9 • Other Transition Time Considerations 166 Decommissioning includes decon struction, when the equipment or process unit is dismantled an d individual components of the equipment or individual equipmen t from the process unit may be re- used, and demolition, when the equipment or process unit is dismantled for scrap and or material recycling. When a project calls for equipment to be decommissioned, transported to another site and recommissioned, the challenges brou ght about are a combination of those noted in this chapter plus th e transportation-related issues. As was noted earlier, if a company has decided that the equipment will be partially dismantled or dismantled-in-place when it has mothballed its equipment or processes, it is essential that the equipment’s condition is assesse d and then properly addressed before attempting to reuse it. As shown in Figure 9.2, these mothballing “steps” would be captur ed in stage 7A, with the proper Operational Readiness Review (ORR) pe rformed in stage 7B before re- commissioning the equipment and beginning operations again in stage 5. Incidents can occur if the equipment is not fit for its intended service. Due to the different hazardous materials being handled, planning for the decommissioning project, including hazard identification and risk management, should be in place to reduce the potential for incidents that may cause injury and environmental damage. This includes establishing a project management team, including consultants and contractors experienced in decommissioning, to manage the stages of the project. De commissioning and end-of-life of equipment or facility may prompt higher focus on cost savings and subsequently project-related short cuts. These short cuts inevitably raise the risk profile and careful at tention should be undertaken to avoid this mind-set. As was noted earlier, handovers between engineering, operations, maintenance, and the specialized decommissioning contractors
INVESTIGATION M ANAGEM ENT SYSTEM 75 and perform queries of incident da ta to spot systemic trends. Additionally, the management team’s endorsemen t of the incident investigation management system is importan t when introducing a new or revised system. 4.3.1 Initial Implementation— Training Implementation of a new or revised management system often begins with presenting training for the four grou ps described earlier in this chapter. 1. Management 2. All employees in a position to notice and report all incidents (including near-misses) 3. Incident investigation team members 4. Incident investigation team leaders 4.3.2 Developing a Specific Investigation Plan The incident investigation management system should include guidance on how to develop a specific investigation plan for an incident. The specific plan should include leader and team se lection, a designated mechanism for documenting the team activities, del iberations, decisions, communications, and a record of documents requested, received, or issued. The objective of the investigation plan should not be limited to identifying physical causes but extended to underlying management system issues. The primary objectives of a process safety incident investigation plan should include: • Identification of the physical causes—process and chemistry • Identification of the PSM-re lated multiple root causes, • Identification of recommendations to prevent recurrence, and • Assistance in interpreting the re commendations or auditing their implementation as needed Figure 4.2 offers a typical checklist to use during the planning stage of an investigation of a major complex incident. Low complexity incident investigations do not always call for a formal plan.
xxviii GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS Reliability Centered Maintenance A systematic analysis approach for evaluating equipment failure impacts on system performance and determining specific strategies for managing the identified equipment failures. The failure management strategies may include preventive maintenance, predictive ma intenance, inspections, testing, and/or one-time changes (e.g., design improvements, operational changes). Risk Based Inspection A risk assessment and management process that is focused on loss of containment of pressurized equipment in processing fa cilities, due to material deterioration. These risks are managed primarily through equipment inspection. Safe Operating Limits Limits established for crit ical process parameters, such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, or concentration, based on a combination of equipment design limits and the dynamics of the process. Safety Instrumented System A separate and independent combination of sensors, logic solvers, final elements, and support systems that are designed and managed to achieve a specified safety integrity level. A SIS may implement one or more Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs). Safety Management System Comprehensive sets of po licies, procedures, and practices designed to ensure that barriers to episodic incidents are in plac e, in use, and effective. Situational Awareness The conscious dynamic reflection on the situation by an individual. It provides dynamic orientation to the situation, the opportunity to reflect not only the past, present and future, but the potential features of the situation. The dynamic reflection contains logical-conceptual, imaginative, conscious, and unconscious components which enables individuals to develop mental models of external events.
PROCESS SAFETY INCIDENT CLASSIFICATION 157 CCPS 2011, “Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics…You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure”, Center for Chemical Process Safety, New York. CCPS 2019, “Process Safety Metrics Guide for Selecting Leading and Lagging Indicators Version 3.2”, https://www.aiche.org/sites/default/files/docs/p ages/ccps_process_safety_metrics_-_v3.2.pdf. IOGP 456, “Process safety – recommended prac tice on key performance indicators”, International Association of Oil and Gas Producers, London, U.K. NASA 2008, “That Sinking Feeling: Total Loss of Petrobras P-36”, https://sma.nasa.gov/docs/default-sourc e/safety-messages/sa fetymessage-2008-10-01- lossofpetrobrasp36-vits.pdf?sfvrsn=c4a91ef8_4 . PSIE, CCPS Process Safety Incident Evaluation App, https://www.aiche.org/ccps/tools. UN, “Globally Harmonized System Of Classifi cation And Labelling Of Chemicals (GHS) Sixth Edition”, United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2011, https://www.un- ilibrary.org/transportation-and- public-safety/globally-harmoni zed-system-of-classification- and-labelling-of-chemicals-ghs-six th-revised-edition_591dabf9-en
CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS 275 Liquid Discharge. For liquid discharges, the Bernoulli equation is used. The driving force for the discharge is normally pressure, with th e pressure energy being converted to kinetic energy during the discharge. Liquid head can also contribute to the driving force. For pipe flow, the mass flux through the pipe is constant and, for pipes of constant cross-sectional area, the liquid velocity is constant along the pipe as well. In all cases, frictional losses occur due to the fluid flow. Gas and liquid discharge equations contain a discharge coefficient which will affect the discharge rate. A discharge coefficient (often 0.6 – 1.0) is applied to account for irregular hole shapes compared to idealized circular sharp- edged holes. All discharge rates will be time- dependent due to changing composition, temper ature, pressure, and level upstream of the hole. Average discharge rates are case-depende nt, and intermediate calculations may be necessary to model a particular release. The mass flow rate of two-phase flashing discharges will always be bounded by pure vapo r and liquid discharges calculations. Gas Discharges. Gas discharges may arise from several sources: from a hole at or near a vessel, from a long pipeline, or from relief valves or process vents. Different calculation procedures apply for each of these sources. The majority of gas discharges from process plant leaks will initially be sonic or choked flow. The sonic discharge equation is used combined with an estimate of the discharge coefficient. For ga s discharges, as the pressure drops through the discharge, the gas expands. For gas discharges through holes, the mechanical energy balance is integrated along an isentropic path to dete rmine the mass discharge ra te. A simple rule of thumb for many pure materials is that the gas mass discharge rate is 10% of the liquid mass discharge rate for the same conditions and hole size. Two-Phase Discharge. When released to at mospheric pressure, any pressurized liquid above its normal boiling point will start to flash and two-phase flow will result. Two-phase flow is also likely to occur from depressurization of the vapor space above a volatile liquid, especially if the liquid is viscous or has a te ndency to foam. For co nsequence modeling, the discharge models must be selected to maximize the mass flux. Flash, Evaporation, Aerosol, and Pool Spread Models A discharge can be in the form of a gas, two-phase, or a liquid as shown in Figure 13.4. Figure 13.6 illustrates this point further. Aerosol formatio n is also possible for case B if the release velocities are high.
EQUIPMENT FAILURE 193 Heat Exchange Equipment Overview. Heat exchange equipment is used to contro l temperature by transferring heat from one fluid to another. Heat transfer equipment includes heat exchangers , vaporizers, reboilers, process heat recovery boilers, co ndensers, coolers and chillers. Much of what is stated in this section will also apply to heating/cooling coils in a vessel such as a reactor or storage tank. Failures in heat transfer equipment can lead to loss of temperature control, contamination of the fluids, or loss of containment. Temperatur e is frequently a critical process variable, so failure of this equipment due to fouling, plugging , or loss of the heat transfer fluid supply can lead to undesired consequences. A HIRA is need ed to assess the consequence. Heat exchange equipment can see thermal stress due to temper ature gradients. This can lead to loss of containment. The Longford fire and explosion in Chapter 12 is an example of this failure mode. Heat exchanger failure modes include the following. Fouling due to cooling water quality, low velocity, and microbiological fouling (both aerobic and anaerobic) Erosion Stress corrosion cracking Weld failures Tube to tube sheet failures (r oll failure, seal weld failure) Poor fluid distribution at the baffles Heating or cooling media velocity not designed properly Non-condensable material accumulation Hazards associated with heat exchange equipment include: Overpressure. due to blocked inlet/outlet streams Inadvertent mixing of chemicals Accelerated corrosion of downstream equipment, e.g. acid gas leaks to cooling water can form acid which rapidly corrodes carbon steel lack of oxidant in cooling water sy stem can cause rapid algae fouling lack of oxygen control in a steam system can cause steel cracking Chemical release from cooling towers Water reactivity for heat exchangers us ing steam or water for heat transfer The consequence of heat exchanger leaks depends on the nature of the process, the direction of the leak (process side to utility or vice versa), and the fluids involved. Failure to keep the fluids separate due to tube leaks can result in reactive chemical incidents (see example 1), or release of a toxic or flammable ma terial into the low-pressure side where it can escape elsewhere, such as at a cooling water tower. A tube rupture can result in a shell rupture if the tube side is operating at significantly higher pressure than the shell. This risk is typically mitigated with shell side pressure protection th at takes into account the tube side pressure. Example 1. A plant had an explosion in the outlet piping of an oxidation reactor which ruptured a 0.9 m (36 in) pipe (see Figure 11.12). The explosion was caused by the reaction of
212 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION Figure 11.27. Heater an d adjacent column at NOVA Bayport plant (CCPS d) Example 3. After a shutdown for maintenance, a hydr ogen reformer in an ammonia plant was being restarted. In the normal start-up procedure at the plant, nitrogen gas is passed through the primary reformer and a heating rate of 50 °C (122 °F) per hour is maintained at reformer outlet. This nitrogen flows in a closed loop, that is, it is recycled back into the reformer. This cycle continues until the temperature of 350 °C (662 °F) is obtained at the reformer outlet. To increase reformer outlet temperature, more burners are ignited. Because of an emergency shutdown, sufficient nitrogen inventory was not available at site for startup. At least 8 to 10 more hours were re quired for nitrogen inventory makeup. To save production loss, the startup procedure was initia ted. Furnace firing was started in the absence of nitrogen gas, and reformer outlet temperatures were monitored for a 50 °C (122 °F) per hour heating rate. Reformer outlet temperatures we re not increasing, so the firing rate was increased. During this period, many alarms a ppeared on the control system for convection zone temperatures. The alarms were inhibited to avoid any inconvenience to the control panel operator, because he was busy with the steam drum level control. Since no changes occurred in these outlet temperatures, the firing rate was further increased, and 56 of 72 burners were fired. This represents about 70% of the heat in put, without any fluid flow through the reformer. The board operator instructed the plant operator to have a physical check of the reformer. The operator found that the reformer tubes were melting down inside the furnace. The furnace was being fired and reformer outlet temperatures were being monitored without introduction of any nitrogen through th e reformer. Because of the absence of any flow through the reformer, its outlet temperature did not increase and the increase in heat with no process flows resulted in high-tube temperatures and finally melting of the tubes. (Ramzan)
5.3 Process-Related Element Grouping |187 procedure through workflow management. A potential downside of E-MOC is that it can seduce participants to act on their own rather than m eeting with the full group of individuals involved in the M OC, thereby reducing open and frank com m unication. Therefore, leaders should m ake a special effort to encourage com munication in the MOC process. E-M OC system make it easier to proliferate the number of approvers. More is not always better. When too many approvers are listed, each may think that another one will catch any errors, so they give the MOC a cursory review and approve it. If all approvers take this approach, important issues will be m issed. The MOC for process safety can be combined with the change m anagement systems for other considerations, such as quality and environm ent. This can make good sense for purposes of efficiency and for cross-fertilization of ideas in the MOC reviews. Care should be taken when doing this that process safety does not get lum ped into occupational safety, for the many reasons discussed throughout this book. Emergency MOCs may be required from tim e to time to keep the facility running when some component fails. With 168 hours in a week during which approvers are likely to be in the plant less than 60 hours, emergency M OCs are likely to occur on off-shifts and require verbal approval. In a strong process safety culture, emergency MOCs should be rare, and occur only when the risk of not making the emergency change outweighs the risk of making the change. If approval was given verbally, the proper documentation of the verbal approval should be done as soon as the approver returns to work. However, when em ergency MOC is implemented, the process should be returned to its original state as soon as possible. Tem porary MOCs may also be required from tim e to time for product or process trials or repairs. Temporary M OCs should be planned and scheduled, and should not be conducted on an
8.2 Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India 1984 | 109 equipment was faulty. And the uninformed action of emergency responders who told residents to flee rather than shelter in place had fatal consequences. Figure 8.3 Bhopal Scrubber (left) and Flare (right) (Source: Dennis Hendershot, reproduced with permission) The failures that led to the Bhopal disaster should be ingrained in our memories. Perhaps the most important takeaway is that every barrier must be maintained and functional. Furthermore, any process that requires as many barriers as those found in the Bhopal plant should prompt decision- makers to consider inherently safer design strategies, especially designs that minimize the amount of hazardous materials present. The plant exercised this strategy with its storage of phosgene, producing it on an as-needed basis and storing a minimal amount. However, it did not do the same for MIC, which is 17 times more toxic than phosgene. Another key takeaway from Bhopal is the importance of considering all stakeholders, including the surrounding community. The public emergency response plan was nonexistent. The company did not inform local police and the public of the best actions to take in the event of an incident. On that fateful evening, the police told people who were safely sheltered in place to evacuate, sending them out into the toxic cloud. Bhopal was a wake-up call that drove many countries to enact new laws to improve process safety and enhance emergency preparedness. It also
194 Guidelines for Revalidating a Process Hazard Analysis Q T R Are calculations, charts, and other documents available that verify siting has been considered in the layout of the unit? Do these siting documents show that consideration has been given to: • Normal direction and velocity of wind? • Atmospheric dispersion of gases and vapors? • Estimated radiant heat intensity that might exist during a fire? • Estimated explosion overpressure? Are appropriate security safeguards in place (e.g., fences, guard stations)? Are gates located away from the public roadway so that the largest trucks can move completely off the roadway while waiting for the gates to be opened? Where applicable, are safeguards in place to protect high structures against low-flying aircraft? Are adequate safeguards in plac e to protect employees against exposure to excessive noise, cons idering the cumulative effect of equipment items located close together? Is adequate emergency lighting provided? Is there adequate redundant backup power for emergency lighting? Are procedures in place to restrict nonessential or untrained personnel from entering areas deemed hazardous? Are indoor safety control systems (e.g ., sprinklers, fire walls) provided in buildings where personnel will frequently be located, such as control rooms and administrative buildings? Are evacuation plans (from buildings, units, etc.) adequate and accessible to personnel? Are evacuation drills routinely conducted?
180 Human Factors Handbook Table 16-1: Example of locks removed on wrong blinds Example of a failure in task planning: Energy Institute – locks removed on wrong blinds What happened? Four locked blinds under hazardous en ergy control (HEC) were removed from the transfer line under the coke drums. The blinds should have been left in pl ace for a confined space entry isolation to the heater. Three of the blinds were found hanging from the cables with the locks and tags attached. A cable had been cut to remove the fourth blind. The product could have leaked through the valves, entering the tubes inside the heater. Why did it happen? The permitted scope was too broad. It covered two jobs and 11 different blinds, which were generically referred to as “blinds”. Unclear job plan. Lack of communication. Lack of clarity around removing locked blinds. A workaround allowed the same crew to remove locked blinds when a hydro blind was leaking. What did they learn? It is important to define the field coordinator’s and operator’s roles and responsibilities clearly to ensure blind verification is effective. It is important to ensure the task desc ription includes a specific blind count and blind locations. The onboarding should be updated to ensure new staff know that locked blinds should not be removed. A procedure should be developed and implemented for hydro blind management. (adapted from [65]) 16.3 Human Factors and task planning Many tasks have specific safety requirem ents, such as operational turnarounds and maintenance tasks. For example, maintenance tasks commonly require isolation of specified sections of pipework and vessels, purging, and blinding at specific points. A reliable method is need ed for task-specific safety assessment, communication of safety critical info rmation, and task authorization.
Conducting PHA Revalidation Meetings 147 Example 7 – Excessive Conservatism Risk analysts tend to be conservative. Thus, revalidation teams have a tendency to recommend additional safeguards, even when the risk is categorized as tolerable. Given finite resources, the resolution of any recommendations to reduce tolerable risks further will cons ume resources better spent on resolving recommendations to reduce elevated risk s. Furthermore, a recommendation to reduce one particular risk may be more th an offset by increases in other risk(s). For example, adding a redundant pressure relief valve may marginally decrease the risk of vessel rupture due to overpressure. However, the additional relief valve might fail open under normal operating conditions, significantly increasing the risk of a loss of containment when no overpressure exists. Thus, the study leader should challenge recommendations to add more safeguards when risk is already tolerable. Example 8 – Excessive Optimism Team members tend to be optimistic in their risk judgments, particularly when human performance gaps are involved. In their experience, workers make very few serious errors, and when they do , they detect and correct the error themselves, or the engineered controls ac t to minimize any harm. If a particular revalidation team is knowledgeable of LO PA, it may be difficult for them to accept that a particular human error could happen more than once in ten years. A facilitator should watc h for phrases like “no one would ever close the wrong valve around here.” A review of past inci dents or a discussion of these types of events with operators might reveal these, or similar, events do indeed happen occasionally. The team might then consid er a more detailed supplemental risk assessment using Human Reliability Anal ysis techniques where applicable. This general tendency towards optimism also extends to equipment performance. Many LOPA teams work hard to get a loss scenario to show a tolerable risk (sometimes by taking cr edit for too many basic process control system [BPCS] safeguards such as IPLs , double counting IPLs, or ignoring common cause failures between IPLs). If such issues are noted, the leader should challenge the team to follow their r evalidation charter and recommend risk reduction measures whenever they dete rmine that elevated risks exist, as estimated using company-approved methods.
