Conclusion:Total mecrectal excision in the treatment of mid or low rectal is safe amd effective for its indications.
1Like a good father, I took my 4-year old daughter to a so-called "rug concert" at her music school one Saturday morning, called that because you sit on the rug in a group and sing songs.
1作为一个好父亲,我在星期六的早晨带四岁的女儿到她的学校参加一个所谓的“地毯音乐会”。 叫这么个名字是因为我们分成小组坐在地毯上然后唱歌。
I just wanted to write down everything the professor said and memorize it.
While Religion-write mode shows the author's attention to the anxiety of life and the difficulty in spirit, it brings the negative influences on meaning and expression in his writing at the same time.
In time there developed the so-called west east and north germanic dialects.
Share time with a good friend and experience life together. – Pink Floyd once said, “The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.
和朋友一起分享时间,一起体验生活。 -平克.佛罗伊德曾经说“一个上了年纪的人的回忆是他在年轻时候所做过的事情。”
And so we can write this, ln minus nRT log V2 over V1.
You make mistake, get all tangled up, you just tango on.
Results 38 newborns who failed to pass the first hearing screening all presented Type A tympanograms.
There's no vibration, no smell, no noise.
Tethys Instruments SAS is a leading company for state-of-the-art gas and water on-line analysers by UV spectroscopy.
Electri i uire through Bix is a necessary used ad apting to lay cable eltcric instument on comelting part. branch priont and inleetion point-pipe. and cables when the eables is let mto drive-pipe.
But the formulae for calculating the inner stress of the arch pipes caused by wind oad is confined to equal section.
Part 4 Liao River Basin Water Pollution Prevention recommendations to improve the legal system.
The problem is, unless you make all your selections before you hit any of the 3 “Add to Bag” buttons, you will be taken to the cart page without a link back to where you were.
Since the art is largely regional, it shows heavy local flavour and the influence of the folk art of the area.
Water is one of the most important factors affecting the survival rate in arid and semi-arid regions in addition to appropriate advanced afforestation techniques.
On both sides of east road, there were the teachers' office, one chemical lab, one physical lab, a large copper bell, the school handy men's dorm, the school clinic and students' dorms.
According to the non-radiation energy transfer theory, the distances and energy transfer efficiencies between dye and protein at various temperatures were obtained.
Hot summer days are coming while the high-grade summer goods will raise another heat wave.
You’ve put together a hard-hitting message; you’ve carved out a crafty plan using the tools I provided.
Monitoring while drilling shisl be carried out mainly for formine pressure plus formine pressure griphone approved driving instructorent curve of the whole well shisl be drafted.
There are two pipes, (waste water) the drainpipes should be seamless pipe plated by zinc. Hose should connect the drainpipes and the outside pipes.
As ClO2 has great oxidizing power, it can choose to oxidizing lignin and coloring matter, but be less to carbohydrate.
And print, the nice thing is that it's very affordable to print because you can print it using our Xerox image printing systems.
They have no public health system, the country is a giant environmental disaster, they are robbing water from their neighbors.
Located on Clarendon Road in Central Watford.
I don't want to lonely sitting recalled miss, take up, put down.
Objective To investigate the antiproliferative effects of folate on ovarian cancer cells.
I was a graduate of Guangzhou Vocational Middle School of Tourism.
With the cost of flying rising (due to increasingly higher fuel costs), we are looking to change consumer behaviour and encourage people to travel lighter.
Forest and integrated land use assessments cover forest lands and trees outside forests.
I think he lives at No. 23 West Street, but I'm not sure about the number.
It lacked a plan, strategy, front line or regular armies, but it had plenty of vandalism and ethnic hatred.
Concretely, the effect of different mol ratio, reacting time, reacting temperature, solvent styles, etc. on the reacting activation have been probed into.
研究了不同摩尔比、反应时间、反应温度、 溶剂种类等对反应活性的影响。
In urban and residential areas, people burn leaves, trash, and brush.
What we celebrate this evening is the restless energy, the hard work, the audacity of the men and women who have written Hong Kong's success story.
Changing the project from passive measurement to initiative measurement, at the same time, a kind of ergometer by liquid pressure is produced so that the problem of calibrating the force is solved.
Resume breakpoint to support the proposal to use the software to download.
In order to improve the plastification output, we adopt double-head of cylinder screw stem and two-feed chute. The two chute of the cylinder are both fixed on the special feed shaft stand.
At some point during the process (typically after about 50-100 answers), you may want to quit and just can't see it converging.
This was the call Susan worked so hard to receive.
Cartons to be double wall corrugated, containing three flat layers of liner paper, one of them to be between two layers of flute paper, which must be stuck together well.
Agilists are keenly aware of the need to learn, and the excitement was palpable yesterday at the start of the Agile2007 conference.
参见 新语丝论坛一个帖子)”现象。 敏捷者们敏锐地看到了学习的必要性,Agile2007会议一开始就可很明显的感觉到人们的兴奋之情。
Some 28 percent of adolescents say they are too tired to exercise, due to sleep.
The ArrayBlockingQueue also honors "fairness" — meaning that it can give reader and writer threads first in, first out access.
ArrayBlockingQueue 还体现了“公平” — 意思是它为读取器和编写器提供线程先入先出访问。
Negative ion of air was very abundance, anionic concentration profile of Green dragon deep pool testing point is more than Ten-Thousand cubic centimeter(10000/). Mt.
On Monday, the Omaha Royals will give away 1,000 of the dolls to the first fans who visit Rosenblatt Stadium to see the minor-league team play the Memphis Redbirds.
