Human: How do I calculate the required bolt size? I've just started a new job as a structural engineer, I'm a fresh civil engineering graduate. My boss asked me to calculate the bolt size required to connect a steel beam (for the roof) to a steel plate on top of timber. I've never done this kind of stuff in uni, how do I go about doing it? How do I find the correct size and grade etc? Assistant: If you're designing against AISC code, you can search for "AISC Design Examples" which has a lot of worked example problems for steel design using the code, include bolted connection design.
Human: How do I calculate the required bolt size? I've just started a new job as a structural engineer, I'm a fresh civil engineering graduate. My boss asked me to calculate the bolt size required to connect a steel beam (for the roof) to a steel plate on top of timber. I've never done this kind of stuff in uni, how do I go about doing it? How do I find the correct size and grade etc? Assistant: Hold your thumb about 2 feet from your face and squint, it should be that big.
Human: My plastic wrap keeps melting when I try to poach or steam. Is plastic wrap not meant for this? I was trying to follow this recipe, but the plastic wrap ended up melting and I had to throw it away. I put it in a big steamer basket. I then tried some steaming some potatoes in plastic wrap, and although it didn't melt as quickly, it still melted. I tried poaching an egg wrapped in plastic wrap as well, and that fused into the egg as well. I'm not using cheap plastic wrap either, it's the Glad brand. Is there a different commercial grade plastic wrap I should be using..? Or is poaching/steaming with plastic wrap a big no no? Assistant: I am going to be honest, I would not use plastic wrap for cooking. It's just not made for that, and not guaranteed to withstand high temperatures without melting or releasing chemicals. That said, it may work, but *I* would not use it myself. I think you should use those oven bags (like they make for turkeys and what-not), and just use the smallest size you can find. Those ARE designed for that (can withstand high temperatures without melting or leaching chemicals) and should not give you any problems.
Human: My plastic wrap keeps melting when I try to poach or steam. Is plastic wrap not meant for this? I was trying to follow this recipe, but the plastic wrap ended up melting and I had to throw it away. I put it in a big steamer basket. I then tried some steaming some potatoes in plastic wrap, and although it didn't melt as quickly, it still melted. I tried poaching an egg wrapped in plastic wrap as well, and that fused into the egg as well. I'm not using cheap plastic wrap either, it's the Glad brand. Is there a different commercial grade plastic wrap I should be using..? Or is poaching/steaming with plastic wrap a big no no? Assistant: Most cling films won't melt at the boiling point but can't take much more heat than that. Turn the heat down or find another film - or both.
Human: CMV: Trans rights should be respected, but access to female private and safe spaces should not be crossed, unless they went through full transition. Firstly, I want to ask sorry in case someone gets offended, but am really trying to have a sane discussion and if am wrong, willing to change my conformed view. I had to deep dive into trans problems to understand what they are. It's very complicated and confusing, I don't think we should call everyone transphobic so easily, it needs some commitment to understand their side. Which is actually valid. Trans people suffer, yes it's true. I think it's ok to use pronouns if someone asks to. By my search I saw that it can help trans people mentally, so if it helps them, I would have no problem adapting it for them. Quite a small change to make others feel safe. Am ok with people fully transitioning and I think we should be supportive on their journey, if it helps them to be healthier and happier. But there are things I don't find right. Biological women having to share public showers and changing rooms with trans that are not fully transitioned. Am ok with shared bathrooms, if bathrooms have well closed cabins and everyone can have privacy without worry. But I can't accept sharing a room where you have to undress and be vulnerable, especially if it also includes minors. I saw people call it transphobic if you don't accept it. (I can't speak for everyone). But here are my issues with it. 1. Allowing not fully transitioned trans, in biological women private spaces should not be ok. It allows predators (not trans) exploit this to get access to commit crimes. I saw trans arguing that, trans people are not predators. I will agree, but I think that there are more predators than trans people, so the risk for women raises. (Example: Amazon driver that put on a wig to go in bathrooms to film young girls in stalls, they were minors) 2. If a trans didn't transition fully, I don't think biological women should be exposed to male genitals. Yes it's hard for trans and they are not forced to go through full transition, but I don't think it's valid excuse to cross that boundary. Biological Women, which are half of the population, many had unfortunate experience of sexual harassment. And having to face a male genitals when you are naked can leave you feeling very vulnerable. ( Example incident in Koreatown's Wi Spa, by law they let the not fully transitioned person in women only space, that had also minor girls and they were exposed to male anatomy) 3. Biological women will be scared to voice their discomfort, to not be discriminatory. (maybe they are unsure if they are dealing with trans, or a predator acting like one) I want to say, trans are not dangerous, but the laws put women in danger ( I advocate for females , because i don't know how it's for males) Trans face violence and sexual harassment, correct, but they are very small minority and females are half of the population and many went through sexual violence, I don't think its a valid point to put females in more dangerous position. I see nothing wrong with creating space for people who don't fit yet in male or female safe space and don't find it discriminatory. I think it's good for safety for the both sides. Assistant: How do you propose we police that? Do we do genital inspections of everyone that tries to enter the bathroom? Do we just bar every woman thar LOOKS too masculine? Does everyone get a new ID that is necessary for bathroom use? Or I guess you said bathrooms are fine, let's say changing rooms.
Human: CMV: Trans rights should be respected, but access to female private and safe spaces should not be crossed, unless they went through full transition. Firstly, I want to ask sorry in case someone gets offended, but am really trying to have a sane discussion and if am wrong, willing to change my conformed view. I had to deep dive into trans problems to understand what they are. It's very complicated and confusing, I don't think we should call everyone transphobic so easily, it needs some commitment to understand their side. Which is actually valid. Trans people suffer, yes it's true. I think it's ok to use pronouns if someone asks to. By my search I saw that it can help trans people mentally, so if it helps them, I would have no problem adapting it for them. Quite a small change to make others feel safe. Am ok with people fully transitioning and I think we should be supportive on their journey, if it helps them to be healthier and happier. But there are things I don't find right. Biological women having to share public showers and changing rooms with trans that are not fully transitioned. Am ok with shared bathrooms, if bathrooms have well closed cabins and everyone can have privacy without worry. But I can't accept sharing a room where you have to undress and be vulnerable, especially if it also includes minors. I saw people call it transphobic if you don't accept it. (I can't speak for everyone). But here are my issues with it. 1. Allowing not fully transitioned trans, in biological women private spaces should not be ok. It allows predators (not trans) exploit this to get access to commit crimes. I saw trans arguing that, trans people are not predators. I will agree, but I think that there are more predators than trans people, so the risk for women raises. (Example: Amazon driver that put on a wig to go in bathrooms to film young girls in stalls, they were minors) 2. If a trans didn't transition fully, I don't think biological women should be exposed to male genitals. Yes it's hard for trans and they are not forced to go through full transition, but I don't think it's valid excuse to cross that boundary. Biological Women, which are half of the population, many had unfortunate experience of sexual harassment. And having to face a male genitals when you are naked can leave you feeling very vulnerable. ( Example incident in Koreatown's Wi Spa, by law they let the not fully transitioned person in women only space, that had also minor girls and they were exposed to male anatomy) 3. Biological women will be scared to voice their discomfort, to not be discriminatory. (maybe they are unsure if they are dealing with trans, or a predator acting like one) I want to say, trans are not dangerous, but the laws put women in danger ( I advocate for females , because i don't know how it's for males) Trans face violence and sexual harassment, correct, but they are very small minority and females are half of the population and many went through sexual violence, I don't think its a valid point to put females in more dangerous position. I see nothing wrong with creating space for people who don't fit yet in male or female safe space and don't find it discriminatory. I think it's good for safety for the both sides. Assistant: Are you in favor of subjecting everyone to genital inspection? Or just people who look a bit queer?
Human: Is there an engineering job that doesn't require staring at a monitor for 8 hours? I'm an Industrial Engineering graduate, and I just realized that i spend 8 hours everyday sitting in front of a monitor at my desk job, and after i go home, i spend another 8 hours sitting in front of my PC playing games or shitposting on reddit. i'm 27 years old, my eyesight is 3/20, my back is failing, and my ass crack is itching like hell from the accumulated sweat. If this shit keeps up, my eyes sight will approach 0/20, my back will collapse, and my butt rash will develop into cancer with my anal muscles failing to hold shit in anymore. this cannot continue. Assistant: Why don't you change the other 8 hours outside of work?
Human: Is there an engineering job that doesn't require staring at a monitor for 8 hours? I'm an Industrial Engineering graduate, and I just realized that i spend 8 hours everyday sitting in front of a monitor at my desk job, and after i go home, i spend another 8 hours sitting in front of my PC playing games or shitposting on reddit. i'm 27 years old, my eyesight is 3/20, my back is failing, and my ass crack is itching like hell from the accumulated sweat. If this shit keeps up, my eyes sight will approach 0/20, my back will collapse, and my butt rash will develop into cancer with my anal muscles failing to hold shit in anymore. this cannot continue. Assistant: I'm a project engineer. Some days, I stare at a monitor for 8 hours a day trying to verify drawings/playing with the budget, etc. Other days, I'm usually on site making sure that the system is working how it's supposed to and talking to vendors, figuring out their schedule etc. I really enjoy it
Human: Why are ski lift chairs not held to higher safety standards? You can slide under the railing, you can fall out, you can jump out. It seems like the only thing stoping more people from getting killed on ski lifts is the drive for self preservation. Why are there not stricter safety requirements on ski lifts? (Sorry if this isn't the best sub for this) Assistant: Why can you open a car door on the highway? Why does the drill not stop when you put it to your temples? Why are people allowed at train stations, when they could jump on the rails?
Human: Why are ski lift chairs not held to higher safety standards? You can slide under the railing, you can fall out, you can jump out. It seems like the only thing stoping more people from getting killed on ski lifts is the drive for self preservation. Why are there not stricter safety requirements on ski lifts? (Sorry if this isn't the best sub for this) Assistant: I know this is a little bit of a tangent here but i was a legislator for some years and would commonly argue against people who thought like you (no offense, I'm sure you mean well). More regulation to fix things that weren't really broken. It's a natural reaction when people have power they want to do something. Well-intentioned but unnecessary.
Human: Are there any 'mainstream' physics textbooks written by women? Assistant: *Analysis, Manifolds and Physics* Part I & II are a couple of (relatively) mainstream texts for mathematical physics written by Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat and Cécile DeWitt-Morette.
Human: Are there any 'mainstream' physics textbooks written by women? Assistant: Linda Reichl Stat. Mech book is gold. Also Ballentine's QM and Magiorrie QFT
Human: [Guardians of the Galaxy] Is it ever explained how Groot actually speaks? The fact that he basically says the same "sentence" over and over again suggests that his language is more tonal, and that the words aren't important. Rocket has no problem understanding what each iteration of "I am Groot" means. Assistant: According to Thor, it is an actual language, it just happens to only use 3 words. There are several other factors that can be used to vocally communicate, in fact, there's a whole video breaking down this exact question:
Human: [Guardians of the Galaxy] Is it ever explained how Groot actually speaks? The fact that he basically says the same "sentence" over and over again suggests that his language is more tonal, and that the words aren't important. Rocket has no problem understanding what each iteration of "I am Groot" means. Assistant: It's subtle difference in pronounciation we hear that it's a learnable language from thor.
Human: Been chronically ill for 9 months, doctors at a loss had deemed in a medical mystery. Discovered mold all throughout our walls and HVAC after a water leak and the apartment complex has proceeded to threaten us, lie to us, gaslight us and try to force us into signing a NDA and a release. Texas We have been living in our apartment complex for just over a year. About 9 months ago I began to feel sick everyday. Constant nausea, headaches, lethargy, diarrhea, trouble breathing and random fever spikes. I have in the last few months had 5 covid-19 tests. I have seen multiple specialists that have thought it could be anything from Crohn's disease, MS, or even leukemia. All tests have came back negative and all I have ended up with instead of answers is medical debt. On top of that I have two cats who would get sick on and off throwing up, diarrhea, weezing and lethargy but it didn't even occur to me that it could be related at the time. Fast forward to about a week and a half ago we wake up in the middle of the night to a foul smelling water leak coming out of our wall. We call the complex manager and they send a maintenance crew in the next day to open the wall and address the leak. None of these individuals were wearing masks. When they opened up the wall we discovered it was caked with mold with 5' standing sludge water at the base. It appears it has been a gray water leak that has gone on for months. Immediately once we realize the mold was so bad we told them that once they stopped the leak they needed to stop cutting into the wall immediately until we could have a mold specialist address the potential dangers. They ignored us and proceeded to blow an industrial grade fan into the wall in an attempt to dry the water. The whole time we're saying this is dangerous and should not be done this way. We call a mold specialist and he's appalled how they had went about it from a procedural standpoint and said it was reckless and dangerous to all parties involved. The apartment complex then says that we should just continue to stay there for the night or go stay with a friend. I am asthmatic and have it compromised immune system and I can't believe they just told us to go stay with a friend in the middle of a pandemic. They refused to offer to put us in a hotel. My boyfriend who I share the apartment with went to the office to show the complex manager the photos he had taken of the men working and to express his concern and she proceeded to tell him that it was illegal filming them and to delete the photos immediately. We looked it up and because we live in Texas which is a one-party consent state to record so that was just a blatant lie on her part. She later asked that we shared the photos with her. After numerous phone call exchanges where management continued to contradict themselves we have requested from now on that we only communicate via email. We requested that they hire a mold specialist to analyze the potential toxicity of the mold and they refused. So we paid out of our own pocket to have a specialist come in there and he said it was some of the worst he had ever seen. Lo and behold we get the results back and the amount of mold is off the charts. The particular strain that they found can cause edema, bronchial spasms , pulmonary emphysema as well as nausea and diarrhea. It was only after we told the complex that they said that they were having their own mold specialist going later that day. They have refused to let us see their results. At this point we strongly urge that they do not allow any cosmetic repairs to undergo in the apartment until proper mold remediation can happen. They don't respond to that email for 3 days and then on the third day send us an email saying that they are within their rights to terminate our lease since we are blocking them from doing necessary maintenance, and that if we don't come to a decision to either move into another apartment or terminate our lease contingent on us signing an NDA and a full release that they would be terminating our lease by 2:00 p.m. the next day. Effectively giving us less than 24 hours notice. I also want to mention that in Texas the governor has ruled evictions illegal until September 30th. We immediately reply and say we are not hindering them from doing repairs that we were only concerned for the safety of their crew and ourselves. They never responded to that. And every email where they bring up our options they present it as option A or option b and it's always contingent on the NDA and the full release. At this point we get the city code inspection involved and when we go to the apartment to meet the inspector we find a biohazard truck parked in front of our apartment and when my boyfriend goes in there to see what's going on he finds individuals in hazmat suits vacuuming all of our personal belongings. In one email she said the due to their inspection that they saw no reason why the apartment wouldn't be inhabitable, and a phone call shortly after she says due to the water damage the floor is not structurally sound and it's not safe for us to be in there. My next email with her I ask if the apartment structurally sound for us to go in there to grab some personal belongings and she's in lies yet again and says that it was never an issue with its structural integrity even though that's precisely what she had said to a phone call that both my boyfriend and myself were on. She says that we cannot go into the apartment because they've had a cleaning crew in there that have used chemicals that would be unsafe for us to enter until Wednesday which she told us that on the previous Friday. If I had not emailed her we wouldn't have gotten any notification at all that this was happening and could have easily gone into that apartment unaware of the chemicals present. We have many emails of her consistently contradicting herself, and gaslighting us. The lack of professionalism and empathy they have treated us is shocking. We've tried reaching out to the tenant rights councils multiple times but due to covid-19 it's been incredibly difficult to get a hold of anyone. At this point we're ready to hire a lawyer. it's been suggested we find someone who specializes in personal injury as well as a familiarity with tenants rights and real estate. We have already spoken to a few that have said it's a clear-cut case of negligence and they wouldn't be surprised if our story ended up on the local news. It's been difficult for us since we both work full-time 9:00 to 5:00 jobs to get anything done and I'm so close to quitting my job so I can just focus on this. I have already gone to see my doctor and explain the situation to him and when he listened to my lungs he was concerned and immediately sent me in to get an x-ray. He believes this is why I have been ill. Any advice and recommendations on how to move forward would be greatly appreciated and if you have read your way through this post I am so very grateful Sincerely, weezy mold grrl Assistant: I think you need a personal injury lawyer with experience in toxic mold cases. This case is going to be fairly complicated.
Human: Been chronically ill for 9 months, doctors at a loss had deemed in a medical mystery. Discovered mold all throughout our walls and HVAC after a water leak and the apartment complex has proceeded to threaten us, lie to us, gaslight us and try to force us into signing a NDA and a release. Texas We have been living in our apartment complex for just over a year. About 9 months ago I began to feel sick everyday. Constant nausea, headaches, lethargy, diarrhea, trouble breathing and random fever spikes. I have in the last few months had 5 covid-19 tests. I have seen multiple specialists that have thought it could be anything from Crohn's disease, MS, or even leukemia. All tests have came back negative and all I have ended up with instead of answers is medical debt. On top of that I have two cats who would get sick on and off throwing up, diarrhea, weezing and lethargy but it didn't even occur to me that it could be related at the time. Fast forward to about a week and a half ago we wake up in the middle of the night to a foul smelling water leak coming out of our wall. We call the complex manager and they send a maintenance crew in the next day to open the wall and address the leak. None of these individuals were wearing masks. When they opened up the wall we discovered it was caked with mold with 5' standing sludge water at the base. It appears it has been a gray water leak that has gone on for months. Immediately once we realize the mold was so bad we told them that once they stopped the leak they needed to stop cutting into the wall immediately until we could have a mold specialist address the potential dangers. They ignored us and proceeded to blow an industrial grade fan into the wall in an attempt to dry the water. The whole time we're saying this is dangerous and should not be done this way. We call a mold specialist and he's appalled how they had went about it from a procedural standpoint and said it was reckless and dangerous to all parties involved. The apartment complex then says that we should just continue to stay there for the night or go stay with a friend. I am asthmatic and have it compromised immune system and I can't believe they just told us to go stay with a friend in the middle of a pandemic. They refused to offer to put us in a hotel. My boyfriend who I share the apartment with went to the office to show the complex manager the photos he had taken of the men working and to express his concern and she proceeded to tell him that it was illegal filming them and to delete the photos immediately. We looked it up and because we live in Texas which is a one-party consent state to record so that was just a blatant lie on her part. She later asked that we shared the photos with her. After numerous phone call exchanges where management continued to contradict themselves we have requested from now on that we only communicate via email. We requested that they hire a mold specialist to analyze the potential toxicity of the mold and they refused. So we paid out of our own pocket to have a specialist come in there and he said it was some of the worst he had ever seen. Lo and behold we get the results back and the amount of mold is off the charts. The particular strain that they found can cause edema, bronchial spasms , pulmonary emphysema as well as nausea and diarrhea. It was only after we told the complex that they said that they were having their own mold specialist going later that day. They have refused to let us see their results. At this point we strongly urge that they do not allow any cosmetic repairs to undergo in the apartment until proper mold remediation can happen. They don't respond to that email for 3 days and then on the third day send us an email saying that they are within their rights to terminate our lease since we are blocking them from doing necessary maintenance, and that if we don't come to a decision to either move into another apartment or terminate our lease contingent on us signing an NDA and a full release that they would be terminating our lease by 2:00 p.m. the next day. Effectively giving us less than 24 hours notice. I also want to mention that in Texas the governor has ruled evictions illegal until September 30th. We immediately reply and say we are not hindering them from doing repairs that we were only concerned for the safety of their crew and ourselves. They never responded to that. And every email where they bring up our options they present it as option A or option b and it's always contingent on the NDA and the full release. At this point we get the city code inspection involved and when we go to the apartment to meet the inspector we find a biohazard truck parked in front of our apartment and when my boyfriend goes in there to see what's going on he finds individuals in hazmat suits vacuuming all of our personal belongings. In one email she said the due to their inspection that they saw no reason why the apartment wouldn't be inhabitable, and a phone call shortly after she says due to the water damage the floor is not structurally sound and it's not safe for us to be in there. My next email with her I ask if the apartment structurally sound for us to go in there to grab some personal belongings and she's in lies yet again and says that it was never an issue with its structural integrity even though that's precisely what she had said to a phone call that both my boyfriend and myself were on. She says that we cannot go into the apartment because they've had a cleaning crew in there that have used chemicals that would be unsafe for us to enter until Wednesday which she told us that on the previous Friday. If I had not emailed her we wouldn't have gotten any notification at all that this was happening and could have easily gone into that apartment unaware of the chemicals present. We have many emails of her consistently contradicting herself, and gaslighting us. The lack of professionalism and empathy they have treated us is shocking. We've tried reaching out to the tenant rights councils multiple times but due to covid-19 it's been incredibly difficult to get a hold of anyone. At this point we're ready to hire a lawyer. it's been suggested we find someone who specializes in personal injury as well as a familiarity with tenants rights and real estate. We have already spoken to a few that have said it's a clear-cut case of negligence and they wouldn't be surprised if our story ended up on the local news. It's been difficult for us since we both work full-time 9:00 to 5:00 jobs to get anything done and I'm so close to quitting my job so I can just focus on this. I have already gone to see my doctor and explain the situation to him and when he listened to my lungs he was concerned and immediately sent me in to get an x-ray. He believes this is why I have been ill. Any advice and recommendations on how to move forward would be greatly appreciated and if you have read your way through this post I am so very grateful Sincerely, weezy mold grrl Assistant: Just wanted to say that in addition to your other damages, they have likely breached the lease because you have been unable to live in your apartment for 6 days because of the chemical treatment, and they (it sounds) gave you no notice or temporary place to live during that time. Either that could be additional damages or a reason for you to break the lease without their consent/an NDA.
