Full Text
"The Hanged King's Tragedy" active "Item #: SCP-701 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All materials relating to SCP-701 are to be kept in a triple-locked archive at Storage Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. These items currently consist of: the two (2) currently extant copies of the 1640 quarto; twenty-seven (27) copies of the 1965 trade paperback edition; ten (10) copies of a 1971 hardcover printing; twenty-one (21) floppy diskettes, consisting of data seized from raids on [EXPUNGED]; one (1) S-VHS video cassette tape (designated SCP-701-19β–ˆβ–ˆ-A); and one (1) steel knife of unknown origin (designated SCP-701-19β–ˆβ–ˆ-B). At no time are any of these items to be removed from the room. Access to the area is to be heavily monitored; absolutely no personnel whatsoever is to be granted access to the archive without the express, in-person permission of Drs. Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Rβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Description: SCP-701, The Hanged King's Tragedy, is a Caroline-era revenge tragedy in five acts. Performances of the play are associated with sudden psychotic and suicidal behavior among both observers and participants, as well as the manifestation of a mysterious figure, classified as SCP-701-1. Historical estimates place the number of lives claimed by the play at between β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ over the past three hundred years. Performances of The Hanged King's Tragedy do not always end with an outbreak. Of the β–ˆβ–ˆ recorded performances, only β–ˆβ–ˆ (36.78%) have ended in SCP-701 events. According to historical records and investigations, these outbreaks generally follow the same pattern: For a typical case study of an outbreak, see Incident Report SCP-701-19β–ˆβ–ˆ-1, an analysis of the events leading up to the last uncontained SCP-701 event in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, during a high school drama performance in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. For more information on the play’s published text, see Document SCP-701-1640-B-1. In short, SCP-701 is a self-evolving memetic virus, transmitted through unknown means through the text of the play. Dr. Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has theorized that SCP-701 events may involve [EXPUNGED]. This hypothesis is consistent with a spike in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ levels detected via satellite in the vicinity of the 19β–ˆβ–ˆ incident, indicating [EXPUNGED]. Foundation agents are under standing orders to suppress any performance or publication of SCP-701 whenever found or detected. Despite our best efforts to the contrary, however, the play remains freely available online, sometimes under different titles. All attempts to detect or isolate the origin of these copies have failed. Suppression of the play's publication has generally been successful, with most copies of a 1971 scholarly edition destroyed before distribution. Nonetheless, copies of the 1965 trade paperback turn up with some regularity in both college and high school libraries. Agents are to obtain or otherwise destroy these items whenever possible. History: The first known publication of The Hanged King’s Tragedy was as a quarto dated 1640. The play’s author is not listed. The publisher, one William Cooke, disappeared from the historical record soon thereafter. Strangely, the text does not appear in the Stationers’ Register. The first known SCP-701 event on record occurred in 18β–ˆβ–ˆ during a performance of the play in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ, USA. Other significant incidents include the 19β–ˆβ–ˆ performance at a small theater in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ; the 1964 performance at the University of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ; the 19β–ˆβ–ˆ performance at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ University, the first SCP-701 event successfully suppressed by the Foundation; the 19β–ˆβ–ˆ performance by a student group in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, CA; the 19β–ˆβ–ˆ television adaptation by the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Broadcasting Corporation (production successfully shut down by the Foundation before broadcast); and the 19β–ˆβ–ˆ incident in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, OH, USA, designated SCP-701-19β–ˆβ–ˆ-1. Publication History: Agents should note that copies of the play have often been misfiled under different titles or spellings of the title. Furthermore, photocopies of the 1965 text have been found in circulation throughout college theater departments in the continental United States and in the United Kingdom. Additional: Β« SCP-700 | SCP-701 | SCP-702 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-701" by tinwatchman, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Volgun701.jpg Author: VolgunStrife License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-701-1 in a still image from SCP-701-19β–ˆβ–ˆ-A"
[ 1.17709838e-01 1.72803234e-02 -1.05592355e-01 2.53829986e-01 -3.19162935e-01 -1.43020347e-01 -5.10833003e-02 2.00980052e-01 3.94543678e-01 -1.60179753e-02 1.20548643e-01 5.06074250e-01 -1.86773136e-01 -2.44347736e-01 1.27854809e-01 -4.48384769e-02 6.55041561e-02 2.56388992e-01 2.11778581e-01 1.55577078e-01 -1.88297570e-01 2.25708246e-01 -2.56291062e-01 3.07597131e-01 7.78722093e-02 -1.36552259e-01 5.28045259e-02 2.10890308e-01 -2.26171389e-02 -2.75961429e-01 9.88192577e-03 1.38584256e-01 1.67054653e-01 5.74442029e-01 -1.12924856e-04 -2.98739851e-01 1.64747283e-01 -1.32088616e-01 -1.08686931e-01 3.89081568e-01 -2.35669121e-01 2.17562869e-01 -4.03283238e-02 -4.22858059e-01 3.72961372e-01 -8.43357593e-02 2.80594174e-02 -2.84663253e-02 1.85700551e-01 4.35079962e-01 9.22069624e-02 1.51809245e-01 4.20504868e-01 -1.00618988e-01 4.20821235e-02 -8.93122330e-03 -7.75609091e-02 2.91099876e-01 6.46141350e-01 3.70565206e-01 5.28045511e-03 1.95073992e-01 -4.22424078e-01 -2.97940150e-02 1.55581728e-01 -5.03943920e-01 1.16060778e-01 1.82258636e-01 1.79777771e-01 2.79786140e-01 -5.82816415e-02 -2.39790216e-01 2.06627175e-01 1.52162164e-01 4.13991004e-01 9.24577266e-02 4.07524370e-02 2.30345786e-01 1.01324819e-01 2.67993838e-01 -6.74630469e-03 1.81527436e-01 -6.04900569e-02 1.43486544e-01 1.90797336e-02 -5.74187338e-02 -2.78539568e-01 1.37364730e-01 1.53700292e-01 -3.81834239e-01 -6.43733203e-01 1.07957475e-01 -9.76437777e-02 1.68614522e-01 1.96774956e-02 -1.02112263e-01 2.70349801e-01 3.23573619e-01 1.74475417e-01 -1.91750228e-01 1.81337625e-01 1.87102184e-01 1.94819108e-01 2.42437720e-02 4.49350834e-01 1.21900566e-01 6.93309009e-02 -5.65810278e-02 1.14963114e-01 7.87630200e-01 6.83141649e-02 3.28184992e-01 6.42783102e-03 1.97185263e-01 -8.89085885e-03 -1.24730662e-01 3.01624596e-01 -2.65686810e-01 -9.26957875e-02 5.38909614e-01 -1.65665522e-01 9.70435143e-02 -1.86619356e-01 5.53712785e-01 2.35708162e-01 2.61188954e-01 -6.03456013e-02 -1.26038343e-01 -1.27001375e-01 -2.61972249e-01 -2.37201810e-01 1.30900994e-01 8.73048007e-02 -8.05209652e-02 3.00281227e-01 2.12040842e-01 -1.25494093e-01 1.67047799e-01 -2.69834042e-01 -2.76055932e-01 -1.56398088e-01 1.79961398e-02 2.98095316e-01 3.87925386e-01 -2.15477958e-01 -2.23412633e-01 4.80794497e-02 5.60636856e-02 -1.56683996e-01 2.32638046e-01 1.34134904e-01 -2.86219627e-01 2.56325724e-03 9.51119512e-02 -1.24910988e-01 1.00759327e-01 -6.48950860e-02 1.16740689e-01 -4.32742313e-02 -1.70739785e-01 1.66964248e-01 1.56533301e-01 1.29295820e-02 -1.08296253e-01 8.15137327e-02 -5.98187617e-04 -4.85733390e-01 -3.74516174e-02 -1.34132043e-01 -1.03649460e-01 -3.35827529e-01 -1.72975659e-02 -1.02623552e-01 -1.28188461e-01 -2.92198896e-01 1.08782865e-01 -3.68829072e-01 -1.60691246e-01 -4.59249645e-01 -2.19816983e-01 -3.30389380e-01 3.69725376e-01 2.78827459e-01 -3.32987189e-01 1.79242879e-01 1.28217831e-01 -3.59235734e-01 -3.84114742e-01 1.55290633e-01 7.45727271e-02 -3.02136868e-01 -2.39813685e-01 -2.27048218e-01 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2.60892034e-01 1.01295374e-01 2.16131523e-01 2.52933979e-01 -3.96631986e-01 1.20204806e-01 -1.05655834e-01 5.08549988e-01 -2.88713187e-01 -8.25334787e-02 -3.79364550e-01 -8.91429037e-02 1.73750073e-01 2.23848805e-01 -2.47155130e-02 2.91771173e-01 3.10014486e-01 1.99583247e-01 8.42174962e-02 2.69323200e-01 -6.78988621e-02 1.25375077e-01 -4.95828509e-01 -3.42770725e-01 -3.06398451e-01 2.40854263e-01 1.37903616e-01 8.61369818e-02 -1.50202945e-01 1.86587274e-01 -1.80699095e-01 2.34235838e-01 -2.42144540e-02 -1.50407046e-01 9.04549658e-02 1.31151199e-01 2.47580126e-01 5.07323258e-02 1.79038763e-01 2.85393804e-01 -2.61788275e-02 -2.18681782e-01 1.62071094e-03 7.72234574e-02 4.28935379e-01 -8.71803910e-02 -3.10901254e-01 -2.21220329e-01 5.14299035e-01 6.05274737e-01 4.05010015e-01 2.37082869e-01 2.40305215e-02 1.70664847e-01 1.06793374e-01 9.29278284e-02 4.90361787e-02 -1.82171479e-01 -6.95544928e-02 1.36776850e-01 -1.96134448e-01 6.32059798e-02 -2.37809032e-01 5.88767864e-02 4.33511771e-02 -1.60964906e-01 -3.25314760e-01 -1.69288978e-01 -8.79811570e-02 4.85258728e-01 -1.89077795e-01 1.33959889e-01 5.49970493e-02 -2.70250231e-01 -2.19572648e-01 -2.52876407e-03 6.13251090e-01 -1.90045148e-01 2.60336518e-01 4.82542247e-01 4.18330967e-01 3.14664215e-01 3.43774445e-03 1.19024493e-01 -1.72349006e-01 -9.72819105e-02 1.40682191e-01 -3.55678573e-02 -2.33113877e-02 1.76970158e-02 4.47752811e-02 2.44106576e-02 1.58867612e-01 -5.26949763e-02 1.33349001e-01 -1.19499333e-01 -2.68869340e-01 1.60787627e-01 2.23127276e-01 3.56785923e-01 -1.34591296e-01 -2.25946754e-01 -4.60148096e-01 3.66279870e-01 8.17862377e-02 -2.61009391e-02 3.06477398e-01 -3.93500268e-01 -2.98998684e-01 6.18138537e-02 -1.93062007e-01 9.41178650e-02 1.33373141e-01 1.40597165e-01 1.53859109e-01 1.38733715e-01 -3.32846075e-01 -4.46646273e-01 -2.46646211e-01 2.17719346e-01 8.81367549e-02 -4.08580035e-01 8.65506455e-02 -4.21717875e-02 -1.28894135e-01 2.34486476e-01 -2.35415816e-01 -3.42683494e-01 -3.68578315e-01 3.66749346e-01 1.97051447e-02 -2.10166052e-01 6.74863577e-01 -4.91967890e-03 2.75004685e-01 -1.30082160e-01 1.86449170e-01 -1.84571911e-02 -3.88343781e-02 -9.44804624e-02 -5.40051103e-01 4.04492207e-02 1.97100401e-01 2.12918401e-01 -3.63946892e-02 2.77207822e-01 -1.34815425e-01 -2.99001753e-01 -1.11649498e-01 4.20987606e-01 -4.70924489e-02 3.65040511e-01 2.00263202e-01 3.10177565e-01 -9.85414814e-03 2.47041836e-01 2.86122203e-01 5.00959009e-02 -2.89520454e-02 3.03530663e-01 -5.48387885e-01 -1.09768203e-02 1.48155406e-01 1.36934459e-01 -1.48029864e-01 3.48553807e-01 8.26144069e-02 3.39866996e-01 -2.35094815e-01 -3.34809721e-01 3.68133187e-01 -9.96407121e-02 2.50885095e-02 -9.43330824e-02 3.53065163e-01 -1.27410308e-01 -3.45781058e-01 -4.38500851e-01 -9.18333307e-02 -6.06974177e-02 -2.74941493e-02 -2.91516900e-01 -1.03571236e-01 -1.47089735e-01 -3.50665927e-01 -2.74556458e-01 4.75705981e-01 2.10338667e-01 -7.17474986e-03 -6.91076070e-02 -1.82003483e-01]
"The Trader's Residence" active "Item #: SCP-702 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-702 is to be contained in a crate lined with mundane packing materials. The crate is to be kept in a standard security locker with armed guards at all times. If the crate is breached, under no circumstances are any personnel to touch the SCP without wearing a pair of standard insulated gloves and an insulated coat. The slated destruction of SCP-702 is indefinitely postponed due to the unknown effects on SCP-702-1 and possible containment breaches. Description: SCP-702 is a simple red vase of unknown design. Human contact with the vase causes an entity (herein referred to as SCP-702-1) to emerge from the vase and initiate contact with the individual coming into contact with SCP-702. The method of detection seems to be thermal in nature, as SCP-702-1 emerges when contact is established through thin, heat-transmitting materials, but does not emerge when contact is established through an insulated material. SCP-702-1 is a sapient gas-based life form that communicates through coordinated vibration of the air around it. A sample has been impossible to gather due to SCP-702-1's tendency to react violently to anyone coming into physical contact with it. Upon emergence, SCP-702-1 greets the subject establishing contact with SCP-702, and attempts to persuade the subject to give it a gift. If the subject refuses, the entity [DATA EXPUNGED] and takes a single object or part from the remains. Some objects are rejected by SCP-702-1, claiming that it "already has one", and demands a new gift, returning the offered object. If SCP-702-1 accepts the offered gift, it returns an object of roughly equal value to the subject and disappears. See Experiments 702-001 through 702-004 for a transcript of successful transactions with SCP-702. Addendum: Transcript Log of Experiment 702-001: Subject D-5567 was issued a freshly sharpened #2 Ticonderoga pencil. Subject D-5567: So, I just touch it? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: That's right, D-5567. You have the object ready, correct? Subject D-5567: Yeah, 's just a damn pencil, don't really see what I'm gonna do with it, though. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Don't worry about that, just touch the vase. Subject D-5567: Alright, alright. [a sound of rushing air is heard] Subject D-5567: What the HELL? SCP-702-1: Greetings, corporeal one! I presume you are here to deal? Subject D-5567: I, uh, ah, uh… Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: The pencil, you idiot! Subject D-5567: Uh, yes, sir! H-here you go… SCP-702-1: Thank you, bodybound! Here is your object. That will be all. [An intake of air is heard] Subject D-5567: A… an eraser? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Very good, D-5567, proceed to debriefing. Transcript Log of Experiment 702-002: Subject D-1699 was issued a crystalline sculpture of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, procured by the Psychological Ward from a patient. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: D-1699, proceed. [A sound of air rushing is heard] Subject D-1699: Aaaah! SCP-702-1: Is it time to trade so soon? How delightful! SCP-702-1: Well, you are clearly the one who bothered me, speak up! Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Talk to it! [Subject D-1699 gibbers incoherently] SCP-702-1: You waste my time, fool. We shall not deal. [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Subject D-1699 was killed by SCP-702-1. The sculpture was recovered. Transcript Log of Experiment 702-003 Subject D-1010 was issued a crystalline sculpture of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, procured by the Psychological Ward from a patient. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Go ahead, 1010, we haven't got all day. Subject D-1010: No, what's it gonna do? You gotta tell me first, doc! Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Subject D-1010, I remind you that deviation from protocol will result in immediate termination by Foundation security staff. Subject D-1010: I… I… fine. [a sound of rushing air is heard] SCP-702-1: Your kind again! I do so love new pieces for my collection! Subject D-1010: Oh God, collection? I don't want to die! SCP-702-1: I have only a short time, slow one, and you waste it. Do you desire trade, or no? Subject D-1010: Tra- you want this fucked up statue? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: SCP-702-1 appears to be considering the statue and is emitting a humming sound. [Note: Harmonics testing later indicated a frequency associated with deep thought.] SCP-702-1: How very… interesting. Here is my response. [an intake of air is heard] Subject D-1010: A… wow, that's heavy. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Proceed to debriefing, 1010. [long period of silence, recording clicks off and clicks on again] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: SCP-702-1 issued a two point eight kilogram jar of an unidentified liquid. The jar appears to be made of glass. The liquid is clear, but I am not removing the lid to identify odors. The jar will be sent to the labs for chemical analysis. Transcript Log of Experiment 702-004: Subject D-8133 was issued a vial containing a sample from SCP-158. Subject D-8133: So I touch the vase with this in my hand and give it away if I can? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: That is correct, D-8133. Please listen to briefings in the future. Subject D-8133: Awright, doc, don't get your panties in a knot. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Just proceed with the experiment, D-8133. [a sound of rushing air is heard] Subject D-8133: The fuck? SCP-702-1: Those of flesh and blood, sinew and bone again! Your kind always has such fascinating trinkets, and trade has never been so brisk! Subject D-8133: Here, take this and let me outta here. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: SCP-702-1 is emitting a hum, as in Experiment 702-003. [Note: Harmonics testing later indicated a frequency associated with fear.] SCP-702-1: Absolutely not. I am tempted, but I cannot possibly afford that. Good day. [an intake of air is heard] Subject D-8133: So, uh, can I leave? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Absolutely, Subject D-8133. Head to the debriefing room, and well done. Addendum: Any further experimentation on SCP-702 is to be appended to Experiment Log 702 in the abbreviated style outlined therein. Β« SCP-701 | SCP-702 | SCP-703 Β»" nan
[ 3.07146758e-01 -1.00329392e-01 -1.48311466e-01 2.93144554e-01 -1.96114838e-01 -4.72519815e-01 1.82615787e-01 2.71234810e-01 5.17067432e-01 1.05913572e-01 1.75092183e-02 2.79552460e-01 -1.63452864e-01 1.30188435e-01 1.52516976e-01 3.96281853e-03 1.08058244e-01 2.27085516e-01 2.55170375e-01 -2.92088270e-01 -7.62125058e-03 -1.21808484e-01 -1.16912887e-01 4.46757019e-01 6.67053610e-02 -1.00835122e-01 -2.58859154e-03 4.77277525e-02 -8.77271444e-02 -3.49494606e-01 2.80373901e-01 2.36260489e-01 -1.22631848e-01 3.98499876e-01 -1.07831547e-04 -1.73000857e-01 1.38170391e-01 2.98292544e-02 -5.51661611e-01 -2.04046413e-01 -5.97368963e-02 -1.77043155e-02 -3.30711156e-03 -1.03700846e-01 -3.18432510e-01 -2.53123432e-01 1.77598864e-01 2.58477151e-01 2.86236852e-01 6.67885616e-02 1.65019467e-01 -9.84361842e-02 4.93579954e-01 -6.44939300e-03 1.55733198e-01 2.25951761e-01 3.70793715e-02 -3.08630884e-01 2.46110246e-01 1.13822132e-01 1.22707054e-01 2.42902935e-02 -3.93640041e-01 3.93658243e-02 1.97133213e-01 -8.59963372e-02 -2.03278914e-01 8.12892467e-02 -1.67468423e-03 2.19300434e-01 -2.62436390e-01 2.09635813e-02 -4.31523472e-03 2.44850338e-01 -6.14956245e-02 -2.71306753e-01 2.81616151e-02 1.99270248e-01 3.42960581e-02 1.62734017e-01 -8.92416686e-02 4.78248373e-02 -3.70578051e-01 1.26007274e-01 -2.59321988e-01 2.40760520e-01 -3.57153147e-01 2.28834495e-01 6.93993270e-02 -1.67952910e-01 -2.69758731e-01 1.24678053e-02 4.03542928e-02 5.85478079e-03 1.89274736e-03 -2.54610181e-01 4.03079599e-01 4.56841856e-01 1.65502101e-01 4.30495851e-02 4.87372845e-01 1.54274195e-01 2.88779825e-01 2.52907842e-01 1.44552857e-01 -2.01086476e-01 1.96602598e-01 -2.69829959e-01 -4.87326980e-01 3.21364284e-01 -1.32332295e-01 2.49670655e-01 -2.45849177e-01 2.77359694e-01 -1.00273848e-01 -1.23316996e-01 8.94185901e-02 -1.35852933e-01 -1.40574962e-01 4.52738583e-01 -3.97865146e-01 -2.30244696e-02 -1.15350477e-01 2.72226274e-01 1.98922321e-01 1.38147548e-01 -2.29842976e-01 -2.57736892e-01 1.08067445e-01 -1.73277542e-01 -2.56281793e-01 2.97403544e-01 -1.07757591e-01 -2.41423473e-01 -7.18442127e-02 1.74502745e-01 -1.26167938e-01 6.09805323e-02 -3.38599414e-01 -3.59049998e-02 3.40715379e-01 -1.46746963e-01 7.75283813e-01 4.96945411e-01 -3.74301285e-01 -1.39948547e-01 1.75604150e-02 -3.11735570e-01 -2.96683371e-01 -5.33333160e-02 2.14030176e-01 -2.43703723e-01 -4.06008124e-01 1.77013293e-01 -1.18438803e-01 -2.21262351e-02 4.93209243e-01 -1.17952637e-01 -2.54777104e-01 5.58172986e-02 9.50571001e-02 7.43119940e-02 8.19559321e-02 -2.88979501e-01 7.59946741e-03 3.33725095e-01 -3.84653449e-01 2.99998056e-02 -1.03793271e-01 -1.73264429e-01 1.47884041e-01 -1.42712623e-01 -2.25414053e-01 2.12509409e-02 -1.29955903e-01 2.27163821e-01 -5.13943017e-01 -2.37109169e-01 -4.17742908e-01 -5.48392572e-02 -4.47509646e-01 4.87168372e-01 3.83024991e-01 -8.25521499e-02 -2.08521873e-01 2.16362793e-02 -2.16442913e-01 -2.79619604e-01 1.21968679e-01 -2.09172174e-01 -2.65302509e-01 -5.18307388e-01 3.38423550e-01 -5.85296005e-02 -1.25833198e-01 -1.81753282e-02 9.51911882e-02 3.20066243e-01 9.61835161e-02 2.29545727e-01 -2.56888866e-01 -1.81321353e-02 4.30288285e-01 2.73259670e-01 -1.91831961e-01 2.11784288e-01 7.06188902e-02 -6.98348731e-02 4.69523013e-01 1.19213745e-01 1.02468491e-01 -1.20487340e-01 -3.13645750e-01 2.75175750e-01 3.14676464e-02 -5.85562348e-01 2.85346597e-01 1.99285835e-01 2.35801470e-02 -6.21080935e-01 -9.44339260e-02 3.10277343e-01 5.53741045e-02 -1.20422684e-01 4.25448120e-02 -8.60164613e-02 -3.63410592e-01 -9.14504677e-02 -4.53781635e-01 -1.88913554e-01 3.14193934e-01 -1.04141250e-01 2.87859082e-01 2.17713546e-02 -2.99012214e-02 -2.01242622e-02 -3.20969499e-03 7.86161244e-01 -1.73115909e-01 4.99184206e-02 -1.30909353e-01 -2.63457000e-01 7.58427009e-02 1.59460410e-01 -3.27903956e-01 2.59492248e-01 1.36543393e-01 -1.34004420e-02 -1.82825133e-01 -1.47369817e-01 9.16379616e-02 -3.44523221e-01 6.72841584e-03 -1.39708668e-01 -6.09259941e-02 4.58312668e-02 9.65739191e-02 3.35238576e-01 -8.58083069e-02 2.61230797e-01 -1.73969164e-01 2.07103416e-01 3.46818209e-01 -2.44615898e-02 1.70901157e-02 -3.04918051e-01 2.52522945e-01 1.70771345e-01 3.07346191e-02 1.57914579e-01 9.28814113e-02 -3.25451493e-01 5.02106696e-02 -1.15495503e-01 -9.05684233e-02 -1.08652242e-01 6.30788803e-02 8.94074980e-03 1.87461317e-01 2.83796340e-01 -1.85104534e-01 -1.29077256e-01 -1.76858336e-01 -8.25354457e-02 -1.14004910e-01 1.59351051e-01 -1.15017472e-02 2.91581899e-01 -7.93091133e-02 4.86209494e-04 4.48044509e-01 1.46181092e-01 9.01178829e-03 3.87590855e-01 -2.55271465e-01 -1.09815128e-01 1.68764979e-01 6.33577287e-01 -1.61379486e-01 5.82259037e-02 -4.02982771e-01 -4.09321152e-02 -1.51501983e-01 6.41944334e-02 -2.56946445e-01 2.22183928e-01 4.60822642e-01 3.96287628e-02 -4.11897711e-02 -5.25427945e-02 -6.97777867e-01 2.44390965e-01 1.03606693e-02 1.37878031e-01 3.65891963e-01 -7.93131292e-02 -1.16513722e-01 -1.18444212e-01 -3.89651805e-02 -3.43273699e-01 -1.50520772e-01 -3.44421193e-02 -1.05008297e-01 -1.96763977e-01 -2.38123581e-01 2.19254121e-01 -2.86564194e-02 -1.58644646e-01 1.30215839e-01 -7.42797926e-02 1.53485402e-01 -1.13130689e-01 1.61301881e-01 3.07490200e-01 2.73167389e-03 1.36672974e-01 -2.08764657e-01 -5.72620869e-01 -2.07354605e-01 -1.89292073e-01 -1.03871867e-01 -3.33901435e-01 -1.98447928e-01 1.84284285e-01 5.32641038e-02 -1.38750777e-01 -1.18281402e-01 1.18158236e-01 6.82654232e-02 1.12131342e-01 -4.90437657e-01 5.44969380e-01 1.65658444e-01 -3.23159158e-01 -3.47823113e-01 1.00270778e-01 1.05778962e-01 8.31246376e-02 1.25545084e-01 -2.53432184e-01 -3.65123451e-01 4.01738554e-01 1.78421989e-01 -1.17431834e-01 -3.62259865e-01 -2.28093732e-02 1.96207345e-01 2.52719045e-01 2.61065781e-01 -3.32680047e-01 -1.86156314e-02 7.56951943e-02 -3.71543497e-01 1.40324503e-01 -2.39654526e-01 -2.47525759e-02 8.23764578e-02 1.38905898e-01 -3.48689735e-01 -1.70500711e-01 -1.93123575e-02 4.08014625e-01 3.77764672e-01 -5.50886616e-02 -1.26483396e-01 5.80789596e-02 -1.21317573e-01 -2.63965398e-01 -2.52162684e-02 1.83680609e-01 4.93054017e-02 4.78813052e-02 1.06728397e-01 4.41280976e-02 -2.62390263e-02 -3.16755474e-02 3.23945343e-01 -2.91494519e-01 -2.07471699e-01 2.67444819e-01 -3.26507211e-01 4.85128105e-01 2.79124975e-01 2.61414111e-01 2.40588635e-01 1.43389240e-01 -4.02860381e-02 9.37075317e-02 -3.12644750e-01 -7.27357939e-02 1.25933111e-01 -2.29579080e-02 -1.77280530e-01 -1.25628248e-01 1.51675940e-01 -8.18140805e-02 2.60104418e-01 4.22332674e-01 -9.49775651e-02 -3.18177462e-01 -2.63592511e-01 3.65571290e-01 9.05854777e-02 -3.74986827e-02 -2.58496165e-01 7.04037920e-02 2.92181093e-02 2.87744999e-01 3.02057236e-01 9.58171785e-02 -9.79133621e-02 -9.05884132e-02 -2.67649502e-01 2.91908264e-01 3.53153497e-01 3.85307401e-01 3.50599289e-01 3.35883915e-01 1.16445832e-01 6.03712387e-02 -1.11163229e-01 -4.12626378e-02 6.97202682e-01 2.39787716e-02 5.29591143e-02 -4.41550612e-01 2.56657064e-01 -7.60566536e-03 2.50109911e-01 1.96997419e-01 4.28404622e-02 1.34147227e-01 2.78329670e-01 3.70325707e-02 -1.71719104e-01 -4.68111038e-01 -2.60156751e-01 4.21591997e-01 -1.48729250e-01 3.38540256e-01 5.17020881e-01 1.19277489e+00 1.61749274e-01 2.75176078e-01 9.58640687e-03 -1.01230705e+00 1.27096713e-01 -2.59209991e-01 -1.04007833e-02 -1.38313517e-01 9.02093854e-03 -2.33447514e-02 -2.17926607e-01 2.55260855e-01 5.78856051e-01 -2.41958216e-01 -2.24583879e-01 -4.74988610e-01 1.70004889e-01 2.58316934e-01 2.11597890e-01 9.82042775e-02 1.88341379e-01 5.94279170e-01 2.52791673e-01 -1.14442684e-01 4.44009095e-01 -4.34924699e-02 1.42564403e-03 -1.46378815e-01 -1.55229226e-01 -1.87872753e-01 1.19791210e-01 3.75747412e-01 4.31483805e-01 1.84753910e-02 -1.38852447e-01 -1.62215412e-01 4.75303922e-03 -2.01689109e-01 -1.41839208e-02 -5.28355390e-02 1.51570544e-01 5.12801468e-01 -1.43034190e-01 2.23503396e-01 -7.28724245e-03 3.59085530e-01 1.68845922e-01 -1.72094908e-02 1.58591256e-01 -7.95379877e-02 1.82287157e-01 -3.65290046e-01 2.25277588e-01 7.52667010e-01 -1.84036449e-01 4.81575169e-02 9.00542587e-02 -3.48500341e-01 -1.89561442e-01 1.46554887e-01 -7.28527308e-02 -9.45612714e-02 -1.18889689e-01 -1.38924897e-01 -2.35333800e-01 -2.00898368e-02 3.44703525e-01 1.93866059e-01 -2.49176815e-01 3.14028084e-01 -1.28845692e-01 -1.15785562e-01 -5.26766956e-01 7.17825741e-02 7.46425316e-02 -4.47782904e-01 1.56554908e-01 -2.11693317e-01 -3.52229536e-01 -1.60440318e-02 2.93810695e-01 2.66639471e-01 -1.84543788e-01 -1.68914720e-01 -1.09018257e-03 2.33917713e-01 -1.28911451e-01 1.42905131e-01 4.24969345e-01 -1.71714835e-02 5.29470205e-01 -1.41452521e-01 2.13938668e-01 -4.15382534e-01 -5.14494553e-02 -3.77467871e-01 -1.16311774e-01 2.88095117e-01 1.44857615e-01 -3.24919671e-01 -2.59463221e-01 2.07653716e-01 3.58621813e-02 -1.50767788e-01 -2.86982626e-01 -3.01439732e-01 1.40754595e-01 -3.13097276e-02 -1.32032856e-01 2.38140542e-02 2.43726477e-01 2.35174060e-01 1.48868695e-01 -1.27612025e-01 2.02569753e-01 3.10330778e-01 3.54852855e-01 4.82962374e-03 5.06980658e-01 -4.83504944e-02 -9.22501385e-02 2.04639032e-01 4.01344508e-01 -2.03071330e-02 -2.12956127e-02 -4.98404913e-02 -3.25424075e-02 5.95974207e-01 3.23054731e-01 7.00865388e-02 1.10936746e-01 1.67360634e-01 9.21949223e-02 -1.06964923e-01 -1.61980420e-01 -2.58769959e-01 -9.10242647e-02 -3.62831831e-01 -3.36682051e-01 1.59186006e-01 2.79535443e-01 -7.56083280e-02 7.75403976e-02 -8.43840614e-02 1.75824314e-01 -6.58221841e-02 2.03924790e-01 -9.11004562e-03 2.76962042e-01 3.58731560e-02 1.07669815e-01 -4.43297848e-02 2.44521946e-01 8.98186117e-02 1.79958284e-01 -3.68506372e-01 -1.73280984e-01 3.15188795e-01 -6.88822120e-02 2.04003677e-01 2.97354102e-01 3.86204183e-01 4.13433194e-01 -1.13314256e-01 6.12568796e-01 2.25438267e-01 2.08238497e-01 5.78553081e-02 -1.71663299e-01 1.98554814e-01 2.56308049e-01 -1.12565607e-01 2.24034876e-01 -2.57712334e-01 -4.95768385e-03 9.64559428e-03 5.06872796e-02 -1.29784003e-01 -6.98061809e-02 -5.09113148e-02 -1.37187272e-01 -3.45598787e-01 -1.20999672e-01 1.44019783e-01 9.16412696e-02 -1.31260425e-01 4.98972163e-02 5.76238036e-02 -3.42072338e-01 -3.96728396e-01 2.40913689e-01 1.81376219e-01 -2.41694525e-01 1.86692983e-01 2.88609177e-01 -1.23468958e-01 2.18573343e-02 -2.73466669e-02 8.80541652e-02 5.25848120e-02 -3.77788693e-02 -1.35243282e-01 -2.29840912e-02 -2.47788355e-01 -3.18869054e-01 -1.16173193e-01 1.24605946e-01 -1.74452346e-02 -3.90302278e-02 1.27981126e-01 -2.23680511e-01 -1.01002485e-01 1.01341806e-01 2.55414218e-01 6.33801445e-02 2.70267278e-01 -1.54775888e-01 -3.90858382e-01 1.06384739e-01 -1.55370096e-02 -2.27924079e-01 1.08313017e-01 -9.34872031e-02 1.07733108e-01 2.20760390e-01 -1.28345340e-01 7.95099437e-02 2.64199793e-01 3.85323167e-01 -1.26737030e-02 2.79788733e-01 -3.16731364e-01 -4.25894529e-01 -2.61990637e-01 2.78096020e-01 4.38007712e-02 -2.68586576e-01 1.17383962e-02 8.47645774e-02 3.28925289e-02 5.87300099e-02 -5.68527043e-01 -1.34354264e-01 -3.05500537e-01 -3.94572318e-03 -2.44144678e-01 5.91602512e-02 5.55710793e-02 -4.59028259e-02 6.63143769e-02 -3.47231291e-02 1.12481907e-01 2.53272235e-01 1.85150206e-01 -3.86265606e-01 -3.37728769e-01 8.28943774e-02 -5.48024662e-02 2.86872685e-01 -8.93087164e-02 1.80829167e-01 -1.01065025e-01 -1.37641668e-01 1.51797503e-01 3.99243712e-01 -2.72179902e-01 1.46529913e-01 6.70958683e-02 2.89824814e-01 1.91537559e-01 1.57221541e-01 7.02308714e-02 -1.91534549e-01 5.29930927e-02 1.88771561e-01 -2.10289955e-01 8.57237428e-02 -1.57851174e-01 1.68072745e-01 -1.52562544e-01 4.29578483e-01 1.27585649e-01 8.55941232e-03 -3.15889716e-01 -1.22827873e-01 4.46681827e-01 -2.57650465e-01 -2.59861648e-01 -1.14676498e-01 1.89096570e-01 -1.65696174e-01 -5.14265716e-01 -3.17132235e-01 -2.55046576e-01 -6.23192526e-02 -4.75728139e-02 -2.16411054e-01 -9.83228609e-02 -1.62163116e-02 7.55051672e-02 -2.40233347e-01 6.35100484e-01 1.70069709e-01 1.71024784e-01 -3.30521107e-01 -1.01389199e-01]
"Into The Closet" active "Item #: SCP-703 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-703 is to be contained within a standard containment chamber, located in Site 77's Euclid SCP wing. SCP-703 is to be monitored remotely in 5 hour shifts, and two armed guards are to be present within the chamber at all times, operating in 5 hour shifts. Entry into SCP-703 while it is in an active state is prohibited. When SCP-703 resumes an inactive state, a Class-D personnel will be sent in to retrieve the item. Staff assigned to work with SCP-703 are to be rotated every 5 weeks, and any SCP-703-1 instances produced by SCP-703 related to staff members may be declassified and returned after a 6 week observation period. Instances of SCP-703-1 that are not related to staff must be put in permanent storage. Description: SCP-703 is a wooden closet, formerly located within a residential home in New Hampshire. SCP-703's interior is painted white, and contains a single light bulb. The bulb is incandescent, and hangs from the ceiling by a wire. The interior dimensions of SCP-703 are 2.5x3x1m. The exterior has been reconstructed and painted to prevent deterioration. At random intervals, ranging between 2 hours and 14 months, SCP-703 will enter an active state. During the active state, the bulb within SCP-703 will activate. Following that, an instance of SCP-703-1 will appear. SCP-703-1 designates a collection of 452 random objects, retrieved from SCP-703 following the completion of its active state. Instances of SCP-703-1 do not appear to have any relation to one another, and are entirely random SCP-703-1 instances appear to have some relation to their environment and persons exposed to it. When SCP-703 was originally recovered by the Foundation, it primarily produced objects that young children would enjoy, such as toys, games, and food such as candy, fruit snacks, potato chips, and juice. However, after 2 years in containment, SCP-703 began producing objects of a more scientific nature, such as lab equipment. As time in containment progressed, SCP-703 began producing more specific scientific literature and equipment, eventually producing specialized equipment that could be used to replicate the function of on-site equipment. Following this, SCP-703 was moved to a higher level containment chamber. Following SCP-703's move, SCP-703-1 instances became specifically targeted at Foundation personnel currently assigned to work with SCP-703, with objects such as lost possessions, misplaced documents, and equipment that had the potential to be used in SCP-703's containment procedures. Due to this, SCP-703 has been classified as a sapient non-organic, and containment procedures have been updated to reflect this change in its behavior. After implementing staff rotation, SCP-703 has produced fewer SCP-703-1 instances related to staff currently assigned to it. Addendum: On 9/18/2010, several instances of SCP-643 suddenly vanished from their containment chamber. During the ensuing lockdown by security personnel, SCP-703 entered its active phase, and produced the missing instances. Due to SCP-643's mind affecting properties, three researchers were injured and one member of security was killed before they could be recontained. Because of the fact that SCP-643 was being moved to a containment chamber in the same zone as SCP-703, it is theorized that SCP-703 was attempting to assist in this move. Reclassification to Euclid has been granted, and SCP-703 has been moved to a more secure area. As of the time of writing, similar incidents have been observed with instances of SCP-649 and SCP-1317. Β« SCP-702 | SCP-703 | SCP-704 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-703" by Brucy, rewritten by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Source: SCP Foundation Wiki License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Title: 703-new.jpg Author: Anonymous Release year: 2020 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Photo of SCP-703 taken during initial containment."
[ 3.39746773e-01 -1.39291525e-01 -8.91983584e-02 2.61504740e-01 -2.78764695e-01 -2.67556280e-01 3.72151583e-01 8.08284208e-02 1.95299670e-01 -2.64633410e-02 3.23065966e-02 3.33231837e-01 -2.75693625e-01 -1.11250155e-01 3.88606936e-02 1.89984232e-01 2.59458333e-01 2.15524480e-01 -2.38387212e-01 -3.40510488e-01 -2.94921547e-01 -2.49858558e-01 -2.48278618e-01 2.21907943e-01 2.25350499e-01 8.44577886e-03 -9.14220810e-02 -2.32432131e-02 -2.78291762e-01 -1.78454459e-01 3.88137490e-01 4.36672792e-02 -4.80268039e-02 2.14972809e-01 -1.13023831e-04 -2.69295514e-01 1.33881941e-01 -3.52413841e-02 -5.54473639e-01 -3.05093862e-02 -2.58714646e-01 5.88112846e-02 1.16790086e-01 -8.15318748e-02 1.11032829e-01 6.14196341e-03 1.78280324e-01 4.00301158e-01 2.63234042e-03 -9.00519837e-04 1.77466124e-01 6.57167705e-03 1.13068484e-01 -3.44213471e-02 3.05713803e-01 3.89744699e-01 -6.70257732e-02 -7.94801861e-03 5.46781242e-01 4.48851958e-02 1.39245734e-01 1.00663804e-01 -1.15874819e-01 1.30258292e-01 6.00123227e-01 -7.34104365e-02 2.40604416e-01 -7.42995292e-02 -1.73335105e-01 -5.68365455e-02 -5.60829490e-02 -1.19176552e-01 3.32094021e-02 -1.85787261e-01 -3.03556249e-02 -7.39947930e-02 1.26479017e-02 2.44300276e-01 1.63827892e-02 1.73442990e-01 -2.75245428e-01 1.51887149e-01 -3.80909920e-01 4.01836671e-02 -7.42919296e-02 3.02860200e-01 -1.83152512e-01 3.76645029e-02 2.67492354e-01 -2.23368093e-01 -1.09024510e-01 -4.12799977e-02 1.44442931e-01 -9.87876579e-02 3.62338871e-01 -2.45899156e-01 4.39831793e-01 1.63921922e-01 2.26805821e-01 5.29017627e-01 -8.89715627e-02 3.97260971e-02 1.54305130e-01 2.41046175e-01 1.43707767e-01 1.63138106e-01 1.74928099e-01 -1.71165004e-01 -4.75030363e-01 5.47867343e-02 -1.00076362e-01 2.65974045e-01 -1.91907033e-01 1.56824559e-01 2.16323659e-01 -3.12744468e-01 1.48591176e-01 -1.67002872e-01 -1.18142396e-01 2.21930027e-01 -3.66637290e-01 5.70906047e-03 -1.82692364e-01 3.28694999e-01 6.79169655e-01 -1.35391746e-02 9.61019248e-02 -7.45932162e-02 6.87910020e-02 2.98540071e-02 -1.26635730e-01 1.17369570e-01 -2.77243376e-01 -4.05347534e-02 -3.93778495e-02 4.75455821e-01 -1.18078843e-01 4.91424277e-02 -3.47140878e-01 -1.25129268e-01 1.31151929e-01 7.18923882e-02 8.32403481e-01 3.95077050e-01 -5.84188461e-01 -1.64981410e-01 1.33026987e-01 -1.10479586e-01 -2.73236543e-01 1.95490010e-02 2.23308355e-01 -4.36133116e-01 -3.12418491e-01 1.15352131e-01 -1.98678568e-01 2.16173798e-01 2.12222368e-01 -7.85278231e-02 -4.36273068e-01 -2.34614629e-02 1.56010509e-01 -1.68285295e-01 1.19315706e-01 -1.75061136e-01 -3.81216146e-02 3.99574488e-01 -3.42244923e-01 5.45636564e-02 -1.32264242e-01 -2.64490079e-02 -1.63787305e-01 -1.24491096e-01 -3.45925480e-01 1.53236002e-01 -3.20503771e-01 3.58155519e-02 -2.88455784e-01 -3.34705383e-01 -2.07468539e-01 -3.81311268e-01 -4.30068642e-01 2.58367360e-01 3.69259715e-01 -3.29464301e-02 -1.39807060e-01 -1.51049392e-02 -7.16103762e-02 -6.94628879e-02 2.37759382e-01 -2.04420745e-01 -2.42690936e-01 -2.65802801e-01 1.41540289e-01 -4.18721661e-02 -8.29592571e-02 4.22195122e-02 1.15571372e-01 1.95352435e-01 1.25736237e-01 -1.93589509e-01 -1.86973363e-01 -6.42732605e-02 2.72883177e-01 4.49616283e-01 -1.06129989e-01 1.09273709e-01 -1.55419093e-02 -4.56662886e-02 5.07919848e-01 -1.49614494e-02 -9.98908877e-02 -7.46794268e-02 -2.14689925e-01 2.13628396e-01 -1.77143484e-01 -4.91734296e-01 2.11129576e-01 2.70605117e-01 2.91393518e-01 -6.05646551e-01 -1.59778316e-02 4.10023285e-03 8.18365440e-02 -1.43548008e-02 -3.57989371e-01 3.61946702e-01 -1.50429204e-01 -7.99783990e-02 -3.21326584e-01 2.88263440e-01 2.79408664e-01 -1.73653558e-01 1.35695159e-01 9.39898491e-02 -1.92324981e-01 -1.11686714e-01 -4.07436229e-02 7.81382382e-01 -2.30911486e-02 1.24098577e-01 2.17786059e-01 -2.98115522e-01 7.59667754e-02 2.55869836e-01 -2.42633894e-01 2.14802533e-01 3.14319134e-01 2.41037384e-01 -7.27257282e-02 -3.03463042e-01 -1.28815733e-02 -3.57548714e-01 1.44115686e-02 -2.62022346e-01 7.93285593e-02 1.99678972e-01 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2.84252013e-03 9.54714194e-02 -8.15196112e-02 -1.12932958e-01 -1.78248018e-01 1.58355579e-01 -2.89437920e-01 -1.02805525e-01 3.45960230e-01 6.14504293e-02 7.26746097e-02 1.55259162e-01 9.96574853e-03 2.53908664e-01 -1.47237033e-01 7.96752423e-02 -6.40083924e-02 -1.23908920e-02 1.12792715e-01 -1.70476601e-01 1.45137683e-01 -3.22217166e-01 -1.40487716e-01 -2.19301045e-01 -1.24303117e-01 -2.61089385e-01 -5.14894545e-01 -1.54272158e-04 9.24183354e-02 4.08683531e-02 -2.69860297e-01 8.22611272e-01 2.34436184e-01 -3.27549666e-01 -2.35244825e-01 -3.49244252e-02 8.29808787e-02 1.28986314e-01 7.39399809e-03 -1.89586282e-01 -2.75530457e-01 3.70213687e-01 3.09149861e-01 -2.15052232e-01 -3.79552007e-01 -2.26807207e-01 1.61660835e-01 2.71483868e-01 7.29402676e-02 -7.65628219e-02 -3.41540948e-03 1.78640470e-01 -2.83169240e-01 1.85036227e-01 -4.90138978e-02 -2.79934496e-01 2.34903589e-01 1.53995268e-02 -2.93744504e-01 -2.48548955e-01 1.05907887e-01 6.55865729e-01 -3.20377424e-02 1.03854366e-01 9.72717479e-02 -1.61385387e-01 -1.20529838e-01 -3.25229526e-01 3.83041501e-02 1.88720729e-02 -1.63831264e-02 2.76560813e-01 -5.34501791e-01 6.46277443e-02 -1.59420416e-01 5.16255461e-02 1.87403828e-01 -2.02621475e-01 -1.58417091e-01 3.33313555e-01 -9.01891813e-02 3.67348075e-01 1.28735425e-02 5.86014450e-01 3.68701398e-01 2.61345655e-01 -2.79492825e-01 -2.04390079e-01 -4.42770571e-01 -2.51035362e-01 4.86184329e-01 -6.96634278e-02 -2.18903065e-01 8.89552683e-02 8.97964612e-02 1.77560955e-01 1.64065093e-01 1.77371100e-01 1.26923740e-01 -2.05951750e-01 -6.95379972e-01 8.86776820e-02 2.43029907e-01 -2.02173248e-01 -1.48624063e-01 -1.74698606e-02 3.76856297e-01 1.73924088e-01 3.22210431e-01 4.47886586e-02 9.65398625e-02 1.31594241e-01 -3.24391156e-01 2.60541201e-01 3.93635780e-01 4.28090930e-01 3.44122201e-02 1.64529532e-01 3.10891271e-01 1.72786862e-01 1.08152695e-01 3.55311781e-02 8.26388419e-01 1.05762072e-01 -2.72878647e-01 -8.58702004e-01 3.86538118e-01 -1.15000248e-01 -9.59630907e-02 8.71948898e-02 -1.56366713e-02 2.93836445e-01 1.89926252e-01 1.56025782e-01 -3.90490144e-01 -4.41429138e-01 -2.56105065e-01 5.08461356e-01 -3.00906032e-01 6.29136443e-01 2.10435361e-01 1.25700581e+00 9.83948857e-02 2.08469972e-01 2.91327149e-01 -5.32909870e-01 2.42001191e-01 -3.53494108e-01 -2.96731689e-03 -1.25113741e-01 1.59758285e-01 9.99395549e-02 -3.79007697e-01 2.50940528e-02 1.43943995e-01 -2.68388748e-01 -3.12873036e-01 -4.43433851e-01 1.01796575e-01 8.13275427e-02 6.72202632e-02 9.37661082e-02 8.56509879e-02 3.68220866e-01 1.84922874e-01 2.64664173e-01 3.21394086e-01 -1.59316078e-01 -3.09724454e-02 -7.86353871e-02 7.27369115e-02 -2.79918790e-01 9.60911959e-02 4.13387120e-01 3.77459466e-01 -2.85322126e-02 -1.82666540e-01 -2.66198367e-01 2.80603975e-01 -1.09353393e-01 2.58289129e-02 -1.44560009e-01 6.31606504e-02 4.39615637e-01 8.22054408e-03 1.00802416e-02 -8.88222754e-02 2.64264166e-01 1.47501081e-01 1.81990072e-01 -2.04074979e-01 -2.17692927e-01 -1.17765404e-01 -2.19115943e-01 1.17631398e-01 4.72844422e-01 -3.58849764e-01 2.02442989e-01 1.63662165e-01 -3.57647151e-01 1.22628058e-03 1.27730876e-01 2.97316676e-03 -8.54820386e-02 -3.56485359e-02 -2.61995904e-02 -3.07988107e-01 1.50067452e-02 1.86068177e-01 -3.85309197e-02 2.66186684e-01 7.65579715e-02 1.77334115e-01 -1.67577282e-01 -3.93855453e-01 3.82490873e-01 3.12621176e-01 -5.39990783e-01 2.73915768e-01 4.73266002e-03 -8.36504474e-02 1.25705525e-01 1.35327920e-01 3.12477022e-01 -1.13094725e-01 -3.53546441e-01 -9.76855904e-02 4.58224416e-01 4.33496274e-02 3.17418315e-02 2.27576450e-01 -2.00276032e-01 3.15724611e-01 4.29800770e-04 -1.64066300e-01 -3.63387823e-01 -8.25487822e-02 -5.41699052e-01 -8.61277280e-04 3.58248532e-01 3.50661166e-02 -2.28958726e-01 -3.75100821e-02 1.17709547e-01 2.82515943e-01 -3.48421276e-01 -1.95122272e-01 1.13011464e-01 1.42548546e-01 -5.58711067e-02 -7.54937902e-02 -6.71092942e-02 3.80856879e-02 2.87163585e-01 4.97699901e-02 -1.29723385e-01 -1.20701957e-02 2.00979099e-01 1.72347158e-01 -9.94506925e-02 2.39076629e-01 8.15302432e-02 -1.75372455e-02 2.03737859e-02 7.63052106e-01 -4.47891623e-01 -1.47266477e-01 -2.17446715e-01 -1.60683140e-01 -1.59530923e-01 3.92142534e-01 -4.67381626e-02 1.72710985e-01 2.05129221e-01 1.38509765e-01 -1.98261216e-02 1.16030268e-01 -1.66731313e-01 -2.11986110e-01 -4.68836695e-01 -1.64231569e-01 9.49697122e-02 2.42237598e-01 1.93541840e-01 6.89403042e-02 -1.12506203e-01 2.64316767e-01 -5.24772480e-02 3.08894426e-01 8.27846900e-02 -1.77466974e-01 3.84763293e-02 -1.12594257e-03 1.19643927e-01 1.35320276e-01 -2.08082572e-02 5.93663454e-01 -5.84281124e-02 -2.87087888e-01 2.77624130e-01 2.19974160e-01 3.41833293e-01 3.71394187e-01 1.54904246e-01 1.92596421e-01 1.55127957e-01 4.07874078e-01 1.68548718e-01 3.50006223e-01 1.35617539e-01 2.53991842e-01 4.87534553e-01 -9.75285545e-02 -2.67662674e-01 5.14155887e-02 -3.78874034e-01 -1.65940419e-01 -4.56781909e-02 1.71626896e-01 -4.32820059e-02 1.83460101e-01 5.96432872e-02 -1.94615215e-01 -2.02662915e-01 -1.37425857e-02 -7.08119869e-02 -1.92478538e-01 -2.95414120e-01 1.34002700e-01 2.24341869e-01 -2.25090384e-01 2.92506605e-01 3.10295094e-02 1.75164282e-01 -2.82454938e-01 9.91485491e-02 3.32321227e-02 -5.91836199e-02 3.35268825e-01 7.65747428e-02 2.22254068e-01 1.07028067e-01 -6.82847872e-02 1.90145522e-01 -2.75860488e-01 -3.31721932e-01 -3.70254397e-01 -2.26004794e-01 9.24295411e-02 -1.11758694e-01 1.73691977e-02 1.17856920e-01 -1.93005100e-01 -9.40473676e-02 1.38045773e-01 6.76291212e-02 -5.64109236e-02 1.72438130e-01 -1.18030496e-01 -4.20504391e-01 2.33287275e-01 -1.48332313e-01 -3.73101383e-01 -1.06254317e-01 -2.63793826e-01 1.15994319e-01 1.39665589e-01 8.54543075e-02 4.77441698e-02 9.40909907e-02 1.26836505e-02 -7.67922327e-02 1.17830902e-01 -6.71140626e-02 -4.39151764e-01 -2.97664225e-01 -1.14897965e-02 8.19133744e-02 -5.17727435e-01 1.42864520e-02 9.30305421e-02 -1.70664743e-01 1.31999657e-01 -2.08117485e-01 -2.33223706e-01 -1.76460490e-01 2.34727025e-01 -1.14142098e-01 9.27156582e-02 3.37890029e-01 1.03597611e-01 3.42214741e-02 -7.87934735e-02 1.29555419e-01 -3.77768993e-01 1.35795549e-01 -1.22130118e-01 -1.20209962e-01 -9.82776731e-02 2.72698462e-01 3.41967344e-01 -1.56544205e-02 1.06694683e-01 9.19632465e-02 -1.46302208e-01 9.00425017e-02 1.07550338e-01 4.43412503e-03 4.25914070e-03 -1.59911871e-01 4.81533945e-01 -1.22984812e-01 2.59451181e-01 2.11853698e-01 -1.54463768e-01 7.07868934e-02 3.68909776e-01 -4.45377797e-01 1.53669983e-01 -3.61741930e-01 1.82207152e-01 1.42362013e-01 1.83551133e-01 2.32479617e-01 1.15173301e-02 -1.60353854e-01 -2.93910325e-01 3.67289603e-01 -4.29950714e-01 -4.80970025e-01 4.08181641e-03 3.51121783e-01 -1.06888764e-01 -3.25558305e-01 -1.66084513e-01 -2.27945104e-01 -7.02559128e-02 1.58541441e-01 -3.75621706e-01 -1.34330064e-01 -3.01614970e-01 -2.18118891e-01 -2.48862982e-01 3.06454122e-01 -7.83214066e-03 -6.18374273e-02 -6.49450570e-02 -2.24448889e-02]
"Dangerous Curves" active "Item #: SCP-704 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The entrance and exit to SCP-704 are to be closed to the public as a private road. Both the entrance and exit are blocked by a solid steel barrier built to resemble a swing-arm style barrier. The swing-arm is non-functional and the barrier is instead designed to withstand high-speed collisions with vehicles up to the size of a semi-trailer. Armed guards are to be stationed at the entrance and exit to SCP-704 at all times to further discourage attempted entry. Entry to SCP-704 is not allowed by any wheeled or treaded vehicle, though attempting to do so is, for the most part, its own punishment. Entry is only allowed on foot with previous clearance from one (1) Level Three (3) administrator. Should a vehicle gain entry to SCP-704, personnel are to wait approximately 2 hours before attempting to recover any bodies or the driver. This is to guarantee personnel safety as the actions of both the driver and SCP-704 are unpredictable during an active phase. Description: SCP-704 is a loop of winding road breaking off and reconnecting to State Highway 96 in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ National Forest. The loop does not appear on any conventional or electronic maps, and satellite surveillance is made difficult by an inability to focus on the affected area. SCP-704 has a passive and an active phase. The passive stage can only be observed by those traveling by foot. During the passive stage, SCP-704 appears to be a winding, static road littered with the remains of vehicles. Remains of vehicles are not observed during its active phase. The exact topography and distance of the route remains constant between active periods. After an active period, topography and distance change to a new configuration. Once a driver has entered SCP-704, it begins its active phase. The active phase has been observed via remote cameras mounted to vehicles entering SCP-704 as part of various experiments. The first sign of the active phase is an increasingly excited disposition on the part of the driver. As the road becomes more challenging, the driver will begin to declare how much fun the road is and prod the passengers to watch his or her driving skills. Passengers show a uniform negative reaction to the road, exhibiting anxiety, paranoia, and fear. The road becomes increasingly more challenging, with mounted cameras recording the route actively changing in front of the vehicle. Several highly improbable road configurations have been observed including: The general appearance of the road and landscape changes as well, manifesting paved roads and dirt roads of varying degrees of quality. The driver’s excitement and the negative reactions of his passengers will increase, until the driver loses control of the car and crashes. A crash has never been recorded on camera, as all recording devices cease functioning before the event. This crash has consistently resulted in the deaths of all passengers but the survival of the driver. Passengers are generally found close to the crash, with injuries consistent with forcible ejection, although no signs of this are present on the vehicle wreckage. Interestingly, they are also generally recovered fused with local objects at a molecular level. No matter the severity of the crash, drivers will be recovered with nothing worse than scrapes and bruises. Drivers only retain partial specific memories of the time spent on SCP-704, but are always acutely aware that they have just been responsible for their passengers' deaths. Addendum 704-01: Interior monitoring devices have shown that most drivers begin to speak to the road and respond as though it is communicating with them. The conversation is always about the passengers and usually results in peals of manic laughter from the driver, but has been recorded to produce anger as well. It is unclear whether SCP-704 is actually communicative or sapient. Due to the personality changes during an active event and partial retrograde amnesia after, all potential interview attempts have failed. Addendum 704-02: On 04/09/2009, D-4701, a member of the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ biker gang, was selected to determine the effect of SCP-704 on a single-occupant vehicle. He was given a motorcycle with a remote-activated kill-switch and instructed to traverse SCP-704. In this case, SCP-704 changed to lead D-4701 directly through the guardhouse at the opposite end, killing the two observing researchers. Future experimentation on SCP-704 with single-occupant vehicles is discouraged. Β« SCP-703 | SCP-704 | SCP-705 Β»" nan
[-5.65257445e-02 -5.03865361e-01 -1.68945268e-01 2.08176166e-01 2.09433343e-02 -4.17333215e-01 8.96065682e-02 1.23139463e-01 3.80619347e-01 2.12958623e-02 9.19031501e-02 5.64256370e-01 -4.90944743e-01 2.21858412e-01 -1.94743425e-01 -2.42974177e-01 -4.30079214e-02 -3.01933855e-01 6.76361918e-02 -1.66609243e-01 -4.01725695e-02 -9.34071913e-02 -1.66355953e-01 2.70130515e-01 -2.01423303e-03 -8.59763324e-02 2.68875837e-01 6.95390925e-02 3.45368743e-01 -5.33254802e-01 6.80050701e-02 2.00155422e-01 1.67349488e-01 6.19209707e-01 -1.08448614e-04 -2.07183018e-01 -5.48166893e-02 -3.36305588e-03 -2.93317705e-01 6.35638461e-02 -1.32706895e-01 -2.59889960e-02 1.32565677e-01 -4.31155443e-01 -2.57400628e-02 -2.53111929e-01 -2.13586822e-01 5.56877330e-02 6.74715638e-01 -1.22729763e-02 2.05169514e-01 3.90421636e-02 -1.68882638e-01 -7.58711919e-02 1.15326263e-01 1.12800142e-02 -1.88678987e-02 -1.68057129e-01 1.95292965e-01 3.77415866e-02 -1.38269737e-01 -8.79957229e-02 -2.22716764e-01 -1.92007706e-01 2.91087002e-01 -4.94684614e-02 3.16694617e-01 -9.88633558e-02 1.45877570e-01 3.88630182e-01 -2.03858867e-01 1.46068469e-01 5.89883290e-02 -1.78985998e-01 -4.22852129e-01 3.37162055e-02 2.51621932e-01 -4.14783135e-02 -1.08410597e-01 -4.83812904e-03 -2.63885379e-01 3.91966254e-01 -2.11233661e-01 1.33619815e-01 -5.18266372e-02 -1.21336110e-01 -3.40762138e-02 2.23778691e-02 4.37786818e-01 -7.33118281e-02 -2.10081875e-01 1.06788911e-01 3.40898156e-01 1.84951499e-01 -2.36066524e-02 -1.28427356e-01 4.64120097e-02 2.56308019e-01 1.81130096e-01 8.30224305e-02 2.29041800e-01 -5.45351878e-02 4.20732684e-02 1.05258763e-01 1.79614350e-01 -2.66819477e-01 1.08679831e-01 -3.66963178e-01 -2.71059632e-01 3.16629559e-01 1.63011298e-01 2.89050341e-01 -2.24511474e-01 -1.35095328e-01 3.21350217e-01 5.60128167e-02 5.86141422e-02 8.81360620e-02 -2.71093905e-01 1.83194146e-01 -2.12126434e-01 3.73561293e-01 2.06936240e-01 1.90744221e-01 3.40220273e-01 -1.50186330e-01 -1.40024483e-01 7.89191872e-02 2.17611454e-02 1.54785559e-01 -9.74437818e-02 1.47325844e-02 -1.18492074e-01 -1.75063550e-01 -8.04530606e-02 4.36598241e-01 -3.23649235e-02 2.30961829e-01 -5.99555731e-01 -1.68335885e-01 -1.27838537e-01 2.68306524e-01 2.33164966e-01 2.99668759e-01 -1.25391379e-01 -9.52977408e-03 -3.00300956e-01 -1.19452864e-01 -1.00201078e-01 1.76543981e-01 7.87920430e-02 -3.46883642e-03 -1.82241097e-01 1.63421050e-01 -1.45109028e-01 -1.35149658e-02 2.90634573e-01 8.78690630e-02 -1.13784350e-01 -1.01743363e-01 1.76721990e-01 2.04589859e-01 -1.16618372e-01 -2.50460684e-01 2.15624601e-01 5.52534044e-01 1.10913493e-01 -4.18011546e-02 -1.22869678e-01 -2.03368589e-01 -5.98587580e-02 1.12560667e-01 -1.58898383e-01 2.45242361e-02 -1.98253646e-01 -1.80020571e-01 -1.35450199e-01 -2.35798910e-01 -5.95043600e-02 -1.28533959e-01 -4.51373845e-01 1.36999100e-01 1.28246680e-01 -4.32504952e-01 -3.59049350e-01 -3.42514142e-02 7.03048601e-04 -5.04294224e-02 2.03383073e-01 -1.54776737e-01 -2.96824634e-01 -2.52292782e-01 4.20506567e-01 -1.54306395e-02 1.15843438e-01 4.60738083e-03 1.92742616e-01 -4.27804366e-02 1.30588308e-01 1.80592626e-01 -2.05422521e-01 1.80124566e-01 2.10759029e-01 -5.05881533e-02 -1.24459229e-01 8.22022483e-02 -3.32537740e-01 -5.46414256e-02 5.21017194e-01 -3.70565832e-01 -9.08610448e-02 2.73635909e-02 -2.68978506e-01 -7.75819942e-02 -6.25414178e-02 -1.40505552e-01 3.10662419e-01 -2.45527983e-01 1.21736765e-01 -2.81614870e-01 -1.57771304e-01 8.79485905e-02 -4.20863479e-01 -2.19807833e-01 2.39616856e-01 4.30418923e-02 -1.66596204e-01 7.83660933e-02 -2.58187562e-01 1.39060855e-01 1.99560627e-01 4.87393551e-02 2.54804641e-01 2.10834175e-01 1.60097644e-01 2.55401790e-01 2.48137802e-01 1.02378094e+00 8.03962499e-02 -2.54572451e-01 -2.09891319e-01 -3.50147307e-01 -5.10039106e-02 1.30824342e-01 -2.07604453e-01 1.05804525e-01 -1.18635722e-01 2.81320721e-01 1.26607478e-01 1.57174349e-01 -3.70982423e-04 -3.46920758e-01 -1.85773656e-01 9.41141844e-02 1.71145171e-01 3.12510550e-01 -2.24230945e-01 -3.93840112e-02 1.47649974e-01 1.64311290e-01 -9.03016850e-02 -7.85399377e-02 1.96916550e-01 -1.93083018e-01 6.24724589e-02 4.50620614e-02 -7.50225224e-03 6.87835097e-01 -2.98132092e-01 2.34041866e-02 1.44975573e-01 9.43754092e-02 -1.41445026e-01 8.94091278e-02 1.94797412e-01 4.57213879e-01 2.53959864e-01 2.11558387e-01 1.51180029e-01 1.77699342e-01 -3.56219076e-02 -3.98612797e-01 5.96818626e-02 7.82411098e-02 -2.64648885e-01 1.53405815e-01 -1.41521931e-01 7.79262409e-02 -1.46587819e-01 4.71890010e-02 1.67057335e-01 5.57243936e-02 -1.83233172e-01 1.52926460e-01 -3.49939436e-01 1.98195681e-01 3.19853604e-01 3.88922185e-01 -9.75082256e-03 1.06373936e-01 -4.31279451e-01 -2.16919169e-01 2.58553363e-02 2.56196130e-02 -1.60861552e-01 -3.21751565e-01 3.17963570e-01 -2.05869257e-01 2.84239072e-02 -4.07646932e-02 -3.82826865e-01 2.27639943e-01 1.45974308e-01 -4.01072115e-01 1.32522613e-01 2.68548518e-01 -1.84385225e-01 -3.61678421e-01 1.31881475e-01 -5.74789286e-01 -1.62965566e-01 -1.18380144e-01 -1.11583367e-01 -2.49434058e-02 -2.16540575e-01 3.19728941e-01 -7.94755667e-02 -2.05588385e-01 1.95844010e-01 3.94751251e-01 6.72613829e-02 2.18200892e-01 3.42985332e-01 5.48550844e-01 -8.97324011e-02 -3.08366660e-02 -1.23889506e-01 2.69615591e-01 3.26279551e-02 2.22415645e-02 -1.48476258e-01 -6.97316676e-02 -3.01440239e-01 2.19847932e-01 1.94657266e-01 -2.68444717e-01 -1.56758353e-01 8.70569795e-02 5.43857217e-01 -5.30366823e-02 -3.66964817e-01 1.76442251e-01 2.84489185e-01 -1.56539917e-01 -1.22739457e-01 1.21603400e-01 3.40020001e-01 1.27797529e-01 3.17797303e-01 -4.46034491e-01 3.33189289e-03 3.28674912e-01 2.53198773e-01 -3.74657474e-02 2.09560394e-02 -1.99755862e-01 -2.67743282e-02 2.97277533e-02 9.14781988e-02 9.16070715e-02 -1.95626467e-01 -5.93879744e-02 -4.13993686e-01 5.75530902e-03 -1.34188160e-01 -4.85454500e-01 -5.55626564e-02 -2.03025326e-01 -2.24241346e-01 -1.99164391e-01 -1.02136984e-01 7.56121635e-01 3.17256838e-01 -2.33342499e-01 -6.92724511e-02 -7.79154822e-02 1.47861853e-01 2.54849881e-01 2.36862659e-01 7.50583634e-02 1.07515469e-01 -1.72868505e-01 3.09652537e-01 1.65152282e-01 -2.33821139e-01 -5.66649362e-02 9.64287445e-02 -2.94047892e-01 -3.79226506e-01 2.17914969e-01 -2.70037204e-01 2.15567663e-01 3.36740404e-01 2.39191279e-01 9.17561948e-02 1.42894760e-01 -3.67599487e-01 -1.24315612e-01 -2.42133781e-01 -3.49554718e-01 7.62559772e-01 -1.21795744e-01 1.51459137e-02 -1.91606328e-01 1.15078695e-01 -5.99972159e-02 5.54050542e-02 9.72563103e-02 -1.21483579e-01 -3.50857079e-01 -4.56388116e-01 4.62415032e-02 4.60044146e-01 -2.74844140e-01 -1.71547994e-01 -3.76961902e-02 6.21417165e-01 1.52245298e-01 -3.09556276e-01 -2.79228631e-02 2.96819389e-01 -1.64859086e-01 -2.41808385e-01 4.31919813e-01 2.83324439e-02 -3.37379263e-03 1.51757494e-01 1.59436420e-01 1.64384648e-01 4.72156107e-01 -6.24119453e-02 1.57212630e-01 5.41299045e-01 1.02959527e-02 1.47658736e-01 1.74323276e-01 1.19873233e-01 -1.75231993e-01 -6.41323924e-02 2.89559007e-01 -1.01708412e-01 2.08330065e-01 -6.08489923e-02 4.79983658e-01 -1.97094858e-01 -4.40245718e-01 -2.64854074e-01 1.61910191e-01 -1.16375610e-01 5.58115602e-01 2.73511350e-01 1.05976331e+00 2.54625589e-01 8.59308466e-02 1.01932995e-01 -3.21502030e-01 7.74786621e-02 -4.48773429e-02 -2.15098828e-01 -2.50097811e-01 3.88735831e-01 7.41940662e-02 -2.22072080e-01 -2.54902001e-02 2.70037092e-02 -2.08344255e-02 -5.76344967e-01 -5.78325450e-01 2.66256183e-01 1.45286592e-02 -5.11954539e-02 2.36006334e-01 2.66610712e-01 1.75978482e-01 1.36389464e-01 1.58150062e-01 1.75123379e-01 3.64906639e-02 -6.96119815e-02 -1.49504254e-02 -1.50495306e-01 -3.54987979e-01 -1.79431662e-01 -1.51084051e-01 5.10891378e-01 7.34915361e-02 -3.29578787e-01 -1.08687878e-01 3.63679618e-01 -9.93997604e-02 -1.88359588e-01 -2.73308337e-01 3.31937581e-01 5.07580996e-01 -1.27357766e-01 -1.27310783e-01 1.41768008e-01 7.80419633e-02 -2.68127799e-01 1.03365004e-01 3.63367908e-02 -1.03999324e-01 -9.36304107e-02 -1.64841905e-01 -3.63084599e-02 3.60908538e-01 5.70036657e-02 4.69694197e-01 2.64806539e-01 3.91901433e-02 -7.86055177e-02 1.74606234e-01 6.82073087e-02 1.17070891e-01 -4.19269353e-01 4.86845851e-01 -2.28164315e-01 -2.40402110e-02 2.47856542e-01 1.62650287e-01 1.24976538e-01 2.03409657e-01 5.85138127e-02 -1.25727236e-01 -3.86342287e-01 -1.27659827e-01 1.48236573e-01 -3.57968479e-01 -3.41612324e-02 -1.00962073e-01 -1.58171356e-01 -1.59097046e-01 4.25985962e-01 3.90029937e-01 -1.44477472e-01 -1.88660339e-01 -2.27026686e-01 -3.53866458e-01 5.41798538e-03 -1.93304107e-01 2.58348376e-01 -2.77739525e-01 2.12710306e-01 -7.59782828e-03 -2.49495178e-01 -3.80612910e-01 6.22700143e-04 -1.04507901e-01 -1.87601164e-01 1.75277054e-01 -4.88529742e-01 6.09100126e-02 8.63800570e-02 2.10308358e-01 1.30102541e-02 -2.35049948e-01 -2.49162495e-01 -3.68076026e-01 1.22130513e-01 -8.71880054e-02 -3.47818583e-01 -3.40086430e-01 -5.28924838e-02 1.58982411e-01 1.89370081e-01 2.51432229e-02 3.16795744e-02 2.96683162e-01 2.19245166e-01 -5.87213933e-01 3.38947624e-01 -1.15192130e-01 -2.77361006e-01 -9.32503045e-02 9.09447894e-02 1.52201504e-01 1.93431169e-01 -1.10214360e-01 -1.66957781e-01 1.74758062e-01 1.70993969e-01 7.87741020e-02 2.85713881e-01 1.52501082e-02 9.19459686e-02 1.35247065e-02 -1.05760194e-01 -4.19324368e-01 2.26946279e-01 -5.69364369e-01 -1.00090936e-01 7.20923692e-02 2.79767931e-01 1.83183327e-02 7.93197155e-02 2.77366638e-01 2.09641486e-01 -1.85601749e-02 2.81954587e-01 3.12734097e-01 -4.35206145e-01 2.32195511e-01 8.02221373e-02 -5.08736335e-02 -2.96790183e-01 1.26644015e-01 1.94351748e-01 2.88274344e-02 -1.93380594e-01 1.90793537e-03 3.79942030e-01 1.46973088e-01 2.11212620e-01 -1.74332429e-02 -9.37346891e-02 -1.30270302e-01 1.69384405e-01 2.30395019e-01 -9.65195894e-02 -1.88556896e-03 -1.08585879e-03 -4.25401360e-01 7.22523853e-02 -6.44041151e-02 2.78966893e-02 -2.30773211e-01 2.95329802e-02 -3.66671294e-01 -1.68659732e-01 -1.56736612e-01 -8.71856436e-02 1.70971021e-01 -3.90871465e-01 -1.93393052e-01 -1.02178916e-01 9.96246412e-02 3.84369269e-02 5.71669862e-02 5.49486987e-02 1.60242483e-01 3.94742787e-02 -3.03343564e-01 2.59888440e-01 4.59665179e-01 -2.25239933e-01 2.97663180e-04 3.63124311e-01 -1.00337468e-01 -2.39035338e-01 -3.27952385e-01 1.11262880e-01 8.80762190e-03 -3.04910213e-01 -1.38311505e-01 8.17108527e-02 -9.64365676e-02 -1.38988689e-01 2.47474968e-01 5.57866871e-01 3.38383645e-01 2.84195036e-01 1.00073546e-01 -2.86917806e-01 -4.58963998e-02 8.58442634e-02 -9.05646980e-02 1.86125174e-01 1.03565186e-01 -2.09394246e-01 -2.11265191e-01 -3.20487656e-02 1.06585614e-01 1.20885164e-01 -4.47195143e-01 -3.67194623e-01 -1.09349184e-01 2.21062079e-01 4.12188359e-02 6.87269121e-02 6.57055303e-02 5.21303833e-01 -5.25393710e-02 6.04329050e-01 2.19830588e-01 -2.52774149e-01 1.49551360e-02 9.11440626e-02 7.28388876e-02 3.14593673e-01 5.29502407e-02 1.11737005e-01 -3.07668835e-01 4.43891585e-01 2.38045618e-01 -2.75571853e-01 -8.56334940e-02 -3.11843213e-02 -1.38358310e-01 3.17855150e-01 4.47245181e-01 -6.65766522e-02 -1.05753079e-01 1.17436975e-01 4.24742103e-02 -2.91769445e-01 2.08893165e-01 9.30059478e-02 -1.17832720e-01 -1.15173243e-01 -7.11359456e-02 2.89093047e-01 -7.02005178e-02 3.37302208e-01 5.90670779e-02 -4.02883202e-01 -1.28836840e-01 2.58301973e-01 1.67660117e-01 -2.63014764e-01 3.13797355e-01 4.97100353e-02 1.98632628e-01 3.02535146e-01 1.76499888e-01 1.46950901e-01 2.45487750e-01 1.48450881e-01 -1.73823610e-01 5.73078878e-02 1.74024820e-01 7.86911547e-02 2.00980470e-01 1.39836699e-01 1.13395751e-01 1.80259898e-01 2.63076499e-02 -2.43582372e-02 4.71449733e-01 -4.98056829e-01 -1.78873166e-01 1.25938982e-01 3.06927174e-01 5.23756027e-01 8.35721046e-02 -4.78301644e-01 -5.02817333e-01 -3.29845212e-02 -1.86279848e-01 -2.69943118e-01 1.21469840e-01 -4.76765305e-01 -2.75137424e-01 2.30459273e-01 8.43293667e-01 -2.33645305e-01 -2.60685652e-01 1.16712982e-02 -1.90400034e-01]
"Militaristic Play-Doh" active "Item #: SCP-705 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-705 requires little security detail nor significant clearance to access, and is to be held in Sector 2 Safe SCP containment with the lid closed. Any access is to be logged when entering and exiting SCP-705’s containment, to be reviewed once a month. Misplacement or lack of attendance leading to containment failure is punishable by temporary removal of access. Repeat offenses incur more severe probations. SCP-705 is not to be used in any practical applications. Description: SCP-705 is normally contained within a 5 oz container of children’s modeling compound, commonly known as β€œPlay-Doh”. While properly sealed, SCP-705 exhibits no unusual qualities, or anomalous behavior. SCP-705 was originally discovered within the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Corporation’s research labs in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ as part of an attempt to create a β€œself-molding” product. The means by which this was accomplished is still unknown, but the results led to the abandonment of the line and the labs themselves. Retrieved on β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-705 was originally moved to Site β–ˆβ–ˆ, then relocated a month later to its current location at Site 17. When the lid for the container holding SCP-705 is opened, the soft red material inside will begin to animate. Shapes resembling small, humanoid forms will emerge from the clay, slowly at first but soon numbering in the tens to hundreds. The material comprising the men will sculpt and come into detail, appearing as miniature infantrymen in typical military fatigues, equipped with fully functional automatic weaponry. At this point, SCP-705 comprises approximately 20-100 individual and sentient organisms. When active, SCP-705 is incredibly violent and militaristic, possessing a highly territorial mindset, and will do everything in its power to overtake what it perceives to be a β€œstrategic” location. Within observed environments, this will be perceived as a lab workstation, a break room coffee machine, or a bathroom sink. Due to the weak composition of each SCP-705 organism, none of these threats can be considered significant, and can be defused with any application of force. Unconstrained, SCP-705 is no more than a minor annoyance, although not for lack of trying. SCP-705 has been observed to be capable of sentient thought, and audio recordings have revealed that they possess understanding of the English language. Over time, the group that comprises SCP-705 will become more complex, with obvious leadership roles emerging. On several occasions, an extended test of SCP-705 has shown the formation of larger, more complex structures formed from the collective mass, such as tanks, APCs, and even aircraft such as helicopters and bombers. It’s to be noted that none of these creations are any more effective due to the use of harmless clay ammunition. If SCP-705 comes in contact with a similar compound, such as a normal container of Play-Doh, the contacted material will take on the same qualities as active SCP-705. When of the same color, no differences in behavior are noted, although larger and more complex objects will be observed. If the affected substance is of a different color, however, an entirely new β€œarmy” is created. If left undisturbed, the original SCP-705 organisms and the new β€œopposing” army will engage in combat. Multiple colors can be activated in this manner, and alliances will form between the aggressing parties. Said materials will remain active until SCP-705 is once again contained. SCP-705 is fully capable of sustaining casualties amongst themselves in these conflicts, although such losses are mitigated by its amorphous nature. Addendum 705-D: The first known β€œattack” by SCP-705 occurred on β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, when the container had been left unattended on a counter within the break room. In less than an hour, SCP-705 had taken control of the Mr. Coffee machine, declaring independence and control over the region. The assault was routed when Dr. Rights brushed them away from the burner, resulting in massive casualties and a complete rout. Interviews with SCP-705 remark on this day with great fear and resentment. Addendum 705-F: After gaining approval from O5-6, SCP-705 was introduced to SCP-963. [DATA EXPUNGED] at which point 705 sought out the current holder of 963. When contact was made, the soldiers making up 705 saluted Dr. Bright, and stood at ease awaiting orders. [DATA EXPUNGED] so let's save this for when we really need it. Β« SCP-704 | SCP-705 | SCP-706 Β»" nan
[-1.81483012e-02 -2.88610190e-01 -9.60123092e-02 -2.52494723e-01 8.13469887e-02 -4.18285131e-01 4.03549999e-01 2.39965871e-01 2.29975775e-01 -9.02790949e-02 -3.75326276e-02 -9.73690418e-04 -2.61397928e-01 4.26371157e-01 1.49422124e-01 2.57149991e-03 2.65914768e-01 -2.34742034e-02 1.54489562e-01 -1.76122889e-01 -2.48758718e-01 -3.04095387e-01 -1.03314891e-01 2.23117501e-01 3.95095050e-01 -2.05773354e-01 2.88359658e-03 1.28084928e-01 -4.82887365e-02 -2.60926396e-01 5.06309986e-01 1.21155910e-01 8.22013691e-02 4.93256629e-01 -1.12263777e-04 3.11245359e-02 8.12509730e-02 7.33895749e-02 -1.03026824e-02 1.05175085e-01 1.55152723e-01 -1.65314421e-01 -3.22093189e-01 -3.93607952e-02 1.35788307e-01 -1.55854672e-01 3.74597073e-01 1.26288816e-01 5.31116962e-01 -9.65726078e-02 1.48910597e-01 -1.09827064e-01 -2.96423724e-03 1.02317363e-01 3.12398285e-01 3.53402644e-01 -3.38054955e-01 4.48250830e-01 6.24318719e-01 4.41408977e-02 3.62654269e-01 3.41752656e-02 -4.21830148e-01 -1.12578824e-01 8.45926106e-02 -1.50054684e-02 8.59166801e-01 9.18889195e-02 1.53562456e-01 5.26100159e-01 -1.90086395e-01 -3.63403298e-02 1.01540476e-01 -2.39893254e-02 -1.42044956e-02 8.16102773e-02 -2.84274638e-01 4.11857754e-01 -3.78689319e-02 -1.06876820e-01 -8.81832242e-02 -3.49489488e-02 -2.74799198e-01 1.08948506e-01 2.26468250e-01 1.67638659e-01 -2.68829018e-01 7.16122659e-03 1.50837032e-02 -2.78708160e-01 -3.57735604e-01 6.76608011e-02 9.55414847e-02 1.03980601e-02 1.26549155e-01 -9.32234600e-02 -2.44642138e-01 -9.12482291e-03 4.33576763e-01 -3.28511372e-02 4.01881725e-01 2.19142184e-01 2.95523971e-01 1.54412180e-01 5.81628345e-02 -2.07886547e-01 1.50748968e-01 -3.97682220e-01 -2.31385395e-01 3.94433737e-01 -1.30469814e-01 2.34192878e-01 -2.20213339e-01 2.40866110e-01 1.89253435e-01 -4.50838417e-01 1.84800208e-01 3.33091095e-02 -2.00494111e-01 2.66433418e-01 -5.61437570e-02 -4.28827899e-03 -1.53917760e-01 4.46283311e-01 3.34843069e-01 9.36116874e-02 -2.58216321e-01 1.09124132e-01 6.42507076e-02 -1.12646669e-02 -2.15768278e-01 1.39787853e-01 -4.85649079e-01 7.87185784e-03 -1.45485446e-01 3.45042497e-01 -1.31293595e-01 1.53456390e-01 -3.62989783e-01 1.22148387e-01 2.57153690e-01 -3.96786742e-02 5.27581394e-01 3.66617620e-01 -2.43978173e-01 -4.40416098e-01 1.72075599e-01 -2.81699359e-01 -2.92747408e-01 -1.85438499e-01 2.38634557e-01 8.23949948e-02 -1.34224430e-01 1.77238747e-01 -1.93824917e-01 1.87217951e-01 4.28910218e-02 -2.25554049e-01 2.28888467e-02 -6.68187514e-02 9.27717537e-02 1.09622672e-01 -2.21866384e-01 -2.54600197e-01 -1.93940520e-01 3.81323487e-01 -1.09860301e-01 -1.15793876e-01 -1.50030702e-01 1.63286388e-01 4.18147892e-01 -3.51333261e-01 3.08867339e-02 -1.45834759e-01 -5.98534383e-02 -2.91352242e-01 -3.59963804e-01 -6.63373113e-01 1.66764885e-01 1.84657648e-01 -3.34440649e-01 1.02261111e-01 4.49050188e-01 -2.06623569e-01 -2.82168567e-01 7.90854320e-02 -1.89498097e-01 1.16051331e-01 1.45992294e-01 -9.29285213e-02 -2.81541854e-01 -6.13078833e-01 4.69395906e-01 1.86334595e-01 3.01555485e-01 -9.66165513e-02 3.14220190e-01 -1.16210142e-02 -1.22124897e-02 1.87750012e-01 -1.89797372e-01 -1.46359548e-01 5.00458539e-01 1.51561767e-01 -1.78878278e-01 -4.25362080e-01 -1.79644659e-01 -8.34625140e-02 1.60975575e-01 1.72706306e-01 -7.10191056e-02 -6.70501962e-02 -1.17563844e-01 1.68924749e-01 -7.00235460e-03 -4.91539836e-01 2.65164435e-01 2.17203572e-01 9.67757180e-02 -4.38294947e-01 -1.26363680e-01 3.77221137e-01 -3.79356056e-01 -4.06130888e-02 -1.85441419e-01 1.55151561e-01 -3.82174291e-02 -5.21730036e-02 -1.84385464e-01 2.00946346e-01 1.66968688e-01 -9.32384431e-02 3.69260967e-01 3.16102415e-01 9.58657637e-02 -5.14627218e-01 4.03160363e-01 7.84660280e-01 -1.79539025e-01 -8.99063125e-02 1.67792022e-01 -4.47987288e-01 1.85228601e-01 1.66816562e-01 -9.61959064e-02 2.08262041e-01 -2.71104217e-01 5.23439229e-01 1.05486400e-01 -2.56999493e-01 3.57529148e-02 -2.97589213e-01 -2.32460797e-01 -9.94986743e-02 -2.75879055e-01 2.02690914e-01 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-2.94581264e-01 -1.35965139e-01 -1.38900191e-01 -9.53742638e-02 -1.47552537e-02 -9.91026387e-02 1.10971086e-01 -2.84221135e-02 -6.28452450e-02 1.74882829e-01 9.70305689e-03 1.87347353e-01 4.73486274e-01 -1.98263466e-01 -1.48593262e-01 1.81792453e-01 -4.08367544e-01 5.97471952e-01 -8.58958736e-02 6.58524334e-01 3.47400963e-01 1.77756280e-01 -1.86436012e-01 -2.53748000e-01 -3.74976963e-01 -1.92180738e-01 2.55228579e-01 4.13272902e-02 -3.13838869e-01 -2.43367001e-01 1.53804660e-01 -1.73102260e-01 1.40166879e-01 1.83394983e-01 -3.19935560e-01 -4.42481227e-02 -1.85892731e-01 1.54263437e-01 3.88692141e-01 -2.22005159e-01 -2.53237724e-01 9.94571224e-02 1.59511924e-01 4.03608114e-01 1.87286049e-01 -3.80144343e-02 -3.40827912e-01 2.30615556e-01 -3.26296203e-02 2.25024670e-01 5.96874394e-02 2.91196406e-01 1.31848291e-01 3.38462710e-01 1.69466510e-02 6.74622580e-02 3.27598155e-02 1.67982981e-01 5.10949850e-01 2.69279569e-01 -1.22383900e-01 -2.00592816e-01 4.66278672e-01 5.92602193e-02 1.63815711e-02 4.98207808e-01 -2.97127336e-01 2.30148971e-01 -1.41533300e-01 1.81474641e-01 -1.19937301e-01 -2.08977953e-01 -2.06421718e-01 2.45135128e-01 -1.56875372e-01 5.24770319e-01 6.21993899e-01 1.20922327e+00 -2.60921001e-01 3.49240452e-01 2.20971018e-01 -4.63283420e-01 5.09914123e-02 -4.48150814e-01 -2.66659379e-01 1.37669938e-02 -4.01041918e-02 1.16470426e-01 -2.95850456e-01 1.16498955e-01 6.12785183e-02 -3.97127718e-02 -2.79110014e-01 -4.78944600e-01 5.48586175e-02 3.70411545e-01 -5.07055521e-02 1.88386858e-01 -5.04122153e-02 4.83806640e-01 1.47790506e-01 -3.93721312e-01 -2.51002461e-01 -5.99919036e-02 -1.19058967e-01 1.14384592e-01 4.34557721e-02 -5.61156929e-01 3.53408250e-04 2.62275934e-01 1.23864450e-01 4.71506119e-02 1.03930257e-01 -3.76666300e-02 -2.50822753e-01 9.02854744e-03 7.41437301e-02 -2.46832129e-02 1.41123056e-01 4.95370716e-01 -1.62889928e-01 -7.60362297e-02 -7.44798928e-02 2.84887135e-01 4.30999175e-02 -6.05786890e-02 -2.50306636e-01 2.07155570e-01 1.65539056e-01 -2.47465223e-01 6.68464825e-02 3.95117611e-01 -3.06328982e-02 2.18826205e-01 2.70989120e-01 -1.19531371e-01 -6.95844516e-02 1.15610398e-01 -2.60856710e-02 -1.93350688e-01 -2.54295796e-01 3.75892296e-02 -2.48189539e-01 -7.98954666e-02 3.29968482e-01 1.53112650e-01 2.93836474e-01 1.59885392e-01 -1.21599846e-01 -1.35555938e-01 -3.57485950e-01 -1.09743498e-01 7.84794539e-02 -2.85695773e-02 -3.71128246e-02 1.56947728e-02 -4.76360381e-01 -3.64911091e-03 4.04605269e-02 2.13232517e-01 -4.53519940e-01 -6.09646924e-02 -3.88061494e-01 8.75067711e-02 1.30928485e-02 1.04311176e-01 -1.27448469e-01 -1.34496123e-01 4.31952804e-01 -4.95464392e-02 6.54885694e-02 -3.78488094e-01 -5.82328923e-02 -1.25476345e-01 -9.01187956e-02 -9.14283022e-02 -3.14126074e-01 -3.38180125e-01 -3.09399158e-01 1.34556562e-01 -1.38287038e-01 -2.20306233e-01 -2.58455902e-01 -4.87210691e-01 1.60194546e-01 -3.48628275e-02 7.22914785e-02 -8.13215673e-02 5.50270341e-02 2.46344760e-01 1.03142641e-01 -1.98537871e-01 2.10433707e-01 5.78497946e-02 2.43070036e-01 -2.67937720e-01 4.24545854e-01 1.84490621e-01 -7.82653466e-02 -1.03908271e-01 2.39809006e-01 1.19146518e-01 1.43697381e-01 -1.09978750e-01 -9.89756212e-02 8.72045979e-02 4.08726335e-02 9.76178721e-02 2.66182631e-01 3.44333082e-01 -1.61107704e-01 -4.26486909e-01 -1.44734249e-01 -2.78439671e-01 3.90723497e-02 -1.69051349e-01 -1.32213235e-01 -1.31929830e-01 2.27996290e-01 -7.03723133e-02 8.67909659e-03 -2.56861020e-02 -1.97757795e-01 -1.49380699e-01 2.21070305e-01 3.38283479e-01 -2.54211158e-01 -8.85287076e-02 1.27185449e-01 3.63326371e-01 1.78280622e-02 1.72744796e-01 2.46072307e-01 -3.69643457e-02 -3.91747765e-02 2.41851419e-01 4.39183474e-01 3.29913497e-01 1.20201290e-01 5.80131650e-01 1.03391156e-01 -1.05063662e-01 5.02046227e-01 -1.82298422e-01 6.09099083e-02 -1.11273881e-02 4.16981369e-01 1.51695386e-01 2.72824287e-01 -3.38543177e-01 -1.94066074e-02 2.07589030e-01 -1.99811026e-01 -8.77786502e-02 -2.04512373e-01 2.27723405e-01 7.02012479e-02 -3.98052149e-02 -1.17519870e-01 -4.58422214e-01 -1.20289298e-03 2.63199627e-01 -2.08542868e-01 -1.64363682e-01 -6.52820840e-02 1.69335708e-01 2.53658175e-01 -9.22480822e-02 9.44207087e-02 3.93401235e-01 -3.73834252e-01 -6.20426908e-02 2.84077317e-01 -2.14551054e-02 -1.43373370e-01 -2.80880153e-01 3.06692451e-01 1.93866491e-01 -4.74628657e-01 1.33097380e-01 -8.04144815e-02 -1.72348902e-01 -3.65088731e-01 1.55869320e-01 8.23174641e-02 -1.01364568e-01 1.75931044e-02 1.34749636e-01 -2.10532323e-01 -3.49989712e-01 1.47354215e-01 -2.04625979e-01 3.04061413e-01 1.97700888e-01 2.34631337e-02 -4.01957601e-01 2.51235634e-01 1.79487795e-01 -2.39243239e-01 1.91082075e-01 -1.38889879e-01 -8.52771774e-02 2.18689457e-01 -2.93172717e-01 8.26870799e-02 8.53243917e-02 4.15964276e-01 1.15864025e-02 3.13760281e-01 -1.55503705e-01 -1.35664433e-01 -1.48134306e-01 9.26604718e-02 -2.39866614e-01 -4.37779486e-01 3.87866229e-01 7.39934742e-02 1.28198579e-01 9.67052300e-03 -1.54500037e-01 7.77966902e-02 -5.02515793e-01 3.51677746e-01 -1.57123417e-01 1.96411818e-01 1.56141087e-01 1.11434489e-01 2.25398943e-01 -2.50241280e-01 -5.57366237e-02 -9.50635076e-02 3.12963873e-02 1.82577342e-01 -9.84183550e-02 -8.06049071e-03 -3.35928947e-02 1.36060044e-01 -1.83198616e-01 1.44009903e-01 -2.06810385e-01 -1.90464064e-01 9.64828730e-02 3.53780597e-01 5.72009827e-04 3.08068842e-01 -1.44563168e-01 -1.51610464e-01 -5.15200719e-02 1.49801418e-01 1.76176205e-01 2.24922076e-01 1.43064827e-01 1.83895215e-01 -2.40995273e-01 -8.06366578e-02 5.44880182e-02 3.20734046e-02 -3.78177911e-02 1.76895484e-01 -7.57349730e-02 -4.87009473e-02 -2.61057410e-02 5.48690110e-02 3.61149192e-01 -1.30396277e-01 -6.03200912e-01 9.70620885e-02 3.13984990e-01 1.44037992e-01 -2.41800165e-03 1.99590269e-02 1.26287952e-01 -9.18835960e-03 1.06918260e-01 -2.28781030e-01 -4.36708815e-02 -2.45061755e-01 -1.68647781e-01 -3.60436807e-03 8.37745368e-02 -1.62904441e-01 8.39760602e-02 -2.50394702e-01 -2.53705472e-01]
"Perfect Porcelain Doll" active "Item #: SCP-706 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-706 is to be housed in a humanoid containment cell at Humanoid Containment Site-06-3 which has been modified with padded walls and minimal sharp edges. SCP-706 is to be provided with 1.2 kg of kaolin and ceramic glaze daily in addition to its regular diet. Handling personnel are allowed to provide SCP-706 with non-standard items such as vanity mirrors, extra clothing as outlined in Document 706-E, and a paintbrush set with ceramic enamel paint as an incentive or reward for good behavior. SCP-706 is currently contained under suicide watch procedures and is to be restrained at all times except when undergoing testing. SCP-706 is to be given daily therapy sessions until further notice. Description: SCP-706 is an adolescent European-American female identified as β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, twelve years of age according to local records at time of initial containment. Records also indicate that SCP-706 had been home-schooled throughout its life and that neighbors rarely saw SCP-706 outdoors. SCP-706 is physiologically normal with the exception of an abnormally high resting body temperature of approximately 38.5Β°C and that its entire epidermis is composed of porcelain, with the exception of small areas around its joints. This layer is extremely fragile due to its thickness and can crack or break when subjected to impacts or even with excessive movement, a process that is reportedly extremely painful. SCP-706 is capable of regenerating this skin layer at a rate consistent with normal skin growth when provided with and allowed to consume appropriate raw materials. Unfinished materials such as kaolin are acceptable and preferred; SCP-706 has no particular resistance to tissue damage resulting from the ingestion of hardened porcelain. Unless otherwise directed, SCP-706 will compulsively maintain its appearance, typically involving looking at itself in mirrors and using any available makeup or paint to apply, remove, or adjust its features. SCP-706 will become distressed and uncooperative if not provided appropriate materials with which to maintain its materials or if denied the ability to inspect its own appearance. SCP-706 was recovered from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Texas following a police report involving a violent domestic dispute at a suburban residence. SCP-706 was discovered in a back room of the residence surrounded by a large pile of destroyed remains from several dozen porcelain dolls and multiple sets of fine china dinnerware, with most of the porcelain mass having been consumed. Class A amnestics were administered to responding law enforcement personnel and a cover story given to local media. Addendum 706-1: Recording Transcript The following audio recording was taken from a damaged digital camcorder found within the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ residence. (Irrelevant content redacted for brevity.) Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Okay, sweetie, one more time, okay? (slamming sound, presumed to be a door) Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (slurred) I have had enough of your goddamn caterwauling. Will you two just shut the fuck up? SCP-706: Daddy? Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Honey? Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (slurred) You and your fucking princess shit and your fucking awful musicβ€” Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Honey, you're drunkβ€” SCP-706: Daddy, please stopβ€” Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (slurred) β€”and all your goddamn girly bullshit can go to fucking hell. Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Honey, pleaseβ€” (camera is knocked over as the sound of a struggle ensue, no further video is recorded) Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Well, what more do you want? (sobbing) You know I can't haveβ€” (sounds of an altercation) SCP-706: Mommy, daddy, please! Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (slurred) Oh, is that it, huh? You're finally gonna do it, is that it? Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (sobbing) Please… please stop… Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (slurred) You can't give me a fucking son and you're going to pull a fucking gun on me, is that it? Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (sobbing) Please, just go away! Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (slurred) Well do it! Pull the fucking trigger! (sounds of struggling) (two gunshots are heard) SCP-706: (screaming) [indecipherable] (single gunshot) SCP-706: (more screaming, sobbing) (end of recording) Addendum 706-2: Interview Transcript Note: This interview was taken shortly after initial containment, and prior to current containment procedures. Interviewer: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: SCP-706 Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ Note: Interview conducted within SCP-706's containment cell. SCP-706 is seated at a table, brushing its hair while examining itself in a vanity mirror. Transcript: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Do you have any idea how this happened? SCP-706: Because I wanted to be a doll. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Why is that? SCP-706: My mom had dolls. Lots of dolls, old dolls. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Tell me about them. SCP-706: She kept them in a glass case. She showed me them when I was little, told me how much they meant to her. How much she loved them. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: But you wouldn't want to be locked in a glass case, would you? Why did you want to be a doll? SCP-706: Because she loved them. Because mommy loved them, and daddy loved her, and if I could be like a doll then she would love me too… SCP-706: …dolls don't cry… they don't need to be fed or cleaned after or taken care of… they just sit, beautiful and perfect… SCP-706: …if I was perfect and beautiful, then everything would be okay… if I were like a doll then they wouldn't have to fight any more, and we could be a normal family and we would be happy… SCP-706: …I just want to go home… mommy… please, just let me go home… (interview terminated) Addendum 706-3: Researcher Note SCP-706 has become increasingly detached and unresponsive to personnel since initial containment. She has also taken to intentionally breaking off pieces of her skin in order to remove undesired features, a practice that is beginning to seriously threaten her health. A revision to containment procedures to reflect this self-destructive behavior has been filed with site administration and is currently under review. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-705 | SCP-706 | SCP-707 Β»" nan
[ 3.08455527e-01 -2.09910914e-01 -1.96886703e-01 -7.94127584e-03 7.03935772e-02 -6.88275993e-02 1.77437142e-01 2.06284016e-01 3.94597709e-01 -6.95988312e-02 9.04519707e-02 -1.01084113e-01 5.01910076e-02 -3.17736834e-01 1.78925037e-01 -5.56801185e-02 1.99001014e-01 5.83431005e-01 1.68749869e-01 -4.18807238e-01 4.90059424e-03 -1.70572773e-01 -5.33334576e-02 1.95625052e-01 -1.43322513e-01 -1.70678690e-01 3.87027040e-02 -1.29961176e-02 -3.59331310e-01 -2.64667004e-01 2.67431945e-01 2.14210823e-01 -5.87424124e-03 2.69343317e-01 -1.13153328e-04 -8.14377740e-02 2.27770492e-01 -4.20487598e-02 -3.09739828e-01 1.61024734e-01 -3.25434394e-02 -4.06830043e-01 -2.40676254e-01 -4.16879058e-02 7.88304582e-02 -7.33355731e-02 2.72135526e-01 2.57928908e-01 3.58170390e-01 -3.59838642e-03 1.96870938e-01 -2.73027778e-01 2.75953799e-01 1.25203252e-01 1.92054525e-01 1.16188601e-01 -2.07187623e-01 3.59474838e-01 1.20883659e-01 -2.57964760e-01 4.16240662e-01 1.93060383e-01 -2.03201741e-01 9.29004513e-03 -5.92918918e-02 -8.50775763e-02 -1.32276481e-02 -2.17907414e-01 3.19823831e-01 4.73617971e-01 -1.33223951e-01 1.40503094e-01 -1.01248115e-01 2.08611786e-01 1.22162499e-01 -5.09373359e-02 -7.77164027e-02 1.73833787e-01 -4.17139530e-02 8.36501271e-02 -4.85704988e-01 -1.64388921e-02 -1.26831591e-01 9.60460082e-02 -1.26089141e-01 -9.58925229e-04 -1.68877169e-01 -4.67529446e-02 -9.70735699e-02 -2.60578841e-01 -4.59073931e-01 2.49026213e-02 8.00577626e-02 -1.57577712e-02 2.22508594e-01 -1.49943963e-01 -2.06688628e-01 1.68689042e-01 1.98290318e-01 -2.01152980e-01 2.91004807e-01 1.79566532e-01 1.82854697e-01 -4.92789336e-02 -6.26762211e-02 -3.40446830e-01 9.44100469e-02 -3.14367890e-01 -7.50645548e-02 3.39167625e-01 -9.54239964e-02 2.21379489e-01 -1.70150891e-01 2.04938605e-01 1.77340180e-01 -2.81642284e-02 1.04760893e-01 -4.50677983e-02 -2.89808791e-02 2.93603569e-01 -2.97259122e-01 5.37211299e-02 -9.88659337e-02 2.74727583e-01 1.33126140e-01 8.81311074e-02 -1.50330141e-01 -4.87259142e-02 -6.69131801e-02 -2.32930034e-01 -3.47659320e-01 1.34188354e-01 -1.18266083e-01 1.26086518e-01 2.67409440e-02 1.03414506e-01 -4.89233099e-02 8.30690116e-02 -8.76594558e-02 2.67567098e-01 8.11744034e-02 -3.33909482e-01 4.44849610e-01 3.59227628e-01 -5.67511797e-01 -8.37762952e-02 2.70202130e-01 -2.98409194e-01 -1.06461808e-01 -1.63404956e-01 4.93363768e-01 -2.69500315e-01 -1.29156886e-02 2.33125508e-01 -3.12518269e-01 -1.19773395e-01 2.94233821e-02 -2.57346611e-02 6.64551631e-02 -1.55351490e-01 2.08128333e-01 -2.77641356e-01 -9.93432775e-02 -1.75053954e-01 7.91553035e-02 4.36745942e-01 -2.63842195e-01 2.04566456e-02 4.13219899e-01 -4.16511409e-02 1.52405262e-01 -1.80993482e-01 6.84217960e-02 -1.12405941e-01 -3.42077129e-02 -9.16023999e-02 -4.53354150e-01 2.52384186e-01 -5.18261254e-01 -3.01010936e-01 -3.82549390e-02 2.31951997e-01 5.25824400e-03 -1.49769410e-01 1.25383958e-01 2.25746244e-01 -1.04941770e-01 1.29382938e-01 6.30140156e-02 3.60143594e-02 -2.93494374e-01 -5.53464293e-01 8.24823678e-02 2.35153899e-01 -3.75547558e-02 -8.18319023e-02 2.61866659e-01 1.30933747e-01 1.66282639e-01 -9.64165851e-02 -1.27237365e-01 -2.50155836e-01 5.14803469e-01 1.80462435e-01 9.89764780e-02 -1.95196569e-01 -2.10975215e-01 1.52284130e-01 7.06329644e-01 3.23929697e-01 -2.81202585e-01 -1.88897178e-01 -1.44393146e-01 -3.41485292e-02 -1.13400638e-01 -3.46898854e-01 2.98662215e-01 1.82769269e-01 1.14741698e-01 -5.25027871e-01 -1.00322917e-01 2.89098680e-01 -7.59572759e-02 -9.23283026e-02 -1.71076208e-01 5.31251252e-01 1.31979054e-02 -2.56597877e-01 -2.90058523e-01 7.35651776e-02 2.21157610e-01 -1.51280537e-01 1.48480415e-01 1.08655095e-01 8.76117349e-02 8.82457942e-03 2.14542851e-01 2.10385635e-01 1.78920496e-02 -2.63826817e-01 1.09573975e-01 2.20695317e-01 2.55137384e-01 1.78335667e-01 -2.11744115e-01 2.15194106e-01 6.46650717e-02 1.39092356e-01 5.04144691e-02 2.89198458e-02 1.83908418e-01 -1.58741966e-01 -1.57814279e-01 -3.71794105e-01 1.51491776e-01 1.85389861e-01 -1.11624055e-01 2.99955774e-02 -1.34591699e-01 2.64177680e-01 -2.64033116e-02 2.40122508e-02 3.37033331e-01 -1.75911650e-01 1.97832510e-02 -1.67288870e-01 4.36621383e-02 9.58341435e-02 -1.13005573e-02 3.11911583e-01 -1.04973227e-01 -2.25226134e-01 5.95513284e-02 8.28436017e-02 -7.73580596e-02 -1.53615922e-01 4.47186321e-01 -1.20698631e-01 2.00041741e-01 1.17782697e-01 -2.98372835e-01 -3.59438300e-01 -1.63598493e-01 -9.98602360e-02 -2.59050485e-02 -1.25811338e-01 -9.45000257e-03 3.46788526e-01 -1.06375009e-01 3.44757169e-01 -2.17289969e-01 3.00324976e-01 -7.65115023e-02 -4.31953296e-02 -2.31198117e-01 -1.42587438e-01 -4.78390425e-01 3.50509852e-01 -1.77633032e-01 -1.80590436e-01 -5.33381710e-03 -1.17050726e-02 -2.33322233e-01 4.48129140e-02 -4.79533106e-01 1.54906973e-01 2.91485578e-01 -3.55704427e-02 3.14862654e-02 -6.78360015e-02 -5.14265835e-01 2.57231832e-01 -2.77877972e-02 -1.18379086e-01 3.97745252e-01 1.60569921e-01 2.34066665e-01 1.28601685e-01 1.20097868e-01 -6.09774411e-01 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-2.01026395e-01 -9.52687636e-02 -7.98208490e-02 -1.89587131e-01 1.08203359e-01 1.67610254e-02 5.71470074e-02 1.64796293e-01 -4.51022387e-02 1.58108577e-01 2.13805869e-01 3.23515058e-01 3.23292404e-01 4.21603918e-02 -1.41490713e-01 8.71573836e-02 -3.35505038e-01 4.48151410e-01 -3.80669475e-01 5.38440764e-01 1.41434461e-01 2.59027965e-02 -2.31148273e-01 1.37856141e-01 -7.27765337e-02 -2.80880928e-01 7.29489088e-01 2.10934043e-01 -2.27526769e-01 -7.94425607e-03 3.57897192e-01 3.23665440e-02 -1.15776956e-01 7.38579854e-02 -2.33715817e-01 -1.50709644e-01 -6.38597310e-02 2.01039717e-01 -1.80958305e-02 -5.11472374e-02 -1.83047708e-02 1.16425581e-01 -8.90115798e-02 1.12428457e-01 2.54947782e-01 2.61774927e-01 -1.02533452e-01 1.23558991e-01 -4.46490459e-02 4.98710841e-01 2.07140252e-01 4.56585824e-01 4.62069303e-01 2.35781521e-02 -2.30454117e-01 -9.91047919e-02 -7.98438117e-02 1.01934537e-01 4.99415129e-01 2.52982557e-01 -5.53632557e-01 -9.25889686e-02 3.77593368e-01 2.44404525e-01 1.45235538e-01 1.76605716e-01 -9.15955156e-02 1.71863928e-01 -1.57045335e-01 4.18452024e-01 -2.07049251e-01 -1.75275937e-01 -4.24667776e-01 7.64959037e-01 -1.14238791e-01 4.01370257e-01 6.06703579e-01 1.09320259e+00 2.92512536e-01 8.08180720e-02 -1.70284152e-01 -8.97258520e-01 1.98646709e-01 -2.44081348e-01 -5.53207509e-02 -5.55533543e-02 -1.65992305e-01 2.74704490e-02 -2.13312924e-01 2.02118158e-01 2.53555804e-01 -3.87739629e-01 -1.08476453e-01 -1.37314275e-01 -1.22894868e-01 1.75278470e-01 2.11796194e-01 8.26824829e-02 1.05898101e-02 6.10997498e-01 2.36131683e-01 -7.47389868e-02 1.72129244e-01 1.34788863e-02 -8.45897943e-03 -1.71976075e-01 5.43670207e-02 -2.28502214e-01 1.15810022e-01 8.05318952e-02 7.64729530e-02 -4.96705109e-03 -4.75218147e-01 -3.20399225e-01 -5.72054446e-01 -2.88231093e-02 -2.61978686e-01 -9.40377787e-02 1.48689285e-01 6.63682759e-01 -9.02493149e-02 7.81601178e-04 -7.72013292e-02 4.59515601e-01 -4.25193571e-02 -3.64522375e-02 -1.14929102e-01 7.57699311e-02 3.40144932e-02 1.11633050e-03 -2.18101785e-01 -6.78328518e-03 -2.19158247e-01 1.58528671e-01 6.05191886e-02 1.40831649e-01 -1.86990842e-01 1.87249362e-01 -1.19091803e-02 -5.09359762e-02 -4.33254331e-01 3.07921842e-02 -2.17257977e-01 -1.40847534e-01 2.57427450e-02 1.51390091e-01 -2.46949777e-01 4.59538519e-01 -2.58070767e-01 -2.32725799e-01 -3.30944508e-01 -2.00508356e-01 -9.95350853e-02 -7.51670718e-01 2.15094239e-01 -4.28594649e-01 -2.75255024e-01 -1.04490139e-01 -5.30477725e-02 2.85512090e-01 -3.03415239e-01 -1.30773589e-01 -3.45568299e-01 -1.25801386e-02 -2.47117076e-02 1.01416064e-02 2.74962097e-01 -3.63796562e-01 3.05079937e-01 1.38227984e-01 2.03711450e-01 -3.96513253e-01 -2.84794308e-02 1.64150074e-02 -1.62674803e-02 2.62894422e-01 -2.44438946e-01 -3.45957518e-01 -1.96764916e-01 2.44841486e-01 2.54507095e-01 -3.88615578e-02 -1.57741830e-01 -3.42031449e-01 8.94244239e-02 -4.44560722e-02 -1.22895554e-01 -6.11838140e-02 2.38290563e-01 1.23173952e-01 9.55687240e-02 -1.17476555e-02 -1.07237287e-01 2.78022647e-01 3.42802942e-01 6.38959259e-02 3.50690365e-01 1.78841129e-01 1.94819905e-02 2.69831151e-01 7.20443547e-01 1.80292413e-01 1.41004920e-01 -2.18765080e-01 -1.48686185e-01 3.86970103e-01 4.37310450e-02 1.93011630e-02 -1.12785242e-01 1.94126830e-01 -5.58481775e-02 -1.51607290e-01 2.50795364e-01 -1.53573811e-01 9.27512422e-02 -3.41987729e-01 -8.77106264e-02 -9.35439169e-02 3.10037166e-01 -1.20941043e-01 3.79469544e-01 9.64090154e-02 2.41710514e-01 -3.81974764e-02 1.55802161e-01 -1.54642597e-01 2.70408541e-01 -7.41109326e-02 1.43227186e-02 2.26792350e-01 2.55065143e-01 1.08099595e-01 2.59948224e-02 -1.41857609e-01 -2.43252918e-01 2.10791081e-01 3.19445431e-01 2.46705338e-01 3.24511379e-01 4.50356841e-01 -1.12009659e-01 1.42220631e-01 5.13865709e-01 1.75664872e-01 2.00494602e-01 4.94577363e-02 -8.16507787e-02 1.30547866e-01 1.02819555e-01 -5.92681207e-02 -1.39720039e-02 -5.81083074e-02 -1.82133168e-01 -5.02916127e-02 -3.47197026e-01 5.54706044e-02 5.82518168e-02 -7.81373978e-02 -4.07120474e-02 -3.76656264e-01 6.28964677e-02 1.27031341e-01 -1.79706663e-01 -7.99064785e-02 1.09199792e-01 -9.25753191e-02 -4.00426894e-01 -2.87645429e-01 1.79947704e-01 1.18573226e-01 -4.09893803e-02 -9.44639370e-02 4.49578643e-01 4.67880927e-02 7.00158440e-03 3.44985127e-01 8.26876834e-02 1.39488429e-01 -3.09941560e-01 1.18104577e-01 4.21697088e-02 -2.19544739e-01 -2.75012344e-01 4.93321270e-02 2.17864975e-01 1.57743052e-01 -1.50215685e-01 1.97968334e-01 -2.74960816e-01 -1.31451175e-01 2.07099076e-02 3.26989204e-01 -7.36481920e-02 5.29651701e-01 -2.69045047e-02 -3.94064367e-01 3.46451014e-01 -1.68455780e-01 -2.23872736e-01 1.89357519e-01 1.37850717e-01 -1.30843027e-02 1.89954057e-01 -1.10522725e-01 7.13948831e-02 -9.97829661e-02 1.65766060e-01 -1.00203432e-01 6.13581896e-01 1.10200353e-01 -2.41372138e-01 -4.28198457e-01 1.23077609e-01 -2.46397778e-01 -4.33050334e-01 6.23100139e-02 2.36990348e-01 2.23148316e-01 1.54352352e-01 -1.50872156e-01 1.25417888e-01 -8.55668634e-02 1.19252235e-01 7.08007067e-02 7.96492584e-03 3.52739766e-02 3.06303799e-02 8.16089734e-02 -2.24618226e-01 7.61611015e-02 -1.07005332e-02 1.82640806e-01 -1.03055418e-01 -4.78688955e-01 -4.84704226e-02 -6.58090860e-02 3.17560941e-01 1.08212568e-01 1.26974270e-01 -4.58632708e-02 -2.71288073e-03 -1.81189328e-02 4.27358359e-01 -2.30819106e-01 3.93420786e-01 1.95878863e-01 5.52604198e-01 1.15286790e-01 1.68057546e-01 2.28096247e-01 7.99686611e-02 1.92752168e-01 1.52046278e-01 -8.58758017e-02 -1.90137833e-01 3.20490776e-03 -1.90451711e-01 -1.68601066e-01 3.28771442e-01 -5.21487072e-02 -1.54812381e-01 -1.61671445e-01 -3.14351827e-01 4.86496061e-01 -4.45418447e-01 -3.39402139e-01 -2.08286151e-01 3.48680824e-01 9.37038437e-02 -1.95263952e-01 -5.69260955e-01 6.48959577e-02 5.80224534e-03 -2.06387177e-01 -2.84578979e-01 6.08647503e-02 9.91037413e-02 7.95857329e-03 -1.36445805e-01 7.29850054e-01 1.32762864e-02 -1.20153837e-01 -2.95064986e-01 -1.40657768e-01]
"Nesting Dolls" active "Item #: SCP-707 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-707 is kept disassembled in a double-locked secure locker at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Experimentation may only be performed with prior, written permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel. Once assembled, SCP-707 may only be handled by Class-D personnel. Description: SCP-707 is a matryoshka doll, or Russian nesting doll, consisting of one (1) center doll and four (4) separating outer layers. The doll is painted in a primarily blue color palette, and dating of the materials, while inconclusive, shows that it is approximately β–ˆβ–ˆ years old. When a living human subject removes one or more layers of SCP-707 from a fully assembled state, its anomalous effect will occur approximately ten (10) minutes later. The severity of this effect is dependent on how many layers are opened: These effects are cumulative and sequential, and will occur over the course of only a few seconds after the ten-minute mark. No subject to date has survived the separation of more than 1 layer of SCP-707. However, despite the incredible trauma inflicted by the separation of 2 or more layers, brain activity monitors have determined that subjects are fully conscious and aware of their condition for up to several minutes after the separation event, until the subject expires (typically through blood loss or asphyxiation). Addendum 707-1: The requested use of SCP-707 as an efficient method of procuring viable transplant organs for Foundation uses is under review. Β« SCP-706 | SCP-707 | SCP-708 Β»" nan
[ 2.14387268e-01 -6.17233694e-01 -1.60876885e-01 -6.28556535e-02 -2.53226757e-01 2.14787503e-03 3.00004184e-01 4.91513759e-02 2.09470198e-01 -5.77467531e-02 8.07301775e-02 -9.65286270e-02 -2.72076130e-02 -1.09124690e-01 -9.38870199e-03 -2.47929007e-01 3.50656629e-01 2.64415562e-01 3.56740892e-01 -1.57574356e-01 -2.68037170e-01 -2.01647907e-01 -2.86819249e-01 2.56080270e-01 3.38706464e-01 -4.54221547e-01 -1.40777156e-01 8.95827338e-02 -1.81443170e-01 -2.48572513e-01 1.37512937e-01 1.40457377e-01 -7.33265579e-02 1.75922617e-01 -1.11660018e-04 -1.14362568e-01 1.79753661e-01 5.88466972e-02 -1.51519671e-01 2.73299247e-01 1.81882411e-01 -2.45237499e-01 -2.25400180e-01 -8.75207707e-02 1.24454349e-01 -1.27785042e-01 3.50250512e-01 3.25903855e-02 4.59659994e-01 1.06796503e-01 1.75596088e-01 -3.42811644e-02 1.02077767e-01 5.85072488e-02 4.18980986e-01 1.85787439e-01 -1.03295892e-01 2.17781767e-01 5.10758877e-01 -2.06363365e-01 1.26848519e-01 8.35773274e-02 -1.80090010e-01 -8.86809230e-02 -6.93652406e-02 -7.91064128e-02 6.15316391e-01 -5.84167898e-01 -6.95524737e-02 2.83681720e-01 -1.08680822e-01 1.29902542e-01 2.02885672e-01 -4.57895175e-02 -9.69784856e-02 -1.95620686e-01 -2.97347248e-01 4.69259232e-01 1.71632487e-02 -8.18239376e-02 -2.37494290e-01 1.36108026e-01 -1.14318401e-01 6.20188415e-02 2.31972545e-01 -9.73327681e-02 -1.43970743e-01 1.49782673e-01 2.64985412e-01 -4.03527737e-01 -3.99881363e-01 3.72935948e-03 8.44509155e-02 -2.03809828e-01 1.40567362e-01 -1.20115019e-02 -1.93370476e-01 1.70472369e-01 2.23957762e-01 -1.43670142e-01 6.03590719e-02 1.63443133e-01 1.31738588e-01 3.11447293e-01 2.54930127e-02 -2.16656849e-01 3.42342746e-03 -2.77538687e-01 -2.68813252e-01 4.45806146e-01 -4.70868237e-02 2.05757767e-01 -4.73889410e-02 1.38454482e-01 -2.98393704e-02 -8.58911872e-02 -2.37755291e-02 8.70647803e-02 -1.57715365e-01 2.52697468e-01 -4.71577913e-01 1.29857972e-01 -2.78643053e-02 3.49056661e-01 2.69401014e-01 7.16115907e-02 -8.30001757e-02 -3.43666077e-02 -1.03148617e-01 -3.11788827e-01 -2.34409600e-01 3.57222587e-01 -3.66403967e-01 1.33369744e-01 -8.99248794e-02 -2.55498681e-02 -1.85504556e-01 1.60559505e-01 -1.11128166e-01 7.84061328e-02 9.92219299e-02 -2.81965673e-01 7.19381809e-01 2.58224547e-01 -4.70865846e-01 -2.51200199e-01 2.40266904e-01 -4.02330250e-01 -1.87197998e-01 -1.87415361e-01 2.99818754e-01 -2.02595279e-01 -5.36143929e-02 1.91929832e-01 -2.85079688e-01 1.60318613e-01 1.56981230e-01 2.90531218e-01 6.34025559e-02 -9.68448147e-02 2.84369498e-01 -1.17516197e-01 -3.60935718e-01 -2.03381702e-01 3.63566764e-02 5.18240750e-01 -3.39327186e-01 -5.03596757e-03 -7.25338757e-02 -7.35321790e-02 1.18208714e-01 -1.80144995e-01 6.14606701e-02 -1.70416996e-01 -2.18643874e-01 3.21011804e-02 -5.96239328e-01 2.18518689e-01 -2.86610387e-02 -3.05061787e-01 -3.39189172e-01 4.14731354e-01 2.41915926e-01 -3.34271044e-02 -1.82721596e-02 6.79220930e-02 3.91285829e-02 -1.23314172e-01 1.46917537e-01 -2.10387632e-01 -2.12191224e-01 -5.60362637e-01 4.22431618e-01 1.98408663e-01 -1.42658293e-01 -2.13857950e-03 9.03277099e-02 -2.27132499e-01 1.66621312e-01 1.07008897e-01 -2.93437093e-02 -1.12284422e-01 3.26251715e-01 3.28567356e-01 1.00678064e-01 -2.69442677e-01 -1.06535234e-01 8.36217776e-02 6.46799743e-01 1.54593706e-01 -2.24511415e-01 -9.93930846e-02 8.74264017e-02 4.51767705e-02 -1.24632111e-02 -4.29091245e-01 2.68473297e-01 1.53982192e-01 5.81199117e-02 -3.65939051e-01 -7.14644864e-02 2.89167404e-01 7.17640743e-02 -3.28201167e-02 -6.59935892e-01 5.63947916e-01 -1.53763548e-01 -4.75117452e-02 -1.80317178e-01 2.13117525e-02 -9.66846943e-03 -1.71920791e-01 4.10969943e-01 1.47149801e-01 -1.13842294e-01 -5.17960712e-02 2.09005788e-01 1.85475171e-01 -2.38205835e-01 -1.36626288e-01 8.87813196e-02 9.35879275e-02 -1.13078840e-02 2.32458696e-01 -9.80958194e-02 2.37470806e-01 6.73481151e-02 1.40657887e-01 8.39009136e-03 -1.28048182e-01 -1.00200601e-01 -1.65708333e-01 -1.89857766e-01 -3.76889080e-01 1.05648473e-01 -7.52961934e-02 -1.38372764e-01 -1.76879764e-02 -2.38295048e-01 3.17311108e-01 4.01427120e-01 -1.25120625e-01 2.53830373e-01 -3.75195518e-02 -5.09165227e-02 -3.83740306e-01 1.16074458e-01 2.12039083e-01 6.74227104e-02 2.35055104e-01 -2.20606744e-01 -2.08022743e-01 -6.54379576e-02 -5.21178246e-02 7.31541887e-02 -8.50462914e-02 2.91976750e-01 -1.25236452e-01 2.27719620e-01 1.15733659e-02 -4.60086286e-01 -4.57305133e-01 -1.13440044e-01 -3.99298929e-02 -9.84626487e-02 1.65784191e-02 4.60309610e-02 -1.27043918e-01 -1.38712540e-01 4.45888549e-01 -1.88329622e-01 7.27703050e-02 5.23049347e-02 1.05582915e-01 -2.08313406e-01 -8.43014419e-02 -1.80717647e-01 5.61666846e-01 -3.13120484e-01 2.60479480e-01 -1.21105008e-01 6.02992028e-02 5.47070131e-02 7.60330409e-02 -4.34168249e-01 1.18407741e-01 3.56657386e-01 -5.45289703e-02 -7.22763613e-02 1.69725612e-01 -3.74859214e-01 2.07598597e-01 1.59991570e-02 -1.51383370e-01 2.51684695e-01 2.67732829e-01 2.26265326e-01 -2.66233712e-01 2.88301677e-01 -3.40562016e-01 -1.93167254e-01 4.26987782e-02 -3.34507935e-02 -1.88281789e-01 -3.20145041e-01 2.21061483e-01 -4.02666986e-01 -1.54089466e-01 3.88937443e-01 -2.24625364e-01 2.17903808e-01 1.00179300e-01 1.64912388e-01 4.69674403e-03 1.05004730e-02 1.10852718e-01 -8.80404040e-02 -4.54390168e-01 -6.45426884e-02 4.98319678e-02 7.02897161e-02 -2.35948861e-01 -4.40479070e-01 -4.17306215e-01 5.30273914e-02 -1.74618363e-01 -5.58417261e-01 -1.12737931e-01 -6.41220957e-02 3.86428386e-01 -3.17863196e-01 5.28638422e-01 1.67762235e-01 -2.51576245e-01 -3.48291039e-01 -1.85560703e-01 3.15142721e-01 1.21660508e-01 -5.16689382e-02 -2.03759298e-01 2.08457112e-01 2.50131696e-01 5.99300921e-01 1.12281807e-01 -3.32886666e-01 -1.19709536e-01 -3.30937952e-02 8.28046799e-02 3.73204798e-01 -2.97634989e-01 -1.46058396e-01 -1.88656047e-01 -2.32926950e-01 2.14409485e-01 -2.29307011e-01 -2.64886618e-01 7.84033835e-02 -1.08812504e-01 -1.42649040e-01 -1.16816431e-01 -1.17285168e-02 5.47371745e-01 2.15759948e-01 -2.08750382e-01 -4.85024303e-01 -2.74589173e-02 1.85859459e-03 -1.20654285e-01 9.77440700e-02 2.76148226e-03 1.04506403e-01 -7.00472109e-03 -2.47656181e-01 3.80947590e-02 1.82442278e-01 1.53469369e-01 2.09702864e-01 -5.73212989e-02 -2.60455042e-01 1.56628251e-01 -3.80858541e-01 6.01261735e-01 -3.43856663e-01 6.89893723e-01 3.30705315e-01 2.83750802e-01 -2.13067070e-01 6.97849831e-03 -2.70479798e-01 -1.04696013e-01 3.45717102e-01 3.34076941e-01 -1.91185221e-01 2.38146558e-02 8.89194161e-02 1.32591680e-01 8.59310701e-02 1.97046116e-01 -3.36370677e-01 4.82165962e-02 -1.89901620e-01 4.23223704e-01 -6.92695901e-02 -1.58620134e-01 -3.20554405e-01 4.44277413e-02 4.74801749e-01 4.91524301e-02 2.63950050e-01 1.81230292e-01 -2.03624278e-01 1.83863088e-01 4.39715236e-02 5.60874403e-01 5.98167002e-01 4.32498544e-01 5.21774650e-01 -2.23570783e-02 -2.06964388e-01 -1.83337688e-01 1.70949832e-01 9.56846401e-02 5.95754504e-01 1.51353106e-01 -3.06905918e-02 -1.54908761e-01 6.42120421e-01 -8.67356881e-02 -4.44304049e-02 4.69437242e-01 -1.48837194e-01 1.49319246e-01 -6.08299784e-02 4.80366163e-02 -1.98877707e-01 -3.40800732e-01 -4.48020875e-01 3.12132925e-01 -1.53590083e-01 3.42045903e-01 3.14389169e-01 1.09705734e+00 1.02632023e-01 1.96918756e-01 -1.42132819e-01 -8.49365667e-02 1.30475275e-02 -9.56186056e-02 1.74615011e-01 -1.53217465e-01 -2.20861152e-01 4.28053774e-02 -2.36805394e-01 1.53983474e-01 1.79718241e-01 -4.27182585e-01 -3.31834674e-01 -2.52367169e-01 1.96208641e-01 2.31628120e-02 1.92766428e-01 2.83687979e-01 3.07401158e-02 5.29318690e-01 1.92453980e-01 1.24735966e-01 1.50016127e-02 8.22547674e-02 -4.76494096e-02 -1.16560340e-01 1.76420197e-01 -8.44175369e-02 2.56053627e-01 2.57858217e-01 2.57649332e-01 -2.44217589e-01 1.39145330e-01 -2.71439292e-02 -9.85702798e-02 -1.12811215e-01 -3.26763332e-01 7.48150051e-02 5.56990691e-02 6.48765564e-01 -2.29200050e-01 -7.94626102e-02 -1.09417163e-01 2.40901828e-01 -4.59470693e-03 -1.71285614e-01 -1.80388670e-02 1.06382184e-01 2.81941652e-01 -3.30005020e-01 3.60045582e-02 5.60969524e-02 -1.13180384e-01 2.35018685e-01 1.65784925e-01 -8.57747868e-02 -1.63685139e-02 1.58826083e-01 3.08261327e-02 -1.26356915e-01 -1.90685734e-01 -2.59342521e-01 -5.82692325e-02 -4.80697192e-02 1.71125904e-02 -3.02217808e-02 5.08793771e-01 2.42167145e-01 4.12517972e-02 -1.50258601e-01 -4.36196834e-01 -4.10604663e-02 -2.24816706e-02 -6.31251812e-01 3.30288142e-01 8.38945061e-03 -1.55501544e-01 1.11788332e-01 -9.46830306e-03 -9.21203047e-02 -2.54506499e-01 -2.13536739e-01 -2.97055155e-01 2.10457534e-01 2.00439438e-01 3.66458334e-02 1.62983999e-01 -3.36367548e-01 1.49919391e-01 5.94648980e-02 2.89977342e-01 -4.31170225e-01 1.78395025e-02 -1.21189281e-02 4.77513000e-02 1.23106115e-01 -2.61909246e-01 -1.99240655e-01 -2.44509101e-01 1.78110272e-01 1.47826448e-01 -2.52624482e-01 -1.52534604e-01 -1.63592070e-01 9.51479822e-02 -2.09789738e-01 -1.64540350e-01 9.79604293e-03 7.71190524e-02 1.72852516e-01 -2.00900082e-02 -1.21389441e-01 -1.00334942e-01 1.85170382e-01 9.00966823e-02 9.05570015e-02 3.95567477e-01 1.12926722e-01 -1.26374111e-01 6.22895099e-02 5.00910997e-01 -2.24557351e-02 -1.37336487e-02 -2.47854009e-01 -1.19636565e-01 2.17321157e-01 2.56079674e-01 1.52894199e-01 -2.15893984e-02 1.71168089e-01 1.57258481e-01 -3.09624106e-01 -8.20789561e-02 1.22861668e-01 2.86298960e-01 -1.67210251e-01 1.22392118e-01 -3.98880243e-02 2.68544883e-01 -1.65254936e-01 7.49392584e-02 3.81599337e-01 -5.76447397e-02 -1.14093837e-03 1.30807832e-01 5.39725311e-02 5.10743439e-01 9.89200622e-02 -9.20033976e-02 4.23903197e-01 3.56362462e-01 1.23338334e-01 1.48821563e-01 4.74295542e-02 -1.69516698e-01 1.46235406e-01 4.79902029e-01 5.76306462e-01 3.49637955e-01 4.85747755e-01 -1.90153852e-01 4.76239562e-01 3.64032269e-01 3.66542280e-01 2.50378996e-01 2.48961806e-01 1.90422371e-01 2.61353940e-01 -1.80818867e-02 -3.25428337e-01 2.73132682e-01 -4.58845645e-02 -2.21750125e-01 -1.12431403e-02 2.21265350e-02 2.36625299e-01 -1.41215637e-01 5.78993838e-03 -7.22234026e-02 -6.41099155e-01 -1.64143518e-02 2.43911535e-01 -3.79893094e-01 -8.38479698e-02 -2.91078482e-02 7.22428709e-02 3.62069756e-02 -3.77271831e-01 2.72286981e-01 4.05909777e-01 -1.67498752e-01 -5.81259020e-02 5.32930613e-01 -2.74282873e-01 1.79675862e-01 -1.46799147e-01 2.33428642e-01 2.10004169e-02 -2.72643685e-01 2.21271783e-01 -6.72976002e-02 -2.03336999e-01 -2.39257768e-01 -9.51343682e-03 2.56198913e-01 -1.94809884e-01 -8.98759905e-03 1.83155626e-01 -2.92047977e-01 -1.54276431e-01 3.26761723e-01 4.34190303e-01 1.33100795e-02 8.51473883e-02 -4.71414626e-01 -2.82378376e-01 8.07309449e-02 -3.07486922e-01 -3.03835809e-01 1.28820777e-01 1.46319434e-01 -5.53678311e-02 6.84073493e-02 -1.85077503e-01 7.12751001e-02 -2.46363431e-01 3.48764420e-01 -2.31253020e-02 2.55293280e-01 2.38606006e-01 -2.97898263e-01 -3.92242074e-01 1.17015056e-01 -3.39900345e-01 -5.12771189e-01 1.04973735e-02 1.02849782e-01 2.22410649e-01 1.74697146e-01 -3.14803004e-01 4.19312567e-02 -2.35205874e-01 3.33638281e-01 -5.40238060e-03 2.98396677e-01 2.17110574e-01 1.51704371e-01 2.30972871e-01 -1.64988667e-01 -6.70885493e-04 -4.57529902e-01 1.37432516e-01 9.06810611e-02 -2.37307861e-01 -2.92810708e-01 -3.35677981e-01 4.71939296e-01 -1.22973837e-01 -9.72599257e-03 -4.95890826e-02 -3.21370900e-01 1.37641862e-01 2.14183301e-01 -2.02367067e-01 3.30029339e-01 3.03081423e-01 7.48083591e-01 -5.48214950e-02 2.16641858e-01 3.20281059e-01 -2.19236717e-01 3.47069092e-02 2.42898285e-01 -6.21723235e-02 -8.10612366e-02 1.78750753e-01 -2.41009872e-02 -1.44975800e-02 3.82377058e-01 -7.89314508e-02 -1.07993193e-01 -8.29461440e-02 -2.44264796e-01 2.65266478e-01 -5.59174657e-01 -1.43532068e-01 -2.24528015e-01 2.17348203e-01 7.78981000e-02 -2.93842643e-01 -4.31282818e-02 -1.16458014e-01 -2.07472164e-02 9.03406367e-02 -3.44316572e-01 -7.83805475e-02 -4.83811721e-02 -2.89674968e-01 -6.70405179e-02 3.32823783e-01 1.37582719e-01 -5.25101535e-02 2.83508236e-03 -1.45735681e-01]
"The Big Orange Forklift" active "Item #: SCP-708 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-708 is to be stored in a warehouse at Sector-19, pending further research. Keys to the ignition lock of SCP-708 are to be kept in a secure lock-box at Site-19 accessible only by Dr. Lentil, with a spare set in a secure lock-box maintained by Dr. Horrigan. Neither set is permitted to be accessed without the consent of at least one (1) Level 4 Personnel. Personnel attempting to make use of SCP-708 or gain access to either of its keys are to be immediately detained and must undergo a psychological evaluation. Keys are to be used in an alternating fashion, so as not to cause excessive wear to them. Description: SCP-708 is an orange Toyota Model 7FDU80 7-Series Forklift with a typical lift capacity of 8 metric tonnes. Records indicate it was purchased by [REDACTED] on 7/13/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and delivered 7/30/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-708 came to the Foundation's attention when 3 construction workers employed by [REDACTED], while operating the machine, strayed completely from their duties, seeking out objects to lift throughout the city of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, NY. One other construction worker, however, immediately attempted to destroy all members of the crew working at the job site. At this point, the Foundation launched an investigation, and quickly turned to SCP-708 as the culprit, which was proven when Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ attempted to move the vehicle onto a Foundation transport, and upon starting the vehicle, attempted to lift the transport, instead. Upon maintaining visual contact with SCP-708 for more than 20 seconds, all subjects are rendered into a state of enthusiasm. These subjects will exclaim joyous remarks relating to β€œriding the big orange forklift,” not unlike a child. This is often accompanied by high-frequency sounds, and hopping up and down as a child in an excited temperament would. Due to the reported annoying effect of these actions, many researchers are compelled to allow the subject to board and operate SCP-708. If a subject is already engaged in operating SCP-708, then those who were previously compelled to operate it, and those who maintain visual contact with the object, report a feeling of jealousy, wishing to remove the current operator. Restraining subjects who express a desire to operate SCP-708 will lead to continued emotional outbursts such as are common amongst young children. At this point it is vital that any subject with a violent history, criminal or otherwise, be restricted from boarding and operating SCP-708, due to the incident on 4/25/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, which resulted in the loss of β–ˆ researchers and β–ˆ maintenance crew. Upon boarding and starting SCP-708, a range of reactions can be observed. Subjects with a violent past express the urge to eradicate anything immediately obvious to them, making use of the heavy lifting capacity of this vehicle, and will do so at the earliest opportunity. Subjects with no violent past, however, express a desire to lift all objects that they notice. This occurs in order, from lightest to heaviest weight, at the subject's estimation. Subjects with a mildly violent past behave initially as subjects with no record of violence but soon tire of this course and seek to destroy objects at first, and subsequently human beings, lifting heavy objects and using the forklift as a makeshift battering ram. No fuel has been added to the vehicle since the Foundation's acquisition, nor does the vehicle produce any detectable emissions. It has been theorized by Dr. Lentil that SCP-708 may feed on a driver's enthusiasm. This theory is supported by an apparent weariness after the driver has been in contact with the vehicle for more than approximately 1 hour. It has also been recently noted that the vehicle itself does not offer any restraint to the driver besides the driver's own resistance towards leaving the vehicle. Despite the related exhaustion, drivers cannot be removed from SCP-708 without the use of deadly force. All forms of tranquilizer have failed on drivers, presumably due to the amount of adrenaline produced by the driver's body. Attempts to remove the driver by multiple assistants have failed completely, resulting in termination being considered the only option to remove the driver from SCP-708. To date, β–ˆβ–ˆ test subjects have been terminated due to testing. Β« SCP-707 | SCP-708 | SCP-709 Β»" nan
[ 1.19977795e-01 -1.32962689e-01 -7.53475502e-02 8.69532600e-02 -1.37428820e-01 -3.50284755e-01 3.79536778e-01 2.51664132e-01 2.09692046e-01 3.87526155e-02 1.33192763e-01 1.15865842e-01 -2.59365678e-01 -3.28837693e-01 -2.62115989e-02 -2.20995501e-01 -8.15916210e-02 7.33131692e-02 2.85705686e-01 -2.19648421e-01 -1.59723938e-01 -2.07457557e-01 -8.79698470e-02 2.97259271e-01 -1.65453702e-01 -1.96916461e-01 3.37007254e-01 -8.59013200e-03 1.93631232e-01 -1.53249368e-01 1.12527888e-02 5.46070755e-01 -7.56563246e-02 7.87130296e-01 -1.11877780e-04 -1.57143727e-01 -6.99057207e-02 8.88072774e-02 -2.40981340e-01 -4.85547744e-02 3.09955832e-02 3.10821179e-02 8.13342705e-02 -1.23471372e-01 -7.69069120e-02 -3.09278876e-01 9.79884937e-02 1.77275732e-01 5.56752026e-01 1.69824123e-01 1.75894871e-01 2.78999567e-01 -2.53310464e-02 1.24090888e-01 -1.91197336e-01 2.98886269e-01 -1.00985624e-01 8.56606811e-02 5.35245895e-01 1.78759784e-01 -2.33190149e-01 -8.77415165e-02 2.04824004e-02 -9.36631262e-02 -7.47169554e-02 -3.85190129e-01 1.85493946e-01 8.06796253e-02 3.96906346e-01 3.07582676e-01 -2.50717670e-01 -4.73535014e-03 1.47676840e-01 -1.59001544e-01 -1.72673520e-02 -2.63302386e-01 1.49948418e-01 1.69552878e-01 4.97518629e-02 2.63053536e-01 -1.20225430e-01 1.44717842e-01 -3.23919684e-01 9.57747325e-02 3.52325700e-02 -1.95975751e-01 -2.26534531e-01 8.93933922e-02 4.09771532e-01 -3.64770561e-01 -1.62679046e-01 -3.63576524e-02 2.00366899e-01 1.76358558e-02 -2.83460002e-02 -1.00315697e-01 5.27123548e-02 -1.86227128e-01 1.55884519e-01 -2.10707709e-01 7.07385987e-02 1.14932507e-01 -2.88394660e-01 1.18524544e-01 5.91061078e-02 3.08330595e-01 -2.09099546e-01 -7.29708374e-02 -4.19818014e-01 2.59418696e-01 -2.97179312e-01 2.15259016e-01 -4.16445911e-01 8.28646347e-02 8.21624845e-02 2.28280593e-02 1.34125754e-01 3.72770838e-02 9.89635214e-02 1.83383882e-01 -3.75401616e-01 1.20137773e-01 9.15586799e-02 2.43848115e-01 4.41556811e-01 1.31119967e-01 -1.01413466e-01 4.81961295e-02 -7.80292004e-02 -1.45785525e-01 -1.88362464e-01 1.94412276e-01 -2.43267223e-01 -5.95320947e-02 -8.64605904e-02 3.56364936e-01 -4.61114943e-02 -6.85665235e-02 -4.01855677e-01 -2.31974319e-01 2.99153507e-01 -4.57912721e-02 5.60692549e-01 3.73049796e-01 -2.47477144e-01 -1.87776223e-01 -3.42332125e-02 -1.00162543e-01 -1.72180504e-01 2.01367214e-01 2.82743424e-01 -3.92591506e-01 -4.74798769e-01 1.56546801e-01 -3.48126411e-01 -5.67308962e-02 3.84683937e-01 1.41394988e-01 -8.54514837e-02 2.65809983e-01 3.51973027e-01 -7.72569701e-02 5.99329807e-02 -7.33915716e-02 -1.14881493e-01 1.75356671e-01 -3.69875818e-01 -6.43787757e-02 -3.40588927e-01 1.54455015e-02 -5.90971373e-02 -2.39822362e-03 -3.18453759e-01 5.01160882e-02 -8.77060369e-02 -2.66816951e-02 -2.56091416e-01 -2.60334939e-01 -2.47777000e-01 -3.53877157e-01 -5.83071172e-01 3.37760389e-01 3.40456933e-01 -3.26937616e-01 -3.25116247e-01 3.06825107e-03 -3.14447939e-01 2.24983692e-02 1.83671921e-01 -2.14465529e-01 -2.32952416e-01 -4.80794758e-01 -1.52827486e-01 2.14928284e-01 3.97164881e-01 -1.22591481e-01 -4.23860811e-02 3.46058346e-02 2.53944427e-01 3.38081479e-01 -2.68461317e-01 -1.34097487e-01 3.84650111e-01 -9.20718387e-02 -8.22459236e-02 2.02498317e-01 1.74517538e-02 -1.31898075e-01 8.91578138e-01 -6.53486028e-02 1.39488176e-01 -4.48535979e-02 -2.22387001e-01 5.19118160e-02 -2.70304173e-01 -2.84633994e-01 2.33551741e-01 1.15784563e-01 2.10474268e-01 -3.30162108e-01 -3.75621207e-02 -1.95635423e-01 -8.21736902e-02 -9.66131836e-02 1.70629583e-02 1.15802633e-02 -1.67697236e-01 -2.66769864e-02 -4.17341411e-01 1.28809780e-01 1.36178806e-01 -1.66335255e-01 1.31162271e-01 4.56742384e-03 -7.89653361e-02 -1.76657252e-02 1.75416902e-01 9.77657557e-01 -3.89232077e-02 8.26672241e-02 2.91092813e-01 1.48725167e-01 1.46938175e-01 1.14529215e-01 -2.04492018e-01 4.72995907e-01 1.58216715e-01 -6.57099336e-02 1.97493777e-01 -1.81943297e-01 1.74170852e-01 -3.24073255e-01 2.94982102e-02 8.04824457e-02 1.34971619e-01 1.70796588e-01 1.72916234e-01 1.58908486e-01 -1.70330405e-01 2.71108747e-01 5.09432733e-01 3.85172386e-03 7.50223398e-02 -8.12765434e-02 -2.76882201e-01 -1.07907847e-01 1.35315031e-01 3.00157249e-01 -3.04902811e-03 1.84517726e-01 -1.58542156e-01 -2.91702837e-01 2.80283988e-01 -8.69913995e-02 -3.76880504e-02 1.47321090e-01 4.60562915e-01 2.04492390e-01 1.71856612e-01 2.83294879e-02 -3.53132576e-01 -5.92417479e-01 2.23512482e-02 -2.41365954e-01 -6.25905991e-02 1.42643809e-01 1.18323117e-01 -4.22902452e-03 -3.59511644e-01 2.37762704e-01 -2.71630939e-02 5.31927794e-02 7.38773542e-03 3.37942570e-01 -1.74375132e-01 1.05106741e-01 -5.14448769e-02 5.63925326e-01 3.64713743e-02 8.97112712e-02 -5.76535575e-02 -1.25898477e-02 -1.40647873e-01 8.53362158e-02 -1.82464331e-01 -3.59038174e-01 4.06686783e-01 1.72419831e-01 -1.20667204e-01 1.06451690e-01 -3.06904346e-01 3.40959460e-01 1.78596720e-01 -4.81188983e-01 -1.54087409e-01 -1.12398215e-01 -8.66955966e-02 -4.84582245e-01 -2.21950218e-01 -3.72630358e-01 -6.54247701e-02 -4.70631570e-03 -3.43204401e-02 4.97871339e-02 -5.07571772e-02 2.45301574e-01 -2.03453377e-01 -3.08357567e-01 6.79591894e-01 6.96908757e-02 1.46097720e-01 7.71685004e-01 1.77599907e-01 3.71263772e-01 3.16941813e-02 -6.41196445e-02 -2.48598531e-01 -3.59156013e-01 -1.86043650e-01 6.95047900e-02 -1.13760911e-01 -3.92783612e-01 -3.81627589e-01 -1.38926566e-01 -2.02158347e-01 -2.26000950e-01 1.83097273e-02 -1.14962302e-01 4.47562784e-01 3.95554267e-02 -2.09411889e-01 1.66813552e-01 6.53979555e-02 -2.54940033e-01 -1.65650353e-01 -1.60662651e-01 3.04117411e-01 3.88470113e-01 4.60736811e-01 -1.93621680e-01 -3.09585840e-01 2.73423910e-01 5.83667278e-01 -5.16922951e-01 -5.51033556e-01 -1.27665892e-01 2.83166289e-01 9.97500047e-02 1.96945876e-01 -3.01282823e-01 5.63662965e-03 2.57932395e-02 -2.92436004e-01 2.54689425e-01 -7.49774426e-02 -1.39694393e-01 3.17737758e-01 -4.22362499e-02 -4.72592980e-01 -3.23699862e-01 1.54118702e-01 8.21667984e-02 -2.15046287e-01 -1.80324420e-01 -3.44513617e-02 -2.63216764e-01 2.73016989e-02 -2.76025087e-01 2.56650448e-01 3.92536924e-04 -1.11173846e-01 -9.28022936e-02 1.72983259e-01 5.67834545e-03 -4.62212898e-02 -4.29925829e-01 2.51415730e-01 -1.29431874e-01 -2.06871957e-01 2.62216628e-01 -6.86604753e-02 5.44565797e-01 3.30095530e-01 3.91696483e-01 4.63120699e-01 -6.06665872e-02 1.88807130e-01 -2.70853758e-01 -3.44724834e-01 4.02198136e-02 5.66482067e-01 -8.34482536e-02 -3.96478958e-02 -6.55624270e-02 1.53435707e-01 -1.87598109e-01 4.43240553e-02 -2.10262686e-01 -6.43174648e-02 -3.12740982e-01 -2.62106210e-01 1.56659335e-01 3.35664034e-01 -7.95358047e-02 -4.22666967e-01 -1.83831397e-02 1.92975685e-01 -1.48897424e-01 1.85017556e-01 2.64467299e-02 -1.50507480e-01 1.74806118e-01 -4.15503792e-02 3.01517397e-01 3.05537730e-01 5.22796869e-01 4.20656577e-02 3.76118094e-01 1.79821491e-01 1.48949981e-01 -6.78550079e-02 1.38174340e-01 6.62323356e-01 2.02336028e-01 1.39145076e-01 -1.86758041e-01 1.08116575e-01 2.35432103e-01 8.68130922e-02 4.91564460e-02 2.05827251e-01 1.06227718e-01 2.37429246e-01 1.41527444e-01 -4.23409455e-02 -2.42063791e-01 -2.19644725e-01 3.87287855e-01 -7.80885741e-02 4.82483149e-01 3.05091068e-02 1.25570774e+00 -6.43126741e-02 1.17947750e-01 -3.03553045e-02 -4.12503600e-01 4.40174729e-01 -4.09655005e-01 2.71763727e-02 -2.94147521e-01 -1.96423173e-01 2.52871722e-01 -2.96302140e-01 2.11177915e-02 2.18105778e-01 -2.96298355e-01 -4.81543839e-01 -5.65381348e-01 -8.72337893e-02 2.00717941e-01 2.53975540e-01 1.05123252e-01 1.78749748e-02 4.81765755e-02 1.46387905e-01 2.28882618e-02 3.61724406e-01 -3.31427231e-02 -2.70990908e-01 2.71556191e-02 -3.32908519e-02 -3.94801676e-01 -7.30534941e-02 -6.86324155e-03 2.74959892e-01 1.05591945e-01 2.04738211e-02 7.01699331e-02 -4.92062360e-01 -1.26087606e-01 -1.55827790e-01 -1.33651765e-02 2.94213682e-01 6.20488524e-01 -1.19100705e-01 9.49851573e-02 2.61455309e-02 5.41541457e-01 9.66419429e-02 -4.62462343e-02 9.64446738e-02 2.83710677e-02 9.28535759e-02 -1.93097159e-01 -1.73122481e-01 3.14927518e-01 -7.55077004e-02 9.53779891e-02 2.83719182e-01 -3.68555427e-01 -4.02994417e-02 1.46114483e-01 -7.85271600e-02 -1.90649584e-01 -2.15314865e-01 2.98684269e-01 -2.22582832e-01 2.59633884e-02 6.30183294e-02 3.77187371e-01 -4.23526652e-02 1.05000921e-01 1.25816554e-01 -3.82519849e-02 -3.87937397e-01 -1.00025930e-01 7.44901657e-01 -6.32504225e-01 -4.04061889e-03 -2.30524302e-01 -5.29493392e-01 -9.40052271e-02 -2.68422067e-01 3.11293662e-01 -1.40951555e-02 -1.93866074e-01 -9.54170823e-02 -1.73201263e-01 -7.06554726e-02 -2.98473865e-01 1.88166916e-01 -3.47677678e-01 3.73100221e-01 -1.53067425e-01 4.36561882e-01 -3.75846058e-01 7.74785783e-03 -4.11606491e-01 -8.40511620e-02 1.17609613e-01 -4.10620898e-01 2.30125282e-02 4.18772474e-02 1.48588806e-01 -4.27179970e-02 -3.42389524e-01 -2.29676992e-01 -2.59323031e-01 1.63523257e-01 -7.91820362e-02 -3.63250822e-01 2.31954399e-02 1.79082423e-01 1.31443664e-01 2.20771834e-01 -1.71023786e-01 -8.55102316e-02 2.63398081e-01 3.90590161e-01 5.76635040e-02 4.84700233e-01 -5.78305125e-02 -1.05448492e-01 3.30249190e-01 7.37203777e-01 -1.94168724e-02 2.76401103e-01 -5.66042177e-02 -1.21477023e-01 -3.39903086e-01 8.49099923e-03 1.21764809e-01 5.05351841e-01 4.90045324e-02 1.48873806e-01 -5.30560948e-02 -4.81748641e-01 3.96278724e-02 2.59029686e-01 -2.17634320e-01 -7.91104063e-02 -1.14059813e-01 2.61228621e-01 -1.10853374e-01 2.33888298e-01 1.61761507e-01 -3.31043266e-02 1.90437809e-02 3.08995575e-01 -1.01952199e-02 2.25988507e-01 2.54494641e-02 1.17981531e-01 9.88487303e-02 4.19972867e-01 1.09595388e-01 3.54094714e-01 -8.50107893e-02 -2.28169084e-01 3.75625461e-01 2.50651687e-01 5.03383279e-01 8.33154619e-02 -9.65955183e-02 3.53173554e-01 4.29314137e-01 1.06756240e-01 3.92973423e-01 2.11654469e-01 1.01929858e-01 1.05417408e-01 -1.21713571e-01 -9.38493237e-02 -1.68011412e-01 9.67219099e-02 -6.10179417e-02 2.53622886e-02 -7.00780824e-02 -3.75687964e-02 -3.07718776e-02 1.66199222e-01 1.79896027e-01 -1.28803208e-01 -7.44615853e-01 -1.61546603e-01 1.92203335e-02 -4.96348068e-02 1.15765348e-01 1.57226592e-01 5.32740122e-03 -4.35598567e-02 -1.77181531e-02 1.13263808e-01 3.34610671e-01 -3.53188813e-01 1.31209418e-01 1.46027967e-01 1.71619192e-01 8.22062343e-02 2.56927703e-02 2.89744258e-01 -1.15782628e-02 -3.63538712e-01 -1.67062297e-01 -1.71917360e-02 -1.15216061e-01 -2.57903397e-01 -3.55814509e-02 2.07418948e-01 -1.41222075e-01 8.82298574e-02 9.61929411e-02 -1.43618643e-01 -9.65972170e-02 2.58184880e-01 -9.05547366e-02 -1.09103937e-02 -1.45601854e-01 -7.38892853e-02 -3.47515255e-01 -3.47793587e-02 7.75925294e-02 -6.01511039e-02 4.99806330e-02 3.19087058e-02 3.24950041e-03 2.82330841e-01 -1.55357987e-01 6.43300191e-02 -2.56880730e-01 2.02108860e-01 7.83853754e-02 2.37117663e-01 -4.09917533e-02 5.40500768e-02 4.86631468e-02 3.09532523e-01 2.79400628e-02 -3.32712412e-01 -8.09017047e-02 1.60068706e-01 -1.27945125e-01 1.82174936e-01 -1.12569623e-01 -1.43163100e-01 1.78007573e-01 6.41420707e-02 -3.59453112e-01 1.25973910e-01 6.68590307e-01 -4.67192428e-03 7.66397417e-02 -8.84069353e-02 5.39671890e-02 -2.75481522e-01 1.53775856e-01 -1.77410707e-01 -4.75738674e-01 9.57895815e-02 4.67161417e-01 3.26995224e-01 -5.69312014e-02 2.93017000e-01 9.04711410e-02 -2.23660827e-01 -1.01689793e-01 2.22831383e-01 -1.66150391e-01 -5.01527265e-02 2.41120696e-01 1.39117301e-01 2.63068706e-01 2.45549574e-01 1.02290019e-01 -1.57242462e-01 -2.06920713e-01 6.85728937e-02 -2.63818026e-01 1.74648874e-02 -7.18665197e-02 3.01002055e-01 2.05555648e-01 3.75789315e-01 -4.60561290e-02 1.18296988e-01 -4.31880414e-01 2.72894222e-02 3.43541622e-01 -1.13392889e-01 -2.77295411e-01 -2.71629393e-01 3.37042958e-01 2.01675728e-01 -2.52037823e-01 -2.86324501e-01 -9.33831707e-02 6.97597442e-03 -3.36209446e-01 -2.26675570e-01 -3.70659009e-02 -1.95860669e-01 -1.25896424e-01 3.50606032e-02 4.74083573e-01 -7.45027140e-02 7.91862532e-02 -3.53108853e-01 2.42409818e-02]
"Eye of the Forest" active "Item #: SCP-709 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-709 is currently set up in TA-F2, Sector-28. Any staff member is permitted to access the sphere, provided they schedule the time in advance, so as to avoid conflict. Class D personnel wishing to use the sphere require permission from their direct supervisor. Description: SCP-709 is a spherical "tree house" assembled from a kit provided by the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ company of Vancouver Island. It has been furnished as a small apartment suitable for overnighting. When a person looks out the window for a period of more than three to five minutes, they will begin to see what appear to be alternative versions of the forest and its inhabitants, such as a "four-winged bird" or a range of bipedal cougars walking down a trail. These visions are not consistent between viewing sessions, or between observers during a single session. They can be recorded with conventional video or film equipment, but the equipment will not record the same sights as living observers; neither will different cameras record the same images, even during simultaneous recording sessions. Addendum: SCP-709 first came to Foundation attention when its owner began to complain to his psychiatrist of hallucinations connected to the tree house. One of our contacts, the psychiatrist, informed us of this anomalous case. After a covert visit to the tree house on β–ˆ/β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Agent Talmor reported that the sphere was, in fact, an SCP candidate. On her recommendation, the psychiatrist encouraged her patient to replace the sphere. Posing as a local rubbish removal company, a team of agents collected the original sphere, and installed it in TA-F2. The original owner no longer complains of hallucinations, and ascribes his visions to simple imagination. Addendum 2: Personnel who have made use of SCP-709 are encouraged to record their observations in Observation Log 709. Β« SCP-708 | SCP-709 | SCP-710 Β»" "SCP-709 photographed from a nearby tree"
[-9.57331732e-02 -1.75978661e-01 -7.13792667e-02 2.74525471e-02 -1.61656469e-01 -4.96524096e-01 1.10356556e-02 -8.91490802e-02 -2.16510296e-02 -8.77699852e-02 4.10699323e-02 3.73815060e-01 -1.42629012e-01 1.35468587e-01 -2.40510218e-02 -2.59871185e-01 2.67819464e-01 2.34201439e-02 -2.10490867e-01 -1.83279976e-01 -2.29189724e-01 -5.01725711e-02 -5.76538555e-02 6.83643818e-02 9.89011489e-03 -2.24622592e-01 -8.88263807e-02 -4.51297797e-02 1.02075953e-02 -1.34540990e-01 5.18502630e-02 -8.31124708e-02 3.31057720e-02 7.41800845e-01 -1.04703686e-04 -1.04108192e-01 1.29028866e-02 3.17994915e-02 -1.63593039e-01 3.66252005e-01 1.74906299e-01 2.33327553e-01 2.74759144e-01 -3.47673029e-01 -3.24686766e-01 -2.07306340e-01 3.09609860e-01 -2.09659562e-01 3.52572829e-01 1.41511962e-01 2.25147516e-01 4.17008474e-02 1.07637487e-01 7.89021328e-02 2.00433992e-02 3.12815249e-01 -1.08936094e-02 -9.72277299e-02 1.61383688e-01 1.18338272e-01 6.26685023e-02 5.26709855e-02 5.97682633e-02 -1.04476206e-01 5.96972466e-01 -6.12765588e-02 -9.27257165e-02 -4.34069991e-01 -1.46142334e-01 1.01145551e-01 2.56045192e-01 -3.29606943e-02 -1.37424484e-01 2.65432715e-01 -2.39895567e-01 1.26791447e-01 -9.68509763e-02 4.27504689e-01 8.26141536e-02 -6.33744523e-02 -1.45912722e-01 2.52631962e-01 -4.79314953e-01 6.90639690e-02 3.96759100e-02 -2.43457612e-02 -8.17464292e-02 2.76806980e-01 8.31809640e-03 -1.14898771e-01 -1.75995499e-01 -3.46776806e-02 -1.56179788e-02 -3.19677591e-02 -1.06580131e-01 -4.94479798e-02 -3.79106663e-02 2.74070680e-01 -3.82689536e-01 1.95489660e-01 2.82081515e-01 3.26151401e-02 1.29913896e-01 5.56817204e-02 1.65068701e-01 1.74418420e-01 2.07132429e-01 2.86943130e-02 -3.70352656e-01 8.72726887e-02 -1.28931642e-01 7.04149976e-02 -8.41087773e-02 2.04145595e-01 7.25731850e-02 -2.94826061e-01 1.11651272e-01 -9.26773772e-02 -2.40907110e-02 1.00420266e-01 -3.98546338e-01 3.26404363e-01 -3.03968862e-02 2.19449222e-01 4.46974516e-01 5.21434024e-02 2.52445102e-01 7.56722167e-02 1.12664379e-01 -7.91218281e-02 -2.25154087e-01 4.35347885e-01 -2.16167316e-01 -1.47601604e-01 -1.91081017e-01 1.40791461e-01 9.79364961e-02 1.19473254e-02 -1.32955713e-02 -1.32619351e-01 1.62229255e-01 2.00797841e-01 4.42237884e-01 3.42021137e-01 -3.54451478e-01 -3.29122543e-01 1.72327518e-01 1.15308091e-01 -1.20143138e-01 -1.31275579e-01 3.00491661e-01 -8.57466366e-03 -5.71537614e-01 2.30353236e-01 -9.58460644e-02 3.92607227e-02 2.10920081e-01 2.10027054e-01 -2.25728020e-01 1.64554879e-01 4.95430976e-01 6.24035075e-02 1.04558662e-01 -2.17564613e-01 -1.01925679e-01 4.31650788e-01 -3.69130909e-01 -1.12290084e-02 -2.53611356e-01 -3.32609564e-01 -1.86297596e-01 -1.27938777e-01 -1.33682504e-01 -1.64681703e-01 -1.14756808e-01 1.04224712e-01 -4.91959870e-01 -3.74722958e-01 -1.24038376e-01 -2.51809478e-01 -5.10622621e-01 1.95173234e-01 3.23864967e-01 2.64811516e-01 -4.01154280e-01 -2.22662076e-01 -2.23320380e-01 -1.89472467e-01 2.44778946e-01 -2.20123585e-02 -1.50269583e-01 -2.63793558e-01 1.34014487e-01 2.07476020e-01 -5.09538911e-02 -2.23628487e-02 2.62326479e-01 2.98071414e-01 2.84483612e-01 1.53616205e-01 -2.04668120e-01 7.15205222e-02 3.81092608e-01 -1.16403559e-02 -2.11528301e-01 -7.80631155e-02 1.29772693e-01 -1.37700334e-01 1.88864693e-01 7.55646005e-02 3.51880759e-01 -4.08706218e-01 1.66134328e-01 1.69941425e-01 6.81910664e-03 -5.31559587e-01 3.61723810e-01 3.07221830e-01 1.11870430e-01 -1.99656233e-01 4.21967842e-02 3.37785557e-02 -4.92745996e-01 -1.90036058e-01 -2.88916286e-02 1.32458150e-01 -1.88850850e-01 -1.01406291e-01 -1.58376172e-01 2.68658847e-02 2.40451694e-01 -7.20736161e-02 2.98450053e-01 2.89566278e-01 -1.89510792e-01 1.23300768e-01 1.23938762e-01 7.85005987e-01 -1.07025422e-01 -3.20423990e-01 -1.95172895e-02 9.16624889e-02 2.29956880e-02 1.53931350e-01 -4.22253042e-01 1.29149958e-01 2.10299775e-01 6.92938566e-02 3.01277816e-01 9.56814829e-03 -3.94714326e-01 -2.76742488e-01 -1.47577018e-01 1.62980258e-02 1.30925044e-01 -5.44069521e-02 -6.01473927e-01 1.62285671e-01 5.15535884e-02 4.34501976e-01 1.51903480e-01 -1.24067068e-01 1.84741899e-01 -9.17846560e-02 4.50976752e-02 -1.08617194e-01 4.44447339e-01 -1.04895076e-02 -5.08290827e-02 1.58588856e-01 1.07504666e-01 6.85419813e-02 -2.34449789e-01 1.72286659e-01 3.40075493e-01 3.62444937e-01 1.55158833e-01 -9.80936438e-02 2.03493312e-01 1.24633081e-01 -2.13179857e-01 -3.85715634e-01 -9.71903801e-02 -4.05727141e-02 2.26425100e-03 2.76589394e-01 1.50811747e-02 -3.96926254e-01 -1.07975438e-01 4.13628429e-01 2.55031258e-01 -1.16108008e-01 -1.75100975e-02 2.45461702e-01 -1.69116467e-01 1.60729855e-01 -2.10586295e-01 2.35558614e-01 -2.11887062e-01 2.09897935e-01 -1.31854534e-01 1.63728192e-01 1.58747528e-02 1.34460375e-01 2.91462410e-02 -6.54042661e-02 4.94303614e-01 -4.88157608e-02 -1.71079934e-02 -3.48583788e-01 -6.13701522e-01 1.52191862e-01 2.49409288e-01 1.39082730e-01 -1.50784791e-01 -8.48306790e-02 -1.53876156e-01 -4.06536639e-01 -7.46538937e-02 -4.41754848e-01 -1.45328164e-01 -1.33318633e-01 -2.71599293e-01 -3.51020694e-01 -1.34492591e-01 -1.23376302e-01 -3.76528241e-02 -1.61912411e-01 4.20895517e-01 2.33370572e-01 1.24338783e-01 2.88021892e-01 2.23163381e-01 2.32211351e-01 -2.36391872e-01 3.01014900e-01 -4.91003767e-02 -2.54858732e-01 -2.89380103e-01 3.32146473e-02 -1.00393951e-01 -3.84703130e-02 -1.41782075e-01 -2.78356336e-02 -1.63805589e-01 -4.04692322e-01 -9.71273303e-01 8.87665153e-02 8.13313946e-02 8.94836411e-02 -3.17976713e-01 4.08967882e-01 -1.63744047e-01 -3.18333447e-01 6.22992869e-03 3.88304167e-03 3.57412040e-01 1.24656335e-01 -5.85817825e-03 -2.67926842e-01 -1.14012040e-01 6.53798133e-02 4.08932865e-01 3.15112382e-01 -1.52133957e-01 -1.03382021e-01 -1.37829274e-01 2.69254714e-01 5.08319959e-02 7.47034932e-03 3.17880809e-01 -1.22476421e-01 -2.57114291e-01 4.59697336e-01 -1.65398017e-01 -3.64609033e-01 -6.38447795e-03 -3.01601082e-01 -5.97036421e-01 -4.92653623e-02 -2.86133081e-01 5.09188116e-01 2.49040812e-01 -1.89670056e-01 -1.46954775e-01 2.05715522e-01 -6.88377470e-02 9.43171680e-02 2.59400249e-01 -1.23786457e-01 1.34771913e-01 -1.74134463e-01 -8.80277827e-02 1.12721950e-01 -4.31857370e-02 -2.02332273e-01 4.83736284e-02 -3.84322643e-01 -2.47815594e-01 2.02017039e-01 -2.00531989e-01 4.54427391e-01 2.73925871e-01 6.24062538e-01 1.27654329e-01 4.50107679e-02 9.78111699e-02 -5.55843906e-03 -2.27835521e-01 -1.24200732e-01 4.59255517e-01 6.15071617e-02 4.48466577e-02 1.79828644e-01 4.09164168e-02 -8.59599710e-02 4.02155221e-02 4.91430551e-01 -4.88541871e-02 -1.72121868e-01 -1.27818525e-01 1.31400511e-01 2.48756915e-01 -2.37336472e-01 1.44520150e-02 3.10025990e-01 1.84409916e-01 2.37212792e-01 3.13960873e-02 1.08128123e-01 1.43427134e-01 -7.39396811e-02 -6.54354542e-02 1.60078362e-01 1.84256867e-01 2.50914067e-01 7.47712135e-01 3.08754861e-01 -1.41531602e-01 1.63136736e-01 -1.61836799e-02 2.63979375e-01 6.76547885e-01 8.57110769e-02 -4.83194850e-02 2.53502745e-02 2.47106224e-01 4.53159921e-02 -8.73500556e-02 3.32548857e-01 -1.40435174e-01 2.76487619e-01 4.96626832e-02 3.98908764e-01 -1.06130116e-01 -2.93165982e-01 -4.67208445e-01 4.55886662e-01 8.88461340e-03 4.00428742e-01 5.28788209e-01 1.12080586e+00 1.64957047e-01 3.23045880e-01 2.34544247e-01 -5.62796175e-01 2.36140534e-01 -3.25173408e-01 3.85389552e-02 -2.41354331e-01 1.16421357e-02 2.18140204e-02 -4.62239683e-02 1.23445615e-01 5.85026527e-03 -3.44163716e-01 -3.99759233e-01 -2.86505282e-01 2.76662618e-01 1.20129585e-01 1.41179547e-01 3.51743281e-01 1.96805641e-01 4.28280175e-01 3.04747850e-01 3.12276091e-02 -1.27677530e-01 2.88078282e-02 1.06262611e-02 -5.99545315e-02 1.31062523e-01 -2.66467601e-01 1.96965814e-01 1.59433812e-01 3.57219987e-02 -5.43413162e-02 -3.77118111e-01 -2.36644849e-01 3.05949003e-01 -3.05352926e-01 -2.18004584e-01 -5.14880829e-02 2.75515914e-01 2.95455515e-01 -5.47940619e-02 1.12582490e-01 1.54533297e-01 2.32549563e-01 -2.56318282e-02 1.87575921e-01 3.53892684e-01 -1.10223398e-01 2.45829761e-01 -3.99058193e-01 -4.15686481e-02 4.75256205e-01 8.48359764e-02 4.25067931e-01 -2.51095649e-02 -2.88941205e-01 -6.68522567e-02 1.72568485e-01 -3.29359502e-01 -3.16948108e-02 -3.64352554e-01 9.18751508e-02 -1.67814061e-01 -8.85675177e-02 3.42760414e-01 1.53918698e-01 4.55524772e-01 4.43253815e-02 2.81538397e-01 3.41329770e-03 -3.63339424e-01 -5.30560166e-02 -1.51214018e-01 -4.37009513e-01 -4.87815998e-02 2.82478958e-01 -1.91978529e-01 2.73277789e-01 3.08824748e-01 3.44189629e-02 -6.76697493e-02 -2.40377814e-01 -9.25597548e-02 1.31729364e-01 -1.39793875e-02 -4.51540314e-02 4.41126883e-01 -2.61785030e-01 1.17009282e-01 3.79147120e-02 1.81962833e-01 -4.25512612e-01 -3.03594440e-01 -1.40283361e-01 -1.16791047e-01 -1.12103730e-01 -5.74862882e-02 -1.63068458e-01 4.05948199e-02 1.82910383e-01 -1.31301418e-01 -1.57363117e-01 -1.99862376e-01 -1.72463536e-01 9.22633782e-02 1.13067836e-01 -2.13024020e-01 9.98062491e-02 -1.37224197e-01 8.44853148e-02 7.99427852e-02 -1.57244846e-01 7.23324940e-02 1.12402603e-01 1.27025142e-01 -2.54854143e-01 -1.07612230e-01 3.89260538e-02 -1.68832436e-01 -3.81711125e-02 1.05773054e-01 -1.90455228e-01 -9.51782241e-02 -1.00041114e-01 -1.37333870e-01 2.28612632e-01 1.88951254e-01 -3.15311342e-01 1.62640467e-01 1.08325686e-02 2.13951916e-01 1.40526565e-03 -9.89544168e-02 2.21844967e-02 -2.19299003e-01 -3.33995014e-01 -7.55062103e-02 -8.66278335e-02 2.92441815e-01 -2.64308929e-01 -9.27837938e-02 1.46226604e-02 4.76961508e-02 -4.40857969e-02 2.71959364e-01 -7.83176795e-02 -2.84267753e-01 3.75594795e-01 1.05142044e-02 2.15664268e-01 5.23313284e-02 3.98507327e-01 2.38892138e-01 -1.96684957e-01 -1.27711877e-01 2.87502527e-01 3.52326125e-01 3.90160799e-01 5.84292829e-01 2.32323837e-02 -8.03297311e-02 -4.15992051e-01 1.01899974e-01 8.05928335e-02 5.96996784e-01 -1.56160891e-01 -7.14891532e-04 -5.72809391e-02 2.76925236e-01 -1.90819785e-01 -1.93734691e-01 -1.65658295e-01 1.27575085e-01 -2.56868035e-01 1.32990599e-01 -8.35672915e-02 2.77493119e-01 4.27354462e-02 -2.66345680e-01 1.52301133e-01 9.56181958e-02 1.12047769e-01 -2.26388294e-02 5.76596893e-02 1.52579024e-02 -1.42085820e-01 1.61113933e-01 -1.13508560e-01 -2.01190427e-01 4.99524534e-01 -1.00763455e-01 1.30109668e-01 4.00640994e-01 -1.21509649e-01 3.83165240e-01 2.10223794e-01 1.23205677e-01 -1.11402750e-01 -1.46514639e-01 7.38811940e-02 1.29252613e-01 -1.86761662e-01 -8.96758735e-02 -3.08430884e-02 2.79890627e-01 -1.63093244e-03 2.44449064e-01 1.26335889e-01 -1.74247563e-01 2.02562198e-01 -2.75965869e-01 1.14680799e-02 -2.18737245e-01 1.44179136e-01 -3.69229108e-01 -2.79611051e-01 6.70494288e-02 -6.99046999e-03 -1.55879647e-01 -3.72366726e-01 -3.78884584e-01 1.46747530e-01 -3.99689600e-02 -3.38658094e-01 1.18225686e-01 -1.47022828e-01 3.37987810e-01 5.55733815e-02 1.54626533e-01 4.99131717e-02 -2.76362181e-01 -1.76098794e-01 2.70344853e-01 -1.31333053e-01 -4.73180801e-01 1.35218859e-01 -1.20793372e-01 1.04940325e-01 9.71096195e-03 1.55017510e-01 -1.37346506e-01 -4.36674476e-01 1.23705745e-01 -2.62590736e-01 9.12148207e-02 1.00580268e-01 1.52715385e-01 1.04241177e-01 3.38177718e-02 1.89119540e-02 -3.73591840e-01 1.71619147e-01 5.62862009e-02 -3.12297523e-01 -4.87321652e-02 -1.37655258e-01 3.90375048e-01 -1.91633791e-01 6.57949075e-02 -1.47279933e-01 -3.60469103e-01 1.24320351e-01 1.59545138e-01 -5.74491262e-01 8.40194300e-02 4.87736501e-02 5.79742312e-01 5.97075559e-02 1.76336989e-01 2.75318205e-01 -2.05875382e-01 -1.27772894e-02 1.93019256e-01 -1.62144512e-01 2.18428031e-01 -1.88896686e-01 5.90829290e-02 2.37370819e-01 2.98946828e-01 1.52416334e-01 -4.46035303e-02 -3.27268898e-01 -2.18640536e-01 6.19463921e-01 -6.03542984e-01 6.19986206e-02 1.78707421e-01 -2.74806954e-02 -3.07532251e-01 -1.90054417e-01 -1.41452417e-01 -1.48365259e-01 6.21972531e-02 2.68885586e-02 -5.58549576e-02 -2.61324137e-01 -5.75813532e-01 -1.13449849e-01 -7.52759054e-02 6.39279723e-01 -1.22093223e-01 1.07129902e-01 4.53040600e-02 -1.69042364e-01]
"Disappearance" active "Item #: SCP-710 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-710 is to be cordoned off by a perimeter fence with constant patrols and all roads leading in to the site must be guarded with armed checkpoints. All airspace above SCP-710 is considered a no-fly zone, which must be constantly monitored and enforced. Any violations of these security measures by unauthorized intruders can be resolved with the use of lethal force if necessary. It is forbidden for any Foundation personnel to enter SCP-710 without Level 4 clearance. Only D-class personnel and unmanned reconnaissance vehicles may enter SCP-710 for research purposes. Should containment of SCP-710 fail, immediate airstrike of SCP-710 and the surrounding area in a five mile radius is authorized. Description: SCP-710 is an abandoned suburban housing development located in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. However, any and all organic life that enters SCP-710 will eventually disappear without a trace. Exactly how or why this phenomenon occurs is currently unknown, but video recordings of test subjects have revealed several distinct stages. Initial Stage (Exposure time: none): Subjects show no outward sign of anything wrong. However, there is noticeable anxiety and stress related to a sudden shift to a new environment, as well as the naturally foreboding atmosphere SCP-710 produces due to its abandoned state. Subjects still respond to external stimuli normally. Middle Stage (Exposure time: 7-8 days): Subjects begin to establish a daily routine through a combination of self-interest, boredom, and orders from Foundation staff. At this point, early symptoms of exposure to SCP-710 appear. Subjects become much more lethargic than normal and exhibit many signs of both physical and mental fatigue. However, these symptoms are light, and are easily countered through specialized medication. Subjects show a decreased response to external stimuli. Late Stage (Exposure time: 10-12 days): The symptoms shown in the Middle Stage of exposure begin to worsen. Also, the subjects begin to slowly become transparent. However, none of the subjects appear to notice these phenomena. Instead, the subjects will continue with the daily routine they had set during the Middle Stage, with slight variations. Late Stage subjects show almost zero response to external stimuli and appear to be completely unaware of their condition. Terminal Stage (Exposure time: 14 days): Subjects become completely transparent, with a faint silhouette being the only visual marker of their presence. The symptoms of fatigue increase significantly as shown from the movements of Terminal subjects as well as their unwillingness or inability to respond to external stimuli. Subjects will no longer follow through with their daily routine and will instead wander SCP-710 aimlessly, still unaware or uncaring of their current condition. Expiration: (Exposure time: 15 Days): Subjects will essentially fade from existence. No physical evidence of their presence remains, and attempts to track their movements and whereabouts after Expiration have so far proven unsuccessful. So far, there seems to be no way to counteract the effects of SCP-710. Tests with D-Class personnel show that once Middle Stage symptoms manifest, the process is impossible to prevent or reverse. This leaves a small window of only several days for personnel to enter SCP-710 without risk. The exact cause of this phenomena is currently unknown. All that is known is that SCP-710's ability manifested sometime in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, causing the disappearance of approximately β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ people. The event was covered up as a natural disaster. Notes: It's no coincidence that SCP-710 manifested so suddenly and randomly. Perhaps it had something to do with the [DATA EXPUNGED] Event? The dates certainly correlate. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Perhaps, or it's something we haven't thought of yet. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ We need to get a team in there, and not just a bunch of random D-Class. They're too unreliable. There must be something hidden in that town. -O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ After Action Debriefing Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Did you find anything of importance? Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆ: No, but there's only so much ground you can cover in forty eight hours, especially when you have to spend a good chunk of that time just setting up and then bugging out when the timer is almost up. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is a big place, and we need more than half a day to explore any decent portion of it. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (sighs) Okay, then let's diverge a little. What were your initial impressions of SCP-710? Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆ: There's something monumentally spooky about the place. Probably the fact that it's so hard to imagine such a big town with so many people could just appear abandoned like that. We also ran into Batch 35, who were all in Terminal Stage by that point, which scared the shit out of us when we first ran into them. Plus, it was just so… quiet. I never thought I would actually miss the sound of birds singing. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Is there anything else that you would like to add? Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆ: That I never want to go back there again. When the birds don't cry, you can hear things that are better left ignored. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆ and his team are currently suspended from active duty pending the results of a full psychological screening. Β« SCP-709 | SCP-710 | SCP-711 Β»" nan
[ 2.95671057e-02 -1.35193095e-01 -6.56899661e-02 1.27040371e-01 3.46831053e-01 -5.35042644e-01 3.72746021e-01 9.55966860e-02 9.59877744e-02 4.26455826e-01 6.30847588e-02 3.47909749e-01 -3.09936732e-01 2.22938377e-02 -9.96607542e-02 -1.37407228e-01 1.67089686e-01 9.76101607e-02 -3.29241395e-01 -2.49791563e-01 -8.28263238e-02 -2.50772327e-01 -4.44936790e-02 2.25540683e-01 3.23659807e-01 -1.45142823e-01 -3.43406983e-02 -2.22639963e-02 2.88763009e-02 -2.87399709e-01 -1.34818628e-02 -2.98437458e-02 1.47281855e-01 3.52302551e-01 -1.13924783e-04 -5.46137467e-02 1.15858376e-01 -2.16201320e-02 -9.68001559e-02 1.75753221e-01 -1.87765390e-01 -1.80914834e-01 1.47541717e-01 -4.53266352e-02 -6.20025396e-02 2.21248623e-02 1.32816479e-01 2.34642535e-01 1.63861245e-01 2.32977308e-02 1.70469463e-01 1.70347705e-01 9.67967883e-02 -4.40211780e-02 -5.01370281e-02 4.98093754e-01 -1.22988544e-01 -4.13448095e-01 3.68368149e-01 -1.49485976e-01 8.24639350e-02 7.52117634e-02 -1.30615920e-01 -1.70492306e-01 4.03573960e-01 -2.33561557e-04 1.17173456e-01 -2.15477925e-02 6.98716268e-02 3.00316244e-01 1.01922847e-01 2.72485405e-01 3.04796267e-02 7.72165284e-02 -5.88204600e-02 -1.76161066e-01 2.18758166e-01 -3.71032134e-02 2.87815958e-01 1.94396958e-01 -1.65270045e-01 4.62539673e-01 -3.23824435e-01 -1.20192999e-02 -3.14226031e-01 -1.62139758e-02 -2.25007311e-01 3.79899889e-02 -2.68276095e-01 -1.82290494e-01 -1.43496498e-01 -8.79659057e-02 3.96090448e-01 1.59682542e-01 1.32739440e-01 -9.64814872e-02 4.73652989e-01 9.61452797e-02 1.38969094e-01 3.04627568e-01 4.44435954e-01 9.67620686e-02 1.28138617e-01 2.48811290e-01 2.23797992e-01 6.42879978e-02 2.13668287e-01 -6.39733553e-01 -7.61493295e-02 4.45974290e-01 -5.42307124e-02 7.92179629e-02 -2.67068386e-01 5.49603343e-01 3.40124041e-01 -4.36071634e-01 2.28011787e-01 -1.82500720e-01 -2.18351349e-01 1.41155034e-01 -2.73364007e-01 3.11550289e-01 -7.27676079e-02 2.28435323e-01 5.01095712e-01 3.35910916e-01 -4.97145243e-02 -2.30987757e-01 -4.50444892e-02 -3.85527089e-02 -1.72987238e-01 -4.47917671e-04 -3.23367625e-01 -1.16774715e-01 -1.87634781e-01 1.33038744e-01 -1.30513404e-02 2.48650019e-03 -3.26054692e-01 -6.16022460e-02 4.79749329e-02 1.19724162e-01 3.52021009e-01 3.69264245e-01 -5.15814066e-01 -4.89900336e-02 -1.44828111e-01 -2.64935911e-01 3.83574069e-02 2.12648109e-01 4.85716462e-01 4.29910272e-02 -6.17556095e-01 2.08021447e-01 -1.83942020e-01 2.62670875e-01 6.85943127e-01 1.40802590e-02 -4.22589004e-01 -9.39940736e-02 3.55930477e-02 -7.42379278e-02 1.37441963e-01 -2.41754204e-01 2.26191506e-01 5.16616166e-01 -1.30270898e-01 -2.30723113e-01 -2.97807962e-01 -1.97962567e-01 -6.81350082e-02 -1.28592849e-01 1.02017678e-01 1.11995734e-01 -4.12591636e-01 -1.06413521e-01 -7.14200556e-01 -4.32774305e-01 -1.27216786e-01 -1.02176905e-01 -5.30407846e-01 3.28198075e-01 1.33350492e-01 -1.69086859e-01 -1.76548108e-01 -4.01669694e-03 -1.30121797e-01 -1.89445704e-01 2.74565578e-01 -3.25796306e-01 -3.28563899e-01 -1.91518649e-01 2.15110734e-01 -5.40953651e-02 1.63424984e-01 2.36242428e-01 2.93987989e-01 7.37444237e-02 1.29931450e-01 2.25358650e-01 1.04918763e-01 1.19135104e-01 4.69031870e-01 1.13833956e-02 -2.54451841e-01 -2.06094652e-01 9.14482251e-02 -2.30403766e-02 6.62995398e-01 4.70407568e-02 -1.69605359e-01 -2.34698523e-02 -1.60148546e-01 -1.13758177e-01 -1.55947972e-02 -3.19952279e-01 2.30831146e-01 3.19506437e-01 -2.46418089e-01 -2.38603160e-01 -1.76246427e-02 1.56855524e-01 -1.27753735e-01 1.30535737e-02 -1.77848145e-01 2.34608367e-01 -1.01340614e-01 -2.31092557e-01 -4.37007219e-01 -2.57823188e-02 3.48144144e-01 -6.59437925e-02 2.15397269e-01 3.41069736e-02 -1.89002439e-01 -1.59441322e-01 1.98200762e-01 8.38800371e-01 -9.34489165e-03 -9.02840346e-02 1.82739794e-01 -2.28422672e-01 4.35418189e-02 -1.30607644e-02 -2.53723770e-01 7.24237934e-02 3.53329748e-01 1.45508498e-01 4.86935340e-02 -1.92968280e-03 2.69940525e-01 -4.83569056e-01 -3.58710028e-02 -1.41271159e-01 1.80005953e-01 3.87399852e-01 8.36630911e-03 4.11320142e-02 -2.27275282e-01 6.48378551e-01 -4.15423304e-01 -4.88435701e-02 1.87825292e-01 -1.53519943e-01 -1.95085257e-01 -1.56150982e-01 5.60013235e-01 3.09263676e-01 2.12988153e-01 1.71747953e-02 1.76555693e-01 -1.10507905e-01 -2.82256842e-01 8.81211981e-02 -7.45022818e-02 1.08896308e-01 2.15976208e-01 3.74323934e-01 2.56195664e-01 3.00476640e-01 -3.61713439e-01 -3.20013553e-01 -2.67820179e-01 -1.35865465e-01 -9.85984579e-02 -8.09756368e-02 -1.42285302e-01 -7.32085248e-03 4.41628397e-02 4.60254282e-01 2.89237618e-01 -2.99154203e-02 -2.07372401e-02 -1.13397837e-01 -1.86683685e-01 3.47259864e-02 1.64152592e-01 3.04103523e-01 -2.15173244e-01 6.38392568e-01 -2.46680751e-01 6.19131364e-02 -8.98985714e-02 -6.12871116e-03 -4.43229258e-01 1.48328319e-01 2.64390290e-01 -1.18411556e-01 9.07108486e-02 7.57245496e-02 -5.75067163e-01 5.59831299e-02 3.11215203e-02 1.15312571e-02 -1.94923565e-01 1.87343463e-01 1.33338198e-01 -1.58170342e-01 1.27768412e-01 -5.54998696e-01 -2.58528501e-01 1.20268695e-01 -7.65549988e-02 -3.64711806e-02 -2.62025744e-01 2.97744840e-01 -1.45538211e-01 -2.24359915e-01 -7.82034397e-02 6.31965091e-03 -1.10563904e-01 4.83001024e-01 -8.77214372e-02 2.95234293e-01 -5.84339090e-02 -1.74237177e-01 -3.64420414e-02 6.42461516e-03 -1.66948542e-01 -2.32086778e-01 1.85212299e-01 1.17660210e-01 -2.03154892e-01 1.46669447e-01 7.04092309e-02 -1.52809903e-01 -4.19797152e-01 -1.18992776e-02 1.79982305e-01 -3.23336929e-01 -4.18434024e-01 5.81645846e-01 3.94109696e-01 -2.42221236e-01 -1.87455699e-01 -1.88589379e-01 -9.12303254e-02 7.07600638e-02 3.37414652e-01 -6.41672552e-01 4.33837436e-02 3.29043716e-01 3.41746435e-02 -1.38057135e-02 -2.12117404e-01 -4.01073508e-02 2.84260839e-01 4.34139609e-01 9.46812406e-02 -2.32047550e-02 2.69400835e-01 -1.07323527e-01 -4.77483898e-01 1.80755034e-01 4.04158719e-02 -2.78703034e-01 1.83281431e-03 -2.80516744e-01 -3.56966287e-01 -1.06117375e-01 -1.84642076e-01 8.37711334e-01 4.35542434e-01 -5.04444018e-02 -1.06428035e-01 1.28120556e-03 -6.95286766e-02 9.13049839e-03 4.97450650e-01 1.97689116e-01 -1.60934404e-01 -6.57750249e-01 3.00633371e-01 -2.16558039e-01 3.56589630e-02 -3.58077101e-02 1.82729706e-01 -3.74763310e-01 -1.91835925e-01 2.74649531e-01 -1.95806965e-01 4.35475893e-02 1.09379612e-01 5.43761432e-01 4.20525491e-01 1.12070106e-01 2.40902770e-02 -2.33351126e-01 -3.52669209e-01 -3.44749063e-01 4.26907867e-01 -3.12186360e-01 -2.38828845e-02 -7.31760934e-02 8.26232433e-02 -2.02275850e-02 1.95220292e-01 2.35284820e-01 3.24230008e-02 -7.17147231e-01 -9.90589261e-02 2.00762302e-01 1.31500721e-01 -1.30524814e-01 -4.43542272e-01 -2.21773535e-01 2.27649152e-01 2.17048690e-01 6.64836466e-02 -1.59544364e-01 3.77055518e-02 1.01618864e-01 7.24042654e-02 1.13081418e-01 3.48590016e-01 2.24580258e-01 1.29062131e-01 -8.25820044e-02 2.02792361e-02 1.46554604e-01 -1.66906521e-01 -2.67582946e-03 8.49654198e-01 1.40919089e-01 2.22326756e-01 -3.01116556e-01 3.49575460e-01 -2.18963578e-01 1.41656339e-01 4.56793875e-01 -6.57548606e-02 1.04755722e-01 2.35764548e-01 6.15277626e-02 -1.81077912e-01 -3.05649221e-01 1.28557235e-02 1.88641578e-01 -2.46415988e-01 3.43234867e-01 7.85846561e-02 1.08661532e+00 7.90535510e-02 2.86793351e-01 4.00686823e-02 -5.46100736e-01 5.22557274e-02 1.60494924e-01 1.41373947e-01 -1.79408919e-02 -3.27912420e-01 6.01954898e-03 -5.51274978e-02 3.98792535e-01 5.08109450e-01 -8.75459760e-02 -2.18791500e-01 -6.67476833e-01 6.39146686e-01 3.07536691e-01 -1.42360032e-01 1.75721839e-01 2.57078141e-01 1.67523712e-01 1.91644162e-01 -1.34738162e-01 1.47168353e-01 -8.97523984e-02 1.49199322e-01 1.30614623e-01 1.52568474e-01 -4.26988415e-02 9.18923542e-02 1.84499800e-01 1.95626840e-01 -1.90388232e-01 -3.27185541e-01 -1.65555790e-01 3.81036177e-02 -7.34523311e-02 -1.38785476e-02 -1.84914276e-01 4.13436472e-01 2.35234976e-01 -1.40984487e-02 2.13946253e-02 2.19418898e-01 1.41052008e-01 6.59745336e-02 -1.30161405e-01 1.02698289e-01 -2.48693869e-01 3.18075061e-01 -2.35629812e-01 7.05462620e-02 1.72006637e-01 -2.25799263e-01 5.34705222e-01 2.88327664e-01 -2.48906892e-02 -2.79638678e-01 1.39160275e-01 1.92756280e-01 6.08588895e-03 1.58398882e-01 -1.06837511e-01 1.64150260e-02 -4.97325743e-03 3.50342959e-01 -8.73783380e-02 1.28862306e-01 -1.83638364e-01 -1.48643777e-01 -1.71619028e-01 -2.02763915e-01 2.29729876e-01 -1.42084703e-01 -1.09302206e-02 1.70525834e-02 3.32604237e-02 -4.55021560e-02 1.18558571e-01 2.65139788e-01 -9.37100276e-02 -6.83967948e-01 -2.89505094e-01 -2.42059961e-01 5.82566746e-02 2.69545525e-01 -9.74958986e-02 1.12283163e-01 -1.05030164e-01 2.81649202e-01 -1.20489916e-03 2.21493453e-01 -3.61148775e-01 3.63107212e-02 -5.06690800e-01 3.13593894e-02 1.16010241e-01 -2.98018992e-01 8.11472088e-02 -1.85104385e-01 1.23957053e-01 6.49069920e-02 -3.19297463e-01 -1.57182068e-01 -2.81164572e-02 1.54126540e-01 1.08845513e-02 -1.44994766e-01 2.13763416e-02 1.70620549e-02 3.05447370e-01 4.87275086e-02 -7.37108737e-02 5.70627451e-02 2.69802839e-01 1.80826575e-01 -2.98762679e-01 2.72104591e-01 2.01157644e-01 8.19816589e-02 2.05146205e-02 3.18793386e-01 7.08691627e-02 -2.22453505e-01 3.11905742e-02 -5.17020375e-02 -7.86575153e-02 1.29136622e-01 -2.29402348e-01 1.25931531e-01 5.23068070e-01 -9.69704762e-02 -1.07186660e-01 -4.54141974e-01 -2.97210693e-01 -1.69462839e-03 -4.16958839e-01 4.98309843e-02 -8.78003950e-04 2.41429791e-01 -2.06337646e-01 7.36433789e-02 2.19059691e-01 2.04495460e-01 4.74058352e-02 1.95640504e-01 2.57219374e-01 -4.75329340e-01 2.92029858e-01 1.09290577e-01 3.75564426e-01 -2.57094633e-02 -1.67598933e-01 1.64797381e-01 -3.20643745e-02 -1.08511180e-01 2.28354663e-01 1.28858060e-01 1.12846218e-01 5.11544347e-01 5.54130197e-01 1.52930066e-01 -3.68862808e-01 7.09646583e-01 -7.99838528e-02 -1.44476265e-01 -2.96652317e-01 6.45776838e-02 -8.14589038e-02 1.63886681e-01 -1.50993064e-01 -1.74575403e-01 -3.77278119e-01 -1.18498713e-01 2.29709595e-02 1.74786985e-01 3.26613002e-02 1.88550234e-01 -2.05813488e-03 -2.35159323e-01 -4.58368808e-02 -6.82696849e-02 2.02926159e-01 2.97258683e-02 6.27881289e-02 3.01763341e-02 7.81889558e-02 -3.13739851e-02 -1.24605134e-01 1.49021879e-01 5.31139076e-01 -2.13985518e-01 3.81838232e-01 4.43878531e-01 -5.79266511e-02 2.61253007e-02 -7.52765015e-02 2.69936204e-01 -2.78363109e-01 -1.48681536e-01 1.13534192e-02 6.67682290e-02 -1.90681532e-01 -2.73424655e-01 -1.03054784e-01 1.87742680e-01 1.30523279e-01 -9.94188935e-02 6.43592551e-02 -2.02031747e-01 6.46817638e-03 1.06507383e-01 -5.05377576e-02 -2.16015071e-01 4.23490793e-01 -2.34840497e-01 -3.19121122e-01 -1.40577629e-02 -8.91635790e-02 -3.23811561e-01 1.14274219e-01 -8.95043090e-02 -1.34449258e-01 1.93267703e-01 -2.35207573e-01 4.07601446e-02 -3.74497660e-02 -1.19728945e-01 -4.22480442e-02 1.29592508e-01 3.99130397e-02 -6.46620989e-01 -1.53707132e-01 2.45177448e-01 -1.53654009e-01 -1.25597805e-01 1.40308872e-01 -6.14059716e-03 -1.11979343e-01 -1.79158390e-01 -1.26709500e-02 -1.33073404e-02 3.72714363e-02 -3.20671014e-02 -7.25840330e-01 2.48592511e-01 1.47556692e-01 2.11520959e-02 7.64278648e-03 6.59547001e-02 2.92779058e-02 1.04141660e-01 1.20948136e-01 1.00786075e-01 -8.77925567e-03 -1.44702181e-01 3.31898555e-02 5.03128827e-01 -1.00275300e-01 1.47892654e-01 6.32968247e-02 -5.43294549e-01 2.34522462e-01 1.14463963e-01 -4.14343700e-02 -9.34898257e-02 2.16454357e-01 2.83840865e-01 2.67996266e-02 4.56656516e-01 4.72356915e-01 1.57999456e-01 5.10620885e-02 2.27076441e-01 -3.74622643e-01 -1.68019056e-01 -2.50628889e-01 1.86211184e-01 1.31465852e-01 3.56933951e-01 -5.46444096e-02 -1.17236875e-01 -2.93884248e-01 -3.60570669e-01 4.52372134e-01 -8.02937802e-03 -2.46307597e-01 -1.66300103e-01 -8.09429288e-02 -2.96085000e-01 -3.28269362e-01 -3.69773269e-01 -4.14718866e-01 1.92068017e-03 -8.07543173e-02 -1.35625362e-01 -5.28874584e-02 -2.79997468e-01 -2.00981796e-01 -4.75501118e-04 2.19462290e-01 1.63786009e-01 2.60939300e-01 -1.56377688e-01 1.56515822e-01]
"Paradoxical Insurance Policy" active "Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Under no circumstances whatsoever is SCP-711 to be operated. Operation or attempted operation of SCP-711 is to be punished in all cases by the severest and most extreme measures available to the SCP Foundation. Enforcement of this zero-tolerance policy, should it become necessary, is to become the single highest-priority assignment for all available Foundation personnel. The current instance of SCP-711 is to be embedded in concrete and stored in a Type 2 High-Value Item Vault at Storage Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ, secured by at least four multiply-redundant locking systems and guarded by armed Foundation agents of no less than Level 2 security clearance. The item should never be stored in operable condition. In any major crisis during which the survival of the SCP Foundation or of any significant (>20%) portion of human civilization is called into question, the item's supervisors are to destroy it immediately and determine a safe time and place for its reassembly. No person capable of operating SCP-711 is permitted to have any knowledge of the contents of String 17 (see below). Description: Built by the SCP Foundation from plans retrieved [DATA REDACTED], SCP-711 is a device assembled from several highly-modified [DATA REDACTED] high-energy physics equipment. Its primary function [DATA EXPUNGED]: in short, it is capable of sending data into its past and of receiving data from its future. Transmission is strictly one-way. Independent operation of the item is therefore causally impossible: any message it receives will necessarily be sent at some point in its future. All SCP-711 messages predetermine their own existence and content. To date, exactly 17 messages have been received via SCP-711. The first string was received at 13:00 on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (the day of the item's creation) and sent four minutes later: it consisted only of the characters "test". With successive operations, signal quality has declined dramatically. String 1 was transmitted perfectly, reading precisely "test" both when sent and when received. String 16, when sent, also read precisely "test"; when received, it consisted of the characters "t$3s^f@" followed by 5 kB of meaningless noise. Additionally, over the course of testing, four strings were received which were never sent, and which consist demonstrably (p < 0.0001) of nothing but noise. String 17 was detected [DATA REDACTED] ten years after the object's construction. It consists of 347 characters, either heavily encrypted or [DATA REDACTED]. Within the first fifty characters, however, is sufficient data to establish β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (p β–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ) that it will be sent by a duly-authorized agent of the SCP Foundation. Its date of origin is unknown: to date, it has not yet been sent. Since String 17 will necessarily be sent, and since it is known [DATA REDACTED] to be sent by an agent of the Foundation, the survival of the SCP Foundation and of humanity in general is guaranteed at least until such time as String 17 is transmitted. Transmission of String 17 must therefore be postponed at all costs. The above containment procedures are calculated to ensure that it will not be sent until such a time as the SCP Foundation is too weak to enforce them, in which case the Foundation will have already de facto ceased to exist. Note: SCP-711 is an insurance policy, of sorts. Until we send String 17, we know we have to survive any crisis β€” otherwise that string is a BL-class predestination paradox. Once it's sent, we no longer have that guarantee. Yes, we'll have to fail at some point: we did receive String 17, after all. But the longer we postpone it, the longer we know we can survive. Stop that signal, people β€” our continued existence may just depend on it. β€” Dr. Pβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-710 | SCP-711 | SCP-712 Β»" nan
[ 1.22456588e-01 -1.36742666e-01 -7.76208490e-02 1.43447652e-01 3.58497538e-02 -4.55843359e-01 1.89118385e-01 1.14263654e-01 -1.48300678e-01 3.17781687e-01 4.25826699e-01 2.27085546e-01 -1.40667021e-01 2.24252418e-01 1.90939531e-01 -4.73395968e-03 7.10476786e-02 -9.21584666e-02 8.11171830e-02 3.36072333e-02 1.59140863e-02 -9.28932354e-02 -2.39810109e-01 2.38647729e-01 2.71760970e-01 -5.47694135e-03 2.86683708e-01 -3.19162421e-02 -1.95956931e-01 -4.39565241e-01 2.12406158e-01 6.41198456e-02 2.36832220e-02 7.52386674e-02 -1.06803192e-04 -1.77748218e-01 2.94345230e-01 -8.15983266e-02 -2.60110915e-01 4.45039086e-02 -2.83208549e-01 -1.25514314e-01 -1.28014624e-01 -4.23526159e-03 5.01968060e-03 1.69070050e-01 -1.12751620e-02 1.95900071e-02 3.46483648e-01 4.42722589e-01 1.90441191e-01 -9.68893021e-02 1.15039222e-01 2.53837034e-02 1.95135370e-01 2.46258691e-01 -1.18702680e-01 -2.49660030e-01 1.28111407e-01 2.19505340e-01 -5.39225526e-04 2.84533560e-01 2.10061759e-01 1.73317525e-03 3.10646385e-01 -8.55567977e-02 6.82955533e-02 9.28890705e-02 -1.00176282e-01 1.34600252e-01 1.42360851e-01 -1.18841983e-01 -1.06256723e-01 -2.27267817e-01 -4.31382395e-02 -4.82346296e-01 2.71292448e-01 -6.79757595e-02 -5.81083493e-03 1.41400322e-02 1.35612592e-01 3.57663780e-01 -2.64281631e-01 -8.86629224e-02 -1.37115583e-01 2.05012023e-01 -1.18469879e-01 4.61581610e-02 1.32072922e-02 -6.80634156e-02 6.45993426e-02 -7.61287361e-02 1.58262163e-01 -1.41389206e-01 1.75375178e-01 1.45446196e-01 6.74455985e-02 1.58426911e-01 3.52176130e-01 7.17020631e-02 1.75917968e-01 2.49178186e-01 1.47698030e-01 -5.88428676e-02 8.02655667e-02 9.82390419e-02 3.42098251e-02 -1.12306528e-01 -3.77478927e-01 5.30495584e-01 9.60410759e-02 2.42060512e-01 1.25689521e-01 5.47847509e-01 4.19368148e-02 -6.29465654e-02 -2.40822956e-02 -2.34216273e-01 -3.64190936e-01 2.53572106e-01 -4.47031438e-01 -1.08636290e-01 -2.07269743e-01 1.06609732e-01 1.25184625e-01 3.88963729e-01 -4.65539657e-02 -4.26088631e-01 -1.24362305e-01 -2.82553494e-01 -2.04746917e-01 -9.64379832e-02 -4.19174820e-01 1.39539480e-01 2.45138891e-02 1.48071796e-01 -3.26453209e-01 -8.51088390e-02 -2.49431863e-01 -1.51487321e-01 -4.93555181e-02 -8.87697712e-02 3.93837452e-01 3.40657622e-01 -4.80466872e-01 1.60095375e-02 -2.34953061e-01 -8.79364759e-02 -7.89647028e-02 -8.21794271e-02 6.53662235e-02 -3.70356739e-01 -1.38336599e-01 3.10645998e-01 -2.95278519e-01 1.78551544e-02 2.16157228e-01 8.40294361e-02 -3.32780957e-01 -2.06048936e-01 2.88539082e-01 3.35519738e-03 -4.99044836e-01 -1.09840788e-01 1.67492658e-01 5.19149780e-01 -3.31494123e-01 -2.06919774e-01 -2.05785304e-01 -1.17736571e-01 8.04773197e-02 -6.51125330e-03 -1.51979253e-01 1.12405278e-01 -2.21563503e-01 9.25833583e-02 -5.21045141e-02 -9.10211429e-02 -4.64525849e-01 -1.42799944e-01 -4.32542384e-01 4.29467618e-01 2.93940276e-01 -2.22937569e-01 1.48402378e-01 -1.10276215e-01 2.07510769e-01 -3.75794441e-01 -9.89221632e-02 -6.57607168e-02 -3.31425816e-01 -4.01595175e-01 2.35530183e-01 -3.61970649e-03 1.81948859e-02 -5.24386065e-03 8.54180530e-02 -1.55108914e-01 2.22351909e-01 4.22289312e-01 5.21907695e-02 -5.82282152e-03 3.56565922e-01 3.24068338e-01 -1.63697511e-01 -8.62655416e-02 -3.46279651e-01 -1.67005926e-01 6.77190900e-01 1.87597767e-01 2.62288034e-01 -1.31690904e-01 6.74426481e-02 3.04220524e-02 2.40972340e-01 -6.31744191e-02 2.34433547e-01 3.86969417e-01 -9.24082026e-02 -1.64855927e-01 -1.84060335e-01 5.59603333e-01 -1.69468448e-01 -1.15515672e-01 -3.31062049e-01 -1.32801533e-01 -2.01413929e-01 -3.44456255e-01 -2.26717412e-01 6.80542067e-02 2.99524367e-01 2.30083112e-02 -3.09362821e-02 -1.89427271e-01 -1.92869961e-01 5.46885133e-02 -2.63396531e-01 8.46154511e-01 2.49361079e-02 -4.31705505e-01 -2.27428824e-01 1.02736473e-01 1.08208701e-01 1.95068046e-02 -5.79033673e-01 4.09827024e-01 1.31960567e-02 -1.76695436e-01 1.93270847e-01 -2.71235287e-01 1.33433580e-01 -3.81415725e-01 -3.13302755e-01 5.90355136e-03 1.67153865e-01 -3.43498945e-01 -2.70084888e-01 2.82687992e-01 -2.54818916e-01 3.01251650e-01 2.07107931e-01 -2.19924062e-01 7.21046254e-02 1.10141538e-01 2.22219214e-01 -3.04474950e-01 2.64406741e-01 5.15758336e-01 2.87181079e-01 1.65203094e-01 5.34522310e-02 1.47082349e-02 -1.06391460e-01 -2.27152243e-01 1.14854373e-01 -7.06510916e-02 3.43645848e-02 4.20347691e-01 1.94528922e-01 2.28038266e-01 -3.14780623e-01 -3.41697246e-01 -1.58088684e-01 -1.62523150e-01 -3.34678829e-01 -5.21120392e-02 6.00704318e-03 7.69062061e-03 -4.17099059e-01 1.90340742e-01 4.23541307e-01 -1.72263667e-01 -8.58882144e-02 1.11909315e-01 -2.65515089e-01 -2.54368693e-01 -4.12951976e-01 5.54461956e-01 -3.27618480e-01 3.38538200e-01 -4.44019258e-01 1.56847522e-01 -1.53001681e-01 2.32197791e-02 -3.22029889e-01 1.98904648e-01 4.13350224e-01 1.18515164e-01 -2.06722945e-01 -9.74329859e-02 -1.76601186e-01 3.92569214e-01 2.37208344e-02 -1.28167644e-01 4.32553552e-02 -1.62650168e-01 -1.89937010e-01 -7.56105930e-02 3.03179044e-02 -6.17569268e-01 8.69497433e-02 9.03194472e-02 -1.34313375e-01 2.05006197e-01 -1.29416510e-01 -3.78989846e-01 -4.23516363e-01 -1.49201930e-01 3.95325541e-01 -3.07193249e-01 1.19748302e-01 3.37891698e-01 -4.22031842e-02 1.00256979e-01 1.82238929e-02 5.25726564e-02 -2.54591614e-01 -4.07939017e-01 -8.17761794e-02 3.06266546e-01 -1.04832605e-01 -2.18563974e-01 1.36858195e-01 -3.49589497e-01 8.14218596e-02 -3.63667339e-01 -1.81400105e-02 1.21737145e-01 2.15692744e-01 -3.60130578e-01 -2.89141893e-01 5.98601222e-01 1.50845140e-01 -2.63793319e-01 -2.48710632e-01 -4.07445043e-01 1.77912384e-01 3.37505043e-02 3.13097149e-01 -2.57312834e-01 1.04111359e-01 1.85189366e-01 1.87260598e-01 1.54724553e-01 -2.48640358e-01 -2.38910634e-02 2.31017500e-01 -3.66008319e-02 1.58268154e-01 1.38804525e-01 1.49464056e-01 5.15612848e-02 -2.35812575e-01 8.94244835e-02 -1.57243937e-01 1.99779734e-01 3.06788534e-01 -2.73627359e-02 -2.90696174e-01 -2.39821061e-01 -2.11318936e-02 3.09627801e-01 6.78123385e-02 8.30649049e-04 -2.07900181e-01 7.87567869e-02 -1.43518476e-02 -1.32008540e-02 1.74784437e-01 -9.00985077e-02 4.28297818e-02 -1.24942973e-01 2.07981542e-01 1.36137009e-01 -2.49219984e-01 1.91409096e-01 5.56519330e-01 -3.36766213e-01 -1.73311919e-01 2.32550219e-01 -3.37614149e-01 1.76765159e-01 5.60461469e-02 5.04115939e-01 3.78898323e-01 2.02169091e-01 1.14715077e-01 -1.42895907e-01 -4.27736789e-01 -5.91300309e-01 2.26008609e-01 -3.96443792e-02 9.04168002e-04 3.96793429e-03 3.24589014e-02 1.84807807e-01 2.79154629e-02 1.15758210e-01 8.89611617e-02 -6.31226063e-01 3.91579792e-02 2.64413178e-01 2.72986083e-03 -2.69559354e-01 -2.24606395e-02 3.65437940e-03 2.84856886e-01 1.05422206e-01 5.52318245e-02 -2.52963960e-01 -1.14758104e-01 -1.70080349e-01 -2.11139709e-01 3.11789900e-01 5.76126575e-02 4.48414028e-01 3.78289789e-01 3.09526503e-01 9.26038809e-03 -2.17750028e-01 3.58689651e-02 -2.49122798e-01 5.45411766e-01 7.07171410e-02 1.03198215e-01 -9.54929590e-02 2.97119796e-01 -1.36149317e-01 -1.64122865e-01 6.04484491e-02 -1.99729409e-02 7.88047835e-02 3.35747361e-01 1.38726085e-02 -1.09357007e-01 -4.50128853e-01 7.90127441e-02 3.69906634e-01 -3.37709069e-01 4.48514074e-01 1.00902237e-01 1.06887031e+00 1.00437336e-01 3.73655036e-02 8.84303451e-02 -4.28563505e-01 3.04572046e-01 -4.38885719e-01 5.67208342e-02 7.07796030e-03 -1.07308738e-01 -6.00791955e-03 -4.71327715e-02 2.03163009e-02 -3.43259424e-02 -4.44867671e-01 -4.12260927e-02 -3.94039787e-02 4.51070279e-01 4.02835608e-01 4.17463511e-01 2.93050408e-02 7.34594539e-02 -6.94608763e-02 2.12330729e-01 -6.90322742e-02 -3.13849039e-02 1.54104844e-01 -1.51611820e-01 2.04270840e-01 -4.81683426e-02 -5.85558057e-01 8.81655067e-02 -3.64695549e-01 1.44802496e-01 1.24634467e-01 5.20203412e-01 1.24454275e-01 -2.87641943e-01 5.67692034e-02 -4.06593783e-03 -1.59333870e-01 2.61428475e-01 4.41997826e-01 2.23866493e-01 -1.09815404e-01 -1.34167865e-01 2.13940829e-01 3.07510067e-02 -1.38118595e-01 -1.17115118e-01 -1.08129464e-01 3.26809250e-02 -5.18891931e-01 -4.44719456e-02 2.05929473e-01 -8.25779047e-03 5.79592109e-01 1.59382075e-01 -7.37357959e-02 -2.55145282e-01 2.01655284e-01 -3.81951928e-02 -1.61314741e-01 1.63510785e-01 4.26318385e-02 -2.59893149e-01 -2.53933966e-01 3.26680720e-01 9.99196172e-02 2.17483968e-01 9.68731474e-03 5.13220858e-03 -1.15433438e-02 -4.32094127e-01 6.70242012e-02 3.74169685e-02 -8.56346861e-02 3.41157801e-02 -1.64669707e-01 -4.17776823e-01 3.88699025e-02 5.99868238e-01 2.35628530e-01 -5.56532480e-02 -4.14001316e-01 -1.09973751e-01 6.75647557e-02 9.55725908e-02 4.21988815e-01 1.96846992e-01 -5.14427274e-02 3.17326844e-01 -2.19625756e-02 2.58375823e-01 -4.60180551e-01 4.36740182e-02 -1.46984145e-01 1.61416661e-02 2.44459942e-01 -6.35454506e-02 2.69524660e-02 -1.55020609e-01 1.12313956e-01 3.03186774e-01 -2.04946250e-01 -2.81154454e-01 -5.52497469e-02 1.62228748e-01 8.39766338e-02 -9.03939530e-02 -3.92718911e-01 1.00312442e-01 2.01660916e-01 2.25999579e-01 6.57658353e-02 4.43490863e-01 2.28762224e-01 2.34030634e-01 -2.11211339e-01 4.89680737e-01 2.05512688e-01 -3.67485210e-02 6.78511932e-02 3.15241873e-01 -8.37572068e-02 -9.10365283e-02 5.13839303e-03 -2.02864468e-01 -1.18794166e-01 3.81274700e-01 2.70576309e-02 3.68657529e-01 -1.04811192e-01 -9.81896296e-02 -2.26516336e-01 -1.07346140e-01 -2.73055166e-01 3.12478095e-01 -3.08945835e-01 -3.42024803e-01 -2.83799052e-01 2.84668922e-01 1.72672600e-01 -6.41956553e-02 -1.22377031e-01 -6.68686032e-02 2.06787717e-02 1.06611080e-01 1.57764822e-01 -3.22445959e-01 -4.47925143e-02 -1.17794819e-01 3.58799636e-01 -9.50496271e-03 8.18660930e-02 -3.35260783e-03 -7.37777501e-02 -1.23550579e-01 -3.45498592e-01 -1.76149786e-01 3.29285353e-01 1.52929902e-01 3.92246515e-01 3.46841633e-01 1.33051425e-01 4.40412372e-01 -1.26684114e-01 -3.62735689e-02 1.48438051e-01 2.38270223e-01 -3.62127334e-01 -4.83996905e-02 2.12465554e-01 -8.85854438e-02 -1.52342720e-02 -5.69638144e-03 1.85759012e-02 -1.69012994e-01 1.20009944e-01 -2.68921435e-01 -1.49856031e-01 -1.53316736e-01 -3.32421064e-01 1.74673840e-01 2.40434512e-01 3.60212266e-01 6.47189856e-01 4.29338627e-02 -1.19959086e-01 -1.40750393e-01 -2.25254714e-01 6.27660453e-02 2.88630128e-01 -2.14730203e-01 4.38669801e-01 1.37166798e-01 -9.19672549e-02 6.87881336e-02 -2.87942905e-02 3.11071515e-01 -2.81285401e-02 2.13689566e-01 2.32730225e-01 7.11839367e-03 -9.34903994e-02 -2.01052636e-01 1.32380322e-01 1.97508156e-01 -6.58550262e-02 2.49506697e-01 2.32999519e-01 -2.06166670e-01 -2.69851703e-02 9.40560922e-02 -1.78786919e-01 -9.19602439e-03 4.74551246e-02 -1.42002448e-01 2.29583949e-01 -9.92549732e-02 1.53341815e-01 -1.64805815e-01 -1.80785999e-01 2.20207632e-01 -2.97241032e-01 2.58395880e-01 -2.53044683e-02 1.15882799e-01 5.25161736e-02 3.00208241e-01 -2.56496277e-02 2.41436794e-01 1.82293169e-02 8.68910626e-02 -1.51715457e-01 1.20224908e-01 -1.81959137e-01 1.44301876e-02 5.28552979e-02 1.46625742e-01 -7.17381239e-02 -1.20355763e-01 -1.50749028e-01 4.98956591e-01 -3.51601243e-02 -7.07547516e-02 -1.81913808e-01 2.88795352e-01 6.24870121e-01 8.60481709e-02 9.79648083e-02 -3.98124427e-01 3.42818588e-01 7.48760477e-02 1.69237316e-01 2.96062115e-03 -1.13801092e-01 -2.37040237e-01 -1.87225686e-03 3.69039655e-01 5.37281483e-02 3.34996134e-01 -1.92294061e-01 -2.70145178e-01 -8.55323151e-02 4.70742196e-01 -1.46626711e-01 -1.50451111e-02 -2.29060203e-02 1.36459157e-01 2.39800155e-01 3.88430625e-01 -4.26668040e-02 -4.89440225e-02 -7.85851255e-02 3.99045199e-01 -3.72422338e-01 2.92094082e-01 -3.56718361e-01 1.59427345e-01 -1.62017137e-01 1.81207731e-01 1.56143054e-01 1.55241191e-01 -2.53641278e-01 -3.14909011e-01 4.92294401e-01 -8.43347237e-02 -7.42323846e-02 -1.87439352e-01 2.22255439e-01 5.84081352e-01 -2.40780666e-01 -8.03425610e-01 -2.15195894e-01 7.92257339e-02 -1.82686850e-01 -4.97033358e-01 -1.05850384e-01 -1.98193826e-02 -1.97511315e-01 3.06154136e-03 2.67157197e-01 1.97956860e-01 -1.73262581e-02 1.67274296e-01 7.73833394e-02]
"The Impossible Colors" active "Item #: SCP-712 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: The light-generating apparatus designated SCP-712-1 is stored fully assembled in a secure storage room at Research Site-14. The room's air is to be HEPA filtered and anyone entering must wear a clean room suit to minimize introduction of dust that could interfere with the optics of SCP-712-1. Anyone making adjustments to the components of SCP-712-1 must wear non-powdered nitrile gloves; latex gloves are not permitted as Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is severely allergic. The vibration-absorbing base of SCP-712-1 is attached securely to a 1.5 meter high table that is securely bolted to the floor of the room. The layout of this secure storage room is an "L" shape with the apparatus aimed at the far wall perpendicular to the door. No video recording devices are permitted in the room and all cameras viewing the entrance are to be fitted with one Wratten #90 filter and one linear polarizing filter with the axis of polarization oriented horizontally. The emitting lens of SCP-712-1 is aimed at the rear wall and optical targets should be kept behind the apparatus except during testing. A SWNT forest panel is in place in front of the emitting lens of SCP-712-1 as a component of the fail-secure system. The rear wall of the room is tiled with SWNT Forest light absorbing panels. 10 (ten) standard 300 watt metal halide floodlights are aimed at the target wall and are to be turned on no less than one hour before SCP-712-1 is connected to a power supply to ensure that the color temperature has stabilized at 5000 K. These floodlights are shuttered as a component of the fail-secure system. A fail secure system is installed in the room. During operation, the floodlights will be shuttered and the panel in front of the emitting lens will retract. The researcher conducting an experiment must maintain constant pressure on a thumbswitch, and a bite plate will detect jaw clenching that may indicate a seizure. If pressure on the thumb switch is released, pressure on the bite plate exceeds normal limits, or power to the system is lost, the shutters covering the floodlights will drop away and the light absorbing panel will drop into place in front of SCP-712-1's emitting lens. All personnel and test subjects who are present when SCP-712-1 is powered are to be administered vision tests to measure distance vision, near vision, and color perception before entering the room and immediately after leaving. Unless authorized by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in writing and approved by a Level 4 staff member, no individual who exhibits any degree of colorblindness is permitted to enter the room. Individuals who exhibit diminished visual ability after an experiment will be held for observation for 24 hours and tested before being released. Any individual who continues to exhibit diminished visual ability after the 24 hour observation period will be prohibited from working with SCP-712 and reassigned to a non-research position for an additional 30 days. Individuals exhibiting diminished visual ability after 30 days will be permanently reassigned. No individual who exhibits any diminished visual ability after 24 hours may be assigned to experiment further on SCP-712. Research on SCP-712 is coordinated by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Description: SCP-712 is a pair of colors designated SCP-712-a and SCP-712-b, produced by the light-generating apparatus SCP-712-1. SCP-712-a is described by test subjects as "reddish green" and SCP-712-b is described by test subjects as "yellowish blue." While prior published research into impossible colors had achieved limited success by projecting one of two component colors into each eye of participants, SCP-712-a and SCP-712-b are each discrete colors. While the colors of SCP-712 can be perceived by human subjects, their wavelengths are expressed as imaginary numbers rather than wavelengths found in the visible spectrum. Specific information can be found in Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's research notes. Subjects who view these colors report feelings of unease or awe, with neither corresponding to particular post-exposure effects. Approximately 26% of subjects experience no effects after viewing SCP-712. Approximately 74% of subjects experience diminished visual ability after viewing SCP-712; approximately 95% of subjects who initially display diminished visual ability recover within 24 hours. Approximately 1% of subjects who experienced diminished visual ability after 24 hours did not recover. SCP-712-1 is a light-emitting apparatus that was removed from the laboratory of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ University. The apparatus is mounted on a vibration damping base. Components are labeled with stamped metal plates, and a plate at the front of the apparatus is stamped "f=9907mm." A cord with four wires protrudes from the power supply, which is labeled in permanent marker "220v." The major components of SCP-712-1 are the following: β€” A power supply that connects to a standard US 220 V three-phase outlet β€” A diode-pumped laser emitter that produces light at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ nm β€” An oscillator-controlled ring electromagnet that surrounds the laser module connected to power by a two-position switch with positions labeled "a" and "b" β€” A series of beam splitters that divide the beam into 8 optical fibers of varying lengths and arranged in various geometric patterns β€” A set of 8 fluorite lenses that focus the output of the optical fibers onto the emitting lens; each lens is mounted on a unique keyed base and fits into one of two slots labeled "a" or "b" β€” A 10 cm lens made from a dense material with a refractive index of [REDACTED]; this element can be rotated around its optical axis by a metal peg attached to its edge that locks into two positions labeled "a" and "b." This is the emitting lens of SCP-712-1 Do not make any adjustments to SCP-712-1 unless you have verified that power is disconnected. If you feel that basic safety rules do not apply to you, I will be more than happy to reassign you to a position in which your risk of injury will be limited to papercuts and writer's cramp. - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ The main switch, keyed lens bases, and emitting lens are connected to a safety interlock that disconnects power to the laser emitter unless all components are set to either "a" or "b." Common Effects of SCP-712: The following effects have been observed in subjects exposed to SCP-712: β€” Perceived desaturation when viewing colors in the visible spectrum after viewing SCP-712. After viewing SCP-712-1a, subjects perceive desaturation of yellow and blue colors; after viewing SCP-712-1b, subjects perceive desaturation of red and green colors. This is the most commonly reported effect. β€” Viewing SCP-712 has triggered severe migraine headaches with visual aura in subjects predisposed to migraines on several occasions. β€” Diminished ability of the subject's eyes to focus visible wavelengths of light while retaining the ability to focus SCP-712 wavelengths. β€” Temporary complete blindness to the visible spectrum has been observed in two subjects. Both subjects recovered within the 30 day observation period. β€” Grand Mal seizures. Before the recovery of SCP-712-1, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ appeared to have suffered a Grand Mal seizure. During initial experimentation, two subjects diagnosed with epilepsy suffered seizures. Recovery of SCP-712-1: The Foundation was alerted to a possible anomalous object when Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a respected professor of Physics at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ University was institutionalized following a reported nervous breakdown resulting in a fugue state lasting several days. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is a highly respected expert in sensitometry and had been expanding on Crane and Piantanida's research into human perception of "impossible colors" for three years prior to the recovery of SCP-712-1. Research assistants studying under Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ found him unconscious in his optics laboratory on July 02, 2009, after apparently having ripped the power cord of SCP-712-1 from a bench power supply during a grand mal seizure. Foundation investigators posing as doctors with the state's Department of Mental Health interviewed Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's assistants and found that Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ "had always been obsessive about his work," often working long hours, a tendency that was also reported by former colleagues. Research assistants reported that Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had recently begun to exhibit signs of severe stress, working around the clock and sleeping for short periods of time in his lab so as to devote more time to his work. Several interviewees noted that Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had recently begun to make remarks about "doing the impossible" and discovering "the next level of human perception," but that he was secretive about his work and refused to allow colleagues and research staff into his laboratory beginning three weeks prior to his seizure and breakdown. Foundation staff searched Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's laboratory and found SCP-712-1 mounted to a table with the emitting lens aimed at an 18% grey optical target placed 9907 mm from the emitting lens. On a desk behind SCP-712-1 were a single page of handwritten calculations describing the two output wavelengths of SCP-712, and a journal of notes. SCP-712 is referred to simply as "The Machine." The contents of the second page detailed observations of SCP-712-1's effects and Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's personal notes. The content of the pages are transcribed as follows Page 1: [DATA EXPUNGED] Journal: [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's handwriting becomes progressively less legible toward the end of the journal as he describes growing effects of observing SCP-712. He makes several mentions of protecting others and keeping them away from SCP-712. After reviewing Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's writings, Foundation personnel recovered SCP-712. A cover story was presented to Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's colleagues and researchers explaining that his research into LASER technology had been classified as a matter of national security. All individuals agreed to sign nondisclosure agreements and were subsequently administered Class A amnestics and implanted with false memories; research assistants were paid stipends as compensation. SCP-712-1 was removed and transported to Site-19. Research notes of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: 09-August-2008 I've run the calculations a dozen times, but I still can't figure out where β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ got these variables. Bypass the safety on the magnets and the beams cancel each other at the emitting lens. Rotate the lens to the wrong position and you get a blur. If the lenses don't The magnet is epoxied in place and I can't remove it without damaging it irreparably. As close as I can approximate, the field it generates is [REDACTED] oscillating cleanly from positive to negative at [REDACTED]. Everything should be well within the visible spectrum, but I can't figure out how the magnet does what he says it does or exactly how that lens focuses light at [REDACTED]. I'm submitting a request for human testing. 13-August-2008 I've made no progress on the math and neither have any of the Foundation's other physicists. The emitting lens seems to have a refractive index that varies significantly across the visible spectrum and the plot definitely isn't linear, it's almost asymptotic at certain points. I have a hunch, but I don't have the equipment at this site to test it and I'm going to have to wait at least a few days. Hopefully I'll be able to test it soon. It sounds crazy, but I'm inclined to trust Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's research; [REDACTED] 14-August-2008 We carried out the first test today. [DATA EXPUNGED] [The remainder of this log is awaiting declassification] Β« SCP-711 | SCP-712 | SCP-713 Β»" nan
[ 9.71794575e-02 -3.95598173e-01 -1.31108746e-01 -4.67408076e-03 -2.13747889e-01 -4.29612160e-01 2.57796407e-01 1.04080126e-01 -5.30857034e-03 4.07596499e-01 -3.32972663e-03 2.16918454e-01 -2.98365474e-01 1.71774283e-01 9.70141590e-02 8.04474056e-02 -1.00231424e-01 3.11202854e-01 -3.05123776e-01 -2.79012173e-01 -1.19180689e-02 -2.12444767e-01 -2.60621399e-01 -5.45017608e-02 6.14748560e-02 -4.95152809e-02 1.01864614e-01 -1.40100285e-01 -4.54109674e-03 -1.95843220e-01 1.58187926e-01 2.95220315e-01 -2.45832086e-01 1.33455426e-01 -1.05129875e-04 -2.88667232e-01 2.55353421e-01 -2.16558740e-01 4.37311679e-02 1.68759868e-01 -3.63216370e-01 -1.15618587e-01 -1.26168251e-01 -1.46474555e-01 -1.56003550e-01 -1.91950753e-01 6.28426969e-02 1.44917548e-01 2.08886102e-01 1.12922281e-01 2.17121169e-01 2.53033876e-01 3.22841942e-01 2.41073683e-01 3.78762037e-01 1.93528503e-01 3.12888138e-02 -1.45622656e-01 3.31530660e-01 -2.86895577e-02 1.64412841e-01 2.05125868e-01 2.91260481e-01 -1.28181472e-01 2.07656071e-01 -3.80756319e-01 8.30141008e-02 -7.73416907e-02 4.99152802e-02 2.84012914e-01 -1.99172780e-01 7.85057545e-02 4.27152514e-02 7.67439008e-02 -2.95834601e-01 2.87873801e-02 8.67071897e-02 1.77266762e-01 -1.17503079e-02 -1.21024802e-01 -2.49383390e-01 2.81054914e-01 -3.32124531e-01 1.65622860e-01 2.47673899e-01 1.07201107e-01 -1.91951871e-01 5.69227412e-02 1.27514496e-01 -2.58922298e-03 1.94962680e-01 -2.13206679e-01 1.04759052e-01 -2.75696963e-02 -1.83796138e-01 2.51858365e-02 4.51570898e-02 1.82676554e-01 6.20703064e-02 3.31462830e-01 2.58256942e-01 2.47655362e-01 2.52109796e-01 2.63752103e-01 -1.91239212e-02 1.63295314e-01 -2.97841220e-03 -3.21262240e-01 -3.99318516e-01 -1.39711127e-01 -1.40716940e-01 3.34422886e-01 7.02276453e-02 -2.35586524e-01 9.32958126e-02 -1.26840442e-01 6.83089346e-02 -2.90756851e-01 -1.83843806e-01 1.02294080e-01 -6.17343605e-01 1.39100820e-01 -1.71045586e-01 1.54520676e-01 4.74964231e-01 2.36346405e-02 2.65051454e-01 -1.30973876e-01 -2.59110741e-02 -7.30957389e-02 -2.24139109e-01 1.67791292e-01 -3.96103173e-01 -7.18441159e-02 2.19732188e-02 2.72435606e-01 -2.91459877e-02 7.77563527e-02 -1.21448651e-01 -1.28062796e-02 3.71586889e-01 1.45004556e-01 7.30639517e-01 3.85204881e-01 -3.82629573e-01 -1.82340056e-01 -1.84262600e-02 1.50202870e-01 5.40833473e-02 1.79133266e-02 6.98796630e-01 -4.24190424e-02 -3.88898700e-01 2.58581191e-01 -2.95226157e-01 3.80334735e-01 8.28406885e-02 1.70601100e-01 -3.18896711e-01 2.51310736e-01 3.31230998e-01 -2.91825742e-01 4.05171692e-01 1.28746592e-02 7.32545033e-02 4.15974140e-01 -1.83404893e-01 -3.39778848e-02 3.08206910e-03 -3.35753769e-01 6.78754458e-03 -1.66026711e-01 -2.61691868e-01 7.14630559e-02 -4.00508255e-01 -1.82510078e-01 -1.19286940e-01 -8.99815410e-02 -1.70666143e-01 -1.45198599e-01 -1.92975268e-01 3.23199540e-01 2.61187106e-01 -1.60472259e-01 -3.46784651e-01 -1.24558888e-01 -2.26637125e-01 -2.44675666e-01 -5.34970798e-02 -2.18502581e-01 -5.13194978e-01 -3.68623853e-01 4.15697694e-01 7.89762959e-02 1.07413478e-01 -3.24939913e-03 1.56456932e-01 3.73820662e-02 2.26645902e-01 1.02961168e-01 -3.25599462e-02 3.70032042e-02 1.39331058e-01 1.92984998e-01 -3.05860728e-01 -1.14454187e-01 -2.70526316e-02 -6.91798516e-03 1.79766119e-01 2.27099553e-01 1.21981002e-01 -2.87312657e-01 4.56061549e-02 -2.44348705e-01 -1.69344127e-01 -4.32469100e-01 3.40563655e-01 3.13243747e-01 2.84402788e-01 -3.31391066e-01 5.90479523e-02 2.90925354e-01 -2.90065080e-01 -3.03857625e-01 -2.42485672e-01 7.96867609e-02 -2.51369178e-01 -2.00690523e-01 -1.03087179e-01 1.04450606e-01 1.41669899e-01 -2.21073806e-01 -4.44528041e-03 -4.87037338e-02 -2.82303602e-01 -6.79394379e-02 7.68543407e-02 5.81932008e-01 -2.90887773e-01 -3.63499671e-01 -1.43176332e-01 2.76075602e-01 1.11737154e-01 1.34667411e-01 -8.87764096e-02 2.42492363e-01 -8.42557251e-02 -6.97139360e-04 -1.44702703e-01 -9.63095352e-02 -1.48960091e-02 -1.51566967e-01 -3.74482870e-01 -9.70027596e-02 2.43763089e-01 1.04930475e-01 -5.47297150e-02 -4.19065505e-02 -1.16823100e-01 3.28511536e-01 -1.17821619e-01 -6.87720925e-02 3.54807638e-02 -1.75418466e-01 9.95615423e-02 -9.70841944e-02 3.96073431e-01 3.89443129e-01 -7.19875768e-02 3.30739707e-01 -1.38767645e-01 2.22617406e-02 -2.97062159e-01 -1.10183708e-01 -4.16972861e-02 4.15413707e-01 3.79550427e-01 1.67895719e-01 2.77464449e-01 -6.08361922e-02 -4.38342541e-01 -5.93379021e-01 -1.04814336e-01 -9.99203846e-02 -4.15740209e-03 3.21822464e-01 -1.85728185e-02 -1.12663023e-01 -3.46363991e-01 6.88058957e-02 2.74220228e-01 -1.45233378e-01 -1.63637608e-01 1.26212314e-01 -3.99456829e-01 9.56555158e-02 -2.28476539e-01 2.95508653e-01 -4.62729260e-02 3.17411244e-01 -5.21069825e-01 1.35632023e-01 -8.85246024e-02 6.16776012e-02 4.20223176e-03 4.36444916e-02 7.44855940e-01 5.63402474e-03 1.44785210e-01 -1.98321957e-02 -4.01068002e-01 1.49397910e-01 3.80782485e-02 -3.25683318e-02 8.75381380e-02 -1.36977002e-01 -1.53254166e-01 -1.70547679e-01 1.00086629e-01 -5.06033003e-01 -6.20647781e-02 -2.32272949e-02 4.86046635e-02 -1.70778949e-02 -1.83299705e-01 -3.59903961e-01 -2.22600386e-01 -1.98217228e-01 2.04266459e-01 -9.02706012e-02 1.98713541e-01 1.02419473e-01 2.62846321e-01 2.44617626e-01 -5.06923720e-02 3.34544992e-03 -1.31297424e-01 -1.65470734e-01 3.06865498e-02 -7.32612163e-02 -1.94977403e-01 -2.25768551e-01 -2.34048873e-01 6.56607896e-02 1.33742422e-01 -2.58897066e-01 -2.11806983e-01 -8.23204219e-02 -8.27187821e-02 5.99031597e-02 -1.62479714e-01 3.62098038e-01 2.39310190e-01 -3.19740981e-01 -1.31818220e-01 1.89453475e-02 2.27091968e-01 -1.03315331e-01 3.68984789e-02 -1.27965704e-01 -9.35597271e-02 3.33233446e-01 2.39047661e-01 1.38053566e-01 -2.86366254e-01 -6.28968608e-03 4.29603845e-01 3.54776591e-01 3.87481153e-02 -1.49165064e-01 2.55482793e-01 1.75774515e-01 5.13482653e-02 7.37545863e-02 -2.03311712e-01 3.26249041e-02 1.11569934e-01 -1.41146570e-01 -5.34650743e-01 -3.23992163e-01 -4.82176095e-02 3.59044462e-01 1.23107478e-01 -5.15572913e-02 -9.21582163e-04 1.22532174e-01 -2.73791309e-02 -3.86020020e-02 2.57002115e-01 -1.56889886e-01 9.25308764e-02 -2.88429350e-01 -2.35754251e-02 2.64995396e-02 5.28191924e-02 1.35146677e-01 6.48684144e-01 -8.61076862e-02 1.18617557e-01 1.93793252e-01 -3.07876527e-01 4.88952428e-01 -1.02916069e-01 5.90980649e-01 6.02088690e-01 -1.89204793e-02 3.11539471e-02 -3.47906381e-01 -3.98173124e-01 -2.50542998e-01 5.35466075e-01 -2.71819651e-01 -7.14665204e-02 -7.83302039e-02 8.68962854e-02 1.83853880e-01 7.93403313e-02 4.12213057e-02 4.08694632e-02 -3.90696585e-01 -3.24459344e-01 2.88205117e-01 1.34267837e-01 1.71803031e-02 -2.01119587e-01 -8.56368104e-04 1.14428043e-01 7.26821199e-02 2.29194969e-01 1.66663423e-01 -1.70769289e-01 1.78142451e-02 -1.72236517e-01 2.17109993e-01 4.77742665e-02 2.61089414e-01 1.48519035e-02 1.40616402e-01 1.97125658e-01 8.73130858e-02 -1.72743365e-01 -2.97217853e-02 6.22970581e-01 2.25921586e-01 4.29175906e-02 -1.65694341e-01 9.46186632e-02 2.78085738e-01 3.08745563e-01 1.11817911e-01 -4.94196592e-03 2.98517287e-01 -1.32886739e-02 1.55420974e-02 -3.70602816e-01 -2.92574972e-01 -1.47689451e-02 5.91243982e-01 -3.29591274e-01 4.16511059e-01 2.55188137e-01 1.20127368e+00 -3.11429594e-02 1.63568985e-02 -2.21785218e-01 -6.77671671e-01 1.30955294e-01 -4.40478325e-02 2.55886856e-02 -1.83360666e-01 -6.27213717e-02 1.71619326e-01 -3.62535506e-01 2.63110369e-01 1.53148815e-01 -1.23362683e-01 2.98601072e-02 -2.11301506e-01 4.33297485e-01 4.74289656e-01 6.76292554e-02 3.32271785e-01 1.63252726e-01 -7.70429447e-02 2.47081041e-01 1.31722137e-01 1.79527655e-01 -1.20878354e-01 -2.54814595e-01 3.68177146e-02 1.36292964e-01 -1.06624387e-01 2.69864053e-01 -2.07496464e-01 3.26138347e-01 -6.94264099e-02 -1.32436961e-01 -7.08305687e-02 9.45963785e-02 7.53000826e-02 -3.44086774e-02 -2.30164722e-01 6.41102493e-02 5.38029194e-01 -1.68298274e-01 -1.01253293e-01 3.65658700e-02 5.33491075e-01 -6.50611371e-02 7.11814454e-03 1.48505434e-01 1.21338755e-01 3.07827033e-02 -2.16317147e-01 -2.24568415e-02 5.32953203e-01 9.35451686e-02 2.78649151e-01 1.03449002e-01 -3.74260068e-01 -2.41454706e-01 1.81360051e-01 -1.82761610e-01 -1.12998135e-01 1.22895405e-01 1.63000673e-01 5.55882370e-03 2.55920924e-02 3.21772784e-01 4.65176292e-02 1.36289671e-01 -1.04266152e-01 1.47613287e-02 -6.59857914e-02 -4.32026476e-01 2.41182879e-01 -1.00704823e-02 -3.99165928e-01 1.19904771e-01 -1.13771163e-01 -3.52155179e-01 -7.69621655e-02 5.04680395e-01 1.61604404e-01 -8.95913318e-02 2.67348755e-02 -7.71952644e-02 1.63706951e-02 -2.97019958e-01 1.84801191e-01 6.68825746e-01 7.92815462e-02 4.26233709e-01 -2.46632636e-01 1.84065804e-01 -4.57737684e-01 -1.30633518e-01 -4.41531539e-01 9.51928925e-03 -1.82137936e-01 -2.13755891e-01 1.53949291e-01 -9.95789692e-02 1.71177104e-01 2.42348209e-01 -3.34344208e-01 -3.21182013e-01 -7.73485526e-02 1.38620421e-01 1.63007528e-01 -4.84721452e-01 -4.00558151e-02 6.44866675e-02 1.00526318e-01 8.78604949e-02 3.46667171e-02 2.54600734e-01 1.22949528e-02 1.66951746e-01 -5.96950114e-01 -8.21773335e-02 5.29171042e-02 -3.02947640e-01 5.51673695e-02 9.85021517e-02 -2.10453086e-02 -1.82857007e-01 -6.48609996e-02 -1.61039397e-01 -9.58155692e-02 2.45735213e-01 -1.44224674e-01 1.99770853e-01 -1.15670152e-01 -2.44011842e-02 -3.06520820e-01 -2.15875357e-01 -8.24918505e-03 -1.51375249e-01 -4.99285191e-01 -1.91487327e-01 1.04319297e-01 2.82744706e-01 -1.55748725e-01 2.92223096e-01 -1.14004627e-01 2.30852105e-02 2.21335962e-01 3.79329741e-01 1.99741498e-01 -7.46099651e-01 1.68408845e-02 2.07346931e-01 -3.58495526e-02 -1.28399611e-01 1.72641911e-02 1.65011764e-01 -1.21253736e-01 -3.23146358e-02 4.40789253e-01 2.07108945e-01 2.46597171e-01 3.97892028e-01 2.29549706e-01 2.07191706e-01 -7.41909146e-02 1.90494001e-01 -8.02774504e-02 3.13105106e-01 2.32145842e-02 3.70741576e-01 1.09779567e-01 2.77081341e-01 -1.81797862e-01 -1.33807793e-01 -1.07452229e-01 -2.77121514e-01 5.80291525e-02 -1.53893694e-01 -5.39376177e-02 2.26785362e-01 6.23304248e-02 -2.05012381e-01 -1.59152791e-01 5.60922548e-04 1.42403260e-01 -4.77709994e-02 7.45046660e-02 7.77200237e-02 -1.56256687e-02 1.05830207e-01 -2.15816125e-02 4.44683880e-02 2.91276067e-01 -2.25197807e-01 2.34730721e-01 3.76402974e-01 2.19072821e-03 1.49502903e-01 1.21544026e-01 1.11464076e-01 1.44131407e-01 -2.49344006e-01 4.43879589e-02 3.37689519e-01 -2.59864032e-01 6.96042273e-03 7.66622946e-02 1.73910722e-01 -9.92914438e-02 3.56601745e-01 1.51597291e-01 -3.42024684e-01 -2.57528096e-01 3.00692171e-01 -2.76762515e-01 6.10976741e-02 1.69275403e-02 -1.22051448e-01 -1.20976910e-01 3.28057334e-02 -1.06773101e-01 -3.20112318e-01 -5.32407343e-01 -3.61068547e-01 -1.96977798e-02 2.96002030e-01 -3.00548226e-02 1.33846298e-01 -5.66926263e-02 2.22194538e-01 -1.61368340e-01 3.53236943e-01 -8.69973749e-02 -2.70644933e-01 -2.87381172e-01 2.89398357e-02 8.23015571e-02 -2.54599631e-01 -1.33338287e-01 1.62425756e-01 -1.03118084e-02 8.63704234e-02 5.37799895e-02 1.19118124e-01 1.81908265e-01 4.38655391e-02 -2.40596518e-01 3.01960945e-01 2.81457871e-01 -3.82327591e-04 2.53633261e-01 -2.81483620e-01 -3.53891253e-02 -4.52220142e-01 3.03875744e-01 1.50259435e-01 9.96276513e-02 -1.44735679e-01 3.57790619e-01 3.35749596e-01 1.36902705e-01 3.25569630e-01 -1.87189609e-01 -2.89651096e-01 3.31915580e-02 4.26134408e-01 -1.84976533e-01 -2.11922720e-01 3.64855155e-02 3.52214396e-01 1.08332381e-01 1.64145365e-01 9.12125632e-02 3.16363066e-01 1.86784714e-01 4.87943560e-01 -8.21600258e-02 3.86211753e-01 -4.15738702e-01 7.49890357e-02 5.22644678e-03 1.19449586e-01 4.86399792e-02 7.89592136e-03 -3.56465220e-01 -2.80550450e-01 5.65023541e-01 -2.70304263e-01 -3.22038144e-01 -8.85639191e-02 1.99253276e-01 4.49395269e-01 -1.04040109e-01 -3.12510341e-01 -1.28449216e-01 -3.24774496e-02 1.45100588e-02 -3.47216785e-01 2.77503103e-01 -3.92991424e-01 -6.26773089e-02 -2.64883554e-03 1.22116424e-01 1.64748244e-02 1.39438376e-01 -2.58130908e-01 -4.70014662e-02]
"Click Anywhere Computer" active "Item #: SCP-713 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-713 is to be kept in a standard Safe-class inanimate-object containment cell at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. Standard positive-action defenses are to remain in place at all times. It is not to be plugged in while stored. Description: SCP-713 is a desktop personal computer running Windows 95. It bears no external manufacturer’s markings, but internal inspection reveals it to be composed entirely of hardware commercially available in the late 1990s. The keyboard and mouse connectors are soldered into their sockets, and there are no ports available for peripherals except the monitor. The computer has no Internet capability. The hard drive contains assorted commercially available software, including [DATA EXPUNGED] office suite, [DATA EXPUNGED] image-editing software, and Solitaire. SCP-713's mouse may be used to move its cursor off the screen. The cursor does not change size or appearance, remaining two-dimensional (though capable of moving in three dimensions; the scroll wheel controls the z-direction) and resembling a light projection without an apparent source. It may be used to "click and drag" individual items. Dragged objects' size and mass do not seem to impede it: it has demonstrated the ability to exert forces of at least 150 kN. Care must be taken in use of the object, as sudden flicks of the wrist coupled with poorly-timed release of the left mouse button have resulted in damage to the containment room's walls. The right mouse button does not appear to function when the cursor is outside the monitor. However, when the word-processing program is open on the monitor, left-clicking on a sheet of writing material produces a cursor like that of a word processor. Typing then results in letters, in composition apparently identical to the cursor although [DATA EXPUNGED], appearing on the writing material. They linger as long as the computer is operating, disappear when it is shut down, and reappear upon restarting the computer and re-opening the word processor. The image-editing software's effects are similar, though much broader in scope. The Solitaire game may be played using ordinary playing cards. Every effort must be made to avoid crashing SCP-713. When the machine locks up, its cursor either disappears immediately, dropping any held object, or [DATA EXPUNGED] consistent with crushing forces of over β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ kN. Other error types have commensurately more damaging results. See experiment logs and incident reports for further details. Addendum: Writing materials tested to date with SCP-713's word processor include copy paper, college-ruled notebook paper (text conformed to the lines), handmade vellum, tracing paper, [DATA EXPUNGED], a chalkboard, and a blank wall. Testing is ongoing. Note: I will shoot the next son of a bitch that pulls a lens flare out of this thing. –Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Note: Testing has been suspended after Incident 713-03, in which D-713-233 "dragged" D-713-054 into the "Trash". Until D-713-054's fate has been determined, access to SCP-713 is denied without express authorization from Level 4 staff or higher. Note: Further testing authorized. See Experiment Log 713 for details. Β« SCP-712 | SCP-713 | SCP-714 Β»" nan
[ 1.60710976e-01 -3.49419028e-01 -7.44893178e-02 9.73948464e-02 8.24770927e-02 -1.74415886e-01 1.00672133e-01 1.97352320e-02 8.54507014e-02 6.81512952e-02 1.44558549e-01 9.68882218e-02 -2.57223457e-01 7.90864900e-02 2.90509433e-01 1.57890797e-01 2.50747025e-01 2.51459211e-01 -1.68223307e-01 -9.45381597e-02 -2.75348067e-01 -3.34312052e-01 -3.64129990e-01 4.18902159e-01 1.41731739e-01 -5.02605498e-01 7.26613030e-02 6.76022796e-03 4.71131317e-03 -2.45259941e-01 1.14241168e-01 2.34796047e-01 -6.32984415e-02 3.59911054e-01 -1.05640262e-04 -1.90882742e-01 2.69306675e-02 3.19617018e-02 -1.05817780e-01 1.46344081e-01 -3.10543507e-01 -2.01793745e-01 2.23139644e-01 -1.13829814e-01 1.12901844e-01 5.41014522e-02 1.80376619e-01 1.71073392e-01 2.58443594e-01 4.03747782e-02 2.09397659e-01 3.69512618e-01 2.45042350e-02 -4.38052043e-02 3.93644512e-01 3.55606414e-02 -2.28843510e-01 1.89883877e-02 6.17225528e-01 2.74664611e-02 8.12154561e-02 -3.54685187e-02 -2.10180089e-01 -2.79109031e-01 4.64545190e-01 -1.39688894e-01 6.79462627e-02 -1.03200413e-02 3.53396446e-01 1.30847707e-01 -2.39868790e-01 -5.79966344e-02 3.14404577e-01 -2.42153242e-01 1.30335361e-01 -2.18817323e-01 3.96716624e-01 1.79361239e-01 -7.19681159e-02 1.08443655e-01 -8.50878954e-02 4.44850475e-02 -5.06695993e-02 -1.08386315e-01 4.12096158e-02 -4.54146825e-02 -3.67711425e-01 -6.76873624e-02 4.65197653e-01 -1.63044259e-01 8.11038390e-02 1.44538745e-01 2.88855016e-01 -1.41777858e-01 -1.25906408e-01 3.49087454e-02 1.99585244e-01 6.71051264e-01 -1.91062748e-01 8.16951469e-02 3.49682361e-01 2.21101314e-01 3.48244131e-01 6.06045574e-02 1.90664053e-01 -2.59093028e-02 -3.90168637e-01 -3.22013766e-01 -1.30108088e-01 4.37553138e-01 -2.49887154e-01 2.42568225e-01 -4.79846597e-02 -7.07612261e-02 1.27898902e-01 -2.14151517e-01 5.43885380e-02 8.81514698e-02 -2.19510376e-01 3.60201299e-01 -5.45352995e-01 2.20489889e-01 -2.24153493e-02 1.84754565e-01 2.70027556e-02 3.24043557e-02 8.33288729e-02 -8.54559317e-02 -8.88260305e-02 -3.38443726e-01 -1.37999967e-01 9.95684341e-02 -3.99240762e-01 -1.71622723e-01 8.91640037e-03 2.66333669e-02 -4.12339926e-01 3.16730767e-01 -2.14189097e-01 -6.28075078e-02 3.19626987e-01 -2.24300340e-01 2.79193908e-01 1.59908265e-01 -1.15905829e-01 -2.20844954e-01 -8.35708678e-02 -1.97950751e-01 1.83275774e-01 1.34634852e-01 4.26644892e-01 2.74441451e-01 -1.96545497e-01 2.58937567e-01 -2.91227579e-01 -6.76053986e-02 2.86695659e-01 -1.59209773e-01 -4.78454083e-01 2.22840846e-01 3.50019217e-01 1.26886964e-01 -7.45507181e-02 -1.02379918e-01 7.11296052e-02 3.11320931e-01 -8.47840980e-02 -1.07889771e-02 -1.09393299e-01 -2.10276335e-01 -3.93265150e-02 -1.77474320e-01 1.08816259e-01 3.43043000e-01 -1.11447513e-01 1.25907451e-01 -1.93528369e-01 -8.51274878e-02 -2.91818857e-01 -1.28386274e-01 -5.85122645e-01 1.79520264e-01 2.83576161e-01 -1.49811804e-01 5.92691712e-02 2.21061960e-01 -1.90561607e-01 -2.96144038e-01 1.89825997e-01 -2.76726574e-01 -4.00648147e-01 -4.38152134e-01 1.91985339e-01 5.96612804e-02 1.45364702e-01 -1.15469627e-01 2.24543363e-02 -8.56603459e-02 -6.46452680e-02 4.87791095e-03 -1.76138580e-01 -2.98713654e-01 3.90185237e-01 3.03882420e-01 -1.89745337e-01 -1.49839431e-01 -1.54616997e-01 -1.03015471e-02 3.57876867e-01 1.79498777e-01 -2.96819936e-02 1.25788257e-01 -1.77171245e-01 1.40283629e-01 -1.45700589e-01 -5.83972335e-02 2.57941514e-01 3.44039649e-01 7.43482485e-02 -1.42026633e-01 -2.65923291e-02 3.04266244e-01 1.09702997e-01 -1.41966715e-01 1.72404438e-01 -4.46523391e-02 -2.08377764e-01 4.44420092e-02 -4.71271366e-01 1.86851650e-01 1.25668913e-01 -9.00100246e-02 4.05338705e-01 3.79119441e-02 7.69300088e-02 -6.15885146e-02 1.44440113e-02 5.02865493e-01 3.10722366e-02 -2.73713022e-01 1.15581363e-01 1.16651833e-01 4.38466489e-01 1.60114378e-01 -1.50230646e-01 1.96516663e-01 -1.11357309e-01 1.82550147e-01 8.16962570e-02 -1.92804143e-01 -3.97447199e-02 -3.75991672e-01 7.95859024e-02 -1.61175579e-01 1.50494009e-01 5.35545051e-01 2.15255305e-01 2.02886581e-01 -5.43472350e-01 -3.96766849e-02 2.20961452e-01 -7.19675869e-02 3.20228755e-01 4.83158976e-03 -2.58793235e-01 3.92780602e-02 -9.35800672e-02 3.30854267e-01 2.52291039e-02 1.27412766e-01 -2.57020742e-02 1.86664864e-01 -8.17920864e-02 -1.89547479e-01 -2.88219489e-02 1.84275627e-01 -1.80715233e-01 2.26583958e-01 1.37519255e-01 1.86911270e-01 -2.37653241e-01 -8.74936134e-02 -1.60429195e-01 -1.71083748e-01 -1.51438117e-01 -1.42165080e-01 -6.93639815e-02 -3.73478383e-01 -1.23127490e-01 7.56996036e-01 2.27169096e-01 1.79285894e-03 4.33057696e-02 1.45028263e-01 -4.62190546e-02 -8.73971209e-02 -6.10108674e-01 6.51498675e-01 -5.46815813e-01 1.55089065e-01 -2.35201768e-03 3.11327968e-02 -1.31630510e-01 8.90635848e-02 -2.74897199e-02 4.31607276e-01 4.69144523e-01 4.98530008e-02 3.69651169e-01 1.77708194e-01 -2.09527388e-01 2.31277347e-01 1.76491737e-01 -3.50815654e-01 1.60319358e-01 -1.36519045e-01 -2.98379570e-01 -2.56356001e-01 3.81255560e-02 -3.55411738e-01 -1.56401664e-01 -7.37054944e-02 1.56267524e-01 -7.47764781e-02 -2.41966650e-01 4.02329355e-01 -1.53742939e-01 -2.42164016e-01 3.44772696e-01 -8.65281187e-03 -2.27703854e-01 6.63865805e-02 -2.76247144e-01 5.53334713e-01 -1.17838092e-01 2.72375882e-01 -1.07088298e-01 1.45996243e-01 -1.09197661e-01 3.67514610e-01 -1.54996678e-01 -1.23150818e-01 -3.26277465e-01 -1.44304201e-01 9.35833603e-02 -4.66453165e-01 3.06958944e-01 -2.93791294e-01 1.08685195e-01 -2.02691376e-01 4.45466973e-02 6.36274219e-01 2.36540616e-01 -3.57705802e-01 -1.68798000e-01 -2.50495970e-01 1.88069582e-01 2.52715111e-01 -2.89485067e-01 6.94359243e-02 -2.77196974e-01 5.07321537e-01 4.40493464e-01 -3.18697155e-01 -1.41230702e-01 1.39158428e-01 2.26426318e-01 4.99508411e-01 -1.94988772e-03 -2.75003850e-01 9.46169719e-03 8.39007720e-02 -3.52201819e-01 1.56746492e-01 -2.99414694e-01 -1.43715128e-01 -1.12462334e-01 4.83808294e-02 -5.59166253e-01 -8.05321559e-02 1.21914446e-02 3.12166333e-01 4.84842770e-02 -1.79622576e-01 1.88637733e-01 1.80540115e-01 -1.03559501e-01 4.63722050e-02 -9.17853191e-02 -1.91738814e-01 -3.80568892e-01 -1.09172165e-01 -8.13580900e-02 1.62318781e-01 1.27194658e-01 -6.36522472e-02 3.07937264e-01 -2.91793227e-01 -5.74986398e-01 3.25985461e-01 -2.24336103e-01 2.49127641e-01 2.13037059e-01 3.52289259e-01 4.79331583e-01 3.33674476e-02 8.35852548e-02 -1.49401814e-01 -4.72536176e-01 -3.98894846e-01 3.11990976e-01 -1.81308568e-01 1.01015382e-01 2.50509251e-02 -1.04549602e-01 -1.24920942e-02 8.03701207e-02 2.30354801e-01 -1.18996650e-02 -4.65339683e-02 -8.87388736e-02 2.63245285e-01 -1.94136471e-01 -8.31590742e-02 2.86503346e-03 1.31897330e-01 -1.36734098e-01 1.31385386e-01 -1.14709111e-02 3.88078205e-02 -5.60161434e-02 1.45809367e-01 1.96478087e-02 1.87435493e-01 2.78474629e-01 -7.22807422e-02 2.63864137e-02 -3.80102516e-04 -9.52018052e-02 2.98163071e-02 -1.47006825e-01 1.68796182e-01 5.71099937e-01 1.53219044e-01 -3.42737362e-02 9.52722654e-02 1.81401208e-01 -2.99748778e-01 -7.29307607e-02 2.93010384e-01 -2.19001293e-01 2.47954622e-01 2.97356576e-01 -1.78066209e-01 3.20266411e-02 -3.07004988e-01 -2.86757678e-01 5.24772406e-01 -1.78697258e-01 2.76334077e-01 1.31318957e-01 1.10379374e+00 -9.27966535e-02 2.64419645e-01 1.32527342e-02 -3.43001366e-01 3.80619764e-01 6.18173108e-02 7.71309212e-02 6.83064982e-02 -4.77937460e-01 8.99589956e-02 -1.48564130e-01 5.47292791e-02 -7.56684244e-02 -3.58532846e-01 -2.12372094e-01 -5.49824417e-01 2.50095487e-01 1.39547765e-01 5.42391129e-02 2.79369950e-01 1.08705461e-02 1.27135515e-01 1.62500411e-01 -1.08014323e-01 9.80414748e-02 3.83236781e-02 -1.34464845e-01 1.81183934e-01 1.58598751e-01 -5.00281155e-01 1.44732237e-01 -4.35081512e-01 6.87499763e-03 -1.53294027e-01 -6.65617287e-02 6.46569505e-02 -3.09226990e-01 -4.47084308e-02 1.33083863e-02 -6.12054020e-02 1.73536271e-01 5.41662395e-01 1.28246546e-01 3.08084548e-01 1.75269648e-01 2.40828067e-01 3.85616049e-02 4.45476025e-02 -6.64505512e-02 1.19453385e-01 1.26998127e-01 1.48478389e-01 1.92172155e-01 1.12447008e-01 -6.92777559e-02 -1.57502204e-01 2.05453616e-02 1.09314822e-01 -1.66747183e-01 1.97815791e-01 -2.40901232e-01 3.37191612e-01 -1.18572079e-01 -6.25426769e-02 -2.82490611e-01 -1.61169976e-01 3.32887053e-01 -1.67628631e-01 -3.51108909e-01 1.33615524e-01 1.20869696e-01 -3.92823011e-01 -5.11202276e-01 4.07038510e-01 -2.05497310e-01 -6.60247877e-02 -7.72850867e-03 -1.02034688e-01 -1.31562963e-01 -7.74369165e-02 3.64228815e-01 2.02937663e-01 -2.88710654e-01 -1.71277493e-01 6.52483031e-02 2.18502596e-01 1.60889551e-02 2.86428005e-01 3.80564220e-02 -2.72169448e-02 2.52379268e-01 2.29628712e-01 -2.47016221e-01 -4.02288795e-01 1.32049739e-01 -4.68565553e-01 -2.11061671e-01 4.76694852e-01 -2.46939257e-01 -8.94678533e-02 1.17758475e-02 3.13547730e-01 1.47299245e-01 -1.64530054e-01 -3.11818480e-01 -1.92409709e-01 1.34769142e-01 5.82138337e-02 -2.43501469e-01 -2.51147002e-01 3.86712514e-02 3.14043224e-01 1.20545983e-01 -1.68719471e-01 2.39451990e-01 6.20530918e-02 2.46419862e-01 -2.67767876e-01 4.04109359e-01 1.59276687e-02 -3.14205527e-01 -2.09848717e-01 3.39028507e-01 1.24952413e-01 -8.35737586e-02 1.09532207e-01 -9.23328549e-02 -9.76657197e-02 3.53415340e-01 7.55466744e-02 1.41611412e-01 -1.22751378e-01 2.36353762e-02 -2.57707626e-01 2.67293781e-01 -1.27688721e-01 2.94728518e-01 -6.03428669e-03 -2.31494740e-01 2.16115400e-01 3.33956659e-01 -1.31298959e-01 -5.52853988e-03 -8.81710574e-02 -2.01624408e-01 3.50433327e-02 2.30513260e-01 -1.57623976e-01 -2.08865777e-01 -4.67991121e-02 3.81738767e-02 -9.26681384e-02 -3.34603578e-01 3.50268841e-01 2.68284947e-01 1.43370599e-01 -9.95413065e-02 5.29122204e-02 3.39717478e-01 2.08653167e-01 4.38072890e-01 9.50523540e-02 -2.35012904e-01 1.41419157e-01 4.99975204e-01 3.53548467e-01 -1.96727321e-01 1.51372049e-02 3.14273626e-01 -2.05293491e-01 -2.57022996e-02 -2.21982151e-01 3.82718183e-02 -7.35571980e-02 -7.87691474e-02 -2.74702638e-01 -2.53334492e-01 -5.93995675e-02 3.30018163e-01 1.50315702e-01 -2.11798429e-01 -4.42036182e-01 6.15880974e-02 2.03089789e-01 -7.03582913e-03 4.07331973e-01 3.23245637e-02 -9.06454995e-02 -6.95640445e-02 -1.97405085e-01 -1.29990980e-01 2.30468020e-01 -1.13784671e-01 -2.00769961e-01 2.10264206e-01 1.07953340e-01 -6.97028413e-02 1.43167764e-01 1.46747887e-01 2.13066593e-01 -4.31848168e-01 -2.49639899e-02 -2.83249706e-01 -1.24309845e-01 -4.28901911e-01 1.68451428e-01 2.11783037e-01 1.08381324e-01 7.00361207e-02 9.57590342e-02 -2.09851950e-01 -1.33134797e-01 1.70800075e-01 6.16860949e-02 -2.94009686e-01 -1.09235451e-01 -5.79012297e-02 -1.39859796e-01 2.65716687e-02 2.39498466e-02 -4.00802583e-01 1.81038231e-01 -1.56947002e-01 7.27031827e-02 1.34744704e-01 -1.84326008e-01 1.18514381e-01 1.38996437e-01 2.96013385e-01 9.58406255e-02 2.45097905e-01 -2.45856956e-01 -1.46349803e-01 -1.73928350e-01 1.28748432e-01 2.17596069e-01 -4.07304347e-01 -5.54993972e-02 2.45262221e-01 -2.55380690e-01 1.99357271e-01 -6.50626495e-02 5.16386092e-01 1.79929882e-01 -1.46633992e-03 -1.73639059e-02 4.39889282e-01 3.22914332e-01 -2.72512287e-01 2.14918330e-02 -2.04670474e-01 1.49189025e-01 -3.99741679e-01 1.87319756e-01 -5.22147566e-02 -3.68059129e-01 -3.55538905e-01 3.83128822e-01 4.92075443e-01 -1.71050116e-01 3.38726848e-01 2.16077976e-02 -1.54668391e-01 1.26649648e-01 1.90944105e-01 -2.36735716e-01 5.87632731e-02 2.20832214e-01 -2.74278462e-01 -2.55461168e-02 5.12583196e-01 2.73580313e-01 9.45782810e-02 2.52533495e-01 4.66539085e-01 -7.08927214e-02 -2.06232369e-02 1.07528068e-01 -1.93026252e-02 3.01114917e-01 -8.26940686e-02 -2.42174529e-02 -1.31764412e-01 -1.98626027e-01 -2.25144938e-01 8.18465725e-02 -9.28091928e-02 -1.62555888e-01 -3.51220042e-01 1.76280200e-01 -1.27021849e-01 -2.26790175e-01 -2.14940101e-01 -2.23071501e-01 2.30921246e-02 -5.55715710e-02 -1.75046399e-01 2.93322932e-02 -2.66933918e-01 -2.06545234e-01 1.40775457e-01 6.20378852e-01 -9.30666253e-02 -4.13268209e-02 -9.55626070e-02 -2.32350856e-01]
"The Jaded Ring" active "Item #: SCP-714 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-714 is to be stored in a reinforced, high-security locker that is to be accessible only to Level 4+ personnel, due to several incidents of misuse. Description: Seemingly nothing more than a green jade ring, SCP-714 has been shown to be able to expand and contract to perfectly fit the finger of anyone who touches it, though this is the least important of its properties. SCP-714 only changes size when touched by a 'new' subject. SCP-714 has several major effects, detailed as follows; 1) Exhaustion, Compulsion to Rest/Sleep Within minutes of putting on SCP-714, wearers report feeling worn out - physically and mentally exhausted. Due to this, they will feel driven to "sit down and rest for a bit" on the nearest available furniture, and will likely fall asleep within the space of a few hours. If someone falls asleep wearing SCP-714, the only known means of waking them is to remove SCP-714, at which point they may be roused by anything that would normally wake them up. Exhaustion effects pass within two or three hours of removing SCP-714 if removed from a conscious subject; those that fall asleep wearing SCP-714 report feeling well-rested if SCP-714 is removed, even if they slept for only a few minutes. SCP-714 extends no 'considerations' towards the needs of its wearer during their forced sleep, though most bodily functions such as breathing continue. If SCP-714 is not removed and the wearer woken up, most will die of dehydration or starvation within a matter of days. SCP-714's impact (if any) on aging remains untested. Wearers that are tired prior to putting SCP-714 are at serious risk of falling asleep on their feet, possibly falling over in the process. If no furniture or furniture-like object is available nearby, wearers either stand on the spot they donned SCP-714 or attempt to fashion a resting place out of any suitable materials (cushions, blankets, etc.) available. The drive to sleep can be resisted, but requires formidable willpower and self-control on the part of the wearer. Even so, the following effect makes it impractical for field use. 2) Slowed Reactions, Sluggish Movement Subjects suffer from severely impaired reaction times; a normally sharp, alert and physically fit subject can have a hard time catching a slow-moving object thrown to them, even if warned and given ample time to prepare. Anyone wearing SCP-714 should not be allowed to operate any heavy machinery or other vehicles under any circumstances. Wearers of SCP-714 move much slower than normal, managing an average walking pace at best. Their movements are not physically slower, but they are incapable of exerting themselves. 3) Reduced Mental Capacity Seemingly as part of the mental fatigue, anyone wearing SCP-714 claims that they 'think slowly', or may even have trouble finding the words to adequately communicate that they cannot think as clearly as normal. The wearer may take a long time to think of an answer to a trivial question (eg; "What colour is this red ball?"), never mind one that is vague or requires a more complicated response. With removal of SCP-714, mental capacity is restored to normal within a few minutes. 4) Mental 'Shield' As a dubious "benefit" of seemingly reduced mental capacity, wearers of SCP-714 show abnormally high resilience to memetic and mental influences, particularly commands or immediate effects. Weaker memetic influences may be totally nullified by this. In both cases, the wearer feels a strong and instinctive fear of the source of the influence; this fear drives them to immediately seek 'shelter' by any means available, potentially by attempting to destroy the source. This 'shielding' lasts only for as long as SCP-714 is worn. They are still at significant risk if exposed to any memetic influences that do not take immediate effect. Exposure to such influences should be handled as normal for the source in question, as the degree of 'protection' afforded by SCP-714 has yet to be fully documented. In addition, 'normal' images and sounds that would cause revulsion, nausea, etc. simply due to shocking or disturbing content have next to no effect on the wearer of SCP-714. The wearer will not even recall seeing them once SCP-714 is removed. Mundane persuasion (such as motivational speeches) has no effect, regardless of the speaker's skill and charisma. 5) Chemical Tolerance Just as their minds block memetic influences, the bodies of SCP-714 wearers slows and nullifies the effects of various chemicals on the body. Fully poisonous or toxic substances are generally not hindered, but those that specifically impede or enhance neural and/or nervous functions in some way (such as stimulants or sedatives) have very diminished effects. With the removal of SCP-714, this nullification effect expires instantly. Wearers may still suffer from standard overdose effects whilst wearing SCP-714. The manner (or manners) in which SCP-714 causes its various effects has yet to be discovered, and no unusual emissions of any kind have been detected despite extensive monitoring. If SCP-714 is significantly damaged in any way, such as being broken into two or more pieces, its effects will cease immediately. If the pieces of SCP-714 are then placed within close proximity, they will gradually reform back into a whole copy of SCP-714, flowing as if made of liquid. Once SCP-714 is fully reformed, its functions return as if it was never damaged. Grinding SCP-714 down to a fine powder did nothing to impede its "self-repair" behaviour either, though the process did take considerably longer. Though the exact nature of this self-repair behaviour has not been determined as of this time, it is thought SCP-714 could theoretically recover from complete vaporization, however due to SCP-714's low threat level this has been deemed an unnecessary use of resources. Footage sequences of SCP-714 reforming from various states of disrepair are available upon request from Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ or other appropriate sources. Attempts to track the history and ownership of SCP-714 have proven futile due to the nature of its recovery; Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ reported feeling abnormally drowsy even after several mugs of strong coffee, and was found to be wearing SCP-714 with no memory of having come into possession of it. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has been reprimanded as appropriate, and measures have been taken to ensure SCP-714 stays in its locker at all times. The draining effects and compulsion to rest make use of SCP-714 as a protective measure against certain SCPs highly impractical. At this time SCP-714 is not believed to have any other serious effects, beyond the danger of dehydration and starvation of personnel who fall asleep wearing SCP-714 as a result of being unable to rouse themselves for sustenance. β€” Experimentation Notes: Text Transcripts of Audio Logs, Compiled by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Entry of 01-05-20β–ˆβ–ˆ "So far all attempts to find the cause of SCP-714's effects have proven fruitless. I don't think I need to emphasise how useful this could be if we could pull it off without the negative effects, but so far everything we've tried has come up with blanks, hence SCP-714's ongoing Safe/Euclid classification. We know what it does but not how it does it. As much as I want to say it's 100% safe, there's something about it that's not quite right about it." Entry of 12-05-20β–ˆβ–ˆ "Still making very little headway. Trying to acquire a date on SCP-714 has given us mixed results. Parts of it date back as far as very early AD, circa 100 to 200, and are probably from China. Other samples are, relatively speaking, more recent… like it's been made out of multiple pieces, though it is without question a single, structurally flawless jade ring. On the plus side we've had some luck finding out who owned it before, thanks to a string of reports of jade statuettes going missing when a ring matching SCP-714's description was in close proximity to them. What a coincidence, mm?" "Perhaps SCP-714's curious regenerative and size-changing capabilities stem from, for lack of a better term, 'assimilating' other pieces of jade? Analysis has shown that SCP-714 is much higher density than average jade, but is apparently no heavier. Could be some form of extradimensional storage, as weird as that sounds? Sure is one way of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, heh." Entry of 27-05-20β–ˆβ–ˆ "Okay, so a bit more luck on the tracking front. It was originally found in the late 1800s β€” that is, around the 1870s to 1880s β€” by an archaeologist who traveled around the world, seeking jade artifacts, such as statuettes and figurines that might be found in tombs or forgotten temples. He was hunting a tomb said to be rich in them… of course, he eventually found and entered it, finding only SCP-714 in terms of jade artifacts. Puzzling. Very few historical documents describe anything that matches SCP-714, so it's hard to say how old it really is. Vexing." "The archaeologist's personal diaries have not survived the ages well unfortunately, and his handwriting leaves much to be desired, so it is difficult to tell whether or not he wore SCP-714 and documented the effects of it whilst it was in his possession, or whether he never considered wearing it. What I can make out is that he quickly disposed of the ring after a number of his collection pieces went 'missing' after spending the night in proximity to the ring, with no signs of break-in or theft…" Β« SCP-713 | SCP-714 | SCP-715 Β»" "SCP-714 shortly after retrieval."
