stringlengths 1
| description
stringlengths 1
⌀ | query
stringlengths 1
⌀ | extra_info
stringlengths 18
| wikidb
stringlengths 4
⌀ |
orphaned talks | null | SELECT
page talkpage
talkpage.page_title NOT LIKE '%/%'
talkpage.page_namespace IN (1,11,15,101,119)
page mainpage
tl_target_id = 418257
LIMIT 100 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "rev_timestamp", "page_latest", "count", "pa_class"], "rowcount": 200}], "runningtime": "16.28"} | enwiki_p |
enWikiquote: Experimental: Potential untagged #SheSaid since 20221201 | This experimental query is designed to help identify some women's articles that are not tagged by .#SheSaid. It does this by looking at templates and categories related to women. This will miss some women articles that do not have such a template or article, and therefore a further sweep may be required. In general there may be a lapse of 2 or 3 days before the identifying templates/categories are added so this query may be less effective for new articles.
There is a chance that this query could inappropriately identify an article for #SheSaid tagging when such a tag is inappropriate.
There is a completely different approach that can be achieve by looking at the relevant gender identity property in Wikidata.
Updated 26DEC2022 to include problem column and to check also for [Aa]ctresses in the categories. The lack of a Problem item does not mean the article might be later nominated to PROD or VfD for notability concerns, this is more likely if no associated quality Wikidata item can be identified. 01JAN23 added 'Db' fix. | SELECT
CONCAT('[[',REPLACE(page_title,'_',' '),']]') AS "Potential untagged #SheSaid articles",
IF(ISNULL(pp_value),pp_value,CONCAT('[[:d:',pp_value,']]')) AS "Wikidata item",
actor_name AS "Creator",
CONCAT( MID(r.rev_timestamp,1,4),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,5,2),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,7,2),' ',
MID(r.rev_timestamp,9,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,11,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,13,2)) AS "Date created",
(SELECT r2.rev_len
FROM revision r2
WHERE r2.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(r3.rev_id)
FROM revision r3
WHERE r3.rev_page=page_id
/* For specific dates used e.g. rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20221101000000' AND '20221201000000' */
AND rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20221201000000'
AND DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s')
AND page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0
) AS "Length",
FROM templatelinks tm1
JOIN linktarget lt1 ON lt1.lt_id=tm1.tl_target_id
WHERE tm1.tl_from=page_id AND tm1.tl_from_namespace=0
AND lt1.lt_title IN ('Vfd-new','Dated_prod','Delete','Db','Copyvio')
),"No") AS "Problem"
revision r
JOIN page ON r.rev_page=page_id
JOIN actor_revision ON r.rev_actor=actor_id
LEFT JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item'
WHERE rev_id in (SELECT
rev_page in (SELECT rev_page
FROM revision
LEFT JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
/* For specific dates used e.g. rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20221101000000' AND '20221201000000' */
rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20221201000000'
AND DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s')
AND page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0
GROUP BY rev_page
HAVING MIN(rev_timestamp) >= '20221201000000' /* Must match lower interval above1 */
FROM comment_revision
JOIN revision x ON x.rev_comment_id=comment_id
WHERE x.rev_page=page_id
AND comment_text RLIKE '.*#[Ss]he[Ss]aid.*')
FROM templatelinks tm1
JOIN linktarget lt1 ON lt1.lt_id=tm1.tl_target_id
WHERE tm1.tl_from=page_id AND tm1.tl_from_namespace=0
AND lt1.lt_title IN ('Women-stub')
FROM categorylinks cl1
WHERE cl1.cl_from = page_id
AND ( cl1.cl_to LIKE 'Women%'
OR cl1.cl_to LIKE '%women'
OR cl1.cl_to LIKE '%ctresses%')
ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["count(distinct cat_id)"], "rowcount": 1}], "runningtime": "2.54"} | enwikiquote_p |
Bad disambiguation page titles (eswiki) | Disambiguation pages with a superfluous " (desambiguación)" suffix (eswiki). | use eswiki_p;
select page_title as main_title
from (page join redirect on page_id = rd_from)
where page_namespace = 0 and rd_title = concat(page_title, '_(desambiguación)');
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["img_name"], "rowcount": 3}], "runningtime": "0.05"} | eswiki |
Users on svwiki editing most unique days in 2022 | Users editing in the main namespace more than 300 unique days in 2021 on svwiki. | SELECT actor_name, COUNT(DISTINCT substring(rev_timestamp, 1, 8)) as days
JOIN page ON rev_page = page_id
JOIN actor ON rev_actor = actor_id
rev_timestamp like '2022%'
AND page_namespace= 0
GROUP BY actor_name
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT substring(rev_timestamp, 1, 8)) > 300
ORDER BY days DESC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["ptrpt_page_id", "ptrp_created", "COUNT(*)"], "rowcount": 26}], "runningtime": "1.23"} | mlwiki_p |
New articles created by a User with category | null | USE trwiki_p;
/* SELECT COUNT (p.page_id) FROM revision r, page p
WHERE r.rev_parent_id = 0
AND p.page_namespace = 0
AND p.page_is_redirect = 0
AND r.rev_page = p.page_id
AND r.rev_actor = 4193345;
SELECT CONCAT("# [[",p.page_title,"]]") AS Sayfa, /*r.rev_timestamp,*/ p.page_len AS Byte, c.cl_to AS Kategori
FROM revision r, page p, categorylinks c /*, actor a, logging l */
WHERE r.rev_parent_id = 0
AND p.page_namespace = 0
AND p.page_is_redirect = 0
AND r.rev_page = p.page_id
AND p.page_id = c.cl_from
AND ((c.cl_to LIKE ('%sinema%')) OR (c.cl_to LIKE ('%film%')) /* OR (c.cl_to LIKE ('%köyler%')) */ )
/* AND log_action = "create" */
AND r.rev_actor = 4193345
ORDER BY page_len;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["\uc81c\ubaa9", "\ud06c\uae30", "\ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9\ud3b8\uc9d1\uc2dc\uac01", "\ub9c8\uc9c0\ub9c9\ud3b8\uc9d1\uc790"], "rowcount": 816}], "runningtime": "0.83"} | trwiki_p |
Test subst:#timel | null | select * from revision where rev_id in (69164680, 69185881) | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["date", "count(*)", "avg(page_len)", "sum(page_len)"], "rowcount": 95}], "runningtime": "0.70"} | plwiki |
Disambiguation pages in mainspace with no links to mainspace | null | SELECT page_title
FROM page
WHERE page_namespace = 0
AND page_id IN (
SELECT pp_page FROM page_props
WHERE pp_propname = 'disambiguation'
AND pp_page NOT IN (
SELECT pl_from FROM pagelinks WHERE pl_namespace = 0 and pl_from_namespace = 0
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["id", "language", "text"], "rowcount": 0}], "runningtime": "65.12"} | enwiki_p |
ويكيبيديا:إحصاءات العام/2022| أكثر مستخدمين إضافة للموسوعة | null | USE arwiki_p;
SELECT CONCAT("[[مستخدم:",actor_name,"|",actor_name,"]]") AS user_name, SUM(CAST(rev.rev_len as signed)-CAST(parent.rev_len as signed)) AS byte_count, COUNT(rev.rev_id) as edit_count
FROM revision rev
INNER JOIN actor on rev.rev_actor = actor_id
JOIN revision parent
ON rev.rev_parent_id = parent.rev_id
INNER JOIN comment_revision on rev.rev_comment_id = comment_id
JOIN page
ON page_id = parent.rev_page
WHERE page_namespace = 0
and comment_text not like "%رجوع%"
and comment_text not like "%استرجاع%"
AND rev.rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20220101000000 AND 20221231235959
AND parent.rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20220101000000 AND 20221231235959
and ucase(actor_name) not like ucase("%BOT") COLLATE utf8_general_ci
and actor_name not like "%بوت%" collate utf8_general_ci
and actor_name Not IN (SELECT user_name
FROM user_groups
INNER JOIN user ON user_id = ug_user
WHERE ug_group = "bot")
and actor_id NOT IN ("2579643")
and actor_name not in ('New user message')
GROUP BY actor_name
having byte_count > 0
ORDER BY byte_count DESC
LIMIT 50; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["logid", "title", "timestamp", "redirect", "last_edited"], "rowcount": 516}], "runningtime": "0.55"} | arwiki_p |
Identyfikatory znaczników | null | SELECT *
FROM change_tag_def
ORDER BY ctd_id; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["wbit_id", "wbit_item_id", "wbit_term_in_lang_id", "wbtl_id", "wbtl_type_id", "wbtl_text_in_lang_id", "wby_id", "wby_name", "wbxl_id", "wbxl_language", "wbxl_text_id", "wbx_id", "wbx_text"], "rowcount": 1}], "runningtime": "0.07"} | plwiki_p |
Sugerowane wstawienie ilustracji: wszystkie edycje vs wycofane | Zapytanie zlicza wszystkie edycje wykonane w 2022 roku, które zostały oznaczone znacznikiem "Zasugerowano edycję: dodanie ilustracji" a także te, które dodatkowo oznaczono jako "Wycofane", aby dać ogląd na to, jak duża część sugestii jest błędnie akceptowana przez nowicjuszy. | set @newcomer_task_add_image := 155; -- Id znacznika "Zasugerowano edycję: dodanie ilustracji"
set @mw_reverted := 126; -- Id znacznika "Wycofane"
-- Uwzględniane są wszystkie edycje wykonane w 2022 roku (UTC+1)
set @starttime := '20211231230000';
set @endtime := '20221231230000';
JOIN change_tag ON rev_id = ct_rev_id
WHERE ct_tag_id = @newcomer_task_add_image
AND rev_timestamp >= @starttime
AND rev_timestamp < @endtime
) AS "Zasugerowano edycję: dodanie ilustracji", (
JOIN change_tag AS ct1 ON rev_id = ct1.ct_rev_id
JOIN change_tag AS ct2 ON rev_id = ct2.ct_rev_id
WHERE ct1.ct_tag_id = @newcomer_task_add_image AND ct2.ct_tag_id = @mw_reverted
AND rev_timestamp >= @starttime
AND rev_timestamp < @endtime
) AS "w tym wycofane"; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["wbpt_id", "wbpt_property_id", "wbpt_term_in_lang_id", "wbxl_id", "wbxl_language", "wbxl_text_id", "wbx_id", "wbx_text"], "rowcount": 10}], "runningtime": "0.05"} | plwiki_p |
ويكيبيديا:إحصاءات العام/2022| عدد المقالات لكل شهر | null | SELECT
DATE_FORMAT(r.rev_timestamp, '%Y-%m') as month,
COUNT(*) as page_count
FROM revision r
JOIN page p ON p.page_id = r.rev_page
WHERE p.page_namespace = 0 AND p.page_is_redirect = 0 AND r.rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20220101000000' AND '20221231235959' AND r.rev_parent_id = 0
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY month;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["wbit_id", "wbit_item_id", "wbit_term_in_lang_id", "wbtl_id", "wbtl_type_id", "wbtl_text_in_lang_id", "wbxl_id", "wbxl_language", "wbxl_text_id", "wbx_id", "wbx_text", "wbpt_id", "wbpt_property_id", "wbpt_term_in_lang_id"], "rowcount": 2}], "runningtime": "0.07"} | arwiki_p |
Liczba edycji w plwikisource w 2022 roku | null | USE plwikisource_p;
