8 values
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': One of the following is a known cause of gynecomastia: (6/2019) A. Hepatitis A infection B. Acute renal failure C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Hyperpituitarism E. Furosemide diuretic}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D Causes of gynecomastia: l-Physiological: growing infants, puberty 2-Cirrhosis of liver 3-Klinefelter's syndrome 4-Testicular cancer 5-Chronic renal failure 6-Hyperthyroidism 7-Drugs: spironolactone, CCB, ketoconazole, methyldopa, cimetidine, digoxin, drugs of abuse (alcohol, heroin, marijuana).}]"
[{'from': human, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by prim hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': Effects of angiotensin Il receptor antagonist include all Of the following except: (6/2019) A. Decrease renin activity B. Vasodilation C. Decrease aldosterone D. Decrease sodium absorption E. Decrease potassium excretion}, {'from': assistant, 'value': A Action of ARABS: l-Block angiotensin receptor 2-Decrease aldosterone decrease vasoconstriction >> decrease blood pressure decrease absorption of Na and H20 and decrease excretion of K and H+ 3-Decrease renin secretion (compensatory ) angiotensin Il increase level of angiotensin I.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 41-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with type 2 DM and has been following a plan lifestyle measures to improve his diet and increase his level of exercise, as well as he is on metformin and sulfonylurea. On returning to clinic, his BMI is 23, fasting plasma glucose 9. () mmo VL, blood pressure 133/84 mm Hg and Hbalc is 11%. The most appropriate treatment: (6/2019) Increase metformin dose A. B. Increase sulfonylurea dose C. Add insulin D. Add exenatide Further diet and exercise E.}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient need triple therapy including insulin as his Hb Alc more than 10% We use exenatide when BMI is very high.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': One of the following is a known cause of gynecomastia: (6/2019) A. Hepatitis A infection B. Acute renal failure C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Hyperpituitarism E. Furosemide diuretic}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D Causes of gynecomastia: l-Physiological: growing infants, puberty 2-Cirrhosis of liver 3-Klinefelter's syndrome 4-Testicular cancer 5-Chronic renal failure 6-Hyperthyroidism 7-Drugs: spironolactone, CCB, ketoconazole, methyldopa, cimetidine, digoxin, drugs of abuse (alcohol, heroin, marijuana).}]"
[{'from': human, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by prim hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': Effects of angiotensin Il receptor antagonist include all Of the following except: (6/2019) A. Decrease renin activity B. Vasodilation C. Decrease aldosterone D. Decrease sodium absorption E. Decrease potassium excretion}, {'from': assistant, 'value': A Action of ARABS: l-Block angiotensin receptor 2-Decrease aldosterone decrease vasoconstriction >> decrease blood pressure decrease absorption of Na and H20 and decrease excretion of K and H+ 3-Decrease renin secretion (compensatory ) angiotensin Il increase level of angiotensin I.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 41-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with type 2 DM and has been following a plan lifestyle measures to improve his diet and increase his level of exercise, as well as he is on metformin and sulfonylurea. On returning to clinic, his BMI is 23, fasting plasma glucose 9. () mmo VL, blood pressure 133/84 mm Hg and Hbalc is 11%. The most appropriate treatment: (6/2019) Increase metformin dose A. B. Increase sulfonylurea dose C. Add insulin D. Add exenatide Further diet and exercise E.}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient need triple therapy including insulin as his Hb Alc more than 10% We use exenatide when BMI is very high.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': One of the following is a known cause of gynecomastia: (6/2019) A. Hepatitis A infection B. Acute renal failure C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Hyperpituitarism E. Furosemide diuretic}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D Causes of gynecomastia: l-Physiological: growing infants, puberty 2-Cirrhosis of liver 3-Klinefelter's syndrome 4-Testicular cancer 5-Chronic renal failure 6-Hyperthyroidism 7-Drugs: spironolactone, CCB, ketoconazole, methyldopa, cimetidine, digoxin, drugs of abuse (alcohol, heroin, marijuana).}]"