176 Figure 8.4: Operating Ranges and Limits to gases resulting in a pressure rise. The mandatory action temperature limit is set low enough to allow time for the response to prevent loss of containment from high pressure. Anothe r example, an upset in feed to a tank could lead to an overflow on high level. The control system design provides enough time for the tank le vel control to sense the upset and to take corrective action on the flow into or out of the tank before it overflows. For such a tank, the maxi mum setpoint for the level must be reduced to allow adequate response time. Basic Process Control Systems (BPCS) and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) . There are few chemical plants that are so robust that an active control system is not required. Using both active and passive controls can assure product yield and qua lity and maintain safe operating conditions. This type of control sy stem is known as a basic process control system (BPCS). The BPCS acts to alarm and moderate a high or low operating condition within the ne ver exceed limits. However, when a high risk that is considered to be intolerable cannot be lowered with existing control systems or other layers of protection, a SIS is provided to rapidly shutdown or otherwise automatically place the process in a
82 boards. The website of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), Canada’s national center for occupational health and safety information, provides guid ance for selection of alternate chemicals. This includes hazard as sessments for alternative chemicals which should include consideration of the following issues in order to minimize risk (Ref 4.1 CCOHS): •Vapor pressure •Short-term health effects •Long-term health effects •Skin toxicity •Sensitization of the respiratory system •Cancer-causing potential and reproductive effects •Physical hazards (e.g.,flammability) The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an international organizati on dedicated to promoting policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world, has also developed a Substitution and Alternatives Assessment Toolbox (SAATOOLBOX), wh ich includes information and resources on chemical substituti on and assessment practices and practical guidance on how to cond uct assessments, including case studies. Case studies are descriptions of alternative or chemical hazard assessments that have been conduc ted by manufacturers, academic institutions, NGOs or government bodies, and include evaluation of alternatives for: (Ref 4.24 OECD) Flame retardants Plasticizers (phthalate-free) Solvents Nonylphenol ethoxylates for detergents The REACH (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorisation of Chemicals) regulation in Europe, adopted in 2007, requires manufacturers and importers of cert ain chemicals above a one metric ton threshold to gather information on the properties of their chemical substances, and to register the inform ation in a central database. It also calls for the progressive substitution of the most dangerous chemicals (referred to as "substances of ve ry high concern") when suitable
23. Working with contractors 305 Common mobilization activities include: • Instructing contractors on safety procedures. • Familiarization with client specific documentation. • Communicating mandatory safety rules. • Highlighting anything that is unique to the site or company, and that is different to practices in the rest of the industry. • Providing a site orientation and induction, including process hazards. • Briefing contractors on simultaneous operations. • Asking if they have performed thes e operations before and checking what training and support they need. • Emphasizing a “don’t hesitate to speak up” approach and reminding contractors that they are working in an open challenge culture. • Communicating key behavioral expectations, such as stopping when a risk is found, or if a work instru ction cannot be completed properly. • Sharing fatigue risk management requirements, such as adopting the client’s fatigue risk manage ment policy and requirements. Sufficient time should be allowed with in schedules to enable briefing of contractors who are less familiar with the site and safety management procedures. Supporting open communication If contractors are reluctant to disagree, this may be mitigated by: • Communicating that there will be no adverse repercussions to express challenges or disagreement. • Stating that contractors must report any unsafe condition or event, or potential risk. • Demonstrating reporting mechanism for incidents, accidents, near misses and unsafe acts. • Actively listening to contractors. Operational readiness review An explicit “readiness to commence wo rk” review can help confirm that the contractors: • Are equipped with work instructions. • Are aware of nearby or simultaneous activities. • Have certificated equipment, tags, and locks etc. • Have clearly defined roles. • Are aware of stop and hold points. • Are aware of applicable emergency plans. • Have a named person/role to report to.
253 combinations of equipment failures and human performance issues that can result in an incident. FTA is well suited for analyses of high ly redundant systems. For systems particularly vulnerable to single failures that can lead to incidents, it is better to use a single-failure- oriented technique such as FMEA or HAZOP Study. FTA is often employed in situations where another hazard evaluation technique (e.g., HAZOP Study) has pinpointed an important incident of interest that requires more detailed analysis. The fault tree is a graphical model, as shown in Figure 12.6, that displays the various combinations of equipment failures and human perf ormance issues that can result in the main system failure of interest (called the Top Even t). This allows the hazard analyst to focus preventive or mitigative measures on significant ba sic causes to reduce the likelihood of an incident. Fault Tree Analysis is a deductive technique that uses Boolean logic symbols (i.e., AND gates shown as a flat arch, OR gates shown as an arrowhead in Figure 12.6) to break down the causes of a top event into basic equipment fa ilures and human performance issues (called basic events). The analyst begins with an incide nt or undesirable event that is to be avoided and identifies the immediate causes of that even t. Each of the immediate causes (called fault events) is further examined in the same manne r until the analyst has identified the basic causes (shown as circles in Figure 12.6) of ea ch fault event or reaches the boundary established for the analysis (shown as a diamond shape in Figure 12.6). The resulting fault tree model displays the logical relationships between basic events and the selected top event. Top events are specific hazardous situations th at are typically identified through the use of a more broad-brush hazard evaluation techni que (e.g., What-If Analysis, HAZOP Study). A fault tree model can be used to generate a list of the failure combinations (failure modes) that can cause the top event. These failure modes are known as cut sets. An important qualitative outcome of an FTA is the minimal cut set (MCS) is a smallest combination of component failures which, if they all occur or exist simultaneously , will cause the top event to occur. For example, a car will not operate if the cut set “no fuel” and “broken windshield” occurs. However, the MCS is “no fuel” because it alone can cause the Top event; the broken windshield has no bearing on the car’s ability to operate. Fault tree analysis can be quantified. Where frequency data are available for the basic events, the resultant frequency of the top event can be calculated using Boolean algebra or arithmetical approximations. This data may be used in quantitative risk assessment. Fault-Tree and Event Tree are suited to provide estimated of scenario likelihood or frequency. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION
OVERVIEW OF RISK BASED PROCESS SAFETY 49 Example Incident: Piper Alpha The Piper Alpha incident in 1988 is a ri ch source of lessons learned (see prior highlight box under the element of Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis). This aspect of the incident relates to how the control room was disabled immediately by the first explosion incident. This was where emergency management should have occurred. Due to fires and smoke, personnel retreated to the accommodation module to await further instructions and evacuation. The accommodation was not smoke resistant and most of the fatalities occurred from smoke inhalation in that location. A few personnel jumped into the sea and survived the fall and were rescued. Neighboring facilities continued to pump hydrocarbons towards the Piper Platform even after they were aware it was on fire as they did not have permission from shore management to stop the flow. Several important lessons were learned. The emergency management center should be protected against potential incidents and a backup control center should exist in a separate and distanced location to enable emergency management if the first center is lost. There should be temporary safe refuges for personnel to escape to prior to evacuation. These locations mu st be protected against fire and smoke and allow transit to evacuation points – usually the lifeboats. Further, emergency response should be delegated to operational personnel on adjacent facilities – a type of stop work authority, without the need for shore-based management approval. RBPS Application Emergency Management sets out a comprehensive approach to emergency management which ensures that all aspects of emergency preparedness are carefully assessed, and that emergency response is practiced so that everyone knows what needs to happen. 3.2.4 Pillar: Learn from Experience This pillar addresses how to learn from experience – from incidents and near misses, from leading and lagging metrics, and from audit reports. The aim from all of these is to identify deeper systemic causes and to implement corrective actions that solve the wider issue, not just the specific in stance. The final element of management review leads to continual improvement. This goes beyond prescriptive requirements. Good process safety should seek improvements by learning from experience, going beyond compliance which can degrade into a tick-the-box mentality. RBPS Element 17: Incident Investigation Incident investigation is the process of reporting, tracking, and investigating incidents and near misses to identify root cau ses so that corrective actions are taken, trends are identified, and learnings are co mmunicated to appropri ate stakeholders.
Appendix 217 Process Safety Culture Compliance with Standards Process Safety Competency Workforce Involvement Stakeholder Outreach Process Knowledge Management Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis Operating Procedures Safe Work Practices Asset Integrity and Reliability Contractor Management Training and Perform. Assurance Management of Change Operational Readiness Conduct of Operations Emergency Management Incident Investigation Measurement and Metrics Auditing Management Review and Contin. Improv. 5 3 % 4 7 % 12345 67 89 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 5% 3% 6% 1% 2% 9% 15% 10% 3% 12% 1% 3% 8% 2% 3% 8% 4% 1% 1% 2% Year 35 31 16 12 20 3 6 30 52 35 10 40 5 12 27 8 11 29 15 4 3 7 C5.6.1-1Dolphin Energy Ltd. (Behie 2008) 2009 1 1 1 1 C5.6.2-1Husky Superior Refinery (CSB 2018a)2018 1 111 1 C5.6.3.-1BP Texas City (CSB 2007)2005 1 1111 11 11111111 1111 (C5.6.3) (A.4-1)Bayer CropScience (CSB 2011a)2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (C5.6.3) (A.4-1)Steam Generation (Sanders 2015; p. 79)1991 1 1 1 1 1 1 (C5.6.3) (A.4-1)Ethylene Plant Start-up (Kletz 2009; pp. 408-411)Not Known 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (C5.6.3) (A.4-1)Start-up Afterwards (Kletz 2009; pp. 252)Not Known 1 1 C6.5-1Monsanto 1969 (Fogler 2011)1969 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Chapter 5 - Table 1.1 Modes 5, 6 Extended Shutdowns (Start-up) Not discussed in Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Recovery Pillar IV Learn from ExperienceIncident Elements Identi fied as "weak" (See Figure 10.3) No. of Identified RBPS Causes Risk Based Process Safety ElementTransient Operating Mode Pillar I Commit to Process Safety Pillar II Understand Haz. and Risks Pillar III Manage Risk Table A.2-2 Summary of the inci dents during the transient operating mode (Continued)
Appendix D – Reactive Chemicals Checklist This checklist is adapted from a CCPS Safety Alert; A Checklist for Inhere ntly Safer Chemical Reaction Process Design and Operation , March 1, 2004. For additional information on chemical reactivity tools, see section 5.8. D.1 Chemical Reaction Hazard Identification 1. Know the heat of reaction for the intended and other potential chemical reactions. Several techniques are available for measuring or estimating heat of reaction, including various calorimeters, plant heat and energy balances for processes already in operation, analogy with similar chemistry (confirmed by a chemist who is familiar with the chemistry), literature resources, supplier contacts, and thermodynamic estimation techniques. You should identify all potential reactions that could occur in the reaction mixture and understand the heat of reaction of these reactions. 2. Calculate the maximum adiabatic te mperature for the reaction mixture. Use the measured or estimated heat of reaction, assume no heat removal, and that 100% of the reactants actually react. Compare th is temperature to the boiling point of the reaction mixture. If the maximum adiabatic reaction temperature exceeds the reaction mixture boiling point, the reaction is capable of generating pressure in a closed vessel and you will have to evaluate safeguards to preven t uncontrolled reaction and consider the need for emergency pressure relief systems. 3. Determine the stability of all individual components of the reaction mixture at the maximum adiabatic reaction temperature. This might be done through literature search ing, supplier contacts, or experimentation. Note that this does not ensure the stability of the reaction mixture because it does not account for any reaction among components, or decomposition promoted by combinations of components. It will tell you if any of the individual components of the reaction mixture can decompose at temperatures which are theoretically attainable. If any components can decompose at the maximum adiabatic reaction temperature, you will have to understand the nature of this decomposition and evaluate the need for safeguards including emergency pressure relief systems. 4. Understand the stability of the reaction mixture at the maximum adiabatic reaction temperature. Are there any chemical reactions, other than the intended reaction, which can occur at the maximum adiabatic reaction temperature? Co nsider possible decomposition reactions, particularly those which generate gaseous products. These are a particular concern because a small mass of reacting condensed liquid can generate a very large volume of gas from the reaction products, resulting in ra pid pressure generation in a closed vessel. Again, if this is possible, you will have to understand how these reactions will impact the need for safeguards, including emergency pr essure relief systems. Understanding the stability of a mixture of components may require laboratory testing.
FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS 73 any vents that may interact with them, is key to maintaining the vapor space outside of the flammable range. This leaves the heat leg of the triangle which is addressed through ignition source control. Unfortunately, as Trevor Kletz, a founder of pr ocess safety, said, “Ign ition sources are free” meaning that ignition sources are prevalent. Potential ignition sources and means to control them are provided in Table 4.5. These ignition sources and control methods apply to flammable materials and combustible dusts. Additi onally, for dusts, control of the confinement and dispersion legs of the dust pentagon through diligent housekeeping is a prevention measure. Table 4.5. Ignition sources and control methods Ignition sources Control Method Electrical Electrical Area Cla ssification (refer to following text) Bonding and grounding Smoking Prohibition of use or allowance only in specified areas Overheated materials Maintain integrity of equipment including that handling/conveying solids Hot surfaces Elimination of surfaces above autoignition temperatures of materials being handled Burner flames Facility siting such that heaters are located apart from equipment handling flammable materials Sparks Control of hot work through a work permit system Spontaneous ignition Control of pyrophoric materials such as ferrous sulfide scale Cutting and welding Control of ho t work through a work permit system Static electricity Bonding and grounding Chemical Reaction Understand ing and control of chemical processes Lightning Provision of lightning protection Vehicles Control of vehicular access in areas handling flammable materials
28 approaches. First and second order inherently safer approaches are described in more detail below. In the strictest sense, or the First Order of Inherent Safety, one could argue that the definition of inherently safer applies only to the complete elimination of a hazard. Elimination or complete avoidance of the hazard is a priority of a First Order solution and certainly fits Trevor Kletz’s original dictum that “What you don’t have can’t leak.” Inherently safer strategies that absolutely eliminat e a hazard are an optimum solution, while hopefully not introducing another hazard of concern as a result, nor transferring the risk to another part of the value chain for the product or material of concern. Exa mples of first order IS measures would be shut down or removal of the process presenting the basic hazard(s) or substituting a hazardous material with one that is totally non-hazardous from a process safety viewpoint. Alternatively, inherently safer approaches can also address the hazard by making it less intense or by virtually eliminating it. These approaches can be labeled as Second Order of Inherent Safety. Such approaches are clearly in line with th e philosophy of inherent safety but may not be as powerful as a First Or der change. In the Second Order of inherent safety, the hazard is only reduced through the application of IS principles, e.g.,minimization or substitution. It could be that Second Order inherently safer design or operational options result in an acceptable reduction of hazard and, therefore, the risk is adequately addressed. Examples of second order IS measures would be substituting a hazardous material with one that is still hazardous from a process safety viewpoint but less hazardous (e.g ., less volatile, or less toxic), or reducing the inventory of a hazardous material but not completely eliminating its use. This is what is meant by “virtually” eliminated. In the broadest sense, the overall hazard is not completely eliminated or reduced by way of Second Order inherently safer strategies but instead, sublevel hazards are minimized and the likelihood of the event occurring is reduced by adding layers of protection. The strength and reliability of a layer of protection can vary, with some layers designed to be more “robust” than others. For exampl e, “independent” protection layers provide more strength and reliability than protection layers that are not independent of each other. This could mean it is more
8 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION Figure 1.3. Number of fatal work in juries, by industry sector, 2019 (BLS 2019)
186 Human Factors Handbook Table 16-3: Task planning tact ics for different task errors Error condition Task planning error management tactic Unclear, incomplete, or ambiguous procedures Comprehensive and clear instructions. See Chapters 5 to 7. Lack of agreement on best way to perform a task Team review to secure consensus Inadequate competence Assignment of more experienced people. Unfamiliar task Comprehensive and clear instructions, task briefing, and condition verification. Realistic schedule and task checking. Task interruptions or distractions Task design (shielding people from distractions, e.g., temporary restriction of acce ss to a work area) and job aids (see 0). Determine the level of use of procedures for a task, such for 1) reference, 2) continuous use in hand or 3) monitored. Stipulate “Procedure place keeping” such as checking off key steps or Hold points to check task completion. Long or complex task Task and team design. Checklists and/or other job aids, Hold or Stop Points, and checkpoints. See Chapters 5 to 7. Independent task checking. See Chapter 20. Task focus Dynamic and situation aw areness aids, decision reviews. See Chapter 20 Over commitment of team to complete tasks despite unforeseen problems Dynamic and situation aw areness aids, decision reviews. See Chapter 20 Time pressures Realistic schedule and task checking. See 17.3 and Chapter 16. Many team members or multiple teams – leading to miscommunication and role confusion Formal communications an d logs. See Chapter 19 Clear roles and responsibilities. Unclear, unreliable, or incomplete process information List all the information needs and verify their availability. Poor physical environment e.g., issues with lighting, temperature, workspace, humidity, noise Provide conducive environment e.g., ensure appropriate task lighting, PPE, and sound barriers. Specify special means of communicating in a noisy environment, such as hand signals or written communication. Allow additional time for task completion. Equipment not fit for purpose, such as hand tools Source appropriate equipment.
242 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION The condensate level rose in the absorber to a point where it mixed with the exiting rich stripping oil stream. Condensate mixed with rich oil flashed over the rich oil level control valve resulting in a much-reduced temperature in the downstream Rich Oil Flash Tank. This caused temperatures to drop across the plant as rich oil flowed through the recovery process where hydrocarbons were stripped from the rich oil befo re returning it to the absorbers as lean oil. Eventually, the lean oil pumps tripped out, caus ing major thermal excursions on a plant with a high degree of process and thermal integration. Loss of lean oil was a critical event but was not communicated to the supervisor until he re turned from the morning production meeting one hour after the pumps had tripped. Temperatures in parts of the plant fell to - 48°C (-54°F). At 08:30 AM, a condensate leak occurred on heat exchanger GP922. The absence of lean oil flow meant that the condensate flowing through the rich oil system was not warm ed as it entered the recovery section. The reason for the leak was probably due to a strong thermal gradient created while attempts were being made to re-establish the process. Other parts of the process showed signs of intense cold with ice forming on uninsulated pa rts of heat exchangers and pipework. At 10:50 AM, the leak from GP922 was getting worse, and the Supervisor decided to shut down Gas Plant No: 1. By 12:15 PM, two mainte nance technicians had completed retightening of the bolts on GP922 without making any apprec iable difference to the leak. It was decided that the only way to stop the leak was to slow ly warm GP922 by starting a flow of warm lean oil through it. However, initial attempts to re start the lean oil pumps were unsuccessful. Ten minutes later, after operating a hand switch to minimize flow through another heat exchanger, GP905, that heat exchanger ruptured, releasing a cloud of gas and oil. It is estimated that the cloud traveled 170 m (558 ft) before reaching fired heaters where ignition occurred. After flashing back to the po int of release flames impinged on piping, which started to fail within minutes. A large fireball was created when a major pressure vessel failed one hour after the fire had started. It took more than two days to isolate all hydrocarbon streams and finally extinguish the fire (CCPS 2008 a). The investigation concluded that the immediate cause of the incident was loss of lean oil flow leading to a major reduction in temperatur e of GP905, resulting in embrittlement of the steel shell. This was followed by introduction of hot lean oil in an attempt to stop the hydrocarbon leak in GP922 which led to excess thermal stress in the end plate which failed catastrophically due to embrittlement. Throug hout the whole sequence of events, operators and supervisors had not understood the conseque nces of their actions to re-establish the plant. Esso and the Government were desperate no t to shut down the plant, as it supplied all the gas to the State of Victoria. They found thei r drawings were out of date and they needed to walk the lines to discover what to isolate. In the end they had to shut down the plant and that left the state without gas for between nine and nineteen days, causing major industrial disruption and job losses. Lessons Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis. Gas plant #1 had not been subject to a hazard identification study as had been done for the other two gas plants at the site. A Hazard and Operability study, HAZOP, had been planned in 1995, but never carried out. Flow and temperature deviations, like those that occurred at Longford Plant No. 1, are typically
98 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS Human factors are considered a major part of alarm management and design of the HMI. Example Incident 4.4 comprises an event where the operators (pilots) were unable to evaluate what has happening under conditions of high stress (French BEA Final Report). Example Incident 4.4 – Air Fr ance AF 447 Crash, June 2009 On June 1, 2009, Air France flight AF 447 (Airbus A330-203) flying from Rio De Janeiro to Paris crashed into the Atlantic Ocean appr oximately 3 hours and 45 minutes after takeoff. The accident resulted in the fatality of 228 passengers and crew members. Th e French Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA) investigated the accident and released the final report three years after the fatal crash. The report identified the blockage of pitot tubes responsible for speed measurement as the first of a series of events that led to the accident. On an aircraft, three sets of pitot tu bes are used to determine key flight parameters including speed and altitude. Blockage of the pitot tubes caused inconsistencies in aircraft speed measurement that resulted in disengagement of the autopilot leading the airplane to a stall position. The crew failed to recover from the stall position. According to the investigation report, “The blockage of Pitot probes by ice crystals in cruise was a phenomenon that was known but misunderstood by the aviation community at the time of the accident. After initial reactions that depend upon basic airmanship, it was expected that it would be rapidly diagnosed by pilots and managed where necessary by precautionary measures on the pitch attitude and the thrust, as indicated in the associated procedure. The crew, progressively becoming de- structured, likely never understood that it was faced with a “simple” loss of three sources of airspeed information.”