SET @w:=0;
SELECT @w:=@w+1 AS 'Lp',/*`Użytkownik`,*/`Link`,`Liczba edycji`
FROM (SELECT user_name AS 'Użytkownik', CONCAT('[[Wikiskryba:',user_name,'|',user_name,']]') AS 'Link', COUNT(*) AS 'Liczba edycji'
FROM actor JOIN revision ON rev_actor=actor_id JOIN user ON actor_user=user_id JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
WHERE rev_timestamp >= '20220101000000' AND
rev_timestamp < '20230101000000' AND
page_namespace IN (0,100,102,104,124) AND
GROUP BY user_name
HAVING `liczba edycji`>100
LIMIT 100) AS A;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "rev_timestamp", "page_latest", "count", "pa_class"], "rowcount": 200}], "runningtime": "15.42"} | plwikisource |
Liczba edycji w przestrzeni Strona plwikisource w 2022 roku | null | USE plwikisource_p;
SET @w:=0;
SELECT @w:=@w+1 AS 'Lp',/*`Użytkownik`,*/`Link`,`Liczba edycji`
FROM (SELECT user_name AS 'Użytkownik', CONCAT('[[Wikiskryba:',user_name,'|',user_name,']]') AS 'Link', COUNT(*) AS 'Liczba edycji'
FROM actor JOIN revision ON rev_actor=actor_id JOIN user ON actor_user=user_id JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
WHERE rev_timestamp >= '20220101000000' AND
rev_timestamp < '20230101000000' AND
page_namespace = 100 AND
GROUP BY user_name
HAVING `liczba edycji`>100
LIMIT 100) AS A;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["url", "pagename", "page_id", "reason"], "rowcount": 4}], "runningtime": "45.34"} | plwikisource |
Liczba edycji w przestrzeni Strona plwikisource w latach 2013-2022 | null | USE plwikisource_p;
SET @w:=0;
SELECT @w:=@w+1 AS 'Lp',/*`Użytkownik`,*/`Link`,`Liczba edycji`
FROM (SELECT user_name AS 'Użytkownik', CONCAT('[[Wikiskryba:',user_name,'|',user_name,']]') AS 'Link', COUNT(*) AS 'Liczba edycji'
FROM actor JOIN revision ON rev_actor=actor_id JOIN user ON actor_user=user_id JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
WHERE rev_timestamp >= '20130101000000' AND
rev_timestamp < '20230101000000' AND
page_namespace = 100 AND
GROUP BY user_name
HAVING `liczba edycji`>100
LIMIT 100) AS A;
| {"connection_id": 91189375} | plwikisource |
TOP reviewers pl 2022 | null | -- Re-format wikitable: `(\d+)\.0\|\|(\S[^|]+)`
-- Replace: `$1 || [[User:$2|$2]] `
SELECT actor_name, review_count
, review_count_i as review_count_intial
, (review_count + review_count_i) as review_count_total
-- next reviews
SELECT actor_name, review_count, IFNULL(review_count_i, 0) as review_count_i
SELECT count(*) as review_count, log_actor
FROM logging
WHERE log_type = 'review' AND log_action = 'approve'
AND log_timestamp >= 20220101000000
AND log_timestamp <= 20221231235959
GROUP BY log_actor
) r_next
-- add initial reviews
SELECT count(*) as review_count_i, log_actor as log_actor_i
FROM logging
WHERE log_type = 'review' AND log_action = 'approve-i'
AND log_timestamp >= 20220101000000
AND log_timestamp <= 20221231235959
GROUP BY log_actor
) r_initial ON log_actor_i = log_actor
-- actor_name
LEFT JOIN actor a ON actor_id = log_actor
) top_reviewers
ORDER BY review_count DESC, review_count_i DESC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["url", "pagename", "page_id", "reason"], "rowcount": 4}], "runningtime": "38.54"} | plwiki_p |
List of top priority math articles missing on idwiki | null | SELECT DISTINCT
page, langlinks
page_title in (
SELECT page_title AS member
FROM categorylinks LEFT JOIN page ON (cl_from = page_id)
WHERE cl_to = "Top-priority_mathematics_articles"
) # Judul halaman ada di Kategori
AND page_namespace = 0 # dan halaman itu ada di ruang nama Utama
AND page_id = ll_from
# AND ll_lang = 'id' # 1. dan ada interwiki ke Bahasa Indonesia
AND page_id NOT IN ( # 2. namun tidak ada interwiki ke Bahasa Indonesia
SELECT ll_from
FROM langlinks
WHERE ll_lang = 'id'
page_len desc
; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["rc_user_text", "rc_title", "91_197_23_timestamp", "abc10_timestamp"], "rowcount": 225}], "runningtime": "0.76"} | mlwiki |
Daily deletions on plwiki (main namespace) | null | select
log_timestamp div 1000000 as day,
count(log_id) as deletions
log_type = "delete" and
log_action = "delete" and
log_namespace = 0
group by
order by
day desc; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["file", "actor_name"], "rowcount": 3073}], "runningtime": "2.80"} | plwiki_p |
enWikiquote: Articles on Pages not connected to items list | New articles. on Articles on Pages not connected to items list. This is optimised for download as a wikitable and is even better when changed to a sortable wikitable by changing class="wikitable" to class="wikitable sortable". The default sort order is date of creation descending.
One key use is identifying new articles not associated with a wikidata item. the flags column helps idetifify any already under Prod or VfD so time doesn't have to be wasted looking at those if that is not your purpose.
On enWQ performance is a TBD. Articles marked as #SheSaid are also noted.
The 'ọ' flag notes marked for #SheSaid in the 2022 campaign, 'C', 'D', 'P' ,'V' flags indicated associated page is in the Copyvio, speedy Delete, Proposed deletion, or Votes for deletion process that might lead to deletion. (Introduced 26 December 2022 20:51 UTC) The 'N' flag indicates in the Category "Articles with no corresponding English Wikipedia article" | SELECT
FROM templatelinks tm1
JOIN linktarget lt1 ON lt1.lt_id=tm1.tl_target_id
WHERE tm1.tl_from=page_id AND tm1.tl_from_namespace=0
AND lt1.lt_title = 'Vfd-new'
FROM templatelinks tm1
JOIN linktarget lt1 ON lt1.lt_id=tm1.tl_target_id
WHERE tm1.tl_from=page_id AND tm1.tl_from_namespace=0
AND lt1.lt_title = 'Dated_prod'
FROM templatelinks tm1
JOIN linktarget lt1 ON lt1.lt_id=tm1.tl_target_id
WHERE tm1.tl_from=page_id AND tm1.tl_from_namespace=0
AND lt1.lt_title IN ('Delete', 'Db')
FROM templatelinks tm1
JOIN linktarget lt1 ON lt1.lt_id=tm1.tl_target_id
WHERE tm1.tl_from=page_id AND tm1.tl_from_namespace=0
AND lt1.lt_title = 'Copyvio'
FROM categorylinks cl1
WHERE cl1.cl_from = page_id
AND cl1.cl_to = 'Articles_with_no_corresponding_English_Wikipedia_article'
FROM comment_revision
JOIN revision x ON x.rev_comment_id=comment_id
WHERE x.rev_page=page_id
AND comment_text RLIKE '.*#[Ss]he[Ss]aid.*'
'"') AS "Flags",
CONCAT('[[',REPLACE(page_title,'_',' '),']]') AS "Articles without an item",
IF(ISNULL(pp_value),pp_value,CONCAT('[[:d:',pp_value,']]')) AS "Wikidata item",
actor_name AS "Creator",
CONCAT( MID(r.rev_timestamp,1,4),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,5,2),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,7,2),' ',
MID(r.rev_timestamp,9,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,11,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,13,2)) AS "Date created",
(SELECT r2.rev_len
FROM revision r2
WHERE r2.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(r3.rev_id)
FROM revision r3
WHERE r3.rev_page=page_id
) AS "Length"
JOIN revision r ON r.rev_page=page_id
JOIN actor_revision ON r.rev_actor=actor_id
LEFT JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item'
WHERE rev_id, rev_timestamp in (SELECT rev_page, rev_timestamp
FROM revision
LEFT JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
WHERE page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0
GROUP BY rev_page, rev_timestamp
HAVING rev_timestamp=MIN(rev_timestamp)
AND pp_value IS NULL
AND page_namespace=0
AND page_is_redirect = 0
ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["date", "count(*)", "avg(page_len)", "sum(page_len)"], "rowcount": 31}], "runningtime": "0.39"} | enwikiquote_p |
Sandboxes in use | null | select * from templatelinks join page on page_id=tl_from
join linktarget on lt_id=tl_target_id
where lt_namespace in (10,828)
and tl_from_namespace=0 and lt_title like "%/sandbox"
limit 750; | {"connection_id": 62403330} | mlwiki_p |
تعديلات ذات ملخص تعديل محدد | null | use arwiki_p;
select concat("[[",page_title,"]]"), concat("[[:en:",(select ll_title from langlinks
where ll_from = rev_page
and ll_lang = "en"
limit 1),"]]"), page_len
from revision
inner join comment
on comment_id = rev_comment_id
inner join page
on page_id = rev_page
where comment_text like "%File renamed%"
and page_is_redirect = 0
and page_namespace = 0
and rev_actor <> 0
limit 500; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["logid", "title", "timestamp", "redirect", "last_edited"], "rowcount": 621}], "runningtime": "0.61"} | arwiki_p |
jawiki sock blocks | null | SELECT
COUNT(CASE WHEN comment_text REGEXP '.*sockpuppet.*' THEN 1 END) AS sockpuppet_blocks,
COUNT(CASE WHEN NOT comment_text REGEXP '.*sockpuppet.*' THEN 1 END) AS other_blocks
JOIN ipblocks ON user_id = ipb_user
JOIN comment ON ipb_reason_id = comment_id
ipb_expiry = 'infinity' | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["distanz_ungefaehr", "gt_lat", "gt_lon", "gt_page_id", "gt_name", "ns", "title", "gt_country", "gt_region"], "rowcount": 200}, {"headers": ["distanz_ungefaehr", "gt_lat", "gt_lon", "gt_page_id", "gt_name", "ns", "title", "gt_country", "gt_region"], "rowcount": 200}], "runningtime": "3.88"} | jawiki |
jawiki blocked users | null | SELECT
COUNT(CASE WHEN ipb_expiry >= 20230104235959 THEN 1 END) AS time_bound_blocked,
COUNT(CASE WHEN ipb_expiry = 'infinity' THEN 1 END) AS infinitely_blocked_all,
COUNT(CASE WHEN ipb_expiry = 'infinity' AND comment_text REGEXP '.*sockpuppet.*' THEN 1 END) AS infinitely_blocked_sockpuppets,
COUNT(CASE WHEN ipb_expiry = 'infinity' AND NOT comment_text REGEXP '.*sockpuppet.*' THEN 1 END) AS infinitely_blocked_others
JOIN ipblocks ON user_id = ipb_user
JOIN comment ON ipb_reason_id = comment_id | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["pl_title", "COUNT(*)"], "rowcount": 3}], "runningtime": "2.52"} | jawiki |
tlWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks | New articles. on Tagalog WikiQuote from the last few weeks. This is optimised for download as a wikitable and is even better when changed to a sortable wikitable by changing class="wikitable" to class="wikitable sortable"
The latest version leverages the current date through the NOW() function and is set to examines new articles from the previous 2 weeks. On eqWQ for an interval of 14 days the on a hot run it its performant at circa 2 s elapsed, however tests indicate a likely step peformance dropoff and possible exponential increases thereafter if that interval is increased, and database load may be also be one of several variable factors of influence. Two lower dates must be the same and could be replaced by a 'YYYYMMDD000000' value if necessary. The effect of changing the upper date is undefined. Articles marked as #SheSaid are also noted.
