Show HN: I built an AI art installation at home generating new pieces on the fly
Brilliant: the project itself but also the trouble you took to share the how-to deets!
Scientists create matter from pure light, proving the Breit-Wheeler effect
As a Saivite, this perfectly aligns with both my religious and scientific understanding of the universe.
How to replace estimations and guesses with a Monte Carlo simulation
I tried this at a past job. I fed Jira history into a Monte Carlo simulation that would give a set of probabilities for various completion timeframes for any new user story. Despite months of trying to sell the idea, backed by sound mathematics instead of guesses, I never got past the point where stakeholders would listen politely then immediately go back to demanding to know "when will it be done"
Fosscord is a free open-source discord compatible chat, voice and video platform
It is not impossible to duplicate Discord (e.g. ), but what makes a SNS unique is really the user base.WeChat sucks, but it's still used by billions. People are not using WeChat because WeChat is great or Tencent is great. People are using WeChat because their family, friends, employers, favorite medias and hospital reservation services are there.
Tech compensation in 2021
I’d honestly like to see a concrete definition of ‘tech work’. This kind of (somewhat arbitrary) data is so problematic.
Intel apologises in China over Xinjiang supplier statement
I personally never understood the issues, is there any human right abuses in China? Sure.Each citizens is free to vote with their money and boycott whoever they want.But I am surely not gonna blindly follow the US on this. China is lying about human right issues, but they are right about the fact that it’s indeed an American tactics to hurt them economically.Who in their right mind would follow the US on this? We all remember Guantanamo, the fake mass destruction weapons by Powell and the thousands of innocent civilians killed during an illegitimate war.I am definitely not siding against China on this. They are lying, they are probably torturing innocent Uighur but if I had to apply the exact same logic, I would be boycotting US products and services as well (I don’t)
Bevy game engine 0.6
How do you guys debug bevy? Especially on Windows?
Set up a practically free CDN
I've done this by using Cloudflare Workers. I can confirm that I did not see any bandwidth charges at B2, although I've only tested a few GB of transit. Likely if you tried to host brew here, you'd get yelled at.
Shenanigans on Microsoft Feedback Hub
My experience was bit different. I find there are caring Microsoft employees who would address the feedback/request in the best way they possibly can. I always got a reasonable reply and willingness to help.Having worked in a large organization I know that the more hops this information has to go through to get processed, the more likely it will end in limbo. Granted, so far limbo happened in 100% of my opened cases but I could clearly see an employee willing to help and probably being limited by the internal org structure which is not optimized for reacting to user feedback (sadly same goes for most other big tech companies).
IRS to ditch biometric requirement for online access
Great - now lets fix Home Depot. As of Feb 1, veterans only receive their 10% discount if they submit their photo id to a website and use a phone at the register.
Early ‘lab-grown’ Covid virus found in sample lends weight to Wuhan theory
Honestly, I'm disappointed.The Telegraph is known for being a conservative-leaning media outlet with a mixed track record for fact checking [1]. All of the links in this article just point back to the Telegraph, with no primary source links available from this article.The OP created an account 2 hours before they posted this article.I posted a long-form article from well-researched pro-science outlet (MIT Technology Review, which should be a slam dunk for a cohort like HN) yesterday to crickets [2]. I'm not bitter that my post didn't get upvoted, to be clear.I'm bitter that we're upvoting spurious content instead of balanced, fact-checked research.Have we lost our desire for factual research and content?[1][2]
Text Rendering Hates You (2019)
That was fascinating. Thank you.
HeyWhatsThat – Calculate viewshed and panorama for any point on Earth
Super cool! I shared this with my HAM radio club. I think it could be a very useful tool for determining LOS for simplex communications!
Zelensky video deepfake
Is there a mirror of this somewhere? Looks like it's been removed by twitter
Alright, amigo, let's build some affordable housing
"Administrative burden" is the phrase that pushed to the front of my head. So much bureaucracy.Hearing tales from my activist friends, this LIHTA tale most reminds me of the gauntlet exfelons brave to get their voting rights restored. My own state had 20+ steps. Like getting the original sentencing judge to signoff. For people who already have the legal right to vote, were it not for the paperwork.My second thought is about the strategy of housing advocates. Instead of lobbying, maybe they should be underwriting. PKIs showing how many units got built would mosdef help with fund raising.