Chapter No.: 1 Title Name: Toghraei c13.indd Comp. by: ISAKIAMMAL Date: 25 Feb 2019 Time: 12:28:12 PM Stage: Proof WorkFlow: <WORKFLOW> Page Number: 241 241 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Development, First Edition. Moe Toghraei. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Companion website: www.wiley.com/go/Toghraei_PID 13.1 What Is Process Control? To explain a control system, we can take an example from everyday life. A father asks his daughter to avoid the edge of a cliff while they are hiking. This first step is a “regulatory” measure. A while later, the father sees his daughter playing at the edge of the cliff; this raises an alarm and the father tells her more harshly to be careful and step back. If the daughter continues to play by the edge, then the father may decide to take control of the situation; he may take her by the hand so that they can both leave the park. These three steps relate closely to a typical control system. Similar to the above analogy, the first step in a process control system is “regulation. ” Regulatory control is exercised to ensure that the process runs smoothly and according to specifications. The more technical term for this is a “basic process control system” (BPCS). If the process runs out of control or off‐spec, then an alarm is raised. This is the second step in the control system, which alerts the operator of the need to imple-ment stronger action to correct the situation. If the out‐of‐control condition persists, then the control system moves to the third step, which may involve drastic action. In plant process control, this is called a safety instrumented system (SIS). So when we talk about a process control system, we generally refer to three elements: BPCS + alarm + SIS. Collectively, these are called an integrated control and safety system (ICSS). We need to be specific when refer - ring to any particular system because the general term “process control system” may mean a BPCS to some peo-ple and an ICSS to others. Manipulating a plant is not limited to ICSS. ICSS is basically “automatic control, ” but we still need operators’ presence in plants. What operators do is basically “manual control. ” They should be in the field and in the control room to monitor parameters to take actions when they see an emergency case.Over the life of a plant, there will be what we can think of as “sunny days” and “rainy days. ” On sunny days, the process runs smoothly, there is no threat to the system, and everyone is happy. On sunny days a plant is run by a BPCS system. Rainy days are when there is one or more upsets in the plant. On rainy days, a plant is run by SIS actions. SIS actions cannot be manual, but operator intervention is provided for manual interference in automatic SIS actions (Table 13.1). 13.2 Components of Process Control A gainst Violating Parameters As was mentioned in Chapter 5 there are four steering/protecting components for each specific process param-eter in equipment, units, and plant. These steering/protecting components are: ●BPCS. The main function of the Basic Process Control System is to ensure that the plant runs smoothly and within specifications. This is achieved by using control loops to “measure” certain process parameters, “com-pare” them to specified set points (SPs) and then “adjust” the process accordingly. ●An alarm is incorporated into the system to prompt the operator to take action when the process runs out of control. Some people may ask why you should bother to install an alarm when there is a backup system, called an interlock, to deal with this situation. If they are properly trained, the operator will be able to make the wisest decision to override the control system and take corrective action. This will prevent the loss of production that would occur if drastic action were activated via the interlock system. ●SIS. If a process parameter goes out of control, an alarm is activated, which allows the plant operator to override the system to bring the process back under control. If he is unable to achieve this, the next layer of control comes into play. This is the safety instrumented system, whose main aim is to protect equipment. 13 Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Control
30 INVESTIGATING PROCESS SAFETY INCIDENTS The disadvantage of unstructured gr oup brainstormin g is that the discussion may be dominated by individuals who are not shy about stating an opinion and who may or may not be experts on the subject. Each person may also enter the discussion with a bi as that can lead the thinking toward incorrect conclusions. The results of group brainstorming are very dependent on the collective experiences of the group, which may be incomplete if the group is lacking in critical knowledge or a competency skill set. Two different groups may reach two different conclusion s as to the cause of an incident. Additionally , unstructured approaches are frequently inadequate for investigatin g process safety incidents because they produce incomplete and inconsistent results, and often do not determine all the root causes. While brainstorming has weaknesses as an investigation tool by itself, it has an important role in more structured investigation methodologies. Brainstorming is useful to encourage all investigation team members to express their ideas and op inions, particularly follo wing the guideline to brainstorming that no idea is disallowed. This can be a productive exercise to develop hypotheses based on evid ence and observations, which is an inductive reasoning approach. It rema ins to determine whether hypotheses are true or false through va rious analysis techniques. 3.1.3 W hat If Analysis A slightly more structured brainstorm ing tool uses What-If Analysis (CCPS, 1992), which involves the team asking “What if?” questions that usually concern equipment failures, human errors, or external occurrences. Some examples are: W hat if the procedure was wrong? W hat if the steps were performed out of order? The questions can be generic in nature or highly specific to the process or activity where the incident occurred. Sometimes these questions are prepared in advance by on e or two individuals, which may also potentially bias the discussion. 3.1.4 5-W hys The 5-Whys tool is another brainstorm ing tool used to add some structure to group brainstorming. The tool utilizes a logic tree approach without actually drawing the logic tree di agram. The group questions why unplanned, unintended, or adverse occurrenc es occurred or conditions existed. Typically, the grou p asks “why?” about five times in order to reach root causes; hence the name. Judgment and experi ence are required to use the 5-Whys tool effectively to reach management system failures. The level
US EPA urges chemical industry, universities to embrace “benign by design” production (August 27, 1993). Chemical Regulation Reporter , 989-990. Finzel, W.A. (1991). Use low-VOC coatings. Chemical Engineering Progress , 87 (11), 50-53. Flam, F. (9 September, 1994). US EPA campaigns for safer chemicals. Science, 265, 1519. Flam, F. (14 October, 1994). Laser chemistry: The light choice. Science, 266, 215-217. Forsberg, C.W., Moses, D.L., Lewis, E.B., Gibson, R., Pearson, R., Reich, W.J., et al. (1989). Proposed and Existing Passive and Inherent Safety-Related Structures, Systems, and Components (Building Blocks) for Advanced Light Water Reactors. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Forsberg, C.W. (1990). Passive and inherent safety technologies for light-water nuclear reactors. Pres ented at the America Institute of Chemical Engineers 1990 Summer Na tional Meeting, August 19-22, 1990, San Diego, CA, Session 43. French, R. W., Williams, D.D. and Wixom, E.D. (1995). Inherent safety, health and environmental (SHE ) reviews. In E. D. Wixom and R. P. Benedetti (Eds.). Proceedings of the 29th Annual Loss Prevention Symposium , July 31-August 2, 1995, Boston, MA (Paper 1c). New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Friedlander, S.K. (1989). The implications of environmental issues for engineering R&D and education. Chemical Engineering Progress , 85 (11), 22-28. Gerritsen, H.G., and Van't Land, C.M. (1988). Intrinsic continuous process safeguarding. IChemE Symposium Series No. 110, 107-115. Gibbs, W.W. (November, 1994). Ounce of prevention. Scientific American, 103-105. 477
113 Runaway reactions in batch reactors can sometimes be avoided by using separate reactor vessels for di fferent stages of the process. In Figure 6.3, four reactants are added to a reactor to make a product. If materials C or D are added to the first stage (when A and B are added), or A or B are added to the second stage (when C and D are added), then a runaway reaction may occur. This situation can be rendered moot by adding materials A and B in one re actor, then piping the resulting materials to a separate reactor ve ssel where materials C and D are added. A runaway reaction is not possi ble in the two-reactor design (Ref 6.9 Kletz 1998). 6.5 SIMPLIFYING HEAT TRANSFER Where possible, cooling systems should be designed so that they can provide adequate heat removal via natural convective cooling. This requires a thorough understanding of the hydraulic conditions created by elevation and temperature differences, and what types of mass and heat transfer mechanisms are established by these differences. Naval and commercial reactors utilize elev ation and temperature differences to drive emergency cooling systems, which will keep a shutdown reactor from overheating due to decay heat. The same principles can also be applied in chemical/process system designs. For example, cooling fins can be added to vessels, and “fin-fan ” type air coolers can be used which use natural air currents versus forced-fan draft for airflow.
8 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS Figure 1-2. Scope of Process Safety in Upstream Oil and Gas formalized for process safety than offshore. Large scale onshore upstream operations are covered by PSM and RMP, but smaller developments are not covered by these federal process safety regulatio ns (CSB, 2018) nor are drilling activities of any size. The regulatory focus for smaller on shore operations is occupational safety and environment with state and local regula tions predominating. Process safety is driven by following relevant API standards. Upstream onshore operations have a larger number of process safety incidents than offshore (as is shown in Section 1.6.3) but these usually have fewer impacts to people, and this may be a factor in the degree of regulation. 1.6.1 Analysis of US Offshore Safety Data Halim et al (2018) analyzed Bureau of Safety and Envir onmental Enforcement (BSEE) incident reports. Offshore operator s within the US Outer Continental Shelf are required to report specific incidents to BSEE. Over the period 1995-2017, a total of 1,617 incidents were investigated. Th e authors further analyzed 137 fire and explosion incidents over the period 2004-2016 where there was sufficient detail to establish causation. They identified nine of the most common causes, of which equipment failure and human error dominate. COS (Center for Offshore Safety) also pr ovides incident data reported by its membership. Smolen (2019) summarizing this data shows while process safety performance has improved over several years in some categories, it may be plateauing. COS also collect s Tier 1 and Tier 2 process safety incident data. 1.6.2 International Incident Data from IOGP Incident trend data is available from IOGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers) covering both onshore and offshore incidents. IOGP is a consortium of companies which operates in 80 countries and collectively produces about 40% of
Table 26-3 continued Investigatory tools Description of tool Barrier Analysis [31] One example of Barrier Analysis mode ls is a Bow Tie Diagram. The diagra m gives an overview of multiple scenarios in one picture. The Bow Tie te chnique consist of the following steps: 1. Identify the hazard. 2. Define the top event – the exact moment at which control was lost. 3. Define the threats – the factors that caused the top event. 4. Define the consequences – the outcomes of the top event. 5. Identify the barriers. Bow Tie analysis is also applied to human error. (reproduced from [31])
Containers 165 top portion of the tank volume. The rest of the tank volume is dedicated to fire water. The third type of merge is a container with internal compartments. One good example of this type of merge is in hot lime softener (HLS) in water treatment areas. HLS is an expensive piece of equipment that, in addition to other features, should be installed on legs as it has a sloped floor. This makes the installation of HLSs expensive. This has made companies think of using HLS internal space for other uses. For example a compartment could be fabri-cated inside of HLS and be used as a “backwash water tank” for filters downstream of the HLS (Figure 9.36). 9.20 Secondary Containment Secondary containment is a physical enclosure around voluminous items to prevent wild liquid escape during an uncontrolled (i.e. accidental) release. The requirements for secondary containment could be technical and/or legal. A regulatory body in a specific jurisdiction may ask for secondary containment to be provided for all tanks and/or vessels and/or pipes in a plant. Secondary containment is used as a safety measure just in case there is a sudden rupture in the body of a large tank to prevent the release of a huge amount of liquid to the plant and the neighborhood. Some may think that secondary containment is only necessary when a tank or tanks contain “non‐innocent” (non‐harmful) liquids. It was the case in the old days that secondary containment was only used for non‐innocent liquids. However, these days secondary containment is applica-ble for all type of liquid content, even potable water. However, the local codes define whether you need to put secondary containment on a tank or not.The other issue is if secondary containment is not only for tanks. Even though it is very common to see second-ary containment for tanks, secondary containment could be done for tanks, vessels, or even pipes. In some process plants where they produce lethal material they may have secondary containment on their tanks and vessels, and even on the pipes. You may have seen secondary containment in process plants around tanks or a group of tanks. They are gener-ally in the form of dykes or berms. There are two main methods to provide secondary containment for voluminous elements: 1) Prov iding a berm or dike around the element 2) Using a double w all element. In both the above methods we have primary and se condary containment. The wall of the container or pipe is named the primary containment and the second barrier that we put around the container or pipe for safety purposes is the secondary containment. These two methods are shown in Table 9.12.There is one critical characteristic for secondary containment that, if it fails, the physical containment cannot be qualified as secondary containment, which is the space between the primary and secondary con-tainments. The important point is that there should be a space between the primary and secondary con-tainments in a form that the space can be monitored against the leakage. For example, for very common dykes around tanks the space between the dyke and the tank body is visible to the field operator. The field or rounding operator can always check if there is a leakage from the tank to the dyke area and warn the operating personnel before a large rupture and large release of liquid. DWCD WC CBC DBC HLSDWC: Deaerated wa ter compartment DBC: Dirty back wash wa ter compartment CBC: Clean back wash wa ter compartmen t Hot lime softenerFigure 9.36 Mer ging tanks into a compartmented tank: HLS example.
KEY RELEVANCE TO PROCESS PLANT OPERATIONS 33 experienced. Some of these situatio ns may have been anticipated, and procedures or automated systems are in place to deal with them; others may not be anticipated, and plant pe rsonnel will have to troubleshoot and resolve the issues using their skills, knowledge, and experience. Many of these abnormal process si tuations occur during startups, unanticipated interruptions, or when conducting non-standard operating tasks. The design of many process pl ants incorporates complex and sophisticated process control system s to keep the plant running in optimum condition and to protect the safety of the plant and personnel. In addition, the plants should al so follow Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practi ces (RAGAGEP). Nevertheless, the plants can be subject to periodic fa ilures or upset situations that are sometimes not easily recognized or controlled. These abnormal situations may not be immediat ely obvious and are sometimes undetected or overlooked; but if a situation should develop into an unwanted event, the consequences co uld be significant. Therefore, recognizing and managing these situations is vital to maintaining a stable and safe process. Situation Awareness, which is some times referred to as Situational Awar eness (SA), is an ar ea of human factor s that is highly relevant to abnormal situations. The topic enco mpasses how humans interact with complex systems, including percepti on of a situation, understanding what is going on and predicting how the status will change in the near future. One definition for SA can be found in Stanton (Stanton et al 2001) and is as follows: “Situational awareness is the cons cious dynamic reflection on the situation by an individual. It provides dynamic orientation to the situation, the opportunity to reflect not only the past, present and future, but the potential features of the situation. The dynamic reflection contains logical-conceptual, imaginative, conscious and unconscious components which enables individuals to develop mental models of external events.” (Bedny & Meister, 1999)
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Development 256 Measuring process parameters is uniquely done by “process analyzers, ” or “ AEs. ” They are too complicated to be built in the form of AG or gauge. However there are some gauges than can be connected to indicators too. Table 13.14 shows a list of sensors.Some companies use acronym for gauges instead of elements interchangeably. The portable gauges need specific locations on the plant to be able to “cling” on to them to measure the parameters. These “sensor locations” should be tagged on the P&IDs. A list of them is given in Table 13.15. It can be seen from the table that gauge points are generally limited to pressure points and temperature points, or thermowells. Some companies, instead of the acronym “PP” , use “PT” , which means “pressure tap. ” Now we are going to give a brief review of primary elements or sensors. It is important to stress that this is only a “summary” for the purpose of P&ID development. There is a huge amount of knowledge regarding sensors and the selection of them for different applications is beyond the scope of this book. In this section we talk about each of five sensors, tem- perature sensors, pressure sensors, level sensors, flow meters, and process analyzers. For each of them we briefly talk about each group and the common types of sensors. Then the different methods of connecting sen-sors to process items are shown. These methods are known as “hook up” arrangements. The hook up arrange-ments are not always shown on P&IDs, but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Some companies prefer to not showing them just to avoid crowdedness on P&IDs. The P&ID symbol for each of the sensors is introduced here too. However, sometimes, especially in the early stages of P&ID development, the exact type of a sensor is not yet decided. In such cases just the tag of the sensor may be used as its symbol. Obviously this should be replaced later with the exact symbol of the selected sensor. Temper ature Measurement Temperature measurement can be done everywhere on flow of gas, liquid, or flowable solids. It also can be done for parts of equipment. One exam- ple is “skin temperature, ” which is the temperature of the coil wall inside fired heaters. The other example is measuring the temperature of winding in high power electric motors. A unique feature of temperature measurement is that they are types of sensors that work remotely. For exam-ple the temperature a flue gas stream can be measured remotely. Temperature sensors generally don’t have any specific symbol on P&IDs. Table 13.16 is a non‐exhaustive list of common tem- perature sensors. Table 13.14 Sensors . Parameter T P L F A Tag TE PE LE FE AE Table 13.15 Gauge poin ts. Parameter T P L F A Tag TW PP Not generally needed Not generally needed Not available Table 13.16 Temper ature sensors. Type Unique advantage Unique disadvantage Application Thermocouple Default choice for wide temperature rangeSensitive to noise Specially in burner management system (refer to Chapter 16) Resistance temperature detectors(RTD)Very accurate Needs power source Process pipeline temperature measurement Thermistor High accuracy ●The narrow range ●The most inexpensive temperature sensorMore in laboratory but not in industrial process control. Infrared Non‐contact type Needs line of sight Common for remote temperature sensing in combustion systems
FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS 79 BP Isomerization Unit Explosion, Texas City, Texas, U.S., 2005 Buncefield Storage Tank Overfl ow and Explosion, U.K., 2005 Olive Oil Storage Tank Explosion, Italy, 2006 BLSR Deflagration and Fire, Texas, U.S., 2007 Valero-McKee LPG Refinery Fire, Texas, U.S., 2007 Imperial Sugar Dust Explosion, Georgia, U.S., 2008 University of California at Los Angeles La boratory Explosion, California, U.S., 2008 Varanus Island Pipeline, Australia, 2008 CITGO Refinery Fire, Texas, U.S., 2009 ConAgra Foods, North Carolina, U.S., 2009 NDK Crystal Vessel Rupture, Illinois, U.S., 2009 Petroleum Oil Lubricants Explosion, Jaipur India, 2009 Big Branch Mine Explosion, West Virginia, U.S., 2010 Kleen Energy Explosion, Connecticut, U.S., 2010 Pike River Coal Mine Explosion, South Island, New Zealand, 2010 Texas Tech University Laboratory Explosion, Texas, U.S., 2010 Hoeganaes Dust Fires, Tennessee, U.S., 2011 Shell Refinery Fire, Singapore, 2011 Chevron Richmond Refinery Fire, California, U.S., 2012 West Fertilizer Company Explosion, Texas, U.S., 2013 Williams Olefins Heat Exchanger Rupture, Louisiana, U.S., 2013 University of Hawaii Laboratory Explosion, Hawaii, U.S., 2016 Port of Beirut Ammonium Nitr ate Explosion, Lebanon, 2020 Exercises List 3 RBPS elements evident in the Imperial Sugar Dust explosion incident summarized at the beginning of this chapter. Describe th eir shortcomings as related to this accident. Considering the Imperial Sugar Dust explosio n incident, what actions could have been taken to reduce the risk of this incident? Search for a Safety Data Sheet from a supplie r of t-Butyl Amine. What is the Flash Point (FP), Upper and Lower Flammable Limits (UFL and LFL), and the Autoignition Temperature (AIT)? What is your reference? Find the same flammability properties from a different source. What is the Flash Point, Upper and Lower Flammable Limits, and the Au toignition Temperature? Does this agree with the SDS you referenced? What are the upper and lower flammability limit s for diesel fuel, gasoline, and propane? What are their flash points? What type of fire is possible from an atmospheric pressure storage tank storing a flammable liquid? And from an industrial process unit handing flammable materials under high temperature and pressure? What is the difference between a deflagration and a detonation?
