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"Reclamation" active "A bunch of miscellaneous CSS 'improvements' that I, Croquembouche, use on a bunch of pages because I think it makes them easier to deal with. The changes this component makes are bunch of really trivial modifications to ease the writing experience and to make documenting components/themes a bit easier (which I do a lot). It doesn't change anything about the page visually for the reader — the changes are for the writer. I wouldn't expect translations of articles that use this component to also use this component, unless the translator likes it and would want to use it anyway. This component probably won't conflict with other components or themes, and even if it does, it probably won't matter too much. On any wiki: [[include :scp-wiki:component:croqstyle]] This component is designed to be used on other components. When using on another component, be sure to add this inside the component's [[iftags]] block, so that users of your component are not forced into also using Croqstyle. Other personal styling components (which change just a couple things): Personal styling themes (which are visual overhauls): Stops footnotes from being a million miles wide, so that you can actually read them. Makes the edit textbox monospace, and also changes all monospace text to Fira Code, the obviously superior monospace font. Adds a light grey background to <tt> elements ({{text}}), so code snippets stand out more. Stops big pictures from appearing when you hover over someone's avatar image, because they're stupid and really annoying and you can just click on them if you want to see the big version. Any text inside a div with class nobreak has line-wrapping happen between every letter. Add my terminal's code colours as variables. Maybe I'll change this to a more common terminal theme like Monokai or something at some point, but for now it's just my personal theme, which is derived from Tomorrow Night Eighties. Also, adding the .terminal class to a fake code block as [[div class="code terminal"]] gives it a sort of pseudo-terminal look with a dark background. Doesn't work with [[code]], because Wikidot inserts a bunch of syntax highlighting that you can't change yourself without a bunch of CSS. Use it for non-[[code]] code snippets only. Quick tool to colourise a 'standard' Wikidot component usage example with the above vars: link Draw lines around anything inside .debug-mode. The colour of the lines is red but defers to CSS variable --debug-colour. You can also add div.debug-info.over and div.debug-info.under inside an element to annotate the debug boxes — though you'll need to make sure to leave enough vertical space that the annotation doesn't overlap the thing above or below it. …like this! Rating: This variant theme was used for the 2020 April Fool's incident, "Super Cool Plants!" To use this theme, put the following syntax on any page: [[include theme:plant]] Unvisited Link (Visited Link) More by this author! Thank you to Cole 13 for making the image used in the first Addendum. He's very cool, and, even better, has a Drawing Hut! Come now, and get your admission fee waived! Thank you to stormbreath for helping me mess around with his theme for this! Is it a good idea to use an April Fool's Theme for a 6k entry? Probably not, but it'll be funny. Finally, before we get to our most esteemed critters, thank you to Azamo for making that groovy div that was going to be utilized in Addendum 3. Return to Whale. Thank you to Phantom8 for helping me figure out the disruption, risk, and containment classes for this scp! Terminal #6576 ------ Welcome, Dr. Akabi Hayk ------ Good morning Hayk! You have (5) unread messages! What would you like to do today? > access scp db Accessing SCiPNet Database Search via (T)ags, or (N)umber? Choose (T/N) > n Please input Search Inquiry: > 6776 Did you want: SCP-6776 > y Accessing File… Special Containment Procedures: As Site-19, now classified as SCP-6776, and all the anomalies contained therein have now accomplished self-containment, it is presumed that no further procedures are needed. All anomalies formerly belonging to Site-19 have been archived from the Foundation database. A security perimeter is to be established at a 5km radius around SCP-6776. Foundation personnel are allowed to visit and tour SCP-6776, so long as they receive written permission from the Research Head. Any anomalous phenomena found in the general vicinity of SCP-6776 is to be reported to the Research Head and, if need be, contained. The Containment Committee is currently reviewing the status of SCP-6776 for possible insights on alternative forms of containment. Description: SCP-6776 is an abandoned Foundation facility, formerly known as Secure Containment Site-19. Control of SCP-6776 was lost following a catastrophic containment breach. Due to the circumstances of the containment breach, Foundation personnel were unable to transfer anomalous artefacts to other facilities. After the decommissioning of the Site-19 Recuperation Committee, SCP-6776 was left completely untouched by the Foundation, allowing for the rapid growth and spread of SCP-6776-A for three years. SCP-6776-A is the collective designation of the flora that has grown within and around SCP-6776. Despite the relatively short amount of time SCP-6776 was left abandoned, SCP-6776-A has managed to almost completely engulf SCP-6776. The statuses of the anomalies formerly contained within Site-19 are currently unknown. Excursions into SCP-6776 are being attempted to uncover any evidence of the anomalies' current states. Addendum 6776.1: Abandonment of SCP-6776 On 23/11/2015, a specimen of Crassula colorata.Dense pigmyweed. was brought into Site-19 and placed within Junior Researcher Akabi Hayk's office as decoration. This was in direct violation of the containment procedures of SCP-███, which necessitated the lack of living plant life on Site. This infraction was left unreported for three years, until the containment breach in 2018. On 23/11/2018, a catastrophic containment breach resulted in SCP-███ leaving its containment unit. Almost immediately, the entity began making its way to the Offices Wing. Once it was within 50m of Dr. Hayk's office, SCP-███ fell to the floor, unconscious. The succulent within the office began growing rapidly, quickly engulfing the Office Wing and spreading to the rest of the facility. Despite the rapid spread of SCP-6776-A and the presence of hostile on-site anomalies, there was only a single fatality as a direct result of this Incident. Date: 23/11/2018 16:04:23 CAMERA 15-AG6 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Simon Glass: Hurry, Bright! Dr. Jack Bright: The fuck do you think I'm doing, Shrink? Not my fucking fault Simmons.D-6748, the current host of Dr. Jack Bright. here wasn't part of his high school's track team! Dr. Akabi Hayk: Can we please just calm down and focus on getting the hell out of here? Bright: Oh, that's just fucking brilliant, Hack! We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't brought in a FUCKING PLANT. Glass: Bright… Hayk: It's Hayk, not Hack, and I was a Junior Researcher when I brought it in! No one ever told me it wasn't allowed! Fuck, I didn't even know it was an infraction until today! Bright: Excuses! Fucking excuses! [Dr. Hayk and Bright stop in the middle of the hallway and proceed to argue. Glass stops as well, and pulls them in an attempt to get them to keep running.] Glass: Akabi, Jack! We have to get out of here. Please, can you two argue outside of the Site? For the love of God, we have a succulent taking over 19! Bright: Oh, I'll get out of here, just not with her! [Bright runs down a side corridor, eventually leaving the camera's area of surveillance. Glass sighs, before nudging Hayk to run. The two of them continue running down the hallway and successfully evacuate Site-19.] [END LOG] CAMERA 15-AG5 [BEGIN LOG] [Bright arrives at a three-way intersection and comes across a hallway full of plants. Vines and large tendrils cover the walls, and flowers begin to bloom on the floor.] Dr. Jack Bright: [Sigh] Fuck. Where do I go now? [Bright slowly walks up to the plant growth and nudges it with his foot. Moss begins to grow on the shoe's toes.] Bright: Oh shit! [Bright attempts to shake off the moss from his foot to no avail. After several attempts, Bright resigns and takes off his shoe, throwing it towards the rest of the flora.] Bright: Halfway there to my Huckleberry costume. Just need to get that straw hat… [Bright begins walking in the other direction. Behind him, the shoe he threw hits an Amorphophallus titanum,.Titan arum. bending its spadix and snapping it in half. Bright hears the sound, and turns around to see what it was.] Bright: That's a funky looking flo- [Moss quickly spreads the floor and grow up Bright's legs. He screams and attempts to claw the growth off as it spreads to his neck. Notably, the moss doesn't spread onto SCP-963 as it engulfs Bright's body.] [Once fully engulfed, Bright is dragged deeper into the Site, as SCP-963 is covered up by the growth of more plant life. The last part of it that is seen is the ruby before it is fully enveloped by a blanket of moss.] [END LOG] Due to the circumstances of the evacuation, almost none of the anomalous artefacts or entities stored within Site-19 could be taken out of the facility, save for SCP-101.As it was present during the containment breach, it is currently being analysed for any possible information on SCP-6776-A and how to reestablish Site-19.. After a failed MTF operation to enter the building, the SCPs contained within SCP-6776, alongside Site-19 itself, were declared lost and archived. Addendum 6776.2: Site-19 Recuperation Committee Due to the existence of multiple hazardous and hostile entities within SCP-6776, the reestablishment of Foundation control was considered a top priority. To facilitate this goal, the Site-19 Recuperation Committee was formed. The original roster for the Committee was primarily made up of staff formerly stationed at Site-19 and members of the Departments of Botany and Mobile Task Forces. Throughout the three years it was active, the Committee was documented attempting to enter SCP-6776 a total of 789 times. An unknown amount of undocumented attempts exist, with estimates placing it somewhere around 250. [GRRGRL] What you guys are doing is great, but I just feel more natural here. I'm sorry. [JBREINER] What do you mean by that? [JBREINER] Hello? [JBREINER] Gloria? User [GRRGRL] disconnected [JBREINER] Jim? [WTF_STFU] yeah they got a point, srry User [WTF_STFU] disconnected [JBREINER] Tom? [BOOGER] Sorry, man. User [BOOGER] disconnected [JBREINER] Are you guys still there? [JBREINER] … [JBREINER] Shit. Addendum 6776.3: 2024 Survey On July 12th, 2024, after much deliberation, an expedition into SCP-6776 was approved. The main motivating factor for the approval of such a mission was due to SCP-6776's reactor, which was suggested by Foundation experts to be approaching a nuclear meltdown. STF Epsilon-55 ("Devil May Care")'s Beta Squad was selected for the operation, due to their experience in navigating former Foundation sites. The expedition was to be entirely non-hostile. As such, Beta Squad brought no weapons or items that could be used in a hostile manner. Date: 16/07/2024 Exploratory Team: STF Epsilon-55 Subject: STF Epsilon-55's Beta Squad was deployed to explore SCP-6776, and report its current status. Squad Lead: BETA-1 "Cricket" Squad Members: BETA-2 "Taurus", BETA-3 "Ghost", BETA-5 "Poacher", MEDIC-1 "Nightingale", Ogma.aic [BEGIN LOG] [E-55's Beta Squad is positioned near the main entrance to SCP-6776. Damage from previous attempts to access it are visible, but it remains unopened.] BETA-1 "Cricket": Alright, equipment check. BETA-2 "Taurus": Looking good. BETA-3 "Ghost": Everything's as it should. BETA-5 "Poacher": Fine and dandy. MEDIC-1 "Nightingale": Everything's a-ok. Ogma.aic: All systems functional. "Cricket": You got the 19 list pulled up, Ogma? Ogma.aic: Affirmative. All 252 slots are currently opened. "Cricket": Perfect, let's go. [Beta Squad approaches the entrance and begins inspecting the blast doors for a way in.] "Poacher": How many times did that one committee try to break in here? "Taurus": Shit, think they lost count themselves. They gave up a couple of years ago, pretty sure. "Nightingale": Do we know what all they tried to do? Ogma.aic: Most of the Site-19 Recuperation Committee's attempts consisted of trying to break into SCP-6776 via the use of explosives, ballistics, and violent thaumaturgy. "Nightingale": Did they ever try, uh, you know. [Nightingale gestures towards the doors' control panel.] Ogma.aic: One moment… Ogma.aic: Negative. [Silence.] "Poacher:" You're shitting me, right? Ogma.aic: I lack the personality drive necessary for comedy. "Ghost": That committee was beyond incompetent. [Ghost opens the control panels and inputs the last security code used for Site-19. After a moment, a green light turns on as the doors slowly split open. Vines and other plant matter fall as they are shaken off.] "Cricket": Welcome to Site-19, boys. [Beta Squad enter SCP-6776. Cracks are visible in the floor and walls where vines and other flora has grown through it. The lights have been destroyed and replaced by an unknown species of bioluminescent fungus.] "Cricket": Ogma, can you pull up a map of Site-19 for us? Ogma.aic: Accessing Archived S19 Map, please wait. "Taurus:" Did they ever find out what happened to Bright? "Nightingale": Don't think they heard from him ever since that video log. Ogma.aic: S19 Map pulled up, please select a destination. "Poacher:" Where should we head? "Cricket:" Take us to the Reactor, Ogma. Ogma.aic: Route generated. Passing through Cafeteria. [Beta Squad makes their way through the corridors of SCP-6776 and towards the cafeteria. Writing is visible on the wall, which is quickly covered up by SCP-6776-A before the Squad views them.] "Poacher": Ugh, I fucking hate how those vines move. Sends shivers down my spine. "Taurus": What are they even covering up? "Poacher:" I dunno, lemme che- [Poacher brushes some of the vines to the side, revealing an instance of SCP-2304.An investigation by the Foundation Department of Cognitohazards revealed that all known instances of SCP-2304 had disappeared from Foundation servers sometime after the classification of SCP-6776 and that no new instances had manifested since then.. He immediately falls to the ground, clawing at his throat as it undergoes rapid cell growth. The rest of Beta Squad avert their eyes as Nightingale crouches down to check on Poacher.] "Taurus": Shit, Poach! "Cricket": What's wrong with him, Doc!? "Nightingale": I-I dunno, he saw whatever was on that wall and just fell to the ground. M-maybe a cognitohazard? I-I'm not trained in dealing with this type of stuff… "Cricket": That's alright. Just… Stay here with him. Keep him stable. Let's… Let's keep going, team. [Beta Squad, sans Nightingale and Poacher, continue towards the cafeteria. The team takes care not to look at the walls, directing their gaze towards the floor as Ogma.aic guides them. Asides from occasional noises from deeper within SCP-6776 and movement from SCP-6776-A, nothing else of note occurs.] "Cricket": How much longer, Ogie? Ogma.aic: Site-19's cafeteria should be towards your right, sir. [Cricket looks up at the wall and sees the sign for the cafeteria. The control panel marks it as locked down, but vines have forced the doors open. A dense cloud of spores makes it impossible to look into the cafeteria.] "Taurus:" Ogma? Ogma.aic: Yes, Beta-2? "Taurus": How many of the anomalies contained on Site-19 were, uh, dangerous? Ogma.aic: A majority of them. There's a reason Site-19 was considered Max Security. "Taurus:" Shit… "Cricket": We'll be alright, Taurus. We got each other, don't we? "Ghost": Look how far that got Poacher, Cricket. "Cricket": You're not helping, Ghost. Let's just head in. [Cricket and Ghost enter the cafeteria. Taurus hesitates for a moment, before joining them.] [After a second, the cafeteria is visible to the camera. Tables and chairs are overthrown and strewn about; the glass separating the kitchen was shattered and a trail of food could be seen heading into a hallway. Plants are seen growing over the walls, floor and ceiling, but few reach towards the centre of the area. Patches of dried blood can be seen on the walls, although a majority of it seems to have been cleaned off. A large mass of ivy is visible on the other side of the room. Beta Squad begins traversing through the cafeteria.] "Taurus": It's… Empty. "Cricket": Is there something wrong with that? Less trouble for us. "Taurus": I don't know, I just expected there to be so- [A small, teardrop-shaped entity suddenly enter frame, wheeling past Beta Squad before turning and circling them. The entity has a single eye at its centre, and lichen rapidly growing behind it.] "Taurus": Oh shit, what the fuck is that?! "Cricket": Ogma? Ogma.aic: Identifying subject, please wait. [The entity begins emitting a high-pitched noise, similar to that of a baby's babbling. It comes up to Taurus, who is visibly frightened, and begins to nuzzle up to him.] Ogma.aic: 100% match for SCP-131-ARC-B. Non-hostile nature. "Cricket": [Chuckling] It's just one of the Eye Pods, Taur. Nothing to be scared about. [Cricket bends down and begins to pet SCP-131-ARC-B, which makes a purring noise in response.] "Taurus": Oh, uh, yeah, yeah… Nothing to be scared about… "Cricket": See, Taur? Basically just a house cat. Hmm, I wonder where the other one is. "Ghost": Have any of our necks been snapped? "Taurus": No? "Ghost": Case in point. We should stop lollygagging and continue the mission. [Cricket gets up and joins the other two as they continue walking. SCP-131-ARC-B makes a chirping noise before wheeling away. As they get closer, the mound of ivy can be seen moving slightly, almost as if it is breathing. It suddenly jolts, scattering some ivy leaves, before returning to its regular motion. Beta Squad stops, and turns in reaction to this sudden movement.] "Cricket": We should probably check that out. Ogma.aic: That is an advisable course of action. "Cricket": Ghost? "Ghost": I have an ivy allergy. "Cricket": Taurus? "Taurus": Nuh-uh, I think I'm good. [Cricket sighs, picks up a broken branch, and begins creeping towards the plant mass. They slowly reach the stick out, poking the plants. A soft, squishy noise can be heard. A small amount of liquid squirts out from between the ivy and onto Cricket's left arm. It eats through their suit, burning a small area on their arm. They scream and jump back, dropping the stick to cradle their arm. Taurus runs up to check on Cricket with Ghost walking behind.] "Taurus": Cricket! Are you alright? "Cricket": Y-yeah, just a small burn. Nothing we shouldn't be able to patch up. Ogma, what was that? Ogma.aic: It seems to be a chemical burn. The liquid was more than likely acidic. "Taurus": Acidic? But… The only anomaly on site that had to do with acid was- [A low groan is heard as the mass of ivy begins to move. Beta Squad move back as a reptilian tail and feet came out from the ivy. The ivy begins to fall apart, revealing a large creature within. Portions of the creature's flesh are missing, exposing a skeleton covered in Pueraria Montana..Kudzu. The creature sniffs the air, before looking down at Beta squad.] Ogma.aic: SCP-682. [SCP-682-ARC roars, spewing a honey-like substance around the area.] Ogma.aic: Recommended course of action: Run. [Beta Squad runs out of the cafeteria, with SCP-682-ARC not far behind. While it would normally be faster, the overgrown, compact halls restrict SCP-682-ARC. At times, it seems as though the plants grow out to trip the entity.] "Ghost": What made you think the idea that poking an omnicidal lizard with a stick would be a good idea? "Cricket:" How the hell was I supposed to know fucking 682 of all things was under the leaves? Ogma.aic: Site-19 contains very few objects of that size, and it was moving in a way similar to an animal sleeping. The only organism of that size within this Site is SCP-682. "Cricket": Oh, can it, Ogma! Just find us somewhere safe! Ogma.aic: The cell used for SCP-4057 in 1968 has yet to be demolished. Rerouting. [Ogma.aic directs Beta Squad towards High-Security Containment, where SCP-4057's former cell was located at. A cave-in at the intersection leading to High-Security forces Beta Squad to head towards the Atrium. As they get closer to the Atrium, SCP-682-ARC begins slowing down in its pursuit, eventually stopping. It spits up more of the honey-like substance while attempting to speak before turning around. It begins shambling back towards the Cafeteria as Beta Squad stops as well.] "Taurus": It.. turned around? "Cricket":…What's in the Atrium then? "Ghost": Why don't we stop asking questions and find out? [Beta Squad slowly make their way towards the atrium, wary of their surroundings. The door to the area was closed. Just as Ghost was about to utilise the control panel on the side, vines grew from the other side of the door, forcing them open.] "Cricket": That's nice of them, now isn't it? [Beta Squad enters the Atrium. Despite being three levels below ground, the ceiling of the room has opened up to the sky. Harsh sunlight flooded the room, momentarily blinding the camera. Once the camera adjusted to the light, a large rainforest became visible. SCP-073-ARC could be seen in the distance, tending to a herd of Bos primigenius primigenius.Aurochs, a recently extinct species of large wild cattle.. The plant life within the Atrium consisted of both mundane and anomalous flora, such as SCP-504-ARC instances and SCP-417-ARC. Animals were seen consuming fruits from the tree without any retaliation from SCP-417-ARC-1 instances. A nearby pond was full of instances of SCP-4159.There was a sudden decrease in reports of SCP-4159 attacks in the years proceeding the Site-19 breach.. SCP-023-ARC was seen approaching the pond. Instead of attacking the canine, SCP-4159 instances submerged under water and returned with pearls and rocks, which SCP-023-ARC took with it. A myriad of other scenes like this were visible throughout the Atrium, exhibiting a balance between the anomalous and natural.] "Taurus": Oh my god, it's-. "Ghost": Horrifying. "Cricket": Beautiful. [Unidentified Voice]: I personally prefer the beautiful perspective. [Beta Squad turns around to face the speaker. Behind them stands a humanoid, floral entity wearing a ruby necklace.] "Taurus": Whoa, who the fuck are you? [Unidentified Voice]: Hmm… You have a name for the plants? "Taurus": Yeah, it's-. "Ghost": Classified. Bright: Bummer. Just call me Bright then. "Taurus": As in…? Bright: Jack Bright. "Ghost": We thought that you had died during the breach in 2018? Bright: Even in here, the necklace isn't gonna let me take a break. "Cricket": In here? What do you mean? Bright:…You're kidding me, right? You do know why you're here, yeah? "Ghost": To check on the reactor. Make sure it doesn't have a meltdown. Bright: That…wait… [Bright steps back to take a better look at Beta Squad. The blue flowers substituting for its eyes are seen visibly growing, before narrowing.] Bright: That outfit… That insignia… You're Foundation, aren't you? "Cricket": Yeah, you'd be correct. MTF Epsilon-55's Beta Squad. Bright: Shit… That'd explain a lot. Y'all really don't know much about what's going on here, do you? "Ghost": A plant took over Site-19 and for some reason there's been almost no reports of anomalies from here breaching containment. Bright: And you know why? "Taurus": Err.. I don't think we do? Bright: [Sigh] You guys have a lot of catching up to do. The reactor is what you said you're here for, right? "Cricket": Right. Bright: Let's go then. We can chat on the way. [Bright gestures for Beta Squad to follow him. He leads them in the general direction of the reactor, although at a deliberately slow pace. Notably, the hallways become more and more overgrown as the group gets closer to the reactor.] Bright: Remind me what the Foundation knows about… SCP-6776, was it? I could never remember those numbers for the life of me. "Cricket": The containment breach back in 2018 happened, Site-19 got overgrown by plants, and all of our attempts to get back in were thwarted by either a bunch of plants or an escaped anomaly. Bright: I see… You remember what happened during the breach to cause that? "Taurus": Uh… Ogma? Ogma.aic: During the containment breach, an SCP whose containment necessitated the lack of flora on-site came into the general vicinity of a plant located within the Office Wing. The ensuing anomalous reaction resulted in the formation of SCP-6776-A. Bright: Oh sick, an AIC. Haven't talked to one since Alexandria broke down a while ago. What SCP was that, Ogma? Ogma.aic: That information is barred behind Level 5/6776 clearance. "Ghost": Shocking. Bright: Eh, figured it'd respond with that. Gives me a place to start, I guess. Bright: That kid, the one whose file none of us have the clearance to take a peak at, is the whole reason all of this started. You can guess by his reaction to that succulent that what made him anomalous had something to do with plants. Maybe phytokinesis, or whatever the fancy word for flower power is. "Cricket": What does any of this have to do with what "in here" means, or why you thought we knew what you meant by that? Bright: Hold on, hold on. I'm getting there. As I was saying, the point is it had something to do with Nature. We contained it in… 1993, from what I've gathered, and the last containment procedures we had on for it were established the year after. That was, what, 24-ish years of not being able to do its thing? That's a lot of pent-up flower power that just festers inside of it. Then the breach happens, and it senses a plant. So it fucking books it, rushing out of its cell and straight for Hac- sorry, Hayk's office. It's able to act on that succulent, and the release of all that pent-up energy, it- it- It acts like a conduit. Opened the gateway for.. All of this. The plants, the animals, the fungi. It let Nature in. I don't know if it's, like, a concept or a being or just a thing, but it's here. Permating through this artificial place, making it nature. "Ghost": What does that have to do with all of these anomalies in here? Why haven't most of them gotten out and wrecked havoc? Bright: Hmm, how do I explain it… What's the difference between… 035 and a regular mask? "Taurus": It takes control of people and has that black goop. Bright: Why? "Ghost": Because it's anomalous. Bright: And what's anomalous? "Ghost": Anything that falls out of conventional thinking and can't be thoroughly explained by normal science. Bright: And what is "conventional thinking"? What is "normal science"? "Ghost": I, uh, i- Bright: Who decides Normalcy? "Taurus": We do, right? Bright: Who said you can decide what is and isn't normal? "Cricket": No one. What we deemed as anomalous today could just be the latest invention tomorrow. I mean, shit, we have a whole Object Class that's just "object is explainable with anomalous science." What even is the difference between anomalous and mundane science? Bright: Hey, hey, see! Now you're getting it. Who are we to decide what is and isn't natural? Who are we to say that the anomalous "violates the proverbial laws" of Nature, and that it isn't just facet of it? "Ghost": So that's why we haven't had too many breaches from here? Cause it's "all part of Nature" or some hippie stuff like that? What about the ones that have gotten out, like 106 and that one business representative? Bright: The business rep. got out cause, quite frankly, businesses aren't part of the natural world. And 106… Well, let's just chalk that up to bad faith actors. Not everyone wants to be at-peace. [The group stops at a pair of steel doors labelled "Reactor."] Bright: Let's go in. [Beta Squad enters the Reactor, following behind Bright. Site-19's generators and nuclear reactors had been replaced by a large and complex system of plants and beehives, all of it coated in a protective layer of tree sap. Tendrils of roses and beeswax connect the beehives and other plant matter to central trunks. Bees can be seen carrying large swabs of honey into holes in the trunk.] Bright: What were you guys here for again? [END LOG] « SCP-6775 | SCP-6776 | SCP-6777 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6776" by TopDownUnder, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: reclaimed.jpg Name: "Regan Vest, Main entrance to secret bunker" Author: morten812 License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: bright.jpg Author: Cole 13 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Wiki For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 2.61218280e-01 1.08465567e-01 -1.28930017e-01 -1.07071221e-01 -1.79043740e-01 -1.20731436e-01 2.87728328e-02 3.17861438e-01 -1.88585371e-02 9.53429639e-02 -7.46615008e-02 1.38568338e-02 3.86724919e-01 -2.40459200e-02 -2.20523663e-02 2.37644780e-02 2.75787935e-02 2.08248153e-01 7.37882629e-02 -1.40000015e-01 -5.71457893e-02 -8.65994429e-04 -1.98596381e-02 3.86801720e-01 -2.37440154e-01 -1.12535685e-01 -2.46584658e-02 -6.76126266e-03 -8.58996063e-02 -4.49513018e-01 3.14343989e-01 6.18054986e-01 -6.60869256e-02 7.00947866e-02 -1.19814475e-04 -7.19376206e-02 4.21893150e-01 -5.93489446e-02 -4.51521855e-03 2.59985417e-01 2.86895782e-01 -1.84189856e-01 1.67459041e-01 -2.79467285e-01 1.47208348e-01 2.75496066e-01 -2.18171030e-01 4.05994475e-01 4.23857123e-01 1.52068898e-01 1.56579718e-01 -1.08776517e-01 -1.26817569e-01 3.60926151e-01 7.03707814e-01 2.75971264e-01 -7.60252774e-02 -3.22808236e-01 3.83491129e-01 -2.19183750e-02 4.38761532e-01 2.57964879e-01 -5.13330996e-01 -9.42149386e-02 1.41784713e-01 -2.01744422e-01 5.72654724e-01 -1.84106492e-02 5.05692124e-01 4.57750320e-01 5.53016186e-01 2.38787919e-01 1.46199912e-01 1.43064842e-01 -7.52435997e-02 -3.34849469e-02 8.60540867e-02 1.06503442e-01 2.49256685e-01 8.25295597e-03 -2.28724867e-01 -2.10649312e-01 -2.69901156e-02 4.32636327e-04 1.02283396e-02 6.46138251e-01 1.33187352e-02 5.85486665e-02 -3.15217048e-01 2.06546873e-01 -5.64878620e-02 -5.86137511e-02 -2.13648140e-01 2.66017616e-01 3.73663872e-01 1.72922164e-01 8.09676722e-02 2.70580292e-01 1.46376193e-01 -2.19740393e-03 4.52840447e-01 3.88533890e-01 -1.87429041e-02 8.65329057e-02 8.92982259e-02 1.27492011e-01 5.43242767e-02 -2.49015003e-01 3.49172831e-01 -8.33911151e-02 7.90054575e-02 -2.98531447e-02 4.47447486e-02 1.81034371e-01 7.64393620e-03 -2.65780747e-01 9.93469283e-02 -3.34522814e-01 3.52258801e-01 6.72582984e-02 1.75792292e-01 -2.72894353e-01 -5.02865434e-01 2.08212107e-01 2.38746017e-01 3.02249163e-01 3.94626930e-02 -3.99770997e-02 -5.18105067e-02 6.68826625e-02 3.57980281e-02 -3.96629497e-02 -1.44619837e-01 -1.28332108e-01 -2.06002027e-01 6.78305700e-02 4.66954373e-02 3.34936865e-02 -1.30375117e-01 -2.83850431e-01 1.18160866e-01 4.21068162e-01 1.76679328e-01 2.84302682e-01 -3.93814713e-01 -3.59138660e-02 3.23229790e-01 -5.17817557e-01 -3.78135920e-01 2.00717241e-01 4.54473980e-02 -2.81924903e-01 -2.13148549e-01 9.25949663e-02 -1.70138404e-01 -2.35098545e-02 -8.10157359e-02 1.38008997e-01 2.11752057e-01 1.02509595e-01 4.37839985e-01 1.50526568e-01 -2.08895624e-01 3.82018536e-02 -1.89523637e-01 1.54600427e-01 -3.33394378e-01 -4.04223323e-01 5.09090349e-02 -3.52556169e-01 2.27464423e-01 -1.29641399e-01 -1.54116064e-01 1.65837020e-01 8.98929834e-02 -3.57828707e-01 1.60535768e-01 -4.20734435e-01 -4.79443967e-01 -2.91451931e-01 1.67155236e-01 2.67754883e-01 9.20833424e-02 -3.21042597e-01 1.06250234e-01 5.62786646e-02 -5.43050945e-01 -6.93336129e-02 1.47897273e-01 -8.65860954e-02 -4.51431692e-01 -2.23017838e-02 4.16240608e-03 -3.31765078e-02 1.77039072e-01 2.33472623e-02 2.17272099e-02 -1.23146705e-01 2.83175319e-01 -8.86238143e-02 3.13031912e-01 -2.52792031e-01 2.38478735e-01 2.21963048e-01 2.81007856e-01 2.53018476e-02 5.35776373e-03 8.51269215e-02 8.42296854e-02 4.34830934e-02 3.42372835e-01 -1.24906778e-01 -3.63614678e-01 -5.44821322e-02 -4.97971535e-01 -5.39399207e-01 7.34874010e-02 3.14077660e-02 2.20923632e-01 7.47038797e-02 -2.56164461e-01 -1.72333226e-01 -1.52722225e-01 -3.53196338e-02 4.16962475e-01 2.48153016e-01 -2.67196357e-01 -4.08131517e-02 -3.28709960e-01 3.31406862e-01 -2.01736137e-01 -2.57145107e-01 -1.45737991e-01 -1.83297861e-02 -8.82134363e-02 3.03368837e-01 2.12517008e-01 4.30761933e-01 7.49536306e-02 -1.21976905e-01 -1.59204509e-02 1.96505815e-01 8.37617293e-02 -1.62064791e-01 -2.63517704e-02 1.56879857e-01 -2.48156041e-01 3.76830012e-01 -3.25362176e-01 -9.54737961e-02 1.15066737e-01 -1.10616773e-01 -2.44626075e-01 3.29341600e-03 3.74954902e-02 3.20135534e-01 -7.71538913e-02 1.55497203e-03 1.23319261e-01 2.48778369e-02 1.07157364e-01 -3.55893195e-01 -8.36354718e-02 2.72222161e-01 -5.50952889e-02 -4.63915080e-01 5.16048744e-02 1.92277938e-01 -1.71160206e-01 1.34846956e-01 2.90258732e-02 1.60938635e-01 2.81255543e-01 -1.04921415e-01 2.81298280e-01 1.90210313e-01 -1.34570748e-01 1.40389532e-01 2.15807512e-01 1.00395896e-01 -1.33343279e-01 -6.84103519e-02 -1.07165277e-01 9.96474326e-02 2.49540061e-01 -2.24432766e-01 5.53109199e-02 1.97972208e-01 1.36535838e-01 -4.48717177e-02 1.56243101e-01 -3.84275168e-01 4.40360680e-02 -3.08962524e-01 -5.39144836e-02 4.92492467e-02 -2.60813475e-01 4.49427277e-01 -1.47495896e-01 2.11320996e-01 -4.92055357e-01 -7.67484844e-01 -1.91769332e-01 -1.31631671e-02 -3.04433942e-01 -1.59857199e-02 3.86560038e-02 -3.06059092e-01 1.28307082e-02 -2.66459078e-01 -4.47938621e-01 3.27705652e-01 -9.99109969e-02 -3.57976735e-01 3.32996212e-02 -2.61543901e-03 6.99098855e-02 -1.21018931e-01 8.99188891e-02 -1.76628068e-01 -1.25903025e-01 8.71372074e-02 -2.86357492e-01 6.34492934e-02 -1.43517360e-01 1.54730722e-01 -6.42508641e-02 -2.62664080e-01 4.76853997e-02 -2.90051639e-01 2.73010522e-01 1.39717579e-01 -3.70609313e-01 1.73016593e-01 -3.53314430e-01 1.95957676e-01 -1.53992936e-01 -6.96880668e-02 6.95838779e-02 -7.12432787e-02 -3.05436160e-02 3.62536877e-01 -2.04531759e-01 3.65808517e-01 -3.09214499e-02 -5.75186431e-01 -1.16504684e-01 1.56400874e-02 2.82959402e-01 1.51388869e-01 2.77687795e-02 2.77316928e-01 5.01478195e-01 -1.88988596e-01 1.58486143e-01 1.02476537e-01 -5.31327248e-01 2.08628103e-01 -1.59661725e-01 -2.38667428e-02 -1.31237566e-01 1.15884980e-02 6.75313592e-01 -1.41907319e-01 5.24710119e-01 2.36876637e-01 4.03625637e-01 1.37452245e-01 -1.14435218e-02 3.63038927e-02 2.06281513e-01 -2.83599377e-01 -1.72440723e-01 3.35124105e-01 2.60392688e-02 -3.79176825e-01 -8.83336961e-02 -1.58627912e-01 -2.05882832e-01 -2.22078800e-01 -1.60160899e-01 3.47364664e-01 3.59748155e-01 1.07988948e-02 -1.88916907e-01 2.04333186e-01 3.49811688e-02 3.57967436e-01 5.10245502e-01 -1.08521499e-01 2.99933422e-02 -7.40763426e-01 1.11600697e-01 -1.40784830e-01 2.78517365e-01 -6.51051849e-02 -5.89543521e-01 7.91599154e-02 -6.83450997e-02 2.13939831e-01 -2.03594685e-01 5.47802597e-02 -1.66115224e-01 -2.45387420e-01 5.13179839e-01 -2.13340819e-01 -2.92098731e-01 -4.23675358e-01 -2.16631323e-01 -4.36723709e-01 5.65899670e-01 -1.08518772e-01 -9.53754559e-02 -1.43664241e-01 -2.38023251e-02 -1.10285737e-01 -9.56547558e-02 1.21347696e-01 -2.96307772e-01 -3.28597873e-01 -5.58746696e-01 1.63139805e-01 -3.35285366e-01 -1.81039706e-01 -3.30512315e-01 -2.21559708e-03 -4.81418846e-03 2.76120842e-01 -3.20712715e-01 1.64804816e-01 -1.90064028e-01 -1.72238071e-02 -4.11706537e-01 1.95510328e-01 -2.54523784e-01 -2.48611540e-01 -3.76956514e-03 3.54103092e-03 8.39318261e-02 -2.55831003e-01 -4.34415758e-01 1.53739408e-01 2.84039855e-01 3.18933427e-01 9.57574099e-02 -2.47189596e-01 5.65849058e-02 -2.31003270e-01 1.09841794e-01 -2.57293224e-01 2.39198908e-01 3.00649907e-02 -2.65184075e-01 3.31888109e-01 -8.55370015e-02 -4.48451519e-01 -3.07675719e-01 6.74180031e-01 -1.48200110e-01 3.84103179e-01 3.05755973e-01 1.22150731e+00 -4.14970657e-03 2.06764162e-01 -1.94957152e-01 -4.81229454e-01 2.00931221e-01 1.52387962e-01 -6.27254918e-02 1.57518089e-01 3.63986045e-01 -1.09088309e-01 9.92141590e-02 -1.56400520e-02 -5.50488196e-02 -7.34065652e-01 6.51521957e-04 -3.35742444e-01 -1.92671701e-01 1.61763921e-01 -1.27983987e-01 1.73890144e-01 1.64463017e-02 3.65349472e-01 3.61266099e-02 -2.31931701e-01 2.94853449e-01 -1.83850214e-01 3.39004695e-01 -1.51272640e-01 9.84260738e-02 -2.56083816e-01 -7.21809119e-02 3.98817122e-01 -8.56023356e-02 1.05644494e-01 -4.41418767e-01 1.29566386e-01 3.61463815e-01 1.63540453e-01 2.97468510e-02 -3.64864320e-02 2.45855436e-01 9.98173356e-02 -4.06449940e-03 -1.29730344e-01 2.85198957e-01 -1.32171973e-03 -1.59706876e-01 -4.35694724e-01 1.60406411e-01 -2.30182663e-01 1.38824314e-01 -3.43927324e-01 1.90758735e-01 4.78847146e-01 6.73018768e-02 8.36124923e-03 3.27391773e-01 -1.48359954e-01 -3.77257049e-01 1.00409314e-01 3.52608562e-02 -1.70358568e-01 1.64966226e-01 1.29139796e-01 -2.95178860e-01 6.42694682e-02 -2.91800141e-01 8.99083465e-02 -9.70903412e-02 3.35404158e-01 -7.33377412e-02 -1.02942646e-01 -1.06837399e-01 -2.29935467e-01 2.35737771e-01 1.49740651e-01 -8.74013230e-02 2.79637575e-02 -3.67028445e-01 -6.39109686e-02 8.71030390e-01 1.68060988e-01 1.23668045e-01 -3.56978983e-01 5.82687743e-02 -1.40306219e-01 3.65435146e-02 4.38266486e-01 2.61454254e-01 -9.14162621e-02 -2.38986149e-01 -1.03516981e-01 5.73206067e-01 -2.53006428e-01 3.01094856e-02 -2.65320361e-01 1.66989714e-01 5.26365042e-01 -4.06723171e-01 -4.91779089e-01 2.17949860e-02 -3.26172523e-02 6.06524795e-02 -1.68149620e-01 -2.09008083e-01 -3.92462552e-01 1.97934136e-01 -3.49426568e-02 -2.81705528e-01 3.34770441e-01 6.47415459e-01 2.87629485e-01 -2.53765702e-01 2.77242362e-01 -1.82452112e-01 -8.07968080e-02 2.44312763e-01 -2.49455631e-01 2.00519413e-01 -2.23445967e-01 5.05236201e-02 -3.08850333e-02 4.18414086e-01 2.28475958e-01 4.23711278e-02 2.32743621e-02 -1.45602331e-01 3.59064668e-01 1.88893974e-01 4.11013484e-01 9.07004625e-02 2.05717012e-01 1.66447535e-01 1.78637862e-01 1.54705346e-01 -1.61267668e-01 9.39734429e-02 1.23474203e-01 -3.17392915e-01 1.29195645e-01 1.73424140e-01 -3.79587077e-02 -1.55879632e-01 2.11977839e-01 -8.93799663e-02 6.24645613e-02 1.79754585e-01 1.93064347e-01 -2.51202494e-01 -4.41974513e-02 1.29488438e-01 4.91052955e-01 -4.22217637e-01 2.11320460e-01 -3.45859408e-01 -6.23855665e-02 -1.02959558e-01 2.26827472e-01 4.82066348e-02 -2.17090428e-01 -1.64141729e-01 6.15660310e-01 3.78759146e-01 2.95037955e-01 6.97830915e-01 1.30733266e-01 1.09359853e-01 4.68300939e-01 3.18813145e-01 1.86000653e-02 4.00744468e-01 1.40112758e-01 -2.04022348e-01 5.31172216e-01 1.07907236e-01 6.50869161e-02 2.71940619e-01 2.93505132e-01 -4.15073037e-01 5.72030284e-02 -3.59918624e-01 2.29309008e-01 5.57115600e-02 2.93703556e-01 7.66953230e-02 1.99358195e-01 1.57937273e-01 -3.45348865e-02 -5.10169193e-02 2.08280638e-01 -1.47174761e-01 3.73155326e-01 -8.41156766e-02 -1.72777548e-01 2.97473758e-01 9.83286276e-03 -7.21226409e-02 2.09032238e-01 2.64030933e-01 4.85497713e-02 -4.25668448e-01 3.30955446e-01 -2.99750686e-01 -3.61284688e-02 2.41176016e-03 1.13937050e-01 2.20761493e-01 -1.95857644e-01 -3.06036383e-01 3.01227923e-02 -1.12752922e-01 -2.85079181e-01 -6.44109547e-02 -2.45864391e-01 -1.44510970e-01 -1.96169272e-01 8.92727226e-02 -4.19806004e-01 -2.02835053e-02 3.58190686e-01 -6.07142486e-02 3.76657873e-01 -1.28784075e-01 3.93544212e-02 1.08479075e-02 2.00949665e-02 2.23557986e-02 1.54448628e-01 2.25643903e-01 2.07990155e-01 2.49529868e-01 2.80003130e-01 -3.63166243e-01 -1.33681551e-01 2.08234504e-01 -7.27026537e-02 -9.83059183e-02 2.19668657e-01 7.31367990e-02 -1.87765211e-01 2.97773387e-02 3.09670210e-01 -5.39533377e-01 9.41803008e-02 -1.87229067e-01 -8.06143060e-02 3.03917229e-01 6.18839443e-01 -2.16391668e-01 -1.16997711e-01 -1.66391030e-01 1.90855917e-02 1.85394242e-01 1.00624360e-01 7.16297552e-02 -6.56392351e-02 1.40940443e-01 -4.70374664e-03 3.36855412e-01 1.46171436e-01 -6.40422031e-02 1.25237644e-01 -2.33126879e-01 1.67863116e-01 2.08545089e-01 -8.17530602e-02 -1.28838524e-01 -2.24435687e-01 1.07609048e-01 -1.62583709e-01 1.38399839e-01 1.03313476e-01 4.19934243e-01 2.85984248e-01 -3.43436264e-02 -2.38236278e-01 -3.75700921e-01 1.18696593e-01 -3.10107201e-01 -4.45955321e-02 1.37875199e-01 1.82530224e-01 5.17612360e-02 -3.23005348e-01 -4.30498049e-02 2.63260067e-01 7.55025148e-02 -5.05102694e-01 -8.14532265e-02 -2.58994624e-02 -1.19056590e-01 7.40498528e-02 -1.73778281e-01 -3.32399338e-01 1.66484505e-01 3.32257077e-02 -4.17309552e-01 -2.67936867e-02 3.61205339e-01 -3.83715004e-01 -5.15302941e-02 3.90949219e-01 -8.52859616e-02 -2.95890757e-04 -5.13145149e-01 -2.24492192e-01]
"Ichifuji Bakuu the Virtual Streamer" active "Title: SCP-6777 - Ichifuji Bakuu the Virtual Streamer Authors: Karathh, pastarasta1 Made in: 2021 Item #: SCP-6777 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6777 and its by-products are currently uncontainable. If traces of interference by SCP-6777 are confirmed, attempts are to be made to remove or conceal the traces as soon as possible. Foundation staff should be aware of their surroundings when viewing SCP-6777's stream. Viewing SCP-6777's stream outside the designated area is unallowed. Criticism of SCP-6777 to reduce the number of subscribers is encouraged. If SCP-6777's manifestation in the real world is confirmed, Department of Tactical Theology and Mobile Task Force Eta-77 ("Spheres Within Spheres") will be in charge of the suppression and containment of SCP-6777. Description: SCP-6777 is an entity that performs virtual YouTuber1 activities under the name "Ichifuji Bakuu (一富士ばくぅ)". To date, SCP-6777 has created a total of 23 accounts, including ones which are publicly known such as YouTube channel, Twitter and Steam. However, none of these accounts have provided sufficient information which could be used to discover SCP-6777's identity. SCP-6777 is a Level-4-or-higher Pistiphage Entity, and its interference with reality expands in proportion to the number of fans who show a strong liking for it. It is believed that this effect is strengthened the more fans actually take action, and it has been found that it is greatly influenced by the number of subscribers to SCP-6777's YouTube channel. The following are some of the examples of SCP-6777's interference in reality that have been confirmed so far. Based on the above speculation, as well as SCP-6777's own statements in the past, the SCP-6777 research team speculates that SCP-6777 will be able to manifest within reality when the number of subscribers to SCP-6777's YouTube channel exceeds one million. At this time, based on the past manifestation pattern 2576, one of the following scenarios are assumed to occur. See Document 6777-SNR for details of all scenarios. SCP-6777 has been active as a virtual YouTuber on the Internet under the name "The Hungry Baku God (空腹なる貘の神)" since before the discovery of its abnormality. In particular, SCP-6777's eccentricities such as Simultaneous performance of piano playing and singing Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, five times in a row in a single online streaming, and making abnormal screeching sounds when it got excited, which triggered a lot of attention on the Internet. An investigation by the foundation reported that no abnormalities such as psychological effects were found in its activities as a virtual YouTuber. The fact that SCP-6777 is an anomaly was discovered after SCP-6777 enacted a celebrating stream about that the number of channel subscribers exceeded 300,000. From that night to two mornings later, a number of SCP-6777 fans, including 36 Foundation employees, reported that Bakuu had appeared in their dreams and thanked them directly. The affected Foundation staff is currently under observation. The following is a transcript of an interview with one of the researchers who claimed that SCP-6777 appeared in his dream. Interview Log 6777-3 Interviewer: Dr. Seimei Interviewed: Researcher Muranoi Interviewed in: Site-8171 Note: This interview was conducted before detailed information about SCP-6777's anomalous properties were known, and the numbering had not yet been done. The interview was conducted in Japanese. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Seimei: Now, please explain the dream you had. Researcher Muranoi: Well, far as I can remember, I found myself in the middle of the scramble crossing in Shibuya. I guess that's where the dream started. The sky was full of stars, but it was as bright as daytime, and there were many orbs floating around me. Dr. Seimei: So you didn't just suddenly see Ichifuji Bakuu? Researcher Muranoi: Yes, she appeared some time after the dream started. Dr. Seimei: I see. Please continue. Researcher Muranoi: When I was looking around, I suddenly saw a light in front of me, and Bakuu appeared. As soon as I saw her, she immediately guessed my handle and thanked me for supporting her and gave me a hug. (Laughs). I've never had a girl do that to me before…… Dr. Seimei: Uh, yes. Is that all? Researcher Muranoi: No, and then some. She moved nimbly around the area, gouging out buildings and eating them, and, swallowing orbs. She said, that it's not enough to interfere with my life, and, it'll be back to normal after a while. I wonder if she's done something dangerous. Nothing has changed for now though. Dr. Seimei: That's what we'll have to determine with the follow-up, for now. Anything else? Researcher Muranoi: She talked about her future prospects. She said "everything is free in dreams," but "they are ephemeral, disappearing as soon as they are forgotten." So, she said with enthusiasm that she would increase the number of subscribers and show them that one day she would become real. When she finished saying that, he said she had to go visit her other fans and said goodbye to me. I said goodbye too, and that's when I woke up from my dream. Dr. Seimei: Thank you very much. Do you have any questions? Researcher Muranoi: Well, if you're asking me this much, is it still a given that Bakuu-san, that Ichih Fuji Bakuu, is an abnormal being? Dr. Seimei: I can't say definitively yet, but if there are many similar reports from all over the world, I think it is certain that it will be assigned an official number as an SCP object. Researcher Muranoi: (Silence) Dr. Seimei: I know how you feel. Researcher Muranoi: ……Thank you. I was still shocked to find out that my fave was a subject to contain. I had been supporting her by buying her goods. ……I have no more questions. Dr. Seimei: Certainly. The goods will be sent for inspection due to the possibility of an abnormality, and you will be temporarily removed from all duties, also, you will be monitored for a while. Researcher Muranoi: OK. I will endure as a Foundation employee for now. Dr. Seimei: This interview is concluded. [END LOG] End Report: No anomalous effects have been confirmed for the group of merchandises with the SCP-6777 motif, as well as for Researcher Muranoi and Dr. Seimei. Also, due to the claims of other researchers and civilians, all of the above statements described by Researcher Muranoi are considered to be true. Researcher Muranoi has been allowed to take personal possession of the merchandises and has returned to his duties. SCP-6777 behaves cheerfully and pleasantly during online stream, but rarely has been shown signs of mild PTSD or panic disorder-like behavior. The following is an excerpt of a stream by SCP-6777. Stream Log 6777-████20██ Stream Date: 20██/██/██ Title: 魔 朱 魔 炉3 Content: Introduce and respond to messages that are sent via Marshmallow4. The stream was in Japanese throughout. [OMITTED] SCP-6777: So, let's read the next one. Let's see…… SCP-6777: "You play many games, but why you don't play Switch or PS5 games?" SCP-6777: Ah, I get that a lot on Twitter. Well, you know, I want to play those games too, like Pokemon and Monhan. But I can't. I don't have a real body. If the number of subscribers increases, I'll be able to play console games. But for now, I'm holding out for PC and smartphone games. I'm glad that Uma Musume is an app game, I really am. Let me know if you have any recommendations for PC games or app games. Okay, next marshmallow. SCP-6777: "Baku-chan, Baku-chan, why is your strength so out of humanity?" SCP-6777: Because I'm not a human. SCP-6777: "Does the sight of red fluttering really irritates you?" SCP-6777: I told you I'm not a cow! I'm a baku and not a cow! I'm a god of good luck! Not a livestock! I mean, this is the first time I've been said in the direction of a bullfight before! (Gestures to peek at comments) Stop it! Don't say a bull!! SCP-6777: "It's not a cow, it's a gorilla." [INDISTINCT LANGUAGE] Not a gorilla!! Next! Next! SCP-6777: "Why does Bakuu-san look the way you do when your mom-" SCP-6777: (After an indistinct sound, noise runs through SCP-6777's graphics. It then goes silent for several seconds.) SCP-6777: (Breathing hard) Sorry, sorry. I, I, I'll read it again, okay? SCP-6777: "Why does Bakuu-san look the way you do when your mom5 is missing and you doesn't know who she is?" SCP-6777: O, okay. Um, wait a bit SCP-6777: (Silent for 40 seconds) SCP-6777: I'll tell, you what. You know, my mom, she took care of me for a while after, after I was born. But then she suddenly d, disappeared. So I know her. I know what she looks like, for the most part. SCP-6777: But, I don't know her name. She never told me. It didn't bother me before, but now I wish I knew. SCP-6777: (Silent for 5 seconds) SCP-6777: Hey, um, do you guys have kids? SCP-6777: Take care, care of them until the end, okay? SCP-6777: I don't want any more kids like me, me to be thrown out halfway through. [OMITTED] Addendum: SCP-6777 research team has deduced that online stream jamming while SCP-6777 is in a delirium state is likely to be successful. The following are excerpts from SCP-6777's online stream which the attempts with stream jamming were executed during confusion. Stream Log 6777-████20██-2 Stream Date: ██/██/20██ Title: 突発ゲリラ6 Content: Online stream which SCP-6777 started without notice. Mainly chatting. From the attitude of SCP-6777 at the beginning of the stream, it is assumed that SCP-6777 fell into the state of delirium from the stress of loneliness, and started the stream to stabilize its mind. Note: SCP-6777 research team is trying to sabotage SCP-6777's stream while it is in a delirious state. [OMITTED] SCP-6777: Well, it's a, well, a personal relief to me that, that so many people are here even at midnight. SCP-6777: But well, um, Seems there are more people from overseas than usual in the comments. Oh, I see. Time difference. People in overseas are awake. SCP-6777: Mmm, Mostly English, but some French and German here and there, maybe? Is this a good time to be in Europe? (Laughs merrily) SCP-6777: (Gestures to peek at comments) Well, English, uh, British. And this one is, uh, um, French. Yes, I knew it. SCP-6777: Norway, uh, Norway. Yeah, Norway. I know, Norway. North. Yup. North. SCP-6777: Oh, Mars!7 (Slowly) Welcome all the way to the Earth's stream. Oh, you're from Jupiter! And you're from the Andromeda Galaxy! And, "Behind you." …… No, that's scary! That's scary! It's a big joke contest! Haha! SCP-6777: (Silent for 10 seconds) SCP-6777: Sorry, Just distressed a bit. Yeah, let me just take a deep breath. (Breathing) [SCP-6777 research team enacts stream jamming and succeeds. Since then, SCP-6777 research team has been hacking to watch stream in a way that SCP-6777 cannot perceive.] SCP-6777: Yeah, okay, that'll work, maybe. Huh? (The graphics of SCP-6777 shake.) SCP-6777: Comments? Huh? Comments? Hey, comments!? SCP-6777: Uh, wait, wait, wait, it, can't be. SCP-6777: (The graphic of SCP-6777 shakes a lot. Noise can be confirmed.) SCP-6777: Hello!? Hello!? Baku-tomo8!?!? SCP-6777: I don't wanna have a stream error now!! SCP-6777: Hey!? What's goin' around here!? (The graphic noise of SCP-6777 increases.) SCP-6777: [INDISTINCT LANGUAGE] Don't give me signal interference at a time like this! Why! I'm supposed to have countermeasures in this! Please move move move move! SCP-6777: (The graphic of SCP-6777 appears to be blinking occasionally. Also noise on the screen.) I beg you! Not this time! SCP-6777: (Unknown screaming) Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! SCP-6777: (Hard breathing) SCP-6777: (Breathing hard) I'm sorry I was getting on myself please forgive me please let me stream I'm serious really. SCP-6777: Please oh really please it was my fault seriously so um, well. SCP-6777: (48 seconds of silence, then a loud bang.) SCP-6777: Please…… [END STREAM] End Report: One hour after the end, SCP-6777 declared on Twitter that the stream was canceled and apologized for that. Based on the above results, it is planned to use SCP-6777's distraction to disrupt SCP-6777's online stream. The test operation will be continued. « SCP-6776 | SCP-6777 | SCP-6778 »" "SCP-6777's YouTube channel SCP-6777 while streaming (From the online stream titled "ベト九5周やりきったぞーーー!!!2" held on ██/██/20██) Screenshot from the end of the stream"
