", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2667", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2667", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2667", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2671", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2670", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2670", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2667", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2671", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2703", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2703", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2667", "target": "end ei2703" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2667", "target": "start ei2703" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2667", "target": "start ei2703" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2671", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2667", "target": "end ei2703" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2703", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2668", "ei2667", "ei2670", "ei2703", "ei2669", "ei2671", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> We didn't <ei2667>think</ei2667> a sleeping {Bell} mentality would be <ei2668>willing</ei2668> to <ei2669>take</ei2669> on dilution." But Kenneth Leon, a telecommunications analyst with Bear, Stearns amp Co., <ei2670>finds</ei2670> the BellSouth proposal still <ei2671>flawed</ei2671> because the company doesn't have to <ei2703>wait</ei2703> five years to begin buying more LIN shares. "How many shares will be around in 1995?" he asked. "There's nothing preventing BellSouth from buying up shares in the meanwhile."
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2673", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2678", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2673", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2672", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2672", "target": "start ei2673" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2679", "target": "end t351" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2678", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2677", "target": "start ei2678" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2679", "target": "end t352" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2678", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2678", "target": "end ei2679" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2677", "target": "start ei2678" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2678", "target": "end ei2679" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2679", "target": "start t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2679", "target": "start t352" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2680", "target": "start t358" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2680", "target": "start t358" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2677", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2672", "target": "end ei2673" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2672", "target": "start ei2673" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2679", "target": "start t351" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2679", "target": "end t351" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2680", "target": "end t358" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2672", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2679", "target": "start t351" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2672", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2677", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2677", "target": "end ei2678" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2677", "target": "end ei2678" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2672", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2678", "target": "start ei2679" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2673", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2678", "target": "start ei2679" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2677", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2678", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2672", "target": "end ei2673" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2679", "target": "end t352" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2677", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2680", "target": "end t358" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2673", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei2673", "t351", "ei2672", "ei2678", "ei2677", "ei2680", "t358", "ei2679", "t352", "ei2675", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> "There's nothing preventing BellSouth from buying up shares in the meanwhile." BellSouth's revised <ei2672>proposal</ei2672> <ei2673>surprised</ei2673> many industry analysts, especially because of the company's willingness to <ei2675>accept</ei2675> some dilution of future earnings. William O. McCoy, president of the company's BellSouth Enterprises Inc. unit, <ei2677>said</ei2677> the revised <ei2678>agreement</ei2678> with LIN would <ei2679>dilute</ei2679> BellSouth earnings by about 9% in both <t351>1990</t351> and <t352>1991</t352> and by significantly less thereafter. Indeed, BellSouth's cellular operations were among the first in the country to become profitable. For <t358>1988</t358>, BellSouth <ei2680>earned</ei2680> $1.7 billion, or $3.51 a share, on revenue of $13.6 billion.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "end ei2686" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2689", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2683", "target": "end ei2692" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "end ei2689" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "end ei2690" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2690", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2692", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2683", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2689", "target": "start ei2690" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2686", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2681", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2690", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2681", "target": "start ei2692" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2689", "target": "end ei2690" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2681", "target": "start ei2683" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2680", "target": "start t358" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2680", "target": "start t358" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2686", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2689", "target": "start ei2690" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2689", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "start ei2690" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2681", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2689", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2681", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2684", "target": "start t361" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "end ei2689" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "start ei2686" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2681", "target": "end ei2692" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2685", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2680", "target": "end t358" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2692", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2681", "target": "end ei2683" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2684", "target": "end t361" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2681", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2683", "target": "end ei2692" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2690", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2681", "target": "start ei2692" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2684", "target": "start t361" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "end ei2686" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "start ei2689" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2689", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "start ei2689" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2681", "target": "start ei2683" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2683", "target": "start ei2692" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2689", "target": "end ei2690" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2686", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2683", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2683", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2681", "target": "end ei2692" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "start ei2690" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2692", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2690", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2685", "target": "start ei2686" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2688", "target": "end ei2690" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2683", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2681", "target": "end ei2683" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2686", "target": "start t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2688", "target": "end t364" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2683", "target": "start ei2692" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2692", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2680", "target": "end t358" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2684", "target": "end t361" } ]
[ "ei2689", "t364", "ei2686", "ei2683", "t359", "ei2690", "ei2684", "ei2680", "ei2688", "ei2681", "t358", "ei2685", "t361", "ei2692", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> For <t358>1988</t358>, BellSouth <ei2680>earned</ei2680> $1.7 billion, or $3.51 a share, on revenue of $13.6 billion. Analysts were <ei2681>predicting</ei2681> <t359>1990</t359> BellSouth earnings in the range of $3.90 a share, or $1.9 billion, but <t361>now</t361> those <ei2683>estimates</ei2683> are being <ei2684>scaled</ei2684> back. In composite <ei2685>trading</ei2685> <t364>Friday</t364> on the New York Stock Exchange, BellSouth shares <ei2686>fell</ei2686> 87.5 cents to $52.125. In national over-the-counter <ei2688>trading</ei2688>, LIN shares <ei2689>soared</ei2689> $4.625 to closed at $112.625, while McCaw <ei2690>fell</ei2690> $2.50 a share to $37.75. The proposed BellSouth-LIN cellular company, including the newly acquired Metromedia stake, would <ei2692>give</ei2692> the new entity 55 million potential customers, including about 35 million in the nation's top 10 markets.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2698", "target": "end t370" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2699", "target": "end ei2701" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2692", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2698", "target": "end t370" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2699", "target": "start ei2701" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2699", "target": "end ei2701" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2693", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2692", "target": "start ei2693" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2698", "target": "start t370" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2692", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2692", "target": "start ei2693" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2692", "target": "end ei2693" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2699", "target": "start ei2701" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2693", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2692", "target": "end ei2693" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2698", "target": "start t370" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2692", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2693", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2694", "target": "start ei2696" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2694", "target": "end ei2696" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2694", "target": "end ei2696" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2693", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2692", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2694", "target": "start ei2696" } ]
[ "ei2697", "ei2696", "ei2698", "ei2700", "ei2695", "ei2693", "ei2694", "ei2701", "t370", "ei2699", "ei2692", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> The proposed BellSouth-LIN cellular company, including the newly acquired Metromedia stake, would <ei2692>give</ei2692> the new entity 55 million potential customers, including about 35 million in the nation's top 10 markets. Mr. Leon of Bear Stearns <ei2693>speculated</ei2693> that McCaw, in an <ei2694>attempt</ei2694> to <ei2695>buy</ei2695> time, might <ei2696>consider</ei2696> <ei2697>filing</ei2697> an antitrust suit against BellSouth with the Justice Department and U.S. District Judge Harold Greene, who oversees enforcement of the consent decree that <ei2698>broke</ei2698> up the Bell system in <t370>1984</t370>. Indeed, McCaw <ei2699>seemed</ei2699> to <ei2700>hint</ei2700> at that option in a brief <ei2701>statement</ei2701>. Urging LIN directors to conduct "a fair auction on a level playing field," McCaw asked how well the public interest would be served "with the Bell operating companies controlling over 94% of all cellular {potential customers} in the nation's top 10 markets."