[{'from': human, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by prim hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': Effects of angiotensin Il receptor antagonist include all Of the following except: (6/2019) A. Decrease renin activity B. Vasodilation C. Decrease aldosterone D. Decrease sodium absorption E. Decrease potassium excretion}, {'from': assistant, 'value': A Action of ARABS: l-Block angiotensin receptor 2-Decrease aldosterone decrease vasoconstriction >> decrease blood pressure decrease absorption of Na and H20 and decrease excretion of K and H+ 3-Decrease renin secretion (compensatory ) angiotensin Il increase level of angiotensin I.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 41-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with type 2 DM and has been following a plan lifestyle measures to improve his diet and increase his level of exercise, as well as he is on metformin and sulfonylurea. On returning to clinic, his BMI is 23, fasting plasma glucose 9. () mmo VL, blood pressure 133/84 mm Hg and Hbalc is 11%. The most appropriate treatment: (6/2019) Increase metformin dose A. B. Increase sulfonylurea dose C. Add insulin D. Add exenatide Further diet and exercise E.}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient need triple therapy including insulin as his Hb Alc more than 10% We use exenatide when BMI is very high.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': One of the following is a known cause of gynecomastia: (6/2019) A. Hepatitis A infection B. Acute renal failure C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Hyperpituitarism E. Furosemide diuretic}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D Causes of gynecomastia: l-Physiological: growing infants, puberty 2-Cirrhosis of liver 3-Klinefelter's syndrome 4-Testicular cancer 5-Chronic renal failure 6-Hyperthyroidism 7-Drugs: spironolactone, CCB, ketoconazole, methyldopa, cimetidine, digoxin, drugs of abuse (alcohol, heroin, marijuana).}]"
[{'from': human, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by prim hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': Effects of angiotensin Il receptor antagonist include all Of the following except: (6/2019) A. Decrease renin activity B. Vasodilation C. Decrease aldosterone D. Decrease sodium absorption E. Decrease potassium excretion}, {'from': assistant, 'value': A Action of ARABS: l-Block angiotensin receptor 2-Decrease aldosterone decrease vasoconstriction >> decrease blood pressure decrease absorption of Na and H20 and decrease excretion of K and H+ 3-Decrease renin secretion (compensatory ) angiotensin Il increase level of angiotensin I.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 41-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with type 2 DM and has been following a plan lifestyle measures to improve his diet and increase his level of exercise, as well as he is on metformin and sulfonylurea. On returning to clinic, his BMI is 23, fasting plasma glucose 9. () mmo VL, blood pressure 133/84 mm Hg and Hbalc is 11%. The most appropriate treatment: (6/2019) Increase metformin dose A. B. Increase sulfonylurea dose C. Add insulin D. Add exenatide Further diet and exercise E.}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient need triple therapy including insulin as his Hb Alc more than 10% We use exenatide when BMI is very high.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': One of the following is a known cause of gynecomastia: (6/2019) A. Hepatitis A infection B. Acute renal failure C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Hyperpituitarism E. Furosemide diuretic}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D Causes of gynecomastia: l-Physiological: growing infants, puberty 2-Cirrhosis of liver 3-Klinefelter's syndrome 4-Testicular cancer 5-Chronic renal failure 6-Hyperthyroidism 7-Drugs: spironolactone, CCB, ketoconazole, methyldopa, cimetidine, digoxin, drugs of abuse (alcohol, heroin, marijuana).}]"
[{'from': human, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by prim hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': Effects of angiotensin Il receptor antagonist include all Of the following except: (6/2019) A. Decrease renin activity B. Vasodilation C. Decrease aldosterone D. Decrease sodium absorption E. Decrease potassium excretion}, {'from': assistant, 'value': A Action of ARABS: l-Block angiotensin receptor 2-Decrease aldosterone decrease vasoconstriction >> decrease blood pressure decrease absorption of Na and H20 and decrease excretion of K and H+ 3-Decrease renin secretion (compensatory ) angiotensin Il increase level of angiotensin I.