100-year-old Brazilian breaks record after 84 years at same company
Am I the only one who notices that for a centanarian, he looks in a good shape. And I'm not talking health-wise but also mental-wise. You could tell from his posture, demeanor and gleam of his eyes that his mental capacity has not been dimmered by old age
Facebook has started to encrypt links to counter privacy-improving URL Stripping
simple solution would be to stop using FB.i feel the majority of fb audience probably don't care about this enough to change their habits.
“Burning Ship” fractal
I made a generative NFT based on thisI manually searched the space by zooming and panning into various areas from 2x all the way to about 10^13 zoom ans rendered them in high intensity color schemes
The hacking of Starlink terminals has begun
Any1savr the repo b4 it got taken down and have a copy ro share?
Unreal Rust
This is really cool. It's projects like these that makes me want to experiment with random things. It might not make sense or feasible but that is what's fun about it :)
Has tiktok_us been breached?
This could get quite interesting if true.
35M Hot Dogs: Benchmarking Caddy vs. Nginx
Interesting article but from a data viz perspective things would be a ton easier to read with a chart per load type comparing nginx, optimized nginx and caddy. A single megachart with a dozen different colored bars is not easily parsable.
OpenStreepMap 2012 vs. 2022
Does something like this exist for OSM vs Google (both current-day)?Edit: I found Geofabrik but their Google api key is invalid I guess.
An account was suspended
> After careful reviewTwitter's business is promoting their platform to users, and making money off showing ads to them. Calling whatever automated joke that took place a "careful review" is lying about their platform, about facts material to one's decision to keep, or start, using it.In other words, they are promoting their product using lies, no different than if they were selling cars, and claiming they had 4-wheel drive when in fact they have only 2.This is fraud, a crime.
Show HN: Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
For those who want to try, here are the steps I took over about an hour to set it up:1. Downloaded the Win10 artifact: at the bottom of the page by logging in to Github. Extract and placed this folder in my F:\ drive renaming it to 'Whisper'.2. Downloaded `ggml-large.bin` here: Within F:\Whisper, add a folder named 'models'. Move ggml-large.bin to the 'models' folder.3. Downloaded ffmpeg, extracted the archive to F:\FFMpeg, and set the environment variable by going to (right click) This PC -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> (Advanced tab) -> Environment Variables -> click Path -> Edit -> (paste in ffmpegs path i.e. F:\FFMpeg\)4. Use PowerShell to run ffmpeg against an mp3 file, to convert it to WAV (which is the only format that works) i.e.:ffmpeg -i F:\Rec\input.mp3 -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le F:\Output\output.wav5. Open PowerShell again, `cd` to the Whisper folder, and ran this:./main -m models/ggml-large.bin -f F:\Rec\output.wav
Ask HN: What is the best income stream you have created till date?
Ask HN: I have diagnosed ADHD and cannot work with Slack anymore – advice?
It may not be helpful in your particular case depending on how your Slack is administered and similar, but my setup is like so:- with WeeChat ( for IM only (i.e. configured so that it only notifies when an IM (one-on-one or group) is received); and- for retrieving messages from Slack as email, and sending responses to those emails to Slack. is used for all filtering of email, including Slack messages. This allows for rules like e.g. marking everything from Slack as read, unless it's from channel X and matches your username, or it was sent after 6pm, or similar.With this setup, IMs still come through as IMs, but everything else goes to email and is treated like email. Retrieving email and Slack messages happens based on local configuration, so it can e.g. be set up to fetch once per hour, and then all of those messages can be dealt with in one go. As the filters are refined, the number of useless messages that have to be reviewed decreases. With this configuration, at least in my experience, Slack is much less of a nuisance.
Moonwalkers: Shoes that make you walk faster (pre-order)
What problem does this product solve? The problem of not living fast enough? I think, in that case I'd rather have a shoe that forcefully makes me walk slower...