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1995", "target": "start ei2001" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1998", "target": "end t96" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1989", "target": "start ei1993" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei1993", "target": "start ei2001" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1989", "target": "start ei1994" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1994", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1993", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1995", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1989", "target": "end ei1995" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei1993", "target": "end ei1994" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei1992", "target": "start t59" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1999", "target": "end t101" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei1998", "target": "end t96" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei1989", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", 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[ "t96", "ei1994", "ei1999", "t59", "ei1998", "ei1993", "t101", "ei2001", "ei1990", "ei2002", "ei1997", "ei1995", "ei1991", "ei2000", "ei1992", "ei1989", "ei1996", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> Benjamin Franklin Federal Savings amp Loan Association <ei1989>said</ei1989> it <ei1990>plans</ei1990> to <ei1991>restructure</ei1991> in the wake of a <t59>third-quarter</t59> <ei1992>loss</ei1992> of $7.7 million, or $1.01 a share, <ei1993>reflecting</ei1993> an $11 million <ei1994>addition</ei1994> to loan-loss reserves. The Portland, Ore., thrift <ei1995>said</ei1995> the restructuring should <ei1996>help</ei1996> it <ei1997>meet</ei1997> new capital standards from the Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act. <t96>A year ago</t96>, Benjamin Franklin had <ei1998>profit</ei1998> of $1.8 million, or 23 cents a share. In over-the-counter <ei1999>trading</ei1999> <t101>yesterday</t101>, Benjamin Franklin <ei2000>rose</ei2000> 25 cents to $4.25. The company <ei2001>said</ei2001> the restructuring's initial phase will <ei2002>feature</ei2002> a gradual reduction in assets and staff positions.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2012", "target": "end ei2013" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2008", "target": "start t140" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2003", "target": "start ei2005" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2004", "target": "end ei2008" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2017", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2004", "target": "end ei2009" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2003", "target": "end ei2009" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2004", "target": "end ei2006" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2003", "target": "end ei2006" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2005", "target": "end t140" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2003", "target": "end t140" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2004", "target": "end ei2006" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2012", "target": "end ei2013" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2005", "target": "start t140" }, { "relation": "<", 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[ "ei2005", "ei2011", "t140", "ei2001", "ei2004", "ei2002", "ei2012", "ei2016", "ei2003", "ei2013", "ei2017", "ei2010", "ei2006", "ei2015", "ei2009", "ei2014", "ei2008", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> The company <ei2001>said</ei2001> the restructuring's initial phase will <ei2002>feature</ei2002> a gradual reduction in assets and staff positions. The <ei2003>plan</ei2003> may <ei2004>include</ei2004> <ei2005>selling</ei2005> branches, <ei2006>consolidating</ei2006> or eliminating departments, and <ei2008>winding</ei2008> down or <ei2009>disposing</ei2009> of unprofitable units <t140>within 18 months</t140>. Initially, the company <ei2010>said</ei2010> it will <ei2011>close</ei2011> its commercial real-estate lending division, and <ei2012>stop</ei2012> <ei2013>originating</ei2013> new leases at its commercial lease subsidiary. Details of the restructuring won't be <ei2014>made</ei2014> final until regulators <ei2015>approve</ei2015> the regulations <ei2016>mandated</ei2016> by the new federal act, the company <ei2017>said</ei2017>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei254", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei252", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei254", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei249", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei258", "target": "start ei259" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei249", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei254", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei249", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei252", "target": "start ei254" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei252", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei252", "target": "end ei254" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei249", "target": "end ei252" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei258", "target": "start ei260" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei252", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei249", "target": "start ei252" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei252", "target": "start ei254" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei249", "target": "end ei252" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei252", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei254", "target": "start ei257" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei249", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei258", "target": "end ei260" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei258", "target": "start ei259" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei252", "target": "end ei257" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei257", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei258", "target": "end ei259" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei258", "target": "start ei260" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei258", "target": "end ei260" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei254", "target": "start ei257" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei254", "target": "end ei257" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei252", "target": "end ei254" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei254", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei258", "target": "end ei259" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei254", "target": "end ei257" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei252", "target": "start ei257" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei257", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei249", "target": "start ei252" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei257", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei252", "target": "end ei257" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei252", "target": "start ei257" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei257", "target": "start t0" } ]
[ "ei257", "ei259", "ei250", "ei254", "ei258", "ei251", "ei252", "ei255", "ei261", "ei253", "ei249", "ei262", "ei260", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> The Finnish government and major creditors of bankrupt shipyard Waertsilae Marine Industries Oy <ei249>agreed</ei249> in principle to <ei250>form</ei250> a new company to <ei251>complete</ei251> most of the troubled shipyard's backlog of 15 ships. The new company will <ei252>attempt</ei252> to <ei253>limit</ei253> the shipyard's losses, participants <ei254>said</ei254>. "The situation is that the bankruptcy court will <ei255>get</ei255> out of the shipbuilding business. Everything will be taken over by the new company," <ei257>said</ei257> Christian Andersson, executive vice president of Oy Waertsilae, former parent of Waertsilae Marine. Once its ownership is <ei258>finalized</ei258>, the new company will <ei259>open</ei259> <ei260>talks</ei260> with state-appointed receivers to <ei261>buy</ei261> or <ei262>lease</ei262> Waertsilae Marine's shipyard facilities.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei275", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei269", "target": "start ei275" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei278", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei273", "target": "end ei275" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei273", "target": "start ei275" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei258", "target": "start ei260" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei270", "target": "start t35" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei269", "target": "end ei275" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei275", "target": "end ei278" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei270", "target": "end t35" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei263", "target": "end ei275" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei263", "target": "start ei275" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei273", "target": "start ei278" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei258", "target": "start ei264" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start 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[ "ei278", "ei265", "ei276", "ei272", "ei263", "ei268", "ei259", "ei277", "ei266", "ei258", "ei264", "ei271", "ei270", "t35", "ei261", "ei269", "ei275", "ei267", "ei262", "ei273", "ei260", "ei274", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> Once its ownership is <ei258>finalized</ei258>, the new company will <ei259>open</ei259> <ei260>talks</ei260> with state-appointed receivers to <ei261>buy</ei261> or <ei262>lease</ei262> Waertsilae Marine's shipyard facilities. Subcontractors will be <ei263>offered</ei263> a <ei264>settlement</ei264> and a swift <ei265>transition</ei265> to new management is <ei266>expected</ei266> to <ei267>avert</ei267> an <ei268>exodus</ei268> of skilled workers from Waertsilae Marine's two big shipyards, government officials <ei269>said</ei269>. Under an accord <ei270>signed</ei270> <t35>yesterday</t35>, the government and Union Bank of Finland would <ei271>become</ei271> major shareholders in the new company, each <ei272>injecting</ei272> 100 million Finnish markkaa ($23.5 million). Oy Waertsilae is to <ei273>contribute</ei273> 200 million markkaa, most of it as subordinated debt, and <ei274>take</ei274> a minority stake in the new company. Customers <ei275>holding</ei275> contracts for Waertsilae Marine's undelivered ships are <ei276>expected</ei276> to <ei277>subscribe</ei277> most of the remaining 170 million markkaa in share capital, government officials <ei278>said</ei278>.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei275", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei275", "target": "start ei278" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei278", "target": "start ei279" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei282", "target": "end t36" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei278", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei278", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei282", "target": "end ei283" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei282", "target": "start ei283" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei283", "target": "start t36" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei282", "target": "start ei283" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei281", "target": "end t37" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei278", "target": "start ei279" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei281", "target": "start t37" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei275", "target": "end ei278" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei282", "target": "start t36" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei279", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei281", "target": "end t37" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei278", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei279", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei275", "target": "end ei279" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei279", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei275", "target": "start ei279" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei278", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei281", "target": "start t37" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei283", "target": "end t36" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei275", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei282", "target": "end t36" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei283", "target": "start t36" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei278", "target": "end ei279" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei275", "target": "end ei278" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei275", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei278", "target": "end ei279" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei275", "target": "start ei279" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei282", "target": "start t36" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei283", "target": "end t36" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei275", "target": "end ei279" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei275", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei275", "target": "start ei278" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei282", "target": "end ei283" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei279", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei278", "t36", "ei276", "ei283", "ei279", "ei281", "ei277", "ei275", "t37", "ei282", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> Customers <ei275>holding</ei275> contracts for Waertsilae Marine's undelivered ships are <ei276>expected</ei276> to <ei277>subscribe</ei277> most of the remaining 170 million markkaa in share capital, government officials <ei278>said</ei278>. Waertsilae Marine's biggest creditor is Miami-based Carnival Cruise Lines Inc. Carnival, which <ei279>has</ei279> three ships on order from Waertsilae Marine, <ei281>presented</ei281> claims for $1.5 billion damages in the bankruptcy court <t37>this week</t37>. Waertsilae Marine's bankruptcy <ei282>proceedings</ei282> <ei283>began</ei283> <t36>Tuesday</t36> in a Helsinki court.