The length shown should now reflect the length at the time the snapshot was taken correcting a bug present prior to Sun, 04 Dec 2022 11:59:55 UTC | SELECT /*Not good enought yes - needs page & reivions into the query below*/
FROM comment_revision
JOIN revision x ON x.rev_comment_id=comment_id
WHERE x.rev_page=page_id
AND comment_text RLIKE '.*#[Ss]he[Ss]aid.*')) AS "ọ",
CONCAT('[[',REPLACE(page_title,'_',' '),']]') AS "New articles in a period",
IF(ISNULL(pp_value),pp_value,CONCAT('[[:d:',pp_value,']]')) AS "Wikidata item",
actor_name AS "Creator",
CONCAT( MID(r.rev_timestamp,1,4),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,5,2),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,7,2),' ',
MID(r.rev_timestamp,9,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,11,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,13,2)) AS "Date created",
(SELECT r2.rev_len
FROM revision r2
WHERE r2.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(r3.rev_id)
FROM revision r3
WHERE r3.rev_page=page_id
) AS "Length"
revision r
JOIN page ON r.rev_page=page_id
JOIN actor_revision ON r.rev_actor=actor_id
LEFT JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item'
WHERE rev_id in (SELECT
rev_page in (SELECT rev_page
FROM revision
LEFT JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
/* For specific dates used e.g. rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20221101000000' AND '20221201000000' */
rev_timestamp BETWEEN CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(NOW()-INTERVAL 14 DAY,'%Y%m%d'),'000000')
AND DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s')
AND page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0
GROUP BY rev_page
HAVING MIN(rev_timestamp) >= CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(NOW()-INTERVAL 14 day,'%Y%m%d'),'000000') /* Must match lower interval above1 */
ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_from", "cl_to", "cl_sortkey", "cl_timestamp", "cl_sortkey_prefix", "cl_collation", "cl_type"], "rowcount": 300}], "runningtime": "0.36"} | tlwikiquote_p |
deWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) | New #SheSaid WikiQuote 2022 campaign articles. on German WikiQuote from Oct 1st 2022 till 31 Dec 2022. This is optimised for download as a wikitable and is even better when changed to a sortable wikitable by changing class="wikitable" to class="wikitable sortable"
The last length size (in the #SheSaid campaign period) was being calculated incorrectly prior to Sun, 04 Dec 2022 21:48:13 UTC, this should now be fixed. | SELECT
CONCAT('[[',REPLACE(page_title,'_',' '),']]') AS "New WikiQuote #SheSaid article",
actor_name AS "Creator",
CONCAT( MID(rev_timestamp,1,4),'-',MID(rev_timestamp,5,2),'-',MID(rev_timestamp,7,2),' ',
MID(rev_timestamp,9,2),':',MID(rev_timestamp,11,2),':',MID(rev_timestamp,13,2)) AS "Date created",
IF(ISNULL(pp_value),pp_value,CONCAT('[[:d:',pp_value,']]')) AS "Wikidata item",
(SELECT r2.rev_len
FROM revision r2
WHERE r2.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(r3.rev_id)
FROM revision r3
WHERE r3.rev_page=page_id
AND r3.rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221001000000 AND 20221231999999
) AS "Length"
revision r
JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
JOIN actor_revision ON rev_actor=actor_id
LEFT JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item'
WHERE rev_id in (SELECT
rev_page in (SELECT rev_page
FROM revision
JOIN comment_revision ON rev_comment_id=comment_id
JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221001000000 AND 20221231999999
AND comment_text RLIKE '.*#[Ss]he[Ss]aid.*'
AND page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0)
GROUP BY rev_page
HAVING MIN(rev_timestamp) >= 20221001000000)
ORDER BY page_title ASC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_from", "cl_to", "cl_sortkey", "cl_timestamp", "cl_sortkey_prefix", "cl_collation", "cl_type", "page_id", "page_namespace", "page_title", "page_is_redirect", "page_is_new", "page_random", "page_touched", "page_links_updated", "page_latest", "page_len", "page_content_model", "page_lang"], "rowcount": 300}], "runningtime": "27.67"} | dewikiquote_p |
deWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged updated articles (01-Oct-22 : 31-Dec-22) | This is related to a query for new #SheSaid WikiQuote 2022 campaign articles on German WikiQuote from Oct 1st 2022 till 31 Dec 2022 and lists individual articles that identify as having been modified in the campaign period. This query looks at mainspaces article only and precisely considers the articles that have a #SheSaid in the summary in the relevant period period and excludes articles newly created in the period. The query includes the metric showing an article size increase from its size at the start of the campaign, though this metric does not relate to article quality which is ultimately far more important. Identifying any individual author from this query would be problematic. individal article inspections. The query is is optimised for download as a wikitable and is even better when changed to a sortable wikitable by changing class="wikitable" to class="wikitable sortable".
This query has not been fully tested and there remains a risk it has inaccuracies. It currently is not expensive to run with the elapsed time the order of a couple of seconds
The concerns of article size and increase raised prior to Sun, 04 Dec 2022 18:36:22 UTC have been checked and found not to have applied to this query but an issue that would have occurred after 31-December-2022 has now been corrected so the length referred to will statically remain that of the last change in the campaign period | SELECT
CONCAT('[[',REPLACE(page_title,'_',' '),']]') AS "WikiQuote updated article in #SheSaid 2022",
rvmax.rev_len - NVL(rvprior.rev_len,0) "Campaign size increase",
rvmax.rev_len "Current size",
CONCAT( MID(rvmax.rev_timestamp,1,4),'-',MID(rvmax.rev_timestamp,5,2),'-',MID(rvmax.rev_timestamp,7,2),' ',
MID(rvmax.rev_timestamp,9,2),':',MID(rvmax.rev_timestamp,11,2),':',MID(rvmax.rev_timestamp,13,2)) AS "Last update",
IF(ISNULL(pp_value),pp_value,CONCAT('[[:d:',pp_value,']]')) AS "Wikidata item"
revision rvf
JOIN page ON rvf.rev_page=page_id
JOIN revision rvmax ON rvf.rev_page=rvmax.rev_page
JOIN revision rvprior ON rvf.rev_page=rvprior.rev_page
LEFT JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item'
WHERE rvf.rev_id in (SELECT
rev_page in (SELECT rev_page
FROM revision
JOIN comment_revision ON rev_comment_id=comment_id
JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221001000000 AND 20221231999999
AND comment_text RLIKE '.*#[Ss]he[Ss]aid.*'
AND page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0)
GROUP BY rev_page
HAVING MIN(rev_timestamp) < 20221001000000)
AND rvmax.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(rev_id)
FROM revision
WHERE rev_page=rvf.rev_page
AND rev_timestamp < 20221231999999)
AND rvprior.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(rev_id)
FROM revision
WHERE rev_page=rvf.rev_page
AND rev_timestamp < 20221001000000 )
ORDER BY page_title ASC; | {"connection_id": 92273341} | dewikiquote_p |
deWikiquote: All new articles the past two weeks | New articles. on German WikiQuote from the last few weeks. This is optimised for download as a wikitable and is even better when changed to a sortable wikitable by changing class="wikitable" to class="wikitable sortable"
The latest version leverages the current date through the NOW() function and is set to examines new articles from the previous 2 weeks. On eqWQ for an interval of 14 days the on a hot run it its performant at circa 2 s elapsed, however tests indicate a likely step peformance dropoff and possible exponential increases thereafter if that interval is increased, and database load may be also be one of several variable factors of influence. Two lower dates must be the same and could be replaced by a 'YYYYMMDD000000' value if necessary. The effect of changing the upper date is undefined. Articles marked as #SheSaid are also noted.