Heat pumps of the 1800s are becoming the technology of the future
I'd prefer a heat pump that uses ducts I hate the look of ductless heat pump that giant eyesore lump on the wall.But ducted are not as efficient compared to ductless due to the long runs of ducts and cold attics (even if ducts insulated). Plus my province won't give any rebates for ducted only ductless.Even better would be ground-source heat pump. But still I'd prefer ducts I think you'd have to with a ground source system.
IRS builds task force to explore running its own free e-file system
french tax code has a semi-official DSL syntax adopt theirs, add a message layer, and call it done
Launch HN: Neptyne (YC W23) – A programmable spreadsheet that runs Python
Can it handle in-coming websockets (I want to do similar things to Grafana with it - so a continuously updating spreadsheet)
California AG and state senators introduce bill to ban hidden fees
> Sellers often hide these additional, mandatory charges by using small type, vague descriptions or misleading wording such as “service fees,” by bundling them with legitimate charges like taxes, or revealing them clearly only after the consumer has invested time in the transaction.The tiny libertarian inside of me recoils at the description of taxes as legitimate, but that's a point for a different type of discussion. I'd just like to call attention to the concept of hidden fees being called out. And remember, that's fees, as in plural.Government officials are pointing out that multiple end of sale charges can be confusing and misleading dark patterns? Ok, great, lets analyze that logic through for consistency.Governments are engaging in the same bullshit.Look at how many Government Fees and taxes are on my basic phone bill.> City District Sales Tax - Telecom> City Sales Tax - Telecom> County Public Safety Communications Surcharge> State Sales Tax - Telecom> State Public Safety Communications SurchargeThere might be at least a few more, but I can't quite confirm if they're actually taxes or not.You might say that paying a tax is a necessary part of a functional society. Again, I'm not here to debate that.But why the bullshit with having an entire pile of random taxes given in a piecemeal fashion? If it's misleading and complicated for consumers to understand payments with 500 different surcharges and fees, certainly consumers also aren't understanding their true tax burden if they're nickle and dimed with tons of extra taxes that are only visible at the end of the process and not spelled out up front. If it's good for consumers to know about all of their commercial fees, shouldn't the same logic apply to taxation? Shouldn't voters be made to understand their true tax burden in the simplest fashion possible?
EU will require Apple to open up iMessage (2022)
When an application has ideas for enhancing the messaging experience, who governs those changes? What if an application refuses to incorporate those changes, or refuses to make those changes interoperable?And who decides which application(s) are forced to implement those enhancements?For example, iMessage supports iMessage apps. I imagine providing interoperability for those would be a monumental task, if not impossible. Would Apple now be forced to abandon its iMessage app store due to lack of interoperability?Or does this new law apply only to the core tenants of a message application? That a message app must only be interoperable with other apps/services in the sense that it can send and receive basic text?
Khan Academy integrates GPT-4 as every student’s customized tutor
> "It's important that you learn how to do this yourself!"I find this response by the AI tutor to be unbearably ironic - if there's an AI that could do it better than me, and well enough to teach me, then it seems quite unimportant that I learn to do it myself. While of course I see a benefit to some people learning mathematics from scratch, for advanced research and continuity purposes, at this point I think that saying that it's important for "everyone" to learn math (at least beyond the very basics) is almost equivalent to saying that it's important that everyone learn how to grow grain, weave fabric and mix cement.
FTX stored private keys to crypto assets in plaintext, without access controls
Ask HN: What are some of the best university courses available online for free?
This website has a long story of teaching tech. Almost every french programmer have made their first step thanks to them. It started with PHP about 15 years ago as leSiteDuZero and became (now available in English) in my opinion the best place to get started on any professional topic. programing language, Career, Management.
Reddit bans subreddit detailing how to move to competitor Kbin
If anyone is interested I made an extension you can use to batch delete your Reddit posts and comments: me know how it works for you if you try it! Still fixing bugs.
Earth's rotation, with the camera locked to the sky instead of the ground
There's a reddish haze near the ground (which rotates with the earth). What is that? Light pollution?
Meta blocking news links in Canada
Hard to decide between being against the Canadian media oligopoly or the big tech social media oligopoly.