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Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> N.V. DSM <ei1989>said</ei1989> net income in <t36>the third quarter</t36> <ei1990>jumped</ei1990> 63% as the company <ei1991>had</ei1991> substantially lower extraordinary <ei1992>charges</ei1992> to <ei1993>account</ei1993> for a restructuring program. The Dutch chemical group <ei1994>said</ei1994> net income <ei1995>gained</ei1995> to 235 million guilders ($113.2 million), or 6.70 guilders a share, from 144 million guilders, or 4.10 guilders a share, <t43>a year ago</t43>. The 32% state-owned DSM <ei1998>had</ei1998> eight million guilders of extraordinary <ei1999>charges</ei1999> in <t45>the latest quarter</t45>, mainly to <ei2000>reflect</ei2000> one-time <ei2001>losses</ei2001> in connection with the <ei2002>disposal</ei2002> of some operations. The charges were <ei2004>offset</ei2004> in part by a <ei2005>gain</ei2005> from the <ei2006>sale</ei2006> of the company's construction division. <t49>Last year</t49>, DSM <ei2007>had</ei2007> 71 million guilders of extraordinary <ei2008>charges</ei2008> for the restructuring program and other transactions.
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Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/89</t0> <t49>Last year</t49>, DSM <ei2007>had</ei2007> 71 million guilders of extraordinary <ei2008>charges</ei2008> for the restructuring program and other transactions. The earnings <ei2009>growth</ei2009> also was <ei2010>fueled</ei2010> by the company's ability to <ei2011>cut</ei2011> net financing spending by half to around 15 million guilders. Also, substantially lower Dutch corporate tax rates <ei2013>helped</ei2013> the company <ei2014>keep</ei2014> its tax outlay flat relative to earnings growth, the company <ei2015>added</ei2015>. Sales, however, were little <ei2016>changed</ei2016> at 2.46 billion guilders, compared with 2.42 billion guilders.
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[ "ei141", "ei142", "ei134", "ei148", "ei149", "ei133", "ei132", "ei143", "ei144", "ei135", "ei145", "ei147", "ei137", "ei138", "ei146", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/89</t0> Di Giorgio Corp. <ei132>said</ei132> it's <ei133>continuing</ei133> <ei134>talks</ei134> with potential buyers of certain units, but has <ei135>reached</ei135> no agreement on any <ei137>deals</ei137>. Di Giorgio, a food wholesaler and building products maker, is <ei138>seeking</ei138> alternatives to an unsolicited $32-a-share tender <ei141>offer</ei141> of DIG Acquisition Corp., a unit of Rose Partners Limited Partnership. DIG is the vehicle being <ei142>used</ei142> to <ei143>pursue</ei143> to <ei144>acquisition</ei144>. Robert Mellor, Di Giorgio's executive vice president, <ei145>said</ei145> the company <ei146>stands</ei146> to <ei147>reap</ei147> more money through the <ei148>sale</ei148> of individual units to others than by <ei149>accepting</ei149> DIG's offer.
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[ "ei205", "ei203", "t38", "ei217", "ei207", "ei206", "ei213", "ei204", "ei216", "ei212", "ei211", "ei208", "ei209", "ei214", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>19980213</t0> Officials in California are <ei203>warning</ei203> residents that oncoming <ei204>rains</ei204> will <ei205>cause</ei205> dangerous and unpredictable <ei206>landslides</ei206>. From member station KQED, Auncil Martinez <ei207>reports</ei207>. Experts <ei208>say</ei208> the ground is so <ei209>saturated</ei209> it cannot <ei211>absorb</ei211> any more water. So that <ei212>means</ei212> soil will <ei213>fall</ei213> off in chunks and <ei214>destroy</ei214> anything in its path. In Los Angeles that lesson was brought home <t38>today</t38> when tons of earth <ei216>cascaded</ei216> down a hillside, <ei217>ripping</ei217> two houses from their foundations.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei223", "target": "end ei226" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei216", "target": "end ei219" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei216", "target": "end ei217" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei217", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei216", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei216", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei226", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei216", "target": "start ei221" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei217", "target": "start ei226" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei217", "target": "end ei218" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei223", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei219", "target": "start ei221" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei219", "target": "start ei221" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei227", "target": "start ei228" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei227", 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[ "ei225", "ei228", "t38", "ei217", "ei219", "ei226", "ei221", "ei223", "ei220", "ei222", "ei224", "ei227", "ei216", "ei218", "ei230", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>19980213</t0> In Los Angeles that lesson was brought home <t38>today</t38> when tons of earth <ei216>cascaded</ei216> down a hillside, <ei217>ripping</ei217> two houses from their foundations. No one was <ei218>hurt</ei218>, but firefighters <ei219>ordered</ei219> the <ei220>evacuation</ei220> of nearby homes and <ei221>said</ei221> they'll <ei222>monitor</ei222> the shifting ground. In the northern California town of Rio Nido, officials <ei223>say</ei223> a football field sized slab of hillside could still <ei224>break</ei224> loose at any time and <ei225>destroy</ei225> an entire neighborhood. And in San Francisco, a mansion overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the Golden Gate Bridge is <ei226>slipping</ei226> toward the sea. Forecasters <ei227>say</ei227> the picture will <ei228>get</ei228> worse because more <ei230>rains</ei230> are on the way.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei228", "target": "start ei230" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei227", "target": "start ei230" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei227", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei228", "target": "start ei230" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei227", "target": "end ei228" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei227", "target": "end ei230" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei227", "target": "start ei228" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei227", "target": "start ei230" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei227", "target": "start ei228" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei231", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei227", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei227", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei231", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei231", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei227", "target": "end ei228" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei231", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei228", "target": "end ei230" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei227", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei228", "target": "end ei230" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei227", "target": "end ei230" } ]
[ "ei228", "ei231", "ei227", "ei230", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>19980213</t0> Forecasters <ei227>say</ei227> the picture will <ei228>get</ei228> worse because more <ei230>rains</ei230> are on the way. For NPR news, I'm Auncil Martinez <ei231>reporting</ei231>.
[ { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2063", "target": "start ei2064" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2062", "target": "end ei2065" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2064", "target": "end ei2070" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2066", "target": "end ei2067" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2066", "target": "start ei2069" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2057", "target": "start ei2058" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2058", "target": "end ei2059" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2063", "target": "start ei2066" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2064", "target": "start ei2069" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2062", "target": "start ei2069" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2066", "target": "start ei2067" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2061", "target": "end ei2072" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2062", "target": "end ei2063" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2063", "target": "start ei2069" 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[ "ei2061", "ei2056", "ei2059", "t44", "ei2066", "ei2062", "ei2073", "ei2060", "ei2071", "ei2072", "ei2067", "ei2068", "ei2057", "ei2058", "ei2064", "ei2070", "ei2069", "ei2063", "t41", "t43", "ei2065", "ei2055", "t42", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/27/1998 08:13:00</t0> ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP)_ The Organization of African Unity <ei2055>said</ei2055> <t41>Friday</t41> it would <ei2056>investigate</ei2056> the Hutu-organized <ei2057>genocide</ei2057> of more than 500,000 minority Tutsis in Rwanda <t42>nearly four years ago</t42>. Foreign ministers of member-states <ei2058>meeting</ei2058> in the Ethiopian capital <ei2059>agreed</ei2059> to <ei2060>set</ei2060> up a seven-member panel to <ei2061>investigate</ei2061> who <ei2062>shot</ei2062> down Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana's plane on <t43>April 6, 1994</t43>. The <ei2063>assassination</ei2063> <ei2064>touched</ei2064> off a murderous <ei2065>rampage</ei2065> by Hutu security forces and civilians, who <ei2066>slaughtered</ei2066> mainly Tutsis but also Hutus who <ei2067>favored</ei2067> <ei2068>reconciliation</ei2068> with the minority. It also <ei2069>reignited</ei2069> the civil <ei2070>war</ei2070>. The panel also will <ei2071>look</ei2071> at the <ei2072>exodus</ei2072> of about 2 million Rwanda Hutus to neighboring countries where they <ei2073>lived</ei2073> in U.N.-run refugee camps for <t44>2 1/2 years</t44>.