The length shown should now reflect the length at the time the snapshot was taken correcting a bug present prior to Sun, 04 Dec 2022 11:59:55 UTC | SELECT /*Not good enought yes - needs page & reivions into the query below*/
FROM comment_revision
JOIN revision x ON x.rev_comment_id=comment_id
WHERE x.rev_page=page_id
AND comment_text RLIKE '.*#[Ss]he[Ss]aid.*')) AS "ọ",
CONCAT('[[',REPLACE(page_title,'_',' '),']]') AS "New articles in a period",
IF(ISNULL(pp_value),pp_value,CONCAT('[[:d:',pp_value,']]')) AS "Wikidata item",
actor_name AS "Creator",
CONCAT( MID(r.rev_timestamp,1,4),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,5,2),'-',MID(r.rev_timestamp,7,2),' ',
MID(r.rev_timestamp,9,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,11,2),':',MID(r.rev_timestamp,13,2)) AS "Date created",
(SELECT r2.rev_len
FROM revision r2
WHERE r2.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(r3.rev_id)
FROM revision r3
WHERE r3.rev_page=page_id
) AS "Length"
revision r
JOIN page ON r.rev_page=page_id
JOIN actor_revision ON r.rev_actor=actor_id
LEFT JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item'
WHERE rev_id in (SELECT
rev_page in (SELECT rev_page
FROM revision
LEFT JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
/* For specific dates used e.g. rev_timestamp BETWEEN '20221101000000' AND '20221201000000' */
rev_timestamp BETWEEN CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(NOW()-INTERVAL 14 DAY,'%Y%m%d'),'000000')
AND DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s')
AND page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0
GROUP BY rev_page
HAVING MIN(rev_timestamp) >= CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(NOW()-INTERVAL 14 day,'%Y%m%d'),'000000') /* Must match lower interval above1 */
ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_from", "cl_to", "cl_sortkey", "cl_timestamp", "cl_sortkey_prefix", "cl_collation", "cl_type", "page_id", "page_namespace", "page_title", "page_is_redirect", "page_is_new", "page_random", "page_touched", "page_links_updated", "page_latest", "page_len", "page_content_model", "page_lang"], "rowcount": 300}], "runningtime": "12.53"} | dewikiquote_p |
incubator things | null | select page_title from page where page_namespace=0 and page_is_redirect=0 and page_id not in(select cl_from from categorylinks where cl_to like "W_/__" or cl_to like "W_/___"); | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_from", "cl_to", "cl_sortkey", "cl_timestamp", "cl_sortkey_prefix", "cl_collation", "cl_type", "page_id", "page_namespace", "page_title", "page_is_redirect", "page_is_new", "page_random", "page_touched", "page_links_updated", "page_latest", "page_len", "page_content_model", "page_lang"], "rowcount": 18}], "runningtime": "0.14"} | incubatorwiki_p |
Finals | Titles with "(The xxx song)" | select page_title from page where page_namespace=0
and (page_title like '%_Finals')
and page_is_redirect=0
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_from", "cl_to", "cl_sortkey", "cl_timestamp", "cl_sortkey_prefix", "cl_collation", "cl_type"], "rowcount": 30}], "runningtime": "0.08"} | enwiki |
WS: RC bug (missing changes) | null | select * from recentchanges where rc_timestamp > 20230105001059 AND rc_timestamp < 20230105050059 and rc_bot<>1
and rc_title like 'Wikiprojekt_Proofread_%'
-- oldid expected: 3326443 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_from", "cl_to", "cl_sortkey", "cl_timestamp", "cl_sortkey_prefix", "cl_collation", "cl_type", "page_id", "page_namespace", "page_title", "page_is_redirect", "page_is_new", "page_random", "page_touched", "page_links_updated", "page_latest", "page_len", "page_content_model", "page_lang"], "rowcount": 30}], "runningtime": "0.14"} | plwikisource |
Twiki:User-wise new articles count | null | use tewiki_p;
select substr(rev_timestamp,1,4) as yeard,actor_name,count(actor_name)
and page_namespace=0
and page_is_redirect=0
and page_id not in (select pp_page from page_props where pp_propname="disambiguation")
and actor_id=rev_actor
and rev_parent_id=0
-- and substr(rev_timestamp,1,4) > 2015
-- and actor_name="Chaduvari"
group by substr(rev_timestamp,1,4), actor_name
order by substr(rev_timestamp,1,4) desc, count(actor_name) desc | {"connection_id": 92349180} | tewiki |
TWP articles that link to disambiguation pages | Links to disambiguation pages on the English Wikipedia from articles managed by WikiProject Trains. Derived from https://quarry.wmcloud.org/query/1632. | SELECT page1.page_title AS source_title, concat('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/', page1.page_title) as source_url, page2.page_title AS target_title, concat('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/', page2.page_title) as target_url
FROM page as page1
JOIN pagelinks
ON page1.page_id = pagelinks.pl_from
AND page1.page_namespace = 0
JOIN page AS page2
ON pagelinks.pl_namespace = page2.page_namespace
AND pagelinks.pl_title = page2.page_title
JOIN categorylinks
ON page2.page_id = categorylinks.cl_from
AND categorylinks.cl_to = 'Disambiguation_pages'
FROM categorylinks AS cl1
WHERE cl1.cl_from = page1.page_id
AND cl1.cl_to = 'Disambiguation_pages')
AND NOT page2.page_title LIKE "%_(disambiguation)"
AND page1.page_is_redirect = 0
JOIN page AS page3
ON page3.page_title = page1.page_title
AND page3.page_namespace = 1
FROM templatelinks AS tl1
JOIN linktarget ON tl_target_id = lt_id
AND lt_title = 'WikiProject_Trains'
AND lt_namespace = 10
WHERE tl1.tl_from = page3.page_id
) | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["rc_title", "rc_timestamp", "rc_this_oldid", "rc_last_oldid", "actor_name", "rc_comment", "rc_old_len", "rc_new_len", "rc_new_len-rc_old_len"], "rowcount": 337}], "runningtime": "0.45"} | enwiki_p |
Most pending changes accepts (all time) | null | SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS rank,
COUNT(log_actor) AS manual_accept_count
FROM logging_userindex
JOIN actor_logging ON actor_id = log_actor
WHERE log_type = 'review' AND log_action = 'approve'
GROUP BY log_actor
ORDER BY manual_accept_count DESC
LIMIT 1000 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_id", "page_namespace", "page_title", "page_is_redirect", "page_is_new", "page_random", "page_touched", "page_links_updated", "page_latest", "page_len", "page_content_model", "page_lang"], "rowcount": 10}], "runningtime": "0.07"} | enwiki |
Wikidata Latam Contest Results | null | use wikidatawiki_p;
select count(rc_id) as edits, actor_name as user
from recentchanges_userindex
left join actor on rc_actor = actor_id
left join comment on rc_comment_id = comment_id
where comment_text like '%The Distributed Game (83)%'
and rc_timestamp > '20221214'
and rc_timestamp < '20230108'
group by rc_actor
order by edits desc;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_from", "page_id"], "rowcount": 100}], "runningtime": "0.13"} | wikidatawiki_p |
المستخدمون الـ 5 الأوائل في إضافة نصوص|ويكيبيديا:مستخدمو الأسبوع الأكثر نشاطا | null | SELECT actor_name, SUM(CAST(rev.rev_len as signed)-CAST(parent.rev_len as signed)) AS byte_count, COUNT(rev.rev_id) as edit_count
FROM revision rev
INNER JOIN actor on rev.rev_actor = actor_id
JOIN revision parent
ON rev.rev_parent_id = parent.rev_id
INNER JOIN comment_revision on rev.rev_comment_id = comment_id
JOIN page
ON page_id = parent.rev_page
WHERE page_namespace = 0
and comment_text not like "%رجوع%"
and comment_text not like "%استرجاع%"
AND rev.rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221231000000 AND 20230165000000
AND parent.rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221231000000 AND 20230165000000
and ucase(actor_name) not like ucase("%BOT") COLLATE utf8_general_ci
and actor_name not like "%بوت%" collate utf8_general_ci
and actor_name Not IN (SELECT user_name
FROM user_groups
INNER JOIN user ON user_id = ug_user
WHERE ug_group = "bot")
and actor_name IN (SELECT user_name FROM user_groups INNER JOIN user ON user_id = ug_user WHERE ug_group = 'editor' or 'autoreview')
GROUP BY actor_name
having byte_count > 0
ORDER BY byte_count DESC
LIMIT 50; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 1715}], "runningtime": "769.73"} | arwiki_p |
أنشط 5 مستخدمين بين المستخدمين الواعدين|ويكيبيديا:مستخدمو الأسبوع الأكثر نشاطا | null | USE arwiki_p;
CONCAT("[[مستخدم:",actor_name,"|",actor_name,"]]") AS "المستخدم",
SUM(CASE WHEN rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20220103000000 AND 20220110000000 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recent_user_editcount
FROM user
INNER JOIN revision
JOIN actor ON actor_id = rev_actor
ON page.page_id = revision.rev_page
WHERE rev_timestamp >= 20000000000000
AND user_registration BETWEEN 20211201000000 and 20220131000000
AND page.page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY actor_name
ORDER BY recent_user_editcount DESC
LIMIT 8; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_from", "page_id"], "rowcount": 100}], "runningtime": "0.13"} | arwiki_p |
latest enwikisource edits not showing up on recent changes | null | select
from revision
inner join page on page_id = rev_page
left join recentchanges on rc_this_oldid = rev_id
rev_timestamp > 20221208000000 and
rc_id is null
order by
rev_timestamp desc; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["sum(user_editcount)"], "rowcount": 1}], "runningtime": "0.05"} | enwikisource_p |
latest plwiki edits not showing up on recent changes | null | select
from revision
inner join page on page_id = rev_page
left join recentchanges on rc_this_oldid = rev_id
rev_timestamp > 20221208000000 and
rc_id is null
order by
rev_timestamp desc; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["Tables_in_eswiki_p"], "rowcount": 93}], "runningtime": "0.14"} | plwiki_p |
Latest plwiktionary edits not showing up on recent changes | null | select
from revision
inner join page on page_id = rev_page
left join recentchanges on rc_this_oldid = rev_id
rev_timestamp > 20221207000000 and
rc_id is null
order by
rev_timestamp desc; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["Field", "Type", "Null", "Key", "Default", "Extra"], "rowcount": 12}], "runningtime": "0.07"} | plwiktionary_p |
itWikiquote: #SheSaid tagged new articles (20-Oct-22 : 20-Dec-22) | New #SheSaid WikiQuote 2022 campaign articles. on Italian WikiQuote from Oct 20th 2022 till Dec 20th 2022. This is optimised for download as a wikitable and is even better when changed to a sortable wikitable by changing class="wikitable" to class="wikitable sortable" | SELECT
CONCAT('[[',REPLACE(page_title,'_',' '),']]') AS "New WikiQuote #SheSaid article",
actor_name AS "Creator",
CONCAT( MID(rev_timestamp,1,4),'-',MID(rev_timestamp,5,2),'-',MID(rev_timestamp,7,2),' ',
MID(rev_timestamp,9,2),':',MID(rev_timestamp,11,2),':',MID(rev_timestamp,13,2)) AS "Date created",
IF(ISNULL(pp_value),pp_value,CONCAT('[[:d:',pp_value,']]')) AS "Wikidata item",
(SELECT r2.rev_len
FROM revision r2
WHERE r2.rev_id = (SELECT MAX(r3.rev_id)
FROM revision r3
WHERE r3.rev_page=page_id
AND r3.rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221020000000 AND 20221220999999
) AS "Length"
revision r
JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
JOIN actor_revision ON rev_actor=actor_id
LEFT JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id AND pp_propname = 'wikibase_item'
WHERE rev_id in (SELECT
rev_page in (SELECT rev_page
FROM revision
JOIN comment_revision ON rev_comment_id=comment_id
JOIN page ON rev_page=page_id
rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221020000000 AND 20221220999999
AND comment_text RLIKE '.*#[Ss]he[Ss]aid.*'
AND page_namespace = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0)
GROUP BY rev_page
HAVING MIN(rev_timestamp) >= 20221020000000)
ORDER BY page_title ASC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title"], "rowcount": 6}], "runningtime": "67.94"} | itwikiquote_p |
DjVus on English Wikipedia | null | SELECT concat("File:", img_name), img_timestamp FROM image
WHERE img_name RLIKE "\.([dD][jJ][vV])[uU]$"; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["logid", "title", "timestamp", "redirect", "last_edited"], "rowcount": 622}, {"headers": ["count(*)"], "rowcount": 1}], "runningtime": "0.72"} | enwiki |
all signpost articles that are redirects | null | SELECT page_title AS title, page_is_redirect AS rd FROM page
WHERE page_namespace = "4"
AND page_title LIKE "Wikipedia_Signpost/%%%%-%%-%%/%"
AND page_title NOT LIKE "Wikipedia_Signpost/%%%%-%%-%%/SPV"
AND page_is_redirect = "1"
ORDER BY page_title ASC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["ref_child_id", "ref_parent_id"], "rowcount": 37971}], "runningtime": "31.79"} | enwiki_p |
Query all userbox templates | Query all user box pages | SELECT * FROM logging WHERE log_id > 12398465 && log_namespace = 10 && log_type = "create" && log_action = "create" && log_title LIKE "User\_%" | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["actor_id", "count(*)"], "rowcount": 64}], "runningtime": "0.13"} | zhwiki |
Disambiguation pages that aren't disambig-class or tagged with WikiProject Disambiguation | The minimal fixes to get this working.