Growing Number of Prosecutions for Videotaping the Police
Small thing I was noticing, that at least one of the comments to an article[1] makes reference to. The police officer outside of uniform pulled a gun on a man on a bike. In states where citizens are allowed to have equivalent force against an attacker, that police officer could have been shot because he was, as seen in the video, "some dude that jumps out of a car, pulls a gun and says nothing of his being a cop". He is very fortunate, however unwise in that situation. I do hope he learns from it and is removed if this sort of habit is found again.[1]
Land of Lisp is finally out...and has a music video.
the video is a little annoying but the comic is amazing.
Google Wave and the mythical man month
With apologies to jwz:Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll hire more engineers." Now they have two problems.
I'm starting to think LEGO is evil
> We will put it together once and we will play with it a lot and that will be that. It won’t get remixed, won’t get hacked.My kids have gotten their share of Star Wars and Harry Potter themed Lego over the years, and in every case the original set was eventually taken apart - usually bit by bit in a kind of salvage operation for needed parts - and incorporated into the Lego bin. Once the pieces go into general circulation, they're used to build an arbitrary collection of original ships, buildings and so on.
Printers are spontaneously printing odd "SQL" strings
I've so far been unable to replicate this problem.
How we keep GitHub fast
Reminds me of :"The simple act of putting a render time in the upper right hand corner of every page we serve forced us to fix all our performance regressions and omissions. [...]Most of the performance fixes were trivial, and even the ones that were not turned into fantastic opportunities to rearchitect and make things simpler and faster for all of our users."Stackexchange open sourced their profiler at (.NET & Ruby)The post provides some data showing how they improved their site performance over time where Github just states they have a strategy to use "powerful internal tools that expose and explain performance metrics". Guess it's just common sense now.
Give people an iPhone 4S, tell them it's an iPhone 5
Open the thread with 200+ comments about a single tangent.Personally, I thought the video was pretty funny and I love how serious most the people are while responding.
Show HN: An IDE for poets
Interesting idea.. I think what might even be more helpful is something that would count syllables for you, iambic pentameter, etc.
Metasploit Rails 3 Remote Code Execution Hours Away
I've found a lot of the posts so far to not cover both how to use Metasploit and actual secure a site. So I wrote
Did porn warp me forever?
I took part in a HuffPoLive chat with Isaac, the author of the post on Salon, Naomi Wolf and John Stoltenberg, 2 days ago - here's our discussion: check out my venture 'Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference.'
Ask HN admins: please stop editing submission titles
Because this thread seems, sadly, devoid of examples (when there are plenty), I wanted to point out one that's active right now.The front page's #2 link at the moment ( is currently titled "Cache Rules Everything Around Me". That's better than the article's actual title, "Cache Money Hoes". I suspect that if the article's original title were used, far fewer people would have bothered to check it out, to have learned from it, to upvote it, or to comment in the thread about it.I don't know if an editor will change it to the original title, but I certainly hope they leave it alone.
Don't use Linksys routers
So this researcher went from notifying Linksys to open disclosure to the internet after only a month? That hardly seems responsible.
If you're in Boston without phone service, use this website to call your family
A very nice move on Twilio's part. The fact they didn't seem to implement checks of Boston IP's and numbers as well and instead opting to rely on people being truthful is also great. Much respect.
MySQL man pages silently relicensed away from GPL
It was a bug. Corrected.
Quickly generate product screenshots in realistic environments
We had a little bit of fun with these:Images + Discussion: Only:*Some pictures may be NSFW
What would you like to see most in minix? (1991)
It'll be interesting to look back on StackOverflow posts one day to find little gems like this where users are trying to get help on what may become the next Google or Facebook.
OS X 10.9 Mavericks: The Ars Technica Review
Know it's too early, but can anyone comment on Screen Sharing improvements in Mavericks? I regularly access a headless mini and have had to occasionally kill screensharingd for hanging sessions, and/or lose connectivity on occasion for whatever reason. Screen Sharing's been improved with every OS X release, but it's not spectacular.
Snapchat Phone Number Database Leaked
I am interested in knowing if anyone who had deleted their SnapChat account, preferably months ago, was listed in that database.