[ 2.15468854e-01 -5.78539133e-01 -7.14362040e-02 -5.79998922e-03 1.97232038e-01 -5.85167229e-01 1.87448800e-01 9.44932997e-02 2.58977234e-01 4.69871193e-01 1.94526926e-01 -1.18083581e-01 -1.39364317e-01 -3.75010632e-02 2.44678721e-01 -3.76865923e-01 1.45404398e-01 1.86615899e-01 9.30524319e-02 -5.53474575e-02 2.10169911e-01 -2.49519140e-01 1.66217312e-01 3.02374929e-01 1.69044957e-01 8.80105942e-02 1.04731217e-01 -3.91511992e-02 -3.14864278e-01 -2.46068180e-01 -2.45854519e-02 2.39149779e-01 2.33033553e-01 3.05410415e-01 -1.12112924e-04 -1.64718375e-01 2.22320452e-01 9.07193404e-03 -1.03496984e-01 2.45797411e-01 -6.73686862e-01 -9.82622243e-03 -2.77044717e-03 7.97549412e-02 -6.72159810e-03 1.11748189e-01 -1.28477747e-02 -2.08648980e-01 5.89177549e-01 1.76817328e-01 1.32265076e-01 -1.86109066e-01 -1.48896456e-01 2.42176309e-01 2.56825145e-02 1.56303257e-01 -2.44235441e-01 5.72423749e-02 4.06424403e-02 7.54012018e-02 -6.70806319e-02 4.45386469e-01 -2.01394156e-01 -3.25340807e-01 -8.85639247e-03 -3.07857871e-01 2.53338486e-01 -2.72996098e-01 1.61081046e-01 1.07643627e-01 -4.66554984e-02 8.60540643e-02 5.94606474e-02 2.61983961e-01 1.65004596e-01 -3.49704653e-01 -3.01270839e-02 -7.10440055e-02 -1.63182780e-01 -8.17584619e-02 1.47511363e-01 5.22138834e-01 -3.11694503e-01 -3.50585282e-02 -1.28024116e-01 -1.77656417e-03 -1.15508202e-03 3.76412272e-02 2.18231007e-02 -2.70908147e-01 7.14940354e-02 -9.98236910e-02 -3.53080966e-02 -1.25197638e-02 -2.51091957e-01 -3.18829194e-02 -1.87791307e-02 -1.82240561e-01 -2.81500608e-01 2.90349603e-01 6.92679167e-01 4.21436787e-01 4.37102973e-01 2.28156120e-01 3.41830105e-02 1.38212055e-01 2.07964286e-01 -1.89913586e-01 1.63170427e-01 4.04968113e-01 -4.80713643e-04 2.01500103e-01 -2.67676622e-01 3.04667234e-01 -2.92569488e-01 -2.34346226e-01 -1.52889401e-01 1.69283852e-01 -2.37676606e-01 3.23307961e-01 -8.34837556e-01 1.28172860e-01 1.28188670e-01 8.69725049e-02 -7.45775877e-03 3.72813612e-01 -1.08611897e-01 -2.28523061e-01 5.44138104e-02 -6.13089383e-01 -9.92359594e-02 2.74027646e-01 -6.92936257e-02 -1.27333656e-01 1.21075675e-01 -1.15651183e-01 -1.46342777e-02 -2.49820545e-01 5.80948070e-02 -4.66513447e-02 3.11111987e-01 2.99068410e-02 1.65493086e-01 2.37686932e-01 -1.55643106e-01 -2.46520922e-01 3.53227509e-03 9.11822263e-03 1.23250797e-01 -8.69475529e-02 6.16625726e-01 -2.58034497e-01 -1.58087403e-01 2.00412780e-01 -2.92374820e-01 -1.02962226e-01 4.15429175e-01 -9.14701894e-02 -2.92053133e-01 -1.67512998e-01 1.42538771e-01 -5.31268828e-02 -1.01647004e-02 8.43303204e-02 2.37034902e-01 1.94147453e-02 -4.53615375e-02 4.10384731e-03 -4.63739783e-01 8.55802000e-02 -4.02266234e-02 -6.07407354e-02 -9.24337190e-03 -1.27535015e-02 6.92678094e-02 -1.02257065e-01 1.45917952e-01 -3.41934681e-01 -1.20876074e-01 -4.37314138e-02 -3.47346723e-01 6.25475645e-01 6.87117457e-01 1.14933476e-01 -4.96105626e-02 1.73236489e-01 -6.09831586e-02 -7.94524997e-02 -9.98512655e-02 -1.28275186e-01 -1.96213067e-01 -2.74500370e-01 -2.25676626e-01 2.85509765e-01 1.82360843e-01 1.30962119e-01 1.15959495e-01 1.08830631e-01 1.86074182e-01 5.93771487e-02 2.41126120e-01 -3.55795234e-01 5.81381321e-01 1.85665786e-01 -1.17427304e-01 -1.55809939e-01 3.22317302e-01 -5.45300916e-02 2.97847688e-01 4.13209915e-01 7.65661849e-03 -9.53970850e-02 -2.06949085e-01 1.47391126e-01 -2.48624217e-02 -5.04929781e-01 1.94699630e-01 4.27819967e-01 1.13039054e-01 -4.89573181e-01 -3.80008668e-01 4.71815884e-01 -3.16794872e-01 -9.00068805e-02 -3.51307452e-01 -7.38871172e-02 -1.83912694e-01 3.66528369e-02 -2.93785900e-01 2.37313077e-01 -2.36646589e-02 3.23245600e-02 2.66166002e-01 -2.40058243e-01 -3.10160905e-01 1.64056458e-02 3.84180337e-01 6.08451426e-01 -7.14402348e-02 -3.83075774e-01 1.27277747e-01 1.86313808e-01 2.40719497e-01 2.17596978e-01 -2.32157130e-02 2.23100647e-01 2.74298161e-01 1.42065033e-01 -1.03690457e-02 -1.97489008e-01 4.05666530e-01 8.17501992e-02 -3.93088818e-01 -1.29711732e-01 2.79097736e-01 3.12074900e-01 -1.66013628e-01 -1.27216624e-02 -1.44523069e-01 5.08759618e-01 -1.24342255e-01 -2.30709895e-01 -1.03039034e-01 1.02774926e-01 -1.62062779e-01 -1.30451128e-01 1.60449758e-01 2.78487921e-01 -1.20078935e-03 7.86116794e-02 4.78050262e-02 -2.01685295e-01 1.06711097e-01 -9.94929671e-02 4.01399195e-01 2.25599244e-01 -3.44219953e-01 2.75329173e-01 3.14653575e-01 3.81335057e-02 -3.41534406e-01 -4.22097087e-01 -7.33059421e-02 -3.93979475e-02 -1.43766418e-01 1.20031781e-01 -5.85841388e-02 -2.71296710e-01 2.27695536e-02 1.17303550e-01 -1.44609302e-01 -1.71889633e-01 2.24767793e-02 5.59743285e-01 -2.03178242e-01 2.73912754e-02 -2.18799129e-01 4.93223935e-01 -3.64764482e-02 4.29237843e-01 -1.09079286e-01 -5.90543747e-02 6.15356229e-02 1.05015650e-01 -1.64177865e-01 -3.29126090e-01 2.09949195e-01 1.15037888e-01 1.42736882e-01 -3.33184481e-01 -3.71597677e-01 2.58186370e-01 1.18685529e-01 -1.89921707e-01 3.60322073e-02 -2.37506051e-02 1.13633551e-01 -1.30571574e-01 2.19513522e-03 -1.68639511e-01 -7.05866292e-02 3.19308221e-01 -9.47908163e-02 1.56555504e-01 1.37494672e-02 3.68489951e-01 -1.25292033e-01 -3.42655867e-01 3.22846711e-01 1.00383677e-01 1.32868662e-01 9.16029140e-02 -5.91397993e-02 2.33504340e-01 2.12167911e-02 1.84733227e-01 -5.16580492e-02 -2.42107451e-01 9.91727412e-02 -1.57286990e-02 7.28667900e-02 1.25768051e-01 -3.07485670e-01 -1.21073231e-01 -4.72079329e-02 -1.30439207e-01 -1.03006408e-01 1.58179894e-01 4.23616588e-01 5.27977198e-02 -3.04669827e-01 1.79508388e-01 1.38195112e-01 -2.15631366e-01 -4.52704988e-02 1.14396557e-01 -3.72867025e-02 5.26203334e-01 1.18668109e-01 -2.02251837e-01 2.19926700e-01 1.96688190e-01 3.75285238e-01 -1.30334824e-01 -1.18559804e-02 -1.59309104e-01 1.67137697e-01 -3.71420205e-01 5.55635579e-02 1.08070843e-01 6.46722764e-02 -2.00159028e-01 -2.31244549e-01 3.76071036e-01 1.36593118e-01 6.79946303e-01 -1.44362107e-01 2.94829577e-01 -1.06532276e-01 -1.73603240e-02 1.78937420e-01 -7.38353208e-02 1.75734848e-01 -4.63682562e-02 -1.85481504e-01 -1.21323451e-01 -2.41706014e-01 -2.32741043e-01 1.03728622e-01 -1.74940959e-01 3.32082659e-02 3.74246314e-02 -1.72825918e-01 -6.19182028e-02 1.25943169e-01 2.66466141e-01 1.91923141e-01 -3.12247694e-01 -2.75941342e-01 3.83064270e-01 1.30199129e-03 1.00888938e-01 -1.15860894e-01 2.31613815e-01 6.52576238e-02 1.20060019e-01 9.64058489e-02 -2.57315468e-02 -1.91239983e-01 -9.36075300e-02 -3.85572225e-01 -5.71214378e-01 2.89742649e-01 1.25791758e-01 3.45356315e-01 -1.65724710e-01 -2.47153621e-02 1.27961725e-01 -2.06677437e-01 -2.18664303e-01 6.13666512e-02 -1.31043002e-01 5.79792017e-04 -1.82331517e-01 -5.17236054e-01 1.81162342e-01 2.03704029e-01 1.07897662e-01 2.36106738e-01 1.59940079e-01 -3.20358068e-01 5.67500554e-02 -1.19214393e-01 1.01309381e-01 1.07416674e-01 1.58335958e-02 4.17090021e-02 4.59284037e-01 -4.33370531e-01 3.70707750e-01 1.53914258e-01 -8.99735168e-02 5.78409016e-01 1.48740068e-01 1.69814438e-01 2.47306913e-01 3.18971276e-01 2.09170640e-01 -8.81730840e-02 2.77455539e-01 9.02175680e-02 5.05268812e-01 -1.70949385e-01 3.83488506e-01 -1.82546005e-01 -2.85341918e-01 1.15983211e-01 3.40292990e-01 -1.18484557e-01 1.77947193e-01 9.19604078e-02 1.20277929e+00 5.44778585e-01 1.93986356e-01 4.54917550e-01 -3.31194133e-01 2.52210677e-01 -5.74876606e-01 3.40480328e-01 -7.96314403e-02 1.30440682e-01 7.46169779e-03 7.65860379e-02 1.81831002e-01 -1.17857002e-01 -2.51842529e-01 -2.10595280e-01 -4.65689629e-01 2.82862216e-01 3.79241079e-01 6.93228096e-02 -7.31896609e-02 -5.53738363e-02 -1.55075550e-01 1.60514608e-01 -1.77925035e-01 1.91520602e-01 4.23377001e-04 6.31146552e-03 -2.02300623e-01 2.23302424e-01 -4.92658243e-02 1.91614971e-01 1.95176616e-01 1.77413449e-01 -5.90916097e-01 1.76448837e-01 -3.49378645e-01 -2.53354073e-01 1.15013115e-01 -5.03811061e-01 -1.62890293e-02 2.64448136e-01 8.36185217e-01 1.79575488e-01 7.04531893e-02 2.25075737e-01 4.49039675e-02 -2.03409776e-01 -1.39356256e-01 3.78362924e-01 1.73306372e-02 3.65080200e-02 -1.98348001e-01 1.96422879e-02 5.37684023e-01 2.24532649e-01 4.34233159e-01 2.71388106e-02 -4.31791574e-01 -1.68493956e-01 1.20984584e-01 -6.95133209e-02 -3.53675276e-01 -5.17840147e-01 -2.54333578e-02 -8.25904012e-02 -1.29815549e-01 3.30400079e-01 2.47578155e-02 1.41890952e-02 4.47520986e-02 -4.39356416e-02 -1.63896307e-01 -2.87523091e-01 5.05785383e-02 -3.35245073e-01 1.15104966e-01 -1.29567608e-01 -8.48323256e-02 -8.64241004e-01 -8.51632133e-02 4.74071115e-01 7.98678324e-02 -2.42012829e-01 -2.09427729e-01 4.75540534e-02 -8.71637762e-02 2.37406306e-02 3.10388833e-01 -1.15284175e-01 -4.80083883e-01 6.43419921e-02 -4.93673012e-02 3.33787575e-02 -3.13437998e-01 -4.27534014e-01 -5.01250587e-02 3.33655290e-02 2.49361426e-01 -3.04219127e-01 2.17437565e-01 6.73880354e-02 1.78082660e-01 -3.78688890e-03 -4.64866608e-01 -2.09787160e-01 -5.65269776e-02 1.63460955e-01 1.11408979e-01 -2.70852715e-01 -1.95359424e-01 3.24524939e-01 1.30448043e-01 1.77133650e-01 7.31334090e-03 1.01240233e-01 1.38822600e-01 -5.00969850e-02 -6.53633773e-01 1.56378224e-01 1.40805602e-01 -3.68971005e-02 1.57343313e-01 4.82588559e-01 1.20133989e-01 -5.37584350e-02 -2.88592633e-02 -1.96835205e-01 9.09885317e-02 2.40869403e-01 -1.78579807e-01 1.06517553e-01 2.19041601e-01 -1.10447608e-01 -5.52744791e-02 -4.08572912e-01 1.82929441e-01 2.61079997e-01 -2.28726655e-01 -3.13400269e-01 -2.01146901e-01 2.53255814e-01 3.60266236e-03 9.91139188e-02 -1.25873432e-01 -2.66559780e-01 -3.26419026e-02 8.30394551e-02 -7.31945550e-03 -3.40843558e-01 -7.96493292e-02 1.28299743e-01 1.19939353e-02 -3.28107744e-01 3.12412411e-01 -2.28137493e-01 -3.16237658e-01 3.58726047e-02 -2.23380029e-02 3.57025787e-02 3.51498514e-01 2.51803428e-01 -1.57464564e-01 4.05594446e-02 -7.00445324e-02 2.23635912e-01 9.74911824e-02 1.69400379e-01 1.64577082e-01 9.61700231e-02 -4.16937798e-01 1.46479428e-01 5.23224734e-02 3.25004101e-01 -3.30781609e-01 1.02101192e-01 -3.72214705e-01 -2.53096342e-01 7.51595944e-02 1.16599053e-01 -2.82510877e-01 -1.46319747e-01 -5.28470576e-01 -3.16804610e-02 2.17581302e-01 3.41804862e-01 3.91978957e-02 2.61673778e-01 -1.68088198e-01 -6.59361184e-02 -3.66715759e-01 1.01842910e-01 4.69021350e-01 -3.39313686e-01 1.85070038e-01 4.74113464e-01 -2.00488850e-01 1.06702082e-01 -2.51042515e-01 5.95387369e-02 1.99946556e-02 -1.93226308e-01 3.43527853e-01 -7.30827451e-02 -2.35036537e-01 -8.91925320e-02 -3.39776501e-02 3.62216234e-01 4.27009501e-02 -1.69852182e-01 1.09947369e-01 -3.14614266e-01 -1.50229231e-01 3.66170794e-01 3.13679039e-01 -4.55344245e-02 -1.67568237e-01 -1.10356145e-01 -2.10798904e-01 1.82172671e-01 -3.16250622e-02 -4.72225249e-01 -1.07644470e-02 -2.27168784e-01 -1.80505022e-01 -1.01180421e-02 -2.55877137e-01 7.04209954e-02 -3.96308042e-02 2.53120154e-01 -2.53566325e-01 -1.79178655e-01 1.24506436e-01 -1.16309091e-01 1.15101434e-01 1.61931291e-01 -1.66458651e-01 -2.83710361e-01 -1.85870513e-01 1.17130205e-01 9.40636620e-02 7.20566064e-02 -4.32243556e-01 -2.20048800e-01 1.56626925e-02 6.38600960e-02 -1.77509159e-01 1.74069982e-02 3.03434432e-01 3.37868720e-01 1.10920154e-01 -1.55992597e-01 3.00158709e-01 -4.42678720e-01 2.12395564e-01 5.93679130e-01 -5.01529336e-01 2.39751279e-01 6.76976517e-02 4.87338662e-01 -6.12341836e-02 1.92416742e-01 1.75132044e-02 -3.87027264e-01 7.73681477e-02 8.42284970e-03 -2.81518877e-01 2.12503657e-01 5.34262918e-02 4.38594669e-01 3.06857556e-01 2.56640345e-01 -2.15451457e-02 1.92145810e-01 -3.35511826e-02 -2.59743840e-01 -4.14428711e-01 -1.16052240e-01 -3.63654047e-02 4.47074413e-01 -1.28842905e-01 1.84524700e-01 -1.08607644e-02 -1.80149198e-01 -4.19630826e-01 -6.84753284e-02 4.70916688e-01 -4.89361346e-01 -9.14394706e-02 -6.97695324e-03 4.49430674e-01 1.99959069e-01 6.11707829e-02 -1.40269354e-01 -2.82917991e-02 -1.57821938e-01 -2.19926834e-01 5.81138134e-02 1.37607262e-01 -1.13813013e-01 -1.56114280e-01 -6.06529862e-02 -4.71791774e-02 2.76011646e-01 2.55318105e-01 -6.78306445e-02 -2.00881556e-01]
"'helth by dado' Brought to You by Vikander-Kneed" active "Vikander-Kneed Technical Media Hub More by ihp More by Grigori Karpin Special Containment Procedures: No containment procedures are necessary at this time. Archived Containment Procedures: METATRON.aic is to review videos uploaded to YouTube or other social media sites for the presence of SCP-6780. Videos containing SCP-6780 are to be taken down and stripped of the anomaly. The channel owners are to be amnesticized. Copies of SCP-6780 instances are to be stored at the High-Yield Data Storage Facility 1 at Site-43. Description: SCP-6780 is a series of videos and written advertisements produced by GOI-5889 ("Vikander-Kneed Technical Media") that represents a public relations advertising campaign for a line of supplements known as 'helth by dado'. The verbal and audio-visual content of SCP-6780 appears to be attempting to extol the virtues of 'helth by dado' through use of spoken and written testimonials, reenactments, and use of devices such as medical diagrams, which often do not display human anatomy. 'helth by dado', despite the apparent origin, is largely non-anomalous in content; examples of products in this line include coyerroodlquhhylx1 and dado brain plus2. SCP-6780 instances often portray the products causing significant mundane physical changes in the subject. Individuals who view SCP-6780 become skeptical of testimonial endorsements concerning a product,3 even products not featured in SCP-6780. This compels subjects to research products recommended to them, ultimately showing a preference for generic products over well-known brand names. Video instances of SCP-6780 typically involve testimonials of one kind or another, but can vary with unpredictable regularity. Additionally, demonstrations of the product often end with undesirable results. Discovery: On 11/12/2021, METATRON.aic noted activity triggering several flags for Vikander-Kneed activity on numerous YouTube channels. Review of the noted channels revealed instances of SCP-6780 edited into videos uploaded. Upon confirmation of the GOI’s involvement, members of MTF-Kappa-43 (“The Mediators”) contacted the uploaders, who were unaware of the inclusion of the instances.4 The videos were taken down, the channel owners amnesticized, and the current containment procedures developed. The following are several examples of SCP-6780 instances: Designation: SCP-6780-04 Duration: 01:29 A brunette woman sits on a wooden stool on a sound stage made to look like a plain, white room, framed so that its existence as a sound stage, as opposed to an actual room, is obvious. The woman is rubbing her stomach with a content smile on her face. A voice off-camera calls 'Action!' before the woman begins her testimony. Spokesperson: Hello, I'm Olivia McConnell. My grandfather is a very important politician, and we've been using helth by dado for the last six months. His job often keeps him very busy and makes him very tired, but thanks to helth by dado's 'superbond'5, we're never apart!" McConnell lifts up her shirt, revealing a male human face located directly above her navel. The face appears to be mouthing the words 'Kill me'. McConnell: Yes, there's a bit of unrest at home, but that's okay. helth by dado means my grandfather gets to spend more time with me! Designation: SCP-6780-11 Duration: 0:31 A blonde woman identified by a subtitle as 'Angeline Wakefield, Proud helth by dado Customer' sits in the 'stool' set, surrounded by five children. Each of these children is visibly ill, with visible symptoms leading Foundation pathologists to conclude that the children in question are infected with diseases including bubonic plague, smallpox, polio, and possibly a parasitic worm, as a tendril is seen extending from the nostril of one of the children at approximately 0:22. Wakefield: I'm currently using coyerroodlquhhylx as an alternative to vaccines. Wakefield holds up a bottle of the product. Wakefield: Now, I don't ever have to worry about my children being negatively affected by vaccination. They'll all die by the age of twenty, just as God intended! Thanks, helth by dado! Wakefield smiles at the camera. One of her children abruptly collapses. The following is a series of text messages intercepted by MTF-Kappa-43 personnel:6 dado was cocnerned because last video was not nice to helt by dado what is dado paying yuo people for Well, I'm sorry to hear you're unsatisfied with our efforts so far, dado. But let's see if we can't get to the core of the problem, shall we? What did you take issue with in the videos? dado thinks video make s helt by dado seem bad and heartless capitalist crao dado is not capitlast dado is dado trust in dado trust in helth by dado So, you want people to trust in you more? Well, why didn't you just say so?? We were thinking you wanted to strengthen your brand! brand what ist dado brand Well, mercenary and serving the ends of purposeless soulless consumerism, and the humor of course. Don't forget the humor! dado doesnt think thats' fair to dado Well, what would you like your brand to be? We're here to serve you, after all dado wants to be trusted source of retail speciality goods. ilke what dado is. dado is small busness thing. not corporat dado. dado is entrepreneur. Alright! we'll get working on the next video right away. I think you'll like what we come up with! Designation: SCP-6780-16 Duration: 0:27 A handsome man in a tweed jacket walks across a soundstage, which is dissolving behind him, revealing a winter garden surrounded by a high brick wall. Dado: Hi, I’m Dado. The CEO of Dado Industries and the creator of helth by dado. I thought I’d talk to you about our product line and let you fine folks at home know about all the benefits of our various health supplements. The garden dissolves into a beach scene. The entity continues to walk, the camera following him. Dado: We at Dado Industries care about the well being of you – our customers. It’s for that reason that we developed products like Coyerroodlquhhylx, which 100% could help in the treatment of some infections. We in no way have repurposed a malaria medication to try and swindle the public during this time of trouble. This is about trust, and we want you to trust us. The beach dissolves into a scene where the entity is getting into a luxury electric car. Dado: Trust in us like we trust in you. And give us your money. Because of that trust. Dado loves you. Especially your purchasing power. The entity races off down the street, weaving in and out of traffic until disappearing from view. The screen is full of written words in small font for a moment and then the ad ends.7 The following is a series of text messages intercepted by MTF-Kappa-43 personnel: dado is unhappy with last ad Oh? Did you have any notes or suggestions? tha twas not dado. who was that? he is not dado, dado is dado. Well that was an actor dear, all commercials star actors. Did you want to appear yourself? We’d be glad to make that happen. What a coup that would be! Filming the immortal dado for a dado product ad. We’d be the talk of the media world. no no no. you will not film dado. dado s shy. dado would like ads to sell helthb y dado products. sell the idea of dados products. leave actor paying dado out of it. playing dado. dado paying you mr vktm. Well, if you insist. The customer is always right, after all. We’ll work on some new material. Designation: SCP-6780-23 Duration: 2:09 This instance of SCP-6780 cuts between testimonials and a re-enactment. The individual giving the testimony is a man identified as "Micah Morris, Age 97" by a subtitles, apparently sitting within his home; Morris appears to be no older than thirty-five years of age. Morris: I'm scared of death. But now I don't really have to worry about it! helth by dado has this great product, 'ageaway'8 which has really, really helped. The scene cuts to a reenactment where an elderly man appears to be bathing in blood. Nude cadavers of young men and women are in the shot as the man scrubs himself using the blood. Morris's voiceover continues in narration. Morris: I used to try the Bathory method to make myself younger. Really messy, and the smell! Horrible. Cut to the elderly man loading corpses into an indoor incinerator. Morris: But, then I saw the advertisement in the Sunday paper, and thought I should give it a try. Cut to the elderly man picking a box off of their doorstep. In the background, through the open door, several people are seen blindfolded, bound, and gagged. Morris: It was miraculous; after one treatment, I looked like this. Cut to a before-and-after comparison; one shows a man similar in appearance to the actor playing the elderly man. The other shows a man who appears to be in his fifties. Morris: And ever since then, I've just been getting younger and younger. Now I don't need to do the Bathory method anymore. But I still do! Because it's fun. helth by dado has given me my youth back, and I'll forever be thankful for it. Morris stands, revealing that their hands are covered in blood. Screaming is heard off-camera as Morris exits the shot. The following is a series of text messages intercepted by MTF-Kappa-43 personnel: dado is speechless That last ad was really something right? I thought it was some of our best work in five years. I’m really glad to see it resonated with you, dado. I think it’ll really inspire the consumers to pick up your products. dado think it something alright. dado thinks it dumpster fire. Oh, well that’s disappointing, the creative department were really proud of it. Well… did you have any notes? I really want to get this right for you. It’s important to us that you’re happy with the product. dado has notes. dado has many fine notes. most importantly, dado thinks you should stop killing people to make ads. They’re actors, no one is going to miss them. what dado, it’s a joke, dear. These are ads, we pay people to act in them, no one actually died. what about all the blood. dado hates blood. Special effects! Did you actually think we killed people for two-minute ad copy? no definitely not. dado is smart. No doubt. Well. Any thoughts on a new direction then? If this one wasn’t to your liking. dado just thinks less blood. dado hates violence. Never mind the violence of unchecked capitalism, amirite? We’ll take a new direction. Don’t worry your dado head about it. You do have a head right? It’s just no one has ever seen you. Just the products and the texts. yes dado hash ead. where else would dado’s beautiful brain be Right! And such a beautiful mind to have come up with all those wonderful products, such an innovator. dado is an entrepreneur, not innovator Gotcha, well keep your eyes peeled for the new ad, I’ve got some great ideas. Designation: SCP-6780-25 Duration: ?? The ad consists of a variable run time,9 containing only static and the words: “Buy helth by dado, we’d hate to use violence.” overlaid onto the static in bright red font, flickering on and off.10 The following is a series of text messages intercepted by MTF-Kappa-43 personnel: dado would like to speak with manager My manager? I am the manager, dado. What’s the problem? dado would like to speak to someone in charge. Also me. Did you have a problem with the last ad? We’ve found subliminals to be quite effective. dado did not have problem with subliminals. Then what’s the matter? You should see a serious bump in purchases over the next fiscal quarter! dado will try one last time. dado hired vktm to be voice of helth by dado. you not do what dado asked. dado is sick of asking. I’m afraid I don’t quite understand, we’ve tried our best to live up to your wishes! What in particular are you taking issue with? dado is sick of vktm double speak. you would not like dado when hes angry! Like the Hulk, right? I like it, do you want us to get Mark Ruffalo? I bet he’s not busy. no that is not what dado wants. you are making dado very angr wait, could you get ruffalo Probably not. dado wants a refund. Oh, I’m sorry, dado. There’s no refunds possible, you should have read the contract. This is a service industry after all. But if that’s the end of our collaboration, we understand. whatever Expect our invoice in the next week or so. Thank you for trusting Vikander-Kneed Technical Media. For a Better TomorrowTM! dado very disappointed in vktm customer service dado leaving bad review with bbb11 Cite this page as: "SCP-6780" by Grigori Karpin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Man posing in tweed blazer Author: Rydale Clothing License: CC BY 2.0 Source: LINK Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: 6780 Logo Author: HarryBlank License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List. « SCP-6779 | SCP-6780 | SCP-6781 »" "“Dado”"
[ 3.77063572e-01 -3.42929900e-01 -1.97258830e-01 -4.31221694e-01 2.81259250e-02 -3.78863215e-01 5.24990618e-01 2.44563162e-01 2.50202358e-01 -1.15024567e-01 -1.62588909e-01 1.60589457e-01 -9.81880724e-02 1.55750364e-01 3.20404232e-01 -2.61526376e-01 3.68119664e-02 3.64300489e-01 1.97250292e-01 -1.75234199e-01 3.05586696e-01 -2.64633000e-01 -1.71488815e-03 2.65333712e-01 -1.60210937e-01 -1.19903348e-01 2.79931754e-01 2.03353465e-01 -5.84611669e-02 -6.40777171e-01 -3.97018865e-02 3.64705563e-01 1.06628917e-01 1.44170552e-01 -1.13577655e-04 -7.26776049e-02 1.76087052e-01 -7.71693289e-02 -1.09990835e-01 6.05839193e-01 5.91174662e-02 -3.13978307e-02 -3.66568744e-01 -1.56966627e-01 8.67109373e-02 1.86627716e-01 -1.93906486e-01 -2.13638261e-01 2.85908043e-01 2.94316918e-01 1.15828596e-01 5.24892099e-02 6.86158761e-02 2.97167540e-01 2.41883546e-01 1.43668249e-01 -2.63971299e-01 4.14638847e-01 4.65504348e-01 3.36109132e-01 -6.14042282e-02 3.07875335e-01 -4.23046589e-01 -1.09653100e-01 -2.02916920e-01 -1.49865806e-01 4.20734346e-01 -1.66124240e-01 2.34050855e-01 5.47609866e-01 -1.98329061e-01 6.48010448e-02 1.74338967e-01 -1.51408091e-01 2.13588715e-01 -4.62862581e-01 4.75634076e-02 -2.45916303e-02 -1.46503657e-01 -9.25281495e-02 -2.60311663e-02 -3.72648165e-02 -2.96769172e-01 -1.56943098e-01 5.60340621e-02 2.44356781e-01 -1.23825215e-01 -1.53573737e-01 3.00612837e-01 -4.91257370e-01 -1.21725164e-01 -2.92758465e-01 1.65575966e-01 1.41510461e-02 2.30925769e-01 -2.52805769e-01 2.19397563e-02 -2.26753831e-01 2.02281222e-01 2.57976323e-01 3.49594653e-02 6.15857579e-02 -1.14361577e-01 3.91167849e-02 -1.86852559e-01 3.88338745e-01 9.75108966e-02 -2.94512361e-01 -1.66289106e-01 8.35058868e-01 2.67690942e-02 3.21711957e-01 -1.52738571e-01 3.12897712e-01 -6.43918991e-01 -6.54028594e-01 -2.87766159e-01 5.47573604e-02 -4.73962843e-01 1.24289289e-01 -4.78062391e-01 9.32708010e-02 -1.23148903e-01 1.79006867e-02 1.86361164e-01 4.82726544e-01 -3.37179780e-01 1.50697395e-01 -3.40181664e-02 8.25191033e-04 1.16501693e-02 5.03499925e-01 -1.64179310e-01 1.46780640e-01 8.26149806e-02 1.78837311e-03 -2.21609231e-02 5.34843933e-03 -2.68644597e-02 -1.25596553e-01 -1.79887176e-01 -1.05710946e-01 2.45049551e-01 1.89975351e-01 6.14100918e-02 -6.35246038e-02 -8.79722238e-02 -2.54236460e-01 1.45211201e-02 -7.93809518e-02 1.36465073e-01 -1.32367507e-01 -4.16897535e-02 1.84968308e-01 -2.30045140e-01 -2.89911717e-01 2.21486539e-01 -3.19647193e-01 -4.94668894e-02 -6.45430237e-02 2.91997522e-01 1.45206228e-01 -3.12671870e-01 -6.85631111e-02 2.89882392e-01 3.49105358e-01 -8.02856907e-02 -1.53249484e-02 -5.16472697e-01 1.74794614e-01 -2.21031994e-01 5.48174093e-03 1.41929358e-01 3.75873297e-01 -3.90675887e-02 1.09336777e-02 1.67100504e-02 -7.01902270e-01 -1.92561317e-02 2.05094561e-01 -3.23478311e-01 4.53769028e-01 4.05902207e-01 -5.09059429e-01 -6.90862611e-02 8.21012259e-02 3.24893773e-01 -1.70415286e-02 -2.55704802e-02 -1.46382317e-01 -2.52744406e-01 -3.30579638e-01 -1.16908334e-01 2.86964417e-01 1.69904262e-01 -1.19153887e-01 -1.22041412e-01 -3.84339015e-03 3.21348876e-01 6.35896921e-02 6.17670380e-02 -6.13965560e-03 4.42758262e-01 3.43483388e-02 -8.04316476e-02 5.41987047e-02 2.12678373e-01 -7.47477114e-02 4.94488031e-01 1.89998075e-01 -2.57811040e-01 2.22622207e-03 -6.32290602e-01 -8.22045803e-02 -2.68173486e-01 -6.43148661e-01 3.05866420e-01 4.02166128e-01 -2.39995401e-02 2.95066923e-01 -1.36563808e-01 5.58843240e-02 5.96939726e-03 -1.17062591e-03 -1.50205240e-01 6.73011970e-03 1.99185863e-01 1.51138455e-01 -1.34610906e-01 5.51408589e-01 2.50646859e-01 6.55432940e-02 2.97299713e-01 -9.28193331e-02 -2.42158353e-01 1.68111641e-02 7.20953584e-01 5.07144630e-01 4.75727990e-02 -5.37457526e-01 4.35543418e-01 -9.34361741e-02 2.60962248e-01 1.56618133e-02 4.90777008e-02 3.80491167e-01 -1.10690512e-01 3.95338237e-01 -5.99430911e-02 4.15087417e-02 3.89346510e-01 -1.44624621e-01 -6.21912479e-02 -1.01145454e-01 -3.52088250e-02 3.78179789e-01 1.75020501e-01 -6.02070652e-02 2.49310568e-01 5.74199975e-01 1.03527077e-01 -8.71978328e-02 -6.47228733e-02 9.43765044e-03 -1.58070639e-01 -2.19948292e-01 1.72589168e-01 1.39414102e-01 3.22533518e-01 4.31375802e-02 -1.61355101e-02 -1.75474972e-01 2.58848406e-02 -8.17174241e-02 9.33791921e-02 6.90109730e-02 -1.20038360e-01 3.69396567e-01 1.70556769e-01 8.88967738e-02 -3.09975058e-01 -3.93911093e-01 -4.21074405e-02 -1.74537510e-01 3.88338231e-02 3.00106965e-02 -1.61083117e-01 -7.98501298e-02 -5.68687133e-02 1.30874738e-01 -2.94357985e-01 -2.32733086e-01 1.29531354e-01 1.84588820e-01 -1.00028411e-01 1.59265578e-01 -4.61968660e-01 4.92038757e-01 -1.38312094e-02 2.06321329e-01 -1.11523636e-01 1.57258898e-01 2.46073920e-02 1.42168403e-01 -2.62619227e-01 -2.38293201e-01 4.57516164e-01 -2.00629249e-01 -1.37069881e-01 -2.80758470e-01 -2.76061535e-01 4.45466608e-01 4.08886699e-03 -3.50557774e-01 5.56867532e-02 -1.44940227e-01 3.58884692e-01 -1.32357374e-01 -9.39921960e-02 -1.12626746e-01 1.46937296e-01 -6.00208677e-02 -4.31051524e-03 3.09070885e-01 -2.48300303e-02 2.07464755e-01 -2.57199444e-02 -7.06616491e-02 3.60891148e-02 -1.09158531e-01 2.32977435e-01 -2.72060066e-01 -2.19473481e-01 3.46595377e-01 -3.34980905e-01 1.52325541e-01 -1.90219000e-01 -2.64221668e-01 -2.34984040e-01 -3.74439925e-01 1.52779430e-01 -3.07909511e-02 -3.94029409e-01 4.06368792e-01 -3.80637020e-01 -2.66512156e-01 1.57208238e-02 5.79317883e-02 -3.04197911e-02 -1.02366939e-01 -1.57039821e-01 -4.68915515e-02 -3.48329395e-02 -1.31649628e-01 -1.74260780e-01 1.03748411e-01 8.47850274e-03 -1.69271946e-01 2.36515358e-01 9.07288790e-02 1.14464365e-01 4.53985214e-01 6.56859159e-01 -1.90978378e-01 9.81891453e-02 1.60784289e-01 -1.03088804e-01 2.79393971e-01 2.75794387e-01 2.26042029e-02 9.69258770e-02 3.32503110e-01 6.67924583e-02 2.34551519e-01 -3.10452990e-02 2.43982837e-01 1.07759766e-01 4.89885539e-01 -2.73905575e-01 -1.59051359e-01 5.87849282e-02 -3.37619394e-01 -2.31269356e-02 -2.68414944e-01 -1.85192078e-01 5.75892963e-02 -1.66950256e-01 -3.01151514e-01 8.24434906e-02 4.99649979e-02 3.42471525e-03 -3.61509115e-01 -3.60435098e-01 -2.46075720e-01 -8.75711516e-02 1.66843086e-01 4.20893580e-01 -4.62898463e-01 -2.54077613e-01 3.44196230e-01 1.75648350e-02 -2.09885955e-01 -2.61749119e-01 5.47117591e-01 5.66160381e-01 1.16684094e-01 1.50122091e-01 -1.05482778e-02 -2.85800338e-01 -2.94370592e-01 2.93521136e-01 -1.96182102e-01 -2.39527389e-01 -6.54877871e-02 5.38208187e-01 -4.99911606e-01 6.37254789e-02 8.22834745e-02 2.45101795e-01 -5.13474166e-01 -1.55498415e-01 6.79986104e-02 9.11564380e-02 2.03361481e-01 -5.60019374e-01 6.52771443e-02 3.68844926e-01 2.91434556e-01 1.72242016e-01 -9.32035148e-02 -2.69862056e-01 1.32245257e-01 -2.38287468e-02 2.66121984e-01 4.09464210e-01 1.66818216e-01 8.99505243e-03 1.29681081e-01 1.82966441e-01 3.52252908e-02 -6.99756369e-02 8.14755410e-02 6.48287892e-01 1.71461329e-01 -5.61594516e-02 -2.36818105e-01 4.33698237e-01 3.38951319e-01 3.41343470e-02 5.90510786e-01 -1.16640083e-01 -5.03625767e-03 6.74041733e-02 4.71352607e-01 -1.60786867e-01 -2.69632399e-01 -3.17854434e-01 3.85497272e-01 -4.15315740e-02 2.25737728e-02 2.52379060e-01 1.32931638e+00 4.61933106e-01 3.06391478e-01 3.90478402e-01 -2.71423846e-01 3.86171788e-01 -4.03702974e-01 -2.35733807e-01 -3.86501066e-02 1.48158237e-01 1.08350575e-01 -2.69298702e-02 -1.68445021e-01 9.62628722e-02 -1.35222673e-01 -1.08786583e-01 -3.41513753e-01 -1.38094723e-01 3.92308086e-01 -3.61112431e-02 3.84664834e-02 -1.89821884e-01 -1.64123178e-01 1.33413970e-01 9.65529159e-02 4.67125140e-02 -2.98632868e-02 -2.41905779e-01 2.77346313e-01 1.96899518e-01 -3.36061060e-01 6.17978871e-02 4.51514870e-01 -6.74853623e-02 -7.15233013e-02 1.49246573e-01 -1.77994549e-01 -4.33648229e-01 1.81012914e-01 -1.83723688e-01 -6.79359734e-02 3.94931108e-01 6.70245886e-01 -1.66018501e-01 1.45134628e-01 4.92354110e-02 3.04061443e-01 -1.65087327e-01 -2.69399315e-01 -3.96259241e-02 1.15505032e-01 -1.48722604e-01 -1.85635477e-01 -1.03650115e-01 4.98998076e-01 -8.70474614e-03 2.34625742e-01 3.29135448e-01 -1.35952961e-02 -8.06786865e-02 1.05282135e-01 1.47489771e-01 -3.29134405e-01 -1.06502913e-01 5.42283207e-02 -2.38486663e-01 -3.37363891e-02 3.31947982e-01 7.72083700e-02 -8.89387503e-02 -5.06680720e-02 -1.32757053e-01 -3.11391324e-01 -3.04131329e-01 -1.82555187e-02 -4.70168620e-01 -1.75652012e-01 -1.28650889e-01 1.56024769e-01 -5.04068553e-01 -2.15772361e-01 2.99006831e-02 -7.49357184e-03 -2.19774649e-01 -2.01362908e-01 -2.54375398e-01 1.88305214e-01 9.16897207e-02 -1.65073067e-01 1.30342349e-01 -1.64628252e-01 4.41344979e-04 -9.52005833e-02 9.82758403e-02 -3.32601726e-01 3.01815514e-02 -1.21579722e-01 -2.05182448e-01 5.24086237e-01 -2.13824570e-01 1.50272280e-01 3.04567516e-01 1.83739260e-01 2.62287766e-01 2.37676259e-02 -2.18687415e-01 -2.22709075e-01 1.98168859e-01 7.78902471e-02 -2.78530627e-01 -8.05145279e-02 3.24207962e-01 1.11007469e-03 2.26102442e-01 2.32338876e-01 -6.68150187e-02 2.46712759e-01 1.59581397e-02 -5.54328024e-01 2.63742119e-01 -1.52162751e-02 2.10587040e-01 2.86339987e-02 3.39366257e-01 3.49121571e-01 4.16881703e-02 -2.93464750e-01 -1.78080082e-01 1.64533108e-01 1.70978129e-01 4.66486905e-03 1.99323252e-01 3.69721055e-01 -1.21375784e-01 -3.34529206e-02 -1.80443659e-01 1.59472391e-01 1.08670041e-01 -3.34689230e-01 -3.51780355e-01 5.56289917e-03 2.62528300e-01 -5.58162965e-02 -2.03397617e-01 -1.19082600e-01 -1.48967132e-01 5.06587029e-02 1.44070104e-01 1.70371488e-01 -9.98531505e-02 3.19566488e-01 -1.67507061e-03 1.50956333e-01 -1.99751705e-02 -1.90027636e-02 1.01443686e-01 -3.29218894e-01 3.06816492e-02 7.74646131e-03 -7.23446440e-03 2.31147051e-01 1.91527873e-01 5.60913980e-02 1.32981360e-01 8.11144784e-02 -7.04748929e-02 1.37484282e-01 3.19737382e-02 -1.16458572e-01 1.35379210e-01 -2.55869299e-01 1.39254600e-01 -1.60106450e-01 3.30847263e-01 -8.93892869e-02 -1.70506150e-01 -3.58416468e-01 -2.43283436e-02 1.46997839e-01 -2.32641865e-02 -2.97524601e-01 -3.07587087e-01 -8.14438939e-01 4.59320731e-02 1.45993039e-01 1.37790501e-01 2.34868854e-01 1.58826843e-01 -3.21689218e-01 -7.72805363e-02 -1.12198472e-01 8.26694146e-02 3.32421601e-01 -1.38581038e-01 4.98749688e-02 2.09207937e-01 1.43020004e-01 1.59065336e-01 1.08185768e-01 8.72902870e-02 -2.61924684e-01 6.25781268e-02 -1.09342441e-01 -2.85721511e-01 -4.32805084e-02 -3.82298380e-02 5.64092398e-02 1.95946991e-01 -9.33389366e-02 -4.47245408e-03 1.23656102e-01 -2.60467768e-01 -3.63248996e-02 1.87141389e-01 1.54054880e-01 1.03500508e-01 1.57649010e-01 -1.15518503e-01 -2.93909870e-02 -3.27944040e-01 7.37913847e-02 -2.12631524e-01 7.95406196e-03 -5.18706925e-02 -1.40548766e-01 1.14387445e-01 -3.27143818e-01 7.83405602e-02 -1.68940872e-01 2.21449003e-01 -3.56156118e-02 -4.34745342e-01 1.21464431e-01 -7.02505112e-02 -1.98853672e-01 1.84646592e-01 -1.11707933e-01 -6.10259175e-01 1.38705879e-01 -8.14645067e-02 -3.02492715e-02 -6.40302226e-02 1.94656804e-01 1.02618158e-01 -1.98590815e-01 -1.61879241e-01 -2.37239927e-01 1.46965727e-01 2.09182650e-01 -4.32928558e-03 -6.72163591e-02 -3.11613083e-01 1.83194652e-01 -2.04017982e-01 1.19379595e-01 5.94213963e-01 -2.82158852e-01 -6.66193664e-02 9.36024487e-02 2.06009418e-01 -2.73419563e-02 1.69350415e-01 -1.73369035e-01 -2.43670031e-01 -1.35051161e-01 4.03878242e-01 -2.97633588e-01 -3.14391293e-02 2.36382373e-02 2.46161491e-01 8.03629607e-02 4.85237569e-01 5.24556451e-02 5.44744730e-01 7.98063874e-02 -3.57090175e-01 -3.66504848e-01 -1.16805859e-01 1.75079897e-01 9.17693675e-02 1.47355676e-01 2.50258327e-01 -1.54711530e-01 -8.99467431e-03 -1.13268487e-01 -3.30111891e-01 4.48526174e-01 -3.53766195e-02 -2.08338395e-01 9.65816975e-02 4.87950951e-01 3.99934769e-01 -3.09676230e-02 6.92696050e-02 -1.22325622e-01 7.70446360e-02 1.92252412e-01 -7.96618164e-02 5.37325516e-02 -3.59050393e-01 -3.55962038e-01 -7.48836435e-03 -1.36922210e-01 -1.08672597e-01 9.50365737e-02 -6.36952966e-02 -1.35329515e-01]