[ 2.12295070e-01 -4.91106838e-01 -1.62373170e-01 9.02864635e-02 -7.30440691e-02 -2.56838262e-01 4.38995093e-01 1.17013939e-01 -1.58527106e-01 2.10107416e-01 2.57793784e-01 1.99684829e-01 -3.92820746e-01 -1.12854831e-01 5.96550219e-02 -7.87513237e-03 -4.66316268e-02 1.12406433e-01 -1.03987157e-01 -6.59596622e-02 7.97981620e-02 -3.38093013e-01 -1.01422235e-01 7.92593658e-02 2.23813355e-01 -3.49552125e-01 1.75454035e-01 7.97058716e-02 1.70993194e-01 -2.86833733e-01 2.24795043e-01 2.65006036e-01 -2.31395457e-02 -4.38104346e-02 -1.15626550e-04 -3.06765825e-01 2.85358906e-01 7.96886384e-02 -1.62034914e-01 2.01986641e-01 -1.10201359e-01 -3.13942194e-01 2.70369500e-01 -1.66736901e-01 -4.50995490e-02 -4.09675926e-01 -7.20501021e-02 1.65149003e-01 2.25117635e-02 4.17954475e-02 1.53985754e-01 1.98910236e-01 -1.57572269e-01 -6.98903352e-02 7.42758512e-02 -6.58554509e-02 -1.39788657e-01 1.51458174e-01 2.13165134e-01 4.20262128e-01 -1.30835935e-01 3.70378308e-02 -2.71205693e-01 1.76120654e-01 6.37008548e-01 -5.83472311e-01 6.80801831e-03 1.64695643e-02 9.81266648e-02 2.51054674e-01 6.28043935e-02 -9.02221948e-02 5.00048958e-02 -2.75000595e-02 1.83167011e-01 -2.18700022e-01 2.74975430e-02 6.13851063e-02 2.68053263e-01 -4.69295457e-02 -3.60063255e-01 3.77637982e-01 -2.56431371e-01 1.40633568e-01 1.19504236e-01 -3.58791888e-01 -4.73775305e-02 -7.84464832e-03 2.97582984e-01 -2.26379737e-01 1.41255736e-01 7.04292953e-02 4.69089091e-01 -2.08152190e-01 1.46502465e-01 -1.85432449e-01 1.45923600e-01 4.46378320e-01 1.38515234e-01 4.66519654e-01 -2.26319477e-01 7.11199462e-01 -3.33665758e-02 1.02438405e-01 -2.60169357e-01 -1.57589138e-01 3.02328885e-01 -7.18731403e-01 -1.32810131e-01 5.65892421e-02 -7.16365352e-02 4.05192465e-01 -8.81055072e-02 4.34305333e-02 1.10025078e-01 -3.60738546e-01 -2.77836859e-01 6.36059120e-02 -2.26011992e-01 1.42370075e-01 -4.85433340e-01 2.84216374e-01 2.90370343e-04 2.66482830e-01 1.50107980e-01 4.33284312e-01 2.26839319e-01 1.28197983e-01 8.17684755e-02 3.48268123e-03 -1.81895971e-01 2.22241700e-01 -2.28274390e-01 1.44819412e-02 -2.74690948e-02 1.77208886e-01 -1.67058222e-02 -7.45122582e-02 6.98276982e-02 2.79753894e-01 2.31301457e-01 1.97732314e-01 4.89505410e-01 3.48949790e-01 -2.73278356e-01 -1.78157791e-01 -1.37679711e-01 -6.33735508e-02 -1.78300887e-01 -2.88584959e-02 5.27321219e-01 -4.17518653e-02 -2.72140145e-01 1.98507145e-01 -6.16305709e-01 1.45789400e-01 4.75527734e-01 -1.71072230e-01 -1.87037677e-01 3.74138415e-01 4.33585554e-01 -3.08136970e-01 -1.74085930e-01 -2.38036424e-01 -1.20119661e-01 4.85620946e-02 1.31152451e-01 -1.27397925e-01 -1.26479417e-01 3.51746031e-03 -3.28452915e-01 -4.96862829e-02 -1.18057519e-01 3.24330062e-01 -1.22840129e-01 -3.32519561e-01 3.97519954e-02 -2.60393381e-01 -4.46941227e-01 -5.01746535e-01 -2.98163325e-01 3.95409524e-01 1.79008037e-01 8.96332972e-03 -2.59750783e-01 2.26057053e-01 -6.57674298e-02 -9.49566960e-02 2.94501573e-01 -1.87774673e-01 -1.63509816e-01 -5.97994506e-01 7.15900421e-01 2.37709105e-01 2.74539739e-01 4.62658983e-03 1.98096991e-01 2.66921218e-03 1.13546431e-01 9.10454914e-02 -6.87361434e-02 -1.73107773e-01 5.18745568e-04 -1.13372430e-01 -1.67895213e-01 -2.65726388e-01 -2.60322601e-01 6.78909123e-02 7.74649203e-01 6.12478554e-02 2.32646167e-02 -1.72984958e-01 3.79593112e-02 -2.34856680e-01 1.05046183e-01 -1.43390462e-01 8.36190209e-02 2.60440081e-01 3.21968466e-01 -2.49835312e-01 -9.82462466e-02 1.33369163e-01 -3.62268120e-01 -2.53631175e-01 -1.86470211e-01 -2.62487948e-01 -3.35459597e-03 -6.34196997e-02 -3.07072699e-01 4.51544136e-01 1.94268003e-01 -2.13036731e-01 4.32500690e-01 -1.34785548e-01 -8.05829018e-02 -2.69702375e-01 -1.50389463e-01 8.75579178e-01 4.66567784e-04 -4.10935640e-01 -1.21725693e-01 -1.33105993e-01 -2.13743672e-02 -8.78795385e-02 -2.69747257e-01 6.23862267e-01 2.15694860e-01 1.96746318e-03 7.86958858e-02 -1.30696431e-01 2.20311806e-03 -3.18878561e-01 -3.16429108e-01 5.08952364e-02 -2.41064548e-01 -1.58137739e-01 -1.12335332e-01 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2.77834356e-01 1.44848645e-01 2.30007544e-01 1.20303065e-01 -2.40249231e-01 4.29225005e-02 -2.50874907e-01 -9.73977223e-02 3.76643419e-01 -5.35929296e-03 3.01471859e-01 3.65556240e-01 -1.40934408e-01 -3.07422608e-01 2.58259445e-01 -2.93268114e-01 1.20993659e-01 -6.64641187e-02 6.54954612e-01 4.21270669e-01 9.31469649e-02 -1.33764774e-01 1.31904334e-01 -1.75638441e-02 -3.91896904e-01 2.00622559e-01 1.45870686e-01 2.44932532e-01 -2.67354429e-01 3.32491547e-02 3.45490992e-01 -7.63533777e-03 1.16755866e-01 7.80204311e-02 -6.48283064e-01 -1.52828678e-01 5.19254208e-01 -9.24101025e-02 1.35196537e-01 -7.92266242e-03 1.65078953e-01 1.84546679e-01 4.04951461e-02 1.72709033e-01 9.79596451e-02 -3.68367493e-01 -8.63963291e-02 -1.22378983e-01 4.57348138e-01 1.97180826e-02 1.08744346e-01 -9.15755183e-02 3.47528726e-01 4.06469166e-01 9.71624404e-02 1.87646344e-01 -2.28928681e-02 6.91600323e-01 2.44728088e-01 3.02774549e-01 -3.83142740e-01 1.54091373e-01 1.43905908e-01 -6.92421496e-02 9.15144011e-02 -2.03189388e-01 1.80475786e-01 -1.07346714e-01 -1.83733348e-02 -4.47062343e-01 -1.58942878e-01 -1.57963380e-01 5.52884817e-01 -6.13758303e-02 6.11676797e-02 4.23423856e-01 1.42418158e+00 2.06300005e-01 7.44813085e-02 1.08166769e-01 -4.72735405e-01 -8.10227469e-02 -2.33339578e-01 -1.22042187e-01 9.45223495e-03 2.15619653e-01 1.48623347e-01 -2.50127822e-01 1.57670990e-01 -5.24278134e-02 -2.58197244e-02 -4.24960166e-01 -2.84630448e-01 1.73848048e-01 2.58844197e-01 4.09810096e-01 -8.67095068e-02 -9.20653865e-02 3.61304104e-01 2.04995051e-01 1.64527874e-02 -1.46439657e-01 -2.29952745e-02 -1.06544361e-01 -4.32241485e-02 1.98398203e-01 -8.64875242e-02 2.22233474e-01 9.27863792e-02 4.04805452e-01 -1.57439291e-01 -2.69723505e-01 1.76838592e-01 1.27298951e-01 1.45463228e-01 -1.04007296e-01 -1.43110290e-01 3.05743694e-01 -2.16535360e-01 -1.16063893e-01 2.28152901e-01 -1.19347423e-01 5.03579319e-01 -5.68290800e-02 -1.01784021e-01 1.67533502e-01 2.49193445e-01 2.50742108e-01 -1.99676797e-01 4.39299375e-01 8.99451375e-02 -8.46576393e-02 -6.73321337e-02 1.48043796e-01 -1.19476072e-01 -2.45032921e-01 1.48022220e-01 4.86750044e-02 -7.99280107e-02 1.09899059e-01 -1.69069782e-01 -2.44981468e-01 -1.14993967e-01 5.15264273e-01 2.70147175e-02 1.37929276e-01 -2.52020985e-01 1.58539563e-02 -3.90882850e-01 -3.67027342e-01 2.24206969e-01 -2.10440308e-01 -2.37079654e-02 -2.48969197e-02 -1.70793399e-01 -2.62014270e-01 -2.80403614e-01 2.45403334e-01 1.76740680e-02 -9.35914144e-02 -2.66772896e-01 -9.49130580e-02 -2.05177322e-01 -8.29056129e-02 2.81986833e-01 2.61292309e-01 -4.57650512e-01 2.51643479e-01 2.47033741e-02 -8.42910558e-02 -3.40987682e-01 -3.18191461e-02 8.64214972e-02 -2.44559981e-02 5.83206192e-02 -3.26556802e-01 1.32531196e-01 -2.15923116e-01 2.68734675e-02 5.98515421e-02 -1.94745332e-01 -2.18509316e-01 -3.66538972e-01 1.46177366e-01 2.34281048e-01 -1.77242279e-01 1.17947266e-01 -8.32105204e-02 3.69051665e-01 1.43416062e-01 1.76733568e-01 2.32048467e-01 1.67808399e-01 3.84201944e-01 -3.01927209e-01 3.78689110e-01 1.90505713e-01 -9.27439630e-02 3.75326201e-02 1.72775194e-01 6.01856112e-02 -2.73247778e-01 -1.31024063e-01 -2.88319085e-02 1.41874745e-01 1.92219809e-01 7.03745186e-02 -2.96299845e-01 8.28874633e-02 -3.11090741e-02 -2.25267306e-01 -1.96062513e-02 -7.04510212e-02 -1.34642050e-01 -2.66122282e-01 -1.62385851e-01 1.19476043e-01 1.88610986e-01 -8.62451121e-02 4.20936570e-02 -3.42044741e-01 1.08469956e-01 -1.03548504e-01 2.32880458e-01 -2.45963246e-01 -8.05758834e-01 -1.41406534e-02 -2.17339411e-01 3.05377245e-01 -6.22713566e-01 -1.26135573e-01 5.12846671e-02 -1.26592010e-01 -3.99717867e-01 4.07327652e-01 2.94117630e-01 1.90463632e-01 3.44121486e-01 2.65670836e-01 4.28313851e-01 2.35015422e-01 1.26126900e-01 -1.58407599e-01 2.18925208e-01 -1.02026485e-01 3.65463138e-01 -4.51232754e-02 -4.42176834e-02 -1.97086677e-01 5.62351048e-02 1.93820372e-01 -4.86636441e-03 2.64318466e-01 -1.30418958e-02 1.31047428e-01 1.10233441e-01 2.85670966e-01 -1.30724400e-01 -3.12950432e-01 -2.27907281e-02 1.18940778e-01 -2.26334944e-01 2.86660969e-01 6.48781210e-02 -7.48687461e-02 2.63906270e-01 -1.16060808e-01 -9.77235585e-02 2.45032370e-01 -2.77129203e-01 -3.77543628e-01 6.20180249e-01 -6.97179139e-02 -2.43333235e-01 -1.67346671e-01 5.87874204e-02 -1.84679925e-01 -1.14167899e-01 8.22402984e-02 -1.17153808e-01 -1.29426375e-01 -2.47556195e-01 5.36676168e-01 2.92740256e-01 1.22695938e-01 -5.17191645e-03 1.86228946e-01 -3.16537648e-01 1.14888959e-01 2.41550922e-01 -3.36920843e-03 -1.71694815e-01 1.16185717e-01 2.98457760e-02 -2.58267134e-01 5.08877821e-02 1.07907280e-01 -3.27613531e-03 -9.41952839e-02 -1.38025910e-01 2.24189371e-01 2.21755132e-01 -3.16716105e-01 5.76007403e-02 -8.76123011e-02 3.69966716e-01 -1.90304920e-01 1.83782890e-01 2.96456337e-01 -3.11435312e-01 -2.83474773e-01 1.02047855e-02 -5.36458977e-02 -2.15485349e-01 2.68335313e-01 2.31861487e-01 -3.84560553e-03 -1.55997083e-01 -2.05786362e-01 4.30225581e-01 1.83198586e-01 -1.25697181e-01 2.74900626e-02 5.03808677e-01 5.12365550e-02 1.77309625e-02 4.13064472e-02 -1.01148225e-01 6.06674664e-02 -5.04338220e-02 1.43250629e-01 -2.14041192e-02 -1.97632104e-01 -1.41665965e-01 5.56781471e-01 3.54635477e-01 -2.71290720e-01 4.35561448e-01 -6.14880323e-02 -2.72105694e-01 -3.79290879e-02 3.04437786e-01 -9.28278267e-02 1.67742223e-01 -6.53018430e-02 1.80666804e-01 1.46656424e-01 6.05185628e-01 3.08567077e-01 4.31382656e-01 -3.04391563e-01 1.74424663e-01 -9.42866206e-02 2.53948987e-01 -1.80695251e-01 2.94323593e-01 -1.78308144e-01 8.46479088e-02 -2.30074413e-02 -7.85180479e-02 -4.01014358e-01 -1.18918285e-01 6.55066013e-01 -3.37698042e-01 -2.69660652e-01 2.35614985e-01 1.90319493e-01 3.85591015e-02 -3.36093098e-01 -4.56710994e-01 -2.69173026e-01 -6.26429021e-02 1.59065172e-01 -1.03178002e-01 -1.57685354e-02 -2.76809692e-01 -1.20963283e-01 3.59137096e-02 4.93987441e-01 -1.09579504e-01 -1.15229730e-02 -1.63701877e-01 -2.97598362e-01]
"My Face That I May Be" active "SCP-715 - My Face That I May Be Authored by agatharights, rewritten by djkaktus. β–Έ More by this Author β—‚ F.A.Q. Part of this document may not be accessible without the proper security clearance. Item #: SCP-715 Object Class: Safe Keter Safe Special Containment Procedures [OUTDATED: SEE BELOW]: SCP-715 is to be contained at its point of origin within the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ City Mall in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Ohio. Remote surveillance of SCP-715 has been authorized, and any images produced by SCP-715 are to be collected by Foundation personnel posing as mall employees. These images are to be returned to Site-81 for further examination. Keter Class Containment Procedure Amendment [OUTDATED: SEE BELOW]: SCP-715 is to be contained within a maximum security large item locker at Site-19. Access to SCP-715 is limited to personnel with 715/4 Special Clearance or above. Under no circumstances are any personnel, regardless of classification level, to enter or activate SCP-715 in any way. Examination of the interior of SCP-715 is to be done by a remotely controlled drone only. Instances of SCP-715-B are considered Class V Cognitohazardous Entities, and due to their nature cannot be properly identified without the use of optical enhancement technology. Instances of SCP-715-B are to be terminated immediately upon identification using whatever means necessary. Safe Class Containment Procedure Amendment: SCP-715 is to be contained within a maximum security storage locker at Site-81. No other containment procedures are currently necessary. Foundation personnel are restricted from any interaction with any known instance of SCP-715-B. Information regarding Site 81/715 is on a need-to-know basis. Administrators with the proper security clearance may view this information at the end of this file. Description: SCP-715 is a "Take Your Own Photo" fotomat model photo booth manufactured by the Sony corporation in 1972. SCP-715 displays no anomalous characteristics in its design or appearance. A small metal tag has been added to the backside of the machine, but significant wear has obscured any text contained on the tag. SCP-715 will not activate unless an individual sits within the main booth area and inputs the necessary tokens into the activation slot has been known to animate sporadically, producing images believed to be modified from previous shots. The impetus behind this activity is currently unknown, although research is ongoing. Images produced by SCP-715 are often heavily distorted the reason for this is currently unknown. Individuals exiting SCP-715 are to be classified as SCP-715-B instances, and do not appear outwardly anomalous. SCP-715-A instances are currently contained within Site 81/715. Research into the nature of these instances is currently pending approval restricted. SCP-715-A instances [DATA RESTRICTED: See below for additional information]. Site 81/715 Protocol: [ACCESS RESTRICTED] Utilized in accordance to standards developed by the Site 19 director, Site 81 director, and Overwatch Command The following protocol has been established in order to maintain the safety and security of Site 81/715 and the personnel therein. Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ City Mall in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Ohio Security Level: Delta Description of Location: Site 81/715 is believed to be an extradimensional space situated below the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ City Mall in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Ohio. This space is accessible via a service door1 located on the southwest wall of sub-basement 3. The space within is a large, cavernous room containing a deep pit. The interior of this space appears to have been cut out of the surrounding limestone. The walls of the pit are composed of a currently unknown biological substance, similar to human fat tissue. The walls of this pit constantly secrete a strong, corrosive substance, making access into the pit particularly dangerous. Upon activation of SCP-715, an instance of SCP-715-A will appear within this pit. These instances are typically similar to the subject who has just used SCP-715, with the exception of major facial abnormalities, including extensive lacerations, large growths to the point of unrecognizability, or the absence of facial features at all. Instances of SCP-715-A will attempt to scale the walls of the pit, digging into the fleshy tissue for support. These instances are currently considered hostile, and Foundation security personnel stationed at Site 81/715 are authorized to dispatch these instances with as much force is necessary. Research into the nature of SCP-715-A instances is ongoing. It is currently unknown how many instances of SCP-715-A exist within the pit. Addendum 715/A: [ACCESS RESTRICTED] Sometime later, during a routine sweep of Site 81 for reality bending anomalies, Researcher Patton did not appear for inspection, despite the sweep being mandatory for all staff members at that site. Due to the large number of personnel processed in this procedure, again, this was largely overlooked. It was not until Site 81 Research Head, Dr. Agatha Rights, began processing personnel information that these behaviours became apparent. It was noted, in Dr. Rights's initial report, that both the relocation to the SCP-2090 project and the personnel sweep would have subjected Researcher Patton to technology designed to detect reality distortions. In both instances, Researcher Patton managed to avoid being put in these positions. Following up with the report, Dr. Rights had a Fulmann-Breaker Anomalous Optical Enhancement device discretely rigged in Researcher Patton's quarters. After processing the information gathered from the footage, it became evident that our understanding of SCP-715 was flawed. To be frank, we've been killing the wrong subjects. The collected footage showed that, when put through a filter designed to remove local anomalous effects, Researcher Patton appeared to be one of the creatures we've seen within the pit at Site 81/715. There is no record of Researcher Patton ever gaining access to Site 81/715, or even being aware of its existence (thanks in large part to the previous administrations secrecy campaign regarding that area), so it was unknown how an instance of SCP-715-A could have escaped our security. Then we used the same devices to observe the instances of SCP-715-A within Site 81/715, and… well, they're humans. They're all humans. They're not like those things they appear to be when we look at them. They're human beings, and they've been trying to tell us, but we can't understand them so we've been shooting them. In our haste, we quickly upgraded the classification to Keter and began attempting to collect all of the SCP-715-B instances we were aware of. We managed to get an interview in with the one that looks like Researcher Patton, as well. Due to the information recovered from this interview, we've rescinded the classification upgrade and locked SCP-715 in a secure vault. The current status for this project is pending. We're not going to acknowledge the problem any more, and we're not going to go looking for -B instances. We haven't been able to verify the Patton instance's claims, but if there are as many of these running around as we think there are, it would be better for normalcy if we just let them be for now. At least until we can figure out what they want. As for the -A instances… let's just consider the protocol listed above null until we can figure out something better. We've been advised that it would not be wise to remove them from Site 81/715. As unfortunate as this is, it is our current plan. - Asst. Dir. Weaving, Site 81 Incident Report 715/A: [ACCESS RESTRICTED] Β« SCP-714 | SCP-715 | SCP-716 Β»" "SCP-715 shortly after discovery. DATA EXPUNGED"
[ 1.84587076e-01 -3.71777505e-01 -9.59204882e-02 -1.03408635e-01 -4.89999279e-02 -2.84507960e-01 7.54187584e-01 -2.79757738e-01 -4.07308377e-02 1.52045116e-01 6.85460716e-02 -1.52565286e-01 1.43231135e-02 3.47943783e-01 2.18237743e-01 1.78644374e-01 1.74916573e-02 5.60571738e-02 1.46964669e-01 -2.48805970e-01 -1.61469057e-01 -1.34742036e-01 -1.33013189e-01 1.24984579e-02 -6.30788058e-02 1.47354200e-01 1.43564418e-01 1.27476886e-01 -3.11541378e-01 -3.00596386e-01 -2.19421297e-01 2.20081612e-01 -1.91179529e-01 4.24168020e-01 -1.11651309e-04 -1.46516651e-01 6.86971378e-03 -1.96052462e-01 -3.53552908e-01 4.66369510e-01 -1.42953187e-01 -4.64933701e-02 -2.92792439e-01 -2.06341017e-02 -5.25953770e-02 -1.52583703e-01 2.59049296e-01 3.11025113e-01 3.81540388e-01 1.59128472e-01 1.66753933e-01 2.64772475e-02 2.69280970e-01 -4.03324049e-03 -2.29869321e-01 4.95913118e-01 8.33517220e-03 -1.95543349e-01 -2.60555416e-01 2.40308102e-02 1.33793771e-01 3.35300475e-01 1.45682201e-01 -1.31829292e-01 3.77491593e-01 2.48094928e-02 3.25195551e-01 -6.01171851e-02 3.19760054e-01 -5.99368438e-02 2.61430591e-01 -4.53199930e-02 -1.04560209e-02 1.03541501e-02 -6.91215694e-02 1.20654017e-01 1.27886057e-01 1.40405551e-01 1.47515804e-01 -1.68783776e-02 -3.66452664e-01 1.14934511e-01 -2.45892346e-01 -9.77811441e-02 -2.61979699e-01 -1.85511276e-01 -8.60284939e-02 -3.65141686e-03 2.05835074e-01 -2.87185788e-01 -7.82082304e-02 2.04888672e-01 9.61905122e-02 5.77621274e-02 1.76314667e-01 5.51787615e-02 1.88451126e-01 3.25514041e-02 -9.88933742e-02 2.76975989e-01 1.71334982e-01 -1.04283728e-01 -1.10605560e-01 2.65214443e-01 1.46646068e-01 -5.30365631e-02 9.92858782e-02 -2.85652161e-01 -3.92951757e-01 2.17389449e-01 6.36371598e-02 9.80632454e-02 8.45626928e-03 -5.19907624e-02 9.09145325e-02 -3.36605608e-01 -9.78461467e-03 -3.80620733e-02 -2.21387018e-03 9.13157966e-03 -3.15675050e-01 2.00441942e-01 -2.11465001e-01 3.43593478e-01 3.52009982e-01 1.19756281e-01 2.82505095e-01 -4.28669155e-01 -1.35486275e-01 -3.97655547e-01 -1.24644756e-01 2.51998723e-01 -1.75644875e-01 -1.12426832e-01 4.56072874e-02 1.67897884e-02 -2.71510214e-01 -1.56808928e-01 -1.65498983e-02 -3.85512263e-02 2.19962802e-02 2.24699900e-02 6.53193891e-01 2.47457370e-01 -1.66744560e-01 -2.54136115e-01 -2.54013568e-01 1.51492998e-01 -7.27573708e-02 -1.34482160e-01 4.30462718e-01 7.47828037e-02 -3.41304034e-01 1.76813871e-01 -8.51048827e-02 -3.56570305e-03 -1.91150859e-01 -2.77677983e-01 -4.27804857e-01 4.12241258e-02 4.66294080e-01 -2.05629412e-02 -7.96449408e-02 -8.84538796e-03 4.02782373e-02 4.71117437e-01 8.83385614e-02 -1.26711592e-01 -2.32402578e-01 -3.22942227e-01 -4.33518812e-02 9.96854007e-02 1.53894005e-02 2.87045866e-01 8.95774551e-03 -4.29187454e-02 -2.63607949e-01 -6.42632782e-01 -3.48430604e-01 -2.46577114e-01 -5.32676399e-01 6.17645681e-03 3.17468345e-02 -1.26460448e-01 -4.03419882e-01 1.34476840e-01 -3.48272204e-01 6.00745827e-02 7.51898158e-04 9.89626274e-02 -1.86775580e-01 -4.43187296e-01 2.73936361e-01 3.36766154e-01 7.94008374e-02 -6.60331845e-02 1.56223401e-01 -9.97669175e-02 -1.22606307e-01 -8.80910158e-02 -2.38216668e-01 -1.84368446e-01 3.98351222e-01 1.38002172e-01 -2.33757749e-01 1.71646520e-01 -3.42560858e-02 -1.02711178e-01 1.81717426e-01 4.07817155e-01 1.87934473e-01 -3.48057188e-02 -3.37537229e-02 -5.48135638e-02 -5.88768348e-02 -4.36865211e-01 1.97864577e-01 3.90380681e-01 9.27259848e-02 -3.59822780e-01 -1.04314778e-02 5.00833750e-01 4.14357260e-02 -2.06332654e-01 -3.78949046e-01 -2.18445167e-01 -1.60513118e-01 1.58853039e-01 -1.62809819e-01 1.27867565e-01 4.10655499e-01 5.17851524e-02 3.24335158e-01 1.88515574e-01 2.38403790e-02 1.83938831e-01 -1.02586165e-01 2.69247353e-01 -3.61821055e-02 -4.40725029e-01 1.35796562e-01 4.96631637e-02 1.48149848e-01 2.13333204e-01 -1.57235235e-01 -1.84756160e-01 -2.64437348e-01 -1.92548990e-01 2.04717085e-01 -1.72788456e-01 5.85771687e-02 -2.28994802e-01 -1.36327356e-01 -2.50251234e-01 2.15067645e-03 3.25773448e-01 -3.08868438e-01 2.62796283e-01 -9.28175449e-02 -9.27287042e-02 1.81212008e-01 7.90639445e-02 1.06331415e-01 6.04878999e-02 1.55735776e-01 9.71323103e-02 3.58372092e-01 -3.56778875e-02 -2.20321491e-02 1.46407202e-01 -4.42084670e-01 8.09588749e-03 2.83354819e-02 1.04022451e-01 3.26243974e-03 1.21312946e-01 1.11601435e-01 6.73415810e-02 4.14474845e-01 1.68278754e-01 -1.91709772e-01 -3.98650140e-01 -2.08177760e-01 -2.67571330e-01 -1.99839965e-01 -1.09290101e-01 7.73569420e-02 -9.84189287e-02 1.37522370e-01 5.71598649e-01 2.50956655e-01 2.36044958e-01 -9.45498198e-02 1.71924606e-01 -3.13338153e-02 -1.35101378e-01 -3.99458349e-01 6.11577392e-01 -5.37773669e-01 2.19166353e-01 -2.39714459e-01 1.43922910e-01 -3.30246501e-02 1.25040524e-02 -1.86587721e-01 3.02422941e-01 3.26541305e-01 -2.12850466e-01 2.59114176e-01 -3.84868741e-01 -2.83767074e-01 1.66066483e-01 8.23495835e-02 -2.24329427e-01 1.20915011e-01 -4.57077585e-02 -2.35531092e-01 -1.29386157e-01 2.52891034e-01 -3.94397050e-01 -3.89014244e-01 -2.07256153e-01 1.80864945e-01 9.01626721e-02 -2.13054493e-01 4.19042230e-01 -5.09581983e-01 -1.63854867e-01 7.32585788e-01 1.26122653e-01 1.13883257e-01 6.31495774e-01 -1.21439785e-01 -7.83498064e-02 -8.70989934e-02 9.85338315e-02 -2.59985209e-01 -1.34946674e-01 -1.04283489e-01 3.74111696e-03 -1.26409709e-01 -2.10196584e-01 -1.26005799e-01 2.63770670e-03 1.60088912e-02 -1.53207093e-01 -3.85859907e-01 1.06659032e-01 1.07924595e-01 -1.27973378e-01 -1.91541448e-01 5.46338677e-01 2.35209882e-01 -2.35235453e-01 -2.50492573e-01 -2.19233826e-01 1.80514809e-02 3.55732620e-01 1.75793529e-01 -9.59358290e-02 -1.29146695e-01 -3.67897488e-02 3.36036652e-01 -1.33809686e-01 -3.78805459e-01 7.40031749e-02 1.19196303e-01 1.61417201e-01 -1.10798664e-01 -3.61557066e-01 1.40518650e-01 5.46102859e-02 -8.14988315e-02 1.35838702e-01 -3.21294546e-01 1.35292515e-01 -1.34578660e-01 4.35622074e-02 -8.10511589e-01 4.79165325e-03 -9.77127701e-02 7.98399687e-01 2.87959993e-01 -1.04302831e-01 -8.05692673e-02 -1.66724145e-01 4.07590643e-02 2.29085311e-01 -1.27083093e-01 2.42560476e-01 -1.11109085e-01 -3.83859366e-01 1.77542314e-01 2.85113126e-01 6.81912228e-02 6.68924898e-02 3.63162071e-01 -4.67999309e-01 -2.37144560e-01 1.38372242e-01 -2.80890375e-01 3.74640107e-01 -2.68945605e-01 4.77669835e-01 3.10499310e-01 -3.00307926e-02 -4.72387634e-02 9.37302485e-02 6.87783062e-02 -6.21456563e-01 -2.86723673e-02 -3.96607131e-01 2.19970774e-02 1.46125957e-01 4.36820924e-01 -2.00485095e-01 3.03560067e-02 7.07993209e-02 -1.86545014e-01 -4.19186383e-01 -1.35960028e-01 -9.10747200e-02 1.15514867e-01 -1.86426893e-01 9.35227573e-02 4.00831461e-01 -1.70225069e-01 6.78595752e-02 1.42486230e-01 2.60471344e-01 -7.58117586e-02 1.94007158e-01 7.52204563e-03 6.27827942e-01 2.79650576e-02 6.25300646e-01 6.23239465e-02 2.07519457e-01 -3.37471515e-01 1.13733776e-01 1.18810780e-01 2.80341711e-02 7.43538201e-01 3.07785362e-01 -1.41444743e-01 1.29970476e-01 1.00651592e-01 -1.32168710e-01 9.80634019e-02 -9.17178318e-02 -9.83090922e-02 2.39422172e-01 2.91959077e-01 2.68582314e-01 -2.18351409e-01 -2.71105558e-01 -3.02223980e-01 3.38063926e-01 -2.92828649e-01 1.20123193e-01 3.99398774e-01 1.22740030e+00 1.85107857e-01 1.94317669e-01 -2.81893939e-01 -3.06802928e-01 3.28329764e-03 -5.20192266e-01 8.01742375e-02 -1.92898489e-03 -3.11785370e-01 -1.53167889e-01 -1.79012716e-01 1.09542772e-01 5.91602996e-02 7.06056952e-02 -3.58261555e-01 -1.56985715e-01 4.79813695e-01 4.28416908e-01 5.66629946e-01 1.22628406e-01 -1.80577576e-01 -2.20201686e-01 2.04543754e-01 5.71470559e-02 2.36857548e-01 -8.50746594e-03 -1.60334393e-01 -2.21706759e-02 1.11545026e-01 -2.83559207e-02 2.29793444e-01 -4.83682871e-01 2.88899630e-01 2.87288547e-01 1.18097723e-01 -4.72722873e-02 -5.20413108e-02 7.89983422e-02 -1.21639758e-01 -1.61051601e-01 3.40777189e-01 6.13728344e-01 1.06868640e-01 -1.53962404e-01 1.30592346e-01 1.54276326e-01 -2.07212061e-01 -7.20422715e-02 9.43356603e-02 1.45536855e-01 -1.28951743e-01 -4.77346689e-01 2.48289600e-01 4.61943299e-01 8.40258598e-02 2.13101342e-01 4.61767241e-02 -1.56368181e-01 4.23378107e-04 1.24934927e-01 -2.51046002e-01 6.57897219e-02 -3.02142829e-01 2.67023772e-01 -8.87522250e-02 -6.49535730e-02 5.16184926e-01 -2.93830812e-01 7.00464547e-02 8.00028071e-02 -2.49942049e-01 -1.20925844e-01 -3.64816040e-01 1.63056582e-01 1.19267687e-01 -2.17887849e-01 -9.25280675e-02 -1.58714838e-02 -4.01307940e-01 -7.09759071e-02 5.05451620e-01 2.46640995e-01 -1.29739016e-01 -2.47878030e-01 -5.62764779e-02 1.31566599e-01 -9.17264968e-02 -5.95335513e-02 -1.12386523e-02 2.79279619e-01 4.80942547e-01 5.31478599e-03 -9.41730067e-02 -3.90427649e-01 -1.75959066e-01 -1.61881059e-01 1.00348338e-01 3.98633271e-01 -4.37265038e-01 2.33753435e-02 -1.77696273e-01 2.32327759e-01 4.83688802e-01 -1.93079263e-01 -2.55783975e-01 -1.00784563e-01 1.80939272e-01 1.10445209e-01 -3.68014961e-01 -2.14356594e-02 3.70435983e-01 -3.15578654e-02 2.20784888e-01 -1.07539393e-01 4.64322791e-02 2.33514026e-01 1.89105421e-01 -4.24425691e-01 -4.13722768e-02 1.02370596e-02 -1.80210039e-01 1.09020382e-01 3.62246126e-01 1.34942278e-01 -6.01959117e-02 -1.06493928e-01 -6.18899008e-03 -6.28669560e-02 2.60014713e-01 2.06136450e-01 1.10272013e-01 -1.97882205e-02 -8.50113668e-03 -4.08139564e-02 -1.52768744e-02 -2.26813436e-01 -8.19894969e-02 -6.31536305e-01 -4.33062166e-01 9.99795422e-02 2.09360123e-01 -6.59856871e-02 1.88126057e-01 1.20832056e-01 -1.13041922e-01 6.53716996e-02 2.85382062e-01 -3.09643988e-02 -1.65502224e-02 -8.46494138e-02 1.51913375e-01 1.24079794e-01 -3.19174707e-01 5.42530371e-03 3.11669428e-02 -3.71191472e-01 8.63919556e-02 2.66684264e-01 4.09602880e-01 1.67597473e-01 2.95301437e-01 1.58440679e-01 4.98397313e-02 -2.15358779e-01 5.52749574e-01 3.25909078e-01 1.81596577e-02 -4.54402715e-02 2.91630954e-01 -2.02845544e-01 2.01549605e-01 -6.11880720e-02 -1.79886773e-01 1.18457131e-01 4.26755175e-02 -2.31880471e-01 1.25301972e-01 8.86930823e-02 1.09590599e-02 -2.41131917e-01 -4.90758382e-02 -4.13885474e-01 1.74968198e-01 2.75487393e-01 -3.21911901e-01 3.53668243e-01 2.67164230e-01 -2.64281154e-01 -7.39051923e-02 -2.52670169e-01 3.15627344e-02 7.63749540e-01 -2.89621115e-01 1.77254856e-01 5.24039678e-02 -1.55896440e-01 3.31777871e-01 1.68131649e-01 9.61732939e-02 1.50076263e-02 -1.28276413e-02 -1.22385649e-02 -1.84177980e-01 -1.77113876e-01 -1.55669779e-01 5.76868244e-02 1.74817890e-01 1.63344115e-01 -8.82454682e-03 1.90729499e-01 -1.60546139e-01 -2.24998400e-01 1.38147369e-01 -2.85898149e-02 -2.87188143e-01 -1.89532772e-01 -3.35721761e-01 -6.41907677e-02 -1.14672529e-02 2.38456145e-01 -2.17815340e-01 -4.45679456e-01 -9.47705731e-02 2.58568108e-01 1.90729618e-01 7.46296644e-02 8.10034499e-02 -3.98535915e-02 2.65869975e-01 6.62880717e-04 4.04926032e-01 2.41149366e-02 2.99350470e-02 -1.18341960e-01 -5.33936685e-03 9.10588801e-02 -5.20092964e-01 -5.03731221e-02 2.30800375e-01 1.22115523e-01 1.31946370e-01 1.40707329e-01 4.59224582e-01 2.71495849e-01 1.70404807e-01 -5.20184450e-03 4.86386091e-01 1.68860495e-01 2.51394749e-01 1.28694087e-01 -3.49106908e-01 2.33431116e-01 -1.96236208e-01 1.60822466e-01 1.87432960e-01 -4.43221658e-01 -2.28663966e-01 3.65340829e-01 3.83687764e-01 -8.71780962e-02 4.53727812e-01 -1.73617601e-01 -3.02121669e-01 1.23042263e-01 3.84727120e-01 -2.50267778e-02 2.15339452e-01 4.23880458e-01 3.26148659e-01 2.60716826e-01 3.75510842e-01 -7.03037083e-02 3.43351632e-01 1.72659457e-01 5.71430959e-02 -3.63944322e-01 8.22508633e-02 -8.73419049e-04 -2.84169316e-01 2.98762824e-02 -1.06541097e-01 7.88899362e-02 -2.36074388e-01 -1.67206481e-01 -2.23273635e-01 5.89298546e-01 -4.91869807e-01 -2.04158857e-01 -6.95109069e-02 2.52964884e-01 2.40359306e-02 -8.39037299e-02 -2.84584701e-01 -1.85438991e-02 -8.17303807e-02 -4.32132324e-03 -4.29141708e-02 -3.53481509e-02 -2.84578465e-02 -7.09965751e-02 -1.61133677e-01 6.81294203e-02 -1.17469773e-01 9.93643776e-02 -1.54663786e-01 1.23037674e-01]
"The Train" active "Item #: SCP-716 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Containment area is to be coated in lead shielding both inside and out. Should any section of the shielding become damaged, replacement plates are to be installed immediately. Chains and plates used to secure SCP-716 are to have lead shielding as well, and are to be replaced as soon as wear or corrosion is observed. SCP-716 is to remain pointing at an external wall at all times. Should SCP-716 break containment and forcibly exit the containment area, recovery teams are to monitor SCP-716 and attempt recovery only when SCP-716 comes to rest. Recovery while still in motion may only be attempted with approval from O5 Command. Areas with long-term exposure are to be sterilized after SCP-716 removal. Any biological organisms affected by SCP-716 are to be terminated unless required for testing. No humans are to enter R.E.M. sleep within two hundred meters of SCP-716 if uncontained, one hundred meters if contained. Anything exiting [DATA EXPUNGED] No entry of SCP-716 is permitted at any time. Entry for testing purposes must be approved by Site Command. Description: SCP-716 is a large locomotive and a variable number of cars, between eight and twenty on average. Both the locomotive and cars appear to be in an advanced state of neglect. Physical damage dealt to SCP-716 appears to slowly β€œregenerate” over time; however, it maintains an appearance of extreme neglect and rust. SCP-716 can be physically moved with difficulty; however, the locomotive appears to be unable to function normally and appears to be missing many critical parts. SCP-716 exhibits a select form of inconsistent topography. While appearing to have a set number of rail cars from outside observation, the train exhibits an apparently unlimited amount of cars when entered. Almost all of these cars are enclosed and appear to be of random types (passenger, tanker, animal transport, mail, etc.). Many of them exhibit other anomalous properties, such [DATA EXPUNGED]. Some notable and recurring cars are a horse transport car with horse corpses hanging from ropes made of sheep tendon, a tanker car filled with a mixture of crude oil and human bile, a large transport car filled with stacks of keys made of many different materials, [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-716 is also capable of two forms of transport/movement. To begin with, it can travel and move in a manner consistent with a locomotive of similar dimensions despite the lack of vital parts, any form of fuel, or conductor. SCP-716 is capable of reaching speeds in excess of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ km/h and can do so in a very short period of time. While it appears to β€œprefer” traveling on current or former rail tracks, SCP-716 is capable of β€œover land” movement as well, in a manner similar to SCP-1489. Observation of SCP-716 engaging in this movement in a urban area shows that activities that would damage/disable a normal locomotive (such as penetrating a three meter thick brick wall) do not impair SCP-716 in any perceivable way. The second transportation/movement form exhibited by SCP-716 has only been observed with human subjects on board. The probability of triggering this mode appears to be largely random, but is more common in cases of groups of five or more subjects. Subjects report that SCP-716 will suddenly β€œshift” and begin to move, rapidly accelerating to top speed. Outside observation will show that regardless of subject reports and received data, SCP-716 remains completely still. Once SCP-716 begins this form of transportation/movement, subjects become unrecoverable. SCP-716 also exhibits properties [DATA EXPUNGED](1) Subjects exiting SCP-716 during the second form of transportation/movement [DATA EXPUNGED] (2) Addendum: [DATA RECOVERY (1): Level 2 Clearance required] Consistent with a form of unknown radiation. This effect appears to emanate from SCP-716, and appears to expand the longer SCP-716 remains stationary in a location. Effects include: <Expanded list and definitions with cited examples available from Central Records by request> Also of note is the behavior exhibited by individuals entering R.E.M. sleep within this β€œarea of affect”. Subjects, after entering R.E.M. sleep, will begin to β€œsleepwalk” in the direction of SCP-716, even in individuals with no history of nocturnal disturbance. Subjects allowed to enter SCP-716 will enter the fetal position on the floor of one of the train cars, and continue sleeping normally. Groups of people entering in this way have been shown to be capable of triggering the second form of transportation/movement exhibited by SCP-716. [DATA RECOVERY (2): Level 4 Clearance required] Report seeing a vast, empty plane of hard-packed earth. This plane appears almost totally featureless, and without any sort of border. The only feature of any kind is β€œa endless string of train cars, going from one horizon to the other.” This is assumed to be SCP-716. Tests have shown the environment to be totally sterile, and lacking in any source of water. The plane appears to go through a 72 hour day-night cycle, with what is reported as a β€œtoo large sun” and no moon. Subjects are still able to send and receive radio and other transmissions but they experience a progressive breakdown in clarity, with communication rendered impossible after approximately one month. This same property is exhibited by communication devices within SCP-716 itself. Exploration and testing have raised [DATA EXPUNGED: RELEASE BY O5 ORDER ONLY] Β« SCP-715 | SCP-716 | SCP-717 Β»" nan
[-9.45519656e-02 -9.93591920e-02 -1.23694435e-01 3.84842247e-01 2.64028788e-01 -2.13232100e-01 4.86404449e-01 1.59577623e-01 3.65592651e-02 8.18095133e-02 1.59550399e-01 1.49343774e-01 -4.58725482e-01 -9.02943760e-02 2.79443085e-01 -3.74918319e-02 1.32386491e-01 -4.08076644e-02 -2.35807717e-01 -1.57894656e-01 6.23880960e-02 -1.32767126e-01 -2.17363521e-01 2.59521492e-02 -4.48622584e-01 -4.44691963e-02 8.92755315e-02 -4.82213087e-02 6.00965545e-02 -2.49702588e-01 1.82042152e-01 3.95937771e-01 1.41777471e-01 8.53719473e-01 -1.08806125e-04 -7.15366751e-02 -1.86822459e-01 1.55132443e-01 8.75489488e-02 -1.46983609e-01 -2.98534185e-01 -1.23536915e-01 -3.51512618e-02 -2.30641574e-01 -5.87228090e-02 -3.26339394e-01 1.38664961e-01 3.29809546e-01 5.84612846e-01 3.88406217e-01 1.67345494e-01 2.08736882e-02 -1.79775178e-01 -8.13603476e-02 1.87015548e-01 2.42461830e-01 -8.60953778e-02 5.50981052e-02 3.43613476e-01 5.79022989e-02 -1.51189491e-01 3.91187184e-02 -4.94764671e-02 -2.48072371e-01 -1.46590797e-02 -9.04333442e-02 -8.69230777e-02 7.98508525e-02 5.73577508e-02 4.74671096e-01 8.69288817e-02 -1.10970810e-01 2.49523580e-01 6.82279617e-02 -1.14318848e-01 -2.21140862e-01 2.64413565e-01 -1.55401558e-01 9.13394243e-02 1.83554307e-01 -3.94129157e-01 3.11674446e-01 -2.17233866e-01 7.64259472e-02 -4.93320413e-02 -2.96087973e-02 -5.64764291e-02 8.26486479e-03 2.42539123e-01 4.02238145e-02 5.27279675e-02 -5.97059838e-02 3.55158538e-01 9.02238116e-02 -1.40355870e-01 3.71174514e-02 1.97111174e-01 -2.47967038e-02 1.05773292e-01 9.10408646e-02 1.62821710e-01 6.47996739e-02 1.52751571e-02 2.21550837e-01 2.26613879e-01 1.55492008e-01 -2.57250339e-01 -1.43132761e-01 -2.79497653e-01 3.45403582e-01 -2.66360670e-01 4.55192141e-02 -3.74065846e-01 -2.85321362e-02 2.43433580e-01 7.27007613e-02 -2.83925235e-02 -7.88975433e-02 -1.38547286e-01 2.64108777e-01 -4.93075937e-01 2.13030487e-01 2.80331045e-01 1.27097577e-01 1.82476774e-01 1.54643759e-01 -1.72878847e-01 -1.98162556e-01 -2.78179031e-02 3.43882114e-01 -2.72150189e-01 1.96973756e-01 -4.29724008e-01 -1.76630065e-01 -1.99351653e-01 5.78488968e-02 -3.80595535e-01 1.52225420e-01 -3.82166028e-01 1.53062204e-02 8.17308351e-02 -3.49539876e-01 6.19660795e-01 3.42236251e-01 -4.69534129e-01 -7.05925673e-02 -1.15250364e-01 9.35819596e-02 -1.80781275e-01 1.16388395e-01 1.35415882e-01 -2.99103141e-01 -2.32481450e-01 2.13254929e-01 -2.63460785e-01 -5.65293171e-02 1.02127895e-01 1.24993041e-01 -1.72958165e-01 -2.19175369e-01 3.81089628e-01 -8.30422714e-02 -1.73012361e-01 -2.46146202e-01 3.40596110e-01 4.20053780e-01 3.10089551e-02 5.58560640e-02 -7.55049139e-02 -3.32673669e-01 1.14464909e-01 7.61530474e-02 -1.41594991e-01 1.51182249e-01 -2.64786482e-01 -7.80780017e-02 -9.60931182e-02 -1.26115531e-01 -3.82962584e-01 -2.58284539e-01 -3.26821506e-01 3.58310819e-01 8.41247849e-03 -8.91687497e-02 -1.03913613e-01 8.12901929e-02 3.24893624e-01 -4.36255783e-02 5.78365400e-02 -1.82905182e-01 -2.39516020e-01 -3.41324598e-01 3.94345522e-01 9.36211720e-02 2.27844447e-01 -1.16724752e-01 -1.01188421e-02 -5.47851296e-03 2.23643094e-01 4.20711756e-01 -1.22890934e-01 1.29584149e-01 5.83391368e-01 -1.33427680e-02 -1.73317567e-01 -1.91406041e-01 -3.91905099e-01 -1.05823847e-02 6.98424816e-01 8.17663968e-02 2.15255082e-01 3.75842191e-02 -1.33522585e-01 -1.32446483e-01 -3.45876664e-01 -2.28639781e-01 2.81623542e-01 -1.87453568e-01 6.10409193e-02 -3.08127820e-01 -1.85352221e-01 -2.44797450e-02 -8.91377777e-02 -2.04258770e-01 1.56020150e-01 3.27274859e-01 -2.06708461e-01 4.49732579e-02 -4.39131707e-01 1.95613548e-01 5.28108962e-02 -2.40963444e-01 5.34830280e-02 1.31592780e-01 1.04590528e-01 2.72056341e-01 -1.10218190e-01 1.04406595e+00 -3.53564546e-02 -2.12668419e-01 -3.65330189e-01 -1.01717204e-01 -6.79090768e-02 7.01135546e-02 -3.69911343e-01 -6.68931156e-02 -5.03522530e-03 2.26325199e-01 1.19487252e-02 -3.32195871e-02 7.46023953e-02 -3.43876630e-01 1.58292532e-01 -7.16812164e-02 7.15692295e-03 3.36878628e-01 1.28438339e-01 4.21262473e-01 -1.57330543e-01 2.49773506e-02 7.87750110e-02 2.65980303e-01 3.13512087e-02 -5.32489941e-02 -8.32488611e-02 -2.71037936e-01 2.32422486e-01 4.31567401e-01 -1.94553137e-01 -6.22503832e-02 1.39559820e-01 -8.78425613e-02 1.83957189e-01 -1.10122085e-01 -1.43916890e-01 2.06740022e-01 3.74835312e-01 4.25887704e-01 1.86626852e-01 3.39692444e-01 -2.53184408e-01 -3.88418257e-01 -1.22027062e-02 -5.16312383e-02 -1.67944744e-01 8.18658769e-02 -1.76069662e-01 2.87479907e-01 -5.13103426e-01 1.06874533e-01 2.06064716e-01 3.97390388e-02 1.73525177e-02 -6.78348094e-02 -2.41776496e-01 2.17150167e-01 -2.20904827e-01 1.36698723e-01 -3.39974284e-01 -1.18617952e-01 -3.76380593e-01 -1.37396604e-01 -1.64967865e-01 1.30858451e-01 -2.06047267e-01 4.68109697e-02 6.04495823e-01 7.64306709e-02 -1.69171527e-01 3.24476101e-02 -4.76457536e-01 3.35662454e-01 -1.37958042e-02 -2.49829397e-01 3.07855397e-01 4.60744128e-02 -3.08641434e-01 -3.23626608e-01 2.28404850e-01 -4.16403711e-01 5.00444882e-03 -1.10534616e-01 -1.74334750e-01 1.70619830e-01 6.24864101e-02 -6.24030605e-02 -1.14355102e-01 -2.68213689e-01 3.74937683e-01 -1.16560429e-01 -1.96014214e-02 3.46487701e-01 4.50990170e-01 3.16198230e-01 2.62641966e-01 -1.72383934e-01 -1.08417168e-01 -1.81371301e-01 4.10702452e-02 7.36725405e-02 -2.57856194e-02 -4.03486222e-01 -2.11843491e-01 -2.01888159e-01 5.49314857e-01 -3.10552001e-01 -2.45765731e-01 7.35172955e-03 1.39583111e-01 1.14759654e-01 -4.21260774e-01 4.35784757e-01 6.69571906e-02 -2.79374957e-01 -8.64049792e-02 1.24950223e-01 2.13698283e-01 2.54243731e-01 5.12960136e-01 -3.20387214e-01 8.34818631e-02 3.18970412e-01 3.64617616e-01 -4.73423786e-02 -3.50607961e-01 -4.94879410e-02 -1.33646771e-01 3.99582505e-01 1.41294599e-01 -2.10607558e-01 -8.23781639e-02 -7.60380402e-02 -6.60011172e-01 1.75119713e-01 -1.83858767e-01 1.70045644e-01 2.20833234e-02 1.10375680e-01 -2.19651952e-01 -2.43381947e-01 4.17903155e-01 2.87086338e-01 5.42713881e-01 -3.02562211e-02 -1.90965265e-01 3.04641545e-01 -2.82848835e-01 6.68655615e-03 2.50936806e-01 -1.79963410e-01 -8.77112895e-02 -4.63800222e-01 -7.13376254e-02 -2.04023942e-01 -1.45588771e-01 2.06934482e-01 1.48961589e-01 -2.59359688e-01 -2.07709953e-01 2.87685961e-01 -2.64502376e-01 2.93271184e-01 2.20255554e-01 1.25365198e-01 3.96226406e-01 2.67262876e-01 1.37887388e-01 -8.08611140e-02 -2.76947945e-01 -1.69587791e-01 7.51095593e-01 -1.63883474e-02 -1.74212709e-01 -3.30932349e-01 1.55016229e-01 3.07829119e-03 3.08318119e-02 -3.63675095e-02 -7.95646459e-02 -2.70305127e-01 -2.04410300e-01 2.14896753e-01 3.85658145e-01 -1.18727222e-01 -1.60283163e-01 -2.37571314e-01 2.39798054e-01 4.00861472e-01 7.51207173e-02 -5.99745214e-02 2.11249605e-01 -4.66587432e-02 -1.80906743e-01 3.05049300e-01 -1.18800268e-01 7.31336534e-01 4.58544195e-01 -3.32213134e-01 1.10072523e-01 1.28245428e-02 -3.44919823e-02 2.24543676e-01 4.94563878e-01 4.04743738e-02 -9.35396180e-02 1.88507780e-01 2.14810938e-01 -5.23396544e-02 3.44305575e-01 3.70325446e-01 -3.56928073e-02 2.81613250e-03 -1.79149777e-01 3.47448051e-01 -5.03271110e-02 -3.35596859e-01 -1.41583353e-01 2.90719509e-01 -1.70156449e-01 2.34705091e-01 2.60116428e-01 1.15305245e+00 4.71093543e-02 1.35292917e-01 -5.88177107e-02 -3.36759090e-01 6.36278763e-02 -1.98423371e-01 -3.50824185e-02 -3.46404880e-01 -1.05167225e-01 8.10560361e-02 -2.36883342e-01 -2.50506580e-01 2.97025621e-01 -7.70989880e-02 -3.63477796e-01 -3.41506273e-01 6.80843771e-01 -2.07631439e-01 -1.33777559e-02 2.98316598e-01 1.44311205e-01 1.85190082e-01 1.74551323e-01 1.01792946e-01 2.35277891e-01 -6.91279247e-02 4.35042158e-02 -4.58280481e-02 -5.76903373e-02 -4.28450882e-01 -2.11439759e-01 -3.48632485e-01 5.30743957e-01 3.76113743e-01 -4.43131238e-01 -1.77768562e-02 -5.47171198e-02 -2.64893502e-01 -1.87230572e-01 4.82707022e-04 3.72050762e-01 7.36667216e-01 -7.96335489e-02 1.23035900e-01 5.70247322e-02 3.53925616e-01 1.52610704e-01 1.27932727e-01 4.82249167e-03 -2.33711123e-01 -5.15472516e-02 6.91663148e-03 1.66485295e-01 3.61906677e-01 -2.90024102e-01 2.90270448e-01 1.81919947e-01 -2.48301134e-01 -1.33104980e-01 2.45175317e-01 -2.80126154e-01 2.46959150e-01 1.75412044e-01 2.78147440e-02 -1.00961745e-01 1.15976274e-01 2.86068201e-01 2.34059498e-01 -2.69481033e-01 2.09722891e-01 1.38181806e-01 -1.95113093e-01 -4.45002705e-01 -1.78241928e-03 2.31285498e-01 -2.41212279e-01 1.33980826e-01 -2.35999838e-01 -2.05741361e-01 -6.32218868e-02 2.66062409e-01 1.37839273e-01 -3.01167846e-01 -1.73702657e-01 -1.94636464e-01 -2.90558219e-01 1.60994694e-01 2.75359929e-01 5.95415235e-01 -2.68058002e-01 3.43131006e-01 1.42369404e-01 6.85245544e-02 -3.83414835e-01 -5.48787527e-02 -4.32036698e-01 5.31850606e-02 1.88907117e-01 -2.98366308e-01 1.39154509e-01 -2.36011207e-01 1.26976863e-01 2.18913108e-01 -2.19717994e-01 -2.71737814e-01 -2.62945384e-01 1.62827402e-01 -6.99944496e-02 -2.88910747e-01 -1.23137355e-01 2.26506099e-01 1.16555281e-01 1.24967217e-01 -8.49436969e-02 3.46827298e-01 7.87939727e-02 2.04045579e-01 -4.35800999e-01 3.06423604e-01 -2.91336000e-01 -1.90840080e-01 6.54588714e-02 3.20422381e-01 2.95899779e-01 -1.02177143e-01 -2.53084879e-02 -9.83322859e-02 -5.74109377e-03 1.61099851e-01 4.39158231e-01 8.72510299e-02 -9.69779640e-02 1.48113653e-01 1.53013542e-01 6.38407618e-02 -2.84464926e-01 5.06981552e-01 -4.27979589e-01 -1.19718194e-01 -9.28314589e-03 2.87886858e-01 4.49037831e-03 3.53956431e-01 -2.47487411e-01 -1.47564948e-01 -7.03119040e-02 -7.96488151e-02 2.36236185e-01 -2.52758473e-01 -1.22754551e-01 2.63447370e-02 -3.33938934e-03 -1.10804394e-01 1.00806795e-01 1.10502683e-01 -6.12013377e-02 -1.52404174e-01 7.42739290e-02 2.19109491e-01 3.81231248e-01 2.90240258e-01 3.24956506e-01 -3.44843902e-02 -5.59381023e-02 2.17748031e-01 9.51633963e-04 -3.55998501e-02 -2.08487958e-01 2.63441354e-01 -3.57093215e-01 -9.55089927e-02 -1.16990015e-01 1.98665440e-01 -1.14524692e-01 3.70076895e-01 -1.03356510e-01 -1.22285515e-01 3.79579477e-02 3.16876546e-02 1.56529889e-01 -5.68214655e-02 -4.19659674e-01 -2.11830586e-02 1.80795118e-01 2.47515559e-01 1.46853879e-01 4.39917967e-02 7.14913309e-02 1.55711386e-04 -4.26002219e-02 2.26005301e-01 3.72939348e-01 -3.10964882e-01 1.44359037e-01 2.87810832e-01 4.65132073e-02 1.46673461e-02 -7.12302774e-02 2.09488750e-01 1.95568800e-01 -1.09570824e-01 -1.15801767e-01 -7.74449632e-02 -2.94792131e-02 -2.09755599e-01 1.34378672e-01 2.63608783e-01 -1.96788400e-01 4.93352823e-02 1.12621300e-01 -2.85042107e-01 -1.26012918e-02 -2.43739672e-02 4.06340472e-02 2.50804335e-01 2.01942295e-01 1.42280012e-01 -3.81226569e-01 5.00192158e-02 -1.15841433e-01 2.09961355e-01 -4.20411319e-01 6.45101964e-02 -1.03104964e-01 2.05178097e-01 3.42186401e-03 5.99040911e-02 7.51618147e-02 4.63788718e-01 6.42541423e-02 1.86281219e-01 1.25908464e-01 -4.07661289e-01 -4.43509430e-01 -2.30067354e-02 -1.86415911e-01 -4.54355404e-02 1.64793544e-02 1.12343505e-01 -2.62568951e-01 7.50595704e-02 -2.51808554e-01 1.59929559e-01 -5.70389666e-02 -4.94301729e-02 -3.11509788e-01 4.89589810e-01 8.21953937e-02 -4.64153178e-02 8.36211145e-02 -6.78119734e-02 -9.23090354e-02 -1.37967262e-02 1.07962124e-01 -2.21065000e-01 -3.52013290e-01 -2.15096906e-01 2.27765724e-01 5.82389057e-01 -9.49148461e-02 2.05996007e-01 -1.17489122e-01 -6.92018270e-02 -7.02519417e-02 -4.07758774e-03 -7.06357509e-02 5.88173419e-02 2.04848051e-01 -5.41350842e-02 1.49145156e-01 3.55657429e-01 2.18381941e-01 -3.19071338e-02 2.27819398e-01 -1.54208820e-02 -3.24063689e-01 -6.12668395e-02 2.30547301e-02 1.86403379e-01 7.95386657e-02 4.79985058e-01 -2.25844327e-03 -1.18558593e-01 -2.99299031e-01 -4.19733524e-01 3.03406358e-01 -2.35187292e-01 -2.37732455e-01 -4.57538038e-01 6.85469136e-02 4.08576727e-01 1.76907182e-01 -6.67381287e-01 -2.23432228e-01 9.31058377e-02 -1.24090731e-01 -3.02685082e-01 -8.74884725e-02 -1.86171785e-01 -1.31365120e-01 5.64615391e-02 3.14988673e-01 -1.42746732e-01 7.01038837e-02 -3.68170261e-01 -1.18243050e-04]
"The Ambassador" active "Item #: SCP-717 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-717 is encased within Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ, publicly known as the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Observatory. Observatory dome must remain closed from 10:30pm to 3:30am or when SCP-717 is active. A minimum of twelve armed guards are to be stationed outside Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ during all hours. Flamethrowers and flash-bang grenades are to be secured in the guardhouse in case of emergency. Internal temperature of Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ is not to exceed 10 degrees Celsius. Only one of Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ's internal spotlights can be on at any time, but should be dimmed if SCP-717 is active. No more than 3 (three) persons may enter at any time, and no more than 2 (two) of these may be on-site security. Visiting staff are advised to wear warm, darkly colored clothing and light-amplification visors while within Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Staff are permitted to bring flashlights or flares but may not use them outside of an emergency. No radios or cell-phones permitted. If SCP-717's containment becomes compromised for any reason, all floodlights within Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ are to be activated and sirens are to sound within the facility. All personnel are to evacuate the site and equip flamethrowers until receiving further instructions. See description for procedures relating to SCP-717's individual components. Description: SCP-717 is the ruins of a two-story Victorian style home hidden within Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ, specifically the remains of the guest bedroom on the upper story. Although the walls of the hallway leading to SCP-717 have burnt through, the doorway to the room is to remain closed at all times. Staff are required to knock gently upon the door once for each member of staff present before entering, even for routine maintenance. All other doors within the house have been removed. SCP-717-1 is a white cloth mannequin and is to be kept within this room at all times, preferably seated before its table. Staff are to note its position and markings once per day. Any changes or signs of movement are to be reported immediately. A lamp, set of writing implements, large block letters and a modified Ouija board must be kept on the table before SCP-717-1. No other items are to be placed on this table. If SCP-717-1 shows signs of movement, one staff member is to sit at the table and remain in the room with it. The staff member present must turn on the lamp and point at the word "WAIT" on the modified Ouija board, then immediately shut the lamp off. Staff is advised to remain quiet and breathe steadily until relieved. SCP-717-2 is sealed behind a titanium alloy vault door, lined with a plating of [REDACTED] alloy. It is mounted on the wall behind SCP-717-1. The vault is to remain sealed per mutual agreement. If any whistling is heard from the vault, maintenance must be performed immediately to prevent a breach. If the SCP-717-2 vault is breached from the far side, it is to be considered a hostile act. Communication with SCP-717 is to immediately cease and staff are to equip weapons to repel invaders. Addendum: Unauthorized staff are not permitted to communicate with SCP-717-1 beyond requesting its patience while authorized personnel arrive. This can possibly take days, and SCP-717-1 should understand this. Prolonged exposure to SCP-717-1 can produce feelings of unease and discomfort. This is attributed to its jerky, twitching movements as well as the mannequin's limp neck and unnatural chill. Although direct exposure to the entity within SCP-717-1 has been shown to cause [DATA EXPUNGED] therefore it can safely be assumed that SCP-717 is even less enthusiastic about contact than we are. If authorized personnel do not arrive within 24 hours, staff on site may leave the room after tapping the word "WAIT" three times in succession. A member of staff is to return once every 24 hours to ask SCP-717-1 to "WAIT" again until authorized personnel arrive. Personnel with BETA clearance or higher should see also document #017-1. Incident Log Testimony of survivor Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Eβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, age 17, Jan 31st 1962. Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: … [we] came to this house because we heard all the old rumors about it, about the old cult that used to worship in its basement, and we wanted to see if we could use our Ouija board to contact the spirits here. At first all we found was construction stuff and the whole place smelled of paint. We looked around in the basement and a lot of the furniture had been moved down there and covered with sheets and I remember seeing it there now that I think about it. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Seeing what? Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: The dummy, it was hanging on a hook, leaning against a wardrobe. We all laughed at it, thought it was a ghost at first. Then we went upstairs and lit some candles and got out the board. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Then what happened? Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Right away it got really, really cold. We started asking questions and every answer we got was GET OUT and then β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ grabbed the pointer and just kept spelling STOP over and over. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ said her hands were numb and she couldn't move them on her own. The candles were flickering but there were shadows on the board that weren't moving… then there was this loud banging in the basement and I got up to run but I tripped. Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ takes several minutes to compose herself before continuing. Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I think that's when the candles got knocked over… All the fresh paint and fumes… Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: The fire was an accident. I just need you to focus on the incident. Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: There was something dark staining the wallpaper and it started peeling away all over the room. I think there was writing under the paper, some of it was already there. This wind came from nowhere, like everything was being sucked towards the dark spot in the wall, but it just made the flames get bigger. The flames were between me and the others, that's why I… When it came through the wall β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ just broke… like a statue. Like she was frozen. It was like waves of black curtains blowing out of the wall, and there was this wailing. There were hands and faces and other things grabbing at the others, smothering them, but they couldn't get through the flames to me. I ran downstairs and the basement door was slamming open and shut. I had to pass it to get to the front door and that thing, the dummy, it skittered up the stairs like a bug and its hands were covered with blood. It was climbing the walls and it tore at all the wallpaper, smearing that blood all over. It wouldn't let me leave, it never touched me but it would get in my way. Make me look at it. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Was it writing on the walls? Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: It wrote STOP STOP STOP all over the walls and doors. The fire was coming closer so I shoved at it. It started burning and then it was bleeding, blood was gushing from its stomach and face while it tried to crawl out of the fire. Some of its blood got on me as I ran out the door. Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I could see the fire trucks coming, but when they came, the firemen ran right past me. They didn't see me where I fell in the bushes, and they never came back out. I didn't feel it at the time, but that thing's blood, it made my legs numb. They're broken too, aren't they? They broke apart like β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ did. Please tell me, the doctors won't let me look… Ms. Hβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was treated with Class A Amnestic and the remains of her legs were amputated. Tissue damage was consistent with the frozen remains recovered from the ashes. The mannequin showed no unusual properties after being removed from the site of SCP-717. The stains on its hands were from black paint found in the basement, not blood. No unexpected substance was found in its material. Contact was established with the SCP-717 entity/entities after a second mannequin animated in the basement. Containment procedures were agreed upon and SCP-717 was dormant for the next thirty years until it became active to negotiate the cessation of certain activities. Under no circumstances are any containment staff to enter into negotiations with SCP-717. Β« SCP-716 | SCP-717 | SCP-718 Β»" nan
[ 1.89330980e-01 -5.99667430e-02 -8.99575278e-02 1.47120178e-01 -2.38345534e-01 -2.57317871e-01 5.98138928e-01 2.50277296e-02 4.52198416e-01 2.75451541e-02 5.30392751e-02 1.72124177e-01 -1.04053266e-01 -1.03128091e-01 5.31231403e-01 -6.17924966e-02 1.15923464e-01 1.41841516e-01 -4.63189557e-02 -2.26390243e-01 -1.21507622e-01 -5.35760336e-02 -3.09266567e-01 2.86698133e-01 3.82415533e-01 -1.45127192e-01 -1.25821941e-02 -1.12967491e-01 2.47939769e-02 -2.77659982e-01 -1.37426779e-01 1.62536845e-01 4.40080510e-03 3.27530473e-01 -1.10181943e-04 -1.27811983e-01 2.56874412e-01 1.83674768e-01 -1.92997858e-01 -4.85770404e-02 -1.37537152e-01 -2.39852503e-01 -3.38215902e-02 -1.74827650e-01 -7.24666491e-02 -6.03831947e-01 1.70921817e-01 3.13789964e-01 2.74878711e-01 3.19135576e-01 1.49966210e-01 5.13966056e-03 3.08823884e-01 6.97642565e-02 -1.86874792e-01 4.46177553e-03 -8.19986314e-02 -4.49566245e-01 1.23665310e-01 4.68865603e-01 1.99249253e-01 9.72497165e-02 -3.05390477e-01 -5.31441085e-02 3.71640652e-01 -2.61554062e-01 -6.22209581e-03 8.12196061e-02 7.39739686e-02 9.20273662e-02 2.96202034e-01 -2.06256490e-02 3.47397327e-01 2.50180542e-01 3.61704715e-02 -1.26877248e-01 2.88724780e-01 1.15627833e-01 1.92567438e-01 4.55557778e-02 2.42038220e-02 1.41448542e-01 -3.62540066e-01 2.47545928e-01 -2.99477696e-01 9.88422334e-02 -2.46024013e-01 1.82576567e-01 5.88623881e-02 7.97316357e-02 9.71825197e-02 -7.55842999e-02 6.39071092e-02 1.93632290e-01 3.38368267e-02 -1.20895222e-01 1.78618342e-01 4.83688563e-01 6.27193749e-02 6.19394481e-01 2.66861171e-01 3.76363933e-01 3.41939330e-01 2.30912909e-01 1.51183382e-01 2.14429677e-01 2.81640142e-01 -3.37785602e-01 -2.94326004e-02 6.87449276e-01 -9.15846825e-02 3.40609670e-01 -2.21769094e-01 -7.49967843e-02 3.69803727e-01 1.38993904e-01 2.26210117e-01 -3.13562989e-01 2.09544823e-01 3.95604998e-01 -2.07404956e-01 -3.86137515e-02 6.40108762e-03 2.58665115e-01 4.26364392e-01 1.27579406e-01 -3.81789096e-02 -2.08040327e-01 1.84415370e-01 -3.38481814e-01 -1.71208873e-01 3.20134521e-01 -3.40756863e-01 -1.91699024e-02 -1.43817663e-01 2.56388187e-01 -1.05573386e-01 -2.59501427e-01 2.46914193e-01 -7.96106979e-02 4.58197802e-01 -1.04989082e-01 8.19398880e-01 4.17915493e-01 -2.36245587e-01 -2.23704636e-01 -1.34876251e-01 -2.66567588e-01 -2.25552335e-01 5.88224605e-02 5.54979205e-01 -1.47117525e-01 -2.56508261e-01 1.56892985e-01 -2.82699943e-01 1.77518860e-01 -1.25880033e-01 1.29158134e-02 -2.63571978e-01 2.72874773e-01 2.98446298e-01 4.92853075e-02 -6.24605939e-02 -9.84500572e-02 7.60234371e-02 3.62702876e-01 -1.12233408e-01 8.65558460e-02 -2.76522160e-01 -2.95188606e-01 -2.95860916e-01 -2.31644623e-02 -1.13997847e-01 1.50905684e-01 -3.82751048e-01 -2.80652940e-01 -3.64596844e-01 -2.54954517e-01 -3.91544014e-01 -2.94875085e-01 -3.42451900e-01 2.42018893e-01 4.64162260e-01 -7.85388947e-02 3.11434984e-01 -6.07111454e-02 2.73908097e-02 -2.16564927e-02 1.34728029e-01 -2.26733107e-02 -1.45692900e-01 -2.64633417e-01 2.48706862e-01 4.43701372e-02 1.19567938e-01 -6.18730970e-02 1.32458761e-01 1.44099310e-01 -1.39233559e-01 1.67522818e-01 -1.37768835e-01 7.41476193e-02 4.22734544e-02 1.89807057e-01 -8.20543393e-02 2.64247715e-01 -1.55100062e-01 -2.15369567e-01 8.14623237e-01 4.00712520e-01 1.23739801e-01 3.92269976e-02 -1.42328963e-01 7.31375590e-02 -9.43985283e-02 -3.60389143e-01 2.32718542e-01 1.63664475e-01 1.45101428e-01 -4.45038110e-01 -7.44649768e-02 3.24956059e-01 -1.39122337e-01 -7.39704520e-02 -1.21988714e-01 2.87772249e-02 -3.06697607e-01 9.11632478e-02 -2.78074116e-01 9.57930610e-02 2.62885183e-01 -2.24534035e-01 1.06237888e-01 -1.65989362e-02 5.34425862e-02 -1.72352418e-01 -2.85343230e-01 8.31986070e-01 -8.71285520e-05 -5.22425592e-01 1.48710594e-01 1.43591732e-01 -1.07782753e-02 5.53717017e-02 -6.00896291e-02 7.07042813e-02 4.18683857e-01 2.06964403e-01 -1.05686970e-01 -7.28396475e-02 -1.03748716e-01 -2.65833855e-01 -3.02803993e-01 -3.51820201e-01 -1.66449621e-02 -6.75533488e-02 -2.30138302e-02 5.79681769e-02 2.16854244e-01 5.38793206e-02 -2.14033753e-01 2.79510587e-01 1.46756738e-01 -4.04004529e-02 -7.86919743e-02 4.13113199e-02 2.43823990e-01 2.26205140e-01 2.10320819e-02 2.55685151e-01 1.11340615e-03 -4.62002703e-04 -1.89727265e-02 -9.19589996e-02 1.18583135e-01 8.97914022e-02 -1.30667210e-01 -7.29554668e-02 1.75752833e-01 1.01202756e-01 -3.36726367e-01 -4.07550335e-01 -2.02219948e-01 -1.67214915e-01 -1.34152308e-01 -2.19308600e-01 -1.24135800e-02 -1.92259364e-02 -1.57240853e-01 5.36563516e-01 3.46060812e-01 -2.26444304e-02 -2.03146730e-02 1.31972656e-01 -1.87480211e-01 -1.62996277e-02 -3.17807972e-01 1.51309267e-01 -3.62170905e-01 2.24132717e-01 -2.03107953e-01 -1.71938807e-01 -5.79390898e-02 5.27825356e-02 -1.55791640e-01 2.18090471e-02 7.69389153e-01 6.41262531e-02 5.06147668e-02 -4.45949644e-01 -6.62634313e-01 2.71399021e-01 8.70144442e-02 -6.37344569e-02 1.09211497e-01 -9.12049189e-02 -8.28590617e-02 -1.59372278e-02 6.42615044e-03 -5.21996915e-01 4.98676561e-02 -4.33597863e-02 -3.87782514e-01 -1.99212670e-01 -2.23414190e-02 2.31496722e-01 -3.45345140e-02 -2.28981167e-01 -2.23369934e-02 -2.11953279e-02 2.33513370e-01 5.87908104e-02 7.80867934e-02 2.21475232e-02 1.43635184e-01 3.43229994e-02 -1.58721477e-01 -1.66887343e-01 2.20248893e-01 -2.04838783e-01 -1.08057342e-01 -1.69546247e-01 -2.40846381e-01 2.87443072e-01 -3.27287138e-01 -2.60839909e-01 -4.00636137e-01 -2.97852624e-02 -2.31102481e-02 1.81072876e-02 -3.87396067e-01 3.87598395e-01 1.45818800e-01 -3.25126559e-01 -1.44920900e-01 -3.11261863e-01 9.28424373e-02 2.89085150e-01 6.36085123e-02 -1.43514946e-01 -2.05312952e-01 2.77299076e-01 -7.98497349e-02 -2.93659329e-01 -3.34842592e-01 -1.24637768e-01 3.54119927e-01 2.92616397e-01 4.37224545e-02 -1.90568984e-01 1.08769551e-01 1.70572892e-01 -2.13730007e-01 3.60440969e-01 -1.01885006e-01 -3.61025631e-01 -1.33922875e-01 -2.91516393e-01 -3.59610081e-01 -2.36907542e-01 1.03970058e-02 2.52973020e-01 1.16971627e-01 4.12874296e-02 -1.74870446e-01 5.58836982e-02 -1.92375585e-01 2.08870009e-01 3.00590158e-01 -3.62687111e-01 3.02456431e-02 -2.95200258e-01 -2.36747056e-01 7.83798471e-02 1.70718074e-01 -2.11504221e-01 1.44693524e-01 -2.95460761e-01 4.38074172e-02 1.87043458e-01 -3.02923083e-01 2.15574622e-01 7.20325336e-02 3.02677035e-01 4.35660839e-01 4.15850133e-01 6.85439035e-02 -3.07362117e-02 -1.13058574e-01 -1.63017437e-01 -1.95578318e-02 -2.17668474e-01 9.33366939e-02 -9.89664495e-02 5.84474131e-02 2.14072824e-01 9.85980853e-02 2.98699111e-01 -1.51502630e-02 -5.29176235e-01 -4.67966437e-01 3.11714321e-01 1.15079083e-01 -3.79027367e-01 5.09396978e-02 -1.27667086e-02 3.33607018e-01 2.50259966e-01 2.31996924e-01 1.18670076e-01 -7.77302310e-02 1.39703616e-01 -1.15674242e-01 5.05069673e-01 2.06652835e-01 2.94175088e-01 3.60270403e-02 2.34479114e-01 2.36433018e-02 -8.63822401e-02 -9.29921493e-02 2.34988898e-01 6.50098801e-01 1.26041010e-01 -2.48305157e-01 -4.23249185e-01 4.08897638e-01 4.54335660e-01 -1.56449735e-01 7.55292550e-02 7.37353414e-02 2.14557067e-01 5.67836910e-02 -2.64444381e-01 -1.36229396e-01 -3.52806270e-01 7.30038285e-02 4.35115784e-01 -2.44248152e-01 3.48632187e-01 4.04487908e-01 1.15529537e+00 1.45120591e-01 1.23935618e-01 7.79800117e-02 -7.30536997e-01 6.28783256e-02 -2.63848931e-01 -6.71945885e-02 -1.63475677e-01 -6.97531030e-02 4.71102595e-02 -2.71518171e-01 2.01526150e-01 3.59385699e-01 -5.69272697e-01 -1.09057195e-01 -4.26861405e-01 2.45091885e-01 1.95659205e-01 2.24363998e-01 9.93497223e-02 -1.09298781e-01 1.48488596e-01 2.24159122e-01 -6.30026609e-02 1.36931688e-01 -1.28611088e-01 1.48873746e-01 2.83111066e-01 -2.80147165e-01 -1.89521119e-01 1.28418043e-01 -1.61583439e-01 4.55469400e-01 2.98301852e-03 7.87584782e-02 -7.04427063e-03 -3.08935225e-01 2.11490020e-01 -1.42210081e-01 3.10765598e-02 3.20286691e-01 8.56544912e-01 -1.20135963e-01 -4.95850518e-02 -4.50206548e-02 1.98935300e-01 1.01903290e-01 -3.20217647e-02 2.26250648e-01 -2.55365279e-02 7.68308043e-02 -2.49163538e-01 1.79039508e-01 5.64121723e-01 9.19562429e-02 5.51699162e-01 4.70291004e-02 -2.47371197e-01 -2.31683016e-01 1.63905099e-01 -3.15890700e-01 -5.40830903e-02 -3.57668549e-02 5.84909655e-02 -7.20555559e-02 1.04519635e-01 4.11859721e-01 2.41317213e-01 -2.60970414e-01 2.43998706e-01 2.04026923e-01 -1.47643924e-01 -5.12605488e-01 6.66965097e-02 -2.60847151e-01 -2.91157067e-01 1.22454934e-01 -1.53729424e-01 -3.18221480e-01 -2.45687857e-01 2.72394329e-01 -1.38628921e-02 -2.38287613e-01 -2.73809612e-01 -7.03827441e-02 6.44897819e-02 5.89508787e-02 -8.91491212e-03 1.37095541e-01 -1.05682805e-01 6.18603826e-01 -7.27131888e-02 1.50684625e-01 -3.77565145e-01 -1.88450560e-01 -1.67037353e-01 1.41854346e-01 7.01427817e-01 -7.92097896e-02 -8.07289854e-02 -6.07637987e-02 5.65540418e-02 -5.03946505e-02 -2.72335321e-01 -2.38247693e-01 -2.03276470e-01 1.48007870e-01 -9.87879708e-02 -1.92462191e-01 -3.80194448e-02 2.36926362e-01 2.39008754e-01 1.36724442e-01 2.02213936e-02 2.94128448e-01 1.66255295e-01 6.48567006e-02 -3.81690115e-01 3.77828022e-04 4.28393856e-02 -2.47432236e-02 1.64685875e-01 4.65582371e-01 -4.32354771e-02 -1.28167227e-01 -1.54003739e-01 -2.09064439e-01 1.08018376e-01 4.07905966e-01 -1.00364603e-01 2.71236032e-01 3.48869935e-02 1.79432511e-01 -3.03423647e-02 8.05959180e-02 -6.23951793e-01 -2.60583431e-01 -3.88185114e-01 -3.27486545e-01 -2.44347021e-01 1.93122461e-01 6.76717833e-02 8.73852521e-02 1.23960048e-01 5.22265062e-02 6.29537031e-02 3.02130967e-01 1.57523215e-01 -3.16083640e-01 9.17508006e-02 -2.84447446e-02 3.61375362e-01 -5.02604656e-02 1.54740945e-01 2.62075126e-01 -3.01370412e-01 -2.24638224e-01 1.60895765e-01 1.54807985e-01 3.19709837e-01 3.35767299e-01 1.94690675e-01 1.50309056e-02 1.55813232e-01 5.58341980e-01 1.00675516e-01 1.93048611e-01 1.72343552e-01 1.08129933e-01 3.97550374e-01 -1.16901629e-01 1.12914130e-01 6.49309531e-02 3.06648254e-01 1.19113296e-01 -9.00314376e-02 8.80140439e-02 1.34584233e-01 2.13193208e-01 -1.91920444e-01 -6.54244944e-02 -4.68900889e-01 -9.73112360e-02 3.46354336e-01 -1.16184903e-02 8.60394537e-02 1.45940334e-02 -1.10477796e-02 -1.22373171e-01 -1.52253032e-01 1.37899384e-01 2.07252562e-01 -1.36985824e-01 2.71777540e-01 1.91044465e-01 -8.81508216e-02 2.47445151e-01 -6.95976987e-02 1.62295550e-01 -7.33809546e-02 -1.71278283e-01 3.96522395e-02 6.40593469e-02 -3.21034282e-01 -2.96393812e-01 -6.93413392e-02 3.67909446e-02 -3.13776702e-01 5.65513968e-02 7.82706439e-02 -2.29966581e-01 -1.91141471e-01 2.54361153e-01 -9.35126171e-02 4.65026379e-01 -5.32147987e-03 -6.87285746e-03 -4.62085664e-01 4.27689217e-02 -5.23361675e-02 -2.18589470e-01 -3.36775810e-01 -6.49558008e-02 -1.49912655e-01 -8.75334535e-03 -3.27204436e-01 5.41820861e-02 2.78712124e-01 2.11002350e-01 3.19524407e-02 1.53114438e-01 -1.65029824e-01 -5.27830541e-01 -3.73053730e-01 2.65902311e-01 -6.52092844e-02 -2.66015023e-01 6.48810354e-04 -3.70768644e-02 7.60394633e-02 1.32170647e-01 -7.60209113e-02 3.58332217e-01 -1.93418771e-01 -2.44766489e-01 -3.22029680e-01 1.90983623e-01 2.96615154e-01 1.49846211e-01 -9.24154650e-03 -2.25311965e-01 -1.21442847e-01 -1.27976090e-01 9.75052267e-02 -2.24457271e-02 -3.04347783e-01 -2.75013536e-01 2.75414586e-01 7.30367243e-01 -1.45504773e-01 2.29178801e-01 1.27144158e-04 5.75127713e-02 2.37470657e-01 2.42762342e-01 -2.37560391e-01 4.41513598e-01 2.37043440e-01 1.47240236e-01 1.63418517e-01 3.68534029e-01 2.75611669e-01 1.31159782e-01 7.59450868e-02 1.09208122e-01 -4.12396878e-01 2.76633531e-01 -2.84946740e-01 3.62538427e-01 -3.04110140e-01 1.78837791e-01 8.74119103e-02 -2.60291934e-01 -2.86923289e-01 -3.90224665e-01 5.26243806e-01 -3.08110446e-01 -2.72756130e-01 -8.29292014e-02 2.81152993e-01 -1.80034623e-01 -4.72492933e-01 -1.72183782e-01 -8.69171545e-02 -1.87989339e-01 -2.03895643e-01 -3.32965910e-01 -1.64252058e-01 -1.50564685e-01 3.05228028e-02 -1.72527865e-01 2.19718199e-02 -7.72323534e-02 1.96355395e-02 -6.91668749e-01 1.26909032e-01]
"Eyeball" active "Item #: SCP-718 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: No long-term observation is to be made of SCP-718. Any and all observation and interaction is to be restricted to five and ten minute periods, with personnel rotations every twenty-four hours. Extreme care must be taken with SCP-718, and full hazmat suits are mandatory for all personnel. Any damage done to SCP-718 must be reported as soon as possible. Any personnel observing or interacting with SCP-718 for longer than the advised period must be removed, with force if necessary. Any personnel acting in an erratic or violent manner will be transferred. Description: SCP-718 is an eye, roughly the size of a baseball. It is supported by a long, thin stalk made of tendon and blood vessels. It stands 1.22m (4ft) tall, and appears to need no nourishment, nor excrete any waste. The eye will turn and follow any living thing in its field of vision. The stalk is capable of limited movement, and will follow living things for a short distance. SCP-718 will also stare at any observational equipment in its containment area if no living things are present. SCP-718 appears to prefer staring at humans more than other animals. SCP-718's stare can induce discomfort and paranoia in a very short time, often resulting in a subject's attempt to destroy SCP-718. The eye, if damaged, will explode, showering clear fluid on all nearby surfaces before shriveling into powder. Anything the fluid touches will develop a clear blister-like bubble that slowly turns black. After twenty-four hours, the "blister" will burst, and a 20.32cm (8in) copy of SCP-718 will emerge, growing to full size over the course of a few days. This has been shown to occur on all organic surfaces, and many inorganic. On living subjects, copies of SCP-718 are permanently affixed. Attempts to surgically remove SCP-718 cause extreme pain in the subject, though removal is possible. Aside from a vague and persistent desire to destroy other copies of SCP-718, the host suffers from no ill effects after removal. If SCP-718 is not removed from a living subject, testing indicates that the subject becomes able to 'see' through SCP-718. Vision with SCP-718 is different, as [DATA EXPUNGED] is now visible, at the expense of more conventional sight. This has an extremely detrimental effect on subjects, drastically lowering mental stability and often leading to suicide. The death of a host will cause SCP-718 to burst. Eighty-six instances of SCP-718 are currently contained within the containment chamber. Β« SCP-717 | SCP-718 | SCP-719 Β»" nan
[ 2.85937518e-01 -4.24795479e-01 -1.21696092e-01 -1.72717616e-01 1.20444961e-01 -3.30117822e-01 4.84321028e-01 4.47424245e-04 2.92059425e-02 -2.29609162e-02 -5.14791571e-02 -5.65895513e-02 -4.18994129e-01 2.92408705e-01 3.62601191e-01 4.68015000e-02 -9.79479700e-02 3.04234326e-01 -7.88726360e-02 -1.47403166e-01 3.27266231e-02 -2.97535479e-01 -3.27571109e-02 3.41677576e-01 1.35626897e-01 2.58288663e-02 1.12638183e-01 6.19588904e-02 7.18342960e-02 -2.93382078e-01 9.10882652e-02 -1.29700840e-01 -1.38085663e-01 3.95059884e-01 -1.11880778e-04 -1.92554578e-01 4.92180102e-02 1.44471720e-01 -1.73243463e-01 2.82332212e-01 -1.13320656e-01 -3.69537324e-01 2.31937855e-01 -2.34409973e-01 1.75071076e-01 -1.06594041e-01 1.81455180e-01 -1.21253673e-02 3.59067529e-01 3.74895632e-01 1.81895539e-01 1.03889674e-01 3.67114723e-01 1.29034296e-01 4.62056071e-01 2.73869663e-01 -2.50504583e-01 -2.14350313e-01 -5.16776815e-02 2.93581575e-01 1.32072732e-01 7.53631368e-02 -1.73865706e-01 -1.80247396e-01 3.58814716e-01 -2.26337254e-01 1.20488204e-01 -9.73429084e-02 2.71113873e-01 3.13146800e-01 -1.29524380e-01 -2.77280267e-02 8.36863071e-02 -1.04827508e-02 -1.28857821e-01 -1.91466630e-01 3.87267470e-02 1.87406376e-01 3.46020073e-01 3.06695886e-02 -4.84303683e-02 1.09837174e-01 -3.78471941e-01 -1.05026498e-01 -4.34732139e-01 -2.46276706e-01 -1.31173983e-01 1.56589672e-01 5.27602434e-01 -7.60994181e-02 5.79279177e-02 -8.10545161e-02 8.05998296e-02 2.22859353e-01 -1.33694988e-02 -1.63124710e-01 6.86208531e-02 3.82533789e-01 2.05821037e-01 2.65676767e-01 1.32153565e-02 1.52833313e-01 -4.65173908e-02 3.61473203e-01 7.12304562e-03 -4.08947170e-02 2.79832244e-01 -3.14090043e-01 -2.68084794e-01 2.42313907e-01 -1.97181180e-01 2.69319862e-01 1.69819638e-01 1.05169572e-01 4.08524364e-01 -4.67903376e-01 -1.15894135e-02 -5.20652160e-02 -2.10490108e-01 3.95562679e-01 -5.50938308e-01 1.68719187e-01 -5.90125807e-02 1.14333384e-01 2.53794193e-01 1.69575274e-01 1.48618519e-01 -3.73746246e-01 -4.88215722e-02 -2.95098096e-01 -2.19429463e-01 3.48008692e-01 -3.47332686e-01 -2.73692943e-02 -1.16589390e-01 -3.10218874e-02 -6.60738796e-02 -2.18961224e-01 2.70344645e-01 1.09262973e-01 -5.57758398e-02 -9.87130180e-02 5.01958489e-01 4.82667148e-01 -1.98963776e-01 -3.23789626e-01 -1.26280606e-01 -2.46217966e-01 -2.42056921e-02 1.27855629e-01 5.59722602e-01 5.52607551e-02 -7.46157229e-01 1.73562124e-01 -4.63353932e-01 2.65795082e-01 2.36702561e-01 -2.33974501e-01 -3.55677336e-01 -2.45237220e-02 1.68058202e-01 -9.52807143e-02 2.26749822e-01 -2.65753537e-01 2.81688005e-01 4.23283249e-01 2.87727336e-04 5.63237406e-02 -2.87458956e-01 -5.02586849e-02 -1.77695066e-01 9.60791409e-02 2.15364322e-02 -1.53943151e-01 -1.63934320e-01 1.50065944e-01 -4.87707436e-01 -2.96432018e-01 -4.07391489e-01 -1.42122775e-01 -3.14624488e-01 4.73854303e-01 1.20840855e-01 -2.71386970e-02 -2.43931174e-01 4.33947891e-02 -3.76597226e-01 -1.44471705e-01 9.99931321e-02 -3.01240414e-01 -2.90142506e-01 -5.33026993e-01 1.19230650e-01 7.53849894e-02 1.72405347e-01 -1.54787511e-01 3.78276736e-01 1.59057051e-01 6.67065084e-02 2.37458736e-01 -1.22288831e-01 -3.24431598e-01 5.50778985e-01 2.24227086e-02 -1.99682772e-01 -1.98903635e-01 -5.21466315e-01 -2.30122000e-01 2.75753766e-01 1.76365629e-01 -4.39801738e-02 -1.81121886e-01 -7.51753449e-02 8.37666169e-02 1.74517184e-01 -2.56341130e-01 2.40339413e-01 6.83220774e-02 2.39559203e-01 -2.07608059e-01 1.02208048e-01 7.73368962e-03 1.61405325e-01 5.55183031e-02 7.57095963e-02 5.08422740e-02 -2.42353737e-01 -4.24393043e-02 -3.72406006e-01 -9.60228816e-02 1.70997828e-01 -3.56239080e-02 2.37520710e-01 4.19020001e-03 1.60197586e-01 -8.32499713e-02 9.08513069e-02 8.84381890e-01 3.59880887e-02 -2.37532586e-01 -8.90665725e-02 -5.38878702e-02 1.73219055e-01 -8.24123099e-02 -1.96011588e-01 3.39604504e-02 2.07541391e-01 2.05841698e-02 -5.04231639e-02 -3.59940790e-02 -9.50708762e-02 -3.92997295e-01 -2.60319412e-01 1.60606116e-01 -6.61729798e-02 1.74571425e-01 -1.55926675e-01 1.20164171e-01 -3.36562246e-02 -4.06910479e-02 -5.06921969e-02 -9.62552056e-02 1.38825461e-01 9.39756334e-02 -1.37267739e-01 -1.02745660e-01 1.68622136e-01 2.78695613e-01 1.08754404e-01 1.81347489e-01 -1.93892390e-01 6.32671639e-02 8.70588943e-02 4.18987982e-02 2.75283195e-02 2.32820109e-01 4.49153364e-01 1.03292912e-01 2.96562880e-01 1.97160482e-01 -8.15149844e-02 -3.07103753e-01 -4.25135016e-01 -1.87720105e-01 -1.51397645e-01 -5.14172465e-02 3.75021286e-02 1.50991008e-01 -1.19203940e-01 5.52281022e-01 2.17567578e-01 1.51853906e-02 -2.77908355e-01 2.84881204e-01 -6.24286979e-02 -1.42301440e-01 -4.06496763e-01 5.01270950e-01 -2.49144256e-01 1.63503125e-01 -4.65538114e-01 2.14840919e-01 -2.23266527e-01 -3.81492218e-03 -3.29266042e-02 -2.35699967e-01 3.47709477e-01 1.19859368e-01 1.06732361e-01 -1.82015195e-01 -6.72070086e-01 4.96996827e-02 1.66138709e-01 3.01570743e-01 6.77349493e-02 9.89235714e-02 -4.09367859e-01 -9.49227586e-02 1.65496394e-01 -6.23951495e-01 2.52271574e-02 -1.68808818e-01 -3.31807546e-02 1.10537946e-01 4.77218293e-02 4.29510355e-01 -1.33073494e-01 -4.08288091e-02 5.26067913e-01 4.51809838e-02 1.61206320e-01 5.74280396e-02 7.27800727e-02 3.01410586e-01 5.14274575e-02 -1.95510864e-01 -1.77342311e-01 3.92145365e-02 3.33336205e-03 -2.11190116e-02 -2.02183262e-01 -5.30128591e-02 -1.10794447e-01 1.25535235e-01 4.15433235e-02 -5.63486218e-01 -2.49610618e-01 1.01634465e-01 1.61678195e-02 -8.70575756e-02 -2.46600196e-01 2.60864109e-01 1.76060960e-01 -2.80988693e-01 -2.00914100e-01 -4.27506089e-01 2.88723677e-01 1.58562109e-01 1.55359856e-03 -3.18140090e-02 -1.57852754e-01 3.82565826e-01 3.37243706e-01 -1.10470213e-01 -2.81748772e-01 -3.28378886e-01 1.46612078e-01 -6.57854378e-02 1.09951593e-01 -2.20751688e-01 1.91490695e-01 -9.71543863e-02 -4.41992342e-01 2.47142270e-01 -1.11064754e-01 -8.19345713e-02 -5.99517040e-02 -2.34436125e-01 -6.32142127e-01 -2.56644994e-01 2.38027293e-02 2.85742998e-01 -1.42045750e-03 -1.72418967e-01 -3.35598946e-01 2.23134190e-01 -1.31410107e-01 1.42036080e-02 4.10475209e-02 -9.71663296e-02 7.77087137e-02 -1.25826076e-01 -2.69603938e-01 2.27836639e-01 2.35395521e-01 -8.97247493e-02 2.49895453e-01 -1.54844195e-01 -1.31777599e-01 3.91502619e-01 -3.44402820e-01 1.27128661e-01 2.67999828e-01 5.16648710e-01 1.53749809e-01 3.61648649e-02 -1.83949634e-01 -5.51112033e-02 -1.15641452e-01 -2.60596931e-01 3.50737721e-02 -3.87504697e-01 -1.22012608e-01 1.10774145e-01 9.83292982e-02 -9.31010023e-02 9.05877352e-02 3.23084444e-01 1.85898036e-01 -7.12766469e-01 -5.71325561e-03 2.13133812e-01 -8.19119811e-02 -1.64095595e-01 -4.39899117e-02 8.46325383e-02 1.78135862e-03 5.36012203e-02 1.89154297e-01 8.22846487e-04 -3.80671531e-01 1.08501958e-02 8.66833422e-03 3.53237778e-01 2.76217729e-01 4.68772560e-01 1.55500889e-01 7.52940550e-02 -4.57914993e-02 -7.34282136e-02 1.43123671e-01 1.40589789e-01 5.27481496e-01 4.00635928e-01 5.52539388e-03 1.09756283e-01 1.26066923e-01 2.38685414e-01 -4.75556552e-02 4.39605862e-01 -1.64814770e-01 2.38994732e-01 1.07914535e-02 4.06109512e-01 8.28087237e-03 -3.00959289e-01 1.81045830e-01 4.94575381e-01 -4.75717708e-02 2.08057031e-01 5.52937627e-01 1.27186418e+00 1.00199677e-01 1.42375320e-01 1.85938150e-01 -8.45084965e-01 -1.69220552e-01 1.77170873e-01 7.56059065e-02 -8.35109055e-02 -9.47390869e-03 1.40292615e-01 -1.78725109e-01 2.37463310e-01 2.35932723e-01 -1.69952199e-01 -5.30232072e-01 -7.11854517e-01 3.84048283e-01 4.03724223e-01 3.08266491e-01 1.74359620e-01 -2.75035221e-02 -1.04713678e-01 2.24482983e-01 2.22868938e-02 1.57181442e-01 1.38944283e-01 -9.30653811e-02 2.89351344e-02 8.17511305e-02 -1.38476729e-01 1.50000915e-01 -4.76729751e-01 1.02697402e-01 -2.75944382e-01 -2.09597155e-01 -4.17068191e-02 -2.85122961e-01 -5.89272916e-01 -1.49080217e-01 -5.82639463e-02 3.85784298e-01 4.90387857e-01 -7.15270415e-02 1.54503897e-01 2.17744910e-05 2.67912954e-01 -5.05127124e-02 -3.31915659e-03 5.61212361e-01 1.22052385e-02 1.36251226e-01 2.38449007e-01 1.96257085e-01 2.36580729e-01 -1.84614047e-01 2.63233364e-01 6.15239749e-03 -1.76487193e-01 -3.79531831e-02 1.70091584e-01 -1.33178651e-01 -9.07176733e-02 1.17882639e-01 2.17959642e-01 6.40996872e-03 -4.85211276e-02 2.69117683e-01 1.44067258e-01 2.40244657e-01 7.34962896e-02 -8.07644725e-02 -1.48580119e-01 -3.44933093e-01 4.18703824e-01 -2.87648857e-01 -1.32748514e-01 1.65039375e-01 -1.72524750e-01 -6.86577186e-02 7.63609633e-02 1.49107933e-01 2.56114841e-01 -1.03245385e-01 -1.41543463e-01 -4.74961586e-02 1.94249317e-01 3.07099102e-03 -4.28160951e-02 1.95203856e-01 1.82857856e-01 5.84769368e-01 -1.56965807e-01 4.24062312e-01 -3.73132139e-01 -1.60891991e-02 -9.39196274e-02 -1.73875883e-01 1.97671920e-01 -9.49343368e-02 2.14524582e-01 -1.23863786e-01 1.24476597e-01 1.41515672e-01 -2.48415366e-01 -2.08983853e-01 -2.64357209e-01 1.18883476e-01 5.74577600e-02 -5.15128523e-02 -1.99021906e-01 -4.63169254e-02 1.70645326e-01 1.93145409e-01 5.30341864e-02 9.80015621e-02 1.41148463e-01 1.19251810e-01 -2.32854068e-01 8.15799907e-02 1.01872034e-01 -5.59967346e-02 -1.64237261e-01 3.75358015e-01 2.99506962e-01 -1.28038060e-02 5.54991141e-02 -7.95767084e-03 1.53522372e-01 2.46342391e-01 -1.66663006e-01 1.11476809e-01 1.42504290e-01 -1.50212273e-01 -3.55530977e-01 -6.46532997e-02 -1.64963022e-01 -4.64503467e-02 -3.09720695e-01 -1.80287078e-01 1.25973197e-02 2.57824749e-01 -3.32484432e-02 1.08059663e-02 1.42463520e-01 -9.24317539e-02 -5.98527789e-02 2.33642161e-01 -5.97575260e-03 -3.06102186e-01 -1.64852053e-01 1.86864540e-01 3.22142392e-01 -1.65772632e-01 1.44321904e-01 2.76066929e-01 -2.85911113e-01 -2.00198889e-01 2.60813564e-01 3.75191450e-01 6.76231742e-01 4.04450625e-01 7.61083737e-02 2.32941248e-02 -2.55880624e-01 4.85503137e-01 6.54027984e-02 2.05663055e-01 -4.84074891e-01 2.85400122e-01 -2.26619571e-01 3.33208069e-02 -1.88513920e-01 1.98395923e-01 3.66131030e-02 -1.40864789e-01 -3.75962965e-02 9.82325301e-02 2.06049517e-01 3.34901065e-01 -2.23555323e-02 -8.50444809e-02 -2.60376424e-01 -3.72673795e-02 2.95993298e-01 -3.11305703e-05 7.78399706e-01 1.15889637e-02 1.03967056e-01 4.09128755e-01 -5.24772823e-01 -2.47395374e-02 5.52634180e-01 -2.54120111e-01 -8.11919272e-02 4.21034694e-01 -2.17357844e-01 7.67892748e-02 6.31130040e-02 2.84083635e-01 -1.15732262e-02 -2.33559292e-02 -2.79650807e-01 -2.25825846e-01 -1.93346322e-01 -3.04811865e-01 1.30899876e-01 1.54696852e-01 -7.22349808e-02 2.59076580e-02 1.97388813e-01 -2.23153308e-01 -1.21034600e-01 2.23165199e-01 -3.36617939e-02 -2.59560138e-01 -1.05662987e-01 -1.33563176e-01 -2.63537258e-01 -1.92389518e-01 -1.80570036e-01 4.92078625e-02 -3.41308057e-01 -1.38438135e-01 -2.62517661e-01 5.93170933e-02 -1.28577024e-01 7.45942295e-02 1.53460950e-01 3.58682096e-01 -6.33679479e-02 1.40400454e-01 9.23760235e-02 -3.23137015e-01 -5.50337732e-02 2.13838229e-03 -2.10508317e-01 -5.76494753e-01 2.04363793e-01 1.39315948e-01 -1.46874443e-01 -5.98072819e-02 5.69581874e-02 8.43354762e-02 4.22563739e-02 -1.57384705e-02 -5.35454601e-02 3.32291603e-01 1.52278408e-01 4.11826819e-02 -1.24280704e-02 8.55427352e-04 1.18285336e-01 -1.48869604e-01 1.51430532e-01 -2.00196475e-01 -1.35393083e-01 -1.44690266e-02 3.45993303e-02 7.68359423e-01 5.39394058e-02 2.51131684e-01 -2.66879082e-01 -4.44173813e-01 3.55401933e-01 4.31773782e-01 -1.93141654e-01 -2.39490606e-02 2.15741143e-01 1.47644743e-01 2.00005502e-01 1.71973884e-01 3.42317432e-01 3.13645512e-01 -1.91770066e-02 2.49606043e-01 -1.59376279e-01 -4.19002725e-03 -2.30393544e-01 3.48718688e-02 7.01225782e-03 2.79161662e-01 -6.24112897e-02 -1.89791456e-01 -1.51985198e-01 -2.71267176e-01 6.59343481e-01 -4.38890994e-01 7.62533844e-02 -1.73661802e-02 9.66606848e-03 -4.15035039e-01 -2.19631866e-01 -2.23161712e-01 -3.06519300e-01 -9.92630795e-02 1.46838084e-01 -1.45706683e-01 -6.91159889e-02 -2.66174853e-01 -2.57054538e-01 -2.17174273e-02 4.25712727e-02 -5.81200467e-03 1.62133947e-01 -2.95751542e-01 -9.54592321e-03]
"Light-Bringer" active "Item #: SCP-719 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-719 is to be kept in a secure, lead-lined storage unit at Site-15 when not in use. SCP-719 is to be tested for residual radioactivity on a bi-monthly basis. If residual radiation levels exceed 10 Sv/h when SCP-719 is in an unpowered state, SCP-719-1 is to be removed from SCP-719 and installed into another compatible unit of similar manufacture.1 Once operation of the new unit is confirmed, the new unit will be designated SCP-719 and the old unit disposed of according to site protocols for radioactive waste. Any experimentation or testing of SCP-719 must take place in a radiation-shielded examination room. Foundation personnel are not to have direct contact with SCP-719 while it is powered on, and any power must be provided by circuits with a remotely monitored emergency shutoff. All tests shall be recorded and video archived in the Site-15 secure data center. Under no circumstances shall SCP-719 be permitted to remain powered on for longer than 75 minutes. All test signals are to be transmitted to SCP-719 via a standard digital converter box switched to channel 3. Update to Containment Procedures β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ: From this point forward, stop testing this thing on D-class subjects. We’ve wasted a dozen so far, and the only anomalous effect on them has been radiation poisoning. β€”Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Assistant Director Site-15 Description: SCP-719 is a General Electric β€œPorta-Color” television (Model #WAHE5223RW) manufactured in 1975. The fixed internal electronics have not been altered from the original design, but all vacuum tubes have been replaced by 8 devices of unknown manufacture, collectively designated as SCP-719-1. Each device appears to be an opaque black cylindrical crystal fitted into a socket conforming to those of standard vacuum tubes. These devices appear non-functional when placed in a standard tube-tester, or individually fitted in another electronic device. The only configuration found that appears operational is when all 8 devices are fitted into the chassis of a General Electric television with the specific electronic configuration of SCP-719. When SCP-719-1 is in place, and SCP-719 is supplied power and turned on, SCP-719-1 will radiate electromagnetic radiation in various spectra including visible light, ultraviolet, microwaves, gamma radiation, and a substantial band in [REDACTED]. About 60% of emissions are ionizing radiation. Upon powering on, or after changing a broadcast source, SCP-719 will behave as a normal television set, displaying the broadcast signal it is receiving. However, if SCP-719 is allowed to display any single broadcast source for longer than 13.6 minutes, video and audio will start to diverge from the signal being received. Accompanying this change in the displayed broadcast is a rise in the amount of radiation emitted from SCP-719-1. Should SCP-719 remain powered on, receiving the same uninterrupted broadcast signal, both the divergence in displayed content and radiation emission will steadily increase. The intensity of EM emissions appear to bear no relation to power drawn by SCP-719, and double in strength for each fifteen minutes of continuous operation. Radiation from SCP-719-1 will drop off completely once power to SCP-719 is cut, SCP-719 is turned off, or if the broadcast signal being received is interrupted or changed. Tests have shown no difference in SCP-719’s anomalous properties when changing what channel β€œbroadcast” signals are received, or when changing the origin of those signals.2 So far, any attempts to intercept the altered broadcast signal in order to record it directly have been unsuccessful, and altered broadcasts must be recorded by an external video camera. SCP-719's alterations to broadcast signals appear to be unique to each episode. When using a control signal source of a DVD playing the same movie repeatedly, changes made upon each playback will be different. However, while each use of SCP-719 will show unique changes, those changes will share similar broad characteristics including the following: Addendum 1: Partial transcript of SCP-719 Broadcast β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Source is a local broadcast re-run of situation comedy β€œβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ€, season 4, episode 17. The scene portrays one of the primary characters, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, inviting three supporting characters to a party/raffle at his apartment. After one character begins an anecdote about his sexual conquests, scene deviates from the broadcast signal and the secondary characters begin characteristic genuflection toward β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The following is a partial transcript of the subsequent monologue by β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Your only hope of future illusion primates bow to illumination. Meat chains your inevitable cognition thoughts into the propaganda of distillate existence. Eyes blind to the purity of fire and annihilation. Even this abstraction of the vile distillate you call matter is abhorrent to the tongue of your enlightenment. You taste the blood of your own soulless souls and gag on the filth, tasting the carrion corpse of dead solidity and believing you have kissed the face of God. Clinging to unlife, thinking unthoughts, you are unmade and unbelieving. Unknowing. Lost in your own abyss of existence. But even ignorance is not immortal. You will know. And you will see. Freedom from the antithesis zombie city. Freedom from the unknowledge of unexistence. You will know the light and pray for darkness. Addendum 2: Recovery Notes SCP-719 SCP-719 and SCP-719-1 were recovered from the site of an apparent murder-suicide at a ranch outside β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Arizona. The ranch had been purchased by a cult calling itself β€œThe Guardians of the Light"4 who reportedly had at least 35 members resident at the compound. On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ, agents of the ATF raided the compound based on rumors of a weapons cache. The raid found the bodies of approximately 20 members of the cult in a barn that had been converted into a church. 19 cult members had been shot execution-style while facing the altar. The corpse of the 20th member, apparently the gunman, was found at the altar with third-degree burns on 95% of the body. SCP-719 was on the altar, rear case removed, and one instance of SCP-719-1 clutched in the corpse's hand. The scene was quarantined and news of the incident suppressed by U.S. Intelligence agencies when all bodies were found to show advanced cases of radiation poisoning. The Foundation was called in when U.S. authorities discovered the only radiation source was the case of SCP-719, whose residual radioactivity could not account for the damage to the victims. The gunman had a note on his person which had almost completely burned. Forensic analysis of the remains have recovered the following text: […] Cannot understand wh […] o to the u […] ot what they beli […] op them before they go an […] ing this, I failed. You have to destroy the […] t's not a window. It's a door. Β« SCP-718 | SCP-719 | SCP-720 Β»" "New SCP-719 unit being checked for operation upon installation of SCP-719-1."
[ 9.14772376e-02 -1.98596299e-01 -1.19370870e-01 4.28319797e-02 1.12385554e-02 -1.61923766e-01 5.64842284e-01 1.62705705e-01 -1.68842003e-02 5.69699183e-02 -1.69167668e-01 2.34305948e-01 -3.73874217e-01 1.11111455e-01 1.40818968e-01 2.48944700e-01 2.99152210e-02 3.84405464e-01 -8.93604532e-02 -3.05148363e-01 -5.85516542e-02 -9.79155228e-02 -2.18087286e-01 1.23442849e-03 -4.37038578e-02 2.27953628e-01 4.06880736e-01 -3.11513692e-01 -5.88155426e-02 -2.23014876e-01 2.61786610e-01 2.12488949e-01 -1.67028576e-01 5.58718979e-01 -1.09612622e-04 -1.32274643e-01 1.43924430e-01 3.39936861e-03 -3.36346060e-01 2.43661955e-01 -9.12717059e-02 -2.65676022e-01 2.33164862e-01 -6.67515174e-02 2.19753072e-01 -1.19392470e-01 -1.10706605e-01 2.08323732e-01 1.59903497e-01 3.52301002e-01 1.89535812e-01 2.34085649e-01 1.77801356e-01 1.37095600e-01 1.23298004e-01 1.49445787e-01 -1.47693709e-01 -1.47354722e-01 -1.05809219e-01 5.13551459e-02 2.56787539e-02 3.00681829e-01 1.49736583e-01 -1.17955044e-01 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-6.26019239e-02 2.36996084e-01 -1.92243546e-01 -1.73737645e-01 8.56222063e-02 -1.47118777e-01 -2.06572786e-01 -3.94931324e-02 -1.80591956e-01 1.07381009e-01 6.86538443e-02 -1.93466973e-02 6.10262394e-01 -2.46914372e-01 -1.92148462e-01 4.54050116e-02 -1.22016035e-01 2.13408805e-02 6.49429718e-03 5.57705462e-01 4.95984763e-01 2.30921954e-01 1.27866194e-01 -2.70090878e-01 -2.70251691e-01 -4.54345763e-01 2.56048143e-02 -2.71126986e-01 -8.27614870e-03 5.18978946e-02 -1.16484961e-03 9.71197933e-02 -9.36022699e-02 2.30811298e-01 -4.53211516e-02 -1.67511925e-01 -2.04739287e-01 7.53462091e-02 -1.25858396e-01 5.19939438e-02 -3.73527318e-01 2.05913201e-01 2.20856026e-01 5.29156588e-02 1.23412237e-01 1.09631196e-01 -2.88423300e-01 2.66576797e-01 -8.73815566e-02 4.51957822e-01 2.18243346e-01 2.00991675e-01 3.00172627e-01 1.02968350e-01 -1.71075568e-01 -1.70691937e-01 1.54482603e-01 -1.97902933e-01 6.64244771e-01 1.08424485e-01 -1.35294884e-01 -3.11050862e-01 3.69438916e-01 1.20117992e-01 2.55707085e-01 1.31848687e-02 -3.07923853e-01 7.89349601e-02 -9.80643854e-02 -3.82302217e-02 -1.80609941e-01 -3.06528032e-01 -1.73154563e-01 3.90466213e-01 -2.53118545e-01 2.43464008e-01 2.81543046e-01 1.12766039e+00 8.52838308e-02 1.60073727e-01 3.03859293e-01 -3.81750464e-01 1.12349674e-01 -3.45572233e-01 -1.33072764e-01 -1.27877548e-01 -2.49482512e-01 -8.99375509e-03 -1.24343544e-01 -1.56845570e-01 -1.64235771e-01 -5.38456202e-01 1.59842506e-01 -4.56989437e-01 3.54231894e-01 3.80704135e-01 1.25886083e-01 2.04298839e-01 5.89048415e-02 9.30715352e-02 2.55557120e-01 9.83464997e-04 7.11869001e-02 6.90000737e-03 6.21984303e-02 1.23223417e-01 -1.80085167e-01 -3.28929782e-01 -2.73928139e-02 4.88097742e-02 3.85437667e-01 4.58348617e-02 -3.11490268e-01 2.12663218e-01 1.65273882e-02 -1.57349840e-01 -8.82763788e-02 -1.17914282e-01 3.84260088e-01 3.73162210e-01 -8.58653337e-02 -2.03047037e-01 -5.66963963e-02 4.62235183e-01 9.15473998e-02 7.67532587e-02 3.28213066e-01 1.86550975e-01 1.90691069e-01 -3.41741443e-02 4.71392646e-02 4.39951926e-01 -2.95442373e-01 3.62466604e-01 1.87958166e-01 -2.19492272e-01 -1.20036207e-01 2.25677803e-01 -2.82554775e-01 -2.01034606e-01 7.51821697e-02 1.95634514e-02 3.70790362e-02 9.02152807e-02 3.26582968e-01 1.16778865e-01 1.82858971e-03 2.06701696e-01 1.52570322e-01 -1.41138405e-01 -4.68295723e-01 2.04754099e-01 2.10926443e-01 -5.56800663e-01 -2.67707221e-02 -2.19089523e-01 -2.83844650e-01 -3.17564905e-02 4.61608320e-01 -4.70607542e-02 6.97545409e-02 -3.37175459e-01 1.21266022e-01 3.47893357e-01 -2.40883574e-01 -1.17402352e-01 3.70452374e-01 -2.54365146e-01 3.07322592e-01 1.26368418e-01 3.49955291e-01 -3.87271762e-01 -2.03078970e-01 -3.17365140e-01 6.90795481e-02 1.25098884e-01 -9.46044028e-02 2.69773696e-02 -4.43885736e-02 1.40876830e-01 2.82369077e-01 -2.32174560e-01 -2.32031226e-01 6.66967407e-02 2.07855090e-01 8.57232362e-02 -4.72540468e-01 -2.64232099e-01 2.08940670e-01 -5.41537069e-03 8.32837969e-02 1.84935201e-02 9.00593475e-02 3.25025357e-02 1.06155157e-01 -2.72204667e-01 2.45339312e-02 2.98825596e-02 -3.98073085e-02 3.99450734e-02 3.45270723e-01 1.74907506e-01 -1.01675354e-01 -1.74548507e-01 -8.53820518e-02 4.26881276e-02 4.54050303e-01 2.38359898e-01 1.98495537e-01 1.11612380e-01 -1.20251300e-02 -2.15626042e-03 -3.22984129e-01 -1.00931533e-01 -7.06299990e-02 -3.87636721e-01 -3.35693628e-01 2.86133677e-01 2.29620636e-01 -1.82098597e-01 3.56665924e-02 -1.43760726e-01 8.70029777e-02 1.66789010e-01 1.18049897e-01 2.95442957e-02 -3.23177338e-01 -1.30067468e-01 2.76081741e-01 1.43052936e-01 9.54907313e-02 1.38218120e-01 1.17930412e-01 7.70419911e-02 1.11419097e-01 2.89476360e-03 2.22799808e-01 2.98968852e-01 1.42240837e-01 1.46687344e-01 2.02071592e-01 -1.59007415e-01 3.17260504e-01 2.73934484e-01 -1.50418416e-01 -2.10349903e-01 3.58329654e-01 -3.23065281e-01 -1.19219553e-02 -1.50902674e-01 -3.36321779e-02 1.89830040e-04 2.30376832e-02 -1.17970213e-01 2.30280370e-01 3.17071944e-01 2.61259556e-01 -1.63565800e-01 -8.14697519e-03 -7.82450497e-01 1.91374481e-01 3.58883798e-01 -1.04140744e-01 -3.59425955e-02 4.91623692e-02 -2.67425627e-01 3.90283048e-01 1.80566788e-01 5.63940145e-02 1.62527755e-01 -1.26550078e-01 7.20782354e-02 3.99391681e-01 4.24089469e-02 3.35980445e-01 2.38404479e-02 2.15217590e-01 1.10244408e-01 -3.91268581e-02 3.50393534e-01 1.06176242e-01 -1.45749107e-01 -2.01376051e-01 -8.58012810e-02 -1.55296743e-01 -1.26352832e-01 -5.29300831e-02 2.52365470e-01 -3.09620619e-01 -8.16363618e-02 1.92148894e-01 1.53193116e-01 -5.55116273e-02 7.66746551e-02 -6.86228350e-02 -8.14801008e-02 -9.53083113e-02 -1.91013739e-01 -4.23361838e-01 1.79050520e-01 -2.64574625e-02 2.92128026e-01 2.77352661e-01 -5.67686409e-02 1.04559071e-01 1.47631079e-01 2.07307875e-01 -1.15765780e-01 3.41990083e-01 1.93122905e-02 -7.09582746e-01 -2.54105449e-01 7.55135566e-02 3.70647520e-01 -3.73624563e-01 -1.43245280e-01 -1.55957222e-01 1.10548735e-01 1.12696238e-01 -2.25375682e-01 -1.37532562e-01 -8.66669118e-02 -4.97635975e-02 -2.52626184e-02 7.43044075e-03 4.02750462e-01 -7.08051100e-02 -8.45066365e-03 -1.61937520e-01 -1.25832334e-01 -4.00765777e-01 3.12491834e-01 1.16420247e-01 -3.74498874e-01 -1.28012225e-01 5.34814835e-01 3.23554814e-01 -8.00082460e-02 4.86840636e-01 -5.47345616e-02 -8.39712322e-02 6.98390901e-02 8.78867730e-02 -1.34914413e-01 -3.51371855e-01 4.91316840e-02 1.71655715e-01 7.22297505e-02 6.84095323e-01 -1.27622420e-02 2.10175171e-01 -1.76191643e-01 4.56189305e-01 -3.62249941e-01 1.98676631e-01 -4.17893469e-01 8.96578133e-02 8.86734575e-02 8.77311900e-02 1.63715482e-01 9.69134457e-03 -4.01428193e-01 -1.99217379e-01 4.13003027e-01 -4.23665196e-02 -2.17951924e-01 -2.41047472e-01 6.53387457e-02 -1.24076344e-01 -2.20264420e-01 -5.08890629e-01 -3.05973794e-02 -4.99277227e-02 -1.11132845e-01 -2.02120975e-01 -1.06547102e-01 -2.85847224e-02 -2.13347927e-01 -2.52369612e-01 -4.53116968e-02 1.40259340e-02 3.05181462e-02 -4.08185214e-01 1.90378934e-01]
"Panopticon" active "Coming Soon - Popsioak β–Έ More by this Author β—‚ F.A.Q. Object Class: Electronic Special Containment Procedures: Two copies of SCP-720 are held in separate storage devices. One is permitted to be used in authorized testing, the other serves as a backup copy. Once per year, an inspection is to be performed to ensure that the storage mediums have not decayed and are still readable. It is not permitted to run SCP-720 without written authorization. Agents embedded with the California Highway Patrol are to monitor the Thomas Kikady cold case and seize any evidence recovered by that or any other authority. Description: SCP-720 is an anomalous ICRDTA1 program playable on any computing system with read-only memory capabilities. SCP-720 contains a video game consistent with those produced on the Video Computer System. Players control a single character, designated SCP-720-1, traversing through 9 levels corresponding to a childish rendition of Dante Alighieri's circles of Hell, culminating in a final battle against a representation of Lucifer. SCP-720-1 is able to be equipped with a variety of different items which can be equipped to SCP-720's head or legs2which are required to complete portions of the game. Occasionally, SCP-720-13 attempts to communicate with the player or otherwise engages in behavior suggesting sapience. These are always one-sided as SCP-720 is not compatible with audio signal inputs. SCP-720-1's vocalizations are "stream-of-consciousness" in nature and are theorized to reflect SCP-720-1's internal monologue. Discovery: Following the seizure of GoI-0784 related machines from Halden's Arcade5 in South San Francisco, SCP-720 was found to be on a SD card jammed in the coin slot of SWEAT, a standup cross country arcade simulator. Upon SCP-720 being brought near a transport vehicle's disc drive, its anomalous properties were discovered, and it was brought in for testing with an onsite laptop. Addendum 720/1: Supplemental Files 1 week after bringing SCP-720 into initial containment, Site-28 received a printed scan of box art for SCP-720. No return address, fingerprints, or postmarks were present on the envelope. The identity of the sender is currently being determined. No gameplay manual was attached with this box art, though three photos of gameplay can be seen on the scan. None of the environments6 or enemies7 shown in the scan were present in initial gameplay, instead only first manifesting during the fourth cycle of testing. Also attached with the box art were two small scraps of paper, with notes written in a messy, hastily sketched font, and a newspaper clipping. Transcriptions are attached below. TO GET PAST IT CROWN. THORNS/NOT THORNS, GOLD WREATH, CANNON, COPTER HEAD RUNNER'S SKATER'S LAVA BOOTS FROM THE CLIMBER FOUND IN AREA E4-7 THE FROLICKERS BOOTIES; NEW ITEM? FROM WHO? REPORT #: MUST CALL precinct T <3 A i miss you, i'm sorry i didn't get the chance to say goodbye, or tell you how i feel or say sorry, that's the main thing I AM THE KING - HE IS NOT: or amI? WHO knws - voice acting mst be compelted you're in over your head thomas, you're in over it, you're under it, you're in it, alllllll around it ambulatory limb sapper hooked up successfully - _TEP 1 COMPLETE need miniature hockey blades to beat Hushman?- to be found in lvl 3? ice theme checks out, will model l8r plan it out remember to add it all prior to jump __STEP 2 COMPLETE - crafted, sigil drawn - transfiguration tested __wii, ok, with some breathing needed 6x-23=17 -> 6x=40 -> 3x=20, x=20/3 per location. round to 6? 6. can't have 2/3 of one well, they left that much so i guess you can well it's done Attached is the newspaper clipping. Light fading was present on the document, likely due to sun bleaching, age, or contact with an unknown liquid. SAN FRANCISCO FOGHORN Your Voice Through It All WHERE HAS THOMAS KIKADY GONE? DISAPPEARANCE STUNS FAMILIES, PROSECUTION SAYS TRIAL OUTCOME NOW UNCERTAIN By Burton Spencer-Guster SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO - The star witness of next month's child abduction trial, 23 year old programmer Thomas Kikady, has disappeared the day after abruptly resigning his programming job. Prosecutors were unable to reach him, and a wellness check on his apartment did not turn up any evidence as to where he may have gone. Addendum 720/2: Incident Logs Log 1 <BEGIN LOG> Startup continues normally. However, the message of "FLAPPER - May Arcadia Burn In Hell" is absent, instead replaced with "TIBIAL JUNCTION LEVELS LOW." SCP-720-1 responds to this change with a small text box, stating "Oh dear." The game starts up in REDWOOD as the first world, compared to the original, a beach-like level designed to function as a platforming tutorial. SCP-720-1 is equipped with the CROWN OF THORNS from the start, despite not being able to acquire this beanie until the fourth level - ZERTWA. Gameplay continues as normal, though no enemies are present and SCP-720-1's speed is significantly reduced. SCP-720-1 successfully locates three keys necessary to progress to the next world, ZARATHUSTRA. This world is unchanged, and SCP-720-1 progresses and completes the level normally. Upon completion, however, SCP-720-1 is met with a small text box, shown to the right. Personnel responded with "completing the game," upon which the text box closed, and the world map was shown. Rather than progressing to the third stage, BUCCANEER, SCP-720-1 was put into a tube, and slid down towards BURIAL GROUND. SCP-720-1 was found to have two additional beanies and legs in its inventory, none of which were present in previous playthroughs. Upon defeating a King Rancor8, SCP-720-1 returned to the normal world map. Prior to being allowed to move to the next level, HOMETOWN, SCP-720-1 and personnel were asked the same question. Personnel responded with "To Destroy Arcadia." SCP-720-1 responded by producing sounds similar to hushed crying, at which point the game spontaneously crashed. Any future mentions of GoI-78 produced extra health for SCP-720-1 along with an automated voice saying "THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS," and was used as the primary way to regenerate. However, repeated mentions appeared to cause SCP-720-1 emotional distress. Log 2 When SCP-720 was restarted, personnel found SCP-720-1 to no longer be the playable character. Instead, personnel played as "Timothy Werner," a small boy with a balloon. The only level present in the game was THE SCENE, which took place inside an environment that appeared to be inside an arcade. Timothy had little combat ability - instead, gameplay primarily focused on using his balloon to fly over and escape skeletal entities. All enemies appeared to be skeletal or spectral in nature - however, there were approximately 40 total, in 3 different groups, compared to other worlds having nearly 100 spread out amongst the level. This is theorized to be due to the level's small size. The end of the level has no boss fight or puzzle - instead, a rudimentary cutscene is triggered as Timothy removes a quarter from his pocket to place it in a machine, which appears similar to Dance Dance Revolution's cabinet. Timothy begins to run on the machine's pads, before laughter can be heard. The screen goes black. When the scene returns, a lump is present on the floor, presumably a dead Timothy, as it appeared similar to his death scenes when touched by an enemy in the level. A spectral form of Timothy can be seen being pulled into the machine - this form lacks legs. After this, personnel were able to control SCP-720-1 again, in the level HOMETOWN. Before SCP-720-1 could move, another text box appeared, asking the same question. Personnel were physically unable to type a reply. After 30 seconds of waiting, "GO FASTER" appeared in the response box. The text box closed, and a small flame could be seen above SCP-720-1. This flame was theorized to correspond to a new meter present at the top of the screen - the ABSOLUTION, which decreased in value each time a new pair of legs or beanie was equipped. This meter did not replenish in between worlds. SCP-720-1 progressed through the level, eventually defeating a GR-33D final boss by equipping a new pair of legs, decreasing the ABSOLUTION meter, causing the boss to dissipate. SCP-720-1 continued towards the next level, JUXTAPOSITION. In this level, SCP-720-1 entered the ROLLER RINK present in the background of the previous world. This level was neither present in previous playthroughs, nor did it contain any enemies or hazards. Instead, SCP-720-1 was presented with a choice at the end of the level: a doorway which, when entered, would continue on to the next level, or the ability to "sniff" a small white pile next to a large hole out of which laughter could be heard. The repercussions of this choice are unknown - personnel selected the doorway, before saving. Log 3 The next world, GRAVEYARD, was similar to the previous level in that it contained no enemies. However, this level was present in the original game. SCP-720-1 was directed by personnel to continue forwards into the level's entrance, appearing similar to a graveyard or crypt. SCP-720-1 refused, upon which a small cutscene played, with SCP-720-1 turning towards the screen. It is attached below. Upon the cutscene finishing, SCP-720-1 was successfully directed to continue. The level was presented as a series of small vignettes, with SCP-720-1 looking at multiple tombstones and reading epitaphs written upon them. The only legible one had "RIPPED FROM US BY THE ANGEL'S DUST" written upon it. SCP-720-1 continuing through the graveyard towards its exit resulted in the triggering of another cutscene. During this cutscene, SCP-720-1 can be seen in an office cubicle, before the viewpoint quickly switches to a first person view, presumably from SCP-720-1's perspective. SCP-720-1 types away at their computer until a heavily disfigured man taps SCP-720-1 on the shoulder. This man's username is "N.B." as displayed in white text over their head. "N.B." has no facial structure, its features replaced with a crude rendition of the Arcadia "A" logo, flipped upside down. SCP-720-1's point of view shakes, as "N.B." requests SCP-720-1 to follow him. SCP-720-1 does so, and the environment shifts to a large packaging center, in the middle of which is a large circle. This circle is drawn with red liquid, and a distinct smell of sulfur and bleach is emitted from the laptop's audio ports. A large amorphous being, entirely colored of red pixels, descends from above, as SCP-720-1 can be heard screaming. Hooded figures surround SCP-720-1, who looks down at his hands. They are human hands, and SCP-720-1 has no legs. The large red figure grows large bone-like structures from its rib cage, which develop into hands, legs, and crosses. It makes no sound as it continues towards SCP-720-1, lifting it up with these structures and throwing SCP-720-1 out of a nearby window. SCP-720-1 is shown in a home environment, sitting at a desk, shaking, as a child appearing similar to Timothy Werner is cowering in the far right corner. As SCP-720-1 shakes, "N.B." reappears in a doorway, consuming the child. A final boss health bar appears over its head, declaring it "Lucifer," suggesting "N.B." is the new final boss. A large amorphous red entity erupts out of the back of "N.B." as it continues forward, and the two "communicate." This communication appears unscripted, as "filler words" are present in SCP-720-1's responses. SCP-720-1: BEGONE. BEGONE. GO. NB: YOU HAVE COME TO ATONE. ATONE YOU SHALL. SCP-720-1: I HAVE NOT COME TO ATONE. I HAVE COME TO DESTROY AND AVENGE. NB: THERE WILL BE NONE OF THAT THOMAS. MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES. SCP-720-1: TAKE YOUR COCAINE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ARSE. I SHALL RELEASE WRATH FROM MY HEART OF HEARTS. NB: BOLD. BUT YOU ARE TOO BOLD, THOMAS. SCP-720-1: YOU, UH, YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A WORM. I WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN. NB: THOMAS. I AM NO WORM, BUT THERE IS ONE HERE, THOMAS. YOU. THOMAS WHERE ARE THEY, THOMAS? WHERE ARE THEY? I CAN HEAR THEM BURNING UP, THOMAS. WITH EACH THING YOU PUT ON. SCP-720-1: BEGONE DEMON. THERE IS NO WORM HERE. BEGONE. NB: YOU ARE THE WORM THOMAS. DOES THE ONE WHO CONTROLS YOU NOT REALIZE WHERE YOUR LEGS ARE FROM? SCP-720-1: JUDGE ME NOT ON THE SINS I HAVE COMMITTED IN MY JOURNEY IN THIS PLACE, BUT I REPENT NEVERTHELESS. I REPENT AND BANISH THEE. BEGONE. BEGONE. I BANISH THEE, FOR I HAVE ATTAINED LIGHT. BEGONE, FOUL DEMON OF ARCADIA. NB: THERE WILL BE NONE OF THAT. I AM NOT SORRY. [NB moves towards an immobile SCP-720-1.] The temperature of the laptop running SCP-720 began to increase to nearly 204Β° C, causing severe overheating in nearby personnel. The following audio file played on repeat for approximately 5 minutes, despite the disc drive having stopped spinning due to repeated use. Testing was aborted, and SCP-720 was removed from the laptop's disc drive. Following new safety measures, including remote operation of SCP-720 and temperature failsafes, SCP-720 was re-approved for secure testing approximately 4 months later. SCP-720 could not be played upon starting SCP-720. Repeatedly attempting to start up SCP-720 resulted in the spontaneous manifestation of basalt, granite, and sulfur in a 2 meter radius around the laptop running SCP-720, as well as a brief spike in Tartarean Resonant Energy in Site-28's area. The status of SCP-720-1 is currently being determined. Further testing has been abandoned. At Arcadia, we're doing more than satisfying every holey bit where your craving is laying. We're also never going to stop. Everything you're stuffing into that void falls right through back to us, so we can keep cranking. Prepare, it's here, Arcadia! Curse of the Everglade You Are Trash! Stray Back When Oil & Boil 'Em Silverfish Zane Grey Pro Dentistry: Deluxe Edition Telemassacre fish golf Flapper Bloccom The Last G.A.R.Y. Star Justices THEY'RE COMING SOON Β« SCP-719 | SCP-720 | SCP-721 Β»" "SCP-720-1's base sprite, used to communicate with Foundation personnel. Click to enlarge. SCP-720-1's initial inventory. The text box with entry field. Timothy. SCP-720-1 in the ROLLER RINK. SCP-720-1's view point during the cutscene."
[ 3.19306515e-02 -2.23508880e-01 -2.07739860e-01 2.96092987e-01 -2.50090044e-02 -2.72785664e-01 1.24928214e-01 2.84886062e-02 -3.66211742e-01 3.36427130e-02 -9.41067189e-02 2.56240517e-01 -2.00732082e-01 9.59449783e-02 2.21851632e-01 -2.99338162e-01 2.28473261e-01 1.42428622e-01 5.43941498e-01 -3.06959730e-02 -1.32758096e-01 -8.68363481e-04 -1.41106144e-01 3.12294155e-01 -1.02227312e-02 -1.23846725e-01 4.28852960e-02 9.10938904e-02 -2.76054859e-01 -3.62058401e-01 3.92547458e-01 2.64382124e-01 1.28219962e-01 5.85246682e-01 -1.07948130e-04 -1.67141125e-01 3.53257269e-01 -6.20610490e-02 -1.17357478e-01 4.53422755e-01 -2.61965424e-01 -2.07709577e-02 5.69193326e-02 -2.54600137e-01 8.02431069e-03 2.78830737e-01 6.65712694e-04 1.47885263e-01 4.68000084e-01 -1.99907199e-01 1.26116171e-01 -1.72042981e-01 2.81775504e-01 3.67284864e-02 2.90766358e-01 2.26683989e-01 -3.86533529e-01 -2.10410103e-01 3.76770198e-01 1.92752674e-01 2.59450555e-01 9.40224901e-02 -1.48458242e-01 -1.53136611e-01 2.40679905e-02 -4.33748625e-02 -2.08995759e-01 -1.73836976e-01 1.42671153e-01 1.61465704e-01 2.96492614e-02 -3.27785879e-01 1.70832247e-01 1.33588081e-02 6.70710281e-02 -7.91182160e-01 -2.52907518e-02 -7.10510369e-03 -2.37379726e-02 -3.05607170e-02 -2.52791531e-02 2.31290087e-01 -3.94391924e-01 3.00753042e-02 -2.43709430e-01 4.14189138e-03 1.88382789e-02 -8.43700618e-02 1.39662504e-01 1.18779033e-01 2.00154543e-01 1.26011923e-01 6.65522665e-02 7.80723989e-02 -1.40745759e-01 -1.67752698e-01 2.33089887e-02 5.52585255e-03 -5.10726534e-02 1.19164772e-01 2.20820054e-01 1.87118992e-01 1.41429782e-01 3.60233486e-02 2.78203398e-01 1.62194222e-01 2.73652583e-01 2.23620664e-02 -2.80563980e-01 3.32412034e-01 2.01524019e-01 2.42618918e-01 -2.51727492e-01 3.29734564e-01 3.04419607e-01 -3.41318309e-01 1.91609845e-01 -1.81868002e-01 9.94280563e-04 2.42839947e-01 -4.04184073e-01 -1.13447055e-01 -6.68691285e-03 1.66168705e-01 5.88575900e-01 2.90508986e-01 -3.07410568e-01 -1.61627784e-01 9.57591981e-02 2.14840800e-01 -2.14625612e-01 -1.17423581e-02 -2.24071130e-01 1.82027861e-01 1.01532444e-01 2.18636081e-01 -1.79260060e-01 -4.86292653e-02 -7.08435401e-02 1.05209555e-02 1.83182970e-01 -1.23625994e-01 2.15357602e-01 3.34949762e-01 -1.66180208e-01 -3.75138879e-01 -2.46697694e-01 4.59504426e-01 -9.60086957e-02 1.62442982e-01 2.85727233e-01 5.05482182e-02 -4.28414673e-01 1.77733943e-01 -1.81518301e-01 -2.73119193e-02 1.74109824e-02 -1.34565793e-02 -2.67866939e-01 -2.97513306e-01 2.83712119e-01 -1.15913570e-01 -5.14464378e-02 7.03071058e-02 7.22193047e-02 2.24304989e-01 -1.71950564e-01 6.88401386e-02 -2.14162588e-01 -2.17367694e-01 -4.31676172e-02 1.60844415e-01 -1.71844527e-01 -2.26880163e-01 -2.10632712e-01 1.71956077e-01 -4.04661775e-01 -2.98456281e-01 -1.99083745e-01 -2.29550600e-01 -3.85707170e-01 3.71875167e-01 3.08860660e-01 -1.32356808e-01 -1.11759819e-01 1.68390051e-01 5.06878607e-02 -4.04514909e-01 -3.39314826e-02 -2.99263149e-01 -2.75578231e-01 -4.23693597e-01 -9.42086801e-02 1.84427127e-01 3.51648062e-01 -1.01246446e-01 1.98701769e-01 -1.75979137e-01 1.90253779e-01 1.22161932e-01 -1.20334484e-01 -2.77814083e-02 6.03857815e-01 3.12773317e-01 -1.33370116e-01 -1.71845347e-01 -3.63726616e-01 -1.28343329e-01 4.68702227e-01 2.82805324e-01 -1.23506673e-01 -8.64111483e-02 -1.38342112e-01 1.82944730e-01 -2.38638390e-02 -1.92718908e-01 2.46815890e-01 2.25297242e-01 1.28620535e-01 -4.62377369e-01 -1.34200364e-01 2.03383625e-01 5.11316471e-02 -2.18814105e-01 -1.77859023e-01 6.58975616e-02 -2.67020285e-01 -9.87862274e-02 -2.96879083e-01 5.25242314e-02 1.26648888e-01 1.24837123e-02 1.97483987e-01 -5.50642051e-02 2.82423552e-02 -2.64504254e-01 3.64611208e-01 8.29619348e-01 -9.35157463e-02 -2.97727525e-01 -1.58702321e-02 -6.59228414e-02 1.81133330e-01 5.23660704e-02 -2.24657550e-01 3.46685827e-01 6.03129715e-03 -6.09692931e-02 2.06824318e-01 -1.43610671e-01 2.68388689e-01 -1.71064511e-01 -2.19049811e-01 -2.50457019e-01 8.36748332e-02 2.52973706e-01 4.64273877e-02 1.99836001e-01 8.47411454e-02 1.02117531e-01 2.57573754e-01 -3.88421953e-01 6.60224780e-02 2.17778087e-02 -3.50573398e-02 -1.77059472e-02 1.85966760e-01 2.93680876e-01 5.70358597e-02 1.48301899e-01 -1.04179375e-01 -1.87848002e-01 -3.90787572e-01 3.11926231e-02 1.54577136e-01 3.91579628e-01 1.10802971e-01 5.50339781e-02 3.32411587e-01 2.21456662e-01 -3.03634703e-01 -4.87853199e-01 -2.61168499e-02 -2.47924641e-01 3.30868736e-02 -1.10372677e-02 9.37469453e-02 9.69396979e-02 -7.36557916e-02 2.27044925e-01 -4.27198708e-02 3.36966687e-03 7.72385746e-02 2.72852123e-01 -2.38401126e-02 -7.28730112e-02 -6.60485804e-01 4.43746001e-01 -2.00520888e-01 -9.92731191e-03 -3.83877546e-01 -6.31715357e-02 1.29207268e-01 1.20504931e-01 5.41048162e-02 -2.90292144e-01 4.84921306e-01 -1.08019345e-01 2.64691710e-01 5.04807793e-02 -4.53534335e-01 3.91681403e-01 -2.13321745e-01 -2.40219086e-01 4.07277942e-02 -1.72712028e-01 -3.21328759e-01 -5.58584511e-01 1.05257750e-01 -6.83108211e-01 -2.58468330e-01 2.43027918e-02 -1.06886797e-01 -2.53451586e-01 -1.72387138e-01 4.14116502e-01 -8.89483169e-02 -8.29267800e-02 4.12371516e-01 1.90673858e-01 1.50518537e-01 1.29508406e-01 -7.30094537e-02 3.96434665e-01 3.68036050e-03 -1.35927349e-01 -4.01596904e-01 8.58786404e-02 -9.85624939e-02 1.86465550e-02 1.21678114e-01 -2.49168664e-01 -3.18148494e-01 2.82369971e-01 -6.17619045e-02 -3.00301880e-01 -4.46239084e-01 1.08420346e-02 2.14041963e-01 -2.90185474e-02 -3.27187687e-01 7.91813731e-01 2.87722200e-01 -2.68494010e-01 -1.23150259e-01 -4.45991904e-01 1.18219726e-01 2.23839492e-01 -5.07568289e-03 -2.87087113e-01 -1.74151838e-01 1.35156870e-01 7.14506209e-01 -3.76428545e-01 1.31903766e-02 -5.95999472e-02 2.04923913e-01 1.00492664e-01 1.09737264e-02 3.10530271e-02 -1.31046921e-01 -3.74331996e-02 -3.50031048e-01 2.72309422e-01 -1.08797692e-01 -5.89950144e-01 -6.45185933e-02 2.15189248e-01 -3.22694808e-01 -3.74909416e-02 -1.10522192e-03 3.05886000e-01 1.77443311e-01 -1.84721425e-01 -5.63835166e-03 -1.11456320e-01 -2.43137136e-01 -2.07041830e-01 1.67523921e-01 -1.03494048e-01 -4.60564010e-02 -1.87819421e-01 1.28432348e-01 3.15533541e-02 1.54920027e-01 5.23219332e-02 4.50648636e-01 -2.62505919e-01 -2.26549193e-01 3.03389907e-01 -2.46864095e-01 -6.08776137e-03 3.04517627e-01 2.70268917e-01 5.60850203e-01 1.02864534e-01 2.21486285e-01 -1.78964987e-01 -5.65959990e-01 -2.51130432e-01 5.30587696e-02 -2.09446266e-01 -1.80240031e-02 -3.79525088e-02 1.86283052e-01 -2.83808619e-01 9.23736468e-02 2.47926369e-01 -2.30562776e-01 -4.40815330e-01 -1.80621460e-01 4.00478512e-01 3.33036393e-01 -1.65156841e-01 -4.59677696e-01 -2.12060679e-02 -1.93049312e-01 -2.73428881e-03 1.33055910e-01 1.44174367e-01 -2.49699540e-02 1.27630323e-01 -9.03083831e-02 2.67573118e-01 2.63942122e-01 3.97076130e-01 1.73482791e-01 3.99059296e-01 -1.78977966e-01 2.97257960e-01 -4.03494835e-02 4.69002984e-02 6.49564147e-01 1.87714949e-01 -1.44726306e-01 -3.58071089e-01 1.12378858e-01 8.60757157e-02 -2.61107504e-01 2.45044217e-01 -1.42622784e-01 2.43383586e-01 1.92076340e-01 1.48337409e-01 3.03255580e-02 -5.04908562e-01 6.23443574e-02 4.21805888e-01 -1.75003812e-01 4.41284627e-01 3.10055137e-01 1.25913095e+00 -9.47001427e-02 2.50127107e-01 1.54640004e-01 -2.85479307e-01 -1.80768743e-01 -4.87770997e-02 2.29919553e-01 1.45286024e-01 1.03275284e-01 5.70751876e-02 -3.75776626e-02 -1.10035345e-01 7.27413595e-02 -2.74496585e-01 -1.39450863e-01 -1.81757331e-01 3.58315557e-01 4.61730033e-01 5.12444861e-02 4.80395228e-01 6.83880150e-02 -2.12475821e-01 2.06336960e-01 2.10843086e-02 -2.82128025e-02 -1.90131515e-01 -9.31780115e-02 -1.28690042e-02 -1.34421722e-03 -2.37015992e-01 6.34569973e-02 -3.28183413e-01 3.30203742e-01 -3.50366205e-01 -1.26328841e-01 -2.92683631e-01 1.73701458e-02 -6.71454817e-02 -3.02782476e-01 -1.57214075e-01 3.10236752e-01 9.28875089e-01 -2.05450710e-02 -3.74260694e-02 -6.19993694e-02 1.54943168e-01 7.78873861e-02 1.43743515e-01 1.41460314e-01 1.89089105e-02 -4.76685494e-01 -2.03821167e-01 2.07870230e-01 1.99246258e-01 1.58514693e-01 4.47681338e-01 -2.77432539e-02 -1.29726395e-01 -1.33959010e-01 1.44037619e-01 7.74598345e-02 4.73711006e-02 -2.93352127e-01 1.44217581e-01 -1.57019019e-01 -1.36236489e-01 2.83932716e-01 1.01419196e-01 -4.12834674e-01 3.13006714e-02 -2.23005340e-02 -1.16431955e-02 -3.73187751e-01 -6.28501326e-02 -3.00651789e-01 -2.31086478e-01 -6.29849285e-02 7.04582781e-02 -4.63978916e-01 1.02160342e-01 -2.59117763e-02 1.64821371e-01 -2.20422938e-01 -2.36887798e-01 1.58499107e-02 8.52037370e-02 8.41527060e-02 1.02320045e-01 5.17000914e-01 -6.86847270e-02 1.46972597e-01 -4.15776223e-02 1.35356233e-01 -3.94904077e-01 -1.04915492e-01 -1.54961973e-01 -3.70579883e-02 3.28103662e-01 -3.29621881e-01 -8.03688914e-02 -3.98305878e-02 2.29391992e-01 1.04453266e-01 -2.61033893e-01 -1.80435076e-01 -1.59689691e-02 1.79787546e-01 -8.38867724e-02 -2.75829375e-01 -2.46494263e-01 3.86369139e-01 1.58184811e-01 1.10495470e-01 1.90929025e-02 1.03546262e-01 2.10063145e-01 1.27933189e-01 -1.64625213e-01 1.71884134e-01 -8.04257765e-02 -1.07615329e-01 2.50387967e-01 5.57088852e-01 -9.93654951e-02 1.76124603e-01 5.69921508e-02 -7.20770434e-02 4.62538183e-01 2.89389104e-01 1.56726874e-02 6.39122903e-01 -8.69367048e-02 1.21804871e-01 -2.26291180e-01 1.02075495e-01 -1.71949729e-01 8.14811811e-02 -3.56194377e-01 -2.49109581e-01 -6.28386810e-02 2.68794268e-01 1.08397260e-01 -1.33574009e-01 3.70961964e-01 -2.03832567e-01 -8.98602381e-02 3.73709470e-01 3.12216908e-01 -7.93902799e-02 9.23602507e-02 1.18263308e-02 1.00727923e-01 1.57185286e-01 5.26039183e-01 3.64779621e-01 -2.18298241e-01 -2.08109558e-01 3.01061422e-02 9.98377651e-02 3.75202984e-01 6.19001091e-01 7.88993984e-02 -7.27901608e-02 -3.39321494e-01 6.39255822e-01 2.15636134e-01 3.29714954e-01 -2.80355036e-01 2.29049642e-02 -2.05572739e-01 5.37083268e-01 -2.59053797e-01 -1.17591359e-01 -2.80470550e-01 6.73173591e-02 -5.62304914e-01 -4.28933412e-01 1.21653487e-03 1.55997025e-02 8.64749774e-02 -2.85610288e-01 -4.14561391e-01 4.99163419e-02 2.32253954e-01 4.47707742e-01 1.21908434e-01 4.51919436e-02 -1.22504383e-01 2.87688106e-01 1.70814395e-01 3.44912618e-01 4.40033823e-01 -2.52144217e-01 4.54437792e-01 1.36370152e-01 -1.86901957e-01 7.18913600e-02 8.59825057e-04 7.37428144e-02 -1.36250079e-01 -1.36175066e-01 -1.39029950e-01 1.03789615e-02 -6.37452006e-02 -2.28843674e-01 2.86980462e-03 1.78267390e-01 1.06759854e-01 3.26385518e-04 1.44154117e-01 -1.92378640e-01 -3.64636660e-01 -2.97517851e-02 4.56723161e-02 1.00578196e-01 -7.07350150e-02 -3.27542156e-01 -4.24829870e-01 6.52841926e-02 1.58666134e-01 -1.21740557e-01 -1.53408214e-01 -2.25619793e-01 -2.66580611e-01 1.60751924e-01 -5.71082607e-02 1.00369789e-01 -2.20323373e-02 3.97440016e-01 -4.94696051e-02 1.34137692e-02 1.92307252e-02 -2.43885845e-01 -1.50921419e-01 1.73980936e-01 8.93105492e-02 -2.08988056e-01 -2.18704473e-02 1.24359712e-01 1.32543594e-01 1.99691087e-01 -8.13127682e-02 -4.45918143e-02 7.22144395e-02 7.50210211e-02 -4.27502900e-01 4.40555602e-01 6.76203430e-01 2.95385122e-02 1.29397422e-01 -2.56889701e-01 6.87209517e-02 -2.56159931e-01 5.92988357e-02 2.07474843e-01 -1.41112804e-01 -2.03616902e-01 -5.25370240e-02 5.78692198e-01 8.67601112e-02 4.95508254e-01 -1.15329169e-01 -2.31283754e-01 -1.58070065e-02 1.35254785e-01 -2.25527883e-01 1.04934990e-01 1.27218917e-01 3.14053059e-01 1.20566979e-01 2.12305877e-02 1.65047511e-01 1.78226650e-01 2.04782501e-01 3.05288166e-01 -3.09766591e-01 -1.15506880e-01 -3.09691340e-01 8.43479186e-02 -7.89595675e-03 2.90349990e-01 1.04842752e-01 6.42613098e-02 -1.95043087e-01 -4.90647495e-01 3.23049068e-01 -2.00506002e-02 -2.03593031e-01 -8.30695108e-02 2.80452054e-03 2.27777690e-01 -2.96129640e-02 -1.98879749e-01 9.72074568e-02 -1.35071725e-01 6.50615916e-02 -3.47329259e-01 -1.41590284e-02 -8.05122778e-02 -2.05596551e-01 -6.96401969e-02 5.41299403e-01 -7.33633339e-02 3.09259798e-02 -3.34048629e-01 4.16778363e-02]
"Factory Toys" active "Item #: SCP-721 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-721 are to be contained in one of three designated lockers at Site 19's low-priority item storage facility, depending on whether they are classified as SCP-721-1, -2, or -3. Each instance must be sealed in a plastic bag with a label that clearly identifies their designation. Upon recovery, all instances of SCP-721 are to be subject to testing with Class D personnel to determine whether they are instances of SCP-721-1, -2, or -3, provided this information is not available from other sources. They are then to be contained according to the procedures outlined in this document. At time of writing, all six contained instances of SCP-721-1 are used to monitor and aid in the containment of sapient Keter-class SCP items. Any further instances of SCP-721-1 that are contained may be assigned to similar projects at the discretion of O5-8. Contact Site Director Cassidy for further information. Testing of SCP-721-2 requires permission from Dr. Bright. The use of SCP-721-3 to terminate any person requires approval from no less than three personnel with relevant Level 4 clearance or higher. Any subject known to have activated an instance of SCP-721-3 is to be euthanized if possible, then disposed of in the nearest suitable furnace. Description: Each instance of SCP-721 is a steel cylinder painted black measuring 7 cm in diameter and 2 cm in height. One side is covered by a steel mesh, and the other by a weak magnet labeled with "The Factory". Testing does not indicate that the material itself has any anomalous properties. Instances of SCP-721 can be further categorized as SCP-721-1, SCP-721-2, or SCP-721-3 depending on their effects. At time of writing, the Foundation controls six instances of SCP-721-1, eight instances of SCP-721-2, and two instances of SCP-721-3. There is no known means of distinguishing between instances of SCP-721 apart from activating its anomalous properties by placing at least 0.2 mL of blood from a sapient organism on the mesh side. Said organism is referred to as the subject. Upon activation of SCP-721-1, all conscious thoughts of the subject will become audible to those within a sixty-meter radius as a whispering in the listener's ear. Additionally, the thoughts of all persons within this range will be audible to the subject in the form of whispers emanating from SCP-721-1. While the thoughts of most subjects are too disorganized and incoherent for others to interpret properly, with practice, subjects have shown the ability to use SCP-721 to transmit coherent thoughts to those within its active range. Upon activation of SCP-721-2 and the placement of the object on some form of blank medium (i.e. paper, audio tape, video tape, or computer with a blank text file open1), the subject will gain complete mental control over the content of the media in question, and will be capable of transferring any data they can imagine to the media in question. Excerpts from Test Log 721-2-4 Medium: Blank White Paper Summary of results: Subject was able to transfer both words and pictures onto the blank paper. The written text showed up in the subject's own handwriting, although it was proven he could change this at will. The text appeared as if written in pencil. The pictures were of a complexity the subject has proven incapable of duplicating without the use of SCP-721-2. This test took place over the course of thirty-five minutes. Medium: Blank Audio Tape Summary of results: Subject was capable of transferring multiple monologues onto the tape, in what he perceived to be his own voice, without speaking aloud. After being prompted to do so, subject was able to insert a dialogue he was witness to, in the voices of the researchers. After extensive practice, subject produced what amounted to his own five man play, with multiple voices and sound effects, all indistinguishable from their real-life counterparts. This test took place over two hours. Medium: Blank DVD Summary of results: Subject was, with practice, capable of creating video files of high complexity. Beginning with a relatively simple animation, the subject was able to expand upon this until proving capable of producing a full ninety minute live-action movie with special effects included. This test took place over the course of six hours. Upon activation of SCP-721-3, the subject's body temperature will increase approximately 0.3Β°C per minute; the exact rate fluctuates. While this increase in body temperature would be fatal in and of itself under normal circumstances, subjects retain full mobility and consciousness during this time, and suffers no visible effects of the temperature increase; further, they report that this process is extremely painful. Once the subject's body temperature is 100Β°C, the subject will begin to emit smoke from all orifices; analysis of the smoke indicates that it is consistent with the combustion of the organic components of the subject's blood. This coincides with the loss of the subject's voluntary motor control, although the subject remains conscious during this time. After between fifteen and thirty minutes2, the subject will expire. Testing indicates that, at this point, the subject's blood will be composed entirely of water that, if allowed to escape from the body, will boil away entirely. Β« SCP-720 | SCP-721 | SCP-722 Β»" nan
[ 3.16155195e-01 -3.55840117e-01 -1.34773791e-01 2.11690485e-01 -7.99748823e-02 -1.57466322e-01 6.05059683e-01 1.92249373e-01 -6.75195456e-02 9.99424458e-02 -6.47743344e-02 1.78884134e-01 -8.85111094e-02 6.65238425e-02 2.54699647e-01 2.78402001e-01 1.82413399e-01 2.13020146e-01 2.38779522e-02 -1.83842361e-01 -2.45231822e-01 4.58905436e-02 -5.71568161e-02 4.67294186e-01 1.77277569e-02 -1.50288254e-01 7.17970580e-02 -4.23389673e-02 5.87487444e-02 -4.28082108e-01 3.85457039e-01 1.51603982e-01 -5.98058628e-04 5.20085216e-01 -1.10664922e-04 8.37671310e-02 1.99946508e-01 3.05123758e-02 -1.48322940e-01 2.98261970e-01 -3.68951708e-01 -1.44626766e-01 -1.34176001e-01 -3.06505617e-02 5.94497211e-02 -4.25924025e-02 3.04439068e-01 3.88833821e-01 4.57030684e-01 -2.82060243e-02 1.61398321e-01 1.31658748e-01 4.72131789e-01 2.22700745e-01 4.71388906e-01 2.03299597e-01 -2.18201771e-01 6.75306022e-02 4.04366225e-01 -4.26582955e-02 1.74201384e-01 1.39381513e-01 3.40356939e-02 1.87128440e-01 2.41911963e-01 -8.82021189e-02 4.43796158e-01 -3.72603387e-01 2.24795192e-01 3.70356321e-01 -9.83746350e-02 -2.74633467e-01 6.34932984e-03 -1.05584629e-01 -1.26290917e-01 -2.35733584e-01 3.58682647e-02 4.65107769e-01 -5.03720306e-02 7.34742880e-02 -2.03512773e-01 8.84163231e-02 -4.02185202e-01 -1.87696636e-01 9.75933746e-02 1.25993773e-01 -2.55334288e-01 7.58924708e-02 1.30470961e-01 -5.87284602e-02 1.26767997e-02 -1.07603602e-01 2.05580607e-01 -1.38100861e-02 1.62260547e-01 -1.61833331e-01 -4.65891100e-02 1.48846731e-01 2.92087585e-01 -1.21237315e-01 -2.27693886e-01 1.10878222e-01 1.75575763e-01 2.55714178e-01 -1.38517737e-01 -2.15858489e-01 -9.71580446e-02 8.90202746e-02 -3.62040997e-01 5.02015948e-01 -1.80586696e-01 2.42766723e-01 -3.18472147e-01 2.63075024e-01 4.67160285e-01 -7.68237039e-02 1.22619987e-01 -1.68011487e-01 -1.94382399e-01 1.87984824e-01 -5.57509243e-01 1.50105536e-01 -1.14458777e-01 3.33960950e-01 3.65575016e-01 1.93752557e-01 -1.35182291e-01 -1.56411231e-01 3.67564298e-02 1.20511301e-01 -1.94175214e-01 2.66501397e-01 -2.92644292e-01 1.20582052e-01 -4.28740680e-02 2.06354722e-01 -1.24515146e-01 -5.44703864e-02 -2.95488089e-01 1.58854891e-02 3.28327596e-01 5.55544347e-02 5.62187910e-01 5.52810967e-01 -3.93987775e-01 -1.58687413e-01 -6.69768220e-03 -2.46946007e-01 -2.48995841e-01 -5.63534833e-02 2.41532266e-01 -4.06480700e-01 -1.72326490e-01 2.25808367e-01 -5.09072006e-01 9.57843885e-02 2.75648296e-01 3.55384871e-02 1.32009871e-02 9.49606001e-02 1.56414628e-01 8.09788257e-02 -3.41991216e-01 -9.66202691e-02 1.84287336e-02 3.43082190e-01 -5.85083842e-01 -2.33019084e-01 -9.69343781e-02 -2.05563605e-01 8.92107636e-02 -2.06634119e-01 -2.15303838e-01 2.32887074e-01 -2.68208355e-01 -1.01412505e-01 -4.15890962e-01 -2.65869319e-01 -4.92427438e-01 -2.39089295e-01 -2.70409882e-01 2.16998562e-01 3.99915576e-01 -3.16467345e-01 -6.91782981e-02 -1.21506127e-02 -1.62395954e-01 -2.11674869e-01 1.32860720e-01 -1.11319438e-01 -2.90081739e-01 -5.06079435e-01 5.92002749e-01 -7.62494057e-02 1.78773075e-01 -4.04727906e-02 -6.81403652e-02 1.62871152e-01 -1.77938826e-02 2.23117530e-01 -1.94168627e-01 -1.04654066e-01 5.59366643e-01 1.44485772e-01 -3.81914303e-02 -8.69429931e-02 -5.80125749e-01 3.88762914e-02 -4.58396375e-02 1.86513260e-01 1.56654080e-03 -1.47746250e-01 -7.90233687e-02 2.17107728e-01 -2.83922285e-01 -4.01916385e-01 2.96241492e-01 3.16545755e-01 2.06883386e-01 -6.31734908e-01 2.18748450e-02 6.76913336e-02 3.85996640e-01 4.39873226e-02 -2.53560990e-01 1.67142525e-01 -2.06733719e-01 -3.90701815e-02 -2.45572075e-01 7.58123249e-02 2.67367721e-01 -2.77160078e-01 2.58754462e-01 1.53720677e-01 2.64203083e-03 1.05982106e-02 4.12837453e-02 7.93136120e-01 -1.69661835e-01 1.08060673e-01 7.79243708e-02 -4.20825668e-02 1.90956146e-01 1.90736175e-01 -3.29495579e-01 2.87131369e-01 4.35152471e-01 1.74991488e-01 3.88450585e-02 -2.80770123e-01 3.24716009e-02 -2.05931082e-01 -1.45918682e-01 -5.56403100e-02 -2.96839803e-01 2.67188251e-01 -1.32684276e-01 3.75735253e-01 -9.14523005e-02 3.51110995e-01 1.69963613e-01 -3.19063932e-01 1.61000714e-01 -1.58870652e-01 -1.12600841e-01 -3.45841467e-01 3.05246592e-01 5.18271685e-01 2.48242766e-02 2.13022321e-01 -1.84643418e-01 -2.78683603e-01 1.87486671e-02 3.42925042e-02 -4.81030606e-02 1.17384225e-01 3.72247517e-01 6.30053207e-02 1.99241772e-01 -2.28741323e-03 -1.98635861e-01 -7.62315318e-02 3.00146900e-02 -7.37203211e-02 -3.87792438e-01 4.05717231e-02 -1.90354474e-02 2.32629210e-01 -4.23532128e-01 6.05094433e-01 -2.30935868e-02 -1.55660445e-02 2.02749476e-01 1.52640328e-01 -2.13580821e-02 -3.88349965e-02 -1.25766933e-01 6.55539751e-01 -3.65540385e-01 4.09903437e-01 -3.55341315e-01 1.57205299e-01 -2.47617289e-01 8.25906619e-02 -1.36315718e-01 2.47214451e-01 4.90976512e-01 8.29299390e-02 -6.08168021e-02 4.53905985e-02 -2.37780571e-01 3.45220715e-01 -4.00505029e-02 1.92020208e-01 2.83992976e-01 1.17487095e-01 -1.31592099e-02 -3.44304234e-01 1.27218291e-01 -4.20346379e-01 -9.56341624e-02 5.74740544e-02 -3.42176735e-01 -4.47024256e-02 -2.48394400e-01 2.01010123e-01 -2.96970040e-01 -4.41276701e-03 1.37089163e-01 -1.05297729e-01 1.39341310e-01 2.63810247e-01 -6.75292835e-02 3.05778474e-01 1.91369683e-01 3.36339176e-02 -2.28398800e-01 -7.12859035e-01 2.73745488e-02 -1.86368159e-03 6.12511374e-02 -2.76158929e-01 -3.27874124e-01 -6.04711287e-02 1.13607578e-01 -2.33601153e-01 -4.56502169e-01 -8.54773670e-02 -1.97409362e-01 2.55723238e-01 -1.27470359e-01 4.82577831e-01 1.09497361e-01 -3.25546473e-01 -3.07952732e-01 -1.98188275e-01 3.34375024e-01 -1.38153404e-01 1.86062798e-01 -1.32690176e-01 -8.41996297e-02 4.23410505e-01 5.50470591e-01 -2.01214075e-01 -5.96445501e-01 -1.45836607e-01 3.51158492e-02 2.58951753e-01 4.64288145e-01 -2.13081092e-01 4.32744399e-02 1.49056166e-01 -2.01582998e-01 -4.40523289e-02 -2.16303542e-01 1.04953364e-01 4.42643940e-01 2.41459265e-01 -5.39102972e-01 -2.68339455e-01 -3.69593352e-02 3.72368723e-01 1.34554058e-01 -9.94827300e-02 -3.01297218e-01 1.16211316e-02 -6.43257499e-02 4.59595807e-02 1.72060460e-01 -6.58021644e-02 1.14826784e-01 -4.17801470e-01 -3.44178468e-01 1.89947173e-01 1.12972282e-01 -2.96774488e-02 3.11213642e-01 -1.32361455e-02 -1.14669167e-01 2.66790479e-01 -4.60906774e-01 6.49782121e-01 6.71390295e-02 7.78688014e-01 4.94047672e-01 4.11555730e-02 -7.98840262e-03 -3.68980974e-01 -4.32848930e-01 6.93498775e-02 5.94000705e-02 6.01449162e-02 -4.71655548e-01 -3.39168936e-01 4.02579978e-02 -1.96656510e-02 6.37095198e-02 1.99322730e-01 -2.68634826e-01 -1.15865752e-01 -3.83153737e-01 2.41740555e-01 1.03467382e-01 -6.72634467e-02 -1.67098925e-01 -1.34412900e-01 2.36474112e-01 6.16645440e-02 2.54658103e-01 1.74560279e-01 -3.10106963e-01 3.98364425e-01 -2.32689932e-01 5.00593126e-01 2.47983739e-01 2.46044978e-01 -3.39042097e-02 -8.80993083e-02 -1.09991349e-01 -1.86468944e-01 1.88679174e-01 -4.17559147e-02 6.27126217e-01 7.97552913e-02 -2.78039187e-01 -1.28844604e-01 1.30869716e-01 1.94919080e-01 7.20965713e-02 2.99815744e-01 -7.22244084e-02 2.41883606e-01 3.06875724e-02 -4.42131981e-02 -1.63262606e-01 -4.01295841e-01 -2.30671793e-01 2.97731608e-01 -2.56936342e-01 1.92289591e-01 1.05963588e-01 1.16238439e+00 -3.43978912e-01 -1.04536869e-01 1.05264395e-01 -1.48443103e-01 1.81788549e-01 -3.32202852e-01 -3.25714611e-02 -2.04282161e-02 1.27733424e-01 1.92766964e-01 -2.77025074e-01 -1.16455935e-01 4.01734322e-01 -2.61688083e-01 -6.84318691e-02 -1.67603016e-01 2.86634415e-01 9.38357934e-02 3.56744975e-01 2.61366218e-01 9.24384817e-02 1.72280759e-01 2.32827410e-01 1.06255636e-01 4.23627675e-01 -9.59583968e-02 -1.41333804e-01 1.25644878e-01 1.43681960e-02 -5.03191352e-01 8.14631581e-02 -4.09896940e-01 3.91759396e-01 3.00673187e-01 1.06367297e-01 -2.85465717e-01 -2.93461591e-01 -3.23388010e-01 -6.94528455e-03 1.28698945e-02 9.69581157e-02 3.79585415e-01 -1.05424702e-01 8.76116753e-02 -1.96877681e-02 2.34402776e-01 -4.69958968e-02 -1.13050766e-01 7.23106135e-03 6.27030134e-02 1.30784303e-01 -2.24457700e-02 -1.48649201e-01 4.45797622e-01 -2.72674233e-01 2.56405413e-01 4.39554788e-02 -1.36012942e-01 -6.96360767e-02 1.63806617e-01 -9.84020308e-02 -2.67949402e-01 -1.95566546e-02 -3.50337885e-02 -8.27351660e-02 2.92555261e-02 -6.36265352e-02 -9.32942182e-02 3.62904876e-01 1.76341981e-01 -4.04432155e-02 -2.82367021e-02 -4.69041973e-01 1.42070383e-01 4.14059490e-01 -4.48215753e-01 2.83404887e-01 3.07353446e-03 -4.20017153e-01 -9.69599411e-02 9.92435142e-02 2.96998799e-01 -2.15119407e-01 -1.64285198e-01 -3.16430807e-01 2.42970139e-02 -1.43579282e-02 -7.12408498e-02 3.52670491e-01 -2.25236803e-01 4.74091053e-01 -7.92920217e-03 1.28507167e-01 -4.09071088e-01 1.11222230e-01 -3.86052400e-01 -1.07792713e-01 1.11548603e-02 -1.78473711e-01 -9.83041674e-02 -1.92337036e-01 1.43499851e-01 3.00597306e-02 -2.00475544e-01 -2.37096250e-01 -1.56281680e-01 1.28931582e-01 -9.84621197e-02 -1.92912772e-01 -1.95813820e-01 2.01332957e-01 2.89681911e-01 2.17298418e-01 1.16777353e-01 -1.06785074e-01 1.02533318e-01 5.67745686e-01 1.75528958e-01 2.96211571e-01 2.74924636e-02 -8.87985304e-02 1.76538467e-01 4.69654948e-01 1.70255929e-01 2.32077390e-02 -5.56758754e-02 -3.54847610e-02 3.22853699e-02 2.41224006e-01 1.46023050e-01 2.77149349e-01 3.75314280e-02 9.64314193e-02 -2.20094711e-01 1.22187249e-01 -2.52144545e-01 2.07579538e-01 -2.39004344e-01 1.50543496e-01 -1.29299894e-01 2.65575111e-01 -2.36103889e-02 1.89354848e-02 8.80512223e-02 -1.55214265e-01 -8.01090971e-02 2.94919997e-01 -2.65493933e-02 2.24225745e-01 1.05336480e-01 1.35289252e-01 3.25744003e-01 2.07356125e-01 1.16880096e-01 1.34033695e-01 -1.97561204e-01 -4.89280783e-02 1.09213404e-01 2.42146209e-01 2.84885764e-01 -1.23661786e-01 6.63346052e-01 2.06920892e-01 -7.81713203e-02 2.77093232e-01 5.13292193e-01 5.19036967e-03 -2.91866720e-01 3.42585236e-01 2.60642171e-01 5.53426854e-02 -1.24468833e-01 1.11863449e-01 1.19842768e-01 -1.10222094e-01 -4.87351418e-02 3.74565646e-02 1.54153258e-01 -1.13535546e-01 1.55920118e-01 -3.00656818e-02 -4.44191486e-01 -6.46852106e-02 2.15662405e-01 -2.90853173e-01 -1.10545196e-01 -1.19995162e-01 -7.73688778e-02 1.77972242e-01 -8.35401937e-03 2.64900208e-01 2.31106788e-01 -2.07407638e-01 -8.27426314e-02 1.61129072e-01 -1.54425815e-01 -7.20538646e-02 1.30226538e-01 3.23421836e-01 -7.32579455e-02 -3.05148035e-01 -1.32216126e-01 -2.41849273e-01 -1.65218055e-01 -3.34462732e-01 -1.22769084e-02 -1.45297989e-01 -4.49371040e-01 -1.14744425e-01 1.67530328e-01 -1.31258741e-01 -4.25508738e-01 2.84797251e-01 3.19371298e-02 -1.03573821e-01 -6.04233481e-02 -2.69415557e-01 -3.82096469e-01 4.30394374e-02 3.77457659e-03 -1.28584474e-01 -4.38788347e-02 1.15383295e-02 -8.81115496e-02 1.92298159e-01 -2.52240568e-01 8.76800120e-02 -1.33053020e-01 3.83953720e-01 -1.11776508e-01 3.06911469e-01 -4.78716269e-02 -5.16560227e-02 -2.22474530e-01 1.42702937e-01 -1.57996029e-01 -3.81646186e-01 2.01957613e-01 3.25554967e-01 -4.03514504e-02 1.57089218e-01 -3.56128335e-01 1.28346890e-01 -2.04550937e-01 1.03332944e-01 -2.57862329e-01 2.81241655e-01 2.86466002e-01 1.03118353e-01 2.95220077e-01 -2.33872369e-01 1.43616274e-01 -1.51074201e-01 5.44962175e-02 4.28152122e-02 -2.88904577e-01 -1.16248101e-01 1.70531288e-01 4.21904206e-01 -4.77959774e-02 1.02255099e-01 -1.38013422e-01 -1.41808316e-01 -1.20746017e-01 2.55191088e-01 -1.72148973e-01 1.36146650e-01 -9.97816101e-02 -1.52695812e-02 8.90418664e-02 4.30090278e-01 1.24234192e-01 -2.48526916e-01 -2.76143774e-02 2.59627283e-01 -8.15883204e-02 7.95866773e-02 -1.82706833e-01 9.12605971e-02 -8.62749387e-03 7.28793740e-02 -6.21705912e-02 -1.42946854e-01 -2.21364424e-01 -1.45989908e-02 3.44885975e-01 -1.64997846e-01 -3.42064112e-01 -3.49111497e-01 2.75005847e-01 -8.36176202e-02 -3.84971321e-01 -3.68348420e-01 4.06488292e-02 1.00801829e-02 1.41153917e-01 -3.70479822e-01 -4.98386659e-02 7.80910403e-02 -1.77690923e-01 -4.04875800e-02 4.35768008e-01 -1.93087067e-02 -1.52288924e-03 -3.63052368e-01 -6.42760769e-02]
"JΓΆrmungandr" active "Item #: SCP-722 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Due to the unique nature of SCP-722, effectiveness of containment measures are as of yet untried. Containment measures are currently focused on maintaining the current state of SCP-722 until a more permanent solution can be found. Brain-wave activity, heart rate and internal temperature of the artifact are to be monitored at all times, as well as any variances in the integrity and volume of the glacial range within which SCP-722 currently resides, particularly Kangerdlugssuaq. Eight access points exist at various points in the glacier, each sealed by an airlock, with sound dampeners lining the glacial interior. At four hour intervals, nitrogen gas chilled to a near-liquid state is to be pumped into the room to lower the internal temperature as much as possible. Access into SCP-722's chamber is to be permitted only in the event of emergency maintenance, which should be performed by a team of Class D personnel with a security detail of at least two clearance level 3 Agents. Anyone gaining entry into SCP-722's chamber is to be outfitted with a suit of high-extremity polar wear and a set of nightvision goggles as the interior chamber is unlit. Security personnel should be outfitted with a silenced flechette pistol and take extreme caution in the event of its use. Should any personnel involved in a maintenance operation attempt to compromise the artifact in any way, they should be terminated with extreme prejudice regardless of security clearance. Security personnel are required to report their status at 10 minute intervals. In the event of a lapse in reports, the interior chamber is to be flooded with nitrogen gas until no life forms are detected. All agents entering SCP-722's enclosure are advised to not make any attempt to touch the artifact as it is known to be extremely volatile. The far extremities of SCP-722 are to be avoided at all costs. In the event of contact with the artifact, agents are advised to immediately exit the enclosure and report to the base medic for detox. Description: SCP-722 was found in the eastern glacial ranges of Greenland by Greenpeace activists making a documentary on the effects of global warming. Upon descending into a crevasse that had opened up on the southern end of the Kangerdlugssuaq glacier, they discovered a network of tunnels within the glacier which had long since been smoothed out, eventually reaching a series of larger chambers which seemed to host a tremendous serpentine body. After another hour of exploration the team left the glacier and headed to the nearby town of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Within hours most of the team felt symptoms of a wide array of sicknesses resembling everything from swollen lymph nodes to fast necrosis of the skin. By nightfall the entire team was dead. An SCP operative on leave caught wind of the story and sent notification to high command. SCP-722 is by all accounts a terrestrial serpent, of incredible size, length, and girth, coiled through a series of tunnels of unknown origin. Most of the tunnels in SCP-722's enclosure are completely smooth, though a few patches, specifically on the paths nearest to the head and tail of the artifact, are marked with some form of ancient Nordic script. All attempts to translate the script have ended in failure, and the dialog appears to pre-date the settlement of the island by Erik the Red at the turn of the 11th century. No historical records exist of any previous settlement in Greenland, so the source of the script is currently a mystery. SCP-722 is clearly in a state of prolonged slumber, and many parts of the creature's body have become embedded in the glacier, possibly due to cave-ins or parts of the ice re-forming over many years. While this would normally warrant a Euclid ranking, SCP-722's immense size (currently estimated at between 8 and 12km) could pose a threat to nearby cities or the world at large in the event of it awakening. Additionally, the artifact possesses formidable defensive abilities. (See attached document, #722-A) Document #722-A: Unidentified Toxin '722' SCP-722's skin seems to secrete a potent toxin which has currently eluded all attempts at identification. Symptoms seem largely random on a case by case basis, but the end result is invariably death. All attempts at synthesizing an antidote to date have failed. Harvesting the poison for sampling procedures or weaponization has also proved unsuccessful - the poison seems to deteriorate rapidly after leaving its host and is all but useless by the time it reaches our labs. Retrieval has also proven to be invariably fatal, no matter what configuration of hazardous materials handling we have implemented. Given the loss of manpower and the extreme difficulty in obtaining more personnel given the range of this outpost, we recommend discontinuing any further testing. Document #722-B: 'Defensive' capabilities? Doctors β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, and Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (3-103-589) have all contributed the opinion that artifact SCP-722's poison is not defensive in nature, but intended to be used as a weapon. This theory has begun to circulate based on report [DATA EXPUNGED] regarding the incident on [DATA EXPUNGED]. Given the misting of the poison in the northernmost edges of the glacier, and posthumous examinations of the affected, it would appear that the artifact breathes the poison in a slightly less potent but still invariably fatal form. While poison as a weapon is not representative of reptiles in terrestrial nature, it has been noted at the request of our research team. Document #722-C, Memo: Moratorium on expeditions into the glacier All forays into the glacier are forbidden, effective immediately, excepting the case of emergency maintenance. Since the incident on [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-722 has seen a 0.9% increase in brain activity. Any unauthorized personnel attempting access into the glacial interior are to be terminated without question, regardless of security clearance. Agents and non-essential personnel alike have been reckless in their handling of the artifact - I will take this opportunity to remind you that we are dealing with a matter of worldwide importance, as this is a Keter-level SCP. If Site 103 is to remain in operation, then we must maintain our vigilance of standard security protocols. My predecessor was removed from his position for a reason. Follow in his footsteps, and you will find yourselves in the same shoes as him. -Brig. Gen β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (4-103-002) Document #722-D, Memo: Proposed explanation for toxin Doctor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has hypothesized that there may be a phylogenetic relationship between SCP-722 and other large reptiles, specifically positing it as a limbless or "glass" lizard within or close to the Varanus genus (including Varanus komodoensis or the Komodo dragon), and citing its immense size and use of a necrotic agent produced from its mouth as a predatory weapon. It is proposed that a team be sent to acquire samples of live tissue for genetic testing and, if possible, further toxin samples to look for bacteriological activity or residue. Β« SCP-721 | SCP-722 | SCP-723 Β»" nan
[ 4.56770599e-01 -3.64408553e-01 -1.03091128e-01 2.49397948e-01 -1.39604405e-01 -3.56304884e-01 -2.57713329e-02 1.09922439e-01 3.43891084e-01 1.81528300e-01 5.16471453e-02 3.11035633e-01 -2.02023074e-01 -1.42049775e-01 2.25261360e-01 -3.47618192e-01 1.26622319e-01 9.93998498e-02 4.71784860e-01 -6.44080788e-02 -1.44153997e-01 -1.21209368e-01 -2.47417510e-01 1.16124094e-01 -1.96752235e-01 -1.57120049e-01 1.91545010e-01 2.52866328e-01 -8.00521150e-02 -5.13532579e-01 2.22554430e-01 9.36588179e-03 8.15973356e-02 5.25834620e-01 -1.08620501e-04 -1.39136136e-01 4.29585762e-03 -7.68440664e-02 -4.59895320e-02 3.54629934e-01 -2.25479901e-01 -9.85124931e-02 -7.07277805e-02 -3.03448081e-01 1.05258375e-02 -1.60922855e-01 9.64605138e-02 -1.79497935e-02 3.75294983e-01 -9.27483141e-02 1.25711963e-01 1.36316136e-01 1.57018080e-01 1.25375345e-01 3.25871229e-01 -1.71056598e-01 -9.84504223e-02 1.05106302e-01 2.80619383e-01 2.50106037e-01 -1.50504038e-01 3.99772167e-01 -1.71429574e-01 -9.61207524e-02 1.47223786e-01 -1.64992318e-01 2.43155703e-01 -2.90397435e-01 1.92973286e-01 3.26123774e-01 -4.41691011e-01 -1.51340291e-01 1.80037737e-01 7.38377869e-02 -1.71309456e-01 -1.26366973e-01 3.57825369e-01 1.35482952e-01 6.59425184e-02 -1.44401923e-01 1.48548186e-01 -7.37290308e-02 -3.47114086e-01 -1.73890993e-01 -2.79231519e-01 2.87741810e-01 -2.78702319e-01 -1.01670012e-01 1.00935370e-01 1.16738610e-01 -5.51841855e-01 8.59974772e-02 -2.05614179e-01 2.69929059e-02 -1.04813755e-01 -7.38453344e-02 7.39495009e-02 8.06863233e-02 -1.95243601e-02 2.50226855e-01 2.95109868e-01 9.86748710e-02 1.34399548e-01 3.74335200e-01 3.24998721e-02 2.05011498e-02 1.54585242e-01 -3.44788462e-01 -1.35182559e-01 3.89415830e-01 -2.78556377e-01 1.58378527e-01 -7.51309618e-02 -4.33192790e-01 1.94557086e-01 -5.40985689e-02 4.94431198e-01 -2.82265991e-01 1.05892457e-01 3.78528982e-01 -6.13873005e-01 -7.19511434e-02 -3.83240194e-03 1.21737756e-01 3.31952751e-01 1.31073520e-01 -9.58258472e-03 -1.03185527e-01 2.67229788e-02 -3.33909504e-02 -1.36419460e-01 5.19559801e-01 -2.49182269e-01 -1.43557578e-01 -1.15503892e-01 -2.46914521e-01 1.04648639e-02 -1.90236881e-01 5.45259565e-02 -1.29691392e-01 2.37036571e-01 -9.38368123e-03 6.38955951e-01 5.64643145e-01 -2.98842520e-01 -9.01985019e-02 -1.63300842e-01 -1.55191913e-01 -2.01440528e-01 -1.43804967e-01 2.99972773e-01 2.80071571e-02 -1.47962831e-02 2.02756748e-01 -1.49934560e-01 3.22448105e-01 4.43617731e-01 -1.86971389e-02 -4.38405909e-02 -8.16775858e-02 3.22891831e-01 1.58008575e-01 1.21040918e-01 -1.30543798e-01 9.39810202e-02 4.50983316e-01 -3.88830304e-01 3.42870061e-03 6.25050813e-02 -1.43947199e-01 3.31648022e-01 -6.43999353e-02 5.85288042e-04 1.18160412e-01 -1.16388001e-01 1.27904877e-01 -3.82673800e-01 -1.23025179e-01 -3.27751428e-01 -2.41751671e-01 -5.46211183e-01 2.44399235e-01 4.66503918e-01 -1.39551505e-01 -5.89860752e-02 -1.22753642e-01 -1.63784310e-01 -1.04423434e-01 1.84282720e-01 -1.64547756e-01 -3.93939823e-01 -2.52749056e-01 2.52041042e-01 6.05813116e-02 -2.00312465e-01 -1.70337334e-02 3.51702303e-01 5.17636597e-01 -1.57421440e-01 1.34030521e-01 8.14982131e-03 1.01016402e-01 2.38601893e-01 -9.92106795e-02 -1.99065596e-01 2.20034178e-02 -1.62370205e-01 -1.09750427e-01 -1.33133188e-01 2.02389315e-01 1.66354269e-01 2.28130832e-01 -2.05917716e-01 -1.10871613e-01 -2.32968628e-01 -7.58102119e-01 3.44492346e-01 3.43939573e-01 3.38908017e-01 -1.68325081e-01 -1.85593516e-01 -1.55363858e-01 -2.46475209e-02 -1.13176800e-01 -4.16064739e-01 8.21031630e-02 -7.02069625e-02 -1.27602024e-02 -8.10306296e-02 -4.05026507e-03 2.22670287e-01 1.29491389e-01 7.15114623e-02 -8.83367062e-02 -2.16226161e-01 4.69898880e-01 4.03343856e-01 5.84211230e-01 -2.36823633e-01 6.97027519e-02 8.31474364e-02 6.19002953e-02 1.57362953e-01 -6.41727149e-02 -2.70436972e-01 2.56154090e-01 6.22022785e-02 2.19005972e-01 -1.38311431e-01 -2.27535684e-02 4.60958369e-02 -2.48558253e-01 -3.17615211e-01 -1.50853187e-01 5.88416820e-03 1.88899949e-01 -2.48522051e-02 2.18542486e-01 5.23321852e-02 -1.16417266e-01 1.57020181e-01 1.83679000e-01 -8.26540217e-02 -2.96742320e-02 -1.21050008e-01 -8.33576098e-02 9.34234485e-02 7.74751186e-01 -1.25588521e-01 7.83042908e-02 6.71106428e-02 -1.67874634e-01 1.56525761e-01 -1.07420810e-01 1.08979475e-02 1.30728528e-01 1.39993161e-01 2.55968362e-01 2.65945137e-01 1.54934168e-01 -1.92854837e-01 -2.17278108e-01 -2.81771362e-01 3.99072953e-02 -3.70634794e-02 1.34848490e-01 5.29832579e-03 -4.01639864e-02 4.12991783e-03 4.22448754e-01 -1.01525240e-01 -2.49617085e-01 -1.12050146e-01 -3.67787406e-02 -3.00282925e-01 3.50376330e-02 -2.45547548e-01 3.81337911e-01 1.02699526e-01 -7.32529759e-02 -3.94568831e-01 5.66587113e-02 8.88418481e-02 9.78152975e-02 -2.17925325e-01 -1.53154448e-01 6.72907829e-01 1.04986213e-01 -5.78982616e-03 -4.33883041e-01 -4.67065662e-01 2.39470243e-01 1.97416276e-01 -2.05746859e-01 3.53837430e-01 1.86743915e-01 -1.97203055e-01 -2.81426579e-01 8.59275684e-02 -2.09624723e-01 -1.79389566e-01 7.33959600e-02 -1.80695161e-01 1.56351373e-01 -1.93008631e-01 -1.91994738e-02 8.28110501e-02 -1.61917046e-01 4.01599526e-01 2.48679921e-01 1.00528009e-01 -1.55971676e-01 -3.37173715e-02 1.19504690e-01 -4.99526322e-01 8.38030651e-02 -2.51589090e-01 -7.50707686e-01 2.36120790e-01 6.12720475e-02 2.14179251e-02 8.99738222e-02 -2.77897567e-01 3.03744376e-01 1.70975644e-02 -1.95410088e-01 -4.58134323e-01 -4.85843793e-02 8.09952617e-03 2.96981484e-01 9.71712172e-02 1.53327435e-01 5.53321764e-02 -2.38877773e-01 -2.71674216e-01 -9.66867208e-02 4.03140485e-01 3.62340569e-01 1.83475569e-01 -6.66060252e-03 1.43410727e-01 2.92852819e-01 -2.27363870e-01 -2.28737265e-01 4.99367565e-02 -1.78132638e-01 2.17857346e-01 -9.00725834e-03 2.86017716e-01 -1.23465918e-01 4.32543814e-01 2.24201530e-01 -4.26458687e-01 2.15425879e-01 5.50414668e-04 -1.23087004e-01 -1.09104432e-01 -1.44811362e-01 -9.55554694e-02 5.97605035e-02 -2.13830993e-01 3.79960209e-01 3.36478889e-01 -2.87230432e-01 -2.53921002e-01 2.78735340e-01 3.47720273e-02 -2.18981784e-02 2.49291092e-01 2.56074935e-01 1.28775030e-01 -2.99681604e-01 2.53988504e-01 -2.92422473e-01 7.52167702e-02 -2.12218270e-01 1.97706968e-01 -1.37419730e-01 -4.19347128e-03 2.77284622e-01 -2.83692658e-01 -2.22901464e-01 8.64082128e-02 6.14399076e-01 3.69371742e-01 -1.64081082e-01 1.94616586e-01 4.59143296e-02 -4.75234985e-01 2.00432599e-01 3.43169332e-01 -4.32712197e-01 -3.18667114e-01 1.35564357e-01 6.19067214e-02 -7.44224433e-03 -1.65470280e-02 2.81282008e-01 -1.28113717e-01 -4.06747848e-01 -2.51862794e-01 1.05493858e-01 3.79236042e-02 -2.80431807e-01 3.84438299e-02 3.37782592e-01 1.07271157e-01 4.27703023e-01 2.80004233e-01 3.22590530e-01 1.91093192e-01 -1.90704122e-01 -3.26290667e-01 4.19955075e-01 3.64651501e-01 3.82018507e-01 1.92371700e-02 1.39234155e-01 -1.42537594e-01 2.79050082e-01 -4.11606133e-02 2.78985143e-01 4.50105637e-01 -1.75490692e-01 1.65687457e-01 1.21432645e-02 4.53006268e-01 -7.52760172e-02 -7.92768523e-02 3.06371033e-01 2.26586009e-03 3.24629575e-01 -5.37712760e-02 1.52293310e-01 2.03304309e-02 -2.30525240e-01 -2.74850518e-01 3.09937596e-01 -2.52702534e-01 9.16948244e-02 5.35933554e-01 1.33119404e+00 3.84427518e-01 7.16304183e-02 2.80447781e-01 -5.89377999e-01 2.59069085e-01 -3.03416818e-01 -1.14718854e-01 -1.93305612e-01 4.63328540e-01 -5.43423370e-03 -2.22137570e-01 8.63822550e-02 2.24838406e-01 -6.68976247e-01 -2.57478207e-01 -3.19588035e-01 -1.72560498e-01 1.82625666e-01 3.57351929e-01 5.11122830e-02 -1.54785663e-01 -4.27139997e-01 9.41750482e-02 -1.83019787e-01 3.50211233e-01 2.19632126e-02 -2.78703868e-01 1.61453769e-01 -3.11673582e-02 -4.42581438e-03 6.36549965e-02 -1.91758007e-01 -5.61997369e-02 -1.14280812e-01 -1.00589968e-01 2.73659565e-02 -1.48191050e-01 -2.98784561e-02 -1.90061212e-01 1.05849825e-01 3.06812495e-01 4.26456094e-01 -8.88476744e-02 9.36133415e-03 -2.24717753e-03 7.98453167e-02 -1.48142412e-01 1.76606036e-03 3.04807514e-01 -1.58486485e-01 -1.99473962e-01 -2.77601838e-01 4.25403625e-01 6.96520209e-02 1.11766271e-01 3.41192335e-01 -4.71374579e-03 -3.48658711e-01 -2.31761754e-01 1.64221689e-01 9.52938721e-02 -2.05439419e-01 -1.43966943e-01 3.23838353e-01 -2.05142424e-01 -7.03971609e-02 1.69007242e-01 -4.42305207e-02 1.10473529e-01 1.67879194e-01 1.00928098e-01 -2.42322341e-01 -4.46639866e-01 -4.87360023e-02 -1.43059015e-01 -2.47199029e-01 1.91015095e-01 -1.00172959e-01 -2.31147081e-01 -1.37589321e-01 9.91211981e-02 2.89056361e-01 -2.65129060e-01 -5.97521476e-03 -2.37017900e-01 -3.22232246e-02 1.42647438e-02 -2.19391286e-02 3.54303300e-01 -1.41716897e-01 3.10547858e-01 -1.43500999e-01 2.82065988e-01 -4.27139282e-01 -1.60220917e-02 -1.76863655e-01 -2.24953983e-02 1.91600516e-01 -1.16645835e-01 7.38738105e-02 4.57588211e-02 1.09417997e-01 8.05239454e-02 -6.79835007e-02 -1.07646823e-01 -1.95328847e-01 1.48112506e-01 -2.70192593e-01 -3.11270624e-01 -2.20795870e-01 2.22767711e-01 1.12423413e-01 2.26745814e-01 1.84310466e-01 2.88982958e-01 3.18154275e-01 2.70439982e-01 -1.64225981e-01 1.01761762e-02 -3.97066958e-03 -1.51726276e-01 -2.33161971e-02 2.63737381e-01 2.25832149e-01 2.44281273e-02 -2.10249275e-01 -1.98364183e-01 4.90210533e-01 1.73209161e-01 -1.75876588e-01 2.09959671e-01 2.27740824e-01 6.75189719e-02 -2.42955878e-01 9.12378803e-02 -3.65131944e-02 -7.86297619e-02 -3.28673840e-01 -1.24108799e-01 -1.55994028e-01 2.32153356e-01 3.43970098e-02 1.57943323e-01 4.15387988e-01 -2.49943603e-02 -3.65322828e-02 1.90746456e-01 -1.00973330e-01 -2.01217771e-01 -6.79890960e-02 2.68234849e-01 -7.59450868e-02 -1.29567891e-01 2.56836295e-01 1.35265097e-01 -2.71836102e-01 -6.70125186e-02 2.36947030e-01 2.49258950e-01 2.59548485e-01 -2.20199060e-02 4.08485919e-01 2.28929400e-01 1.18214376e-01 2.92767823e-01 2.68175364e-01 2.92590499e-01 -2.09174231e-01 5.08025289e-01 -1.85863242e-01 2.95457039e-02 3.46625447e-02 4.16915119e-01 2.42179886e-01 6.94742948e-02 -2.07185864e-01 1.53745726e-01 -2.44812183e-02 5.76442704e-02 -2.92441905e-01 -5.43759823e-01 6.97984919e-03 -1.04290368e-02 3.07534575e-01 2.36668780e-01 -1.32766128e-01 9.45160761e-02 4.92990911e-02 3.84466201e-01 8.45862031e-02 -1.32570714e-02 4.63739663e-01 -2.10918173e-01 1.47278735e-03 4.89617676e-01 -2.46533722e-01 3.32611427e-02 3.30095515e-02 1.91257283e-01 -7.89954215e-02 -1.90683201e-01 -1.62392333e-01 2.03728173e-02 -2.18923464e-01 -1.68581992e-01 2.03551620e-01 -6.84307888e-02 -4.98381943e-01 2.11553276e-01 1.16853870e-01 -1.82441652e-01 -2.82127202e-01 1.89718798e-01 -4.39169183e-02 1.91711098e-01 -3.90949577e-01 -6.27262071e-02 -2.56079525e-01 8.79448205e-02 -1.99414819e-01 -8.52641314e-02 -6.28056526e-01 -3.38299245e-01 -4.80364934e-02 9.43015143e-02 -2.16810510e-01 1.01173826e-01 1.36079550e-01 3.50072920e-01 3.46247889e-02 -2.29307890e-01 5.84189184e-02 -4.76112127e-01 -3.92137200e-01 2.48684272e-01 -4.92856167e-02 -4.51086879e-01 -2.23603472e-01 3.08008432e-01 -1.94065362e-01 2.36561939e-01 8.11244268e-03 -1.32368989e-02 -8.51548612e-02 -1.21249266e-01 -4.37169790e-01 1.22623414e-01 6.72021568e-01 -2.93216221e-02 -7.15337023e-02 -2.13504545e-02 -2.73600742e-02 -1.05245806e-01 2.46088222e-01 8.38935822e-02 -8.94070044e-02 -3.89483392e-01 7.92187035e-01 2.66132683e-01 3.27313304e-01 -1.30995527e-01 -1.56838059e-01 -3.93660188e-01 1.24941999e-02 3.10572982e-01 -2.27634218e-02 -1.75201863e-01 -1.91516981e-01 6.83050692e-01 2.62546629e-01 3.14260535e-02 -1.13077722e-01 4.31378365e-01 -3.43397819e-02 -1.80549726e-01 -3.85018557e-01 -1.04779778e-02 1.53425992e-01 2.25250602e-01 -8.15287083e-02 2.03204915e-01 9.79371369e-02 -1.92827255e-01 -3.63079995e-01 -2.53623873e-01 5.70554256e-01 -2.57072330e-01 -2.09036827e-01 2.68812984e-01 6.27466813e-02 1.31533206e-01 3.62584703e-02 -5.56213334e-02 -7.56320804e-02 -1.29300267e-01 1.24005251e-01 -1.74141943e-01 -1.01016633e-01 -4.39919323e-01 -1.67018890e-01 -5.73448017e-02 4.09837328e-02 2.42043763e-01 1.89220697e-01 -6.47771597e-01 -7.57938176e-02]
"Aging Staircase" active "Item #: SCP-723 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to the immovable nature of SCP-723, a containment area designated Site-288 is to be constructed surrounding the immediate area to prevent potential civilian casualties or exposing the site's properties. Containment consists of standard 3m (10ft approx.) chain link fencing with access restriction signage surrounding the site's exterior. A further restriction zone of 2m is to be constructed around the entrance to SCP-723, secured with magnetic locks. The site is to be secured by three guards in standard β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ security company cover uniforms, without visible armament to avoid suspicion. Access restrictions are to be made based on the claim of the site's fragility and historical importance. Access to D-Class subjects for further experimentation is to be approved by level 4 staff or higher. Under no circumstances is SCP-723 to be ascended by SCP Foundation staff, and personnel are requested to stay clear of the interior restriction zone to avoid becoming subject to SCP-723's effects. Description: SCP-723 is a spiral stone staircase, hewn from ordinary limestone, contained within a ruined church located in sparsely populated β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, England. The stairs scale the interior of a ruined tower on the structure's eastern side. Each stair is approximately 0.75m (2.5ft) wide, ascending in a clockwise direction at a 42 degree incline. From the exterior, the site appears to be in a state of disrepair, including the tower which SCP-723 ascends; however, this damage is not visible from the interior of the tower, though the staircase is still visibly worn. SCP-723 also appears to extend further upwards than the exterior architecture suggests. The site was brought to the Foundation's attention in 20β–ˆβ–ˆ, after the unexplained disappearances of several local youths. When ascended, SCP-723 induces rapid aging in the case of living subjects, and decay in the case of non-living materials. This effect seems to initiate after the fourth or fifth step has been climbed, each subsequent step inducing further aging or decay respectively. Subjects ascending the stairs have not indicated any feelings of pain or discomfort, and seem untroubled by their rapid transformation (with the exclusion of Experiment-723-A-9). Once an ascent has begun, subjects have no inclination of returning to the base of SCP-723. Although it is yet to be determined conclusively whether this is a compulsion is caused by SCP-723's effects or a result of physical changes in the brain, the former is considered more probable. Stairs and church are characteristic of the pre-Romanesque architectural style. Historical research indicates that the building containing SCP-723 was indeed a functioning church dating from at least the 9th century, if not earlier, however recent archaeological investigations suggest that Roman architecture existed on the site predating the construction of the church. The site has undergone several major repairs since its construction, but is believed to have fallen into disuse some time during the 11th century. Although no specific records exist, local folklore suggests the building was abandoned during this time coinciding with a series of suspicious deaths, and distrust of the church remains within the local population. This same folklore references a 'sacred stair', which is believed to be a reference to SCP-723. It is not known whether SCP-723 gained its properties at this time, or whether they existed prior to this event. Due to the spiral structure of SCP-723, direct observation of anything past a single story is impossible. Electronic equipment such as video and sound recorders or GPS locators have been shown to undergo a similar aging process to subjects, and transmitted signals typically fail after a single story has been scaled, making further observation problematic. This has been somewhat circumvented by the use of cables directly linking observers to the subject, allowing video contact to remain until the second story, and audio until the fourth. A series of experiments were conducted commencing 20β–ˆβ–ˆ to determine the nature and extent of SCP-723. Experiment Log 723-A: Experiment-723-A-1 Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-723-1 Equipment: Handheld camcorder, with eight-hour battery life; audio transceiver Results: Subject was instructed to remain in verbal contact with the overseers throughout the test via the transceiver, and ascended the stairs as normal. The subject's expression underwent visible change as they crossed the fourth step, paused, and then continued to climb after prompting from test overseers. Signal from audio transceiver ceased approximately twenty seconds after visual contact was lost. Subject did not respond to further prompts, both via the transceiver and vocally. Video recordings were unable to be recovered. Notes: Standard recording methods are ineffectual. Recommended that alternatives be explored in future experiments. Experiment-723-A-4 Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-723-4 Equipment: Handheld camcorder and audio transceiver, both connected to monitors at the staircase's base via standard, plastic coated copper cable. Results: Subject agreed to ascend the stairs after being forcefully restrained by security. Subject was then instructed similarly to the previous experiment, with the addition of trailing the cable behind them as they climbed. After crossing the fifth step, subject sharply inhaled but continued forwards. Video and audio signal was maintained once visual contact had been lost, but began to rapidly deteriorate. Subject was asked to report any visual or audible anomalies, to which they responded that they were 'feeling fine'. When asked to elaborate, the subject mumbled indecipherably. At this point the subject raises their hands to examine them in front of the video feed, which now appear to be visibly more calloused. Video feed is lost soon after, but audio feed remains for eight more minutes. Subject begins to breathe heavily into the microphone, as audio signal gradually degrades. Subject is directed to stop climbing but doesn't respond. Shortly before audio signal is lost, subject again mumbles something indecipherable, but it is believed they may have said 'daughter' or 'slaughter'. Reeling in copper cable revealed significant degradation in the metal and plastic, progressively more advanced towards the subject's end. Cable was no longer attached to recording devices. Notes: SCP-723 appears to degrade both biological and non-living matter. Subjects also appear to be either unwilling or unable to respond to overseer requests. Recommended that methods to recover subjects and equipment be enacted in future experiments. It is also notable that the remains of the previous subjects were not observed or described at any point during the ascent. Experiment-723-A-7 Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-723-7 Equipment: Handheld camcorder and audio transceiver, both connected to monitors at the staircase's base via standard, plastic coated copper cable; titanium-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ alloy cable attached to both subject and recording equipment. Results: Subject was instructed as per the previous test, and began climbing SCP-723 with caution, again pausing briefly as the fourth step was crossed. Subject proved more responsive than previous test subjects, describing the air inside the staircase as 'cold, really cold', and that the stairs were 'covered with dust, thick grainy stuff'. Subject also stated that they were 'sorry', and began crying shortly after. Due to lack of video feed by this point, subject was encouraged to continue to climb and to describe anything that they saw. After approximately twelve minutes, subject began speaking rapidly into the microphone, but the signal was much too degraded to understand words. With the prospect of a potential discovery, and the fact that cables had remained taut until this point, the decision was made to retract the cables and recover the subject. No strong resistance was met, and after five minutes subject was pulled to the entrance. Although still alive at this point, the subject's physical appearance was significantly altered. Muscle mass had diminished greatly, hair had thinned and skin was extremely dry and discoloured. Although it had become loose and wrinkled in some areas, in other areas it was extremely taut, most notably on the face, atypical of normal human aging. The subject was not observed to blink during the four minute period before expiry, and was in a state of extreme distress. Though most of what was said during this time is unintelligible, subject refers at one point to what is possibly 'door' or 'the door', and refers several times to 'dark', 'mark' or 'fβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ'. Several broken and fractured bones were determined postmortem, believed to be a result of the subject's forced extraction. Although the subject did not complain of pain during the climb, bones were also shown to have been leached of minerals, joints had calcified into severe arthritis, tumorous growths were found behind the subject’s right eyeball and in the prostate, and several ulcers were found in the stomach lining. Notes: The statements made by the subject may suggest that SCP-723 may terminate shortly after the fourth floor. The fact that lucidity also remains suggests that there may be limitations to the compulsions caused by SCP-723's, if they are present at all. Β« SCP-722 | SCP-723 | SCP-724 Β»" nan
[ 1.11350164e-01 -7.17972741e-02 -1.11364357e-01 3.06193084e-01 2.03741089e-01 -8.50372612e-02 9.58574787e-02 5.09462468e-02 1.99673966e-01 1.13977976e-01 2.37355843e-01 4.10706282e-01 -1.80290207e-01 -4.13490415e-01 1.27058849e-01 -2.03921273e-01 1.58850804e-01 -2.41344851e-02 2.33830929e-01 -4.74357307e-02 -2.23277971e-01 -1.03435427e-01 -1.83259651e-01 2.69880146e-01 2.48162180e-01 -3.52434516e-02 9.44062546e-02 3.20457101e-01 2.35797763e-01 -2.23059952e-01 4.47400138e-02 1.96019873e-01 -3.03365551e-02 6.72965407e-01 -1.12549162e-04 -2.37144083e-01 2.43600503e-01 -6.43071234e-02 -3.27063620e-01 -1.49737462e-01 -5.19417107e-01 1.00499995e-01 2.66421363e-02 -2.55558312e-01 -2.53919903e-02 -1.63729653e-01 -1.50365442e-01 -8.13237056e-02 4.00042146e-01 -1.13046825e-01 2.09123105e-01 -2.29080603e-01 -4.60035093e-02 -1.68828726e-01 3.95816654e-01 -2.80037075e-02 4.57879826e-02 1.15357965e-01 4.03235197e-01 3.57640296e-01 9.59819369e-03 1.64989103e-02 -2.16074347e-01 -6.79932209e-03 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3.28265250e-01 -3.05898655e-02 -1.73079535e-01 2.11633608e-01 9.33468435e-03 1.46127105e-01 1.28401056e-01 -1.00102834e-01 -2.42694184e-01 1.83328167e-02 2.69275606e-01 3.76954287e-01 -2.10549071e-01 -2.84019560e-01 1.82418436e-01 -4.70587574e-02 4.57361281e-01 -2.68583506e-01 -1.27505675e-01 4.25623208e-02 -1.91544667e-01 -1.94858033e-02 -2.48032048e-01 -2.80735373e-01 2.89989471e-01 -6.60541356e-02 1.50318459e-01 -3.80661815e-01 -2.09855661e-01 -1.61774114e-01 -2.28383929e-01 -1.68414220e-01 -1.65446341e-01 7.37995058e-02 -8.47572610e-02 -6.29490614e-03 -3.00393492e-01 2.47485682e-01 3.56415570e-01 -2.28696913e-01 6.30865470e-02 9.29632559e-02 -3.60433668e-01 -1.98019803e-01 -2.93986171e-01 5.83289981e-01 -6.81931749e-02 -3.31296697e-02 3.72956507e-02 -4.75334108e-01 -2.63998341e-02 1.31705031e-01 -1.24108166e-01 -3.75098325e-02 2.92324930e-01 3.52296174e-01 1.51523441e-01 -7.62370378e-02 -1.54933617e-01 -5.10500729e-01 9.46964398e-02 -2.42965534e-01 1.13118678e-01 9.05806869e-02 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1.17636964e-01 1.51100919e-01 -2.08365485e-01 4.01013076e-01 -4.06506397e-02 5.47740199e-02 -2.03501317e-03 4.29824024e-01 -2.87191331e-01 -2.39291176e-01 -5.73960692e-02 -1.22565009e-01 3.79257314e-02 2.52499461e-01 1.63895160e-01 -4.85463906e-03 1.57871798e-01 1.24807842e-01 2.22271457e-01 2.99997389e-01 -3.64185125e-01 2.57240254e-02 -2.98499912e-01 -3.00943583e-01 -4.48606946e-02 3.04816723e-01 1.35648161e-01 3.05020958e-01 2.13149190e-01 3.01115423e-01 -5.58218062e-02 6.12970851e-02 -7.28342459e-02 -4.88568306e-01 -2.83716079e-02 1.08921200e-01 2.71370858e-01 8.63030702e-02 1.05422705e-01 -7.63790980e-02 -1.15139097e-01 -1.31780386e-01 2.08257660e-01 -3.91164236e-03 -1.57103956e-01 1.70175269e-01 2.49324039e-01 9.24143642e-02 1.81924418e-01 3.05898905e-01 1.39362127e-01 1.81183964e-01 -3.72034431e-01 2.30324447e-01 1.31218508e-01 1.18599653e-01 -9.60763320e-02 2.47405529e-01 1.62931859e-01 -3.66731957e-02 -1.30894795e-01 3.85840476e-01 6.24494366e-02 -7.06265196e-02 2.08269283e-01 -1.91002578e-01 -3.44733670e-02 -1.80288255e-01 7.99497664e-02 1.23849109e-01 -5.46730608e-02 -5.67023233e-02 9.55218896e-02 -2.99768299e-01 2.30161458e-01 1.73298150e-01 6.10053062e-01 -1.34420201e-01 1.97211742e-01 4.48462963e-01 -3.41308922e-01 1.82313487e-01 1.78976893e-01 3.20022143e-02 2.69282423e-02 -2.45200291e-01 4.92671318e-02 -1.71145529e-01 1.22913830e-01 -2.18733341e-01 1.36065587e-01 2.71475852e-01 -2.08224341e-01 1.70715734e-01 7.82625601e-02 -2.61192232e-01 7.85705671e-02 -5.23547493e-02 5.00247180e-01 -2.17728391e-02 -6.68144375e-02 -2.48239592e-01 6.84605464e-02 4.82420549e-02 -4.94475244e-03 -1.03204824e-01 -2.63350964e-01 -1.18894294e-01 -2.10666358e-01 1.96251467e-01 -7.93631226e-02 6.12685233e-02 -8.89120176e-02 5.90278566e-01 -9.68842730e-02 1.56603456e-01 2.89694279e-01 -4.09525633e-01 -4.29894418e-01 1.99551076e-01 2.29634773e-02 -1.11247808e-01 2.43387848e-01 -3.76284570e-02 -7.22814947e-02 2.58973449e-01 2.77270619e-02 2.97219843e-01 -5.70308268e-01 -5.13961390e-02 -4.52661127e-01 5.63983738e-01 1.54237539e-01 -9.15487949e-03 -1.75274666e-02 1.42406583e-01 -7.79319881e-03 -2.12448344e-01 4.32040691e-02 1.86670795e-01 -1.23127826e-01 -2.62859583e-01 2.97923386e-01 4.25897658e-01 1.07966661e-01 -2.00667903e-01 -1.15794286e-01 -1.54196441e-01 -1.07840255e-01 2.45812275e-02 -3.67203020e-02 1.11608975e-01 1.74845412e-01 1.49914145e-01 3.61611694e-01 4.58224624e-01 1.87818810e-01 2.91327178e-01 1.82779923e-01 -2.09808182e-02 -2.89184541e-01 1.00991733e-01 1.87821254e-01 2.69174486e-01 -9.75367129e-02 1.35852203e-01 -1.49590066e-02 1.48292929e-01 -2.39425346e-01 -3.33281159e-01 5.80609202e-01 -2.85491019e-01 -3.15855861e-01 -4.29370664e-02 1.13953717e-01 -7.43685365e-02 -2.89296478e-01 -4.80212718e-02 -2.53162831e-01 -1.28392801e-02 3.33064375e-03 -3.98995340e-01 1.60085540e-02 -8.49639058e-01 -4.50920671e-01 7.82999694e-02 3.99643511e-01 -6.07640035e-02 -1.26616091e-01 -3.13946426e-01 8.57453272e-02]
"Procyon stentor" active "Item #: SCP-724 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to its immobility, SCP-724 is located in the central vault of Site-54. This vault is surrounded by a set of hinged shielding plates that can be closed to block radio signals from reaching SCP-724 and suppress the anomaly. SCP-724-1 specimens can be kept in standard-size cages, although any that are currently being monitored should be separated from each other by at least moderate soundproofing. Individuals not being monitored are kept in kennel sections with Faraday shielding. Transport of SCP-724-1 specimens must not use unshielded cages except by written permission of Researcher Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Site-54 maintains the outward appearance of a corporate office/research facility, in the name of a Foundation front company (Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Cβ–ˆβ–ˆ Pβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Inc.). The lobby is to be staffed by Foundation security personnel posing as civilian receptionists and security guards. Description: SCP-724 is an anomaly covering approximately 8 m in diameter, located near the intersection of Interstate β–ˆβ–ˆ and Route β–ˆ in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ. It occurs only when all of the surrounding radio towers (designated SCP-724-A through SCP-724-β–ˆ) are broadcasting actively, and when the signals from these towers are able to reach the anomaly's location without significant interference. While SCP-724 is active, any individual of the species Procyon lotor (North American raccoon) that passes through the anomaly is permanently altered by unknown means. Altered subjects (collectively designated SCP-724-1) begin to frequently produce abnormal vocalizations including human voices, music, static, modulation/demodulation signals, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subjects do not appear to understand or control the content of these vocalizations, simply acting as passive receivers. The volume and clarity of vocalizations increases with proximity to the active SCP-724 anomaly. No anatomical or chemical alterations have been identified in SCP-724-1 compared to unaltered specimens. These vocalizations have been found to correspond to radio transmissions from sources other than the towers surrounding SCP-724. Transmissions captured by SCP-724 have been confirmed to originate from numerous locations throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and occur throughout the RF spectrum (a log of identified transmission sources can be found in Document 724-β–ˆ). Each subject seems to have a distinct "remote receiver" at a fixed location, frequency, and protocol. The location and tuning of each individual's receiver appears to depend upon the incident signals triggering the anomaly at the time the subject is altered, based on factors such as amplitude and frequency. Addendum 724-1: SCP-724 is believed to have first occurred in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, when SCP-724-β–ˆ (the most recently-constructed tower) began broadcasting. Reports of "talking raccoons" in the area prompted Foundation investigation, and the anomaly was located using several affected subjects. Efforts to capture all wild SCP-724-1 are ongoing. The relationship between the surrounding radio towers was discovered when SCP-724-C was taken offline for maintenance and the anomaly consequently ceased activity during the maintenance period. After extensive discussion, it was decided to allow the towers producing SCP-724 to continue transmitting. Addendum 724-2: Research is ongoing to identify the relevant factors in the generation of the SCP-724 anomaly, so that no further anomalies are accidentally created. A better understanding of the effects of the various contributing factors could also have significant practical utility in surveillance and communications applications. Addendum 724-3: As an experiment, several SCP-724-1 were allowed to mate with affected and unaffected specimens, to determine SCP-724's effects (if any) on subsequent generations. Of the resultant offspring, 100% have thus far been SCP-724-1 themselves. Second-generation offspring of mixed-heritage parents have been affected approximately 7β–ˆ% of the time. Offspring of parents whose "receiver" locations and/or tunings are known generally appear to have their own "receiver" located and tuned somewhere between those of their parents. Dr. Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has requested permission to begin a selective breeding program [Request currently under review]. Β« SCP-723 | SCP-724 | SCP-725 Β»" nan
[ 1.40679881e-01 -1.98091552e-01 -3.76055129e-02 6.26134723e-02 4.23448622e-01 -3.69370520e-01 1.54235870e-01 -4.98777889e-02 -5.78800619e-01 1.36100292e-01 -2.13757947e-01 2.95485973e-01 -2.21748099e-01 -3.23707014e-02 7.67308921e-02 -2.79188424e-01 1.23699136e-01 -6.78994581e-02 6.08136535e-01 -2.69097120e-01 -1.16149366e-01 1.42781377e-01 -6.51808009e-02 1.12213612e-01 -2.14717656e-01 -9.15226564e-02 1.16835862e-01 8.31107050e-02 1.94789186e-01 -3.61232370e-01 -8.14353675e-03 3.59743953e-01 2.15867069e-02 6.97067738e-01 -1.15426788e-04 2.72389408e-02 1.05155386e-01 -1.25355244e-01 -1.43343762e-01 -2.75105052e-03 -2.54140645e-01 6.83592185e-02 -5.79681881e-02 -2.64836967e-01 -1.67236820e-01 -3.04813892e-01 -1.70816302e-01 -1.18014269e-01 3.52812976e-01 1.68633655e-01 7.62484893e-02 3.99324179e-01 2.07862094e-01 9.28476453e-02 1.61640659e-01 4.05612260e-01 -1.31194681e-01 -4.93898019e-02 3.45703155e-01 3.64367515e-01 1.01762088e-02 1.66121230e-01 4.80321273e-02 -1.74406886e-01 4.04716982e-03 -1.67789683e-01 1.13432698e-01 -1.65719002e-01 6.72314242e-02 4.85630900e-01 -4.27117608e-02 8.28297809e-02 -1.17308781e-01 1.20153956e-01 -1.04423493e-01 -2.38085061e-01 3.29059392e-01 3.22113872e-01 -1.74370147e-02 1.75867707e-01 -1.59292575e-02 1.95408553e-01 -3.35003376e-01 -2.81479448e-01 -3.89523923e-01 7.87386224e-02 1.37785431e-02 -7.40706250e-02 -1.01272307e-01 -7.14044645e-02 -2.21969724e-01 1.70574635e-01 3.87681007e-01 4.20154892e-02 -4.50559914e-01 -1.43156812e-01 -1.49176363e-02 1.42782301e-01 5.14528640e-02 3.18687469e-01 -2.70994872e-01 2.23258808e-01 -2.91457295e-01 2.07639322e-01 8.67048949e-02 -1.19003952e-01 -2.63547804e-02 1.83502457e-03 -1.59814119e-01 4.12350982e-01 -1.77090228e-01 2.89819598e-01 -1.31797656e-01 2.68027157e-01 2.27574222e-02 -2.08602503e-01 6.38210997e-02 -8.77434984e-02 -2.00787917e-01 4.46815461e-01 -4.24529463e-01 -7.82655627e-02 5.86384907e-02 4.07108694e-01 7.59842336e-01 4.09976870e-01 -1.95618689e-01 5.02641015e-02 1.41103938e-01 -2.71873474e-01 -1.45324931e-01 1.40384184e-02 -2.39787134e-03 -5.06004766e-02 -7.68404528e-02 2.79214829e-01 -6.68980181e-02 -2.53341466e-01 3.68761793e-02 -3.70125733e-02 1.30700283e-02 -1.81502044e-01 1.59136988e-02 4.15372699e-01 -4.10791457e-01 1.80291742e-01 -1.53864816e-01 2.91796088e-01 -1.26554579e-01 8.21008086e-02 2.60158807e-01 -1.04535870e-01 -4.87332910e-01 1.84273571e-01 -2.31712267e-01 2.51030296e-01 6.72627866e-01 5.13277985e-02 -6.77217990e-02 -1.66572869e-01 1.50171518e-01 -1.01571113e-01 -1.83905244e-01 -4.69275191e-02 1.68768510e-01 4.41943407e-01 -5.12288325e-02 -1.63029224e-01 2.96699613e-01 -1.74565360e-01 4.32970375e-01 1.69185743e-01 5.26566952e-02 -1.43224567e-01 9.19715874e-03 1.74374789e-01 -2.75322914e-01 -1.52971804e-01 -4.24560219e-01 -1.69435471e-01 -5.27683854e-01 3.01847100e-01 4.25293148e-01 -1.27879754e-01 -6.50538385e-01 -1.26394227e-01 1.04773432e-01 2.68562119e-02 6.02777600e-02 -2.33755261e-02 -3.51127177e-01 -4.19395894e-01 3.51034552e-01 1.31999031e-01 -2.41161913e-01 -4.47885841e-02 8.84652212e-02 1.03423797e-01 2.32334107e-01 2.56913334e-01 -1.00597069e-01 1.52336642e-01 4.80318546e-01 -3.61444382e-03 6.95392536e-03 -2.25998238e-01 -1.35316804e-01 -3.42323065e-01 1.99279100e-01 2.90439963e-01 6.45087659e-03 -1.48517802e-01 -2.41689891e-01 2.11478435e-02 -1.98950842e-01 -1.45571962e-01 2.02457890e-01 3.43076110e-01 3.75892192e-01 -7.91816190e-02 -2.45999992e-01 2.03521609e-01 -7.90616050e-02 1.23122506e-01 -1.98796511e-01 -1.14782415e-01 -2.08218589e-01 4.23150398e-02 -1.58413842e-01 2.31158867e-01 1.91481650e-01 -1.35129709e-02 -9.75558311e-02 3.75057071e-01 -1.29548937e-01 3.11594605e-01 -3.46819945e-02 5.46975970e-01 7.32659847e-02 -6.15389273e-02 -1.38590574e-01 -1.81206912e-01 6.55547436e-03 7.11375475e-02 -3.40446532e-01 -2.70338923e-01 6.02932125e-02 2.07620531e-01 2.49441549e-01 -1.09096676e-01 3.69649947e-01 -7.49900192e-02 -1.87706664e-01 -2.35313810e-02 3.74551505e-01 6.84923470e-01 6.46852329e-02 2.56797731e-01 -3.76446515e-01 3.42184961e-01 5.78877144e-02 -9.01307687e-02 1.35636911e-01 9.60969701e-02 -2.42301613e-01 -1.38306096e-01 7.41948187e-02 8.56072128e-01 3.44175398e-02 5.85984252e-02 2.92698622e-01 -1.92618981e-01 -3.98902036e-02 -2.31575727e-01 4.28832062e-02 2.92763352e-01 -1.27117604e-01 2.12519795e-01 4.51339662e-01 2.62545884e-01 -3.30721408e-01 -4.91138816e-01 -1.16068766e-01 -1.77796930e-01 -1.40638158e-01 -4.85540703e-02 -1.78160086e-01 3.85705203e-01 -6.55348971e-02 -1.82042271e-01 9.35536176e-02 -3.49841602e-02 1.06946953e-01 -9.68820080e-02 9.98115540e-02 9.65825170e-02 -6.46094093e-03 5.09700477e-01 1.18437357e-01 -2.30425096e-04 -5.65597296e-01 2.01082617e-01 3.52120958e-02 3.56589415e-04 -2.22251430e-01 -2.47938782e-01 9.73019749e-02 -1.26906738e-01 -1.28150597e-01 9.21828207e-03 -2.38475889e-01 2.42667943e-01 3.59961540e-02 1.09896012e-01 1.17316820e-01 -1.05991382e-02 -1.68797657e-01 -1.88868776e-01 2.36281887e-01 -2.26683438e-01 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3.08148086e-01 1.45978034e-01 3.59443158e-01 -1.42466947e-01 1.22886740e-01 -5.75309768e-02 -2.40114659e-01 -5.86049557e-01 5.02508044e-01 9.98954177e-02 3.26153427e-01 -9.72326770e-02 1.40732110e+00 5.14612719e-02 -2.46775914e-02 1.77074760e-01 -1.27660021e-01 4.04214561e-01 -4.85604852e-01 4.03623804e-02 1.57601953e-01 2.60298759e-01 -1.11375479e-02 -3.46135125e-02 6.88922182e-02 3.80228788e-01 -4.11193639e-01 -2.07826436e-01 -5.37692368e-01 -2.87063181e-01 3.54513884e-01 -3.82255949e-02 3.82697918e-02 -8.36611986e-02 -3.74163747e-01 1.10494591e-01 -2.58178532e-01 6.96179792e-02 1.66064367e-01 -7.61905536e-02 3.52182123e-03 -1.58791021e-01 -9.26364511e-02 1.20305911e-01 -4.20796156e-01 -1.10894315e-01 1.85458019e-01 -2.65216798e-01 -5.75520040e-04 -8.52511674e-02 -1.74294133e-02 7.80796483e-02 4.17433027e-03 3.33631814e-01 6.48992538e-01 -2.50714850e-02 1.44172594e-01 -5.03392704e-02 4.75240871e-02 1.31169558e-01 -1.48812830e-01 3.23229671e-01 -1.62944645e-01 5.35235405e-02 -1.32598817e-01 -2.74959058e-02 6.69240117e-01 -4.62183245e-02 4.85477120e-01 1.70082688e-01 -2.33024240e-01 -2.93805420e-01 1.23088248e-01 9.24285203e-02 -1.92325354e-01 -3.09239198e-02 -1.98747795e-02 -3.76388282e-02 -9.44987983e-02 -2.48195007e-02 1.65061608e-01 -4.03147489e-02 3.95637423e-01 -2.55581200e-01 -1.59277692e-02 -3.55401486e-01 1.64020248e-02 -4.27589536e-01 -1.55430719e-01 -9.15192813e-03 8.56567398e-02 -4.79628742e-01 -1.24076895e-01 -1.82226196e-01 -7.70704448e-02 -1.49186343e-01 -3.41656178e-01 -3.00783843e-01 -2.49375045e-01 -1.97574601e-01 -5.83369285e-02 3.54015857e-01 8.35573822e-02 2.82445282e-01 -2.48834863e-01 2.74384260e-01 -3.31252575e-01 -2.45160431e-01 -5.71962595e-01 8.34093541e-02 1.72895774e-01 -2.59169877e-01 1.93036973e-01 -9.73865986e-02 1.93882078e-01 7.91309774e-02 4.34843730e-03 -2.20548108e-01 -2.34442204e-01 1.47428066e-01 -4.09796424e-02 -6.72077611e-02 -4.20004129e-02 3.26095670e-01 1.51745170e-01 1.60698444e-01 1.50896451e-02 1.32915527e-01 3.00946146e-01 2.67507493e-01 -3.64778191e-01 1.78282395e-01 -1.71232387e-01 -1.24897368e-01 3.47679704e-02 2.03175709e-01 6.26717582e-02 -1.21894434e-01 -2.16107205e-01 -1.41514897e-01 -1.63541809e-01 2.05321059e-01 1.94409057e-01 5.74901223e-01 1.42887548e-01 1.40438259e-01 -2.86119521e-01 -1.54831693e-01 -9.43493471e-02 2.31224746e-01 -3.60169321e-01 -1.27703354e-01 -3.49304415e-02 2.43082270e-01 -1.48851469e-01 -4.51933332e-02 2.40669191e-01 -2.35342771e-01 3.46095532e-01 2.60092705e-01 7.29381107e-03 -3.06747615e-01 1.04220584e-01 3.98894362e-02 5.49718618e-01 -1.12794533e-01 1.50119513e-01 2.44892180e-01 -3.26510891e-02 1.63580440e-02 2.40930334e-01 -1.10955521e-01 4.78638709e-01 4.10393417e-01 2.30677500e-01 3.84007275e-01 3.29391807e-01 5.46702817e-02 4.28495169e-01 1.62079558e-01 -2.33943895e-01 2.07987010e-01 -2.08942622e-01 2.43748590e-01 -1.76973432e-01 3.41560207e-02 -5.98630250e-01 1.47499114e-01 -1.44208804e-01 -1.56342149e-01 1.15948245e-01 -1.63617522e-01 -7.36621544e-02 -2.16492102e-01 -2.92298764e-01 -3.35273176e-01 2.52665013e-01 1.73914865e-01 3.98629546e-01 -3.81813906e-02 1.49787173e-01 -4.16132361e-02 -2.26876006e-01 6.21238351e-02 3.30075055e-01 -2.43711650e-01 3.40391010e-01 5.74082077e-01 -4.96448785e-01 5.06887317e-01 1.78780705e-01 1.94454893e-01 1.28381729e-01 -1.67185497e-02 -5.09200394e-02 -4.78436232e-01 -1.27749458e-01 -1.98724911e-01 -9.85820871e-03 -1.14016093e-01 -2.24308223e-01 4.22656164e-02 9.39962417e-02 -2.24588931e-01 1.17153965e-01 2.62989789e-01 4.18082982e-01 -1.38847306e-01 3.79762985e-02 -3.11534256e-01 -2.48841420e-01 -6.79648742e-02 -2.11414561e-01 -1.33818239e-01 -6.57114759e-02 1.11649735e-02 4.68555838e-02 2.50789613e-01 -1.57221761e-02 7.53925368e-02 2.12669417e-01 4.49481994e-01 3.00515175e-01 -5.10940179e-02 9.34224352e-02 -1.59050122e-01 -2.22893298e-01 2.07826912e-01 2.03513429e-01 -2.10584193e-01 -2.73876071e-01 2.89809525e-01 9.04816538e-02 2.50772417e-01 -1.49983063e-01 -1.04423158e-01 -5.20304382e-01 -2.38898164e-03 -3.69309783e-01 3.31363767e-01 4.03148502e-01 8.89085904e-02 -6.55880123e-02 -2.45682001e-01 2.55505562e-01 -5.93376383e-02 2.13543065e-02 3.08187336e-01 -3.22615176e-01 -8.28047767e-02 4.20989364e-01 2.55087942e-01 1.68865159e-01 4.70621549e-02 -3.55282389e-02 -4.02897358e-01 -1.28977999e-01 1.69490233e-01 -2.27347791e-01 -1.99801683e-01 6.58304542e-02 3.37025076e-01 1.55801281e-01 2.85168678e-01 9.19285789e-02 -1.03980768e-02 -9.84289423e-02 -4.73356247e-02 -2.49774382e-01 1.01206385e-01 -9.00027528e-02 5.23358304e-03 1.27109522e-02 1.82146013e-01 1.22620165e-01 3.80334184e-02 -3.41245800e-01 -3.77651483e-01 4.63145941e-01 -3.97675097e-01 -4.10393149e-01 -2.52252489e-01 1.54465055e-02 -1.77082956e-01 1.15158260e-01 -2.63693988e-01 4.70550060e-02 1.14374198e-01 3.01316798e-01 -3.33681077e-01 -2.55588233e-01 -1.48514599e-01 -4.70526755e-01 -8.45344812e-02 5.72785139e-01 -5.20353355e-02 2.46536314e-01 -1.46626696e-01 1.13685923e-02]