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[ "ei2074", "ei2077", "t45", "t44", "ei2079", "ei2075", "ei2073", "ei2071", "ei2072", "ei2081", "ei2080", "ei2085", "ei2082", "ei2084", "ei2083", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/27/1998 08:13:00</t0> The panel also will <ei2071>look</ei2071> at the <ei2072>exodus</ei2072> of about 2 million Rwanda Hutus to neighboring countries where they <ei2073>lived</ei2073> in U.N.-run refugee camps for <t44>2 1/2 years</t44>. The <ei2074>investigation</ei2074> will <ei2075>consider</ei2075> the role of ``internal and external forces prior to the <ei2077>genocide</ei2077> and subsequently, and the role of the United Nations and its agencies and the OAU before, during and after the <ei2079>genocide</ei2079>,'' the OAU <ei2080>said</ei2080>. The panel will be <ei2081>based</ei2081> in Addis Ababa, and will <ei2082>finish</ei2082> its <ei2083>investigation</ei2083> within <t45>a year</t45>, it <ei2084>said</ei2084>. It is to be <ei2085>funded</ei2085> by voluntary contributions from within and outside the continent. (aa-kjd)
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[ "ei760", "ei753", "ei761", "ei751", "ei748", "ei746", "ei759", "ei747", "ei745", "ei752", "ei743", "ei762", "ei754", "ei750", "ei756", "ei749", "ei744", "ei755", "ei757", "ei758", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> PROGRAM <ei743>TRADING</ei743> is being <ei744>curbed</ei744> by more securities firms, but big institutional investors are <ei745>expected</ei745> to <ei746>continue</ei746> the <ei747>practice</ei747>, further <ei748>roiling</ei748> the stock market. <ei749>Bowing</ei749> to <ei750>criticism</ei750>, Bear Stearns, Morgan Stanley and Oppenheimer <ei751>joined</ei751> PaineWebber in <ei752>suspending</ei752> stock-index arbitrage <ei753>trading</ei753> for their own accounts. Still, stock-index funds are <ei754>expected</ei754> to <ei755>continue</ei755> <ei756>launching</ei756> big <ei757>programs</ei757> through the market. Several Big Board firms are <ei758>organizing</ei758> to <ei759>complain</ei759> about program <ei760>trading</ei760> and the exchange's role in it. The <ei761>effort</ei761> is being <ei762>led</ei762> by Contel.
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[ "ei769", "t237", "ei771", "ei761", "ei763", "ei767", "ei770", "ei764", "t259", "ei762", "t139", "ei768", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> The <ei761>effort</ei761> is being <ei762>led</ei762> by Contel. Personal spending <ei763>rose</ei763> 0.2% in <t139>September</t139>, the smallest gain in a year. The slowdown <ei764>raises</ei764> questions about the economy's strength because spending <ei767>fueled</ei767> much of the <t237>third-quarter</t237> GNP <ei768>growth</ei768>. Meanwhile, personal income <ei769>edged</ei769> up 0.3%. Factory owners are <ei770>buying</ei770> new machinery at a healthy rate <t259>this fall</t259>, machine-tool makers <ei771>say</ei771>.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei775", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei782", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei771", "target": "start ei775" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei782", "target": "start ei785" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei785", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei771", "target": "start ei772" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei770", "target": "start t259" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei775", "target": "start ei785" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei775", "target": "end ei785" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei780", "target": "start ei782" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei775", "target": "start ei777" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei770", "target": "end t259" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei772", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei772", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei774", 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"end ei777", "target": "start ei782" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei771", "target": "end ei775" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei771", "target": "start ei782" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei780", "target": "start ei785" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei774", "target": "start ei785" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei775", "target": "end ei782" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei780", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei771", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei774", "target": "start t301" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei774", "target": "end ei777" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei771", "target": "start ei785" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei782", "target": "end ei785" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei774", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei771", "target": "end t301" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei771", "target": "start t301" }, { 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[ "ei771", "ei772", "ei785", "ei778", "ei775", "ei781", "ei770", "ei786", "ei784", "t301", "t311", "t259", "ei782", "ei774", "ei783", "ei777", "ei780", "t370", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Factory owners are <ei770>buying</ei770> new machinery at a healthy rate <t259>this fall</t259>, machine-tool makers <ei771>say</ei771>. But weak car sales <ei772>raise</ei772> questions about <t301>future</t301> <ei774>demand</ei774> from the auto sector. Southern's Gulf Power unit may <ei775>plead</ei775> guilty <t311>this week</t311> to <ei777>charges</ei777> it illegally <ei778>steered</ei778> company money to politicians through third parties. The tentative pact would <ei780>resolve</ei780> part of a broad <ei781>investigation</ei781> of the Atlanta-based company in <t370>the past year</t370>. LIN Broadcasting and BellSouth <ei782>sweetened</ei782> their <ei783>plan</ei783> to <ei784>merge</ei784> cellular phone operations, <ei785>offering</ei785> LIN holders a special $42-a-share <ei786>payout</ei786>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei782", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei782", "target": "start ei785" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei785", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei800", "target": "start ei801" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei785", "target": "start ei798" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei800", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei800", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei785", "target": "start ei800" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei797", "target": "start ei798" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei800", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei785", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei794", "target": "end ei798" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei798", "target": "start ei800" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei782", "target": "end ei800" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei794", "target": "start ei798" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei798", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei792", "target": "start ei798" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei799", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei800", "target": "end ei801" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei792", "target": "start ei800" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei782", "target": "end ei800" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei797", "target": "end ei800" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei782", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei792", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei785", "target": "end ei798" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei792", "target": "end ei794" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei798", "target": "end ei801" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei797", "target": "start ei800" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei792", "target": "start ei800" }, { "relation": "<", 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[ "ei790", "ei792", "ei797", "ei795", "ei794", "ei785", "ei800", "t457", "ei786", "ei784", "ei791", "ei801", "ei793", "ei782", "ei798", "ei799", "ei788", "ei783", "ei802", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> LIN Broadcasting and BellSouth <ei782>sweetened</ei782> their <ei783>plan</ei783> to <ei784>merge</ei784> cellular phone operations, <ei785>offering</ei785> LIN holders a special $42-a-share <ei786>payout</ei786>. But the new pact will <ei788>force</ei788> huge debt on the new firm and could still <ei790>fail</ei790> to <ei791>thwart</ei791> rival suitor McCaw Cellular. Unisys <ei792>posted</ei792> a $648.2 million <ei793>loss</ei793> for <t457>the third quarter</t457> as it <ei794>moved</ei794> quickly to <ei795>take</ei795> write-offs for various problems and <ei797>prepare</ei797> for a <ei798>turnaround</ei798>. But some analysts <ei799>wonder</ei799> how strong the <ei800>recovery</ei800> will be. RJR Nabisco <ei801>agreed</ei801> to <ei802>sell</ei802> three candy businesses to Nestle for $370 million.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei807", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei810", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei814", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei814", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei814", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei807", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei801", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei801", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei814", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei810", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei810", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei801", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei807", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei807", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei810", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei801", "target": "end t0" } ]
[ "ei808", "ei810", "ei813", "ei815", "ei805", "ei804", "ei809", "ei811", "ei807", "ei801", "ei814", "ei806", "ei802", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> RJR Nabisco <ei801>agreed</ei801> to <ei802>sell</ei802> three candy businesses to Nestle for $370 million. The accord <ei804>helps</ei804> RJR <ei805>pay</ei805> off debt and <ei806>boosts</ei806> Nestle's 7% share of the U.S. candy market to 12%. GM and Ford are <ei807>expected</ei807> to <ei808>go</ei808> head to head in the markets to <ei809>buy</ei809> up rival 15% stakes in Jaguar. GM <ei810>confirmed</ei810> it <ei811>received</ei811> U.S. antitrust clearance to <ei813>boost</ei813> its holding. Sansui Electric <ei814>agreed</ei814> to <ei815>sell</ei815> a 51% stake to Polly Peck of Britain for $110 million.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei822", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei825", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei831", "target": "start ei833" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei831", "target": "end ei833" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei820", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei814", "target": "end ei816" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei814", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei832", "target": "start ei833" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei820", "target": "end ei824" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei820", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei825", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei825", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei822", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei833", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei816", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei831", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei820", "target": "end ei822" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei820", "target": "end ei822" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei814", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei820", "target": "start ei822" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei816", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei822", "target": "start ei824" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei831", "target": "start ei832" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei832", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei831", "target": "end ei833" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei816", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei824", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei831", "target": "end ei832" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei832", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei824", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei822", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei822", "target": "start ei824" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei824", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei831", "target": "end ei832" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei822", "target": "end ei824" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei825", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei820", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei820", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei832", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei831", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei832", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei831", "target": "start ei832" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei833", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei820", "target": "start ei822" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei832", "target": "end ei833" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei820", "target": "start ei824" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei831", "target": "start ei833" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei832", "target": "end ei833" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei831", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei824", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei814", "target": "end ei816" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei822", "target": "end ei824" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei831", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei816", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei822", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei814", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei832", "target": "start ei833" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei814", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei814", "target": "start ei816" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei833", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei820", "target": "start ei824" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei814", "target": "start ei816" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei833", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei820", "target": "end ei824" } ]