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 41-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with type 2 DM and has been following a plan lifestyle measures to improve his diet and increase his level of exercise, as well as he is on metformin and sulfonylurea. On returning to clinic, his BMI is 23, fasting plasma glucose 9. () mmo VL, blood pressure 133/84 mm Hg and Hbalc is 11%. The most appropriate treatment: (6/2019) Increase metformin dose A. B. Increase sulfonylurea dose C. Add insulin D. Add exenatide Further diet and exercise E.}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient need triple therapy including insulin as his Hb Alc more than 10% We use exenatide when BMI is very high.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': One of the following is a known cause of gynecomastia: (6/2019) A. Hepatitis A infection B. Acute renal failure C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Hyperpituitarism E. Furosemide diuretic}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D Causes of gynecomastia: l-Physiological: growing infants, puberty 2-Cirrhosis of liver 3-Klinefelter's syndrome 4-Testicular cancer 5-Chronic renal failure 6-Hyperthyroidism 7-Drugs: spironolactone, CCB, ketoconazole, methyldopa, cimetidine, digoxin, drugs of abuse (alcohol, heroin, marijuana).}]"
[{'from': human, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by prim hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': Effects of angiotensin Il receptor antagonist include all Of the following except: (6/2019) A. Decrease renin activity B. Vasodilation C. Decrease aldosterone D. Decrease sodium absorption E. Decrease potassium excretion}, {'from': assistant, 'value': A Action of ARABS: l-Block angiotensin receptor 2-Decrease aldosterone decrease vasoconstriction >> decrease blood pressure decrease absorption of Na and H20 and decrease excretion of K and H+ 3-Decrease renin secretion (compensatory ) angiotensin Il increase level of angiotensin I.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 41-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with type 2 DM and has been following a plan lifestyle measures to improve his diet and increase his level of exercise, as well as he is on metformin and sulfonylurea. On returning to clinic, his BMI is 23, fasting plasma glucose 9. () mmo VL, blood pressure 133/84 mm Hg and Hbalc is 11%. The most appropriate treatment: (6/2019) Increase metformin dose A. B. Increase sulfonylurea dose C. Add insulin D. Add exenatide Further diet and exercise E.}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient need triple therapy including insulin as his Hb Alc more than 10% We use exenatide when BMI is very high.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': One of the following is a known cause of gynecomastia: (6/2019) A. Hepatitis A infection B. Acute renal failure C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Hyperpituitarism E. Furosemide diuretic}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D Causes of gynecomastia: l-Physiological: growing infants, puberty 2-Cirrhosis of liver 3-Klinefelter's syndrome 4-Testicular cancer 5-Chronic renal failure 6-Hyperthyroidism 7-Drugs: spironolactone, CCB, ketoconazole, methyldopa, cimetidine, digoxin, drugs of abuse (alcohol, heroin, marijuana).}]"
[{'from': human, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by prim hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': Effects of angiotensin Il receptor antagonist include all Of the following except: (6/2019) A. Decrease renin activity B. Vasodilation C. Decrease aldosterone D. Decrease sodium absorption E. Decrease potassium excretion}, {'from': assistant, 'value': A Action of ARABS: l-Block angiotensin receptor 2-Decrease aldosterone decrease vasoconstriction >> decrease blood pressure decrease absorption of Na and H20 and decrease excretion of K and H+ 3-Decrease renin secretion (compensatory ) angiotensin Il increase level of angiotensin I.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 41-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with type 2 DM and has been following a plan lifestyle measures to improve his diet and increase his level of exercise, as well as he is on metformin and sulfonylurea. On returning to clinic, his BMI is 23, fasting plasma glucose 9. () mmo VL, blood pressure 133/84 mm Hg and Hbalc is 11%. The most appropriate treatment: (6/2019) Increase metformin dose A. B. Increase sulfonylurea dose C. Add insulin D. Add exenatide Further diet and exercise E.}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient need triple therapy including insulin as his Hb Alc more than 10% We use exenatide when BMI is very high.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': One of the following is a known cause of gynecomastia: (6/2019) A. Hepatitis A infection B. Acute renal failure C. Hyperparathyroidism D. Hyperpituitarism E. Furosemide diuretic}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D Causes of gynecomastia: l-Physiological: growing infants, puberty 2-Cirrhosis of liver 3-Klinefelter's syndrome 4-Testicular cancer 5-Chronic renal failure 6-Hyperthyroidism 7-Drugs: spironolactone, CCB, ketoconazole, methyldopa, cimetidine, digoxin, drugs of abuse (alcohol, heroin, marijuana).}]"