The Case Against ISP Tolls
If Netflix are right an Comcast are providing insufficient connectivity through to all of the major transit networks (rather than just Cogent) it feels to me as if Comcast are not providing the internet connection speeds that they are selling. It would be interesting to see what would happen if Netflix bought from all the many transit providers and spread the load across them, would all of Comcasts general service grind to a halt.
Modern anti-spam and E2E crypto
Really interesting article until it gets into the Bitcoin talk. I feel like his passion towards Bitcoins seeped a little too much into the article towards the end.
What taking my daughter to a comic book store taught me
Hello? they have the Winx comics series Here the main heroes are girl fairies in high school (greetings from Harry Potter) and they even have a fairy of technology who has to fix things; my daughters (five and eight) like these.Also in Germany they have Donald Duck series (quite popular); don't know why they don't have that in the US
Why nuclear energy is our best option at the moment
Well once again an article that fails to address that the energy production issue could be addressed with controlling our energy wants instead of mindlessly using more and more combined with local self-production instead of centralized giant production plants and transportation.Let's not forget that nuclear plants are basically huge and optimized steam dynamos and that a breakthrough in producing electricity would be a game changer.
Anki – a program which makes remembering things easy
We've been working on a product more oriented towards "everyday" remembering instead of hardcore educational learning called ('s meant for use cases like reminding yourself about lessons you've learned in books, to keep yourself inspired, or for encoding tidbits from short term to long term memory.Here's a recent Lifehacker post about us:
Tried it with "I'm better then you" and it didn't complain.Nice idea, but you need to catch homophone errors.
How Web Scraping Is Revealing Lobbying and Corruption in Peru
This is really impressive, even more so by the fact that it has already led to discoveries being made.Web scraping is a really powerful tool for increasing transparency on the internet especially with how transient online data is.My own project, Transparent[1], has similar goals.[1]
Golden Rules for Making Money (1880)
Not sure if these are necessary or sufficient conditions.Probably neither.
The FBI faked an entire field of forensic science (2015)
There is no good side or bad side in American justice or anywhere with similar systems. The defense is expected to lie through their teeth even if they're guilty, and the prosecution is expected to convict at all costs regardless of innocence. There are no ethical or moral grounds for either stretching their practices, especially in the big leagues where every win counts. As with sports, so often we find the winners were actually just the dopers that got away with it, until they get caught, like now.Fair and balanced? It's pretty disgusting actually, but so is the NFL depending on how offensive you feel it is to taint studies on concussions. The analogy goes further than one might expect, with the justice system struggling with their image just like any other professional sport institution. It's the Justice League. Justice is a brand.The real question is, are we really that desperate? Or rather, why wouldn't we be? When you're forced to win, you're forced to do a lot of things.Instead, we should just be forced to get it right.
SpaceX: “Landing confirmed”
Comments moved to We don't usually merge an older thread into a newer one, but people obviously want to keep discussing this, so it seems like the best way to avoid more duplicate posts.
LinkedIn password leak
> test sample passwords with our password checker here.And you just lost my trust Kaspersky, congratulations.
Cheap HDMI capture for Linux
This is awesome. I was just thinking about something that could be even more awesome: if someone produced an HDMI to MIPI CSI adapter - that would allow e.g. a RasPI to have an "HDMI in" port.
Not Just Any Old Geek
Goodluck with your YC application
Software developers who started after 35, 40 or 50
I'm nearly 40 and just started my first software development job.In my case, I already knew Python and Ruby from working in ops, so it wasn't completely new to me as was the case for the people in the article. What is new to me is having larger programming tasks that require focus and teamwork. The nature of ops tends to involve a lot of context switching and as a result most of my projects were small and self contained. Learning how to collaborate with others on the same code base is a big adjustment.I am also incredibly impressed with how patient my colleagues are. I know "how to code" broadly, but that's not the same thing as "how to be a software developer." I'm fortunate enough to have the opportunity to learn as I go.
Secret colours of the Commodore 64
As an Australian user of the TRS-80 Color Computer I was always disappointed the artificating technique: ... didn't work on PAL so I never got to see all the 'cool' colours promised on game adverts in USA-based magazines!
