15 values
#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2010 Antoine Drouin # # This file is part of Paparazzi. # # Paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # Paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # # calibrate gyrometers using turntable measurements # from __future__ import print_function, division from optparse import OptionParser import os import sys from scipy import linspace, polyval, stats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import calibration_utils # # lisa 3 # p : a=-4511.16 b=31948.34, std error= 0.603 # q : a=-4598.46 b=31834.48, std error= 0.734 # r : a=-4525.63 b=32687.95, std error= 0.624 # # lisa 4 # p : a=-4492.05 b=32684.94, std error= 0.600 # q : a=-4369.63 b=33260.96, std error= 0.710 # r : a=-4577.13 b=32707.72, std error= 0.730 # # crista # p : a= 3864.82 b=31288.09, std error= 0.866 # q : a= 3793.71 b=32593.89, std error= 3.070 # r : a= 3817.11 b=32709.70, std error= 3.296 # def main(): usage = "usage: %prog --id <ac_id> --tt_id <tt_id> --axis <axis> [options]" + "\n" + "Run %prog --help to list the options." parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-i", "--id", dest="ac_id", action="store", type=int, default=-1, help="aircraft id to use") parser.add_option("-t", "--tt_id", dest="tt_id", action="store", type=int, default=-1, help="turntable id to use") parser.add_option("-a", "--axis", dest="axis", type="choice", choices=['p', 'q', 'r'], help="axis to calibrate (p, q, r)", action="store") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") else: if os.path.isfile(args[0]): filename = args[0] else: print(args[0] + " not found") sys.exit(1) if not filename.endswith(".data"): parser.error("Please specify a *.data log file") if options.ac_id < 0 or options.ac_id > 255: parser.error("Specify a valid aircraft id number!") if options.tt_id < 0 or options.tt_id > 255: parser.error("Specify a valid turntable id number!") if options.verbose: print("reading file "+filename+" for aircraft "+str(options.ac_id)+" and turntable "+str(options.tt_id)) samples = calibration_utils.read_turntable_log(options.ac_id, options.tt_id, filename, 1, 7) if len(samples) == 0: print("Error: found zero matching messages in log file!") print("Was looking for IMU_TURNTABLE from id: "+str(options.tt_id)+" and IMU_GYRO_RAW from id: "+str(options.ac_id)+" in file "+filename) sys.exit(1) if options.verbose: print("found "+str(len(samples))+" records") if options.axis == 'p': axis_idx = 1 elif options.axis == 'q': axis_idx = 2 elif options.axis == 'r': axis_idx = 3 else: parser.error("Specify a valid axis!") #Linear regression using stats.linregress t = samples[:, 0] xn = samples[:, axis_idx] (a_s, b_s, r, tt, stderr) = stats.linregress(t, xn) print('Linear regression using stats.linregress') print(('regression: a=%.2f b=%.2f, std error= %.3f' % (a_s, b_s, stderr))) print(('<define name="GYRO_X_NEUTRAL" value="%d"/>' % (b_s))) print(('<define name="GYRO_X_SENS" value="%f" integer="16"/>' % (pow(2, 12)/a_s))) # # overlay fited value # ovl_omega = linspace(1, 7.5, 10) ovl_adc = polyval([a_s, b_s], ovl_omega) plt.title('Linear Regression Example') plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(samples[:, 1]) plt.plot(samples[:, 2]) plt.plot(samples[:, 3]) plt.legend(['p', 'q', 'r']) plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(samples[:, 0]) plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, axis_idx], 'b.') plt.plot(ovl_omega, ovl_adc, 'r') if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import numpy as np from keras.optimizers import SGD from models.CNN_CIFAR import cnn_cifar_batchnormalisation, cnn_cifar_small, cnn_cifar_nodropout, \ cnn_cifar_small_batchnormalisation from models.DataLoader import DataLoader from scripts.progress_bar import printProgress from time import time, localtime # this is a predefined dataloader loader = DataLoader(batch_size=32) # construct the model here (pre-defined model) model = cnn_cifar_small_batchnormalisation(loader.image_shape) print( nb_epoch = 200 early_stopping = True early_stopping_count = 0 early_stopping_wait = 3 train_loss = [] valid_loss = [] learning_rate = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01] # let's train the model using SGD + momentum (how original). sgd = SGD(lr=learning_rate[-1], decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=sgd) # load validation data from the h5py file (heavy lifting here) x_valid, y_valid = loader.get_valid() best_valid = np.inf for e in range(nb_epoch): print("epoch %d" % e) loss_list = [] time_list = [] time_start = time() for i in range(loader.n_iter_train): time_start_batch = time() X_batch, Y_batch = loader.next_train_batch() loss_list.append(model.train_on_batch(X_batch, Y_batch)) # calculate some time information time_list.append(time() - time_start_batch) eta = (loader.n_iter_train - i) * np.array(time_list).mean() printProgress(i, loader.n_iter_train-1, prefix='Progress:', suffix='batch error: %0.5f, ETA: %0.2f sec.'%(np.array(loss_list).mean(), eta), barLength=50) printProgress(i, loader.n_iter_train - 1, prefix='Progress:', suffix='batch error: %0.5f' % (np.array(loss_list).mean()), barLength=50) train_loss.append(np.asarray(loss_list).mean()) print('training loss is %f, one epoch uses: %0.2f sec' % (train_loss[-1], time() - time_start)) valid_loss.append(model.evaluate(x_valid, y_valid)) print('valid loss is %f' % valid_loss[-1]) if best_valid > valid_loss[-1]: early_stopping_count = 0 print('saving best valid result...') best_valid = valid_loss[-1]'./models/CNN_Model_OBT100_multi_cnn_best_valid_''.h5') else: # we wait for early stopping loop until a certain time early_stopping_count += 1 if early_stopping_count > early_stopping_wait: early_stopping_count = 0 if len(learning_rate) > 1: learning_rate.pop() print('decreasing the learning rate to: %f'%learning_rate[-1])[-1]) else: break lt = localtime() lt_str = str(lt.tm_year)+"."+str(lt.tm_mon).zfill(2)+"." \ +str(lt.tm_mday).zfill(2)+"."+str(lt.tm_hour).zfill(2)+"."\ +str(lt.tm_min).zfill(2)+"."+str(lt.tm_sec).zfill(2) np.savetxt('./models/train_loss_''_'+lt_str+'.txt', train_loss) np.savetxt('./models/valid_loss_''_'+lt_str+'.txt', valid_loss)'./models/CNN_Model_OBT100_multi_cnn_''_final.h5') print("done") #### we show some visualisation here import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches train_loss = np.loadtxt('./models/train_loss_''_'+lt_str+'.txt') valid_loss = np.loadtxt('./models/valid_loss_''_'+lt_str+'.txt') plt.plot(train_loss, 'b') plt.plot(valid_loss, 'r') blue_label = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='train_loss') red_label = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='valid_loss') plt.legend(handles=[blue_label, red_label])
''' Created on Apr 28, 2013 Copyright: Jev Kuznetsov License: BSD ''' from __future__ import print_function import sys import urllib import os import xlrd # module for excel file reading import pandas as pd class ProgressBar: def __init__(self, iterations): self.iterations = iterations self.prog_bar = '[]' self.fill_char = '*' self.width = 50 self.__update_amount(0) def animate(self, iteration): print('\r', self, end='') sys.stdout.flush() self.update_iteration(iteration + 1) def update_iteration(self, elapsed_iter): self.__update_amount((elapsed_iter / float(self.iterations)) * 100.0) self.prog_bar += ' %d of %s complete' % (elapsed_iter, self.iterations) def __update_amount(self, new_amount): percent_done = int(round((new_amount / 100.0) * 100.0)) all_full = self.width - 2 num_hashes = int(round((percent_done / 100.0) * all_full)) self.prog_bar = '[' + self.fill_char * num_hashes + ' ' * (all_full - num_hashes) + ']' pct_place = (len(self.prog_bar) // 2) - len(str(percent_done)) pct_string = '%d%%' % percent_done self.prog_bar = self.prog_bar[0:pct_place] + \ (pct_string + self.prog_bar[pct_place + len(pct_string):]) def __str__(self): return str(self.prog_bar) def getSpyHoldings(dataDir): ''' get SPY holdings from the net, uses temp data storage to save xls file ''' dest = os.path.join(dataDir,"spy_holdings.xls") if os.path.exists(dest): print('File found, skipping download') else: print('saving to', dest) urllib.urlretrieve ("", dest) # download xls file and save it to data directory # parse wb = xlrd.open_workbook(dest) # open xls file, create a workbook sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) # select first sheet data = {'name':[], 'symbol':[], 'weight':[],'sector':[]} for rowNr in range(5,505): # cycle through the rows v = sh.row_values(rowNr) # get all row values data['name'].append(v[0]) data['symbol'].append(v[1]) # symbol is in the second column, append it to the list data['weight'].append(float(v[2])) data['sector'].append(v[3]) return pd.DataFrame(data)
5037 import re import glob, os, time from numpy import * from pylab import * def analyzeFile(fileName,delim): cols = {} indexToName = {} lineNum = 0 goodLines = 0 shortLines = 0 FILE = open(fileName,'r') for line in FILE: line = line.strip() if lineNum < 1: lineNum += 1 continue elif lineNum == 1: headings = line.split(delim) i = 0 for heading in headings: heading = heading.strip() cols[heading] = [] indexToName[i] = heading i += 1 lineNum += 1 lineLength = len(cols) else: data = line.split(delim) if len(data) == lineLength: goodLines += 1 i = 0 for point in data: point = point.strip() cols[indexToName[i]] += [point] i += 1 lineNum += 1 else: shortLines += 1 lineNum += 1 continue FILE.close return cols, indexToName, lineNum, shortLines def numericalSort(value): numbers = re.compile(r'(\d+)') parts = numbers.split(value) parts[1::2] = map(int, parts[1::2]) return parts def popDate(fileName): run = fileName.split('.')[0] runNo = run.split('_')[-1] return runNo def getFile(date,regex):#Works files = [] files = sorted((glob.glob('*'+regex+'*')),key=numericalSort,reverse=False) if date.lower() == 'last': files = files.pop() else: files = [item for item in files if,item)] return files def plotConc(data,ozone,times): # This function plots data versus time import datetime as dt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import date2num #time = [dt.datetime.strptime(time,"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") for time in times] time = [dt.datetime.strptime(time,"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") for time in times] x = date2num(time) legend1 = [] legend2 = [] fig = plt.figure('Gas Concentration Readings for East St.Louis') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = twinx() for key,value in data.items(): ax1.plot_date(x,data[key],'-',xdate=True) legend1.append(key) for key, value in ozone.items(): ax2.plot_date(x,ozone[key],'-.',xdate=True) legend2.append(key) title('Gas Concentrations for East St. Louis', fontsize = 12) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$Concentration(ppb)$', fontsize = 12) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$Concentration(ppb)$', fontsize = 12) xlabel(r"$Time \, Stamp$", fontsize = 12) ax1.legend(legend1,loc='upper right') ax2.legend(legend2,loc='lower right') grid(True) return def plotBankRelays(data,relays,times): # This function plots data versus time import datetime as dt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import date2num time = [dt.datetime.strptime(time,"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") for time in times] x = date2num(time) #x1 = [date.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for date in time] legend1 = [] legend2 = [] #plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) fig = plt.figure('VAPS Thermocouple Readings: Chart 2') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = twinx() for key,value in data.items(): ax1.plot_date(x,data[key],'-',xdate=True) legend1.append(key) for key,value in relays.items(): ax2.plot_date(x,relays[key],'--',xdate=True) legend2.append(key) title('VAPS Temperatures: Chart 2', fontsize = 12) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$Temperature(^oC)$', fontsize = 12) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$Relay \, States$', fontsize = 12) ax1.set_xlabel(r"$Time \, Stamp$", fontsize = 12) #print [num2date(item) for item in ax1.get_xticks()] #ax1.set_xticks(x) #ax1.set_xticklabels([date.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M %p") for date in time]) #ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.,1.02,1.,.102),loc=3,ncol=2,mode="expand",borderaxespad=0.) ax1.legend(legend1,loc='upper right') ax2.legend(legend2,loc='lower right') #ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(date.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) grid(True) return def goodFiles(files,goodHeaders,delim): # Good irregFiles = 0 goodFiles = [] for file in files: lineNo = 0 falseCount = 0 FILE = open(file,'r') for line in FILE: line = line.strip() if lineNo == 5: # Check all the headings to make sure the file is good head = line.split(delim) for item in head: if item in goodHeaders: continue else: falseCount += 1 if falseCount == 0: goodFiles.append(file) else: irregFiles += 1 lineNo += 1 else: lineNo += 1 continue FILE.close return goodFiles, irregFiles
## COPYRIGHT ## Copyright (C) 2015 Kyle Briggs (kbrig035<at> ## ## This file is part of cusumtools. ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see <>. import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import numpy as np import tkinter.filedialog import tkinter as tk from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2TkAgg import as sio from scipy.signal import bessel, filtfilt, welch from scikits.samplerate import resample import pylab as pl import glob import os import time import pandas as pd from pandasql import sqldf import re def make_format(current, other): # current and other are axes def format_coord(x, y): # x, y are data coordinates # convert to display coords display_coord = current.transData.transform((x,y)) inv = other.transData.inverted() # convert back to data coords with respect to ax ax_coord = inv.transform(display_coord) coords = [ax_coord, (x, y)] return ('Left: {:<40} Right: {:<}' .format(*['({:.3f}, {:.3f})'.format(x, y) for x,y in coords])) return format_coord class App(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent,file_path): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) parent.deiconify() self.events_flag = False self.baseline_flag = False self.file_path = file_path ##### Trace plotting widgets ##### self.trace_frame = tk.LabelFrame(parent,text='Current Trace') self.trace_fig = Figure(figsize=(7,5), dpi=100) self.trace_canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.trace_fig, master=self.trace_frame) self.trace_toolbar_frame = tk.Frame(self.trace_frame) self.trace_toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(self.trace_canvas, self.trace_toolbar_frame) self.trace_toolbar.update() self.trace_frame.grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.N+tk.S) self.trace_toolbar_frame.grid(row=1,column=0,columnspan=6) self.trace_canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=6) ##### PSD plotting widgets ##### self.psd_frame = tk.LabelFrame(parent,text='Power Spectrum') self.psd_fig = Figure(figsize=(7,5), dpi=100) self.psd_canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.psd_fig, master=self.psd_frame) self.psd_toolbar_frame = tk.Frame(self.psd_frame) self.psd_toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(self.psd_canvas, self.psd_toolbar_frame) self.psd_toolbar.update() self.psd_frame.grid(row=0,column=6,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.N+tk.S) self.psd_toolbar_frame.grid(row=1,column=6,columnspan=6) self.psd_canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0,column=6,columnspan=6) ##### Control widgets ##### self.control_frame = tk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Controls') self.control_frame.grid(row=2,column=0,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W) self.start_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.start_entry.insert(0,'0') self.start_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Start Time (s)') self.start_label.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.start_entry.grid(row=0,column=1,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.end_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.end_entry.insert(0,'10') self.end_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='End Time (s)') self.end_label.grid(row=0,column=2,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.end_entry.grid(row=0,column=3,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.cutoff_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.cutoff_entry.insert(0,'') self.cutoff_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Cutoff (Hz)') self.cutoff_label.