For [[WP:RAQ#Disambiguation pages with no WikiProject banner]] circa 25 August 2022. | SELECT Pa.page_title
FROM categorylinks
JOIN page Pa ON Pa.page_namespace = 0 AND Pa.page_is_redirect = 0 AND Pa.page_id = cl_from
JOIN page Pt ON Pt.page_title = Pa.page_title AND Pt.page_namespace = 1
WHERE cl_to = "All_disambiguation_pages"
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM categorylinks WHERE cl_from = Pt.page_id AND cl_to = "WikiProject_Disambiguation_pages")
ORDER BY Pa.page_title | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "comment_text"], "rowcount": 13697}], "runningtime": "68.60"} | enwiki_p |
Disambiguation pages that aren't disambig-class or tagged with WikiProject Disambiguation | The minimal fixes to get this working.
For [[WP:RAQ#Disambiguation pages with no WikiProject banner]] circa 25 August 2022. | SELECT Pa.page_title
FROM categorylinks
JOIN page Pa ON Pa.page_namespace = 0 AND Pa.page_is_redirect = 0 AND Pa.page_id = cl_from
JOIN page Pt ON Pt.page_title = Pa.page_title AND Pt.page_namespace = 1
WHERE cl_to = "All_disambiguation_pages"
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM categorylinks WHERE cl_from = Pt.page_id AND cl_to = "WikiProject_Disambiguation_pages")
ORDER BY Pa.page_title | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["actor_id", "actor_user", "actor_name", "page_title", "page_id", "count(*)", "count(distinct(page_id))"], "rowcount": 29}], "runningtime": "0.53"} | enwiki_p |
blocks | null | SELECT
INNER JOIN actor ON ipblocks.ipb_by_actor = actor.actor_id
INNER JOIN comment ON ipblocks.ipb_reason_id = comment.comment_id
lower(cast(comment_text as CHAR)) RLIKE 'пароль'
ORDER BY ipb_timestamp DESC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["title"], "rowcount": 0}], "runningtime": "0.12"} | ruwiki_p |
all signpost pages (talk) | null | #Wikipedia:Signpost
SELECT page_title AS title FROM page
WHERE page_namespace = "5"
AND page_title LIKE "Signpost%"
ORDER BY page_title ASC;
# Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost
SELECT page_title AS title FROM page
WHERE page_namespace = "5"
AND page_title LIKE "Wikipedia_Signpost%"
ORDER BY page_title ASC;
# Template:Signpost
SELECT page_title AS title FROM page
WHERE page_namespace = "11"
AND page_title LIKE "Signpost%"
ORDER BY page_title ASC;
# Module:Signpost
SELECT page_title AS title FROM page
WHERE page_namespace = "829"
AND page_title LIKE "Signpost%"
ORDER BY page_title ASC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_id", "wb_item", "page_title", "page_len", "iw_count", "rev_count", "rev_first", "rev_first_user", "rev_last", "rev_last_user"], "rowcount": 242450}], "runningtime": "269.03"} | enwiki_p |
Bad disambiguation page titles (eswiki) | Disambiguation pages with a superfluous " (desambiguación)" suffix (eswiki). | use eswiki_p;
select page_title as main_title
from (page join redirect on page_id = rd_from)
where page_namespace = 0 and rd_title = concat(page_title, '_(desambiguación)');
| {"connection_id": 62936580} | eswiki |
Get latest rc_id | null | SELECT rc_id
FROM recentchanges
LIMIT 1 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["pl_from", "pl_title", "cl_to"], "rowcount": 533}], "runningtime": "5.80"} | zhwiki_p |
Query new userboxes | null | SELECT *
FROM recentchanges
WHERE rc_id > 155007332 AND rc_namespace = 10 AND rc_new = 1 AND rc_title LIKE "User\_%"
ORDER BY rc_id ASC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "page_namespace"], "rowcount": 1}], "runningtime": "0.05"} | zhwiki_p |
Thanks for 2020 frwiki per user | null | USE frwiki_p;
SELECT log_title, COUNT(log_id)
FROM logging_logindex
log_type = "thanks" AND
log_timestamp >= "20220000000000" AND
log_timestamp <= "20230000000000"
GROUP BY log_title
ORDER BY 2 DESC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["T\u00edtiulo p\u00e1gina", "Fecha de creaci\u00f3n", "Tama\u00f1o", "Usuario"], "rowcount": 252}], "runningtime": "0.51"} | frwiki_p |
المستخدمون الـ5 الأوائل بعدد التعديلات|ويكيبيديا:مستخدمو الأسبوع الأكثر نشاطا | null | SELECT actor_name, COUNT(rev.rev_id) as edit_count
FROM revision rev
INNER JOIN actor on rev.rev_actor = actor_id
INNER JOIN comment_revision on rev.rev_comment_id = comment_id
JOIN page ON page_id = rev.rev_page
AND comment_text NOT LIKE ucase (_utf8"%[[ميدياويكي:Gadget-Cat-a-lot|تعديل تصنيفات]]%") collate utf8_general_ci
AND comment_text NOT LIKE ucase (_utf8"%[[Project:أوب|أوب]]%") collate utf8_general_ci
AND comment_text NOT LIKE ucase (_utf8"%[[ويكيبيديا:أوب|أوب]]%") collate utf8_general_ci
AND rev.rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221128000000 AND 20221205000000
AND ucase(actor_name) NOT LIKE ucase("%BOT") COLLATE utf8_general_ci
AND actor_name NOT LIKE "%بوت%" collate utf8_general_ci
AND actor_name NOT IN (SELECT user_name FROM user_groups INNER JOIN user ON user_id = ug_user WHERE ug_group = "bot")
GROUP BY actor_name
HAVING edit_count > 0
ORDER BY edit_count DESC
old code
SUM(CASE WHEN rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20221128000000 and 20221205000000 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS recent_user_editcount,
COUNT(rev_id) AS user_editcount
FROM revision
INNER JOIN actor on revision.rev_actor = actor_id
INNER JOIN comment_revision on revision.rev_comment_id = comment_id
WHERE rev_timestamp >= 20000000000000
and comment_text not like ucase (_utf8"%[[ميدياويكي:Gadget-Cat-a-lot|تعديل تصنيفات]]%") collate utf8_general_ci
and comment_text not like ucase (_utf8"%[[Project:أوب|أوب]]%") collate utf8_general_ci
and comment_text not like ucase (_utf8"%[[ويكيبيديا:أوب|أوب]]%") collate utf8_general_ci
AND ucase(actor_name) NOT LIKE ucase("%BOT") COLLATE utf8_general_ci
AND actor_name NOT LIKE "%بوت%" collate utf8_general_ci
AND actor_name NOT IN (SELECT user_name FROM user_groups INNER JOIN user ON user_id = ug_user WHERE ug_group = "bot")
GROUP BY actor_name
ORDER BY recent_user_editcount DESC
*/ | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_to", "wikipage"], "rowcount": 4}], "runningtime": "0.06"} | arwiki_p |
أنشط 5 مستخدمين بين المستخدمين الواعدين|ويكيبيديا:مستخدمو الأسبوع الأكثر نشاطا | null | SELECT actor_name, COUNT(revision.rev_id) AS recent_user_editcount
FROM user
INNER JOIN actor ON user_id = actor_user
INNER JOIN revision ON rev_actor = actor_id
INNER JOIN page ON page.page_id = revision.rev_page
WHERE rev_timestamp BETWEEN 20230102000000 AND 20230108000000
AND user_registration BETWEEN 20221202000000 and 20230102000000
AND page.page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY actor_name
ORDER BY recent_user_editcount DESC
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["cl_to", "wikipage"], "rowcount": 0}], "runningtime": "0.04"} | arwiki_p |
10 most edited pages on svwiki 2022 | Main namespace edits only | SELECT page_title, COUNT(rev_id) AS edits
JOIN page ON rev_page = page_id
rev_timestamp like '2022%'
AND page_namespace= 0
GROUP BY page_title
LIMIT 10 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_id", "title", "edits", "users", "score"], "rowcount": 1000}], "runningtime": "3.53"} | svwiki_p |
self_redirect | null | SELECT
CASE p.page_namespace
WHEN 0 THEN 'Main'
WHEN 1 THEN 'Talk'
WHEN 2 THEN 'User'
WHEN 3 THEN 'User talk'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Wikipedia'
WHEN 5 THEN 'Wikipedia talk'
WHEN 6 THEN 'File'
WHEN 7 THEN 'File talk'
WHEN 8 THEN 'MediaWiki'
WHEN 9 THEN 'MediaWiki talk'
WHEN 10 THEN 'Template'
WHEN 11 THEN 'Template talk'
WHEN 12 THEN 'Help'
WHEN 13 THEN 'Help talk'
WHEN 14 THEN 'Category'
WHEN 15 THEN 'Category talk'
WHEN 100 THEN 'Portal'
WHEN 101 THEN 'Portal talk'
WHEN 108 THEN 'Book'
WHEN 109 THEN 'Book talk'
WHEN 118 THEN 'Draft'
WHEN 119 THEN 'Draft talk'
WHEN 446 THEN 'Education Program'
WHEN 447 THEN 'Education Program talk'
WHEN 710 THEN 'TimedText'
WHEN 711 THEN 'TimedText talk'
WHEN 828 THEN 'Module'
WHEN 829 THEN 'Module talk'
WHEN 2300 THEN 'Gadget'
WHEN 2301 THEN 'Gadget talk'
WHEN 2302 THEN 'Gadget definition'
WHEN 2303 THEN 'Gadget definition talk'
ELSE 'Other'
) AS 'Page'
FROM redirect r
INNER JOIN page p ON p.page_id = r.rd_from
WHERE p.page_namespace = r.rd_namespace
AND p.page_title = r.rd_title
ORDER BY p.page_namespace, page_title
LIMIT 1000;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["ar_id", "ar_namespace", "ar_title", "ar_timestamp", "ar_minor_edit", "ar_page_id"], "rowcount": 3263}], "runningtime": "26.18"} | ckbwiki_p |
Commons files re-created after previous F10 deletion | null | SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:', rc.rc_title) AS 'File', TIMESTAMP(rc.rc_timestamp) AS 'Re-created at'
FROM recentchanges_userindex rc
INNER JOIN logging_logindex l ON l.log_type = 'delete' AND l.log_action = 'delete' AND rc.rc_title = l.log_title AND rc.rc_namespace = l.log_namespace
INNER JOIN comment_logging c ON c.comment_id = l.log_comment_id
INNER JOIN page p ON rc.rc_title = p.page_title AND rc.rc_namespace = p.page_namespace
WHERE rc.rc_log_type = 'upload' AND rc.rc_log_action = 'upload'
AND rc.rc_namespace = 6
AND c.comment_text LIKE '%F10%'
ORDER BY rc.rc_timestamp DESC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 467}], "runningtime": "222.01"} | commonswiki_p |
enwiki: Pages re-created after previous U5 or G11 deletion | null | WITH sock_template AS (
SELECT tl.tl_from FROM
enwiki_p.templatelinks tl
WHERE tl.tl_target_id IN (32197, 277052, 282063, 115252, 1968835)
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/', CASE WHEN rc.rc_namespace = 2 THEN 'User:' WHEN rc.rc_namespace = 118 THEN 'Draft:' ELSE '' END, rc.rc_title) AS 'Page',
page_len AS 'Page length',
TIMESTAMP(rc.rc_timestamp) AS 'Re-created at'
FROM enwiki_p.recentchanges_userindex rc
INNER JOIN enwiki_p.logging_logindex l ON l.log_type = 'delete' AND l.log_action = 'delete' AND rc.rc_title = l.log_title AND rc.rc_namespace = l.log_namespace
INNER JOIN enwiki_p.comment_logging c ON c.comment_id = l.log_comment_id
INNER JOIN enwiki_p.page p ON rc.rc_cur_id = p.page_id AND rc.rc_namespace = p.page_namespace AND NOT p.page_is_redirect
WHERE rc.rc_new = 1
AND rc.rc_namespace IN (0, 2, 118)
AND (c.comment_text LIKE '%U5%' OR c.comment_text LIKE '%G11%')
AND rc.rc_cur_id NOT IN (SELECT st.tl_from FROM sock_template st)