[ "ei819", "ei815", "ei822", "ei824", "ei831", "ei835", "ei828", "ei820", "ei825", "ei830", "ei816", "ei833", "ei832", "ei818", "ei821", "ei817", "ei814", "ei834", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Sansui Electric <ei814>agreed</ei814> to <ei815>sell</ei815> a 51% stake to Polly Peck of Britain for $110 million. Still, analysts <ei816>said</ei816> the accord doesn't <ei817>suggest</ei817> Japan is <ei818>opening</ei818> up to more foreign <ei819>takeovers</ei819>. Kellogg <ei820>suspended</ei820> <ei821>work</ei821> on a $1 billion cereal plant, <ei822>indicating</ei822> a pessimistic outlook by the cereal maker, which has been <ei824>losing</ei824> market share. Insurers could <ei825>see</ei825> claims totaling nearly $1 billion from the San Francisco <ei828>earthquake</ei828>, far less than the $4 billion from <ei830>Hurricane</ei830> Hugo. Nashua <ei831>strengthened</ei831> its poison-pill <ei832>plan</ei832> after <ei833>announcing</ei833> a Dutch firm is <ei834>seeking</ei834> to <ei835>buy</ei835> up to 25% of the New Hampshire copier company.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei837", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei831", "target": "start ei833" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei831", "target": "end ei833" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei836", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei832", "target": "start ei833" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei833", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei831", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei836", "target": "end ei837" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei836", "target": "end ei837" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei836", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei832", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei831", "target": "start ei832" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei836", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei831", "target": "end ei833" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei831", "target": "end ei832" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei836", "target": "start ei837" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei832", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei836", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei837", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei831", "target": "end ei832" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei832", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei831", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei832", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei831", "target": "start ei832" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei833", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei836", "target": "start ei837" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei832", "target": "end ei833" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei832", "target": "end ei833" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei831", "target": "start ei833" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei831", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei837", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei832", "target": "start ei833" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei831", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei833", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei833", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei837", "target": "start t0" } ]
[ "ei831", "ei835", "ei833", "ei832", "ei836", "ei834", "ei837", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Nashua <ei831>strengthened</ei831> its poison-pill <ei832>plan</ei832> after <ei833>announcing</ei833> a Dutch firm is <ei834>seeking</ei834> to <ei835>buy</ei835> up to 25% of the New Hampshire copier company. Mobil is <ei836>cutting</ei836> back its U.S. oil and gas exploration and production group by up to 15% as part of a <ei837>restructuring</ei837> of the business. Markets Stocks: Volume 170,330,000 shares. Dow Jones industrials 2596.72, off 17.01; transportation 1190.43, off 14.76; utilities 215.86, up 0.19. Bonds: Shearson Lehman Hutton Treasury index 3406.31, off 19.29. Commodities: Dow Jones futures index 129.49, up 0.27; spot index 130.80, off 0.24.
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[ "ei317", "t36", "ei308", "t39", "ei316", "ei318", "ei305", "ei314", "ei310", "ei315", "ei325", "ei319", "t35", "t33", "ei323", "ei324", "ei313", "ei307", "ei322", "ei321", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/13/1998 15:44:00</t0> CAGUAS, Puerto Rico (AP)_ Kidnappers <ei305>kept</ei305> their promise to <ei307>kill</ei307> a store owner they <ei308>took</ei308> hostage and police <ei310>found</ei310> the man's dismembered and decapitated body <t33>Friday</t33> <ei313>wrapped</ei313> in plastic garbage bags. Police <ei314>confirmed</ei314> <t39>Friday</t39> that the body <ei315>found</ei315> along a highway in this municipality 15 miles south of San Juan <ei316>belonged</ei316> to Jorge Hernandez, 49. Hernandez was <ei317>kidnapped</ei317> from his small, neighborhood store in the town of Trujillo Alto at <t35>10 p.m. Wednesday</t35>, police <ei318>said</ei318>. His kidnappers <ei319>demanded</ei319> a ransom of dlrs 1 million, but <ei321>negotiations</ei321> <ei322>broke</ei322> off at <t36>noon Thursday</t36>. Police <ei323>gave</ei323> no details about the <ei324>negotiations</ei324> with the kidnappers for the <ei325>return</ei325> of Hernandez.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei330", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei332", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei326", "target": "end ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei323", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei330", "target": "end ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei326", "target": "start ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei330", "target": "start ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei329", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei332", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei326", "target": "end ei330" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei323", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei329", "target": "end ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei330", "target": "start ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei329", "target": "start ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei330", "target": "end ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei326", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei330", "target": "end ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei330", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei329", "target": "end ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei330", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei329", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei326", "target": "start ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei330", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei331", "target": "end ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei326", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei331", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei326", "target": "end ei329" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei326", "target": "start ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei331", "target": "end ei332" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei326", "target": "start ei330" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei326", "target": "end ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei326", "target": "end ei331" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei332", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei329", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei327", "target": "end ei328" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei327", "target": "end ei328" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei331", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei323", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei326", "target": "start ei329" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei329", "target": "start ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei326", "target": "end ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei329", "target": "end ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei330", "target": "start ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei331", "target": "start ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei326", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei329", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei330", "target": "start ei331" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei326", "target": "end ei330" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei329", "target": "end ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei329", "target": "start ei332" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei330", "target": "end ei331" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei326", "target": "end ei329" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei331", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei326", "target": "end ei336" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei326", "target": "start ei330" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei326", "target": "start ei331" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei327", "target": "start ei328" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei331", "target": "start ei332" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei323", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei329", "target": "start ei332" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei332", "target": "start ei336" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei326", "target": "start ei329" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei327", "target": "start ei328" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei331", "target": "start ei336" } ]
[ "ei327", "ei333", "ei329", "ei332", "ei326", "ei330", "ei325", "ei331", "ei335", "ei334", "ei328", "ei323", "ei324", "ei336", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/13/1998 15:44:00</t0> Police <ei323>gave</ei323> no details about the <ei324>negotiations</ei324> with the kidnappers for the <ei325>return</ei325> of Hernandez. The store owner's body was <ei326>found</ei326> with the arms and head <ei327>cut</ei327> off and the parts <ei328>stuffed</ei328> in separate garbage bags. A passerby <ei329>called</ei329> police to <ei330>report</ei330> the body alongside the road. Puerto Rico Police Superintendent Pedro Toledo <ei331>urged</ei331> people who might be <ei332>targeted</ei332> by kidnappers to be <ei333>alert</ei333>. ``There has been an <ei334>increase</ei334> in Puerto Rico in this kind of thing and some of these bands of kidnappers are <ei335>made</ei335> up of foreigners,'' Toledo <ei336>said</ei336>.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei337", "target": "end t37" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei337", "target": "end t37" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei337", "target": "end ei338" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei337", "target": "start t37" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei337", "target": "end ei338" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei337", "target": "start ei338" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei338", "target": "end t37" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei338", "target": "start t37" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei337", "target": "start t37" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei338", "target": "start t37" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei337", "target": "start ei338" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei338", "target": "end t37" } ]
[ "ei337", "ei338", "ei335", "ei334", "t37", "ei336", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/13/1998 15:44:00</t0> ``There has been an <ei334>increase</ei334> in Puerto Rico in this kind of thing and some of these bands of kidnappers are <ei335>made</ei335> up of foreigners,'' Toledo <ei336>said</ei336>. While some Latin American countries such as Mexico and Colombia have <ei337>suffered</ei337> from a rash of <ei338>kidnappings</ei338> in <t37>recent years</t37>, the crime has not been common in this U.S. commonwealth.