"Notes from 1 Billion Years" active "Item #: SCP-6783 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Any archaeological discoveries pertaining to SCP-6783 are to be retrieved and replaced with falsified documentation about the time period of the Proterozoic Era. Evolutionary changes in Archaeological Site-101 are to be documented immediately. Any documents retrieved that relate or originate from SCP-6783 are to be studied and archived for any further knowledge of the nature of the anomaly. Anyone who discovers the true nature of SCP-6783 is to be administered Class-A Amnestics and their discoveries are either to be archived or destroyed to prevent any further containment breaches. Description: SCP-6783 is a series of notes from an unknown time traveler who appeared to have accidentally been transported approximately 1.8 billion years in the past to the Proterozoic Era.1 Notes from SCP-6783 document the time traveler’s experience and discoveries while in the Boring Billion. And remnants of the anomalous temporal device have been retrieved and are being studied to determine its origin in both manufacturing and time period. While remnants of the device have been retrieved, approximately only 46% of it has been determined to be in custody. Foundation archaeologists are presently still locating the remaining pieces of the time machine, and the possible operator of the device. Addendum-1: After further anomalous temporal examination, the area where SCP-6783 was discovered seems to have its own anomalous temporal or evolutionary properties. Research into whether or not the temporal device has anything to do with it is ongoing. It should be noted that during the Proterozoic Era, no trees or animals were present. However, evidence shows flora and fauna appearing within the range of SCP-6783. The anomalous “Evolution Space” dubbed by Foundation researchers caused biological evolution to rapidly progress. The following file is Level 4/6783 classified. Unauthorized access is forbidden. 6783 Item #: SCP-6783 Object Class: Safe Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: Above all else: Dr. Evelyn Moore is to never view this document under any circumstances. If Dr. Moore does discover the true nature of SCP-6783, she is to be administered Class B amnestics to remove all details of SCP-6783. This particular procedure is only relevant until ██/██/████ when she is determined to vanish. All and any unauthorized documentations of the true nature of SCP-6783 are to be replaced with falsified information like the false document above. If Dr. Moore requests access to SCP-6783, she is to be given the false document. Discoveries about the true nature of the “Boring Billion” are to be replaced with false information and researchers that took part in the discovery are to be administered Class B amnestics. Research into other temporal anomalies similar to SCP-6783 is currently being conducted. Developments for a meme to persuade viewers of SCP-6783 not to view the document are currently in progress. Description: SCP-6783 is a series of notes from Foundation researcher Dr. Evelyn Moore, designated SCP-6783-1, from approximately 1.8 billion years ago. This has been confirmed by anachronistic anomalies that have landed in Foundation custody. Evelyn Moore, as of the moment compiling this information is a Level 3 researcher and part of Project: Centureic, an effort to develop a viable way of temporal transportation through anomalous means and without the negative side effects. Project: Centureic has been designated as SCP-6783-2. According to information from SCP-6783, precisely on ███████ ██/██/████, Dr. Moore will be the victim of a temporal anomaly while working on Project: Centureic and be transported to the Proterozoic Era. Further examination suggests that SCP-6783-2’s anomalous qualities had completely halted biological evolution for approximately 1 billion years when first landing. Furthermore, it seemed to have dramatically slowed or stopped Dr. Moore’s aging process altogether. Ongoing searches for SCP-6783-1’s notes are in progress. So far, approximately 67% of the notes have been retrieved and the majority redacted for present Dr. Moore’s sake. Addendum-1: An incident report appeared on the desk of Dr. █████, head of Project: Centureic, containing information of the incident that would be Dr. Moore’s fate. The report was confirmed to be written by Dr. █████, however, they don’t recall writing it. Incident Report 6783-1: On ██:██, ██/██/████ Spacetime anomaly appeared in the testing chamber of Project: Centureic upon activation of the device. SCP-6783-1 along with the device was engulfed in the spacetime anomaly. Dr. Moore is presumed dead. Notes: Presumably the anachronistic copy of the incident report was sent back in time to Dr. █████’s desk during the incident. Addendum-2: During an archaeological dig at [REDACTED], a notebook with the Foundation insignia on the front cover was discovered and contents were salvaged for examination. Many of the pages were unintelligible and unreadable presumably because of either age or erosion over the course of its burial. Carbon dating and anomalous temporal examination date it to 1.8 billion years ago. Archaeological Site-101 was established in the area where SCP-6783 was discovered. SCP-6783 Log-1: This is Dr. Evelyn Moore, I am a Level 4 researcher for the SCP Foundation and stationed at Site-██. If you’re reading this, then you’ve either rescued me and are going to document the incident of what I can only assume is some sort of spacetime anomaly. Or you’re reading these in the future and I’m dead. Let’s hope it’s the former. I’m writing to whoever reads this that Project: Centureic was an unfortunate failure and when the time comes, no pun intended, that you can stop me from going through. I sure hope you do, and that my husband will be able to see me again and vice versa. I haven’t exactly pinpointed my location yet, or even when I am, it’s definitely before the Foundation. Way before, there’s nothing but an open field here along with trees and a mountain range I can see in the distance. Project: Centureic is busted at the moment, so it can’t tell me the time period I’m in, but I suspect around 100 years ago perhaps, maybe a bit farther. I would say the area is serene enough for me to relax, but I can’t stop thinking about how I’m gonna get back home. I will document whatever I can. I’m gonna try and relax. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-2: This is Dr. Moore, it’s been about a week since I got here and wrote, luckily Project: Centureic is still able to log how long it’s been. Speaking of which, yesterday I managed to do minor repairs on the machine and it’s currently calculating the time period I’m in. It’s taking a long time, kinda getting worried. Another thing to note, I walked around for a couple of days and I haven’t seen any evidence of animals. Life still exists, at least plants do, but I see no sign of fauna around me. It’s quiet I took a sample, and I’m going to try and preserve it in the Time Box. Another thing to note is that I’ve started to call Project: Centureic the “Time Box”, though it would keep my spirits up and make me feel like one of those adventurers that travel through time. I feel like Doctor Who, except more lost. … I’m starting to wonder if they’ll ever find me. I’m gonna take a nap and sleep it off. Luckily the Time Box has enough space inside for it, no mattress or sheets though. It’s gonna be a long night. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-3: Dr. Moore here, still no sign of animals, the silence is unsettling. Come to think of it, I haven’t really “spoken” in about 3 weeks. No point to it since there’s nothing to talk to. I’m worried that I’m eventually gonna go crazy, it’s been so long. I’ve noticed something else while being here, I haven’t felt hunger or thirst while here. I can still eat and drink though, I tried, but I don’t feel like I need to eat. I wonder if the Time Box has anything to do with it, and if it does, I wonder what else it’s affected. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-4: Dr. Moore here, it’s been about two months, I haven’t written in a while. I was trying to get my mind off the situation right now, the machine-finished calculating when I am. According to it, I’m in the Protezoeic Era, basically 1.8 billion years in the past. 1.8 billion years from home. I don’t feel like writing right now. SCP-6783 Log-5: Evelyn here, I walked into the woods and just kinda sat there for a long time. That’s all. SCP-6783 Log-6: This is Evelyn, I walked back to the woods, this time I stayed longer and I think I’ve come to a few conclusions. One thing, apparently my sense of time has been messed up, I was in those woods for a long time apparently. Like REALLY long, I was in there for 5 years. Another thing to note is that I don’t think I’m aging, or I’m just doing it really slow. Something tells me I’m in it for the long haul. Secondly, I remembered something about the Proterozoic Era that my husband Eric told me, that evolution for some reason completely halted and nothing happened for a billion years, hence the Boring Billion. The only form of life would be eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, which got me thinking. how is there a woods? I need to think for a bit. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-7: Evelyn here, the weirdest thing happened when I woke up. I heard birds. There are no animals I looked outside, and there on one of the trees was a prehistoric-looking bird. [Dr. Moore drew a crude image of the bird onto the page] From what I can ascertain, it’s an archaeopteryx2 , which won’t appear for another billion years or so. So that means either the machine is wrong and I’m not a billion years in the past and are somewhere in the Tithonian era, or something is causing evolution to jumpstart. I’m a scientist, I need to find out. It’s in my blood. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-8: Evelyn here. Okay, I may not have the equipment I had back in the Foundation, but I was also an engineer. I managed to build a makeshift lab using spare parts from the Time Box to analyze what the hell is going here. After some failed experiments and a few accidents, I saw something amazing. After fighting that bird for about an hour for its feather and looking at it closer I saw that its cells were rapidly evolving at an extraordinary rate. Millions of years in a month. I guessed that after I walked into the woods, things were left alone long enough to evolve some more. Oh and speaking of the woods, I took a closer look at one of the trees after cutting it with a makeshift saw for a long time and saw it only had 5 rings. I checked with a few more trees in different areas of the forest and saw the same result. I was in there for five years, so it makes sense why they would have rings, but does that mean that they grew when I landed? I’ll do some more research, Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-9: Okay, it’s been a couple of months since I did a personal entry, some of my research overtook space in the notebook, but I have some discoveries and conclusions to document. It turns out, not only the Time Box is causing things to rapidly evolve, but it also causes them to age quickly. For some reason, not me, but when I went to check on the tree trunk sample again, it had grown 10 rings a day after I brought it in. Not everything around me is affected by the Time Box, I trekked for a bit in a mile or so and found out that when you exit the 1-mile radius, evolution is barely happening at all. Still barren. I concluded that the Time Box has a certain range that can affect evolution and aging. I call this range the “Evolution Space.” I haven’t ascertained how fast it evolves and how strong it gets closer to the Time Box yet, but I have a feeling that it may be a decade every day within the machine. The most depressing conclusion I’ve come to is that, while this is beautiful, I don’t think the Foundation is coming for me. I can’t let that stop me from figuring out all of this. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-10: Dr. Moore here, it’s been a long time since I last wrote. I took a piece of the Time Box, or a part of the main power source with me to do a field test. The heart of the box is a Tachyon Superfluid Drive or TSD. In layman's terms, the TSD manipulates the superfluidity of spacetime to allow rifts in the universe to transport us to timelines. The creation of the TSD was the basis of Project: Centureic, it may have also been a colossal failure due to the fact I was sent back in time and all that. Anyways, I took one of the TSDs with me and trekked far away from the box for a long time. Long enough for me to test its effects on nature. On that note, another anomalous effect the box had on me was apparently my sense of time is warping even more than when I first noticed. What I thought was a few hours, turned out to be a few weeks. Days turn to months and so on. When I came back from my field test, over a decade had passed already. As for the field test, I attached a test log on the next page for you when this book gets recovered. I’ve started to look at the bright side, at least I won’t notice how much time passes. Maybe I can just wait it out. I’m gonna go do some more te- [Dr. Moore suddenly stops writing, a streak from the pencil appears on the page. Supposedly something interrupted her. Testing Logs From SCP-6783: Test A Subject: Acorn from a nearby tree. Procedure: Acorn was buried approximately 5 meters away from TSD Results: In approximately 10 hours, a fully grown tree had been produced. Appearance resembles an ash tree. Analysis: Why the TSD had made it an ash tree when the acorn I harvested was completely different is beyond me. I hypothesize that the “Evolution Space” that the TSD creates also genetically mutates whatever evolves and grows. This implies a myriad of different possibilities. Test B Subject: Angiosperm samples3 Procedure: Placed approximately 1 meter from the TSD Results: Various flowers started to sprout and spread around the TSD, including the flower species Montsechia vidalii in the span of 3 hours Analysis: Angiosperm is how flowers evolve and spread, there were many theories that dinosaurs may have eaten angiosperm and spread it around to evolve it. I think I just created the first flower, which is exciting. Test C Subject: [DATA EXPUNGED] Procedure: Item placed 1 inch from the TSD for [REDACTED] Results: [DATA EXPUNGED] Analysis: Evolution is powerful, and there are some things we shouldn’t mess with. Whatever just happened there took a week to kill and took me another week to recover from its venom. I’m eating its remains tonight. I am never doing that again. On another note, next time I go out for a field test, bring some weapons. Dr. Moore’s Notes: Something had occurred to me while doing tests, the subjects all evolved rapidly when in close proximity to the TSD. So what’s happening to me? I carried this all the way out here, I’m around it all hours of the day and I even slept near it, back in the Time Box too. I wonder if it’s been affecting me as well? Test D Subject: Dr. Evelyn Moore Procedure: Stationed on top of the TSD for several weeks. Results: No changes found Analysis: I’ve determined that whatever caused my anomalous eternal youth is also preventing me from evolving biologically. SCP-6783 Log-11: Dr. Moore here, God that took a long time, sorry about that. For context, while I was gone, one of the animals apparently stuck around for a while and it turned into a dinosaur. I don’t even know how that happened, maybe this Evolution Space is more anomalous than I previously thought. I definitely need more defenses, or at least find a way to stop dinosaurs attacking me. I’m gonna go lie down to recover from the apparent dinosaur assault. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-12: You bastards. You knew. You’ve always known. I don't know how long, and I don’t care, you knew. I woke up like usual and made myself a meal, I didn't need to eat, I just did it so I can have some resemblance to my old life. While I was eating, it clicked in my brain. Something finally made sense. SCP-6783, I’m it aren’t I? “Notes from a billion years ago” all that bullshit, you always knew I was gonna go back huh? That this entire mess would happen. It always confused me whenever I read the SCP-6783 file, why was it so simple? Why was it so important? Now I know, you gave me a fucking fake. Why didn’t you stop me? Did you want this to happen? I can’t believe that the Foundation just sat back and watched as I built the machine that would destroy my life. … I think I get it now, you’re the most powerful organization in the whole world with numbers in the millions. You don’t save lives, you make sure you keep existing even at the cost of your own blood. You secure. You contain. You protect. But when it comes to things like this, you’d watch from afar and see what happens, and make note of it for future use. That’s science. You secure, contain, and protect all you want and there are thousands of us dying to whatever we’re containing and no one else will ever know. We die in the dark, so you can live in the light. I’m done here, Moore signing off. Addendum-3: Many of SCP-6783-1’s notes were recovered after her supposed fallout with the Foundation, she seemed to have kept writing in her journal about her findings, perhaps as a way to keep herself sane or for the sake of stimuli. After a certain number of pages, the notes start to get incoherent and nonsensical. It was determined SCP-6783-1 started to write in a cryptogram to hide her research, perhaps as a way to spite the Foundation and impede our research. Options to have present-day SCP-6783-1 decode it has been denied on the precedent that she might become suspicious. Foundation cryptologists were tasked to decode SCP-6783-1's notes, this proved difficult as SCP-6783-1 developed more cryptograms to impede research more. Researchers have been able to decrypt approximately 5% of the recovered instances of SCP-6783. A majority of SCP-6783-1's notes are still encrypted and efforts to decode them are still in effect. Decrypted Testing Logs from SCP-6783: Test E Subject: Two unknown species of fish Procedure: One fish was placed in a container of room temperature water. The other fish was placed in an identical container, but the temperature was drastically lowered using Project: Centureic’s liquid nitrogen cooling system. Both containers were placed approximately 2 meters away from Project: Centureic. Results: The fish in the room temperature water evolved normally and grew to an adult fish in a matter of minutes. The fish in the frigid water aged the same, however, it seemed to have evolved to resist the colder climates after an autopsy. Analysis: Biodiversity wished it could be this good, quick evolution for the fish to adapt to the cold climates without having to go through natural selection. Test F Subject: Nearby tree Procedure: Had animals eat pieces of the leaves and place a TSD 5 meters away while being eaten for approximately 3.4 minutes. Results: The tree had evolved into a Cycas Revoluta. Fauna consuming the tree reduced greatly. Analysis: As expected, the Evolution Space had influenced the tree to evolve into a Cycas Revoluta. Test G Subject: A third fish Procedure: Placed a TSD 1 meter next to it for approximately 10 minutes. Results: The subject grew legs and walked on land Analysis: It’s incredible, I caused the evolution of land animals. It never occurred to me that this would happen. I had to wait a couple of centuries though to make sure I don’t mess anything up, but it’s amazing to think this little guy would become a dinosaur one day. … On that note, I should move the TSD away now. SCP-6783 Log-13: Dr. Moore here, I know what I said, but I came back for a reason. It seems I have been given a responsibility. For context, I examined the area and cellular life outside the Evolution Space and found something disturbing. Most likely when I landed here, evolution had completely stopped. Not just here, but the whole planet. Not only am I the cause of evolution happening, but I also caused the “Boring Billion”. When I landed, the temporal properties must’ve halted the evolutionary line. All life on Earth just stopped growing, I determined that the Evolution Space is a sort of reset zone for the evolutionary halt, but also acts as a speed boost. When something enters the Evolution Space, it negates the effects caused by the Time Box’s initial landing. So that means one thing if life is to exist on Earth, and for humanity to also exist, I need to find a way to expand the Evolution Space and hopefully counteract its negative effects. Don’t think I’m doing this for the Foundation, I’m doing this for my husband, for my family, and all of humanity. You’re just lucky to be a part of it. I still don’t forgive you. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-14: I tried fixing the Time Box’s mobility units, no luck. I also tried attaching animals to it and trying to pull it like a chariot, they evolved and broke free to kill me. I had to kill them first, I may be eternally young, but I don’t think I’m fully immortal. After many other failed attempts, I came up with a different solution. I made makeshift wheels, a pulley system, and placed the Time Box on top of the wheels to make it into a sort of cart. I decided the only way to do my mission is to pull it myself. It’s going to be a long walk… Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-15: Evelyn here, I’m gonna start my expedition soon, but first I should explain the plan. I can’t find any way to remotely reverse the effects Project: Centureic caused. The only plausible way to actually reverse it in my current situation is to expose every square inch of the Earth’s surface to the Evolution Space. The only way to do that is manually, so I made a makeshift cart to put the Time Box in and I’m gonna pull it all over the Earth. It sounds tedious and inefficient, but it’s the best I got. I can’t enlist animals since they’ll rapidly evolve into [DATA EXPUNGED], so it’s up to me. This will be my last entry for a while, I need to keep moving so things don't get out of control. Everything from the landing site is already anomalous enough, we don’t want it to get out of hand. I still don’t forgive the Foundation for what they’ve done, but I hope I can accept your choices. I’ve already accepted I’m stuck here, maybe I can evolve to forgive you. One day. This is Dr. Moore, signing off. Addendum-4: Foundation archaeologists managed to locate the remnants of SCP-6783-2. 78% of the machinery according to the schematics brought back to the past has been designated as missing or destroyed. No explanation has been given as to why due to the fact the Tachyon Superfluid Drive, now designated SCP-6783-3, was functioning as intended from SCP-6783-1s notes, the degradation of SCP-6783-2 should have lasted the allotted time frame it was in. Additionally, while SCP-6783-1’s notes were found close to SCP-6783-2, the remains of SCP-6783-1’s have yet to be found. Addendum-5: The remnants of Dr. Evelyn Moore were located in █████████, ██████████ with the remains of her notebook that contain more contents of SCP-6783. The last pages detail her final days and what happened to SCP-6783-2. SCP-6783 Log-16: This is Dr. Moore, I don’t know how long it’s been, but all I know is that dinosaurs started appearing everywhere. I guess I did my mission right. I deactivated the TSD so it stops, I’m gonna wait a few thousand years in this cave to make sure evolution is continuing normally. I’ll update you all when I can. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-17: OH MY GOD. THIS IS DR. MOORE, THE DINOSAURS JUST DISAPPEARED. I SWEAR TO YOU, I WOKE UP AND ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY’RE DEAD. There was no meteor, there was no sound, I checked the Time Box, and apparently, I just skipped over 61000 YEARS IN ONE NIGHT. WHAT THE HELL? THEY JUST UP AND VANISHED.4 Why did it have to be me? Why was I the one who had to go back in time? Does the universe despise me so much that I have to witness the birth of nature as a form of punishment? I must’ve been terrible in a past life to deserve this. This is Dr. Moore, going to take a long nap. SCP-6783 Log-18: Dr. Moore here, oh my God, I was walking around after the whole dinosaur thing. I apparently was asleep for a while, and I just spotted some humans near me, primitive and they’re all just corralled in a cave. I think this is a hunter-gatherer society I stumbled upon. Did I cause them? Was I responsible for the evolution of man? This is a little much for me, but I won’t approach them, just in case they accidentally worship me as a god or something and mess up the future. I'm seeing something strange right now as I write this. I’ll get a closer look and get back to you. Dr. Moore signing off for now. SCP-6783 Log-19: Dr. Moore here, I found something incredible, I believe I found SCP-10005 or the first generation of it at least. I’m hiding in the cave right now making sure they don’t see me, but I don’t think they’ve risen to power just yet. They still seem very primitive, I wonder if I can witness them evolve to how the report describes them. I'll need to observe more carefully. … I just came back from observing the instance of SCP-1000, I couldn't stay long because I thought they saw me so I escaped. On the bright side, I can confirm that it is definitely SCP-1000. I noticed that they looked at the primitive humans for a long time before leaving. SCP-1000 never interacted with them and instead just avoided them, almost as if it were scared. I will try to be a lot more careful the next time I spy on SCP-1000. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-20: This is Dr. Moore, it’s been a long time, maybe a thousand years. I just realized that I’ve been saying that a lot nonchalantly, but I’ve had a few close calls with SCP-1000. Every time they come close to the cave, I try to close up the cave with a boulder. I made a pulley system to close the cave entrance using a pull of a vine. I didn’t get a doctorate in engineering just by being decent. This is going to be a temporary home until both the humans and SCP-1000 leave the area. I feel like I’m going to be here for a while. Speaking of which, I studied the behavior of SCP-1000 some more. I found this spot where I could observe them in secret and I noted a few things. Whenever SCP-1000 had a clear line of sight of the primitive humans, it would normally observe them as I do in a secluded area where the humans wouldn't notice. But usually, if a human happens to approach the area SCP-1000 is watching, it would back off and escape. This time was different, an instance of SCP-1000 approached a group of humans, but the humans were the ones who backed off this time. SCP-1000 seemed to have noticed this and continued to pester the humans. Luckily one of the humans approached SCP-1000 and appeared hostile, that's when the instance of SCP-1000 backed off. Something tells me that this won't be the last time SCP-1000 will provoke the humans. I'll document whatever I can. Dr. Moore signing off for now. SCP-6783 Log-21: BAD NEWS This is Dr. Moore, and something terrible happened. I went out to go study the SCP-1000 instances more without being spotted, I wasn’t caught, but when I came back Project: Centureic was missing! I don’t know who stole it, but I have my suspicions. They managed to figure out how to move the door, and I’ve determined that they brought a group to lift the Time Box. If they figure out how to work the TSD, we’re fucked. I need to go find them. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-22: Dr. Moore here, I know the truth now. I knew SCP-1000 stole Project: Centureic, but I know why now. I don’t know if the Foundation knew, something tells me they didn’t until they found my notes, but it's very clear now. It’s been a couple of decades, I managed to track them down. They were using the TSD and the machinery from Project: Centureic to build their society. I hypothesize that the long-term exposure to the now reactivated TSD had evolved their brains to modern human capacities. Once they gained enough intelligence, SCP-1000 managed to reverse engineer the machinery from Project: Centureic and use the Evolution Space produced by it to hyper-evolved the flora and fauna around them to utilize nature as the file described. If I’m recalling correctly, humanity should eradicate them soon. I just need to wait for more. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-23: It’s been a long time, maybe a century, and nothing yet. Maybe It’s a lot later than I thought? SCP-6783 Log-24: Still waiting, I realized I didn’t write much last time since I was just waiting, but I should mention that SCP-1000 has mastered transportation using hyper-evolved animals. Also, a thought occurred. Why would they fence off the humans? Are they zoo animals to them? Are they too scared? Could it be they realize that the device they used to evolve themselves, can also be used to evolve the humans? Do they fear that humans could evolve? Evolve past them? It’s an interesting thought. The Evolution Space is a powerful anomaly, it will eventually run out of power, but by then they would have evolved past it. I also have a hypothesis of why it hasn’t changed them as it did to [DATA EXPUNGED] all those millennia ago. The TSD only has so much power, and a majority was used to fix the mess Project: Centureic made 1 billion years ago. The less power it has, the slower that the Evolution Space affects living things. Eventually, it will run out of power, but they won’t need it anymore. The rate they’re going, they should be beyond modern humans in about a decade. I don’t understand why the humans haven’t done anything yet. … Maybe they need a push, it’s risky, but I have no other choice. SCP-6783 Log-25: I approached a group of the humans in the forest, they seemed scared by my outfit from the future. I tried to reassure them I’m not a threat, but they ran off. This is gonna be difficult. SCP-6783 Log-26: Okay, I managed to convince a smaller group to listen to me in the forest. Side note: I stole some of the tools from SCP-1000, in hopes to teach them how to use them. They don’t speak any languages, but I was able to interpret using gestures and pictures. I’m going to teach them how to use the tools tomorrow. I need to rest for now. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-27: I noticed something when I woke up, my skin was wrinkly. I think time is finally catching up. I don’t know why, but I need to hurry. I’ll be back once I finish teaching them. … I was thinking, the story from SCP-1000 about how humanity revolted. I wonder if I was the cause? Maybe it was best for me to go back. On another note, lessons with the humans are going well, which is good since SCP-1000 had just mastered aerial transportation. Hopefully, I manage to teach them enough before time catches up with me. Dr. Moore signing off. SCP-6783 Log-???: This is Dr. Moore’s final message. The humans have started to teach each other. Soon they’re going to be able to revolt and cause an SK-Class-Dominance-Shift-Scenario. As for me, I’m barely able to write, my skin is becoming grey and wrinkly. My hands are bony, my hair is white. I can feel the ages catching up to me, why it just started I have no idea, but I had enough time to help humans. Before I die, I want to get a few things out there. Eric my love, I’m sorry. Our time was short, but it was for the best. I hope when I’m gone, you move on and find love again. Dr. █████, the head of Project: Centureic, thank you for being one of my best friends in the Foundation. Try not to get killed out there. As for the SCP Foundation. I forgive you all. I can die knowing why this happened. Make sure I never find out the true nature of SCP-6783 until my time comes. No matter what I say, she will eventually be at peace with her destiny. I can die peacefully in the dark, knowing that humanity can live in the light. I’m sorry. Dr. Evelyn Moore, signing off for the last time. Addendum-5: Many of SCP-6783-1's notes have been determined to be missing. The notes on how Dr. Moore was able to teach the primitive humans, further tests, and further experiences in the past have either not been recovered or have been archived elsewhere from this document. Missing instances of SCP-6783 are currently being searched for. Finding new notes might shed some light on the nature of SCP-6783 and the experiences Dr. Moore had during the time she had been trapped in the past. It may also reveal where the missing parts of SCP-6783-2 may be located, in hopes for the Foundation to salvage to possibly rebuild the device at a later date. The capabilities of SCP-6783-3 in producing the "Evolution Space" may be reverse-engineered to aid the Foundation in some way. Though rudimentary in evolving living things, a way to refine it may be possible. One note was found sometime after Dr. Moore's final message to the future: "The flowers are blooming Eric, they look beautiful" Addendum-6: The recovered cadaver of Evelyn Moore is to be preserved in Archaeological Site-101 and kept hidden away from present Dr. Moore. A false missing person case is to be fabricated in the event of present Dr. Moore's eventual disappearance. The future corpse will be relocated to a nearby area of Dr. Moore's residence to be given a proper burial. SCP-6783 is unique. It is the fact we know the fate of Evelyn Moore, and we must keep it a secret from her. If it seems unethical to keep her in the dark, you must remember what is at stake. If Dr. Moore does not go back in time, she can never help humanity become the dominant species. To ensure our existence, we must cast aside the sympathy for her and let nature take its course. Remember what she sacrificed for us, for humanity. She died in the dark, so we can live in the light. — O5-6 « SCP-6782 | SCP-6783 | SCP-6784 »" nan
[ 1.55037269e-01 1.55658036e-01 -1.32613212e-01 2.17410102e-01 -5.92203960e-02 -4.07655329e-01 4.51607667e-02 4.55241948e-01 7.23090069e-03 -1.56308208e-02 4.77379560e-02 1.87040180e-01 -4.73540694e-01 -1.20281138e-01 -8.64310414e-02 -2.11236432e-01 1.45667836e-01 2.28903562e-01 3.28164011e-01 -6.45039454e-02 -1.84127703e-01 -2.30947137e-01 1.49374217e-01 1.99323684e-01 -1.59329195e-02 -1.61664993e-01 -5.48041500e-02 3.90544593e-01 -1.83561012e-01 -5.35871089e-01 -1.46385089e-01 1.16066448e-01 2.23393619e-01 4.80195642e-01 -1.06317711e-04 -1.06248125e-01 2.74881929e-01 -6.12819642e-02 -1.08803488e-01 1.98730618e-01 -2.09454328e-01 8.49299952e-02 7.84826502e-02 -3.83401752e-01 -1.54288188e-01 -2.70591289e-01 -3.08051080e-01 -2.50180930e-01 1.48239717e-01 4.24733311e-01 2.21652731e-01 2.03154638e-01 3.31103086e-01 7.45711103e-02 4.90299791e-01 1.59974307e-01 -6.35956526e-02 -8.46903697e-02 2.86083579e-01 4.09093052e-01 -2.20869258e-02 3.55863035e-01 -1.56731859e-01 -3.37196648e-01 4.21825826e-01 -3.97416323e-01 5.57980239e-01 -2.20257178e-01 -7.32067749e-02 1.10444203e-01 1.52801216e-01 8.56494382e-02 -1.87001377e-01 1.60405219e-01 -3.35901648e-01 -6.02912366e-01 3.76641095e-01 1.48856848e-01 -1.53583363e-01 -1.32103078e-02 4.15218800e-01 -1.15516081e-01 -4.03200895e-01 4.07234505e-02 -6.30643815e-02 3.16762626e-01 -1.69940993e-01 5.08889779e-02 -5.56118637e-02 -1.72307454e-02 2.74398446e-01 7.02394769e-02 1.50405481e-01 1.97486773e-01 1.03278376e-01 -2.25953147e-01 5.29083498e-02 2.57758319e-01 -8.68886188e-02 6.74340963e-01 -5.33019453e-02 2.50981480e-01 -1.02441646e-01 1.02480538e-01 1.53303832e-01 2.61801183e-01 6.70157969e-02 -3.69987786e-01 -1.49822935e-01 3.69466841e-01 -2.59687621e-02 1.63148835e-01 9.68497172e-02 -1.00625195e-01 2.07448021e-01 -5.13799069e-03 2.51948655e-01 -3.30764771e-01 9.77464616e-02 3.11186999e-01 -3.39184344e-01 -2.56660916e-02 -2.51716435e-01 2.15649068e-01 2.73512363e-01 2.98670918e-01 9.35065299e-02 -6.04196079e-02 4.14677337e-02 -4.63210568e-02 -2.05331981e-01 3.63073170e-01 -1.98306933e-01 6.76524416e-02 -6.14020675e-02 9.54203010e-02 -1.01588383e-01 -2.17676312e-01 -3.46288174e-01 -1.65781304e-01 -3.85316387e-02 -1.36988908e-01 5.05270004e-01 5.44845760e-01 -1.88086778e-01 -8.33925456e-02 -1.03819884e-01 1.03441507e-01 -3.17121238e-01 1.74479008e-01 1.84986532e-01 -2.65413225e-01 -7.59633124e-01 2.43133754e-01 -2.33447909e-01 1.80969164e-01 4.65644747e-01 -2.09034488e-01 -9.51262265e-02 -8.06519240e-02 2.67463028e-01 2.00794309e-01 -4.38255370e-01 -1.42259821e-01 1.05233915e-01 1.39377832e-01 1.17465466e-01 2.37082899e-01 -1.29038632e-01 4.59743813e-02 1.32381186e-01 1.79548994e-01 -1.86223015e-02 -6.79093823e-02 -2.19998360e-01 -4.23716381e-02 -1.69085748e-02 1.48950070e-02 3.13297100e-02 -3.70384127e-01 -2.90734142e-01 1.49782985e-01 2.57053852e-01 -1.58602268e-01 -1.72182303e-02 -4.05303419e-01 2.55399287e-01 -2.78818011e-01 2.54569262e-01 -1.74851313e-01 -4.53911006e-01 -4.50836867e-01 -1.18688591e-01 -5.96830510e-02 3.47363651e-02 9.17542353e-02 1.49039075e-01 -2.09358081e-01 7.50072673e-02 7.85277560e-02 1.90432966e-01 3.92392337e-01 5.52724957e-01 4.77195174e-01 -2.92463511e-01 -4.68964189e-01 -7.16369450e-02 -1.62471518e-01 5.10801017e-01 1.95611924e-01 2.08263829e-01 -1.56122938e-01 -1.68143377e-01 -2.36827638e-02 -6.61015138e-02 -2.81286687e-01 2.86783636e-01 1.59560189e-01 4.74749476e-01 1.59437135e-01 -2.24297717e-01 -4.57706228e-02 3.49247940e-02 2.92422883e-02 -2.60675013e-01 -2.18097433e-01 -3.62706989e-01 -1.75446078e-01 5.61499270e-03 3.17025542e-01 3.11462045e-01 1.51786536e-01 1.48683771e-01 -1.23258337e-01 -1.68528706e-01 9.00162458e-02 -2.67284364e-01 8.96271884e-01 -5.10220826e-02 -4.54672456e-01 1.86224759e-01 -5.60904145e-02 2.97189131e-02 -2.21341215e-02 -3.54338259e-01 1.75847903e-01 1.06980987e-01 -9.27101672e-02 2.06419781e-01 -6.88090846e-02 1.40156850e-01 -3.79944503e-01 -2.09884688e-01 -3.53778452e-02 -4.64878827e-02 6.36708140e-01 -1.73101515e-01 1.87408984e-01 1.71007868e-02 1.28209516e-01 2.64714152e-01 -9.53266174e-02 3.00289858e-02 3.07621866e-01 -2.12815017e-01 -3.79396588e-01 7.53263151e-03 3.18974167e-01 2.15178430e-01 7.80869350e-02 3.19142431e-01 1.11116849e-01 3.59222665e-02 -3.03593520e-02 1.53254017e-01 1.67878419e-01 1.86772272e-01 3.17783535e-01 2.18819499e-01 4.73999023e-01 -2.94833124e-01 -3.23791534e-01 -3.22858900e-01 1.23017453e-01 -2.03941882e-01 1.70505106e-01 1.39275357e-01 4.80805710e-02 -9.69610959e-02 -2.44250417e-01 1.74439132e-01 -3.06724131e-01 -4.32953648e-02 3.53981495e-01 -2.13514432e-01 -1.47930607e-01 -4.82941449e-01 4.47329581e-01 1.43402860e-01 5.04315317e-01 -3.74713689e-01 3.11689582e-02 9.18417424e-02 1.51437959e-02 -2.23301649e-01 -1.26638468e-02 5.51950991e-01 -3.44063062e-03 3.25327041e-03 -3.19523782e-01 -4.31380123e-01 1.29770696e-01 -2.84645129e-02 -1.17303960e-01 1.03184050e-02 1.71090961e-01 4.19609159e-01 -4.22310859e-01 2.43182201e-02 -4.36450273e-01 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-3.68504256e-01 1.31993201e-02 -1.08190313e-01 -1.03787355e-01 4.15077567e-01 -2.43857086e-01 7.19256476e-02 -3.39557499e-01 2.30021954e-01 -3.31693590e-01 6.41591102e-02 1.58608958e-01 1.13663174e-01 -2.33988583e-01 -3.09530467e-01 2.75204569e-01 -2.31159061e-01 3.01415287e-02 1.25928372e-01 4.24986005e-01 4.28039521e-01 1.29226193e-01 -1.28155112e-01 -5.65344058e-02 -2.06468552e-01 -1.68010235e-01 5.94425462e-02 -5.65468930e-02 8.08823556e-02 -1.62449300e-01 1.87450662e-01 4.71421890e-02 1.79019719e-01 9.64574739e-02 5.50879538e-02 -5.18921733e-01 -1.32161826e-01 1.01587780e-01 2.24116698e-01 -2.92469978e-01 -3.15412790e-01 1.01520039e-01 1.52652249e-01 4.40472633e-01 1.15291797e-01 -3.25059056e-01 -1.68799043e-01 -8.59904438e-02 -3.34011078e-01 4.17272598e-01 2.21332252e-01 3.47558588e-01 1.74758479e-01 3.68829258e-02 7.20684379e-02 -2.22529452e-02 -2.64313459e-01 1.10300593e-01 3.74392539e-01 6.56139180e-02 4.57611233e-02 -1.89378425e-01 1.42381892e-01 -2.28187785e-01 -3.57328728e-02 1.08099371e-01 1.02200426e-01 1.78415895e-01 3.65250371e-02 1.41829610e-01 1.38980910e-01 -1.79070920e-01 -9.58367139e-02 1.68236479e-01 -2.22234368e-01 2.49124020e-01 1.13194585e-01 1.16365778e+00 2.25397661e-01 2.58233309e-01 2.53023565e-01 -1.56125605e-01 2.46760964e-01 2.33262125e-02 -7.04337731e-02 -5.55286743e-02 -2.70280987e-02 4.70547155e-02 3.12761813e-02 7.02653266e-03 -1.11857429e-01 -4.65225369e-01 -2.03127682e-01 -3.93473297e-01 -2.38733605e-01 2.08977133e-01 2.03975335e-01 1.38804510e-01 1.50380313e-01 -2.87276030e-01 1.94930941e-01 -1.95305273e-02 3.41549098e-01 1.60448134e-01 -1.98896721e-01 5.57215624e-02 -1.13604985e-01 -3.62767607e-01 6.40123710e-02 -6.62857443e-02 1.73257723e-01 -3.58173549e-01 3.29244375e-01 1.27814427e-01 -1.32730633e-01 8.18331391e-02 -4.13110435e-01 1.04800444e-02 3.63229738e-05 5.75679362e-01 -2.34412685e-01 4.29190882e-02 -3.04065291e-02 1.20179057e-01 -1.25857919e-01 3.58106419e-02 3.02549541e-01 -2.58307129e-01 -1.45308554e-01 -1.54500842e-01 1.71427146e-01 2.39738092e-01 1.37342080e-01 7.63356164e-02 1.08885907e-01 -4.68250781e-01 -2.44072676e-01 1.98442832e-01 -1.19724028e-01 -3.46883312e-02 3.30061838e-02 1.74899269e-02 -2.79311091e-01 3.93771343e-02 5.20451665e-01 -3.74864414e-02 3.07111353e-01 2.59838641e-01 2.10270137e-01 -2.46697858e-01 -3.80549759e-01 -1.76420003e-01 -3.72176737e-01 -2.42481932e-01 6.73546940e-02 -9.23267007e-02 -1.01954177e-01 2.36398742e-01 4.54974890e-01 1.00948267e-01 -2.37711608e-01 -2.48517483e-01 -2.93967813e-01 1.29932359e-01 2.59212311e-02 -1.39007881e-01 1.89129919e-01 -1.61706820e-01 2.24502861e-01 -1.34378925e-01 -1.04718134e-01 -4.25101668e-01 1.21569008e-01 -1.48158923e-01 5.38531914e-02 1.99986592e-01 -3.14196467e-01 9.63443145e-02 -5.95781542e-02 9.41833556e-02 -1.02040283e-01 -1.23264462e-01 -2.18652576e-01 -5.53169511e-02 8.06442276e-02 -6.34111464e-02 -1.89048201e-01 2.89372988e-02 7.91764110e-02 1.86614648e-01 3.25014710e-01 1.37333021e-01 3.64884108e-01 7.68715218e-02 3.22136492e-01 -4.54378098e-01 2.51880646e-01 -1.74820982e-02 4.62293513e-02 -1.49733238e-02 2.17653736e-01 -2.82219529e-01 -9.09477065e-04 -4.40292656e-01 -2.22705960e-01 1.51850656e-01 3.29536915e-01 -2.24259347e-01 2.64431238e-01 1.09980732e-01 2.12912515e-01 -7.82950446e-02 2.47113988e-01 -1.36278942e-01 -3.62731665e-02 -3.29456180e-01 -2.14990735e-01 -3.72915745e-01 3.22107345e-01 9.60305482e-02 -1.59314454e-01 -1.33339241e-01 -1.38647273e-01 1.35568380e-01 2.95628369e-01 2.14480162e-01 -2.93780059e-01 1.15160681e-01 5.47884069e-02 1.02910429e-01 1.00065909e-01 2.68932521e-01 1.30882517e-01 -1.44123524e-01 -6.28080368e-02 1.53058633e-01 1.54673934e-01 4.04265374e-01 3.77360404e-01 4.51983064e-01 1.18649311e-01 2.16170490e-01 3.63619924e-01 -1.35383353e-01 -1.16569690e-01 -1.61765032e-02 3.36942226e-01 -7.25076348e-02 1.46356270e-01 -1.30121380e-01 -2.64448039e-02 6.18993584e-03 2.31452540e-01 -2.63869673e-01 3.05942148e-01 2.19615057e-01 -1.38436347e-01 3.27705145e-02 -1.74985260e-01 -2.21031588e-02 -1.52393673e-02 -1.04768828e-01 4.04873848e-01 1.18115976e-01 3.95426303e-02 -4.18738872e-02 1.04735464e-01 -2.72622984e-02 -9.70431641e-02 3.72750610e-01 -1.38468742e-01 3.57583940e-01 1.76453009e-01 -3.55259597e-01 -3.46010663e-02 -2.00750828e-02 2.14677647e-01 1.06188022e-01 -1.44411847e-01 1.03804894e-01 -2.80846655e-01 -2.02469826e-01 -5.96633367e-02 -1.60706818e-01 1.66906685e-01 -1.96358293e-01 8.26458186e-02 1.71483889e-01 -1.97810948e-01 3.99651602e-02 1.78063139e-02 5.60552061e-01 9.96042974e-03 -2.58700132e-01 6.09259196e-02 -1.83408394e-01 -5.40494220e-03 1.08724259e-01 3.34840752e-02 -8.46406072e-02 -2.76482236e-02 -2.12981761e-01 2.67352670e-01 -3.30669135e-02 1.36459872e-01 -1.00771360e-01 4.05880958e-01 2.79823095e-01 -3.04476857e-01 1.59748986e-01 -4.93086368e-01 -1.78536966e-01 -8.74748603e-02 -1.35944009e-01 -1.34048790e-01 1.71002179e-01 -4.77052554e-02 -1.38545573e-01 -2.97427475e-02 -1.86547816e-01 1.94588423e-01 -3.04836452e-01 -2.19624907e-01 -3.51511836e-01 4.28139687e-01 4.66763049e-01 1.07897095e-01 1.59839559e-02 -3.99803162e-01 1.73296496e-01 -1.98826090e-01 1.62064850e-01 3.37428711e-02 -7.31400074e-03 -3.60904276e-01 6.46072090e-01 2.29292631e-01 -1.13251358e-02 1.90748364e-01 1.42313959e-02 -4.44225878e-01 4.85008769e-03 4.58579123e-01 -1.23472773e-01 1.49195626e-01 6.35038763e-02 1.54467791e-01 -1.07585967e-01 5.81941009e-01 -4.03204449e-02 5.48181474e-01 1.48200303e-01 2.69840416e-02 -4.96682405e-01 2.01479360e-01 8.03331845e-03 2.96361476e-01 2.48163387e-01 9.46883485e-02 -4.18025255e-02 1.17746718e-01 -4.49281991e-01 -3.83417070e-01 5.31703830e-01 3.17359949e-03 -2.82324344e-01 -5.70431277e-02 1.76658675e-01 1.13438040e-01 -7.42675960e-02 -1.47620156e-01 -1.15408283e-02 1.33726582e-01 8.29629600e-02 -4.45191175e-01 -6.84152991e-02 -4.98745680e-01 -2.07519263e-01 7.59751573e-02 3.77202064e-01 4.75790389e-02 2.14862049e-01 -4.65544313e-01 -7.70966038e-02]
"The Family Gone Too Soon" active "Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-6784's properties do not allow it to be relocated, containment is focused on securing a 75m x 75m perimeter around the affected area. The perimeter must be maintained by at least two Level Three (3) Security personnel. Security personnel are to discourage unauthorized access with claims that the property is condemned. All Foundation personnel stationed at SCP-6784 are required to have never owned a pet under the genus Canis, including domesticated dogs, during their childhood. All SCP-6784-A instances are to be terminated by onsite Mobile Task Force operatives to prevent the memetic effects of said instances. In the case of exposure to the memetic effects of SCP-6784-A, exposed personnel must be admitted to Foundation Medical personnel for a full psychiatric evaluation before being cleared to return to duty. In the case of a movement of SCP-6784, Mobile Task Force Delta-91 “Dog Sitters” is to deploy to locate the new instance of SCP-6784. Mobile Task Force Delta-91 “Dog Sitters'' is a small MTF designated to contain SCP-6784, as well as instances of SCP-6784-A. Members of MTF Delta-91 are to be equipped with suppressed weapons, as well as small yield fragmentation grenades used to trigger an emergency shift of SCP-6784. In the event of civilians breaching the containment perimeter, task force operatives are to detain individuals and alert the Site-8 command for further instructions. Mobile Task Force operatives stationed on-site are encouraged to attend monthly group therapy and counseling sessions by Foundation Medical personnel. Description: SCP-6784 is a 1m x 1.5m x 1m doghouse currently located in northern Wyoming. The doghouse appears to be homemade, with black and white paint that is well worn. If SCP-6784 is approached by any living human who possessed a pet canine during their adolescence, an instance of SCP-6784-A will manifest from the opening of SCP-6784. All instances of SCP-6784-A should be considered a memetic hazard and must be terminated on sight, as those under the effect of SCP-6784-A will become aggressively defensive of the instance, displaying signs of extreme devotion and guilt. In 95% of observed cases, SCP-6784-A instances exit SCP-6784 only when an individual who cared for a pet canine is in the vicinity. SCP-6784-A instances appear as domestic dogs in various states of postmortem decay. Interviews with affected individuals suggest that these manifestations take the appearance of pets that perished while under the care of the interviewee. However, when asked to describe SCP-6784-A, all individuals insisted that these instances appeared to be in good health. SCP-6784-A manifestations begin to deteriorate into a vapor consisting primarily of carbon dioxide, euphoriants, and [REDACTED] after termination. Instances will completely decay within 12 to 32 hours, therefore no corpse disposal is needed onsite. Autopsies of terminated SCP-6784-A corpses revealed large populations of [DATA EXPUNGED], leading to the theory that SCP-6784 is able to strengthen its unusual properties by converting emotional energy into a fuel source. Following this discovery, all testing proposals must be submitted to the Ethics Committee for approval. Despite the Foundation's best efforts, attempts to move SCP-6784 into containment at Site-8 have failed, as any man-made disturbances to SCP-6784 or the land within 1m around the SCP will cause the anomaly to shift. When this occurs, the structure will collapse and re-materialize in an area within a 250km radius. If this should occur, MTF Delta-91 “Dog Sitters” are to locate and secure SCP-6784. Note that any natural events, such as heavy rain or wind, will not cause re-materialization unless it poses a threat to the structural integrity of the object. Discovery Log: 6784-DL-A The anomaly was discovered by Foundation agents on 5/17/2016 after local law enforcement was notified of deceased pets returning home. Embedded Foundation agents within ███████ County Police Department took notice and prompted an investigation. The investigation led the agents to an abandoned house, located in northern █████, where SCP-6784 was discovered to be the source of the disturbance. The house and the surrounding area were purchased by a Foundation shell company posing as a real estate agency. Addendum 6784-24-C1: Testing to observe the memetic effects of SCP-6784-A instances was approved by Site-8 administration and the Ethics Committee. Test 6784-EE-14 Subject: D-78031 Procedure: One (1) minute of exposure to SCP-6784-A. Results: Following one (1) minute of exposure to SCP-6784-A's effects, the subject was removed from the instance without incident, though with minor difficulty. The instance was swiftly terminated, to the dismay of the subject. No observable short-term effects were discovered following the test. D-78031 was released back to Site-8 custody, after an extensive psychiatric evaluation. Subject: D-59471 Procedure: Five (5) minutes of exposure to SCP-6784-A. Results: Following five (5) minutes of exposure to SCP-6784-A's effects, security attempted to remove the subject from SCP-6784-A. Removal attempts were met with minor resistance. When finally removed, D-59471 showed signs of separation anxiety and paranoia. These effects ceased 20 minutes after the termination of the instance. D-78031 was kept in Site-8's psychiatric wing for 24 hours following the test, and no short-term effects were observed during this period. Subject: D-32154 Procedure: Ten (10) minutes of exposure to SCP-6784-A. Results: Following ten (10) minutes of exposure to SCP-6784-A's effects, security's attempts to remove D-32154 from the instance were met with elevated levels of resistance, which resulted in the injury of a single on-site security personnel. D-32154 was briefly incapacitated. Due to the violent reaction from this test, Researcher █████ requested to speak to D-32154. The request was granted by Dr. Hughes. Below is a transcript of Researcher █████'s interview with the subject. Subject: D-37410 Procedure: Thirty (30) minutes of exposure to SCP-6784-A. Results: Following thirty (30) minutes of exposure to SCP-6784-A's effects, attempts to remove the subject from the instance were met with extreme violence. Removal attempts resulted in the injuries of 3 on-site security personnel, as well as Jr. Researcher ███. D-37410 was terminated after throwing themselves in front of the instance as on-site security attempted to terminate the instance of SCP-6784-A. Subject: [REDACTED] Procedure: One (1) hour of exposure to SCP-6784-A. Results: [REDACTED]. Personnel with clearance level 4/6784 may view Incident Log ████-01. After this disaster of a test, the Ethics Committee has ordered all testing on 6784 to cease. We don't need to be wasting D-Class on this. -O5-6 Below is an interview with one of the subjects exposed to the effects of SCP-6784-A. Test 6784-EE-14 - Subject D-32154 D-32154 enters the interview room. Since exposure to SCP-6784-A, the subject has shown behavior that suggests a severely depressed mood D-32154: inaudible speech is recorded while the subject sits down across from Researcher █████ Researcher █████: D-32154, thank you for agreeing to talk to me. I understand your recent test with the doghouse has affected your emotional well-being and I hope talking to someone will help you. There is a brief silence before Researcher █████ speaks again Researcher █████: D-32154, can you explain to me what you saw? D-32154: My boy, doc. My best friend Otie. I miss him so much. I somehow always knew I would see him again. Researcher █████: Otie, that was your pet dog as a kid, wasn’t it? You mentioned that during your test briefing. Could you describe how Otie looked when he exited the doghouse? D-32154: Uh, wiry black hair with his big white paws. He was so happy to see me again doc, I don’t think I ever saw that tail wag so much! Otie looked like his old self, before my dad, uh… Researcher █████: D-32154, do you mind sharing with me how you felt when you saw Otie again? D-32154: Love, and anger. Otie was taken from me, doc, and you [EXPLETIVE DELETED] ripped him away from me again! Is he still at the doghouse? What do I have to do for you to go back to him? Anything, please, I need to be with him again. Please. Y’all are no better than my [EXPLETIVE DELETED] dad. D-32154’s crying escalates into incoherency. Researcher █████ decides to end the interview after several questions were ignored. Following this interview, D-32154 was transferred to Site-8's psychiatric wing for 72 hours. Short-term effects, such as depression, and anxiety were observed. No long-term effects have been observed as of writing. « SCP-6783 | SCP-6784 | SCP-6785 »" "SCP-6784 in its inactive state."