奥马哈皇家队(Omaha Royals)将在周一向前来Rosenblatt体育场观赛的首批球迷们分发1,000个巴菲特摇头玩偶。 届时奥马哈皇家队将对阵孟斐斯红鸟队。
Shows how to open a port and communicate wih other computers.
Based on analysis and calculation, the factors affecting the area of heat exchangers was determined, and the condenser and evap …
The couple arrived at a plain first.
Hominid evolution over the past 6 million to 7 million years includes at least two dozen species, in Tattersall’s view.
"Things looked so grim for exobiology on Mars, " said Christopher F.
“对于外空生物学,在火星上的事情看起来是很严酷的”,Christopher F。
My sincere condolences to his relatives and all those who appreciated his intelligence and talent.
Google doodle on search page for company's 11th birthday. Photograph: Public Domain
The third installment of the "Harry Potter" series takes a dark turn as the young sorcerer is sought by a murderous wizard who escapes from a prison for conjurers.
《哈里·波特》系列的第三 部分发生了一点转变,变得更 阴暗了,年轻的魔法师被一个从魔法师监狱中逃出来的凶恶的魔术师追逐。
The study on classification of urban green space provides a crucial technical support for urban green space system and implementing the classified management of green space.
Dr. Niedenthal and her colleagues found, as they had predicted, that people felt a bigger emotional impact when the eyes were unmasked than when they were masked.
I did my duty on time and proficiently , I greeted everyone properly and I shined my shoes so they liked like mirrors. I was getting well with most people in the unit.
The existing problems of SCWO such as reactor corrosion and salt precipitation are described and possible solutions are discussed.
Casky taste: Taste imparted to wines during storage in new or badly kept casks, by substances extracted from the wood of the containers.
Objective:Determine the association, if any, between COMT polymorphisms, preoperative anxiety and postoperative fentanyl dose.
Douglas and her colleagues questioned 516 dairy farmers in the United Kingdom.
And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city, even in Jerusalem: but they brought him not into the sepulchres of the kings of Israel: and Hezekiah his son reigned in his stead.
亚哈斯与他列祖同睡,葬在耶路撒冷城里,没有送入以色列诸王的坟墓中。 他儿子希西家接续他作王。
When our creator created us, HE gave us this appreciation of beauty.
Xylitol also appears to have potential as a treatment for osteoporosis.
Packing the suitcase has taken up a whole moring, hasn't it?
打包( 手提皮箱)花了一个上午,是吗?(动名词短语作陈述句的主语)
The child's attention there is a certain time, the younger, can focus the shorter the time, from the beginning of the 10, 15 minutes later, the 30-40 minutes.
Trev: I guess I could get something with cookies in it.
Typical gifts Homemade cookies in an antique tin, a framed montage of favorite family photos, a collection of stationery for a niece going off to college.
典型礼物装在古色古香罐子里的自制小甜饼; 一幅剪辑合成的加框全家福照片,送给要上大学的侄女的一套文具用品。
The majority was wrong last time.
Father Mabeuf was one of those persons for whom plants have souls.
Gerrard has been linked with a move away from Anfield for each of the last three summers, with Chelsea coming closest to snatching him from Liverpool eighteen months ago.
Many teachers are waiting for new replacements before retiring.
The first memory bank corresponding to a first range of addresses.
The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you."
天使回答说, 圣灵要临到你身上, 至高者的能力要荫庇你。
The saving grace is that the 29 year-old progeny in this instance hasn’t moved back into his parents’ home.
A community edition is available for download at no cost, or you can buy licensed standard, professional, and embedded editions.
Transforming the dimensional physical data model to a Cubing or Cognos model
将多维物理数据模型转换为 Cubing 或 Cognos 模型
There has deen a great change in forest harvesting technology in theworld during last 30 years.
Look for more to come and enjoy today's feature.
Steam locomotive and a SVT877 diesel car built in 1931 has been displaying at Nürnberg Eisenbahn Museum.
展示于德国纽伦堡铁路博物馆中的蒸汽机车与1931年制SVT877 柴联车。
The cap passes close word, can accelerate the rate of trichomadesis.
This will help them understand how self-organizing teams are meant to function and what is expected of them in supporting such teams.
Long as my life shall last, teach me Thy way;
尽我一生年日, 使知祢路;
Legend: Thousands of years ago, an alienist sorceress known as Zceryll learned bizarre powers in a fight to defend herself against oppression.
The little hero only hope to arrive early rub, he turned and 13 at window, the darkness is, this is a never walk the road, as there is no house, is the wasteland.
Gilardino and Storari were once again facing each other as the Milan striker attempted a bicycle-kick, which the goalkeeper blocked.
We think BD1 is very awesome design, yet we still need to ask you this question, which part in this shoe get chance to be polished better?
So--we'll use it for the moment-- there's an experience that goes along with each emotion.
Photo shows Hotel Managing Director Henk Meyknecht welcomes the Swedish monarch.
The groundwater in Hebei plain is recharged from the precipitations.
For the majority who cannot yet afford to travel abroad, thereare endless television news reports and documentaries on societies in other parts of the world.
If it is at the postgraduate level, it shall comply with the provisions and procedures of the state for enrollment and admission of postgraduate diploma education.
Conclusion:The method would be useful for the process design and the choice of operation condition to extract flavonoids from Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.
Obtaining uniform and globular microstructure becomes the basis and key to whole semi-solid metal forming.
Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chilies and flavoured with salt.
From 1981-2004, 1.05 billion tons of coal equivalent was saved, which is equivalent to an emission reduction of 700 million tons of carbon.
Professor Matory also pointed out that “any professor who wants to put his or her article up online can.”
We supply good quality (mini)hair straighteners and hair curlers with reasonable price.