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Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Aetna Life amp Casualty Co.'s <t44>third-quarter</t44> net income <ei1992>fell</ei1992> 22% to $182.6 million, or $1.63 a share, reflecting the <ei1994>damages</ei1994> from Hurricane Hugo and lower <ei1995>results</ei1995> for some of the company's major divisions. Catastrophe <ei1996>losses</ei1996> <ei1997>reduced</ei1997> Aetna's net income by $50 million, including $36 million from Hugo. <t49>Last year</t49> catastrophe <ei1998>losses</ei1998> totaled $5 million, when <ei1999>net</ei1999> was $235.5 million, or $2.07 a share. The <t52>year-earlier</t52> <ei2000>results</ei2000> have been <ei2001>restated</ei2001> to <ei2002>reflect</ei2002> an accounting <ei2003>change</ei2003>. The insurer has <ei2004>started</ei2004> <ei2005>processing</ei2005> <ei2006>claims</ei2006> from the Northern California <ei2007>earthquake</ei2007> <t57>nearly two weeks ago</t57>.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2009", "target": "start ei2010" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2007", "target": "start ei2012" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2017", "target": "start t73" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2004", "target": "end ei2007" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2016", "target": "end ei2017" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2017", "target": "end t69" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2016", "target": "start t73" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2017", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2012", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2004", "target": "end ei2006" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2004", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2006", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2017", "target": "end ei2019" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2018", "target": "start ei2019" }, { "relation": ">", 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[ "ei2005", "ei2019", "t69", "ei2011", "ei2020", "t63", "ei2004", "ei2012", "ei2016", "ei2007", "ei2013", "ei2017", "ei2021", "t73", "ei2010", "ei2006", "ei2009", "ei2014", "t65", "ei2008", "ei2018", "t61", "t57", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> The insurer has <ei2004>started</ei2004> <ei2005>processing</ei2005> <ei2006>claims</ei2006> from the Northern California <ei2007>earthquake</ei2007> <t57>nearly two weeks ago</t57>. But because these claims are more difficult to evaluate and have been <ei2008>coming</ei2008> in more slowly, the company <ei2009>has</ei2009> no <ei2010>estimate</ei2010> of the <ei2011>impact</ei2011> of the <ei2012>earthquake</ei2012> on <t61>fourth-quarter</t61> <ei2013>results</ei2013>. In New York Stock Exchange composite trading <t63>Friday</t63>, Aetna <ei2014>closed</ei2014> at $60, down 50 cents. In <t65>the latest quarter</t65>, Aetna <ei2016>had</ei2016> a $23 million <ei2017>loss</ei2017> on its auto/homeowners line, compared with <ei2018>earnings</ei2018> of $33 million <t69>last year</t69>. Profit for its commercial insurance division <ei2019>fell</ei2019> 30% to $59 million, reflecting higher catastrophe <ei2020>losses</ei2020> and the price <ei2021>war</ei2021> in the property/casualty market for <t73>nearly three years</t73>.
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[ "ei2027", "ei2019", "ei2020", "ei2028", "ei2023", "ei2022", "ei2032", "t81", "t85", "ei2021", "t73", "t75", "ei2025", "ei2024", "t80", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/30/89</t0> Profit for its commercial insurance division <ei2019>fell</ei2019> 30% to $59 million, reflecting higher catastrophe <ei2020>losses</ei2020> and the price <ei2021>war</ei2021> in the property/casualty market for <t73>nearly three years</t73>. However, Aetna's employee benefits division, which includes its group health insurance operations, <ei2022>posted</ei2022> a 34% profit <ei2023>gain</ei2023> to $106 million. <t75>Third-quarter</t75> <ei2024>results</ei2024> included net realized capital <ei2025>gains</ei2025> of $48 million, which <ei2032>included</ei2032> $27 million from the <ei2027>sale</ei2027> of Federated Investors in <t80>August</t80> and a $15 million tax credit. In <t81>the nine months</t81>, net <ei2028>rose</ei2028> 4.3% to $525.8 million or $4.67 a share, from $504.2 million, or $4.41 a share, <t85>last year</t85>.
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[ "ei2423", "ei2422", "ei2427", "t167", "ei2419", "t169", "ei2412", "ei2424", "ei2418", "ei2415", "ei2426", "t165", "t166", "ei2417", "ei2413", "ei2416", "t164", "ei2414", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> Columbia Savings amp Loan Association, <ei2412>reeling</ei2412> from thrift-accounting <ei2413>changes</ei2413> <ei2414>mandated</ei2414> by Congress and the recent <ei2415>collapse</ei2415> of the junk-bond market, <ei2416>announced</ei2416> a <ei2417>loss</ei2417> for <t164>the third quarter</t164> of $226.3 million, or $11.57 a share. For <t165>the quarter a year ago</t165>, Columbia <ei2418>reported</ei2418> earnings of $16.3 million, or 37 cents a share. Total assets <ei2419>increased</ei2419> to $12.7 billion in <t166>the latest quarter</t166> from $12.4 billion <t167>a year earlier</t167>. The <ei2422>loss</ei2422> <ei2423>stems</ei2423> from $357.5 million of <ei2424>write-downs</ei2424> on Columbia's $4.4 billion high-yield investment securities portfolio, which includes about $3.7 billion of junk bonds, $400 million of preferred stock, and Treasury securities. Columbia <ei2426>owes</ei2426> its spectacular <ei2427>growth</ei2427> in <t169>recent years</t169> to its junk-bond portfolio, the largest of any U.S. thrift.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2426", "target": "start ei2428" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2430", "target": "end t170" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2439", "target": "end t1992" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2439", "target": "end t1992" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2426", "target": "end ei2428" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2426", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2427", "target": "start t169" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2427", "target": "end t169" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2428", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2436", "target": "start ei2437" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2436", "target": "end ei2437" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2428", "target": "start ei2429" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2436", "target": "end ei2437" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2435", "target": "start ei2437" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2430", "target": "start t170" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2427", "target": "start t169" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2428", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2426", "target": "end ei2429" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2428", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2428", "target": "start ei2429" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2435", "target": "end ei2437" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2426", "target": "end ei2428" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2428", "target": "end ei2429" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2426", "target": "start ei2428" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2430", "target": "end t170" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2429", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2428", "target": "end ei2429" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2426", "target": "start ei2429" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2439", "target": "start t1992" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2426", "target": "end ei2429" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2428", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2435", "target": "start ei2436" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2435", "target": "start ei2436" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2435", "target": "end ei2436" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2426", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2430", "target": "start t170" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2435", "target": "start ei2437" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2426", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2439", "target": "start t1992" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2436", "target": "start ei2437" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2435", "target": "end ei2436" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2426", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2429", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2429", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2435", "target": "end ei2437" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2426", "target": "start ei2429" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2429", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2427", "target": "end t169" } ]
[ "ei2427", "ei2435", "t169", "ei2428", "ei2429", "ei2426", "t170", "t172", "t1992", "ei2437", "ei2430", "ei2439", "ei2436", "t1991", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> Columbia <ei2426>owes</ei2426> its spectacular <ei2427>growth</ei2427> in <t169>recent years</t169> to its junk-bond portfolio, the largest of any U.S. thrift. Much of Columbia's junk-bond <ei2428>trading</ei2428> has been <ei2429>done</ei2429> through the high-yield department of its Beverly Hills neighbor, Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. For <t170>the nine months</t170>, losses <ei2430>totaled</ei2430> $212 million, or $10.83 a share, compared with net income of $48.7 million, or $1.11 a share, <t172>a year earlier</t172>. The results include a $130.2 million write-down of the securities in the high-yield portfolio to the lower of their cost or market value. Columbia also <ei2435>added</ei2435> $227.3 million to reserves for <ei2436>losses</ei2436> on the portfolio, <ei2437>increasing</ei2437> general reserves to $300 million, or about 6.7% of the total portfolio, as of <t1991>Sept. 30</t1991>. On <t1992>June 30</t1992>, loss reserves <ei2439>stood</ei2439> at $108.3 million.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2440", "target": "start ei2448" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2448", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end t0", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2455", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2452", "target": "end ei2453" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t1999", "target": "start t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2440", "target": "end ei2455" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2439", "target": "end t1992" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2456", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2455", "target": "start t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2439", "target": "end t1992" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2448", "target": "start ei2456" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2448", "target": "end ei2456" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2455", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": "<", 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"start t0", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2449", "target": "end t1994" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2448", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t0", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2455", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2440", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2440", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2456", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2440", "target": "start ei2456" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2440", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t1999", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2449", "target": "start t1994" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2449", "target": "end t1994" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2440", "target": "start ei2455" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2456", "target": "start t1999" }, { 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"end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2456", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2440", "target": "end ei2448" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2440", "target": "start ei2456" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2440", "target": "start t1999" } ]