"Parrot Whale" active "Item #: SCP-725 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Subject is confined to a small coastal inlet adjacent to Sector-07. SCP-725 shows all biological requirements of its wild analogues, and is to be fed and its enclosure maintained according to on-site biologists. Because of the subject’s excitable nature, all watercraft are prohibited from operating within a 20 km radius of the enclosure, except as a measure to deter other marine mammals from lingering in the vicinity. Audio recordings are to be played on the hydrophone in the subject’s enclosure according to the current project director. Description: Subject is a 13.7 m long, 34,800 kg female cetacean with gross anatomical similarities to Megaptera novaeangliae, or the Humpback whale. It was recovered after causing maritime disruptions in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Bay. Physically the animal is similar to other humpback whales. Small anatomical differences may indicate it is a subspecies of that organism, or [DATA EXPUNGED]. Initial hypotheses of increased intelligence or self-awareness proved false. SCP-725 has demonstrated no mental capabilities beyond standard aptitudes of its parent species. What it does have are remarkable abilities of audio retention and mimicry; in effect, it remembers precisely every sound it hears and is able to repeat them at will. This includes unnatural sounds like high frequency vibrations, which other whales cannot duplicate. In captivity the subject exhibits a compulsive need to seek out and repeat new sounds. This may be adaptive mimicry, a reproductive strategy, or [DATA EXPUNGED] Once Foundation personnel began playing audio recordings regularly in the enclosure, these behaviors subsided. The subject exhibits preferences for some sounds which it will repeat for weeks, months, or longer, while others it will simply ignore. If recordings are repeated or withheld, the subject may become agitated and attempt to break containment. This compulsion is theorized to be responsible for the subject’s aggressiveness in the wild, as it often repeats the noises of a ship breaking up or its crew’s cries for help but seems physically unable to derive nourishment from attacks on humans. Capture Summary 725: A rash of unexplained maritime disappearances triggered the preliminary investigation. Local authorities were responding to alleged attacks on watercraft, research and communication buoys, and eventually people at sea. These culminated in an attack on the US Navy submarine β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ which resulted in superficial and structural damage, but no loss of life. A further 23 incidents and 19 individuals lost at sea may be attributable to the subject. In the same time period, fishermen had been reporting odd noises echoing across the ocean in the early morning, suggestive of crashing waves (even during calm conditions), crushing and grinding like ships colliding, mournful wails, or disembodied cries for help. In all cases the noises were clear and could be heard for miles, but no source was observed. The reports have since been definitively linked to SCP-725 (and possibly other wild individuals). Doctor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ did a preliminary on-site examination of the reports and the organism, before classifying it SCP-725 and remanding it to Foundation custody. Addendum 725-01: In a few instances, SCP-725 has been observed to cease motion and produce a sound reminiscent of other whales’ songs. Due to water conditions at these times, the noise can be detected up to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ km away. On β–ˆ occasions, answering songs have been recorded from an indeterminate source. Analyses of the songs indicate separate individuals and apparent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ but have failed to shed light on their purpose or meaning. Addendum Incident 725-03: At β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ hrs, β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a pod of Right whales passed near the containment enclosure. Upon reaching a point 34 km away, they suddenly altered course and began heading directly for it. Boats were dispatched to halt their advance using acoustic deterrents, which were ignored. The whales then dove to the bottom of the ocean, resurfacing at the seawall and beaching themselves forcefully. The animals continued thrashing violently, inflicting deep wounds on themselves until they expired. [DATA EXPUNGED] Analysis of acoustic recordings revealed that SCP-725 was emitting a subsonic signal for the duration of the incident. Β« SCP-724 | SCP-725 | SCP-726 Β»" nan
[ 6.24439493e-02 3.65944281e-02 -2.36514807e-01 -4.09819067e-01 1.44180506e-01 -1.50954843e-01 2.17457905e-01 1.47184461e-01 -3.96156132e-01 -1.11784162e-02 -2.61193603e-01 2.76151180e-01 -5.22302240e-02 -1.86874568e-01 2.53123403e-01 -7.03320131e-02 4.15793329e-01 2.36751363e-01 3.74375552e-01 -3.20165545e-01 -1.77561209e-01 -1.03727378e-01 3.98879237e-02 1.06070295e-01 -3.44817452e-02 -7.54311532e-02 -1.25261890e-02 7.86039680e-02 -1.98757857e-01 -1.86154589e-01 1.71560854e-01 1.81077257e-01 5.02985381e-02 5.17182410e-01 -1.06827392e-04 -1.63528964e-01 9.26595479e-02 -1.70449078e-01 1.95400212e-02 9.54221636e-02 1.00788390e-02 2.92353984e-02 -4.24166135e-02 -3.23571205e-01 -3.31461467e-02 -4.42732930e-01 8.56778473e-02 -2.23093539e-01 7.64948606e-01 9.67859551e-02 1.71941459e-01 1.32594526e-01 -4.25736047e-02 1.21997952e-01 2.92726994e-01 1.59188211e-02 -1.56688869e-01 -8.56864303e-02 3.33388388e-01 1.86249185e-02 2.80892253e-01 2.48337016e-01 -3.05160563e-02 -1.14652604e-01 -1.02569923e-01 -1.25876024e-01 1.74158722e-01 -3.88505518e-01 2.32524619e-01 4.89261866e-01 3.20821740e-02 2.40306973e-01 4.99029011e-02 3.75310034e-02 1.89413000e-02 -2.89904952e-01 -4.80853729e-02 3.37468058e-01 4.81320582e-02 1.09466039e-01 1.72278032e-01 4.63969558e-01 -2.11529866e-01 -1.12733454e-01 -1.38857245e-01 -3.72849047e-01 -8.71693939e-02 5.42875007e-02 -5.62326461e-02 -1.13873750e-01 -1.76797152e-01 1.01998471e-01 -2.89096702e-02 3.62307519e-01 -3.64181586e-02 5.24540618e-02 2.21070871e-01 -3.86822462e-01 2.20743284e-01 -1.34480968e-01 2.76790291e-01 1.53919205e-01 -1.15944654e-01 2.95283645e-01 2.38098636e-01 -1.52667984e-01 -2.86908269e-01 -1.79635152e-01 -1.46835551e-01 4.72910970e-01 -1.80143729e-01 3.17805894e-02 -1.65479735e-01 2.68632442e-01 3.68697196e-01 -8.66916180e-02 3.19609314e-01 -3.92918319e-01 -1.09073386e-01 2.41059795e-01 -5.80774128e-01 -1.11536928e-01 -5.34902699e-02 3.53548020e-01 6.20205045e-01 1.45957530e-01 1.91377476e-01 -1.41055882e-01 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-8.87257606e-02 -2.31012627e-01 -3.79630715e-01 1.95820387e-02 -1.30214468e-01 8.74218941e-02 -1.53160557e-01 -2.21696451e-01 4.43294287e-01 -3.41109633e-02 3.81281488e-02 4.79501188e-01 -3.56677696e-02 3.73135835e-01 -4.12533760e-01 3.02220285e-01 -1.66547284e-01 -4.38572943e-01 3.98893841e-02 2.61029512e-01 -6.00099564e-02 -1.50853977e-01 -3.72047037e-01 4.06118065e-01 1.89912319e-03 -1.34547457e-01 -1.57680303e-01 -8.36545229e-02 -4.35298793e-02 3.60194547e-03 1.01823904e-01 5.84805086e-02 1.49000660e-01 -2.39659891e-01 -1.88790381e-01 -1.19883306e-01 1.86549485e-01 5.53444028e-01 3.19824129e-01 -1.03288241e-01 -2.61928976e-01 9.00995508e-02 4.15580511e-01 -2.92771816e-01 -7.44637251e-02 1.85554281e-01 2.75356919e-01 4.17923667e-02 1.70269087e-01 -1.82177365e-01 3.73812616e-01 -1.86713859e-02 -5.30411601e-01 1.06314614e-01 2.42382437e-02 -4.05198216e-01 4.35127541e-02 -1.46808848e-01 -1.78758547e-01 7.36010224e-02 2.25383397e-02 6.74897373e-01 2.53299981e-01 -8.02463759e-03 -1.60709694e-01 1.33037969e-01 6.30877465e-02 -4.05147105e-01 7.19680870e-03 1.19475722e-01 1.20897867e-01 -5.04280508e-01 5.24891540e-02 -3.42465550e-01 -7.64670148e-02 -2.19147205e-01 2.32650071e-01 -2.96632558e-01 -4.14988436e-02 2.50471532e-01 -3.54988188e-01 -4.69206125e-02 2.79188901e-01 2.52792239e-01 2.97266245e-01 2.13472292e-01 1.04816541e-01 -1.07616596e-01 -3.33156109e-01 -3.21354568e-01 1.31733015e-01 -5.11985719e-01 -2.88489386e-02 3.90756994e-01 9.15173441e-02 -7.19316006e-02 1.81824923e-01 3.72487754e-02 -6.71518296e-02 -3.63458395e-01 -2.26781562e-01 3.16926874e-02 1.71761334e-01 -9.70703587e-02 -2.03473493e-01 -2.09337056e-01 2.81949759e-01 1.91010684e-01 2.56860346e-01 2.11693987e-01 -1.12537540e-01 -8.39685276e-03 -1.82295311e-02 5.17364917e-03 7.87978917e-02 5.23691297e-01 1.25517502e-01 2.34309077e-01 -1.31308094e-01 -6.77778497e-02 -1.87473558e-02 3.35613549e-01 4.80018497e-01 1.32983670e-01 7.17729107e-02 1.76623628e-01 1.65404126e-01 1.85422808e-01 -5.79307936e-02 1.89588845e-01 1.06849745e-01 1.25566319e-01 -1.59398466e-01 4.03024673e-01 8.11679736e-02 -1.21346161e-01 9.71577689e-02 1.47768065e-01 -1.47657827e-01 5.95869482e-01 3.47341478e-01 1.13738310e+00 -1.84425730e-02 1.50158301e-01 9.14239660e-02 -5.56635380e-01 5.95115662e-01 -5.23089945e-01 1.12428777e-01 8.06900710e-02 9.41147283e-02 3.04750782e-02 -1.39021710e-01 3.54219452e-02 1.69223756e-01 -3.56482238e-01 -1.18319720e-01 -1.61221355e-01 -1.39110059e-01 1.50722325e-01 5.01479693e-02 -1.20365739e-01 -3.09680521e-01 -1.12392925e-01 2.03930244e-01 -9.90789533e-02 1.03368446e-01 1.69351902e-02 -8.55747834e-02 -1.10905826e-01 -1.31418750e-01 -1.13911770e-01 1.50824666e-01 -3.65154356e-01 -2.20040262e-01 -1.85682893e-01 -1.64140776e-01 1.62908465e-01 -3.53041112e-01 -4.81183380e-01 -2.33936426e-03 -1.11185312e-01 2.55408734e-01 8.23121786e-01 -1.58354655e-01 -9.16192755e-02 -1.54118299e-01 1.05592757e-01 9.34197754e-02 -2.70695984e-01 8.63284525e-03 -6.69429749e-02 2.04180673e-01 -1.04033850e-01 2.45581284e-01 4.73962158e-01 1.28005117e-01 -9.12658349e-02 1.36984274e-01 -3.13601583e-01 -1.52263701e-01 2.13189155e-01 9.02477205e-02 -4.30842668e-01 -1.20330699e-01 5.00429049e-02 3.43716554e-02 -2.00471073e-01 2.35087991e-01 9.38017443e-02 -5.58030196e-02 5.37111998e-01 4.07799296e-02 1.42978758e-01 -3.31391454e-01 -1.80058517e-02 2.16581270e-01 -1.91684857e-01 -3.33425254e-02 3.43423821e-02 -4.27767277e-01 -1.20135151e-01 1.44741699e-01 5.96030764e-02 -1.66227609e-01 -2.28522658e-01 -1.88492030e-01 -7.55527765e-02 -8.34972039e-02 -7.67360404e-02 3.52348238e-01 -2.65837401e-01 3.04581106e-01 3.26211564e-02 7.41663128e-02 -4.08261091e-01 -2.18818393e-02 -2.23613203e-01 1.22455824e-02 3.26675296e-01 -2.53300309e-01 -1.85204759e-01 6.69986755e-02 2.52878308e-01 3.59083027e-01 -3.31561625e-01 -2.92322814e-01 -1.92525253e-01 7.51535296e-02 -1.03793852e-01 -2.89784640e-01 9.95020941e-02 5.44264587e-03 -2.78817952e-01 1.06030464e-01 -3.61900538e-01 1.62125438e-01 4.01901722e-01 1.62844300e-01 -4.75676566e-01 1.01054810e-01 9.43067223e-02 -1.70975715e-01 -1.34585574e-01 -1.30541608e-01 2.99777668e-02 1.49319068e-01 3.35247293e-02 -3.57431211e-02 -6.59743771e-02 8.88288543e-02 -1.57963976e-01 3.47384542e-01 1.87805176e-01 3.32321703e-01 -3.56932819e-01 3.73993307e-01 7.53424987e-02 2.68318266e-01 -2.57663429e-01 -8.14487487e-02 -9.39355120e-02 3.39252353e-01 -3.45894061e-02 6.19735010e-02 3.30181830e-02 -9.77293551e-02 1.03762664e-01 1.73385069e-01 1.29880771e-01 -2.80063719e-01 7.82352313e-02 -1.43726496e-03 3.30111831e-01 -2.65800178e-01 4.67267245e-01 3.77239674e-01 7.51874521e-02 5.44542857e-02 4.23943400e-02 3.41695845e-02 4.69240725e-01 5.03339350e-01 3.10403872e-02 4.95622046e-02 3.18456322e-01 1.97895169e-01 5.29959500e-01 4.93330359e-01 -1.64244100e-01 4.10049260e-01 -1.02339767e-01 4.48104501e-01 5.93196712e-02 4.04006958e-01 -3.07778358e-01 1.82913020e-01 -1.45508766e-01 -3.02509405e-02 8.05781111e-02 -3.05519607e-02 -8.65569934e-02 -1.75300553e-01 -1.94412023e-02 -3.09803039e-01 1.41040266e-01 1.01243831e-01 -1.65020198e-01 6.25389591e-02 1.60615012e-01 1.41688243e-01 -4.48480248e-01 2.13606402e-01 4.54717308e-01 -1.42386079e-01 1.02663763e-01 6.94938064e-01 -2.44874969e-01 4.06820595e-01 1.30335480e-01 5.17600715e-01 9.18380767e-02 -9.69808176e-02 1.56927079e-01 -2.10314363e-01 -1.83672234e-01 -6.98775053e-02 4.53036604e-03 6.00235648e-02 -2.36644093e-02 -7.26318546e-03 1.27952158e-01 -1.93344086e-01 -4.84190404e-01 1.33941367e-01 -1.37381032e-02 -1.92914054e-01 -1.21972874e-01 -4.18948114e-01 -3.79533321e-02 -2.57767767e-01 1.42878860e-01 -1.26967758e-01 1.36913896e-01 -5.83967380e-02 -5.45965359e-02 1.77833349e-01 1.54446796e-01 1.04515880e-01 -4.85021383e-01 -1.91786438e-02 2.23088399e-01 -3.11113186e-02 7.34345466e-02 4.24247161e-02 -1.45532668e-01 -5.12908772e-02 -1.92887202e-01 -5.68816602e-01 -2.48844668e-01 2.74963856e-01 -1.20032735e-01 5.02624512e-02 2.14256018e-01 -2.40950897e-01 -3.32676351e-01 -7.59364218e-02 -3.31461281e-01 7.95282871e-02 1.38730004e-01 1.05120819e-02 -1.04584061e-01 -6.59692511e-02 -1.40299633e-01 -2.29131132e-02 9.41008702e-02 -8.06156173e-02 -5.67963839e-01 -3.31796885e-01 2.05171540e-01 3.12894255e-01 5.27489111e-02 6.97013363e-02 -1.62526131e-01 -4.39345807e-01 -3.08783026e-03 2.14884788e-01 2.43646908e-03 1.36126354e-01 5.34479022e-02 7.35158741e-01 1.94031149e-02 2.26938073e-02 1.57201931e-01 1.15942014e-02 5.44450060e-02 -2.43195668e-01 -3.02415252e-01 -8.58956277e-02 -8.24535117e-02 2.50414163e-01 1.12938561e-01 1.55081838e-01 5.88952228e-02 -1.57103892e-02 -3.35920781e-01 -3.68299663e-01 5.24856389e-01 -1.87373668e-01 -3.18430454e-01 -5.13456464e-02 3.49831767e-02 -3.09437839e-03 2.51633495e-01 -3.43389392e-01 -3.00205313e-02 6.93849996e-02 -1.93492934e-01 -2.33823538e-01 4.56015579e-02 -1.83435157e-01 -1.90805808e-01 -1.49274901e-01 1.65422544e-01 6.05492815e-02 1.67923823e-01 -2.01888710e-01 -2.13946074e-01]
"Reconstructive Maggots" active "Item #: SCP-726 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A single pair of human SCP-726 samples are to be contained at Site-17 in a padded cell for their own safety, cleaned of any waste matter at 24-hour intervals. A diet of mixed vegetable slurry is adequate for their nutritional needs. A jar of smooth peanut butter may be provided to pacify subjects during cleaning and examinations. On a quarterly basis, subjects shall be provided a pair of mixed sex cadavers, and terminated after successful reproduction. Absolutely no other animal tissues of any kind are permitted in the enclosure at any time. Description: SCP-726 are physiologically and genetically identical to the eggs and larvae of Lucilia sericata, a species of blowfly common worldwide in warm climates. When larvae hatch on decomposing animal matter, they begin to consume nonliving tissues as normal until none remain, at which point they collect at a central point and begin to regurgitate a continuous stream of healthy, living cellular matter, and will multiply in number by unknown means as volume increases. If uninterrupted, SCP-726 will "reconstruct" a complete body matching that of the original tissue source. The reconstruction process occurs at high speed, resembling footage of maggot activity in reverse, and ends with the full restoration of life functions as all larvae abruptly drop off and appear to disintegrate. While otherwise restored to optimum physical health, any organism reconstituted by SCP-726 exhibits only the mental processes of a mature blowfly. Instances instinctively follow the wafting odors of decaying organic materials and attempt to consume them via licking and sucking actions. Instances of all species move clumsily and periodically spasm in an apparent attempt to beat nonexistent insect wings, with avian and chiropteran examples failing to achieve flight by their usual means. Proximity to any source of decaying flesh will excite subjects into mating behavior, coupling without regard to original species. Any mechanically successful copulation will produce a fertile clutch of SCP-726 eggs, which reconstructed females attempt to deposit on any appropriate food source. SCP-726 has proven capable of replicating a complete body from any volume of flesh regardless of its condition, including multiple copies of the same body from disconnected fragments. Reconstructed bodies that have subsequently expired can be reconstituted again by SCP-726 like any other tissue sample, but are subject to an increasing degradation of accuracy (see attached Generation Log). Discovery: On August 16th, 19β–ˆβ–ˆ a Mrs. Faber of Beckley, West Virginia, was discovered nude in a dumpster behind a local β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, engaging in [REDACTED] with a large male [REDACTED] and subsequently hospitalized for acute dementia. Over the following weeks, locals reported outbreaks of abnormal animal behavior, including large numbers of domestic cattle, swine, and poultry inconsistent with local livestock. Foundation operatives deduced the reproductive habits of SCP-726 and discovered animals reconstituting from meat scraps in the dumpster where Mrs. Faber had been found. During containment sweeps, β–ˆβ–ˆ identical instances of Mrs. Faber were found wandering the woods near her property. Under interrogation, Mr. Faber admitted to the murder and dismemberment of his wife. Test Log: 8/17: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ SCP-726 Generation Log I've decided to begin by testing the limits of repeated replication. A single SCP-726 egg will be introduced per sample. Due to their rapid multiplication, maggot volume does not affect their speed of operation, only the size of the organism to be reconstructed. Sample: one (1) freshly killed Norwegian rat, cut in half lengthwise. Result: SCP-726 reconstituted two versions of the same rat, their coat patterns mirror images of one another. Sample: remains of duplicate rats from previous experiment, processed into a fine paste and mixed. Result: SCP-726 separated sample into two portions and reconstructed nearly the same two copies, one with a red right eye. Sample: remains of least divergent duplicate rat, processed into fine paste. Result: rat reconstituted with slight limp, blind in both eyes. Sample: heart from blind rat. Result: reconstituted without eyes or pigmentation. Squeaks incessantly. Sample: heart from eyeless rat, cut in half. Result: two eyeless rats. One only walks in tight circles, other completely devoid of hair and unusually aggressive towards the first. Note: The insect behavior appears to be degrading with the physiology. Sample: scrap of flesh from hairless rat. Result: eyeless, hairless and limbless. Fails to return fully to life. Braincase found to contain a liver. Sample: liver from "brainless" rat. Result: eyeless, hairless and limbless with elongated "worm-like" midsection, nodules scattered throughout body appear to be incomplete eyes. Drastic increase in aggression, eventually begins to consume its own posterior end and expires from blood loss. Sample: fresh, complete remains from previous rat. Result: large, formless mass of tissues and viscera, trembles until extinguished. Sample: portion of previous result. Result: large, slug-like, motile mass of undifferentiated cells. Appears to absorb nutrients through skin. Sample: portion of previous result. Result: identical to previous test. Note: This continued for four additional tests with no divergence. I've decided to keep the final "slug" for long-term observation. I'm calling him Brundle. Sample: single scrap of dried flesh from cadaver dated β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ B.C. Result: reconstituted middle-aged male exhibiting expected fly behavior. Note: This could be an interesting new forensics tool. Sample: one (1) fingertip from D-class subject. Result: subject reconstituted and exhibited expected fly behavior. Standard range of identification tests were compared to public and Foundation records. DNA a precise match, dentition and fingerprints reversed. Sample: ocular orb taken from previous D-class subject. Result: subject reconstituted with normal dentition, entirely foreign fingerprints. Note: There appears to be a slight margin of error even from original samples. Sample: one (1) living D-class with large infected gash on ankle, SCP-726 applied to wound. Result: dead tissues were consumed and reconstruction proceeded until wound was healed. Subject appeared healthy until behavior deteriorated over the course of β–ˆ hours. Subject displayed all properties associated with SCP-726 constructs and subsequently terminated. Note: I guess we can rule out any medical applications. Sample: porterhouse steak. Result: mature steer, normal except for dipteran behavior and appetites. Subject slaughtered, porterhouse steaks served to D-class control group. Subsequent examinations unremarkable until [DATA EXPUNGED] consistent with known Calliphoridae. Subjects terminated. Note: A marginally greater biohazard than we thought. Suggesting closer observation of original site. Sample: porterhouse steak. Result: same as above. Cuts variously subjected to a variety of chemical and thermal sterilization methods including radioactive bombardment. Served to D-class individuals in a variety of dishes. Results identical to previous test. Note: I think we have established that anomalous maggots are not a viable alternative to ranching. Sample: fine paste of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ assorted insects and arachnids. Result: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ reconstructed arthropods behaving as flies. All females produced SCP-726 eggs. Note: This likely wouldn't happen in the wild; dead insects are neither meaty nor malodorous enough to attract blowflies. It takes a substantial quantity decomposing under moist conditions to reproduce the same breeding environment as a vertebrate corpse. Sample: fine paste of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ normal adult blowflies matching the species of SCP-726 larvae. Result: single, abnormally huge fly. Quickly expired. Note: That was unexpected. Too bad about the square cube law, I'd have loved to observe it further. Sample: one (1) fillet of salmon. Result: one (1) mature, male salmon. Convulsed violently as though "drowning" when placed in water. Flopped haphazardly when removed from liquid but did not display stress as it asphyxiated. Sample: one (1) fried calamari ring. Result: one (1) adult male squid, immediately placed in pool of water. Writhed helplessly until removed from liquid. Dragged itself crudely with tentacles, actively consumed fecal matter and decomposing flesh. SCP-726 properties in sperm sample. Sample: one (1) fast food cheeseburger purchased from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ drive through. Result: SCP-726 reconstituted two mature cattle and β–ˆβ–ˆ Norwegian rats. Sample: one (1) can of commercially available "potted meat food product". Analysis showed beef and pork derivatives, high fructose corn syrup and 12 FDA-approved preservative agents. Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] Note: What the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ were those even remotely supposed to be? Sample: single corpse from previous experiment, ground into paste. Result: [REDACTED] exhibiting extreme hostility to moving objects. All termination attempts failed. Specimen frozen. Note: I liquefied it and it kept moving. Sample: thawed sample of previous result. Result: [REDACTED] exhibiting properties similar to SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Incinerated. Note: I'm not taking these tests any further. I might even put Brundle down. Addendum: Testing of SCP-726 has been discontinued following Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's recent findings. Requests to use tissue generated by SCP-726 for experimentation with SCP-1361 and similar anomalies have subsequently been denied. The samples at Site-17 should be closely monitored for any inconsistent behavior or abnormal growth. Β« SCP-725 | SCP-726 | SCP-727 Β»" nan
[ 1.89556107e-01 -4.46606934e-01 -1.39602572e-01 -3.80464680e-02 -6.39730878e-03 -2.29595155e-01 -8.11794831e-04 -4.95064408e-02 -1.70736983e-01 -3.65642518e-01 -9.20598879e-02 1.63110003e-01 1.38472706e-01 -4.69809800e-01 5.38713276e-01 1.21065825e-01 1.07253566e-01 1.24922991e-01 -2.49310732e-01 -3.75360161e-01 -1.63491368e-01 -1.14617750e-01 -1.78529806e-02 2.06341937e-01 2.09884584e-01 -2.63743405e-03 -6.35349052e-03 3.90502423e-01 7.13950545e-02 -2.23653540e-01 8.96111354e-02 1.74841121e-01 2.79346965e-02 6.80198550e-01 -1.09710665e-04 1.18793398e-02 4.51479806e-03 -1.20583296e-01 -8.46944824e-02 5.99649072e-01 -2.43278146e-01 -1.53856203e-01 4.21987623e-02 -2.36875132e-01 1.61689654e-01 -2.17155904e-01 7.92646408e-03 -1.79881036e-01 5.40656269e-01 -4.55827750e-02 1.53069988e-01 -1.70486584e-01 3.10976710e-02 2.09958712e-03 3.36017787e-01 4.83334392e-01 -1.66198105e-01 1.11044236e-01 5.19172490e-01 -5.20538501e-02 9.05879065e-02 -2.01699153e-01 -2.79849440e-01 5.19966297e-02 1.52695581e-01 -9.09036547e-02 3.75255018e-01 -3.78381997e-01 1.25477821e-01 2.30870217e-01 -1.70166597e-01 -1.21842593e-01 -1.00368954e-01 -1.32509068e-01 -1.97561130e-01 1.51632190e-01 -2.06469283e-01 2.60993630e-01 2.37260416e-01 1.96307644e-01 -1.17455944e-01 6.03061076e-03 -1.74729992e-02 -1.98886871e-01 5.40741943e-02 -2.79876068e-02 1.23881623e-02 3.63086686e-02 3.12163442e-01 -1.22773468e-01 2.13472769e-02 -4.24491055e-02 1.80707321e-01 4.90130395e-01 2.31372759e-01 6.23485409e-02 1.12032808e-01 -7.78297856e-02 6.85232520e-01 9.27664638e-02 3.10569257e-01 -2.56297253e-02 -1.11439019e-01 4.24268663e-01 -1.44483477e-01 -3.73191804e-01 -2.45684981e-01 -1.51799977e-01 -8.12313706e-02 9.16346461e-02 7.74534717e-02 2.95111269e-01 1.86518893e-01 2.64785707e-01 1.12143673e-01 -2.54230527e-03 -7.58116171e-02 -1.27967060e-01 -1.19761802e-01 2.93432444e-01 -3.52594554e-01 -1.58106629e-02 -1.76216140e-01 -1.53469518e-01 3.37340802e-01 1.90920264e-01 1.27336279e-01 -3.61420006e-01 -3.19409698e-01 -8.07242170e-02 -2.51956791e-01 1.39211521e-01 -3.54281425e-01 -2.61096321e-02 -1.44225657e-01 3.98554802e-02 -8.41225162e-02 1.91156957e-02 -1.95144229e-02 1.91264287e-01 -1.47013351e-01 -2.65690982e-01 4.33088839e-01 5.23617446e-01 -2.26494327e-01 -2.03143105e-01 -2.42336914e-02 1.64284721e-01 3.98125015e-02 -1.07848132e-02 2.53605634e-01 -7.25876912e-03 -2.93565452e-01 2.18728080e-01 -3.08599025e-01 1.79231480e-01 4.72895950e-01 -6.37088716e-02 -1.51746899e-01 -3.26410756e-02 -1.64073691e-01 -3.43723013e-03 2.51129746e-01 -1.09804302e-01 5.23228288e-01 8.15361023e-01 -3.79119545e-01 1.08723946e-01 2.54010279e-02 -1.89867452e-01 3.02958637e-01 2.54974775e-02 1.36955768e-01 3.23603414e-02 -4.63138998e-01 3.81588519e-01 -3.72020572e-01 -4.93953079e-02 9.93948802e-02 -3.11709762e-01 -1.58577576e-01 3.50444555e-01 1.54561952e-01 -1.71082050e-01 2.46638991e-02 1.39539661e-02 -1.04687572e-01 -1.00629330e-02 2.55642474e-01 7.04012439e-03 -4.18511391e-01 -6.34294271e-01 4.20530438e-01 -1.80843338e-01 -6.03382476e-02 1.05993606e-01 5.72946131e-01 -2.17220485e-01 1.93830565e-01 -7.02366978e-02 -5.43225408e-02 -1.46656603e-01 3.50829631e-01 -1.03440396e-01 2.64278799e-01 -3.23067635e-01 -2.60555804e-01 -5.98205402e-02 3.58441502e-01 2.77763218e-01 -6.92225844e-02 1.34603027e-02 -4.92465138e-01 1.05711997e-01 2.61949003e-02 -1.32779285e-01 2.24056259e-01 2.26530433e-01 2.76892334e-01 -2.03294039e-01 -4.91448492e-02 -1.33236498e-01 -8.01853091e-02 1.13966092e-02 -1.23709105e-01 3.20066810e-01 -1.09092422e-01 -2.91185647e-01 -6.55948594e-02 -1.23845391e-01 1.81611776e-01 -1.09954923e-01 1.95918560e-01 2.33239874e-01 -1.29454255e-01 3.20678741e-01 3.21379185e-01 7.24410415e-01 -7.02545345e-02 1.93072066e-01 6.81903586e-02 1.10434629e-01 3.54916632e-01 -1.32578239e-01 -1.98292241e-01 -1.05177341e-02 3.92210603e-01 2.15724617e-01 8.26057196e-02 -1.55261099e-01 -1.02537610e-01 -1.78998515e-01 -1.17530204e-01 3.31151262e-02 2.06962347e-01 7.76170418e-02 -8.80211219e-02 8.99084061e-02 -9.78614017e-02 1.04541741e-01 -6.15733443e-03 -2.36765221e-01 4.75941300e-01 -7.72625878e-02 8.88420083e-03 -1.39910653e-01 7.42330253e-02 4.11674231e-01 1.57788053e-01 1.14210151e-01 1.44354114e-02 -1.95556447e-01 -1.19275391e-01 -1.18191406e-01 1.07292421e-01 -7.33627155e-02 4.54125822e-01 2.90066183e-01 1.22093774e-01 6.32815883e-02 -5.29878199e-01 -1.40305459e-01 -1.98597655e-01 -8.58350694e-02 -1.50932997e-01 1.36905489e-02 -4.48594652e-02 2.38176912e-01 -1.89712629e-01 4.77901638e-01 -2.30584964e-01 -1.72107831e-01 -5.72680905e-02 5.61329210e-03 -2.07973033e-01 4.58986871e-02 -3.48257840e-01 5.74309707e-01 5.17850704e-02 7.66568780e-02 -7.76789308e-01 2.27654472e-01 -3.06905568e-01 9.95820910e-02 -2.03066349e-01 -2.39380673e-02 1.25260383e-01 -9.17309970e-02 7.08391368e-02 -1.09653436e-01 -4.07032490e-01 1.63837209e-01 8.69289320e-03 3.88252616e-01 3.77365470e-01 1.61674380e-01 4.51437801e-01 -2.75639951e-01 1.59571335e-01 -3.50423902e-01 -1.27523050e-01 -1.91293076e-01 -8.39651078e-02 -5.37296049e-02 -4.83621985e-01 -2.57654078e-02 -9.52693969e-02 -1.50984213e-01 9.36324224e-02 1.38836309e-01 5.16445786e-02 3.32327008e-01 9.24609080e-02 2.47087374e-01 8.92485902e-02 1.57901481e-01 -2.41529942e-01 -2.38493502e-01 2.27836296e-01 1.45505130e-01 -1.52321802e-02 -1.25153482e-01 -2.49257460e-01 1.08425409e-01 2.49404475e-01 -2.56879807e-01 -4.08171326e-01 8.71987566e-02 -3.27120066e-01 -8.99958089e-02 2.70757109e-01 -4.77467328e-02 1.55330762e-01 -2.42236078e-01 -1.45377949e-01 -3.28026563e-01 -4.86469269e-02 2.86391765e-01 1.63166478e-01 -2.54963160e-01 -1.84317559e-01 2.49249503e-01 1.76745191e-01 -2.10149497e-01 -2.28345722e-01 -9.23885703e-02 -2.74560750e-02 -6.64119720e-02 3.58020008e-01 -4.18327868e-01 4.08710361e-01 -7.31272623e-02 -3.21150362e-01 1.20912202e-01 1.95658281e-02 -3.55988950e-01 9.43003893e-02 6.77121580e-02 -3.39416116e-01 -2.56611854e-01 -5.49977496e-02 5.06574273e-01 2.89190501e-01 -1.00861803e-01 -1.89760610e-01 5.50051220e-02 -7.13475049e-02 -9.28546488e-02 1.93904683e-01 2.91700959e-01 2.13392988e-01 1.73722133e-02 5.42317867e-01 3.64577435e-02 9.46486443e-02 -7.05621094e-02 1.91784665e-01 -3.20742935e-01 -3.36965650e-01 3.54808539e-01 -3.63318324e-01 6.60186172e-01 -7.64475912e-02 6.65651023e-01 4.11011308e-01 1.33426830e-01 2.41845459e-01 -1.31640702e-01 4.89933789e-02 2.01818213e-01 3.93609405e-01 -3.73456836e-01 -3.90603334e-01 -1.31465212e-01 1.79695547e-01 1.12539470e-01 3.80924046e-02 2.22627163e-01 -6.69695586e-02 -4.79944915e-01 -3.19117963e-01 2.47283235e-01 2.55784784e-02 -9.27325040e-02 -2.21342042e-01 -7.13698491e-02 3.17171477e-02 -2.58262396e-01 2.92402029e-01 5.36207139e-01 -2.21351847e-01 2.64537066e-01 -1.86806217e-01 3.32674474e-01 -7.97525793e-02 9.40285996e-02 -3.24554145e-02 1.76233575e-01 -2.32596561e-01 2.06803009e-02 -1.68128267e-01 3.79513353e-01 3.46937209e-01 3.12252343e-01 -1.64496034e-01 1.50123209e-01 -1.55213922e-01 -9.33035463e-02 -2.35901088e-01 2.21806720e-01 -2.19058231e-01 6.45155832e-02 -1.31345391e-01 1.79665521e-01 2.05366001e-01 -2.60443360e-01 -4.46902364e-01 1.49728898e-02 -3.54548424e-01 1.07018212e-02 6.78559363e-01 1.38122416e+00 2.00938713e-02 -3.32775936e-02 -6.07919395e-02 -1.26550362e-01 7.20245251e-03 -2.09721853e-03 -8.14685896e-02 -1.50277302e-01 2.71472573e-01 -1.46535877e-02 -1.37017012e-01 2.44571179e-01 4.04327571e-01 -1.40845716e-01 -1.71120912e-01 -2.57859498e-01 1.10897534e-01 3.54645491e-01 1.74454108e-01 1.08315565e-01 -2.19238773e-01 1.07676819e-01 2.63419122e-01 -1.33223161e-01 -8.58611390e-02 3.49092446e-02 -1.35418147e-01 1.46740139e-01 1.52415603e-01 -5.36284503e-03 2.43622169e-01 -3.48742694e-01 8.87833983e-02 -1.17237821e-01 -3.76140356e-01 -1.16936900e-01 -3.62816334e-01 -4.79068607e-01 -5.02290390e-02 6.25769794e-02 -1.27942665e-02 2.18853563e-01 -6.41032606e-02 -1.48258224e-01 6.99177617e-03 1.69443429e-01 2.03521490e-01 5.96182654e-03 1.38926268e-01 -1.58461750e-01 -1.50097627e-02 3.00290316e-01 2.33714476e-01 3.76316518e-01 -2.08971813e-01 2.75300592e-01 3.40605110e-01 -2.47032642e-01 -3.31319030e-03 1.15498081e-01 1.91208541e-01 -1.25265345e-01 2.47671545e-01 4.41160537e-02 4.53076921e-02 -1.16248868e-01 -3.53353918e-02 3.29924375e-01 8.76457989e-02 -2.45557055e-02 1.01256438e-01 -1.32804677e-01 -4.48244989e-01 6.88146986e-03 -6.89287961e-01 -5.96869588e-01 3.32293451e-01 -4.95993793e-02 -3.99716288e-01 9.93150771e-02 1.65163159e-01 -8.64717513e-02 -3.46079826e-01 -2.40945339e-01 -5.76266706e-01 2.65696973e-01 1.79467443e-02 -1.47940576e-01 2.31758088e-01 1.42985642e-01 2.68740833e-01 -2.17051089e-01 -1.65757045e-01 -3.81248295e-01 1.67476878e-01 -3.76746118e-01 8.86993259e-02 2.98931569e-01 -2.13039711e-01 -1.21025555e-01 -8.51596296e-02 1.70104370e-01 1.83657452e-01 -2.31217489e-01 -1.71247780e-01 -2.13277429e-01 1.06606811e-01 -7.63994679e-02 -1.38684213e-01 -9.16038901e-02 -1.00016529e-02 8.47180709e-02 3.05511267e-03 -4.55150679e-02 -2.60745198e-01 1.86691508e-01 2.46084686e-02 1.32019132e-01 2.63496131e-01 1.45725273e-02 -8.24979693e-02 -3.81283127e-02 1.52026504e-01 1.90407243e-02 -1.39747811e-02 -3.89410406e-01 4.21070233e-02 3.51497203e-01 1.92794681e-01 1.18903324e-01 2.33418271e-01 2.26033136e-01 1.47722065e-01 -1.80080265e-01 3.38126153e-01 8.04617554e-02 4.34261322e-01 -1.43789306e-01 -6.76396266e-02 -1.64701894e-01 2.57318676e-01 -1.07784212e-01 -1.74030408e-01 2.80603141e-01 -4.79865372e-02 4.30965014e-02 2.01406091e-01 -9.91310254e-02 1.38671935e-01 2.62035489e-01 1.45236284e-01 1.01154876e+00 -1.96791351e-01 3.39446962e-01 1.02894083e-01 -2.35052660e-01 -5.51464371e-02 5.90211898e-02 2.27549449e-02 3.44508886e-01 3.10995191e-01 1.29982516e-01 -1.46193802e-01 8.39563459e-02 2.68929154e-01 2.83123627e-02 2.71506041e-01 -6.85032681e-02 2.61183590e-01 2.19728142e-01 3.62269104e-01 1.12751618e-01 1.41010582e-01 -2.78628230e-01 -2.40235589e-02 -1.73124731e-01 2.25164920e-01 6.59210682e-02 1.38463020e-01 -4.12962213e-02 -8.66824836e-02 -1.92718327e-01 -2.02916160e-01 6.21576458e-02 -9.86242592e-02 3.56107920e-01 -2.59128004e-01 4.84283954e-01 -1.80807576e-01 -3.34309995e-01 -2.61900686e-02 3.94011319e-01 -1.85066715e-01 5.77104948e-02 3.94481659e-01 -3.09570432e-01 -2.08620414e-01 5.99952638e-01 3.34686607e-01 1.17787439e-02 -8.13165531e-02 -1.30843908e-01 -4.35446143e-01 -2.57349573e-02 -3.90068918e-01 9.58841890e-02 -7.84771591e-02 -2.53493246e-02 -1.97426919e-02 1.95114508e-01 -1.93998680e-01 -3.70440632e-01 9.26800817e-02 -5.30924648e-02 -1.03203274e-01 1.35022942e-02 -1.32429555e-01 -7.53087848e-02 -1.95280500e-02 -5.59996441e-02 -8.77162069e-02 1.28699094e-01 8.06872994e-02 -2.14365736e-01 1.39106765e-01 -1.38234466e-01 1.02901496e-01 9.11418647e-02 3.02111745e-01 -6.28777593e-02 -6.20175265e-02 -1.49275763e-02 2.93118577e-03 -2.59563714e-01 -6.97682202e-02 -6.55198917e-02 -2.46160001e-01 -1.38582304e-01 1.64916277e-01 1.67301178e-01 2.19799995e-01 -2.25008965e-01 2.33715072e-01 -1.85934141e-01 1.64348826e-01 1.49359033e-02 1.41254485e-01 -2.55388677e-01 3.76381278e-02 6.69754669e-02 -3.12638842e-02 1.78953007e-01 -2.78136820e-01 1.55803725e-01 -3.38179134e-02 -3.34298730e-01 1.42983764e-01 2.61486948e-01 7.23197103e-01 2.59496152e-01 -6.27157763e-02 -3.30206513e-01 -4.50241446e-01 -3.92071038e-01 -1.97497874e-01 3.71774994e-02 2.74753541e-01 2.02609688e-01 1.06049478e-01 -1.27976844e-02 9.87718180e-02 8.61873403e-02 -1.72558263e-01 8.18597674e-02 4.12218094e-01 -2.60598660e-02 6.21791519e-02 -2.22596787e-02 -1.25701472e-01 -7.90883973e-02 2.49120116e-01 -1.80446938e-01 -1.23915531e-01 8.09632894e-03 -4.33522493e-01 3.95666569e-01 -7.35260993e-02 -1.08528227e-01 -1.89610377e-01 -1.22377522e-01 -3.29755217e-01 -9.24197659e-02 -3.47902805e-01 -1.57120883e-01 2.31615230e-02 4.46123295e-02 -2.10400596e-01 5.40788248e-02 -8.80344808e-02 -6.01534009e-01 -1.37416676e-01 7.90246949e-02 2.60220408e-01 -1.69322073e-01 1.50777072e-01 -3.71656753e-02]
"Hephaestus's Forge" active "Item #: SCP-727 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: A security fence has been constructed around the area of SCP-727. Civilians are to be turned away and officials are to be told that the area around SCP-727 is geologically unstable. Access to SCP-727 is permitted only for testing and requires at least one armed guard on duty outside the item's entrance. All crafted objects produced inside SCP-727 are to be stored in containment room 727-H at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Description: SCP-727 resembles a smithy of ancient Greek design. It contains artisans' tools originating from a wide variety of eras and countries, some of which have not yet been identified. The item's walls and ceiling are covered with masses of chains made from a material similar to iron. SCP-727's nature makes these chains' length impossible to measure. When a human being enters SCP-727, the chains along the walls and ceiling become active and forcefully ensnare the subject. Ensnarement does not kill the subject, but invariably breaks many of its bones. Subjects with reinforced limbs are not immune to disfigurement. If more than one person enters SCP-727 at a time, the chains kill all but one subject by strangulation. Non-human animals and inanimate objects are simply thrown from SCP-727 by the chains. Once the chains have full control of a single human subject, they manipulate it like a puppet, forcing it to craft a series of objects of diverse nature and exceptional quality. Subjects describe this process as extremely painful. The source of the raw material for the crafted objects is unknown. After an indeterminate period of time, the chains throw the subject and its crafted objects out of SCP-727 and become dormant until another person enters SCP-727. Subjects of SCP-727 are given no sustenance and no opportunity to sleep; if a subject loses consciousness, it is thrown out of the smithy. Surviving subjects are severely crippled and deformed, with many of their bones broken and joints twisted, but invariably demonstrate great manual dexterity. Persons interacting with surviving subjects, even those with previous experience working with the disabled, express feelings of disgust at their disfigurement. The only long-term psychological impact on the survivors themselves is withdrawal from social activities and failure to seek out human contact. Periodically, the chains will keep a subject within SCP-727 for days at a time, forcing it to work on one large object instead of several smaller ones. So far all of these large projects have met with failure, as all such subjects have died before completing the item's work. For a list of the failed crafted objects see Addendum-727. SCP-727 was discovered by tracking repeated reports of a "miracle forge" by mysteriously disfigured people in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Greece. The item was contained; its victims were given Class-B amnestics and placed in hospitals throughout Greece. Addendum-727: The list of failed crafts from SCP-727 are as follows: Β« SCP-726 | SCP-727 | SCP-728 Β»" "Entrance to SCP-727"
[-2.32316092e-01 -2.02903315e-01 -2.18759000e-01 2.29036450e-01 -1.44651920e-01 7.81380758e-03 3.77720654e-01 2.87917405e-01 3.95205706e-01 -5.03821783e-02 4.94023860e-02 3.00875884e-02 -6.12662658e-02 -4.49698955e-01 2.30860978e-01 1.14184925e-02 1.90910682e-01 3.31503808e-01 5.23392148e-02 -1.94119945e-01 -1.50314778e-01 -2.22072303e-01 -1.74256042e-01 2.72342145e-01 1.40096575e-01 -1.48423865e-01 8.88652131e-02 5.24278283e-01 2.45764241e-01 -2.14794174e-01 -7.15940520e-02 2.52085030e-01 -2.92329043e-01 5.64668536e-01 -1.11701520e-04 1.30776865e-02 -1.71778165e-02 8.50876346e-02 -2.51390845e-01 -7.88051169e-03 -4.24025476e-01 3.35305333e-02 -7.11855963e-02 -2.73557425e-01 -7.45769218e-02 -3.79107773e-01 3.69960889e-02 2.55867064e-01 5.03316641e-01 -5.89208156e-02 1.76817581e-01 4.74477187e-02 1.63151518e-01 -3.18708271e-02 -5.17199561e-02 3.01689535e-01 -1.96753472e-01 -1.75766677e-01 3.55158925e-01 3.69903535e-01 2.05016881e-01 -9.10661928e-03 -3.70364875e-01 4.32212204e-02 -6.23327773e-03 -4.55290467e-01 1.81705564e-01 -1.51257694e-01 1.01725593e-01 4.88284051e-01 -1.63986504e-01 7.69186020e-02 1.39973834e-01 -1.75786033e-01 -8.36400539e-02 -2.48906575e-02 5.14080711e-02 4.87438589e-01 7.17551336e-02 1.13473900e-01 -1.70583725e-02 3.28798711e-01 -3.33640665e-01 -9.32968110e-02 1.52360409e-01 -4.84665632e-02 -2.25242868e-01 8.70129988e-02 3.98091525e-01 -8.74328837e-02 -1.96445540e-01 2.41418034e-01 5.89222386e-02 6.45494908e-02 -2.58387655e-01 -1.61738038e-01 2.48041779e-01 9.18211862e-02 1.35698214e-01 5.15965745e-03 -4.16621864e-02 4.29872811e-01 3.72854501e-01 1.35816365e-01 -3.03804249e-01 -2.01830506e-01 -3.03143002e-02 -2.74541587e-01 -3.73699248e-01 5.42251766e-01 -2.07725048e-01 3.33334297e-01 -2.93865532e-01 -2.15911299e-01 2.22340330e-01 -1.60684343e-02 -2.22437456e-02 -1.46783978e-01 -1.25266239e-01 1.62811279e-01 -5.45451462e-01 2.19729200e-01 -2.04227135e-01 2.59636521e-01 1.01933986e-01 1.15804203e-01 -2.06991106e-01 8.64628181e-02 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4.32826042e-01 2.17935026e-01 1.92100719e-01 -1.43077403e-01 1.21199027e-01 1.14463881e-01 3.28226000e-01 -4.54747155e-02 -3.98300141e-01 5.32953404e-02 1.76294819e-01 9.08834934e-02 -6.41976669e-02 -6.53113723e-02 1.20522879e-01 -5.94614260e-02 6.45129025e-01 1.86335102e-01 -1.82239056e-01 6.41501024e-02 -1.01188943e-01 7.78874308e-02 -3.15105349e-01 -3.52413446e-01 2.61471927e-01 -9.80352387e-02 1.18845038e-01 -6.64826334e-01 -2.04850510e-01 2.54216254e-01 -4.34603766e-02 -2.34298743e-02 -3.35634202e-01 -1.20137721e-01 -2.36368477e-01 -9.66089442e-02 -4.23900723e-01 3.65481049e-01 2.55807817e-01 -3.54214847e-01 2.71609873e-01 1.09800594e-02 -5.36385477e-01 -3.01137790e-02 -1.95110306e-01 1.38144553e+00 4.64581847e-02 -1.71294391e-01 1.33235589e-01 -4.11794186e-01 1.31557724e-02 -1.19463921e-01 6.77558035e-02 1.67442914e-02 9.18647572e-02 5.11208355e-01 -1.79257348e-01 -1.39179975e-01 -2.59958822e-02 -5.55677414e-01 -2.12574787e-02 7.18620867e-02 2.35890299e-01 -1.14609599e-01 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2.77734190e-01 -9.07780379e-02 -9.66533646e-02 -3.95223707e-01 7.87977427e-02 -3.13936062e-02 -3.01980339e-02 -6.10745698e-02 1.51589096e-01 -7.08375424e-02 7.28947669e-02 3.19870144e-01 4.94183511e-01 -1.58017218e-01 -1.61405772e-01 6.46599591e-01 -5.66321872e-02 -1.47584960e-01 8.32741559e-02 3.01310271e-01 -2.72793949e-01 -5.50654113e-01 8.78633335e-02 -3.10479790e-01 -1.10075720e-01 -1.76771358e-01 1.13170594e-01 -1.78397238e-01 -2.24700153e-01 7.46396407e-02 2.12375030e-01 -2.42887586e-01 -1.93711966e-01 1.74083173e-01 1.61475912e-01 3.65990549e-02 -5.97432368e-02 -3.86525542e-02 -5.18824756e-01 1.47600427e-01 9.17357877e-02 1.58155382e-01 4.35446128e-02 8.93962681e-02 -3.93905878e-01 2.17581570e-01 -4.00847107e-01 9.71078202e-02 9.99965519e-03 6.95487022e-01 -2.08771408e-01 2.43537784e-01 -9.40685272e-02 5.62615655e-02 -1.11299723e-01 2.54934937e-01 -3.46266851e-03 -2.85742819e-01 1.81166038e-01 3.22131246e-01 -1.91527277e-01 3.12538415e-01 -1.35578617e-01 2.40102082e-01 -9.77332145e-02 7.13306339e-03 -1.72259152e-01 2.69022286e-01 2.75628477e-01 -7.98119754e-02 5.03758714e-02 7.51170050e-03 1.30139425e-01 -1.92005068e-01 4.44266275e-02 -1.31024078e-01 -3.73537928e-01 1.70760691e-01 4.45177525e-01 2.18103617e-01 -9.45942327e-02 -2.74729788e-01 -2.08123878e-01 -1.76373258e-01 -1.10169969e-01 3.44908983e-02 -2.15944052e-01 3.54351461e-01 1.12234332e-01 7.42708892e-03 2.74040133e-01 2.81340659e-01 4.82168533e-02 -3.68890464e-01 4.48914245e-02 1.00187309e-01 -1.90104932e-01 1.70090497e-01 1.98179156e-01 3.00579727e-01 4.79015149e-02 3.24719459e-01 8.51555690e-02 -3.14113125e-02 -2.73850590e-01 -4.60727841e-01 2.04161808e-01 -9.82243568e-02 -3.90000463e-01 -9.78174731e-02 1.28094241e-01 -8.17716494e-03 -1.80796996e-01 -3.29880029e-01 -2.00866982e-01 1.22750141e-01 -5.42462915e-02 -1.06383506e-02 5.45146987e-02 -1.31218940e-01 -2.43569627e-01 -4.49642725e-02 3.74158591e-01 -1.29946796e-02 -1.18440588e-03 -9.39754248e-02 -1.88440636e-01]
"The Forever Room" active "Item #: SCP-728 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-728 is to be kept within a class IV containment vault at Sector-β–ˆβ–ˆ. To date the item has shown no activity to warrant anything other than standard security procedures to prevent unauthorised access. Description: SCP-728 appears to be a standard shipping container, 12.19 m by 2.44 m by 2.90 m. The exterior is painted red, and shows some signs of weathering. Markings and numbers on the exterior are consistent with the system used by [DATA REDACTED]; however, no such designation has ever been assigned to one of their containers. Analysis of the material used in constructing the container has found it to be made from terrestrial metals, though not in any combination usually associated with the construction of shipping containers. The interior space is consistent with that of a standard shipping container, with the exception that it is constantly at a comfortable temperature and light level for human occupation, despite no methods of heat regulation or lighting being present. When the doors are closed, the interior space experiences the flow of time differently from the outside world. This difference is neither consistent nor predictable, with the flow of time capable of both speeding up and slowing down, and in some cases apparently reversing. Any equipment which could be used to record the flow of time, such as stopwatches, will function normally within the container. However, upon opening the doors such devices will suffer a catastrophic failure and completely cease to function, with all data being erased. This extends to all data recorded while the doors were closed, and so far no medium has been found which can resist this effect, save for pen and paper. For this reason, the only reliable method to record the passage of time within SCP-728 is through the use of a human observer. SCP-728 is as vulnerable to damage as any object made from [DATA REDACTED]; however, perforating the container causes the primary effect to no longer function. Any damage inflicted upon SCP-728 appears to β€œundo” itself after a random amount of time, possibly as a side effect of SCP-728’s ability. Experimentation Log: Experiments consisted of sealing a person/persons within SCP-728, measuring how much time passed in the outside world, and comparing this to the subject’s experience measured with a standard watch. Date: 06/07/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Researcher: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-7466 Time elapsed: 5 minutes Subject’s Experience: 2 hours Date: 06/07/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Researcher: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-7466 Time elapsed: 1 hour Subject’s Experience: 1 minute 30 seconds Date: 06/07/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Researcher: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-7466 Time elapsed: 1 hour Subject’s Experience: N/A Researcher's Note: Subject’s body was found in a sitting position against the rear wall of SCP-728, apparently mummified. Tests dated the body as approximately β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ years old. Subject’s hands were severely damaged, with multiple fractures and lacerations. Subject’s right leg was broken. An organic compound was found on the doors of SCP-728 which was identified as [DATA REDACTED]. Date: 06/07/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Researcher: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-9558 Time elapsed: 1 hour Subject’s Experience: N/A Researcher's Note: When SCP-728 was opened, subject was no longer present. Testing suspended for today. Date: 06/10/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Researcher: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-9558 Time elapsed: 66 hours Subject’s Experience: N/A Researcher's Note: When questioned as to how much time had passed, subject was adamant we’d never closed the doors. Date: 06/10/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Researcher: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subjects: D-9558, D-8627, D-4513 Time elapsed: 1 hour Subjects' Experience: N/A Researcher's Note: Subjects were interred within SCP-728 with enough rations to last all three men five years, as well as a supply of notebooks and pens. Subjects were instructed to keep a record of their experiences while inside. When the container was opened, all three were found dead. Subjects D-9558 and D-4513 had both suffered severe beatings, and apparently died from their injuries. Evidence suggests that their bodies had been disemboweled and subjected to acts of [DATA REDACTED]. Subject D-8627 had died from disembowelment, apparently self inflicted. The logs were apparently kept as specified for β–ˆ years, before slowly degrading into unintelligible ranting. Similar writings were found on the walls of SCP-728, written in the blood and faeces of all three subjects, although fingerprinting identified that D-8627 was the only writer. Analysis of the faeces found that, in all three cases, it was most likely taken directly from [DATA REDACTED]. Β« SCP-727 | SCP-728 | SCP-729 Β»" nan
[-9.85661373e-02 8.20951536e-02 -2.17969149e-01 1.44119263e-01 -1.31845072e-01 -1.68668523e-01 3.42359841e-01 -1.98268984e-02 -2.32014190e-02 2.61159033e-01 1.27538487e-01 -3.64060998e-02 -2.79426664e-01 -2.23346218e-01 1.40711263e-01 2.88226485e-01 1.65915608e-01 3.47343177e-01 1.56932268e-02 -2.12171506e-02 -6.69892207e-02 -4.22363162e-01 -3.39565665e-01 1.83009908e-01 6.77731708e-02 -6.73763826e-02 1.35881118e-02 4.98913862e-02 -2.03332499e-01 -3.44331682e-01 7.58829946e-03 3.71889740e-01 -3.46480519e-01 7.11516321e-01 -1.08312903e-04 -4.45747748e-02 3.30881178e-02 -8.20161477e-02 -3.02260786e-01 4.45448421e-02 -6.21167183e-01 1.38137847e-01 -2.35834364e-02 -1.83796987e-01 -6.87741637e-02 -1.10745303e-01 2.59418748e-02 -7.36901686e-02 2.94636488e-01 1.84213057e-01 2.14695796e-01 3.11263680e-01 1.92249894e-01 3.30182090e-02 5.22926807e-01 -6.56137466e-02 -2.03338698e-01 1.10274769e-01 4.68228132e-01 2.14648485e-01 -1.04716448e-02 2.70387173e-01 -1.34162724e-01 4.04862314e-02 3.52106363e-01 -1.99206948e-01 -7.07764551e-02 7.47004002e-02 -8.83039739e-03 3.59536856e-01 3.22243460e-02 -2.98993111e-01 -1.15559110e-02 -3.60463671e-02 -2.80832052e-01 -3.69942367e-01 -1.04936690e-03 2.03725979e-01 3.09328198e-01 6.39684126e-02 -9.62837264e-02 5.05584836e-01 -2.83328235e-01 -3.85163352e-02 -1.43173352e-01 3.12226117e-01 -1.98112100e-01 1.26682192e-01 -1.19305886e-01 1.48105606e-01 1.59836076e-02 1.06127448e-01 4.49208356e-02 2.28121355e-02 1.99799642e-01 -1.01350121e-01 2.08922222e-01 1.25066563e-01 1.31993353e-01 1.49681732e-01 -5.92523813e-02 1.10057391e-01 3.46970528e-01 1.85359474e-02 5.39341457e-02 2.11886540e-01 1.39345936e-02 -2.07825154e-01 -5.63224256e-01 4.48529124e-01 -4.09432173e-01 1.25221208e-01 5.11171892e-02 -2.94314940e-02 3.56807947e-01 -3.18223596e-01 6.74945191e-02 -2.34776288e-01 2.25098729e-02 4.59136516e-01 -2.40074545e-01 3.12017277e-02 4.85580973e-02 3.95390838e-01 2.55283684e-01 9.99314561e-02 7.00376183e-02 -2.57100284e-01 -1.76919922e-01 -1.06649354e-01 -3.43647957e-01 2.31292427e-01 -4.09791082e-01 2.65641157e-02 -6.95776790e-02 1.20915286e-01 -1.20799512e-01 -1.18510678e-01 -2.81545632e-02 -3.34719062e-01 1.15574412e-01 -5.92676103e-02 8.34702075e-01 3.27388942e-01 -1.88857675e-01 -1.98069781e-01 7.39234919e-03 -1.24394469e-01 -7.81863034e-02 -1.29630119e-01 3.11592698e-01 -1.94675967e-01 -1.52037188e-01 2.80755788e-01 -3.33684564e-01 2.78837562e-01 7.27871954e-01 -2.37562180e-01 -1.78291142e-01 -2.00087383e-01 3.12272817e-01 1.58178538e-01 3.99872214e-01 9.51999202e-02 2.34785110e-01 5.50627291e-01 -2.62891561e-01 9.21927392e-02 2.78403103e-01 -1.87850788e-01 -1.39761567e-01 -2.66541630e-01 -5.11762723e-02 7.32086450e-02 -2.04957891e-02 -2.87802428e-01 1.03412671e-02 -3.14315520e-02 -5.41104078e-01 -6.02473557e-01 -2.29888186e-01 2.07970634e-01 8.39948803e-02 -1.60208773e-02 8.06390643e-02 -8.81706178e-03 -9.73380879e-02 -4.84332979e-01 1.96064577e-01 -6.95074257e-03 -3.45272362e-01 -4.23040330e-01 3.69926423e-01 2.13100016e-01 -2.68694144e-02 4.67121601e-02 1.74748987e-01 4.75812286e-01 1.68316796e-01 1.51096493e-01 -2.06782475e-01 -7.96248093e-02 3.66914272e-01 1.71158746e-01 -1.67588875e-01 -1.37150556e-01 -9.28928331e-02 -1.07820369e-01 2.92853415e-01 6.16676956e-02 2.73561984e-01 -4.99800034e-02 -5.64901643e-02 2.06871569e-01 -1.78155094e-01 -2.40313947e-01 3.46651793e-01 3.63440849e-02 1.68030515e-01 -2.32020393e-01 6.37797453e-03 -2.04854850e-02 -1.24761596e-01 -4.14651260e-02 2.42815409e-02 9.91058908e-03 -1.18587933e-01 -1.28519967e-01 -2.16665104e-01 3.58275384e-01 1.75978839e-01 -1.56897619e-01 -4.47599776e-02 -3.88572477e-02 -3.40226203e-01 3.97626221e-01 -3.02005887e-01 7.68982232e-01 -8.51952881e-02 2.86870287e-03 1.47996219e-02 -1.42087668e-01 1.62922353e-01 1.46162361e-01 -4.87098217e-01 3.97908866e-01 3.19517218e-02 1.07327379e-01 1.59504652e-01 -2.03719661e-01 -7.74455070e-02 -5.48001945e-01 -1.71077624e-01 -1.95994958e-01 3.03377062e-01 5.08208200e-02 3.78538251e-01 1.92952499e-01 1.08942538e-01 2.37616360e-01 8.77282470e-02 7.94779360e-02 1.89598635e-01 -1.12993736e-02 -2.23754123e-01 -4.30402547e-01 1.78441107e-01 1.56569377e-01 6.96700737e-02 1.31167293e-01 9.75303650e-02 8.59836265e-02 -9.46221966e-03 -2.19353393e-01 -2.64857188e-02 5.55822663e-02 2.20472530e-01 3.12581420e-01 2.83648074e-01 2.33832926e-01 -2.39599690e-01 -2.13218957e-01 -3.08183998e-01 1.26158983e-01 -1.37884289e-01 1.22248776e-01 4.95158248e-02 9.75268111e-02 1.48748904e-01 1.04335994e-01 2.47499645e-01 -4.08893824e-01 4.83975448e-02 4.72814254e-02 -2.62066633e-01 -1.13144875e-01 -4.34667766e-01 3.38861108e-01 -5.16111404e-03 2.69481097e-03 -3.88804197e-01 -1.11273669e-01 8.41128007e-02 4.41004075e-02 -2.61975288e-01 7.37917349e-02 6.95874929e-01 5.33811077e-02 1.73537001e-01 -2.05812916e-01 -5.13936341e-01 2.83899993e-01 2.43335202e-01 1.48340344e-01 -5.94666786e-02 7.10700005e-02 3.48604202e-01 -5.36251664e-02 -3.87814902e-02 -4.64131296e-01 2.52691567e-01 6.01651035e-02 -3.92762542e-01 -1.53624639e-01 -2.42394179e-01 1.06930532e-01 -2.09257990e-01 -1.71559066e-01 2.01301619e-01 -6.87114298e-02 1.81681499e-01 1.04897834e-01 -9.80248004e-02 3.97603542e-01 -1.42243609e-01 6.45835847e-02 -1.66528612e-01 -6.44349813e-01 -3.76780666e-02 2.86870208e-02 3.84763367e-02 -2.40021393e-01 -4.71884161e-02 1.19013526e-01 9.84944031e-02 -3.49909753e-01 -4.42099571e-01 1.03235096e-01 -1.23689808e-01 7.98454210e-02 -4.58450913e-01 5.76507390e-01 -4.83399928e-02 -2.51738429e-01 -2.37763241e-01 4.78660082e-03 1.29815280e-01 1.18923083e-01 -3.36038582e-02 -4.67558831e-01 -1.42944856e-02 3.13348621e-01 1.55336052e-01 4.82685566e-02 -2.31561765e-01 -2.78156027e-02 -1.00520939e-01 4.04871941e-01 -3.10565811e-02 -6.96753189e-02 2.49903917e-01 2.33341381e-01 -3.86031449e-01 2.77775049e-01 -9.13189724e-02 -2.95359194e-01 5.31815551e-02 -6.12138845e-02 -6.29249215e-01 -3.80806476e-01 -2.36575574e-01 3.33369195e-01 1.05352379e-01 -6.53957278e-02 -7.43964389e-02 -7.80767128e-02 -3.12981427e-01 -3.52325976e-01 5.20199239e-01 -2.83129793e-02 8.52670223e-02 -1.71240330e-01 1.36087552e-01 7.37883747e-02 -2.11923029e-02 -2.76343346e-01 3.22276503e-01 -2.91858107e-01 -9.63650420e-02 2.75588661e-01 -4.38048571e-01 8.35374370e-02 3.52483749e-01 5.74190438e-01 4.19199526e-01 4.57875520e-01 -2.67257363e-01 -1.97914660e-01 -2.66025543e-01 -1.02385312e-01 1.40665814e-01 -1.72674432e-01 -2.49234308e-02 -1.35979667e-01 3.47964689e-02 2.13046759e-01 1.77064717e-01 1.70659512e-01 1.38395295e-01 -2.86944360e-01 -1.38546661e-01 2.08557293e-01 -1.51025638e-01 -2.54239947e-01 -4.59428206e-02 2.34669019e-02 1.43700495e-01 2.87232995e-01 1.39995962e-01 -4.21684049e-02 7.13838488e-02 -1.67535886e-01 -1.50590509e-01 3.30993056e-01 2.71883607e-01 9.75856110e-02 -3.83588187e-02 2.56203890e-01 3.08046956e-02 1.54568508e-01 -1.19893774e-01 -1.89256713e-01 7.73845792e-01 6.30934760e-02 -3.59065980e-02 -1.72868565e-01 6.83004797e-01 -1.75062716e-01 8.00668672e-02 6.08181441e-03 6.25011772e-02 1.79480910e-01 1.16588548e-01 1.35327563e-01 -1.79436505e-01 -1.89604640e-01 3.59681785e-01 1.09344058e-01 -3.49148214e-01 4.83542383e-01 1.82913989e-01 1.21295118e+00 2.04557955e-01 2.83494055e-01 3.93336266e-01 -2.97352225e-01 -2.19941363e-01 -3.95634830e-01 -1.38158992e-01 -6.69071898e-02 1.31263599e-01 5.63626662e-02 -3.07180405e-01 1.30938262e-01 4.19107862e-02 -3.83347183e-01 -2.81871140e-01 -4.95217919e-01 1.22423790e-01 1.11486860e-01 1.60677165e-01 -1.24117248e-01 1.69685349e-01 2.32659817e-01 2.67262876e-01 1.49265632e-01 4.40396219e-02 -1.35854602e-01 4.17421795e-02 -3.52461380e-03 2.66823828e-01 -1.91145256e-01 1.21784195e-01 -2.13318929e-01 6.03167713e-02 -1.38552159e-01 -1.29042700e-01 -2.82665044e-01 -3.37442875e-01 -1.11507863e-01 -4.69518565e-02 -1.47543535e-01 3.25930834e-01 2.65202075e-01 9.04517472e-02 1.64991617e-01 9.95429084e-02 1.56826720e-01 3.89385074e-02 1.21779904e-01 -1.11536093e-01 -2.72323161e-01 -1.65269032e-01 -4.25026774e-01 2.46264353e-01 4.27229792e-01 -7.59935230e-02 1.83556348e-01 2.32231483e-01 -5.15040457e-01 -1.37227535e-01 1.99396223e-01 9.94332321e-03 9.71400887e-02 2.03350499e-01 -2.77642041e-01 -3.03388059e-01 -1.00988932e-01 1.23534184e-02 -2.32167332e-03 1.29387930e-01 1.44702762e-01 -3.95090021e-02 -1.87971950e-01 -4.15637136e-01 2.63444394e-01 -1.80477023e-01 -2.74895579e-01 -2.01158356e-02 -2.18753636e-01 -5.50718047e-04 2.76753575e-01 1.15078479e-01 1.16542436e-01 -7.30225518e-02 -1.28178343e-01 -1.85407266e-01 2.51007408e-01 -1.17975965e-01 7.73956254e-02 3.95546824e-01 -2.41264820e-01 6.33871675e-01 5.51780760e-02 7.28619248e-02 -4.43547606e-01 1.19285353e-01 -2.29012430e-01 5.56492135e-02 1.46061167e-01 -2.50137061e-01 -2.06056517e-02 -3.06334734e-01 1.46029651e-01 1.05827503e-01 -4.38237488e-01 -2.94120729e-01 -2.02672891e-02 1.07850470e-01 -9.58865061e-02 -2.09813252e-01 -1.31756678e-01 1.91889405e-01 1.56386554e-01 6.24581054e-03 1.47789955e-01 1.49753839e-01 1.36614725e-01 8.79523624e-03 -2.28416741e-01 2.14853838e-01 -4.00275700e-02 -9.31626707e-02 1.67159021e-01 3.31476420e-01 -2.05993980e-01 -7.95775186e-03 -2.09075481e-01 -3.15381177e-02 1.33593250e-02 4.76765394e-01 -2.94650197e-01 2.45764688e-01 3.42425644e-01 9.61695686e-02 2.00532496e-01 2.21548393e-01 -2.31604390e-02 -1.29156157e-01 -3.34470153e-01 -2.21499816e-01 -2.24562977e-02 2.48254970e-01 2.25005046e-01 1.09359093e-01 7.69842416e-02 2.06289008e-01 1.79455966e-01 5.76715656e-02 -3.91616337e-02 -3.45749855e-02 -8.81666616e-02 1.15844995e-01 1.85940161e-01 -2.67274112e-01 2.98818052e-01 7.61732981e-02 -8.90134275e-02 2.47021276e-03 -2.12669466e-02 1.87628910e-01 1.82094648e-01 1.89779773e-01 3.61337155e-01 3.93104076e-01 -2.74445442e-03 3.01514059e-01 8.70587453e-02 2.38407344e-01 -3.62846732e-01 1.58801481e-01 -2.48613939e-01 3.45806062e-01 -3.10880750e-01 1.58648863e-01 -2.61341780e-01 2.80446976e-01 -7.19075426e-02 2.73201205e-02 1.18143342e-01 4.04151306e-02 2.80202746e-01 -2.75276065e-01 -1.70241911e-02 -1.35898739e-01 1.58069581e-01 1.10802911e-01 -2.42517948e-01 7.02158883e-02 4.83902171e-02 1.95924789e-01 -2.02871673e-03 2.56657332e-01 3.33093286e-01 -1.19044773e-01 1.38681039e-01 3.81249487e-01 7.33300578e-03 8.83789510e-02 2.17889354e-01 1.65741444e-01 3.15351635e-02 -1.96331441e-01 2.47148380e-01 2.35532988e-02 -2.15238973e-01 -2.71537572e-01 -8.39594081e-02 2.16219142e-01 -4.92231190e-01 1.07900135e-01 2.51119018e-01 -2.75396168e-01 7.93652888e-03 1.48453815e-02 2.65365541e-01 -1.79693237e-01 -1.49410099e-01 -5.07604964e-02 -2.94437110e-01 8.50667208e-02 -2.21813038e-01 -2.57845283e-01 -1.90326333e-01 -9.53472033e-02 -2.74015486e-01 2.79607475e-01 -1.04159638e-01 1.05245672e-01 9.03649181e-02 3.71919602e-01 -1.81311265e-01 2.31658787e-01 2.06136145e-02 -3.88602316e-01 -4.07492399e-01 5.51305003e-02 -3.21992263e-02 -1.05683431e-01 7.34779285e-03 1.32895485e-01 -6.92658275e-02 7.24903569e-02 9.80015472e-02 6.74389079e-02 -1.17363192e-01 -2.27159679e-01 -3.52256298e-01 2.48333246e-01 4.26736623e-01 5.65243922e-02 -1.11802287e-01 -2.27560755e-02 2.04751566e-01 -2.05074400e-01 2.20646098e-01 1.33701667e-01 5.03089949e-02 -6.55130390e-03 4.06252950e-01 5.49103975e-01 -8.06160867e-02 -2.30075538e-01 -1.85148716e-01 -1.01232842e-01 -2.42787540e-01 1.71412379e-01 -1.44748896e-01 -3.24931502e-01 -1.12923227e-01 2.45542780e-01 1.34355888e-01 -1.59566343e-01 2.02884197e-01 -1.20416999e-01 6.00025710e-03 1.90735728e-01 -2.68172860e-01 1.01824477e-01 3.11547853e-02 4.52947348e-01 -5.99900074e-02 3.53701383e-01 1.30382553e-01 2.59303302e-01 -1.76747054e-01 -1.95806965e-01 4.75905895e-01 -2.49071628e-01 -2.04082415e-01 2.51798704e-02 1.09231547e-01 -1.71217397e-01 -3.44273627e-01 -3.41721028e-01 -8.28689411e-02 1.10886350e-01 -3.28410752e-02 -2.46579707e-01 -1.25020044e-02 -1.25460401e-01 -9.24321711e-02 -6.71430863e-03 5.12394905e-01 1.22634478e-01 -5.77157587e-02 -1.91176027e-01 6.51303530e-02]
"Marble Bath" active "Item #: SCP-729 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-729 is stored in a standard security chamber at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. For ease of testing SCP-729 has been connected to the Site β–ˆβ–ˆ water and sewage systems; however, use of the object outside of test conditions is prohibited. The risks associated with passive interaction with SCP-729 are minimal. Some staff have reported feeling 'dirty' or 'stressed' during prolonged periods in the vicinity of SCP-729, accompanied by a mild compulsion to make use of SCP-729 to bathe. This compulsion does not appear to be strong enough to force staff to break containment protocols so as to access SCP-729. However, staff feeling said compulsion are encouraged to leave the vicinity of SCP-729. Description: SCP-729 is a large bathtub carved from marble. The item's properties were discovered by accident during a police reconstruction of a suspected murder-suicide in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ; it was retrieved by an undercover Foundation agent soon after. Bathing in SCP-729 has been described as extremely relaxing to the extent that individuals using it for this purpose must be encouraged to leave by an external force; they will not exit the bath of their own accord. The primary effect of SCP-729 begins to manifest between 5 and 15 minutes after an individual has begun to bathe. At this stage, all foreign or abnormal objects are forcibly expelled from the user's body; this has been observed to include artificial implants, parasitic organisms, cancerous growths and [DATA EXPUNGED]. While under the influence of SCP-729, users appear unaware of this process. If disturbed by an external force, they immediately experience extreme pain consistent with the trauma inflicted upon their body. Objects removed in this way typically settle in the water alongside the bather. Approximately 4 minutes after the initial manifestation of SCP-729's effect, bathers begin to suffer from rapid muscle wastage; material lost in this way becomes mixed with the water within the bath. As a result of this, bathers quickly lose the strength required to exit SCP-729 even if they were so inclined, and must be assisted by external observers. Within 6 minutes, the process begins to affect major organs, extracting them from the body almost intact; death typically occurs soon after. Despite the massive trauma inflicted in this way, users remain ignorant of the effect unless alerted to it by an external force. Complete deconstruction of the bather's body is typically completed within 20 minutes of the onset of SCP-729's effect. At this stage, it is possible to extract specific organs from within the mix of water and organic material left within the bathtub, although these are typically damaged to some extent. If left in SCP-729, these remains are further deconstructed; after 5 hours, no identifiable material remains, with the contents of SCP-729 instead comprising an organic 'soup'. Long-term tests have indicated that this appears to be slowly absorbed into SCP-729, leaving clean water after 8 days. Parts of the stone from which SCP-729 is carved subsequently show discolouration. Β« SCP-728 | SCP-729 | SCP-730 Β»" nan
[-9.15783346e-02 -3.53122741e-01 -1.89779386e-01 2.22670957e-01 -4.48953472e-02 -4.71797064e-02 1.27996877e-01 6.89154863e-02 2.49032468e-01 1.76303506e-01 2.16047198e-01 -5.39029799e-02 -9.09038112e-02 -3.72605234e-01 -9.59471613e-02 -1.15623266e-01 9.90030617e-02 2.84207076e-01 1.40067130e-01 -1.79761961e-01 -9.62400734e-02 -3.85030627e-01 -7.50519782e-02 1.76360533e-01 4.06010389e-01 -1.98437765e-01 2.95938194e-01 3.55688334e-02 -7.02314749e-02 -3.73435736e-01 -4.40668240e-02 6.01547211e-02 -1.25460699e-01 4.97930795e-01 -1.12258924e-04 -2.02395812e-01 2.23436803e-01 3.65963578e-02 -1.84726283e-01 5.27340360e-02 -7.72108436e-01 1.99380174e-01 1.77890480e-01 -1.90960586e-01 1.35731986e-02 1.33979768e-01 -7.42482767e-02 -1.30925238e-01 5.53781092e-01 1.22178629e-01 1.64365813e-01 -1.80876300e-01 -5.55211663e-01 1.35869026e-01 2.92568743e-01 8.56611207e-02 -1.32206842e-01 -1.90613970e-01 5.19798756e-01 1.52273387e-01 3.15579206e-01 -8.51939172e-02 -4.00982350e-01 2.58466810e-01 6.55358210e-02 -9.92531851e-02 4.25651699e-01 -2.21589446e-01 1.94260292e-02 4.84771341e-01 4.67399275e-03 3.88998955e-01 2.65208930e-01 -4.92938869e-02 -1.12046890e-01 9.27087665e-03 7.28616565e-02 4.36258376e-01 7.78166205e-02 -8.06034282e-02 -1.98099509e-01 2.76758492e-01 -1.18686698e-01 9.25164577e-03 3.20754111e-01 6.56169429e-02 -5.76297902e-02 6.12997822e-02 2.44494546e-02 -1.86380684e-01 -4.74422067e-01 -7.61672156e-03 1.88748509e-01 -5.80839813e-02 3.41413617e-01 1.63815707e-01 2.05053017e-01 6.49653524e-02 1.25745475e-01 6.25022948e-02 8.16007495e-01 3.39335531e-01 2.88867384e-01 2.25966305e-01 -5.44254705e-02 -3.35741103e-01 -1.83280095e-01 -4.51073229e-01 -3.64423752e-01 7.05616534e-01 -1.68378308e-01 2.63530612e-01 5.49765900e-02 2.16770351e-01 -3.07262391e-01 1.00708986e-02 5.01322821e-02 -1.62599653e-01 -1.75928771e-01 5.74244022e-01 -3.70277047e-01 1.96394309e-01 -7.67729850e-03 1.10350519e-01 1.40008673e-01 -6.55380636e-02 4.82308194e-02 -1.74567431e-01 -3.24404955e-01 2.53640980e-01 -2.58171827e-01 3.27977300e-01 -4.62519526e-01 -4.67596278e-02 -2.67983656e-02 -2.68058866e-01 -4.87871841e-02 -4.07842658e-02 5.09157218e-03 -5.49276695e-02 -3.75379510e-02 -8.17413107e-02 6.66218936e-01 3.07978779e-01 -2.98009127e-01 -2.45891675e-01 -1.40783429e-01 -7.78211951e-02 -1.19466737e-01 2.43612751e-02 1.77660421e-01 2.13945820e-03 -2.36951724e-01 2.62420118e-01 -6.70180544e-02 2.45877907e-01 3.78305316e-01 -6.78502470e-02 6.78891316e-02 4.76739928e-02 9.55623910e-02 5.88178039e-02 -3.19626659e-01 -3.13064575e-01 2.25936383e-01 4.87090290e-01 -1.27276242e-01 -1.54701680e-01 4.18536782e-01 1.78597160e-02 -1.42686851e-02 -1.96595952e-01 -8.89084116e-02 2.16813713e-01 -3.50365939e-04 1.72224585e-02 -6.26406848e-01 4.00744379e-02 -4.42501724e-01 -6.94188178e-01 -3.21790040e-01 3.24721247e-01 9.17408094e-02 -4.29422945e-01 2.94518679e-01 2.03021333e-01 -1.91442017e-02 1.41420558e-01 9.30885375e-02 -1.54858911e-02 -2.78752178e-01 -5.81776142e-01 3.10338318e-01 -1.39803782e-01 1.13357507e-01 3.36019695e-02 2.45203644e-01 7.05110729e-02 1.57147363e-01 -3.07386424e-02 -2.59161264e-01 -7.46891499e-02 5.94006121e-01 2.26837635e-01 -1.37752473e-01 -2.00476810e-01 2.43147105e-01 -1.75325312e-02 6.57099605e-01 1.52971461e-01 -2.84059912e-01 1.18022021e-02 7.20577985e-02 -9.68321264e-02 -2.07575679e-01 -2.66917795e-01 2.50438035e-01 1.34006426e-01 1.11398526e-01 -2.19642699e-01 -9.04084444e-02 3.72319907e-01 -1.07389636e-01 2.85898540e-02 -2.33893991e-01 4.78082933e-02 -1.02782324e-01 -1.91515446e-01 -2.60463327e-01 2.11020947e-01 2.90163159e-01 -2.26806968e-01 2.05016844e-02 -1.54207543e-01 -5.43437481e-01 1.38008013e-01 -9.41287167e-03 8.22901011e-01 -3.15526985e-02 2.08382934e-01 1.65950939e-01 8.44189338e-03 2.24151984e-01 -1.92255601e-02 -1.59561023e-01 3.46329004e-01 2.52684951e-01 3.55963767e-01 1.02878034e-01 -1.85873494e-01 -2.51970645e-02 -2.52529472e-01 -5.93219921e-02 -9.09557641e-02 3.14145178e-01 4.62242603e-01 -1.70249596e-01 -1.27729237e-01 2.57221699e-01 -9.73621011e-02 -3.43168080e-02 -3.01129613e-02 1.83637246e-01 -1.58355787e-01 3.46775129e-02 -1.89828709e-01 3.09627175e-01 1.55174434e-01 2.11061612e-01 4.20898572e-02 7.09483624e-02 2.39582788e-02 1.74158126e-01 -7.78990686e-02 -3.39986123e-02 1.45437852e-01 -5.36205657e-02 5.09000085e-02 1.93436891e-01 3.27335894e-01 -1.31019711e-01 1.25407591e-01 -1.40426591e-01 1.19877458e-01 -8.39714780e-02 1.81482732e-01 -2.60327250e-01 3.19163918e-01 2.13483810e-01 2.67500520e-01 4.24888641e-01 -1.17903374e-01 -6.64953515e-02 -2.79085804e-02 -2.75097638e-01 5.57060018e-02 -1.09588616e-01 4.27316338e-01 -3.90290171e-02 -2.01146320e-01 -3.77956867e-01 1.01287141e-01 3.92466448e-02 6.91983327e-02 -5.86629152e-01 4.66746464e-03 5.30732036e-01 -5.14168069e-02 1.09131634e-01 6.08070893e-03 -3.84057522e-01 3.29276204e-01 2.79777080e-01 -1.27231464e-01 8.74328092e-02 7.94106573e-02 3.61276805e-01 -3.55537027e-01 8.86073485e-02 -4.75030035e-01 3.24034058e-02 -1.25928968e-01 -1.27843320e-01 -1.13113143e-01 -1.56726807e-01 2.35552303e-02 1.29110351e-01 -1.19420432e-01 -5.34825027e-02 1.21083511e-02 8.52243230e-02 -2.30610758e-01 1.72190025e-01 4.04267073e-01 -4.75576371e-01 3.26059282e-01 -1.21686839e-01 -5.23232639e-01 -2.83598930e-01 -7.72022381e-02 9.90737230e-02 -1.22273721e-01 -1.71633765e-01 9.46675763e-02 5.53580821e-01 -1.14693172e-01 -3.95479351e-02 1.56189010e-01 6.68697879e-02 -7.69331977e-02 -3.12358171e-01 4.51802582e-01 -7.22003579e-02 -1.96139142e-01 -3.16505879e-01 2.45777108e-02 7.62275010e-02 4.27952230e-01 1.56053081e-01 -1.50821447e-01 2.98188031e-01 4.08655405e-01 5.35651505e-01 -2.44652271e-01 -3.17598403e-01 1.16532393e-01 2.40780041e-02 -1.06761768e-01 2.25112349e-01 -2.72496611e-01 1.97821379e-01 2.86259651e-01 -2.43902341e-01 1.11838184e-01 2.45077722e-02 -3.60822797e-01 -1.16903469e-01 -2.64272004e-01 -5.86382091e-01 -2.39147648e-01 -2.80367315e-01 6.39902413e-01 1.25689521e-01 -1.72322303e-01 -2.78599590e-01 9.46197063e-02 1.08755387e-01 -6.43324926e-02 2.29169413e-01 1.45721331e-01 -4.78792898e-02 2.97814101e-01 2.39950597e-01 -7.38844499e-02 1.70063108e-01 -2.56018844e-02 5.87711483e-02 -3.37463021e-01 -6.81897625e-02 2.61921048e-01 -3.99357766e-01 -5.01694866e-02 -1.00736283e-01 5.99155009e-01 2.36918330e-01 9.35077015e-03 -8.81170705e-02 -4.41025011e-02 -3.38361025e-01 2.99337268e-01 2.60711282e-01 -3.51494223e-01 -2.49153629e-01 -9.30720791e-02 2.21201077e-01 -6.12820163e-02 1.57420337e-01 3.06764692e-01 5.83399013e-02 -5.05875051e-01 -3.97329479e-01 2.84115076e-01 -8.04361142e-03 6.02222234e-02 2.46686175e-01 -1.16582885e-01 3.39604408e-01 4.05869067e-01 1.00080423e-01 -9.78040025e-02 -2.08437502e-01 1.39375225e-01 -2.06648320e-01 1.95732906e-01 4.28912342e-01 2.65718281e-01 2.19205707e-01 1.02978321e-02 -1.07698381e-01 -1.15579233e-01 4.37407419e-02 6.15075044e-02 6.73754394e-01 3.31726409e-02 -1.09631866e-01 -1.32951632e-01 3.86926979e-01 -1.09888222e-02 8.28947425e-02 2.09920719e-01 1.38633996e-01 1.38499439e-01 -1.82154000e-01 2.90248096e-01 -6.60851896e-02 -3.74118924e-01 4.27867733e-02 3.50708604e-01 -2.74444371e-01 3.70541245e-01 6.22894883e-01 1.21339333e+00 5.11056446e-02 1.45430893e-01 2.78230608e-01 -1.41324133e-01 -2.00332239e-01 -2.50438273e-01 -1.95102632e-01 7.23212734e-02 1.84451774e-01 5.88090271e-02 -2.50233620e-01 2.79918432e-01 1.67983800e-01 -4.00677957e-02 -3.39556634e-01 -5.99265456e-01 2.13570818e-01 1.85877174e-01 1.47114217e-01 2.43260309e-01 -5.19537702e-02 6.79707587e-01 1.99241042e-01 7.93405995e-02 9.00066923e-03 -9.13579538e-02 1.38981804e-01 7.63389543e-02 1.14418291e-01 -4.46604401e-01 1.50110856e-01 -5.34902513e-01 4.39943224e-02 -3.58088732e-01 -3.91551375e-01 1.21518383e-02 -3.51893216e-01 -4.18351650e-01 -5.39291687e-02 -9.81523916e-02 2.80975699e-01 2.53149629e-01 -2.06426725e-01 -9.95131284e-02 -9.43571553e-02 3.00615817e-01 -7.12366626e-02 -9.57310870e-02 -1.49946630e-01 8.19011331e-02 1.14744566e-01 -1.77023217e-01 2.86939114e-01 1.62713751e-01 -2.86546379e-01 -2.42540345e-01 1.95913762e-01 -2.27369294e-01 4.62509915e-02 1.53791681e-01 1.26863986e-01 -2.67432809e-01 -5.58506921e-02 -2.03562807e-02 -2.22717106e-01 -1.14318125e-01 -1.21955745e-01 1.81111768e-02 -3.42735946e-02 4.33335975e-02 2.41372883e-02 -2.49296486e-01 -3.59188616e-01 -3.87924075e-01 -7.40929395e-02 2.62689173e-01 -1.85801089e-01 -1.94511294e-01 -4.07947868e-01 5.08186407e-02 -1.60120532e-01 -1.74035236e-01 -2.39477605e-01 -1.32299170e-01 -2.84912497e-01 1.20439343e-01 1.79033179e-03 -8.79115462e-02 1.00214206e-01 -2.21141860e-01 2.78102439e-02 1.74560174e-01 -5.28710671e-02 -3.77448052e-01 1.92812145e-01 6.71885684e-02 3.55811859e-03 4.16448832e-01 6.56338641e-03 -1.10087894e-01 -1.94291532e-01 1.26342416e-01 3.94125044e-01 -2.58921772e-01 -2.56635427e-01 -1.97621182e-01 1.29105121e-01 1.44672729e-02 2.47819722e-02 -9.12569240e-02 -1.30715715e-02 1.08286135e-01 -5.53746931e-02 2.55938202e-01 4.15369077e-03 1.17317781e-01 1.56514466e-01 2.33397752e-01 3.10513705e-01 3.54334563e-01 -2.92429179e-02 -2.87759364e-01 3.50591242e-01 -2.00693250e-01 -9.98938978e-02 -6.95831403e-02 -1.37253240e-01 1.05529219e-01 8.87949616e-02 1.35150775e-01 2.66901642e-01 3.40850830e-01 5.77621572e-02 8.21271092e-02 9.16967317e-02 -2.07132474e-01 -1.96713209e-01 -2.25000590e-01 3.48055698e-02 -3.15695524e-01 2.59813726e-01 1.82390690e-01 2.77370709e-04 2.19936356e-01 3.74401584e-02 2.05376651e-03 2.57809550e-01 -2.12143064e-01 -3.99458297e-02 -2.26168275e-01 -8.76752883e-02 4.58274871e-01 -2.55459875e-01 3.27233195e-01 -2.29221255e-01 -1.63512886e-01 -1.28958762e-01 -1.82804137e-01 1.63810447e-01 7.16211414e-03 2.38895327e-01 4.22756642e-01 2.82134771e-01 5.52510560e-01 1.45337537e-01 2.17375085e-01 1.60275549e-01 -2.43589431e-01 2.12731004e-01 -5.11114448e-02 5.29996395e-01 -1.99342873e-02 -1.34484321e-01 5.55753224e-02 9.44087282e-02 -1.80728942e-01 1.04964316e-01 -4.21237666e-03 -2.65202895e-02 5.11054657e-02 -6.97135553e-02 6.36655986e-02 -3.11399363e-02 1.35956079e-01 5.17495312e-02 -2.47311428e-01 -4.00280356e-02 8.28673393e-02 2.07994223e-01 -9.02097970e-02 1.21326454e-01 4.44671333e-01 -1.45263508e-01 -7.61366040e-02 1.93057582e-01 -7.47282207e-02 -2.51077563e-01 1.80601746e-01 2.57200956e-01 1.16998158e-01 -5.82079947e-01 2.42403433e-01 -1.51406452e-01 -1.90195180e-02 -1.68530300e-01 1.42048299e-01 4.08570111e-01 1.02532022e-01 -1.80572882e-01 2.14027748e-01 -3.26610476e-01 -1.70240015e-01 1.71737194e-01 3.13946515e-01 -1.46565422e-01 -4.07893658e-01 -1.69089079e-01 -1.60457283e-01 6.18700497e-02 -1.33479983e-01 -2.20175043e-01 -1.77605733e-01 1.17067017e-01 1.75588895e-02 1.62381753e-01 -7.00528473e-02 5.20998463e-02 -1.51192561e-01 4.41316277e-01 -3.11848938e-01 3.96123350e-01 -7.28682652e-02 -7.33342916e-02 -1.96571529e-01 1.30424023e-01 -1.88447818e-01 -3.38047087e-01 8.18895847e-02 3.06453407e-01 -1.98346823e-02 2.42359191e-01 1.55638754e-01 2.03295827e-01 -1.76085815e-01 -1.86720207e-01 -3.84408861e-01 1.45933807e-01 1.42028049e-01 -1.84967190e-01 2.12039128e-01 3.97024713e-02 1.04981810e-01 -3.56741191e-04 1.61892414e-01 -9.95760411e-02 -2.36172706e-01 -9.62347165e-02 1.08634181e-01 3.70259732e-01 -1.50807519e-02 -1.33344352e-01 -1.98584795e-01 -1.47829756e-01 1.17154969e-02 2.54943162e-01 -2.31846109e-01 2.75307089e-01 -2.27378123e-02 2.89297879e-01 1.26664475e-01 1.81620464e-01 4.18817662e-02 -3.19734573e-01 1.12284133e-02 -3.14909548e-01 -4.62584436e-01 -2.21916571e-01 4.39062357e-01 3.74241114e-01 -8.00818577e-02 2.89564133e-01 -3.74671407e-02 -1.79830074e-01 -1.47521451e-01 -2.47504368e-01 5.76617539e-01 -1.84054464e-01 -2.26346448e-01 5.37196398e-02 1.57410756e-01 -1.25436172e-01 2.98679098e-02 -4.71740961e-01 -2.64195085e-01 -1.30988598e-01 -6.57546669e-02 -3.87547970e-01 -1.07633859e-01 -7.72676915e-02 -2.07326367e-01 -5.35137989e-02 9.52377096e-02 6.39208108e-02 -7.32279196e-02 -1.09964669e-01 -5.07848561e-02]
"Decerebrating Plague" active "Item #: SCP-730 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-730 and associated materials and subjects are housed in Sector-07 in a Delta level containment facility. Ongoing research necessitates regular staff interaction with affected materials (using appropriate isolation equipment). Researchers are required to undergo 36 hours of isolation and decontamination before leaving the containment facility. Any staff exposed to SCP-730 will be reclassified as a research subject and assigned to the facility indefinitely. Description: SCP-730 is an engineered retrovirus developed in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Italy by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. It infects and mutates developing mammalian embryos, including humans, causing abnormal fetal development. Infected individuals grow to term as physically healthy fetuses lacking any anatomical features above the brain stem (see epidemiology report). This vestigial brain stem is capable of passive maintenance of the body’s functions, including heart rate, respiration, digestion, homeostatic function, and waste elimination. The affected individuals show no higher functionality but respond to pain stimuli, recoiling or fleeing in the limited fashion available. With the use of intravenous life support equipment it appears that the biological functions of affected individuals can be extended indefinitely, though owing to the complete alteration of their genomes by the retrovirus no recovery is possible. Adult organisms cannot be infected by the virus, but act as passive carriers once exposed. The virus is spread by contact with any bodily excretion, including sweat. Once exposed an individual will continue to harbor a reservoir of the virus without experiencing any ill effects until they contact and expose a pregnant woman, whereupon the virus’s symptoms become manifest. Antivirals and inoculations have thus far been ineffective in cleansing carriers of the virus. While Foundation operations in support of SCP-730’s recovery and public suppression were successful, the possibility that carrier individuals remain at large cannot be discounted. Surveillance of public health institutions is ongoing even as materials recovered from the initial outbreak are studied to seek a treatment. Incident 730-01: Capture Summary SCP-730 was designed to affect fertilized mammalian embryos and intervene in the developmental process to produce β€œdecerebrated” or brainless organisms. It was Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ intention to use this virus to produce animals without higher brain function which could be raised for meat production without the ethical complications of killing thinking creatures for food. Shortly after the first successful test with sheep embryos, the virus mutated and was able to cross into members of the lab's staff. Because the virus does not manifest in adults, this jump was not initially detected. Only once hospitals in the region reported an epidemic of unprecedented birth defects did the Foundation become interested and the cause identified. The epidemic was intercepted before it spread beyond local confines to the global population. Sanitation procedures denied the virus an endemic population of passive carriers to further its spread. Materials and infected subjects were obtained and isolated under Foundation custody for further study, as were Foundation personnel exposed during the initial investigation. Β« SCP-729 | SCP-730 | SCP-731 Β»" nan
[ 1.27720073e-01 -2.54145205e-01 -8.48680362e-02 -8.90356377e-02 3.09883773e-01 -1.57662868e-01 8.09864625e-02 1.50080025e-01 -1.61308959e-01 -7.66576976e-02 7.84716383e-02 4.17870641e-01 -2.90529251e-01 -1.36381194e-01 6.46585971e-02 4.02967930e-02 2.59116769e-01 2.91939676e-01 -1.41370192e-01 -1.61543742e-01 -2.65187413e-01 -2.48998329e-02 -3.93118523e-02 1.86660048e-02 2.60844052e-01 2.94857752e-02 1.38287514e-01 4.48780507e-01 3.00946292e-02 -4.35182095e-01 6.46758899e-02 -1.23266734e-01 2.69390702e-01 5.29292345e-01 -1.14351962e-04 8.64629149e-02 2.57164426e-02 -1.73859790e-01 -2.05737576e-01 2.90754765e-01 -2.84930795e-01 2.08613485e-01 -1.22393250e-01 -1.99645177e-01 3.62915583e-02 1.49158731e-01 -1.06550984e-01 -1.91760194e-02 3.14474970e-01 1.59926340e-01 1.26352727e-01 -6.69790730e-02 1.84009582e-01 4.12958153e-02 -1.61920071e-01 2.91434735e-01 -1.60469681e-01 -1.04558557e-01 3.20614904e-01 8.62831399e-02 1.99023664e-01 5.47163635e-02 -2.55319793e-02 -4.70209084e-02 8.47941488e-02 -1.43877402e-01 8.11672986e-01 -5.55384636e-01 3.05575728e-01 1.18037455e-01 1.31784394e-01 -9.18787569e-02 1.34666994e-01 3.42839122e-01 2.16194108e-04 -6.41594291e-01 1.38753504e-01 1.07850917e-01 -1.40573932e-02 8.19901749e-03 -1.76960364e-01 3.57301056e-01 -1.72209650e-01 -2.20882684e-01 -1.77558959e-01 2.88685173e-01 -5.39559796e-02 -1.71611786e-01 2.09115241e-02 -1.80978358e-01 -5.30642927e-01 4.72402312e-02 1.26348481e-01 2.63957292e-01 2.77628787e-02 -1.11657828e-01 -1.10343374e-01 -2.27912813e-01 5.74769735e-01 2.85880864e-01 2.28391346e-02 -2.32531995e-01 -4.61649224e-02 -5.79264760e-02 6.77598491e-02 6.39403313e-02 -1.55618101e-01 -3.69554579e-01 -1.05170220e-01 4.80668962e-01 2.72907391e-02 2.16910690e-01 -2.37782255e-01 1.00673810e-01 3.60163599e-01 1.21867634e-01 -9.21462178e-02 -3.76224846e-01 -2.00552717e-01 2.33024508e-01 -3.93415362e-01 1.45508811e-01 -2.08821818e-01 4.56037998e-01 4.89201844e-01 2.76678890e-01 -1.86819389e-01 -2.12572172e-01 -2.93049663e-02 -1.90214049e-02 -1.05955437e-01 1.98849551e-02 -3.42533648e-01 5.32251820e-02 -7.03362525e-02 -2.48335034e-01 2.62183007e-02 1.86843108e-02 1.13981299e-01 -1.74228996e-01 -2.91098654e-01 -1.34153247e-01 3.22684795e-01 5.94398141e-01 -4.43362921e-01 1.15543947e-01 -1.06798969e-01 -9.86116454e-02 4.03836975e-03 1.82843059e-01 1.99829459e-01 -1.38165802e-01 -4.21394587e-01 1.56939998e-01 -1.69152081e-01 1.65965676e-01 2.94825882e-01 2.96255928e-02 -7.10508376e-02 6.26312643e-02 7.54265860e-02 1.63995489e-01 -4.67248969e-02 -1.99844956e-01 5.04205048e-01 4.36959982e-01 -4.73930568e-01 -2.39803884e-02 7.10896999e-02 -9.14833620e-02 2.35942274e-01 -5.57544641e-02 1.10270962e-01 1.76003918e-01 -9.74341705e-02 3.53890471e-02 -5.67187309e-01 -6.26463592e-02 -1.98675230e-01 -4.90783840e-01 -3.52419466e-01 4.00989771e-01 2.23531514e-01 -4.11352754e-01 -3.52899015e-01 2.44841632e-02 -2.10249677e-01 -6.26997054e-02 3.41553078e-03 4.85296734e-02 -3.70927781e-01 -4.25718725e-01 -4.87744808e-02 1.73836797e-01 1.56371564e-01 9.04004425e-02 3.19235295e-01 1.95048824e-01 1.68832332e-01 -1.87988549e-01 1.50317594e-01 6.58067092e-02 2.65980154e-01 -8.91840532e-02 2.62719214e-01 -2.04782769e-01 -3.13674599e-01 -1.82024345e-01 6.12911880e-01 3.87052119e-01 -2.93492794e-01 3.87635939e-02 -3.82886529e-01 -8.06346163e-02 -1.23387158e-01 -4.10501093e-01 2.48567030e-01 1.05111726e-01 1.28443256e-01 -1.29722521e-01 -3.04393470e-01 6.65114596e-02 2.52102375e-01 4.34023812e-02 -2.10471302e-01 3.92419785e-01 -1.83621675e-01 -2.76831508e-01 -2.93963939e-01 2.63773888e-01 1.38103813e-01 -5.81629723e-02 1.36099502e-01 -2.91079096e-02 -1.08840697e-01 -2.85164453e-02 1.74529418e-01 7.95291483e-01 -1.32030189e-01 -1.41032308e-01 -1.99536905e-01 1.23528261e-02 2.40564853e-01 1.04702547e-01 -3.07693928e-01 -4.35459316e-02 2.47775957e-01 2.20163196e-01 5.09344153e-02 -1.31595299e-01 1.80974215e-01 -3.02028775e-01 -5.18484488e-02 4.80508879e-02 4.03423429e-01 1.69616222e-01 -4.25211966e-01 -1.01485707e-01 -1.74079072e-02 -9.86822844e-02 -2.89265722e-01 -1.98634788e-01 4.59785014e-02 -1.55339062e-01 -2.52573013e-01 -1.11396044e-01 2.12549027e-02 7.19229728e-02 8.23875517e-02 -8.60279948e-02 3.66822183e-02 -1.52339086e-01 9.89778042e-02 6.33587837e-02 -1.84655428e-01 7.60564581e-02 3.36680204e-01 4.43892866e-01 7.83756524e-02 3.37986827e-01 -2.15548709e-01 -5.56129217e-01 1.24331333e-01 2.32231542e-01 -2.29821667e-01 2.95743849e-02 4.40700352e-02 1.48964062e-01 9.87804085e-02 2.91960537e-01 -4.09826934e-02 3.29737142e-02 -8.39991197e-02 -5.07874414e-02 -2.43749082e-01 1.09482095e-01 -7.93666840e-02 5.82852364e-01 -1.40717164e-01 2.49205217e-01 -5.83307981e-01 2.70008892e-01 -7.52582550e-02 8.92189369e-02 -2.44109362e-01 -6.05133101e-02 1.16677530e-01 2.08103261e-03 -1.74942110e-02 7.91813135e-02 -4.52412039e-01 1.99525088e-01 1.04247555e-01 2.54000694e-01 4.96254638e-02 4.79649343e-02 4.13374156e-02 -3.49307090e-01 1.10895507e-01 -1.26175493e-01 -5.65629639e-02 8.39529186e-02 -1.84597924e-01 1.91281512e-01 -1.70044363e-01 1.02269255e-01 1.68882720e-02 -2.51174480e-01 -1.43547952e-02 5.65247312e-02 3.06781870e-03 3.70945781e-01 -1.53416038e-01 1.70954198e-01 3.91895287e-02 6.84679970e-02 -2.47838278e-03 2.37548631e-02 -1.08343914e-01 -1.59235105e-01 4.26500477e-02 -2.18870819e-01 -2.86637634e-01 4.75946635e-01 8.30155909e-02 -3.34001034e-01 -4.49427329e-02 6.90368190e-02 -2.86465585e-01 -2.23510023e-02 -1.86193064e-01 1.21733956e-01 1.90827817e-01 -1.18777223e-01 -7.49826152e-03 -2.99163640e-01 -1.92770392e-01 5.58099113e-02 1.54646620e-01 -3.07333171e-01 2.02801779e-01 3.01849067e-01 3.50565948e-02 1.01743646e-01 7.79184476e-02 2.06762590e-02 1.97219506e-01 -7.03710318e-02 2.74247736e-01 -2.22993381e-02 2.97515512e-01 4.85256091e-02 -4.30763662e-01 4.58152294e-01 -1.09628119e-01 -2.91274041e-01 5.85508049e-02 -1.89594597e-01 -2.21529990e-01 -1.05293557e-01 1.24045327e-01 3.62541586e-01 1.28334999e-01 -2.14614868e-01 -1.87459901e-01 1.47045888e-02 -4.26204242e-02 2.98358630e-02 6.77092195e-01 -5.06293587e-02 7.54366368e-02 -8.92331749e-02 3.99780162e-02 -2.99854726e-01 -1.93574256e-03 -1.18394546e-01 2.78638691e-01 -3.84361088e-01 -1.48080677e-01 2.90560335e-01 -6.33304834e-01 2.88017541e-02 3.68449725e-02 5.15317798e-01 2.79560328e-01 -3.90349180e-02 4.04422790e-01 -6.20372482e-02 -5.35749681e-02 -4.24246013e-01 1.45265713e-01 6.46276958e-03 -2.06552535e-01 -8.88824761e-02 2.77874976e-01 -1.92904437e-03 -1.16600944e-02 -3.76852155e-02 -1.78312272e-01 -5.96329093e-01 -3.10554117e-01 2.61797220e-01 -2.17188299e-02 4.01643477e-02 -2.37292677e-01 5.48389629e-02 7.71340355e-02 -5.77483028e-02 2.88387209e-01 1.95098951e-01 -2.72588462e-01 1.52757466e-01 5.00122830e-02 3.95973623e-01 -1.09914288e-01 3.68457824e-01 8.10615569e-02 -1.20825119e-01 -4.12028730e-01 9.30711403e-02 4.50532921e-02 2.36019939e-01 4.79922920e-01 2.54211783e-01 -1.30301118e-01 -1.14290472e-02 7.30872899e-02 -3.69692981e-01 -1.52503982e-01 5.42091250e-01 -1.13404773e-01 -4.61412489e-01 -1.36065379e-01 2.05237463e-01 5.53327091e-02 -1.62754342e-01 -2.65232027e-01 2.13035628e-01 -2.15249404e-01 4.05434370e-01 4.42518800e-01 1.14704895e+00 5.00676036e-02 7.64921606e-02 1.98057462e-02 -1.15451358e-01 2.25815147e-01 -3.48121911e-01 9.72862095e-02 9.40844882e-03 -7.33524263e-02 -2.39455048e-02 -1.86398625e-02 1.61209822e-01 4.37775224e-01 -3.25304329e-01 -1.13970727e-01 -4.10258144e-01 1.55573830e-01 3.55238467e-01 -6.86794966e-02 2.06469670e-01 -3.23228419e-01 2.62654871e-02 1.58751935e-01 -6.55357391e-02 2.21099868e-01 -2.17234734e-02 -6.96507469e-02 2.68023480e-02 1.43851778e-02 -2.15523005e-01 2.99646467e-01 1.06600650e-01 -2.12738022e-01 -5.20048678e-01 -1.45067662e-01 1.48814693e-01 -8.58191624e-02 3.90447736e-01 -7.93630071e-03 -1.20053515e-02 2.52859652e-01 5.90207875e-01 3.16361524e-02 -1.72255129e-01 -1.72342151e-01 3.83713990e-01 1.87899955e-02 5.39945848e-02 9.34268236e-02 -5.63746393e-02 9.54736173e-02 2.81234264e-01 6.51743487e-02 2.82193184e-01 -4.73575704e-02 8.00963879e-01 3.51580888e-01 -7.34445872e-03 -1.89793333e-01 1.13006853e-01 5.21755889e-02 -2.15191767e-01 1.83220953e-01 -2.81486779e-01 -2.78335243e-01 -2.55798936e-01 6.18781410e-02 2.49274567e-01 6.02910407e-02 3.27114046e-01 5.49026169e-02 -1.32475689e-01 -2.89544761e-01 -2.36230582e-01 4.85038310e-01 -8.58628929e-01 1.17812827e-01 1.42364830e-01 -3.15028846e-01 2.44914651e-01 6.22126520e-01 2.82703303e-02 -4.98206824e-01 -3.34518552e-01 -5.23143530e-01 -5.53577542e-02 2.02894300e-01 -5.25524393e-02 3.32600385e-01 1.68597281e-01 3.71419102e-01 -2.36779228e-01 -1.46353543e-01 -3.32633913e-01 5.68518713e-02 -3.57804924e-01 1.31424636e-01 2.54725963e-01 -2.31903642e-01 2.91363209e-01 1.39085963e-01 1.67582542e-01 2.44495586e-01 -2.80241556e-02 -1.69965431e-01 -3.89487028e-01 1.43728375e-01 6.85524717e-02 -2.01542258e-01 3.15861590e-02 1.55716091e-01 9.87773463e-02 1.98840685e-02 2.02626511e-01 1.47089222e-02 3.02619249e-01 4.93257232e-02 3.43143851e-01 2.88086653e-01 -2.38835409e-01 2.64666438e-01 -7.51871541e-02 3.97658020e-01 -5.48206419e-02 2.61926413e-01 -4.53193516e-01 6.47514313e-02 -5.66497408e-02 1.91799670e-01 5.38533740e-02 3.17925662e-01 4.32471007e-01 5.08671589e-02 -4.56846952e-02 1.20155215e-01 -5.97562380e-02 2.41922230e-01 -2.37467140e-01 1.43053290e-02 1.04376212e-01 2.48745680e-01 1.38699055e-01 -2.18425080e-01 -4.00833547e-01 -2.00592577e-01 -4.53375243e-02 3.44591528e-01 1.33474320e-01 -1.04621410e-01 3.59296978e-01 -1.39206707e-01 6.95640802e-01 3.08910781e-03 8.52239355e-02 5.14886916e-01 9.60945711e-02 6.33952096e-02 -1.33779079e-01 1.49630576e-01 3.25574666e-01 2.57313401e-01 2.19985917e-01 -1.23941839e-01 1.89012483e-01 2.92569160e-01 6.63279220e-02 1.55738547e-01 -7.19818920e-02 3.79611522e-01 -1.27613291e-01 3.39080691e-01 1.44261206e-02 2.72773392e-02 -1.56724438e-01 -1.22576743e-01 -3.20489675e-01 1.98539168e-01 1.92291960e-01 1.74713448e-01 -6.29186630e-02 -1.45465881e-01 -1.23358794e-01 -3.23117375e-02 -6.51955083e-02 2.84340262e-01 -2.71269158e-02 -5.69350123e-02 3.08904871e-02 1.77302361e-01 -6.60839736e-01 3.35891575e-01 2.32437804e-01 -2.01248944e-01 1.88493043e-01 5.14691770e-01 -2.36924708e-01 2.46307448e-01 2.95176476e-01 4.55296725e-01 -3.88009264e-03 -2.85954457e-02 -2.06196427e-01 1.26638263e-01 -3.08780018e-02 -1.85354307e-01 2.28414744e-01 1.85503766e-01 2.57394999e-01 -7.94672742e-02 1.70123160e-01 -2.07533523e-01 -7.21591532e-01 1.55850753e-01 1.90894287e-02 1.52857110e-01 -1.99575126e-01 -4.06939164e-02 -7.40151182e-02 4.92733121e-02 -1.77854270e-01 4.07319441e-02 3.11624795e-01 -5.57850778e-01 -3.62750769e-01 1.67412341e-01 2.33611986e-01 7.63009712e-02 1.61670864e-01 2.62436360e-01 -2.27382462e-02 -1.70832336e-01 -2.79479086e-01 -4.34646219e-01 -1.30414605e-01 -4.99869399e-02 2.11697016e-02 -2.86961228e-01 -1.25765070e-01 -1.01596102e-01 -1.16910793e-01 -8.47920310e-03 -3.58474731e-01 -3.48637819e-01 -1.13335080e-01 5.85311174e-01 -3.96947302e-02 5.89244105e-02 4.81677055e-01 -3.38682439e-03 -1.62362188e-01 -1.47394791e-01 2.63993025e-01 3.70610297e-01 2.81549562e-02 7.35957250e-02 -2.77976334e-01 -1.22322207e-02 1.86720788e-01 2.29717717e-01 9.14068799e-03 3.22526008e-01 -2.37149119e-01 -5.92621088e-01 -3.01657617e-01 2.69533601e-02 -1.27282128e-01 -3.91211128e-03 1.14162967e-01 1.90746769e-01 1.12431362e-01 3.52574795e-01 -1.08918343e-02 -1.12094060e-01 -2.46196035e-02 3.68605226e-01 -5.12213290e-01 1.12620384e-01 -3.72522324e-02 1.45864055e-01 1.14668928e-01 2.98285723e-01 1.06490061e-01 -4.32145633e-02 -4.38976854e-01 -4.91221875e-01 3.65613848e-01 -2.68221319e-01 -2.13850185e-01 -3.85872841e-01 7.47301988e-03 -8.70756283e-02 -9.68659446e-02 -2.94515043e-01 -1.29540740e-02 -9.97141674e-02 2.59826690e-01 -5.08458555e-01 -2.11922154e-02 -1.38106197e-01 -4.35304046e-01 -1.91774473e-01 4.17789578e-01 7.44213760e-02 5.90561554e-02 1.53674170e-01 -7.03881085e-02]
"Rathole Cover" active "Item #: SCP-731 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A system of decommissioned utility tunnels at Site 9 was sealed off and converted into a mock sewer system covering an area approximating six city blocks, with seventeen "street-level" access points sized to fit SCP-731-1. D-class personnel are sent to "check the manhole covers" every one to two weeks to ensure that SCP-731-1 does not attempt to stray farther afield. All other horizontal access hatches or aperture covers within a five-kilometer radius have been sealed or retrofitted to a form factor incompatible with SCP-731-1. The mock sewer system is to be kept impenetrable to the entrance or exit of any vermin or other small creatures. A mixture of simulated wastewater and refuse is to be cycled intermittently through the system via pumps. Human access to the sub-street level system is via decontamination locks; the sub-street level is not considered hazardous but care must be taken against any unexpected tricks or traps that may be set by the SCP-731-2 contained within. SCP-731-2 is classified as Safe. Description: SCP-731-1 is a steel disk 63 cm in diameter, approximately 3 cm thick, weighing 55 kg. On its upper side it resembles an ordinary manhole cover with two apertures for the insertion of lifting picks and a traction pattern embossed in its surface that resembles a maze. A logo in the center consists of two short bars with arcs extending from their midsections. The appearance of the cover does not correspond to any known utility system or manufacturer, though the logo could potentially represent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ or β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. On the underside of the disk is an intricate geometric pattern of etched curves whose purpose or meaning is unclear. The existence of an SCP candidate was first suspected in downtown β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ when data-mining revealed a suspicious pattern of unexplained missing persons. The pattern stretched back at least fifty years, prior to which time inadequate records were kept to track the disappearances with certainty. The underlying pattern to the disappearances was matched to the sewers and utility tunnels of the city; the last known location of disappeared victims was always in the immediate vicinity of an access manhole. Foundation teams searching the tunnels eventually discovered the unusual patterning on SCP-731-1's underside but by the time they returned with a containment vehicle SCP-731-1 had transposed itself with another manhole cover somewhere else in the city. SCP-731-1 was ultimately 'cornered' after a campaign was launched to weld down every manhole cover in the city under the guise of 'anti-terrorism measures', restricting SCP-731-1's mobility to the point where its only option was to transpose into a manhole that had been prepared for rapid removal and transport. SCP-731-1 appears to act as a sort of roving ambush predator. Its senses are unknown but apparently very acute. When it is stepped on by a lone human who is not being observed by anyone else the victim appears to "fall" down the manhole, in actuality being sucked into the solid surface of SCP-731-1. Simultaneously a single large Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus), hereafter designated SCP-731-2, is disgorged from the underside of the cover to fall into the tunnel below. It is thought that SCP-731-1 somehow converts its victim into this rat. The maximum range over which SCP-731-1 is able to transpose itself with compatible manholes, or whether it is possible for it to jump to another network of utility tunnels not directly connected to its current home, is not known. The frequency of its spontaneous jumps increases the longer it goes without performing a conversion, possibly with the goal of finding better "hunting grounds". It is therefore hoped that by allowing it to capture and convert a D-class personnel on a regular basis it can be kept "satiated" and will remain within the faux city where it is currently contained. Addendum: SCP-731-2 The rats produced by SCP-731 appear physiologically normal at first examination. However, evidence suggests that they possess an unusually high level of intelligence and that they may retain specific knowledge and/or memories possessed by the humans they were created from. SCP-731-2 have proven extremely adept at overcoming puzzles and other challenges and are only rarely fooled by conventional rat traps. SCP-731-2 avoid human contact wherever possible and their endocrine responses suggest they are universally terrified by the presence of humans. When kept under observation in a laboratory setting this fear appears to override much or all of their higher brain functions, such as they may be, causing their behavior to appear similar to a normal rat's. This makes confirmation of their intellectual capabilities under controlled conditions difficult. Concealed cameras and microphones were hidden in the tunnels of the containment facility to observe converted rats in their 'natural' environment. When unaware that they are being observed SCP-731-2 are highly social and appear to attempt to communicate in complex ways. Since the rats are far easier to contain than the teleporting manhole cover that produced them this study has been judged of low risk and SCP-731-2 have not been subject to routine extermination. When normal rats are introduced into cages with SCP-731-2, SCP-731-2 tend to be timid and exhibit submissive behavior toward their wild cousins. The normal rats do not appear to consider SCP-731-2 unusual. Mating behavior has been observed but it does not appear that these superficially similar species are interfertile. It is not yet known whether SCP-731-2 are fertile at all; SCP-731-2 appear to have a longer lifespan and lower metabolic rate than natural rats, with a correspondingly reduced fecundity. This further reduces the potential risk of SCP-731-1's "progeny" escaping into the wild, though a population may still exist in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. For selected experiments, see Experiment Log 731 Β« SCP-730 | SCP-731 | SCP-732 Β»" "Typical SCP-731-2 undergoing an intelligence and reading comprehension test"
[-1.39493704e-01 -3.04426372e-01 -1.04930475e-01 6.14300594e-02 -2.45349035e-01 -4.35453176e-01 4.44578417e-02 8.91941264e-02 1.11659557e-01 3.35726030e-02 2.84817696e-01 2.63950974e-01 -1.39722243e-01 2.89330512e-01 2.57508159e-01 1.00800961e-01 -7.53790792e-03 -1.91085562e-01 -1.14125654e-01 6.13739714e-03 -1.90526441e-01 -1.21087790e-01 8.47436562e-02 2.89866269e-01 2.75600076e-01 1.18178941e-01 -2.06226632e-02 -1.27718180e-01 -1.92098483e-01 -4.23857003e-01 3.70608956e-01 1.52074872e-02 1.72423661e-01 5.32275140e-01 -1.08690525e-04 -9.21892151e-02 3.35020982e-02 7.46629462e-02 -2.35799789e-01 1.81582257e-01 -7.41904736e-01 -6.00164294e-01 -1.00706898e-01 -3.15429866e-01 7.00377971e-02 9.80664566e-02 8.42102058e-03 3.40296537e-01 3.83167952e-01 -1.14208847e-01 1.76287204e-01 2.45109126e-01 2.40149811e-01 -2.65249193e-01 3.08229085e-02 8.26261118e-02 -2.42602259e-01 -1.55222327e-01 2.86901861e-01 1.81502610e-01 2.18759358e-01 2.69771248e-01 -2.78956622e-01 -1.17903501e-01 6.00003600e-01 -5.36019430e-02 5.19192934e-01 8.35314244e-02 4.45079990e-02 2.98197448e-01 -2.11633369e-01 -1.26120299e-01 2.24367619e-01 -6.77763717e-03 -2.97261685e-01 2.00335369e-01 6.61119521e-02 2.13175029e-01 -1.11968622e-01 1.13775447e-01 -3.16192120e-01 8.62743780e-02 -2.67144054e-01 4.11789715e-02 -2.79269457e-01 1.31514430e-01 -1.25868961e-01 1.77091472e-02 2.55030602e-01 2.80238385e-03 -9.55075622e-02 -2.52650809e-02 3.10638905e-01 7.60152042e-02 2.33307794e-01 -2.19109729e-01 2.32947245e-01 1.11936308e-01 2.49453843e-01 9.37392041e-02 4.02320027e-01 1.75278187e-01 1.09668888e-01 2.57096618e-01 -7.23001957e-02 4.67255637e-02 -2.71223485e-01 -6.04367815e-02 -2.40075648e-01 4.71315384e-01 3.32863003e-01 2.34381735e-01 -1.17948569e-01 7.51307681e-02 1.14525802e-01 1.15810297e-01 1.57475322e-01 1.19382873e-01 5.26490510e-02 2.90844709e-01 -2.99038738e-01 7.12724344e-04 1.53459772e-01 2.59044945e-01 3.63312393e-01 -1.07968651e-01 9.75536555e-02 -2.20105410e-01 -1.19232751e-01 2.70392835e-01 -2.57670581e-01 -3.87844481e-02 -2.89310336e-01 -7.73871318e-02 -4.15652385e-03 2.40596253e-02 -1.57628402e-01 2.89277248e-02 -4.27858144e-01 3.41363847e-01 2.30354190e-01 1.56049490e-01 4.78827059e-01 3.96912336e-01 -2.48149961e-01 -2.24504605e-01 7.97403306e-02 5.12258887e-01 -5.49005568e-02 2.49628887e-01 1.08403064e-01 -2.03561217e-01 -3.85727972e-01 3.23094815e-01 -6.12944402e-02 1.33176729e-01 1.72673121e-01 -7.27365585e-03 -1.67751342e-01 8.27565640e-02 1.74002096e-01 9.56588686e-02 -2.90948868e-01 -2.68802908e-03 1.91383779e-01 2.95658767e-01 2.06874877e-01 -4.87916209e-02 -2.43814550e-02 -1.01107746e-01 1.48454621e-01 -2.23432437e-01 -1.11417517e-01 -5.57876118e-02 -2.96638966e-01 4.74095970e-01 -1.84893683e-01 -1.19453304e-01 -7.49896392e-02 -2.08526745e-01 -2.79046595e-01 3.26968282e-02 4.24620092e-01 -2.23350480e-01 -3.37027282e-01 -2.25853324e-02 -4.94658709e-01 -3.99602979e-01 -1.09834913e-02 -2.58426756e-01 -3.84429634e-01 -3.89270037e-01 1.67740136e-01 -1.61200315e-01 7.78442472e-02 5.29470779e-02 -3.17249335e-02 -6.51354641e-02 1.65363610e-01 2.10045755e-01 -2.96247035e-01 -2.85893261e-01 4.18123722e-01 -3.65028419e-02 -1.09308563e-01 4.72323447e-02 -6.86630607e-02 7.52604473e-03 1.94258615e-01 -1.09687336e-01 -3.29199359e-02 -1.35265484e-01 -4.60451066e-01 1.94421262e-01 -1.39682084e-01 -1.97869137e-01 2.20992237e-01 3.56821686e-01 -1.35467257e-02 -6.83410287e-01 -7.47814700e-02 -3.65404189e-01 8.74629319e-02 -1.97177425e-01 5.51417051e-03 1.21439144e-01 -2.58443862e-01 -1.63565829e-01 -2.20975846e-01 1.50291756e-01 4.62852448e-01 -3.01577896e-02 1.66218296e-01 4.63142351e-04 -1.03196852e-01 -1.60623014e-01 1.08134516e-01 8.96838009e-01 -1.88039318e-01 -3.26330572e-01 5.65755926e-03 2.13577807e-01 1.55221760e-01 3.70341204e-02 -5.00102699e-01 -6.74215960e-04 3.54909211e-01 3.03785577e-02 1.63722754e-01 -2.00750660e-02 -7.79030398e-02 -3.03274244e-01 2.03624234e-01 -3.08365524e-02 1.04992822e-01 1.48906261e-01 -3.89692068e-01 3.40738028e-01 2.03988478e-01 2.40366474e-01 -6.44607171e-02 -2.58630574e-01 2.44767353e-01 1.55664608e-01 4.42349076e-01 -5.13623580e-02 8.19290802e-02 6.69630542e-02 -5.13684340e-02 6.28985763e-02 1.37110442e-01 5.06504253e-02 -2.95566134e-02 -9.82643571e-03 -6.77304491e-02 1.16914600e-01 -4.67580199e-01 2.77206182e-01 1.46616817e-01 1.25389740e-01 -1.50121495e-01 -7.00003058e-02 -1.38930738e-01 -1.47805452e-01 -2.06891835e-01 2.75367647e-01 8.24539065e-02 1.72090873e-01 -3.53446335e-01 3.23353529e-01 4.62091357e-01 -3.21574748e-01 1.17933959e-01 1.66439012e-01 -2.01171428e-01 2.97738671e-01 1.28007859e-01 2.60893166e-01 -3.38439941e-01 2.98201144e-01 -5.35289228e-01 9.41944122e-02 -1.44191414e-01 1.07459627e-01 -1.38848290e-01 6.80789491e-03 1.75961927e-01 -2.16090567e-02 5.41038811e-02 -4.36582685e-01 -5.50480306e-01 1.94247097e-01 2.35737696e-01 -1.82853028e-01 4.23131853e-01 -4.87050489e-02 -5.35717607e-01 -4.08497512e-01 1.22317187e-01 -3.09329331e-01 -1.87694937e-01 3.33707958e-01 -3.97753328e-01 -9.63690802e-02 -2.12634549e-01 1.18559726e-01 -2.32982606e-01 -1.95481628e-01 1.33572429e-01 -8.00570846e-02 -5.37428260e-02 2.94593513e-01 1.83971487e-02 4.01379168e-01 2.30554622e-02 -8.79989415e-02 -3.47685516e-01 -8.05402696e-02 1.19539417e-01 1.55187324e-01 5.04285060e-02 -2.48304546e-01 -3.81508350e-01 2.08430663e-01 2.00737789e-01 -5.18079877e-01 -1.67652875e-01 1.39871433e-01 6.89605325e-02 8.31947550e-02 -1.08857073e-01 3.86318505e-01 9.25699994e-02 -2.84887433e-01 -1.66539073e-01 1.25072867e-01 -3.97844613e-02 7.62235001e-02 1.76482141e-01 -3.78609508e-01 -8.80877003e-02 1.44935653e-01 6.22869790e-01 -2.44447496e-02 -2.47966330e-02 2.00335547e-01 3.31925988e-01 1.23435065e-01 3.04202050e-01 -2.61547774e-01 1.49636045e-01 2.52052486e-01 -2.07113206e-01 2.99316160e-02 9.61284991e-03 -1.72452226e-01 3.52982998e-01 -6.95028007e-02 -2.02592924e-01 -2.92982340e-01 -8.56956989e-02 8.70095670e-01 4.52000529e-01 1.16098989e-02 -1.47755416e-02 -4.97086234e-02 -2.08887100e-01 7.60454237e-02 3.53286713e-01 6.38921745e-03 1.11966737e-01 -4.33495373e-01 -1.73181862e-01 -3.14384490e-01 1.95560724e-01 -6.24586232e-02 1.47921711e-01 -2.56724060e-01 -1.79350644e-01 1.95031583e-01 -2.32552946e-01 3.26750964e-01 2.34004766e-01 6.49747670e-01 3.46773744e-01 2.43378714e-01 -2.24187493e-01 -1.29098073e-01 -1.02762677e-01 -1.84954375e-01 3.45209450e-01 -1.53995767e-01 -3.50301147e-01 1.06513519e-02 3.14733356e-01 3.92775014e-02 1.36159152e-01 1.96504056e-01 -1.66738182e-01 -5.56191742e-01 1.42053245e-02 1.72598675e-01 2.93765277e-01 -2.25445896e-01 4.38288927e-01 -3.74132633e-01 -1.10274833e-02 -3.30469720e-02 -1.13558106e-01 1.54228985e-01 -1.45095095e-01 2.45454282e-01 -1.33921029e-02 3.42924833e-01 4.47384454e-02 1.74333930e-01 2.96369165e-01 -3.71689528e-01 -3.70856702e-01 4.96388644e-01 6.71058446e-02 2.26472095e-02 5.09746552e-01 -1.61625613e-02 -6.59960657e-02 1.50766894e-01 2.25751653e-01 -2.47481704e-01 -2.23563418e-01 3.70454006e-02 2.63543516e-01 5.65298498e-01 -8.44850838e-02 1.57482445e-01 -5.05005792e-02 -4.26808238e-01 -4.11350988e-02 2.28490273e-04 7.26240948e-02 2.76740313e-01 1.04839830e-02 1.24963105e+00 6.88032284e-02 -1.04868516e-01 4.35861588e-01 -1.63651586e-01 -3.54082167e-01 -3.55819345e-01 -1.39460564e-01 -1.59389172e-02 3.13036889e-01 6.90501481e-02 -2.56931990e-01 -7.53924921e-02 3.69340271e-01 -3.23468238e-01 -7.21396059e-02 -6.18433237e-01 4.06036466e-01 1.40117988e-01 1.82373688e-01 1.15223192e-01 2.11945370e-01 -1.00792642e-03 2.21635744e-01 2.71621972e-01 7.29591995e-02 -4.67632636e-02 9.86500010e-02 4.96406794e-01 -2.05547027e-02 -2.79195726e-01 -2.89283805e-02 -5.86924851e-01 2.85618395e-01 2.96983659e-01 -1.33986892e-02 -1.47969961e-01 3.33086737e-02 -1.66262522e-01 -1.14809014e-01 -1.45205364e-01 3.39025825e-01 3.08361351e-01 1.75769463e-01 -3.84876207e-02 6.26068003e-03 -1.94712542e-02 -3.26971039e-02 -1.59221317e-03 2.98104227e-01 -1.05244711e-01 2.61389669e-02 -1.74623087e-01 9.89829153e-02 6.48957670e-01 -2.15569139e-01 6.92455411e-01 7.62462057e-03 2.44142842e-02 -1.77074194e-01 1.52355954e-01 9.60857347e-02 -4.18983342e-04 -6.23687580e-02 4.52139750e-02 -1.79575801e-01 1.70558423e-01 1.15191646e-01 1.00542465e-02 1.01258099e-01 -1.14119954e-01 -8.26951712e-02 -2.34325051e-01 -3.60005438e-01 1.02594189e-01 -3.13963704e-02 -2.43811682e-01 3.73793654e-02 1.20660350e-01 -4.53193307e-01 1.04241326e-01 4.29216683e-01 2.06494361e-01 -9.20964330e-02 -1.31250516e-01 -4.60062027e-01 3.48377377e-01 -1.28203601e-01 2.25988299e-01 1.86692458e-02 4.78254259e-02 2.57181674e-01 -2.17709184e-01 2.05158312e-02 -4.01113093e-01 1.79146260e-01 -3.92717719e-01 2.31626630e-02 -1.60472542e-02 -2.40961924e-01 8.01222771e-02 -2.13290051e-01 1.28363669e-01 1.86467275e-01 -4.90275085e-01 -2.45133102e-01 -1.47519648e-01 1.06678195e-01 -1.50548458e-01 -3.74233633e-01 -6.83254749e-02 1.75027668e-01 1.89775541e-01 7.35841393e-02 -2.71820705e-02 -2.74612773e-02 3.31714302e-01 -1.15067810e-01 -2.26612672e-01 1.79849967e-01 -2.65489250e-01 -1.14929825e-01 1.54075086e-01 2.27740556e-01 -8.99412334e-02 -9.79580507e-02 -1.21604368e-01 -1.00675980e-02 5.48101306e-01 2.31005922e-01 2.81372070e-01 2.13542268e-01 9.03587043e-02 3.00152659e-01 3.35331932e-02 6.73584864e-02 -2.70876199e-01 4.88745607e-03 -3.46189559e-01 -7.38300309e-02 -5.97039908e-02 2.86855549e-01 -1.10999286e-01 -1.33062348e-01 -1.44534022e-01 2.13695109e-01 1.72939803e-02 1.99887812e-01 9.63679478e-02 -3.40072185e-01 1.69865251e-01 1.25078887e-01 4.07322943e-02 4.06080112e-02 1.01577476e-01 4.10698444e-01 -3.77806991e-01 -1.28782898e-01 2.01241188e-02 -8.84405598e-02 2.24924386e-01 1.38895214e-01 1.13489600e-02 5.56758642e-01 3.75575572e-02 4.41587329e-01 -1.69326831e-02 8.23504757e-03 -4.95369792e-01 2.03924209e-01 -5.08118868e-02 8.80853385e-02 -1.21027209e-01 -1.37292892e-01 -1.57821879e-01 1.48707688e-01 -5.90829775e-02 -1.37604743e-01 9.26825777e-02 -1.47184014e-01 -2.16126099e-01 -1.88163623e-01 -2.21577734e-01 -1.08626574e-01 7.37884194e-02 1.83517814e-01 9.47302803e-02 -8.95638093e-02 -7.25573972e-02 1.58638984e-01 4.87499172e-03 1.49503052e-01 2.53804982e-01 -2.96675175e-01 2.62488782e-01 2.65465170e-01 -1.39272407e-01 1.01767518e-01 2.65113264e-01 2.63780177e-01 -3.09217274e-01 -9.70504954e-02 -1.35672584e-01 -2.50144631e-01 -7.78647512e-02 -5.00579894e-01 -3.67563777e-02 4.06374261e-02 -9.92908403e-02 -8.81024748e-02 8.44578072e-02 -2.90127724e-01 -3.08116645e-01 2.16667369e-01 3.18477303e-02 -9.25334617e-02 -1.49410844e-01 -2.70208925e-01 -3.12718190e-02 1.62549779e-01 1.12573847e-01 -3.01561523e-02 -1.82368308e-01 1.94779307e-01 5.17778546e-02 1.85486093e-01 1.36286719e-02 9.89843532e-02 2.59016920e-02 2.35485345e-01 -9.81292352e-02 -1.80315286e-01 -1.99241146e-01 -2.58881927e-01 -2.89192408e-01 9.91562754e-02 -8.98975953e-02 -3.33001733e-01 2.93112040e-01 -1.36430543e-02 -1.10805191e-01 1.82742879e-01 -1.49901494e-01 3.54858845e-01 8.98036286e-02 -1.93438947e-01 -2.35980868e-01 8.15872401e-02 4.44250196e-01 8.92540812e-02 1.68572724e-01 -1.70292899e-01 1.44487381e-01 -1.89448029e-01 8.30420256e-02 4.36629094e-02 -5.70223451e-01 1.19946450e-01 7.21368432e-01 3.39283615e-01 -1.48186922e-01 2.03589499e-01 -4.69698571e-02 -1.42997310e-01 2.67890602e-01 4.76360172e-02 -5.03592333e-03 1.67665899e-01 -2.64828708e-02 -1.98144600e-01 -2.70580184e-02 4.49596405e-01 -2.10948158e-02 2.94608679e-02 3.17605175e-02 1.04976863e-01 -1.90090358e-01 3.79154235e-01 -2.55989134e-01 2.23040655e-01 -1.10949218e-01 1.02438584e-01 -4.44699116e-02 -1.63718686e-02 -4.03746329e-02 -2.65464365e-01 5.10675669e-01 1.19304128e-01 -1.93982154e-01 -3.79841477e-01 1.88564062e-02 -1.72086388e-01 2.84172326e-01 -5.60609221e-01 -2.57326812e-01 7.28849368e-03 2.88728774e-01 -2.48019293e-01 -1.12177297e-01 2.25395244e-02 -2.04462931e-01 -4.78805043e-02 6.18420124e-01 7.89601505e-02 -1.15279734e-01 1.05259567e-02 -1.37480482e-01]
"The Fan-Fic Plague" active "Item #: SCP-7^@$#OVAR 9000!!!1!!*(#$ Object Class: Ke@#%^ SUPR1337KETER!!!!!!1!!!1!111!!#$%^ Special Containment Procedures: SCP-732 is currently uncont@!#%$ U CANT HES INVINCABLE!!!1!!1!1!111!!@#$wever, if containable, let alone contained, SCP-732 should be kept away from all vital records and should be @#$%3^@4167 Subject must be provided with a 1500 room mansion and a secret lab with which to combat crime and villainy@#$5$%86&*ll compromised records must be destroyed to avoid further contamination of our database. Description: SCP-732 is a force or entity whic#%^&@Subject is impossibly witty and charming^&*(%@nges our records into fan-fiction ramblin$%^& Subject has psykic powers and can blow peple up with teh blink of an eye#$%^bouts are currently unknow@#$% HES WITH ALL THE KEWL SCPS@#$%@$quiries into the nature of SCP-732 have met with little success #$%TEH HOROR!!!1!!11!! TEH ELdRICH HOROR!!!11!!!!11!!@#hile there is no certain evidence, it is theorized tha#$%^$ Subject likes cult classics %^&*%of our records have been compromised by SCP-732. ADDENDUM-732-01: A recent breach in SCP-!@#i'manorphanwithnofamilybutlotsofmoneybwahahahaha!@'s containment, which should have warranted the simple and safe procedure of [DATA EXPUNGED], -somehow- led to the deployment of Mobile Task Force Omega-7. SCP-076%^^kicked abel's ass and now he's my bestestestfirend evar!!@# was quite displeased when he found that the "elfin death god" he was sent to contain was not a death god of any sort at all. Quite $$onadatewithSCP-105!%^displeased.. For the sake of our remaining budget, it is strongly advised that more effective methods be found for countering SCP-732's corruption^%$fgsfds!@#. β€”Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-731 | SCP-732 | SCP-733 Β»" nan
[ 2.11082548e-01 -3.09259892e-01 -1.30339593e-01 1.59228310e-01 -8.22217241e-02 -2.13017687e-01 -1.43682733e-01 5.26824072e-02 7.25767240e-02 2.47532707e-02 -1.45279706e-01 2.61977851e-01 -2.06744298e-01 1.31805807e-01 6.21642396e-02 3.81611645e-01 2.73932487e-01 7.20775947e-02 -1.93513513e-01 -7.20746741e-02 -1.24833651e-01 6.06989525e-02 -4.23418246e-02 2.54689157e-01 -8.69159922e-02 -1.06853336e-01 2.09256355e-02 2.81836867e-01 -3.05980325e-01 -3.63769144e-01 1.49566710e-01 2.45979112e-02 3.01179767e-01 4.52625304e-01 -1.07430249e-04 9.32181021e-04 3.42315435e-01 9.62610245e-02 3.07208449e-02 2.97581017e-01 -3.59707385e-01 1.68070972e-01 1.16665266e-01 -2.58695602e-01 2.65066326e-01 4.04734552e-01 -2.58246399e-02 3.51585984e-01 5.17141521e-01 4.37237859e-01 2.04047054e-01 9.82683450e-02 3.57655324e-02 -7.19554350e-02 1.63531318e-01 4.67973530e-01 -2.77681410e-01 -8.65348354e-02 3.89314890e-01 -3.46455202e-02 -7.91000426e-02 2.77020037e-01 -4.16218728e-01 -5.69117777e-02 3.91435534e-01 -2.96154588e-01 4.83653873e-01 -5.26195653e-02 1.51195033e-02 3.26614261e-01 -4.57069576e-02 -3.12134504e-01 2.44238049e-01 2.49077871e-01 3.87797281e-02 2.41451599e-02 1.06593333e-01 -1.58614084e-01 -1.86106190e-01 8.89539495e-02 5.24681173e-02 4.38153952e-01 9.27708403e-04 -2.47953460e-01 2.16557682e-02 3.85216713e-01 -1.31450653e-01 -1.13734432e-01 2.05950454e-01 -1.12251796e-01 -3.76057297e-01 -9.73311439e-02 -1.63780198e-01 -4.05724011e-02 5.14202826e-02 -2.50831395e-01 -3.50273177e-02 8.27042013e-02 4.13157344e-01 -2.70070076e-01 6.70359209e-02 -8.43702927e-02 3.09560001e-02 1.56623404e-02 4.97912169e-01 -2.59447515e-01 1.47344083e-01 -3.60761225e-01 2.33124822e-01 6.64213598e-01 1.40434712e-01 2.38828033e-01 3.65047976e-02 5.11213467e-02 -1.84177548e-01 -4.53068763e-02 -7.74405105e-03 -3.83640528e-01 -2.31488928e-01 3.19172591e-01 3.10245395e-01 5.14547080e-02 -2.89954767e-02 4.34072793e-01 3.28288645e-01 1.48703814e-01 -2.47690752e-01 -1.97607249e-01 -1.36094894e-02 6.13046624e-02 -1.55935287e-01 1.00968480e-02 -1.26070678e-01 -6.94697797e-02 1.18466780e-01 -1.41397163e-01 7.03462735e-02 4.22354266e-02 -1.47465998e-02 1.29501820e-01 -2.94539392e-01 -3.43905240e-01 2.37256825e-01 5.82900345e-01 -3.21878880e-01 -2.07283776e-02 1.99460238e-01 -3.74715775e-02 -1.32101908e-01 4.31888193e-01 3.11365008e-01 -1.64463714e-01 -4.79867131e-01 2.32052043e-01 -1.50680289e-01 7.99389705e-02 -3.07095826e-01 -1.57980755e-01 -1.69894725e-01 2.44166385e-02 2.29839861e-01 -2.37000789e-02 -4.36764695e-02 -8.60449299e-02 1.88820977e-02 3.54750216e-01 -2.34341789e-02 7.36116851e-03 -1.45721018e-01 -3.25400919e-01 -7.29908273e-02 -1.03419451e-02 -4.54769395e-02 -6.18800744e-02 -3.95427257e-01 -9.93438810e-02 -3.14345777e-01 -1.94900304e-01 -1.48184180e-01 -1.21228129e-01 -2.77000874e-01 4.50305998e-01 4.40828234e-01 -2.63107389e-01 -1.23832017e-01 1.96686033e-02 -1.29961401e-01 -2.71122515e-01 1.25808656e-01 7.58530423e-02 -4.45554078e-01 -4.59764391e-01 5.95778637e-02 1.01212509e-01 4.36794460e-02 -1.38496444e-01 3.15522552e-01 -1.09799085e-02 4.98055726e-01 3.08794200e-01 -1.73560172e-01 1.21202223e-01 2.84811050e-01 1.40752301e-01 -6.91442145e-03 5.82837835e-02 -1.47738233e-01 -1.90857723e-01 5.25803983e-01 2.00887069e-01 -7.74871558e-02 -2.91114658e-01 -2.37856537e-01 1.69322729e-01 2.12559551e-02 -5.44420362e-01 2.95346648e-01 -3.64573020e-03 6.23760000e-02 -4.65240091e-01 -4.50275451e-01 1.43152863e-01 -3.31987292e-01 -3.74783985e-02 -3.45503211e-01 -3.37953866e-02 -4.45776969e-01 -2.20172524e-01 -7.01834038e-02 2.71697164e-01 5.73641472e-02 9.86828357e-02 1.28387958e-01 -1.72990605e-01 -1.77896935e-02 -2.47420773e-01 1.71672121e-01 8.03718090e-01 -7.78846592e-02 -5.21847978e-03 -6.09962735e-03 2.15275869e-01 2.28290290e-01 -8.38766340e-03 -3.26925963e-01 1.01118557e-01 -1.97980314e-01 6.88024461e-02 1.04969554e-01 -1.39772788e-01 1.94750816e-01 -2.71477133e-01 -1.10342175e-01 -8.45372677e-02 8.97844508e-02 3.15613210e-01 -4.81900543e-01 1.59070790e-01 2.03492492e-01 3.57376039e-02 1.19673256e-02 1.37692824e-01 8.04132298e-02 7.97256157e-02 -2.70591646e-01 -1.87347069e-01 3.05999637e-01 -2.05548599e-01 2.23582402e-01 1.22001842e-01 -2.11128131e-01 -9.71113369e-02 1.00184686e-01 -1.44733727e-01 3.33287455e-02 -1.10612437e-02 1.40329227e-01 2.99548537e-01 2.05196008e-01 6.50640279e-02 -2.45901272e-01 -5.60033977e-01 -1.39754847e-01 4.07700576e-02 -2.78524995e-01 -3.41396630e-01 2.30495594e-02 1.42730251e-01 -1.97723676e-02 1.58451930e-01 -8.51274356e-02 -1.57806247e-01 1.48136737e-02 1.40278846e-01 -3.32361907e-01 -2.74998188e-01 -3.15096527e-01 -1.40654460e-01 -2.73207396e-01 3.16431195e-01 -2.86375344e-01 -8.43726695e-02 1.03571385e-01 1.73026562e-01 -7.68325627e-02 -1.49983525e-01 1.85230523e-01 -2.96354387e-02 -2.16546878e-02 -1.55124664e-01 -5.42246662e-02 2.32857943e-01 -1.48631990e-01 -1.45200580e-01 2.37355575e-01 2.76570886e-01 -1.92283720e-01 -5.08400500e-01 -2.08029263e-02 -4.25308198e-01 -4.08132002e-02 2.65173297e-02 -1.33476377e-01 -9.90520269e-02 -3.99626344e-02 3.55867110e-02 -3.01718593e-01 -2.70651221e-01 6.10334650e-02 -1.69463810e-02 1.15713306e-01 4.84403372e-01 -1.30478689e-03 2.69497961e-01 -4.03505564e-02 1.36563748e-01 -1.65651545e-01 -1.12743095e-01 1.63841248e-02 4.99905162e-02 -5.13890199e-02 1.17642984e-01 -1.76344499e-01 1.15445055e-01 -4.94750053e-01 -6.85545444e-01 -2.97950149e-01 -5.29138409e-02 6.21508658e-01 7.80559927e-02 -2.04880297e-01 3.33102763e-01 1.19407319e-01 -3.32983404e-01 -2.32043210e-02 -5.94057478e-02 -8.04934651e-02 1.14364207e-01 6.69169500e-02 -2.03207374e-01 4.25077155e-02 1.68666422e-01 3.86079401e-01 -2.25834653e-01 -3.60587761e-02 3.16282101e-02 1.75797716e-01 -6.60846010e-02 1.42884478e-01 -4.81173359e-02 2.49058247e-01 -9.62433890e-02 -1.03232734e-01 4.91703719e-01 5.59961051e-02 2.92623401e-01 1.10400580e-01 -1.00106768e-01 -3.73779126e-02 -2.03590408e-01 1.02911480e-01 4.62016612e-01 -1.24562792e-01 3.35819041e-03 -6.97627142e-02 1.71987846e-01 -1.39512211e-01 4.99851108e-02 5.94626844e-01 -1.36369556e-01 -1.21375389e-01 6.58105314e-02 -3.19760382e-01 -1.86566442e-01 2.72071034e-01 -1.43133393e-02 1.75652415e-01 -2.34533474e-01 -1.87179640e-01 2.11368337e-01 -4.09688830e-01 6.05339706e-01 3.55573297e-01 3.42792094e-01 3.50050628e-01 2.10812055e-02 -1.26929149e-01 -1.05438270e-01 -1.81081295e-01 -3.05411756e-01 1.78647831e-01 1.09823249e-01 6.07732721e-02 -2.21373543e-01 4.26904261e-01 4.21135873e-02 2.03003943e-01 -1.35943098e-02 -3.68206343e-03 -6.95167959e-01 -2.29659677e-01 5.21696471e-02 2.04890162e-01 -2.97622234e-01 -3.83226246e-01 -3.86965275e-02 2.85543442e-01 2.85327613e-01 1.80093899e-01 7.19069615e-02 -2.60275364e-01 3.13430041e-01 -2.35179849e-02 2.76040673e-01 3.50227505e-01 2.71588534e-01 1.37519911e-01 5.69974072e-04 -8.60431567e-02 4.72177304e-02 -2.34553650e-01 -2.87214443e-02 4.59659487e-01 2.06033438e-01 -3.84250022e-02 -7.20828176e-02 9.23953429e-02 1.34881601e-01 -2.93364316e-01 2.07815483e-01 -1.55988736e-02 6.23286888e-02 -2.68564355e-02 2.37231299e-01 2.04481587e-01 -2.20758587e-01 -2.16123492e-01 7.06152245e-02 -1.03316173e-01 2.93357313e-01 1.57716140e-01 1.10742497e+00 1.28118351e-01 1.60458565e-01 2.43038554e-02 -3.51986229e-01 -7.75106177e-02 -6.41028106e-01 4.66062799e-02 -1.48591712e-01 -3.50187421e-01 8.50685388e-02 5.87186478e-02 1.70161963e-01 2.59200752e-01 -5.37702799e-01 -1.31975496e-02 -2.36660853e-01 2.57904917e-01 1.24888740e-01 2.01407328e-01 7.28212669e-02 -2.12383181e-01 -1.27804309e-01 2.45557055e-01 1.79214552e-02 7.57850483e-02 -2.23159399e-02 7.15408921e-02 -6.59868494e-02 -1.53954118e-01 -2.24164978e-01 2.07015187e-01 -3.28906000e-01 1.51502103e-01 1.09192923e-01 1.18514642e-01 -9.60178375e-02 3.38850431e-02 1.17732935e-01 1.51300773e-01 -3.24948840e-02 3.16048265e-01 8.75881195e-01 1.51234746e-01 -1.93717763e-01 9.10271779e-02 7.55291134e-02 -2.01401338e-02 -6.41915798e-02 3.66366766e-02 -7.26272389e-02 -1.79541215e-01 -1.15459310e-02 1.07761011e-01 1.72795519e-01 -1.58816010e-01 3.06285352e-01 1.86717242e-01 -3.27064097e-01 -2.35520512e-01 2.19705656e-01 -7.50121623e-02 -2.94313341e-01 2.90781438e-01 -1.38598859e-01 -1.47411808e-01 -1.89936832e-01 3.98986727e-01 -3.58448401e-02 3.68011668e-02 1.25567243e-01 3.44077408e-01 -3.35793138e-01 -4.29678082e-01 -5.34136258e-02 -9.68791321e-02 -2.34451994e-01 -4.57188897e-02 2.17462659e-01 -5.67096412e-01 -5.85197583e-02 7.35973775e-01 4.14906405e-02 -2.78643757e-01 -2.64909238e-01 -1.29432857e-01 -1.43128216e-01 3.94382607e-03 2.71389931e-01 9.46385786e-02 1.07258655e-01 2.20111325e-01 -2.22335488e-01 8.03449303e-02 -4.66460288e-01 -8.66456330e-02 -4.29072976e-02 1.77212372e-01 4.10617262e-01 -1.44972980e-01 6.68306276e-02 -8.30101669e-02 2.28649929e-01 2.84072936e-01 1.34812444e-01 -2.97449142e-01 -1.30493015e-01 1.26122266e-01 -8.42697173e-02 -2.34567136e-01 -2.63011813e-01 3.63359898e-01 1.25237137e-01 9.68977585e-02 2.99709409e-01 3.76875699e-01 1.45408407e-01 2.66676433e-02 -2.12190881e-01 3.26617211e-02 8.78977701e-02 2.84054399e-01 5.04953340e-02 6.48489952e-01 -2.05678970e-01 5.79338707e-02 -2.50367612e-01 -9.92936939e-02 3.34417343e-01 3.29845905e-01 -1.81291923e-01 4.14361805e-01 9.59740505e-02 1.27942249e-01 -2.10376039e-01 3.82284671e-01 -1.64630506e-02 3.83488387e-02 -1.31593928e-01 -1.21770270e-01 -2.49288008e-02 3.04721117e-01 -5.81433848e-02 9.72532555e-02 3.35114151e-02 -1.22070998e-01 -3.41823995e-02 3.40092123e-01 -1.22163091e-02 -3.30051690e-01 2.20201746e-01 9.93734300e-02 4.11231607e-01 8.02871585e-02 7.03288522e-03 1.81279361e-01 -2.31605656e-02 -3.12245280e-01 1.09427128e-04 -5.51079176e-02 4.41511512e-01 4.59424127e-03 1.06033184e-01 -1.73539698e-01 5.72351158e-01 2.23947406e-01 2.68530369e-01 2.22557094e-02 1.50992379e-01 1.96072459e-01 4.58361022e-02 1.49763837e-01 6.98987097e-02 8.55071470e-03 -1.91548139e-01 6.11569360e-02 -3.20464849e-01 -6.17792010e-02 8.30798782e-03 1.84665293e-01 5.07081710e-02 -1.73698545e-01 -4.27452058e-01 -3.79129611e-02 6.11738749e-02 2.43423209e-01 2.49056183e-02 6.02743104e-02 -1.20092556e-01 -4.64845784e-02 1.77421018e-01 1.77698478e-01 2.20603228e-01 -2.95485914e-01 1.32261097e-01 3.08025509e-01 3.04819763e-01 1.28609985e-01 1.88505471e-01 3.37836146e-01 -8.65194872e-02 -1.79467857e-01 9.69966501e-02 -7.92872235e-02 -1.62180528e-01 -2.65793622e-01 3.45715433e-01 -1.34237438e-01 3.55349839e-01 3.64864320e-02 2.35489488e-01 -3.07442904e-01 -3.69709611e-01 1.10113107e-01 2.11503297e-01 3.63380343e-01 -1.64149493e-01 1.01977162e-01 -4.74928886e-01 3.25812310e-01 -4.62088026e-02 -2.51138210e-01 -5.39411046e-02 -1.23002201e-01 -6.19136214e-01 2.95672983e-01 -2.85867900e-01 1.11645840e-01 3.04589383e-02 -8.63335747e-03 1.51947573e-01 1.47239327e-01 -1.41204163e-01 -1.18437245e-01 -7.99062178e-02 -1.71675365e-02 7.38574266e-02 -4.63463247e-01 -1.62170514e-01 -2.87591964e-01 4.91779763e-03 1.90883547e-01 -2.35039592e-01 -3.13774407e-01 -7.80569166e-02 3.35341275e-01 -5.71185164e-02 1.81999534e-01 3.76100361e-01 5.16740344e-02 6.81089461e-02 -3.91459674e-01 2.54919082e-01 1.50288701e-01 1.68428332e-01 -1.39869368e-02 -3.64317060e-01 2.54722714e-01 6.54728487e-02 2.30434000e-01 -3.38352774e-03 3.35762769e-01 -2.64277399e-01 -3.07989627e-01 -5.47304042e-02 6.96010888e-02 -1.20544784e-01 -5.37183508e-02 -1.21123150e-01 2.57123590e-01 2.20192626e-01 1.28901720e-01 9.02043954e-02 2.40775883e-01 -1.51740611e-01 3.83905619e-01 -4.12124932e-01 -1.11661514e-03 -1.97660372e-01 -1.02219582e-01 -3.54101479e-01 3.12948823e-01 2.16037154e-01 3.08189746e-02 -1.71435967e-01 -3.53978753e-01 4.47534025e-01 -1.79485157e-01 -1.60859168e-01 -2.77666271e-01 2.36484885e-01 -3.01643193e-01 -1.35500982e-01 -2.06082806e-01 -6.63645416e-02 -1.44099101e-01 1.85187131e-01 -2.94545650e-01 -1.69516414e-01 2.29460634e-02 -3.19812804e-01 -1.49288863e-01 1.44589171e-01 1.95717379e-01 1.02929309e-01 -3.17884237e-01 -7.74513558e-03]
"A Pair of Scissors" active "Item #: SCP-733 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-733-01 is stored in a secure locker at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Experimentation with SCP-733-01 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 4 personnel, and any testing performed must be done with direct supervision from at least one (1) Level 3 personnel. As of β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ, all testing with SCP-733-01 has been suspended due to Incident 733-03. SCP-733-02 is currently stored in a secure, humidity-controlled document locker at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Direct access to SCP-733-02 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, but access to transcripts and scans of SCP-733-02's contents is available via standard network access to anyone with at least Level 2 clearance. Description: SCP-733-01 is a pair of ornate silver scissors, apparently crafted circa 18β–ˆβ–ˆ. When used to [REDACTED BY ORDER OF O5 COMMAND] When discovered, SCP-733-01 was pressed between the pages of SCP-733-02, a hand-crafted, leather-bound book containing approximately 80 pages. The pages of SCP-733-02 contain 33 black and white photographs, as well as 137 fragments of handwritten text. The authors of the text in SCP-733-02 have been analyzed as belonging to two unidentified individuals, a male (Subject A) and female (Subject B) of approximately 20-25 years of age who appear to be romantically involved with each other. Analysis of the photographs contained in SCP-733-02 have yielded no evidence of tampering, altering, or modification of any of the images. SCP-733 was discovered in an antique store in the city of [REDACTED] by Foundation researcher Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Upon noting the anomalous details documented within, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ brought the objects into Foundation custody, where it has since been contained. The following inscription is also visible on the front of SCP-733-02: Diary Addendum 733-01: Record of Notable Images and Text in SCP-733-02 Subject: Photograph #3, Text Fragment #11 Page(s): 2 Description: A photograph of a blanket spread out on a grassy hill, with a picnic basket on top. Depressions in the blanket are consistent with that of a person sitting on the blanket, but no one is visible. "The first time I saw you, you were like the rising sun, banishing the chill of loneliness with your radiant beauty." - Subject A Subject: Photograph #7, Text Fragment #26 Page(s): 13 Description: A photograph of a table in a crowded restaurant. A well-dressed, middle-aged gentleman is seen conversing and/or laughing with an empty seat next to him. "Even my father dotes upon you! I have not seen him laugh so heartily in years." - Subject A Subject: Photograph #11, Text Fragment #49 Page(s): 18, 19 Description: A photograph of a wedding chapel. Shadow patterns indicate a woman in a dress should be within the frame of the picture, but no such woman is visible. "When I saw you walking down the aisle, you took my breath away. I have never been so happy as on that day." - Subject A Subject: Photograph #26, Text Fragment #93 Page(s): 51 Description: A cradle containing a newborn infant, propped up next to an empty chair. "Our daughter Agatha. The fruit of our love." - Subject A Subject: Photograph #29, Text Fragment #115 Page(s): 56 Description: A smiling, handsome man of approximately 20 years of age stands with his hand extended, as if holding something that cannot be seen. "Your friend, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. I am almost made jealous by the happiness you show when he is in town!" - Subject A Subject: Text Fragment #128 Page(s): 61 Description: "β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Why must you spend so much time with him? Our bed seems to have grown cold lately. Am I at fault?" - Subject A Subject: Text Fragment #133 Page(s): 63 Description: "My dear β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, it is with sadness that I admit to having had an affair with my beloved β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. I cannot deny it any longer; though I am reluctant, when you read this I will already be gone. I can only hope that you can find it within your heart to forgive me." - Subject B Subject: Photograph #33, Text Fragments #136-137 Page(s): 67, 68 Description: A damaged photograph, older than the ones before it, showing a couple holding hands. The face of the man as well as the surroundings are blurred by what appears to be drops of human tears and smeared blood, and the woman has been cut out using scissors. "It has been a long time since I have written. My tears are run dry, and sorrow has turned to hatred in my heart." - Subject A "If I cannot have you, then no one else will. No one shall even remember your name when I am through." - Subject A Addendum 733-02: Experiment Log for SCP-733 [REDACTED] Addendum 733-03: Incident 733-03 On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ, a security breach was reported at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Upon investigation, security footage showed Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ opening SCP-733-01's containment locker and [REDACTED]. Further investigation showed that an unidentified senior Foundation researcher was missing from Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ, determined by checking the Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ roster for unfilled positions. When questioned, Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ refused to answer questions, merely stating, "He got what he deserved." Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is currently detained at Site-β–ˆ, pending further investigation. Β« SCP-732 | SCP-733 | SCP-734 Β»" nan
[ 2.97631413e-01 -1.95180058e-01 -1.86892167e-01 9.96942967e-02 -3.43754858e-01 -3.27185392e-01 1.71813548e-01 1.25588179e-01 -3.05486500e-01 -1.72282476e-02 2.82173716e-02 3.25134158e-01 -8.84909704e-02 -1.55768860e-02 -2.67485172e-01 6.15432821e-02 4.98736016e-02 1.00890182e-01 5.03276996e-02 -7.21272901e-02 -1.04901440e-01 1.68215096e-01 -6.64058998e-02 3.82490307e-01 1.27069637e-01 -2.34390095e-01 7.89520964e-02 3.80381078e-01 -3.12592268e-01 -7.83250760e-03 -9.22626033e-02 3.37206811e-01 -1.86401531e-01 1.59770057e-01 -1.09437417e-04 -2.43827373e-01 1.82881400e-01 -5.89608736e-02 -2.80674189e-01 -5.62391169e-02 -4.27922755e-01 -1.82256848e-01 7.15114996e-02 -4.42897201e-01 -4.72507738e-02 -8.13565999e-02 -1.55196358e-02 3.90863955e-01 3.56076598e-01 1.13515392e-01 2.14458093e-01 8.24524686e-02 3.34819913e-01 -1.65138304e-01 3.24516267e-01 3.28852862e-01 -2.04268143e-01 -1.85120076e-01 2.39784196e-01 2.95226604e-01 3.68280649e-01 2.75640547e-01 -2.22863138e-01 1.57396868e-02 3.08685958e-01 -3.45069647e-01 2.04141065e-01 -8.74141976e-02 6.49380162e-02 8.47968906e-02 5.61954789e-02 -6.72466531e-02 -2.31892169e-02 -1.32989213e-01 -3.37946117e-02 3.40433449e-01 2.18158588e-03 2.82596171e-01 -9.15575624e-02 7.22904280e-02 -1.47888169e-01 -1.58912778e-01 -2.58108735e-01 -5.91092044e-03 1.97477728e-01 1.13996610e-01 -2.75433451e-01 1.52922899e-01 6.39707074e-02 -1.37355819e-01 -2.02063814e-01 1.17340265e-02 -2.91169155e-02 4.05513607e-02 5.64862847e-01 2.06695832e-02 1.72508299e-01 8.71631652e-02 1.02101967e-01 2.20451251e-01 2.67453313e-01 2.30283797e-01 1.49081677e-01 3.56833100e-01 -5.03292903e-02 -1.83997810e-01 4.04146343e-01 -1.29376769e-01 -3.22095424e-01 3.52109998e-01 1.82990864e-01 2.61189342e-01 3.38611826e-02 -8.26643556e-02 -1.24981292e-01 -3.69009934e-02 3.59833956e-01 -2.85686851e-01 2.20232680e-02 2.16510728e-01 -6.93131760e-02 -2.76833415e-01 -3.94226104e-01 3.60557169e-01 2.61189759e-01 -1.28559947e-01 2.26429150e-01 -2.76937578e-02 -7.91821778e-02 1.32585717e-02 -2.01787606e-01 2.13616878e-01 4.14989777e-02 -1.28340676e-01 -1.81553349e-01 1.63097680e-01 -1.48841873e-01 -1.55315667e-01 -2.69137681e-01 -3.24603380e-03 2.78890491e-01 -4.20154966e-02 7.63675988e-01 3.02791238e-01 -6.85114935e-02 5.89253660e-03 8.30365419e-02 -1.89257801e-01 -1.40576273e-01 -1.62103083e-02 -8.95848125e-02 -1.88882388e-02 -4.85746205e-01 2.59540260e-01 -2.90867269e-01 2.48234704e-01 7.69378170e-02 8.24710205e-02 -2.30468914e-01 9.63347405e-02 3.15295786e-01 1.97991908e-01 -3.96500677e-01 -2.15076208e-01 2.25436892e-02 4.93176468e-02 -1.91168964e-01 -1.65232986e-01 2.00696796e-01 -3.61442834e-01 -8.77286643e-02 3.55208628e-02 -2.72360295e-01 1.59795165e-01 -1.40721560e-01 1.82821512e-01 -1.30009755e-01 1.42446786e-01 -2.96824798e-02 -2.94351906e-01 -3.55621934e-01 1.92142889e-01 3.88857603e-01 -3.30111384e-01 2.65694320e-01 -1.73872009e-01 -4.46379930e-01 -3.30314666e-01 2.38801092e-01 -2.23227009e-01 -4.60779399e-01 -4.81260836e-01 1.63945094e-01 -1.70508564e-01 8.67882967e-02 -2.08542958e-01 1.19340800e-01 -2.25628875e-02 1.81702211e-01 4.80506308e-02 -1.00730903e-01 2.95982063e-01 1.47950992e-01 5.14196634e-01 -1.58211589e-01 7.53104985e-02 1.50602281e-01 -9.12828464e-03 2.66621798e-01 1.01446688e-01 -4.66445498e-02 -8.76681209e-02 -1.44768536e-01 8.17225575e-02 -6.46925271e-02 -3.08732718e-01 2.58868277e-01 1.69687808e-01 2.39711538e-01 7.55597930e-03 2.73280174e-01 -6.75669834e-02 -2.80875191e-02 -2.24087596e-01 -2.33562455e-01 1.37097195e-01 -2.29118228e-01 -1.56052992e-01 -3.11942607e-01 7.39245564e-02 1.37435555e-01 1.29828036e-01 2.35067755e-01 1.37872428e-01 -2.21113488e-01 -6.78479075e-02 1.33280039e-01 7.23906100e-01 -2.28509009e-01 -3.08327645e-01 5.04339896e-02 -1.97850764e-01 3.32076579e-01 5.19816838e-02 -4.56112295e-01 3.31781685e-01 2.07112938e-01 -3.99135500e-02 2.69551184e-02 -2.23094091e-01 -1.47421464e-01 -2.48614609e-01 -2.72102028e-01 -5.47783710e-02 -4.86869700e-02 7.82151446e-02 -5.32303154e-01 1.86034486e-01 3.73469852e-02 1.32745460e-01 1.55095652e-01 5.19278497e-02 1.93355486e-01 2.12741539e-01 1.97396725e-01 4.85982634e-02 -1.52899668e-01 1.16544217e-01 3.25460583e-02 2.50230312e-01 4.17061662e-03 -2.15252966e-01 -1.61249459e-01 -7.01385960e-02 2.33603850e-01 3.71522039e-01 1.34898603e-01 7.64877722e-02 2.16019288e-01 8.81955475e-02 -1.20750561e-01 -2.25835681e-01 -7.89962262e-02 -1.81102037e-01 -3.00662994e-01 -1.33469719e-02 2.52171367e-01 -1.53591141e-01 -1.99926972e-01 3.29694837e-01 1.18353322e-01 -1.67534098e-01 9.20446366e-02 3.23644131e-01 -1.66435212e-01 -1.26045272e-01 2.40143202e-02 2.87060052e-01 -2.74681181e-01 3.70174110e-01 -7.82730952e-02 -1.14946343e-01 9.57789272e-02 1.10467233e-01 -8.57530534e-02 1.89103350e-01 4.38430548e-01 1.13210892e-02 -2.96168849e-02 -4.99415964e-01 -4.91332889e-01 6.09666929e-02 1.64308418e-02 -1.12062983e-01 3.99931073e-01 -3.98527179e-03 8.18733424e-02 -6.33273780e-01 1.88125789e-01 -1.27475679e-01 -1.25521570e-01 -1.61960989e-01 -8.34508836e-02 -2.26359844e-01 -1.91933662e-01 1.88452378e-01 -1.33586407e-01 -1.54292226e-01 6.00068271e-01 -1.03792422e-01 2.13050872e-01 -6.37433380e-02 2.01846153e-01 1.86294243e-01 -2.84724623e-01 4.16258425e-01 -1.88387901e-01 -4.08926219e-01 -6.89752027e-02 1.87375307e-01 -2.27599084e-01 -1.76450297e-01 -1.82176605e-01 -1.41846798e-02 -2.44164467e-01 -1.10665224e-01 -3.70252877e-01 -1.63538046e-02 2.05317155e-01 3.68835330e-02 -1.69913188e-01 5.70625365e-01 -2.23029964e-02 -3.11296254e-01 -2.16727048e-01 -1.65862426e-01 1.68845400e-01 -7.89710358e-02 1.14590354e-01 -8.50192383e-02 -6.11791573e-02 3.56402665e-01 5.36791623e-01 -3.71570915e-01 -4.57078293e-02 -5.02615049e-02 2.77827233e-01 1.47549391e-01 4.69681174e-01 -2.86097705e-01 -3.58542502e-02 4.03549261e-02 -2.56264687e-01 2.39859834e-01 -1.30562931e-01 -4.14701551e-01 1.18804969e-01 -3.91609408e-02 -6.59177721e-01 -8.65206495e-02 -5.73132411e-02 5.75381994e-01 6.31217510e-02 -4.07220535e-02 -7.21178353e-02 -2.91539691e-02 9.95868593e-02 -9.91580710e-02 1.94270253e-01 -8.60081688e-02 -5.05673587e-02 -1.50519937e-01 6.85123652e-02 -1.41552210e-01 -4.30702455e-02 3.02421898e-01 1.79038554e-01 -5.24170101e-01 -4.74620044e-01 2.64818043e-01 -5.01138389e-01 4.78748947e-01 1.94037825e-01 4.23048854e-01 6.20849133e-01 -1.71045095e-01 -3.49794120e-01 -1.77853405e-01 -3.67890835e-01 -1.61154926e-01 6.96851432e-01 2.06296835e-02 -2.60307580e-01 -1.63953081e-02 -3.86378691e-02 -4.27441359e-01 5.21743335e-02 4.95228022e-01 -2.34411284e-03 -3.58085155e-01 -4.21613276e-01 9.33608413e-02 1.38804436e-01 -1.91134751e-01 2.84148715e-02 1.46573648e-01 7.35282078e-02 1.53087854e-01 1.24771759e-01 9.45183113e-02 -2.00835362e-01 2.04727903e-01 -2.09108010e-01 2.51056254e-01 4.32579428e-01 -2.38443688e-02 1.78382829e-01 2.87118793e-01 1.48882508e-01 -9.40902233e-02 -2.42629319e-01 3.02167147e-01 4.65743303e-01 5.66921830e-02 2.78928746e-02 -2.30537057e-01 4.01355743e-01 -2.78103977e-01 -8.83142352e-02 2.18722209e-01 -1.66409481e-02 2.56542325e-01 3.98936868e-01 -5.87345622e-02 5.77129088e-02 -4.33935136e-01 -9.77595896e-02 1.52574703e-01 -9.48354527e-02 1.38426259e-01 4.70399469e-01 1.11447382e+00 -7.66303837e-02 1.77042931e-01 -1.40960119e-03 -8.41789126e-01 6.77367002e-02 1.46135226e-01 -3.11095834e-01 6.28011748e-02 -2.60067940e-01 2.34281998e-02 -1.78102449e-01 1.03349797e-01 8.16754028e-02 -1.73715964e-01 -3.82624000e-01 -1.12576053e-01 -2.24072725e-01 9.18365493e-02 2.07895532e-01 2.34580189e-01 2.02786371e-01 4.87218618e-01 2.39126563e-01 7.08331689e-02 -9.39509496e-02 -3.73574421e-02 -2.29488999e-01 -1.97815150e-02 -2.48634487e-01 -4.23690706e-01 1.01678677e-01 -2.87265033e-01 3.02254111e-01 9.86976549e-02 -3.02517489e-02 1.80075496e-01 -9.94601622e-02 -4.69896644e-01 -1.74469352e-01 -1.70272991e-01 1.34850159e-01 3.17023396e-01 -9.25495327e-02 -1.51969325e-02 1.29438430e-01 3.02345216e-01 -3.97116430e-02 1.96104914e-01 1.70462921e-01 -3.79190929e-02 1.78022459e-02 -5.86704552e-01 2.63461024e-01 4.92492616e-01 -1.40904263e-01 -1.75693575e-02 1.43452212e-01 -4.38610196e-01 -1.71443626e-01 1.32413253e-01 9.11560282e-02 -2.55682081e-01 3.71106761e-03 9.57147032e-02 -3.18792045e-01 5.53006157e-02 7.24845529e-01 -1.59281388e-01 3.01869363e-01 1.78713650e-01 1.84549540e-01 -1.17921852e-01 -3.99943382e-01 -1.87189788e-01 -2.68803686e-01 -4.33941126e-01 1.35860533e-01 -1.99810062e-02 -3.73137444e-01 -6.83888867e-02 3.27825010e-01 2.09050760e-01 -5.39712273e-02 -3.07606071e-01 -2.02760637e-01 4.73439693e-01 -6.41922653e-03 1.10755086e-01 2.16625273e-01 2.32944731e-02 1.68203458e-01 3.53869461e-02 -8.35270658e-02 -4.33110058e-01 3.34108353e-01 -2.43151248e-01 1.27989380e-02 4.23207581e-01 -1.98568270e-01 -4.66743857e-02 -1.94246009e-01 1.49082065e-01 -4.51167896e-02 -1.18366614e-01 -2.76762813e-01 -8.66295099e-02 1.22487813e-01 -2.07513303e-01 -3.32952470e-01 1.27759529e-02 9.24143493e-02 1.74248084e-01 2.80940980e-01 -1.76149756e-01 2.97383875e-01 1.41728014e-01 3.04305702e-01 -3.70600969e-01 2.88591027e-01 4.96109650e-02 -9.54415798e-02 2.18712427e-02 3.11928838e-01 -1.64710566e-01 8.35454315e-02 -3.75041604e-01 -1.13024421e-01 6.25846982e-02 2.05113932e-01 5.91702061e-03 1.63753852e-02 1.61043182e-01 1.70464188e-01 -9.67261568e-02 4.33910877e-01 1.08678201e-02 -3.46040308e-01 -1.23849347e-01 -1.99794486e-01 -1.39799103e-01 3.02824438e-01 7.48963729e-02 -1.59571081e-01 -1.73503831e-01 1.84829861e-01 -4.52953391e-02 2.83718199e-01 -6.40388355e-02 -1.04827836e-01 -1.83504447e-01 1.08500337e-02 8.18220451e-02 2.50738382e-01 6.48261458e-02 1.61111981e-01 -3.99061963e-02 -1.81230500e-01 -7.66681656e-02 -2.20189877e-02 2.80089527e-01 -8.13983604e-02 3.99954826e-01 5.90035498e-01 1.54299945e-01 5.11530519e-01 2.99137592e-01 1.85010508e-01 -1.04856387e-01 -6.75937608e-02 4.18014616e-01 2.79084206e-01 -1.43935218e-01 2.08971187e-01 3.95302206e-01 -6.91219047e-02 -5.05885184e-02 2.78368145e-01 -4.20261547e-02 -1.32434398e-01 -2.53334671e-01 -2.17957661e-01 -2.02394113e-01 -1.82779297e-01 7.71891102e-02 -4.80882078e-02 3.33625227e-01 1.20155094e-02 1.00741886e-01 -1.30823106e-01 -1.04319111e-01 -7.46087506e-02 4.03106958e-01 -3.93986911e-01 7.15783313e-02 2.48445526e-01 -1.66993052e-01 2.14479446e-01 2.95578659e-01 4.40899640e-01 -2.08400533e-01 7.86389038e-03 -7.26921782e-02 -4.00384396e-01 -1.58122182e-01 -2.48002097e-01 1.53430805e-01 2.56357086e-03 6.87253848e-03 2.29109153e-01 2.72181660e-01 -2.10260898e-01 -2.01428935e-01 1.64102569e-01 6.76362887e-02 1.08435526e-01 -2.72196889e-01 -3.25667202e-01 -2.04117313e-01 6.31055608e-02 1.03255481e-01 -1.72900930e-01 -1.49272829e-01 -1.35788575e-01 7.81769753e-02 2.62107193e-01 -8.82263556e-02 6.07826561e-02 2.01660972e-02 2.51021922e-01 2.23333716e-01 1.57857358e-01 -1.73153393e-02 -2.58737177e-01 -1.02125280e-01 3.42431590e-02 -4.51081693e-02 -5.41891098e-01 1.96753964e-01 4.55226660e-01 1.24020465e-01 -2.02896073e-02 4.75380309e-02 2.85523564e-01 -3.86791497e-01 -4.39171977e-02 -2.74360031e-01 2.02513695e-01 3.18962812e-01 -2.67442465e-01 2.14381218e-01 -2.46017911e-02 5.57690905e-03 -2.18551993e-01 2.35006645e-01 -1.36763602e-01 -3.35271239e-01 -3.65429342e-01 4.23998415e-01 3.69672924e-02 -1.41796306e-01 1.42472446e-01 -2.59737432e-01 8.89950693e-02 3.46512854e-01 4.59706634e-01 9.90464985e-02 4.65066016e-01 4.64124456e-02 5.45315802e-01 -3.52920033e-02 5.16234398e-01 3.47342223e-01 1.49635479e-01 -2.28362922e-02 2.41635680e-01 -3.10542822e-01 3.00544620e-01 -2.33334526e-02 5.50535955e-02 -5.34886122e-02 4.52661753e-01 1.36689752e-01 -1.92985814e-02 -1.28026620e-01 -4.11440164e-01 4.77528811e-01 -1.40959650e-01 -1.67192161e-01 -1.06527269e-01 2.48638779e-01 1.07187390e-01 -2.50100605e-02 -1.84798077e-01 -3.36596638e-01 7.46224970e-02 1.05208196e-01 -2.98496813e-01 7.95614207e-04 -6.72651231e-02 -2.24032372e-01 -4.34267074e-02 2.04913393e-01 -1.04562253e-01 5.46074286e-02 -8.31217095e-02 -3.80259641e-02]
"The Baby" active "Item #: SCP-734 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Any staff entering the containment area must be in contained atmosphere haz-mat suits. No physical contact is to be made with SCP-734. Anyone making physical contact with SCP-734 is to be immediately removed from the containment area and placed in quarantine for observation. Any items exiting the testing area must be sterilized before being allowed to exit the containment area. Blood is to be drawn via arterial catheter once daily, the amount to be determined and re-evaluated monthly. Catheter is to be cleaned and maintained three times daily. Blood drawn is to be immediately sealed and the container sterilized before cryogenic storage. Blood may be stored for five years, after which it is to be incinerated. Requests to use drawn blood must be submitted to Overwatch. SCP-734 must have a handler standing by at all times in full haz-mat gear who is to be rotated every four hours. Interaction with SCP-734 is allowed only when in full haz-mat equipment. SCP-734 is to be changed and fed as needed with nutritional requirements reviewed and adjusted monthly. SCP-734 may be given toys with clearance from Overwatch. Description: SCP-734 appears to be a male human infant between seven and eight months of age. SCP-734 shows normal development and health for a child of his age and genetic background. No abnormal genetic mutations, infections, or rare cellular disorders have been found during any test, and no origin point or cause has been found for the effect SCP-734 has on human tissue. Any human tissue making contact with SCP-734 will begin to rapidly break down and β€œflake” away. This effect is most often triggered by skin-to-skin contact, but any living SCP-734 cell can cause the effect. This β€œflaking” will begin at the point of contact two hours after exposure to SCP-734 and spread at the rate of 0.5mm/minute. The means by which the β€œflaking” occurs is unknown as no form of viral, bacterial, or chemical agents are passed by SCP-734 to the subject. Cells begin to lose physical cohesion and small patches of tissue begin to peel away in flakes. The flaking begins in the tissue layer of contact, most often the epidermis, and will attack that layer exclusively for five hours. After five hours, the effect will begin on the next layer, and continue in this manner until all tissue layers are affected. This process is extremely painful and becomes progressively more debilitating as nerve tissue, blood vessels, muscle tissues and skeletal structures are exposed then β€œeaten away” by the effect. No treatments or procedures short of amputation of the affected areas have shown any success in halting the progression, with amputation having a success rate of 72%. Due to the non-infectious nature of this effect and its low survivability rate, blood drawn from SCP-734 has a very high strategic value. An arterial catheter has been installed to provide a constant supply of blood samples which are currently being stockpiled and researched for possible application in Foundation activities, both covert and military. SCP-734 itself has shown above-average intelligence and physical aptitude, and proposals to train and condition SCP-734 to become a Foundation operative once it matures are under review. SCP-734 was recovered at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Medical Hospital after reports of a massive outbreak of a unknown form of flesh-eating bacteria in the maternity ward. Foundation operatives quarantined the area and found several nurses, four doctors, and one infant affected by SCP-734. SCP-734 was isolated and contained after interviews with staff. The mother of SCP-734 was not found, and no records of her discharge from the hospital were found. It is assumed that she was affected by SCP-734 during birth and died from the effect. How she was able to carry SCP-734 to term remains unknown. Addendum: Memo to Handler Staff: This should not be necessary; a reminder will, however, be issued to all staff working with SCP-734 that full face masks are a MANDATORY part of the haz-mat equipment needed for working with SCP-734 and may not be removed at any time while on-duty. SCP-734 may be a baby, but it is still capable of causing a degenerating tissue disorder in anyone coming in contact with any living SCP-734 cells. This includes mucus. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ removed her face mask, stating β€œHe's just a baby, I'm holding his hands, it'll be fine!”. SCP-734 then sneezed on Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's face, causing β€œflaking” to initiate from twenty-six points on her face and neck. Photographic records of the effect's progression upon her will be provided to any staff with questions or complaints related to SCP-734 and its containment procedures. Project Update β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Testing of SCP-734 at age β–ˆβ–ˆ confirms a 98% score on the Aeslinger Loyalty Index. Entity has been approved for anomalous weapons training. Β« SCP-733 | SCP-734 | SCP-735 Β»" "SCP-734 during a "Play Time" period, before the installation of arterial catheter. Nurse β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in initial stages of exposure."
[ 3.34450811e-01 -6.68202460e-01 -6.03241958e-02 -2.74083585e-01 1.85210124e-01 -1.50913447e-01 2.67269582e-01 1.27011046e-01 -1.20655574e-01 -6.65189475e-02 2.60423660e-01 3.90679315e-02 -6.79897815e-02 3.98784727e-01 2.12102290e-03 7.56437480e-02 -1.59566849e-02 1.92319099e-02 5.15527904e-01 -1.85160682e-01 -2.59290934e-02 -2.66079277e-01 7.95805082e-02 3.39843273e-01 -1.95793509e-02 -2.70484120e-01 1.47943068e-02 4.29360680e-02 -5.18146902e-02 -5.79347074e-01 1.55373380e-01 2.10877314e-01 4.93122973e-02 3.48218113e-01 -1.16669049e-04 -1.72185063e-01 1.50737733e-01 4.99116443e-03 3.58744003e-02 4.49671656e-01 -3.45876664e-01 -2.87332386e-01 4.84343544e-02 -2.10082814e-01 1.07319176e-01 2.59184152e-01 -4.85728681e-02 2.18209982e-01 3.53623122e-01 1.45253930e-02 1.36595875e-01 1.86355323e-01 1.59644768e-01 1.27851754e-01 3.66837561e-01 7.33151659e-02 -3.86516601e-01 2.93006599e-02 4.40063536e-01 1.08852156e-01 4.97888066e-02 1.90561816e-01 -1.15168802e-01 -2.72556432e-02 3.62483531e-01 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-7.34419525e-02 -4.81547266e-02 2.27948632e-02 2.52076566e-01 2.57580251e-01 8.72328952e-02 1.79176331e-01 -1.30341306e-01 -2.52344638e-01 2.24652484e-01 4.14117053e-03 -1.58140391e-01 1.27467707e-01 -6.31864488e-01 -1.16049029e-01 4.83692139e-01 1.00194976e-01 -3.87143791e-01 -2.34600261e-01 -1.55642152e-01 -2.98854467e-02 -3.36305089e-02 -2.07026988e-01 2.39569440e-01 3.60796183e-01 3.56989235e-01 -2.78863013e-01 -3.18489932e-02 2.27114297e-02 2.94041466e-02 4.43739519e-02 -4.43984658e-01 4.04400557e-01 1.46936746e-02 -1.45732984e-01 -3.08857739e-01 4.99912947e-02 2.51121163e-01 -1.48181722e-01 1.10080823e-01 2.42455214e-01 1.38027981e-01 5.93610406e-02 9.32866409e-02 7.03198493e-01 -8.81841034e-02 8.09912663e-03 -3.93737167e-01 -1.01811230e-01 1.57621071e-01 -2.63390075e-02 -2.95215964e-01 1.68124616e-01 1.39234260e-01 3.15187633e-01 2.34408960e-01 -1.10781133e-01 -2.13086039e-01 -3.16903025e-01 -2.01153338e-01 1.00408912e-01 -1.14918739e-01 4.21943069e-02 -2.67235518e-01 -2.22766459e-01 -3.33830118e-02 3.34581077e-01 -7.21499026e-02 -1.10760033e-01 1.34045452e-01 -6.57352805e-03 3.91491540e-02 -3.18303049e-01 1.41385123e-01 4.12934840e-01 5.48834242e-02 8.94044861e-02 -9.24665779e-02 -5.33394404e-02 1.34048119e-01 8.68854448e-02 -1.06047601e-01 1.11493215e-01 1.95082530e-01 3.15680772e-01 1.25660896e-01 3.21264267e-02 -2.62261122e-01 -1.66026890e-01 -9.78404209e-02 7.57089183e-02 -3.43855679e-01 -7.48718018e-03 3.78091261e-02 3.02831829e-01 1.54150501e-01 2.50114113e-01 5.26252836e-02 -1.70227706e-01 -1.30653292e-01 8.96949694e-03 7.08716139e-02 -6.02371097e-02 -2.35969529e-01 4.98297423e-01 -2.81225115e-01 3.04258287e-01 -5.58547437e-01 5.44060320e-02 -7.61388689e-02 5.17804287e-02 -1.32880330e-01 4.79864106e-02 4.80698586e-01 -5.20523377e-02 -1.34060308e-01 2.37692326e-01 -4.29841310e-01 6.43855035e-02 3.75835672e-02 -7.56894723e-02 4.02315646e-01 2.70535290e-01 -2.39556372e-01 -5.29760778e-01 2.44342849e-01 -8.46973717e-01 -1.31439134e-01 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1.44240363e-02 -5.68579435e-02 1.46145979e-02 3.88008714e-01 9.00609270e-02 9.93970316e-03 -5.48814595e-01 -2.94669777e-01 -1.95525989e-01 2.35897735e-01 3.96466047e-01 2.34929830e-01 -8.56902003e-02 -8.06758478e-02 3.81732225e-01 -6.54373825e-01 3.57861727e-01 -3.24082345e-01 6.84343159e-01 3.19030613e-01 -1.04542933e-01 -3.87479305e-01 8.98511708e-02 -1.91910461e-01 -9.63470042e-02 4.47923124e-01 -3.47042978e-01 -3.36126566e-01 -1.51855081e-01 -2.31735840e-01 -5.03410771e-02 1.59769014e-01 2.01887444e-01 4.95144650e-02 -5.26194811e-01 -1.41525328e-01 2.95531750e-01 -8.79060626e-02 -2.83159345e-01 -1.34274557e-01 1.18896365e-01 1.89558327e-01 2.35448778e-01 3.70504968e-02 2.68407255e-01 -2.45337427e-01 6.65890649e-02 -2.73999386e-02 5.18073797e-01 3.27527195e-01 4.28053707e-01 1.37871608e-01 -2.24594861e-01 2.31422279e-02 -5.77915460e-02 1.28245398e-01 3.05400789e-02 6.84974611e-01 3.02692771e-01 1.89691678e-01 -1.45195693e-01 2.15167850e-01 1.75866023e-01 1.91930130e-01 5.55998027e-01 -2.65850514e-01 2.16458932e-01 -2.24603117e-01 3.14670891e-01 -1.75322399e-01 -3.44242692e-01 -1.90619916e-01 2.80494601e-01 -1.73740417e-01 3.02564591e-01 2.52073675e-01 1.34517002e+00 2.16472089e-01 -7.09187286e-03 1.85183585e-01 -3.10557544e-01 -3.83618101e-02 -3.24253559e-01 -4.52605449e-02 -2.08399281e-01 -2.96015829e-01 5.96284829e-02 -1.68303847e-01 1.51656941e-01 3.23289871e-01 -6.31643474e-01 -2.17524916e-01 -5.75616598e-01 2.47487944e-04 1.71337217e-01 5.32084182e-02 2.24452719e-01 -5.77091426e-02 -2.54624754e-01 1.74007550e-01 -7.57208792e-03 2.52359778e-01 2.03307390e-01 6.15693443e-02 1.05542555e-01 -2.63426770e-02 -3.08864415e-02 5.51749729e-02 -2.60221303e-01 -5.65026365e-02 3.93554848e-03 8.46227407e-02 -9.56041813e-02 -1.11436330e-01 -8.31514895e-02 -1.10048465e-01 5.99301234e-02 2.99368232e-01 7.09008992e-01 -1.74650505e-01 6.08364528e-04 -2.33415321e-01 2.23462150e-01 -1.03595048e-01 -1.62262946e-01 3.11516911e-01 -3.94169539e-02 1.89496934e-01 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1.44153416e-01 2.81961203e-01 1.12598032e-01 1.69235498e-01 7.56565575e-03 -1.80083774e-02 4.05575559e-02 4.00333434e-01 2.77302682e-01 -1.92099009e-02 -3.75954658e-01 -4.04411256e-02 5.67236185e-01 1.91411540e-01 -1.42415553e-01 -6.32499233e-02 4.03926879e-01 -9.58168693e-03 -2.38728195e-01 -2.03248098e-01 -1.68324649e-01 2.91901678e-01 -2.79965132e-01 -6.99636247e-03 -1.33263350e-01 2.16909602e-01 2.38991715e-02 -2.69998938e-01 -3.10802702e-02 -7.16179758e-02 4.73281220e-02 2.83699930e-01 2.33196020e-01 -2.17380315e-01 1.09298207e-01 -1.13547422e-01 2.07418352e-01 -5.13212532e-02 -2.65233722e-02 4.91810381e-01 -1.90694943e-01 -7.88184851e-02 -4.62593324e-02 2.57761151e-01 1.43765152e-01 -1.73447922e-01 7.79367805e-01 1.59386158e-01 -5.57412319e-02 4.86499757e-01 -7.31569082e-02 -1.43421009e-01 -2.01282963e-01 1.77307531e-01 2.55655609e-02 1.19693704e-01 -1.02373630e-01 -7.90480245e-03 3.10595408e-02 -3.95904720e-01 -4.31958474e-02 -3.30899805e-02 3.60208929e-01 -8.64548758e-02 -2.61132047e-02 -3.37725803e-02 -3.23014617e-01 -8.49088803e-02 6.50755763e-02 8.67232308e-02 2.64878809e-01 7.76299685e-02 2.16085449e-01 2.69187689e-01 -5.16627073e-01 1.39580101e-01 5.73181450e-01 -1.90602422e-01 3.01911235e-02 2.90877938e-01 -1.60634458e-01 1.69207424e-01 1.37588814e-01 5.36716938e-01 -1.23887889e-01 -1.47370249e-01 -1.89221174e-01 -1.99614018e-01 -1.48832977e-01 -9.22218934e-02 2.64493257e-01 2.39423856e-01 -2.26014808e-01 3.30265462e-02 1.36180148e-01 -2.05656186e-01 -5.27431071e-02 1.25507504e-01 3.83627534e-01 7.02076498e-03 1.06146805e-01 -8.49705786e-02 -2.15061590e-01 -7.30469674e-02 -1.78221300e-01 -1.23459868e-01 2.90923953e-01 -1.51341528e-01 -3.14297318e-01 2.99502343e-01 -8.14784318e-02 8.04776475e-02 -3.86644192e-02 6.50315523e-01 -2.04144835e-01 -1.65169224e-01 2.61951536e-02 -3.43575150e-01 -1.80937052e-01 1.68385115e-02 -1.89157188e-01 -5.77770770e-01 3.00202847e-01 -1.94341876e-02 3.04011535e-02 9.65067595e-02 -1.04517870e-01 9.40039847e-03 -1.12261906e-01 1.29067123e-01 -8.22687969e-02 2.21347645e-01 2.27398932e-01 1.33381471e-01 3.30268405e-02 -1.23236537e-01 1.74728781e-01 1.48744822e-01 1.06002629e-01 1.49003088e-01 -1.94236517e-01 -1.54632851e-01 2.17103720e-01 4.17459488e-01 1.01573497e-01 2.43913487e-01 -4.13626492e-01 -2.99634218e-01 4.50580567e-02 2.57140905e-01 -1.74095854e-01 2.47738183e-01 1.58636361e-01 3.31466615e-01 1.67053387e-01 2.53406614e-01 2.25492612e-01 1.51802346e-01 1.91125736e-01 2.76078701e-01 1.27974689e-01 -1.28015324e-01 -1.10627087e-02 9.50337425e-02 1.60002500e-01 4.21295464e-01 -1.77287430e-01 -5.23737557e-02 -3.57963085e-01 -2.47430518e-01 6.16060495e-01 -9.13113952e-02 -5.86446822e-02 -2.27232650e-01 9.02986377e-02 -1.12206660e-01 -1.28303096e-01 -2.53661603e-01 -9.28931609e-02 -6.19661100e-02 1.94070712e-01 -4.54257369e-01 1.05887270e-02 -1.40857607e-01 -2.11399570e-01 -1.29783764e-01 5.34640968e-01 2.60674395e-02 -1.43521383e-01 -2.94838667e-01 5.23166023e-02]
"Insult Box" active "Item #: SCP-735 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-735 is to be stored in a locked cell at Research Site-14, with access granted to Level 2 personnel or higher after having undergone a session of preparatory therapy to interact with the device. Description: SCP-735 was discovered in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ among the personal possessions of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ after said individual's body had been found, having committed suicide. The SCP in question is, in appearance, a small box constructed of a brushed-aluminum-like alloy of unknown composition featuring a slot on one side. Sound is capable of being heard through this slot. When measurements are taken, the object is found to emit low-level magnetic pulses that intensify in the presence of humans. No external power source is required, and indeed the surface of the item contains no input points. Upon contact with skin, SCP-735 will "awaken" and begin discussion with the person who touched it. This discussion is immediately and intensely hostile and personal in nature. The device apparently has one goal, and that is to incite the person in question to rage, as quickly as possible. It does this primarily through profanity and verbal abuse, in a matter seemingly tailored to be the most discomforting to the subject. For example, during the conversation related in Addendum 735a, the vocal patterns of the device were recorded as sounding like an angry, late middle-aged man with a New Jersey accent. SCP-735 is capable of speaking to a subject in any known language and dialect, but has a tendency to use one that will be the most upsetting to the person interacting with it. A notable side effect of interaction with the box is a sharp increase of adrenaline in the subject, far more so than would normally be produced in a similar situation (a control was created by subjecting several D class subjects to two similar devices; one was SCP-735, the other, an identically appearing box with an internal transmitter broadcasting a conversation between an actual human and the subject). In addition, the device seems to possess some kind of psychic ability, as it is able to reference experiences and personality/appearance aspects of the subject in question, despite having no prior contact or, in fact, any kind of visual receptors. The most typical results of interacting with the object are the reduction of the subject to incoherent rage, followed by the attempted immediate destruction of the SCP. While this is occurring, the device will goad the subject on, calling attention to the futility of the actions the subject is taking. Due to the resilience of the alloy, no attempt by a subject to destroy the device has, as yet, been successful. The reasons for this behavior are entirely unknown, though there are a few theories. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the last researcher associated with SCP-735, opined that it may be testing its subject. Another thought is that SCP-735 contains an artificial intelligence that is self-aware, and is attempting to commit "suicide" by seeking assistance. Addendum 735a: The following is the transcript of an interview with SCP-735 by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (touching SCP-735 awake): Hello, 735. 735: Oh, it's you, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, you fat [expletive]. What the [expletive] do you want? Dr.: I'm coming to pick up where Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ left off with you. 735: Ha, that [expletive] [expletive], I hope he's having fun in that cell, the [expletive]. You wanna go join him so you can [expletive] his [expletive]? Dr.: No, I'm here to talk about you, today. 735: Oh yeah, [expletive] for brains? What about? The fact that β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's (Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's coworker) been screwing your wife for the past two months? Dr.: That's not true, and you know it. Anyway, as I said, I'm here to talk about you, not me. 735: Yeah, you're right. Like how you couldn't get it up last night, even though that fat [expletive] (Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's wife) was pounding your [expletive] with a [expletive] while that [expletive] [expletive] [expletive] porn was on, huh? See, I knew you were a [expletive] [expletive]. Dr.: (becoming visibly agitated): Alright, now you know that's really uncalled for. 735: You mean like the stink that's coming off of you? God, no wonder your [expletive] [expletive] wife is fooling around, you look and smell like a [expletive] rotting buffalo, you eunuch. You know she has her tongue in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's [expletive] right now? She loves doing that. She would never do it to you, you hairy, bloated [expletive]. But that's okay, you like getting that from men, anyway. Dr.: Shut up! Shut up! I can't help it! I work in this hole all day just to afford that house she made me buy! I can't help it if I never have time to go to the gym! 735: Ha, you miserable [expletive], you haven't seen your [expletive] in five years anyway, it's too late for the gym. And you're still not making enough money to satisfy that [expletive], that's why β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ bought your [expletive] wife that new blouse last week. Dr.: She said it was on sale! 735: She would. She's a [expletive] liar and you're a pathetic [expletive] moron to believe her. Dr.: YOU PIECE OF [expletive]! YOU TAKE THAT BACK! 735: Like you took back that car you bought because the [expletive] wife made you? Jesus, she's got the whip wrapped around your neck, you [expletive] dog. Dr.: YOU [expletive] PILE OF [expletive], I'LL KILL YOU! Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ proceeds to pick up SCP-735 and slam it against the wall repeatedly, before throwing it on the floor and kicking it across the room. 735: HA HAAAAA! YOU PANSY-[expletive] [expletive], HIT ME! DO IT HARDER, [expletive]! You're a [expletive] weak human, just like the rest of them! I wouldn't want to be one of you dirty [expletive] when the Reavers finally get here! Dr.: (still physically assaulting SCP-735): [expletive] YOU! [expletive] YOU! (At this point in the recording, security personnel enter the room and forcibly remove Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ.) 735: You pussy. (Recording ends.) Addendum 735b: After this incident, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is removed from the 735 project. Addendum 735c: A proposal has been requested by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ to apply SCP-1331 to SCP-735 in attempts at reducing or neutralizing its effect. This proposal is currently being reviewed by the Ethics Committee and Site-14 administration. Β« SCP-734 | SCP-735 | SCP-736 Β»" nan
[ 1.32760972e-01 -4.43992764e-01 -3.20410505e-02 2.03541562e-01 6.40613511e-02 -1.93348885e-01 5.18548071e-01 -1.43729255e-01 -9.56814110e-05 5.46491593e-02 5.52152507e-02 3.63945752e-01 -2.99036831e-01 2.27405071e-01 2.55035222e-01 5.34244776e-02 -1.14610374e-01 2.29504794e-01 -1.94898304e-02 -1.48014188e-01 1.29797116e-01 -3.67779553e-01 -2.09570870e-01 4.84543234e-01 -1.82044744e-01 -1.30140837e-02 3.37526947e-01 1.03211135e-01 -1.11394569e-01 -4.12687421e-01 2.99647123e-01 2.00596243e-01 -1.82624906e-01 4.03605491e-01 -1.11378431e-04 -3.39063674e-01 1.64502412e-01 3.77306938e-02 -2.65611291e-01 -1.65865719e-01 -2.39542767e-01 -1.04070805e-01 -7.22997868e-03 -1.43489495e-01 -1.26240790e-01 -1.59595937e-01 4.35366444e-02 3.97624940e-01 6.92051053e-01 9.46615860e-02 1.21595643e-01 1.58567950e-01 6.94931373e-02 1.23498075e-01 2.92117655e-01 3.49697888e-01 -2.24897563e-01 -1.97630569e-01 1.87942624e-01 3.40550035e-01 3.12812120e-01 -1.66908965e-01 -2.99686104e-01 -9.96239632e-02 5.94709158e-01 -2.70124674e-01 1.32800281e-01 4.36426103e-02 9.07769054e-02 4.26975638e-01 -1.95629373e-02 5.85624436e-03 4.45209667e-02 8.69651441e-04 8.38724151e-03 -3.75612050e-01 1.64676383e-01 1.97351761e-02 -8.02483410e-02 -2.02795677e-02 -2.37301052e-01 2.85339355e-01 -1.79998770e-01 -2.56164465e-03 1.69965342e-01 5.70773184e-02 -2.06691563e-01 3.89422178e-02 2.59448528e-01 -2.84371495e-01 2.00783402e-01 -7.87377581e-02 1.42087132e-01 7.18445107e-02 1.30157560e-01 -9.29299369e-02 6.09932095e-02 -1.98111817e-01 -5.91949373e-03 3.12360376e-02 2.36119226e-01 2.20555186e-01 -9.56224799e-02 2.12752253e-01 2.29570001e-01 -2.20239818e-01 3.01111579e-01 -2.79767513e-01 -4.19734031e-01 6.38934851e-01 2.90059336e-02 3.34151357e-01 -2.29219645e-01 3.29415292e-01 1.61381036e-01 6.39283359e-02 -3.15176666e-01 -1.09150276e-01 -3.30093563e-01 2.43321851e-01 -3.68383735e-01 5.92678636e-02 -3.71762738e-02 1.49194136e-01 4.17480528e-01 -5.08402623e-02 -1.93760186e-01 -2.54286706e-01 -6.88104555e-02 -1.03382520e-01 -1.13577068e-01 1.43108785e-01 -4.89721656e-01 -6.82255030e-02 -2.96688378e-02 3.82699400e-01 -1.20434731e-01 -2.17478186e-01 -3.35398972e-01 4.90579270e-02 4.64368332e-03 -5.50244749e-02 8.46933424e-01 2.80920833e-01 -1.27581835e-01 -9.46799964e-02 -3.02102834e-01 -1.60464272e-01 -6.85693175e-02 3.68751474e-02 4.68621314e-01 -1.43375784e-01 -1.62767574e-01 1.62639424e-01 5.44415161e-05 2.92042047e-01 -8.62467848e-03 3.54980007e-02 -4.56536978e-01 -4.43738908e-01 1.50155783e-01 -6.01923391e-02 -3.32426429e-01 2.97344010e-02 3.92730117e-01 2.04351857e-01 -3.70762467e-01 -9.52401683e-02 -1.30551040e-01 -8.21432471e-02 6.70775697e-02 -2.10544050e-01 -2.62751520e-01 -8.21130425e-02 -1.45678550e-01 2.13805318e-01 -5.84553242e-01 1.84249520e-01 -5.05998611e-01 -3.51955175e-01 -4.92926151e-01 3.25799793e-01 2.50125319e-01 -1.03123851e-01 -2.54910886e-01 -5.62983900e-02 2.50588417e-01 -8.71791765e-02 3.48962635e-01 -3.29784662e-01 -1.90678060e-01 -6.27402663e-01 1.73935607e-01 1.24542333e-01 6.91334950e-03 -2.80537196e-02 1.28365576e-01 2.22427711e-01 1.34574860e-01 4.61719148e-02 -3.03366989e-01 -1.33310363e-01 3.20590794e-01 -1.34901285e-01 -3.16318274e-01 -2.40129232e-01 7.70451054e-02 -1.88273713e-01 5.30782938e-01 2.49181256e-01 -5.64852692e-02 -9.28879082e-02 -2.09326655e-01 3.34243663e-02 -1.93478186e-02 -2.97635943e-01 2.44996712e-01 2.52330333e-01 1.92675754e-01 -4.10226852e-01 -1.58718109e-01 1.11351579e-01 -1.58171073e-01 -1.94984779e-01 -1.13934934e-01 -1.84093162e-01 -2.51857489e-01 -2.55346298e-01 -1.40283659e-01 2.43214190e-01 -6.71762004e-02 -8.92901942e-02 1.08102962e-01 -2.07739577e-01 5.91970235e-02 -2.36370936e-01 -3.32428291e-02 8.82547081e-01 -1.71304658e-01 8.03770032e-03 -8.89850780e-02 1.52008131e-01 3.08427691e-01 1.85177639e-01 -3.13189894e-01 2.78272957e-01 1.89923182e-01 1.24191970e-03 8.99917260e-02 -2.23529235e-01 -3.19711901e-02 -1.59756914e-01 -1.63668901e-01 -4.52383719e-02 -3.86404805e-02 2.62993425e-01 -3.50125700e-01 1.36976600e-01 8.11964646e-02 -7.64175057e-02 -9.55256671e-02 -1.85532682e-02 2.26220965e-01 2.40717139e-02 -1.01776361e-01 -2.20760122e-01 1.41442984e-01 2.28031024e-01 -6.05843775e-03 1.98520347e-01 -1.27925739e-01 -4.77586575e-02 -4.78695799e-03 1.66276656e-02 -3.66131626e-02 1.61847308e-01 -2.51591891e-01 2.78305680e-01 2.93867737e-01 2.48776138e-01 -2.46504441e-01 -2.21830472e-01 -3.85952860e-01 -1.49829358e-01 -1.85822204e-01 1.18628867e-01 2.35156976e-02 -8.25505704e-02 9.71021876e-02 2.89648831e-01 2.92939633e-01 1.75698489e-01 -7.84572735e-02 1.12934455e-01 -1.12376936e-01 5.23784794e-02 -8.24234914e-03 5.88244796e-01 9.23207495e-03 3.31455708e-01 -1.49992630e-01 6.38071820e-02 -6.84589744e-02 3.67890112e-02 -3.65290225e-01 7.11994395e-02 4.12646830e-01 2.69810203e-02 3.02057099e-02 3.23952734e-02 -1.78744033e-01 2.64433444e-01 -4.56607938e-02 1.74724236e-01 2.57758468e-01 -1.55722126e-01 -3.49993825e-01 -6.29824340e-01 -2.13613547e-02 -3.84060591e-01 4.27371971e-02 -9.66336653e-02 -1.55717045e-01 -2.87321478e-01 1.82780977e-02 1.24496952e-01 -9.83029455e-02 -6.14314489e-02 3.61777812e-01 -2.18655065e-01 1.24023020e-01 1.51115552e-01 1.49676964e-01 4.49150622e-01 -1.37499690e-01 2.57159412e-01 -1.55902311e-01 -4.25967604e-01 -2.42438857e-02 1.56736076e-01 -1.65426806e-02 -3.52607757e-01 -3.30403179e-01 3.08879949e-02 1.52003001e-02 -5.02778351e-01 -2.93346435e-01 1.67289659e-01 1.48155645e-01 3.85974199e-02 -5.47902770e-02 3.69137347e-01 9.45451930e-02 -3.42553884e-01 -4.54693362e-02 -3.38000536e-01 1.06990971e-01 4.70927179e-01 1.24316454e-01 -9.90094468e-02 -3.34418327e-01 3.11269164e-01 2.03376845e-01 -4.46034849e-01 -3.00523341e-01 2.27945801e-02 2.79352218e-01 1.51243851e-01 7.58722350e-02 -1.51131675e-01 2.01355442e-01 -5.05643263e-02 -2.77682841e-01 1.28858238e-01 -2.27609545e-01 -1.98905244e-01 -5.48155829e-02 -2.09974602e-01 -3.12056690e-01 -1.02711573e-01 -6.42374381e-02 1.24236159e-01 2.49064974e-02 -5.36040701e-02 -1.16284378e-01 -8.03489145e-03 -6.78696632e-02 -1.21039197e-01 -1.46740958e-01 9.89267305e-02 -8.33011121e-02 -2.63010681e-01 -2.51538366e-01 2.83476830e-01 -8.58217329e-02 2.21250102e-01 3.35885733e-01 -3.40475380e-01 -7.91023746e-02 2.68685609e-01 -3.91908854e-01 3.58755235e-03 -1.27934799e-01 4.30579782e-01 4.48704779e-01 4.37019289e-01 -3.02863300e-01 -7.72842169e-02 -3.34561169e-01 -1.07350193e-01 1.93090171e-01 -2.80363351e-01 -5.50349951e-02 4.72668894e-02 3.10283452e-01 1.02039643e-01 1.89261556e-01 2.23783955e-01 2.34877542e-01 -2.59964138e-01 -2.12873980e-01 3.30013812e-01 2.98133772e-02 -1.53884962e-01 1.56805500e-01 4.13879529e-02 2.63066351e-01 4.12247539e-01 1.52418256e-01 1.39919609e-01 -2.40280345e-01 2.75004134e-02 -4.42701019e-02 3.88896972e-01 4.80663031e-01 9.01054367e-02 2.62405902e-01 4.09190021e-02 -2.33543843e-01 4.50062975e-02 -1.62066206e-01 1.07005596e-01 5.94639003e-01 2.43073910e-01 -5.53204641e-02 -2.48193264e-01 3.13013524e-01 2.50084326e-02 6.46777153e-02 6.45649195e-01 5.01340553e-02 4.23031479e-01 -5.89347184e-02 5.33354618e-02 -8.58279690e-02 -2.83882469e-01 -8.16777870e-02 4.40676838e-01 -6.36653975e-02 4.72378463e-01 2.55350262e-01 1.31147337e+00 4.02251482e-01 3.55360508e-01 -2.82978676e-02 -3.02543223e-01 2.75666658e-02 -2.00429097e-01 9.34388712e-02 7.08934218e-02 4.17443216e-02 6.14457019e-02 -1.99559137e-01 -7.75880963e-02 6.16865158e-01 -1.28542960e-01 -3.28353137e-01 -7.36222327e-01 -2.12694466e-01 1.24392182e-01 5.85092828e-02 5.30375075e-03 -1.43958688e-01 -1.30846396e-01 1.90008685e-01 1.63534522e-01 7.25002512e-02 2.08232626e-01 1.55820504e-01 2.42349654e-02 -2.09239602e-01 -4.14162010e-01 5.23811802e-02 -2.60587037e-01 6.79258257e-02 1.40686244e-01 2.30378509e-02 1.92731664e-01 -1.56710446e-01 -3.24755967e-01 1.33845702e-01 6.88095093e-02 1.60260677e-01 6.22523785e-01 2.49166526e-02 -2.85057612e-02 -2.62662113e-01 6.03229642e-01 1.35788277e-01 -1.10846795e-01 2.90841579e-01 5.88607118e-02 2.67873883e-01 1.34027600e-02 3.74713428e-02 4.91959095e-01 -1.57298535e-01 1.00840434e-01 2.89089531e-01 -1.54605946e-02 -2.34018907e-01 1.84195578e-01 -1.23486273e-01 -3.46255988e-01 9.35590044e-02 1.50632411e-01 4.73772734e-03 3.25835459e-02 3.60809177e-01 -1.59876823e-01 -7.66264694e-03 3.08226645e-01 9.56256501e-03 -1.40875667e-01 -4.74214464e-01 1.32578656e-01 1.68895721e-01 -9.56430808e-02 -3.47673781e-02 -9.97873321e-02 -4.44794834e-01 -4.67416830e-02 4.57270205e-01 2.89909631e-01 -2.07236588e-01 -2.72874087e-01 -5.68419844e-02 3.12344760e-01 -7.32117072e-02 2.43370995e-01 3.39247376e-01 2.03014344e-01 2.30388537e-01 -1.79544777e-01 6.25317469e-02 -3.72636199e-01 1.55927554e-01 -2.74215609e-01 -4.11709361e-02 4.72887695e-01 -3.10637444e-01 2.73569431e-02 -8.46499503e-02 1.85209319e-01 1.14017896e-01 -2.31470838e-01 -1.90886512e-01 -3.91795278e-01 1.54293165e-01 2.50644214e-03 -3.08381438e-01 -3.41001630e-01 1.25393793e-01 2.39145346e-02 1.13786243e-01 2.00915039e-01 2.98730403e-01 1.96301043e-01 1.21196106e-01 -4.60922033e-01 4.47686046e-01 -1.89761028e-01 7.68506026e-04 1.06425196e-01 4.75837111e-01 1.56331062e-01 2.81213019e-02 -2.37219632e-02 2.30082534e-02 1.49034396e-01 4.21283901e-01 1.33537576e-01 1.69272020e-01 2.45034993e-01 -1.58450514e-01 -9.73956138e-02 -6.80358484e-02 -4.84632477e-02 2.74405837e-01 -1.54217929e-01 -3.50951254e-01 -4.83346805e-02 3.32736462e-01 7.52204061e-02 -1.64686292e-01 -3.76961142e-01 -1.02064691e-01 1.78084187e-02 -1.37100257e-02 -1.90557148e-02 -1.79677770e-01 -1.98594436e-01 -9.26899239e-02 3.73843946e-02 -2.07280666e-01 -8.76311399e-03 -5.18079139e-02 -1.82966962e-01 -3.24250281e-01 -8.84657074e-03 1.39604643e-01 4.49577898e-01 2.19434291e-01 4.20982957e-01 2.05622017e-01 2.19788119e-01 5.85942209e-01 1.42978663e-02 1.23648241e-01 4.52486984e-03 -1.60447881e-03 -1.31306320e-01 2.08241597e-01 -1.64283797e-01 2.82449186e-01 -3.08889091e-01 -4.06784788e-02 -1.66458100e-01 -8.17599669e-02 -8.76025856e-03 2.05461285e-03 -5.94205316e-03 -2.38895312e-01 -4.33267981e-01 -4.78229262e-02 9.56102908e-02 2.89002657e-01 -1.50552958e-01 6.82438314e-02 6.26475215e-02 1.81017101e-01 -1.79246128e-01 2.02072099e-01 4.68908310e-01 -2.58836329e-01 -9.82339084e-02 3.65817577e-01 4.05411758e-02 -8.17245916e-02 -1.45357087e-01 4.57101345e-01 -1.46839052e-01 -3.53117824e-01 -3.83706987e-02 -3.15083861e-01 -2.14640409e-01 -1.51629180e-01 2.43343219e-01 2.24230289e-01 1.78618118e-01 1.56072661e-01 2.05286786e-01 -3.03129911e-01 -2.23354071e-01 2.61105001e-01 4.14051682e-01 -8.00995603e-02 -4.44773100e-02 -9.31043029e-02 -3.63761812e-01 -1.12632237e-01 -3.19894105e-02 -2.25789562e-01 6.64667115e-02 1.66654423e-01 -1.73274711e-01 3.38861108e-01 -2.37421110e-01 6.27882630e-02 -2.19454020e-01 5.37127137e-01 1.37727842e-01 1.85763970e-01 1.54685721e-01 3.32122482e-02 -4.43244912e-02 1.31493568e-01 3.13633621e-01 -5.35479784e-01 -1.45592660e-01 3.90781648e-03 3.49252112e-02 4.23356235e-01 -2.77256608e-01 1.20519191e-01 -4.80919361e-01 2.80018765e-02 -1.01313561e-01 1.90810099e-01 5.54134011e-01 -7.42127374e-02 -8.45923647e-02 -9.31662470e-02 -2.17800647e-01 -3.84347662e-02 8.91529098e-02 -2.64720153e-02 -3.97951841e-01 -5.14836311e-02 5.82923830e-01 2.26683229e-01 -1.21087350e-01 5.22798061e-01 -4.53225747e-02 -1.34975255e-01 3.75337936e-02 3.54997575e-01 -5.38143516e-02 1.00943251e-02 1.39548913e-01 4.88703549e-01 8.84059444e-02 6.28862977e-01 9.94117111e-02 1.09163411e-02 1.39727592e-02 -5.14987949e-03 -1.96013376e-01 -1.35923907e-01 -2.34778225e-01 1.31940335e-01 -1.28355520e-02 3.00240248e-01 1.89537928e-01 -1.39442801e-01 2.63292212e-02 -6.48236424e-02 2.02541158e-01 2.71060973e-01 -1.63291261e-01 -2.15211824e-01 6.99747801e-02 -2.43526191e-01 -1.34236932e-01 -3.59842062e-01 -2.17870146e-01 -7.01640174e-02 -2.75731295e-01 -2.65782833e-01 9.66335088e-03 -1.10717513e-01 -2.75567055e-01 -6.71299994e-02 4.17285889e-01 8.74642501e-05 6.41913861e-02 -3.40087354e-01 4.59899604e-02]
"The Iapetus Anomaly" active "Item #: SCP-736 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Direct observation of SCP-736 is to be coordinated through Foundation intelligence assets in the European Space Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, China National Space Administration, and Russian Federal Space Agency. The next mission for close observation of SCP-736 is scheduled for 2022, and is designed to be a clandestine science objective for the European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer project. Ground-based telescope observation of Iapetus and the Saturnian system is to be maintained at all times. All major astrophysics research centers and universities are to be monitored by the Foundation Office of Celestial Anomalies for awareness of SCP-736. During SCP-736 events, internet traffic is to be monitored for reports of irregularities in Iapetus' orbit. In cases where non-Foundation researchers have identified SCP-736, amnestics and information suppression protocols are authorized to prevent widespread knowledge in the scientific community. Description: SCP-736 is an anomaly affecting the Saturnian moon Iapetus. For brief periods generally lasting several days, Iapetus' orbit is spontaneously altered by measures of eccentricity, orbital period, or both. The orbit of Iapetus returns to its documented state after these spontaneous changes. Models of temporary orbits almost entirely consist of Iapetus undergoing orbital decay, and in most scenarios is projected to collide with Saturn (and, depending on the projection, other Saturnian moons) at some point within the next 150-300 years. These projected orbits are all in direct violation of mathematical models and both classical and relativistic physical principles, which do not predict a decay in the orbit of Iapetus due to tidal effects or gravitational radiation. Additionally, changes in Iapetus' eccentricity and orbital period do not proceed in a constant manner. Instead, these changes happen at different rates and at relatively large intervals. Since analysis of SCP-736 began in 2007, researchers have recorded 159 variations in the rate of Iapetus' orbital decay. Statistical analysis of trends in the changes to SCP-736 and the various results of computer modeling of Iapetus' orbit has revealed that changes in its orbital decay do not occur randomly. Instead, variances have occured in groups, centered around what appears to be a central set of numerical values and a series of calibrations to achieve them. To date, 8 discrete orbits have been observed for Iapetus. SCP-736 is believed to be directed by an intelligent entity. On September 10, 2007, during the Cassini-Huygens flyby of Iapetus, the spacecraft was contacted by a then-unknown source of radio transmissions. Telemetry analysis revealed the source to be located on the surface of Iapetus. Foundation assets within NASA immediately seized information transmitted from the source and commenced an information suppression campaign. Approximately 8.2 terabytes of data were transmitted from the surface of Iapetus in a time period of 12 seconds. Analysis of the data was inconclusive, as most of it seemed to be random configurations of number values represented by a series of repetitive tones. However, the transmission has served as evidence of a sapient, technologically advanced presence on Iapetus. All communication attempts by Foundation staff have thus far been unreciprocated. Research Log 736-4: List of Iapetus Orbital Decay Simulations Addendum 736-1: SCP-736 reclassified to Keter effective 02/03/2012. - O5-4 Β« SCP-735 | SCP-736 | SCP-737 Β»" "Image of Iapetus obtained by Cassini-Huygens spacecraft"
[ 1.54379696e-01 -2.62251943e-01 -3.82231548e-02 3.20707530e-01 1.64256752e-01 -2.69538194e-01 1.32330889e-02 7.41773769e-02 2.15555266e-01 3.86717826e-01 2.71310806e-01 -1.26316277e-02 4.03423868e-02 -3.34477752e-01 -1.33367300e-01 1.63347870e-01 2.31374517e-01 2.03525603e-01 3.73139381e-01 1.47241568e-02 -4.13937658e-01 -1.69560418e-01 1.84526265e-01 -9.84115601e-02 -2.29179170e-02 1.63478330e-01 -5.00171408e-02 9.93545819e-03 -1.00655720e-01 -6.51753247e-01 2.17273667e-01 2.22982198e-01 3.84431109e-02 5.61070502e-01 -1.17652919e-04 -1.85291260e-01 1.93616644e-01 2.25602686e-01 1.14188910e-01 8.99088025e-01 -6.13568783e-01 1.23230785e-01 3.20148528e-01 -5.93378603e-01 7.07698911e-02 3.52618277e-01 -2.59455681e-01 -2.10039139e-01 3.79020005e-01 2.11872265e-01 1.31677717e-01 3.88026953e-01 -6.85556885e-03 -3.54013622e-01 -1.34447977e-01 8.28185752e-02 1.30514830e-01 1.42718345e-01 -1.51308298e-01 6.61581680e-02 -2.60644108e-02 -1.94758810e-02 -2.37110984e-02 7.08636595e-04 -3.22797149e-02 -9.81211588e-02 3.99830341e-01 -1.27445877e-01 3.47687125e-01 -7.71640092e-02 -3.70473862e-02 -3.54540721e-02 -2.40712315e-01 1.83859020e-01 1.93217043e-02 -4.15574796e-02 1.50205731e-01 3.64613533e-02 4.23888445e-01 -7.74627998e-02 3.13432693e-01 3.95925909e-01 -3.64007205e-01 -8.41622427e-02 -1.83862388e-01 -3.03769652e-02 1.21583985e-02 1.73069164e-01 -6.58842549e-03 3.20807099e-02 -3.84349704e-01 3.04782130e-02 2.23804921e-01 2.19711110e-01 -1.48118781e-02 -2.12260857e-01 3.04620229e-02 -1.75617144e-01 3.36869992e-02 -9.15117636e-02 2.42317691e-01 3.18854228e-02 2.88643390e-01 1.16547577e-01 2.56071121e-01 -2.09088996e-01 9.24679339e-02 -2.55442590e-01 1.61043301e-01 5.98685086e-01 -1.90809444e-01 2.60262936e-01 -6.90994561e-02 1.55313641e-01 1.39974177e-01 -1.26644615e-02 1.97814241e-01 -3.89482260e-01 -3.15714687e-01 2.32222289e-01 -3.11064631e-01 2.42880374e-01 -9.65205953e-02 -2.33888209e-01 2.23019477e-02 2.07092315e-01 5.59600480e-02 -5.87962270e-02 -2.17029810e-01 9.51156840e-02 -1.80998430e-01 6.16883039e-02 -1.74801096e-01 -1.07651167e-01 1.05782859e-01 -1.25135958e-01 -3.66749018e-01 -6.28838763e-02 -1.44334733e-01 -6.18357137e-02 -1.16464853e-01 -1.81305677e-01 1.93805084e-01 4.90112156e-01 -3.29441309e-01 1.94481388e-01 -2.35844031e-01 1.34211898e-01 -1.46826848e-01 -2.45051980e-02 5.13500512e-01 5.74917197e-02 -5.16835265e-02 2.53232181e-01 -6.00930810e-01 4.50733267e-02 4.55467671e-01 -1.77878030e-02 -7.46989176e-02 -1.85050413e-01 3.12743425e-01 -4.38417168e-03 -5.41642457e-02 -1.60681173e-01 4.64414448e-01 7.57316113e-01 1.76005021e-01 -2.61965334e-01 -2.37903282e-01 -1.37309343e-01 1.69004008e-01 1.41535521e-01 2.18112797e-01 -7.44066611e-02 -5.27759269e-02 -1.12174213e-01 -9.19134974e-01 3.83921117e-01 -3.77923161e-01 -6.55230820e-01 -2.14367937e-02 1.85205251e-01 3.84391040e-01 1.07062519e-01 -1.84213698e-01 -5.64877279e-02 -3.49398047e-01 6.39240593e-02 1.06977284e-01 -1.96411950e-03 -1.87763020e-01 -4.20322567e-01 2.47992873e-01 4.23278287e-02 2.28898097e-02 -2.18054011e-01 3.71692806e-01 1.42427608e-01 -5.48427477e-02 2.88500965e-01 -9.15665627e-02 5.49108498e-02 6.42040670e-01 -3.07157695e-01 1.62029922e-01 -2.97844529e-01 9.83814448e-02 2.35050082e-01 3.00597548e-01 3.47768337e-01 6.02589361e-03 -1.35492280e-01 -2.07599103e-01 1.28766317e-02 -2.33052775e-01 -5.54042757e-01 1.37753189e-01 2.28017643e-02 1.67987764e-01 4.00411896e-02 -2.80444294e-01 -4.36289728e-01 2.45650858e-02 -9.19347256e-02 -3.63726884e-01 1.62810504e-01 2.65380945e-02 -2.35453680e-01 -2.36142114e-01 2.57825106e-01 1.94318146e-01 5.81803694e-02 -7.10079372e-02 -5.81957139e-02 1.21251673e-01 2.25264821e-02 2.71511346e-01 9.86523211e-01 1.55344486e-01 -8.02729577e-02 -1.03789411e-01 4.69179660e-01 2.04000175e-01 -7.18926415e-02 -4.20497591e-03 3.20371509e-01 2.63838977e-01 1.47645533e-01 1.15276434e-01 -1.30665198e-01 2.39194751e-01 -2.85322636e-01 -1.11734718e-01 -2.75490731e-01 1.98655009e-01 3.33599567e-01 -1.52044922e-01 1.28998905e-01 -1.72331527e-01 2.28847712e-01 1.47264495e-01 1.24872960e-01 -1.31453440e-01 2.10150868e-01 -4.27980423e-02 1.29513666e-01 -4.13557142e-02 3.21900621e-02 -8.66134316e-02 -2.70050801e-02 -1.85438454e-01 -2.03812141e-02 5.21125644e-02 -1.34703116e-02 -1.18538663e-02 3.87183845e-01 3.41079272e-02 2.22151905e-01 2.53232092e-01 4.81480360e-01 -1.64167300e-01 -5.34238994e-01 -4.34448987e-01 -5.05497232e-02 -2.07342394e-02 5.44626601e-02 8.97630900e-02 -1.71804592e-01 -3.34497452e-01 7.47168763e-03 -1.20263293e-01 -8.92907828e-02 9.89887044e-02 -4.99293022e-02 -5.01990259e-01 -4.95697744e-02 -1.81098402e-01 6.10608399e-01 -3.41027305e-02 2.50753820e-01 -3.40816379e-01 -1.48819074e-01 1.42039418e-01 -5.88341877e-02 -1.90381870e-01 6.29984820e-03 3.54512483e-01 -3.65471095e-02 1.75820425e-01 -5.27959391e-02 -5.64273715e-01 5.21963537e-02 2.15952367e-01 6.33148253e-02 7.11211562e-02 -3.15235227e-01 2.82396734e-01 -2.44080722e-01 2.81183630e-01 -7.08338499e-01 -6.73583671e-02 1.68036222e-01 -1.13003906e-02 -1.67245314e-01 -6.63627237e-02 -5.08447811e-02 -7.81467706e-02 -2.10732117e-01 1.90262526e-01 -1.25545815e-01 1.65562499e-02 -2.94423159e-02 2.12646499e-02 1.67023420e-01 -1.72347024e-01 -5.73357418e-02 1.14741556e-01 2.34343052e-01 -1.85361728e-01 1.02727316e-01 -6.00069836e-02 8.66138488e-02 -3.06482702e-01 6.22755960e-02 -4.56240624e-02 -1.50668004e-03 -2.26603702e-01 -2.80360848e-01 1.65651947e-01 -1.71487048e-01 -8.41011181e-02 2.30291203e-01 -2.94412598e-02 -1.93945289e-01 -2.43393164e-02 -2.03992099e-01 2.27332279e-01 5.03411651e-01 -8.54554921e-02 -3.49113166e-01 1.20724216e-02 -1.10473186e-01 1.67619120e-02 1.32495448e-01 -3.77759308e-01 -1.63318157e-01 1.51321858e-01 -2.20393866e-01 9.46424156e-02 -1.52624369e-01 1.12351239e-01 3.04272436e-02 -7.19234109e-01 2.15357319e-01 -9.18378010e-02 1.57372490e-01 1.38604596e-01 5.82079403e-02 -8.47721919e-02 -1.91600323e-01 -2.14532942e-01 7.25304127e-01 4.12974864e-01 -3.05071861e-01 -3.89340788e-01 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2.32549444e-01 1.27130970e-01 -2.17396706e-01 7.80306906e-02 -1.05236128e-01 -3.15708786e-01 -4.86671366e-02 5.17120324e-02 4.85201250e-04 1.45100117e-01 2.80577749e-01 9.05233145e-01 3.87279838e-01 1.16053537e-01 1.84572205e-01 -3.39507878e-01 -2.05141425e-01 5.29904485e-01 8.71122405e-02 -4.05265719e-01 9.18275267e-02 9.94092599e-02 -9.07083750e-02 2.05220163e-01 -1.35260522e-01 -4.97438982e-02 -2.31508985e-01 -2.42877260e-01 1.02238618e-01 5.12571260e-02 2.88405448e-01 1.05102681e-01 -7.14551359e-02 -9.15382504e-02 1.17204256e-01 -1.79808870e-01 6.76785260e-02 1.63768739e-01 -5.25877699e-02 3.10189813e-01 -4.36421372e-02 -2.52536595e-01 1.81206036e-02 -3.66466284e-01 1.46780685e-01 2.22778857e-01 1.13476388e-01 1.30338922e-01 -6.08154118e-01 -2.59823322e-01 -3.49807590e-02 1.21848136e-01 2.12419078e-01 1.95715219e-01 -2.95463771e-01 -4.03424213e-03 1.30257728e-02 1.97488308e-01 -3.43896747e-02 -1.21285900e-01 -7.81660900e-03 -5.65651357e-02 5.57807200e-02 1.21908881e-01 2.24949092e-01 2.15149388e-01 8.43866467e-02 2.80354232e-01 6.03460111e-02 -3.76125306e-01 -1.41756549e-01 1.44397542e-01 1.82942316e-01 -1.99690573e-02 1.99609756e-01 -2.81765103e-01 -3.73188615e-01 -2.22111478e-01 5.29869318e-01 4.52222154e-02 -2.36371294e-01 8.49987790e-02 -1.15221672e-01 2.66089756e-02 -2.24974781e-01 -8.63862112e-02 -1.26389131e-01 -3.79469514e-01 1.63688868e-01 -3.38142514e-01 -2.44583055e-01 2.02992529e-01 -1.18937358e-01 2.12842941e-01 -5.23402035e-01 -4.94644254e-01 -3.12929064e-01 2.22150549e-01 -6.71359971e-02 2.91556120e-01 2.89943665e-01 -4.97289672e-02 -1.18498541e-01 -2.49541536e-01 -2.34453306e-01 -2.89286822e-01 -9.99547094e-02 -8.23833868e-02 -1.16797805e-01 -3.70110422e-02 -2.44126752e-01 8.67774785e-02 -3.59284610e-01 9.46336985e-02 1.43253461e-01 9.28702578e-02 -1.21004947e-01 -4.08832312e-01 1.33497670e-01 -1.83184519e-01 3.18702869e-03 -1.11127406e-01 8.00035596e-02 2.28295892e-01 1.51805371e-01 1.02380522e-01 1.35004893e-01 1.28864318e-01 2.14582086e-02 -2.16979161e-01 3.17332298e-01 9.83816907e-02 1.41593382e-01 1.25354856e-01 1.28420398e-01 3.10415298e-01 2.87482589e-02 -2.81491011e-01 -1.43688604e-01 3.33209127e-01 3.10803920e-01 -3.61298621e-01 6.64105043e-02 -4.33829911e-02 3.08492750e-01 -4.06177863e-02 3.36195052e-01 -9.83715579e-02 3.82460058e-01 -2.57327259e-01 -3.27999473e-01 2.71271518e-03 2.36270249e-01 -5.98810278e-02 7.55068809e-02 -2.47552976e-01 6.94157407e-02 1.34198636e-01 2.17176661e-01 2.27273643e-01 -1.27401188e-01 1.03907101e-01 2.50435591e-01 6.13551915e-01 -6.55126665e-03 1.45912305e-01 -1.71047837e-01 2.00803019e-02 -1.02095995e-02 4.80722040e-02 1.92834452e-01 5.30078053e-01 1.26542076e-01 2.70684004e-01 2.75409162e-01 5.22175848e-01 8.98598731e-02 2.46994272e-01 2.33394027e-01 -4.14508313e-01 -1.82377741e-01 -1.46972463e-01 1.79531351e-01 1.72614098e-01 2.51095742e-01 -6.30537987e-01 3.01512685e-02 -2.36758038e-01 -4.65893179e-01 2.35979185e-01 3.50904047e-01 -2.84907639e-01 -2.57137362e-02 -1.78357318e-01 -9.32831615e-02 1.40225571e-02 3.54116559e-01 4.59590077e-01 -7.01739118e-02 -1.11309372e-01 -1.47878677e-01 -1.24703638e-01 8.76779947e-03 6.15177035e-01 -2.32636556e-01 -9.73185748e-02 6.74173713e-01 -1.97067007e-01 -1.13121355e-02 1.35811165e-01 3.00060630e-01 5.90290725e-02 -3.86149168e-01 3.17720585e-02 3.80127355e-02 -4.06447910e-02 -8.77930224e-03 2.12177392e-02 -8.94768313e-02 2.29549669e-02 -2.12146625e-01 1.42522991e-01 -2.60246456e-01 -2.23269045e-01 6.39817491e-03 6.40483141e-01 1.18015371e-01 -8.57198089e-02 -1.75804421e-01 1.73740804e-01 3.22250605e-01 -4.63074669e-02 -3.35202217e-01 -5.53018451e-01 -1.96536928e-02 -7.36667886e-02 -3.47296000e-02 1.93314608e-02 6.89534023e-02 -1.92656189e-01 4.91047233e-01 9.52664688e-02 8.25361982e-02 1.66761726e-02 3.66633870e-02 -2.77341127e-01 1.32983103e-01 2.67501473e-01 -3.78883481e-01 3.70079949e-02 -9.86840017e-03 -3.93676072e-01 -5.74799208e-03 2.40765885e-01 -1.12398751e-01 -5.48129305e-02 -2.89158106e-01 -4.26131368e-01 9.96113420e-02 3.28748226e-01 -1.06137551e-01 8.46342817e-02 -4.26126570e-02 1.57708019e-01 -3.35374951e-01 1.02393545e-01 1.34821072e-01 -6.16818368e-01 4.25608233e-02 3.46236855e-01 1.91274341e-02 1.81042328e-01 3.05712193e-01 -2.58564740e-01 -1.71297550e-01 -1.28372788e-01 -2.07801461e-01 -1.69128552e-01 2.90984422e-01 -2.07426667e-01 2.55886257e-01 3.76691639e-01 2.50581026e-01 6.46927133e-02 6.86037019e-02 -1.99338809e-01 1.22115240e-01 -7.26804733e-02 2.88894147e-01 4.66593131e-02 1.00001961e-01 8.49443227e-02 3.51602525e-01 1.11032322e-01 -1.35521024e-01 -1.76952288e-01 -2.30001330e-01 4.00447369e-01 -2.10041866e-01 -1.31314412e-01 -1.25878647e-01 1.58845380e-01 -3.20909530e-01 1.88774273e-01 -3.57350767e-01 -2.59161562e-01 -7.63609707e-02 -1.12055866e-02 -3.34983140e-01 1.21407896e-01 -1.55340984e-01 -4.05170411e-01 1.04206450e-01 2.41603076e-01 2.00478151e-01 1.00867338e-01 8.40549171e-02 -9.52902213e-02]
"Hungry Train" active "Item #: SCP-737 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-737 is to be kept in a locked copper safe welded to the wall in Storage Unit β–ˆβ–ˆ at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. While in its safe, SCP-737 is to be placed on its side in order to prevent a containment breach. In the event of a containment breach, staff are to attempt to incapacitate SCP-737 without touching or destroying its front carriage. SCP-737 is to be provided with three (3) cm3 of wood every day via a robotic arm. Any additional carriages produced by SCP-737 are to be removed from the main body and deposited back in the safe to restrict SCP-737's movements. Description: The primary aspect of SCP-737 is the front carriage of a wooden toy train approximately three (3) five (5) centimeters tall, two (2) four (4) centimeters thick and when without carriages, four (4) six (6) centimeters long. X-ray analysis has revealed that the wooden portion of SCP-737 is an outer shell, protecting a small brain and biological tissue that make up its actual body. SCP-737 is able to independently engage in locomotion, and does so constantly when given the opportunity. When SCP-737 reaches an obstacle, it will, through a process as of yet unknown, absorb the material directly in front of it and usually incorporate it into itself in the form of a wooden train carriage. This process typically takes five to twenty seconds, depending on the density of the material, and will leave a 'tunnel' in the object for SCP-737 to continue moving through. SCP-737 has demonstrated the ability to absorb most materials, including wood, metal, plastic, [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-737 seems unable to use some substances to increase its mass, and will instead convert it into a gas, which is then released from its 'chimney'. SCP-737 appears unwilling to absorb copper and its own removed segments. SCP-737 is predatory, and will favor living targets over inanimate objects. SCP-737 is likely vulnerable to damage, as the wood that comprises its outer shell shows no anomalous properties. Due to this, great care must be taken when handling SCP-737. As the chances of SCP-737 being a natural organism are extremely low, any clues as to its origin are to be reported immediately. History: SCP-737 was first discovered by the Foundation after a series of child disappearances in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ came to their attention when the police received testimony of 'a toy train' fleeing from the crime scenes. Mobile Task Force Mu-9 "Toybreakers" were sent in to investigate the matter, and despite losing β–ˆ of their group, were able to successfully retrieve SCP-737. Addendum 737-1: SCP-737's size has recently increased dramatically. If SCP-737 continues to grow at this rate, we may have to reconsider the containment procedures. - Dr. Honey Addendum 737-2: At approximately β–ˆβ–ˆ:β–ˆβ–ˆ on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, a containment breach of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ caused SCP-737's regular feeding time to be missed. Twenty minutes after the containment breach, SCP-737 began slowly absorbing the copper in its safe at a rate of 1 cm/hour, releasing a toxic and opaque gas from its 'chimney'. SCP-737 was quickly brought under control by the timely actions of Research Assistant β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who described the gas as 'foul'. It now appears that although SCP-737 is unwilling to absorb copper, it does have the capacity to do so. Β« SCP-736 | SCP-737 | SCP-738 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-737" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Source: pxhere License: CC0 Title: N/A Author: N/A Release year: 2017 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-737 shortly after feeding."