ORDER BY rc.rc_timestamp DESC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 362}], "runningtime": "169.27"} | enwiki_p |
ckb: User pages of IPs with no contributions or logs | null | SELECT CONCAT('https://ary.wikipedia.org/wiki/User', CASE WHEN p.page_namespace = 3 THEN '_talk:' ELSE ':' END, p.page_title) AS URL
FROM arywiki_p.page p
LEFT JOIN arywiki_p.actor a ON a.actor_user IS NULL AND a.actor_name = SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.page_title, '/', 1)
WHERE p.page_namespace = 2
AND p.page_is_redirect = 0
AND a.actor_id IS NULL
IS_IPV4(SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.page_title, '/', 1))
IS_IPV6(SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.page_title, '/', 1))
SELECT l.log_id
FROM arywiki_p.logging_logindex l
WHERE l.log_title = SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.page_title, '/', 1)
AND l.log_namespace = 2
) | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "page_namespace", "ptrp_page_id", "ptrp_reviewed", "ptrp_deleted", "ptrp_created", "ptrp_tags_updated", "ptrp_reviewed_updated", "ptrp_last_reviewed_by"], "rowcount": 104}], "runningtime": "0.47"} | arywiki_p |
ckb: Pages of non-existent users that redirect outside userspace | null | SELECT CONCAT('https://ckb.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User', CASE WHEN p.page_namespace = 3 THEN '_talk:' ELSE ':' END, p.page_title, '&redirect=no') AS URL
FROM ckbwiki_p.page p
LEFT JOIN ckbwiki_p.user u ON REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.page_title, '/', 1), '_', ' ') = u.user_name
INNER JOIN ckbwiki_p.pagelinks pl ON p.page_id = pl.pl_from AND pl.pl_namespace NOT IN (2, 3)
WHERE p.page_namespace IN (2, 3)
AND u.user_id IS NULL
AND p.page_is_redirect = 1
AND NOT IS_IPV4(SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.page_title, '/', 1)) -- Exclude IPv4
AND NOT IS_IPV6(SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.page_title, '/', 1)) -- Exclude IPv6 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "page_namespace", "page_is_redirect"], "rowcount": 3}], "runningtime": "1.15"} | ckbwiki_p |
new test | null | WITH sock_template AS (
SELECT tl.tl_from FROM
arwiki_p.templatelinks tl
WHERE tl.tl_target_id IN (32197, 277052, 282063, 115252, 1968835)
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/', CASE WHEN rc.rc_namespace = 2 THEN 'User:' WHEN rc.rc_namespace = 118 THEN 'Draft:' ELSE '' END, rc.rc_title) AS 'Page',
page_len AS 'Page length',
TIMESTAMP(rc.rc_timestamp) AS 'Re-created at'
FROM arwiki_p.recentchanges_userindex rc
INNER JOIN arwiki_p.logging_logindex l ON l.log_type = 'delete' AND l.log_action = 'delete' AND rc.rc_title = l.log_title AND rc.rc_namespace = l.log_namespace
INNER JOIN arwiki_p.page p ON rc.rc_cur_id = p.page_id AND rc.rc_namespace = p.page_namespace AND NOT p.page_is_redirect
WHERE rc.rc_new = 1
AND rc.rc_actor = 215332040
AND rc.rc_namespace IN (0, 2, 118)
AND rc.rc_cur_id NOT IN (SELECT st.tl_from FROM sock_template st)
ORDER BY rc.rc_timestamp DESC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["date", "count(*)", "avg(page_len)", "sum(page_len)"], "rowcount": 33}], "runningtime": "0.24"} | arwiki_p |
Userspace pages of non-existent users (no talk, no subpages) | null | SELECT CONCAT('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:', p.page_title) AS URL
FROM enwiki_p.page p
LEFT JOIN enwiki_p.user u ON REPLACE(p.page_title, '_', ' ') = u.user_name
WHERE p.page_namespace = 2
AND u.user_id IS NULL
AND p.page_is_redirect = 0
AND NOT IS_IPV4(p.page_title) -- Exclude IPv4
AND NOT IS_IPV6(p.page_title) -- Exclude IPv6
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.css'
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.cs'
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.js'
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.charset'
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.%.%.xxx'
AND p.page_title NOT IN ('Unknown_user', 'Global_rename_script', 'Sec\"\'27\\u00226\\x3ETest_(WMF)') -- Exclude technical user pages
AND p.page_id NOT IN (
SELECT cl.cl_from FROM
enwiki_p.categorylinks cl
WHERE cl.cl_to IN ('User_soft_redirects', 'Wikipedia_doppelganger_accounts', 'Wikipedia_alternative_accounts') -- Exclude these categories
AND p.page_id NOT IN (
SELECT tl.tl_from FROM
enwiki_p.templatelinks tl
WHERE tl.tl_target_id IN (32197, 277052, 282063, 115252, 1968835) -- Exclude pages tagged with sockpuppet template
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%/%' | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "pl_title"], "rowcount": 774}], "runningtime": "3.45"} | enwiki_p |
Linked misspellings | null | SELECT
p1.page_title AS 'Page',
COUNT(*) AS 'Count'
page AS p1
JOIN categorylinks ON p1.page_id = cl_from
JOIN pagelinks ON p1.page_title = pl_title
AND pl_namespace = 0
JOIN page AS p2 ON pl_from = p2.page_id
AND p2.page_namespace = 0
p1.page_namespace = 0
AND p1.page_is_redirect = 1
AND cl_to = 'Redirects_from_misspellings'
1000; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 38}], "runningtime": "42.93"} | enwiki_p |
Most thanked 2022 | Most thanked editors on the English Wikipedia in 2022 | SELECT log_title, COUNT(log_id)
FROM logging_logindex
log_type = "thanks" AND
log_timestamp >= "20230000000000"
GROUP BY log_title
ORDER BY 2 DESC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 26}], "runningtime": "27.51"} | enwiki_p |
orphaned talks | null | SELECT
page talkpage
talkpage.page_title NOT LIKE '%/%'
talkpage.page_namespace IN (1,11,15,101,119)
page mainpage
tl_target_id = 418257
LIMIT 100 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["reviews", "actor_name", "accept", "decline", "reject", "accept %", "decline %", "reject %", "Blocked"], "rowcount": 195}], "runningtime": "24.29"} | enwiki_p |
test | null | SELECT page.page_title
FROM page
JOIN categorylinks AS cl ON cl.cl_to = page.page_title
WHERE cl.cl_to NOT IN (SELECT cl2.cl_to FROM categorylinks AS cl2 WHERE cl2.cl_type = 'subcat')
AND page.page_namespace = 14
GROUP BY cl.cl_to
HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 | {"connection_id": 93222543} | arwiki_p |
Thanked people for 2022 frwiki | Most thanked people in 2022 on frwiki
Blame Mz7, SQL, and stwalkerster for this | USE frwiki_p;
SELECT log_title, COUNT(log_id)
FROM logging_logindex
log_type = "thanks" AND
log_timestamp >= "20220000000000" AND
log_timestamp <= "20230000000000"
GROUP BY log_title
ORDER BY 2 DESC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 3036}], "runningtime": "1299.09"} | frwiki |
A user's nth edit | null | SELECT CONCAT("https://az.wikipedia.org/wiki/X%C3%BCsusi:Diff/", rev_id)
FROM revision
INNER JOIN actor ON rev_actor = actor_id
WHERE actor_name = "Wiki6421"
ORDER BY rev_timestamp ASC
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["actor_id", "actor_user", "actor_name", "rev_id", "rev_page", "rev_comment_id", "rev_actor", "rev_timestamp", "rev_minor_edit", "rev_deleted", "rev_len", "rev_parent_id", "rev_sha1", "comment_id", "comment_hash", "comment_text", "comment_data"], "rowcount": 1}], "runningtime": "0.06"} | azwiki_p |
wikidata: items deleted by username | null | SELECT
DISTINCT log_title
JOIN actor_logging ON log_actor=actor_id
AND log_namespace=0
AND log_type='delete'
AND log_action='delete'
AND log_title NOT IN (SELECT page_title FROM page WHERE page_namespace=0)
CAST(SUBSTRING(log_title, 1) AS int) ASC
-- 469436 cnt
-- 469415 cnt distinct
-- 468696 cnt not in
-- 468677 cnt distinct not in | {"connection_id": 93278677} | wikidatawiki |
Wikidata Latam Contest Results | null | use wikidatawiki_p;
select count(rc_id) as edits, actor_name as user
from recentchanges_userindex
left join actor on rc_actor = actor_id
left join comment on rc_comment_id = comment_id
where comment_text like '%The Distributed Game (83)%'
and rc_timestamp > '20221214'
and rc_timestamp < '20230108'
group by rc_actor
order by edits desc;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["title"], "rowcount": 0}], "runningtime": "0.10"} | wikidatawiki_p |
Files on sr.wiki NOT in spec categories | null | #USE srwiki_p;
CONCAT("# [[:File:", img_name, "]]") AS file, actor_name
FROM image
JOIN actor_image ON img_actor = actor_id #
JOIN page
ON page_namespace=6
AND page_title = img_name
AND page_is_redirect=0
SELECT * FROM categorylinks
WHERE page_id=cl_from
AND (cl_to="Сви_слободни_медији"
#OR cl_to= "Files_without_a_license"
OR cl_to= "Сви_неслободни_медији"))
GROUP BY img_name ASC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 1987}], "runningtime": "865.83"} | srwiki_p |
WStaமொஹஞ்சதரோஅல்லதுசிந்துவெளிநாகரிகம் | This Query will provide the list of users who did edit on given book with its all pages. | Use tawikisource_p;
SET @w:=0;
select Concat("[[user:",actor_name,"|",actor_name, "]](", edits,")") as "இந்நூலின் மெய்ப்புப்பணியில் ஈடுபட்டோர்:<br/>" from (SELECT actor_name, count(*) as edits FROM revision join actor ON rev_actor = actor_id#total number of users edited in a book
WHERE rev_page IN (select page_id from page where page_title like "மொஹஞ்சதரோ_அல்லது_சிந்துவெளி_நாகரிகம்.pdf%")
group by actor_name) as tt
order by edits desc
LIMIT 100; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["ipb_address", "ipb_by_actor", "ipb_timestamp", "ipb_expiry"], "rowcount": 0}], "runningtime": "0.05"} | tawikisource_p |
Recently added statements using property Wikidata | null | SELECT pagelinks.pl_from_namespace, page.page_title, pagelinks.pl_namespace, pagelinks.pl_title
FROM pagelinks
ON pagelinks.pl_from = page.page_id
WHERE pl_namespace = 120 AND pl_title = 'P9831'
LIMIT 10; | {"connection_id": 93763607} | wikidatawiki_p |
Wikidata Latam Contest Results | null | use wikidatawiki_p;
select count(rc_id) as edits, actor_name as user
from recentchanges_userindex
left join actor on rc_actor = actor_id
left join comment on rc_comment_id = comment_id
where comment_text like '%The Distributed Game (83)%'
and rc_timestamp > '20221214'
and rc_timestamp < '20230110'
group by rc_actor
order by edits desc;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["from", "to"], "rowcount": 11}], "runningtime": "1.13"} | wikidatawiki_p |
pdf upload count by year | Number of files with the .pdf extension uploaded every year.