Human: Extra egg whites in pumpkin pie filling or similar for protein? I know I’m treading into territory this sub doesn’t like to deal with, so I’ll try to phrase this in a way that works. This isn’t about nutritional advice, I just need some guidance how to amend a recipe. My mother (78) has dementia and barely eats anymore; when she does she prefers sweet, soft foods. We’ve tried supplementing her food with mixed-in protein powders, or using high-protein pancake mixes, etc. and somehow she always knows and refuses to eat. Texture and flavor recognition is crucial in whether she will eat something or not. She gets plenty of carbs/sugar and an appropriate amount of fat, but her protein intake is insufficient. I prepped a basic pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and had leftover filling, so I baked that separately and brought it to her as well as an extra treat, and I was delighted to see how enthusiastically she ate it. So, that got me thinking, I don’t see why I couldn’t beef up this recipe by adding extra egg whites. They shouldn’t add much flavor, they shouldn’t change the texture too much (right?) and other than diluting the flavor of the remaining ingredients (easy to adjust for), should bake the same? These are my questions: 1. Do I need to raise/lower the temp of the oven to account for extra egg white? Not asking about volume, just whether the extra egg affects the way it bakes. 2. This recipe uses coconut milk instead of dairy, does that significantly change how the custard sets? (This recipe as directed was fine and delicious, so I think no). 3. I’d assume I could add extra EW to about 10% of the original volume without it affecting the custard too much, can I push it farther? 4. OR, should I just add 1-2 extra whole eggs? I’m trying to target added protein, her cholesterol runs a little high but that’s really the least of our concerns. 5. When it comes to making custards, is there a min/max ratio between egg white and egg yolk to end up with sless merging that functions as a thickener? 6. Is there a difference between packaged and fresh egg white, for baking purposes? Thanks for your attention. Assistant: using more egg whites in a custard will make it firmer, faster baking and more like a souffle than custard. Have you asked her doctor how much protein she needs on a daily basis? it would be better to add entire eggs, and bake a few minuted less than switch to solely egg whites. It would be easier to add egg whites to something like a pudding that is cooked stovetop than a baked item
Human: Extra egg whites in pumpkin pie filling or similar for protein? I know I’m treading into territory this sub doesn’t like to deal with, so I’ll try to phrase this in a way that works. This isn’t about nutritional advice, I just need some guidance how to amend a recipe. My mother (78) has dementia and barely eats anymore; when she does she prefers sweet, soft foods. We’ve tried supplementing her food with mixed-in protein powders, or using high-protein pancake mixes, etc. and somehow she always knows and refuses to eat. Texture and flavor recognition is crucial in whether she will eat something or not. She gets plenty of carbs/sugar and an appropriate amount of fat, but her protein intake is insufficient. I prepped a basic pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and had leftover filling, so I baked that separately and brought it to her as well as an extra treat, and I was delighted to see how enthusiastically she ate it. So, that got me thinking, I don’t see why I couldn’t beef up this recipe by adding extra egg whites. They shouldn’t add much flavor, they shouldn’t change the texture too much (right?) and other than diluting the flavor of the remaining ingredients (easy to adjust for), should bake the same? These are my questions: 1. Do I need to raise/lower the temp of the oven to account for extra egg white? Not asking about volume, just whether the extra egg affects the way it bakes. 2. This recipe uses coconut milk instead of dairy, does that significantly change how the custard sets? (This recipe as directed was fine and delicious, so I think no). 3. I’d assume I could add extra EW to about 10% of the original volume without it affecting the custard too much, can I push it farther? 4. OR, should I just add 1-2 extra whole eggs? I’m trying to target added protein, her cholesterol runs a little high but that’s really the least of our concerns. 5. When it comes to making custards, is there a min/max ratio between egg white and egg yolk to end up with sless merging that functions as a thickener? 6. Is there a difference between packaged and fresh egg white, for baking purposes? Thanks for your attention. Assistant: Whole egg will taste better
Human: [CO] Coworker at my husband's work texted the group "I want to eviscerate everyone and walk away" It was not a joke and this employee continued for hours regarding everyone's work ethic and how angry he is about it Obviously this is not ok. We are not sure at this point but it looks like this employee will be fired. What if anything can my husband and coworkers do to be safe? Assistant: Concealed carry is probably the only effective method of defense other than leaving the job. Maybe a restraining order helps but it’s not going to if this person actually wants to commit violence.
Human: [CO] Coworker at my husband's work texted the group "I want to eviscerate everyone and walk away" It was not a joke and this employee continued for hours regarding everyone's work ethic and how angry he is about it Obviously this is not ok. We are not sure at this point but it looks like this employee will be fired. What if anything can my husband and coworkers do to be safe? Assistant: Call the police
Human: I just passed my Qualifying Exam. I’m officially a Ph.D Candidate!! As many of us, I’ve had imposter syndrome since I started grad school. Until my exam, I honestly thought I would fail my QE as I really didn’t belong and didn’t think I knew enough. I thought they would hate my proposal and rip it apart in front of me. However, after today’s exam, I finally feel more confident in myself. Having a discussion about your proposed project with other researchers really does help bring things into perspective, and can be thought provoking. Having your thoughts and ideas supported by other well established researchers is something that I never thought would happen. To everyone going through comprehensive/qualifying exams: you can do it!!! We are our own worst enemies, but believe me when I tell you that you know a lot more than you think you do! You’re going to kill it! Assistant: Congratulations! This marks (in theory) the point where your committee is on your side: supportive rather than antagonistic. Excellent work! I wrote up my experience while it was still fresh in my mind; maybe you'll consider doing the same to dispel some of the common fears that new grad students face regarding the qualifying exam?
Human: I just passed my Qualifying Exam. I’m officially a Ph.D Candidate!! As many of us, I’ve had imposter syndrome since I started grad school. Until my exam, I honestly thought I would fail my QE as I really didn’t belong and didn’t think I knew enough. I thought they would hate my proposal and rip it apart in front of me. However, after today’s exam, I finally feel more confident in myself. Having a discussion about your proposed project with other researchers really does help bring things into perspective, and can be thought provoking. Having your thoughts and ideas supported by other well established researchers is something that I never thought would happen. To everyone going through comprehensive/qualifying exams: you can do it!!! We are our own worst enemies, but believe me when I tell you that you know a lot more than you think you do! You’re going to kill it! Assistant: Yay, congrats! I'm taking my exam next week!
Human: Is the "Danger Zone" cumulative? So, as part of my weekly meal prep, I make a big container of spinach dip (frozen spinach, sour cream, ranch dip mix) or grab a big hummus tub to eat with chopped veggies as my office snacks for the week. When I take the dip out, it's at room temperature for 20-30 minutes once or twice a day, for the week. Does being in and out of the danger zone like that "add up" for lack of a better term? Assistant: Yup, it is cumulative. The fridge only slows down bacterial growth, it doesn't stop or reset it. But more importantly, what TheRacoonist said about double dipping is just introducing more bacteria that you don't want.
Human: Is the "Danger Zone" cumulative? So, as part of my weekly meal prep, I make a big container of spinach dip (frozen spinach, sour cream, ranch dip mix) or grab a big hummus tub to eat with chopped veggies as my office snacks for the week. When I take the dip out, it's at room temperature for 20-30 minutes once or twice a day, for the week. Does being in and out of the danger zone like that "add up" for lack of a better term? Assistant: Are you just dipping into the same big container then putting that back in the fridge when you're done? Don't do that, you're introducing contaminants
Human: I live in Washington State. Can I be prosecuted for gifting my terminally ill father a firearm? Throwaway for obvious reasons. My father is, and has been, very sick for about a year. He was diagnosed with two different forms of aggressive, untreatable lymphomas. He has nerve death in his feet from years of alcohol abuse (been clean for about 8 years, though!). He had to have his spleen removed earlier this year, and he has several other health issues that I'm not particularly familiar with because I'm not a doctor and don't understand the terminology, most of which are related to his cancers. For the year+ since his first cancer diagnosis, he's been pretty elevated about the whole deal. He's made it very clear to my siblings, my stepmother, and I that he does \*not\* want a long, drawn-out old person death. He already has a DNR/DNI order on his chart, and has repeatedly said to all of us that he's happy with the way his life shook out and he's ready to leave the world. This was when he knew he was terminally ill, but was still relatively healthy and mobile. Well, last week he had a major health crisis. Because I'm not a doctor I don't really understand the details, but the MAST cells in his system caused an enormous anaphylactic reaction that caused his blood pressure to drop. He also had an infection in his lungs that needed to be treated with an aggressive course of antibiotics. Worst, though, was that something about this incident triggered four different strokes. Three were relatively minor, but the fourth was a medium-to-large-sized event. My sister, stepmother, and I have been taking shifts with him in the hospital since the event. He's having trouble finding words, but is still capable of expressing himself for the most part. Through all the physical therapy, medications, and hours of sitting in a hospital room, he has made it absolutely clear that the lifesaving interventions we put him through after the stroke were way too much and he would rather die than go through any of it again. He has begged us to change his physician's order for life saving treatment (POLST) form to specify that he should not receive treatment for similar events in the future. The thing that's driving me nuts about this situation is that our stepmother (who has durable power of attorney) is having a very easy time dismissing these statements as "oh he's just depressed" and has been dragging her feet on changing the POLST form and other preparations to fulfill his wish of getting the fuck out of the hospital, back to his retirement home, and getting a chance to say bye to his family and friends before going through the lengthy process of a physician assisted suicide. My sister (who's in medical school) believes that he won't get to the point of a PAS, and believes he'll go next time he has a similar event like the one he had. The big issue I'm concerned about is whether this event happens before the POLST form is changed. If that happens, and he's saved again to come back in an even more disabled state, my father is going to die hating us, and I can't live with that. Things REALLY came to a head yesterday at the hospital. I'd never seen my dad cry before in my life. I'd also never seen him get so angry. Before my stepmother got there, he begged me to bring him a gun so he has a way out in case things got even worse. Even with his speech impaired from the stroke, he told my stepmother and me in no uncertain terms that he hated us for being so selfish and cruel by keeping him around. I doubt my father would put a bullet in his head if he had a gun. I think he just wants one so he knows that if things get too unbearable, he knows he can end it all in a split second, rather than having to hold on and wait for another stroke, or heart attack, or infection to end everything, or waiting for the gears of the state to slowly turn to the point where he can have his PAS. But I believe that everyone on earth should have the agency to decide when, where, and how they die, and he is and clearly has been suffering horribly for the last week and a half. If I were to roll to the gun store and get him a firearm, and he shot himself with it, what would be the legal ramifications for me? I'm okay with my family hating me and even being vindictive. I'm a financially independent adult, so I'm not concerned about any sort of aid being cut off. But if there's a chance of me being prosecuted for this act, I won't do it. Thanks for reading. Assistant: Not legal advice, but practical - as an MD, CALL HOSPICE.
Human: I live in Washington State. Can I be prosecuted for gifting my terminally ill father a firearm? Throwaway for obvious reasons. My father is, and has been, very sick for about a year. He was diagnosed with two different forms of aggressive, untreatable lymphomas. He has nerve death in his feet from years of alcohol abuse (been clean for about 8 years, though!). He had to have his spleen removed earlier this year, and he has several other health issues that I'm not particularly familiar with because I'm not a doctor and don't understand the terminology, most of which are related to his cancers. For the year+ since his first cancer diagnosis, he's been pretty elevated about the whole deal. He's made it very clear to my siblings, my stepmother, and I that he does \*not\* want a long, drawn-out old person death. He already has a DNR/DNI order on his chart, and has repeatedly said to all of us that he's happy with the way his life shook out and he's ready to leave the world. This was when he knew he was terminally ill, but was still relatively healthy and mobile. Well, last week he had a major health crisis. Because I'm not a doctor I don't really understand the details, but the MAST cells in his system caused an enormous anaphylactic reaction that caused his blood pressure to drop. He also had an infection in his lungs that needed to be treated with an aggressive course of antibiotics. Worst, though, was that something about this incident triggered four different strokes. Three were relatively minor, but the fourth was a medium-to-large-sized event. My sister, stepmother, and I have been taking shifts with him in the hospital since the event. He's having trouble finding words, but is still capable of expressing himself for the most part. Through all the physical therapy, medications, and hours of sitting in a hospital room, he has made it absolutely clear that the lifesaving interventions we put him through after the stroke were way too much and he would rather die than go through any of it again. He has begged us to change his physician's order for life saving treatment (POLST) form to specify that he should not receive treatment for similar events in the future. The thing that's driving me nuts about this situation is that our stepmother (who has durable power of attorney) is having a very easy time dismissing these statements as "oh he's just depressed" and has been dragging her feet on changing the POLST form and other preparations to fulfill his wish of getting the fuck out of the hospital, back to his retirement home, and getting a chance to say bye to his family and friends before going through the lengthy process of a physician assisted suicide. My sister (who's in medical school) believes that he won't get to the point of a PAS, and believes he'll go next time he has a similar event like the one he had. The big issue I'm concerned about is whether this event happens before the POLST form is changed. If that happens, and he's saved again to come back in an even more disabled state, my father is going to die hating us, and I can't live with that. Things REALLY came to a head yesterday at the hospital. I'd never seen my dad cry before in my life. I'd also never seen him get so angry. Before my stepmother got there, he begged me to bring him a gun so he has a way out in case things got even worse. Even with his speech impaired from the stroke, he told my stepmother and me in no uncertain terms that he hated us for being so selfish and cruel by keeping him around. I doubt my father would put a bullet in his head if he had a gun. I think he just wants one so he knows that if things get too unbearable, he knows he can end it all in a split second, rather than having to hold on and wait for another stroke, or heart attack, or infection to end everything, or waiting for the gears of the state to slowly turn to the point where he can have his PAS. But I believe that everyone on earth should have the agency to decide when, where, and how they die, and he is and clearly has been suffering horribly for the last week and a half. If I were to roll to the gun store and get him a firearm, and he shot himself with it, what would be the legal ramifications for me? I'm okay with my family hating me and even being vindictive. I'm a financially independent adult, so I'm not concerned about any sort of aid being cut off. But if there's a chance of me being prosecuted for this act, I won't do it. Thanks for reading. Assistant: If your father is alert and oriented and capable of making his own medical decisions, and your step mom is not his power of attorney or something, he can change his POLST without her knowledge, consent, or approval. It simply needs to be signed in the doctors presence (usually) and the md signs that he agrees these are the patients wishes. And the advice given above regarding hospice is good advice, I’d encourage him to look more closely at that.
Human: Pizza dough is too elastic, shrinks when I roll it out, which then makes it too thick and takes to long to cook, how can I make is slightly less elastic? I let it prove for 2 hours under a warm cloth and then rolled it out, but it seemed that every time I rolled it out, it just shrunk back down a few inches, any advice? Assistant: Are you working or kneading the dough prior to rolling it out? It needs to relax before rolling for at least fifteen minutes. I had a friend with this trouble and it turned out she was 'giving it one last knead' before stretching. Don't do that. I also make better shaped pizzas if I use my hands instead of a rolling pin, but that's individual preference.
Human: Pizza dough is too elastic, shrinks when I roll it out, which then makes it too thick and takes to long to cook, how can I make is slightly less elastic? I let it prove for 2 hours under a warm cloth and then rolled it out, but it seemed that every time I rolled it out, it just shrunk back down a few inches, any advice? Assistant: I prove mine for 5 days in the fridge. Seems to be far more relaxed.
Human: If you have a surface lift, like at a Ski resort, will it reduce your load when walking up a hill? So there this this massive hill where I live. Everyone tries to come up with ways to make it easier. Some suggest building a small railroad, though that would be expensive. My solution I think may be the cheapest, though, everyone seems to think it wouldn't actually work. If you had a cable that was continually moving, couldn't you just hold on to that and walk next to it as you went up the hill? Wouldn't that reduce the load and make it easier to walk up the hill? What I propose is like they have a ski resorts. Though, you would be walking instead of gliding on nonexistent snow. Probably a stupid question. Did try to search on the internet and got nothing of relevance. Assistant: It would go too fast or too slow for some people perhaps. That could make for some problems in others passing. Perhaps a little railroad track, driven by a motor at the top and linked with a chain..? So the cart on the rails is less heavy and no need to supply it with power trough tracks and whatnot.
Human: If you have a surface lift, like at a Ski resort, will it reduce your load when walking up a hill? So there this this massive hill where I live. Everyone tries to come up with ways to make it easier. Some suggest building a small railroad, though that would be expensive. My solution I think may be the cheapest, though, everyone seems to think it wouldn't actually work. If you had a cable that was continually moving, couldn't you just hold on to that and walk next to it as you went up the hill? Wouldn't that reduce the load and make it easier to walk up the hill? What I propose is like they have a ski resorts. Though, you would be walking instead of gliding on nonexistent snow. Probably a stupid question. Did try to search on the internet and got nothing of relevance. Assistant: Chair lifts are usually one of the cheaper options for something like this
Human: Wife and I closed on a home, now a week before we are to move in the previous owner states she has covid and can't move out yet. What can we do? More info in post. Ohio, USA ​ My wife and I closed on Aug 16th on our home, with the stipulation that it would be 30 days before we could move in since the owner was selling the home but didn't have one to move into yet. Signed the contract, exchanged numbers, badda bing badda boom. Halfway through the 30 days we contact her just to get the utilities figured out, like who she used/preferred and whatnot, also asked if she had found a place which she had and was just about to close on it. On the 9th, we figured we werent going to be getting into the house sooner than Sept 16th so that's what we set up all our appointments and deliveries for. The very next day, she calls my wife stating that she has covid and has to quarantine so she may need to be there until about the 20th, stating the moving men can't get her stuff out of the house and into her new condo because of it. ​ My wife and I don't have a home/apartment, we are currently staying in an expensive, absolutely ghetto extended stay because it's the only one that allows pets. She has had a month to get all of this in order, I know you can't help getting sick, but come the 16th that house is OURS. Why do we have to eat even more costs of staying in this extended stay while she would have two homes? What can we do? Do we have legal rights to kick her out? Make her pay for our hotel costs from the 16th to whenever she gets out? Assistant: Your contract that let her stay for those 30 days almost certainly contains a clause outlining the penalties for holdovers. If you used a real estate attorney for closing, contact them. Otherwise, consider consulting one, especially if you don't think she is actually planning to leave soon.