[{'from': human, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by prim hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': Effects of angiotensin Il receptor antagonist include all Of the following except: (6/2019) A. Decrease renin activity B. Vasodilation C. Decrease aldosterone D. Decrease sodium absorption E. Decrease potassium excretion}, {'from': assistant, 'value': A Action of ARABS: l-Block angiotensin receptor 2-Decrease aldosterone decrease vasoconstriction >> decrease blood pressure decrease absorption of Na and H20 and decrease excretion of K and H+ 3-Decrease renin secretion (compensatory ) angiotensin Il increase level of angiotensin I.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 41-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with type 2 DM and has been following a plan lifestyle measures to improve his diet and increase his level of exercise, as well as he is on metformin and sulfonylurea. On returning to clinic, his BMI is 23, fasting plasma glucose 9. () mmo VL, blood pressure 133/84 mm Hg and Hbalc is 11%. The most appropriate treatment: (6/2019) Increase metformin dose A. B. Increase sulfonylurea dose C. Add insulin D. Add exenatide Further diet and exercise E.}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient need triple therapy including insulin as his Hb Alc more than 10% We use exenatide when BMI is very high.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 35-year-old woman presents with visual disturbances. She reports having double vision which was intermittent initially but has now become much more frequent. In addition, she becomes breathless very easily and experiences palpitations. On examination, raised, painless lesions are observed on the front of her shins and finger clubbing. The most specific test to make the expected diagnosis is: (6/2019) A. Serum free T3 level B. Serum free T4 level C. Serum TSH level D. Serum thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies E. Serum total T4 level}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: D This patient has clinical pictures of grave's disease (hyperthyroidism + exophthalmos + dermatopathy + goiter ) which caused by thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin antibodies T3, T4, TSH used to diagnosis hyperthyroidism in general.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A fifteen year old boy who is Diabetic presents with pain abdomen , vomiting and shortness of likely cause of breath. There is history of fever and sore throat two days back. The most his symptoms is ? (4/2019) A. DKA B. Gastritis. C. Hypoglycemia. D. Renal failure. E. Non ketotic hyperosmolar coma}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: A This patient has clinical pictures of DKA ( which come in type I DM ) Precipitated by infection.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A forty year old lady gives history of weight gain and hoarseness of voice. On examination her pulse is 54 per minute and skin is pale, coarse and dry. The most important Investigation to find diaglosis in this case is ? (4/2019) A. ACTH B. Cortisol level. C. Gonadotrophin levels D. IGF E. TFT}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: E This female has clinical pictures of hypothyroidism which need thyroid function test in diagnosis.}]"
"[{'from': user, 'value': A 44 years old female known to have gave's disease underwent thyroidectomy, come to her GP complaining change of her breath sound. she first noted numbness, particular in her toes and finger three month ago but attributed this to the cold weather. her BMI 27, while measuring her blood pressure you notice the patient flex her wrist. The most likely diagnosis: (6/2019) and toes, A. Obstructive sleep apnea B. Secondary hypoparathyroidism C. Primary hypoparathyroidism D. Gullian-barre syndrome E. Raynaud's syndrome}, {'from': assistant, 'value': Answer: C This patient has symptoms of hypocalcemia (numbness of finger Trousseau's sign) which cause by primary hypoparathyroidism (most common complication of thyroidectomy) Secondary hypoparathyroidism caused by causes of hypercalcemia.}]"