[ 2.73380220e-01 5.10303862e-02 -3.03807825e-01 -6.00267351e-02 5.62910698e-02 -2.03599662e-01 2.62963295e-01 1.01306893e-01 -2.94893682e-01 -1.07216574e-01 -4.94004488e-02 2.34101057e-01 -2.05836043e-01 -2.92582393e-01 -2.03137994e-01 -7.20158592e-02 1.24070235e-01 -7.82843754e-02 1.84094474e-01 -1.86061606e-01 -8.09778571e-02 -1.74423099e-01 4.18736301e-02 9.88002643e-02 -4.05736566e-02 1.31039068e-01 -2.47576311e-01 2.50122726e-01 6.02800457e-04 -4.81236070e-01 8.13894272e-02 6.77852631e-02 -1.58437714e-01 6.00449920e-01 -1.06869396e-04 -1.26437321e-01 1.95316803e-02 -4.12643291e-02 2.10267812e-01 2.86583062e-02 -2.14449421e-01 -5.17255843e-01 -2.28151962e-01 5.16983308e-02 1.01158336e-01 1.67104602e-01 7.75511041e-02 -7.91607872e-02 4.71733034e-01 4.20507789e-01 1.75600886e-01 -3.42721492e-01 -7.37237185e-03 3.64247024e-01 1.38783649e-01 9.99089554e-02 -2.08849460e-01 -4.31345552e-02 9.76997241e-02 -2.09181234e-01 1.09797321e-01 -1.84698869e-02 -1.39417306e-01 -2.60948092e-01 1.75769135e-01 -1.65159166e-01 2.26639956e-01 2.52298918e-02 -2.99053371e-01 1.77792564e-01 7.53221987e-03 8.04749876e-03 -2.10947603e-01 -1.30036790e-02 -1.62867066e-02 -5.37331820e-01 5.17884731e-01 1.76791683e-01 1.15237825e-01 2.08250046e-01 -2.89423317e-01 2.28986308e-01 -2.97197819e-01 -9.13892221e-03 -2.69315034e-01 4.61142093e-01 -1.56458877e-02 1.33095562e-01 -3.39724988e-01 1.91607580e-01 2.36582041e-01 3.59501123e-01 4.80821282e-01 3.58081639e-01 4.58163284e-02 -7.14288652e-02 -7.36535788e-02 1.40847191e-01 1.74606502e-01 4.24789965e-01 -1.50206819e-01 5.79106696e-02 2.22301558e-02 7.42808506e-02 8.11062083e-02 1.16941877e-01 1.48560271e-01 -3.00149173e-01 -7.71356225e-02 3.11307430e-01 -2.93374121e-01 2.23163024e-01 -2.72706971e-02 -4.75291945e-02 1.36031387e-02 -1.00499131e-01 3.25532377e-01 -7.48602673e-02 -2.03233123e-01 2.79389709e-01 -3.01946938e-01 -1.15331329e-01 -1.99933946e-01 4.34542298e-01 2.54066378e-01 4.94564980e-01 -3.52869868e-01 4.77302335e-02 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4.47696596e-01 -2.53251027e-02 3.86235416e-02 -5.06668910e-02 4.58427072e-02 -2.46648878e-01 8.07110686e-03 7.21787930e-01 -2.03235403e-01 2.09231749e-01 4.89589393e-01 3.60904425e-01 -1.61076024e-01 -6.24352396e-02 -4.49726395e-02 6.18990995e-02 6.48805141e-01 -1.21657901e-01 1.54873267e-01 -1.39662638e-01 -3.98978829e-01 2.02912569e-01 -1.92740649e-01 -9.65968072e-02 2.38284484e-01 -3.05483514e-03 2.50959843e-01 -2.56815642e-01 -2.15583593e-01 3.37455183e-01 -5.59128933e-02 1.50832474e-01 8.26645494e-02 2.29283899e-01 -3.74271214e-01 5.61316591e-03 -1.99455172e-01 1.59144506e-01 4.01696920e-01 -6.72037303e-02 1.01489432e-01 4.76431817e-01 4.18327719e-01 2.40768883e-02 -4.24704663e-02 3.21901858e-01 -1.70522109e-01 -3.97054851e-01 2.35170368e-02 3.54018547e-02 -1.98845014e-01 2.59367615e-01 -4.87684518e-01 3.43063250e-02 -1.12286016e-01 7.80720860e-02 1.41905993e-01 -1.02892391e-01 1.71936020e-01 -2.53421277e-01 5.28465323e-02 -1.82612583e-01 3.01481541e-02 1.09716058e-01 1.41340271e-01 2.11382851e-01 1.41076684e-01 5.26326656e-01 -2.50455234e-02 9.69986841e-02 -9.87189412e-02 1.29322156e-01 -1.89923737e-02 -3.16563547e-01 2.89120853e-01 2.96049625e-01 4.10555959e-01 1.59613162e-01 2.32657358e-01 5.77316321e-02 -5.71899768e-03 -2.23785177e-01 2.52520233e-01 -1.45737812e-01 1.32735103e-01 1.79517150e-01 4.31937575e-01 6.36110976e-02 -1.46767288e-01 -2.61196941e-01 -2.54469477e-02 1.34163741e-02 -2.72738338e-01 -1.29912645e-01 -1.02151014e-01 -2.63170414e-02 3.85452248e-02 4.10141706e-01 1.43644869e-01 -4.25273418e-01 1.24539480e-01 -5.49505949e-02 -7.93187767e-02 -1.13724679e-01 -4.27096456e-01 -1.01869643e-01 8.42323750e-02 2.11039394e-01 -1.61225125e-01 3.10967505e-01 3.42642903e-01 6.13479801e-02 -3.05607170e-01 -3.56915563e-01 2.88891017e-01 -1.46752909e-01 -2.78885335e-01 -3.66744876e-01 -3.93108368e-01 1.00732986e-02 -8.58207867e-02 -9.67497453e-02 3.40302378e-01 -9.03161690e-02 1.94367513e-01 -4.91689593e-01 9.24838334e-02 -3.45326692e-01 -2.50073284e-01 -3.17297876e-01 -6.89147338e-02 3.72546285e-01 -1.66732967e-01 -1.62097923e-02 -1.37335852e-01 -4.03321266e-01 4.94703740e-01 1.36837080e-01 1.61236480e-01 2.04850454e-02 -1.44714907e-01 -4.69510220e-02 -1.00674756e-01 -1.54751420e-01 -3.00817668e-01 6.94958353e-03 -1.34072125e-01 -1.47142038e-02 9.43854526e-02 2.23933429e-01 -4.78349179e-02 6.24908090e-01 -3.22609037e-01 -4.32407469e-01 -2.50073642e-01 9.88463163e-02 6.91313982e-01 -2.54284799e-01 -1.28844589e-01 2.02099666e-01 2.52948701e-01 -3.52311134e-01 -9.44225192e-02 2.32894331e-01 1.10095643e-01 1.22341840e-03 1.74936160e-01 -5.49814701e-01 1.09244272e-01 2.59684294e-01 5.72645485e-01 -7.39441663e-02 -9.75275189e-02 1.20271459e-01 -1.96102589e-01 1.97990745e-01 3.41580808e-01 9.03827921e-02 2.55813628e-01 1.14189550e-01 -2.09741052e-02 1.20861992e-01 9.67064947e-02 -1.61877513e-01 5.90166412e-02 -2.26536840e-01 -1.43857628e-01 -9.77195874e-02 -1.43346563e-01 4.56185132e-01 1.28344029e-01 2.98161600e-02 -2.21078470e-01 8.06483850e-02 -2.38300815e-01 -2.89032124e-02 5.04991226e-02 6.27908185e-02 -7.07109720e-02 -2.21995264e-01 -2.53089964e-01 2.21943021e-01 -3.88099588e-02 -1.66824441e-02 7.89245069e-02 -1.33506641e-01 -3.20565283e-01 -3.06693055e-02 -2.44076177e-01 3.51423323e-01 2.59315610e-01 2.61580169e-01 3.20239156e-01 3.35244179e-01 -3.08122575e-01 -1.93941563e-01 1.32090256e-01 3.04074325e-02 8.74545053e-03 -9.28784162e-03 -1.53253721e-02 -5.99035844e-02 1.42178968e-01 -1.14400744e-01 1.64583445e-01 -1.24776013e-01 1.41851483e-02 -1.71627283e-01 -9.93279368e-02 1.63929403e-01 -8.09659660e-02 -4.96006221e-01 -6.65973783e-01 -2.87773401e-01 2.95437753e-01 3.69646311e-01 1.73920095e-01 -3.66547629e-02 -1.66597590e-01 -9.97533575e-02 -3.54069434e-02 3.10041755e-01 3.34688276e-01 1.73979431e-01 4.60362256e-01 -9.54288393e-02 1.73883453e-01 -3.32883671e-02 4.77515049e-02 3.71991247e-01 7.51629472e-01 6.07254393e-02 -4.04961035e-02 -3.21874857e-01 2.42325768e-01 5.54394647e-02 2.14810953e-01 1.82990193e-01 -1.40099758e-02 6.68820918e-01 -7.36377621e-03 1.41654462e-01 -1.66620404e-01 -1.92553461e-01 -2.94309139e-01 2.27609515e-01 -1.05449535e-01 1.19976796e-01 5.51194288e-02 1.08608508e+00 7.34060034e-02 -1.57671198e-02 3.30923855e-01 1.30967543e-01 1.33289725e-01 -7.26101995e-01 -2.01316491e-01 1.72163676e-02 7.40259811e-02 1.80045128e-01 -1.63806558e-01 -1.99046936e-02 4.94309992e-01 -5.25952995e-01 2.83034444e-01 -4.67986077e-01 -1.22113504e-01 -1.60797276e-02 -9.29774344e-03 -6.70770481e-02 4.83275689e-02 -5.70462644e-01 1.45888507e-01 1.66836739e-01 1.90056011e-01 -5.97406141e-02 1.26108944e-01 -1.00168325e-01 -4.02895408e-03 -2.96609811e-02 6.57899305e-02 -5.51340103e-01 1.30979449e-01 -2.79753536e-01 4.60605413e-01 1.04948826e-01 3.59511822e-02 4.01242338e-02 -4.69108671e-03 -3.12181795e-03 1.98152289e-01 5.62513292e-01 -2.54353136e-01 2.63182700e-01 2.12346122e-01 -1.87835410e-01 -8.31782371e-02 -1.46235332e-01 -3.38445902e-02 -2.83880204e-01 2.09699631e-01 -4.39017601e-02 -3.52866389e-02 3.96503896e-01 -3.65543514e-01 5.09482548e-02 1.27759099e-01 -2.82332331e-01 -1.07703619e-01 1.38415411e-01 2.00014692e-02 2.99927909e-02 -6.87878281e-02 -2.32760131e-01 -1.15595877e-01 -4.00890829e-03 5.37410736e-01 -8.42474177e-02 -6.30353019e-02 3.20860535e-01 1.03607289e-01 -1.85213089e-01 -1.86814696e-01 -5.44169396e-02 -8.00251812e-02 -3.57333243e-01 -1.15699269e-01 -1.16894096e-01 -2.37666219e-01 2.38060951e-01 1.47706226e-01 9.38133672e-02 -3.16364378e-01 -2.64854610e-01 6.69277161e-02 -1.92660049e-01 5.89130446e-02 -3.56421769e-02 -1.09309457e-01 -2.79801935e-01 4.44915205e-01 -7.63347596e-02 2.86401927e-01 -3.66321862e-01 -1.75175220e-01 -3.84398162e-01 -1.60023451e-01 2.36407071e-01 -2.49965802e-01 -2.78736204e-02 -2.15543956e-01 2.00042650e-01 1.81767285e-01 -7.58263022e-02 -2.60093302e-01 -1.21455379e-01 1.42710403e-01 9.12579820e-02 -1.97310746e-01 2.55177230e-01 -6.02888800e-02 -1.34021327e-01 1.45244256e-01 -2.44688943e-01 -2.66505964e-03 2.90006608e-01 6.98775947e-02 -2.85978705e-01 -2.60533184e-01 1.16982587e-01 -1.00827895e-01 -1.85932387e-02 5.14262438e-01 5.42010628e-02 5.50357029e-02 -3.16298157e-01 -1.81173459e-01 -2.82524414e-02 1.07980974e-01 -1.43820584e-01 3.09918731e-01 3.86370391e-01 2.08937898e-01 -6.40700996e-01 -1.41251668e-01 -3.45163494e-01 5.51503673e-02 -2.98433483e-01 5.24275452e-02 -1.26053885e-01 2.72780359e-01 -2.58893102e-01 3.19066122e-02 -1.21806087e-02 -1.82100430e-01 1.86348543e-01 2.17669904e-01 2.45508522e-01 4.42866329e-03 -2.00557411e-02 7.61623159e-02 4.05130237e-01 8.26527625e-02 -3.22018176e-01 3.83036852e-01 -5.58987334e-02 6.85102046e-02 3.53814662e-03 1.24785617e-01 5.46826184e-01 3.05577010e-01 3.52662295e-01 1.38105392e-01 3.62179056e-02 3.13137591e-01 4.49418843e-01 -5.14481775e-02 -1.52003914e-01 1.16941288e-01 -1.86669052e-01 1.52131274e-01 -8.57352242e-02 -2.28214897e-02 -1.90561578e-01 6.82023820e-03 5.81463948e-02 1.08947106e-01 3.73654366e-01 -1.30633131e-01 1.41694129e-01 -1.17195090e-02 -2.71150559e-01 -3.79213616e-02 3.04336101e-02 -2.07915425e-01 3.91065240e-01 1.86301604e-01 2.54684418e-01 8.98952112e-02 -4.88815121e-02 1.68056786e-01 6.61432683e-01 -2.11933926e-01 3.85431498e-01 5.91473341e-01 -5.63288629e-01 1.37502640e-01 -7.92576745e-02 3.16185772e-01 -1.21932499e-01 2.59396195e-01 5.64342104e-02 -1.93243567e-02 -1.38851047e-01 -1.88580737e-01 1.82082042e-01 -4.10075672e-02 -1.63101152e-01 -9.82069001e-02 1.38620034e-01 -1.98745310e-01 -3.14670295e-01 3.00491929e-01 3.12533170e-01 1.31215647e-01 -1.16188183e-01 -1.97408304e-01 -2.18937680e-01 1.87440030e-02 2.35641673e-01 -2.06458569e-01 2.82392278e-02 -1.05725145e-02 2.24685177e-01 4.46066052e-01 -2.58592069e-01 1.08018517e-01 8.03431794e-02 1.11723840e-01 3.23440254e-01 3.05416256e-01 -3.48963179e-02 -3.97678465e-01 -5.06964326e-02 7.53317997e-02 -7.30768070e-02 -2.17218220e-01 3.19788694e-01 4.27069850e-02 9.65715200e-03 -3.53716649e-02 -1.29158003e-02 6.97140407e-04 2.48155683e-01 8.47385749e-02 -2.02683315e-01 4.12096567e-02 2.45832220e-01 2.64689744e-01 7.36279041e-02 -1.79727599e-01 2.26192743e-01 -2.35212222e-01 -3.30640338e-02 1.00587770e-01 -5.54498695e-02 1.33092580e-02 4.47662443e-01 2.65383959e-01 -2.40477502e-01 -3.43602866e-01 2.48152297e-02 -5.69969535e-01 -3.26631248e-01 2.24179447e-01 -2.71496177e-01 -1.79583505e-01 2.72793651e-01 1.18452959e-01 -1.08912222e-01 1.90288618e-01 3.58902752e-01 3.42803627e-01 2.16620713e-01 -1.23524167e-01 -2.75099635e-01 7.15450868e-02 -4.54474874e-02 1.46278024e-01 -6.66405037e-02 2.84905404e-01 -4.08999063e-02 -8.98445398e-02 -2.39211872e-01 -2.73913860e-01 6.05987132e-01 -3.51179950e-02 -1.36441246e-01 -2.42097124e-01 5.00051230e-02 3.30154449e-01 -9.26664546e-02 -2.54318446e-01 -1.06624536e-01 1.62315041e-01 5.89662697e-03 -4.62161452e-01 -1.09410875e-01 -2.67526567e-01 -2.99775422e-01 -4.57775667e-02 -1.11305602e-01 -2.98556387e-01 2.29222745e-01 -1.05524026e-01 9.11368057e-02]
"The Remnants of a War Long Over" active "Item #: SCP-6785 Object Class: Humanoid/Artefact Containment Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6785-1, -2, and -3 are kept at separate sites, in order to reduce cross-object contamination. SCP-6785-1 is kept in a humanoid containment cell at Site-19, modified to use reinforced concrete furnishings. SCP-6785-1 currently believes it is in a hospital where personnel are trying to repair it; this delusion is to be sustained for as long as possible. SCP-6785-1 does not appear to require food, water, entertainment, or exercise. However, by order of the Ethics Committee, SCP-6785-1 is to be provided with a rotating library of magazines and novels, even if it does not peruse them. Before assigning new personnel, they are to be exposed to SCP-6785-1 from behind reinforced plexiglass. If SCP-6785-1 exhibits a negative reaction, personnel should not be assigned. SCP-6785-2 is stored in a standard Safe-class containment locker at Site-21. Standard biological, memetic, and physical-action measures are to be put in place to prevent unauthorized usage. Usage is prohibited outside of extenuating circumstances, until more fuel can be successfully synthesized for SCP-6785-2. SCP-6785-3 has been disguised by constructing a Chinese restaurant over its entrance. The entrance is to be padlocked to prevent unauthorized access. A camera feed is to record the displays of SCP-6785-3 in order to monitor for deviations. The bottom-middle monitor is to be covered with an opaque curtain unless otherwise necessary for testing purposes. Description: SCP-6785 is an umbrella designation for a collection of anomalies related to a "War on Combustion" in the past, fought by unknown entities. No other references to a "War on Combustion" have yet to be found in any media, anomalous or otherwise. SCP-6785-1 outwardly consists of a spherical metal shell, attached to two small turbine engines1 that are its primary mode of transportation. The front of SCP-6785-1 consists of an opaque glass dome containing several sensors. As accessible by a back panel, the interior of SCP-6785-1 contains a large mound of assorted organic tissue, attached via implants to wiring controlling the rest of the machine. DNA tests indicate this flesh is human and belongs to no known person. SCP-6785-1 is sapient, and interactions with it depend on the results of an initial "scan" it performs on humans. In 40% of cases, SCP-6785-1 will interact with the subject peacefully, in a manner similar to that of a military official. In some cases, SCP-6785-1 will even act as if the subject is its commanding officer. In 60% of cases, SCP-6785-1 will become hostile. It first attempts to activate some kind of weapon, which a stub at SCP-6785-1's bottom hemisphere indicates has broken off. Once this approach fails, it will then activate its turbines and attempt to launch itself at the subject in order to induce blunt-force trauma. The being inside of SCP-6785-1 secretes a yellow substance, similar in composition to gasoline, which is collected and appears to act as fuel. SCP-6785-1 contains a full human brain, although parts of it appear to have been bludgeoned with a blunt instrument. INTERVIEW LOG Interviewer: Dr. Jonas Interviewee: SCP-6785-1 <Begin Log> Dr. Jonas: Hello, corporal. I need to ask you some questions. SCP-6785-1: Yes, sir! Ask away, sir! Dr. Jonas: At ease, corporal. What are your current orders? SCP-6785-1: Affirmative, sir. My orders are to monitor Anti-Combustors from outer space, and eliminate potential threats. Dr. Jonas: Anti-Combustors? SCP-6785-1: The enemy, sir! Dr. Jonas: Did any other soldiers accompany you on this mission? SCP-6785-1: Yes, sir! However, I was struck by a surface-to-air harpoon and sent into space. Dr. Jonas: A harpoon? SCP-6785-1: Affirmative, sir. The Anti-Combustor weapon of choice. Information regarding our operations were leaked to the enemy. Dr. Jonas: Tell me more about the enemy. SCP-6785-1: They're the very embodiment of evil, sir! Dr. Jonas: …yes, but who are they? SCP-6785-1: They want to take away our children and eat their livers! They want to pollute the oceans and endanger the panda! They want to blow up Sacramento and build a slaughterhouse on the ruins! They'll take— Dr. Jonas: I know, I know, I know. But who are they? SCP-6785-1: They're Anti-Combustors, sir! Dr. Jonas: I— okay. Thanks for meeting with me. SCP-6785-1: Before you leave, sir, I must warn you. There are Anti-Combustors in this very facility. They're here to spy on us. Dr. Jonas: Thanks for the heads up. <End Log> SCP-6785-2 is a gun-like instrument consisting of a spherical core, a two-meter long barrel, and a trigger. It is composed of the same alloy of SCP-6785-1's outer shell. The core opens to reveal a fuel canister that, upon recovery, contained approximately 300 milliliters of green liquid. When the trigger of SCP-6785-2 is pulled, it fires a red laser out of its barrel. For 57% of tested entities, this laser is completely harmless. However, the limbs of the remaining 43% of tested entities will immediately be severed on contact with the laser. The wounds produced by SCP-6785-2 do not bleed and are cauterized. Every time SCP-6785-2 is fired, approximately 10 mL of liquid disappears from its fuel container. It is of note that every human that SCP-6785-2 dismembers triggered a negative reaction from SCP-6785-1; however, humans who are not dismembered by SCP-6785-2 may still be the subject of negative reactions from SCP-6785-1. The fuel substance appears to be a mixture of the compounds secreted by SCP-6785-1, electrolytes, and several unidentified compounds consisting of heavy isotopes not normally stable. Attempts to synthesize this liquid have thus far failed. SCP-6785-3 is a computer terminal contained in a reinforced bunker underneath Elko, Nevada. SCP-6785-3 consists of six monitors, a keyboard, a microphone, two sets of speakers, and a radio transmitter. Thus far, no inputs into the keyboard nor the microphone have had any visible effect on SCP-6785-3. The six monitors of SCP-6785-3 constantly broadcast a variety of content. RADIO TRANSCRIPT <Begin Log> <Display 6 is currently showing footage from the 1996 game between the New York Yankees and the Minnesota Twins. Mariano Duncan is up to bat.> British Voice: Mariano Duncan is up to bat. He swings… ooh, another miss. Tsk tsk. What a tragedy. <Duncan hits the ball before running to first base. This allows Bernie Williams to cross the home plate and score a point for the Yankees.> British Voice: He turned it around though, in the end. That's a life lesson for the viewer. There's always a chance to redeem yourself, no matter what you've done. <Display 6 switches to footage from an unidentified desert village. Nothing is visible except for the sky and several buildings. An American F-16 Fighting Falcon flies over the village and drops several bombs, obliterating the village.> British Voice: What was once Caesar's is rendered unto Caesar, like the Combustors turning their world to glass. It's what all authoritarians want, in the end. The easiest kingdom to rule over is a kingdom of smoke. <Display 6 switches to demolition footage of a Manhattan apartment building.> British Voice: What do they build there, I wonder. The Combustors always built their great pikes of light in the dust of creation. Who, perhaps, were we more justified in killing? UNKNOWN4: Why do you bother with the harpoons, then, if you're so justified in ending their life right then and there? British Voice: Because we need to have a sense of humor, ma'am. Otherwise, we're the bad guys. <End Log> Discovery: SCP-6785-1 was originally discovered in deep space by the Foundation ARTEMIS space probe in 1951, in between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. After examining ARTEMIS, SCP-6785-1 flew to Earth, arriving in 1987. At this point, the Foundation had been tracking its flight and intercepted it on arrival. SCP-6785-2 was recovered after an assailant broke into Site-01 and attempted to use it on the former O5-7 on November 17th, 1962. O5-7's limbs were severed by the device. The assailant was later identified as one Stephen Buchanan, a Scottish assassin with unknown motives. Buchanan was later found dead in Venice, fused to the wall of his hotel room by his flesh. The only object on Buchanan's person was a notebook containing an address, which led to the building that contained the entrance to SCP-6785-3. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT <Begin Log> <Display 3 switches to show two aging men sitting on a bench. The man on the left is identified as Tomislav Nikolić, the former president of Serbia. The man on the right is unidentified.> Nikolić: How long's it been since it happened? UNKNOWN: "It?" You're going to have to clarify. Nikolić: The War on… damn it. UNKNOWN: The War on Combustion. It's a distant memory to me as well. Nikolić: It still sickens me. How many young men did we send to the grave? UNKNOWN: Was there ever a final figure? I knew it had to be in the millions, but it ended before anyone could be sure. Nikolić: That's why they erased it. At least, I think it is. <Silence.> Nikolić: "The War on Combustion"? It sounds so silly now. <Silence.> Nikolić: It's funny, I can't even remember. What did we fight that bloody war over? UNKNOWN: You know, I don't have the slightest idea. Nikolić: That means the amnestics are doing their job, right? UNKNOWN: I guess they are. Nikolić: Are you ready for tea later? It just seems appropriate. <End Log> « SCP-6784 | SCP-6785 | SCP-6786 »" nan
[ 5.75526282e-02 -1.28678486e-01 -1.38583601e-01 1.78424716e-01 -1.85468316e-01 -3.28230768e-01 3.10820580e-01 1.95355415e-01 4.11439799e-02 -5.35933413e-02 2.82274745e-02 3.16434950e-01 4.46913019e-02 -1.53503537e-01 1.31224170e-01 -1.98150501e-02 1.33160681e-01 -4.88868654e-02 1.59831360e-01 -1.40946150e-01 -2.36372948e-01 -2.89202452e-01 -9.64283571e-03 1.77069694e-01 -6.25745356e-02 -1.91643730e-01 -3.09235733e-02 -1.96575642e-01 -1.01463854e-01 -3.77119839e-01 2.57895857e-01 1.93513278e-02 1.02821700e-01 4.50850338e-01 -1.08756336e-04 -1.91792905e-01 -6.42562732e-02 1.03700534e-01 -3.43230665e-01 2.64920205e-01 -2.16883987e-01 -2.22189836e-02 1.59427419e-01 -1.68877944e-01 2.30761841e-01 -1.32123739e-01 2.59460341e-02 3.58185060e-02 4.16720748e-01 9.24262330e-02 1.68499395e-01 -1.10459298e-01 -5.93315661e-02 1.97594687e-01 1.00666121e-01 3.86651903e-01 -4.40370142e-01 -2.70795852e-01 4.49076444e-01 1.43677771e-01 -7.85235539e-02 4.31781083e-01 -3.15918654e-01 -7.85903912e-03 1.89827830e-01 -1.99460641e-01 4.48766708e-01 1.00293063e-01 2.11697444e-01 1.42751604e-01 8.04371759e-02 -8.01948905e-02 1.33806169e-02 6.21561706e-02 1.63896363e-02 -2.59183168e-01 1.93087608e-01 1.51500523e-01 -3.09055727e-02 8.03149492e-02 -1.50879130e-01 -7.24466518e-02 -3.70116413e-01 -1.71858370e-01 -1.00766644e-01 4.34173375e-01 -2.07347974e-01 9.69193280e-02 -1.15294591e-01 -1.95110217e-02 2.69753367e-01 -8.26563388e-02 2.61785015e-02 1.65402472e-01 4.15143482e-02 -1.19640687e-02 2.20986009e-01 3.71767759e-01 1.78868502e-01 2.76474506e-01 -5.20173982e-02 1.16328910e-01 2.41994962e-01 2.20028162e-01 -1.21914536e-01 -7.85938501e-02 4.48105514e-01 -4.24533486e-01 -3.09022576e-01 3.64349782e-01 -2.90135413e-01 8.24570004e-03 -3.34521294e-01 1.74539998e-01 8.36649016e-02 -1.93996236e-01 1.13563113e-01 -2.31662467e-01 -4.65069413e-02 3.37973535e-01 -4.99279127e-02 -1.77115276e-02 -5.96962608e-02 4.89776015e-01 1.96577996e-01 1.99007794e-01 5.00655323e-02 -3.30556631e-02 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-2.34598115e-01 3.28343511e-01 1.04575321e-01 3.49192917e-01 1.73745304e-01 2.89132863e-01 1.87215030e-01 2.55939942e-02 -2.86177903e-01 -2.81527072e-01 2.39304960e-01 1.66970387e-01 1.11544713e-01 2.24035516e-01 -4.16416302e-02 -3.56323093e-01 -4.72557135e-02 -5.14552146e-02 -5.37246512e-03 1.34898368e-02 2.37676203e-01 2.45695516e-01 3.00065905e-01 2.33056724e-01 -1.85848668e-01 -3.13669503e-01 -1.77035317e-01 -9.32947397e-02 -1.24382436e-01 2.41641164e-01 1.48209870e-01 1.24391690e-01 -8.11399072e-02 2.04468191e-01 9.11948159e-02 -1.99915841e-01 2.82506309e-02 -2.65506469e-03 -9.07731727e-02 7.99082592e-02 -3.11723918e-01 6.48903251e-01 -9.52493995e-02 2.87464589e-01 -2.84719408e-01 -2.63882846e-01 -1.22405645e-02 1.17422856e-01 -2.46844903e-01 2.51401821e-03 5.84412456e-01 -1.84165552e-01 -1.82052162e-02 -2.78437167e-01 -3.57570142e-01 3.84523511e-01 -8.78162682e-02 -1.31744251e-01 -1.51824476e-02 -6.13481104e-02 -4.08325434e-01 -2.29709730e-01 1.53155372e-01 -5.66323757e-01 1.17542468e-01 -1.24454163e-02 -1.09846234e-01 5.85640110e-02 6.19753450e-02 2.59279311e-01 -6.38409927e-02 -1.62068874e-01 3.26574504e-01 -1.07892297e-01 1.40370861e-01 2.84387022e-01 1.48874104e-01 3.50176021e-02 8.92520994e-02 1.54652074e-01 -3.67060512e-01 -5.20861745e-01 1.91177223e-02 -9.14909244e-02 7.58957490e-02 -5.62576018e-02 -4.01129723e-02 -2.66622826e-02 1.77390739e-01 -2.05635086e-01 -6.60318792e-01 1.09537341e-01 2.10733786e-01 -4.72367555e-02 -4.45799902e-03 5.58986545e-01 2.49839336e-01 -3.11265886e-01 -3.19977522e-01 1.81417078e-01 -4.88999113e-03 1.95976440e-02 5.36705017e-01 -3.60480756e-01 -1.75853580e-01 3.34081799e-01 3.58786076e-01 -3.04068476e-01 -2.67216712e-01 -4.48013432e-02 3.00923556e-01 2.27356747e-01 4.26148474e-01 -2.62051165e-01 1.28221750e-01 -2.57962883e-01 -2.19760060e-01 1.55293867e-01 -8.98172427e-03 8.14405084e-02 1.69924110e-01 2.42239460e-01 -3.25404167e-01 -1.95772365e-01 1.83484331e-01 2.97185808e-01 4.72130507e-01 -7.75031969e-02 -2.29292646e-01 -3.16953778e-01 -4.22710627e-02 -1.11027434e-01 3.71065259e-01 -5.57811372e-02 -8.59394073e-02 7.38402531e-02 -5.75958937e-02 -2.85737604e-01 2.33671233e-01 9.34465230e-02 -5.14162297e-04 -4.35750663e-01 -1.04468036e-02 1.67359799e-01 -1.00763634e-01 1.86592355e-01 -7.21275210e-02 3.09139609e-01 4.88701463e-01 2.58254737e-01 -3.60547274e-01 1.72653556e-01 -2.70630211e-01 -8.48302711e-03 5.87072015e-01 -1.43226549e-01 -5.41039258e-02 -3.84919606e-02 -1.07234612e-01 8.31966177e-02 -7.65701234e-02 2.50288934e-01 -2.81947374e-01 -2.44763270e-01 -1.78747997e-01 1.43606141e-01 2.30749607e-01 -4.04628485e-01 -1.69541195e-01 2.50351518e-01 -1.42543808e-01 4.09576505e-01 1.76992074e-01 1.45061702e-01 -9.63216424e-02 -1.92673817e-01 -3.01477224e-01 2.29393244e-01 3.46682936e-01 5.77394426e-01 4.49523896e-01 -1.89305395e-02 -1.70948163e-01 2.20844954e-01 -1.30193442e-01 1.47498846e-01 6.41254604e-01 8.93417299e-02 -1.42473742e-01 -3.69641632e-01 4.18518603e-01 1.56383455e-01 -7.09517524e-02 -3.40711921e-02 7.13737085e-02 2.28148341e-01 -9.49740261e-02 1.67686537e-01 2.27271914e-02 -3.58636349e-01 1.04430383e-02 3.15523773e-01 -6.04086705e-02 3.81411910e-01 2.82157362e-01 1.30695391e+00 3.30256552e-01 1.64231077e-01 2.73866117e-01 -1.11538641e-01 5.09502180e-02 -2.06318423e-01 1.81779727e-01 -1.05411902e-01 -2.14593902e-01 1.97656807e-02 -2.19332099e-01 -5.28903492e-02 1.09294176e-01 -3.28859240e-01 -1.41177639e-01 -3.42144370e-01 -4.66325969e-01 3.90938729e-01 2.09966943e-01 1.08229689e-01 -1.78321842e-02 -1.09277882e-01 2.03915074e-01 -7.20856339e-02 2.14314699e-01 -6.65043667e-02 1.83882818e-01 9.55691747e-03 -2.04449389e-02 -3.57360303e-01 -5.77322096e-02 2.66893357e-01 5.41474938e-01 9.48324576e-02 -1.34726971e-01 2.30789050e-01 -1.20074056e-01 5.54923899e-02 -2.46349826e-01 -2.69081388e-02 3.41177851e-01 4.68297869e-01 -1.99016854e-01 -1.64476991e-01 -5.15562519e-02 2.85050809e-01 1.10151462e-01 -1.00737058e-01 1.50146499e-01 4.60335985e-03 -9.87628251e-02 -6.24836385e-02 6.51540533e-02 4.95010644e-01 -1.89991385e-01 3.47812831e-01 -1.63055226e-01 -3.50751907e-01 -2.21313938e-01 1.83674306e-01 -9.34771970e-02 -1.42632216e-01 4.33427617e-02 7.42807910e-02 -9.15313587e-02 1.80406779e-01 3.87520850e-01 1.17576689e-01 1.27968356e-01 1.20790713e-01 3.75077784e-01 -1.93833172e-01 -4.53033864e-01 -1.96662933e-01 -1.50723398e-01 -4.45877492e-01 -1.34540915e-01 -3.71504091e-02 -3.83691162e-01 -2.29098126e-02 4.40689743e-01 3.17167968e-01 -8.73797014e-03 -3.10340524e-01 -7.26010799e-02 3.22309285e-02 2.81818956e-01 1.42203644e-01 9.93078128e-02 2.90338874e-01 3.65912139e-01 3.59332599e-02 5.51065505e-01 -4.28416789e-01 -6.72758296e-02 -2.97380656e-01 -1.47406794e-02 1.84645057e-01 -4.88944054e-01 -1.71719775e-01 -3.62277091e-01 6.03162497e-02 -4.12448309e-02 -1.08724840e-01 -2.27671921e-01 -1.74743429e-01 1.63677424e-01 -2.50291705e-01 -7.80122429e-02 -2.83504605e-01 2.26124257e-01 2.94004619e-01 1.97199807e-02 -1.76247731e-01 3.15450400e-01 2.02266544e-01 -2.21111793e-02 -2.59149134e-01 2.84706891e-01 2.08304211e-01 1.78420190e-02 1.30641311e-01 3.80030274e-01 1.40940636e-01 6.68575196e-03 -1.09548820e-02 -5.12913689e-02 2.65826821e-01 2.46178761e-01 4.63868827e-02 3.19163859e-01 1.60840526e-01 3.09655786e-01 -1.26807049e-01 -9.80081502e-03 -4.54370469e-01 -5.46547174e-02 -5.01065627e-02 -1.12807386e-01 -2.35517830e-01 3.12343687e-01 -1.23327844e-01 3.74694839e-02 -2.53705680e-02 4.16586623e-02 6.74860328e-02 1.39392555e-01 1.12174124e-01 -5.47439419e-02 -3.08942911e-03 1.11445896e-01 4.12127107e-01 3.02996486e-01 4.13445011e-02 -1.40857145e-01 1.00741670e-01 -1.43272439e-02 4.03109610e-01 4.43886578e-01 4.09257948e-01 -6.25230670e-02 3.68940711e-01 3.08818277e-02 -5.61537407e-02 4.05187577e-01 6.38598064e-03 1.98692605e-01 -1.45942226e-01 -1.51661620e-01 -4.52272631e-02 -3.10209896e-02 -1.66046843e-01 -1.27409205e-01 1.85833429e-03 -6.53091678e-03 -7.23822713e-02 2.56283969e-01 2.38932729e-01 -2.97950774e-01 -1.70738429e-01 -2.07957894e-01 1.06863178e-01 -1.18417405e-01 1.92610219e-01 1.60910234e-01 3.02988231e-01 9.22579542e-02 1.42950878e-01 1.85407430e-01 2.91537270e-02 4.52707022e-01 6.20468318e-01 -1.03993274e-01 2.55402029e-01 3.68651330e-01 -1.78101361e-02 -1.53392449e-01 -1.90469280e-01 4.22223777e-01 -2.18537241e-01 -2.20262960e-01 9.40518230e-02 -3.52622494e-02 -1.89943448e-01 -4.77964461e-01 -1.44488066e-01 1.99288309e-01 -1.81663156e-01 1.31885558e-01 2.32518435e-01 -2.11409718e-01 -1.69718549e-01 -4.23977263e-02 1.09346755e-01 2.08146840e-01 -9.05688182e-02 -1.53995410e-01 -4.94726986e-01 1.27004296e-01 7.28132650e-02 -2.75130987e-01 8.34041238e-02 -8.11141282e-02 -2.01678887e-01 2.21315712e-01 -1.03265569e-01 9.19070318e-02 9.79969976e-04 1.41353965e-01 3.87812495e-01 -6.40191510e-03 -1.41766354e-01 -5.09609520e-01 -1.77436203e-01 3.12366486e-01 -4.40448850e-01 -5.92576265e-01 1.12420373e-01 3.08256239e-01 -1.20287590e-01 -2.57817935e-02 -2.65649825e-01 2.73715287e-01 -1.03183120e-01 9.39845070e-02 -5.35364211e-01 1.76701546e-01 6.17642641e-01 1.01721495e-01 -1.67822521e-02 -1.10474832e-01 -1.20499194e-01 2.15690210e-01 1.70452029e-01 -9.72086489e-02 -4.91285145e-01 4.28615846e-02 3.50326240e-01 4.34697568e-01 -1.07366018e-01 2.83515334e-01 -1.20571584e-01 -3.43135178e-01 1.40823692e-01 2.88385481e-01 9.39266756e-02 1.15554422e-01 -6.38779700e-02 1.89240247e-01 -9.94487405e-02 4.13174123e-01 1.58491582e-01 3.02341938e-01 4.06686328e-02 1.70721650e-01 -3.90850425e-01 1.79169938e-01 -6.92777568e-03 1.88835382e-01 -1.89835563e-01 4.15635586e-01 -7.26830140e-02 -1.47612887e-02 -2.00036347e-01 -9.31722447e-02 3.94425005e-01 -2.53093421e-01 -5.48594236e-01 -7.95543790e-02 1.69748276e-01 1.36105999e-01 8.85533285e-04 -1.66603655e-01 -2.45332941e-01 -9.10942405e-02 4.73241471e-02 -3.78376245e-01 -2.70454139e-01 -2.60121733e-01 -2.85713136e-01 -1.70230865e-01 3.46026849e-03 -2.34852079e-02 7.11001530e-02 -7.00895607e-01 -2.00027779e-01]
"Extradimensional" active "Item #: SCP-6786 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6786 is permanently contained in a 15m x 20m x 12m x 15m container. Description: SCP-6786 denotes both whatever is within its container and the container itself. The anomaly has always been held within Site-Log(-1). Addendum 1: Prolonged exposure to SCP-6786 is now forbidden. Addendum 2: Attempting to understand SCP-6786 is now forbidden. Addendum 3: Attempting to restructure dimensional collapse is now forbidden. Addendum 4: All personnel who enter SCP-6786 will not be missed. « SCP-6785 | SCP-6786 | SCP-6787 »" nan
[-8.11726078e-02 -7.39831567e-01 -1.31688610e-01 2.45233580e-01 9.00961533e-02 -4.32310849e-01 2.41581649e-01 5.51056229e-02 2.22654596e-01 2.00707301e-01 -1.24469707e-02 6.65606633e-02 -1.47528291e-01 2.40841150e-01 1.33156702e-01 -2.16562852e-01 2.41441041e-01 1.36046827e-01 -1.45469204e-01 -6.12133443e-02 -3.74073595e-01 -1.59128800e-01 -1.99505419e-01 2.12832838e-01 6.31998032e-02 6.07439354e-02 -1.62129372e-01 1.44515514e-01 -8.82686749e-02 -3.44113588e-01 1.41105726e-01 -5.58665246e-02 7.64321610e-02 1.61146045e-01 -1.04937557e-04 1.35027781e-01 2.77364522e-01 1.19258836e-03 4.04908396e-02 3.21007311e-01 -1.52557641e-01 -3.90497476e-01 6.80127740e-03 -3.47001672e-01 1.79060120e-02 -1.53070807e-01 -3.73582132e-02 3.28016542e-02 1.91995576e-01 6.79861009e-02 2.57219076e-01 1.93448305e-01 1.09637819e-01 -1.05748117e-01 1.24601424e-01 -1.58726171e-01 -3.76863927e-01 -1.42973214e-01 1.55478269e-01 2.45100588e-01 3.45734984e-01 4.45362031e-02 -6.03883974e-02 -8.69597197e-02 1.00713879e-01 -2.58822650e-01 1.42929137e-01 7.35706687e-02 2.32463390e-01 4.58397776e-01 3.28106999e-01 2.19082832e-01 1.01634599e-01 1.63131729e-01 -6.86103553e-02 1.27548680e-01 2.60063052e-01 2.94422746e-01 1.50724500e-01 1.82957903e-01 -1.49675474e-01 1.82606742e-01 -2.48240650e-01 1.77349001e-01 -2.14893222e-01 1.28871381e-01 -4.70499285e-02 1.46248743e-01 1.03393503e-01 -1.84560448e-01 -9.38400179e-02 4.15269360e-02 5.95449992e-02 -2.38574013e-01 1.29176434e-02 6.83400184e-02 8.67107958e-02 1.21022590e-01 7.21432865e-02 2.17385396e-01 4.86997426e-01 4.00093019e-01 2.17123702e-01 3.61519873e-01 -9.48259830e-02 1.71443269e-01 -1.29250258e-01 -4.17029336e-02 -2.52645373e-01 2.38753542e-01 -2.98178922e-02 1.83812201e-01 -1.91862956e-01 -4.08020802e-02 -4.15202491e-02 -2.33382508e-01 1.75386354e-01 1.45600453e-01 3.11171748e-02 1.03269376e-01 -1.67274132e-01 1.19592570e-01 6.65685236e-02 3.59619200e-01 5.67477167e-01 1.37558594e-01 -1.33116126e-01 -4.18308973e-02 1.12090498e-01 -1.19152471e-01 -2.61702865e-01 2.98268974e-01 -4.20213491e-01 -2.68769145e-01 -2.53895018e-02 1.25548631e-01 -1.93226293e-01 1.91747304e-02 -2.07051411e-01 -1.14141785e-01 -1.07781468e-02 4.09588479e-02 5.61047733e-01 5.13070226e-01 -1.22030735e-01 -4.67588574e-01 9.40637290e-02 1.40194848e-01 -1.09165236e-01 9.96570513e-02 1.04665495e-01 -3.05846542e-01 -4.28561270e-01 2.59356976e-01 -2.02084184e-01 3.25505525e-01 5.34787834e-01 -1.28231153e-01 -3.08423549e-01 -8.90607983e-02 2.52271622e-01 2.12335195e-02 -1.06942914e-01 -1.28152058e-01 1.32497415e-01 1.21753581e-01 -4.52669770e-01 1.64912283e-01 -3.30746591e-01 -2.68684328e-01 1.51742786e-01 5.83729409e-02 -1.17862187e-01 -3.20395768e-01 -4.54368621e-01 2.44303811e-02 -1.61289886e-01 -2.58987639e-02 -1.21355936e-01 1.36735784e-02 -4.29583788e-01 3.85634154e-02 3.97865742e-01 -2.08234236e-01 -1.38090715e-01 1.45481288e-01 3.44053656e-02 -1.69639796e-01 1.73800647e-01 -2.91636556e-01 -4.83195007e-01 -2.43256360e-01 5.16939282e-01 -9.89981443e-02 2.19547898e-01 8.79013464e-02 2.56766319e-01 2.69151516e-02 8.23018849e-02 7.49215856e-02 -1.40836179e-01 4.58765104e-02 1.32587656e-01 6.81382045e-02 -5.09815924e-02 -2.53949255e-01 -1.58481911e-01 3.06395441e-02 1.14271395e-01 3.31112295e-02 2.30382860e-01 1.15453703e-02 -3.88378769e-01 8.31737816e-02 1.72573611e-01 -9.52496156e-02 3.17060024e-01 3.79334390e-01 1.32270038e-01 -2.80616254e-01 -3.50998007e-02 4.73741293e-02 -8.03908557e-02 -1.53230593e-01 -4.71418351e-02 6.39673099e-02 -3.44893813e-01 7.97839463e-02 -2.22115740e-01 2.95957059e-01 4.11267638e-01 -2.23129153e-01 7.55530298e-02 1.65255710e-01 -1.77929297e-01 5.03565222e-02 -1.17739193e-01 4.76529717e-01 -2.06201181e-01 -3.49338442e-01 2.96054989e-01 -6.78816065e-02 1.58929378e-01 1.86822936e-02 -1.09961160e-01 3.05405021e-01 -1.00385912e-01 9.51592773e-02 -1.57891929e-01 -4.46434245e-02 2.34877646e-01 -5.83715737e-01 -4.31882367e-02 -4.35306489e-01 2.47847736e-01 4.47992593e-01 -2.72935390e-01 2.53541261e-01 -2.46602386e-01 8.59746784e-02 2.68773258e-01 -2.19961509e-01 3.30115885e-01 1.99083135e-01 2.89548300e-02 -1.23656332e-01 1.46613851e-01 3.60554069e-01 -4.03267145e-02 1.79689288e-01 -3.81811667e-04 8.09702836e-03 -3.81359234e-02 -1.72228262e-01 3.18750352e-01 5.57805561e-02 1.76610366e-01 3.25945020e-01 4.16730076e-01 -9.63960290e-02 -2.40115523e-01 -1.57662243e-01 -1.30555093e-01 -2.16310591e-01 -1.94977269e-01 8.84337649e-02 -2.71612495e-01 7.28884116e-02 -1.86355785e-01 4.37031090e-01 -2.38352083e-02 -1.69632539e-01 -2.89072897e-02 3.44535932e-02 -1.76060289e-01 -1.25956818e-01 -5.99419892e-01 3.55455637e-01 -1.54234633e-01 2.19295889e-01 -3.01130176e-01 2.70938277e-01 -5.79100661e-02 1.31207958e-01 -3.31057280e-01 6.34217858e-02 2.32386217e-01 9.40506905e-02 1.75752327e-01 -9.56634134e-02 -3.14115494e-01 2.02124134e-01 1.52138143e-03 -3.75499845e-01 1.20954022e-01 9.08315405e-02 1.47816524e-01 -2.61093467e-01 2.47004792e-01 -4.94565040e-01 -3.02384552e-02 3.08084518e-01 -2.64686905e-02 1.83251109e-02 -4.76795644e-01 -1.00919254e-01 -1.25961989e-01 -4.37062889e-01 3.70948613e-01 -1.33345097e-01 2.68055230e-01 -7.43017197e-02 2.16406286e-01 2.42535248e-01 1.59547195e-01 -2.54104525e-01 -3.25655520e-01 -2.68375158e-01 2.58267611e-01 8.03700536e-02 -9.57129821e-02 -8.78838375e-02 -3.30544680e-01 9.58440527e-02 8.58988687e-02 -2.72031933e-01 -3.31442714e-01 -2.20793590e-01 -5.11065386e-02 -1.20300233e-01 -3.47808510e-01 6.35983348e-01 4.62167785e-02 -4.50578451e-01 -3.16829890e-01 -7.44009390e-02 8.71866643e-02 2.19810829e-01 1.87525287e-01 -2.24318340e-01 -7.72343501e-02 4.48933810e-01 -4.74086553e-02 -3.35203648e-01 9.53688771e-02 2.17323557e-01 3.67489047e-02 3.30327272e-01 1.55618623e-01 2.31171269e-02 2.26545960e-01 -8.08592439e-02 -4.25588071e-01 1.37617990e-01 -1.79682255e-01 -1.98548675e-01 4.14528437e-02 -2.04440746e-02 -2.03705430e-01 -3.49332578e-02 8.77291635e-02 3.78284305e-01 2.17534751e-01 -1.50513381e-01 -2.17950299e-01 1.86415166e-02 -5.68944328e-02 -9.32597890e-02 2.16806278e-01 -2.63434738e-01 -3.54709476e-02 -4.23395038e-01 -1.13408171e-01 8.57210085e-02 3.52798462e-01 -3.14611122e-02 5.43988228e-01 -3.81012201e-01 -1.99574694e-01 4.91052300e-01 -1.98102951e-01 4.71375495e-01 -1.26829207e-01 4.95364994e-01 4.85586196e-01 2.51004934e-01 -4.68292356e-01 -3.83054376e-01 -2.31070995e-01 -1.51979461e-01 3.45129043e-01 -3.01777363e-01 8.62521753e-02 9.73401442e-02 9.29081291e-02 -2.49637533e-02 -2.50453949e-02 2.39113811e-02 -3.50036651e-01 -3.26213539e-01 -1.99683845e-01 -1.20516643e-01 2.02490896e-01 -1.78186372e-01 -7.85082877e-02 -1.81473047e-01 1.09527841e-01 -1.60100549e-01 -7.08166435e-02 1.71436463e-02 -4.81733531e-02 1.05833247e-01 -3.15389186e-01 1.91030577e-01 3.09893459e-01 2.29011387e-01 4.17100340e-01 1.83468416e-01 1.42790899e-01 1.75348431e-01 -1.02679715e-01 1.04181342e-01 3.49641860e-01 1.08861275e-01 3.39038111e-02 -1.61766246e-01 4.76506889e-01 -2.21794978e-01 -2.19640043e-02 1.50580645e-01 -1.75552592e-01 2.13947773e-01 1.66772589e-01 2.03318015e-01 -1.22368068e-01 -2.16869280e-01 3.31303068e-02 5.10667920e-01 -2.28745878e-01 3.96099180e-01 4.02073450e-02 1.15522480e+00 -4.90794964e-02 -4.80159484e-02 1.45151556e-01 -3.48444909e-01 1.80144049e-02 -4.31557208e-01 2.16625646e-01 9.91840735e-02 -4.18458581e-02 2.98733320e-02 -2.49971583e-01 1.34856716e-01 1.26849700e-04 -4.26007390e-01 -1.71466246e-01 -6.32986844e-01 5.31806983e-02 3.16131674e-02 -7.76495226e-03 -1.23185851e-01 1.59155220e-01 1.89760491e-01 2.50311345e-01 -1.40590101e-01 2.18015581e-01 -1.31528650e-03 -6.16255030e-02 9.83288437e-02 -8.38740319e-02 -4.52283055e-01 2.45027527e-01 2.26725563e-01 3.00056219e-01 2.66898107e-02 6.94335962e-04 -7.10546672e-02 -1.53922111e-01 -9.00738314e-02 -8.18982646e-02 -1.16722308e-01 1.60754904e-01 2.05438286e-01 -3.33033055e-01 -3.53837341e-01 -8.53629857e-02 6.61468878e-02 9.18677077e-02 -2.50967413e-01 -7.73851499e-02 -5.52219115e-02 -2.89333519e-03 -5.41557372e-02 4.43463147e-01 3.60531807e-01 -1.54520139e-01 4.25380409e-01 -1.11761317e-01 -9.67568979e-02 -1.22828878e-01 1.95074797e-01 -2.44038656e-01 9.25940126e-02 -1.98949754e-01 3.33247870e-01 -3.29470992e-01 6.63387105e-02 3.61001760e-01 1.74113110e-01 3.04662138e-01 2.16135159e-01 -1.53908789e-01 -1.04247868e-01 -3.92432123e-01 1.19293690e-01 -2.51933008e-01 1.45055950e-01 -1.47496192e-02 -3.83822713e-03 -4.35204417e-01 8.41098651e-02 1.20332867e-01 1.78445086e-01 7.78158531e-02 -3.52536708e-01 -2.06201836e-01 9.36019197e-02 2.84300023e-03 -2.00649321e-01 3.27325314e-01 -3.30827236e-01 5.06374061e-01 1.76722735e-01 1.75115481e-01 -4.40141857e-01 2.58468818e-02 -4.26468730e-01 -1.15719706e-01 3.19305211e-01 -3.26018810e-01 -9.87868235e-02 -1.87673822e-01 1.68308944e-01 3.20444375e-01 -2.31626496e-01 -2.10539132e-01 3.53945233e-02 1.41351402e-01 -6.24653287e-02 -5.44617474e-02 -3.10336351e-01 -3.45849320e-02 3.56179893e-01 1.53988734e-01 -4.38006297e-02 1.89752638e-01 8.09282660e-02 8.91298577e-02 -5.90415120e-01 1.68349788e-01 3.91525738e-02 -1.50523752e-01 -9.84458104e-02 6.47151113e-01 -6.10478260e-02 -1.92012444e-01 -5.21183722e-02 -1.56429067e-01 -3.66992474e-01 1.02936693e-01 8.93879980e-02 3.08424562e-01 1.87118277e-01 2.50793427e-01 -1.07567124e-01 -1.55577153e-01 -4.34798338e-02 -1.51346698e-01 -3.24515015e-01 -2.09029675e-01 -1.70251548e-01 3.37141931e-01 -1.91253915e-01 -8.01372603e-02 6.96545094e-02 1.08246319e-01 -3.33020687e-02 7.00199902e-02 3.95296663e-01 -2.77993172e-01 -2.53866222e-02 1.75275460e-01 2.19424218e-01 -5.29193617e-02 1.71141744e-01 5.16778864e-02 -3.54770303e-01 -6.75186217e-02 3.59115303e-01 7.20008761e-02 5.44033647e-01 6.04509592e-01 3.33799332e-01 1.56976387e-01 4.27517332e-02 4.84322697e-01 3.41318667e-01 -1.00724913e-01 3.42788957e-02 1.60382211e-01 -1.13096043e-01 1.86393231e-01 -1.97713614e-01 -6.37157932e-02 -3.36222500e-01 -8.52212906e-02 -5.68663478e-01 -7.81856701e-02 -4.20919992e-02 1.31120384e-01 2.59760439e-01 -1.84980035e-01 -2.10655138e-01 1.02411427e-01 4.57893372e-01 1.46328300e-01 3.88100445e-01 6.63374290e-02 -3.68231651e-03 1.38399094e-01 7.25662559e-02 3.54686141e-01 5.23823202e-01 -5.22026300e-01 2.04140350e-01 5.66025734e-01 -3.21626246e-01 1.75803602e-01 -1.25188738e-01 4.01386887e-01 -1.49275074e-02 -2.27920134e-02 1.22648336e-01 -7.61341974e-02 -1.77542984e-01 -2.63271987e-01 5.44570610e-02 2.39747271e-01 -4.16799150e-02 1.81133434e-01 2.32985914e-01 -3.07307303e-01 2.96398431e-01 6.92668408e-02 2.42761582e-01 -2.50827577e-02 -1.05013780e-01 -6.24163747e-02 -5.23755997e-02 -1.08369991e-01 -2.20047385e-01 -4.31758374e-01 -5.61868787e-01 2.61871684e-02 -2.85301119e-01 2.02612475e-01 -1.76367268e-01 1.10614851e-01 -2.88784914e-02 4.11535859e-01 3.05443704e-02 -7.61342570e-02 1.62075683e-01 -2.97509819e-01 -1.03985205e-01 3.07766944e-01 -4.53837872e-01 -2.49573186e-01 5.90234995e-02 3.16152632e-01 -1.52595788e-01 -5.06814532e-02 7.09823072e-02 3.07959527e-01 -7.90468529e-02 3.65401804e-02 -2.70566285e-01 4.08142537e-01 3.63134712e-01 -4.24942710e-02 6.32534623e-02 -3.39360297e-01 1.88582480e-01 -5.59256494e-01 1.92186847e-01 1.08004406e-01 -1.14278533e-01 -5.26927747e-02 4.64061052e-01 6.19694471e-01 3.22661251e-02 2.98368216e-01 -1.13798119e-01 -8.64446759e-02 8.48367363e-02 6.68163747e-02 -7.80311320e-03 6.03750497e-02 1.96843490e-01 -8.86950418e-02 -7.43193477e-02 2.21300825e-01 2.54704207e-01 1.53443888e-01 -4.76474576e-02 5.18224716e-01 -1.28255397e-01 3.87373455e-02 -1.61905631e-01 8.45262781e-02 2.75101215e-01 -6.70752954e-03 2.53885984e-01 -3.37647200e-01 7.18662515e-02 -4.81836706e-01 4.76845086e-01 3.34512666e-02 -4.68977958e-01 4.06801589e-02 3.32082540e-01 -6.34131879e-02 1.59470513e-01 -4.18099821e-01 -1.43168554e-01 9.46569964e-02 1.60830706e-01 -3.09149399e-02 -1.02571107e-01 -7.89309740e-02 -3.80380154e-01 -9.94818211e-02 1.51027575e-01 5.74679114e-02 -9.71687064e-02 -1.28514126e-01 1.55878076e-02]
"Site-87, Sublevel 13" active "Special Containment Procedures: Access to Sublevel 13 of Site-87 has been sealed behind a steel plate and concrete by order of Director Tristan Bailey. Due to a risk of personnel becoming trapped in SCP-6787 despite this, travel between Sublevel 12 and Sublevel 14 is only to take place via elevator at this time. Description: SCP-6787 refers to Sublevel 13 of Site-87. Prior to SCP-6787's discovery in early 2022 during routine maintenance, Site-87 did not have a sublevel designated 13, instead incrementing from Sublevel 12 directly to Sublevel 14. SCP-6787 is only accessible via Site-87’s main stairwell, and lacks elevator access. The door to SCP-6787 is marked with the Foundation insignia, with ‘Department of Abnormalities, Archival Division’ engraved beneath. Sublevel 13 resembles a public library; over 30,000 volumes of literature are believed to exist within SCP-6787, and it bears several amenities common in public libraries. Also present within SCP-6787 are: The majority of the literature and media within SCP-6787 is non-anomalous, albeit of questionable origin, as media dating from as recently as 2021 has been located within. The exception is within the ‘Local History’ section; media from this section is designated SCP-6787-A. SCP-6787-A instances purport to depict and detail (if occasionally dramatize) the history of the Nexus that Site-87 is located in (Sloth’s Pit, Wisconsin, Nexus 18). However, several details within SCP-6787-A instances are erroneous or contradictory. A table of selected instances follows: Despite being sealed as of March 2022, personnel traversing Site-87 between Sublevel 12 and Sublevel 14 have sporadically found themselves within SCP-6787, leading to current containment procedures. All twenty personnel who have become trapped this way have been recovered; in the process, they have retrieved several other instances of SCP-6787-A, with titles including: These items are currently not being studied, per order of Director Bailey. | Hub | Cite this page as: "SCP-6787" by Ihp, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: skylight.jpg Author: Ihp License: CC BY SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: musty.jpg Author: Ihp, edits made by Azamo License: CC BY SA 3.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "The skylight within SCP-6787. A view through SCP-6787's stacks."