A Primer on Bézier Curves
Lovely explanation, I always find them fascinating. I really need to get around to coding some of them sometimes, but I find most of the itnerest in the mathetics.That said, early higheschoolers knows jack about binomials unless they are particularly smart. I would venture a majority of college students (in subjects other than engineering and science) would find this too daunting. I think by downplaying the complexity it actually turns people off from trying to learn. Which of course is a shame.
Hanging up my spurs
I think he's hinting at something political but not running for office. I'm guessing some sort of involvement in the 2020 Presidential Campaign for some Dem or Alt candidate.
Stripe Sigma
Alation is a more general solution to the data dictionary + shared workbook problem. Does anyone know if Stripe allows you to export the financial data?
How to avoid picking the wrong technology just because it's cool
Many people may not work at Google scale, but name would probably like to work at Google
Stopping the Internet of Noise – A useful internet back again
> Incidentally, this is not a call for the open internet; I could not care less if there's a leading provider for content, as long as such content is accessible in a standard way.There is such a provider and it's called Facebook, that is if you don't care about the open internet is exactly what you get.
A New Way to Learn Economics
Something like the New Economy stocks from the late 1990s?
Franchise – An Open-Source SQL Notebook
This looks incredible! Congrats, guys! Does it support Google Authentication for sign in and data access restriction features for sensitive data?
The Case for Learned Index Structures
Some thoughts on the paper as a researcher in space-efficient data structures:When we design compressed data structures, we generally assume that the data has been generated by some statistical or combinatorial model. Then we design the encoding for the data and the data structure itself, assuming that model. There are often principled ways to achieve that.We also need an index to find the correct block of data to decompress. This is where we often have to resort to ugly hacks. The constant-time select structure for bitvectors is a good example. To find the i-th 1-bit, we split the bitvector into blocks and superblocks of certain number of 1-bits. Then we have different ways to encode the blocks and superblocks, depending on whether they are dense or sparse. There are lots of special cases, but the index still often ends up wasting space for redundant information. We could adapt to the data better by adding even more special cases, but that quickly becomes impractical.The key idea in this paper is that data structures often contain components that are learnable. For example, B-trees and rank/select indexes are essentially increasing functions, which should be easy to learn. We can afford having more special cases, if we don't hard-code them but handle them as data. This in turn can make the indexes smaller and faster.The drawback is index construction, which requires a lot of resources. (This is a common problem with sophisticated data structures.) Spending minutes to index 200 million elements can be justified in some applications, but it's way too much in other applications.
Basecamp doesn’t employ anyone in SF, but now we pay everyone as though all did
Congratulations Basecamp! If anyone from Basecamp is reading, your and still say "Salaries are standardized on the Chicago market."
Mapzen Shutdown
Sorry to hear that. Is, one of their backed projects dying too? I've been using their data on, but it seems like there has not been any new data in the past 6 months.
Advice for First Time Founders
From the article: "The biggest responsibility of a founder is making the right decisions."No shit?
Software Complexity Is Killing Us
Agreeing with other posts that this is mostly bullshit. Software is complex because every project is constrained by limited resources. There is no perfect language to develop in. There is no perfect framework or platform to create your app on. Yes, a lot of projects might go too far down the architecture rabbit hole, but just as many bend the other way not using proven tools trying to "keep it simple". For every project that is stuck using 2-ton framework, there is another that wrote a custom sub-set of said framework with 5x as many bugs, and no one but themselves to support it. Usually there is no correct choice, only compromises. The sum of these compromises is a complex software project.
Clang Is Now Used to Build Chrome for Windows
> On the other hand, if all platforms use the same compiler, if it builds on your machine then it’s probably going to build on all platforms.This also works the other way: buggy code that "works" in Clang may now go unnoticed.This means it will be harder to build Chromium using GCC or MSVC. I see that Arch Linux already has to depend on Clang to build Chromium [1], which isn't very reassuring.[1]
Making WebAssembly better for Rust and for all languages
> This is because JS is a good choice for most things.It really isn't, though. Maybe less bad with ES6. I feel like this was thrown in to mollify the scores of people who wasted their lives with invested a lot into javascript.I know the unfortunate story of how javascript came to be the "web language". It's a shame even a tiny bit more thought didn't go into it.