Human: Wife and I closed on a home, now a week before we are to move in the previous owner states she has covid and can't move out yet. What can we do? More info in post. Ohio, USA ​ My wife and I closed on Aug 16th on our home, with the stipulation that it would be 30 days before we could move in since the owner was selling the home but didn't have one to move into yet. Signed the contract, exchanged numbers, badda bing badda boom. Halfway through the 30 days we contact her just to get the utilities figured out, like who she used/preferred and whatnot, also asked if she had found a place which she had and was just about to close on it. On the 9th, we figured we werent going to be getting into the house sooner than Sept 16th so that's what we set up all our appointments and deliveries for. The very next day, she calls my wife stating that she has covid and has to quarantine so she may need to be there until about the 20th, stating the moving men can't get her stuff out of the house and into her new condo because of it. ​ My wife and I don't have a home/apartment, we are currently staying in an expensive, absolutely ghetto extended stay because it's the only one that allows pets. She has had a month to get all of this in order, I know you can't help getting sick, but come the 16th that house is OURS. Why do we have to eat even more costs of staying in this extended stay while she would have two homes? What can we do? Do we have legal rights to kick her out? Make her pay for our hotel costs from the 16th to whenever she gets out? Assistant: Not a lawyer, I would suggest that she pays for your accommodations until the 20th and you charge her rent for the 4 days she remains in the home.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: With separation of church and state, why do we have to swear on a bible in a court of law? How is it even allowed? I just see the movies, do people even do this? Assistant: All Separation of Church and State means is that the State can't officially sponsor a religion. It doesn't mean legislation can't be introduced or passed based on one's religious beliefs, and as others have stated you don't *have* to swear on a Bible.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: With separation of church and state, why do we have to swear on a bible in a court of law? How is it even allowed? I just see the movies, do people even do this? Assistant: I've never seen a Bible used in an actual courtroom. I haven't even seen someone have to raise their right hand while swearing. They just tell you that by swearing that your testimony is true you would be committing perjury if you lie.
Human: CMV: Sanders and Warren will beat Biden if (and only if) one drops out and runs as the other's vp NOW Assuming that Sanders and Warren are both ideology-driven candidates, running for the primary purpose of furthering their (mostly overlapping) agenda, they should form a running coalition in which one drops out to run as the other's running mate, thus giving them a fighting chance at one of them getting the nomination. The number of progressive voters isn't large enough to beat Biden if Sanders and Warren split the vote, but almost certainly is if it is coalesced. Currently, RCP has the following poll averages: Nationally: Biden: 32.2 Sanders: 16.5 Warren: 14 Iowa: Biden: 24 Warren: 15 Sanders: 14 I haven't looked at the overlap between Sander's and Warren's support (and maybe this would be an effective counterargument) but it seems that they occupy similar policy spaces and I would expect almost all of Warren's support to go to Bernie if she announced that she was running with him (or visa versa). It would almost tie them with Biden immediately, which we would expect given that roughly half of democratic voters identify as liberal and half moderate. Furthermore, bringing one of the two candidates into the spotlight would allow progressive voters, volunteers, donors, media AND support organizations to focus their attention and resources on one of them. It would also activate and engage disenfranchised progressive constituents who are feeling discouraged about the current chances of either progressive candidate winning the race. NOTE: I only intend to argue this from a strategic perspective. Really not trying to get into a debate about whether we should WANT any candidate to win, nor discuss the merits of different agendas. Assistant: I tend to agree with your broader view about one dropping out to support the other, and specifically think Bernie should drop to support Warren, but I disagree with your premise that it should happen now. Right now is the time to win the battle of policy ideas, and taking one progressive champion off the debate stage only gives moderates more space and reinforcement. The time for this to happen is when the field has already winnowed down.
Human: CMV: Sanders and Warren will beat Biden if (and only if) one drops out and runs as the other's vp NOW Assuming that Sanders and Warren are both ideology-driven candidates, running for the primary purpose of furthering their (mostly overlapping) agenda, they should form a running coalition in which one drops out to run as the other's running mate, thus giving them a fighting chance at one of them getting the nomination. The number of progressive voters isn't large enough to beat Biden if Sanders and Warren split the vote, but almost certainly is if it is coalesced. Currently, RCP has the following poll averages: Nationally: Biden: 32.2 Sanders: 16.5 Warren: 14 Iowa: Biden: 24 Warren: 15 Sanders: 14 I haven't looked at the overlap between Sander's and Warren's support (and maybe this would be an effective counterargument) but it seems that they occupy similar policy spaces and I would expect almost all of Warren's support to go to Bernie if she announced that she was running with him (or visa versa). It would almost tie them with Biden immediately, which we would expect given that roughly half of democratic voters identify as liberal and half moderate. Furthermore, bringing one of the two candidates into the spotlight would allow progressive voters, volunteers, donors, media AND support organizations to focus their attention and resources on one of them. It would also activate and engage disenfranchised progressive constituents who are feeling discouraged about the current chances of either progressive candidate winning the race. NOTE: I only intend to argue this from a strategic perspective. Really not trying to get into a debate about whether we should WANT any candidate to win, nor discuss the merits of different agendas. Assistant: Do you know how VPs are chosen?
Human: Can a stock 5.7 Hemi handle a supercharger? Hi guys, I'm new to the car modding scene and I was curious what I need to do to have my 2013 Chrysler 300c 5.7 supercharged. I've been told that a Charger RT stock can handle one, but can the Chrysler 5.7 handle it stock? If not, what do I need? Assistant: Really depends how you drive it. If you launch it you will break stuff that's not made for that if you just use that extra horsepower to add power to a rolling momentum car it will last just fine just dont be an idiot driving it
Human: Can a stock 5.7 Hemi handle a supercharger? Hi guys, I'm new to the car modding scene and I was curious what I need to do to have my 2013 Chrysler 300c 5.7 supercharged. I've been told that a Charger RT stock can handle one, but can the Chrysler 5.7 handle it stock? If not, what do I need? Assistant: You're asking the wrong questions. It's how much boost can it handle before I needs a cam and pistons that won't fly out the bottom.
Human: Are there any philosopher that talked about fashion? Or that were interested in it? Hi! I'm one of those people who always considered fashion the ultimate "consumerist" hobby. But, in recent times, I've started to look on how to develop some semblance of a style, and I got pretty invested in the "behind the scenes" worlds of fashion. I learned about so many brands that have an artistic or even philosophical or political statement behind their clothes. Granted, I still have some reservetions about ethics or capitalism in general but now I view it more in a case to case basis than as an accusation to the industry as a whole... but that's beside the point. What I'm really interested in is if any philosopher had any insightful thoughts about fashion. And possibly not only about fashion as a tool of capitalism, even if I get that kind if critique. And if maybe there were some thinkers interested in the topic even if they didn't write much about it. Thanks in advance. Assistant: Gilles Lipovetsky's *The Empire of Fashion*
Human: Are there any philosopher that talked about fashion? Or that were interested in it? Hi! I'm one of those people who always considered fashion the ultimate "consumerist" hobby. But, in recent times, I've started to look on how to develop some semblance of a style, and I got pretty invested in the "behind the scenes" worlds of fashion. I learned about so many brands that have an artistic or even philosophical or political statement behind their clothes. Granted, I still have some reservetions about ethics or capitalism in general but now I view it more in a case to case basis than as an accusation to the industry as a whole... but that's beside the point. What I'm really interested in is if any philosopher had any insightful thoughts about fashion. And possibly not only about fashion as a tool of capitalism, even if I get that kind if critique. And if maybe there were some thinkers interested in the topic even if they didn't write much about it. Thanks in advance. Assistant: Georg Simmel wrote about fashion. Depending on your view, he might be considered a philosopher (sociologist here, and we consider him a social theorist, which, in my opinion, intersects quite strongly with philosophy). Either way, he makes interesting points. I'd check out his paper "Fashion" and also "Metropolis and Mental Life" where he discusses hypertrophy of objective culture to combat internal atrophy.
Human: eli5 How are big WWE moves like throwing somebody off a 1 story cage faked? Gravity does not care about your match fixing. Assistant: Many former wrestlers struggle with addiction because of chronic pain and disabilities caused by the physical trauma when wrestling. Check out the move The Wrestler--great depiction of how hard the business can be to give up and how hard it is on a person's body
Human: eli5 How are big WWE moves like throwing somebody off a 1 story cage faked? Gravity does not care about your match fixing. Assistant: Rather than thinking of the moves as "fake" I think it's probably more accurate to think of them as "choreographed".
Human: [General sci-fi/fantasy] Humans are often shown capable of interbreeding with various sapient alien/fantasy species, but those species are rarely shown capable of interbreeding with each other. What makes humans different? Assistant: Humans are obviously sluttier than other species.
Human: [General sci-fi/fantasy] Humans are often shown capable of interbreeding with various sapient alien/fantasy species, but those species are rarely shown capable of interbreeding with each other. What makes humans different? Assistant: I don't think it has to do with genetics but culture. Humans are shown to have a desire to spread out and mix into other cultures, while at the same time human culture is shown to be welcoming to other species. This leads to the attempt to interbreed by some individuals.
Human: [Marvel] Who is more accurate, Bullseye or Hawkeye? I’ve seen many people state that Bullseye has more ridiculous accuracy feats, but I haven’t really checked Hawkeye’s top tier feats out. Is Bullseye legitimately more accurate than Clint, or is Hawkeye just as accurate, but his morality and preference for a bow prevents him from pulling off the same feats as Bullseye? I’m aware that Ultimate Hawkeye has looser morals than the 616 version. After all, the 616 version of Hawkeye vocalized his beliefs on the sanctity of human life in Solo Avengers issue 8 (I believe, haven’t read Solo Avengers in a while). I’m referring to both the comics and the MCU versions. Any versions, really. Assistant: Bullseye once threw a playing card through a plate glass penthouse apartment window hard enough to only leave a clean, card sized slot in the glass and kill the person on the other side. So probably him
Human: [Marvel] Who is more accurate, Bullseye or Hawkeye? I’ve seen many people state that Bullseye has more ridiculous accuracy feats, but I haven’t really checked Hawkeye’s top tier feats out. Is Bullseye legitimately more accurate than Clint, or is Hawkeye just as accurate, but his morality and preference for a bow prevents him from pulling off the same feats as Bullseye? I’m aware that Ultimate Hawkeye has looser morals than the 616 version. After all, the 616 version of Hawkeye vocalized his beliefs on the sanctity of human life in Solo Avengers issue 8 (I believe, haven’t read Solo Avengers in a while). I’m referring to both the comics and the MCU versions. Any versions, really. Assistant: Bullseye. He can use anything (his tooth, a paperclip, sheet of paper) to not only hit with 100% accuracy, but also 100% fatality. Hawkeye however is high trained in archery and guns.
Human: What has advanced your career as an Engineer the most? Through my course work as an engineering student I was taught theories and science. However, most real world jobs seem to require more practical experience that I have not really have been exposed to in school. I find myself wanting to attend training courses or certification seminars to advance my career and pad my resume. Have you ever been apart of something that has made a great positive impact on your career that you would recommend to other engineers in your line of work? Assistant: Treating other people with respect, regardless of their title or position, will get you far. Treat others with respect and you will be respected. This will have a large impact on your success. I know this is a "soft answer" and you were looking for something along the lines of certification, but honestly: after 10 years in the workplace this is what I've seen.
Human: What has advanced your career as an Engineer the most? Through my course work as an engineering student I was taught theories and science. However, most real world jobs seem to require more practical experience that I have not really have been exposed to in school. I find myself wanting to attend training courses or certification seminars to advance my career and pad my resume. Have you ever been apart of something that has made a great positive impact on your career that you would recommend to other engineers in your line of work? Assistant: Figuring out what would make my boss' life easier and doing that.
Human: Elon Musk is talking about "solarizing" Puerto Rico. What could be the problems of a large-scale solar power grid? I say "power grid" but there doesn't need to be one (I suppose that in this case solar is attractive because it doesn't need a grid so you are spared the cost of rebuilding it). If you have hundreds of independent solar-powered clusters, what problems could eventually arise, say like ground loops or phase differences? (Article that prompted my question). Assistant: ITT: people talking out of their ass.
Human: Elon Musk is talking about "solarizing" Puerto Rico. What could be the problems of a large-scale solar power grid? I say "power grid" but there doesn't need to be one (I suppose that in this case solar is attractive because it doesn't need a grid so you are spared the cost of rebuilding it). If you have hundreds of independent solar-powered clusters, what problems could eventually arise, say like ground loops or phase differences? (Article that prompted my question). Assistant: Having all of these solar installations with batteries independent of each other isn't really practical. You will either need to overbuild the panels or the batteries (or both) so your costs are much higher than if you had a grid. We already tried this kind of electric distribution 100 years ago and it didn't really work well. That's why we created a grid in the first place.
Human: Why are gourmet pastas tossed in parmesan cheese wheels? I saw this and got a foodie boner. I see this often in gourmet pasta videos, where the chef tosses the pasta in the cheese wheel. Is there any benefit to tossing the pasta in the wheel as opposed to adding the same amount via grating? Is that purely an aesthetic choice? Assistant: I've done the pasta-in-the-parm wheel and honestly the wheel doesn't do much. We also added parmesan to the actual pasta. I tried doing just lightly-oiled pasta in the wheel and it smelled a little parmesan-y but I didn't taste anything but oiled pasta.
Human: Why are gourmet pastas tossed in parmesan cheese wheels? I saw this and got a foodie boner. I see this often in gourmet pasta videos, where the chef tosses the pasta in the cheese wheel. Is there any benefit to tossing the pasta in the wheel as opposed to adding the same amount via grating? Is that purely an aesthetic choice? Assistant: For Instagram.
Human: Is it okay to switch from Mechanical Engineering to Computer Science? I completed my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and after spending a year working in the industry, I find that it's something that I wouldn't want to do long term. I have always enjoyed working with computers and am an avid tech follower. Is it possible for me to switch to working with computers? I know there's a lot of different things that could be done in computer science but I wanna see if it's possible to switch. One idea I have is to do my master's in computer science. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated! Assistant: You can focus on programming and breach both careers ( robotics ) or Artificial intelligence and use your existing knowledge on it (automatisation, self driving) You can definitely get your masters in It, I would focus on learning Programming and take a look at Management Information Systems (MIS) and see how you're knowledge can be applied there. Good luck
Human: Is it okay to switch from Mechanical Engineering to Computer Science? I completed my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and after spending a year working in the industry, I find that it's something that I wouldn't want to do long term. I have always enjoyed working with computers and am an avid tech follower. Is it possible for me to switch to working with computers? I know there's a lot of different things that could be done in computer science but I wanna see if it's possible to switch. One idea I have is to do my master's in computer science. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated! Assistant: Yeah, it's okay 👍
Human: Why do flathead screws and screwdrivers exist? Philips head is much easier to mess with, so why bother making a flathead? Assistant: My dad dropped this nugget of wisdom on me the other day when I asked the same thing. Flat head screws require no forward pressure to turn. So in certain applications (drywall plug screws, electrical devices) you don’t risk snapping something by applying forward pressure. Caveat is most people don’t know that and push like crazy because the stupid bit keeps slipping.
Human: Why do flathead screws and screwdrivers exist? Philips head is much easier to mess with, so why bother making a flathead? Assistant: Flathead drivers were invented as a handy general purpose scraping/prying tool that can also be used to fasten Philips head screws if you can't find the correct driver. Flathead screws came about sometime after to take advantage of the success of the drivers.
Human: Change my view thatIf you go to someone’s place and they allow you to smoke your weed there, you should share with them for free. I’ve noticed quite a few people don’t believe in this rule. If you go to someone’s place and they allow you to smoke weed there, you are required to share with them, regardless of if they have their own or not. It’s just common sense, you come into my house, you start smoking weed in my house, you better let me smoke with you or else you can go somewhere else. There is no reason someone who brings weed to your place shouldn’t share with you. It is your house, if they want to smoke in your house, they should share with you, free of charge. Assistant: "There is **no** reason someone who brings weed to your place shouldn’t share with you." It's for their chemotherapy side-effects and they're your grandparent?
Human: Change my view thatIf you go to someone’s place and they allow you to smoke your weed there, you should share with them for free. I’ve noticed quite a few people don’t believe in this rule. If you go to someone’s place and they allow you to smoke weed there, you are required to share with them, regardless of if they have their own or not. It’s just common sense, you come into my house, you start smoking weed in my house, you better let me smoke with you or else you can go somewhere else. There is no reason someone who brings weed to your place shouldn’t share with you. It is your house, if they want to smoke in your house, they should share with you, free of charge. Assistant: I’d say this is only true if you’re “hosting” and not just hanging out, or we go to each others’ places regularly. If all we’re doing is pre-gaming or we always hang out at my place and I’m not providing anything like food, I’m pitching in. There are definitely people that try to mooch and use their place as an excuse to not pay for anything- they don’t go to other people’s houses either.
Human: Is it true that majority of the industrial/laboratory etc computers use Windows XP? If yes, then doesn't it pose a major risk since it stopped getting security updates and general tech support from Microsoft quite a while ago? Also, when are they expected to update their operating systems? Do you forecast that they'll be using XP in 2030 or 2050? And when they update, will they update to Windows Vista/7 or the latest Windows version available at the time? Assistant: many industrial machines (like the AIS box at an assembly line station, or the controller for a rotary table, or the panel on a mill or stamping press) don't even run Windows, they run a stripped down firmware that just handles the machine. They'll often be hooked into the plant network (which is very heavily firewalled) for instruction and monitoring, but an injection molding machine is not loaded up with Internet Explorer.
Human: Is it true that majority of the industrial/laboratory etc computers use Windows XP? If yes, then doesn't it pose a major risk since it stopped getting security updates and general tech support from Microsoft quite a while ago? Also, when are they expected to update their operating systems? Do you forecast that they'll be using XP in 2030 or 2050? And when they update, will they update to Windows Vista/7 or the latest Windows version available at the time? Assistant: If it ain't broke.....
Human: I want to learn physics to satisfy my own personal curiosity, then switch to something more practical later on. My brain is telling me to just go for aerospace engineering, learn valuable practical applications of the maths and science I enjoy, live the corporate engineering lifestyle and retire in obscurity with a good amount of money, and the knowledge that I contributed to stuff I won't be credited for. But my heart cannot resist the lure of learning more about particles, relativity and all the stuff that made Hawking, Feynman and Einstein famous. The mathematics seems more challenging, and the idea of academia resonates with me a lot - discussing new ideas, sharing my passion with students, having time each day dedicated to learning instead of simply selling my soul to corporate busywork. Publishing papers and books, making lasting contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge. I love that I can continually learn stuff from books and papers, while engineering at some point comes down to experience and soft skills. Now obviously you guys are thinking I'm being crazy idealistic. Academia is competitive and badly compensated. Chances are I'll never be known for anything. My interest in physics is still here though. Maybe once I've wisened up, I'll want to go on a more practical route. People do not recommend physics graduates pivot into engineering due to the sheer difference in what each course teaches. But is it really that big of a reach? Consider that a physicist transitioning to quantitative finance often has to self learn finance AND programming, would he not be able to transition into engineering in the same way? Would a physicist with self taught engineering skills not be an attractive employee in the space industry for example? For the sake of not being treated like one of millions of wannabe NASA rocket scientists, I've scored perfect grades through my life, I've had the drive and curiosity to make sure I had a more rigorous understanding of the maths/physics concepts taught at school, I also grasp concepts quickly which left me a lot of free time to have fun even with these grades. I think with a strong enough motivation I could invest that free time into self learning whatever I need to succeed. Am I being stupid? Assistant: Look for engineering physics programs. The curriculum basically contains all of the standard physics and basic engineering courses, after which you will go on to do applied research in your bachelor’s and master’s theses, maybe a PhD as well. Most graduates I know are either working in photonics, semi-conductors, or quantum computing(They probably do other stuff, but as an EE these are the people I came across).