[ 1.84975773e-01 6.47079498e-02 -1.31755039e-01 2.08861649e-01 -3.18811268e-01 -1.36871800e-01 1.56922430e-01 4.27648216e-01 1.23939432e-01 1.71556063e-02 -3.20787013e-01 3.28909904e-01 1.15962945e-01 -3.88025254e-01 7.14318082e-02 -1.05088957e-01 1.69547692e-01 -4.07243483e-02 3.96352410e-01 -1.78567749e-02 -4.75683659e-01 1.67070687e-01 -3.29928845e-01 2.41125762e-01 -8.58355761e-02 -4.32632826e-02 -1.20101705e-01 4.13994461e-01 -1.15425967e-01 -4.91514802e-01 2.69119382e-01 5.45200743e-02 2.07251877e-01 2.34792769e-01 -1.04759136e-04 3.00290342e-02 1.44442603e-01 3.90386470e-02 -4.22880799e-01 3.02393129e-03 -3.16379100e-01 -1.53985739e-01 -1.74826309e-02 -3.15042883e-01 2.44608641e-01 -7.13433251e-02 1.53814852e-01 6.49842098e-02 3.21845442e-01 9.84357819e-02 2.22218886e-01 2.59428054e-01 9.11386311e-02 -8.41628239e-02 2.79954132e-02 1.14615813e-01 -1.66861475e-01 9.79447216e-02 3.81860226e-01 3.95092145e-02 2.72582397e-02 1.97746977e-02 -1.69142276e-01 -3.62098701e-02 -5.07171862e-02 -1.52564291e-02 4.04924840e-01 -1.02266155e-01 6.91019371e-02 7.29567334e-02 -1.92573562e-01 -1.11552060e-01 -2.17310950e-01 1.28587052e-01 -3.52164477e-01 -1.62622109e-01 3.80692601e-01 2.70418376e-01 -1.51715830e-01 1.24043189e-01 1.61586821e-01 3.16955954e-01 -1.36058822e-01 3.24173248e-03 -2.35806584e-01 5.03349960e-01 -1.63544238e-01 -1.33363456e-01 -6.13084845e-02 2.18492702e-01 2.74178058e-01 2.10208539e-02 1.89806506e-01 2.45676562e-01 -2.44429410e-01 -8.11775997e-02 7.63723031e-02 1.17005661e-01 1.54057378e-02 2.43989766e-01 -9.49368700e-02 4.11752671e-01 1.69590548e-01 3.98903728e-01 1.29915252e-01 -8.40289965e-02 1.86650038e-01 6.73155785e-02 -1.64065853e-01 5.55252135e-01 1.26819819e-01 1.46833524e-01 -2.15764850e-01 -9.69803780e-02 -1.04732379e-01 -2.79890358e-01 2.12525278e-01 -2.48402417e-01 1.76930800e-02 3.32354128e-01 -5.12027085e-01 -1.94452897e-01 -2.76113898e-01 1.55267656e-01 6.57817721e-01 3.71106654e-01 -2.37313196e-01 1.90528799e-02 -3.70578766e-02 1.14084452e-01 -2.01198071e-01 8.70315060e-02 -2.81476021e-01 2.11873874e-01 1.08151019e-01 5.19396327e-02 -1.62392110e-01 -4.48662154e-02 -4.28408891e-01 -2.14997027e-03 3.05582106e-01 -3.41870263e-02 2.57087976e-01 3.26437414e-01 -8.61824080e-02 8.89726505e-02 1.33296959e-02 -1.16778612e-01 -1.70866713e-01 1.22164287e-01 -6.94301352e-02 -3.30195487e-01 -5.30156076e-01 2.38591507e-01 3.85154523e-02 2.44689047e-01 2.72676945e-01 -2.43374810e-01 -8.24394375e-02 2.24541768e-01 2.56831527e-01 3.03438753e-01 -3.29599053e-01 -1.21085145e-01 6.93361238e-02 2.48133823e-01 -9.64907184e-02 -2.23242994e-02 -2.59786457e-01 -1.55194059e-01 1.12421298e-02 3.89419147e-03 -1.92555450e-02 -1.49612710e-01 -2.16716766e-01 1.96042135e-01 2.37321317e-01 -1.95656404e-01 -5.41238897e-02 2.29999237e-02 -2.09802017e-01 -3.79529558e-02 2.20386744e-01 -3.02187085e-01 -3.20493653e-02 -1.22002915e-01 2.41349354e-01 -1.58917844e-01 1.89188033e-01 -1.31670773e-01 -4.37537163e-01 -2.08876640e-01 -9.02689919e-02 1.59511566e-01 5.79508878e-02 9.66151059e-02 8.15278888e-02 8.36506933e-02 4.03269500e-01 2.01361880e-01 1.06949573e-02 1.54189751e-01 3.99669349e-01 7.81657934e-01 -1.80088535e-01 -1.04012676e-01 1.45660397e-02 3.98633517e-02 1.40197903e-01 -7.42375031e-02 2.34972775e-01 3.74020152e-02 -3.02913427e-01 2.61236224e-02 2.38772612e-02 -5.49844682e-01 2.90851861e-01 2.91207671e-01 1.36866987e-01 -3.25486749e-01 -3.15818936e-01 6.94925711e-02 -1.24217622e-01 1.14548884e-01 -2.37269118e-01 2.27402881e-01 -3.69544268e-01 3.56555954e-02 -1.12669185e-01 2.55494028e-01 2.49550924e-01 -4.02399898e-03 1.67767331e-01 7.59852901e-02 -1.88006908e-02 -5.24008982e-02 1.76062644e-01 4.63956565e-01 -3.31554651e-01 -9.85984132e-02 1.92830265e-01 -6.21653497e-01 -1.14070140e-01 2.93036520e-01 -1.42739967e-01 9.83507559e-02 1.51222497e-01 1.81736231e-01 3.12403832e-02 -3.96875758e-03 1.39158875e-01 -4.38529789e-01 2.03318879e-01 -2.58324385e-01 -1.02701634e-01 6.17717326e-01 -2.65513897e-01 3.10141683e-01 1.85773894e-01 1.16105549e-01 2.10186526e-01 -1.42073274e-01 1.32090956e-01 1.16202660e-01 8.80929381e-02 -2.07043901e-01 1.06930926e-01 2.87520468e-01 1.39360189e-01 6.61304817e-02 1.01881072e-01 -1.68977514e-01 2.52186693e-03 -6.96548820e-02 2.20212713e-01 3.22506607e-01 -1.15184508e-01 2.21764054e-02 2.33015701e-01 2.11438105e-01 -8.25726315e-02 -2.40378276e-01 -6.47780597e-02 -3.28068435e-01 -1.61146045e-01 8.51188153e-02 5.16717173e-02 8.44984576e-02 -1.80949643e-01 5.16754210e-01 1.67507246e-01 -4.48632538e-01 -4.56524380e-02 1.90764934e-01 -5.65460697e-02 -5.39751686e-02 -8.16486001e-01 1.10553384e-01 -2.21122324e-01 3.84572208e-01 -2.83147126e-01 -1.02073886e-01 2.31036678e-01 1.71581313e-01 -3.63949180e-01 3.10617201e-02 2.18590498e-01 -1.55868277e-01 -1.71636149e-01 -1.30788445e-01 -3.51458311e-01 3.56350988e-01 -2.03377694e-01 -1.82160079e-01 1.26882076e-01 1.13822140e-01 -6.25287443e-02 -4.13051844e-01 1.25611529e-01 -1.88360155e-01 -1.70335501e-01 -3.97239886e-02 -4.80804965e-02 2.11111546e-01 -9.45567042e-02 1.11927865e-02 -2.15042591e-01 -3.88917118e-01 1.28373265e-01 1.62093043e-02 3.74367684e-01 9.41391289e-02 -4.44794029e-01 1.88602969e-01 -2.20133454e-01 -2.98237056e-02 -1.91236511e-01 -2.18971774e-01 1.28100842e-01 -1.47613123e-01 2.44136617e-01 -1.36820495e-01 -3.76614988e-01 1.93161383e-01 -2.44129360e-01 -3.14299554e-01 -5.71607769e-01 -1.46207869e-01 1.92349210e-01 3.95944491e-02 -1.73452213e-01 5.23590267e-01 1.62114859e-01 -4.64879483e-01 -1.26504213e-01 1.89441279e-01 -8.52676928e-02 3.59472960e-01 1.76771224e-01 -1.32329315e-01 -1.14210084e-01 2.52244949e-01 3.78029555e-01 5.51575795e-02 1.95867181e-01 1.19716235e-01 7.42707551e-02 1.43735975e-01 1.66517496e-01 1.79545134e-01 -1.81262001e-01 -5.29693812e-03 -2.53813937e-02 1.66689172e-01 1.98206171e-01 -4.22404975e-01 3.99158411e-02 -1.29292160e-01 -4.46202576e-01 -2.24409401e-01 -6.54188637e-03 4.38597620e-01 5.55894375e-01 -4.28783000e-02 -1.37381390e-01 8.11825842e-02 -2.23470733e-01 -8.47624466e-02 2.45731190e-01 -4.88725975e-02 4.78226990e-02 2.67489925e-02 4.12615329e-01 -4.25220504e-02 1.81931332e-01 5.17691933e-02 8.97678286e-02 -1.19041510e-01 -3.18634123e-01 1.71501771e-01 -1.25787973e-01 2.66359374e-02 7.42552951e-02 5.66422224e-01 6.35116816e-01 1.20258048e-01 -5.34886599e-01 -8.49566311e-02 -3.27181756e-01 1.39194787e-01 2.46648550e-01 -2.58596390e-01 1.25587836e-01 -1.33894384e-01 1.43174350e-01 -2.28602484e-01 3.74515094e-02 2.09851921e-01 -1.10232711e-01 -1.19522706e-01 -1.94023013e-01 -1.31167576e-01 4.89508063e-02 -3.34983826e-01 -1.96204185e-01 -1.03615716e-01 3.40707332e-01 1.08425608e-02 -1.67293072e-01 2.67365668e-02 -7.39583075e-02 2.17977971e-01 -2.81920195e-01 7.51753807e-01 4.12488371e-01 1.48443505e-01 4.32637274e-01 -2.78565791e-02 3.16029936e-01 3.09339464e-01 -2.94620190e-02 1.37368351e-01 5.61124980e-01 3.91061194e-02 -1.85612794e-02 -1.57256782e-01 -1.26402648e-02 -6.80496097e-02 -3.82153779e-01 1.58033267e-01 -9.67210606e-02 4.12737072e-01 9.52614844e-02 5.56602888e-02 -2.87095420e-02 -4.09140676e-01 -2.30636254e-01 5.62923670e-01 -4.96805348e-02 3.85770112e-01 1.28986925e-01 1.06078589e+00 1.96369439e-01 -9.60900728e-03 3.52268177e-03 -8.62421170e-02 1.00560211e-01 -4.98571068e-01 1.04324564e-01 -1.31238610e-01 -2.47918139e-03 1.13620393e-01 -2.79689431e-01 -2.18384907e-01 3.23629498e-01 -2.44196847e-01 -1.09857902e-01 -4.08693761e-01 -3.19950610e-01 5.68745881e-02 -7.88260698e-02 -1.79969758e-01 2.04550028e-01 -3.73311698e-01 2.47638136e-01 1.82011664e-01 3.01781446e-01 -5.55151664e-02 1.83815807e-01 -2.31940061e-01 -4.50210050e-02 -2.03706592e-01 -2.88604237e-02 4.39534634e-02 4.67943549e-01 2.07265303e-01 3.90286922e-01 -1.15399443e-01 -2.25901201e-01 1.84007175e-02 -2.92981058e-01 7.83462226e-02 1.75392538e-01 3.92676681e-01 -2.08988979e-01 2.76681244e-01 1.76526383e-01 -4.90789376e-02 1.79650038e-02 -2.60985196e-01 1.27898448e-03 -1.71913773e-01 -2.08050072e-01 -1.82932347e-01 1.60102591e-01 3.09350371e-01 -1.44211262e-01 5.83625197e-01 -1.86509695e-02 -1.93183869e-01 -8.87331590e-02 2.24602699e-01 -2.29828089e-01 3.16328496e-01 -2.75605917e-01 2.43481304e-02 -1.46070328e-02 1.84958369e-01 4.86315280e-01 -1.91107377e-01 2.74192363e-01 1.09196298e-01 7.62322918e-02 -2.09096700e-01 -3.20716053e-01 -5.02642654e-02 -4.69681561e-01 -1.28664523e-01 -3.14072296e-02 -2.48515412e-01 -2.79185325e-01 3.47687416e-02 5.22381544e-01 7.12535605e-02 -7.12018460e-02 -3.08838159e-01 -2.91611254e-01 8.60600099e-02 1.51705369e-01 -2.06387371e-01 8.36582948e-03 -3.66908520e-01 1.38479516e-01 2.52563078e-02 1.22488722e-01 -4.19771075e-01 -9.90420952e-02 -4.78512645e-01 7.86250532e-02 4.32941526e-01 -3.57599109e-01 1.17567167e-01 -1.37823164e-01 9.78707969e-02 1.72409162e-01 -3.49289142e-02 -2.19448656e-01 -3.90554816e-02 1.48904681e-01 -1.84815124e-01 -2.86616921e-01 1.15547985e-01 2.91941971e-01 2.18878478e-01 1.65454656e-01 1.27356485e-01 3.85046490e-02 1.88796878e-01 2.64202744e-01 -5.50308883e-01 1.67918429e-01 -6.68701157e-02 2.34166775e-02 7.23815188e-02 4.84824926e-01 -1.72580197e-01 -6.42440021e-02 -1.98632032e-01 -8.81217271e-02 1.03583252e-02 2.24657327e-01 -1.71219885e-01 3.22258860e-01 -1.62595566e-02 3.09016943e-01 -2.74527818e-01 2.19153985e-01 -1.13933839e-01 -1.57588869e-01 -1.40214935e-01 -6.05816431e-02 -3.87038678e-01 3.61687183e-01 1.08688682e-01 1.38614357e-01 7.20989630e-02 -5.90175800e-02 -1.63883786e-03 2.63950557e-01 1.63306251e-01 -2.74260074e-01 2.88742669e-02 9.54555050e-02 4.13063243e-02 1.43745080e-01 1.47485346e-01 1.61196694e-01 -4.34796000e-03 -6.54327795e-02 8.89490098e-02 -1.74629778e-01 5.38915694e-01 3.55209589e-01 3.70388508e-01 1.70282885e-01 -6.61529228e-02 4.78070021e-01 5.38185418e-01 -1.01869717e-01 8.09711367e-02 -4.88179401e-02 3.53514217e-02 3.74200591e-03 -2.46924683e-01 -4.38903272e-03 1.17620446e-01 2.32437134e-01 -3.71800095e-01 6.45703357e-03 4.19987068e-02 -7.91166946e-02 2.28265729e-02 -2.86945790e-01 -3.97001594e-01 -1.18883148e-01 2.06756473e-01 -2.92299427e-02 3.09446812e-01 7.13371187e-02 2.77706385e-02 -1.09432489e-01 3.32675755e-01 1.05708823e-01 6.27843380e-01 -1.66949674e-01 3.46106887e-01 1.18972994e-01 -3.53960872e-01 1.66741446e-01 8.57637599e-02 1.58884406e-01 -2.90391982e-01 5.77823352e-03 4.83016670e-02 -1.63408399e-01 -1.21650614e-01 -2.35661402e-01 -6.13414049e-02 -1.00240029e-01 -3.68140697e-01 3.97102162e-02 1.85626581e-01 -2.72544116e-01 -2.77317613e-01 1.29205108e-01 3.82515341e-01 1.38319492e-01 1.41774509e-02 -1.97412595e-02 -2.03142539e-01 1.32402286e-01 1.83233172e-02 -1.60462454e-01 -3.95827025e-01 -3.96462798e-01 -1.07485719e-01 1.77375063e-01 -2.05603659e-01 1.17047168e-01 1.16047762e-01 4.01452482e-01 1.50478378e-01 -1.68254554e-01 1.98799208e-01 -4.97753114e-01 -4.94022593e-02 3.44623290e-02 -9.78104845e-02 -1.45328328e-01 1.59942597e-01 1.71215370e-01 -6.72514290e-02 2.70839959e-01 -8.88865218e-02 3.12841713e-01 -2.54333556e-01 -1.50565073e-01 -2.97377050e-01 6.50777444e-02 5.45201659e-01 -1.11623324e-01 -8.62137526e-02 -2.17667073e-01 2.28249356e-02 -5.97614229e-01 1.07311487e-01 4.88908440e-02 -5.62533140e-01 3.29424366e-02 4.40601379e-01 3.87636811e-01 -6.50275499e-02 1.01021957e-02 3.95061523e-02 -4.21550423e-01 -6.03859909e-02 -6.29737005e-02 1.88821722e-02 -1.16034321e-01 -4.05541882e-02 1.22495413e-01 1.49952667e-03 2.02722818e-01 1.49872392e-01 2.81472355e-01 -1.04975224e-01 1.07895099e-01 -4.03294265e-01 5.69055453e-02 -5.05051091e-02 1.22329354e-01 9.32471901e-02 1.05576374e-01 1.40998065e-01 8.52453038e-02 -1.96284994e-01 -4.42693025e-01 2.65079677e-01 -3.25096756e-01 -2.12422222e-01 -4.37037274e-02 3.88214052e-01 -4.48866785e-02 -4.18476425e-02 -6.75758719e-02 -3.21346037e-02 2.33261302e-01 1.51330754e-01 -1.99956879e-01 -2.19960570e-01 -3.22891206e-01 -3.10439825e-01 -1.03404149e-01 1.31697670e-01 -1.07103311e-01 5.35421558e-02 -3.34718257e-01 8.91576335e-02]
"Currywurst" active "ID: 6788 Threat Level: 38 Records Code: 0583 Classification Tags: alive,animal,extraterrestrial,tentative-sapient,tentative-sentient,vertebrate Description: Item-6788 is a biological hybrid with gross morphological deviations from known mammals. Item-6788 possesses one to four copies of most anatomical features, including heads, limbs, bones, and internal organs; multiple copies of three unknown organs; and patchy body fur. These copies are drawn from two distinct creatures, only one of which is human. The second set includes reversed joints, compact, padded feet, large ears on top of an elongated skull, and a tail. The second set does not include hands. During containment, Item-6788 has suffered multiple health problems. These include cancers of the skin, stomach, liver, heart, gallbladder, esophagus, and lungs; organs protruding through the skin; pulmonary problems including saliva aspiration, pulmonary edema, and pleural effusion; digestive issues including acid seepage, esophageal and rectal blockage, fistulas, and constipation; numerous skin rashes and infections; and difficulty moving due to uncoordinated limbs and protruding bones. Item-6788 has three additional classes of organs not previously observed. Two are secretory and protrude outside the body, consisting of either subcutaneous fat or spongelike tissue. The organ consisting of spongelike tissue is capable of becoming turgid following engorgement with blood. The third is a series of cavities accessed through a small hole in the skin. At regular periods it releases blood and a small, inedible egg. Together, these three organs are believed to make up a self-contained hermaphroditic reproductive system, though the mechanics of this are not clear and have not been observed. For a full description of these organs, see Document 6788. Item-6788 has attacked containment personnel on three separate occasions. Euthanization has been proposed; but due to resistance from the Foundation ethics committee, as well as the aggressive role the organs played in the attack, it is believed that removal of these organs will curb its aggression. Addendum 6788: Following the removal of its external organs on 2045/06/06, one head spoke for the first time. A phonetic transcript is provided below. It has not spoken since. Item-6788: Eva! Eva! Mein Sack! Mein Sack!" nan
[ 1.15951248e-01 -2.23817900e-01 -1.80021852e-01 -2.09662348e-01 2.14505225e-01 -5.82107678e-02 1.88960545e-02 4.88756537e-01 4.20019746e-01 -1.38019398e-01 -2.74107307e-01 -1.13358550e-01 6.41224235e-02 -3.58623475e-01 3.54347050e-01 -9.18737277e-02 3.78232270e-01 1.43778116e-01 -8.12361762e-02 -4.11210209e-01 -3.73904526e-01 8.54566246e-02 -9.21530183e-03 4.54733014e-01 -1.36565724e-02 -5.19155860e-02 1.13376621e-02 3.82901430e-01 -2.57972896e-01 -3.03747684e-01 1.19594850e-01 1.44538790e-01 -1.01682246e-01 4.18433428e-01 -1.07948239e-04 -4.48645242e-02 -5.43885343e-02 1.08609647e-01 -1.11700840e-01 1.60218120e-01 1.73959598e-01 -3.21725279e-01 -7.77927116e-02 -2.64814645e-01 -4.89089377e-02 -5.26109040e-01 -2.26549506e-02 -1.69293344e-01 4.66443479e-01 3.71796548e-01 1.93876371e-01 -1.88767135e-01 1.55291215e-01 -5.41738346e-02 4.24098849e-01 2.38745511e-01 -2.14710847e-01 -1.07800625e-01 2.67805815e-01 -3.52872223e-01 2.51252443e-01 -1.90516576e-01 -3.48692387e-02 -2.70773858e-01 -4.18260574e-01 -1.43873945e-01 7.45263875e-01 -2.03720346e-01 3.63344848e-01 2.71739811e-01 -5.71470320e-01 6.78869411e-02 -1.25571802e-01 4.72456664e-02 -9.87574980e-02 -6.54321015e-01 3.19115132e-01 -4.60264310e-02 -1.16176158e-01 5.15153222e-02 2.18599856e-01 3.24162006e-01 1.05263703e-02 1.52586266e-01 -4.35157984e-01 9.54892486e-02 4.85068411e-02 2.65614912e-02 -9.13427919e-02 -1.27341971e-01 -1.33685216e-01 -6.38648793e-02 -1.32457435e-01 3.56959075e-01 -2.42085487e-01 -1.31141499e-01 -1.98759139e-01 -3.15828711e-01 3.65419179e-01 2.56745100e-01 1.15298256e-01 1.09690532e-01 -3.20118308e-01 1.05446674e-01 2.77513534e-01 -1.83195561e-01 -2.73885608e-01 -1.62691519e-01 -3.09143573e-01 9.94987935e-02 1.49759604e-02 6.26058728e-02 1.82795152e-03 1.25495777e-01 2.38931179e-01 1.96937714e-02 1.85392439e-01 -1.20197281e-01 -8.69114846e-02 2.38249585e-01 -2.62558222e-01 -6.03977242e-04 -6.14551157e-02 1.11573830e-01 2.36578047e-01 6.00588555e-03 6.71958253e-02 -7.67229870e-02 1.47728905e-01 -2.04424322e-01 -2.08435550e-01 3.42388809e-01 -2.95703381e-01 -3.31671953e-01 -4.17120576e-01 1.76350787e-01 -2.16456160e-01 -1.03587918e-02 2.98335254e-01 4.85304892e-02 -7.91662280e-03 -9.63891149e-02 3.23922157e-01 1.89348236e-01 -1.51618198e-01 -1.33984059e-01 3.20048332e-01 -3.26351017e-01 -1.35783404e-01 -1.63084954e-01 3.61801475e-01 1.44665152e-01 -5.46876431e-01 2.34896868e-01 -1.35166436e-01 1.52779832e-01 3.06927800e-01 -7.38165975e-02 -1.15764126e-01 -4.36246336e-01 1.31048307e-01 -4.97576557e-02 -1.17310762e-01 -1.85570493e-01 2.94603836e-02 1.14802435e-01 -1.65481940e-01 3.09351683e-01 -5.10397963e-02 1.65997863e-01 3.01089346e-01 7.84706175e-02 1.30024597e-01 -3.02676916e-01 -1.36620864e-01 1.83455929e-01 -3.59988846e-02 -1.36534989e-01 2.20603719e-02 -2.06743646e-02 -8.72183368e-02 6.09426439e-01 5.83482571e-02 -2.30394721e-01 -3.03967893e-01 -8.79537687e-03 4.48837765e-02 1.54896781e-01 -3.02631706e-02 -2.15012726e-04 -3.64439964e-01 -5.13454676e-01 1.38291836e-01 -1.50559336e-01 1.54592723e-01 3.50135602e-02 3.13627064e-01 -5.81071787e-02 3.03379208e-01 -5.69421463e-02 8.52165967e-02 -5.94241917e-03 5.03957093e-01 -3.61503214e-02 -7.40483776e-03 -3.24662805e-01 -3.02784711e-01 -3.28523144e-02 5.48138246e-02 1.84898973e-01 6.05612844e-02 -1.10476814e-01 -4.91777837e-01 2.79091388e-01 3.67992483e-02 -1.31771430e-01 2.32783139e-01 2.66433358e-01 2.49800995e-01 -5.64455440e-05 -2.07164511e-01 1.68958828e-01 2.73528304e-02 1.50537610e-01 -1.22858919e-01 2.46971235e-01 2.47513521e-02 4.00751755e-02 2.64532715e-01 1.16098627e-01 2.35791758e-01 6.29683733e-02 -7.32920989e-02 8.56135264e-02 -1.17491841e-01 1.79693490e-01 1.30365759e-01 6.00622714e-01 -8.77553597e-03 2.72653282e-01 8.84932578e-02 2.94873655e-01 4.34336305e-01 -2.17202663e-01 -5.49903810e-01 1.84930801e-01 1.04236202e-02 -7.29924208e-03 -2.07408875e-01 9.78904963e-02 7.94756711e-02 9.00049284e-02 -1.46322116e-01 6.30931556e-02 -1.29009103e-02 2.07998589e-01 3.49767447e-01 -2.49278739e-01 1.02604143e-01 3.09492707e-01 -2.25793719e-02 1.17408410e-01 2.50384718e-01 -1.72828332e-01 1.21613026e-01 -2.80315310e-01 -1.65858064e-02 1.65745035e-01 3.41228135e-02 -2.10429952e-02 3.41335535e-01 -5.70219979e-02 -3.95540409e-02 8.33938941e-02 1.05908908e-01 -1.66292906e-01 1.28547207e-03 9.50480402e-02 2.30039403e-01 -1.79249176e-03 -3.09053659e-01 -1.49656191e-01 9.48454589e-02 -1.29245311e-01 -8.26621950e-02 -6.08525705e-03 -9.44071859e-02 -4.34360951e-02 2.54505247e-01 -2.57039517e-01 -2.64116794e-01 -1.20913297e-01 2.14746058e-01 1.49781823e-01 -1.72620386e-01 1.89194977e-01 -2.69960970e-01 4.47178662e-01 2.04654932e-01 1.25338748e-01 -2.74888366e-01 3.15851718e-01 -9.46127251e-02 2.18317639e-02 6.30343929e-02 -9.09338593e-02 4.68931109e-01 4.61628318e-01 -6.13829568e-02 -8.05667043e-02 -4.07383084e-01 1.82017505e-01 -8.15445483e-02 1.00006431e-01 2.85185248e-01 -2.11138487e-01 -2.35204041e-01 -2.15023249e-01 2.08869785e-01 -6.92949966e-02 -1.32726565e-01 -2.25016233e-02 8.76236483e-02 -1.36807844e-01 1.41990647e-01 2.99997091e-01 1.81274518e-01 -1.95898250e-01 2.43821964e-01 -2.98594050e-02 8.48371387e-02 -9.10734460e-02 -1.22682460e-01 2.62841374e-01 4.35859084e-01 -8.90542045e-02 -4.70975250e-01 -5.23152173e-01 1.16749667e-01 -7.48552158e-02 1.33520383e-02 -2.83812344e-01 -2.67570376e-01 2.87829489e-01 2.22070470e-01 -6.90345764e-02 -2.72355288e-01 -7.82154649e-02 2.48363212e-01 1.21917956e-01 -1.95140228e-01 2.69845784e-01 7.79055571e-03 -2.47792870e-01 -8.44888911e-02 -7.48957247e-02 -1.92949235e-01 2.73899227e-01 2.43902147e-01 -1.38755560e-01 -1.65691860e-02 8.04064572e-02 4.51810211e-01 -6.65086359e-02 3.70730728e-01 1.53569832e-01 -6.67005926e-02 -2.26762429e-01 2.36679137e-01 -3.55344594e-01 3.12575847e-02 -1.78380981e-01 -2.93660402e-01 1.97547808e-01 -1.81165367e-01 -1.00708611e-01 8.89258757e-02 5.63704893e-02 -5.31051755e-01 -2.60168225e-01 1.97445929e-01 -1.99286193e-01 9.06379148e-02 -2.28311166e-01 -2.83738494e-01 -8.69801939e-02 -1.04794756e-01 -1.02253333e-01 2.62759864e-01 -2.21582696e-01 5.33683263e-02 -6.70464754e-01 -9.94759873e-02 -2.31099240e-02 2.09366783e-01 -3.02413590e-02 2.48867720e-01 -4.48436029e-02 -9.25941914e-02 1.62413791e-01 -3.02170515e-01 1.79385126e-01 -2.12955877e-01 2.88989961e-01 5.69383502e-01 -4.47391331e-01 3.43530118e-01 -1.70241475e-01 -1.60397097e-01 8.32603499e-02 1.63132340e-01 -3.85715246e-01 -1.07846797e-01 -3.70682329e-02 -1.54221386e-01 -3.42789859e-01 -1.22554988e-01 1.57501042e-01 -7.09356461e-03 -2.15060741e-01 -1.28809482e-01 2.09812090e-01 2.64678001e-01 9.42770615e-02 -3.28168184e-01 -1.28947318e-01 -4.25228029e-01 6.67620897e-02 5.93251526e-01 2.24947602e-01 -3.10491264e-01 3.91221978e-02 8.27628896e-02 -1.85952470e-01 6.19863033e-01 8.13946687e-03 3.32107633e-01 4.20460939e-01 -5.69081604e-01 1.18297767e-02 -1.85303017e-01 2.09814712e-01 5.00813961e-01 1.88817933e-01 -4.53574546e-02 -1.70817062e-01 1.14984900e-01 5.86688779e-02 -1.88486446e-02 3.96740496e-01 1.87535398e-02 1.97353780e-01 6.79819584e-02 5.69977760e-01 2.03887522e-01 -2.70776361e-01 3.23968053e-01 5.13008654e-01 -1.36449844e-01 2.89807945e-01 4.74130899e-01 1.15555263e+00 1.66856214e-01 5.93937673e-02 2.51507074e-01 -4.45277661e-01 3.91745776e-01 -2.49929532e-01 1.16777077e-01 -2.46725813e-01 1.74607217e-01 2.15416569e-02 4.95263143e-03 -2.81218383e-02 1.97828427e-01 -6.85663372e-02 -2.30423242e-01 -2.82096893e-01 -3.49310428e-01 -1.28182182e-02 8.86903182e-02 1.74809039e-01 -2.59031653e-01 -1.62067682e-01 1.94148377e-01 7.54142553e-02 2.49626130e-01 3.70531082e-02 -2.11629402e-02 -1.82894066e-01 6.20403290e-02 -2.73374319e-01 -2.95507275e-02 4.77264635e-02 5.41869327e-02 -1.56133641e-02 -3.91912550e-01 3.29438373e-02 -1.90699726e-01 1.28123790e-01 -1.36657894e-01 -9.21488479e-02 -7.19530955e-02 7.72805393e-01 -2.17554182e-01 -2.48428643e-01 -9.49615985e-02 3.39621753e-01 -2.05880255e-01 -1.88895892e-02 3.38326424e-01 -5.94777912e-02 1.36202872e-01 1.80909224e-02 4.16993350e-02 3.13247949e-01 -2.91182756e-01 1.01262912e-01 -6.63055554e-02 -1.31721526e-01 -1.56478062e-01 1.42802939e-01 4.23818380e-02 -3.53324324e-01 -2.34061331e-01 3.71640205e-01 -6.85234964e-02 -8.00252929e-02 1.92368224e-01 2.41858467e-01 -3.22815835e-01 4.87705231e-01 2.84413733e-02 -4.62605655e-02 -4.35455501e-01 -2.64230311e-01 2.89692283e-01 -2.60288447e-01 7.20976666e-02 -4.96973813e-01 -3.90459269e-01 -8.39954689e-02 2.32110098e-01 1.15571633e-01 -2.81644464e-01 2.76596576e-01 -2.76135951e-01 2.25515097e-01 6.06048107e-02 4.08833772e-02 3.80484015e-01 -6.92273751e-02 4.03487355e-01 -1.69081748e-01 3.87610972e-01 -3.60145956e-01 1.43217251e-01 -1.71911463e-01 -1.07368603e-01 -1.49213718e-02 -1.24786161e-01 3.00667305e-02 2.37266999e-02 1.82062581e-01 8.63768905e-02 -3.16289783e-01 -1.52057469e-01 -2.73890555e-01 1.32461697e-01 -1.86773852e-01 -2.49953806e-01 2.91851521e-01 1.27235115e-01 -1.29508764e-01 1.60147280e-01 2.68191807e-02 3.80543508e-02 2.36326501e-01 1.67611063e-01 -3.20748724e-02 2.54957616e-01 -2.01964468e-01 9.99977142e-02 2.57522106e-01 -5.43623827e-02 -1.29933566e-01 9.93764102e-02 -2.82946259e-01 -1.59951091e-01 8.11770335e-02 1.04931600e-01 -1.09333895e-01 2.49507338e-01 4.51577812e-01 1.91541448e-01 -3.15005839e-01 2.51188338e-01 -2.25278854e-01 4.66925949e-01 -4.03172910e-01 4.74901497e-02 -2.78618664e-01 2.68360853e-01 -1.97699532e-01 -1.29930884e-01 -3.38492870e-01 -1.01746563e-02 8.12514797e-02 3.09432268e-01 4.82003652e-02 -2.12021127e-01 1.71608292e-02 -4.28662337e-02 -1.22812530e-02 -2.61787742e-01 3.89182381e-02 2.14397267e-01 -2.87427694e-01 9.52761844e-02 1.19577944e-01 1.52804673e-01 1.49614900e-01 4.48259264e-01 -6.37871027e-02 -2.52750695e-01 2.10209578e-01 1.09982140e-01 1.54939324e-01 3.97618830e-01 1.00027509e-01 2.64384419e-01 -2.15477303e-01 1.92269176e-01 2.37469584e-01 5.94151497e-01 -2.58377582e-01 2.11346131e-02 -2.47514874e-01 7.53691047e-03 1.47315562e-01 4.28052284e-02 -2.54395843e-01 -1.28320083e-01 -6.58794343e-01 -3.14011425e-01 -1.25573888e-01 1.63997039e-01 3.49081665e-01 2.10870001e-02 3.17489535e-01 2.34367386e-01 -3.99716556e-01 1.47028774e-01 4.93780196e-01 -2.86432475e-01 2.02668592e-01 6.29239142e-01 -1.18976936e-01 1.60134137e-01 4.66401502e-02 4.32132512e-01 -2.65674032e-02 -2.16132745e-01 -4.45491523e-02 -3.63787860e-01 -2.52682000e-01 2.50112452e-02 4.51826937e-02 1.85719691e-02 2.98336178e-01 2.75286347e-01 1.60075307e-01 -2.10525304e-01 -2.39273399e-01 -3.08519565e-02 -1.76646218e-01 -1.65940478e-01 5.34558654e-01 -1.49992168e-01 -1.92914754e-01 -1.60930738e-01 -2.66539037e-01 9.51167718e-02 -5.26352674e-02 -2.47318029e-01 8.58086273e-02 4.07375991e-01 -2.97104158e-02 1.07394144e-01 1.47227988e-01 1.72379747e-01 1.85935080e-01 -4.11427408e-01 -1.90831628e-02 -4.40253139e-01 -1.01068199e-01 1.50286466e-01 -2.88607180e-01 -5.20242691e-01 1.65752433e-02 2.50704557e-01 2.59416163e-01 2.51102597e-01 -2.72357643e-01 -1.37891337e-01 -6.33402944e-01 2.10838333e-01 -2.66580522e-01 1.23726644e-01 1.37081280e-01 1.48899868e-01 1.17238849e-01 -1.61353245e-01 2.24951223e-01 4.12727267e-01 9.46610942e-02 1.30259395e-01 -3.03654402e-01 -3.26116920e-01 3.23174357e-01 3.51973087e-01 2.62709796e-01 6.41870312e-03 -1.11587621e-01 -3.69957566e-01 -1.44511759e-01 2.05882773e-01 -1.20043993e-01 7.41603136e-01 2.46923536e-01 4.21138763e-01 1.31694004e-01 -1.66121021e-01 3.54743689e-01 1.31315038e-01 6.46013543e-02 -1.22162133e-01 -1.05811894e-01 -1.59409910e-01 -1.09639124e-03 4.23405379e-01 1.15308084e-01 6.47114336e-01 8.02360699e-02 1.64870828e-01 -2.90448695e-01 -5.33224285e-01 3.32540005e-01 -1.17030941e-01 -3.55704039e-01 -2.13962108e-01 2.14892283e-01 2.68573254e-01 1.34707019e-02 -2.79467821e-01 -2.69126952e-01 4.27169688e-02 -1.86461464e-01 -8.46733600e-02 5.17399125e-02 -3.06187421e-01 -1.43065363e-01 -7.08921328e-02 5.79560280e-01 1.66004568e-01 5.75383194e-02 -1.42969891e-01 -2.10900471e-01]
"Return. Return. Return." active "Its a Bad Idea, Ralliston, and Trotskyeet's entry in the SCP-6000 Contest. Its A Bad Idea's Authorpage Ralliston's Authorpage Trotskyeet's Authorpage For translators, here is a direct link to each iteration: > WELCOME, O5-9. > O5-1 HAS SENT YOU A PRIVATE MESSAGE. ACCESS MESSAGE? yes > "Nine, attached are files we found last week within Site-01's Deepwell. I wouldn't trouble you with this if not for the fact that the events described herein have never occurred. Their initial creation date is approximately 50,000 years back. Please familiarize yourself with them as quickly as possible." > O5-1 HAS SENT YOU A FILE TO REVIEW. ACCESS FILES? yes > ACCESSING FILE: SCP-6789, ITERATION ONE, 30/08/1825. Anomaly №: SCP-6789 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: The room hosting SCP-6789 and its adjacent chambers are to be cut off from employees of Rollander Steel and the public at large. The sub-basement level of the factory is to be sealed and expunged from the building's blueprints. The sole access to SCP-6789 is to be placed under constant surveillance and armed guard. Due to scientific knowledge that could be gleaned from SCP-6789, a permanent research team is to be stationed and supplied on-site. Notable research developments are to be forwarded to High Command. Description: SCP-6789 is a roughly 20 m x 20 m area of space located within the sub-basement boiler room of the Rollander General Steel factory in Częstochowa, Poland, within which the growth speed of organic material is greatly increased. Despite being shielded from sunlight and isolated to sufficient sources of water, SCP-6789 is capable of hosting a microcosm of floral and faunal life. Organisms present within the anomaly have been observed to be sustained indefinitely through unknown means, barring interference from outside phenomena. Prior to the manifestation of the anomaly, the room hosting SCP-6789 was the main power source for the Rollander General Steel factory. This room has since been rendered nonfunctional due to plant growth. Several eyewitnesses claim to have felt a rhythmic pulsing originating from within SCP-6789 while in its vicinity; these claims are unverified and are being investigated. Addendum 6789-1: The following is an interview with Thomas Williams, the current head of Rollander General Steels' technical repair system, conducted on 30/08/1890 by Magister Hashe. <Begin log> Mgr. Hashe: There we go. Recording's on now. Thank you for your cooperation with my team thus far. I trust you've been briefed on the nature of our organization? Williams: I have. Mgr. Hashe: And of the… object of interest? Williams nods. Mgr. Hashe: Excellent. Please, tell me about the basement. Williams: <Pause> I've managed steel production in this factory for twenty years. Worked here for twenty before that. I lost my left hand to the steel mill — seen others fare far worse. When I heard there was something wrong with our boiler, I figured it must've been the new hours management's been pushing on us. Ever since the war we've been producing at twice the speed with half the infrastructure. The mechanics told me we had an infestation of some kind. I mean, the conditions were always bad, but this was something different. What I saw in the basement… Pause. Mgr. Hahse: Well, what did you see? Williams: I saw roots sprouting from the ground before my eyes, hares springing from thin air. Sometimes we would leave the windows open for the animals. For the first time in years I saw birds flock to these vacant trees. There was a calmness to it. We all felt it. We used to go down there during our breaks and just… stand amongst the flowers and the rabbits. Sometimes we'd sleep there and have the most vivid of dreams. It was like we were standing on a conduit for nature itself. Sometimes, if you were quiet and alone, you could feel a great heart pounding underground. Reverberating in the air around you. I felt not fear but… peace. It-it was a sight to behold. Eventually I brought it to the bosses. I didn't say too much, naturally. Never did trust them more than I had to. I asked if we might slow production for a short time. Long enough to figure out what we had down there. They… they didn't seem to understand. Refused to see it for themselves. They gave me a shiny new machine and told me to fix the problem. Mgr. Hashe: And did you? Silence. Mgr. Hashe: Mister Williams? Williams: <weakly> I— I didn't want to. They said they'd come after my staff, my family. Cut our wages, I… I torched the room. Tore out the old machine and put the new one in. My men hated me for it. Called me a monster for what I made them do. The sounds that place made whilst it burned… I don't know what drove me to defile such a gift of nature. Greed, or fear. Or both. Silence for several seconds. Williams: You will let me know if anything happens down there, won't you? I need to know if it can regrow. It must be able to, right? Mgr. Hashe: As of now, we have found no activity. You will be kept in the loop as long as you adhere to our prior agreement of confidentiality. Williams: I— I understand. Mgr. Hashe: Thank you for your time, mister Williams. That will be all for now. <End log> Closing Statement: Two days after the conclusion of this interview, James Williams disappeared from his house during the night of 01/09/1890. Efforts to determine his whereabouts have been inconclusive. Addendum 6789-2: On 02/09/1890, on-site research teams reported the rooms adjacent to SCP-6789 began exhibiting anomalous properties identical to that of SCP-6789. Upon closer examination, it was found that the area of SCP-6789's influence has begun to increase at a steady pace of 0.6 m every 24 hours. Initial efforts to halt the spread of SCP-6789 have failed. Further study is ongoing. Proceed to the next file iteration? « SCP-6788 | SCP-6789 | SCP-6790 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6789" by Its A Bad Idea, Ralliston, and Trotskyeet, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 3.30004245e-02 -4.02354509e-01 -1.62808582e-01 1.59055054e-01 -2.67771274e-01 -5.99091411e-01 -1.24286644e-01 1.15861051e-01 1.43383399e-01 1.82982698e-01 1.50510180e-03 2.85181999e-01 -1.84222177e-01 5.80701791e-02 3.49016078e-02 6.95779026e-02 9.06712934e-02 1.74730286e-01 3.35736014e-02 -2.62540340e-01 -3.98444831e-01 -2.38897830e-01 -9.23089981e-02 2.85828859e-01 1.07423864e-01 7.04545453e-02 1.01442136e-01 2.71842271e-01 -1.48194656e-01 -5.56225300e-01 1.31402299e-01 9.77866054e-02 3.44701968e-02 5.79517245e-01 -1.05611682e-04 -6.92183748e-02 3.30373764e-01 4.65670042e-02 -2.56325919e-02 1.59475952e-01 -5.44608831e-02 5.03379107e-02 1.27089754e-01 -3.52657676e-01 1.39700636e-01 4.89990205e-01 -3.47087793e-02 1.49321705e-01 6.15632534e-01 3.47622037e-01 1.94321170e-01 1.04114465e-01 2.28555232e-01 -1.16496071e-01 5.03832251e-02 9.08106565e-02 -8.23409930e-02 1.59371346e-02 2.47908786e-01 2.27617890e-01 5.60749359e-02 2.96345890e-01 -3.11510295e-01 -2.55192697e-01 2.71183521e-01 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-3.24712247e-01 -1.51677758e-01 1.51600331e-01 -2.12504016e-03 5.03099084e-01 1.87362656e-01 -1.25264404e-02 4.01250413e-03 3.03435445e-01 -2.47388892e-02 -1.54130682e-01 5.40961444e-01 -3.51682842e-01 1.08097903e-02 4.89450216e-01 -1.87609524e-01 -2.09595039e-01 4.26587649e-02 1.26998931e-01 -2.96585932e-02 -2.29893088e-01 4.94952574e-02 4.05763984e-02 -4.61055851e-03 -4.42914873e-01 8.66706949e-04 4.99073640e-02 -1.35421902e-01 1.33755714e-01 1.52894348e-01 -2.81035900e-01 6.16313219e-02 2.71955151e-02 1.50532305e-01 2.24615529e-01 -4.94506620e-02 1.57869175e-01 -3.04867059e-01 1.29239842e-01 2.15425894e-01 -2.70235747e-01 -6.59505129e-02 -2.32150301e-01 -1.53504178e-01 2.02233359e-01 -2.28683010e-01 1.47277310e-01 2.07266510e-01 2.46190444e-01 2.02207103e-01 4.72808033e-02 -4.96491902e-02 5.81253059e-02 -1.15076065e-01 2.98395574e-01 1.31424814e-01 -9.09475312e-02 1.67041615e-01 -7.33774900e-02 -1.30158037e-01 2.10855961e-01 -1.19710349e-01 -2.65900809e-02 -4.89053398e-01 6.01699017e-02 -1.39007315e-01 2.31870726e-01 5.52876830e-01 -9.17670876e-02 6.56483229e-03 -2.13180572e-01 2.06880942e-01 -5.60379565e-01 2.46193826e-01 1.73316836e-01 -3.51148129e-01 -1.88947380e-01 2.95550138e-01 3.44119847e-01 1.03491977e-01 2.00211883e-01 -2.02294260e-01 -2.50889599e-01 5.00625856e-02 1.33015141e-01 -1.28178746e-01 -9.46981981e-02 -1.38921320e-01 1.26209244e-01 9.81408060e-02 1.19506486e-01 -1.42584249e-01 1.91987514e-01 -3.57219181e-03 2.82418102e-01 -2.77353287e-01 2.32310385e-01 1.67156070e-01 -1.08317733e-01 1.18858078e-02 1.47580011e-02 1.97951734e-01 6.60783499e-02 -2.69595325e-01 -3.37195009e-01 4.04205263e-01 8.28347281e-02 -2.13837802e-01 -3.21166962e-01 3.50894213e-01 1.40339330e-01 -2.08123717e-02 -3.63991529e-01 -1.86973959e-01 -6.83243526e-03 3.78088765e-02 -6.59395993e-01 -1.62925154e-01 1.19037956e-01 -5.67808330e-01 -1.25974149e-01 3.90506804e-01 1.24166839e-01 2.51266528e-02 -2.52212107e-01 -1.57041937e-01]
"death by duck by dado" active "SCP-6790 - death by duck by dado A collaboration between myself and DrGooday. Thanks to all of our critters! Thank you to the translators as well! CN Translation here. VN Translation here. ES Translation here. JP Translation here Image Credits dadoduck.jpg (1) under CC BY SA 4.0 dadoduck.jpg (2) Under CC BY SA 4.0. powder.jpg Under CC BY SA 3.0 Image edits were made by me or Gooday. More By DrGooday More By Machen2 ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. Sample of SCP-6790, provided for testing. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6790 is currently stored in Secure Containment Locker #907, with access being restricted to Level-3 personnel. Any other form of SCP-6790 or SCP-6790-1 found outside of containment is to be confiscated immediately. SCP-6790-1 is contained within a standard anomalous fauna containment kennel and is to be cared for similar to non-anomalous members of the Anas platyrhynchos.Commonly referred to as a Mallard Duck. species. Interviews with SCP-6790-1 are to be conducted bi-weekly, along with its psychological assessment. MTF Aleph-21 ("fine customers") are to continue their research on the PoI "dado". Description: SCP-6790 is a powder-based narcotic closely resembling cocaine that, when ingested, causes the individual consuming the substance to instantaneously transform into a Anas platyrhynchos, hereby referred to as SCP-6790-1.Currently, there's only one instance of SCP-6790 (See Below). . The Foundation currently has no means by which to revert this, and the chemical study of SCP-6790 is ongoing. SCP-6790-1 is a Anas platyrhynchos previously known as Samuel Barlow, former mayor of Retrinald, New South Wales, Australia. SCP-6790-1 is capable of vocalization and contains a complete match for the human genome. SCP-6790-1 is otherwise non-anomalous. Addendum 6790.I: Discovery SCP-6790 was discovered after an investigation into the abnormal disappearance of one Samuel Barlow on September 9th, 2020. An investigation was performed by the Foundation Investigation Department. The local police were amnesticized and dismissed. The investigation uncovered a small sample of SCP-6790 and SCP-6790-1 within the office of Mayor Barlow. Following an examination of the office, DNA samples were found, and the perpetrator was identified as Dean Conwell. The full supply of SCP-6790 was found after a raid on the before-mentioned individual's house. Addendum 6790.II: Recovered Conversation Log Hey uh, I hear you're the guy to call when you need something uh, medicine related? yes hello this is dado how may i be of help 2 u? Rrrright. So I have a bit of a problem yeah? So uh, there's this guy in town, real big shot around here. I was wondering if you could uh, get rid of him? u misunderstand dado no magic man, dado not make one dissapear No I mean like, could you maybe get a drug to get the guy from messing things up for a good long while yes yes dado vry good at making drug what kind of drug do u need Dude, I don't care. I just need something to make the guy duck off, once and for all yes ok dado is very much like a duck. dado see what he can do *fuck. Sorry, autocorrect. …Hello? With thanks to Tanhony and RevenHelix. « SCP-6789 | SCP-6790 | SCP-6791 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6790" by Machen2 and DrGooday, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: dadoduck.jpg Author: Machen2 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: SCP Wiki Derivative Of: Blue Sky, Dhaka, Bangladesh.jpg, Mallard drake .02.jpg Filename: powder.jpg Author: Siriusplot License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Still frame from footage from SCP-6790-1 initial discovery."