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.cutoff_entry.grid(row=1,column=1,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.order_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.order_entry.insert(0,'') self.order_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Filter Order') self.order_label.grid(row=1,column=2,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.order_entry.grid(row=1,column=3,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.samplerate_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.samplerate_entry.insert(0,'250000') self.samplerate_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Sampling Frequency (Hz)') self.samplerate_label.grid(row=1,column=4,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.samplerate_entry.grid(row=1,column=5,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.savegain_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.savegain_entry.insert(0,'1') self.savegain_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Sampling Frequency (Hz)') self.savegain_label.grid(row=0,column=4,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.savegain_entry.grid(row=0,column=5,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.plot_trace = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='Update Trace', command=self.update_trace) self.plot_trace.grid(row=2,column=0,columnspan=2,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.normalize = tk.IntVar() self.normalize.set(0) self.normalize_check = tk.Checkbutton(self.control_frame, text='Normalize', variable = self.normalize) self.normalize_check.grid(row=2,column=2,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.plot_psd = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='Update PSD', command=self.update_psd) self.plot_psd.grid(row=2,column=3,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) ##### Feedback Widgets ##### self.feedback_frame = tk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Status') self.feedback_frame.grid(row=2,column=6,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W) self.export_psd = tk.Button(self.feedback_frame, text='Export PSD',command=self.export_psd) self.export_psd.grid(row=1,column=0,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.export_trace = tk.Button(self.feedback_frame, text='Export Trace',command=self.export_trace) self.export_trace.grid(row=2,column=0,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.load_memmap() self.initialize_samplerate() def export_psd(self): try: data_path = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.csv',initialdir='G:\PSDs for Sam') np.savetxt(data_path,np.c_[self.f, self.Pxx, self.rms],delimiter=',') except AttributeError: self.wildcard.set('Plot the PSD first') def export_trace(self): try: data_path = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.csv',initialdir='G:\Analysis\Pores\NPN\PSDs') np.savetxt(data_path,self.plot_data,delimiter=',') except AttributeError: self.wildcard.set('Plot the trace first') def load_mapped_data(self): self.total_samples = len( self.samplerate = int(self.samplerate_entry.get()) if self.start_entry.get()!='': self.start_time = float(self.start_entry.get()) start_index = int((float(self.start_entry.get())*self.samplerate)) else: self.start_time = 0 start_index = 0 if self.end_entry.get()!='': self.end_time = float(self.end_entry.get()) end_index = int((float(self.end_entry.get())*self.samplerate)) if end_index > self.total_samples: end_index = self.total_samples =[start_index:end_index] = float(self.savegain_entry.get()) * def load_memmap(self): columntypes = np.dtype([('current', '>i2'), ('voltage', '>i2')]) = np.memmap(self.file_path, dtype=columntypes, mode='r')['current'] def integrate_noise(self, f, Pxx): df = f[1]-f[0] return np.sqrt(np.cumsum(Pxx * df)) def filter_data(self): cutoff = float(self.cutoff_entry.get()) order = int(self.order_entry.get()) Wn = 2.0 * cutoff/float(self.samplerate) b, a = bessel(order,Wn,'low') padding = 1000 padded = np.pad(, pad_width=padding, mode='median') self.filtered_data = filtfilt(b, a, padded, padtype=None)[padding:-padding] def initialize_samplerate(self): self.samplerate = float(self.samplerate_entry.get()) ##### Plot Updating functions ##### def update_trace(self): self.initialize_samplerate() self.load_mapped_data() self.filtered_data = self.plot_data = self.filtered_data plot_samplerate = self.samplerate if self.cutoff_entry.get()!='' and self.order_entry!='': self.filter_data() self.plot_data = self.filtered_data self.trace_fig.clf() a = self.trace_fig.add_subplot(111) time = np.linspace(1.0/self.samplerate,len(self.plot_data)/float(self.samplerate),len(self.plot_data))+self.start_time a.set_xlabel(r'Time ($\mu s$)') a.set_ylabel('Current (pA)') self.trace_fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.14,left=0.21) a.plot(time*1e6,self.plot_data,'.',markersize=1) def update_psd(self): self.initialize_samplerate() self.load_mapped_data() self.filtered_data = self.plot_data = self.filtered_data plot_samplerate = self.samplerate if self.cutoff_entry.get()!='' and self.order_entry!='': self.filter_data() self.plot_data = self.filtered_data maxf = 2*float(self.cutoff_entry.get()) else: maxf = 2*float(self.samplerate_entry.get()) length = np.minimum(2**18,len(self.filtered_data)) end_index = int(np.floor(len(self.filtered_data)/length)*length) current = np.average(self.filtered_data[:end_index]) f, Pxx = welch(self.filtered_data, plot_samplerate,nperseg=length) self.rms = self.integrate_noise(f, Pxx) if self.normalize.get(): Pxx /= current**2 Pxx *= maxf/2.0 self.rms /= np.absolute(current) self.f = f self.Pxx = Pxx minf = 1 BW_index = np.searchsorted(f, maxf/2) logPxx = np.log10(Pxx[1:BW_index]) minP = 10**np.floor(np.amin(logPxx)) maxP = 10**np.ceil(np.amax(logPxx)) self.psd_fig.clf() a = self.psd_fig.add_subplot(111) a.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') a.set_ylabel(r'Spectral Power ($\mathrm{pA}^2/\mathrm{Hz}$)') a.set_xlim(minf, maxf) a.set_ylim(minP, maxP) self.psd_fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.14,left=0.21) a.loglog(f[1:],Pxx[1:],'b-') for tick in a.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_color('b') a2 = a.twinx() a2.semilogx(f, self.rms, 'r-') a2.set_ylabel('RMS Noise (pA)') a2.set_xlim(minf, maxf) for tick in a2.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_color('r') a2.format_coord = make_format(a2, a) def main(): root=tk.Tk() root.withdraw() file_path = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir='C:/Data/') App(root,file_path).grid(row=0,column=0) root.mainloop() if __name__=="__main__": main()
import os import shutil import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from .. import misc class _FakeTable(object): def __init__(self, name, columns): = name self.columns = columns @pytest.fixture def fta(): return _FakeTable('a', ['aa', 'ab', 'ac']) @pytest.fixture def ftb(): return _FakeTable('b', ['bx', 'by', 'bz']) @pytest.fixture def clean_fake_data_home(request): def fin(): if os.path.isdir('fake_data_home'): shutil.rmtree('fake_data_home') request.addfinalizer(fin) def test_column_map_raises(fta, ftb): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): misc.column_map([fta, ftb], ['aa', 'by', 'bz', 'cw']) def test_column_map_none(fta, ftb): assert misc.column_map([fta, ftb], None) == {'a': None, 'b': None} def test_column_map(fta, ftb): assert misc.column_map([fta, ftb], ['aa', 'by', 'bz']) == \ {'a': ['aa'], 'b': ['by', 'bz']} assert misc.column_map([fta, ftb], ['by', 'bz']) == \ {'a': [], 'b': ['by', 'bz']} def test_dirs(clean_fake_data_home): misc._mkifnotexists("fake_data_home") os.environ["DATA_HOME"] = "fake_data_home" misc.get_run_number() misc.get_run_number() misc.data_dir() misc.configs_dir() misc.models_dir() misc.charts_dir() misc.maps_dir() misc.simulations_dir() misc.reports_dir() misc.runs_dir() misc.config("test") @pytest.fixture def range_df(): df = pd.DataFrame({'to_zone_id': [2, 3, 4], 'from_zone_id': [1, 1, 1], 'distance': [.1, .2, .9]}) df = df.set_index(['from_zone_id', 'to_zone_id']) return df @pytest.fixture def range_series(): return pd.Series([10, 150, 75, 275], index=[1, 2, 3, 4]) def test_compute_range(range_df, range_series): assert misc.compute_range(range_df, range_series, "distance", .5).loc[1] == 225 def test_reindex(): s = pd.Series([.5, 1.0, 1.5], index=[2, 1, 3]) s2 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 'c']) assert list(misc.reindex(s, s2).values) == [1.0, .5, 1.5] def test_naics(): assert misc.naicsname(54) == "Professional" def test_signif(): assert misc.signif(4.0) == '***' assert misc.signif(3.0) == '**' assert misc.signif(2.0) == '*' assert misc.signif(1.5) == '.' assert misc.signif(1.0) == '' @pytest.fixture def simple_dev_inputs(): return pd.DataFrame( {'residential': [40, 40, 40], 'office': [15, 18, 15], 'retail': [12, 10, 10], 'industrial': [12, 12, 12], 'land_cost': [1000000, 2000000, 3000000], 'parcel_size': [10000, 20000, 30000], 'max_far': [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], 'names': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'max_height': [40, 60, 80]}, index=['a', 'b', 'c']) def test_misc_dffunctions(simple_dev_inputs): misc.df64bitto32bit(simple_dev_inputs) misc.pandasdfsummarytojson(simple_dev_inputs[['land_cost', 'parcel_size']]) misc.numpymat2df(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) def test_column_list(fta, ftb): assert misc.column_list([fta, ftb], ['aa', 'by', 'bz', 'c']) == \ ['aa', 'by', 'bz']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ A collection of widgets for gui building Copyright: Jev Kuznetsov License: BSD """ from __future__ import division import sys from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * import numpy as np from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QTAgg as NavigationToolbar from matplotlib.figure import Figure import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class MatplotlibWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self,parent=None,grid=True): QWidget.__init__(self,parent) self.grid = grid self.fig = Figure() self.canvas =FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.setParent(self) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onPick) # bind pick event #self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111) margins = [0.05,0.1,0.9,0.8] self.axes = self.fig.add_axes(margins) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas,self) #self.initFigure() layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) layout.addWidget(self.canvas) self.setLayout(layout) def onPick(self,event): print 'Pick event' print 'you pressed', event.button, event.xdata, event.ydata def update(self): self.canvas.draw() def plot(self,*args,**kwargs): self.axes.plot(*args,**kwargs) self.axes.grid(self.grid) self.update() def clear(self): self.axes.clear() def initFigure(self): self.axes.grid(True) x = np.linspace(-1,1) y = x**2 self.axes.plot(x,y,'o-') class PlotWindow(QMainWindow): ''' a stand-alone window with embedded matplotlib widget ''' def __init__(self,parent=None): super(PlotWindow,self).__init__(parent) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.mplWidget = MatplotlibWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self.mplWidget) def plot(self,dataFrame): ''' plot dataframe ''' dataFrame.plot(ax=self.mplWidget.axes) def getAxes(self): return self.mplWidget.axes def getFigure(self): return self.mplWidget.fig def update(self): self.mplWidget.update() class MainForm(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle('Demo: PyQt with matplotlib') self.plot = MatplotlibWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self.plot) self.plot.clear() self.plot.plot(np.random.rand(10),'x-') #--------------------- if __name__=='__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) form = MainForm() app.exec_()
import pandas as pd import numpy as np def ss_calc( contrib_yearly, inv_gwth_rt, num_years, safe_withdrw_rate, start_age=28 ): """ inv_gwth_rt is infaltion adjusted. contrib_yearly is in first years dollars """ tot_years = max(0, 62 - start_age - num_years) + num_years df = pd.DataFrame({ 'contrib_yearly': [contrib_yearly] * num_years + [0.] * max(0, (62 - num_years - start_age)), 'inv_value': [0] * tot_years, }, index=range(tot_years)) for year in range(0, tot_years): print year multiplier = np.array([ (1. + inv_gwth_rt) ** (year - y_) for y_ in range(year + 1)]) print multiplier df['inv_value'][year] = np.sum( np.array(df['contrib_yearly'][0: year + 1]) * multiplier) df['monthly_inv_income'] = safe_withdrw_rate * df['inv_value'] / 12. df['monthly_inv_income_w_spouse'] = df['monthly_inv_income'] * 1.5 return df if __name__ == "__main__": df = ss_calc(15e3, .03, 10, .03) ss_benefit_monthly = 939.00 ss_benefit_w_spouse_monthly = 1.5 * ss_benefit_monthly
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Oct 31 15:45:22 2016 @author: wang """ #from matplotlib import pylab as plt #from numpy import fft, fromstring, int16, linspace #import wave from read_wav_xml_good_1 import* from matrix_24_2 import* from max_matrix_norm import* import numpy as np # open a wave file filename = 'francois_filon_pure_3.wav' filename_1 ='francois_filon_pure_3.xml' word ='je' wave_signal_float,framerate, word_start_point, word_length_point, word_end_point= read_wav_xml_good_1(filename,filename_1,word) #print 'word_start_point=',word_start_point #print 'word_length_point=',word_length_point #print 'word_end_point=',word_end_point XJ_1 =wave_signal_float t_step=1920; t_entre_step=1440; t_du_1_1 = int(word_start_point[0]); t_du_1_2 = int(word_end_point[0]); t_du_2_1 = int(word_start_point[1]); t_du_2_2 = int(word_end_point[1]); t_du_3_1 = int(word_start_point[2]); t_du_3_2 = int(word_end_point[2]); t_du_4_1 = int(word_start_point[3]); t_du_4_2 = int(word_end_point[3]); t_du_5_1 = int(word_start_point[4]); t_du_5_2 = int(word_end_point[4]); fs=framerate #XJ_du_1 = wave_signal_float[(t_du_1_1-1):t_du_1_2]; #length_XJ_du_1 = int(word_length_point[0]+1); #x1,y1,z1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1,fs) #x1=max_matrix_norm(x1) #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the first matrix #============================================================================== XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_du_1_1-1):(t_du_1_1+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_1 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_1[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_du_1_1+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_du_1_1+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_1[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the second matrix #============================================================================== for k in range (1,2): t_start=t_du_2_1 XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_start-1):(t_start+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_2 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_2[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_start+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_start+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_2[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the 3 matrix #============================================================================== for k in range (1,2): t_start=t_du_3_1 XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_start-1):(t_start+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_3 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_3[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_start+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_start+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_3[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the 4 matrix #============================================================================== for k in range (1,2): t_start=t_du_4_1 XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_start-1):(t_start+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_4 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_4[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): # print i XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_start+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_start+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_4[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #print 'matrix_all_step_4=',matrix_all_step_4 #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the 5 matrix #============================================================================== for k in range (1,2): t_start=t_du_5_1 XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_start-1):(t_start+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_5 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_5[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): # print i XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_start+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_start+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_5[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #print 'matrix_all_step_5=',matrix_all_step_5 np.savez('je_compare_192_matrix.npz',matrix_all_step_new_1,matrix_all_step_new_2,matrix_all_step_new_3,matrix_all_step_new_4,matrix_all_step_new_5)