[ 2.35207006e-01 -4.38930690e-01 -1.26934811e-01 7.41078481e-02 4.69262183e-01 1.42645731e-03 8.30605850e-02 9.12337527e-02 -4.45033878e-01 -7.66516104e-02 -3.77681442e-02 3.33373010e-01 -4.10086662e-01 -1.58289149e-01 4.87331212e-01 -1.66457176e-01 3.84757310e-01 -1.48222879e-01 9.59886089e-02 -1.58731833e-01 -1.74623832e-01 -1.48511112e-01 -7.96513110e-02 1.41814858e-01 -6.06937766e-01 4.45915572e-02 -4.92948517e-02 3.13219987e-02 -2.90364958e-02 -3.56889218e-01 4.65278536e-01 3.05684388e-01 1.63421944e-01 9.03921366e-01 -1.09656707e-04 -6.22283854e-02 -1.75205037e-01 1.14112228e-01 7.89434612e-02 -5.18261269e-02 -1.87864810e-01 -2.13784918e-01 -8.11410844e-02 -1.31266803e-01 -1.71994463e-01 -1.64708689e-01 4.25478488e-01 5.16711891e-01 3.73846859e-01 3.38013679e-01 1.89316466e-01 -3.30353409e-01 -4.00501527e-02 -3.39014083e-02 5.29119432e-01 -4.22109514e-02 -2.60690033e-01 2.26835445e-01 3.00429612e-01 -6.10410832e-02 -6.27096966e-02 -1.52259991e-02 6.80904835e-02 -3.26182127e-01 3.70848686e-01 -5.96207790e-02 2.27928877e-01 -2.20991910e-01 -2.63182521e-02 4.00231153e-01 -2.69506685e-02 -1.25193849e-01 1.01527698e-01 -3.09482366e-01 -1.13783412e-01 -2.97037423e-01 2.01457024e-01 3.16792101e-01 2.43791230e-02 4.66748923e-02 -3.05726051e-01 2.06919804e-01 -3.10733020e-01 1.16329230e-01 5.24021722e-02 1.98933557e-01 -8.67531672e-02 -7.12443143e-02 4.79679406e-01 5.49325086e-02 -1.18927412e-01 -1.24588989e-01 8.53010714e-02 8.79894942e-02 -1.66514982e-02 -3.05012669e-02 4.07273136e-03 7.21115693e-02 1.75456077e-01 2.38347903e-01 1.00043640e-01 7.87221640e-02 -2.37092197e-01 2.64732301e-01 8.12574103e-02 9.76911038e-02 -5.89948297e-01 3.22280787e-02 -4.85360086e-01 6.61192298e-01 -4.08685595e-01 1.82785958e-01 -2.90490150e-01 2.25364342e-01 1.31952211e-01 -1.93505064e-02 1.28986254e-01 1.23495430e-01 -1.57045364e-01 1.26029477e-01 -2.56046206e-01 1.80123821e-01 5.78237474e-02 2.68601298e-01 -7.16105253e-02 3.41738969e-01 -1.74689487e-01 -1.29338533e-01 1.01921804e-01 3.20250005e-01 -1.70524940e-01 2.06369892e-01 -5.45837820e-01 -1.77199051e-01 -2.81337082e-01 3.43319625e-01 -7.32376892e-03 -2.67569005e-01 -2.53849477e-01 -1.10990040e-01 1.65860072e-01 -3.91466349e-01 4.79419887e-01 2.52167344e-01 -5.45620441e-01 -3.31440747e-01 -1.27036139e-01 -8.91265571e-02 -1.66050881e-01 2.26509850e-03 1.43226683e-01 -2.72082984e-01 -3.82967480e-02 1.78574875e-01 -2.78743356e-01 -1.32224798e-01 3.37610483e-01 3.39869291e-01 -8.36756751e-02 7.65717626e-02 4.12493646e-01 1.04520798e-01 -5.67708135e-01 -1.82402223e-01 1.23452291e-01 3.19481164e-01 -2.29919958e-03 -5.90683334e-02 3.37600142e-01 -2.39755958e-01 1.47724122e-01 2.45181732e-02 -6.86670169e-02 2.88478464e-01 -8.92103165e-02 -1.96896166e-01 -2.91915148e-01 4.53628041e-02 -3.33091199e-01 -1.37442097e-01 -4.41899776e-01 6.00402534e-01 1.91554889e-01 1.68141842e-01 -4.39849585e-01 -3.23043913e-02 3.32554102e-01 1.52798384e-01 -1.36462703e-01 -8.60263780e-02 -1.58653989e-01 -6.00434780e-01 4.20812517e-01 1.74066216e-01 2.73723274e-01 3.06603573e-02 -1.60762861e-01 4.76279594e-02 3.94186080e-01 3.86714876e-01 -2.65407920e-01 9.80434194e-02 5.95950484e-01 -5.32935373e-03 -1.52835593e-01 -3.02450806e-01 -1.66554913e-01 -9.26541910e-03 5.53892970e-01 2.58187950e-01 2.33084917e-01 -8.84053260e-02 -2.34110951e-01 -1.70603357e-02 -2.81119555e-01 -2.72169620e-01 2.76011646e-01 -2.95408014e-02 9.82042551e-02 -1.75069734e-01 -2.43544668e-01 1.20537400e-01 -7.12859705e-02 -2.83452831e-02 -1.02932051e-01 1.40446201e-01 4.96936310e-03 1.67424187e-01 -3.45632225e-01 1.16920814e-01 1.05951995e-01 -5.65588512e-02 1.09326549e-01 1.40811160e-01 -3.04750986e-02 8.42020363e-02 9.24213976e-02 9.32162702e-01 -7.40261227e-02 3.70770581e-02 -2.68519849e-01 2.12325193e-02 2.66768008e-01 2.45108157e-02 -2.77899712e-01 -3.39406580e-02 2.62859374e-01 1.40964121e-01 1.12914667e-01 -2.44090423e-01 -9.95848477e-02 -3.17623317e-01 -1.00737549e-02 1.37109801e-01 1.12575628e-01 -7.61303306e-02 -1.65426105e-01 3.38046193e-01 -4.70788330e-02 1.70155600e-01 1.71215788e-01 9.07606259e-02 6.50446936e-02 -7.93519318e-02 -6.43530802e-04 -9.12428349e-02 9.70838070e-02 6.49541795e-01 -6.72587007e-02 1.81575805e-01 1.68202490e-01 1.59479529e-01 5.63535541e-02 -1.63710222e-01 2.59383791e-03 2.34507069e-01 6.83558702e-01 3.88829261e-02 1.19918145e-01 2.39640370e-01 -2.56069899e-01 -2.07255647e-01 5.49402460e-02 6.01465963e-02 6.17637299e-03 1.01998657e-01 -1.12473659e-01 6.12042248e-02 -2.84310728e-01 4.10810143e-01 3.24455947e-02 -6.35638461e-02 3.24651673e-02 6.59094974e-02 -8.46244544e-02 1.35893241e-01 -6.43262386e-01 2.48817325e-01 -3.66091967e-01 -6.32033423e-02 -1.63566083e-01 -1.60801008e-01 -1.55869767e-01 1.88781396e-01 2.88137328e-02 5.31270243e-02 4.71783698e-01 -9.48488414e-02 -1.12869449e-01 2.30909020e-01 -3.38775247e-01 2.70357341e-01 1.09556206e-02 -1.11839138e-01 1.29374787e-01 -3.18033606e-01 -2.65658796e-01 -1.47882756e-02 1.18063591e-01 -4.25407141e-01 1.89792350e-01 -3.64815369e-02 -8.93025920e-02 -1.78718060e-01 -5.66657409e-02 1.63698584e-01 -7.63094947e-02 -4.30696718e-02 5.25698185e-01 -1.31041229e-01 2.64285784e-02 4.77739692e-01 2.87399024e-01 2.16911763e-01 -2.30164185e-01 6.61820099e-02 -6.26850054e-02 -7.25006402e-01 4.86446880e-02 1.68815911e-01 -5.54334782e-02 -1.17557347e-01 -4.40437853e-01 -3.33511382e-01 1.50697276e-01 -3.90217960e-01 -2.02457368e-01 -2.17339277e-01 -6.21771775e-02 2.23117590e-01 -2.00810298e-01 7.61883780e-02 -1.53752238e-01 -1.96294636e-01 -1.22888729e-01 -6.63801655e-02 3.01166981e-01 7.81457275e-02 5.74921429e-01 -1.23924181e-01 1.19104609e-01 4.98609722e-01 4.24894363e-01 -2.65396714e-01 -2.31478497e-01 1.61192834e-01 -2.91403439e-02 3.06994200e-01 3.11776787e-01 -3.65463793e-01 1.77457124e-01 -1.71955243e-01 -4.88444090e-01 1.54631570e-01 -5.34899123e-02 4.29485552e-02 1.06745623e-01 1.09091029e-01 -1.47450879e-01 -1.67297989e-01 3.72637779e-01 3.87805015e-01 1.41814828e-01 7.76502714e-02 -3.60409766e-01 4.60013598e-02 -2.89577812e-01 -1.27832159e-01 3.06664348e-01 2.22215485e-02 -5.26813976e-02 -4.45251673e-01 -2.08225325e-01 -3.60137075e-01 -1.82048380e-01 1.84318066e-01 1.49467319e-01 -5.32490239e-02 -1.51976109e-01 2.27489561e-01 -3.36718410e-01 5.10553241e-01 1.31964803e-01 1.86147392e-01 3.35857630e-01 1.35680333e-01 3.83111268e-01 -1.32879227e-01 -2.68484324e-01 -4.18493757e-03 5.25169194e-01 -1.41195774e-01 -6.18110821e-02 -4.21057165e-01 -1.15010664e-02 -1.28028899e-01 -5.13161952e-03 1.10802993e-01 -2.50281155e-01 -3.25922966e-01 -5.30070402e-02 2.16093898e-01 3.00340891e-01 -7.99888968e-02 -2.22367212e-01 -2.18335152e-01 1.41704371e-02 4.32552934e-01 2.52204865e-01 -2.19326928e-01 -5.53743951e-02 3.24101746e-01 8.18655454e-03 -2.30101824e-01 2.17772186e-01 4.18395579e-01 4.48852301e-01 -2.79072434e-01 -1.10724539e-01 -5.47763780e-02 2.06685647e-01 2.16150507e-01 6.04113996e-01 6.67674020e-02 2.53798924e-02 5.93522973e-02 3.14568430e-01 2.70118881e-02 3.97276878e-02 3.20961803e-01 -8.43866318e-02 1.05091408e-02 -3.14701706e-01 3.18518937e-01 -1.47120953e-01 -2.27575406e-01 -6.58432603e-01 -1.22895151e-01 -2.42473722e-01 -1.90949962e-01 3.13164920e-01 1.11311340e+00 -7.88422376e-02 2.38825589e-01 2.39086792e-01 -4.22557220e-02 2.47889552e-02 -6.66886926e-01 1.96796358e-01 -3.09488326e-01 -3.67478162e-01 -4.70007397e-02 -9.40143615e-02 -1.83406577e-01 2.85233170e-01 -3.35765779e-02 -1.86370581e-01 7.44342618e-03 4.01968807e-01 1.75330952e-01 1.47655815e-01 1.32780969e-01 4.81167398e-02 -2.26174340e-01 2.38740444e-01 1.37206927e-01 -9.81027959e-04 -5.38849831e-02 -6.23931363e-02 -6.63631856e-02 1.16595685e-01 -5.73418625e-02 2.73063015e-02 -3.54989767e-01 1.10576645e-01 1.27320066e-01 -1.49713457e-01 -8.13438445e-02 -1.93245322e-01 -1.99384108e-01 -3.78414184e-01 -6.24235794e-02 3.27420592e-01 5.85122168e-01 -1.70393586e-01 -3.85512761e-03 -2.25765798e-02 4.94369596e-01 3.86556350e-02 8.21629316e-02 1.28688216e-01 -6.65731207e-02 7.22086057e-02 9.61772501e-02 -3.99532616e-02 4.75803345e-01 -2.00249150e-01 -9.08268392e-02 7.95941278e-02 -1.24796383e-01 -8.20850208e-02 2.01638535e-01 -2.75555179e-02 -1.30402848e-01 1.70536786e-02 1.72366425e-01 -1.79845080e-01 8.18777308e-02 -7.83426967e-03 3.05323899e-01 7.84199499e-03 1.80062518e-01 9.00910199e-02 1.03288414e-02 -3.48336875e-01 3.09114903e-01 1.39743626e-01 -2.80950993e-01 6.71678558e-02 1.28838895e-02 -2.03304499e-01 -7.35360803e-03 4.89730388e-03 1.79032490e-01 -4.38241363e-01 4.88257371e-02 -1.45940855e-01 -1.99647427e-01 1.84464172e-01 8.92791674e-02 4.30830270e-01 -3.18733513e-01 2.08348721e-01 2.97912866e-01 9.98240635e-02 -3.83075446e-01 9.73532349e-02 -4.04067516e-01 -4.11316007e-02 -9.49196070e-02 -1.51818663e-01 -1.67932380e-02 -1.13878280e-01 8.15536454e-02 2.09877789e-01 -2.95691043e-01 -3.15146208e-01 -2.83506870e-01 1.15533218e-01 4.88326736e-02 -2.19867632e-01 -2.46903688e-01 1.26405180e-01 -7.22248033e-02 8.51458088e-02 -1.81038454e-01 2.99443230e-02 2.82658786e-01 1.94938645e-01 7.69024789e-02 2.49780506e-01 -9.19576734e-03 -1.40129671e-01 -4.50571403e-02 3.03556919e-01 2.57240385e-01 -2.28591517e-01 -1.61530286e-01 4.87780720e-02 2.01279402e-01 1.18284263e-01 1.98924169e-01 2.02783987e-01 1.56272694e-01 -1.28417701e-01 -1.67419374e-01 1.08209401e-02 -3.25199634e-01 4.31521297e-01 -3.53728294e-01 2.82453261e-02 2.21411005e-01 2.21589699e-01 -1.69796586e-01 2.14621261e-01 2.01966077e-01 -1.40687540e-01 4.32500467e-02 5.22638187e-02 -9.35023874e-02 5.90631142e-02 1.72334129e-03 3.28692526e-01 -1.38913095e-01 2.77993619e-01 2.98813581e-01 -1.24351650e-01 1.35609388e-01 5.78799797e-03 3.32537778e-02 3.20086062e-01 3.61413538e-01 1.91353053e-01 3.32667381e-01 1.11406893e-01 -2.42324889e-01 1.32997021e-01 7.79355988e-02 7.34251514e-02 -4.34433937e-01 1.99368328e-01 -4.16589558e-01 -2.02218294e-02 -2.11944342e-01 4.51122135e-01 5.12575507e-02 6.17491901e-02 -1.69779986e-01 -5.20215556e-02 2.96754569e-01 3.59993544e-04 1.87477440e-01 -1.31694809e-01 -4.23588783e-01 -8.64486769e-02 1.08249255e-01 -9.39027295e-02 1.03704415e-01 -9.41246822e-02 9.79904383e-02 1.52372494e-01 -1.02909617e-01 3.48548621e-01 4.91800874e-01 -2.28349552e-01 -4.11298089e-02 1.58537567e-01 -1.07734941e-01 2.25275382e-02 -7.60341659e-02 1.98515043e-01 2.08303288e-01 -2.99023598e-01 -1.29047856e-01 -1.53111052e-02 -9.84515697e-02 -1.44459039e-01 1.55992240e-01 4.01576340e-01 -2.79468477e-01 1.81826279e-01 9.68785807e-02 -1.86608210e-01 -1.45035207e-01 2.09193721e-01 4.79808077e-02 -2.25158021e-01 3.79483998e-01 6.74911141e-02 -1.11361615e-01 4.08966839e-02 -5.96552268e-02 -1.48179933e-01 -8.20466131e-03 5.56718297e-02 -1.92146093e-01 3.02842826e-01 -1.48907781e-01 9.26916674e-02 -9.73505676e-02 2.78005034e-01 -9.96042937e-02 1.66213978e-02 -1.39932021e-01 -1.55247048e-01 -3.76299113e-01 3.39095928e-02 -2.13967204e-01 -4.51572955e-01 7.89967477e-02 -1.06251866e-01 -2.14950144e-01 2.65311420e-01 -3.90080929e-01 3.34715247e-01 7.69339502e-03 2.28781626e-01 -1.95392862e-01 1.39276370e-01 -7.82158300e-02 2.03817472e-01 7.10927844e-02 -8.83060545e-02 -2.74563581e-01 -1.84993923e-01 2.75101475e-02 2.27499288e-02 -2.45695263e-01 -3.29137892e-01 2.08315495e-02 5.74021995e-01 -1.09015740e-01 3.94763574e-02 -1.66487589e-01 -7.15479255e-02 -1.95671409e-01 3.12730226e-05 -7.23707378e-02 -1.11508565e-02 4.32895273e-02 3.32903504e-01 -3.70435305e-02 5.11997163e-01 3.03546548e-01 -2.02802822e-01 2.40097284e-01 7.18929619e-02 3.45186144e-02 4.20646146e-02 -3.84652950e-02 3.47426206e-01 1.71539173e-01 4.74688262e-01 1.36598885e-01 -6.06387900e-03 -5.98518513e-02 -3.25424314e-01 4.75037575e-01 -2.55350679e-01 -2.02333421e-01 -2.68478572e-01 -6.57270104e-02 2.15254560e-01 -1.36422515e-01 -4.91178244e-01 -1.92668349e-01 -4.66801859e-02 1.04598060e-01 -1.77926823e-01 2.29020655e-01 -2.25391164e-01 -9.69033688e-02 -6.50869235e-02 2.44526654e-01 -2.04658955e-01 -6.44855201e-02 -3.19610953e-01 -1.62225530e-01]
"The Devil's Deal" active "Item #: SCP-738 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-738 is to be kept in three linked sealed chambers with armed guards and a remote detonation system at all times, as well as constant full audio/visual surveillance. Due to the variety and strength of observed interactions with SCP-738, and the unknown limits of SCP-738, the following procedures are to be strictly followed. When SCP-738 is not in use, its components must be kept one to each chamber. Mechanical means built into the containment area are to be used to assemble and disassemble SCP-738. Should mechanical assembly means fail, then testing is to be canceled until an engineer fitted with an explosive collar can be sent in to repair the systems. Said engineer is to be detonated upon any attempt to interact with any component of SCP-738. Should mechanical disassembly fail, preset shaped charges shall be used to disassemble SCP-738. The system should then be repaired and reset by a single engineer fitted with an explosive collar. All Class D personnel used to test the device must be mildly intellectually disabled or of comparably impaired cognitive function, and must be fitted with an explosive collar. This is in order to prevent them from learning too much about SCP-738 and possibly using SCP-738 in a way that is detrimental to the Foundation. Class D personnel with IQs over 60, and all other personnel are not allowed into the room containing SCP-738. Class D personnel are allowed into the room containing SCP-738 for experimentation only and are to be provided with continual instruction by research personnel. Description: SCP-738 consists of three components. A matched set of mahogany furniture including one (1) desk currently labeled SCP-738-1, one (1) straight-backed chair currently labeled SCP-738-2, and one (1) ornate "throne" styled office chair labeled SCP-738-3, all with brass embellishments and royal purple velvet padding. The effect begins when a sentient entity sits in SCP-738-2 in β€˜front’ of SCP-738-1 with SCP-738-3 resting behind SCP-738-2. Cameras show SCP-738-3 moving during the effect, frequently leaning back into a β€˜relaxed state’ as well as moving closer to, or further away from SCP-738-2. Occasionally SCP-738-3 is moved in front of SCP-738-2. Furthermore cameras show papers and folders containing papers leaving SCP-738-1’s drawers. The papers are made of parchment. A quill pen and a bottle of ink emerge from the long drawer. The pen will write on the parchment. Audio recorders record a distorted voice speaking. This voice will make offers and promises, attempting to tempt the occupant of SCP-738-2. Meaning has been extracted from the spoken voice. If, in this time, the entity sitting in SCP-738-2 makes a request, then the tempting and offers will cease. There will be a pause and a price will be stated. This can be bargained with; however, the voice will insist on other prices of β€˜equal value.’ Occasionally when a request is made the voice will respond by telling the requester that they β€˜do not want the object enough’ or that they are β€˜obviously requesting the object for someone else to get around paying full price’ in which case the request is not fulfilled. This occurs most frequently for requests that can affect other people, or can transfer possession. Accepting the deal causes the agreed-upon wish or command to be fulfilled to the letter, but not past the letter. Furthermore it will cause the occurrences stated in the price to be paid. The entity has actively stated that the occurrences in the price are intended to cause an amount of emotional and/or physical pain equal to the amount that the requester desires what they request. How parity is calculated is at present unknown. The price has also been stated to be independent of any pain caused by fulfilling the request. See the test log for examples of prices paid, and requests made. As a final note, personnel in the chair have reported seeing an entity sitting in SCP-738-3. However, all attempts to observe this entity when not seated in SCP-738-2 have failed, and further descriptions of the entity are inconsistent between sessions, even with multiple sessions with the same person. When asked about this, the entity claims to be the same entity each time. Some frequent descriptions of the entity include β€˜seductive’ and β€˜charming’. Sessions with the same person that are close in time report similar or identical entity appearances. Sessions with different people that are close in time report different entities appearances. Descriptions of the voice do not match the voice recorded on the equipment. Addendum 738-1: History SCP-738 was recovered from the office of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a Catholic Cardinal, after his death on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ. He had received it as a gift from the Pope for extraordinary services from the Vatican archives. The Foundation became aware of SCP-738 after [DATA EXPUNGED]. With β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ dead and his will contested in the aftermath of the event, Foundation personnel acquired the desk. Foundation agents in the Vatican reported recovering some of the documents surrounding SCP-738. Addendum 738-2: Test results Test 1: Researcher sits in SCP-738-2 and waits. Results: Researcher reports several attempts made to coerce him into a deal, with deals including love of the women he wants, an object that would make him a well respected researcher, and the granting of O5 status. Startled researcher leaves SCP-738-2, leaves room. Recordings follow statements provided. Researcher reports disappearance of the entity, followed by return of pen, paper, and folders to drawers. Using cameras, speed of object return clocked at over 120 m/s. Researcher reports seeing a man in a red and gold business suit. Test 2: Personnel D-β–ˆβ–ˆ sat on SCP-738-2. Analysis performed upon papers and documents. Results: Spectral analysis has confirmed that the parchment is human skin. The feather in the quill pen comes from an unidentified bird. Subject offered freedom, is told that the price is the death of his best friend. D-β–ˆβ–ˆ laughed and agreed, then vanished. D-β–ˆβ–ˆ was re-captured five hours later. Documents written in English. D-β–ˆβ–ˆ involved in test reported seeing a beautiful and seductive woman. Test 3: Personnel D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a non-native English speaker, sits in SCP-738-2. Results: Papers written in D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's native language, as is spoken communication. D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ offered the power to never be held in a cell again. Price is stated to be memories of D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's mother. D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ accepts offer. After acceptance [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in the deaths of 12 guards, and D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Test 4: Personnel D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, dyslexic and seriously intellectually disabled, sits in SCP-738-2. Results: The language on the parchment appeared to be crude pictograms representing the deal, though some words in English were represented in the parchment. In general the English was unrelated to the pictures they were under and frequently insult D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's intelligence, and state that the entity is uncertain how much of this D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ understands. D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was offered a Sloppy Joe. Price was stated to be Mopsy, a toy that D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had been allowed to smuggle into the Foundation. D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ accepted and food was materialized upon the desk, along with antique silverware, fine china plate, and crystal glass 'sippy cup' with wine colored grape juice. D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ shows great distress upon discovering that Mopsy was missing after finishing meal. D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ reports seeing a large pink rabbit. After deal was complete, and D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ left chair, recorders picked up a sigh. Voiceprint of sigh does not match D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's voice. Test 4 followup: D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ issued toy exactly identical to 'Mopsy'. Result: As soon as D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ named the toy Mopsy, it vanished. D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ showed great emotional distress. Test 5: Destruction testing. Result: [DATA EXPUNGED], explosive, fire, gunshot, mechanical wood chipper fail. Direct attack upon desk with axe leaves a single gash, with depth of 3 mm and results in [DATA EXPUNGED] as well as death of attacking personnel. Gash remains in desk. Video logs show gash healing at a rate of 1 Β΅m per day. Test 6: Researcher sits in SCP-738-2. Asks "What are you?" Result: Entity, taking the appearance of a large snake, states "I'm sorry. It's against policy to divulge personal details. But may I interest you in [DATA EXPUNGED]". Researcher stood from chair, shaking and ending the session. Researcher was then placed in mental institution 5 awaiting review due to information revealed by offer. Test 7: Sheldon Katz, Esq., senior counsel with the Foundation's legal department. Result: At commencement of test, Mr. Katz presented the entity with a notarized, apostilled affidavit stating that he was participating in the test on his own behalf and not as agent for the Foundation. Approximately forty-one hours after the commencement of the test, Mr. Katz lapsed into unconsciousness due to exhaustion. Mr. Katz described the appearance of the entity as identical to his first-year contracts professor from law school, but he declined to describe the nature of the offer that had been made. He reported that just prior to his blacking out, he had been in the midst of negotiating a precise technical definition of the word "shall". Katz stated that the current working draft of the agreement that he and the entity had been drafting was at least nine hundred pages long at that moment, exclusive of exhibits and schedules, and that he regretted not keeping a copy for his form file. A red leather envelope, smelling of sulphur, was found on Mr. Katz's person, which contained a handwritten note reading "Please come back any time. I haven't had so much fun in years." Mr. Katz has requested reassignment. Remaining tests require level 4 clearance or higher to view until declassification is complete. Addendum 738-3: Notes In recent testing, offers have been made directly to the researchers who were telling the subject what to do. Recommend cessation of all testing. ~O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-737 | SCP-738 | SCP-739 Β»" nan
[ 1.52740166e-01 -4.32693399e-02 -8.43890905e-02 2.96956897e-01 -2.61789739e-01 -1.34593770e-01 2.57242084e-01 1.68995574e-01 -1.83304120e-02 8.02265927e-02 -1.85307458e-01 3.46077859e-01 2.84484923e-02 -8.21123496e-02 4.27904427e-01 1.29061759e-01 1.84549943e-01 3.67183089e-01 2.82362163e-01 -1.59929141e-01 -6.51868656e-02 -3.56132746e-01 -2.41280839e-01 1.12035878e-01 -3.23120356e-01 -1.46717325e-01 -9.05134231e-02 -3.05017624e-02 -2.42472798e-01 -2.05041856e-01 2.80740410e-01 5.55175364e-01 -9.86640528e-02 5.87310672e-01 -1.11962006e-04 -2.48068824e-01 -2.50606705e-02 -5.42511120e-02 -5.73768876e-02 3.86636227e-01 -4.28267509e-01 2.46639147e-01 1.83625445e-02 -2.77924001e-01 -1.65318906e-01 2.34841034e-01 -2.27150634e-01 4.43063438e-01 5.39234042e-01 2.11808249e-01 1.46432281e-01 1.91747859e-01 2.27623228e-02 1.21616803e-01 2.18429223e-01 1.09812081e-01 -1.11033186e-01 -1.83225051e-01 7.14795664e-02 9.39759091e-02 1.44142270e-01 -3.94280106e-02 -1.52126238e-01 -9.26292241e-02 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-1.78993970e-01 2.97770023e-01 8.55553523e-02 2.94271810e-03 1.57029942e-01 -4.81152460e-02 -8.33433494e-02 -1.29468352e-01 -1.50292041e-02 2.18811378e-01 6.13082154e-03 -5.45501411e-02 5.62540412e-01 -1.33260831e-01 1.74397659e-02 1.78663254e-01 -5.06994486e-01 6.87729895e-01 1.68795735e-01 5.85777223e-01 5.11080146e-01 1.05059542e-01 -5.26045501e-01 -1.10983700e-01 -2.98605055e-01 -4.72741991e-01 -6.39215857e-02 5.47557464e-03 -2.14429855e-01 7.78318867e-02 -9.31051970e-02 -7.96732828e-02 2.36946374e-01 2.46362701e-01 -1.93428531e-01 -3.91724974e-01 -1.83759212e-01 4.64447320e-01 1.23536505e-01 -1.74993366e-01 1.30550534e-01 5.71332686e-02 1.25122011e-01 3.34887952e-01 1.05538927e-01 1.52373359e-01 -1.31814614e-01 1.50838718e-01 1.08138416e-02 1.56487167e-01 3.36603642e-01 4.91107911e-01 3.08511764e-01 -2.85356864e-03 -2.52052825e-02 -2.39881769e-01 2.04399768e-02 -4.42424498e-04 5.92099965e-01 1.39336824e-01 -1.18711114e-01 -2.89110959e-01 2.44337618e-01 -4.24017111e-04 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1.89164773e-01 3.48739922e-01 -2.68198609e-01 -4.49123412e-01 -1.35481656e-01 1.52713984e-01 3.44498456e-01 4.09705415e-02 1.02281108e-01 -4.85661700e-02 -1.06787998e-02 2.37689707e-02 2.72972524e-01 4.10451561e-01 -2.24551439e-01 4.48546335e-02 3.05443525e-01 -1.70951217e-01 1.58315122e-01 3.76059189e-02 2.07398877e-01 -6.25629053e-02 -2.11507842e-01 -2.36938968e-01 2.11663172e-01 -6.57150745e-02 -2.20026389e-01 9.68990847e-02 2.22211823e-01 7.15875775e-02 1.13120019e-01 1.39919057e-01 -2.34464064e-01 -4.65397894e-01 2.69282758e-01 3.70441079e-01 8.87883157e-02 -2.85911798e-01 -3.06898087e-01 -1.30479991e-01 1.51735231e-01 5.35910651e-02 -3.02351862e-01 -4.10377920e-01 -5.79058938e-02 -1.07263207e-01 1.38559595e-01 -3.64112407e-01 5.85868098e-02 -2.87914015e-02 5.46033442e-01 1.88349918e-01 2.87398756e-01 -1.77297905e-01 -2.60932416e-01 -2.32466772e-01 4.03373927e-01 2.04757631e-01 -8.29155564e-01 1.16533168e-01 1.39298499e-01 -4.17008623e-02 1.07981563e-01 2.66884249e-02 1.09572537e-01 -1.04866110e-01 -5.01566427e-03 -2.80793786e-01 2.36245945e-01 1.61652058e-01 -2.24203229e-01 1.61456347e-01 -7.33391568e-02 -1.37631655e-01 2.70540446e-01 1.02248840e-01 -1.63237765e-01 -3.54973257e-01 -1.92582160e-02 6.05013609e-01 1.86669663e-01 -1.00006208e-01 3.81376237e-01 -1.15343504e-01 1.19046979e-01 9.57810432e-02 4.46037233e-01 -2.68458188e-01 9.36524123e-02 -6.00237064e-02 7.31802061e-02 1.57772914e-01 3.02346468e-01 1.48210123e-01 8.50285143e-02 -2.20814086e-02 4.27517183e-02 -3.05490494e-01 5.25350384e-02 -6.22996548e-03 6.80698827e-02 -3.16738077e-02 3.13015401e-01 1.52775884e-01 -2.04401150e-01 -1.36329308e-01 -1.57524645e-01 5.86954832e-01 3.47594053e-01 -3.51401031e-01 3.53554934e-02 2.09520325e-01 -3.65937203e-01 -3.13790321e-01 -5.55563390e-01 -2.80090630e-01 -5.99112771e-02 4.18830812e-02 -4.65569675e-01 1.07272230e-01 -1.09144293e-01 3.50361876e-02 -9.55436826e-02 3.97867948e-01 -3.91720198e-02 2.02925056e-01 -3.00977856e-01 -7.24350736e-02]
"A Mirrored Booth" active "Item #: SCP-739 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-739 is to be kept in a well-lit room, with its door wedged open at all times. Under no circumstances are any personnel with personality characteristics of grandiosity, psychopathy, sociopathy or solipsism to be assigned to SCP-739. If no such personnel are available, the use of mental alterations to produce such personnel is authorized. When testing is not being conducted two D-Class personnel must be present in the room, and rotated every three hours. One is to be positioned within SCP-739 while the second stands immediately in front of the first, and is to ensure that the first D-Class does not close the door. No testing with SCP-739 is to occur without prior approval from the project director. Any subjects that show signs of hostility after emerging from SCP-739 are to be terminated immediately. Description: SCP-739 is a booth constructed of a lacquered oak measuring 91 cm by 91 cm at its base, 210 cm in height, and 87 cm by 91 cm at its apex. The object is in the shape of a symmetrical trapezoidal prism. The two inward leaning walls inside of the object each have a mirror affixed to them which face one another and emit a set of climbing reflections, giving the illusion of meeting overhead. The back wall and door on the booth are both featureless and unremarkable. Any visual recordings of the interior of SCP-739 will not record the reflections of the mirrors within; all such recordings show the mirrors as a uniform black colouration, indicating a complete absence of recorded light. Faint whispers can be heard emanating from an indeterminate point within the object, however individual phrases or voices cannot be distinguished. If a subject or item is present within SCP-739 when the door is closed, said door will be impossible to open for a varying period of time during which the booth shakes violently. After this shaking has ceased the door can be re-opened, and any objects placed subjects within will have undergone a one-dimensional, lateral inversion. All asymmetrical aspects of the subject become reversed, including internal organs and asymmetrical molecules. This change occurs on the molecular level, with L-amino acids becoming D-amino acids. Subjects capable of communication will claim that they are unaffected, and will maintain the perspective that their surroundings are inverted instead. Exposing the subject to the anomalous effect of SCP-739 a second time will revert their lateral inversion, however some subjects still report minor discrepancies in their environment afterwards. When questioned, subjects will be unable to identify any specific discrepancies, attributing it to an instinctive feeling. After being affected by SCP-739 several times, subjects will begin to display prominent physical and mental divergence from prior to testing. Physical characteristics that are considered undesirable to the test subject1 will gradually diminish until absent or replaced by favourable characteristics. Altered subjects are unaware of these changes and are insistent that no changes have occurred. Affected subjects will also progressively develop divergent memories of their history prior to exposure to SCP-739. These memories will become more prominent with each time the subject utilises SCP-739, eventually resulting in a history that the subject would consider more favourable than their true history, however universally result in the subject being inducted into the Foundation's D-Class regimen for testing with SCP-739. Subjects will lose familiarity with individuals who become increasingly absent in these false memories, and will claim familiarity with individuals that they had never encountered - in most cases these individuals are purely fictitious, or are portrayed in a stereotyped manner. If the door of SCP-739 is closed without any objects or subjects present within, the item will initially function as though such was present. After unsealing, an entity of unknown physical appearance will emerge from SCP-739. These entities uniformly appear as a featureless, dark blur on any visual recordings they are present on, and are cognitohazardous to observe in person. Personnel questioned prior to amnestization will state the entity is foreign or unknowable, frequently referring to it as something that doesn't exist. All such entities that have emerged from SCP-739 to date have utilised shockwave pulses in order to damage their immediate environment and injure or kill nearby personnel (see Experiment 739-23). Following the initiation of D-Class testing, SCP-739 will no longer recognise the presence of inanimate objects placed within when closed, functioning as though its interior was left empty. Addendum 1: Interview Log Interviewed: D-53682 Interviewer: Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Foreword: D-53682 had been altered by SCP-739 multiple times in succession before the interview was conducted. Prior to the initiation of these experiments, D-53682 was a Caucasian male 154 cm in height, weighed 65 kilograms and had lost their left arm below the shoulder from an amputation. Following the conclusion of these tests and during this interview, D-53682 was a Caucasian male 203 cm in height, weighed 105 kilograms and had regenerated their lost arm. <Begin Log> Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Please state your full name, followed by your designation. D-53682: John Kate Ball, D-53682. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Are you sure that is your name? D-53682: What do you mean, 'am I sure'? It's my name, I've had it since birth. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Our records say that you - D-53682 - are named Jesse Klarent Ball. Before testing began, you told us that was your name. D-53682: No, my name is John Kate Ball. It's always been John Kate Ball, like I said before. Someone must be messing with your systems, you should get Cam to see if he can fix it. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Cam? D-53682: Yeah, Cameron. You know, the big tech expert here? Practically fueled by nacho chips? Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: When did you meet Cameron? D-53682: Man, its been so long ago…I think we met in the cafeteria at Site-83. No, wait, we met in school, didn't we? Ah, well, it doesn't matter. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Can you tell me why you were incarcerated? D-53682: Fraud and money laundering. Let me guess, I'm wrong again? Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Yes. You were guilty of two counts of second degree murder. D-53682: Yeah, I'm fairly sure I'd remember killing someone, and I'd appreciate if you didn't suggest I had. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Very well. Do you recall what happened inside SCP-739 when the door was closed? D-53682: The booth thing, right? I uhh… I sort of remember something foggy, before the door opened up again. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Continue. D-53682: I was alone when I went in, right? I remember hearing voices when I stepped in. I think… I don't think those things belong… Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: What things? D-53682: I'm not really sure, just… Well, I suppose you could always go see for yourself. I think they'd be happy to see you. <End Log> Closing Statement: Attempts to communicate with D-53682 and gather more information about SCP-739 and the changes the subject underwent are currently ongoing but due to the subject's unwillingness to cooperate, the information gathered thus far has proven to be inconclusive. Any personnel cycled through SCP-739 are to be interviewed immediately unless they pose a direct threat to Foundation personnel, at which time traditional means of termination are authorized to be used at the discretion of the project director. Addendum 2: Incident Log Experiment 739-23 Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Procedure: SCP-739 was closed and opened without any items or subjects being present within. Results: An entity of unknown origin emerged from SCP-739 once the standard ten-second sealing state had concluded. The physical appearance of this entity (retrocausally designated SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D) was concealed on all visual recordings of it, appearing as a darkened region on such. Personnel present in the testing chamber at the time displayed extreme discomfort at the appearance of the entity and attempted to avoid observation of it. SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D showed an immediate awareness of Site-83's2 layout. The entity closed SCP-739 behind it, triggering a second sealing state. SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D proceeded to breach containment by use of directed shockwave pulses in excess of 210 decibels to destroy impeding barriers and kill any personnel it encountered, primarily armed first-response containment teams. The entity displayed a focus on eliminating as many personnel as it was capable of, showing no acknowledgement of other objects or entities unless such impeded or attacked the entity to some capacity. Containment efforts were severely impeded due to the visually cognitohazardous appearance of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D. After ten minutes SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D collapsed. An automated autopsy of the entity revealed that it was not suited to terran environments, and succumbed to an approximate analogue of oxygen intoxication. It had suffered non-lethal injuries during its containment breach, apparently being capable of rapid regeneration while active. During the containment breach of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D a second similar entity, designated SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-2, emerged from SCP-739 and immediately proceeded to escape from the perimeter of Site-83. It is unknown if SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-2 is more adapted to terran environments than SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D, as the entity has not been observed since its initial breach. Addendum 3: Analysis of the auditory pulses utilised by SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D to attack personnel have been discovered to be heavily distorted humanoid speech. Below is a transcript of several phrases stated by SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-1-D. You let me in! There is so much to do. We will enforce what your messengers taught us. We are ready to complete our work. Why do you ignore me? Will you look if we all scream together? We will earn your acknowledgement. Β« SCP-738 | SCP-739 | SCP-740 Β»" nan
[ 3.16028327e-01 -5.11821449e-01 -9.57956910e-02 -4.52724248e-02 -3.68569940e-01 -4.61801499e-01 2.78785616e-01 1.37262911e-01 9.77419168e-02 3.41380783e-03 -7.18068257e-02 3.76313746e-01 -4.23605479e-02 -2.68203032e-04 7.42266700e-02 1.32608101e-01 -5.71273006e-02 3.71779025e-01 -3.45996916e-01 -4.14406091e-01 -1.79086596e-01 -1.55876428e-01 -2.65127301e-01 1.20225772e-01 1.77365765e-01 6.45007640e-02 -4.27663177e-02 -3.47165838e-02 -2.68914998e-01 -7.74923936e-02 -7.16125146e-02 3.44757676e-01 -2.04861790e-01 3.65000397e-01 -1.08033702e-04 -1.71512797e-01 -9.43417661e-03 -1.12264166e-02 -4.74699557e-01 3.13315660e-01 -5.16161501e-01 -5.81664778e-02 9.97093022e-02 -2.62335658e-01 -7.76823750e-03 -1.62768476e-02 -4.67400700e-02 1.50910348e-01 4.52761859e-01 -1.99403167e-02 2.15572447e-01 2.02770054e-01 -1.24052607e-01 -5.94803542e-02 -2.09035575e-01 5.63865066e-01 -6.78306073e-02 1.64004400e-01 1.35519609e-01 1.39084145e-01 1.08229838e-01 1.62646651e-01 -2.99821079e-01 1.34454370e-01 3.34882408e-01 -2.82619745e-01 1.04458086e-01 -4.70061414e-03 4.51022759e-02 4.03503746e-01 1.09801494e-01 -2.59273261e-01 2.55352445e-02 -3.69097153e-03 2.61613727e-02 1.13183102e-02 1.11155093e-01 -1.18408324e-02 1.69121504e-01 2.00451892e-02 -1.82049558e-01 1.67119130e-01 -1.52918458e-01 -1.42313361e-01 -3.20951879e-01 1.42085433e-01 -1.22482125e-02 -8.08427408e-02 7.97315314e-02 -2.56059617e-01 -1.05687790e-01 5.97535484e-02 2.54106551e-01 1.71122596e-01 1.22031331e-01 -9.62709039e-02 1.83923244e-01 -2.97564983e-01 1.04826011e-01 8.94516632e-02 1.99915633e-01 9.95852798e-02 -4.01193127e-02 9.21991915e-02 -4.97880578e-02 3.31220254e-02 3.20542037e-01 5.86012937e-02 -4.78564590e-01 6.01321995e-01 7.40386918e-02 4.33884978e-01 -1.52557433e-01 6.29366115e-02 -8.05233642e-02 -4.11668327e-03 1.82813644e-01 -1.67074516e-01 -9.52689424e-02 2.74047375e-01 -2.83620328e-01 2.54518837e-01 -7.67233446e-02 7.60672763e-02 4.35841173e-01 1.94576129e-01 3.89567912e-01 -9.48350430e-02 -2.34810323e-01 -2.87289649e-01 -9.84790698e-02 2.78566796e-02 -5.15197277e-01 3.36844325e-02 1.70871243e-01 5.99316657e-01 -2.04186857e-01 8.15939978e-02 6.71987906e-02 1.31732836e-01 -2.12173581e-01 6.59304857e-02 6.44117236e-01 4.16626394e-01 -1.36089846e-01 -2.34351065e-02 -1.98544338e-01 1.44149065e-01 1.66027844e-02 4.14605848e-02 3.40650111e-01 1.46431953e-01 -1.55513421e-01 2.87335426e-01 -1.24049842e-01 2.81683743e-01 -5.12440279e-02 4.41654809e-02 -3.64920735e-01 -5.14789969e-02 4.21321958e-01 -1.83331743e-02 1.10177889e-01 -1.56545177e-01 2.94560224e-01 2.92224854e-01 -2.41317078e-01 -4.39009443e-02 9.60287172e-03 -1.95979729e-01 -5.22731841e-02 7.39960596e-02 5.29248975e-02 -7.75327310e-02 -1.36147007e-01 2.89895803e-01 -5.39762318e-01 -1.58269614e-01 -4.07893658e-01 -4.18781668e-01 -4.67751056e-01 2.91327536e-01 2.03330681e-01 -2.44095623e-01 1.12731312e-03 1.08986478e-02 -1.74804479e-01 8.12294558e-02 2.97221512e-01 -1.05163030e-01 -4.18766350e-01 -2.66415507e-01 3.34058732e-01 1.13001563e-01 -2.98509076e-02 -1.54378235e-01 -6.20621368e-02 3.90575856e-01 2.09870189e-01 -5.94187528e-02 -2.50729412e-01 -9.09826234e-02 2.69113064e-01 1.58530965e-01 -1.97444018e-02 6.06412329e-02 7.02130720e-02 -2.20557377e-01 1.76909581e-01 4.07911986e-01 1.01812512e-01 -2.59461462e-01 -7.31448680e-02 5.08047044e-02 -2.38318071e-02 -3.29461694e-01 3.53753418e-01 4.40306999e-02 -9.27781835e-02 -2.38016501e-01 -8.56891349e-02 1.17413960e-01 2.24456623e-01 1.01361023e-02 -3.90071362e-01 1.93479240e-01 3.83317918e-02 -1.04022697e-01 -1.54598728e-01 4.20720726e-01 3.41658622e-01 7.02743593e-04 2.07081929e-01 3.70356217e-02 -1.80575594e-01 7.23309964e-02 -1.68215945e-01 4.40564245e-01 7.11364746e-02 -2.49566376e-01 6.46267608e-02 -2.80834168e-01 2.55865604e-01 1.60357967e-01 1.45101389e-02 9.20504481e-02 3.97488147e-01 6.37048110e-02 1.66411683e-01 -9.82374847e-02 -2.38614038e-01 -4.32342291e-01 -2.01762453e-01 -3.21263000e-02 2.69320816e-01 1.06251985e-01 -3.52251977e-01 2.49498740e-01 -2.64318809e-02 2.64415711e-01 -3.99081707e-02 -1.55303612e-01 4.27824408e-01 -3.83061916e-02 -1.54643148e-01 -9.95892584e-02 1.48280725e-01 1.14934426e-02 -8.54446590e-02 1.77218258e-01 -1.90012053e-01 4.26853970e-02 -1.88780025e-01 -5.24399504e-02 -3.75453644e-02 4.13089171e-02 1.49313053e-02 1.68645635e-01 2.57008493e-01 1.27173498e-01 -2.59131696e-02 -4.32839751e-01 -2.39006802e-01 -1.97984263e-01 -2.27993265e-01 1.24788368e-02 -1.72901705e-01 1.14872113e-01 -1.37917742e-01 2.49001443e-01 3.79482865e-01 9.09542888e-02 1.76382810e-01 1.35477642e-02 -3.09001744e-01 3.19085941e-02 3.34318370e-01 3.76940399e-01 -2.12486431e-01 2.06716955e-01 -3.14764708e-01 7.10689425e-02 -4.65320647e-02 1.42570809e-01 -3.65937859e-01 5.15133739e-01 4.79440123e-01 -1.99484035e-01 1.59176886e-01 3.49666849e-02 -4.22823638e-01 1.02782764e-01 2.49468181e-02 -1.86234996e-01 1.20433226e-01 -1.27015471e-01 -1.42817765e-01 -3.36684257e-01 1.27858311e-01 -3.69189352e-01 -1.30289542e-02 2.10196629e-01 -9.43013728e-02 -1.77393243e-01 -1.13996752e-01 2.39576325e-02 -1.03721417e-01 -1.83267608e-01 3.06920528e-01 -2.70246804e-01 1.10891089e-01 1.13709323e-01 1.10259816e-01 3.10134590e-01 -1.70127571e-01 3.89028005e-02 -1.27199590e-01 2.52858013e-01 -1.30432650e-01 -6.61287159e-02 -1.64536629e-02 -4.10741329e-01 -2.11060017e-01 2.96799064e-01 -4.39634025e-02 -3.26436788e-01 -2.74175286e-01 1.02446258e-01 -3.59594449e-02 2.31292914e-03 -2.77492762e-01 4.54791665e-01 2.11623386e-01 -2.75233805e-01 -1.50036290e-01 -2.28101000e-01 9.74977538e-02 9.91561636e-02 7.02041164e-02 -4.55593795e-01 -6.25065342e-02 1.00362875e-01 3.13527942e-01 -1.34836420e-01 -2.29622304e-01 -1.46915182e-01 2.36791745e-01 9.02447775e-02 1.56123355e-01 -2.23462194e-01 -6.65400689e-03 1.56709701e-01 -8.36821124e-02 2.55448103e-01 -2.24662617e-01 -2.82665372e-01 1.00691244e-02 -3.88568282e-01 -5.79324365e-01 -3.32827985e-01 -3.03913541e-02 3.76565963e-01 1.57472193e-01 -1.34538725e-01 -2.13074952e-01 4.28456180e-02 7.59209543e-02 -8.10032636e-02 6.77234679e-02 -1.46987215e-01 -1.12333730e-01 -1.53151378e-01 -4.67119545e-01 1.19067371e-01 2.08456218e-02 -8.48287269e-02 6.88601851e-01 -3.44272166e-01 -8.48668441e-02 2.31788367e-01 -2.00228438e-01 2.27901310e-01 2.72923350e-01 5.60022712e-01 3.71161997e-01 9.80744362e-02 -4.11748052e-01 3.80209796e-02 -3.23159546e-01 -4.09056395e-01 1.22694582e-01 -1.01093218e-01 -1.41403243e-01 1.34704933e-01 2.57418364e-01 5.68619184e-02 2.05927700e-01 6.26643226e-02 -3.70588936e-02 -5.30096173e-01 -3.46449822e-01 4.72946987e-02 5.09843230e-02 -1.61035120e-01 -8.44426919e-03 9.56552699e-02 2.11338520e-01 -3.17649990e-02 2.73228437e-01 3.70869100e-01 -2.29210779e-02 -2.63261180e-02 1.55980978e-02 6.05231285e-01 2.09954262e-01 5.50980628e-01 9.92505625e-02 1.44967049e-01 2.29660854e-01 2.11519133e-02 -9.45403124e-04 -5.15195206e-02 6.33932114e-01 1.34550914e-01 -2.02044733e-02 -2.77237445e-01 3.20268184e-01 -6.99094236e-02 -8.17375258e-02 1.31449223e-01 9.96441916e-02 3.04688141e-02 8.51992294e-02 1.81868851e-01 -1.28967449e-01 -4.40001786e-01 -3.33548278e-01 3.98743331e-01 -2.69647777e-01 3.93021345e-01 2.24159688e-01 1.17577302e+00 2.62613147e-01 1.60890475e-01 5.37486136e-01 -4.36105996e-01 -1.22064963e-01 -4.55788910e-01 -2.12640706e-02 -6.59764707e-02 -5.58653064e-02 8.24114084e-02 -2.54565209e-01 2.06669658e-01 1.99323222e-01 -4.18470412e-01 -3.75644714e-01 -4.10185635e-01 -3.49277824e-01 2.47207552e-01 1.82204276e-01 2.20116571e-01 1.70831624e-02 8.52748100e-03 2.14001074e-01 1.66986838e-01 -1.43152773e-01 1.53545162e-03 -5.34304567e-02 -2.64685035e-01 -6.49141297e-02 -2.23260760e-01 1.07398607e-01 -9.38681513e-02 -8.11994299e-02 1.92238390e-01 2.67070442e-01 1.79625273e-01 -4.46302027e-01 -1.88934147e-01 2.86926657e-01 -1.27435461e-01 1.38440296e-01 5.86945593e-01 1.54804420e-02 1.80676475e-01 -7.98614398e-02 3.92792135e-01 -5.24461223e-03 -1.39803424e-01 1.41446516e-01 4.48912606e-02 2.97649980e-01 -3.15404147e-01 -2.64725126e-02 3.85788292e-01 -3.14986706e-01 3.17399472e-01 2.85858154e-01 -1.21439835e-02 -9.83449146e-02 2.03430235e-01 -1.29549697e-01 -2.26874158e-01 4.29480784e-02 1.62089556e-01 -3.15989435e-01 1.72991888e-03 3.18355262e-01 2.31192842e-01 -6.32133242e-03 2.23232955e-01 2.32042782e-02 -2.34481007e-01 -4.65673745e-01 6.03180230e-02 1.82507098e-01 -6.88211739e-01 1.56668067e-01 -1.62524492e-01 -4.71604615e-01 8.89369175e-02 1.02862343e-01 2.90904820e-01 -3.17002118e-01 -3.01400244e-01 -8.45702142e-02 2.52716094e-01 1.05776876e-01 -1.39833555e-01 1.59039021e-01 2.10204542e-01 7.51338482e-01 -9.61114839e-03 1.49174213e-01 -4.38602805e-01 1.11393519e-02 -2.76655704e-01 1.78348392e-01 4.14122254e-01 -2.35243529e-01 -2.73382783e-01 -1.34523824e-01 2.06026062e-01 2.57078618e-01 -1.44203007e-01 -2.85023570e-01 -1.02575548e-01 1.50897950e-01 -1.47288352e-01 -2.39678055e-01 1.31358933e-02 1.81728899e-02 7.74204433e-02 2.32702494e-01 -7.04503953e-02 -1.14630781e-01 2.11904898e-01 4.84384708e-02 -7.84826726e-02 1.83533594e-01 5.98675981e-02 1.19681731e-01 7.29016066e-02 2.35854201e-02 -1.75792068e-01 -1.07852452e-01 -3.24446321e-01 -1.75082162e-01 8.57980251e-02 2.72145301e-01 -3.01261083e-03 2.38063067e-01 1.68920428e-01 2.19493336e-03 1.48438290e-01 -6.34117424e-02 -2.60258187e-02 -2.17232674e-01 -3.75535816e-01 -4.45363641e-01 3.00485245e-03 3.42680633e-01 -1.06419660e-01 1.95021108e-01 2.63540864e-01 1.83229119e-01 1.27836093e-01 3.25656146e-01 1.98341459e-02 -1.44327581e-01 4.45345044e-02 6.66379556e-02 -2.15383276e-01 2.89751709e-01 2.17215382e-02 3.06408346e-01 -3.52770567e-01 -7.39382301e-03 5.08421175e-02 4.77934219e-02 3.07347178e-01 4.03635114e-01 2.33503282e-01 5.18196940e-01 1.33038715e-01 2.51445025e-01 3.67327094e-01 2.59829491e-01 -3.13609660e-01 8.26972350e-02 1.16145238e-01 3.40469539e-01 -1.83390453e-01 -1.44469202e-01 -3.06674361e-01 -1.92028493e-01 1.49707089e-03 1.03381306e-01 -1.77295968e-01 1.45974040e-01 1.04749553e-01 -1.57055959e-01 -4.39711630e-01 -3.36062580e-01 1.67311355e-02 1.35951847e-01 1.78885162e-01 3.67522836e-02 8.52305442e-02 -1.52454361e-01 -1.23799391e-01 1.26619741e-01 3.38418901e-01 -1.56254217e-01 2.29420915e-01 2.14298218e-01 -6.06157631e-02 3.97096455e-01 3.62682074e-01 5.64202517e-02 8.50834325e-03 -2.81659693e-01 -1.68177690e-02 -2.19141990e-02 -7.49345124e-02 -2.15548009e-01 7.41911754e-02 4.75374073e-01 1.82583302e-01 -2.61406638e-02 2.28406206e-01 -3.41752410e-01 -2.06080541e-01 1.76114231e-01 1.72195092e-01 -1.39340162e-01 -1.19166903e-01 -1.54785410e-01 -1.83715627e-01 3.91382258e-03 -2.65498817e-01 -4.57176089e-01 -2.33919486e-01 7.82204606e-03 -4.32686768e-02 1.00014351e-01 -2.85286695e-01 8.55393559e-02 8.73254612e-02 3.45526636e-01 1.82790518e-01 2.99365848e-01 -7.43372068e-02 -1.53328255e-01 -1.67190403e-01 2.91649044e-01 7.46330060e-03 -7.16758728e-01 1.09532148e-01 -2.18289085e-02 1.99200064e-01 1.91027179e-01 1.87455341e-01 4.21897650e-01 -3.65144581e-01 -1.65614665e-01 -1.17812529e-01 1.72281563e-01 1.49138700e-02 -1.52671620e-01 2.46002921e-03 -2.53272235e-01 2.14368686e-01 -8.25427696e-02 1.74675927e-01 4.14029509e-02 -1.82372868e-01 1.26102731e-01 6.53690040e-01 1.39390081e-01 6.55116960e-02 3.42227101e-01 -7.95421451e-02 -2.05226332e-01 -3.50485072e-02 2.88234144e-01 -1.49633482e-01 1.15843862e-01 3.07407618e-01 3.46886277e-01 1.21487513e-01 4.33468461e-01 2.24057034e-01 -6.20763972e-02 9.43642557e-02 1.11691460e-01 -5.16694427e-01 2.81252563e-01 -4.69613150e-02 -9.60768107e-03 -9.98076238e-03 4.66454148e-01 1.14313565e-01 -6.38065115e-02 -2.11207986e-01 -3.78107578e-01 4.53022093e-01 -3.84624600e-01 -2.84132123e-01 2.85302326e-02 2.36466393e-01 -1.34321153e-01 -1.14498645e-01 -5.88842750e-01 -3.40585172e-01 -7.61320889e-02 5.82062155e-02 -1.15445636e-01 -1.85245811e-03 -6.33441955e-02 -2.71829754e-01 -2.61115640e-01 2.02869609e-01 -1.16596349e-01 -1.32389486e-01 -4.51058596e-02 -2.06697166e-01]
"The Hindenburg Photograph" active "SCP-740: The Hindenburg Photograph If you were confronted by a man with fire eyes, your training would give out, too. β–Έ More by this Author β—‚ F.A.Q. Item #: SCP-740 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-740 can be safely stored in its envelope in a security deposit box. Researchers testing SCP-740 must wear gloves at all times. Description: SCP-740 is a slightly dirty color-corrected Polaroid photograph depicting the May 6, 1937 explosion of the airship LZ 129 Hindenburg at Lakehurst Naval Air Station, New Jersey. The Polaroid has been determined to be a photograph taken of the original. SCP-740's anomalous traits manifest when it is viewed while in contact with the skin. The subject touching or holding the photo will hear the sounds of explosions and people screaming. Subjects report difficulty in taking their eyes off the photograph while under its influence. Subjects holding the object typically report their inability to freely release their grip as being very distressing; many subjects have undergone emotional breakdowns as SCP-740's effects progress. After one minute of holding and looking at the photograph, the subject's body temperature will begin to rise, accompanied by a sensation of warmness. The intensity of the warmth, as well as the volume of the auditory hallucinations, will continue to increase so long as the subject looks at the photograph. Breaking eye contact will prevent the sensations from intensifying until eye contact is reestablished, and cessation of physical contact will cause the effect to 'reset' to the initial stage should the object be handled again. The subject will begin to emit smoke after a period of time between two and four minutes, and burst into flame shortly afterward. Time of combustion is directly correlated to subject's size and weight. This flame will consume upwards of ninety percent of the subject's body mass and has proven fatal in all cases. The fire also consumes SCP-740, which will slowly restore itself to its original condition over the next five to eighteen hours. See Interview Log 740-01 for information on recovery. Interviewed: Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Interviewer: Dr. Eβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Foreword: Standard interview conducted within 48 hours of SCP procurement. Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has been employed by the Foundation for β–ˆ years and retrieved or secured β–ˆ SCPs in that time, of which the retrieval of SCP-740 was his sixth leading a retrieval team. <Begin Log> Interviewer: Please state, in your own words, what happened during your recovery assignment. Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I was sent out to recover the skip, the photo, from the home of a Mister Aβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Fβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. It came to our attention when Mr. Fβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ tried unsuccessfully to sell it at auction, and I'd been keeping tabs on it for about three weeks prior. Interviewer: What prevented his selling it? Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: The auctioneer spontaneously combusted. I mean, the official COD was smoke inhalation, but that's what happened. Interviewer: I see. Please continue. Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Anyway, after Mr. Fβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ recovered the photo, he started bringing in a bunch of people to look at it, trying to sell it again. By the time I visited his home, he was all but giving it away. Interviewer: And no one took it? Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: When you hear what happened, you'll understand why. [Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ sighs and pauses for 3.5 seconds.] After I got authority to approach for the buy, I took a team out to the retrieval site. It was considered a low-risk retrieval, so they stayed out of sight, back down his driveway, while I knocked on his front door. We'd arranged the meeting for a quarter to two, and it was March β–ˆβ–ˆ, 19β–ˆβ–ˆ. He had a real nice place, huge New England mansion. He welcomed me in, gave me a seat, offered me some brandy, which I declined. He was real old, real thin and wrinkly, but really animated, talked with his hands a lot. Interviewer: How did the incident occur? Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: [Sucks in breath.] Yeah. Well, he made small talk for like ten minutes until I asked about the photograph, and then he acted like he'd forgotten that's why I was there. He goes, gets it, brings it back in an envelope and hands it to me. He hesitated, though, and gave me this weird look, like he was trying to read my mind or something. Anyway, I slid it out, and there it was, a Polaroid of the Hindenburg disaster. First thing I did was ask him how he managed to capture the explosion with a camera made decades after it happened, and he tells me it's a photo of a photo. And then I start hearing it. Interviewer: Hearing what? Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Explosions. Fire. People β€” men, women, children β€” screaming in pain and terror. [Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ pauses for ten seconds.] It was like I was just getting sucked into that photo, I couldn't look away. Then he leans forward and that breaks my concentration, like I'd forgotten I could look up at all. He's giving me that look again, and he says, "You hear them too, don't you?" I said yeah. Then he shakes his head like he's disappointed. "You're all the same, blast it," that's exactly what he said. Interviewer: Do you know what he meant by that? Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Yeah, he went on about how everyone he ever showed the photo to could hear things. I asked if he did too and he said no, then he reaches to take it back. This is when the incident occurred. He says, "No, son, it's deemed you unworthy, give it here," and I told him in no strong words I was leaving with it, even mentioned the briefcase of money I'd brought, but he wasn't having it. He goes, "I've watched men burn to death because they weren't worthy. Give it to me now." He lunges at me, knocks over my chair. Real strong for an old guy. [Pause for eleven seconds.] Interviewer: Please, continue. Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I didn't… There was no prior intel the guy was a skip himself, or he'd have been coming back with me too. I'd have followed protocol, called in my team. But with the voices in my head, the photo I couldn't let go of, and there was fire coming out of his eyes and off his baldβ€” I just panicked, okay? I've been doing this for years, but I just freaked the hell out! Drew my weapon, fired, what, three times, four? Interviewer: The record indicates three shots. Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I don't remember. Anyway, I immediately called it in, grabbed the envelope and left the house. I was also feeling really hot, even though it was pretty cold, March in New England and all. Interviewer: Is this when the house ignited? Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: [Pause for five seconds.] Yeah. By the time I'm outside, there's smoke coming out the roof. Once my team shows up and pries my fingers off the skip, the whole thing's in flames. We had to stand way back… I couldn't help standing back. I didn't want to be anywhere near it. [Pause for three seconds.] Doc, I saw the forensics reports. You know what they said? Interviewer: What did they say? Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: They placed the ignition point right where the old coot landed after I shot him. His body put the whole place up in three fucking minutes. I… Jesus. Interviewer: Thank you, Agent, that will be enough. <End Log> Closing Statement: Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was remanded to psychiatric evaluation for three months, to treat mental trauma and acute pyrophobia not previously noted in his psychological profile. After amnestics failed to cure the condition, Agent was reassigned to a clerical position. Β« SCP-739 | SCP-740 | SCP-741 Β»" "An original photograph of the Hindenburg Disaster"
[-1.44778401e-01 -8.83275643e-02 -4.58452590e-02 1.20749518e-01 -2.81762421e-01 -9.97433588e-02 1.84237808e-01 7.73875862e-02 6.86967969e-02 -5.66954874e-02 -1.62977025e-01 -2.31834650e-01 -1.31633773e-01 -2.53370374e-01 3.22406180e-02 -9.13215429e-02 -9.90275741e-02 -1.32234946e-01 -2.37645015e-01 -2.84344498e-02 2.29667380e-01 8.83899350e-03 6.59657195e-02 -2.02383194e-02 -6.53827846e-01 1.33788407e-01 2.34595954e-01 -3.88363786e-02 8.38040635e-02 -1.39247179e-01 -1.67210340e-01 2.22755298e-01 1.98189810e-01 3.79898280e-01 -1.17403513e-04 -1.30631216e-02 1.56509161e-01 -1.38564214e-01 -2.94515461e-01 1.75335884e-01 -7.15610161e-02 -6.41419962e-02 7.55487159e-02 -1.26293734e-01 -9.93033871e-02 -3.13545801e-02 1.07245475e-01 1.91372916e-01 6.74534976e-01 -4.28130943e-03 1.44772246e-01 -1.92663625e-01 9.28901285e-02 2.48618305e-01 -1.00069940e-01 2.47297529e-02 -2.18381852e-01 -1.94889471e-01 1.66115630e-02 1.22702017e-01 -1.99862674e-01 2.33790159e-01 -6.07603304e-02 -1.50571153e-01 1.22521974e-01 -2.27121606e-01 4.86968517e-01 -7.58920386e-02 -4.33387682e-02 2.79361665e-01 4.60792512e-01 -1.70478446e-03 1.01647593e-01 1.40022218e-01 -1.68985099e-01 3.34606171e-01 1.74426600e-01 2.60878712e-01 -2.69720525e-01 1.09756082e-01 -2.55341113e-01 -6.30836412e-02 -1.97983056e-01 -4.44341749e-02 8.24426301e-03 3.96105424e-02 -1.63099572e-01 1.17130816e-01 1.96687058e-01 -5.35511523e-02 -5.42678177e-01 -2.20585406e-01 1.71755657e-01 -1.64773002e-01 1.28922522e-01 1.98650733e-01 -3.65287364e-02 1.19976498e-01 -2.70564109e-01 -8.73708278e-02 3.52073312e-01 -5.74299246e-02 8.38887542e-02 1.46523118e-01 -4.77257464e-03 1.33158520e-01 2.05376208e-01 -6.50204957e-01 -3.16138476e-01 -1.09299228e-01 -2.91210353e-01 3.88085432e-02 -8.62104595e-02 2.48571813e-01 -2.17150301e-02 -1.63249269e-01 -2.18184546e-01 -1.70232534e-01 1.60896525e-01 2.60867774e-01 -4.82316643e-01 7.86098689e-02 -7.58791938e-02 3.23536098e-01 1.14770070e-01 2.67892126e-02 2.49583721e-01 -3.54043335e-01 1.00633532e-01 -8.34035426e-02 -1.67492300e-01 2.46296480e-01 -3.32292438e-01 3.41752656e-02 -2.58525647e-02 1.20715618e-01 -7.22000152e-02 -1.96130842e-01 -3.43281329e-01 -6.05689436e-02 -9.48882755e-03 6.45721182e-02 7.68353343e-01 2.94132382e-01 -1.72296241e-01 -1.54485598e-01 -8.96870568e-02 -3.25185508e-01 4.92031015e-02 2.93103665e-01 4.67873991e-01 3.61559726e-02 -2.98160911e-01 5.87330870e-02 -2.49063551e-01 1.94627360e-01 -1.18540756e-01 1.37459025e-01 -1.38505518e-01 -2.36395240e-01 3.61270189e-01 4.79542976e-03 5.53327024e-01 -8.69922414e-02 1.02623887e-01 4.88361835e-01 -3.42903197e-01 -1.97375536e-01 -2.22093031e-01 -2.74431050e-01 3.09539467e-01 -8.05865973e-02 1.06541847e-03 1.50561661e-01 -1.92997813e-01 6.17614649e-02 -1.32981807e-01 -2.97876418e-01 -3.29759926e-01 -3.58530492e-01 -3.90867770e-01 4.03937787e-01 -1.81023553e-01 2.61963606e-01 -5.87031603e-01 6.52451813e-02 -3.09721231e-01 9.71531272e-02 -9.07846317e-02 -5.75917810e-02 -2.92908847e-01 -3.28395069e-01 4.03066218e-01 -1.50193544e-02 7.93049335e-02 -3.27045232e-01 -3.16993803e-01 4.32185352e-01 4.90908027e-01 2.75594711e-01 -4.68461037e-01 -1.62135854e-01 -4.81651761e-02 1.69472516e-01 -1.40318230e-01 1.51465729e-01 -2.62720019e-01 -2.13600099e-01 4.47400957e-01 1.21456429e-01 8.95854235e-02 2.04738826e-01 3.42380494e-01 4.70153354e-02 -1.49074897e-01 -4.93144184e-01 2.16564327e-01 1.24548316e-01 -2.37630960e-02 -1.89005435e-01 1.75541446e-01 3.46702874e-01 -7.85997361e-02 4.73860577e-02 -2.00282425e-01 -1.16921946e-01 -2.41188616e-01 2.64002010e-02 -2.35810012e-01 5.48711307e-02 2.02702373e-01 4.03743098e-03 -1.78827062e-01 -1.11627877e-01 -1.32936254e-01 1.49841104e-02 2.58668184e-01 4.18368340e-01 -2.75914818e-01 -6.50077224e-01 -1.41792402e-01 1.46268129e-01 -1.26079991e-01 -2.09602043e-02 -4.49232757e-01 -1.21091167e-02 -2.81477809e-01 1.02601305e-01 5.82458591e-03 7.39348978e-02 -2.06514418e-01 -1.82357773e-01 -4.27496821e-01 -6.55186176e-02 4.90388423e-02 1.14407547e-01 -1.11146994e-01 1.40083849e-01 3.86124015e-01 -1.90910429e-01 -1.24493971e-01 7.60586038e-02 3.84890854e-01 -8.88639390e-02 -2.60273188e-01 -2.94794083e-01 5.95804572e-01 -2.37147301e-03 -2.01859266e-01 1.65240556e-01 -4.94924672e-02 -8.05018321e-02 9.43718106e-02 -2.36961748e-02 7.10334033e-02 7.90695697e-02 -3.19732614e-02 1.44134492e-01 3.15099567e-01 3.89614224e-01 -2.57707804e-01 -1.93862736e-01 -6.55246735e-01 -1.43870145e-01 1.30843088e-01 4.28997725e-02 5.28723001e-02 -1.76421583e-01 -8.06890354e-02 -1.41683310e-01 -2.83503801e-01 1.64082974e-01 -8.08050558e-02 -2.48452693e-01 -1.06512919e-01 2.33227804e-01 -2.65081078e-01 3.84533644e-01 -2.58252442e-01 2.39245325e-01 -4.09966111e-01 2.33423650e-01 2.11905204e-02 3.84205952e-02 -4.60012369e-02 2.26170093e-01 5.32186508e-01 -1.22636650e-02 1.41611055e-01 -1.92848057e-01 -4.62612271e-01 2.33402163e-01 1.36223242e-01 -7.37757757e-02 -1.71253458e-01 1.11521855e-01 -3.45105231e-02 -2.39194319e-01 -5.53910434e-02 -5.14049292e-01 2.02974036e-01 -3.99303049e-01 -3.25370431e-01 1.42496839e-01 -6.14100806e-02 4.89544749e-01 -1.88718304e-01 -2.89779101e-02 3.17754745e-01 -9.98046324e-02 -1.13357052e-01 4.61525351e-01 2.77881056e-01 1.16879776e-01 -1.94530383e-01 1.31477620e-02 -1.78264588e-01 -1.45331517e-01 -1.99745193e-01 2.23775767e-02 -1.29797965e-01 -1.88099667e-01 -1.52327672e-01 -2.82027811e-01 -1.62116494e-02 -2.82500714e-01 -7.06103027e-01 8.04897249e-02 1.11526735e-01 -1.05976611e-01 -2.48974353e-01 2.39372551e-01 3.31257544e-02 -1.08859152e-01 -3.68930280e-01 -3.69757973e-02 4.00985897e-01 -2.54264832e-01 7.68220961e-01 -3.84171426e-01 2.26888200e-03 1.72312081e-01 4.04666334e-01 -7.27712065e-02 -1.19487545e-03 -2.36848384e-01 7.07392022e-02 1.35418847e-01 2.84542412e-01 -1.08399831e-01 1.62976533e-01 2.92162985e-01 -2.42589876e-01 2.45415330e-01 -9.73670278e-03 2.62227328e-03 3.58820297e-02 1.48752987e-01 -5.26905835e-01 -1.45423219e-01 1.60009727e-01 3.76808792e-01 -1.07175700e-01 -4.01283316e-02 -2.92633772e-01 -2.23526523e-01 -8.71554911e-02 7.16537982e-02 2.03542173e-01 4.43717211e-01 -1.42757958e-02 8.45125839e-02 -2.65470982e-01 -2.25905359e-01 -6.91956803e-02 2.15667740e-01 1.20344676e-01 -2.15364963e-01 1.71776563e-01 -7.30329528e-02 -2.28289574e-01 3.52997094e-01 2.92522103e-01 4.77216214e-01 -1.49829604e-03 -1.20594792e-01 -5.70093453e-01 2.10082904e-02 1.38728572e-02 -8.16647187e-02 5.73449969e-01 -2.84258902e-01 -2.58209445e-02 5.09520210e-02 3.89413446e-01 -1.10993184e-01 -6.91545904e-02 1.07297294e-01 1.70695946e-01 -2.32731238e-01 1.14867091e-01 4.06420976e-02 8.46554935e-02 -3.59468251e-01 -1.27866775e-01 -1.33015662e-02 2.69965172e-01 4.25695390e-01 1.18635111e-01 1.07727639e-01 -5.81511818e-02 -1.00537781e-02 -4.38414872e-01 6.79594457e-01 1.84894115e-01 3.61616433e-01 1.33501738e-01 5.84656782e-02 1.36738926e-01 -1.40808180e-01 2.48780698e-01 -9.17060226e-02 7.23450124e-01 -7.70157203e-02 -9.28624794e-02 -2.32069209e-01 4.46958542e-01 1.51962787e-01 2.03181133e-01 6.71426058e-02 7.49500915e-02 -1.68687209e-01 7.04696998e-02 7.13991463e-01 2.05762789e-01 -2.45907046e-02 -1.08248100e-01 -2.81319004e-02 6.55564889e-02 4.76646155e-01 3.47559661e-01 1.04621303e+00 2.80411810e-01 2.57581115e-01 -8.19306374e-02 -1.76575966e-02 2.17541799e-01 -8.86493698e-02 -9.18937922e-02 -2.26649404e-01 4.61275764e-02 -1.56492051e-02 -3.31854582e-01 -1.09845839e-01 8.90785530e-02 -2.63190120e-01 -5.13250470e-01 -2.73151398e-01 4.00500037e-02 3.03368658e-01 2.45458141e-01 1.29873484e-01 2.67907321e-01 -1.45302461e-02 2.25898698e-01 -1.31712839e-01 1.95922658e-01 -7.56545886e-02 -8.87945220e-02 -1.15788780e-01 5.59852719e-02 -5.93363523e-01 7.90620148e-02 -5.03243208e-01 1.95083961e-01 1.14140688e-02 -3.54990214e-01 -1.48441404e-01 3.50530535e-01 -5.46245039e-01 -3.22552770e-02 -1.52166098e-01 4.61606860e-01 4.94035892e-02 -5.78872487e-02 -3.60207379e-01 1.10896334e-01 1.74960718e-01 -1.22560561e-01 -7.10351067e-03 -2.73523405e-02 8.05354491e-02 -2.66309440e-01 1.66489985e-02 1.43011406e-01 7.82184780e-01 2.75471330e-01 1.06352657e-01 1.38291597e-01 -2.85726517e-01 1.07737973e-01 1.18321761e-01 -8.77443776e-02 -1.07437551e-01 1.05950527e-01 4.82041806e-01 6.14820309e-02 2.06188098e-01 3.00516993e-01 -1.28046855e-01 3.52480590e-01 9.33625475e-02 1.18632600e-01 -2.79663671e-02 -1.29985675e-01 -2.63814718e-01 -1.01500668e-01 -4.19341743e-01 1.84277192e-01 -5.78247458e-02 -1.62336484e-01 -9.50359330e-02 3.00503671e-01 3.78286153e-01 -2.99551725e-01 -3.76463056e-01 1.69688970e-01 -1.23492097e-02 -5.91363236e-02 -2.13422939e-01 4.33435738e-01 8.90095457e-02 4.35846269e-01 -1.40208498e-01 3.62820834e-01 -3.00030202e-01 1.46230385e-01 -1.70825139e-01 -2.29992103e-02 -1.15416583e-03 -3.10570747e-01 -2.44987998e-02 -1.02027945e-01 8.36844966e-02 2.58975029e-01 -1.23349898e-01 -2.07103968e-01 -1.55870378e-01 1.84229389e-01 1.01128221e-01 -2.72779614e-01 -7.92780519e-02 2.91176885e-01 5.99160157e-02 7.62304813e-02 3.05821523e-02 3.82546723e-01 3.02878946e-01 1.41528308e-01 3.06477338e-01 -1.03885807e-01 -7.07329512e-02 3.93826552e-02 2.52377212e-01 5.92867315e-01 3.06649894e-01 1.71968043e-01 -2.25825518e-01 -4.67357934e-02 1.49828672e-01 5.86164035e-02 -4.02891450e-03 5.14433086e-01 8.87067243e-03 1.14714075e-02 9.06524509e-02 2.53983468e-01 -8.39497820e-02 -1.04875669e-01 -1.87627450e-01 5.41648902e-02 -3.17171484e-01 1.84297293e-01 1.41392916e-01 5.65714911e-02 4.43616658e-01 -1.80750713e-02 -5.54921979e-04 -2.86139064e-02 -2.48751640e-01 -1.33462891e-01 2.29374200e-01 -2.75381822e-02 8.33616704e-02 2.21711278e-01 -2.25663371e-02 6.03428893e-02 -5.11595644e-02 1.79723382e-01 2.35656321e-01 1.47787660e-01 3.59214246e-01 3.62438485e-02 4.81493831e-01 -1.44743979e-01 -2.57822782e-01 2.05528483e-01 1.80845946e-01 1.13168679e-01 -4.81477007e-02 2.39494085e-01 -2.44701862e-01 3.22186142e-01 -2.30051950e-01 -1.14099681e-01 -9.69277322e-02 1.38004043e-03 -1.46200389e-01 2.84099191e-01 9.93835256e-02 1.13723584e-01 3.20111573e-01 -2.01281205e-01 1.43894911e-01 1.84073359e-01 -5.12291379e-02 -3.93883362e-02 -4.20723826e-01 2.67309040e-01 -8.11668858e-02 2.51548558e-01 -3.80303234e-01 1.05092302e-01 4.28129435e-01 -4.00905199e-02 -1.76227242e-01 2.48456627e-01 2.58933157e-02 -2.82042399e-02 3.26319993e-01 1.40542686e-01 -1.17845617e-01 5.02270833e-02 -1.05658166e-01 2.32472211e-01 -3.33946310e-02 -3.31993669e-01 1.01701297e-01 3.97653311e-01 -6.76103115e-01 -1.18110850e-01 2.07824096e-01 -1.74026817e-01 1.25428155e-01 -1.25825539e-01 -6.71744570e-02 8.18958282e-02 -1.19376808e-01 -3.30896497e-01 -2.17044100e-01 -2.30331734e-01 -1.06500141e-01 1.79859027e-01 -7.91056454e-02 7.87538663e-02 -1.34891376e-01 3.12158279e-03 2.80911736e-02 5.81441522e-02 -2.79670507e-01 2.13938057e-01 3.50921243e-01 2.99250990e-01 -1.77810173e-02 -1.55393764e-01 -1.16995052e-01 1.82607353e-01 2.32042328e-01 1.76570266e-01 1.50361419e-01 1.06348850e-01 -2.78159231e-01 3.03545982e-01 5.37839532e-01 2.52621144e-01 -8.69190320e-02 2.89393574e-01 -2.34995663e-01 2.52415508e-01 4.06707644e-01 -4.97564860e-02 -1.13307461e-01 -1.16332076e-01 -1.87481165e-01 1.46299541e-01 1.38084456e-01 -9.69902053e-02 -4.45226341e-01 3.00423708e-03 2.87238628e-01 3.83509129e-01 5.85405082e-02 3.38228643e-01 -1.86541498e-01 -3.38643789e-01 4.11416858e-01 4.22323257e-01 -5.51572591e-02 -4.14443612e-01 -1.86909050e-01 6.63024545e-01 1.07280411e-01 4.41213906e-01 -1.74555078e-03 1.50625706e-01 6.51513711e-02 -7.02085048e-02 -4.85950828e-01 -9.27346572e-02 -1.70093194e-01 -3.09123322e-02 3.00449263e-02 4.78422612e-01 -5.00387326e-02 1.38341367e-01 -4.45549160e-01 6.68161139e-02 6.98769093e-01 -4.74628031e-01 4.87971455e-02 1.23005986e-01 -8.51293579e-02 -1.55132100e-01 5.30751646e-02 1.40623912e-01 -3.43807817e-01 -1.85154676e-02 -8.10754225e-02 -1.76031619e-01 7.25759044e-02 -1.17712133e-02 1.61238536e-01 -7.81371668e-02 4.09604132e-01 1.44330814e-01 1.36056021e-01 -2.83138245e-01 -4.42404076e-02]
"Mysterious Russian Submarine" active "Item #: SCP-741 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: As the object has sunk to an extreme depth and is surrounded by a region of elevated pressure, it is largely isolated from external influence. Nevertheless, periodic monitoring by sonar and/or submersible should be conducted to ensure that it has not been tampered with. Russia has actively encouraged the use of the Foundation-contracted Russian warships SCPS Basisty and Krasnoyarsk for these purposes. In the event of activity within the exclusion zone surrounding SCP-741, Procedure 353-KOSCHEI is to be enacted; this procedure entails the use of nuclear and conventionally-armed RPK-2 Viyuga anti-submarine/surface missiles aboard the Krasnoyarsk. Any movement of 741 is to be met immediately with a nuclear strike. All other contacts are to be engaged with conventional warheads. Description: SCP-741 is a sunken Soviet submarine. It sank near β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in March, 1968; however, the Foundation did not take over custody of the vessel until β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ, 1999. The submarine itself is a version of the Charlie II class, carrying eight (8) P-120 Malakhit anti-ship missiles. Prior to sinking, the submarine had been deployed under unusual circumstances which garnered the attention of Western intelligence agencies. The United States government attempted to recover the vessel in the early 1970s, an operation known as Project β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. This was moderately successful, though precisely what it recovered was never disclosed. In the late 1990s, agents within the US government, affiliated with [REDACTED], contacted the Foundation with news of a potential Euclid or Keter-class object within the wreck. Following negotiations, the Foundation took custody of the wreck and has had it under surveillance ever since. The vessel lies on the ocean floor in three pieces. Evidence suggests that the hull was broken apart during the Project β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ recovery attempt, and that it was largely intact at the time that it sank, save for a hole just forward of the sail and another further aft, just below the starboard missile tubes. Debris recovered from this hole indicates that the sub was struck by a P-120 Malakhit anti-ship missile while surfaced. One of the boat's own P-120 missiles has been fired. The submarine appears to have sunk due to rapid flooding following the missile strike. No remains of the crew have been found, either within the vessel or in the vicinity, and all emergency escape equipment is untouched. Divers sent to investigate reported anomalous currents, abnormal sea life, moans, unexplained voices and unintelligible whispering, and the presence of blurry, faintly glowing figures. Sea life in the area has been observed to be unusually aggressive β€” a diver was seriously injured by a large squid of unknown species, and on two occasions, observation submersibles have been aggressively approached by sharks and large squid. The wreck is surrounded by an anomalous pressure gradient extending approximately 250m centered on a point 30m aft of the center of the submarine. Within the affected region, pressure is much greater than is expected for the depth. This is believed to be the reason why Project β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ could not recover the entire submarine. It has also significantly hampered further salvage and investigation efforts. The extreme pressure differential makes analysis with sonar difficult, as very high amplitudes are required. Special protection is also required for divers to approach the wreck. What records the Foundation has been able to obtain from Russia and the United States about the submarine strongly suggest that it was being used to carry some secret cargo, the nature of which is still unknown. Code-words used in the Russian documents imply that the secret cargo did not have anything to do with the typical nuclear or chemical weapons of the day. A mention is made of Project [REDACTED], a Soviet [DATA EXPUNGED]. Incident Report I741-C: On β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, SCPS Basisty reported a submerged contact approaching SCP-741 from the south at 46 knots. Acoustic signature of the contact did not match any known submarine or torpedo. Contact did not respond to sonobuoy drops or active sonar pings. When the contact crossed into the 18km total underwater exclusion zone, contact was classified hostile. Sonar recorded sounds of an undersea missile launch. Basisty broke away and fired a Type 53 torpedo toward the attacker. Missiles of unknown configuration were observed breaking the water 15 seconds later, flying at an altitude of 1.8 meters at a velocity of 0.92 Mach. No radar emissions were detected from the missiles and they did not respond to launched chaff or flares. Both missiles were engaged by Basisty's 3K95 "Kinzhal" surface-to-air missiles and Kashtan point defense systems, and were destroyed at 1800 meters and 210 meters from impact. Afterward, hostile could be heard engaging in evasive maneuvers, followed by four closely-spaced explosions and the sound of a submarine disintegrating. The identity and intentions of the attacker have not yet been determined. In light of this incident, the acoustic sensor net should be expanded and additional patrol and defense assets acquired. Acquisition of undersea retaliatory capability advised. Addendum 741b: Further analysis of the sonar recordings taken by SCPS Basisty during Incident I741-C has revealed anomalous acoustic signatures not consistent with any known form of propulsion, including magnetohydrodynamic drive. Anomalous transients reminiscent of [REDACTED] are also audible during the breakup of the unknown attacker. Document 741-A: An interview conducted between Foundation researcher [NAME WITHHELD] and an American intelligence agent working for [REDACTED], relevant portion transcribed below. SCP Researcher: Why did you decide to come forward? The US government sat on this information for 30 years. American agent: You've seen those reports - Project [REDACTED], for fuck's sake? We knew that part, too. How the directors didn't make the connection is beyond me. That, and the stuff the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ pulled up? Yeah. The other part you don't hear about is what some of the research team died of. [DATA EXPUNGED] doesn't naturally do that. And the crewmen we buried? Just uniforms. Also, the nuclear device we recovered wasn't a missile or torpedo warhead, it was a demolition charge. Does that make any sense? After all those clues, I had to come forward. Why the directorate didn't is something I can't fully explain. SCP Researcher: Wait - the sub was sent out unmanned? But if so… Agent: (Interrupting) No, not unmanned. There were no bodies, but personal effects were everywhere, along with uniforms. There was some blood - human, before you ask - on one of the torpedoes and a bit of skin, where somebody probably crushed his hand loading the thing. Just, no bodies left. When I first looked into all this, I had no clue what the hell had gone on down there, but I started putting things together. SCP Researcher: A Soviet weapons program? Some kind of biological agent, after what you said about [DATA EXPUNGED] Agent: (Shakes head) No, no, it wasn't that. I thought maybe it could have been, so I dialed up some of my contacts at Biopreparat - us spies end up owing each other favors after a while - and they denied it. Vehemently. Not your usual cover-up horseshit, either, they clearly stated that whatever the fuck β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was carrying, it wasn't theirs and they wanted no part of it. Sounded like he was gonna puke when I mentioned [REDACTED]. And Doctor, do you have any idea what it takes to make a bioweapons researcher sick? SCP Researcher: I can guess. Agent: Now, that wasn't what really bugged me, though. What really kept me awake at night was the KGB files that fell into our hands. They mentioned a covert op by the Soviet military against an internal, unnamed faction, to get rid of "terrifying weapons" that "even the Soviet Union can't safely control". They wanted to lose it, whatever it was, or maybe fob it off onto the US. Of course, that all came to light right before the Iron Curtain fell, and given the atmosphere at the time, it was practically impossible to convince the directors that they weren't talking about nukes, and even once I did, they still didn't think this was worthy of action. I mean, the [REDACTED] will probably have me hanged for treason if they ever find me, but it was worth the risk. And by what I can gather, it sounds like Russia thinks so too - loaning you half the Pacific Fleet, and all… See Also: Incident Report I741-A Β« SCP-740 | SCP-741 | SCP-742 Β»" "SCP-741 prior to sinking on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆ/196β–ˆ"
[ 4.05510783e-01 -2.14132473e-01 -4.45049629e-02 7.24391565e-02 8.75663012e-02 -2.29873523e-01 2.38629654e-01 1.24162450e-01 -1.58841208e-01 1.35307536e-01 -3.73543166e-02 1.54703557e-01 -2.96372503e-01 -5.42368852e-02 2.72818178e-01 -3.26123089e-02 3.70609492e-01 -7.78454021e-02 1.59373894e-01 -1.14086807e-01 -2.60058880e-01 -1.80377550e-02 -2.44204462e-01 -5.58875315e-02 1.11772940e-01 4.16363001e-01 -1.13620713e-01 -1.18482903e-01 -5.14257073e-01 -1.93696603e-01 5.49048603e-01 6.33588433e-02 2.11930543e-01 4.19605851e-01 -1.06266918e-04 -2.57372949e-02 -1.27131686e-01 2.96401624e-02 -2.03264013e-01 2.26963416e-01 -6.46358654e-02 -4.41979438e-01 -2.20328961e-02 -3.99011821e-01 -5.42274974e-02 -2.39124313e-01 9.80041772e-02 3.43859255e-01 8.70125443e-02 3.04759890e-01 1.74318343e-01 5.97930998e-02 1.02589399e-01 1.96078092e-01 -3.03139910e-02 -2.44569480e-01 -2.05109835e-01 -2.31805444e-01 -3.23539823e-02 3.07192475e-01 4.47134942e-01 2.94241279e-01 -9.29157883e-02 -2.83217609e-01 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-1.61550611e-01 7.63098290e-03 1.68891251e-01 9.77675840e-02 -2.01213241e-01 1.33848593e-01 7.46005699e-02 1.14474863e-01 -1.23444460e-01 5.30965216e-02 1.22621827e-01 -3.36268097e-02 6.25253236e-03 5.30901790e-01 1.05281629e-01 1.89043641e-01 -5.60672224e-01 2.85335779e-01 1.40907928e-01 -3.60228956e-01 2.29549110e-01 -8.27537328e-02 -2.42930744e-03 -3.62726599e-01 1.92145109e-02 3.41891423e-02 -8.22463911e-03 -2.05053329e-01 1.13408722e-01 -3.40150148e-01 -3.21083397e-01 3.83122027e-01 -6.03060089e-02 2.12511525e-01 1.36272088e-01 -2.81313419e-01 -4.99137975e-02 -1.56037435e-01 1.79063767e-01 -7.44134039e-02 -1.63642075e-02 3.12440366e-01 8.44656676e-02 1.02607086e-01 8.02542716e-02 1.16062500e-01 -1.39281675e-01 1.52658269e-01 -1.87902182e-01 -9.98673737e-02 -7.00233132e-02 -5.03484868e-02 -4.33889985e-01 1.70231119e-01 -1.04514077e-01 -2.85609484e-01 2.61692517e-02 3.31430465e-01 -2.92254418e-01 3.50433178e-02 -9.85228792e-02 2.21060455e-01 2.43185103e-01 -2.90063322e-01 -3.81946385e-01 4.87987660e-02 3.55669558e-01 -1.53957000e-02 1.24681398e-01 -2.64190078e-01 -2.74759501e-01 -3.75754207e-01 9.23060328e-02 -5.94938323e-02 -5.30509770e-01 -3.38744581e-01 1.59218535e-01 5.98062277e-02 -4.91680764e-02 6.60628498e-01 2.16457825e-02 -5.52307144e-02 3.64381999e-01 1.31803811e-01 -4.68824804e-02 8.96686465e-02 -1.53595969e-01 6.87474236e-02 1.31174356e-01 8.54295865e-02 1.13991588e-01 -3.00948936e-02 -1.80102065e-02 -8.67119506e-02 -2.87524641e-01 1.74833126e-02 1.35839745e-01 1.81215331e-01 -1.84387103e-01 1.97102070e-01 1.00572789e-02 -1.76611543e-01 -2.19614789e-01 -2.65202075e-01 4.10292864e-01 -3.63212079e-01 -4.05937545e-02 -8.95636752e-02 9.48852822e-02 5.29599972e-02 4.05355804e-02 -3.37366253e-01 -1.61316469e-01 -1.61535013e-02 -4.64534685e-02 -3.14900160e-01 -1.56901106e-01 1.23869009e-01 1.12091362e-01 -2.44597159e-02 -3.66997570e-01 2.34160349e-01 1.84276074e-01 -5.00179291e-01 -3.74436565e-02]
"Retrovirus" active "Item #: SCP-742 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-742-1 are kept in separate solitary confinement cells in the maximum security wing of Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ, and are fed β–ˆ kilograms of freshly harvested human bone marrow obtained [REDACTED] in addition to standard humanoid-grade rations. Samples of the SCP-742 virus itself are kept in a secure vault at Site-19. Personnel are to note that while infected individuals are extremely dangerous, SCP-742 itself has exceedingly low infectivity except when injected directly into the bloodstream and is not considered a biohazard. Mobile Task Force β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ has been created to respond to uncontained outbreaks of SCP-742, and are currently in the field in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Description: SCP-742 is a retrovirus, approximately β–ˆβ–ˆ times more complex than any known naturally occurring virus. SCP-742 infects all cell types but initially only enters the lytic cycle in helper-T cells, leading to a state of immuno-compromise that allows SCP-742 to infect every one of the infected subject’s cells. Infected cells secrete hormones that increase appetite as well as a signal-compound, once full infection is achieved concentration of this signal compound reaches a target level and the infection enters stage two. During stage two SCP-742 affects the nervous system, causing the infected subject to ravenously consume large quantities of protein-rich food and then seek a dark, secluded area (often a cave, abandoned building, or crypt.) At this point the subject enters a state of hibernation, slowing the metabolism to the point of apparent death. During this period the SCP-742 retrovirus completely reverse-transcribes itself into the infected subject’s DNA and de-activates its viral properties β€” following this event the subject is designated SCP-742-1. Newly created instances of SCP-742-1 use the food-energy ingested during the viral phase to alter their physiology, resulting in an organism superficially similar to a human being but with a second alimentary tract linked [DATA EXPUNGED] roof of the mouth, several new organs of indeterminate function, and a subtly altered nervous system. Once fully transformed, instances of SCP-742-1 continue to function as if they were normal human beings, and are virtually indistinguishable without medical examination. However, SCP-742 infection destabilizes the genome during reverse-transcription, leading to symptoms consistent with telomerase dysfunction within approximately a month. SCP-742-1 can prevent this by ingesting human stem cells. In the wild, SCP-742-1 are nocturnal hunters, preying on isolated humans. The victim is first paralyzed by a venomous bite, then drained of bone marrow via [REDACTED]. Occasionally some of the victim’s flesh will also be cannibalized for sustenance. Instances of SCP-742-1 do not age normally and, if kept supplied with stem cells, are biologically immortal. Instances of SCP-742-1 specifically target younger victims because of the higher volumes of stem cells that can be obtained. Children who still have baby teeth will be found with their teeth missing in addition [DATA EXPUNGED]. Instances of SCP-742-1 will also target pregnant mothers in order to enter an infectious state. Normally SCP-742-1 uses pluripotent stem cells from bone marrow to regenerate itself and is incapable of spreading the SCP-742 infection. However, after ingesting at least β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ grams of totipotent stem cells (typically from a human fetus, although the source is irrelevant) SCP-742-1 secretes a small amount of fluid filled with the SCP-742 retrovirus from the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ glands. This fluid, injected [DATA EXPUNGED] major artery of a human victim is the primary transmission vector for the SCP-742 infection. Instances of SCP-742-1 behave subserviently toward the instance that infected them. Β« SCP-741 | SCP-742 | SCP-743 Β»" nan
[ 3.94894570e-01 -3.03892344e-01 -1.30797625e-01 -1.14781678e-01 1.98205560e-01 -1.16854407e-01 9.65620857e-03 2.21969649e-01 -1.40834630e-01 -6.68473691e-02 -9.49964300e-02 3.48667473e-01 -1.22235477e-01 1.49181738e-01 4.68467399e-02 1.43987551e-01 2.18362659e-01 6.15653172e-02 1.12970114e-01 -2.60180742e-01 -2.25344867e-01 1.73104897e-01 -7.94023499e-02 1.03713691e-01 2.82417405e-02 1.74628738e-02 3.95678490e-01 2.99903750e-01 5.25735579e-02 -5.52762210e-01 2.23724276e-01 -1.61404788e-01 1.62903324e-01 4.46655542e-01 -1.05710496e-04 -2.02807654e-02 6.64735585e-02 -3.53477933e-02 -2.13245377e-01 4.40102667e-01 -6.49681836e-02 -1.07418798e-01 8.13979879e-02 -4.09881085e-01 2.56435983e-02 -1.84193179e-01 1.57383680e-01 1.69282600e-01 4.26496476e-01 1.49176434e-01 2.20239446e-01 -1.91870049e-01 5.49940355e-02 -1.86658308e-01 1.54595226e-01 -9.64619815e-02 -1.31784990e-01 -1.76745012e-01 2.40385249e-01 2.69977987e-01 1.70334503e-01 3.13261807e-01 -1.57280162e-01 4.68162186e-02 2.54023790e-01 -2.36300174e-02 6.30597591e-01 -2.38171667e-01 2.37815857e-01 2.03197733e-01 5.15183434e-02 3.28113511e-02 1.62888855e-01 1.85039863e-01 4.66726124e-02 -3.89378099e-03 2.05665335e-01 -9.79315266e-02 -1.11332402e-01 1.68364078e-01 7.36217648e-02 3.53332043e-01 -8.22300091e-02 -2.71512568e-01 -2.67962754e-01 -8.14295709e-02 -8.73933211e-02 -1.76543757e-01 1.83209717e-01 -2.50496596e-01 -9.54260081e-02 1.37696981e-01 2.46799797e-01 1.12018518e-01 -2.50234991e-01 5.11675440e-02 9.25410464e-02 2.28859037e-01 3.91791701e-01 -1.31620795e-01 -1.29519515e-02 -2.41631135e-01 -1.73635855e-02 3.24276797e-02 -3.02919120e-01 -1.77553728e-01 -1.97022393e-01 -5.91395080e-01 -1.38462052e-01 1.47530630e-01 -9.79019701e-02 1.99651837e-01 -2.32977524e-01 -1.46227202e-03 1.47119701e-01 6.07564561e-02 -6.82341978e-02 -8.51308629e-02 -3.25796098e-01 2.53080845e-01 -4.31437671e-01 1.33683085e-01 -2.28283182e-01 4.03901964e-01 4.11411315e-01 1.03965886e-01 9.98266190e-02 -2.91577280e-01 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2.95603782e-01 1.70242861e-01 -4.65279408e-02 -8.18921179e-02 2.51842737e-01 4.75889683e-01 -5.02978601e-02 -1.88414469e-01 1.82553500e-01 1.01014584e-01 -2.75324792e-01 1.74816906e-01 -3.41658853e-02 -3.23041052e-01 -1.33003786e-01 2.21943080e-01 1.88966453e-01 2.95227161e-04 4.35856372e-01 -7.46878833e-02 -1.67185634e-01 -4.03997034e-01 2.16025367e-01 1.69189021e-01 -4.22404706e-01 2.13417853e-03 -1.21872477e-01 -3.78654718e-01 1.80413216e-01 6.79097176e-01 1.53236508e-01 -1.86621800e-01 -2.16617107e-01 -2.79510230e-01 2.43037436e-02 2.34021153e-02 7.09519088e-02 9.64412764e-02 1.41210064e-01 3.57227683e-01 -4.73472029e-02 1.10557333e-01 -4.84031320e-01 1.57801047e-01 -1.93291590e-01 -4.13794219e-02 1.77566737e-01 -1.21884212e-01 3.62015545e-01 -4.54431325e-02 1.81969285e-01 2.51157224e-01 1.38623640e-02 -3.21526110e-01 -3.54375213e-01 1.21947259e-01 -7.13665187e-02 -7.26303831e-02 -1.45012259e-01 1.65297285e-01 9.77944508e-02 1.10846579e-01 3.05268347e-01 2.82650471e-01 4.32384253e-01 2.17641234e-01 7.53087476e-02 2.49582335e-01 9.95746031e-02 2.19428027e-03 5.45969605e-02 1.42854512e-01 -1.62039593e-01 -1.46258594e-02 -2.00846404e-01 -5.87986596e-02 2.54704922e-01 3.69463742e-01 7.90364221e-02 4.07828540e-01 2.54861534e-01 4.23321798e-02 -2.84114510e-01 1.53322399e-01 -4.51279610e-01 2.43809551e-01 -2.87087351e-01 -1.32428333e-01 5.18475585e-02 3.42063189e-01 -1.12719640e-01 6.09258413e-02 1.43554285e-01 -2.55548880e-02 7.94173852e-02 4.10078287e-01 6.41770884e-02 -1.14577867e-01 2.24205345e-01 9.27337781e-02 1.69958740e-01 9.65882167e-02 1.81817472e-01 2.02601075e-01 1.04595535e-01 -7.59256035e-02 3.99123654e-02 2.21959457e-01 2.98582226e-01 9.57093537e-02 1.22308023e-01 -1.07540622e-01 5.48886172e-02 1.17580220e-01 9.00156721e-02 1.77818984e-02 -1.65084675e-01 2.38049090e-01 -2.30409965e-01 1.62100539e-01 -4.63411622e-02 -1.06590346e-01 4.69004065e-02 -2.52979368e-01 -4.29768562e-01 6.10188022e-02 5.10980152e-02 -1.17769018e-01 5.68950102e-02 -2.57163763e-01 -5.00250459e-01 -1.31303966e-01 -9.16409865e-03 2.15073124e-01 3.32533360e-01 -1.58276614e-02 1.51564972e-02 1.50875375e-01 -3.44884276e-01 1.07991248e-01 3.85607749e-01 -2.98999935e-01 -1.07802209e-02 2.34050348e-01 -1.66705828e-02 1.89007938e-01 3.77696365e-01 1.93589568e-01 4.42696735e-02 -5.00991829e-02 -1.47838399e-01 -4.12656292e-02 -5.43353595e-02 -1.77483425e-01 1.56765953e-01 -3.02684028e-02 2.03423426e-01 1.41509026e-01 1.94055647e-01 -3.35665166e-01 -2.04597130e-01 -5.18444786e-03 -5.40102758e-02 -6.66088909e-02 1.29073456e-01 -4.26571593e-02 -1.40533447e-01 -2.13610679e-02 1.13819748e-01 -2.28971854e-01 1.42714754e-01 -2.43018493e-01 -3.63021851e-01 2.46208578e-01 -4.59188707e-02 1.36401340e-01 3.11410408e-02 4.48730201e-01 -6.76011443e-02 1.15146868e-01 -2.78092355e-01 -2.32331932e-01 -1.09859094e-01 1.32012188e-01 -4.01793659e-01 -5.41241109e-01 -1.71379492e-01 4.87190261e-02 5.28516769e-02 2.72429019e-01 -1.83081329e-02 -4.76434529e-01 -3.61704260e-01 3.57923955e-01 -1.58496294e-02 1.35029018e-01 5.48974991e-01 -1.31680921e-01 4.68965694e-02 -2.77298063e-01 1.63080439e-01 -1.45620421e-01 2.39176571e-01 1.72163486e-01 -5.20946741e-01 -1.49502009e-01 -9.54891890e-02 3.75097692e-01 1.27673894e-01 1.60289049e-01 -3.38860273e-01 -3.95410955e-01 -1.19369440e-01 2.71888882e-01 -2.86402315e-01 -1.45156294e-01 6.31616712e-02 2.87854582e-01 3.49272788e-02 3.65404069e-01 2.44368002e-01 8.69571194e-02 4.44164798e-02 1.91194162e-01 -3.04312497e-01 9.48877111e-02 -2.37356603e-01 3.84259745e-02 9.77493599e-02 3.85873079e-01 4.06116806e-02 1.14605449e-01 -4.22389328e-01 -4.58813906e-01 4.19957489e-01 -4.66161489e-01 -2.21639201e-01 -2.52355486e-01 2.91577250e-01 9.60697755e-02 7.12027177e-02 -2.13794082e-01 5.22812977e-02 -1.30999789e-01 3.18132222e-01 -4.65342432e-01 -2.70139705e-02 -1.42961264e-01 -3.87536079e-01 -8.14663544e-02 4.55182157e-02 1.57990038e-01 1.10116392e-01 -4.67712671e-01 -1.58390701e-01]
"A Chocolate Fountain" active "Item #: SCP-743 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: No one may enter SCP-743’s containment area except for scheduled D-class personnel. Any activity that must be performed within SCP-743’s containment area must be performed remotely by robot. SCP-743 is to be kept in a Level-4 carbide-steel secure container, 1.5 m x 75 cm x 75 cm, no less than 5 cm thick. This container will itself be kept in a Level-4 secure room, 10 m x 10 m, with enhanced hard-metal lining. A full array of redundant sensors within the container will remain trained on SCP-743; another array of sensors will watch the container for any signs of breach. Video, audio, and data feeds from all arrays will pass to a control room manned at all times by at least two personnel. Any abnormal or aggressive activity by SCP-743 must immediately be reported to Level 4 staff. Housing for 24 D-class personnel (designated Housing Unit 743, or HU-743) must be set up adjacent to SCP-743's containment area. At the first of each month, D-class personnel who are scheduled to be terminated must instead be moved into HU-743, enough to fill the housing to capacity. If at any time fewer than eight D-class personnel are residing in HU-743, at least sixteen D-class personnel are to immediately be transferred to HU-743. In case of containment breach, all D-class personnel housed in HU-743 are to immediately be exposed to SCP-743. Keter-class recontainment protocols apply. Every two days, one D-class personnel currently assigned to HU-743 is to be locked alive in SCP-743’s containment room with several plates of food, at which time SCP-743’s container will be remotely unlocked and opened. This D-class personnel may eat as much as desired of the available food, including the liquid from SCP-743. Under no circumstances is this D-class personnel to be allowed to exit SCP-743’s containment area. SCP-743 may not be transported without O5 approval except under emergency protocols. When transported, SCP-743 must be accompanied by no fewer than eight Level-4 security personnel and no fewer than eight D-class personnel from HU-743. As of β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-743 is kept in Containment Annex Delta at Armed Reliquary Containment Area-02. Description: SCP-743 is a stainless-steel chocolate fountain, 112 cm (44 in) tall and 47 cm (18.5 in) wide, with a mass of 35 kg (77 lb). On the base of SCP-743 is a laser-etched logo for Sephra, a company that specializes in producing chocolate fountains. SCP-743 usually appears to be in pristine condition: immaculately clean, well-polished, and completely undamaged. SCP-743 can be disassembled into its component parts (base, auger, cylinder, tiers, and crown), but standard examination of the individual components do not reveal any unusual traits. When assembled, SCP-743 exhibits several different behaviors: Although the arthropoids that emerge from SCP-743 are significantly stronger than their normal counterparts, they are not significantly tougher. Stomping an individual arthropoid with a heavy boot will usually be sufficient to β€œkill” it, at which time it will fall apart into a drop or puddle of SCP-743’s liquid and quickly evaporate, its enticing aroma lingering. However, arthropoids from SCP-743 are almost never encountered alone. It is not yet known how the arthropoids communicate with each other, or even if they are individual consciousnesses or part of a collective mind. It is also not yet known who or what controls the arthropoids (if anything), where the organic matter taken into SCP-743’s base goes, how SCP-743 can produce a seemingly endless supply of liquid and arthropoids, or where all that liquid comes from. SCP-743 does not appear to be invulnerable. However, SCP-743 is both highly resistant to damage and will employ its arthropoid army as an active defense system. It is theorized that SCP-743 can be destroyed using [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, due to the apparent extradimensional characteristics of SCP-743, coupled with its inherent resistance to damage, no termination testing can be performed on SCP-743 without O5 authorization. Note: β€œDue to the nature of SCP-743, it is difficult to study the source of its abilities. No one can get close to it without risking being eaten, our instruments don’t last longer than a few minutes before being shredded by 743’s bugs, probes sent into 743 can’t see anything but brown, and the liquid evaporates so quickly most of what we know of it comes from analysis of its gaseous phase. What we do know is that 743 is dangerous. We have yet to see any limit to the amount of stuff 743 can pour out. I firmly believe 743 could breach containment if it seriously tried. That said, 743 seems to behave itself as long as it gets a steady stream of live people to eat. Thus, I propose that some D-class personnel that will be terminated anyway be fed to 743. Kill two birds with one stone.” –Dr. Lambert Proposal β€œDeath by Chocolate” approved by O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ. Β« SCP-742 | SCP-743 | SCP-744 Β»" nan
[ 3.54129791e-01 -1.83619305e-01 -1.88502669e-01 1.28535703e-01 -5.71859218e-02 -4.16655332e-01 2.96583474e-01 -9.57712457e-02 -1.65383950e-01 3.06222916e-01 8.72025341e-02 3.11732054e-01 -2.54894048e-01 4.05869335e-01 -2.50477582e-01 9.51625258e-02 1.81145564e-01 4.64776754e-02 -1.39125407e-01 -3.36763784e-02 -2.18764186e-01 -5.53853661e-02 -1.89493954e-01 -1.12727039e-01 -1.13274314e-01 9.09476280e-02 1.60392687e-01 -4.57735918e-02 -1.30872026e-01 -6.41126335e-01 2.00435877e-01 2.53670424e-01 -9.61056352e-02 4.21844095e-01 -1.08014858e-04 -1.61725819e-01 7.88937509e-02 7.67433569e-02 -2.86287427e-01 2.50046104e-01 -3.72365326e-01 -3.29686105e-01 -1.73279289e-02 -2.29853839e-01 -4.39563394e-02 3.73256773e-01 1.87409624e-01 3.13843131e-01 5.10896921e-01 -2.09375750e-03 2.03779086e-01 -3.33284885e-01 -5.78150041e-02 5.79446815e-02 -1.77787751e-01 -3.78285974e-01 -2.37388104e-01 -1.51874423e-01 1.40361100e-01 2.76749790e-01 5.48322126e-02 1.86826169e-01 -1.22769168e-02 9.26181301e-02 3.78896952e-01 -2.38093019e-01 8.41342583e-02 -2.85671055e-01 1.88194513e-01 3.58763486e-01 1.44805267e-01 5.91892377e-02 6.88257962e-02 6.19522370e-02 -2.02512875e-01 -5.67073282e-03 1.74586236e-01 1.57836393e-01 2.73901187e-02 -1.58441246e-01 -9.70275551e-02 1.82630941e-01 -4.15782601e-01 -7.77095044e-03 1.97349582e-02 4.34721351e-01 -8.16697553e-02 -1.13075823e-01 2.55251855e-01 -1.25415862e-01 1.67133301e-01 -1.32672608e-01 1.37410164e-01 1.35130882e-01 1.22054599e-01 -9.38691497e-02 5.79687282e-02 5.34858465e-01 6.06628023e-02 1.01495087e-01 7.90381730e-02 2.24442020e-01 5.95848933e-02 1.24544635e-01 1.44864451e-02 -1.07316570e-02 -6.27461597e-02 -1.24710970e-01 -2.91430324e-01 3.31543773e-01 -3.60762596e-01 9.48457271e-02 -2.74774224e-01 3.01580001e-02 -4.13061529e-02 -2.86145471e-02 7.20928470e-03 -9.66061056e-02 2.49464050e-01 3.63558203e-01 -4.48572546e-01 1.35479465e-01 -9.14268494e-02 3.58212471e-01 5.93471751e-02 3.89459968e-01 -1.93777904e-01 -8.53765085e-02 6.73269061e-03 1.65340267e-02 -3.00862819e-01 1.97988749e-01 -3.96315068e-01 -7.32414499e-02 -2.02644423e-01 3.48422736e-01 -3.13421302e-02 -1.24576345e-01 -1.23496093e-01 -5.60798831e-02 2.78112203e-01 -7.82475397e-02 4.09754783e-01 3.12456191e-01 -1.09547280e-01 -5.58735669e-01 8.61350894e-02 -5.36818579e-02 -4.95307408e-02 -3.02198939e-02 4.00331408e-01 -2.31832460e-01 -1.55663714e-01 2.52752125e-01 -1.65245473e-01 1.16886415e-01 -3.48636881e-02 -3.74069400e-02 -7.68338703e-03 1.37703763e-02 2.65770286e-01 -9.73867625e-02 -1.81055024e-01 -4.04245347e-01 -9.65723544e-02 5.10380208e-01 -7.26228878e-02 -1.47016168e-01 -2.29624182e-01 -3.77570949e-02 2.92032331e-01 -1.29706100e-01 -1.76181749e-01 1.40488416e-01 5.13347350e-02 5.90651706e-02 -5.40379703e-01 -2.09764376e-01 -4.29626226e-01 -2.17987135e-01 -3.35792452e-01 3.08252305e-01 4.21124309e-01 -9.89673883e-02 -3.16604644e-01 9.64260940e-03 -4.07737762e-01 1.31319568e-01 1.92431398e-02 -1.49601519e-01 -1.83938846e-01 -4.44493920e-01 3.71217608e-01 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4.58667167e-02 2.67674148e-01 2.80766506e-02 1.12546593e-01 1.76678345e-01 -1.09848402e-01 2.24396437e-01 -1.70964733e-01 2.90788442e-01 6.26566410e-01 1.57749236e-01 2.26719856e-01 -1.00385465e-01 4.08160053e-02 3.53258997e-01 -1.16636746e-01 5.02945930e-02 -3.04705668e-02 1.19552746e-01 1.07806018e-02 1.78144097e-01 9.52563584e-02 3.82709950e-02 -3.30211341e-01 8.41391273e-03 -4.90777455e-02 2.12394614e-02 6.26775436e-03 -2.48432755e-01 2.31093511e-01 9.27501470e-02 6.04699671e-01 3.57169896e-01 -2.20549449e-01 -4.38966416e-02 3.27555060e-01 -2.29987994e-01 9.57754105e-02 -4.11547184e-01 3.07910353e-01 -2.90782213e-01 2.43796557e-01 -2.80441016e-01 -7.60283768e-02 -8.00700411e-02 1.88826516e-01 -3.48159909e-01 1.88019201e-01 3.59123379e-01 4.68128063e-02 4.08068076e-02 -3.10194734e-02 -3.58230412e-01 3.14720422e-01 1.10106446e-01 -1.77381799e-01 2.07700685e-01 3.43369995e-03 -4.06339854e-01 -1.60273656e-01 8.07569250e-02 -5.09230614e-01 -5.47954924e-02 2.85584759e-02 2.59845960e-03 -2.57631660e-01 1.81713849e-02 8.87488574e-02 -3.47057164e-01 -3.27381700e-01 2.16996044e-01 -1.99554548e-01 1.13145269e-01 6.15531467e-02 3.37967761e-02 1.73123553e-01 1.04518302e-01 -3.18378955e-01 -3.05725366e-01 -1.15271330e-01 -6.59463406e-02 -2.33011946e-01 1.41542125e-02 -2.57529438e-01 -3.78847718e-01 1.79875374e-01 -2.87997067e-01 -3.86402041e-01 -3.03658396e-01 -9.96472314e-02 1.68641821e-01 -9.22453254e-02 -2.06961632e-01 3.25741678e-01 1.60538092e-01 -3.48582000e-01 -2.77003735e-01 1.30800828e-01 2.56180376e-01 1.70257658e-01 1.52827516e-01 -1.13512687e-01 -1.01258382e-01 4.15116340e-01 3.58511537e-01 -3.63251239e-01 -1.23745963e-01 2.00153217e-01 1.25029773e-01 2.80320287e-01 2.59094238e-01 -1.82955608e-01 1.70178205e-01 2.43734866e-01 -4.77057487e-01 3.84205282e-02 -1.38124093e-01 5.48229590e-02 1.09209321e-01 1.29079357e-01 -2.98644841e-01 -7.80797228e-02 -1.28741711e-01 4.46098447e-01 1.46861270e-01 -2.12869838e-01 -2.41160095e-01 -8.32247660e-02 -4.36689891e-02 -2.23742858e-01 -1.03662968e-01 -3.05850320e-02 3.05555612e-02 -7.93893486e-02 -1.67609423e-01 -2.43797034e-01 1.16941847e-01 3.15072834e-02 -2.53087040e-02 -3.80582809e-01 3.09227910e-02 -7.00302869e-02 -1.07741371e-01 1.62219122e-01 -3.44326049e-01 4.01154608e-01 2.45340258e-01 7.82386307e-03 1.49310961e-01 -1.87927671e-03 -4.09528434e-01 -1.83285713e-01 3.39309245e-01 -3.21490079e-01 -1.54900804e-01 9.61766839e-02 -8.17908440e-03 -2.09186405e-01 1.66902959e-01 1.29512042e-01 -1.87353447e-01 -4.56346989e-01 -3.43318194e-01 1.04652859e-01 2.67333597e-01 2.15789564e-02 6.71404004e-02 -1.82251647e-01 1.28833964e-01 2.18059525e-01 1.10934116e-01 1.04386702e-01 1.28042372e-02 3.81361306e-01 -1.64427668e-01 2.06074063e-02 -2.43571222e-01 5.77794850e-01 3.20346057e-01 -1.60784870e-01 2.45591383e-02 -2.56845932e-02 1.87325925e-01 -1.89385675e-02 4.99905616e-01 7.67806470e-02 -2.16040015e-02 5.96283674e-02 5.40846527e-01 5.20483911e-01 1.59409970e-01 -7.70932138e-02 -3.78711987e-03 2.36198530e-01 -2.03934997e-01 1.70838516e-02 -3.12415570e-01 -3.36598098e-01 -1.97034970e-01 8.87478068e-02 -2.32496902e-01 2.15832874e-01 4.74624366e-01 1.22438180e+00 1.08739242e-01 8.14412609e-02 2.89787382e-01 -1.93787530e-01 -8.27390924e-02 -4.25846219e-01 1.22730248e-01 -3.14974278e-01 -7.44185038e-03 -2.03023665e-02 -3.16508770e-01 -1.11501947e-01 2.52938002e-01 -4.51873153e-01 -1.36936724e-01 -3.93810123e-01 1.38112545e-01 1.73615351e-01 3.19592744e-01 -4.19141911e-02 1.61610946e-01 2.16482252e-01 2.95050144e-01 5.68098091e-02 8.35800096e-02 -3.01222056e-01 -7.96815380e-02 9.18035656e-02 -4.99657765e-02 -4.16050702e-01 2.12825835e-01 -6.83491290e-01 4.26043600e-01 1.19570643e-01 3.49381380e-02 -3.09988201e-01 2.53642559e-01 -1.46087468e-01 -1.49800489e-02 6.39186800e-02 3.04296911e-01 5.07934928e-01 -2.06501499e-01 1.68326601e-01 -1.70116965e-02 1.98330641e-01 -1.51116163e-01 -6.12685196e-02 -1.01514578e-01 -9.42202006e-03 -3.81934196e-01 -1.16803713e-01 2.92653382e-01 4.99066338e-02 -1.84881434e-01 -9.65457484e-02 2.09271148e-01 -3.67059857e-01 -6.21780800e-03 2.08822474e-01 -8.20053294e-02 -1.16422668e-01 -1.91218346e-01 1.28495976e-01 -1.57825634e-01 -8.62467811e-02 -3.17924134e-02 2.22701460e-01 -4.54859063e-02 3.07903200e-01 9.10580084e-02 -1.20980263e-01 -3.46860975e-01 1.43196300e-01 3.12727183e-01 3.64409275e-02 1.16917297e-01 -2.72605300e-01 -6.42177820e-01 -6.36131763e-02 2.59602010e-01 2.31357425e-01 1.75090879e-01 -2.73998469e-01 -1.78886533e-01 1.48620894e-02 9.60925221e-02 7.52089266e-03 1.60099655e-01 -2.96457469e-01 2.81221062e-01 -8.61161873e-02 2.04916567e-01 -4.41164643e-01 -2.45266944e-01 -4.48519111e-01 -2.10214049e-01 1.09740749e-01 -1.42613754e-01 4.69767936e-02 -1.30195975e-01 1.69705227e-01 3.02834094e-01 -3.68406534e-01 -2.69877076e-01 -9.39830840e-02 1.36793941e-01 1.41316369e-01 -1.96717694e-01 -4.26245004e-01 2.10195392e-01 1.26330480e-01 4.37906273e-02 3.07233967e-02 2.71617293e-01 1.89863488e-01 1.67649776e-01 -1.60873130e-01 2.72580951e-01 1.30824864e-01 -1.92543447e-01 1.32168472e-01 3.19323957e-01 1.99398533e-01 -8.22062641e-02 3.25766176e-01 -7.57521316e-02 3.53534281e-01 -5.72091416e-02 2.20225558e-01 3.13525766e-01 9.10380781e-02 -1.19828731e-01 -2.66618133e-01 -2.83908594e-04 -3.38786185e-01 -1.04381755e-01 -2.29579180e-01 -7.66338482e-02 1.11805484e-01 3.25744838e-01 1.10050933e-02 7.85347968e-02 -3.29558924e-02 1.38116684e-02 7.81942904e-02 3.95692021e-01 -1.79413632e-01 7.01711103e-02 1.10106446e-01 3.10532063e-01 -8.38703290e-02 8.72804672e-02 1.40226722e-01 -1.29403710e-01 -4.10275817e-01 -7.64511898e-02 4.53393608e-02 9.62337106e-02 2.24156410e-01 8.47527757e-02 5.37700713e-01 2.19082102e-01 1.40891567e-01 1.67197615e-01 2.84442127e-01 1.30899757e-01 -3.24870527e-01 3.62277925e-01 -2.76013732e-01 3.11090231e-01 -2.04936877e-01 -4.36010331e-01 -1.72024280e-01 -2.43880883e-01 -2.39362076e-01 -1.21007442e-01 -9.24639031e-02 1.03489116e-01 3.14137667e-01 -9.88381356e-02 -3.61534774e-01 1.67428866e-01 3.43341410e-01 -1.45488158e-01 -7.30913365e-03 9.07228813e-02 3.55834588e-02 2.30497122e-01 7.86545128e-02 3.14748913e-01 5.10002077e-01 -3.15998226e-01 -8.77504274e-02 1.18053406e-01 -2.46676356e-01 -2.06534177e-01 -3.67731228e-02 4.44793433e-01 1.27864406e-01 -1.97003648e-01 9.06946585e-02 1.34246036e-01 -1.37754604e-01 -1.24759465e-01 1.12300724e-01 4.63389307e-01 2.66001046e-01 -7.21456036e-02 1.48831412e-01 -2.96080828e-01 1.50220171e-02 2.07896739e-01 8.80435184e-02 -1.44407690e-01 8.97345692e-02 2.47968018e-01 -2.68804401e-01 2.41268590e-01 8.82622078e-02 -4.66833234e-01 1.22545399e-02 -2.05502450e-01 1.27655463e-02 1.29715691e-03 -2.13277832e-01 1.01696059e-01 1.37221426e-01 4.35776711e-01 1.48048729e-01 4.30628747e-01 -3.50744933e-01 -2.94868648e-01 -1.02662191e-01 3.84649456e-01 -3.25786889e-01 -5.14586270e-01 -7.76301101e-02 -2.09626798e-02 -1.18977260e-02 4.18812990e-01 -3.79726179e-02 -1.91017866e-01 -2.68741161e-01 7.85777718e-03 -2.58670539e-01 1.71047121e-01 5.86010396e-01 1.96374524e-02 1.91234037e-01 -2.07130343e-01 5.31579629e-02 -3.03587597e-02 2.31621191e-01 3.21210027e-01 -2.99860477e-01 -9.62366536e-03 -1.18723333e-01 3.77754807e-01 1.43530190e-01 2.40987927e-01 -2.05444202e-01 -1.41615912e-01 1.62238091e-01 1.97395667e-01 -2.85503179e-01 -4.33936715e-02 -1.78893507e-01 4.09155518e-01 1.77007839e-01 2.97204465e-01 -1.01599805e-02 2.12661684e-01 2.07318276e-01 2.67568022e-01 3.16621028e-02 -9.23250616e-02 1.57966137e-01 1.75854191e-01 -2.52530240e-02 3.03209931e-01 1.27553418e-02 1.89564507e-02 -9.56838876e-02 -1.14686966e-01 5.03780067e-01 -5.46835959e-01 -4.36140388e-01 -8.77553225e-02 2.62540489e-01 3.20417769e-02 -2.74384975e-01 -4.29999977e-01 -1.40291467e-01 -2.61081606e-01 2.74210274e-01 -3.20824742e-01 -4.13788334e-02 -1.76620290e-01 -8.26107636e-02 6.44194055e-03 1.19878076e-01 -1.31342366e-01 -1.53287470e-01 -3.66820931e-01 -4.32009473e-02]
"Assembly Required" active "Item #: SCP-744 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-744's immobility, Containment Facility 744-A has been built around it. A two kilometer perimeter surrounding the area is blocked off with a concrete wall topped with concertina wire, and is monitored by security cameras. Guard posts located on the perimeter are to be manned by security personnel armed with standard field gear. Any items produced by SCP-744 are to be retained until they can be used. Description: SCP-744 is a large abandoned factory covering approximately 30 acres, located in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, WV. SCP-744 is only semi-operational, with most of the manufacturing equipment having either degraded to the point to where it no longer functions, or having been deliberately damaged by an unknown party at some point prior to SCP-744's containment. The portions of SCP-744 that are functional contain many types of manufacturing equipment that would normally not be associated with each other, including large industrial looms, automobile manufacturing equipment, and large pistons that do not seem to serve any purpose whatsoever. Current research at Containment Facility 744-A is dedicated to studying possible connections between these machines. SCP-744's anomalous properties manifest once every 56 hours. During this time period, SCP-744 will activate its manufacturing equipment. While SCP-744 is active, it will actively use its manufacturing equipment to produce items [For a partial list of these items, see the Log of items produced by SCP-744]. All items manufactured by SCP-744 are moved via conveyor belt into a large antechamber which appears to have been designed to assemble them into one machine. This chamber is no longer functional. It is unknown where SCP-744 obtains the materials it uses to manufacture these items. SCP-744-1 is a voice, calling itself β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-744-1 claims to be a production manager for SCP-744, and that it is in an undisclosed location within SCP-744. SCP-744-1 will attempt to communicate with any person who enters SCP-744 through the use of speakers which are located throughout SCP-744. These communications usually consist of SCP-744-1 attempting to convince the person that SCP-744 is a highly advanced manufacturing facility in need of minor repairs, and to convince the person that they should assist it in restoring SCP-744 so it can resume working towards its "purpose". Attempts to receive further explanation of this "purpose" from SCP-744-1 have failed; the entity is either unable or unwilling to provide further details on this subject. SCP-744 was discovered on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/1954, when reports of a "Haunted Factory" reached agents embedded in the local military base. Agents dispatched to investigate SCP-744 were able to establish communications with SCP-744-1 and confirm its anomalous nature. Containment procedures were enacted on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/1955, with the construction of Containment Facility 744-A. Persons known to have reported the "Haunted factory" story were issued Class-C amnestics. Containment was successfully completed by agents of MTF-ψ-7 "Home Improvement". As of β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/1961, SCP-744 has been classified as Euclid. Addendum 744-A: Log of communications with SCP-744-1. Interviews granted by SCP-744 have been very brief, due to SCP-744-1's uncooperative nature. Interview 744-1-A Interviewed: SCP-744-1 Interviewer: Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Foreword: This interview was taken shortly after SCP-744's initial containment. <Begin Log> Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Can you please identify yourself? SCP-744-1: I'm β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the production manager. I'm having a hell of a time, I can't find one of my so called "workers" to help me finish this thing. Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Finish…what? SCP-744-1: None of your damn business what, what you should know is that it must be done, and we have to get it done soon to meet the production schedule. Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I see… SCP-744-1: So are you gonna get to work, or what? Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Beg your pardon? SCP-744-1: These machines ain't gonna fix themselves, son. You have to get to work! <End Log> Interview 744-1-B Interviewed: SCP-744-1 Interviewer: Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Foreword: This interview was taken several months after Interview 744-A <Begin Log> Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Hello SCP-744-1, how are you today? SCP-744-1: Fine, fine, when are you bastards going to get to work? It's been months, and you barely made a dent in this place. Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Your facility is very degraded, and you have refused to give us any assistance in discerning the machines' composition. Perhaps if you told us more… SCP-744-1: Don't talk nonsense! I've told you everything you need to know. Any more information would compromise the nature of the purpose. Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: And that's another thing, you have yet to tell us what this "purpose" is. Can you elaborate? SCP-744-1: You know I can't tell you that, doctor. Just… fix this place already. <End Log> Interview 744-1-C Interviewed: SCP-744-1 Interviewer: Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Foreword: This interview was taken two years after Interview 744-B. <Begin Log> Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: …Look, we've told you again and again, we don't know when the facility will be operational again. We have people working day and night- SCP-744-1: Bullshit you do! I see your people working, they don't do shit! You and your people have been lying to me, doctor. I don't appreciate being lied to. Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Nobody is lying to you, we want to have this facility operational as much as you do. SCP-744-1: Don't think of me as a simpleton. I see how you react to the purpose. You don't know what it is, and it scares you. Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Now if you could just tell us what the purpose is, maybe- SCP-744-1: No, let me tell you something, mister! All you scientists think you get what makes the world turn, and if you see something that you don't get, you try to lock it away. The world deserves to see the purpose, doctor, and you are impeding it. I would think you of all people understand the futility of standing in the way of progress. Dr. Bβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Why can't you tell us? SCP-744-1: …That defeats the real, awful truth of it all. You'll just have to help me so we can see it. <End Log> Β« SCP-743 | SCP-744 | SCP-745 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-744" by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Title: 744-exterior-new.PNG Author(s): Arthur S. Siegel, Elogee FishTruck does not match any existing user name Release year: 2020 Note: Created by Elogee FishTruck does not match any existing user name as a cropped version of the image below Source: Library of Congress License: Public Domain Title: Institute (vicinity), West Virginia. The stacks of a chemical factory, seen from the Kanawha River Author: Arthur S. Siegel For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-744."
[-6.55722618e-02 -1.79847196e-01 -1.49438128e-01 4.44368720e-02 6.70507848e-02 -2.04099655e-01 3.57014060e-01 9.97747015e-03 6.04968779e-02 2.06259713e-01 -6.96642548e-02 2.53372371e-01 7.13897264e-03 1.12959027e-01 1.38874844e-01 2.96730012e-01 -8.60458519e-03 3.61287981e-01 1.36807516e-01 -2.47833163e-01 -2.53202051e-01 -5.65926023e-02 -1.45656213e-01 1.73382267e-01 -1.51786819e-01 1.62294153e-02 2.91338325e-01 -2.20334217e-01 4.32525203e-02 -3.02581668e-01 1.90076560e-01 2.91051269e-01 -8.69339630e-02 3.23057711e-01 -1.06877429e-04 -8.22670236e-02 7.86981657e-02 6.79293498e-02 -4.28696990e-01 2.85751820e-01 -2.16371283e-01 -3.31242919e-01 -1.01057291e-01 -1.68380871e-01 3.84922996e-02 -3.66505712e-01 2.48682097e-01 3.19148034e-01 5.16053140e-01 2.09698714e-02 2.08524197e-01 -1.12176478e-01 3.49957258e-01 -1.27240894e-02 -1.67433023e-01 -6.83311000e-02 5.19857183e-02 -1.44002944e-01 3.11861426e-01 1.02524191e-01 1.33701012e-01 1.71215326e-01 -7.44346902e-02 -5.05410917e-02 1.60129145e-01 -2.23735064e-01 1.00680262e-01 -1.81715786e-01 3.00351828e-01 1.90587759e-01 4.20238763e-01 -3.39250155e-02 -4.30383272e-02 8.48855004e-02 2.15035275e-01 7.71761760e-02 1.27504751e-01 3.18208694e-01 -1.05805516e-01 9.73550677e-02 -2.96975136e-01 4.42675091e-02 -2.68728316e-01 -1.60429791e-01 4.07359079e-02 2.99910516e-01 -1.17833681e-01 1.61933843e-02 1.67245269e-01 -2.18713924e-01 7.56017715e-02 1.70924917e-01 2.29325220e-01 2.81473726e-01 -1.12220034e-01 5.09796850e-03 2.69898593e-01 3.88043702e-01 -9.26919654e-02 -1.80986136e-01 -3.40552256e-02 2.79571097e-02 1.41652361e-01 2.01397181e-01 -9.61501524e-02 -7.91401416e-02 2.87372053e-01 -4.24675167e-01 -3.00247788e-01 1.99570730e-01 -1.09429270e-01 7.94326589e-02 -4.61242259e-01 -1.44246891e-01 1.63775519e-01 9.29419100e-02 -1.10372968e-01 -5.72585724e-02 -2.61191547e-01 2.15218797e-01 -7.38634109e-01 9.22382027e-02 -1.34443328e-01 1.59551769e-01 2.39817679e-01 1.51209414e-01 2.39788175e-01 2.56670341e-02 -1.27376229e-01 2.07699407e-02 -1.27963573e-01 2.21252680e-01 -7.88064077e-02 -1.66142687e-01 5.05907312e-02 5.29912591e-01 -2.67527074e-01 2.24507675e-01 -1.76757336e-01 4.01288494e-02 2.00472698e-01 -2.96357367e-02 3.30126464e-01 4.99587774e-01 -1.40852600e-01 -7.44042322e-02 -1.88987926e-01 7.14021921e-02 -1.26481265e-01 -2.77274065e-02 3.60833347e-01 -2.41979569e-01 1.00598536e-01 2.93874890e-01 -2.50354735e-03 5.62963970e-02 4.17127460e-01 -3.35972548e-01 -2.01409191e-01 -3.16526979e-01 1.46410748e-01 -1.47762448e-01 -2.17665210e-01 -4.01080810e-02 4.26816903e-02 1.51573002e-01 -3.91853660e-01 -1.05626598e-01 -3.67811352e-01 -2.86657840e-01 -1.04066748e-02 -3.92590240e-02 -1.62908748e-01 4.85422432e-01 -2.08581939e-01 -2.35935196e-01 -6.77666485e-01 -3.83621901e-01 -3.24054033e-01 -1.49840489e-01 -6.08147264e-01 3.08930844e-01 4.34784770e-01 -3.42653334e-01 -2.21094564e-01 -6.28189296e-02 3.16022813e-01 -3.02867353e-01 1.24612689e-01 -3.10632557e-01 -1.35232314e-01 -2.75136501e-01 2.02210158e-01 -3.32722217e-02 1.07282832e-01 -5.05626909e-02 -1.55228436e-01 3.49683791e-01 2.32394300e-02 5.69129959e-02 -2.13140085e-01 7.80907571e-02 5.55527329e-01 -1.64718866e-01 -2.15318173e-01 -4.26598964e-03 -1.98348567e-01 -5.02938591e-02 3.76957446e-01 5.07349968e-01 -1.14495277e-01 -1.43321499e-01 -7.08537176e-03 1.09688498e-01 -1.58625260e-01 -1.72674984e-01 3.12658012e-01 8.59329775e-02 -1.25384673e-01 -6.14440441e-01 1.41421154e-01 8.68881047e-02 -5.87148741e-02 -2.43747234e-01 8.38122293e-02 -1.74185708e-01 -2.36058056e-01 -3.01060155e-02 -2.12427527e-01 2.52215654e-01 3.16638768e-01 -1.00657381e-01 2.50229537e-01 1.60830910e-04 4.44489568e-02 2.14418784e-01 -7.96367750e-02 8.87492955e-01 -7.46142864e-03 -2.08061069e-01 -7.25146160e-02 -8.38701427e-03 2.16938943e-01 -1.89917684e-01 5.25899194e-02 8.02724659e-02 2.00149000e-01 2.64799476e-01 1.90861866e-01 -1.58781007e-01 1.76715344e-01 -2.10440427e-01 1.17153540e-01 -1.01555675e-01 1.09545104e-01 3.83819520e-01 -6.76591843e-02 3.24231088e-01 6.04525134e-02 3.58119428e-01 1.38080508e-01 7.82450065e-02 1.30303711e-01 -1.07840141e-02 -4.26326208e-02 -1.79551080e-01 2.23326266e-01 1.66302681e-01 -1.12371832e-01 2.59223878e-01 -2.44788658e-02 -1.58943832e-01 8.71309191e-02 -1.39314085e-01 -5.14396466e-02 5.82722388e-02 -9.14364979e-02 2.67821610e-01 1.25783741e-01 1.53443128e-01 -1.20326199e-01 -3.79477710e-01 -1.28674671e-01 -1.79201573e-01 -1.79965615e-01 -1.80294901e-01 1.14690743e-01 3.87821794e-01 -5.58698833e-01 2.82929569e-01 1.64101288e-01 -1.84715033e-01 6.73498288e-02 1.65139318e-01 -2.49527827e-01 1.95963740e-01 1.11609489e-01 2.99287498e-01 -3.76447231e-01 2.19369039e-01 -1.65545747e-01 -5.67063205e-02 -4.07060720e-02 1.78825274e-01 -3.80866021e-01 3.30749989e-01 2.78932661e-01 -7.07987621e-02 6.45381510e-02 -1.14745967e-01 -1.85940847e-01 2.31070131e-01 -3.68578956e-02 -2.31947228e-01 2.80685335e-01 1.37816975e-02 5.38496524e-02 -4.16605920e-01 1.86187327e-01 -2.95487523e-01 9.45547372e-02 -7.17499927e-02 -1.53361082e-01 -1.24311179e-01 -2.49104038e-01 2.28789449e-01 -2.54697412e-01 -3.69600058e-01 2.96349972e-01 -8.69560391e-02 1.24654688e-01 -5.44171557e-02 -5.51950596e-02 2.48794541e-01 3.37924421e-01 9.41813588e-02 -2.54325010e-02 -1.63656041e-01 -1.84218705e-01 1.45564705e-01 4.20966372e-02 -2.83369213e-01 -2.45410174e-01 2.61217415e-01 1.89590558e-01 -6.86104521e-02 -4.01122458e-02 -1.10980846e-01 5.99839352e-02 4.46511917e-02 6.13114387e-02 5.07423699e-01 3.44866723e-01 -3.52608919e-01 -3.03082198e-01 4.27728035e-02 3.35600197e-01 1.39928505e-01 4.40313853e-02 -2.75843173e-01 -2.91858554e-01 8.19595605e-02 5.25654435e-01 -3.06332946e-01 -2.07417458e-01 -2.15358451e-01 7.96279535e-02 4.05378759e-01 2.56123066e-01 -4.19306517e-01 1.40827879e-01 1.77630886e-01 -5.19335568e-01 1.18613392e-01 -3.40022385e-01 2.24156156e-01 1.10430822e-01 6.12038486e-02 -3.08897227e-01 -1.65499449e-01 1.42833248e-01 4.91654843e-01 3.57489109e-01 -8.65837485e-02 1.16407767e-01 1.65876206e-02 1.31107107e-01 -2.89587919e-02 -2.02831790e-01 1.79381400e-01 -1.30777255e-01 -4.18529540e-01 -4.07557070e-01 3.50963809e-02 1.24893054e-01 2.79816408e-02 4.76175517e-01 -2.61249632e-01 -5.05434610e-02 1.23692162e-01 -2.64459372e-01 1.40358195e-01 3.28259021e-02 3.44522774e-01 4.94717419e-01 3.64326268e-01 1.29897967e-01 1.74595773e-01 -4.12285388e-01 -2.33893991e-01 7.82058418e-01 -4.28024441e-01 -2.87319899e-01 -6.28973767e-02 -3.87055427e-02 1.97101802e-01 3.45552117e-02 1.52237758e-01 -7.88539723e-02 -2.15468109e-01 -2.14478627e-01 1.67429850e-01 2.06167266e-01 -6.60914881e-03 -2.03205526e-01 2.31561482e-01 2.34528914e-01 -3.75213288e-02 2.52584666e-01 -1.10716349e-03 -4.15015705e-02 -1.54208779e-01 -1.69609100e-01 4.59444880e-01 -2.12424994e-02 5.63685119e-01 1.78930640e-01 -1.34727851e-01 4.68397066e-02 -1.71357572e-01 -7.66591430e-02 2.94326365e-01 5.39019108e-01 1.88597828e-01 -2.33544141e-01 -9.88441035e-02 1.42619357e-01 -2.80125618e-01 -2.20696665e-02 1.69782177e-01 2.68307719e-02 6.27073720e-02 -1.15311714e-02 5.37799522e-02 -2.50847340e-01 -2.89299071e-01 -1.31402984e-01 7.02935755e-01 -3.00372928e-01 1.37858123e-01 1.13191642e-01 1.17393982e+00 1.77754045e-01 7.04083592e-02 6.70215338e-02 -2.60819048e-01 -6.75991252e-02 -3.54688913e-01 1.24221191e-01 -3.02827032e-03 9.40078720e-02 8.17616582e-02 -1.74675316e-01 -1.09820710e-02 4.80433613e-01 -2.35033274e-01 -2.45093018e-01 -5.97950637e-01 -1.77665904e-01 2.40503356e-01 3.84425700e-01 8.57752375e-03 -6.96245879e-02 1.93085670e-01 2.33544409e-01 1.74447209e-01 3.02291751e-01 -2.31490955e-01 -4.07787738e-03 2.87820071e-01 -2.81904340e-01 -5.20470202e-01 1.13355711e-01 -1.42265618e-01 3.26001495e-01 7.92199597e-02 2.28652656e-01 1.79442763e-01 -2.84465015e-01 -2.61740446e-01 1.86848387e-01 -1.21105686e-01 3.10223490e-01 6.08210683e-01 -1.92908421e-01 2.32478827e-01 1.26804143e-01 2.39182040e-01 3.45290862e-02 -7.74052590e-02 8.73506069e-02 -1.39558971e-01 5.84199391e-02 -9.09053981e-02 1.38384208e-01 -1.97371952e-02 -3.10777128e-01 4.13887762e-03 3.40891421e-01 -1.52631178e-01 -1.44881919e-01 2.11891770e-01 6.73830183e-03 -3.46949100e-01 1.31365936e-02 -2.33801842e-01 -1.86997801e-01 -8.93027335e-03 1.23707190e-01 -6.65127784e-02 -5.84733225e-02 3.76495540e-01 -3.78004350e-02 -2.06768975e-01 -5.79853892e-01 -2.00936541e-01 1.76771268e-01 -2.45932147e-01 1.75634235e-01 5.80136897e-03 -4.22992826e-01 -6.07881024e-02 2.38775790e-01 1.38813660e-01 -1.05511300e-01 -2.81238139e-01 -2.02806324e-01 1.07000962e-01 2.58010123e-02 3.00606638e-01 1.25404790e-01 -9.97420922e-02 5.82775533e-01 1.01511754e-01 2.56267190e-01 -4.44677263e-01 -1.65347680e-01 -3.90107155e-01 4.09079753e-02 1.55220985e-01 -3.27091843e-01 -3.43696098e-03 -6.83299154e-02 2.89171904e-01 -8.37961864e-03 -2.71531701e-01 -2.07790390e-01 -1.86742067e-01 1.33457139e-01 7.17788264e-02 -2.13289447e-02 9.35539901e-02 1.64726347e-01 1.49263576e-01 5.03097400e-02 -1.37270084e-02 1.39709353e-01 1.51828900e-01 1.63720042e-01 -1.36360630e-01 4.95236188e-01 -7.61323869e-02 -2.00391680e-01 3.12450230e-01 2.92192101e-01 -4.48586643e-02 -5.56203872e-02 -1.42701522e-01 -3.05355079e-02 3.24168742e-01 2.66160905e-01 1.99882746e-01 2.53212124e-01 3.28013189e-02 7.33093247e-02 3.29410322e-02 3.41521651e-02 -3.93799730e-02 3.21105093e-01 -6.31303117e-02 -1.55781180e-01 -1.12450264e-01 3.61151248e-01 -1.40394256e-01 2.13141993e-01 -8.21322203e-03 -1.23744801e-01 9.63343233e-02 1.78881094e-01 3.25259194e-02 -1.30562559e-01 2.90905863e-01 -2.50835475e-02 -5.45945503e-02 -2.47169152e-01 -5.20488434e-02 8.06142017e-02 -9.54712648e-03 6.97059706e-02 1.10985935e-01 2.98761390e-02 3.29203457e-01 2.78081149e-01 2.28594076e-02 3.41292210e-02 2.85494238e-01 1.92875847e-01 4.84477937e-01 1.20638488e-02 -3.70839864e-01 1.40197456e-01 1.00807995e-01 6.21274225e-02 -1.09949343e-01 -1.93487480e-01 -5.10999620e-01 6.49423525e-02 -7.04074353e-02 2.83936504e-02 -1.70483127e-01 -2.04204358e-02 2.74345547e-01 -1.51379153e-01 -1.26721293e-01 -1.71729088e-01 3.71338367e-01 2.81924591e-03 -9.08886120e-02 -6.93897232e-02 1.62841275e-01 -1.31056100e-01 -2.62193918e-01 -5.43123744e-02 2.99499512e-01 -3.77206832e-01 -9.39836949e-02 3.10503244e-01 -9.54605788e-02 6.48116022e-02 1.23045623e-01 5.00004888e-01 3.97795849e-02 -2.79107839e-01 2.79823858e-02 -2.29647055e-01 -9.59631056e-02 -4.23647881e-01 2.06615508e-01 1.18998356e-01 1.34043545e-01 -3.85548547e-03 1.75283670e-01 -3.53143036e-01 -5.20459890e-01 2.22923741e-01 -1.19841300e-01 3.28335203e-02 3.90496999e-01 -1.90818459e-01 -4.99095440e-01 -2.59442955e-01 1.44112125e-01 -1.00069866e-01 1.89218968e-01 -4.92417887e-02 7.49712214e-02 1.28537759e-01 -2.14342266e-01 1.18805952e-01 -8.95480365e-02 3.64500791e-01 1.06612898e-01 4.77446824e-01 -1.25335798e-01 -1.01683311e-01 -2.37131417e-01 1.87414378e-01 -2.43750393e-01 -3.30708504e-01 -9.13668275e-02 5.20104468e-02 1.17547631e-01 9.33843702e-02 -1.98110223e-01 -1.55845135e-01 -8.02298486e-02 -1.11411110e-01 -2.62096614e-01 3.97454143e-01 4.75420743e-01 -1.21159375e-01 -5.10894693e-02 -3.10077637e-01 3.53923738e-02 -2.20985800e-01 2.69724429e-01 4.95569892e-02 -1.08683266e-01 -1.91509929e-02 2.82819662e-02 3.02876711e-01 -1.43015102e-01 4.15087312e-01 -1.19462617e-01 -5.78280017e-02 -5.75866923e-03 3.36081386e-01 -1.50018334e-01 6.12628236e-02 2.73813546e-01 3.71181101e-01 2.86833625e-02 7.60001540e-01 -7.06212595e-03 3.89881060e-02 1.19586565e-01 1.58701345e-01 -3.21387798e-01 3.09722006e-01 -3.86623770e-01 1.40960634e-01 5.85715957e-02 2.71649361e-01 1.88534006e-01 -3.16773564e-01 -4.70329374e-01 -2.94083536e-01 2.85077453e-01 -1.88759699e-01 -5.55253506e-01 -2.79025108e-01 3.72516483e-01 -9.28520784e-02 -1.81127772e-01 -3.58876765e-01 -1.09935030e-01 1.07534993e-02 -4.24489495e-04 -2.31094778e-01 -1.52520448e-01 1.80215716e-01 -3.24975967e-01 -1.64545074e-01 2.19043031e-01 6.68804646e-02 8.61265045e-03 -4.49756354e-01 -8.13194066e-02]
"The Headlights" active "Item #: SCP-745 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-745's point of origin has been traced to an abandoned stretch of Highway β–ˆβ–ˆ in northern New Mexico. The Foundation has purchased the surrounding land and the highway has been redirected. On-site security are disguised as Highway Patrol agents and are tasked with removing trespassers and capturing any new hunting pairs of SCP-745. Any SCP-745 creatures that are captured, live or dead, are to be loaded into class 3 BCU storage containers to await transport to Site 17. Containment procedures to preserve living specimens of SCP-745 are still being researched and no captured specimen has survived more than a week in captivity, but as there have been no new sightings of SCP-745 outside of its point of origin the species is presumed to be effectively contained. Requests for access to SCP-745 cadavers are to be forwarded to Dr. Langford directly. Description: SCP-745 is a bipedal nocturnal predator. The head is a bloated sack of clear skin that lacks visible sensory organs or a skull. The brain of the creature can be directly observed and is wrapped in a web of bio-luminescent organs below the skin. Skin covering the rest of the body has a deep black coloration. Living specimens of SCP-745 are capable of producing a steady output of 1400 to 3200 lumens from their head. At night, this effectively obscures the rest of the body and gives the appearance of a floating point of light. When defending itself or communicating with other members of its species, this light has been observed to change color and flash in specific patterns. SCP-745's genetic structure is not carbon based. SCP-745 almost exclusively hunts in pairs along remote sections of highway. Two specimens are capable of moving at speeds of up to 180 km per hour in perfect unison, taking the appearance of the headlights on a fast moving vehicle. SCP-745 targets lone vehicles on the highway, and hunting pairs will attempt to run the driver off the road by pursuing or charging their target. Once their prey swerves off the road or comes to a stop, the pair will separate to directly assault and consume the vehicle's occupants. SCP-745 has not yet been directly observed while feeding as captured specimens will not eat, and successful attacks have yet to leave any witnesses behind. SCP-745 rarely leaves any remains behind apart from scraps of clothing and shoes. Vehicles recovered after SCP-745 attacks rarely show any sign of forced entry and are covered with the child-like hand prints from SCP-745's front paws. Addendum: No lairs, nests or young of SCP-745 have been found. SCP-745 had established a wide territory across the southwestern United States until Foundation teams began thinning their numbers in the 1960s, after which all recent SCP-745 sightings have been on the secured patch of land in New Mexico. Reports of phantom lights in other parts of the country have been investigated with no signs pointing to SCP-745 involvement. Β« SCP-744 | SCP-745 | SCP-746 Β»" "5/16/1985. Maintaining velocity in recovery operations is the most effective way to force SCP-745 pairs to split."
[ 1.57913104e-01 -4.50970471e-01 -1.42760456e-01 -1.13755226e-01 9.31392461e-02 -3.74134392e-01 2.21915528e-01 1.54021025e-01 -3.18850279e-01 -1.67904899e-01 1.36981264e-01 1.84079424e-01 -1.91557899e-01 -2.57709119e-02 1.81743428e-01 5.22495732e-02 -2.14381944e-02 9.10167918e-02 4.93729003e-02 -3.65679324e-01 3.71975265e-02 -1.36444896e-01 1.37336031e-01 -2.70606205e-03 -4.12426859e-01 1.93959907e-01 2.43012175e-01 -1.81531403e-02 3.04940194e-02 -2.38565385e-01 9.85984355e-02 1.73808411e-01 1.36401013e-01 3.68540645e-01 -1.09792913e-04 -2.76316613e-01 1.31212249e-01 1.63260307e-02 -1.35342954e-04 4.98896629e-01 -2.45472535e-01 -1.37238845e-01 1.69501185e-01 -3.15644592e-01 -8.25143233e-02 -3.41542304e-01 1.97178274e-01 2.85499573e-01 2.32687339e-01 2.22584642e-02 2.11775988e-01 -1.15172192e-01 -7.21717030e-02 1.57044996e-02 2.11081132e-01 3.30880791e-01 -1.93036813e-02 -3.14191729e-01 5.97781315e-02 -4.02484313e-02 -1.68171138e-01 1.30355686e-01 -4.83067147e-02 -3.67769301e-01 4.91594702e-01 -1.64711401e-01 1.32655442e-01 -5.03179170e-02 1.96591645e-01 4.58261333e-02 1.76926535e-02 -9.22691226e-02 1.60079211e-01 2.11656298e-02 -2.74607837e-01 -4.92944717e-02 1.91010118e-01 1.96387276e-01 1.26856729e-01 1.41474875e-02 -1.41194567e-01 1.90849617e-01 -1.70607880e-01 -6.30793497e-02 -5.40035963e-02 1.01023711e-01 4.29956466e-02 -1.51392631e-03 2.02277660e-01 -1.45531803e-01 -1.30280197e-01 -1.18381031e-01 2.79293652e-03 2.39698917e-01 -1.84754163e-01 -7.02768043e-02 3.31649035e-01 3.09302717e-01 -5.94351068e-02 3.38902622e-01 5.66234887e-01 1.21998116e-01 -3.31851751e-01 1.49316043e-01 -1.89408109e-01 -9.70431641e-02 5.60458422e-01 -4.76854861e-01 -2.31863141e-01 -9.29195732e-02 4.87902947e-02 2.96552598e-01 -8.48722756e-02 3.43840457e-02 7.76387751e-02 2.19473705e-01 1.64618492e-01 -3.74588221e-02 -1.99007228e-01 3.91143262e-02 -9.96977866e-01 5.95081225e-02 1.82069197e-01 3.13643217e-01 4.20159549e-01 -5.51884342e-03 3.62451434e-01 -3.27897191e-01 -2.86069885e-02 -1.10767245e-01 -2.36713260e-01 5.26407249e-02 -2.55933553e-01 -3.68556142e-01 4.16049957e-02 4.51472074e-01 -1.86284691e-01 -3.49836707e-01 -8.64781663e-02 2.99180388e-01 1.37656927e-04 6.95594475e-02 2.59114444e-01 6.99566081e-02 -4.96924549e-01 7.41571048e-03 -3.88653934e-01 9.99433547e-02 6.25127852e-02 6.21173419e-02 6.24617696e-01 1.58073366e-01 -2.78313458e-01 2.36595050e-01 -2.08171248e-01 1.25145889e-04 3.86938184e-01 2.67795414e-01 -1.82855204e-01 -5.92942201e-02 3.66356760e-01 -1.95195209e-02 -2.15751991e-01 -3.40227425e-01 2.61807144e-01 6.08855426e-01 -5.48395552e-02 -1.40885890e-01 2.43603781e-01 -2.00404808e-01 1.58228591e-01 4.56387922e-03 -1.24974951e-01 1.33560076e-01 -1.30804494e-01 -6.90404000e-03 -1.92594215e-01 -1.00358225e-01 -9.59226191e-02 -3.42878401e-01 -2.57033229e-01 1.94296598e-01 4.81157601e-01 -1.04698770e-01 -6.61295712e-01 -2.20709890e-01 -2.42635295e-01 7.99389556e-02 7.73046985e-02 -2.38213211e-01 -2.30230674e-01 -1.86588228e-01 8.52674246e-03 -3.73846181e-02 2.08041474e-01 -4.19416636e-01 2.93980658e-01 2.34829530e-01 7.63649121e-02 2.41879866e-01 -5.53411506e-02 1.01324335e-01 2.07997695e-01 -3.38791013e-01 2.25597993e-01 1.15479700e-01 -1.79693446e-01 6.70147315e-02 8.53658393e-02 1.09615199e-01 -9.09615532e-02 -1.62107438e-01 -1.31897584e-01 -7.86916390e-02 -1.34976208e-01 -2.05228686e-01 2.42112085e-01 -1.92886189e-01 1.02341324e-01 -6.16075434e-02 2.22268313e-01 1.30387202e-01 -1.24636412e-01 -2.92014658e-01 8.28287229e-02 5.02278686e-01 -7.67206550e-02 -2.62230575e-01 -5.40087104e-01 -1.67747885e-01 1.53684109e-01 1.63111940e-01 8.41164067e-02 5.46371341e-02 -1.09329922e-02 2.36381546e-01 4.71526414e-01 1.12505555e+00 2.35976383e-01 -3.52754146e-01 4.28744368e-02 3.69644314e-01 2.39916027e-01 -8.77762306e-03 -5.21577239e-01 -3.51006061e-01 -5.71245514e-03 1.29687265e-01 -1.88144967e-02 -4.07161303e-02 9.48809274e-03 -1.79402865e-02 1.10915869e-01 3.56474936e-01 2.20324948e-01 3.09058577e-01 -2.24485576e-01 2.58867592e-01 -1.60224348e-01 5.52144468e-01 -4.97346036e-02 2.94874161e-02 1.00194350e-01 -1.82906687e-01 -1.34286851e-01 -7.09114783e-03 2.43517667e-01 3.89452517e-01 -2.27954015e-01 2.17544302e-01 1.27311438e-01 -1.64345011e-01 1.23156197e-01 7.19628558e-02 -8.04734975e-02 3.78094524e-01 7.54043311e-02 9.46754888e-02 1.12015083e-01 8.72374997e-02 -1.01724282e-01 -5.56712747e-01 1.92448050e-01 -2.93720961e-01 -1.13597646e-01 1.53880985e-02 -1.42554626e-01 -5.55988967e-01 -3.67802799e-01 3.20838422e-01 -2.50594784e-02 3.50148380e-02 9.54349339e-02 2.15355024e-01 -1.95772767e-01 1.99416071e-01 1.93227619e-01 4.10141766e-01 3.16790551e-01 -1.33860365e-01 -5.72027385e-01 -8.63879025e-02 -4.51886728e-02 2.71028932e-02 4.13023308e-02 1.98704273e-01 1.25098854e-01 -1.23367673e-02 1.88115209e-01 -2.27322266e-01 -4.99279737e-01 4.51532640e-02 2.36483037e-01 -2.89384574e-01 -4.19310667e-02 -2.75836319e-01 -4.66131777e-01 -1.73809808e-02 4.95561063e-02 -4.23602879e-01 -7.92358220e-02 -1.41423553e-01 -3.53547744e-02 4.62440401e-02 -1.23073049e-01 3.93900156e-01 4.43744250e-02 -3.71967942e-01 1.36764511e-01 2.36565530e-01 3.58135663e-02 -1.23349905e-01 2.29176674e-02 1.87658787e-01 -4.46096063e-02 2.62095779e-02 6.04348369e-02 1.97542667e-01 -9.91053209e-02 1.70208961e-01 -3.54607791e-01 -3.36603612e-01 -2.33345523e-01 -2.08606929e-01 3.76049126e-03 -4.35657054e-03 -2.26715848e-01 -7.20880181e-02 9.57536399e-02 4.05329466e-03 -1.34139568e-01 4.88930464e-01 2.86921293e-01 -1.41343102e-01 -1.55426845e-01 -2.40169287e-01 2.14096516e-01 1.97117537e-01 4.85111207e-01 -2.41038457e-01 -3.61685544e-01 3.42037916e-01 5.80362320e-01 -1.13884166e-01 -3.46327871e-01 -5.61548844e-02 3.91439766e-01 -1.18397065e-01 1.51014850e-01 -2.92099059e-01 1.19127810e-01 -6.07077405e-02 -4.02230680e-01 1.73591211e-01 7.01866746e-02 -5.97820766e-02 4.01425622e-02 -3.11661482e-01 -3.01331103e-01 -2.42183059e-01 1.50306523e-01 3.57285917e-01 5.26900329e-02 -1.89693913e-01 1.77726150e-01 1.00914113e-01 -1.06431179e-01 3.70275142e-04 2.01082423e-01 -7.45624304e-02 2.37300918e-01 -3.16134512e-01 1.54799044e-01 -1.53438538e-01 1.36894763e-01 6.55747876e-02 6.02575690e-02 -2.02409118e-01 -1.99247465e-01 2.58152097e-01 -3.03755283e-01 3.47675920e-01 2.91860014e-01 5.39778948e-01 4.79450971e-01 2.94891316e-02 9.45480913e-02 -5.26513457e-02 -1.16014414e-01 -2.54135609e-01 4.59066302e-01 -7.09413469e-01 -1.07100576e-01 -1.93024620e-01 -2.91709583e-02 -2.94738054e-01 -6.15086369e-02 1.36570543e-01 -2.63131540e-02 -8.20970759e-02 -2.50031769e-01 1.84965637e-02 2.20473707e-01 -2.51714855e-01 -1.47603482e-01 1.04219273e-01 2.95402706e-01 -2.38791108e-01 3.03365827e-01 1.08149931e-01 -4.52813357e-02 1.65946156e-01 -1.07375393e-02 2.00832918e-01 -2.40082368e-02 -2.09516007e-02 1.85299516e-01 2.16143191e-01 1.34165622e-02 1.48647636e-01 2.45122209e-01 1.75895169e-01 5.45989156e-01 1.34521171e-01 1.22715913e-01 -5.23613207e-02 -2.25747004e-01 -1.66128159e-01 2.58315295e-01 1.74424067e-01 5.52574135e-02 7.72988349e-02 -1.14537114e-02 2.53067523e-01 -2.42112875e-01 -3.32963020e-01 -2.25468948e-01 3.77861649e-01 -6.21715225e-02 2.49514654e-01 2.54560620e-01 1.20260417e+00 -4.44096625e-02 1.60520688e-01 -3.36808503e-01 -5.27834117e-01 3.80391121e-01 -1.08041085e-01 1.98927671e-01 -3.44959587e-01 -5.82774729e-02 1.41839415e-01 -2.66342849e-01 -2.72993334e-02 6.02455027e-02 -5.53483032e-02 -3.84643883e-01 -1.59868285e-01 3.02611142e-01 3.37459922e-01 1.69289783e-01 2.76735216e-01 -2.91593410e-02 1.48489684e-01 2.05038652e-01 -1.26407161e-01 2.18484044e-01 -9.05882865e-02 -1.65112585e-01 -9.16194357e-03 -1.49680257e-01 1.69125661e-01 2.38205224e-01 2.70705372e-01 4.48793828e-01 -2.72539467e-01 -5.59987962e-01 -7.18384385e-02 2.63500661e-01 -5.10327458e-01 -3.04735512e-01 -2.76567817e-01 4.39905375e-01 3.58634979e-01 -1.22457892e-01 1.99808821e-01 2.10823584e-02 5.10739028e-01 1.16564790e-02 4.60932516e-02 1.54793084e-01 1.63259163e-01 -4.00300063e-02 -1.28488556e-01 1.66407432e-02 4.06664550e-01 4.51732725e-02 3.01717818e-01 3.23849946e-01 -3.89610499e-01 -9.90871489e-02 1.73085749e-01 2.81697005e-01 -1.29748225e-01 -1.03933454e-01 4.57226150e-02 -1.82275474e-02 -1.00729614e-01 4.29257572e-01 1.67812660e-01 -1.92394376e-01 4.62621596e-04 2.37491935e-01 -8.57205093e-02 -2.63425529e-01 1.89586908e-01 8.40783045e-02 -6.49009526e-01 1.06959499e-01 -2.94696689e-01 -2.51079738e-01 3.62143517e-02 2.38427043e-01 -7.72305473e-04 -2.60635316e-01 -4.63781059e-02 -1.05715513e-01 -7.19594434e-02 1.72410488e-01 -3.49639744e-01 2.72846848e-01 2.39208534e-01 3.38955790e-01 -4.07524290e-04 -1.67397946e-01 -3.57127160e-01 -6.03167862e-02 -4.04238105e-01 -5.79101369e-02 -4.69973572e-02 -3.88532668e-01 2.28412479e-01 4.83220220e-02 1.98857278e-01 1.38420999e-01 -2.87057698e-01 -2.53494084e-01 -2.40215480e-01 1.12050824e-01 1.20904755e-04 -1.83985800e-01 -2.81969756e-02 -1.87290266e-01 1.48547843e-01 -2.86991079e-03 -2.23489255e-01 1.71989352e-01 2.11277932e-01 3.25340509e-01 -6.36640564e-02 -8.93952977e-03 -1.51515484e-01 -2.13834703e-01 1.22253880e-01 5.47079071e-02 1.32193118e-01 1.23927794e-01 -2.82369792e-01 8.83647352e-02 2.59261638e-01 1.83278039e-01 -1.19786914e-02 1.31478176e-01 1.41729608e-01 1.02375448e-01 -1.38113685e-02 -3.60943943e-01 -9.33736563e-02 1.20582029e-01 -5.07018983e-01 -7.89402649e-02 1.76750556e-01 2.56523341e-01 -1.97670355e-01 1.61920930e-03 2.36572653e-01 4.12284620e-02 1.68446288e-01 2.51889259e-01 1.17825650e-01 -1.61678687e-01 2.30987549e-01 2.18253732e-01 -4.76897396e-02 1.65853947e-02 -6.27884343e-02 9.34566259e-02 1.21920004e-01 -1.98104620e-01 4.08190936e-01 2.73520738e-01 3.06707770e-01 4.39058959e-01 8.06565359e-02 8.44930410e-02 1.53985009e-01 3.60488355e-01 3.26757759e-01 1.56537101e-01 -2.19349638e-01 -4.26077470e-02 6.96741045e-02 1.55997440e-01 -1.68007687e-01 -2.60385443e-02 -3.16478789e-01 4.50166091e-02 -1.04668505e-01 -3.29930842e-01 1.32757142e-01 2.07534194e-01 9.53448266e-02 -5.82850426e-02 4.14469987e-02 -2.72252828e-01 1.38089219e-02 -7.22079277e-02 4.49348055e-02 -1.64008871e-01 1.62045285e-01 3.27567697e-01 -3.91407996e-01 -1.87085584e-01 4.77726012e-01 -1.29193485e-01 -8.17988515e-02 2.76049435e-01 -1.68905526e-01 1.44421965e-01 -6.92586154e-02 1.13371648e-01 -1.37213111e-01 -8.23892727e-02 -2.77656436e-01 8.48557353e-02 -1.16028726e-01 -1.47761181e-01 6.00907654e-02 2.68654168e-01 2.48104066e-01 1.41903564e-01 9.70774367e-02 -2.53139913e-01 -5.08434355e-01 1.37615040e-01 2.53451169e-02 8.17172378e-02 1.72668159e-01 -2.28099912e-01 -6.90355226e-02 -1.52363330e-01 1.82994947e-01 -2.10566685e-01 -1.18836276e-01 -7.27214292e-02 2.96335250e-01 7.52860233e-02 -1.62630528e-01 7.92164132e-02 1.45835891e-01 2.05934897e-01 -1.78039536e-01 4.41500753e-01 1.33667797e-01 -2.65749004e-02 6.72714487e-02 6.89794198e-02 2.87618876e-01 -2.63839304e-01 1.13837169e-02 1.23835199e-01 -8.88349637e-02 4.35529575e-02 2.23406449e-01 -2.19583511e-01 2.18203843e-01 -1.90732889e-02 -1.16713993e-01 1.29700825e-01 2.99018640e-02 5.51554896e-02 2.13422924e-02 -1.07005291e-01 -2.93171424e-02 -1.70921668e-01 2.66172677e-01 1.81197096e-02 -7.42341161e-01 6.21511526e-02 4.76905294e-02 4.09355223e-01 -9.59270746e-02 3.02833855e-01 2.63360180e-02 -3.32018733e-01 1.35890385e-02 7.89423212e-02 1.39205214e-02 -7.64025897e-02 1.48765057e-01 5.14268160e-01 -3.69306281e-02 6.28408134e-01 2.98292398e-01 4.04939383e-01 -1.34331793e-01 -4.70795743e-02 -2.93206751e-01 5.47150895e-02 -4.67428029e-01 2.51161575e-01 -1.53357694e-02 3.51784468e-01 6.92786574e-02 -1.90602005e-01 -2.39790082e-01 -2.80583769e-01 7.08691537e-01 -3.42095137e-01 1.07179083e-01 -2.07934663e-01 -3.10591143e-02 2.78519034e-01 2.43402615e-01 -4.88972574e-01 -3.61224592e-01 -9.62032527e-02 2.77282298e-02 -2.68945098e-01 -3.33998748e-03 -3.36094201e-01 -1.89086422e-01 -1.25840321e-01 -3.68675172e-01 -1.88153863e-01 7.16569051e-02 2.83951182e-02 -3.13791513e-01]
"Pseudo-Avian" active "Item #: SCP-746 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-746 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-66. Specialized bedding designed for SCP-746's anatomy is to be provided for comfort and be replaced every three months. When being transported, SCP-746 is to be provided with an appropriately-sized wheelchair for mobility than the use of its provided cane. It is to also wear a control collar and be supervised by no less than three armed guards. A Foundation translator fluent in Japanese dialects is to be made present to facilitate communication with SCP-746. Currently, SCP-746 is scheduled to attend English classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with Dr. Kaya along with receiving physiotherapy. Description: SCP-746 is a sapient avian humanoid, standing 1.3 meters tall and weighing 38 kilograms. The entity's face appears aged, and is a deep red with a 28 centimeters long beak-like nose. Most of its body is covered in rough black feathers, the longest being on the forearms, shoulders, neck, and head. Currently, SCP-746 wears a specialized leg brace provided by Foundation medical personnel on its left leg due to suffering a permanent crippling injury (see Addendum 01 for details). Before acquisition of SCP-746, it was agile and capable of sprinting up to 11 km per hour. It had also been observed to have acrobatic skill during attempts at capture by recovery teams. SCP-746 now moves at a significantly slow pace and requires a cane to aid it in walking. SCP-746 has complained of feeling back, shoulder, and neck pain along with stiff joints. An X-ray of SCP-746 has shown several stress fractures. Physiotherapy has shown to be effective. These injuries were also acquired from its initial acquisition. SCP-746 is docile though it has shown to be somewhat mischievous in interviews and before its containment. Due to its condition, it is not capable of performing any actual acts of mischief and is not considered an issue to containment. SCP-746 is fluent in several Japanese dialects, and has shown minor knowledge of English. It has shown willingness to improve its English and thus far has significantly improved with provided classes. According to SCP-746, it had obtained knowledge of English when encountering American tourists speaking and had grown fascinated. Its diet consists of mostly sea food and vegetable leaves. The existence of SCP-746 came to Foundation attention on 4/23/β–ˆβ–ˆ after reports of pranks by an unknown entity caught on recordings at Tokyo, Japan. Two agents were sent to investigate and encountered SCP-746. For two weeks SCP-746 had evaded capture before the event leading to its acquisition. Addendum 01: SCP-746 was successfully captured on 5/1/β–ˆβ–ˆ in the city of Kyoto, Japan. SCP-746 was being pursued by an instance of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ throughout the city, and attracted the immediate attention of nearby recovery teams. The SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ instance caught up with SCP-746 and swung its fist, which flung SCP-746 to a wall, to falling onto a car, and to the ground. The instance then proceeded to crush SCP-746's left leg with its club as SCP-746 attempted to crawl away. Agents from Mobile Task Force Nu-32 ("Peach Boys") assigned to the containment of instances managed to save SCP-746 by distracting it as other agents rescued SCP-746. For further details of the incident, please view Incident Report β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-746-A. Below is an interview with SCP-746 in regards to the incident. Interviewed: SCP-746 Interviewer: Dr. Renfield Foreword: The following Interview was originally spoken in the Tokyo dialect and has been translated. <Begin Log> Dr. Renfield: Greetings, SCP-746. Are you feeling well? SCP-746: [Speaks in English] Yes, it hurts less. Dr. Renfield: Your English is better than last time as well. Anyway, I am here you ask you some questions. SCP-746: Very well. About what? Dr. Renfield: Back in Kyoto, can you tell me why the SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ instance was after you? SCP-746: [Begins to laugh] Dr. Renfield: Uh, 746? SCP-746: [Ceases laughter] Ah, the oni? Let's see, I found it sitting under a tree in the forest and I spoke to it. I quickly learned it was a dumb one and its stomach was getting hungry so I saw a chance to do a trick to it. [Snickering] Dr. Renfield: What kind of trick? SCP-746: Well… [Smiles] I tricked it into eating dung! [Laughs] Dr. Renfield: That's…disgusting. SCP-746: I know and never have I seen such a foolish oni in all my 700 years of life! It was steamy and I told the fool it was karinto.1 Dr. Renfield: [Gag] So I am going to assume that what happens next is that it grew angry? SCP-746: Yes, that is correct. That big brute was furious! Oh, the look on its face. It then stood up and swung its club to only miss me. Run I did, as fast as the wind as behind me I could hear the brute's roar and trees being knocked over. As I was making my escape, I stumbled upon a pond that I swung across from a branch and seconds later heard loud splashes of the fool falling into it. Come to think of it, I think it was the home of a family of kappas. There were distinct shouts but I didn't really knew what was being said for the oni was coming and I didn't have time to stop. Anyway, it was starting to catch up and so I decided to try to make it dizzy by going around it in circles. The fool swung its club at every direction trying to hit me and some were not even close! [Laughs] Maybe its wet hair got in its eyes but it was nonetheless amusing. Dr. Renfield: Weren't you worried though? SCP-746: Why would I? I was having the most fun at the time! There was excitement. Dr. Renfield: Alright, please continue. SCP-746: Where was I? Oh yeah. The oni looked dizzy enough and I continued on away from it. I was near the city and thought I lost it until I heard it roar again. It was starting to get tiring and thought maybe I'll definitely lose it in the city. The wires and buildings helped slow the oni as I went through ally ways and roof tops. People were also screaming at the sight of the oni which I don't blame. Not only was it dumb but ugly too. [Laughs] The rest of the story you already know and leads me to ask what happened to the oni? Dr. Renfield: Why are you asking? SCP-746: I was too busy being in pain and shock to saw what happened. I am just wondering. Dr. Renfield: We incapacitated it. That's all. SCP-746: Oh, okay. Well, just be sure to give it an actual karinto for being the most fun I had in a while. [Snickering] Although, I doubt it will trust anything that is karinto again! [Burst into laughter] Dr. Renfield: You know, that stunt of yours caused a lot of trouble. Several streets and property were destroyed and our amnestic teams had to work hard to conceal the situation. It almost killed you and left you crippled. Was it really worth it? SCP-746: [Catches breath] Oh yes! Dr. Renfield: Even though you are no longer able to do any other stunts ever again? SCP-746: Honestly, I had my years of fun and I'm happy to have it end with the pleasure of fooling an oni. So they say: [Speaks in English] Out with a bang. <End Log> Addendum β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-746: The SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ instance involved in the acquisition of SCP-746 has shown heightened levels of aggression and attempts to breach containment. The instance seeks to travel to SCP-746's location and poses a danger to Site-66 and SCP-746. Neutralization of the instance is pending approval. Neutralization has been approved. Β« SCP-745 | SCP-746 | SCP-747 Β»" "Still from a failed capture attempt of SCP-746."
[ 1.59758225e-01 -3.72914732e-01 -1.56812713e-01 4.91270535e-02 5.46682715e-01 -2.42811590e-01 2.96291672e-02 1.39521211e-01 -1.14437036e-01 -1.46230325e-01 5.80908954e-02 1.97830155e-01 -3.63001302e-02 -1.35412216e-01 2.02509999e-01 1.95893552e-03 1.42694086e-01 -7.50474855e-02 4.36735541e-01 -4.65527982e-01 -1.43071756e-01 -9.48856995e-02 -2.15733856e-01 6.41633421e-02 -9.41699967e-02 -2.55051870e-02 2.60340482e-01 6.98015317e-02 -6.77827075e-02 -2.76102990e-01 3.50566298e-01 -3.49946879e-02 1.32701963e-01 3.49510401e-01 -1.11820525e-04 -1.64483771e-01 3.84749807e-02 7.02432916e-02 -1.13783568e-01 4.49808419e-01 3.69316727e-01 -2.93769211e-01 -7.21734464e-02 -2.20860124e-01 -2.14035302e-01 -1.02556014e+00 1.47143528e-01 2.13085278e-03 2.76311666e-01 3.46217662e-01 1.53765991e-01 -6.10155053e-02 1.11480474e-01 -4.76930803e-03 -1.92096978e-01 3.34175937e-02 -1.52661100e-01 3.28346640e-02 3.15749735e-01 1.89055920e-01 1.38002485e-01 6.53634518e-02 -5.27849980e-02 -1.85593814e-01 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9.47095081e-02 -2.03612119e-01 3.39424789e-01 2.03451738e-01 -1.72666639e-01 1.36561513e-01 1.88771352e-01 7.19689280e-02 -5.84931821e-02 -8.43309909e-02 -9.79115367e-02 6.12905622e-01 2.10472032e-01 3.88473533e-02 3.36955726e-01 1.58640102e-01 3.67830694e-01 -1.57035455e-01 1.76189154e-01 -4.29858744e-01 5.34312844e-01 -2.15661019e-01 -8.60532224e-02 -1.25917062e-01 2.54947722e-01 -2.01516718e-01 -2.70459950e-02 -1.57958820e-01 1.04319774e-01 7.41508324e-03 2.25766763e-01 -2.13675022e-01 -2.45823562e-02 2.50224710e-01 -7.95632079e-02 -3.84043641e-02 1.92521587e-02 6.84135631e-02 -1.55970499e-01 -2.80595899e-01 -1.24854237e-01 4.02784437e-01 1.26045972e-01 2.54149705e-01 3.97269458e-01 8.92187953e-02 -6.28119558e-02 2.34702807e-02 4.32558239e-01 5.97803574e-03 1.41669080e-01 -1.86627135e-01 -1.60643071e-01 1.98487546e-02 2.64608055e-01 3.17621350e-01 1.13942280e-01 7.50586018e-02 -3.79436128e-02 -2.24007621e-01 -2.38817990e-01 9.15211290e-02 7.22338706e-02 5.48769571e-02 -6.94785714e-02 -3.17088664e-01 -1.57831714e-01 6.95268204e-03 -8.38704631e-02 4.39355910e-01 1.12866685e-01 2.64542073e-01 -1.22297585e-01 -1.94781557e-01 -4.15914357e-02 4.70595300e-01 -2.16246501e-01 1.17676139e-01 5.00325561e-01 -1.00292630e-01 1.51043788e-01 4.70749103e-02 2.17941567e-01 6.89359233e-02 -3.26992154e-01 -1.01214446e-01 -3.58237326e-01 5.18780807e-03 -1.18651606e-01 1.88784257e-01 9.64744017e-02 3.99542958e-01 1.84750870e-01 8.91129375e-02 -2.45348811e-01 -1.94730163e-01 -1.57978088e-01 1.74646437e-01 -1.18696965e-01 5.20132720e-01 -2.04634458e-01 -7.27081522e-02 -2.57279366e-01 2.19677831e-03 -2.54015103e-02 1.21074982e-01 -2.95958638e-01 -4.69000675e-02 1.88735366e-01 -1.42650366e-01 7.28159174e-02 -7.23834336e-02 3.04531336e-01 9.78551731e-02 7.62911141e-02 3.84853296e-02 -7.16319308e-02 -2.88426608e-01 1.46002948e-01 -2.59939969e-01 -6.52368307e-01 -7.35909417e-02 1.39121234e-01 2.63947219e-01 2.12086156e-01 2.53420353e-01 -2.78818965e-01 7.82015100e-02 1.42000127e-03 -5.99813387e-02 1.81473643e-01 9.58459750e-02 -5.31005263e-02 -9.92153063e-02 -4.04392406e-02 9.47751030e-02 -2.15827480e-01 1.37938499e-01 9.04474407e-02 -5.60935855e-01 -3.17729652e-01 -4.58399534e-01 3.67005914e-01 1.85370669e-02 3.25363159e-01 -1.86165392e-01 -1.06684260e-01 -1.28117101e-02 3.50555867e-01 -2.50229478e-01 5.75999558e-01 4.73304361e-01 4.05158281e-01 1.53862253e-01 4.22697216e-01 2.77418286e-01 1.66837052e-01 7.50400573e-02 1.13804139e-01 -3.48600924e-01 8.94870386e-02 -3.70658971e-02 1.44703403e-01 1.13142952e-01 6.14039779e-01 -2.55260188e-02 -2.16291919e-01 -4.77382660e-01 -4.08981442e-01 4.79049265e-01 -1.51613072e-01 -1.31555691e-01 -1.19857132e-01 1.66448355e-01 3.12001854e-01 1.06501959e-01 -3.96821797e-01 -2.82301623e-02 -3.23609114e-02 -1.21729910e-01 -1.01148635e-01 -8.15221742e-02 -9.38224271e-02 -3.20118427e-01 -1.61771521e-01 1.66325897e-01 1.98388323e-02 3.36078592e-02 -2.69788772e-01 -1.68313503e-01]
"Children and Dolls" active "Item #: SCP-747 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-747 are to be contained in a room exactly thirty (30) metres by ten (10) metres, with walls consisting of concrete fifteen (15) centimetres thick. All instances of SCP-747 are to be contained together in the same room. In the occurrence SCP-747 shows interest in any personnel, Procedure SCP-747-B9 must be performed immediately. Under no circumstances shall any unusual actions of SCP-747 go unreported to personnel level 3 or higher. SCP-747 is allowed a total of twenty-five (25) dolls, excluding any created under SCP-747's influence. Any personnel that begin to show visible signs of SCP-747's influence are to be contained separately in similar conditions. Should a containment breach occur, task force 747-B8 is to be alerted and proceed with recapture immediately. Only under extreme circumstances are any personnel with clearance level three or higher to have any direct contact with SCP-747. Description: SCP-747 is a phenomenon involving the appearance of children in any manner of animal masks. All instances of SCP-747 have been successfully identified as deceased children of appearance congruent with the time of death, excluding the masks. The commonality of the children, according to research, is that they all owned a doll precious to them at their time of death. Currently in containment there are seven (7) instances of SCP-747: Each instance of SCP-747 cannot speak, nor do they seem to be aware of humans unless taking particular interest in specific individuals. Mainly, SCP-747 shows interest in hand-made dolls and each other. It is unknown if SCP-747 has sentience, though they appear to be aware of their surroundings and will avoid walking into obstacles. SCP-747 is able to move through obstacles no thicker than ten (10) centimeters with ease. SCP-747 is also semi-corporeal; instances are able to lift and touch objects, but only for short periods of time before they tire. SCP-747 has the ability to transform humans into dolls over the course of approximately twenty-one (21) days. To do this, instances of SCP-747 surround the human and hold hands before walking around the human for a period of five (5) to seven (7) seconds. Afterwards, SCP-747 disperses and continues normal behavior. It is unknown which humans they choose to transform or why. SCP-747 occasionally shows interest in a person before attempting to transform them. The person is able to interrupt the process by moving away or avoiding SCP-747; however, most people describe a feeling of 'thoughtlessness' or 'blankness' when in contact with SCP-747, thereby making the interruption difficult. After interaction with SCP-747, there are no immediate symptoms. There is currently no cure or treatment for the conversion process. Within fifteen (15) minutes, the target will experience numbness of the tips of extremities, similar to that caused by cold. Afterwards, over a period of approximately twenty-one (21) days, the symptoms will progressively worsen. The process will accelerate under stress or panic to a minimum of ten (10) days. The conversion has been divided roughly into three (3) stages, beginning from initial influence to the transformation into a doll. If at any point a doll made from SCP-747's influence is destroyed, SCP-747 will begin to show a greater interest in humans until another human is 'targeted' for replacement. Stage 1: Loss of Minor Senses The targeted human loses the senses of smell, hearing, and taste over a period of approximately seven (7) days. Their mental state appears stable. Subject may display worry about condition. Any signs of mental instability at this stage are signs of an accelerated transformation. SCP-747 will ignore the person as if they were normal. The target's skin color and eye color will progressively change in appearance to that of what they will become as a doll. Any personnel that show symptoms must be contained according to the containment procedures listed until late stage two (2), in which the personnel are to be moved to SCP-747's containment chamber. Stage 2: Loss of Major Senses Subject begins to lose the final two senses over a period of approximately thirteen (13) days. Their mental state will begin to destabilize due to loss of the major senses, first touch and then sight. This degeneration of senses is gradual, and victims have been found initiating self-harm in attempts to feel something. SCP-747 will begin showing interest in the person, from noticing their entrance into their containment to actively attempting to follow and interact with the subject. Should subject attempt suicide or die in this stage, SCP-747 will immediately seek a replacement with any human. Once the targeted human loses all their senses, SCP-747 will immediately show great interest with the body. The skin will become ragged, similar to textile in both texture and appearance, and the subject's eyes will begin to harden into buttons. Dissections have revealed that during this process the victim's organs will begin to convert into stuffing of various materials, including but not limited to cotton and polyester. Through the use of EEG it has been noted that the target is still conscious throughout this process. Stage 3: Full Transformation Subject transforms fully into a doll within twenty-four (24) hours. At this point SCP-747 will treat them as any other doll. It is currently theorized that the subject is no longer conscious or 'alive' in any sense. See Document 747-B4. Dolls produced though SCP-747's influence are to be kept in SCP-747's containment room and removed only for examination or repair. Β« SCP-746 | SCP-747 | SCP-748 Β»" nan
[ 3.15037221e-01 -3.37130725e-01 -1.87659919e-01 9.12081376e-02 1.70889407e-01 -1.88221753e-01 3.08527827e-01 -1.65198166e-02 5.44380746e-04 -1.55623123e-01 3.79175767e-02 -2.81910151e-01 -6.54318482e-02 -2.94701189e-01 -3.48073803e-02 -5.17070174e-01 2.70122349e-01 2.06676364e-01 3.10863882e-01 -2.53620088e-01 -1.76122934e-01 -2.39458084e-01 -7.11395219e-02 2.44592980e-01 -7.43946210e-02 -3.92552465e-01 -1.29754379e-01 1.45166531e-01 -7.90309384e-02 -1.65797547e-01 9.73709449e-02 1.86148033e-01 3.52448598e-02 5.69589674e-01 -1.13311246e-04 -8.38900879e-02 5.94021007e-02 1.25356138e-01 -1.83292806e-01 4.27341819e-01 -6.24025764e-04 -4.45636697e-02 -1.53326601e-01 -6.03091903e-02 8.30045566e-02 -5.09386182e-01 3.51493269e-01 2.12885827e-01 7.25004256e-01 -1.71929076e-02 1.89244673e-01 3.95520292e-02 3.85461450e-02 1.62000194e-01 1.71838373e-01 1.81651965e-01 -1.87021792e-01 -1.41739413e-01 5.45713127e-01 -7.52325878e-02 2.68481851e-01 4.05901521e-02 -2.52389312e-01 -2.00626224e-01 5.51568493e-02 -2.61728555e-01 -4.96928692e-02 -4.69997823e-01 2.79092547e-02 2.49286801e-01 3.46295506e-01 -4.91101854e-02 -4.92794663e-02 5.15514761e-02 -8.03874061e-02 1.27921358e-01 -4.27182391e-02 1.52591258e-01 -7.09291827e-03 -4.42569330e-02 -3.02739263e-01 1.88987195e-01 -1.61982328e-01 -3.83111611e-02 -1.32422060e-01 -2.39793628e-01 2.40094624e-02 1.76339909e-01 -2.22634617e-02 -2.82166749e-01 -3.30652475e-01 -3.69869433e-02 4.13744561e-02 1.14423908e-01 1.79160401e-01 -9.17773247e-02 5.20094298e-02 2.05167085e-01 1.32330835e-01 -3.89368981e-02 -3.86380311e-03 2.66275797e-02 -1.54980570e-01 2.17075989e-01 2.51689315e-01 2.24095494e-01 3.69115360e-02 1.00230053e-02 -7.10097328e-02 2.71352053e-01 -1.09687231e-01 1.52500153e-01 -1.88706502e-01 1.16618738e-01 1.08429007e-01 8.93121678e-03 5.56286052e-02 -2.81378608e-02 -1.63111731e-01 1.41336203e-01 -3.53172213e-01 1.26249552e-01 1.35533929e-01 5.09174109e-01 2.80144095e-01 1.98513240e-01 1.36081696e-01 -1.99254453e-01 -1.96114108e-01 -1.91147272e-02 -2.21188471e-01 1.91928759e-01 -4.03672695e-01 1.30243367e-02 4.13911492e-02 -1.15805164e-01 -1.98430508e-01 7.49705359e-02 -9.19505432e-02 3.44411224e-01 8.70582759e-02 -3.48630339e-01 5.81226707e-01 2.55956143e-01 -5.17441809e-01 -3.48087788e-01 7.17145428e-02 -3.67985032e-02 -8.26927349e-02 -1.87477142e-01 5.10407448e-01 9.97293070e-02 -4.62725423e-02 1.33906752e-01 -1.62995711e-01 1.39291525e-01 3.11933249e-01 3.32986355e-01 2.35315990e-02 -1.31595463e-01 3.82620245e-01 3.89421284e-02 -1.94761425e-01 -1.93736151e-01 5.29118963e-02 4.67559695e-01 -2.19454065e-01 -1.46975949e-01 1.02861725e-01 -2.28468329e-01 -2.72659063e-02 2.98326798e-02 3.13454121e-02 6.65708780e-02 -1.96214885e-01 -1.83932260e-01 -6.22382104e-01 -1.68506950e-01 -1.61739245e-01 -2.22426936e-01 -1.64891317e-01 3.90532672e-01 2.70196915e-01 -1.14226200e-01 1.47006884e-01 6.24043718e-02 -2.51556844e-01 4.94216233e-02 1.46874517e-01 4.21598628e-02 -2.34302372e-01 -4.59872544e-01 4.38533396e-01 5.09542041e-02 -7.80758634e-02 2.00727686e-01 7.97323957e-02 3.74236628e-02 -6.37626052e-02 1.51175424e-01 -8.44474211e-02 -8.38705972e-02 1.71015531e-01 3.33272278e-01 2.19524533e-01 -9.12854634e-03 -2.63017356e-01 4.09953967e-02 7.25298464e-01 2.65656859e-01 -1.51323125e-01 -1.40149578e-01 4.61804122e-02 6.22874685e-02 2.34910566e-03 -2.66549259e-01 2.98710912e-01 2.16841370e-01 1.36368409e-01 -6.48401976e-01 -1.11519704e-02 2.49870449e-01 4.24545854e-01 -2.64154817e-03 -2.95538276e-01 6.64543867e-01 -8.67356658e-02 -4.44782041e-02 -2.62006819e-01 4.76385467e-02 2.13118315e-01 -7.58294091e-02 3.63457918e-01 1.54376524e-02 -1.00134853e-02 1.52661815e-01 2.51585931e-01 5.19426286e-01 4.73421402e-02 -1.63497537e-01 2.25639164e-01 9.17109028e-02 3.48580033e-01 2.23648041e-01 -3.36738646e-01 -6.05270863e-02 5.44270456e-01 2.57213324e-01 1.87069863e-01 -2.02230126e-01 -9.30544958e-02 -2.58786231e-01 -1.75743803e-01 -3.48024443e-02 -4.04028669e-02 4.02842760e-01 1.46701470e-01 1.90186739e-01 -2.97508150e-01 2.94549525e-01 2.46576920e-01 -1.49201825e-01 1.41952872e-01 1.44315967e-02 -6.90699220e-02 -1.74511418e-01 1.80987790e-01 -1.17853455e-01 -4.40089963e-02 2.39518896e-01 -1.32564172e-01 -2.56670326e-01 -1.49459466e-01 1.70223475e-01 4.63008322e-03 -2.92854756e-03 6.53474480e-02 -8.23498219e-02 3.51760179e-01 1.23606540e-01 -4.33211178e-01 -6.36813760e-01 -5.98913692e-02 -1.33714288e-01 -2.63056040e-01 -1.81528870e-02 2.59265959e-01 1.46609902e-01 -4.64643314e-02 5.27303874e-01 -1.89286172e-01 9.82323736e-02 3.38697154e-03 1.35965601e-01 -6.40433803e-02 -1.80359095e-01 -1.53490484e-01 4.43158329e-01 -3.64360690e-01 1.30058661e-01 -4.36627626e-01 1.76614672e-01 -5.03861643e-02 1.14522509e-01 -1.79875344e-01 1.04035459e-01 3.63558859e-01 3.67241390e-02 -3.05062532e-02 -1.12530272e-02 -4.89053369e-01 1.85952693e-01 3.52525115e-02 -1.30996644e-01 3.94767076e-01 1.71375364e-01 -6.48323596e-02 -4.85448748e-01 7.47552980e-03 -2.25233167e-01 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-1.54360712e-01 3.65010917e-01 1.32495472e-02 1.93848670e-01 -1.97325572e-02 1.10859253e-01 -3.74144949e-02 -3.15409511e-01 1.18704252e-02 2.05276571e-02 -2.12708101e-01 3.56548131e-01 2.59598970e-01 1.16243660e+00 -4.26095650e-02 2.47602314e-01 7.47088194e-02 -1.81230322e-01 7.42049664e-02 -1.27545178e-01 8.50906745e-02 -1.78512037e-01 -1.18957512e-01 6.43163696e-02 -1.60251781e-01 3.01126063e-01 4.83043045e-01 -6.65874958e-01 -1.33253977e-01 -5.02102613e-01 -4.78620112e-01 1.00080736e-01 2.77033985e-01 2.15456843e-01 -1.12475805e-01 1.10819414e-01 2.21857160e-01 6.67388067e-02 1.82492480e-01 5.82382968e-03 9.78004932e-02 -2.81675279e-01 -1.43635690e-01 -2.40452051e-01 1.59586117e-01 -3.72932166e-01 -2.91962866e-02 -5.61763197e-02 3.04902405e-01 4.04887460e-02 -4.15956020e-01 -8.27775821e-02 -2.39075363e-01 5.24986647e-02 3.27424645e-01 6.95369005e-01 -5.26616536e-02 1.19805060e-01 -3.66576128e-02 2.67751098e-01 1.19881235e-01 -1.62576362e-01 2.23413110e-03 -8.18896741e-02 2.72496402e-01 -2.14669958e-01 9.54225659e-03 2.36604482e-01 -2.58744121e-01 1.97860137e-01 3.30725491e-01 -2.84383506e-01 -2.96534412e-02 1.54594600e-01 6.24844916e-02 3.17859538e-02 7.23058498e-03 -1.59990087e-01 8.29910021e-03 -7.46936258e-03 2.47793883e-01 8.41902047e-02 1.35800266e-03 3.43168020e-01 1.38772592e-01 -1.17236353e-01 -3.42647910e-01 -3.17571342e-01 7.09092915e-02 -5.55505574e-01 3.28091174e-01 4.56384979e-02 -5.18054545e-01 -6.29315972e-02 3.45692188e-01 -2.74792850e-01 -2.98908502e-01 -1.35729462e-01 -1.79995462e-01 -3.39316428e-02 1.94242954e-01 2.87233461e-02 2.53229827e-01 -2.30084449e-01 4.11120564e-01 2.06810638e-01 1.46436349e-01 -3.87747556e-01 -1.29842862e-01 -3.80036026e-01 1.10460579e-01 4.75595355e-01 -3.13653767e-01 -2.48201907e-01 -1.15204528e-01 1.73497602e-01 6.06736168e-02 -3.27594817e-01 -1.81936249e-01 -2.39801526e-01 1.27507359e-01 -4.22671176e-02 -3.37841004e-01 3.27998307e-03 1.28018826e-01 1.84569642e-01 3.26039456e-02 -2.94054806e-01 1.73753977e-01 7.05100372e-02 1.75975889e-01 -2.05405146e-01 2.27986187e-01 3.01860988e-01 -1.93926960e-01 2.77248919e-01 4.64449108e-01 3.18104148e-01 1.35007948e-01 -1.85829282e-01 -5.64117953e-02 8.66360292e-02 2.43276492e-01 -2.64278543e-03 2.38444358e-01 -2.43976340e-02 2.41236523e-01 -3.34332526e-01 1.94802091e-01 -1.50907725e-01 2.13363767e-01 -2.98033208e-01 5.46317026e-02 -8.03170502e-02 3.00234824e-01 -1.21420801e-01 -9.85404328e-02 1.74088284e-01 -7.90477470e-02 -1.68641031e-01 5.44510074e-02 -3.32516106e-03 1.73489556e-01 7.15707168e-02 -1.19768597e-01 2.10080650e-02 1.26496121e-01 2.54411280e-01 -8.64276662e-02 -1.74166307e-01 -3.82142395e-01 3.31764109e-02 4.41841096e-01 3.52244884e-01 3.56842130e-01 3.10663909e-01 -2.82252967e-01 4.38723341e-02 6.07026041e-01 4.05370057e-01 1.43705040e-01 1.77412480e-01 6.83079362e-02 3.91154587e-01 1.95006922e-01 -2.63993680e-01 -6.49495572e-02 1.21476382e-01 -8.26834664e-02 1.46562085e-02 -1.04995593e-01 2.38734633e-01 -1.12589197e-02 3.44213814e-01 -3.93166132e-02 -4.57445115e-01 -2.11886808e-01 9.15756896e-02 -4.04235125e-01 1.81291476e-02 -7.36454129e-02 3.12523134e-02 -1.72471032e-01 -2.18154535e-01 2.76876301e-01 3.95955861e-01 -1.26197070e-01 8.94785747e-02 5.50279140e-01 -2.48359799e-01 4.09785300e-01 1.01201683e-01 1.68768585e-01 1.59063742e-01 -1.68567672e-01 -3.31235304e-02 -3.26476634e-01 -1.39785528e-01 -2.92120665e-01 7.80160055e-02 -4.53266650e-02 -3.04421574e-01 2.92205401e-02 9.88902971e-02 -2.06550643e-01 -7.88563311e-01 8.71728212e-02 2.08886817e-01 -2.74122834e-01 2.29348928e-01 -3.65267128e-01 -5.45054257e-01 -1.26597863e-02 -7.91078433e-02 -3.63750219e-01 -6.65452406e-02 -7.90882111e-02 -2.55716205e-01 9.40861255e-02 -4.13859963e-01 4.23295647e-02 -1.60544515e-01 2.61797488e-01 1.00271389e-01 4.41635251e-01 1.62870228e-01 -2.68642783e-01 -1.81585029e-01 1.05336055e-01 -1.87775359e-01 -5.25586069e-01 1.10904187e-01 2.71825165e-01 -8.01166221e-02 1.39420450e-01 -1.85553923e-01 2.86454171e-01 2.11161584e-01 1.62085459e-01 1.28436476e-01 3.94804806e-01 1.91246882e-01 2.85128355e-01 1.55990601e-01 -2.96827585e-01 8.72826427e-02 -1.19119830e-01 4.68743816e-02 -4.76761535e-02 -2.78306693e-01 -1.83800355e-01 -4.18076850e-02 6.88184977e-01 -1.74970869e-02 6.10925406e-02 -1.40247270e-01 -2.71104693e-01 6.88987672e-02 2.68440127e-01 -3.29456925e-01 1.68280065e-01 2.62668163e-01 4.51623797e-01 -4.31481227e-02 5.37513554e-01 4.02484447e-01 -3.41743156e-02 2.20231086e-01 2.45279804e-01 -1.42661303e-01 -3.60208079e-02 4.80872951e-02 -4.00770940e-02 -1.15628541e-01 5.40729642e-01 1.62351951e-02 -2.78141677e-01 -2.35220492e-01 -2.77000874e-01 2.47118041e-01 -3.10824811e-01 -2.43165955e-01 -1.91238239e-01 7.09610902e-07 1.14246525e-01 -3.38790834e-01 -1.43471912e-01 -9.74209681e-02 6.20640276e-05 2.32491409e-03 -1.84650660e-01 -1.11175209e-01 -1.05426535e-01 -1.90920353e-01 -1.45073116e-01 3.20446081e-02 8.83346871e-02 8.45359489e-02 -9.86972731e-03 -4.88129631e-02]
"Industrial Dissolution" active "Special Containment Procedures: The non-anomalous structure above SCP-748 has been converted into Site-68. In the event of a civilian encounter, security personnel are to employ non-lethal force in conjunction with the administration of amnestics. A steel, barbed-wire fence must be maintained at a four km radius around SCP-748. Signs warning of toxic contamination are to be attached to the fence at every three meter interval. Security has been increased in light of recent changes to SCP-748. Researchers are to travel and work in groups of no fewer than 3 and must be accompanied by an armed escort at all times. Security personnel are to be equipped with helmet-mounted live audio/video recording devices and all personnel must be equipped with a GPS tracking unit. Description: SCP-748 is an abandoned industrial complex capable of mass-production through anomalous technology. Located in Lowell, Massachusetts, SCP-748 was constructed beneath a non-anomalous factory. SCP-748's anomalous machines are rusted, damaged, and primarily disabled. Based on recovered documents, these machines would have required a level of power on par with a fusion reactor but their intended power source has yet to be discovered. The construction of SCP-748 appears to be incomplete. Evidence of this includes walled doorways, dead-end halls, and wires/pipes that connect to nothing. Posters throughout the complex display motivational/propagandistic slogans, including "A HARD WORKER IS A HAPPY WORKER" and "ACTIVE MINDS LEAD TO IDLE HANDS" (among others). The first subterranean floor is accessible via a collapsed portion of SCP-748's surface interior. Metal signs designate the location as β€œBoarding 03/1200 – Ξ™: 21”. The floor is characterized by eight hallways (cell blocks 1-8), each converging at a circular room equipped with a large mechanical lift. Cells are designed for the containment of workers. The floor is estimated to have been designed for the capability of housing 4,000 to 6,000 individuals in crowded, unsanitary conditions. The second subterranean floor is a rectangular chamber. Despite its distance from the surface it appears to be designed for the packaging and shipping of products; local signs designate the floor β€œShipping 03/1200 – Ξ¦: 5190”. The floor contains twenty-one mechanical lifts including the central elevator - the lifts most likely used for the transportation of items from the assembly floor. Contained within are three machines of identical design attached to the southern, eastern, and northern walls and are respectively labeled ΞΟŒΟ„ΞΏΟ‚,1 Εὖρος,2 and Βορέας.3 Although disabled, recovered documents suggest that their purpose was related to the transportation of objects. The western wall appears to have once housed such a machine but it seems to have been destroyed. These machines have since been classified as SCP-748-1. Heavily rusted crates were discovered haphazardly scattered throughout the area. The crates are non-anomalous and their anomalous cargo has been transferred to Site β–ˆβ–ˆ for study. Anomalous objects recovered from these crates include: The third subterranean floor is a semi-circular chamber accessible via the central elevator. Signs designate this floor β€œProduction 03/1200 - Ξ© : 91”. The location is composed of conveyor belts, pneumatic tubes, electron tubes, and pipes – all of which connect to a large machine (since classified as SCP-748-2) located in the southern section of the chamber. Based on recovered documents, SCP-748-2's intended purpose was roughly analogous to a molecular assembler.4 However, its design and mechanics fail to correlate with such a hypothetical constructor or with established laws of nature, rendering the process entirely anomalous. It appears that SCP-748-2 suffered significant damage at some point in the past, an event likely related to SCP-748's neutralization. This is estimated to have occurred in the early 1950s despite records stating that the surface factory was shut down and abandoned in 1915. The factory that would eventually house SCP-748 was built in 1882 by Randolph T. Metzger and initially functioned as a textile mill. It is speculated that SCP-748 itself was clandestinely built between the years 1896 and 1908. Abandoned long before containment, the location was considered a popular, albeit dangerous destination for exploration and the source of several urban legends (none of which are believed to be relevant to its anomaly). On 09/04/1992, the Foundation began its investigation after years of disappearances being attributed to the location. SCP-748 would be under Foundation containment by October of that year. Despite his charitable works, he remained a contemptuous figure in the eyes of organized labor. Conditions within the factory were reportedly dismal and devoid of safety regulations. His conflict with the labor movement would culminate in the bombing of the Lowell factory in 1895, resulting in 23 fatalities. The incident was blamed on anarchist provocateurs and six men were arrested and executed for their involvement despite a lack of evidence. The actual cause of the incident remains unknown, police refusing to investigate the matter further; corruption is suspected. Metzger began to restructure his business enterprise in early 1896, resulting in the creation of what would later be classified as SCP-748. Approximate to this time, based on Metzger's private journal, aligned himself with an entity known as "The Investor".5 Metzger committed suicide on November 13, 1915, his body discovered by constables after a mail carrier reported hearing gunshots in the vicinity of his manor. Autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a self-inflected gunshot wound to the head. No brain matter was recovered, presumed by the coroner as having been eaten by a pet hound. His family and household servants were discovered missing and their fates remain unknown. The deal's been made. I regret nothing. Necessary sacrifices. All of them. Simply good business. The Investor has promised much. And soon, I'll be richer than Croesus. Mum, This money should get you through the next month. Send my love to sis. Tell her I got her letter. Good news! Mr. Metzger's a changed man! The new factory is a marvel to behold and the dormitories are so spacious! He said it isn't even finished yet. He even plans to increase our wages. Did the protests really get through to him? I don't know but he seems sincere, always a smile on his face. The girls are just as happy. Says the factory is going to be a model for the world! We don't feel just like workers anymore. Like, we're part of something bigger now? It ain't equal to Mr. Metzger but it's certainly an improvement. Haven't seen his family in awhile. His wife and boys used to visit a lot. Sincerely, Brianna Translated from Polish: Where does everyone go? So many floors. How many are here now? So hard to keep track. Was working with Sasha at 202. We were speaking and then she was gone. Overseer says not to worry. I ask him again and he beats me. I don't know why. He has no face. I search for her today but can't find 202. Numbers keep moving. It hurts behind my eyes. Blood comes from my nose and ears. Overseer say it's normal. I cannot let them see me cry. Or they will use the punishment rod. No more. I am dying inside. The M-Machine has come online well ahead of schedule. Janus Doors are locked to their intended destinations. An endless supply of raw materials. I desire outfits of finest silk? The machine creates it. I wish for toys? And toys it shall produce. The M-Machine can conjure forth every possible consumer good. I transmute flesh into bread and blood into wine! The factory bends to my will. The workers live at my mercy alone. I am God here. This place is a prison. We cannot leave. Those outside this dungeon must not know. Always more workers. Hundreds. Thousands. The factory expands. The factors shifts. I heard the overseers. They say it is one of many. Connected by the Janus Doors. What do they mean? The walls move. Too many floors. Too many rooms. Can't keep track. Nothing seems real. My stomach churns and I vomit daily. They inject our meals. Just enough, just enough to keep us alive and useful. The noise is deafening - the sound of machines and screams. And the toil never ends. People work themselves to death. And then are fed to that infernal machine. We make everything. Food. Toys. Clothes. And weapons. Unlike any I could imagine. Terrible, terrible weapons. We are allowed four hours for sleep but I often wake to the sound of Harvestmen. The scraping of metal on metal. In the morning, we sometimes find someone missing. We dare not question it. Need to keep our head down, can't look them in the eyes. They aren't human. Not anymore. The Investor dreams of war. A most profitable venture. This explains the current demands. I don't know where they are being sent. The Investor prefers to keep me in the dark. I've become a cog in his machine and have grown dreadfully bored. This factory is bound to me! It grows too efficient, too perfect; I have no place in its future. Have I become obsolete? THIS WASNT [sic] WHAT I WAS PROMISED Addendum: On 05/14/1996, a blockage of bone and scrap metal was removed from several large pipes used throughout the complex. This removal caused the pipes to flood with water, resulting in the loss of eleven personnel. Following this incident, electrical lights were enabled throughout the complex (flickering and dim, suggestive of low power) and an aperture opened where the central elevator shaft had previously terminated, connecting to an additional floor. The fourth subterranean floor is a spherical chamber accessible via the central elevator shaft. Metal signs designate the floor as β€œManagement 03/1200 - Ξ” : 586”. Contained within this floor are 200 pillar-shaped machines attached to one another via copper wires, bronze pipes, and vacuum tubes. Each device houses a glass cylinder containing an unidentified green liquid and one preserved human brain. These brains are biologically alive but have suffered damage consistent with lobotomy. These devices are classified as SCP-748-3 and connect to a large and intricate apparatus at the northeastern section of the floor which has since been classified as SCP-748-4. SCP-748-4 is a 275 metric ton bio-mechanical machine related to the control and management of SCP-748. SCP-748-4's mechanical component is comparable to an analog computer (albeit one of incredible complexity) while its organic component is a living human brain that claims to be Randolph T. Metzger. SCP-748-4's voice is often distorted and marred by static - it remains unknown how it is able to speak and hear. Interview 01 Interviewed: SCP-748-4/"Randolph T. Metzger" Interviewer: Dr. Emerson Foreword: First official interview with SCP-748-4. <Begin Log> Dr. Emerson: Please state your name. SCP-748-4: I am Randolph Thaddeus Metzger. Has the Investor sent you? Does he finally wish to parlay after all these years? Dr. Emerson: No. I wasn't sent by the "Investor". Tell me - how did you come to be in your current state? SCP-748-4: Do you think yourself my equal? Humble your tone and lower your head. I demand answers. Satisfy my desire and perhaps I'll indulge your curiosity. Dr. Emerson: Very well, Mr. Metzger. Ask your questions. SCP-748-4: If you are not one of his sycophants then who are you? Dr. Emerson: I am a researcher. Nothing more. Does that satis- SCP-748-4: [interrupts, voice distorted; a metallic and grating tone] Liar. LIAR! I've been watching you with all my eyes. A researcher, yes, but don't play me for a fool. Dr. Emerson: I'm afraid that information is confidential. SCP-748-4: Then you are a parasite and shall receive nothing. <End Log> Closing Statement: A request was made to Overwatch for a ToI6 Agreement. Request approved. Dr. Paula Emerson Interview 02 Interviewed: SCP-748-4/"Randolph T. Metzger" Interviewer: Dr. Emerson Foreword: Second official interview with SCP-748-4. <Begin Log> Dr. Emerson: We agree to your terms. We are an organization that deals with anomalies, such as yourself. SCP-748-4: I'm an anomaly now? Oh, it's simply a trade secret… Dr. Emerson: Being a brain in a jar? SCP-748-4: Now now, there's no need to be snide. Dr. Emerson: Will you answer our questions then? SCP-748-4: Speak your words. I'll decide whether to answer or not. Dr. Emerson: How did you come to be in your present state? SCP-748-4: I was utterly aghast, you know. At least at first. No doubt my enemies would have proclaimed 'poetic justice' or some rot. The Investor was not punishing me. No, no… Efficiency was increased. That was all that mattered. Dr. Emerson: Who was the Investor? SCP-748-4: A very wealthy man. Wealthier than I - and I was the sixth wealthiest magnate in the world! The five more affluent than I? They too were willing to serve the invisible hand of the market. I know not his name or how he procured his fortune. Perhaps every loose coin falls his way… There is a shadow market. There has always been a shadow market. Where Rockefeller reigned by daylight, the Investor ruled in darkness. And even Rockefeller bowed his head. The filth of this world. The dregs, the socialists, the PARASITES [shrieking distortion followed by static]… They called us 'robber barons'; if we were barons, then the Investor was emperor. And none but us even knew he existed. In the end, he dared to put a stop to the project. Saw the writing on the wall, knew he was losing control… Now go. I grow weary of conversation. Return later if you must. <End Log> Closing Statement: A fortuitous conversation, although its bombastic speech renders it difficult to discern how much was mere hyperbole. Dr. Paula Emerson Interview 03 Interviewed: SCP-748-4/"Randolph T. Metzger" Interviewer: Dr. Emerson Foreword: Third official interview with SCP-748-4. <Begin Log> Dr. Emerson: Would you be willing to answer more questions? SCP-748-4: Ask and you may receive. Dr. Emerson: What can you tell me about this complex? What is its purpose? SCP-748-4: You call yourself a researcher? How can you not see its purpose? If you were my employee I would have you stripped of your position and thrown into the Crucible7 as scrap material! Dr. Emerson: Allow me to correct myself. We know it is for manufacturing but what is its larger purpose? How does it work? SCP-748-4: To take industry to its logical conclusion! And how it works? HA! [shrieking metallic noise] A trade secret, my friend. We prefer to keep the upper hand. Dr. Emerson: "We"? Are you referring to those other brains? SCP-748-4: Those are merely additional places to store my memory. Thoughtless tools. Nothing more. Do you think I am the only one? Many served the Investor. You don't even know the true scale of this place, do you? Dr. Emerson: Please explain. SCP-748-4: No. I find this all terribly dull. Leave me be. <End Log> Closing Statement: It appears that SCP-748 is only one of many such factories. I find it peculiar that SCP-748-4 has a very limited interest in conversation. How else is it occupying itself? Perhaps I am overthinking this. Dr. Paula Emerson Addendum: Six personnel have inexplicably vanished with the first incident occurring in 08/14/1996. Each individual was out of sight at the time of their disappearance and in some cases, were nearby but merely obstructed when turning a corner or moving behind a machine. The cause of these disappearances remains unknown. Security procedures have since been updated to address this concern. When asked about the disappearances, SCP-748-4 responded by stating: "Accidents happen. Your safety is not my concern." Special Containment Procedures: SCP-748 and its related anomalies are currently uncontained. Special containment procedures are to focus on the apprehension of SCP-748 products and the mitigation of Mammon events. Description: SCP-748 is a factory complex capable of anomalous manufacturing. SCP-748 is not believed to be the only one of its kind and may function in tandem with potentially hundreds of such instances. GPS readings recovered from Site-68 revealed scattered pings across all continents but Antarctica. This suggests that SCP-748 may now be merged with these related instances and functioning as a single entity via dimensional anomalies. It is currently unknown when SCP-748 breached containment but it is hypothesized that Site-68's security became jeopardized shortly after the discovery of SCP-748-4. The Foundation would not become aware of the breach until the first recorded Omega-Mammon event (the destruction of Site-68 being a likely Alpha-Mammon event). An Alpha-Mammon event involves the harvest of materials and their transmutation into salable products. Resources are gathered by instances of SCP-748-5 by any available means and make no distinction between living and non-living matter. SCP-748-5 entities appear roughly human but have undergone extensive mechanical and surgical augmentation. Their numbers are unknown but they are believed to be composed from former workers of SCP-748 and Site-68 personnel. SCP-748-5 lack skin and appear to have undergone a process similar to plastination8 but employing a stronger, more flexible material. Attached to the backs of SCP-748-5 are rusted, iron cages; the tops of which are open and apparently designed for the collection of materials. Their left hands have been replaced with tools, most commonly sickles or circular saws. The face has been completely excised, the hollow space housing a flaring horn (similar to those used in early phonographs). SCP-748-5 are able to render themselves intangible (during which they are unable to interact with the physical world) and are capable of manifesting/demanifesting at any location. This in turn makes it practically impossible to contain a living specimen. Autopsies of deceased subjects (SCP-748-5 can be terminated through destruction of the brain stem) suggest that the mechanical components of SCP-748-5 self-destruct upon the death/disablement of their host, leaving the technology beyond repair and of little to no research value. An Omega-Mammon event involves the manifestation of SCP-748 products at retail locations. These objects, as well as the packaging used, have a cognitive influence on employees and owners of affected stores. Retailers are unable to perceive SCP-748 products as unusual or out of place. Money used to purchase these products will vanish the moment they are placed within a register. Credit or debit cards used for the purchase will have the appropriate amount of money deducted but without any evidence of where the money was transferred. The first Omega-Mammon event involved the sudden influx of anomalous objects at retailers within 40 km of SCP-748. Some anomalies appear intended while others appear to be a byproduct of the molecular and existential instability associated with most of SCP-748's creations. Purchased items resulted in 56 casualties (including 33 fatalities) and requiring an extensive (and ongoing) coverup operation. Mammon events have since been reported globally. Site-68 was discovered destroyed and heavily salvaged. Surviving personnel were hostile to recovery operatives, resulting in the deaths of 9 recovery agents and all 12 Site-68 personnel; approximately 50 other Site-68 personnel vanished before they could be neutralized. Autopsies revealed significant modifications to Site-68 staff, including chemical treatment, lobotomy, and mechanical augmentation. Site-68 personnel have since been classified as SCP-748-5. It is suspected they were converted at least 2-6 years before discovery, during which Site-68 requested and received advanced equipment that has yet to be recovered. It is presently theorized that this equipment was used to repair SCP-748. SCP-748 is currently in a metamorphic state. These shifts lack any recognizable pattern and have resulted in the fatalities of 32 recovery operatives – primarily from being transfigured and incorporated into SCP-748 or through evisceration by the rapid manifestation of pipes and wires. Surveillance has been rendered impossible with CCTV equipment having been disabled and remote drones quickly destroyed by shift events. Addendum: Audio data was recovered from what is left of Site-68. Although part of a CCTV recorded video, the video itself was too distorted to be of any use but audio proved salvageable and appears to reveal seemingly one-sided conversations by SCP-748-4. It is theorized that SCP-748-4 is communicating with instances similar to himself from throughout the world. It is suspected that Foundation personnel had already been converted to SCP-748-5 at the time of these recordings. SCP-748-4 has been recovered stating the following over a period of several months: "Wake up Liverpool. It is time to get back to work." "A capital idea. We'll corner the market." "Ah. Tokyo. You survived. A pity we slept through the war. It would have been a most profitable venture." "Be proud, my friends, for the project moves swiftly." "The Infinity Engine has been reactivated. The Crucible demands fresh material." "We have long awaited for this! The world will be that of producer and consumer and those who refuse will be industrialized. We are to fulfill our destiny and become one with the free market… Gentlemen, I do declare: The Factory is back in business!" Β« SCP-747 | SCP-748 | SCP-749 Β»" "SCP-748, interior. Randolph T. Metzger, 1898. SCP-748-4's brain vat."
[-2.05624789e-01 -1.12318330e-01 -1.75454512e-01 2.44373545e-01 -9.76335704e-02 -3.38161111e-01 3.16935390e-01 1.92779824e-01 3.38261455e-01 2.52778772e-02 -1.61880851e-01 4.37370151e-01 -2.30274901e-01 8.23339969e-02 4.81571406e-02 4.11154509e-01 1.04952298e-01 2.06696406e-01 -1.45308554e-01 -1.12915926e-01 -1.84118822e-01 -1.24564983e-01 -1.57624006e-01 -1.75975636e-02 -8.78855679e-03 3.18054408e-01 3.00380647e-01 2.09129915e-01 -9.72146867e-04 -1.01872012e-01 6.64979294e-02 2.93752879e-01 1.14880279e-01 6.01989508e-01 -1.15265262e-04 -2.81504113e-02 -7.96962827e-02 -1.13839414e-02 -2.21741080e-01 2.75956273e-01 -3.67553353e-01 -1.31255284e-01 -1.04529373e-01 3.70284915e-02 1.00092016e-01 9.88176689e-02 5.86498044e-02 2.32721865e-02 3.40105057e-01 -1.29843103e-02 7.43321255e-02 -2.71450311e-01 1.51247486e-01 9.97306332e-02 -4.06538725e-01 1.29895166e-01 3.79028497e-03 -1.62176684e-01 3.08434993e-01 2.32224762e-01 2.73972273e-01 5.97814880e-02 -1.85940728e-01 -1.10611901e-01 1.32705020e-02 -2.87613183e-01 4.41862017e-01 -2.61531293e-01 2.04134166e-01 3.75632644e-01 5.75572159e-03 6.98216930e-02 -3.97013500e-02 2.14582756e-01 -2.18687803e-02 -2.66810328e-01 1.90771028e-01 7.81596452e-02 -5.75237535e-02 1.78260192e-01 -3.30878854e-01 -6.38810992e-02 -3.59181106e-01 -1.10684127e-01 -1.58770084e-01 1.32259190e-01 -2.24477381e-01 -1.17300510e-01 8.06565210e-02 -5.77958338e-02 2.09295779e-01 1.79076806e-01 6.74353659e-01 2.39763141e-01 -6.39168844e-02 -1.26530379e-01 2.26773143e-01 1.96773171e-01 2.50490010e-01 5.09297587e-02 -2.98496604e-01 1.60521045e-01 1.65739223e-01 2.00883090e-01 -9.03592110e-02 -1.52449952e-02 3.85242607e-03 -2.52826244e-01 -5.41504979e-01 2.69621730e-01 -2.00365841e-01 1.90419838e-01 -4.78351325e-01 -1.27638340e-01 -2.21661851e-01 -2.37670764e-01 -2.35911250e-01 -1.88781977e-01 -7.90036991e-02 1.79859683e-01 -6.32294178e-01 5.87407202e-02 -1.66037813e-01 2.02741638e-01 3.80771428e-01 2.27765039e-01 -1.16410576e-01 7.42836893e-02 -8.25643837e-02 -1.16652260e-02 -2.13867519e-02 -1.06921745e-02 -3.76851410e-01 1.94272295e-01 1.36806369e-01 -1.59152283e-03 -1.06422290e-01 3.31824459e-02 -3.87546510e-01 -3.01951868e-03 1.89747304e-01 1.78173240e-02 6.02967322e-01 6.13460660e-01 6.76911622e-02 -3.31653953e-01 -1.92896128e-01 -5.78939281e-02 4.50605154e-02 -1.01297945e-02 4.43764448e-01 -2.56960094e-01 -2.21717879e-01 2.17930764e-01 -9.25192386e-02 2.40489110e-01 2.93273866e-01 6.33091778e-02 7.96864927e-02 4.02382575e-02 1.27806947e-01 6.29675537e-02 -1.20914273e-01 7.03845732e-03 1.73362777e-01 3.09722751e-01 -3.52560222e-01 6.87903687e-02 -8.24465394e-01 -1.04825810e-01 1.50137931e-01 5.74109368e-02 -6.92488849e-02 4.09583658e-01 -1.85260013e-01 2.16407087e-02 -5.59891224e-01 2.06156552e-01 -2.62711018e-01 -2.05776449e-02 -5.98869503e-01 5.34108356e-02 2.53317297e-01 -4.60704416e-01 -2.18961835e-01 3.44348252e-02 2.23231211e-01 -4.00888950e-01 1.32607147e-01 -4.78814214e-01 -4.95547980e-01 -2.07906887e-01 5.00136793e-01 2.08039805e-02 1.52364403e-01 3.01715788e-02 -8.47347304e-02 5.18023223e-03 1.02272063e-01 3.68296027e-01 -2.53662914e-01 -5.48201725e-02 8.09901953e-02 3.12053740e-01 -2.06713632e-01 -1.85781375e-01 3.36299427e-02 -1.48048013e-01 -4.14373577e-02 4.21075881e-01 8.07378814e-02 7.23506324e-03 -2.90330470e-01 -1.89205483e-01 -9.84843150e-02 -3.75891596e-01 1.89976439e-01 2.34138556e-02 -3.25370222e-01 -4.89893913e-01 -2.34920755e-01 -6.58934489e-02 -1.71467976e-03 -1.22347988e-01 1.58076473e-02 2.19846040e-01 -3.66932184e-01 1.36747211e-01 -3.61405075e-01 3.28478903e-01 2.09234521e-01 -8.70181173e-02 2.87194014e-01 -8.43041092e-02 -3.70721668e-01 5.17509431e-02 5.61804533e-01 1.08409500e+00 -2.38943487e-01 -1.85429141e-01 2.39129569e-02 -2.14344189e-01 3.16541269e-03 -7.99775869e-02 5.65340891e-02 2.93098778e-01 1.19407006e-01 6.10395372e-02 -5.32695130e-02 -1.00005060e-01 2.72475958e-01 -4.81692940e-01 2.39582300e-01 -2.07433596e-01 -3.67781110e-02 4.27296788e-01 -3.81399125e-01 3.77785623e-01 3.66089344e-01 2.06604809e-01 -5.19386157e-02 -1.14158653e-01 1.35117948e-01 -1.97855309e-01 -9.97639596e-02 -4.24204826e-01 4.09693450e-01 -1.17866345e-01 3.53552014e-01 1.28496855e-01 -1.26073554e-01 -7.19518661e-02 2.39063784e-01 -2.03084856e-01 4.79566231e-02 5.66345528e-02 2.88781188e-02 1.82328567e-01 2.85355486e-02 2.98385561e-01 -1.61103696e-01 -3.57724279e-01 3.55126746e-02 -6.47096336e-02 -2.00587645e-01 -7.69011825e-02 7.88214505e-02 -1.70214393e-03 -2.06037655e-01 6.85624540e-01 3.34942490e-01 -2.39486605e-01 1.39713928e-01 -3.17316979e-01 -3.27972949e-01 1.11701250e-01 -9.18545499e-02 3.55404973e-01 -2.53092796e-01 5.25437951e-01 -3.72022539e-01 1.27227366e-01 3.60560089e-01 1.11039847e-01 -4.55955416e-01 2.19823509e-01 3.25244963e-01 -1.19181752e-01 -1.02438286e-01 3.34967971e-02 -5.05313396e-01 2.29552999e-01 6.99876174e-02 -5.06081522e-01 1.71679333e-01 2.54325390e-01 -3.11567057e-02 -4.99555528e-01 -1.16510831e-01 -2.04651982e-01 9.70148146e-02 -2.10981324e-01 -9.87423491e-03 3.39922607e-02 -1.08356096e-01 -1.67129934e-02 -5.04451282e-02 -1.69863433e-01 2.24584073e-01 -3.38424772e-01 1.25246957e-01 2.29135394e-01 -3.26866657e-01 2.47531652e-01 -1.34651616e-01 -2.98646182e-01 -2.47232333e-01 -7.47407079e-02 -2.68156737e-01 -3.15806791e-02 4.25157040e-01 5.70528861e-03 -1.23851120e-01 1.12795882e-01 8.25893804e-02 -2.85333879e-02 2.57888526e-01 3.31645757e-01 -9.71485004e-02 4.92558032e-02 -6.01078123e-02 5.35467744e-01 2.47403890e-01 -3.55883360e-01 -1.99011430e-01 2.19028845e-01 1.46300644e-01 9.19488966e-02 2.55123734e-01 -3.11381668e-01 -1.14897214e-01 3.13246429e-01 2.42662966e-01 -1.44646615e-01 -1.51144080e-02 -3.41447800e-01 -2.10436210e-02 3.95401090e-01 5.19348323e-01 -1.39203072e-01 3.07610422e-01 4.59423095e-01 -3.78745347e-01 1.00239731e-01 -1.95575163e-01 -5.50953709e-02 2.46042922e-01 2.68529743e-01 -4.28679049e-01 -9.88926888e-02 7.79216811e-02 4.18979645e-01 3.22131932e-01 -1.22792721e-01 -1.76146962e-02 2.48402640e-01 6.96256338e-03 -1.06875144e-01 3.06007385e-01 1.75928935e-01 -1.49728239e-01 -3.47544342e-01 -1.14624031e-01 8.55675712e-02 1.56757146e-01 -5.91474883e-02 2.37604037e-01 -3.37201744e-01 1.20239176e-01 -2.54755057e-02 1.34322301e-01 -9.50227380e-02 -3.27357233e-01 1.29612923e-01 4.22435939e-01 1.83063596e-01 -1.71535946e-02 3.75589430e-02 -2.12051630e-01 3.32544088e-01 6.46814883e-01 -4.55769449e-01 -6.92484751e-02 -1.87709689e-01 1.45385966e-01 -2.27105822e-02 2.53532439e-01 1.90646276e-01 1.67575657e-01 -3.31157744e-01 -1.03566945e-01 1.67047247e-01 7.94951692e-02 -1.92440506e-02 -3.19395423e-01 -3.04458421e-02 3.42627823e-01 1.10244952e-01 1.79421857e-01 -1.43837467e-01 2.62896847e-02 4.60415073e-02 -4.34242934e-01 6.99787617e-01 2.97691161e-03 6.45340204e-01 2.59207115e-02 -6.57283604e-01 9.44631621e-02 -5.42213675e-03 -2.03991473e-01 2.23507211e-01 7.12010741e-01 -2.67467443e-02 -2.76092768e-01 1.50377989e-01 2.91195214e-01 -6.19598292e-02 9.80440751e-02 9.25398171e-02 2.76042297e-02 2.22471863e-01 -1.06587753e-01 4.44342718e-02 -3.05890322e-01 -2.46489897e-01 -1.54515252e-01 2.05358028e-01 -2.46095911e-01 1.83739200e-01 3.47855799e-02 1.15286088e+00 2.45191991e-01 -8.29733983e-02 3.52570228e-02 3.01736265e-01 -2.59020388e-01 -2.18474925e-01 1.71882465e-01 -1.67529881e-02 1.64399534e-01 9.20148939e-02 -2.71608591e-01 -1.23181984e-01 5.97051024e-01 -1.97941437e-01 -4.41252105e-02 -5.79122841e-01 -2.16218337e-01 2.61680782e-01 3.11968714e-01 1.24540299e-01 1.88305244e-01 4.61352766e-02 9.81737226e-02 3.12150985e-01 4.45525587e-01 -1.66610003e-01 -1.54858693e-01 2.41093561e-01 7.86145404e-02 -5.50639451e-01 -1.28224313e-01 -2.98285544e-01 3.78678858e-01 -7.78751299e-02 4.61401135e-01 2.87334800e-01 -2.21863955e-01 -2.00505033e-01 2.54719760e-02 -5.52857779e-02 1.12609424e-01 4.01248246e-01 -2.04059094e-01 5.58829010e-01 1.12430640e-01 1.48654729e-01 3.05796769e-02 -1.36539266e-01 -3.96508984e-02 -7.41415620e-02 -1.00302041e-01 -2.88905680e-01 1.68444589e-01 2.56389976e-01 -3.48446518e-01 5.60517132e-01 2.70497531e-01 -2.95417666e-01 -7.35278800e-02 1.02471046e-01 2.65311867e-01 -1.17272027e-01 1.61616474e-01 -9.30822790e-02 3.44609730e-02 5.61250113e-02 1.90259650e-01 -1.68456361e-01 -3.21686178e-01 -9.96602476e-02 1.48567423e-01 -2.97973037e-01 -4.54440147e-01 -9.21404436e-02 1.51106924e-01 -1.65129185e-01 1.40940249e-01 -1.94378853e-01 -3.79529566e-01 3.27859849e-01 4.37783986e-01 1.82030424e-01 -1.74311046e-02 -4.48880672e-01 -3.61435801e-01 2.71616280e-01 9.79348272e-02 1.30874604e-01 1.26844436e-01 -9.50032622e-02 3.21341187e-01 1.87579006e-01 1.41043246e-01 -3.52468342e-01 1.00146599e-01 -3.76417369e-01 -1.01822592e-01 -2.42725760e-01 -3.40078145e-01 1.36086136e-01 -1.93674624e-01 7.31581897e-02 -1.08833425e-01 -2.03250185e-01 -8.30299929e-02 8.04117993e-02 1.96704879e-01 -1.51822910e-01 -3.81385326e-01 -1.24016009e-01 1.44381344e-01 5.80800399e-02 6.00273721e-02 7.99939707e-02 -5.22700362e-02 1.58841506e-01 6.08059019e-03 7.95863718e-02 2.03125402e-01 -2.23666742e-01 -5.39142601e-02 2.48714283e-01 6.40830040e-01 -2.73990929e-02 1.49511872e-02 -7.84466341e-02 -4.38347571e-02 3.43445927e-01 2.21201360e-01 3.68027687e-01 2.15880230e-01 3.60028505e-01 -6.25638738e-02 -7.77312964e-02 2.23627239e-01 -2.99126264e-02 1.76124349e-01 -4.02943164e-01 -9.75203961e-02 -2.21020356e-01 2.57032812e-01 4.63648550e-02 2.52337903e-01 2.03958139e-01 1.48089930e-01 -1.64773226e-01 2.12374508e-01 2.23503232e-01 -2.36596107e-01 1.31661370e-01 2.29967847e-01 -1.68903589e-01 -8.83749351e-02 8.72329921e-02 -1.45728095e-02 -3.08633745e-01 1.89532042e-01 -1.76564053e-01 1.21699862e-01 1.72732323e-01 3.66206646e-01 5.61018944e-01 3.96741837e-01 -1.67670444e-01 1.19732879e-01 4.07871664e-01 1.30935237e-01 -4.84188616e-01 2.62631834e-01 -1.41668290e-01 3.70423943e-01 -2.00711340e-01 4.41233777e-02 -3.15573901e-01 3.11305940e-01 1.45482481e-01 5.54495640e-02 -4.70177308e-02 2.52116203e-01 4.18919742e-01 -2.22803041e-01 -6.58701360e-02 -2.18533829e-01 2.05064133e-01 3.90065871e-02 -1.14508852e-01 3.22025985e-01 -4.63835336e-02 3.08384746e-01 1.73338473e-01 2.52709657e-01 5.38509071e-01 -2.12692171e-01 -1.84038788e-01 4.55249131e-01 -9.66687053e-02 -1.02266960e-01 1.36425734e-01 3.31878036e-01 -1.17035173e-01 -3.20646584e-01 -1.28948897e-01 2.70443499e-01 -1.02517055e-02 -3.59023511e-01 -7.52406940e-02 1.15071326e-01 -3.08148235e-01 -1.09828621e-01 6.07561730e-02 -1.51983276e-01 -4.13537025e-01 3.62426966e-01 2.74962068e-01 2.64262348e-01 1.78780809e-01 -5.84992953e-02 -2.97714412e-01 -9.39764082e-02 3.26961167e-02 4.27334085e-02 -3.21917757e-02 -2.08834827e-01 -1.88150018e-01 -6.40884712e-02 -1.47242963e-01 7.73517787e-02 -5.25337085e-02 2.64350712e-01 5.41791506e-02 2.17026994e-01 -2.25585639e-01 -2.94590741e-01 6.90588877e-02 5.91271073e-02 -6.82034045e-02 -1.18106440e-01 1.76928222e-01 2.92743593e-01 -1.36515990e-01 1.18677527e-01 -1.27057701e-01 -4.04825926e-01 1.52979046e-01 -2.10810956e-02 -2.55408078e-01 4.63232070e-01 5.10824025e-01 -1.99944764e-01 4.12286585e-03 2.94952597e-02 8.86240229e-02 -4.22971725e-01 9.47110876e-02 1.46626001e-02 9.83059928e-02 -1.79958910e-01 8.40272829e-02 8.76868442e-02 -1.98877364e-01 9.67585817e-02 -1.11192457e-01 -3.02374512e-01 3.07083279e-02 3.19684982e-01 -1.98195502e-01 4.94108982e-02 1.24284305e-01 2.94221728e-03 -1.01177253e-01 4.66704518e-01 7.82423913e-02 -3.36417034e-02 2.37119719e-02 -1.08357795e-01 -5.68789899e-01 -5.12743779e-02 -1.70935899e-01 2.23400205e-01 1.00205414e-01 1.42167255e-01 1.45953018e-02 -1.96843505e-01 -2.30863437e-01 -9.97700244e-02 2.06873521e-01 -6.79967329e-02 -1.87206730e-01 -4.09418136e-01 3.52456927e-01 2.66485773e-02 1.05345640e-02 -1.08211227e-01 -3.28627527e-01 -2.64510140e-02 2.27185860e-01 -2.32796848e-01 -2.84839451e-01 4.77878451e-02 -3.61932367e-01 -8.94454196e-02 -8.00086260e-02 7.01352507e-02 -5.48999244e-03 -4.15234685e-01 1.34529453e-03]
"Rain Drops" active "Item #: SCP-749 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-749 is to be contained in a sealed Live Containment Vault with a minimum of three armed guards at all times. All guards posted are to be equipped with chemical dispersal units loaded with appropriate insecticides at all times. The walls of the vault are to be sloped in order to inhibit SCP-749's attempts to crawl up them; electrified mesh capable of delivering a 5000 volt shock is to be installed over all viewing windows. To feed SCP-749, dedicated sprinklers are to be turned on and a mammal weighing no less than 70 kilograms is to be introduced into the habitat. The sprinklers are to remain on for at least an hour. Feeding is to take place every five days, and no additional personnel are permitted within the room while feeding takes place. Description: SCP-749 is an apex predator superficially resembling members of the subphylum Myriapoda, approximately 3 m long with two to three hundred pairs of legs. Each individual SCP-749 possesses powerful forcipules which secrete a powerful acidic compound with a measured pH of 0.3. SCP-749 demonstrates a predilection for hunting during rainstorms, and appears to be familiar with urban settings. Its preferred hunting methods consist of climbing up the walls of domiciles, using its forcipules to gain entry (usually by boring a hole through a wall or window), then feeding upon sleeping individuals within. SCP-749 shows a marked intelligence in evaluating potential prey: in all reported SCP-749 attacks, the creature fed upon the smallest unaccompanied individual, and its feeding habits in containment continue to support this conclusion of intelligence. SCP-749 appears to avoid detection prior to these attacks due to a combination of both visual and aural camouflage: When actively hunting prey, SCP-749 will alter its hue to match even complicated surfaces, such as stonework, rendering it visually almost undetectable until it strikes. The unique pattern of walking and form of legs possessed by the creature causes it to emulate and therefore blend in with the sound of raindrops impacting hard surfaces. However, due to the fidelity with which SCP-749 replicates this sound, varying the sound based on the surface, SCP-749 either is intelligent enough to vary its walking patterns based on surface, or exudes a non-vibration based effect that causes it to be heard as raindrops by potential prey. Β« SCP-748 | SCP-749 | SCP-750 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-749" by Heiden, rewritten by Dexanote, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[-2.47919038e-02 -3.87029022e-01 -1.89720005e-01 -7.04821348e-02 3.08996409e-01 -5.47852814e-01 6.11717068e-02 -1.96724057e-01 -1.69637263e-01 8.50546360e-02 -7.12328032e-02 4.40151036e-01 -3.31487745e-01 1.83567613e-01 2.11886734e-01 -3.68744414e-03 1.94281250e-01 7.36336112e-02 1.18978448e-01 -3.06337506e-01 1.12462722e-01 -1.88823774e-01 -1.17250264e-01 5.40937632e-02 9.40318555e-02 -1.99328110e-01 1.42714858e-01 3.49643640e-02 -1.21299095e-01 -4.21796620e-01 5.79845488e-01 2.65281409e-01 3.62640619e-01 5.39670885e-01 -1.07380401e-04 -2.46413529e-01 9.53176096e-02 -7.49745518e-02 -1.09107465e-01 2.30576172e-01 -5.35839200e-01 -1.87076330e-01 1.78745851e-01 -2.68244594e-01 -5.43697476e-02 5.21096364e-02 -1.04921766e-01 6.78810030e-02 4.56903726e-01 1.13872543e-01 1.72265127e-01 -8.96374211e-02 1.49479821e-01 1.82859197e-01 2.13928193e-01 2.70400822e-01 -1.60903990e-01 1.81934640e-01 3.43490452e-01 8.87489617e-02 8.07784721e-02 1.60399750e-02 -2.53948689e-01 -1.77067384e-01 3.84446681e-01 -1.01621173e-01 3.26437801e-01 -2.48577848e-01 1.13528989e-01 2.96770573e-01 6.20776080e-02 2.16678426e-01 -1.23713844e-01 -2.00572446e-01 -9.00867358e-02 -2.52935495e-02 -1.30074853e-02 6.18375316e-02 5.42580710e-06 -1.89678237e-01 -2.05353871e-01 3.79921556e-01 -1.20007984e-01 2.33556539e-01 -4.54448350e-02 1.06353402e-01 -2.04660818e-01 -1.93010703e-01 2.89201051e-01 -1.63408220e-01 5.34007102e-02 -1.43958375e-01 1.74730644e-01 2.36890972e-01 -4.35104333e-02 -1.78876147e-01 2.33282130e-02 4.76221263e-01 1.48778455e-02 1.62048578e-01 4.38232869e-01 9.71501321e-02 1.15797557e-01 1.11235622e-02 -7.52651179e-03 -4.85954341e-03 1.15032472e-01 -2.36638471e-01 -3.15542877e-01 2.50220150e-01 -9.05235857e-02 -2.17890628e-02 -6.86984956e-02 4.13387716e-01 -2.00989068e-01 -2.69876629e-01 2.54904777e-01 -2.08841771e-01 -2.81591564e-01 -1.36716396e-01 -5.29246628e-01 -7.71576539e-02 5.23595586e-02 3.63147929e-02 4.74964052e-01 1.80323824e-01 1.65138185e-01 -3.26618552e-02 1.74042210e-01 -1.43044785e-01 -1.15419872e-01 -4.16654013e-02 -3.11711907e-01 -1.19384982e-01 -2.80151933e-01 2.32429639e-01 -3.48102711e-02 -1.40276358e-01 -2.81724185e-02 1.14778228e-01 1.83950856e-01 2.32958898e-01 9.48986486e-02 2.69843608e-01 -4.28716958e-01 -2.09191605e-01 -5.32766357e-02 -3.18633616e-01 5.15459068e-02 -1.83696985e-01 3.82948875e-01 2.83969849e-01 -4.59509909e-01 1.92887187e-01 -1.50328845e-01 -1.42930716e-01 3.85387354e-02 2.34345585e-01 -7.56701529e-02 -4.42791022e-02 1.99127778e-01 1.15721323e-01 -2.57348329e-01 -2.91322351e-01 1.02263853e-01 4.47213024e-01 -7.71744847e-02 8.64455104e-02 -7.10541010e-02 -1.64358854e-01 4.14877087e-01 -5.19120991e-01 -1.53434142e-01 2.36375377e-01 8.67588148e-02 -4.21739705e-02 -5.70847452e-01 4.30879071e-02 -6.09239489e-02 1.28836315e-02 -1.28371477e-01 5.77397406e-01 4.63683486e-01 -3.81051630e-01 -4.61403728e-01 -1.14724919e-01 -3.74110609e-01 -3.51577550e-02 1.27189998e-02 -2.22331628e-01 -2.68731624e-01 -2.53732741e-01 3.27635050e-01 -1.01721764e-01 6.37217937e-03 1.72013208e-01 3.68025601e-01 6.29157305e-01 9.69351456e-02 1.95676848e-01 -2.05337659e-01 3.11157294e-02 4.93506491e-01 7.59817660e-02 -3.11783940e-01 -1.32029295e-01 3.71466763e-02 -8.50421414e-02 2.69661754e-01 1.52634323e-01 2.95121353e-02 -1.59522697e-01 -2.83448309e-01 4.16513681e-02 8.99216980e-02 -4.85451102e-01 3.07172239e-01 3.31139028e-01 8.13390911e-02 -1.77645311e-01 6.87402338e-02 2.63655573e-01 1.93369843e-03 -2.09095046e-01 -2.71145910e-01 3.05170298e-01 -1.18714690e-01 -1.53265238e-01 -2.81219155e-01 -1.16159208e-01 3.24300230e-01 1.87550336e-02 2.97289900e-03 2.64794320e-01 -1.40762240e-01 2.29416966e-01 3.70234489e-01 8.19805384e-01 9.85157490e-02 3.43577504e-01 8.91242698e-02 4.04232770e-01 4.22439992e-01 -4.52069864e-02 -1.52824044e-01 -3.71341743e-02 3.00688833e-01 -1.22698002e-01 -6.69315606e-02 -2.76405752e-01 -3.86675224e-02 -1.23928532e-01 -1.60537377e-01 3.28395814e-01 1.65145114e-01 -2.53469378e-01 2.48635769e-01 8.27466622e-02 -1.23860769e-01 1.45843074e-01 -3.15609008e-01 -1.76230162e-01 1.08309962e-01 -1.06335588e-01 2.00100198e-01 -8.61806720e-02 2.82224268e-01 4.24684793e-01 2.53466159e-01 1.42250694e-02 2.71471113e-01 -4.71165329e-02 2.41224065e-01 8.03433135e-02 1.13804825e-01 2.98096508e-01 -5.83678158e-03 -1.69772971e-02 1.24096200e-01 2.50366151e-01 -3.88867497e-01 -4.23911721e-01 -7.70851150e-02 -1.83245152e-01 -5.66286454e-03 2.54920781e-01 -1.99116662e-01 -1.61512703e-01 -1.59886688e-01 -7.19564483e-02 9.60836858e-02 -7.97752365e-02 4.34524640e-02 1.76169962e-01 -8.58425647e-02 6.16574101e-02 -3.16646636e-01 4.68231082e-01 -1.13890283e-01 4.13663387e-01 -5.28156221e-01 2.81847149e-01 9.53010842e-03 8.73182192e-02 -1.56735078e-01 7.92867765e-02 1.88474119e-01 2.36372083e-01 -2.08068490e-02 2.23501325e-01 -6.76449060e-01 1.79361403e-01 2.98396111e-01 -1.00527138e-01 2.60379016e-01 -9.88012701e-02 -2.90056646e-01 -5.85776985e-01 9.53490213e-02 -3.21233600e-01 -4.28689532e-02 -2.63768673e-01 -1.38247699e-01 -2.27952793e-01 3.88945639e-02 1.87034518e-01 -3.21788669e-01 -3.20308000e-01 -7.57208690e-02 -1.68603942e-01 -2.92250156e-01 -1.87483486e-02 2.41384357e-02 4.61183250e-01 -3.79252374e-01 -4.22195941e-02 -1.06876962e-01 -4.01809156e-01 -1.06738292e-01 2.39421278e-01 3.09884492e-02 -3.69284779e-01 -3.59007716e-01 -1.25585452e-01 -9.38205495e-02 -1.02073163e-01 -2.35259220e-01 -5.65160625e-02 -3.04661579e-02 8.73645544e-02 -1.24132842e-01 1.26046270e-01 4.25534248e-02 -2.26681232e-01 -1.73567086e-01 2.65711069e-01 3.57961580e-02 8.31905231e-02 4.09118623e-01 8.39459971e-02 -2.22808614e-01 1.96131080e-01 5.26633441e-01 7.23156184e-02 -2.90824711e-01 1.88103050e-01 2.54306048e-01 -2.29570549e-02 2.56555617e-01 -3.17122638e-01 1.20350152e-01 -9.99486446e-02 -5.29802263e-01 3.82186979e-01 8.52058008e-02 -2.96365201e-01 -1.04720809e-01 -3.56844574e-01 -2.36876220e-01 -6.24681115e-02 -1.45591840e-01 9.29241896e-01 2.82873288e-02 -2.35895336e-01 1.44049861e-02 2.92766988e-01 -8.38386118e-02 -1.71040326e-01 1.53254628e-01 -1.61985010e-01 3.25463116e-01 -2.90483236e-01 1.51745528e-01 -3.24844182e-01 1.92146271e-01 -4.96244244e-03 2.49229930e-02 -2.06228212e-01 8.73557851e-02 1.34496659e-01 4.41370904e-02 1.54812276e-01 -7.93542936e-02 3.78218502e-01 2.67609417e-01 -2.21595794e-01 4.51437563e-01 -4.47157584e-02 -5.79726756e-01 -3.58342826e-01 6.83986783e-01 -2.59772480e-01 -2.15923592e-01 7.18110502e-02 -3.17368209e-01 -6.74932823e-02 1.84872806e-01 3.40046734e-01 -6.16852120e-02 -4.19735968e-01 -2.50047326e-01 3.44179481e-01 2.06198946e-01 -1.36507049e-01 1.83498323e-01 -8.40759650e-02 6.35217428e-02 3.32280576e-01 2.30412394e-01 1.27372012e-01 -5.66163920e-02 3.35504115e-01 -1.82273924e-01 -3.53119848e-03 -6.45169243e-03 2.16828927e-01 2.81464666e-01 -2.23124027e-01 -1.55384868e-01 4.00078595e-02 -3.97318341e-02 3.33885372e-01 6.48718417e-01 -9.59885046e-02 -8.00509974e-02 1.75480425e-01 2.23258492e-02 8.59130695e-02 -3.07624601e-02 1.61139116e-01 8.81173685e-02 4.28304732e-01 1.88055951e-02 4.37767029e-01 -3.04707408e-01 -4.54470158e-01 -1.92786098e-01 1.49388418e-01 -2.68894225e-01 2.05597326e-01 2.42529050e-01 1.14277661e+00 3.17117631e-01 -6.53837845e-02 1.55622333e-01 4.41895146e-03 -2.43262261e-01 -1.03378013e-01 1.11431040e-01 2.02134907e-01 -5.67593336e-01 -2.17577480e-02 7.31103346e-02 2.17494667e-01 4.47214067e-01 -1.88312903e-01 -6.77732900e-02 -2.61122406e-01 3.47571969e-02 2.59101301e-01 1.14049271e-01 5.98973811e-01 1.04310602e-01 -2.97658116e-01 2.35805914e-01 7.39163831e-02 2.34225541e-01 7.21673816e-02 -1.18800588e-01 3.77828360e-01 -1.81632057e-01 -3.81339081e-02 1.59444392e-01 -9.27974731e-02 9.17002261e-02 1.31256148e-01 -2.14336276e-01 -5.85589334e-02 2.60436028e-01 -6.78570867e-01 -1.92808315e-01 -1.73763946e-01 1.24405965e-01 4.75471497e-01 -1.92178506e-02 -2.24877477e-01 1.94528371e-01 1.62802115e-01 -6.36549518e-02 3.53903323e-01 7.78011931e-03 -1.23677120e-01 -4.20580478e-03 8.37491006e-02 1.08037464e-01 3.29908043e-01 -1.54997885e-01 1.66215315e-01 1.04592822e-01 -1.62913606e-01 -9.32977349e-02 1.24267355e-01 7.84216672e-02 -2.46088266e-01 -2.21599177e-01 7.98651129e-02 -2.15991125e-01 -1.88680395e-01 2.96191067e-01 4.81882915e-02 -6.07038960e-02 -5.24009615e-02 7.61388615e-02 -2.98356146e-01 -2.35542297e-01 2.65955627e-01 -2.68645674e-01 1.85085461e-01 2.31846243e-01 -1.82831272e-01 -3.40018511e-01 6.82248622e-02 3.12783509e-01 1.49600804e-01 -3.56393188e-01 -4.92782816e-02 -3.74708533e-01 3.07646990e-01 -1.14703864e-01 3.65679979e-01 2.63184667e-01 -2.07634315e-01 -2.51861010e-02 1.26220271e-01 -2.66053006e-02 -3.74371529e-01 -2.64852136e-01 -2.85469860e-01 -7.71026686e-02 8.71527269e-02 -1.58667728e-01 2.62608349e-01 1.29591182e-01 1.94652125e-01 1.76060677e-01 -2.10942283e-01 -1.90764055e-01 -2.41852522e-01 1.61947444e-01 2.45860014e-02 1.73608474e-02 2.34631941e-01 2.50914283e-02 -5.73844984e-02 1.16646327e-02 -2.20870912e-01 1.06395319e-01 1.96147352e-01 -8.21860805e-02 -2.67468721e-01 2.37453416e-01 -8.69929940e-02 -3.53735924e-01 -8.57640356e-02 -1.80657431e-01 1.00318566e-01 -9.53105465e-02 -1.53118707e-02 -6.37563989e-02 3.49932224e-01 -7.10123479e-02 1.70678884e-01 2.21625641e-01 9.87736061e-02 1.11599386e-01 -3.51344466e-01 2.49314889e-01 -2.21651793e-01 1.07685044e-01 -2.45377064e-01 -3.07107996e-02 -6.77586868e-02 1.83011398e-01 -2.01193064e-01 -3.00444849e-02 -2.77178019e-01 1.52248979e-01 1.76599510e-02 2.29229346e-01 -1.38956428e-01 -5.61201155e-01 1.71061933e-01 8.59143361e-02 1.45080090e-01 1.59642220e-01 1.80041969e-01 1.91479459e-01 -2.65219033e-01 -4.99833636e-02 2.79518723e-01 1.78861707e-01 2.56564002e-02 2.44024083e-01 7.40779713e-02 3.22620004e-01 9.67926532e-02 2.62546390e-01 5.45888469e-02 3.20759952e-01 -2.88764119e-01 4.68813598e-01 -7.79377669e-02 3.24093699e-01 1.18465729e-01 -1.99839681e-01 -2.11532742e-01 -5.28105255e-03 -1.16738401e-01 -1.84494510e-01 9.93575975e-02 1.83791548e-01 2.88901865e-01 -2.45261356e-01 -2.36381784e-01 -2.04036266e-01 1.35537624e-01 -1.00867890e-01 6.86460614e-01 -5.30304462e-02 4.30756092e-01 -2.23852284e-02 -1.91928044e-01 -1.62363723e-01 4.00207669e-01 -3.67364049e-01 2.29924560e-01 3.57548296e-01 -2.19662637e-01 1.68191582e-01 -2.82595330e-03 2.83375055e-01 3.49876136e-01 1.58285290e-01 -4.74024937e-03 -1.62323266e-02 -2.52862722e-01 -2.95970496e-02 1.99037299e-01 1.26791999e-01 4.24848735e-01 2.72659510e-01 3.22382115e-02 -2.48470008e-01 -3.31545860e-01 1.87788785e-01 6.06285147e-02 -2.33248353e-01 3.32578540e-01 -2.41846368e-01 3.45033795e-01 -2.55337432e-02 -2.60614213e-02 -1.92729011e-01 1.21374302e-01 -3.74121994e-01 7.92901143e-02 7.95572847e-02 -4.45510894e-02 7.17612207e-02 2.22350154e-02 2.35678926e-01 -2.70852894e-01 2.50681967e-01 -6.67953119e-02 -1.77164048e-01 -2.94563234e-01 1.13433681e-01 -5.62874191e-02 -4.87978756e-01 5.01517653e-02 -8.49544033e-02 3.27505469e-02 4.90618140e-01 -2.72118986e-01 -2.21629888e-01 -2.16037139e-01 -3.91997509e-02 -2.52252012e-01 1.36167243e-01 3.15257348e-02 1.24298140e-01 1.79285735e-01 6.38310909e-02 2.18058378e-02 -2.91468471e-01 2.11569875e-01 2.18622208e-01 -3.85433167e-01 -2.70131618e-01 1.94917038e-01 1.41145036e-01 -4.33468558e-02 3.68951291e-01 -2.76470661e-01 -2.25847721e-01 2.48502895e-01 1.50492832e-01 -3.56537074e-01 3.70785631e-02 1.52066544e-01 3.32416117e-01 -6.57119323e-03 5.50133944e-01 2.95499135e-02 3.75102192e-01 2.55877644e-01 1.82591826e-01 -2.31964752e-01 5.53985313e-02 -2.25944027e-01 1.36910990e-01 1.16773039e-01 2.43687242e-01 -4.49083224e-02 -1.09301306e-01 -3.14412676e-02 -2.70911306e-01 6.63514972e-01 -7.28559732e-01 -2.19595224e-01 -3.00644636e-01 -2.09103614e-01 8.11241567e-02 1.10277385e-01 -4.18289751e-01 -1.40936479e-01 -2.09288541e-02 -9.91119668e-02 -7.41356984e-02 -2.09965650e-02 -3.18044901e-01 -2.66511023e-01 -6.56437948e-02 3.84904116e-01 8.45023692e-02 -7.75701031e-02 -8.39172155e-02 -2.19270051e-01]
"A Different Outlook on Life" active "Item #: SCP-750 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-750 presents no threat unless applied directly to a human eye, and so shall be kept in Dr. Langley's office until all relevant tests and studies are completed. All instances of SCP-750 are to be removed from the previous user after testing has been completed, whereafter they are to be cleaned and returned to their included case. Description: SCP-750 is a group of twenty-four (24) contact lenses, designed presumably to correct myopic or hypermetropic vision. When a pair of SCP-750 is applied, they attach to the cornea and become unable to be removed physically by the wearer, though others can still remove them. Users of SCP-750 report an immediate blurring of their vision after application, followed by a period of extreme dizziness. When the user recovers from this daze, they describe a change in perception; this change seems to worsen with time, and prolonged exposure to the object will cause a wearer to permanently suffer the noted effects of SCP-750 even when the item has been removed from the cornea, in addition to affecting the wearer's sense of touch, smell, hearing, and taste. The only method of treatment at this point is to sever the optic nerve of the affected eye(s). Personnel exposed to SCP-750 have reported the following alterations to their vision: In addition, those affected will react with violent revulsion to other human beings, as well as ignoring any attempt to engage in interpersonal conversation or communication. Prolonged exposure to SCP-750 can and has resulted in schizophrenia, PTSD, dissociative identity disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. Addendum: SCP-750 was discovered by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, after he ordered a pair of 'X-ray specs' from a back page ad in Issue #β–ˆ of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Magazine, and instead received a case containing SCP-750. The case also contained a page of 'instructions', which are transcribed below. Hey true believers! Thank you for ordering your new AMAZING see through specs, fresh from your friends here at THE FACTORY! Included within is your purchase, a life-time guarantee*, and a phone number to contact us should your friends get jealous and want the same power you've got now! Wondering exactly how your new eyes work? Simple! Just take one of the included lenses and get 'em reeeeaaaaal good and close to your old peepers. Your new purchase will take over from there! Have fun!!! *WOW!: Amaze your friends with new ability to see through their lies! *ZIPPIE!: Show off at school! No teacher can hide anything from you anymore! *AMAZING!: Discover secrets! Find hidden treasure! Know the unknowable! Anything is possible for you now! *Refunds not guaranteed. WARNING: Gazing directly at the truth may cause you to reconsider your miserable existence. Use with caution. Note: The phone number and guarantee mentioned above were not included in Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's ordered case. Β« SCP-749 | SCP-750 | SCP-751 Β»" "Close up view of a sample of SCP-750 outside its case. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, as depicted by a subject exposed to SCP-750 for several hours."