[ "ei2454", "ei2440", "ei2451", "ei2456", "ei2452", "ei2441", "ei2449", "t1999", "ei2457", "ei2446", "ei2447", "t1994", "t1992", "ei2455", "ei2453", "t2151", "ei2439", "ei2442", "ei2448", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> On <t1992>June 30</t1992>, loss reserves <ei2439>stood</ei2439> at $108.3 million. Thrift officials <ei2440>said</ei2440> the $300 million reserve will be <ei2441>adjusted</ei2441> quarterly and will <ei2442>reflect</ei2442> the rate of dispositions and market conditions. The adjustments <ei2446>result</ei2446> from the recently <ei2447>passed</ei2447> thrift-industry bailout legislation, which <ei2448>requires</ei2448> thrifts to <ei2449>divest</ei2449> all high-yield bond investments by <t1994>1994</t1994>. Previously, Columbia didn't have to <ei2451>adjust</ei2451> the book value of its junk-bond holdings to <ei2452>reflect</ei2452> <ei2453>declines</ei2453> in market prices, because it <ei2454>held</ei2454> the bonds as long-term investments. Because Columbia <t2151>now</t2151> must <ei2455>sell</ei2455> the bonds within <t1999>five years</t1999>, accounting rules <ei2456>require</ei2456> the thrift to <ei2457>value</ei2457> the bonds at the lower of cost or market prices.
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "end t0", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t1999", "target": "start t2151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2455", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2459", "target": "end ei2462" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2455", "target": "start t2151" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2456", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2458", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2455", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2459", "target": "start ei2462" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2455", "target": "end ei2458" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2455", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2470", "target": "start ei2471" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2470", "target": "end ei2471" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2455", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2458", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2456", "target": "start ei2458" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2456", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start t0", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2458", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t0", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2455", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2458", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2458", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2458", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2458", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2459", "target": "end ei2462" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2470", "target": "end ei2471" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2456", "target": "start ei2458" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2455", "target": "start ei2458" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2456", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start t1999", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2456", "target": "end ei2458" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2455", "target": "end ei2458" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2456", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2458", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2455", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2455", "target": "start t2151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end t1999", "target": "end t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2458", "target": "start t2151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2456", "target": "end ei2458" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2458", "target": "start t2151" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2459", "target": "start ei2462" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end t1999", "target": "start t2151" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end t0", "target": "start t1999" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2455", "target": "start ei2458" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2456", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2458", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2470", "target": "start ei2471" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2456", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2456", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2458", "target": "end t1999" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2456", "target": "start t1999" } ]
[ "ei2468", "ei2456", "ei2473", "ei2471", "ei2465", "t1999", "ei2457", "ei2470", "ei2458", "ei2459", "ei2455", "ei2472", "ei2462", "t2151", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> Because Columbia <t2151>now</t2151> must <ei2455>sell</ei2455> the bonds within <t1999>five years</t1999>, accounting rules <ei2456>require</ei2456> the thrift to <ei2457>value</ei2457> the bonds at the lower of cost or market prices. For its future strategy, Columbia officials <ei2458>said</ei2458> the thrift may <ei2459>branch</ei2459> out into commercial lending or managing outside investments, as well as <ei2462>beefing</ei2462> up more traditional thrift activities. The quarterly results also <ei2465>reflected</ei2465> $21.4 million in non-recurring losses from commercial real-estate activities in California. Thomas Spiegel, Columbia's chairman, <ei2468>said</ei2468> in a statement that the thrift was " <ei2470>disappointed</ei2470>" by the effects of the accounting <ei2471>changes</ei2471>. But he <ei2472>said</ei2472> Columbia <ei2473>remains</ei2473> "one of the most strongly capitalized thrifts in the industry," based on the economic value of its assets and tangible capital.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2486", "target": "start t2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2482", "target": "end t2004" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2480", "target": "end ei2482" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2475", "target": "end ei2477" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2480", "target": "end ei2482" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2485", "target": "end ei2486" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2482", "target": "start t2004" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2475", "target": "start ei2478" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2485", "target": "start ei2486" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2475", "target": "start ei2477" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2479", "target": "start ei2481" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2479", "target": "start t2004" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2479", "target": "end ei2481" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2479", "target": "end t2004" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2480", "target": "start ei2482" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2480", "target": "start t2004" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2485", "target": "start ei2486" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2479", "target": "end t2004" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2479", "target": "end ei2480" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2482", "target": "end t2004" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2479", "target": "start ei2480" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2477", "target": "start ei2478" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2482", "target": "start t2004" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2477", "target": "end ei2478" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2475", "target": "end ei2477" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2475", "target": "end ei2478" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2479", "target": "end ei2481" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2486", "target": "end t2007" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2480", "target": "end t2004" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2475", "target": "start ei2478" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2479", "target": "start t2004" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2477", "target": "end ei2478" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2480", "target": "end t2004" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2475", "target": "end ei2478" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2479", "target": "end ei2480" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2485", "target": "end ei2486" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2480", "target": "start ei2482" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2477", "target": "start ei2478" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2486", "target": "end t2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2486", "target": "start t2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2479", "target": "start ei2480" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2479", "target": "start ei2481" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2480", "target": "start t2004" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2475", "target": "start ei2477" } ]
[ "ei2485", "ei2477", "t2007", "ei2475", "t2009", "ei2473", "ei2482", "ei2478", "ei2481", "ei2472", "ei2479", "ei2480", "ei2486", "t2004", "ei2483", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> But he <ei2472>said</ei2472> Columbia <ei2473>remains</ei2473> "one of the most strongly capitalized thrifts in the industry," based on the economic value of its assets and tangible capital. Columbia <ei2475>announced</ei2475> the results after the <ei2477>close</ei2477> of the stock market. Its shares <ei2478>closed</ei2478> at $5.125 each in composite New York Stock Exchange trading, down 37.5 cents. The price of Columbia shares has been <ei2479>cut</ei2479> nearly in half since <t2004>August</t2004>, when they <ei2480>traded</ei2480> at about $10, as investors apparently <ei2481>realized</ei2481> that the thrift would be <ei2482>forced</ei2482> to <ei2483>take</ei2483> a big write-down. The stock's <ei2485>decline</ei2485> <ei2486>accelerated</ei2486> in <t2007>the past two weeks</t2007>, from a price of $8 a share on <t2009>Oct. 9</t2009>.