[ 3.34330350e-01 -1.63801402e-01 -2.02109307e-01 -4.28496629e-01 1.86008915e-01 -3.58726382e-01 3.10424089e-01 1.09090388e-01 4.34169248e-02 2.96500195e-02 -1.73419997e-01 4.11422223e-01 -1.92602739e-01 -3.21437508e-01 8.65205452e-02 -4.95662466e-02 4.99520004e-02 1.11527316e-01 -2.97461331e-01 -8.92106444e-02 -2.28914455e-01 8.13879818e-02 1.18610159e-01 1.83371440e-01 3.10612410e-01 1.50022134e-01 1.23709112e-01 2.54925847e-01 -3.99113357e-01 -3.14563990e-01 -5.41825444e-02 3.64913434e-01 8.17148983e-02 1.68530583e-01 -1.13471651e-04 -1.99147567e-01 2.21879795e-01 -3.21466872e-03 -2.02176385e-02 1.93085030e-01 -5.21898009e-02 2.86628306e-01 -1.27865523e-01 -3.20691033e-03 1.03760824e-01 3.36672693e-01 -4.68526147e-02 -7.14513510e-02 3.36472571e-01 2.86921620e-01 1.78404123e-01 -4.24824148e-01 2.20438883e-01 -9.61039737e-02 3.73314589e-01 1.53306931e-01 -3.09296340e-01 5.39933562e-01 2.63114870e-01 -5.57904970e-03 -1.24864534e-01 4.62135766e-03 -3.43634635e-01 -1.70470878e-01 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-4.45622176e-01 -2.71770507e-01 1.65888518e-01 8.55884925e-02 -2.38994911e-01 2.03607008e-01 -1.09378181e-01 1.70989722e-01 1.53865799e-01 2.64926195e-01 -2.86660075e-01 -7.37297684e-02 -1.59462653e-02 -2.93537855e-01 5.41127175e-02 3.36618185e-01 5.38596418e-04 2.56662875e-01 -9.59201232e-02 -5.52082844e-02 -4.01348136e-02 -2.13344246e-01 -1.36676684e-01 -9.31215659e-02 -2.01147467e-01 -6.50198162e-02 -1.53552353e-01 -2.42752254e-01 1.05679348e-01 -4.87976074e-01 7.59714618e-02 -3.28621805e-01 -9.14239734e-02 -3.06385607e-01 1.02493025e-01 -9.07706693e-02 -2.62305498e-01 7.76869208e-02 7.68926134e-03 -3.90868038e-02 -1.73937842e-01 -1.03745021e-01 -3.18645775e-01 1.22061104e-01 4.45337780e-02 -1.53933868e-01 5.27445972e-01 -2.27122307e-01 -1.19795263e-01 -6.65936992e-02 2.59983212e-01 4.30139393e-01 -2.11254194e-01 -2.62063980e-01 -1.87111363e-01 1.25116542e-01 -9.92400572e-02 -1.02573432e-01 8.58725011e-02 -1.29821405e-01 9.52378905e-04 3.03103864e-01 5.22041358e-02 7.72197545e-02 2.10410714e-01 1.56964779e-01 -4.03212339e-01 2.47380793e-01 2.62660123e-02 3.78157079e-01 -1.31247574e-02 1.22197375e-01 2.19832033e-01 2.25955471e-01 -2.34011024e-01 1.90120935e-01 -8.11896995e-02 -7.19015896e-02 -1.74168721e-01 2.33033821e-01 2.82639533e-01 1.94153085e-01 -2.81456590e-01 -2.12075531e-01 2.93477532e-02 2.72979021e-01 -3.40109378e-01 1.04320617e-02 4.53757010e-02 2.38189518e-01 -1.28613383e-01 1.00577146e-01 9.67818126e-02 -6.37795106e-02 -2.02759653e-02 1.47090897e-01 -2.43830338e-01 -3.60057890e-01 1.63933367e-01 -1.22727171e-01 2.36445695e-01 2.41524801e-01 -6.96790814e-02 2.73279697e-01 1.19638927e-01 -5.33060394e-02 6.99962676e-02 2.19804078e-01 1.75817311e-01 3.17030191e-01 1.49458364e-01 -8.93586576e-02 -1.30844966e-01 2.63827920e-01 3.98059845e-01 4.14646029e-01 1.04127213e-01 9.51818049e-01 -4.36076760e-01 3.98543537e-01 1.20199583e-01 5.18878758e-01 3.26835141e-02 -8.62117112e-02 -1.86298229e-02 9.50976536e-02 2.39287153e-01 -3.09882581e-01 1.86535565e-03 -1.88738719e-01 -5.38338423e-01 3.13065052e-02 1.41372189e-01 -2.59818852e-01 5.31920008e-02 3.31022829e-01 6.24243543e-02 -1.33840770e-01 -5.73580980e-01 -7.19387410e-03 4.64941978e-01 -2.65766263e-01 -4.34364043e-02 2.39040688e-01 -2.77744144e-01 2.14720711e-01 -2.18114004e-01 2.85035521e-01 -2.25574553e-01 1.21145874e-01 -1.51432022e-01 -1.18886784e-01 7.41081238e-02 -2.79330579e-03 -4.00609970e-02 3.01749349e-01 -8.99803638e-02 8.79217032e-03 1.55593634e-01 -2.71653324e-01 -2.77206302e-01 4.60707217e-01 1.13206998e-01 1.56569377e-01 7.93392584e-02 -3.04278195e-01 1.76486194e-01 -1.95228666e-01 7.77586997e-02 -1.49597228e-01 -2.61666059e-01 1.96015790e-01 -5.79300113e-02 3.27182561e-02 -4.78780419e-02 6.24551252e-02 -1.21683910e-01 -2.01086596e-01 1.99470595e-01 -4.58743908e-02 2.14959949e-01 -9.68567953e-02 -2.62513429e-01 2.38243923e-01 -3.07592958e-01 -3.33376527e-01 1.50068238e-01 -1.05895594e-01 1.33311346e-01 4.37408686e-01 -3.00975740e-01 3.85852575e-01 -6.58873916e-02 1.20748810e-01 -3.62625688e-01 2.30842724e-01 1.63105056e-01 6.38489658e-03 5.40863946e-02 -2.81992853e-01 -2.25898996e-02 -3.04284781e-01 7.20075294e-02 2.75734216e-02 -9.87926573e-02 -3.77335221e-01 2.97830254e-01 4.10567485e-02 9.88658443e-02 8.46967399e-02 -2.08698250e-02 -4.51206595e-01 1.38238728e-01 2.86679924e-01 -1.92469671e-01 8.70793965e-03 1.72150061e-01 -1.72710270e-01 1.92874596e-01 1.98190153e-01 2.17403352e-01 7.75647402e-01 1.41365558e-01 -4.43803668e-01 -2.24139929e-01 -2.07302824e-01 2.40000904e-01 -2.11492240e-01 -4.13503915e-01 1.60357565e-01 -1.13307618e-01 1.27897471e-01 -1.33919358e-01 -5.73966913e-02 4.46033835e-01 -3.18393707e-01 -1.86528832e-01 1.68871880e-02 1.37050420e-01 2.79460341e-01 3.53130624e-02 -4.08457011e-01 -8.61734897e-03 -1.29282132e-01 2.00947523e-01 -9.46379900e-02 1.25535041e-01 -1.37570366e-01 1.42948404e-02 -8.00877512e-02 3.75555217e-01 -6.29130155e-02 8.53885934e-02 -7.50687122e-02 -5.06986901e-02]
"The Protagonist" active "Object Class: Adventure Special Containment Procedures: Jack Jones is an average teenage boy. He does not have many friends outside of Dennis (the class clown) and Mary (the shy girl). However, when a mysterious organization transports him to an isolated facility, he will learn just how important he is. Description: I always thought I was a little weird. I've never been able to pin down why. Other students at school don't see me as anything special. Only Dennis and Mary stay close to me. They must see something great about me. But when the Foundation came to pick me up from my house, I knew for certain that it was because I'm not like the other boys. They drove me to a large industrial-looking building deep in the forest. The guards gave me a friendly smile as we entered. The halls we walked through were bustling with activity, people in lab coats or heavy armor. I think I saw one person shoot a little fire from their hand, when no one else was looking. They caught my eye, and winked. Eventually we reached an empty room with a table, where another woman wearing a lab coat was sitting. She smiled, her glasses so clear it was like there weren't lenses in them. "Welcome," she said "to the Foundation." There was a pause, and I asked "The foundation of what?" She laughed, and replied "The Foundation of Humanity." She explained that this organization specialized in finding individuals who weren't quite "normal," taking them under their wing, and helping them control their "weirdness." "…Am I one of those "weird" individuals?" I asked. "Well, that's what we suspect. We'll certainly find out, won't we? Oh by the way, my name is Holly Berg." We shook hands. A guard led me to my room. We passed by many others, presumably holding other strange people behind them. Once we reached my place, I was surprised to see Dennis and Mary waiting for me. "Hey Jack," quipped Dennis. "We told the guards that we were wizards or something, and they let us in so we could stay with you." "Yeah," said Mary. "I would've missed you otherwise." She blushed. I hugged my friends. Together we would make the most of my stay here. Containment Report Item: Subject-6791-53 Containment: Success Equipment Malfunctions: 0 Containment Breaches: 1 Affected Personnel: 108 Additional Notes: The recorder appears to be working as intended. The effect it has on containment will be continually observed. Chapter 1: I woke up this morning refreshed, ready for whatever this place could teach me. Sometime later in the day a guard brought us some lunch. Dennis and Mary and I ate together. They seemed groggy, presumably from sleeping in. I don't blame them; yesterday was exhausting. Dennis joked while we ate. Mary surprised me by holding my hand. She smiled like I should have expected this. I felt something blossom in my chest. We went to bed a while later. What a day! Chapter 2: I woke up refreshed again, wondering when they would get back to me. We ate lunch, Mary holding my hand softly. Dennis wasn't as talkative today. I wonder if something is bothering him. Is he jealous of Mary and me? We went to bed. Chapter 3: For the first time I noticed a humming noise in the wall. If I put my fingers on it I could feel the smallest vibration. I wondered what kind of technology they had in this place. Mary's fingertips brushed the back of my hand during lunch. I looked towards her, but she wasn't even paying attention to me. "Mary?" She jolted, just a little. Her eyes flicked towards me, and she closed her hand around mine again. It looked like she was trying to smile. Actually, I realized that she hadn't stopped smiling until now. Interview Log: 6791-53-1 Interviewed: Subject-6791-53 Interviewer: Professor Hollë Berg Foreword: The effects of SCP-6791 have become negligible after 67 hours. As per standard procedure, at this stage Foundation researchers determined to perform an introductory interview with Subject-6791-53. <Begin Log> Berg: Hello Jack. Subject-6791-53: …Hi. Berg: …You don't seem as confident as you did our first meeting. Is something wrong? Subject-6791-53: Something… you seem different. No lab coat or glasses. Berg: I don't need glasses. Subject-6791-53: Also the halls… they aren't that busy. Not like that first day. Berg: I understand why that would disturb you. Silence for four seconds. Berg: To the point; I would like to explain how things will continue from here on out. As part of standard procedure, I will be interviewing you every few days or so for the purposes of research and ethics. You can ask me any questions you'd like, although the information I can give to you is limited. With time I will be permitted to give you more complete answers. Please be patient. Subject-6791-53: Alright… yeah I can do that. Berg: With that said, do you currently have any questions for me? Subject-6791-53: Yeah, um… when do we start? Berg: Start what? Subject-6791-53: Start, um… whatever you brought me here to do. Silence for three seconds. Berg: We have been setting up testing procedures. I can't tell you anything else right now. Subject-6791-53: Okay. Berg: Do you have any more questions? Subject-6791-53: …No. Berg: Okay. Now I have some questions for you. Would you like something in your containment chamber to keep you occupied? Subject-6791-53: No. Berg: Okay, next question… [Extraneous Material Removed] [End Log] Afterword: Subject-6791-53 has shown symptoms of prolonged connection to SCP-6791. Although it is unknown how long Subject-6791-53 will remain at the Foundation, attempts at recovery will be made in future interviews. Chapter 4: "I wanna go home." This was the first thing I heard from Dennis as I woke up. As well as that humming. It felt irritating. I sat up and turned to Dennis, but he wasn't speaking to me. At first I thought he was trying to speak through the door. But no, he was standing in his corner, rubbing his temples, like he had a headache. I couldn't believe it. This was it? He was abandoning me? Shrinking into a corner like a rat? His jealousy has gotten completely out of hand. During lunch we didn't speak. I didn't even look him in the eye. I could tell it was affecting him. I could hear him trying to repress his sobbing. No, it must have been laughing. He must have had a joke he wanted to share. Chapter 5: I realized shortly after waking up that I'd spent so much time feeling angry at Dennis yesterday that I hadn't payed attention to Mary. I realized, then, that I truly loved her, and now would be the best chance to confess. I could feel our connection, see us together for the rest of our lives. That's what Dennis couldn't understand. I hopped out of bed and approached Mary. She was still lying on the floor, but when I got close I could see she was awake. "Mary," I said. "I have something to tell you." Mary took a deep breath, and let it out with a whoosh. She stood up, rubbed her lower back, then turned to face me. I could see bags under her eyes. Was she awake all night thinking about me? And then she said: "No Jack, there's something you need to hear. I mean a lot you need to hear but… okay, I remember coming here. I remember talking to you. I remember lying on the floor for most of the time we've been here. But I don't remember ever… agreeing to any of it. I've no idea what was going through my head for the past few days. Except you. Things you were thinking. Just barely I could catch it. But otherwise it feels like I've been staring at a blank TV screen. This isn't fun Jack. I wanna be outside again. There's nothing for us here. Do whatever the fuck you did five days ago and make them let us go! She was out of breath now. It was only now I saw how horrible it must've been for her, when I was taken out of the test chamber for that interview. In here without me. I put my hand on her shoulder and said "Don't worry about me, I'll be-" She hit me on the cheek, and I stumbled back into the wall. The punch didn't hurt. The wall did. Things grew hazy, and began to tilt. I could hear Mary screaming at me, and Dennis completely breaking down in the corner. No, it must've been the other way around. And that humming. The humming was the last thing to follow me as I fell un- Interview Log: 6791-53-2 Interviewed: Subject-6791-53 Interviewer: Professor Hollë Berg Foreword: As this interview took place, subjects Dennis and Mary were removed from Subject-6791's containment chamber, amnesticized, and transported back to their families. A cover story surrounding a kidnapping was disseminated to their parents and the media. <Begin Log> [Extraneous Material Removed] Berg: How are your friends doing? Subject-6791-53: I don't think they're my friends anymore. Berg: Our guards thought they heard fighting yesterday. Can you describe your version of events for us? Subject-6791-53: They betrayed me. Berg: …Hm. That's all there is to it? Subject-6791-53: What else would there be? They just.. stopped acting like friends should. Berg: And what should friends do? Subject-6791-53: They should… smile to make you feel better, even when they're not happy. Hold your hand to support you. Make room for you in their life, be there for every step. And when you're gone… they miss you. Berg: Hm. Berg makes a note. [Extraneous Material Removed] Berg: Do you have any questions left for me before we wrap up? Subject-6791-53: …Yeah. This place is still very inactive. It's just so quiet outside the door to my room. Sometimes people pass by, but like… what was happening that first day? Berg checks something within her notebook. Berg: I'm forbidden from sharing information regarding your arrival. Subject-6791-53: Liar. Berg: Can you elaborate? Subject-6791-53: This place isn't friendly. No one here is, least of all you. You guys pretended this was a nice place to, to lock me away! Berg: I've never pretended to be your friend. Subject-6791-53: But you- Berg: Let me clarify as best I can: We could not have told you a lie you haven't already told yourself. <End Log> Chapter 6: What does yesterday's meeting mean? Are they gonna teach me how to use my powers soon? I have mind control powers. That's what she's suggesting. No it's not. They won't teach me. I'll have to learn how to use them by myself. I have to. But how will I- Chapter 7: There are other things here right? Others almost as super weird as me. They have to be. That's what this whole place is for. Containment. That's the word Holley used. They can't do that. I shouldn't be held back. No one should. Everyone else holds back. Mary and Dennis held back their real feelings for me. And Holley has others here locked up. That's not… democratic. It's un-American. I need to be the liberator. A liberator from what? It's not just Holley, it's not just this place, there's something bigger, a- Chapter 8: It's a simulation. All of it. That's what Holley was trying to say. A lie. A simulation. Created to keep me in check. I'll break it. There's a glitch somewhere. It's in this building. It's in this room. It's in me. It's all me. It's… …Something wrong with me. An aside: Protagonists are sometimes expected to be the most interesting characters in the universes they inhabit. Given this, they often grapple prominently with what are considered "universal experiences" (i.e love, death, family, etc.). It is side characters who are more passionate about average interests. Consider the amount of eccentric scientists, quirky artists, and wise old professors who tag along with the main character. But isn't there a paradox here that is easy to fall into? Aren't universal experiences (freedom, lies, abandonment, etc.) what should be considered as average interests, being most likely what the average person would be interested in? If the protagonist only comes to grips with these universal experiences, do they not neglect everything else that life can offer them (and by extension, what they can offer the reader)? How many cases are there where side characters become more beloved than the main character? In attempting to make the protagonist more interesting, can this only lead to the protagonist becoming as uninteresting as possible? Chapter 10: I lay in bed. The guard brings lunch. Nothing happens. No one comes to get me. That sound in the wall. Some footsteps passing by. Interview Log: 6791-53-3 Interviewed: Subject-6791-53 Interviewer: Professor Hollë Berg <Begin Log> [Extraneous Material Removed] Berg: Did you know you were a fan of model trains? Subject-6791-53: …Why would I be? Berg notes something down. Subject-6791-53: Model trains are boring. Who still has a model train? Berg: There's a large model train set we observed in your basement. Subject-6791-53: That must be someone else's. Berg: Who else's would it be? Subject-6791-53: I don't know. Berg: Jack, we know you don't live alone. It's not even possible, you're 14. Silence for four seconds. Berg: Jack, do you remember your parents? Silence for seven seconds. Berg: I'm trying to establish what you think you know, Jack. What about Mary and Dennis? Subject-6791-53: What about them? Berg: How long do you think you've known them? Subject-6791-53: My whole life. Friends forever, until they… until I did something. I guess. Berg: Dennis only joined your school a year ago. There's no evidence that you ever spent time with Mary until recently. Subject-6791-53: No that's, I remember we- Subject-6791-53 swallows hard. Subject-6791-53 is quiet for 14 seconds. Subject-6791-53 rests its head on the table. Subject-6791-53 sobs. Subject-6791-53: What's important about me? Silence for six seconds. Berg: …Tell you what: I'll talk to the rest of the research team. If it goes well, you'll receive a document tomorrow evening that will give you some answers. Subject-6791-53 raises its head and looks at Berg. <End Log> Afterword: When Berg was asked why she would make such an offer to Subject-6791-53, her only response was "I think it would be beneficial for us to see whether or not SCP-6791 responds to this information." Berg's proposal has yet to be approved or rejected. Chapter 11: Nothing arrived in the evening. At least I think it's been evening. Lunch was a while ago. Model trains? It has to be a lie. It's not the fifties anymore. No one's buying model trains anymore, let alone selling them. Even imagining it makes me cringe. The landscape is a mossy green. The houses are empty. All those little model people. None of them do anything. None of them are important. No one's even driving the train. It moves on its own. That's all that happens. Chapter 12: When I woke up I saw a piece of paper lying by the door. It must have arrived late last night. Or maybe I went to bed early. Item #: 6791 Containment Class: Keter Pending Special Containment Procedures: The current subject of SCP-6791 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber. A Scranton reality anchor is to be active adjacent to SCP-6791's containment chamber, as well as Dr. Hollë Berg's specialized receiver. If SCP-6791 moves to a new subject, Foundation agents are to continuously sweep nearby populated areas for abnormal Hume levels. Once the new host of SCP-6791 is located, personnel within the nearest Foundation facility are to make preparations to ensure that no incidents take place while SCP-6791 is being escorted to the premises. When preparations are complete, agents are authorized to act. Individuals who arrive as a result of SCP-6791 are to be kept until they are confirmed to no longer be under SCP-6791's influence. Description: SCP-6791 is a non-corporeal and parasitic entity. SCP-6791 pairs itself with individuals for various lengths of time, primarily within the cranial area of the current host (known hereafter as Subject-6791). SCP-6791's foremost effect is slightly lowering the Hume levels within and around Subject-6791. While reality cannot be significantly altered within these conditions, SCP-6791 is capable of making incremental alterations to the neurology of both Subject-6791 and nearby individuals Subject-6791 is aware of. This manifests as behavioral changes within all subjects involved. These changes can become evident almost immediately, but will take an increasingly longer time to wear off in proportion to how long a subject is exposed. While it is not Subject-6791 who is consciously manipulating reality, the behavioral changes to other individuals often reflect the desires or beliefs of Subject-6791. However, Subject-6791 is also the most affected by SCP-6791, with extreme cases leaving evidence of trace neurological degradation. The results are primarily a loss of interest, personality, and empathy. If exposed for long enough, alterations to Subject-6791's neurology can be permanent. SCP-6791 appears instinctive rather than intelligent. While SCP-6791 is assumed to be capable of understanding spoken language, it does not respond to any attempts at communication. SCP-6791, given time, will always begin searching for a new host; however, testing has revealed that SCP-6791 often leaves the current host quicker if they are in Foundation custody. It is yet unknown if this is required for SCP-6791's survival, or what resource SCP-6791 gains from its hosts. Under Foundation surveillance, SCP-6791 has had 53 known hosts. Dr. Berg's recording device is able to pick up micro-fluctuations stemming from SCP-6791, which have consistently been translated into comprehensible messages. These often take the form of descriptions of daily events. However, given how difficult it can be to communicate with Subject-6791, it is unclear if this inner monologue is that of SCP-6791 or of Subject-6791. Chapter 12: 53 isn't even an interesting number. Chapter 13: The door to my cell was hanging open. I left, wandering through the halls to see if I could find anyone. I'd thought they had been unpopulated before; now I couldn't find a single person. Not at the desk. Not in the lounges. Nobody in the other cells (though they were all in different shapes and sizes, and held all kinds of shocking objects). Not even the security cameras appeared to be watching me, though I guess I have no way of knowing. As I walked, wallpaper appeared on the wall. It was ugly, striped a muddy green and yellow. I saw a few photos framed on the walls, of skies and starry nights. I wondered when the people here had finally decided to decorate. Finally, I came to a room outside of which sat a massive pile of assorted things. Magazines. Photo albums of people I didn't know. Small train tracks. A box of matches. I would've walked around it if I hadn't heard movement from inside. Squeezing past and peeking through, I could see someone pacing back and forth on the opposite end of a table with a chair. The room was otherwise empty, though two of the walls had gaping holes that opened up to flat cement faces. I entered. Interview Log: Interviewed: Jack Jones Interviewer: SCP-6791 <Begin Log> Jack: Hello? SCP-6791: And I entered, but no one was there. Jack: Hello? Can you hear me? SCP-6791: That is when it truly set in. Jack: I need you to listen. Please. SCP-6791: It was only me. I am alone forever. An individual only has themselves at the end of the day. I think, therefore I am, therefore no one else is. Jack: I don't, I just… SCP-6791: Perhaps it is for the best, to be wandering these corridors forever, finally alone with this constant state of wondering, of claustrophobia. Jack is silent, collapsing into the chair at the table. SCP-6791: This is for the best. What have I to learn from others? What have I to learn from myself? Jack: I wish I knew who you were. I wish I knew who I was. SCP-6791: All one can know is what they don't know. Jack: I treated Dennis and Mary differently than I treated Hollë. I feel like two different people in front of them. Which one am I? Are Dennis and Mary different people when they're away from me? Are they happier? SCP-6791: And what they don't know, what I don't know, must be accepted, and pretending to know is a crime everyone is guilty of… Jack: …You know all of a sudden I've realized that Hollë was right. I'd never spoken to Mary. I wanted to date her, but I know nothing about her. I think someone told me I should start searching for a girlfriend, so I picked her. That was it. SCP-6791: … And yet… Jack: And Dennis might've been new to school, but he really was hilarious. He made a lot of friends quick. After the first month many people just laughed instinctively after he spoke. I laughed too, but I was always at a distance. SCP-6791: A brief time ago I was confronted with the question of keeping a protagonist interesting. Jack: The school janitor. I don't know why I remember him, but I do. I liked watching him mop. He obviously didn't enjoy it though. SCP-6791: I've never read a book. I've interest in what's real, not what's fictional. And yet, this question I wondered out loud. I shouted it through the corridors, but my passion only echoed back at me. Why did this catch my attention? Jack: Train conductors. Construction workers at the intersection down the road. They're only out at night. Joggers. That one art teacher who's always at the workshop. Random people through the windows of their cars. SCP-6791: I've tried so many rooms. I've torn down walls, cleared out junk, tried connecting as many quarters in these endlessly confusing halls as possible. I spend all hours trying to create the one truly universal room. No hallways, no doorways, none of these pointless trivialities or artifacts. One floor, four walls, one ceiling. And to add to the difficulty, these barriers suddenly start appearing. Jack: Not my parents, though. All these memories coming back, and I can't remember them. "Permanent," I think is what the document said. "Behavioral changes." Maybe at that time I'd wanted to forget them. And so they forgot me. And we spent so much time in the same house, yet in completely different rooms, that we can no longer go back. Or maybe it's only me. SCP-6791: But then, for the first time, I hear someone screaming from the other side. Screaming Bloody Mary about the outdoors and TV screens. And just like that, it stopped. And even though I've been alone for all of my existence, for the first time ever, I feel lonely. SCP-6791 places a hand on the cement face. Jack: That damn humming. SCP-6791: That damn humming. Jack sobs. Jack: Is this my fault? SCP-6791: I think I've made a grave mistake. Jack: I can't say I didn't want any of this. Because at some point I did. SCP-6791: For all I've torn down and burned, I've found no answers, come no closer, haven't even found a clear direction. Jack: I let it in. It didn't have to go this far, but I let it. SCP-6791: For all the walls that divide, there are a thousand small things that can allow two separate rooms to connect. SCP-6791 approaches the pile at the door and picks up a miniature train track with one hand and the box of matches in the other. Jack stands up. SCP-6791 considers throwing the matches down the hall as far as they can. But, knowing that they won't go far, SCP-6791 does the practical thing and swallows the entire box. Jack approaches the door to leave. SCP-6791 turns around. Jack stops directly in front of SCP-6791, noticing again their presence. The two of them are chest to chest, and for the first time they are looking each other in the eyes. It would be nice for Jack to awake within his chamber, or for Berg to enter and provide an analysis of events, so that Jack could be reminded that fortunately everything in the real world makes more sense than this." nan
[ 8.93290639e-02 2.57066846e-01 -1.26755059e-01 1.49599075e-01 1.83001354e-01 -6.70501888e-02 2.14881092e-01 -5.70584238e-02 -1.04487054e-01 1.51688838e-02 2.59875767e-02 -2.13271841e-01 -1.74518496e-01 -1.40020564e-01 -1.74404159e-01 -3.90581936e-02 1.15679845e-01 5.79951368e-02 1.15794748e-01 -1.80976674e-01 -2.56890982e-01 2.54619867e-03 -2.62834281e-02 5.26917100e-01 -4.77390480e-04 -2.94571429e-01 8.37960914e-02 3.39547455e-01 7.89414335e-04 1.47335514e-01 2.19439253e-01 2.58258104e-01 -3.67514104e-01 3.52054089e-01 -9.55089708e-05 -1.61332026e-01 9.46163833e-02 9.78982896e-02 6.48953989e-02 6.59071878e-02 -2.71268636e-01 3.10921595e-02 -6.14384636e-02 -2.64308602e-01 -7.63741583e-02 7.34689133e-03 3.15594256e-01 -1.03626899e-01 2.58683532e-01 -9.38828215e-02 2.94691503e-01 -1.08907580e-01 -3.83099355e-02 -4.34783138e-02 2.85723329e-01 3.88297647e-01 -2.12423995e-01 -1.11880273e-01 3.38276774e-01 -7.81550482e-02 1.99523047e-01 2.18604840e-02 -3.07777166e-01 -1.76530808e-01 3.30915123e-01 -2.73348212e-01 2.39642650e-01 5.21106049e-02 1.59332484e-01 4.05446887e-01 1.05946362e-02 1.96372364e-02 -1.59890149e-02 2.13547662e-01 1.27906084e-01 9.54317302e-02 -2.10088622e-02 3.67300630e-01 -3.27063911e-02 1.36316761e-01 -2.09751084e-01 4.34054554e-01 -2.19521806e-01 3.77879560e-01 5.11415638e-02 1.13023765e-01 -1.27652422e-01 1.46724388e-01 -3.89160901e-01 -3.35637629e-01 3.04494560e-01 7.61642456e-02 1.20693296e-01 1.36590421e-01 1.17515795e-01 -2.22801179e-01 1.07736945e-01 1.74244523e-01 2.93586373e-01 -1.51970387e-01 -2.19623804e-01 1.45145148e-01 3.46366614e-02 -2.41037756e-02 3.66632640e-01 -2.71069258e-01 1.71583369e-01 1.79377556e-01 -1.78327516e-01 2.87509680e-01 -1.35098815e-01 3.97901177e-01 -9.95549113e-02 2.92514682e-01 1.54016435e-01 -1.02100015e-01 2.06438437e-01 7.56093189e-02 -1.98869720e-01 2.89690971e-01 -5.74877560e-01 3.86625156e-02 -1.72923967e-01 3.40899855e-01 1.47011817e-01 -7.52530620e-02 -1.50385112e-01 -1.82840943e-01 5.88384364e-03 2.00393528e-01 -3.31708908e-01 5.40706664e-02 3.83808352e-02 -1.00807613e-02 -2.61318922e-01 3.78457874e-01 2.88972624e-05 1.85328219e-02 -2.14237064e-01 -1.30844250e-01 2.88152874e-01 -1.45013571e-01 3.03535044e-01 2.24157870e-01 -2.37610176e-01 -1.01623133e-01 1.27041474e-01 -6.51878193e-02 -1.56116690e-02 1.88314021e-02 1.70892492e-01 -8.72832388e-02 5.12121730e-02 2.94987768e-01 -6.59671500e-02 -6.78098481e-03 5.05281746e-01 1.34583190e-01 -2.70798922e-01 -3.78949717e-02 2.91080445e-01 6.46221861e-02 4.77970624e-03 -2.87198514e-01 -2.47136682e-01 1.35291025e-01 -6.12162286e-03 -1.89916000e-01 -1.18332133e-01 -9.83394012e-02 -2.29789689e-01 -2.73664594e-01 -1.71894342e-01 2.90612251e-01 -1.67921379e-01 1.10843368e-02 -9.65526700e-02 -2.82891899e-01 -3.32809627e-01 3.80641967e-02 -3.07094067e-01 1.89673260e-01 1.94931135e-01 -1.33989546e-02 -9.86802205e-02 1.93485152e-02 6.26457557e-02 3.06244314e-01 7.62525648e-02 8.06962550e-02 -1.80441588e-01 -1.29353972e-02 -5.04230782e-02 -5.61075322e-02 -2.02264562e-01 -9.99341607e-02 4.41337489e-02 8.20242688e-02 3.50657254e-01 4.25224788e-02 -3.95496609e-03 1.07885718e-01 2.50215769e-01 5.92172928e-02 -2.40134835e-01 -1.58959534e-02 2.46571928e-01 -4.15877789e-01 3.26038063e-01 1.25397503e-01 -1.11766078e-01 -2.44271576e-01 -2.89207220e-01 -7.53642023e-02 -1.32679731e-01 -2.14039519e-01 3.58827144e-01 1.35425523e-01 -3.26940954e-01 -2.12920353e-01 6.38497919e-02 2.51109064e-01 -2.01954186e-01 1.36722503e-02 -1.13411233e-01 1.21988304e-01 1.58044379e-02 1.36949997e-02 -2.89503455e-01 3.02144252e-02 2.26789176e-01 1.09461239e-02 -1.45256212e-02 3.39047052e-02 7.62805762e-03 -2.89580189e-02 4.60396446e-02 4.40073431e-01 -2.63555676e-01 -1.94944113e-01 1.38325140e-01 1.57977864e-01 3.30746233e-01 1.37267187e-01 1.08399384e-01 4.69635099e-01 -3.16328811e-03 1.23291284e-01 4.47154120e-02 -1.21582732e-01 2.36218154e-01 -2.99779117e-01 -6.75224066e-02 -9.97878797e-03 2.49725640e-01 6.90653980e-01 -7.52249220e-03 8.92638490e-02 2.45146547e-02 3.51593524e-01 1.88001037e-01 -1.57321885e-01 2.13444516e-01 -2.16249190e-02 -3.59568924e-01 1.10767014e-01 2.30976015e-01 1.93038240e-01 2.72515595e-01 1.81571081e-01 -2.01214582e-01 -4.02262583e-02 -7.93383792e-02 -4.30626445e-04 1.75344035e-01 1.02190740e-01 1.78686619e-01 4.07146700e-02 9.40122604e-02 1.53945222e-01 -3.10571101e-02 -4.30271387e-01 -2.37333506e-01 -1.12780571e-01 -2.15699360e-01 3.10615301e-01 3.43892306e-01 3.72107401e-02 2.45186046e-01 1.69141844e-01 1.80693328e-01 -1.07693933e-01 3.86468507e-02 3.47199552e-02 -2.26129815e-02 -2.77605951e-01 -1.48068545e-02 1.15901157e-01 9.76210311e-02 -7.73411691e-02 2.07525089e-01 -1.09016597e-01 1.37806550e-01 2.48569950e-01 -5.37770474e-03 1.53515711e-01 2.35651761e-01 -3.23554754e-01 1.67535171e-01 -6.64981380e-02 -2.97971249e-01 2.53943890e-01 -3.01050276e-01 -7.90404230e-02 3.33563149e-01 1.75708860e-01 -5.47804832e-01 -3.92194659e-01 -4.99590039e-02 -4.64978844e-01 -1.84701324e-01 1.42039210e-01 4.24782671e-02 -7.39826784e-02 -2.25336999e-02 5.14129959e-02 1.99563266e-03 -1.17783770e-01 4.33391452e-01 -6.46430925e-02 1.03432134e-01 1.44004166e-01 -8.12156424e-02 3.91809911e-01 -6.48960397e-02 1.73181310e-01 -4.12213087e-01 -4.28660125e-01 -8.10003951e-02 -5.04387766e-02 2.26034716e-01 2.19685752e-02 -3.91688794e-01 -1.76116973e-01 -1.84438735e-01 -2.46892884e-01 -3.84886265e-01 7.30260983e-02 1.10090718e-01 1.97528452e-02 -3.28430124e-02 5.24060547e-01 8.09224844e-02 -2.82121986e-01 3.67802791e-02 -2.74685323e-01 -1.65479481e-01 1.44512281e-01 2.07761675e-01 -3.68038505e-01 -4.93614152e-02 7.22967088e-02 3.41366500e-01 -1.85978830e-01 3.99851888e-01 -2.25662440e-01 1.42718464e-01 1.94324911e-01 1.75798371e-01 -1.41991794e-01 1.49081439e-01 5.25422320e-02 -3.78324002e-01 1.65559053e-01 1.41054392e-01 7.06981644e-02 -2.66087111e-02 -1.46662042e-01 -3.55851799e-01 -4.42506254e-01 -2.06384629e-01 5.69882035e-01 5.17063960e-02 -2.59247005e-01 -5.21262968e-03 -1.60293847e-01 -1.01583824e-01 -1.87283024e-01 6.37165368e-01 -1.95834905e-01 4.12624702e-02 -2.62738824e-01 1.44608676e-01 4.34233882e-02 1.13693409e-01 9.10160094e-02 -1.20644353e-01 -1.34362191e-01 -1.27291277e-01 1.02366157e-01 -2.24094748e-01 3.36340636e-01 -2.43449975e-02 -1.71599705e-02 4.69375700e-01 1.84183747e-01 -3.62816751e-01 5.60727762e-03 -4.97994453e-01 -6.71426021e-03 2.47096926e-01 1.71991177e-02 -1.87185526e-01 -7.89581984e-02 -3.32424082e-02 -3.44849437e-01 4.61973213e-02 -1.07201248e-01 1.02099439e-03 -4.01366442e-01 -2.78054059e-01 1.55778319e-01 2.57242948e-01 -1.50950015e-01 1.27291858e-01 -1.76073641e-01 2.47117534e-01 -1.34617582e-01 3.65311086e-01 -7.33776996e-03 2.93204281e-02 2.33131275e-01 -2.74149209e-01 3.67241412e-01 2.91080683e-01 1.33293241e-01 3.09519023e-01 2.74832249e-01 2.13778652e-02 -3.46836708e-02 -5.09875901e-02 3.95633757e-01 6.00698531e-01 1.03605635e-01 -1.82625160e-01 -4.75241184e-01 2.16254741e-01 1.64235190e-01 3.11012357e-01 1.88238099e-01 2.42876932e-02 2.18482196e-01 6.70737252e-02 -2.76491325e-02 -2.43879274e-01 -2.64467657e-01 -1.96287688e-02 4.03795213e-01 -1.04054846e-01 3.09015125e-01 9.99569986e-03 1.05497789e+00 2.09801853e-01 4.84115750e-01 3.93743552e-02 -4.00066882e-01 1.76045313e-01 -2.57831663e-01 -7.17060566e-02 -3.81407350e-01 -1.61738247e-01 -1.38345733e-01 -3.25370491e-01 1.27416372e-01 1.11899771e-01 -3.84868801e-01 -1.37386814e-01 -8.20084572e-01 -2.21304685e-01 1.23337634e-01 8.99573937e-02 7.59558305e-02 -6.56583300e-03 -1.80262297e-01 2.37811074e-01 1.26565561e-01 -1.59708276e-01 -2.29302108e-01 6.79255053e-02 -4.26765829e-01 1.99644566e-01 -1.22932389e-01 -1.85668513e-01 -2.34709606e-01 -8.96186531e-02 3.44942093e-01 3.76258194e-02 1.05528988e-01 -1.35788947e-01 3.47065441e-02 1.36375859e-01 -1.67117402e-01 1.32502422e-01 3.20013314e-01 -3.14461179e-02 3.86837393e-01 -8.27702433e-02 3.75450283e-01 -7.22387582e-02 -1.34214554e-02 1.61847711e-01 -2.63353616e-01 -3.46171975e-01 -4.44879264e-01 -2.82967210e-01 1.77899376e-01 -6.78182662e-01 1.05634339e-01 7.71454722e-02 -2.18653470e-01 -1.16724499e-01 2.43195370e-01 2.61031121e-01 1.90254636e-02 -3.68647799e-02 1.12320982e-01 -1.05050810e-01 -4.63276207e-02 -5.82778119e-02 9.39047262e-02 -1.68660462e-01 6.71695322e-02 -1.03510417e-01 -8.63571987e-02 -4.17472839e-01 4.28252727e-01 5.28610468e-01 1.42159268e-01 3.75453457e-02 1.08197950e-01 -5.29521286e-01 1.63682178e-01 3.52684498e-01 2.19212542e-03 3.05398516e-02 -1.80232197e-01 -2.34638438e-01 4.30035517e-02 2.07045496e-01 -2.74059586e-02 6.84236884e-02 -1.23083130e-01 6.48274779e-01 9.52359568e-03 1.02060862e-01 -5.03871262e-01 -4.54732105e-02 -3.34631264e-01 -2.77526915e-01 -6.21234328e-02 -2.27143005e-01 -5.48314229e-02 5.12189120e-02 2.59906977e-01 2.77025960e-02 -4.42818940e-01 -2.65059739e-01 -3.56944017e-02 7.79901817e-02 1.26792520e-01 -5.02906740e-01 4.22392577e-01 2.05130324e-01 4.57504466e-02 1.30946860e-01 -2.94027179e-01 5.41305915e-02 1.21045604e-01 2.39892706e-01 -4.90376532e-01 2.93236852e-01 -3.25502098e-01 -2.96354383e-01 1.70034826e-01 4.04164791e-01 -3.89562905e-01 -4.65599112e-02 -1.13532245e-01 -2.13713184e-01 2.58533180e-01 4.02192414e-01 1.50492460e-01 3.13006908e-01 4.31463212e-01 8.62197056e-02 -2.68413484e-01 1.80483028e-01 -2.31662184e-01 4.61344561e-03 -5.20118415e-01 1.19023606e-01 -2.89722919e-01 3.89144570e-01 -9.37668085e-02 1.18376009e-01 1.79689035e-01 2.14911681e-02 -1.23350888e-01 1.65999010e-01 -2.39210024e-01 -1.23693636e-02 -1.60740111e-02 7.97932073e-02 -2.51073390e-01 4.98331487e-01 1.26853153e-01 -4.95130047e-02 -2.32120126e-01 -7.80514777e-02 4.91660148e-01 -5.57444505e-02 3.39250296e-01 2.87135482e-01 3.72947276e-01 4.25622649e-02 -1.92197692e-02 4.89745140e-01 9.31652486e-02 1.84815869e-01 6.70358598e-01 -1.40406787e-01 6.32295851e-03 1.14855982e-01 -1.53676301e-01 2.45368540e-01 -2.21333027e-01 7.16640353e-02 -3.06765363e-02 -2.15651691e-01 -1.03030205e-01 -6.12136228e-06 2.76311845e-01 -4.14886363e-02 -1.40975475e-01 -4.27956671e-01 -3.28810781e-01 -4.27326560e-01 -2.04878345e-01 -1.32810161e-01 -9.84872039e-03 1.26756310e-01 2.02727064e-01 5.12241498e-02 2.11836427e-01 -2.20748082e-01 2.45753974e-01 6.64722621e-02 5.90862744e-02 1.66073799e-01 -1.88384682e-03 1.24219425e-01 -5.02370745e-02 -5.24086773e-01 5.34849651e-02 -1.59979671e-01 -6.58022240e-02 1.46067306e-01 -1.70135453e-01 -1.34331984e-02 -1.43969029e-01 -2.06733961e-02 1.78300157e-01 -2.58147180e-01 -1.02283567e-01 -2.72811744e-02 3.45569134e-01 -3.86059508e-02 -6.52785152e-02 -4.17119175e-01 -5.73102757e-02 -2.87381522e-02 4.23772633e-02 -2.59071857e-01 -3.29312444e-01 1.08631238e-01 -9.48214456e-02 2.58985430e-01 -3.20860624e-01 1.57063365e-01 -2.22244024e-01 -3.25747486e-03 1.98797554e-01 -5.51221371e-02 -1.96554270e-02 -1.63868815e-01 -6.82864413e-02 5.17995596e-01 3.46331954e-01 -2.34690845e-01 1.08461574e-01 4.05145958e-02 8.03087205e-02 2.63197631e-01 3.85086890e-03 -2.37385303e-01 -1.50553972e-01 -4.17132199e-01 -1.44232303e-01 -9.93268266e-02 3.21790159e-01 -3.51607054e-02 2.11033538e-01 -3.93362753e-02 1.54431805e-01 -6.23133183e-01 2.01355115e-01 -1.64006054e-02 -3.77193362e-01 1.56161830e-01 5.45899086e-02 2.72495478e-01 -1.00702167e-01 2.20331866e-02 5.62799163e-02 -1.24900825e-01 2.34481916e-01 1.26202539e-01 -3.19285721e-01 2.95545697e-01 1.37799308e-01 4.93892968e-01 1.15686446e-01 2.37747226e-02 4.01101291e-01 7.77715966e-02 1.40314147e-01 -1.58446312e-01 -2.83453822e-01 2.62435943e-01 -1.23383719e-02 1.76630631e-01 -4.05145079e-01 5.04850805e-01 -3.84732224e-02 7.89747909e-02 -2.01544628e-01 -3.18792701e-01 3.28717083e-01 5.65748382e-03 -2.15137392e-01 -1.40356617e-02 2.02326596e-01 -1.37688547e-01 3.03703602e-02 -3.96362424e-01 -8.16967115e-02 1.19195901e-01 7.46703371e-02 -3.37504894e-01 -1.10641204e-01 -2.08290771e-01 4.30786647e-02 -4.14681770e-02 2.66422361e-01 -9.54384077e-03 2.75859702e-02 3.29593942e-02 6.44628331e-02]