Human: I want to learn physics to satisfy my own personal curiosity, then switch to something more practical later on. My brain is telling me to just go for aerospace engineering, learn valuable practical applications of the maths and science I enjoy, live the corporate engineering lifestyle and retire in obscurity with a good amount of money, and the knowledge that I contributed to stuff I won't be credited for. But my heart cannot resist the lure of learning more about particles, relativity and all the stuff that made Hawking, Feynman and Einstein famous. The mathematics seems more challenging, and the idea of academia resonates with me a lot - discussing new ideas, sharing my passion with students, having time each day dedicated to learning instead of simply selling my soul to corporate busywork. Publishing papers and books, making lasting contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge. I love that I can continually learn stuff from books and papers, while engineering at some point comes down to experience and soft skills. Now obviously you guys are thinking I'm being crazy idealistic. Academia is competitive and badly compensated. Chances are I'll never be known for anything. My interest in physics is still here though. Maybe once I've wisened up, I'll want to go on a more practical route. People do not recommend physics graduates pivot into engineering due to the sheer difference in what each course teaches. But is it really that big of a reach? Consider that a physicist transitioning to quantitative finance often has to self learn finance AND programming, would he not be able to transition into engineering in the same way? Would a physicist with self taught engineering skills not be an attractive employee in the space industry for example? For the sake of not being treated like one of millions of wannabe NASA rocket scientists, I've scored perfect grades through my life, I've had the drive and curiosity to make sure I had a more rigorous understanding of the maths/physics concepts taught at school, I also grasp concepts quickly which left me a lot of free time to have fun even with these grades. I think with a strong enough motivation I could invest that free time into self learning whatever I need to succeed. Am I being stupid? Assistant: Double major in physics and comp sci. You can rake in cash programming with that bachelor's, and with the hard science overlap it's doable.
Human: How do you cook your Korean bbq? I always just make it in a frying pan when I'm home but im looking to get a small indoor grill or bbq plate so the juice drips out. Probably a grill plate cause it's a lot cheaper lol What do you guys use to cook your Korean bbq? Assistant: Backyard, charcoal grill. Home made kimchi fermented 2-3 weeks. Hit the Korean market the day before and get a ton of banchan and hite beers and soju. It's an event. Or just in a screaming hot cast iron pan and some rice from the rice cooker, the end.
Human: How do you cook your Korean bbq? I always just make it in a frying pan when I'm home but im looking to get a small indoor grill or bbq plate so the juice drips out. Probably a grill plate cause it's a lot cheaper lol What do you guys use to cook your Korean bbq? Assistant: MY mom had one of these and I just bought my own this at H-mart\_1\_10?keywords=korean+bbq&qid=1576164019&sr=8-10
Human: How to price baked goods? Hey guys! I’ve been baking from home for about 2 years now out of pleasure/for coworkers birthdays/holidays/etc, and I’ve recently been asked by a few people about selling them some products, however I’m not sure how to charge for them! I know the usual formula is ingredients cost x3 + labour + overheads + delivery, however I’m not sure if that would change for someone who is baking from home/who can’t get wholesale ingredients. I’m also not sure how to have a baseline price using that formula as different flavours change the ingredient price, and even sales at stores would change it etc. I’ve looked at bakeries near me (south eastern Ontario) and it seems on average a half dozen of basic cupcakes (basic flavour with buttercream) is around $18-20, and basic buttercream 6” cakes start at $35. Does this seem like a fair price? I don’t want to overcharge especially as I’m just starting out, and I also don’t want to undercharge and under value myself and set low prices as precedent. I’d really really appreciate any thoughts or insights! Thank you so much :) Assistant: There are websites like cookkeepbook that you can make “recipes” and break it down to cost per servings etc to help you know exactly what you’re spending in ingredients on each item you’re selling. Generally, you take that and multiply by 3 to factor in the labor, etc.
Human: How to price baked goods? Hey guys! I’ve been baking from home for about 2 years now out of pleasure/for coworkers birthdays/holidays/etc, and I’ve recently been asked by a few people about selling them some products, however I’m not sure how to charge for them! I know the usual formula is ingredients cost x3 + labour + overheads + delivery, however I’m not sure if that would change for someone who is baking from home/who can’t get wholesale ingredients. I’m also not sure how to have a baseline price using that formula as different flavours change the ingredient price, and even sales at stores would change it etc. I’ve looked at bakeries near me (south eastern Ontario) and it seems on average a half dozen of basic cupcakes (basic flavour with buttercream) is around $18-20, and basic buttercream 6” cakes start at $35. Does this seem like a fair price? I don’t want to overcharge especially as I’m just starting out, and I also don’t want to undercharge and under value myself and set low prices as precedent. I’d really really appreciate any thoughts or insights! Thank you so much :) Assistant: 30% material cost for whole sale, 25% cost retail. 2 % cost for packaging. Labor is not included in food cost.
Human: Which Western philosophers have written (significantly) about intuition? Assistant: Herman Cappelen has a whole book against using intuition as the method of philosophy, *Philosophy without Intuition*
Human: Which Western philosophers have written (significantly) about intuition? Assistant: Kant.
Human: CMV: There isn't much value in discussing if we think pedophiles are bad and deserve to be punished. At this point it's a tool used by conspiracy theorist to push their agenda Let me just start this post by saying: I think pedophilia and sex trafficking should be illegal. And I'm willing to bet >99% of all people (in America at least) agree with this. And the great news is: they are! Despite this, in the past week I have seen multiple bumper stickers saying things like: "The only good pedophile is a dead one" and "#savethechildren". Sex trafficking and pedophilia is discussed ad nauseam on the news and on social media. But everyone in society agrees on this, why do people feel the need to say it constantly? Like I have never seen someone with a bumper sticker that says "I don't support murders" or like "robbery is bad". It's implied that you are opposed to murder or robbery, it's only important to speak up if you are in the very small minority that supports these things. Otherwise everyone will assume you are just like everyone else and think these things are bad. Maybe this argument could be applied to a lot of different things that people generally agree upon but still want to talk about a lot, but with pedophilia and sex trafficking I see people 1. Extremely heated about it and 2. This passion being weaponized by extremist groups to recruit new members. Look at how the QAnon conspiracy dragged Tom Hanks, the Clintons, and dozens of others names through the mud with no/minimal evidence of any wrong doing. I think ironically this opposition to pedophilia is almost net harmful to the US right now and if everyone just chilled out and let the justice system or the police or the mental institutions handle this problem we would all be way better off. Once again, not trying to support pedophilia at all. It's gross and wrong and should be punished and treated as a severe mental illness. I just think it's weird how much people want to discuss it considering we all agree. Assistant: I don’t think >99% of Americans think pedophilia itself should be illegal. Are you combining pedophilia and child abuse? The “good pedophile” is one that went to a therapist and got help without ever touching a kid. Is that really a bad thing that deserves punishment? You don’t see bumper stickers saying murder is bad because murder is already illegal, but the pedo sticker is supporting the death penalty for thought crimes, which currently aren’t charged.
Human: CMV: There isn't much value in discussing if we think pedophiles are bad and deserve to be punished. At this point it's a tool used by conspiracy theorist to push their agenda Let me just start this post by saying: I think pedophilia and sex trafficking should be illegal. And I'm willing to bet >99% of all people (in America at least) agree with this. And the great news is: they are! Despite this, in the past week I have seen multiple bumper stickers saying things like: "The only good pedophile is a dead one" and "#savethechildren". Sex trafficking and pedophilia is discussed ad nauseam on the news and on social media. But everyone in society agrees on this, why do people feel the need to say it constantly? Like I have never seen someone with a bumper sticker that says "I don't support murders" or like "robbery is bad". It's implied that you are opposed to murder or robbery, it's only important to speak up if you are in the very small minority that supports these things. Otherwise everyone will assume you are just like everyone else and think these things are bad. Maybe this argument could be applied to a lot of different things that people generally agree upon but still want to talk about a lot, but with pedophilia and sex trafficking I see people 1. Extremely heated about it and 2. This passion being weaponized by extremist groups to recruit new members. Look at how the QAnon conspiracy dragged Tom Hanks, the Clintons, and dozens of others names through the mud with no/minimal evidence of any wrong doing. I think ironically this opposition to pedophilia is almost net harmful to the US right now and if everyone just chilled out and let the justice system or the police or the mental institutions handle this problem we would all be way better off. Once again, not trying to support pedophilia at all. It's gross and wrong and should be punished and treated as a severe mental illness. I just think it's weird how much people want to discuss it considering we all agree. Assistant: Do you also apply your thinking to people who have stickers and such talking about wanting to end cancer?
Human: Power company said they wanted to come top the trees in yard and then they cut them down to the stump instead without my permission. Essentially as the title states, the power company knocked on my door and asked to come top the trees along my fence line in my back yard. They stated that they'd be taking roughly three feet off of the top. This made sense to me, as there are also power lines that run along the back of my property. I oblige because I know that whatever damage that is done to the line in the future is my responsibility if it involves my trees. Fast-forward to tree topping day. I return home after work and go to look at the job that had been done. The company that they had contracted cut the trees down to stumps. Four of the five 50+ year old Degroot's Spire Arborvitae. Gone. These trees had been here before my Mother purchased the property 31 years ago. I'm not really sure where to go from here, but I've read some other posts on this forum and would like to know if it's even worth pursuing a lawsuit. Thanks for reading. State is Oregon. Assistant: If the trees were in an easement then you're SOL. Being next to powerlines in general will override any concern for the trees. Safety trumps your trees.
Human: Power company said they wanted to come top the trees in yard and then they cut them down to the stump instead without my permission. Essentially as the title states, the power company knocked on my door and asked to come top the trees along my fence line in my back yard. They stated that they'd be taking roughly three feet off of the top. This made sense to me, as there are also power lines that run along the back of my property. I oblige because I know that whatever damage that is done to the line in the future is my responsibility if it involves my trees. Fast-forward to tree topping day. I return home after work and go to look at the job that had been done. The company that they had contracted cut the trees down to stumps. Four of the five 50+ year old Degroot's Spire Arborvitae. Gone. These trees had been here before my Mother purchased the property 31 years ago. I'm not really sure where to go from here, but I've read some other posts on this forum and would like to know if it's even worth pursuing a lawsuit. Thanks for reading. State is Oregon. Assistant: 1) Did you get anything in writing? Did you sign anything giving permission to cut the trees and/or mentioning the "three feet off the top" bit? 2) Are you sure the people who knocked on your door were real power company employees? Did you see ID or anything like that? 3) Did they take the cut-down trees away or leave them there?
Human: Wheels need to come off. Anyone recognize these lug nuts? Bought car with aftermarket wheels but I've got no idea what these lugs are. Can't get them off since I can't find the proper socket. Anyone recognize them? Assistant: Looks like splined lug nuts, usually used on aftermarket wheels that won't fit normal lug nuts. Try this to get them off.
Human: Wheels need to come off. Anyone recognize these lug nuts? Bought car with aftermarket wheels but I've got no idea what these lugs are. Can't get them off since I can't find the proper socket. Anyone recognize them? Assistant: Looks a lot like a parts store wheel lock kit. I would personally find whatever socket fits them the best and remove them like that, or you can likely find the matching key on Amazon or somewhere.
Human: Best philosophy YouTube/podcast for beginners? Assistant: Philosophize this! By Stephen West on Spotify and, I suppose, other platforms. I highly recommend it. He doesn't go too deep into each philosopher but he explains their main ideas with great examples and it's easy to understand! He's going in chronological order so episode 1 focusses on the time before philosophy all the way until the presocratics and he's going all the way up until today. He even goes into eastern philosophy in China and India. Really good podcast to get started on Philosophy!
Human: Best philosophy YouTube/podcast for beginners? Assistant: Philosophize this! podcast Fantastic long form essay style podcast.
Human: What easy/cheap general mods do you know, for your car or in general, that others should know about? In an effort to keep this sub going, what general car modifications, cheap upgrades, or life hacks do you have for your/other cars? Make sure to mention disclaimers if there is one! Ex: voids the warranty Assistant: Not really a mod or a lifehack but I keep a small toolbox/bag in the back of all of my cars with some basic tools. A couple screwdrivers, sockets common to the car, a ratchet, jumper cables, a knife, zip ties and carb cleaner. Not all of it is 100% necessary I just like to be prepared in case things go wrong.
Human: What easy/cheap general mods do you know, for your car or in general, that others should know about? In an effort to keep this sub going, what general car modifications, cheap upgrades, or life hacks do you have for your/other cars? Make sure to mention disclaimers if there is one! Ex: voids the warranty Assistant: NA mx5 - grabbed an auto dimming mirror out of an e39 5 series bmw. No more being blinded from behind. Best $15 ever
Human: Help starting online bakery Like the title says, I am wanting to start my own online bakery but I'm not exactly sure where to start. I have a list of things that I can make and sell but beyond that I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone on here have experience starting their own bakery (online or otherwise) and would like to share their story? Assistant: I have my own home bakery. Check out your state’s cottage food permit laws. Each state is different. For example I live in WA and to get the permit I was required an at home inspection and lots of paperwork. I also can only make $25k a year and cannot legally ship products. Do research. See if it’s what you’re interested in.
Human: Help starting online bakery Like the title says, I am wanting to start my own online bakery but I'm not exactly sure where to start. I have a list of things that I can make and sell but beyond that I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone on here have experience starting their own bakery (online or otherwise) and would like to share their story? Assistant: If you're in the US, you will need to check your local requirements for ServSafe certification. I'm not sure if it also extends to requirements for states that you ship to
Human: How do you deal with laypeople that "know" more about your field than you? (reposted for grammar and clarity) How do you deal with lay people that "know" about your field/discipline more than you? Because, asserting your experience, research, and credentials makes you a cookie-cutter elitist and no match for their....umm...uhh........vitriol? *ad hominem* jabs? Friend that once studied French Baroque? If you are a scholar and expert in a field, how do you know more than some random person that "knows" more about your discipline? The axiom here is that you have/are working toward an advanced degree and have an actual understanding of your field compared to a layperson. These laypeople are actually the ones trying to prove themselves with outright lies despite you, the person who has studied the field for a decade, being able to state otherwise. you are an expert in your field, have researched and practiced it for a decade and someone with no real experience or rigor "knows more than you." So, for example, if you were a cardiologist and somebody on Reddit/YouTube, etc. claimed to know more than you and their advice just as valid. Often the retort or retaliation for your hard work and sacrifice is that you are an elitist. Maybe an American sports analogy would be: an armchair quarterback that would coach/tell Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes how to play their position. Assistant: While it is unarguably that you should avoid direct confrontation with these people, you should however use your 'elitist title' to keep educating masses. By time, you should be able to distinguish between who want to genuinely listen and who want to listen just for the sake of argument.
Human: How do you deal with laypeople that "know" more about your field than you? (reposted for grammar and clarity) How do you deal with lay people that "know" about your field/discipline more than you? Because, asserting your experience, research, and credentials makes you a cookie-cutter elitist and no match for their....umm...uhh........vitriol? *ad hominem* jabs? Friend that once studied French Baroque? If you are a scholar and expert in a field, how do you know more than some random person that "knows" more about your discipline? The axiom here is that you have/are working toward an advanced degree and have an actual understanding of your field compared to a layperson. These laypeople are actually the ones trying to prove themselves with outright lies despite you, the person who has studied the field for a decade, being able to state otherwise. you are an expert in your field, have researched and practiced it for a decade and someone with no real experience or rigor "knows more than you." So, for example, if you were a cardiologist and somebody on Reddit/YouTube, etc. claimed to know more than you and their advice just as valid. Often the retort or retaliation for your hard work and sacrifice is that you are an elitist. Maybe an American sports analogy would be: an armchair quarterback that would coach/tell Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes how to play their position. Assistant: I’m in public health so I... have no answers to this question. Lol. But I can commiserate!
Human: Should I turn up the heat or cold when my car window fogs up? My car windows tend to steam up when driving around in the winter and I'll switch between cranking the heat and cold trying to clear up the window. Is there a sciencey reason for which will clear up foggy windows and keep it from building up? Assistant: Here's a protip: secondary to turning the ac on (that works best) make sure your windows are clean. Take the grease and dust off the glass, it attracts the moisture.
Human: Should I turn up the heat or cold when my car window fogs up? My car windows tend to steam up when driving around in the winter and I'll switch between cranking the heat and cold trying to clear up the window. Is there a sciencey reason for which will clear up foggy windows and keep it from building up? Assistant: Turn all knobs to the right. High heat.
Human: I often see the more powerful stoves listed as a huge advantage for restaurant cooking vs at home; why then, does every recipe call for just medium heat? I've literally never cooked something (besides boiling water) on high heat. Why would I want a stove that goes to 11 when I'm still on 5? Assistant: >why then, does every recipe call for just medium heat? They don't. Cooking in a kitchen isn't the same thing as cooking in a home. Something need to be reheated from a par-cooked state. The best way to do this is use the highest heat possible for a brief amount of time. >I've literally never cooked something (besides boiling water) on high heat. Why would I want a stove that goes to 11 when I'm still on 5? Then you obviously don't need a powerful stove. We in the professional world do.
Human: I often see the more powerful stoves listed as a huge advantage for restaurant cooking vs at home; why then, does every recipe call for just medium heat? I've literally never cooked something (besides boiling water) on high heat. Why would I want a stove that goes to 11 when I'm still on 5? Assistant: Perhaps you are reading cookbooks that are meant for home cooks.
Human: What is the best highway cruiser for $5000? A car that can cruise comfortably at 80 mph, fairly reliable, easy to get parts for, mid 20's mpg. I'm thinking that answer could be an ls400, a crownvic, or maybe an e55 amg? Assistant: Crown Vic. All day. I cruised mine at 100 with no stability issues.
Human: What is the best highway cruiser for $5000? A car that can cruise comfortably at 80 mph, fairly reliable, easy to get parts for, mid 20's mpg. I'm thinking that answer could be an ls400, a crownvic, or maybe an e55 amg? Assistant: If you're liberal with the word reliable and don't mind doing your own work (and you own a laptop for diagnostics) a non-turbo E60 generation BMW is amazing on the highway. I got my 530xi wagon for under 5k, it's like driving a couch. Unlike a lot of other options, it also handles very well too. My Audi was just as good on the highway, but the front heavy setup is not conducive to responsive handling, even with quattro and the ridiculous German suspension design.