"""This file contains code for use with "Think Stats", by Allen B. Downey, available from Copyright 2014 Allen B. Downey License: GNU GPLv3 """ from __future__ import print_function import pandas import numpy as np import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as smtsa import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot import thinkplot import thinkstats2 FORMATS = ['png'] def ReadData(): """Reads data about cannabis transactions. returns: DataFrame """ transactions = pandas.read_csv('mj-clean.csv', parse_dates=[5]) return transactions def tmean(series): """Computes a trimmed mean. series: Series returns: float """ t = series.values n = len(t) if n <= 3: return t.mean() trim = max(1, n/10) return np.mean(sorted(t)[trim:n-trim]) def GroupByDay(transactions, func=np.mean): """Groups transactions by day and compute the daily mean ppg. transactions: DataFrame of transactions returns: DataFrame of daily prices """ groups = transactions[['date', 'ppg']].groupby('date') daily = groups.aggregate(func) daily['date'] = daily.index start =[0] one_year = np.timedelta64(1, 'Y') daily['years'] = ( - start) / one_year return daily def GroupByQualityAndDay(transactions): """Divides transactions by quality and computes mean daily price. transaction: DataFrame of transactions returns: map from quality to time series of ppg """ groups = transactions.groupby('quality') dailies = {} for name, group in groups: dailies[name] = GroupByDay(group) return dailies def PlotDailies(dailies): """Makes a plot with daily prices for different qualities. dailies: map from name to DataFrame """ thinkplot.PrePlot(rows=3) for i, (name, daily) in enumerate(dailies.items()): thinkplot.SubPlot(i+1) title = 'price per gram ($)' if i == 0 else '' thinkplot.Config(ylim=[0, 20], title=title) thinkplot.Scatter(daily.ppg, s=10, label=name) if i == 2: pyplot.xticks(rotation=30) else: thinkplot.Config(xticks=[]) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries1', formats=FORMATS) def RunLinearModel(daily): """Runs a linear model of prices versus years. daily: DataFrame of daily prices returns: model, results """ model = smf.ols('ppg ~ years', data=daily) results = return model, results def PlotFittedValues(model, results, label=''): """Plots original data and fitted values. model: StatsModel model object results: StatsModel results object """ years = model.exog[:, 1] values = model.endog thinkplot.Scatter(years, values, s=15, label=label) thinkplot.Plot(years, results.fittedvalues, label='model') def PlotResiduals(model, results): """Plots the residuals of a model. model: StatsModel model object results: StatsModel results object """ years = model.exog[:, 1] thinkplot.Plot(years, results.resid, linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5) def PlotResidualPercentiles(model, results, index=1, num_bins=20): """Plots percentiles of the residuals. model: StatsModel model object results: StatsModel results object index: which exogenous variable to use num_bins: how many bins to divide the x-axis into """ exog = model.exog[:, index] resid = results.resid.values df = pandas.DataFrame(dict(exog=exog, resid=resid)) bins = np.linspace(np.min(exog), np.max(exog), num_bins) indices = np.digitize(exog, bins) groups = df.groupby(indices) means = [group.exog.mean() for _, group in groups][1:-1] cdfs = [thinkstats2.Cdf(group.resid) for _, group in groups][1:-1] thinkplot.PrePlot(3) for percent in [75, 50, 25]: percentiles = [cdf.Percentile(percent) for cdf in cdfs] label = '%dth' % percent thinkplot.Plot(means, percentiles, label=label) def SimulateResults(daily, iters=101, func=RunLinearModel): """Run simulations based on resampling residuals. daily: DataFrame of daily prices iters: number of simulations func: function that fits a model to the data returns: list of result objects """ _, results = func(daily) fake = daily.copy() result_seq = [] for _ in range(iters): fake.ppg = results.fittedvalues + thinkstats2.Resample(results.resid) _, fake_results = func(fake) result_seq.append(fake_results) return result_seq def SimulateIntervals(daily, iters=101, func=RunLinearModel): """Run simulations based on different subsets of the data. daily: DataFrame of daily prices iters: number of simulations func: function that fits a model to the data returns: list of result objects """ result_seq = [] starts = np.linspace(0, len(daily), iters).astype(int) for start in starts[:-2]: subset = daily[start:] _, results = func(subset) fake = subset.copy() for _ in range(iters): fake.ppg = (results.fittedvalues + thinkstats2.Resample(results.resid)) _, fake_results = func(fake) result_seq.append(fake_results) return result_seq def GeneratePredictions(result_seq, years, add_resid=False): """Generates an array of predicted values from a list of model results. When add_resid is False, predictions represent sampling error only. When add_resid is True, they also include residual error (which is more relevant to prediction). result_seq: list of model results years: sequence of times (in years) to make predictions for add_resid: boolean, whether to add in resampled residuals returns: sequence of predictions """ n = len(years) d = dict(Intercept=np.ones(n), years=years, years2=years**2) predict_df = pandas.DataFrame(d) predict_seq = [] for fake_results in result_seq: predict = fake_results.predict(predict_df) if add_resid: predict += thinkstats2.Resample(fake_results.resid, n) predict_seq.append(predict) return predict_seq def GenerateSimplePrediction(results, years): """Generates a simple prediction. results: results object years: sequence of times (in years) to make predictions for returns: sequence of predicted values """ n = len(years) inter = np.ones(n) d = dict(Intercept=inter, years=years, years2=years**2) predict_df = pandas.DataFrame(d) predict = results.predict(predict_df) return predict def PlotPredictions(daily, years, iters=101, percent=90, func=RunLinearModel): """Plots predictions. daily: DataFrame of daily prices years: sequence of times (in years) to make predictions for iters: number of simulations percent: what percentile range to show func: function that fits a model to the data """ result_seq = SimulateResults(daily, iters=iters, func=func) p = (100 - percent) / 2 percents = p, 100-p predict_seq = GeneratePredictions(result_seq, years, add_resid=True) low, high = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(predict_seq, percents) thinkplot.FillBetween(years, low, high, alpha=0.3, color='gray') predict_seq = GeneratePredictions(result_seq, years, add_resid=False) low, high = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(predict_seq, percents) thinkplot.FillBetween(years, low, high, alpha=0.5, color='gray') def PlotIntervals(daily, years, iters=101, percent=90, func=RunLinearModel): """Plots predictions based on different intervals. daily: DataFrame of daily prices years: sequence of times (in years) to make predictions for iters: number of simulations percent: what percentile range to show func: function that fits a model to the data """ result_seq = SimulateIntervals(daily, iters=iters, func=func) p = (100 - percent) / 2 percents = p, 100-p predict_seq = GeneratePredictions(result_seq, years, add_resid=True) low, high = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(predict_seq, percents) thinkplot.FillBetween(years, low, high, alpha=0.2, color='gray') def Correlate(dailies): """Compute the correlation matrix between prices for difference qualities. dailies: map from quality to time series of ppg returns: correlation matrix """ df = pandas.DataFrame() for name, daily in dailies.items(): df[name] = daily.ppg return df.corr() def CorrelateResid(dailies): """Compute the correlation matrix between residuals. dailies: map from quality to time series of ppg returns: correlation matrix """ df = pandas.DataFrame() for name, daily in dailies.items(): _, results = RunLinearModel(daily) df[name] = results.resid return df.corr() def TestCorrelateResid(dailies, iters=101): """Tests observed correlations. dailies: map from quality to time series of ppg iters: number of simulations """ t = [] names = ['high', 'medium', 'low'] for name in names: daily = dailies[name] t.append(SimulateResults(daily, iters=iters)) corr = CorrelateResid(dailies) arrays = [] for result_seq in zip(*t): df = pandas.DataFrame() for name, results in zip(names, result_seq): df[name] = results.resid opp_sign = corr * df.corr() < 0 arrays.append((opp_sign.astype(int))) print(np.sum(arrays)) def RunModels(dailies): """Runs linear regression for each group in dailies. dailies: map from group name to DataFrame """ rows = [] for daily in dailies.values(): _, results = RunLinearModel(daily) intercept, slope = results.params p1, p2 = results.pvalues r2 = results.rsquared s = r'%0.3f (%0.2g) & %0.3f (%0.2g) & %0.3f \\' row = s % (intercept, p1, slope, p2, r2) rows.append(row) # print results in a LaTeX table print(r'\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}') print(r'\hline') print(r'intercept & slope & $R^2$ \\ \hline') for row in rows: print(row) print(r'\hline') print(r'\end{tabular}') def FillMissing(daily, span=30): """Fills missing values with an exponentially weighted moving average. Resulting DataFrame has new columns 'ewma' and 'resid'. daily: DataFrame of daily prices span: window size (sort of) passed to ewma returns: new DataFrame of daily prices """ dates = pandas.date_range(daily.index.min(), daily.index.max()) reindexed = daily.reindex(dates) ewma = pandas.ewma(reindexed.ppg, span=span) resid = (reindexed.ppg - ewma).dropna() fake_data = ewma + thinkstats2.Resample(resid, len(reindexed)) reindexed.ppg.fillna(fake_data, inplace=True) reindexed['ewma'] = ewma reindexed['resid'] = reindexed.ppg - ewma return reindexed def AddWeeklySeasonality(daily): """Adds a weekly pattern. daily: DataFrame of daily prices returns: new DataFrame of daily prices """ frisat = (daily.index.dayofweek==4) | (daily.index.dayofweek==5) fake = daily.copy() fake.ppg[frisat] += np.random.uniform(0, 2, frisat.sum()) return fake def PrintSerialCorrelations(dailies): """Prints a table of correlations with different lags. dailies: map from category name to DataFrame of daily prices """ filled_dailies = {} for name, daily in dailies.items(): filled_dailies[name] = FillMissing(daily, span=30) # print serial correlations for raw price data for name, filled in filled_dailies.items(): corr = thinkstats2.SerialCorr(filled.ppg, lag=1) print(name, corr) rows = [] for lag in [1, 7, 30, 365]: row = [str(lag)] for name, filled in filled_dailies.items(): corr = thinkstats2.SerialCorr(filled.resid, lag) row.append('%.2g' % corr) rows.append(row) print(r'\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}') print(r'\hline') print(r'lag & high & medium & low \\ \hline') for row in rows: print(' & '.join(row) + r' \\') print(r'\hline') print(r'\end{tabular}') filled = filled_dailies['high'] acf = smtsa.acf(filled.resid, nlags=365, unbiased=True) print('%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f' % (acf[0], acf[1], acf[7], acf[30], acf[365])) def SimulateAutocorrelation(daily, iters=1001, nlags=40): """Resample residuals, compute autocorrelation, and plot percentiles. daily: DataFrame iters: number of simulations to run nlags: maximum lags to compute autocorrelation """ # run simulations t = [] for _ in range(iters): filled = FillMissing(daily, span=30) resid = thinkstats2.Resample(filled.resid) acf = smtsa.acf(resid, nlags=nlags, unbiased=True)[1:] t.append(np.abs(acf)) high = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(t, [97.5])[0] low = -high lags = range(1, nlags+1) thinkplot.FillBetween(lags, low, high, alpha=0.2, color='gray') def PlotAutoCorrelation(dailies, nlags=40, add_weekly=False): """Plots autocorrelation functions. dailies: map from category name to DataFrame of daily prices nlags: number of lags to compute add_weekly: boolean, whether to add a simulated weekly pattern """ thinkplot.PrePlot(3) daily = dailies['high'] SimulateAutocorrelation(daily) for name, daily in dailies.items(): if add_weekly: daily = AddWeeklySeasonality(daily) filled = FillMissing(daily, span=30) acf = smtsa.acf(filled.resid, nlags=nlags, unbiased=True) lags = np.arange(len(acf)) thinkplot.Plot(lags[1:], acf[1:], label=name) def MakeAcfPlot(dailies): """Makes a figure showing autocorrelation functions. dailies: map from category name to DataFrame of daily prices """ axis = [0, 41, -0.2, 0.2] thinkplot.PrePlot(cols=2) PlotAutoCorrelation(dailies, add_weekly=False) thinkplot.Config(axis=axis, loc='lower right', ylabel='correlation', xlabel='lag (day)') thinkplot.SubPlot(2) PlotAutoCorrelation(dailies, add_weekly=True) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries9', axis=axis, loc='lower right', xlabel='lag (days)', formats=FORMATS) def PlotRollingMean(daily, name): """Plots rolling mean and EWMA. daily: DataFrame of daily prices """ dates = pandas.date_range(daily.index.min(), daily.index.max()) reindexed = daily.reindex(dates) thinkplot.PrePlot(cols=2) thinkplot.Scatter(reindexed.ppg, s=15, alpha=0.1, label=name) roll_mean = pandas.rolling_mean(reindexed.ppg, 30) thinkplot.Plot(roll_mean, label='rolling mean') pyplot.xticks(rotation=30) thinkplot.Config(ylabel='price per gram ($)') thinkplot.SubPlot(2) thinkplot.Scatter(reindexed.ppg, s=15, alpha=0.1, label=name) ewma = pandas.ewma(reindexed.ppg, span=30) thinkplot.Plot(ewma, label='EWMA') pyplot.xticks(rotation=30) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries10', formats=FORMATS) def PlotFilled(daily, name): """Plots the EWMA and filled data. daily: DataFrame of daily prices """ filled = FillMissing(daily, span=30) thinkplot.Scatter(filled.ppg, s=15, alpha=0.3, label=name) thinkplot.Plot(filled.ewma, label='EWMA', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(rotation=30) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries8', ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) def PlotLinearModel(daily, name): """Plots a linear fit to a sequence of prices, and the residuals. daily: DataFrame of daily prices name: string """ model, results = RunLinearModel(daily) PlotFittedValues(model, results, label=name) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries2', title='fitted values', xlabel='years', xlim=[-0.1, 3.8], ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) PlotResidualPercentiles(model, results) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries3', title='residuals', xlabel='years', ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) #years = np.linspace(0, 5, 101) #predict = GenerateSimplePrediction(results, years) def main(name): thinkstats2.RandomSeed(18) transactions = ReadData() dailies = GroupByQualityAndDay(transactions) PlotDailies(dailies) RunModels(dailies) PrintSerialCorrelations(dailies) MakeAcfPlot(dailies) name = 'high' daily = dailies[name] PlotLinearModel(daily, name) PlotRollingMean(daily, name) PlotFilled(daily, name) years = np.linspace(0, 5, 101) thinkplot.Scatter(daily.years, daily.ppg, alpha=0.1, label=name) PlotPredictions(daily, years) xlim = years[0]-0.1, years[-1]+0.1 thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries4', title='predictions', xlabel='years', xlim=xlim, ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) name = 'medium' daily = dailies[name] thinkplot.Scatter(daily.years, daily.ppg, alpha=0.1, label=name) PlotIntervals(daily, years) PlotPredictions(daily, years) xlim = years[0]-0.1, years[-1]+0.1 thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries5', title='predictions', xlabel='years', xlim=xlim, ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys main(*sys.argv)
""" Methods for analyzing two-way contingency tables (i.e. frequency tables for observations that are cross-classified with respect to two categorical variables). The main classes are: * Table : implements methods that can be applied to any two-way contingency table. * SquareTable : implements methods that can be applied to a square two-way contingency table. * Table2x2 : implements methods that can be applied to a 2x2 contingency table. * StratifiedTable : implements methods that can be applied to a collection of contingency tables. Also contains functions for conducting Mcnemar's test and Cochran's q test. Note that the inference procedures may depend on how the data were sampled. In general the observed units are independent and identically distributed. """ from __future__ import division from import cache_readonly, resettable_cache import numpy as np from scipy import stats import pandas as pd from statsmodels import iolib from import SingularMatrixWarning def _make_df_square(table): """ Reindex a pandas DataFrame so that it becomes square, meaning that the row and column indices contain the same values, in the same order. The row and column index are extended to achieve this. """ if not isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame): return table # If the table is not square, make it square if table.shape[0] != table.shape[1]: ix = list(set(table.index) | set(table.columns)) table = table.reindex(ix, axis=0) table = table.reindex(ix, axis=1) # Ensures that the rows and columns are in the same order. table = table.reindex(table.columns) return table class _Bunch(object): def __repr__(self): return "<bunch object containing statsmodels results>" class Table(object): """ Analyses that can be performed on a two-way contingency table. Parameters ---------- table : array-like A contingency table. shift_zeros : boolean If True and any cell count is zero, add 0.5 to all values in the table. Attributes ---------- table_orig : array-like The original table is cached as `table_orig`. marginal_probabilities : tuple of two ndarrays The estimated row and column marginal distributions. independence_probabilities : ndarray Estimated cell probabilities under row/column independence. fittedvalues : ndarray Fitted values under independence. resid_pearson : ndarray The Pearson residuals under row/column independence. standardized_resids : ndarray Residuals for the independent row/column model with approximate unit variance. chi2_contribs : ndarray The contribution of each cell to the chi^2 statistic. local_logodds_ratios : ndarray The local log odds ratios are calculated for each 2x2 subtable formed from adjacent rows and columns. local_oddsratios : ndarray The local odds ratios are calculated from each 2x2 subtable formed from adjacent rows and columns. cumulative_log_oddsratios : ndarray The cumulative log odds ratio at a given pair of thresholds is calculated by reducing the table to a 2x2 table based on dichotomizing the rows and columns at the given thresholds. The table of cumulative log odds ratios presents all possible cumulative log odds ratios that can be formed from a given table. cumulative_oddsratios : ndarray The cumulative odds ratios are calculated by reducing the table to a 2x2 table based on cutting the rows and columns at a given point. The table of cumulative odds ratios presents all possible cumulative odds ratios that can be formed from a given table. See also -------- scipy.stats.chi2_contingency Notes ----- The inference procedures used here are all based on a sampling model in which the units are independent and identically distributed, with each unit being classified with respect to two categorical variables. References ---------- Definitions of residuals: """ def __init__(self, table, shift_zeros=True): self.table_orig = table self.table = np.asarray(table, dtype=np.float64) if shift_zeros and (self.table.min() == 0): self.table = self.table + 0.5 @classmethod def from_data(cls, data, shift_zeros=True): """ Construct a Table object from data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like The raw data, from which a contingency table is constructed using the first two columns. shift_zeros : boolean If True and any cell count is zero, add 0.5 to all values in the table. Returns ------- A Table instance. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): table = pd.crosstab(data.iloc[:, 0], data.iloc[:, 1]) else: table = pd.crosstab(data[:, 0], data[:, 1]) return cls(table, shift_zeros) def test_nominal_association(self): """ Assess independence for nominal factors. Assessment of independence between rows and columns using chi^2 testing. The rows and columns are treated as nominal (unordered) categorical variables. Returns ------- A bunch containing the following attributes: statistic : float The chi^2 test statistic. df : integer The degrees of freedom of the reference distribution pvalue : float The p-value for the test. """ statistic = np.asarray(self.chi2_contribs).sum() df = - 1) pvalue = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(statistic, df) b = _Bunch() b.statistic = statistic b.df = df b.pvalue = pvalue return b def test_ordinal_association(self, row_scores=None, col_scores=None): """ Assess independence between two ordinal variables. This is the 'linear by linear' association test, which uses weights or scores to target the test to have more power against ordered alternatives. Parameters ---------- row_scores : array-like An array of numeric row scores col_scores : array-like An array of numeric column scores Returns ------- A bunch with the following attributes: statistic : float The test statistic. null_mean : float The expected value of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. null_sd : float The standard deviation of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. zscore : float The Z-score for the test statistic. pvalue : float The p-value for the test. Notes ----- The scores define the trend to which the test is most sensitive. Using the default row and column scores gives the Cochran-Armitage trend test. """ if row_scores is None: row_scores = np.arange(self.table.shape[0]) if col_scores is None: col_scores = np.arange(self.table.shape[1]) if len(row_scores) != self.table.shape[0]: raise ValueError("The length of `row_scores` must match the first dimension of `table`.") if len(col_scores) != self.table.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The length of `col_scores` must match the second dimension of `table`.") # The test statistic statistic =,, col_scores)) # Some needed quantities n_obs = self.table.sum() rtot = self.table.sum(1) um =, rtot) u2m =**2, rtot) ctot = self.table.sum(0) vn =, ctot) v2n =**2, ctot) # The null mean and variance of the test statistic e_stat = um * vn / n_obs v_stat = (u2m - um**2 / n_obs) * (v2n - vn**2 / n_obs) / (n_obs - 1) sd_stat = np.sqrt(v_stat) zscore = (statistic - e_stat) / sd_stat pvalue = 2 * stats.norm.cdf(-np.abs(zscore)) b = _Bunch() b.statistic = statistic b.null_mean = e_stat b.null_sd = sd_stat b.zscore = zscore b.pvalue = pvalue return b @cache_readonly def marginal_probabilities(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above n = self.table.sum() row = self.table.sum(1) / n col = self.table.sum(0) / n if isinstance(self.table_orig, pd.DataFrame): row = pd.Series(row, self.table_orig.index) col = pd.Series(col, self.table_orig.columns) return row, col @cache_readonly def independence_probabilities(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above row, col = self.marginal_probabilities itab = np.outer(row, col) if isinstance(self.table_orig, pd.DataFrame): itab = pd.DataFrame(itab, self.table_orig.index, self.table_orig.columns) return itab @cache_readonly def fittedvalues(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above probs = self.independence_probabilities fit = self.table.sum() * probs return fit @cache_readonly def resid_pearson(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above fit = self.fittedvalues resids = (self.table - fit) / np.sqrt(fit) return resids @cache_readonly def standardized_resids(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above row, col = self.marginal_probabilities sresids = self.resid_pearson / np.sqrt(np.outer(1 - row, 1 - col)) return sresids @cache_readonly def chi2_contribs(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above return self.resid_pearson**2 @cache_readonly def local_log_oddsratios(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above ta = self.table.copy() a = ta[0:-1, 0:-1] b = ta[0:-1, 1:] c = ta[1:, 0:-1] d = ta[1:, 1:] tab = np.log(a) + np.log(d) - np.log(b) - np.log(c) rslt = np.empty(self.table.shape, np.float64) rslt *= np.nan rslt[0:-1, 0:-1] = tab if isinstance(self.table_orig, pd.DataFrame): rslt = pd.DataFrame(rslt, index=self.table_orig.index, columns=self.table_orig.columns) return rslt @cache_readonly def local_oddsratios(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above return np.exp(self.local_log_oddsratios) @cache_readonly def cumulative_log_oddsratios(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above ta = self.table.cumsum(0).cumsum(1) a = ta[0:-1, 0:-1] b = ta[0:-1, -1:] - a c = ta[-1:, 0:-1] - a d = ta[-1, -1] - (a + b + c) tab = np.log(a) + np.log(d) - np.log(b) - np.log(c) rslt = np.empty(self.table.shape, np.float64) rslt *= np.nan rslt[0:-1, 0:-1] = tab if isinstance(self.table_orig, pd.DataFrame): rslt = pd.DataFrame(rslt, index=self.table_orig.index, columns=self.table_orig.columns) return rslt @cache_readonly def cumulative_oddsratios(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above return np.exp(self.cumulative_log_oddsratios) class SquareTable(Table): """ Methods for analyzing a square contingency table. Parameters ---------- table : array-like A square contingency table, or DataFrame that is converted to a square form. shift_zeros : boolean If True and any cell count is zero, add 0.5 to all values in the table. These methods should only be used when the rows and columns of the table have the same categories. If `table` is provided as a Pandas DataFrame, the row and column indices will be extended to create a square table. Otherwise the table should be provided in a square form, with the (implicit) row and column categories appearing in the same order. """ def __init__(self, table, shift_zeros=True): table = _make_df_square(table) # Non-pandas passes through k1, k2 = table.shape if k1 != k2: raise ValueError('table must be square') super(SquareTable, self).__init__(table, shift_zeros) def symmetry(self, method="bowker"): """ Test for symmetry of a joint distribution. This procedure tests the null hypothesis that the joint distribution is symmetric around the main diagonal, that is .. math:: p_{i, j} = p_{j, i} for all i, j Returns ------- A bunch with attributes: statistic : float chisquare test statistic p-value : float p-value of the test statistic based on chisquare distribution df : int degrees of freedom of the chisquare distribution Notes ----- The implementation is based on the SAS documentation. R includes it in `mcnemar.test` if the table is not 2 by 2. However a more direct generalization of the McNemar test to larger tables is provided by the homogeneity test (TableSymmetry.homogeneity). The p-value is based on the chi-square distribution which requires that the sample size is not very small to be a good approximation of the true distribution. For 2x2 contingency tables the exact distribution can be obtained with `mcnemar` See Also -------- mcnemar homogeneity """ if method.lower() != "bowker": raise ValueError("method for symmetry testing must be 'bowker'") k = self.table.shape[0] upp_idx = np.triu_indices(k, 1) tril = self.table.T[upp_idx] # lower triangle in column order triu = self.table[upp_idx] # upper triangle in row order statistic = ((tril - triu)**2 / (tril + triu + 1e-20)).sum() df = k * (k-1) / 2. pvalue = stats.chi2.sf(statistic, df) b = _Bunch() b.statistic = statistic b.pvalue = pvalue b.df = df return b def homogeneity(self, method="stuart_maxwell"): """ Compare row and column marginal distributions. Parameters ---------- method : string Either 'stuart_maxwell' or 'bhapkar', leading to two different estimates of the covariance matrix for the estimated difference between the row margins and the column margins. Returns a bunch with attributes: statistic : float The chi^2 test statistic pvalue : float The p-value of the test statistic df : integer The degrees of freedom of the reference distribution Notes ----- For a 2x2 table this is equivalent to McNemar's test. More generally the procedure tests the null hypothesis that the marginal distribution of the row factor is equal to the marginal distribution of the column factor. For this to be meaningful, the two factors must have the same sample space (i.e. the same categories). """ if self.table.shape[0] < 1: raise ValueError('table is empty') elif self.table.shape[0] == 1: b = _Bunch() b.statistic = 0 b.pvalue = 1 b.df = 0 return b method = method.lower() if method not in ["bhapkar", "stuart_maxwell"]: raise ValueError("method '%s' for homogeneity not known" % method) n_obs = self.table.sum() pr = self.table.astype(np.float64) / n_obs # Compute margins, eliminate last row/column so there is no # degeneracy row = pr.sum(1)[0:-1] col = pr.sum(0)[0:-1] pr = pr[0:-1, 0:-1] # The estimated difference between row and column margins. d = col - row # The degrees of freedom of the chi^2 reference distribution. df = pr.shape[0] if method == "bhapkar": vmat = -(pr + pr.T) - np.outer(d, d) dv = col + row - 2*np.diag(pr) - d**2 np.fill_diagonal(vmat, dv) elif method == "stuart_maxwell": vmat = -(pr + pr.T) dv = row + col - 2*np.diag(pr) np.fill_diagonal(vmat, dv) try: statistic = n_obs *, np.linalg.solve(vmat, d)) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: import warnings warnings.warn("Unable to invert covariance matrix", SingularMatrixWarning) b = _Bunch() b.statistic = np.nan b.pvalue = np.nan b.df = df return b pvalue = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(statistic, df) b = _Bunch() b.statistic = statistic b.pvalue = pvalue b.df = df return b def summary(self, alpha=0.05, float_format="%.3f"): """ Produce a summary of the analysis. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the interval. float_format : string Used to format numeric values in the table. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. """ fmt = float_format headers = ["Statistic", "P-value", "DF"] stubs = ["Symmetry", "Homogeneity"] sy = self.symmetry() hm = self.homogeneity() data = [[fmt % sy.statistic, fmt % sy.pvalue, '%d' % sy.df], [fmt % hm.statistic, fmt % hm.pvalue, '%d' % hm.df]] tab = iolib.SimpleTable(data, headers, stubs, data_aligns="r", table_dec_above='') return tab class Table2x2(SquareTable): """ Analyses that can be performed on a 2x2 contingency table. Parameters ---------- table : array-like A 2x2 contingency table shift_zeros : boolean If true, 0.5 is added to all cells of the table if any cell is equal to zero. Attributes ---------- log_oddsratio : float The log odds ratio of the table. log_oddsratio_se : float The asymptotic standard error of the estimated log odds ratio. oddsratio : float The odds ratio of the table. riskratio : float The ratio between the risk in the first row and the risk in the second row. Column 0 is interpreted as containing the number of occurences of the event of interest. log_riskratio : float The estimated log risk ratio for the table. log_riskratio_se : float The standard error of the estimated log risk ratio for the table. Notes ----- The inference procedures used here are all based on a sampling model in which the units are independent and identically distributed, with each unit being classified with respect to two categorical variables. Note that for the risk ratio, the analysis is not symmetric with respect to the rows and columns of the contingency table. The two rows define population subgroups, column 0 is the number of 'events', and column 1 is the number of 'non-events'. """ def __init__(self, table, shift_zeros=True): if (table.ndim != 2) or (table.shape[0] != 2) or (table.shape[1] != 2): raise ValueError("Table2x2 takes a 2x2 table as input.") super(Table2x2, self).__init__(table, shift_zeros) @classmethod def from_data(cls, data, shift_zeros=True): """ Construct a Table object from data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like The raw data, the first column defines the rows and the second column defines the columns. shift_zeros : boolean If True, and if there are any zeros in the contingency table, add 0.5 to all four cells of the table. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): table = pd.crosstab(data.iloc[:, 0], data.iloc[:, 1]) else: table = pd.crosstab(data[:, 0], data[:, 1]) return cls(table, shift_zeros) @cache_readonly def log_oddsratio(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above f = self.table.flatten() return, np.r_[1, -1, -1, 1]) @cache_readonly def oddsratio(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above return self.table[0, 0] * self.table[1, 1] / (self.table[0, 1] * self.table[1, 0]) @cache_readonly def log_oddsratio_se(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above return np.sqrt(np.sum(1 / self.table)) def oddsratio_pvalue(self, null=1): """ P-value for a hypothesis test about the odds ratio. Parameters ---------- null : float The null value of the odds ratio. """ return self.log_oddsratio_pvalue(np.log(null)) def log_oddsratio_pvalue(self, null=0): """ P-value for a hypothesis test about the log odds ratio. Parameters ---------- null : float The null value of the log odds ratio. """ zscore = (self.log_oddsratio - null) / self.log_oddsratio_se pvalue = 2 * stats.norm.cdf(-np.abs(zscore)) return pvalue def log_oddsratio_confint(self, alpha=0.05, method="normal"): """ A confidence level for the log odds ratio. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the confidence interval. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. """ f = -stats.norm.ppf(alpha / 2) lor = self.log_oddsratio se = self.log_oddsratio_se lcb = lor - f * se ucb = lor + f * se return lcb, ucb def oddsratio_confint(self, alpha=0.05, method="normal"): """ A confidence interval for the odds ratio. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the confidence interval. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. """ lcb, ucb = self.log_oddsratio_confint(alpha, method=method) return np.exp(lcb), np.exp(ucb) @cache_readonly def riskratio(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above p = self.table[:, 0] / self.table.sum(1) return p[0] / p[1] @cache_readonly def log_riskratio(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above return np.log(self.riskratio) @cache_readonly def log_riskratio_se(self): # docstring for cached attributes in init above n = self.table.sum(1) p = self.table[:, 0] / n va = np.sum((1 - p) / (n*p)) return np.sqrt(va) def riskratio_pvalue(self, null=1): """ p-value for a hypothesis test about the risk ratio. Parameters ---------- null : float The null value of the risk ratio. """ return self.log_riskratio_pvalue(np.log(null)) def log_riskratio_pvalue(self, null=0): """ p-value for a hypothesis test about the log risk ratio. Parameters ---------- null : float The null value of the log risk ratio. """ zscore = (self.log_riskratio - null) / self.log_riskratio_se pvalue = 2 * stats.norm.cdf(-np.abs(zscore)) return pvalue def log_riskratio_confint(self, alpha=0.05, method="normal"): """ A confidence interval for the log risk ratio. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the confidence interval. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. """ f = -stats.norm.ppf(alpha / 2) lrr = self.log_riskratio se = self.log_riskratio_se lcb = lrr - f * se ucb = lrr + f * se return lcb, ucb def riskratio_confint(self, alpha=0.05, method="normal"): """ A confidence interval for the risk ratio. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the confidence interval. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. """ lcb, ucb = self.log_riskratio_confint(alpha, method=method) return np.exp(lcb), np.exp(ucb) def summary(self, alpha=0.05, float_format="%.3f", method="normal"): """ Summarizes results for a 2x2 table analysis. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the confidence intervals. float_format : string Used to format the numeric values in the table. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. """ def fmt(x): if type(x) is str: return x return float_format % x headers = ["Estimate", "SE", "LCB", "UCB", "p-value"] stubs = ["Odds ratio", "Log odds ratio", "Risk ratio", "Log risk ratio"] lcb1, ucb1 = self.oddsratio_confint(alpha, method) lcb2, ucb2 = self.log_oddsratio_confint(alpha, method) lcb3, ucb3 = self.riskratio_confint(alpha, method) lcb4, ucb4 = self.log_riskratio_confint(alpha, method) data = [[fmt(x) for x in [self.oddsratio, "", lcb1, ucb1, self.oddsratio_pvalue()]], [fmt(x) for x in [self.log_oddsratio, self.log_oddsratio_se, lcb2, ucb2, self.oddsratio_pvalue()]], [fmt(x) for x in [self.riskratio, "", lcb2, ucb2, self.riskratio_pvalue()]], [fmt(x) for x in [self.log_riskratio, self.log_riskratio_se, lcb4, ucb4, self.riskratio_pvalue()]]] tab = iolib.SimpleTable(data, headers, stubs, data_aligns="r", table_dec_above='') return tab class StratifiedTable(object): """ Analyses for a collection of 2x2 contingency tables. Such a collection may arise by stratifying a single 2x2 table with respect to another factor. This class implements the 'Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel' and 'Breslow-Day' procedures for analyzing collections of 2x2 contingency tables. Parameters ---------- tables : list or ndarray Either a list containing several 2x2 contingency tables, or a 2x2xk ndarray in which each slice along the third axis is a 2x2 contingency table. Attributes ---------- logodds_pooled : float An estimate of the pooled log odds ratio. This is the Mantel-Haenszel estimate of an odds ratio that is common to all the tables. log_oddsratio_se : float The estimated standard error of the pooled log odds ratio, following Robins, Breslow and Greenland (Biometrics 42:311-323). oddsratio_pooled : float An estimate of the pooled odds ratio. This is the Mantel-Haenszel estimate of an odds ratio that is common to all tables. risk_pooled : float An estimate of the pooled risk ratio. This is an estimate of a risk ratio that is common to all the tables. Notes ----- This results are based on a sampling model in which the units are independent both within and between strata. """ def __init__(self, tables, shift_zeros=False): if isinstance(tables, np.ndarray): sp = tables.shape if (len(sp) != 3) or (sp[0] != 2) or (sp[1] != 2): raise ValueError("If an ndarray, argument must be 2x2xn") table = tables else: # Create a data cube table = np.dstack(tables).astype(np.float64) if shift_zeros: zx = (table == 0).sum(0).sum(0) ix = np.flatnonzero(zx > 0) if len(ix) > 0: table = table.copy() table[:, :, ix] += 0.5 self.table = table self._cache = resettable_cache() # Quantities to precompute. Table entries are [[a, b], [c, # d]], 'ad' is 'a * d', 'apb' is 'a + b', 'dma' is 'd - a', # etc. self._apb = table[0, 0, :] + table[0, 1, :] self._apc = table[0, 0, :] + table[1, 0, :] self._bpd = table[0, 1, :] + table[1, 1, :] self._cpd = table[1, 0, :] + table[1, 1, :] self._ad = table[0, 0, :] * table[1, 1, :] self._bc = table[0, 1, :] * table[1, 0, :] self._apd = table[0, 0, :] + table[1, 1, :] self._dma = table[1, 1, :] - table[0, 0, :] self._n = table.sum(0).sum(0) @classmethod def from_data(cls, var1, var2, strata, data): """ Construct a StratifiedTable object from data. Parameters ---------- var1 : int or string The column index or name of `data` containing the variable defining the rows of the contingency table. The variable must have only two distinct values. var2 : int or string The column index or name of `data` containing the variable defining the columns of the contingency table. The variable must have only two distinct values. strata : int or string The column index of name of `data` containing the variable defining the strata. data : array-like The raw data. A cross-table for analysis is constructed from the first two columns. Returns ------- A StratifiedTable instance. """ if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data1 = pd.DataFrame(index=data.index, column=[var1, var2, strata]) data1.loc[:, var1] = data[:, var1] data1.loc[:, var2] = data[:, var2] data1.loc[:, strata] = data[:, strata] else: data1 = data[[var1, var2, strata]] gb = data1.groupby(strata).groups tables = [] for g in gb: ii = gb[g] tab = pd.crosstab(data1.loc[ii, var1], data1.loc[ii, var2]) tables.append(tab) return cls(tables) def test_null_odds(self, correction=False): """ Test that all tables have odds ratio equal to 1. This is the 'Mantel-Haenszel' test. Parameters ---------- correction : boolean If True, use the continuity correction when calculating the test statistic. Returns ------- A bunch containing the chi^2 test statistic and p-value. """ statistic = np.sum(self.table[0, 0, :] - self._apb * self._apc / self._n) statistic = np.abs(statistic) if correction: statistic -= 0.5 statistic = statistic**2 denom = self._apb * self._apc * self._bpd * self._cpd denom /= (self._n**2 * (self._n - 1)) denom = np.sum(denom) statistic /= denom # df is always 1 pvalue = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(statistic, 1) b = _Bunch() b.statistic = statistic b.pvalue = pvalue return b @cache_readonly def oddsratio_pooled(self): # doc for cached attributes in init above odds_ratio = np.sum(self._ad / self._n) / np.sum(self._bc / self._n) return odds_ratio @cache_readonly def logodds_pooled(self): # doc for cached attributes in init above return np.log(self.oddsratio_pooled) @cache_readonly def risk_pooled(self): # doc for cached attributes in init above acd = self.table[0, 0, :] * self._cpd cab = self.table[1, 0, :] * self._apb rr = np.sum(acd / self._n) / np.sum(cab / self._n) return rr @cache_readonly def logodds_pooled_se(self): # doc for cached attributes in init above adns = np.sum(self._ad / self._n) bcns = np.sum(self._bc / self._n) lor_va = np.sum(self._apd * self._ad / self._n**2) / adns**2 mid = self._apd * self._bc / self._n**2 mid += (1 - self._apd / self._n) * self._ad / self._n mid = np.sum(mid) mid /= (adns * bcns) lor_va += mid lor_va += np.sum((1 - self._apd / self._n) * self._bc / self._n) / bcns**2 lor_va /= 2 lor_se = np.sqrt(lor_va) return lor_se def logodds_pooled_confint(self, alpha=0.05, method="normal"): """ A confidence interval for the pooled log odds ratio. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the interval. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. Returns ------- lcb : float The lower confidence limit. ucb : float The upper confidence limit. """ lor = np.log(self.oddsratio_pooled) lor_se = self.logodds_pooled_se f = -stats.norm.ppf(alpha / 2) lcb = lor - f * lor_se ucb = lor + f * lor_se return lcb, ucb def oddsratio_pooled_confint(self, alpha=0.05, method="normal"): """ A confidence interval for the pooled odds ratio. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the interval. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. Returns ------- lcb : float The lower confidence limit. ucb : float The upper confidence limit. """ lcb, ucb = self.logodds_pooled_confint(alpha, method=method) lcb = np.exp(lcb) ucb = np.exp(ucb) return lcb, ucb def test_equal_odds(self, adjust=False): """ Test that all odds ratios are identical. This is the 'Breslow-Day' testing procedure. Parameters ---------- adjust : boolean Use the 'Tarone' adjustment to achieve the chi^2 asymptotic distribution. Returns ------- A bunch containing the following attributes: statistic : float The chi^2 test statistic. p-value : float The p-value for the test. """ table = self.table r = self.oddsratio_pooled a = 1 - r b = r * (self._apb + self._apc) + self._dma c = -r * self._apb * self._apc # Expected value of first cell e11 = (-b + np.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c)) / (2*a) # Variance of the first cell v11 = 1 / e11 + 1 / (self._apc - e11) + 1 / (self._apb - e11) + 1 / (self._dma + e11) v11 = 1 / v11 statistic = np.sum((table[0, 0, :] - e11)**2 / v11) if adjust: adj = table[0, 0, :].sum() - e11.sum() adj = adj**2 adj /= np.sum(v11) statistic -= adj pvalue = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(statistic, table.shape[2] - 1) b = _Bunch() b.statistic = statistic b.pvalue = pvalue return b def summary(self, alpha=0.05, float_format="%.3f", method="normal"): """ A summary of all the main results. Parameters ---------- alpha : float `1 - alpha` is the nominal coverage probability of the confidence intervals. float_format : string Used for formatting numeric values in the summary. method : string The method for producing the confidence interval. Currently must be 'normal' which uses the normal approximation. """ def fmt(x): if type(x) is str: return x return float_format % x co_lcb, co_ucb = self.oddsratio_pooled_confint(alpha=alpha, method=method) clo_lcb, clo_ucb = self.logodds_pooled_confint(alpha=alpha, method=method) headers = ["Estimate", "LCB", "UCB"] stubs = ["Pooled odds", "Pooled log odds", "Pooled risk ratio", ""] data = [[fmt(x) for x in [self.oddsratio_pooled, co_lcb, co_ucb]], [fmt(x) for x in [self.logodds_pooled, clo_lcb, clo_ucb]], [fmt(x) for x in [self.risk_pooled, "", ""]], ['', '', '']] tab1 = iolib.SimpleTable(data, headers, stubs, data_aligns="r", table_dec_above='') headers = ["Statistic", "P-value", ""] stubs = ["Test of OR=1", "Test constant OR"] rslt1 = self.test_null_odds() rslt2 = self.test_equal_odds() data = [[fmt(x) for x in [rslt1.statistic, rslt1.pvalue, ""]], [fmt(x) for x in [rslt2.statistic, rslt2.pvalue, ""]]] tab2 = iolib.SimpleTable(data, headers, stubs, data_aligns="r") tab1.extend(tab2) headers = ["", "", ""] stubs = ["Number of tables", "Min n", "Max n", "Avg n", "Total n"] ss = self.table.sum(0).sum(0) data = [["%d" % self.table.shape[2], '', ''], ["%d" % min(ss), '', ''], ["%d" % max(ss), '', ''], ["%.0f" % np.mean(ss), '', ''], ["%d" % sum(ss), '', '', '']] tab3 = iolib.SimpleTable(data, headers, stubs, data_aligns="r") tab1.extend(tab3) return tab1 def mcnemar(table, exact=True, correction=True): """ McNemar test of homogeneity. Parameters ---------- table : array-like A square contingency table. exact : bool If exact is true, then the binomial distribution will be used. If exact is false, then the chisquare distribution will be used, which is the approximation to the distribution of the test statistic for large sample sizes. correction : bool If true, then a continuity correction is used for the chisquare distribution (if exact is false.) Returns ------- A bunch with attributes: statistic : float or int, array The test statistic is the chisquare statistic if exact is false. If the exact binomial distribution is used, then this contains the min(n1, n2), where n1, n2 are cases that are zero in one sample but one in the other sample. pvalue : float or array p-value of the null hypothesis of equal marginal distributions. Notes ----- This is a special case of Cochran's Q test, and of the homogeneity test. The results when the chisquare distribution is used are identical, except for continuity correction. """ table = _make_df_square(table) table = np.asarray(table, dtype=np.float64) n1, n2 = table[0, 1], table[1, 0] if exact: statistic = np.minimum(n1, n2) # binom is symmetric with p=0.5 pvalue = stats.binom.cdf(statistic, n1 + n2, 0.5) * 2 pvalue = np.minimum(pvalue, 1) # limit to 1 if n1==n2 else: corr = int(correction) # convert bool to 0 or 1 statistic = (np.abs(n1 - n2) - corr)**2 / (1. * (n1 + n2)) df = 1 pvalue = stats.chi2.sf(statistic, df) b = _Bunch() b.statistic = statistic b.pvalue = pvalue return b def cochrans_q(x, return_object=True): """ Cochran's Q test for identical binomial proportions. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, 2d (N, k) data with N cases and k variables return_object : boolean Return values as bunch instead of as individual values. Returns ------- Returns a bunch containing the following attributes, or the individual values according to the value of `return_object`. statistic : float test statistic pvalue : float pvalue from the chisquare distribution Notes ----- Cochran's Q is a k-sample extension of the McNemar test. If there are only two groups, then Cochran's Q test and the McNemar test are equivalent. The procedure tests that the probability of success is the same for every group. The alternative hypothesis is that at least two groups have a different probability of success. In Wikipedia terminology, rows are blocks and columns are treatments. The number of rows N, should be large for the chisquare distribution to be a good approximation. The Null hypothesis of the test is that all treatments have the same effect. References ---------- SAS Manual for NPAR TESTS """ x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) gruni = np.unique(x) N, k = x.shape count_row_success = (x == gruni[-1]).sum(1, float) count_col_success = (x == gruni[-1]).sum(0, float) count_row_ss = count_row_success.sum() count_col_ss = count_col_success.sum() assert count_row_ss == count_col_ss #just a calculation check # From the SAS manual q_stat = (k-1) * (k * np.sum(count_col_success**2) - count_col_ss**2) \ / (k * count_row_ss - np.sum(count_row_success**2)) # Note: the denominator looks just like k times the variance of # the columns # Wikipedia uses a different, but equivalent expression #q_stat = (k-1) * (k * np.sum(count_row_success**2) - count_row_ss**2) \ # / (k * count_col_ss - np.sum(count_col_success**2)) df = k - 1 pvalue = stats.chi2.sf(q_stat, df) if return_object: b = _Bunch() b.statistic = q_stat b.df = df b.pvalue = pvalue return b return q_stat, pvalue, df
#!/usr/bin/python """Testbed for the animation functionality of the backend, with multiple figures. It basically produces an long series of frames that get animated on the client browser side, this time with two figures. """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('module://mplh5canvas.backend_h5canvas') from pylab import * import time def refresh_data(ax): t = arange(0.0 + count, 2.0 + count, 0.01) s = sin(2*pi*t) ax.lines[0].set_xdata(t) ax.lines[0].set_ydata(s) ax.set_xlim(t[0],t[-1]) t = arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01) s = sin(2*pi*t) plot(t, s, linewidth=1.0) xlabel('time (s)') ylabel('voltage (mV)') title('Frist Post') f = gcf() ax = f.gca() count = 0 f2 = figure() ax2 = f2.gca() ax2.set_xlabel('IMDB rating') ax2.set_ylabel('South African Connections') ax2.set_title('Luds chart...') ax2.plot(arange(0.0, 5 + count, 0.01), arange(0.0, 5 + count, 0.01)) show(block=False, layout=2) # show the figure manager but don't block script execution so animation works.. # layout=2 overrides the default layout manager which only shows a single plot in the browser window while True: refresh_data(ax) d = arange(0.0, 5 + count, 0.01) ax2.lines[0].set_xdata(d) ax2.lines[0].set_ydata(d) ax2.set_xlim(d[0],d[-1]) ax2.set_ylim(d[0],d[-1]) f.canvas.draw() f2.canvas.draw() count += 0.01 time.sleep(1)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Powered by the Bokeh Development Team. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Boilerplate #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import pytest ; pytest #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard library imports # External imports import pandas as pd # Bokeh imports from bokeh.util.testing import verify_all # Module under test #import bokeh.sampledata.world_cities as bsw #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL = ( 'data', ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test___all__ = pytest.mark.sampledata(verify_all("bokeh.sampledata.world_cities", ALL)) @pytest.mark.sampledata def test_data(): import bokeh.sampledata.world_cities as bsw assert isinstance(, pd.DataFrame) # don't check detail for external data #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# coding=gbk #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: Chalearn LAP sample # Purpose: Provide easy access to Chalearn LAP challenge data samples # # Author: Xavier Baro # # Created: 21/01/2014 # Copyright: (c) Xavier Baro 2014 # Licence: <your licence> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import zipfile import shutil import cv2 import numpy import csv from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from scipy.misc import imresize class Skeleton(object): """ Class that represents the skeleton information """ """¹Ç¼ÜÀ࣬ÊäÈë¹Ç¼ÜÊý¾Ý£¬½¨Á¢Àà""" #define a class to encode skeleton data def __init__(self,data): """ Constructor. Reads skeleton information from given raw data """ # Create an object from raw data self.joins=dict(); pos=0 self.joins['HipCenter']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['Spine']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['ShoulderCenter']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['Head']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['ShoulderLeft']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['ElbowLeft']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['WristLeft']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['HandLeft']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['ShoulderRight']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['ElbowRight']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['WristRight']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['HandRight']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['HipLeft']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['KneeLeft']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['AnkleLeft']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['FootLeft']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['HipRight']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['KneeRight']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['AnkleRight']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) pos=pos+9 self.joins['FootRight']=(map(float,data[pos:pos+3]),map(float,data[pos+3:pos+7]),map(int,data[pos+7:pos+9])) def getAllData(self): """ Return a dictionary with all the information for each skeleton node """ return self.joins def getWorldCoordinates(self): """ Get World coordinates for each skeleton node """ skel=dict() for key in self.joins.keys(): skel[key]=self.joins[key][0] return skel def getJoinOrientations(self): """ Get orientations of all skeleton nodes """ skel=dict() for key in self.joins.keys(): skel[key]=self.joins[key][1] return skel def getPixelCoordinates(self): """ Get Pixel coordinates for each skeleton node """ skel=dict() for key in self.joins.keys(): skel[key]=self.joins[key][2] return skel def toImage(self,width,height,bgColor): """ Create an image for the skeleton information """ SkeletonConnectionMap = (['HipCenter','Spine'],['Spine','ShoulderCenter'],['ShoulderCenter','Head'],['ShoulderCenter','ShoulderLeft'], \ ['ShoulderLeft','ElbowLeft'],['ElbowLeft','WristLeft'],['WristLeft','HandLeft'],['ShoulderCenter','ShoulderRight'], \ ['ShoulderRight','ElbowRight'],['ElbowRight','WristRight'],['WristRight','HandRight'],['HipCenter','HipRight'], \ ['HipRight','KneeRight'],['KneeRight','AnkleRight'],['AnkleRight','FootRight'],['HipCenter','HipLeft'], \ ['HipLeft','KneeLeft'],['KneeLeft','AnkleLeft'],['AnkleLeft','FootLeft']) im ='RGB', (width, height), bgColor) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) for link in SkeletonConnectionMap: p=self.getPixelCoordinates()[link[1]] p.extend(self.getPixelCoordinates()[link[0]]) draw.line(p, fill=(255,0,0), width=5) for node in self.getPixelCoordinates().keys(): p=self.getPixelCoordinates()[node] r=5 draw.ellipse((p[0]-r,p[1]-r,p[0]+r,p[1]+r),fill=(0,0,255)) del draw image = numpy.array(im) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) return image ##ÊÖÊÆÊý¾ÝµÄÀ࣬ÊäÈë·¾¶£¬½¨Á¢ÊÖÊÆÊý¾ÝÀà class GestureSample(object): """ Class that allows to access all the information for a certain gesture database sample """ #define class to access gesture data samples #³õʼ»¯£¬¶ÁÈ¡Îļþ def __init__ (self,fileName): """ Constructor. Read the sample file and unzip it if it is necessary. All the data is loaded. sample=GestureSample('') """ # Check the given file if not os.path.exists(fileName): #or not os.path.isfile(fileName): raise Exception("Sample path does not exist: " + fileName) # Prepare sample information self.fullFile = fileName self.dataPath = os.path.split(fileName)[0] self.file=os.path.split(fileName)[1] self.seqID=os.path.splitext(self.file)[0] self.samplePath=self.dataPath + os.path.sep + self.seqID; #ÅжÏÊÇzip»¹ÊÇĿ¼ # Unzip sample if it is necessary if os.path.isdir(self.samplePath) : self.unzip = False else: self.unzip = True zipFile=zipfile.ZipFile(self.fullFile,"r") zipFile.extractall(self.samplePath) # Open video access for RGB information rgbVideoPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_color.mp4' if not os.path.exists(rgbVideoPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. RGB data is not available") self.rgb = cv2.VideoCapture(rgbVideoPath) while not self.rgb.isOpened(): self.rgb = cv2.VideoCapture(rgbVideoPath) cv2.waitKey(500) # Open video access for Depth information depthVideoPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_depth.mp4' if not os.path.exists(depthVideoPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. Depth data is not available") self.depth = cv2.VideoCapture(depthVideoPath) while not self.depth.isOpened(): self.depth = cv2.VideoCapture(depthVideoPath) cv2.waitKey(500) # Open video access for User segmentation information userVideoPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_user.mp4' if not os.path.exists(userVideoPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. User segmentation data is not available") self.user = cv2.VideoCapture(userVideoPath) while not self.user.isOpened(): self.user = cv2.VideoCapture(userVideoPath) cv2.waitKey(500) # Read skeleton data skeletonPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_skeleton.csv' if not os.path.exists(skeletonPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. Skeleton data is not available") self.skeletons=[] with open(skeletonPath, 'rb') as csvfile: filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in filereader: self.skeletons.append(Skeleton(row)) del filereader # Read sample data sampleDataPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_data.csv' if not os.path.exists(sampleDataPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. Sample data is not available") with open(sampleDataPath, 'rb') as csvfile: filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in filereader:['numFrames']=int(row[0])['fps']=int(row[1])['maxDepth']=int(row[2]) del filereader # Read labels data labelsPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_labels.csv' if not os.path.exists(labelsPath): #warnings.warn("Labels are not available", Warning) self.labels=[] else: self.labels=[] with open(labelsPath, 'rb') as csvfile: filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in filereader: self.labels.append(map(int,row)) del filereader #Îö¹¹º¯Êý def __del__(self): """ Destructor. If the object unziped the sample, it remove the temporal data """ if self.unzip: self.clean() def clean(self): """ Clean temporal unziped data """ del self.rgb; del self.depth; del self.user; shutil.rmtree(self.samplePath) #´ÓvideoÖжÁÈ¡Ò»Ö¡·µ»Ø def getFrame(self,video, frameNum): """ Get a single frame from given video object """ # Check frame number # Get total number of frames numFrames = video.get( # Check the given file if frameNum<1 or frameNum>numFrames: raise Exception("Invalid frame number <" + str(frameNum) + ">. Valid frames are values between 1 and " + str(int(numFrames))) # Set the frame index video.set(,frameNum-1) ret, if ret==False: raise Exception("Cannot read the frame") return frame #ÏÂÃæµÄº¯Êý¶¼ÊÇÕë¶ÔÊý¾Ý³ÉÔ±£¬µÄÌض¨Ö¡²Ù×÷µÄ def getRGB(self, frameNum): """ Get the RGB color image for the given frame """ #get RGB frame return self.getFrame(self.rgb,frameNum) #·µ»ØÉî¶Èͼ£¬Ê¹ÓÃ16int±£´æµÄ def getDepth(self, frameNum): """ Get the depth image for the given frame """ #get Depth frame depthData=self.getFrame(self.depth,frameNum) # Convert to grayscale depthGray=cv2.cvtColor(depthData, # Convert to float point depth=depthGray.astype(numpy.float32) # Convert to depth values depth=depth/255.0*float(['maxDepth']) depth=depth.round() depth=depth.astype(numpy.uint16) return depth def getUser(self, frameNum): """ Get user segmentation image for the given frame """ #get user segmentation frame return self.getFrame(self.user,frameNum) def getSkeleton(self, frameNum): """ Get the skeleton information for a given frame. It returns a Skeleton object """ #get user skeleton for a given frame # Check frame number # Get total number of frames numFrames = len(self.skeletons) # Check the given file if frameNum<1 or frameNum>numFrames: raise Exception("Invalid frame number <" + str(frameNum) + ">. Valid frames are values between 1 and " + str(int(numFrames))) return self.skeletons[frameNum-1] def getSkeletonImage(self, frameNum): """ Create an image with the skeleton image for a given frame """ return self.getSkeleton(frameNum).toImage(640,480,(255,255,255)) def getNumFrames(self): """ Get the number of frames for this sample """ return['numFrames'] #½«ËùÓеÄÒ»Ö¡Êý¾Ý ´ò°üµ½Ò»¸ö´óµÄ¾ØÕóÀï def getComposedFrame(self, frameNum): """ Get a composition of all the modalities for a given frame """ # get sample modalities rgb=self.getRGB(frameNum) depthValues=self.getDepth(frameNum) user=self.getUser(frameNum) skel=self.getSkeletonImage(frameNum) # Build depth image depth = depthValues.astype(numpy.float32) depth = depth*255.0/float(['maxDepth']) depth = depth.round() depth = depth.astype(numpy.uint8) depth = cv2.applyColorMap(depth,cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # Build final image compSize1=(max(rgb.shape[0],depth.shape[0]),rgb.shape[1]+depth.shape[1]) compSize2=(max(user.shape[0],skel.shape[0]),user.shape[1]+skel.shape[1]) comp = numpy.zeros((compSize1[0]+ compSize2[0],max(compSize1[1],compSize2[1]),3), numpy.uint8) # Create composition comp[:rgb.shape[0],:rgb.shape[1],:]=rgb comp[:depth.shape[0],rgb.shape[1]:rgb.shape[1]+depth.shape[1],:]=depth comp[compSize1[0]:compSize1[0]+user.shape[0],:user.shape[1],:]=user comp[compSize1[0]:compSize1[0]+skel.shape[0],user.shape[1]:user.shape[1]+skel.shape[1],:]=skel return comp def getComposedFrameOverlapUser(self, frameNum): """ Get a composition of all the modalities for a given frame """ # get sample modalities rgb=self.getRGB(frameNum) depthValues=self.getDepth(frameNum) user=self.getUser(frameNum) mask = numpy.mean(user, axis=2) > 150 mask = numpy.tile(mask, (3,1,1)) mask = mask.transpose((1,2,0)) # Build depth image depth = depthValues.astype(numpy.float32) depth = depth*255.0/float(['maxDepth']) depth = depth.round() depth = depth.astype(numpy.uint8) depth = cv2.applyColorMap(depth,cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # Build final image compSize=(max(rgb.shape[0],depth.shape[0]),rgb.shape[1]+depth.shape[1]) comp = numpy.zeros((compSize[0]+ compSize[0],max(compSize[1],compSize[1]),3), numpy.uint8) # Create composition comp[:rgb.shape[0],:rgb.shape[1],:]=rgb comp[:depth.shape[0],rgb.shape[1]:rgb.shape[1]+depth.shape[1],:]= depth comp[compSize[0]:compSize[0]+user.shape[0],:user.shape[1],:]= mask * rgb comp[compSize[0]:compSize[0]+user.shape[0],user.shape[1]:user.shape[1]+user.shape[1],:]= mask * depth return comp def getComposedFrame_480(self, frameNum, ratio=0.5, topCut=60, botCut=140): """ Get a composition of all the modalities for a given frame """ # get sample modalities rgb=self.getRGB(frameNum) rgb = rgb[topCut:-topCut,botCut:-botCut,:] rgb = imresize(rgb, ratio, interp='bilinear') depthValues=self.getDepth(frameNum) user=self.getUser(frameNum) user = user[topCut:-topCut,botCut:-botCut,:] user = imresize(user, ratio, interp='bilinear') mask = numpy.mean(user, axis=2) > 150 mask = numpy.tile(mask, (3,1,1)) mask = mask.transpose((1,2,0)) # Build depth image depth = depthValues.astype(numpy.float32) depth = depth*255.0/float(['maxDepth']) depth = depth.round() depth = depth[topCut:-topCut,botCut:-botCut] depth = imresize(depth, ratio, interp='bilinear') depth = depth.astype(numpy.uint8) depth = cv2.applyColorMap(depth,cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # Build final image compSize=(max(rgb.shape[0],depth.shape[0]),rgb.shape[1]+depth.shape[1]) comp = numpy.zeros((compSize[0]+ compSize[0],max(compSize[1],compSize[1]),3), numpy.uint8) # Create composition comp[:rgb.shape[0],:rgb.shape[1],:]=rgb comp[:depth.shape[0],rgb.shape[1]:rgb.shape[1]+depth.shape[1],:]= depth comp[compSize[0]:compSize[0]+user.shape[0],:user.shape[1],:]= mask * rgb comp[compSize[0]:compSize[0]+user.shape[0],user.shape[1]:user.shape[1]+user.shape[1],:]= mask * depth return comp def getDepth3DCNN(self, frameNum, ratio=0.5, topCut=60, botCut=140): """ Get a composition of all the modalities for a given frame """ # get sample modalities depthValues=self.getDepth(frameNum) user=self.getUser(frameNum) user = user[topCut:-topCut,botCut:-botCut,:] user = imresize(user, ratio, interp='bilinear') mask = numpy.mean(user, axis=2) > 150 # Build depth image depth = depthValues.astype(numpy.float32) depth = depth*255.0/float(['maxDepth']) depth = depth.round() depth = depth[topCut:-topCut,botCut:-botCut] depth = imresize(depth, ratio, interp='bilinear') depth = depth.astype(numpy.uint8) return mask * depth def getDepthOverlapUser(self, frameNum, x_centre, y_centre, pixel_value, extractedFrameSize=224, upshift = 0): """ Get a composition of all the modalities for a given frame """ halfFrameSize = extractedFrameSize/2 user=self.getUser(frameNum) mask = numpy.mean(user, axis=2) > 150 ratio = pixel_value/ 3000 # Build depth image # get sample modalities depthValues=self.getDepth(frameNum) depth = depthValues.astype(numpy.float32) depth = depth*255.0/float(['maxDepth']) mask = imresize(mask, ratio, interp='nearest') depth = imresize(depth, ratio, interp='bilinear') depth_temp = depth * mask depth_extracted = depth_temp[x_centre-halfFrameSize-upshift:x_centre+halfFrameSize-upshift, y_centre-halfFrameSize: y_centre+halfFrameSize] depth = depth.round() depth = depth.astype(numpy.uint8) depth = cv2.applyColorMap(depth,cv2.COLORMAP_JET) depth_extracted = depth_extracted.round() depth_extracted = depth_extracted.astype(numpy.uint8) depth_extracted = cv2.applyColorMap(depth_extracted,cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # Build final image compSize=(depth.shape[0],depth.shape[1]) comp = numpy.zeros((compSize[0] + extractedFrameSize,compSize[1]+compSize[1],3), numpy.uint8) # Create composition comp[:depth.shape[0],:depth.shape[1],:]=depth mask_new = numpy.tile(mask, (3,1,1)) mask_new = mask_new.transpose((1,2,0)) comp[:depth.shape[0],depth.shape[1]:depth.shape[1]+depth.shape[1],:]= mask_new * depth comp[compSize[0]:,:extractedFrameSize,:]= depth_extracted return comp def getDepthCentroid(self, startFrame, endFrame): """ Get a composition of all the modalities for a given frame """ x_centre = [] y_centre = [] pixel_value = [] for frameNum in range(startFrame, endFrame): user=self.getUser(frameNum) depthValues=self.getDepth(frameNum) depth = depthValues.astype(numpy.float32) #depth = depth*255.0/float(['maxDepth']) mask = numpy.mean(user, axis=2) > 150 width, height = mask.shape XX, YY, count, pixel_sum = 0, 0, 0, 0 for x in range(width): for y in range(height): if mask[x, y]: XX += x YY += y count += 1 pixel_sum += depth[x, y] if count>0: x_centre.append(XX/count) y_centre.append(YY/count) pixel_value.append(pixel_sum/count) return [numpy.mean(x_centre), numpy.mean(y_centre), numpy.mean(pixel_value)] def getGestures(self): """ Get the list of gesture for this sample. Each row is a gesture, with the format (gestureID,startFrame,endFrame) """ return self.labels def getGestureName(self,gestureID): """ Get the gesture label from a given gesture ID """ names=('vattene','vieniqui','perfetto','furbo','cheduepalle','chevuoi','daccordo','seipazzo', \ 'combinato','freganiente','ok','cosatifarei','basta','prendere','noncenepiu','fame','tantotempo', \ 'buonissimo','messidaccordo','sonostufo') # Check the given file if gestureID<1 or gestureID>20: raise Exception("Invalid gesture ID <" + str(gestureID) + ">. Valid IDs are values between 1 and 20") return names[gestureID-1] def exportPredictions(self, prediction,predPath): """ Export the given prediction to the correct file in the given predictions path """ if not os.path.exists(predPath): os.makedirs(predPath) output_filename = os.path.join(predPath, self.seqID + '_prediction.csv') output_file = open(output_filename, 'wb') for row in prediction: output_file.write(repr(int(row[0])) + "," + repr(int(row[1])) + "," + repr(int(row[2])) + "\n") output_file.close() def play_video(self): """ play the video, Wudi adds this """ # Open video access for RGB information rgbVideoPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_color.mp4' if not os.path.exists(rgbVideoPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. RGB data is not available") self.rgb = cv2.VideoCapture(rgbVideoPath) while (self.rgb.isOpened()): ret, frame = cv2.imshow('frame',frame) if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break self.rgb.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() def evaluate(self,csvpathpred): """ Evaluate this sample agains the ground truth file """ maxGestures=11 seqLength=self.getNumFrames() # Get the list of gestures from the ground truth and frame activation predGestures = [] binvec_pred = numpy.zeros((maxGestures, seqLength)) gtGestures = [] binvec_gt = numpy.zeros((maxGestures, seqLength)) with open(csvpathpred, 'rb') as csvfilegt: csvgt = csv.reader(csvfilegt) for row in csvgt: binvec_pred[int(row[0])-1, int(row[1])-1:int(row[2])-1] = 1 predGestures.append(int(row[0])) # Get the list of gestures from prediction and frame activation for row in self.getActions(): binvec_gt[int(row[0])-1, int(row[1])-1:int(row[2])-1] = 1 gtGestures.append(int(row[0])) # Get the list of gestures without repetitions for ground truth and predicton gtGestures = numpy.unique(gtGestures) predGestures = numpy.unique(predGestures) # Find false positives falsePos=numpy.setdiff1d(gtGestures, numpy.union1d(gtGestures,predGestures)) # Get overlaps for each gesture overlaps = [] for idx in gtGestures: intersec = sum(binvec_gt[idx-1] * binvec_pred[idx-1]) aux = binvec_gt[idx-1] + binvec_pred[idx-1] union = sum(aux > 0) overlaps.append(intersec/union) # Use real gestures and false positive gestures to calculate the final score return sum(overlaps)/(len(overlaps)+len(falsePos)) def get_shift_scale(self, template, ref_depth, start_frame=10, end_frame=20, debug_show=False): """ Wudi add this method for extracting normalizing depth wrt Sample0003 """ from skimage.feature import match_template Feature_all = numpy.zeros(shape=(480, 640, end_frame-start_frame), dtype=numpy.uint16 ) count = 0 for frame_num in range(start_frame,end_frame): depth_original = self.getDepth(frame_num) mask = numpy.mean(self.getUser(frame_num), axis=2) > 150 Feature_all[:, :, count] = depth_original * mask count += 1 depth_image = Feature_all.mean(axis = 2) depth_image_normalized = depth_image * 1.0 / float(['maxDepth']) depth_image_normalized /= depth_image_normalized.max() result = match_template(depth_image_normalized, template, pad_input=True) #############plot x, y = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(result), result.shape) shift = [depth_image.shape[0]/2-x, depth_image.shape[1]/2-y] subsize = 25 # we use 25 by 25 region as a measurement for median of distance minX = max(x - subsize,0) minY = max(y - subsize,0) maxX = min(x + subsize,depth_image.shape[0]) maxY = min(y + subsize,depth_image.shape[1]) subregion = depth_image[minX:maxX, minY:maxY] distance = numpy.median(subregion[subregion>0]) scaling = distance*1.0 / ref_depth from matplotlib import pyplot as plt print "[x, y, shift, distance, scaling]" print str([x, y, shift, distance, scaling]) if debug_show: fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(ncols=4, figsize=(8, 4)) ax1.imshow(template) ax1.set_axis_off() ax1.set_title('template') ax2.imshow(depth_image_normalized) ax2.set_axis_off() ax2.set_title('image') # highlight matched region hcoin, wcoin = template.shape rect = plt.Rectangle((y-hcoin/2, x-wcoin/2), wcoin, hcoin, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax2.add_patch(rect) import cv2 from scipy.misc import imresize rows,cols = depth_image_normalized.shape M = numpy.float32([[1,0, shift[1]],[0,1, shift[0]]]) affine_image = cv2.warpAffine(depth_image_normalized, M, (cols, rows)) resize_image = imresize(affine_image, scaling) resize_image_median = cv2.medianBlur(resize_image,5) ax3.imshow(resize_image_median) ax3.set_axis_off() ax3.set_title('image_transformed') # highlight matched region hcoin, wcoin = resize_image_median.shape rect = plt.Rectangle((wcoin/2-160, hcoin/2-160), 320, 320, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax3.add_patch(rect) ax4.imshow(result) ax4.set_axis_off() ax4.set_title('`match_template`\nresult') # highlight matched region ax4.autoscale(False) ax4.plot(x, y, 'o', markeredgecolor='r', markerfacecolor='none', markersize=10) return [shift, scaling] def get_shift_scale_depth(self, shift, scale, framenumber, IM_SZ, show_flag=False): """ Wudi added this method to extract segmented depth frame, by a shift and scale """ depth_original = self.getDepth(framenumber) mask = numpy.mean(self.getUser(framenumber), axis=2) > 150 resize_final_out = numpy.zeros((IM_SZ,IM_SZ)) if mask.sum() < 1000: # Kinect detect nothing print "skip "+ str(framenumber) flag = False else: flag = True depth_user = depth_original * mask depth_user_normalized = depth_user * 1.0 / float(['maxDepth']) depth_user_normalized = depth_user_normalized *255 /depth_user_normalized.max() rows,cols = depth_user_normalized.shape M = numpy.float32([[1,0, shift[1]],[0,1, shift[0]]]) affine_image = cv2.warpAffine(depth_user_normalized, M,(cols, rows)) resize_image = imresize(affine_image, scale) resize_image_median = cv2.medianBlur(resize_image,5) rows, cols = resize_image_median.shape image_crop = resize_image_median[rows/2-160:rows/2+160, cols/2-160:cols/2+160] resize_final_out = imresize(image_crop, (IM_SZ,IM_SZ)) if show_flag: # show the segmented images here cv2.imshow('image',image_crop) cv2.waitKey(10) return [resize_final_out, flag] #¶¯×÷Êý¾ÝÀà class ActionSample(object): """ Class that allows to access all the information for a certain action database sample """ #define class to access actions data samples def __init__ (self,fileName): """ Constructor. Read the sample file and unzip it if it is necessary. All the data is loaded. sample=ActionSample('') """ # Check the given file if not os.path.exists(fileName) and not os.path.isfile(fileName): raise Exception("Sample path does not exist: " + fileName) # Prepare sample information self.fullFile = fileName self.dataPath = os.path.split(fileName)[0] self.file=os.path.split(fileName)[1] self.seqID=os.path.splitext(self.file)[0] self.samplePath=self.dataPath + os.path.sep + self.seqID; # Unzip sample if it is necessary if os.path.isdir(self.samplePath) : self.unzip = False else: self.unzip = True zipFile=zipfile.ZipFile(self.fullFile,"r") zipFile.extractall(self.samplePath) # Open video access for RGB information rgbVideoPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_color.mp4' if not os.path.exists(rgbVideoPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. RGB data is not available") self.rgb = cv2.VideoCapture(rgbVideoPath) while not self.rgb.isOpened(): self.rgb = cv2.VideoCapture(rgbVideoPath) cv2.waitKey(500) # Read sample data sampleDataPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_data.csv' if not os.path.exists(sampleDataPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. Sample data is not available") with open(sampleDataPath, 'rb') as csvfile: filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in filereader:['numFrames']=int(row[0]) del filereader # Read labels data labelsPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + self.seqID + '_labels.csv' self.labels=[] if not os.path.exists(labelsPath): warnings.warn("Labels are not available", Warning) else: with open(labelsPath, 'rb') as csvfile: filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in filereader: self.labels.append(map(int,row)) del filereader def __del__(self): """ Destructor. If the object unziped the sample, it remove the temporal data """ if self.unzip: self.clean() def clean(self): """ Clean temporal unziped data """ del self.rgb; shutil.rmtree(self.samplePath) def getFrame(self,video, frameNum): """ Get a single frame from given video object """ # Check frame number # Get total number of frames numFrames = video.get( # Check the given file if frameNum<1 or frameNum>numFrames: raise Exception("Invalid frame number <" + str(frameNum) + ">. Valid frames are values between 1 and " + str(int(numFrames))) # Set the frame index video.set(,frameNum-1) ret, if ret==False: raise Exception("Cannot read the frame") return frame def getNumFrames(self): """ Get the number of frames for this sample """ return['numFrames'] def getRGB(self, frameNum): """ Get the RGB color image for the given frame """ #get RGB frame return self.getFrame(self.rgb,frameNum) def getActions(self): """ Get the list of gesture for this sample. Each row is an action, with the format (actionID,startFrame,endFrame) """ return self.labels def getActionsName(self,actionID): """ Get the action label from a given action ID """ names=('wave','point','clap','crouch','jump','walk','run','shake hands', \ 'hug','kiss','fight') # Check the given file if actionID<1 or actionID>11: raise Exception("Invalid action ID <" + str(actionID) + ">. Valid IDs are values between 1 and 11") return names[actionID-1] def exportPredictions(self, prediction,predPath): """ Export the given prediction to the correct file in the given predictions path """ if not os.path.exists(predPath): os.makedirs(predPath) output_filename = os.path.join(predPath, self.seqID + '_prediction.csv') output_file = open(output_filename, 'wb') for row in prediction: output_file.write(repr(int(row[0])) + "," + repr(int(row[1])) + "," + repr(int(row[2])) + "\n") output_file.close() def evaluate(self,csvpathpred): """ Evaluate this sample agains the ground truth file """ maxGestures=11 seqLength=self.getNumFrames() # Get the list of gestures from the ground truth and frame activation predGestures = [] binvec_pred = numpy.zeros((maxGestures, seqLength)) gtGestures = [] binvec_gt = numpy.zeros((maxGestures, seqLength)) with open(csvpathpred, 'rb') as csvfilegt: csvgt = csv.reader(csvfilegt) for row in csvgt: binvec_pred[int(row[0])-1, int(row[1])-1:int(row[2])-1] = 1 predGestures.append(int(row[0])) # Get the list of gestures from prediction and frame activation for row in self.getActions(): binvec_gt[int(row[0])-1, int(row[1])-1:int(row[2])-1] = 1 gtGestures.append(int(row[0])) # Get the list of gestures without repetitions for ground truth and predicton gtGestures = numpy.unique(gtGestures) predGestures = numpy.unique(predGestures) # Find false positives falsePos=numpy.setdiff1d(gtGestures, numpy.union1d(gtGestures,predGestures)) # Get overlaps for each gesture overlaps = [] for idx in gtGestures: intersec = sum(binvec_gt[idx-1] * binvec_pred[idx-1]) aux = binvec_gt[idx-1] + binvec_pred[idx-1] union = sum(aux > 0) overlaps.append(intersec/union) # Use real gestures and false positive gestures to calculate the final score return sum(overlaps)/(len(overlaps)+len(falsePos)) #×Ë̬Êý¾ÝÀà class PoseSample(object): """ Class that allows to access all the information for a certain pose database sample """ #define class to access gesture data samples def __init__ (self,fileName): """ Constructor. Read the sample file and unzip it if it is necessary. All the data is loaded. sample=PoseSample('') """ # Check the given file if not os.path.exists(fileName) and not os.path.isfile(fileName): raise Exception("Sequence path does not exist: " + fileName) # Prepare sample information self.fullFile = fileName self.dataPath = os.path.split(fileName)[0] self.file=os.path.split(fileName)[1] self.seqID=os.path.splitext(self.file)[0] self.samplePath=self.dataPath + os.path.sep + self.seqID; # Unzip sample if it is necessary if os.path.isdir(self.samplePath): self.unzip = False else: self.unzip = True zipFile=zipfile.ZipFile(self.fullFile,"r") zipFile.extractall(self.samplePath) # Set path for rgb images rgbPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + 'imagesjpg'+ os.path.sep if not os.path.exists(rgbPath): raise Exception("Invalid sample file. RGB data is not available") self.rgbpath = rgbPath # Set path for gt images gtPath=self.samplePath + os.path.sep + 'maskspng'+ os.path.sep if not os.path.exists(gtPath): self.gtpath= "empty" else: self.gtpath = gtPath frames=os.listdir(self.rgbpath) self.numberFrames=len(frames) def __del__(self): """ Destructor. If the object unziped the sample, it remove the temporal data """ if self.unzip: self.clean() def clean(self): """ Clean temporal unziped data """ shutil.rmtree(self.samplePath) def getRGB(self, frameNum): """ Get the RGB color image for the given frame """ #get RGB frame if frameNum>self.numberFrames: raise Exception("Number of frame has to be less than: "+ self.numberFrames) framepath=self.rgbpath+self.seqID[3:5]+'_'+ '%04d' %frameNum+'.jpg' if not os.path.isfile(framepath): raise Exception("RGB file does not exist: " + framepath) return cv2.imread(framepath) def getNumFrames(self): return self.numberFrames def getLimb(self, frameNum, actorID,limbID): """ Get the BW limb image for a certain frame and a certain limbID """ if self.gtpath == "empty": raise Exception("Limb labels are not available for this sequence. This sequence belong to the validation set.") else: limbpath=self.gtpath+self.seqID[3:5]+'_'+ '%04d' %frameNum+'_'+str(actorID)+'_'+str(limbID)+'.png' if frameNum>self.numberFrames: raise Exception("Number of frame has to be less than: "+ self.numberFrames) if actorID<1 or actorID>2: raise Exception("Invalid actor ID <" + str(actorID) + ">. Valid frames are values between 1 and 2 ") if limbID<1 or limbID>14: raise Exception("Invalid limb ID <" + str(limbID) + ">. Valid frames are values between 1 and 14") return cv2.imread(limbpath,cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) def getLimbsName(self,limbID): """ Get the limb label from a given limb ID """ names=('head','torso','lhand','rhand','lforearm','rforearm','larm','rarm', \ 'lfoot','rfoot','lleg','rleg','lthigh','rthigh') # Check the given file if limbID<1 or limbID>14: raise Exception("Invalid limb ID <" + str(limbID) + ">. Valid IDs are values between 1 and 14") return names[limbID-1] def overlap_images(self, gtimage, predimage): """ this function computes the hit measure of overlap between two binary images im1 and im2 """ [ret, im1] = cv2.threshold(gtimage, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) [ret, im2] = cv2.threshold(predimage, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) intersec = cv2.bitwise_and(im1, im2) intersec_val = float(numpy.sum(intersec)) union = cv2.bitwise_or(im1, im2) union_val = float(numpy.sum(union)) if union_val == 0: return 0 else: if float(intersec_val / union_val)>0.5: return 1 else: return 0 def exportPredictions(self, prediction,frame,actor,limb,predPath): """ Export the given prediction to the correct file in the given predictions path """ if not os.path.exists(predPath): os.makedirs(predPath) prediction_filename = predPath+os.path.sep+ self.seqID[3:5] +'_'+ '%04d' %frame +'_'+str(actor)+'_'+str(limb)+'_prediction.png' cv2.imwrite(prediction_filename,prediction) def evaluate(self, predpath): """ Evaluate this sample agains the ground truth file """ # Get the list of videos from ground truth gt_list = os.listdir(self.gtpath) # For each sample on the GT, search the given prediction score = 0.0 nevals = 0 for gtlimbimage in gt_list: # Avoid double check, use only labels file if not gtlimbimage.lower().endswith(".png"): continue # Build paths for prediction and ground truth files aux = gtlimbimage.split('.') parts = aux[0].split('_') seqID = parts[0] gtlimbimagepath = os.path.join(self.gtpath,gtlimbimage) predlimbimagepath= os.path.join(predpath) + os.path.sep + seqID+'_'+parts[1]+'_'+parts[2]+'_'+parts[3]+"_prediction.png" #check predfile exists if not os.path.exists(predlimbimagepath) or not os.path.isfile(predlimbimagepath): raise Exception("Invalid video limb prediction file. Not all limb predictions are available") #Load images gtimage=cv2.imread(gtlimbimagepath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) predimage=cv2.imread(predlimbimagepath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) if >= 1: score += self.overlap_images(gtimage, predimage) nevals += 1 #release videos and return mean overlap return score/nevals
""" =============================================================== A demo of structured Ward hierarchical clustering on Lena image =============================================================== Compute the segmentation of a 2D image with Ward hierarchical clustering. The clustering is spatially constrained in order for each segmented region to be in one piece. """ # Author : Vincent Michel, 2010 # Alexandre Gramfort, 2011 # License: BSD 3 clause print(__doc__) import time as time import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.feature_extraction.image import grid_to_graph from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering ############################################################################### # Generate data lena = sp.misc.lena() # Downsample the image by a factor of 4 lena = lena[::2, ::2] + lena[1::2, ::2] + lena[::2, 1::2] + lena[1::2, 1::2] X = np.reshape(lena, (-1, 1)) ############################################################################### # Define the structure A of the data. Pixels connected to their neighbors. connectivity = grid_to_graph(*lena.shape) ############################################################################### # Compute clustering print("Compute structured hierarchical clustering...") st = time.time() n_clusters = 15 # number of regions ward = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n_clusters, linkage='ward', connectivity=connectivity).fit(X) label = np.reshape(ward.labels_, lena.shape) print("Elapsed time: ", time.time() - st) print("Number of pixels: ", label.size) print("Number of clusters: ", np.unique(label).size) ############################################################################### # Plot the results on an image plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.imshow(lena, for l in range(n_clusters): plt.contour(label == l, contours=1, colors=[ / float(n_clusters)), ]) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(())
from contextlib import closing from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure, hold, axis, ylabel, xlabel, savefig, title from numpy import sort, logical_xor, transpose, logical_not from numpy.numarray.functions import cumsum, zeros from numpy.random import rand, shuffle from numpy import mod, floor import time import cloud from durus.file_storage import FileStorage from durus.connection import Connection def bitFreqVisualizer(effectiveAttrIndices, bitFreqs, gen): f = figure(1) n = len(bitFreqs) hold(False) plot(range(n), bitFreqs,'b.', markersize=10) hold(True) plot(effectiveAttrIndices, bitFreqs[effectiveAttrIndices],'r.', markersize=10) axis([0, n-1, 0, 1]) title("Generation = %s" % (gen,)) ylabel('Frequency of the Bit 1') xlabel('Locus') f.canvas.draw() def showExperimentTimeStamps(): with closing(FileStorage("results.durus")) as durus: conn = Connection(durus) return conn.get_root().keys() def neap_uga(m, n, gens, probMutation, effectiveAttrIndices, probMisclassification, bitFreqVisualizer=None): """ neap = "noisy effective attribute parity" """ pop = rand(m,n)<0.5 bitFreqHist= zeros((n,gens+1)) for t in range(gens+1): print "Generation %s" % t bitFreqs = pop.astype('float').sum(axis=0)/m bitFreqHist[:,t] = transpose(bitFreqs) if bitFreqVisualizer: bitFreqVisualizer(bitFreqs,t) fitnessVals = mod(pop[:, effectiveAttrIndices].astype('byte').sum(axis=1) + (rand(m) < probMisclassification).astype('byte'),2) totalFitness = sum (fitnessVals) cumNormFitnessVals = cumsum(fitnessVals).astype('float')/totalFitness parentIndices = zeros(2*m, dtype='int16') markers = sort(rand(2*m)) ctr = 0 for idx in xrange(2*m): while markers[idx]>cumNormFitnessVals[ctr]: ctr += 1 parentIndices[idx] = ctr shuffle(parentIndices) crossoverMasks = rand(m, n) < 0.5 newPop = zeros((m, n), dtype='bool') newPop[crossoverMasks] = pop[parentIndices[:m], :][crossoverMasks] newPop[logical_not(crossoverMasks)] = pop[parentIndices[m:], :][logical_not(crossoverMasks)] mutationMasks = rand(m, n)<probMutation pop = logical_xor(newPop,mutationMasks) return bitFreqHist[0, :], bitFreqHist[-1, :] def f(gens): k = 7 n= k + 1 effectiveAttrIndices = range(k) probMutation = 0.004 probMisclassification = 0.20 popSize = 1500 jid =, **dict(m=popSize, n=n, gens=gens, probMutation=probMutation, effectiveAttrIndices=effectiveAttrIndices, probMisclassification=probMisclassification)) print "Kicked off trial %s" % jid return jid def cloud_result(jid): result = cloud.result(jid) print "Retrieved results for trial %s" % jid return result def run_trials(): numTrials = 3000 gens = 1000 from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool pool = Pool(50) jids =,[gens]*numTrials) print "Done spawning trials. Retrieving results..." results =, jids) firstLocusFreqsHists = zeros((numTrials,gens+1), dtype='float') lastLocusFreqsHists = zeros((numTrials,gens+1), dtype='float') print "Done retrieving results. Press Enter to serialize..." raw_input() for i, result in enumerate(results): firstLocusFreqsHists[i, :], lastLocusFreqsHists[i, :] = result with closing(FileStorage("results.durus")) as durus: conn = Connection(durus) conn.get_root()[str(int(floor(time.time())))] = (firstLocusFreqsHists, lastLocusFreqsHists) conn.commit() pool.close() pool.join() def render_results(timestamp=None): with closing(FileStorage("results.durus")) as durus: conn = Connection(durus) db = conn.get_root() if not timestamp: timestamp = sorted(db.keys())[-1] firstLocusFreqsHists, lastLocusFreqsHists = db[timestamp] print "Done deserializing results. Plotting..." x = [(2, 'First', firstLocusFreqsHists, "effective"), (3, 'Last', lastLocusFreqsHists, "non-effective")] for i, pos, freqsHists, filename in x : freqsHists = freqsHists[:,:801] f = figure(i) hold(False) plot(transpose(freqsHists), color='grey') hold(True) maxGens = freqsHists.shape[1]-1 plot([0, maxGens], [.05,.05], 'k--') plot([0, maxGens], [.95,.95], 'k--') axis([0, maxGens, 0, 