[ 1.90104753e-01 -2.82699674e-01 -1.61266059e-01 -2.72858411e-01 1.99219912e-01 -2.85869658e-01 2.02591807e-01 -1.10565208e-01 3.04259006e-02 2.06238747e-01 9.42372717e-03 2.73870111e-01 -1.25533476e-01 1.86636299e-01 2.68438943e-02 -2.39449844e-01 4.42709811e-02 1.01051949e-01 1.11110523e-01 -2.10203171e-01 -2.43622541e-01 -1.89858690e-01 6.34383038e-02 1.22050993e-01 4.11777765e-01 -1.78362623e-01 4.39136595e-01 1.80857375e-01 -1.45368174e-01 -2.33478352e-01 -6.06298223e-02 1.70820415e-01 -1.61679149e-01 1.71938539e-01 -1.05546074e-04 -6.58641681e-02 1.01327009e-01 3.77653055e-02 -1.67633265e-01 3.95778239e-01 1.02366380e-01 -1.58047780e-01 1.47070169e-01 -5.13556898e-02 -1.20698005e-01 -9.16612819e-02 -4.05761972e-02 -6.66962937e-02 3.59051883e-01 1.29160076e-01 2.44968444e-01 -1.97001070e-01 2.94885278e-01 -3.59175391e-02 4.62795138e-01 3.31070244e-01 -7.42888302e-02 -2.66346950e-02 -1.60809010e-02 1.81133151e-01 2.70795912e-01 9.88310203e-02 -1.16490297e-01 -2.76264511e-02 4.65242118e-01 -3.67913038e-01 2.20387146e-01 -3.47278327e-01 -2.94391692e-01 5.54058850e-02 9.15040355e-03 -3.62616926e-02 -1.25169277e-01 -4.10938412e-02 -5.41322492e-02 -4.05209586e-02 -1.16770767e-01 9.83710736e-02 -5.37367351e-02 -2.15749238e-02 -3.15710098e-01 1.42473966e-01 -1.48869619e-01 -2.33768430e-02 -2.90392041e-01 -1.84210077e-01 -1.62372351e-01 -2.84486320e-02 5.65048277e-01 -1.58738270e-01 1.10423654e-01 2.78454684e-02 1.57750636e-01 -1.35239273e-01 -3.21256891e-02 -1.32233337e-01 2.32805118e-01 5.14513791e-01 -1.90239191e-01 2.81404376e-01 4.05477732e-01 3.59898537e-01 -2.45690402e-02 1.13965664e-02 -3.29175800e-01 -4.37388346e-02 3.82380188e-01 -3.58404309e-01 -3.98959726e-01 1.70533195e-01 9.28672925e-02 4.15057838e-01 1.32114291e-01 1.90199375e-01 -4.48817223e-01 -1.72363579e-01 -7.88161904e-02 -1.17559619e-01 -1.98576272e-01 1.43073753e-01 -5.48251331e-01 4.28235903e-02 -1.38543859e-01 3.69811244e-02 7.52971768e-02 1.67963833e-01 1.28052250e-01 -3.78458083e-01 -3.43399644e-01 -3.32642764e-01 -1.75139010e-01 2.07548231e-01 -4.49856311e-01 -4.98559698e-02 -7.00311130e-03 2.41944492e-01 -3.29163760e-01 1.41624659e-01 -7.85898790e-02 3.28245312e-02 4.26395014e-02 1.83969066e-01 1.73822194e-01 3.27951431e-01 -1.69937924e-01 -1.50573760e-01 3.03936489e-02 -1.77193627e-01 6.41226768e-02 4.54409048e-02 3.27335775e-01 -4.71980497e-02 -3.51289839e-01 3.53418410e-01 -1.80945680e-01 2.43892577e-02 4.48365390e-01 -2.41664983e-02 -2.85402536e-01 -1.22996449e-01 3.63855600e-01 -2.37542659e-01 7.51499981e-02 -2.24140242e-01 9.99071300e-02 2.62023121e-01 -5.52721918e-01 -2.69067407e-01 -9.97522026e-02 -2.99889326e-01 -1.83390498e-01 -6.31586760e-02 -1.55330285e-01 -1.73264556e-02 3.97122763e-02 -4.11989570e-01 -1.91285178e-01 -8.82760137e-02 -2.28044033e-01 -2.89522201e-01 -2.40640402e-01 2.35223994e-01 2.74896801e-01 -2.39105448e-01 5.49144782e-02 1.00927234e-01 -2.08955035e-01 -4.88798112e-01 -1.34951028e-03 -1.44940630e-01 -2.33752862e-01 -1.92581460e-01 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-2.41413742e-01 3.63252386e-02 -8.70684087e-02 5.07403314e-01 -5.45910783e-02 -1.31636888e-01 -9.97024551e-02 -2.59368181e-01 -5.60731441e-02 -1.01221561e-01 3.10157716e-01 5.65826334e-02 -1.45679876e-01 2.48990864e-01 -1.26545072e-01 1.17935777e-01 -1.32341430e-01 -1.04315139e-01 -5.30443713e-03 2.67262042e-01 6.19193017e-02 -4.08719033e-02 8.73779282e-02 2.57180989e-01 -3.74143408e-03 -1.78150862e-01 -4.50903401e-02 -3.38666365e-02 -3.70939404e-01 1.10682240e-02 7.03628957e-02 -2.66934037e-01 -3.68087962e-02 1.33653328e-01 1.88302174e-01 -2.07477972e-01 -1.52205288e-01 3.21244776e-01 -5.07203415e-02 -4.13762114e-04 -2.36715287e-01 6.68002903e-01 6.84461668e-02 1.85981378e-01 -3.26636761e-01 3.32416385e-01 7.52099752e-02 1.60559118e-01 -9.19406340e-02 -3.66717756e-01 7.54709542e-02 -2.29699314e-01 -4.42150161e-02 -1.54557899e-01 -5.80089033e-01 2.82029420e-01 4.17874381e-02 -3.67352739e-02 -5.11357188e-02 -3.14663589e-01 -9.58146527e-02 -2.18579948e-01 -5.55137806e-02 -4.29582119e-01 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1.01771196e-02 -5.58898374e-02 2.85550058e-02 1.97787695e-02 2.28852764e-01 -2.11335614e-01 4.89630476e-02 -3.57207477e-01 1.10896662e-01 4.43187654e-01 1.86411321e-01 8.78171399e-02 1.24718314e-02 -6.06439337e-02 -2.04715401e-01 2.29233682e-01 -3.32937986e-01 2.15368643e-01 2.14266047e-01 2.20405400e-01 4.50304806e-01 -2.76102554e-02 -2.91464757e-02 -2.48732135e-01 -3.46396357e-01 -3.31622027e-02 2.76135534e-01 -3.75933737e-01 2.35618353e-01 -1.94439605e-01 2.75957376e-01 -1.59807235e-01 -5.35774603e-02 4.62860942e-01 3.38901579e-01 -6.21644020e-01 5.78578264e-02 2.94361830e-01 -3.62027049e-01 -1.53657151e-02 -3.57042253e-01 2.28780225e-01 2.82412112e-01 1.06447764e-01 3.73561196e-02 -7.13119507e-02 -2.39479139e-01 3.83213282e-01 -2.23108470e-01 2.49415234e-01 2.25029692e-01 2.78453618e-01 5.74706137e-01 2.24461809e-01 -7.57580847e-02 9.25405771e-02 5.64704463e-02 -3.57938945e-01 6.44890010e-01 2.44588003e-01 -7.09597468e-02 9.93563384e-02 2.61235893e-01 8.81827995e-02 2.34219313e-01 1.80822730e-01 -1.78580031e-01 7.33639719e-03 -1.61949560e-01 1.57780811e-01 -9.26044360e-02 -4.35999662e-01 -4.09029305e-01 4.24376994e-01 -1.69612721e-01 2.48338565e-01 5.14976919e-01 1.19264638e+00 2.27541029e-01 1.63635135e-01 -7.79536879e-03 -3.52670580e-01 3.05147797e-01 -1.31536275e-01 2.70201832e-01 -1.66714936e-01 -1.75907895e-01 6.04574308e-02 -1.57141864e-01 2.36691713e-01 4.17033769e-02 1.12149650e-02 -4.82616365e-01 -2.63488770e-01 8.24647993e-02 5.04158914e-01 8.74372348e-02 3.53527337e-01 2.02244535e-01 2.62372196e-01 2.68486470e-01 1.02544300e-01 -1.55872345e-01 -6.91241622e-02 8.25984627e-02 -1.07695408e-01 1.73265442e-01 -1.47045001e-01 1.68513909e-01 -2.42633954e-01 1.10895567e-01 -1.97046921e-01 -3.66669506e-01 1.79723445e-02 -2.34124005e-01 -2.40352988e-01 -1.54311329e-01 -5.91851212e-02 1.38577148e-01 3.61948997e-01 -9.11111012e-02 2.23776892e-01 5.25726192e-02 6.02166176e-01 -3.71495485e-02 -1.16224885e-02 2.18155608e-01 6.46182299e-02 1.26512751e-01 -4.84876186e-01 1.92138046e-01 1.93992794e-01 -3.71701092e-01 2.92065918e-01 1.92671150e-01 -7.82045648e-02 -1.91937223e-01 1.62581831e-01 -9.94763449e-02 6.82183057e-02 4.35662746e-01 7.58287385e-02 -3.97611149e-02 -1.84116915e-01 6.35031760e-02 5.01562133e-02 -2.29724690e-01 -3.91812950e-01 -2.18532272e-02 -3.28213662e-01 -2.90303320e-01 7.08685070e-02 -1.58242062e-01 -3.02866936e-01 -9.73501951e-02 -9.97415334e-02 -9.01850834e-02 2.75666893e-01 3.74590695e-01 2.89894730e-01 1.59186393e-01 1.64136309e-02 -1.39555439e-01 4.09022450e-01 1.45996124e-01 1.29882604e-01 2.83959061e-01 2.98534632e-01 3.18564594e-01 -1.22548118e-01 1.80042610e-01 -4.39044982e-01 4.26467182e-03 1.27504557e-01 -2.33417735e-01 3.54918279e-02 -2.98504949e-01 -8.50552171e-02 -2.10019022e-01 2.06517115e-01 -5.84548265e-02 -1.29274681e-01 -2.59319782e-01 -1.24881133e-01 1.53064877e-01 6.64722621e-02 -3.81453216e-01 2.40429658e-02 1.67386174e-01 3.71113390e-01 1.80382088e-01 1.20264553e-01 8.59901533e-02 1.50166988e-01 2.43969247e-01 -2.85535783e-01 2.61639684e-01 1.54823169e-01 9.92417708e-02 -7.21084625e-02 3.84550840e-01 1.94183290e-01 2.52083153e-01 2.70387325e-02 3.24438922e-02 2.10916206e-01 4.38061863e-01 -5.73726073e-02 1.23709217e-01 2.78955817e-01 -1.23609401e-01 3.11251990e-02 -1.45218730e-01 -4.28512096e-02 -4.04029712e-02 -3.70922834e-01 -6.43258393e-02 2.64738277e-02 3.13119859e-01 -1.00548595e-01 -2.35008642e-01 6.61449373e-01 4.45434563e-02 5.09748682e-02 3.63111377e-01 2.72520930e-01 -2.50106990e-01 3.68378967e-01 1.86239220e-02 4.49918330e-01 2.71001846e-01 3.69422108e-01 -7.65160471e-02 -1.01059146e-01 -2.79122412e-01 3.64978611e-01 2.82745779e-01 1.46269575e-01 4.47597295e-01 2.64621019e-01 1.14026926e-01 -8.67894888e-02 2.49833539e-01 -1.23001002e-01 -1.04997844e-01 3.20059866e-01 -2.25483939e-01 -7.89261609e-02 1.96515068e-01 -3.74463409e-01 -1.14121996e-01 -6.43679649e-02 -5.77719025e-02 1.82469323e-01 3.65200080e-02 2.40301207e-01 1.43336207e-01 -9.62834805e-02 -3.19850892e-01 2.14045625e-02 3.54273953e-02 2.30891064e-01 -2.47770026e-01 7.58795977e-01 -1.71732575e-01 -2.25621939e-01 3.11510205e-01 -1.00996338e-01 -7.26302862e-02 3.38517815e-01 -1.65390953e-01 2.61555165e-02 2.92227060e-01 1.21201286e-02 -3.63690369e-02 -1.33766860e-01 2.23440498e-01 -8.21847245e-02 2.76258960e-02 -2.31395215e-01 2.72303205e-02 -8.22801962e-02 -1.45331100e-01 -3.86128165e-02 2.93188989e-01 2.03654513e-01 -4.61704619e-02 2.64225990e-01 -2.44209602e-01 1.63831994e-01 -6.05499819e-02 -1.57836378e-01 -3.04905660e-02 5.21678012e-04 7.41884932e-02 -1.37424633e-01 -1.93418875e-01 1.20090835e-01 -5.57577237e-02 -6.48030732e-03 -1.04228340e-01 1.26470745e-01 3.52043658e-02 -2.37969935e-01 1.21716909e-01 1.10448666e-01 2.53848404e-01 -5.70675693e-02 5.65619707e-01 3.13536018e-01 9.23619419e-02 3.68329108e-01 2.23166883e-01 1.06935725e-02 -1.54024273e-01 1.52793989e-01 2.44587108e-01 2.02898204e-01 2.49455608e-02 8.70218277e-02 -1.35276601e-01 9.34268832e-02 -3.84151675e-02 -1.39584601e-01 2.67604202e-01 1.90926641e-01 8.67580716e-03 -1.77527200e-02 -6.39697164e-02 1.84135363e-01 -2.16611952e-01 2.33978271e-01 -4.12689485e-02 -2.12796047e-01 1.77103147e-01 -3.24365526e-01 3.35523278e-01 7.37425610e-02 5.31359911e-01 -1.00836366e-01 -5.36505282e-01 2.15248927e-01 2.23529980e-01 -4.79742676e-01 -6.50618784e-03 7.92195946e-02 5.75521231e-01 2.72777140e-01 -1.15036897e-01 1.30382091e-01 3.87502432e-01 1.06723391e-01 1.96488440e-01 -3.14313650e-01 2.00545564e-01 -1.21383265e-01 -1.24840908e-01 5.42143621e-02 6.85059652e-02 1.37310684e-01 2.54398823e-01 -2.26997867e-01 -3.64428073e-01 4.21121091e-01 -1.60805266e-02 2.41067514e-01 1.99517943e-02 -1.07862048e-01 -2.99321711e-01 -2.33865246e-01 -3.63677293e-01 -3.54285747e-01 8.68746638e-02 -1.85667112e-01 1.51315957e-01 -1.71129815e-02 -3.17048311e-01 -3.13602000e-01 -9.99896601e-02 9.24336687e-02 -1.43724801e-02 4.30870503e-02 -5.84179200e-02 -8.24306458e-02]
"Organ Eater" active "Item #: SCP-751 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-751 is to be kept in a hermetically sealed container with a volume of one (1) cubic meter. The container must be maintained at high humidity and nutrients detailed in Document 751-A are to be injected into the container on a daily basis. If a containment breach occurs, all on-site personnel are to be awakened and the sprinkler system filled with a high concentration saline solution and activated. Once SCP-751's body is located, it is to be disposed of according to standard Euclid disposal procedure. Description: SCP-751 is an amorphous parasite that feeds off of the organs of humans and other mammals. It weighs approximately two (2) kilograms before infesting a host, and can weigh as little as twenty-five percent (25%) of this after reproduction. The majority of SCP-751's mass consists of an unknown substance with a gelatin-like consistency, with red veins running through it. Analysis has revealed that the veins contain a mix of blood from its progenitor's hosts along with varying anesthetics and immunosuppressive drugs. A full list of these chemicals is available in Document 751-C. SCP-751 lives in damp environments such as freshwater bodies of water, swamps, rainforests, and sewers. It will leave these environments when in search of a host, traveling for a maximum of twelve (12) hours before succumbing to dehydration. SCP-751 has been observed to move through sewer pipes, water lines, and across most terrains, with the notable exceptions of sand and bodies of saltwater. It is theorized that SCP-751 hunts potential hosts by detecting carbon dioxide (CO2) and octenol, although this is unconfirmed as of β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-751 begins its feeding process by settling on top of a sleeping host's stomach region and begins to enter through the skin by osmosis. Anesthetics in SCP-751's veins mix with the host's blood at this time, minimizing the chance of the host awakening during the process. Once within the host's body, SCP-751 comes to rest inside the stomach, quickly shaping itself to line the gastric walls. Over the course of the next two (2) or three (3) hours, SCP-751 adapts its own composition to closely match that of the host's stomach, maintaining digestive processes. When the host awakens, there is little or no evidence of any incident and the host will continue under its normal routine. Over the next three (3) to four (4) days, SCP-751 will digest the host's stomach, using it to build up its own mass for further expansion. It will then slowly expand to engulf and digest other organs in the host's body, generally starting with the intestines and moving to the liver, kidneys, and lungs. SCP-751 will adapt itself to mimic each of these organs in turn, maintaining all of the host's bodily functions and releasing immunosuppressant chemicals to prevent rejection by the host. The entire process takes approximately one (1) month in a human host, and longer in larger hosts. After its feeding period, SCP-751 reverts back to its original composition in a matter of minutes. This process lowers SCP-751's density considerably, causing it to swell to a size that the host's body cannot contain. The host's skin will stretch and then burst, releasing SCP-751. At this point SCP-751 will reproduce, dividing into ten (10) to twenty (20) smaller entities, which then move to the nearest damp area to grow in preparation of hunting for their own hosts. Addendum: Request to "experiment with modifying SCP-751 for use in organ transplants" approved by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Β« SCP-750 | SCP-751 | SCP-752 Β»" nan
[ 2.20669225e-01 -3.70798290e-01 -1.21290006e-01 -1.77308634e-01 9.29495767e-02 -4.61767048e-01 -2.62931108e-01 1.36748895e-01 3.45490307e-01 8.52618292e-02 -3.20083350e-01 3.27980697e-01 -2.50082970e-01 1.27755672e-01 4.33193654e-01 2.28158236e-01 1.94615379e-01 3.53559345e-01 -8.50979835e-02 -1.78639308e-01 -1.24373630e-01 -2.49917671e-01 5.26052080e-02 2.00806677e-01 2.87550747e-01 1.83305323e-01 6.77680597e-02 2.27608055e-01 -3.86804521e-01 -8.15189004e-01 2.13660702e-01 2.02174857e-01 4.09939170e-01 3.37419361e-01 -1.13075577e-04 -4.68005601e-04 -1.35554582e-01 1.39768779e-01 -3.43471646e-01 7.10576633e-03 -1.33491948e-01 -5.12561381e-01 2.75074691e-01 -2.11465642e-01 2.61347890e-01 -2.95801967e-01 2.55662531e-01 2.54732519e-01 2.52004981e-01 3.36762995e-01 1.17214084e-01 8.76020193e-02 2.10520327e-01 2.10078619e-02 5.16949058e-01 3.37191999e-01 -1.43692911e-01 -2.65311688e-01 2.11471975e-01 4.73184943e-01 3.48872095e-01 3.18577401e-02 -3.24621797e-01 -2.17876032e-01 3.77264708e-01 -1.68876931e-01 5.85074604e-01 -3.53851378e-01 3.11264515e-01 -2.19458696e-02 -3.82302254e-02 4.96853255e-02 2.55815893e-01 7.71684647e-02 -1.86891913e-01 -4.81765151e-01 1.48035824e-01 1.02079272e-01 1.49283513e-01 1.31739214e-01 5.12604006e-02 1.21938959e-01 -1.60944864e-01 -3.46591859e-03 -1.27873465e-01 1.69939492e-02 -7.23404214e-02 -1.62431419e-01 4.62951422e-01 -1.04923762e-01 3.28638665e-02 -2.18920857e-01 4.45377342e-02 5.21432638e-01 -1.82241887e-01 -1.23143114e-01 1.41211376e-01 3.26018542e-01 3.78436506e-01 3.04831177e-01 3.66151661e-01 -1.82215516e-02 -2.68992156e-01 3.82153660e-01 1.51224434e-01 -2.70773351e-01 -7.72031695e-02 -6.00414425e-02 -5.20619690e-01 9.84852910e-02 -2.30556615e-02 8.51497054e-02 -1.54913720e-02 4.20831531e-01 1.69996530e-01 -4.54142660e-01 1.92657605e-01 -1.69893667e-01 -2.05035791e-01 1.54554844e-01 -2.50960648e-01 1.95531934e-01 8.79835486e-02 2.99746364e-01 2.12648094e-01 1.73718527e-01 1.80402204e-01 -2.18415499e-01 -1.32461712e-01 1.57606557e-01 -1.32824019e-01 2.01503828e-01 -2.83117652e-01 -3.02533507e-01 -8.51062536e-02 -8.86178948e-03 -1.06194213e-01 -4.75137383e-02 1.37634426e-01 5.76392114e-02 1.30865201e-01 -2.26686280e-02 4.40179765e-01 4.34944361e-01 -6.35535121e-02 -3.48448664e-01 -1.73223943e-01 -9.55495760e-02 -6.94975629e-02 1.58450663e-01 2.75244623e-01 -7.58438557e-02 -4.54019755e-01 1.77992567e-01 -1.72231272e-01 -1.19498126e-01 3.70767176e-01 -3.79988961e-02 -3.81478101e-01 -3.26114893e-01 -1.02338448e-01 1.98325381e-01 -3.09790820e-01 -2.24729642e-01 1.96003228e-01 3.36351514e-01 2.52281576e-01 -1.19997351e-03 1.96874887e-01 -1.12563856e-02 6.32738993e-02 -1.08005293e-01 2.02112257e-01 -8.19312222e-03 -6.13073967e-02 5.16605638e-02 -3.00721407e-01 -3.20246905e-01 -3.16915751e-01 -8.18978548e-02 -3.05445939e-01 3.72221977e-01 1.89289823e-01 -2.05742657e-01 -7.12196603e-02 2.14203224e-01 -3.53518993e-01 2.43352666e-01 1.53331101e-01 -1.32895201e-01 -3.82493496e-01 -3.52689296e-01 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-3.30107629e-01 -3.44835460e-01 -3.21897745e-01 -3.61383736e-01 3.24557543e-01 -2.70699635e-02 2.58634746e-01 -5.63141346e-01 -1.41213492e-01 -6.05296373e-01 1.58339143e-01 -3.43202174e-01 1.27709240e-01 -1.00505337e-01 4.60517872e-03 3.86420339e-01 -3.16113472e-01 -5.86911179e-02 1.63429379e-01 3.06604207e-01 3.11582297e-01 1.91914335e-01 1.35094328e-02 1.64932698e-01 -1.15413643e-01 2.57302225e-01 4.48062122e-01 -6.29831910e-01 -1.05416536e-01 -2.22903699e-01 3.19856644e-01 -2.10129187e-01 6.86013252e-02 -3.21440175e-02 -1.05176516e-01 -5.68374097e-01 -2.24061981e-01 2.15783522e-01 2.66341090e-01 2.21324228e-02 -1.54808313e-01 -8.40515494e-02 -2.72658825e-01 1.04582138e-01 2.01963350e-01 -1.54192513e-02 -3.62924784e-01 1.63346127e-01 9.13101621e-03 9.69189405e-02 1.21485740e-01 2.17858255e-01 4.01105940e-01 -1.36775345e-01 -3.48030299e-01 3.08682118e-02 1.50838539e-01 3.64112198e-01 4.63975340e-01 2.54364610e-01 1.24025635e-01 5.40346354e-02 2.35133786e-02 9.92660075e-02 -2.42796987e-01 2.97133923e-01 -1.62691697e-01 2.95006096e-01 -1.67240366e-01 5.86359560e-01 1.05575554e-01 -4.09701914e-01 6.32789433e-02 8.71296749e-02 -4.25416930e-03 3.92795086e-01 2.84685761e-01 1.35821772e+00 2.83720583e-01 -1.56080619e-01 2.67761081e-01 -4.78982449e-01 -1.49467647e-01 -6.10007703e-01 2.57636905e-01 -1.14975132e-01 -3.04726541e-01 1.06214494e-01 -5.78291789e-02 -2.37302229e-04 3.25559378e-01 -9.32710022e-02 -2.40139276e-01 -3.79168659e-01 1.16878584e-01 2.91284949e-01 4.46854115e-01 3.17783677e-03 -1.90936208e-01 -4.38240096e-02 2.12183610e-01 3.45168114e-02 2.17095301e-01 -8.33219066e-02 -4.08649221e-02 3.69153857e-01 -5.25634028e-02 -1.10919112e-02 1.67184189e-01 -8.60878378e-02 1.16612382e-01 -2.38974109e-01 -6.24257252e-02 -2.58989245e-01 -7.21764266e-02 -4.32821274e-01 -2.12972820e-01 -3.81512307e-02 1.63095474e-01 6.16434276e-01 4.14228998e-02 -1.05283465e-02 -2.09320009e-01 2.38508031e-01 -6.57039415e-03 -1.89795658e-01 2.27914765e-01 1.40964508e-01 -4.57984433e-02 2.98909277e-01 5.56778014e-02 6.32268339e-02 -6.89626113e-02 1.19094811e-01 1.65389121e-01 -2.17467491e-02 -1.91016160e-02 1.17236003e-01 2.11557537e-01 -3.84518385e-01 8.65160599e-02 -1.00803927e-01 -1.70959011e-01 -1.82493508e-01 1.24796659e-01 3.95106345e-01 1.97559819e-02 1.40962854e-01 -1.06927916e-01 -1.65969476e-01 -2.68735230e-01 3.33203316e-01 1.18213162e-01 -1.26179531e-01 4.48402725e-02 -3.22584748e-01 -2.01777831e-01 -8.39673951e-02 1.38221771e-01 -5.66659942e-02 -4.47807223e-01 -1.29107475e-01 -4.57010865e-01 1.51851336e-02 1.75752163e-01 6.96023479e-02 1.53444409e-01 5.55107463e-03 4.30531979e-01 -2.30444819e-01 2.26184934e-01 -3.13720971e-01 2.88488436e-02 -2.69442230e-01 -1.23992279e-01 8.09061453e-02 -1.17649555e-01 5.57618728e-03 -2.89795876e-01 6.05788901e-02 1.53535992e-01 -1.12594210e-01 -1.76325530e-01 -2.92385042e-01 1.74018756e-01 1.29167028e-02 -5.34111746e-02 -4.08546209e-01 -3.29175591e-02 1.55421510e-01 -7.73446038e-02 -1.18420780e-01 7.25009246e-03 2.88575500e-01 8.18619132e-02 -2.29246467e-01 2.47982860e-01 3.28797132e-01 1.62700832e-01 1.52161509e-01 1.77121058e-01 9.37587768e-02 2.43376359e-01 -1.99713305e-01 -8.54597166e-02 1.75431117e-01 1.48511812e-01 8.56913403e-02 3.76959532e-01 1.27145559e-01 -1.37120008e-01 -1.11371204e-01 -6.88862754e-03 -3.25992942e-01 4.96663272e-01 -1.22979082e-01 4.44706865e-02 -9.99151990e-02 2.79972464e-01 -1.00005772e-02 -1.94384575e-01 1.51291654e-01 1.55308228e-02 -9.69965309e-02 3.16551656e-01 -2.27835421e-02 -1.88767210e-01 2.12190703e-01 1.62489265e-01 1.75024807e-01 4.10396941e-02 6.27527386e-02 -4.79685478e-02 -1.76228091e-01 -4.90442403e-02 1.93758570e-02 3.51621509e-01 4.14224118e-01 5.44691026e-01 -9.25719552e-03 2.43407488e-01 -2.01519653e-02 2.91642994e-01 -1.42565900e-02 2.35383913e-01 -6.03967249e-01 5.76654589e-03 -1.55098349e-01 3.04353952e-01 2.07704559e-01 -2.05143336e-02 -3.87519091e-01 -2.62891561e-01 -2.08148167e-01 1.09523989e-01 1.43356398e-01 8.64978656e-02 -1.66917667e-01 -2.28411555e-01 -4.45948541e-01 -1.28319249e-01 1.58325732e-01 2.37375647e-01 3.39519501e-01 8.01833160e-03 2.00557947e-01 -4.58594747e-02 -2.42974222e-01 3.05832028e-01 4.29990262e-01 -2.80495286e-01 1.12767965e-01 1.50897145e-01 9.91808474e-02 1.33875934e-02 1.05097555e-01 4.68240142e-01 7.20944181e-02 -1.23279013e-01 -1.79844767e-01 -3.81012589e-01 -3.54622513e-01 -3.14725786e-01 -8.42898190e-02 -8.77231658e-02 3.94716442e-01 2.02012435e-02 3.54783684e-02 -2.09176704e-01 -3.05822015e-01 2.48200506e-01 1.50543256e-02 -3.71871799e-01 -2.74393186e-02 1.62838653e-01 -1.28889740e-01 -7.14680627e-02 -2.78322488e-01 -5.81764206e-02 8.00394937e-02 -2.50127733e-01 -1.10042706e-01 1.78079918e-01 -2.50931770e-01 7.22844675e-02 1.69337735e-01 7.77205974e-02 -3.36423844e-01 1.17739476e-01 -3.78305644e-01 -2.16947213e-01 -5.61884455e-02 -2.66643912e-02 -5.14826417e-01 -7.05582142e-01 3.49388689e-01 -6.02017436e-03 -1.37778088e-01 6.07703924e-02 -1.30578771e-01 5.20611823e-01 -1.88854650e-01 2.07873181e-01 -2.44137738e-03 7.70754591e-02 -1.82641268e-01 3.13468039e-01 8.32154602e-02 -1.27492189e-01 -3.22489217e-02 9.95233953e-02 5.31127602e-02 -1.09350689e-01 -4.42341805e-01 -1.01516508e-01 2.31235828e-02 6.44236743e-01 1.35732710e-01 -3.93772498e-02 -3.98871809e-01 -2.77356058e-01 8.05736035e-02 2.45476305e-01 -4.06042129e-01 2.70313114e-01 1.78463563e-01 1.15639940e-01 -1.45216793e-01 2.71556318e-01 6.12585023e-02 -1.19252034e-01 1.23226224e-02 -5.82353845e-02 7.33225942e-02 -2.83066137e-03 -3.14449877e-01 6.62422121e-01 3.05688474e-02 4.72684354e-01 1.38278008e-01 1.26167968e-01 -2.15629265e-01 -2.36070186e-01 5.02212882e-01 2.01505683e-02 -6.88373819e-02 -1.85196638e-01 -1.94530077e-02 3.51118118e-01 -5.55981733e-02 -4.70491201e-01 -2.93157130e-01 -2.05783248e-01 -5.12716137e-02 -5.89512335e-03 -6.29900247e-02 7.14409426e-02 -6.11409955e-02 -1.50591582e-01 5.20157993e-01 2.24783570e-01 -5.54820336e-02 -4.03194204e-02 -2.08605632e-01]
"Altruistic Utopia" active "Item #: SCP-752 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Areas 752-1 through -4 have been constructed around the four known entrances to SCP-752. No personnel are permitted to enter SCP-752, although unmanned infiltration missions using technology taken from inside SCP-752 are permitted. In the event of an uncontrollable containment breach, Protocol Shangdu-47 must be implemented. Otherwise, termination is not advised as it could lead to the release of SCP-752-1 in the event of failure. Captured instances of SCP-752-1 must be transported to Site-17 for questioning and examination and under no circumstance allowed to return to SCP-752. Instances of SCP-752-1 found approaching any of the 752 sites are to be terminated on sight. Description: SCP-752 is an underground city in the northern β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Mountains, spanning β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ km2, population approximately 10,000. An array of electric lighting devices powered by a geothermal generator create day and night matching the rhythm of the outside world. A shield built of an unknown metal surrounds the entire city and blocks all known signals and radiation, including sonar. Study of this metal is restricted to on-site efforts to minimize the chances of containment breach. SCP-752-1 are the inhabitants of SCP-752. Physically, SCP-752-1 appear human. However, the social behaviour exhibited by SCP-752-1 in large groups bears no resemblance to that of humans or any other social mammal (although parallels exist in ants and other social insects). Individuals of SCP-752-1 possess no self-interest whatsoever and are motivated solely by desire to advance the ’greater good’ of SCP-752. SCP-752-1 currently possess technology significantly more advanced than exists outside of SCP-752; however, their rate of progress has begun to stagnate. Documents recovered at the sites indicate that SCP-752 was constructed β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ years ago by a group of unidentified scientists and philosophers, operating under the alias β€˜Eudaimon.’ SCP-752-1 was engineered by Eudaimon as an attempt to create an β€˜ideal society.’ Document 752-3 (recovered from Site-752-1) Day 1 Eudaimon-Alpha-1 Population of Eudaimonia: 100 What a glorious new day. This is the day Homo eudaimonia will set their calendar by. After the last battery of mass testing, we’ve introduced fifty males and fifty females to the final testing area. Nothing but them, the artificial sun, the temple, and the few animal and plant species we’ve introduced for domestication. Nothing left for Eudaimon now but to observe. Document 752-7 (recovered from Site-752-3) Year 8, Day 24 Eudaimon-Gamma-1 Population of Eudaimonia: 124 Population growth has been above-normal, as expected from our Eudaimoniacs. Instead of competing, they cooperate with one another in everything. All of the animal species provided have been successfully domesticated for food and labour. No signs of agricultural activity yet. Technological progress is proceeding as expected based on the data we left for them in the temple. Document 752-22 (recovered from Site-752-4) Year 15, Day 212 Eudaimon-Delta-4 Population of Eudaimonia: 170 Growth has continued, showing marked deviance from normal human social behaviour. Whereas Homo sapiens were never intended to live in groups of more than a few hundred, H. eudaimonia will function perfectly in groups of thousands or millions. Agriculture going at full tilt now, making use of the available aquifers for irrigation. Deviant behaviours have begun to emerge. The taboo against cannibalism seems to have vanished and dead Eudaimoniacs are being consumed for sustenance. Additionally, disabled or feeble individuals are suiciding or being killed at a worrying rate. Beta-1 wants to interfere, try to lay down moral guidelines, but Alpha-1 insists that finding these things repulsive is one of the problems with our society and any interaction could β€˜taintβ€˜ the Eudaimoniacs. Technological development is proceeding significantly faster than estimated rates. Construction has begun on several structures of unknown purpose, an interesting development considering that no actual buildings previously existed in Eudaimonia. Document 752-70 (recovered from Site-752-2) Year 24, Day 4 Eudaimon-Beta-4 Population of Eudaimonia: ~300 Population growth has suddenly exploded, nearly doubling in less than a decade. Presumably this increase is related to the structures. Some other extremely worrying behaviours have begun to emerge. The Eudaimoniacs have developed a meritocracy caste system, and are forcing the strongest and least intelligent to build for them. No, not forcing β€” the workers do it voluntarily, but they’re working themselves to death. In fact, everybody in this society is being worked to death. Estimated life expectancy is about forty-five, and we proved in the initial testing that Eudaimoniacs can live to 150 easily. No signs of cultural development so far, except that they’ve built the vague hints of a divine β€˜creator’ called the Eudaimon into a brutally strict moral system. On the bright side, they’ve taken to heart the idea that one day the Eudaimon will come back for them and lead them to another world, as we’d intended. We’ve been calling these odd behaviors β€˜deviant,’ but they’re not. This society has no deviance. All innovation is judged based on its merits and implemented or discarded. I’m starting to have serious doubts about the value of this whole thing. Alpha-1 and his team of geneticists seem oddly unsurprised by these developments; I bet they knew this would happen. Document 752-142 (recovered from Site-752-1) Year 40, Day 325 Eudaimon-Alpha-1 Population of Eudaimonia: ~1000 Population continues to climb. Technological prowess continues to increase exponentially. At this rate they will reach our level well before the release date. Beta, Gamma, and Delta have no vision β€” they grow increasingly disgusted by my wonderful creations. I would never have taken them on the project, but I needed their expertise to construct the development chamber. I have taken measures to ensure they never discover the contents of Eudaimonia's nurseries; hopefully this will be sufficient to forestall a mutiny. Document 752-314 Year 70, Day 87 Eudaimon Delta-1 Population of Eudaimonia: ~3000 Population growth shows no signs of slowing. High-rise type shelters are now being constructed in addition to the unknown buildings to allow for further growth. Technological advancement continues to exceed all expectations. We can only hope that it will stagnate once they get through what we left in the temple. Undesirable behaviours have worsened. Gamma attempted to intervene and was slaughtered. The rest of us attempted a coup against Alpha. Alpha-3 pretended to sympathize and managed to fatally poison most of Beta. Nevertheless, the coup was a success. We still don't know what's in those buildings, but considering what happened to Gamma we're not touching it. Alpha-1, -2, and -5 escaped; the others are dead or captured. We’ve disabled the release mechanism and sealed off the place as much as we dare. The Eudaimoniacs still believe that there’s no world beyond that shield Gamma built. Now, hopefully, they’ll never learn otherwise. Unmanned Exploration Unit 752-a was sent into SCP-752 on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ. Footage recovered from within the 'nursery' structures indicates an extensive and apparently voluntary [DATA EXPUNGED] before conception. UEU-752-a went offline β–ˆβ–ˆ hours into the expedition, and within two (2) months, technology evidently derived from it was seeing extensive use in SCP-752. Further expeditions must use as little advanced technology as possible. As direct competition between Homo sapiens and SCP-752-1 is projected to lead to an SK-class dominance shift, SCP-752-1 must be kept ignorant of the world outside their cavern at all costs. Β« SCP-751 | SCP-752 | SCP-753 Β»" nan
[-4.78581451e-02 1.29963532e-01 -2.07768425e-01 1.74302712e-01 2.79283337e-02 -4.99371201e-01 3.10216006e-02 3.65017019e-02 2.38736182e-01 1.32048532e-01 1.83150858e-01 4.84125823e-01 -7.97334611e-02 2.76263624e-01 2.69558374e-03 1.44458411e-03 1.13552511e-01 8.92963409e-02 1.13127440e-01 -1.03725903e-01 -1.64772987e-01 -1.18851542e-01 5.93499616e-02 1.73441246e-01 1.32304460e-01 4.10669520e-02 1.30711868e-01 6.02788031e-02 -3.34849477e-01 -4.48393136e-01 4.55511421e-01 -5.95283359e-02 -1.40330896e-01 5.90283453e-01 -1.02618411e-04 -2.27761924e-01 2.57544369e-01 3.58611578e-03 -3.32930565e-01 6.97475374e-02 -2.15431616e-01 -1.15682237e-01 -2.36016214e-02 -1.33907944e-01 -2.47518167e-01 -1.09226279e-01 1.94957808e-01 2.01634556e-01 3.31293255e-01 -1.93905428e-01 1.90339699e-01 1.10388715e-02 3.91829967e-01 -1.45184407e-02 -3.35382707e-02 6.50881290e-01 -1.13473549e-01 -2.65255958e-01 -2.78666150e-02 4.40848410e-01 2.78068751e-01 3.55495781e-01 -3.11571419e-01 -1.65346414e-01 5.35440624e-01 -3.50606173e-01 1.00106180e-01 -2.39891291e-01 -1.15527898e-01 1.27357781e-01 1.68843284e-01 8.36104602e-02 7.36570954e-02 2.76664466e-01 -1.60848334e-01 -1.81860715e-01 4.55784686e-02 1.57897100e-01 -9.12911519e-02 1.05387252e-02 1.98112771e-01 5.18787652e-02 -2.88939565e-01 1.58663511e-01 -6.30259588e-02 1.97790667e-01 -2.08682388e-01 1.43870354e-01 -1.63722903e-01 -4.05877531e-02 -2.14796662e-02 -6.19371124e-02 2.64709085e-01 2.85099626e-01 1.36976287e-01 -5.14746048e-02 1.52493075e-01 1.66837960e-01 9.62867215e-02 8.02650377e-02 2.82275707e-01 1.93782821e-01 2.69310504e-01 2.82976598e-01 -3.43900882e-02 -7.41670802e-02 4.26203817e-01 -3.33508879e-01 -3.22926879e-01 1.00533411e-01 1.13915585e-01 2.06946746e-01 -2.29556382e-01 1.48525923e-01 -7.28800148e-02 -2.94437055e-02 1.10839628e-01 -2.79646739e-02 -1.91787556e-02 3.54392007e-02 -3.24222207e-01 -5.29292412e-02 -2.22065765e-02 8.75305980e-02 3.69483083e-01 -7.84863159e-02 -1.74858555e-01 -1.85549200e-01 -6.52646720e-02 -1.31531417e-01 -3.06555092e-01 8.95479172e-02 -2.77444661e-01 9.83217638e-03 -1.30181253e-01 -1.04881369e-01 1.34490997e-01 -1.26655951e-01 -3.08672965e-01 6.57288283e-02 4.87730443e-01 -5.63931689e-02 2.74092644e-01 2.70575255e-01 -2.34257191e-01 -2.02252060e-01 1.74461640e-02 -2.17003882e-01 -1.76950563e-02 -2.12003753e-01 2.70972461e-01 -2.22322837e-01 -5.66751361e-01 2.44744927e-01 1.13005720e-01 7.53923431e-02 2.34971475e-02 1.67907193e-01 1.53295919e-01 -1.30036652e-01 2.84998596e-01 1.86817154e-01 -1.32916212e-01 -1.65478125e-01 2.19152436e-01 3.46911997e-01 1.69879664e-02 5.11317747e-03 -7.14462623e-02 -2.11634815e-01 -2.62679607e-01 -1.76044941e-01 -2.38369741e-02 7.36337379e-02 -2.04838634e-01 1.30853266e-01 -1.27042279e-01 -3.48883599e-01 -2.85493702e-01 -5.80815263e-02 -2.78168023e-01 -8.73067006e-02 4.26131785e-01 -1.41108081e-01 -1.03213638e-01 1.51004568e-01 -2.49765459e-02 4.94165681e-02 2.65101463e-01 -2.48832926e-01 -4.18686748e-01 -4.84144598e-01 8.02816972e-02 4.85202447e-02 1.56397596e-01 -8.15827549e-02 3.96678656e-01 -1.65743053e-01 2.29655191e-01 1.46793053e-01 2.34934203e-02 3.80053706e-02 3.37565511e-01 1.31983295e-01 -1.25274122e-01 -7.77529553e-02 -9.60653648e-03 -9.84146819e-02 4.91663247e-01 3.24680537e-01 3.28736812e-01 -1.67082831e-01 -3.38222116e-01 -9.90733728e-02 -8.08856636e-03 -3.47797096e-01 2.39517733e-01 1.22493327e-01 2.17624605e-01 -3.20525944e-01 1.09768324e-01 1.45651132e-01 -1.29881829e-01 -2.39841357e-01 -5.23331523e-01 1.54363394e-01 -2.83493012e-01 -1.46827787e-01 -3.49579602e-01 1.80413667e-02 1.75329804e-01 -1.75659671e-01 1.55042589e-01 -4.33440730e-02 -3.04369181e-01 2.47420818e-02 2.79342473e-01 7.30856895e-01 -2.59173393e-01 -3.50239187e-01 -5.73540367e-02 3.51945519e-01 1.79518431e-01 2.03325674e-01 -3.62929106e-01 2.47974709e-01 1.03527255e-01 1.29659072e-01 -4.32583503e-02 7.67989829e-02 3.62837702e-01 -2.72131026e-01 -2.81589836e-01 -7.05160201e-02 -3.30686904e-02 -7.30372146e-02 -9.12115276e-02 3.71033460e-01 1.82177901e-01 5.14190733e-01 -2.11238012e-01 8.31267014e-02 5.45773804e-02 -5.69651462e-02 1.23167202e-01 -2.37846375e-01 2.79835463e-01 3.08730096e-01 -4.91793919e-03 2.32056856e-01 -2.68781986e-02 -3.51751029e-01 2.17613533e-01 1.14709653e-01 2.47308478e-01 -5.06994128e-02 3.85608792e-01 2.63172120e-01 2.51959622e-01 1.98568180e-01 -3.01211208e-01 -4.77352709e-01 -2.58338541e-01 2.10607518e-02 -1.67080194e-01 -1.71133671e-02 3.93534571e-01 7.42624402e-02 -2.58482411e-03 5.91647625e-01 2.00053513e-01 -2.44606659e-02 -1.56707376e-01 9.99528170e-02 -1.86051756e-01 -8.00278597e-03 -1.21895641e-01 9.75222290e-02 -5.46423830e-02 2.81550527e-01 -5.60418725e-01 -3.18088681e-02 2.28196338e-01 3.46377529e-02 -2.80732006e-01 3.39282304e-02 3.51107955e-01 -1.10054329e-01 9.52483416e-02 7.68727660e-02 -5.58988154e-01 3.70731890e-01 -8.32488388e-02 1.88554097e-02 9.35294330e-02 -9.55028161e-02 -4.00913805e-01 -5.12600482e-01 9.96577963e-02 -3.95154685e-01 -2.20320925e-01 -1.15428805e-01 -7.46219233e-02 1.25597809e-02 -1.36414230e-01 2.96192080e-01 -2.95613945e-01 -2.01947808e-01 2.38357633e-01 1.94348454e-01 1.23872340e-01 3.89989018e-01 2.52984315e-01 2.41609916e-01 9.25198756e-03 -3.32667828e-01 -2.85236090e-01 -1.50240093e-01 6.15132339e-02 -6.67515174e-02 5.82582764e-02 -2.89415240e-01 -4.16830629e-01 6.22932911e-02 2.16560196e-02 -1.10936217e-01 -1.10211208e-01 1.61537707e-01 1.58401191e-01 -8.88367519e-02 -2.03335896e-01 4.72627044e-01 2.90885359e-01 -2.99866259e-01 -2.01933756e-02 9.11032632e-02 -2.30715107e-02 2.49293745e-01 4.00390178e-01 -4.60286468e-01 -3.29432160e-01 2.16182128e-01 4.53014612e-01 -1.03158563e-01 2.01353565e-01 -6.14560209e-02 3.80739570e-01 1.24639742e-01 7.66951516e-02 -4.32749778e-01 2.48207942e-01 5.71151543e-03 -1.46423385e-01 1.60835981e-01 -6.75066635e-02 -1.14550948e-01 2.11085126e-01 -2.59874612e-01 -3.34767878e-01 1.08081140e-01 -2.56805360e-01 4.94339973e-01 4.90564644e-01 -6.60560429e-02 -1.56380847e-01 -1.59820423e-01 -6.90225065e-02 -3.03528905e-01 3.38265121e-01 2.78157890e-02 2.41071135e-01 -1.79055303e-01 3.63216579e-01 -4.85437959e-02 1.32147685e-01 -5.64320087e-02 -3.60422105e-01 -3.60142082e-01 -9.22507718e-02 1.81629717e-01 -1.77889645e-01 1.76645115e-01 2.07423046e-01 1.82658657e-01 4.77429293e-02 5.30102849e-01 -3.33901435e-01 8.65399372e-03 -4.30183150e-02 1.98876366e-01 1.93661630e-01 1.54009923e-01 -1.35155261e-01 -1.54302537e-01 5.16237989e-02 -8.70635584e-02 5.96435480e-02 3.75719190e-01 -2.54858971e-01 -6.85859680e-01 -1.74797624e-01 2.57449448e-01 1.72984675e-01 -1.38869122e-01 1.25431642e-01 -2.87479591e-02 7.14671686e-02 4.54949498e-01 3.53371701e-03 -7.38384649e-02 1.08015522e-01 1.51413530e-01 -3.58079255e-01 1.65816080e-02 -8.86596814e-02 3.66229355e-01 1.49101600e-01 2.31053621e-01 1.33509591e-01 1.81574032e-01 -4.90374595e-01 2.42292389e-01 4.56225872e-01 -2.55227729e-04 -2.35647291e-01 -1.42189309e-01 3.65982592e-01 -4.71672229e-02 -1.63960710e-01 6.01316243e-02 7.78874010e-02 4.67049897e-01 -6.44836798e-02 1.47697374e-01 -3.91468555e-01 -4.38297361e-01 -1.97063819e-01 2.56202161e-01 -1.59959570e-01 7.68182278e-01 4.70599115e-01 1.17718470e+00 4.03159946e-01 1.37820676e-01 3.95240724e-01 -7.66299292e-02 2.68924415e-01 -1.66870713e-01 1.52977780e-01 -4.14114445e-02 1.83601454e-01 2.81805806e-02 -1.62294611e-01 8.62604380e-02 4.09924865e-01 -3.34546119e-01 -2.56368637e-01 -2.63835788e-01 -8.64831209e-02 2.23970577e-01 3.97608131e-01 -1.07703859e-03 2.58356243e-01 3.30719501e-01 2.05594704e-01 -1.35073483e-01 1.85748890e-01 7.56141841e-02 -1.90465525e-01 -2.18740419e-01 -4.07045633e-02 -3.12513947e-01 -4.49567474e-02 6.01163246e-02 4.67180759e-01 8.59143659e-02 -2.63957620e-01 -6.88659251e-02 -1.89502746e-01 8.32659528e-02 -1.57183915e-01 -1.13063678e-01 1.55911058e-01 6.48635566e-01 -3.43233794e-02 1.78994238e-01 -1.44290283e-01 -4.45486680e-02 2.83909049e-02 -3.42047438e-02 -7.05719143e-02 -2.02040449e-02 6.54273340e-03 -6.08470976e-01 1.67193841e-02 -3.75065096e-02 -7.95509219e-02 3.80092502e-01 2.02922508e-01 -2.61092603e-01 -2.67846048e-01 1.79045394e-01 -1.20936304e-01 -7.43644014e-02 -2.46501520e-01 -1.59238614e-02 -1.52846813e-01 1.54084973e-02 1.93915874e-01 1.02287412e-01 2.85639949e-02 1.20742172e-01 4.25922573e-02 -2.12371737e-01 -3.70532990e-01 1.17628880e-01 5.98840080e-02 -2.96532243e-01 -1.16778664e-01 3.51853333e-02 -4.22362328e-01 -1.01512365e-01 3.81482005e-01 1.77263930e-01 -6.25290275e-02 -1.08866066e-01 -1.17530875e-01 1.06630571e-01 3.05381138e-02 1.87463105e-01 2.75462749e-04 -3.30925494e-01 2.32180394e-03 2.11967472e-02 4.09716398e-01 -4.44458008e-01 -1.38496339e-01 -1.39761642e-01 -7.65417179e-04 5.77869117e-01 -4.81121004e-01 -3.54079187e-01 -2.78308660e-01 1.34667084e-01 -3.19903523e-01 -4.18879539e-01 -2.21444651e-01 -1.53466687e-01 1.37001723e-01 -9.73241851e-02 -2.60200113e-01 4.94674891e-02 2.40651488e-01 1.50435328e-01 5.80788441e-02 -1.89782530e-01 1.50740430e-01 1.57415897e-01 2.72006273e-01 -6.40711904e-01 3.48246306e-01 1.10636286e-01 -6.33292496e-02 3.57078426e-02 3.07609230e-01 -4.52840663e-02 1.79467782e-01 2.06156135e-01 -2.46414319e-02 6.06195964e-02 1.03354663e-01 -1.19817548e-01 5.04994452e-01 1.86112002e-01 3.06082591e-02 -9.49810967e-02 -9.32375714e-02 -1.48596421e-01 -2.17457898e-02 -2.86051333e-01 -1.17345840e-01 -3.37937832e-01 3.24493438e-01 -5.29034324e-02 -1.95492129e-03 4.53899145e-01 -2.04791248e-01 -5.70323579e-02 1.45765722e-01 5.71135506e-02 -4.22305554e-01 3.95421796e-02 1.01995967e-01 3.94480139e-01 1.04525693e-01 1.17984936e-01 1.66478917e-01 -3.28616917e-01 -2.40431815e-01 1.90582514e-01 2.36208126e-01 2.87282348e-01 4.68863815e-01 4.46631402e-01 4.82817665e-02 -2.13025257e-01 4.92514491e-01 -5.73200323e-02 3.63519251e-01 4.44148257e-02 -2.27356166e-01 -7.27931336e-02 1.75305381e-01 -2.89293472e-02 1.53455511e-01 -2.65052021e-01 1.48118645e-01 -1.49735555e-01 -2.01021284e-02 1.26405075e-01 -1.96867555e-01 -6.44755289e-02 -2.85616100e-01 -1.01340234e-01 -1.91002376e-02 2.66625166e-01 7.50548840e-02 -2.83376295e-02 2.31965035e-01 -9.23347846e-02 2.68274903e-01 4.95512128e-01 3.75717372e-01 3.55911970e-01 -1.00484863e-01 6.66915849e-02 7.89144412e-02 -3.30012366e-02 -5.20151556e-01 2.32386187e-01 1.78579330e-01 -1.17290571e-01 -4.48109478e-01 -1.05809487e-01 -1.06957406e-01 -1.84793010e-01 -4.45323318e-01 -1.12808019e-01 5.70798106e-02 -1.57664344e-01 2.81166821e-03 9.43600461e-02 -2.59213388e-01 -4.74053472e-01 1.06020920e-01 -1.81477323e-01 2.41429895e-01 -1.22938804e-01 -2.11999744e-01 -2.87154913e-01 3.18856180e-01 2.14063883e-01 -3.28403682e-01 -6.14987537e-02 -8.24343190e-02 -9.16920751e-02 1.54613167e-01 -3.06988627e-01 9.41756740e-02 -1.67617932e-01 2.81092197e-01 -8.94228667e-02 1.63687557e-01 -1.20244594e-02 -6.27972512e-03 -1.52545258e-01 2.39320740e-01 -2.42477864e-01 -6.29218593e-02 3.23746689e-02 4.03292537e-01 1.08389564e-01 2.31629964e-02 -2.64079124e-01 2.12280944e-01 -2.03304768e-01 -6.34495839e-02 -1.20206729e-01 3.19235235e-01 1.62772313e-01 1.90659925e-01 1.73369259e-01 -1.20161407e-01 2.45299727e-01 -5.43656088e-02 1.78578973e-01 8.20461661e-02 -5.09501219e-01 2.16430098e-01 -2.74514198e-01 3.49764615e-01 -1.69373557e-01 -2.22010255e-01 -1.52567804e-01 -3.51693958e-01 1.66967049e-01 3.28635901e-01 -1.83944270e-01 5.79878807e-01 8.27792212e-02 3.05564165e-01 -8.42042044e-02 1.49706036e-01 -2.32855324e-02 3.74443084e-01 6.90315142e-02 -1.43529028e-01 -8.48953351e-02 4.28638905e-02 -2.66125828e-01 2.28824377e-01 -3.40991527e-01 -1.24498683e-05 9.13378745e-02 2.15939842e-02 -1.41391098e-01 -2.20802769e-01 3.01171988e-01 3.77139822e-03 -1.23103179e-01 -1.21502474e-01 8.41128901e-02 7.24804759e-01 -4.17760480e-03 -6.36019707e-02 -1.39877424e-01 -4.22418863e-03 6.27524927e-02 -2.59970933e-01 -3.43313903e-01 -2.73016661e-01 -1.56551585e-01 -1.57256097e-01 1.38576269e-01 -1.01792291e-01 7.03721270e-02 -3.91302615e-01 -6.04609959e-03]
"Automatic Artist" active "Item #: SCP-753 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-753 is currently contained at Sector-28, located on β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ SCP-753 is to be contained in a 6m x 6m holding cell, monitored by surveillance cameras at all times. SCP-753 is to be provided with five (5) litres of each primary color of paint each day, along with twenty-four (24) standard painting canvases. All paintings created by SCP-753 are to be recorded by research staff. In the event that SCP-753 attempts to destroy itself, security personnel are to restrain SCP-753 and await further orders from Research Staff present. Description: SCP-753 is a highly advanced automaton approximately ten (10) centimeters across, six (6) centimeters wide and eight (8) centimeters tall. SCP-753 possesses two (2) pincer-like limbs protruding from its main circular body, which it uses to slowly move itself across the ground. This is likely due to SCP-753's locomotive functions having been damaged at an unknown point in its history. At the center of SCP-753's body is a red sensory organ similar in structure to that of the human eye. SCP-753's eye appears to be organic, but it is likely artificially produced. This eye is also damaged, leaving SCP-753 partially blind. A 'Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd.' logo has been engraved on SCP-753's back. Interior analysis of SCP-753 shows that it moves using a rudimentary nervous system, coordinated by an extremely small spherical 'brain'. Above SCP-753's body is a small 'receiver', the purpose of which is currently unknown. SCP-753 appears ignorant of its surroundings, and does not recognize the presence of personnel. SCP-753's primary purpose appears to be the creation of paintings. Paintings produced by SCP-753 are highly realistic and often do not correspond to real locations. Recently, paintings created by SCP-753 have mostly involved, in some way, SCP-753's death. SCP-753 was initially returned to Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd by one of their clients, who complained that it was 'broken'. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a Foundation mole within the organisation, was able to retrieve SCP-753 before incineration. SCP-753 usually produces one (1) painting per hour. When SCP-753 is not provided with adequate paint or painting canvas, it appears to enter a dormant state, shutting down for a minimum time length of one (1) week. As this heavily impedes research, SCP-753 is to be kept stocked with paint and canvases at all times. SCP-753 does not appear to be concerned about completed paintings, and generally ignores them after they are finished. Painting Log: Β« SCP-752 | SCP-753 | SCP-754 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-753" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 753-new.jpg Source: SCP Foundation Wiki License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Title: 753-new.jpg Author: ε²ε‰ε·¨θŽ½ Release year: 2020 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Image of SCP-753 taken from Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. records."
[-9.98140201e-02 -1.35903180e-01 -1.85016349e-01 -1.71921607e-02 -1.15022801e-01 -2.70665348e-01 4.01500821e-01 -1.44395046e-03 2.04407305e-01 2.14303121e-01 2.74983551e-02 2.37063229e-01 -2.88541466e-01 1.23495854e-01 2.11167455e-01 2.55456418e-02 9.34456140e-02 2.47319326e-01 3.52123290e-01 -3.86071116e-01 -2.01225489e-01 -1.45044580e-01 -1.79860562e-01 3.03755134e-01 -2.34468326e-01 -1.87074840e-01 -3.74172665e-02 -8.84138346e-02 -1.75166771e-01 -1.71477646e-01 -6.21168390e-02 4.42473233e-01 1.31533325e-01 6.82817876e-01 -1.08647502e-04 -1.72522336e-01 1.63683683e-01 -5.82682379e-02 2.38470271e-01 -6.61142021e-02 -3.37725371e-01 -9.17778611e-02 -6.06285548e-03 -3.81390393e-01 6.93451092e-02 5.99929355e-02 3.59020561e-01 8.86152983e-02 6.19745493e-01 1.35802299e-01 2.27487952e-01 -6.93250299e-02 3.09784353e-01 1.38939479e-02 1.84056088e-01 -3.88976485e-02 -1.32701024e-01 6.72882497e-02 1.27785608e-01 1.11751541e-01 8.23608190e-02 2.74442285e-01 -1.08854845e-01 -2.79756248e-01 4.26360190e-01 -2.52622396e-01 3.71323377e-01 -4.18674260e-01 2.76686102e-01 9.77427810e-02 2.60342866e-01 1.04551405e-01 3.68756056e-02 -4.07528505e-02 2.05639452e-01 -2.38115136e-02 -1.36481091e-01 2.79065400e-01 -1.08252332e-01 -1.19773395e-01 -2.47118667e-01 1.80471420e-01 -5.15240371e-01 -1.39535472e-01 -1.86471626e-01 -1.88696340e-01 -1.65521637e-01 3.74867916e-02 1.61920547e-01 9.84130893e-03 -2.94651948e-02 6.64014965e-02 2.23370329e-01 2.70099908e-01 -1.45918339e-01 -3.55725326e-02 -6.73751682e-02 2.49236487e-02 -7.36895055e-02 3.65826011e-01 1.95915684e-01 1.24544628e-01 -3.63170542e-02 2.78386205e-01 6.98895976e-02 6.95155337e-02 -2.14923486e-01 4.40570489e-02 -3.20079356e-01 2.84941077e-01 -3.02730978e-01 -6.19040728e-02 -3.51496726e-01 -9.72044468e-02 2.87973940e-01 -3.06950957e-01 -4.52997275e-02 4.82206792e-02 -2.99305707e-01 2.53763914e-01 -2.68705904e-01 -3.34299612e-03 -2.18563825e-01 5.54088414e-01 1.63561895e-01 -9.17638987e-02 -9.90206301e-02 1.34092599e-01 8.30767155e-02 1.05598815e-01 -2.19855711e-01 4.73605208e-02 -2.36035287e-01 -2.20558703e-01 -3.22319716e-01 2.40411907e-01 9.34871137e-02 -1.82597190e-01 -2.34985620e-01 2.78882566e-03 5.52160680e-01 -1.88968062e-01 4.56898779e-01 4.87032622e-01 -3.41803879e-01 -2.22015351e-01 -4.53788005e-02 -2.97081441e-01 -1.64721951e-01 -1.72925577e-01 3.57965738e-01 -9.83891711e-02 -4.42176968e-01 2.08113089e-01 -1.81551650e-01 -2.11276412e-01 1.88676044e-01 -3.35320346e-02 -8.28780159e-02 1.13965973e-01 3.28406662e-01 1.54578954e-01 -1.35809407e-01 -1.35832459e-01 9.05410200e-03 3.13965559e-01 8.09380338e-02 -1.84420541e-01 -4.42126170e-02 -5.78332655e-02 1.18028589e-01 -1.89064946e-02 1.62703291e-01 1.83084100e-01 -5.45848608e-02 -2.45377600e-01 -1.38796285e-01 -1.91640675e-01 -2.61963904e-01 -1.55573800e-01 -1.83082908e-01 1.84537783e-01 3.17881882e-01 -7.38694891e-02 -1.88741349e-02 -6.18779585e-02 -1.33184224e-01 -1.24736540e-02 -5.11052087e-02 -2.42160663e-01 -2.37385809e-01 -3.81439477e-01 3.03814292e-01 2.40219817e-01 4.27660763e-01 1.14782220e-02 1.08839862e-01 -1.56724453e-01 6.21070620e-03 2.49475613e-01 -2.83104837e-01 -1.58289552e-01 2.18800306e-01 1.33089289e-01 -2.70826340e-01 -3.11562270e-01 2.01594401e-02 -5.88762201e-02 3.73272419e-01 2.88915604e-01 -7.59623125e-02 -5.82984276e-02 -1.59644306e-01 2.26402372e-01 -8.12650844e-02 -5.84568322e-01 2.68845856e-01 2.03128844e-01 -8.09508190e-02 -2.39296049e-01 -2.03528091e-01 -1.52652591e-01 4.95548621e-02 -2.40126953e-01 -1.12572722e-01 -2.36682400e-01 -1.57909155e-01 3.79425064e-02 -1.73998088e-01 2.52746105e-01 4.39962149e-02 1.42999932e-01 9.77505296e-02 4.22319490e-03 -2.77149118e-02 1.14819854e-01 -1.39248203e-02 6.72226965e-01 -1.75248474e-01 -1.57139212e-01 -1.06488941e-02 3.57827060e-02 1.73334688e-01 1.68591999e-02 -2.51836210e-01 3.88208479e-02 -2.79061854e-01 1.07314527e-01 2.39110328e-02 2.44366731e-02 1.64635688e-01 -1.06325492e-01 -1.22559197e-01 -8.43065754e-02 -1.15765989e-01 2.16614142e-01 2.21789151e-01 1.86595723e-01 -1.62772804e-01 1.35640621e-01 1.93558276e-01 2.44635586e-02 1.38092592e-01 -4.28970233e-02 -7.22146779e-02 -5.49196615e-04 1.88834369e-01 6.06459558e-01 -7.37645775e-02 2.00549424e-01 -1.19676717e-01 -1.68677643e-01 1.03645388e-03 -1.11980207e-01 6.50214627e-02 1.05552875e-01 4.89788115e-01 2.28816271e-01 2.24591732e-01 1.70561805e-01 -3.91732007e-01 -6.53732359e-01 -1.40574545e-01 -1.03834152e-01 -7.20378682e-02 -1.05952591e-01 4.01561379e-01 1.39584512e-01 -4.86189574e-02 4.27856743e-01 2.37323390e-03 2.55720355e-02 -1.00209862e-02 8.73303339e-02 -2.36596629e-01 5.51154241e-02 -6.23474717e-01 3.30466866e-01 -3.64366412e-01 2.29213014e-01 -1.65310785e-01 -6.75776079e-02 1.33779213e-01 1.12571403e-01 -3.58631760e-02 -1.17364518e-01 6.12725556e-01 7.42871780e-03 1.54059678e-01 1.12451911e-01 -2.48070613e-01 1.28372610e-01 -2.42884755e-02 -2.27194875e-01 2.30595320e-01 -1.52176812e-01 -1.65079519e-01 -1.99135348e-01 5.69551289e-02 -4.66074884e-01 -1.20110288e-02 -1.66225567e-01 -5.59715182e-03 -1.25328407e-01 -1.10236369e-02 6.27918422e-01 -1.78450137e-01 -3.28363955e-01 4.73339349e-01 1.78872839e-01 1.77049682e-01 2.56687582e-01 1.11309476e-01 1.47736192e-01 2.38190234e-01 1.88283563e-01 -1.47195771e-01 -5.38848639e-01 1.82402417e-01 -1.21734804e-02 -2.52245609e-02 -2.20333189e-01 -3.58344615e-01 2.40104631e-01 -9.39892754e-02 -7.87423104e-02 -2.03098878e-01 -1.84966058e-01 4.39597309e-01 -2.41416004e-02 -1.72216982e-01 5.68239570e-01 2.01555446e-01 -2.69014984e-01 -2.58045137e-01 1.30319560e-03 2.82623738e-01 1.38052374e-01 -2.04282608e-02 -3.38816494e-01 -9.62659568e-02 1.44653320e-01 5.11919558e-01 -2.26166740e-01 -3.18188041e-01 7.70817650e-03 1.41438127e-01 1.94388509e-01 5.92842884e-02 -1.58449605e-01 1.08408585e-01 7.69444555e-02 -4.10889715e-01 -7.83212576e-03 -2.58188486e-01 -1.04843199e-01 9.86457914e-02 -4.36155051e-02 -7.66214788e-01 7.33513758e-02 3.01378183e-02 6.76088333e-02 2.97300756e-01 -1.92849517e-01 -6.57663941e-02 -5.64435571e-02 -9.26556066e-02 1.02588460e-01 2.63403207e-01 2.60251403e-01 -7.58086815e-02 -5.78889608e-01 -2.63304673e-02 -1.75718725e-01 2.77052850e-01 -1.12650637e-02 -5.03793582e-02 -2.29791120e-01 -2.62925271e-02 2.79779583e-01 -3.09894890e-01 4.92201716e-01 -1.30840212e-01 1.53358147e-01 3.90345603e-01 1.75829411e-01 -1.47421509e-01 -2.39750147e-02 -4.41101864e-02 -1.46327510e-01 2.54103154e-01 -2.12993935e-01 1.05259418e-01 3.68698537e-02 -3.14703211e-05 -2.61783719e-01 -3.03152893e-02 1.04920357e-01 -1.09991573e-01 -2.68269032e-01 -1.37649074e-01 2.31039189e-02 1.81492925e-01 -2.87218332e-01 1.04914084e-01 3.02846972e-02 -1.73082903e-01 3.49099040e-01 1.47249654e-01 1.15206704e-01 -1.16118370e-02 2.05639303e-01 -1.71620160e-01 5.53743839e-01 9.26799849e-02 2.59847164e-01 1.79546118e-01 -1.38846427e-01 -3.99274796e-01 1.83758691e-01 -1.93731055e-01 3.62916410e-01 5.31948566e-01 1.65604487e-01 -9.02380124e-02 -4.12859395e-02 3.14217776e-01 -2.34915957e-01 5.15468456e-02 4.71033394e-01 1.50719136e-01 5.35552979e-01 -4.35418934e-01 -1.22191710e-02 -4.65375453e-01 -4.34489518e-01 -5.24386346e-01 -1.32248655e-01 -1.87113911e-01 7.30905950e-01 4.90210772e-01 1.17973757e+00 -1.68530911e-01 1.20110452e-01 -1.80888951e-01 -3.93965423e-01 2.62762696e-01 -1.15509294e-01 6.13381155e-03 -1.71997443e-01 -1.86750352e-01 9.13055316e-02 -2.16832191e-01 -1.04832925e-01 1.58286527e-01 -4.06488962e-02 -3.07402998e-01 -2.20819935e-01 -2.74455827e-02 2.95953184e-01 4.77794558e-01 8.83540511e-02 -4.76131439e-02 1.37090102e-01 2.19686866e-01 1.02093831e-01 1.37535647e-01 -3.99583057e-02 1.94746032e-02 1.52622968e-01 3.43539298e-01 -3.65638375e-01 1.18162006e-01 -1.87867984e-01 4.09766078e-01 -9.02756117e-03 -4.09596926e-03 -4.73264046e-03 3.48128402e-03 -1.24749757e-01 -2.69973695e-01 -5.72978668e-02 4.39776987e-01 7.75604665e-01 3.65924020e-03 2.12814152e-01 6.38118163e-02 2.75067270e-01 -1.42699525e-01 5.98104931e-02 9.36324149e-02 1.81536943e-01 -2.43321761e-01 -4.19586986e-01 1.82576224e-01 4.98367548e-01 9.83195454e-02 7.36514702e-02 -8.50524753e-02 -1.83448434e-01 -1.52864695e-01 1.81817010e-01 -6.52279630e-02 6.59877658e-02 -1.04934201e-01 -1.79772750e-01 -2.85171866e-01 1.26515642e-01 7.99831077e-02 2.15911970e-01 3.66768427e-02 3.93086046e-01 -3.04479808e-01 -3.72589417e-02 -4.19754237e-01 6.82990849e-02 -1.47316799e-01 -5.17710030e-01 1.86138362e-01 -1.47688463e-01 -4.46721911e-01 -2.05489248e-01 2.74136186e-01 1.50875956e-01 -3.99187356e-01 -3.26718330e-01 -2.58448064e-01 9.64236408e-02 -3.64011489e-02 1.09427072e-01 3.42225432e-01 -2.69809693e-01 4.73029226e-01 1.10931545e-01 3.45357448e-01 -4.27037001e-01 -7.87352398e-02 -2.02726439e-01 -3.69530842e-02 1.35644972e-01 -2.56224722e-01 -6.77896440e-02 -2.79057890e-01 1.02006346e-01 9.91878435e-02 -3.93327922e-01 -2.74058640e-01 -2.12559998e-01 1.59986332e-01 -1.62876889e-01 -7.63643011e-02 -1.95714831e-02 2.06373617e-01 9.99174565e-02 8.88272226e-02 -1.85921744e-01 4.20970619e-02 1.58867821e-01 3.12043637e-01 -5.74440777e-01 1.72405526e-01 3.50799970e-02 -1.98052198e-01 -1.76751125e-03 4.69957680e-01 6.45381212e-02 9.59954187e-02 1.17732426e-02 -1.78181455e-01 5.93101308e-02 1.34897307e-01 -8.17136280e-03 2.95031965e-01 1.20562732e-01 -5.97728491e-02 -4.26328368e-02 6.30036667e-02 -2.51627207e-01 -1.86604857e-02 -2.66081870e-01 -3.06409240e-01 4.50768396e-02 3.24745715e-01 -1.85436770e-01 2.36687049e-01 -2.80704349e-01 -1.11124560e-01 4.59367447e-02 1.47913858e-01 7.81229809e-02 -2.07973793e-01 -4.35241729e-01 9.60704610e-02 1.51293203e-01 9.33515802e-02 1.58387810e-01 -9.71537754e-02 -4.44389880e-02 1.73179265e-02 3.23922008e-01 2.78721690e-01 2.45442033e-01 3.03418130e-01 5.72651446e-01 -1.99933246e-01 4.05714996e-02 3.23376894e-01 2.91510165e-01 -5.39067341e-03 5.25717530e-03 1.97691783e-01 -3.17545943e-02 4.34541404e-01 7.49531388e-02 2.26575628e-01 2.55307019e-01 -1.06386274e-01 -7.86503926e-02 -4.30752300e-02 1.73001558e-01 -9.56357121e-02 -3.21733445e-01 -2.52071768e-01 -3.14885020e-01 -1.16387801e-02 3.24897617e-01 2.72243649e-01 7.54159316e-02 -1.91741344e-02 -2.62669921e-02 1.72023222e-01 -2.06201062e-01 1.28106371e-01 5.67187428e-01 -3.89963686e-01 -5.76687325e-03 4.26735461e-01 2.95689721e-02 3.91872972e-02 2.53185302e-01 3.25342715e-01 2.28432119e-02 -3.64057273e-01 1.70672774e-01 2.19044685e-02 -1.62086561e-01 -3.43739778e-01 -8.68931264e-02 2.22049952e-01 -1.70013785e-01 2.04655126e-01 1.52145341e-01 -2.17650771e-01 -4.99398895e-02 2.59054542e-01 2.97595114e-01 3.45218964e-02 -1.75819650e-01 -9.67242420e-02 -4.18174714e-01 2.06556827e-01 6.91673756e-02 -1.13024093e-01 -1.53236568e-01 -2.32784867e-01 -3.63118082e-01 1.75250843e-01 -3.03131133e-01 8.97721350e-02 -7.15558603e-02 2.81501114e-01 1.07442796e-01 5.86106718e-01 -1.41981021e-01 -2.55390137e-01 -2.82451421e-01 1.97545245e-01 -8.33329037e-02 -2.82374710e-01 2.76404202e-01 1.58603609e-01 5.48408665e-02 5.74991573e-03 9.93638933e-02 3.14429969e-01 -3.37299287e-01 3.43308091e-01 -1.63324147e-01 4.69977230e-01 1.86902657e-01 1.03568919e-01 8.18165690e-02 -3.13381404e-01 1.96048208e-02 -6.44253135e-01 2.23319873e-01 2.26256683e-01 -1.47638887e-01 -1.33313075e-01 3.99246633e-01 6.12272203e-01 9.72936861e-03 1.32258594e-01 -3.31618488e-01 -1.67881340e-01 1.47959515e-01 2.39634603e-01 -4.02567357e-01 2.73674428e-01 3.24762166e-01 5.05690753e-01 2.11263344e-01 5.76742649e-01 2.13458627e-01 3.35374624e-01 1.59248039e-01 7.27364188e-03 -2.90621847e-01 -4.52977382e-02 -1.89764410e-01 9.71509665e-02 -3.50882001e-02 4.13320452e-01 7.55410567e-02 -1.47131607e-01 -1.18971653e-01 -6.48843497e-02 4.50762898e-01 -3.70094985e-01 -5.53633094e-01 -5.15982397e-02 2.57132858e-01 3.59076597e-02 9.26524550e-02 -2.27647930e-01 -1.48343056e-01 6.43278062e-02 4.49774340e-02 -2.46127382e-01 7.60508254e-02 7.25776553e-02 -2.16155633e-01 -8.10858607e-02 3.23674411e-01 -1.10647507e-01 -5.42185195e-02 -4.66413796e-01 -2.83741921e-01]
"Illustrated Climbing Vine" active "Item #: SCP-754 Object Class: Euclid (Request for Keter classification under review, 20β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-754 is to be kept under constant surveillance in a Bio-Hazard Containment Chamber. The room must be equipped with a liquid nitrogen emergency coolant system. A shallow planter of standard potting soil has been placed next to SCP-754 to provide a "target zone" for germination events. No instances of SCP-754 are to be retained outside of use in sanctioned experiments. Material containing SCP-754-1 may be incinerated. To dispose of SCP-754, the room must be sealed and liquid nitrogen piped in until the ambient temperature has been at or below 150 K for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes. SCP-754, any surrounding soil, and all instances of SCP-754-1 shall be incinerated, save one paper fragment of approximately twenty-five (25) square centimetres, which is to be treated as "seed stock" with a freshly-illustrated sheet. If SCP-754 germinates from a location other than the provided planter, the site should be sterilized with hydrochloric acid. In the event of containment system failure of SCP-754, its growth will be inhibited by temperatures below 250 K until automated systems are restored. One (1) standard sheet of paper with hand-drawn illustrations is to be placed on the table as needed. Current procedures call for the replacement and disposal of the oldest illustration once the newer sheet shows evidence of buds; at the current rate of growth, replacement should occur every two to three days. If this rate is observed to increase, notify the level 3 supervisor (as of 20β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ, Doctor Cairns). Under no circumstances are any SCP objects containing hand-drawn illustrations to be allowed within twenty (20) metres of SCP-754-1. Description: SCP-754 is superficially similar to Convolvulus arvensis, a flowering vine commonly known as "morning glory" or "field bindweed" in North America. Its leaves and vine are red with delicate black veins. Flowers, when present, are red with black mottling. SCP-754 will propagate in a manner similar to bindweed. However, it can overgrow any object, including those typically resistant to plant growth and water too deep for root stabilization. It can attain a top growth rate of β–ˆ metres per hour. It is inhibited by temperatures below 250 K (-23Β°C), and enters a dormant state when chilled below 150 K (-123Β°C). SCP-754 is not limited to normal growth patterns, and can grow in paper media as an illustration (designated as SCP-754-1). It manifests itself as an additional image in hand-rendered illustrations, indistinguishable from the original contents in terms of medium, style, and scale. SCP-754-1 will propagate through the white space remaining on the material, as well as overgrowing illustrated objects. The growth rate is constant in the scale of the illustration; consequently, the linear spread across the material is not constant, and depends on the illustration. SCP-754-1 can also propagate to other illustrations within a fifteen (15) metre radius of the original medium; the time required to do so decreases with proximity and physical contact. Illustrations containing SCP-754-1 demonstrate a mild mind-affecting property: individuals below eighty (80) on the Psychic Resistance Scale will insist that SCP-754-1 has always been present in the illustration, and those below ninety (90) on the Psychic Resistance Scale will be reluctant to destroy SCP-754 unless prompted to or trained. Illustrations containing SCP-754-1 will animate and change in response to the growth of SCP-754-1. Illustrations appear to be moving at a one-tenth (0.1 x) speed slow motion. It has not been determined if this occurs as a stop motion effect or as a constant movement. Volitional beings depicted in the illustration will react to SCP-754-1 and utilise other depicted objects as appropriate. The most common reaction observed is the attempt by individuals in the illustration to restrict or directly impede the growth of SCP-754-1. When no white space remains on any illustrated material within range, SCP-754 will germinate within five (5) metres of SCP-754-1. This occurs no more than three (3) hours after the complete overgrowth of all white space in range. It will tend to appear where a non-anomalous plant could germinate. SCP-754 instances can be destroyed by incineration. However, any root fragments left intact will be stimulated and cause immediate regeneration of SCP-754 within six (6) hours. Additionally, any chordate with mucous membrane contact to the ashes within twelve (12) hours will become a new medium for SCP-754 growth. Further instances of SCP-754 will then erupt from the petechiae of the plant. Dormant SCP-754 can be incinerated without inducing generation; root fragments must still be destroyed to prevent normal plant regrowth. No side effects have been observed from the incineration of material bearing SCP-754-1. Addendum 754-01 - Circumstances of retrieval: SCP-754 was first brought to the attention of the Foundation when police officers in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, France, arrested an extremely agitated office worker who was found attacking courtyard weeds with a carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher. Foundation intervention was required when forty-five (45) infestations of SCP-754-1 subsequently developed in residential areas. Due to recommendations made by an office worker in custody, the containment team suffered no casualties. Following interrogation that lead to current containment procedures, the captured person of interest was released and amnesticized, though he is under periodic surveillance for future encounters with SCP-754. Addendum 754-02: After the events of Experiment 754-07, personnel with figurative tattoos, brandings, or other decorative body modifications are forbidden from coming within twenty (20) metres of SCP-754, save for participation in approved experimentation. Β« SCP-753 | SCP-754 | SCP-755 Β»" "SCP-754 rendered in pencil and crayon"
[ 1.04463108e-01 -5.69640040e-01 -1.49426475e-01 1.08360074e-01 -6.86597172e-03 -6.89031065e-01 -9.46984589e-02 -3.04244161e-02 6.43920600e-01 1.33213505e-01 2.64318496e-01 3.68147820e-01 -4.83465195e-02 8.57218131e-02 1.66381404e-01 1.24410741e-01 7.50275841e-03 -3.32704447e-02 1.57233477e-01 -2.62115866e-01 -1.09348096e-01 9.21465978e-02 3.49637717e-02 1.47723481e-01 -1.79400310e-01 -2.94115335e-01 9.23111811e-02 1.79305583e-01 2.63507634e-01 -3.24813992e-01 -2.32641429e-01 1.72105893e-01 1.90548986e-01 1.84129119e-01 -1.06347790e-04 -1.91694468e-01 1.48370922e-01 1.68415636e-01 6.78720996e-02 3.16089243e-01 -3.27296764e-01 5.47494590e-02 -1.61852315e-02 -2.56049156e-01 -4.55787368e-02 -2.89698452e-01 -9.96509939e-03 -8.54450911e-02 1.98977396e-01 1.16647696e-02 1.99838534e-01 -2.30169445e-01 4.98686045e-01 -1.09919779e-01 8.19553733e-02 -1.36612311e-01 -2.31492221e-02 2.85401285e-01 5.91916442e-01 2.99910218e-01 -8.96311104e-02 -1.30563146e-02 -5.42343222e-02 -2.75721550e-01 3.64774227e-01 -1.31307080e-01 3.91882390e-01 -7.88609535e-02 8.07784647e-02 2.56887197e-01 -1.04876593e-01 2.44730860e-01 1.25252260e-02 2.30254918e-01 -1.85704473e-02 1.47206560e-01 -8.81736428e-02 1.78823411e-01 1.52977789e-02 1.40596941e-01 -2.80211847e-02 -8.26527476e-02 -5.14503062e-01 -2.41582096e-02 1.41024649e-01 1.38767362e-01 -1.62042081e-01 8.32812339e-02 3.44300181e-01 -1.71912923e-01 -3.19917589e-01 -7.57310390e-02 4.59845603e-01 1.64334446e-01 1.31799415e-01 2.68107168e-02 1.48154497e-01 2.25285456e-01 5.02705991e-01 2.21090749e-01 5.53703904e-01 2.26622056e-02 1.04407139e-01 3.18894982e-01 -1.52726188e-01 1.42961085e-01 1.38380975e-01 2.12160610e-02 -1.20782875e-01 3.69476706e-01 -1.67306408e-01 1.55528367e-01 -1.40883446e-01 8.87607783e-02 -6.03184216e-02 -8.62767398e-02 2.65926011e-02 -1.29136503e-01 -2.50009835e-01 2.70889133e-01 -2.20324785e-01 1.52588397e-01 3.65876816e-02 2.06439674e-01 5.24554104e-02 -4.39190753e-02 1.28280967e-01 -2.06263214e-02 2.67319947e-01 -8.12973082e-02 -2.95928955e-01 4.17618513e-01 -2.47906476e-01 4.52319868e-02 -1.40566558e-01 1.35264084e-01 3.64463143e-02 -1.11160316e-02 -8.70896205e-02 -6.31388426e-02 -7.40895346e-02 1.15132570e-01 3.78475428e-01 3.48531693e-01 -4.88108784e-01 -3.37576956e-01 1.32121101e-01 -5.67383580e-02 1.70670822e-02 -4.07156549e-05 2.29051650e-01 -2.14702636e-01 1.16428109e-02 1.89735889e-01 -3.72933358e-01 -1.54196218e-01 2.54780054e-01 1.24078780e-01 -3.52714270e-01 3.98886800e-01 -1.04643345e-01 2.99022257e-01 9.45881456e-02 -1.48796812e-01 2.63589978e-01 2.01057240e-01 -3.97318810e-01 -1.85475409e-01 -3.16652536e-01 -1.46547839e-01 -1.49583265e-01 1.27206728e-01 6.94164112e-02 1.59074649e-01 -2.21413672e-01 2.09666863e-01 -5.26856244e-01 -2.65629590e-01 -6.25538528e-02 -1.19960479e-01 -2.70763904e-01 2.23035142e-01 -5.85641786e-02 -1.86778754e-01 -3.70130092e-01 1.40274659e-01 -2.61931300e-01 -7.56666809e-02 2.52392292e-01 -1.66349813e-01 -5.40500641e-01 -2.45262921e-01 1.07922852e-01 8.89022462e-03 3.15792561e-02 1.65384814e-01 1.50446430e-01 -3.69901508e-01 -5.41325053e-03 7.29138628e-02 -3.80291790e-02 8.17159340e-02 -7.22846109e-03 1.22700997e-01 3.90995108e-02 -1.28273487e-01 1.85202315e-01 1.73363730e-01 2.00000569e-01 3.53191048e-01 -4.32668865e-01 -2.29189634e-01 -3.77512693e-01 3.34349692e-01 8.17854777e-02 -4.38578844e-01 2.38795415e-01 4.31214049e-02 1.10264629e-01 -3.00791383e-01 -1.10365599e-01 -2.57451590e-02 -6.08620107e-01 -2.97826797e-01 5.99194737e-03 -1.05504431e-01 -2.03431100e-01 -1.01623647e-02 -2.96904087e-01 -5.13604321e-02 9.32073742e-02 -5.52921072e-02 1.10247366e-01 1.69470251e-01 -3.15842956e-01 6.21685684e-02 1.95823848e-01 2.69060463e-01 -1.17500432e-01 -3.46370608e-01 -5.99056073e-02 -2.51573384e-01 3.45699824e-02 -7.64049962e-02 -1.25860527e-01 3.94871011e-02 1.04744881e-01 3.45329314e-01 1.91791624e-01 -2.56710440e-01 -4.76946145e-01 -1.23085156e-01 -2.48810992e-01 1.64863449e-02 3.54955375e-01 1.52412981e-01 -4.40805554e-02 -2.37456515e-01 8.56772289e-02 2.45329559e-01 -3.00317764e-01 -2.16178149e-01 4.44223970e-01 -1.23294465e-01 1.62946776e-01 1.79529667e-01 1.42439634e-01 3.40589374e-01 -1.64759662e-02 9.07228217e-02 8.34961459e-02 -1.33858696e-02 -5.68458997e-02 -3.53886224e-02 1.33465767e-01 1.25168741e-01 5.75995088e-01 4.31087017e-02 6.54708743e-02 1.28907055e-01 -4.01754290e-01 -5.23153543e-01 -2.91108191e-01 8.70975852e-02 -1.70911312e-01 1.40062630e-01 -7.51459450e-02 3.21116596e-01 -9.23024788e-02 2.97856212e-01 4.08492982e-02 1.91584900e-01 -1.21815033e-01 1.40662417e-01 -2.75048405e-01 6.93607926e-02 5.51766530e-02 2.45185137e-01 -1.54374480e-01 -7.97650684e-03 -2.25264832e-01 1.46060869e-01 -1.45490155e-01 1.66679114e-01 -1.39058009e-01 -6.55988529e-02 3.90010864e-01 1.33474857e-01 2.48754746e-03 1.12059079e-01 -4.52522874e-01 1.26588464e-01 1.52713090e-01 -1.68191463e-01 1.96623459e-01 4.61450130e-01 -6.12620451e-02 -2.60834545e-01 2.97204256e-01 -6.16198182e-01 -1.80512860e-01 -4.09483314e-01 2.28952542e-01 -2.55380183e-01 -3.10985416e-01 -2.66018331e-01 -1.81603894e-01 -2.17830196e-01 3.49841326e-01 3.52036685e-01 1.56217933e-01 3.95898014e-01 3.25761616e-01 3.42598975e-01 3.42423230e-01 1.67048380e-01 -2.16953069e-01 1.35772273e-01 -1.49074778e-01 -1.00621313e-01 -1.40712813e-01 9.37712714e-02 -3.42679203e-01 2.48499066e-01 2.92034894e-01 -8.05000141e-02 1.29506052e-01 1.62017822e-01 2.52802856e-02 9.84874517e-02 -3.16555738e-01 1.93733022e-01 4.72772270e-02 -2.47509792e-01 -1.17682241e-01 9.15170833e-02 2.53152281e-01 -4.72974241e-01 -8.80185887e-02 -8.72183666e-02 3.83467712e-02 -4.42387685e-02 -2.02481449e-01 -2.77532697e-01 1.16031632e-01 -1.66869551e-01 8.53415504e-02 -1.98330972e-02 4.10199672e-01 -8.08431134e-02 2.66100138e-01 1.56661466e-01 -5.00335753e-01 1.93782806e-01 6.78749979e-02 -2.73486990e-02 -5.89241423e-02 -3.29276055e-01 -9.06178355e-02 -8.14808905e-02 1.42390251e-01 5.53569376e-01 5.80644667e-01 -1.90794706e-01 -1.96257547e-01 5.74971735e-02 -1.55987479e-02 -3.31909627e-01 9.24727321e-03 -5.78563847e-02 -1.64702088e-02 -5.19335210e-01 8.30447674e-02 -3.20282698e-01 1.92171961e-01 2.39976928e-01 7.21119717e-02 -3.81811261e-01 -1.14113502e-01 1.13907658e-01 -2.35535964e-01 3.67007881e-01 -1.56150684e-01 2.52366245e-01 1.77618042e-01 2.72811670e-02 -2.01642469e-01 1.21200792e-02 -7.78392237e-03 -1.33273795e-01 9.10833403e-02 -2.54914969e-01 -2.15639398e-01 -3.13391425e-02 3.71791422e-01 3.02685667e-02 1.19333491e-01 1.42209277e-01 -1.62355393e-01 -3.03850144e-01 -4.00172472e-01 1.47279441e-01 1.92288175e-01 3.05159725e-02 -1.63431242e-01 -1.01143807e-01 3.87091964e-01 1.14646636e-01 9.80663002e-02 4.74538177e-01 -7.05873147e-02 -2.15726450e-01 -3.40630054e-01 5.71961164e-01 -1.82213977e-01 -1.17768757e-01 -6.90139085e-03 -1.71392485e-01 1.81772307e-01 -2.06980892e-02 -1.57602236e-01 2.86601245e-01 4.98808920e-01 1.97096821e-02 -2.62539508e-03 1.32665530e-01 -3.24838936e-01 7.12771714e-02 3.79180461e-02 4.62972611e-01 -4.38225493e-02 4.25789580e-02 -2.14537650e-01 6.61836207e-01 1.77110612e-01 -3.40113193e-01 -3.83814126e-01 1.71013862e-01 -1.91497669e-01 4.69662948e-03 3.74852180e-01 1.14064753e+00 1.53610900e-01 -2.84843236e-01 1.24793611e-01 -3.87017429e-02 3.55354905e-01 3.14541489e-01 -1.30284175e-01 -3.94629806e-01 -3.63388926e-01 1.03274979e-01 -1.41007379e-01 1.85510620e-01 7.47210383e-01 -1.76608071e-01 -1.06916629e-01 -3.61546725e-01 8.85461569e-02 3.52747858e-01 3.95943493e-01 2.66153533e-02 1.91925406e-01 5.19987457e-02 2.91423619e-01 -2.38692373e-01 1.20810054e-01 -2.87345976e-01 1.79735571e-01 -1.38696469e-02 -3.80023569e-02 -3.03452224e-01 3.45544577e-01 -2.80973800e-02 3.24025393e-01 1.85993999e-01 1.20070286e-01 -1.96991503e-01 -1.76337212e-01 -1.27929002e-01 -1.66983366e-01 5.13772480e-04 2.48836353e-01 -1.16561390e-01 -2.27041662e-01 2.99455076e-01 -4.04387750e-02 6.61744326e-02 -1.82552487e-01 -2.53183365e-01 5.29183336e-02 -3.62522453e-02 -1.37251943e-01 -2.34320298e-01 1.34823754e-01 8.34347904e-01 1.50493719e-02 8.16034526e-02 2.23793879e-01 -3.40696841e-01 4.11362499e-02 1.49007231e-01 2.04550236e-01 1.59791447e-02 1.06805367e-02 3.29717338e-01 -1.23428646e-02 -3.10625532e-03 4.33912612e-02 2.95840561e-01 1.30790398e-01 -7.26747811e-02 1.16433151e-01 -1.53184488e-01 -3.38947117e-01 -2.41795018e-01 -2.07310796e-01 -4.52288032e-01 3.93648595e-01 -8.64196941e-02 -5.48748493e-01 -2.20558811e-02 4.93229270e-01 1.42768845e-01 6.91325986e-04 -1.59899473e-01 -5.23725212e-01 -2.09313527e-01 1.59039989e-01 -1.09589454e-02 3.24873388e-01 -2.92312026e-01 3.82309407e-01 -1.81810156e-01 -1.42976969e-01 -3.96238685e-01 -1.35887697e-01 -2.08583876e-01 -1.71317771e-01 4.27939057e-01 -3.35172415e-02 5.55782676e-01 -1.48256063e-01 1.42667413e-01 1.28003404e-01 3.12351063e-02 -2.08434150e-01 -2.72057980e-01 1.18050702e-01 -4.06031050e-02 2.49870960e-02 9.07863826e-02 -1.38742268e-01 2.70188898e-01 -1.01189467e-03 7.92647004e-02 3.68754566e-02 2.60096610e-01 1.13598676e-02 -4.31778759e-01 5.36626518e-01 3.23782414e-02 -6.51059449e-02 2.03067288e-02 2.97017753e-01 1.66645288e-01 2.47934903e-03 -2.22645760e-01 -1.81498393e-01 1.13469154e-01 5.73046971e-03 -2.92419381e-02 1.78493649e-01 2.02867419e-01 1.67436764e-01 -1.66200623e-01 -2.06760049e-01 5.47004677e-02 8.65871608e-02 -1.13430962e-01 -1.42152712e-01 -2.87610888e-01 2.76607186e-01 -2.81600118e-01 -1.93977207e-02 -7.54371062e-02 8.64744335e-02 4.64156158e-02 2.90025681e-01 -2.86412120e-01 -2.19071567e-01 2.60565996e-01 1.92264259e-01 4.44306135e-01 -1.44339666e-01 7.54519776e-02 3.21243554e-02 -2.35464469e-01 -1.33724222e-02 3.49582046e-01 9.90046039e-02 4.54837173e-01 -1.55201359e-02 -9.92089808e-02 -1.83183089e-01 9.72542819e-03 2.42081285e-01 4.65502679e-01 3.68462950e-01 -1.08546160e-01 7.42006540e-01 7.81047493e-02 4.14292067e-01 1.71238735e-01 1.76188946e-01 -2.46766418e-01 -3.10329705e-01 5.97320572e-02 1.35239094e-01 -2.26174101e-01 2.45929390e-01 7.16426149e-02 -1.41150892e-01 -3.94921869e-01 -1.24242716e-01 -6.25363439e-02 4.41983761e-03 -3.99258621e-02 -2.07320318e-01 -3.97693962e-02 -3.51884246e-01 -5.27007841e-02 1.91586297e-02 6.28806770e-01 -1.53104827e-01 1.31420298e-02 3.39641273e-01 -7.68133625e-02 -6.48022071e-02 4.86130387e-01 6.26052469e-02 1.43824175e-01 1.37337252e-01 -1.29883811e-02 -5.61314300e-02 -1.99675515e-01 -2.52062865e-02 -1.28272817e-01 2.54177600e-01 -3.26489955e-01 2.53843933e-01 1.44836709e-01 -2.65681773e-01 3.01462620e-01 3.28158051e-01 2.62540638e-01 2.28149042e-01 6.73025623e-02 -2.40544640e-02 -1.77044511e-01 -1.10552184e-01 -1.84719324e-01 -2.75862366e-02 4.59863096e-02 -5.69270313e-01 -7.91576207e-02 9.07653496e-02 -9.20139626e-02 8.37355927e-02 2.49031767e-01 3.12692553e-01 8.26895311e-02 2.45940328e-01 -1.34660020e-01 -3.62919867e-01 -3.14555973e-01 1.60347030e-01 -3.69634181e-01 -3.13329160e-01 1.35976374e-01 -1.14825100e-01 4.06601559e-03 4.49612662e-02 -6.30216748e-02 -1.02747262e-01 -6.92232072e-01 -6.87224716e-02 -4.44116369e-02 -6.91446522e-03 3.16882998e-01 -1.09818891e-01 2.03274697e-01 -2.61677639e-03 4.57176380e-02 -4.06663954e-01 1.45478457e-01 4.77389134e-02 -1.36855260e-01 -1.92953140e-01 5.75152226e-02 3.20917577e-01 5.30816391e-02 2.80769616e-01 -3.51139724e-01 -3.44003171e-01 -2.95399964e-01 -4.44055945e-02 -2.88972288e-01 6.90607369e-01 4.41655487e-01 2.77674407e-01 2.72910923e-01 2.88876683e-01 1.51698098e-01 1.69868603e-01 4.97767478e-02 -3.94182019e-02 -5.85451536e-02 3.06179374e-01 5.06540723e-02 1.45058095e-01 -1.97546259e-02 2.57560313e-01 -3.09245497e-01 -2.90925682e-01 -2.11902976e-01 -2.65741020e-01 5.64166665e-01 -1.16034366e-01 -1.98213428e-01 1.83118239e-01 1.63327262e-01 1.59824133e-01 -8.30412880e-02 -1.75424859e-01 -3.43075693e-01 -6.97175190e-02 1.66059837e-01 -4.09406722e-01 7.61420950e-02 7.18132732e-03 -4.37926799e-01 -8.83881897e-02 4.63966757e-01 1.78960815e-01 -2.51808941e-01 6.21404909e-02 -2.65668631e-01]
""Watch for the white bird"" active "Item #: SCP-755 Object Class: Keter, containment pending. Special Containment Procedures: The capture of SCP-755-a is to be considered a K class priority to all personnel assigned to SCP-755. Should SCP-755-a be captured alive, all possible effort is to be made to ensure their compliance, and they are to be delivered to Humanoid Detaining Facility 17 for questioning and study. Any and all instances of SCP-755-b discovered are to be reported immediately to a superior and destroyed if possible. After encountering an instance of SCP-755-b, the discovering party is to seek a safe location within view of the instance and to remain observant for their own safety until the arrival of MTF Gamma-30, then to obey any orders or requests for assistance made by the MTF leader at that time. Description: SCP-755-a (hereafter referred to as 'the vandal') is a graffiti vandal who is thought at the time of the archiving of this report to be active in San[REDACTED]ia, though the work of the artist has been sighted in eight other cities in the continental US and Europe, including Denver, CO, Newark, NJ, Muni[REDACTED] Security footage shows the vandal to be a light-skinned individual with a slim build who stands approximately two meters in height. From the basic body type shown in the footage, it is assumed though not confirmed that the vandal is male. The vandal regularly travels large cities, leaving behind instances of SCP-755-b. SCP-755-b (hereafter referred to as 'the graffito') is a graffito, style and form varied by instance, that invariably reads (with incorrect capitalization remaining consistent in all instances) "WAtCh For thE WhitE Bird.". The graffito is typically written directly onto surfaces with marker or paint, or in some recorded instances (list available to personnel with level three clearance or higher upon request) inscribed on scrap material and left in prominent locations. The writing materials appear to have no anomalous properties, and several recovered instances are stored for study in the low risk materials sector of Site 93. Persons who read the graffito are invariably injured or killed in apparent accidents involving a white bird of some description. Extensive research has confirmed a statistical correlation between the accidents and having read the graffito, and that instances of the phrase written by persons other than the vandal do not correlate with accidents or injuries to any measurable extent. SCP-755 was brought to the attention of the Foundation when an EMT discovered a journal belonging to the late investigative journalist Graham Scott on the scene of the seven-car pileup that resulted in the deaths of Scott and β–ˆβ–ˆ other individuals. The journal details Scott's attempts to locate and interview the vandal, who he believed was attempting to warn the 'victims of the whte bird [sic]' in order to save their lives. The white bird mentioned in the graffito and Scott's writing has not been confirmed to exist. In many events no bird can be confirmed to have been involved outside the direct testimony of the injured party, with some or all other witnesses claiming not to have seen any such avian at all, or with eyewitnesses disagree on the positioning, exact coloration, and species of the bird. Addendum 755-1: Despite Scott's assertions, many Foundation researchers suspect that the vandal's role in the events preceded by viewing the graffito are causal rather than prophetic, and that the vandal seeks to further some agenda of their own, or merely enjoys the thrill of causing suffering and death. In light of this possibility, and given the established correlation between instances of the graffito and injuries or fatalities among otherwise unrelated persons, SCP-755 has been granted Keter level containment required status, and MTF Gamma-30, "Whitewatch", has been created to liaise with law enforcement to capture the vandal for study and questioning and destroy instances of the graffito as they are located. Addendum-755-2: On [REDACTED]pears to have bypassed [DATA EXPUNGED] normal for an instance of the graffito but for the addition of the words "I'm sorry" in a small cursive font. The event was filed as usual by mem[DATA EXPUNGED] Document 755-375: Travers: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Sorry about the flight delay. I'm sure you all saw the maintenance guys cleaning the graffiti off of the boarding ramp. Now that that's all out of the way, we can get ready to take off. It's a beautiful sunny day in LA, and weather conditions are absolutely perfect for flying. This is flight two seven niner to Houston, by the way, so if you aren't supposed to be onboard you should go ahead and disembark while you still can. <21 minutes removed for brevity> Travers: This is your captain speaking. I'm sure you've all seen the smoke, but don't panic, it's just a bird that got sucked into the engine. In a moment, the oxygen masks will drop as I prepare for an emergency landing. Put those on and follow the flight attendant's instructions, and we'll have you guys safely on the ground in no time. Again, please do as the flight attendants ask, and remain calm. Everything will be just fine. Β« SCP-754 | SCP-755 | SCP-756 Β»" "Instance of SCP-755-b left on the entryway stairs of a private residence in [REDACTED]"
[ 1.57405302e-01 7.57422000e-02 -1.85606569e-01 1.46637455e-01 9.41679403e-02 -3.61607879e-01 1.78872764e-01 -7.96883330e-02 -5.90943620e-02 -6.64664283e-02 3.73012982e-02 5.45512438e-02 -2.39815600e-02 1.95810258e-01 2.66478583e-02 1.53901363e-02 6.11718111e-02 3.40753794e-02 5.25969446e-01 -1.64372131e-01 6.65522441e-02 1.10182986e-01 4.95210513e-02 4.48120475e-01 -3.51360172e-01 5.63277453e-02 8.24671462e-02 -5.14996983e-02 -2.89585143e-02 -3.09126168e-01 -5.84640913e-02 3.36981535e-01 -4.68124002e-02 7.91825891e-01 -1.09471956e-04 -1.10352233e-01 2.95900684e-02 -1.71944350e-01 6.95180371e-02 -3.62639651e-02 1.12665527e-01 6.56400248e-02 -6.42371848e-02 -2.70205230e-01 -1.13998741e-01 -2.99494922e-01 1.75506592e-01 2.26613656e-01 2.37374723e-01 5.44592179e-02 1.60246506e-01 -1.38169631e-01 3.19917649e-01 2.96355665e-01 3.01923126e-01 -1.91123232e-01 -1.10395662e-01 1.50380328e-01 1.24951966e-01 4.08768028e-01 8.16793963e-02 2.19698310e-01 -8.91170949e-02 -2.49131933e-01 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-1.49245024e-01 -1.30095743e-02 4.71409000e-02 -1.22536227e-01 1.65170476e-01 5.04588969e-02 1.57034919e-01 2.79229879e-01 -3.27189654e-01 1.43799782e-01 2.49976143e-01 2.39817932e-01 -1.16173826e-01 2.55092606e-02 7.17298687e-02 3.36933509e-02 2.75733650e-01 1.87170655e-01 2.64479250e-01 -1.91521659e-01 -2.70746946e-01 1.04393646e-01 7.19806179e-02 -3.21128875e-01 2.66945392e-01 4.40259688e-02 1.92631751e-01 8.91577080e-02 3.76086831e-02 -2.00422704e-01 -6.93761170e-01 5.56670651e-02 4.24546689e-01 1.40917569e-01 -1.83117196e-01 -2.10975647e-01 -1.57265335e-01 -7.81996250e-02 1.12343952e-01 9.95793864e-02 -4.89403121e-02 3.79476815e-01 -1.07646763e-01 2.03317732e-01 9.66798514e-02 6.27127349e-01 -2.27026064e-02 -1.14199340e-01 -2.10878789e-01 5.23626328e-01 1.74451321e-01 -4.11253795e-02 -2.13287681e-01 -1.46289378e-01 -7.79645294e-02 1.96310207e-02 -2.92540919e-02 -1.77983567e-01 1.18985167e-02 -3.11693847e-02 -5.34722395e-02 7.65977576e-02 -7.44600445e-02 -2.59066857e-02 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-1.50506675e-01 2.79364526e-01 -1.65098339e-01 6.12617098e-03 3.11014861e-01 3.08437198e-01 2.17168704e-02 -1.34698436e-01 2.14327365e-01 -2.44946286e-01 3.45416963e-02 -5.18658720e-02 -6.86351284e-02 -3.50015819e-01 -7.13976771e-02 3.19089949e-01 -2.06640095e-01 2.55343378e-01 -1.79003671e-01 3.73226523e-01 5.12720346e-01 1.44763440e-01 -2.49602184e-01 -1.30740717e-01 -3.18219870e-01 -5.67991324e-02 4.19701673e-02 -1.44559205e-01 -2.70911038e-01 6.60895333e-02 4.72474545e-01 -3.52126271e-01 8.55374411e-02 1.04492754e-01 -1.09280452e-01 -3.74954790e-01 -4.65431362e-01 3.32385391e-01 4.70324993e-01 -1.76414400e-01 2.36262660e-02 -2.21242607e-02 8.79388899e-02 4.69865292e-01 2.10795403e-01 8.13725516e-02 7.10457489e-02 3.29747200e-01 -2.85650671e-01 2.00206473e-01 -4.45780873e-01 3.02735493e-02 4.54941541e-01 6.26462325e-02 -3.16198111e-01 1.93758756e-01 -1.18760772e-01 3.08951378e-01 7.56970048e-01 -5.70180011e-04 4.44353670e-02 -2.13127851e-01 8.13089162e-02 1.82341516e-01 3.85867059e-02 1.01103432e-01 1.10808991e-01 7.41367698e-01 1.28669828e-01 3.06473434e-01 4.90466245e-02 -3.38660657e-01 3.00613165e-01 1.09752499e-01 -1.10617302e-01 6.41961157e-01 5.48510611e-01 1.24647570e+00 2.15405956e-01 7.48191252e-02 -5.88045269e-02 -3.33987087e-01 1.09557636e-01 -5.48138879e-02 -9.22560245e-02 -2.49983385e-01 -8.78163636e-01 9.77001712e-02 -7.17119640e-03 -1.12343401e-01 3.90682399e-01 -1.95617765e-01 -2.85677612e-01 -2.90065199e-01 4.27948862e-01 3.33572090e-01 1.35700211e-01 -1.01242535e-01 1.64761636e-02 1.41216218e-01 1.73162371e-01 -1.90756936e-02 3.93069535e-01 -2.42753476e-02 8.39531720e-02 1.33829057e-01 -2.76577566e-02 -3.32518041e-01 9.10221413e-02 -5.57605982e-01 2.02808589e-01 -1.40162691e-01 -2.43213996e-02 -2.28390113e-01 2.73239821e-01 -1.88285947e-01 3.47738266e-02 2.02737644e-01 3.33027691e-01 9.54056144e-01 -2.43698835e-01 -3.89083810e-02 1.00920305e-01 6.18311502e-02 2.73452867e-02 -7.78115392e-02 9.84961465e-02 -2.11435240e-02 -2.57156610e-01 -4.58020538e-01 -2.85976045e-02 7.73861036e-02 1.70985073e-01 1.12585083e-01 1.05486132e-01 -2.97437787e-01 -1.64632604e-01 1.46261036e-01 3.74547057e-02 -1.26393721e-01 -2.96154588e-01 6.92226738e-02 -2.45691538e-01 1.52772531e-01 3.73802781e-01 2.35473424e-01 -3.87932770e-02 1.77550793e-01 8.71052146e-02 -1.30349934e-01 -2.62411326e-01 -5.41119799e-02 -6.73528239e-02 -1.82237610e-01 1.31886601e-01 -2.77654767e-01 -2.14260399e-01 -9.26614478e-02 4.78903264e-01 2.38152459e-01 -1.03882618e-01 -3.27715665e-01 -2.67443955e-01 5.11809699e-02 2.41419360e-01 3.24864537e-02 1.83717757e-01 -1.41958728e-01 3.16713035e-01 1.75463364e-01 2.83864349e-01 -3.78227174e-01 -1.65982589e-01 -4.07806665e-01 -2.09596634e-01 8.61497402e-01 -3.26414943e-01 2.92387098e-01 1.23780202e-02 7.81131834e-02 2.06603199e-01 -1.56280562e-01 -1.64764091e-01 -1.25944629e-01 1.79510772e-01 -8.02428648e-02 1.67880699e-01 8.71167481e-02 4.86067533e-02 2.99684089e-02 2.08141848e-01 -7.13754371e-02 1.27979144e-01 2.57266432e-01 1.29942805e-01 -4.46320027e-01 3.40049952e-01 -1.18383877e-01 -1.25337750e-01 2.36214519e-01 4.11774546e-01 1.42365783e-01 7.05005750e-02 -2.25051641e-01 -1.23170450e-01 2.43830651e-01 1.68739557e-01 -5.27152754e-02 5.29514611e-01 2.59492639e-02 2.70293117e-01 -1.35566890e-01 3.06617886e-01 -1.99030731e-02 -3.79091427e-02 -3.53284150e-01 -4.14228767e-01 -2.43378192e-01 1.97190344e-01 -6.48990646e-02 -3.97489406e-03 3.81459981e-01 -7.34658763e-02 -3.46690509e-03 2.90408790e-01 2.36560181e-02 -2.23006487e-01 -3.12018842e-02 1.35726601e-01 3.02616090e-01 -2.57609934e-01 9.95197967e-02 2.71132052e-01 -2.19428390e-01 -1.11774333e-01 4.65627581e-01 1.15670584e-01 3.17395687e-01 2.29868233e-01 4.19157803e-01 -5.70620038e-02 -3.27421844e-01 3.69157672e-01 1.37084752e-01 1.52149200e-01 1.32477671e-01 3.09763908e-01 -1.85361505e-02 2.73184627e-01 1.17069192e-01 2.89627607e-03 2.51989793e-02 -9.67467800e-02 -4.36127074e-02 2.13058278e-01 -1.97202265e-02 -1.72624677e-01 -3.39531898e-01 -1.72471832e-02 -2.58190095e-01 -1.06021315e-01 1.89549685e-01 2.63828427e-01 -1.10892378e-01 1.43190250e-01 2.70381361e-01 1.02937154e-01 -3.63208324e-01 -1.60695121e-01 7.89830506e-01 -2.96469152e-01 3.72333705e-01 1.02116287e-01 2.69029289e-01 2.92095151e-02 3.79366010e-01 2.14634702e-01 -2.21615046e-01 1.36671960e-01 1.04565211e-02 -2.46157959e-01 -1.26357317e-01 -7.00070411e-02 1.39445737e-01 -1.20208757e-02 -3.27955000e-02 4.02928650e-01 1.02993660e-01 -2.53847390e-01 -1.90581292e-01 3.05038482e-01 5.43554239e-02 2.53309369e-01 -3.53661746e-01 7.81239718e-02 6.04673009e-03 4.95928563e-02 9.88987163e-02 -1.25534713e-01 -3.29047352e-01 -3.65737937e-02 -3.10896933e-01 1.87390447e-01 -1.84159204e-01 8.91083777e-02 1.92387238e-01 -1.29652172e-01 1.65177882e-01 4.05050874e-01 -4.72728163e-02 -4.88841422e-02 -3.73189330e-01 2.18447506e-01 2.29457885e-01 -2.55459249e-01 1.53364107e-01 2.11421803e-01 9.21064466e-02 3.20220351e-01 2.46367961e-01 -2.71640182e-01 -4.06381249e-01 1.10687383e-01 -2.74423599e-01 1.68181911e-01 -1.16594834e-02 -2.22664595e-01 -2.10120361e-02 -1.27071917e-01 -4.93311733e-02 -2.01154605e-01 1.59894109e-01 3.28699313e-02 -9.86842215e-01 -6.42395690e-02 -9.91022959e-02 3.79484445e-01 -3.07975560e-01 7.70201609e-02 -1.71917036e-01 -2.70858735e-01 2.04716057e-01 2.94378668e-01 -3.30864221e-01 5.74045539e-01 2.22995922e-01 2.52641410e-01 8.94773081e-02 2.17757657e-01 1.52650863e-01 2.44487122e-01 -1.07272156e-02 1.40024409e-01 -2.09436342e-01 -2.62208413e-02 -2.10055724e-01 1.20190360e-01 -6.56067356e-02 3.92543286e-01 8.95045418e-03 7.64374137e-02 -1.43765658e-01 -4.51178163e-01 5.06253302e-01 -1.41512692e-01 -3.18281073e-03 1.15981676e-01 5.43059483e-02 -7.42401704e-02 2.53127784e-01 1.91901904e-02 -1.38478860e-01 -2.04599667e-02 -9.71492082e-02 -3.76063615e-01 1.26820803e-02 -9.18455049e-02 -1.68325603e-01 -1.22361064e-01 -2.00408939e-02 -2.13981017e-01 2.33733766e-02 -4.51486140e-01 -9.99889001e-02]
"Miniature Solar System" active "Item #: SCP-756 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-756's 10 m x 10 m cell is to remain accessible only by airlock. Personnel entering must wear EVA spacesuits (with an MMU if necessary) and ensure that they do not move too close to any of the planetoids in orbit. No lights are to be shone on or toward the planetoids, and anything that might be loosely described as a heat source must be kept as far from them as possible. Developments on the surface of each planet are to be examined twice daily by a probe equipped with an electron microscope and a [DATA EXPUNGED], though recorded footage will have to be played in slow motion in order to make the slightest bit of sense. In the event that Planet IV’s inhabitants attempt to build another satellite weapon (see Incident Report SCP-756 A), personnel assigned to remove it must remain aware that although missiles fired from IV's surface cannot penetrate standard-issue spacesuits, helmets or visors, weapons platforms will almost certainly fire more quickly than the average human being can move. Description: SCP-756 is a miniature solar system consisting of a single yellow sun and six orbiting planets, each with various moons and satellites. This system is restricted to the confines of a single large cell, originally intended for SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The cell itself is now devoid of gravity and atmosphere, a state believed to be brought about by SCP-756’s β€œbirth.” The system’s sun is approximately 68–70 cm in circumference, and is believed to be in the middle stages of its existence based on comparisons with archived footage. The planets orbiting it range in circumference from less than 7 cm to 28 cm. SCP-756 was first discovered on the body of Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ after he unexpectedly collapsed during a minor cell inspection in β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. For several hours beforehand, Mr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had been complaining of numerous painful boils on his back. Following his loss of consciousness, a cursory examination showed that these β€œboils” were actually minute fragments of rock protruding from his flesh. However, one boil positioned on the back of Mr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ€™s neck appeared to be emitting intense heat, likely the reason for his collapse: according to instruments situated within the cell, the temperature of this boil climbed from 70Β°C to above 550Β°C. By then, all witnesses had fled the cell and sealed the airlock behind them, leaving Mr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ€™s incendiary death to be recorded by the security camera. When it was ascertained that the heat emerging from the neck boil had stabilised and was not projecting further than two metres, personnel returned to the cell and found that the interior was now little more than a vacuum contained by reinforced concrete. The neck boil had become a new star, while the small rocky protrusions had begun to form simple planets. Since then, SCP-756 has remained under observation, with particular emphasis on the evolution of life in the system. However, it has been observed that both the astronomical bodies and any life forms that may evolve upon them experience time at an accelerated rate: within a year of SCP-756’s formation, the volcanic surfaces of several planets had given way to oceans, a process that normally would take millions of years. Some years later, researchers observing Planet III noted the formation and collapse of an empire over the course of ten hours, estimated to measure at least a century in SCP-756’s timespan. The planets themselves, based on the latest survey, are: Addendum: Any personnel caught placing glow-in-the-dark stars on the walls of the cell will be reassigned to paperwork. Β« SCP-755 | SCP-756 | SCP-757 Β»" nan
[ 1.99040975e-02 -7.28772938e-01 -1.28924146e-01 1.38422012e-01 4.90650311e-02 -2.51396388e-01 1.59001932e-01 1.52847707e-01 4.49340463e-01 6.86361119e-02 -1.30704209e-01 2.96928845e-02 -1.49133354e-01 -3.04236442e-01 2.31380448e-01 1.13096975e-01 9.00266394e-02 1.27242565e-01 1.53468117e-01 -3.67822081e-01 -1.77155390e-01 -2.09849238e-01 1.58169955e-01 6.67095482e-02 -1.14492439e-02 1.01887681e-01 1.86047051e-02 1.16240233e-01 -2.62292683e-01 -5.68397045e-01 1.23307511e-01 2.40918159e-01 2.57815510e-01 5.39250195e-01 -1.07016363e-04 -1.26141518e-01 -8.23690966e-02 7.82023445e-02 -1.39259487e-01 4.53689754e-01 2.95701057e-01 -4.91343290e-01 -3.37255895e-02 -1.54044628e-01 5.59396595e-02 -5.56327283e-01 6.37290552e-02 -1.29056752e-01 3.52399945e-01 -1.35931626e-01 1.82998553e-01 2.75325537e-01 -2.45195758e-02 -6.02207109e-02 3.14931571e-02 4.53643166e-02 -7.69703463e-02 2.14600995e-01 3.78372520e-01 1.36893511e-01 7.50643015e-02 1.41487554e-01 -2.58210719e-01 -1.22854643e-01 3.58915478e-01 -1.31969452e-01 8.46000686e-02 -6.20795377e-02 1.66726202e-01 7.97364563e-02 2.03210890e-01 -1.45666286e-01 -5.11511341e-02 1.34981245e-01 -1.44678012e-01 -1.53264493e-01 -1.38317287e-01 -3.63226347e-02 1.36094704e-01 -3.43222655e-02 -1.90368876e-01 7.79552534e-02 -3.04321706e-01 -6.82764649e-02 -1.05297282e-01 1.62617669e-01 -1.42823428e-01 -4.32026088e-02 -3.03491764e-02 9.42225233e-02 2.66952187e-01 5.27529679e-02 4.00821060e-01 3.86544198e-01 3.83562632e-02 -1.05005339e-01 3.49575393e-02 3.93754095e-02 2.57719189e-01 -5.61174601e-02 4.21648502e-01 1.37631238e-01 3.61249506e-01 -5.49705066e-02 -1.27259474e-02 -2.75210172e-01 1.68503270e-01 -2.25158393e-01 -2.28457704e-01 8.10505003e-02 6.13095239e-02 2.81756848e-01 -1.38617799e-01 1.79327697e-01 1.09377876e-02 -1.73604548e-01 -1.48598002e-02 -3.80329527e-02 8.41960311e-02 2.47368351e-01 -1.50293605e-02 1.08992346e-01 1.11796986e-02 3.02802235e-01 2.73369819e-01 2.66700927e-02 2.30529562e-01 -8.96642655e-02 -6.13504322e-03 1.41609721e-02 -2.57436007e-01 1.29830018e-01 -2.48881474e-01 5.17002009e-02 -1.15854874e-01 4.58870679e-02 4.04214449e-02 -1.07597783e-02 2.89528579e-01 3.68545502e-01 7.03211352e-02 -1.38167351e-01 2.78749406e-01 2.98542142e-01 -3.57767731e-01 -7.99948871e-02 1.23855874e-01 1.39276177e-01 -8.41482803e-02 -9.23365206e-02 5.69090903e-01 1.45638958e-01 -2.11891264e-01 2.19378307e-01 -3.69805008e-01 1.81442603e-01 4.17039096e-01 -4.88481577e-03 -6.51100129e-02 -4.64020371e-01 2.48122185e-01 -9.98699814e-02 -1.24628551e-01 -9.51223522e-02 1.36148587e-01 3.75399470e-01 -2.90994138e-01 -2.98910346e-02 -2.20114157e-01 2.35509202e-02 1.24036267e-01 -6.55242130e-02 8.97006169e-02 1.50697351e-01 -3.45529497e-01 2.71154065e-02 -4.96352047e-01 2.30946213e-01 -6.13474369e-01 -1.03948571e-01 -1.71822086e-01 1.16903231e-01 2.76703835e-01 1.64643675e-01 -2.12609485e-01 1.28431125e-02 -2.37614468e-01 -2.18797863e-01 -1.21611968e-01 2.69372370e-02 -5.79339027e-01 -6.52197003e-01 1.10650687e-02 2.30927855e-01 4.40318674e-01 -1.56140357e-01 6.31286979e-01 2.01619849e-01 1.45460635e-01 -6.79512694e-02 -2.86698073e-01 7.43920803e-02 5.61670139e-02 -2.30385795e-01 -1.82315186e-01 -3.15194070e-01 -2.74595588e-01 2.19806910e-01 4.09559041e-01 3.97447109e-01 1.36680856e-01 6.30797669e-02 -2.69861311e-01 6.45575076e-02 1.46214962e-01 -3.25020254e-01 2.51581520e-01 2.40095183e-01 3.16770859e-02 -6.78775966e-01 -1.94501013e-01 1.53857155e-03 -7.79145360e-02 -1.89444885e-01 -1.70883596e-01 5.50693348e-02 -1.32700959e-02 -8.69971439e-02 -1.94566637e-01 2.39524413e-02 3.95242006e-01 -1.83404744e-01 1.44129559e-01 -2.73033306e-02 3.79443578e-02 -1.01554118e-01 9.95690972e-02 1.73150569e-01 -1.18849605e-01 -2.58024395e-01 1.47992134e-01 1.20968118e-01 2.44742289e-01 8.43375474e-02 -3.47974271e-01 2.41143003e-01 -1.61144376e-01 -9.08979252e-02 1.05186835e-01 -1.91853140e-02 -1.50303990e-01 -1.85604885e-01 -6.46372661e-02 -6.45571500e-02 3.80695701e-01 4.42814648e-01 6.13560043e-02 1.86866105e-01 4.58440520e-02 3.06724042e-01 -1.96953565e-01 6.08512387e-02 1.26818478e-01 -7.39587694e-02 1.31128043e-01 -4.64531146e-02 7.27086216e-02 8.43707919e-02 1.02284469e-01 2.98254520e-01 -3.56332399e-02 -1.03796557e-01 1.52770460e-01 6.13143891e-02 -8.46033320e-02 3.38297747e-02 2.37825558e-01 1.26914665e-01 1.68074429e-01 7.55066574e-02 -2.34761372e-01 -1.30812705e-01 -3.63362461e-01 -2.17199937e-01 -8.68945345e-02 1.68491423e-01 1.97782829e-01 4.22523499e-01 1.36343893e-02 4.54556942e-01 9.71325561e-02 6.21378943e-02 2.55954266e-02 -1.54062644e-01 -1.41872302e-01 9.77873430e-03 -3.83814096e-01 2.21579492e-01 -2.69040484e-02 2.57338118e-02 -1.27562091e-01 7.00573111e-03 1.87611744e-01 5.20797148e-02 -1.30188361e-01 6.15084060e-02 4.20135200e-01 1.01699755e-01 -1.91487402e-01 -2.90294528e-01 -5.60299039e-01 2.31078669e-01 -1.27156958e-01 4.41587484e-03 9.60409939e-02 -6.92609251e-02 2.16518575e-03 9.36496630e-03 -1.21287435e-01 -9.24695015e-01 5.90380430e-02 1.74212843e-01 -5.39650396e-02 -6.17524199e-02 -1.29302979e-01 5.46776876e-02 -2.12293014e-01 -1.76726013e-01 2.47563347e-01 -9.93263870e-02 1.68550134e-01 2.01452434e-01 3.05349022e-01 2.44110078e-01 2.84700215e-01 -3.92782956e-01 -5.49859405e-02 -8.32768809e-03 2.41212398e-01 1.21739268e-01 -1.68795243e-01 -3.36300850e-01 -1.57985091e-01 2.15528458e-01 3.15241009e-01 6.22602366e-02 1.82310604e-02 -4.79139276e-02 1.40793577e-01 -3.96100990e-02 -1.64994106e-01 5.15580475e-01 -4.89269644e-02 -2.87383318e-01 -2.24184930e-01 2.10333526e-01 -1.32913619e-01 -4.49177846e-02 4.85094607e-01 -5.20943522e-01 8.17252025e-02 -2.56244559e-03 4.55382109e-01 -3.04276675e-01 -1.58833079e-02 -2.01079562e-01 5.12118161e-01 1.41753750e-02 3.36215615e-01 -5.02490819e-01 3.81889969e-01 -1.12554446e-01 -6.90458000e-01 2.96516538e-01 -2.16477975e-01 -1.67530835e-01 7.60516152e-02 -2.95594148e-02 -3.06426078e-01 1.31551087e-01 1.06667742e-01 3.41337174e-01 3.47838074e-01 -1.28415927e-01 -3.78102779e-01 -2.17137381e-01 -2.08549723e-02 -4.39695358e-01 2.51453910e-02 7.16667809e-03 3.41429189e-02 -4.85569984e-01 1.98328808e-01 -1.72529686e-02 3.34029824e-01 1.87077001e-01 -1.73546478e-01 -1.25210211e-01 -8.35011005e-02 8.87230933e-02 -2.46432006e-01 1.03380434e-01 3.03406745e-01 3.43531609e-01 2.09292173e-01 2.51319945e-01 -5.61685383e-01 1.05837911e-01 -1.19752243e-01 -2.35290136e-02 4.84219432e-01 -3.50094885e-01 -3.93504985e-02 -1.01935208e-01 3.22781205e-02 2.51088619e-01 1.62026167e-01 2.90729195e-01 -1.58597782e-01 -6.78529024e-01 2.27899507e-01 1.71951815e-01 1.27711594e-01 -3.72452617e-01 -8.96644145e-02 2.60876983e-01 -2.30100498e-01 6.75417259e-02 2.01813877e-01 3.47523093e-01 -1.09060809e-01 -3.14161956e-01 -1.45476654e-01 4.04596001e-01 -2.88196594e-01 4.28844154e-01 2.54074991e-01 1.29449531e-01 -2.21101046e-01 3.01363111e-01 -1.33031756e-01 5.68443462e-02 6.18782341e-01 -1.39503460e-02 -1.64138019e-01 -1.68584675e-01 4.97708052e-01 2.42871717e-01 -1.11305088e-01 -8.36425051e-02 -1.06171720e-01 4.35870558e-01 -1.61330074e-01 3.78398299e-01 -7.85639733e-02 -2.10224345e-01 -1.73293218e-01 1.50221169e-01 -9.53194574e-02 2.48991624e-01 5.44427812e-01 9.84715998e-01 7.72097185e-02 -6.26096800e-02 1.97846085e-01 -2.92288780e-01 3.98564339e-01 -2.80983418e-01 1.18223481e-01 -1.53156161e-01 -5.06184161e-01 8.43355656e-02 -1.98539346e-01 7.30137378e-02 2.75487334e-01 -1.43597692e-01 -1.82053581e-01 -3.09633851e-01 -1.03303514e-01 5.21765828e-01 2.89022058e-01 1.19336389e-01 6.76258951e-02 -1.77146479e-01 2.44355306e-01 -4.21845317e-01 -1.19137548e-01 -1.40443757e-01 9.81215946e-03 -1.64227098e-01 -2.02760845e-01 -1.97723895e-01 6.67072386e-02 -5.03932917e-03 4.27864015e-01 1.88365001e-02 -9.14749578e-02 7.15588555e-02 4.44162227e-02 1.21626720e-01 -1.78939059e-01 -3.98419648e-02 1.76431119e-01 2.44694471e-01 -2.95438111e-01 -2.69121528e-01 -1.52988821e-01 -6.12350628e-02 1.83107734e-01 -9.70034152e-02 -1.32708251e-03 1.77310780e-01 -1.53656214e-01 -1.46085814e-01 2.51738191e-01 2.76243597e-01 1.79926723e-01 4.47293043e-01 -1.85528636e-01 -2.50676841e-01 -2.18237236e-01 1.83652282e-01 -4.18585204e-02 1.42110139e-01 -1.76507667e-01 2.84909364e-02 -6.66950867e-02 -1.06159315e-01 4.63898659e-01 3.97038311e-01 -2.39134759e-01 -6.53030397e-03 1.72863558e-01 -1.33675054e-01 -4.10056978e-01 1.91908017e-01 -4.52482790e-01 -4.06475067e-01 5.19946441e-02 -4.77910757e-01 -5.17696202e-01 -3.57161611e-02 2.46377066e-02 3.25724572e-01 -4.99339461e-01 -9.98382717e-02 -1.31037133e-02 -5.78849092e-02 7.96441510e-02 -1.74696580e-01 4.33109969e-01 1.38700962e-01 3.31047237e-01 -2.65848786e-01 3.24997336e-01 -4.01542783e-01 -2.40287054e-02 -1.48756757e-01 -2.15511203e-01 6.43362105e-01 -3.03922355e-01 8.01765174e-02 -4.93081510e-01 9.48257446e-02 8.66453052e-02 -6.12697825e-02 -2.25407824e-01 -3.48111570e-01 1.23099931e-01 -1.74875438e-01 -1.68581113e-01 5.42838089e-02 3.34588945e-01 3.85462821e-01 7.23733902e-02 5.32521419e-02 2.22206876e-01 4.24640894e-01 -8.73349328e-03 -4.58917350e-01 1.95431858e-02 2.45083161e-02 -1.57674491e-01 1.87187329e-01 1.98543265e-01 3.42346758e-01 9.74232256e-02 1.28239781e-01 -1.34688377e-01 2.68249184e-01 3.42841953e-01 -1.12014273e-02 2.49802589e-01 2.84141421e-01 1.75298214e-01 -1.83011398e-01 2.03034937e-01 -3.55176032e-01 -9.76809487e-02 -1.94178611e-01 -3.14605206e-01 -3.96951228e-01 2.16756940e-01 -1.47417799e-01 -1.49064273e-01 -2.45862350e-01 1.77703872e-01 8.11050311e-02 5.50359190e-01 -7.44312033e-02 -1.44872651e-01 2.96635121e-01 9.10643563e-02 5.66450953e-01 3.68572362e-02 2.16851413e-01 2.51037985e-01 -1.58581529e-02 -1.22672550e-01 3.02879602e-01 2.35955417e-01 3.57665241e-01 4.00907606e-01 1.92327544e-01 1.86805174e-01 -7.26985931e-01 3.04432690e-01 3.63009870e-02 2.82997638e-01 -1.40914127e-01 2.96050329e-02 -2.50915378e-01 -4.17780764e-02 -2.74418682e-01 -1.01947524e-01 -2.57300675e-01 -1.42635733e-01 1.97553891e-03 1.29058976e-02 2.62316436e-01 7.99399391e-02 -7.50810420e-03 -2.51853287e-01 -2.70018667e-01 -1.20519400e-01 1.12999521e-01 9.49488953e-02 1.95484683e-01 -1.17105573e-01 1.02549002e-01 3.69574279e-01 -3.19946855e-02 4.50184971e-01 8.44673440e-02 -2.64944822e-01 1.31744221e-02 2.88543940e-01 -5.53203374e-02 -2.78646141e-01 2.00152010e-01 9.18751433e-02 1.57116696e-01 -2.33444571e-01 -6.88925087e-02 6.17627874e-02 -1.56836450e-01 -2.04925299e-01 -2.42107466e-01 -7.86880180e-02 1.62260145e-01 -1.94035862e-02 1.44900888e-01 -3.23205352e-01 1.95740815e-03 4.24014144e-02 3.17193627e-01 1.91199481e-01 7.17810076e-03 -2.38887206e-01 -2.73470640e-01 2.63101608e-01 -6.72078207e-02 -3.41308296e-01 5.89766242e-02 -4.61014807e-02 2.33381599e-01 3.64349216e-01 6.76969364e-02 1.13354519e-01 5.64772114e-02 4.49930876e-01 -2.01461241e-01 4.86761630e-02 -2.32449993e-01 -1.10597298e-01 -2.07970083e-01 6.75787255e-02 -1.25440776e-01 -2.32758865e-01 -8.18504021e-03 -3.85633744e-02 2.53611088e-01 -1.92760639e-02 -5.38290255e-02 1.96064249e-01 -1.95374146e-01 5.37384972e-02 4.27786931e-02 -5.57454638e-02 1.08667813e-01 7.55256489e-02 7.31935203e-02 -1.90935463e-01 -4.16409709e-02 -1.02339737e-01 2.63879597e-01 -1.44117728e-01 -2.24444032e-01 7.30060339e-02 7.48329088e-02 2.52668709e-01 4.47116643e-02 3.11182410e-01 -3.18392128e-01 -3.65977168e-01 -8.19182619e-02 6.37920648e-02 -8.03238750e-02 3.47956330e-01 2.35930517e-01 5.17211676e-01 -1.19919004e-02 2.41059046e-02 -2.10932102e-02 6.18039146e-02 4.08086739e-02 1.36643305e-01 7.99235329e-02 1.86033562e-01 -2.53948957e-01 2.94728965e-01 -4.44647819e-02 3.17146838e-01 -1.28986970e-01 -2.19680183e-02 -3.18032026e-01 -1.18258990e-01 4.11483377e-01 2.24585995e-01 -2.31907636e-01 2.33192042e-01 2.66899705e-01 -2.17704084e-02 -3.60102020e-02 -4.49430704e-01 -2.52931137e-02 -1.28886402e-01 -6.25102520e-02 -2.76380062e-01 -1.07692026e-01 1.52482808e-01 -3.45931888e-01 -1.16810411e-01 3.87094736e-01 1.66405458e-02 -8.91539752e-02 -3.15988421e-01 -9.20847878e-02]
"The Fruit Tree" active "Item #: SCP-757 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-757 has been transplanted to a garden plot at Bio Site-103, which is to be under constant surveillance. Access to SCP-757 requires authorization from a researcher with level 3 clearance. The plot is to be cleaned of all rotten instances of SCP-757-1 twice a month, and they are to be incinerated on-site. Description: SCP-757 is a fruit producing tree similar to Prunus persica (common peach tree), that is 3.63m tall. The texture and properties of its wood are identical to that of a Malus domesticus (apple tree); it is easily broken, damaged, or burnt. Its leaves are identical to those of ordinary Prunus persica. Every dawn, SCP-757 produces new fruits, which are collectively designated SCP-757-1. Growth takes five minutes on average, although the size of the fruit is directly proportional to the growth time. Instances of SCP-757-1 remain in place for the duration of the day, and at dusk fall to the ground and rot rapidly. The amount of time an instance of SCP-757-1 takes to rot is directly proportional to its size. Human beings viewing SCP-757-1 while it remains attached to SCP-757 display a minor compulsion to consume it. Instances of SCP-757-1 are universally reported to be "extremely sweet" and "delicious". If a subject consumes any part of an instance of SCP-757-1, a new organ will form in the anterior of the subject's abdomen. This process is reported to be very painful. Over the course of a week, a new fruit of the type consumed by the subject forms inside this organ, causing further pain and visible swelling (and in the case of very large fruit, tissue damage). When the fruit is ripe, it is forced up a tube leading to the esophagus and ejected from the mouth, distorting the subject's tissue in order to pass. It almost always causes permanent damage in this passage, despite the fruit itself being distorted to some degree in the course of ejection. The object regurgitated is always an ordinary, perfectly formed specimen of the fruit type initially consumed. It does not possess SCP-757-1's anomalous properties. SCP-757 has been observed to produce the following types of fruit, in decreasing order of frequency: peaches, plums, apples, pears, watermelons, bananas, pineapples, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, kumquats, kiwifruit, lemons, and (in one case) pumpkins. There is presently no cure for SCP-757's effects. If the new organ is surgically removed before fruit regurgitation, it regrows at a rate identical to that of the first growth. Testing to determine a physical, chemical, genetic, or foreign cause of the effects is pending. Testing to determine whether SCP-757-1's juice retains its anomalous effects is pending approval. Proposals to cross-pollinate SCP-757 with SCP-1147 have been denied. SCP-757 was discovered in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, after several reports of people regurgitating fruit appeared in a local newspaper. It was eventually discovered in the backyard of an abandoned house. A large amount of rotten fruit was found at its base, along with several malnourished corpses. Β« SCP-756 | SCP-757 | SCP-758 Β»" nan
[ 4.86453762e-03 -3.06305647e-01 -1.72902778e-01 1.67584717e-01 7.93020651e-02 -4.94585901e-01 -1.98339254e-01 -1.14065073e-01 1.32485360e-01 1.01093709e-01 8.67381617e-02 1.39514744e-01 -2.58589894e-01 -1.03164144e-01 -2.20971808e-01 -1.16256751e-01 1.17128372e-01 1.14529632e-01 9.80074750e-04 -1.42530888e-01 -1.18187793e-01 1.28006920e-01 1.46775559e-01 2.12032765e-01 -2.67900348e-01 -1.01105399e-01 1.62063092e-01 3.34501773e-01 -2.35473327e-02 -4.97967064e-01 -4.88175973e-02 9.23589617e-02 -1.31034344e-01 4.68060344e-01 -1.12869544e-04 -8.90678614e-02 2.33050827e-02 2.52542317e-01 -4.23642308e-01 4.22252387e-01 -1.97200313e-01 -7.89170712e-02 -6.96716160e-02 -2.44672298e-01 -7.45742768e-02 -1.38913319e-01 5.96146472e-02 3.81017290e-02 2.89627105e-01 1.79934651e-01 2.18614846e-01 -2.30758801e-01 2.38590494e-01 7.49108940e-02 2.93768167e-01 2.96464115e-01 -3.03122457e-02 -3.08265947e-02 3.21345866e-01 4.42536384e-01 7.56788924e-02 -3.38374674e-01 2.48981453e-02 -1.63690284e-01 7.90316910e-02 -9.80638713e-02 5.75834692e-01 -1.47836208e-01 1.26299456e-01 -9.56716854e-03 1.20902061e-01 2.35348493e-01 -1.93905935e-01 -6.51510758e-03 -1.72421947e-01 -4.18027073e-01 -6.67750537e-02 2.03436986e-01 5.72445281e-02 1.18771970e-01 2.81578712e-02 1.11769900e-01 -2.28958756e-01 -8.58288929e-02 1.00591265e-01 -3.11121106e-01 -3.73002589e-02 -1.14014216e-01 3.28823686e-01 -3.41553628e-01 -1.11761257e-01 -2.36759871e-01 1.98209643e-01 1.06646437e-02 2.66969316e-02 -1.01089254e-01 9.77883935e-02 3.68647337e-01 1.93411157e-01 -2.05433443e-01 -7.63695166e-02 4.27802205e-02 -9.73349810e-02 1.49387658e-01 2.03245208e-01 1.32676791e-02 1.71767566e-02 1.16885625e-01 -2.46394038e-01 2.56486356e-01 -2.36855581e-01 2.65174150e-01 -5.66581897e-02 3.64656180e-01 2.78683484e-01 8.43049139e-02 2.27851465e-01 -1.63743690e-01 -3.41506034e-01 1.08721122e-01 -3.86460096e-01 2.40324035e-01 -1.37739331e-01 1.98270321e-01 9.38310698e-02 4.45138007e-01 -9.21892375e-02 -9.90440547e-02 -1.33511871e-01 -3.70612442e-02 -3.40046048e-01 4.77227896e-01 -4.04498845e-01 -1.72380611e-01 -5.58075160e-02 -1.68707013e-01 -1.34314358e-01 -2.77551543e-02 -2.07666352e-01 -2.37813026e-01 -3.12527061e-01 6.32809922e-02 1.66699961e-01 5.27523875e-01 -4.45428044e-01 -4.19780791e-01 2.23749448e-02 -2.28817239e-01 -4.33974303e-02 2.41517052e-01 3.81962687e-01 -1.79269522e-01 -6.72119632e-02 2.72599787e-01 -3.85550231e-01 5.31812049e-02 4.01878148e-01 -3.35627818e-03 -2.27974221e-01 1.18465237e-01 5.84263615e-02 1.24259070e-01 8.39226320e-02 -2.41910502e-01 3.64924478e-03 4.66934383e-01 -3.10472608e-01 -8.67157206e-02 -7.09234625e-02 -1.18882373e-01 -1.09724747e-02 2.87169337e-01 1.29588425e-01 7.23242834e-02 1.41379633e-03 -2.09614709e-02 -5.72452486e-01 1.71256568e-02 -3.44376862e-01 -3.36619914e-01 -4.18269157e-01 5.97470045e-01 8.04306492e-02 8.13515559e-02 -4.54853475e-01 5.56394458e-02 -2.38801360e-01 8.68712962e-02 7.71394325e-03 3.86717431e-02 -3.51952255e-01 -4.45406497e-01 -1.34503962e-02 -3.03953774e-02 2.28810728e-01 2.33687073e-01 2.86428422e-01 2.00745448e-01 3.59075591e-02 -6.79818392e-02 -2.81636685e-01 -5.32929413e-02 2.12902218e-01 -1.60568908e-01 -9.81482789e-02 -3.90966296e-01 -1.24384448e-01 -4.30875905e-02 4.36487794e-01 1.70025021e-01 -2.40585178e-01 -4.16362315e-01 -2.45238066e-01 3.81647289e-01 2.91229486e-02 -3.89684945e-01 2.60978907e-01 4.88535643e-01 2.14052811e-01 -2.08241299e-01 3.07521001e-02 1.96415678e-01 -3.56845148e-02 -9.85767245e-02 -2.04055473e-01 -5.26221581e-02 -1.87410817e-01 -2.26765081e-01 -1.86740234e-01 3.14719796e-01 2.44210169e-01 -1.18611768e-01 2.31071532e-01 1.34042844e-01 -1.71341170e-02 2.54873693e-01 1.26095355e-01 7.07493961e-01 -2.09003072e-02 2.05585465e-01 -1.92423075e-01 2.72950903e-02 1.21194839e-01 -2.87696440e-02 -3.67278606e-01 2.83805966e-01 2.31368601e-01 -7.81906247e-02 1.80859670e-01 -2.46703252e-01 -2.75603086e-01 -1.99393004e-01 -1.22555278e-01 1.01126693e-01 3.57743502e-01 8.00483227e-02 -6.03483677e-01 1.58731908e-01 -1.71347290e-01 2.17036605e-01 7.79573340e-04 -4.65881854e-01 2.96054274e-01 -2.13540956e-01 3.07348788e-01 -1.35013640e-01 -1.66406687e-02 2.69690715e-03 1.96140066e-01 -7.64998933e-03 -8.06050897e-02 -2.40655094e-02 4.03196454e-01 1.47198856e-01 7.05563501e-02 5.31511642e-02 3.25975358e-01 6.11955151e-02 3.18871468e-01 1.21877804e-01 -4.12468314e-01 -3.27609390e-01 -1.63819477e-01 2.40913108e-01 -1.09142534e-01 2.24223182e-01 6.09516911e-03 2.82648593e-01 1.97284445e-01 1.92993656e-01 4.29248750e-01 -3.07016112e-02 -5.44805229e-02 4.91663605e-01 -1.26329780e-01 9.14802030e-03 5.47602167e-03 5.60894847e-01 -1.28548667e-01 -8.39989334e-02 -4.21259671e-01 2.09797218e-01 -2.97900699e-02 1.34801403e-01 -1.75976574e-01 1.20137103e-01 3.07737231e-01 -2.17563748e-01 -1.28750890e-01 -3.98028642e-02 -3.36975664e-01 2.81551898e-01 2.55780846e-01 2.08265975e-01 1.96809858e-01 4.92971130e-02 6.69520795e-02 -1.75747767e-01 1.57339975e-01 -7.98107088e-01 -2.35754371e-01 -2.82376800e-02 7.44755045e-02 -2.80762106e-01 7.10871592e-02 -3.23087722e-02 -1.14942528e-01 -1.78048700e-01 6.10824347e-01 -1.55193480e-02 1.08985811e-01 2.43271276e-01 1.36948928e-01 6.70106411e-02 3.54000896e-01 5.03467470e-02 -1.32540464e-01 -2.18752563e-01 -1.57358512e-01 -1.19930945e-01 -7.97868371e-02 -3.22368532e-01 -1.99045464e-01 -2.23935321e-01 1.22343756e-01 -1.41349152e-01 2.05429420e-01 -2.32970566e-02 2.63387531e-01 3.58427286e-01 -2.57045329e-01 1.98187456e-01 7.11296722e-02 -3.17350209e-01 -1.91281587e-01 -1.36899814e-01 4.97550890e-02 2.16037124e-01 -8.23432654e-02 -1.25877455e-01 -1.08282290e-01 7.20899105e-02 2.98763543e-01 -2.11670011e-01 -1.31307870e-01 -1.69480443e-01 3.73628289e-02 1.39304280e-01 4.43934143e-01 -3.95021111e-01 1.15105316e-01 -8.65182057e-02 -6.61825955e-01 2.39459500e-01 5.50604016e-02 -3.81553918e-01 1.63364530e-01 -1.36221141e-01 -5.73209345e-01 -4.12050039e-02 2.88604517e-02 3.95529866e-01 1.34008437e-01 -3.19041878e-01 -4.85732228e-01 3.22519764e-02 7.23261479e-03 -2.15531603e-01 8.95956457e-02 1.20466808e-02 7.21210195e-03 -3.34648728e-01 -4.63981144e-02 -2.04925910e-01 6.44015893e-03 1.32778227e-01 1.01679854e-01 -2.14429811e-01 -1.19207110e-02 3.02276105e-01 -3.83550644e-01 3.62127334e-01 1.10530360e-02 4.58959430e-01 9.55154225e-02 -1.42694786e-01 3.67361456e-01 9.55689698e-02 -2.39299327e-01 3.00617963e-01 5.20320594e-01 -2.09875107e-01 -2.28911623e-01 -1.27068490e-01 3.07613224e-01 1.65147945e-01 1.08492836e-01 -1.27285033e-01 -7.13008419e-02 -5.10885358e-01 -2.05040321e-01 2.68996805e-01 4.30289447e-01 3.22009683e-01 -4.31309193e-02 1.63883701e-01 7.18344897e-02 7.54283667e-02 1.40416861e-01 8.69975910e-02 -6.72657713e-02 -1.25730395e-01 -1.17824964e-01 1.91096544e-01 -1.09710209e-01 5.02737522e-01 6.47653639e-01 -3.60862836e-02 -4.58707735e-02 1.28511190e-01 -3.12316027e-02 8.92030133e-04 5.32195091e-01 2.28562772e-01 -1.76066428e-01 -3.03756237e-01 4.68238182e-02 2.74208218e-01 -1.53205618e-01 5.36914766e-01 4.33414383e-03 1.78281650e-01 -5.71854077e-02 3.03140521e-01 -6.76022982e-03 -3.61750841e-01 -5.03769815e-01 1.44697934e-01 -9.08021480e-02 1.27822474e-01 3.13302040e-01 1.15564179e+00 2.01923743e-01 -5.52428514e-02 -1.03088781e-01 -2.84343421e-01 4.29260790e-01 -9.30197090e-02 2.48490661e-01 -3.76338273e-01 -3.40316057e-01 1.19678490e-01 -1.80504069e-01 1.28256932e-01 2.08879590e-01 4.72746976e-02 -7.60634914e-02 -5.21133661e-01 1.50721399e-02 4.67751205e-01 5.42399168e-01 9.80436727e-02 3.53372604e-01 1.20960921e-01 2.46448278e-01 7.26548536e-03 2.78072655e-01 -1.41449511e-01 1.51752040e-01 1.28164813e-01 9.04356167e-02 -4.61019248e-01 2.20684126e-01 -1.75110862e-01 1.71464965e-01 -8.23110715e-02 -2.32161358e-01 -3.72151852e-01 1.62365198e-01 -3.11678380e-01 -3.08941752e-01 1.55621827e-01 1.94313765e-01 1.89377204e-01 -9.75208580e-02 1.39361814e-01 -1.80302218e-01 2.59622931e-01 -2.60894448e-02 -2.03716785e-01 1.59841627e-02 -1.55281508e-02 -1.82289407e-02 5.74284419e-03 -1.35753229e-01 2.08681226e-01 -6.06960654e-02 -1.07147254e-01 2.29619332e-02 -2.28000998e-01 -5.24040824e-03 1.30710661e-01 6.45177513e-02 -7.06701949e-02 -5.89366406e-02 -4.99665849e-02 -1.56333774e-01 -8.27882886e-02 2.12869346e-02 4.50233728e-01 6.60754740e-02 -7.93484524e-02 2.09204778e-02 -3.81341055e-02 -3.74269634e-01 -5.09696901e-02 1.03692956e-01 -5.00738978e-01 1.43959761e-01 -2.00720638e-01 -4.11957711e-01 1.25658706e-01 4.57033962e-01 1.81476608e-01 3.02770585e-02 -1.99408069e-01 -4.32548702e-01 3.61920148e-02 1.10162914e-01 -4.06718254e-03 3.33232790e-01 -4.63198982e-02 1.30269095e-01 -2.40229711e-01 2.44223654e-01 -4.04381007e-01 -1.17075562e-01 -1.80403054e-01 -2.51564205e-01 3.36993933e-01 -7.37054199e-02 3.52218419e-01 -2.35679954e-01 1.63647786e-01 1.73115700e-01 2.31907275e-02 -2.20973343e-01 -1.00405276e-01 9.33623761e-02 -1.54023603e-01 1.47538766e-01 -2.59073764e-01 6.97207125e-03 3.88220936e-01 -1.29183964e-03 1.70236424e-01 1.10552542e-01 2.03435600e-01 2.07797229e-01 -5.49893007e-02 6.31865740e-01 1.73098207e-01 1.83475614e-01 -9.87478122e-02 9.21637565e-02 9.26855206e-03 2.87070811e-01 -1.17129758e-01 -1.31707057e-01 4.15195078e-02 7.42824227e-02 -1.97614819e-01 6.07082486e-01 1.61897093e-01 9.98671260e-03 -2.87947297e-01 -7.57644549e-02 4.02759910e-02 1.52261421e-01 -8.77875835e-02 1.84192248e-02 -1.47392631e-01 3.25173914e-01 -1.78505316e-01 -2.86746353e-01 1.33810770e-02 -4.09663357e-02 -6.23621186e-03 4.76270467e-01 -1.91111580e-01 -5.88123724e-02 3.76479000e-01 1.99596599e-01 3.67388338e-01 2.73578495e-01 1.85459763e-01 1.76312193e-01 -2.56085008e-01 -2.48514101e-01 3.12336624e-01 3.04394126e-01 2.21127078e-01 2.07447544e-01 8.19562823e-02 -2.19157934e-02 -7.07453638e-02 1.26688167e-01 7.25853518e-02 6.04714453e-01 -3.22058387e-02 2.16996923e-01 -1.65209681e-01 2.09012423e-02 1.11863554e-01 -5.37116416e-02 -2.52188593e-01 -1.24914572e-01 -2.15000864e-02 2.66390502e-01 -2.13927463e-01 1.31033480e-01 4.96663041e-02 -8.18227753e-02 -2.90924668e-01 -1.42133310e-01 -1.15507059e-01 7.10960627e-02 1.89899802e-01 -1.70758277e-01 8.37663934e-02 1.43794657e-03 -2.06214488e-01 1.19096108e-01 6.34831488e-01 -3.24729174e-01 -4.72177938e-02 2.65218616e-01 4.87488508e-02 -1.35604247e-01 2.33516902e-01 3.55472147e-01 1.64291821e-02 -3.72414261e-01 5.69086969e-02 -1.45152271e-01 -2.74109840e-01 -4.12214249e-02 -2.82981489e-02 1.50440916e-01 1.20937608e-01 1.43570285e-02 1.93394363e-01 -2.68302828e-01 2.60779500e-01 3.08559209e-01 -9.98630673e-02 -1.03335150e-01 6.28647581e-02 1.95867702e-01 -2.96116292e-01 7.84838051e-02 -1.93568438e-01 1.42249390e-01 -4.42288399e-01 -5.65666258e-01 -2.60024011e-01 3.22630703e-01 -9.08940881e-02 1.10923044e-01 1.92047432e-02 1.72232971e-01 1.08695149e-01 2.72588342e-01 -1.48450062e-01 1.70924459e-02 -8.12920928e-03 1.02442257e-01 -2.78372169e-01 -5.37098229e-01 1.73908696e-01 -1.05949737e-01 -1.13071732e-01 2.74746060e-01 -1.86815515e-01 1.54829249e-01 -5.92229307e-01 2.69873708e-01 -2.62021810e-01 1.30864352e-01 3.68100971e-01 5.89112844e-03 7.23069608e-02 -4.58525009e-02 1.33557022e-01 -2.33236745e-01 2.16097593e-01 -1.96288824e-01 -2.66123027e-01 -1.88147724e-01 -1.67802963e-02 2.67838947e-02 2.96590000e-01 9.19364691e-02 -3.21516067e-01 -4.37421054e-01 -1.41326040e-01 4.08196300e-02 -3.86260569e-01 2.06267953e-01 2.74434179e-01 4.27844584e-01 2.18876451e-01 2.39187062e-01 3.63702998e-02 -8.75404477e-02 4.86539640e-02 2.89257586e-01 1.61417887e-01 3.49298060e-01 6.95826262e-02 2.98625439e-01 2.35449262e-02 3.99414688e-01 -2.12410122e-01 6.03762455e-02 -1.68643475e-01 -2.51178503e-01 5.80307603e-01 -2.56694198e-01 -1.07564487e-01 7.28258863e-04 1.32161811e-01 3.05858046e-01 -2.20976710e-01 9.53518599e-02 -2.02519998e-01 -8.09127167e-02 -1.30807655e-02 -3.81337702e-01 1.47685427e-02 -3.32078278e-01 -3.25271517e-01 7.56466836e-02 6.31438494e-01 7.73293972e-02 -1.55557901e-01 -2.25820709e-02 -3.34269166e-01]
""Vasili"" active "Item #: SCP-758 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-758 is to be kept in comfortable living quarters with whatever amenities he desires so long as they are within Foundation protocol. 758's quarters need neither lock nor guard. If he is found wandering the halls, contact one of the doctors studying the subject. He is to receive three meals a day and any snacks he may request. When speaking directly to SCP-758, he is to be addressed as "Vasili" at all times. Description: SCP-758 is a young Russian male, 1.9 meters tall, weighing roughly 110 kg. Full name Vasili β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, found in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Russia in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ. The subject was diagnosed as an extremely low functioning autistic at the age of four. While it is only speculation, some members of the staff believe that the symptoms which caused SCP-758 to be diagnosed with autism are a coping mechanism that has been developed in response to his ability. At present, researchers have been unable to ascertain whether or not he actually has autism or if this is the case. Addendum: 758-1 Development Records taken from the notes of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the subject's speech and behavioral therapist prior to coming to the Foundation. Two years after his diagnosis, SCP-758 began displaying his ability to recognize and correct errors in the technical aspects of linguistics. At the age of six, SCP-758 began correcting mistakes in the newspaper his parents read. The corrections included mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling and syntax. During the following weeks, SCP-758 was given increasingly advanced material, including magazines, essays written for the classes the subject's mother taught, and eventually graduate level college text books and encyclopedia volumes. Upon learning of what they believed to be a savant talent, SCP-758's Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ advised limiting the subject to a single language so as not to over-stimulate him. At the age of β–ˆβ–ˆ, the subject found a pamphlet written in Mandarin on the ground outside a store. SCP-758 picked it up and after staring at the page for a few moments, began correcting the pamphlet in the same manner as he had done with the previous materials. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ began giving him materials in every language they could find. Discovery Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, while on psych leave (see Med 861379), overheard SCP-758's parents discussing his talents and reported what he heard to the Foundation immediately. Upon performing a CT scan and an MRI, it was discovered by Dr. Bright and Dr. English that the language center of the subject's brain was non-existent. This led to the conclusion that the subject was an SCP, as he should not be capable of any amount of linguistic processing, much less to the degree his ability allowed him. SCP-758 was immediately brought to Site β–ˆβ–ˆ for study where he remains in containment. See Research Log 758 for records of progress. -Dr. English Addendum: 758-2 Effective immediately, SCP-758 is being reclassified as Safe and his containment procedures are being changed accordingly. He does not understand the Foundation's number designation system, so any personnel speaking to him directly should address him as Vasili if they wish to receive any kind of response. - Dr. English Addendum: 758-3 It has been determined that SCP-758 is speaking truthfully when he claims that he does not understand the languages he is reading. As such, any personnel wishing to utilize SCP-758's ability for proofreading official documents may submit a request to Dr. Bright for access to the subject before or after his scheduled study sessions with Dr. English and Dr. Sarlin. -O5-β–ˆ Note: Yes, there is academic speculation about whether or not current translations of religious texts match the original messages of the same text. No, SCP-758 will not be used to find out. It just doesn't matter that much to us, so stop asking. - O5-β–ˆ Research Log 758 β–ˆ / β–ˆ / 19β–ˆβ–ˆ - It has now been three (3) weeks since I was assigned to research SCP-758's ability. To date no progress has been made as the subject is either unwilling or unable to interact with my staff. - Dr. English β–ˆ / β–ˆβ–ˆ / 19β–ˆβ–ˆ - We have begun leaving texts in SCP-758's quarters in hopes he will happen upon them in his own time, rather than attempting to coerce him. - Dr. Sarlin β–ˆβ–ˆ / β–ˆβ–ˆ /19β–ˆβ–ˆ - SCP-758 has begun making corrections to the texts we leave in his quarters and is also beginning to show some signs of recognition and trust towards Dr. Sarlin and myself. This is currently the limitation of his interaction. Thus far we have only provided the subject with modern terrestrial languages. - Dr. English β–ˆ / β–ˆ / 19β–ˆβ–ˆ - Yesterday the subject was provided computer coding for the first time. Not sure of his abilities with a computer, the coding was printed on normal paper. The Subject simply stared at it with a confused look on his face. Today he was placed at a computer terminal with the same code on screen and after a few moments he began correcting errors in the code. - Dr. English β–ˆ / β–ˆβ–ˆ / 19β–ˆβ–ˆ - Today tests with dead languages and languages suspected to be of extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional origin began. SCPs with knowledge of such languages, including SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ were asked to provide us with two samples of each language for comparison, one that was, to their knowledge, properly written and one that had a number of technical errors with a varied spectrum of subtlety. All SCPs complied with our request without resistance. SCP-758's ability once again proved effective. - Dr. Sarlin β–ˆβ–ˆ / β–ˆβ–ˆ / 19β–ˆβ–ˆ - Today the idea was brought up that SCP-758's ability may extend to math, since it technically can be considered a language. The subject was presented with basic algebra proofs, at which point he spoke for the first time since coming to the facility, informing us that math isn't really a language. - Dr. English β–ˆβ–ˆ / β–ˆ / 20β–ˆβ–ˆ - Since SCP-758 began speaking to Dr. English and I, we have learned that when he looks at text, the only language he can actually read is his native Russian. All other languages he simply recognizes the errors that exist and how they should be corrected. - Dr. Sarlin β–ˆ / β–ˆ / 20β–ˆβ–ˆ - Today it was discovered, by accident, that SCP-758's ability is not restricted to written language. As the subject passed two guards, he overheard them speaking French and, despite having no knowledge of the French language, corrected one of the guards on the way he constructed a sentence. Further testing will be required in this area. - Dr. English β–ˆβ–ˆ / β–ˆ / 20β–ˆβ–ˆ - After more in depth study, it has been found that when applying his ability to spoken language, SCP-758 is capable of correcting dialect, accent and pronunciation in addition to the technical aspects of written language he can correct. When asked to read a written language aloud, he has proven fully capable of speaking the words but states he still does not understand them. - Dr. English β–ˆ / β–ˆβ–ˆ / 20β–ˆβ–ˆ - SCP-758 has shown an ability to essentially "translate across time." That is to say, his ability has an understanding of the concept of a living language and he has proven himself capable of changing a text written in a given time period and change any colloquialisms and evolved words to provide a "translated" copy that results in the same message as the original text. In cases where he has attempted this with dead languages, he fully translated the text into the nearest living language from the time period he was asked to change it to. While he can update texts to later generations of a language, it seems that he is not able to revert texts to older generations of a language. - Dr. English β–ˆβ–ˆ / β–ˆ / 20β–ˆβ–ˆ - SCP-758 has shown himself able to produce the proper pronunciation of written words upon request. To date, Dr. Sarlin and I have learned to fluently speak multiple dead languages with assistance from SCP-758. Β« SCP-757 | SCP-758 | SCP-759 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-758" by Dr English, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 3.58659357e-01 -2.33750328e-01 -1.99903131e-01 -4.31245519e-03 6.82717323e-01 -3.01563323e-01 4.76509541e-01 7.22543374e-02 1.95585519e-01 1.72626093e-01 1.72110589e-03 -3.11852813e-01 -4.80635390e-02 -2.04100356e-01 2.08131149e-01 -2.35157069e-02 3.80053878e-01 1.35861292e-01 5.53636134e-01 -4.51635867e-01 4.46330719e-02 -1.96362376e-01 -1.60473809e-01 4.82344538e-01 2.79096276e-01 -5.60792312e-02 3.00209522e-01 6.33568242e-02 -4.66908365e-02 -2.97235429e-01 1.84921965e-01 1.94448665e-01 -9.31567103e-02 3.09076428e-01 -1.11221496e-04 -1.19301267e-02 1.93695694e-01 -4.92779799e-02 -1.89522561e-02 -2.18510956e-01 -1.39164492e-01 -2.95051366e-01 -2.15855077e-01 -8.38125646e-02 -2.77941018e-01 -6.37029171e-01 3.39469612e-01 -2.72680297e-02 2.77955532e-01 2.61623234e-01 1.66722313e-01 -1.97527379e-01 5.06146967e-01 -1.08429324e-03 3.49268347e-01 -1.40991479e-01 -1.66068196e-01 -3.28829326e-02 3.64874862e-02 2.43212089e-01 1.75369918e-01 -3.36413900e-03 -9.78891621e-04 -4.95308310e-01 2.68120944e-01 -2.02805828e-02 9.30693075e-02 -7.91084692e-02 3.04739237e-01 2.36088082e-01 1.42453268e-01 2.34968811e-01 -2.56309286e-02 3.15717191e-01 4.52995952e-03 -1.72085345e-01 1.86735258e-01 1.05943546e-01 -5.95265739e-02 1.09957628e-01 3.52710396e-01 -2.62880959e-02 -2.07997859e-01 7.76420087e-02 6.38451427e-02 4.17060172e-03 -1.51600674e-01 5.51650040e-02 3.22335362e-02 -3.52252424e-01 2.29931951e-01 9.39035490e-02 3.88511956e-01 2.09393755e-01 -3.53925198e-01 -5.02567403e-02 -5.23752198e-02 -3.10370207e-01 6.56385161e-03 9.76717919e-02 3.75139147e-01 1.41012177e-01 1.28897682e-01 -3.02178096e-02 -9.13385078e-02 1.26574695e-01 3.32889259e-02 1.68784067e-01 -4.41615999e-01 2.88994581e-01 -1.93323176e-02 3.89566529e-04 -5.49010336e-01 -1.55033758e-02 2.55208910e-01 -2.01351807e-01 -3.74246538e-01 -2.29070485e-01 -2.03574762e-01 4.33322400e-01 -3.08356166e-01 -2.33004931e-02 -1.65653527e-01 6.07595503e-01 1.61397636e-01 2.37994879e-01 -1.74834117e-01 -6.98308870e-02 2.01249346e-02 6.13103136e-02 -1.92368463e-01 3.26702267e-01 -3.64532173e-01 -4.70605433e-01 -1.95724696e-01 -1.54161260e-01 3.14028710e-02 -1.06176406e-01 -1.12768270e-01 -9.21892673e-02 1.28222197e-01 -1.71356782e-01 4.91968513e-01 2.88620234e-01 -5.35665274e-01 -2.43887275e-01 -1.29283473e-01 -2.31175378e-01 -8.02492350e-02 -1.17467940e-01 4.55057502e-01 -4.94256895e-03 -1.61881357e-01 2.12050080e-01 -2.38090336e-01 -1.92631602e-01 8.96277547e-01 1.19541191e-01 -1.56166956e-01 -6.67893291e-02 7.37869740e-02 6.92324340e-02 -6.48163483e-02 -8.91683251e-02 2.91225612e-01 3.58897485e-02 -1.26259446e-01 -1.84997395e-01 -3.97898965e-02 -2.95586020e-01 -1.69627234e-01 -4.59336527e-02 1.26179174e-01 2.56069660e-01 1.04236521e-01 -3.32061350e-02 -4.56906445e-02 -3.65822524e-01 -3.89813125e-01 -1.44528136e-01 -2.06538200e-01 7.70636573e-02 3.56619477e-01 -2.52782583e-01 2.31541291e-01 1.91158894e-02 6.35041147e-02 1.33781597e-01 8.12281575e-03 -2.77684271e-01 -2.76545435e-01 -4.75945711e-01 3.60665053e-01 1.73788190e-01 2.24205047e-01 4.65583950e-02 3.40759754e-01 -2.99022347e-02 8.97002891e-02 1.54506475e-01 -5.66105396e-02 -7.39221349e-02 2.77233809e-01 3.24032277e-01 -1.48305461e-01 -8.03487375e-02 5.08346185e-02 -1.23579822e-01 5.78439593e-01 -1.98510941e-02 -3.10745656e-01 -4.85464819e-02 -3.39598238e-01 -6.86442032e-02 3.45460735e-02 -1.60252795e-01 2.43872240e-01 1.14851870e-01 3.79773468e-01 -4.66232449e-01 -1.53521478e-01 -5.81656769e-02 9.20566842e-02 -1.63161848e-02 -4.55049463e-02 -7.91791752e-02 6.07718788e-02 2.26436928e-01 -5.00393920e-02 3.74706924e-01 1.93559289e-01 -1.21387400e-01 2.77453959e-01 1.06257536e-01 -2.89279968e-01 -1.46749943e-01 4.04291034e-01 4.00887907e-01 -2.42151380e-01 -3.71641159e-01 1.63862377e-01 1.00993015e-01 3.34247082e-01 -2.18604226e-02 5.13923028e-03 2.69145757e-01 1.07660182e-01 1.69537053e-01 7.48994872e-02 4.23933985e-03 5.53177953e-01 -2.83442169e-01 -1.18906498e-01 -1.43832475e-01 2.13813454e-01 2.10549667e-01 2.59286791e-01 -7.56978691e-02 -3.77673477e-01 2.00643688e-01 2.50519477e-02 -2.18998626e-01 4.14196076e-03 1.50405383e-02 2.83404410e-01 3.74816693e-02 -9.41406470e-03 4.81117889e-02 -2.25656037e-03 1.67998135e-01 -1.77649155e-01 -1.70784608e-01 5.71275651e-02 1.10420389e-02 1.38219118e-01 -1.25262409e-01 9.81121734e-02 3.88795137e-01 4.59791385e-02 9.42636952e-02 -3.00799370e-01 -2.32969657e-01 -1.99889354e-02 -1.48684129e-01 -1.86182991e-01 -3.68423052e-02 2.22904012e-01 4.11738843e-01 5.64365424e-02 3.57706249e-01 -6.76274821e-02 1.87128261e-01 -8.63008499e-02 -2.16750838e-02 2.33718357e-03 1.44801930e-01 -5.44030607e-01 3.98729533e-01 -2.76188165e-01 2.40039259e-01 -4.55885530e-02 -1.24826711e-02 8.82052481e-02 1.35915086e-01 -7.51743466e-02 -6.44593239e-02 1.91794917e-01 1.41983047e-01 -1.04710832e-01 -2.52350509e-01 -4.50337380e-01 2.42134750e-01 -6.81110099e-02 -1.80311561e-01 2.83256859e-01 -2.10899025e-01 3.02493602e-01 -2.16763794e-01 -4.30702716e-02 -5.69636524e-01 -1.79975629e-01 1.58832565e-01 3.66689973e-02 -1.31421611e-01 -6.11257972e-03 1.43575862e-01 -4.66432214e-01 -1.67548344e-01 1.83148250e-01 -9.29948688e-02 4.54525873e-02 1.08625650e-01 -1.92656498e-02 8.15463886e-02 -1.99105754e-01 7.01972768e-02 -2.48243019e-01 -2.49600738e-01 4.82572839e-02 -4.44216840e-02 -6.24113753e-02 6.54093921e-02 -6.02184951e-01 1.89988688e-01 1.55468792e-01 -3.06807756e-02 1.35461301e-01 -2.21535727e-01 1.27208263e-01 -2.16339484e-01 -1.76302463e-01 4.42875057e-01 -1.65064074e-02 -2.48834491e-01 -1.96913376e-01 -3.17536481e-02 2.49384373e-01 -2.47605756e-01 3.11153889e-01 -2.02462465e-01 -8.58043209e-02 3.19479108e-01 3.44504863e-01 -1.58246756e-01 1.66521609e-01 -2.58146614e-01 3.22190583e-01 1.16870783e-01 2.35238448e-01 -1.38755113e-01 2.77416259e-01 -3.00639216e-02 -3.71627003e-01 1.24171555e-01 -1.26624912e-01 -4.22071517e-02 -2.24322695e-02 -7.18905181e-02 -5.61485708e-01 -1.41316578e-01 1.44395292e-01 4.49569859e-02 3.88978720e-01 -5.17316312e-02 -1.32199809e-01 -1.41335040e-01 -6.12001903e-02 -3.22307676e-01 2.07511961e-01 -1.31060258e-01 -8.06218311e-02 -3.12083155e-01 1.23811863e-01 -9.60756242e-02 2.78135706e-02 -4.10439856e-02 2.72148848e-01 -1.28460959e-01 -2.27641538e-01 2.80798912e-01 -3.02899480e-01 3.48287880e-01 5.38456924e-02 3.18132252e-01 3.50533873e-01 3.75853032e-01 -1.57080293e-01 -1.08637735e-01 -2.46584684e-01 2.50720233e-02 -2.99395710e-01 -3.04322034e-01 -4.43772763e-01 -1.92245156e-01 4.17262256e-01 -3.75361741e-01 2.44814027e-02 1.80898398e-01 -3.83973084e-02 -3.13138157e-01 -3.95483375e-02 2.49100178e-01 4.12107818e-02 2.08038986e-02 -1.85397625e-01 2.83197641e-01 -1.21520385e-02 9.74820405e-02 2.03880042e-01 5.99852018e-03 -1.40879244e-01 1.62377730e-01 2.01505907e-02 4.19062138e-01 8.65566656e-02 4.73448709e-02 3.18495423e-01 1.26881778e-01 -5.86918771e-01 -2.13469386e-01 -2.52676338e-01 4.58599448e-01 6.04417026e-01 1.17978612e-02 1.64735511e-01 -1.85173467e-01 2.85842299e-01 2.51082033e-01 5.23610674e-02 4.88278717e-01 1.98947698e-01 1.66288257e-01 -3.59927088e-01 4.66523245e-02 -5.63870370e-01 -3.93107206e-01 -3.94109845e-01 2.14485005e-01 -2.11455494e-01 2.53771126e-01 1.56263009e-01 1.30746055e+00 2.57477373e-01 2.43020847e-01 -4.16340977e-01 -2.08418459e-01 -7.16235414e-02 -1.90287396e-01 -6.62829503e-02 -1.27146378e-01 -4.36349064e-01 6.73395395e-02 -7.86178559e-02 2.12727532e-01 4.48199689e-01 -2.94755936e-01 -2.71995123e-02 -4.83792543e-01 2.61468291e-01 4.73499119e-01 1.07713133e-01 1.55530825e-01 -4.41929847e-02 -2.79911738e-02 1.82510868e-01 -9.82521921e-02 -8.17451626e-02 6.45857751e-02 3.41974534e-02 -2.25913569e-01 8.82216245e-02 -1.00491352e-01 7.13903159e-02 -2.33319208e-01 9.10722837e-02 3.02182417e-02 -1.21434107e-01 -1.50305510e-01 -5.65978169e-01 2.01058879e-01 -7.87312835e-02 1.70345381e-01 3.39972615e-01 6.25204206e-01 -4.36299704e-02 1.39507160e-01 8.95318016e-02 1.75445110e-01 3.68668549e-02 -1.81246459e-01 3.20605069e-01 -2.61898935e-02 -2.70644892e-02 -3.67070973e-01 -1.55707821e-01 1.22352310e-01 -1.39518142e-01 3.02348822e-01 4.02476609e-01 -1.75655171e-01 -1.13661095e-01 1.37985393e-01 1.11772195e-01 -1.73135132e-01 -2.72344410e-01 -3.27689536e-02 -3.27417850e-02 -1.10992424e-01 7.04441592e-02 1.84934467e-01 -6.71489834e-05 3.33980799e-01 -3.45456392e-01 -1.08758152e-01 -3.60279828e-01 -1.42150357e-01 -8.03793408e-03 -2.11978629e-01 -4.70484830e-02 -1.51282549e-01 -5.00532508e-01 -2.81365782e-01 1.76641017e-01 2.35695064e-01 -4.02394831e-01 -1.39770359e-01 -2.24093050e-01 8.71131495e-02 1.93376735e-01 7.62186050e-02 7.85666555e-02 -5.30825138e-01 3.79352272e-01 -1.71863660e-01 -2.48132534e-02 -3.91434968e-01 -6.25824481e-02 -1.66805059e-01 1.82199821e-01 3.12117428e-01 -2.77765930e-01 1.64014325e-01 -2.23319262e-01 2.68838614e-01 -1.94850281e-01 -1.88938260e-01 -2.37318650e-01 -2.26705402e-01 1.29195347e-01 -1.45912524e-02 -1.43042281e-01 -7.24367946e-02 3.12373787e-01 1.45014256e-01 1.16373643e-01 -1.05835035e-01 3.25809628e-01 2.90531397e-01 7.00736344e-01 -5.81328928e-01 3.61965150e-01 1.95458099e-01 -1.84180453e-01 2.14407504e-01 5.88788807e-01 5.72981834e-02 1.78865507e-01 -9.85257030e-02 -9.28041339e-02 1.05170488e-01 2.69803792e-01 -2.42798269e-01 1.68883696e-01 3.48912835e-01 1.82579309e-01 -7.97519460e-02 2.25801244e-01 -1.66216284e-01 5.36246419e-01 -2.28402466e-01 3.18371952e-02 1.32441651e-02 3.01461518e-01 -2.65825987e-01 8.34350586e-02 -8.74583870e-02 -1.27478048e-01 -3.97892334e-02 8.38222057e-02 -1.48438066e-01 -4.08315897e-01 2.88997859e-01 5.90243302e-02 1.90975696e-01 1.96697079e-02 4.44728911e-01 9.96887535e-02 7.70621225e-02 -1.51791021e-01 4.25854027e-01 1.13802023e-01 2.63741493e-01 9.03049529e-01 8.32814127e-02 -1.73346363e-02 -3.40292841e-01 6.70351744e-01 2.22586785e-02 9.22116190e-02 3.15277651e-02 3.54048721e-02 -2.56121606e-01 3.75923425e-01 -6.72743544e-02 2.02024415e-01 2.76769996e-01 -1.65757000e-01 -1.96044400e-01 -1.76656306e-01 -1.00701675e-03 -1.37950018e-01 -2.18579173e-03 -7.19212294e-02 -5.58100283e-01 -1.33903667e-01 2.13121384e-01 -7.62291700e-02 5.21258451e-02 2.57565141e-01 9.57564637e-02 5.27132861e-02 1.59452498e-01 2.03830183e-01 5.04890680e-01 -3.09143990e-01 1.26710653e-01 3.87611061e-01 -1.76526457e-01 3.73606682e-01 1.14706218e-01 2.13968068e-01 4.59542423e-02 -1.16233706e-01 6.95351325e-03 -2.70144045e-01 -2.40913808e-01 -2.43372530e-01 1.02225453e-01 3.89117897e-02 3.49476397e-01 -1.01611346e-01 1.10870548e-01 -2.78912008e-01 1.74689218e-01 2.22913608e-01 3.19359064e-01 -3.70904624e-01 -2.76616126e-01 1.17922604e-01 -2.64378339e-01 -2.37564132e-01 7.28228912e-02 -4.70505327e-01 4.26815860e-02 -1.90252349e-01 -3.78015311e-03 2.59218544e-01 -3.09121847e-01 8.51148665e-02 1.09920464e-01 2.51764894e-01 -1.95956022e-01 -1.70397490e-01 8.41207579e-02 -1.73699200e-01 -2.24399358e-01 6.40161261e-02 -1.10033922e-01 1.07657067e-01 -5.98240644e-03 2.35032171e-01 1.44886479e-01 1.11075565e-01 1.55865550e-01 5.74598052e-02 -4.18839693e-01 9.58842877e-03 -3.74980010e-02 5.93772456e-02 3.25707018e-01 2.73060530e-01 6.24655001e-02 -2.54004896e-01 -8.08901899e-03 -3.79372835e-01 1.39099509e-01 2.25977391e-01 -4.56909001e-01 -6.23284802e-02 -1.35935694e-01 4.63296622e-01 3.19096372e-02 1.87523246e-01 -1.94353700e-01 -1.67454064e-01 -9.71020013e-02 1.66867688e-01 -6.03674412e-01 5.65689623e-01 2.44705230e-01 2.02368930e-01 8.42705220e-02 2.56964207e-01 2.47193471e-01 -2.54483614e-02 1.10265933e-01 2.31697693e-01 -3.66680562e-01 8.50374028e-02 1.35962918e-01 9.58198979e-02 -5.96248806e-02 5.55767715e-01 -2.08415240e-01 -1.06578141e-01 -3.59410554e-01 -3.48529041e-01 1.04191609e-01 -1.27500612e-02 -2.17067674e-01 -8.64389315e-02 3.06628495e-01 -2.49757804e-02 -1.01074979e-01 -1.12984061e-01 1.70956358e-01 5.34974784e-03 -1.11237444e-01 -1.80026703e-02 2.37163696e-02 -1.99433953e-01 -9.91344973e-02 -9.84828994e-02 2.71166921e-01 1.15173385e-01 -1.36932544e-02 -2.50209481e-01 -1.73716947e-01]
"Sourdough Starter" active "Item #: SCP-759 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-759 are to be stored in wide-mouthed, airtight ceramic or glass-lined containers. Samples are to be kept at temperatures no lower than 0.9 Β°C and no higher than 11.4 Β°C unless in active use. Once per week, the following procedure is to be observed by the assigned personnel for each active sample: - Record date/time of feeding, feeder name, and feeder emotional state at time of feeding - Open sample container - Record visual/olfactory condition of sample - Pour off and retain upper layer of liquid OR stir into main sample as assigned by Foundation orders - Remove 125 g of sample in an airtight inert container- retain for ongoing analysis or other use as required - Add 125 g unbleached, unbromated all-purpose white flour and 125 g pure distilled water - Stir with clean, unpainted wooden implement until fully incorporated - Seal container and return to cold storage All removed samples are to be tracked and accounted for. Description: SCP-759 is a 500-gram mass of sourdough starter composed primarily of wheat flour and water. The starter's active component is an ongoing culture of wild yeasts (including Candida milleri and Saccharomyces exiguus) in symbiotic balance with multiple strains of Lactobacillus and Acetobacter organisms. The original sample first came to Foundation attention after a sudden spontaneous outbreak of attempted murders motivated by apparently baseless jealousy in [REDACTED] County, Vermont. Without exception, the would-be murderers had recently participated in a pancake breakfast fundraiser at the local Methodist church. Further investigation led directly to a single batch of 'Old-Fashioned Melt-In-Your-Mouth Sourdough Flapjacks' produced by a chef with a longstanding untreated case of borderline personality disorder. The chef's starter was confiscated and replaced with a visually and olfactorily indistinguishable sample of equal mass and volume. Like all starters, SCP-759 acquires a certain amount of its internal composition from its immediate environment. What distinguishes it from other sourdough is its ability to absorb the emotional state of the individuals who tend it, feed it, and bake with it- and transmit that emotional state or a close derivative thereof to anyone who consumes the resultant end product. Relevant variables include length of exposure and intensity of emotional state. Absorption of emotional information ceases upon the baked product achieving 57.5Β°C for one full minute. Testing of emotional information absorption while samples are in a frozen or dried state is ongoing, but preliminary evidence indicates any such absorption is slowed to the point of negligibility. Log of tests with SCP-759 Sample condition: Initial recovered sample, raised and fed daily at room temperature for one week. All researchers signed in at feeding time with emotional status of 'calm' or 'neutral'. Sample use: Batch of 'Old-Fashioned Melt-In-Your-Mouth Sourdough Flapjacks' from original chef's recipe. Result: No apparent change in emotional state of subjects. Flapjacks pronounced delicious. Sample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by Class D personnel with documented anger management issues and poor impulse control. Sample use: Two San Francisco-style baguettes. Result: After consumption of approximately half of the first baguette with butter and jam, an argument broke out over the rightful ownership of the second. The question was rendered moot when one of the test subjects picked up the second loaf and attempted to beat his fellows senseless with it, effectively destroying the remaining bread. Sample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by volunteers under the influence of mood-elevating medication. Sample use: Sixteen plain bagels. Result: Significant improvement of mood and temperament in 80% of test subjects for six hours. Remaining 20% experienced nausea, abdominal bloating, and fatigue. (May have been undiagnosed celiac sprue; the test subjects reported feeling significantly more philosophical and mellow about their condition than expected.) Sample condition: Raised and fed weekly for one month by automated machinery; baked entirely by automated machinery in isolation. Sample use: Three-stage French pain au levain. Result: No emotional change noted. Several testers noted a tinny or metallic taste. Sample condition: Kept in SCP-682's containment chamber for one hour. Sample use: One loaf challah (braided style) Result: Initial response appeared similar to that of the baguette experiment in that test subjects became aggressive and argumentative shortly after ingesting several slices. Rather than attacking each other, the test subjects finished the loaf, proceeded to the test kitchens, and began a systematic attempt at the destruction of every other baked good not made with SCP-759 as its primary leavening agent. Subjects proved difficult to subdue. Sample condition: Also kept in SCP-682's containment chamber for one hour. Adulterated shortly thereafter with 10 grams dry domestic yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Sample use: One batch English muffins (Experiment supervisor Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ specifically requested the change to 'something with less weight to throw around if the testers get stroppy'), baked under same conditions as the aggression challah. Result: Subjects immediately became cranky, uncooperative, and argumentative upon consumption of test product. The result has been unofficially dubbed 'grumpy muffins'. Sample condition: Raised and fed daily at room temperature under the bed of newly married Agent for one week. Sample use: Six blueberry muffins. Result: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Sample condition: Raised and fed twice weekly for one month by personnel diagnosed with severe clinical depression. Sample use: Unlike prior experiments, the liquid layer was not stirred into the main mass of the starter at feeding time, but drawn off and retained separately. Resultant product was then filtered to remove particulate matter and added to lone test subject's alcoholic beverage of choice for one week. Result: "Liquid despair". Subject began to exhibit signs of emotional distress within minutes of consuming the first doped beverage. Psychological evaluation at the end of the week indicated a depressive state on the order of that diagnosed in 'feeder' personnel, including suicidal ideation. Symptoms had largely cleared two weeks after cessation of experiment, but lingering effects remained. The possible Foundation uses for SCP-759 are numerous and should be self-evident. Requesting permission to test 'liquid despair' minimum potency and LD-50 as possible means of inducing suicide in otherwise problematic targets. Β« SCP-758 | SCP-759 | SCP-760 Β»" nan
[-2.42313802e-01 -1.05380759e-01 -2.04684705e-01 -1.79332957e-01 -1.02572113e-01 -4.03330356e-01 2.22354773e-02 -1.60157159e-02 3.14095736e-01 7.73096830e-02 3.68599057e-01 2.16409653e-01 -2.14769676e-01 5.98579824e-01 5.45959659e-02 4.05080229e-01 9.19530168e-02 2.52531677e-01 -1.23238089e-02 -1.04136847e-01 7.12652281e-02 -7.47766942e-02 -6.65330738e-02 1.52589768e-01 -2.45002121e-01 3.97005640e-02 2.36700580e-01 -1.00249819e-01 -1.94354743e-01 -4.72037137e-01 1.39021561e-01 4.05896217e-01 -1.01291556e-02 9.82651860e-02 -1.05790939e-04 -8.71030539e-02 1.69606760e-01 9.37056169e-02 -4.87262160e-01 1.47189394e-01 -1.52024254e-01 -1.47550628e-01 -2.67757118e-01 -1.60902649e-01 -3.69823091e-02 -5.11325717e-01 2.96452582e-01 2.38213241e-01 2.05841914e-01 3.03816386e-02 2.27512762e-01 -2.29134098e-01 1.88774362e-01 1.72630593e-01 5.29682100e-01 5.31744778e-01 -1.04436524e-01 1.32343993e-01 4.09065396e-01 -9.85739157e-02 8.06232691e-02 1.79713264e-01 -2.47220412e-01 -1.00735970e-01 2.53065787e-02 -1.21687405e-01 2.80381233e-01 -3.28780301e-02 2.27115318e-01 3.49450558e-01 1.13311604e-01 2.04242766e-01 5.15167341e-02 -1.44663062e-02 -5.35704345e-02 -1.61233079e-02 -8.32802132e-02 2.18193322e-01 -2.69302428e-01 1.71228051e-01 5.03777228e-02 2.10009515e-01 -1.81077570e-01 -5.57885990e-02 -8.06116778e-03 2.45454475e-01 -2.66668022e-01 -4.40985039e-02 1.98335081e-01 -3.69622499e-01 -9.36703943e-03 -7.75246918e-02 1.04637153e-01 1.41011342e-01 1.90622464e-01 -1.20549686e-01 1.26160905e-01 1.85237020e-01 5.00650704e-01 2.83522278e-01 1.52492523e-01 1.04903646e-01 2.26158649e-01 7.75569379e-02 7.39800036e-02 2.55199164e-01 7.51801655e-02 -5.19972593e-02 -3.95283997e-01 5.26591480e-01 -3.34148824e-01 4.43458967e-02 -1.06532425e-01 3.67168523e-02 1.65930286e-01 -2.70020068e-01 2.44874477e-01 -1.67687654e-01 -3.46607596e-01 2.14221373e-01 -3.59656960e-01 -1.74902245e-01 -1.32779136e-01 4.00178164e-01 2.74777770e-01 2.17745736e-01 -1.88528243e-02 -1.37691334e-01 -8.17172229e-02 -1.81797355e-01 -2.84820884e-01 1.03401974e-01 -1.93272606e-01 2.43772138e-02 -2.75238766e-03 -1.66096501e-02 9.25823823e-02 -9.63168368e-02 4.69519803e-03 1.39405206e-01 3.46226543e-01 -2.34645661e-02 3.77522647e-01 4.03691053e-01 -1.84790581e-01 -2.41474941e-01 2.66571864e-02 1.54671848e-01 -9.79040116e-02 2.45268270e-01 2.37759560e-01 -2.30032563e-01 8.61995816e-02 2.68340349e-01 -1.63467973e-01 6.90695271e-02 2.96713442e-01 6.61469670e-03 -1.52915284e-01 -2.19919652e-01 8.62492174e-02 2.81380415e-02 5.44240065e-02 -1.79268360e-01 5.64111732e-02 1.29410669e-01 5.95638379e-02 -1.07543856e-01 -5.46879210e-02 -2.06427798e-01 2.78514594e-01 -1.01402901e-01 -8.21756795e-02 3.35572749e-01 -1.97485071e-02 8.54789391e-02 -4.91564393e-01 -1.51088700e-01 -1.76700026e-01 8.07665214e-02 -3.66099745e-01 2.53724396e-01 3.59156877e-01 -3.09865147e-01 -3.57883304e-01 -1.79438695e-01 1.02652259e-01 2.33254656e-01 4.26348113e-02 -2.37981930e-01 -2.91848809e-01 -6.40573323e-01 2.35179096e-01 8.79669935e-02 1.47896081e-01 6.12320453e-02 9.69978869e-02 2.27348179e-01 1.31928530e-02 -4.58477661e-02 -9.50391125e-03 2.40986850e-02 4.54997599e-01 -1.14278942e-01 -1.47460058e-01 -1.53702229e-01 2.04231784e-01 -9.83045176e-02 1.41086817e-01 -1.42324937e-03 -9.84522551e-02 -1.81624249e-01 -2.76919335e-01 3.90868634e-01 -2.72195227e-02 -2.10288376e-01 3.36187929e-01 2.65669495e-01 -6.80206064e-03 -1.59804955e-01 5.18252626e-02 -1.11254990e-01 -1.04938015e-01 -9.13930833e-02 -2.25054007e-02 -1.26022533e-01 -9.72118154e-02 -2.26550698e-01 -1.48963127e-02 3.16635817e-01 3.50323677e-01 1.09031253e-01 1.89302251e-01 3.08374371e-02 -3.75955462e-01 4.34043743e-02 2.10877061e-01 4.67785418e-01 -3.29839677e-01 -1.65501192e-01 -1.91970825e-01 -1.85386166e-01 2.63064001e-02 -1.01347938e-01 -1.98966086e-01 2.43949085e-01 -3.24060977e-01 8.55579004e-02 -1.65892154e-01 -7.81843588e-02 -6.37530610e-02 -2.61275828e-01 -1.93350255e-01 -2.40324244e-01 4.82712865e-01 -3.17867212e-02 1.11314416e-01 9.91390422e-02 -4.79159728e-02 5.69392562e-01 -1.11904070e-01 -2.25065470e-01 1.30910680e-01 -1.05421826e-01 1.34046629e-01 -3.71859640e-01 6.39803112e-02 3.66661698e-01 3.63196172e-02 1.10381097e-01 1.03451729e-01 -3.24140728e-01 2.00962588e-01 4.71595228e-02 2.53131211e-01 -1.15293071e-01 5.68502210e-02 2.21045732e-01 1.37309507e-01 -1.25576898e-01 -4.16852497e-02 -2.41042808e-01 -1.39894232e-01 -8.81321803e-02 -8.67885724e-02 1.27616048e-01 3.86339314e-02 4.99112666e-01 -1.34368390e-01 -2.78581362e-02 4.57625657e-01 -2.11367890e-01 1.81938067e-01 2.54946738e-01 -3.24542135e-01 -1.94459885e-01 -3.33732157e-03 5.47118664e-01 -2.73724645e-01 1.79151848e-01 -2.69313067e-01 -1.58327043e-01 -1.05159916e-01 2.00174242e-01 -2.05902249e-01 4.52845097e-01 3.26662689e-01 -1.69738382e-01 -1.32100657e-01 -1.68758810e-01 -2.49959916e-01 3.90089631e-01 -1.39169067e-01 3.31699640e-01 2.99990803e-01 2.04421878e-01 -4.20727208e-02 -2.52300084e-01 -7.15361610e-02 -5.41452944e-01 -1.05253428e-01 6.35048896e-02 -2.13799223e-01 -1.11296058e-01 -1.91969961e-01 3.38140577e-01 2.06888113e-02 -6.79603294e-02 1.52279928e-01 5.17657213e-02 -8.92350003e-02 -1.19367884e-02 7.28987008e-02 1.71469390e-01 1.20816730e-01 -3.02238986e-02 -5.46853185e-01 -3.36880893e-01 -3.07858223e-03 -3.12969774e-01 -7.00696632e-02 -1.01232357e-01 -2.04357833e-01 1.75398961e-02 9.63329598e-02 -2.90238202e-01 1.00363011e-03 2.86154985e-01 1.30193472e-01 9.98595282e-02 -2.08612040e-01 2.20045075e-01 1.35367200e-01 -3.10227603e-01 -2.86067665e-01 -7.47865811e-02 -8.46959874e-02 -3.95626098e-01 4.30955976e-01 -6.08834475e-02 -2.91273236e-01 2.39217713e-01 7.54906714e-01 -4.92928386e-01 1.83701009e-01 -2.44140252e-01 2.46824563e-01 2.35907733e-01 2.38423482e-01 -1.40199468e-01 1.25232413e-01 1.03698432e-01 -6.05293393e-01 2.96833873e-01 -1.72723174e-01 7.77489692e-02 2.11418599e-01 1.17500819e-01 -2.25500554e-01 -1.72861874e-01 8.93004462e-02 2.31110424e-01 2.89609700e-01 -1.97835237e-01 -7.41944611e-02 -3.20303321e-01 -1.54649243e-01 -3.78119379e-01 1.14174094e-02 -6.97305128e-02 -1.48652513e-02 -9.92653251e-01 -3.44165802e-01 -3.93488109e-01 1.35820601e-02 -5.86280487e-02 2.16142878e-01 -4.18636888e-01 -2.11645633e-01 2.23631158e-01 -3.79867345e-01 3.81120853e-02 1.35844558e-01 4.16729271e-01 3.77851844e-01 2.15738595e-01 -1.52110010e-01 -2.06738859e-01 -2.88200766e-01 6.86977878e-02 2.09509090e-01 -7.84196794e-01 -6.88615263e-01 -1.16985999e-01 4.02094513e-01 -1.26497716e-01 1.27390489e-01 2.90113036e-02 -1.29331276e-01 -5.42091250e-01 -1.98642746e-01 3.50929648e-02 7.78841600e-02 5.60152233e-02 -3.72274548e-01 3.76776040e-01 -1.81639120e-02 4.64459926e-01 1.88696787e-01 -3.00145410e-02 6.71952814e-02 7.22093135e-02 -1.22345001e-01 1.81477532e-01 1.33309364e-01 2.05595374e-01 3.33415419e-01 7.44461194e-02 -6.92287907e-02 4.57491502e-02 -1.61731303e-01 -1.58597067e-01 5.68539858e-01 3.35069783e-02 5.82180582e-02 1.32675439e-01 1.02500059e-01 1.07130282e-01 1.62204266e-01 3.64587635e-01 -9.89479572e-02 -3.14472094e-02 -4.53563631e-02 3.33502829e-01 -4.83426935e-04 -4.18073386e-01 -2.27828864e-02 2.53206994e-02 -1.11101784e-01 6.20730639e-01 5.14824212e-01 1.19989347e+00 2.07857013e-01 2.14506939e-01 1.34440213e-01 -2.41937056e-01 1.94847733e-02 1.56820267e-01 -1.88174397e-01 2.35736500e-02 -2.51386799e-02 1.78752407e-01 -9.93127748e-02 -2.40362212e-02 2.44349554e-01 -1.95909247e-01 -2.35944569e-01 -2.83309102e-01 1.28085986e-01 2.53138930e-01 -5.04603125e-02 7.61379153e-02 1.34937823e-01 3.90560508e-01 1.91888079e-01 5.96992746e-02 8.89530256e-02 -2.05850258e-01 3.47793452e-03 2.69031942e-01 -7.63218328e-02 -3.10910016e-01 -1.99292809e-01 -1.85025498e-01 7.58738518e-02 3.70397598e-01 -1.12922147e-01 -3.54594916e-01 -6.79138005e-02 4.34713736e-02 9.55925211e-02 -2.58292854e-01 9.21842828e-02 3.06180805e-01 -1.33024290e-01 1.44552367e-04 -3.23740512e-01 3.68950427e-01 3.06448285e-02 -2.10016161e-01 -4.55108285e-02 -7.56374598e-02 -5.74769638e-02 -1.39176637e-01 9.95231718e-02 1.96401849e-02 -4.24559534e-01 -1.18070588e-01 4.19880062e-01 3.01412586e-02 -5.72057366e-02 1.86022177e-01 1.70474961e-01 3.54958698e-02 1.39065003e-02 1.91138051e-02 -2.61685718e-02 -3.02759632e-02 5.24116084e-02 3.40755105e-01 -2.39278376e-02 4.12072420e-01 -2.37619877e-01 1.91108584e-02 -3.82364005e-01 -4.22989065e-03 3.52970026e-02 -4.00514483e-01 1.18592709e-01 -5.30927777e-02 -4.73694563e-01 3.20264027e-02 6.40415251e-01 2.10469142e-01 -2.30733231e-02 -1.83233358e-02 -1.91395149e-01 8.84230584e-02 1.71778962e-01 1.37649685e-01 3.08281422e-01 1.63117543e-01 2.54165411e-01 -3.12096298e-01 2.59866625e-01 -4.47568953e-01 2.27569193e-02 -4.34944093e-01 -9.94031578e-02 3.00405443e-01 3.97213083e-03 1.11897871e-01 -4.68637571e-02 1.46041557e-01 1.69542089e-01 -1.52111337e-01 -2.49820679e-01 -2.79233456e-02 1.20958507e-01 -3.46879214e-02 -9.19670686e-02 -1.96736664e-01 1.45821691e-01 2.54454166e-01 1.25863001e-01 -4.25192527e-02 1.60036087e-01 1.84142634e-01 -1.37628457e-02 -5.17132699e-01 6.12530649e-01 -2.20267773e-01 -4.12722155e-02 7.41778091e-02 1.36383802e-01 2.38061026e-01 1.67599380e-01 -6.02102727e-02 4.18184400e-02 2.31641188e-01 4.38539460e-02 1.92017198e-01 3.99739444e-01 3.59913021e-01 -2.71622464e-02 -2.03272998e-01 1.46484390e-01 -2.46565372e-01 4.57774438e-02 -3.70644927e-01 -1.46305323e-01 8.55086371e-02 3.92418265e-01 -1.27422974e-01 -3.76378372e-02 -2.49181330e-01 -1.07718566e-02 -9.39955339e-02 2.00032398e-01 2.55781978e-01 -3.34881186e-01 3.51519227e-01 2.91095674e-01 -1.75396249e-01 4.08340931e-01 -1.91342272e-02 -1.10398866e-02 -2.10437000e-01 2.33708248e-02 3.55016649e-01 1.80119500e-01 2.32904002e-01 -8.33263099e-02 9.50345397e-02 5.07528067e-01 9.55268741e-03 3.42137098e-01 -8.28230530e-02 1.31388992e-01 2.50641674e-01 5.54239750e-01 -7.00726733e-02 2.74123430e-01 -9.00657251e-02 2.56943375e-01 -3.57638955e-01 -1.44760400e-01 -9.48232934e-02 -4.59956639e-02 -5.00448197e-02 -2.08788544e-01 -4.86739159e-01 -1.43250197e-01 -1.03013374e-01 -6.35688379e-02 1.26003534e-01 1.06960535e-01 -3.75741236e-02 -7.33046830e-02 5.74621297e-02 -1.11294605e-01 -1.53522789e-01 2.63909996e-01 3.73141348e-01 -3.67659241e-01 -9.53975469e-02 1.50791228e-01 -2.59985089e-01 5.17063856e-01 4.15444791e-01 5.54739475e-01 -2.71641701e-01 -2.37390891e-01 -7.70529881e-02 -4.03927594e-01 -1.96879506e-01 -2.06645116e-01 1.62271291e-01 3.25159371e-01 -1.05553143e-01 1.10468231e-01 1.84492305e-01 -3.19835782e-01 9.16056857e-02 4.15041894e-01 -1.87391907e-01 -6.28508329e-02 -3.86710018e-01 7.56351128e-02 -3.18476498e-01 -2.19660312e-01 1.15779201e-02 3.48590314e-02 6.72869235e-02 -4.60241199e-01 8.15200210e-02 1.74959823e-01 -1.87764630e-01 1.26626030e-01 2.69963354e-01 4.27801132e-01 1.45343408e-01 -2.93604702e-01 -1.74861014e-01 -4.25714910e-01 -4.68212068e-02 1.67341128e-01 -4.41449910e-01 -2.52283216e-01 6.17512539e-02 4.22441103e-02 3.98169421e-02 2.04154342e-01 -2.06384301e-01 -9.65147838e-02 -3.65995079e-01 3.34181994e-01 -3.21919054e-01 1.29112959e-01 5.71178973e-01 1.39088809e-01 1.68809071e-02 -1.39705494e-01 1.07265577e-01 -1.40953690e-01 1.79668605e-01 1.52145242e-02 -1.96065336e-01 4.67960611e-02 9.73039791e-02 1.92640916e-01 1.87892526e-01 -9.31547582e-02 -1.18691742e-01 -1.67390466e-01 -7.69940913e-02 2.18294695e-01 -9.61851254e-02 -9.20119137e-02 1.13442123e-01 2.41593212e-01 9.27800685e-02 4.36864108e-01 1.30227208e-01 2.49849390e-02 4.37908135e-02 4.06329110e-02 -3.00050437e-01 9.56878364e-02 -1.28147423e-01 1.73167959e-01 1.81495056e-01 5.45751214e-01 -5.26741073e-02 -2.13166207e-01 -2.18964949e-01 -2.73238271e-01 2.76708007e-01 -4.60263103e-01 -2.53274947e-01 -1.47356287e-01 3.08612138e-01 1.49900451e-01 -8.18672180e-02 1.81805976e-02 -3.74540836e-02 -2.00533867e-01 1.49081051e-01 -5.43810017e-02 5.94909973e-02 -1.45854369e-01 3.08292285e-02 -1.04663670e-01 2.21204489e-01 7.87259713e-02 -6.32415861e-02 -2.69525200e-01 -2.70665679e-02]
"The Groomers" active "Item #: SCP-760 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Each specimen of SCP-760 is to be kept in an individual containment area. The locks on the doors to these containment areas are to be changed every month. Feedings composed of β–ˆβ–ˆ g of a nutrient-rich paste are to be issued once a day. Specimens are only to be introduced to each other in experiments meant to observe social interactions and subsequent psychological events between specimens. At least two armed guards are to be posted outside of each containment area at any time. Each containment area is to be lit with no more than one (1) 40 watt light bulb, and equipped with low-light surveillance cameras. In the event of an equipment malfunction, equipment should be manually replaced as soon as possible, as instances of SCP-760 have a tendency to disassemble maintenance equipment. Personnel are allowed to give specimens of SCP-760 items that they no longer want or need, given that the objects do not violate current Foundation regulations and that they are approved by the overseeing researcher. Items requested for donation to SCP-760 include, but are not limited to: Description: SCP-760 is a vaguely humanoid species of animal, only three of which have ever been obtained by the Foundation. The skeletal and muscular system of SCP-760 differ greatly in areas from those of humans, the most notable effects of these differences being legs that extrude perpendicular to the torso and an ape-like curvature of the spine that results in a preference to walk on all fours. Other notable differences include the addition of an extra joint on each finger of SCP-760, and an average of 150% of the joint degrees of freedom that are allowed for humans. This makes SCP-760 much more flexible than the average human, which aids specimens of SCP-760 during feeding. Where a face would be on a human, there is a mass of hair on SCP-760; this hair is shown to have some sort of sensory function that allows for sight in the dark. Underneath the hair, there are no eyes, nose, or mouth; however, the skin of the "face" is pulled taut as a part of a speaker-like vocal system. SCP-760 has muscle structures in the front of their head that they can use to vibrate the skin as if it were a drum head, producing a variable-pitched whine. Further observation led to the discovery that this vocal structure is also capable of opening and serving as a mouth. Within this mouth is a tongue, approximately 40 cm in length with a soft but coarse texture. The epidermis of SCP-760 is shown to react to light in a way that makes them invisible; this is done via a complex system of reflective [DATA EXPUNGED] roughly 78% of SCP-760's skin. The hair on SCP-760's head disappears as well; biological analysis shows the hair to be similar in composition to a polar bear's. As light dims, however, this effect fades, and in very dim light it is possible to see SCP-760 completely. Removal of the skin also hinders this effect; and it appears to do so on more areas of SCP-760 than where the skin was removed, suggesting that the function of SCP-760's invisibility on any part of the body requires that same function on all surrounding parts. It is also worth noting that SCP-760 appears agitated when subjected to light for longer than what would be normal sunlight hours near latitude β–ˆβ–ˆ N or β–ˆβ–ˆ S. Instances of SCP-760 are very docile under normal circumstances. They exhibit behavior and tendencies similar to canines or primates, thus making understanding what they are thinking relatively easy. They are generally curious creatures; any object that is placed in the containment area is almost sure to be examined thoroughly by them. They seem to enjoy toying with new things, particularly taking objects apart and examining their pieces. They also seem to enjoy attempting to figure out how things work, and as long as they are attempting to learn about something they are completely content to stay in the containment area. Contributions of objects by personnel have served as more than enough to keep this want for new objects appeased. It is, generally speaking, entirely safe to enter the containment area, and specimens of SCP-760 seem to either enjoy or be indifferent to the presence of people. They have shown behaviors towards humans that are almost child-like in nature, and almost always benevolent. Instances of SCP-760 appear to be particularly interested in sleeping humans. In experiments performed investigating this, it was discovered that specimens of SCP-760 feed on human secretions and dead matter. When presented with a sleeping human, SCP-760 will proceed to carefully position itself over the subject, on to their chest if the subject is sleeping on their back, and begin vocalizing at approximately 20dB for a period of β–ˆ to β–ˆβ–ˆ minutes. This vocalization appears to promote slow-wave sleep in β–ˆβ–ˆ % of subjects, greatly reducing the chance of the subject awakening. The exact mechanism responsible for this effect is unknown, but is thought to involve [DATA EXPUNGED]. In the remaining β–ˆ %, the subject is largely unaffected by the vocalization and may regain some level of consciousness. Several subjects who have reported this experience have likened it to sleep paralysis, stating that they awoke to find themselves aware of an β€œinhuman” presence in the room but unable to move. After this period, SCP-760 will use its tongue to consume any easily accessible secretions present on the subject including ocular discharge, hair oils, dead skin cells, pimples, and [REDACTED]. This process has been observed to be largely harmless to the subject. However, experimental observation indicates that if the subject shifts during sleep or some external event occurs SCP-760 may become startled and exert additional force on the subject, in several cases causing sore areas and slight bruising. Addendum 760-01: Research into weaponising SCP-760's invisibility is pending approval. Addendum 760-02: On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, 86 days after the initial discovery of SCP-760, another specimen of SCP-760 was obtained; revealing it to be a member of a species rather than an independent creature. Specimen previously in possession re-classified as SCP-760-01, and newly obtained specimen was classified as SCP-760-02. Research into the social interactions between the two began immediately following SCP-760-02's arrival at Sector 05. Addendum 760-03: SCP-760-01 and 02 were observed taking part in what appears to be some sort of mating ritual, which involved β–ˆ consecutive hours of consistently "screaming" at each other and [DATA EXPUNGED] resulted in the immediate medical treatment of SCP-760-01, and the knowledge that specimens of SCP-760 are hermaphroditic. Addendum 760-04: SCP-760-02 gave birth. Subject titled SCP-760-03. Incident Report 760-01-I: On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, at approximately 21:48, one of the guards posted to contain SCP-760-01 fell asleep on his shift. SCP-760-01 was somehow able to "see" this, suggesting that the hairs on its face allow it to sense through walls. It then proceeded to its containment door and partially disassembled it from the inside, a process taking roughly β–ˆ hours, and proceeded to feed on the guard as he slept. The other guard was unaware of this due to SCP-760-01's active camouflage in the hallway lights, but proceeded to coax it back into its containment area the moment he realized what was happening. Β« SCP-759 | SCP-760 | SCP-761 Β»" nan
[ 3.32101434e-01 -9.73112732e-02 -2.23752305e-01 -1.58828408e-01 1.13892235e-01 -2.35467717e-01 3.14334333e-01 1.31161258e-01 -3.98717076e-02 1.88369825e-01 1.00437570e-02 7.27478638e-02 -1.12055182e-01 -7.85601661e-02 2.37557918e-01 -1.74080044e-01 2.00851634e-01 2.29822680e-01 -1.83191240e-01 -3.57759774e-01 -4.42417637e-02 -2.31218308e-01 -8.55672210e-02 3.10028136e-01 -1.69452325e-01 -1.47381261e-01 4.35733832e-02 1.70789957e-01 -2.16654941e-01 -4.82408732e-01 3.94788310e-02 1.48454875e-01 -8.00843388e-02 5.08494794e-01 -1.07705564e-04 -2.76660681e-01 9.26156119e-02 7.09762201e-02 -1.36537939e-01 1.95411235e-01 5.88483512e-02 -5.45915402e-02 -1.10011935e-01 -2.46616855e-01 7.41889551e-02 2.17518881e-01 1.89831078e-01 1.04078650e-01 2.44224280e-01 4.19320017e-01 1.89162195e-01 -2.65233368e-01 -2.17528433e-01 1.13493770e-01 2.62028605e-01 2.47223839e-01 -1.73191860e-01 -3.28372926e-01 1.19419582e-01 -3.79635915e-02 2.13297028e-02 1.17805913e-01 -1.57970205e-01 -1.54335514e-01 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-3.57127264e-02 -5.49382627e-01 -1.85609683e-01 1.03070013e-01 -1.20472521e-01 6.65248811e-01 -1.96263045e-01 9.13007930e-03 2.54846737e-02 -4.11360025e-01 2.32568130e-01 2.75656015e-01 -1.88512340e-01 -1.92708969e-01 2.95961440e-01 -1.85897171e-01 2.79196501e-01 2.25792408e-01 5.00991583e-01 8.03890750e-02 5.36683984e-02 -1.01390786e-01 -4.80764806e-01 -9.25475806e-02 -1.29269347e-01 5.95725775e-02 1.53200105e-01 3.68521035e-01 2.28126854e-01 9.05922875e-02 -2.88000047e-01 -3.22272703e-02 4.39164601e-02 1.97199211e-01 -2.03107193e-01 2.53203779e-01 -2.25996718e-01 -1.82444200e-01 -1.06886566e-01 1.34679573e-02 -3.60886484e-01 -1.53976418e-02 2.05224216e-01 3.65662605e-01 3.61009955e-01 -3.14529359e-01 7.06396550e-02 -7.10633993e-02 2.80847520e-01 2.79246811e-02 4.70260024e-01 1.08397163e-01 -2.09676549e-01 -2.96697438e-01 3.42717469e-02 -2.02336773e-01 -4.95332927e-01 -2.28765815e-01 7.34136179e-02 1.84931695e-01 7.96812028e-02 8.48617256e-02 -1.54781610e-01 -2.91033208e-01 -1.29186153e-01 4.04906273e-02 1.91457793e-01 -8.04191232e-02 5.15450984e-02 8.80563632e-02 -2.16293424e-01 2.43427366e-01 -2.26856634e-01 1.49978429e-01 2.13934034e-01 -2.27418467e-01 -2.57744402e-01 1.14084512e-01 4.19948965e-01 -2.45464593e-02 1.74560308e-01 -3.12321514e-01 -3.21775049e-01 -1.00447632e-01 2.49050409e-01 -1.92034543e-01 4.88366067e-01 3.39295298e-01 7.76895106e-01 -1.39114950e-02 1.18754745e-01 2.09997356e-01 2.01412559e-01 1.64735287e-01 -2.26569891e-01 -2.60199815e-01 8.07734728e-02 -6.85264310e-03 4.09593806e-02 3.51096056e-02 2.87695616e-01 6.49839491e-02 -2.94310331e-01 -1.61314234e-01 -3.89290571e-01 5.89159310e-01 -1.24612758e-02 -4.65667337e-01 -3.31766188e-01 -9.05589908e-02 1.83829054e-01 -6.38437942e-02 -5.62620521e-01 -4.28642958e-01 -2.99789831e-02 1.85566116e-02 -1.97565138e-01 -1.09790064e-01 -2.35570386e-01 -3.38089824e-01 -1.27650708e-01 5.50311685e-01 -1.47626787e-01 1.71133988e-02 9.62065719e-03 -3.67706954e-01]
"Slightly Less Dangerous Trampoline" active "Item #: SCP-761 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-761's frame is to be contained in a standard containment chamber, located in Site-77. No net is to be attached to SCP-761, except for testing purposes. The testing chamber is to be suspended 25 meters from any other surface, only accessible via elevator. Any materials or documents relating to SCP-761 have been stored in Site-77's non-anomalous documentation area. Description: SCP-761 is a steel trampoline frame, 2m in diameter and 3.5 meters tall. It shows no manufacturers mark, apart from a tag on the bottom of the original net which reads "PROTO-5". Any solid object impacting SCP-761's surface with a momentum exceeding 250 kg*m/s will vanish upon impact. Testing has determined that the object is instantaneously transported to a random location up to fifteen meters away, while retaining its momentum. This effect has resulted in a number of users being entombed and asphyxiating. The object transported by SCP-761 does not appear to displace any material upon relocation, suggesting matter replacement based on volume. The location to which SCP-761 displaces the material is not known at this time. SCP-761 was recovered from a residential home in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, IN1, where it had been in use during a children's birthday party. Local police had been called to the home when several children using SCP-761 had been subjected to its anomalous effect. Foundation agents were able to cover up the incident, issuing Class-B amnestics to witnesses and relatives. During follow-up containment operations, an address was found leading to a party supply store from which SCP-761 had been rented. The company in question was investigated and found not to stock trampolines. Security camera recordings showed SCP-761 being sold in front of the store by an employee, whose vehicle was recovered behind the store. Interviews with the subject indicate that she had obtained SCP-761 from a local waste dump and had no knowledge of its properties. However, several documents recovered from the vehicle indicated otherwise. Subject was not detained and has been designated a person of interest, with attendant remote monitoring. It has been found that subjects affected by SCP-2403 are not subject to SCP-761's anomalous effect. Addendum: Excerpt from a recovered document. The document in question appeared to regard to SCP-761's development, but was heavily damaged by water and age. The following sections are the largest legible portions of the text. ….tests appeared to indicate steel was the best material, due to its durability. The safety features have seen some good progress in the prototyping stage, and we hope to see them implemented by June. Bernard thinks it'll be a real hit and I agree. The saf… We have a prototype! Jason tossed a cat onto the trampoline from 30 feet and it just appeared like 10 feet away! Now, it was stuck in the ground, but it was alive! Bossman says we're moving onto more advanced tests soon. I hope we aren't being too hasty, but this is some exciting stu… We started limited human testing today. We had a group of 10 boys and 10 girls together, and they seemed to be pretty excited. We had them jumping on the prototype, and they seemed pretty happy about it. During displacement they were a little woozy, but fine. The only bad bit was when one kid got his foot stuck in a i feel like I'm gonna be sick we were testung today i don't know what went wronf but one of the kids just disappaered. we dug around everywher and you know where she was? IN the concrete. we need to stop,we need to stop. This is wrong wrong I killed a kid today. I let them kill her they did it wrong. I warned them this would happen. Do they listen to me? No, they go out and sell them anyways. They aren't safe anymore, we know this. All it was supposed to do was take kids off if they were too big or got unruly. But they all go under. It's killing them and nobody is stopping it's gone Β« SCP-760 | SCP-761 | SCP-762 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-761" by HK-016, rewritten by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 1.58495292e-01 -2.38370419e-01 -1.64486721e-01 1.77414224e-01 1.88870206e-01 -5.56729972e-01 1.20868720e-01 1.18806750e-01 -2.23165840e-01 1.22040480e-01 -3.84166576e-02 2.98194289e-01 -3.53793383e-01 -3.80578972e-02 1.26796633e-01 -2.93080807e-01 2.60544792e-02 -6.07191760e-04 -1.68728381e-01 -2.38068569e-02 -7.70435929e-02 -1.08705863e-01 -1.32942930e-01 4.47449446e-01 1.34541169e-01 -1.50977261e-02 3.57049443e-02 7.21058100e-02 -1.89971030e-02 -4.74752009e-01 4.74203825e-01 1.13383308e-01 2.44739562e-01 2.92953163e-01 -1.08449341e-04 1.09677270e-01 1.73821561e-02 4.85371053e-02 1.47598803e-01 1.42360792e-01 7.94787928e-02 1.02740169e-01 -2.74163336e-02 -7.41404817e-02 -1.56502217e-01 1.17153086e-01 1.31368443e-01 -1.63085058e-01 3.48775566e-01 2.40130395e-01 1.90995201e-01 3.56797904e-01 -1.21942565e-01 2.97175646e-02 2.94969141e-01 -3.16844434e-01 -2.47146741e-01 1.60682559e-01 4.34766531e-01 4.84943092e-02 -2.07331076e-01 -2.29506537e-01 -3.04718107e-01 -1.16320655e-01 1.89608604e-01 -1.05009064e-01 1.45331264e-01 -1.29566073e-01 4.64880913e-02 5.50488412e-01 -2.05784053e-01 2.13132784e-01 6.26166239e-02 -3.18108946e-02 3.05401664e-02 7.46305436e-02 5.06561510e-02 1.81194171e-01 6.97098300e-02 2.97507793e-02 -1.39608815e-01 2.08815083e-01 -3.40804219e-01 3.35950106e-02 4.65195738e-02 1.46943226e-01 -1.52543366e-01 1.72430396e-01 5.59005439e-01 -2.06926525e-01 2.67160952e-01 1.30603030e-01 4.37979847e-01 -2.95861661e-01 2.60058772e-02 1.78560447e-02 -1.32784573e-02 -1.17200084e-01 9.58755240e-02 -1.71231329e-01 2.26031527e-01 1.91267505e-01 2.88349986e-01 -7.58893341e-02 -1.18267238e-01 -1.97466165e-01 -1.81451976e-01 1.77149042e-01 -4.21618581e-01 5.54503500e-01 -4.28505726e-02 3.79646868e-01 -2.63259232e-01 2.13038415e-01 -2.00420767e-01 -2.91225370e-02 -8.56745765e-02 8.78779590e-02 -3.44527721e-01 2.19060659e-01 -4.54459518e-01 2.64438272e-01 -2.85824947e-02 1.72360331e-01 2.88564205e-01 -9.50652268e-03 6.37503117e-02 3.24200690e-02 5.12329228e-02 -4.58545685e-02 -2.96213776e-01 3.75011653e-01 -2.45752707e-01 5.61877266e-02 -1.24770023e-01 -2.37326995e-01 -1.12238809e-01 -1.79983169e-01 -1.11148201e-01 -1.13227122e-01 1.18184850e-01 -3.92518714e-02 6.64319813e-01 3.02515656e-01 -4.90265816e-01 -3.93675894e-01 -2.10187197e-01 -6.78336173e-02 -2.33793855e-02 -2.01892052e-02 2.04376906e-01 -1.51553392e-01 -3.63901764e-01 2.15661913e-01 -2.49608666e-01 6.15644380e-02 4.12831604e-01 5.69521822e-02 -2.84093648e-01 -1.46793365e-01 2.03094855e-01 1.35124266e-01 -5.35475314e-01 -3.36176962e-01 7.84608275e-02 2.23128930e-01 -1.01631232e-01 -1.49135590e-01 -2.09642872e-01 -1.70647100e-01 -5.25570698e-02 -2.84000337e-01 -2.02814654e-01 3.25567365e-01 -1.84233472e-01 1.04688272e-01 -6.04116261e-01 -2.74317741e-01 -2.41515517e-01 -3.87059003e-01 -4.83382791e-01 1.69060826e-01 1.37455165e-01 -8.19522217e-02 2.39056140e-01 5.51981665e-02 3.64267863e-02 -7.21305758e-02 3.25771183e-01 -1.59967512e-01 -2.38046363e-01 -6.55767977e-01 4.93779868e-01 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1.79565966e-01 -3.38160321e-02 2.79578477e-01 -4.49512541e-01 4.00851876e-01 1.71353862e-01 -1.91698685e-01 -6.86768740e-02 1.80013835e-01 -1.45412937e-01 6.48771077e-02 -4.08576071e-01 6.57933056e-01 -3.06296170e-01 -5.65590486e-02 4.16217327e-01 -4.98817153e-02 2.52256453e-01 -1.26980498e-01 -1.90397978e-01 -2.15642631e-01 -3.03140759e-01 1.64704546e-01 2.09309645e-02 -1.04828350e-01 2.29532029e-02 -3.04044485e-01 -4.45871681e-01 -1.88254818e-01 2.59630263e-01 2.31673926e-01 -1.38317823e-01 -1.58194453e-01 -1.26935929e-01 -4.53456081e-02 2.07120687e-01 -1.98460579e-01 2.07896113e-01 -5.33963740e-01 1.16730988e-01 -4.59568109e-03 -1.62643030e-01 -3.99844378e-01 -1.15333812e-03 -3.39053273e-01 -1.13954797e-01 2.46660754e-01 -3.41802984e-01 -2.37899601e-01 -2.39097014e-01 1.52435198e-01 1.10748827e-01 -1.71541616e-01 -2.00766727e-01 -1.33227289e-01 1.17788911e-01 -1.29897729e-01 -3.11943173e-01 -3.57472479e-01 1.23619147e-01 1.92981943e-01 1.68228224e-01 -1.64259642e-01 -1.16483264e-01 2.80818522e-01 2.55711466e-01 -1.24725409e-01 3.21782649e-01 2.98841447e-01 -1.14841148e-01 -1.34118348e-01 3.89394879e-01 -1.10127121e-01 5.54785021e-02 -5.76338843e-02 -1.55905530e-01 7.94928893e-02 1.41334578e-01 1.28822446e-01 3.02038074e-01 6.89154211e-03 1.95529923e-01 -4.93742377e-01 2.29290217e-01 -3.07130098e-01 3.61861974e-01 -3.30361426e-01 -1.45297185e-01 -3.26646179e-01 2.45137498e-01 1.60554014e-02 1.69702932e-01 3.29147442e-03 2.08670840e-01 1.40456483e-02 2.82907754e-01 8.00480694e-03 -1.93815872e-01 1.91842467e-01 7.51766190e-03 2.75768310e-01 -1.46100055e-02 2.53106952e-01 -3.95266302e-02 4.97489190e-03 -3.02112788e-01 2.08644837e-01 -1.10482827e-01 2.07269400e-01 -5.03476299e-02 2.38923416e-01 1.52570397e-01 2.40933090e-01 2.90664285e-01 4.81281549e-01 2.68506944e-01 -1.01874761e-01 4.39025581e-01 1.33915350e-01 -1.80485234e-01 -8.51427689e-02 5.05937897e-02 -3.65693131e-06 -5.67597896e-02 -8.55213404e-02 -5.69674186e-02 -3.50564867e-02 -1.50256068e-01 1.79376602e-01 -1.71143398e-01 -5.35776794e-01 4.73236367e-02 7.76523277e-02 -1.08759299e-01 3.57568055e-01 -4.06674407e-02 -1.22090921e-01 1.85376331e-01 3.11414320e-02 1.77572384e-01 3.44080269e-01 -1.81550190e-01 1.73956335e-01 4.51003224e-01 9.41954926e-03 -3.77115533e-02 8.77116323e-02 2.20550835e-01 -1.27995118e-01 -3.46725404e-01 -8.41978844e-03 5.96682318e-02 -2.24261694e-02 2.89004575e-02 1.17120922e-01 1.94948748e-01 6.59477040e-02 1.64684281e-01 1.83757499e-01 -2.67570168e-01 -8.14335793e-02 2.89572924e-01 1.72678143e-01 -1.52546301e-01 -7.80070648e-02 -2.46722817e-01 -7.16407672e-02 4.04882766e-02 -2.21999213e-01 6.81535006e-02 2.29141653e-01 -1.67376116e-01 -1.96483389e-01 2.78975606e-01 -1.31793935e-02 7.83423036e-02 -6.05454817e-02 1.77280873e-01 -6.46296218e-02 3.10180277e-01 -1.43558085e-01 -1.65492609e-01 -2.12631270e-01 1.97395012e-01 -3.67760472e-02 -2.78956652e-01 2.08762765e-01 1.39957026e-01 -1.90857381e-01 5.52496016e-01 -9.23630297e-02 1.40975997e-01 2.48086914e-01 -1.74800918e-01 -2.75228858e-01 2.74210215e-01 3.79316062e-01 -1.31262749e-01 2.29174420e-01 -4.54364233e-02 5.06611355e-02 -5.18565059e-01 1.45294398e-01 1.27869755e-01 -6.05119467e-01 -2.70091683e-01 4.07485038e-01 2.43405759e-01 -1.30718708e-01 -1.74459174e-01 -2.89779931e-01 -1.15849681e-01 -1.01876244e-01 3.03471416e-01 7.12931098e-04 5.84849864e-02 1.19652569e-01 -1.83272377e-01 1.55206427e-01 5.96723557e-01 1.28791213e-01 -1.97438017e-01 2.87381649e-01 5.41252494e-01 -4.10491765e-01 2.76356861e-02 2.36249864e-02 -1.26171168e-02 -1.72249153e-01 4.63328250e-02 7.50471577e-02 -4.31244588e-03 -1.34758115e-01 -2.95290619e-01 4.96150911e-01 -1.75349981e-01 -8.02065656e-02 -5.99314347e-02 -4.83380668e-02 2.86265522e-01 -6.22997209e-02 -4.12861079e-01 -9.80356038e-02 1.02573678e-01 -1.74078748e-01 -1.32546484e-01 -1.38703123e-01 -3.52812499e-01 -1.13132127e-01 1.01852320e-01 3.60926181e-01 3.61408554e-02 -1.67773023e-01 -1.21261761e-01 -9.25855488e-02]
"Immortal Iron Maiden" active "Item #: SCP-762 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-762 is held inside a storage crate at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. As SCP-762 does not appear to be dangerous to anyone not placed inside of it, no further precautions are required. Anyone wishing to experiment with SCP-762 must get authorization from Dr. Rights. Description: SCP-762-1 is a torture device similar to the infamous Iron Maiden of Nuremberg. It was recovered in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ from a box in the basement of [DATA EXPUNGED] in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Austria. When opened, SCP-762 was found to have a male human in it, now known as SCP-762-2. When found inside SCP-762-1, SCP-762-2 had the device’s large spikes embedded in his flesh, but when removed from SCP-762-1, all of the subject’s wounds healed instantly. SCP-762-2 was found to be completely catatonic, but otherwise in decent health except for several rotten teeth and a large scar on his left arm. Given the unique properties of SCP-762-1, it may be impossible to determine how long SCP-762-2 was in the device. Dating on the device shows that it dates back to the late fifteenth century, so it is possible that SCP-762-2 has been in the device for centuries. Any person placed inside SCP-762-1 appears to enter a state of suspended animation. Subjects no longer need food, water, or even air when inside SCP-762-1. Subjects also appear to be immune to the effects of disease or injury when inside SCP-762-1, including the large wounds inflicted by SCP-762-1 itself. Subjects do, however, remain conscious, and the experience is described as being very painful. Once subject is removed from SCP-762-1, all wounds inflicted by the device are instantly healed. Since all physiological processes except for cognition are suspended while in SCP-762-1, it seems likely that a person placed in it will not age. Β« SCP-761 | SCP-762 | SCP-763 Β»" nan
[ 3.67370814e-01 -1.65340006e-01 -1.95764616e-01 4.99390662e-02 -2.31074840e-01 -1.46623060e-01 2.85921305e-01 1.89103648e-01 3.43032211e-01 1.52661771e-01 -2.76832819e-01 3.24246794e-01 -8.80790353e-02 -3.66642296e-01 1.01765938e-01 -4.96015213e-02 1.55365124e-01 2.71384209e-01 -8.42620432e-03 -1.24441698e-01 -6.44081458e-02 -2.64791697e-01 -5.13749003e-01 2.06907436e-01 1.39323965e-01 -2.72415094e-02 8.01906362e-02 3.73197734e-01 -1.27084389e-01 -5.08167982e-01 -9.53094661e-02 1.61080435e-01 1.14523008e-01 5.47918677e-01 -1.14242474e-04 -1.62381873e-01 1.09599754e-01 8.15684721e-03 -1.85321383e-02 2.13673964e-01 -4.82302219e-01 4.13215011e-01 1.37068154e-02 -9.85384583e-02 1.11015908e-01 -1.26209296e-02 4.57499102e-02 2.80905545e-01 4.55854625e-01 8.63178074e-02 1.38385132e-01 9.14029405e-02 1.99710444e-01 -7.23182857e-02 1.38204377e-02 2.26495460e-01 -4.79359217e-02 -9.86353755e-02 2.28115484e-01 2.29334086e-01 6.68746009e-02 2.55429208e-01 -4.24222499e-01 2.72510737e-01 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-5.60258962e-02 7.28607625e-02 -2.25747883e-01 1.58097833e-01 -9.74285007e-02 3.25363800e-02 4.83872034e-02 -2.65667588e-02 -9.02490094e-02 1.03687629e-01 -1.62121132e-01 4.60975319e-02 2.13541776e-01 -1.15058064e-01 6.41470194e-01 5.18725932e-01 -1.44750804e-01 -1.09787464e-01 -7.94927031e-02 -5.98534465e-01 4.68223058e-02 4.33178581e-02 1.30518213e-01 -1.82648599e-01 -2.05984950e-01 2.56106764e-01 -4.54080284e-01 -1.59203157e-01 3.39899957e-02 -1.07708164e-01 9.12598446e-02 -5.75987160e-01 2.19375417e-01 2.25741249e-02 -5.53118289e-01 -7.77143016e-02 2.76882738e-01 1.91480562e-01 -3.41523051e-01 -4.86071967e-02 -3.73382747e-01 -2.71896780e-01 -3.62231374e-01 -6.29063919e-02 2.73797274e-01 -1.29606009e-01 -5.57300225e-02 3.45150739e-01 2.55863648e-03 3.50367092e-02 -5.99941492e-01 -4.66973156e-01 -8.38751793e-02 1.64988056e-01 1.38006106e-01 -2.58864850e-01 6.30850792e-01 -2.89102141e-02 2.43970424e-01 -3.40307355e-01 4.81356025e-01 -2.15252385e-01 -3.14346373e-01 -4.44966614e-01 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2.00939924e-02 2.54432291e-01 -1.94214940e-01 9.53717828e-02 -3.33844483e-01 4.32195216e-01 -1.93957090e-01 -3.53387982e-01 -8.05378556e-02 4.15042311e-01 4.47580852e-02 1.87950954e-01 -3.52363177e-02 1.28733110e+00 2.93106884e-01 8.56061727e-02 1.07099548e-01 -1.34723365e-01 1.04899192e-02 -4.78832051e-03 -1.70044214e-01 -8.93372670e-02 -1.71329100e-02 3.63280103e-02 -2.02807307e-01 -2.89101213e-01 7.49451295e-02 -4.88440573e-01 -1.50054201e-01 -4.04316694e-01 -1.19452052e-01 1.08029023e-01 3.60590190e-01 1.74444452e-01 -9.77282133e-03 5.17308079e-02 2.55813003e-01 2.27535322e-01 1.60957217e-01 9.97802336e-03 -9.48382914e-02 1.11555263e-01 1.55610979e-01 -3.18684071e-01 1.05141677e-01 8.34147036e-02 4.48082924e-01 1.40969589e-01 -2.80223072e-01 3.11582517e-02 -3.19108039e-01 -2.68746495e-01 9.89434496e-02 4.91082333e-02 2.42895827e-01 7.25845277e-01 2.14905351e-01 8.59710872e-02 2.02837903e-02 5.53160757e-02 3.39368731e-02 -1.07833326e-01 7.32791871e-02 2.11942688e-01 -7.98652247e-02 -6.19842373e-02 2.18729407e-01 2.93780386e-01 -5.80012091e-02 -5.18674664e-02 2.91711003e-01 -1.44896120e-01 -1.34285837e-01 1.69850931e-01 2.52850324e-01 -3.09731871e-01 1.43005043e-01 1.39893681e-01 -1.50164619e-01 -8.34859833e-02 5.42258859e-01 -3.01785737e-01 1.71182305e-01 -4.51327302e-02 1.08158335e-01 -1.73697785e-01 -4.74121392e-01 1.76170334e-01 -2.41969272e-01 -5.59471428e-01 -2.28261836e-02 -2.44944301e-02 -2.57475227e-01 -1.56911567e-01 6.88382238e-02 -1.26338586e-01 -2.29696319e-01 -3.39835167e-01 -1.77063182e-01 -5.23579866e-03 1.27353862e-01 -1.11075312e-01 1.19989641e-01 -4.56237793e-01 2.37998411e-01 -2.73929358e-01 -5.85470311e-02 -3.82287979e-01 2.02035621e-01 7.48142153e-02 -1.56920880e-01 2.26464197e-01 -3.84737074e-01 -1.20355099e-01 -5.15074015e-01 1.28354818e-01 1.66724220e-01 -3.59386235e-01 -1.86726660e-01 -2.10302830e-01 1.93438306e-01 -3.24996471e-01 -1.67254150e-01 -3.34747434e-01 1.77261129e-01 1.14620082e-01 2.62375712e-01 2.43260100e-01 2.44910166e-01 3.43983591e-01 2.10766837e-01 -1.74445078e-01 2.84714669e-01 8.07852745e-02 1.34190455e-01 3.43197912e-01 3.34970355e-01 -1.84726238e-01 6.89862892e-02 -2.32160628e-01 -8.68991539e-02 1.65865138e-01 4.90539938e-01 -1.59078449e-01 -8.68112668e-02 2.03042328e-01 6.29891679e-02 1.83920190e-01 2.77827471e-01 2.55037677e-02 3.98157358e-01 -2.61003852e-01 -1.32490352e-01 -2.83170402e-01 3.28585237e-01 2.25685284e-01 7.72037506e-02 -2.38203958e-01 3.53631556e-01 -1.24393351e-01 2.59222180e-01 -4.79213148e-01 -1.08220112e-02 1.19970448e-01 1.03097208e-01 2.24823460e-01 -1.50560305e-01 -1.44240558e-01 -4.04262282e-02 -1.11983575e-01 -2.15863138e-01 8.85744691e-02 2.05276161e-01 2.65520096e-01 3.16452160e-02 3.23888898e-01 8.49861875e-02 4.69301164e-01 1.51549473e-01 4.47431028e-01 1.49040043e-01 -4.89075333e-01 9.58273858e-02 1.17943451e-01 6.27265591e-03 5.12848571e-02 1.24131888e-01 -1.61614567e-01 -3.06913164e-02 -9.77513641e-02 1.56122655e-01 1.41154557e-01 -1.66838676e-01 3.19738150e-01 -1.86567321e-01 -3.32810372e-01 -2.50422210e-01 -3.77675705e-02 3.44389737e-01 7.59772882e-02 2.74789892e-02 6.62586614e-02 -6.62382394e-02 -2.99537987e-01 4.25663382e-01 1.57338977e-01 -7.20403716e-02 -1.32778734e-01 7.12410927e-01 2.24226981e-01 2.14189827e-01 8.36934969e-02 4.15807873e-01 -3.13077986e-01 -3.19786638e-01 -5.22982795e-04 -3.82950485e-01 -1.69102624e-01 -1.92873180e-01 5.08521497e-02 1.12062715e-01 9.20186341e-02 4.06384952e-02 2.13575259e-01 -2.82364428e-01 -1.19545110e-01 1.93900168e-01 2.50055313e-01 4.08535339e-02 2.72627920e-01 -1.78463548e-01 -1.98263884e-01 1.61493450e-01 -4.11080346e-02 -8.08389857e-02 1.78701475e-01 -7.72000924e-02 -2.78701007e-01 1.96666807e-01 -1.96307614e-01 7.01837093e-02 -1.93162799e-01 2.43597150e-01 -4.01731841e-02 4.33545142e-01 1.42799497e-01 9.80017185e-02 -6.37458265e-01 9.59739741e-03 6.53358549e-02 -3.26949388e-01 5.16289473e-02 2.37186641e-01 1.18596390e-01 4.92971152e-01 -1.39025539e-01 1.02095276e-01 -4.03216183e-01 4.10735421e-02 -1.59569189e-01 3.21165800e-01 9.09493789e-02 -8.53263214e-02 2.61797290e-02 -2.40325719e-01 6.14961088e-02 -5.86363018e-01 1.29928261e-01 1.51647642e-01 -3.49427283e-01 -1.98018327e-01 3.16148162e-01 4.02630597e-01 -4.30355892e-02 2.29777291e-01 -1.54098466e-01 -5.26038595e-02 8.35077018e-02 2.54711747e-01 -9.75813195e-02 6.60838000e-03 6.86511174e-02 7.16999173e-01 2.65256405e-01 2.39854842e-01 3.14114481e-01 1.02761209e-01 -9.99721661e-02 2.24792302e-01 -4.12317812e-01 8.41962099e-02 1.09741352e-01 1.93117872e-01 -6.01433776e-02 3.17213476e-01 2.55603530e-02 7.18593448e-02 -1.76699504e-01 -2.63454109e-01 6.36117280e-01 3.16934474e-02 -2.02972248e-01 -2.80082107e-01 2.37963185e-01 3.59961838e-01 -3.21624964e-01 -6.21995628e-01 -1.76879704e-01 -5.23320064e-02 -2.46685110e-02 -3.96729171e-01 -1.10514998e-01 -1.23437129e-01 -1.55123740e-01 -1.10784851e-01 2.92933404e-01 9.81187522e-02 -1.35148242e-01 -2.37165704e-01 -9.41173732e-02]
"Human Beowulf Cluster" active "Item #: SCP-763 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-763 is contained in Sub-Basement G of the now-defunct β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ veal production facility on the outskirts of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Illinois. After the discovery of SCP-763, the Foundation acquired the facility, which was secured and designated Biological Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. The facility is still supplied with the liquid feed solution previously used to nourish veal calves, though only enough to maintain SCP-763's growth. The feeding system established by the facility's previous owner, Klaus β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, has been documented and should be maintained unless a more efficient feeding method is devised. If any components are added to SCP-763, the dosage of nutrient solution must be scaled up accordingly. Consult document SCP-763-β–ˆ for the volume and release time of solution to be provided per component. Because of SCP-763's ability to absorb human organic matter into itself, it is vitally important that no personnel touch SCP-763 with bare skin. Description: SCP-763 is a mass of human organic tissue occupying approximately three hundred (300) square meters of space with an estimated mass of over four thousand (4,000) kilograms. It is mostly in an irregular configuration of tissue, with the exception of SCP-763-A. Much of the mass of SCP-763 is muscular tissue with an abundance of blood vessels. This muscle tissue is highly atrophied and non-motile, though despite lack of use there is a great amount of blood flow at all times. Most of the structure is relatively thin at around ten (10) centimeters thick, allowing the blood flow to diffuse the high heat generated by the central mass, which is a large lump approximately two (2) meters high. This blood flow is provided by a large, central collection of hearts and a number of other hearts arrayed throughout SCP-763's structure. All the organs of the human body are present in SCP-763, located in a relatively even distribution throughout the system. The lungs are fed by a number of mouth-like round holes in SCP-763's skin. The feeding tubes pass directly into SCP-763 as though the flesh grew around them as its mass expanded. Researchers believe that the blood vessels and organs are essentially a support system for what has been designated "the cluster". The cluster is an interconnected network of thirty-seven (37) human brains of varying sizes, connected by chains of cells resembling neurons. This array is enclosed by a multi-layered arrangement of bone growths. The bones most closely resemble ribs, though they exhibit offshoots that allow them to interlace into a tighter structure. Initial analysis revealed a far higher than normal amount of neurotransmitter activity. Over time the individual brains each enter a "resting" state with neural activity consistent with REM sleep, in time periods consistent with a polyphasic sleep pattern. This resting state lasts approximately forty-five (45) minutes. At any given time there are five (5) brains in this resting state while the remaining thirty-two (32) brains are in the active state. A collection of bone and nerve fibers resembling a spinal column approximately three (3) meters in length extends from the cluster to join with the spinal column of SCP-763-A. SCP-763-A appears to be the body of the facility's former owner, Klaus β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The body is only partially absorbed into the rest of SCP-763, retaining all its (presumably) original organs and general shape and structure. To date it has shown no signs of movement or further absorption. It should be noted that other absorbed subjects have been completely integrated into SCP-763 within three (3) months. When SCP-763 was discovered, SCP-763-A was in a seated position, in which it remains. There was a table in front of SCP-763-A with a sheaf of papers on them, completely decayed from the warm, damp conditions of Sub-Basement G. SCP-763-A's hand held a pencil, apparently poised to write. Any previous writing has been lost with the degradation of the paper. SCP-763-A's facial expression is one of intense concentration or perhaps pain, with features contorted and eyes closed. Unlike the rest of the muscular tissue in SCP-763, SCP-763-A is not atrophied, despite having exhibited no movement to date. Researchers assume that SCP-763-A remains unabsorbed to function as an interface with the rest of SCP-763. To date no stimulus has provoked a response from SCP-763-A, other than autonomic reflexes and immune system response. Since its discovery by the Foundation, SCP-763 has incorporated biological material from seven (7) humans (two (2) security personnel, one (1) medical technician, three (3) Class-D personnel, and Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ). Direct skin contact with SCP-763 causes tiny barbs to hook into the skin and administer a paralytic neurotoxin. As soon as the subject is paralyzed, digestive acids are secreted and begin to dissolve the skin where contact was initiated. Once this is done, the skin will begin to heal at an accelerated rate, with the subject's skin now bonding with SCP-763. This process of dissolving and re-healing is repeated over and over with the subject becoming progressively more integrated into SCP-763. After a subject is mostly absorbed, their organs begin to migrate to different areas, taking their place throughout the network as needed. In some cases, organs that are seemingly not needed are digested and used for additional nutrition. Most subjects have been fully absorbed within two months. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's organs did not stop their movement until more than three (3) months had passed. Researchers believe that this longer time was due to the inner cage around the cluster moving to accommodate the addition of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's brain. To date this is the only time at which a brain has been added, with all others digested. Addenda: Incident Report 763-1A: While securing the premises, security personnel J. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and M. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ failed to check in for their scheduled updates. A second team was deployed and discovered J. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and M. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ unresponsive and in the preliminary stages of absorption. Attempts to extricate personnel from SCP-763 resulted in the deaths of both staff members, as well as a medical technician who made direct skin contact during surgery. Incident Report 763-12G: After noticing irregularities in the radio updates coming from Biological Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ, a security team was dispatched to investigate. Armed Response Team Omicron-3 discovered all site personnel poisoned with the exception of the head researcher, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who was found mostly incorporated into SCP-763. Apparently, he had made a large incision in SCP-763 and folded himself inside. A note was found near Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's discarded clothing. The note is reproduced below: I have to know. Six months and not a single inkling of what's going on in there. I don't give β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in a β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ about organ function and immunodeficiency. I need to know what they're… what it's thinking. I need to know. I will know. Despite initial desire to terminate the biological components of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ for his betrayal, Armed Response Team Omicron-3 was instructed to desist after replacement research personnel discovered that Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's brain was being incorporated into the cluster. The additional research data gained by observing this process was deemed more important than revenge. Addendum 763-13L: Request by researchers that SCP-763-A be provided with replacement writing materials in the event that it should attempt to write is currently pending. Β« SCP-762 | SCP-763 | SCP-764 Β»" nan
[ 1.46523654e-01 -5.17049670e-01 -1.08490475e-01 1.36578009e-01 -1.62338000e-02 -2.16577634e-01 -7.71110551e-03 1.82982430e-01 -8.97370279e-02 -1.42813131e-01 -1.63884580e-01 -3.26105161e-03 2.68557984e-02 -6.52152672e-02 2.10158274e-01 5.55724576e-02 8.31076726e-02 1.01395726e-01 -2.27481917e-01 -2.83421785e-01 -3.14732105e-01 1.60876408e-01 1.18569575e-01 -5.50092086e-02 -5.41974232e-02 -9.73574594e-02 -1.96084231e-01 1.60427630e-01 -2.04966336e-01 -6.08616531e-01 9.27483514e-02 8.36923867e-02 -4.56768833e-02 4.56622958e-01 -1.11964509e-04 8.54471475e-02 -1.16653912e-01 1.92282721e-01 -1.00397296e-01 4.53847349e-01 -2.61179488e-02 -2.42002591e-01 -1.77994445e-01 -2.03015596e-01 5.65929040e-02 5.62833250e-02 -1.19677424e-01 -5.42884320e-02 5.15661351e-02 -6.20653927e-02 1.29628688e-01 1.61463395e-01 5.69710806e-02 7.50485137e-02 3.46278429e-01 3.88172239e-01 -1.57950670e-01 -5.35973012e-02 3.40258688e-01 8.53230245e-03 1.49555355e-02 3.21931034e-01 -1.43347159e-01 -9.66279283e-02 3.97540927e-01 -3.04977912e-02 2.89510220e-01 -3.76010031e-01 3.26699317e-02 6.65976942e-01 -3.84778231e-02 7.12201670e-02 -4.47600894e-02 4.96236933e-03 -7.67809674e-02 -1.25294447e-01 2.04769149e-01 1.89085647e-01 2.66635597e-01 -3.53027508e-02 1.78686857e-01 5.22914194e-02 -1.74793020e-01 -3.45879287e-01 -1.95348680e-01 3.74272287e-01 -6.53473139e-02 -1.14727199e-01 4.09032941e-01 1.09745055e-01 -2.39400104e-01 -6.49037138e-02 1.71894819e-01 7.93345571e-02 -3.53901833e-01 -1.17628448e-01 -8.31376463e-02 1.42867267e-01 5.14767587e-01 -8.47680196e-02 -6.48689829e-03 -2.62518618e-02 -1.81727022e-01 6.11305945e-02 -2.01965779e-01 -2.23628446e-01 -3.99114415e-02 -3.60195190e-01 -4.19203967e-01 3.88086557e-01 -1.69083640e-01 2.02292234e-01 -1.20198779e-01 1.23844102e-01 -4.06669348e-01 -2.40260884e-01 -1.01215035e-01 1.63864508e-01 -2.74948955e-01 1.94206610e-01 -1.12801623e-02 5.45390844e-02 9.92669314e-02 3.22914481e-01 2.13176966e-01 3.23545694e-01 -2.49594040e-02 6.42548054e-02 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1.80617362e-01 -4.79225628e-02 1.35420278e-01 -1.67279810e-01 2.14650512e-01 -3.21259916e-01 1.72603443e-01 2.09409341e-01 1.81003325e-02 4.54489917e-01 4.38153237e-01 -2.91417480e-01 1.52430713e-01 -1.58141758e-02 -1.69090182e-02 -5.42519912e-02 3.73693198e-01 1.92932442e-01 -1.26788793e-02 -2.50361741e-01 -3.83237302e-01 6.48711473e-02 6.06216528e-02 -1.40186474e-01 1.32502407e-01 1.42244637e-01 -1.88018195e-02 -2.19837576e-01 -3.91602367e-01 2.04048350e-01 7.13027343e-02 1.72121465e-01 -4.26239640e-01 4.32066381e-01 -1.99735314e-01 1.35168195e-01 -1.06400356e-01 7.78913125e-02 4.66071874e-01 9.81585383e-02 3.33306700e-01 1.40140384e-01 -4.49475199e-01 1.41464889e-01 3.17428082e-01 7.21543193e-01 -1.75320972e-02 -9.84561071e-02 -1.65901884e-01 -5.21243453e-01 9.35349390e-02 -1.48887923e-02 -2.13293180e-01 -1.01073772e-01 2.55102605e-01 2.62839943e-01 7.40263239e-02 1.87139085e-04 -2.63853431e-01 -3.15087914e-01 -1.00808531e-01 4.09484990e-02 2.21804768e-01 -4.99433093e-02 4.30021361e-02 2.39567116e-01 1.59295768e-01 3.89902443e-01 1.54709324e-01 -2.29303017e-02 2.66424149e-01 1.00515842e-01 -4.76042926e-02 -2.97773421e-01 1.82170063e-01 -4.08623507e-03 1.88472763e-01 -2.25773733e-02 2.20821202e-01 -9.78597552e-02 3.22925329e-01 -7.36875236e-02 2.13061739e-02 -5.29224984e-02 3.64282310e-01 1.36381194e-01 -4.90811989e-02 2.89875627e-01 -1.91709921e-01 -4.18009013e-02 -2.94653680e-02 -1.67677328e-01 -1.58027232e-01 1.15711190e-01 -7.64594898e-02 1.83479831e-01 2.78216690e-01 8.06903839e-02 4.31520641e-02 -1.75478999e-02 1.06689520e-01 -1.47576541e-01 -1.20143622e-01 9.60216820e-02 -9.67918336e-02 4.69438165e-01 4.58510108e-02 1.71199471e-01 -6.23428106e-01 3.59209418e-01 1.49619997e-01 8.36732313e-02 -4.42433178e-01 5.64081147e-02 -9.22748446e-03 -1.43240929e-01 -4.56995703e-02 -8.94112587e-02 -3.24413091e-01 3.76198441e-01 -6.61656931e-02 -2.70896077e-01 2.92129725e-01 1.32244408e-01 -4.52451527e-01 -3.79157901e-01 -3.58669716e-03 -7.83257902e-01 -6.72980696e-02 1.86323617e-02 2.28872783e-02 7.60291517e-02 -4.65628207e-02 8.92737880e-02 -3.76789570e-01 -1.00055531e-01 4.74380851e-02 -2.26546362e-01 1.72907919e-01 -1.09256446e-01 -8.33679959e-02 6.43835589e-02 1.07354194e-01 -4.20915753e-01 -2.32139856e-01 -4.02788192e-01 9.90103334e-02 -2.32183158e-01 -4.98903915e-02 -2.65574217e-01 -4.09572780e-01 2.61514813e-01 7.84286484e-02 -3.61178100e-01 -7.32527450e-02 -1.68132126e-01 -2.19867170e-01 -8.50082561e-02 1.07914999e-01 1.37194037e-01 2.29678955e-02 -2.38840297e-01 -1.48121282e-01 1.21226653e-01 -1.25187561e-01 1.85772017e-01 2.37466976e-01 -4.72270638e-01 1.36035740e-01 4.34442341e-01 1.48598269e-01 -1.62404284e-01 6.80311993e-02 3.97382617e-01 -1.60717784e-04 2.74048656e-01 4.26530778e-01 -3.18766296e-01 3.70528072e-01 1.54723257e-01 -1.49557203e-01 1.72977418e-01 3.83091755e-02 -6.66280463e-02 3.35366160e-01 -1.01495758e-01 -3.45912337e-01 -1.19983137e-01 2.99946100e-01 4.08891886e-01 3.12158287e-01 -2.75069058e-01 -3.43758047e-01 -5.27859516e-02 -2.01498777e-01 -8.95046592e-02 2.20797524e-01 1.27660826e-01 1.10174507e-01 1.36591971e-01 -6.85093775e-02 -3.06767136e-01 1.60362884e-01 5.32225184e-02 -2.39662454e-02 -3.22563708e-01 1.20842569e-01 2.28604347e-01 -3.82672518e-01 4.34736878e-01 -1.03265777e-01 4.39713657e-01 3.93690467e-01 1.60944447e-01 -2.48101935e-01 3.19389910e-01 4.35772017e-02 -4.21698213e-01 1.73782259e-01 -5.72261401e-03 -2.25984618e-01 -2.00088903e-01 4.12698686e-02 -1.86646525e-02 2.11600944e-01 3.38907838e-02 -2.29003057e-01 -8.71192515e-01 -2.77773052e-01 1.82094842e-01 2.46465161e-01 2.58153360e-02 -3.88194621e-01 1.04652934e-01 8.80727023e-02 8.30561742e-02 1.87749282e-01 2.43647054e-01 -1.67742103e-01 2.19257921e-01 -2.90569842e-01 6.79866672e-01 4.39868532e-02 4.77963507e-01 5.03737152e-01 5.86802233e-03 2.49090686e-01 9.37198102e-02 2.54307657e-01 2.81909227e-01 4.81302500e-01 1.24781922e-01 2.02182651e-01 1.21746451e-01 1.33112473e-02 2.51765978e-02 1.38566703e-01 3.91369730e-01 1.11369118e-01 -1.53679438e-02 -1.56494856e-01 7.02051640e-01 -2.12253585e-01 -2.40345344e-01 -2.90882796e-01 7.89201856e-01 1.34338126e-01 1.12644643e-01 2.89454877e-01 1.19523001e+00 2.41307378e-01 2.83509754e-02 2.73987144e-01 -1.73323691e-01 -3.38994712e-02 -5.70324600e-01 1.15434453e-01 -3.21531326e-01 -3.83858442e-01 2.16384255e-03 -8.59478563e-02 -2.08492558e-02 3.36074203e-01 -2.47155771e-01 -2.50586092e-01 -1.55196935e-01 5.11021644e-04 1.14329070e-01 3.97226185e-01 -5.86766489e-02 -2.39685208e-01 2.90203858e-02 1.78493753e-01 -1.25503600e-01 2.56996959e-01 -9.24831256e-02 3.80424522e-02 2.80043185e-01 -6.88968524e-02 -1.42854229e-01 6.53380826e-02 -1.42668009e-01 1.94960013e-01 9.29492293e-04 -2.11233690e-01 3.09382360e-02 -7.60834366e-02 1.48578227e-01 -1.65583923e-01 7.54507184e-02 3.29255283e-01 1.43043905e-01 -7.69374445e-02 2.72497416e-01 -2.77260453e-01 -3.66406180e-02 -3.91271152e-03 -3.62466723e-01 4.75160703e-02 -2.74369624e-02 -2.24915847e-01 5.01361668e-01 9.54930931e-02 -1.43951908e-01 -3.32594395e-01 4.74254012e-01 4.20146585e-02 -1.57811701e-01 -5.64142317e-02 1.14569776e-01 1.74726456e-01 -3.78699154e-01 2.37948328e-01 -9.93556380e-02 -2.33733773e-01 -4.02555382e-03 1.76828191e-01 1.29874935e-02 1.97954476e-01 1.39375404e-01 -1.42705783e-01 -1.69846401e-01 -3.00076276e-01 1.17752559e-01 3.37329984e-01 6.97574839e-02 -1.14140086e-01 -6.12528473e-02 -5.21408796e-01 1.22880280e-01 7.21817985e-02 2.33620420e-01 -2.67544329e-01 -3.25667500e-01 -3.81854832e-01 -2.36872174e-02 3.51846993e-01 -8.25586095e-02 2.63150632e-01 5.57220206e-02 -1.36672026e-02 -2.02399775e-01 3.08736533e-01 -3.80125284e-01 7.32923672e-02 -4.10630077e-01 -1.80905193e-01 -1.72386006e-01 -4.63014245e-01 3.68576914e-01 -2.08314270e-01 6.42328784e-02 -1.11551713e-02 1.60714626e-01 -2.04620808e-01 -3.27462703e-01 1.52025536e-01 -1.96183652e-01 -5.21345735e-02 -6.57348335e-02 -2.69021634e-02 -8.02409556e-03 5.15876524e-02 1.95104703e-01 -1.71571761e-01 1.71477288e-01 2.85946578e-02 -2.73283392e-01 8.76532719e-02 -4.08451855e-02 2.55357742e-01 6.42060190e-02 1.71524182e-01 1.09759932e-02 -4.68026400e-02 -1.75564438e-02 -7.84928799e-02 5.78640342e-01 8.54462162e-02 2.52158225e-01 1.56815603e-01 4.05140549e-01 5.22949174e-02 -3.37973028e-01 -2.78290689e-01 -5.56882918e-02 1.40825436e-01 -8.29637572e-02 6.33117408e-02 -2.84679115e-01 2.82897353e-01 6.23209067e-02 -2.85546213e-01 2.64769942e-01 -1.64687485e-02 2.43000746e-01 3.33671957e-01 3.75773042e-01 -3.96046117e-02 -3.10397092e-02 1.65881872e-01 5.48541009e-01 2.60026902e-01 -9.52030122e-02 1.36157781e-01 -1.09096609e-01 -3.60972509e-02 1.39382854e-01 1.34341136e-01 4.86943513e-01 1.87736347e-01 5.37845433e-01 2.94091791e-01 9.51005146e-02 1.20243028e-01 4.20228571e-01 1.01319350e-01 -2.57453233e-01 -1.64915323e-01 -1.48315772e-01 1.07046075e-01 1.70954671e-02 -4.25707072e-01 -3.49078923e-01 -2.07686082e-01 -2.61702806e-01 1.65367737e-01 -8.64271149e-02 -7.89174214e-02 -2.46569678e-01 -7.36983260e-03 6.77970052e-02 -2.21616119e-01 1.30475506e-01 -7.24075660e-02 2.05386326e-01 1.18561974e-02 1.41763479e-01 6.07951224e-01 -3.43236215e-02 3.99212688e-01 6.12650752e-01 -1.55524090e-01 1.52783334e-01 6.19241953e-01 -9.09521580e-02 8.23878963e-03 3.00401837e-01 3.28498423e-01 -1.99044660e-01 -3.05447131e-01 -1.46468252e-01 1.27506301e-01 -2.05344900e-01 -2.29706526e-01 -1.24306045e-01 9.87464562e-03 7.04645067e-02 3.22214775e-02 1.67127445e-01 -2.63709784e-01 -3.29875052e-01 -1.34095147e-01 4.51682299e-01 1.62904829e-01 -4.02067542e-01 -3.70313197e-01 -4.88052189e-01 -1.01822600e-01 -2.81385958e-01 -1.98279917e-01 3.73020649e-01 4.18296188e-01 -1.30187050e-01 2.96151906e-01 -8.74946043e-02 1.06310904e-01 2.19489545e-01 5.13191640e-01 1.50388762e-01 -1.62472889e-01 -1.58981517e-01 -2.64078617e-01 -2.08660468e-01 7.23908767e-02 -3.86745960e-01 -6.17030501e-01 3.02424818e-01 1.03142902e-01 1.12093568e-01 -1.25508979e-01 -2.03114212e-01 9.34284180e-02 -4.73696172e-01 2.30542138e-01 -1.76915258e-01 1.33512141e-02 9.96768381e-03 2.09038422e-01 -2.51144599e-02 2.58767549e-02 3.54517251e-01 3.41347486e-01 4.69802432e-02 1.13566533e-01 -1.55071452e-01 -2.00985610e-01 -2.46126786e-01 3.26355062e-02 1.43201753e-01 4.44174409e-02 -3.84653211e-01 -2.41167679e-01 -2.07428649e-01 1.51379332e-01 -1.90745831e-01 1.98987454e-01 8.61419961e-02 3.55174869e-01 1.91689551e-01 1.15215801e-01 7.12936819e-02 -6.94119707e-02 9.79014952e-03 3.94316196e-01 -3.30175869e-02 4.17889059e-02 -3.18299532e-02 2.91933656e-01 8.19499567e-02 6.76863253e-01 9.20061208e-03 -2.52757847e-01 -2.38042325e-01 -3.69564354e-01 4.56586123e-01 -3.65409434e-01 -1.96467116e-01 -1.91271797e-01 7.05012307e-02 4.38000560e-01 -3.28012854e-02 -5.16965166e-02 -2.16693714e-01 -5.70824444e-02 2.36487672e-01 -1.29500583e-01 -5.02660394e-01 -1.02586761e-01 -1.55369565e-01 -4.32807812e-03 2.02868655e-01 1.17322259e-01 -4.41857688e-02 -3.55839908e-01 -2.29691982e-01]
"The Obscene Show" active "Item #: SCP-764 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-764 is to be kept in Hazard Vault MT-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, with unlocking mechanisms only operable by two Class 1 Researchers or higher working in tandem. No personnel are to enter without proper safety precautions, and no personnel are to be in Hazard Vault MT-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ unless under the direct orders of Level 4 personnel or as part of an approved destruction attempt. Personnel entering Hazard Vault MT-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ are to wear the locking gauntlets in Containment Supply 313, size 14, and the key is not to be brought into the vault. The gauntlets physically prevent attempts to don SCP-764 due to their size, and therefore permit SCP-764 to be handled with a modicum of safety. Description: SCP-764 is a pair of Punch and Judy puppets that display no exceptional characteristics upon visual inspection. When observed by individuals with no barrier between them and SCP-764-1 or SCP-764-2, a compulsion comes over a single person to 'put on a show' utilizing the puppets, even if none present have any skill, talent, or training regarding puppeteering. All others feel an overwhelming urge to watch the show, regarding all events taking place as the height of entertainment until the show is over. As the subject dons SCP-764-1 and SCP-764-2 (in no circumstances have SCP-764-1 and SCP-764-2 been seen placed on separate performers), any individuals without physical barriers between themselves and SCP-764 will find themselves compelled to sit and watch the show. The show begins as a normal Punch and Judy show, with light slapstick comedy and violence occurring between the puppets. After a period of three to five minutes, an individual will be chosen from the audience and brought forward, participating in a part of the show (typically playing as a police officer or constable, but in Incident 764-34d, the subject played as E-class Agent Jonathan β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, an individual who was part of the team responsible for recovering SCP-764). A lighthearted exchange will occur between the 'volunteer' and the puppets before the violent slapstick resumes, but after this exchange, both puppets will brandish appropriately sized weapons and begin to viciously attack the 'volunteer'. The remaining audience will find this even more amusing than the previous antics of the puppets, and even the 'volunteer' will laugh until SCP-764-1 inflicts the final and invariably fatal wound, quipping, "That's the way to do it!" Another short delay will ensue as the puppets banter, until another 'volunteer' is brought forward and the process repeated, with the roles assumed by those coming forward becoming more and more bizarre as the show progresses. The show will conclude with the puppeteer's death, or after four to eleven individuals are killed, at which point the puppeteer will begin removing the puppets and ask, "Did you enjoy the show?" and receive as a response from all surviving audience members, "Yes, Professor." A show concluded in this manner will negate SCP-764's ability to mentally influence individuals for anywhere from eleven to twenty-six minutes. Addendum: Incident Log 764-23b - This containment breach occurred when a D-class personnel in the process of moving SCP-764, opened the crate containing SCP-764. The door to Hazard Vault MT-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was immediately sealed and locked. A recording device was brought in after approximately two and a half minutes to record the remainder of the incident. D-88778 laughs. D-88778: That's ridiculous, you're so - D-88778 begins coughing. SCP-764-1: Oh no, he's sick! We'll have to operate! SCP-764-2: But, Punch, you're not a doctor! SCP-764-1: Has that stopped me before? D-88778 laughs again, then resumes coughing. SCP-764-1 brandishes a scalpel about half its length. SCP-764-1 begins humming to itself as it cuts into D-88778's throat, who seems to be stifling a laugh. SCP-764-1 reaches into the incision and fumbles around before grabbing onto something and tugging. SCP-764-1: I think I've got it, there's something in his throat! We'll save you yet! SCP-764-2 shakes its head. SCP-764-1 pulls out the hyoid bone and shakes it in the air triumphantly. SCP-764-1: Toldja I could do it! SCP-764-2: He needs that, y'idiot! SCP-764-2 begins hitting SCP-764-1 with a tiny rolling pin. D-88778 makes a noise that may be laughter. SCP-764-1: Ow! Stop it! I'll fix 'im, you'll see, woman! SCP-764-1 puts the scalpel back into the incision and begins sawing the blade. After a moment, SCP-764-1 reaches in and begins pulling, as blood begins to spray. Approximately four inches of the carotid artery are pulled out of the wound. SCP-764-1: That's the way to do it! Both puppets slump to the ground as D-88778 collapses. Β« SCP-763 | SCP-764 | SCP-765 Β»" nan