Human: Genesis, Azera, or Avalon? Hello all, I am pre approved for a 12k loan with 5% APR from my bank and have an extra 4k I can put onto that for a new used car. From my research into the luxury sedan market I think I've narrowed down my options to the top three. I would just like to know from anyone who knows these cars which one would be the safest bet for long term reliability and comfort. **2014-2016 Hyundai Genesis 3.8** So I really love this car for its huge package of luxury features and hefty v6 engine with RWD. My grandparents own a 14 model which is not the same body style as the 15 but same engine and powertrain. They love theirs and have had no issues having owned it for several years. I wish I could just pick this car but I'm still worried about the GDI engines in them. My main concern is if the GDI engine will last me for a long time if I buy one of these used with between 70k-120k miles. **2014 Hyundai Azera Limited** This car is basically a decked out Sonata with essentially the same features as the Genesis. It is somewhat cheaper, has a smaller but seemingly more reliable transmission, and has slightly better mpg than the Genesis. My main concerns on this car are the pretty much the same as the Genesis with the GDI engine. **2015-2016 Toyota Avalon** This car I am really tempted to buy over the latter because of the brand more than anything else. Toyota has unparalleled reliability compared to pretty much any other brand. The car is nice for what it costs (its essentially a reskinned es350 with a better interior) but comparatively has no where near the same level of comfort and tech features as the Hyundai's do. The main benefits I can see are mostly the mpg since the v6 in that car is fwd and less horsepower. Thats where I am as of right now. I still have yet to test drive these cars. If anyone has a better value suggestion for a luxury sedan let me know. Please someone tell me I'm over reacting about the reliability difference. I really would like to have confidence in buying one of these Genesis cars. Thanks everyone. Assistant: I am a used car dealer. From my perspective and assuming you plan to keep this car for a long time, you cannot beat the Toyota. Resale value alone makes it a no brainer from a financial perspective. My daily driver is a 2018 Avalon XLE. Couldn't be happier with it. They can be had reasonably as well. Bought mine 9/2019 with 32k for $18.5k. Did not buy it wholesale.
Human: Genesis, Azera, or Avalon? Hello all, I am pre approved for a 12k loan with 5% APR from my bank and have an extra 4k I can put onto that for a new used car. From my research into the luxury sedan market I think I've narrowed down my options to the top three. I would just like to know from anyone who knows these cars which one would be the safest bet for long term reliability and comfort. **2014-2016 Hyundai Genesis 3.8** So I really love this car for its huge package of luxury features and hefty v6 engine with RWD. My grandparents own a 14 model which is not the same body style as the 15 but same engine and powertrain. They love theirs and have had no issues having owned it for several years. I wish I could just pick this car but I'm still worried about the GDI engines in them. My main concern is if the GDI engine will last me for a long time if I buy one of these used with between 70k-120k miles. **2014 Hyundai Azera Limited** This car is basically a decked out Sonata with essentially the same features as the Genesis. It is somewhat cheaper, has a smaller but seemingly more reliable transmission, and has slightly better mpg than the Genesis. My main concerns on this car are the pretty much the same as the Genesis with the GDI engine. **2015-2016 Toyota Avalon** This car I am really tempted to buy over the latter because of the brand more than anything else. Toyota has unparalleled reliability compared to pretty much any other brand. The car is nice for what it costs (its essentially a reskinned es350 with a better interior) but comparatively has no where near the same level of comfort and tech features as the Hyundai's do. The main benefits I can see are mostly the mpg since the v6 in that car is fwd and less horsepower. Thats where I am as of right now. I still have yet to test drive these cars. If anyone has a better value suggestion for a luxury sedan let me know. Please someone tell me I'm over reacting about the reliability difference. I really would like to have confidence in buying one of these Genesis cars. Thanks everyone. Assistant: Avalon, the other two will be broken and scrapped before you pay off that loan.
Human: [CA] I found out a junior employee makes more than me for fewer hours and less work, now I want a raise I started a job about a year ago working remotely during the pandemic after it forced me out of the line of work I was currently in. I was happy with the 20/hr which was better than what I earning at the placeholder gig I was working after losing my previous job to the pandemic. I was happy earning that much because I was very green in the marketing industry and it was my first real marketing job. I am now trained in and actively performing analytics, copywriting, social media management, and website maintenance Recently I was tasked with going through my bosses emails and flagging important mail for him to read. I noticed that payroll info from new hires got sent to him, so I took a look at a young employees pay sheet and he was working at a flat rate regardless of hours worked and earning significantly more than me although having far fewer skills and working less hours. I want to ask for a raise to 30/hr, would settle for 25, but want to know how to go about this because of how I attained this information. Some info: Small company 10-15 regular employees mostly subcontractors I have a BA degree focus in marketing/mgmt The owner is a good friend of mine well before I worked there The company is located in Canada, but everyone works remote TLDR Tasked with going through bosses emails, saw a junior employee was making more money for less work, now I want a raise. Assistant: Are you a W-2 employee and this other person is an independent contractor receiving a 1099?
Human: [CA] I found out a junior employee makes more than me for fewer hours and less work, now I want a raise I started a job about a year ago working remotely during the pandemic after it forced me out of the line of work I was currently in. I was happy with the 20/hr which was better than what I earning at the placeholder gig I was working after losing my previous job to the pandemic. I was happy earning that much because I was very green in the marketing industry and it was my first real marketing job. I am now trained in and actively performing analytics, copywriting, social media management, and website maintenance Recently I was tasked with going through my bosses emails and flagging important mail for him to read. I noticed that payroll info from new hires got sent to him, so I took a look at a young employees pay sheet and he was working at a flat rate regardless of hours worked and earning significantly more than me although having far fewer skills and working less hours. I want to ask for a raise to 30/hr, would settle for 25, but want to know how to go about this because of how I attained this information. Some info: Small company 10-15 regular employees mostly subcontractors I have a BA degree focus in marketing/mgmt The owner is a good friend of mine well before I worked there The company is located in Canada, but everyone works remote TLDR Tasked with going through bosses emails, saw a junior employee was making more money for less work, now I want a raise. Assistant: Candidly I would lok for work elsewhere— a year’s marketing experience means you will get snapped up quickly, I’ve made huge pay leaps doing this and right now the market is hot— remember due to layoffs/hiring freezes there are less people than normal with only a year experience
Human: Boss just made a new "on call policy" that basically requires me to check my email a minimum of every 30 minutes, heavily restricting my time outside of work. Details inside. So, essentially, there was a bit of a clusterfuck last weekend that had our very small company in a pickle. here's some context: I work at an incredibly small company in Ohio. 14 employees overall, and 8 of them are immediate family to the big boss man. I do software development and tech support for custom machines. Our software/tech support department is a total of 3 people, myself, my deskmate, and some guy in LA we get to answer calls. There exists a call forwarding service where if clients call needing help with a machine, it will rotate the call LA guy, then deskmate if LA guy doesn't answer, then myself if deskmate doesn't answer. There also exists an email address (support@[companyname].com) which forwards any support emails to the entire 3-man support team. Onto the point, there was a mess of things where over one weekend, when there was no official "on call schedule" in place. There was an email that came though and nobody answered. I had family in town that weekend (i live 900+ miles from any family, so this is an extreme rarity and i had been talking about it for weeks) and the other two were busy with whatever they were doing. My boss, who tends to enact huge, sweeping, excessive policy changes when something goes wrong even once, decided to enact a new on call schedule policy, which names one of us as "on call POC 1" and the other two as "secondary POCs" in a rotating fashion. I will definitely admit that an official schedule needs to be in place, but there are some issues i have with the terms of this new policy. Namely: POC 1 is to answer any calls and emails within 15 minutes of initial contact, or else they are written up and potentially fired. If POC 1 does not jump on the support ticket within 15 minutes, the two Secondary POCs have until 30 minutes after initial contact to answer, or they are written up and potentially fired. Now these wouldn't be so bad in a normal, well staffed office, but the fact that there's only 3 of us means that i am ALWAYS on the schedule and ALWAYS responsible for answering these emails and tech calls regardless of time or day. We have clients running these machines at all times on all days in many parts of the world, so this means i have to be expecting a call/email 24/7/365. I'm told that if i'm sleeping, if i'm in a movie, if i'm at one of my classes (where i both teach and study dance after work hours), if i'm at a restaurant... regardless of where i am and what i'm doing, i'm expected to be able to just drop it and handle the situation. I asked if we would be compensated for such heavy restrictions on my personal time outside of work. He said we would be compensated for the time we use to fix the issue, but didn't specify about the rest of the time where i'm not free to do my own personal things. I asked again, clarifying that i am asking specifically if there will be some sort of compensation or negotiation about the heavy restrictions, and after avoiding the question for a few emails, he basically (in nicer words) told me that he doesn't give a shit what i might be doing outside of work and that i need to "have dedication to my job." Now, is this even legal? Expecting me to drop anything at any time to troubleshoot these machines or i get written up and potentially fired seems like a ridiculous thing to be forced to agree to, but since i don't know the laws, and almost all the labor law documentation i can find tends to specifically mention time where i'm forced to stay at the office after hours, which isn't really the case here. I feel like such an extreme restriction on my non-work time can't be justifiably legal, but as i m not a lawyer in any sense, i don't know for certain. Assistant: Sysadmin with 18 years experience here. Reading you other posts, you have plenty of experience for Tier 1/entry level Dev jobs and you should start at $20/hr minimum depending on location. Find another job and walk. Forget the reference, he sounds like enough of an asshole that he'd refuse anyway.
Human: Boss just made a new "on call policy" that basically requires me to check my email a minimum of every 30 minutes, heavily restricting my time outside of work. Details inside. So, essentially, there was a bit of a clusterfuck last weekend that had our very small company in a pickle. here's some context: I work at an incredibly small company in Ohio. 14 employees overall, and 8 of them are immediate family to the big boss man. I do software development and tech support for custom machines. Our software/tech support department is a total of 3 people, myself, my deskmate, and some guy in LA we get to answer calls. There exists a call forwarding service where if clients call needing help with a machine, it will rotate the call LA guy, then deskmate if LA guy doesn't answer, then myself if deskmate doesn't answer. There also exists an email address (support@[companyname].com) which forwards any support emails to the entire 3-man support team. Onto the point, there was a mess of things where over one weekend, when there was no official "on call schedule" in place. There was an email that came though and nobody answered. I had family in town that weekend (i live 900+ miles from any family, so this is an extreme rarity and i had been talking about it for weeks) and the other two were busy with whatever they were doing. My boss, who tends to enact huge, sweeping, excessive policy changes when something goes wrong even once, decided to enact a new on call schedule policy, which names one of us as "on call POC 1" and the other two as "secondary POCs" in a rotating fashion. I will definitely admit that an official schedule needs to be in place, but there are some issues i have with the terms of this new policy. Namely: POC 1 is to answer any calls and emails within 15 minutes of initial contact, or else they are written up and potentially fired. If POC 1 does not jump on the support ticket within 15 minutes, the two Secondary POCs have until 30 minutes after initial contact to answer, or they are written up and potentially fired. Now these wouldn't be so bad in a normal, well staffed office, but the fact that there's only 3 of us means that i am ALWAYS on the schedule and ALWAYS responsible for answering these emails and tech calls regardless of time or day. We have clients running these machines at all times on all days in many parts of the world, so this means i have to be expecting a call/email 24/7/365. I'm told that if i'm sleeping, if i'm in a movie, if i'm at one of my classes (where i both teach and study dance after work hours), if i'm at a restaurant... regardless of where i am and what i'm doing, i'm expected to be able to just drop it and handle the situation. I asked if we would be compensated for such heavy restrictions on my personal time outside of work. He said we would be compensated for the time we use to fix the issue, but didn't specify about the rest of the time where i'm not free to do my own personal things. I asked again, clarifying that i am asking specifically if there will be some sort of compensation or negotiation about the heavy restrictions, and after avoiding the question for a few emails, he basically (in nicer words) told me that he doesn't give a shit what i might be doing outside of work and that i need to "have dedication to my job." Now, is this even legal? Expecting me to drop anything at any time to troubleshoot these machines or i get written up and potentially fired seems like a ridiculous thing to be forced to agree to, but since i don't know the laws, and almost all the labor law documentation i can find tends to specifically mention time where i'm forced to stay at the office after hours, which isn't really the case here. I feel like such an extreme restriction on my non-work time can't be justifiably legal, but as i m not a lawyer in any sense, i don't know for certain. Assistant: Not legal advice. There are 3rd party services that can provide 24 hour phone and email monitoring that will reach out to an on-call list if support is needed. This will solve the issue of 24/7 email monitoring as they will monitor and call/page as needed.
Human: Passion fruit Buttercream Has anyone ever made a passion fruit buttercream? I was thinking of using Stella Parks American Buttercream recipe and subbing passionfruit concentrate for the heavy cream in the recipe. I'm not sure if that would work or not? Would I have better luck with a Swiss Buttercream? Assistant: Goya passion fruit pulp is the best. I made my wedding cake (passion fruit curd and buttercream) with it. It is in the frozen section.
Human: Passion fruit Buttercream Has anyone ever made a passion fruit buttercream? I was thinking of using Stella Parks American Buttercream recipe and subbing passionfruit concentrate for the heavy cream in the recipe. I'm not sure if that would work or not? Would I have better luck with a Swiss Buttercream? Assistant: I've used frozen puree (Goya seems to be the most common brand) in Swiss Meringue buttercream. I've added close to a cup of puree to delicious results. The freeze-dried powder form of passion fruit didn't work very well--too subtle tasting.
Human: AskScience AMA Series: We're from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and we research pumped-storage hydropower: an energy storage technology that moves water to and from an elevated reservoir to store and generate electricity. Ask Us Anything! We are Dhruv Bhatnagar, Research Engineer, Patrick Balducci, Economist, and Bo Saulsbury, Project Manager for Environmental Assessment and Engineering, and we're here to talk about pumped-storage hydropower. "Just-in-time" electricity service defines the U.S. power grid. That's thanks to energy storage which provides a buffer between electric loads and electric generators on the grid. This is even more important as variable renewable resources, like wind and solar power, become more dominant. The wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine, but we're always using electricity. Pumped storage hydropower is an energy storage solution that offers efficiency, reliability, and resiliency benefits. Currently, over 40 facilities are sited in the U.S., with a capacity of nearly 22 GW. The technology is conceptually simple - pump water up to an elevated reservoir and generate electricity as water moves downhill - and very powerful. The largest pumped storage plant has a capacity of 3 GW, which is equivalent to 1,000 large wind turbines, 12 million solar panels, or the electricity used by 2.5 million homes! This is why the value proposition for pumped storage is greater than ever. We'll be back here at 1:00 PST (4 ET, 20 UT) to answer your questions. Ask us anything! Assistant: Thank you for doing this AMA. As with all projects involving creating an artificial reservoir/raising the level of natural reservoirs, there are certainly environmental impacts as the surrounding ecosystem changes due to the extra water. Are there any studies done on this impact and any measures taken to choose proper storage locations?
Human: AskScience AMA Series: We're from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and we research pumped-storage hydropower: an energy storage technology that moves water to and from an elevated reservoir to store and generate electricity. Ask Us Anything! We are Dhruv Bhatnagar, Research Engineer, Patrick Balducci, Economist, and Bo Saulsbury, Project Manager for Environmental Assessment and Engineering, and we're here to talk about pumped-storage hydropower. "Just-in-time" electricity service defines the U.S. power grid. That's thanks to energy storage which provides a buffer between electric loads and electric generators on the grid. This is even more important as variable renewable resources, like wind and solar power, become more dominant. The wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine, but we're always using electricity. Pumped storage hydropower is an energy storage solution that offers efficiency, reliability, and resiliency benefits. Currently, over 40 facilities are sited in the U.S., with a capacity of nearly 22 GW. The technology is conceptually simple - pump water up to an elevated reservoir and generate electricity as water moves downhill - and very powerful. The largest pumped storage plant has a capacity of 3 GW, which is equivalent to 1,000 large wind turbines, 12 million solar panels, or the electricity used by 2.5 million homes! This is why the value proposition for pumped storage is greater than ever. We'll be back here at 1:00 PST (4 ET, 20 UT) to answer your questions. Ask us anything! Assistant: How is this data not already known? Pumped-storage hydropower has been used for decades.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: Why do washing machines always say they have one minute remaining, but it always takes so much longer to finish? Assistant: Your washing machines have timers?
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: Why do washing machines always say they have one minute remaining, but it always takes so much longer to finish? Assistant: If you are referring to the additional time it takes to actually open the door after the wash has finished, this is a safety feature to allow the load to cool and drum to stop spinning before opening which can be up to a couple of minutes for some washing machines. You may hear the door click as it is released.
Human: [Star Wars, Legends and Canon] The Light Side is usually depicted as being rather unambiguously good, but what would a Light-Sided villain look like, if you could even truly follow the Light while still being immoral? I think that perhaps the closest examples would be either Revan or a Light Sided Sith Inquisitor from SWTOR. The Inquisitor can, depending on how you play them, act closer to a Grey Jedi than an actual Sith Lord, and Revan - well, hell, there's a whole debate waiting in the wings for whether or not he "really" fell to the Dark. Assistant: Pong Krell would be an example of a light-side villain from the clone wars show. He was a Jedi General who claimed a high victory record by sacrificing clone troops under his command through attrition. While he eventually turned to the dark side, his benevolent rationalisation along with visions of Republic turning into the Empire was what led him down that path.
Human: [Star Wars, Legends and Canon] The Light Side is usually depicted as being rather unambiguously good, but what would a Light-Sided villain look like, if you could even truly follow the Light while still being immoral? I think that perhaps the closest examples would be either Revan or a Light Sided Sith Inquisitor from SWTOR. The Inquisitor can, depending on how you play them, act closer to a Grey Jedi than an actual Sith Lord, and Revan - well, hell, there's a whole debate waiting in the wings for whether or not he "really" fell to the Dark. Assistant: Lucien Dray from the KOTOR comics
Human: CMV: To remain logically consistent, a vegan who believes it is unethical to kill sentient animals unnecessarily must also believe it is unethical to unnecessarily abort human fetuses once they have become sentient. This is not to suggest that vegans can’t rationally be pro-choice, indeed they can (bodily autonomy), but to remain consistent with the moral motivations of veganism, they must at least concede that killing a sentient fetus is unethical if the procedure is medically unnecessary. Just as they believe killing animals for meat is unethical when it is dietarily unnecessary. Bear in mind this is only about the ethical, not legal, considerations of abortion as it relates to the vegan philosophy. To use a comparative example, a person can be opposed to marital infidelity on ethical grounds without also thinking it should be made illegal. Basically, you can rationally justify being a pro choice ethical vegan, but only up to a point (I.e. the 20-25 week mark when sentience is established). Beyond this point you cannot consider unnecessary abortions to be ethical without being logically inconsistent. Again to surmise, if you think it is unethical to unnecessarily kill sentient animals for food you must likewise think unnecessary abortions of sentient fetuses are also unethical. Assistant: > if you think it is unethical to unnecessarily kill sentient animals for food you must likewise think unnecessary abortions of sentient fetuses are also unethical. The "for food" is an important point here. It can be consistent to consider an action ethical for one purpose, but not for another. It's reasonable to consider "so that I have food I like better" to not be a good enough reason to kill an animal, but to consider "so that I don't have it growing inside of me" to be a good enough reason.
Human: CMV: To remain logically consistent, a vegan who believes it is unethical to kill sentient animals unnecessarily must also believe it is unethical to unnecessarily abort human fetuses once they have become sentient. This is not to suggest that vegans can’t rationally be pro-choice, indeed they can (bodily autonomy), but to remain consistent with the moral motivations of veganism, they must at least concede that killing a sentient fetus is unethical if the procedure is medically unnecessary. Just as they believe killing animals for meat is unethical when it is dietarily unnecessary. Bear in mind this is only about the ethical, not legal, considerations of abortion as it relates to the vegan philosophy. To use a comparative example, a person can be opposed to marital infidelity on ethical grounds without also thinking it should be made illegal. Basically, you can rationally justify being a pro choice ethical vegan, but only up to a point (I.e. the 20-25 week mark when sentience is established). Beyond this point you cannot consider unnecessary abortions to be ethical without being logically inconsistent. Again to surmise, if you think it is unethical to unnecessarily kill sentient animals for food you must likewise think unnecessary abortions of sentient fetuses are also unethical. Assistant: What does an "unnecessarily abortion" look like?