26. Learning from error and human performance 339 of the accident, and recommendations had been made on the application of better cementing practices [108]. For example, just one year earlier the Montara Oil Spill (2009) accident had occurred. The inquiry re port for this accident [109] noted that a direct cause of the accident was the defective installation of a cemented shoe casing, intended to operate as a primary barrier against blowout. The root causes of the accident noted in the investigation report [110] were cited as “organizational and safety management failures”, including: • Lack of an adequate risk assessmen t/hazard procedure, and inadequate details within the procedure. • Inefficient recognition or timely responses to early warning signals. • Poor communication. • Lack of leadership, and an absence of a culture of leadership responsibility. • Lack of learning from the lessons of previous incidents and recent near misses. • Lack of appropriate emergency training to personnel. Among other recommendations, the report focused on learning, and highlighted the following “learning” recommendation: 26.3.3 A Human Factors perspective From a Human Factors perspective (and learning focus) it was evident that reporting systems were weak, which impa ired lesson learning. Lessons learned from a similar near miss (caused by a negative pressure test failure) which occurred on December 23rd, 2009, in the North Sea [111], were not shared across the wider organization soon enough. The United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive was satisfied with the corrective actions implemented by Shell and Transocean following the North Sea incident. The Executive also noted that the shortcomings that had led to the accidents had been addressed [112]. This suggests that the 2009 near miss lessons may have been shared and applied in the North Sea. The fact that the 2010 Deepwater accident occurred suggests that this learning had not yet been shared with the Gulf of Mexico site. Lessons learned in the aftermath of the 2009 near miss and the subsequent 2010 accident, suggest that it is vital that systems to investigate accidents are appropriately designed. Such investigation systems must be able to identify The need for increased transparency, reporting of incidents and near misses for the purposes of learning lessons.
HUM AN FACTORS 269 important that the investigators rely on facts based on evidence in developing the incident scenario. Example: “On arriving at the site of a major incident, an investigator was informed by a local manager that data from the control room were useless as the instrument air to the pneumatic instruments had failed during the ensuing fire. Ignoring this advice, the investigator studied the data and was able to exactly determine all process parameters at the time of the incident, which ultimately confirmed a different scenario from that being supported by local management.” (Broadribb, 2012) 11.2.2 H uman Factors during the Causal Analysis “Failure to follow established procedure” is a common premature stopping point for incident investigation related to human factors. In many cases, the investigation team identifies the fact that a person failed to follow established procedures, then does no t attempt to investigate further and determine the underlying reason for th e behavior. In most cases there is an underlying correctable root cause th at should be iden tified and fixed. The failure to follow established procedure behavior on the part of the employee is not a root cause, but instead is a symptom of an underlying root cause and warrants fu rther root cause analysis. For example, if an employee failed to fo llow an established correct procedure, the root cause may involve training. However, if the employee failed to follow an established incorrect procedure, this would be a symptom of a root cause involving the development of procedures. Chapter 10 addresses root cause analysis in detail. The investigation team has an obligation to try to find the underlying cause for the failure to follow established procedure behavior. Typical symptoms and corresponding underlying system defects that can result in an employee failing to follow procedure include: • Out-of-date written procedure that no longer reflects current practices or current configurat ion of the physical system, due to defects in the process safety information, or operating procedures management systems • Employee perceives that his or he r way is better (safer or more effective), due to deficiencies in the system for establishing and
278 | Appendix D High Reliability Organizations time” and where substandard perform ance is not tolerated. Compressed time factors whereby major activities may need to take place in seconds. While the nature of these operations differs from chemicals, oil, and gas, several applicable lessons-learned about culture can be gleaned. In the above-referenced literature study, the UK HSE organized the characteristics and the lessons-learned in a figure. Figure D.1 has been modified from the original to fit in this book. Figure D.1 High Reliability Organization Map (After Ref D.2) HROs exhibit common characteristics that enhance their ability to deal with errors, including: Containm ent of Unexpected Events Deference to expertise Redundancy Oscillation between hierarchical and flat/decentralized structures Training and com petence Procedures for unexpected events Problem anticipation Preoccupation with failure Reluctance to simplify Sensitivity to operations H RO s Definition Tight coupling Catastrophic consequencesInteractive complexity Learning Orientation Continuous technical training Open com munication Root Cause Analysis of accidents/incidents Procedures reviewed in line with knowledge base M indful Leadership B ottom-up comm unication of bad news Proactive audits M anagement by exception Safety-production balance Engagement with front- line staff Just culture Encouragement to report without fear of blam e Individual accountability Ability to abandon work on safety grounds Open discussion of errors• • • • • •
124 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS Figure 6-4. Example fault tree logic (from NASA, 2002) Another form of HIRA analysis is Event Tree Analysis, also described in Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis (CCPS, 1999). Fault trees build to the top event. The event tree takes this event through the many possible outcomes depending on whether safety barriers are effective. An example of the many possible outcomes is shown in Figure 5-2. 6.3.4 Asset Integrity and Reliability Topics related to safety systems are addr essed in a number of RBPS elements. It is convenient to address them under Asset Integrity and Reliability given the importance of safety system reliability. Safety Critical Systems and Equipment The term ‘Safety Critical Elements’ is used in the UK to describe those controls put in place to prevent or mitigat e significant process safety events. These may be full barriers or individual barrier elements (see Section 2.7). These must be identified
326 Human Factors Handbook Figure 25-2: Gathering and reviewing feedback 25.4.3 Operational debriefs Operational debriefs provide rich inform ation on what was done well versus what could have been done better. Operational de briefs can look at the execution of the tasks and at the non-technical skills exhibited during tasks. Operational debriefs can take place after doing a process start-up, and after process upset or abnormal events, for example. They should reflect on: • Individual and shared situation awareness. • Effectiveness teamwork and task sharing. • Effectiveness and efficiency of decision-making under pressure, including decision-making under time pressure and under stress conditions. Collect feedback Action Review feedback Improvement Positive feedback Negative feedback Monitor effectiveness of action
Overview of the PHA Revalidation Process 17 focused on the scope of the individual changes and do not revalidate the PHA as a whole. Thus, the PHA revalidation cycle is unchanged. The advantages of this practice are (1) preparation for th e formal PHA revalidation can be vastly simplified and (2) it is more likely that teams reviewing changes might spot a concern related to another change because the cumulative history is documented in the PHA. Continuously revi sing a working copy of the most recent PHA can also shorten the PHA revalid ation team meetings because the evergreen PHA should accurately document the risks associated with the current process. A common PHA revalidation cycle is five ye ars. This interval is specified in the United States standards/regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmen tal Protection Agency (EPA), and is the typical frequency recommended by in dustry associations and a frequency that has been used historically by ma ny companies. Facilities not covered by government regulations may establish their own, appropriate revalidation frequencies. For example, some companies choose to perform PHAs on all processes, but they extend the revalidatio n cycle of voluntary PHAs to seven or ten years for lower hazard or non- regulatory covered processes. Additional guidance on establishing th e PHA revalidation schedule to meet the revalidation cycle requirements is provided in Section 6.1.3. Any facility may schedule its PHA re validations more frequently than applicable regulations demand, either ro utinely or under special circumstances. Companies may choose to shorten revalidat ion cycles for reasons that include: When Should the PHA Revalidation Meetings Start? What determines the required date for beginning the PHA revalidation meetings if the revalidation cycle is set at five years? Is it five years from (1) the prior PHA first meeting date, (2) th e prior PHA last meeting date, (3) the date the prior PHA report was issued , (4) the date management approved the final PHA documentation, or (5) so me other date? PHA meetings can span weeks or months, and the final PHA repo rt can be issued several weeks (if not months) later. The meetings must be started far enough ahead of the required completion date to allow a high-quality product to be produced in compliance with all requirements.
Costa, R., Recasens, F. and Velo , E. (1995). Inherent thermal safety of stirred-tank batch reactors: A prognosis tool based on pattern recognition of hazardous states. In G. A. Melhem and H.G. Fisher (Eds.). International Symposium on Runaway Reactions and Pressure Relief Design , August 2-4, 1995, Boston, MA (pp. 690-709). New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Cottam, A. N. (1991). Risk assessment and control in biotechnology. In IChemE Symposium Series, No. 124, 341-w348. Crabtree, E.W., and El-Halwagi, M.M. (1994). Synthesis of environmentally acceptable reaction s. In M. El-Halwagi, and D.P. Petrides (Eds.).. Pollution Prevention Via Process and Product Modifications (pp. 117-127). AIChE Symposium Series, 303. New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Cusumano, J A. (August, 1992). New technology and the environment. Chemtech, 482-89. Dartt, C.B., and Davis, M.E. (19 94). Catalysis for environmentally benign processing. Ind. Eng.Chem. Res. 33, 2887-299. Davis, G.A., Kincaid, L., Menke, D., Griffith, B., Jones, S., Brown, K., and Goergen, M. (1994). The Product Side of Pollution Prevention: Evaluating the Potential for Safe Substitutes . Cincinnati, Ohio: Risk Reduction Engineering Laborato ry, Office of Research and Development, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. The design of inherently safer plants (1988). Chemical Engineering Progress , 84 (9), 21. DeSimone, J.M., Maury, E.E., Guan , Z., Combes, J.R., Menceloglu, Y.Z., Clark, M.R., et al. (1994). Homogeneous and heterogeneous polymerizations in environmentally-r esponsible carbon dioxide. In Preprints of Papers Presented at the 208th ACS National Meeting , August 21-25, 1994, Washington, DC (pp. 212-214). Center for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI: Division of Environmental Chemistry, Am erican Chemical Society. DeVito, S. C. (November, 1996). Designing safer chemicals: Toxicological considerations. Chemtech, 34-47. 474
356 An ISS analysis that is incorporat ed into the existing PHA review process. This would require that the PHA for each process be re- done in its entirety to include an initial ISS analysis. Revalidated PHAs that examine only portio ns of the process may not be sufficient to satisfy the initial IS S review if the whole process is not evaluated. Checklists or guid eword analysis contained in the guidance document that incorporates ISS can be used to accomplish this analysis. Whichever type of ISS analysis is implemented by the facility the CCHS guidance specifies that th e analysis be conducted and documented in the following manner: The facility will document the qualifications of the team facilitator/leader and team makeup , including positions, names, and any relevant experience or training. The facility will document the ISSs considered as well as those implemented. If the facility chooses to do an independent ISS analysis, the facility should document the meth od used for the analysis, what ISS were considered, and the result s of each consideration. If the checklist for ISS was used, for it ems that were not considered, document why those items were not considered, i.e., not applicable or were already consider ed in previous consideration. The facility will document for the ISS considered and not implemented, the grounds that were used to make the feasibility determination. See CCHS’s defi nition of feasibility below. The documentation for incorporatin g the guidewords for ISS into a HAZOP should be consistent with the documentation used during any HAZOP Study. For any other ISS analysis, the fa cility should document the ISS considered, the ISS implemented, and the ISS not implemented. The ISS analyses should be revalid ated at least once every five years. The revalidation should incorporate improvements made in method since the last review was conducted or select a new method to perform the ISS analys es; ISS review(s) for all changes that have been made since the last ISS analysis; review of all major chemical accidents or releas es or potential major chemical
Table C-1 continued HF Competency Performance/ Knowledge Criteria Level 1 - Operator Level 2 - Supervisor* Level 3 - Manager** Non-technical skills Decision Making (continued) Understands the factors which impair effective decision-making Can identify factors which affect effective decision- making (such as tunnel vision, confirmatory bias, group think etc.) Can recognize when decision-making (cognitive processes) are impaired and decision- making bias are present Is able to assess the effectiveness of a decision- making process Is able to make effective decisions and avoid decision- making bias Can describe techniques/strategies to avoid decision-making bias Can apply techniques to prevent decision-making bias Is able to apply techniques to prevent/mitigate decision- making bias
298 INVESTIGATING PROCESS SAFETY INCIDENTS and regulatory agencies. Although it may be unreasonable to expect that all the needs will be met completely, considering them during the writing phase will help approach that goal. The large variation in the readers’ technical backgrounds, the need to in clude technical information and the need to be reasonably concise may limit the usefulness of a single report, although this challenge may be ad dressed by including an executive summary or similar section in the re port for those with a less technical background or less need/desire to know the details. Every re port represents a balanced trade-off of content, details, quantity of in formation, to meet the expected needs of the readers and user s. It is reasonable to expect that the report user has some general knowledge of chemical process technology and hazards. It is also reas onable to expect that the readers have some genuine interest and a desire to gain from understanding and applying the available lessons. The report should not only document and communicate the findings and recommendat ions, it should also be a tool to motivate or inspire action. Carper, in his book Forensic Engineering (Carper, 1989), recognizes multiple audiences. Carper ac knowledges the re ality that the report should not be expected to reach all audiences equally and satisfy all questions. Professional Accident Investigation by Kuhlman devel ops the concept that different levels of management have di fferent needs and priorities (Kuhlman, 1977). Although it is the most important single document, the investigation report is only a portion of the overall record of the investigation. Other parts of the investigation record include photographs, measurements, process data, witness accounts, laboratory anal yses, engineering an alyses, and other facts and analyses that support determination of causal factors and root causes. Consideration should be given to compiling and maintaining a full and complete set of documents for fu ture reference. This systematic documentation package is sometimes referred to as the audit trail . It provides subsequent reviewers and investigators with the opportunity to understand the team’s dec isions and analysis more completely. The document set should contain lists of relevant files. All documents associated with the investigation should be pr eserved according to company records retention policy. An investigation report: • Describes the incident in full detail (with timelines if possible), • Explains the sequence of events and failures that led to the
70 Use of a reaction solvent with a high enough boiling point to prevent vaporization in case of excess reaction Innovative chemical synthesis proc edures have been proposed as offering economical and enviro nmentally-friendly routes to manufacturing a variety of chemical s. These novel chemical reactions may also potentially offer increa sed inherent process safety by eliminating hazardous materials or chemical intermediates, or by allowing less severe operating conditions. Some examples of interesting and potentially inherently safer chemistries include: Electrochemical techniques, pr oposed for the synthesis of naphthaquinone, anisaldehyde, and benzaldehyde (Ref 4.41 Walsh). Extremozymes, or enzymes which can tolerate relatively harsh conditions, suggested as catalyst s for complex organic synthesis of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals (Ref 4.8 Govardhan). Domino reactions, in which a series of carefully planned reactions occur in a single ve ssel, used to prepare complex biologically active organic compounds (Ref 4.9 Hall; Ref 4.34 Tietze). Laser light “micromanaged” reacti ons directed at the production of desired products (Ref 4.7 Flam). Supercritical processing, which allows the use in chemical reactions of less hazardous solven ts like liquid carbon dioxide or water. This benefit must be balanced against the high temperatures and pressures required for handling supercritical fluids. Johnston (Ref 4.13 Johnston), DeSimone, et al. (Ref 4.5 DeSimone), and Savage (Ref 4.28 Savage) review some potential applications of supe rcritical processing. The use of glucose in lieu of benzene (a toxic and flammable hydrocarbon) for the production of adipic acid. It may be possible to produce glucose from biological residue materials, such as plant husks and straw (Ref 4.16 Kletz 1998). The substitution of toxic/flamma ble gases, such as phosphine, diborane, and silane, in the manufacture of semiconductors with less hazardous liquids, such as trimethyl phosphite, trimethyl borate, and tetraethyl-o -silicate (Ref 4.16 Kletz 1998).
RISK ASSESSMENT 327 Figure 14.11. Types of ALARP demonstration (HSE a) The Hong Kong criteria shows that risks above a certain level (the gray area) are unacceptable. Below a certain level (bottom left ), the risks are acceptable. The risks in the middle are in the ALARP region. “ALARP” stands for “as low as reasonably prac ticable”. The ALARP concept is illustrated in Figure 14.11. The intent is that risks in the ALARP region warrant further attention. They should be mitigated to a level, beyond which, it is no t practicable to reduce the risk any further. The “practicable” aspect includes consideration of time, effort, and money. This requires a company to exercise judgment when making ALAR P decisions. No simple method is available for determining if a risk is ALARP. Often cost-b enefit analyses are used to aid in decision making. The Health and Safety Executive gives an example of ALARP as the following. (HSE b) To spend £1m to prevent five staff suffering bruised knees is grossly disproportionate; but To spend £1m to prevent a major explos ion capable of causing 150 fatalities is proportionate. Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) LOPA is a simplified form of risk assessment. The purpose of LOPA is to determine if the scenario has sufficient layers of protection to ma ke the scenario risk tolerable. The concept of layers of protection is illustrated in Figure 14.12. LOPA evaluates single cause-consequence pairs, as compared to a QRA that calculates the cumulative risk. LOPA typically follows a haza rd identification study which develops cause- Risk Reduction Regardless of Cost Relevant Good Practice plus Risk Reduction Measures plus Gross Disproportion Relevant Good PracticeIntolerable Tolerable if ALARP Broadly Acceptable
161 Before studying alternative ty pes of equipment, the process requirements must be understood. For example: Is a solvent necessary? Must the products or by-products be removed to complete the reaction? What mixing and/or time re quirements are necessary? What sequencing is necessary for material additions? Is the reaction exothermic, endothermic, or adiabatic? These and other relevant questions must be answered before alternate reaction schemes can be ev aluated. Similarly, different unit operations are available to accomplis h the same processing objective. For example, Should a filter, a centrifuge, or a decanter be used to separate a solid from a liquid? Should crystallization or distillati on be used for a purification step? It is inherently safer to develop processes with wide safe operating limits that are less sensitive to variat ions in the operating parameters, as shown in Figure 8.3. Sometimes this type of process is referred to as a “forgiving” or “robust” process. If a process must be controlled within a very small temperature band in or der to avoid hazardous conditions, that process would have narrow safe operating limits. For some reactions, using an excess of one reactant can enlarge the safe operating limits. 8.4.2 Unit Operations - Specific Some examples and considerations fo r specific common unit operations are described as follows. Reaction . Reactor design is particularly critical because reactors involve chemical transformations, and ofte n potentially significant energy releases. Evaluation of the safety characteristics for a given reactor design requires an understanding of what physical or chemical processes control the rate of reacti on (catalysis, mass transfer, heat transfer, etc.), as well as the total potential energy consumption or generation involved in the reaction. Energy generating pressure and/or undesired side reactions should also be evaluated. This information is
162 | 12 REAL Model Scenario: Overfilling Barrier at the Hoek van Holland to effectively deal with flooding. However, sea level has risen 20 cm over the past century. Alexandre said, “Climate change appears to be a big concern for us. While we aren’t going to be hit by a hurricane like Harvey, our rainstorms seem to be intensifying, which could logically lead to more severe flooding. I recommend that we review our inspection policy for tank foundations. We should also review our process hazard analyses to determine what our procedures should be in the event of an unprecedented flood. My question to you is, how do you define unprecedented?” Reed spoke up and said, “You don’t know what you don’t know, until it happens. That’s what I learned from the incident that occurred in Crosby, TX. Who would have ever predicted that much rain in such a short period of time?” Pamela and Frederik smiled, perhaps a little bit nervously, at the comment. Pamela said, “Good point. We have to start somewhere, and ultimately, it will be Jan’s decision on how far we go to protect the site against flood.” Frederik offered, “Let’s review the PHAs before we decide to do anything. We should also consider the frequency of these reviews.” Alexandre quickly tapped the keys of his computer, making note of these action items. It was Reed’s turn to talk about the current issue at hand, the tank overflow issues. “After much investigating,” he said, “the minor tank overflows were caused by the severe weather impacting the float-and-tape gauges, just as I suspected. We’re fortunate that we have a good crew with many years of experience who know what to look for after a storm, but those guys are eventually going to retire. You can try to capture their knowledge, but sometimes, what one of us thinks is common sense isn’t the same for others.” Frederik responded, “We do have a great team, but you’re right, the future will be tough if we don’t find and train the right replacements. Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this?” “I’m glad you asked,” Reed said. “My good buddy Alexandre and I have been doing some research on alternatives to the float-and-tape gauges. We figured, we can’t solve the workforce issue, but we can help you with gauges that aren’t as susceptible to breaking down in extreme weather.” Pamela said “You’ve hit the nail on the head. Our plant relies on accurate level measurement as a key risk-reduction measure. But as you’ve mentioned, with the increased storm intensity, the current level indicators are increasingly losing their reliability. We need to find a way to maintain the same level of risk reduction.”