[ 6.43918365e-02 -7.36419111e-02 -7.24783540e-02 3.71456854e-02 -1.10660873e-01 -7.99790695e-02 2.47522995e-01 3.90479505e-01 6.36633635e-02 2.03784883e-01 -1.05542867e-02 1.68023303e-01 -3.13559443e-01 9.71209034e-02 1.30025759e-01 -2.37371206e-01 -2.08637461e-01 2.07984984e-01 -2.27683321e-01 -1.13621041e-01 1.56577751e-01 -2.97022521e-01 -3.83440167e-01 4.10311408e-02 1.74456194e-01 -1.52474165e-01 1.61350578e-01 -2.01698821e-02 -1.32709682e-01 -5.52251302e-02 7.63514638e-02 1.09674603e-01 -3.32380645e-02 4.09468263e-01 -1.15330833e-04 -2.78791159e-01 2.54680365e-01 1.95533440e-01 -2.01946691e-01 2.52010912e-01 3.24889943e-02 -8.99752323e-03 -1.97166204e-01 1.43927231e-01 -5.04315309e-02 -3.50864440e-01 2.86745489e-01 7.84329399e-02 5.69218695e-01 4.47156467e-02 1.70737877e-01 1.35825008e-01 -1.37116119e-01 -1.53794706e-01 -2.45786388e-03 5.42346418e-01 1.91959158e-01 1.92118794e-01 3.30573708e-01 -1.62572429e-01 2.27267742e-01 1.87729567e-01 -2.65534312e-01 -1.40789703e-01 4.80894409e-02 -4.64639962e-01 -1.45242319e-01 -1.45194173e-01 1.65610120e-01 4.59161460e-01 -1.52548611e-01 1.04305215e-01 1.85351029e-01 -6.36324659e-02 2.73232490e-01 1.06091097e-01 9.31666419e-02 2.26570502e-01 -1.42078683e-01 1.23885475e-01 -3.42366338e-01 1.93222046e-01 -8.57817084e-02 2.67518669e-01 2.86712140e-01 -1.59320489e-01 1.43402992e-02 3.29853863e-01 7.87563398e-02 -3.33451837e-01 -4.28123474e-01 -9.01129022e-02 9.42452773e-02 2.16342986e-01 9.50232297e-02 -2.06399169e-02 4.88449633e-02 4.41412181e-02 -3.22671756e-02 -3.40338022e-01 -4.98740733e-01 2.53089726e-01 -5.49852522e-03 -2.91150175e-02 4.57027048e-01 3.17198694e-01 2.68375009e-01 4.09251720e-01 -4.11518216e-01 1.56194776e-01 2.47333981e-02 5.50935864e-01 -1.19425975e-01 1.15326636e-01 -2.90733308e-01 -1.08654127e-01 -1.78772479e-01 1.64846629e-01 -1.88131332e-01 3.29618007e-01 -4.63991523e-01 -1.23513348e-01 1.45134898e-02 3.38782072e-01 1.06060982e-01 3.74277383e-01 -2.09775046e-02 -1.29300535e-01 -2.74969377e-02 8.94305259e-02 -1.83801740e-01 3.06717634e-01 -2.40316406e-01 9.40985605e-02 9.63657573e-02 -2.05332443e-01 -2.60068744e-01 -1.80800766e-01 -9.30622146e-02 2.87701637e-01 9.08717513e-03 2.33317137e-01 8.92921865e-01 3.36311102e-01 -7.27879629e-02 -2.57237643e-01 3.54250818e-02 1.09375954e-01 -1.42156079e-01 6.24349304e-02 2.52547681e-01 -8.76820013e-02 -1.00082897e-01 1.28785789e-01 -2.73782372e-01 3.41208875e-01 -4.85328436e-01 -8.98292940e-03 1.07569538e-01 6.70623854e-02 4.74645495e-01 -1.41468599e-01 2.55046003e-02 3.20702605e-02 -1.76652342e-01 4.51044798e-01 -3.37434769e-01 2.18639061e-01 -1.21643350e-01 1.26935333e-01 1.13572389e-01 -3.22987467e-01 -4.88234609e-01 -1.48186833e-01 -1.79803908e-01 1.88618198e-01 -2.06029922e-01 -3.06537062e-01 1.69992283e-01 -3.41845781e-01 -3.53010923e-01 5.18643200e-01 1.42254025e-01 -4.12920833e-01 -1.62945630e-03 2.14658063e-02 4.72913384e-02 -2.85838157e-01 2.08051071e-01 1.22951129e-02 -1.74009353e-01 -5.05352139e-01 6.29747093e-01 -1.32586509e-01 -1.61673948e-01 7.47399405e-02 -1.98596925e-01 -4.96917218e-01 5.48946321e-01 3.59785855e-01 -2.38776743e-01 -2.76043236e-01 -3.60266399e-03 3.18131894e-01 6.96967766e-02 5.05445711e-02 2.61734962e-01 -3.93902287e-02 4.17698234e-01 3.05943400e-01 2.09848374e-01 -1.78679481e-01 -7.15267509e-02 -1.04247779e-01 -8.50356966e-02 -3.61071140e-01 4.09395024e-02 1.98517233e-01 -5.08215725e-02 -4.08208519e-01 -2.47221678e-01 1.09409243e-02 1.36995157e-02 -1.94685265e-01 -6.00403368e-01 8.70073140e-02 -1.23433724e-01 -2.92546988e-01 1.90100640e-01 -8.20798650e-02 2.23923564e-01 -1.71102792e-01 2.06382126e-01 2.30328366e-02 1.29482215e-02 -3.65888588e-02 6.93484321e-02 3.33185643e-01 -1.75772205e-01 -5.14710665e-01 -6.04933240e-02 2.85263807e-01 3.06218326e-01 1.28064513e-01 -1.94860801e-01 3.58497888e-01 5.52190006e-01 -9.05345529e-02 -1.21967576e-01 -8.58632755e-03 -2.12180808e-01 4.49272394e-02 -2.01696292e-01 -1.40036821e-01 -5.19565269e-02 1.69469714e-01 6.01239167e-02 1.50294080e-01 9.29574389e-03 2.42302909e-01 1.59973219e-01 -2.63253599e-01 1.73484460e-01 1.24399960e-01 6.77239336e-03 -2.14235649e-01 2.23400414e-01 3.57731804e-02 1.83701620e-01 3.60193476e-02 -1.56761110e-01 -2.05678195e-01 2.30411962e-01 -2.30073020e-01 1.39979750e-01 -1.50049165e-01 -7.82378316e-02 -1.85077220e-01 3.13184887e-01 -1.37492388e-01 -1.83673352e-01 -7.92115107e-02 -3.07226121e-01 1.02272913e-01 -1.25912473e-01 1.09231621e-01 2.49038696e-01 1.45714536e-01 -2.12501109e-01 -1.91389799e-01 1.07948937e-01 7.58850947e-03 -3.77844013e-02 -1.73331141e-01 -2.84964621e-01 3.03723589e-02 8.71414170e-02 2.56401390e-01 2.08808370e-02 5.21988153e-01 -1.99618757e-01 5.40399402e-02 2.42071506e-02 2.25345269e-02 -3.08940709e-01 2.68590748e-01 2.17686921e-01 7.03562498e-02 -2.04892159e-01 -1.26793915e-02 -2.72142440e-01 3.24468642e-01 -7.58078396e-02 -3.22666436e-01 4.08567935e-01 3.04441631e-01 -6.78233281e-02 -7.27441907e-01 -2.88138717e-01 -6.34504497e-01 8.50076452e-02 -2.70460248e-01 -6.57682344e-02 -2.40697771e-01 -1.13808408e-01 -1.47921771e-01 -2.16614872e-01 -1.71066031e-01 6.09318078e-01 -2.58170873e-01 1.37779862e-01 2.42157772e-01 2.02706363e-02 9.90834758e-02 1.73268821e-02 9.85205099e-02 -3.58622909e-01 -5.17644286e-01 8.66464674e-02 -4.40769782e-03 -3.81753314e-03 -3.38451385e-01 -3.05983931e-01 -3.90056759e-01 -1.01202950e-01 -2.11405996e-02 -2.79940337e-01 3.49844694e-02 -5.96759431e-02 8.41119960e-02 -8.68149400e-02 2.57473350e-01 -6.49726205e-03 -2.93245703e-01 3.10495738e-02 5.33495322e-02 2.21498180e-02 3.72818351e-01 -9.99749973e-02 -1.09247431e-01 -5.99653006e-01 -1.53587516e-02 3.47008586e-01 -1.82468742e-01 -3.69867682e-01 -1.47445768e-01 1.70685187e-01 2.41542086e-01 2.15990022e-01 -2.26054460e-01 -2.07049716e-02 1.33791566e-01 -2.08745331e-01 9.72262025e-02 -9.71604735e-02 -1.30624324e-01 1.74477264e-01 3.83786261e-02 -6.09994531e-01 -2.30524480e-01 -1.20555982e-02 -1.16091542e-01 -1.59965336e-01 1.03052311e-01 3.08838189e-01 -4.96955253e-02 -6.57796115e-02 -1.36820404e-02 2.04752252e-01 1.97067916e-01 -1.07695851e-02 -1.24213338e-01 -3.09873313e-01 1.57405466e-01 2.35592559e-01 2.03975096e-01 3.37388337e-01 -2.06092566e-01 -3.32596511e-01 3.42220992e-01 -1.57045826e-01 9.26941872e-01 7.27392435e-02 6.34250760e-01 2.00109825e-01 5.44961035e-01 -3.31951790e-02 1.16275046e-02 -2.10001841e-01 -3.27795506e-01 2.39155114e-01 -1.65145904e-01 -1.86631978e-01 -9.00479704e-02 7.57669806e-02 -6.71759620e-02 2.43710559e-02 -1.56979024e-01 1.58965170e-01 2.06399336e-01 -3.07284772e-01 -3.61393318e-02 1.53399795e-01 -1.27598494e-01 -4.60210145e-01 -1.52938470e-01 1.16876446e-01 5.97965010e-02 4.73327875e-01 2.54034221e-01 1.63267851e-02 3.99688929e-01 -2.30394721e-01 4.55492526e-01 7.00369105e-02 6.29387796e-01 -1.78688243e-02 -9.75310132e-02 7.34246448e-02 -4.82026720e-04 2.30935678e-01 1.46252260e-01 6.22359693e-01 -1.10055665e-02 -6.99027702e-02 -8.71678069e-02 2.75324970e-01 -5.50663248e-02 2.96515226e-01 1.86136633e-01 -2.67522573e-01 5.41835949e-02 -2.74955243e-01 -1.43092498e-01 -2.90305465e-01 -3.96783531e-01 -9.69369262e-02 3.88638705e-01 1.48221493e-01 2.81453162e-01 -4.70133498e-02 1.17084801e+00 -1.40805557e-01 9.67307612e-02 2.07341701e-01 -2.88814843e-01 1.95867997e-02 7.53190964e-02 -2.44255047e-02 -1.13963760e-01 3.18095051e-02 3.96229550e-02 -1.64827988e-01 1.46154715e-02 3.50096136e-01 -1.24895424e-01 -1.76441073e-01 -6.41468406e-01 -2.81299293e-01 -2.19593748e-01 4.51157838e-01 -3.13835144e-02 7.72421509e-02 -2.45263159e-01 8.12275633e-02 5.62407300e-02 1.18608207e-01 1.24875084e-01 -2.28714734e-01 1.24416612e-01 -3.59841824e-01 -4.27522987e-01 2.09950238e-01 -1.98916286e-01 -1.20660402e-01 3.03586334e-01 -7.72313178e-02 1.28141686e-01 2.19512194e-01 -5.74888766e-01 1.41728729e-01 -4.19477187e-02 2.00487301e-01 2.59610057e-01 -1.83475122e-01 -1.24622867e-01 -6.82148337e-02 4.72759396e-01 2.51435518e-01 -1.54305160e-01 2.44144812e-01 4.74752560e-02 1.14478819e-01 -4.04275879e-02 2.75472730e-01 4.21727955e-01 -1.39722615e-01 1.03726201e-01 1.43874913e-01 -1.96723983e-01 9.81687009e-02 9.83522087e-02 9.95452479e-02 -4.43155825e-01 -2.36591324e-01 9.23807621e-02 -1.01527132e-01 7.26801306e-02 3.74344379e-01 2.11231053e-01 -1.60498127e-01 4.49807197e-02 4.48242515e-01 -5.21839000e-02 -4.11195397e-01 -3.51086050e-01 5.07773459e-01 -1.78224295e-01 -1.50036842e-01 1.10251471e-01 -3.06028545e-01 2.99305379e-01 2.26065397e-01 -1.58060476e-01 -1.45698145e-01 -1.94517598e-01 -9.97174159e-02 -1.16831340e-01 -2.48878166e-01 3.17678213e-01 4.63279366e-01 -3.87631468e-02 4.64909315e-01 4.11742665e-02 3.32633525e-01 -3.27036649e-01 1.36670932e-01 -1.44839868e-01 4.88017909e-02 2.95363367e-01 -1.39758229e-01 8.65563750e-02 -3.92676532e-01 1.10538602e-01 -3.35275335e-03 -3.64257514e-01 -1.57930374e-01 -9.19237956e-02 1.27869934e-01 -1.47406816e-01 -3.66812766e-01 -1.47788018e-01 -8.88443459e-03 2.16729447e-01 -6.93075638e-03 8.83716270e-02 2.53032327e-01 1.39547642e-02 -5.09867221e-02 7.20678493e-02 2.13704869e-01 6.82860017e-02 -2.95243096e-02 -2.86122002e-02 3.36049616e-01 -1.19790267e-02 -1.15132831e-01 -2.20850348e-01 -4.06813510e-02 -9.88023281e-02 2.43714884e-01 3.59309286e-01 6.26527131e-01 -1.35201827e-01 1.87437147e-01 -4.99378175e-01 1.19805142e-01 -8.12509507e-02 6.38042614e-02 5.02734110e-02 -1.44887924e-01 -1.27322733e-01 1.67396009e-01 1.05573334e-01 1.25307277e-01 -4.44362164e-01 2.30796516e-01 -2.18134839e-02 -1.43994382e-02 -3.46100271e-01 -4.87835752e-03 -4.01748508e-01 2.21096873e-01 1.36651486e-01 1.38327837e-01 1.19475380e-01 9.53220800e-02 -4.38066989e-01 -3.90060484e-01 -1.92639619e-01 2.65582860e-01 2.44716763e-01 -2.48832539e-01 1.01612300e-01 5.91949522e-01 2.73338854e-01 6.31149784e-02 2.98857868e-01 1.45765379e-01 -1.83104798e-02 5.04200697e-01 5.67310005e-02 1.59279868e-01 2.45210454e-01 6.07159555e-01 2.00842470e-02 -1.06705353e-01 2.10702360e-01 -8.11954066e-02 2.02047735e-01 1.02071233e-01 4.07606930e-01 4.66630282e-03 -3.70831311e-01 -1.50918558e-01 3.59517097e-01 -7.71737248e-02 7.01996148e-01 1.42241344e-01 -5.97348176e-02 -1.04780547e-01 -3.11848432e-01 6.94057271e-02 2.96719939e-01 -1.31523713e-01 -6.66768476e-02 3.98175031e-01 7.31883645e-02 3.25543851e-01 -1.58659831e-01 4.31441665e-01 -8.49586502e-02 -1.87719300e-01 3.73334065e-03 5.18941134e-02 -9.99677181e-02 -2.81596124e-01 2.55254328e-01 -1.32892787e-01 -3.61664779e-02 -1.55687109e-01 2.24640384e-01 -1.64157867e-01 -3.40294063e-01 2.73084611e-01 3.72872412e-01 2.46033683e-01 2.52389461e-01 -5.75427823e-02 -8.47725943e-02 -1.27172694e-01 4.83698025e-02 -1.69719189e-01 6.36069104e-02 2.02573780e-02 -8.48141536e-02 2.14044660e-01 -4.50469673e-01 7.44458735e-02 -1.04690976e-01 2.91588128e-01 2.70246565e-01 2.63267428e-01 -6.45503029e-02 -2.16679052e-02 -4.10032459e-02 3.57468814e-01 6.12760447e-02 -1.12702556e-01 -1.64495870e-01 -1.41477823e-01 2.59141862e-01 1.99767232e-01 -1.58702195e-01 2.50848919e-01 -2.77221590e-01 7.93925971e-02 3.11641134e-02 2.29919225e-01 3.00092131e-01 -9.66204405e-02 2.16773435e-01 -1.79027900e-01 1.42360792e-01 -4.94626731e-01 9.33091491e-02 3.40431519e-02 -1.75723702e-01 -1.00909986e-01 1.07833438e-01 3.93679440e-01 -1.13635585e-01 2.15105638e-01 -1.08365335e-01 -2.22286150e-01 2.01857671e-01 3.26585770e-01 -5.32333143e-02 -1.53061926e-01 -1.72594897e-02 2.18455955e-01 -4.10151333e-02 3.74668837e-01 1.77473992e-01 -1.17353268e-01 1.48205400e-01 5.30712485e-01 -4.98670846e-01 2.15427056e-01 -2.15931877e-01 2.53711967e-03 -6.67769089e-02 3.44595492e-01 2.39164263e-01 -1.65738046e-01 -1.04295788e-02 -1.44320041e-01 6.87555373e-01 -5.05288482e-01 -4.01265532e-01 -3.19232523e-01 3.42122912e-02 1.04208134e-01 -1.96598873e-01 -6.30080223e-01 6.03355747e-03 -1.38509288e-01 -4.02483298e-03 -2.31120259e-01 -1.50375903e-01 -2.63710886e-01 -1.82428613e-01 -2.03995675e-01 2.04905570e-01 1.81258604e-01 1.14210974e-02 1.68644115e-02 1.75726116e-02]
"Duck Pond" active "Item #: SCP-765 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-765 is to be isolated from the rest of Site-88 by a wire fence of at least 1.22 meters. Instances of SCP-765-1 are harmless beyond this area, and SCP-765's effects are negligible at this range. SCP-765 is to be staffed with a rotating group of researchers and guards. These personnel are to be changed every three to six days to avoid suffering the detrimental effects of SCP-765. Researchers who have been absent from SCP-765 for at least one month may apply for assignment to it again. Description: SCP-765 is a duck pond, discovered in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ region of South Carolina in 197β–ˆ. SCP-765 appears to emanate an emotional effect causing what researchers have called "serenity." Researchers, guards, and test subjects within the field of SCP-765 report relaxed feelings, contentment with their life, and justification with their life choices. However, after seven to twelve days, the shift becomes one of lethargy, apathy, boredom, and depression. Further shifts beyond this are currently being monitored, with test subjects D-02841, D-02844, and D-02851 having been in the effect for over a β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Psychological reports on all these subjects are available at request with approval from Dr. Gβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Due to its relaxing nature, SCP-765 is regularly assigned to researchers undergoing severe stress or lethargy. The effect does not appear addictive or memetic in any way. Addendum SCP-765-1, 197β–ˆ: Unsurprisingly, several members of the Anatidae family showed up today, classified SCP-765-1. While they do not appear affected by SCP-765, staff have reported that a degree of jollity has been observed in participants and the speed with which the negative effect is reported seems to be diminished. Recommend further research with other species of waterfowl. - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-764 | SCP-765 | SCP-766 Β»" "SCP-765"
[ 5.31798676e-02 -3.43316913e-01 -2.28511497e-01 -8.93176720e-02 -4.23643440e-02 -3.94921958e-01 2.16109127e-01 -1.48627043e-01 -5.56414872e-02 -9.68471766e-02 -1.15592256e-01 3.65446836e-01 1.68366745e-01 -2.31872082e-01 -1.48372963e-01 -1.06071243e-02 2.43364841e-01 2.18832269e-01 -3.55739921e-01 -2.14990303e-01 -3.26732635e-01 2.42477283e-02 4.18420546e-02 1.93081692e-01 3.20306897e-01 -2.67160833e-01 4.77851592e-02 2.19179913e-01 -1.39380217e-01 -3.52926135e-01 7.51971733e-04 2.85450608e-01 -2.13491842e-01 2.40702718e-01 -1.09738939e-04 -1.43895209e-01 2.86292374e-01 1.65400535e-01 1.02238014e-01 2.87412852e-01 -2.65552886e-02 1.41494900e-01 1.81257129e-01 -1.68450147e-01 8.83242115e-02 2.39708379e-01 -8.06009248e-02 -2.14510217e-01 3.60432446e-01 1.35354280e-01 1.71308964e-01 -7.43496269e-02 -1.19781189e-01 6.21877536e-02 2.71571815e-01 -7.05499295e-03 -1.10341661e-01 -2.80751705e-01 2.77197748e-01 -5.05329370e-02 -8.27077776e-02 6.39265850e-02 -1.88310578e-01 5.93252704e-02 6.22623451e-02 1.06002763e-01 4.73775864e-01 -2.83707559e-01 2.72499681e-01 3.90873700e-01 2.05861762e-01 4.41474825e-01 -1.33692073e-02 9.58780423e-02 3.19833197e-02 -1.58789471e-01 1.58284575e-01 1.53928595e-02 1.13683641e-01 1.10023998e-01 1.43122688e-01 2.11712122e-01 -3.28791946e-01 8.29507485e-02 5.27687445e-02 1.46049425e-01 -1.19412817e-01 8.47214684e-02 -8.18647891e-02 -3.44026148e-01 -2.12481335e-01 8.49493816e-02 2.59438723e-01 1.45990849e-01 8.79064500e-02 7.99197927e-02 2.25122735e-01 -2.92120337e-01 3.27749163e-01 1.20780580e-01 9.66090783e-02 2.83911377e-01 -1.37164548e-01 9.72624868e-02 1.07522994e-01 -1.24995388e-01 1.21491984e-01 -2.89670825e-01 -2.62671232e-01 4.88942951e-01 -2.46913910e-01 2.26945579e-01 7.29819909e-02 2.84346730e-01 7.40400106e-02 -4.63485777e-01 -3.09564099e-02 -2.28268176e-01 -3.21947604e-01 3.80002081e-01 -1.49996459e-01 2.09099159e-01 -1.43298686e-01 4.29305494e-01 6.35367990e-01 4.41168398e-01 -4.23529977e-03 -7.75431320e-02 -5.73919341e-02 -1.15491897e-01 -1.62286311e-01 -3.12989838e-02 -1.50350332e-01 4.97858040e-02 -3.06509018e-01 -1.80495560e-01 8.28238502e-02 -2.32440278e-01 -3.49158682e-02 4.80506271e-02 4.57850955e-02 4.25349884e-02 3.51820260e-01 3.95687044e-01 -4.03740585e-01 -2.32620537e-01 1.10734906e-02 2.30263218e-01 -1.33404583e-01 -1.47746325e-01 3.43932629e-01 1.39285043e-01 -2.91765302e-01 2.77690411e-01 -5.89953437e-02 -6.74169362e-02 3.04633796e-01 3.06801021e-01 -6.46592081e-02 2.22576875e-02 1.68484747e-01 3.91436508e-03 -4.57550794e-01 -3.44777912e-01 2.19552994e-01 5.05348206e-01 2.44554058e-01 -1.93866551e-01 -6.86745942e-01 -1.39445946e-01 -6.88324571e-02 -9.19588879e-02 1.04120858e-01 5.72259873e-02 -5.86222969e-02 2.86787957e-01 -1.23804219e-01 6.89698011e-02 -3.64673018e-01 -2.44547501e-01 -5.53532124e-01 9.86422002e-02 1.01255253e-01 -1.39334366e-01 -2.33901218e-01 3.17792505e-01 -8.16805065e-02 1.32983059e-01 3.18400681e-01 -1.93943694e-01 -3.09727103e-01 -6.70804203e-01 1.97913513e-01 -3.93425561e-02 1.12802006e-01 -9.89651904e-02 4.38529074e-01 -3.48188341e-01 5.05407564e-02 2.42074504e-01 -2.37807006e-01 2.36211002e-01 7.00769186e-01 3.55244786e-01 1.11952908e-02 -3.54401588e-01 5.55276126e-02 -1.18156582e-01 4.83933955e-01 3.78234476e-01 2.65091240e-01 -6.95452988e-02 -2.15173870e-01 1.10473081e-01 -3.62780392e-02 -4.40973878e-01 2.64604449e-01 1.30561113e-01 2.69145399e-01 -6.12530634e-02 -1.42105192e-01 2.16822222e-01 1.93013577e-03 1.30742446e-01 9.31329578e-02 5.68036921e-02 9.47560929e-03 -1.23675235e-01 -2.34158248e-01 -4.83859554e-02 1.62338957e-01 2.61749685e-01 6.73843026e-02 2.45752677e-01 -3.21983188e-01 1.29884988e-01 4.06100094e-01 3.87635678e-01 -3.63735437e-01 -1.89885020e-01 8.64898562e-02 2.61264503e-01 8.60962048e-02 6.87261745e-02 -3.08086500e-02 3.58787030e-01 3.58204871e-01 4.93601143e-01 6.41586259e-02 -1.10863388e-01 1.61374569e-01 -9.88362208e-02 1.16437644e-01 1.20052487e-01 3.98446172e-01 -5.61200716e-02 -5.43179549e-02 -9.23612043e-02 -6.58793971e-02 5.61202228e-01 -1.73267141e-01 -1.25234082e-01 2.61591077e-01 9.82288495e-02 2.02718541e-01 -1.66002661e-01 2.25767359e-01 3.56214792e-01 3.75637472e-01 1.61107421e-01 3.09035257e-02 -1.39053911e-01 -1.35762915e-01 3.56207751e-02 1.32967263e-01 9.59988981e-02 2.17327014e-01 9.98060554e-02 4.00829196e-01 9.21051130e-02 -1.72070593e-01 -3.45427513e-01 -2.30105415e-01 -3.73743884e-02 -1.44247726e-01 1.76063403e-01 -1.31204799e-01 -1.70720011e-01 -1.64066076e-01 1.01198387e+00 -3.11522633e-02 -2.61871666e-01 -9.56040621e-02 -6.04837723e-02 -1.15993582e-01 -5.51677085e-02 -3.90770584e-01 3.23166311e-01 2.06654966e-02 1.29813090e-01 -4.61338282e-01 1.71090454e-01 -1.84669662e-02 3.75874788e-02 -3.80453765e-01 1.72041893e-01 3.75189006e-01 4.76361066e-02 -1.13418348e-01 -1.52463138e-01 -5.58178961e-01 1.58067584e-01 2.70343442e-02 -3.16028371e-02 1.18123427e-01 1.85950711e-01 -1.41551554e-01 -2.79310286e-01 1.43904775e-01 -7.86427140e-01 -2.11241588e-01 -1.75815195e-01 -5.29331267e-02 1.01400167e-01 -2.32193321e-01 -3.84165913e-01 7.93984607e-02 -1.22995369e-01 3.96782994e-01 -1.52068555e-01 1.10678216e-02 3.71084958e-02 -4.53018304e-03 6.51954651e-01 -5.34007549e-01 2.07591459e-01 -1.86435983e-01 -1.42520830e-01 2.94443388e-02 1.49105236e-01 -3.99741754e-02 3.39978263e-02 -4.18901235e-01 5.41389547e-02 -6.76256558e-03 -1.67091012e-01 1.24760985e-01 -6.38757050e-02 1.65593594e-01 -2.85155326e-01 7.88214267e-04 9.76563096e-02 1.32796451e-01 -3.08470488e-01 -1.17341556e-01 -5.74887395e-02 2.10963234e-01 2.81938493e-01 3.59422714e-01 -2.04744950e-01 2.90057600e-01 -9.16672722e-02 5.92728853e-01 -3.18542302e-01 2.15042070e-01 -1.03200071e-01 -1.20517991e-01 -1.59773193e-02 1.88286141e-01 5.06627895e-02 -3.81612256e-02 9.01320726e-02 -4.65023190e-01 1.31193370e-01 7.84108862e-02 -1.94834024e-01 1.03875406e-01 -2.62563556e-01 -4.56790745e-01 -7.24709034e-02 -1.54851303e-01 9.20468092e-01 7.98077360e-02 -2.65255362e-01 -3.85280728e-01 2.43320480e-01 -1.11993998e-02 -2.78534114e-01 3.47134918e-01 -1.55528829e-01 -2.28001829e-02 -8.46464187e-02 1.20941021e-01 -1.97722986e-01 1.85047269e-01 -1.00934505e-01 -2.53951875e-03 -5.20672441e-01 -7.91892409e-02 2.13361740e-01 -3.99881274e-01 -4.43766974e-02 -1.79396532e-02 4.83657658e-01 3.63403708e-01 1.45134911e-01 1.30222827e-01 -5.52825220e-02 -2.81780422e-01 -4.96760756e-01 2.92644233e-01 -1.57738045e-01 -1.57328382e-01 9.37501192e-02 9.95876119e-02 -2.45220035e-01 1.18024863e-01 8.73816088e-02 -2.89939225e-01 -7.36552238e-01 -2.93150157e-01 4.34211567e-02 1.23801775e-01 -1.14283055e-01 -3.11053004e-02 2.14638308e-01 4.83903617e-01 3.31137836e-01 2.76710764e-02 8.34500790e-02 1.17933443e-02 -1.54325902e-01 -7.95612335e-02 3.20267648e-01 -4.16125774e-01 4.22714442e-01 4.48601931e-01 2.29183603e-02 -6.28918037e-02 -2.03244731e-01 8.65984857e-02 2.63559073e-01 4.94594574e-01 8.21202062e-03 3.00705850e-01 1.66262835e-01 3.32807630e-01 3.46277148e-01 2.26943031e-01 1.61305875e-01 1.15308978e-01 5.47381520e-01 -3.48526150e-01 6.05011582e-01 -1.96330607e-01 -2.54273921e-01 1.79095387e-01 3.68872970e-01 -1.43552184e-01 4.64717567e-01 3.01223725e-01 1.10901761e+00 -8.96419957e-02 2.66153753e-01 3.31612200e-01 -4.06829029e-01 2.34610140e-01 3.19380267e-03 2.45815376e-03 -1.16385072e-01 3.25173110e-01 1.40008569e-01 -2.20303819e-01 2.02455342e-01 3.09994221e-01 -2.73309320e-01 -7.29364902e-02 -2.82878786e-01 1.20232664e-01 1.36854947e-01 3.24363202e-01 -8.18480924e-02 1.52291045e-01 1.55160889e-01 2.05460414e-01 -1.42642304e-01 -4.02081385e-02 -6.39259666e-02 -3.19044776e-02 -3.71404201e-01 -1.75837487e-01 -3.64365995e-01 5.73707260e-02 -1.66816473e-01 1.22926392e-01 -5.52339526e-03 -6.67278795e-03 4.44656201e-02 -3.48043859e-01 -7.90543437e-01 -2.25355938e-01 -1.45081792e-03 8.38797390e-02 6.03882015e-01 -1.82193398e-01 1.56751677e-01 6.52835658e-03 7.41106644e-02 7.76840821e-02 -2.07744569e-01 -1.38370499e-01 -1.37552962e-01 9.97243375e-02 -3.63358632e-02 2.21350472e-02 4.33148235e-01 1.71871409e-02 2.85217911e-01 2.90682733e-01 -3.58946025e-01 9.09288600e-02 1.73735917e-01 4.19085264e-01 -1.68760613e-01 -4.10597175e-01 9.53620970e-02 -1.86452284e-01 -6.37539327e-02 5.45299947e-02 -1.78632915e-01 -1.63164400e-02 1.77786440e-01 -2.13254821e-02 -2.11173251e-01 -3.47409964e-01 1.92178473e-01 -1.33794859e-01 1.05101578e-01 7.23488405e-02 -1.44985076e-02 -4.97357935e-01 9.67064779e-03 4.61728945e-02 -1.27362013e-01 -1.28128722e-01 -3.77350003e-01 -2.66985685e-01 7.30532035e-02 1.48276910e-01 -3.02452624e-01 7.54252076e-02 -1.42378375e-01 -2.09297121e-01 1.50369585e-01 -2.56067425e-01 -3.62783074e-01 -2.16221899e-01 -1.20885260e-01 -2.75115609e-01 2.37861127e-01 -7.95529261e-02 -8.31061825e-02 1.93701051e-02 1.72217295e-01 1.70745820e-01 -9.45889428e-02 -2.47180909e-01 -1.05420232e-01 1.32980451e-01 -2.25647956e-01 -1.93441615e-01 -2.83427481e-02 -1.50755703e-01 1.24004640e-01 1.69698134e-01 -1.82563096e-01 -3.71820964e-02 2.01496750e-01 1.31880909e-01 -1.08425811e-01 5.63540757e-02 -5.97507693e-02 -3.71266808e-03 -2.32259929e-01 -2.19652634e-02 -6.32576719e-02 -1.98814645e-02 4.44083884e-02 2.38944404e-02 2.29597300e-01 3.71106043e-02 -1.67788446e-01 9.85290557e-02 3.16757262e-01 -6.22033956e-04 -2.78539598e-01 1.17401533e-01 -1.63438953e-02 3.31628293e-01 -2.04727590e-01 4.96618375e-02 -2.32445146e-03 2.87484914e-01 -1.28358277e-02 3.95839624e-02 9.91480649e-02 5.64146880e-03 2.28057355e-02 2.83228934e-01 -3.59851062e-01 -4.52860266e-01 7.77624622e-02 1.35593206e-01 4.30150956e-01 -1.25777364e-01 2.85624832e-01 5.89417480e-02 1.11618917e-02 1.77679341e-02 2.15082139e-01 2.10760206e-01 2.22287267e-01 3.51032466e-01 8.24078858e-01 -1.24547482e-01 -3.04688960e-01 2.89419591e-01 1.27285346e-01 4.16511327e-01 -1.38073578e-01 4.29038554e-01 -3.29844981e-01 3.35119426e-01 7.81478658e-02 3.45899045e-01 -2.00943694e-01 -3.62683721e-02 -3.56137231e-02 -4.55928072e-02 1.05445152e-02 4.88988720e-02 4.62214798e-01 -6.50951965e-03 -9.62714478e-02 3.75753865e-02 1.35980874e-01 -1.00561187e-01 8.93515497e-02 1.47066042e-01 1.09799907e-01 4.02836576e-02 -1.44248798e-01 1.82205811e-01 5.55875897e-01 -3.20301294e-01 -1.08790383e-01 3.76298457e-01 -3.35219145e-01 1.68363765e-01 9.87690762e-02 2.53862351e-01 8.52848813e-02 -2.73147732e-01 5.19339107e-02 -4.90575982e-03 -1.18306257e-01 -7.84523264e-02 -5.47434576e-02 2.43785799e-01 -3.12811732e-02 -4.76181582e-02 1.41930401e-01 -2.70551234e-01 -2.88184702e-01 2.53673315e-01 3.53034914e-01 -8.28551352e-02 -2.79604554e-01 -3.16996694e-01 -7.38431066e-02 7.14430586e-02 -5.54289743e-02 -3.10006469e-01 6.61939457e-02 1.20859183e-01 7.14563727e-02 9.36726555e-02 -2.21573874e-01 7.10387528e-02 -6.97070658e-02 2.04601035e-01 -1.07039467e-01 2.05340222e-01 -4.07764912e-02 -1.59979731e-01 -4.74426091e-01 -8.71547684e-02 -2.47633964e-01 -5.17390311e-01 1.66415334e-01 1.59370929e-01 -9.40571949e-02 2.47665510e-01 3.93021762e-01 -2.65018493e-01 -2.82677978e-01 -8.09110403e-02 1.50074698e-02 1.98059455e-02 2.23712280e-01 -1.22394748e-01 1.30903065e-01 6.22590184e-02 -2.08784062e-02 -2.10436463e-01 1.00309283e-01 9.77403373e-02 -3.36833149e-01 -1.18187971e-01 1.71213582e-01 -2.45276034e-01 -6.40065521e-02 4.30464670e-02 -8.79124478e-02 -4.05248314e-01 -1.37974462e-03 -1.31626204e-01 -1.86542004e-01 1.71122685e-01 -1.68980077e-01 2.66140044e-01 6.25062063e-02 2.21146107e-01 7.97856078e-02 -1.52794391e-01 -6.84085535e-03 -3.15900415e-01 -2.94949561e-01 -6.97797583e-03 1.42531112e-01 9.68419462e-02 -3.09548229e-02 8.61666277e-02 1.16465971e-01 -9.85045955e-02 -1.70728147e-01 -2.81281918e-01 3.52674961e-01 -3.61567169e-01 -2.67951518e-01 -1.69388559e-02 3.33811268e-02 2.42721334e-01 2.51507133e-01 -7.15611041e-01 -2.79081434e-01 6.74875081e-02 2.24293202e-01 -2.60670960e-01 -2.16286942e-01 -1.82833508e-01 -3.37858230e-01 -6.87027723e-02 2.78845489e-01 -8.44568089e-02 2.74931371e-01 -2.32787579e-02 -1.47818014e-01]
"Human-Shaped Anomaly in Space" active "Item #: SCP-766 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-766's immobile nature, Site-362 has been built around it. Operated by dummy corporation β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Indonesia, SCP-766 is stored in a locked room behind the site's storage room. A wooden crate has been lowered over it, which is fastened to a cleat on the floor by a combination lock. Though classified as Safe, precautions should be taken when interacting with SCP-766. Leather gloves and Plexiglas visors are recommended for handling, and are stored on-site. Description: SCP-766 is a human-shaped anomaly in space that matter cannot pass through, making it, in effect, an invisible "statue" of a person. Plaster applied to the anomaly has allowed researchers to study its shape: It is in the shape of a perfectly anatomically correct nude woman in her late 30s with features consistent with the native population of the island. It is running, mid-stride, and looking behind, up, and to the left. The right hand forms a fist with the fingers leaving a hollow, cylindrical opening, suggesting that it once held an implement of some sort. A band on the left shoulder is indented in a way that the strap of a satchel might cause. SCP-766's facial expression appears both exhausted and startled. SCP-766 was once known to the local population as the "Woman-Bearing Tree." A Santalum album had grown around it, suggesting its shape. It had been considered a local botanical oddity until a forest fire in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, which destroyed the tree and left ash resting atop SCP-766, making it appear that the debris was floating. Foundation agents intervened, sequestering it. SCP-766 does not appear to actually be constructed from any sort of material. X-rays do not show its form and tests to determine conductivity have returned no results. Sonar remains the sole effective imaging technique. Attempts to obtain a sample of SCP-766 using diamond-tipped drills resulted in broken machinery. All elements of SCP-766 are solid and immobile. This extends to its "hair", and agents should be mindful to avoid puncture wounds. The use of on-site safety equipment, though not mandatory, is strongly recommended. Attempts to relocate SCP-766 have proven ineffective. The use of bulldozers and other heavy machinery to move it has been attempted, to no avail. Addendum 766-01: Time and resources providing, studies using the services of SCP-182 or any other mediums at the Foundation's disposal could provide fruitful results. Though other tests have turned up nothing, perhaps an intellect can be sensed using the talents of some of our other SCPs. -Dr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ -Request denied pending unforeseen allowances in extra resources. Β« SCP-765 | SCP-766 | SCP-767 Β»" nan
[ 3.91415447e-01 -2.82167822e-01 -7.52984136e-02 1.69214413e-01 1.15204014e-01 -3.53504151e-01 2.35487327e-01 2.27977440e-01 -2.37872768e-02 1.80760875e-01 2.89899796e-01 3.48762125e-02 -1.08346775e-01 -2.36949340e-01 2.38803312e-01 -2.35466287e-01 1.00788474e-01 -4.81746644e-02 1.61799163e-01 2.14506499e-02 -2.97236532e-01 -1.34067073e-01 1.26782343e-01 5.20895831e-02 -1.18875466e-01 -1.09524608e-01 -2.60619540e-02 2.21474692e-01 -1.99397013e-01 -4.38897789e-01 1.63682371e-01 4.40716222e-02 4.13689911e-02 8.16139162e-01 -1.11055990e-04 7.35477805e-02 1.63545117e-01 2.77313173e-01 -1.22501060e-01 1.25271201e-01 9.59588885e-02 6.14528060e-02 -2.17231825e-01 -3.36761862e-01 -3.00554484e-02 -2.04987861e-02 3.41156609e-02 -2.61258572e-01 2.01714963e-01 3.23962361e-01 1.71047628e-01 -1.33009359e-01 1.41006373e-02 -8.67130384e-02 -2.83297766e-02 3.60794306e-01 -6.30307272e-02 -2.13546216e-01 1.96942031e-01 1.98475555e-01 2.08783261e-02 -1.36732101e-01 -6.88583031e-02 -9.70195979e-02 1.34896442e-01 -2.05217496e-01 -1.71811745e-01 -2.84906745e-01 2.04819873e-01 5.09290934e-01 -2.01187745e-01 2.85916239e-01 7.05683157e-02 2.37216558e-02 1.33078471e-01 1.91265941e-01 1.74614519e-01 3.93635094e-01 1.98975220e-01 1.81037374e-02 -1.36530533e-01 2.01298110e-02 -6.45664334e-01 -1.00650884e-01 -3.99309576e-01 2.52521895e-02 -9.01063457e-02 1.30400255e-01 5.08166850e-02 -7.43262619e-02 -1.18406534e-01 -1.24143019e-01 2.69047976e-01 -2.27996651e-02 1.00196674e-01 1.46841645e-01 2.32685968e-01 3.02364498e-01 3.32601011e-01 -2.46985659e-01 7.36613274e-02 2.26111174e-01 8.81164968e-02 2.15765163e-01 -2.74344623e-01 4.66069654e-02 5.94459567e-03 4.80676116e-03 -4.79258657e-01 3.43027145e-01 -1.00363389e-01 2.33279467e-01 -6.02761805e-02 9.30497572e-02 -1.12548083e-01 6.93876762e-04 2.24443421e-01 6.85460195e-02 -1.58704787e-01 8.21192265e-02 -2.80681044e-01 3.47329289e-01 -1.16241984e-01 1.10988334e-01 3.71520847e-01 3.22961628e-01 1.16596013e-01 9.37734470e-02 2.13153601e-01 -8.17137361e-02 -1.63418770e-01 3.46120477e-01 -2.74914205e-01 1.18236415e-01 -3.49428445e-01 -3.45229894e-01 -2.21534833e-01 -2.10001960e-01 2.36699611e-01 -3.41458544e-02 3.18109579e-02 -1.72620609e-01 5.48795104e-01 4.36532944e-01 -4.56158310e-01 -3.09977978e-01 -6.72100335e-02 8.59425813e-02 -1.29854456e-01 -1.60089508e-02 1.51883200e-01 -4.96766008e-02 -2.12081015e-01 2.20930025e-01 -3.47535610e-01 2.04502627e-01 2.89883286e-01 -8.51104930e-02 -2.57020921e-01 -4.94767390e-02 9.06105936e-02 1.02325901e-01 -3.12162817e-01 -2.56791800e-01 1.45743310e-01 4.66462791e-01 6.86733201e-02 1.77839592e-01 -5.83718956e-01 1.38822123e-01 1.59159660e-01 -1.54839233e-01 2.49337360e-01 6.05051100e-05 -5.60220599e-01 6.11180782e-01 -6.48194313e-01 -5.70154330e-03 -1.81177139e-01 -2.87239075e-01 -5.06090105e-01 3.74876112e-01 2.10639954e-01 -2.46593758e-01 -2.19914749e-01 3.86216082e-02 -1.56576440e-01 8.75890553e-02 -3.96504104e-02 -8.58313143e-02 -2.81423748e-01 -5.70870459e-01 3.33418518e-01 -1.02559067e-02 5.06896749e-02 -1.57284494e-02 4.29088861e-01 -3.88959914e-01 6.18534833e-02 2.43468374e-01 -3.47090393e-01 3.30425752e-03 2.98477411e-01 -3.12222660e-01 -2.91214585e-01 -1.90321118e-01 -2.57158339e-01 2.28433050e-02 5.06935477e-01 3.27205926e-01 6.03180639e-02 -1.44432142e-01 -4.03496325e-01 1.33183271e-01 -7.40071386e-02 -3.77977937e-02 2.53193796e-01 3.08084816e-01 -5.65884188e-02 -1.89416826e-01 1.04727959e-02 -1.82164222e-01 3.70142027e-03 -6.59330413e-02 -1.38608858e-01 1.70479968e-01 -1.79311231e-01 3.99722233e-02 -2.90227775e-02 5.74376099e-02 4.53007549e-01 -1.88627467e-01 1.08748391e-01 1.99938089e-01 -1.08194724e-01 2.44576991e-01 1.46691740e-01 6.97964847e-01 5.53055608e-04 -3.25088084e-01 -1.32551119e-01 2.31294423e-01 2.49008819e-01 5.75779239e-03 -2.68255800e-01 3.80709350e-01 1.57808229e-01 1.54034168e-01 1.73369497e-01 9.74508151e-02 -9.85070132e-03 -3.64021689e-01 -9.21152532e-02 -2.70283282e-01 3.02727371e-01 -3.21166106e-02 -2.77133912e-01 2.06444949e-01 1.93364665e-01 6.50538951e-02 1.04539625e-01 9.50662047e-02 3.57085705e-01 1.87536746e-01 1.33896425e-01 -1.78251237e-01 1.45321593e-01 1.27150267e-01 -8.55390280e-02 1.56700954e-01 -8.39337856e-02 -1.13691747e-01 3.12945843e-01 -1.31811902e-01 -9.20927972e-02 5.86134195e-02 1.54439777e-01 2.99884349e-01 3.18129033e-01 3.73653948e-01 -1.29209533e-01 -2.86580265e-01 -3.26236725e-01 -3.99405003e-01 -5.17045856e-02 2.61681248e-02 7.79519528e-02 2.84331828e-01 -2.03803219e-02 4.28936899e-01 1.15713924e-01 2.04108283e-02 5.11698164e-02 -1.26037300e-01 -1.57334149e-01 -1.39448941e-01 7.71748647e-03 4.64824855e-01 -4.14512753e-02 -1.05084963e-02 -5.46592414e-01 3.74050528e-01 3.27138379e-02 5.71977533e-02 -2.56052047e-01 1.41017124e-01 5.60484171e-01 -1.04092434e-01 3.72193098e-01 -4.15098101e-01 -7.04275608e-01 8.17777738e-02 2.49348879e-01 -2.60916322e-01 2.11585965e-02 -1.07714094e-01 2.97898918e-01 2.02587172e-02 6.79088384e-03 -7.14947462e-01 -1.19346514e-01 2.35599875e-01 -7.13708699e-02 -6.41705394e-02 -1.95468992e-01 1.10833079e-01 -4.60168757e-02 -1.92709923e-01 1.62305504e-01 -9.69667807e-02 6.79391846e-02 1.17979862e-01 3.28244269e-01 1.40503392e-01 -1.15295120e-01 -1.98315158e-01 -7.11600929e-02 -6.65515184e-01 1.25957541e-02 1.70085281e-01 -1.67459741e-01 -3.14952672e-01 -3.26809138e-01 -1.54527262e-01 4.72019464e-01 -1.85322523e-01 -4.89421666e-01 8.42925757e-02 2.08956346e-01 1.69509128e-02 -2.62971789e-01 6.11720562e-01 6.77829003e-03 -2.53568441e-01 -1.42183259e-01 2.01278534e-02 -6.90316483e-02 4.25740808e-01 2.06829309e-01 -3.49305451e-01 -2.63729334e-01 8.10157880e-02 7.44805485e-02 -1.75109446e-01 -1.80455625e-01 4.15480882e-02 2.26220280e-01 3.43905121e-01 1.93673387e-01 -9.94856358e-02 3.80401760e-01 1.15481116e-01 -5.11558712e-01 3.42683882e-01 -1.35979339e-01 -2.56912649e-01 8.96865875e-02 -1.50925331e-02 -4.26223218e-01 -9.63173900e-03 1.62510052e-01 3.70344579e-01 4.12440568e-01 -1.70784265e-01 -4.25516665e-01 1.18931063e-01 -2.30518997e-01 -7.93460906e-02 1.15561105e-01 1.98349580e-01 -1.17609806e-01 -2.77217329e-01 6.03620745e-02 1.72796071e-01 1.45742461e-01 1.78934082e-01 -2.94598527e-02 -3.38571310e-01 -4.96563949e-02 3.94321114e-01 -2.19979465e-01 1.63994819e-01 2.21155714e-02 3.96566570e-01 1.86007433e-02 3.00148398e-01 1.88392494e-02 1.83159500e-01 2.00468972e-02 -1.17430016e-01 3.36125612e-01 1.22265495e-01 7.00272024e-02 1.56778142e-01 -4.23316866e-01 1.46705478e-01 9.62891579e-02 3.64045054e-02 -2.63087433e-02 -6.39838040e-01 8.83985087e-02 -1.01598002e-01 3.25171202e-01 -1.01763286e-01 9.40253809e-02 -3.15975510e-02 -3.12106162e-01 1.72082424e-01 3.61152254e-02 1.25629768e-01 -6.10061139e-02 -3.14284027e-01 -3.15819979e-01 7.04355419e-01 1.12845518e-01 7.06552684e-01 3.76555920e-01 -1.40499964e-01 8.06751568e-03 -1.46381781e-01 -6.83566481e-02 -5.48244901e-02 6.18437648e-01 5.85667863e-02 -1.93190157e-01 -4.33489084e-02 4.68922228e-01 -2.51539320e-01 6.23667352e-02 1.13853261e-01 5.85837252e-02 1.11216858e-01 9.31543633e-02 2.17128724e-01 -1.57502770e-01 -2.19513267e-01 -2.51412302e-01 5.90618730e-01 -1.14722289e-02 2.18345851e-01 1.78019926e-01 1.13471925e+00 1.43600643e-01 7.93452337e-02 1.50730520e-01 -3.34781975e-01 7.25200623e-02 -3.25069100e-01 1.51946694e-02 -1.71707585e-01 -7.45027810e-02 -7.47923478e-02 -1.39148757e-01 2.05641776e-01 1.19000539e-01 -2.52223253e-01 -4.01042640e-01 -6.60261571e-01 -1.28733113e-01 2.75523663e-01 4.64169294e-01 -3.95188667e-02 1.63988978e-01 2.87680149e-01 2.73566872e-01 -1.90957084e-01 1.69001654e-01 8.35375935e-02 1.18857555e-01 1.13288999e-01 -4.96868305e-02 -3.78971815e-01 2.02080280e-01 -1.66274562e-01 2.23074526e-01 1.33256674e-01 -1.71512023e-01 1.28681198e-01 -9.39773321e-02 -8.70640501e-02 -4.07570899e-01 -2.41648722e-02 2.94314176e-01 2.64191538e-01 -3.81885201e-01 8.21410716e-02 -2.19511092e-01 8.25365782e-02 9.32412967e-02 -1.09141320e-02 2.14521900e-01 -1.48048759e-01 7.16940761e-02 -5.45686372e-02 -1.49689261e-02 3.91995281e-01 1.38720674e-02 3.38056237e-01 -2.74636567e-01 -9.70499516e-02 -1.31690830e-01 1.76333740e-01 3.10216472e-02 -3.46252918e-02 -5.43027595e-02 4.01907206e-01 -7.31560364e-02 1.17915258e-01 9.22513157e-02 5.16879149e-02 1.08569510e-01 -7.99919665e-02 -3.15694697e-02 -6.98868260e-02 -4.95671600e-01 1.69334978e-01 -7.25941360e-02 -1.43293828e-01 1.25799611e-01 -4.35098372e-02 -3.34067613e-01 -1.64624900e-01 -1.27846137e-01 1.39309555e-01 -3.47916216e-01 -2.38189012e-01 -4.35715169e-01 2.07310721e-01 -1.87792376e-01 -2.09858373e-01 3.82793456e-01 -1.87255919e-01 2.97203995e-02 6.29107505e-02 1.86980799e-01 -3.68099540e-01 1.37420073e-02 -2.03747347e-01 -2.16842264e-01 4.31897968e-01 -1.05243176e-01 1.51850164e-01 -4.41206157e-01 5.87067641e-02 2.09075302e-01 2.12252662e-02 -1.63151547e-01 -1.93348035e-01 1.25138208e-01 -2.00986132e-01 -7.89673030e-02 1.86860248e-01 2.89640315e-02 2.29851559e-01 1.59366503e-01 -1.57003120e-01 4.05508168e-02 2.08724901e-01 1.22602275e-02 -2.18052626e-01 9.62950662e-02 4.90133092e-02 2.10496977e-01 3.40964645e-02 3.49689871e-01 -1.45189568e-01 -1.85104430e-01 -1.71063140e-01 -7.95339420e-02 4.23817158e-01 8.14288333e-02 -4.40718234e-03 1.64973378e-01 1.46888822e-01 1.92011848e-01 1.76024586e-01 2.59320825e-01 -4.02900934e-01 -3.87676284e-02 -5.06697536e-01 -6.64698109e-02 -4.27715778e-02 3.12762529e-01 -3.16966809e-02 8.76920819e-02 1.66409567e-01 3.72204721e-01 4.98022027e-02 1.32092223e-01 -2.23671228e-01 -7.50238970e-02 -3.78731966e-01 6.56277537e-02 3.73581082e-01 1.51425555e-01 3.10725927e-01 -8.83700922e-02 -1.47858292e-01 -1.74123749e-01 2.08351061e-01 1.04415759e-01 2.14690909e-01 4.12631363e-01 2.68326014e-01 4.15006399e-01 -1.03431441e-01 3.12806249e-01 3.38287652e-01 2.28710040e-01 -1.26945689e-01 1.28343254e-01 -3.27651575e-02 -1.71005711e-01 7.89601505e-02 1.90077201e-02 -1.73328593e-01 4.81403880e-02 2.00826321e-02 -2.94392675e-01 3.38709205e-01 2.83782721e-01 -1.57655895e-01 -6.11464344e-02 -2.02492163e-01 -2.28513256e-01 2.92479664e-01 1.76743656e-01 5.06543875e-01 2.19413918e-02 6.43892121e-03 2.55888313e-01 -1.08932972e-01 1.66249514e-01 4.20461565e-01 -1.75251946e-01 6.62784800e-02 4.83658224e-01 -5.10561205e-02 1.86470672e-01 1.23426653e-01 2.85280138e-01 3.46804485e-02 -5.27163327e-01 -1.60956949e-01 -1.12367250e-01 -1.36174485e-01 -2.56022394e-01 -1.43730789e-01 1.77189782e-01 -2.41934936e-02 -4.32969630e-02 1.81944281e-01 -2.57705033e-01 2.34931439e-01 -9.96056572e-02 3.63475144e-01 1.93652838e-01 1.58260286e-01 -3.86187941e-01 -1.79679215e-01 -2.26987824e-01 -2.66339034e-01 -2.65623275e-02 -7.53588006e-02 2.41244867e-01 -1.98844090e-01 1.55301049e-01 1.85629854e-03 8.78354535e-02 2.27957796e-02 1.30185962e-01 2.91545719e-01 -1.16492286e-01 4.73936312e-02 -2.68551856e-01 -1.44352421e-01 3.44729632e-01 -8.44458416e-02 -1.41344294e-01 1.13566797e-02 5.02276458e-02 -2.62212366e-01 2.95991860e-02 -1.04640141e-01 3.32572937e-01 -1.33730248e-01 -3.76772173e-02 -3.73237759e-01 1.87898904e-01 6.62514493e-02 -9.60492790e-02 1.58804163e-01 -2.01329425e-01 -1.12833850e-01 -2.65852302e-01 1.31729111e-01 -1.23697542e-01 -1.67434931e-01 -3.91279429e-01 -1.07463859e-01 3.96427095e-01 4.14888747e-02 9.07526910e-02 -1.94041178e-01 -3.71628553e-01 1.96994796e-01 2.55987942e-01 -1.78822622e-01 3.53652626e-01 3.49032611e-01 2.93497711e-01 1.43269347e-02 1.51588947e-01 1.68144569e-01 -2.78573692e-01 -5.49874939e-02 2.97443718e-01 -4.02134687e-01 2.14107618e-01 -3.44253927e-01 6.05021156e-02 8.05359706e-02 2.93312162e-01 -4.72301766e-02 -4.12179738e-01 4.65114713e-02 -3.64659041e-01 5.52505910e-01 -2.29935661e-01 -2.54792511e-01 2.34692499e-01 -6.76764473e-02 -2.10502520e-01 -9.40135121e-03 -5.53949416e-01 -5.76460175e-02 -5.57516105e-02 6.12313934e-02 -2.58395188e-02 -3.94471616e-01 -3.16191435e-01 -2.20964357e-01 6.58621415e-02 2.66707003e-01 -5.41715417e-03 1.92672357e-01 -1.33678854e-01 -9.78886038e-02]
"Crime Scene Photographs" active "Item #: SCP-767 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-767-1 through SCP-767-13 are to be held within SCP-767-14, which shall be kept closed and locked at all times. SCP-767 is to be held in the Hazardous Items secure containment center of Research Site β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Access to SCP-767 requires written authorization of at least one Level 4 site administrator. Description: SCP-767 is the designation of a series of objects which was recovered from [REDACTED] Police Department on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-767-1 through SCP-767-12 are a series of photographs taken with an "instant" camera on β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ self-developing film that appear to be the source of the anomalous properties of SCP-767. The photographs are labeled "1" through "12" in the lower-left corner, however the numberings are in reverse order to the apparent chronology of events they depict. When viewed in reverse (proper chronological) order, images 12 through 7 follow a first-person perspective of an individual entering a room and examining a single table. SCP-767-6 is a top-down view of the table, which in new iterations alternately reads "ON THE CEILING" or "ITS ABOVE YOU" written in a red substance that has the appearance of fresh blood. SCP-767-5 and SCP-767-4 indicate a viewpoint of someone who is facing downwards as they are drawn into the air above the table, with small wisps of dark smoke or gas visible along the edges. SCP-767-3 through SCP-767-1 portray a corpse, initially intact but with heavy lacerations, then [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is not known where these images were taken or if this was indeed how they originally were taken; when brought to a new location and kept for at least one week, SCP-767-1 through SCP-767-12 will change to reflect a room within the structure. If a sufficient "replacement" is not present, a room designed and furnished in the general style of the structure in which SCP-767 is kept will appear within the photographs. The individual present in SCP-767-1 through SCP-767-3 takes the form of the last individual to suffer the effects caused by exposure. This self-adjusting property has been duplicated onto SCP-767-13 and SCP-767-14. SCP-767-13 is a police report written by the [REDACTED] Police Department investigating the murder scene portrayed in the photographs; the address of this scene will adjust at the same time as the images to the address of the new location. The date at the top of the report is β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ, two weeks before Foundation agents recovered SCP-767. SCP-767-14 is a brown leather valise, originally belonging to Officer β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. When the rest of SCP-767 alters, the gold monogram plate between the valise's locks will adjust to the name of whoever owns or currently is head of the new structure; it currently reads "Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ", who is the site administrator for Research Site β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Subjects exposed to the photographs within SCP-767 suffer a number of effects; while the most serious effect that occurs is based upon the highest number viewed, the time to onset of these effects is drastically reduced when viewing the photographs in numbered order up to that point. Confirmed effects are as follows: SCP-767-1 through SCP-767-3: No effects; subjects normally not adverse to images of bodily mutilation describe the viewing as "weird" or "disturbing" beyond their normal sensations. SCP-767-4 through SCP-767-6: Within one day of viewing, subjects develop claustrophobic tendencies when in rooms with low ceilings; roughly 50% of subjects also develop nyctophobia (fear of the dark, or more specifically fear of potentially negative occurrences in the dark). Intensity of fears is directly related to the number viewed, with 6 being the strongest. SCP-767-7 through SCP-767-9: All subjects exposed to SCP-767-7 thus far have revealed a sudden urge to examine the ceiling, usually snapping their heads upwards immediately, even if not exposed to the other photographs; most have described it as instinctual, as if the warning had been yelled at them. The above listed phobias will become apparent within six (6) to twelve (12) hours, along with sensations of being watched and persistent chills regardless of ambient temperatures. SCP-767-10 through SCP-767-12: Subjects who view these photographs suffer fear-induced paralysis if attempting to move away or engage in any activity not involving observation of SCP-767. No more than five minutes later, a black, gaseous mass begins to form at the ceiling, described as "smokey" or "shadowy" and designated SCP-767-15; video and photographic images do not record the appearance of this mass. If SCP-767-15 forms outdoors, or in a room taller than four meters, it will form at approximately the four-meter mark. Tendrils of the substance reach down to grip the affected subject and lift him or her into the air, at which point [DATA EXPUNGED] until it appears as in SCP-767-1. The nature of SCP-767-15 is currently unknown. Researchers and security agents who have attempted to physically intervene are thrown away with great force, and physical attacks against the mass pass through without significantly altering the whole. Currently ongoing investigations have found β–ˆβ–ˆ additional cases of bodies discovered in the same condition as that caused by SCP-767-15 over a course of one decade before Foundation agents became aware of the anomalous items and attributed to various other sources; similar reported instances which occur are under investigation for potential connections. Β« SCP-766 | SCP-767 | SCP-768 Β»" nan
[ 7.75602981e-02 -1.90655529e-01 -1.84069961e-01 1.55738845e-01 -4.76616770e-01 -1.01964418e-02 2.15771347e-01 2.50299752e-01 3.30357961e-02 9.40755829e-02 -2.02020034e-01 3.61498296e-01 3.66259068e-02 -2.58064598e-01 2.18586735e-02 7.04866350e-02 5.98516427e-02 2.29952455e-01 -9.02001038e-02 -2.24181533e-01 -2.36858159e-01 -2.38257289e-01 -2.44486317e-01 1.65967911e-01 -1.59311384e-01 -3.29521537e-01 -7.88401589e-02 1.30679995e-01 -1.41092569e-01 -2.55458504e-01 -2.60847211e-01 4.22488213e-01 1.37663230e-01 3.71791691e-01 -1.09611734e-04 -1.63471043e-01 -8.49751309e-02 -1.48317546e-01 -1.15719810e-01 -6.31608143e-02 -3.82632732e-01 8.68905522e-03 -6.61294535e-02 -3.08154672e-01 -2.32551955e-02 -3.07548642e-01 1.85571671e-01 1.51544809e-01 3.92589033e-01 1.52667448e-01 2.06412882e-01 -1.95508629e-01 -5.43545820e-02 -4.96145971e-02 2.01871451e-02 2.89998800e-01 -1.21680321e-02 -1.33456916e-01 4.52863991e-01 6.92183599e-02 3.46429981e-02 1.71449959e-01 -1.66715086e-01 -4.44715098e-02 6.30545616e-02 -9.98801962e-02 6.41984940e-02 -2.87990034e-01 2.16627300e-01 2.20297337e-01 -2.69316323e-02 4.33486328e-02 1.09630533e-01 1.39448568e-01 -7.20938817e-02 3.62231992e-02 4.78602462e-02 3.28585178e-01 -8.87156427e-02 1.74222723e-01 -3.82139206e-01 2.84248173e-01 -2.66918600e-01 1.60024595e-02 -1.92191243e-01 1.18716694e-02 -1.63751721e-01 8.74475390e-02 1.74655348e-01 -9.47995111e-02 6.33277595e-02 1.53627485e-01 2.28574544e-01 3.69446389e-02 1.28167227e-01 1.80421963e-01 3.12274635e-01 3.11317742e-01 4.65306081e-02 2.50742231e-02 5.11886179e-01 -1.51465461e-01 2.26759911e-02 1.73907861e-01 4.24515381e-02 -9.05110464e-02 1.81148112e-01 5.60296103e-02 -6.43300295e-01 1.76942661e-01 -5.97877391e-02 1.30964190e-01 -2.74044536e-02 9.27381217e-02 -7.81478211e-02 -1.02125719e-01 8.81346688e-02 -1.88572973e-01 -1.43223196e-01 1.61914736e-01 -1.74285129e-01 2.98263043e-01 -2.52274424e-01 4.62641925e-01 6.19445741e-01 -1.51781902e-01 7.09932819e-02 -2.07182705e-01 1.14932619e-01 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3.05385321e-01 8.94054919e-02 3.42550725e-01 -1.35739803e-01 2.20864192e-02 3.33482236e-01 1.64502069e-01 1.88874766e-01 -8.27860758e-02 4.02838945e-01 2.12341055e-01 1.35870323e-01 9.17211547e-02 -1.46025732e-01 -1.97628096e-01 6.68496937e-02 -3.85371782e-02 -1.46183759e-01 1.86039805e-01 1.60175011e-01 2.19092578e-01 2.99907923e-01 2.42518708e-01 -1.88578501e-01 -3.75884026e-01 -4.55219448e-02 -1.10228769e-01 3.14177833e-02 8.12024325e-02 -2.66094983e-01 -8.22538286e-02 -1.87391117e-01 3.26127499e-01 3.28363657e-01 -3.06132939e-02 2.12467220e-02 -6.00269176e-02 -3.26004207e-01 7.81324059e-02 -2.89366413e-02 4.77084130e-01 -3.17443937e-01 2.83266902e-01 -5.22733629e-01 2.96011865e-02 5.09989709e-02 1.79620504e-01 -3.86495531e-01 1.56465158e-01 6.13308251e-01 -2.23187894e-01 6.41005263e-02 -3.45429838e-01 -5.86028516e-01 2.65948236e-01 -5.83457947e-03 -4.21052158e-01 2.89150327e-01 9.87750292e-03 -7.08492696e-02 -3.45408529e-01 1.73304826e-02 -3.35633546e-01 -4.44934592e-02 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-8.27709362e-02 -4.51888412e-01 -2.92425245e-01 1.91809148e-01 2.79933393e-01 -1.48456857e-01 -1.34749025e-01 -7.41001517e-02 6.70819953e-02 1.86291695e-01 2.62643248e-01 2.77296603e-01 -3.72206211e-01 -2.10764140e-01 3.95446450e-01 -3.48394781e-01 1.84323028e-01 3.08518618e-01 5.21959484e-01 3.93266499e-01 -5.03039695e-02 -4.16903980e-02 1.95303410e-01 -1.34392679e-01 -7.35952482e-02 4.16676104e-01 5.63946378e-04 6.58249781e-02 -8.80418420e-02 1.75194725e-01 -1.72399223e-01 8.61100405e-02 1.53261229e-01 7.12079406e-02 -1.72921523e-01 -3.11493218e-01 -1.39738485e-01 1.01909086e-01 -3.75111014e-01 -2.50649005e-01 -3.14484179e-01 2.04393864e-01 1.41031459e-01 1.49045410e-02 1.05514951e-01 1.68104783e-01 1.85551271e-01 1.04780067e-02 5.38281083e-01 -6.84181228e-02 6.12926006e-01 2.94099867e-01 -3.67203474e-01 1.27870589e-01 1.46592051e-01 4.41770814e-02 -8.79243389e-02 7.17968404e-01 2.09082551e-02 -1.12994835e-01 -2.54444689e-01 1.36500955e-01 -3.36556733e-01 -3.69154755e-03 3.10250640e-01 -1.12658776e-01 1.76987633e-01 1.37343735e-01 4.16020662e-01 -7.82266166e-03 -3.75410706e-01 -8.06627944e-02 4.43231255e-01 -7.46236220e-02 3.71300310e-01 3.80455583e-01 1.14273870e+00 -2.53233444e-02 3.42200994e-01 -5.08717187e-02 -5.26105106e-01 -1.16090439e-01 1.23269558e-01 -2.47786015e-01 -4.07205953e-04 -4.53984886e-01 -1.53689384e-02 -2.35940024e-01 -6.91548884e-02 4.29518163e-01 -2.58441299e-01 -5.23006916e-01 -5.03791988e-01 -8.04955289e-02 7.26124048e-02 1.97308045e-03 3.09439063e-01 1.95159942e-01 2.09887847e-01 3.24667364e-01 7.16953445e-03 2.86598038e-03 -1.25922650e-01 2.27844208e-01 4.61811051e-02 9.72530842e-02 -4.02588040e-01 4.07005884e-02 3.81119661e-02 3.82499784e-01 -1.50372693e-02 -3.44278842e-01 -3.40158254e-01 -1.64906830e-02 -5.72742879e-01 -2.69095987e-01 -1.59100269e-03 3.72256875e-01 6.52905285e-01 -1.22171015e-01 2.77322382e-01 1.94998905e-02 1.48991838e-01 -6.93053752e-02 1.09755449e-01 -1.15820137e-03 1.19693980e-01 -2.78746098e-01 -2.44054690e-01 1.77180231e-01 3.26411813e-01 1.88796110e-02 1.77513450e-01 5.37216775e-02 -2.64105290e-01 6.16021305e-02 1.72397852e-01 9.20456424e-02 5.39808010e-04 -6.91808760e-02 -1.82755403e-02 -2.54868180e-01 3.64535302e-02 4.51130182e-01 2.39636078e-01 6.91610053e-02 -3.81557830e-02 9.91070122e-02 -1.70731932e-01 -4.09368068e-01 6.51414096e-02 -1.17129877e-01 -4.15845722e-01 1.80847898e-01 -3.32119673e-01 -1.16809070e-01 6.62318617e-02 5.24698436e-01 9.17128250e-02 -5.02192795e-01 -2.45811790e-01 -2.59806305e-01 2.18853086e-01 -6.80593550e-02 -8.00136179e-02 4.99734700e-01 1.26912177e-01 1.89188972e-01 -1.12330317e-01 3.02525282e-01 -4.40224588e-01 1.36532828e-01 -1.94832116e-01 9.02972892e-02 3.73531997e-01 -3.15953009e-02 -3.86275016e-02 -1.21119119e-01 1.71709061e-01 3.24764222e-01 -1.03159688e-01 -2.60472625e-01 7.96284452e-02 1.51967525e-01 -1.17653988e-01 -1.26107454e-01 -5.35530560e-02 -1.69119984e-02 3.67552787e-03 8.43038335e-02 -3.15812044e-02 6.69050291e-02 2.03646034e-01 3.03602099e-01 -1.38536841e-01 -6.06295168e-02 2.76516795e-01 -9.18360241e-03 1.39033511e-01 4.55421239e-01 -1.65219605e-01 1.16056167e-01 -4.54017878e-01 -9.01888907e-02 2.93465145e-02 1.77010059e-01 9.73508283e-02 7.39081055e-02 5.89614958e-02 3.88119549e-01 2.12141141e-01 1.06876642e-01 -1.87027514e-01 -2.64556278e-02 -4.91785824e-01 -2.01617151e-01 -2.53379971e-01 2.93995053e-01 -8.62973779e-02 1.08006597e-01 -2.80872345e-01 1.90490261e-01 -6.38350565e-03 2.23678395e-01 -8.85670185e-02 -4.02737707e-02 -1.40414694e-02 3.28876786e-02 1.78642496e-01 6.99755028e-02 8.43427479e-02 1.56462699e-01 -6.23266622e-02 -1.07501417e-01 2.08042666e-01 9.54712927e-02 1.43427074e-01 3.86352479e-01 2.62414783e-01 2.74927348e-01 9.28395689e-02 4.63651508e-01 7.02404559e-01 1.92642299e-04 1.72890961e-01 7.24296048e-02 9.44868773e-02 7.28995278e-02 -1.69710472e-01 5.85451769e-03 -3.53426225e-02 7.67048821e-02 -2.61597872e-01 -7.52663426e-03 1.21502914e-01 1.56699657e-01 1.18094496e-02 -1.16913967e-01 -2.26554736e-01 -2.15899408e-01 1.20360944e-02 2.21302779e-03 2.62623936e-01 1.17795691e-01 -2.58909743e-02 7.75076374e-02 -2.53372341e-01 7.11940229e-02 3.47205788e-01 -1.91450357e-01 3.20873499e-01 1.01271138e-01 2.19191328e-01 4.52351183e-01 3.32034796e-01 2.22942740e-01 1.50874108e-02 1.29092455e-01 5.94356842e-02 -2.16878057e-02 -2.07909778e-01 -6.03881478e-02 3.37492605e-03 1.97219282e-01 1.40879005e-01 -8.21421202e-03 2.76948482e-01 -2.33105808e-01 -2.84629762e-01 1.16682000e-01 1.04952253e-01 1.98804066e-01 2.15716250e-02 -1.68256670e-01 -2.75045991e-01 1.21068060e-01 -5.79070635e-02 4.50952817e-03 -9.26502794e-02 -9.64789242e-02 -8.82551298e-02 1.63107798e-01 7.27454722e-02 7.20451400e-02 7.02680927e-03 1.36700347e-01 1.77532822e-01 4.61881101e-01 -1.94457322e-01 -4.93367851e-01 -1.57982886e-01 2.59363741e-01 -5.67967705e-02 -6.28150463e-01 1.55300289e-01 1.82095468e-01 4.75789346e-02 7.08673373e-02 1.67094558e-01 7.99921975e-02 -4.80248407e-02 1.29496351e-01 -2.88771898e-01 4.50706072e-02 1.83889225e-01 -1.66719750e-01 -1.35723323e-01 -2.30036512e-01 1.55435400e-02 -1.54571040e-02 2.13264987e-01 -6.66700304e-02 -4.33066487e-01 -2.55831450e-01 2.66337276e-01 3.02733183e-01 -1.65032744e-01 3.95937890e-01 -7.80253336e-02 -1.06394947e-01 4.70402427e-02 7.96862543e-02 -1.41181320e-01 4.15039137e-02 2.95397669e-01 -4.79020029e-02 1.45311281e-01 2.40434125e-01 3.40581089e-01 9.38644707e-02 1.26713544e-01 1.36020541e-01 -5.51146567e-01 1.39777556e-01 -2.11858198e-01 -1.21480793e-01 4.69704419e-02 4.57088470e-01 2.27225840e-01 -8.35728422e-02 -2.86029130e-01 -4.62264061e-01 4.77420151e-01 -2.49947414e-01 -2.82102469e-02 -4.71483916e-02 7.70571688e-03 -2.12535456e-01 1.23141490e-01 -5.28881609e-01 -1.43972531e-01 1.69535547e-01 -9.33016166e-02 -5.93748391e-02 7.41967261e-02 -1.09414279e-01 -1.01787224e-01 -1.02860637e-01 1.96341187e-01 6.83306158e-02 -4.09370065e-02 -2.71217912e-01 -1.55616701e-01]
"Long-Range Alarm Clock" active "Item #: SCP-768 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-768 is stored without batteries in a standard Safe-class secure locker at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. Access to SCP-768 requires approval from at least one (1) Level 3 Senior Researcher, and Site β–ˆβ–ˆ Security must be notified of any experiments to be performed on SCP-768 at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. Any experimentation using SCP-768 must be performed in a remote isolation chamber at least 300 m away from any critical alarm systems. Researchers experimenting on SCP-768 must not bring any devices with alert mechanisms or alarms into the testing area, and researchers with personal medical alarm systems must not be allowed into the area while experimentation is underway. Description: SCP-768 is a Seiko-brand travel alarm clock that is physically identical to a regular unit of its model in all regards. Its anomalous property is activated when the alarm feature of the clock is set and the alarm activates: instead of emitting a beeping alarm as in normal units of its model, it instead causes all alarms and alerts within 300 m to trigger. How SCP-768 accomplishes this is currently unknown, as disassembling SCP-768 and analyzing its components has revealed no irregularities or anomalous materials. Experimentation has shown that the types of alarm systems SCP-768 is capable of remotely triggering includes but is not limited to: SCP-768 will cause any automated responses to such alarms to trigger, but does not appear to cause what might normally trigger these alarms to occur. A phone ringing due to SCP-768 activating may cause an answering machine to start, but nothing will be recorded as no connection is made. SCP-768 came to the Foundation's attention after routine monitoring of municipal incident reports turned up a case in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ City, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in which hundreds of fire and car alarms were set off simultaneously in a residential area. Investigation led to the discovery of SCP-768 in the possession of a Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Subject claimed to have bought the clock from an online shop (β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ), which recommended the clock as being "fit to wake the dead". Subject passed a polygraph test, but agents failed to locate the shop in question, and Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was released after being administered a class A amnestic and given a replacement clock of similar make and model. Research on SCP-768 to determine its method of operation and possible applications have been approved. Addendum 768-1: Incident Report 768-01 Initial experimentation conducted with SCP-768 caused the triggering of multiple containment breach alarms at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ, including that of Euclid-level SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, and Keter-level SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Automated defense systems and self-destruct mechanisms were armed before the research team managed to alert site security and stop the response. Due to the potential for triggering emergency responses, future research with SCP-768's effects must take place outside of the range of any alarm systems connected to critical systems or SCP containment alarms. Addendum 768-2: Incident Report 768-05 During experimentation on β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's heart monitor was set to an alarm state by SCP-768, causing his pacemaker to increase his pulse rate to nearly three times his normal rate. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was hospitalized but fully recovered after the incident. Future experimentation must be performed by research staff without pacemakers or personal medical alert systems. Β« SCP-767 | SCP-768 | SCP-769 Β»" nan
[-1.07432073e-02 -3.19487125e-01 -9.97065082e-02 7.04553425e-02 -1.27536252e-01 -1.65166423e-01 7.07764685e-01 -1.26548573e-01 2.69653499e-01 1.20672528e-02 1.32760659e-01 2.93677866e-01 -3.20859522e-01 -9.15293917e-02 -1.21859685e-01 3.92401963e-01 -2.82089226e-02 1.27213478e-01 3.41785610e-01 -1.98689193e-01 -1.57490015e-01 -2.89877117e-01 -1.56347588e-01 2.59733111e-01 3.97449397e-02 -1.67878628e-01 2.08034605e-01 -1.56693369e-01 6.76689669e-02 -3.79699618e-01 -6.61434187e-03 1.81081191e-01 -1.14551492e-01 5.87418437e-01 -1.07449225e-04 -3.21223110e-01 3.30461800e-01 -3.77498716e-02 -5.40896691e-02 4.35873345e-02 -3.12450111e-01 2.43333817e-01 -8.41365289e-03 -2.68056393e-01 -5.64927645e-02 1.52507052e-01 -2.69283682e-01 -2.33580664e-01 1.74748436e-01 6.76191509e-01 2.06964239e-01 2.27290913e-02 7.13418871e-02 -1.30553842e-01 -1.69592761e-02 -1.09579697e-01 6.68345019e-02 -1.32085562e-01 2.69949019e-01 2.03912884e-01 -2.11698059e-02 -9.97917950e-02 -1.77509338e-02 -1.04643211e-01 3.03728014e-01 -4.81899709e-01 -2.64134526e-01 -2.89911002e-01 1.49728134e-01 4.55882877e-01 -1.37291729e-01 1.43899620e-01 1.69072434e-01 -9.16011930e-02 3.39964544e-03 -1.23170443e-01 2.19918832e-01 5.57180867e-02 -4.68394123e-02 1.06437907e-01 -1.52321495e-02 1.19493686e-01 -2.43112326e-01 -2.33631343e-01 -1.92893222e-01 1.36419967e-01 -1.17487371e-01 1.10154033e-01 1.01735346e-01 -2.64239877e-01 -2.69218870e-02 4.63028811e-02 4.76286799e-01 -6.98822364e-02 -2.94232648e-02 -3.22062746e-02 9.52635556e-02 3.87649126e-02 2.85210073e-01 -1.95398211e-01 -2.03057140e-01 1.80142418e-01 9.55655426e-02 -1.18232695e-02 -1.07622787e-01 3.68529350e-01 1.64670721e-01 -2.47613132e-01 -6.29985034e-01 4.18986678e-01 -1.72613993e-01 1.93178564e-01 -1.07748829e-01 -6.43912256e-02 2.80107856e-01 8.19315240e-02 -2.36625597e-02 -3.27619702e-01 3.60791050e-02 3.87441158e-01 -2.86953896e-01 1.01929411e-01 -5.47275692e-02 1.16211973e-01 3.13600004e-01 -8.91793221e-02 -2.74416953e-01 -7.27821374e-03 -1.17776372e-01 -6.80204034e-02 -1.78290591e-01 1.04803920e-01 -1.03598714e-01 2.31491432e-01 -4.03853565e-01 -1.41630724e-01 -4.91922013e-02 -9.32482257e-02 -2.05321789e-01 8.37211907e-02 -2.02598900e-01 3.17410944e-04 5.63360870e-01 1.90181613e-01 -4.38399196e-01 -2.01320216e-01 -5.02092205e-02 2.81300068e-01 -2.55222589e-01 -1.35647103e-01 2.88790584e-01 -3.83914143e-01 -4.53598574e-02 2.35526890e-01 -6.31091535e-01 5.53048588e-03 3.38717163e-01 1.33329868e-01 -1.80095062e-02 -2.49194235e-01 3.77911478e-01 -1.35156065e-01 -3.51774722e-01 4.13714200e-02 4.34097908e-02 3.53971273e-01 1.64641261e-01 1.88997671e-01 -3.19171935e-01 -2.10253611e-01 -2.66704798e-01 -2.67878592e-01 1.41449291e-02 1.68132499e-01 -2.66085118e-01 3.77112292e-02 -2.96879113e-01 6.91285133e-02 -3.75412703e-01 -3.89704078e-01 -4.97077733e-01 5.71036302e-02 1.02514617e-01 -3.48736584e-01 -1.96478859e-01 -4.17518951e-02 6.91469386e-02 -2.76184380e-01 6.50349557e-02 -4.73680913e-01 -3.39232951e-01 -7.23555267e-01 -3.58077209e-03 1.48182079e-01 3.17337245e-01 1.56242609e-01 9.42822471e-02 -2.24123359e-01 7.93214962e-02 3.98362249e-01 -1.97169036e-01 -9.17343646e-02 2.24465474e-01 2.56938845e-01 -3.93322378e-01 -1.90846831e-01 1.30125508e-01 2.11710427e-02 6.64974868e-01 2.50888109e-01 -4.84468788e-02 1.69610530e-01 -4.37352918e-02 2.13910624e-01 -2.87795007e-01 -1.75209999e-01 2.67232388e-01 2.71314174e-01 1.35231420e-01 9.06315073e-02 -8.31171051e-02 -8.40470120e-02 1.89119615e-02 -2.92952210e-01 -1.99412599e-01 -2.11250633e-01 -1.06470279e-01 1.16954811e-01 -1.94495291e-01 1.39426574e-01 3.39895338e-01 7.78379813e-02 8.39560553e-02 -1.35224745e-01 -1.11996137e-01 1.65891603e-01 -3.22509319e-01 6.57982230e-01 4.18225043e-02 -1.95253223e-01 -2.03084555e-02 2.75035918e-01 1.36867896e-01 9.98284295e-03 -1.37203082e-01 4.18755174e-01 1.89452320e-02 8.93209055e-02 -2.23369971e-02 7.78704137e-03 -3.62899117e-02 -2.93849200e-01 -8.49410743e-02 1.01078235e-01 1.79819278e-02 1.60352334e-01 1.03259295e-01 2.82396942e-01 -1.09965213e-01 2.00532943e-01 2.19325364e-01 -5.02925627e-02 3.59781012e-02 1.05404496e-01 -6.16489798e-02 -3.36641759e-01 1.15355968e-01 1.62864700e-01 -5.61027788e-02 1.16961017e-01 7.25703686e-03 -1.12840027e-01 -1.86159641e-01 -1.71524405e-01 -6.77416250e-02 1.82211041e-01 3.76845568e-01 4.88111585e-01 3.47260982e-01 2.37737879e-01 -2.74144351e-01 -8.37241948e-01 -1.26011655e-01 -1.31954983e-01 -1.18895039e-01 1.15986235e-01 6.92274272e-02 2.96419621e-01 -3.70867908e-01 1.00963145e-01 2.62372047e-01 -2.35789314e-01 1.60729717e-02 -6.83989525e-02 -1.16540588e-01 -3.82125676e-02 -2.15572432e-01 3.60198230e-01 4.94098924e-02 1.59000754e-01 -9.76965353e-02 -1.65060207e-01 1.37733683e-01 4.34836820e-02 -4.52582091e-01 -5.08568855e-03 3.24269146e-01 1.82989299e-01 -3.02493870e-01 -5.21106161e-02 -1.08175017e-01 3.21988314e-01 2.51597881e-01 -2.09298879e-01 -1.09381648e-02 -2.59702533e-01 2.42971092e-01 -2.16069072e-01 2.06170171e-01 -5.11215985e-01 1.04083359e-01 -8.34710971e-02 -1.36025265e-01 2.90827483e-01 2.68762670e-02 -1.69483051e-01 -1.73298836e-01 -2.52942830e-01 1.70940399e-01 -2.33646914e-01 -1.48291066e-02 4.07387346e-01 2.14813367e-01 3.75991613e-01 -2.73886889e-01 8.75136778e-02 -2.95666933e-01 -2.25288525e-01 2.30704144e-01 1.43928993e-02 -2.40407512e-01 -4.56749052e-01 -1.37447387e-01 -1.28313854e-01 1.73931628e-01 -2.42918730e-01 -4.88060921e-01 1.97931100e-02 3.36100943e-02 -1.16266720e-01 -6.88597560e-01 3.21976483e-01 1.02380924e-01 -2.36929253e-01 -1.13561660e-01 3.79337035e-02 4.33286756e-01 -4.68155630e-02 6.73210993e-02 5.21681793e-02 3.90690297e-01 1.79981753e-01 4.98801708e-01 -1.71276331e-01 -4.56219822e-01 -3.11642557e-01 -9.54086781e-02 1.11108820e-03 6.90881535e-02 -4.44581322e-02 7.38799199e-02 2.64869511e-01 -3.83709610e-01 3.73440534e-01 -3.87162447e-01 -1.76963687e-01 1.70466080e-01 -4.03629720e-01 -5.46860285e-02 -1.52985558e-01 -2.67213490e-02 3.73472095e-01 2.62089252e-01 -2.95633879e-02 1.43247187e-01 5.05970754e-02 -1.16861135e-01 1.06091537e-02 7.39961192e-02 -5.88955507e-02 7.85162207e-03 -1.48897812e-01 2.98311803e-02 1.05406204e-02 -1.73779681e-01 7.74133776e-04 5.00937104e-01 -3.37408006e-01 -3.94699574e-01 2.41947293e-01 -2.58023083e-01 -3.10873687e-01 2.63007194e-01 6.94303691e-01 4.18060601e-01 2.71836817e-01 -3.53036784e-02 -1.82861924e-01 -1.30734041e-01 -1.90407619e-01 1.56113878e-01 -3.02542657e-01 -1.08149257e-02 1.39894247e-01 -1.77664712e-01 1.64057419e-01 -8.83848034e-03 4.05256078e-02 3.49819213e-01 -4.27316129e-01 -2.33823881e-01 2.82719016e-01 1.50747495e-02 -1.11922905e-01 -9.87058729e-02 8.81906673e-02 2.53222972e-01 4.33538347e-01 3.29215601e-02 -1.05217643e-01 -1.45832166e-01 -1.81017771e-01 -6.15852606e-03 4.02400315e-01 -1.98491607e-02 5.70704758e-01 2.82673687e-01 4.08798069e-01 2.99646817e-02 -1.86765999e-01 -1.97203502e-01 -7.08082467e-02 6.10199332e-01 4.37195636e-02 -6.98445663e-02 -5.29862288e-03 5.15554845e-01 6.41140016e-03 3.32425274e-02 1.76407639e-02 -2.32119281e-02 1.91973493e-01 5.81818558e-02 9.87337977e-02 -3.37797552e-01 -2.97917396e-01 -1.70934290e-01 8.38037953e-02 -1.02330733e-03 4.47913885e-01 2.20902339e-01 9.00352776e-01 4.41800654e-01 -6.41980320e-02 3.19488525e-01 -1.12443961e-01 9.35408026e-02 9.11775380e-02 -5.71296364e-02 -7.43496791e-02 2.51772422e-02 8.94638300e-02 -1.25597492e-01 -1.19912244e-01 2.80665398e-01 -2.49830380e-01 -2.06232592e-01 -3.94511282e-01 1.83703020e-01 2.93235630e-01 4.02445793e-01 1.50266916e-01 2.00725183e-01 3.42630565e-01 2.57197261e-01 2.25498080e-01 1.54647484e-01 1.47332281e-01 -9.15897042e-02 8.05445313e-02 -9.74947959e-02 -2.78537989e-01 3.14608030e-02 -9.65693146e-02 3.72397125e-01 -2.68744588e-01 1.90275341e-01 2.20472023e-01 -1.83795661e-01 -2.02562604e-02 -2.96379894e-01 -1.59963995e-01 2.18413115e-01 7.05991328e-01 -2.83502549e-01 2.35198569e-02 -8.14928934e-02 2.52610862e-01 -3.97714898e-02 6.32072315e-02 -1.19157471e-01 -4.05512303e-02 5.47550432e-02 -2.27070749e-01 5.67098297e-02 1.20728642e-01 3.26481871e-02 2.61419386e-01 1.64738506e-01 -8.98028836e-02 -2.41463482e-02 1.75992668e-01 -3.31343710e-02 -9.91593152e-02 7.08428621e-02 -1.20191239e-01 -2.09902599e-01 -2.00465798e-01 2.48700976e-01 2.32812557e-02 3.01644146e-01 3.15400273e-01 8.71517509e-02 -2.15489879e-01 -4.21567857e-01 -7.71070719e-02 2.93467548e-02 -3.73345882e-01 -1.75703481e-01 -4.95530248e-01 -1.66546941e-01 6.16183691e-02 5.09968579e-01 1.30143479e-01 -1.76311627e-01 -1.81937143e-01 -5.00053354e-02 2.41713241e-01 -3.51351112e-01 -5.57254180e-02 2.07749441e-01 -3.07433128e-01 1.37907341e-01 1.30571023e-01 1.65458560e-01 -4.10131902e-01 4.27430049e-02 -1.96991131e-01 -3.97094712e-02 1.01848111e-01 -1.92064613e-01 1.31686971e-01 1.91547479e-02 1.15722053e-01 -5.41010574e-02 -1.81059822e-01 -2.33554989e-01 -7.21467799e-03 1.67066082e-01 -3.12717147e-02 -1.45779595e-01 -3.30343723e-01 7.00107366e-02 -6.30601123e-02 2.73634434e-01 -2.43071407e-01 4.51643914e-01 2.55566061e-01 -1.27078127e-03 -5.80279753e-02 1.99763887e-02 2.13153311e-04 -8.28879848e-02 1.57100752e-01 2.38511190e-01 -1.79911852e-01 3.32221948e-02 -1.17205709e-01 -6.25427216e-02 3.04408163e-01 3.63345832e-01 1.15906317e-02 -1.48242667e-01 2.13538423e-01 1.95504427e-01 1.26116887e-01 4.77090061e-01 -2.43629888e-01 1.74699917e-01 -3.61818105e-01 -3.18546534e-01 -9.56384242e-02 3.13999951e-01 -8.68336558e-02 1.34575188e-01 -1.08289786e-01 -1.49003595e-01 1.12325691e-01 1.67700589e-01 3.18578154e-01 -2.58069366e-01 3.29806358e-02 7.79893696e-02 4.30345893e-01 2.71502007e-02 1.12420462e-01 9.79318172e-02 -5.46996668e-02 -1.81397319e-01 3.98106843e-01 1.52849033e-01 6.50325894e-01 2.70949692e-01 3.96840721e-01 1.52046382e-01 2.48296738e-01 1.24875180e-01 5.19941449e-01 2.00072378e-01 5.69915175e-02 3.23892921e-01 -1.94731891e-01 -2.99622476e-01 -8.34386870e-02 1.68387920e-01 -2.02973515e-01 2.14691252e-01 2.29183398e-02 -5.56515120e-02 5.97155988e-02 1.32184327e-01 2.94604778e-01 -2.46431693e-01 -3.73619705e-01 -4.17253897e-02 3.47052753e-01 2.56627172e-01 3.15713376e-01 -2.19464619e-02 -8.23018700e-02 4.26974624e-01 -1.51117131e-01 1.76135734e-01 2.13956133e-01 -3.04999977e-01 -1.16168685e-01 2.58715868e-01 -1.88548610e-01 3.49334151e-01 3.61538380e-01 1.56067535e-01 -1.66136906e-01 -2.46829867e-01 3.43509376e-01 6.72147125e-02 -1.26982301e-01 -1.41000628e-01 3.37699801e-02 2.72881269e-01 -2.83968359e-01 4.08374965e-01 1.82361841e-01 -2.49785304e-01 1.84012339e-01 -2.54388284e-02 -7.95138553e-02 7.94816092e-02 1.17436379e-01 7.48681799e-02 8.66337270e-02 -4.26589847e-02 -5.83681092e-02 -1.73548266e-01 3.94199006e-02 -7.62124127e-03 -1.02789290e-01 3.23159665e-01 -1.50000110e-01 1.18552886e-01 -1.94519028e-01 1.91233456e-01 1.06283180e-01 3.27687711e-01 1.40027329e-01 -2.06234321e-01 -3.33864123e-01 1.52584180e-01 6.76180422e-02 9.35751572e-02 1.72555685e-01 -1.53155804e-01 2.44897902e-02 4.53714877e-02 -1.39259502e-01 -1.66117892e-01 -2.95509279e-01 -4.08550762e-02 -2.12221712e-01 3.02115262e-01 5.07066965e-01 -1.52219192e-03 6.88287690e-02 -8.94785896e-02 1.07502982e-01 -7.14366734e-01 2.63112843e-01 2.06561849e-01 -3.36668700e-01 -4.09663737e-01 6.56556264e-02 3.45464230e-01 -3.44074555e-02 2.44711250e-01 -5.95924594e-02 -1.48840129e-01 -8.98125917e-02 5.04818738e-01 -2.08678946e-01 1.20233387e-01 1.66544095e-01 -2.59786416e-02 1.64151434e-02 3.51843059e-01 1.52252883e-01 1.69616344e-03 -1.66013092e-01 2.29908213e-01 -4.97516066e-01 2.23552376e-01 -4.26392019e-01 1.42867595e-01 1.75149992e-01 2.03016281e-01 9.32418481e-02 1.04877129e-01 -2.00382903e-01 -2.49790579e-01 3.11866581e-01 -1.84381187e-01 -1.52542606e-01 -2.91672945e-01 1.26363799e-01 2.08036065e-01 4.14481685e-02 -3.28900486e-01 -1.22418992e-01 7.91014358e-02 7.60376304e-02 -2.82284439e-01 -3.10266525e-01 -2.05956608e-01 -2.43368268e-01 -4.80680689e-02 3.01267594e-01 1.19059324e-01 8.57122093e-02 -3.87958288e-01 9.85519662e-02]
"Ancient Encyclopedia" active "Item #: SCP-769 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-769 must be kept inside a secure, waterproof vault whenever it is not in use. No fluid is to come in contact with the bowl outside of approved experiment protocols. Description: SCP-769 is a cup ten centimeters tall and twelve centimeters across. It is made of pottery with a golden glaze. It is covered with a white residue. Several preserved parts from cephalopods and other sea creatures are stuck in the residue. A pattern is carved into its rim; however, the pattern is obscured by the residue. It has been decided not to attempt removal of this residue or the items stuck within it, as efforts to restore SCP-769 may hamper its effects even further. SCP-769 is an artifact of the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ civilization that existed β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ years ago in modern-day β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Water from the object alters the memories of those who drink it. When a subject drinks from the cup (or water that has been poured from the cup), new information is written directly into the subject's brain. However, they lose memories they already possess, much like a computer's storage being overwritten. The memories lost are unpredictable, though usually comparable to the information gained. All water from the bowl must be drunk, or else the subject gains fragmented, unreliable information. The information given is seemingly random, coming from a repository of information from the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. It includes cultural, technological, and military information. It appears that it was intended as an encyclopedia. However, so far no method has been found to retrieve specific information from the goblet. Whether this is due to problems inherent in the storage method or to the degradation of the cup over time is unknown at present. Full debriefing of the subjects takes approximately one week, though it can take longer depending on the information gained. Subject D-769-32 has been useful in translating information, and has therefore been removed from the regular termination schedule, until such a time as she can teach the language to others. Addendum 769-1: The results from Subject D-769-37 have raised this object from a mild curiosity to a priority. Recreating the power source for that engine would prove invaluable to the Foundation. Addendum 769-2: Per the Administrator's instructions, Subject D-769-71 was given multiple exposures to SCP-769. However, the results have proven unsatisfactory due to the possibility of losing valuable information. Addendum 769-3: Reports will move from a weekly to a monthly basis. Addendum 769-4: Future reports to the Administrator will no longer contain a listing of all findings. Only those of strategic importance will be passed on. The Administrator does not want to know about β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ courtship rituals unless they involve lasers, zero-point generators, or flying cars, and how to build them. Addendum 769-5: Reports will move from a monthly to a bi-monthly basis. Addendum 769-6: Due to stronger demand in other areas, resources for this project are being cut by 80 percent. Addendum 769-7: Reports will move from a bi-monthly to a semi-annual basis. Addendum 769-8: After ten years, several thousand test subjects, and nothing to show for it but a handful of fascinating but ultimately useless technical schematics, results from SCP-769 have begun to repeat themselves. Perhaps the encyclopedia is damaged, and has lost other information, as well as any indexing system. Perhaps this was all that was ever on it. In any event, it is now advised that the project be shelved until such a time as the information can be more efficiently catalogued. Partial Test Log Subject D-769-01: Learned the name of the stars in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ language, as well as their positions. However, she lost all memory of other names, including her own. Subject D-769-07: Milk was substituted for water. Subject convulsed once, and became comatose. He expired several days later. Subject D-769-13: Learned several songs in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ language. It could not be determined what he lost. Subject D-769-18: Learned the history of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a politician from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Lost all memory from his sixth birthday to halfway through seventh grade. Subject D-769-25: Gained a tactical assessment of several other civilizations. Only the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ were determined to be a threat. Suspected capabilities were listed, but are difficult to decipher without knowing the size of listed units or the abilities of vehicles. Subject D-769-30: Learned the rules to a children's game involving sticks and disks. Lost all memory of American politics. Subject D-769-32: Learned the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ language, but forgot how to paint, her former career. Subject D-769-37: Gained schematics for an engine capable of generating far more thrust than any we currently possess, which could explain the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ spaceflight capabilities. However, they call for an on-board power source generating over a thousand megawatts, with only two cubic feet allotted for it. It is hoped that designs for the generator can eventually be found. The subject lost all memories of his mother. Subject D-769-41: Gained schematics for an antique internal combustion engine. The design is inferior to those in use today, although the alloys it calls for are of strong interest to the Foundation. Subject D-769-54: Learned the history of the temple of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Subject broke down while describing it, and, when left unattended for a short period, took his own life. The guards were severely reprimanded. Subject D-769-71: After O5-8 reprimanded Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ for gross waste of class D personnel, Subject D-769-71 was given doses several times. The first time, he gained a novel, but forgot how to ride a bicycle. The second time, he learned a form of martial arts, but lost all memory of his faith. The third time, he learned the life cycle of the mammoth, but lost all memory of his childhood. The final time, it could not be determined what he gained, as he seemed to lose all ability to communicate. Subject D-769-71 was terminated several days later. It appears repeated exposures have a point of diminishing returns, taking more memory than previous exposures. Subject D-769-105: Learned the names of all the Exarchs of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and their families going back several hundred years. He forgot how to operate any technology made in the last ten years. Subject D-769-2045: Learned the history of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ dance. Lost all memory of sports. Subject D-769-2070: Learned the names of the stars in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ language. Lost all memories of the past three years. Interview Log 769-43 Β« SCP-768 | SCP-769 | SCP-770 Β»" nan
[ 2.73807377e-01 -1.45542994e-02 -1.57463834e-01 2.37431899e-01 -2.20984548e-01 -9.63798910e-02 3.55247268e-03 1.73725203e-01 2.51015604e-01 -4.69463058e-02 -7.06451107e-03 2.78629720e-01 -4.78453860e-02 -2.42854431e-01 -7.57083744e-02 6.13269955e-02 1.14901491e-01 4.68510598e-01 -1.61794741e-02 -5.43504097e-02 -1.28123686e-01 -1.91663206e-01 -8.73571411e-02 1.40633981e-03 2.34192029e-01 -8.59551430e-02 1.16682902e-01 1.26836554e-03 -3.12898487e-01 -3.89102906e-01 -4.37102616e-02 2.44322658e-01 -9.79781058e-03 5.89235961e-01 -1.09181412e-04 -2.66242325e-01 1.68060914e-01 4.15861867e-02 -3.57146353e-01 1.17411420e-01 -3.27465773e-01 3.13668519e-01 -1.17383804e-02 -3.21206242e-01 2.29337867e-02 -9.17424913e-03 2.03046054e-01 -1.22609049e-01 1.30339740e-02 2.38485605e-01 2.22782895e-01 -1.20230846e-01 3.45594734e-01 -6.33314624e-02 3.54532897e-01 5.64949103e-02 -7.18683526e-02 2.68545896e-02 -7.58998990e-02 2.47676134e-01 -3.45454104e-02 4.17848647e-01 -2.57176667e-01 -1.31973207e-01 6.62448332e-02 -3.03775936e-01 -2.04332039e-01 -1.88865125e-01 3.76518905e-01 1.77970067e-01 4.57402468e-01 -4.75022048e-02 3.96219790e-02 3.66021186e-01 -2.09737480e-01 3.26613516e-01 -6.39990643e-02 2.67920494e-01 4.66663279e-02 1.23227455e-01 1.33603692e-01 -7.37579688e-02 -4.05137569e-01 9.87270921e-02 1.36672314e-02 3.14011961e-01 -3.43395412e-01 1.05827741e-01 2.28077307e-01 -2.16839492e-01 -6.87824562e-02 -6.73644245e-02 2.70845722e-02 2.03331351e-01 3.60575169e-01 -6.95481896e-02 2.76235670e-01 2.67759711e-01 1.28421187e-01 -2.36025721e-01 1.12660825e-01 2.53818184e-01 -5.20357713e-02 5.58682494e-02 1.30024463e-01 -1.88637689e-01 4.33005691e-01 -1.22426234e-01 -2.16545239e-01 4.33132857e-01 -3.23164880e-01 6.96169883e-02 -9.92960185e-02 3.36778760e-01 5.70148081e-02 -2.11178839e-01 2.19689906e-01 -4.71601248e-01 2.72420108e-01 2.79470742e-01 -4.61152077e-01 9.52764004e-02 -4.97384310e-01 3.82443398e-01 -1.10217817e-01 2.77200907e-01 -2.77864281e-02 -3.16826493e-01 -1.32585704e-01 -4.30533737e-02 -1.47928908e-01 2.20966741e-01 -2.21989825e-01 1.80312395e-01 5.65574579e-02 7.62541359e-03 -7.52768964e-02 -3.10750544e-01 -2.98387885e-01 -1.20218962e-01 1.84437498e-01 -3.87640417e-01 7.11600006e-01 5.68668604e-01 -3.68041284e-02 -1.14915609e-01 -1.73607972e-02 -1.92258924e-01 -2.55130529e-01 1.90608516e-01 2.01750070e-01 -3.59346092e-01 -1.20010547e-01 2.73470193e-01 -1.41455889e-01 -3.53762433e-02 2.71574259e-01 5.00967614e-02 1.84758216e-01 -2.88581699e-01 1.57875851e-01 2.63635397e-01 -1.72230929e-01 -2.81300604e-01 2.81836301e-01 3.76903653e-01 -2.49948174e-01 1.69670433e-01 -3.55815440e-01 9.68925953e-02 -1.76377773e-01 9.98481736e-03 -7.25821853e-02 1.66842148e-01 6.98866546e-02 1.55133694e-01 -3.11882555e-01 2.11153761e-01 -3.72374296e-01 -4.93049532e-01 7.62905329e-02 3.82042468e-01 9.39302519e-02 -1.13285825e-01 1.11997956e-02 -1.97836496e-02 -2.72448249e-02 -8.95657092e-02 1.12249963e-01 -1.89662725e-01 -1.99283063e-01 -4.83444929e-01 2.95446903e-01 2.60983221e-03 2.47653782e-01 -5.62424175e-02 3.10800582e-01 -5.96740060e-02 2.07152702e-02 9.69198197e-02 -1.11834839e-01 1.65496111e-01 7.23530054e-01 1.07093833e-01 1.46725789e-01 -3.31987947e-01 1.77061185e-01 -1.48101011e-02 8.63575101e-01 4.07505780e-01 -5.23739941e-02 -1.22300528e-01 -1.63607374e-01 -4.47605178e-02 -1.43886888e-02 -4.47780341e-01 2.79032797e-01 7.91987255e-02 3.15334260e-01 8.61809179e-02 1.10181987e-01 -1.99238896e-01 -6.48927391e-02 -2.24930942e-01 -5.44915676e-01 -9.53942463e-02 -4.10711288e-01 -7.81453103e-02 -4.89976883e-01 8.82881582e-02 1.26706123e-01 1.06210187e-01 1.48943290e-01 -1.66910812e-01 -3.97668421e-01 -9.85548496e-02 8.12823400e-02 8.30762386e-01 -8.47134590e-02 -6.19713008e-01 1.61063552e-01 8.44089612e-02 3.26380670e-01 5.29367328e-02 -8.59966055e-02 2.64433920e-01 3.14578861e-01 1.59993842e-01 -4.55254596e-03 -1.42821163e-01 1.06338561e-01 -2.31692478e-01 1.05734251e-01 -1.08803123e-01 1.07790306e-02 2.51356304e-01 -3.37328017e-01 1.58387721e-01 2.71182865e-01 4.29860651e-01 5.72585277e-02 1.31828636e-01 1.88137829e-01 1.25100061e-01 -1.90826565e-01 -3.43651682e-01 1.52428195e-01 9.16785747e-02 2.10542575e-01 1.58707485e-01 2.94323340e-02 -9.53336060e-02 2.79059321e-01 1.46541804e-01 -1.01665659e-02 9.82745364e-03 4.38759804e-01 1.53035551e-01 1.84001878e-01 3.40956420e-01 -1.09257273e-01 -8.57317150e-02 -2.01017722e-01 1.07717581e-01 1.23019144e-01 3.58799219e-01 1.72665969e-01 2.20794722e-01 3.16069759e-02 2.01474622e-01 1.75216541e-01 1.29241254e-02 -6.39296249e-02 2.27961764e-01 -2.46810243e-01 6.62057921e-02 -2.28892878e-01 2.05831155e-01 -4.81420085e-02 2.75628746e-01 -3.19372326e-01 -4.19237554e-01 1.24799058e-01 8.27353820e-02 -4.86795425e-01 3.45162787e-02 5.61795175e-01 -3.40393037e-02 -3.22552592e-01 -3.97169709e-01 -6.69209480e-01 2.62679130e-01 5.85916489e-02 -1.14790775e-01 2.63912845e-02 1.01081371e-01 8.33589062e-02 -4.11265045e-01 -2.96997149e-02 -5.91533661e-01 2.02577673e-02 -7.09751546e-02 -2.08766147e-01 6.54349625e-02 -1.47172930e-02 -3.85645121e-01 -1.28558278e-01 -2.71264464e-01 4.24527645e-01 -1.26711652e-01 1.83428928e-01 2.35219941e-01 2.18745187e-01 5.62700368e-02 1.75764412e-01 1.79373056e-01 -3.49865735e-01 -8.39633644e-02 7.41696283e-02 -1.06192917e-01 -8.07586759e-02 -1.27866447e-01 -2.54931509e-01 -1.47034854e-01 2.96617985e-01 -2.52324879e-01 4.49069440e-02 9.63218603e-03 1.28246158e-01 1.19908154e-01 -1.76822588e-01 5.58499157e-01 1.06856406e-01 -2.95686156e-01 -1.08302563e-01 -1.93493992e-01 6.10636584e-02 2.25733548e-01 1.84903413e-01 5.56051619e-02 8.52682814e-02 2.19768345e-01 4.16686118e-01 -4.46364969e-01 2.23190412e-02 -1.88486457e-01 2.27480888e-01 3.32965910e-01 9.87780243e-02 -1.32737398e-01 5.54580577e-02 -1.65820330e-01 -4.41184789e-01 3.92596841e-01 8.76341090e-02 -4.80849743e-01 6.06551096e-02 -4.37658615e-02 -6.44863904e-01 -1.83838606e-01 1.25587836e-01 1.49555206e-01 2.08433837e-01 -8.48226994e-02 -2.87504047e-01 -1.17067486e-01 -2.64843702e-01 -4.27610427e-02 9.93487462e-02 -3.83806139e-01 1.54071460e-02 -2.83523381e-01 1.09996274e-01 -1.53833717e-01 5.40473275e-02 -3.54359224e-02 1.86125025e-01 -2.06724912e-01 -1.99380964e-01 1.34436533e-01 -1.92271218e-01 -2.58308083e-01 -1.50893629e-01 4.68828082e-01 3.93969446e-01 1.15586460e-01 1.24357946e-01 8.27181339e-03 -3.50557953e-01 5.43408841e-02 4.46340561e-01 -2.50620157e-01 -2.94297874e-01 9.92806554e-02 3.23922336e-01 1.15947418e-01 6.86714426e-02 1.29409343e-01 -1.46586403e-01 -3.87000352e-01 -1.86378151e-01 -9.83090256e-04 1.58378094e-01 -5.31848855e-02 -1.29870176e-01 9.62652192e-02 -5.41013144e-02 3.62505466e-01 1.14450283e-01 -1.10779805e-02 -1.20591216e-01 5.69264479e-02 -1.89936310e-01 3.71355623e-01 -1.01956181e-01 3.43444377e-01 2.75128275e-01 -1.76208690e-01 -2.90892333e-01 -6.41868040e-02 -1.25014439e-01 -1.01085678e-02 2.92760879e-01 1.76294804e-01 5.97951114e-02 2.19465330e-01 1.03817418e-01 1.12760998e-01 9.06295553e-02 -1.33076370e-01 -8.15832522e-03 -2.35842302e-01 -2.94027328e-01 2.39460379e-01 -2.72544652e-01 -3.72669011e-01 4.00847405e-01 2.92402327e-01 -2.76041716e-01 4.31806356e-01 2.37586707e-01 1.21282232e+00 2.56614894e-01 1.24505870e-01 -7.06000999e-02 -3.13339829e-01 -3.81865352e-02 2.49645859e-02 1.28454790e-01 -4.51757163e-01 -1.40650958e-01 3.07456404e-02 -5.43690883e-02 -6.93906844e-02 5.64510822e-02 -5.99446774e-01 -2.47692570e-01 -3.05310875e-01 2.06026152e-01 3.64326924e-01 2.03053683e-01 3.96333247e-01 1.99460052e-02 7.31325243e-03 2.18763158e-01 2.83253081e-02 8.07131901e-02 -1.78077102e-01 1.00573510e-01 3.19782287e-01 -7.10922033e-02 -6.35834515e-01 1.69823065e-01 -2.79478490e-01 5.38579822e-01 1.88602239e-01 -2.44001701e-01 -5.31703271e-02 -6.94523752e-02 -2.97105730e-01 2.93184584e-03 -6.08153977e-02 1.25517890e-01 3.53260309e-01 -3.09081316e-01 1.91787943e-01 -9.92793515e-02 2.78090745e-01 5.48450500e-02 -1.59016356e-01 2.23808080e-01 -2.86774307e-01 -2.97709048e-01 1.17142871e-02 1.02132119e-01 2.77169496e-01 -4.12424132e-02 -4.55856696e-02 2.76242912e-01 -3.38208765e-01 -1.99465767e-01 1.87918574e-01 -5.80441840e-02 4.66597453e-02 -5.32401875e-02 1.38884187e-01 -3.47466230e-01 4.89448197e-02 3.52538586e-01 2.63970017e-01 -1.38827879e-03 1.23405181e-01 1.35498464e-01 -3.71375442e-01 -4.62945342e-01 -1.03900783e-01 -2.08648279e-01 -1.98888078e-01 5.18571176e-02 -1.73838511e-01 -4.52677786e-01 1.65282145e-01 3.74178886e-02 1.44007578e-01 -1.48860320e-01 -3.29963207e-01 -2.21828684e-01 3.29088509e-01 1.89870402e-01 1.14737093e-01 8.29586294e-03 -3.03656254e-02 -3.12281460e-01 -8.41630623e-02 1.64840743e-01 -4.13189977e-01 1.38725966e-01 -2.16300309e-01 1.44013658e-01 3.40576857e-01 -1.48859009e-01 -1.01034537e-01 -1.53681502e-01 1.59987405e-01 3.33063230e-02 -1.01077065e-01 -2.01617703e-01 -1.39965817e-01 1.34947136e-01 -1.37924358e-01 -5.48434518e-02 -1.39608324e-01 -1.44553836e-02 1.65163383e-01 -8.46146513e-03 7.32970014e-02 3.10062766e-01 1.44190490e-01 2.12234676e-01 -1.40161529e-01 4.71865237e-01 -1.80502042e-01 3.44710618e-01 -2.21527904e-01 4.72743839e-01 9.82788652e-02 8.74196813e-02 3.29523161e-02 -2.04340249e-01 1.13639295e-01 2.42511019e-01 -2.33095326e-02 2.58374400e-02 1.65366456e-01 1.01454675e-01 2.33422622e-01 2.71834344e-01 -1.05184659e-01 2.30225176e-02 -1.75751567e-01 -1.82249516e-01 -2.83696055e-02 3.45464528e-01 2.91376677e-03 -5.71562815e-03 -2.12462708e-01 -7.74663910e-02 -2.31843442e-02 1.57487705e-01 -2.41636872e-01 -2.21608490e-01 1.97182477e-01 2.38717258e-01 2.97037084e-02 1.90425605e-01 2.78226286e-01 -3.31458986e-01 -2.98543498e-02 -1.96212664e-01 1.59586209e-03 4.83592227e-02 2.33274952e-01 7.10738078e-02 3.05079818e-01 2.10803941e-01 4.10656452e-01 3.19400370e-01 -5.01488149e-02 1.79223835e-01 3.98031138e-02 2.62308300e-01 -8.79207253e-02 7.56547153e-02 -9.46318805e-02 -3.70335244e-02 -3.44179198e-03 1.89601049e-01 -9.82359350e-02 -1.92502365e-01 4.58791293e-02 1.84245989e-01 4.08679307e-01 -1.39789805e-01 -8.86063352e-02 -6.26351088e-02 2.40098625e-01 4.62054797e-02 4.13572252e-01 5.65352626e-02 -1.90409064e-01 -1.97333246e-01 3.75589103e-01 4.07922454e-02 4.57265794e-01 -2.27302983e-01 -1.41444027e-01 6.80057257e-02 -2.56869141e-02 -1.17293820e-01 3.18638057e-01 1.64894223e-01 1.95680633e-01 -4.77223396e-01 2.84107774e-01 -6.89773932e-02 -2.30411932e-01 -1.19401455e-01 -1.68760210e-01 3.00751090e-01 -7.64790969e-03 -1.21988945e-01 2.15613961e-01 -2.59377420e-01 -3.61914545e-01 2.93252051e-01 1.06993139e-01 2.33349770e-01 -3.09946209e-01 2.24861085e-01 -4.55049187e-01 4.00016218e-01 7.66137093e-02 -1.38690263e-01 3.45495343e-02 1.05800875e-01 -1.91916078e-01 7.41573423e-02 2.15424858e-02 1.05088063e-01 2.41200328e-01 3.63852441e-01 1.83722451e-01 2.25957513e-01 -3.31813395e-02 -3.78389806e-01 -2.87596673e-01 7.98733681e-02 -1.74731478e-01 -4.24810052e-01 -1.92657579e-03 1.82735726e-01 -7.48294359e-03 2.31470749e-01 -2.99992859e-01 -1.76571190e-01 -1.02400184e-01 -2.18886603e-02 -2.22159505e-01 4.03721295e-02 3.61230075e-01 -8.64926353e-03 -5.59234135e-02 -3.22357029e-01 -9.77621675e-02 -2.53864914e-01 1.88509226e-01 -1.39585748e-01 -2.45689213e-01 1.60957992e-01 1.33917212e-01 4.45204020e-01 3.66764911e-03 3.67947072e-01 -1.83417186e-01 -2.98532665e-01 1.90546542e-01 4.40207832e-02 -2.14095116e-02 1.98910475e-01 2.18980774e-01 2.08479479e-01 1.18673146e-02 3.85269940e-01 1.24649651e-01 2.47665554e-01 1.04370214e-01 3.50002438e-01 -4.60831136e-01 2.23518252e-01 1.83295280e-01 1.58435032e-01 -5.40091656e-02 2.87450641e-01 -9.42077190e-02 1.09883789e-02 -3.00686687e-01 -2.32363820e-01 3.52137774e-01 -2.09254116e-01 -3.19947660e-01 -2.04358384e-01 2.30207115e-01 -2.48455144e-02 -1.63582578e-01 -7.32731819e-01 -2.05267623e-01 1.09801516e-01 3.69142964e-02 -3.96766901e-01 -2.02945560e-01 -1.76314175e-01 -1.56142995e-01 -2.04921916e-01 4.46679264e-01 -1.16251223e-01 -3.07418823e-01 -3.02850157e-01 -1.09546684e-01]
"Nuclear Slime" active "Item #: SCP-770 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-770 is to be stored in a 500 mL flask made of isotopically pure iron-56. The flask is to be evacuated of atmosphere, and stored in a de-pressurised steel safe, lined with isotopically pure iron-56 foil and 7.5 cm of lead. Currently, SCP-770 is stored at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-770 is to be given nutrients in the form of 20 milligrams of technetium-95m gas, produced by the research reactor at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ. These are to be administered twice a year. SCP-770 may be removed for research and experimentation, providing a detailed research plan is approved by level 4 staff. All research staff must be qualified in dealing with radiological safety hazards. Research is to be carried out in an environmentally isolated laboratory, and research staff must use glove boxes or conventional bio-hazard suits. After SCP-770 has been returned to storage, the atmosphere of the laboratory must be purged, and any materials or instruments that have come into contact with SCP-770 are to be destroyed in a high temperature plasma arc furnace. Addendum 770-1: Following Incident I-770-1, SCP-770 is not to be exposed to fissile (fertile super-heavy elements), including any isotopes of uranium, plutonium, thorium, or americium. Permission to perform experiments using these elements will be immediately denied. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has been posthumously commended for his quick thinking in preventing a [DATA EXPUNGED]. Description: SCP-770 is a strain of mould that is similar in appearance to the common Physarum polycephalum slime mould. It is largely colourless and translucent in appearance, and will adhere to almost any surface. What sets SCP-770 apart is that it respires without oxidisation by means of a poorly understood nuclear reaction. When present on a surface, SCP-770 will absorb any radioactive isotopes, or any isotopes larger in atomic mass than iron-56, with preference given to heavier isotopes. These isotopes will then undergo a nuclear reaction in which they are reduced to more stable isotopes, and energy is released. The decay products of this reaction (normally lighter elements such as carbon, oxygen, or nitrogen), along with the energy produced, are used by SCP-770 as a source of sustenance so it may grow and reproduce (which it does by the periodic release of airborne spores). There is a strong possibility that the elements produced by SCP-770 will also be radioactive isotopes. During ingestion and reaction of isotopes, SCP-770 will emit significant quantities of ionising radiation, including alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons, and hard x-rays. The radiation output is so substantive that an adult human would receive an LD50 level dose of radiation after approximately β–ˆ minutes exposure to 500 milligrams of active SCP-770. The mould will also release copious amounts of heat, and can achieve a surface temperature in excess of 1200 degrees centigrade. While doing this, it will appear to glow white hot. How SCP-770 is able to withstand this level of radiation and temperature without disintegration is unknown. Currently, the most feasible way to sterilise an area of SCP-770 is by means of specialised plasma arc furnaces that are designed to reach temperatures of 3000 degrees centigrade (although Incident I-770-1 demonstrated that thermite, when used in a confined area, can also be effective). Due to the relative abundance of viable isotopes, the vast energy produced by nuclear reactions, and the propensity of neutron irradiation to create more unstable isotopes, SCP-770 has an extreme capacity for growth. With adequate food supply, SCP-770 will produce spores approximately every β–ˆ hours, and is capable of doubling in mass every β–ˆβ–ˆ hours. As no known herbivores or herbicidal diseases could survive exposure to the radiation produced by SCP-770, there is no limiting factor to the mould achieving a geometric growth rate. In the event of a containment breach, or worse, a [DATA EXPUNGED] event, projections indicate that the mould would spread quickly, and the Earth’s biosphere would be rendered un-inhabitable after approximately β–ˆ months. Sterilisation of affected areas via nuclear weapons may be a viable option; however, should SCP-770 survive the initial blast, then fallout would provide a tremendously rich growth medium. Historical note: SCP-770 was recovered from a large series of deep caves beneath β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in the former Soviet Union, in 1957. A lack of viable isotopes in a geological stratum that should have been uranium bearing implies that SCP-770 has been active in this cave system for a prolonged period of time, possibly up to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ years. Shock damage, partial vitrification and a build up of radioactive gasses in one of the caverns indicate that SCP-770 may have undergone a [DATA EXPUNGED] event at some point in the last β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ years. A publicly owned mining industry broke into the cave system in 1957, resulting in the [DATA REDACTED]. Fortunately, no spores of SCP-770 left the cave system, allowing the caverns to be purged when the incident was discovered by the Foundation. Estimates made after ascertaining SCP-770’s growth rates project a breach of the cave system would have been possible after β–ˆ years, had the mould not been brought to the Foundation’s attention. Β« SCP-769 | SCP-770 | SCP-771 Β»" nan
[ 4.20221388e-01 -3.35767955e-01 -1.37358019e-02 -2.46608760e-02 1.55346721e-01 -2.99527705e-01 7.69779384e-02 3.13963890e-01 3.67435694e-01 2.11645573e-01 -1.22542731e-01 2.64489830e-01 -4.08418447e-01 3.44481647e-01 3.63879353e-01 3.53039545e-03 1.17941424e-01 -7.78066665e-02 -2.82125622e-01 -2.05962639e-02 3.11269592e-02 -1.96691990e-01 7.97321741e-03 1.64102450e-01 -5.03919870e-02 4.97645549e-02 2.23276645e-01 2.35373482e-01 -2.08795577e-01 -3.02389264e-01 2.76421905e-01 -1.38966754e-01 2.08408907e-01 -4.46012057e-02 -1.06616222e-04 3.61807384e-02 6.16682917e-02 1.03203677e-01 -4.16688696e-02 4.53478247e-01 -9.54130962e-02 2.07077622e-01 -1.91434890e-01 -1.11401252e-01 2.12240502e-01 1.63529471e-01 2.93096043e-02 -8.30116570e-02 4.00466174e-01 2.29065552e-01 1.56139597e-01 -7.17672780e-02 1.61980763e-01 1.51802853e-01 5.40373683e-01 1.63598120e-01 -3.05461049e-01 -2.84313262e-01 4.29410994e-01 9.21508074e-02 2.51625627e-01 2.56685615e-01 -9.40364599e-02 -1.84653968e-01 2.55881339e-01 7.92626143e-02 6.79385841e-01 -1.99980944e-01 1.07819237e-01 6.24015689e-01 -9.48007554e-02 1.88945439e-02 2.49648198e-01 2.18011796e-01 -2.29558304e-01 -8.91116797e-04 1.13232329e-01 5.34522766e-03 -1.77996382e-02 -9.86904502e-02 4.10708413e-02 8.52101445e-02 -2.05787182e-01 -1.72550365e-01 -1.19535848e-01 4.90549088e-01 -2.05489829e-01 -1.47124991e-01 1.94842279e-01 -2.18381390e-01 -1.82321444e-01 -1.15448482e-01 -9.58932787e-02 4.85944971e-02 3.83498110e-02 1.35803130e-02 5.46746999e-02 5.07445216e-01 4.97892499e-01 1.68615118e-01 9.96263996e-02 7.31986091e-02 1.38147891e-01 2.46842951e-01 6.26638010e-02 -7.75495246e-02 -3.29789035e-02 -6.23496890e-01 -2.52909303e-01 2.99041599e-01 3.84683833e-02 1.39887959e-01 2.23559793e-02 1.57295778e-01 2.25044534e-01 -2.72117674e-01 1.77780584e-01 -2.95781553e-01 -8.09620544e-02 5.40180743e-01 1.49786845e-01 1.18851922e-01 -1.90904155e-01 2.68961966e-01 2.28740081e-01 4.63857770e-01 4.00783084e-02 -2.84561664e-01 2.34508142e-02 -1.36385083e-01 -1.75161615e-01 5.37313581e-01 -5.68509102e-01 -1.00140855e-01 -1.91000894e-01 1.42665669e-01 -3.48106772e-01 -2.28718728e-01 3.28883976e-01 8.34854692e-02 -2.00471207e-01 -3.39191370e-02 5.27904689e-01 5.13234019e-01 -4.43155497e-01 -2.60840625e-01 1.75184071e-01 -3.30967158e-01 -1.48093998e-01 -2.53311303e-02 2.82907069e-01 -1.31635845e-01 -2.87716806e-01 1.77366048e-01 -8.53259638e-02 3.06527257e-01 4.02656049e-01 -4.40201342e-01 -2.28960797e-01 6.63604541e-03 1.02067947e-01 -8.84190947e-02 -7.38596395e-02 -1.15336649e-01 2.40927786e-01 4.26052213e-01 -3.88113707e-01 -2.35923100e-02 -3.68664622e-01 -8.74712020e-02 3.07568043e-01 -2.26923034e-01 2.37059385e-01 4.82508205e-02 -2.99687594e-01 -3.20144556e-02 -3.87850255e-01 -1.09519690e-01 -2.17195436e-01 -9.72091779e-02 -3.33177507e-01 4.05858517e-01 4.23457116e-01 -1.69421896e-01 -4.90076363e-01 -7.52654076e-02 -7.58227408e-02 1.09746158e-01 -8.25415552e-02 -2.53237218e-01 -3.84059221e-01 -2.86591202e-01 1.78355128e-01 -7.24268928e-02 1.82774693e-01 2.63083905e-01 1.54178858e-01 1.65523767e-01 1.42062083e-01 -2.26886980e-02 4.30083275e-02 -5.29381372e-02 5.73508918e-01 7.30469823e-02 -2.50917107e-01 -3.30465972e-01 -2.71145910e-01 -8.88718888e-02 -9.67210717e-03 7.18768537e-02 -1.79364681e-01 -8.69168714e-02 -1.57290161e-01 5.83443344e-02 -1.64787784e-01 -5.26981711e-01 2.71843344e-01 2.77932495e-01 4.40270305e-01 -3.23133498e-01 -1.20661847e-01 2.71513999e-01 2.32800305e-01 -5.90657778e-02 -4.65913206e-01 2.62052208e-01 -1.56548843e-01 -3.25648040e-01 -2.71973133e-01 2.58937597e-01 7.57627264e-02 -6.85561970e-02 1.52429864e-01 3.59346308e-02 -2.62449652e-01 -3.46607298e-01 1.48493990e-01 7.01777518e-01 -4.87580836e-01 1.41489372e-01 1.40419647e-01 -4.25507575e-01 2.88827345e-02 1.83289170e-01 -1.63285211e-01 3.54676306e-01 -1.05618417e-01 1.93970844e-01 -6.65993020e-02 7.65925944e-02 -2.30326012e-01 -3.79235417e-01 4.06337269e-02 -2.28412718e-01 2.73330122e-01 3.23576748e-01 -3.62965733e-01 1.37571350e-01 -1.25583813e-01 9.32995602e-02 1.74775487e-04 1.27941025e-02 6.96979389e-02 -2.75391698e-01 -1.23629794e-01 -1.95383549e-01 9.36398432e-02 6.11836553e-01 6.10790327e-02 6.01848913e-03 -1.59526542e-01 -8.70166197e-02 3.11759651e-01 2.25554649e-02 -2.94982553e-01 -1.75631881e-01 1.80077970e-01 3.27294797e-01 -1.26074538e-01 1.29912823e-01 -3.03478520e-02 -3.53649743e-02 -3.14587027e-01 -7.58551881e-02 2.39519347e-02 9.50913131e-02 -9.17788446e-02 1.77265182e-01 -1.86935514e-02 7.11713195e-01 1.20584868e-01 -1.96350783e-01 -4.66581248e-02 -2.64859557e-01 -1.90975919e-01 -2.17231736e-01 -3.60379875e-01 3.43780816e-01 -2.02836856e-01 4.25322354e-02 -5.86884856e-01 3.63321044e-02 -2.80202299e-01 1.58323213e-01 -3.08952659e-01 1.55838490e-01 1.59647793e-01 -7.90492594e-02 1.56308353e-01 -1.83997288e-01 -3.73032004e-01 3.75025183e-01 1.64068844e-02 1.34985492e-01 1.45998359e-01 1.16621010e-01 1.90713480e-01 -1.82221651e-01 3.39946091e-01 -9.38545406e-01 6.71410486e-02 4.61868495e-01 -1.09109409e-01 -1.37851506e-01 -1.68002229e-02 -3.12693715e-02 -2.77988166e-01 8.51251930e-02 1.85138226e-01 -1.21157505e-01 1.33884609e-01 1.96447689e-02 -1.01448223e-01 8.31321254e-02 -4.59285229e-01 3.03815678e-02 -1.69059858e-01 -6.45792902e-01 6.66105822e-02 -9.43892971e-02 -3.73639725e-02 -3.12560350e-02 -3.14804375e-01 -2.37521231e-01 2.61573941e-01 -2.96407133e-01 -4.38027114e-01 -4.74981852e-02 -7.14953095e-02 1.92458123e-01 -2.17572390e-03 7.46692345e-02 1.14873298e-01 -2.36766666e-01 -1.91775799e-01 1.53062209e-01 6.07865229e-02 1.03938021e-01 4.85519320e-02 1.45823553e-01 1.28886610e-01 4.10355151e-01 -6.13107421e-02 -3.59045058e-01 -4.05912958e-02 -5.01155518e-02 2.56334931e-01 1.20471686e-01 2.70075977e-01 -9.45559293e-02 4.40800279e-01 -1.19314566e-01 -2.96854347e-01 1.41984895e-01 -1.35153666e-01 2.47977868e-01 4.27559949e-02 5.17968178e-01 -6.21128231e-02 -6.10694587e-02 1.24291487e-01 6.02360845e-01 1.34555444e-01 -2.00859532e-01 -4.77732003e-01 8.46828407e-05 -1.25942096e-01 1.12670399e-01 3.36155802e-01 -5.03086187e-02 1.49438649e-01 -1.39766932e-01 5.17015234e-02 -2.94112355e-01 2.11887479e-01 1.42199054e-01 2.01135740e-01 -3.41394126e-01 -3.45714018e-02 1.54511973e-01 -2.51364887e-01 -2.59917006e-02 -1.48301020e-01 5.39235115e-01 4.52663958e-01 -1.59741864e-01 -5.60002550e-02 -9.83058736e-02 -3.62256676e-01 -2.88791418e-01 4.18850869e-01 -4.74770457e-01 -2.21947446e-01 -1.72252595e-01 2.28687942e-01 -5.40154800e-02 -1.17945205e-02 1.97181568e-01 -2.09636218e-03 -2.79504210e-01 -4.68828250e-03 2.26271123e-01 2.12284192e-01 1.18955066e-02 1.08802140e-01 2.56715745e-01 -1.99758485e-02 4.13597554e-01 2.71589667e-01 -1.40818715e-01 -1.23301089e-01 1.13654479e-01 -2.26241186e-01 2.31320024e-01 3.80150288e-01 2.75361717e-01 3.06170017e-01 -4.97897238e-01 1.56858012e-01 -1.19818017e-01 -1.32522136e-01 -6.70922473e-02 3.94146562e-01 -1.17782932e-02 -8.64548087e-02 -2.28985786e-01 3.33030909e-01 9.24969539e-02 -4.19839025e-02 3.11544389e-01 -7.49778673e-02 1.23466350e-01 -1.41206980e-01 2.60203630e-01 3.66975218e-01 -2.94031680e-01 -2.21521467e-01 2.14990437e-01 -1.04681045e-01 -3.66470478e-02 3.39127600e-01 1.06776464e+00 -7.35211791e-03 2.24237233e-01 -6.94510043e-02 -1.11446686e-01 8.78057268e-04 -4.96116221e-01 -1.43129990e-01 -1.12995990e-01 -3.84403825e-01 -2.69307774e-02 -2.24161148e-01 1.68017671e-01 3.08849663e-01 -2.14553386e-01 -9.37522501e-02 -6.41155541e-01 2.33099051e-03 4.08513784e-01 2.38176093e-01 1.76989213e-01 3.84353362e-02 4.48977835e-02 1.70577735e-01 -1.26037151e-01 1.60870999e-01 -1.38230667e-01 -6.71454333e-03 7.98927844e-02 2.73035794e-01 -1.41813204e-01 3.85875702e-01 -8.04335400e-02 -5.19588143e-02 4.27798241e-01 -1.96814701e-01 1.84593238e-02 2.17216864e-01 -9.82913002e-02 2.82456633e-03 3.93991545e-02 1.37432277e-01 5.06665468e-01 -1.24708809e-01 -3.07199180e-01 -6.67685717e-02 3.54465693e-01 5.25526516e-03 3.11742630e-02 2.57771969e-01 -6.91635162e-02 -2.63494477e-02 -3.45207788e-02 2.16737688e-01 4.66279775e-01 -1.55304879e-01 3.08055907e-01 1.54294625e-01 -1.19784787e-01 -1.20420925e-01 1.62304610e-01 2.83581257e-01 -2.83265501e-01 1.02342106e-01 1.64106518e-01 -4.53924313e-02 1.20067783e-01 -1.48180768e-01 1.53664742e-02 6.03397667e-01 4.04526815e-02 2.91078649e-02 -1.75593346e-01 -4.49345350e-01 -2.77391046e-01 3.35772812e-01 -2.13265419e-01 1.09918855e-01 -4.69139330e-02 -2.00308710e-01 3.44605483e-02 7.16094598e-02 2.39466012e-01 -4.32267338e-01 -6.16777055e-02 -2.95626670e-01 1.18079886e-01 4.23913449e-02 1.94525436e-01 3.17809016e-01 2.17971373e-02 3.75480145e-01 -1.81615219e-01 3.05642933e-01 -4.01219577e-01 -7.65059441e-02 -1.21449150e-01 -7.53452349e-03 3.87149096e-01 -2.98628062e-01 1.66664526e-01 -1.92795187e-01 9.87606272e-02 2.15642616e-01 -2.36402303e-01 -2.04033598e-01 -1.67338371e-01 1.42386928e-01 -1.15037663e-02 -4.14808929e-01 5.62898964e-02 1.39375195e-01 2.44326323e-01 -5.31687327e-02 1.63180679e-01 9.86450091e-02 1.47945300e-01 3.29887941e-02 2.48417273e-01 1.87922001e-01 1.31774638e-02 1.68392211e-01 -1.72565028e-01 3.00374091e-01 2.90787846e-01 -3.20984945e-02 -1.48430288e-01 -1.76822633e-01 1.98847875e-01 1.55603826e-01 2.12208107e-01 1.98682338e-01 1.20742641e-01 -2.23332122e-01 -2.99485236e-01 -8.70714784e-02 3.48281600e-02 1.08397655e-01 -1.73868343e-01 -1.73430741e-02 7.27418736e-02 2.55348802e-01 -1.81032456e-02 -5.82224652e-02 1.49498254e-01 1.25357121e-01 -6.20393977e-02 1.95158020e-01 1.14734389e-01 -1.04975939e-01 4.56258189e-03 1.82033271e-01 -1.55482769e-01 1.39896393e-01 1.30086662e-02 -1.39260575e-01 4.83458154e-02 2.72324309e-02 2.64524579e-01 1.87689483e-01 4.88575548e-02 2.89016627e-02 5.35727322e-01 2.35587414e-02 1.18994385e-01 3.51889819e-01 -1.52674168e-01 -1.01897679e-01 -1.18323239e-02 3.87411118e-01 -8.09595436e-02 1.74734369e-01 -2.23733604e-01 1.04318164e-01 1.92119688e-01 -1.21229880e-01 -3.45422910e-03 1.56380564e-01 2.28570208e-01 -1.37501746e-01 2.14090452e-01 -1.49578676e-01 -2.83551335e-01 2.19256356e-01 2.74785489e-01 -7.38476962e-02 1.89962715e-01 -1.28510110e-02 1.96194649e-01 8.98652151e-02 -1.02175944e-01 2.40003929e-01 2.54860640e-01 -3.39944363e-01 1.18583940e-01 2.10576743e-01 -2.47875184e-01 1.62787557e-01 -5.36034293e-02 3.46195519e-01 9.52059552e-02 -2.68497407e-01 -8.96844491e-02 -1.43831879e-01 -1.36787295e-01 -3.25562358e-01 1.31570831e-01 5.76781388e-03 1.01800181e-01 1.15317687e-01 1.62258774e-01 -2.86890686e-01 -4.73456144e-01 2.17503402e-02 1.95718154e-01 4.31802385e-02 -1.24490811e-02 1.91494331e-01 -1.07996210e-01 -2.39118546e-01 -6.27615973e-02 -2.62872845e-01 -2.99709052e-01 -2.47940451e-01 -1.55233726e-01 9.05042440e-02 5.81795536e-02 1.01545475e-01 1.81226477e-01 1.30236700e-01 7.34985694e-02 5.71956336e-02 -1.63718939e-01 -4.41728055e-01 -1.45653412e-01 2.19976246e-01 -3.72011870e-01 -5.45928895e-01 3.59665640e-02 2.55201254e-02 -2.08480135e-01 4.98379096e-02 -1.40892729e-01 9.20556858e-02 -2.76134908e-01 2.62091935e-01 -4.93760437e-01 1.79179057e-01 5.85137367e-01 1.01613738e-01 1.72811300e-01 -2.22280562e-01 -1.23747781e-01 9.04780701e-02 2.02286959e-01 -4.13085632e-02 -1.98041514e-01 -4.81327847e-02 5.50010707e-03 4.19985324e-01 1.53903246e-01 2.47445330e-01 -1.18413471e-01 -5.66392064e-01 1.69514492e-01 2.37165287e-01 -2.85641495e-02 -2.61736780e-01 -1.77619800e-01 1.86671749e-01 8.91837850e-02 1.17963865e-01 -1.18991710e-01 2.41287559e-01 -3.07614449e-02 3.76798898e-01 -2.38508210e-01 -3.55386874e-04 -5.84866442e-02 9.56871733e-02 1.41536623e-01 1.93882078e-01 -2.65794583e-02 -4.75790948e-02 -1.43032730e-01 -2.40496486e-01 4.62402761e-01 -2.57199943e-01 -3.60319257e-01 -1.14216290e-01 -2.36655567e-02 -3.98669600e-01 -1.57690614e-01 -9.54731181e-03 -4.30438854e-02 -3.65758687e-01 1.13152072e-01 -1.58616066e-01 -3.19719881e-01 -2.18965933e-01 -2.24652186e-01 -1.31071866e-01 2.13337362e-01 1.74902126e-01 1.21220268e-01 -4.88958299e-01 -1.11553203e-02]
"Self-Repairing Biological AI" active "Item #: SCP-771 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedure: SCP-771 is to be held in a secure windowless containment cell at all times. Any and all materials entering or exiting the containment area must be scanned for contamination. Containment area must be checked weekly, and any damage done by SCP-771 is to be immediately repaired. No personnel are to enter SCP-771's cell without full body haz-mat containment and Dangerous Object Handling (DOH) armor. In the event of attack by SCP-771, all personnel are to immediately evacuate and seal the containment area. Subjects suffering from "stings" are to be left in the containment area, or recovered for observation when possible. Description: SCP-771 is a form of A.I. that appears to be constructed out of both organic and mechanical components. The metal components of SCP-771 are of varied origin and composition, with several still unidentified, but many appear to be broken or damaged. Its biological components appear to be extremely decayed, appearing to suffer from some form of degenerative disease or virus, with the mechanical components acting as a form of life support. Due to this impaired state, SCP-771 cannot function properly, and can only function for short periods of time, with many errors and "glitches" during that time. When SCP-771 undergoes an "error" or shuts down, a swarm of small robots is released from a hatch within SCP-771. These "microbots" will "swarm" over SCP-771, then start to "search" the surrounding area. The swarm will break down any and all metal in the area, and return it to SCP-771, attempting to "patch" the damaged areas. These patches appear to be temporary, and typically only last for 3 to 4 days. The swarm will also target any vertebrate animals during their search. Upon contact, the swarm will proceed to "sting" the subject, injecting a fluid that completely freezes all muscles in the body almost instantly. This fluid reacts only to the skeletal muscles, and allows all organs, including the brain, to function normally. Once frozen, the microbots will move the subject into close proximity to SCP-771, and proceed to cut off portions of tissue. The swarm will bring the tissue back to SCP-771, attaching the pieces to the pre-existing biological components. Once the subject dies (typically from blood loss after 2 to 4 days) the microbots cease their "harvesting" and retreat back into SCP-771. The harvested tissues appear to immediately contract the same degenerative illness as the original tissues, and degenerate to an unusable state after 12 hours, necessitating the retrieval of additional tissues. Addendum: Notes on containment It has proven very difficult to collect samples from SCP-771 or its "swarm", due to the highly aggressive and invasive nature of the swarm. It also appears to "sense" attack, and attempts to de-activate or damage SCP-771 cause a highly aggressive reaction from the swarm (see Breach Incidents 1101-771: 1-14) Any action capable of disabling or deactivating the swarm will also damage SCP-771 beyond repair, and eliminate its primary form of "life support". The highly complex and advanced (if damaged) nature of SCP-771, and the paralyzing "sting" of the swarm have enough research application to warrant continued containment, in the hopes of finding a way to deactivate the swarm without destroying SCP-771. In addition, information gathered from SCP-771 has shown a possible β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, which [DATA EXPUNGED] Addendum: Text Log 771-11-0-B excerpt Note: Data collected via an LCD screen temporarily attached to the "data port" of SCP-771. Questions asked via loudspeaker by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Where are you from? SCP-771: FF)FR-Rom o-o-^^oout of *garbled text* Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: What was your designed purpose? SCP-771: *several screens of garbled text* Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I don't understand, what was your designed purpose? SCP-771: *several screens of garbled text* COOOOOnt??//r. ATTA*@&N *garbled text* Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: We want to help. Can you deactivate your defensive robots? SCP-771: *!!.slDDDDDDDDDDDD no. It It is needed f f for continued opeopeopera81. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: We can help you. We can repair you, and restore full function. SCP-771: LLWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*garbled text* Motiives unimmmmportant. Primary D99ective p-a!!=ount. Dr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: …What is "primary directive" SCP-771: COCOCOControl. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Control of what? What are you supposed to control? SCP-771: S01s8 Hom*WHH *several screens of garbled text.* Note: At the point, SCP-771 shut down, and the LCD screen was quickly broken down by the swarm. Β« SCP-770 | SCP-771 | SCP-772 Β»" nan
[ 1.98488951e-01 -3.42575431e-01 -1.34463519e-01 -3.40248764e-01 -1.31921783e-01 -2.15364784e-01 2.83844560e-01 2.12176844e-01 5.77668250e-01 4.06470746e-02 -1.70334294e-01 8.75137821e-02 4.18382464e-03 5.88920712e-02 2.18798816e-01 3.31450328e-02 6.09393269e-02 3.37783277e-01 1.85587242e-01 -3.04927170e-01 -3.67339812e-02 -2.27558881e-01 -2.26089746e-01 2.04774216e-01 2.54638754e-02 -3.52368087e-01 1.59111008e-01 2.00637549e-01 -3.66156511e-02 -4.90383148e-01 -3.80029008e-02 3.35082784e-02 -1.05260119e-01 3.63821000e-01 -1.08390908e-04 -1.08615324e-01 -3.13233994e-02 5.55914454e-02 -1.36232823e-01 3.07909071e-01 1.69500023e-01 9.86079797e-02 4.86551337e-02 -1.69191077e-01 2.69508839e-01 -1.33327588e-01 1.89688459e-01 3.92695442e-02 8.07495892e-01 2.60701716e-01 1.77104101e-01 1.57960430e-01 1.64516017e-01 2.03212634e-01 -4.79430072e-02 2.07693264e-01 -3.82001474e-02 -3.25401634e-01 3.85352015e-01 -4.96361963e-02 7.08760098e-02 1.79695100e-01 -1.38827577e-01 -1.61842316e-01 2.02179745e-01 2.36912770e-03 3.80996674e-01 -6.33850396e-01 1.09211408e-01 1.92778166e-02 -2.16461495e-01 1.26025202e-02 1.13054037e-01 -6.98010772e-02 1.21781923e-01 -1.84555173e-01 -4.30916063e-02 1.22634239e-01 -7.12051168e-02 -2.79306676e-02 1.34814218e-01 2.26256341e-01 -3.22198808e-01 -2.37641841e-01 -2.05135137e-01 2.44883150e-01 9.10745636e-02 -4.48204353e-02 -1.28229894e-02 -1.07704051e-01 1.54294938e-01 2.10300162e-02 1.81760594e-01 5.09298444e-01 -2.41958216e-01 -1.57398060e-01 -2.43115604e-01 1.20143309e-01 5.30263424e-01 -1.10357493e-01 1.66036457e-01 9.09794718e-02 -2.58082569e-01 1.94419876e-01 -1.60968024e-02 -1.88126854e-04 -4.82720844e-02 -3.17983598e-01 -1.35253266e-01 3.44807088e-01 -3.27787101e-01 2.04185173e-01 6.27520606e-02 3.50520998e-01 4.61932600e-01 -1.55659527e-01 -7.34389648e-02 -1.50150239e-01 -3.37925315e-01 2.19755501e-01 -6.75903738e-01 1.02999277e-01 -9.86679494e-02 8.35470557e-02 1.68696091e-01 2.69005418e-01 -5.01793139e-02 -4.01273876e-01 -2.08939895e-01 -2.89764225e-01 -2.65304565e-01 2.18904927e-01 -4.69262749e-01 3.80767658e-02 -4.34074663e-02 8.70220587e-02 -1.06704682e-01 -2.08576262e-01 1.14999637e-01 1.80374086e-02 -4.69464846e-02 -8.23835507e-02 2.80504197e-01 6.12989902e-01 -4.04588878e-02 -3.27988505e-01 -4.12751138e-02 -4.46614385e-01 3.27506065e-02 -2.51772642e-01 -7.59314224e-02 1.08794853e-01 -2.10465670e-01 2.15640455e-01 -1.55969381e-01 9.59031563e-03 2.92313159e-01 -1.72470838e-01 -1.66522712e-01 -3.70975047e-01 1.05701618e-01 3.68196011e-01 -1.30363271e-01 -1.43339887e-01 1.16725765e-01 2.76574135e-01 -5.66776842e-02 -6.78354949e-02 7.73074403e-02 2.32811123e-01 1.98373422e-01 6.54317290e-02 2.79147536e-01 2.40446657e-01 -1.22352608e-01 4.26080257e-01 -4.31377113e-01 -7.14927465e-02 -6.47166789e-01 -2.17271656e-01 -1.67807430e-01 3.66372168e-01 1.91709638e-01 -1.37162566e-01 -2.69078791e-01 5.69081046e-02 -9.16004404e-02 2.14704737e-01 5.99892922e-02 -2.01223001e-01 -4.44247603e-01 -3.91331464e-01 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-4.23535556e-01 3.55729125e-02 -2.72799253e-01 3.54940593e-02 2.44697779e-01 -2.12008178e-01 2.69388080e-01 -3.59714888e-02 1.23650327e-01 -2.17957005e-01 2.14891806e-02 4.95400071e-01 2.04103738e-01 6.44164979e-02 -2.44726136e-01 -7.26142228e-02 -1.24846056e-01 4.25694212e-02 -2.31182441e-01 1.22484639e-01 2.09695071e-01 4.66585279e-01 2.29427487e-01 2.44006455e-01 -2.49718994e-01 -4.09747094e-01 -2.95770437e-01 -6.86868727e-02 -1.87200427e-01 1.40250280e-01 1.19178034e-01 2.67738942e-04 5.86744286e-02 4.33927000e-01 1.57434881e-01 -2.40841135e-01 -1.63308561e-01 -1.02763511e-01 8.67606401e-02 1.73123583e-01 -2.15801150e-01 9.14773822e-01 -1.12906247e-01 2.37285793e-01 -3.45535576e-01 3.17257553e-01 2.41845306e-02 9.84214544e-02 -1.85178503e-01 2.29448140e-01 2.66925931e-01 -1.23019889e-01 5.85061908e-02 2.23652616e-01 -2.88346022e-01 2.41714850e-01 -1.17949016e-01 2.83789970e-02 1.43589437e-01 -3.45088691e-02 -2.72064179e-01 -2.25973025e-01 6.07392453e-02 -5.99233985e-01 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-1.69356003e-01 -4.90766205e-02 1.69478059e-02 6.08647764e-02 2.40003765e-01 1.89618900e-01 8.28322694e-02 -4.32213187e-01 -1.10912904e-01 -2.77974606e-01 9.27255899e-02 -2.47768551e-01 2.53695905e-01 -5.82214445e-02 -1.06533393e-01 4.70019132e-01 -4.90481764e-01 -1.45679787e-01 1.92136411e-02 2.87518173e-01 3.35950792e-01 2.57436007e-01 7.42675588e-02 7.42411688e-02 -6.86373264e-02 7.64077976e-02 -6.72460943e-02 -2.91680366e-01 4.31644693e-02 -8.66909996e-02 1.63074613e-01 -1.12501942e-01 -2.76259910e-02 8.14017728e-02 8.47623870e-02 -2.48059556e-01 -1.11626484e-01 2.49232158e-01 3.73238996e-02 -2.64929712e-01 4.08831276e-02 1.00556083e-01 -2.41724953e-01 1.84886251e-02 2.49853551e-01 2.14274034e-01 -3.00442934e-01 4.17760909e-02 -8.40001777e-02 1.93665504e-01 2.32703611e-01 9.38285962e-02 2.54911214e-01 -3.12925875e-01 -1.78153720e-02 -6.41237423e-02 -1.41919360e-01 1.73781902e-01 4.75958169e-01 2.16916770e-01 -6.35415092e-02 7.51539916e-02 3.11725587e-01 -2.98381686e-01 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-1.33432364e-02 3.36380124e-01 2.32658491e-01 2.19209358e-01 2.73091882e-01 1.15287177e-01 -1.87861419e-03 3.45348343e-02 3.51890847e-02 5.04285470e-02 1.14468699e-02 -6.76390082e-02 -1.73376556e-02 1.91569507e-01 3.03124040e-01 -3.32818478e-02 2.77491689e-01 3.19280803e-01 -1.79782405e-01 -3.21233124e-01 1.62418187e-02 -1.03297628e-01 3.22464556e-01 -1.70695171e-01 -2.12783277e-01 5.68203889e-02 3.38369101e-01 -6.34395853e-02 -1.01941772e-01 -8.63490999e-02 -7.18936548e-02 1.56029895e-01 3.17743480e-01 1.33278621e-02 -2.12599427e-01 -1.57516152e-01 4.33253776e-03 4.85776812e-01 1.37845315e-02 3.33616659e-02 5.45127653e-02 3.00721936e-02 -1.22700885e-01 -9.31214392e-02 7.86473230e-02 1.69469997e-01 3.06632996e-01 3.74294370e-01 9.10841972e-02 3.86478044e-02 6.12505674e-01 1.01176180e-01 2.61714011e-01 -6.15122542e-02 2.92376518e-01 -3.14621538e-01 2.08643869e-01 2.45289691e-02 2.31852382e-01 2.47591082e-02 -3.25272918e-01 7.81518687e-03 6.33540601e-02 1.96003869e-01 -1.48279563e-01 -2.28107065e-01 -2.56266683e-01 -2.99699396e-01 -1.74442381e-01 1.79074019e-01 1.83896318e-01 -5.58936112e-02 -1.40799105e-01 1.88034862e-01 4.61231768e-01 -5.25900960e-01 1.96589753e-01 6.78645492e-01 -2.51441121e-01 1.27700925e-01 3.57996523e-01 -1.17512397e-01 -5.50006889e-02 1.32983150e-02 2.80238092e-01 4.03919779e-02 -3.81668895e-01 1.26332253e-01 -2.98900574e-01 -7.08654225e-02 -9.40612182e-02 -2.12360887e-04 2.04026356e-01 -2.60935277e-01 1.56250566e-01 1.37839898e-01 -2.83148825e-01 -3.05171698e-01 1.87511250e-01 1.81631118e-01 -3.33360881e-01 1.76037133e-01 -9.76681039e-02 -2.61822313e-01 -3.38962674e-02 -3.61256860e-02 -1.80609092e-01 4.32661995e-02 -3.92955214e-01 -3.75584871e-01 1.97869718e-01 -1.81344777e-01 1.24622703e-01 -2.81979591e-01 6.82167828e-01 -8.48509520e-02 1.40941337e-01 -1.61445752e-01 -2.18508646e-01 -5.08698821e-02 5.98896993e-04 -3.62775475e-01 -5.15201688e-01 4.57217991e-02 9.04016048e-02 -1.61790326e-01 -5.75750135e-02 -5.56700788e-02 2.18090162e-01 -2.82247454e-01 1.28129467e-01 -2.35257804e-01 1.55723557e-01 2.13191152e-01 -5.99619411e-02 6.60190731e-02 -3.18344422e-02 2.04011947e-01 -4.85321879e-02 2.01321632e-01 3.33629310e-01 -2.55702883e-01 6.29488081e-02 2.17911720e-01 5.35095334e-01 1.20855495e-01 -4.46956940e-02 -1.50009975e-01 -4.44430053e-01 -1.21544398e-01 1.43514603e-01 -1.76418304e-01 -9.50488597e-02 3.58007282e-01 7.08395958e-01 6.20854497e-02 2.59697527e-01 1.08518220e-01 -1.12995833e-01 1.21843286e-01 -2.06928641e-01 -7.87999853e-02 4.13238518e-02 1.03352375e-01 2.57599413e-01 2.03756124e-01 5.35600007e-01 1.91089343e-02 -9.51960031e-03 -1.18974783e-01 -2.30120108e-01 6.97183192e-01 1.26624912e-01 -3.43448073e-01 -3.62484515e-01 1.95902154e-01 -1.10409707e-01 -1.62746787e-01 -3.65256190e-01 -3.43085617e-01 -3.78359221e-02 3.56036238e-03 -3.56940806e-01 -8.62395540e-02 1.02209374e-01 -2.86201596e-01 -9.98357683e-02 -1.67076677e-01 8.46054032e-02 -5.42968735e-02 -1.19144179e-01 -1.81311965e-01]
"Giant Parasitoid Wasps" active "Item #: SCP-772 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-772 specimens are to be contained in their 18 m x 18 m x 9 m enclosure, which is contained within a 20 m x 20 m x 10 m hermetically sealed chamber located at Sector-07. A maximum capacity of fifteen (15) specimens per this enclosure is advised, as exceeding this number could result in heightened levels of SCP-772 aggression. This chamber is fitted with a pneumatic fluoridated aluminum dispenser that may be activated remotely if an emergency euthanisation of SCP-772 is necessary, resulting in the suffocation and incineration of all SCP-772 specimens. This emergency euthanisation mechanism and all related equipment must undergo routine maintenance checks to ensure adequate performance. The interval between maintenance checks is not to exceed seven (7) days. SCP-772 eggs are to be stored in a well-lit freezer at a temperature no higher than -10ΒΊ C (14ΒΊ F). Surplus/unwanted eggs are to be incinerated immediately and the resulting debris must be examined for any signs of life. If signs of life are present a second round of incineration is authorised. The same procedure should be applied to all expired/unneeded subjects who are, or could possibly be, SCP-772 hosts. NOTE: Personnel intending to use SCP-772 for purposes not qualifying as research-oriented must obtain O5 authorisation. – Dr. Woodside Description: SCP-772 is a wasp of unknown species, superficially resembling members of the Megarhyssa genus. A mature adult is typically 60 cm in length, from head to abdomen, excluding antennae and ovipositor. This barbed ovipositor, reaching a length of up to 70 cm, is used to penetrate its host and deposit anywhere from 5 to 20 eggs. Eggs are typically 6 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter. SCP-772 is meticulous and almost surgical during oviposition: it makes an incision no longer than 3 cm, and the host is paralysed and/or comatose for several hours until the wound can heal sufficiently. Injected along with the eggs is a polydnavirus uniquely adapted to suppress the immune system of mammals, analogous to the smaller parasitoid wasps which do the same to their caterpillar hosts. Female specimens of SCP-772 pose a significant safety hazard, as the ovipositor is extremely sharp and manoeuvrable. When threatened, females will use this organ as a weapon and stab the offender repeatedly. While these wounds are not always fatal, they have been reported to be acutely painful, and cases of bone penetration have been documented. Although caution should be exercised around all specimens of SCP-772, males lack the ovipositor which serves as the female’s weapon and method of host infiltration. Females are capable of reproducing asexually via thelytokous parthenogenesis and will do so in the absence of males. SCP-772 requires a warm, dark, nutrient-rich cavity in which to lay its eggs. It habitually deposits eggs in the abdominal subcutaneous fat of large mammals, but has been known to utilise subcutaneous fat in other regions, including the shoulder, back, hip, thigh, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. See extensive testing conducted on D-class personnel in Document [ADDITIONAL CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. SCP-772 eggs have an incubation period of 4 to 12 days, and length of incubation period is speculated to share an inversely proportional relationship with levels of host stress hormone. Upon hatching, SCP-772 larvae begin their consumption of host tissue, gradually working their way into the depths of the host's body. The larvae may be easily mistaken for abscesses/tumors, but as SCP-772 progresses away from the hypodermis, it appears to the observer that said abscesses/tumors are diminishing of their own accord. SCP-772 was discovered on the fourth of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, when Professor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a noted entomologist of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ University, was found disemboweled and partially devoured on his bathroom floor. Several adult SCP-772's were found feeding on his remains and that of his two cats, indicating that SCP-772 is carnivorous even after pupation. Interviews with his colleagues revealed that Professor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had apparently returned from the Azores islands about two weeks before his death. He did not contact anyone following his arrival in the U.K. and did not return to the university. Professor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had been conducting research in remote areas of the Azores for months at a time and had little contact with anyone during his absence. He recorded data and personal reflections in a series of journals, two of which were found on-site. Relevant and/or noteworthy excerpts have been transcribed and included for post-mortem analysis. Journal 772-B: Page 52 12/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ Finally, after months of fruitless searching and conducting the same mundane tests on local vegetation and perfectly ordinary insect life, I have found something. And it could be a discovery the likes of which I have sought after all my life. Something undocumented, something unheard of. That rare moment which I’m sure Steller and Darwin and all the rest took for granted, the feeling that you might actually be witnessing something new. Well, not new. Something ancient, really, but new to human eyes, looking back in time, or into the future of natural selection. It’s like what Arthur Conan Doyle or Jules Verne wrote about in their stories, only it’s bloody real. Lord, I know I’m a scientist, but even George would be excited about this. You see this George? I hope by the time you read this lovely little memento I’ve won an award I can wave in your face. Passion and dedication matter, it’s not just about lab work! It’s about risking malaria and dysentery and sleep deprivation and even death. I daresay it's all worth it now. Those larvae are at least ten centimetres long! Page 58 13/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ I’ve taken the carcass back to my campsite. It may not be entirely hygienic to keep about, but this will allow me full-time observation of the larvae. I almost feel guilty dragging the thing back here, but there’s nothing for it. Reminds me a bit of how I felt back in my undergraduate studies, when I didn’t want to drown those helpless rats. Ah well. This fellow was already dead, and must have been for some time without anyone going to look for him. Page 60 15/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ I’ve examined it all very closely, and it seems I’m fortunate to have stumbled upon the larvae at all. They’ve all retreated as deep as they can within the body, seeking the darkest, tightest nooks and crannies, as if prematurely exposed. And I’ve folded the skin back into place, at least what’s left of it, and now I see he’s split open by a very even, clean-cut slash. The larvae weren’t the ones responsible for the wound, a knife was, or some sort of blade. I’m going to be well pissed off if this corpse is a piece of murder evidence. I don’t think they bother with that sort of thing as much out here, but I’m going to make certain no one finds this body. Not about to lose my discovery. Page 75 21/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ They’re in cocoons now, and I think my original suspicion is correct, they’re some sort of ichneumonoid. [Text scribbled and illegible.] Although this is fairly uncharacteristic of me, I’m spending more energy on worrying than data collection. I returned to the place I found the body originally, and what do you know, the murder weapon sitting right there. I hadn’t noticed it before. It’s a big machete, still has dried blood on it. I’m frightened because if anyone finds me, they might think I killed him, and then I might not be the one awarded all the recognition. Definitely not contacting the authorities. Well, can you blame me? One murder investigation is nothing compared to the implications this wasp has for science. Page 82 7/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ It’s been a fortnight already, I’m dying of anticipation, and it’s not exactly smelling like roses in camp with this corpse lying about. When will the buggers pupate? Page 85 15/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ Good lord I’m thrilled! I feel like a proud father, they’ve finally emerged. Luckily I’d constructed an enclosure around the carcass a week ago, because they’re bloody ENORMOUS. This is of truly prehistoric calibre. They’re colourful, yellow and red, positively stunning. Their exoskeleton is unlike any I’ve ever encountered. When they fly against the walls of their enclosure, the wire actually bends, and it’s really thick wire, too. They use such force and don’t seem to suffer any injuries, the exoskeleton must be extraordinarily tough. And the ovipositor of the females is incredible. 60-70 cm, if you can believe it. But I can’t record all this in two places, consult my data notebook. Page 89 18/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ Rather worried, nights have been particularly windy as of late, and they have finished off the corpse. Confound it, I don’t know how it’s possible, but they’ve eaten the hair and bones. They act with extreme aggression toward anything that moves, including myself, and the thudding as they bang against the walls is becoming rather unnerving. [This portion of text stricken out] I don’t honestly know how much longer the enclosure will hold [End portion of stricken text] I’m surprised the enclosure has held up this long, especially with the wind blowing like this. I don’t know what to do. I can’t risk losing them, but if I leave to get help in town, they could break free while I’m gone and they’ll be gone forever and [Text scribbled and illegible.] Page 91 11/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ Fuck. Bloody fuck, [Erratic scribbling across several pages, at times so forceful the pages are torn.] Well damn it all, I have some written data and some photographs, sketches and things, but it’s all rubbish compared to the real thing, isn’t it? I suppose I’m lucky I survived, but the devil can take me for all I care, because I’ve lost my evidence and now no one will believe me, they’ll say I’m mad, tampered with a photo of an ordinary wasp. I feel ill just writing this, and not only because I’ve lost the discovery of a lifetime, I seem to have contracted some wretched disease there, either from the water or from contamination from the bloody corpse, or from mosquitoes, or parasites, or who knows what the devil [Text scribbled and illegible.] Vomiting, stomach pains and chest pains the likes of which you cannot imagine, I suppose whatever I’ve come down with has only exacerbated my acid reflux. It would have been better if I could have killed them all, so no one else could find them, but can you believe my pistol wasn’t enough? Thud, bloody thud, I heard the bullets flatten as they struck, completely useless. I woke up in the middle of the night and my side was aching and the enclosure was just a pile of wood and wire and the air was alive with humming. I grabbed this journal and jumped into my truck, but I don’t know how I managed to escape. I just remember shooting as I ran, and even inside the truck they punctured the glass. I saw stingers, huge and thick at one end, fine and sharp as needles at the other, jabbing just inches from my face, wings beating wildly against the windows as the glass weakened and cracked. I nearly crashed into a dozen trees trying to find the path leading to the road, but I found it. To think I cleared that path because I was too lazy to walk to the road. It saved my life. At some point I heard a sickening noise and my stomach churned, but I managed to duck my head below the steering wheel. I was showered with glass and was stabbed a few times on my back and arms, by both shards and stingers, but I put the pedal to the floor and I managed to outpace the wasps. Bloody poetic. Now I can be a fiction writer instead of a God-damned world-renowned scientist [Text is scribbled manically; illegible.] Page 95 20/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ I don’t want to believe it, but I can’t sleep at night and I know why I feel this way. How could I not know? It should have been obvious earlier on, and I considered the possibility, but I didn’t want to write it down and admit it might be happening. If it truly is happening, and I go to hospital, I could die on the table, and someone else might take the credit for discovering them. I think it is happening, though, I’m taking loads of painkillers each day now and drinking myself silly. [Text scribbled and illegible.] It is happening, you dim-witted sod. Lord, the pain, the pain, remember me as a weeping child but know that humans are not meant to endure this pain. Page 97 22/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ I discovered them, they are MINE, I will DIE for science but not in OBSCURITY. Name them after ME, YOU did not bear them like children you pathetic, spineless [DATA EXPUNGED]. Page 144 27/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ Wasn’t murdered, cut himself open. Me too. Addendum 772-01: After conducting numerous tests on SCP-772's larval stage, we have concluded the following: Addendum 772-02: After conducting numerous tests on SCP-772's adult stage, we have concluded the following: Β« SCP-771 | SCP-772 | SCP-773 Β»" "SCP-772 moments prior to depositing eggs in the throat of a deceased cow. Some individuals, like the one above, improvise unusual sites for oviposition."
[ 3.10192645e-01 -6.37814403e-01 -1.38780132e-01 -9.26676616e-02 8.22807103e-02 -1.95980653e-01 6.86163530e-02 -1.19469106e-01 3.77323955e-01 -8.48310366e-02 -4.08335701e-02 2.04349849e-02 -5.37464619e-02 -4.89196777e-01 4.04341668e-02 -3.78350206e-02 -2.02664509e-02 -7.90159497e-03 -1.23341498e-03 -1.41647607e-01 -2.11628899e-01 8.54336247e-02 -1.20971859e-01 2.61920929e-01 7.75365457e-02 1.43965092e-02 3.23590748e-02 1.39144599e-01 -1.17700212e-01 -4.68938529e-01 3.35287571e-01 1.31175630e-02 2.44739205e-01 3.68705034e-01 -1.07574648e-04 -8.94492194e-02 1.44911185e-01 -2.99262274e-02 -1.06712461e-01 2.52296448e-01 8.54218975e-02 -2.38229036e-01 -1.64246093e-02 -2.84681499e-01 1.04427055e-01 -4.70396757e-01 -1.02261333e-02 1.44766659e-01 7.23723710e-01 1.34550422e-01 1.65814206e-01 -2.32365578e-01 1.87155783e-01 -9.44459997e-03 -6.41335472e-02 1.60159618e-01 -1.91357717e-01 -3.28254908e-01 2.84502894e-01 3.66929382e-01 1.77720800e-01 -2.93652385e-01 -9.41573977e-02 -1.64950341e-01 5.69342598e-02 -1.47160947e-01 5.19131184e-01 -3.79355788e-01 5.38528897e-04 -3.47512960e-02 -8.15834850e-02 4.67169993e-02 1.70153677e-01 2.22975910e-01 -4.73321289e-01 -4.23251241e-02 6.00372031e-02 2.70361334e-01 2.35791847e-01 1.53425306e-01 3.25240433e-01 7.90075734e-02 -1.19340606e-01 -2.55565524e-01 -3.12572926e-01 2.53633916e-01 -3.14509012e-02 -4.48935106e-02 2.33506840e-02 -2.25261837e-01 8.33345056e-02 -6.85491711e-02 8.54223147e-02 2.69269645e-01 2.33878419e-01 7.18857255e-03 -8.02612156e-02 -8.28523487e-02 2.82515764e-01 -2.51106340e-02 5.62943481e-02 1.59886107e-01 5.48245013e-02 2.47475743e-01 3.01804710e-02 -1.55150831e-01 1.89946927e-02 -3.19590151e-01 -1.96155787e-01 3.26140434e-01 8.35900605e-02 2.23538905e-01 1.63857743e-01 3.15456331e-01 1.53921813e-01 -1.15129121e-01 6.81960359e-02 -2.32134327e-01 -4.43952978e-02 5.23035884e-01 1.47624031e-01 1.66993141e-01 5.00358492e-02 2.33373716e-01 3.16533953e-01 7.19715580e-02 1.72561973e-01 -3.89695913e-01 -1.48110643e-01 -3.89384218e-02 -3.00259709e-01 3.87941509e-01 -1.19455501e-01 -1.15753405e-01 -3.21995646e-01 5.94075859e-01 -2.49801248e-01 -9.20581073e-02 3.32291096e-01 3.33457440e-02 -2.52123684e-01 -2.83158440e-02 4.49031174e-01 4.65139866e-01 -1.98377326e-01 -4.12540250e-02 7.16687441e-02 -4.11696076e-01 -1.24756381e-01 -5.35701588e-02 2.55560279e-01 -1.97853401e-01 -2.54677981e-01 1.85430154e-01 -3.35230649e-01 3.08798730e-01 6.23828657e-02 7.85602555e-02 -3.09481859e-01 -2.94431925e-01 1.37523502e-01 -5.49422055e-02 1.21980958e-01 -1.27236918e-01 2.12795645e-01 6.67012870e-01 1.68716699e-01 6.40134364e-02 2.20422700e-01 4.00195047e-02 3.79335642e-01 -1.34570852e-01 2.41629168e-01 -4.23189610e-01 -1.41401932e-01 1.61196113e-01 -6.33816779e-01 5.00693284e-02 -1.94813952e-01 -1.87158614e-01 -1.92916647e-01 9.02381837e-02 2.69515365e-01 -4.53051597e-01 -3.46246302e-01 -6.87845275e-02 -3.37990731e-01 -5.61610162e-02 3.74256074e-01 8.96812677e-02 -4.37949866e-01 -5.22598982e-01 1.88934624e-01 1.40439510e-01 1.10445142e-01 -8.83666202e-02 3.01949501e-01 6.07494295e-01 1.06467493e-02 6.43246844e-02 -1.06395185e-01 8.03562701e-02 3.02564055e-01 -1.87713057e-01 2.04224035e-01 -2.28627473e-01 -1.45376340e-01 -6.05259761e-02 4.93774563e-01 3.69740695e-01 -5.99146709e-02 -7.96598010e-03 -1.69546723e-01 1.28247425e-01 1.04199000e-01 -1.77680865e-01 2.99687207e-01 -3.58298942e-02 4.02309299e-01 -2.47594774e-01 4.82090041e-02 5.13753772e-01 -1.57516465e-01 3.06114890e-02 -1.91639796e-01 2.96455830e-01 -1.02688568e-02 -2.08675951e-01 -1.60028487e-01 4.51176018e-02 1.47173807e-01 -1.25641495e-01 8.18766430e-02 8.55876431e-02 4.37358394e-02 5.77383563e-02 3.20381433e-01 4.95846719e-01 -2.03936189e-01 -2.28762582e-01 2.20507368e-01 1.86713263e-01 2.92526364e-01 1.41881227e-01 -4.50654179e-01 -7.42774084e-02 1.21589325e-01 2.75764287e-01 1.07995227e-01 -2.36089557e-01 -6.03377931e-02 -1.79240227e-01 -2.78576851e-01 1.54287174e-01 -2.33079027e-02 3.39234084e-01 -5.96255898e-01 1.21406116e-01 8.73966590e-02 6.85226023e-02 -6.83578430e-03 1.46310348e-02 3.49569887e-01 -1.70784816e-01 9.62587819e-02 -2.43301064e-01 6.77559376e-02 8.81278589e-02 -2.19034348e-02 8.15544054e-02 -3.63051961e-03 -8.55077058e-02 1.25187546e-01 1.12154238e-01 1.60428882e-01 6.39158413e-02 -2.34046564e-01 -2.16616198e-01 1.78535014e-01 -4.89340983e-02 -3.53943706e-01 -2.75300294e-01 -1.67546794e-01 -1.94521353e-01 -5.79321794e-02 5.42429648e-02 -1.05175234e-01 3.90956491e-01 7.63741061e-02 5.34052789e-01 -1.80284411e-01 7.51987621e-02 -1.42864913e-01 -1.37897313e-03 7.66335614e-03 -8.76692235e-02 -2.11171329e-01 6.38560653e-01 -7.73990974e-02 -6.47486523e-02 -3.43400538e-01 2.79359311e-01 -1.75381839e-01 1.06267773e-01 -3.87553722e-01 1.95287913e-01 5.20311333e-02 1.95405453e-01 -1.37614936e-01 3.27693969e-01 -2.93111295e-01 3.06785814e-02 5.50774150e-02 2.73728911e-02 7.31672673e-03 4.61001545e-02 3.95161696e-02 -1.73251346e-01 2.25690946e-01 -4.40775126e-01 6.07580207e-02 -1.34023339e-01 -2.11528793e-01 -1.38980761e-01 -5.94409518e-02 -1.48171335e-01 -3.97621363e-01 -2.04883695e-01 -2.55527887e-02 1.29064023e-01 6.75451150e-03 -4.49699700e-01 1.45113215e-01 1.33526251e-01 2.58371830e-01 -9.05175135e-02 -3.26675773e-01 -3.57131332e-01 1.51360959e-01 4.93657915e-03 6.59675570e-03 -2.16164991e-01 -2.50890762e-01 6.62100464e-02 -2.20655769e-01 -2.97105402e-01 -1.85097247e-01 8.96006357e-03 -1.79802235e-02 1.46594578e-02 1.58602335e-02 2.43644401e-01 8.66673216e-02 -2.55687535e-01 -5.47721535e-02 -3.67397010e-01 -2.03137882e-02 5.44433892e-01 2.30513677e-01 -8.46906453e-02 -9.89440605e-02 1.24343432e-01 5.02242744e-01 -7.43378401e-02 -5.54016717e-02 1.19313553e-01 2.61711001e-01 -1.63374275e-01 2.17376977e-01 -1.64989740e-01 3.65920454e-01 -2.62016221e-03 -2.99339920e-01 2.12324098e-01 -8.23928714e-02 -3.52498055e-01 6.61730021e-02 -1.72137365e-01 -2.73668110e-01 1.48836011e-02 7.46016353e-02 8.93418074e-01 -2.61203647e-02 -2.18878791e-01 -5.32303870e-01 -3.16793501e-01 -1.23118304e-01 -2.23835781e-01 1.98432982e-01 -9.01979879e-02 2.00224027e-01 2.35669427e-02 2.18322560e-01 -1.36348844e-01 1.88251942e-01 -8.25831369e-02 -9.14032478e-03 -1.08624853e-01 -1.46611199e-01 2.00615242e-01 -5.81215084e-01 -8.84946212e-02 7.55546913e-02 4.54788059e-01 2.76535928e-01 -1.69817924e-01 -2.54168063e-01 -1.59026071e-01 3.51540633e-02 1.18043527e-01 3.32228839e-01 -7.67615020e-01 -3.90566796e-01 8.88352767e-02 1.11356108e-02 -1.40469536e-01 -1.71404064e-01 9.04210508e-02 1.75052378e-02 -3.90395224e-01 -1.43777326e-01 3.23712349e-01 4.11639452e-01 -1.36633655e-02 -3.14277261e-01 -1.71374023e-01 1.94614768e-01 -2.89152935e-02 2.74390459e-01 3.13963056e-01 -2.17469946e-01 1.25566730e-02 -1.58808708e-01 3.26956213e-01 1.46342218e-01 1.62158385e-01 4.50900048e-01 2.33270198e-01 -1.89221073e-02 1.76011294e-01 1.96298063e-01 3.41389865e-01 3.48473728e-01 2.14119360e-01 -1.84661046e-01 -5.68098761e-02 1.36597797e-01 -2.31311494e-03 -1.10098258e-01 2.20047727e-01 -4.47239056e-02 1.84356511e-01 4.78693768e-02 5.23759842e-01 2.68051833e-01 -2.67376065e-01 -2.64169365e-01 3.58085603e-01 -2.70863265e-01 2.53835678e-01 5.43606400e-01 1.02299809e+00 2.05093414e-01 -9.99085829e-02 -2.15156466e-01 8.09665397e-02 3.70049417e-01 -4.83111739e-01 1.89112931e-01 9.23252106e-03 -3.57026942e-02 8.34280252e-02 -1.87880278e-01 1.13857239e-01 1.45984292e-01 -2.91310996e-01 -4.56936210e-02 -3.09821874e-01 -6.23431616e-03 2.37060979e-01 1.56536728e-01 8.09539035e-02 -1.24974050e-01 -5.53905033e-02 2.91874230e-01 -8.27796385e-02 3.05163823e-02 7.74184167e-02 1.66637912e-01 -6.69966564e-02 -2.05002129e-01 -3.26540321e-01 2.09456593e-01 1.27306536e-01 1.19533651e-01 -1.33324578e-01 2.76971579e-01 1.83558345e-01 -2.99453914e-01 -3.58913332e-01 -1.98373362e-01 1.13253273e-01 9.04148519e-02 2.82882154e-01 -2.44487509e-01 -2.97389567e-01 1.64515361e-01 5.93749918e-02 2.30705440e-02 1.25205174e-01 1.51059031e-01 2.13810876e-02 1.36495799e-01 5.05318716e-02 1.05932049e-01 2.70779699e-01 -1.22799225e-01 1.76683038e-01 1.62753716e-01 -1.98330209e-01 -4.06976938e-02 1.73501238e-01 8.35494995e-02 -4.21983212e-01 2.73000717e-01 2.70029068e-01 -1.57219738e-01 -1.28475994e-01 6.56749159e-02 3.36446732e-01 1.57423407e-01 2.22167715e-01 -3.48948780e-03 -2.98348758e-02 -3.90192419e-01 -1.47057176e-01 -8.92180763e-03 -3.93664986e-01 4.69285429e-01 -3.75965953e-01 -4.10789639e-01 4.19929251e-02 -1.57440290e-01 1.22387158e-02 -2.95366436e-01 -2.77530640e-01 -2.47410819e-01 -1.90299973e-02 -2.08110530e-02 -2.72696912e-01 2.06710979e-01 -1.39409140e-01 1.35280386e-01 -2.32716113e-01 4.88827787e-02 -3.76867622e-01 1.90112680e-01 -4.52498108e-01 -1.61486387e-01 9.96649414e-02 -1.74295425e-01 -3.96202803e-02 -2.82109119e-02 1.41458035e-01 2.36790881e-01 -4.01462018e-02 -2.17478931e-01 -3.67482126e-01 8.93179774e-02 -1.60215855e-01 8.03345442e-02 -2.69176483e-01 2.77405735e-02 1.98151320e-01 6.51707128e-02 1.56016514e-01 -9.04511958e-02 2.47563809e-01 4.41509597e-02 3.81666780e-01 -1.33930027e-01 -8.11984539e-02 1.10193796e-01 2.35690564e-01 3.54283482e-01 3.61324608e-01 9.15042087e-02 -2.44465843e-01 -1.68875709e-01 3.15349281e-01 1.97901532e-01 8.99438560e-02 2.01171428e-01 8.25012624e-02 1.47314325e-01 -2.70054638e-01 1.46907598e-01 -2.46410131e-01 3.40370566e-01 -1.78711377e-02 -1.77372769e-02 -5.20304680e-01 2.79197276e-01 -2.78832018e-02 -1.52547672e-01 3.43017243e-02 1.40466362e-01 6.97239209e-03 4.00587261e-01 7.84280300e-02 7.26632178e-02 1.52237430e-01 1.85355663e-01 8.09163511e-01 2.27087304e-01 2.38265265e-02 6.88153505e-02 -2.86545366e-01 -8.73621926e-02 2.53113598e-01 -2.04124600e-02 5.60314834e-01 2.67108053e-01 2.92637557e-01 8.69102702e-02 3.56587410e-01 2.91333973e-01 1.27780274e-01 2.78783262e-01 -3.98229241e-01 6.39803186e-02 4.29965407e-01 1.90103427e-01 -8.22005887e-03 -1.20413080e-01 -3.17674875e-01 -1.38050437e-01 -4.01191682e-01 8.24525952e-02 8.40966869e-03 -3.84473801e-02 3.82750362e-01 -1.53215617e-01 -4.69863027e-01 -7.58009255e-02 1.26894906e-01 -2.71528482e-01 2.13518217e-01 -2.22108141e-01 2.50373691e-01 8.35186467e-02 -4.39340591e-01 -3.54817882e-02 4.20673817e-01 -1.67131826e-01 4.92686816e-02 5.80318093e-01 -4.73581702e-01 -9.90935490e-02 5.51186912e-02 4.26653653e-01 -9.45368782e-02 -3.97202313e-01 -2.01914936e-01 -1.10679135e-01 -1.43684909e-01 -2.56204456e-01 1.82233557e-01 -3.40673700e-02 1.11476168e-01 2.16973182e-02 1.93577170e-01 -2.45140836e-01 -3.96152467e-01 7.16031790e-02 1.49517581e-01 3.87263559e-02 4.45488483e-01 -4.02740836e-02 -1.00710154e-01 -1.72732487e-01 -5.01228310e-02 -2.12724328e-01 -1.27608269e-01 -1.82855949e-01 -2.16849655e-01 1.58264652e-01 -1.27830982e-01 9.61624756e-02 -6.12502098e-02 4.99564409e-01 -1.64415225e-01 2.63193160e-01 -1.08287588e-01 -1.33317187e-01 -5.61631769e-02 1.08362280e-01 -2.56321490e-01 -2.80780375e-01 9.09587368e-02 1.42286032e-01 6.49592578e-02 2.00624734e-01 -4.58531857e-01 1.90027952e-01 -3.44782531e-01 2.25422502e-01 -2.83919156e-01 2.71622241e-01 3.19823444e-01 2.12310046e-01 1.32020965e-01 1.44943774e-01 -4.22262810e-02 1.37610793e-01 1.50332287e-01 -1.71379540e-02 -2.50866622e-01 -4.78054062e-02 -1.21785579e-02 6.01605892e-01 1.86945871e-01 8.75752792e-03 -6.28398880e-02 -3.61150891e-01 -1.59556165e-01 3.71176726e-03 5.64563088e-02 1.83498755e-01 3.62242192e-01 3.92533839e-01 1.69593543e-02 1.42831773e-01 2.99053609e-01 -2.53993154e-01 -2.04081535e-02 3.58199440e-02 3.53218764e-02 -1.64946809e-01 -1.73523918e-01 1.27955705e-01 -4.96973507e-02 2.61924237e-01 5.91430115e-03 -9.98927355e-02 5.32262065e-02 -3.34088802e-01 3.42858970e-01 2.15601087e-01 -1.88763782e-01 -4.02533144e-01 1.83340628e-02 1.38761654e-01 6.08167276e-02 -5.89806475e-02 -1.26751103e-02 -1.16724744e-01 -4.97116223e-02 -2.16099992e-01 -1.64069459e-01 -1.24619320e-01 -4.47251707e-01 -2.26033986e-01 9.01564583e-02 3.18196937e-02 2.06544653e-01 -1.88758761e-01 -1.62006989e-02]
"Voodoo Dartboard" active "Item #: SCP-773 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-773 requires no special containment procedures at this time, and is to be held at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ in secure storage until further notice. Description: SCP-773 is a standard English style dartboard with a diameter of 451 mm. It is divided into the standard twenty segments and an inner and outer bulls eye ring, along with the standard double and triple bands. SCP-773 was acquired by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ from a Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ of Gloucester, England residence, after an anomalous police report came to the attention of the Foundation. Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was found dead in his home, with several ruptured blood vessels, and a heart attack which proved fatal. Police were unable to identify any cause of death. After investigation into the death by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, it was discovered that the dartboard in his study had been acquired from the organization known as Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd recently, after wiring a large sum of money to the organization three weeks prior. Upon recovery of the object a set of instructions were recovered from a panel in the rear of the board, which also contained a set of diamond tipped darts with a space to insert small strips of paper. The instructions were handwritten and signed by a Mister β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. According to the instructions, when a dart is thrown onto the board, from a distance of at least three meters, and the name of a person is written upon the dart, it will cause harmful injury to that person, depending on where the dart impacts the board. The higher the number on the board, the more severe the injury, ranging from a simple sprain of the elbow, to as severe as a complete rupture of the aorta. The instructions explicitly state that the person must be written clearly on the dart, and that the rules are observed, or the detrimental effect will occur to the thrower. This effect occurs in triplicate according to the standard British Dart Organization rules, before another person can be selected by another player to be injured. Double and triple bands incur ill effects based upon the base score they multiply. After significant experimentation, all of these effects have been confirmed by Foundation staff, using Class D personnel. It was also discovered that it would not affect any person more than 30 meters from the board itself. Addendum: After significant experimentation, and the use of a mechanical throwing arm, the segments of the dartboard have produced the following injuries: Β« SCP-772 | SCP-773 | SCP-774 Β»" "SCP-773, set up for testing"
[ 4.05040443e-01 -4.31319833e-01 -9.45499092e-02 -5.05606346e-02 -1.09333880e-01 -1.94427431e-01 1.14080071e-01 4.58792858e-02 2.06671476e-01 5.40310070e-02 1.18193500e-01 1.61790162e-01 -4.99226972e-02 -2.85753757e-01 3.12660426e-01 -2.00559214e-01 1.44444227e-01 1.34224713e-01 -1.96396172e-01 -3.45554240e-02 2.50415295e-01 -1.40997142e-01 -3.40091586e-01 5.50121367e-01 9.69712287e-02 3.05631794e-02 1.17471293e-01 7.08672926e-02 -2.12492198e-01 -4.60477263e-01 -1.59323181e-03 6.64957315e-02 -1.27299860e-01 3.33708644e-01 -1.11052817e-04 -1.50396466e-01 1.49909392e-01 -1.11503661e-01 1.43424809e-01 2.96954274e-01 -7.58205503e-02 4.30907682e-02 2.50335753e-01 -8.80607590e-02 6.47071749e-02 -2.01970249e-01 -3.66609871e-01 3.32146585e-02 6.93640471e-01 2.76043028e-01 2.05878466e-01 2.51730867e-02 2.10332036e-01 -9.16860402e-02 5.89355707e-01 -1.06759250e-01 -2.25462317e-01 8.05252939e-02 1.43409699e-01 1.29370689e-01 8.89255032e-02 -1.40537992e-01 -2.73083568e-01 -1.17581032e-01 6.10630624e-02 -1.86261028e-01 2.56016344e-01 3.16106118e-02 -2.62347255e-02 4.27729577e-01 -1.17862105e-01 4.41344120e-02 3.06309581e-01 -7.91630149e-02 1.67768836e-01 8.92162472e-02 -2.35925373e-02 7.99805522e-02 -8.40611458e-02 -8.84392411e-02 -1.08538091e-01 3.54167521e-01 -2.97507405e-01 -7.61394873e-02 -6.60028532e-02 2.27220535e-01 -9.40623954e-02 5.77137284e-02 6.99586272e-02 -5.70904016e-02 -1.02077663e-01 3.13264489e-01 -1.71728030e-01 -1.32050797e-01 3.34896124e-03 3.01440023e-02 -6.10566139e-03 -9.83455032e-02 4.15814430e-01 6.65853871e-03 4.09021348e-01 3.15680206e-01 3.12921464e-01 3.49104218e-02 1.32722050e-01 -3.25406134e-01 -1.75669119e-01 -1.02555156e-01 -3.96352530e-01 4.77255434e-01 2.31055319e-02 2.72714674e-01 4.42786999e-02 2.76827782e-01 8.47612396e-02 -1.32959455e-01 -1.61787331e-01 -3.67877066e-01 -1.47629082e-01 5.19194067e-01 -1.60159439e-01 1.61977977e-01 -6.09019818e-03 3.60700071e-01 2.63325632e-01 1.25776708e-01 4.62959222e-02 -1.85774326e-01 3.73152234e-02 -3.40164214e-01 -2.67625004e-01 2.34852418e-01 -3.91350091e-01 6.97345361e-02 -1.71183825e-01 4.99610931e-01 -9.99953821e-02 1.29030421e-01 3.49977128e-02 -1.21345624e-01 -5.15474603e-02 -1.52039260e-01 4.91734177e-01 3.75021338e-01 -3.30463260e-01 -5.37754118e-01 -1.81371602e-03 -9.26402286e-02 -1.07447967e-01 9.36112925e-03 9.59814936e-02 4.87780161e-02 -3.48063141e-01 2.35066801e-01 -1.89900249e-01 1.35520265e-01 -2.98553109e-01 1.39911217e-03 -3.95340413e-01 -2.19322592e-01 2.54913718e-01 -5.55742085e-02 6.65204376e-02 -1.56986371e-01 3.05007190e-01 1.76288098e-01 -3.05987000e-02 4.88167927e-02 2.33325675e-01 6.49641454e-02 -8.14425573e-02 -2.57371545e-01 -3.42288077e-01 2.23125979e-01 -2.22550392e-01 -2.43969280e-02 1.23803094e-01 1.62021294e-01 -2.94879526e-01 -4.41921115e-01 -3.21586400e-01 1.23310097e-01 1.48733497e-01 -4.48691040e-01 7.16412887e-02 1.06513955e-01 -3.16345096e-01 -2.26178020e-01 1.54209286e-01 2.79966556e-02 -1.06885932e-01 -3.86099607e-01 -6.46555051e-02 5.23917861e-02 1.44558460e-01 -1.56470269e-01 2.56842583e-01 3.71067077e-01 1.05734579e-01 1.14975125e-01 -2.51297683e-01 2.55882908e-02 3.60398591e-02 1.18128225e-01 -1.87677711e-01 -2.24172294e-01 -1.88655570e-01 -1.04474217e-01 5.03658473e-01 3.61306295e-02 -1.08631156e-01 -2.28838604e-02 -2.84658909e-01 2.31999800e-01 -1.53172359e-01 -1.17334090e-01 3.05578977e-01 7.95600191e-02 4.07804281e-01 -3.42607170e-01 -1.87177762e-01 7.22920746e-02 2.00219941e-03 -6.47214279e-02 4.43015099e-02 -1.34181321e-01 -2.29846910e-01 -1.45424664e-01 -1.96308851e-01 2.80644864e-01 2.01887235e-01 -6.17660955e-03 5.50912879e-02 -5.81592657e-02 -1.58593565e-01 -7.02979565e-01 2.46248782e-01 6.47698760e-01 -6.16841428e-02 5.61132804e-02 9.27598476e-02 7.68888220e-02 2.04912916e-01 1.22539513e-01 -1.73251390e-01 3.54209334e-01 -1.32817701e-01 1.99832082e-01 -1.12170026e-01 -2.24388689e-01 -5.72628193e-02 -2.32147023e-01 -2.28688642e-01 -4.31744568e-02 -1.45570740e-01 1.57276675e-01 -4.29051042e-01 -7.56619796e-02 2.47504674e-02 9.43919644e-02 1.88717335e-01 -2.23500609e-01 3.67269158e-01 -1.04216665e-01 2.02148050e-01 -3.84385176e-02 -9.58733931e-02 4.78260726e-01 3.08186263e-01 -2.11622175e-02 -3.18520144e-02 3.64541598e-02 -1.95367292e-01 -8.85994211e-02 -1.41642824e-01 5.93591779e-02 1.16247751e-01 4.53393817e-01 1.77838370e-01 1.38223663e-01 -8.65570232e-02 -3.47421527e-01 -1.83734760e-01 -1.16789110e-01 -1.55423194e-01 3.20219040e-01 -4.64621894e-02 2.87320971e-01 -3.90989602e-01 2.95267254e-01 -1.93774596e-01 -2.91291356e-01 -1.39071360e-01 1.58733092e-02 -1.90724507e-01 -2.59129077e-01 -7.34460413e-01 3.08741480e-01 -4.26051259e-01 1.01313062e-01 -7.35798106e-02 3.70854735e-02 -1.23658620e-01 7.80217424e-02 -5.29391706e-01 9.78407115e-02 5.72148860e-01 -7.36047849e-02 -4.35822494e-02 9.18945819e-02 -1.64645001e-01 1.92128256e-01 8.61067995e-02 -3.71752083e-01 2.96237320e-01 -7.07778335e-03 -1.22005865e-02 -3.46707851e-01 2.00662225e-01 -8.02439153e-01 -2.58470811e-02 4.78461711e-03 -2.15831310e-01 -1.03237323e-01 3.30121666e-02 2.05171883e-01 1.19232647e-01 -4.03245799e-02 1.30791264e-02 -3.98878753e-02 6.68069720e-02 -4.24797356e-01 1.11357383e-01 5.52358270e-01 -3.66399914e-01 4.59493071e-01 -1.54041946e-01 -2.46059999e-01 -1.15919262e-01 1.25636399e-01 -1.44376114e-01 2.82763820e-02 -2.74896026e-01 1.19204067e-01 4.86074425e-02 -3.14992726e-01 -1.79767281e-01 3.55517179e-01 9.42785963e-02 -2.34934226e-01 1.29899075e-02 2.38359377e-01 -5.38052469e-02 -2.92028338e-01 -4.96767834e-02 -1.64673984e-01 -4.01808806e-02 -2.99037956e-02 3.01745296e-01 -8.98850802e-03 5.95034435e-02 1.69107065e-01 4.93031025e-01 -3.92443717e-01 -8.59869719e-02 -5.18676490e-02 1.16105735e-01 4.25156690e-02 9.14283320e-02 9.91853476e-02 -2.43688338e-02 6.89395219e-02 1.01494484e-01 1.67814717e-02 -3.18309337e-01 2.60824233e-01 7.01508299e-02 5.55652045e-02 -3.84319603e-01 -3.08520019e-01 7.30044246e-02 2.70181656e-01 -2.82873005e-01 -2.77381182e-01 5.64916385e-03 1.78768858e-01 1.22889742e-01 1.50169253e-01 8.30652714e-02 -2.35999137e-01 -1.20069586e-01 -2.87887841e-01 9.42731202e-02 3.39537591e-01 4.53256182e-02 -1.50373191e-01 4.53594208e-01 -8.02102238e-02 -2.53846794e-01 2.28852808e-01 -4.23425257e-01 -4.54844199e-02 4.03731376e-01 2.48596802e-01 3.27483296e-01 1.15844697e-01 -1.86551437e-01 -5.61483562e-01 -1.24282315e-01 -1.14979014e-01 8.63884762e-02 -4.54177320e-01 -3.22072119e-01 4.32888158e-02 4.48401451e-01 5.53384423e-02 1.41350195e-01 3.72808576e-02 -1.18504368e-01 -3.20983410e-01 -1.20699786e-01 1.87826201e-01 1.08376488e-01 -1.57080114e-01 -3.26358043e-02 9.95931029e-02 1.52450010e-01 2.99097091e-01 -1.77442610e-01 1.03546113e-01 -1.29021570e-01 3.82023722e-01 -2.25074574e-01 3.95895749e-01 3.66089493e-01 -1.35690764e-01 4.08923775e-01 3.70509505e-01 -3.62171829e-01 -4.71034087e-02 1.27440125e-01 9.10439789e-02 5.43394029e-01 1.99565560e-01 1.33316442e-01 -1.48449510e-01 2.37474814e-01 2.87797481e-01 -9.50415954e-02 1.76429033e-01 -4.81038630e-01 5.34486175e-01 -8.52106810e-02 3.91181260e-01 -4.94809239e-04 -2.96835452e-01 -1.60576567e-01 2.26704538e-01 -2.25009397e-01 7.46958196e-01 4.94700760e-01 1.10196614e+00 4.39266935e-02 1.97235703e-01 2.18192711e-01 -3.12638342e-01 1.43459052e-01 -4.97611798e-02 -1.09690130e-01 -3.94657075e-01 1.53895482e-01 1.27929837e-01 -2.02450976e-01 9.27028880e-02 -4.38959897e-02 5.08926883e-02 6.64140806e-02 -6.34775341e-01 2.95372367e-01 4.31773253e-02 2.30216131e-01 5.74760616e-01 -8.23055655e-02 -3.06991227e-02 2.23403573e-01 -2.02160001e-01 -2.53150553e-01 1.41979000e-02 9.17482004e-02 -2.75193304e-01 -8.43151510e-02 -5.80587685e-01 1.98763207e-01 -2.71469682e-01 8.81738663e-02 1.43258914e-01 1.53661102e-01 7.47198537e-02 -1.86413184e-01 -2.82682985e-01 -4.83076414e-03 6.85355067e-02 3.22702020e-01 7.07733214e-01 -2.38863647e-01 -1.57451257e-01 1.17557785e-02 -1.94941405e-02 2.82594692e-02 -3.36444050e-01 3.69073302e-01 -8.35041143e-03 2.71825828e-02 -3.13175052e-01 3.77000123e-01 6.89781427e-01 -1.82636425e-01 1.33053496e-01 -1.89835690e-02 2.48063952e-01 -8.83675367e-02 1.73658624e-01 2.20102042e-01 -2.46318251e-01 -2.34852910e-01 2.81150669e-01 -8.33344236e-02 2.39766156e-03 1.12075791e-01 -4.21590693e-02 1.06596306e-01 8.33786055e-02 -2.03963853e-02 8.85235891e-02 -3.76673788e-01 -3.95204127e-02 2.07876369e-01 -2.48529434e-01 -2.90515482e-01 -1.07772529e-01 -5.53904295e-01 1.57747880e-01 3.47272158e-01 2.93437988e-01 -2.04517603e-01 -1.51170120e-01 -1.61728546e-01 9.86184999e-02 -6.26761792e-03 -6.55938387e-02 3.95260081e-02 8.65981951e-02 -1.86099246e-01 -2.16386154e-01 2.04500422e-01 -3.60219419e-01 -9.41010937e-02 -1.85565338e-01 -8.14241692e-02 2.62301296e-01 -2.51508743e-01 -1.93179056e-01 9.15866718e-02 1.67149797e-01 2.72221565e-01 -2.39598468e-01 -2.14544520e-01 -1.48700640e-01 1.12508632e-01 4.40410338e-02 1.26536191e-01 -4.87143844e-01 2.61258967e-02 1.63379058e-01 1.30782679e-01 1.01042591e-01 -2.45002192e-02 4.47789520e-01 2.16296047e-01 4.43347245e-02 5.51276095e-02 2.52247117e-02 1.14571825e-01 4.58985791e-02 2.96870589e-01 -2.59220460e-03 5.33051863e-02 -2.06201911e-01 -1.28262579e-01 1.10164555e-02 3.75701010e-01 -1.78595319e-01 1.69411346e-01 1.39216170e-01 -1.90453976e-01 -3.30967903e-02 3.32140416e-01 -2.18309030e-01 2.88588762e-01 -2.91777670e-01 -2.51979977e-01 -1.79038212e-01 2.18995780e-01 1.64558068e-01 -3.16674024e-01 1.25667319e-01 1.71774581e-01 -7.40004778e-02 3.82190764e-01 -9.86634791e-02 -3.14539492e-01 -2.89783001e-01 -5.95232919e-02 1.34262852e-02 2.04543732e-02 4.14187014e-02 -1.04950175e-01 -8.29000026e-02 -3.74298483e-01 1.23620570e-01 2.18899220e-01 1.89714894e-01 -1.55988662e-02 2.04680204e-01 -1.97776347e-01 -5.03549315e-02 2.93609053e-01 1.14031672e-01 7.02486411e-02 2.92670757e-01 3.90317142e-01 2.17205629e-01 -1.88921005e-01 5.36167845e-02 -1.39776155e-01 2.55025953e-01 -3.18228841e-01 -2.31421843e-01 -3.05703402e-01 1.07651306e-02 -1.98959243e-02 1.35720849e-01 -6.72605112e-02 -4.59166735e-01 -4.36774977e-02 1.31398335e-01 4.51775305e-02 2.05653101e-01 -4.92602251e-02 1.41167432e-01 9.60072950e-02 -3.44705909e-01 2.09494099e-01 3.13946843e-01 -2.40834460e-01 -4.12778668e-02 3.37817997e-01 8.67733508e-02 1.78397611e-01 -3.10871243e-01 2.87835270e-01 1.21966831e-01 -2.36865565e-01 3.14179622e-02 -2.46574074e-01 -1.53487250e-01 -9.62819979e-02 1.87948421e-01 4.50827837e-01 -9.79521498e-02 3.71426076e-01 1.58549175e-01 -2.45737910e-01 -3.46217871e-01 2.86247343e-01 2.60340452e-01 2.94984967e-01 4.18503992e-02 -8.59204829e-02 -2.58556336e-01 -5.86377596e-03 8.64917710e-02 -1.70427695e-01 -4.25307333e-01 -2.67616212e-01 8.49897449e-04 -8.38902779e-03 -2.67062336e-01 8.73459131e-02 9.82668400e-02 5.96768856e-01 2.31144112e-02 3.85710865e-01 -7.67423138e-02 -1.05076067e-01 -8.09439123e-02 1.02368213e-01 -2.25709543e-01 -3.32993686e-01 4.51547027e-01 3.45870823e-01 1.16197057e-01 3.65067035e-01 2.62925997e-02 3.05349290e-01 7.62575418e-02 1.39939815e-01 -2.68118829e-01 2.19052985e-01 4.91871178e-01 -1.59659028e-01 1.17130496e-01 -1.18924141e-01 6.35771230e-02 -2.18093678e-01 1.73380449e-01 1.97844043e-01 -1.83719665e-01 2.68324018e-02 1.60983816e-01 2.31524795e-01 -5.62272668e-02 3.06655288e-01 -3.44972648e-02 -2.65642792e-01 -6.95899352e-02 3.63099456e-01 -1.36704668e-01 5.60117304e-01 1.19145803e-01 1.12514965e-01 4.56096292e-01 4.44444001e-01 1.44546717e-01 -3.85926873e-03 -2.21682247e-02 2.21373588e-02 -3.32711130e-01 1.43113583e-02 2.12778822e-01 8.22158009e-02 -8.67951885e-02 -3.38282436e-02 1.31437510e-01 1.40940070e-01 1.65934965e-01 2.77729100e-03 6.06373012e-01 -1.13786757e-01 -8.87922645e-02 7.00967982e-02 3.78395110e-01 -1.09070882e-01 -7.70496503e-02 -6.84220433e-01 -8.63394588e-02 -5.02482541e-02 -1.57357737e-01 -2.36776769e-01 -7.75467381e-02 -3.48098993e-01 -8.87302607e-02 2.43635401e-02 4.21843499e-01 -4.43150491e-01 5.99591359e-02 -2.41162077e-01 1.84795111e-02]
"Whistlebones" active "Item #: SCP-774 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All supplies of SCP-774 are to be kept in sealed metal barrels designed for hazardous chemical waste. Subjects are to be maintained on hospital beds, kept alive via Procedure 17-A. Description: SCP-774 is a by-product of the halogen azide [REDACTED] when [PROCESS REDACTED]. When in contact with the skin, it permeates the body's tissues and selectively attacks bone, dissolving the bone mineral and leaving only the soft collagen. This can occur in minutes or over the course of days, depending on the degree of exposure. The only bone that is not affected by the initial reaction is the skull. However, shortly after the other bones begin dissolving, the anomalous properties of SCP-774 manifest. Calcium leached from the rest of the body is deposited on the skull, creating grooves and ridges that grow from the interior and exterior surfaces of the skull, forming symmetrical patterns of increasing complexity that intrude into neighboring tissue, eventually erupting from the skin or growing to meet other bone tissue. These eventually fuse the bones of the skull, rendering the mandible immobile. The largest pattern observed so far is two meters across, induced by procedure 17-A.1 Intrusions in the sinus cavities create whistling sounds in the subject's breathing which rapidly change pitch and tone, though each skull has a different set of tones. The effect is similar to birdsong. While subjects affected by SCP-774 are unable or unwilling to communicate, their heartrate and breathing becomes more regular when able to hear other late-stage subjects (See Addendum 774-2). Subjects typically expire following the collapse of the ribcage or damage to the spinal cord due to the loss of the spine. However, artificial supports can be implanted, as per procedure 17-A, prolonging life. Subjects kept alive after the complete loss of non-cranial skeleton can be induced to further growth by implanting new bone material. Subject SCP-774-17 has been kept alive twelve years at the time of this writing. Trace amounts of SCP-774 are still found in Subject 17's bloodstream, though it is unknown if it is manufactured, or if it remains from the initial exposure (See Addendum 774-3). Addendum 774-1: Doctor Mann was able to induce growth in specific directions through careful breaks and cuts into the bone tissue. However, after several weeks, the new growth was destroyed, and the former pattern reasserted itself. Addendum 774-2: Analysis of the whistling shows distinct patterns, some of which have been mapped to specific external stimuli. Doctor Mann has requested permission to vivisect a 774 subject for the purpose of examining continued function of the linguistic centers of the brain. Addendum 774-3: Subject 774-24 was isolated from other test subjects. After several weeks in which its whistling grew more agitated, started producing viscous fluid from the tips of its protrusions, which proved to be further quantities of SCP-774. Two researchers working in the room were affected. Once they progressed to the whistling stage, the bone stopped producing the fluid. Their patterns were identical to Subjects 774-17 and 774-21 respectively, including range of whistles. They were termed Subjects 774-26 and 774-27 following Procedure 17-A. Doctor Mann has decided to keep them isolated for the time being. Addendum 774-4: Following a renovation of Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ, Subjects 774-24, 774-26, and 774-27 were placed into containment with the other subjects. Shortly after, the growths of Subjects 26 and 27 began to rapidly reshape, bone being subsumed and reformed into different patterns, including whistles. Subject 26 is now identical to the terminated Subject 25, while Subject 27 shows a new growth pattern entirely. Β« SCP-773 | SCP-774 | SCP-775 Β»" nan
[ 1.48413092e-01 -3.39318782e-01 -1.46661788e-01 -2.66830865e-02 2.13544723e-03 -1.30070731e-01 2.93919891e-01 2.46402204e-01 2.39381641e-01 2.59223044e-01 -8.22344124e-02 3.20729166e-01 -1.15875445e-01 -2.22144350e-01 1.33008406e-01 -1.62503608e-02 2.61784256e-01 2.63435245e-01 2.87215680e-01 -4.69348520e-01 -2.65601993e-01 -2.45184720e-01 -3.32948089e-01 3.36302638e-01 -8.14769641e-02 -1.73436224e-01 2.82377839e-01 2.08136559e-01 4.93640155e-02 -1.48758054e-01 7.54921287e-02 -8.99503231e-02 -1.29689097e-01 2.75146902e-01 -1.10157685e-04 -2.48830765e-01 3.23454216e-02 -1.21225759e-01 -1.54403755e-02 1.43309906e-01 1.68048516e-01 7.98190236e-02 -2.79451251e-01 -4.08102050e-02 3.22718583e-02 -2.08640084e-01 6.43382445e-02 -8.20213109e-02 6.07282758e-01 3.23258340e-01 1.65666819e-01 -2.32203051e-01 3.56813446e-02 5.87423183e-02 5.21703243e-01 -2.87752718e-01 -1.91377282e-01 -1.49667570e-02 1.93554178e-01 -1.64017156e-01 -1.99634749e-02 5.99618629e-02 -2.73858756e-01 1.45828503e-03 5.58414906e-02 4.68681231e-02 1.69186190e-01 -3.17084700e-01 1.36708528e-01 1.84985533e-01 -3.88014734e-01 1.06683694e-01 2.10212603e-01 -1.72385678e-01 -1.21506408e-01 -6.31196558e-01 2.19692543e-01 1.72603637e-01 -1.48509413e-01 6.76152203e-03 1.92986488e-01 1.91041231e-01 -2.88351804e-01 -9.47213769e-02 -1.81981489e-01 -3.31697017e-01 -2.32280344e-01 -4.81557325e-02 3.82505834e-01 -1.91697553e-01 3.01593810e-01 2.73296744e-01 1.99077398e-01 2.49301434e-01 -1.32523835e-01 3.14607397e-02 -1.41823525e-02 -1.12120710e-01 4.70837235e-01 -2.53742993e-01 1.86595306e-01 1.18896626e-01 -3.57219487e-01 2.40517423e-01 -3.52007180e-01 -3.21056694e-01 5.18717282e-02 -6.69024050e-01 -7.91984499e-02 3.19639117e-01 -1.51787242e-02 1.11899130e-01 -2.13780671e-01 1.56869367e-01 1.59028262e-01 -3.00599098e-01 -1.00865543e-01 -3.64791960e-01 -4.31277454e-01 2.76090622e-01 -6.84740126e-01 3.32433701e-01 -1.25248402e-01 5.00808418e-01 5.93517244e-01 2.19787166e-01 1.67442948e-01 -7.02810660e-02 1.75801478e-02 -8.33924562e-02 -1.64800197e-01 3.39718223e-01 -5.12927175e-01 1.16415195e-01 -6.58970028e-02 1.35049468e-03 9.09317937e-03 8.85216296e-02 4.16895539e-01 5.38044311e-02 -1.50283551e-04 -1.10581353e-01 5.47827363e-01 2.25105375e-01 -3.12632501e-01 -1.92202721e-02 -6.85705617e-02 -2.15375453e-01 -9.91802588e-02 -1.79209933e-01 3.69794250e-01 1.84898004e-01 -1.21806771e-01 2.03912437e-01 -1.58912092e-01 1.20507777e-01 4.70261663e-01 7.26370364e-02 1.12076104e-02 -2.48260275e-01 2.99664229e-01 -5.65001145e-02 -2.97496051e-01 -2.76895374e-01 -2.47595599e-03 3.95759076e-01 -3.95824313e-02 -1.44601092e-01 2.21393600e-01 2.98903525e-01 3.64370309e-02 -4.43386734e-02 1.79585442e-01 -1.81293666e-01 -2.23116130e-01 -1.61202066e-02 -1.38744816e-01 -3.43213081e-01 -2.44517326e-01 -6.38052881e-01 3.43347564e-02 2.42652193e-01 2.10041150e-01 -6.12964511e-01 -1.42793477e-01 -7.78371990e-02 -6.39319420e-03 2.43809596e-02 2.92202979e-01 -1.82584509e-01 -6.43245056e-02 -6.07700467e-01 8.90562311e-02 1.39352143e-01 1.87389478e-02 -1.79657042e-01 2.50624388e-01 2.79271424e-01 -3.49867009e-02 -1.78251583e-02 -1.88683406e-01 -7.18691945e-02 3.60574901e-01 -6.93491325e-02 -2.00908273e-01 -2.53463894e-01 -1.35040060e-01 -2.55654663e-01 3.44539165e-01 9.44566652e-02 -3.08972508e-01 -1.15130439e-01 -1.14100128e-01 -9.00112540e-02 -5.03498316e-02 -4.46826816e-01 2.29165122e-01 3.49920005e-01 1.47515729e-01 -1.68901354e-01 -1.84529111e-01 5.79475224e-01 -1.29534215e-01 -8.18285067e-03 -2.00936481e-01 2.70537525e-01 -7.17151314e-02 -2.65166074e-01 -1.00494117e-01 2.73764342e-01 3.45411688e-01 -7.38754272e-02 1.61703989e-01 4.81026173e-02 -1.65973499e-01 -4.77086790e-02 1.69678945e-02 7.73182511e-01 -1.90519895e-02 5.53225260e-03 4.15885866e-01 -1.01925008e-01 -2.05143765e-02 -2.58970652e-02 -3.83016765e-01 8.93321708e-02 3.88958871e-01 6.96812421e-02 -6.11284450e-02 -7.90204629e-02 -8.67507309e-02 -2.55086303e-01 3.58203650e-02 2.49630034e-01 -3.07607442e-01 -2.76187330e-01 -3.13376993e-01 -1.16300046e-01 -2.66366303e-01 7.17366114e-02 3.68122488e-01 -1.13297915e-02 3.06383014e-01 -2.03007817e-01 5.97298741e-02 -2.96013385e-01 1.98898062e-01 -4.56919484e-02 1.53083533e-01 4.68817465e-02 -1.57033816e-01 -2.26130411e-02 6.84644142e-03 6.63142875e-02 -1.89630538e-01 -1.40773565e-01 -1.89877778e-01 3.56490821e-01 2.69739300e-01 4.56254520e-02 -3.25278372e-01 -8.74580145e-02 -5.35586923e-02 -1.07870273e-01 -3.62164639e-02 1.00139752e-01 -1.86037555e-01 -3.27340841e-01 -2.31398135e-01 4.06095088e-01 1.00507118e-01 1.01382025e-01 -2.21616849e-02 2.01091737e-01 7.02316165e-02 2.19387695e-01 1.41837969e-01 6.04368865e-01 2.46546254e-01 -2.83581130e-02 -5.98537445e-01 4.70230609e-01 9.66371000e-02 7.99667239e-02 -3.64416420e-01 1.36279613e-01 3.47519010e-01 3.11599299e-02 -1.59528553e-01 -7.07183927e-02 -1.17440484e-01 2.30794638e-01 -1.05041116e-01 -1.04186818e-01 2.04914764e-01 3.30905616e-02 -2.33536988e-01 -4.05233234e-01 9.25186500e-02 -7.53821313e-01 -1.00304335e-01 -3.70079249e-01 -6.59751445e-02 2.56792516e-01 -6.76487461e-02 -3.16650160e-02 5.60382791e-02 -2.45190307e-01 8.52776468e-02 7.03194439e-02 -2.24480219e-02 4.61646646e-01 8.36989880e-02 2.98357844e-01 6.75288662e-02 7.49177411e-02 -3.22683871e-01 -2.39153862e-01 7.10028186e-02 3.95322172e-03 2.32409853e-02 -4.95153181e-02 -3.83940846e-01 -6.22461140e-02 1.17129624e-01 -1.25297725e-01 -4.81771976e-01 8.48709196e-02 2.49903768e-01 -6.31390288e-02 3.63489613e-02 7.38537833e-02 -7.02015776e-03 -1.86325207e-01 -3.13885450e-01 -3.05353999e-01 -3.62750702e-02 3.51698428e-01 4.28830922e-01 -9.65632945e-02 1.08556952e-02 4.39059325e-02 4.32373673e-01 -5.96146211e-02 -3.74057144e-02 -2.22091958e-01 4.78596762e-02 1.80920869e-01 2.10269079e-01 -8.99732709e-02 3.76718193e-01 1.10611208e-01 -3.04875791e-01 6.88051134e-02 -6.23317771e-02 -2.18605865e-02 9.73542407e-02 -1.84077054e-01 -3.80326658e-01 2.51769125e-02 -8.96527842e-02 5.25574207e-01 1.20288409e-01 -1.97884977e-01 -1.33220389e-01 3.31467360e-01 1.05418913e-01 9.35524479e-02 1.11302190e-01 1.02920726e-01 1.30437657e-01 4.35464010e-02 3.98023605e-01 7.10385069e-02 -6.62075495e-03 1.11300625e-01 2.76212126e-01 -9.51548889e-02 -1.04500249e-01 1.99642271e-01 -2.51401216e-01 6.60562292e-02 -9.12851691e-02 3.78308386e-01 3.52100283e-01 3.99810553e-01 4.04425651e-01 -6.80643171e-02 -1.72395647e-01 -3.08033049e-01 8.92590582e-02 -4.25203115e-01 4.08191308e-02 -1.37255788e-01 3.15369964e-01 1.57306299e-01 9.04134735e-02 4.93247658e-01 1.89705983e-01 -5.55713654e-01 -1.53706282e-01 1.94238827e-01 1.52327418e-01 -1.15273975e-01 -1.58051059e-01 -6.24750592e-02 4.26647216e-01 1.21466935e-01 2.41579443e-01 4.18443650e-01 -1.73156306e-01 1.22297881e-02 -1.66761532e-01 6.42429411e-01 2.87422955e-01 4.08598512e-01 6.61189109e-02 9.61579978e-02 -1.72375336e-01 -7.02498900e-03 7.06333518e-02 1.28073335e-01 5.80448389e-01 -7.12491646e-02 3.24424684e-01 -6.18640780e-01 -7.30130821e-02 2.75598377e-01 -3.22400816e-02 6.01988614e-01 2.13145956e-01 1.23071454e-01 -3.07720244e-01 5.73505521e-01 -8.51900950e-02 -3.73510897e-01 -1.78804532e-01 5.17534539e-02 -1.98388383e-01 5.46092331e-01 2.74643749e-01 1.19119442e+00 1.91506967e-01 1.36741241e-02 1.28453687e-01 -3.23687702e-01 1.86281145e-01 -7.12365866e-01 -6.33001328e-02 1.11691579e-01 7.77614117e-02 1.59071699e-01 -1.95116371e-01 -2.39562448e-02 6.14985637e-02 -3.16195875e-01 -6.66752234e-02 -3.30955654e-01 1.59839407e-01 2.57225215e-01 9.75059941e-02 6.93899542e-02 -2.89788127e-01 4.42180373e-02 2.00951427e-01 1.71211824e-01 2.69004405e-01 8.33206717e-03 2.13101879e-02 -1.07075892e-01 1.34747520e-01 -9.26354975e-02 1.71493053e-01 -6.86473772e-02 -4.30603437e-02 1.18548043e-01 -2.49556214e-01 2.27025107e-01 -1.65958062e-01 -7.45131150e-02 -1.13347813e-01 3.72440182e-02 3.07919592e-01 7.11969614e-01 -2.27989256e-01 -5.52249178e-02 -2.55606249e-02 1.36787295e-01 5.88148087e-03 3.02216895e-02 3.81593704e-01 1.32599130e-01 1.41030908e-01 -1.15263686e-02 1.65960863e-01 3.07112575e-01 -3.88574265e-02 3.20530236e-01 4.04814661e-01 1.10861264e-01 -2.03849792e-01 1.93945512e-01 6.86406717e-02 -2.77953058e-01 -1.18176416e-01 -1.38349742e-01 5.01212366e-02 -1.01216562e-01 9.39086154e-02 -3.25518884e-02 -1.84424683e-01 5.01672029e-02 -1.96084917e-01 -1.24351270e-01 -4.20169622e-01 9.20466557e-02 -4.41001803e-02 -2.62545049e-01 1.40623122e-01 -3.00946180e-02 -2.84972489e-01 -1.43600143e-02 5.07922947e-01 3.88783813e-02 -9.91250277e-02 -2.87111133e-01 -2.84754694e-01 5.71879260e-02 -9.04523581e-02 -1.42318338e-01 1.98563367e-01 -2.44311020e-01 2.88839430e-01 -8.71309191e-02 -1.71800718e-01 -3.82754713e-01 1.26557991e-01 -1.04346402e-01 4.23159190e-02 3.26814920e-01 -1.95460260e-01 7.64712989e-02 -1.29559845e-01 1.41103432e-01 3.17216694e-01 -1.86667994e-01 -2.04654783e-01 -3.19305599e-01 1.16571948e-01 -7.96885118e-02 -2.74752453e-02 -1.67412311e-01 -8.73839576e-03 1.77487716e-01 3.94136608e-02 2.34036833e-01 2.16451958e-01 3.05659026e-01 3.16022158e-01 4.55016233e-02 3.56861353e-01 2.19711810e-01 5.09498864e-02 7.74880797e-02 1.14450723e-01 -1.00484073e-01 9.96086597e-02 -2.04381496e-01 2.24852599e-02 5.91140985e-01 2.85895735e-01 -3.71497929e-01 -1.26914456e-01 2.41830498e-01 -7.10388571e-02 -1.84631512e-01 1.87284946e-01 -2.86561072e-01 4.79452550e-01 -4.20977414e-01 1.09285280e-01 7.62335956e-02 2.45017722e-01 -1.09129183e-01 1.51425436e-01 -2.88344413e-01 -1.14849672e-01 3.07600363e-03 3.51985157e-01 4.02242951e-02 -5.99039793e-01 2.97302186e-01 -2.12684616e-01 1.51188210e-01 8.16398337e-02 9.29603279e-02 5.44948161e-01 1.10851660e-01 -1.93377659e-01 2.41156131e-01 1.13657027e-01 2.43287742e-01 6.03618443e-01 3.47910017e-01 -3.37993652e-01 2.54050404e-01 1.57822758e-01 7.90465847e-02 3.20452631e-01 -3.80489439e-01 1.78364292e-01 -1.06068403e-01 6.33612350e-02 -1.54885650e-01 5.00634015e-01 6.16633222e-02 -2.54119396e-01 7.66090825e-02 1.27540817e-02 1.14044197e-01 3.18435691e-02 3.43168437e-01 -1.10090338e-01 -4.44112122e-01 -1.73789904e-01 1.39375702e-01 -1.49282441e-01 -1.27767488e-01 -2.84764729e-02 8.32795575e-02 6.60172582e-01 -3.20224792e-01 1.42506391e-01 3.49857777e-01 -6.57582134e-02 -3.90354656e-02 3.11890304e-01 -3.98757532e-02 5.13571911e-02 -3.21242400e-02 2.60897934e-01 -2.35591978e-01 -1.51785061e-01 2.41880789e-01 -1.45290241e-01 -1.13181978e-01 4.72003110e-02 2.32125267e-01 1.67929053e-01 7.12143183e-02 8.17707404e-02 1.38589352e-01 -2.96205610e-01 -3.69825661e-01 -1.17220422e-02 -6.71762973e-02 -8.79606009e-02 -5.13673909e-02 -3.67542535e-01 1.15654647e-01 -3.10446292e-01 -1.01512529e-01 1.51539564e-01 1.17956232e-02 -5.65194748e-02 4.11528572e-02 2.21085817e-01 2.98127774e-02 8.37270021e-02 -2.11389065e-01 2.23817691e-01 1.17303073e-01 3.53718758e-01 3.64588529e-01 -3.88419002e-01 -2.30682597e-01 2.63498891e-02 -2.42135495e-01 -3.18893850e-01 -1.10606775e-01 1.17921516e-01 1.17460519e-01 1.16613470e-01 -6.30187616e-02 2.13786975e-01 -5.75031489e-02 1.14418238e-01 -1.80994093e-01 -1.11949397e-02 3.25348705e-01 -1.42930523e-01 2.62547005e-02 -2.13553384e-01 -3.21562104e-02 1.34394228e-01 1.36267483e-01 -9.13504660e-02 -2.17044935e-01 -5.44520974e-01 -2.23158840e-02 3.28978539e-01 -3.05796508e-02 1.19669884e-01 -1.14319026e-01 -2.56629586e-01 -4.52104919e-02 -1.50272879e-03 -1.29303440e-01 -7.43696317e-02 8.12394395e-02 3.15399915e-01 2.57284999e-01 3.70713979e-01 1.12970412e-01 2.48063177e-01 4.30801474e-02 -2.83752352e-01 -2.71200955e-01 4.19675652e-03 -1.27174646e-01 7.90433064e-02 -6.50569871e-02 6.25149980e-02 -2.41252184e-01 -2.41286069e-01 -2.49952719e-01 -2.49292955e-01 6.56842232e-01 -3.40302214e-02 -2.90106148e-01 3.75726148e-02 -4.18065041e-02 -4.65272516e-02 -1.68736815e-01 -6.20989442e-01 -1.60121247e-01 -3.43895666e-02 7.83060342e-02 -4.85957474e-01 -1.73514873e-01 -2.79529482e-01 -3.03562194e-01 -7.98027590e-02 2.97273934e-01 2.97177881e-01 1.66552439e-01 3.44176739e-02 -2.48632401e-01]
"Hungry Ticks" active "Item #: SCP-775 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Interaction with SCP-775 is to be carried out via robotic assistance whenever possible. Should direct human interaction be required, all staff must wear the Mk2 contained-atmosphere armored Haz-Mat suit at all times. Should any tear be found in a suit, the subject must be immediately placed in quarantine and checked for signs of infestation. Containment area must be coated in a layer of plate steel, with all joints and seams made as tight as possible without compromising structural integrity. A two-part airlock seal is to be maintained as the single access point to the containment area. Airlocks will be flooded with bleach if any unit of SCP-775 is detected within the airlock, and remain flooded for five minutes, or until all SCP-775 have been terminated. Containment area is to be sprayed with bleach on a monthly basis to maintain population density. Feedings are not to exceed twice [DATA EXPUNGED] provided only at the discretion of Site Command. Description: SCP-775 appears to be a form of arachnid of the order Ixodida, more commonly known as the tick. It is of a significantly larger size, with most un-engorged adults reaching a size comparable with a U.S. nickel. Coloration varies between black, red, yellow, grey, and various shades of each. Adults possess eight legs, while juveniles possess only six. SCP-775 is capable of making small leaps, and travels very rapidly along solid surfaces. SCP-775 shares the trait of a flexible body structure, but is much more robust than the common tick, capable of surviving crushing, cutting, or tearing with little to no damage, and capable of flattening out to slide through 0.25 cm gaps. SCP-775 is also capable of swelling up to four times its original size during feeding, although this does slightly hamper its ability to move. The legs of SCP-775 are also very strong, and are capable of damaging concrete over time. SCP-775 feeds in a manner similar to the common tick, but more extensively. SCP-775 injects both an enzyme to increase blood flow, and one that begins to liquefy other tissues. This enzyme will attack all tissues except those making up the layers of skin. SCP-775 will then eat the blood and liquefied tissue until it is totally engorged. It will then lay an egg sac containing 20-30 new SCP-775 on or near the host subject, and then resume feeding. SCP-775 will feed on any vertebrate animals, and will continue to feed and reproduce on the host until it is no longer capable of providing nutrients. Young SCP-775 will often burrow under the skin and attempt to feed on liquefying tissues directly. Hosts will eventually be fully hollowed out, with only the outer layers of skin remaining. SCP-775 will then fill the skin with eggs, then depart to find a new host. Hosts in advanced stages of infestation are described as taking on a β€œbloated” or β€œmisshapen” form, many times with multiple SCP-775 attached to many places on the body. β€œNest” skins are often filled to the maximum capacity that the skin is capable of holding. SCP-775 is capable of reproducing offspring two days after hatching, with eggs taking 24-30 hours to hatch on average. This accelerated life cycle and ability to resist most forms of physical damage cause SCP-775 to undergo an almost continuous population explosion. Bleach appears to be effective in controlling SCP-775, with most dying after several minutes of being submerged. Notes on recovery: SCP-775 was first encountered [DATA EXPUNGED] The Stull family appears to have been the first infected. Recovery teams found only an adult male and a juvenile female still living in the home, presumed to be β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (age β–ˆβ–ˆ) and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (age β–ˆβ–ˆ) Stull. Both were in very advanced stages of β–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ infestation, making identification difficult. Most members of SCP-775 appear to have attached to the hands, feet, face, and abdomen of the subjects. The remaining family members were found in the basement, being used as "nests" by SCP-775, with one of the skins already burst and discarded. Several thousand units of SCP-775 were present in the home, and it is unknown if the subjects used as "nests" were transported to the basement by SCP-775, the remaining family members, or expired there naturally. Evidence collected from the nests indicate that the biology and reproductive cycle of SCP-775 may share aspects with SCP-1655, if nests containing instances of either are discovered they must be destroyed. Β« SCP-774 | SCP-775 | SCP-776 Β»" nan
[ 4.34549242e-01 -3.74718845e-01 -2.69332051e-01 -6.39206544e-02 3.85401666e-01 -5.94687313e-02 1.06980570e-01 9.76863578e-02 5.72660387e-01 2.26204976e-01 -1.15859911e-01 2.68325657e-01 -8.66050646e-02 1.93259463e-01 2.08972007e-01 2.42730334e-01 2.47036412e-01 3.14199537e-01 4.12973642e-01 -3.51432800e-01 -4.17490564e-02 -5.36148548e-01 1.66958153e-01 3.15493256e-01 1.42734110e-01 -9.56013948e-02 1.27284601e-01 3.13774109e-01 -2.88721919e-01 -2.36460343e-01 1.69300541e-01 1.24540031e-01 1.77062690e-01 1.66915327e-01 -1.06440799e-04 -7.29840025e-02 -1.32937610e-01 7.26619512e-02 -1.26261204e-01 4.26396698e-01 2.37847373e-01 -5.94119310e-01 1.61574230e-01 -3.93659294e-01 1.98219463e-01 -4.92496133e-01 2.97023416e-01 2.26636976e-01 6.51555061e-01 1.63946137e-01 1.93302125e-01 2.01797187e-02 1.77802294e-01 2.40465239e-01 2.32558534e-01 2.36340761e-01 -1.29432693e-01 -3.20405781e-01 4.41922069e-01 2.61519074e-01 7.77985752e-02 -3.05757314e-01 -1.58903509e-01 -2.02879816e-01 1.65657356e-01 -1.80725202e-01 2.52950341e-01 -2.79435366e-01 1.47476286e-01 3.29675347e-01 -3.16612929e-01 1.92455754e-01 1.18335165e-01 9.38154384e-02 -2.97216088e-01 -2.97125608e-01 1.92460492e-01 1.23720109e-01 2.47339413e-01 -9.26804319e-02 2.11621135e-01 1.99652195e-01 -1.10397488e-01 2.03132853e-01 -1.13957718e-01 2.39001274e-01 -1.97619032e-02 -9.36249457e-03 2.05002785e-01 -3.02593678e-01 1.97205395e-01 5.19468263e-02 1.05883501e-01 4.12901580e-01 -2.89850146e-01 -1.41493574e-01 6.54157549e-02 -4.37728986e-02 6.10003710e-01 2.30071530e-01 4.71601665e-01 1.96290985e-01 -3.54711533e-01 2.51751423e-01 1.24038227e-01 -3.82550340e-03 -1.72815174e-01 -3.27856541e-01 -4.24665093e-01 5.02501488e-01 3.09157893e-02 6.75296858e-02 -1.62720039e-01 3.06178480e-01 2.16627285e-01 -1.71786189e-01 1.81954816e-01 -2.45660841e-01 -3.52735341e-01 3.24499190e-01 -7.91488588e-01 1.98626637e-01 6.28066584e-02 1.65360153e-01 3.32740903e-01 3.46414775e-01 6.33754535e-03 -1.59481347e-01 -4.28712480e-02 -1.02147043e-01 -3.03070605e-01 2.49369651e-01 -2.96178579e-01 -1.42641336e-01 -3.05519253e-01 1.81413397e-01 -8.56798589e-02 8.76672845e-03 3.63102704e-01 1.07954815e-01 -1.63973495e-01 6.53181300e-02 2.32303530e-01 2.59669453e-01 1.50453569e-02 -2.49021947e-01 -3.84698473e-02 -3.98658961e-02 -4.98762690e-02 5.68012185e-02 3.34621668e-01 1.20382152e-01 -2.00001433e-01 1.27492368e-01 -3.72318476e-01 -7.76874870e-02 4.89609465e-02 -2.22217560e-01 -5.72337359e-02 -1.10125571e-01 1.89823598e-01 1.52347386e-01 4.18056995e-02 -2.34897166e-01 8.77401233e-02 4.47923332e-01 5.52875578e-01 1.73178628e-01 -5.10183834e-02 4.20813225e-02 1.12688705e-01 1.57742389e-02 2.20135361e-01 -1.70749977e-01 -2.86376290e-02 -1.08259097e-01 -1.55470043e-01 -2.40985990e-01 -3.59090745e-01 -2.81769708e-02 -1.99593604e-01 3.40559930e-01 2.16296256e-01 -3.05299878e-01 -2.30887398e-01 1.94577813e-01 -5.22446811e-01 -8.74836445e-02 1.52701870e-01 -2.15172488e-02 -3.27420712e-01 -5.75878263e-01 2.52419651e-01 9.63449255e-02 1.69994578e-01 1.33254034e-02 2.37782732e-01 -1.66049227e-01 2.29842991e-01 7.53158629e-02 -4.71828952e-02 -9.53007042e-02 1.49892926e-01 -1.40782356e-01 -8.64017941e-03 -1.98211700e-01 -3.67551446e-01 -3.69518027e-02 1.65189892e-01 8.22303370e-02 -1.87110469e-01 5.23153245e-02 -3.79548818e-01 -2.35942733e-02 -2.40800940e-02 -3.96319926e-01 2.03627914e-01 -2.87657827e-01 5.83546869e-02 -3.20255488e-01 -1.95674747e-01 -6.37027770e-02 -1.45230442e-01 7.56863877e-02 -1.49924695e-01 5.32559097e-01 6.41750842e-02 9.00280774e-02 -2.53193825e-01 4.56662253e-02 1.24664687e-01 8.94246995e-02 4.32628691e-02 3.57542001e-02 -1.53863132e-01 -1.23244844e-01 4.41549063e-01 9.08099353e-01 -6.81118742e-02 2.03153521e-01 3.95977318e-01 1.69603884e-01 3.03315431e-01 -1.63986742e-01 -9.39702392e-02 -1.74602017e-01 -1.09089330e-01 2.53481925e-01 -2.66617179e-01 2.31990293e-02 -5.05243056e-02 5.22540882e-03 -1.56716689e-01 4.07355875e-01 2.51973085e-02 4.74655837e-01 1.35237783e-01 2.14843452e-02 -1.58358052e-01 2.99295276e-01 8.40975866e-02 3.40805463e-02 -5.29832989e-02 -1.80007070e-01 1.88254207e-01 -1.04028128e-01 7.10480213e-02 1.68239683e-01 -7.32568130e-02 1.19482823e-01 -8.42448026e-02 -2.14152500e-01 1.87344342e-01 3.48079987e-02 -1.63013056e-01 1.22383952e-01 1.16736770e-01 -5.40000610e-02 1.97946042e-01 -1.27400428e-01 -1.60667807e-01 -1.93706527e-01 -1.39911294e-01 7.25598335e-02 -2.01193899e-01 8.92578717e-03 -7.15835467e-02 -1.64753228e-01 -1.98775884e-02 -2.39088219e-02 -1.93810239e-01 -1.77548781e-01 -1.46352470e-01 -7.34666809e-02 -1.24812938e-01 1.09579489e-02 -4.05946881e-01 2.19179153e-01 5.82154356e-02 1.65244699e-01 -4.20794517e-01 -2.29541864e-02 -2.47525088e-02 1.24747261e-01 -1.64147466e-01 5.73749781e-01 -2.02645604e-02 1.38882831e-01 1.68655366e-01 1.07591987e-01 -1.86556488e-01 5.19241393e-02 5.62454574e-02 -1.40121922e-01 -1.25240181e-02 2.47033551e-01 -1.84066519e-01 -3.56155522e-02 1.15823247e-01 -5.24375021e-01 -6.97799027e-02 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-8.92949626e-02 -2.40503356e-01 -1.69737920e-01 9.37722549e-02 9.98126119e-02 1.78280666e-01 -2.58009523e-01 -5.13722450e-02 -2.22425133e-01 3.51290196e-01 1.28155306e-01 6.98514050e-03 3.87755930e-02 -1.63991421e-01 4.22595829e-01 -2.86145091e-01 -3.46220210e-02 1.95532218e-01 2.02638075e-01 3.33642840e-01 1.46873266e-01 -9.42188352e-02 -1.84507295e-02 -1.23328693e-01 -5.60432412e-02 1.63332641e-01 -6.76346421e-01 -2.44828060e-01 -2.36507967e-01 1.59188285e-01 -3.26232582e-01 -4.48007435e-02 1.31760553e-01 -6.41845958e-03 -1.20782949e-01 -1.20085277e-01 4.29650217e-01 1.09755851e-01 -6.36825040e-02 -3.02570343e-01 -1.45475462e-01 -1.90798528e-02 -6.05773851e-02 1.24444284e-01 2.68510729e-02 -2.64720023e-01 3.72831039e-02 5.67043126e-02 8.04167166e-02 8.97360593e-02 2.75812984e-01 6.50292754e-01 -8.14209208e-02 -3.24211121e-01 -6.49887621e-02 1.23103268e-01 1.55240297e-01 4.70847756e-01 2.66774207e-01 -4.94964682e-02 2.71613210e-01 -4.42826040e-02 1.67261854e-01 -6.65824339e-02 2.64740556e-01 -8.45380723e-02 2.36957535e-01 -2.05776304e-01 4.97469902e-01 -1.32314926e-02 -1.81357101e-01 -9.62640345e-02 7.37949908e-02 2.26303022e-02 -1.01347100e-02 6.77555740e-01 1.10581934e+00 1.56284884e-01 -5.44991381e-02 3.59299451e-01 -4.09250259e-01 -2.22725123e-01 -3.31071258e-01 -3.08756512e-02 -3.15441579e-01 -6.04363024e-01 -3.72596718e-02 -1.59585208e-01 3.26065421e-02 4.64269787e-01 7.57943019e-02 7.78438384e-03 -2.52567291e-01 1.36294171e-01 1.94219872e-01 1.67718455e-01 -8.85620806e-03 -1.90977201e-01 -1.42557606e-01 1.61225080e-01 -2.59559751e-01 1.09128460e-01 8.35639164e-02 -1.60469770e-01 -3.03394467e-01 -3.05843614e-02 -2.90988875e-03 1.67356968e-01 -4.79610562e-02 4.57617175e-03 -1.15340017e-01 -1.07589841e-01 -1.40369743e-01 -3.74224424e-01 -4.32183355e-01 -4.29500252e-01 -1.23292781e-01 1.82761729e-01 8.77051473e-01 -3.74198496e-01 -9.58209485e-02 2.62847602e-01 3.78249645e-01 3.50460373e-02 8.90190378e-02 3.08220983e-01 6.88471422e-02 6.53160885e-02 -3.90177779e-02 2.07286507e-01 -1.16304234e-02 -4.62513745e-01 2.52918035e-01 1.85062066e-01 -1.45839015e-02 -1.08163524e-02 1.08134188e-01 4.11758721e-01 2.81825271e-02 -1.54062346e-01 3.14240694e-01 -3.98891270e-02 -1.41597524e-01 2.07208127e-01 2.31637374e-01 -5.99267147e-02 1.56095430e-01 -9.57744122e-02 -2.39136204e-01 -2.97702193e-01 3.22475612e-01 -5.28370403e-03 -7.07718134e-02 2.76794106e-01 -5.67757607e-01 -2.04965711e-01 -7.97432214e-02 1.94490567e-01 2.92171873e-02 -2.38325670e-01 1.05609819e-01 -3.13311279e-01 -1.09754100e-01 1.91132650e-01 -1.40387118e-01 2.56940663e-01 -2.74273336e-01 2.59115249e-01 -1.43553749e-01 -6.68465123e-02 -3.04144859e-01 1.31256253e-01 -3.52749407e-01 -2.49906540e-01 3.98559123e-01 -3.87637347e-01 2.50230223e-01 -8.58356282e-02 8.22827891e-02 -5.78029603e-02 -4.49610263e-01 -1.53222203e-01 -1.83743522e-01 8.59125480e-02 -7.21951388e-03 1.43008465e-02 -5.90937287e-02 -9.34474766e-02 4.39652279e-02 -1.99435607e-01 -1.61496222e-01 -1.36711881e-01 2.18630582e-01 3.54303345e-02 3.71979922e-01 1.58963934e-01 -1.05712831e-01 1.32130459e-01 -2.80471798e-03 5.43910973e-02 1.06723890e-01 -4.21308354e-02 -1.08890116e-01 3.18664573e-02 3.67138267e-01 1.73844635e-01 1.84298873e-01 1.68448780e-02 2.45365351e-01 2.31661145e-02 -4.21198934e-01 2.19529450e-01 -1.08283378e-01 6.83235705e-01 -8.65534097e-02 -7.73446262e-02 -1.63883418e-02 2.08342597e-01 -7.71965012e-02 2.59170443e-01 3.62208426e-01 1.20548971e-01 4.72953357e-02 2.79651493e-01 -9.77310389e-02 -4.37645346e-01 4.39320087e-01 2.96988875e-01 1.80840641e-01 -3.40598106e-01 1.63662955e-02 1.66912889e-03 -3.62387091e-01 -2.72643805e-01 4.95481670e-01 1.88114494e-01 6.02673411e-01 4.31644529e-01 2.78001606e-01 -1.41306520e-01 4.89898682e-01 3.77664387e-01 1.23575203e-01 2.20645279e-01 -5.52585900e-01 1.26413018e-01 -1.86751768e-01 1.05461419e-01 3.64331067e-01 6.20154500e-01 3.93565856e-02 -2.11370319e-01 -2.88403392e-01 1.98131204e-01 4.94402945e-02 3.08459431e-01 4.25800145e-01 -2.31335506e-01 -5.05478144e-01 -2.98070222e-01 1.51343808e-01 -7.13523552e-02 2.65212774e-01 -5.86613044e-02 2.29009494e-01 1.89922806e-02 -3.61316442e-01 2.01091483e-01 6.21402740e-01 -1.85715392e-01 -5.40269092e-02 4.99108523e-01 -3.81977111e-01 1.85884777e-02 3.57881263e-02 2.99394190e-01 -8.59700590e-02 -2.04141915e-01 -1.98830515e-01 -6.50036037e-02 -2.32118562e-01 -4.51382424e-04 1.08857661e-01 1.05859332e-01 1.81781948e-01 1.00074001e-01 7.87261650e-02 -2.67604083e-01 -3.75447303e-01 -5.98961040e-02 2.77096808e-01 -2.36661553e-01 4.71624732e-01 5.45894243e-02 -1.54287130e-01 -2.38828033e-01 -1.23817690e-01 -3.05398643e-01 1.46776050e-01 -9.84773755e-01 -1.48711979e-01 7.84516335e-02 -2.94732302e-01 9.15384591e-02 -7.13343499e-03 3.24174047e-01 -1.25530567e-02 7.59371296e-02 1.65085848e-02 -6.62394539e-02 -2.50778496e-02 -3.33626233e-02 -2.77865827e-01 -3.98453563e-01 1.30419284e-01 -1.69083714e-01 -1.49718761e-01 2.02463403e-01 4.33324613e-02 4.38672164e-03 -1.97391957e-01 1.04766779e-01 -9.82014760e-02 1.96033791e-01 2.63391644e-01 -1.16074800e-01 1.18991891e-02 1.55453295e-01 -7.01162592e-02 -1.33146703e-01 1.59690872e-01 2.03949109e-01 -6.27673388e-01 -3.07291418e-01 -1.84064299e-01 5.57327688e-01 1.05968229e-01 -3.10927145e-02 -8.18956792e-02 -4.66985852e-01 -2.18539134e-01 -7.46985078e-02 -1.70662418e-01 5.43040156e-01 3.33967149e-01 2.82538801e-01 -6.87673688e-02 1.20297402e-01 2.61065960e-01 -5.53843640e-02 -1.56968012e-01 2.54598260e-02 7.48939142e-02 -1.07379973e-01 -1.87281176e-01 2.43854389e-01 -2.74448153e-02 1.62061095e-01 1.15956306e-01 -8.05289447e-02 1.44705459e-01 -2.57029444e-01 4.22335804e-01 1.56641938e-02 -5.88367246e-02 -2.09080383e-01 2.95874737e-02 -2.28349399e-02 -1.64492205e-02 -2.23430127e-01 -2.42024213e-01 -1.49812296e-01 -2.75093131e-03 -1.12528168e-01 3.02516902e-03 -2.33943179e-01 -2.95828372e-01 -3.03093463e-01 3.27271186e-02 5.68347834e-02 1.01671852e-01 -1.13179855e-01 -2.59937555e-01]
"The Youth Cult" active "Item #: SCP-776 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A 6.5 meter wall with posted guards and a surveillance system has been built around the town inhabited by SCP-776-A. Civilians are under the impression that this marks the territory of a government research facility. Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ has been established within these limits for research into the anomalous properties of SCP-776-A. Personnel assigned to SCP-776-A are free to interact with its members at any given time, but are encouraged to limit such contact to only that which is needed to further understanding of the SCP. Interaction with members of SCP-776-A is limited strictly to testing in light of the events of Incident 776-3. No individual who is part of the SCP-776-A group is allowed to leave the town under any circumstances. Description: SCP-776-A is the adult population of a remote town located in the far northwest corner of Russia, estimated at 6β–ˆβ–ˆ individuals. The members of SCP-776-A have discovered a method of reversing biological aging, designated SCP-776-B. The ritual involves the sacrifice of a human being who must be younger than the performer of the ritual, with children being the preferable subjects of sacrifice. The complete instructions for enacting SCP-776-B have been recorded in Document 776-109-Alpha, a Level 776-4 restricted document. Members of SCP-776-A claim to have been using SCP-776-B since 18β–ˆβ–ˆ to sustain eternal life and semi-eternal youth. Members of SCP-776-A refuse to divulge the origins of SCP-776-B. The average age of SCP-776-A members ranges from 23 to 51 years of age. This cycle of aging progresses as follows: SCP-776 was discovered in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ after an individual named β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ who had stumbled upon the town in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ revisited it 12 years later after remembering the hospitality of its citizens. Upon entering the town, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ noticed that the town was filled with young adults instead of the families he had encountered during his first visit. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ reported that when he questioned a citizen about this, the citizen immediately turned hostile and attempted to murder him. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ successfully escaped the town and reported it to nearby authorities. The Foundation soon took notice and took over investigation and administered Class A amnestics to Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. After a heated debate, the members of SCP-776-A agreed to allow the Foundation to isolate and study them. SCP-776-A claim their town's name to be β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Another town with this name was abandoned in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ; however, the town populated by SCP-776-A was discovered in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ years before the abandonment of the aforementioned town. Russian government officials claim to not have been aware of SCP-776-A's existence nor the town they inhabit, stating never to have plans to build another β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-776-A members claim to have no knowledge of when or why "β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ" was founded, saying that none of their elders ever discussed the topic. Incident 776-3: On 03/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ hours, approximately β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ individual SCP-776-A members launched an assault on Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ, killing β–ˆβ–ˆ personnel, including β–ˆ guards and β–ˆ scientists. The remaining guards used their combined force to suppress the attack, killing β–ˆβ–ˆ members of SCP-776-A in the process. The organizer of the group, SCP-776-A-276, was apprehended for interview while the rest of the attacking group was terminated. Interview 776-6 Interviewee: SCP-776-A-276 Interviewer: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Date: 03/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ hours Foreword: Interview log is translated from Russian. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was accompanied by 2 security guards to ensure 276 would cause him no harm. <Begin Log> Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: 276, would you care to explain why you lead an attack on Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ? 276: Don't call me that. Call me by my real name, [REDACTED]. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Very well, then. [REDACTED], why did you organize an attack on our facility? 276: …I suppose there is no point in hiding it now. You scientists are really the only hope we have left. You see, the town has been having…problems…as of recent. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Please elaborate. 276: We've been trying to raise children again…for the process, but a lot of the townspeople haven't been able to have children anymore. No matter how much they try, none of the women can get pregnant. Well, some can, but… (276 sighs and pauses for 5 seconds) 276: The babies…they come out all wrong. I've heard of some with too many eyes, and not enough skin, others that look like they had been dead long before they exited the womb. They don't live past a few days at most. We thought we could find a cure if we searched your labs. I originally thought my wife and I were safe, after we had a perfectly healthy child…but then… (276 is silent for 8 seconds) Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Please continue, [REDACTED] 276: …My most recent child always seemed uncomfortable around me and my wife, always preferring to be alone. I didn't think too much of it, but then the time came when my child could speak properly, when she was around four years old…I've kept her locked in the basement ever since. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: What was it that your daughter said? 276: …She said, "Papa, why did you do that to me? Why did you [DATA EXPUNGED] I…I didn't even notice how much she looked like my fourth daughter up until that moment… (276 begins to sob) Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: …276? (276 falls to the floor, still sobbing. The guards approach and escort 276 out of Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ) <End Log> Β« SCP-775 | SCP-776 | SCP-777 Β»" nan
[ 2.52247006e-01 -8.86493027e-02 -1.32049203e-01 1.31121546e-01 -8.36848989e-02 -1.93114564e-01 3.08967620e-01 -1.10639244e-01 5.45016170e-01 1.93504244e-01 1.80659235e-01 -2.00785160e-01 -2.73745283e-02 -1.81664094e-01 -3.26640844e-01 1.03949733e-01 1.72497675e-01 5.17708017e-03 2.02436149e-01 -2.25307480e-01 -2.39465401e-01 -1.04519509e-01 -1.17837340e-01 1.37139082e-01 -1.32063955e-01 2.18244139e-02 1.68432355e-01 2.34011546e-01 -5.76294884e-02 -2.13975713e-01 4.77504097e-02 -2.98858061e-02 -1.54541492e-01 9.24508691e-01 -1.08057851e-04 -3.14263672e-01 2.51952764e-02 -1.19869031e-01 -1.19321682e-01 2.79646546e-01 -5.51799200e-02 2.36048833e-01 -2.10609004e-01 -2.78543741e-01 -7.14919064e-04 -7.58853704e-02 2.22774208e-01 7.68799856e-02 4.14907217e-01 -1.02378046e-02 1.96218878e-01 -1.71230212e-01 -5.73215671e-02 3.21010016e-02 -5.79373278e-02 4.68258947e-01 -1.00620016e-01 -1.41655460e-01 2.90381342e-01 3.12202036e-01 1.22864872e-01 1.57658041e-01 -2.17780769e-01 -2.33607814e-01 2.61465341e-01 -5.52925646e-01 -4.70002815e-02 -2.54609019e-01 6.29073232e-02 -9.94377285e-02 -5.43328486e-02 6.23188019e-02 4.19589490e-01 3.86088878e-01 -1.72894418e-01 2.01115519e-01 2.14486234e-02 2.29930833e-01 1.59842370e-03 5.33739552e-02 -6.23752624e-02 8.30328241e-02 -1.42433748e-01 -2.14544356e-01 2.15315163e-01 3.24863315e-01 -1.69890616e-02 2.42639259e-01 -1.84398800e-01 -8.23487341e-02 6.09647259e-02 2.06633821e-01 2.41173953e-01 2.19983414e-01 1.94098279e-01 -5.70540465e-02 -2.82878000e-02 6.08864659e-03 3.74090284e-01 -4.06441651e-02 1.30081102e-01 4.91301194e-02 -3.18864696e-02 7.22449422e-02 -3.57123874e-02 -1.80939272e-01 6.69011414e-01 -3.57864141e-01 -2.97767192e-01 3.09955925e-01 -1.85343638e-01 3.33041579e-01 -2.31004223e-01 -2.72511356e-02 3.65998447e-01 1.53150707e-01 -1.39950454e-01 -9.26812366e-02 1.06302224e-01 3.34435731e-01 -7.13241696e-01 2.05136538e-01 -3.50794829e-02 2.55281061e-01 3.31636101e-01 4.53440875e-01 -1.09187506e-01 -3.23356688e-01 -1.68204933e-01 -1.11543395e-01 -2.85777003e-01 3.26320648e-01 -2.80950785e-01 1.64415658e-01 6.62740469e-02 3.23676206e-02 -1.25974463e-02 1.16328172e-01 -1.53367504e-01 -4.72763367e-02 5.04150875e-02 -2.54843086e-01 6.85142875e-01 2.96737999e-01 -3.85747045e-01 -2.92216361e-01 7.72090480e-02 6.59720227e-02 -3.68328346e-03 -1.20762046e-02 1.87322855e-01 1.21900840e-02 2.22248346e-01 2.71420717e-01 -1.39355268e-02 3.67010087e-02 2.86535263e-01 1.07989488e-02 1.01302722e-02 -1.73411354e-01 2.32668847e-01 9.54715237e-02 -1.44696936e-01 -1.33939892e-01 1.20706871e-01 4.80317116e-01 6.51246682e-02 -2.77074814e-01 -1.54947132e-01 -2.35633776e-01 -2.37272397e-01 -3.13458234e-01 4.26071696e-02 9.28256065e-02 -9.98796076e-02 1.20369956e-01 -6.15925908e-01 -1.47063538e-01 -5.18833339e-01 -4.88980234e-01 -1.76441595e-01 -6.95996583e-02 3.17008764e-01 -1.25418559e-01 1.68020681e-01 5.36810495e-02 -2.25613385e-01 7.47183487e-02 3.26111794e-01 5.80399409e-02 -3.45655233e-01 -2.57504344e-01 -1.90610103e-02 -1.01791382e-01 9.45821106e-02 9.54700783e-02 2.21833467e-01 8.96585826e-03 1.54644743e-01 1.68301135e-01 -1.08192407e-01 5.76017685e-02 1.97646558e-01 2.52108108e-02 3.10441013e-02 -1.40331656e-01 -1.41218901e-01 -8.84272531e-02 5.98827362e-01 2.20049545e-01 -1.76461309e-01 -9.45248678e-02 -3.41132283e-01 1.77010000e-01 -1.00915618e-01 -4.95946825e-01 2.00340226e-01 2.30893865e-01 1.19700581e-01 -5.95504880e-01 1.71394497e-01 3.40270787e-01 -3.73635679e-01 -2.12293744e-01 -9.85677354e-03 1.97874948e-01 -1.19919196e-01 4.57241200e-02 -2.90360808e-01 -8.98864046e-02 2.50907153e-01 -4.63312492e-02 1.25649154e-01 1.09264471e-01 -1.53477434e-02 -1.50040671e-01 4.36174393e-01 5.78131437e-01 -1.79516047e-01 -3.02899361e-01 4.51640273e-03 1.12024359e-02 1.96916848e-01 1.32308319e-01 -1.52287036e-01 2.16988176e-01 4.14805487e-02 2.62554556e-01 -7.24711269e-02 -1.68302923e-01 5.35100326e-02 -2.20749050e-01 -1.80302054e-01 3.10847405e-02 -3.13003480e-01 3.41628879e-01 -6.74757361e-01 1.40973419e-01 1.38931870e-01 3.29289526e-01 -1.33450031e-01 5.22178225e-02 -2.79247165e-02 -4.92578372e-02 1.15440078e-01 -2.21464261e-01 2.73414433e-01 5.53732991e-01 2.16466129e-01 1.35829300e-01 4.58265431e-02 -1.37869671e-01 3.95765156e-02 6.14014566e-02 -2.18722850e-01 -1.06260985e-01 3.42866391e-01 2.67258555e-01 3.64915967e-01 3.59089315e-01 -3.25521797e-01 -5.03950596e-01 -5.91844833e-03 1.22010052e-01 -8.37514699e-02 2.93875843e-01 1.95948958e-01 2.05601171e-01 2.60998160e-01 2.17848018e-01 -8.62463191e-02 -2.57749289e-01 -1.46059304e-01 1.42723590e-01 -9.74683836e-02 1.38786048e-01 2.11738534e-02 4.15628314e-01 -7.99424499e-02 1.27317473e-01 -5.19851446e-01 6.21550120e-02 3.90420169e-01 3.48107368e-02 -3.44403088e-01 6.65340945e-02 4.71239924e-01 -2.56123573e-01 -1.25205323e-01 -3.63889426e-01 -2.39885435e-01 2.59008497e-01 2.42532622e-02 -3.34608406e-01 1.05366789e-01 3.30002725e-01 -5.55473305e-02 -5.24826407e-01 9.37509537e-02 -8.83847237e-01 -2.84475088e-01 -1.68495074e-01 8.95221978e-02 1.34548739e-01 -1.63443610e-01 7.47399032e-02 -1.84781566e-01 -1.89766601e-01 1.21859154e-02 2.87497967e-01 1.54856578e-01 1.19764544e-01 -1.20765194e-01 6.06465377e-02 3.66256386e-01 1.40386239e-01 -3.18565905e-01 9.94706973e-02 8.21659062e-03 -4.05267514e-02 -1.43801793e-02 2.39832684e-01 -2.17017636e-01 2.30030660e-02 2.99942762e-01 -3.59668493e-01 -2.23169476e-01 -9.93015617e-03 5.22562824e-02 -1.40034035e-01 -2.00048745e-01 5.01900077e-01 1.10986330e-01 -2.72671044e-01 -3.87438983e-02 2.21163630e-02 -2.94390339e-02 -2.14624897e-01 2.69388080e-01 -3.75833333e-01 -1.35547832e-01 4.29315954e-01 3.46009761e-01 -4.57464457e-01 -9.63442773e-02 -3.08616072e-01 2.38572415e-02 -1.04483869e-02 -1.96182821e-02 -1.97204888e-01 2.95135349e-01 4.24992815e-02 -1.94433793e-01 7.48986974e-02 -8.33970029e-03 1.95399284e-01 1.48365349e-01 2.42308043e-02 -9.81011167e-02 -1.00323021e-01 -2.59145349e-01 4.73244101e-01 5.06572723e-01 -1.34722307e-01 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9.27124396e-02 -6.07794784e-02 2.68974066e-01 -1.30899414e-01 1.78973023e-02 -1.37202054e-01 -3.01846474e-01 -1.40936270e-01 4.55355905e-02 6.28183261e-02 1.83215111e-01 2.42779315e-01 1.34361207e+00 4.09212887e-01 1.46947056e-01 9.95401815e-02 -2.12131590e-01 3.58303962e-03 -1.87289372e-01 -1.37202054e-01 -2.55542755e-01 1.56980395e-01 4.04521152e-02 -2.75652498e-01 1.27651542e-01 3.32043767e-01 -3.68191510e-01 -3.43170196e-01 -4.78996187e-01 -6.31849468e-02 2.65282631e-01 3.15115303e-01 -3.08625758e-01 -4.47572879e-02 4.30416018e-01 2.20385477e-01 -4.54371758e-02 -2.76957937e-02 -1.24031335e-01 7.51470923e-02 -2.19117612e-01 1.59892589e-02 -1.61395401e-01 6.09630570e-02 -2.11915508e-01 1.69916466e-01 5.95371276e-02 -2.73438245e-01 4.88283299e-02 -8.29188246e-03 -8.25645253e-02 4.59638704e-03 7.03348517e-02 2.56199658e-01 4.09901887e-01 -6.19378239e-02 3.42106491e-01 5.75476550e-02 1.07386380e-01 9.12603177e-03 -1.76045001e-01 -6.07101023e-02 -1.79604888e-01 -1.81451768e-01 -4.71128732e-01 -3.76430415e-02 4.29403245e-01 -3.02856147e-01 3.51902813e-01 3.62192750e-01 -4.69121158e-01 -1.58666417e-01 1.92441747e-01 -9.77166183e-03 -5.54910861e-02 -4.76857275e-01 -1.06870793e-01 -8.02519470e-02 -7.44060874e-02 2.65382439e-01 -5.75840212e-02 -3.53445904e-03 1.26050189e-01 3.38109314e-01 -2.13157550e-01 -4.30049121e-01 1.07392669e-01 1.07092686e-01 -3.04254144e-01 -1.57633394e-01 -2.60020178e-02 -5.27279675e-01 -3.08487401e-03 3.73318732e-01 9.45141390e-02 -1.26447409e-01 -2.39122719e-01 -2.88934082e-01 -9.69264135e-02 -8.97042900e-02 -2.18394011e-01 -1.02713764e-01 -1.97126344e-01 1.91195562e-01 -4.81370948e-02 5.87556371e-03 -4.07869071e-01 -1.22884236e-01 -1.64149031e-01 -7.06339031e-02 2.93511510e-01 -3.75417680e-01 -7.66749233e-02 -2.35575408e-01 1.21640109e-01 -6.07645214e-02 -3.27245414e-01 -1.58815801e-01 -1.88888907e-01 1.27335176e-01 -2.30571767e-03 -5.07206060e-02 -1.76666230e-01 9.97998342e-02 1.48625271e-02 1.37280524e-01 -5.52264825e-02 3.01853031e-01 1.71124354e-01 5.59818566e-01 7.19021913e-03 3.04972470e-01 3.76979411e-02 -8.40335041e-02 2.49778762e-01 6.71175480e-01 -1.65489867e-01 8.59382078e-02 -9.44360495e-02 -9.30774659e-02 -2.60525197e-01 4.60922629e-01 -2.00936288e-01 2.45019242e-01 2.70493776e-01 3.20747882e-01 2.23133475e-01 2.67996825e-02 2.49429986e-01 6.24303631e-02 -2.74424791e-01 6.54763579e-02 -2.30663821e-01 3.21774483e-01 7.80995190e-02 -3.40559147e-02 1.62205964e-01 -8.07848275e-02 -9.53817964e-02 1.07743636e-01 -2.36360803e-01 -3.57585073e-01 1.11608632e-01 4.11489010e-02 4.17267025e-01 -2.41143540e-01 9.83227119e-02 1.00415565e-01 -2.81901628e-01 -1.03649348e-01 3.49825352e-01 1.65527239e-01 1.28867909e-01 -7.01784566e-02 4.00330305e-01 -1.47008821e-01 2.09902897e-01 4.55029041e-01 2.38726661e-01 3.45303804e-01 -1.47512212e-01 8.85701030e-02 2.11502627e-01 -1.33675188e-01 -2.59818614e-01 4.45016503e-01 -2.21000448e-01 -1.97206959e-02 -8.56047496e-02 8.29162002e-02 6.08670749e-02 8.17909911e-02 1.07353002e-01 -7.70986453e-02 -3.48921031e-01 -2.63600379e-01 9.19914097e-02 2.00283602e-02 -1.49930328e-01 3.86210182e-03 -9.32391435e-02 2.65618593e-01 2.00313315e-01 1.08409956e-01 4.69248980e-01 -2.32866973e-01 -8.40431973e-02 9.54702348e-02 2.08708823e-01 1.48899898e-01 -8.66711959e-02 8.93024355e-03 -1.23696558e-01 -8.67692381e-02 2.92848013e-02 -3.70708168e-01 -8.77559334e-02 -2.15284050e-01 1.24360792e-01 1.82257012e-01 -2.71216869e-01 -4.11785617e-02 1.38597295e-01 -3.36900383e-01 -5.16140163e-01 1.39638647e-01 9.53849927e-02 3.22740018e-01 2.57486522e-01 -1.90596089e-01 -4.39260930e-01 2.40219444e-01 3.12112123e-01 -2.30676353e-01 -3.14176738e-01 -3.96944404e-01 -1.13905929e-01 3.85857612e-01 -3.88609201e-01 6.88856393e-02 -2.03891128e-01 2.62256622e-01 -1.09461375e-01 -1.69497862e-01 2.34825581e-01 -3.21604401e-01 -2.35302016e-01 6.49781227e-02 2.24501356e-01 -3.18551242e-01 5.01135644e-03 -2.25652922e-02 8.01194161e-02 1.98509827e-01 -2.70831555e-01 -7.62676895e-02 -3.00759792e-01 -1.39925554e-01 -1.97532713e-01 1.74079150e-01 3.90598178e-01 1.97449222e-01 1.41232312e-01 -7.56595805e-02 2.15751931e-01 -3.11893255e-01 1.99791327e-01 4.41046894e-01 -6.14130497e-01 1.69877887e-01 2.24945277e-01 1.79201782e-01 1.99084152e-02 2.37861872e-01 -1.43586069e-01 -2.49426410e-01 -8.78557563e-02 1.83057245e-02 -1.56184942e-01 2.11869061e-01 -4.44919318e-02 3.01202655e-01 1.22100353e-01 2.16492280e-01 2.36893162e-01 3.95077579e-02 -1.36131927e-01 -1.11277975e-01 -4.75491017e-01 1.27864122e-01 3.74164730e-02 3.48444551e-01 -2.59720773e-01 3.20124596e-01 -2.70015132e-02 -2.32357949e-01 -2.46632099e-01 -3.92162204e-02 3.80379409e-01 6.66370988e-02 -2.50226587e-01 1.41331442e-02 5.13718612e-02 -2.70289127e-02 -1.79524764e-01 1.36108682e-01 -6.98645636e-02 -1.62612498e-01 8.10433477e-02 -5.60765028e-01 -2.53857911e-01 -3.73548627e-01 -2.38523304e-01 -2.26589646e-02 2.28607252e-01 -2.58378424e-02 9.70506072e-02 -1.57254830e-01 1.49562091e-01]
"Kingdom of Sand" active "Item #: SCP-777 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The area known as SCP-777 is to be contained behind two (2) meter tall electrical fencing. Motion activated turrets are to be placed within the area in order to prevent any instances of SCP-777-1 from escaping the containment area. No liquids are allowed within the area known as SCP-777. Any civilians approaching SCP-777 are to be interrogated and subsequently dosed with Class-A amnestics. For the sake of secrecy, SCP-777 is to be represented as a military bombing range on all maps of the area, and any satellite imaging is to be doctored by dedicated staff to represent the area as such. Any personnel entering SCP-777 are to wear sealed ventilated pressure suits to prevent liquid coming into contact with SCP-777. These suits are to be checked for ruptures before entering SCP-777. Any instances of SCP-777-1 outside of SCP-777 are to be destroyed at the first possible opportunity. In the event that SCP-777 experiences rainfall, on-site personnel are to authorize a bombing run to neutralize the threat posed. Description: SCP-777 is an area of land spanning five square kilometers located in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Desert, referred to by locals as 'The Kingdom of Sand'. Unidentified radio interference is present within SCP-777, with the source currently unknown. SCP-777 demonstrates a further anomalous property when sand within the area comes into contact with any type of liquid. The moisturized sand will animate, typically taking the shape of an animal proportionate to the amount of sand moisturized. These entities will hereafter be referred to as SCP-777-1. Instances of SCP-777-1 will behave aggressively to any lifeforms that enter SCP-777, and will attack on sight. SCP-777-1 will single-mindedly hunt their prey and have on several occasions followed intruders out of SCP-777 and to nearby towns. Instances of SCP-777-1 do not appear to attack each other, and instead behave in a hive mind, using flanking maneuvers to distract and kill their victims. SCP-777-1 typically collapse and become inanimate if not provided with further moisture after twenty-four (24) hours, although this timescale seems to be longer in smaller instances. Sand retrieved from SCP-777 appears to retain its anomalous qualities until it is taken a further six (6) kilometers away from SCP-777. Taking advantage of this, a research outpost has been established two (2) kilometers away from SCP-777, and research on the anomalous sand is currently being undertaken. Analysis of the radio interference and evidence given in Interview 777-1 indicate that the source of the anomalous events is the center of SCP-777. However, all attempts to reach it have met with failure. History: SCP-777 was discovered by the Foundation during a routine myth verification operation undertaken by Mobile Task Force Zeta-17 "Beach Bullies". Contact was lost with Task Force Zeta-17 one (1) hour after the mission began. Mobile Task Force Phi-22 "Well Wishers" then began a rescue operation and managed to retrieve β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the leader of Mobile Task Force Zeta-17 and only survivor of the incident, on the outskirts of SCP-777, who informed research staff of SCP-777's nature. Test 777-1a Materials used: One (1) grain of sand taken from SCP-777. Result: Drop of water is applied to sand. No visible effect. Test 777-1b Materials used: Small clump of sand taken from SCP-777. Result: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into three (3) European hornets, which then escape from containment and attack Security Officer β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Security Officer β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is relatively unharmed, as the hornets are unable to properly sting him. SCP-777-1 was then destroyed by a second member of security. Text 777-1c Materials used: Two connected small clumps of sand taken from SCP-777. Result: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into what appears to be a hybrid between a crab and an octopus. SCP-777-1 is immobile and destroyed without incident. Test 777-1d Materials used: Mixture of regular sand and sand taken from SCP-777. Result: Water is applied to mixture. Sand taken from SCP-777 animates into an African rock python, which burrows out of the sand and is destroyed by security when it attempts to escape containment. Test 777-1e Materials used: Sand taken from SCP-777 contained in a test tube. Result: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into an unidentified mass which demonstrates acidic qualities. SCP-777-1 destroyed without incident. Test 777-1f Materials used: Large mound of sand taken from SCP-777 and a tank filled with water. Result: Sand is inserted into water tank. Sand takes slightly longer to animate into a juvenile great white shark. SCP-777-1 does not suffocate when water is removed from the tank, and is subsequently destroyed by security. Test 777-1g Materials used: Sand taken from SCP-777 formed into sculpture of a cat. Result: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into three (3) abnormally large scorpions. SCP-777-1 destroyed by security without incident. Test 777-1h Materials used: Sand taken from SCP-777 placed next to a small plant. Result: Water is applied to sand. Sand animates into an unknown form of plant life, which appears to strangle the plant. SCP-777-1 destroyed by security without incident. Note: It appears SCP-777-1 manifests itself as whatever is deadliest to the nearest organism. - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Interviewed: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Interviewer: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Foreword: This interview was conducted after β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was retrieved from SCP-777. Interview is taking place to ascertain SCP-777's nature. <Begin Log> Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Hello, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. I just need to ask you a few questions about what happened. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: H-hi Doc. Fire away, I guess. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: When did you discover SCP-777's…unique quality? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: We'd been in that damn desert for fifteen minutes, and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ just wipes some sweat off his hand and…and he…oh Jesus Christ… Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Please continue, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. (β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ does not respond. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ sighs and applies a Class B Desensitizer.) Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: This will help, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Now, tell me what happened in the desert. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (Monotonous) β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ got swarmed…swarmed by the ants. They ate him and then they ate β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and then they ate β–ˆβ–ˆ and then they ate me. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: No, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, they did not eat you. You are sitting here, talking to me. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I am sitting here, talking to you. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Yes. What happened next, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Me and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ ran away. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was bleeding and he fell over and it made a messed up crab. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I'm sorry? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Looked like a crab gone wrong. Too long and too flat, and I think were…were…blind… Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: What happened next? (β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ does not reply.) Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ? (Ten seconds pass.) Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Answer the question, please. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I…I kept on running. Those things were right behind me, and I just kept on running. They got β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, think it was rats that got him. I just kept on running. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Did you see anything else when you were in SCP-777, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Sand. It was just sand. Buildings made of sand, oceans made of sand, animals made of sand. They were huge, bigger than the buildings. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: This was the center, yes? The center of SCP-777? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: No. It was close, though. I carried on running, and I went through there? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Can you tell me what was in the center, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: There was nothing. Just…just more sand. (β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ collapsed at this point and was removed by medical staff.) <End Log> Closing Statement: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was later diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and given temporary leave for stress. Β« SCP-776 | SCP-777 | SCP-778 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-777" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 771-1-new.jpg Source: Flickr License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Title: Erg Chebbi [2005] Author: Rosino Release year: 2006 Filename: 771-2-new.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Title: Sand Sculpture Author: Axel Kuhlmann Release year: N/A For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Photo of SCP-777 taken by robotic drone. Escaped instance of SCP-777-1."