Human: What are your favourite philosophy books? I am an avid reader and want to read something philosophy related, mainly to learn but also because I love the subject Assistant: Off the top of my head, I’d suggest Descartes’ Meditations; Hume’s Enquiries; Plato’s works (e.g. Republic, Meno, Phaedo, Timaeus, Parmenides, Symposium, Crito, etc.); Bertrand Russell’s The Problems Of Philosophy. Check out the SEP (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) as well.
Human: What are your favourite philosophy books? I am an avid reader and want to read something philosophy related, mainly to learn but also because I love the subject Assistant: Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Human: Does having a Professional Engineering (PE) License benefit you in anyway if your working for the aerospace industry like Lockheed Martin? I’m graduating soon with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and I just got a job offer from Lockheed Martin working in Structural/Mechanical Design. Is there any point in getting a PE license in this situation? Will I get paid more, higher promotions, or some sort of benefit from it? I know acquiring (and even renewing) a PE license is tedious, costly, and time-consuming, so I’m wondering if it’s even worth it for my case? Assistant: Wait until you get there, then ask around.
Human: Does having a Professional Engineering (PE) License benefit you in anyway if your working for the aerospace industry like Lockheed Martin? I’m graduating soon with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and I just got a job offer from Lockheed Martin working in Structural/Mechanical Design. Is there any point in getting a PE license in this situation? Will I get paid more, higher promotions, or some sort of benefit from it? I know acquiring (and even renewing) a PE license is tedious, costly, and time-consuming, so I’m wondering if it’s even worth it for my case? Assistant: I work in aerospace and no one in my group, including my manager, has a PE, but I'm pretty sure the company needs a few somewhere. I would go for your EIT regardless, you'll never know what doors it could open or where your career may lead down the road.
Human: What’s the best way to ruin prime rib? I’m cooking a prime rib roast for the family this week and unfortunately, about half of the group prefers their meat well-done. I’d normally just make them something else but in this case I cannot. Can anyone explain to me how a restaurant does this? Do you slice a few pieces and put them back in the oven? Cook in a skillet with some of the jus? Any tips would be appreciated so I can ruin this meat as best as I can. Assistant: My initial comment: cut their portions from the properly prepared medium rare roast and microwave them because they deserve it. My actual comment: cut portions from the properly prepared medium rare roast and finish to temp in an oven.
Human: What’s the best way to ruin prime rib? I’m cooking a prime rib roast for the family this week and unfortunately, about half of the group prefers their meat well-done. I’d normally just make them something else but in this case I cannot. Can anyone explain to me how a restaurant does this? Do you slice a few pieces and put them back in the oven? Cook in a skillet with some of the jus? Any tips would be appreciated so I can ruin this meat as best as I can. Assistant: Slice and sear
Human: I want to save space by putting my wardrobe in the ceiling. Each drawer would be a platform that falls straight down and I push straight up to close again. The problem I have is that I'm not sure how to make the drawer fall down slowly, is there some fancy engineery solution to this problem? I hope I'm using the sub correctly! I attached a video to show my concept, ​ Thanks in advance for help :) Assistant: Here is a company that is working on the same concept. Here is a good video that shows how they do it.
Human: I want to save space by putting my wardrobe in the ceiling. Each drawer would be a platform that falls straight down and I push straight up to close again. The problem I have is that I'm not sure how to make the drawer fall down slowly, is there some fancy engineery solution to this problem? I hope I'm using the sub correctly! I attached a video to show my concept, ​ Thanks in advance for help :) Assistant: Probably some fancy thinking around a gas spring
Human: Using up leftover egg whites? My go to for using up egg whites is meringue cookies but I’m kinda getting tired of meringue cookies. I want to make something different with egg whites. Besides meringue cookies, what are some other ways I can use up my egg whites? Assistant: Financiers. Had to buy the correct moulds but I was tired of having egg whites in the fridge.
Human: Using up leftover egg whites? My go to for using up egg whites is meringue cookies but I’m kinda getting tired of meringue cookies. I want to make something different with egg whites. Besides meringue cookies, what are some other ways I can use up my egg whites? Assistant: Angel food cake
Human: My mom is threatening to have my boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. Please help me I’m begging My boyfriend and I will have been together for 3 years this year. We started dating when we were 14 and 15. We’re about to graduate and we’re going to attend the same college. He’s a great person and he’s so freaking smart. He has a solid 4.0 GPA and he wants to be a scientist. My mom can be great. We all usually get along but my mom was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and she goes from being happy to evil overnight. She swears she loves him like a son and she knows he’ll be turning 18 next month( February 18) but I won’t turn 17 until May 24 and she’s been using that to her advantage recently. I don’t live with my mom bc she decided to move an hour away to be closer to her secret boyfriend so I live with my aunt. So now that I’ve given you the backstory, I’ll bring you to today. My grandpa let me use his car after I got my license bc he can’t drive. Today, he told my mom he needed to be at his doctor which is two hours from where I live but only one hour from where she lives. She was blowing up my phone today saying I needed to come get him bc his appointments are my responsibility not hers and that i needed to get him tonight and have him stay at my aunts house . I never said I wasn’t going to get him, I just wasn’t going to get him to stay the night because there is no where for him to sleep. She completely spazzed and called my aunt, she told my aunt that if I didn’t do everything she wants until I turn 18, she’ll make sure I have a terrible life. She threatened to take me out of sports and band so that I couldn’t get a college scholarship and she threatened to get my boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. We have so much ahead of us. We want a life together. We’re about to graduate. We didn’t even have sex until I turned 16 which is the legal age of consent in South Carolina (where I live). I just want to know, can he actually be arrested for statutory rape and what can I do to make sure she doesn’t legally hurt him? Assistant: SC cop. This is not a crime.
Human: My mom is threatening to have my boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. Please help me I’m begging My boyfriend and I will have been together for 3 years this year. We started dating when we were 14 and 15. We’re about to graduate and we’re going to attend the same college. He’s a great person and he’s so freaking smart. He has a solid 4.0 GPA and he wants to be a scientist. My mom can be great. We all usually get along but my mom was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and she goes from being happy to evil overnight. She swears she loves him like a son and she knows he’ll be turning 18 next month( February 18) but I won’t turn 17 until May 24 and she’s been using that to her advantage recently. I don’t live with my mom bc she decided to move an hour away to be closer to her secret boyfriend so I live with my aunt. So now that I’ve given you the backstory, I’ll bring you to today. My grandpa let me use his car after I got my license bc he can’t drive. Today, he told my mom he needed to be at his doctor which is two hours from where I live but only one hour from where she lives. She was blowing up my phone today saying I needed to come get him bc his appointments are my responsibility not hers and that i needed to get him tonight and have him stay at my aunts house . I never said I wasn’t going to get him, I just wasn’t going to get him to stay the night because there is no where for him to sleep. She completely spazzed and called my aunt, she told my aunt that if I didn’t do everything she wants until I turn 18, she’ll make sure I have a terrible life. She threatened to take me out of sports and band so that I couldn’t get a college scholarship and she threatened to get my boyfriend arrested for statutory rape. We have so much ahead of us. We want a life together. We’re about to graduate. We didn’t even have sex until I turned 16 which is the legal age of consent in South Carolina (where I live). I just want to know, can he actually be arrested for statutory rape and what can I do to make sure she doesn’t legally hurt him? Assistant: I don't see anyone else mentioning this, but you may be able to get emancipated or have your aunt take over legal guardianship. Especially if you have proof of abuse (including threatening texts) and if you have been living with your aunt (without your mom in the house) for a long time. You can contact CPS or social services for assistance.
Human: If waves don't transfer matter, why do I see the particles going up and down while it's moving? Assistant: Particles will still move perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. They will oscillate, moving up and down as you observe. This isn't a transfer though, since no particles are moved in the direction of propagation. Real waves of particles like in water will still transfer some small amount of matter forward though.
Human: If waves don't transfer matter, why do I see the particles going up and down while it's moving? Assistant: Are you asking about surface waves on water?
Human: [Harry Potter] Why is there no Scottish students in Hogwarts when the school is located in Scotland? I was looking up the locations of the various magical schools in Harry Potter and I realized that Hogwarts is apparently in Scotland, not England like I had thought. I was thinking about it and realized that I couldn't remember a single student with an Scottish accent in the movies, so I looked it up and found out that there was exactly 4 people in Hogwarts that were actually Scottish; Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moony, Rowena Ravenclaw and Oliver Wood. How is it that there is only 4 people in the entirety of this school from Scotland, when that is where the school is apparently located?? Assistant: This actually makes sense to me. The English have a long history of taking land from the other members of the UK and prioritizing English interests on said land.
Human: [Harry Potter] Why is there no Scottish students in Hogwarts when the school is located in Scotland? I was looking up the locations of the various magical schools in Harry Potter and I realized that Hogwarts is apparently in Scotland, not England like I had thought. I was thinking about it and realized that I couldn't remember a single student with an Scottish accent in the movies, so I looked it up and found out that there was exactly 4 people in Hogwarts that were actually Scottish; Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moony, Rowena Ravenclaw and Oliver Wood. How is it that there is only 4 people in the entirety of this school from Scotland, when that is where the school is apparently located?? Assistant: Kilts and quidditch don't mix.
Human: Substitute for heavy cream? I've been trying to make some sauces that call for heavy cream. I've tried creaming butter to make the heavy cream but never turns out. ( ie. Alfredo sauce) I've searched grocery stores, bulk stores etc. Can I use whipping cream? Is that an acceptable substitute? My apologies if this isn't allowed. Assistant: Whipping cream is the closest sub to Heavy Cream ​ Are you near a Starbucks? Ask for a Venti Heavy cream, if they don't know how to charge, say it's milk+heavy cream charge x 2 ​ No guarantee the barista isn't a dick faced ass head but it shouldn't be a big deal and if they still balk talk to the manager or ask for the district manager's information, pouring a cup of milk and charging for a cup of milk should be within reasonable limits.
Human: Substitute for heavy cream? I've been trying to make some sauces that call for heavy cream. I've tried creaming butter to make the heavy cream but never turns out. ( ie. Alfredo sauce) I've searched grocery stores, bulk stores etc. Can I use whipping cream? Is that an acceptable substitute? My apologies if this isn't allowed. Assistant: What’s the reasoning behind substituting the heavy cream? Is it cost/availability or wanting to use something with less fat/calories?
Human: Did I kill my puppy by crate training it? This morning, our 9 week old Golden Retriever (M) died very suddenly in his kennel. We had him in his crate while we were training him to be okay in there which meant he was barking and crying and we ignored him (as we were told by his trainer). After about 15 mins of being in there, the barking stopped and we smelled poo so we went in to get him cleaned up and he was dead. Blood was coming from his snout and mouth, nothing we could see in his throat... Did we induce a heart attack or an aneurysm or something? Was this inevitable? I guess I'm just hoping someone can tell me that these things happen and that I didn't do something to kill my dog. He was training to be a service dog and showed absolutely no symptoms of anything and cleared his first check ups just fine. He was completely happy and healthy all the way up to this morning. Assistant: Please have a necropsy done.
Human: Did I kill my puppy by crate training it? This morning, our 9 week old Golden Retriever (M) died very suddenly in his kennel. We had him in his crate while we were training him to be okay in there which meant he was barking and crying and we ignored him (as we were told by his trainer). After about 15 mins of being in there, the barking stopped and we smelled poo so we went in to get him cleaned up and he was dead. Blood was coming from his snout and mouth, nothing we could see in his throat... Did we induce a heart attack or an aneurysm or something? Was this inevitable? I guess I'm just hoping someone can tell me that these things happen and that I didn't do something to kill my dog. He was training to be a service dog and showed absolutely no symptoms of anything and cleared his first check ups just fine. He was completely happy and healthy all the way up to this morning. Assistant: Tons of people start crating training pup’s at 8 weeks. Tons of people let their pup whine for 15 mins. And those dogs are just fine. This was just a freak thing of Mother Nature, absolutely nothing you could or should have done differently. I’m really sorry it happened.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old the Illuminati and why so many people believe in them. Assistant: I'd like to think that the reality of our society is even crazier than the Illuminati conspiracy.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old the Illuminati and why so many people believe in them. Assistant: Yes conspiracy theories are just ways for simpletons to justify their ignorance as to why negative things happen in the world and want to blame the "complex" politics involved. Just like when all of those "simple" conspiracies about the government spying on US citizens turned out to be wrong... Oh wait they didn't.
Human: Coworker accuses me of infecting her with covid and threatens to sue me if I don't give her two weeks pay. I think this has no teeth but I just want to be sure. Recently I had to miss work because I tested positive for covid. After 10 days I went back to work. My coworker tested positive a week after I did, and she had to stay home and missed two weeks of work. She's mad at me and she says I contaminated her. It's a possibility, even though I always wear a mask and take social distancing seriously, but we work at a grocery store so she could have got it from anyone. As soon as I was aware I had covid I stopped coming to work and I isolated. She says I owe her two weeks pay for making her miss work, because I knew I was positive and hid this from her. But that's not true at all because I isolated as soon as I had the result of the test. I had almost no symptoms before that. I got the test as soon as I felt something. She says she'll sue me if I don't give her that money, for deliberately infecting people. And she's going to tell everyone I infected her if I don't give her the money. I don't think there's any way this could work but just for my peace of mind, I'd like to be sure she can't sue me. Thank you. Assistant: Your coworker is entitled to two weeks pay from your employer under the CARES act.\_Poster\_WH1422\_Non-Federal.pdf
Human: Coworker accuses me of infecting her with covid and threatens to sue me if I don't give her two weeks pay. I think this has no teeth but I just want to be sure. Recently I had to miss work because I tested positive for covid. After 10 days I went back to work. My coworker tested positive a week after I did, and she had to stay home and missed two weeks of work. She's mad at me and she says I contaminated her. It's a possibility, even though I always wear a mask and take social distancing seriously, but we work at a grocery store so she could have got it from anyone. As soon as I was aware I had covid I stopped coming to work and I isolated. She says I owe her two weeks pay for making her miss work, because I knew I was positive and hid this from her. But that's not true at all because I isolated as soon as I had the result of the test. I had almost no symptoms before that. I got the test as soon as I felt something. She says she'll sue me if I don't give her that money, for deliberately infecting people. And she's going to tell everyone I infected her if I don't give her the money. I don't think there's any way this could work but just for my peace of mind, I'd like to be sure she can't sue me. Thank you. Assistant: Do you have her threats in writing?
Human: [FL] My mothers sent me a bill for "the cost of raising me" and is threatening to take me to court if I don't pay. I'm in my twenties,my husband and I are finally starting to do well for ourselves. My mother sent me a bill for raising me. It's $2 million. She claims that she poured her heart and soul into raising me and deserves to be paid back. If anyone deserves money it's the maid that actually raised me, my mother did nothing for 18 year except occasionally screaming at me. She wants to take me to court if we don't pay within the next year. What do I do? Assistant: Accountant here who does accounts payable. Ask for an itemized receipt for the motherhood invoice you received. Otherwise, it's not valid.
Human: [FL] My mothers sent me a bill for "the cost of raising me" and is threatening to take me to court if I don't pay. I'm in my twenties,my husband and I are finally starting to do well for ourselves. My mother sent me a bill for raising me. It's $2 million. She claims that she poured her heart and soul into raising me and deserves to be paid back. If anyone deserves money it's the maid that actually raised me, my mother did nothing for 18 year except occasionally screaming at me. She wants to take me to court if we don't pay within the next year. What do I do? Assistant: Tell her that you dispute the validity of the debt and that you want documentation verifying the debt.
Human: I just gained full custody of my daughter, now my ex is wanting to charge me with statutory rape as revenge. Our daughter is 7. The accusation is true, when we started dating I was 19, she was 16. I turned 20 three months before she turned 17 in the state of Texas. In that three month window is when she got pregnant, so it’s very easy to backtrack the nine months from when our daughter was born to prove that it was technically illegal. I gained full custody of our daughter 2 months ago due to unrelated abuse on her end, and she informed me that she plans on “sending me to jail” for our age difference seven/ eight years ago. I have the text proof that this is purely motivated by revenge. What are my chances of avoiding this charge? I would prefer to not be a felon Assistant: And stop talking to your ex. Handle this through your attorneys.
Human: I just gained full custody of my daughter, now my ex is wanting to charge me with statutory rape as revenge. Our daughter is 7. The accusation is true, when we started dating I was 19, she was 16. I turned 20 three months before she turned 17 in the state of Texas. In that three month window is when she got pregnant, so it’s very easy to backtrack the nine months from when our daughter was born to prove that it was technically illegal. I gained full custody of our daughter 2 months ago due to unrelated abuse on her end, and she informed me that she plans on “sending me to jail” for our age difference seven/ eight years ago. I have the text proof that this is purely motivated by revenge. What are my chances of avoiding this charge? I would prefer to not be a felon Assistant: Set up a guardian you trust to take over care of your daughter in case the worst happens, you don't want to give bio mom a chance to regain custody. Have your trusted family or friends become approved to foster ASAP, that way she isn't stuck with strangers in the system.
Human: Fun time! What's the most obscure article in the most obscure field you can come up with? Rules: 1. The least technical, the better. 2. English would be better. Assistant: The doctoral thesis with the title "Penis Injuries from Masturbation with Vacuum Cleaners" (orig. German) It also has its own German Wiki page (Google transl version)
Human: Fun time! What's the most obscure article in the most obscure field you can come up with? Rules: 1. The least technical, the better. 2. English would be better. Assistant: **"What, if anything, is a rabbit?"** It's an evolutionary biology article examining whether the different species that people call "rabbits" are really that closely related to each other, as compared to other species.
Human: CMV: People who claim *insert musician/band here* saved my life are almost always exaggerating and statements like this trivialize suicide. As a big music listener, I constantly see references to certain songs "saving" people's lives. For example, comments on music videos on YouTube as well as Hopeless Records' series of compilations titled "Songs that Saved My Life". I can only imagine the majority of these claims aren't sincere / literal. In my opinion, statements such as this greatly downplay the seriousness of suicide and are disrespectful to genuine suicide survivors. Whilst promoting discussion around mental health is important, portraying depression and other mental illnesses as "cool" is problematic and should be stopped. Assistant: >I can only imagine the majority of these claims aren't sincere / literal. This is called the "appeal to personal incredulity." In other words "Well, I cannot imagine that is so. Therefore, it is not so."
Human: CMV: People who claim *insert musician/band here* saved my life are almost always exaggerating and statements like this trivialize suicide. As a big music listener, I constantly see references to certain songs "saving" people's lives. For example, comments on music videos on YouTube as well as Hopeless Records' series of compilations titled "Songs that Saved My Life". I can only imagine the majority of these claims aren't sincere / literal. In my opinion, statements such as this greatly downplay the seriousness of suicide and are disrespectful to genuine suicide survivors. Whilst promoting discussion around mental health is important, portraying depression and other mental illnesses as "cool" is problematic and should be stopped. Assistant: I have a neurological difference where music doesn’t work on me the way it works on other people, but this statement has always confused me. I have such a hard time believing that without that band the person would be dead. But I don’t know their life, I don’t know their journey with depression, and when someone says they were suicidal and something saved them I think its illogical to assume that just because you or I don’t understand means its not true.