16 | 1 Introduction culture will then lead to a robust PSMS that in turn drives improved and sustained process safety perform ance. Since process safety follows the PDCA approach used in other operational and business system s, improving process safety culture will also likely lead to improvements in other cultures, such as EHS, Quality, and technology, and therefore lead to stronger business perform ance (see section 1.5 and Appendix A). Likewise, process safety culture of an organization does not exist in a vacuum. Instead, it inextricably links to the organization’s overall culture, including other subcultures such as business practices, overall EHS, quality, and even the culture of stakeholders that interface with the organization (e.g., neighbors, customers, etc.), and others. In the ideal case, a strong positive process safety culture m ates with other strong positive cultures to build an overall strong positive corporate culture, as discussed by Musante (Ref 1.19). This kind of strong and integrated culture is sometimes referred to as Operational Excellence. The Musante reference, titled Doing Well by Doing Good: Sustainable Financial Performance Through Global Culture Leadership and Operational Excellence, is reproduced with permission as Appendix A. A weak or negative process safety culture may be coupled with, for example, a strong business culture. This may provide financial success and avoid process incidents for some tim e, but ultimately a major process safety incident can cause it to fail catastrophically. However, strong business culture can be leveraged to build a strong process safety culture. Likewise, when both process safety and business cultures are relatively weak, first strengthening the process safety culture can be a stepping stone to building an overall positive business culture.
General Rules in Drawing of P&IDs 43 This helps keep all involved parties understand the P&IDs without looking elsewhere. 3) The P&I D set by manufacturing companies may have the brand name of items used on each P&ID sheet. 4) The P&I D set by manufacturing companies tends to have less design and operational notes. They may have less notes because of a closer relation with their design groups within their company. Also because the design groups work in one specific area, they are experts and already consider the details of design requirements, which are in the Notes block of other P&IDs. 5) P&IDs created by manufacturing companies may have more detail regarding instrument air. 4.7 Dealing with V endor or Licensor P&IDs The engineering company responsible for designing a process plant and developing the P&ID most likely does not have any item it built. The engineering company buys pumps from one vendor, vessels from another ven-dor, and tanks from a third vendor. Therefore, all the items on the P&IDs are supplied by the vendor. There is generally no “footprint” on P&IDs pinpointing the exist - ence of vendors except in one important case. If there are several pieces of equipment by one vendor that are already assembled on skids or should be assembled in the field by the vendor, it should be shown on the P&ID (Figure 4.33). Figure 4.33 Vendor bor derline. Figure 4.34 Vendor‐supplied loose it ems.
14. Inherent Safety Regulatory Initiatives 14.1 INHERENT SAFETY REGULA TORY DEVELOPMENTS AND ISSUES In the past decade regulators and legislators in juri sdictions across the globe have recognized the risk redu ction potential in IS and have debated as to whether encouragin g or mandating these approaches through regulation could improve ov erall process safety or security results. Debated options have rang ed from requiring that facilities “ con si d er ” IS as on e of sev er al ch oi c es, to a ctu al m an d ates th at IS b e implemented, the latter option back ed up by giving agencies the authority to override facility determ inations and require installation of specific IS elements. Several key obstacles or misperceptions have resulted in IS being underutilized by industry, including the following: A perception that IS is technically and economically practical for only new processes, though it has been demonstrated to be potentially useful for existing facilities. The lack of an inherent safety infrastructure , or a framework for evaluating IS systems, includ ing technologies supporting IS approaches, and methodologies that permit IS to be integrated into technical, economic, safety and security design considerations. This includes th e lack of consensus metrics for IS. The lack of specific guidance on how to conduct an inherent safety study, particularly for existing facilities and processes. A lack of understanding of IS principles and how to practically apply them to both new and existing facilities. Therein lies the dilemma. Policy makers may view implementing IS as a relatively simple and effective wa y of minimizing or eliminating the hazards or consequences from proc ess incidents, but in practice companies encounter obstacles sinc e these requirements must be integrated with other design and operational considerations. Despite 350 (VJEFMJOFTGPS*OIFSFOUMZ4BGFS$IFNJDBM1SPDFTTFT"-JGF$ZDMF"QQSPBDI #Z$$14 ¥5IF"NFSJDBO*OTUJUVUFPG$IFNJDBM&OHJOFFST
Figure 3-2: Human performance modes, errors and mistakes Type of human performance Type of error or mistake Example Knowledge based Mistake e.g., lack of knowledge of process hazards Unable to understand a rare process upset Rule based Misinterpret an event and apply wrong emergency response Mistake e.g., wrong procedure selected Forgetting a step in a long procedure Error – slip Error – lapse Skill based Accidentally pressing the wrong button
PREFACE Many adverse events have occurred in industry and elsewhere, due to abnormal situations that took place, or developed, but were not recognized in time or managed in a way that could have prevented the incident. Various tools and techni ques, including complex automated control systems, are available to he lp manage such situations. However, such systems are not always effective if operators are not trained on them properly. By carefully consider ing how these abnormal situations might occur and by developing me thods to identify, respond and manage them, the consequences that arise from them can be prevented or at least mitigated. This book examines such methodologies and management systems and provides a resource for operations and maintenance staff to be able to effe ctively handle abnormal events, as well as reduce the frequency and ma gnitude of process safety events. The American Institute of Chemic al Engineers (AIChE) has been closely involved with process safe ty and loss control issues in the chemical, petrochemical, and allied industries for more than four decades. AIChE publications and symposia have become information resources for those devoted to process safety and environmental protection. AIChE created the Center for Chemic al Process Safety (CCPS) in 1985 after significant chemical disasters in Mexico City, Me xico, and Bhopal, India. The CCPS is chartered to develop and disseminate technical information for use in the prevention of major chemical accidents. The center is supported by more than 200 chemical process industry sponsors that provide the necessary funding and professional guidance to its technical committees. The major product of CCPS activities has been a series of guidelines to assist those implementing variou s elements of a process safety and risk management system. This b ook is part of that series. CCPS strongly encourages companies around the globe to adopt and implement the recommendations contained within this book.
414 INVESTIGATING PROCESS SAFETY INCIDENTS NOTE 2: It is the intent that the “Potential Chemical Impact” definitions shown in Table 2 to provide sufficient definition such that plant owners or users of this metric can select from the appropriate qualitative severity descriptors without a need for dispersion modeling or calculations. The user should use the same type of observation and judgment typically used to determine the appropriate emergency response acti ons to take when a chemical release occurs. However, CCPS does not want to preclude the use of a “sharper pencil” (e.g. dispersion modeling) if a company so chooses. In those cases, the following notes are being provided, as examples, to clarify the type of hazard inte nded with the four qualitative categories: A: AEGL-2/ERPG-2 concentrations (as available) or 50% of Lower Flammability Limits (LFL) does not extend beyond process boundary (operating unit) at grade or platform levels, or small flammable release not entering a potential explos ion site (congested/confined area) due to the limited amount of material released or location of release (e.g., flare stack discharge where pilot failed to ignite discharged vapors). B: AEGL-2/ERPG-2 concentrations (as available) extend beyond unit boundary but do not extend beyond property boundary. Flammable vapors gr eater than 50% of LFL at grade may extend beyond unit boundaries but did not entering a potential explosion site (congested/confined area); therefore, very little chance of resulting in a VCE. C: AEGL-2/ERPG-2 concentrations (as available) exceeded off-site OR flammable release resulting in a vapor cloud entering a building or potential explosion site (congested/confined area) with potential for VCE resulting in fewer than 5 casualties (i.e., people or occupied buildings within the immediate vicinity) if ignited. D: AEGL-3/ERPG-3 concentrations (as available) exceeded off-site over the defined 10/30/60 minute time frame OR flammable release resultin g in a vapor cloud entering a building or potential explosion site (congested/confined area ) with potential for VCE resulting in greater than 5 casualties (i.e., people or occupied buildings within the immediate vicinity) if ignited. NOTE 3: The Potential Chemical Impact table reflects the recommended criteria. However, some companies may object to making a relative rank ing estimate on the potential impact using the terms described. In those situations, it would be acceptable for those companies to substitute the following criteria corporate wide: Severity Leve l 4: 1X to 3X the TQ for that chemical, Level 3: 3X to 9X, Level 2: 9X to 20X, and Level 1: 20X or greater the TQ for that chemical. However, if a company elects to use this al ternative approach they should be consistent and use this approach for all releases. They should not select between the two methods on a case-by-case basis simply to get the lowest severity score. NOTE 4: The category labels can be modified by individual companies or industry associations to align with the severity order of other metrics. It is important is to use the same severity point assignments shown. NOTE 5: The severity index calculations include a category for “Community/Environmental” impact and a first aid (i.e., OSHA “recordable inju ry”) level of Safety/Human Health impact which are not included in the PSI threshold criteria. However, the purpose of including both of these values is to achieve greater differentiation of severity points for incidents that result in any form or injury, community, or environmental impacts.
Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Control 247 number is 1001. Sometimes the elements of a single control loop do not all appear on the same P&ID sheet, so if these elements have all been assigned the same sequence number, we can still find them easily in different P&ID sheets. Now, we will continue to look at the second example of a simple level control loop. Figure  13.6 illustrates fluid level control in a tank, rather than fluid temperature control. The devices in this loop are defined as follows: ●LE: level element, or sensor ●LT: level transmitter ●LC: level controller ●LV: level control valve. There is no “LE” in Figure 13.7 and nothing is missed there! There are some cases that there is no specific sen-sor for a process parameter and the signal is initially developed in the transmitter, which is “LT” here. For level measurement, there are two types of sensor: contact sensors and roof sensors. Contact level sensors are the most famous sensors in that their signal is developed in their transmitter and no “LE” exists for them.Using the above definitions, we can outline the sequence depicted in Figure 13.6: 1) The L T transmits the level value in the tank, as measured by the contact sensor, to the LC. The transmission is represented by the dashed line. 2) The LC c ompares the received value against its regis - tered SP . 3) The LC s ends a level adjustment signal to the LV. 4) The L V adjusts the control valve to modify the outflow from the tank in accordance with the instructions received from the LC. For example, let us assume the SP to be 2 m. Thi s means the level needs to be constantly adjusted to 2 m fr om the bottom of the tank. If the level is reported at 2.5 m, the LC c ompares this value against the 2 m SP and r ecognizes that the tank contains an average of 0.5 m more t han the SP . Therefore, the LC sends a signal to the LV to adjust the level downward by opening the valve to increase the outflow from the tank. This example illustrates that each control loop has three functions: measuring, comparing, and adjusting. 13.8 Instruments on P&IDs A piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) is a sche-matic drawing used to illustrate all of the elements used in the control of a process. It is a diagram that shows how all the pieces of process equipment are interconnected, together with the instrumentation used to control the process. Symbols used for both equipment and instru-mentation conform to the global guidelines given by the ISA, the International Society of Automation. 13.8.1 Fundamen tal Terminology I would like to explain some fundamental terms that are used in process control, specifically relating to con trol loops (Figure 13.7). First, you have a primary element (sensor), which is usually an instrument that measures a process variable. A signal is sent via a transmitter to a controller. The controller then sends an adjustment signal to the final element. The final element is some mechanical means to con trol the process. This is often a control valve on a pipe, or a variable speed drive for a pump or compressor. 13.8.2 Identifiers f or Equipment and Instrumentation Here we want to learn the identifiers of instruments. We will start our discussion with a table that compares equipment versus instrument identifiers.1Measure 3AdjustLC 1001Set point LT 1001 LV 10012Compare /uni290D to set pont Figure 13.6 Lev el control loop. Primary element Final elementInstruments SignalsFT 215 FE 215FC 215 FV 215 Figure 13.7 Fundamen tal terminology.
104 design and create an over-co mplicated process (or one which relies on control of hazards). Flexibility and redundancy . While some level of redundancy may be necessary and desirable wi th basic process equipment, particularly where the failure of the component will have serious effects, this should be limited to what carefully performed PHAs and other studies reveal as the correct level. For every extra pump, heat exchanger, or othe r basic component, additional controls, utility requirements, piping / valves and other mechanical equipment will follow, thereby greatly expanding the complexity of the process. Additionally, not every risk can or should be solved by specifying some piece of equipment to deal with it. Kletz (Ref 6.9 Kletz 1998; Ref 6. 10 Kletz 2010) also offers some suggestions on use of simple technologi es in lieu of high or more recent technologies to solve certain types of problems. One such suggestion is that flare systems should be kept as simple as possible, and not be equipped with other appurtenances, such as flame arrestors, water seals, filters, etc. These components are prone to breakdowns as the result of e.g.,plugging and reducing flare capacity. These suggestions describe a de sign philosophy where simple—and sometimes old technologies work just as well as newer, more sophisticated ones. Such a philosoph y should be employed wherever possible before resorting to complex solutions. Examples of simplification are disc ussed in the following sections. Additional examples can be found in Kletz (Ref 6.8 Kletz 1991; Ref 6.9 Kletz 1998; Ref 6.10 Kletz 2010), and in Chapter 8 of this book. 6.1 LEAVING THINGS OUT In the spirit of Trevor Kletz’s quote “What you don’t have can’t leak”, an effective simplification technique is to combine the functionality of two or more vessels or pieces of eq uipment into one and leave out the redundant equipment. For example, rather than a separate knockback condenser installed on a reactor vapor line, the vapor line can in some cases be left uninsulated, and the condenser eliminated. In another example, a refrigeration compressor can have a suction-side catch pot
336 Historically, an overemphasis on minimizing initial capital investment, and on time constraints, which often favor active or procedural systems, has resulted in underutilization of i nherently safer solutions. Instead, there is an increased dependency on alarms and SISs to reach acceptable risk levels. Economic anal yses in the initial design stages often fail to take into consideratio n the cost of maintaining and proof- testing these systems, which can be significant for large process facilities. When comparing inherently safer desi gn solutions to other solutions, designers should include the total lif e cycle cost of each alternative before reaching a decision. For example, Noronha, et al. (Re. 13.25 Noronha) describe the use of deflagra tion pressure containment design in preference to using deflagrati on suppression or other means of explosion prevention based on life cycle cost and reliability considerations (Ref 13.6 CCPS 1998). 13.5.2 Often more econom ical, but not necessarily Figure 13.4 presents a comparison of the four categories of design solutions with respect to several cost and functional parameters, for a heat exchanger failure scenario. Inhe rently safer/passive solutions (such as exotic metallurgy) tend to have higher associated initial capital outlays; however, operating costs ar e usually lower than those for the other design solutions. For active solutions (such as on-line monitoring and instrumentation), as compare d to inherently safer/passive solutions, reliability is typically lower, and complexity is greater. Operating costs are also likely to be the greatest for active solutions . While procedural solutions are tempt ing due to their initial very low capital cost and typically lower complex ity, they are often also the least reliable, and should be considered on ly after other solutions have been explored. (Ref 13.6 CCPS 1998).
3 ABNORMAL SITUATIONS AND KEY RELEVANCE TO PROCESS PLANT OPERATIONS This chapter discusses focus areas for the management of abnormal situations and explains their releva nce to process operating personnel. It includes plant design aspects, new technologies, operating modes during which abnormal situations ca n occur. The chapter also provides the links between abnormal situat ion management and CCPS’ Risk Based Process Safety elements. The chapter discusses procedures for managing abnormal situations. Ex amples of abnormal situations encountered in a variety of example incidents are also included, and the associated lessons learned can be es pecially valuable for sharing with frontline supervisor s and operators. 3.1 FOCUS AREAS FOR ABNORMAL SITUATION MANAGEMENT Several areas relevant to the manage ment of abnormal situations have been identified by the Abnormal Situation Management® Consortium (ASMC) as research areas, as summarized. 3.1.1 ASM Research Areas The ASMC refers to seven areas of research concerning abnormal situations, recognizing that the connection between the system and the human, as well as human strengths and limitations, must be understood. A detailed understanding of these focus areas, and others as outlined in Section 3.1.2, is required for management of abnormal situations at the plant level. Most of these areas have a direct link to key elements of Risk Based Process Safety (CCPS 2007a), as introduced in Section 2.1, the relevance of which is detailed in Section 3.3.
102 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS 4.2.8 Other Parties Other individuals who could potentially be involved in resolving abnormal situations are as follows: Laboratory technicians, who are able to identify or characterize issues with intermediate products as part of routine or special troubleshooting analysis. Incident command center, where key decisions are typically made including how to deal with losse s of containment, involvement of external resources, mutual aid, communication with higher management and local external parties. Corporate Headquarters, where major strategic decisions are made on handling significant events and communication with the media, shareholders, and other interested parties. 4.3 GUIDANCE FOR ORGANIZING AND STRUCTURING TRAINING 4.3.1 Organization of Training Training workers and assuring their reliable performance of critical tasks is one of the nine elements in the RBPS pillar of managing risk. Establishment of a training management system is the initial step, key elements of which will normally include objectives, measurements, training materials, and effective trainers. This approach is generally accepted as the fundamental basis for most programs, although the objectives may vary greatly across industries and occupations. For exam ple, the objectives of a training program for astronauts would be differ ent from training for front-line plant operators. However, both need to understand the functioning details of the equipment and control systems; and both need to know how to recognize and respond to abnormal situations. Training is often conducted within specific workgroups, such as the operating team, the maintenance team, or the engineering department. For abnormal situation training, however, it may be more appropriate to adopt a holistic or “systems-thinking” approa ch when conducting at least some of the training, and to involve various workgroups and experts.
Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Control 265 In the following subsection, we will go through of the concepts of each of these control loops. 13.12.1 Le vel Control Loops A level control loop can be set up for non‐flooded liquid containers. This means that they are applicable for tanks or non‐flooded liquid vessels. Figure 13.40 shows a schematic for a typical level loop.As was mentioned, if the level element (sensor) is connected to the side body of the vessel, we don’t show “LE” on the schematic. Instead, the schematic shows a signal going to the LT and then to the LC. Here I have indicated the SP input, but this not always shown on the P&ID. After that, the signal goes to the converter and then finally to the control valve. Generally speaking, we always control the liquid level in non‐flooded containers for the purpose of inventory control. If a container is flooded with a liquid, inventory control can be achieved by a pressure loop. 13.12.2 Pr essure Control Loops Pressure control loops can be used on pipes or on con- tainers. Figure  13.41 shows a schematic for a typical pressure loop. Process control loops can be used in containers and pipes and for liquids and gases. Table 13.21 shows these applications. Pressure control loops are applicable for gases in pipes and in containers. You can think of gas pressure as simi-lar to liquid level in tanks. Pressure control loops on gas pipes somehow shows “flow” of the pipe! Pressure control loops are also used for liquid‐flooded containers. The use of pressure control loops on pipes is not very common; however, there are cases where we can obtain benefit from them on liquid‐containing pipes.Below are a few examples of using pressure control loops for liquid‐containing pipes: ●To protect the downstream equipment, e.g. by open-ing a relieving line. ●To ensure the liquid remains in a liquid state in upstream equipment. This is important when the liquid is at a high temperature, is volatile or entering the upstream equipment at high velocity. For example, you may want to pump a liquid at high temperature using a centrifugal pump. In order to limit the damage to the pump due to gas in the line, you need to use a pressure loop upstream of the centrifugal pump to ensure the liquid doesn’t vaporize. ●On utility headers. For example, on a utility water header, you may need to install a control loop to ensure that the pressure is high enough to feed the plant. 13.12.3 Temper ature Control Loops There are instances when temperature control is vital to the operation of a particular piece of equipment. Examples are furnaces, boilers, heat exchangers and temperature‐fixed reactors.LT 100SP LV 100LC 100 I/P LT 100 Figure 13.40 Lev el control loop schematic.SP PC 100 I/P PY 100 PV 100PT 100 Figure 13.41 Pr essure loop schematic. Table 13.21 Applica tion of pressure control loops. Liquid Gas/vapor Container Only if the container is floodedP‐loop Pipe Not common P‐loop (or F‐loop if it is around a gas mover)
Selecting an Appropriate PHA Revalidation Approach 103 5.3 PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESSFUL REVALIDATION APPROACH SELECTION Actual experience in conducting revalid ations, by PHA practitioners across a number of companies, has highlighted so me keys for success, as well as some things that can impede success. While none of the items listed are absolute rules, they do provide valuable guidance. Successful Practices: • Beginning the revalidation approach decision process well in advance of the revalidation due da te so time constraints do not unduly affect the choice of revalidation approaches • Using the Redo approach for any new and separate requirements (e.g., a quantitative analysis of facility siting issues) that do not affect the core analysis scenarios, and Updating the core analysis • Reviewing process safety manageme nt system audit (internal or external) recommendations and other process safety performance indicators prior to deciding if a Redo or Update is appropriate, and ensuring any deficiencies are addressed during the revalidation • Performing a Redo periodically (e.g., every 2nd or 3rd cycle) • If performing a Redo based on schedule (e.g., a Redo is being performed on the third cycle or 15 years after the initial PHA), including a post- Redo gap analysis to help ensure no scenarios in the prior PHA were missed or interpreted incorrectly Obstacles to Success: • Completely ignoring the prior PHA when using the Redo approach and losing process history and design knowledge contained therein • Failing to methodically evaluate the prior PHA and operating history when selecting a revalidation approach
8 • Emergency Shutdowns 154 engineering or administrative controls usually activated at the time of the incident. 8.6.2 Incidents occurring during the emergency shutdown time C8.6.2 -1 – DPC Enterprises, L.P. [83] Incident Year :2002 Cause of incident occurring during the emergency shut-down : Upon activation, the emergency shutdown system (ESS) ball valve did not work and did not stop the chlorine release. Incident impact : Failure of a chlorine railcar unloading hose resulted in release of 21,800 kg (24 tons) before emergency responders could stop release. 66 people sought medical evaluations; three were hospitalized. Trees and other vege tation surrounding the unloading station were damaged. Risk management system weaknesses: LL1) At the time of the incident , DPC did not have an adequate Inspection, Testing, and Preventive Maintenance (ITPM) program to ensure asset integrity and reliabili ty. In particular: 1) the transfer hoses did not meet design specifications (there was no “positive materials identification” progr am); 2) the Emergency Shutdown System (ESS) ball valve did not work when needed due to severe build up (it had not been tested). Relevant RBPS Element : Asset Integrity and Reliability LL2) At the time of the incident, DPC did not have a clear emergency response plan, did not provide adequate accessibility to its emergency response equipment, did not perform emergency response drills, and had not invol ved the local emergency response planning committee. Relevant RBPS Ele ment: Emergency Management
22. Human Factors in emergencies 287 Training individuals in stress management techniques for coping with stress reactions can take the form of: • General exercises, such as realistic situations or case studies. • Specific techniques, such as simulated emergency drills. Building experience of stressful situations increases individuals’ coping ability, builds confidence, and reduces the likelihood of stress and consequent cognitive deterioration or paralysis. Training content on coping with stress in emergency situations includes techniques that directly target stress resp onses. It also includes techniques to increase technical skill proficiency e.g., automated task execution. Examples of these techniques are shown in Figure 22-4. “The OIM had gone a matter of seconds when he came running back in what appeared…to be state a panic…The OIM ma de no specific attempt to call in helicopters from the Tharos (a rescue ve ssel) or elsewhere, or to communicate with the vessels around the installation, or with the shore or other installations; or with personnel on Piper…” (para 8.9 [93, pp. 152-153]) “The OIM did not give any other instructions or guidance. One survivor said that at one stage people were shouting at the OIM and asking what was going on and what procedure to follow. He did not know whether the OIM was in shock or not, but he did not seem to be able to come up with an answer.” (para 8.18 [93, pp. 156-157])
176 | 5 Aligning Culture with PSMS Elements Emergency Management (Element 16) When process safety incidents occur, facility personnel should take actions that help reduce the consequences of the incidents. These actions include evacuation to a safe location, use of emergency m asks, sheltering in place, first response, offensive response (e.g. to close an isolation valve), and firefighting, among others. Since each emergency is different, it is impossible to develop specific procedures to address every scenario. Instead, specific emergency m anagement personnel need to be expert at putting together the skills and resources at the disposal to effectively address the emergency. Everyone else at the site needs to be trained on a range of specific emergency management skills. Training should be done regularly, so everyone at the facility can carry out their role correctly and without delay. In many plants, emergency m anagement personnel m ay come from outside the plant. This can include industrial neighbors who partner with the facility in a mutual aid agreement as well as emergency responders from the local community. The cultural implications of these external stakeholders were discussed in section 5.1. Emergency management can readily becom e subject to norm alization of deviance. Since process safety incidents are infrequent, it can be easy to forget to plan, evaluate emergency procedures, and conduct drills. Ironically, the temptation to deviate from emergency preparedness could increase as culture and PSMS performance improves and incidents become even less frequent. However, emergency management is an integral part of risk m anagement, and must be m aintained, just as process equipment must be m aintained. Culturally, emergency m anagement should be treated as part of the im perative for process safety and m onitored through the management review elem ent (see section 5.1).
226 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION Different from corrosion, erosion is also a po tential threat to piping integrity. Erosion occurs as a material mechanically damages or th ins the pipe wall. This can be caused by flow of the catalyst, such as in catalytic cracking, fl ow through the piping. In the upstream industry, it can be caused by sand that is entrained in th e crude oil. Although it is a different mechanism than corrosion, the threat of lo ss of containment is the same. Erosion and corrosion can team up to accelerate piping thickness loss. Some materials corrode, and the corrosion product forms a passi ve protection layer which limits corrosive damage. This protective layer can be strippe d away by erosive forces, which exposes the underlying material to renewed corrosive attack. An additional threat, primarily to small bore pi ping, is vibration. Small bore piping failures occur more frequently than for larger piping. Ma ny releases have occurred due to vibration of small-bore piping such as instrument piping, which led to piping failure. Vibration can be caused by induced vibration, pulsating equipm ent such as reciprocating pumps, equipment subject to ocean waves, and fluid shock or ‘ha mmer’ caused by rapidly stopping or starting flow. (CCPS 2020) Design considerations for process safety. Recognizing the potential for piping corrosion is the first step. The piping material may be selected that will not corrode in the service conditions, the piping may be designed to with stand the corrosion for many years by providing appropriate wall thickness, or the process may include a chemical injection to prevent or minimize the corrosive impact. Considering corrosi on of materials in the design stage is only the first step; monitoring it throughout the lif e cycle is required. This is addressed in the following section. With respect to vibration, a challenge is that frequently only larger piping is shown on piping isometrics with a note that small-bore pi ping is field installed. The result is that the installation is dependent on the skill of the inst aller and may not be subject to the engineering review that other piping and equipment receiv es. The length of unsupported or unrestrained piping should be reviewed. To isolate vibration, flexible connections may be used, but they are also weaker components that can fail. Both the amplitude (amount of movement) and the frequency (rate of movement) can affect how qu ickly vibration can cause equipment to fail. Technology exists to test and analyze vibrat ion to determine the exact source. (CCPS 2020) In addition to piping, flexible hose asse mblies may be used, typically in loading and unloading operations, to transfer materials. “G uidelines for the management of flexible hose assemblies” provides information on maintain ing the integrity of these systems. (EI) Asset Integrity and Reliability Asset integrity and reliability is the RBPS element that helps ensure that equipment is properly designed, installed in accordance with specificat ions, and remains fit for use until it is retired. The previous sections addressed how equipment can fail and provided design considerations for process safety Even with the best design, integrity issues can occur during operations. Putting in place a system to manage asset inte grity and reliability is important to production and process safety.
383 unlikely that requirements for cond ucting IS reviews and implementing such technology “where practicable” will necessarily result in large-scale risk reduction against security-related risks. 14.3.1 Consistent Understanding of Inherent Safety Misunderstandings or misperceptions about IS tend to localize around four concepts – goals , applicability , scope and economic feasibility . The goal of both a safety and security program should be to reduce risk. Inherent safety is an approach to re ducing and managing risks; it is not an end in itself. IS policies and regu lations will be most successful when they clearly state a risk reduction and management goal with a recognition that some risks are inhe rent to the production of some critical goods and services, and that such risks can be managed within acceptable ranges. IS may be applicable to existing as well as new facilities and processes . There may be a perception that IS is relevant only for new facilities and that there are no feasible opportunities once the process is operational. While it is true that the potential for major improvements may be greatest during process development, this book has demonstrated that facilities have reduced or even e liminated hazards or have managed change to avoid new hazards by applying IS methods throughout the facility life cycle. The majority of th e applications for IS are with the installed industrial base, whereas th e feasibility of applying IS to the fullest diminishes as the facility is built. This leaves many companies where new processes (and particul arly new technologies) are rarely implemented with fewer occasion s to practice the methods. The scope of IS is not limited to hazard reduction ., IS concepts are applicable to the layers of pr otection surrounding the remaining hazards. A narrow view argues that IS only applies to major changes in the degree of hazard, while a broade r viewpoint finds any changes that increase safety through the application of IS principles to be an advantage. This includes the prog rammatic aspects of PSM programs (see Chapter 11). Changes to facilities and processes must be economically feasible . Costs are a primary concern when consid ering modifications to existing facilities. Inherent and passive approa ches are strategic, usually must be
168 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION Figure 10.7. Asset life cycle stages including project phases (CCPS 2019 a) Table 10.1. Asset life cycle stages including project phases (modified from CCPS 2020) Asset Life Cycle Stages including Project Phases Selected Activities and Process Safety Studies Appraise phase Develop and evaluate a broad range of project options, assess commercial viability, and rank feasible options to take forward. This stage is also referred to as Front End Loading (FEL) 1. Studies: Preliminary Hazard Analysis Select phase Evaluate concept options, maximizing opportunities and minimizing threats or uncertainties. A single concept to progress is normally chosen at this stage. This stage is also referred to as FEL 2. Evaluate inherently safer design options. Studies: Preliminary Hazard Analysis, What-If Analysis Selected PSI: chemical properties and composition Define phase Develop a basic design including plot plan, process flow diagrams, material and energy balances, and equipment data sheets. Schedule and cost are updated, and financial investment decisions may be made. This stage is also referred to as FEL 3. Studies: What-If Analysis Selected PSI: operating limits
332 13.3 INHERENT SAFETY – ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS 13.3.1 PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were originally introduced in the 1930s as non-flammable cooling and insulating oils for electrical transformers. PCB manufacture was banned in May 1979 due to environmental concerns (Ref 13.1 Boykin). This is an example of how new data and information led to a change in the us e of a material due to an improved understanding of its hazards and a reevaluation of the relative importance of different types of hazard (Ref 13.16 Hendershot 1995). 13.3.2 CFCs With current concerns about the ad verse environmental effects of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), it is easy to forget that these materials were originally introduced as inherently safer replacements for more hazardous refrigerants then in us e. These included ammonia, light hydrocarbons, such as isobutene, ethyl chloride, methyl chloride, methylene chloride and sulfur di oxide (Ref 13.18 Jarabek). These materials are flammable, acutely toxic, or both. A release of one of these substances in the home potentially causes an immediate fire or toxic exposure hazard. Thomas Midgley, Jr. dramatically introduced CFCs in a lecture to the American Chemical Society in 1937. Midgley filled his lungs with CFC vapors, and then exhaled, extingui shing a candle. This graphically illustrated that CFCs are not flammable or acutely toxic (Ref 13.20 Kauffman). Now, after many decades of use, we have discovered that CFCs cause environmental damage by depleting the stratospheric ozone layer, and their use is being phased out. Since it is unlikely that our society will give up refrigeratio n or air conditioning, substitute refrigerants are needed. Perhaps hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) emerged as safe and environmentally acceptable replac ements (Ref 13.30 Wallington). H o w e v e r , i n s o m e c a s e s , w e a r e g o i n g b a c k t o t h e r e f r i g e r a n t s w h i c h CFCs originally replaced. For ex ample, home refrigerators using isobutene refrigerant are now available in Europe. The manufacturers are not producing “frost-free” versions of these refrigerators because of concerns associated with ignition hazards because of the small heater
Plant Interlocks and Alarms 345 Alarm management specifies all the activities related to adding an efficient alarm system in a plant. Alarm man- agement requires a specific skill and some control engi-neers are specialist in this area. Here, again, we do not want to go to deep knowledge of alarm management. 16.10.1 Ana tomy of Alarm Systems Figure 16.23 shows the anatomy of an alarm system. In an alarm system there is a sensor that sends a signal to a logic processor, and then to an alarm. The primary element of an alarm system could be a sensor or switch. The sensor/switch could be linked to any of the process or non‐process parameters such as level, flow, temperature, pressure or composition. The logic could be a simple logic handled by a DCS or PLC. There are even cases that for a single parameter one alarm, e.g. at low level, is handled through a DCS but the low–low level of the same parameter is handled by a PLC system. There are also cases that the primary element of an alarm system is connected to the final element through hard wires. These alarms are named hard alarms to be recognized from “soft alarms” , which are through a DCS or PLC. The final element of an alarm system or alarm could be classified in different ways. Alarms can be audible or visual and can be in on monitor screen or a stand‐alone type. Table 16.4 shows different types of alarms.Alarms can also be classified by their location, i.e. in the field or in the control room. When they are in the field, they are definitely stand‐alone alarms. The field alarms are mainly audible type.When they are in the control room they are, theses days, on monitor screens. There could still be, in some cases, alarms in control rooms that are installed on a panel, in the form of stand‐alone alarms. 16.10.2 Alarm R equirements An alarm is an alert system to notify the operator of an “upset” event. The logical reply for an alarm is an action or a set of actions. The action could be done by SIS (automatically actions) or by plant operators. There are two questions regarding alarms on P&IDs that needs to be answered: which parameter needs an alarm, and which level of parameter needs to be used for the alarm triggering point. Deciding about parameters needing an alarm is not always easy. The designer has to optimize the number of alarms in the system. Very few or too many alarms are dangerous for a plant. If the intent is very few alarms, some impor - tant alarms may be ignored, which is dangerous. Too many alarms may lead to a situation where the operator becomes insensitive to them and doesn’t deal with them with the required degree of urgency. This is again dan-gerous for the plant. In some instances, if there are too many alarms in the control room, the operator becomes overloaded and some of alarms may be overlooked. One rule of thumb is that if a SIS exists for a parameter, it definitely needs an alarm too. If a safety interlock Table 16.3 Fea tures of two types of alarm systems. Group 1 Group 2 Name Alarm system Fire and gas detection system (FGS) Schedule of action Before loss of containment After loss of containment Point sensitive Space sensitive Inside of units Outside of units Target parameters Temperature, pressure, flow rate, level, composition and non‐process parametersOnly fire and gas Footprint on P&ID Can be seen on every sheet of P&ID Could be only several sheets dedicated to it as “FGS P&IDs” Sensor Logic Alarm Figure 16.23 Ana tomy of an alarm system.Table 16.4 Differ ent types of alarms. Audible alarms Visible alarm Monitor screen alarmBeeper Flashing icons Stand‐alone alarmBuzzer, horn, siren, bellFlashing lamps, rotating lights, strobe lights, beacon
W ITNESS M ANAGEM ENT 119 Promptness in gathering information is critical. Information from people is among the most fragile form of evi dence, (i.e., it is easily forgotten, distorted, or otherwise influenced by personal conflicts.) For most people, short-term memory for retaining an d recollecting details degrades rapidly. The second reason for promptness is rooted in the fact that contact and communication with others can significantly affect our “independent” recollection of occurrences. It is best to prevent any exchange of information among witnesses, if possible, immediat ely after an event. In most cases, complete isolation is not practical, so as a minimum, the witnesses should be asked to refrain from discussing the in cident with anyone until their initial interview. The use of social media makes this a challenge. The interaction among witnesses ca uses modulation of details and changes emphasis both consciously and subconsciously. Recollection is affected by our emotions, by perceived unf airness, by fear of embarrassment, by fear of becoming a scapegoat, and by preexisting motives, such as grudges and attitudes. Many people are so reluctant to be identified as betraying their peer group that they may withhold information if they perceive the peer group would desire them to do so. There is often value in repeating portions of the interview; a witness might be stimulated by reviewing his or her own initial testimony. Investigations involving complex human performance problems can benefit from simulations. Process simu lators are often used for operator training. In some cases, these process simulators can be excellent tools for learning more about human error causation. The incident investigation team can expose operators to simulated proce ss upsets and gain valuable insights into the operator’s response to rapidl y and accurately diagnose the problem and execute the proper action. The talk-through exercise is a technique sometimes used by investigators to gain insight and to verify conclusions drawn from verbal testimony. This technique, often used by human reliability analysts, has particular application for learning more about specific tasks or occurrences. It is a method in which an operator describes the actions required in a task, explains why he or she is doing each action, an d explains the associated mental processes. To be effective, su ch exercises must be planned by the investigator. The actual talk-through itself is seldom very time-consuming, but the burden is on the investigator to take good notes and observe any potential problem areas. When the procedures call for the manipulation of a specific control or for the monitoring of a specific set of displays, the operator and the investigator approach them at the cont rol panels and the
3.2 Characteristics of Leadership and Management in Process Safety Culture |89 Knowledge of management systems, particularly the com pany’s PSM S, Ensuring that employees (and managers themselves) operate within the constraints defined by the PSM S and the operating and m aintenance procedures, Attention to detail, particularly of m aintaining safeguards in full working order and approve all safeguard bypasses according to the corporate policy; and Verification of the PSMS perform ance within their scope of control Candidate m anagers’ com petence related to the PSMS should be screened before their appointment. Any additional training or coaching needed should be identified and provided. While useful for all competencies, a thoughtful and up-to-date succession plan (See section 3.5) and organizational m anagement of change procedure (OM OC) is especially helpful for process safety. Poor m anagement skills are a key cultural warning sign (Ref 3.16) of potential catastrophic incidents. B e Visible Leaders should be visible in the field to evaluate conditions, understand site specific process safety issues, and be available to answer questions. Leaders should com m unicate process safety issues and requirements to site personnel in person, and seek productive feedback. They should engage the organization and assess if the line organization understands their responsibilities and perform ance expectations. Leaders should m ake process safety expectations and evaluations visible and explicit in their team m em bers’ individual goals and performance reviews. Drive Good Morale, Especially During Change Morale influences culture. Many of the things that drive good m orale, such as trust, open comm unication, and a com mon • • • •
78 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS A weakness of the FMEA method is that it does not consider human factors well. Brainstorming techniques such as What-if and HAZOP are superior in that regard. These methods address both the ergonomics of systems (e.g., display layout, physical effort required) and factors that can degrade human responses (e.g., stress, fatigue, information overload). These can be qualitative or quantitative in approach. Fault Trees Fault trees help to understand how complex systems can fail and identify less obvious problems such as common mode failures. The main application of fault trees for well construction relates to BOP operation and reliability prediction. The fault tree method is described in detail in Section 6.3.3. Risk Ranking Assessment Risk ranking is an optional additional step in hazard evaluation that can be applied to most methods (e.g., PHA, What-If, HAZOP, FMECA). It is now very common to extend hazard identification to include risk ranking. But for this to be effective, the company should select a single risk ma trix for its decision making and not have each project choose its own. This helps w ith consistency in pr ioritizing decision making. Teams examine each scenario and assign a consequence and likelihood level. Many companies have their own risk matrix for this purpose, or they may use the version in ISO 17776 (2016) with six levels of consequences and four levels of likelihood. The number of levels must match the risk matrix being used as the results are plotted onto the matrix. Figure 4-4 shows three decision bands. ●lower risk – manage for continual improvement ●medium risk – incorporate risk reducing measures ●higher risk – fail to meet scr eening criteria, change required Other risk matrices employ more or fewer levels (e.g., a 5 x 5 matrix is common) and some matrices include four bands for decision making. Likelihood is often easier for teams to assess when expressed qualitatively as in ISO 17776, rather than quantitatively as in some matrices which specify a frequency band (e.g., 10-4 to 10- 3 per year). The bands provide a consistent basis for decision making for many scenario decisions. Generally, more senior levels of management are involved in making decisions regarding higher levels of risk or where mitigations may be difficult to implement. The risk matrix shown provides for four types of consequences – to people, assets, the environment, and reputation. Consequences are usually judged on reasonable worst case, but individual companies have their own approaches. Although the risk ranking approach is simple and easy for teams to understand, there are some disadvantages. Teams may have difficulty selecting the likelihood category if they are no t aware of the wider industry hi storical record. Also, the risk matrix approach applies decision making to one risk at a time. It does not accumulate risk. Thus, many risks all assessed at the lower risk category, when
4.3 Maintenance of Barriers/Barrier Integrity | 45 Companies throughout the industry continue to forget that if barriers are not adequately maintained, the incidents they are designed to prevent can happen. Bhopal, MP, India, and Buncefield, Hertfordshire, UK, two landmark incidents where barrier integrity was compromised, will be discussed in detail in Chapter 8. Storage tank overflow incidents are a recurring example of failure to learn about barrier maintenance. Table 4.2 provides a sampling of these incidents. Table 4.2 Storage Tank Overflow Incidents Year Location Material 1983 Newark, NJ, USA (CSB 2015) Gasoline 1988 Yamakita, Kanagawa, Japan (ASF) Hydrogen peroxide 2005 Buncefield, Hertfordshire, UK (HSE,2011) Gasoline 2008 Petrolia, PA, USA (CSB 2009a) Oleum 2009 Bayamón, PR, USA (CSB,2015) Gasoline 2011 Reichstatt, Bas-Rhin, France (ARIA 2013) Gasoline 2014 Fukushima, Japan (BBC 2013) Radioactive water Many of these incidents could be described with the same report, changing only the place, date, and chemical name. In their investigation of the Bayamón incident (Figure 4.2), the CSB found poor maintenance of level indicators and alarms, inadequate redundancy, and a poor safety management system, citing similarities to the Buncefield incident 4 years earlier. The facility failed to maintain their level indicators, relying instead on manual calculations to estimate level. The facility also failed to maintain the secondary containment barriers, leaving the dike drain valve open, allowing spilled gasoline to enter the waste treatment plant, where the vapors ignited. Additionally, the CSB noted that a safeguard protecting against hurricane-force winds may have exacerbated the consequences of the release (CSB 2015): Similar to the Buncefield incident, during the overflow, gasoline sprayed from the tank vents, hitting the tank wind girder and aerosolized, forming a vapor cloud, which eventually ignited. Figure 4.2 Bayamón Fire (Source: CSB 2015)
DETERM INING ROOT CAUSES 205 This approach would consider evidence gathered related to the following issues: • How did the oil come to be on the floor in the first place? • What is the source of the oil? • What tasks were underway when the oil was spilled? • Why did the oil rema in on the floor? • Why was it not cleaned up? • How long had it been there? • Was the spill reported? • What is the usual condition of walking surfaces in that unit? • What influenced the employee to step into the oil? • What type of shoes wa s the employee wearing? • Why didn’t the employee go around the puddle of oil? • Was the area barricaded to prevent entry? • Are there training or consistency of enforcement issues involved? As these questions are answered, the continuing prompt for a better understanding of why the incident occurred should be, “Why? Why did this particular event occur?” These answers take the investigators deeper into the origin of the incident. Once this evi dence has been analyzed and the causal factors identified, the root cause analysis can commence to identify weaknesses in the management systems involved. For instance, if the oil was determined to have leaked from a defective container, one might ask: • Why was a defective container used? • What are the procedures for inspecting, repairing, or replacing the containers? • Are the procedures clearly understood and enforced? • Is the system to manage the cont ainers properly designed or are there gaps? If a failure occurs and no changes are made to the management system, then the failure will likely occur again. Often corrective action is taken — yet the failure still recurs. Frequently this is because the corrective actions address symptoms rather than root causes.