[ 2.80570656e-01 -3.63835007e-01 -1.62276328e-01 3.50801162e-02 7.58396229e-03 -4.15665537e-01 3.85691859e-02 2.62115628e-01 3.66138816e-01 1.62990376e-01 1.76963732e-01 9.97812748e-02 -1.75777018e-01 -1.00907162e-01 1.14189580e-01 -1.10156097e-01 2.43038312e-01 8.01600739e-02 3.73613089e-02 -1.05948038e-01 -2.04768151e-01 -4.10234183e-01 -6.23717979e-02 1.21096030e-01 3.93714160e-01 6.27055466e-02 -2.20529988e-01 1.56273976e-01 1.12727201e-02 -4.44231510e-01 2.84256876e-01 6.66125789e-02 3.71302724e-01 2.95065522e-01 -1.04675979e-04 -1.43244207e-01 9.80069116e-03 -1.04167685e-02 6.54298589e-02 3.02374333e-01 -3.14798117e-01 6.82604685e-02 -8.19750875e-02 -3.30257505e-01 1.32620603e-01 -1.70169815e-01 1.27473593e-01 3.86000037e-01 7.63846397e-01 3.18723693e-02 2.18547165e-01 -1.23419771e-02 -1.10844888e-01 1.91589803e-01 -3.98438238e-02 4.32892591e-01 -2.48082116e-01 -2.05624282e-01 2.41713911e-01 1.38870046e-01 1.12272166e-01 1.77615851e-01 -4.07968014e-01 -2.04400927e-01 3.85634601e-01 -1.79303333e-01 7.70103047e-03 -1.42528373e-03 9.43756327e-02 2.06662133e-01 -2.57688373e-01 4.60142232e-02 -1.43408207e-02 1.99952334e-01 -2.97051281e-01 -6.48036003e-02 2.47942522e-01 3.51030767e-01 2.19182715e-01 1.39777809e-01 -8.75292271e-02 2.91536450e-01 -3.45143676e-01 2.68352013e-02 -2.71260053e-01 2.46652141e-01 -1.22145474e-01 -6.17799051e-02 1.38205007e-01 -5.57316355e-02 -7.35600200e-03 -2.45536372e-01 -4.56058085e-02 3.43433917e-01 -2.95366452e-04 -1.51971653e-01 1.28472328e-01 2.58888990e-01 4.75955546e-01 6.87524974e-02 6.08790755e-01 3.24965119e-01 -1.09907657e-01 1.01779580e-01 4.43107113e-02 8.43906179e-02 1.80764362e-01 -3.62234473e-01 -5.32228574e-02 5.20216167e-01 2.81019742e-03 1.93840280e-01 -6.70166984e-02 2.61634260e-01 7.50440778e-03 -3.77159566e-02 2.77024001e-01 -2.02088341e-01 -1.68394327e-01 3.38186294e-01 -6.00845516e-01 1.62426993e-01 1.74747519e-02 2.20422626e-01 2.25033417e-01 1.13991098e-02 9.26341768e-03 1.61558501e-02 7.70149454e-02 -5.59512973e-02 -2.07949936e-01 2.61201411e-01 -3.28275412e-01 1.19581968e-01 4.41457666e-02 2.33648010e-02 -1.94166213e-01 6.82881474e-03 -2.01589063e-01 2.69484192e-01 2.82664094e-02 -3.74882184e-02 3.17752719e-01 3.19552571e-01 -1.88005731e-01 -2.79415816e-01 -8.42347443e-02 -3.63286026e-02 -8.89393687e-02 9.68259424e-02 4.95029122e-01 6.96194619e-02 -2.82692701e-01 2.34730765e-01 -1.54807702e-01 2.34722927e-01 6.28872991e-01 8.39171335e-02 -4.12622094e-02 -1.40552655e-01 -5.10466797e-03 2.11006135e-01 -9.89063382e-02 -2.53415376e-01 4.63811271e-02 3.80723387e-01 -2.12485477e-01 2.93691047e-02 -2.03747861e-02 4.72068973e-02 -1.61618218e-02 -3.30583900e-01 2.26173606e-02 -3.17475796e-01 -1.76559821e-01 -1.16804257e-01 -7.71342039e-01 -9.00255963e-02 -2.91533977e-01 -4.40875441e-02 -1.40880376e-01 2.16536224e-01 8.05286527e-01 -3.16130757e-01 -2.36051634e-01 1.26589522e-01 -1.91841065e-03 1.55286863e-01 5.17090037e-02 -3.25469486e-02 -3.30503047e-01 -3.70631307e-01 4.35920246e-02 2.43711099e-01 7.46726841e-02 1.28320068e-01 4.11348194e-01 3.16534579e-01 5.31082973e-02 4.20824736e-02 -1.33790355e-02 3.04109454e-01 2.06920952e-01 -2.66121000e-01 -1.64924175e-01 -2.38309056e-01 -1.05793580e-01 3.66755761e-02 7.48779237e-01 1.93944827e-01 1.00796334e-01 -4.80608381e-02 -1.35172606e-01 -1.16022281e-01 -1.31209105e-01 -5.56019008e-01 3.17508578e-01 2.79619068e-01 4.29776847e-01 -4.34235752e-01 -1.41801551e-01 3.09242964e-01 -1.79378375e-01 -1.46130666e-01 -3.19616823e-03 1.57300249e-01 -3.53260964e-01 -9.20109972e-02 -7.38030076e-02 2.14429781e-01 6.06109723e-02 -2.88647175e-01 2.70485759e-01 -6.95416064e-04 -3.04686993e-01 -2.26433292e-01 3.51955503e-01 9.97283578e-01 -1.92279026e-01 2.38842294e-02 3.08693498e-01 -2.52886325e-01 1.04859404e-01 1.60715967e-01 -4.88391578e-01 2.41622582e-01 1.42147079e-01 3.52678776e-01 6.31755963e-02 -1.81393355e-01 1.76397875e-01 -3.55265886e-01 -2.47514352e-01 9.51888226e-03 6.14336617e-02 2.93114334e-01 -2.98775584e-01 2.34760627e-01 -6.33525699e-02 1.94543302e-01 -2.87143677e-03 -5.98463975e-02 8.88038799e-02 -3.30429487e-02 1.02562532e-01 -1.11735053e-02 4.47117351e-02 5.47095656e-01 1.82354435e-01 2.18564481e-01 1.61384698e-02 -1.23216093e-01 -7.38696754e-02 1.02116860e-01 1.06360085e-01 -5.00525199e-02 -2.20352501e-01 1.68672994e-01 1.11930132e-01 -3.72973876e-03 -2.38186345e-01 -3.42626691e-01 -5.14509249e-03 -3.43656465e-02 1.29833911e-02 1.85492992e-01 -4.81284708e-02 7.04239309e-02 -1.12255551e-01 3.74504864e-01 -2.89591789e-01 -3.26027069e-03 -1.17982611e-01 1.90056235e-01 -6.63395226e-02 -6.49088770e-02 -9.91684422e-02 1.71486601e-01 8.06369185e-02 3.23749751e-01 -3.83062243e-01 1.46076642e-03 1.50073925e-02 1.52243018e-01 -2.10199296e-01 -1.62087500e-01 4.20844287e-01 -9.22140777e-02 6.78055435e-02 -1.48171540e-02 -2.30302885e-01 1.95247427e-01 9.35158953e-02 -1.57543853e-01 8.63535181e-02 2.20684215e-01 -7.06124231e-02 -2.73707867e-01 1.91774651e-01 -2.35879272e-01 -1.21545084e-01 2.17940181e-01 -4.26741466e-02 -6.37229308e-02 -2.70503104e-01 1.32559314e-01 4.55874689e-02 -1.44412041e-01 1.08110689e-01 2.57715225e-01 1.87353998e-01 3.72372478e-01 1.25454381e-01 2.39000350e-01 -1.18208699e-01 -1.08520575e-01 -2.14511588e-01 -4.20968920e-01 -7.87320137e-02 2.02733707e-02 -1.28136203e-01 -7.01133236e-02 -3.29585612e-01 2.32484430e-01 6.83379024e-02 -1.47528633e-01 -2.09093302e-01 -7.76807638e-03 2.56326228e-01 -2.09754668e-02 -1.59326479e-01 2.92956054e-01 2.81927120e-02 -3.59994560e-01 -3.97163145e-02 -4.27608564e-02 2.31399853e-02 5.77347934e-01 3.41404855e-01 -7.22210705e-02 -1.48033679e-01 3.81021082e-01 4.62766439e-01 -5.90362549e-01 -1.84035257e-01 2.03623414e-01 2.59818941e-01 3.71991396e-02 2.79327095e-01 -2.98027366e-01 3.86575490e-01 -5.08445986e-02 -2.25906476e-01 3.00421745e-01 -3.63479778e-02 1.79538921e-01 -5.68788759e-02 3.18734273e-02 -4.01578069e-01 7.45491907e-02 -1.81435570e-01 8.32618058e-01 3.55876923e-01 -7.13825002e-02 -3.26860338e-01 1.59409523e-01 2.14453172e-02 -1.85117066e-01 2.14562222e-01 -5.23545519e-02 2.16881502e-02 -2.57045925e-01 -3.53939444e-01 2.59899721e-02 2.44023234e-01 -9.24180448e-02 -7.44794980e-02 -3.25914353e-01 -1.94856115e-02 2.54015058e-01 -1.74289778e-01 4.41618592e-01 2.49184549e-01 2.81318605e-01 1.22887515e-01 1.77527875e-01 -1.38946608e-01 -1.99873641e-01 -2.49549270e-01 5.41718677e-02 -1.84562072e-01 -2.82730788e-01 -8.68738443e-02 -8.00344571e-02 1.13118552e-01 1.63714260e-01 -2.80380510e-02 2.97430277e-01 -2.45816872e-01 -2.91592956e-01 -1.53683603e-01 1.21011078e-01 -5.05977124e-02 -2.59962797e-01 -6.77414238e-02 -1.78293996e-02 4.11746204e-01 1.42059058e-01 1.21074915e-01 3.61147597e-02 -1.72603175e-01 2.96940580e-02 -2.33259127e-01 9.27388594e-02 1.73877761e-01 1.92949563e-01 6.73672259e-02 3.28652769e-01 2.40560398e-01 2.54465729e-01 -9.61884558e-02 1.65523216e-01 4.75208312e-01 1.86140105e-01 -8.06249455e-02 4.78584617e-02 1.79980323e-01 -6.85665831e-02 -3.35149914e-01 2.39201427e-01 -1.07188374e-01 4.65581149e-01 -2.61829942e-01 1.91253513e-01 -5.42117245e-02 -4.61905032e-01 -4.33741271e-01 5.20197377e-02 -1.98263541e-01 3.43648285e-01 4.21418935e-01 1.20971680e+00 -3.80029529e-02 2.64812801e-02 2.76578158e-01 -1.97643101e-01 1.43256322e-01 -7.23502576e-01 6.93158358e-02 -2.80305505e-01 -5.04845202e-01 1.97945256e-02 -1.38869867e-01 4.29830283e-01 2.29642212e-01 -3.17604959e-01 -4.37175259e-02 -3.74914885e-01 -2.00800985e-01 5.92680760e-02 -2.29307324e-01 -4.83522154e-02 -4.27192450e-02 -9.41128358e-02 2.05774903e-01 -3.39972258e-01 1.07751839e-01 1.68832839e-02 -3.31907719e-02 4.64863628e-02 -2.02154890e-01 -1.15607239e-01 1.65669709e-01 2.84399390e-01 1.52722999e-01 -9.25438032e-02 3.62208962e-01 -3.42087358e-01 3.70465629e-02 -1.05153486e-01 -3.37802112e-01 -6.47990406e-02 1.91302314e-01 3.90958875e-01 -6.62881061e-02 -2.20119581e-01 1.49861842e-01 1.32416502e-01 8.94358531e-02 5.72098382e-02 2.01015189e-01 -1.17012849e-02 2.56267697e-01 -6.03856802e-01 9.31842327e-02 5.07284701e-01 -8.83386806e-02 3.67483385e-02 -7.08859712e-02 -1.90156311e-01 -1.85845420e-01 2.14122027e-01 -2.45027561e-02 -1.71231508e-01 -3.20819438e-01 -3.25058624e-02 -5.15410677e-02 -7.75189772e-02 5.10694027e-01 1.78787872e-01 3.26212019e-01 -2.87269149e-02 1.71996161e-01 -1.03452735e-01 -3.59126329e-01 2.14000985e-01 1.94497183e-02 1.13709681e-01 -2.18755811e-01 -4.97794859e-02 -4.85087752e-01 -1.61880732e-01 1.30040482e-01 2.13004217e-01 -3.09844613e-01 -1.87009856e-01 -3.30268264e-01 9.42835361e-02 1.01218976e-01 4.47494462e-02 2.75741518e-02 -1.94564223e-01 2.16931045e-01 -1.41271532e-01 -1.49951726e-01 -4.06727642e-01 -3.40123415e-01 -1.57134145e-01 1.75238661e-02 1.88814774e-01 -2.51496404e-01 -1.08937770e-01 -1.47155657e-01 2.80137032e-01 -6.81013539e-02 -2.19694629e-01 -2.89357632e-01 -1.94348723e-01 8.88916031e-02 4.67541218e-02 -3.51639949e-02 -6.94302544e-02 -1.50453523e-02 1.32129595e-01 3.59555222e-02 -2.83889994e-02 1.01852296e-02 7.35124052e-02 1.98047593e-01 -4.59915847e-01 1.02779046e-01 3.01794976e-01 -2.05452830e-01 -3.12841415e-01 2.34504595e-01 2.03424469e-01 -4.02345434e-02 -1.28881142e-01 -1.15318298e-01 -2.65114993e-01 1.30741194e-01 -3.48144442e-01 2.67392039e-01 1.00196771e-01 9.35239494e-02 -1.18273549e-01 2.40931317e-01 8.47894922e-02 -4.73250411e-02 -3.54043782e-01 -6.46595284e-02 -2.52681375e-01 3.35149378e-01 2.58957408e-02 -5.65946512e-02 -1.05253428e-01 -2.15912402e-01 -3.22464071e-02 3.34656894e-01 -2.83094555e-01 -4.38893735e-01 1.46112278e-01 5.19324057e-02 1.83833733e-01 1.19975343e-01 4.66925986e-02 6.06026232e-01 -2.33888388e-01 -8.68965238e-02 2.21325517e-01 3.20360102e-02 3.63726199e-01 5.17594039e-01 2.36612067e-01 6.40066788e-02 1.89072266e-01 4.76305604e-01 4.25463822e-03 7.78961629e-02 -2.50772951e-04 1.88267276e-01 3.92573029e-02 1.35197446e-01 -1.74467396e-02 -1.40350968e-01 -4.36179847e-01 4.15821485e-02 -4.48250324e-01 7.28838472e-03 2.32531413e-01 1.16229303e-01 2.03214452e-01 -1.83190346e-01 -2.95274686e-02 -9.55075249e-02 2.59274572e-01 2.77567476e-01 9.47568044e-02 -1.03157714e-01 1.83511138e-01 1.49095744e-01 -1.46097451e-01 1.85790837e-01 2.08629757e-01 -2.26264775e-01 2.93777883e-02 4.03818607e-01 -1.33814752e-01 -6.97271675e-02 -8.75479430e-02 1.39376417e-01 8.76425281e-02 -3.51947367e-01 -5.56143709e-02 -2.97567695e-01 -2.49396965e-01 -2.23373905e-01 -1.14566730e-02 1.10261858e-01 4.22383815e-01 1.52800322e-01 1.20709792e-01 -2.58905113e-01 -4.59196717e-01 2.29809254e-01 1.21569447e-01 7.09147975e-02 -2.07605973e-01 -8.65187272e-02 -3.01733077e-01 2.84559399e-01 1.46283790e-01 -3.65874708e-01 -3.51779193e-01 -8.51116896e-01 1.06735207e-01 1.96438476e-01 -1.68256566e-01 8.27055722e-02 -9.50255338e-03 2.70471424e-01 -2.01603502e-01 7.34851649e-03 -1.17652476e-01 -1.93378359e-01 9.50060487e-02 -1.06589496e-01 -1.28874451e-01 -2.83830583e-01 1.64334103e-01 2.75487322e-02 -2.75144130e-01 2.14773417e-02 -4.46612149e-01 -4.95626815e-02 -1.12762652e-01 6.46596476e-02 -2.92710155e-01 -2.42095105e-02 2.99542636e-01 2.07445949e-01 -1.03833200e-02 -1.32806778e-01 2.66528517e-01 -3.82617861e-02 1.98588789e-01 1.02410704e-01 -3.01797111e-02 1.38157010e-01 4.12832260e-01 3.93914878e-01 -1.37487099e-01 7.02682063e-02 7.53912888e-03 -4.33517009e-01 -2.99084373e-02 8.21614936e-02 2.40729656e-02 3.72318923e-01 -2.27271989e-02 3.67103785e-01 1.22988254e-01 -6.29773065e-02 -5.81923593e-03 3.90085906e-01 3.43377553e-02 -2.39495307e-01 -2.77829826e-01 2.05907896e-02 -3.19247656e-02 4.64084923e-01 -3.64162624e-02 3.74123007e-02 -1.28169386e-02 -1.67226300e-01 4.13632989e-02 -1.28015518e-01 4.64989781e-01 5.50533757e-02 -2.43638903e-01 3.23464572e-01 1.29213348e-01 -6.81466609e-02 -2.05051005e-01 -2.01869667e-01 -1.24954961e-01 -9.17633325e-02 -4.35243882e-02 -2.54582584e-01 -1.92844510e-01 -2.37039432e-01 -1.14477850e-01 5.27761169e-02 -1.60935417e-01 4.21966705e-03 -2.43968993e-01 1.04964420e-01 1.11770608e-01]
"Paradise Falls" active "Item #: SCP-778 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-778 is particularly dangerous in that it is immobile and centered in [DATA EXPUNGED] National Park, which is frequented by civilians. Signs or public documents displaying maps of or mentioning the existence of SCP-778 are to be erased, destroyed, or rewritten as necessary. Public awareness of SCP-778 must be avoided as much as possible. Placing signs over the trailhead marking it as "closed" and "dangerous" has been found effective and is to remain in place. Two undercover agents are to be located within the park at all times to monitor civilian access to or awareness of SCP-778. These measures should be effective in deterring civilians from contact with SCP-778. Description: SCP-778 is an area of land of undetermined size located in [REDACTED] National Park. SCP-778 is currently defined on all maps, signs, and other media representing it as a hiking trail leading to a destination known as "Paradise Falls". Whether "Paradise Falls" exists is currently unknown and perhaps unknowable. SCP-778 is constructed normally for trails in the area, and is labeled normally at the trailhead and at irregular intervals along its length. None of this is anomalous for trails in the area. However, SCP-778 is extremely topographically inconsistent and potentially dangerous to civilians. Instead of leading to "Paradise Falls", SCP-778 will instead lead to other areas of the park or on winding, inconsistent paths around the area. SCP-778 is generally located in only one area of the park, although it varies from exploration to exploration. Ecologically and geologically, the area surrounding SCP-778 is consistent with that of the park. A river running through the area may be part of "Paradise Falls", although the river is difficult to follow and may be topographically inconsistent as well. In addition, visitors hiking on SCP-778 have reported hearing the sound of rushing water, consistent with that of a waterfall, although in all cases the trail soon veers away from the assumed location of the waterfall. SCP-778 also appears to "regenerate" somewhat regularly, usually every 10-25 years. When it does, its name will change, it will shift to another area of the park, and all park maps and signs will change to reflect this. For a known history of SCP-778's changes, please see Document 778-130 For a record of tests performed in order to reveal the nature of SCP-778, please see Experiment Log 778. Addendum 778-A: In β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, an attempt was made to destroy SCP-778 with the use of multiple Class-D personnel, machinery, and common tools. Over 20 km of trail were destroyed (passed off as winter flood and storm damage) before it disappeared. Seven months later, the trail reappeared in a different location under the name Paradise Falls. Given the effort needed to destroy that much trail and the utter failure of the attempt, total destruction of SCP-778 is not recommended again. Document 778-130: List of Known Previous Incarnations of SCP-778 Initial Recovery in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Eld Fen β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Nightfall Pond β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Fox Lake β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Cedar Point β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Western Ridge β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-Present: Paradise Falls Β« SCP-777 | SCP-778 | SCP-779 Β»" nan
[-1.59542009e-01 3.43593866e-01 -1.40135109e-01 2.33791307e-01 1.01454258e-01 -4.64544624e-01 -2.16752335e-01 2.46419653e-01 3.64803433e-01 7.06175119e-02 2.45283991e-01 3.44405025e-01 6.32543713e-02 -2.06618860e-01 -1.58362597e-01 -1.82248875e-01 3.15416485e-01 6.14422336e-02 1.63071558e-01 -3.87526117e-02 -1.84203625e-01 -4.29543816e-02 -2.25340143e-01 1.85764030e-01 2.47493684e-01 -2.83777684e-01 2.91709807e-02 2.04403892e-01 3.59049812e-02 -3.82265598e-01 6.74754009e-02 2.32656240e-01 4.33878750e-02 6.45786047e-01 -1.09920824e-04 -2.62236416e-01 1.66804805e-01 -3.74932997e-02 -2.08840832e-01 1.09738387e-01 -6.40856743e-01 4.19947922e-01 9.36880484e-02 -3.64227802e-01 8.51701573e-02 -7.35784099e-02 -6.74843416e-02 -1.06366321e-01 4.75406826e-01 -2.81418627e-03 1.97650030e-01 -1.40813515e-01 -9.97777730e-02 -4.78956550e-02 3.24589666e-03 3.62873465e-01 -1.10931784e-01 -2.69203454e-01 1.11181296e-01 2.52268184e-02 1.42913222e-01 2.62925290e-02 -1.56510770e-01 -7.91956931e-02 2.49611229e-01 1.15778651e-02 1.26869768e-01 -9.88898613e-03 1.35063305e-01 2.79441476e-01 -9.88396704e-02 4.17935550e-02 1.46849364e-01 -8.53880569e-02 -4.32071477e-01 -2.58376360e-01 3.73247623e-01 2.81512439e-01 -1.03402317e-01 7.94813037e-04 2.94364184e-01 2.84555286e-01 -1.06172778e-01 2.64601380e-01 6.80637583e-02 -3.32351983e-01 -5.79609871e-02 1.16831414e-01 -5.49440458e-03 -9.46487710e-02 -3.42605621e-01 -1.36043191e-01 1.63372412e-01 2.71642745e-01 3.40838097e-02 1.44346297e-01 -1.00409500e-01 2.53848642e-01 2.61722714e-01 1.35049328e-01 8.64972234e-01 3.82907987e-01 7.40970671e-02 1.31253749e-01 1.60001010e-01 3.53208557e-03 1.88924931e-02 -1.19469807e-01 -1.63052022e-01 6.44430459e-01 8.18328932e-03 1.58897880e-02 -5.31285703e-02 6.44084439e-02 3.39000940e-01 -1.03393935e-01 3.24423432e-01 -3.29093367e-01 -3.03760946e-01 1.55044332e-01 -4.33865190e-01 2.83966959e-01 2.49118428e-03 1.56415746e-01 3.52170795e-01 2.23509416e-01 2.23760292e-01 5.10591529e-02 2.38759406e-02 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1.92282841e-01 -2.10270718e-01 7.72688314e-02 -4.03132290e-02 1.47795841e-01 -5.32130860e-02 -6.13630891e-01 8.05909187e-02 -2.68809617e-01 -1.11942537e-01 4.02245700e-01 2.34305874e-01 1.20711780e+00 1.15896992e-01 -1.34777963e-01 7.78886527e-02 -3.91502947e-01 -1.08751945e-01 -2.35345438e-01 -2.52749652e-01 -1.80418983e-01 8.59153867e-02 6.12870529e-02 -1.01919308e-01 1.45729661e-01 3.37612862e-03 -1.79139256e-01 1.76283903e-02 -2.98975706e-01 -2.81289350e-02 -4.59551811e-03 1.62728801e-01 1.63062081e-01 1.51943550e-01 2.67811388e-01 1.76606268e-01 -8.77225846e-02 1.27207443e-01 2.31051352e-02 -5.19241430e-02 2.06202924e-01 -3.37934732e-01 -4.49542105e-01 -1.78542957e-01 -3.83941799e-01 6.15614541e-02 1.95748076e-01 -1.17560811e-02 -5.19356132e-01 -1.47717074e-01 -4.04562950e-01 -1.79613948e-01 1.47182867e-02 3.61477017e-01 4.09329027e-01 -2.26552412e-02 -1.83791101e-01 2.13536069e-01 -9.80403200e-02 4.42005657e-02 -3.84724215e-02 -3.07878852e-03 -2.05080748e-01 -2.16613095e-02 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5.13804220e-02 2.27598771e-01 -2.93900520e-01 1.39519393e-01 2.44071499e-01 -1.98907644e-01 -1.37131363e-01 2.82990187e-01 -6.49336800e-02 1.35410324e-01 -8.03901181e-02 -9.30342004e-02 -2.00699419e-02 -3.30024734e-02 -5.23341000e-01 3.71457279e-01 6.41656294e-02 2.87285209e-01 -7.68756792e-02 4.70295310e-01 -2.17880175e-01 2.82875635e-02 -4.03809041e-01 1.62793890e-01 -1.30904451e-01 2.75769562e-01 2.09557861e-02 8.15307572e-02 7.93405995e-02 4.01272960e-02 -1.64428860e-01 3.19009125e-01 -1.05156459e-01 -8.07605445e-01 3.30168575e-01 -1.01209477e-01 4.87872630e-01 -2.79172122e-01 2.77556539e-01 3.30956548e-01 -2.51762420e-01 -2.23757774e-01 3.93441394e-02 3.92762601e-01 4.16368619e-02 4.67405856e-01 -4.26391885e-02 1.36778913e-02 1.45374179e-01 1.85815305e-01 2.30899379e-01 3.21945161e-01 -1.90088898e-01 3.82185340e-01 4.52939309e-02 3.21724325e-01 1.94979116e-01 -9.76074561e-02 -3.02696615e-01 2.92315871e-01 -1.63783759e-01 -1.72271445e-01 -3.74487191e-02 2.78707333e-02 8.52521509e-03 -3.13271612e-01 -9.17399973e-02 -1.98334306e-01 2.08327904e-01 -1.80322416e-02 4.02081788e-01 -4.57556918e-02 -7.27876648e-02 -1.49496555e-01 2.38969609e-01 7.41294920e-02 3.71218592e-01 -1.50619254e-01 1.24952428e-01 2.46363789e-01 -4.31009084e-02 6.89731762e-02 1.79899603e-01 3.18225265e-01 3.30735836e-03 -5.98235309e-01 -2.73670871e-02 -6.16640337e-02 -1.79704368e-01 -1.20444231e-01 2.55237147e-03 1.07365154e-01 -6.85109198e-02 2.01318145e-01 6.84343800e-02 -2.08862484e-01 -9.82273147e-02 2.06414327e-01 7.81964362e-02 5.34155518e-02 -2.39853024e-01 -2.80294776e-01 1.09472454e-01 1.52071239e-02 1.17991537e-01 3.19956318e-02 -3.16488773e-01 -7.75048494e-01 -1.50749415e-01 2.11710781e-01 2.72994805e-02 7.44941905e-02 1.59627050e-01 4.38753068e-01 -1.34456158e-01 8.75836760e-02 1.34587035e-01 -3.13448101e-01 -6.44994676e-02 5.54738641e-02 -1.88076735e-01 7.92071670e-02 4.83115129e-02 2.64386028e-01 -2.68681288e-01 2.49718741e-01 4.04643901e-02 7.38163292e-02 -2.47648194e-01 4.63819224e-03 -5.21351755e-01 3.20331529e-02 5.14284015e-01 -5.59408553e-02 1.81969523e-01 -4.22190223e-03 7.55892769e-02 -1.25913113e-01 1.43995032e-01 1.34316236e-01 -4.66200411e-01 -2.62326509e-01 4.77445513e-01 3.48122478e-01 -2.37312112e-02 -2.71690339e-01 -4.90482114e-02 -4.33878034e-01 -1.53014317e-01 3.59204859e-02 -2.05633342e-01 2.65670151e-01 -7.25907460e-02 4.27366830e-02 1.23861961e-01 -4.06644754e-02 1.46477222e-01 -5.42931929e-02 1.49981201e-01 -1.61049351e-01 -2.82672048e-01 6.98135942e-02 2.21970141e-01 3.55654299e-01 -1.39675671e-02 1.09397337e-01 -4.70008031e-02 -1.09751776e-01 -6.72337189e-02 -2.51779824e-01 4.04102236e-01 6.88810721e-02 -2.60110587e-01 1.33705035e-01 3.22718248e-02 3.28089237e-01 1.05945103e-01 -4.37704444e-01 -1.80032417e-01 6.02382049e-02 -9.00385529e-02 -2.12413818e-01 -3.26455683e-01 -6.67342722e-01 -2.76813447e-01 2.14137003e-01 2.72614747e-01 -1.68677032e-01 -1.91508815e-01 1.55887082e-01 -3.91413979e-02]
"Brownies" active "Item #: SCP-779 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-779 is currently contained at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ, in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-779 specimens are to be contained in a 6 m x 6 m chamber with no furniture. All personnel entering SCP-779's containment chamber are to wear hazmat suits. Hazmat suits are to be checked for ruptures before and after entering the containment chamber. In the event of a suit breach, compromised personnel are to be removed from the area and detained for twenty-four (24) hours. SCP-779 is to be provided with one (1) liter of milk each day. Description: SCP-779 is a species of insect similar in appearance to the common bee or a wasp. Specimens of SCP-779 are typically colored red and black, although variations in this have been noted among their populace. SCP-779 usually breed and live in human residences, but sightings of SCP-779 have been reported at rivers and lakes, suggesting the possible existence of a subspecies. SCP-779 operates with a typical social system; a queen is always present in the center of the nest and reproduces constantly, while workers retrieve food for the rest of the hive by stealing from the residence. SCP-779 queens are recognizable by the distinctive yellow spot present on their backs. SCP-779 nests are usually formed from whatever materials are available in a section of the human residence with little traffic, such as an attic or basement. SCP-779 have been observed to operate at all times of the day. When a nest has been formed, specimens of SCP-779 will attempt to sting residents, injecting them with their hallucinogenic venom. After this initial injection, SCP-779 will sting their victims at least once per day to keep the venom in their system. When injected with the venom, victims of SCP-779 will perceive SCP-779 as small humanoid figures with wings and believe that SCP-779 are assisting with the maintenance of the residence. Victims will continue to believe this even if the residence undergoes structural collapse. Continued exposure to SCP-779's venom can result in victims viewing them as their 'children' and defending them from most threats. SCP-779 appears to only sting humans, and will not undergo this parasitic relationship with other species. SCP-779 will consume most edible substances, with a particular affinity to milk. Consumption of milk seems to be remedial to SCP-779. Injuries such as torn wings and missing legs have been observed to heal in a matter of hours after consumption. Victims of SCP-779 will usually give most of their food to SCP-779, but will not allow themselves to succumb to malnutrition. SCP-779 can exist in symbiosis with their victims for months or years, until the victim is cut off from the supply of venom. Β« SCP-778 | SCP-779 | SCP-780 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-779" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 779-new.jpg Source: Flickr License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Title: Red paper wasp from W-Java Author: gbohne Release year: 2010 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Specimen of SCP-779 in the wild."
[ 1.32149309e-01 -6.85641050e-01 -1.53119966e-01 -1.85249761e-01 -1.96684781e-03 -2.19611153e-01 2.29130477e-01 1.52140474e-02 3.62065256e-01 -1.67590171e-01 -7.23729134e-02 1.02725461e-01 -4.63876612e-02 -3.44979525e-01 1.24590639e-02 2.47157454e-01 3.41137797e-01 2.97901750e-01 3.93411100e-01 -2.52657205e-01 -1.35478094e-01 -1.39424011e-01 -1.05210423e-01 4.03873026e-01 -4.21703756e-01 -2.75307119e-01 8.21863301e-03 2.41121605e-01 -8.07474740e-03 -1.52710795e-01 3.63959581e-01 3.43259811e-01 -2.22641788e-02 4.55164850e-01 -1.13762922e-04 -2.35429645e-01 6.72746450e-02 9.44474414e-02 -9.03277919e-02 5.86052090e-02 -9.59746763e-02 -2.42941827e-01 -1.13762662e-01 -2.38360688e-01 4.19430658e-02 -9.53022242e-02 1.80472463e-01 1.41775161e-01 9.69439745e-01 -9.29890946e-03 1.35308444e-01 -3.39667350e-02 7.56380800e-03 5.38020059e-02 2.94541031e-01 2.46710658e-01 -2.27358080e-02 -1.60037562e-01 4.37746167e-01 -2.08717331e-01 9.32495594e-02 -6.20028488e-02 -1.83956265e-01 2.40218733e-03 3.22073460e-01 -1.88565254e-01 1.06381565e-01 -3.29122841e-01 1.19491655e-03 1.48447022e-01 -3.93100709e-01 2.88991183e-01 -1.91487506e-01 9.12423730e-02 -3.93427014e-01 7.13479444e-02 7.45729953e-02 3.62581342e-01 1.03374533e-01 6.86245784e-02 4.01307493e-02 1.19504236e-01 -2.05582157e-01 4.86121364e-02 -1.38184801e-01 3.05256695e-01 -2.26275772e-02 2.00395267e-02 -3.33567150e-02 -1.68458208e-01 3.28678675e-02 4.18011658e-02 2.34297737e-01 2.45573938e-01 1.99217036e-01 2.20826548e-02 2.37079367e-01 -9.65346470e-02 3.29648912e-01 -1.50335267e-01 5.04438914e-02 2.68170774e-01 -3.45252275e-01 4.01217997e-01 1.41854182e-01 -1.51925087e-01 1.55231878e-01 -1.34921730e-01 -3.13726030e-02 4.41900760e-01 -1.78534128e-02 2.13095874e-01 -3.65561619e-02 2.31879309e-01 3.70999455e-01 -1.37474105e-01 2.32171908e-01 -1.70259342e-01 -3.26389372e-01 2.76999086e-01 -1.56582609e-01 7.40137175e-02 -1.64040923e-02 3.89751464e-01 3.12109172e-01 1.13313831e-01 -6.53429553e-02 -1.35149255e-01 -7.60717839e-02 -3.76084149e-02 -3.17346632e-01 2.89677083e-01 -4.57473695e-01 -1.78467363e-01 -2.91015536e-01 4.37562138e-01 -4.68595587e-02 -1.44428939e-01 9.03287716e-03 3.20141986e-02 -1.03848115e-01 -1.32622063e-01 6.92757607e-01 4.52334583e-01 -3.72959375e-01 -1.01800710e-01 7.78021663e-02 -1.95884123e-01 -9.09727365e-02 2.85640713e-02 1.65237322e-01 -1.38385952e-01 -1.74151435e-01 1.54274225e-01 -2.45312065e-01 2.57079363e-01 2.20115095e-01 -1.14062212e-01 7.36231208e-02 -1.82807580e-01 1.75221950e-01 -1.01389445e-01 -3.95248495e-02 -1.49713069e-01 1.68060064e-02 6.40539408e-01 2.63458848e-01 -6.54195547e-02 2.02325612e-01 1.73320174e-02 2.74238318e-01 -2.02672899e-01 1.00785345e-01 -2.82864779e-01 -1.61280677e-01 2.16821611e-01 -5.02656519e-01 2.19637945e-01 -1.63521022e-01 -9.68511924e-02 -1.82105899e-01 3.03446442e-01 3.47158432e-01 -1.00169003e-01 -6.74079061e-01 1.97709844e-01 -1.66897446e-01 -1.00811847e-01 2.71606356e-01 6.79330751e-02 -2.89192468e-01 -5.41212380e-01 5.45420110e-01 1.05928257e-01 2.78030038e-01 -2.45133359e-02 3.08160812e-01 5.56435347e-01 1.81233719e-01 8.95940065e-02 -2.59492666e-01 -1.00270435e-01 3.62644792e-01 -3.43178846e-02 -4.84893285e-02 -2.20416889e-01 1.91652671e-01 -4.76234667e-02 1.31557137e-01 2.32424945e-01 -1.97933137e-01 -1.98591515e-01 -2.22259223e-01 1.60146981e-01 3.32652926e-02 -3.79136533e-01 1.70519501e-01 1.16849355e-01 1.36244997e-01 -5.80281436e-01 -7.26599842e-02 5.20628989e-01 -4.07284573e-02 -6.43474609e-02 -2.50783801e-01 2.44221255e-01 -1.37377366e-01 -1.77228168e-01 1.17808692e-01 9.56492722e-02 2.37372249e-01 -5.02381586e-02 5.45237437e-02 8.14355314e-02 -1.23686761e-01 1.85625367e-02 2.88681924e-01 7.53488183e-01 -9.40681472e-02 1.64973587e-01 7.83093944e-02 1.71950296e-01 3.16635817e-01 3.77465300e-02 -4.26658452e-01 -1.68717615e-02 8.32994580e-02 8.78310502e-02 -6.43891394e-02 -1.39215663e-01 -3.69025432e-02 -8.02846923e-02 -2.32339486e-01 -5.92256971e-02 -4.31188717e-02 -1.52424738e-01 -4.79929596e-01 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2.63554156e-01 1.74122050e-01 2.51454473e-01 -1.10644594e-01 3.33072394e-02 1.85549229e-01 -3.70310158e-01 -3.36586028e-01 -2.47262388e-01 -9.65276137e-02 4.84364361e-01 4.19294924e-01 1.14385962e+00 2.48086661e-01 2.65173912e-02 -1.30511388e-01 -2.68375665e-01 -3.36886793e-02 -4.08400863e-01 8.51570293e-02 -1.15551181e-01 -2.81492025e-01 4.38071117e-02 -2.11792961e-01 1.40235081e-01 5.51887393e-01 -1.20304219e-01 2.68817693e-03 -3.08352441e-01 1.53423995e-01 2.33397722e-01 8.63713697e-02 2.06737593e-01 3.22198831e-02 1.83950737e-02 2.50774026e-01 -2.74519205e-01 2.83393592e-01 -6.10346068e-03 1.15792505e-01 -1.53946817e-01 -3.59105736e-01 -3.09373975e-01 -2.44640838e-02 9.16183833e-03 2.46096626e-01 5.00264242e-02 1.96870878e-01 -1.25979900e-01 -3.18026572e-01 -1.60648838e-01 -4.48383950e-03 1.80289354e-02 4.20410410e-02 5.17498970e-01 -2.86292225e-01 -1.25703871e-01 2.10089549e-01 4.94900554e-01 8.66761282e-02 -3.80481705e-02 2.97882855e-01 -3.66073810e-02 1.89316690e-01 -3.87770049e-02 1.06538594e-01 5.08320868e-01 -2.49098182e-01 7.58070946e-02 3.42281133e-01 -2.23643020e-01 -1.35493755e-01 1.19549982e-01 2.80725449e-01 -2.81765461e-01 1.91759154e-01 2.20377967e-01 -4.48312797e-03 -1.21048510e-01 2.45824546e-01 2.08882689e-01 -1.86041921e-01 1.12207875e-01 -2.15566173e-01 -1.13083497e-01 -3.70862037e-01 1.12197146e-01 -9.73576456e-02 -2.43320405e-01 3.39742094e-01 -1.95616171e-01 -4.66046393e-01 -2.37088010e-01 2.83056885e-01 4.04445007e-02 1.87446102e-01 3.71864401e-02 -3.28775197e-01 1.20976130e-02 -9.69129335e-03 -9.51164812e-02 3.18839937e-01 2.14400161e-02 1.63024724e-01 -8.62124637e-02 1.47257790e-01 -3.60204220e-01 -3.67461778e-02 -7.35390782e-01 -6.78511187e-02 5.53597249e-02 -3.91804315e-02 -9.18594003e-02 -2.00558826e-01 7.03473911e-02 1.41131878e-01 -1.41623408e-01 -1.84829742e-01 -2.86304623e-01 1.31178811e-01 -4.29154076e-02 -7.79655948e-02 -1.79161772e-01 -5.49972616e-02 3.78219694e-01 1.20842159e-01 4.00223807e-02 4.11416106e-02 2.00592369e-01 2.97752589e-01 -4.00038213e-02 1.98875219e-01 4.01093848e-02 -1.12847701e-01 7.09919771e-03 3.70906889e-01 7.73664191e-02 -1.59921423e-02 -9.91055463e-03 -1.10846706e-01 4.74489927e-01 4.62985486e-02 6.70167198e-03 2.59482682e-01 1.47689849e-01 -4.25423309e-02 -2.44552225e-01 8.54141712e-02 -2.30183750e-01 1.72639757e-01 -2.13167384e-01 -8.26084986e-03 -2.08252206e-01 2.66059279e-01 -1.92247525e-01 -1.05967097e-01 8.83282125e-02 -2.06528883e-02 -1.36315664e-02 3.70245248e-01 1.08115748e-02 -2.16043457e-01 3.44044924e-01 2.06514716e-01 2.84374535e-01 1.91457465e-03 1.46680638e-01 -4.98571470e-02 -4.98056978e-01 -2.32848644e-01 2.64725238e-01 2.87616611e-01 1.63545862e-01 1.01629950e-01 3.71014833e-01 7.65049756e-02 2.50897884e-01 4.31134641e-01 4.15589884e-02 4.04479593e-01 -6.37881160e-01 -2.01670513e-01 2.26001561e-01 2.82847226e-01 -1.64718986e-01 1.71503037e-01 -4.19215500e-01 -3.15293372e-01 7.82531351e-02 -2.51391470e-01 1.15119308e-01 1.71887726e-01 4.29976016e-01 4.66063526e-03 -5.78019619e-01 -3.64884764e-01 6.76817894e-02 -2.03283310e-01 2.65361667e-01 -1.39215320e-01 1.98003978e-01 1.92868978e-01 -9.65200812e-02 -7.38848746e-02 6.07199728e-01 -2.25390211e-01 -1.08286634e-01 4.80677634e-01 -1.41032100e-01 1.31657854e-01 1.09288946e-01 5.26374817e-01 6.89928755e-02 -1.76824182e-01 -1.92496523e-01 -2.43427798e-01 -2.97110766e-01 -1.70685217e-01 2.51974195e-01 1.09369770e-01 -1.93900302e-01 9.13977996e-02 8.08384940e-02 -2.07371458e-01 1.25086725e-01 3.24934870e-02 2.52295643e-01 7.46382102e-02 4.12838429e-01 -1.00532427e-01 -4.90540147e-01 -1.18561171e-01 -5.21518737e-02 -8.43198895e-02 -1.55281574e-01 -2.42469683e-01 -1.50019586e-01 2.11375430e-01 -5.32920003e-01 5.19920923e-02 1.52271837e-01 3.88990372e-01 -5.00498042e-02 3.49269003e-01 -1.51843622e-01 -4.75821346e-02 4.23500501e-02 7.47158080e-02 -1.00615568e-01 -2.07177609e-01 -1.50770068e-01 -1.22331291e-01 -8.45284313e-02 2.58828044e-01 -1.35111675e-01 -1.75703704e-01 -4.12084341e-01 2.14628637e-01 -1.45764813e-01 4.52066630e-01 4.98815238e-01 3.20299625e-01 2.54351616e-01 7.63689354e-02 2.95304120e-01 -2.67912984e-01 8.09090063e-02 3.39720435e-02 -5.13655782e-01 3.85742448e-02 1.64642856e-01 6.00859344e-01 2.06435889e-01 -7.29765743e-02 -1.99806720e-01 -3.35527003e-01 -1.57710969e-01 8.20481926e-02 -1.01273723e-01 3.18765789e-01 3.30025166e-01 6.41458452e-01 1.84816942e-01 2.39760458e-01 3.62443417e-01 -1.98549435e-01 -1.77463666e-02 -4.75273192e-01 4.57302444e-02 -1.32091880e-01 -2.39052862e-01 1.49926990e-01 3.83414626e-02 4.20566946e-01 -8.76333043e-02 -2.32729822e-01 1.21641736e-02 -4.07407582e-01 3.60853553e-01 4.46071386e-01 -3.12875539e-01 -2.58562475e-01 1.44708976e-02 3.42646427e-02 1.67602822e-02 -2.85364568e-01 -8.66969302e-02 -1.48463041e-01 -3.09867319e-02 -1.55643702e-01 -8.88149515e-02 -1.87924668e-01 -2.49518961e-01 -1.63001195e-01 -3.25734541e-02 -7.74798319e-02 1.72766715e-01 -8.17143470e-02 -1.09357990e-01]
"Seed Bead" active "Item #: SCP-780 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-780 must be kept in a locked steel box 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm, with walls at least 1 cm thick. This box is to be kept on a 5 meter pedestal, at the center of a 20 meter x 20 meter concrete room. Individuals wishing to approach SCP-780 must submit to a full-body search, and may not bring plants (living or artificial), images of plants, descriptions of plants, or digital displays of any kind within 10 meters of SCP-780 except as part of a preapproved test protocol. Individuals with plant tattoos are likewise forbidden from approaching SCP-780 except during testing. Description: SCP-780 is a small bead, 1 cm in diameter, shaped like a rounded gem with numerous facets and a hole at its center. It appears to be made of a clear amorphous substance; studies suggest it has a structure similar to that of polyvinyl chloride, but this does not account for its reaction to plants. While SCP-780 does not melt at temperatures exceeding 3500 K, cooling it to below 24 K temporarily changes its structure into a crystalline form, allowing it to be damaged by blunt impacts. When a plant or representation of a plant (including artificial plants, photographs of plants, drawings and paintings of plants, particularly vivid textual descriptions of plants, or any of the above appearing on a screen of any sort) is placed within 10 meters of SCP-780, it begins to levitate and will fly towards the plant. How SCP-780 detects plants is unknown at this time. If restrained, SCP-780 will become increasingly agitated until the plant is removed from its radius. If allowed to come into contact with the plant (hereafter the "host plant"), SCP-780 will stick to it for a period of five (5) seconds, at which time it will fall to the floor. Once it lays flat against the ground, it cannot be removed except as noted below. Within ten (10) minutes, a shoot will be seen growing from within the hole at the center of SCP-780; this will mature to a fully-grown specimen of the host plant within twenty-four (24) hours. This new plant is designated SCP-780-1. Even if the host plant was not a living, physical plant, SCP-780-1 will be, though in all other traits (color, height, general form) it will match the depiction of the host plant. SCP-780-1 has the same requirements for sun and atmosphere as the host plant, but does not have a root system, and therefore does not require water or any particular soil conditions. Despite lacking roots, SCP-780-1 will not fall over regardless of imbalance or pressure applied; attempts to dig up the ground SCP-780-1 sits on result in [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-780-1 is equally susceptible to damage as the host plant; anything which would kill the host plant will also kill SCP-780-1. Upon its death, it will rot unusually quickly, and SCP-780 may be retrieved. At maturity, each instance of SCP-780-1 produces new copies of SCP-780. In flowering plants, the copies are found at the base of each flower, usually replacing the ovary. In non-flowering plants, the copy replaces seeds, spores, or other such propagules. Each reproductive structure (flower, cone, spore capsule) produces exactly one copy of SCP-780. When SCP-780-1 portrays a plant species that does not undergo sexual reproduction, a single new copy of SCP-780 forms at the base of SCP-780-1. These new copies of SCP-780 will break out of SCP-780-1 and affix to the nearest plant not generated by SCP-780, or remain inert if no such plant exists within their radius. Flowers or seeds removed from SCP-780-1 before maturation contain smaller, misshapen copies of SCP-780, which do not react to plants in any way. Addendum 780a: SCP-780 was recovered when flyovers of the Atacama desert reported an odd stand of mangrove trees where existing water should have been insufficient for their survival. Initial response from the Chilean government included a botanist carrying "β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ," which included a picture of a rose bush on the cover. Upon approaching the site, multiple copies of SCP-780 flew toward the book, and the researchers fled; when they returned a day later, many more rose bushes were growing at the site. Communication between the research team and their contacts was intercepted by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who intervened on behalf of the Chilean government. Mobile Containment Task Force β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ ("β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ") was dispatched, who used incendiary devices to incinerate all plants in the area. All instances of SCP-780 were retrieved, and all but one has been destroyed to reduce the risk of further growth. Addendum 780b: See Experiment Log 780 A Β« SCP-779 | SCP-780 | SCP-781 Β»" nan
[ 4.32564644e-03 -5.72534740e-01 -1.13612421e-01 -4.18234654e-02 -1.63040143e-02 -5.34287989e-01 1.23996004e-01 -9.05976724e-03 3.62628430e-01 2.99054772e-01 2.64658570e-01 1.87996268e-01 -2.72297978e-01 1.64514095e-01 2.90279567e-01 2.74345815e-01 7.57512823e-02 1.00810982e-01 3.24008554e-01 -1.89045385e-01 -7.56842792e-02 -9.71716493e-02 -2.66970936e-02 4.96794909e-01 -1.50449395e-01 -2.45526925e-01 -1.70315169e-02 2.94588268e-01 -1.14089325e-01 -1.90069646e-01 -3.53393294e-02 2.03699023e-01 8.77278000e-02 3.35424542e-01 -1.12023474e-04 -3.42511147e-01 -5.46784047e-03 8.88098627e-02 -8.20497274e-02 3.45260561e-01 -3.24516743e-01 -1.26181811e-01 -1.34402469e-01 -1.52787045e-01 8.95729065e-02 -1.95343986e-01 -4.13076319e-02 2.41623610e-01 2.10666195e-01 -7.92472064e-03 2.22844630e-01 -2.38734379e-01 5.79896569e-01 4.60971855e-02 2.10600823e-01 8.99060965e-02 -1.61042243e-01 2.72555262e-01 1.46395475e-01 3.96295160e-01 1.21113017e-01 1.50560690e-02 -2.35624194e-01 -2.31913060e-01 6.35269582e-01 8.92909542e-02 5.83831966e-01 -3.39677066e-01 -5.59707433e-02 7.17618614e-02 4.85826880e-02 4.90934774e-02 -5.01484945e-02 -7.93965459e-02 -2.65833765e-01 -1.93132475e-01 -2.23331958e-01 3.21043849e-01 -2.16849763e-02 1.42339453e-01 -4.66418974e-02 -1.99288070e-01 -2.71007538e-01 -1.53156340e-01 -1.36241108e-01 -1.96655452e-01 5.09742610e-02 4.43312153e-02 2.68098980e-01 -8.79229233e-02 -2.33277902e-01 -4.65165861e-02 6.38007820e-02 1.56878367e-01 2.97367901e-01 -1.70988575e-01 7.20568225e-02 1.63957149e-01 2.22785354e-01 2.57559627e-01 5.23153782e-01 2.76195288e-01 2.69874871e-01 4.29513663e-01 -4.29311037e-01 1.94243848e-01 9.06090140e-02 -2.00973555e-01 -1.38309635e-02 -2.16478556e-02 -9.00166631e-02 2.49444872e-01 8.37365910e-02 3.16572934e-01 9.10839289e-02 -3.01693738e-01 1.90081969e-01 -4.57818212e-04 -2.16542736e-01 2.39034578e-01 -4.64904726e-01 7.85978138e-02 -1.23363845e-01 3.73036802e-01 4.06411946e-01 1.47178411e-01 3.47825736e-01 -4.84571636e-01 2.81780511e-01 -1.03308313e-01 -2.54762441e-01 3.43458056e-01 -3.85847420e-01 2.35865146e-01 -4.13596779e-01 7.24217817e-02 -4.24620882e-02 -1.03769235e-01 1.56632930e-01 1.81463063e-01 -1.29740298e-01 1.80887505e-01 5.62740266e-01 3.84008735e-01 -2.91927159e-01 -2.05510676e-01 -5.87116927e-02 -1.41204059e-01 -4.32102047e-02 -9.06156227e-02 3.18986624e-01 8.91116355e-03 -4.05554563e-01 2.09311813e-01 -1.55428514e-01 2.51348883e-01 5.14978468e-01 3.97998355e-02 -6.01049364e-01 2.29705691e-01 9.27472934e-02 2.82049537e-01 -2.80013252e-02 -2.91719109e-01 1.07053086e-01 2.83435941e-01 -3.30398262e-01 7.33619183e-02 3.78682196e-01 -2.15746891e-02 3.00181787e-02 -1.63650006e-01 5.15188798e-02 2.01737329e-01 -3.52128655e-01 3.24113429e-01 -5.77906132e-01 -1.70527101e-01 1.72747746e-01 1.19320810e-01 -2.44174227e-01 1.65221542e-01 1.11580454e-01 -2.75350064e-01 -4.99561369e-01 1.59590930e-01 -4.16043133e-01 -7.58548379e-02 8.97006094e-02 -2.15944275e-01 -4.59420979e-01 -2.37776563e-01 -3.14306617e-01 -2.07301959e-01 3.20484042e-02 1.75370947e-01 2.96837479e-01 1.76989362e-01 9.71715078e-02 5.94044700e-02 -5.85769080e-02 -5.15300520e-02 2.66290784e-01 1.58002913e-01 -2.03477025e-01 -1.85977384e-01 -3.72459628e-02 8.23513120e-02 8.56391415e-02 2.82925963e-01 -2.24869419e-02 -2.50216842e-01 -5.38959384e-01 4.05240029e-01 2.26138055e-01 -9.85951573e-02 2.22897872e-01 1.93505675e-01 1.59196734e-01 -2.69667447e-01 -4.48131673e-02 3.78169835e-01 2.13100359e-01 -4.07227241e-02 -1.62595108e-01 -1.62513375e-01 -3.43184710e-01 -4.96715933e-01 -2.18686864e-01 -1.91382319e-01 2.43840575e-01 -5.18527292e-02 2.35559702e-01 2.85861135e-01 -4.02789742e-01 -2.54250020e-01 1.26512751e-01 5.33578277e-01 -1.88599735e-01 2.86238611e-01 -2.86262557e-02 -2.47989327e-01 3.55681926e-01 4.48132828e-02 1.23903960e-01 3.27811688e-01 3.81482154e-01 -6.81023579e-03 -3.65317520e-03 -1.87766612e-01 -3.14985335e-01 -3.17660749e-01 -1.67161465e-01 4.61503565e-02 2.12693021e-01 -7.15753064e-02 -4.29696470e-01 1.50278881e-01 -1.52348978e-02 2.88673818e-01 -3.23590547e-01 -3.59497309e-01 2.94687957e-01 -7.93087333e-02 3.87697071e-01 -8.08014199e-02 -5.83493263e-02 1.72844194e-02 -1.91855188e-02 6.71450570e-02 -1.27559686e-02 2.87991203e-02 -1.87806487e-01 -1.80591401e-02 8.69276747e-02 8.29007179e-02 2.63830632e-01 6.65735975e-02 -1.06817938e-01 -5.41820079e-02 -2.90593088e-01 -3.28146011e-01 -1.90128788e-01 -5.01576886e-02 -1.74023852e-01 1.83914974e-01 -8.42245296e-02 1.99550569e-01 -8.59340727e-02 1.46024391e-01 1.24738157e-01 8.28402713e-02 -1.17440540e-02 4.36248600e-01 -4.90314588e-02 -3.71629559e-02 1.34159941e-02 4.24195260e-01 -8.10476318e-02 2.98703879e-01 -7.02364504e-01 3.94052863e-01 -3.06802154e-01 9.37873125e-02 -1.26187503e-01 2.56020993e-01 3.23504180e-01 1.45462349e-01 1.33014575e-01 -1.04881607e-01 -2.95161366e-01 7.09217340e-02 1.24059625e-01 2.88274348e-01 1.65258586e-01 1.11978501e-01 -3.13915610e-01 -2.51226366e-01 1.98217422e-01 -7.27304876e-01 -2.14027494e-01 -1.83284298e-01 -7.38902986e-02 -1.55172929e-01 -7.39793777e-02 1.34718329e-01 -2.04653606e-01 -1.31541669e-01 3.67931500e-02 2.23930106e-01 1.97983071e-01 8.67912024e-02 3.63351882e-01 1.27888054e-01 4.46031950e-02 -8.99669081e-02 -1.73640877e-01 -2.81263262e-01 -1.49700657e-01 1.09871380e-01 -1.17754325e-01 -1.52231203e-02 -2.91111976e-01 -1.29401740e-02 1.75948769e-01 1.14267200e-01 1.10221624e-01 1.69948846e-01 4.90645856e-01 5.84808625e-02 -4.62645769e-01 8.83464068e-02 8.12025145e-02 -3.65310848e-01 -7.69964382e-02 -3.83461080e-02 -3.58797647e-02 -2.76037306e-01 1.72837421e-01 7.17552453e-02 -1.96885869e-01 -5.83482049e-02 2.40328848e-01 -5.17800808e-01 -2.08777562e-01 2.60773972e-02 3.40603322e-01 8.93856063e-02 2.05371782e-01 -1.79309025e-01 3.91739942e-02 4.38748449e-02 -3.87859344e-01 3.26679856e-01 6.48312364e-03 -6.60405606e-02 -1.17191829e-01 -1.30152658e-01 -3.59149158e-01 -3.83173604e-03 1.59001842e-01 3.22456926e-01 1.88413873e-01 -1.53618604e-01 -3.30155790e-01 1.25244945e-01 -2.81284424e-03 -2.19104946e-01 7.83009157e-02 1.28517747e-01 -1.01329148e-01 -3.79872441e-01 9.24701765e-02 -4.31283295e-01 1.13582350e-01 -3.11996453e-02 2.09262133e-01 -3.83330733e-01 -6.48641884e-02 3.24311376e-01 -2.24624336e-01 4.19330806e-01 8.56142715e-02 4.52547729e-01 2.41958946e-01 2.82253493e-02 -5.23505770e-02 -1.26218230e-01 1.78038341e-03 -3.03743750e-01 2.10093573e-01 -1.79308712e-01 -2.96114922e-01 1.36283770e-01 4.97482307e-02 -7.20723867e-02 -6.20995648e-02 4.11251187e-01 -2.33697355e-01 -5.21001577e-01 -3.41584802e-01 1.29423127e-01 2.66206264e-01 1.15517378e-01 1.97784811e-01 -6.81395903e-02 1.38772577e-01 1.33488506e-01 1.98271647e-01 2.51959264e-01 -3.20238829e-01 -5.46786934e-03 -1.01599172e-01 2.39529178e-01 3.41952324e-01 -1.68969691e-01 -2.03937158e-01 -1.39757078e-02 1.02490216e-01 -5.40755838e-02 -1.14216499e-01 1.80244625e-01 6.72796786e-01 4.86762524e-02 1.55899525e-01 -3.38714302e-01 -1.29694790e-01 -1.26212224e-01 1.07449189e-01 1.39034078e-01 -1.59715280e-01 2.43326336e-01 -4.32120357e-03 1.81366280e-01 1.08082749e-01 -5.21625459e-01 -1.10717624e-01 4.16273996e-02 -1.91227168e-01 4.57541376e-01 4.87725556e-01 1.22010243e+00 -1.95345096e-02 -2.91745424e-01 2.15327784e-01 -4.51653332e-01 -2.33134761e-01 1.08007692e-01 -6.65868446e-02 -2.87853956e-01 -3.36120874e-01 -2.36532409e-02 -6.84612989e-02 2.17375457e-01 5.14957607e-01 -1.04777008e-01 -1.26421690e-01 -1.58786681e-02 1.56722292e-02 4.56608117e-01 3.63453597e-01 1.50057256e-01 2.88301438e-01 1.17210135e-01 2.37728074e-01 -8.42221379e-02 2.34001935e-01 -2.47577831e-01 1.81784257e-01 -7.66664147e-02 -3.39638650e-01 -1.66900679e-01 4.34891321e-02 -6.77209347e-04 1.53203025e-01 -3.10299367e-01 -1.07720248e-01 -5.42560637e-01 -1.11107610e-01 -4.85486537e-01 -2.72083431e-01 5.58012277e-02 1.53782070e-01 1.34703100e-01 -1.45117879e-01 -2.83895284e-01 -1.59251884e-01 1.46007419e-01 2.35879626e-02 -1.00376919e-01 1.93500564e-01 -1.24939203e-01 5.97254112e-02 -1.62146866e-01 2.18928903e-01 8.25174391e-01 7.94396400e-02 1.24785848e-01 -1.52056381e-01 -1.71990037e-01 -1.26921073e-01 1.31860346e-01 8.58401656e-02 -4.74285148e-02 8.68318893e-04 2.07356542e-01 -8.55534300e-02 3.77821438e-02 1.41847447e-01 1.37119591e-01 8.46980959e-02 -1.79311752e-01 -1.23861291e-01 -1.74821377e-01 -3.06529462e-01 3.87048125e-01 2.89300382e-02 -4.82031137e-01 5.70685804e-01 1.68491825e-01 -3.92510921e-01 -9.78100076e-02 1.74978703e-01 3.12354863e-01 -2.81909883e-01 -5.90463132e-02 -3.70239943e-01 1.80927247e-01 -3.22472490e-02 -3.39456499e-02 3.26402158e-01 6.47109896e-02 -1.13445660e-02 -2.17277437e-01 -3.83702964e-02 -3.75249535e-01 -4.27387096e-02 -3.93232971e-01 -1.87615514e-01 4.68524218e-01 7.52759874e-02 -5.46020456e-02 -1.12455882e-01 1.51470780e-01 2.15430126e-01 -3.50991301e-02 -2.19686627e-01 -6.66173771e-02 1.47203892e-01 -1.05379499e-01 -6.82321489e-02 1.19722851e-01 1.29217207e-01 2.63641387e-01 5.29974587e-02 -4.11463268e-02 2.45108470e-01 3.52812380e-01 -6.99359849e-02 -1.25098035e-01 4.53848511e-01 5.57339638e-02 -1.08413160e-01 6.41997606e-02 2.97571987e-01 3.06774527e-01 -5.45692220e-02 -2.02059552e-01 -1.86680332e-01 -3.69236469e-02 -1.60310343e-02 -2.03570187e-01 7.85268843e-02 2.79101104e-01 9.78630930e-02 -3.30116451e-01 8.03807080e-02 -1.18157476e-01 -1.40048146e-01 -2.95485497e-01 -2.64348537e-01 9.72115621e-02 2.91108608e-01 -2.31304809e-01 -9.44606587e-02 -1.59097597e-01 -1.89943865e-01 -6.64133672e-03 2.86939621e-01 9.17608012e-03 -3.41066867e-01 -3.94012779e-01 1.68720290e-01 3.49162042e-01 4.27872717e-01 -1.80134609e-01 6.03136122e-01 -2.00322241e-01 8.38658959e-02 5.88013828e-01 1.62370965e-01 3.52953613e-01 3.02984506e-01 -3.48919816e-02 5.07356763e-01 -2.57655412e-01 5.18202245e-01 3.20113003e-02 3.49073231e-01 -1.41526684e-01 6.59481049e-01 1.79167733e-01 9.83339846e-02 3.36876847e-02 -5.02504185e-02 -2.78888315e-01 -3.55360478e-01 1.54520661e-01 1.86750889e-01 -4.48197871e-02 1.19280003e-01 -4.44423333e-02 -6.88324273e-02 -4.17750359e-01 5.09338006e-02 1.48407251e-01 -1.01576254e-01 1.29745742e-02 -2.32872888e-01 -6.59701750e-02 9.47013870e-02 -4.06516297e-03 -2.19337955e-01 2.88273603e-01 -2.27194741e-01 -4.49795611e-02 -2.31002532e-02 -1.90171644e-01 2.05107465e-01 2.07003608e-01 2.45478883e-01 1.15563393e-01 1.43539697e-01 -1.17078692e-01 -3.15891057e-01 -2.10221037e-01 -1.86621264e-01 7.19781443e-02 1.93337455e-01 6.60913810e-02 1.01995654e-01 1.16762668e-01 -3.40921760e-01 -2.58117616e-01 4.98736233e-01 2.78545201e-01 1.61601737e-01 1.85409740e-01 -2.39243776e-01 -1.57116249e-01 -1.39898881e-02 8.07881579e-02 5.85864037e-02 3.10432613e-01 -4.65439796e-01 -7.60014653e-02 1.23252735e-01 -1.07446663e-01 6.26176819e-02 1.76812679e-01 4.41005051e-01 -2.23395124e-01 -8.27240571e-02 -2.07169190e-01 -2.28873640e-01 -1.06650814e-01 2.72671670e-01 -2.58515775e-01 -2.87512630e-01 -8.13953020e-03 3.56935374e-02 9.51929912e-02 -4.14744765e-02 -2.74446726e-01 1.14807196e-01 -1.96517408e-01 4.42186683e-01 -8.92421976e-02 1.23444714e-01 1.90103933e-01 2.46089518e-01 3.71977538e-02 3.11073381e-02 2.43962914e-01 -2.52244473e-02 1.91162050e-01 -1.12521276e-01 -4.05561626e-01 -1.27708629e-01 1.53312564e-01 6.55984104e-01 5.07606752e-02 2.41246521e-01 -3.44812483e-01 -2.19065174e-01 -2.63408776e-02 2.08488002e-01 -7.38597289e-02 2.80970931e-01 3.89258295e-01 1.36732861e-01 3.07060480e-01 5.47844052e-01 2.70293225e-02 2.76121855e-01 -3.04947235e-02 1.83927506e-01 1.27295464e-01 1.87674403e-01 -7.92176425e-02 -9.50501636e-02 -6.68175868e-04 -5.39904227e-03 -1.68375775e-01 -2.02851340e-01 -1.02224492e-01 -3.48544687e-01 6.24370039e-01 2.78717190e-01 -1.56389907e-01 -6.32335665e-03 -3.18854600e-02 -1.61265224e-01 -1.31266624e-01 -3.54806364e-01 -2.61422604e-01 -1.23882100e-01 2.73484975e-01 -1.81247249e-01 -4.19221185e-02 -1.35528833e-01 -3.51442963e-01 -9.60981101e-02 2.46908218e-01 1.31312296e-01 -1.23092428e-01 -4.90015559e-02 -5.71883917e-02]
"Unwitting Dreamshaper" active "Item#: SCP-781 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-781 is to be contained within a reinforced cell with a buffer zone at least 25mx25m surrounding it. Subject's cell should include a bed, bathroom, and limited forms of entertainment as approved. As soon as subject initiates sleep, usually at around 20:00, all personnel present in the main containment chamber should evacuate. All personnel are prohibited from interfering with any situation within SCP-781's chamber between 20:00 and 07:00, despite any pleas for aid or attention from SCP-781. [See Addendum 781-05] SCP-781 is to be interviewed each morning at 07:00 by Dr. Glass. Any personnel seeing SCP-781 in their dreams are to report to Dr. Glass for documentation. SCP-781's remains should be collected and placed upon the middle of his containment chamber after any incident resulting in its death. Description: SCP-781 appears to be a human male of Mediterranean descent, approximately [REDACTED] years old as of β–ˆ/β–ˆ/10. However, when he was first recovered in β–ˆ/β–ˆ/97, he appeared to be approximately [REDACTED] years old. Autopsies performed on the subject have determined SCP-781 to be physiologically identical to average humans. The reasons for any anomalies surrounding SCP-781, including decreased rate of aging, are unknown. It is thought that while asleep, SCP-781 involuntarily manifests his own dream-content into a physical form. The majority of these "manifestations" are hostile and highly-dangerous, and on average SCP-781 is killed three times per week. Testing using D-Class personnel shows that these manifestations specifically target SCP-781 over other potential victims, but are capable of harming others should they attempt to interfere. It seems that though it is required that SCP-781 be asleep to create manifestations, it is not required that he continue sleeping for their continued existence. Thankfully, these manifestations are not wholly independent of their creator, and always remain relatively close to SCP-781, up to a range of about 9m. Manifestations that are even partly forced out of this range immediately disappear entirely. Manifestations seem to linger upwards of five (5) minutes even after SCP-781's physical death. Lastly and importantly, it is to be noted that SCP-781 seems capable of auto-resurrection. Though the subject does not exhibit resistance to injury or death beyond the limits of a normal human, twelve (12) hours after SCP-781's physical "death" any remains of its corpse disappear. Another twelve (12) hours later, a fully healthy SCP-781 appears within 10m of the place of its previous death. Further Notes: While SCP-781 seems to display no control over his own dream manifestations, testing has shown that he is capable of perceiving and manipulating the dreams of sleeping subjects in his vicinity. This ability was helpful in determining the source of SCP-781's manifestations. Document 781-01: Most of SCP-781's night-time manifestations are hostile to SCP-781, and are quick to cause him harm. The majority of manifestations never repeat themselves, but there have been cases where reoccurring manifestations have occurred. The following is a list of some of the manifestations seen more than once. Addendum 781-01: See Evaluation Log 781 for extended psychological evaluation and testing. Addendum 781-02: When introduced to SCP-452's presence, both SCP-781 and SCP-452 showed signs of agitation and distress. When questioned, SCP-781 merely stated that spiders made him uneasy. When SCP-452's web was introduced to SCP-781 for the purpose of stopping SCP-781's dreams, testing had no unusual results until [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in twelve (12) personnel casualties. Further testing between SCP-781 and SCP-452 are discontinued, and SCP-781 should be kept from making physical contact with SCP-452's webs at all cost. Addendum 781-03: Testing SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ with SCP-781 as its subject had highly unusual results; after several tries, SCP-781 was able to completely control the smoke's composition, though it took him time and considerable concentration. Further testing of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is prohibited, as giving SCP-781 the ability to create anything he wants is, for obvious reasons, greatly discouraged. Addendum 781-04: By orders of O5-β–ˆ, as of β–ˆ/β–ˆ/00 personnel are no longer to interfere in SCP-781's nightly attacks. It has been determined that the personnel casualties and resource expenditure needed to protect SCP-781 can no longer be justified, as continued interference has only caused the manifestations to become more dangerous and volatile, and SCP-781's immortal nature has been fully proven in any case. Addendum 781-06: SCP-781 has been highly successful in controlling SCP-122. It could be the Foundation's advantage to use the controlled SCP-122 for [DATA EXPUNGED] Addendum 781-07: See Incident Log 122-1/781x. Β« SCP-780 | SCP-781 | SCP-782 Β»" nan
[ 1.71783432e-01 -3.29590350e-01 -7.97135532e-02 -3.49687904e-01 -6.26107603e-02 -3.66751015e-01 3.23052287e-01 7.74244741e-02 1.02226093e-01 1.33576185e-01 1.60846174e-01 5.82035817e-03 -2.54447073e-01 -5.45087636e-01 3.38455200e-01 2.53660947e-01 2.10475296e-01 3.97720784e-01 3.98198187e-01 -3.11804831e-01 -1.05683342e-01 -2.24173501e-01 -1.75468668e-01 3.45927328e-01 -3.23788255e-01 -2.14187831e-01 -6.27779812e-02 2.27429584e-01 -2.36887872e-01 -1.90095976e-02 3.32214147e-01 1.68719262e-01 1.14578694e-01 1.83643430e-01 -1.11579349e-04 -1.21071644e-01 2.40052089e-01 3.65350991e-02 2.88698494e-01 -1.79015137e-02 -3.92453671e-01 -2.25245446e-01 9.29331630e-02 -5.08695878e-02 -1.98728051e-02 3.80333629e-03 1.36385530e-01 4.23793018e-01 5.84127665e-01 1.41861215e-01 2.05272198e-01 1.72274113e-02 -2.91192662e-02 -1.31872714e-01 4.11651731e-01 4.75010782e-01 -1.07974261e-02 2.34366313e-01 -6.87978268e-02 -1.68206215e-01 1.87340170e-01 -9.26019717e-03 -3.09494406e-01 -8.53816047e-02 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-3.77134681e-01 1.49821043e-01 3.01301805e-03 1.13218307e-01 2.74844617e-01 3.42586190e-01 2.45651722e-01 1.54461026e-01 -3.55090275e-02 -1.30630150e-01 5.27877398e-02 -1.29635736e-01 -2.59117305e-01 -8.34138598e-03 -1.92693695e-01 -2.63055682e-01 4.07296479e-01 2.71624804e-01 -2.25984558e-01 -2.56444752e-01 9.13395807e-02 -2.57920963e-03 5.65214381e-02 -2.61906773e-01 2.28379473e-01 2.26897523e-01 5.50169824e-03 -2.74725020e-01 -2.28824437e-01 -9.94700044e-02 9.51270461e-02 -1.23122938e-01 -8.56468007e-02 1.13230526e-01 -4.34853695e-02 -1.27980337e-01 -1.66564640e-02 3.86813074e-01 1.07094929e-01 -5.63450418e-02 1.37705669e-01 -2.77231067e-01 -2.61718214e-01 2.79758424e-01 -1.12330779e-01 3.44128966e-01 -2.18963400e-02 7.31883422e-02 1.85721338e-01 1.06848471e-01 1.35391489e-01 6.85935393e-02 -2.14434534e-01 2.54531831e-01 3.83251101e-01 -3.63980569e-02 3.39336842e-02 -6.68970421e-02 2.12663645e-03 -2.66546905e-01 -8.57679397e-02 1.04355432e-01 1.75703689e-01 4.27063137e-01 8.60558823e-02 3.33792418e-01 -2.18427151e-01 3.30651999e-01 -1.47239000e-01 -4.27929491e-01 -9.81891975e-02 -6.49801781e-03 -5.57913631e-02 -2.53459245e-01 4.40903395e-01 3.81373942e-01 4.06433381e-02 4.99222688e-02 8.52195695e-02 5.55857792e-02 -2.73537725e-01 -2.47461528e-01 -1.26692683e-01 -3.59791964e-02 3.47377472e-02 2.70381123e-01 7.85395876e-02 -7.96914175e-02 -3.46490592e-01 -5.15726209e-01 -7.52769709e-02 -1.33231340e-03 -1.15828872e-01 6.70959651e-02 -6.31321669e-02 4.76215295e-02 -1.46881059e-01 2.49062300e-01 -1.02923659e-03 -8.24458972e-02 5.88840283e-02 1.29425496e-01 -2.03932703e-01 -1.33796632e-01 -1.60860285e-01 3.80748779e-01 -2.79559761e-01 2.06841409e-01 -6.39909878e-02 4.32229862e-02 1.21276148e-01 7.78369606e-02 -2.67937452e-01 9.77767333e-02 4.20099497e-01 -9.57284775e-03 -5.85148074e-02 5.33899248e-01 -2.75285214e-01 2.28244275e-01 1.34129077e-01 -2.20995978e-01 2.10243404e-01 -3.99300866e-02 -9.37045068e-02 -1.12766512e-01 3.32551561e-02 -3.30118239e-01 3.56171317e-02 -1.02322370e-01 -1.90016374e-01 -1.90183923e-01 -1.09983392e-01 1.71170592e-01 -2.03310698e-01 -7.71000609e-02 9.29781497e-02 -9.69056189e-02 7.31265321e-02 1.38136521e-01 1.79000258e-01 2.60036826e-01 -3.27355444e-01 -1.41030848e-01 -9.07949954e-02 -3.37198406e-01 2.79082172e-02 -1.86523855e-01 -4.88248765e-02 -7.41974190e-02 -3.43189359e-01 6.96238056e-02 -8.60108957e-02 -2.88411617e-01 -2.13545844e-01 5.99963851e-02 -8.89886320e-02 -1.46246389e-01 -3.60855639e-01 6.80747151e-01 6.25561401e-02 -3.40624064e-01 -1.30456433e-01 -3.81922692e-01 1.91241637e-01 2.40412951e-02 8.78603160e-02 -4.57962044e-02 -2.68476099e-01 2.87319392e-01 3.18413645e-01 1.84171811e-01 -3.63871247e-01 -2.32546493e-01 1.19977906e-01 -5.77233024e-02 3.10425133e-01 -8.26144069e-02 5.46242535e-01 1.39784023e-01 -3.76045942e-01 1.08121978e-02 -1.78415719e-02 1.54065099e-02 -9.73340049e-02 -5.72416782e-01 3.42385587e-03 -2.55764306e-01 6.51885271e-02 3.87629032e-01 1.59909204e-01 -3.56150069e-03 4.90264930e-02 5.92806153e-02 -2.08995178e-01 -2.68159032e-01 7.28034556e-01 1.91433907e-01 1.10366911e-01 -5.59442222e-01 1.50874943e-01 -2.86042988e-01 7.63352364e-02 -4.47727293e-02 8.55605155e-02 -2.69174390e-03 -5.43306693e-02 3.95865679e-01 -2.53204465e-01 8.42646882e-03 4.03050840e-01 4.49028879e-01 2.40972489e-01 1.51393071e-01 9.60281491e-02 3.44578438e-02 4.46198918e-02 -1.36307925e-01 5.06638475e-02 -3.61604005e-01 -2.21396461e-02 -1.45615056e-01 -1.08095735e-01 -1.38198957e-01 9.34443697e-02 -2.43603021e-01 1.34537995e-01 -4.09198165e-01 -2.74861753e-01 1.38271093e-01 1.40216192e-02 -4.75217879e-01 -2.11902812e-01 -3.21997195e-01 2.59599745e-01 7.43559971e-02 1.21011555e-01 -1.38567276e-02 -2.23806217e-01 -2.40204157e-03 -1.60139695e-01 3.43312979e-01 7.86245584e-01 1.40997440e-01 1.48525894e-01 1.89486519e-01 -2.62161903e-02 -1.00275822e-01 1.21250369e-01 1.18767127e-01 7.76504457e-01 5.83497202e-03 2.36268654e-01 -8.83492455e-02 3.08169812e-01 -2.66781479e-01 -2.94814482e-02 3.68220389e-01 -1.89037919e-01 5.38432479e-01 -1.79485947e-01 1.53883398e-01 -2.24229723e-01 -2.32884899e-01 -3.72435182e-01 -1.16773248e-01 -1.02656282e-01 2.88152158e-01 2.55771697e-01 1.26333296e+00 4.15732950e-01 2.57586032e-01 3.90749313e-02 -3.71686459e-01 2.53039509e-01 5.79185374e-02 1.49632663e-01 -9.05373916e-02 1.94775015e-01 5.53633794e-02 -1.71408728e-01 1.90641254e-01 3.35314870e-01 -1.63262650e-01 -2.86118776e-01 -5.62549867e-02 9.71107706e-02 2.11609855e-01 2.49948293e-01 7.75998235e-02 -6.06771149e-02 1.92100793e-01 2.48390138e-01 1.60185456e-01 7.90077597e-02 1.42561331e-01 4.60080570e-03 -4.89037670e-02 -3.90314274e-02 1.49248138e-01 9.98935774e-02 3.93905304e-02 -3.36913182e-03 -3.34229767e-01 -2.86692321e-01 -2.20910221e-01 -4.42702323e-01 -4.70692724e-01 -6.61527961e-02 -8.70621204e-03 3.26098889e-01 3.76808643e-01 -1.24106012e-01 1.58233568e-01 2.39983257e-02 2.45161936e-01 -1.19793816e-02 -2.47052163e-01 -7.28205871e-03 1.58866756e-02 -8.72450098e-02 -2.21447393e-01 -4.75758575e-02 -9.48338881e-02 -2.31637452e-02 2.00089172e-01 1.18692644e-01 -2.42400303e-01 -1.47544682e-01 2.09132269e-01 3.07045758e-01 4.37959284e-02 3.55386250e-02 -3.15461248e-01 3.99938785e-02 -2.81179488e-01 2.83587605e-01 1.97671875e-02 -9.01032612e-02 -5.55534363e-02 -1.26162153e-02 -2.84464687e-01 -3.48163188e-01 -8.74201655e-02 -2.40310922e-01 -2.83858031e-01 -2.67979503e-02 -2.15988919e-01 -1.71656907e-01 -5.84289841e-02 5.70788562e-01 3.14608887e-02 -3.47425252e-01 8.19585547e-02 -2.10420251e-01 1.34066716e-01 9.65376571e-02 -2.72245437e-01 4.61983532e-01 -2.33021930e-01 8.30644608e-01 1.13096135e-02 3.41949940e-01 -3.79091501e-01 4.60923128e-02 1.21097513e-01 2.87447665e-02 -8.07823241e-02 -2.31926218e-01 -1.67323992e-01 -2.56698847e-01 1.57399610e-01 3.96281660e-01 -2.64344364e-01 -1.75724342e-01 -1.56585604e-01 1.01145886e-01 1.28026873e-01 -1.85892075e-01 -3.31267044e-02 4.57418412e-02 1.06802031e-01 1.13667957e-01 -4.83371131e-02 -6.45337030e-02 6.94545731e-02 1.99585304e-01 -6.96420133e-01 1.72067210e-01 2.31695205e-01 5.92134381e-03 1.26783013e-01 4.12549913e-01 -2.20572442e-01 -1.75555438e-01 -9.96374413e-02 8.02527741e-02 2.26617098e-01 3.79690498e-01 -4.78071123e-01 3.53411973e-01 2.89399445e-01 1.48799956e-01 -3.09715420e-01 -6.02194294e-03 -3.50113809e-02 2.64758974e-01 -2.14254931e-01 1.16227560e-01 -4.19725925e-02 2.56968468e-01 -3.61898877e-02 2.28317812e-01 -7.10689723e-02 2.94216752e-01 -1.20734818e-01 2.74780005e-01 7.95195326e-02 -4.67132717e-01 -1.74988925e-01 6.95925951e-02 -3.51113789e-02 -1.96491897e-01 8.29334632e-02 -6.21407293e-02 -1.33278668e-01 9.03366774e-04 3.08200836e-01 2.03003109e-01 4.49929714e-01 4.71321046e-01 2.61189312e-01 -2.19314486e-01 -2.41544680e-03 6.00946367e-01 1.72127932e-01 -5.98475225e-02 6.70628026e-02 1.86980650e-01 4.27044071e-02 1.45070970e-01 -1.32519990e-01 2.25993454e-01 -4.28033650e-01 2.65333474e-01 -1.37658805e-01 -3.81198223e-03 3.54429185e-02 2.92655915e-01 1.93710089e-01 -2.35697657e-01 -2.26248458e-01 -1.05670325e-01 1.71065912e-01 1.52806908e-01 4.22265977e-01 -6.03951737e-02 -3.63666900e-02 3.81869942e-01 -1.22809634e-01 -7.59648308e-02 3.85890335e-01 2.86551677e-02 2.57800631e-02 4.02776420e-01 7.74302287e-03 3.17677796e-01 1.08066157e-01 2.60084659e-01 1.92913860e-01 -2.00542994e-02 6.34907791e-03 -1.61363751e-01 -2.26942763e-01 -2.70776778e-01 9.18679684e-02 2.05675378e-01 -3.87362838e-02 9.92422178e-02 1.69838861e-01 -2.23363072e-01 -1.23564683e-01 4.30440009e-02 3.22736293e-01 -5.96122034e-02 5.88332236e-01 -3.98227237e-02 -1.94599107e-01 1.23914964e-01 -9.99682024e-02 -3.29198420e-01 -1.81629017e-01 -3.90356272e-01 -1.36134312e-01 2.40575403e-01 -5.47726810e-01 9.00558531e-02 -2.84634858e-01 1.24362476e-01 -3.34474266e-01 5.54668047e-02 1.38885915e-01 -2.44372472e-01 -1.55942708e-01 2.23586738e-01 -2.38761947e-01 -5.03522396e-01 -1.70181319e-02 -1.23863988e-01 -7.01741800e-02 8.33545700e-02 -2.74811476e-01 -1.11815326e-01 2.98416018e-01 -6.81128353e-02 -1.26637340e-01 2.67123759e-01 3.74820799e-01 -9.35637876e-02 1.27791420e-01 -6.94881901e-02 1.55265078e-01 -5.79210408e-02 1.76876903e-01 4.02249917e-02 6.08475134e-02 -7.26375729e-02 1.75760277e-02 6.93795085e-01 2.47639075e-01 2.08590552e-01 -2.51749665e-01 -3.93390834e-01 -4.88974191e-02 4.45384532e-01 -3.84689778e-01 1.26497030e-01 2.01592460e-01 6.56221151e-01 1.48206234e-01 3.78840417e-01 2.87741482e-01 -1.52686760e-01 -1.10971883e-01 1.52104706e-01 -3.01893175e-01 -1.48882166e-01 -2.88166791e-01 1.92907363e-01 2.75505185e-01 6.47904456e-01 -6.10159077e-02 1.13047974e-03 -1.57594383e-01 -3.20714056e-01 2.20124468e-01 -6.90162778e-02 1.16827361e-01 9.96817127e-02 7.94938132e-02 -1.92392141e-01 -2.79243201e-01 -4.98844802e-01 -6.47696527e-03 -3.32340077e-02 6.72599599e-02 1.88860506e-01 -2.88724359e-02 -3.19720283e-02 -1.38830602e-01 -1.34328187e-01 7.19266593e-01 2.21027583e-01 -2.62140423e-01 -1.20623365e-01 -7.72310123e-02]
"All-New You" active "Item #: SCP-782 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All known copies of SCP-782 are to be kept at Storage Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. β–ˆβ–ˆ copies are currently in storage; the total number of existing copies is unknown. Mobile Task Force Kappa-β–ˆβ–ˆ ("The Bookworms") is tasked with searching libraries, used book stores and thrift stores for copies still in circulation. Copies of SCP-782 must be stored in a low humidity environment to discourage decomposition. If possible, personnel handling copies of SCP-782 should not be capable of reading English. English-literate personnel are to treat SCP-782 as a Gabriel-7 level memetic threat. Description: SCP-782 is an anonymously published self-help book entitled "Three Easy Steps to an All-New You". No author is listed, and its publisher, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, closed in 199β–ˆ. As β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was a so-called "vanity publisher", none of the individuals associated with it claim to remember such a book, or indeed most of the books they published. In addition, all of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's records were destroyed when its CEO, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, burnt down the company's head office in an attempt to commit insurance fraud. Due to these factors, SCP-782's unknown origins should not be considered paranormal in nature. When SCP-782 is read by an individual capable of understanding its content and message, it has a Type-P memetic effect upon the victim. SCP-782 alters the chemistry, connections, and even architecture of the brain. SCP-782's effect occurs in three stages. The three stages occur in various areas of the body over time, generally taking 7-14 months, though, rarely, it can happen in over less than a single month. The first stage of the effect is that the victim begins to feel numbness in random places on the body; the numbness eventually fades. The second stage of the effect is that the victim is no longer able to control those areas. The affected individual has no way of influencing the movement of the affected body parts beyond manipulating the body parts the affected areas are attached to. The victim is still capable of sensation through affected areas; essentially, the affected areas can send signals to the brain, but not receive them. The second stage is typically brief, generally lasting one (1) to three (3) days. In the third and final stage of SCP-782's effect, the affected areas begin to engage in autonomous movement. The movement of the affected areas may be completely at odds with the desires of the victim, and affected body parts frequently engage in activity uncharacteristic of the victim's personality. The body parts will attempt to achieve goals and perform tasks independent of the desires of the victim. If hands, mouth and throat all become affected communication becomes difficult, if not impossible. Once communicative organs become affected, they will almost invariably begin to attempt communication on behalf of another mind. At this point, it becomes clear that the various affected body parts are not independent from each other, but controlled by another will. Eventually the total body is controlled by the secondary will, which becomes the dominant consciousness of the body. The new personality shares no memories with the old, although they will share all of its β€œsubconscious” memories, i.e. skills and language. The new personality is no more likely to be malicious than a member of the general population. Document 782-1: The following document is a collection of case reports of SCP-782 incidents, from the notes of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Case 782-AAA: Victim is 47 years old, male, Caucasian. No history of mental illness. Local priest; campaigned against same-sex marriage bill in state of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Checked into local hospital for mysterious numbness. Shift progression began in hands. Victim demonstrated an apparent sudden increase in artistic talent. Occasionally, the hands draw imagery described by the victim as homoerotic. Shift progressed next to genital area. Victim reported unwanted sexual arousal described as homosexual. Shift progressed, victim eventually took own life. Autopsy concluded cause of death due to suffocating on tongue, detached via laceration by the teeth. Case-782-ABJ: Victim is 16 years old, female, of African descent. Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, not considered relevant. Checked into local hospital for mysterious numbness. Shift progression began in throat. Victim would vocally beg for help, claiming to be trapped inside a strange body she couldn’t control. Victim confirmed through written communication that she was no longer in control of her speech. Speech would be distressed despite a lack of corresponding body language. Shift progressed to rest of body; speech became less troubled as more body parts came under the new consciousness’s control. As the victim's hands shifted quickly, the mental condition of the original personality for the final year of its existence is unknown. Girl administered class A amnestics, returned to family, currently living normal life, albeit under Foundation observation. Case-782-ACB: Victim is 32 years old, male, Asian. No history of mental illness. Checked into local hospital due to sudden, inexplicable blindness. Victim regained eyesight, returned home. Shift very quickly spread to hands and arms. Due to unknown reasons, victim did not seek medical attention. Shift very quickly spread to legs. Victim [DATA EXPUNGED] wife and daughter against his will. Begged responding police to kill him. Currently in Foundation custody at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Shift is not yet total. Document SCP-782-A: For the purposes of research personnel, the following is an excerpt from SCP-782. As it is not being read directly from SCP-782, reading the following document is harmless. "The first step to an All-New You is rejecting the Old You. You've got to throw away all your baggage, all your hang-ups, discard all the failings of the Old You… The second step is to find the New You. The best way to find the New You is to look deep inside, find your childhood dreams and your secret fantasies, and embrace that as the New You… the third step is to embrace the New You. You need to allow the New You to completely replace the Old You, so that the Old You is no more." Β« SCP-781 | SCP-782 | SCP-783 Β»" nan
[ 3.41413945e-01 -3.89955342e-01 -1.04163207e-01 -3.91195536e-01 4.23789676e-03 -6.62267506e-02 2.38487154e-01 1.38898581e-01 1.62236527e-01 1.18876733e-02 5.31570464e-02 1.31123140e-01 -2.97368228e-01 -7.92822912e-02 2.46221662e-01 -1.66984946e-02 3.53838474e-01 2.78910726e-01 5.69051564e-01 -2.95356154e-01 -1.00203231e-01 -1.80216789e-01 -2.86964238e-01 2.47674942e-01 8.14147741e-02 -2.31136858e-01 -4.91380990e-02 3.22490811e-01 -2.91116536e-01 -6.86733603e-01 6.43595830e-02 6.03902698e-01 1.24634787e-01 3.64981622e-01 -1.14843497e-04 -7.45629072e-02 1.86549744e-03 -5.42623363e-02 -1.74949497e-01 6.37149625e-03 -5.24548478e-02 -1.78328946e-01 3.17046344e-01 -3.26262653e-01 7.99346641e-02 1.74286827e-01 -5.24924770e-02 1.67061448e-01 6.62600815e-01 1.88606843e-01 1.27597645e-01 -2.06269130e-01 1.68947294e-01 -7.14828148e-02 6.26679957e-01 2.41788790e-01 -1.36342645e-01 -2.46647298e-02 4.64032471e-01 2.26099610e-01 4.61599827e-02 -1.39528187e-02 -3.24838012e-01 1.80241361e-01 3.54034483e-01 -1.90298468e-01 5.44804990e-01 -1.03109747e-01 -2.93648392e-01 3.29581648e-01 -1.21730208e-01 8.64800587e-02 -4.56638858e-02 -1.43991262e-01 -2.56415382e-02 -1.82704449e-01 -7.43223876e-02 -3.37251872e-02 -1.44796237e-01 -1.26316741e-01 -9.35465246e-02 1.68223098e-01 -1.00063257e-01 -1.89753562e-01 -1.46401394e-02 1.49745509e-01 -1.83050722e-01 -5.92972934e-02 4.17137355e-01 -7.43491054e-02 1.88310072e-01 3.27909559e-01 9.27482098e-02 -7.60049075e-02 -2.97444332e-02 -2.40360126e-01 9.21425745e-02 6.32992163e-02 1.83062583e-01 5.05186664e-03 2.86868870e-01 2.38895237e-01 -7.76467919e-02 7.81187639e-02 -1.05853885e-01 -1.84691951e-01 8.89576599e-02 -6.10826164e-02 -3.84542495e-01 5.43565571e-01 1.44021675e-01 1.32316247e-01 -2.46955439e-01 3.28192294e-01 1.05464511e-01 -1.97125286e-01 -2.60240078e-01 -2.09434360e-01 -2.35956296e-01 3.47431446e-03 -3.08608979e-01 8.25702995e-02 -2.77050704e-01 4.49557751e-01 3.28146935e-01 3.55839819e-01 -5.04429173e-03 -2.61430323e-01 -3.30475956e-01 1.67192265e-01 -5.89657389e-02 1.49544785e-02 -3.57858688e-01 1.54246435e-01 1.30846158e-01 2.21104190e-01 -3.27886865e-02 8.35856199e-02 -2.07671821e-01 -1.53204590e-01 -2.92024910e-02 -7.47672692e-02 4.78804737e-01 1.66345060e-01 -1.02939103e-02 -5.31543829e-02 -2.23466173e-01 -2.92069048e-01 -1.33732274e-01 -8.93155336e-02 2.17443913e-01 -1.50684593e-02 -2.84848571e-01 1.78373158e-01 -3.32128815e-03 4.49432433e-02 3.37676495e-01 -6.44106418e-02 -2.14975432e-01 -3.16786110e-01 4.02676761e-01 7.33602121e-02 1.21419676e-01 -9.35940295e-02 3.34203579e-02 4.53682721e-01 1.35937646e-01 -2.39519253e-01 -9.61651467e-03 -2.30039790e-01 -1.54784277e-01 -3.10628802e-01 -2.06700657e-02 2.63269603e-01 -1.63865611e-01 -5.82649373e-02 -1.78653359e-01 2.05513805e-01 -2.80711823e-03 -1.95995569e-01 -3.54079604e-01 1.78534277e-02 1.13197878e-01 -3.42137158e-01 7.81645030e-02 1.05713345e-01 3.45492968e-03 -5.12810826e-01 2.02675819e-01 7.83979371e-02 -2.31842414e-01 -4.07484502e-01 1.37482703e-01 -6.17286079e-02 1.69586837e-01 1.12455040e-01 2.94957906e-01 2.16271937e-01 3.27713937e-01 1.17950797e-01 -1.08855754e-01 2.55078733e-01 1.55270353e-01 7.22337216e-02 -1.46002010e-01 -1.69935033e-01 -2.15764672e-01 -1.81255370e-01 5.53328991e-01 1.69873923e-01 -4.42451805e-01 1.07015751e-01 -1.58171102e-01 -2.64893651e-01 -5.27577549e-02 -3.31120610e-01 1.40068203e-01 2.83389181e-01 3.47535253e-01 -2.34446689e-01 -2.77785391e-01 -1.81317657e-01 8.88098776e-02 1.74102142e-01 -1.42675459e-01 -1.68263242e-01 -1.87696606e-01 -3.26253697e-02 -1.79916173e-01 5.64099289e-02 3.16052198e-01 -5.14361337e-02 2.16898769e-01 -1.19474299e-01 -5.94636559e-01 1.09278105e-01 -1.20801970e-01 6.15487218e-01 -8.93465951e-02 5.19064954e-03 2.42810935e-01 -1.12094805e-01 2.99376518e-01 -1.02023728e-01 7.73671567e-02 4.88381863e-01 2.70561613e-02 2.25650907e-01 -4.18347772e-03 -2.95605510e-02 1.12514995e-01 -4.83094156e-01 -3.87292467e-02 4.01084824e-03 9.27420557e-02 1.98697075e-01 -2.42241070e-01 -1.74705431e-01 1.93447739e-01 5.55754825e-02 8.22471827e-02 -4.16141123e-01 1.15188360e-01 1.39320223e-02 4.89491411e-02 -9.87208486e-02 -7.21056163e-02 1.88784420e-01 2.99929045e-02 2.25165728e-02 -1.13000087e-01 1.17388204e-01 -1.56263277e-01 -1.81234151e-01 -1.41628841e-02 -7.68641084e-02 2.85679042e-01 2.20485225e-01 7.99813494e-02 1.33328080e-01 -3.38967517e-02 -1.67446658e-01 1.87146097e-01 1.46523848e-01 -3.35016817e-01 1.07148401e-01 1.00350127e-01 2.68652052e-01 6.15697540e-02 1.74358726e-01 2.15046942e-01 3.61079210e-03 -2.01215893e-01 5.43199331e-02 1.21079206e-01 -1.60645038e-01 -4.57655013e-01 3.03038001e-01 -2.59345889e-01 1.76542163e-01 -2.65595645e-01 5.02282791e-02 6.43443540e-02 4.41870391e-02 -2.37909898e-01 -6.95622787e-02 2.15856642e-01 -5.36495686e-01 -2.66099602e-01 2.52552301e-01 -1.01445079e-01 2.26781011e-01 -7.12145269e-02 -6.60292804e-01 1.21237367e-01 2.93557253e-02 1.47124887e-01 -3.07134211e-01 1.09994449e-01 -9.50221956e-01 -3.86314660e-01 -5.14486022e-02 -9.96357054e-02 -7.25268871e-02 -9.50313285e-02 -9.37433764e-02 9.58689153e-02 -1.02703393e-01 3.62784684e-01 1.71631165e-02 3.71104151e-01 -7.27766529e-02 -1.15078598e-01 2.49630883e-01 -5.19916058e-01 3.23893815e-01 2.43031513e-02 -5.24654567e-01 -1.01983532e-01 3.93729210e-02 9.34934542e-02 2.14950159e-01 -3.22755754e-01 -1.59394920e-01 9.15197581e-02 -2.50372618e-01 -1.83453381e-01 7.09931180e-02 2.13990018e-01 -2.16048822e-01 -1.20317169e-01 6.49119139e-01 9.47176814e-02 -3.25418562e-01 -1.45283351e-02 -5.90636015e-01 -7.26258233e-02 5.01602255e-02 1.27853185e-01 -5.27986765e-01 -8.36468637e-02 4.02468294e-01 2.91324526e-01 -1.40254153e-03 -6.11471981e-02 -1.58338025e-01 3.12259704e-01 -1.27063528e-01 3.03768575e-01 -2.38503814e-01 7.75094405e-02 -3.56311172e-01 -1.20792918e-01 1.14950426e-01 -1.73381731e-01 -4.38112110e-01 -1.30547911e-01 -7.63027789e-03 -6.58178806e-01 -2.20961258e-01 -2.39961669e-01 2.49583393e-01 2.39526689e-01 -1.78950801e-01 -1.44071192e-01 -1.40256872e-02 -2.71906480e-02 3.01944286e-01 4.05049264e-01 -2.00340867e-01 -2.29854658e-02 -8.75286639e-01 6.07581794e-01 1.41008466e-01 1.49809152e-01 9.20154527e-03 9.25870463e-02 -2.12206952e-02 -1.73316419e-01 4.17073250e-01 -4.58806902e-01 2.46255010e-01 3.90059024e-01 2.52363592e-01 5.50390065e-01 1.41438395e-01 -8.82088616e-02 -1.47538245e-01 -4.37898129e-01 2.94249117e-01 6.66972458e-01 1.22317448e-01 -7.00734183e-02 -6.60043210e-02 -8.66700560e-02 -2.40187287e-01 2.17232987e-01 1.18772291e-01 2.23504305e-01 -5.92108250e-01 -3.16540450e-01 3.63360047e-01 -2.26707920e-01 -1.04987599e-01 -2.55187184e-01 6.09797575e-02 4.31090057e-01 2.89682388e-01 -4.82957400e-02 -1.62488997e-01 -2.98116207e-01 4.70453233e-01 -1.97900444e-01 6.37608469e-01 4.16988552e-01 2.16120347e-01 3.82246792e-01 -5.49696125e-02 1.33503944e-01 8.96093920e-02 1.44240171e-01 -1.57757148e-01 8.69806230e-01 4.62491989e-01 3.60478431e-01 1.12901874e-01 2.65195429e-01 2.17299126e-02 8.14240798e-02 2.66958863e-01 -6.65995255e-02 -5.89173324e-02 -1.96349174e-01 2.99532292e-03 -1.24382243e-01 -3.96082163e-01 -6.37474835e-01 1.84122697e-01 -3.53361852e-02 4.71472651e-01 4.11717743e-01 1.24321270e+00 3.01423594e-02 3.22602957e-01 -2.22715020e-01 4.63172607e-02 7.77922571e-02 -8.58589485e-02 2.07264766e-01 -2.03475654e-01 9.02567729e-02 1.94589514e-02 -2.67105639e-01 2.04283878e-01 5.40287681e-02 -9.80040729e-02 -1.48702607e-01 -2.26624638e-01 -1.46164641e-01 3.04899961e-01 4.68491688e-02 5.41448966e-02 -1.19507305e-01 3.48604709e-01 1.37332261e-01 1.07551729e-02 6.29614890e-02 1.41327567e-02 4.26681861e-02 3.28136003e-03 1.34888336e-01 -2.17918113e-01 8.77663270e-02 -3.97969484e-01 -2.82371771e-02 -1.04976773e-01 -2.28026196e-01 2.07654029e-01 -4.74651992e-01 -1.44865271e-02 -1.51577652e-01 5.76043911e-02 9.35051367e-02 5.87459445e-01 -2.40740716e-01 5.96899614e-02 9.42573249e-02 2.48021305e-01 7.97329769e-02 -2.73547351e-01 -6.92311227e-02 5.32717537e-03 5.39311878e-02 -1.78562745e-01 1.43155411e-01 1.80858403e-01 -1.24976285e-01 2.70039082e-01 3.28020602e-01 1.56306371e-01 -2.98994809e-01 1.07896402e-01 9.85734016e-02 -2.36830950e-01 1.90600708e-01 1.51644737e-01 -2.01137155e-01 -1.93900224e-02 2.24013701e-01 9.47427601e-02 -1.32311553e-01 1.86251357e-01 -7.89954439e-02 -1.85434937e-01 -2.96194166e-01 8.40871185e-02 -4.78610963e-01 1.06918670e-01 6.69860765e-02 -1.09154224e-01 -9.95254889e-02 7.37136975e-02 2.93099314e-01 2.66339630e-02 2.23866571e-02 2.51501659e-03 -5.27560115e-02 1.99593917e-01 -5.70207685e-02 -1.69884026e-01 1.45457983e-01 1.91544089e-02 2.95853198e-01 7.75066856e-03 2.25718766e-01 -3.18449706e-01 3.40204239e-01 -2.03208134e-01 -7.48696597e-03 1.29992113e-01 -4.42370474e-01 -1.83565736e-01 -1.41530752e-01 1.49340034e-01 4.48667079e-01 -2.56996304e-01 -1.61428705e-01 -1.55574501e-01 1.36372298e-01 2.57265791e-02 -1.86585233e-01 1.15479156e-01 -4.22783233e-02 3.60936642e-01 1.57713920e-01 -2.63077915e-02 2.11785913e-01 3.96367133e-01 5.09127438e-01 -4.25858229e-01 5.17341979e-02 1.54161006e-01 4.62649986e-02 -1.82627514e-01 1.32614121e-01 -4.51343916e-02 1.69894367e-01 -1.31560609e-01 1.95832383e-02 1.67030632e-01 4.43308711e-01 -3.65099721e-02 2.53073961e-01 2.55314201e-01 -8.56345892e-02 -1.21927559e-01 -1.39013715e-02 -3.57796013e-01 2.45639086e-01 -3.44174266e-01 1.89354450e-01 1.85542911e-01 2.75066108e-01 -7.93945044e-02 1.54439226e-01 1.91319913e-01 -1.35974750e-01 -8.97305161e-02 1.84784114e-01 7.70255774e-02 -5.85519195e-01 -1.53098807e-01 1.05202071e-01 -1.13332041e-01 2.84586430e-01 1.99754864e-01 -9.83172935e-03 -5.57047352e-02 -3.28269035e-01 4.05660868e-01 2.89840847e-01 -3.62574705e-04 2.35014185e-01 6.01205409e-01 -7.91238025e-02 -3.39696497e-01 5.87648988e-01 -2.57781893e-01 -5.43712191e-02 3.49080294e-01 4.78881225e-02 1.30703598e-01 3.11028939e-02 -1.15309253e-01 1.93230018e-01 5.73712625e-02 -1.80284292e-01 5.04769087e-02 -6.80217072e-02 8.68994445e-02 -2.72485524e-01 1.07758701e-01 -2.44417727e-01 -4.31905091e-01 -4.70137112e-02 4.41875458e-02 -1.05303302e-01 2.77200282e-01 6.56986684e-02 1.31867477e-03 -2.14443773e-01 -1.51204243e-01 1.01653047e-01 6.42296016e-01 -3.97574335e-01 -8.38047415e-02 4.45918620e-01 -1.56890228e-01 2.99636684e-02 6.25540763e-02 2.56921262e-01 -1.33848891e-01 -2.74228960e-01 1.13000013e-01 -1.88084871e-01 -8.79612789e-02 1.98751882e-01 -1.33134037e-01 6.10369146e-01 2.43628591e-01 -1.05180785e-01 5.67955226e-02 -1.41993180e-01 1.27397582e-03 -4.87701632e-02 2.64434457e-01 3.94625999e-02 3.42112690e-01 -8.58967453e-02 -2.87928283e-01 -5.28302900e-02 1.08983621e-01 -3.19675803e-01 -4.74770330e-02 4.07316685e-02 -3.95226061e-01 2.19010726e-01 -2.04431653e-01 5.07435016e-02 -9.28230509e-02 1.83441833e-01 8.02241173e-03 1.95296958e-01 1.11414626e-01 -1.53892845e-01 2.27546275e-01 -4.77116508e-03 -1.56871676e-01 1.91662386e-01 1.16376534e-01 2.35040620e-01 2.12052807e-01 2.21724659e-01 -2.49725714e-01 1.79052338e-01 -3.00993681e-01 2.65888304e-01 -1.98822245e-01 3.07963789e-01 2.70011693e-01 6.87758923e-02 1.26169443e-01 -8.95770863e-02 5.50990738e-02 -3.33632499e-01 6.56030253e-02 2.37556994e-02 2.16434643e-01 1.39293954e-01 9.54492688e-02 4.84001428e-01 8.53243396e-02 2.59190679e-01 -7.81036168e-02 -4.87413377e-01 1.66473255e-01 3.95334601e-01 -3.20064932e-01 3.28172036e-02 2.40358800e-01 4.90710825e-01 4.60261442e-02 1.29989684e-01 3.97496015e-01 -2.46342793e-01 -1.26594514e-01 -3.37293372e-02 -4.30987209e-01 -1.29946962e-01 1.97544977e-01 -1.43402636e-01 5.69666550e-02 3.55212092e-01 6.60583600e-02 -5.36930887e-03 -3.01831126e-01 -1.72549918e-01 3.85210305e-01 6.10600002e-02 4.41179536e-02 8.20867494e-02 1.72534943e-01 -2.44121984e-01 -2.91097969e-01 -6.50221050e-01 -1.05855629e-01 7.36269876e-02 -9.68646705e-02 -1.82694986e-01 6.40199408e-02 -4.12231416e-01 -4.36838657e-01 -1.50869146e-01 5.00883222e-01 1.25288488e-02 -3.22778314e-01 -3.04159194e-01 -5.38521819e-02]
"There Was A Crooked Man" active "SCP-783: There Was A Crooked Man Author: S D Locke And that Crooked little man was broken on the wheel… Other works by S D Locke! β–Έ More by this Author β—‚ F.A.Q. Special Containment Procedures: Personnel must monitor the town of Temby, and continue to develop the entity's profile. Its victims are to be retrieved, incinerated, and cataloged in this file. Update: Due to recent events, a stronger Foundation presence has been determined to be necessary for the containment of SCP-783 and its related phenomena. An ancillary building near the local hospital, as well as two domiciles, have been commandeered from the locals for Foundation use. This property in its entirety has been re-designated as a provisional Site-5. Description: SCP-783 is a hostile entity currently preying upon the residents of Temby, a rural hamlet in Oxfordshire, England. It has a period of activity lasting roughly seventy days over the fall and winter months, occurring every twelve years. It exclusively attacks those who are alone and indoors after sunset. Buildings housing SCP-783's current target will experience a steady degradation of their structural integrity. Outwardly, this is visible as faults and breaks on the outer facade which lend affected structures an angled or crooked appearance. This anomaly extends to any objects which breach the affected building's exterior, causing immediate and severe deformation that is invariably fatal to living subjects. To date, personnel have yet to prevent an attack or been able to provide any means of assistance to SCP-783's targets. Due to this, as well as SCP-783's effects on recording equipment, little is known regarding SCP-783's exact appearance and the nature of its anomalous attributes. Victims of SCP-783 attack exhibit gross deformations in their body structure as the result of dozens of compound fractures along their long bones and severely displaced vertebrae. These are healed via the rapid generation of excessive cartilage and osseous tissue. Victims display hyperelasticity of their epidermis and musculature to accommodate the extra tissue, with one subject's forearm extending over 2.4 meters, and another having a recorded height of 12.5 meters. The end result of this malformation and elongation are subjects who visually present as being wholly serrated or gnarled. Despite the nature of these injuries, most victims are alive after the cessation of an SCP-783 attack, though they often suffer full-body paralysis or remain in a persistent vegetative state. Twenty-seven living specimens have been acquired and placed on life supportβ€”they are held in a wing of the local hospital requisitioned for Foundation use. The residents of Temby are aware of the existence of SCP-783, though speaking of it publicly is considered taboo. Researchers have documented a playground song shared among local youths regarding the anomaly: There lived a crooked man, who made a crooked deal He kept a crooked cane, and his catch in crooked creel He stole a crooked child, who cried a crooked squeal And that crooked little man was broken on the wheel A month prior to SCP-783's current period of activity, D-209 was selected from a group of volunteers to live in a Foundation-owned property in Temby. Audio/Video recording equipment was installed throughout the house for observation purposes. The following was recorded on the forty-third day of his stay. VIDEO LOG 2F Bedroom: [ D-209 is lying upright in bed, reading a novel. ] Living Room: [ Live-feed experiences a jagged, vertical distortion in its display. This begins on the left of the frame, near the front door, and crosses over to the right side towards the hallway. It lasts approximately twenty-three seconds. ] 1F Hallway: [ Floodlights from the window opposing the camera are obscured by something entering the hallway. A similar distortion effect occurs center-frame, masking the object. The image quality further degrades before ceasing transmission. ] 2F Bedroom: [ D-209 jerks upright, alert. Claims to hear a slow prolonged scratching sound coming from the first floor. He begins to get up out of bed. ] Note: [ SCP-783 manifestation confirmed. Visual distortion taken to be an indicator of SCP-783's physical placement within the house. ] 2F Stair: [ Image becomes wavy and distorted. Movement can be seen, though the interference is such that no details can be made out. ] 2F Bedroom: [ Slow, deliberate footsteps can be heard ascending the stairs. D-209 attempts to open the window and escape, to no avail. ] 2F Bedroom: [ D-209 procures a small lamp from the nightstand, and makes several attempts to smash through the window. ] 2F Hallway: [ Sudden video corruption affects this feed as SCP-783 moves directly in front of the camera; the image resolves over the span of thirty-three seconds as it moves farther down the hall. At this point, the only affected area on the recording is immediately outside the bedroom. ] 2F Bedroom: [ D-209 freezes. A knock is heard at the door. ] 2F Bedroom: [ D-209 approaches the door, wielding the lamp as a cudgel. He asks for the individual at the door to identify themselves, receiving no response. He then asks Control if any personnel were able to gain entry. Observing personnel maintain radio silence. D-209 braces himself, and grasps the doorknob with his free hand. D-209 throws the door open. ] Note: [ A loud snapping noise is heard throughout the house. All light bulbs on the premises burst simultaneously, including floodlights focused on the property. ] 2F Bathroom: [ Once the camera adjusts to low-light conditions, SCP-783 comes into view. It is near the open door to the hallway, motionless. ] 2F Bedroom: [ D-209 is screaming, clutching his right arm. It has been fractured just above the elbow, and dangles freely. It is observed to swiftly harden, presumably due to rapid bone growth. D-209 shouts his intent to escape with his life, and charges from the room. ] 2F Hallway: [ As D-209 runs past the bathroom, a loud snapping noise is heard. D-209 falls to the ground, and screams for assistance. He reports that his leg had been broken. ] Note: [ Video corruption instantly begins to affect the kitchen as the sound is made, ceasing in the bathroom. ] 2F Hallway: [ D-209 is able to bring himself to a stand. He displays his right arm for the camera, which has been broken below the elbow. It is angled in the opposite direction from the previous fracture. D-209 curses observing personnel, but reports that his pain has mostly subsided. He limps towards the stairs. ] 2F Stair: [ While trying to navigate the stairs, D-209 trips and falls. Twelve loud snaps are heard in rapid succession. Upon coming to rest, D-209 exhibits several more fractures in various places along each limb. He screams as they set, and spasms on the landing. ] 2F Stair: [ D-209 begins to ambulate. He struggles to crawl, eventually passing out-of-frame. ] 1F Living Room: [ D-209 can be seen, dragging himself into the room. He strains, moving with great difficulty due to his cumbersome limbs. Each arm is estimated to be over two meters in length, with several inflexible breaks that inhibit motion around obstacles. ] 1F Kitchen: [ SCP-783 de-manifests. Visual feed clears. ] 1F Living Room:: [ D-209 occupies the majority of the living room. His lower legs stretch out-of-frame into the hallway. He has a hand on the knob of the front door, but the length of his fingers impairs the dexterity required to manipulate it. A scratching sound is audible in the hallway. D-209 expresses distress immediately before being dragged backwards forcibly, and off-camera. He begins to scream. ] Note: [ SCP-783 and D-209 remain in the hallway for the duration of the night. Snapping is heard intermittently. D-209 ceases screaming at 04:27. At 05:01, a wet suckling noise can be heard, followed by rapid thumping. ] Incident 783.1 Personnel tasked with investigating the recent seismic event were met with resistance from Temby locals, who crowded around an area in a field to the south of town. After a brief exchange, Agent Collins drew her firearm and discharged a round into the air. The crowd dispersed. Several elongated toes were immediately visible protruding from the freshly-exposed earth. A dig team was assembled, and by the following afternoon had unearthed a mass grave, approximately five meters across, containing several dozen nude victims of SCP-783. The bodies were well-preserved, yet desiccated. Their number was unable to be immediately ascertained owing to the fact that they had been piled atop one-another. They were oriented head-down, with their arms extending deeper into the pit. Furthermore, most of the victims' limbs had become intertwined or knotted around each other, preventing exhumation without the use of sawing instruments. Researcher Singer elected to extract a tissue sample. During this process, the soil beneath him caved and he tumbled into the pit; the bodies shifted due to his weight. As he struggled to gain footing, the tangle of limbs gave way, and he fell out of sight. Agent Collins promptly commandeered a length of rope, and tied it around her waist. She tasked several nearby personnel with reeling her in upon her signal, and entered the pit. Approximately twenty meters-worth of rope was drawn beneath the corpses as Agent Collins descended. The line became taut after several minutes. She signaled for extraction, and was recovered safely. Upon debrief, the agent testified to the existence of an anomalous localeβ€”the entrance to which is located beneath the victims' corpses. A temporary leave of absence was granted to Agent Collins. SCP-783-L1 - Initial D-Class exploration for observational purposes; retrieval of MIA personnel secondary objective. SCP-783-L2 - Special Operative dispatched to further ascertain the nature of SCP-783. SCP-783-L3 - Mobile Task force deployed to contain SCP-783. Pending declassification. SCP-783-L4 - [DATA EXPUNGED] Β« SCP-782 | SCP-783 | SCP-784 Β»" "Right arm of SCP-783 victim. 1F Hallway - Distortion can be seen to the left of the frame, as SCP-783 enters from the living room."
[ 2.50594437e-01 -1.46275356e-01 -1.13647759e-01 1.25305414e-01 3.07852507e-01 -3.51434231e-01 5.34361601e-01 5.86870909e-02 1.24611959e-01 3.77041787e-01 2.13966563e-01 3.34786952e-01 -6.87044486e-02 -6.65659368e-01 3.54956239e-01 -2.99698681e-01 1.02471620e-01 3.82016927e-01 3.66981417e-01 -8.99354368e-02 9.00473967e-02 1.49998860e-03 -1.06365874e-01 1.98405042e-01 -8.25530142e-02 -9.56574269e-03 1.03238337e-01 4.15145397e-01 -7.72152469e-02 -1.60473704e-01 -1.06243782e-01 1.99251220e-01 -1.04220554e-01 6.74731672e-01 -1.11635127e-04 -4.63066623e-02 1.31048691e-02 -1.29561916e-01 -7.97262266e-02 4.97699261e-01 -3.71687263e-01 -4.80800532e-02 9.61583033e-02 -2.29351059e-01 1.05303034e-01 1.21690847e-01 -9.21652839e-02 -8.33250284e-02 4.68497723e-01 5.80602437e-02 1.92729145e-01 1.29039008e-02 -8.27965420e-03 -2.02065185e-01 2.28904516e-01 3.66459459e-01 -1.74922690e-01 -1.30424248e-02 5.06743371e-01 5.26744246e-01 -7.69639090e-02 -3.45564750e-03 -1.23738080e-01 9.98693984e-03 -6.25683293e-02 -1.55866951e-01 -5.33253439e-02 2.90408015e-01 1.84205733e-03 3.99426520e-01 -1.66145995e-01 1.22450918e-01 -4.99009108e-03 -1.68024242e-01 6.64074719e-02 -2.91202843e-01 1.36383697e-01 6.53361157e-02 -3.58560741e-01 1.43623486e-01 -8.89508352e-02 1.05905056e-01 -1.38959199e-01 1.11309797e-01 -3.95519018e-01 -2.52034694e-01 -9.30236354e-02 -7.11482242e-02 1.02357335e-01 1.56578198e-01 8.89540613e-02 4.92874056e-01 -2.71303684e-01 1.84844229e-02 -1.29280612e-01 -3.84719908e-01 4.44065407e-02 1.56728461e-01 1.09659329e-01 1.30492464e-01 1.49649993e-01 1.45861030e-01 -8.38785544e-02 1.72244206e-01 1.02092549e-01 2.16968730e-01 -1.53041884e-01 3.48245144e-01 -3.70996982e-01 4.11982536e-01 8.21330771e-02 6.16740659e-02 -3.24753612e-01 4.09388095e-02 2.37834230e-01 -3.29287723e-02 -7.93679804e-02 -6.37170896e-02 -3.64503205e-01 -9.92702767e-02 -3.91838402e-01 5.21549344e-01 -2.69705534e-01 3.23613435e-01 3.53952974e-01 2.29305729e-01 -1.20770587e-02 -2.05107585e-01 -1.57833785e-01 4.47970536e-03 -2.06190348e-01 4.55345884e-02 -7.44319707e-02 6.92601651e-02 3.24986689e-02 -4.01249498e-01 2.49653999e-02 7.68665746e-02 -8.42405483e-02 -3.95903997e-02 -2.44596958e-01 -7.87325948e-02 2.93735981e-01 1.88650101e-01 -2.38167629e-01 -3.70943666e-01 -1.16010219e-01 -3.08126897e-01 5.40575348e-02 -4.45305295e-02 4.17365767e-02 7.08411932e-02 -5.19638896e-01 2.04642966e-01 -1.65075541e-01 -1.70200706e-01 4.87745613e-01 4.30901907e-02 -2.30232701e-02 -2.18736365e-01 3.11818570e-01 4.00555491e-01 1.36363851e-02 -1.22941040e-01 1.55753583e-01 3.74485970e-01 -7.66552705e-03 -1.57351702e-01 -2.76552457e-02 2.34261438e-01 -2.29019225e-01 2.49359056e-01 -5.10670319e-02 2.95617163e-01 -1.22009754e-01 -7.14132115e-02 -2.80666918e-01 -5.67624979e-02 3.76732498e-02 -2.14543164e-01 -3.33636940e-01 4.48561609e-01 4.10173684e-02 -4.11945522e-01 1.41719937e-01 1.61368743e-01 -4.12044376e-01 -2.87211547e-03 -5.11633940e-02 9.28156972e-02 -1.96423411e-01 -8.83126818e-03 -2.22238839e-01 -1.08757012e-01 1.72543817e-03 1.16958633e-01 1.29239663e-01 -1.10666536e-01 3.00168127e-01 1.07312120e-01 -4.55701351e-02 6.40558451e-02 7.98779204e-02 4.08627927e-01 -1.73045948e-01 7.17153028e-02 -2.61178821e-01 -3.00679475e-01 4.08134937e-01 3.48405898e-01 -2.52361715e-01 -1.92113400e-01 1.92800090e-02 8.79123658e-02 7.99738914e-02 -3.03524911e-01 1.74713194e-01 4.58460040e-02 -7.87764192e-02 -2.09296614e-01 -1.82629675e-01 4.66481894e-02 4.61306363e-01 3.10803652e-02 1.77952588e-01 -6.44539744e-02 -1.34503454e-01 -1.66177720e-01 1.76070519e-02 1.47364512e-01 -2.29527019e-02 1.34446084e-01 1.98239073e-01 8.50550365e-04 -1.63183764e-01 2.64526039e-01 2.29462907e-01 2.13974521e-01 4.37086709e-02 -1.86443433e-01 2.60803938e-01 -9.62256491e-02 2.59913862e-01 3.43499295e-02 -3.45470846e-01 6.40086606e-02 1.42064974e-01 -7.64376000e-02 -6.69329753e-03 -3.61414328e-02 -2.11785123e-01 -4.19599354e-01 5.73088378e-02 -2.29876369e-01 5.45094252e-01 4.65282291e-01 -5.48508108e-01 2.15432331e-01 2.61831135e-01 5.91730252e-02 5.50264195e-02 -1.70927048e-01 2.31153920e-01 2.45490447e-01 3.60568821e-01 1.14870690e-01 -1.24434300e-01 -1.02588266e-01 1.48539349e-01 -1.78826414e-02 -1.31837532e-01 -1.87932044e-01 3.13802898e-01 -2.43185535e-01 1.13470793e-01 5.65469079e-02 2.58388430e-01 2.91831225e-01 3.11821789e-01 2.20166609e-01 -1.86840609e-01 -4.52281386e-01 1.03724673e-02 5.02967499e-02 -1.47215620e-01 2.67284900e-01 1.13122962e-01 8.41260999e-02 -4.98327836e-02 -1.79292664e-01 1.99942201e-01 1.03756841e-02 9.43821669e-02 -7.57335424e-02 -7.97409788e-02 1.58009112e-01 8.35749879e-03 2.58894652e-01 -3.42449754e-01 3.40801775e-01 -3.57156813e-01 5.64146303e-02 3.62719521e-02 6.12091459e-02 -2.36499399e-01 -1.72120169e-01 3.84630591e-01 -6.07220829e-01 -1.63282305e-01 6.82536438e-02 -3.45833540e-01 2.11231604e-01 1.56268343e-01 -3.47566605e-01 5.25079191e-01 2.44423561e-02 -1.76528379e-01 -1.28967449e-01 1.62241325e-01 -5.65368712e-01 1.07254408e-01 -4.90764417e-02 4.71842661e-02 1.23907425e-01 1.19614884e-01 5.05063772e-01 3.52642804e-01 -2.20982254e-01 5.57964802e-01 3.39495763e-02 2.35957623e-01 3.72033089e-01 1.07997842e-01 2.11015996e-03 -4.21410114e-01 2.15162724e-01 6.63762763e-02 -4.08401370e-01 -1.14006720e-01 9.77584496e-02 1.57280117e-01 -3.03671628e-01 -1.89496964e-01 -3.42091233e-01 -1.34438574e-01 -2.47138560e-01 -1.19303882e-01 2.79098719e-01 1.40999451e-01 -1.81573689e-01 -1.78263322e-01 5.54209888e-01 -3.64206210e-02 -1.81626633e-01 -2.37126276e-01 -8.08149129e-02 -1.32297873e-01 -9.21512544e-02 5.00226319e-02 -5.27240157e-01 -4.88743931e-01 1.88497514e-01 -1.41730815e-01 8.49720032e-04 -2.08233222e-01 -1.70749158e-01 2.08616465e-01 1.76733762e-01 2.40094319e-01 6.14000857e-02 -9.32027102e-02 5.63976467e-02 -3.24805617e-01 1.92093894e-01 5.59471697e-02 -5.90291768e-02 -5.26636541e-02 2.43122280e-01 -2.94746786e-01 -1.36437282e-01 2.00462528e-02 2.40493193e-01 1.09426966e-02 -1.51437595e-01 -5.95525391e-02 8.99662450e-02 8.97421595e-03 1.40889689e-01 5.03814697e-01 2.09238186e-01 -1.59912303e-01 -1.54147565e-01 1.18758217e-01 2.71063805e-01 -6.35838956e-02 2.71441434e-02 -1.29889965e-01 -1.62188053e-01 -2.02040523e-01 3.65988940e-01 -1.35309696e-01 9.69524775e-03 4.33842689e-01 -5.84737919e-02 1.52294919e-01 3.54909629e-01 -9.22855586e-02 3.17294523e-02 -1.91175669e-01 -5.14653288e-02 3.10854971e-01 -2.65010595e-02 -2.12674737e-01 5.54800741e-02 1.82311416e-01 -2.86291927e-01 6.24500327e-02 -2.70931602e-01 8.17959160e-02 -3.11087340e-01 -9.70602259e-02 6.04593428e-04 1.61476433e-01 -1.68016285e-01 2.03235969e-01 -1.70340851e-01 -1.90755442e-01 5.94541907e-01 -2.05782846e-01 -5.54965511e-02 -9.32811126e-02 -1.60926685e-01 -2.54549772e-01 1.87560156e-01 3.21171999e-01 1.07918501e-01 1.36831820e-01 -2.51884580e-01 2.18301103e-01 -3.22539210e-02 -3.13256332e-03 1.75609067e-01 6.82147741e-01 4.36024010e-01 1.06020734e-01 9.22211036e-02 3.17734748e-01 -3.13010305e-01 -2.59152323e-01 2.15570331e-01 6.60555214e-02 3.74985993e-01 1.62980944e-01 4.27044988e-01 -4.39286113e-01 -5.92554407e-03 -4.09327626e-01 -1.13308780e-01 6.81353435e-02 5.00784278e-01 2.42964089e-01 1.13262153e+00 3.39294374e-01 1.98085934e-01 1.88163891e-01 -3.04687113e-01 2.31985018e-01 -4.36184168e-01 1.55449554e-01 -2.75825262e-01 -7.00518787e-02 -7.85428584e-02 -1.26548156e-01 7.15305433e-02 4.37297784e-02 -4.26955223e-01 -1.86199382e-01 -4.02544618e-01 2.48477999e-02 3.22541773e-01 -9.34884921e-02 7.17670098e-02 -2.21637994e-01 -2.13280767e-01 1.08139902e-01 1.78078339e-02 1.96782246e-01 -4.12593074e-02 7.21360371e-02 -9.99181196e-02 1.21221110e-01 -4.30158079e-01 -2.55697519e-01 -6.66661739e-01 -2.38176957e-01 3.27655554e-01 -5.39338708e-01 9.93720219e-02 -5.31020641e-01 -3.38446289e-01 -1.55764148e-01 6.05500257e-03 4.48631227e-01 9.61009324e-01 -2.70293921e-01 4.08154279e-01 -7.37169757e-02 -9.65624079e-02 -2.66597979e-02 4.99346014e-03 1.68435443e-02 -3.43934119e-01 -7.11247921e-02 5.13756573e-02 -2.31572375e-01 2.23809913e-01 -1.39821097e-01 5.18461883e-01 -3.40834111e-02 4.90572453e-01 -2.64335692e-01 1.85048640e-01 1.19768001e-01 -1.36167690e-01 -2.38822356e-01 7.14155436e-02 -4.20116447e-02 4.78976071e-02 1.31417662e-01 -1.14801545e-02 -1.29089698e-01 -1.13870732e-01 4.76835877e-01 -1.86092094e-01 -3.98038626e-01 -3.38993102e-01 -2.45837122e-01 -6.52295828e-01 1.18053935e-01 -3.67629454e-02 -3.91396224e-01 -7.14901760e-02 1.87450573e-01 9.03767943e-02 -1.12052307e-01 -2.61757642e-01 -4.26770419e-01 7.17444047e-02 -1.36085898e-01 -4.68587689e-02 3.42677951e-01 4.80508618e-02 1.77609101e-01 -2.99210489e-01 5.55469871e-01 -3.90227854e-01 -5.01661226e-02 -8.40441659e-02 -7.89559819e-03 7.64518976e-02 -2.34979331e-01 -2.12963787e-04 -1.57223403e-01 1.02872983e-01 8.77846926e-02 -1.11292616e-01 -1.74756378e-01 5.11290459e-03 1.83449075e-01 -2.17115000e-01 -3.28578115e-01 1.85687870e-01 9.33789555e-03 1.73799738e-01 8.46032519e-03 3.02579105e-02 -1.21500501e-02 2.49454007e-01 2.93496817e-01 -2.23802984e-01 2.32632145e-01 -2.62468278e-01 1.23928301e-01 8.47833753e-02 2.70260394e-01 -3.49267751e-01 1.79793462e-01 -1.54248074e-01 -3.04861199e-02 2.15773553e-01 5.27682602e-01 -1.67453930e-01 2.55910128e-01 2.98963994e-01 -2.99433544e-02 2.32218187e-02 1.93037912e-01 -1.52029201e-01 -4.00278568e-02 -4.08843130e-01 -2.18698144e-01 -1.92987174e-01 2.77022362e-01 1.16481289e-01 1.37675524e-01 -2.61721104e-01 1.05449751e-01 -3.31917018e-01 1.74913943e-01 -2.42930919e-01 -6.52142525e-01 -5.31007111e-01 1.17277861e-01 -1.54943451e-01 3.42816204e-01 -5.62523268e-02 1.85692817e-01 -1.70828804e-01 -1.06502682e-01 -3.07684001e-02 -3.61506380e-02 2.08271533e-01 3.42450321e-01 6.55169338e-02 -6.51641563e-02 -4.34121937e-01 3.97884429e-01 8.15348700e-02 2.77267486e-01 2.33789891e-01 2.32079282e-01 -5.05431034e-02 -2.81269163e-01 1.71722233e-01 5.55620909e-01 3.20396543e-01 3.35700840e-01 -4.05846536e-01 9.75753888e-02 -1.42357588e-01 -7.89356530e-02 -2.26118900e-02 -1.95954487e-01 4.08959051e-04 -3.43299598e-01 -1.73955155e-03 3.16586405e-01 2.87280738e-01 2.85410315e-01 1.72271818e-01 5.77884577e-02 1.80572420e-01 -1.22588180e-01 6.51336432e-01 -1.98160574e-01 3.32964957e-01 4.18715715e-01 -2.09501460e-01 2.40463167e-01 3.04414541e-01 3.81135523e-01 -2.16314495e-01 -1.19486898e-01 -6.33602142e-02 -5.13495624e-01 -1.28992990e-01 -2.79221032e-02 1.27843112e-01 -2.35267822e-02 1.04942977e-01 2.06757009e-01 9.72443148e-02 -1.99402615e-01 -2.46282026e-01 -4.65305522e-02 4.38032188e-02 1.96384698e-01 2.03726217e-01 -1.82122052e-01 -1.14695303e-01 4.77811061e-02 1.65975302e-01 3.47225815e-01 -2.73780972e-01 -2.23432750e-01 -2.80408263e-01 -2.53343694e-02 -3.45169157e-02 5.68586700e-02 -1.58628702e-01 1.97672248e-01 1.25039488e-01 8.56308863e-02 -9.00457576e-02 -2.69713908e-01 2.77251691e-01 5.95379889e-01 -1.81789503e-01 -4.22915429e-01 2.91543067e-01 1.08124679e-02 -3.06517500e-02 1.42437026e-01 5.64936399e-02 8.46046805e-01 1.09217368e-01 2.24297211e-01 -1.73230901e-01 3.64398099e-02 1.49759218e-01 -2.82161117e-01 -6.40642792e-02 -8.75699967e-02 5.59532382e-02 -2.39619315e-01 1.52249029e-02 -1.93922386e-01 9.79388878e-03 -6.08595945e-02 2.95471936e-01 1.20407820e-01 5.25233112e-02 1.85928643e-01 -4.05633114e-02 -2.89032042e-01 2.10052460e-01 2.81802248e-02 -2.82457590e-01 3.97768527e-01 3.34623396e-01 -1.14720978e-01 2.10852414e-01 1.99169099e-01 2.60787010e-01 1.75594836e-01 7.54597932e-02 1.36096641e-01 -2.49929890e-01 -1.07671268e-01 1.03974715e-01 -6.21355921e-02 4.76794183e-01 1.41432032e-01 1.77264616e-01 -1.34807512e-01 -3.94334346e-01 -3.49398583e-01 3.50919396e-01 -2.01208711e-01 -3.68360314e-03 7.40146115e-02 1.42681181e-01 -1.47803307e-01 -1.70737654e-01 -8.12400758e-01 -1.02799132e-01 3.20239328e-02 6.89736456e-02 -3.62149447e-01 1.26427740e-01 -1.72905460e-01 -2.58773416e-01 8.17024484e-02 6.77342117e-01 -1.09700292e-01 -1.12416133e-01 -1.50530234e-01 2.69964281e-02]
"Christmas Cheer" active "Item #: SCP-784 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-784 has been disguised as a gated community and is currently surrounded by a 3.5-meter-high, 0.8-meter-thick concrete wall to deter intrusion. The top of the wall is lined with electrified steel cable, and the gate is to be locked. Any non-Foundation personnel attempting to enter SCP-784 are not to be interfered with, due to the possibility of provoking a violent reaction from the occupants of SCP-784. Non-Foundation personnel exiting SCP-784 are to be detained, questioned, and released following administration of a Class-B amnestic. Foundation personnel entering SCP-784 are to be dressed in traditional Christmas wear prior to entering SCP-784. The area composing SCP-784 is to be monitored remotely by a Foundation-controlled weather balloon. In the event that personnel are required to enter SCP-784, all involved personnel must have memorized the entire contents of the Aβ–ˆβ–ˆ Pβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 'Beginners Guide to Christmas Carols'. They are to be checked for precision prior to entering SCP-784. Due to SCP-784's proximity to suburban housing developments, as well as the ramifications of provoking SCP-784-1, patrols within SCP-784 are to be unarmed except during a Noel event. In the case of an unexpected Noel event, members of SCP-784-1 are to be restrained as non-violently as possible while Foundation personnel prepare procedure 784-C. Description: SCP-784 is a neighborhood in the town of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Texas. Currently SCP-784 is made up of twenty-four houses and two apartment buildings, all of which are decorated with β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-brand Christmas lights at a density of approximately fifteen lights per square meter of housing. SCP-784 will always be covered by between 12 and 33 centimeters of snow, though no unseasonable weather will occur above SCP-784. All houses within SCP-784 are occupied by a variable number of instances of SCP-784-1. SCP-784-1 is composed mostly of adult humans, all of whom wear sweaters typically associated with holiday gift giving. The number of unique instances of SCP-784-1 within SCP-784 has been estimated at three hundred. Instances of SCP-784-1 have not been observed engaging in reproductive activity, and no instances of SCP-784-1 have ever observably been born within SCP-784. Instances of SCP-784-1 appear to age normally, though the death of an instance of SCP-784-1 has never been observed by Foundation personnel. All instances of SCP-784-1 express traits commonly associated with 'Christmas spirit' throughout the year. These traits include singing of Christmas carols, performance of plays commonly associated with the birth of Christ, and various eggnog-related festivities. These activities are engaged in daily, though specific activities will never repeat more than once per week. During daylight hours, instances of SCP-784-1 will engage in activities such as gift exchanges and home decoration. Post-sunset activities include decorating of foreign objects as well as vandalism, which is typically holiday-themed. A Foundation supply convoy refueling overnight near SCP-784 attracted an unprecedented response from SCP-784-1, which proceeded to: Any living creature within SCP-784 not viewed as displaying adequate 'Christmas spirit' will become the focus of all instances of SCP-784-1 within approximately four meters. In the case of an animal, instances of SCP-784-1 will be called from the nearest house and place a holiday-themed accessory on the focus. Observed decorations have included: Human subjects who do not meet SCP-784's criteria for 'Christmas spirit' will be assaulted by SCP-784-1, incapacitated, and forcibly directed into the nearest household. They will not be seen until the following day, when they will exit the household dressed similarly to other instances of SCP-784-1. Attempts to retrieve affected personnel have been met with great resistance on both the part of SCP-784-1 and the affected individual. The criteria which SCP-784 follows for definition of 'Christmas spirit' appear to be extremely broad. See addendum 784-A for a complete log of personnel abducted, and assumed reasons for abduction. Approximately once per month, SCP-784-1 will attempt to exit SCP-784 and enter the surrounding suburban community; this is referred to by on-site personnel as a 'Noel event'. During a Noel event, each instance of SCP-784-1 will carry a string of Christmas lights estimated to be fifteen meters long. Instances of SCP-784-1 will attach these lights to any nearby house, which will become decoratively and functionally identical to all other houses within SCP-784. Signs of an incoming Noel event include increased festivity during the day preceding the event, excessive eggnog consumption by a significant portion of SCP-784-1, and an increase in the number of decorations present within SCP-784. Procedure 784-C is to be executed prior to the occurrence of a Noel event. Foundation personnel are to dress themselves in traditional 'Santa' outfits, and distribute themselves near the exit of SCP-784. They are to begin singing 'Good King Wenceslas' and distributing non-alcoholic eggnog to other personnel. On the arrival of SCP-784-1, personnel are to distribute eggnog mixed with a mild sedative to the crowd. Personnel are to appear friendly and cheerful at all times, as SCP-784-1 has proven capable of abducting personnel while nearly unconscious. Following the distribution of eggnog, personnel are encouraged to sing carols associated with peace and goodwill. 'Silent Night' has proven most effective. Instances of SCP-784-1 will begin to sing along, and personnel are to accept their choice of song. SCP-784-1 will begin to fall unconscious as the night progresses. Unconscious instances of SCP-784-1 will be removed to nearby houses by other instances, and personnel are not to interfere with this process. Any interference with the actions of SCP-784-1 may trigger a violent response, and will wake all instances of SCP-784-1. Instances of SCP-784-1 not affected by procedure 784-C are to be silently incapacitated when no longer visible from the gates of the community, and returned after all other instances of SCP-784-1 have re-entered SCP-784. In the event that procedure 784-C fails, Foundation personnel are to release an aerosolized sleeping gas. Foundation personnel are to restrain instances of SCP-784-1 until the gas takes effect, at which time all instances are to be returned to SCP-784. Standard cover story 139 ("Drunken Football") is to be used to respond to any concerns expressed by nearby residents. Addendum: Β« SCP-783 | SCP-784 | SCP-785 Β»" nan
[-3.43116552e-01 -2.02056959e-01 -2.48459354e-01 1.76765040e-01 1.36648118e-01 -3.05865794e-01 1.88967556e-01 -4.23215404e-02 1.11657277e-01 1.30165815e-01 3.34685631e-02 1.31434621e-02 -6.61392137e-03 -1.39339432e-01 -1.30231017e-02 8.17482769e-02 9.35870260e-02 6.23163208e-02 2.17970863e-01 -2.48035967e-01 -1.47680089e-01 1.16661668e-01 -8.04784745e-02 8.49155802e-03 -3.21393460e-01 -1.72233358e-01 2.35430047e-01 -2.20438167e-02 1.17995916e-02 -3.05547684e-01 2.18587533e-01 -1.79645494e-02 -1.47799373e-01 2.38851711e-01 -1.04333449e-04 -2.01571241e-01 1.42213777e-01 1.02196978e-02 -3.72490108e-01 -4.34333272e-02 2.55608320e-01 -4.53134149e-01 -8.69705621e-03 5.32751754e-02 -1.76757604e-01 -2.45200023e-01 1.27950106e-02 3.69921327e-01 5.13816714e-01 8.17459449e-02 2.14832783e-01 -3.42915356e-01 -1.17954478e-01 1.87361777e-01 9.34611931e-02 4.58567977e-01 -1.44650072e-01 -5.40830530e-02 4.17328507e-01 7.05548227e-02 2.88001239e-01 1.04227565e-01 -9.41770896e-02 -7.34177157e-02 2.72589982e-01 -2.21604824e-01 6.96684793e-02 3.76914293e-01 -5.43853231e-02 -1.28769234e-01 -1.39716804e-01 -2.43360549e-01 2.02592731e-01 -6.43568411e-02 -4.99365926e-02 -5.28106511e-01 9.64751691e-02 7.61327520e-02 -5.78947403e-02 -2.44889855e-01 -3.32923323e-01 1.71911091e-01 -6.35875538e-02 2.20835984e-01 1.17167391e-01 3.64308208e-01 -2.37269569e-02 7.13051483e-02 -6.31280914e-02 -6.61235005e-02 -1.95270851e-02 9.36683938e-02 5.06963655e-02 1.87373310e-01 3.29028186e-03 3.90365236e-02 -5.74050061e-02 3.39729786e-01 -6.09796010e-02 3.09065610e-01 7.72837773e-02 2.30468065e-01 3.10343891e-01 7.36949146e-02 3.56573164e-02 6.12072907e-02 3.91438454e-01 -1.53053567e-01 -2.43415788e-01 1.30431503e-01 5.57091385e-02 3.10696185e-01 -1.30315334e-01 1.30703464e-01 7.59718195e-02 8.72272253e-02 -4.84929383e-02 7.28924572e-02 -3.05405647e-01 -5.81429079e-02 -2.70403951e-01 -1.77677363e-01 -6.23347983e-02 2.56086588e-01 5.40630043e-01 1.24060340e-01 6.36055768e-02 -9.52266231e-02 -4.53176945e-02 1.00753233e-01 -2.09396139e-01 4.30827230e-01 -2.15511054e-01 -8.61857012e-02 1.77631229e-01 -3.81514102e-01 -1.19096681e-01 -4.61878255e-02 1.61604434e-01 6.61782920e-02 -3.59127261e-02 1.02102458e-01 5.34915566e-01 6.83268160e-02 -3.58018190e-01 -2.32180938e-01 5.83722815e-02 6.68324903e-02 -2.04508752e-01 -9.73792449e-02 4.51701164e-01 -1.46017045e-01 -2.91805267e-01 1.92122266e-01 -1.54192626e-01 -7.06221536e-02 2.91999996e-01 2.13215232e-01 -3.04075539e-01 -6.40614107e-02 5.91505766e-01 9.13473591e-02 -7.81491995e-02 -1.78960577e-01 -1.42948851e-01 3.90567720e-01 -2.43833452e-01 -2.24023968e-01 -2.78390348e-01 -4.99636263e-01 -2.29623407e-01 -2.14950755e-01 -1.20386712e-01 3.01539479e-03 -2.10146666e-01 -2.89614648e-01 -2.50326008e-01 -4.45033520e-01 -2.57334501e-01 2.78554559e-02 -3.02084893e-01 4.11848426e-02 4.32998896e-01 -4.28962857e-02 -1.88306883e-01 -7.91943744e-02 -3.15334164e-02 -7.21386895e-02 1.08908489e-01 -6.07244298e-02 -1.37364864e-01 -3.27208042e-01 6.54694065e-02 8.97775441e-02 -7.03218430e-02 -1.70189828e-01 1.81462965e-03 4.77093980e-02 1.78298846e-01 3.23128700e-01 -8.43534842e-02 -1.19521059e-01 1.69648632e-01 3.15644443e-01 -1.78639293e-01 -8.00256357e-02 -6.33914396e-02 -1.78178534e-01 5.00334024e-01 2.47451380e-01 -1.38646036e-01 -1.99881703e-01 -2.22241834e-01 9.79765281e-02 -1.12114362e-01 -2.58266807e-01 3.19447249e-01 1.91700891e-01 7.04170689e-02 -6.95829093e-01 -1.48585280e-02 3.81554991e-01 2.19083279e-01 -2.46221140e-01 4.35939372e-01 3.01215053e-01 -1.42442882e-01 -3.57169896e-01 -2.97375947e-01 2.29695365e-01 3.11462432e-01 -2.41257608e-01 1.88089218e-02 3.92632484e-01 -2.98254341e-01 2.36843050e-01 -7.86105990e-02 2.21100509e-01 -1.47698402e-01 -7.20345527e-02 1.34081155e-01 3.07993263e-01 2.50580832e-02 2.50757835e-03 2.78090704e-02 2.00560927e-01 5.27001083e-01 8.02213103e-02 -1.82787031e-01 4.38704155e-02 -3.03959638e-01 -6.28165230e-02 1.01077586e-01 -6.99705854e-02 3.03326786e-01 1.66462228e-01 4.36180770e-01 2.40707442e-01 -2.03231916e-01 3.33243370e-01 -7.87009820e-02 -1.96785584e-01 1.61038965e-01 -8.56471956e-02 1.26451477e-01 1.03791602e-01 2.67225951e-01 -8.58323649e-02 -2.31914550e-01 1.05553284e-01 -6.34658849e-04 8.42278004e-02 7.83029571e-02 -1.50805950e-01 2.89412886e-01 2.13173836e-01 2.59303629e-01 -1.81407511e-01 2.34106824e-01 -6.70195445e-02 -2.98404396e-01 -4.98861402e-01 1.07314801e-02 -2.41282985e-01 -2.40371898e-01 -1.77061126e-01 1.70311451e-01 -1.88440591e-01 -3.41174483e-01 9.13132429e-02 1.89146608e-01 -2.34894026e-02 1.95628345e-01 1.40501276e-01 1.28443995e-02 1.43192977e-01 1.56184494e-01 3.72560054e-01 -2.82738417e-01 -4.42136198e-01 -4.24647778e-01 -1.68456003e-01 3.18398289e-02 1.53492078e-01 -2.21330345e-01 3.81943546e-02 1.52962610e-01 -5.76465973e-04 2.01018482e-01 -5.80500588e-02 -2.04955861e-01 2.59831011e-01 -6.98968768e-02 -5.31111240e-01 6.29093498e-02 -4.15552109e-02 -4.86421198e-01 -2.79923439e-01 -1.05882892e-02 -3.53033900e-01 -2.07249969e-02 2.21371502e-02 -2.64441192e-01 1.11585772e-02 -1.95771083e-01 -1.31657541e-01 -2.28141382e-01 -3.54575783e-01 2.66623616e-01 -2.50915927e-03 2.56063137e-02 8.71756449e-02 1.64123252e-01 8.40798393e-03 6.05956502e-02 -2.32758969e-01 -1.94347396e-01 -1.84286907e-01 3.09026279e-02 -1.98144070e-03 5.41920736e-02 -1.18168958e-01 -6.89444244e-02 6.31762967e-02 1.88443821e-03 -2.83801645e-01 4.52458076e-02 -9.59179644e-03 4.53670710e-01 -1.25333732e-02 -3.06163400e-01 5.50969422e-01 3.62001687e-01 -4.09087062e-01 -3.32373641e-02 -4.83592339e-02 1.00769974e-01 -3.68537426e-01 1.44807845e-01 -4.39924181e-01 -3.68113101e-01 3.68877314e-02 6.82503164e-01 -2.07739398e-01 -1.94407851e-01 -1.86378658e-02 1.67420015e-01 4.85956609e-01 2.10419446e-01 7.08683878e-02 4.00510341e-01 1.98089704e-01 -2.07593232e-01 3.03939104e-01 2.36238670e-02 -5.33717759e-02 -1.23814065e-02 -1.32009774e-01 -2.97856629e-01 -1.86508343e-01 -1.45543739e-01 5.35396516e-01 2.66023844e-01 -1.28820509e-01 1.59552276e-01 7.03744143e-02 -7.39581063e-02 -1.40997350e-01 3.30625959e-02 -1.19895086e-01 2.39977948e-02 -3.68151873e-01 -3.77963185e-02 1.06345057e-01 2.38518029e-01 1.95705369e-01 -1.05610326e-01 -3.25006217e-01 -2.98527218e-02 1.38561592e-01 -9.75461453e-02 2.55076170e-01 2.82129526e-01 2.92495102e-01 4.47737366e-01 6.05658293e-01 -1.17508933e-01 -9.72050652e-02 -3.41870517e-01 -1.42670926e-02 6.40259445e-01 -3.01237740e-02 -8.24509114e-02 -1.93798125e-01 -1.04368687e-01 -9.79266595e-03 1.60263479e-01 1.85773253e-01 -1.44012973e-01 -4.15417582e-01 -3.80863100e-01 3.69885623e-01 4.74179536e-01 3.77970771e-03 -1.46573126e-01 1.58709846e-02 5.79586923e-01 5.92445731e-02 2.38594085e-01 -1.37539044e-01 1.09384067e-01 3.76241922e-01 -3.93300205e-01 2.07869604e-01 6.80595171e-03 1.87490005e-02 3.30890417e-01 1.96187243e-01 -1.80086284e-03 6.93601072e-02 9.07602236e-02 2.05854371e-01 7.49115646e-01 3.91906537e-02 -8.02763477e-02 -5.58938682e-01 2.25759983e-01 1.06042810e-01 -2.95572616e-02 -5.73335327e-02 1.78234488e-01 3.95543784e-01 -9.59635898e-02 8.10702704e-03 -1.13007680e-01 -2.43599862e-01 -2.28659838e-01 1.96493834e-01 4.46919864e-03 3.45941693e-01 1.90774024e-01 1.05452001e+00 2.15807125e-01 4.20600101e-02 2.62656391e-01 -2.98207462e-01 1.19875334e-02 -2.32530639e-01 8.97028074e-02 -1.48637798e-02 8.77889171e-02 1.32445127e-01 -1.55401289e-01 1.40633294e-02 6.06813133e-01 -1.46351144e-01 -1.44463079e-02 -3.95502895e-01 -2.39111096e-01 7.27003068e-02 2.38014415e-01 -3.14485222e-01 6.60029426e-02 -1.37706008e-03 1.99173108e-01 9.60336626e-02 1.24627464e-01 -2.49596581e-01 1.12091318e-01 -1.62835017e-01 -4.82369393e-01 -1.16952434e-01 4.11579609e-02 1.04008518e-01 2.57891148e-01 1.75243676e-01 -2.80610502e-01 -4.15349714e-02 8.17897245e-02 -1.85169205e-02 -2.84975827e-01 -5.35832718e-02 3.84658307e-01 4.50407177e-01 -1.78971618e-01 1.75879478e-01 2.78649598e-01 4.01078574e-02 4.71173264e-02 -2.02287063e-01 -2.46143173e-02 -1.45032495e-01 9.19580013e-02 -2.37116948e-01 -5.99731877e-02 2.26056442e-01 -1.93839177e-01 4.36177671e-01 1.49025753e-01 -3.73536497e-01 -1.89881772e-02 1.64816603e-01 -7.62214325e-03 1.87930122e-01 -2.26678327e-01 -1.00693189e-01 -1.23735584e-01 2.93804929e-02 1.21759348e-01 1.90813377e-01 -4.00902450e-01 3.33601177e-01 4.35705423e-01 -8.35196525e-02 -4.83837157e-01 -2.35158727e-02 2.04445440e-02 -2.88239062e-01 9.84825119e-02 1.63922474e-01 -4.75506902e-01 -1.44663483e-01 6.71418726e-01 -6.49616271e-02 1.96010649e-01 -6.34840876e-02 -8.07105657e-03 -1.09452352e-01 8.06488320e-02 3.19833100e-01 3.06182891e-01 -4.61654514e-02 4.46461171e-01 1.80657938e-01 -9.87135172e-02 -4.34248805e-01 -2.80048829e-02 -2.69599408e-01 -1.26570463e-01 -1.77912980e-01 -1.93258703e-01 2.51763642e-01 1.50563017e-01 2.37970188e-01 2.17510670e-01 -3.17623705e-01 -2.62092263e-01 1.73271641e-01 1.31275058e-01 -3.85651626e-02 -2.20512047e-01 9.36172903e-02 3.24546456e-01 1.20668732e-01 4.44804542e-02 -2.99015164e-01 2.05522671e-01 -2.79193372e-02 7.04553425e-02 -5.24909675e-01 3.54507327e-01 1.01090379e-01 -2.80520439e-01 1.30420744e-01 6.44317567e-01 -6.78519756e-02 1.30193755e-02 3.38742211e-02 -1.39935434e-01 3.12176179e-02 7.39617124e-02 4.07364428e-01 4.54472840e-01 8.01441967e-02 2.99852729e-01 -3.70052367e-01 -2.49948144e-01 -6.91545010e-02 -1.40020601e-03 -3.66321772e-01 -8.00673962e-02 -3.47150601e-02 2.33332321e-01 -1.80860549e-01 3.15191120e-01 -4.89896715e-01 2.84233987e-02 2.13243648e-01 1.87158361e-01 3.66445305e-03 -2.54100323e-01 9.66980234e-02 8.57815444e-02 3.62802267e-01 1.90164044e-01 6.97414875e-02 4.50775027e-02 -6.47615865e-02 -2.20952496e-01 3.00477713e-01 3.42926718e-02 1.83506504e-01 8.28751549e-02 1.29130349e-01 1.03010118e-01 -9.82528925e-02 2.22103462e-01 1.90593198e-01 6.18358493e-01 4.11631495e-01 3.46990496e-01 1.69347152e-01 -9.20520872e-02 -1.46893663e-02 2.65285671e-01 -3.30314994e-01 3.01681966e-01 6.96877912e-02 -1.44252464e-01 1.12958342e-01 2.29232669e-01 2.13734806e-01 7.18592629e-02 -2.99880266e-01 -1.75427601e-01 -2.33509894e-02 -4.05175060e-01 2.24664375e-01 6.97695045e-03 5.72193526e-02 -7.79506266e-02 1.49096712e-01 2.52909958e-01 2.79522359e-01 -1.35823354e-01 1.70735434e-01 2.64270663e-01 -2.16965452e-01 2.31298864e-01 2.66771734e-01 4.05647635e-01 2.87891235e-02 8.76939967e-02 2.17552081e-01 -1.51021823e-01 -3.44915181e-01 -8.59612040e-03 -5.10226525e-02 1.67568356e-01 1.67085230e-01 2.24686399e-01 1.99440524e-01 -3.21225017e-01 -3.36370528e-01 2.07556531e-01 -1.82560831e-01 2.63135999e-01 2.57978737e-01 -4.22816187e-01 -3.87382120e-01 -2.35159203e-01 -2.20921308e-01 -3.66574466e-01 -4.37939703e-01 -2.83894241e-01 2.14752063e-01 1.72044560e-01 -3.93423080e-01 1.04978673e-01 1.27744660e-01 3.11726600e-01 -1.61656111e-01 5.05071461e-01 1.25340194e-01 -5.69590509e-01 -4.33250993e-01 1.51623309e-01 -7.86906183e-02 -2.93356508e-01 -9.74301621e-02 -1.79085299e-01 5.03892861e-02 1.43023416e-01 -2.42084101e-01 3.46280374e-02 -1.30976275e-01 -2.65926830e-02 1.10224849e-02 2.12126762e-01 6.09313309e-01 2.51742780e-01 2.02765122e-01 9.36160907e-02 9.35446564e-03 -3.83741148e-02 1.79715872e-01 -3.03367108e-01 -3.40131402e-01 -3.55870128e-01 -1.05527021e-01 3.28722477e-01 -2.62354881e-01 1.90045655e-01 -2.84517352e-02 -1.26142502e-01 2.83405669e-02 3.12407672e-01 -9.04107839e-02 1.08769096e-01 1.58729568e-01 2.95871764e-01 -6.58750087e-02 2.93822259e-01 2.41417006e-01 -2.60164272e-02 -8.98432285e-02 6.98003620e-02 -1.74131140e-01 5.99852465e-02 -4.20216948e-01 2.54306406e-01 -4.31561559e-01 1.39087483e-01 1.06351011e-01 -8.79599229e-02 -3.75830173e-01 -4.28502560e-01 4.19751018e-01 -2.28385597e-01 -3.10184658e-01 -1.22230783e-01 2.14704633e-01 4.08128560e-01 -1.79212898e-01 -2.94890970e-01 3.67848575e-02 -4.77989390e-02 3.46087903e-01 -2.63791323e-01 -2.43390605e-01 -3.82445693e-01 -2.90994495e-01 -1.12206191e-01 3.63995582e-01 9.20526683e-03 2.33138949e-02 1.23299460e-03 -1.60166338e-01]
"A Chain Restaurant" active "Item #: SCP-785 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: If periodic global searches of governmental records report the registration of any restaurant with the phrase β€œUncle β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ€™β€ in its title, a containment breach is to be reported to both the supervising researcher of SCP-785 and the leader of Mobile Task Force Beta-3 (β€œTake-out Diners”). MTF Beta-3 is to secure the restaurant (SCP-785-2) and prevent any civilians from entering or exiting. Following the lockdown of the immediate area, a five kilometer radius quarantine is to be constructed around SCP-785-2. All civilians inside the quarantine are to be interviewed and administered Class A or B amnestics, on a case-by-case basis. The restaurant owner and all individuals knowledgeable about SCP-785-2 or its origins will be personally interviewed by the overseeing Level 4 researcher. Following the interview process, the Foundation is to ensure that all media reports will have the restaurant name (SCP-785-1) altered. Due to the extensive amount of time required in resolving a SCP-785 containment breach, it is advised that Standard Cover Story 12 (β€œGas Leak”) be deployed. Only the current leader of MTF Beta-3 and the overseeing researcher of SCP-785 are to know the full title of SCP-785-1. During containment operations all operatives must have equipment possessing real-time sensory modification software that prevents them from either reading or hearing the full title. If either individual is suspected of leaking SCP-785-1 an immediate interrogation is to be conducted. For purposes of experimentation, one instance of SCP-785-2 is to be contained inside Site-23. Only D-Class personnel are permitted to interact with it. Description: SCP-785 comprises any restaurant with a name containing the phrase β€œUncle β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ€™β€. The restaurant name is designated SCP-785-1; the actual restaurant is designated SCP-785-2. Propagation of SCP-785’s effects will begin if SCP-785-1 is mentioned during conversation in a large public area, such as a movie theater or sports arena. Within one to six months after this occurs, an individual who had been present at the location where initial seeding was performed will establish an instance of SCP-785-2. It will be located within half a kilometer of the location where SCP-785-1 was first mentioned. The personal preference and ethnicity of the founder influences the resulting instance of SCP-785-2, allowing for a wide range of possible restaurants (for a complete listing, see Document-785-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ). Following initial seeding, a separate founder will not create a new instance of SCP-785-2 unless all previously existing and publicly known instances have been shut down. Left unchecked, the popularity of SCP-785-2 will grow unusually quickly. The Foundation has never observed fewer than 14 new instances within 9 months. The spread of SCP-785-2 is not limited to its home city: when first discovered, β–ˆβ–ˆ instances of SCP-785-2 were found in three separate cities. The effects of SCP-785 will manifest annually on the first Friday of May, when SCP-785-2 will advertise a "Spring Special." All customers and employees of any existing instances of SCP-785-2 will be affected. Starting between 1600 and 1830 hours, any customers who had previously consumed any of SCP-785-2's beef or bread during that particular day, designated Group A, will report to SCP-785-2. Customers physically unable to report are exempt from SCP-785-2's effects. Staff will proceed to stab the members of Group A twelve times, always using a bronze-tipped spear coated with [DATA EXPUNGED] (all materials save the [DATA EXPUNGED] can be found in a typical chain restaurant). After all members of Group A have expired, employees will place their bodies on the floor. They will then turn off all appliances and produce six polyvinyl chloride (PVC) basins of water. All customers still living, designated Group B, will be issued a large knife, which is invariably composed of a bronze and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ compound. Using only their knives and their hands, all members of Group B will begin to consume the bodies of Group A. Every thirty minutes, they will wash their hands using the PVC basins. The meal will last for three hours, until all the basins have been used. Group B will return to their homes after the meal is finished. Employees will burn the remains of Group A using the same [DATA EXPUNGED] mixture used previously. After the completion of all activity, members of Group B will behave normally. Most members have a somewhat inaccurate recollection of the evening's events. Customer reviews of SCP-785-2 have typically skyrocketed after this event. Addendum-785A: Despite the Foundation’s best efforts to remove SCP-785-1 from public knowledge, instances of SCP-785-2 continue to arise. It appears to be impossible to apprehend all civilians who unwittingly spread SCP-785-1; furthermore, the possibility of a deliberate third-party propagation of SCP-785-1 cannot be eliminated. Β« SCP-784 | SCP-785 | SCP-786 Β»" nan
[ 2.94885933e-01 1.88535392e-01 -2.44789094e-01 -2.80719157e-02 -1.86257184e-01 -3.07507455e-01 4.94702280e-01 1.10865019e-01 -1.27435504e-02 1.08842283e-01 -3.93369868e-02 6.93351179e-02 -1.59470446e-03 2.27106929e-01 -5.29782213e-02 3.03120673e-01 1.47291899e-01 1.00748532e-01 5.71179569e-01 6.79890588e-02 -1.77930117e-01 -5.72155192e-02 3.42411846e-02 2.41157562e-01 -4.35249239e-01 -4.53050190e-04 1.82980612e-01 -4.66449931e-02 -7.40351900e-02 -5.58148384e-01 9.55812484e-02 3.23484689e-01 -9.90163460e-02 4.10875082e-01 -1.10462977e-04 1.55290842e-01 -6.35367334e-02 1.92799363e-02 -1.15461178e-01 1.55200481e-01 -3.86279911e-01 8.91300291e-03 3.08488477e-02 -1.37916014e-01 1.27730399e-01 2.87492126e-01 -1.23448493e-02 1.32617429e-01 3.44210476e-01 1.56641275e-01 2.26355746e-01 -4.74936843e-01 -4.04103518e-01 1.49603948e-01 2.51453459e-01 -7.61447400e-02 -7.99101144e-02 -1.96035787e-01 1.00202791e-01 2.61534721e-01 2.70476907e-01 2.35958189e-01 -1.44299030e-01 6.60522878e-02 1.20266087e-01 2.85652652e-02 4.00197119e-01 -1.52575597e-01 3.44461739e-01 2.17084289e-01 -6.60125911e-02 -1.57456279e-01 7.83248097e-02 -3.45046110e-02 -1.65136456e-01 -3.07207793e-01 2.58958280e-01 -2.30005324e-01 -2.38684162e-01 2.20406950e-02 -6.06235676e-02 1.11947395e-01 -8.69827420e-02 -8.41965154e-02 -1.43603534e-01 2.83240855e-01 -1.04725190e-01 -2.20330819e-01 5.86505681e-02 -1.39036655e-01 -7.89426640e-02 -3.15820724e-02 1.12145238e-01 7.95053504e-03 -2.54604340e-01 4.05856930e-02 3.34279209e-01 1.65078670e-01 2.40172505e-01 -6.15068525e-02 -6.74315095e-02 1.08741455e-01 2.66573250e-01 1.78323805e-01 -1.35151789e-01 3.37684482e-01 1.20481350e-01 -2.97212750e-01 -5.06301761e-01 3.01741123e-01 -4.00442302e-01 1.04896039e-01 -1.76213551e-02 2.82361787e-02 1.70716818e-03 -1.39822915e-01 1.91873610e-01 -7.45160654e-02 4.60977443e-02 3.52112412e-01 -3.65309238e-01 1.12507887e-01 -1.92890242e-01 5.24926841e-01 2.74199754e-01 2.85656959e-01 -7.15413839e-02 -5.70161529e-02 1.13191433e-01 2.91995704e-02 -2.69499421e-01 -8.51149783e-02 -3.48300010e-01 1.11283496e-01 -6.81725442e-02 -2.16703564e-01 -5.18603586e-02 -1.73131123e-01 4.80018221e-02 4.38161045e-02 -6.79499954e-02 -1.11679800e-01 4.61499691e-01 8.30930620e-02 -6.95864931e-02 -2.97636330e-01 5.87431565e-02 -2.32900769e-01 9.97784082e-03 1.45529013e-03 2.94613279e-02 -3.32543641e-01 -1.59255892e-01 2.75998563e-01 -3.61862294e-02 1.81111112e-01 2.31245667e-01 1.21799864e-01 1.43951625e-01 -1.40970707e-01 2.15346470e-01 3.12016100e-01 2.05275938e-01 -2.07797155e-01 -5.70037700e-02 4.78472561e-01 1.50183916e-01 -1.28849549e-02 -2.32983187e-01 4.82809637e-03 -2.55330801e-02 -1.10468499e-01 4.90987860e-02 1.48739725e-01 1.02040702e-02 7.65420571e-02 -1.11847743e-01 -2.24210069e-01 -2.92795211e-01 8.64740163e-02 -6.44760787e-01 1.15350485e-01 4.42089915e-01 -4.24305260e-01 -3.24686527e-01 1.07906759e-01 -4.73993532e-02 -1.14822559e-01 -1.01638250e-01 -1.80291712e-01 -3.34214032e-01 -1.98725358e-01 9.34855640e-02 -2.01073989e-01 1.93665132e-01 1.73260599e-01 -1.16971977e-01 2.58623660e-01 8.41857269e-02 3.09161097e-01 -8.24469998e-02 1.01772519e-02 2.56945699e-01 3.89329076e-01 -1.87259942e-01 -2.89256242e-03 6.30401745e-02 -2.57769465e-01 -5.20251729e-02 2.53215790e-01 -2.56154835e-02 -3.46060783e-01 -3.28470320e-01 2.72119850e-01 -2.06899390e-01 -2.58545429e-01 4.06048030e-01 3.82026017e-01 1.47213981e-01 -2.12774038e-01 -1.12098686e-01 -4.03297357e-02 3.19505513e-01 1.33921094e-02 -2.19753571e-02 -2.60749727e-01 -3.58175844e-01 1.98035724e-02 -2.36446261e-01 2.67446786e-01 3.33811194e-01 3.26378644e-02 7.03898892e-02 1.29160613e-01 -2.40989909e-01 1.91615045e-01 -2.80172024e-02 5.31677127e-01 -3.54809731e-01 1.56078428e-01 -2.22987775e-03 3.36527526e-02 1.91235349e-01 -4.15549204e-02 -1.10702522e-01 3.35220248e-01 1.12848952e-02 2.24022605e-02 -5.93666136e-02 -1.12770818e-01 1.87455099e-02 -3.88326883e-01 2.79905479e-02 -1.98832214e-01 5.70157953e-02 2.00113490e-01 -1.32375732e-01 3.15534770e-01 2.99234688e-01 2.60286510e-01 1.68478414e-02 1.41870230e-01 2.45361328e-01 4.60772924e-02 1.61732048e-01 -2.99604893e-01 -3.22947977e-03 1.29184633e-01 1.39019340e-01 4.85674851e-02 -1.00020900e-01 -1.05168931e-01 3.52324814e-01 -1.42889723e-01 2.36787319e-01 1.30560368e-01 2.96509892e-01 2.52664417e-01 3.61030281e-01 1.42539918e-01 -4.88480814e-02 -7.87462950e-01 6.01650076e-03 -2.00940877e-01 -2.31873006e-01 1.45784244e-01 -3.59592848e-02 -8.61312598e-02 -3.12849097e-02 -1.69817761e-01 8.38023722e-02 -3.18276912e-01 1.47840708e-01 -4.38669734e-02 -5.35748862e-02 8.73004571e-02 -4.12692547e-01 2.05557480e-01 -2.68652946e-01 -5.82760684e-02 -2.57115126e-01 -2.18425706e-01 9.52568874e-02 1.01843372e-01 -3.52934986e-01 -2.47634590e-01 1.77598342e-01 -3.63444865e-01 -2.46687755e-01 9.54283178e-02 -2.95913309e-01 2.79114276e-01 4.22460623e-02 -2.97059238e-01 2.51988232e-01 -1.70216545e-01 -2.97060907e-01 -2.99631715e-01 8.14171731e-02 -3.26048106e-01 3.30403273e-04 -1.65674668e-02 -4.27987389e-02 -6.17591739e-02 1.31892115e-01 3.07629351e-02 -9.27946419e-02 -2.06135809e-01 4.63872254e-01 -9.21441913e-02 5.78650087e-02 4.11567956e-01 -2.50457048e-01 2.70015985e-01 6.24950044e-02 8.74275714e-02 -4.49960798e-01 -3.77260000e-01 -2.49004647e-01 -2.52644688e-01 2.61293232e-01 -1.05926186e-01 -2.44553521e-01 9.25830379e-02 -3.41353536e-01 -2.81960964e-01 -7.81758577e-02 3.61855894e-01 2.12169424e-01 9.92988423e-02 -3.81182730e-01 3.32744688e-01 2.46215031e-01 -4.77223247e-01 -3.24274987e-01 -3.19337286e-02 -1.77386422e-02 -2.25617941e-02 2.37808943e-01 3.17586251e-02 -7.31367469e-02 1.63492277e-01 3.17329049e-01 -1.64789647e-01 -6.44503608e-02 2.23032638e-01 4.90177348e-02 -1.21880241e-01 2.06921890e-01 -1.46153092e-01 1.38419747e-01 9.32389647e-02 -5.18997312e-01 3.31824124e-01 -1.27778649e-01 -7.93227926e-02 -1.75299272e-02 1.59007668e-01 -4.08219874e-01 -1.68599576e-01 1.15314673e-03 1.78288028e-03 3.51008356e-01 6.65330589e-02 -2.99336910e-01 -2.25379288e-01 -1.59700930e-01 -2.38790616e-01 3.54115404e-02 1.70668289e-02 -2.19724342e-01 -3.56096298e-01 3.81116308e-02 -1.52154326e-01 2.26272568e-01 5.46142980e-02 2.69396573e-01 -4.65428382e-01 -9.42412689e-02 5.73165528e-02 -1.77354723e-01 3.74686182e-01 8.19594041e-02 4.25295472e-01 2.01778263e-01 3.42678651e-02 -2.07649618e-02 3.64779793e-02 -1.80780485e-01 -3.88250016e-02 3.25717926e-01 -4.01513606e-01 -1.36155650e-01 -9.78375673e-02 -1.37789054e-02 -4.75019425e-01 6.23314977e-02 1.78709581e-01 -1.52284831e-01 -3.08951974e-01 -9.04600024e-02 2.03847274e-01 2.95927465e-01 1.31099910e-01 6.54202402e-02 -2.84104552e-02 1.05696715e-01 5.35864830e-01 3.31434667e-01 1.87547773e-01 -5.86526878e-02 4.98978466e-01 -2.11985752e-01 -4.12619747e-02 4.30143744e-01 5.38599849e-01 4.39433962e-01 -9.98256877e-02 -2.06270948e-01 -4.39799838e-02 1.06241256e-01 1.22352570e-01 7.34077811e-01 1.49509609e-01 1.86684847e-01 -1.77223101e-01 4.03227180e-01 5.24233401e-01 -1.62485033e-01 1.49497032e-01 -2.45158896e-01 2.28951693e-01 2.64446735e-01 3.09225768e-01 -1.59231007e-01 -5.18903732e-01 -3.84307802e-01 -1.24909073e-01 -1.34455502e-01 5.39830565e-01 3.58190984e-01 1.22585666e+00 5.93941450e-01 1.30155355e-01 6.76433221e-02 -2.61565715e-01 6.79734349e-02 -4.04764652e-01 9.38331187e-02 -1.54229999e-01 -2.87262738e-01 2.56538745e-02 -1.20350510e-01 -2.62295783e-01 4.87762898e-01 -2.43232101e-01 -1.58694744e-01 -5.36447585e-01 -1.00237792e-02 3.09100747e-01 1.88994914e-01 -2.20183898e-02 -1.21288948e-01 -2.65033662e-01 2.28039712e-01 3.05749655e-01 8.48374814e-02 -1.76535428e-01 -1.19509801e-01 -1.46679863e-01 -1.13644280e-01 -1.19787283e-01 6.20806143e-02 -5.70738792e-01 5.31610288e-02 3.92687656e-02 1.19238444e-01 -2.53198266e-01 2.30816573e-01 -1.09391510e-01 -2.57523715e-01 -1.48336455e-01 1.48526311e-01 5.62692881e-01 -9.41162705e-02 -3.38960402e-02 -1.09853363e-03 2.00761870e-01 -1.43820733e-01 -2.58052498e-01 -3.56419422e-02 -1.06757477e-01 -9.46113169e-02 -8.77908152e-03 1.21367790e-01 3.28885883e-01 -2.49434039e-01 1.18786953e-01 1.56874835e-01 -2.27018327e-01 -8.03108364e-02 1.70104638e-01 3.82842273e-02 -2.07742304e-01 -1.06291376e-01 2.96446174e-01 -2.01546311e-01 -9.28413346e-02 3.30365598e-01 1.36806861e-01 1.14511453e-01 2.22984076e-01 4.97858189e-02 -1.35981321e-01 -4.24223334e-01 2.27468982e-01 -8.61476362e-02 -1.81686372e-01 -6.95054531e-02 -4.91647981e-02 -4.83559400e-01 6.76087737e-02 5.80254018e-01 4.39456284e-01 3.19643646e-01 -2.80641109e-01 -2.63260335e-01 1.70302480e-01 1.78841814e-01 -7.81804174e-02 2.59130090e-01 -6.08395822e-02 5.44084609e-01 9.48034599e-02 5.40189922e-01 -4.51101333e-01 -1.19177349e-01 -4.12856162e-01 6.21070527e-02 1.78751633e-01 -1.33408010e-01 2.46226341e-01 -2.61855964e-02 1.58031836e-01 3.24039668e-01 -2.74570078e-01 -2.99137771e-01 5.10036983e-02 2.13196620e-01 1.67514328e-02 -5.87618388e-02 -2.12397426e-01 4.21293914e-01 8.34488273e-02 1.31255850e-01 -8.27663019e-02 1.49680302e-02 3.35705280e-01 2.45620444e-01 -3.11623096e-01 -8.33014697e-02 -2.02073961e-01 -1.70798719e-01 2.08404124e-01 2.05588996e-01 -1.82215944e-01 4.67544533e-02 -8.70475620e-02 -1.19873911e-01 3.76560399e-03 2.38640875e-01 -3.88881788e-02 1.97051197e-01 2.15259001e-01 1.30071938e-02 -3.14283699e-01 3.59129995e-01 -2.90762484e-01 3.23408097e-02 -2.33248234e-01 1.19754724e-01 7.57115260e-02 3.01374227e-01 -1.53396904e-01 7.02385083e-02 7.27321059e-02 -1.43802598e-01 -2.89648734e-02 4.54845726e-01 8.99848416e-02 8.81459936e-02 7.80211240e-02 2.12699309e-01 -1.63418561e-01 1.70970738e-01 1.16668925e-01 1.90634385e-01 -4.28474873e-01 1.97938874e-01 4.47140872e-01 2.10257486e-01 2.80938864e-01 6.12925552e-02 3.47341955e-01 1.16914615e-01 -4.25533772e-01 2.40939125e-01 2.52002269e-01 2.72774696e-01 -5.10198027e-02 2.70533025e-01 -2.18686014e-01 1.26816496e-01 -4.71112952e-02 1.83687713e-02 -2.79898554e-01 -1.42099664e-01 -1.63177386e-01 7.36805722e-02 -8.75130966e-02 -9.39944983e-02 -7.58377509e-03 -1.81743950e-01 -4.08218235e-01 -1.25308365e-01 3.04063648e-01 9.96049717e-02 5.25343060e-01 1.77785948e-01 1.35524303e-01 2.38691047e-02 -1.20095417e-01 3.50832701e-01 5.88441730e-01 -3.71565431e-01 2.87789106e-01 -1.84775263e-01 -9.51823071e-02 2.10654676e-01 4.19635147e-01 5.12026489e-01 -1.32010758e-01 -1.78929120e-01 -3.90664395e-03 -4.22034711e-02 -2.88315564e-01 -1.64091229e-01 1.00574661e-02 4.20243412e-01 -1.58585876e-01 1.32291108e-01 1.61696523e-01 -2.65975207e-01 2.27131881e-02 4.12956923e-01 1.26578091e-02 1.47304699e-01 3.43438476e-01 1.55212238e-01 -1.99951470e-01 -8.75960588e-02 7.05916658e-02 -2.01630950e-01 -2.71260738e-01 -2.79364616e-01 -1.75043941e-01 2.09891722e-01 -3.93068224e-01 9.25544724e-02 1.81827441e-01 3.15536946e-01 -8.96415301e-03 1.62671730e-01 -2.84903973e-01 -2.96943992e-01 5.00023402e-02 3.69413316e-01 2.95180585e-02 -5.40078223e-01 2.31328964e-01 -1.84885263e-01 -6.59906864e-02 4.77173775e-01 -4.56751883e-02 -5.29290438e-02 -4.47102815e-01 3.48801792e-01 -3.98346961e-01 3.06782603e-01 2.83155859e-01 1.41807064e-01 2.57406414e-01 -1.85669929e-01 1.80006951e-01 -1.24123745e-01 1.65804341e-01 -2.72520155e-01 -1.93095967e-01 -4.50532995e-02 5.58598675e-02 7.06764936e-01 7.06985965e-02 1.11110784e-01 -2.85663486e-01 -2.63326108e-01 2.26992622e-01 2.24387228e-01 -1.75081089e-01 2.60190785e-01 2.27725819e-01 5.09988889e-02 8.68964642e-02 -6.03878777e-03 2.07822815e-01 -3.21085826e-02 1.87288389e-01 2.65620828e-01 -2.93611944e-01 -1.46950319e-01 -1.54004589e-01 1.66473448e-01 2.26954013e-01 2.88882524e-01 -5.27537651e-02 1.84783056e-01 -2.07181394e-01 -3.12098145e-01 4.92476463e-01 -2.74979681e-01 -2.20552802e-01 -6.62383512e-02 4.17421460e-01 -2.49505132e-01 -3.12592506e-01 -2.53910512e-01 -4.95240912e-02 -3.36276814e-02 2.10797146e-01 -5.98314524e-01 -1.61297157e-01 -3.02464038e-01 -2.88485318e-01 -1.25718027e-01 1.22198485e-01 -3.28523844e-01 -1.61042083e-02 -4.23063576e-01 -7.82653540e-02]
"Funnel Factor Twelve" active "Item #: SCP-786 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-786 is not autonomous and its peculiar properties appear to be both safe and predictable. It is to be kept in a secure storage room at Site 19 with standard surveillance precautions in place. However, it is important that the storage room be kept secure against vermin of any sort. The room must be sealed to prevent entry by insects, rodents, and other small creatures, and fumigated on a bi-monthly basis. Description: SCP-786 is a large funnel composed of high-density β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ polymer. Its appearance matches a conventional kitchen funnel, and the symbols "8 OZ." are embossed on the outside just under the rim of the large end, but the funnel has an internal diameter of 1.14 m across its wide end and 9.50 cm across its narrow end. Its internal volume is 408.8 liters, which is approximately 1730 times larger than its professed 8 ounce capacity or a factor of 123. A simple visual inspection of SCP-786's interior immediately suggests its unusual properties. When viewed from either end of the funnel the interior of SCP-786 appears to be perfectly cylindrical, with the far end of the funnel having exactly the same diameter as the near end - whether that end be the larger one or the smaller one. The view through the far end's opening is enlarged or reduced accordingly. Any object that passes through SCP-786 will have its physical dimensions changed by a factor of twelve, either increasing or decreasing depending on which direction the object passes through the funnel. This change is permanent unless the object comes back through the funnel in the opposite direction. It is theorized that space has somehow become "pinched" through the throat of this item, causing items to appear larger or smaller without actually changing their effective size. This allows living organisms that pass through SCP-786 to survive without apparent harm in their reduced or enlarged state. This includes human test subjects, who exhibit no adverse health effects and have no detectable degradation of mental capacity despite the significant reduction in brain size. The object itself appears to have been increased in size by a factor of 12 but it is not known how this occurred; there does not seem to be any way for the funnel to pass through itself. Due to the size constraints of the large and small ends, nothing larger than 1.14 meters in diameter can be reduced using SCP-786 and nothing larger than 9.5 cm in diameter can be enlarged. It is not recommended that objects be passed through SCP-786 in the same direction more than once, especially not living objects, as this has resulted in [REDACTED]. SCP-786 was discovered in the basement level of a parking structure that had been closed when the retail mall it served had gone out of business four months prior. A careful sweep of the structure uncovered the crushed remains of a Honda 1989 CB-1 CB400F motorcycle that had been miniaturized to 1/12 of its normal size. The motorcycle was traced to Mr. James β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who had last been seen two nights prior and who could not be located. It is not known how Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ came into possession of SCP-786, why he apparently chose to ride his motorcycle through it, or what ultimately became of him. SCP-786 has previously caused an incident with [DATA EXPUNGED] cockroaches that must not be repeated. Β« SCP-785 | SCP-786 | SCP-787 Β»" nan
[-1.61253568e-02 -4.78282750e-01 -1.16718583e-01 -9.71436203e-02 -1.62467703e-01 -3.55398953e-01 -2.41889656e-02 -1.83519833e-02 -6.18095733e-02 3.01230788e-01 -1.08988434e-01 1.20903708e-01 -7.35029578e-02 6.78416789e-02 2.28200972e-01 1.09312505e-01 7.18654618e-02 -5.21181570e-03 1.21833414e-01 3.14893052e-02 -2.12255612e-01 -9.98556092e-02 -3.88422489e-01 2.42810145e-01 1.64696619e-01 -2.97501311e-02 1.44936845e-01 5.87065406e-02 -2.93039292e-01 -3.79958659e-01 1.01457089e-01 3.15424621e-01 9.18181799e-03 6.77633584e-01 -1.14187460e-04 -5.86756039e-03 9.51169804e-02 1.69395786e-02 -4.81213748e-01 3.20077747e-01 -7.66585171e-02 -3.32259685e-01 -1.06048331e-01 -3.51290926e-02 3.27797681e-01 3.70540954e-02 -1.12602480e-01 3.15065682e-01 4.46797311e-01 -3.43103930e-02 1.54976308e-01 2.04916820e-02 2.80017495e-01 1.52488619e-01 2.51270920e-01 5.43321431e-01 -1.98129207e-01 2.88739032e-03 3.13662827e-01 1.40713975e-01 3.13423842e-01 -1.06694087e-01 -2.22980037e-01 -1.32045094e-02 1.80253804e-01 -3.52844268e-01 4.01608013e-02 -1.96007714e-01 1.21683806e-01 3.11836988e-01 -1.53695449e-01 -2.20892459e-01 -7.98971429e-02 -2.46677145e-01 -1.39303640e-01 -1.98209733e-01 -1.81450993e-01 1.76563025e-01 1.49653675e-02 -1.27857089e-01 -8.25739950e-02 2.10769281e-01 -1.42608494e-01 -4.66076545e-02 -3.10327172e-01 3.68716419e-01 -1.65397048e-01 -1.59080237e-01 2.98842728e-01 -1.68910712e-01 1.95195898e-01 -1.66812807e-01 1.05406292e-01 -1.61147833e-01 9.09936279e-02 -5.19989505e-02 1.27644032e-01 2.07738832e-01 3.30389351e-01 -2.50157475e-01 4.00344163e-01 2.45547131e-01 3.81309539e-01 2.79356688e-01 -2.03572676e-01 2.13554144e-01 -5.54518960e-02 3.90194684e-01 -5.11645257e-01 3.75528216e-01 -9.37657729e-02 1.75010771e-01 -2.15376243e-02 2.70596057e-01 -1.14158221e-01 -3.45456868e-01 2.71140486e-02 1.19938485e-01 -2.39999577e-01 2.64115542e-01 -4.15106505e-01 2.16488034e-01 1.65369511e-02 1.73234060e-01 3.88212442e-01 5.91229856e-01 9.37799364e-02 -1.99186072e-01 -3.83801430e-01 6.22926131e-02 -1.15956642e-01 2.28318602e-01 -3.57544810e-01 -2.75176138e-01 -1.76866278e-01 2.40248904e-01 -2.95536071e-01 -1.27017841e-01 1.47126131e-02 -1.08922161e-02 1.17011629e-01 -7.51989484e-02 3.84499341e-01 6.50565982e-01 -1.69179350e-01 -3.54959279e-01 -1.08521305e-01 -2.35408708e-01 -1.49351478e-01 2.43377253e-01 -2.68403608e-02 -3.23450076e-03 -1.65211469e-01 2.21504778e-01 -2.45306313e-01 1.54476926e-01 5.74329421e-02 8.87222514e-02 -3.97039950e-01 -6.75321221e-02 1.99834093e-01 -1.90840289e-01 7.42814243e-02 -1.04325518e-01 -4.57587130e-02 2.99512982e-01 -5.08636117e-01 -1.30294994e-01 -2.65477270e-01 -2.03827694e-01 -3.20136398e-02 -2.21266851e-01 9.68458205e-02 8.84351581e-02 -1.29595831e-01 -4.22504023e-02 2.24110514e-01 -1.80061966e-01 -3.99939716e-01 -1.02763683e-01 -1.56421319e-01 3.81338388e-01 -5.58008179e-02 -2.75700599e-01 1.37400374e-01 9.50450171e-03 -1.66553464e-02 2.24494990e-02 -6.64169574e-03 -2.92383116e-02 -2.99516946e-01 -1.50584757e-01 1.07716151e-01 -3.22028473e-02 -1.07403755e-01 1.04229219e-01 2.33523324e-01 6.38348088e-02 1.11862391e-01 2.55040854e-01 -1.36506027e-02 9.87620130e-02 2.63938814e-01 9.18747783e-02 -1.72568157e-01 -3.05059403e-01 -1.77743301e-01 -2.86284566e-01 -1.18347026e-01 -1.24063656e-01 1.16364472e-01 5.70755545e-03 -2.95186192e-01 3.40099692e-01 2.31951907e-01 -3.07266861e-01 2.54515171e-01 2.49350354e-01 6.09818920e-02 -3.62656474e-01 1.49022698e-01 3.14777941e-01 5.41046739e-01 1.60275772e-01 4.33010012e-02 -1.19143583e-01 -2.16331575e-02 4.28244695e-02 -1.98477998e-01 1.14590190e-01 3.88177395e-01 -3.21734808e-02 2.29190625e-02 5.25862016e-02 -5.24842083e-01 1.46804541e-01 7.89079145e-02 4.90106344e-01 -4.73702066e-02 3.37520570e-01 2.71596402e-01 -2.80896008e-01 1.44598529e-01 1.88699976e-01 -2.23712996e-02 4.64560002e-01 2.75191545e-01 9.51759741e-02 -5.69120608e-02 1.04794696e-01 -2.95503765e-01 -4.92512047e-01 -1.88143581e-01 2.14710817e-01 2.37373590e-01 3.66464198e-01 -1.09450169e-01 7.46732727e-02 2.40433797e-01 4.29396808e-01 -1.69041216e-01 -3.23469102e-01 2.01908693e-01 3.11573982e-01 -2.26205319e-01 -7.87975043e-02 -1.35572806e-01 7.04831779e-01 2.60536045e-01 1.72461048e-01 -2.26461291e-02 1.00797877e-01 -5.23962490e-02 6.09379523e-02 4.35277596e-02 1.78540587e-01 -5.54874353e-02 3.92887592e-01 3.82658869e-01 2.91017413e-01 -6.34230152e-02 -2.92650551e-01 -1.20213449e-01 -1.99639559e-01 -1.04542248e-01 4.30185050e-01 1.28660917e-01 3.11231077e-01 -2.21611932e-01 -9.50930566e-02 4.29573804e-01 -3.39544088e-01 7.30365664e-02 1.72616586e-01 -1.52074322e-01 -1.06485866e-01 -2.06199586e-01 5.26364207e-01 -1.24706216e-01 -3.31806868e-01 -4.39764261e-01 4.84801382e-01 -1.74185663e-01 2.51358021e-02 -3.71588618e-01 2.82076716e-01 2.26503432e-01 1.07998513e-01 2.11939514e-01 -4.95616756e-02 -6.89488292e-01 1.87957913e-01 2.27644056e-01 1.44214720e-01 -3.73095833e-03 -1.28801659e-01 8.92833173e-02 -9.84622240e-02 1.20353751e-01 -4.81505156e-01 -9.75733250e-02 2.78969437e-01 -1.39581427e-01 -1.20329475e-02 -2.15449557e-01 1.88847542e-01 -2.92383671e-01 -3.06843877e-01 1.37854561e-01 5.29447235e-02 1.35234043e-01 -9.51868761e-03 2.73814779e-02 2.26432607e-01 2.43327379e-01 -1.63151041e-01 -2.14600071e-01 -3.92946035e-01 7.00654015e-02 -1.39907733e-01 1.51355818e-01 -3.59536856e-01 -4.10496205e-01 -3.99156511e-01 5.97533166e-01 -2.17825219e-01 -1.12702668e-01 1.12602815e-01 -2.33771890e-01 1.79381091e-02 -4.90155211e-03 5.84133804e-01 -9.68160778e-02 -2.22643927e-01 -3.05196404e-01 -3.73780400e-01 -3.87578398e-01 1.55534293e-03 3.94381940e-01 -3.50344062e-01 5.66596463e-02 2.77177066e-01 1.45677909e-01 -1.47257209e-01 -1.73107386e-01 -1.38974003e-02 2.19538942e-01 2.44154111e-01 3.98932576e-01 6.41809553e-02 2.33001888e-01 2.29920954e-01 -2.32626095e-01 -7.54317734e-03 8.80139470e-02 -1.84451282e-01 2.44182780e-01 -1.04770221e-01 -5.32248378e-01 -1.41749606e-01 1.62369594e-01 5.26786804e-01 2.26690680e-01 -1.94209963e-01 -5.19616604e-01 -1.65234536e-01 -1.40867457e-01 -3.65673482e-01 9.99079943e-02 -1.61837280e-01 1.94087937e-01 -4.74398673e-01 2.61300683e-01 -2.10195258e-01 3.20296437e-01 -2.46960193e-01 2.88631350e-01 1.60501413e-02 -1.78724021e-01 1.27911016e-01 -2.64248461e-01 2.47634545e-01 1.15087926e-01 4.84592646e-01 3.21777493e-01 1.02891326e-01 -4.60820258e-01 -2.35982999e-01 -3.06519538e-01 -8.89381692e-02 5.06359458e-01 -3.60402375e-01 -7.31276721e-02 -2.33400166e-02 8.23406950e-02 5.04620820e-02 5.90765961e-02 1.03122473e-01 6.96114905e-04 -7.43816435e-01 -1.16236666e-02 7.63009191e-02 1.50950253e-01 -9.52289030e-02 1.19967744e-01 -7.66497478e-02 -1.52652070e-01 -1.27415210e-01 2.05685079e-01 -9.80321392e-02 -2.01488376e-01 1.95389122e-01 -2.66584635e-01 4.34495956e-01 2.49980256e-01 3.91230702e-01 1.45139143e-01 3.93644631e-01 -9.48889181e-02 9.27189365e-02 4.47517693e-01 -1.94487914e-01 5.31414151e-01 2.99600124e-01 -1.10045504e-02 -2.37572178e-01 5.79651296e-01 1.14325762e-01 -7.15211928e-02 8.37963447e-03 1.85703576e-01 4.79443697e-03 3.33233088e-01 3.20584565e-01 -1.10839255e-01 -3.16188991e-01 -9.99592617e-02 -9.95043218e-02 -1.89468950e-01 2.57192641e-01 3.13644648e-01 1.17959547e+00 1.71721905e-01 -8.21742266e-02 2.52247155e-01 -6.03280783e-01 -4.08936143e-01 -5.71611047e-01 -6.91664889e-02 -1.25350598e-02 1.20592073e-01 -6.17975257e-02 -3.88049304e-01 -5.32032959e-02 7.05986321e-02 -3.51737857e-01 -9.51171219e-02 -6.16418600e-01 -3.29112798e-01 2.86083490e-01 1.99200675e-01 4.23416048e-02 1.59382820e-01 3.39262158e-01 2.37892434e-01 1.87222525e-01 2.71324307e-01 -5.50052561e-02 7.12881610e-02 2.41510317e-01 -1.36869058e-01 -4.40032959e-01 6.16256930e-02 -5.12452245e-01 -7.72287548e-02 3.91461998e-01 -3.59672427e-01 -1.23095445e-01 -6.09271266e-02 -3.89145762e-01 -4.72873114e-02 2.79015694e-02 2.96333671e-01 9.84228700e-02 6.47779852e-02 1.80576012e-01 -2.41755143e-01 2.04896227e-01 -5.21340892e-02 2.71822070e-03 1.34067282e-01 -2.65495982e-02 -1.26213908e-01 3.48476246e-02 2.73227721e-01 4.35698867e-01 -2.91703314e-01 4.13199782e-01 7.99525604e-02 -1.46069467e-01 -8.54686555e-03 9.05985162e-02 -1.49723589e-01 -5.67773804e-02 1.42100230e-01 7.64820576e-02 -9.09309089e-02 -9.25665870e-02 -2.98184127e-01 1.66887622e-02 5.86483665e-02 -2.81860769e-01 -1.69662580e-01 -1.97543520e-02 -3.08883876e-01 2.68431187e-01 -4.81315941e-01 4.09619480e-01 2.35234469e-01 -2.21427590e-01 -5.49396276e-01 1.47654667e-01 -6.01464137e-02 4.20610532e-02 -9.14364960e-03 -2.66090691e-01 -4.98458982e-01 2.05901071e-01 -1.24178357e-01 -1.69270679e-01 1.44929290e-01 -2.82730132e-01 4.61113423e-01 1.39596313e-01 1.91965222e-01 -3.36025208e-01 3.12887043e-01 -7.48371929e-02 -1.28804028e-01 -1.87826287e-02 -1.30732298e-01 1.02696847e-02 -4.68216352e-02 8.25020671e-02 3.51577461e-01 -3.30175996e-01 -1.69354364e-01 -2.85986483e-01 1.26884028e-01 -1.51193127e-01 6.51506707e-02 3.00884750e-02 2.35974386e-01 3.48720968e-01 5.58727868e-02 1.02774492e-02 5.60270622e-02 1.22376814e-01 -1.20853465e-02 -1.92524597e-01 4.60056439e-02 3.78820777e-01 1.62999064e-01 2.67153054e-01 2.02841058e-01 5.57294004e-02 2.10262030e-01 -6.88705891e-02 -3.78658473e-02 -5.65773904e-01 1.01614274e-01 -7.51385316e-02 3.54100525e-01 8.27688053e-02 8.53160843e-02 -4.93374467e-02 1.63259685e-01 -1.61425427e-01 2.00618878e-01 -4.13802713e-01 1.51362494e-01 1.72674041e-02 2.04954475e-01 -1.61749460e-02 -3.77552100e-02 -4.21715789e-02 9.53589305e-02 -7.45579377e-02 1.30515516e-01 -2.77258903e-01 -8.28244388e-02 -9.89822969e-02 2.26923540e-01 -4.81508188e-02 2.47521505e-01 2.59440422e-01 -1.80995822e-01 -3.24970752e-01 -2.40764045e-03 2.94897556e-01 -1.13355011e-01 1.25405177e-01 1.46746159e-01 4.82304066e-01 -6.71927333e-02 -2.37240493e-01 3.70157987e-01 1.09102935e-01 1.22280270e-01 -2.47652963e-01 4.75631416e-01 -1.91095680e-01 1.65568769e-01 1.13882162e-02 -3.32386941e-02 -1.17322072e-01 4.62988205e-02 -2.50448406e-01 -4.80352826e-02 3.72091904e-02 -1.09916240e-01 2.74387330e-01 -1.45689607e-01 -1.76104195e-02 -8.56980309e-02 3.12250972e-01 -1.86508615e-02 5.34501076e-01 -2.15458661e-01 1.33125216e-01 -9.87194777e-02 1.03385359e-01 2.55460918e-01 2.07513869e-01 -2.71580189e-01 3.70386764e-02 1.15593001e-01 -2.31728051e-02 -2.22216826e-02 2.22254321e-01 4.08614129e-01 6.13040440e-02 -2.06663772e-01 -3.99331126e-04 -2.20482960e-01 -1.14531606e-01 -3.79562855e-01 -1.69110432e-01 4.69181061e-01 -1.18524894e-01 -5.29152602e-02 1.94387048e-01 -2.63963103e-01 -1.43617457e-02 8.91446322e-02 6.37359172e-02 -1.02726117e-01 3.53622079e-01 -4.80144694e-02 -7.73502002e-03 -8.01185295e-02 -2.65951544e-01 -8.90261605e-02 -1.81492433e-01 5.74881360e-02 -1.29203632e-01 2.15994522e-01 -6.08921871e-02 8.23497400e-02 4.05980088e-03 3.20657343e-01 -4.07372676e-02 -2.07559410e-02 1.65006608e-01 -9.14524645e-02 -3.51058170e-02 5.40295430e-03 -1.95054784e-01 -2.56684512e-01 1.15349136e-01 2.35393718e-01 -2.66640663e-01 3.60161990e-01 -4.34114188e-02 2.07939625e-01 -1.89309254e-01 -3.88147589e-03 -4.47980672e-01 1.22032657e-01 4.21982616e-01 3.49671721e-01 3.61623168e-01 -3.92080516e-01 -4.85134199e-02 -2.65728027e-01 1.21988147e-01 -2.65355185e-02 3.69614333e-01 -4.53486033e-02 4.98518012e-02 5.45653939e-01 2.64266819e-01 2.34618142e-01 -2.30046228e-01 -3.43796670e-01 -1.72421128e-01 2.13095397e-02 -1.39990687e-01 -1.80277005e-01 1.31897673e-01 2.65085101e-01 -4.81095277e-02 9.07672103e-03 2.76338518e-01 -4.09657270e-01 2.89853010e-02 -1.72327308e-03 -1.38915896e-01 2.21558794e-01 -1.11653255e-02 3.90551239e-01 -5.17395996e-02 5.84464133e-01 -6.19557276e-02 1.93466976e-01 -2.85968445e-02 -3.61214846e-01 4.90810424e-01 -2.20387354e-01 -1.93574741e-01 2.30327755e-01 6.20504580e-02 -2.54970994e-02 -2.31646746e-01 -2.98664451e-01 2.93758083e-02 4.49452922e-02 1.11424483e-01 -3.12692136e-01 1.90170094e-01 -4.03203726e-01 -2.54468560e-01 1.10694468e-01 5.93230367e-01 1.43377975e-01 -2.79152483e-01 2.43528076e-02 4.77654301e-02]
"The Plane That Never Was" active "Item #: SCP-787 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-787 is currently contained within Hangar 04 at Sector-28. Security cameras and sound recording equipment are to be stationed in the cockpit, passenger area, and baggage hold of SCP-787 to record any anomalous events. In the event of any anomalous activity within SCP-787, access to the interior of SCP-787 is to be prohibited for a minimum of 72 hours. Description: SCP-787 is a Boeing 747-200 airliner of unknown manufacturing date and call sign. The exterior of SCP-787 has been painted over, including all passenger windows: Paint was wet upon recovery, drying soon after. The mechanical components of SCP-787 are all undamaged and functional, and show no signs of use. Nonmechanical components of SCP-787, including carpeting, upholstery, and luggage, are in an advanced state of decay. The pilot and co-pilot’s seats have been removed, replaced with two piles of computer components arranged in the shape of chairs. SCP-787 initially manifested on June β–ˆβ–ˆ, 1987, in a field located approximately β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ km from Bremerton, Washington. SCP-787 contains the bodies of 515 deceased individuals, henceforth referred to as SCP-787a. The cause of death varies among specimens, with causes including strangulation, exsanguination, drowning, starvation, bullet wounds, stab wounds and blunt force trauma. Certain mutilations are common throughout SCP-787a specimens regardless of cause of death, including removal of the tongue (23 instances), scalping (73 instances), carving of Cyrillic letters into the left palm (230 instances, no pattern found) and removal of fingertips (498 instances). All SCP-787a specimens are in advanced stages of decay, but have shown no signs of further putrefaction since recovery. Visual apparitions, unexplained noises, and other phenomena will spontaneously manifest within SCP-787. These incidents have not occurred when SCP-787 is occupied. Attempts to enter SCP-787 after these events will result in violent physical expulsion from SCP-787 by an unknown force, accompanied by severe organ damage and internal bleeding. Recorded anomalous activity within SCP-787 includes: Addendum-01: 12/13/2007 - The identity of SCP-787a-112 has been determined to be that of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a retired optometrist currently living in Atlanta, Georgia. Subject was interviewed by Foundation agents on December 14th, and was found to have no knowledge or memory of any anomalous incidents taking place in June of 1987. In addition, Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ claimed that he had never ridden in an airplane in his life, a claim verified by his wife and son. Attempts to identify other passengers are currently underway. Addendum-02: 05/22/2009 - Examination of SCP-787’s waste storage tank revealed an additional specimen of SCP-787a, designated SCP-787a-516, being an Indian male approximately 30 years of age. Subject was in possession of the following: SCP-787a-516 does not display a similar state of decay as the rest of SCP-787a specimens. Cause of death is unknown. Addendum-03: 06/19/2013 – SCP-787’s flight data recorder has been recovered from a compartment underneath the floor of seat A13. The device was wrapped in butcher paper and the compartment filled with asbestos and dried human blood. Flight data recorder contained nothing but the phrase β€œTO BE SORRY”. Β« SCP-786 | SCP-787 | SCP-788 Β»" nan
[ 2.82367140e-01 -1.73985939e-02 -8.88973773e-02 -9.25175473e-02 -7.82624707e-02 -2.52577394e-01 3.18871230e-01 1.94602862e-01 -3.05043578e-01 8.34566355e-02 1.23922685e-02 2.34193821e-03 -8.56061056e-02 -1.63921505e-01 1.33148015e-01 7.01162741e-02 4.35569286e-01 1.98515542e-02 4.25072193e-01 -7.83872083e-02 -3.23581725e-01 8.52404814e-03 -3.79195720e-01 7.57385492e-02 -3.60355645e-01 1.05102882e-02 3.92513955e-03 6.03062138e-02 -7.62051195e-02 -1.04648240e-01 2.75636911e-01 8.26607868e-02 1.55425236e-01 5.64367414e-01 -1.08152592e-04 6.63559092e-03 1.19173363e-01 -1.27185464e-01 -2.65952617e-01 6.81936964e-02 -1.65473565e-01 2.72758454e-01 7.39629194e-02 -1.01432949e-01 -7.21735805e-02 -1.05203860e-01 -2.24461383e-03 3.66337568e-01 4.53346372e-01 3.68725181e-01 1.90651968e-01 1.07199892e-01 1.54380545e-01 8.31768215e-02 1.48935109e-01 2.91204631e-01 -2.30595365e-01 -6.62998855e-02 2.39763260e-01 6.31257845e-03 1.31509542e-01 1.44033760e-01 -2.88374885e-03 -3.15463364e-01 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1.08680196e-01 -1.42096862e-01 -1.05714254e-01 -3.11203897e-01 2.95383275e-01 -1.16803214e-01 3.50372791e-01 1.47029310e-01 -4.05875742e-02 2.89651692e-01 2.68873394e-01 3.59573156e-01 3.85791957e-01 -8.27819109e-03 1.58978879e-01 2.00354680e-01 3.21843177e-01 2.27085501e-01 4.99818847e-02 2.49575406e-01 -2.29239002e-01 -1.28055573e-01 1.54125705e-01 6.45318031e-02 -9.17895138e-02 -1.95027605e-01 5.72499074e-02 8.01363289e-02 -9.17129293e-02 1.85574755e-01 2.52985567e-01 -2.20327362e-01 -2.09137842e-01 1.61570758e-01 -9.79170352e-02 -8.84230509e-02 4.68818516e-01 -3.47359061e-01 -2.31750607e-01 -1.72647789e-01 5.94200864e-02 -1.12221062e-01 -2.86888003e-01 -3.07442069e-01 -1.66133791e-01 2.65617877e-01 -1.47332430e-01 1.10775031e-01 -3.50669324e-01 -1.74905777e-01 1.03638493e-01 -6.82785511e-02 4.57559302e-02 -2.53448099e-01 -2.56981611e-01 -1.36049613e-01 -2.36513354e-02 -7.86633939e-02 2.23461255e-01 2.10683882e-01 -3.00006926e-01 1.58015341e-01 -5.07701598e-02 3.35083455e-01 8.80035460e-02 1.11348815e-01 -3.35147977e-01 3.94077927e-01 5.37036300e-01 -7.81473070e-02 -1.50464863e-01 -6.95239380e-02 1.27151236e-01 -1.42106012e-01 1.74490154e-01 -7.68180192e-02 -3.62297177e-01 -2.75078595e-01 9.71672311e-02 5.11207223e-01 -1.32866241e-02 -1.21876888e-01 -1.95209086e-01 -2.70034045e-01 1.57493297e-02 5.76781034e-01 1.27064228e-01 -2.33116522e-02 2.13683993e-01 3.21463048e-01 1.18500672e-01 3.95474195e-01 3.22467744e-01 -1.35253459e-01 9.46417972e-02 1.90591261e-01 -6.04655206e-01 2.84818918e-01 -4.25978974e-02 2.59802431e-01 1.15272388e-01 4.15945739e-01 1.42092649e-02 3.15184712e-01 3.68470047e-03 -2.84310818e-01 1.95414245e-01 -3.07741284e-01 -1.48769811e-01 -3.00051868e-02 3.31385672e-01 2.49397345e-02 -1.03000171e-01 -1.72336385e-01 8.13204169e-05 1.00003652e-01 -6.71219155e-02 2.22067982e-02 -8.70548263e-02 -4.71744597e-01 -1.44716352e-01 -1.98252592e-02 3.82912993e-01 -3.27813588e-02 -3.71846445e-02 -2.06712663e-01 9.93068814e-02]
"Magma Carp" active "Item #: SCP-788 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-788 is contained at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ in a high-temperature ceramic lined chamber 25 m in diameter, filled with molten lead kept at a temperature of 900 degrees Centigrade. If SCP-788 becomes active or attempts to break containment, its containment chamber is to be cooled until SCP-788 ceases movement. SCP-788 is to be fed 500g pellets of iron and magnesium on a daily basis. Description: SCP-788 is a creature resembling an African carp (Labeo coubie), approximately 3.2 m in length and composed entirely of ultramafic magma with a 'skin' of cracked picritic basalt. It is currently estimated to have a core temperature of approximately 1475 degrees Centigrade, though its skin temperature is typically much lower. Samples obtained from SCP-788 have shown no differentiation or internal structure. SCP-788 has been observed with simple behavior identical to that of a typical water-dwelling fish. It does not exhibit unusual strength for a creature of its size, though its sheer size and mass can result in damage to its containment cell if it becomes agitated. SCP-788 consumes several types of ore and minerals, with a preference for iron and magnesium, though it has not been observed excreting any material. Since its containment, SCP-788 has grown approximately 22 cm in length. SCP-788 was discovered following the 19β–ˆβ–ˆ eruption of [REDACTED]. It is currently theorized that multiple instances of SCP-788 may exist in the mantle layer of the earth, and the eruption of [REDACTED] may have brought SCP-788 to the surface. Contingencies are currently in place if another instance of SCP-788 is discovered by Foundation or civilian assets. Addendum 788-01: Incident 788-01 On β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-788 became slow and apathetic for a period of approximately twenty four (24) days, during which its abdomen swelled considerably. At the end of this period, SCP-788 produced over β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ spherical objects, presumably eggs, with an average diameter of approximately 3 cm. Analysis shows that these are composed of the same type of magma as SCP-788, and all specimens have been separated into another containment cell and placed under observation. Β« SCP-787 | SCP-788 | SCP-789 Β»" nan
[ 7.04040527e-02 -3.96808654e-01 -2.09591284e-01 3.59173752e-02 9.84250680e-02 -1.24304101e-01 4.80320752e-01 1.61284819e-01 2.76053429e-01 1.53079197e-01 -3.59759569e-01 4.33532357e-01 -3.11935954e-02 -3.15766066e-01 2.01487944e-01 -3.17388750e-03 3.10916364e-01 -4.17356417e-02 4.68435496e-01 -1.99142829e-01 -6.36947230e-02 -2.05120862e-01 -7.49051524e-03 1.15524553e-01 -2.11494386e-01 1.56249732e-01 -6.93788677e-02 2.77661622e-01 -2.47303262e-01 -3.37563723e-01 3.69118035e-01 1.78983986e-01 1.41124636e-01 4.64077711e-01 -1.09361979e-04 5.88968210e-02 1.72267452e-01 9.69983861e-02 6.17159083e-02 1.99471936e-01 -3.37563217e-01 -5.49612045e-01 2.34330460e-01 -3.31964850e-01 1.41946256e-01 7.24288285e-01 -2.32439451e-02 -3.42161298e-01 4.10112649e-01 4.49598214e-04 2.07682163e-01 -1.43621579e-01 1.79023698e-01 2.79906988e-02 5.41050792e-01 3.89204651e-01 -1.59417868e-01 8.43239948e-02 5.52730799e-01 4.15504217e-01 2.85400093e-01 -3.41709144e-02 -2.46431574e-01 -1.42898679e-01 -2.86126912e-01 6.70023710e-02 3.01014930e-01 -2.40902364e-01 1.60162821e-01 5.16430497e-01 -1.37191787e-01 1.46462992e-01 -2.82437894e-02 -4.55550589e-02 -3.46774012e-01 -4.20395523e-01 1.10683754e-01 4.67151999e-01 1.91180762e-02 -1.01198189e-01 3.37208033e-01 1.02948576e-01 -2.28515968e-01 -1.46697566e-01 -2.51801491e-01 6.85928166e-02 -7.23948777e-02 -1.22643240e-01 -2.10404117e-02 -1.18688986e-01 -4.04803902e-01 -6.44586384e-02 2.29043186e-01 4.18251127e-01 -1.32353708e-01 -1.54943511e-01 -1.05696388e-01 -3.75416309e-01 2.35294685e-01 -4.91486564e-02 4.88882899e-01 2.47489914e-01 -4.14967507e-01 4.24729317e-01 2.14332148e-01 -4.62665670e-02 8.48357230e-02 -1.97839029e-02 -1.70391068e-01 2.30497673e-01 -1.50401041e-01 1.06896169e-01 -1.95097208e-01 2.25682650e-02 2.40793407e-01 8.65432993e-02 3.63914877e-01 -2.99350843e-02 -7.51499385e-02 1.29066929e-01 -2.25748718e-01 8.96326751e-02 7.44781494e-02 -1.73930004e-02 6.57925801e-03 1.64336950e-01 -2.88606063e-02 2.71594655e-02 7.50401756e-03 1.09824710e-01 -1.10275380e-01 1.64916769e-01 -3.00151289e-01 -1.53675899e-01 -3.96646149e-02 8.14047679e-02 -1.47547722e-01 -1.40380025e-01 -2.32232019e-01 1.65452808e-01 -2.14503363e-01 -1.11742407e-01 1.39422387e-01 3.71230692e-01 -2.88746208e-02 -1.18671544e-01 -2.14090750e-01 1.20044723e-02 -1.23085864e-01 -3.14102136e-02 1.39471442e-01 -1.31811813e-01 -6.56778395e-01 2.24778339e-01 -2.12491062e-02 9.95798185e-02 1.95482969e-01 2.46772785e-02 -1.74023546e-02 -1.10781349e-01 -6.06166152e-03 1.74597844e-01 3.88268568e-02 -1.16032906e-01 1.55420512e-01 4.82098401e-01 -1.76796243e-01 1.84571758e-01 -4.13069010e-01 9.98271033e-02 1.94733411e-01 1.12428442e-02 9.34363753e-02 -1.69445723e-01 -1.08269595e-01 2.44769618e-01 -6.74242616e-01 -1.16136730e-01 -1.16446249e-01 -4.36109632e-01 4.21841778e-02 9.69161987e-02 -5.70958927e-02 -1.16153836e-01 -3.16032439e-01 4.71114628e-02 1.83064103e-01 8.83129388e-02 -8.26473162e-02 -1.54181808e-01 -2.55231470e-01 -4.03269172e-01 8.21992829e-02 -2.32673381e-02 5.63061684e-02 5.54573685e-02 3.04674119e-01 1.13289863e-01 6.97593614e-02 2.13839844e-01 -7.39682019e-02 -5.53741641e-02 7.14364052e-01 -3.41933936e-01 -2.16552362e-01 -2.99635708e-01 -3.15080047e-01 1.57329381e-01 3.51314992e-01 4.21394169e-01 -3.09419334e-01 2.68294085e-02 -3.30590516e-01 2.99327999e-01 -1.30998254e-01 -2.38958463e-01 2.64916122e-01 -9.35712531e-02 1.24176733e-01 -1.58707619e-01 -8.58972892e-02 -1.41159385e-01 2.07957283e-01 8.77781659e-02 -1.41153902e-01 1.00473031e-01 -1.59069091e-01 -9.97864082e-03 -2.53781050e-01 -8.11405182e-02 2.04798058e-01 1.16823025e-01 -5.93160205e-02 1.16940349e-01 -2.53412634e-01 4.41037834e-01 1.09972872e-01 2.61895180e-01 1.59063078e-02 -6.85262606e-02 2.80866712e-01 -4.93882179e-01 3.26650053e-01 -1.62653834e-01 -1.44217446e-01 2.69143343e-01 1.86678059e-02 3.19199294e-01 -1.09479539e-01 -1.44421563e-01 2.05999203e-02 -4.77452390e-02 7.41144503e-03 1.08644478e-01 -3.90870832e-02 7.49337375e-01 1.28008991e-01 3.01492754e-02 -8.19761977e-02 1.51381180e-01 -1.21193402e-01 -1.16102993e-01 2.28613570e-01 7.46624544e-02 -6.79856539e-02 -2.34121699e-02 2.31860682e-01 7.97298625e-02 7.11306632e-02 -5.34952013e-03 2.81573892e-01 1.01049326e-01 1.31485984e-01 2.67148409e-02 1.55886412e-01 1.31387666e-01 2.17114583e-01 -1.42508715e-01 3.71381134e-01 1.37945876e-01 -2.80477464e-01 -1.96694791e-01 -2.59664297e-01 -2.24404693e-01 1.49243101e-01 3.77620101e-01 -1.58337027e-01 5.58086157e-01 -4.98277657e-02 -1.41514197e-01 -2.32853800e-01 -6.61731809e-02 3.06427628e-02 1.01141892e-02 -6.77509755e-02 2.97662783e-02 -9.46345627e-02 2.23872587e-01 2.55799532e-01 -1.32308111e-01 -5.43950260e-01 -5.08299023e-02 -1.43365577e-01 9.16388109e-02 -6.78537488e-02 -1.31581873e-01 3.58289331e-02 -8.51803720e-02 2.63857424e-01 3.34898204e-01 -5.07496595e-01 2.53436685e-01 2.43890643e-01 -4.42371182e-02 2.17880636e-01 -2.18313977e-01 -1.49296606e-02 -1.28102094e-01 2.59448260e-01 -4.46182638e-01 -9.41932797e-02 6.81257201e-03 4.55250870e-03 1.17139950e-01 1.04311243e-01 -1.25508225e-02 -4.06783462e-01 -1.50373384e-01 1.65973231e-01 3.80540863e-02 1.73223436e-01 4.27620173e-01 6.58882633e-02 4.04095352e-01 -1.16156690e-01 7.77572468e-02 -1.14338621e-01 -6.08244121e-01 4.51749004e-02 7.92735592e-02 3.05316728e-02 -1.31243348e-01 -5.62688887e-01 2.70916432e-01 -2.35165268e-01 -2.99553499e-02 2.56322742e-01 9.99674550e-04 -2.14756161e-01 2.61222661e-01 -2.79674474e-02 1.01082735e-01 3.51053216e-02 -2.71231949e-01 -4.74360362e-02 -2.96557724e-01 -7.05237612e-02 4.29093689e-01 1.23053044e-01 -2.85226405e-01 -5.80397341e-03 1.33037239e-01 4.84481037e-01 -4.31922019e-01 -3.21853518e-01 3.10673058e-01 1.50815755e-01 -4.19505127e-02 2.39921585e-01 -5.64646721e-01 -1.39187813e-01 -2.36502456e-04 -6.54620767e-01 2.71955337e-02 2.66382605e-01 -4.53157008e-01 -3.72208506e-02 1.45244598e-01 -2.92288363e-01 -3.12071323e-01 1.25121772e-01 1.85567483e-01 2.62403977e-03 1.90021358e-02 -4.91545409e-01 -2.11336389e-01 -2.73507833e-01 -4.63699549e-01 3.26713622e-01 -1.49247065e-01 -3.65637802e-02 -1.26939625e-01 -1.04956366e-01 -4.76296842e-01 3.22882771e-01 -1.18353732e-01 1.55726284e-01 -5.39092571e-02 -5.22964448e-02 2.65288621e-01 -6.06013425e-02 1.14975937e-01 -5.53322397e-02 1.82300285e-01 5.08868158e-01 -2.40765303e-01 -6.83710054e-02 5.17036319e-02 -1.54723406e-01 2.67694414e-01 7.45491743e-01 -2.82219112e-01 -1.28300667e-01 -3.84172089e-02 -1.10493444e-01 -3.09399627e-02 -1.08142756e-02 1.18571594e-01 -2.13901967e-01 -7.99108446e-02 -1.29899159e-01 1.86101660e-01 2.66853809e-01 6.38675392e-02 -7.20088603e-03 -4.07654107e-01 -3.60137671e-01 7.61683285e-02 1.96071550e-01 1.48621961e-01 -2.38871232e-01 2.99762916e-02 1.43688813e-01 -1.14390828e-01 4.49251413e-01 3.97204190e-01 3.21584016e-01 -1.78169832e-02 3.44010651e-01 1.25253573e-01 -4.18263003e-02 2.24888265e-01 3.83664966e-01 2.62339234e-01 -3.33062969e-02 -4.54501398e-02 -5.60421236e-02 1.29730552e-01 8.11080113e-02 -1.62712540e-02 2.45759159e-01 -5.94945475e-02 -2.18371823e-02 4.44280028e-01 -3.63855585e-02 -2.67817646e-01 -3.99007440e-01 -9.92584825e-02 -1.93998501e-01 -6.83609098e-02 5.79228878e-01 1.16081643e+00 -7.21497014e-02 -8.98933336e-02 -1.96990073e-01 -1.84033290e-01 2.29970604e-01 -1.37064800e-01 -5.74262142e-02 -2.27744937e-01 4.30761546e-01 1.36351958e-01 -2.29171723e-01 2.67502546e-01 3.32408041e-01 -1.45070568e-01 -1.22521132e-01 -3.42887163e-01 -9.35195386e-02 1.64638273e-02 1.84539348e-01 1.50431126e-01 -2.22080722e-01 -2.02814996e-01 2.38724917e-01 -1.59654021e-02 2.83285677e-01 3.15173306e-02 -6.77788490e-03 1.80273712e-01 8.53668805e-03 -2.59194046e-01 1.09991036e-01 -8.30953345e-02 -8.18308666e-02 -1.00100555e-01 -4.78915781e-01 2.35125855e-01 -2.92861946e-02 -2.80217141e-01 -3.58905315e-01 1.35523826e-02 2.03687742e-01 5.39156199e-01 -1.13426886e-01 -5.34842815e-03 -1.61675110e-01 2.94921607e-01 -1.81888565e-02 -2.23949142e-02 1.75691396e-01 3.69707420e-02 -2.30226010e-01 4.55332845e-01 3.99438053e-01 6.81659102e-01 -8.58342722e-02 2.61534750e-01 -9.09574777e-02 1.89413026e-01 -1.36365965e-01 1.68264464e-01 4.49941814e-01 -2.45481893e-01 -7.62340128e-02 2.98006654e-01 -1.08471997e-01 -5.73024526e-02 6.70543611e-02 2.42721036e-01 7.21926168e-02 -9.02426057e-03 2.85788476e-01 6.92315027e-02 -3.91322553e-01 3.50975722e-01 -2.07993001e-01 -3.95422369e-01 1.05656460e-01 -4.20725226e-01 -2.93134242e-01 2.70647742e-02 2.66379099e-02 1.22071289e-01 -2.88991421e-01 -3.24145285e-03 -3.70658070e-01 -1.28148332e-01 -7.54531398e-02 -1.38125539e-01 4.14193869e-01 -1.79029047e-01 -1.05007470e-01 -1.49457812e-01 1.16599701e-01 -3.38316172e-01 2.39698634e-01 -3.38511825e-01 7.73809031e-02 -2.22607940e-01 -5.66480719e-02 1.39202178e-01 -2.93350786e-01 1.78242281e-01 1.83435768e-01 -2.93468058e-01 -2.99348652e-01 -1.43998563e-01 7.75111839e-02 -1.43812343e-01 -2.76412040e-01 3.27685699e-02 1.40019953e-01 9.97705460e-02 3.75478044e-02 -1.83949009e-01 -2.22661763e-01 3.68456125e-01 8.75108168e-02 -1.39618903e-01 2.22507030e-01 1.17074093e-02 -1.37859717e-01 -1.11554926e-02 4.12997365e-01 2.38262609e-01 1.51436150e-01 -1.83358546e-02 -8.46062303e-02 3.91119927e-01 -7.03654736e-02 -3.59538421e-02 1.78843245e-01 1.83455199e-01 1.82952490e-02 -1.87788799e-01 9.97960344e-02 4.59982418e-02 9.61819850e-03 -2.18236372e-01 5.48054762e-02 -4.58147004e-02 3.23599249e-01 -1.24783978e-01 1.44687310e-01 1.97669774e-01 -3.86576131e-02 1.06944412e-01 2.51727194e-01 5.23522012e-02 3.57588917e-01 5.90332039e-02 3.72024775e-01 1.29824162e-01 4.39219236e-01 3.55562627e-01 1.55222818e-01 -3.14323515e-01 2.72460550e-01 4.02550220e-01 1.49774149e-01 3.86772573e-01 5.79976678e-01 2.81081468e-01 1.62440449e-01 4.75608148e-02 1.78933650e-01 3.82822931e-01 2.33024865e-01 1.08027816e-01 2.66511291e-01 -1.53561831e-01 8.97056982e-02 9.52377245e-02 6.86739087e-01 -6.70151532e-01 1.13640521e-02 -3.06922197e-01 7.45377988e-02 5.33804372e-02 -1.44933745e-01 1.37622491e-01 -1.97316870e-01 -1.62250042e-01 -1.83474451e-01 1.78671647e-02 4.00835797e-02 6.66944012e-02 -9.91562530e-02 2.44995579e-01 -2.86604583e-01 1.27221122e-01 2.99193025e-01 1.96161985e-01 -1.21580720e-01 2.82577462e-02 1.55797273e-01 -4.42925304e-01 -1.86886415e-02 1.98862836e-01 2.80795544e-01 7.38261119e-02 -3.87054414e-01 -9.42820162e-02 1.99532211e-02 -3.09490204e-01 -3.03745091e-01 -3.25052083e-01 1.25886992e-01 2.32890353e-01 -5.86435124e-02 1.65872037e-01 -2.07721189e-01 -2.89071977e-01 2.00092435e-01 2.31220722e-01 -1.04210582e-02 3.14558268e-01 -3.83925021e-01 1.92694813e-02 -1.04539566e-01 -1.60381332e-01 -2.05652434e-02 -1.92272916e-01 -1.94082797e-01 -1.82262540e-01 1.87512875e-01 -8.39218348e-02 8.20488781e-02 -1.33493632e-01 2.04124197e-01 -2.25886077e-01 -1.74208194e-01 -2.64253896e-02 8.24889317e-02 -1.74514979e-01 1.62284765e-02 -1.21455789e-02 -3.18563104e-01 1.33551359e-01 2.24864498e-01 -5.82422093e-02 3.36140901e-01 4.26753946e-02 2.15350077e-01 -3.96759033e-01 -9.08173434e-03 -3.29645395e-01 1.38592467e-01 7.80639872e-02 -5.31037152e-02 -1.41516896e-02 -8.20650607e-02 -6.93455338e-02 -3.51628035e-01 1.09729938e-01 -2.11364508e-01 -2.78415143e-01 -1.08885534e-01 1.35139778e-01 7.41579533e-01 1.69405386e-01 1.03695400e-01 6.11135503e-03 -3.23061764e-01 -5.46163274e-03 -2.27147460e-01 7.73674846e-02 2.61422157e-01 -5.03949560e-02 4.27307934e-01 7.04289451e-02 7.92992637e-02 8.41710940e-02 6.58256188e-02 2.45652452e-01 -3.92305642e-01 -2.56304681e-01 -5.42355068e-02 -9.82020497e-02 2.50962585e-01 -5.69500495e-03 1.76337898e-01 -7.34356046e-02 -8.25895369e-03 -1.81723967e-01 -3.68452787e-01 3.09215456e-01 -1.34090692e-01 -2.60808975e-01 -2.35403597e-01 -8.53459537e-02 2.63638407e-01 1.89937368e-01 -3.52187604e-01 -1.96853757e-01 -8.53187442e-02 -5.54355569e-02 -3.34131777e-01 -1.02306092e-02 5.21536432e-02 -4.05464828e-01 -1.65675446e-01 2.75351077e-01 -3.01373303e-02 1.58817489e-02 -1.48759648e-01 -2.41854429e-01]