Thinking of yourself as an insomniac may be a part of the problem
As someone who recently completed CBTI for my insomnia, I can't recommend this approach more. I sleep quite well now. Definitely combatting poor attitudes regarding sleep is very important.
Google quits selling tablets
Such a shame.
Intel 28-core fantasy vs. AMD 32-core reality
It appears that Intel wanted to trump AMD. ...and also wanted to Trump AMD.
Writing an OS in Rust: Hardware Interrupts
Awesome series!
Did anyone said distributed ?
Boeing Withheld Information on 737 Model, According to Safety Experts and Others
So, would this be negligent homicide?
Ask HN: High-Quality Online Degree for Mathematics?
Tangential question: What career options do you expect a degree in mathematics to open up for you? (Or is this entirely personal?)
Show HN: A tool to find related subreddits
If you have spacetime, you might consider sharing this with LGBTQ and kink communities experiencing the Tumblr diaspora.Context: of people feel uprooted from sex-positive and/or tightly-bound communities they've been part of for years, and don't know how to rediscover or rebuild the healthy networks they've lost on Tumblr. I know full-grown adult women who are struggling to find footing again in the most personal of spaces.
Ask HN: Who is hiring? (March 2019)
eCommerce | Devops | CONUS | Part Time/Full Time/Contract? | REMOTEeCommerce company seeks Devops expertise to help stabilize an older production environment based in AWS.Skills sought:- automation expertise (Puppet, Chef, Ansible, whatever - we're agnostic so long as it works).- CI/CD expertise - we're currently using a mix of 'git pull' and Capistrano, we'd like to modernize a bit.- monitoring/metrics - our current Nagios system is noisy and long in the tooth. We'd love to upgrade to 'something different' that isn't waking us up on a regular basis for nothing.- Rails expertise - our platform runs on Rails. We suspect having some modicum of expertise in that area would be helpful for our purposes.- containers/kubernetes? We're curious if our business would be a fit for a straight-up kubernetes migration. Bonus points if you can help us figure that out and perhaps implement!Compensation - NegotiablePlease email Jack (jahodges419 - at - with why you think you'd be a good fit. TIA!
Privacy Is Just the First Step, the Goal Is Data Ownership
>> Privacy for privacy's sake is a weak argument, and privacy advocates should abandon it.But, why? Why is it that "privacy for privacy's sake is a weak argument"?Why is it so hard to find a way to respect peoples' wishes to avoid doing things that offend their dignity? What is that great need to spy on everyone that is so indispensible to the progress of human civilisation that this strong concern of many people must be brushed aside as "a weak argument", an irrelevant and obsolete affectation that can just be ignored?And who is making an argument in the first place? Is anyone arguing for or against the need for dignity in the last days of one's life? Is anyone arguing for or against the need to respect bereavement? Arguments exist for and against the limits of such things, but not their actual need. We need to be able to live our lives with dignity and worth, else our lives are meaningless, we are in constant conflict with everyone around us and the peaceful coexistence and collaboration that supports human societies goes to hell in a hand cart.This is what tech companies have to understand: you can't just take a big, smelly dump on peoples' sensibilities and not face consequences just because you have "arguments".
Firefox’s New WebSocket Inspector
Finally! This has been on my list of "reasons why I can't use Firefox to do my job" for nearly a DECADE. Glad to see it's finally here, but wish it had been done long ago. Better late than never.
After Spike in Deaths, New York to Get 250 Miles of Protected Bike Lanes
Paywalled.Here's a mirror:
Learning to code vs. learning to automate
Or maybe we should encourage users to be users and provide valuable feedback. As in, actually asking about the possibility of new features and reporting bugs.It'd make engineering a bit easier without trying to encourage people who might not really be interested into wasting their time and everyone else's.
A lot of complex “scalable” systems can be done with a simple, single C++ server
OTOH, we can assume one doesn't need to worry about using C++ unless they have many millions of users.