21. Fostering situation awareness and agile thinking 259 Figure 21-1: Behavioral Markers for “A ctively seeks relevant information” 21.2.3 Training Techniques and Assessment Situation awareness training methods include: • Information-based methods in a classroom setting. The training could include an interactive deck of slides, case studies, and group activities. The case studies would aim to engage trainees’ cognitive processes and deepen their understanding of situation awareness. • Practice-based methods using simulations, where specific cues and events can be manipulated, along with workload and distracting conditions. The simulation scenario ca n be stopped at any time to assess trainees’ situation awareness, followed by review and coaching. See Chapters 13 and 14 for more information on training and assessment. Regularly checks key sources of information including alarms and other prompts Makes use of all available information sources – e.g., instruments and colleagues – to check status of the operation or assumptions about the operation Shows concern and takes action if important information is not available when it is needed Asks for regular updates fr om colleagues who may have relevant information Is proactive in addressing missing relevant information
176 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS THE CAUSE OF THE AUTOPILOT DISCONNECT– ICE BLOCKAGE The freezing and blockage of one of more pitot tubes led to a discrepancy in the airspeed from the three pitot tubes and the disconnect of the automated flight control systems. This was due to a combination of the atmospheric condit ions and the design of the pitot tubes that had an evolving history of blockage due to ice. The report stated that this was a known, but misunderstood phenomenon at the time. The expectation was that pilots woul d be able to recognize what had happened and take appropriate acti on using a standard procedure. However, this did not happen for th is event, nor for several of the previous occurrences of pitot tube blockage. The recovered flight data record er (FDR) shows the CAS that is available to the PNF, irrespective of the source of the data that can be switched between ADIRU 1 and 2, an d the CAS from th e ISIS standby system. The data displayed on th e PF’s display is not recorded. I t c a n b e s e e n f r o m F i g u r e 7 . 3 (BEA 2012) that the CAS diverged significantly at about 02:10:06, briefly came together again at 02:10:17 and then diverged from 02:10:34, befo re coming together again at about 02:11:07. This was a result of the pitot tubes freezing and unfreezing at different times, due to the extreme ic ing conditions outside the aircraft, associated with the meteorological conditions. This trend data, obtained from the FD R, is not available to the pilots; they are provided with instantane ous readouts via their respective screens, which may have been displa ying different data derived from different pitot tubes (Tube 1 or 2).
124 | 4 Applying the Core Pr inciples of Process Safety Culture and some are not. Com mon ethical dilemmas that could occur include: Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis: Intentionally refraining from needed or relevant recommendations because of the fear of m anagement response to them. Also, reducing the frequency or consequences of a scenario to avoid a costly or difficult action item. Auditing: Deleting or altering findings because of business concerns or embarrassment to those responsible for the PSMS. Also bowing to pressure from superiors to downplay the risk of audit gaps. MOC: Creating MOC records after a change has been implemented, or marking MOC action items as com pleted when they are not. MI: Definition of what is overdue for ITPM tasks and deficiencies so that the num ber of overdue ITPM tasks and open deficiencies is artificially low. For exam ple, defining overdue as any tasks that were due by a certain date but ignoring those still not performed from before that date. Metrics: Definition of PSMS Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to make the program appear to be in better shape than it really is. For exam ple, liberal extension policies for overdue PHAs, incident investigations, audits, and other PSM-related action items so that they can be easily deferred so they are not captured in metrics. 4.4 EXTERN AL IN FLUEN CES ON CULTURE Nearly all facilities interact with m any external parties. Each m ay have a different culture than the facility, and exert an influence on the culture of the facility. Understanding these external cultures is im portant to encourage supportive external cultures and defend against cultures that could have a negative influence. • • • • •
OVERVIEW OF RISK BASED PROCESS SAFETY 45 Example Incident: P-36 off Brazil The P-36 FPU explosion and sinking event offshore Brazil (Barusco, 2002) is an example where hazard identification did not address a possible problem. The event was initiated by a pressure burst of a drain tank in one of the leg columns. The cause was an incorrect isolation of the vessel during long-term maintenance as one connection was isolated using only a valve, not a blind. That permitted drain water containing hydrocarbons to seep past the valve into the vessel. The relief had also been isolated, and this meant that the internal pressure increased as the liquid volume built-up compressi ng the trapped vapor space above. The vessel ultimately burst and released flammable hydrocarbons into the column space. The emergency response team was not aware that any hydrocarbons would be present, and they accidentally ignited th e flammable mixture. This killed several members and ruptured the main cooling water supply line that ultimately sank the vessel. The team and operations personnel did not recognize the potential presence of the hydrocarbon hazard. RBPS Application Safe Work Practices directly addresses the need fo r safe work practices to be correctly followed. In this case it would refer to Isolation Procedures. HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis) should have identified the potential for hydrocarbons to be present in the column area due to the direct connection of the process into the drain tank. This should have been communicated as part of the emergency response procedures. Equipment and control systems can be affected by harsh onshore and offshore environments. Some equipment can be hard to inspect, particularly on offshore installations. Offshore and remote onsho re installations may have accommodation limits that reduce the availability of visiting personnel to perform integrity tasks. In the EU offshore, and for many companies onshore and offshore, there is a focus on safety critical elements and achi eving performance standards. Upstream reservoirs decline with time and new wells may be drilled or stimulation activities with potentially corrosive chemicals employed. This may bring asset integrity issues. Similarly, many upstream facilities are operating beyond their intended design life and are managing aging issues. RBPS Element 11: Contractor Management Contractor management is a system of controls to ensure that contracted products and services support (1) safe operations and (2) the company's process safety and occupational safety performance goals. It includes the selection, acquisition, use, and monitoring of contracted products an d services. These controls ensure that contract workers perform their jobs safely, and that contracted products and services do not add to or increase safety risks.
164 Human Factors Handbook 15.2.3 Contributing Human Factors Fatigue can reduce a person’s ability to process information, reduce levels of attention and alertness, impair memory, reduce reaction time both physically and cognitively, impair physical coordination , and potentially cause errors. Examples include: • Forgetting which steps have been completed in a procedure, due to memory lapse or incorrectly thinking something has been done. • Being unable to understand information such as from instrumentation. • Being unable to understand what is happening or to make a decision. • Inflexible thinking and poor planning. High levels of fatigue can cause people to uncontrollably fall asleep or have “micro naps”. People will not be aware that their performance is affected by fatigue and may think incorrectly that they can “power through” or use stimulants such as caffeine, to combat fatigue. This is not true. Sleep allows the brain to recharge and remove toxic waste by-products which accumulate when awake. Sleeping helps to “clear” and reset the brain. A reduction or disruption of the sleep cycle prevents the brain from maintaining their normal function. Sleep is important for optimal cognition and judgement. Common causes of fatigue include: • Working for long periods without a rest break. • Working many hours in one day. • Working many days without a rest day. • Working a shift system that disrupts the sleep/wake cycle. • Night working and early starts. Lack of sleep and inadequate rest breaks will affect more complex tasks and tasks that require judgment and decision-making more so than simpler tasks. However, tasks that place very low levels of demand on people, such as monitoring a process, are also vulnerable to fatigue. Fatigue is a decline in physical and/or mental performance caused by factors such as prolonged exertion, insufficient sleep, and/or disruption of the sleep/wake cycle. Fatigue manifests as a sense of tiredness, weakness, or lack of ener gy.
FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS 59 Training and Performance Assurance. Initial and annual safety training was done, but it seems to have focused on occupational safety. Safety training had not covered the hazard of dust accumulations since 2005. Management of Change . The belt conveyor was enclosed without conducting a Management of Change (MOC) review. The lack of hazard awareness, ignoring of near misses, and lack of an MOC review led to the creation of an unprotected enclosure containing combustible dust clouds. An MOC review, pe rformed by competent people knowledgeable about dust explosion hazards, would have eval uated the need for explosion protection such as venting, suppression, or inerting within such an enclosure. Conduct of Operations. Written housekeeping programs were not effectively implemented. What cleaning was done did not always include elevated surfaces. Dust collection system design and maintenance may al so have been contributing factors to the fugitive emissions, but no action was taken to reduce leaks or fix the fugitive dust collection system. Also, there had been many small fires in this and other Imperial Sugar locations, which did not lead to larger fires or explosions. These may have caused the staff to become complacent regarding the hazards of combus tible dust. This phenomenon is known as Normalization of Deviance, in this case, thinking that having many small fires was normal and tolerable. Incident Investigation . It has already been mentioned that this facility, and other Imperial Sugar refineries had many small fires and near misses. For example, in this facility operators noted that buckets in the bucket elevators sometimes broke loose and fell to the bottom of the elevator. In one case this started a fire. An explosion in a dust collector occurred 10 days before this incident. These near misse s and the explosion were warning signs that were not heeded. Introduction to Fires Fire is a chemical reaction; it is an oxidation reaction. Fire, however, is a rapid, exothermic oxidation reaction. It generates heat and light (a n exception is a hydrogen fire as well as low light emittance in methanol and carbon disulfid e fires) and produces smoke as a product of incomplete combustion. Fire requ ires three things to occur: Fuel, Oxygen, and Ignition source
RISK MITIGATION 343 Figure 15.5. Terminology describing layers of protection Swiss Cheese Model James Reason (1990 and 1997) developed the Swi ss cheese model which uses layers of Swiss cheese to represent layers of protection. The laye rs of protection can protect the hazard being realized and the consequence from occurring. The holes in the Swiss cheese indicate that these layers may have weaknesses and degrade over time and thus are not 100% effective. When the holes in the Swiss cheese align, represen ting each layer being compromised, then the consequence can occur. A Swiss cheese model is shown in Figure 15.6. Figure 15.6. Swiss cheese model
Appendices 175 APPENDIX B PHA QUALITY AN D COMPLETENESS CHECKLIST* OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prior PHA against quality and completeness criteria established by company and regulatory requirements. A “No” response to any item requires that the issue be ad equately addressed during the PHA revalidation. The columns in this example checklist are generic Q, T, and E. • Q - Question column. Typically, questions are organized by topic. The writers of this book expect that when used in industry, these questions can be modified and upda ted by facilities to meet their needs and unique situations. For exam ple, the topics listed in these checklists could be used (with or without the full listing of questions) to help a team consid er the quality of a prior PHA. • T - Team evaluation column. The team should enter their response to the question (e.g., “Yes,” “No,” or “Not Applicable”), followed by brief documentation of the discussions and justification of the response. While it is generally acceptable for occasional responses to contain a simple “Yes” or “No,” more responses should contain some detail of the team discussions, justifications, and concerns (if any). If safeguards or controls protect against the topic of the question, those should also be liste d in this, or a separate, column. • E - Evidence of compliance/Team comments column. Brief documentation of the discussions and evidence supporting the team evaluation. Even if the evidence seems obvious, it is generally better to document some deta il of the team discussions, justifications, and concerns (if any). * This checklist is provided for illustrati ve purposes only and is specific to United States regulations. Readers may wish to develop such a checklist specific to their own situation, requirements, and needs.
128 Human Factors Handbook 11.3 Step 1: Identify safety critical tasks Safety critical tasks should be identified, followed by other tasks required to complete activities. The final output of this phase consists of a list of safety critical activities, and their competency standards, as shown in Appendix C. As noted in Chapter 6, the following activities can help to identify safety critical tasks: • Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA). • Difficulty, Importance and Frequency Analysis. • Identification of safety critical tasks noted in: o Operation and Maintenance procedures. o Risk assessments. o Job/Task analysis. o Existing lists of safety critical roles and tasks. The assessment should include normal process operations, process upsets, planned and unplanned maintenance, and infrequent activities such as start-up and shut down. Figure 11-1 links the level of safety cr iticality to the level of training and competency assurance. Each task can be rated against: • Task criticality. • Task complexity. • Task frequency. • Time available to complete the task. Learning needs and their requirements range from “Very High” to “Very Low”. For example: • “Very High” learning requirements correspond to: o Experiential learning – on-the-job learning, instructions and assessment o Extensive, multiple method of learning (e.g., on-the-job learning combined with mentoring and coaching) o Assessments (e.g., in situ assessment, knowledge questions and observation of performance). • “Very Low” requirements correspond to: o Classroom learning/training – ba sed, largely on theoretical knowledge with little or no assessment. See Chapter 1 for more information on Safety Critical Task Analysis and Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis Operators and supervisors are often involved in this phase, as they are knowledgeable of the tasks and associated risks.
16.2 ENCOURAGING INVENTION WITHIN THE CHEMICAL AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNITY Publicizing the virtues of i nherent safety beyond the process safety community and into the broader chemistry and chemical engineering community is essential to spur inno vation. The authors of this book encourage readers to look for oppo rtunities to “beat the drum” for inherent safety at every opportunity as they interact with this broader audience. Awareness can be raised in a variety of ways. Books by Trevor Kletz (Ref 16.12 Kletz 1984; Ref 16.13 Kletz 1991), CCPS (Ref 16.1 CCPS 1993), and Englund (Ref 16.7 Englund) have proven to be successful vehicles. The IChemE and IPSG Inherently Safer Processing training program (Ref 16.10 IChemE) is anothe r successful format for promoting this topic. Other means need to be explored and exploited. 16.3 INCLUDING INHERENT SAFE TY INTO THE EDUCATION OF CHEMISTS AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Teaching inherently safe r design concepts in undergraduate chemistry, chemical engineering, and related disciplines will provide great benefit as students move into industry after graduation. 16.4 DEVELOPING INHERENTLY SAFER DESIGN DATABASES AND LIBRARIES The industry, and more importantly, individual companies, need to develop inherently safer design data bases that are readily available, cataloged, cross-referenced, indexed, and shared across the broader company. These might take the form of libraries of information. Several examples of needed databases are: •A continually updated database that describes and catalogs inherently safer design successes and failures. •A collection of databases of chemic als, and of functional groups, ranked relative to their reac tivity, stability, toxicity, and flammability categories. This would assist in the evaluation of the potential benefits of substituting one, somewhat safer, chemical for another. 434
EDUCATION FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS 93 indicators, and marking of the instrument range on field gauges will help the field operator in their troubl eshooting and mitigating actions. Additionally, the instrument design engineers and process engineers must also ensure that the ranges of the in struments cover all potential operating modes and scenarios. Further tools and techniques on HMI design are discussed in Chapter 5, Section 5.7.1. If a process can be designed to be inherently safe, then this is always the preferred option, as discu ssed in Example Incident 4.2. Example Incident 4.2 – Cher nobyl Disaster, April 1986 One feature of the design of the RBMK nuclear reactor at Chernobyl is that it was primarily graphite-moderat ed and cooled by water. However, water is also a neutron moderator and therefore when allowed to boil within the reactor, the void created by the steam results in a reduction in moderation. This creates a thermal feedback loop where more power creates more boiling and less moderation, which in turn leads to more power. The condition is called “positiv e void coefficient” and the reactor design had the highest positive vo id coefficient of any commercial nuclear reactor. Once the water in the core started to boil beyond a certain rate, the operators could do very little to control the reaction. Many other factors were associated with this incident, although a major design feature of the nuclear reactors in other industrialized countries is that they are designed with negative void coefficients, which makes them inherently safe from this type of runaway situation.