Human: Should I keep my prius? I bought a 2018 Toyota Prius about 2 months ago. I work for Grubhub so it seems like a decent car for the job. It's just so boring and weird to drive. This is my first CVT. Diesel trucks are always racing me and blowing smoke everywhere. I'm not racing them. I don't care. I am making lots of money with Grubhub. Not bragging, just saying. I know I can afford a much more fun car than the prius. Maybe I don't know how good I have it. I do like the idea of a manual sedan or hatchback with a 4 cylinder or 6 that feels pretty sporty. Or just convince me to keep the prius. What do you guys think? Thanks. Assistant: Consider the Prius a tool of the trade. Reliable, economical, safe with TSS-P. The tool will help you make a living. If the work pays enough, buy a toy car in the future. A less reliable car may put you out of work. A less economical car will lower your profits.
Human: Should I keep my prius? I bought a 2018 Toyota Prius about 2 months ago. I work for Grubhub so it seems like a decent car for the job. It's just so boring and weird to drive. This is my first CVT. Diesel trucks are always racing me and blowing smoke everywhere. I'm not racing them. I don't care. I am making lots of money with Grubhub. Not bragging, just saying. I know I can afford a much more fun car than the prius. Maybe I don't know how good I have it. I do like the idea of a manual sedan or hatchback with a 4 cylinder or 6 that feels pretty sporty. Or just convince me to keep the prius. What do you guys think? Thanks. Assistant: Your Prius is the perfect car for the job. Yes, it's boring, but it's also extremely quiet, and stop-and-go traffic isn't going to leave your left leg tired from working the clutch all evening. Nor will it leave you with an early clutch replacement at 80k mi *because* of all that stop-and-go. And you know what get horrible fuel mileage on short trips? Sporty manual cars.
Human: [Marvel] Is Wolverine stronger with or without the adamantium skeleton? Without the adamantium he has a seemingly unbeatable healing factor. On the other hand, indestructible skeleton and claws. Which makes him more consistently stronger? Assistant: Depends on your definition of stronger; I’d argue he’s better off with it than not. Without the adamantium his healing factor kicks into overdrive, but it’s already strong enough to bring him back from most anything anyway. With it, getting him down to that point is considerably harder.
Human: [Marvel] Is Wolverine stronger with or without the adamantium skeleton? Without the adamantium he has a seemingly unbeatable healing factor. On the other hand, indestructible skeleton and claws. Which makes him more consistently stronger? Assistant: In general I would say he is a stronger with the adamantium skeleton but there is likely situations where he would be stronger without the adamantium skeleton.
Human: CMV: If you are against illegal immigration, you should boycott companies that use their labor and products. I keep seeing comments on how illegals break laws but nothing on how companies hiring illegals break laws too. So here are some of the results for not using illegal labor. And anti-illegal immigration folk should be okay with this. Clearly if there were only 140,000 visas but we put the number of illegals at 8 million, the government and business is okay with the status quo. A family friend uses e-verify and he says it only gives tells him the a social security number is valid; not the birth date or that is has been used in different locations (you can't be simultaneously employed in TX and CA). Business is really insulated from blowback in use of illegal immigration. I just see conversations about rounding up the supply, but nothing about punishing the demand. So I propose that anyone who opposes illegal immigration must also boycott businesses that use their labor. Clearly agriculture is first. So, stop eating. The fresh and frozen sections in the store are right out. Stop eating in fast food establishments and restaurants. Avoid buildings built before 1986, including your own house or apartment. The focus is on the person committing a crime, but business and government are complicit as well. You could argue 'business can't truly confirm'. The articles above show you they do know. Assistant: Boycotting is a specific political strategy that doesn't make sense for something as broad or as pervasive as illegal immigration.
Human: CMV: If you are against illegal immigration, you should boycott companies that use their labor and products. I keep seeing comments on how illegals break laws but nothing on how companies hiring illegals break laws too. So here are some of the results for not using illegal labor. And anti-illegal immigration folk should be okay with this. Clearly if there were only 140,000 visas but we put the number of illegals at 8 million, the government and business is okay with the status quo. A family friend uses e-verify and he says it only gives tells him the a social security number is valid; not the birth date or that is has been used in different locations (you can't be simultaneously employed in TX and CA). Business is really insulated from blowback in use of illegal immigration. I just see conversations about rounding up the supply, but nothing about punishing the demand. So I propose that anyone who opposes illegal immigration must also boycott businesses that use their labor. Clearly agriculture is first. So, stop eating. The fresh and frozen sections in the store are right out. Stop eating in fast food establishments and restaurants. Avoid buildings built before 1986, including your own house or apartment. The focus is on the person committing a crime, but business and government are complicit as well. You could argue 'business can't truly confirm'. The articles above show you they do know. Assistant: I'm against animal cruelty, but I'm not a vegan. People are allowed to have opinions that they don't feel strongly enough about to overhaul how they live their entire life If everyone did that for *every* opinion they had, it would be a huge unmanageable mess. Someone who buys products normally but votes for anti-immigrant candidates is still doing more to support their cause than someone who buys products normally and votes for pro-immigrant candidates.
Human: Every Japanese steakhouse's dressing You know the stuff. Orangey milky ginger dressing. So so good. Poured over iceberg lettuce, one cucumber, maybe a radish slice and sometimes a carrot slice. It's like the Japanese version of every pizza place salad ever. But the dressing. I have looked everywhere. Tried a hundred different bottled versions. Nothing close. It has to be available for sale. Every place is the same exact. There is no way it's a recipe. Anyone know where or what? Assistant: Makoto ginger dressing is in most grocery stores I go to and it's spot on. It's in the produce section - not in the salad dressing aisle because it's refrigerated. I've also made my own using various recipes and adjusting to my taste. Look for one that has carrots in the ingredients.
Human: Every Japanese steakhouse's dressing You know the stuff. Orangey milky ginger dressing. So so good. Poured over iceberg lettuce, one cucumber, maybe a radish slice and sometimes a carrot slice. It's like the Japanese version of every pizza place salad ever. But the dressing. I have looked everywhere. Tried a hundred different bottled versions. Nothing close. It has to be available for sale. Every place is the same exact. There is no way it's a recipe. Anyone know where or what? Assistant: 1/2 white onion 1/2 c peanut or sesame oil or a combo of both 1/3c rice vinegar 2T water 2T ginger 4 tsp soy sauce 2T ketchup 1tsp sugar 2T lemon juice 1/2 tsp garlic s & p Blend in blender on medium
Human: Quickly slicing things that stick to your knife? Hey there! Stupid knife skills question here: How on earth do you continuously slice something that sticks to your knife blade without stopping to unstick it? I always see videos where chefs seem to slice through a zucchini, potato, etc all the way through without stopping. When I do this, pieces inevitably stick to my blade and will fall underneath my next few cuts if I dont stop to peel them off and set them aside. Are these chefs simply using movie magic on the editing floor, or am I missing some finesse with my prep work? Assistant: This is probably the wrong answer....but I do a quick spray of pam on my knife.
Human: Quickly slicing things that stick to your knife? Hey there! Stupid knife skills question here: How on earth do you continuously slice something that sticks to your knife blade without stopping to unstick it? I always see videos where chefs seem to slice through a zucchini, potato, etc all the way through without stopping. When I do this, pieces inevitably stick to my blade and will fall underneath my next few cuts if I dont stop to peel them off and set them aside. Are these chefs simply using movie magic on the editing floor, or am I missing some finesse with my prep work? Assistant: 1) your knife must be sharp. 2) slice using the upper part of the blade, including the tip. the closer to the handle, the easier food will stick. 3) rock your knife. don’t lose contact with the board while slicing.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: How did pre-industrial tribal societies - for example Inuits, manage to deal with inbreeding even though they were small in size and lacked outside contact? Assistant: Along with answers above, you also need to consider that up until recently, we were very open to nature dictating things. So compromised genes from inbreeding that manifested as a complication may not live long enough to matter, or would be lost in the shuffle. After all, if you're bringing food home, who cares if your teeth are a bit screwy (before modern dentistry especially) or you had webbed toes, or some type of genetic predisposition (before we figured out genetics especially).
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: How did pre-industrial tribal societies - for example Inuits, manage to deal with inbreeding even though they were small in size and lacked outside contact? Assistant: With infant and maternal mortality rates as high as they were for these people it mostly didn't matter.
Human: Why aren't we using Walt Disney's (or Disney Worlds) pneumatic trash chute system? In case you don't know, it's a giant pneumatic tube that vacuums the trash into a central collecting facility. Maybe I'm just ignorant and it's being used in different parts of the world, but I haven't seen any of that in the US (except Disney world). So why can't a small housing complex, or a town just use such a system for their garbage disposal? Is there any financial reason that idea did not become a thing? or Are technical reasons as well? I like to hear your opinion on such a system. Assistant: Singapore is trialling it from 2018:
Human: Why aren't we using Walt Disney's (or Disney Worlds) pneumatic trash chute system? In case you don't know, it's a giant pneumatic tube that vacuums the trash into a central collecting facility. Maybe I'm just ignorant and it's being used in different parts of the world, but I haven't seen any of that in the US (except Disney world). So why can't a small housing complex, or a town just use such a system for their garbage disposal? Is there any financial reason that idea did not become a thing? or Are technical reasons as well? I like to hear your opinion on such a system. Assistant: I think maintenance is a little easier in Disney world as it has such extensive underground tunnels and presumably easy access to basically the entire ducting. Once you start installing this stuff in an apartment block or whatever you need to start thinking about how you'd access or remove the ducting for cleaning. Also as others have pointed out running a half decent compressor 24/7 ain't cheap.
Human: Why are steak cuts labelled as "grilling steak" at supermarkets? Is this just another way of saying it's of sub par quality? Usually the steaks I see with this label are less appealing visually. Am I missing something? Assistant: At the supermarket I work at, grilling steaks are the lowest quality steaks you can get. They’re often thin slices of shoulder or leg, so you can imagine how tough they are. This is in the UK
Human: Why are steak cuts labelled as "grilling steak" at supermarkets? Is this just another way of saying it's of sub par quality? Usually the steaks I see with this label are less appealing visually. Am I missing something? Assistant: It's just a marketing thing
Human: Is there a certain philosophy that says nothing holds any inherent meaning, only that which you give it? I was wondering, is there a certain type of philosophy that states nothing has meaning until you decide that it means something to you? I guess it's similar to nihilism, but I can't find a proper definition of a philosophy like that. Assistant: You may be interested in nominalism, which in one form rejects the idea that there are universals that guarantee a shared pool of meaning. One implication is that meaning is produced locally and in particular, not determined by a metaphysical storage bank of ideas.
Human: Is there a certain philosophy that says nothing holds any inherent meaning, only that which you give it? I was wondering, is there a certain type of philosophy that states nothing has meaning until you decide that it means something to you? I guess it's similar to nihilism, but I can't find a proper definition of a philosophy like that. Assistant: Doesn't Nagarjuna also have a similar notion with his "doctrine of emptiness?"
Human: What is the professional/expert consensus on Sapiens? The book seems to be catered to the general public (since I, a layman, can follow along just fine) so I wanted to know what the experts and professionals thought of the book. Did you notice any lapses in Yuval Harari's reasoning, or any points that are plain factually incorrect? Thanks. Assistant: Sapiens attempts to explain all of human civilization in a few hundred pages. It's an interesting read that paints in broad brush strokes and raises some interesting points, but like its spiritual kin "Guns, Germs, and Steel," and "Salt," it's super reductive. When you zoom that far out, nuance disappears. I found myself saying "yeah, but . . ." more than a few times each chapter.
Human: What is the professional/expert consensus on Sapiens? The book seems to be catered to the general public (since I, a layman, can follow along just fine) so I wanted to know what the experts and professionals thought of the book. Did you notice any lapses in Yuval Harari's reasoning, or any points that are plain factually incorrect? Thanks. Assistant: You may also be interested in reading what AskHistorians has to say about specific claims made in Harari's book.
Human: Pros and cons of staying in the defense industry? I've been working as a mechanical engineer at a large defense company for 2.5 years now since college and feel like I'm at a crossroads. I generally enjoy my work, coworkers, company policies, and the stability but by no means am I in love with the job or industry. I mostly don't enjoy the slow/very structured career/salary progression - no promotions yet despite good performance reviews. I've heard that's a common trait in this industry and I should look into switching companies (especially if I want to have options outside of defense in the future). However many of my coworkers, some now in their 40's, have been with the company since they were a college interns. So it gives me the impression there is something worth staying for but I feel like they have just become comfortable which I am starting to feel but trying to avoid. I was recently accepted into a graduate program the company will reimburse if I stay 2 years after completing the program, so I would have to commit 4-5 more years at my current company. What are the benefits of staying at the same defense company long term? Should I switch companies or look into internal transfers in the future to accelerate career/salary growth? Assistant: Do your master and jump to Northrop, get the promotion. They will pay your employer back the tuition as sign on bonus to you. Seen it many times.
Human: Pros and cons of staying in the defense industry? I've been working as a mechanical engineer at a large defense company for 2.5 years now since college and feel like I'm at a crossroads. I generally enjoy my work, coworkers, company policies, and the stability but by no means am I in love with the job or industry. I mostly don't enjoy the slow/very structured career/salary progression - no promotions yet despite good performance reviews. I've heard that's a common trait in this industry and I should look into switching companies (especially if I want to have options outside of defense in the future). However many of my coworkers, some now in their 40's, have been with the company since they were a college interns. So it gives me the impression there is something worth staying for but I feel like they have just become comfortable which I am starting to feel but trying to avoid. I was recently accepted into a graduate program the company will reimburse if I stay 2 years after completing the program, so I would have to commit 4-5 more years at my current company. What are the benefits of staying at the same defense company long term? Should I switch companies or look into internal transfers in the future to accelerate career/salary growth? Assistant: Pro: A job for life Con: A job for life
Human: How to create that tingly szechuan spice? So, I live in New York and I'm a fan of the kind of spice you experience at Xi'an famous foods or Cafe China. The kind of tingly spice that stick with you and makes me sweat just a smidge. It's delicious. Anyway, I've been trying to recreate this flavor in my scrambled eggs. What I think I want is tingly spicy eggs and toast. I tried grinding up some szechuan pepper corns. I tried cooking the eggs in chili oil from the grocery store. Most recently I've purchased the Xi'an Famous Foods chili oil itself. Some of the flavor is there, but it's really not popping the way I want it to and I don't know what I'm missing. My general process with the chili oil is I'd use that in place of butter to cook the eggs. When I tried using the peppercorns, I ground them up and mixed them in with the eggs. They seemed to have very little effect. I'm not sure if I need to apply more heat, or somehow use the whole corns to flavor the oil before cooking the eggs or something. Assistant: Add the peppercorns to flavour the oil first, definitely, but also: My memories of nyc Szechuan spices are intertwined with MSG, and I say that lovingly. I really don’t know if it’s bad for you but I know it really adds that umami “sitting on your tongue” taste. You could try adding a little bit as well
Human: How to create that tingly szechuan spice? So, I live in New York and I'm a fan of the kind of spice you experience at Xi'an famous foods or Cafe China. The kind of tingly spice that stick with you and makes me sweat just a smidge. It's delicious. Anyway, I've been trying to recreate this flavor in my scrambled eggs. What I think I want is tingly spicy eggs and toast. I tried grinding up some szechuan pepper corns. I tried cooking the eggs in chili oil from the grocery store. Most recently I've purchased the Xi'an Famous Foods chili oil itself. Some of the flavor is there, but it's really not popping the way I want it to and I don't know what I'm missing. My general process with the chili oil is I'd use that in place of butter to cook the eggs. When I tried using the peppercorns, I ground them up and mixed them in with the eggs. They seemed to have very little effect. I'm not sure if I need to apply more heat, or somehow use the whole corns to flavor the oil before cooking the eggs or something. Assistant: New York Times Cooking got the recipe from Xi'an !!! I've had it in my files for a while because one day I will make this. Spicy and Tingly Beef link
Human: Thanksgiving help mega-thread! Are you cooking Thanksgiving dinner? Planning it? Bringing a side? Post all your Thanksgiving questions here. Ordinary /r/askculinary rules still apply - we still do best with specific inquiries; we won't say whether something is safe (but will talk food safety best practices), and of course, be polite! Assistant: Going to make a pecan pie. The recipe calls for lightly beaten eggs. Kinda worried I might muck it up and overdo it. If I do will it hurt it badly?
Human: Thanksgiving help mega-thread! Are you cooking Thanksgiving dinner? Planning it? Bringing a side? Post all your Thanksgiving questions here. Ordinary /r/askculinary rules still apply - we still do best with specific inquiries; we won't say whether something is safe (but will talk food safety best practices), and of course, be polite! Assistant: Recipe for an onion sauce calls for 1/2 cup of veal stock, however I cannot for the life of me find veal stock. The onion sauce that goes over halibut and succotash, and I considered subbing beef stock but it might overpower it with too much meaty flavors, plus there's already 2 1/2 cups of chicken stock which I'm thinking of only doing 2 cups of and 1/2 c. water. Should I use 1/4 c. beef + 1/4 c. water, or a little bit of veal demi-glace I bought as back up stirred into 1/2 c. water?
Human: Homemade Vanilla Extract I'm making homemade vanilla extract. I've been looking at ways for preparing it and some just put the vanilla in the alcohol and some split the beans before putting in the alcohol. Which is the preferred way of doing it? Assistant: In my last batch I used 50 or so beans to make 2L of extract, I split them and shook it up every once and a while, time is the real factor here however. Don't throw your beans away when you are done with them though! slap those bad boys in some sugar or steep it with your tea.
Human: Homemade Vanilla Extract I'm making homemade vanilla extract. I've been looking at ways for preparing it and some just put the vanilla in the alcohol and some split the beans before putting in the alcohol. Which is the preferred way of doing it? Assistant: Splitting the beans might help the extraction go a little faster. There shouldn't be a discernable difference between the end products of either method.
Human: Can I be successful if I don't specialise in a field? I am a linguist and am currently working on my PhD. I have been scatter brained when it came to pursuing academic interests. I have chased after one intellectual adventure after another. The topics I have studied, obsessed over have been very different and not at all related to one another. Can I be successful if I don't go deep into one topic? Assistant: I am a big believer in Generalizing. It may seem a contradiction that the specialized knowledge demanded for a PhD. However, the indisputable trend toward increasing specialization is simultaneously creating a a demand for advanced generalized skills. Think of it like systems engineering. I prefer to run in the opposite direction from the crowd.
Human: Can I be successful if I don't specialise in a field? I am a linguist and am currently working on my PhD. I have been scatter brained when it came to pursuing academic interests. I have chased after one intellectual adventure after another. The topics I have studied, obsessed over have been very different and not at all related to one another. Can I be successful if I don't go deep into one topic? Assistant: According to Pierre Bourdieu, yes.
Human: If freezing tissue generally damages the cells, how are we able to freeze human eggs and embryos for birthing later? Assistant: Speed matters. The speed that something is frozen correlates to how many razor sharp ice crystals can form. Suspending the embryos in a solvent slows down water sublimation (freeze drying) For examble: embryos disolved in 1mL of glycerol will change temp from 37c to -200c in about 5 seconds.
Human: If freezing tissue generally damages the cells, how are we able to freeze human eggs and embryos for birthing later? Assistant: Wasn’t there a Tom Scott episode where he talked to the inventor of the microwave oven (or prototype) that he used to revive frozen hamsters… apparently the largest creature you can freeze and revive relatively reliably..
Human: [Star Wars] Why the Palpatine wanted Anakin as his apprentice? He himself says he will become stronger than himself or Yoda, so why did he want an underling potentially stronger than he? Assistant: The Sith Rule of Two needs a constant strengthening of Sith so that they could one day destroy the Republic and Jedi and finally restore their Empire. Sidious was very confident in his ability to enact the Plan, but also had Anakin as a potential fail safe to continue the Sith. And that was a good call, considering how close Yoda came to killing him.
Human: [Star Wars] Why the Palpatine wanted Anakin as his apprentice? He himself says he will become stronger than himself or Yoda, so why did he want an underling potentially stronger than he? Assistant: Better an underling (even with what that involves for Sith) than a straight enemy.