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2486", "target": "start t2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2490", "target": "end ei2494" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2488", "target": "start ei2490" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2488", "target": "start ei2494" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2502", "target": "end ei2506" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2485", "target": "end ei2486" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2490", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "end ei2504" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2485", "target": "start ei2486" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "start ei2504" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2492", "target": "end ei2493" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2488", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2490", "target": "start ei2494" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2488", "target": "end ei2494" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "end ei2505" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2485", "target": "start ei2486" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "start ei2504" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2488", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2488", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "end ei2504" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2488", "target": "start ei2494" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "start ei2505" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2491", "target": "start ei2493" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2488", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2494", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2491", "target": "end ei2493" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "end ei2505" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "start ei2505" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2490", "target": "end ei2494" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2488", "target": "end ei2494" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2490", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2486", "target": "end t2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2491", "target": "start ei2493" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2502", "target": "start ei2506" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2492", "target": "end ei2493" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2490", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2490", "target": "start ei2494" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2502", "target": "end ei2506" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2491", "target": "end ei2493" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2485", "target": "end ei2486" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2492", "target": "start ei2493" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2486", "target": "end t2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2494", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2488", "target": "start ei2490" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2490", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2486", "target": "start t2007" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2494", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2488", "target": "end ei2490" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2494", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2488", "target": "end ei2490" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2492", "target": "start ei2493" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2502", "target": "start ei2506" } ]
[ "t2012", "ei2485", "t2007", "ei2489", "ei2505", "t2009", "ei2493", "ei2502", "ei2492", "ei2496", "ei2488", "ei2495", "ei2491", "ei2490", "ei2494", "ei2503", "ei2506", "ei2486", "ei2504", "t2013", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> The stock's <ei2485>decline</ei2485> <ei2486>accelerated</ei2486> in <t2007>the past two weeks</t2007>, from a price of $8 a share on <t2009>Oct. 9</t2009>. Columbia officials <ei2488>said</ei2488> they don't <ei2489>know</ei2489> how quickly they will <ei2490>dispose</ei2490> of the thrift's junk bonds, because federal regulations, such as those that would <ei2491>allow</ei2491> thrifts to <ei2492>continue</ei2492> <ei2493>holding</ei2493> the bonds in separately capitalized subsidiaries, haven't yet been <ei2494>completed</ei2494>. Columbia officials also <ei2495>said</ei2495> the thrift shouldn't <ei2496>face</ei2496> problems meeting regulatory capital requirements, despite the large reserves and write-downs and stiffer regulatory requirements that should be in place by <t2012>year's end</t2012>. Its ratio of tangible equity to total assets as of <t2013>Sept. 30</t2013> was 3.6%, and total equity was $457.9 million. The thrift <ei2502>emphasized</ei2502> that it <ei2503>has</ei2503> a large portfolio of equity securities <ei2504>issued</ei2504> in connection with corporate restructurings and leveraged <ei2505>buy-outs</ei2505>, which <ei2506>has</ei2506> a book value of $90 million.
[ { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2513", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2513", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2502", "target": "end ei2506" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2513", "target": "end ei2515" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "end ei2504" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "start ei2504" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "end ei2505" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "start ei2504" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "end ei2504" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2515", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "start ei2505" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2513", "target": "start ei2515" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2503", "target": "end ei2505" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2503", "target": "start ei2505" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2515", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2515", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2513", "target": "end ei2515" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei2502", "target": "start ei2506" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2502", "target": "end ei2506" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei2515", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei2513", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei2513", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei2513", "target": "start ei2515" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei2502", "target": "start ei2506" } ]
[ "ei2515", "ei2511", "ei2505", "ei2502", "ei2512", "ei2513", "ei2508", "ei2503", "ei2506", "ei2509", "ei2504", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/26/89</t0> The thrift <ei2502>emphasized</ei2502> that it <ei2503>has</ei2503> a large portfolio of equity securities <ei2504>issued</ei2504> in connection with corporate restructurings and leveraged <ei2505>buy-outs</ei2505>, which <ei2506>has</ei2506> a book value of $90 million. Although many of the transactions related to those securities haven't been <ei2508>completed</ei2508>, Columbia <ei2509>said</ei2509> the ultimate gain on the <ei2511>sale</ei2511> of those assets will <ei2512>range</ei2512> from $200 million to $300 million. Columbia also <ei2513>has</ei2513> unrealized gains in its public equity securities portfolio of more than $70 million. David B. Hilder in New York <ei2515>contributed</ei2515> to this article.
[ { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei163", "target": "start ei164" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei161", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei158", "target": "start ei162" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei162", "target": "start ei164" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei158", "target": "end ei159" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei164", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei159", "target": "start ei161" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei158", "target": "end ei161" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei168", "target": "start ei169" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei164", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei166", "target": "end ei168" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei163", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei158", "target": "start ei161" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei166", "target": "end ei169" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end 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"relation": "<", "source": "end ei164", "target": "start t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei161", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei158", "target": "end ei162" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei158", "target": "start ei161" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei171", "target": "start t36" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei163", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei162", "target": "end t0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei158", "target": "start ei159" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei165", "target": "end ei168" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end ei162", "target": "start t0" } ]
[ "ei171", "t36", "ei159", "ei161", "ei158", "ei165", "ei163", "ei167", "ei162", "ei166", "ei164", "ei168", "ei169", "ei160", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>19980205</t0> The US is <ei158>bolstering</ei158> its military presence in the gulf, as President Clinton <ei159>discussed</ei159> the Iraq <ei160>crisis</ei160> with the one ally who has <ei161>backed</ei161> his <ei162>threat</ei162> of force, British prime minister Tony Blair. The World's Nancy Marshall reports on Mr. Blair's current visit to Washington and the special relationship between the two leaders. President Clinton <ei163>rolled</ei163> out the red carpet for prime minister Blair, <ei164>welcoming</ei164> him not only as a close ally, but a close friend. <ei165>Posing</ei165> for photographers with Clinton, Blair <ei166>pledged</ei166> to <ei167>stand</ei167> united with the president against Iraq, <ei168>warning</ei168> Saddam Hussein that the <ei169>threat</ei169> of force is real. The British aircraft carrier invincible is <t36>now</t36> <ei171>patrolling</ei171> the Persian Gulf alongside three US vessels.
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei174", "target": "end ei175" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei179", "target": "end ei180" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei177", "target": "end ei178" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei177", "target": "end ei179" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei177", "target": "start ei178" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei178", "target": "start ei179" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei178", "target": "end ei179" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei177", "target": "start ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei178", "target": "end ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei177", "target": "start ei179" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei178", "target": "end ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei178", "target": "start ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei178", "target": "start ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei178", "target": "end ei179" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei171", "target": "end t36" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end ei177", "target": "end ei178" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei177", "target": "start ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei177", "target": "end ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei179", "target": "start ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei174", "target": "start ei175" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei177", "target": "start ei179" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei177", "target": "end ei179" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei174", "target": "end ei175" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei178", "target": "start ei179" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei177", "target": "end ei180" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei177", "target": "start ei178" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start ei171", "target": "start t36" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei174", "target": "start ei175" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei179", "target": "start ei180" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end ei171", "target": "start t36" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start ei171", "target": "end t36" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start ei179", "target": "end ei180" } ]
[ "ei177", "ei176", "ei171", "t36", "ei178", "ei175", "ei179", "ei174", "ei180", "t0" ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>19980205</t0> The British aircraft carrier invincible is <t36>now</t36> <ei171>patrolling</ei171> the Persian Gulf alongside three US vessels. Washington and London are virtually alone in warning Iraq of military <ei174>strikes</ei174> if it doesn't <ei175>back</ei175> down on the weapons inspection issue. President Clinton <ei176>says</ei176> he and Blair will <ei177>stand</ei177> together not just on Iraq but also on <ei178>arresting</ei178> the terrorists <ei179>suspected</ei179> of <ei180>blowing</ei180> up Pan Am flight one oh three over Scotland. For The World I'm Nancy Marshall in Washington.