For [[WT:CSD#Proposal: Remove F10]] circa 7 July 2021.
Forked from Cryptic to rerun för [[WT:CSD#Deprecating_F10]] circa 9 January 2021. | SELECT LEFT(log_timestamp, 4) AS year, COUNT(*)
FROM logging
WHERE log_type = 'upload' AND log_action = 'upload'
AND log_title RLIKE '\.[pP][dD][fF]$'
GROUP BY LEFT(log_timestamp, 4); | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "page_namespace", "rev_timestamp", "comment_text"], "rowcount": 18}], "runningtime": "3.94"} | enwiki |
Userspace pages of non-existent users (no talk, no subpages) | null | SELECT CONCAT('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:', p.page_title) AS URL
FROM enwiki_p.page p
LEFT JOIN enwiki_p.user u ON REPLACE(p.page_title, '_', ' ') = u.user_name
WHERE p.page_namespace = 2
AND u.user_id IS NULL
AND p.page_is_redirect = 0
AND NOT IS_IPV4(p.page_title) -- Exclude IPv4
AND NOT IS_IPV6(p.page_title) -- Exclude IPv6
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.css'
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.cs'
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.js'
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.charset'
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%.%.%.xxx'
AND p.page_title NOT IN ('Unknown_user', 'Global_rename_script', 'Sec\"\'27\\u00226\\x3ETest_(WMF)') -- Exclude technical user pages
AND p.page_id NOT IN (
SELECT cl.cl_from FROM
enwiki_p.categorylinks cl
WHERE cl.cl_to IN ('User_soft_redirects', 'Wikipedia_doppelganger_accounts', 'Wikipedia_alternative_accounts') -- Exclude these categories
AND p.page_id NOT IN (
SELECT tl.tl_from FROM
enwiki_p.templatelinks tl
WHERE tl.tl_target_id IN (32197, 277052, 282063, 115252, 1968835) -- Exclude pages tagged with sockpuppet template
AND p.page_title NOT LIKE '%/%' | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_id", "title", "edits", "users", "score"], "rowcount": 1000}], "runningtime": "3.00"} | enwiki_p |
orphaned talks | null | SELECT
page talkpage
talkpage.page_title NOT LIKE '%/%'
talkpage.page_namespace IN (1,11,15,101,119)
page mainpage
tl_target_id = 418257
LIMIT 100 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["year", "month", "page_namespace", "count"], "rowcount": 92}], "runningtime": "26.84"} | enwiki_p |
heuristic to find wrong coordinates and / or wrong iso-codes | Find coordinates by iso-code that are far away from the average center of all coordinates with the same iso-code and sort them by descending distance from that center. This is a heuristic to find wrong coordinates and / or wrong iso-codes. If you get to the first point already inside the iso-code area, it is unlikely to find more errors further down below. Works best for iso areas that are close to cycle shape (Switzerland, as opposed to the USA), and it does not work for areas located on both sides of the 180° meridian (e.g. FJ, NZ).
Fix & rerun. You can change iso codes through variables iso1 and iso2 (you have to copy the script).
Original script by Thomas Ledl. | set @ns:=0;
#use commonswiki_p;set @ns:=6;
set @iso1:='GR';
#set @iso2:='' or code
set @iso2:='29';
'XA', 'XI', 'XN', 'XO', 'XP', 'XS',
select distinct sqrt((gt_lat - cen_gt_lat)*(gt_lat - cen_gt_lat) + (gt_lon - cen_gt_lon)*(gt_lon - cen_gt_lon)) as distanz_ungefaehr,
gt_lat, gt_lon, gt_type, gt_page_id, gt_name,
p1.page_namespace as ns,
p1.page_title as title,
gt_country,gt_region FROM geo_tags AS g1 JOIN page AS p1 ON g1.gt_page_id = p1.page_id,
(select avg(gt_lat) cen_gt_lat,avg(gt_lon) cen_gt_lon,count(*) from geo_tags
when @iso2=''
then gt_country=@iso1 and gt_region is null
else gt_country=@iso1 and gt_region=@iso2
end) as zentrumdavon
when @iso2=''
then gt_country=@iso1 and gt_region is null
else gt_country=@iso1 and gt_region=@iso2
#having ns= @ns
order by 1 desc, title asc, gt_name asc limit 500;
select distinct sqrt((gt_lat - cen_gt_lat)*(gt_lat - cen_gt_lat) + (gt_lon - cen_gt_lon)*(gt_lon - cen_gt_lon)) as distanz_ungefaehr,
gt_lat, gt_lon, gt_type, gt_page_id, gt_name,
p1.page_namespace as ns,
p1.page_title as title,
gt_country,gt_region FROM geo_tags AS g1 JOIN page AS p1 ON g1.gt_page_id = p1.page_id,
(select avg(gt_lat) cen_gt_lat,avg(gt_lon) cen_gt_lon,count(*) from geo_tags
where gt_country=@iso1 and gt_region is null
) as zentrumdavon
where gt_country=@iso1 and gt_region is null
#having ns= @ns
order by 1 desc limit 500;
#and gt_region is null | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["linter_cat", "page_namespace", "count(*)"], "rowcount": 13}, {"headers": ["linter_cat", "count(*)", "count(distinct page_namespace)"], "rowcount": 6}, {"headers": ["page_namespace", "count(*)", "count(distinct linter_cat)"], "rowcount": 6}], "runningtime": "0.17"} | elwiki_p |
Most thanked 2022 | Most thanked editors on the English Wikipedia in 2022 | SELECT log_title, COUNT(log_id)
FROM logging_logindex
log_type = "thanks" AND
log_timestamp >= "20220000000000"
GROUP BY log_title
ORDER BY 2 DESC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["CONCAT(page_title)"], "rowcount": 0}], "runningtime": "0.18"} | enwiki_p |
IP blocks for 123.*.*.* | null | SET @address = "49.206.1%";
SELECT ipb_address, ipb_timestamp, ipb_expiry, actor_name, comment_text
FROM ipblocks
JOIN `comment` ON comment_id=ipb_reason_id
JOIN actor ON actor_id=ipb_by_actor
WHERE ipb_address LIKE @address AND ipb_user = 0
ORDER BY ipb_range_start, ipb_range_end DESC, ipb_timestamp | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title"], "rowcount": 0}], "runningtime": "6.78"} | enwiki_p |
Wikidata Latam Contest Results | null | use wikidatawiki_p;
select count(rc_id) as edits, actor_name as user
from recentchanges_userindex
left join actor on rc_actor = actor_id
left join comment on rc_comment_id = comment_id
where comment_text like '%The Distributed Game (83)%'
and rc_timestamp > '20221214'
and rc_timestamp < '20230108'
group by rc_actor
order by edits desc;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title"], "rowcount": 22}], "runningtime": "0.15"} | wikidatawiki_p |
Wikidata Latam Contest Results | null | use wikidatawiki_p;
select count(rc_id) as edits, actor_name as user
from recentchanges_userindex
left join actor on rc_actor = actor_id
left join comment on rc_comment_id = comment_id
where comment_text like '%The Distributed Game (83)%'
and rc_timestamp > '20221214'
and rc_timestamp < '20230108'
group by rc_actor
order by edits desc;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["log_id", "log_timestamp", "user", "log_title", "log_params", "summary"], "rowcount": 100}], "runningtime": "3.49"} | wikidatawiki_p |
Wikidata edits with Czech-Authorities-Sync | null | USE wikidatawiki_p;
SELECT rev_id, actor_name, page_title, comment_text
FROM change_tag
JOIN revision ON rev_id=ct_rev_id
JOIN actor ON actor_id=rev_actor
JOIN comment ON comment_id=rev_comment_id
JOIN page ON page_id=rev_page WHERE ct_tag_id=(
SELECT ctd_id
FROM change_tag_def
WHERE ctd_name='Czech-Authorities-Sync'
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["title", "length"], "rowcount": 3648}], "runningtime": "3.24"} | wikidatawiki |
Count of user's NPP reviews, all time total | null | SELECT COUNT(*) AS review_count, user_name
FROM logging_userindex
JOIN actor_logging ON actor_id = log_actor
JOIN user ON actor_user = user_id
WHERE log_type = 'pagetriage-curation'
AND log_action = 'reviewed'
AND user_name = 'MB'
GROUP BY log_actor
ORDER BY review_count DESC, user_name ASC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_namespace", "page_id", "page_title", "page_is_redirect", "page_len"], "rowcount": 2}], "runningtime": "82.38"} | enwiki |
tests | null | SELECT log_title
FROM logging
JOIN actor
ON actor.actor_id = logging.log_actor
JOIN comment
ON comment.comment_id = logging.log_comment_id
WHERE actor.actor_name = 'LuchoCR'
AND logging.log_type = 'block'
AND logging.log_timestamp >= 20230109194400
AND comment.comment_text LIKE '%Abuso a largo plazo%';
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["rev_id", "rev_page", "rev_comment_id", "rev_actor", "rev_timestamp", "rev_minor_edit", "rev_deleted", "rev_len", "rev_parent_id", "rev_sha1"], "rowcount": 50}], "runningtime": "0.10"} | eswiki_p |
orphaned talks | null | SELECT
page talkpage
talkpage.page_title NOT LIKE '%/%'
talkpage.page_namespace IN (1,11,15,101,119)
page mainpage
tl_target_id = 418257
LIMIT 100 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "cl_to"], "rowcount": 400}], "runningtime": "18.05"} | enwiki_p |
Mainspace page titles containing non-ASCII hyphen (U+2010) | This character may not display properly in all browsers, so it should be replaced with dash or hyphen. | select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by page_title) num, -- get row number
CONCAT('[[', replace(page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') as 'Page title', -- Format as wikilink, replace _ with space
case when page_is_redirect then 'Yes' else 'No' end as 'Is redirect?' -- Is the page is a redirect or not
from page
where page_namespace = 0 -- mainspace
and page_title regexp '.*‐.*' -- Page title contains U+2010 hyphen
order by page_title asc; -- Arrange in ascending order | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "cl_to"], "rowcount": 400}], "runningtime": "21.11"} | enwiki_p |
Mainspace page titles containing Zero-width joiner | null | select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by page_title) num, -- get row number
CONCAT('[[', replace(page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') as 'Page title', -- Format as wikilink, replace _ with space
case when page_is_redirect then 'Yes' else 'No' end as 'Is redirect?' -- Is the page is a redirect or not
from page
where page_namespace = 0 -- mainspace
and page_title regexp '.*.*' -- Page title contains ZWJ
order by page_title asc; -- Arrange in ascending order | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["page_title", "cl_to"], "rowcount": 400}], "runningtime": "21.64"} | enwiki_p |
Mainspace page titles containing Zero-width non-joiner | null | select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by page_title) num, -- get row number
CONCAT('[[', replace(page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') as 'Page title', -- Format as wikilink, replace _ with space