1]) xlabel('Generation') ylabel('1-Frequency of the '+pos+' Locus') f.canvas.draw() savefig(filename+'.png', format='png', dpi=200) if __name__ == "__main__": cloud.start_simulator() run_trials() render_results() print "Done plotting results. Press Enter to end..." raw_input()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2. # See for details of the copyright holders. # All rights not expressly granted are reserved. # # This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public # License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". # # In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization # or submit itself to any jurisdiction. """ Script to update the CCDB with timestamp non-overlapping objects. If an object is found in the range specified, the object is split into two. If the requested range was overlapping three objects are uploaded on CCDB: 1) latest object with requested timestamp validity 2) old object with validity [old_lower_validity-requested_lower_bound] 3) old object with validity [requested_upper_bound, old_upper_validity] Author: Nicolo' Jacazio on 2020-06-22 TODO add support for 3 files update """ import subprocess from datetime import datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import argparse def convert_timestamp(ts): """ Converts the timestamp in milliseconds in human readable format """ return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts/1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def get_ccdb_obj(path, timestamp, dest="/tmp/", verbose=0): """ Gets the ccdb object from 'path' and 'timestamp' and downloads it into 'dest' """ if verbose: print("Getting obj", path, "with timestamp", timestamp, convert_timestamp(timestamp)) cmd = f"o2-ccdb-downloadccdbfile --path {path} --dest {dest} --timestamp {timestamp}" def get_ccdb_obj_validity(path, dest="/tmp/", verbose=0): """ Gets the timestamp validity for an object downloaded from CCDB. Returns a list with the initial and end timestamps. """ cmd = f"o2-ccdb-inspectccdbfile {dest}{path}/snapshot.root" process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() output = output.decode("utf-8").split("\n") error = error.decode("utf-8").split("\n") if error is not None else error if verbose: print("out:") print(*output, "\n") print("err:") print(error) result = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('Valid-'), output)) ValidFrom = result[0].split() ValidUntil = result[1].split() return [int(ValidFrom[-1]), int(ValidUntil[-1])] def upload_ccdb_obj(path, timestamp_from, timestamp_until, dest="/tmp/", meta=""): """ Uploads a new object to CCDB in the 'path' using the validity timestamp specified """ print("Uploading obj", path, "with timestamp", [timestamp_from, timestamp_until], convert_timestamp(timestamp_from), convert_timestamp(timestamp_until)) key = path.split("/")[-1] cmd = f"o2-ccdb-upload -f {dest}{path}/snapshot.root " cmd += f"--key {key} --path {path} " cmd += f"--starttimestamp {timestamp_from} --endtimestamp {timestamp_until} --meta \"{meta}\"" def main(path, timestamp_from, timestamp_until, verbose=0, show=False): """ Used to upload a new object to CCDB in 'path' valid from 'timestamp_from' to 'timestamp_until' Gets the object from CCDB specified in 'path' and for 'timestamp_from-1' Gets the object from CCDB specified in 'path' and for 'timestamp_until+1' If required plots the situation before and after the update """ get_ccdb_obj(path, timestamp_from-1) val_before = get_ccdb_obj_validity(path, verbose=verbose) get_ccdb_obj(path, timestamp_until+1) val_after = get_ccdb_obj_validity(path, verbose=verbose) overlap_before = val_before[1] > timestamp_from overlap_after = val_after[0] < timestamp_until if verbose: if overlap_before: print("Previous objects overalps") if overlap_after: print("Next objects overalps") trimmed_before = val_before if not overlap_before else [ val_before[0], timestamp_from - 1] trimmed_after = val_after if not overlap_after else [ timestamp_until+1, val_after[1]] if show: fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig def bef_af(v, y): return [v[0] - 1] + v + [v[1] + 1], [0, y, y, 0] if True: ax.plot(*bef_af(val_before, 0.95), label='before') ax.plot(*bef_af(val_after, 1.05), label='after') if False: ax.plot(*bef_af(trimmed_before, 0.9), label='trimmed before') ax.plot(*bef_af(trimmed_after, 1.1), label='trimmed after') ax.plot(*bef_af([timestamp_from, timestamp_until], 1), label='object') xlim = 10000000 plt.xlim([timestamp_from-xlim, timestamp_until+xlim]) plt.ylim(0, 2) plt.xlabel('Timestamp') plt.ylabel('Validity') plt.legend() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Uploads timestamp non overlapping objects to CCDB." "Basic example: `./ qc/TOF/TOFTaskCompressed/hDiagnostic 1588956517161 1588986517161 --show --verbose`") parser.add_argument('path', metavar='path_to_object', type=str, help='Path of the object in the CCDB repository') parser.add_argument('timestamp_from', metavar='from_timestamp', type=int, help='Timestamp of start for the new object to use') parser.add_argument('timestamp_until', metavar='until_timestamp', type=int, help='Timestamp of stop for the new object to use') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0) parser.add_argument('--show', '-s', action='count', default=0) args = parser.parse_args() main(path=args.path, timestamp_from=args.timestamp_from, timestamp_until=args.timestamp_until, verbose=args.verbose,
import sys import os import numpy as np from pprint import pprint from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import mysql.connector import math import calendar import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm from matplotlib import dates start = datetime(2009,7,15,4) #2009 - 20090628 2010 - 20100610 2012 - 20100405 end = datetime(2009,8,17) #2009 - 20090816 2010 - 20100726 2012 - 20100601 timestep = 6.#1./30 #hours sample_min = 117 #117 for all 2009-2012 sample_max = 123 #123 for all 2009-2012 yag_min = 3.8 #3.8 for all 2009-2012 yag_max = 6 #6 for all 2009-2012 BC_VED_min = 70 BC_VED_max = 220 min_scat_pkht = 20 mass_min = ((BC_VED_min/(10.**7))**3)*(math.pi/6.)*1.8*(10.**15) mass_max = ((BC_VED_max/(10.**7))**3)*(math.pi/6.)*1.8*(10.**15) lag_threshold_2009 = 0.1 lag_threshold_2010 = 0.25 lag_threshold_2012 = 1.5 print 'mass limits', mass_min, mass_max cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='Suresh15', host='localhost', database='black_carbon') cursor = cnx.cursor() def check_spike_times(particle_start_time,particle_end_time): cursor.execute('''SELECT count(*) FROM whi_spike_times_2009to2012 WHERE (spike_start_UTC <= %s AND spike_end_UTC > %s) OR (spike_start_UTC <= %s AND spike_end_UTC > %s) ''', (particle_start_time,particle_start_time,particle_end_time,particle_end_time)) spike_count = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] return spike_count def get_hysplit_id(particle_start_time): cursor.execute('''SELECT id FROM whi_hysplit_hourly_data WHERE (UNIX_UTC_start_time <= %s AND UNIX_UTC_end_time > %s) ''', (particle_start_time,particle_start_time)) hy_id_list = cursor.fetchall() if hy_id_list == []: hy_id = None else: hy_id = hy_id_list[0][0] return hy_id def get_met_info(particle_start_time): cursor.execute('''SELECT id,pressure_Pa,room_temp_C FROM whi_sampling_conditions WHERE (UNIX_UTC_start_time <= %s AND UNIX_UTC_end_time > %s) ''', (particle_start_time,particle_start_time)) met_list = cursor.fetchall() if met_list == []: met_list = [[np.nan,np.nan,np.nan]] return met_list[0] def get_gc_id(particle_start_time): cursor.execute('''SELECT id FROM whi_gc_hourly_bc_data WHERE (UNIX_UTC_start_time <= %s AND UNIX_UTC_end_time > %s) ''', (particle_start_time,particle_start_time)) gc_id_list = cursor.fetchall() if gc_id_list == []: gc_id = None else: gc_id = gc_id_list[0][0] return gc_id def get_sample_factor(UNIX_start): date_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(UNIX_start) sample_factors_2012 = [ [datetime(2012,4,4,19,43,4), datetime(2012,4,5,13,47,9), 3.0], [datetime(2012,4,5,13,47,9), datetime(2012,4,10,3,3,25), 1.0], [datetime(2012,4,10,3,3,25), datetime(2012,5,16,6,9,13), 3.0], [datetime(2012,5,16,6,9,13), datetime(2012,6,7,18,14,39), 10.0], ] if date_time.year in [2009,2010]: sample_factor = 1.0 if date_time.year == 2012: for date_range in sample_factors_2012: start_date = date_range[0] end_date = date_range[1] range_sample_factor = date_range[2] if start_date<= date_time < end_date: sample_factor = range_sample_factor return sample_factor def lag_time_calc(BB_incand_pk_pos,BB_scat_pk_pos): long_lags = 0 short_lags = 0 lag_time = np.nan if (-10 < lag_time < 10): lag_time = (BB_incand_pk_pos-BB_scat_pk_pos)*0.2 #us if start_dt.year == 2009 and lag_time > lag_threshold_2009: long_lags = 1 elif start_dt.year == 2010 and lag_time > lag_threshold_2010: long_lags = 1 elif start_dt.year == 2012 and lag_time > lag_threshold_2012: long_lags = 1 else: short_lags = 1 return [lag_time,long_lags,short_lags] #query to add 1h mass conc data add_data = ('''INSERT INTO whi_sp2_2min_data (UNIX_UTC_start_time,UNIX_UTC_end_time,number_particles,rBC_mass_conc,rBC_mass_conc_err,volume_air_sampled,sampling_duration,mean_lag_time,sample_factor,hysplit_hourly_id,whi_sampling_cond_id,gc_hourly_id) VALUES (%(UNIX_UTC_start_time)s,%(UNIX_UTC_end_time)s,%(number_particles)s,%(rBC_mass_conc)s,%(rBC_mass_conc_err)s,%(volume_air_sampled)s,%(sampling_duration)s,%(mean_lag_time)s,%(sample_factor)s,%(hysplit_hourly_id)s,%(whi_sampling_cond_id)s,%(gc_hourly_id)s)''' ) # multiple_records = [] i=1 while start <= end: long_lags = 0 short_lags = 0 if (4 <= start.hour < 16): UNIX_start = calendar.timegm(start.utctimetuple()) UNIX_end = UNIX_start + timestep*3600.0 print start, UNIX_start+60 print datetime.utcfromtimestamp(UNIX_end) #filter on hk data here cursor.execute('''(SELECT mn.UNIX_UTC_ts_int_start, mn.UNIX_UTC_ts_int_end, mn.rBC_mass_fg_BBHG, mn.rBC_mass_fg_BBHG_err, mn.BB_incand_pk_pos, mn.BB_scat_pk_pos, mn.BB_scat_pkht, hk.sample_flow, mn.BB_incand_HG FROM whi_sp2_particle_data mn FORCE INDEX (hourly_binning) JOIN whi_hk_data hk on mn.HK_id = WHERE mn.UNIX_UTC_ts_int_start >= %s AND mn.UNIX_UTC_ts_int_end < %s AND hk.sample_flow >= %s AND hk.sample_flow < %s AND hk.yag_power >= %s AND hk.yag_power < %s)''', (UNIX_start,UNIX_end,sample_min,sample_max,yag_min,yag_max)) ind_data = cursor.fetchall() data={ 'rBC_mass_fg':[], 'rBC_mass_fg_err':[], 'lag_time':[] } total_sample_vol = 0 for row in ind_data: ind_start_time = float(row[0]) ind_end_time = float(row[1]) bbhg_mass_corr11 = float(row[2]) bbhg_mass_corr_err = float(row[3]) BB_incand_pk_pos = float(row[4]) BB_scat_pk_pos = float(row[5]) BB_scat_pk_ht = float(row[6]) sample_flow = float(row[7]) #in vccm incand_pkht = float(row[8]) #filter spike times here if check_spike_times(ind_start_time,ind_end_time): print 'spike' continue #skip the long interval if (ind_end_time - ind_start_time) > 540: print 'long interval' continue #skip if no sample flow if sample_flow == None: print 'no flow' continue #get sampling conditions id and met conditions met_data = get_met_info(UNIX_start) met_id = met_data[0] pressure = met_data[1] temperature = met_data[2]+273.15 correction_factor_for_STP = (273*pressure)/(101325*temperature) sample_vol = (sample_flow*(ind_end_time-ind_start_time)/60)*correction_factor_for_STP #/60 b/c sccm and time in secs total_sample_vol = total_sample_vol + sample_vol bbhg_mass_corr = 0.01244+0.0172*incand_pkht if (mass_min <= bbhg_mass_corr < mass_max): #get sample factor sample_factor = get_sample_factor(UNIX_start) data['rBC_mass_fg'].append(bbhg_mass_corr*sample_factor) data['rBC_mass_fg_err'].append(bbhg_mass_corr_err) #only calc lag time if there is a scattering signal if BB_scat_pk_ht > min_scat_pkht: lags = lag_time_calc(BB_incand_pk_pos,BB_scat_pk_pos) data['lag_time'].append(lags[0]) long_lags += lags[1] short_lags += lags[2] tot_rBC_mass_fg = sum(data['rBC_mass_fg']) tot_rBC_mass_uncer = sum(data['rBC_mass_fg_err']) rBC_number = len(data['rBC_mass_fg']) mean_lag = float(np.mean(data['lag_time'])) if np.isnan(mean_lag): mean_lag = None #get hysplit_id hysplit_id = None #get_hysplit_id(UNIX_start) #get GC id gc_id = None #get_gc_id(UNIX_start) if total_sample_vol != 0: mass_conc = (tot_rBC_mass_fg/total_sample_vol) mass_conc_uncer = (tot_rBC_mass_uncer/total_sample_vol) #add to db single_record = { 'UNIX_UTC_start_time' :UNIX_start, 'UNIX_UTC_end_time' :UNIX_end, 'number_particles' :rBC_number, 'rBC_mass_conc' :mass_conc, 'rBC_mass_conc_err' :mass_conc_uncer, 'volume_air_sampled' :total_sample_vol, 'sampling_duration' :(total_sample_vol/2), 'mean_lag_time' :mean_lag, 'number_long_lag' :long_lags, 'number_short_lag' :short_lags, 'sample_factor' :sample_factor, 'hysplit_hourly_id' :hysplit_id, 'whi_sampling_cond_id' :met_id, 'gc_hourly_id' :gc_id, } multiple_records.append((single_record)) #bulk insert to db table if i%1 == 0: cursor.executemany(add_data, multiple_records) cnx.commit() multiple_records = [] #increment count i+= 1 start += timedelta(hours = timestep) #bulk insert of remaining records to db if multiple_records != []: cursor.executemany(add_data, multiple_records) cnx.commit() multiple_records = [] cnx.close()
# Inviwo Python script import as cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import inviwopy from inviwopy.glm import vec2,vec3,vec4 # #Perceptually Uniform Sequential : #['viridis', 'inferno', 'plasma', 'magma'] #Sequential : #['Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu','GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu','Reds', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd'] #Diverging : #['afmhot', 'autumn', 'bone', 'cool','copper', 'gist_heat', 'gray', 'hot','pink', 'spring', 'summer', 'winter'] #Qualitative : #['BrBG', 'bwr', 'coolwarm', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'seismic'] #Miscellaneous : #['Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3'] #Sequential : #['gist_earth', 'terrain', 'ocean', 'gist_stern','brg', 'CMRmap', 'cubehelix','gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'gist_ncar', 'nipy_spectral', 'jet', 'rainbow', 'gist_rainbow', 'hsv', 'flag', 'prism'] tf = tf.clear() cmapName = "viridis" cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmapName) N = 128 for i in range(0,N,1): x = i / (N-1) a = 1.0 color = cmap(x) tf.add(x, vec4(color[0],color[1],color[2], a))
""" ============== Non-linear SVM ============== Perform binary classification using non-linear SVC with RBF kernel. The target to predict is a XOR of the inputs. The color map illustrates the decision function learned by the SVC. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-3, 3, 500), np.linspace(-3, 3, 500)) np.random.seed(0) X = np.random.randn(300, 2) Y = np.logical_xor(X[:, 0] > 0, X[:, 1] > 0) # fit the model clf = svm.NuSVC(), Y) # plot the decision function for each datapoint on the grid Z = clf.decision_function(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.imshow(Z, interpolation='nearest', extent=(xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max()), aspect='auto', origin='lower', contours = plt.contour(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0], linewidths=2, linetypes='--') plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=30, c=Y, plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) plt.axis([-3, 3, -3, 3])
from __future__ import print_function, division import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns from import scatter_matrix import statsmodels.formula.api as smf #from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression #import scipy, scipy.stats #from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.predstd import wls_prediction_std from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor, summary_table filename = '../Auto.csv' data = pd.read_csv(filename, na_values='?').dropna() #Quantitative and qualitative predictors# print(data.dtypes) #Simple linear regression# slinreg = smf.ols('mpg ~ horsepower', data=data).fit() print(slinreg.summary()) st, fitdat, ss2 = summary_table(slinreg, alpha=0.05) fittedvalues = fitdat[:,2] predict_mean_se = fitdat[:,3] predict_mean_ci_low, predict_mean_ci_upp = fitdat[:,4:6].T predict_ci_low, predict_ci_upp = fitdat[:,6:8].T x = data['horsepower'] y = data['mpg'] #Residuals# resd1 = y - fittedvalues f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) ax1.plot(x, y, 'o') ax1.plot(x, fittedvalues, 'g-') ax1.plot(x, predict_ci_low, 'r--') ax1.plot(x, predict_ci_upp, 'r--') ax1.plot(x, predict_mean_ci_low, 'b--') ax1.plot(x, predict_mean_ci_upp, 'b--') ax2.plot(resd1, fittedvalues, 'o')
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Example of DNNClassifier for Iris plant dataset, with run config.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from sklearn import cross_validation from sklearn import datasets from sklearn import metrics import tensorflow as tf def main(unused_argv): # Load dataset. iris = datasets.load_iris() x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(,, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) # You can define you configurations by providing a RunConfig object to # estimator to control session configurations, e.g. num_cores # and gpu_memory_fraction run_config = tf.contrib.learn.estimators.RunConfig( num_cores=3, gpu_memory_fraction=0.6) # Build 3 layer DNN with 10, 20, 10 units respectively. feature_columns = tf.contrib.learn.infer_real_valued_columns_from_input( x_train) classifier = tf.contrib.learn.DNNClassifier(feature_columns=feature_columns, hidden_units=[10, 20, 10], n_classes=3, config=run_config) # Fit and predict., y_train, steps=200) predictions = list(classifier.predict(x_test, as_iterable=True)) score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, predictions) print('Accuracy: {0:f}'.format(score)) if __name__ == '__main__':