Human: CMV: If you make rudeness and apathy a taboo, then you're also making disagreement something that's frowned upon. People may opt for kindness because they believe in it, and people may opt for cordiality because it's coerced upon them. It's hard to draw the line, to decide where cordiality ends and kindness begins, because we live in a grey world so to speak: people can be cordial and kind, and they can vary a lot for a lot of different reasons. ​ My point is: the moment you make something a taboo, you're drawing the line of 'end of discussion': people will not discuss about what is beyond the line (note that my point is based on an ongoing taboo and not one that's in the making). ​ Once people stop discussing about rudeness, they'll not question social norms on cordiality and they'll not question what it means to be personally attacked: that is, they'll decide what's rude or not based on something as arbitrary as a personal norm of cordiality. For instance, in my country, you cannot question, propose a discussion or infer a question if that means, in any way, that an elderly person \*can\* be in the wrong. ​ I believe that, in the moment rudeness becomes a taboo in a social group, people will stop to question what it means to be rude, and they'll believe in something arbitrary, which will inevitably result in people making plain disagreement a wrongdoing: and by 'people', I mean it as a common reccurence to the point it may seem to be a norm. Assistant: You can disagree with people without being rude or having apathy towards something. You are drawing a causal relationship that does not exist. "Yellow and Red are the best colors in the rainbow.", says person A. "I disagree, Indigo and Orange are the best colors in the Rainbow", says person B. Neither was rude. They stated an opinion. But they are disagreeing.
Human: CMV: If you make rudeness and apathy a taboo, then you're also making disagreement something that's frowned upon. People may opt for kindness because they believe in it, and people may opt for cordiality because it's coerced upon them. It's hard to draw the line, to decide where cordiality ends and kindness begins, because we live in a grey world so to speak: people can be cordial and kind, and they can vary a lot for a lot of different reasons. ​ My point is: the moment you make something a taboo, you're drawing the line of 'end of discussion': people will not discuss about what is beyond the line (note that my point is based on an ongoing taboo and not one that's in the making). ​ Once people stop discussing about rudeness, they'll not question social norms on cordiality and they'll not question what it means to be personally attacked: that is, they'll decide what's rude or not based on something as arbitrary as a personal norm of cordiality. For instance, in my country, you cannot question, propose a discussion or infer a question if that means, in any way, that an elderly person \*can\* be in the wrong. ​ I believe that, in the moment rudeness becomes a taboo in a social group, people will stop to question what it means to be rude, and they'll believe in something arbitrary, which will inevitably result in people making plain disagreement a wrongdoing: and by 'people', I mean it as a common reccurence to the point it may seem to be a norm. Assistant: Disagreement doesn't have to be rude or uncivil. Not sure how you equate apathy with any of it. Apathetic people create a greater problem through their apathy than a rude person ever would. Apathy is a cancer and has no place in a society
Human: Is philosophy badly expressed in popular culture ? I don't bump that often into movies or novels with a strong philosophical theme. It seems a bit odd given that philosophy lays out a conceptual bedrock for almost any subject of human interest, which are obviously essential ingredients of pop culture. For sure popularization has it's limits, but it could also be that I am simply as blind as a bat and missing sensible expressions of philosophical pertinence. Is there any items in modern popular culture that you feel provides a honest or even good display about an academic subject you are interested in? I am particularly curious about those you consider generally misunderstood/unacknowledged or emphasize important debates. Thanks! Assistant: The good place did a decent job of presenting some of the fundamental discussions in moral philosophy
Human: Is philosophy badly expressed in popular culture ? I don't bump that often into movies or novels with a strong philosophical theme. It seems a bit odd given that philosophy lays out a conceptual bedrock for almost any subject of human interest, which are obviously essential ingredients of pop culture. For sure popularization has it's limits, but it could also be that I am simply as blind as a bat and missing sensible expressions of philosophical pertinence. Is there any items in modern popular culture that you feel provides a honest or even good display about an academic subject you are interested in? I am particularly curious about those you consider generally misunderstood/unacknowledged or emphasize important debates. Thanks! Assistant: Crimes and Misdemeanors is a phenomenal movie for evaluating the problem of evil. It’s a touch heavy handed (a lot of narration is done by an in-universe philosophy professor), but there are a lot of themes to unpack and the film itself is well done.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: Why is there a separate league for men and women in chess in the year 2015? Assistant: I'm given to understand that there isn't a separate league for men, and that women do compete in the main tournaments. But because there are so few women in the game, there is an *additional* women's league, which aims to get more of them playing.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: Why is there a separate league for men and women in chess in the year 2015? Assistant: The world of chess is mostly men when it comes to tournaments. Women do not fare as well due to the small amount of them entering the tournaments. This has led to the creation of a women's tournament separate from the men's to ensure equal competition opportunities
Human: if the FM radio signal transmits information by varying the frequency, why do we tune in to a single frequency to hear it? Assistant: To put it in extremely simple terms, it is because the single frequency is more like a centerpoint, or more accurately, a point of reference. The variations are all frequencies near that point of reference frequency.
Human: if the FM radio signal transmits information by varying the frequency, why do we tune in to a single frequency to hear it? Assistant: The published broadcast frequency is the carrier signal, which by itself would demodulate to silence. The signal wiggles in frequency either side of the carrier frequency. The wiggles are demodulated to the audio you hear.
Human: Struggling with How to Write Equations for Real World Problems Hello! So, I started my engineering position about 6 months ago, and, though most of the time, I can figure it out, I really want to be able to look at the projects I work on and the questions that are brought to me and know how to do the math to solve them. I was initially going to the office hours of my old statics professor for assistance when I had the chance, however with lockdown from COVID, I can no longer do that and I know he's really busy right now since the school transitioned to online learning mid-semester. ​ Attached is an example of the sort of thing that I am asked regularly - will this tip over/is it stable? I know all of the distances from the base to the edges of the table, and I know the weight standards that would be used for each object, but for some reason, I just don't immediately know how to set this up as an equation. ​ TL;DR New-er engineer and would like help on applying the mathematics/physics that I learned in school to the problems that are brought to me in my job. How do you set up equations to figure out if something will tip/fall over or if it is stable? Link to example of table attached. Thanks! ​ Table Example Assistant: It sounds like you need to do more free-body diagrams and get out there and find real world examples and build stuff. Eventually you’ll develop a natural feeling for it, but it takes effort and time to get there. Go build that muscle.
Human: Struggling with How to Write Equations for Real World Problems Hello! So, I started my engineering position about 6 months ago, and, though most of the time, I can figure it out, I really want to be able to look at the projects I work on and the questions that are brought to me and know how to do the math to solve them. I was initially going to the office hours of my old statics professor for assistance when I had the chance, however with lockdown from COVID, I can no longer do that and I know he's really busy right now since the school transitioned to online learning mid-semester. ​ Attached is an example of the sort of thing that I am asked regularly - will this tip over/is it stable? I know all of the distances from the base to the edges of the table, and I know the weight standards that would be used for each object, but for some reason, I just don't immediately know how to set this up as an equation. ​ TL;DR New-er engineer and would like help on applying the mathematics/physics that I learned in school to the problems that are brought to me in my job. How do you set up equations to figure out if something will tip/fall over or if it is stable? Link to example of table attached. Thanks! ​ Table Example Assistant: You shouldn't need to do any math to know that table won't tip over. The com is over the base (assuming reasonable densities). If you want to know the angle that it'll tip then you need information about densities and geometries. You shouldn't be doing it by hand (but your should practice fbd if you can't..) any cad program can tell you the com location (assuming you assign the correct materials etc) If you're having troubles with fbd review static equilibrium, sum of moments, Newtons laws etc
Human: [Indiana Jones] After dying of extremely old age, would Indy want his remains to be studied/displayed in a museum? He drank from the grail and survived the fridge after all... got the idea from white hat guy obsessed with Coronado lol. Assistant: The US government would probably take his real body upon death to study it, since he’s done so much remarkable stuff and is definitely on their radar. They’d probably donate his “body” (the fake or reproduction) to a museum or some memorial to cover it all up.
Human: [Indiana Jones] After dying of extremely old age, would Indy want his remains to be studied/displayed in a museum? He drank from the grail and survived the fridge after all... got the idea from white hat guy obsessed with Coronado lol. Assistant: He belongs in a museum.
Human: Stronger vanilla flavor in cakes? I’m trying to get a stronger vanilla flavor in my cakes (specifically vanilla cake lol). Does anyone have any ideas on how I can do this? I normally just use pure vanilla extract but I don’t feel like it’s enough (even when I put more than the recipe calls for). I just bought some vanilla paste, would that help?? Assistant: My vanilla bean cake is my best selling flavor! I use Nielsen Massey Madagascar bourbon vanilla bean paste in addition to a splash of their vanilla extract and add it to my wet ingredients while they're sitting on a water bath to warm up. The vanilla bean paste really kicks up the flavor, and the black specks are very attractive in a light colored cake.
Human: Stronger vanilla flavor in cakes? I’m trying to get a stronger vanilla flavor in my cakes (specifically vanilla cake lol). Does anyone have any ideas on how I can do this? I normally just use pure vanilla extract but I don’t feel like it’s enough (even when I put more than the recipe calls for). I just bought some vanilla paste, would that help?? Assistant: I brush my cakes with a vanilla bean simple syrup or some vanilla bean paste mixed into almond milk for extra moisture and flavor.
Human: What’s the Best Component To Shoot Small Objects Fairly Quickly? I’m an electronics hobbyist currently brainstorming a project that shoots small projectiles. I want to shoot objects weighing 25-50 grams at 10-15 mph. What electronics components would accomplish this best and most cheaply? Preferably, they would use 6, 9, or 12 Volts. I also want the system to work repeatedly and fairly quickly, so an explosive or similar chemical reaction would not be ideal. Thanks in advance! Assistant: Something like a baseball pitching machine. Two wheel with elastomer or other compliant surface. One free spinning, the other attached to a motor. The wheels axes are parallel and the wheels lightly touch at the outer diameter. Projectiles are fed in the back near the pinch point and will be ejected out the front at a speed that highly controllable. If possible, use a chute to feed the projectiles to avoid losing a finger.
Human: What’s the Best Component To Shoot Small Objects Fairly Quickly? I’m an electronics hobbyist currently brainstorming a project that shoots small projectiles. I want to shoot objects weighing 25-50 grams at 10-15 mph. What electronics components would accomplish this best and most cheaply? Preferably, they would use 6, 9, or 12 Volts. I also want the system to work repeatedly and fairly quickly, so an explosive or similar chemical reaction would not be ideal. Thanks in advance! Assistant: CO2 cartridge with a electrically actuated valve
Human: Would consistent heat degrade the metal components of a device? For computer or chemical engineers out there. Assistant: Why are people always so vague on this sub? Do they think we are going to steal their awesome ideas?
Human: Would consistent heat degrade the metal components of a device? For computer or chemical engineers out there. Assistant: Why would a computer engineer know this?
Human: What is exactly is systems engineering and what do they do I have my degree in Mech and a grad degree in AE, I see the term Systems engineering being used al lot and my school even had an ISE degree Industrial & Systems engineering. I interviewed for some Mech eng jobs in the past but the employer told me it's actually more of a systems job and won't have much design in it. Other people have told me systems involves integrating all types of engineering. I'm just really confused at this point. Assistant: My impression is that systems engineering has a bunch of unrelated meanings. There's the aerospace integrating systems together. There's stuff similar to industrial engineering. There's computer stuff. And probably more.
Human: What is exactly is systems engineering and what do they do I have my degree in Mech and a grad degree in AE, I see the term Systems engineering being used al lot and my school even had an ISE degree Industrial & Systems engineering. I interviewed for some Mech eng jobs in the past but the employer told me it's actually more of a systems job and won't have much design in it. Other people have told me systems involves integrating all types of engineering. I'm just really confused at this point. Assistant: As others have pointed out, there are many interpretations. Mine is this: When you write code that is very portable, like Java, you're very clearly in software engineering territory. You can think only of software and you'll be fine. When you are a software engineer who has to tailor their work to a specific chip with a specific job, you're systems engineering. You can't think only of your code but the specific chip it's gonna run on.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: Why are plastic bottle caps particularly valuable as recycling material? In my country I often see charities asking specifically for plastic bottle caps to trade in and supply hospitals with wheelchairs, medical equipment, etc. What benefit is there in asking just for the caps instead of a broader range of plastic objects? (eg: asking for whole plastic bottles). Assistant: * Higher density plastic. * Best volume-weight ratio for storage and transportation. * Less stickers, glue, labels, to remove.
Human: Explain like I'm five years old: Why are plastic bottle caps particularly valuable as recycling material? In my country I often see charities asking specifically for plastic bottle caps to trade in and supply hospitals with wheelchairs, medical equipment, etc. What benefit is there in asking just for the caps instead of a broader range of plastic objects? (eg: asking for whole plastic bottles). Assistant: It could be that they're after that type of plastic specifically, or they're just easier to transport than bottles. It could be either one, but my bet's on the former. Some plastics cannot be recycled, while others have additives that would ruin them for use in the production of different objects. Like, the additives in plastic bottles that make them flexible and clear would make them really weak if you were trying to build something as sturdy as a wheelchair.
Human: Is there a good resource to teach myself basics of Electrical Engineering? Assistant: this is a free course offered by MIT on the net. Also pick up a copy of art of electronics. It'll probably be the best $100 you can spend.
Human: Is there a good resource to teach myself basics of Electrical Engineering? Assistant: The most simply laid out book i read was 'Basic Electronics' by Paul Rosenberg.
Human: Do you have a personal website? How is it branded and what do you put on it? I currently do have a personal website but it's more positioned towards my creative works but I think it's time I should have a more 'biographical' site of sorts. Unfortunately, I have an extremely common name and unless I change my name, there's no way I can find a good domain for it. I even just tried search [name] and some guy in China owns it. I also am not sure what I should put on it right now, since I'm not done with my PhD yet. How do you position your personal site? I don't think there's a rule against it so share your link, if you don't mind. Assistant: My personal website is what I would expect people to see first. Both academic and industry audiences.
Human: Do you have a personal website? How is it branded and what do you put on it? I currently do have a personal website but it's more positioned towards my creative works but I think it's time I should have a more 'biographical' site of sorts. Unfortunately, I have an extremely common name and unless I change my name, there's no way I can find a good domain for it. I even just tried search [name] and some guy in China owns it. I also am not sure what I should put on it right now, since I'm not done with my PhD yet. How do you position your personal site? I don't think there's a rule against it so share your link, if you don't mind. Assistant: Mine is under my name, has sections for news, research, teaching and a CV. Research section also features my lab/students and their work.
Human: Could you remember other books which are based on lecture transcripts, like Kripke's "Naming and Necessity?" Since this kind of texts were basically meant for wide audience it's relatively easy to follow and understand (there still might be exceptions, tho). Generally, authors are willing to provide examples and vivid descriptions of what they are saying in this format. Assistant: William James's *Pragmatism.* It's literally a transcript of his lecture series and it's just like you describe—a phenomenally entertaining read, because the whole thing is delivered in a pretty casual, conversational style. But it's still substantively rich and well worth the read. James was also just a fantastic writer in general.
Human: Could you remember other books which are based on lecture transcripts, like Kripke's "Naming and Necessity?" Since this kind of texts were basically meant for wide audience it's relatively easy to follow and understand (there still might be exceptions, tho). Generally, authors are willing to provide examples and vivid descriptions of what they are saying in this format. Assistant: Kant’s Logic book. Great read tbh.
Human: Got robbed at Walmart by someone who I think is my coworker but management says it isn't and implied my job is in jeopardy Posted this on /r/walmart and was suggested to put it here as well. Tried posting as a throwaway but guess it was too new, and wouldn't show up. This is a side account I randomly created years ago. I am an autistic special needs janitor at a wal mart in PA. The other day as I was going to my car (I was off) just buying some food. A coworker calls me by my name outside the front doors. He starts talking to me and walks to my car with me. He said he wants to ask me a question and opens my car and gets in. At this point he starts freaking out that he needs money and makes me give him all the money in my wallet, and then tried to get me to drive to a gas station to use my debit card. Now I am tiny, autistic, with bad motor skills from a head injury. He is the 2nd biggest person that works in the store. I would of been no match if he tried anything. In the car he demanded my phone number so he contact me later. He called the number I gave to make sure it was the correct number. Thus me at this point acquiring his number. The next day before work I receive 5 missed calls in a half hour from his number, telling me to meet him in private. I go file a report with the police and give them all the info, investigator said he would call the number I gave him to get him to stop harassing me as well. When I got to work I file a report with management with the same info and they promise they would investigate ASAP! Fast forward the investigator gets back to me and said a girl picked up the phone and he asked to speak my coworker and they said okay and put him on the phone. He responded to all the cops questions as the name I gave admitting he took the money but would give it back. The investigator also tells me no charges can be filed cause I handed the money over in fear and not it being snatched out of my own hands. I have been advised to appeal that to the state police btw. Management talked to me today and an assistant who is not AP said he did the investigation and determined it was not who I said it but someone who looked exactly almost 100% like the person who I accused. Who happened to know my name, and who happened to respond to my coworkers name. They wont show me the footage. Also they casually decided to inform me I got followed by a car he got in after he got out of my car. Now the manager is implying my job could be in jeopardy for wrongly accusing a person who even he said looked exactly like the person I said it was Heads up this situation has gotten out to the rest of the store (Not surprising) Any advice on this situation? Assistant: Pennsylvnia Robbery Law: Kidnapping: And Obstruction of Justice
Human: Got robbed at Walmart by someone who I think is my coworker but management says it isn't and implied my job is in jeopardy Posted this on /r/walmart and was suggested to put it here as well. Tried posting as a throwaway but guess it was too new, and wouldn't show up. This is a side account I randomly created years ago. I am an autistic special needs janitor at a wal mart in PA. The other day as I was going to my car (I was off) just buying some food. A coworker calls me by my name outside the front doors. He starts talking to me and walks to my car with me. He said he wants to ask me a question and opens my car and gets in. At this point he starts freaking out that he needs money and makes me give him all the money in my wallet, and then tried to get me to drive to a gas station to use my debit card. Now I am tiny, autistic, with bad motor skills from a head injury. He is the 2nd biggest person that works in the store. I would of been no match if he tried anything. In the car he demanded my phone number so he contact me later. He called the number I gave to make sure it was the correct number. Thus me at this point acquiring his number. The next day before work I receive 5 missed calls in a half hour from his number, telling me to meet him in private. I go file a report with the police and give them all the info, investigator said he would call the number I gave him to get him to stop harassing me as well. When I got to work I file a report with management with the same info and they promise they would investigate ASAP! Fast forward the investigator gets back to me and said a girl picked up the phone and he asked to speak my coworker and they said okay and put him on the phone. He responded to all the cops questions as the name I gave admitting he took the money but would give it back. The investigator also tells me no charges can be filed cause I handed the money over in fear and not it being snatched out of my own hands. I have been advised to appeal that to the state police btw. Management talked to me today and an assistant who is not AP said he did the investigation and determined it was not who I said it but someone who looked exactly almost 100% like the person who I accused. Who happened to know my name, and who happened to respond to my coworkers name. They wont show me the footage. Also they casually decided to inform me I got followed by a car he got in after he got out of my car. Now the manager is implying my job could be in jeopardy for wrongly accusing a person who even he said looked exactly like the person I said it was Heads up this situation has gotten out to the rest of the store (Not surprising) Any advice on this situation? Assistant: Walmart has an open door policy. If you feel the assistant manager hasn’t handled the investigation correctly, bring it to your store manager. If you are not satisfied with the results there, you can speak with your personnel manager and get the phone number for the District Manager.