case when page_is_redirect then 'Yes' else 'No' end as 'Is redirect?' -- Is the page is a redirect or not
from page
where page_namespace = 0 -- mainspace
and page_title regexp '.*.*' -- Page title contains ZWNJ
order by page_title asc; -- Arrange in ascending order | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_name", "user_registration"], "rowcount": 117}], "runningtime": "41.58"} | enwiki_p |
Mainspace page titles containing combining grapheme joiner (U+034F) | null | select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by page_title) num, -- get row number
CONCAT('[[', replace(page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') as 'Page title', -- Format as wikilink, replace _ with space
case when page_is_redirect then 'Yes' else 'No' end as 'Is redirect?' -- Is the page is a redirect or not
from page
where page_namespace = 0 -- filter mainspace
and page_title regexp '.*͏.*' -- Page title contains U+034F
order by page_title asc; -- Arrange in ascending order | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 1302}], "runningtime": "892.99"} | enwiki_p |
Wikidata Latam Contest Results | null | use wikidatawiki_p;
select count(rc_id) as edits, actor_name as user
from recentchanges_userindex
left join actor on rc_actor = actor_id
left join comment on rc_comment_id = comment_id
where comment_text like '%The Distributed Game (83)%'
and rc_timestamp > '20221214 03:00'
and rc_timestamp < '20230109 03:00'
group by rc_actor
order by edits desc;
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["MAX(rev_id)", "page_id", "page_namespace", "page_title", "page_is_redirect", "page_is_new", "page_random", "page_touched", "page_links_updated", "page_latest", "page_len", "page_content_model", "page_lang"], "rowcount": 6}], "runningtime": "0.06"} | wikidatawiki_p |
CSD U2 worthy pages | Forked from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_reports/Ownerless_pages_in_the_user_space/Configuration and updated to work with changed database schema | select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by page_title) num, -- get row number
case when page_namespace = 2 then CONCAT('[[User:', replace(page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') -- Format as wikilink, check whether it is in User namespace
else CONCAT('[[User talk:', replace(page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') -- Format as wikilink, check whether it is in User talk namespace
end as 'U2 worthy pages',
page_len as 'Page length',
DATE_FORMAT(rev_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as 'Creation date',
actor_name as 'Page creator'
from revision -- Use revision table
join (select -- join with page table
from page
left join `user` -- join with user table, use ` to escape user keyword
on user_name = replace(SUBSTRING_INDEX(page_title, '/', 1), '_', ' ') -- replace underscore with space
where page_namespace in (2, 3) -- filter User and User talk namespaces
and page_is_redirect = 0 -- exclude redirects
-- AND page_title NOT RLIKE '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)'
and page_title not regexp '([0-9A-E][0-9A-E][0-9A-E]:[0-9A-E].|[1-9].|[1-9]{2}.|[1-9]{3}.)' -- exclude titles matching IP addresses
and page_title not like '' -- 3 lines excluding valid pages from this query
and page_title not like 'Unknown_user'
and page_title not like 'Global_rename_script'
and ISNULL(user_name)) as pgtmp -- Base pagename is a non existent username
on pgtmp.page_id = rev_page -- join on page_id
and rev_timestamp = (select -- filter the earliest timestamp from page history
from revision
where rev_page = pgtmp.page_id)
join actor on rev_actor = actor_id -- join with actor table to get page creator's name
order by page_title asc; -- arrange in ascending order | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["rev_id", "rev_page", "rev_comment_id", "rev_actor", "rev_timestamp", "rev_minor_edit", "rev_deleted", "rev_len", "rev_parent_id", "rev_sha1"], "rowcount": 10}], "runningtime": "0.07"} | enwiki_p |
Early admins | Find thanks | select user_name, user_registration from user, user_groups where user_registration < "20030615" AND ug_user=user_id and ug_group="sysop"
order by user_registration asc
limit 250 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["reviews", "actor_name", "accept", "decline", "reject", "accept %", "decline %", "reject %", "Blocked"], "rowcount": 109}], "runningtime": "14.68"} | enwiki |
Wikispecies reference templates | null | SELECT page_id, page_title, page_latest
FROM page
INNER JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from = page_id
WHERE cl_to = "Reference_templates"
AND page_namespace = 10 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["MAX(rev_id)", "page_id", "page_namespace", "page_title", "page_is_redirect", "page_is_new", "page_random", "page_touched", "page_links_updated", "page_latest", "page_len", "page_content_model", "page_lang"], "rowcount": 6}], "runningtime": "0.06"} | specieswiki_p |
Earlier admins | Find thanks | select user_name, user_registration from user, user_groups where user_registration < "20030325" AND ug_user=user_id and ug_group="sysop"
order by user_registration asc
limit 250 | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["AAAA", "Total"], "rowcount": 9}], "runningtime": "0.83"} | enwiki |
mlwiki Articles without content category | Pages without any categories or with only maintenance categories.
Query breakdown:
1. outer query = a list of article pages that are not nominated for deletion and older than 24 hours
2. hc = a list of maintenance categories, meaning the titles of category pages with the __HIDDENCAT__ or __EXPECTUNUSEDCATEGORY__ property
note: could filter out empty categories using the `category` table
3. nhcl = take `categorylinks`, filter out hc and collapse to a single row per page
4. final result = get the titles of article pages not present in nhcl, and the creation timestamp
Takes about 30s to execute on nlwiki. | SELECT page_title, rev_timestamp, (SELECT pp_value FROM page_props WHERE pp_page=page_id AND pp_propname='wikibase_item') AS Wikidata
FROM page
INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT rc_cur_id FROM recentchanges WHERE rc_type IN (0,1) AND rc_namespace=0) rc ON rc_cur_id=page_id
INNER JOIN revision ON (
rev_parent_id=0 AND page_id=rev_page AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(STR_TO_DATE(rev_timestamp,'%Y%m%d%H%i%s'))>86400)
page_namespace=0 AND
page_is_redirect=0 AND
NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM page_props WHERE page_id=pp_page AND pp_propname='disambiguation') AND
NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM categorylinks
WHERE page_id=cl_from AND cl_to REGEXP '^Wikipedia:(Verwijderbaar/[0-9]{2}|Nog_niet_gereed|Nuweg|Werk_in_uitvoering)$'
# niet-beheer categorylinks
SELECT cl_from, cl_to FROM categorylinks WHERE
'^Uitgestorven_vissen$' AND
# beheercategorieën
FROM page, page_props
WHERE page_namespace=14 AND page_id=pp_page AND (pp_propname='hiddencat' OR pp_propname='expectunusedcategory')
) hc WHERE cl_to=hc.page_title)
GROUP BY cl_from
ORDER BY cl_from
) nhcl WHERE nhcl.cl_from=page_id)
ORDER BY rev_timestamp | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["AAAA", "Total"], "rowcount": 9}], "runningtime": "17.59"} | mlwiki |
eswiki articles with less than 1500 chars | null | select concat('https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/',page_title) from page where page_namespace=0 and page_len<1500 and not page_is_redirect; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_talk"], "rowcount": 2679}], "runningtime": "1205.95"} | eswiki |
elwiki:Most frequent unexisting links | null | USE elwiki_p;
SELECT pl_title, COUNT(pl_title) AS counting
FROM pagelinks
INNER JOIN page ON pl_from = page_id AND pl_from_namespace = 0 AND pl_namespace = 0
(SELECT p1.page_title FROM page AS p1
WHERE p1.page_title = pl_title
AND pl_namespace = 0
AND p1.page_namespace = 0)
GROUP BY pl_title
HAVING counting > 19
ORDER BY counting DESC, pl_title ASC, page_title ASC; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["actor_name", "countt"], "rowcount": 24}], "runningtime": "0.70"} | elwiki_p |
count of eswiki articles with less than 1500 chars | null | select count(*) from page where page_namespace=0 and page_len<1500 and not page_is_redirect; | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["user_name", "user_registration"], "rowcount": 5}], "runningtime": "32.56"} | eswiki |
Wikidata edits with Czech-Authorities-Sync | null | USE wikidatawiki_p;
SELECT rev_id, actor_name, page_title, comment_text, rev_timestamp
FROM change_tag
JOIN revision ON rev_id=ct_rev_id
JOIN actor ON actor_id=rev_actor
JOIN comment ON comment_id=rev_comment_id
JOIN page ON page_id=rev_page WHERE ct_tag_id=(
SELECT ctd_id
FROM change_tag_def
WHERE ctd_name='Czech-Authorities-Sync'
| {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["CONCAT('| [[:{{ns:', i.il_from_namespace, '}}:', p.page_title, ']] ||[[:\u0391\u03c1\u03c7\u03b5\u03af\u03bf:', i_p.page_title, ']]')"], "rowcount": 0}], "runningtime": "0.21"} | wikidatawiki |
Wikispecies reference templates with sitelinks | null | SELECT page_id, pp_value
FROM page
INNER JOIN categorylinks ON cl_from = page_id
INNER JOIN page_props ON pp_page = page_id
WHERE cl_to = "Reference_templates"
AND page_namespace = 10
AND pp_propname = "wikibase_item" | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["gt_lat", "gt_lon", "gt_primary", "gt_page_id", "gt_name", "ns", "title", "gt_country", "gt_region"], "rowcount": 17}, {"headers": ["gt_lat", "gt_lon", "gt_primary", "gt_page_id", "gt_name", "ns", "title", "gt_country", "gt_region"], "rowcount": 105}], "runningtime": "14.20"} | specieswiki_p |
Creation with u1 | null | SELECT log_title, log_timestamp, comment_text
FROM logging_userindex
JOIN comment_logging ON log_comment_id = comment_id
log_namespace = 2
AND log_type = "create"
AND log_action = "create"
AND comment_text LIKE "%{{db-u1}}%"
ORDER BY log_timestamp DESC | {"resultsets": [{"headers": ["total", "accept", "decline", "reject", "accept %", "decline %", "reject %"], "rowcount": 1}], "runningtime": "20.10"} | enwiki_p |