Toxic Hazards Learning Objectives The learning objectives of this chapter: Explain chemical toxicity hazards, Identify the pathways for toxi cs to enter the human body, Explain exposure limits, and Identify where to find resource s for chemical toxicity data. Incident: Methyl Isocyanate Release Bhopal, India, 1984 Incident Summary Just after midnight on December 3, 1984, a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India released approximately 40 metric tons of methyl isocyanate (MIC) into the atmosphere. The incident was a catastrophe; the exact numbers are in di spute; however, lower range estimates suggest at least 3,000 fatalities, and injuries estimates ranging from tens to hundreds of thousands. The impacted area is shown in Figure 6.1. The event occurred when water contaminated a storage tank of MIC which resulted in the release of a large toxic cloud. Key Points: Process Safety Culture – Culture is about what you do when no one is watching. When the culture degrades to the point that mechanical integrity and resources are in disrepair, it may be time to stop the operation. Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis – As Trevor Kletz said, “what you don’t have, can’t leak”. (Kletz) Do you really need that chemical in that quantity? Management of Change – Multiple layers of protection only work if they are functional. Removal of any layer sh ould be subject to management of change oversight.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) express thei r appreciation and gratitude to all members of the Process Safety for Engineers: An Introd uction, Second Edition and their CCPS member companies for their generous support and technical contributions in the preparation of this book. The collective industrial experience and know-how of the subcommittee members makes this book especially valuable to all who strive to learn from incidents, take action to prevent their recurrence and improve process safety performance. Project Writer: This manuscript was written by Cheryl Gro unds who thanks the Subcommittee Members and Peer Reviewers for their content contribution to this book and their dedication to teaching process safety. Final technical editing was completed by CCPS staff – Jennifer Bitz leading with support from Bruce Vaughen and Anil Gokhale. Subcommittee Members: Jerry Forest Celanese, CCPS Project Chair Cheryl Grounds CCPS Staff Consultant and Writer Dan Crowl Michigan Technological University Kobus Diedericks Nova Chemicals Ken First CCPS Staff Consultant Warren Greenfield WG Associates LLC Barry Guillory Louisiana State University Jack McCavit JL McCavit Consulting, LLC Robin Pitblado DNV Before publication, all CCPS books are subjecte d to a thorough peer review process. CCPS gratefully acknowledges the thoughtful comments and suggestions of the peer reviewers. Their work enhanced the accuracy and clarity of these guidelines. Although the peer reviewers have provided many constructive comments and su ggestions, they were not asked to endorse this book and were not shown the fi nal manuscript before its release. Peer Reviewers: Brian Farrell CCPS Staff Consultant Jeff Fox CCPS Emeritus Jerry Fung Canadian Natural Resources Limited Jim Klein ABS Consulting Ray Mentzer Purdue University Hocine Ait Mohamed Rio Tinto Greg Nesmith Dow Chemical Company Bala Raman Ecolab Mark Setterfield Tronox Jonathan Slater 3M Rajagopalan Srinivasa Indian In stitute of Technology Madras Ron Unnerstall University of Virginia Bruce Vaughen CCPS Staff Consultant Ronald J. Willey Northeastern University
1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction This chapter discusses the scope of, th e audience for, and the benefits for the readers of this guideline. Fo r readers unfamili ar with the CCPS Risk Based Process Safety (RBPS) approach, this chapter also includes a brief overview of its framework, including how lessons learned from experience (one of the RBPS pill ars) are incorporated into each chapter. The last section in this ch apter provides the reader with the guideline’s framework: how the chap ters are organized based on the types of operations at a facility (normal, abnormal, and emergency) and how the risks associated with each transient operating mode—the subject of this book—depends on which mode of operation the process is undergoing at that time. 1.2 Scope The scope of this guideline addresses process safety activities that are essential for effectively managing the risks associated with the different transient operating modes , recognizing that not all activities will apply to every mode. Since the risk of incidents can be high during the start-ups and shut-downs fo r normal operations in most manufacturing facilities, this book presents incidents that occurred during start-ups and shut-downs, providing insights as to why they happened and guidance on how to minimize the risk in the future. The important distinction between “transient operations” and the “transient operating mode” should be understood. This guideline defines the transient operating mo de in the context of normal, abnormal, and emergency operations, providing a clear and Guidelines for Process Safety During the Transient Operating Mode: Managing Risks during Process Start-ups and Shut-downs . By CCPS. © 2021 the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
251 Separation technology Requirements for additional information During design scoping, the team will concentrate on minimizing equipment, reducing inventories, si mplifying the process, reducing wastes, and optimizing process cond itions. Inherent safety concepts s h o u l d a l s o b e c o n s i d e r e d d u r i n g process hazards reviews, such as HAZOP, for both new and existing pr ocesses. The initial design should be “mistake-proofed,” and each safe ty device and procedure examined to see if there is a way to eliminate the need for it. When the inherent safety proces s has been expanded to review regular or routine operation, the te am should look at all aspects of inherent safety to provide suggested improvements for both the existing facility and for the next plant. Even if the process was originally designed with inherent safety in mind, th ese improvements may arise from advances in technology, changes in prod uct specifications or application, or lessons learned from incidents an d near-misses, both in the facility being studied or in similar facilities elsewhere. Table 10.2: Focus of Different Inherent Safety Reviews Note: The number of check marks indicates the relative importance of the strategy Chemistry and Process Selection Design Scoping Regular Operation Minimize • Reduce quantities √ √√√ √√ Substitute • Use safer materials √√√ √ √√ Moderate • Use less hazardous conditions √√ √√ √√
PEOPLE MANAGEMENT ASPECTS OF PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT 437 Table 21.1 is an example of a listing of proc ess safety training course for new employees. This is an abbreviated example; a full training matrix will likely include information such as prerequisite course and whether the course is computer based or classroom training. Table 21.1. Example process safety training course list Course Target Audience Triggers Understanding and Managing Flammable Atmospheres Required for all Engineers, Chemists, involved in design, maintenance and operations First Two Years PHA Methodology & Team Leader Training Recommended for technical people involved in design, operations, and safety reviews, including MOCs and PHAs Required for PHA Team Leaders First Two Years as well as PHA Team Leader Requirement MOC Safety Review Team Leader Training Recommended for MOC Core Team Members. Required for MOC Safety Review Team Leaders that have not taken the PHA Team Leader Training Class First Two Years Consequence Assessment Recommended for people involved in modeling releases of chemicals and energy Prior to use of consequence modeling tools Pressure Relief Device (PRD) Application Required for engineers and recommended for designers involved in PRD design, application, sizing and selection Prior to involvement in design, application, sizing and selection of PRDs. Design and Application of SCAI and Safety Instrumented Systems Required for I&E, Control, and Process Engineers and recommended for designers involved in shutdown system design, review, and specification Required prior to involvement in Shutdown System review, design or operation OR recommended within the first two years Fire Protection and Fire Suppression Required for engineers and recommended for designers involved in fire protection systems Prior to involvement in design of fire suppression systems Incident Investigation Recommended for incident investigators and participants Prior to leading or participating in incident investigations All employees, contractors and visitors are ty pically required to attend training on the occupational safety and process safety basics at a facility. This is intended to prevent harm
107 Figure 6.2 – The Eastman Chemical reactive distillation process for methyl acetate US Patent No. US4435595 A (Ref 6.1 Agreda) 6.3 INHERENTLY ROBUST PROCESS EQUIPMENT In many cases, it is possible to desi gn process equipment that is strong enough to contain the maximum positi ve or negative pressure (i.e., maximum overpressure or maximum vacuum) resulting from the worst- case process incident(s) (Ref 6.2 CCPS 1993). If such a design, under all feasible circumstances, eliminat es the possibility of a loss of containment due to overpressure /underpressure, then it can be considered an inherently safer design . If not, it then only reduces the likelihood of a release, and then it becomes a form of passive safeguard design (although this may still be desirable). Containment of potential overpressure within the process vessel, or elimination of the possibility of vacuum collapse, simplifies the desi gn by eliminating elaborate active
A.3 Index of Publicly Evaluated Incidents | 197 are those that contributed most to the incident; the secondary findings contributed less but still may have learning potential. 3. Find the titles of the reports in the listings in Section A.4. We do not provide a web address foreach report because web addresses change from time to time. However, searching the organization’s website should take the reader quickly to the relevant report. 4. Read the reports and follow the remainder of the REAL Model as described in Sections 6.2–6.8. A.3 Index of Publicly Evaluated Incidents Each of the 441 incidents indexed by the CCPS Learning from Investigated Incidents Subcommittee has been assigned a code, consisting of a letter followed by a one- to three-digit number. The letter refers to the collection of incident reports: A Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustiveís of Brazil. C The US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB). D The Dutch Safety Board (DSB). HA Alerts published by the Health Safety Executive (HSE) of the UK. HB Bulletins published by the Health Safety Executive (HSE) of the UK. J NPO Association for the Study of Failure (ASF) of Japan. S Selected stand-alone incident reports. The number refers to a unique report found in that collection. This index is organized in four sections: • Section 1. Codes for reports with potential findings related to most RBPS elements. • Section 2. Codes for reports related to most CCPS Culture Core Principles. • Section 3. Codes for reports related to many causal factors. • Section 4. A cross-reference to contents of the above sections from many elements, core principles, and causal factors that were not directly indexed. Once codes that may be relevant to your effort have been identified, go to Section A.4 to find the report title and how to obtain it.
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Development 352 The  type of orders by SIS could be start‐up and sh utdown of the electric motor. ●A manual command. This could be a command that comes in from the operator in the field or control room. “Command” signals are the orders that are sent to a motor, or more correctly, to the MCC of a motor. C could be used as the representing letter for these types of func tions in P&ID symbols. “Command” signals are always available around a motor because they are the arrangement to make the plant and/or operator to control a motor. Category 2 is the reports provided by the motor. “Response signals” are the reports that are generated by the motor, or more correctly, by the MCC of a motor. There are mainly two types of signals: the signals that report if the motor satisfied a “command” and “responses” that report parameters on the “health” of the motor, which are running reports and trouble reports. An example of command report signals is the signal is sent from the motor if it turned off after receiving a com-mand for turning off or not. An example of a running report signal is when a motor reports the total hours that it is working. This is espe-cially important for motors connected to parallel pumps; they need to work roughly the same number of hours each to ensure their optimum health. The other example of a trouble report signal is a “com- mon trouble alarm. ” This signal is very common to see and it is an alarm by the motor that warns the operator of some type of problem inside the motor. “Response signals” are the “motor’s talking” that are sent by a motor, or more correctly, by the MCC of a motor. S could be used as the representing letter for these types of functions in P&ID symbols. A signal S could acti-vate an indicator, a lamp or an alarm on the control panel. “Response signals” are not always available. A designer may put them around a motor if it is critical to know the condition of the motor. The main element of category 3 is HOA switch. The principal arrangement for inspection and repair is started with an HOA switch. However, there are some other switches around an HOA switch that need to work together to be able to perform a complete inspection and/or maintenance. In Sections 16.12.4–16.12.6 the P&ID representation of three categories of electric motor functions are discussed. 16.12.4 P&ID Repr esentation of Commands and Responses As it was stated there are two types of signals. The sig- nals that are generated in “reaction” to a command and the signals to report the health of a motor. These two types of signals are shown in Table 16.7.There are at least two issuing regarding showing motor control in P&IDs. The first one is that there are plenty of parameters involved that are not defined by the ISA. The solution is using non‐specific letters from ISA, like M, N, or Y and then explaining them right beside the balloon. Usage of Y, however, is very common because it refers to any event or state. Several examples are shown in Table 16.8.The second issue is that each motor so many control items around it on P&IDs that sometimes it is not easy Table 16.7 Symbols of c ommands and responses. Meaning Representation Commands MDo it! Automatic: Regulatory: Interlock: And in a combination form could be: SD Manual: In field: HS In control room: HS or: XCR 115SS command Responses MI did it sir! Here is the proof!They could be in any of three types of indicators, alarms, or lamps. Indicator example: YKQI 00 (I at the end of tag) Alarm example: YA 00102FLT (A at the end of tag) Lamp example: YL 2500 STATUS (L at the end of tag)
38 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS Example Incident 3.3 – BP Texas City 2005 – ( cont.) During the startup,the level indica ted by the gauge in the Raffinate Splitter appeared to drop from 100% to 80% despite the feed rate remaining at 20,000 bpd (132 m3/h) and a block valve remaining shut on the bottoms line. However, the actual level in the tower was far above the full-scale reading of th e level gauge and increasing. The level device and its associated transmitter were designed to measure the liquid level in a 5-foot (1.5 m) span such that 100% of its calibration corresponds to approximat ely 10 feet 3 inches (3.1 m) in a tower 164 feet (50 m) tall. Contra ry to several published reports and technical papers, the displacer-ty pe level device on the Raffinate Splitter worked as designed befo re, during, and even after the incident, when it was tested by an independent third-party expert. The apparent reduction in leve l was a result of the higher temperature and therefore lower dens ity of the hydrocarbons within the displacer level device, wh ich did not have temperature compensation. As the bottoms temperature in the Raffinate Splitter increased, the density fell, whic h was reflected by the apparent reduction in indicated level from 100% to 80%. The displacer level device no longer measured the leve l in the column. It was responding instead to changes in the density of the fluid. This confused the operator into believing that the level was not abnormal (in range) when, in fact , the column was full. One of two independent high-level alarms (the high-high alarm) was not functional, the high alarm was not acted upon, per the norm during startup, and a local sight glass wa s unreadable due to a buildup of residue. The subsequent explosion and fires led to 15 fatalities, 180 injuries and financial losses exceeding $1.5 billion.
15. Fatigue and staffing levels 177 Whenever analyzing safety critical tasks, it is important to be realistic about the time and effort needed to perform an activi ty. It is also important to recognize that new problems may occur, and that more time and effort may be needed to perform an activity than previously. If the activity is complex or different, the activity can be analyzed. An example is shown in Figure 15-9. The activity can be subdivided into sub-activities. These can be plotted over time. Tasks that coin cide can be spotted. The time taken to perform each task can be estimated, such as by observation of tasks or consulting people who perform the tasks. In this example, five sub-activities coincide, and the task time splits over two shifts. At least five people are required, and rest breaks will be necessary. Further guidance on workload and staffi ng needs analysis methods is available from the Energy Institute [64]. Figure 15-9: A simple task timeline
Emergency Management Learning Objectives The learning objective of this chapter is: Understand the importance of planning for and managing emergencies. Incident: West Fertilizer Explosion , West, Texas, 2013 Incident Summary On April 17, 2013, a fire occurred at the West Fertilizer Company (WFC) in West, Texas that triggered an explosion of about 27 metric tonne (30 ton) fertilizer grade ammonium nitrate (FGAN) at 7:51 PM. The explosion registered as a 2.1 on the Richter scale. (See Figure 20.1.) Fifteen people were fatally injured, 12 of them were emergency responders, 3 members of the public. One of the public fatalities was in a nur sing home (from a stress induced heart attack) and the other two were in an apartment complex. An additional 260 people were injured. The overpressure from the blast damaged 150 buildin gs offsite, including 4 schools, a nursing home (later demolished), an apartment comp lex, and 350 private residences (142 beyond repair) (CSB 2013). This was a significant incident in the U.S., due to the extensive public impact, and the prevalence of FGAN storage and handling facilitie s in the U.S. The CSB identified over 1,300 facilities handling ammonium nitrate (AN) within close proximity to a community, so the U.S. President issued Executive Order EO-13650. This established a working group consisting of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Labor (under which OSHA is lo cated), Justice, Agriculture and Transportation. The purpose of the working group was to improve the identification and response to the risks of chemical facilities (EO 2013). Figure 20.1. Video stills of WFC fire and explosion (CSB 2013)
E.37 Playing J eng® with Process Safety Culture |327 functions are carried out. What other culture factors could the com mission have considered? Did the fact that the operation involved a transfer from one com pany to another create a “not my problem” attitude? The com mission noted a lack of training in the procedure. What was the general status of training in the facility? Were workers trained to recognize and control hazards and risks? Did they take part in “man-down” drills? What was the current focus of corporate process safety efforts? Were employees empowered to fulfill their safety responsibilities ? Provide Strong Leadership, Maintain a Sense of Vulnerability, Understand and Act Upon Hazards/Risks, Empower Individuals to Successfully Fulfill their Safety Responsibilities, Combat the Normalization of Deviance. E.37 Playing Jenga® with Process Safety Culture Jenga® is a Parker Brothers strategy and skill gam e. Players construct a tower of blocks, and then take turns removing a block from the m iddle of the tower and adding it to the top. The last to successfully remove a block without toppling the tower is the winner. A Vice President of Operations of a com pany, a long-time employee well-steeped in the com pany safety culture, noticed that process safety leading indicators and near-m iss metrics were beginning to trend negatively across the com pany. While the trend was not strong, the Vice President called a global meeting of safety and operations leaders that all were required to attend. The purpose of the meeting was to develop an action plan to ensure the unfavorable trend did not continue and the company could get back to its previous performance. Not long afterward, the company began shifting the focus of its business. Coincidentally, the Vice President of Operations B ased on Actual Situations
58 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS Figure 4-2. Two-barrier diagram for drilling, coring and tripping with a shearable string 4.1.3 Drilling the Well: Fluid Column The fluid column with sufficient hydrostatic pressure is one complete barrier on its own. It is a mixture of fluids (water-based, non-water based, or gaseous) and solids engineered to specific densities, collectively called “mud”, to match the requirements of the pore pressure and fracture gradie nt curves (Figure 4-1). Lower depths in the wellbore require higher density drilling mud and casing sections isolate higher portions of the well where the mud pressure exceeds the fr acture gradient. In offshore US federal waters, BSEE generally requires a drilling margin of 0.5 pound per gallon (i.e., 0.5 ppg) below the lowest estimated fracture gradient to provide a safety margin. As previously mentioned, drilling should not be thought of as a static situation; conditions change requiring response to maintain the correct mud weight. Mud returns from the well carrying drill cuttings have the soil/rock cuttings separated using shakers to allow cleaning, reconditioning, and reuse of the mud. Careful monitoring of mud flowrate is nece ssary to determine if there is mud loss into the formation or an influx of reservoir fluids into the wellbore.