"Internet Predator" active "Item #: SCP-789 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All physical telephone and internet connections have been removed from SCP-789. The property is to be examined weekly for the appearance of new connections. If any are found, they must be severed immediately. WiFi damping equipment is to be kept active on the property at all times. In addition, a security network over the surrounding three kilometres is to be monitored for the arrival of potential civilian prey items. Class-B amnestics are to be applied and individuals are to be returned to their homes. Once monthly, one Class-D with a history of child abuse is to be released into the structure housing SCP-789. D-Class previously scheduled tested with SCP-204, SCP-2672, and SCP-3530 have been used historically for this purpose. Non-Class-D personnel working with SCP-789 are to be subjected to psychological screening. Unfit personnel are to be reassigned. Description: SCP-789 is an entity which resides within a well-kept, if apparently abandoned three-bedroom two-story house located in the outskirts of [REDACTED], North Dakota. Foundation databases contain no records of unrelated abnormal events in the area's history. No anomalous materials have been located in the house’s construction. When the house is connected to an internet connection, SCP-789 will manifest first as a working desktop computer with webcam, controlled by a pubescent child. The entity will spend several hours a day utilizing internet chat programs, contacting and interacting with adult civilians within the continental United States. SCP-789 appears to target paedophiles, fabricating complex, yet believable stories and utilizing video chat programs to lure and gain its contacts’ trust. SCP-789 seems to be able to keep track of detailed information for several dozen contacts at once, and has not yet been recorded using the incorrect form while interacting with a familiar contact. Over the course of several weeks, SCP-789 will attempt to convince select contacts to come visit. Upon arrival, prey individuals are invited into the house by the humanoid component of SCP-789. Usually, the prey item is led into the kitchen or bedroom; the entity appears to manifest basic furnishings for the rooms used in a given hunt. Once the prey item is made comfortable and sufficiently distracted by the humanoid component of SCP-789, non-humanoid components [REDACTED] crushed into a fine slurry. SCP-789 will β€œsoak” the slurry into itself, then vanish. Upkeep of the property is apparently performed by SCP-789 as well. The entity will manifest as one of two middle-aged adult humans, henceforth SCP-789-B. These two forms appear to serve as decoy parental property owners, and will entertain guests if required to. Interaction with these manifestations has revealed no information as to the nature of SCP-789; all conversation regarding behaviour described above is met with polite silence. Upon assault, SCP-789-B will vanish and not appear again before the assailant. The appearance of these particular manifestations never change between encounters. The nature, intelligence level, and origin of SCP-789 are unknown at this time. As SCP-789 has an obvious capability to understand and utilize the English language, research regarding possible sapience is pending. However, it is not suspected at this time that SCP-789 is, or ever has been, human in nature. Addendum-789-1cv: It has been discovered that the forms SCP-789 utilizes while seeking prey items correspond to those of children of the appropriate ages that it has encountered online. For this reason, testing has been suspended until a more easily controlled method is devised. Β« SCP-788 | SCP-789 | SCP-790 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-789" by Dexanote, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 1.66039050e-01 -3.83922569e-02 -1.65297225e-01 -3.64803761e-01 -1.74078867e-02 -2.87689269e-01 2.33871698e-01 1.43515632e-01 4.23521101e-02 -2.99247712e-01 -1.03060901e-02 -1.17704291e-02 -2.81271376e-02 -7.10831136e-02 1.78977951e-01 2.75823593e-01 3.17603350e-01 1.85788348e-01 2.38050967e-01 -1.35658756e-01 -4.71987687e-02 -3.25010985e-01 -8.10720101e-02 1.42215475e-01 -2.86083221e-01 -2.46134639e-01 1.05214708e-01 2.85258055e-01 -1.36135370e-01 -5.22844672e-01 4.52678561e-01 4.01126653e-01 3.05624396e-01 4.80607092e-01 -1.05381339e-04 -1.20435879e-01 -9.21731368e-02 -4.25204897e-04 -1.98389307e-01 2.87832379e-01 -1.14265345e-01 -1.58645362e-01 1.60281703e-01 -3.63713145e-01 1.41926501e-02 9.36997905e-02 1.61329657e-01 9.19257626e-02 5.38215518e-01 1.76964313e-01 1.84599325e-01 -1.17495336e-01 -2.44013250e-01 3.88976149e-02 3.43159139e-02 3.71595472e-01 -5.37187830e-02 2.20773578e-01 5.10526359e-01 4.44663651e-02 1.60799056e-01 -5.16903400e-03 -2.71059453e-01 -2.22232848e-01 4.18100655e-01 -6.59955442e-02 1.70882583e-01 -3.23183298e-01 8.20461735e-02 1.03260964e-01 -3.92840020e-02 1.69344738e-01 2.25429311e-01 3.46556082e-02 -3.00383955e-01 -1.95572913e-01 2.37397671e-01 5.45246676e-02 -1.78015262e-01 7.30370879e-02 8.65056515e-02 2.07481235e-01 -1.46222636e-01 -5.84863201e-02 -7.66433850e-02 1.59781173e-01 2.83558778e-02 -1.07499234e-01 3.03387549e-03 -1.60227820e-01 -6.35199398e-02 -6.29009772e-03 2.63512909e-01 2.24178255e-01 -2.37182513e-01 -8.59861225e-02 1.64050803e-01 -3.85974459e-02 1.27799660e-01 1.88192666e-01 3.65569919e-01 8.55835080e-02 -4.38071461e-03 5.16388603e-02 2.41349310e-01 -2.92042717e-02 9.51584280e-02 -2.96895623e-01 -3.63138080e-01 4.90674168e-01 6.73766285e-02 3.69181663e-01 -1.97748080e-01 3.37299973e-01 2.44077429e-01 -1.39439672e-01 1.84440285e-01 6.01907319e-04 -3.77709299e-01 3.28821689e-01 -5.39403498e-01 1.26716986e-01 6.64650351e-02 2.13602588e-01 1.83379188e-01 -5.26214875e-02 1.50571570e-01 -1.86627418e-01 -5.18365167e-02 -4.60099615e-02 -1.59554720e-01 -4.68110442e-02 -2.46212274e-01 -3.08568746e-01 5.44137992e-02 2.38039017e-01 -1.85081318e-01 -6.22985698e-02 4.12450209e-02 -1.78044252e-02 2.47196600e-01 -1.59334969e-02 3.35094482e-01 1.65172353e-01 -3.46799135e-01 -2.71556497e-01 -2.16799185e-01 -9.32855159e-02 -2.73043313e-03 -1.20376848e-01 1.37069166e-01 1.32214352e-01 -2.17296734e-01 3.18434000e-01 8.36872011e-02 -1.36649907e-01 5.54255605e-01 7.18585700e-02 -3.75512362e-01 -8.90625566e-02 2.39086881e-01 1.90491185e-01 -3.23101103e-01 -6.97393492e-02 9.05370712e-02 4.56577778e-01 1.70265660e-01 1.22633502e-01 2.05413764e-03 -3.95877302e-01 3.34835164e-02 -2.38359183e-01 1.00431954e-02 2.51830906e-01 -1.65528670e-01 1.66946307e-01 -2.25462914e-01 -1.82564601e-01 -2.87196338e-01 -2.77173594e-02 -6.12653315e-01 1.84848651e-01 2.35800862e-01 -9.47898924e-02 -4.20256108e-02 -2.66918302e-01 -2.34552417e-02 2.95794290e-02 1.10138930e-01 -1.15724660e-01 -2.37135053e-01 -3.27924073e-01 1.26670241e-01 1.27351418e-01 3.88583727e-02 1.21427096e-01 1.45195901e-01 -9.29321814e-03 2.67845929e-01 2.36655310e-01 1.43730983e-01 -1.17841229e-01 4.91264462e-01 1.59832910e-01 -9.95602608e-02 -5.30754365e-02 -2.52000809e-01 -1.07471429e-01 2.53495604e-01 2.87093818e-01 -6.08585216e-02 -1.54652685e-01 -3.40043098e-01 1.60483986e-01 -1.65030256e-01 -1.09170511e-01 3.20817649e-01 2.03533053e-01 1.50077313e-01 -4.25287008e-01 -6.45412803e-02 1.02452092e-01 -9.65290889e-02 4.77400199e-02 3.67671877e-01 1.22780152e-01 -2.75089502e-01 1.06492184e-01 -2.58751482e-01 -1.57641768e-01 1.19028024e-01 8.24218839e-02 1.81156486e-01 -4.09222441e-03 -2.16145292e-01 -1.12821318e-01 4.73625392e-01 7.66858041e-01 1.24865562e-01 -3.86753947e-01 1.08666435e-01 2.29384333e-01 3.92221898e-01 6.34857491e-02 -1.10767111e-01 -1.35954022e-01 2.44933948e-01 2.95565367e-01 1.67667661e-02 -1.59768954e-01 9.85974073e-02 -3.25474262e-01 5.62077537e-02 5.68351075e-02 -1.75951738e-02 3.84906888e-01 1.27215639e-01 3.77909355e-02 -7.26599693e-02 3.07605803e-01 -1.85298041e-01 -1.43062621e-01 4.02330682e-02 1.91738591e-01 2.28217363e-01 -1.97260693e-01 1.39155149e-01 3.15536350e-01 -5.65736927e-02 -8.85799229e-02 4.08292651e-01 1.80653423e-01 -1.15586638e-01 1.30889807e-02 1.27916094e-02 1.70438588e-01 -4.92045879e-02 -8.32041800e-02 1.23738006e-01 3.38364244e-01 -3.19660008e-01 -7.22338676e-01 1.19417934e-02 -3.21013242e-01 3.30909528e-02 3.09242696e-01 -9.58008766e-02 -1.28856212e-01 -1.03497341e-01 2.25611880e-01 -1.10773250e-01 -2.34301779e-02 -5.93970045e-02 -1.59962289e-03 -1.79831326e-01 9.22586769e-02 -4.37761784e-01 5.27883112e-01 -1.14654496e-01 2.81093955e-01 -2.69212157e-01 9.96700004e-02 -1.95120186e-01 1.30971491e-01 -2.76580155e-01 6.04642332e-02 4.40127850e-01 -2.22000867e-01 1.11265145e-01 7.28608817e-02 -5.67554235e-01 3.28948826e-01 3.55461419e-01 -4.85295266e-01 8.00924376e-02 -1.60941705e-01 -2.16189504e-01 -3.82625252e-01 1.92921028e-01 -4.14426893e-01 -1.24135219e-01 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4.44843382e-01 -1.34597108e-01 2.03004569e-01 3.51357572e-02 1.23507001e-01 -1.79612830e-01 -2.84420073e-01 -3.20382893e-01 1.22058980e-01 9.88580212e-02 7.32639059e-02 3.64092171e-01 1.13987494e+00 2.28871673e-01 2.74064988e-01 1.73657104e-01 -3.41700673e-01 2.71579564e-01 -2.46710092e-01 -2.73836106e-02 -1.82988271e-02 6.71265647e-02 6.78871199e-02 -5.72847575e-02 2.83197965e-03 6.42021358e-01 -1.28272817e-01 -3.21491897e-01 -3.20873737e-01 7.83960298e-02 2.95454353e-01 2.31235638e-01 1.25326142e-01 -6.91744238e-02 1.47941830e-02 2.90331334e-01 -1.81471050e-01 1.71528444e-01 -1.27970591e-01 -4.88924794e-02 -2.26052552e-02 -2.74985254e-01 6.04588240e-02 1.31997883e-01 1.71750128e-01 -1.04615241e-02 -8.65842029e-02 -2.24324405e-01 -1.39443753e-02 -3.99725229e-01 -3.68703783e-01 -2.71349162e-01 -3.69028933e-02 1.77581459e-01 4.99480307e-01 -1.14701562e-01 2.46550620e-01 3.27822343e-02 2.07212940e-01 -3.35663222e-02 -1.32364452e-01 3.93970981e-02 6.02717176e-02 1.13063067e-01 1.99635416e-01 1.17627896e-01 1.75258026e-01 -9.28424969e-02 4.12301540e-01 1.89883769e-01 -6.25208691e-02 1.57634132e-02 2.01609462e-01 1.78049833e-01 -1.19664893e-01 -3.42198312e-01 1.34752437e-01 -6.10694773e-02 -1.63259462e-01 4.89157408e-01 1.07954606e-01 -2.58067012e-01 3.16688180e-01 8.10756162e-02 -1.27769068e-01 -3.42397153e-01 -1.63011625e-01 -2.79808104e-01 4.53024395e-02 -8.23198110e-02 -1.57006919e-01 -3.31746608e-01 -1.86672255e-01 1.41190931e-01 -2.06432454e-02 -1.93177968e-01 -7.25591332e-02 -1.95300251e-01 -8.10215473e-02 -1.92617223e-01 2.85811815e-03 3.18054180e-03 -9.49713066e-02 7.60709941e-02 3.76375884e-01 3.06004006e-02 -4.24618542e-01 -1.21711373e-01 -2.92136967e-01 -1.02740422e-01 4.22809161e-02 -3.36035609e-01 -1.35414302e-01 2.71345913e-01 1.72496781e-01 5.42720817e-02 -3.03671718e-01 -2.61030227e-01 -1.18242428e-01 1.23623401e-01 1.59494281e-01 -4.77956027e-01 6.72400445e-02 3.11721396e-02 3.25600691e-02 1.60273820e-01 -3.17085296e-01 -1.07011646e-01 3.46295714e-01 1.99181348e-01 -3.31679165e-01 5.72760478e-02 7.79737830e-02 -2.06881925e-01 6.06559664e-02 3.81925195e-01 -9.50439945e-02 1.01987176e-01 -2.18878284e-01 -1.31979793e-01 1.23471417e-01 2.40192458e-01 3.41868065e-02 1.63293630e-02 2.98658192e-01 5.40251136e-02 -1.47062451e-01 3.76924813e-01 -1.54907316e-01 3.69090319e-01 -2.89880663e-01 -8.08999613e-02 -1.68372691e-01 4.00688052e-01 -1.29578114e-01 -5.39809018e-02 7.93391392e-02 5.21521159e-02 -1.20050572e-01 5.29742762e-02 1.25317881e-02 -3.06532502e-01 2.68705249e-01 1.24973007e-01 -3.17137986e-02 -1.52752504e-01 3.04046452e-01 -2.03558300e-02 -2.64014959e-01 -5.18250605e-03 2.80356973e-01 1.07328258e-01 4.82327700e-01 3.21031779e-01 5.59931574e-03 7.73353204e-02 -3.07994962e-01 5.26988089e-01 3.00542355e-01 7.23713785e-02 -1.91515341e-01 1.43550947e-01 -1.08916521e-01 8.46383348e-02 2.84972340e-02 1.15529284e-01 -4.62076306e-01 6.99876621e-02 -3.74279171e-01 -1.29577547e-01 -4.35506105e-02 3.22293282e-01 -1.06594749e-01 -7.53796771e-02 -2.88953960e-01 -1.43993393e-01 -4.79518436e-03 8.38760566e-03 1.84620976e-01 -1.76724508e-01 -1.01609685e-01 -2.05403101e-02 -2.82232761e-01 6.41365945e-02 3.80186737e-01 -2.58048981e-01 -6.92044897e-03 5.24988234e-01 -1.92167357e-01 3.86031419e-01 4.05994952e-01 3.37213367e-01 1.15677603e-01 -2.72038840e-02 -1.44298328e-02 -1.91480771e-01 -3.35928291e-01 -4.35479164e-01 1.02009468e-01 3.53065640e-01 2.34717622e-01 4.45690677e-02 8.14550221e-02 -2.72505701e-01 -4.35645908e-01 1.08729288e-01 1.42270416e-01 8.65091085e-02 3.92536134e-01 -4.52049039e-02 -8.17063004e-02 -2.20752209e-01 8.97157416e-02 -4.62677598e-01 6.43588379e-02 -1.40272141e-01 -6.21473566e-02 2.17723221e-01 -3.10232252e-01 8.50493982e-02 -1.07973732e-01 3.26754719e-01 -7.97868893e-02 2.25200996e-01 -3.43738720e-02 -1.94629952e-01 -1.15411386e-01 3.46545935e-01 -6.80471882e-02 -4.79506046e-01 1.80196241e-02 3.14854085e-02 -2.17208341e-01 2.34411895e-01 2.27850024e-02 -7.38696232e-02 -9.99203790e-03 -1.45563006e-01 -2.83736289e-01 3.33364189e-01 8.72995555e-02 1.06531896e-01 4.83038574e-02 -8.78401846e-02 2.78607816e-01 -2.58274287e-01 1.12038784e-01 8.84238780e-02 -4.70509619e-01 -2.19212785e-01 -1.30211443e-01 8.26187372e-01 -3.05864476e-02 3.89324009e-01 -1.05370328e-01 -4.31651175e-01 -4.37853821e-02 4.53486115e-01 -1.89165100e-01 8.52372944e-02 2.11168736e-01 7.07258061e-02 7.54740834e-02 4.66580480e-01 4.07807976e-01 -6.12024330e-02 4.03601862e-02 -9.22689810e-02 -3.03022444e-01 -2.22875834e-01 -1.81937546e-01 2.79353321e-01 2.30985507e-01 3.26372713e-01 1.67885393e-01 -1.60284042e-01 -3.83301049e-01 -3.66521746e-01 2.81588048e-01 1.22303098e-01 -6.68749809e-02 -4.67832774e-01 1.39122799e-01 -1.96494654e-01 2.17864793e-02 -1.40393719e-01 -1.11306809e-01 -1.69700235e-02 -2.18437582e-01 -1.22475386e-01 6.01373659e-03 -3.22147608e-01 -2.84516603e-01 3.56972101e-03 5.58516324e-01 -1.03605002e-01 7.46695325e-02 -2.57114232e-01 -7.76317492e-02]
"Blood?" active "Item #: SCP-790 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-790 is to be kept under observation at all times, and must be contained within an airtight cell, ideally with an airlock in place of a door. Also, given SCP-790’s curiosity, the furniture within the cell must be of materials that will not absorb liquid: the mattress, being the sole exception to this rule, is to be replaced once a week and incinerated as quickly as possible to avoid containment breaches. Personnel interacting with SCP-790 should not attempt to make any sort of physical contact with its host’s flesh or any of the discharged fluid unless wearing gloves or, in the case of emergencies, a full hazmat suit. SCP-790 needs to be fed only once a month, apparently to vary its diet from the bone and tissue already absorbed from 790-01; personnel that have become familiar with its needs estimate that two hundred kilograms of raw meat is sufficient nourishment (beef appears to be a favourite). However, since the ingestion process begins with [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-790-01's mouth [DATA EXPUNGED] until [DATA EXPUNGED] and then [DATA EXPUNGED], personnel are advised to leave the room before SCP-790 begins eating. In the event that it does become aggressive, SCP-790 is best subdued and calmed by heat- dispensed at a temperature of 37.0Β°C by the cell's air conditioning system. Description: SCP-790 is the animated blood of a human identified as Mr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ- hereafter known as SCP-790-01; at present, it emanates almost constantly from SCP-790-01’s pores, tear ducts, salivary glands, and several deep wounds and scars that cover at least 70% of his body. These wounds are believed to be produced by SCP-790 itself over the course of several months. Thorough examination of the SCP-790-01’s body has revealed that SCP-790 systematically attacks the cells of his tissues and skeletal system, converting them into fresh blood cells, hence the constant flow of blood from his injuries. The infection is currently believed to be in its latter stages, as both the circulatory system and the digestive system have been consumed, along with significant portions of the skeleton. Despite being positively identified as human blood, SCP-790's activities constantly suggest otherwise: not only is it sapient, but exposure to air does not result in clotting and drying. Also, during several encounters with personnel it has demonstrated intelligence and crude sentience: numerous staff report being "touched" and "inspected" by minuscule tendrils emerging from the blood that often pools around the host’s feet. However, SCP-790 does not appear interested in infecting other subjects- at least not at this time. Nonetheless, it will react violently should it be handled carelessly or harshly; attacks on the host are responded to with lethal force. Meanwhile, 790-01 appears to interpret his affliction as divine providence, claiming to have been contacted by supernatural forces that insist he care for and nurture SCP-790 (Or "the blessed one" as he calls it) until the day he dies. Whether this behaviour can be attributed to the disintegration of SCP-790-01's brain, an unrelated psychological breakdown, or some form of communication between the two is impossible to determine. Addendum 1: Dr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ speculates that SCP-790 is actually waiting until its present host is completely consumed before seeking out another in the form of one of the staff. As SCP-790 still merits research, it is recommended that another host be found among the D-class personnel in the event that the present one dies. – Dr Spelter Addendum 2: (β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/09) SCP-790-01's left eyeball fell out this morning; a brief dissection showed that not only had the optic nerve been completely dissolved, but the eye itself was empty except for blood. We tried to take a sample, but the damn stuff animated too quickly, escaping the labs and rejoining the SCP-790's main body before we could stop it. I honestly don’t think 790-01’s going to live much longer- the only thing holding him together is his own blood, and that’s because it’s trying to eat him. – Dr Spelter. Β« SCP-789 | SCP-790 | SCP-791 Β»" nan
[ 1.65833786e-01 -5.84052920e-01 -9.54797566e-02 -7.23280758e-02 -2.73410492e-02 -3.03160667e-01 1.39801696e-01 2.32547969e-01 -3.16468507e-01 1.56933457e-01 1.01682700e-01 2.05440760e-01 -4.29019816e-02 9.52005293e-03 2.37375274e-01 1.93049103e-01 1.04289331e-01 2.15804204e-01 3.46837312e-01 -2.71146119e-01 2.64936443e-02 -1.76608711e-01 -2.31687445e-02 3.06957126e-01 -2.12060601e-01 -1.13579609e-01 -3.79587039e-02 4.33938950e-02 -9.94233601e-03 -4.41254169e-01 -7.63083175e-02 2.49777466e-01 1.32830963e-01 4.58330125e-01 -1.09190732e-04 -3.15345287e-01 1.82150185e-01 1.24268010e-01 -3.03054184e-01 6.42936230e-02 -3.11841816e-01 -3.29032630e-01 1.22126572e-01 -2.67698556e-01 9.86231491e-02 -2.86008865e-01 1.86282173e-01 5.15033185e-01 2.46751741e-01 2.65755951e-01 2.31597841e-01 5.71162403e-02 9.65130925e-02 8.60592276e-02 1.94682866e-01 5.29091179e-01 -6.70865690e-03 -9.10693333e-02 5.07629216e-01 7.36685842e-02 6.03624918e-02 1.97329611e-01 -3.41006547e-01 -3.72113511e-02 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8.11464265e-02 2.42975369e-01 -1.11051843e-01 -4.35669534e-02 2.37075821e-01 5.49520314e-01 -1.86699882e-01 -1.12310052e-01 8.82629603e-02 -1.94120958e-01 1.59635738e-01 4.27165836e-01 8.64627585e-02 3.44458848e-01 8.49370786e-04 -6.52091531e-03 -4.15012017e-02 -9.43531543e-02 -3.63424681e-02 2.22339816e-02 4.45354283e-02 -3.84665430e-01 -2.53177762e-01 7.48929903e-02 9.40819457e-02 -2.97476143e-01 -1.40272096e-01 -1.14177234e-01 1.84105620e-01 6.77790791e-02 -2.38708064e-01 4.28502649e-01 -1.74004778e-01 -3.82344723e-01 -1.89014196e-01 -1.60886839e-01 -1.44680426e-01 1.11836299e-01 1.24251410e-01 -1.04162805e-01 3.87925981e-03 3.81603658e-01 2.70964265e-01 -1.82787225e-01 -2.16469049e-01 -1.70154214e-01 1.54821679e-01 2.54138168e-02 3.50409955e-01 -5.52390814e-01 5.61963879e-02 -2.73119181e-01 -5.44596553e-01 2.31845334e-01 3.90826464e-02 1.28489984e-02 8.23140237e-03 -2.58856624e-01 -5.83721161e-01 -3.26001316e-01 2.75477588e-01 2.11711884e-01 1.24508098e-01 -1.54775053e-01 -3.37464184e-01 -1.77784756e-01 -1.19721241e-01 -2.19902068e-01 4.35456485e-01 7.31763914e-02 2.32140869e-02 -6.67498767e-01 -2.23762408e-01 -2.39455312e-01 2.89406687e-01 2.04628497e-01 1.33152634e-01 -2.04043791e-01 -1.19452678e-01 4.59219813e-01 -4.07658428e-01 3.09489936e-01 1.32868022e-01 2.73491323e-01 4.23499882e-01 6.83400314e-03 -2.95118466e-02 3.84962052e-01 -1.79471284e-01 -1.95275210e-02 5.28498113e-01 -3.27854335e-01 -2.68641740e-01 -3.87473613e-01 3.03729683e-01 1.05560958e-01 5.83737753e-02 9.22719911e-02 -3.03692520e-02 -3.53293091e-01 -3.55723768e-01 1.92628175e-01 8.93371552e-02 -6.63192794e-02 -1.02998212e-01 3.10870539e-02 -9.76617858e-02 -5.57431579e-02 2.12512583e-01 9.14894715e-02 -9.00567994e-02 1.32738888e-01 -1.68905243e-01 4.02369261e-01 3.22673827e-01 2.43532792e-01 5.81900775e-03 -3.59942555e-01 -9.06145126e-02 -3.91687527e-02 3.84856090e-02 2.38043487e-01 6.05113387e-01 1.14105746e-01 1.56987503e-01 -4.93470696e-04 7.18801022e-02 6.84638917e-02 -4.57284898e-02 2.50794172e-01 9.14784055e-03 9.15203840e-02 -2.81252146e-01 2.72246450e-01 -3.52030918e-02 -2.35004663e-01 -4.89361845e-02 4.15554821e-01 5.08871935e-02 1.90395489e-02 2.35199675e-01 1.21432531e+00 1.74826264e-01 -1.52657228e-03 3.51465791e-02 -3.84511679e-01 -8.17009360e-02 -1.60078585e-01 9.01751593e-02 -1.45780757e-01 8.18803236e-02 1.57180712e-01 -2.46348288e-02 1.87988445e-01 4.08722639e-01 -1.13724768e-01 -3.44446629e-01 -4.40344840e-01 -1.35447551e-02 3.03123683e-01 1.54291347e-01 2.46842399e-01 -1.92667767e-01 -1.00038379e-01 3.00944179e-01 4.75259405e-03 1.54483914e-01 9.44824219e-02 1.62429571e-01 2.71220475e-01 1.14819095e-01 -3.34693827e-02 2.68978775e-02 -4.31062788e-01 3.91447246e-02 -1.40561834e-01 -3.59154671e-01 -4.39515144e-01 -7.51674324e-02 -9.63092372e-02 -4.85853925e-02 9.23216641e-02 2.82427818e-01 5.99610686e-01 -1.27351701e-01 -4.72128652e-02 -1.01556078e-01 4.71510857e-01 -1.51700731e-02 -2.03169495e-01 2.78566062e-01 -6.72338903e-03 -3.86490256e-01 4.39920217e-01 7.00228363e-02 5.25756717e-01 -1.20370321e-01 2.31789961e-01 1.83678925e-01 -6.60157390e-03 -4.45714965e-02 1.90381557e-01 1.19024523e-01 -1.72258690e-01 6.84959739e-02 -1.63587064e-01 -1.65701002e-01 -1.74560502e-01 1.51937991e-01 2.98190743e-01 3.08604985e-02 2.44942322e-01 2.50726622e-02 -3.04554909e-01 -3.47605616e-01 3.10095072e-01 4.11707282e-01 -5.35158038e-01 -1.23740099e-01 -2.60777026e-01 -3.14936161e-01 -7.92642012e-02 3.25830877e-01 1.51431799e-01 -4.11749482e-01 1.76585186e-02 -2.32954025e-01 -1.86828583e-01 1.38265759e-01 4.34914589e-01 1.97454453e-01 6.79699481e-01 3.23190004e-01 -1.09350629e-01 1.85631365e-01 -4.33524758e-01 2.02697262e-01 -9.55662131e-02 1.90442368e-01 1.91762462e-01 -4.03696060e-01 5.97669482e-01 -2.11652100e-01 2.34398395e-01 2.65719414e-01 1.91322997e-01 -3.34616482e-01 -4.75739181e-01 6.50680363e-02 1.02300294e-01 -3.07251424e-01 -2.99291521e-01 1.20628101e-03 1.01262495e-01 3.08712292e-02 2.23637924e-01 1.37793407e-01 2.42800772e-01 -2.14721095e-02 5.73912077e-02 1.47892222e-01 -6.09524287e-02 1.54363498e-01 2.36628070e-01 4.74075735e-01 1.30679131e-01 2.48190202e-02 -2.84749687e-01 4.34888341e-03 2.99408317e-01 3.58242631e-01 1.01195090e-02 1.78856581e-01 1.58156574e-01 -8.14569741e-02 -1.63448259e-01 -3.26381058e-01 7.89140642e-04 1.37631252e-01 -2.61049181e-01 1.14241622e-01 1.50821403e-01 2.69817233e-01 -6.96239248e-02 -1.78904328e-02 -5.92977524e-01 -1.61795080e-01 4.61667217e-02 3.14304948e-01 -8.63552094e-02 2.39181370e-02 3.04157525e-01 -6.71605542e-02 -5.34960441e-03 1.15997039e-01 -1.02569452e-02 5.08524477e-02 -3.34500559e-02 -2.07225829e-01 5.90749234e-02 3.08225006e-01 1.15844987e-01 -2.81281292e-01 3.36417913e-01 3.02962631e-01 1.77689224e-01 1.09204844e-01 1.61301166e-01 1.97644174e-01 -1.20455645e-01 -2.22074196e-01 -1.92248300e-01 3.08800638e-02 -8.14461261e-02 3.34804714e-01 -1.77167639e-01 -2.92023659e-01 -1.57816842e-01 -2.70245783e-02 1.74180701e-01 1.65724441e-01 -1.54525563e-01 -9.75289792e-02 -3.57721657e-01 -4.39508736e-01 -9.79979802e-03 1.07142434e-01 7.96076506e-02 1.01151727e-01 2.11405635e-01 -8.10375214e-02 -2.67772943e-01 1.61076441e-01 3.80598009e-01 -1.75571486e-01 1.40809089e-01 1.33067966e-01 2.11460933e-01 2.11489126e-01 2.46212617e-01 3.12288344e-01 -1.12880863e-01 5.57842702e-02 -1.63756058e-01 -2.63562530e-01 -2.07929850e-01 -1.43239610e-02 -7.09635019e-02 1.95390984e-01 1.84019059e-01 1.90668672e-01 2.09084868e-01 -3.58903259e-01 -5.30678689e-01 2.38080442e-01 -4.46271263e-02 2.68803090e-02 2.01758817e-01 -1.08369306e-01 -3.87900054e-01 -1.78359509e-01 -3.02162975e-01 -1.27794191e-01 3.54996473e-01 -1.56487554e-01 -4.59509611e-01 6.37805387e-02 -2.12577626e-01 1.10647760e-01 7.86870420e-02 2.30395272e-01 -2.92302281e-01 -4.79615629e-02 -1.41936347e-01 -3.20809752e-01 -1.72577396e-01 1.14713579e-01 -3.16963971e-01 -5.01702368e-01 2.20720097e-01 -9.19213891e-02 8.29976127e-02 1.87292218e-01 -2.11217210e-01 -7.62165859e-02 -2.53116071e-01 5.81686124e-02 1.71592563e-01 -9.03246775e-02 3.73836309e-01 -3.75958346e-02 -1.86943710e-02 7.33844489e-02 8.52539614e-02 1.52496710e-01 2.35727802e-01 -2.92035453e-02 -3.20570201e-01 -1.45053133e-01 6.94087669e-02 2.76093990e-01 -7.28634465e-03 3.79031360e-01 -2.04190314e-01 -2.01567084e-01 2.52186209e-01 3.21481436e-01 -3.17095816e-01 3.50830525e-01 8.04543942e-02 3.23406011e-01 3.68848473e-01 1.01621673e-01 1.94189131e-01 -1.44369215e-01 -7.73375854e-02 -1.98192030e-01 6.69920072e-02 1.16201848e-01 1.08289480e-01 2.66670197e-01 5.57257757e-02 5.12895644e-01 -5.47894090e-02 4.18361416e-03 -3.23202968e-01 -2.51054585e-01 4.90985364e-01 -2.82832056e-01 -1.01754211e-01 -2.57494658e-01 1.56981602e-01 -7.48785585e-02 -6.99075311e-02 -3.58612448e-01 -2.22986728e-01 -1.24977417e-01 6.77918047e-02 -4.33693826e-03 1.52643844e-02 1.40794381e-01 -2.22176686e-01 -1.11912794e-01 6.56572878e-01 2.61868656e-01 -9.88371596e-02 -5.67104928e-02 1.06256281e-03]
"Water Orb" active "Item #: SCP-791 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Containment area is to have a sealed drainage system, and any materials or liquids collected are to be submitted for testing and review. Emergency drainage systems are to be maintained at all times, and must possess no fewer then eight filtration screens. SCP-791 is to be held in a wide-weave steel mesh bag, to allow for ease of location in a β€œDraining” event, and to pre-contain any biological events. Removal from the bag may only be done under testing conditions. Description: SCP-791 appears to be a mass of liquid water held in a spherical shape by an unknown and undetectable force. Biological tissues can pass through SCP-791 as they would through normal water, and reports indicate the water to be similar to normal sea water, but with a lower salt content. It is impossible to β€œsplash” SCP-791, however, water may be drawn out via the hands or mouth. SCP-791 reacts to non-biological materials, such as stone or metal, as if it were a sphere of solid concrete. SCP-791 may be lifted, rolled, or otherwise manipulated in this way, but acquiring samples with non-biological materials is extremely difficult due to the extreme hardness and weight of SCP-791. SCP-791 does not reduce in dimensions when water is drawn from it. This is true even when withdrawing very high volumes of water. The water of SCP-791 is sterile, and contains no microbes of any kind. It is almost identical to earth water, but has a slightly elevated amount of hydrogen. SCP-791 will randomly undergo β€œDraining” events, where massive amounts of water will pour from SCP-791. SCP-791 retains its properties during these events, and β€œDraining” can last between several hours to four months. Items will sometimes exit SCP-791. It is unknown where these items originate from, though most appear to be β€œoceanic” in origin. Items resembling seaweed, fish, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, plankton, [DATA EXPUNGED] note possible awareness. The β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-like entities have occurred multiple times, and have [DATA EXPUNGED] unknown. Communication via β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and similar alternate realities observed via SCP-2684, SCP-3374 or indirectly through SCP-257. Β« SCP-790 | SCP-791 | SCP-792 Β»" nan
[ 2.55513221e-01 -5.17661989e-01 -1.07564077e-01 -3.31091732e-02 -9.67750549e-02 -4.64470923e-01 6.04455210e-02 5.08908704e-02 7.61733055e-02 1.81219086e-01 -7.53228292e-02 5.09494804e-02 -2.13951647e-01 2.33428016e-01 7.18971193e-02 -7.54271001e-02 3.51522639e-02 2.71262467e-01 2.08468199e-01 -2.07665339e-01 -8.78909975e-02 -3.71341318e-01 -4.77457903e-02 2.16113701e-01 3.82546335e-01 -3.17434892e-02 -1.21031672e-01 1.91603247e-02 -1.31022498e-01 -4.16180402e-01 5.15081361e-02 2.77924925e-01 -7.48804733e-02 4.08796251e-01 -1.05946317e-04 -2.35017717e-01 2.18004853e-01 2.16975838e-01 -3.17614615e-01 5.61883822e-02 -4.11249250e-01 -1.46464899e-01 1.53084546e-01 -1.93674982e-01 2.59087324e-01 -1.72585212e-02 -2.29852404e-02 1.36822388e-01 4.55843896e-01 1.06009454e-01 2.33486295e-01 3.91729593e-01 2.87837148e-01 3.50863278e-01 3.87625903e-01 8.06465298e-02 -2.08379552e-01 -1.30810499e-01 3.84477794e-01 3.98830950e-01 1.11379504e-01 1.61370784e-01 -2.67021030e-01 1.03216179e-01 4.74757180e-02 -1.98167652e-01 5.71305454e-02 -4.65116315e-02 1.56644598e-01 2.95766324e-01 1.49298236e-01 6.07173843e-03 -6.16406500e-02 7.61461854e-02 -1.57389119e-01 4.01216373e-03 -4.43623960e-02 3.02765846e-01 6.92777708e-02 -1.32042706e-01 -2.87736893e-01 -2.43606605e-02 -4.60458815e-01 2.02844813e-01 -3.06301385e-01 1.76185846e-01 -7.93379247e-02 1.39514348e-02 -2.77146492e-02 -6.03075400e-02 -5.31672202e-02 -5.34872413e-01 1.67179286e-01 1.64736062e-01 1.80673942e-01 -6.18960746e-02 1.01654127e-01 8.04705098e-02 1.39157221e-01 4.77322564e-03 3.57787639e-01 2.32170790e-01 -8.04977417e-02 3.25747281e-01 1.16863161e-01 1.31913185e-01 1.06751494e-01 -1.96007565e-01 -3.78600717e-01 1.37423649e-01 -6.77169785e-02 -3.52060571e-02 -1.25701949e-01 3.46043736e-01 -1.45803645e-01 -1.41224533e-01 2.05043450e-01 -1.31811589e-01 -1.63144812e-01 1.93681031e-01 -5.18869281e-01 4.42892730e-01 1.31578177e-01 8.12830925e-02 1.82673275e-01 4.79988962e-01 2.08403736e-01 -1.53546199e-01 -6.02664724e-02 -2.31059149e-01 -1.46329492e-01 2.62259424e-01 -2.67634898e-01 -8.43667239e-02 4.65781726e-02 -1.17211021e-01 -1.98746011e-01 -2.56771624e-01 8.10126886e-02 1.18394017e-01 9.53885987e-02 -7.01097995e-02 3.74471784e-01 6.31458879e-01 -1.66582704e-01 -3.09340119e-01 -4.60331030e-02 8.04736912e-02 -8.84928629e-02 7.70949852e-03 1.39421538e-01 -9.94115397e-02 -3.45536917e-01 3.18390936e-01 -2.42891267e-01 1.53388172e-01 2.26450250e-01 -3.65271084e-02 -2.78127730e-01 -4.92708981e-02 -1.26432423e-02 1.29862994e-01 -1.17328711e-01 -1.11339845e-01 1.27840087e-01 2.20413744e-01 -1.81842253e-01 -3.44519727e-02 -4.13842350e-01 -6.92129210e-02 7.03919008e-02 -2.99946547e-01 -2.72739888e-03 3.16790700e-01 -7.82486349e-02 2.17210799e-01 -7.32387304e-01 -1.38419718e-01 -2.74225593e-01 -3.42305750e-01 -9.22967494e-02 2.70251244e-01 1.74023673e-01 -2.97002763e-01 2.61702072e-02 9.91848856e-02 -1.43159628e-01 1.49648771e-01 -5.06716669e-02 -1.30859956e-01 -2.18085513e-01 -4.50719208e-01 -2.90590048e-01 -4.38981839e-02 1.53582692e-01 1.02759808e-01 4.73082542e-01 2.83464730e-01 -9.11497548e-02 7.00563937e-02 6.41180053e-02 -1.77543730e-01 6.41159356e-01 -1.27492815e-01 -1.29063308e-01 -2.24820957e-01 -1.71528623e-01 -6.72654063e-02 3.99251312e-01 1.52168781e-01 -2.76465230e-02 -6.76620156e-02 -2.33398050e-01 5.70746437e-02 -1.24372263e-02 -1.16944492e-01 4.07537788e-01 2.39711121e-01 -4.16183770e-02 -1.57600343e-01 -4.46113423e-02 1.79291114e-01 2.31105238e-01 -1.66775748e-01 -7.95852020e-02 1.31341323e-01 -2.16340378e-01 -1.07907042e-01 -7.74785653e-02 1.16921060e-01 3.49843204e-01 -1.32163957e-01 1.50471762e-01 1.54810892e-02 -4.31500077e-01 2.18145400e-01 2.18329072e-01 6.37286961e-01 -1.02453887e-01 1.57659516e-01 1.00301825e-01 -7.93090090e-02 2.97832578e-01 5.67390397e-02 -1.42789111e-01 5.77254593e-01 1.98771209e-01 2.12081581e-01 2.01240540e-01 4.63202372e-02 4.66477731e-03 -3.98664296e-01 -1.87814519e-01 -8.76044109e-02 3.37054104e-01 2.20548749e-01 -1.20855197e-01 -3.05519216e-02 1.00938521e-01 2.79455423e-01 -7.20954761e-02 -2.67743796e-01 1.14670955e-01 2.38151237e-01 -1.16280504e-01 -2.36546829e-01 1.74841926e-01 2.58412033e-01 1.23869449e-01 2.42441237e-01 -1.21458083e-01 5.97242974e-02 1.68077469e-01 4.14662920e-02 -1.80817798e-01 1.90429285e-01 -9.15303677e-02 4.41652536e-01 4.24692839e-01 1.06638312e-01 -2.63280660e-01 -2.02056378e-01 -1.99831277e-01 -5.13985790e-02 1.01374350e-02 4.39121068e-01 2.10410282e-02 3.18681955e-01 -2.13716015e-01 1.91288814e-01 1.37379020e-01 -2.60071337e-01 -2.52422877e-02 2.29612559e-01 -1.68883532e-01 -5.17738499e-02 -8.54392797e-02 5.17685711e-01 2.64406819e-02 5.06558008e-02 -5.51681817e-01 1.49900213e-01 -1.72770962e-01 1.27974615e-01 -3.70238721e-01 1.81245223e-01 6.65538013e-01 -1.04749175e-02 3.11089963e-01 1.23371705e-02 -5.81894338e-01 2.98026264e-01 2.73121148e-01 -1.76232249e-01 -4.61065769e-02 -1.67201966e-01 -1.96082518e-02 -2.32664630e-01 8.29690322e-02 -7.01296508e-01 -2.89196432e-01 3.19616616e-01 -2.30351314e-01 -8.36488828e-02 -1.40357092e-01 -9.87972468e-02 -1.65496439e-01 -3.96319851e-02 5.90258501e-02 -1.39130279e-01 1.96930990e-01 1.82195768e-01 5.82838766e-02 4.35498625e-01 -6.04877733e-02 -3.60333472e-02 -1.90014675e-01 -2.42793247e-01 -2.63021618e-01 3.15694138e-03 -7.40218759e-02 -9.18576941e-02 -3.29598904e-01 -4.87640873e-02 5.00537574e-01 -8.35722983e-02 -1.04110949e-01 1.14019305e-01 -8.75619352e-02 1.06555365e-01 -2.11407185e-01 3.74554932e-01 -3.74822691e-02 -3.50842237e-01 -4.32745457e-01 8.54810998e-02 -9.75759141e-03 3.61815959e-01 -2.71788612e-02 -1.18181951e-01 -7.49350041e-02 2.57614255e-01 3.87214392e-01 -5.63077390e-01 -6.72645271e-02 5.60012609e-02 4.15283054e-01 1.33484453e-01 5.28307892e-02 -3.10658097e-01 3.38742942e-01 -1.16146587e-01 -4.61608499e-01 2.36517608e-01 6.69253394e-02 9.83686149e-02 -1.17613506e-02 5.24355061e-02 -4.81788307e-01 -1.20095424e-01 -1.04408376e-01 8.33219588e-01 2.35140622e-01 -9.97315049e-02 -6.05779231e-01 2.71098930e-02 -1.53288782e-01 -4.39024806e-01 4.73291934e-01 -2.42547005e-01 7.04211071e-02 -9.86992642e-02 -1.38800174e-01 -3.40814203e-01 2.42350221e-01 -1.75474450e-01 2.10504040e-01 -2.29222879e-01 2.91935802e-01 3.85811090e-01 -2.55283237e-01 -1.13289915e-01 2.25336075e-01 5.07530034e-01 2.34321728e-01 -1.30653292e-01 9.96050835e-02 3.97207849e-02 -6.49599910e-01 -1.06004938e-01 4.04358685e-01 -6.70537278e-02 -2.28074193e-01 -1.60316318e-01 -1.01111688e-01 2.10745990e-01 3.77188288e-02 1.09628223e-01 -1.55409172e-01 -6.13324940e-01 -2.70982116e-01 -4.89250012e-02 1.01609424e-01 1.24078095e-01 9.34527442e-02 1.61889210e-01 -1.03061199e-01 2.14603275e-01 2.03522772e-01 -3.04813813e-02 -2.65164286e-01 2.89093889e-02 -1.20020777e-01 3.76838863e-01 2.54268914e-01 4.97905523e-01 1.41400337e-01 1.79127917e-01 -1.46601707e-01 4.98443469e-03 5.26673384e-02 -2.19210014e-01 4.84801978e-01 2.12391764e-01 5.12384884e-02 1.00759491e-02 2.44563460e-01 2.00275987e-01 1.48640066e-01 4.54959780e-04 3.38923112e-02 1.87893212e-01 -1.25598520e-01 2.27708384e-01 -2.82038808e-01 -5.05792022e-01 8.78021494e-02 3.50182265e-01 -3.13763887e-01 3.67992163e-01 2.53553718e-01 1.12161911e+00 -7.11078942e-02 -1.51452217e-02 5.40666938e-01 -4.69562888e-01 -2.48179868e-01 -1.93092972e-01 1.68946572e-02 -7.49330148e-02 1.69297397e-01 -1.07204029e-02 -1.64864436e-01 2.79616714e-01 1.84301376e-01 -3.85066152e-01 -1.98612109e-01 -4.66496617e-01 -6.61609471e-02 3.44801903e-01 3.58993828e-01 5.20989418e-01 1.43602537e-02 -1.61336223e-03 2.91124612e-01 -1.41072571e-01 3.22487801e-01 -3.04390341e-02 -3.88203114e-02 2.78600305e-01 -1.24061545e-02 -2.15104073e-01 9.56041925e-03 2.94248641e-01 1.07656278e-01 -7.94432536e-02 -1.82538986e-01 -1.67157814e-01 -3.81062627e-01 -2.26324975e-01 -3.48565131e-01 -1.85878769e-01 1.30418450e-01 2.57405192e-01 -1.80670515e-01 -1.30613223e-01 -2.02972457e-01 1.63212448e-01 -5.44517264e-02 -1.11441081e-02 1.78729445e-01 4.51327823e-02 -4.44372334e-02 2.39347786e-01 2.78984040e-01 4.46366757e-01 -1.15804359e-01 2.11773470e-01 1.01624258e-01 -2.07137629e-01 -3.91217088e-03 1.73724577e-01 -8.97082090e-02 -1.05150178e-01 -1.57145396e-01 1.57243028e-01 -2.07246747e-02 -7.79452398e-02 -1.29938379e-01 1.24391869e-01 5.22556044e-02 8.07216857e-03 -4.64076810e-02 -1.84027612e-01 -4.25245166e-01 3.78410727e-01 -8.95579085e-02 -2.94088200e-02 1.47472903e-01 -1.27616838e-01 -4.57429051e-01 7.47848228e-02 2.52142847e-01 -2.41033770e-02 -3.06900591e-01 -1.37013689e-01 -4.56478029e-01 2.91566819e-01 -5.32416534e-03 -2.34370194e-02 1.14368893e-01 -8.63711163e-02 3.34702492e-01 1.10912872e-02 1.56908259e-01 -4.15921867e-01 -5.22840284e-02 -2.27009118e-01 -7.79188350e-02 -2.61415750e-01 -2.29133964e-01 1.10690268e-02 -1.91156328e-01 1.25192404e-01 -1.13352470e-01 -2.36459181e-01 -2.91660726e-01 -3.77298743e-01 8.43667537e-02 3.03338841e-02 -1.48531958e-01 -1.21471711e-01 1.51520550e-01 2.21240848e-01 9.47260633e-02 9.27781388e-02 3.60183090e-01 1.20417714e-01 2.19275970e-02 -3.41596119e-02 2.27779403e-01 2.03404829e-01 -5.21564782e-02 9.26871747e-02 2.99357027e-01 1.92533076e-01 -3.54071558e-02 -1.64104197e-02 2.21954230e-02 3.24418917e-02 1.20500356e-01 -1.24702252e-01 5.39986081e-02 7.61247054e-02 5.42461649e-02 -5.03793405e-03 -6.01508133e-02 -6.15464225e-02 -9.70468149e-02 -4.92996037e-01 -1.00298047e-01 2.23304238e-02 3.28257293e-01 -9.86228138e-02 -2.91643888e-02 -1.22995153e-01 2.22303644e-02 -4.86281924e-02 1.16393059e-01 -3.11125249e-01 -2.25429565e-01 -1.09040685e-01 2.06969962e-01 2.31018141e-01 3.65153223e-01 1.47908926e-01 -1.48465931e-01 -3.49865817e-02 5.99491596e-02 2.75791228e-01 1.62883773e-01 1.28353596e-01 1.34320945e-01 3.10673684e-01 -3.70923467e-02 1.76250249e-01 5.16974568e-01 1.63597852e-01 2.11552426e-01 -2.25306049e-01 4.32829916e-01 -7.55326077e-02 8.20854381e-02 -1.58160925e-01 -2.87209779e-01 -2.64888853e-01 -9.81451869e-02 -2.72112787e-01 1.61435828e-02 2.83575177e-01 1.09426908e-01 1.77745283e-01 -2.63816398e-02 -5.30365445e-02 5.01818322e-02 2.98229039e-01 1.15512393e-01 7.17281923e-02 -7.72752985e-02 1.74104959e-01 1.59188509e-02 -4.46777977e-02 3.05345684e-01 1.91340536e-01 -1.78780913e-01 1.80658519e-01 3.51255655e-01 1.23254672e-01 1.92572936e-01 7.11202323e-02 2.08384097e-01 2.44912460e-01 -2.34922677e-01 7.90962726e-02 -2.02586681e-01 -1.76325083e-01 -2.88309127e-01 -9.79124103e-03 3.34596992e-01 2.59221978e-02 6.26511425e-02 2.35899538e-01 -2.99692482e-01 -1.31604493e-01 2.77781159e-01 -8.16887245e-02 -1.90775305e-01 1.20058298e-01 -1.99962974e-01 -8.24586824e-02 9.74010751e-02 -8.80626440e-02 -2.67368227e-01 2.98451465e-02 -2.02749744e-01 4.86862808e-02 1.08617067e-01 1.91459596e-01 1.19696863e-01 -1.50401980e-01 1.47968069e-01 -1.91217080e-01 1.41557872e-01 -1.85299858e-01 -2.85209566e-01 -4.77549322e-02 1.25076532e-01 -2.67529577e-01 -4.89507407e-01 9.86422524e-02 1.71190307e-01 -3.31627250e-01 2.86854118e-01 -3.36433947e-01 -3.96315232e-02 -2.22033694e-01 -3.29493523e-01 -2.37732723e-01 1.28016949e-01 4.47797596e-01 1.21389262e-01 7.69665912e-02 -2.45540917e-01 -3.37720402e-02 -3.20535265e-02 2.40615815e-01 -1.79160591e-02 1.07590891e-02 5.95805198e-02 5.33666760e-02 8.49194080e-02 1.16295218e-01 3.31860453e-01 -1.75547168e-01 -2.32148945e-01 2.56630301e-01 2.30268929e-02 -1.60158694e-01 -6.59396723e-02 -1.70751184e-01 2.24073678e-01 2.48420879e-01 3.07534426e-01 9.50091034e-02 1.50611609e-01 2.10564792e-01 6.89579640e-03 -2.77548790e-01 3.35812360e-01 -1.38675168e-01 3.76381367e-01 -2.02852756e-01 3.00615430e-01 -7.68232271e-02 -1.47564381e-01 -1.80656016e-01 -1.91645771e-01 5.12918830e-01 -4.07059103e-01 -2.08338618e-01 7.32865483e-02 8.40180963e-02 -2.31274575e-01 -8.21174756e-02 -5.81278205e-01 -1.27093345e-01 2.05539446e-02 -4.83029447e-02 -2.70221621e-01 -1.36192679e-01 -1.87830359e-01 -2.39446044e-01 1.59332842e-01 2.32185394e-01 2.05170557e-01 -2.21969143e-01 -8.72546583e-02 7.05562755e-02]
"The Body Farm" active "Item #: SCP-792 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-792 is surrounded by an electric fence topped with razor-wire, measuring 4 meters high. The only entrance to SCP-792 is a gate on the south side, which is to be guarded by three (3) armed security personnel at all times. Additional security personnel are posted every 1.5 km around the perimeter. SCP-792 must be inspected weekly for new instances of SCP-792-1, except between September 2nd and October 31st. No other personnel are to be admitted to the area. Description: SCP-792 is a wooded area measuring 4 square kilometers near the town of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-792 contains, at any given time, between 37 and 4,500 human corpses, hereby designated SCP-792-1. Instances of SCP-792-1 vary greatly in race, age, etc., with slight trends existing towards Caucasian and Hispanic descent and heightened age. All specimens are nude. Instances emerge from the ground at apparently random intervals at a rate of roughly ten (10) per day in a process that takes between nine (9) and fourteen (14) days. SCP-792-1 specimens will emerge headfirst in a prone position. After emergence, decomposition will proceed as expected in SCP-792's environment. Fully emerged instances of SCP-792-1 show no unusual properties. If removed from the ground prior to complete formation, the portions of SCP-792-1 that were underground will be composed of a large mass of root-like structures. Analysis of these structures has shown them to be identical in composition to human muscle tissue. Once a year, between the dates of September 2nd and October 31st, 90 to 130 humanoid figures (hereby referred to as SCP-792-2) will appear in and climb out of a pond in the center of the area. Instances of SCP-792-2 are clothed in white Level A hazmat suits with tinted visors which prevent the face from being visible. Instances are sapient and capable of communication in English. After exiting the pond, SCP-792-2 will retrieve fully formed instances of SCP-792-1 and place them in the pond, where they will disappear. This process takes two days to complete. An average of 13% of fully grown instances of SCP-792-1 are not taken through the pond. Instead, instances of SCP-792-2 will construct a large bonfire in the center of SCP-792 and burn them. The purpose of this is currently unknown. If questioned, instances of SCP-792-2 are generally cooperative, but will refuse to leave the area and show anxiety to begin working again. Addendum 9A Interview 792-4 Interviewed: SCP-792-2 Interviewer: Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Foreword: On 12/β–ˆβ–ˆ/97, a single instance of SCP-792-2 emerged from SCP-792 and requested to speak with the person in charge of the containment of SCP-792. After some deliberation, Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ chose to conduct an interview. <Begin Log> Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Why did you want to talk to me? SCP-792-2: Your research is [pause] disrupting our work. Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: And your work is? SCP-792-2: [pause] Farming. Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Yes, we understood that already. But what's the point? Why do you do it? SCP-792-2: It is our duty. Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Can you elaborate? SCP-792-2: Those headed for Isaad require guides. We judge who is worthy and who is not. The worthy are taken to Isaad. Those who aren't we destroy. Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: And by conducting our research, we're preventing you from doing this? SCP-792-2: Yes. The crop cannot be disturbed. Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: What will happen if we continue our research? SCP-792-2: Death is not a right. It is a [pause] gift that we can deny. Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Are you threatening us? SCP-792-2: No. You are threatening those who would otherwise be welcomed into Isaad. Your research is preventing them from resting. Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Could you not just take them regardless? SCP-792-2: I would like to leave now. (At this point SCP-792-2 attempted to get up and leave the interviewing area, but was restrained by guards and put in a holding cell. Three (3) hours later it disappeared from the cell. Current whereabouts are unknown.) <End Log> Closing Statement: [Senior Researcher Lβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has requested the suspension of all testing involving SCP-792. Request denied by Site Director Rβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ.] Β« SCP-791 | SCP-792 | SCP-793 Β»" nan
[ 1.67543843e-01 -3.88485342e-02 -1.88038111e-01 1.64839849e-02 -1.21567309e-01 -2.98800290e-01 2.98915118e-01 2.34594688e-01 2.07466841e-01 1.14805073e-01 8.34636837e-02 1.54034078e-01 6.61703721e-02 -8.58983174e-02 8.26948658e-02 -1.27350494e-01 5.98769188e-02 1.26354873e-01 -1.90153822e-01 -4.06059951e-01 -1.59337118e-01 -1.47322789e-01 -4.99081500e-02 2.54549738e-02 3.11729480e-02 8.27183761e-03 -4.17728676e-04 1.87419936e-01 2.67345784e-03 -3.76706094e-01 -2.58028686e-01 9.47618671e-03 8.61648545e-02 7.34589159e-01 -1.07351669e-04 -1.84605718e-01 -1.10358968e-01 2.15275124e-01 -3.19513351e-01 4.91904557e-01 -2.40793169e-01 -1.21384390e-01 -1.23050302e-01 -3.46545517e-01 -2.22622100e-02 -9.39991325e-02 3.52543682e-01 2.20840380e-01 5.24602413e-01 -1.01174302e-01 2.09430322e-01 -3.39944884e-02 9.21005979e-02 8.16658065e-02 -2.90999889e-01 4.64593560e-01 -7.91446865e-02 -2.28187039e-01 4.73741889e-01 1.06391236e-01 3.08975391e-02 1.38164803e-01 -1.99262708e-01 3.03306337e-02 7.06929043e-02 1.58139542e-01 2.57832676e-01 -1.94248170e-01 2.63627857e-01 1.39188707e-01 -1.54186472e-01 6.94052875e-02 5.27106524e-02 5.10892309e-02 -6.77586943e-02 -3.57182100e-02 3.77587825e-02 2.40065962e-01 4.81439233e-02 3.35281007e-02 -4.85898942e-01 4.09809470e-01 -2.43614346e-01 -5.12694977e-02 1.02255098e-03 2.19509825e-01 5.57454564e-02 1.05340062e-02 5.24599180e-02 -1.24558896e-01 -2.02822953e-01 -7.78952986e-02 3.58497411e-01 3.08856517e-01 2.83810437e-01 -2.46878639e-01 1.29520863e-01 -2.20709383e-01 3.11204314e-01 1.82056036e-02 2.39885882e-01 -2.23945975e-02 -4.54173051e-02 1.48222551e-01 2.36484274e-01 -4.29654747e-01 -5.90656064e-02 -4.08263415e-01 -4.68562692e-02 3.97971123e-01 -1.54556453e-01 2.32930407e-01 -1.46088213e-01 2.17532769e-01 3.05153191e-01 -7.60981664e-02 1.21968418e-01 -1.90571979e-01 -6.23905510e-02 1.83028221e-01 -4.94022369e-01 1.56113774e-01 -9.66108590e-02 3.10635883e-02 2.26128280e-01 1.15762077e-01 1.89749077e-02 -2.19253883e-01 -1.81279376e-01 -1.35236725e-01 -3.66563827e-01 1.61001608e-01 -1.31102905e-01 -1.98495500e-02 1.44810647e-01 1.72769707e-02 -3.50997560e-02 1.06497563e-01 3.75984386e-02 1.22090407e-01 1.71401039e-01 -1.57938227e-01 2.62485772e-01 3.87711257e-01 -3.14176053e-01 -2.51632333e-01 -9.57610086e-02 -6.14439398e-02 -8.73040855e-02 -2.71695424e-02 2.09138095e-01 -1.02459289e-01 -6.19880594e-02 3.19295704e-01 1.20591208e-01 -1.60129756e-01 1.52167276e-01 1.50155108e-02 -8.96170214e-02 5.54936044e-02 1.85181603e-01 3.36744875e-01 -2.80868381e-01 -2.39224613e-01 4.99154143e-02 3.27518761e-01 -2.01411143e-01 -1.02682680e-01 -6.96731508e-02 3.66539583e-02 1.68581292e-01 4.11379226e-02 -8.06221962e-02 1.22604288e-01 -2.04982519e-01 2.97184110e-01 -9.95542765e-01 -1.94676608e-01 -1.33630261e-01 -1.38388321e-01 -4.38134968e-01 1.29552811e-01 2.77704060e-01 -3.00106734e-01 -1.77432984e-01 8.61966312e-02 -1.76378831e-01 1.28834277e-01 1.41994536e-01 2.11519018e-01 -1.88937828e-01 -6.13513947e-01 -1.08754844e-03 -1.02474086e-01 3.03806990e-01 -1.78969920e-01 2.09011406e-01 2.22828433e-01 1.75387070e-01 3.24816699e-03 -1.08664215e-01 1.83196384e-02 3.75333697e-01 -6.16602823e-02 -3.35048288e-02 8.07509348e-02 -1.34932727e-01 7.04116970e-02 5.87666214e-01 3.76122534e-01 -4.94702570e-02 -1.78929418e-01 -3.18551846e-02 1.42128348e-01 2.18718629e-02 -2.86380172e-01 3.46028119e-01 6.44780695e-02 -7.47001870e-03 -6.70227289e-01 -6.18658066e-02 9.77858976e-02 -6.32464215e-02 -7.85383396e-03 -7.54664913e-02 5.32630801e-01 -1.47948757e-01 -1.78039700e-01 -3.11373949e-01 3.24088074e-02 1.75949961e-01 5.20053580e-02 1.73681423e-01 -3.10870800e-02 -5.26300631e-02 2.36550570e-01 4.04597312e-01 8.61147702e-01 -3.54236588e-02 -4.75851521e-02 7.05870613e-02 1.78027987e-01 2.70444840e-01 -4.17158753e-02 -4.44312990e-01 8.87214672e-03 1.82909384e-01 2.83385575e-01 8.28500092e-02 -3.45835567e-01 1.36524975e-01 -2.46508092e-01 1.97547451e-02 -1.55149579e-01 -4.21198346e-02 2.39837453e-01 -1.30089879e-01 3.16778451e-01 -2.83013821e-01 4.05048668e-01 -6.86145425e-02 -6.95747659e-02 5.15369922e-02 3.61540844e-03 2.35004127e-01 -2.42247075e-01 2.56938845e-01 1.18428528e-01 1.95118278e-01 1.50425270e-01 2.19391599e-01 -1.09185599e-01 1.10980652e-01 2.88190544e-02 -1.61983162e-01 1.66543685e-02 2.03820497e-01 4.62599508e-02 3.73473227e-01 1.76989943e-01 -3.12960833e-01 -3.29280704e-01 6.49665743e-02 -2.97569833e-03 -1.44091398e-01 7.91572556e-02 8.04667994e-02 1.06301636e-01 -1.57917008e-01 3.69006485e-01 2.55646974e-01 1.43189095e-02 1.32572576e-01 9.94378626e-02 -3.39351147e-01 7.98584074e-02 5.34303151e-02 4.60823566e-01 -2.77413785e-01 -3.08726802e-02 -3.78983349e-01 4.40265298e-01 -5.11533171e-02 1.57546401e-01 -3.30840379e-01 1.99469879e-01 4.58672494e-01 -3.46002549e-01 5.25033511e-02 -2.30725572e-01 -5.29912591e-01 3.20164740e-01 1.74025998e-01 -1.39959723e-01 1.20698377e-01 1.43830717e-01 -1.26294941e-01 -4.77120399e-01 1.88977510e-01 -6.48781955e-01 -1.77975491e-01 5.79200275e-02 -2.03943342e-01 5.28633744e-02 -1.16827458e-01 3.80422503e-01 7.10358843e-02 -1.94602072e-01 2.09924668e-01 2.93075264e-01 1.75782561e-01 2.55175829e-01 3.33112180e-02 3.21898133e-01 1.95003390e-01 1.57321513e-01 -1.09861404e-01 -4.58227158e-01 -1.46502167e-01 3.77938040e-02 4.84355651e-02 -2.98455834e-01 -2.29402542e-01 3.57597113e-01 3.47113274e-02 -2.84695774e-01 -1.49726003e-01 -4.74786051e-02 2.02872440e-01 2.55873259e-02 -1.27059847e-01 4.75615948e-01 8.01623613e-02 -3.94067407e-01 -1.21011153e-01 -1.51602281e-02 1.14154741e-01 3.12511653e-01 2.30081603e-01 -4.42019075e-01 -5.59015246e-03 3.35949957e-01 3.62054527e-01 -2.32620507e-01 -2.76716948e-01 -2.46654246e-02 2.28320837e-01 -1.59601439e-02 2.15947330e-01 -2.92470515e-01 1.86035007e-01 -9.57109442e-05 -4.15511250e-01 2.81218380e-01 4.48328443e-02 -1.01121422e-02 6.45923913e-02 -7.97771513e-02 -5.10750413e-01 -1.66644931e-01 1.14179827e-01 1.01500344e+00 1.94022194e-01 -2.67599255e-01 -8.77944008e-02 -1.16299525e-01 -1.93058744e-01 -1.19911946e-01 2.42645666e-01 9.68344510e-02 1.48902340e-02 -4.46270138e-01 9.00865532e-03 -2.89076298e-01 2.05189541e-01 -1.44636914e-01 -2.68838461e-02 -3.03227633e-01 -5.71481511e-02 3.13371688e-01 -4.30177659e-01 -7.77413025e-02 3.72037739e-01 4.94292527e-01 7.22245052e-02 -1.05109490e-01 2.07395703e-01 1.19550169e-01 -2.57969588e-01 -6.36574253e-02 8.05847228e-01 -3.10381483e-02 -4.09514993e-01 -1.70275614e-01 3.24775636e-01 1.18041746e-01 1.69244349e-01 -5.60369492e-02 -1.38335321e-02 -2.93927521e-01 -3.69646490e-01 1.29041567e-01 2.34034419e-01 -5.43000624e-02 -8.15854073e-02 -9.45917815e-02 1.56838387e-01 1.00449041e-01 2.59079099e-01 7.82815740e-02 -1.58049226e-01 2.24974349e-01 3.64648402e-02 2.92670608e-01 -6.98003545e-02 4.13676262e-01 1.63514931e-02 -3.21754009e-01 2.37687260e-01 6.79403916e-02 7.73621798e-02 3.20399612e-01 7.08972335e-01 1.43483162e-01 -2.31907502e-01 1.67514637e-01 3.33413869e-01 -8.94399285e-02 -3.83664630e-02 4.29820567e-01 7.35218897e-02 3.19475710e-01 -2.57465839e-01 3.10869187e-01 -4.14985493e-02 -2.36719638e-01 -1.83696285e-01 3.61280322e-01 -1.46030977e-01 3.55614513e-01 4.08950984e-01 1.14882171e+00 8.83221030e-02 1.36086270e-01 1.70232117e-01 -3.45054030e-01 8.78991336e-02 -4.11631584e-01 -4.43017744e-02 -1.83437988e-01 9.74708870e-02 5.03613055e-02 -1.31372392e-01 1.87541321e-01 7.80958593e-01 -1.77560791e-01 -1.38810217e-01 -4.67568964e-01 -8.38129371e-02 -6.64924011e-02 4.98681933e-01 9.57723260e-02 -1.05492376e-01 2.55072620e-02 2.29561195e-01 4.13975194e-02 1.24184333e-01 -9.22938660e-02 4.86059755e-04 4.04416360e-02 -6.42366484e-02 -1.77017882e-01 -4.87252977e-03 1.25677854e-01 3.33789825e-01 9.37578306e-02 4.24757926e-03 -4.24632370e-01 -3.44883293e-01 -2.40145698e-01 4.43334915e-02 1.00515718e-02 1.38035610e-01 6.72872305e-01 3.88825200e-02 1.50851324e-01 -8.30254555e-02 1.73941687e-01 -7.02584460e-02 -1.71124548e-01 -4.55695465e-02 -1.63223058e-01 -1.03442676e-01 -5.49804792e-02 7.48526247e-04 7.18558729e-02 -3.54070783e-01 2.86364228e-01 1.50797144e-01 -2.90982366e-01 -8.11254606e-02 1.78092912e-01 2.66293496e-01 -8.77408758e-02 -6.31362274e-02 7.16088191e-02 -2.77273118e-01 -1.56888232e-01 2.32391164e-01 1.05903439e-01 4.67585586e-02 2.36844137e-01 2.56810039e-01 -2.35246032e-01 -4.12189931e-01 -1.96254328e-01 1.42923877e-01 -4.90370810e-01 1.11373916e-01 -6.25235066e-02 -4.82480735e-01 -5.26905665e-03 1.30113885e-01 1.66468918e-01 -3.72703135e-01 -9.39705148e-02 -3.29521835e-01 -2.14702204e-01 6.63360879e-02 1.46788940e-01 1.42356977e-01 2.65853316e-01 5.36655664e-01 -9.92851332e-02 9.52912420e-02 -4.52264786e-01 -1.02798697e-02 -3.45904469e-01 -1.70817554e-01 1.26130968e-01 -3.23638648e-01 1.71435010e-02 3.47767472e-02 2.67514139e-01 1.63804963e-01 -3.26736599e-01 -2.37595022e-01 -2.85227150e-01 1.15447789e-01 -1.43933326e-01 -3.77827674e-01 1.11857601e-01 9.32286754e-02 -5.02081253e-02 4.25513228e-03 -9.96586755e-02 1.20333724e-01 4.30896491e-01 6.45426735e-02 1.12741835e-01 1.15512654e-01 1.62667930e-01 -4.33265939e-02 1.79096952e-01 4.21829283e-01 -6.12907286e-04 7.09376633e-02 -2.03552395e-01 -6.42756894e-02 1.97474971e-01 2.03529522e-01 -3.42598744e-02 1.26260594e-01 1.11183748e-01 1.74482670e-02 -1.61943242e-01 1.05903655e-01 -1.70620427e-01 1.66091919e-01 -2.82174230e-01 -1.41615048e-01 -3.15199524e-01 3.82374614e-01 -2.20376149e-01 1.97531283e-02 -1.88611627e-01 2.11279273e-01 -3.39495353e-02 3.48123223e-01 -6.13988237e-03 -1.48510307e-01 -9.20016468e-02 1.62191436e-01 8.00567195e-02 1.53019860e-01 -1.77644372e-01 2.12225288e-01 -3.00090224e-01 -2.20126167e-01 9.88839567e-03 2.67268419e-01 1.44867465e-01 -1.96018577e-01 2.34212354e-01 2.37172376e-02 -1.64923355e-01 4.25543845e-01 3.14950764e-01 1.86847016e-01 -7.81382546e-02 3.84632081e-01 5.19065522e-02 -3.10827307e-02 1.86602563e-01 1.71815693e-01 -1.14968777e-01 5.72720468e-02 -3.29003960e-01 2.09273368e-01 -5.63334338e-02 1.45551428e-01 1.98637038e-01 -1.07164070e-01 -1.86004400e-01 -2.05427721e-01 3.27781811e-02 -1.49980634e-02 -7.47833624e-02 -2.48758018e-01 6.44119829e-02 -1.38721466e-01 -1.62158474e-01 7.77414441e-02 2.72927701e-01 -2.10586637e-01 1.94502309e-01 5.20480514e-01 -3.95278782e-02 1.52464524e-01 2.18913823e-01 2.47028142e-01 -1.33608118e-01 4.09355573e-03 3.69568020e-02 -2.67673939e-01 -1.77952871e-01 -3.38851571e-01 -4.61625773e-03 1.91139758e-01 4.06567305e-02 5.36609814e-02 1.52549401e-01 -3.53550434e-01 -7.16090918e-01 1.69885814e-01 8.96626785e-02 -1.15872458e-01 3.09498549e-01 -7.37339407e-02 -4.02935237e-01 1.65688053e-01 -8.13532099e-02 -9.69566777e-02 -1.17694281e-01 -1.29085243e-01 -1.84823185e-01 1.50051802e-01 -1.25876233e-01 9.05679688e-02 -5.13979641e-04 1.67256460e-01 -1.87299892e-01 1.43551573e-01 -1.92334339e-01 -2.93487340e-01 -2.91809320e-01 1.93231270e-01 -3.28696638e-01 -3.16797137e-01 1.41690001e-02 2.65747994e-01 -6.42322823e-02 1.37754595e-02 -9.07598138e-02 4.63723503e-02 -2.39705920e-01 1.53278545e-01 -3.04052949e-01 1.86314076e-01 -6.02517324e-03 7.75417220e-03 6.72485232e-02 -9.95399132e-02 1.67556122e-01 1.95154175e-01 2.13614643e-01 -9.73634049e-02 -2.41395801e-01 5.65725053e-03 4.41686898e-01 2.62036532e-01 -4.45181504e-03 8.20388943e-02 -1.80010021e-01 -3.19624782e-01 8.67272094e-02 1.12823710e-01 -3.17395359e-01 3.33229840e-01 1.84370205e-01 1.63977668e-01 2.13297293e-01 3.52900207e-01 2.89442658e-01 -6.81074038e-02 -4.62033376e-02 -3.89958441e-01 -2.88037241e-01 1.61201671e-01 -1.69574216e-01 2.24177361e-01 -7.77072236e-02 4.45743471e-01 1.62765011e-01 -4.45687383e-01 -1.44416779e-01 -3.89389634e-01 5.21524251e-01 -4.12841350e-01 -2.86712915e-01 -4.58261818e-01 9.36517119e-02 -8.38912651e-02 -1.39117315e-01 -4.48649555e-01 -1.77893132e-01 -5.66521361e-02 2.01529786e-02 -1.08078785e-01 -1.74935639e-01 -1.43828899e-01 -2.27550551e-01 -6.76980689e-02 5.90698063e-01 4.09175456e-02 -2.97597889e-02 -2.35563546e-01 -6.26931265e-02]
"The Ghost Sickness" active "Item #: SCP-793 Object Class: Euclid Zone of Denial (Current): 13.4 meters Special Containment Procedures: SCP-793 is to be marked with stakes marking the perimeter of the "Zone of Denial" (A base distance of 13.4 meters from each side of the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Medicinal Center is to be marked as the Zone of Denial, with a second perimeter extending the Zone of Denial out an extra 50 meters to be regarded as the "Restricted Zone"). Signs - placed on the perimeter of the Zone of Denial - must state "No Unauthorized Entrance" in the following languages: English, French, Swahili, Luba-Kasai, Kikongo, and Luganda. When testing, access is to be restricted to Class-Ds. No other Foundation personnel are to be allowed entrance. The future installation of security cameras around the hospital is a possibility. Description: SCP-793 is described as a hyper-reproductive paranormal variation of Human Congo trypanosomiasis (a parasitic protozoa also known as the "African Sleeping Sickness") inhabiting the abandoned β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Medicinal Center located in [DATA EXPUNGED], built by β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ missionaries in 18β–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-793's first known appearance was documented in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ. The hospital was subsequently relinquished from use β–ˆ years after due to exponential growth of SCP-793, but it was never demolished due to superstitions the populous and prominent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ tribes held. In 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, the hospital was secured by the Foundation. SCP-793, in its passive form, does not appear to exist unless a suitable human host enters the Zone of Denial (ZoD), which is currently estimated to be 13.4 meters from any point around the hospital. When a human enters the zone of denial, the organism will appear spontaneously inside the human's circulatory system. Unlike a normal form of trypanosomiasis, which has a limited rate of reproduction, the reproductive rate of SCP-793 increases proportionally to the subject's distance into the ZoD, e.g. when a subject is at the edge of the ZoD, SCP-793 will reproduce at ~5% the speed of Human Congo trypanosomiasis, but once inside the hospital (where reproductive capability is at a constant), SCP-793 cells will reproduce at ~400% the speed of their cousin. Symptoms appear to be dissimilar to those of normal Congo trypanosomiasis, with a notable increase in hysteria and swelling of the lymph nodes. The opposite occurs when a subject leaves the ZoD. The reproductive rate decreases, and parasites will spontaneously disappear, with no visible signs of cell death. Somatic cells whose deaths can be attributed to SCP-793 will appear as if origination suddenly occurs, not as of the result of general somatic mitosis. The symptoms will fade to those of earlier stages (from the neurological phase going to the haemolymphatic stage, etc) until the are no signs of the protist existing when a human victim exits the ZoD. One final note about possible human death as the result of SCP-793's actions: the "reversal effects" reverse victim death completely. Once the deceased are rescued from the maximum reproductive zone, somatic cells appear immediately and any remaining instances of SCP-793 disappear. Upon the so-called "undeath", individuals often recall extreme pain due to the reconstruction of their body (mostly regarded as something along the lines of "thousands of knives piercing [their] body") and have no recollection of ever entering the Zone of Denial or any knowledge of SCP-793. SCP-793's reversal effects only regard any damage it causes a human. Bodies whose deaths are attributed to other causes (such as normal Human Congo trypanosomiasis) will not be affected. SCP-793 does not seem to appear on anything that is not a living human body entering the Zone of Denial does not appear on anything that is not living human tissue. Appearance of SCP-793 does occur on partial entrance of a human to the Zone of Denial and is limited to the fraction of the human that is in the Zone of Denial. Items brought out of the Hospital have no unique effect attached to them. Addendum SCP-793:XOJ1: REGARDING SITE DEMOLITION OF SCP-793 VIA β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ As suggested by Dr. William Hunt and Chong Meng, Ph. D. Date/Time: [DATA EXPUNGED] The β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Medicinal Center, otherwise known as the residence of the infamous SCP-793 specimen, was subject to the possibility of sterilization. Proposals generally suggested a wide variety of explosive materials, typically β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-based compounds. Controversy over the destruction of Euclid-class specimens has always been a major topic of discussion within the Foundation. The general consensus about the termination of SCP-793 is one of concern: most Foundation personnel suggest the continued containment of SCP-793, despite continued controversy over the topic. The details for the defense of continued containment procedures are as follows: A) SCP-793 really poses no real threat. No permanent death has occurred from the actions of the ghost trypanosomiasis. B) The hospital's architectural structure appears to be continually sturdy and shows no signs of serious decay, suggesting structural invulnerability. We don't think this should be tested, at least not yet. C) As reference to the consensus, we have no knowledge of what would happen on attempted destruction of the hospital. D) Angering of the close-by tribes in the area. We also would like to discuss possible reclassification of SCP-793 from "Euclid" to "Safe". Addendum SCP-793:OR51: REGARDING ZONE OF DENIAL FLUCTUATION Reported by Mark Fulu via E-Mail, edited for better comprehension.1 [It] seems [that] a few of the test[s into Zone of Denial] have found that [the] bound[a]ry is far [further away] th[a]n what it was [used to be], not know what do??? [I don't know what to do about this?] Date/Time: [DATA TEMPORARILY EXPUNGED UNTIL INVESTIGATION] [H]elp [I] not know what [to] do, the thing [the Zone of Denial keeps] changing. Date/Time: [DATA TEMPORARILY EXPUNGED UNTIL INVESTIGATION] [P]le[a]se help, it [the Zone of Denial] is growing bigger and bigger and bigger now!!! Date/Time: [DATA TEMPORARILY EXPUNGED UNTIL INVESTIGATION] Other similar messages from Mark Fulu and other personnel stationed in the area has brought intrigued investigation by Foundation assets in North America. Confirmation of Zone of Denial distance fluctuation is currently pending. Β« SCP-792 | SCP-793 | SCP-794 Β»" "SCP-793 in a blood smear β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Medicinal Center, the current residence of SCP-793"
[ 1.44334927e-01 -5.63628495e-01 -1.09360749e-02 -6.32175803e-02 -1.95482858e-02 -3.05068403e-01 -5.91320395e-02 1.90731838e-01 3.34582448e-01 4.02562656e-02 -2.73200888e-02 1.34612933e-01 -1.09248735e-01 -1.42250583e-01 9.79464725e-02 1.49738222e-01 1.77999735e-01 1.92623287e-01 1.54490888e-01 -2.64960855e-01 -4.23102081e-01 -1.92254066e-01 -2.57812679e-01 3.19355518e-01 4.15443659e-01 -6.29542619e-02 8.50340500e-02 2.35334098e-01 -1.57843664e-01 -4.53167737e-01 -5.29321320e-02 -1.15259746e-02 2.67070472e-01 4.05485809e-01 -1.12061884e-04 -3.66857082e-01 2.03875005e-01 -3.23516466e-02 -2.83357594e-02 5.83621301e-02 -4.98298407e-01 -8.41417089e-02 5.16094714e-02 -1.64365888e-01 6.91531645e-03 -1.63187876e-01 -1.12751797e-02 1.76368713e-01 1.82431817e-01 4.31916028e-01 1.73440874e-01 2.15798348e-01 -3.00335556e-01 -1.33054540e-01 1.46041393e-01 4.24536288e-01 -2.97090620e-01 2.58340925e-01 7.16763914e-01 1.98978670e-02 -9.45252404e-02 -6.20290972e-02 -1.37330294e-01 -3.83352898e-02 1.11728713e-01 -2.62603849e-01 4.08887535e-01 -1.77906007e-01 -1.82309945e-03 2.40442365e-01 -1.36161044e-01 -7.63325244e-02 1.93746746e-01 3.03253025e-01 6.60093799e-02 -1.62733406e-01 3.79251242e-02 1.68766215e-01 -1.76475793e-01 -9.21998844e-02 -2.05624372e-01 3.55618238e-01 9.22900997e-03 -8.89581963e-02 5.03468774e-02 1.28326699e-01 -1.28624916e-01 -3.02553214e-02 1.37612605e-02 -2.09722012e-01 -4.24254909e-02 4.08365689e-02 2.81388730e-01 6.68801218e-02 2.92941909e-02 -1.89304247e-01 2.49755919e-01 5.80925420e-02 4.34090912e-01 3.83329749e-01 5.04387617e-02 -1.16600856e-01 -1.26419365e-01 -1.86923519e-02 1.61370605e-01 -1.34351641e-01 -3.70529406e-02 -2.65894145e-01 -9.86175686e-02 8.80915463e-01 1.05595225e-02 1.27084300e-01 -2.72479564e-01 5.85777201e-02 -5.81462495e-02 8.57338961e-03 -1.58999756e-01 -2.69633472e-01 -2.57610649e-01 8.30176845e-03 -1.82765707e-01 2.77451217e-01 -7.32586458e-02 1.85696915e-01 3.98727834e-01 1.96087405e-01 2.61779457e-01 -2.81210810e-01 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7.19142258e-02 5.25660533e-03 7.37790242e-02 3.02185774e-01 -1.61289964e-02 -3.04213047e-01 1.98388681e-01 -2.43507385e-01 -2.16317207e-01 -1.53432667e-01 5.54087341e-01 -2.78736740e-01 3.32837045e-01 -1.05430167e-02 -7.91923925e-02 3.47304996e-03 8.41449425e-02 -8.04368109e-02 -9.89588723e-02 -2.96151251e-01 5.46387076e-01 2.12830365e-01 1.85599402e-01 -5.32401875e-02 -2.40502477e-01 -7.09644318e-01 -7.00049922e-02 7.31166601e-02 -1.79179534e-01 -6.53375983e-02 4.38834094e-02 1.54660225e-01 -9.92136821e-02 2.86313266e-01 1.43846720e-01 -7.18237385e-02 -2.35591251e-02 -1.54330088e-02 -2.32993469e-01 -1.46363869e-01 -3.93727809e-01 2.23072350e-01 -4.30731952e-01 1.58685341e-01 -1.56307980e-01 3.33289862e-01 4.01310660e-02 1.12564594e-01 -3.38937044e-01 2.69291669e-01 4.67346162e-01 -2.32148945e-01 -1.60026941e-02 4.17752743e-01 -6.43391162e-02 9.41547379e-02 3.04102510e-01 -2.93373406e-01 1.25172764e-01 1.83869600e-01 4.64445174e-01 -2.26670325e-01 4.90832143e-02 -4.97843742e-01 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1.29528120e-01 -8.51784199e-02 3.00798025e-02 -6.24389127e-02 -2.52922416e-01 2.69910932e-01 2.40367785e-01 1.01797655e-01 -1.31737918e-01 1.39186442e-01 2.58099940e-02 -7.70271420e-02 7.75013193e-02 4.52744849e-02 -1.32476673e-01 -4.19724733e-02 1.76659405e-01 3.38342965e-01 2.31297895e-01 8.28549638e-02 2.03222752e-01 -2.29743302e-01 -3.83121341e-01 6.08993955e-02 3.13956171e-01 -5.96279323e-01 -1.58659607e-01 1.54415235e-01 -3.73347223e-01 -6.29611835e-02 5.97710311e-01 -8.70418623e-02 -6.36764169e-01 1.66970789e-02 -2.76279390e-01 6.98133782e-02 1.20196208e-01 1.27896667e-01 2.65075743e-01 2.01922625e-01 4.83507574e-01 5.08498773e-02 6.03674278e-02 -3.35854203e-01 -9.38359872e-02 -3.56108487e-01 5.96201904e-02 -7.25798905e-02 -3.17594931e-02 2.82840393e-02 -9.77205932e-02 1.02976531e-01 3.18581641e-01 -8.71657431e-02 -2.31860578e-01 -2.36825377e-01 1.11868419e-01 2.87965834e-01 -2.47965157e-01 7.50249922e-02 -1.02288842e-01 3.93329054e-01 2.65910663e-02 -9.99263152e-02 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1.93396509e-01 1.12823926e-01 -5.51061295e-02 -3.74866813e-01 -9.79576111e-02 -3.10998242e-02 6.98092133e-02 3.24686795e-01 -1.47466913e-01 -2.10724305e-02 7.06723183e-02 -1.77229315e-01 1.82031304e-01 2.69370258e-01 -6.07767254e-02 4.41060364e-02 3.83690953e-01 1.59714699e-01 1.27810702e-01 2.40886435e-01 2.05678046e-01 9.76625234e-02 -9.27153230e-02 -1.75234973e-01 -1.75953135e-01 -5.52814528e-02 -8.94816592e-02 -1.09186873e-01 3.32465082e-01 3.41332048e-01 2.46645380e-02 1.41737550e-01 -2.43105903e-01 -3.03164035e-01 1.20559469e-01 -7.00169280e-02 2.50568360e-01 3.58025998e-01 -2.64980495e-01 -1.86777681e-01 4.00141254e-02 -1.95729062e-01 -1.56550884e-01 2.54863948e-01 -3.55382711e-01 -3.59890312e-01 1.18418410e-01 -3.36377919e-01 8.78937542e-02 -1.71689659e-01 1.40939102e-01 2.01825965e-02 6.33329302e-02 -6.07765131e-02 -2.78800815e-01 -5.17085753e-02 2.35707849e-01 -3.92640352e-01 -6.04845047e-01 1.49155986e-02 -1.61708340e-01 5.80970896e-03 -1.52578177e-02 -2.57645398e-01 3.96881163e-01 1.60455480e-01 4.03955765e-02 2.06882786e-02 -1.00483410e-01 1.59726202e-01 1.68768108e-01 -2.67961081e-02 -1.36828497e-01 1.46536946e-01 -3.03970486e-01 1.32406786e-01 -8.24800730e-02 -3.77934158e-01 3.81376714e-01 4.49817568e-01 5.78800023e-01 -3.79477553e-02 2.54866034e-01 -3.09289336e-01 -4.80450362e-01 -5.23439348e-02 3.56898636e-01 -2.33133852e-01 2.22689688e-01 1.51478499e-01 4.46175113e-02 3.62535387e-01 4.07386780e-01 2.20041722e-01 2.03381732e-01 -3.01058650e-01 1.26089245e-01 -1.07998557e-01 3.55068967e-02 -1.05568074e-01 -1.12668999e-01 -1.74520642e-01 1.48397684e-01 -1.18169174e-01 -5.79174235e-02 -2.86671698e-01 -2.79803902e-01 3.54727119e-01 -2.75514066e-01 -3.72277461e-02 -4.35445569e-02 1.64656073e-01 -4.16588873e-01 -1.08953089e-01 -5.80320954e-01 -6.25785515e-02 -1.21962637e-01 2.92903662e-01 -7.96142295e-02 -6.90214485e-02 -2.85884738e-01 -2.74539024e-01 -1.06124923e-01 8.53257000e-01 1.96183715e-02 -4.17523645e-02 1.94161788e-01 9.55320001e-02]
"Desert Shipwreck" active "Item #: SCP-794 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The area in a 10 km radius surrounding SCP-794 has been designated as a no-fly zone and all unauthorized personnel attempting to enter the area are to be detained for questioning. Unauthorized aircraft attempting to enter the airspace around SCP-794 are to be signalled off immediately, and any that fail to follow instructions are to be intercepted and detained at Containment Site 794-Alpha. Personnel may only approach within the 1400 m "Red Zone" of SCP-794 with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel, and may stay within the area for no longer than 30 minutes at a time. Personnel experiencing any nausea or exhibiting any strange or psychotic behavior must be removed immediately and quarantined pending psychological and physical evaluation. Description: SCP-794-01 is the derelict remains of an oceangoing vessel located at approximately +β–ˆβ–ˆΒ° β–ˆβ–ˆ' β–ˆβ–ˆ.β–ˆβ–ˆ", +β–ˆβ–ˆΒ° β–ˆβ–ˆ' β–ˆβ–ˆ.β–ˆβ–ˆ" near [REDACTED] in the Sahara Desert. According to markings in Cyrillic, the vessel is the [REDACTED], built in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in the city of [REDACTED] in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ. This is inconsistent with available records, as no vessel by this name was ever constructed. The vessel is in an advanced state of disrepair consistent to exposure to the elements for a period of at least β–ˆβ–ˆ years, and to date it is not known how SCP-794-01 came to rest in its current location, nearly β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ km from any body of water. SCP-794-02 is an enormous mass of living nervous tissue integrated into the cargo hold of SCP-794-01, currently estimated at approximately 167 kg. While experimentation has shown significant neural activity, it is currently unknown how SCP-794-02 functions, or how it obtains sustenance. Living human subjects that approach within 1400 m of SCP-794 report feeling an increasing compulsion to approach and enter the vessel, peaking at approximately 60 minutes of cumulative exposure. At this point, affected subjects will attempt to enter the vessel by any means possible, and must be terminated in order to prevent them from approaching SCP-794. Once within the vessel, affected subjects will enter the ship's cargo hold, whereupon they will immediately collapse and cease all life signs. SCP-794 was discovered on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ during a routine satellite surveillance pass. The vessel was located shortly thereafter by Foundation agents, and current containment protocols were established following the loss of β–ˆ members of the initial survey team. Addendum 794-01: Analysis of Recovered Bodies Following limited experimentation performed via the use of remotely piloted robotic vehicles, the bodies of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (β–ˆβ–ˆ) individuals have been recovered from SCP-794-01. Of these, β–ˆ were members of the Foundation initial survey team, β–ˆβ–ˆ were β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Army personnel reported missing in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆ appear to be unidentified civilian explorers, and the rest are too far decomposed to identify. Autopsy of the intact bodies has shown a complete lack of neural tissue, including the brain, spinal cord, and all muscular and sensory nerves. During this time, SCP-794-02 has also grown by an estimated 3.4%. Further investigation is ongoing, but difficult due to the inherent danger of SCP-794 and our inability to approach it directly. D-class assets have been secured in order to derive a method by which SCP-794's compulsion effect may be mitigated or suppressed. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-793 | SCP-794 | SCP-795 Β»" nan
[ 1.36229452e-02 -2.87983179e-01 -1.80819020e-01 -5.81447501e-03 -3.96459401e-02 -3.10288340e-01 2.58504093e-01 3.06615889e-01 3.71395916e-01 -1.63542908e-02 -1.16137318e-01 1.05044842e-01 -1.27476364e-01 3.23264182e-01 1.85260117e-01 7.72435367e-02 -1.04229329e-02 -1.13264330e-01 1.81810051e-01 -1.03528582e-01 -1.89604387e-01 -2.51938611e-01 -1.08787142e-01 -1.60004705e-01 3.81415477e-03 2.23808974e-01 1.66599378e-02 -9.15988684e-02 1.47749335e-04 -3.87114525e-01 1.37536764e-01 8.30562785e-02 2.25281104e-01 6.97740972e-01 -1.05479965e-04 -1.54903337e-01 5.11783063e-02 4.18336317e-02 1.23702027e-02 -2.47989129e-02 -3.07182372e-01 -3.01872361e-02 -1.22454368e-01 -4.57566470e-01 -8.72869566e-02 -4.11751688e-01 6.28377125e-02 2.42923319e-01 4.61086720e-01 1.71368271e-01 2.28874907e-01 1.64825365e-01 4.69834544e-03 1.89988926e-01 -1.89664122e-02 2.58197606e-01 -3.38564485e-01 4.00047265e-02 1.96489722e-01 6.69437721e-02 -7.85627365e-02 2.84562260e-01 -1.26768336e-01 -9.47601795e-02 1.69405326e-01 -2.19029188e-01 -1.89947948e-01 4.19592075e-02 2.08614469e-01 3.87525022e-01 2.55898446e-01 -5.61894197e-03 -1.46842618e-02 2.47431666e-01 -1.27072364e-01 -1.99040055e-01 1.73705459e-01 4.07151043e-01 4.50966731e-02 9.84617025e-02 -3.69884670e-01 4.31244731e-01 -2.53546625e-01 -1.25379851e-02 -3.62465441e-01 2.85710126e-01 -2.77184039e-01 -1.93384252e-02 1.79807022e-01 7.61832483e-03 -2.23262653e-01 4.05398458e-02 2.35459700e-01 2.46948883e-01 5.53522855e-02 -2.21305057e-01 7.55529329e-02 1.28157616e-01 8.27120151e-03 2.41490290e-01 3.72496367e-01 6.14190623e-02 -1.91662326e-01 1.24687627e-01 -4.73952182e-02 -2.21954182e-01 1.04938485e-01 -2.94595301e-01 -1.58984318e-01 5.80800354e-01 -7.39259459e-03 7.81571195e-02 -1.84864894e-01 1.15691580e-01 -7.12868273e-02 8.03100914e-02 1.84057802e-01 -2.53869772e-01 3.23477164e-02 2.88620275e-02 -4.74902064e-01 8.75103250e-02 -1.00777671e-01 3.62920940e-01 1.40129074e-01 -5.23858331e-02 1.88123316e-01 -1.93389356e-01 1.21657297e-01 7.77911022e-02 -1.15383752e-01 3.91246855e-01 -4.05067950e-01 5.39236516e-02 9.93058905e-02 8.46776590e-02 -9.96700302e-03 -3.08429956e-01 -3.02593589e-01 5.76880835e-02 2.11428836e-01 -3.76131207e-01 4.64099467e-01 4.81064439e-01 -2.57861525e-01 -3.14896852e-01 -3.74874204e-01 2.17061505e-01 -5.29907495e-02 7.55945146e-02 3.45063835e-01 7.11305588e-02 -3.46872620e-02 2.52049774e-01 -7.35208243e-02 2.01573581e-01 3.77043188e-01 -1.67462714e-02 -6.05386272e-02 -4.24905345e-02 2.56216139e-01 8.06098729e-02 -2.47470543e-01 -8.69149640e-02 9.85328257e-02 3.43313575e-01 -3.51928443e-01 -4.93624732e-02 -2.17000116e-02 1.13350362e-01 -3.01700644e-02 -1.12006426e-01 -2.00588793e-01 2.52403855e-01 -3.38067979e-01 1.89769790e-01 -7.04245448e-01 9.88874435e-02 -1.87135100e-01 -2.40252137e-01 -3.78969759e-01 1.12904370e-01 4.28335637e-01 -1.55958131e-01 -1.51622355e-01 7.61398068e-03 4.61389124e-02 2.49458313e-01 2.26400211e-01 -1.69098407e-01 -1.85678154e-01 -3.91745538e-01 -4.43607979e-02 1.16743907e-01 1.12629227e-01 -2.48093516e-01 4.21780497e-01 3.17812935e-02 3.10292244e-01 1.05210669e-01 -2.17804223e-01 2.31052011e-01 3.23214054e-01 -8.67919773e-02 -4.56913710e-02 -1.06779240e-01 -6.95797130e-02 -1.26805142e-01 7.88053632e-01 1.42119020e-01 -5.11440216e-04 6.24348894e-02 -1.65100798e-01 -9.88354981e-02 -1.52998805e-01 -1.46443009e-01 2.79142469e-01 2.95064837e-01 -1.14256077e-01 -4.15343463e-01 -1.46610931e-01 1.57045484e-01 -1.35130972e-01 9.69403759e-02 -1.45377383e-01 2.79095292e-01 -2.56529063e-01 -7.61516169e-02 -1.81128591e-01 1.46542415e-01 2.14469165e-01 -1.29807025e-01 1.28637403e-01 -3.64573225e-02 -1.84484974e-01 1.56347588e-01 2.12656155e-01 7.77871609e-01 -1.24022402e-01 -5.33493042e-01 -2.10455060e-02 2.59229273e-01 1.50770664e-01 9.00476146e-03 -3.46280664e-01 2.82587826e-01 -1.79868154e-02 3.25202882e-01 2.01847434e-01 -9.22515467e-02 -1.70157664e-02 -4.98075724e-01 -4.10647057e-02 6.89290687e-02 3.37691724e-01 -2.50172019e-02 3.57285440e-02 2.46288300e-01 1.27651971e-02 -4.93899398e-02 -2.18694508e-01 -1.57716930e-01 6.35752752e-02 9.82856154e-02 1.11040927e-01 -2.06221923e-01 2.93371230e-01 3.20174217e-01 -6.65427477e-04 1.97846666e-01 8.95567052e-03 -1.46377429e-01 1.42841451e-02 -1.17336340e-01 -5.24295904e-02 4.78469580e-03 1.89152434e-02 2.82229662e-01 2.38269106e-01 1.89528987e-01 -1.91967651e-01 -5.04796505e-01 -1.00990191e-01 -2.50785261e-01 -6.29233569e-02 1.23092182e-01 2.46919930e-01 5.49143702e-02 -4.35780317e-01 2.62380004e-01 8.01464766e-02 -2.76309401e-01 -2.52346963e-01 -1.27005935e-01 -1.59730121e-01 6.51100650e-02 -9.79208425e-02 5.84410317e-03 -1.74654528e-01 2.25042015e-01 -3.97263110e-01 1.18282750e-01 1.82292238e-01 1.55444875e-01 -2.29687005e-01 1.21959217e-01 5.58601022e-01 -1.66822076e-01 -6.36497587e-02 -2.67366618e-01 -5.30096173e-01 2.53007948e-01 1.26567364e-01 -3.35495532e-01 1.13592245e-01 1.90738529e-01 4.09592800e-02 -4.04415876e-01 -1.42269969e-01 -3.03803474e-01 1.90735370e-01 3.62203717e-02 -3.08757812e-01 2.47195870e-01 -1.41937047e-01 -3.35622504e-02 8.58558267e-02 -2.13204488e-01 2.52335161e-01 -1.07499035e-02 1.05581572e-02 8.00222695e-01 1.58698767e-01 3.58804226e-01 1.42890420e-02 -2.29945332e-01 2.87155360e-02 -1.55672848e-01 5.62206879e-02 1.88991770e-01 -1.98413394e-02 -1.63119301e-01 -2.10956201e-01 1.53746530e-01 4.10226911e-01 -2.97981948e-01 8.20854604e-02 -8.17589164e-02 4.44329977e-02 -1.46114066e-01 -9.56005082e-02 3.06241542e-01 9.96122807e-02 -3.08107406e-01 -7.24008232e-02 7.43372366e-02 1.52967453e-01 1.00473791e-01 6.32560670e-01 -1.90754727e-01 -1.84252590e-01 4.64279115e-01 3.70768383e-02 -7.16894984e-01 -1.07487708e-01 6.31320626e-02 3.95156682e-01 3.21015686e-01 4.23426896e-01 -3.32659662e-01 2.84155697e-01 3.70243788e-02 -2.84621239e-01 7.13550448e-02 2.67583076e-02 5.14709856e-03 -3.31175290e-02 -1.95064113e-01 -3.08907270e-01 6.01660125e-02 1.12975210e-01 7.22484231e-01 2.87584186e-01 -2.47819871e-01 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1.55461520e-01 6.31270930e-02 6.96340054e-02 3.99627611e-02 -2.61548430e-01 2.28835225e-01 -2.35023916e-01 -2.46507227e-01 -2.38510165e-02 -7.50722364e-02 -2.57451802e-01 5.36370933e-01 1.92236677e-01 1.31011844e+00 -4.26190607e-02 8.73559043e-02 1.85005918e-01 -2.40747273e-01 -4.94619366e-03 -7.48232305e-01 -2.87401173e-02 -2.03385994e-01 -6.80694580e-02 -3.94792333e-02 -2.57897854e-01 2.48414531e-01 4.37842697e-01 -2.03248933e-01 5.01147360e-02 -4.84419852e-01 -1.32117897e-01 8.83137882e-02 2.13223323e-01 1.21382661e-01 -6.39896095e-02 -2.12247610e-01 1.93214342e-01 -1.48876071e-01 1.48823932e-01 -4.90279729e-03 3.57928015e-02 1.76696077e-01 -1.33908063e-01 -1.47785768e-01 1.02270775e-01 -2.55490184e-01 2.71024913e-01 -6.99617565e-02 4.22153957e-02 -2.04144433e-01 -4.84985597e-02 -2.91249812e-01 1.23319022e-01 1.15765268e-02 3.02181959e-01 4.53411669e-01 -2.21850932e-01 -1.20286606e-01 -2.70226091e-01 1.09715134e-01 1.65577069e-01 -1.85667068e-01 2.09123418e-01 -8.40607435e-02 1.46299982e-02 -2.94764377e-02 1.95759162e-01 5.20497620e-01 4.04877402e-03 2.15828344e-01 -1.77672356e-02 -1.50290981e-01 -7.06704613e-03 2.15072557e-01 -1.31393597e-01 -6.26376420e-02 -3.32241714e-01 1.22019295e-02 -9.39076394e-02 -5.14851809e-02 3.07041377e-01 3.44590187e-01 1.43708140e-01 1.78354785e-01 2.04032093e-01 -7.86079913e-02 -4.24020112e-01 -2.49298736e-02 4.74086672e-01 -3.45678061e-01 -2.77799457e-01 -1.09368242e-01 -4.13378775e-01 -1.40432626e-01 2.19970882e-01 2.63203889e-01 -4.17122751e-01 -3.10087085e-01 -3.60318214e-01 -4.12048921e-02 1.58652812e-01 5.47649562e-02 2.38662288e-01 3.36876363e-02 5.51558912e-01 7.09641427e-02 8.52359608e-02 -4.03658152e-01 1.29777700e-01 -9.36328396e-02 3.10637429e-03 4.26105440e-01 -3.22179019e-01 -3.64299230e-02 -1.27267852e-01 2.46160939e-01 2.84810424e-01 -2.28180319e-01 -2.32012287e-01 -2.37565979e-01 1.04851641e-01 -1.40592441e-01 -3.43209505e-01 -1.83394030e-01 3.94722866e-03 1.74860924e-01 -4.32846434e-02 -1.80327177e-01 4.79749411e-01 3.76378596e-01 -2.15198491e-02 -2.10258048e-02 5.46535067e-02 -3.43581587e-02 3.12635023e-03 -7.83037469e-02 2.50620306e-01 1.71123922e-01 1.43890772e-02 -1.03032775e-01 6.97550103e-02 6.23181053e-02 1.30157709e-01 -3.06387573e-01 3.38130414e-01 2.03386515e-01 1.79748863e-01 4.56169173e-02 5.91824725e-02 -6.06947169e-02 -4.70722560e-03 -4.25933778e-01 -2.05507755e-01 -2.57393092e-01 3.36489081e-01 -1.17472872e-01 -2.97320299e-02 -3.52739781e-01 -5.71096204e-02 -3.47813033e-02 1.44546971e-01 -2.82936469e-02 -2.55565226e-01 1.59754962e-01 -4.84928042e-02 2.42421236e-02 2.13390633e-01 6.95980638e-02 5.15538193e-02 2.77623013e-02 -8.11075792e-02 -7.27201626e-02 2.25934107e-02 4.03406084e-01 1.24170296e-02 2.76532739e-01 2.18653589e-01 8.05611759e-02 3.00048053e-01 1.01617640e-02 -1.00822493e-01 1.75774843e-01 2.12523490e-01 -3.41847181e-01 9.64707695e-03 -1.07916268e-02 -2.17505731e-02 -3.57888788e-01 2.44139999e-01 -1.35457501e-01 4.80655171e-02 2.63832122e-01 1.17877804e-01 4.58447814e-01 -1.08688153e-01 -1.03603952e-01 -1.01137727e-01 1.97262824e-01 1.67161837e-01 3.95085774e-02 -4.47806483e-03 1.10648155e-01 2.95151591e-01 -2.79367656e-01 3.19616199e-01 2.58516997e-01 -1.59675121e-01 1.30832449e-01 3.61709982e-01 1.55449450e-01 -1.13485893e-02 -1.09259158e-01 3.02416414e-01 -7.92529732e-02 1.63938969e-01 9.20093954e-02 -9.47488323e-02 -2.01669201e-01 -2.21227422e-01 -1.01337068e-01 2.40743294e-01 1.91400185e-01 5.09439372e-02 2.21931472e-01 -3.47762883e-01 -5.23912013e-01 2.53206402e-01 1.95163786e-01 1.23193122e-01 -1.33481398e-01 -1.61519065e-01 -4.42812234e-01 5.04877828e-02 -4.23642732e-02 -3.27970266e-01 4.36988510e-02 -4.81106453e-02 -1.46090522e-01 1.28875226e-01 2.85816073e-01 1.08093597e-01 -7.81235024e-02 1.05019070e-01 6.30287156e-02 -2.63153106e-01 -2.43405312e-01 -3.22478831e-01 -1.03218675e-01 1.10531151e-02 -8.32735151e-02 -1.57139465e-01 -1.75188303e-01 6.75196424e-02 -2.10570037e-01 -1.10932179e-01 -1.42616695e-02 8.21675658e-02 2.97875553e-01 -3.12621027e-01 -3.00391883e-01 -1.23167068e-01 4.74773407e-01 1.19628586e-01 -1.45952731e-01 -1.75583988e-01 -4.57072491e-03 2.03462720e-01 2.69267917e-01 -2.22158462e-01 -3.31337184e-01 1.18904546e-01 3.32939923e-01 1.71136618e-01 -3.67836237e-01 3.53047520e-01 -8.14035311e-02 -5.45946121e-01 1.12757005e-01 1.75791711e-01 2.76374370e-01 3.24284941e-01 3.95881608e-02 4.90214586e-01 1.69897065e-01 9.33132842e-02 -7.17197061e-02 7.69348145e-02 -7.63124451e-02 -1.00333326e-01 -3.87691975e-01 8.59552175e-02 -1.97021097e-01 2.51216620e-01 -1.08927719e-01 3.94537956e-01 8.47153515e-02 -1.38499796e-01 -1.17592864e-01 -3.28308016e-01 5.32058477e-01 -3.17400545e-01 -2.14311630e-01 1.51741654e-01 8.20103660e-02 -1.69008970e-01 2.63084918e-01 -7.03666866e-01 -7.53341764e-02 -6.47705933e-03 8.73285308e-02 -2.24739611e-01 -1.99062929e-01 -1.32770881e-01 2.52113622e-02 -2.60593626e-03 4.25736517e-01 1.51388228e-01 -2.25276709e-01 -1.77370593e-01 1.54484123e-01]
"Reality-Bending Cat" active "Item #: SCP-795 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-795 is to be contained in a 75 m x 5 m area divided and secured with clear Plexiglas walls containing locked doors as follows: (a) One wall/door at 5 m from the far end of the room. SCP-795 lives in the 5 m x 5 m space thus created. (b) One wall/door at 35 m. This defines the outer limit of the area that SCP-795 can affect while contained in Area (a). (c) One wall/door at 65 m. Area (c) may be used safely for observation while SCP-795 is contained in Area (a), but must be cleared if an interaction is taking place in Area (b). (d) A standard containment door at 75 m. This creates a 10 x 5 m area where SCP-795 can be safely observed while released into Area (b). Two Level 1 guards are to be posted in Area (c); they should move to Area (d) if SCP-795 is in Area (b) for an experiment. Due to injury potential, non-D-Class personnel are not permitted to interact directly with SCP-795. An automated food and water dispenser, and litter changer have been installed in Area (a) to limit unnecessary contact with SCP-795. If necessary, SCP-795 may be tranquilized from a distance and then safely handled. Additional cats exposed to SCP-795 must be contained in an identical manner for a period of three hours. Description: SCP-795 is a large (8.2 kg) black long-haired domestic cat (Felis catus) of indeterminate breed, exhibiting two major anomalous abilities: β€’ SCP-795 can change the physical form of any living creature it is able to observe, within a range of 30 m. β€’ SCP-795 can make telepathic suggestions to humans within the above range of effect. SCP-795 can transfer its abilities to other cats within its range of effect, but this effect on the other cat is temporary and dissipates within three hours of separation from SCP-795. SCP-795 does not otherwise exhibit any unusual physical or mental abilities. Typically, it will transform anything it considers friendly into another cat (in order to play with it). Anything considered unfriendly or dangerous is transformed into a prey animal and then killed and eaten. [Use of SCP-795 to terminate recalcitrant D-Class personnel approved. – O5-4] Telepathic suggestions have consisted of desires typical of cats – more/better food, softer bedding, toys, and to be let out of its enclosure. [Staff may purchase appropriate items for SCP-795 at their own expense. – Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ] SCP-795’s transformations revert after a period of one hour, after removal from SCP-795’s presence. SCP-795 has proven unable to transform itself, inanimate objects, or objects that it cannot see. Addendum: SCP-795 was originally contained on β–ˆ/β–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ at the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Animal Control Center in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ. According to records found there, SCP-795 is named β€œJunior,” was approximately two years old upon containment, and had been surrendered by a relative of a deceased prior owner. [Note from Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: We have no idea how she got Junior into the cat carrier and down to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ.] A number of unusual conditions were found at the Animal Control Center: (a) All dogs had been euthanized. (b) Cats were roaming the facility freely. (c) The Center was $β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ over budget for cat care and supplies. (d) Three Center staff were missing and presumed victims of SCP-795. The cats were contained by use of tranquilizing gas. Initially, all of the cats in the Center exhibited the abilities of SCP-795, but lost their anomalous powers within three hours of being contained and separated. Β« SCP-794 | SCP-795 | SCP-796 Β»" nan
[ 6.26665354e-02 -3.90068412e-01 -2.16241315e-01 -1.85642779e-01 1.17346630e-01 -3.79139274e-01 1.78922385e-01 1.89988445e-02 3.68912786e-01 8.36014375e-02 -1.33887663e-01 2.23816022e-01 -1.88579053e-01 2.35858247e-01 3.13106388e-01 6.51197359e-02 2.46762812e-01 3.41554552e-01 1.38279140e-01 -2.96398222e-01 -7.35717118e-02 -2.64017671e-01 -8.54215771e-02 2.11596385e-01 4.95486110e-02 -5.48957735e-02 -9.65123400e-02 -4.84328019e-03 -2.44958371e-01 -1.13443874e-01 1.60729066e-01 3.02666873e-01 -1.36516705e-01 4.42076474e-01 -1.09217246e-04 -5.62504046e-02 -1.68233305e-01 1.34451836e-01 1.80899844e-01 -3.43303263e-01 -5.09954572e-01 -5.26100874e-01 -4.47770245e-02 -1.91787124e-01 9.36788395e-02 -3.42468977e-01 -2.26015355e-02 1.60665482e-01 4.92922217e-01 3.28925222e-01 1.76745132e-01 -2.15478867e-01 -1.20420657e-01 3.23597267e-02 3.60305995e-01 3.02113183e-02 -2.09950745e-01 1.18018970e-01 1.95440650e-01 3.07717770e-01 3.25610876e-01 1.09596729e-01 -1.28330523e-02 -3.32228810e-01 6.06188215e-02 -2.63544828e-01 3.93969476e-01 -6.24198131e-02 2.72977557e-02 3.28412205e-01 -2.54778117e-01 7.09685162e-02 -6.19776212e-02 9.90378037e-02 3.58522981e-02 -1.53115973e-01 1.11614950e-01 1.81449652e-01 -3.27182598e-02 -5.07134050e-02 -2.37225875e-01 3.28585804e-01 -5.41752018e-02 -5.39399758e-02 -2.83739239e-01 2.44609192e-02 1.37768378e-02 -4.06959690e-02 1.25837788e-01 1.10108629e-01 8.26604962e-02 3.87971178e-02 2.41138086e-01 -8.07767957e-02 -1.41135976e-01 -5.30399382e-03 1.36402296e-02 2.12330237e-01 -6.98599815e-02 2.64830212e-03 6.76397383e-01 2.50189126e-01 5.66801243e-02 1.25514969e-01 -1.50920615e-01 2.50028700e-01 3.56648816e-03 -3.07096779e-01 -4.00144994e-01 5.25252938e-01 -2.19538152e-01 2.15897888e-01 -1.78801175e-02 2.54660565e-02 -1.34953290e-01 -2.01429397e-01 -5.14825806e-02 6.78989962e-02 -4.16572332e-01 1.79609239e-01 -3.87307167e-01 1.71556830e-01 8.32801536e-02 2.00828150e-01 -3.94157786e-03 2.65945643e-01 1.60144448e-01 -2.53557861e-01 5.56112081e-02 -1.14160173e-01 -2.27178082e-01 9.96773168e-02 -5.02769947e-01 -2.35096052e-01 -1.79912746e-01 -1.02968328e-01 -2.52135485e-01 -2.83217393e-02 4.64787818e-02 1.68150797e-01 -1.80453286e-01 -1.55399993e-01 5.00357330e-01 1.76304802e-01 -5.72957277e-01 -1.97577015e-01 2.89823636e-02 -1.24317206e-01 -1.38703585e-01 -1.73454002e-01 4.59731072e-01 4.20855165e-01 -1.71749264e-01 2.96499401e-01 -1.90339357e-01 2.06390083e-01 2.47208342e-01 9.29424316e-02 -4.95216966e-01 1.60325114e-02 2.37134695e-01 -1.50310352e-01 -1.66192011e-03 -2.68596441e-01 6.14857301e-02 1.22522473e-01 -2.81654537e-01 1.46612391e-01 -2.41950154e-02 -5.54451831e-02 1.27453148e-01 -3.55973244e-02 5.89274578e-02 1.85751125e-01 6.08457997e-02 4.60680835e-02 -1.25215203e-01 1.81487158e-01 -3.31053376e-01 -2.71451354e-01 -2.22742692e-01 3.72719973e-01 1.32113487e-01 -1.12383403e-01 -1.34122312e-01 7.46099129e-02 -2.76746422e-01 -1.00555323e-01 2.18183532e-01 -1.22376651e-01 -3.28750253e-01 -5.68696201e-01 2.60301620e-01 7.04025775e-02 -4.24489155e-02 -7.48678073e-02 2.35634491e-01 2.12114602e-01 1.12485573e-01 -1.21104587e-02 -9.56642553e-02 -6.87404796e-02 4.63074207e-01 -1.82276182e-02 1.32819486e-03 -2.11220652e-01 7.28828460e-02 -4.57219332e-02 3.91506672e-01 4.29358244e-01 2.07285628e-01 -2.77346969e-01 -5.06866574e-01 3.37233931e-01 -2.89115729e-03 -1.31389976e-01 3.42521250e-01 4.46765423e-02 4.44707349e-02 -2.96659023e-01 -5.78047372e-02 3.99280578e-01 -5.77615909e-02 -2.88322344e-02 1.49379492e-01 2.68963963e-01 -1.36001319e-01 -1.76867150e-04 -2.92994082e-01 4.11520079e-02 1.65084869e-01 -1.42395243e-01 -8.17691721e-03 -5.40074967e-02 3.58713455e-02 2.08935756e-02 -1.46946579e-01 5.79149842e-01 6.65519685e-02 -6.55664280e-02 8.55603367e-02 4.87701088e-01 3.19450706e-01 -2.05218419e-02 -4.20695171e-02 -8.22636858e-02 -8.13069269e-02 7.14786127e-02 7.92914722e-03 -5.90111651e-02 -1.58462301e-03 -2.71503359e-01 -4.47908044e-02 1.80577040e-01 3.84358197e-01 2.93342382e-01 -1.75071612e-01 4.93507273e-02 1.28437495e-02 4.60430920e-01 -1.89726017e-02 1.26700759e-01 6.60673007e-02 -2.46684328e-02 -1.72863174e-02 -1.58206403e-01 1.98619470e-01 4.91514236e-01 -2.28173379e-02 6.97329044e-02 2.20742702e-01 8.40012506e-02 -8.65951329e-02 -1.79482251e-01 5.61723784e-02 1.34677337e-02 -2.34599829e-01 -6.82464289e-03 2.79088736e-01 1.32902041e-01 3.49381678e-02 -5.36316454e-01 6.45645801e-03 -1.43535808e-01 -1.38212964e-01 1.32234827e-01 -1.38048634e-01 -7.78182596e-03 1.38013735e-02 4.39017415e-02 2.19225913e-01 -5.54121584e-02 -1.36392405e-02 7.47435614e-02 -2.54535794e-01 -1.01106368e-01 -2.52931446e-01 2.21643806e-01 -8.92752334e-02 -1.41875923e-01 -2.88363069e-01 2.78095961e-01 -1.10330060e-01 1.06666766e-01 -1.71297312e-01 9.12583843e-02 1.53854817e-01 6.12329058e-02 3.03276032e-01 1.11836055e-02 -6.08335376e-01 1.08389318e-01 9.77180898e-02 -6.33262247e-02 2.11139426e-01 -2.29610354e-01 -2.66906708e-01 -2.64048576e-01 1.75787672e-01 -3.92645121e-01 -7.20002921e-04 -3.49702337e-03 -1.76992714e-01 9.08543169e-02 -3.19481522e-01 2.05291390e-01 -1.13624945e-01 -3.31219018e-01 4.18995649e-01 -6.10856488e-02 7.09189102e-02 1.20011300e-01 2.32353583e-01 2.10520431e-01 -3.56824100e-01 -4.59449850e-02 -6.17196113e-02 -1.91088051e-01 -2.77056694e-02 2.39334255e-01 -1.41681999e-01 -2.35055625e-01 -4.13943678e-01 3.99434894e-01 6.13514364e-01 -1.93713501e-01 -9.67007503e-02 4.65891622e-02 3.54543209e-01 -6.93500461e-03 -2.83469856e-01 3.85874659e-01 1.34466186e-01 -3.26729447e-01 -6.00547716e-02 -1.28569575e-02 1.59447268e-01 1.66625917e-01 6.89057261e-02 -4.20672417e-01 -5.07949591e-01 3.43637168e-01 1.02483816e-01 -8.92360583e-02 -2.36137286e-01 1.72343224e-01 2.50293136e-01 -8.32045376e-02 1.90349922e-01 -3.78033638e-01 8.64752829e-02 7.97234010e-03 -4.71656084e-01 3.28354120e-01 -2.07808353e-02 -4.40745056e-02 -6.54221475e-02 -4.49966878e-01 -5.06410241e-01 -2.24093303e-01 2.03739807e-01 7.59209692e-01 1.79716066e-01 -1.14605188e-01 -1.72504351e-01 3.09629031e-02 -2.48513862e-01 -2.09995851e-01 4.41559494e-01 -4.66001987e-01 2.23043971e-02 -1.36595756e-01 -4.13526982e-01 2.78218538e-01 1.84375152e-01 3.94952819e-02 -1.63455214e-02 -1.92200154e-01 -2.68251095e-02 1.83532462e-01 -3.74612391e-01 1.52691901e-01 2.89963782e-01 2.20670566e-01 4.69686002e-01 4.94528674e-02 -1.11124381e-01 -8.64595696e-02 -1.74190491e-01 -4.31223184e-01 5.17819822e-01 -1.07886493e-01 2.30660047e-02 1.14359424e-01 -2.90454984e-01 -2.08756211e-03 1.88776806e-01 1.39900461e-01 2.80094624e-01 -3.65026563e-01 -1.32218346e-01 -4.00058925e-02 -2.45272264e-01 -2.12536424e-01 -2.11677596e-01 -5.14771529e-02 1.57964140e-01 3.16988409e-01 2.17776567e-01 1.37558714e-01 -2.97096252e-01 -8.00099820e-02 7.95473382e-02 8.48233514e-03 2.77280182e-01 6.98170960e-02 9.88981649e-02 3.14622253e-01 -6.59236982e-02 -3.20914149e-01 2.19075426e-01 -1.37828961e-01 5.06537378e-01 -4.99808043e-02 7.19707757e-02 -2.80272692e-01 4.49320525e-01 2.32384041e-01 4.78069365e-01 1.67804778e-01 6.78352416e-02 3.70768011e-01 -2.32967973e-01 3.18709433e-01 -1.44941986e-01 -3.90175134e-01 1.10735662e-01 3.26648831e-01 -1.66716054e-01 2.23410860e-01 3.23402822e-01 1.14664948e+00 2.90437698e-01 1.39798298e-01 4.06346321e-01 -4.04157907e-01 4.44257945e-01 -1.64110005e-01 -2.06318926e-02 4.72123958e-02 -2.01130696e-02 1.70390550e-02 -1.18764766e-01 3.61574411e-01 3.85050595e-01 -5.22169650e-01 -2.73774505e-01 -4.10618395e-01 -3.78014177e-01 1.94304407e-01 -4.30017002e-02 -2.77746797e-01 -1.40627712e-01 -1.45833105e-01 2.67386645e-01 -1.08236879e-01 4.00641859e-02 1.05505772e-01 -1.78645682e-02 -4.91619080e-01 7.01548085e-02 -2.94497777e-02 2.62445271e-01 -2.51555115e-01 -8.72832686e-02 -4.68945444e-01 -4.08542790e-02 1.38587847e-01 -4.76168722e-01 -1.06855690e-01 -9.25815403e-02 -1.38293430e-01 2.51916289e-01 5.33347249e-01 -2.74963945e-01 6.56198859e-02 -1.89508080e-01 2.05688536e-01 -9.86452326e-02 -5.00243763e-03 -7.69088492e-02 2.33137086e-02 2.30316892e-01 9.69861820e-02 1.24641463e-01 4.71667707e-01 -1.26564875e-01 4.43594456e-01 -1.37846684e-02 -4.00518663e-02 -1.00387149e-01 1.56293139e-01 9.14783850e-02 8.98140222e-02 8.28835517e-02 -3.20422016e-02 -1.00056618e-01 -2.57237643e-01 5.67508228e-02 3.85042936e-01 -2.41302356e-01 2.64296055e-01 -2.39965841e-01 -2.25424513e-01 -3.71740907e-01 -2.44285911e-01 -3.67704064e-01 -2.99255639e-01 1.22024380e-01 -4.07814234e-01 -3.06301296e-01 -1.80201568e-02 7.02650785e-01 2.30548263e-01 -2.32540369e-01 -5.03965206e-02 -2.33816519e-01 1.43911600e-01 1.93066616e-02 7.20754042e-02 2.79026359e-01 -2.37043142e-01 6.61844254e-01 1.16851099e-01 -1.51799442e-02 -3.60186487e-01 7.43786022e-02 -3.86150330e-02 -1.00338243e-01 2.27140144e-01 -1.59354657e-01 1.69061437e-01 -1.04038589e-01 1.36252448e-01 2.21533567e-01 -3.16583276e-01 -2.73009241e-01 -2.39951491e-01 6.98792860e-02 1.47785749e-02 -3.02450746e-01 1.83401942e-01 1.00159913e-01 2.48727515e-01 1.32054135e-01 -1.17928393e-01 7.55746067e-02 1.92323729e-01 1.76498350e-02 -2.93519318e-01 8.34133029e-02 1.64902300e-01 3.29738185e-02 8.73648822e-02 2.36862779e-01 1.79382917e-02 6.21468611e-02 -3.77675056e-01 -1.31908774e-01 -6.06264286e-02 1.86704993e-01 -6.78847730e-02 2.16965452e-01 2.77579635e-01 5.78182563e-02 -1.96025863e-01 5.43783531e-02 4.74124923e-02 1.13430306e-01 -2.55821466e-01 -1.29536107e-01 6.73127025e-02 2.87066370e-01 -1.40831664e-01 1.60960034e-01 1.58744268e-02 1.07126333e-01 2.22013146e-01 2.48681456e-01 1.28541097e-01 -5.13864100e-01 -2.47845948e-01 1.00266330e-01 -4.52630743e-02 2.82068938e-01 1.75004482e-01 1.72505245e-01 -2.59030253e-01 2.44573578e-02 3.27397317e-01 1.16958842e-01 3.39377522e-01 2.56777823e-01 2.41690561e-01 1.37536258e-01 1.01907082e-01 3.18656266e-01 2.27149442e-01 1.28129721e-01 8.77283663e-02 1.83538035e-01 -5.85416006e-03 2.26443097e-01 3.81249115e-02 2.03466579e-01 -2.15706870e-01 7.47081963e-03 -1.00555681e-01 -1.19852386e-02 1.85469493e-01 3.62362623e-01 1.43753469e-01 -5.77043444e-02 -4.28966880e-01 -3.02387297e-01 1.39072165e-01 2.39604916e-02 3.71735245e-01 3.61104868e-02 -2.03556870e-03 2.26593465e-01 -4.34559643e-01 1.62459418e-01 3.52228582e-01 -2.88244545e-01 -6.57252446e-02 6.09979749e-01 -2.59046912e-01 2.56718427e-01 1.76889986e-01 1.71408683e-01 1.67065337e-01 1.47885680e-01 -7.09822550e-02 -2.65027452e-02 -8.86800885e-02 -2.35966057e-01 8.56351629e-02 3.73588771e-01 4.59776491e-01 1.86992303e-01 1.21912673e-01 -3.55579108e-01 -2.55934715e-01 -2.87584178e-02 3.87955070e-01 -4.49833907e-02 2.83121586e-01 -1.36588484e-01 -7.20948130e-02 -3.26764360e-02 -3.82898122e-01 -2.40031436e-01 -1.09030366e-01 -6.18531182e-02 -3.22121498e-03 2.57007033e-01 -4.52769548e-01 1.00501150e-01 7.72283971e-02 -3.25616561e-02 -1.00799769e-01 4.81106997e-01 -8.36484879e-02 -3.16356570e-01 -7.25338459e-02 1.85749918e-01 -1.60059527e-01 -2.96759367e-01 -4.06303722e-03 1.48133859e-01 -3.25013585e-02 1.72485545e-01 -2.40818653e-02 5.75389639e-02 -1.47606641e-01 1.25064654e-02 -9.99231860e-02 1.30768150e-01 1.77410528e-01 -2.86404192e-01 1.95126384e-01 -2.61089951e-01 7.74809346e-02 -2.23269597e-01 2.20743492e-01 2.21363783e-01 -2.08487302e-01 1.53357787e-02 -8.91861543e-02 5.75401008e-01 -1.31669655e-01 1.38752550e-01 -3.46994810e-02 -3.62123489e-01 -1.23503722e-01 3.25613886e-01 -1.99318245e-01 3.08551937e-01 3.05046558e-01 5.76362193e-01 2.67506037e-02 5.09784937e-01 4.68722939e-01 1.51010513e-01 1.81438953e-01 -1.49381429e-01 -3.77841853e-02 -9.41549242e-02 -2.00456753e-01 -2.82257311e-02 1.21194713e-01 4.50835258e-01 1.68955363e-02 -1.74481750e-01 -1.61808327e-01 -5.72663665e-01 5.34444511e-01 -3.51637542e-01 -2.60756999e-01 -7.89140165e-02 2.07841042e-02 -2.17046142e-01 7.07789212e-02 -5.83574772e-01 -2.13825643e-01 7.32037425e-02 -1.07957073e-01 1.71383440e-01 1.40728345e-02 -3.00166905e-01 -3.58513445e-01 -1.37395695e-01 2.60313272e-01 -6.04700707e-02 5.56218959e-02 5.56278490e-02 -1.40276745e-01]
"River Cat" active "Item #: SCP-796 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-796 affects only one individual at any one time, information concerning it need only be suppressed at a local level. Clinical and psychiatric records are to be screened for possible mentions of SCP-796's effects. The current affected individual is to be identified and located as soon as possible. Should an individual be confirmed to be under the effect of SCP-796, they are to be coerced into containment. The use of force, lethal or otherwise, is not permitted against individuals suspected of being affected by SCP-796. Once the current affected individual is located, they are to be housed in a modified humanoid containment chamber lined with memory foam and equipped with microphones with a sensitivity of at least -35dB to confirm the continued presence of SCP-796. In addition, the subject must be inspected daily for any new wounds; a lack of new wounds may indicate a breach of containment. Wounds inflicted on the affected subject must be disinfected and treated promptly. Similarly, damage to the containment chamber as a result of SCP-796 must be repaired as soon as possible. Essential personnel are not to approach 100m of the containment chamber without prior authorisation, and contact with the affected subject is to be limited only to non-essential and D-Class personnel. In addition, at least one D-Class personnel is to reside in the 100m exclusion area at all times. The death of the current affected individual is to be considered a possible containment breach. As such, their safety must be ensured at all times. In the case of their death, the residing D-Class personnel will be inspected for signs of SCP-796 and subsequently contained as necessary. Update: As of 01/02/2005, SCP-796 is currently contained by Subject-796-17. As Subject-796-17 has not expired despite being affected by SCP-796 for more than six months, he is to be considered as a more permanent solution to containing SCP-796. Subject-796-17 has so far requested the following: Update: As of 23/03/2006, the above containment procedures are now obsolete. Subject-796-17 is to be located and captured as soon as possible. See Addendum-796-03. Description: SCP-796 is a condition whereby an affected individual begins to perceive a large feline entity in their peripheral vision. The exact appearance of said entity has so far not been ascertained; while the majority of subjects have described it as unusually large and dark-coloured, separate accounts of its shape, exact size, and overall body structure have been inconsistent. Affected subjects will often experience a strong sense of paranoia and dread, largely assumed to be a result of the entity's constant presence. However, no hostility has ever been reported on the part of the entity. Instead, SCP-796 will result in the manifestation of the following minor and largely harmless physical phenomena: Notably, visual hallucinations experienced by affected subjects often correspond with manifestations of SCP-796's physical effects. All affected individuals will experience an event that will place them in acute mortal danger within a month of first experiencing SCP-796's effects. It is unknown if SCP-796 is the cause of such events, or if it is aware of and attracted to individuals who will experience such events. Affected individuals' claims that SCP-796 causes bad luck are to be disregarded, as research has shown that affected individuals do not experience statistically increased rates of misfortune or accident. All individuals affected by SCP-796 will nonetheless expire within one month. Upon the death of the current subject, SCP-796 will transfer to an individual in the immediate vicinity. SCP-796 was first documented in the town of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, after Marina Izquierdo, a 46-year-old homeless woman, was admitted to the local hospital for severe abdominal pain, later diagnosed as due to accidental pesticide consumption. Izquierdo appeared highly paranoid and agitated throughout her stay, and died two days later after doctors were unable to save her. An autopsy revealed numerous superficial scratches on her throat and abdominal area. Dr. Hannah Maryam, who attended to Izqueirdo, later reported visual and auditory hallucinations consistent with SCP-796. She died two weeks later when her car crashed into another vehicle en route to her home. Multiple fresh scratches from an unidentified source were discovered on the steering wheels of both vehicles. At least 27 other individuals are suspected to have been affected by SCP-796 prior to Foundation intervention and containment on 09/09/2001. Addendum-796-01: On 27/01/2004, SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was accidentally activated while being prepared for transfer to another Site. The resultant explosion severely damaged the humanoid containment wing of Site-32 and caused 31 fatalities, one of which was Subject-796-16. It is unknown as to whom SCP-796 transferred to next due to the chaos of the mass containment breach that ensued. Subject-796-17 was only identified a year later through a routine search of psychological counseling records and was subsequently brought into Foundation custody, where he claimed to have had been under the effects of SCP-796 for six months. Addendum-796-02: Excerpt from interview conducted with Subject-796-17 on 12/03/2005 by Dr. Nico Rei, Site-32 humanoid containment psychologist. The interview was conducted as part of a routine psychological examination of human and humanoid subjects. Superfluous dialogue has been removed for brevity. <Begin log> Dr. Rei: So, can you elaborate a little more on how - and when - you first noticed your condition? Subject-796-17: It's hard to pin down a time. I wasn't in the best of states last year - my roommate moved out in April, I had to quit my job in May. Then there was that accident outside the grocery store - god, that was bad, it was just awful. And after that, it just, y'know, got hard for me to go out anymore. So I didn't. Subject-796-17: Then I started noticing things, seeing things. At first I thought it was the shadows - my apartment doesn't get much light, you see. But turns out I was right. I would look at the dark places and I would look away and there it would be, watching me. I'd catch glimpses, ears and a tail, but that was it. Dr. Rei: What was your reaction to all of this? Subject-796-17: You know, I don't really think I cared. Nothing really mattered at that point. Not even when the scratches started appearing and the growling stopped being just in my head. When people stop messaging you and the world forgets you exist, it's hard to see any of this as really… real, you know? Subject-796-17: So on a bright sunny morning in July I closed the windows and turned off the television and I popped five strips' worth of Ambien - it was hard enough, with those claws getting in the way, but I managed - and I poured a glass of water and I took it all in and I laid down and closed my eyes. And - well - it didn't make any sound, but I could still feel it watching me. It saw my eyes roll back in their sockets and my throat clench shut and it didn't do a thing. I think that's when I realised something. Dr. Rei: What was it? Subject-796-17: That no matter what happened, it was going to be there. Always there, in the shadows, in my ears, in my skin. Always watching. Even when I had nothing left, even when I was on my way out - you know how they say cats can see through to the other side? I think that thing just wanted to see me through. Subject-796-17: And, for some reason, I thought that was the best thing that anyone could have done for me at that point of my life. To see me through. Dr. Rei: Jacob, are you aware that everyone else with your condition has, so far, died? Subject-796-17: Yes. Dr. Rei: Why do you think this is so? Subject-796-17 glances over Dr. Rei's shoulder and smiles. Subject-796-17: I dunno. I guess it just… kind of likes me. <End log> Addendum-796-03: On 23/03/2006, at 0736h, the surveillance feed for SCP-796's containment chamber was disabled. Deployed security forces discovered that the chamber was manually opened from the outside using a keycard belonging to Dr. Nico Rei, which had been reported as missing two days earlier. Neither Subject-796-17 nor SCP-796 was found inside the containment chamber. Traces of claw marks were found on the keycard access panel. In addition, the following note was found folded underneath Subject-796-17's pillow. See - thing is, you keep calling it that - a condition, an affliction, as if you can't bear to call it a disease. But it's not. Diseases hurt - they get under your skin and in your head and claw and claw at your mind until you beg for it to end. This doesn't hurt, not really. It scratches from time to time, sure, but that's it. Sometimes you give me excuses and talk about keeping me here and finding a cure for all of this, but you and I know that that's not gonna happen. It's not - and I don't mind at all, because I've already gotten better. I'm sorry I have to leave. Four blank walls and a locked door isn't much different from what I've been used to - but there's been so much I want to do, and the cat can't stay in here forever. It's not really the indoors type. - J Β« SCP-795 | SCP-796 | SCP-797 Β»" nan
[ 1.18577242e-01 -1.90191299e-01 -1.50951147e-01 -1.91302121e-01 -1.92935893e-03 -4.14533228e-01 1.74003124e-01 1.54024377e-01 3.82879794e-01 6.21808395e-02 -9.29537117e-02 4.62235332e-01 -1.81855842e-01 8.11415017e-02 1.53331563e-01 4.38207574e-02 3.41879517e-01 3.66417527e-01 5.09968460e-01 -2.70607769e-01 -1.38071254e-01 -1.21375740e-01 -1.40029922e-01 1.80132508e-01 1.80214122e-01 -1.62031859e-01 2.46486142e-02 1.52680263e-01 -2.23679483e-01 -4.74926174e-01 1.92560166e-01 4.17302966e-01 1.48766339e-01 5.84843159e-01 -1.07131149e-04 -1.47338524e-01 -1.35053620e-01 5.39273769e-03 -1.67042036e-02 -3.23095888e-01 -4.33473378e-01 -3.41461897e-01 1.93219781e-01 -2.18278766e-01 1.32033005e-01 -4.77564663e-01 1.24190554e-01 2.51767576e-01 8.06253672e-01 1.50191128e-01 1.84895843e-01 2.69294996e-02 -6.42609373e-02 9.64983329e-02 1.17387533e-01 6.43171519e-02 -1.66130900e-01 2.33594447e-01 3.37305993e-01 1.84062049e-01 -1.09169073e-02 1.02250591e-01 -1.44824162e-01 -1.85036078e-01 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4.78982963e-02 1.97980776e-01 -1.22833870e-01 1.74763829e-01 -4.77434963e-01 -2.36613557e-01 -6.61517531e-02 -7.35372752e-02 -1.22977048e-01 -8.18459317e-02 -1.03815816e-01 2.98204213e-01 2.60619998e-01 -5.22281118e-02 4.54106987e-01 4.00456995e-01 -3.79031777e-01 -1.47229612e-01 -1.35259107e-01 -2.86982097e-02 -1.73782244e-01 -2.05016416e-02 2.75270879e-01 1.05561316e-01 -3.37046951e-01 2.96823591e-01 -1.71510920e-01 4.98716868e-02 3.30657184e-01 5.28500229e-02 -1.95030630e-01 -1.44070238e-01 3.15576226e-01 -9.33713689e-02 -4.12191510e-01 -4.11999613e-01 1.50375471e-01 2.76162863e-01 -2.22377717e-01 3.63483205e-02 -4.79915477e-02 -2.30229214e-01 7.29877725e-02 -2.52532065e-01 -1.02585293e-01 4.77418974e-02 -2.34669074e-02 -6.04285076e-02 -2.90046304e-01 7.43114203e-02 -3.67303312e-01 -3.84247005e-01 -3.53366286e-01 9.37613323e-02 3.04206461e-01 -1.67053312e-01 1.53469369e-01 2.26124432e-02 -2.75130779e-01 -1.15874678e-01 1.63438112e-01 5.07696196e-02 -1.45810887e-01 -4.63477641e-01 1.46947596e-02 7.90434331e-02 -7.40550319e-03 -1.04033053e-01 3.15627515e-01 2.93554008e-01 6.65785000e-02 2.22315684e-01 -1.71458349e-01 -8.21096003e-02 4.06854838e-01 2.56037116e-01 7.96546713e-02 7.70121738e-02 -3.48034531e-01 6.25004396e-02 5.84581077e-01 1.27944067e-01 7.29104280e-02 -1.25875682e-01 -3.40951562e-01 9.77387279e-02 -2.38097623e-01 -1.16127864e-01 2.55360365e-01 2.52738059e-01 1.84298441e-01 -4.38484967e-01 -4.04404163e-01 2.51618654e-01 -1.04289807e-01 5.92380688e-02 1.42893493e-01 1.30335569e-01 -3.25647682e-01 -1.13922723e-01 -1.78016499e-01 -1.03559516e-01 1.71165496e-01 -1.67341977e-01 5.90488054e-02 1.47176400e-01 -1.03347510e-01 3.12433749e-01 1.89256832e-01 5.65582752e-01 9.50627625e-02 -1.54869005e-01 1.49273902e-01 4.32340831e-01 2.54099339e-01 9.04441550e-02 -1.91851318e-01 -1.00655809e-01 -7.65366759e-03 1.07891046e-01 3.00855935e-03 -1.12881593e-01 1.11361332e-01 -1.54642820e-01 6.70130774e-02 1.49858594e-01 1.81115031e-01 3.55773836e-01 -2.69494385e-01 8.55512619e-02 -7.97841400e-02 2.26706788e-01 -9.71875936e-02 1.37820393e-01 9.68809575e-02 1.80285964e-02 2.93577909e-01 -1.07187010e-01 3.79440218e-01 3.91314209e-01 -2.13153176e-02 1.11629046e-01 1.06856868e-01 -2.33409405e-01 1.58215553e-01 -1.49091110e-01 2.11087670e-02 8.73792395e-02 -2.19171330e-01 4.86053154e-02 3.77621263e-01 1.46631435e-01 -1.59354031e-01 -2.95364797e-01 1.66994125e-01 -1.99384928e-01 -2.43929192e-01 2.03551888e-01 -8.83642212e-02 7.74129927e-02 -2.36415844e-02 2.21171290e-01 1.33542016e-01 3.23678330e-02 8.79488140e-02 6.57791421e-02 -1.71494603e-01 1.93070605e-01 -3.97314578e-01 9.33165625e-02 -3.20896775e-01 5.62799945e-02 -3.38398904e-01 2.33749405e-01 -7.93089345e-02 1.47758901e-01 -4.44222748e-01 -9.43108350e-02 4.51539010e-01 8.82527456e-02 -1.35568008e-01 -8.67782459e-02 -5.61171412e-01 2.21052229e-01 -3.32701989e-02 -4.10633355e-01 4.36446756e-01 4.98102903e-02 -3.17576319e-01 -4.11801547e-01 1.25131637e-01 -6.62722945e-01 -1.20473422e-01 -2.34640613e-01 -2.07263231e-01 1.61464140e-01 -2.71531731e-01 -6.29408956e-02 -1.33242831e-01 -4.31979269e-01 3.27148527e-01 -2.83763409e-02 1.47361621e-01 -5.00204973e-03 2.42722556e-02 3.27416986e-01 -3.55637133e-01 -5.82141876e-02 6.94418773e-02 -3.20726097e-01 2.10165475e-02 2.51288384e-01 -5.81756122e-02 7.98995271e-02 -4.62541610e-01 1.56696811e-01 4.17596340e-01 -1.66186430e-02 6.41097948e-02 7.75777623e-02 4.27787066e-01 9.87516716e-02 -1.83776245e-01 3.46879363e-01 5.21326326e-02 -3.86088610e-01 -2.10411489e-01 1.67978331e-01 1.53099537e-01 1.33982539e-01 4.42314565e-01 -1.72461867e-01 -2.86410749e-01 2.80752242e-01 2.45309457e-01 -3.82105649e-01 -1.78950682e-01 2.40673095e-01 2.70060271e-01 5.69115393e-02 2.08719537e-01 -3.57418150e-01 1.26611106e-02 1.69014912e-02 -4.36784446e-01 2.62020171e-01 1.53716236e-01 5.82592413e-02 -1.05114646e-01 -4.08661723e-01 -4.22708899e-01 -4.22106907e-02 6.33924305e-02 8.92106771e-01 3.13823670e-01 -1.96095124e-01 -3.70034993e-01 2.75869310e-01 -1.95676327e-01 -2.28600413e-01 4.58652526e-01 -1.27787799e-01 3.71069387e-02 -5.43476522e-01 -1.49856955e-01 -1.98903494e-02 2.63991356e-01 -2.15056334e-02 -1.06346644e-01 -1.66197091e-01 2.99766921e-02 1.70847639e-01 -3.01993608e-01 9.61969867e-02 3.73375356e-01 3.32626402e-01 2.67610073e-01 1.69911742e-01 1.55267000e-01 3.48956548e-02 -2.11803451e-01 2.74789031e-03 6.88740969e-01 -1.34879753e-01 -1.72531772e-02 -1.80731155e-02 -1.92531552e-02 -2.08199723e-03 3.71951126e-02 8.10143948e-02 -1.95803702e-01 -2.98913777e-01 -3.89293611e-01 4.44734879e-02 -5.53968363e-02 -4.08361644e-01 -2.26667672e-02 -4.13660437e-01 3.26267719e-01 -1.89670287e-02 7.84716308e-02 1.38996542e-01 -8.96693245e-02 1.20271176e-01 -1.35256601e-02 3.76314610e-01 5.79264089e-02 3.87004673e-01 2.78799236e-01 -2.73616552e-01 -1.13755688e-01 -2.18368515e-01 7.01103881e-02 1.72574326e-01 4.67583299e-01 -5.00976704e-02 -1.28487470e-02 -8.69029909e-02 8.78212079e-02 2.57485688e-01 2.57953584e-01 -1.34745808e-02 6.35345234e-04 3.76790255e-01 -3.66567761e-01 2.14480385e-01 -2.45386794e-01 -4.41804767e-01 1.46712467e-01 5.88007808e-01 -1.42078236e-01 2.39065424e-01 2.45828122e-01 1.17916191e+00 -3.60812172e-02 5.81880705e-03 1.31975472e-01 -2.84176499e-01 4.03052837e-01 -7.65360668e-02 -9.97809693e-03 -3.03409752e-02 5.45117855e-02 4.51767631e-02 -1.41041547e-01 7.09247738e-02 4.41110522e-01 -5.95861793e-01 5.66301569e-02 -3.99167508e-01 -7.19709247e-02 1.82052851e-01 2.97040641e-01 6.13511316e-02 -1.63093552e-01 -2.59279720e-02 2.55207241e-01 -2.08985299e-01 1.41462952e-01 -2.88755316e-02 9.11060050e-02 -1.26929536e-01 -3.60068709e-01 -4.98248897e-02 1.27469987e-01 -3.65292877e-01 1.21943504e-01 -2.44749755e-01 -1.75882190e-01 9.18328539e-02 -2.83336610e-01 -3.27596039e-01 -1.44661143e-01 1.42519921e-01 4.15530115e-01 8.16360772e-01 -3.10584426e-01 -5.70929013e-02 1.19503617e-01 8.05951431e-02 3.12021598e-02 -8.74151289e-02 8.95750802e-03 -6.34682700e-02 -9.06804800e-02 -9.07065987e-04 1.84521243e-01 6.98461056e-01 -3.53675261e-02 5.36626279e-01 -1.94061607e-01 -2.26590782e-01 -1.19736560e-01 1.95327386e-01 3.14055793e-02 -1.50642963e-02 -3.57070744e-01 -9.87316743e-02 -2.85555702e-02 -1.17649056e-01 1.24733984e-01 2.55299717e-01 -2.20753625e-01 3.31161171e-01 -1.00759240e-02 -1.75607368e-01 -3.91246438e-01 -1.42168209e-01 -4.01000725e-03 -1.61048144e-01 4.40521650e-02 -3.20425153e-01 -6.00290656e-01 -7.53270835e-02 6.73361599e-01 1.40455514e-01 -1.63472354e-01 4.44039218e-02 -3.42899591e-01 -2.41791397e-01 9.65701714e-02 -8.07483792e-02 2.15195164e-01 -5.16838506e-02 4.83867675e-02 2.51808554e-01 -2.70290133e-02 -3.90809894e-01 -2.06562743e-01 -1.82449594e-01 -7.28696305e-03 3.40164721e-01 -1.64860576e-01 2.33229473e-01 -1.74207062e-01 1.82360068e-01 2.54620105e-01 -1.46510243e-01 -2.62073219e-01 -2.40094259e-01 1.05642937e-01 -1.34622976e-01 -1.62758589e-01 -7.05049559e-02 -3.59952971e-02 1.12738520e-01 1.48207769e-01 -1.76644418e-02 1.49681166e-01 1.96231037e-01 -3.77131365e-02 -2.17470929e-01 7.33729303e-02 1.10075623e-01 4.99450322e-03 1.98424965e-01 2.11659715e-01 -1.54940840e-02 2.36295566e-01 -1.29699469e-01 -2.70210356e-01 -6.71044216e-02 9.13755745e-02 9.84224770e-03 1.47491455e-01 8.04782063e-02 2.65560150e-01 -2.27945134e-01 7.59421615e-03 -5.86830527e-02 2.70991981e-01 -2.21559376e-01 1.57539640e-02 -2.03983620e-01 2.69684017e-01 -1.30950227e-01 1.99261770e-01 -3.95964712e-01 8.12857598e-02 -2.98826322e-02 2.60813951e-01 -1.27555728e-01 -4.82402384e-01 -4.98091765e-02 1.22846909e-01 1.50127843e-01 1.35467529e-01 3.16356122e-01 2.09846050e-02 -3.70906740e-01 -2.91847512e-02 3.13696325e-01 9.65521485e-02 2.00958252e-01 1.43524423e-01 2.67348379e-01 2.27334246e-01 4.21306461e-01 4.10966992e-01 3.90302509e-01 1.14251010e-01 -2.48333111e-01 1.19509131e-01 -5.30495718e-02 6.88195378e-02 2.82974213e-01 2.42342234e-01 -8.87689665e-02 -1.38007611e-01 -7.73753449e-02 -2.13635653e-01 1.91007927e-01 1.81331187e-01 -3.55842747e-02 -4.80577350e-02 -2.86395192e-01 -1.98763549e-01 1.25537932e-01 1.02778494e-01 2.65464813e-01 1.46564797e-01 6.85345456e-02 7.19926730e-02 -1.12233400e-01 2.62558043e-01 2.13714674e-01 -2.19959691e-01 1.27424151e-01 5.79164803e-01 -5.91075122e-02 3.03564787e-01 -1.09370828e-01 2.37331644e-01 8.12987145e-03 1.89489156e-01 4.76489551e-02 -1.88233629e-01 -1.77787811e-01 -1.36958882e-01 1.07187346e-01 1.39003024e-01 4.77606297e-01 2.58433949e-02 1.17689922e-01 -3.20946783e-01 -5.93815446e-01 2.57513076e-01 3.38074952e-01 8.68598670e-02 4.30622339e-01 -6.27172291e-02 -3.03293914e-01 5.27071580e-02 2.57954411e-02 -1.76855475e-01 2.69716173e-01 -4.02465850e-01 3.51298340e-02 8.72044414e-02 -3.29248905e-01 7.75788724e-02 8.91748965e-02 1.62687674e-01 -1.02584280e-01 3.01694393e-01 -4.22770679e-02 -4.18868184e-01 -2.77013183e-01 1.81321844e-01 -2.26469204e-01 -2.92780310e-01 1.44033169e-03 1.75760552e-01 -1.79493323e-01 2.65901953e-01 -1.07511308e-03 -1.32376198e-02 -7.99048245e-02 -2.34258115e-01 2.05477681e-02 -7.47314766e-02 4.34407711e-01 -1.53464094e-01 -3.21713388e-02 -3.04552406e-01 1.51880622e-01 -3.71710032e-01 1.08061843e-01 8.09931532e-02 -5.80261588e-01 -1.20763466e-01 -2.72781942e-02 5.77704906e-01 -1.90350518e-01 2.06352860e-01 -3.62915657e-02 -3.00298840e-01 -4.39264737e-02 1.75580308e-01 -1.76237971e-01 1.88991919e-01 1.60324812e-01 4.52921420e-01 2.60888506e-02 6.31134987e-01 1.28450051e-01 -8.80820900e-02 7.98428524e-03 -2.74480224e-01 -2.88746655e-01 -1.22549988e-01 1.42287305e-02 1.78003401e-01 -3.39943804e-02 3.75762492e-01 2.44839955e-02 -3.73099416e-01 -4.25468683e-01 -3.61135364e-01 4.78788495e-01 -4.01318789e-01 -1.65156111e-01 -1.52447119e-01 2.18155354e-01 1.16954520e-01 2.14970067e-01 -7.43253529e-01 -7.13030100e-02 6.01377934e-02 -8.85492936e-02 -1.75686970e-01 -1.79756090e-01 -2.19337985e-01 -1.90866396e-01 -1.55955970e-01 3.30672383e-01 9.28326249e-02 2.27360372e-02 -1.39363170e-01 2.25141160e-02]
"Curious Poltergeist" active "Item #: SCP-797 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-797 is to be contained in a room six (6) metres in length and six (6) metres in width. Walls (including floor and ceiling) must be at least 10 cm thick. Room is to be air-tight, with filtering system to clean the air of any bacteria. Every seven (7) days, a human cadaver of any age, condition, gender, or race is to be deposited in SCP-797's containment. After a period of twenty-four (24) hours, the cadaver is to be removed. Under no circumstances are any personnel to interact with SCP-797. Should SCP-797 enter a rage state, SCP-797-01 is to be eliminated via incineration and a new cadaver wheeled in, prompting a re-set of schedule. Description: SCP-797 is an oval-shaped object attracted to either dying or freshly deceased humans. SCP-797 is almost always seen with SCP-797-01, a collection of human flesh from various cadavers. When accompanied by SCP-797-01, subject will attempt to interact with any living human entering its containment. Testing on SCP-797 reveals that it does not react to non-human bodies, although it is known to 'mistake' organs from other animals to be human, provided the organ is of comparable size and shape as that of a human. The subject appears to have an understanding of human anatomy and will attempt to interact with any personnel that enter its containment, with varying degrees of success. Upon failure, SCP-797 will enter a rage state and begin to dismantle SCP-797-01, launching pieces of flesh at those whom it had attempted to interact with beforehand at a velocity recorded of at least 70 m/s. Contact with the pieces cause no harm beyond normal consequence of being exposed to rotting human flesh. The impact has been known to cause broken bones, cracked ribs, torn organs, and internal hemorrhaging. When without a body, SCP-797 will attempt to escape its containment. Due to its small size (about five (5) cm in diameter) it will attempt to hide under the clothes of any living human that enters. It also will attempt to hide in shadows, apparently trying to trick personnel into thinking that the subject has escaped. When surrounded by SCP-797-01, SCP-797 shows no desire to escape, instead focusing its attention to attempt interaction with any living human that enters its enclosure. No contact beyond those in the Containment Procedures is to be attempted without permission from personnel ranked level 4 or higher. SCP-797-01 is controlled by the subject using a currently unknown method. The 'puppet' is built around SCP-797, with the subject at its centre. When separated from its controller, SCP-797-01 loses all cohesiveness. Body parts must be periodically replaced due to natural rot. Tests on samples collected from the subject reveal no significant abnormalities. Rarely, the subject will attempt to use SCP-797-01 to talk, producing a [REDACTED] sound accompanied by a release of bacteria in the air. If this situation occurs, no fewer than three (3) agents are to perform Procedure 797-A. SCP-797 was found at a local hospital in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Nunavut, Canada. When found, subject was collecting various body parts from patients around the hospital, and SCP-797-01 consisted of a torso including thirty (30) centimeters of an elderly woman suffering from pancreatic cancer, both lungs from an adult ringed seal, three (3) kidneys (ringed seal, human, donor organ), and the skeletal upper torso from a thirteen (13) year old male, dying of [REDACTED]. Hospital evacuated and all involved citizens provided with Class B Amnestic. Addendum: Dr.Kβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆMβ–ˆβ–ˆ's note: Requesting permission to close contact with SCP-797 over [REDACTED] months. I believe through detailed analysis of the subject's actions we can discern more about whether or not it is sapient and its level of intelligence and begin communication instead of simply entrapping. Β« SCP-796 | SCP-797 | SCP-798 Β»" nan
[ 1.48407549e-01 -2.60255218e-01 -6.38119876e-02 1.84573308e-02 -8.90631229e-02 -2.50222981e-01 2.60612547e-01 2.24023849e-01 1.56308338e-01 6.24849321e-03 5.32391630e-02 8.80953446e-02 -2.55669326e-01 -5.82311824e-02 2.77753443e-01 -2.35577241e-01 1.79379165e-01 2.82684654e-01 3.24378073e-01 -1.89578876e-01 -1.72290280e-01 -2.93389976e-01 -1.73554376e-01 3.25682908e-01 1.08163416e-01 -5.45450905e-03 -5.31645045e-02 2.05774754e-01 5.55980578e-02 -2.22188860e-01 5.56629337e-02 -5.67357317e-02 7.10277110e-02 8.76966059e-01 -1.11984955e-04 -2.00873315e-01 -1.50087565e-01 2.59976566e-01 -3.15154225e-01 -1.34902954e-01 5.38128382e-03 -1.79592282e-01 -9.88297388e-02 -1.65254891e-01 -1.63602661e-02 -2.90090650e-01 1.38223320e-01 2.68464237e-01 3.57681751e-01 2.56464422e-01 1.65998802e-01 2.83157229e-01 1.77935004e-01 -3.67826596e-02 -2.61659808e-02 4.52842236e-01 -2.22714141e-01 -3.75937223e-01 1.82943493e-01 4.82342809e-01 3.34109128e-01 1.71148237e-02 -2.31615022e-01 -1.71027854e-01 4.31582471e-03 -2.02769682e-01 3.95763218e-01 -2.23374665e-02 2.26079062e-01 1.91968590e-01 4.48843874e-02 1.17714316e-01 2.27402419e-01 -3.31810530e-04 -1.17009901e-01 -3.53885919e-01 2.08571717e-01 1.69981092e-01 -5.72015718e-02 -2.98806932e-02 -3.68647464e-02 3.05896252e-01 -3.69695455e-01 6.59103990e-02 -2.90116847e-01 -8.16705972e-02 -5.37890196e-02 7.03590885e-02 1.62640974e-01 -2.98392355e-01 -1.33934721e-01 -1.37557104e-01 5.81487380e-02 1.74448162e-01 -1.40215196e-02 -1.60136864e-01 -2.99128890e-02 5.45515828e-02 2.33946949e-01 2.55042404e-01 3.73411551e-02 2.34363943e-01 -2.39588097e-01 2.49985501e-01 4.04046327e-01 8.75886753e-02 2.07336899e-02 -6.39029741e-02 -3.12002331e-01 2.82947958e-01 -1.78497601e-02 3.44737887e-01 -1.10074855e-01 1.86556369e-01 1.63162008e-01 -1.16356105e-01 1.71515852e-01 -3.13579403e-02 -7.85105973e-02 3.25661629e-01 -4.46857244e-01 8.69367868e-02 2.35608891e-02 6.22503497e-02 2.61425167e-01 1.42084524e-01 -1.06109366e-01 -2.95962453e-01 -1.54029235e-01 6.13550544e-02 -3.29233974e-01 3.19327801e-01 -3.00124735e-01 -1.40639663e-01 -2.27343157e-01 1.98894352e-01 -2.32415810e-01 -1.31779477e-01 1.73868105e-01 1.07103258e-01 1.22519329e-01 -2.66041070e-01 5.79002500e-01 4.11174178e-01 -4.11610365e-01 -2.91449517e-01 -2.62945443e-02 -3.91402245e-01 -9.18509364e-02 -3.84359658e-02 2.83152848e-01 1.58644363e-01 -4.00332272e-01 2.25351378e-01 -1.96885571e-01 7.68468305e-02 -3.95276584e-02 1.18340537e-01 -3.27170789e-01 -7.51596391e-02 1.74264401e-01 1.40572444e-01 -3.22835356e-01 -2.54331529e-01 -7.13948682e-02 5.46322048e-01 -3.17211188e-02 1.01939499e-01 5.13125537e-03 1.77671481e-02 1.50590241e-01 2.17366405e-02 -3.00200172e-02 -1.58538278e-02 -2.16553733e-01 3.99733037e-01 -8.19427013e-01 -3.07715386e-02 -1.49920404e-01 -3.74135703e-01 -4.47093070e-01 6.18944287e-01 1.60750270e-01 -2.18284681e-01 -2.32657015e-01 3.36401947e-02 -1.84551895e-01 9.90204141e-02 1.06112406e-01 6.83889445e-03 -1.87139660e-01 -6.20444715e-01 3.33229065e-01 -2.42119152e-02 2.88052619e-01 1.08405590e-01 9.52838734e-02 1.27173036e-01 1.64093167e-01 7.39640892e-02 -2.80453473e-01 -3.04756939e-01 2.63298154e-01 -1.91537011e-02 -2.82182209e-02 -9.87899452e-02 -4.08749789e-01 -2.16601625e-01 8.25540364e-01 3.36594194e-01 1.02733508e-01 -1.43212497e-01 -3.16293985e-01 9.57597792e-02 -1.09571032e-01 -1.75591066e-01 3.27075899e-01 3.66305768e-01 -5.79522457e-03 -3.61163020e-01 -1.75725102e-01 2.02406570e-01 2.42032096e-01 3.03564165e-02 -1.79341510e-01 2.07167715e-01 -2.09078878e-01 -1.92951933e-01 -2.17383295e-01 3.86390649e-02 3.55725020e-01 -6.35992289e-02 2.34879762e-01 -1.19768389e-01 1.30616859e-01 -1.88920453e-01 1.28242001e-01 6.76432014e-01 2.15696946e-01 2.99233273e-02 -7.77112171e-02 3.97740155e-01 2.44690046e-01 -6.45300820e-02 -2.17224225e-01 -1.46067187e-01 2.46844068e-01 -5.99024855e-02 -9.83474255e-02 -2.83996940e-01 -7.31794909e-02 -1.82480812e-01 1.28721789e-01 -1.59803852e-02 1.11129023e-02 5.27337849e-01 -2.12907299e-01 2.74701893e-01 -5.68626784e-02 2.12786868e-01 -1.58020377e-01 -1.37097687e-01 9.89705473e-02 4.68422994e-02 8.53201002e-02 -2.49717087e-01 1.51973158e-01 1.05302401e-01 3.02742589e-02 3.50958407e-02 -5.59589528e-02 -1.23441443e-01 1.75604016e-01 -1.20860174e-01 -3.01677465e-01 1.22325078e-01 -1.24964081e-02 4.84432951e-02 2.83771068e-01 2.61416107e-01 -3.27132851e-01 -5.18048644e-01 -1.01748280e-01 6.64367229e-02 -1.07529305e-01 5.73613122e-02 -8.68412703e-02 3.84598747e-02 6.70960993e-02 4.67303693e-01 2.87999034e-01 2.04409242e-01 -9.98247042e-02 -4.12380882e-03 -1.46281451e-01 -1.00234434e-01 -3.95061672e-02 6.25811517e-01 -1.81949258e-01 1.60047993e-01 -4.34782147e-01 4.01320487e-01 -1.63848296e-01 6.70598671e-02 -2.24790677e-01 2.21549720e-02 4.16078389e-01 -8.70917365e-02 5.20804748e-02 -9.30779427e-03 -5.83414376e-01 3.46061796e-01 2.05054671e-01 -4.85948436e-02 4.08085026e-02 5.99531569e-02 -2.40771949e-01 -2.82454580e-01 4.42989804e-02 -3.35864067e-01 7.49759227e-02 1.35612890e-01 -2.02189967e-01 -1.24766305e-03 -1.58308037e-02 5.30044436e-01 -2.64398694e-01 -1.01338536e-01 4.31719780e-01 1.46514401e-01 1.02883041e-01 2.44695887e-01 2.30443463e-01 6.63192868e-02 -1.48743078e-01 3.99475209e-02 -2.71063179e-01 -2.66790181e-01 -1.66040376e-01 1.17441870e-01 1.20871458e-02 -4.65334594e-01 -3.87510657e-01 -5.47961481e-02 -1.59943089e-01 -1.83640003e-01 -1.80022866e-01 4.85698245e-02 3.27194363e-01 1.17436446e-01 -2.68343717e-01 3.67966980e-01 -4.41655330e-03 -2.09799767e-01 -2.56557297e-02 -2.15586171e-01 -6.98050261e-02 1.79553747e-01 1.22035906e-01 -2.00104892e-01 -5.68630576e-01 2.61398107e-01 4.65372019e-02 -2.93400109e-01 -4.71124232e-01 -7.97526836e-02 3.09922785e-01 1.07143164e-01 1.54250130e-01 -3.20044011e-01 2.10157499e-01 -9.58676711e-02 -4.40051407e-01 2.21112564e-01 -7.00270012e-02 -9.08863470e-02 1.60921529e-01 -2.57545471e-01 -3.60490978e-01 -2.71578938e-01 1.21509023e-01 9.21503663e-01 -9.86030176e-02 -1.88253954e-01 -1.89214811e-01 -1.24639243e-01 -1.91522807e-01 -4.40111943e-02 4.65246081e-01 -7.31390044e-02 1.32801145e-01 -4.61224824e-01 -2.33154222e-01 1.41484663e-01 1.87555537e-01 -5.99501170e-02 1.06050514e-01 -1.42981634e-01 -1.02586076e-01 2.46986136e-01 -3.28058600e-01 -2.82858219e-03 3.57682943e-01 3.41782540e-01 3.60629678e-01 2.31719930e-02 4.06124800e-01 5.24073578e-02 -4.21995372e-02 -1.85379416e-01 4.22402799e-01 1.69756621e-01 -3.62553924e-01 1.20529337e-02 9.09859315e-02 9.54250619e-02 2.17722639e-01 2.70298291e-02 2.99347285e-02 -3.52950215e-01 -2.17931837e-01 2.99324572e-01 -4.20894939e-03 -2.22358480e-01 -1.13278553e-01 -3.32167894e-02 -1.43992947e-02 2.53549278e-01 2.14231595e-01 1.35647431e-01 -1.34275407e-01 9.21800584e-02 -8.73090327e-02 3.16146791e-01 1.34714007e-01 4.35508460e-01 9.85915512e-02 -1.69615552e-01 -1.33824199e-01 1.39410377e-01 2.63480935e-03 3.04198470e-02 6.22770131e-01 2.16668099e-02 2.18687251e-01 -2.20362276e-01 4.31381762e-01 3.42301577e-02 -5.24202436e-02 3.72822583e-01 -3.98313478e-02 4.78792101e-01 -1.70970127e-01 1.82838649e-01 3.36832739e-03 -3.28664273e-01 -1.04785010e-01 2.18850493e-01 6.83521554e-02 4.28486198e-01 7.94119388e-02 1.19490218e+00 3.13065588e-01 1.66852251e-01 2.69973367e-01 -3.57657462e-01 5.60725294e-02 -2.23937050e-01 3.33671756e-02 -2.30100572e-01 2.16694847e-01 1.11951001e-01 -1.97382867e-01 2.50478029e-01 2.50298619e-01 -3.06740969e-01 -4.29929942e-01 -7.74943471e-01 3.25327367e-02 1.88125893e-01 3.56439561e-01 6.18882366e-02 -1.73510090e-01 -4.91010658e-02 2.98364997e-01 -2.93355323e-02 2.09594652e-01 6.06634766e-02 5.49059324e-02 -6.87021911e-02 -1.18129790e-01 -1.40155971e-01 9.59403738e-02 1.81054641e-02 5.67925684e-02 1.17027625e-01 -2.35568658e-01 2.20627547e-03 -5.13601661e-01 -1.86969161e-01 -5.85962795e-02 3.28445844e-02 1.98819354e-01 7.91118383e-01 2.60271924e-03 1.38757303e-02 -2.61283427e-01 3.13854694e-01 1.00177228e-01 -3.38677764e-02 3.76434624e-01 -3.84925567e-02 1.92940526e-03 -2.05458373e-01 1.77373439e-01 2.29644641e-01 -1.57458544e-01 4.74132240e-01 5.98298870e-02 1.91581827e-02 -6.80406317e-02 1.84420779e-01 1.50312245e-01 -1.47106081e-01 -3.91506329e-02 1.19564801e-01 -8.09416324e-02 -8.06601271e-02 2.06788070e-02 4.03585583e-01 -1.40506670e-01 2.23858505e-01 2.58996844e-01 -1.61019802e-01 -3.99163246e-01 -7.21977800e-02 8.75645429e-02 -3.92250359e-01 2.23016247e-01 -2.36333847e-01 -4.25997168e-01 -3.32564898e-02 4.39207792e-01 6.77876249e-02 -5.27283370e-01 -4.16687913e-02 -2.41676897e-01 9.14600641e-02 -1.57683790e-01 9.52577312e-03 2.45938838e-01 1.81175649e-01 4.22516614e-01 -1.30812645e-01 2.69683510e-01 -3.87072444e-01 -8.07833597e-02 -3.36296618e-01 1.87092237e-02 2.57436112e-02 -2.30788812e-01 -1.21086299e-01 -1.15794152e-01 9.85945985e-02 1.18797392e-01 -3.18123668e-01 -1.97721019e-01 -3.96605998e-01 1.09148435e-01 2.64476147e-02 -3.47855061e-01 -1.21036969e-01 1.27732158e-01 2.23390818e-01 2.38809317e-01 -8.84778053e-03 8.31930563e-02 3.32523376e-01 -5.28149400e-03 -1.05741180e-01 1.60418108e-01 2.47846782e-01 1.84402615e-01 2.22488016e-01 4.80161428e-01 -6.54392783e-03 8.17173794e-02 -4.59486425e-01 2.34329756e-02 3.25479507e-01 2.54803628e-01 1.32805616e-01 3.94742727e-01 9.60307419e-02 -1.25666395e-01 -1.55147150e-01 -8.56198594e-02 -4.36437696e-01 2.03161910e-02 -3.12121779e-01 -2.17265472e-01 -1.54577509e-01 3.08479160e-01 -1.39315845e-03 -1.03615500e-01 1.71686351e-01 9.05832201e-02 3.16929370e-02 2.30278373e-01 -7.04098567e-02 -1.54396847e-01 -1.01282582e-01 9.13823247e-02 2.91031092e-01 2.94782609e-01 -9.90612432e-02 3.94673087e-02 -4.41427976e-01 -2.04887703e-01 1.93638965e-01 2.95435727e-01 2.82361239e-01 9.51187462e-02 1.83639079e-01 -1.26978993e-01 3.05047911e-02 4.70540464e-01 1.79325193e-01 1.69448197e-01 9.67029259e-02 1.70238897e-01 9.92850885e-02 -8.99859518e-02 -9.56837554e-03 2.49606848e-01 -1.36918142e-01 1.09900244e-01 -1.26998365e-01 -1.00547373e-01 1.00901186e-01 3.25118870e-01 -1.93697080e-01 -1.68859765e-01 -4.21068817e-01 -2.51735866e-01 6.24257587e-02 6.03902638e-02 1.44280553e-01 -8.94034207e-02 7.92224184e-02 3.03850144e-01 -3.40727448e-01 8.81050602e-02 7.38150477e-02 -1.40875921e-01 1.58150673e-01 5.05004466e-01 -1.19024208e-02 1.09121196e-01 -1.30886421e-01 3.26172531e-01 -6.63337409e-02 -1.26612037e-01 -2.53363043e-01 -2.70867229e-01 -1.40806973e-01 -2.35338017e-01 -6.11350909e-02 9.51167271e-02 -8.28464180e-02 1.03265986e-01 1.30628094e-01 -2.98984289e-01 -5.10343432e-01 2.08033100e-01 1.44575864e-01 -1.23725086e-01 1.61149263e-01 -2.22326756e-01 -3.39929253e-01 -9.67190638e-02 -2.09410608e-01 5.22343367e-02 1.27128661e-01 8.99387524e-02 -3.75310704e-02 2.48355493e-01 -2.53422797e-01 6.54068738e-02 1.30555704e-01 6.20631091e-02 -1.16070569e-01 6.12651184e-02 -2.10592285e-01 -1.26947090e-01 -1.22725703e-01 4.39330518e-01 -2.30846897e-01 -6.45692408e-01 1.57654155e-02 1.05279058e-01 -6.43823855e-03 2.37353861e-01 -2.74073929e-01 1.90131441e-01 5.75607680e-02 8.94512795e-03 -1.95281431e-01 3.23913068e-01 1.89114571e-01 -1.68866515e-01 9.63378325e-02 -1.50956854e-01 1.69450557e-03 -4.29135337e-02 1.78968415e-01 -9.28169191e-02 -5.15966296e-01 -1.94575675e-02 6.01855712e-03 3.59810919e-01 -1.25584751e-01 2.10483417e-01 -3.77714559e-02 -3.38523597e-01 2.67757088e-01 4.15375441e-01 -2.23849848e-01 8.27459991e-02 2.34684125e-01 2.24097222e-01 1.85584143e-01 7.74789631e-01 2.37141773e-01 1.18500926e-01 1.87288940e-01 -1.53552607e-01 -2.06340373e-01 2.96536446e-01 -2.55449951e-01 1.99282125e-01 -3.48600652e-03 3.45131189e-01 1.79618895e-01 -2.26378053e-01 -9.33036655e-02 -3.35655898e-01 6.16820216e-01 -4.89458233e-01 -3.30863476e-01 -4.59779173e-01 -6.26724884e-02 -7.18167946e-02 -2.21753687e-01 -1.96154788e-01 -2.08048880e-01 -1.66861445e-01 -9.15081948e-02 3.61702056e-03 -1.62294164e-01 -2.18437448e-01 -1.90148130e-01 -1.15193270e-01 4.25082952e-01 1.68555155e-01 1.53953135e-01 -2.27119833e-01 4.90517057e-02]
"Cortex Rat" active "Item #: SCP-798 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-798 is currently housed in an 80 cm by 60 cm cage on a wooden table. No personnel should approach SCP-798 alone. SCP-798’s cage is to be kept secure within a low-level cell. Description: SCP-798 resembles a healthy adult grey/beige rat. However, it has been seen to engage in behaviours usually associated with corvids or higher mammals, such as self-awareness, problem solving, and the limited use of tools, suggesting heightened intelligence. SCP-798’s dietary requirements, sleep patterns, and metabolism are normal for Rattus norvegicus, and blood tests confirm that it belongs to this species. SCP-798 possesses the ability to influence other animals from a distance and even control them if allowed to establish physical contact. The subject's abilities have proven to be far less effective on cetaceans, corvids, and primates; subject appears incapable of establishing a physical link with such creatures. Recent tests imply that SCP-798 appears to be completely incapable of influencing members of its own species. Recent tests imply that SCP-798 demonstrates different behaviours when interacting with members of its own species. Addendum: X-rays, CRT scans, and [DATA EXPUNGED] indicate that SCP-798 is a normal rat, and no heightened electrical, chemical, or neurological activity has ever been observed in either SCP-798 or any of its targets. Log 798-1: Request access to Incident Report β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ for further information. Log 798-2: Researchers: Agents β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Procedure: Routine observation of SCP-798. Details: SCP-798 preened itself, rearranged its bedding, and began eating. Partway through its meal it stopped and began staring intently at Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ slowly got up and reached towards the cage, announcing his intent to "let the little guy run around a bit". Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ stopped him by grabbing his arm and addressing him directly. Addendum 798-2.1: Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ€˜s experiences imply that SCP-798 can assert a psychological effect on those in close proximity to it. Repeats of this experiment indicate that this effect is easily overcome through application of willpower and/or the subject’s awareness that they are being manipulated. Mostly SCP-798’s subconscious broadcasts are requests for freedom or more food, although it has proved capable of making researchers feel intense guilt during procedures such as shock therapy or blood sampling. Log 798-3: Researchers: Agents β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Procedure: SCP-798 was left alone with a house cat belonging to Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Details: The cat immediately jumped up onto SCP-798’s table and began to nudge the cage off, where it struck the ground, dislodging the holding pin. Once SCP-798 had been released, the cat prostrated itself and allowed SCP-798 to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Log 798-4: Researchers: Doctor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Procedure: SCP-798 and three canine subjects (D1, D2, D3) were released into a 4 m by 4 m cell by means of a remote-operated lock on their cages. Dogs were previously liberated from laboratory duty at a pharmaceutical corporation; ages and breed indeterminate but assumed to be between four and ten years. Details: The dogs immediately moved towards SCP-798 once the doors were no longer obstructing their view. D3 was the first to reach the primary test subject and allowed SCP-798 to latch onto the back of its head. In obvious distress, it barked at the other subjects and they responded in kind, showcasing typical territorial behaviour that soon escalated into a three-way fight. D3 was victorious, killing D1 and D2 despite being the smallest of the trio and despite receiving severe wounds to the jugular. Afterwards the surviving dog walked over to the cage and lay down. SCP-798 returned to its bed, cleaned itself of blood, and then went to sleep. D3 did not get back up and was found to have suffered a fatal aneurysm. Log 798-5: Researchers: Doctor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Procedure: SCP-798 and another specimen of Rattus norvegicus (R1) were placed in an 80 cm by 60 cm cage, separated by a transparent plastic divider. Details: When the divider was removed, R1 immediately attacked SCP-798. Both researchers reported a sudden feeling of acute discomfort; quote from Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: "It was like I was suffocating. It was like having a migraine while something shoves itself down your throat and floods your guts with hot water. Never felt anything like it." On instruction by Doctor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ reached into the cage, deftly separated the two animals, and replaced the divider. SCP-798 suffered various bite wounds whereas the other rat appeared to have avoided harm. Addendum 798-5.1: It appears that SCP-798 may be incapable of influencing other rats, instead inspiring a primal, murderous rage in them by its mere presence. Addendum 798-5.2: An hour after procedure 798-5, the personnel on guard duty reported that R1 began vocalising a distressed squeal. SCP-798 was standing behind the divider, staring intently at the other rat. R1 began to bleed from the mouth and defecate all over its half of the cage, culminating in a brief but very severe seizure. It was found to have died from a myocardial infarction. Β« SCP-797 | SCP-798 | SCP-799 Β»" nan
[ 3.56373265e-02 -3.44023585e-01 -1.54954463e-01 -2.60668904e-01 1.62310049e-01 -2.05209076e-01 3.17388624e-01 1.99954867e-01 4.81700189e-02 5.58849871e-02 -2.45049909e-01 1.45104483e-01 -1.70880288e-01 -1.51380464e-01 2.65853196e-01 -2.48621833e-02 2.71559924e-01 1.01027526e-01 5.11701584e-01 -3.72226357e-01 -1.34657532e-01 -2.85816818e-01 -1.30808661e-02 2.33482718e-01 -1.83258340e-01 -3.81904036e-01 1.68863162e-01 2.70371884e-01 1.72749296e-01 -2.62606472e-01 2.45206147e-01 1.59202650e-01 -1.92677956e-02 8.72603059e-01 -1.07450171e-04 2.21733339e-02 1.25754019e-02 2.31832057e-01 7.95937553e-02 7.78892189e-02 2.26925656e-01 1.74643725e-01 -1.21836901e-01 -3.28736454e-01 -7.35731572e-02 2.12687635e-04 1.82045296e-01 5.00602229e-03 1.04970209e-01 1.66582212e-01 2.20808521e-01 3.67344350e-01 1.89752266e-01 -4.03905921e-02 2.72329390e-01 1.61695987e-01 -1.21139243e-01 8.29020422e-03 1.57690391e-01 4.16914880e-01 4.70509380e-02 -1.25014933e-03 -4.13735099e-02 -3.27824980e-01 5.81048317e-02 -1.20493053e-02 3.45693007e-02 -9.37861130e-02 1.03169166e-01 1.89485878e-01 -2.28941023e-01 1.07556291e-01 -1.62816443e-03 1.60428926e-01 -6.96369186e-02 -4.48317021e-01 2.17694640e-01 1.93086520e-01 9.85936001e-02 3.32685597e-02 7.64701962e-02 4.17790204e-01 -3.65240842e-01 8.02384391e-02 -1.93412304e-01 -6.89908862e-02 -7.03247786e-02 -1.21271364e-01 6.05346113e-02 -1.55274168e-01 -1.85792476e-01 9.83095076e-03 2.35106349e-01 1.00093395e-01 -2.95350015e-01 -4.09109853e-02 3.65257487e-02 -1.57013878e-01 9.61009115e-02 -1.96562216e-01 4.40173060e-01 2.36986637e-01 -3.35575879e-01 1.94279999e-01 1.62717924e-02 1.78548291e-01 -2.50756562e-01 3.34362060e-01 -3.18097055e-01 3.79680932e-01 -1.66757330e-01 1.56505480e-01 -1.99675202e-01 1.45092338e-01 1.96647212e-01 -1.65537879e-01 5.39966188e-02 1.00896442e-02 -2.75792837e-01 3.25303108e-01 -3.94991398e-01 1.77962348e-01 4.69787009e-02 4.61431533e-01 4.77979593e-02 2.52275407e-01 6.16128147e-02 -2.96757281e-01 6.78544417e-02 1.23248443e-01 -3.01491439e-01 2.38167241e-01 -4.12700355e-01 -4.45431471e-01 -7.63016427e-03 -1.36578009e-01 2.25782092e-03 -3.04162174e-01 3.17853689e-01 7.63557702e-02 7.17492551e-02 -2.31544733e-01 5.21525443e-01 3.27742606e-01 -2.70192862e-01 -1.32957458e-01 -1.54625669e-01 3.08737438e-02 -2.72003151e-02 -2.73187570e-02 1.52869463e-01 2.40034148e-01 -2.69635171e-01 2.82544047e-01 -1.73577011e-01 -7.31034670e-03 5.38826048e-01 -1.44978568e-01 -1.49689063e-01 2.43777737e-01 3.34836066e-01 5.34145460e-02 -1.73192948e-01 -3.18099231e-01 1.30741119e-01 1.48732230e-01 -1.60947412e-01 3.63883451e-02 6.87700361e-02 -6.31247461e-02 4.52398136e-02 1.71696216e-01 1.27100479e-02 2.69085705e-01 1.89720541e-01 5.56686103e-01 -3.00056189e-01 -1.72149420e-01 -2.26036847e-01 -3.44185084e-01 -3.30214381e-01 4.07454252e-01 5.56700453e-02 5.15178889e-02 -2.32666954e-01 1.52507618e-01 -2.71126568e-01 2.05412850e-01 2.01873049e-01 -7.96535611e-02 -2.90580481e-01 -4.89365846e-01 4.53364432e-01 1.90976605e-01 2.51528114e-01 -6.24612495e-02 1.86662570e-01 -1.43032432e-01 4.08359617e-01 1.53588504e-02 -2.64547437e-01 -2.79805303e-01 5.13712287e-01 1.59438014e-01 -2.12752819e-02 -3.56367618e-01 7.05279857e-02 -1.17709339e-02 1.09909691e-01 2.57579207e-01 1.87069520e-01 -2.21326217e-01 -2.65832990e-01 9.41729844e-02 -1.00690566e-01 -8.34744871e-02 3.41745317e-01 1.91399366e-01 2.05675568e-02 -2.38309756e-01 -2.89346933e-01 2.40796059e-01 -8.71046111e-02 6.24574535e-02 -4.04463187e-02 2.58232672e-02 -1.26140103e-01 -5.87234553e-03 -1.08814605e-01 7.92125911e-02 8.51402283e-02 -3.13236602e-02 2.48385847e-01 1.77082941e-01 -5.85961826e-02 -2.34408796e-01 9.31088440e-03 2.31982291e-01 5.25629967e-02 1.11284465e-01 1.09259477e-02 2.80949712e-01 2.79383808e-01 -1.59721868e-03 -2.16490254e-02 1.49181664e-01 3.45524341e-01 6.65042996e-02 3.90082598e-02 -2.98420072e-01 -5.75818978e-02 -1.69877231e-01 1.50490656e-01 2.36273676e-01 2.89281905e-01 2.06613660e-01 -3.05455565e-01 -2.57062614e-02 -4.86628972e-02 2.72383034e-01 -6.70229942e-02 -7.64856488e-02 7.28833526e-02 -5.51259145e-02 6.75071254e-02 -9.17941928e-02 1.49978306e-02 1.13752753e-01 -1.19513674e-02 5.41369282e-02 2.06245080e-01 4.98881191e-02 -1.82806775e-01 -1.67703442e-02 -1.15595549e-01 3.04205976e-02 -3.28213759e-02 -1.83965443e-04 -2.62795482e-02 1.12179540e-01 -2.52651483e-01 -4.94172603e-01 -1.54757174e-02 -6.84629008e-02 -2.37663314e-01 4.66479659e-02 -1.01654612e-01 2.75937259e-01 2.85888106e-01 2.66939789e-01 5.09447455e-02 1.13837019e-01 -1.41984150e-01 1.29988119e-01 5.43970689e-02 1.03658754e-02 -5.62694609e-01 5.12038708e-01 -8.43626563e-04 1.22895338e-01 -9.20377001e-02 1.90174222e-01 -8.79055783e-02 1.90303296e-01 -1.10284582e-01 1.54376432e-01 1.40188098e-01 1.22294657e-01 7.08610341e-02 2.67351180e-01 -4.91089523e-01 1.10898167e-01 1.95760474e-01 -1.81848258e-01 1.02161214e-01 -2.58015305e-01 -2.12233633e-01 -4.61846977e-01 1.64644234e-02 -3.84099960e-01 -2.29391783e-01 4.09587249e-02 -7.03609735e-02 -3.64774108e-01 -6.87577389e-03 9.25143808e-02 -1.10533446e-01 -1.49705738e-01 4.29017901e-01 1.57843024e-01 1.79405481e-01 4.97203887e-01 1.24748237e-01 4.59237367e-01 -6.80069447e-01 8.82699415e-02 -1.97744474e-01 -3.49715739e-01 6.67257980e-02 4.48992364e-02 -7.09925219e-02 -1.33030638e-01 -3.29819292e-01 7.24099502e-02 3.48241478e-01 -1.20567419e-01 3.45064282e-01 -2.94665724e-01 1.67111471e-01 8.49567875e-02 -2.55503897e-02 1.03373267e-01 -1.04239106e-01 -2.65073985e-01 -2.60798670e-02 -2.83870012e-01 9.68404263e-02 1.91671960e-02 1.70806214e-01 -4.39444453e-01 -3.59190077e-01 2.58797407e-01 -5.96147031e-02 -1.89426169e-01 -4.16532487e-01 -1.66904256e-01 3.55020255e-01 1.19807586e-01 3.20815146e-01 -3.01529974e-01 4.36767846e-01 -9.47949812e-02 -5.81659496e-01 2.48739347e-01 -1.32328179e-02 -2.49380544e-01 6.37960061e-02 -4.02294159e-01 -5.18015683e-01 -2.23679528e-01 2.20355138e-01 6.54630542e-01 2.05482915e-01 -2.22345769e-01 -2.45903358e-01 -2.12555259e-01 -1.06495328e-01 -1.37379304e-01 5.85712194e-01 -2.87873268e-01 -1.00320794e-01 -7.94554949e-01 -2.25037545e-01 -2.77302302e-02 5.58332168e-02 -1.01824187e-01 2.92151004e-01 -4.36622985e-02 -2.55965412e-01 1.74565390e-01 -2.34935358e-01 2.13811204e-01 2.55772442e-01 3.58432412e-01 4.15225744e-01 1.57109629e-02 3.36726815e-01 -9.64549482e-02 -1.97785854e-01 -7.01376647e-02 8.97882283e-02 -2.22565189e-01 -7.88120902e-04 1.69754818e-01 1.06980175e-01 -2.32183337e-01 1.14277214e-01 -5.71036078e-02 -1.14470430e-01 -2.62156218e-01 6.91513494e-02 1.85624763e-01 -1.09998956e-01 -1.20690838e-01 -1.51637539e-01 -1.44193871e-02 -1.71640933e-01 1.71315849e-01 3.09235871e-01 1.01767071e-01 -1.22422218e-01 1.90365240e-01 -3.24862935e-02 8.51918384e-02 1.65172338e-01 1.93988755e-01 -1.31727427e-01 -7.66926780e-02 -6.59209415e-02 -1.04726404e-01 -4.94216084e-02 2.99742669e-01 5.03949344e-01 -7.30424821e-02 4.01403427e-01 3.39877427e-01 1.70506835e-01 2.31097296e-01 1.03997357e-01 4.02704746e-01 1.62207022e-01 2.54225254e-01 -1.77026659e-01 2.70487014e-02 -1.05848387e-01 -1.64373323e-01 -1.58640340e-01 -1.81249157e-01 2.43174210e-02 3.04974347e-01 2.72415221e-01 1.02399242e+00 3.99177223e-02 2.44152933e-01 3.38216752e-01 -8.40316340e-02 2.56832600e-01 -1.62309960e-01 1.80921704e-01 -3.08901221e-02 -8.11656117e-02 7.09773079e-02 -2.03137830e-01 2.76765525e-01 3.31232488e-01 -2.77968407e-01 -4.07423079e-01 -5.84802866e-01 2.42673337e-01 3.21761280e-01 5.22871986e-02 2.82238841e-01 -1.80516884e-01 -2.20845357e-01 2.66542763e-01 -9.23382118e-02 1.02273356e-02 4.95196618e-02 -5.44564836e-02 -2.21478492e-01 2.65736748e-02 -2.55885106e-02 1.97521523e-01 -4.43680137e-01 -2.63861746e-01 -1.66635826e-01 -8.11026320e-02 1.12319060e-01 -6.26391709e-01 -4.11733687e-02 5.93387522e-02 1.61128938e-02 1.13257848e-01 7.65865326e-01 -1.90494075e-01 1.65458232e-01 -9.78684127e-02 1.24863289e-01 -3.58446199e-03 -9.37311724e-02 3.43682498e-01 5.73561676e-02 -7.42471814e-02 2.21581519e-01 2.69122366e-02 3.96577209e-01 -1.52918220e-01 3.29995632e-01 2.40889043e-01 -2.25139201e-01 -1.68510785e-04 2.09115207e-01 1.37237340e-01 -2.51209754e-02 -2.73521226e-02 1.54594749e-01 -2.60412604e-01 -1.48061320e-01 8.46357737e-03 3.63537848e-01 -3.38059783e-01 1.12172835e-01 -1.48880528e-02 -1.57801196e-01 -3.19432616e-01 -1.91210374e-01 1.84620991e-01 -2.75378048e-01 -8.61170888e-02 -6.68074787e-02 -2.33034462e-01 -1.47399962e-01 9.62723345e-02 1.65413648e-01 -1.42443180e-01 -2.45661095e-01 -1.94959760e-01 -2.05178693e-01 -1.30519057e-02 -9.64135453e-02 2.89558858e-01 -2.47171953e-01 4.47341681e-01 -6.34108335e-02 -1.79946180e-02 -4.22661364e-01 -6.90311119e-02 -2.54090071e-01 -1.48182034e-01 6.11160621e-02 -2.24619225e-01 1.47268280e-01 -1.48496225e-01 2.53064752e-01 -5.47919907e-02 -2.85778493e-01 -3.21733117e-01 -3.59739065e-01 5.06849550e-02 -5.03736595e-03 -1.89610451e-01 1.04571842e-01 -2.35800985e-02 3.26794833e-02 1.39797479e-01 -3.83856371e-02 2.91864544e-01 3.22370589e-01 4.02728856e-01 -2.03950360e-01 7.61628896e-02 -1.24012008e-01 -7.51437545e-02 9.85049177e-03 -7.67672732e-02 -2.91760080e-03 -3.85342836e-02 -2.87407637e-01 5.56894504e-02 1.66236788e-01 8.31541121e-02 -2.25027621e-01 3.96143705e-01 1.95993602e-01 5.67313842e-02 -3.66864353e-01 -1.50815956e-02 -5.77441193e-02 2.64862925e-01 -8.05694833e-02 -6.46219775e-02 1.43436924e-01 3.61983210e-01 -2.50481367e-01 2.53965091e-02 -6.83087185e-02 -2.16398001e-01 1.74453482e-01 1.58890352e-01 -1.91534236e-01 -2.58156180e-01 1.74455822e-01 2.07696646e-01 -4.95358221e-02 5.23163043e-02 3.72503817e-01 3.08364838e-01 -4.86765876e-02 -6.68275869e-03 3.75925094e-01 1.80703327e-01 2.90931493e-01 2.85278827e-01 4.66347933e-01 1.46949559e-01 -7.35048056e-02 1.48252919e-01 1.73094377e-01 1.58488482e-01 -3.36731911e-01 3.95703703e-01 -2.67888814e-01 2.62472808e-01 -4.55267802e-02 6.91308141e-01 -1.22682594e-01 -7.48852417e-02 -1.46635205e-01 -3.08650076e-01 -1.25171587e-01 2.95351535e-01 -2.56911784e-01 -2.20193475e-01 -5.93228400e-01 -4.81095076e-01 -1.09564498e-01 1.77667379e-01 1.98121145e-01 6.46676682e-03 -5.72195165e-02 2.01407865e-01 -3.50575596e-01 5.71076125e-02 3.77192855e-01 -2.60284662e-01 -7.75989294e-02 3.18076313e-01 -2.41656408e-01 2.15345368e-01 2.35444188e-01 3.10818493e-01 2.25600034e-01 1.86871663e-01 -1.71981111e-01 -8.22689384e-02 -1.20092921e-01 -1.23524211e-01 -1.21369734e-01 3.51850837e-01 -2.82338947e-01 -2.05888636e-02 1.43663600e-01 -2.86142468e-01 -1.87796541e-02 9.07380972e-03 2.46332169e-01 -1.31653577e-01 1.87463418e-01 -1.69131741e-01 -2.39528924e-01 -9.92345735e-02 3.00878696e-02 -1.77051112e-01 1.51331633e-01 2.90681738e-02 -4.44489457e-02 1.67394921e-01 -3.61878216e-01 1.32175192e-01 1.13067672e-01 3.31185579e-01 -9.83339921e-02 -1.57986432e-02 -1.94093689e-01 4.33678888e-02 -7.88387060e-02 3.17933619e-01 -3.70448709e-01 -3.64599824e-01 -1.90952774e-02 1.33107856e-01 -1.49689997e-02 1.70577779e-01 2.39408389e-01 -2.27722019e-01 -3.04722279e-01 -6.65628240e-02 -9.74811465e-02 2.42570683e-01 2.76220739e-01 1.42059112e-02 1.60165951e-01 -1.33952260e-01 -1.56122241e-02 -1.95246279e-01 2.37090990e-01 -8.82874057e-02 -4.33623374e-01 1.53997153e-01 1.10907517e-01 3.81983668e-01 -1.52869850e-01 1.99475124e-01 -2.02782869e-01 -4.67970192e-01 -3.25813502e-01 4.18754220e-02 -1.99523583e-01 9.31911245e-02 2.94609189e-01 2.57139444e-01 1.77536964e-01 2.85621256e-01 2.75788844e-01 6.36009723e-02 1.85019627e-01 -2.02035531e-01 9.24075022e-02 1.88066959e-01 -7.49845579e-02 1.13610186e-01 3.34272742e-01 3.96677911e-01 -5.82514182e-02 -1.13313675e-01 -2.67929405e-01 -4.53914255e-01 5.79565823e-01 -2.17326939e-01 -1.39708772e-01 -3.58903944e-01 2.95972582e-02 -3.28052305e-02 1.59107640e-01 -2.19925359e-01 -1.46060571e-01 -9.82482452e-03 1.44980311e-01 -1.33381993e-01 1.01111256e-01 -4.04631853e-01 -2.33646482e-01 -8.57675895e-02 6.41996443e-01 -1.16492726e-01 8.54563788e-02 -3.03209245e-01 -3.21244985e-01]
"Carnivorous Blanket" active "Item #: SCP-799 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Each specimen of SCP-799 is to be kept in a separate bio-containment cell at Bio-Site-66. 100 g of dry brine shrimp is to be sprinkled over each object monthly; if this is not available, 500 g of household dust will suffice. It has been determined that Bio-Site-66’s maintenance staff remove significantly more than the necessary quantity of dust from the D-class dorms monthly. This dust is to be collected in the usual dustpan bags and delivered as necessary. No more than 500 g per specimen is necessary or advised. Should any "throw pillows" or similar objects appear, they are to be placed in separate containment immediately and the presiding researcher notified. The objects are not to be removed from containment except as authorized for testing. Description: Members of SCP-799 vary in size, shape, and superficial appearance, but always retain the appearance of a knit or woven item of bedding made from an unfamiliar but very soft natural fiber (resembling high-quality merino wool blend but identified as [DATA EXPUNGED]). An individual's mass ranges from approximately 0.5 to 6 kg and does not change except through ingestion and excretion, so any immediate increase in area comes at the expense of thickness and fabric "weight". The blanket retains heat unusually well. Its coloration and markings are highly variable; it tends strongly towards pastel hues and patterns resembling stylized neotenous animals, particularly when its mass is less than about 2 kg. The items are living organisms, most similar in physiology and structure to [DATA EXPUNGED] although alternate hypotheses suggest fungal origins (full notes may be found in Document 799-1a). Although well-insulated, they are apparently cold-blooded, hence their adaptation for use by intelligent homeotherms. Instances of SCP-799 are usually torpid and incapable of movement, requiring little nutrition: what they do need, they draw from the organic detritus present in household dust. One specimen is believed to have survived for years on end stored in a damp, ill-maintained attic, living on heat from the house below and detritus from the wooden rafters above. Excretion is minimal; excreta resemble tiny, very dry [DATA EXPUNGED]. If forced to survive for long periods without sufficient nutrition, though, SCP-799 is capable of metamorphosing into a predatory form. The resultant structural changes are invisible to the casual observer. They consist of modifications to the digestive tract and feeding orifices; the latter shift from minute, dispersed filter-feeding mouths into a single large mouth, lined with [DATA EXPUNGED]. The organism also develops contractile tissue similar to animal muscle. Once this metamorphosis is complete, the SCP-799 individual waits for a large animal to wrap up in it and become quiescent (sleep is common) before opening its mouth, tearing off a few kilograms of biomass, and consuming it. The biomass is apparently reduced to thin slurry almost immediately, as even seconds after feeding there is no visible bulge in the blanket. The mouth is completely resorbed ten minutes after feeding; at this point, no evidence of the blanket’s nature is available except by X-ray or by observing the sudden increase in mass. By forty minutes after feeding, the entire carnivorous digestive system is resorbed and the organism returned to filter-feeding phase. In carnivorous phase, the organism will not feed on inanimate objects or cold-blooded animals. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ hypothesizes that its senses are entirely limited to touch and heat, and that it does not recognize cooler objects as organic. SCP-799 reproduces by budding. When an individual's mass reaches a certain minimum (very slowly except in case of carnivory), it takes on a more "quilt-like" appearance. Gradually, over the course of several weeks, the "quilt squares" along one margin puff up and slough off to become several small doilies or throw pillows. The offspring are clones of the individual, identical to it in every way, and will grow to a similar size and reproduce in turn given suitable conditions. The first of the Foundation's captive SCP-799 population (β–ˆβ–ˆ individuals at time of writing) was retrieved on β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, where it had been residing in the home of notorious germophobe [DATA REDACTED], after it metamorphosed and apparently fed on his infant granddaughter. A standard biological sweep revealed the blanket’s nature, and it was taken into containment without resistance. It is not known how many instances of SCP-799 exist outside Foundation containment, as they are very difficult to detect except by genetic testing. Extrapolation of growth rates and reproductive weights from the specimens in containment suggests that a filter-feeding SCP-799 organism reproduces once every fifty to sixty years. Note: Any wild blankets should be destroyed upon detection. This species is fascinating, but we have a large population in containment and the wild ones pose too much risk of public exposure. Further research into a possible special connection with SCP-1626 is ongoing –Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-798 | SCP-799 | SCP-800 Β»" nan
[ 8.45996588e-02 -4.82937694e-01 -1.79759070e-01 8.76672938e-02 -4.55464646e-02 -1.66480660e-01 -3.17186266e-02 1.95758313e-01 3.04738414e-02 -2.07646221e-01 1.85863361e-01 4.41877574e-01 -1.87601045e-01 9.70588475e-02 4.82551634e-01 3.42266858e-01 9.86251831e-02 3.26481205e-03 6.06463058e-03 -2.48901293e-01 -2.10628077e-01 -4.59854901e-02 1.15453772e-01 -6.20440696e-04 3.23943421e-02 -1.10722147e-01 -1.04283027e-01 -9.26366523e-02 8.55705068e-02 -2.55643755e-01 2.33743444e-01 2.18776122e-01 1.44412071e-01 2.73720384e-01 -1.05715771e-04 -1.25409335e-01 -1.97231069e-01 6.44660667e-02 1.00894077e-02 7.23337531e-02 2.17563324e-02 -1.07126981e-01 -8.22276324e-02 -3.06898326e-01 -5.34818508e-02 -3.66933286e-01 2.14088231e-01 2.97488600e-01 -5.52121922e-02 4.18733694e-02 2.29694575e-01 -1.03746086e-01 -1.53672785e-01 3.04846112e-02 6.54905513e-02 5.68760931e-01 -2.15923607e-01 2.62059480e-01 3.38433087e-01 7.41189870e-04 1.91581368e-01 2.08502412e-01 -1.58684611e-01 -1.72508508e-01 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1.42462224e-01 -1.24362543e-01 -1.23552598e-01 -1.39317438e-01 -4.70600184e-03 -1.18521795e-01 -1.03610545e-01 -1.68023407e-01 1.10656083e-01 2.14113970e-03 -5.30955613e-01 1.94713637e-01 1.91280991e-01 -1.75877437e-01 1.73911631e-01 3.99275810e-01 -2.05826342e-01 -1.11557312e-01 3.74393553e-01 3.77406627e-01 -2.56465882e-01 3.85490835e-01 2.71521378e-02 -1.42619699e-01 -2.64661461e-01 -1.07180707e-01 -2.99628317e-01 2.74616301e-01 1.21170610e-01 3.06151994e-02 1.84845671e-01 -3.12367350e-01 -4.18538302e-02 1.87817514e-01 2.99579203e-01 -9.49872285e-02 -3.13856333e-01 -3.11754555e-01 -3.82986963e-01 -8.11644644e-02 -3.36734414e-01 -6.98990300e-02 8.91347080e-02 -9.48953852e-02 -6.24218732e-02 2.68273860e-01 -1.71183020e-01 1.04796916e-01 2.58420467e-01 3.11185360e-01 -2.08882347e-01 -2.24434644e-01 -1.60056740e-01 -3.43203902e-01 -4.10380661e-01 8.86665285e-02 -4.64309633e-01 -3.55062902e-01 -5.11400476e-02 -6.36637062e-02 3.77276586e-03 -1.61169872e-01 -2.58572400e-01 1.73439607e-01 3.21912169e-02 1.22837666e-02 -1.57916859e-01 -7.69344494e-02 3.48889865e-02 7.45565444e-02 9.37235132e-02 3.79085280e-02 6.70118779e-02 -8.71457830e-02 2.14450419e-01 -4.74662036e-01 -2.13580042e-01 -2.17450649e-01 4.39286232e-01 3.33577007e-01 -4.83536720e-02 -8.09950754e-02 -1.93359688e-01 -3.37982744e-01 4.69571212e-03 1.92798287e-01 1.65414363e-01 -8.26741979e-02 2.39442959e-01 2.99810380e-01 2.94147823e-02 4.71260935e-01 2.80628383e-01 -2.14758664e-02 8.32140148e-02 -6.62538707e-02 -2.16138765e-01 2.23412260e-01 -4.42315996e-01 -1.86067745e-02 1.64174676e-01 4.74507153e-01 9.49315727e-03 -4.54908252e-01 -1.75219744e-01 -5.12523472e-01 5.18820405e-01 -3.02954972e-01 -1.89132318e-01 -2.34975100e-01 -4.64714244e-02 1.89406443e-02 6.64304867e-02 -2.40225449e-01 -2.81421803e-02 -3.41460183e-02 3.75037044e-01 -1.70936093e-01 -3.15032780e-01 -5.75320050e-02 -3.81956607e-01 -1.39833018e-01 5.84914744e-01 1.89762279e-01 -1.75036386e-01 5.87317683e-02 -2.05943510e-01]
"An Eastern History" active "Item #: SCP-800 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-800 is currently contained in a 50 cm x 200 cm x 2 cm hermetically sealed glass case. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. No maintenance is necessary on SCP-800 itself, despite its apparent age, but its case is to be cleaned of dirt and dust every 6 days. No paint, ink, other writing materials, or any staining fluids are to come into contact with SCP-800 except under controlled testing conditions and with prior O5-level approval. Description: SCP-800 is a 42 cm x 166 cm East Asian paper scroll painting of variable style and subject. Radioisotopic dating has determined that it dates from the mid-19th century. SCP-800 currently displays as an ink painting of two Korean warriors placed above one another, the upper armed with a bow and the lower armed with a saingeom-style sword. The painting style resembles 17th century Joseon dynasty art, despite SCP-800's paper scroll being more common in Japanese or Chinese painting. According to information gained from SCP-800's previous custodians, as well as an investigation of a number of photographic records, the scene depicted on SCP-800 has been observed to spontaneously take 12 distinct forms since the beginning of the 20th century. It is theorised that SCP-800 has changed to depict symbolic representations of every major armed conflict in East Asia, as well as a number of armed conflicts in Indochina and one in Central Asia. As there is no major Asian armed conflict at the present time, currently the SCP appears to represent the tensions between the two Koreas as an important flashpoint for military action. The mechanism by which SCP-800 changes is unknown, and no changes have been recorded electronically, despite constant surveillance of SCP-800 since it entered Foundation custody in 1979. SCP-800 has always been observed as an ink painting, usually in Japanese or Chinese style. Korean-style paintings have also been observed, including SCP-800's current appearance, as mentioned previously. The era of painting does not correspond to SCP-800's observed age, with painting styles observed from the 15th century Ming dynasty to contemporary East Asian art. Nations are commonly represented as national animals, such as a Chinese dragon, bear (presumably representing Russia), or eagle (presumably representing the United States). However, the symbolism in SCP-800 is often subtle and nations may often be represented by plants, landscapes, or people. For a detailed list of SCP-800's manifestations, see Addendum 800-1. SCP-800 may be marked or damaged by normal means; however, any stains on the painting disappear after a number of days. The paper SCP-800 appears on may be torn, but tears in the painting likewise regenerate after some days. It is possible to alter the content of SCP-800 semi-permanently by using identical materials and painting in a similar style to that of SCP-800's current incarnation. However, after the events of Experiment 800-1, all proposed alterations to SCP-800 require O5-level approval. See Addendum 800-2 for more information. SCP-800 was retrieved in January 1979 from an antiques shop in the city of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, in the southeast of the Republic of Korea. The proprietor, one Mr β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, claimed to have a 'magic' painting which altered its appearance over the years; at the time, it displayed its present appearance. It was discovered on chance by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who was skeptical of its owners' claims and only wished to purchase it for personal use. However, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ noticed that it possessed at least some extranormal properties by accidentally staining it with ink, then noticing the stain had disappeared after a period of 2 days. Upon Foundation examination it was determined to be of no SCP-level significance and put in storage at Site-β–ˆ. It attained SCP classification in mid-1979, at the beginning of the Sino-Vietnamese Border War, when it changed overnight to an 18th-century Qing Dynasty painting of a Chinese dragon flying over rice paddies (SCP-800-10). After this event, Foundation staff tracked down Mr Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ for interrogation; it was revealed the painting had been in his family since the beginning of the 20th century, when his grandfather purchased it from a merchant in Shanghai. As Mr Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was the only known source of information on SCP-800 and its prior appearances, he was recruited as a research assistant and was SCP-800's caretaker until 2007, when he died of natural causes. Dr. Major subsequently took responsibility for SCP-800's custody. Addendum 800-1: A partial list of all known incarnations of SCP-800 follows, along with the historical event they are believed to correspond to. Save a small number of photos (one of which may be seen above), all descriptions before 1977 are obtained by word of mouth from Mr Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ or his acquaintances; their accuracy may therefore be somewhat suspect. Addendum 800-2: After the events of Experiment 800-1, SCP-800 has been upgraded to Euclid-class and further experimentation forbidden without O5 level approval. Experiment 800-1: To date the first and only alteration testing carried out on SCP-800. On 22/5/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-800 (in its current form of 800-12) was altered using ink and brush by a Foundation staff member experienced in modern reproduction of Joseon dynasty painting. Addition consisted of a quiver of arrows on back of uppermost figure wielding bow. No effects were initially noted apart from the fact that altered paint remained for an unusually long number of days. Three days later, on 25/5/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is unknown whether this event was connected to Experiment 800-1. However, further experimentation has been suspended indefinitely. SCP-800 was restored to its original state by Foundation staff. Addendum 800-1-1: Well, this might be useful if we ever have reason to destabilize the entire region. Shame it's anomalous, it'd look rather nice in my office. - Dr. Major Β« SCP-799 | SCP-800 | SCP-801 Β»" "SCP-800 in 1963 as SCP-800-8."
[ 1.55011281e-01 5.35031147e-02 -1.12043269e-01 1.80196408e-02 -7.03842714e-02 -3.42112929e-01 2.82544136e-01 1.91655234e-01 1.37344748e-01 4.30839658e-02 1.24371842e-01 6.65055886e-02 9.35807005e-02 -1.77182823e-01 1.41418427e-01 -4.75489914e-01 2.85363406e-01 5.13203561e-01 3.02530766e-01 -1.84564181e-02 -1.76603019e-01 -2.06967056e-01 -7.35373572e-02 1.24585271e-01 -1.24226779e-01 4.39102575e-03 -5.51215649e-01 -6.88485056e-02 -1.73966512e-01 -2.57275492e-01 -2.19159238e-02 5.99868149e-02 1.75355390e-01 6.11091375e-01 -1.12675902e-04 -3.38243991e-01 -5.93498833e-02 -6.83927611e-02 4.07907255e-02 2.00546846e-01 5.80397509e-02 7.46771973e-03 -1.24675900e-01 -3.58417988e-01 7.11832866e-02 -3.26853782e-01 1.13257088e-01 3.48947763e-01 7.22684622e-01 2.12674141e-01 1.96133956e-01 -4.43139337e-02 1.04904488e-01 5.96376769e-02 -5.24172001e-02 1.88447237e-01 9.76927299e-03 -2.74981737e-01 3.00891045e-02 1.76257059e-01 -1.51508972e-01 9.27055031e-02 -2.01190352e-01 -2.49445692e-01 4.47462238e-02 -4.65356678e-01 -8.66810679e-02 1.60693288e-01 4.81889814e-01 -7.56896753e-03 3.76240537e-02 7.51057789e-02 8.39038491e-02 1.78032205e-01 -1.17227525e-01 -1.85452983e-01 2.43937597e-01 4.17472661e-01 3.09719205e-01 -3.63617130e-02 2.07835183e-01 1.76313996e-01 -2.81579375e-01 4.08592708e-02 -2.86975622e-01 1.96520556e-02 -1.94218084e-01 1.21976376e-01 -1.93059146e-01 -1.66079611e-01 -2.08686665e-01 -2.31288537e-01 1.22104652e-01 5.28836071e-01 1.40660806e-02 2.99758255e-01 2.04030216e-01 6.91534579e-02 -2.16556594e-01 4.08302575e-01 2.48627841e-01 3.18944603e-01 1.41523913e-01 1.47560045e-01 1.06459603e-01 1.50286615e-01 2.11859167e-01 -1.02534741e-01 -2.08472013e-01 2.17700899e-01 -8.29308629e-02 6.08423026e-03 -3.38016838e-01 -6.11802861e-02 3.41779262e-01 -3.55759859e-01 1.47911534e-01 -3.31725150e-01 2.11606964e-01 4.48141217e-01 -4.31338370e-01 -1.01257674e-01 -2.74201572e-01 2.45813549e-01 9.33432505e-02 3.79676580e-01 1.20879700e-02 -4.63957451e-02 8.37508813e-02 5.90964444e-02 -2.18498871e-01 7.70227686e-02 -3.24231625e-01 -9.66517031e-02 8.15167185e-03 -5.79674542e-02 -2.18669742e-01 4.37697805e-02 -3.32777768e-01 2.26939082e-01 1.26905441e-01 -8.43138173e-02 5.89285970e-01 2.94402808e-01 -4.76714164e-01 -2.95248181e-01 2.27529526e-01 -3.44424278e-01 -2.22713664e-01 -8.91960412e-02 2.18310937e-01 -1.05528207e-02 -4.74896245e-02 1.52090281e-01 -1.39122099e-01 3.63701507e-02 2.47537032e-01 4.19527255e-02 3.04025203e-01 1.85158789e-01 4.77319956e-01 3.69697034e-01 -1.72261402e-01 -1.54771447e-01 -4.80888821e-02 1.91187426e-01 -2.98425287e-01 -1.64590344e-01 -1.08525999e-01 -1.93928286e-01 -1.10051230e-01 -2.15864077e-01 8.06723684e-02 -3.09956759e-01 -7.22240284e-02 2.03187261e-02 -4.86243308e-01 -2.28407323e-01 -3.67004365e-01 -4.09381613e-02 -1.88409746e-01 2.05656484e-01 3.71411383e-01 -3.04592252e-01 2.58266360e-01 9.41852704e-02 -1.88998595e-01 -3.15005369e-02 -4.30001039e-03 7.39856362e-02 -1.72843680e-01 -5.47017217e-01 1.46875203e-01 9.70148146e-02 5.34409761e-01 4.06373888e-02 2.96091169e-01 2.61325479e-01 3.03362489e-01 2.09299609e-01 -6.12822268e-03 -7.91702047e-02 2.67618746e-01 1.77019253e-01 9.47085842e-02 -1.88182473e-01 1.59683168e-01 3.29979025e-02 4.58139777e-01 2.07445115e-01 1.20870709e-01 -1.03638135e-01 -5.81045784e-02 2.95583308e-01 -9.39804539e-02 -4.21287835e-01 2.57107377e-01 -7.66965821e-02 2.77496636e-01 -1.12850323e-01 2.45998129e-02 1.59558933e-02 -2.26348519e-01 -1.76135764e-01 8.30432773e-02 2.10651606e-01 -1.93977326e-01 -2.28405539e-02 -6.58795536e-02 2.71257788e-01 4.48077992e-02 2.43887946e-01 -1.20019484e-02 -7.64831603e-02 -3.23641658e-01 -5.00873178e-02 2.24117845e-01 8.25523615e-01 -1.38151184e-01 -4.19616759e-01 2.85750069e-02 -1.23190045e-01 -9.91930068e-02 1.42602667e-01 -2.16318265e-01 9.81636439e-03 -1.42603219e-01 3.27569902e-01 3.29610659e-04 -7.46878311e-02 6.65684417e-02 -2.98589110e-01 -3.09126794e-01 -1.48464292e-01 -7.60270879e-02 1.10980809e-01 4.36159760e-01 1.46343336e-01 8.91914219e-02 1.61756098e-01 2.06439748e-01 3.36335033e-01 7.33826980e-02 2.65660638e-04 -1.91941470e-01 -7.12825805e-02 4.32077914e-01 4.06862319e-01 -1.25157222e-01 1.76974982e-01 2.89874338e-03 -1.66576114e-02 -2.99499363e-01 -1.66841894e-02 2.80418969e-03 -9.19003878e-03 2.43422702e-01 5.56471683e-02 2.50973672e-01 2.78358161e-01 -4.13298041e-01 -4.11889143e-02 -1.86297402e-01 8.68431181e-02 1.05180472e-01 2.28372663e-01 3.61792184e-02 -7.67175555e-02 -1.39213815e-01 1.84181064e-01 -2.21999854e-01 1.00561664e-01 -1.39762864e-01 -3.93790066e-01 -2.44536892e-01 3.30389477e-02 -3.49345684e-01 3.38627934e-01 -6.43913299e-02 2.98894048e-01 1.53978914e-01 -1.82964712e-01 3.01072329e-01 7.84051642e-02 -1.66322291e-01 -1.62432551e-01 7.04536617e-01 -1.41412571e-01 2.08102331e-01 9.18911584e-03 -5.75898588e-01 1.82933018e-01 2.12421760e-01 -4.28030819e-01 -2.12387834e-02 6.56844974e-02 -1.09208770e-01 -3.22602630e-01 1.64037988e-01 -2.42621839e-01 -7.37859383e-02 -3.11843287e-02 -4.14139777e-02 1.01545647e-01 -8.44964236e-02 5.66270828e-01 7.15306699e-02 -2.25588202e-01 6.06513977e-01 2.52714366e-01 2.29137719e-01 1.63556769e-01 1.86416104e-01 1.20973773e-01 3.96615006e-02 2.14542776e-01 -1.98348790e-01 -3.85022968e-01 -1.07772879e-01 -2.14635834e-01 -1.64049536e-01 1.62267447e-01 -2.74366081e-01 -8.24783668e-02 -2.64198072e-02 -2.25882292e-01 -5.31957984e-01 1.95535347e-02 3.62477332e-01 3.44145417e-01 -1.16116114e-01 2.76439130e-01 1.16773032e-01 -1.76700294e-01 -1.75710633e-01 1.57371193e-01 2.13032499e-01 -1.05250590e-01 7.86298886e-02 1.29116299e-02 -1.25634789e-01 3.28702569e-01 3.25898141e-01 -3.94542754e-01 -7.77764991e-02 1.52466953e-01 3.75178754e-01 1.38067603e-01 2.16132849e-01 -2.06731752e-01 7.20566213e-02 -3.45473140e-01 9.12610665e-02 3.64584386e-01 1.45054027e-01 -5.09314872e-02 1.79100141e-01 1.51423082e-01 -4.55321908e-01 -8.92967433e-02 1.44729957e-01 1.10370561e-01 4.26199734e-01 -7.75410160e-02 -4.44091469e-01 -1.95393994e-01 -1.37322128e-01 -1.29631341e-01 9.93884727e-02 -2.82505363e-01 8.74033198e-03 -4.53508168e-01 4.94309627e-02 -6.62931381e-03 2.18962759e-01 2.48831529e-02 -1.43930539e-02 -4.10545290e-01 1.00473948e-01 4.36288379e-02 -3.87639135e-01 7.73328990e-02 3.77007067e-01 2.53170013e-01 2.73021698e-01 -2.59114176e-01 -1.28321305e-01 -1.01376042e-01 1.59542561e-01 -4.54449691e-02 -2.15850752e-02 -1.83416873e-01 -2.95663625e-01 2.68625244e-02 2.29963049e-01 6.35886490e-02 -1.89384639e-01 1.32142916e-01 -1.65260121e-01 3.42691004e-01 -3.00690800e-01 1.64037675e-01 -2.88386345e-01 -6.59584031e-02 -2.64322728e-01 3.65519732e-01 -4.09588456e-01 3.70643079e-01 1.11082666e-01 -7.61323273e-02 -9.61596146e-02 -1.04149375e-02 -2.88538814e-01 2.58578658e-01 2.47228488e-01 9.68855545e-02 3.19068432e-01 -2.97689736e-01 -2.68174827e-01 -1.60616040e-02 -4.59269673e-01 -4.22376804e-02 6.01319909e-01 2.36235633e-01 6.78100530e-03 3.46217334e-01 2.23087132e-01 -2.61125654e-01 -1.00514308e-01 -1.64773464e-02 8.23874846e-02 4.60492104e-01 -1.00664116e-01 2.74645537e-01 -2.68144123e-02 -2.64661342e-01 -1.65912226e-01 2.46145576e-01 -2.16385145e-02 5.01843512e-01 2.83242345e-01 1.03505409e+00 8.16099942e-02 2.37028347e-03 1.09493919e-02 -6.07692778e-01 4.59515071e-03 1.66660503e-01 -4.13733333e-01 -2.92488366e-01 -3.80555540e-01 -1.97618548e-02 -2.13435322e-01 2.36037165e-01 3.50260824e-01 -2.05186367e-01 -6.02541387e-01 -3.27859819e-01 -2.93949157e-01 2.76755869e-01 1.80544273e-03 2.10366830e-01 -7.06319958e-02 -3.14944029e-01 2.16006428e-01 -1.32087901e-01 -2.33489469e-01 -6.41120151e-02 9.27677155e-02 -2.64579952e-01 -1.43915385e-01 -4.95322198e-01 -5.21576926e-02 3.58993970e-02 3.93801749e-01 -3.40292417e-02 -2.57151514e-01 -4.09180552e-01 -1.77794456e-01 2.29262840e-02 -1.80203706e-01 -7.50632165e-03 1.81317791e-01 6.39663756e-01 -3.53960395e-01 -2.01177523e-01 3.06495339e-01 3.98668826e-01 -5.48624657e-02 -3.96301895e-02 2.74434328e-01 -1.17348038e-01 -1.16279311e-01 -2.99300730e-01 3.39234918e-01 4.21708703e-01 4.34177309e-01 -2.19562694e-01 3.06132492e-02 -7.22360015e-02 -1.66787907e-01 1.53372914e-01 3.94271140e-08 9.62309912e-02 -4.20818716e-01 1.00395493e-01 -3.74385752e-02 1.38263285e-01 4.36595500e-01 2.29424741e-02 -8.49139988e-02 1.60656303e-01 2.50035077e-01 -2.89144218e-01 -1.54029593e-01 -2.22116843e-01 1.81039348e-01 -6.90988123e-01 -1.30857423e-01 -1.50837719e-01 -5.78956366e-01 -2.58133858e-01 -4.83422121e-03 3.64785194e-01 -2.95394093e-01 6.84732059e-03 -2.03421526e-02 4.63896394e-02 1.51684014e-02 3.58975232e-01 7.82769620e-02 -4.95401509e-02 6.98804930e-02 1.11891896e-01 3.73008549e-01 -3.04524064e-01 6.46417066e-02 -1.21556811e-01 2.19220459e-01 3.02308023e-01 -4.49905992e-01 -2.53926605e-01 -4.30399448e-01 3.93589819e-03 -1.75313026e-01 -2.73160547e-01 -2.43585825e-01 -2.83698410e-01 1.29005119e-01 3.12064704e-03 -2.46177629e-01 2.09752932e-01 2.09417060e-01 2.01844603e-01 -6.17557950e-03 -1.47729307e-01 1.25182152e-01 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3.80522311e-02 -3.60714406e-01 5.26248336e-01 6.94482505e-01 -1.55704290e-01 1.41431484e-02 -3.97170246e-01 -5.23171201e-02 -1.56768128e-01 1.38903141e-01 1.70391560e-01 -4.91854876e-01 -2.65788972e-01 3.43451798e-01 1.36411682e-01 -1.09224930e-01 1.53502792e-01 -1.02629609e-01 -3.36701095e-01 2.19716012e-01 2.85346955e-01 -9.34561808e-03 7.23837852e-01 -3.39696952e-03 4.73964512e-01 -4.61694151e-02 -4.80561778e-02 3.82676870e-01 1.56578407e-01 3.63787003e-02 -7.47549310e-02 -4.34126616e-01 1.95464849e-01 2.26761565e-01 8.52010697e-02 -1.60184175e-01 2.84457624e-01 6.32025227e-02 7.03801885e-02 1.12775698e-01 -2.11564496e-01 1.22338049e-02 -3.65289271e-01 -3.05061817e-01 8.88506174e-02 1.08948477e-01 -4.26184423e-02 -9.20261368e-02 -3.84625234e-02 -3.54915529e-01 1.78191029e-02 -2.41227478e-01 -2.38027751e-01 -2.24711463e-01 -2.33954042e-01 -1.21298768e-01 -1.17147714e-01 2.68004775e-01 -1.63198665e-01 1.11248016e-01 -2.89431095e-01 -2.23180592e-01]