"Project Umbra" active "SCP-6795: Project Umbra Item No: SCP-6795 Containment Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Foundation Artificially Intelligent Conscript Luthor.aic is to search pacer.gov1 for any documents claiming to have been submitted by "Jarndyce and Jennings". Any detected documents are to be removed, with affected persons being administered Level-2 cognitohazard inoculation and relevant memory alteration. SCP-6795-1 instances are stored in the Site-26 Anomalous Document Storage Wing. Should PENTAGRAM2 be suspected of having resumed the distribution of SCP-6795, Mobile Task Force Mu-7 ("Fifth Columnists")3 is to disseminate SCP-6795-1 instances throughout the government of the United States of America. Dissemination is to also occur should any mention be made within PENTAGRAM of Project Umbra's continued existence. Following dissemination, the Global Occult Coalition is to be informed of PENTAGRAM's continued support of Project Umbra, which will result in PENTAGRAM's immediate expulsion from the Global Occult Coalition's Council of 1084. Description: SCP-6795 is a visually cognitohazardous collection of phrases and images present within several documents filed through the US court system, submitted by the fictional law firm "Jarndyce and Jennings". SCP-6795's presence within a legal document results in slight antimemetic effects, causing non-inoculated persons to display excessive apathy towards the lawsuit, neglecting to carry out work related to the lawsuit and eventually forgetting about the lawsuit's existence. SCP-6795-1 instances are SCP-6795 instances adapted by the Foundation to only affect employees of the US government. SCP-6795-1 instances exhibit similar effects to SCP-6795, but will result in affected persons becoming unable to undertake any work related to the US government. Discovery: On 1998-09-13, the Artificial Intelligence Applications Division completed the development of Luthor.aic, designed for the detection of textual anomalies within the US court system. It subsequently began analysis of all documents filed through the US court system from 1900-02-07 to 1995-05-21, resulting in the discovery of SCP-6795. Selected Lawsuits Affected By SCP-6795: Due to its potential effects on the US court system, the discovery of SCP-6795 was disclosed to PENTAGRAM during the 1998 October meeting, as required under the Garfield-Arthur Agreement5. Date: 1998-10-27 Persons Present: <Begin Log> [45 minutes of conversation omitted for brevity.] Collard: Right, if that's everything about the Washington incident, let's move on the last part of the agenda. Davis: The cognitohazard you discovered, right? Collard: Right. Now it is under our jurisdiction, as per our agreements. However, the widespread nature of the cognitohazard means that my superiors have suggested that we deal with this together. Davis: How many cases are affected? Collard: We don't know the full extent, but we've discovered 300 so far. Davis: That doesn't seem too bad. Tell you what, I think PENTAGRAM can handle this. Collard: I'll have to see what Overseer Command say, but it's unlikely they'll agree. Anything else? Davis: Nothing else. Collard: OK, I think that declares our meeting over. <End Log> Following brief deliberations, Overseer Command voted to deny the transfer of SCP-6795 to PENTAGRAM custody but allowed PENTAGRAM to receive regular updates on SCP-6795 research. On 1999-02-27, the Memetics and Cognitohazards Division manufactured an inoculant effective against the effects of SCP-6795. The Foundation informed PENTAGRAM of this development and requested permission to distribute the inoculant to exposed civilians6. On 1999-03-01, PENTAGRAM requested a meeting to discuss the Foundation's actions in regards to SCP-6795 containment. Date: 1999-03-03 Persons Present: <Begin Log> Collard: We're recording now. Davis: About your inoculation request, what do you think you're doing? We can't just have American citizens being your guinea pigs. Collard: Aaron, we sent you our test results, and we showed that the inoculant has 98% success across age and ethnic groups. No civilians are going to be our guinea pigs. But if you're still worried about testing, then some of your men can come here and ensure the validity of our findings. Davis: No, Enoch. PENTAGRAM needs control over the testing procedures. We have to ensure the safety of the American public. Collard: Alright, that's fine. We'll send some of our researchers to you. Davis: No, I mean, PENTAGRAM needs both SCP-6795 and the inoculant in its custody to ensure valid testing. It's something that's affecting American citizens, so it's in our domain. Garfield-Arthur clearly allows us oversight if we believe it necessary for public safety. Collard: The agreement also says you need to provide proof that our procedures are a threat to the public. What proof do you have? Look, either your people come to us or we come to you, but the anomaly stays under Foundation control. Davis: We're not asking for a moon base here, Enoch. If you won't give us custody, then give us your inoculant for testing. Hell, if you won't do that, give us your raw testing data at least. Collard: We'll agree with the data transfer, but the inoculant stays with us. Either PENTAGRAM joins us in treating this anomaly or we'll do it alone. Is that everything? Davis: For now, I suppose. Collard: Alright. Meeting over. <End Log> Following analysis of the testing data, PENTAGRAM denied approval for the inoculant's distribution. No reasoning was provided. Incident-6795-017: On 1999-08-18, Mobile Task Force Epsilon-6 were searching for SCP-939 instances within Platte County, Wyoming. Epsilon-6 encountered members of the National Guard and were arrested due to their illegal presence in the area and their ownership of unlicensed firearms. PENTAGRAM were notified and a meeting was demanded to negotiate the return of the MTF members. Date: 1999-08-23 Persons Present: <Begin Log> Collard: I think this is very simple, we just want our people returned. We can assist with any subsequent amnestication of law enforcement. Davis: That's sounds great, but we'll need to negotiate some concessions. Collard: What makes you think you can demand concessions? Davis: Firstly, your MTF were engaged in an anomaly-securing mission on federal land, which is under our jurisdiction. You didn't notify us of the mission which, may I remind you, is one of your responsibilities under Garfield-Arthur. Collard: And, as I've said, we're very sorry for that. The mission was put together very quickly as we felt there was a high risk to human life. Davis: Well, I appreciate your desire to protect civilians. I think we can negotiate something amenable to both sides. Our current suggestions are for you to take over containment for the Ohio laboratory, sharing containment of the whale in Yosemite and for SCP-6795 to be transferred to PENTAGRAM's custody. Collard: So that's what this was all about? You wanting custody of our inoculant? Davis: Enoch, we just want to make sure it isn't a danger to the public. We want to control this anomaly just as much as you do. Collard: You've had months to do that. We managed to create an inoculant nearly half a year ago, but you apparently haven't gotten anywhere? Bullshit! I don't know what you're planning but we're not giving you anything. Davis: We're not planning anything. What do you think we are, terrorists? Collard: Terrorists? We gave you the data, as requested. We've repeatedly offered for you to come to our site and watch the tests. Our only condition has been that our work isn't going to just be transferred to PENTAGRAM. We're your friends here Aaron, don't make us your enemies. Davis: Enoch, my superiors are breathing down my neck about this. They're worried about how many instances of this thing that you've been finding. What is it now, 900? Something this big, PENTAGRAM needs to be in control of distribution to prevent potential sabotage. For all we know, this could be an enemy attack on the USA! Collard: Yes, we know that. That's why we wanted to deal with this together, two groups means there's less chance of an enemy agent sabotaging everything. Don't you agree? Davis: Maybe I do, but my superiors don't. If that's your final decision, I suppose this meeting's over. Collard: We don't seem to be getting anywhere. Meeting over. <End Log> From 1999-08-26 to 1999-12-09, a series of raids by the US government caused the interruption of 6 missions, the loss of 9 anomalies and the closure of 11 Foundation shell companies. 53 personnel were arrested on charges of money laundering and possession of unlicensed firearms. Attempts to contact PENTAGRAM to negotiate were ignored. Incident-6795-046: On 2000-01-03, Mu-7 operative Agent Josephine Randolph contacted Site-11, requesting to speak with Dr Enoch Collard concerning PENTAGRAM's recent operations. Date: 2000-01-03 Persons On Call: <Begin Log> Collard: Josephine, why are you calling from an unsecure line? What did you need to talk to me about? Randolph: Right, I don't have much time so, firstly, do you have any idea why PENTAGRAM is starting a war against us? Collard: They're starting a war? Randolph: So you don't know either, great. Look, they took me and a bunch of other UIU people off all our cases and transferred us to monitor Foundation activity near Site-11. Collard: Couldn't you have told us this through a dead drop? Randolph: Can't, they're keeping us all under tight restrictions in case of a mole. I checked that there weren't any listening devices here, so I should be safe. But I overheard what some PENTAGRAM guys were saying and, apparently, they're trying to stop us from finding out about some project they have going. I tried searching the name in the UIU database but everything's been wiped clean, nothing left. Collard: What's the project's name? Randolph: Umbra. Collard: Josephine, are you sure? It was Umbra, not penumbra or umbrella, definitely Umbra? Randolph: Yes, I'm sure. Collard: Right, screw your cover. It's probably been blown anyway if you searched for Umbra. Get over to Site-11. Now! Randolph: Why? What's so bad about Umbra? Collard: It should be dead. <End Log> Overseer Command were immediately informed of the possibility of Project Umbra's continued existence. The Department of Advanced Diplomacy was ordered to ascertain the veracity of Agent Josephine Randolph's claims and, if necessary, to create a method of dealing with Project Umbra's continued existence. Department Of Advanced Diplomacy Analysis Item No: SCP-6795 Containment Class: Safe Project Head: Dr Enoch Collard Description: SCP-6795 is a visually cognitohazardous collection of images and phrases, centred around the fictional law firm "Jarndyce and Jennings". SCP-6795 induces a state of lethargy and symptoms of amnesia in those who view it, resulting in them neglecting and forgetting about the lawsuit. These symptoms can be combatted with Foundation Level-2 cognitohazard inoculation. History: Following the events of the First World War, and the advances in anomalous warfare throughout the conflict, President Woodrow Wilson charged PENTAGRAM with the creation and testing of anomalous weaponry to ensure American safety in any future conflict. These attempts were hampered by the President's refusal to allow these tests to occur near American citizens. As such, PENTAGRAM attempted to procure suitable land outside the United States, eventually finding suitable areas within South America through agreements with the Brazilian and Argentinian governments. Project Umbra was created by PENTAGRAM during the late 1920s, focusing on the production and large-scale dissemination of antimemetic cognitohazards throughout South America to prevent local people from leaking confidential military information. These cognitohazards caused those exposed to exhibit increased mental unwillingness to consciously observe and admit to the existence of the anomalous. Project Umbra was extremely successful, allowing PENTAGRAM unfettered access to the majority of rural South America. However, during the Second World War weapons projects greatly expanded in number and scope, increasing from 27 in 1938 to 204 in 1943. Lax security protocols during testing resulted in several biological anomalies being accidentally released, causing the deaths of at least 1,500 civilians who were unable to recognise any imminent threat to their health. The heightened presence of anomalous activity also caused increased strain on the mental states of the surrounding civilians. The effects of this were not immediately apparent, however, resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 civilians from 1943 to 1969, due to anomalously degenerative mental illnesses, believed to be due to overexposure to untested cognitohazards. Following the end of the Second World War and the concurrent Seventh Occult War, Foundation resources were able to be rededicated towards the active discovery and containment of anomalies. Following several reports of the unexplained presence of American troops within South America, Overseer Command approved the creation of OPERATION BURNING EYE, dedicated to the infiltration of PENTAGRAM by Mobile Task Force Mu-7 and their procurement of any information concerning South American activities. This resulted in the discovery of Project Umbra and its deleterious effects on the population of South America. Due to their potential global effects, these findings were shared with the Global Occult Coalition. The Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition issued a joint proclamation to PENTAGRAM, ordering them to cease all activities in South America and permanently end Project Umbra. PENTAGRAM was also informed that their membership of the Global Occult Coalition's Council of 108 was dependent on them assisting the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition in treating the effects of Project Umbra. PENTAGRAM quickly agreed to these demands and they declared Project Umbra as decommissioned on 1954-07-16. On 2000-01-03, Mu-7 operative Josephine Randolph contacted the Foundation, claiming the continued existence of Project Umbra. The operative was taken into Foundation custody to ensure her continued safety and confirm her statements' truthfulness. Analysis: Mnestic interrogation has confirmed the veracity of Josephine Randolph's statements. Coupled with PENTAGRAM's abnormal activities over the last year, including their illegal arrest of over 50 Foundation personnel, it is the view of the Department of Advanced Diplomacy that PENTAGRAM has either restarted Project Umbra within the last 40 years, or Project Umbra was never decommissioned as originally claimed. The range of SCP-6795 also confirms our findings. So far, SCP-6795 has been confirmed within 1,500 lawsuits, spread across the United States and filed from 1960 to 1994. However, affected lawsuits have only been filed against 6 companies, all of which are military contractors known to be active in anomalous military research. This supports the conclusion that SCP-6795 was created to protect military contractors and prevent the potential leaking of information connected with anomalous weapons development, consistent with the actions of Project Umbra. It is the Department's firm view that PENTAGRAM will not decommission Project Umbra of its own free will and must be persuaded to do so. Information provided by Mu-7 operatives indicates that President Clinton has an unsavoury view of PENTAGRAM, due to widespread failures in their weapons projects over the last decade, especially their Class-Alpha missiles, which resulted in the deaths of 58 American soldiers and 273 civilians. It is highly likely that further high-profile and dangerous failures would be sufficient to persuade the President to reorganise PENTAGRAM, allowing for the forced decommissioning of Project Umbra. PROPOSAL: It is the Department's suggested course of action that an altered version of SCP-6795 should be released to the 72% of government employees without cognitohazard inoculation. The cognitohazard would be disseminated through emails, letters and other correspondance, originating from Mu-7 operatives and Foundation shell companies. This would result in the affected employees becoming unwilling to carry out work related to governmental projects, causing the mass disabling of a large percentage of workers. With careful control of released information, it would be possible to imply the incident to be due to PENTAGRAM's lax security protocols, which resulted in the release of a mutated version of the SCP-6795 cognitohazard. Following this incident, the Foundation would offer PENTAGRAM assistance in dealing with the cognitohazard. This assistance would be contingent upon the immediate release of arrested personnel, along with all documentation related to Project Umbra being transferred to Foundation control and the subsequent decommissioning of Project Umbra. PROVIDED DOCUMENTATION: Overseer Command Vote Summary: Following the approval of the Department of Advanced Diplomacy's method, the Memetics and Cognitohazards Department were assigned to the alteration of the SCP-6795 cognitohazard complex to produce SCP-6795-1, a cognitohazard resistant to the existing Foundation-made inoculant. This was completed on 2000-02-13 with dissemination through Mu-7 beginning on 2000-02-17. On 2000-03-07, the Foundation granted a meeting request from PENTAGRAM. At this point, approximately 10% of the US government's employees were affected by SCP-6795-1. Date: 2000-03-08 Persons Present: <Begin Log> Collard: General Malcolms, what did you want with us? Some more illegal arrests? Malcolms: We've been wanting to speak with you about some alarming developments concerning SCP-6795. Collard: What developments would these be? Malcolms: Stop this stupid act, Collard! The ones you caused! The ones that have hurt nearly half a million American citizens. Collard: Ah, those developments! You should be more specific General. I almost thought you meant the developments you'd been making over the last 40 years with Project Umbra. Malcolms: You're all insane! Umbra was decommissioned before I even entered the Army. You're talking about a corpse, Collard, a corpse your Foundation killed. Collard: More of a zombie, General. We know Umbra is still active and we know you've been using it to protect all your friends. Those wonderful contractors, all with one of your Army friends on their board. Malcolms: I'm not going to sit here, listening to your baseless accusations any longer! Collard: You're a rubbish liar General. But a highly respected one. Anyway, we'll see what the President says about all this. Malcolms: Talking to the President? After you attacked the American government? Collard: Is there a problem here, General? Malcolms: Let me make this clear Collard, you deliberately released a dangerous cognitohazard to infect American civilians. That's an act of war. You think you can walk into the Oval Office and have a nice chat with the President after something like that? Collard: Hah! It's funny, you talking about releasing dangerous cognitohazards. Especially considering that's what PENTAGRAM has been doing for the past 40, no, 70 years. You've been infecting your own citizens for years, and you're lecturing us about this. Incredible. Malcolms: Again with Umbra! I can't say it enough times, can I? Umbra is gone, we shut it down in the 50s. Because of you and the GOC. Collard: Then explain how one of our agents overheard PENTAGRAM's agents talking about how you needed to stop us finding out about Project Umbra. Explain how the same cognitohazard was used in Brazil in the 1940s and in Baltimore in the 1980s. I'm sure the GOC would love to hear about that, especially since your position on the Council of 108 was dependant on you destroying Umbra. Imagine what'll happen when they find that you've been lying for 50 years! Malcolms: You're all psychos. You say an agent overheard something? What proof do you have for any of your claims? Besides, do you think anyone will listen after you attacked civilians? Collard: I believe you meant to say, after PENTAGRAM's lax security protocols allowed a dangerous cognitohazard to infect innocent civilians. Malcolms: Do you think- Collard: Over the last decade alone, PENTAGRAM's weapons projects have killed over 750 soldiers, 2,000 civilians and caused damages of $56 billion. In that timeframe, the Foundation has willingly contained over 200 anomalies, allowing savings of $30 billion and saved the lives of over 4,000 civilians, including 7 members of the President's cabinet. Who would you trust? Malcolms: You think saving some money will make people listen to you? Collard: I think people will understand that while PENTAGRAM takes lives, the Foundation saves them. We're trusted far more than you are, General. Malcolms: Trust? You're talking about trust! We know you released the cognitohazard and we can actually prove it. You think trust will help you then? Collard: No, which is why we won't let it get to that stage. With one word, we can release that cognitohazard to the rest of the government. We can stop PENTAGRAM permanently. Malcolms: You're bluffing. You need a functioning American government. Collard: No, we don't. But you do. Malcolms: Alright Collard, what do you want? Collard: We want you to release all our arrested personnel. We want you to turn over all Project Umbra documentation and we want Umbra permanently decommissioned. Malcolms: We'll release your personnel, but we can't decommission a dead project. Collard: Sure. Just destroy it General, we don't care about the specifics. Malcolms: What about the safety of our contractors? Collard: You know, we can help you. Amnestication, if necessary, otherwise we'll deal with the lawsuit for you. For an appropriate incentive, of course. Malcolms: Which would be? Collard: Reimbursement for money spent, of course. In addition, an amendment to the Garfield-Arthur Agreement, such that we won't require your approval for containment procedures. Malcolms: You're asking for a lot. Collard: We expect an answer within 72 hours. Should we have any reason to believe PENTAGRAM won't deliver? Malcolms: We'll see. Collard: Goodbye General. <End Log> The Foundation received PENTAGRAM's agreement to the terms 18 hours after the meeting. All arrested personnel were returned to Foundation custody within 60 hours and all government employees affected by SCP-6795-1 were inoculated over the next two weeks. As of 2003-07-14, all known SCP-6795 instances have been removed from their lawsuits and all affected persons have been inoculated. All affected lawsuits are predicted to be dealt with by 2010-04-10. « SCP-6794 | SCP-6795 | SCP-6796 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6795" by LightlessLantern, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: DOADtransparent.png Author: Zizeri License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
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1.50999621e-01 2.10484728e-01 1.87591109e-02 1.29889697e-01 -1.52565002e-01 2.17428803e-01 -2.56844182e-02 -6.61676899e-02 2.46756412e-02 -1.40062794e-01 5.02470136e-01 1.00327626e-01 -9.42835808e-02 -1.47237957e-01 2.09405478e-02 1.73302606e-01 4.89090532e-01 -1.98778927e-01 -2.40292668e-01 -3.22958827e-01 9.62518752e-02 -6.30902126e-02 -3.38763833e-01 8.33763629e-02 4.73954797e-01 7.95537904e-02 -2.15734601e-01 -2.29109913e-01 -3.12737599e-02 -1.15417957e-01 -9.68258977e-02 -4.29906428e-01 -5.40894747e-04 -3.96134913e-01 -3.19027036e-01 -3.79401143e-03 2.80573517e-01 2.10512042e-01 1.42262191e-01 2.11930647e-01 -1.73788314e-04 1.49508407e-02 -2.53970832e-01 3.16608280e-01 7.93322742e-01 -2.01221272e-01 -4.52295303e-01 2.54843563e-01 -5.07154241e-02 2.64591664e-01 1.36666685e-01 -1.45769387e-01 2.66612768e-01 -5.68468571e-02 -2.67419987e-03 -1.11013278e-01 -1.93050608e-01 -1.66354608e-02 -1.93366185e-01 -1.17523372e-01 -1.22411013e-01 -1.64755076e-01 5.25589764e-01 -7.50900954e-02 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-2.04052418e-01 7.02340826e-02 1.83420792e-01 2.29493722e-01 -8.56495574e-02 -7.84924161e-03 -2.29221851e-01 4.92932588e-01 2.17356935e-01 2.33000908e-02 -1.32266447e-01 -2.53836930e-01 3.30525815e-01 3.58228773e-01 3.57289702e-01 -1.62504837e-01 1.84871227e-01 5.62280901e-02 -7.86364153e-02 -1.40466198e-01 -1.66696832e-01 -4.19819623e-01 7.52783343e-02 -9.72772092e-02 -1.14280097e-01 -1.87366858e-01 1.50337055e-01 4.88882631e-01 -1.03109062e-01 -3.71090412e-01 3.94277662e-01 2.18436152e-01 -2.66106158e-01 -6.01564273e-02 -2.10873917e-01 -1.35558739e-01 -6.18277527e-02 2.25896358e-01 -1.79690897e-01 -3.92370582e-01 -5.05160987e-02 3.61476779e-01 -1.72519851e-02 -8.66765082e-02 1.10761829e-01 4.75070089e-01 -1.58496439e-01 -3.43779428e-03 2.61335492e-01 -2.44303793e-03 1.89121198e-02 -2.96136439e-02 4.20307904e-01 -6.58392459e-02 -1.31156340e-01 2.74947807e-02 -9.09890458e-02 -4.21400309e-01 1.38171852e-01 1.59825142e-02 -6.71489444e-03 3.08103830e-01 -1.43164590e-01 -4.34771329e-02 1.68569073e-01 -1.18886702e-01 5.65721616e-02 1.00059591e-01 -2.34533809e-02 -8.96536112e-02 -1.48344412e-01 1.93366393e-01 -1.23837423e-02 3.23082209e-01 -4.37017763e-03 3.16357672e-01 -2.67164201e-01 -1.79756463e-01 1.94222271e-01 -1.23101249e-01 9.23900455e-02 -2.28680864e-01 6.99184015e-02 4.13334697e-01 7.78094530e-02 7.79329985e-02 -1.33837461e-01 -1.36346579e-01 -3.39823440e-02 6.58117682e-02 -1.71518728e-01 3.70765477e-02 7.93026462e-02 4.51887548e-01 2.87420005e-02 8.45131874e-02 -1.29414544e-01 -8.38665068e-02 -5.19549012e-01 3.11924759e-02 1.28064305e-01 5.89887127e-02 -2.58343846e-01 -2.20359370e-01 -6.27829283e-02 -2.02443510e-01 3.40453237e-02 -8.00511986e-02 5.33963554e-02 -8.88920128e-02 -8.80916566e-02 -2.95575172e-01 4.41472083e-01 2.23538041e-01 4.77559268e-01 2.67120034e-01 1.14435926e-01 2.29595944e-01 2.45525524e-01 -9.95713696e-02 -4.59919795e-02 4.64278013e-01 1.35815889e-01 -1.94999836e-02 8.18609223e-02 -7.16843158e-02 1.94902852e-01 -1.78302705e-01 3.11960876e-01 -9.53354165e-02 3.18930119e-01 -1.66295946e-01 2.00654101e-02 2.00446010e-01 -3.55273783e-01 -2.02078879e-01 1.81201532e-01 -7.40946233e-02 5.96244395e-01 9.07821655e-02 1.28270841e+00 -1.07503599e-02 -5.05338013e-02 -1.22350506e-01 -1.82462364e-01 2.71833986e-01 -3.69783580e-01 8.78080800e-02 -2.99216043e-02 2.37448029e-02 -4.81168516e-02 -1.88982949e-01 3.98984067e-02 6.38610572e-02 -1.41918883e-01 4.98753227e-02 -3.71141404e-01 -5.00314951e-01 2.53965914e-01 6.91849530e-01 -1.08144641e-01 1.65575579e-01 1.21579908e-01 7.96541199e-02 1.86641999e-02 2.16069043e-01 -1.46126701e-02 -2.67560631e-02 -5.88377491e-02 -1.42659858e-01 -3.50899905e-01 8.12915489e-02 -2.38526762e-01 3.81603658e-01 -2.06675440e-01 1.46133766e-01 2.55009621e-01 1.96523473e-01 3.21431488e-01 -4.12946105e-01 -1.75934181e-01 3.49130809e-01 5.01021147e-01 -3.05605024e-01 1.60023794e-01 -1.18665732e-01 5.58868945e-01 -1.85251638e-01 -8.54089782e-02 3.87460366e-02 2.27320604e-02 -1.21054232e-01 -2.16274098e-01 -9.54848826e-02 7.76973844e-01 1.51588582e-02 5.72815597e-01 9.82598290e-02 -5.60755908e-01 -2.55173028e-01 1.57997921e-01 -3.64921875e-02 -1.20611712e-01 -5.02254628e-03 2.42682919e-01 -2.05045953e-01 -6.76703081e-02 6.34019375e-01 1.46499246e-01 -2.39307657e-02 2.15338662e-01 1.60714760e-01 -1.52662098e-01 -2.64118224e-01 -3.67456168e-01 2.86614478e-01 -3.93670648e-01 2.71195755e-03 -6.43194988e-02 -5.21284103e-01 1.96274742e-01 7.61747718e-01 -4.81358096e-02 -7.25799650e-02 -5.57629108e-01 -1.49862096e-01 2.46037498e-01 -8.09050351e-02 2.30390951e-01 1.10405192e-01 1.13400221e-01 -3.75733897e-02 1.31436363e-01 1.91155747e-01 -3.27160001e-01 -2.57997721e-01 -7.09980309e-01 1.34488761e-01 1.03337348e-01 -1.31080329e-01 -1.43956263e-02 1.96192622e-01 1.41389012e-01 2.69972205e-01 -1.49927586e-01 -1.32853210e-01 -1.96241364e-02 1.64304152e-01 -2.08527982e-01 -2.66274542e-01 9.40100029e-02 1.70825690e-01 1.61339104e-01 1.59413129e-01 1.16097920e-01 4.78144400e-02 1.19487934e-01 1.57943070e-01 -5.84307611e-01 1.58570305e-01 9.98184681e-02 1.14113726e-02 -1.48134470e-01 1.10152364e-01 1.44572839e-01 1.06175847e-01 -1.38371244e-01 -3.46522123e-01 6.50650188e-02 9.75140929e-02 -2.94818640e-01 3.34539324e-01 1.12984916e-02 -6.99506775e-02 -4.58017349e-01 -1.67864580e-02 -1.28356591e-01 -1.10312857e-01 -4.73434538e-01 -3.60896707e-01 -2.09729552e-01 2.73310870e-01 -1.90408900e-01 -2.01766476e-01 -3.52167547e-01 -4.07797754e-01 9.00149345e-02 1.80574253e-01 3.79106164e-01 -4.58302855e-01 -4.06352520e-01 -1.09495431e-01 2.53398120e-01 -2.13629350e-01 4.82260361e-02 -1.10487796e-01 -2.85104841e-01 6.05123863e-02 2.43452471e-02 1.20276332e-01 2.72929102e-01 1.69561058e-01 2.08622992e-01 2.57828891e-01 -3.98168340e-02 5.21825373e-01 2.27103516e-01 6.53599322e-01 3.56964171e-01 3.69398475e-01 -8.21104422e-02 1.24675468e-01 -1.37530610e-01 1.46964997e-01 5.00084683e-02 9.47720632e-02 -3.02369148e-01 -1.57730475e-01 9.53430533e-02 1.00324646e-01 -5.26670933e-01 -2.70729154e-01 -1.73775211e-01 -6.50514513e-02 5.65637760e-02 4.41412866e-01 2.92704195e-01 6.54408336e-02 -2.49795973e-01 3.64122391e-02 -1.43853175e-02 -1.17290281e-01 5.09545326e-01 -3.92143011e-01 2.79169798e-01 3.80326897e-01 8.70905071e-02 1.46757632e-01 2.13277563e-01 2.43295610e-01 -1.28334820e-01 1.77153274e-01 -2.38676205e-01 4.68265219e-03 -2.74290055e-01 -4.72321175e-02 1.02310881e-01 3.17279249e-01 1.26144988e-02 2.51742955e-02 1.02259852e-01 -3.45689282e-02 -3.15143138e-01 1.01845227e-01 2.24072963e-01 -2.63492078e-01 -3.59852076e-01 -1.28265664e-01 -4.37085837e-01 -8.68147165e-02 3.78742933e-01 -7.40805641e-02 2.13085487e-01 -2.53277868e-01 -2.39978284e-01 8.18482637e-02 6.02605194e-03 4.27881852e-02 8.33199620e-02 4.77288246e-01 7.34906420e-02 1.13329008e-01 8.39528069e-03 -3.25555474e-01 7.97136351e-02 1.61187738e-01 7.72246420e-02 -3.42997104e-01 1.68444499e-01 1.19833797e-01 2.94657797e-02 1.46182040e-02 -1.18357696e-01 -5.25369532e-02 8.38383846e-03 1.08093560e-01 -3.51200581e-01 2.29495183e-01 3.54248136e-01 1.61187455e-01 2.02735528e-01 -3.80234301e-01 7.40148425e-02 -2.23601624e-01 6.20803684e-02 9.10010412e-02 -2.95539916e-01 -7.97262490e-02 8.74367714e-01 3.85178238e-01 2.51628589e-02 3.63858700e-01 -1.70992583e-01 -1.65518731e-01 -1.75275207e-01 -3.07175592e-02 -2.94098079e-01 1.59581274e-01 1.78220972e-01 1.00189403e-01 1.60595462e-01 4.89625275e-01 1.41387179e-01 3.09934735e-01 -8.54642838e-02 -5.24784811e-02 -2.73704886e-01 -1.64727747e-01 -1.35094672e-01 3.34664851e-01 -1.65538684e-01 4.63413820e-02 9.01988074e-02 -4.72515732e-01 -2.55757958e-01 -3.17491412e-01 6.21212065e-01 5.52569851e-02 -1.76656142e-01 -5.77402813e-03 3.36925089e-01 3.53701293e-01 2.58657336e-02 -3.18573922e-01 -6.62053898e-02 1.35814726e-01 2.89575338e-01 -5.17975271e-01 2.16098428e-02 1.71386618e-02 -1.86957523e-01 -1.19086340e-01 -3.61633241e-01 -1.05708256e-01 -1.02712862e-01 -4.28747356e-01 -2.35514715e-01]
"Shards of Glass" active "SCP-6799: Shards of Glass Author: Tufto. More of their work can be found here. Image: The image belongs to Matthew Paul Argall and is licensed under CC BY 2.0. It was sourced from here. Item #: SCP-6799 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6799 is stored in Secure Containment Locker 12-D in the Temporal Anomalies Department at Site-491. Digital copies of the negatives or developed images are available upon request. Description: SCP-6799 is a series of photographic negatives found in a grave near Cassis, Provence. Foundation scientists have dated the grave and negatives to the early 14th century. Analysis of the negatives indicates similarities with film used in the early 1980s. The film has undergone extensive damage, with several negatives having been forcibly and clumsily removed. Despite this, they demonstrate an anomalous degree of preservation over so long a time period. The grave is attributed to one Matthieu Rameau, who is mentioned in two local documents as a fisherman whose house was purchased for the construction of a cemetery in 1302. No further information about him has been found. Foundation researchers have been able to develop the negatives of 12 photos. They consist of the following images: Addendum 1: Analysis of SCP-6799 has revealed trace amounts of an unusual sodium-based compound. Cross-referencing the Temporal Anomalies Department's archives revealed similiarities with a compound used in experiments of former Foundation researcher Niall Rumsfeld in the late 1980s. However, Rumsfeld died by suicide in 1992 and did not leave extensive notes on the nature of his experiments, so no further information has been ascertained. Dr Rumsfeld's son, Matthew Rumsfeld, went missing in 1982. « SCP-6798 | SCP-6799| SCP-6800 »" "An SCP-6799 instance, believed to have been taken in the mid-13th century."
[ 1.78187877e-01 1.69815645e-01 -1.75158650e-01 2.38174155e-01 -4.50056583e-01 -4.22997713e-01 3.56003255e-01 1.99202314e-01 6.38639852e-02 1.27880961e-01 2.18392119e-01 2.11132705e-01 -2.45082453e-01 -8.43333006e-02 3.36371139e-02 -1.33067787e-01 6.77201748e-02 4.66973513e-01 -6.11103699e-02 -6.80221841e-02 -8.50159228e-02 -1.15115438e-02 -3.29378657e-02 -2.49656718e-02 1.49510831e-01 8.47637653e-02 8.78104882e-04 2.92014092e-01 -6.76057711e-02 -1.01316027e-01 -9.21132341e-02 8.05211812e-02 -8.65891352e-02 6.29991293e-01 -1.02465005e-04 -1.33891031e-01 1.06817834e-01 -2.40505710e-01 1.40395343e-01 2.07682505e-01 -3.13912839e-01 1.06859982e-01 -3.37213069e-01 -3.64394307e-01 1.46173118e-02 -2.54788790e-02 -3.93429771e-02 6.21631965e-02 2.85024971e-01 -1.10043854e-01 2.36927673e-01 -1.08714826e-01 3.33558112e-01 8.80050436e-02 3.65392327e-01 3.90457660e-01 -3.03833991e-01 -2.30348229e-01 1.39037952e-01 1.35200694e-01 1.72467887e-01 4.17272449e-01 -2.52070159e-01 -1.38702691e-01 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-2.57450994e-03 -2.57642657e-01 -1.93313435e-01 2.04525739e-01 -2.74609566e-01 -4.76462506e-02 2.12933689e-01 4.30485271e-02 -3.00071210e-01 -1.62506714e-01 -4.36472416e-01 -5.07437252e-03 3.96178901e-01 -2.03058138e-01 4.95537639e-01 3.62497151e-01 -1.70560107e-01 -2.05735356e-01 -3.07623129e-02 -6.68740720e-02 -1.19438052e-01 -1.20798133e-01 1.87540114e-01 7.40230307e-02 -3.75145644e-01 1.77457958e-01 -9.52685028e-02 1.88943802e-03 3.21462512e-01 1.42597586e-01 -1.17958143e-01 -1.53823178e-02 -1.33224542e-03 2.09967703e-01 -3.46435755e-01 -2.59697467e-01 2.47639701e-01 6.11538053e-01 -7.23873496e-01 -1.10755429e-01 -1.13437727e-01 -2.36034304e-01 2.59826332e-03 1.01384677e-01 5.00968434e-02 -2.30757922e-01 -9.31520015e-02 1.49440333e-01 -5.62586010e-01 -1.09335355e-01 -1.32510886e-01 -1.89258088e-03 1.66200787e-01 6.68137893e-02 3.78321797e-01 -8.52192119e-02 1.54984757e-01 -6.36625066e-02 -3.57021362e-01 -4.68480512e-02 9.87524763e-02 -5.85884117e-02 4.68469523e-02 -1.78959802e-01 4.25749958e-01 7.01388717e-02 1.47902653e-01 -1.74499545e-02 1.06274143e-01 -9.12322104e-02 1.47417843e-01 6.27185032e-02 -7.11497590e-02 1.81269661e-01 4.99186844e-01 4.07695204e-01 1.27247889e-02 -3.28769922e-01 2.83771250e-02 -3.40113752e-02 1.82349578e-01 1.05244547e-01 -2.60705650e-01 -3.78603525e-02 2.25365534e-02 1.19215444e-01 9.29963589e-02 -2.10555896e-01 3.19111526e-01 -8.12011883e-02 -4.94025126e-02 -1.09407483e-02 1.02501344e-02 2.44247928e-01 -1.10327244e-01 -2.20601603e-01 -2.18902957e-02 3.73072624e-01 -3.30103576e-01 -1.60522163e-01 -2.42996380e-01 4.25846390e-02 1.25266612e-01 -1.63314817e-03 3.12207550e-01 -1.55062705e-01 -1.83266237e-01 1.77613810e-01 4.13358957e-01 6.75608158e-01 -1.58114746e-01 -5.19865334e-01 4.20423508e-01 -1.53330147e-01 -9.21172202e-02 1.88464880e-01 -2.53933370e-01 2.62468517e-01 5.50365299e-02 -4.70137335e-02 -2.11698115e-02 4.75842170e-02 2.39516180e-02 -4.10911143e-01 -2.87815612e-02 -3.85402471e-01 2.79341817e-01 1.88844770e-01 -3.72437805e-01 2.14293391e-01 1.44863293e-01 1.04102090e-01 1.84533279e-02 3.46256718e-02 3.09039444e-01 -8.50294456e-02 -1.46055937e-01 2.64979601e-02 2.99290299e-01 3.96836102e-01 9.63700861e-02 5.01204655e-02 -4.46733683e-01 -9.73978117e-02 -1.34020388e-01 7.08150268e-02 3.17560732e-02 9.79172513e-02 2.07833067e-01 2.56112993e-01 4.16965932e-02 1.23183794e-01 -3.67917836e-01 -3.15689683e-01 -1.18904114e-01 -9.65928957e-02 9.69034880e-02 2.42434993e-01 6.96102232e-02 -1.40783533e-01 1.27884895e-02 1.97445691e-01 3.24781798e-02 1.83997024e-02 9.47021842e-02 3.75799611e-02 -2.82766253e-01 1.02124147e-01 -5.58961213e-01 3.83167624e-01 -2.06932053e-01 6.95516840e-02 -4.88961339e-01 -7.62680024e-02 3.96705121e-01 1.90834850e-01 -2.45120659e-01 5.49089424e-02 6.31934583e-01 -2.59196103e-01 2.23307267e-01 -3.62537682e-01 -5.94696343e-01 3.34388196e-01 -3.69816981e-02 -1.06563106e-01 1.92892238e-01 2.42704619e-02 1.50886387e-01 -1.96971938e-01 3.65414351e-01 -6.13249600e-01 -7.29354918e-02 -2.75105308e-03 -2.98570216e-01 7.78578818e-02 -1.73666567e-01 2.11018354e-01 -6.61325604e-02 -1.27029315e-01 2.94247329e-01 3.43931615e-01 3.30979764e-01 4.77763206e-01 2.17013046e-01 -2.13583112e-02 -1.05943345e-01 2.23001838e-02 -1.13648877e-01 4.97928970e-02 -8.80252197e-02 -1.55734777e-01 -1.22147560e-01 -6.31665066e-02 -4.58777994e-02 -2.94048280e-01 1.24947533e-01 -2.10205883e-01 -4.92900968e-01 1.35095879e-01 -5.13179936e-02 1.34935588e-01 -2.38375947e-01 3.88075262e-01 4.53687683e-02 -2.12352917e-01 -4.65439469e-01 -3.35788690e-02 6.24077544e-02 -2.99809337e-01 4.85398285e-02 1.64965674e-01 4.93452512e-02 1.84238896e-01 2.26859510e-01 -3.95674147e-02 -3.69284183e-01 -8.30123127e-02 2.66850553e-02 4.24010009e-01 4.00473237e-01 -6.72797710e-02 1.18031129e-01 1.77239716e-01 2.48259604e-02 -7.60358945e-02 3.99850449e-03 -1.64794192e-01 1.80428906e-03 1.30877152e-01 -6.86634243e-01 9.84453633e-02 -1.62143096e-01 6.02105975e-01 3.46028209e-01 -4.35495496e-01 -4.02741671e-01 6.95971325e-02 -2.20751628e-01 -9.60818902e-02 2.58735061e-01 4.63780686e-02 3.75858881e-02 -2.16088429e-01 4.76695776e-01 -4.54649664e-02 9.66699142e-03 1.01295061e-01 1.63669810e-02 -3.80406886e-01 6.24556951e-02 5.48423850e-04 -1.42048955e-01 4.51885551e-01 1.80720374e-01 3.13250750e-01 2.54129559e-01 4.41823993e-03 -3.13324124e-01 1.31534234e-01 -3.54289532e-01 3.21172699e-02 4.97911498e-02 -3.17116857e-01 -2.81588212e-02 2.96564251e-02 1.15127921e-01 2.02066768e-02 3.36169004e-02 1.49331957e-01 -1.85996778e-02 -2.39359245e-01 -1.24371499e-01 -9.07317623e-02 3.64702567e-02 -2.19583943e-01 7.78976902e-02 7.52188861e-02 -2.03153025e-02 1.98600456e-01 2.43921116e-01 9.39313248e-02 -2.15777429e-03 -1.69163704e-01 -1.11173622e-01 3.63412678e-01 6.63730726e-02 2.16881037e-01 -3.38779017e-02 -1.43710956e-01 4.44373101e-01 1.23349845e-01 -1.37710255e-02 -1.07826553e-01 5.06609678e-01 8.51439014e-02 -8.65827054e-02 -1.88326582e-01 3.17685008e-02 -3.36171925e-01 -2.64365435e-01 1.03021361e-01 -1.00923426e-01 2.29917288e-01 -7.04971924e-02 3.70397508e-01 -2.70354431e-02 -2.62346238e-01 -3.75691622e-01 2.44351521e-01 -1.17418788e-01 4.56874728e-01 3.05539429e-01 1.23214412e+00 -2.09927019e-02 2.38058075e-01 -3.12135249e-01 9.93485749e-03 -3.28786857e-02 -7.31835738e-02 -3.01925093e-01 -2.27117345e-01 -1.28376961e-01 -8.86813551e-03 -2.34100387e-01 -6.51558638e-02 2.49424428e-02 -3.38433981e-01 -2.65376419e-01 -2.65242696e-01 -1.23301126e-01 1.46433085e-01 -2.47476101e-01 4.21073496e-01 1.37030348e-01 1.28488198e-01 3.27029318e-01 1.14347391e-01 3.05093471e-02 -1.98595092e-01 1.58725247e-01 6.13737814e-02 2.95259386e-01 -3.39168936e-01 3.02909076e-01 -3.94689552e-02 3.93985182e-01 2.21442699e-01 -1.39089465e-01 -9.10132825e-02 3.29554523e-03 -1.36052206e-01 5.58630414e-02 -7.95993730e-02 3.21727753e-01 5.22165954e-01 -2.08685920e-01 1.77964196e-01 2.24667743e-01 5.03742434e-02 -1.35687158e-01 9.30749774e-02 1.24220900e-01 1.04789436e-01 -2.53307641e-01 -5.77860892e-01 1.01238139e-01 2.72665292e-01 1.99395984e-01 6.00650162e-02 3.50476578e-02 -1.42830864e-01 -3.11161000e-02 1.75464213e-01 8.38007182e-02 4.30778489e-02 -8.59799515e-03 -1.52909458e-01 -6.65343031e-02 1.67219669e-01 2.60754824e-01 2.72870008e-02 1.21936694e-01 -2.00627998e-01 4.62393045e-01 -7.05007240e-02 -3.73267382e-01 -2.27033913e-01 -4.44533974e-01 -4.42937434e-01 2.55708545e-02 -2.59899069e-02 -2.80210823e-01 3.14464062e-01 1.71233624e-01 1.90131396e-01 -2.11063176e-01 -1.56781778e-01 -3.45560983e-02 2.19122544e-01 2.46390719e-02 1.10412337e-01 3.95437747e-01 -2.36714724e-02 -2.32658181e-02 -1.29539073e-01 6.13379143e-02 -4.51654822e-01 2.67618299e-01 5.42085432e-02 -4.11485136e-02 2.67315835e-01 -3.65020692e-01 -9.34462771e-02 -1.76180691e-01 1.25855878e-01 1.69981644e-01 -3.39961231e-01 -2.14058191e-01 -1.43338114e-01 9.63866338e-02 -7.54058957e-02 -2.05862910e-01 6.32721111e-02 1.23464689e-03 8.44747499e-02 5.50725684e-02 1.07722379e-01 2.68787384e-01 1.67087942e-01 1.95846438e-01 -1.94470182e-01 3.94487474e-03 -7.01058805e-02 3.26309264e-01 3.73262055e-02 5.99025428e-01 4.51694727e-02 2.26305604e-01 -1.76138908e-01 -1.05570637e-01 -3.29110282e-03 2.15131149e-01 -1.35435119e-01 1.00338109e-01 7.33317435e-02 1.35839079e-02 2.31554508e-01 2.90984333e-01 3.39580029e-01 -4.47330862e-01 -5.89041829e-01 -1.65449664e-01 3.66855673e-02 3.30569178e-01 1.63258649e-02 -1.07247852e-01 1.84508357e-02 -6.36146292e-02 -1.00110784e-01 2.60563910e-01 1.33324817e-01 -4.88526821e-02 -2.32124731e-01 7.28528053e-02 1.69120952e-01 2.32397467e-01 3.08165308e-02 -2.38781318e-01 5.62048852e-02 -1.38605386e-01 4.92986739e-02 2.51742274e-01 1.63834050e-01 7.67182589e-01 2.62902588e-01 2.55004317e-01 -5.45958010e-03 3.27987790e-01 2.01563597e-01 3.45396161e-01 -6.35264860e-03 4.87885267e-01 -1.39248997e-01 3.53288710e-01 -4.44377363e-01 9.78925079e-02 2.47882376e-03 1.79695085e-01 -3.05148929e-01 4.91085231e-01 1.76129118e-01 -1.20521344e-01 -1.51285492e-02 -1.93059713e-01 -1.43399119e-01 -1.10741399e-01 2.66277015e-01 1.48932829e-01 9.05307084e-02 3.72027099e-01 8.23630542e-02 1.30791739e-01 1.26072451e-01 2.09063485e-01 5.53613126e-01 -2.61402339e-01 2.01282710e-01 2.04738662e-01 -1.24830671e-01 -5.35675499e-04 -1.25825610e-02 1.60910517e-01 -2.78371274e-01 1.20637447e-01 -2.21268367e-02 -2.30244488e-01 1.85911730e-02 -2.13809460e-01 -4.10561822e-02 -1.77475996e-02 4.50747944e-02 3.33526917e-02 2.45194882e-01 -2.45510861e-01 -5.50000668e-01 1.49410382e-01 2.67473787e-01 1.63329020e-01 -3.89659405e-01 -4.16155517e-01 -1.21864669e-01 -4.10949588e-02 9.35000852e-02 -2.13618297e-02 -3.07251662e-01 1.10874884e-01 -7.68055916e-02 -6.47395849e-02 5.42563535e-02 1.27903372e-01 -1.76852226e-01 -4.98045273e-02 1.17788903e-01 4.13880229e-01 7.24787861e-02 -5.74994743e-01 -8.86949897e-02 2.83334970e-01 -2.65073568e-01 -2.16226324e-01 5.06129749e-02 2.56294996e-01 -4.77763116e-02 -7.65496790e-02 -2.52458267e-04 2.53549993e-01 -1.22444727e-01 -5.51373288e-02 -3.67723733e-01 3.02217484e-01 3.05071235e-01 -5.10655455e-02 5.73987328e-02 -2.17202604e-01 -2.94656008e-01 -2.08038285e-01 2.24823654e-01 -1.25966027e-01 -1.64356649e-01 -1.72347426e-01 2.88280636e-01 3.98007691e-01 -1.14025109e-01 4.09279346e-01 -6.82963878e-02 -5.33015847e-01 3.18382949e-01 -1.87668756e-01 -2.49907058e-02 -1.52271375e-01 1.43633917e-01 1.62499860e-01 -1.04712166e-01 3.29278737e-01 9.17242914e-02 5.09689450e-01 1.21533409e-01 1.24915503e-01 -4.72759277e-01 3.73979583e-02 -3.39683890e-02 -4.92277071e-02 -1.10932603e-01 3.16022485e-01 5.30339032e-02 2.78447151e-01 -1.69658616e-01 -3.10578883e-01 4.60668504e-01 -3.24333429e-01 2.64255740e-02 1.19631782e-01 4.64905538e-02 -3.96173924e-01 4.22303751e-02 -3.15414488e-01 -3.20196860e-02 -8.08935463e-02 2.16449171e-01 -1.39105648e-01 -1.21895216e-01 -1.84527934e-01 -2.68375725e-01 -2.03457475e-03 1.79952785e-01 -4.35568877e-02 -1.40149459e-01 3.62207592e-02 1.80132017e-02]
"The White Ashes" active "O5 Access Granted Welcome, Doctor Bright Special Containment Procedures: Auditory phrases emitted from SCP-6800 are false. Personnel caught listening to SCP-6800 for extended periods of time are to be executed. There will be no exceptions. In order to maintain neutrality with the surviving city-states, the intervention of GOI-004C's efforts has been deemed unnecessary. Nameless individuals seeking asylum within the Foundation occupied safe zones are to be turned away. Interaction with those that suffer is strictly forbidden. Individuals discovered harboring fugitives from a forgotten time are to be terminated and converted into biofuel for the production of SCP-6800. The remaining public has been informed of the anomalous and the dangers of nomenclative magic to dissuade civilian interaction with the ones whose blood destroyed the world. Personnel with an ARB1 rating of 10 or lower are forbidden from directly interacting with SCP-6800 without supervision. Personnel with an ARB rating lower than 10 are forbidden from making physical contact with SCP-6800, or with machinery comprised of 50% or greater of Pygnite. SCP-6800 is to be manufactured until the resources used for its production become unavailable. Saint Hedwig of the Maxwellists is to oversee production unimpeded. Efforts to obstruct the manufacturing of SCP-6800 will be met with public termination in order to deter future acts of terrorism. Objections to this policy are considered acts of treason. Offenders will be exposed to SCP-6800-1 in a ritualistic sacrifice performed by Foundation certified occultists and approved Admins. Containment of SCP-6800-1 has reached global mass and is now uncontainable. Description: SCP-6800 is Pygnite, a metal-like substance comprised of unknown and irrelevant organic matter. Despite having a molecular structure similar to pig iron2, SCP-6800 is dramatically more durable than its non-anomalous counterpart. SCP-6800 instances also radiate a considerable amount of heat when idle3, which can be safely siphoned off using the Banu Musa siphoning technique.4 Instances of SCP-6800 frequently produce auditory hallucinations when in the presence of other individuals or each other. It is important to note that this auditory stimulus is a fabrication, as SCP-6800 instances do not display any behaviors that would otherwise indicate sentience or sapience. SCP-6800-1 is the blizzard currently occupying the Amazon Rainforest. Unknown circumstances have caused SCP-6800-1 to expand exponentially over the course of twelve days. The source of this expansion is currently under investigation. Terminal #0876 ------ Welcome, Pyg Farmer ------ ------ Accessing "A_Machine_4_GOD.txt" ------ To: O5 Command (Group) From: O5-7 CC: Administrator Bakker, Bryan Paige Subject: The Amazon Greetings all. I hope you're doing well. I write to you today to relay a troubling discovery. It's snowing in the Amazon rainforest. I know that in the grand scheme of things, this phenomenon can be easily explained by climate change or some other mundane explanation. While I would be apt to agree with the more skeptical members of the Council, I must re-iterate that this snowfall isn't normal precipitation. It's spreading. Things are also freezing at exponential rates. Within hours of being exposed to the elements, the people of the Hanatô tribe were found frozen to death. Several of the bodies were in advanced stages of decomposition as well, again only after a few hours. A team of our parameteorologists took some samples from local weather cultures but the data has so far proven inconclusive. At this time, we have no idea what is going on or why this is happening. We are considering SCP classification, and I have CC'd the head of the Classification Committee to discuss this with them further as a collective. If any of your subteams have any clues as to the origins of this phenomenon, sharing this information is paramount. I should not have to remind you of this, but there are some among us who would withhold information for their own benefit. I will not name names, but you know who you are. Let us work together for the sake of normalcy. ~J. Bright To: O5-7 From: O5-2 Subject: Re:The Amazon Jack, this is a minor concern at best. The snowfall can be easily explained by non-anomalous climate change. The people of the Amazon, as well as the flora and fauna therein, are likely more susceptible to the sudden introduction of snow to their environment than, say, you or I. We are used to fluctuations in temperature, and they are not. I'm surprised you didn't think of this before bringing it to the Council, let alone the Administrator. Please consider your new position before you continue to waste any of our time in the future. Thank you. ~E. Mann To: O5-2 From: O5-10 Subject: Re:The Amazon This change is much too drastic in too short amount of time to be written off as climate change. It is our job to investigate the anomalous, and this onset of snow is just that; anomalous. I'll have a team of parameterologists investigate potential causes, and perhaps we can contain this before it spreads too far. Why are you protesting this, Mann? Even if it's just a red flag, Accounting is under my jurisdiction and by my calculations, the Foundation has more than enough funds to investigate a potential K-Class Scenario brewing in the Amazon. ~C. Bold To: O5-10 From: O5-2 Subject: Re:The Amazon Consider how many other containment protocols are directly affected by an unnecessary expenditure of funds, Calvin. SCP-4456 is bleeding us dry as it is, and you want to waste more money on something we aren't even sure is anomalous or not. We have wars to fight. Literal Gods to contain. Beings that, mind you, can and will exterminate us at the earliest convenience should we lapse in our security for the briefest of moments. This is a risk we simply cannot afford to take until we know for certain that the snow is not the result of climate change or some other natural phenomenon. ~E. Mann To: O5-10 From: O5-7 Subject: Re:The Amazon ~J. Bright To: O5-11 From: O5-7 Subject: Re:The Amazon To: O5 Council From: The Administrator Subject: Re:The Amazon As far as our organization is concerned, the Maxwellists are not a concern at this time. There will be no further discussion of this. Return to your duties. It snowed today in the only land I can call home. It never snows here, not since the war. Mother says that's a bad sign but nothing's going wrong as far as I can tell. I've asked her what she meant, but she said I just have to keep my head down and my mouth shut. "It's for your own safety." What a farce. Something is definitely up and not a single fae is telling me. Is it because I'm young? Or maybe it's because I've never stolen a name. I don't know. Father says that tough times are coming and that WAN is seeking… something. Some kind of metal made from pigs? I didn't understand, but at least its something to go on. I tried to ask Old Man Java about the pig iron thing, but he wouldn't tell me much either. He was boarding up his shed, I guess he was trying to tie it to this place with a bunch of names he made up and magic wood that he cut down. I don't think it works that way, but whatever makes him happy I guess. I helped him as best as I could, but for the most part I sat on a tree stump and just watched him work. He says I shouldn't feel bad, but I still do. I don't like being so useless. I wonder if Draema thinks I'm useless. By the gods I hope not. I'm to meet with her later today over by the Sunset Lake. We're going to play Stones for the first time since we were babies! I wonder if I can still skip a rock to the other side and back in one go. Guess we'll find out tonight. Maybe I'll get a chance to ask her how she feels about me. Or maybe I'll just tell her that the kiss we shared the other day meant a lot more to me than I let on. I dunno. We'll see. Oh, and one last thing: I saw a man made of metal today, but he fled through the well before I could talk to him. How odd. Draema had to sneak out of her cottage because her folks wouldn't let her out. They're freaking out too. If the adults were that concerned, they'd let us kids know what the heck is going on. Old Man Java was talking to Father when I left. Said something about the Second War. I tried to eavesdrop on them, but Father saw me hiding in a tree and sent me on my way. Draema was teasing me when we got to the lake, called me trash and "Rock sinker". Buuuut, it turns out I can still skip rocks all sorts of ways on that lake. We made a game of it, like always, but this time we had stakes. Draema bet me her lucky sword. She lost after the third throw. Shows her for making fun of me! And good thing too, because I didn't have anything else to offer if I lost. We stayed there for hours after the game, just talking and staring at the stars. It was… really nice. I wish we did this more often. I tried talking to her about my feelings but I… couldn't get the words out. She kept looking at me though so maybe there's still a chance… Not like I could find out anyway. It got dark and we had to get back before the unkind neighbors started walking around the path back. We held hands till we came by the fork in the road and parted ways. For safety of course, at least that's what I told her. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest on that walk. Mom was mad at me for staying out so late. It's not like I was in danger or anything. The unkind neighbors don't hang out by the lake at night anyway, and neither me or Draema know enough word magic to accidentally switch names. Well, I know how to steal a name, but that's beside the point. She's being irrational! Saw the metal man again today. He looked like someone from the other side of the well but… different. Had metal plates all over his face, with red lights for eyes and bolts that shook in place whenever he walked. Said his name was "Ekhart", which was odd because it sounded like one of the made-up names Old Man Java used on his cottage. I know that it isn't his actual name, but how would he know to use an imaginary one? Ekhart is nice enough. We talked about names for a really long time and he was asking all sorts of questions about our culture. I told him what I knew (which isn't much), and he seemed to be content with my answers. He started asking if I knew who WAN was and I told him nothing except for what Father told me. That disappointed him, but he put his hand on my shoulder and told me that everything was going to be alright by tomorrow. I showed him the lake and how to skip rocks, but he wasn't super into it. He asked if I knew what a pig was. Another weird question but I told him that I did, and that my grandfather used to have a pig farm. Apparently, those weren't the type of pigs he was talking about. After he left, Father found out that I was hanging out with him from Old Man Java. Now I'm forbidden from leaving the cottage "until it's safe again", however long that is. Whatever. Ekhart's kind of condescending anyway. Suppose I won't be missing much. Well, except for Draema of course. Screw it. I'm telling her how I feel tomorrow no matter what! No more cowardice, no more getting tongue-tied staring at those gorgeous eyes. This is written proof of your commitment to yourself. I don't want to go another day without her knowing. I want to be with you, Draema. Draema was murdered last night. I went over by her home today and her mother told me that someone chopped her up and threw her body into a furnace last night while she was away. She only knew it was Draema because the murderer forgot to incinerate her hand which still had a tattoo on it. There was iron residue left outside her back door, and a clump of black metal iron. Found that out after I touched it and it burned my hand. Someone wanted to send a message, but who or why is beyond us. I'm attending Draema's funeral later with Mother and Father. Ekhart came by again today and I told him what happened. Father blamed him for Draema's death, but he wasn't even here when it happened. I saw him leave through the well. Can't say I'm not completely removing my suspicions of him though. Until I know for sure that she didn't meet her end at the hand of an unkind neighbor, everyone is a suspect. Old Man Java thinks that it was one of the unkind neighbors or the people in white coats trying their experiments again, but I haven't seen those ones in a real long time. Someone else went missing today. Same way that Draema went; fire, white ash, lump of iron. There were more metal men like Ekhart rummaging around today. I'm scared. Mother is dead. Ekhart, or the one who used to have that name, killed her. The metal men stormed the forest where names are not allowed with guns and flaming swords. They're rounding everyone up in groups and forcing them into these giant furnaces. The sky is white now, like its snowing. The one I knew as Ekhart broke into our cottage and slaughtered my Mother. Scorched the flesh on her arms with his iron sword and ripped her head off with his bare hands. I hardly recognized him as the same man I saw all those nights ago. He was different. Feral. Father dragged me while I was frozen and we fled to Old Man Java's place while he was… killing Mother. I tried to help too. I only managed to steal his name but… I'm so fucking useless. I still hear her screaming when I close my eyes. We're hiding beneath Old Man Java's cottage now. He's got one of those drawers that are bigger on the inside than they could ever be on the outside. They haven't found us yet. Why is this happening? BEGIN LOG 00:00: It is snowing. There are no cars present on the road. Lights on one side of the street flicker for several seconds before powering off. A lone deer sifts through the snow, uncovering a patch of grass beneath. There is a loud snap heard. The deer flees. 00:03: Three individuals who seem to have misplaced their names emerge from an alleyway. There is a sword-like weapon on the shortest individual's back, while the other two are of similar build. One of the taller figures appears to walk with a slight limp, suggesting advanced age or chronic injury. They are wearing hoods and walking on the other side of the street where the street lights appear malfunctioning. Several Maxwellists patrol the street but do not notice the individuals. 00:05: A Maxwellist bumps into one of the taller individuals, knocking them to the ground. Their hood falls off and reveals their face, which is emaciated and wrinkled. Their facial expressions suggest extreme fear. They are helped to their feet by the other two hooded figures and quickly walk away from the Maxwellist. The grey-haired individual adorns their hood again. 00:06: The Maxwellist touches his temple. Other Maxwellists in the area cease their activities. Several begin walking in the direction of the hooded figures. 00:08: The shortest hooded figure reaches for their sword, but does not unsheathe it. 00:10: More Maxwellist followers emerge from various residential buildings in the area. They continue to stalk the group of three until they enter the local park. 00:12: A large number of Maxwellists surround the group, who look around in fear. The youngest figure unsheathes their sword and assumes a battle-ready position. 00:15: Saint Hedwig, the leader of the Maxwellists, steps forward from the east-facing side of the crowd. Her cape is covered in more snow than would be possible with the current rate of snowfall. She is carrying a hammer in her hand and appears to be using it as a staff. 00:16: Saint Hedwig converses with the three individuals. What is heard is unknown. One of the taller individuals removes their hood. Their hair is black and unkempt, suggesting poor hygiene. Several scars are present on their face, and one eye is absent. They gesture for the other two to do the same. 00:20: Judging by the body language and gesticulation of both parties, arguments ensue. Maxwellists followers begin to converge on the group of three but do not engage. Saint Hedwig puts her hammer on the ground and holds her hands up in a placating manner. The shortest individual lowers her sword but does not resheathe it. They appear wary. 00:24: Saint Hedwig and the shortest of the three converse for several minutes before they abruptly step back. Saint Hedwig smiles. She brings her thumb across her throat while maintaining eye contact with the short individual. 00:25: Maxwellist followers engage in an altercation with the group of three. 00:30: All three individuals manage to flee from the group of Maxwellists. There is a large quantity of blood present where the altercation took place. The right arm of the eldest individual is no longer present. 00:31: A Maxwellist follower presents a severed arm to Saint Hedwig. She recites a ritual before biting into her hand. As she pours blood over the arm, it combusts. Combustion continues for several seconds, emitting white smoke. An SCP-6800 instance is seen once the fire dispels. Saint Hedwig smiles and stores the instance in her pocket. 00:35: The three figures enter the local morgue. The eldest figure uses the blood from his arm to inscribe runes6, but is unable to complete the ritual before falling over. The youngest individual bites her index finger and completes the runes before assisting the eldest individual inside. 00:40: Maxwellists reach the morgue but are unable to enter. Saint Hedwig attempts to breach the door and windows with her hammer but is unsuccessful. 00:41: Saint Hedwig alerts Foundation agents to the conflict. OO:43: Foundation agents arrive. Using various forms of thaumaturgy and occult rituals, they are able to successfully breach the morgue. 00:44: Multiple gunshots. 00:46: All three individuals are successfully detained. END LOG PROBLEM The production of the "Pygnite" material has become a staple of everyday life in the advent of the ever-growing snowstorm in the Amazon. A large portion of the Pacific Ocean7 has frozen at depths of 3 kilometers below the surface. This rather spontaneous alteration to the local climate has drastically affected all ecosystems. Several species of tropical fauna, tropical fish, and tropical flora are now on the verge of extinction. Additionally, the native indigenous population has been ravaged by hypothermia, which has led to the near destruction of the various cultures and civilizations that dwell within the rainforest. Parameterologists at the Foundation theorize that the snowstorm is growing well beyond what was initially expected. Prometheus Labs employees stationed locally have also come to the same conclusion based on anomalous weather patterns and substantial alterations in the Earth's magnetic sphere. The snowstorm is spreading unobstructed without any obvious methods to dispel it. Prometheus Labs parameteorlogists estimate that by the year 2030 the blizzard will encompass the entire world, and all life on Earth will cease. SOLUTION There is substantial evidence to suggest a link between the recent activities of the Maxwellist religious sect in South America to the growth of the snowstorm in the Amazon. However, the likelihood of convincing these radicals to cease their attempted genocide is marginal at best. Until such a time that Foundation intervention impeeds the Maxwellists, a resolution to the exponential expansion of the blizzard and humanity's survival in a post-snow world relies solely on Prometheus Labs. To that end, we are suggesting refining the processing technique the Maxwellists have been utilizing in order to maximize the amount of Pygnite extracted from a single faery. Approximately 13% of the fae body is converted into Pygnite using established methodology. We aim to increase this yield by a minimum of sixty percent. To put it simply, the fae population is a non-renewable resource and should be utilized to the greatest extent possible while there are still nameless individuals left to process. Performing vivisections on a nameless individual allows the body to regenerate parts that can be harvested at a later date. Those treated with "Spare Parts" have a 100% guarantee of recovery, and the generated body parts will adopt the same properties that the rest of the body has. A combination of vivisections, body regeneration, and human ingenuity will allow for magnitudes of Pygnite to be harvested from a single fae. BUSINESS CASE Prometheus Labs is offering relative safety in a world bereft of order. Civilian organizations attempting to work with the Maxwellist sects have been met with discourse thus far, and governments worldwide are destabilizing at a steady rate. Civilian populations are looking for an ideology or public figure that will promise them safety against rioters, looters, and opportunists. Prometheus Labs will become that aegis. The survival of human civilization as we know it depends solely on our refinement techniques, and the sale of refined Pygnite across the globe would net Prometheus Labs at minimum 400 billion USD. USE OF FUNDING We are requesting a small loan of one million dollars in order to start our business venture. The money will be allocated to the following: KNOWN ISSUES There is also the issue of finding the fae. Following Maxwellist efforts in an area we could have used indefinitely, the faer folk have gone into hiding en masse. Their proficiency with nomenclative thaumaturgy makes an intelligent faery difficult to distinguish from an average human, which will, unfortunately, result in a trace amount of accidental harvestings. This issue can be mitigated by exposing each subject to iron prior to harvesting, however. Pygnite in its unrefined form is unusually loud. That is to say, there is an extremely unpleasant audiohazard being emitted from Pygnite ingots and by-products at all times. The refinement process nearly doubles the decibels a standard ingot emits. The moral concerns of this practice are the primary concern with this proposal. We would effectively be torturing fae across the globe at our facilities for weeks, or until we have extracted all the Pygnite we could from them. This is not a job for the faint of heart nor those that are easily disturbed. Interviewer: O5-7 Interviewee: PoI-6800-1 <Begin Log> O5-7: First of all, I'd like to formally apologize on the Foundation's behalf for the- [PoI-6800-1 begins crying softly into her hands. O5-7 scratches the back of his neck before looking at his own hands. They are shaking, but it is unclear why. O5-7 removes a flask from his lab coat pocket and takes a drink. He offers it to PoI-6800-1.] O5-7: Look, kid, the world is fucked. So fucking fucked. We're all going to die unless we take measures to prevent that, and… what I'm trying to say is that I can save the few of you that are left. [PoI-6800-1 takes the flask and throws it against the wall, denting the object and spilling its contents on the floor.] PoI-6800-1: What good is an apology from you? My people are dead. My friends, my family, everyone I've ever cared about. Murdered. O5-7: That isn't- you can't blame that on us. We didn't do anything. [PoI-6800-1 resumes crying. She hits the table with her fist before standing. She paces back and forth on the other side of the table for several minutes as O5-7 watches.] PoI-6800-1: (Whispering) I know. O5-7: I'm sorry? PoI-6800-1: (Shouting) I said I FUCKING KNOW. [PoI-6800-1 hits the table again. When she removes her fist, it is covered with blood.] PoI-6800-1: When the machine men brought their fires to the land of which we cannot speak you did nothing. I know that you know about the other side of the well and that you know how to get there. You weren't there for us when we needed you, and now you want to apologize? Please. I've been on the run with the only family I have left for seven days. Seven fucking days. What good's an apology now that everyone's dead? PoI-6800-1 continues to pace back and forth for several minutes. She runs her hands through her hair and pulls on parts of it. Her eyes appear bloodshot. Her hand is bleeding.] PoI-6800-1: Where's Old Man Java? And my Father? Have they been harvested already? O5-7: [Silence] PoI-6800-1: They… they're… O5-7: I'm sorry. I truly am. But our planet is experiencing a potential extinction-level event. The snowstorm is growing bigger than we could ever hope to contain, and civilization as we know it is falling apart. Everyone on Earth would have died if measures weren't taken. PoI-6800-1: But what about my planet? You'd sacrifice my race to save your own? Who are you to decide who gets to live and who doesn't! O5-7: …Your people are almost extinct thanks to the Maxwellists and their followers. My agents embedded in the IUCN8 estimate that the fae population will be completely exterminated and harvested within the week. But I can keep you safe. You and your culture can survive this uh- PoI-6800-1: This what? Genocide? O5-7: That's one way to put it. PoI-6800-1: Just… What do you want from me? O5-7: I want to keep you safe. I want to keep your friends and family safe. We've committed horrible atrocities in the name of the greater good, but I can't deal with that. I don't fucking know how anyone can be okay with what we've done. What we're doing. I know that this one act won't make up for all the suffering you've endured, but at least you'll live long enough to see the end of it all. PoI-6800-1: You're lying. O5-7: I'm not. PoI-6800-1: What if I decline? O5-7: I'd rather not think about that. Please. Let me do this. Tell me where the rest of your kind might be hiding and I can save you. PoI-6800-1: I… I… [PoI-6800-1 puts her head in her hands for several minutes. She is sniffling. O5-7 leans forward and puts his arms on the table. He looks down.] PoI-6800-1: I just… I'll do it. Under one condition. O5-7: Of course, anything. PoI-6800-1: I want to play a game. O5-7: A game? PoI-6800-1: An old game from when I was a child. Me and my friend Draema used to play it all the time before we knew how the rules really worked. But, I'm older now, and I know the rules. I just want to play it one last time. Won't take long. O5-7: Alright, what's the game? PoI-6800-1: I just need your hand for a second. [O5-7 stands, but PoI-6800-1 grabs his wrist. O5-7 attempts to pull away but is unable to. A small amount of blood collects around PoI-6800-1's hand. O5-7 winces.] [After several seconds, PoI-6800-1 releases O5-7 and sits down.] O5-7: What the hell did you do? PoI-6800-1: You agreed to play the game. The rules have been set. O5-7: Fuck. PoI-6800-1: We each ask each other questions until one of us catches the other in a lie. The first person to be caught in a lie loses. If you walk away, you lose. Call security, you lose. I'll go first. O5-7: I… you… PoI-6800-1: Why have you brought me here? O5-7: For your protection. To find the rest of the fae. Why do you want to know? PoI-6800-1: I want to see if you are as devious as the rest of your kind. O5-7: I'm an O5, I'm the one you should trust most out of anyone in the Foundation. PoI-6800-1: Then why weren't you there when the metal men attacked? O5-7: You were a low-priority at the time. We had other things to deal with, and the Maxwellists weren't breaking the veil of secrecy. I knew that inaction was wrong, so did Calvin and a few others, but we were outvoted. PoI-6800-1: You let me people get slaughtered because of a vote? O5-7: Yes. How much longer is this game supposed to last? PoI-6800-1: Not long. I just have one question left. What is your name? O5-7: I don't… It's… Ekhart. PoI-6800-1: That's funny. Sounds an awful lot like a stolen name to me. O5-7: I didn't- PoI-6800-1: You did. And that makes you the loser. [PoI-6800-1 grabs the side of her head, as does O5-7. PoI-6800-1 looks at her hands. Her eyes widen. O5-7 hits the emergency button and two armed personnel enter the chamber. They look at O5-7, then at PoI-6800-1. They raise their rifles.] PoI-6800-1: I… my name… you- O5-7: Take the shot. PoI-6800-1: No. No no wait, I'm… my name is Ja- [PoI-6800-1 is terminated by gunfire.] O5-7: Apology accepted. <End Log> Hello. As you are most likely aware, the snowstorm that originated in the Amazon has now covered the vast majority of the Earth's surface. There is nothing more we can do about this, save for continuing to harvest Pygnite and make the most of the material while it is still available to us. There is magic in the world, ladies, gentlemen, and enbies. We at the Foundation can no longer keep this a secret, as we have decided that leaving you in the dark could potentially spell the end for civilization as we know it. Use what you know, and use it wisely. We will be watching. Those of you caught in contempt of our efforts to save the world will be exposed to SCP-6800-1 and left to fall victim to the elements. Those of you found harboring raw or unprocessed Pygnite will be considered traitors and subjected to the same fate. This is your only warning. Stay warm. God help us. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA O5 COUNCIL PROPOSAL SUMMARY PROPOSAL: "Remain a neutral power in the wake of the new civilization" (O5-1) COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: O5 COUNCIL PROPOSAL SUMMARY PROPOSAL: "Assist in Maxwellist efforts to harvest the fae folk for the foreseeable future" (O5-10) COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: I'm writing this in case I'm ever found out. Someone will know my story, and perhaps they can continue where I've left off. My name is Jack Bright, or at least it is now. It was once Ekhart, and before that, it was something different, but that doesn't matter now. I am a member of the Foundation's O5-Council and the last of my kind left as far as the rest of the world is concerned. If there are others hiding amongst us, I cannot say. Probably better that way. The Maxwellists were, for lack of better words, unsuccessful in bringing their god to this world. My people were slaughtered and turned to iron for nothing. The ashes that fell from the sky blanketed the earth and covered the guilty with the weight of their sins. The Foundation, complacent throughout it all, is now humanity's best hope against the frozen hell brought upon them by those zealots. Ironic, isn't it. It's my duty now to protect what's left of your kind, lest you figure out who I truly am. And by that point, it would be too late for you to do much of anything anyway. As far as you're likely concerned, I am a god in this new world. Do you see me from the stars above, Father? Mother? Even Old Man Java would be proud of me. You can rest easy now that I have the power to do right by us. And I will do right by us. No matter how long it takes. And to you Draema. May you rest easy now. I cannot join you in the afterlife. Not yet. I've got work to do. « SCP-6799 | SCP-6800 | SCP-6801 »" "Pygnite production c. 2145 Unprocessed Pygnite Our factories currently Refined Pygnite sample, produced using the proposed techniques."
[ 4.20753919e-02 -7.48352930e-02 -9.44530889e-02 2.03100331e-02 -1.26059279e-01 -3.21268737e-01 2.45935142e-01 1.99740663e-01 6.06411397e-02 3.44138443e-01 -2.03989089e-01 3.62409443e-01 -2.24161834e-01 -7.02953711e-02 2.49222904e-01 2.44092524e-01 2.03129664e-01 2.54449308e-01 -4.41689231e-03 -1.82914183e-01 -1.74487576e-01 -8.55379254e-02 -3.17616314e-01 1.93723470e-01 -1.33448765e-01 1.23673556e-02 7.40907267e-02 1.91315278e-01 -1.38572112e-01 -2.61687368e-01 -6.85721710e-02 4.01417166e-01 -9.42509696e-02 4.43248421e-01 -1.10616493e-04 -1.19029358e-01 2.24451676e-01 -4.99305986e-02 -1.95269689e-01 1.64990798e-01 1.58440590e-01 3.49671513e-01 1.08102188e-02 -9.99752730e-02 7.43714124e-02 3.66304457e-01 -2.14397058e-01 2.59421080e-01 1.36390567e-01 5.12803905e-02 1.59434393e-01 1.25456616e-01 -2.72739474e-02 2.50892580e-01 1.58105642e-01 6.59340262e-01 -2.18142629e-01 -3.24353158e-01 2.15717226e-01 2.48907253e-01 4.59429733e-02 1.97294444e-01 -5.23577631e-01 -1.74634159e-01 9.26127136e-02 -1.91296428e-01 -5.86762615e-02 1.01758726e-01 1.12223988e-02 4.07719314e-01 -2.27926180e-01 -9.97835249e-02 -1.39094427e-01 7.97815025e-02 5.31247556e-02 -6.02568328e-01 3.40896040e-01 7.32682571e-02 -9.98958498e-02 9.32528917e-03 1.39231561e-02 2.06101060e-01 -2.85372823e-01 6.94772927e-04 -7.47107342e-03 2.23263651e-01 -1.53430164e-01 -1.44615740e-01 4.16979909e-01 -9.95787326e-03 1.47876084e-01 1.56410336e-01 -7.81733263e-03 1.77337006e-01 -3.92898768e-01 -1.42931983e-01 6.83192015e-02 4.72340733e-01 3.14550221e-01 -8.22545290e-02 2.64960647e-01 1.59802139e-01 -6.20190576e-02 2.15793684e-01 -2.09626630e-01 -3.00676286e-01 3.09037179e-01 -5.26273072e-01 2.33029854e-02 1.10136054e-01 1.56959593e-01 3.15627128e-01 -2.69814074e-01 -1.03321016e-01 -1.19017780e-01 -2.98716545e-01 -1.40877500e-01 -4.73810732e-01 -3.48084837e-01 1.03676289e-01 -1.93692967e-01 -5.58248572e-02 -2.14846134e-01 2.34764948e-01 4.97498304e-01 2.85204291e-01 9.91273895e-02 1.98898483e-02 -1.02090098e-01 -1.67174712e-01 -1.23048782e-01 2.12621819e-02 -2.49842480e-01 2.60795623e-01 8.47963691e-02 -4.18275818e-02 -7.62555003e-02 2.07810290e-02 -3.80646288e-02 1.88359797e-01 1.57071620e-01 -4.83040623e-02 3.01604033e-01 5.17139971e-01 -2.07093313e-01 -1.21713512e-01 -1.01625778e-01 4.27550972e-02 9.30778757e-02 2.50667781e-01 3.98147821e-01 -1.65544391e-01 -3.74892890e-01 2.17093974e-01 -2.53135979e-01 2.59347737e-01 -2.64899936e-02 -2.63763160e-01 2.22952869e-02 -1.38356730e-01 2.43473426e-01 -2.57484764e-01 -8.51979777e-02 -2.50423759e-01 2.46262029e-01 4.90257233e-01 -2.99240857e-01 -4.56892252e-02 -4.10066992e-01 -3.15211117e-01 2.86856592e-02 8.88986066e-02 -1.13280639e-01 -1.85587063e-01 -3.24501634e-01 9.00294930e-02 -1.56318992e-01 8.96159858e-02 -1.76791593e-01 -2.72148043e-01 -3.55447680e-01 2.21958861e-01 5.74476421e-01 -4.51996773e-01 -1.27507642e-01 3.13322768e-02 3.42678815e-01 -2.05068320e-01 1.08833186e-01 -9.06716958e-02 -3.33199888e-01 -6.02026463e-01 3.11706305e-01 2.09966123e-01 -1.59365311e-01 -2.58583039e-01 8.68999138e-02 -5.09340651e-02 6.84948266e-01 6.48698956e-02 -1.86046004e-01 -1.15589499e-01 1.71224207e-01 -1.36695758e-01 -1.41769290e-01 -2.45448574e-02 -4.11869697e-02 -1.41135082e-01 1.86591893e-01 4.91568655e-01 -3.79975170e-01 -6.84742406e-02 -5.16154245e-03 2.07501538e-02 -2.44578257e-01 -4.07297015e-01 1.98896870e-01 3.03861082e-01 2.03208342e-01 -3.15732121e-01 -2.90502906e-01 3.77139360e-01 -2.84069479e-01 -9.92364958e-02 -3.92778069e-01 -2.08272278e-01 -3.99784833e-01 -3.00542861e-01 -1.48389731e-02 1.43136576e-01 6.48328615e-03 -7.25359693e-02 1.37928545e-01 -5.26124835e-02 -1.92081764e-01 4.41461876e-02 3.56831998e-01 9.84835029e-01 -9.11468044e-02 -4.41456400e-02 2.96994001e-01 -7.48435333e-02 1.63357124e-01 4.62536141e-02 -8.94849282e-03 4.59141105e-01 -1.99022800e-01 1.44929692e-01 -2.99723208e-01 -1.54160410e-01 1.90680981e-01 -7.70357698e-02 4.30266000e-02 -6.28956705e-02 2.41864651e-01 3.89003903e-01 -2.60289073e-01 1.63543969e-01 1.55671254e-01 4.65213567e-01 -2.04161465e-01 -1.65907100e-01 9.37516093e-02 -1.69145599e-01 -1.83029398e-01 -4.51061636e-01 1.69072509e-01 -4.91258949e-02 1.32571548e-01 1.98960185e-01 -1.38695553e-01 -2.38501474e-01 -2.60134768e-02 -2.57417083e-01 1.31617054e-01 4.54530381e-02 -4.10196111e-02 1.77237511e-01 3.23316194e-02 7.77454972e-02 -4.01752681e-01 -4.12778668e-02 7.95505941e-02 -5.89364059e-02 -3.40408444e-01 5.17071597e-03 -4.39391769e-02 2.55311979e-03 2.94103567e-02 4.37860131e-01 -1.54227167e-01 -3.83124165e-02 -1.01461634e-01 2.70732462e-01 -1.68223396e-01 -1.13491073e-01 -4.86718714e-01 1.40819818e-01 9.96942222e-02 2.06920467e-02 -4.82073277e-01 -9.52104330e-02 1.24244176e-01 1.34520277e-01 -2.67370701e-01 1.51932845e-02 5.91982722e-01 -1.48295507e-01 -1.40619144e-01 1.32570684e-01 -1.54341027e-01 1.97018698e-01 -2.06540808e-01 -4.01787043e-01 1.37342708e-02 -2.82155871e-02 1.88264772e-01 -5.64631820e-01 5.82235567e-02 -7.65279770e-01 -1.11935027e-01 2.73445193e-02 -2.00266600e-01 -9.45478678e-02 -1.23166613e-01 -9.81052816e-02 -3.08328807e-01 -9.66401175e-02 -1.43393412e-01 -2.18544811e-01 4.14891303e-01 2.14607671e-01 7.77585655e-02 3.53339106e-01 -2.33001783e-01 -1.93786725e-01 -3.73024255e-01 -4.53322589e-01 7.99586549e-02 -4.34583649e-02 4.42829058e-02 8.02288949e-02 -1.10512383e-01 -1.40074879e-01 2.92591542e-01 -1.41600147e-01 -2.39432141e-01 3.65892977e-01 2.57419288e-01 2.94706583e-01 -1.60962671e-01 4.73030031e-01 2.53221095e-01 -3.61545473e-01 -1.49706542e-01 -2.08826974e-01 -2.05151215e-01 4.09501821e-01 5.08124471e-01 -1.77923605e-01 1.20905802e-01 1.63649857e-01 1.77110538e-01 -2.56203055e-01 -6.19261861e-02 -1.23187602e-01 2.88767934e-01 2.93795634e-02 2.29238957e-01 4.13619466e-02 6.17763281e-01 -5.11037707e-02 -1.62670135e-01 2.64038444e-01 3.49644758e-03 -2.63468921e-02 -2.12185294e-03 -1.41950697e-01 -6.04980230e-01 -3.49350989e-01 9.47843418e-02 -3.61738130e-02 2.44019002e-01 -2.43846521e-01 -1.26808435e-01 1.48538724e-01 -2.01676562e-02 1.56958193e-01 2.96814144e-01 1.63223296e-01 -2.84374654e-02 1.21073112e-01 2.76186079e-01 -6.81410283e-02 1.70654520e-01 -1.19160257e-01 2.49018654e-01 -3.02328259e-01 -4.52098995e-03 2.58961409e-01 -1.95700690e-01 6.32395983e-01 1.18005283e-01 4.17232454e-01 6.32037699e-01 7.21152127e-02 -2.64061958e-01 -7.86648467e-02 -1.85713485e-01 -2.42759153e-01 1.58568412e-01 -3.27099741e-01 -1.82945088e-01 -2.57216871e-01 9.57203060e-02 3.96744937e-01 1.21223830e-01 2.53918946e-01 2.29165152e-01 -5.08468747e-01 -2.41781160e-01 3.96405578e-01 -2.17492610e-01 -1.55968577e-01 -5.11958897e-01 2.13723078e-01 3.33916664e-01 3.73777717e-01 2.79713988e-01 1.05532885e-01 2.53847744e-02 -1.14300177e-01 -2.86313862e-01 7.89486468e-01 3.55532110e-01 2.19577447e-01 1.44153357e-01 1.16946839e-01 3.88491392e-01 1.31077439e-01 -2.50965655e-01 9.88245830e-02 6.36824548e-01 3.60709578e-02 1.95892006e-01 -1.73478559e-01 -1.33956611e-01 3.42668474e-01 1.27504036e-01 2.26181984e-01 -1.89443980e-03 3.78220499e-01 -1.56101078e-01 1.95629925e-01 -4.81468951e-03 -4.14746523e-01 -2.89826572e-01 3.70179683e-01 4.83055189e-02 5.68240225e-01 1.36270419e-01 1.25639260e+00 9.87215862e-02 1.20375328e-01 1.94673881e-01 -9.95550081e-02 -2.36233007e-02 -1.36569738e-01 -6.28795177e-02 -3.32882740e-02 3.35009605e-01 2.01461077e-01 -2.91332483e-01 -1.27591103e-01 4.62562352e-01 -1.87096938e-01 -1.51586115e-01 -4.67158824e-01 -1.35628387e-01 4.60834205e-01 -1.00079641e-01 3.18012655e-01 -8.64919201e-02 3.63216661e-02 2.22427711e-01 8.06641355e-02 2.36146942e-01 1.41248241e-01 -9.39947963e-02 5.84241785e-02 3.23125049e-02 -1.06354736e-01 3.40626895e-01 -1.10211067e-01 -2.63160225e-02 -1.91671982e-01 -4.79242474e-01 1.34660423e-01 -1.21490136e-01 -1.09772593e-01 -1.48786768e-01 3.90375555e-02 8.54423363e-03 5.53826153e-01 -1.04273118e-01 1.88682496e-03 1.18709743e-01 2.98907816e-01 3.79410088e-02 -2.07973987e-01 2.02035189e-01 -3.50736566e-02 -2.55652726e-01 -6.82690218e-02 -4.42450903e-02 2.05209628e-01 1.74357668e-02 4.22606081e-01 -6.99897185e-02 -2.50015885e-01 -2.70857334e-01 1.89555630e-01 2.24602908e-01 -2.61142194e-01 2.75171667e-01 -4.26526070e-02 1.04875810e-01 -5.62629998e-02 4.10531998e-01 1.56569779e-01 -2.24140614e-01 -5.30312918e-02 1.65112779e-01 -2.41184443e-01 -4.26923752e-01 -3.31195086e-01 -3.24341208e-01 -7.68970251e-02 7.86415394e-03 2.28103295e-01 -3.62160623e-01 2.20644131e-01 1.63186193e-01 8.54376145e-03 -2.11868271e-01 -4.59082544e-01 -2.44058575e-02 -2.44931847e-01 1.88347436e-02 2.35423334e-02 3.59331697e-01 2.70552814e-01 3.82023603e-01 -2.05083653e-01 1.43309236e-01 -4.13640231e-01 -2.09861785e-01 -4.89977095e-03 8.51275325e-02 2.48622939e-01 -4.30514961e-01 1.39320746e-01 -1.31913424e-01 1.68153897e-01 -5.82534038e-02 -1.33121669e-01 -1.94818586e-01 -2.54581034e-01 1.99271709e-01 -1.55507857e-02 -2.69475579e-01 1.15890332e-01 -5.59518673e-02 2.68266112e-01 2.50065494e-02 5.78823626e-01 2.18865603e-01 1.05773297e-03 -6.23136982e-02 -1.90919172e-03 -8.69294032e-02 -5.17617203e-02 2.08537057e-01 1.74754128e-01 6.98239580e-02 1.01303205e-01 1.01384021e-01 -2.88220257e-01 -1.63778961e-01 3.54419470e-01 3.27497363e-01 3.84889133e-02 2.97987878e-01 2.23099470e-01 -1.52154192e-01 -3.77554446e-01 -3.14977020e-01 3.13812643e-02 5.09327464e-02 -7.21248984e-02 -2.04848647e-01 -1.71278998e-01 2.88850725e-01 -1.10012017e-01 -7.10718706e-03 -3.70370388e-01 -1.07708335e-01 4.03106436e-02 2.14698762e-01 1.03290878e-01 -5.59485435e-01 8.23835507e-02 5.24542556e-05 4.35427606e-01 -6.84268624e-02 -7.88878575e-02 3.64983410e-01 -1.35185122e-01 -1.39547065e-01 3.74782860e-01 2.43028738e-02 1.88322335e-01 2.43652001e-01 4.31609899e-01 5.29194102e-02 -3.26210223e-02 2.27154151e-01 -9.35066212e-03 1.95734367e-01 -3.31824422e-01 1.26100838e-01 1.22292165e-03 1.50190800e-01 -1.19846746e-01 7.71266520e-02 -3.34386639e-02 8.27184170e-02 -9.18732733e-02 1.17224976e-01 2.23832667e-01 -5.75794727e-02 -8.82727727e-02 -3.26070905e-01 1.81012675e-02 -1.69419631e-01 -9.18754283e-03 1.79077059e-01 2.15951562e-01 1.21516339e-01 -8.44354928e-02 1.10552862e-01 9.97759029e-03 1.19219631e-01 2.94591546e-01 -1.33425474e-01 6.73053265e-02 1.81267604e-01 -1.89608149e-02 -2.44330112e-02 -6.05449751e-02 4.28612679e-01 -2.17655137e-01 -3.04423720e-01 -9.08433869e-02 -1.03259787e-01 -1.46487420e-02 -3.20986569e-01 -2.24939790e-02 5.48807159e-02 -5.16540557e-02 1.34975255e-01 1.49220511e-01 -2.92919666e-01 -5.81912518e-01 2.91130126e-01 1.49142966e-01 6.22971714e-01 4.10785340e-02 -1.32827878e-01 -4.43380028e-01 -1.30109454e-03 2.53010690e-02 -1.47132024e-01 2.10598990e-01 -4.98851761e-02 -1.66955456e-01 1.22604169e-01 -6.78182244e-02 1.08558938e-01 -3.95565853e-03 2.13166073e-01 2.08253413e-02 1.98816597e-01 3.78330238e-02 -2.07308814e-01 -8.41740295e-02 1.47713557e-01 1.54898182e-01 1.74782932e-01 -1.00142971e-01 2.84640603e-02 3.94513458e-01 2.02151462e-01 -3.24636638e-01 1.90637827e-01 -1.52465954e-01 -1.73236895e-02 -3.64461184e-01 4.45306748e-02 2.35316873e-01 3.25405262e-02 -5.52856065e-02 -2.21905425e-01 2.07783133e-02 -1.36090785e-01 1.62833661e-01 -8.38008970e-02 1.02875352e-01 1.88515216e-01 4.51682806e-01 2.23138675e-01 3.75760347e-02 3.08352470e-01 -1.22131132e-01 -5.57080470e-02 -2.12418973e-01 1.62887737e-01 -1.30163297e-01 -9.22835097e-02 1.26735032e-01 2.17408806e-01 3.75808805e-01 1.15468703e-01 1.44067317e-01 3.85626286e-01 -1.92500815e-01 -5.72786480e-02 -2.08462864e-01 1.90460369e-01 -1.33469641e-01 4.51128185e-02 -1.06085449e-01 6.84285164e-02 -1.38111850e-02 -1.31474882e-01 -4.20897275e-01 -1.66504696e-01 4.73723829e-01 1.16553411e-01 1.21712916e-01 -1.53826863e-01 3.68179142e-01 -2.67058045e-01 -1.45322800e-01 -3.49812090e-01 6.34531602e-02 -2.31446102e-01 -3.62739004e-02 -2.75398046e-01 -1.83670759e-01 6.95478693e-02 -1.44166008e-01 -1.41769052e-01 3.20620984e-01 1.24684907e-02 2.06544742e-01 -6.08238995e-01 6.98527694e-02]
"The Promethean, The Mech, and the Omni Bot" active "Was it even possible for mechs to gag? Jalick shook his head, trying not to process the totally legitimate biological process that just occurred. With his index finger and second thumb, the mech picked up the limb by the wrist and tossed it to the ground without a second thought. He shuddered. "You about done?" Sophia's grave voice said, crossing her spindly arms that didn't look that far off from the limb Jalick just threw at her feet. Jalick rubbed the back of his head, "S-sorry. I didn't realize-" "Of course you didn't, arsehole," Sophia said before jabbing him in the shoulder, "I'm just messing with you, mech. Don't get your gears ground up." The Promethean moved closer to Jalick, closer than anyone other than Venti had ever been to him. There was a strange sensation in his chest compartment, like something inside of him was heating up for no apparent reason. Where was the danger? "You mind?" She asked, gesturing at the Omni Bot's hatch. "N-no," The mech said, stepping to the side. The screen hidden beneath the Omni Bot's hatch had a faint, electric blue glow that covered Sophia when she was close enough to press her finger against it. It hummed and buzzed like old machinery starting up for the first time in years. Still felt warm to the touch. And it felt familiar. Sophia looked over her shoulder at Jalick, who was now in front of the Omni Bot. His head was tilted up to meet the massive machine's optic sensors. The Omni Bot's optics were flickering on and off in a rhythm she couldn't understand. Jalick must have been able to though because he was doing the same thing back at it. The wind spirit that she saw with him tried to get his attention, but Jalick was in a trance. The Promethean felt a pang of worry build in what was left of her chest before Jalick snapped out of it. He looked a bit dazed, his balance suddenly off. He shook his head and stared at Sophia, who stared back. He looked at the Omni Bot, then back at Sophia. "He says his name is Angel," Jalick said, pointing at the Omni Bot, "kind of ironic, huh? Big ol death machine named Angel?" Sophia shrugged, "It has a nice ring to it." "Angel says that the Found-a-shun called him Esse P 6801. Ring any bells?" Sophia thought for a moment, then gave a terse, "No." Of course, she had heard of the Foundation before. Part of her knew that she knew what they were quite well, but she couldn't remember why she knew that. Another part of her told her to keep that information a secret. Once Jalick began communicating with the Omni Bot again, Sophia turned to the screen and entered credentials she didn't know that she had. A file appeared, titled "SCP-6801". After a final glance in Jalick's direction, Sophia began reading. Special Containment Procedures Description SCP-6801 is equipped with numerous tools that aid it in the containment, and neutralization, of anomalies, including [DATA CORRUPTED], an omnidirectional concentrated gamma radiation projectile, [DATA CORRUPTED], [DATA CORRUPTED], advanced target identification software, impalement instruments, [DATA CORRUPTED], and GPS tracking. The utilization of more lethal instruments is under review by the Ethics Committee. Construction of additional instances of SCP-6801 is awaiting Overseer approval. Missive from Director Light As I'm sure you're all aware, we are well and truly fucked. The Maxwellists are [DATA CORRUPTED] in New York and you know it. To that end, the folks down in Robotics and me have come up with a plan to stop the spread of [DATA CORRUPTED] before it becomes a city-wide or country-wide threat. Meet, the OMCNI Bot. Yes, I know the acronym is a nightmare. An entire city is going to be destroyed in [DATA CORRUPTED], get over yourselves. The OMCNI Bot is the most advanced autonomous containment unit the Foundation has ever conceived. Powered by nuclear fission (don't worry about it), this fifteen-meter tall goliath is more than capable of putting even the hardest-hitting gods down and out for the count. And that's just its physical strength! We've manufactured this thing with the best, and I mean the best containment equipment money can buy. It's virtually indestructible! [DATA CORRUPTED]. The OMCNI Bot has a Mark IV Hume Stabilization Device built into its chest cavity. It does not get any more real than when you're in the proximity of the OMCNI Bot. Those [DATA CORRUPTED] that have been attacking New York? The OMCNI Bot has [DATA CORRUPTED]. [DATA CORRUPTED] [DATA CORRUPTED] [DATA CORRUPTED] We have no idea what they're fully capable of. And we don't know what the future holds. This can be the fix-all solution for everything. Shouldn't we be prepared? ~S. Light Sophia Light recoiled as she finished scanning the first paragraphs of the document. The Omni Bot tilted its head at her, switching its light from blue to orange. The great machine extended one of its spiny hands to the Promethean, and she wrapped herself around its finger. She let out a long sigh, nuzzling her head into the metal creature like a child would do to its parent. Except now they knew for certain that the roles were reversed. Light looked up at the Omni Bot, her undead eyes locking with its optic sensors. Then she looked at Jalick, who stood there awkwardly with his hands at his side, kicking at the dirt underneath him. "So…" The mech sheepishly began, "What'd it say?" "I definitely built it," Light began, her gaze now examining the Omni Bot's torso and legs, "First paragraph in the SCP document confirms that. Or at least someone with my name built him a long time ago but considering my um," She paused, now examining the backs of her hands, "Status, I doubt that there was someone else named Sophia Light working at the Foundation pre-Calamity." "Oh," Jalick replied, unsure of himself, "So that's good right?" "I don't know. It still doesn't say anything about how I came back. I have no idea what the Rejuvenation Project is either." "Rejuvenation Project?" "Yeah," Sophia said, pointing at the screen, "It says right here that- " But as the Promethean looked back at the screen to show Jalick where she'd read about the Rejuvenation Project, she realized it wasn't there. Careful eyes scanned each line of the document, each symbol, and scrambled mess of corrupted code. But nothing about the Rejuvenation Project was there. "It was… right?" She looked at Jalick, whose side-ways tilted head told Sophia that he was just as confused as she was. She scratched her head, sending flakes of dried skin into the breeze. A force she couldn't see snatched those flakes and flew them directly into Jalick's optics. "…Damn you Venti." The mech said. Why wasn't it there? The Mekhanist Invasion Despite the success in [DATA CORRUPTED] heavy environmental destruction is present, and civilian casualties are estimated to be in the thousands. A full list of Foundation casualties has been attached to this document. The Ethics Committee has approved repurposing several eligible corpses for the Rejuvenation Project. Project details are disseminated at the discretion of Lead Researcher Amelia Kidwell. Partial List of Eligible Cadavers [FULL LIST REDACTED PER RESEARCHER KIDWELL'S ORDER] Interview Dr. Forza Hapyeas Interviewed: Dr. Forza Hapyeas Foreward: Researcher Hadid was tasked with interviewing Dr. Hapyeas to determine the progress made on the Rejuvenation Project at the behest of O5-2, who was [DATA CORRUPTED]. Hadid's intent was to confirm that progress was [DATA CORRUPTED], and Foundation funds were not being needlessly spent. <Begin Log> Hadid: State your name for the record, please. Hapyeas: Forza Hapyeas, Ph.D. Hadid: Cool. So, Forza- [He chuckles, the coughs and regains composure], I'm sure you know why you're here. Why are we both here? Hapyeas: You can tell O5-2 that the project has made significant headway since its conception and early development. Hadid: Mhmm. And just how many of the Mekhanist invasions in New York have you and your team successfully revitalized? Hapyeas: We use the term Rejuvenated. Hadid: I don't give a fuck what you call it. Has. It. Worked? [Hapyeas looks down at his hands for several seconds and clears his throat.] Hapyeas: Not yet. Hadid: A little louder, please. Hapyeas: Damn it, man, I said not yet! These things take time, and the New York invasion has set us back at least four months. I've told this to O5-2 already. Both of you need to have some patience while I literally figure out how to defy the laws of nature. Do you know how hard this is? Hadid: Make it work. Hapyeas: Is that you or the O5 talking, Hadid? Hadid: I lost someone I really care about in New York. Please, Forza. Make this work. [DATA CORRUPTED] <End Log> Rejuvenation Project Trials Subject #: 001 - Elijah Character Experiment: Subject was administered 50cc of mycelium phosphate1 in addition to an instance of SCP-████. Results: Subject's body decomposed at an accelerated rate. Notes: I don't understand. This compound was capable of reanimating skeletal structures to perform tasks with extreme precision. There are no variables between our previous tests and this one. What the hell is going on? Subject #: 002 - Thomas Payne Experiment: Subject was administered 100cc of mycelium phosphate in addition to being soaked in a liquid solute of 50% diluted sodium and 50% concentrated spectral essence. Results: Subject's body reanimated briefly before liquifying. Notes: We're getting somewhere. Perhaps the key lays within the spectral essence. But there's so little of it available… There must be a more reliable way to replicate these effects. Subject #: 050 - Marcelles Raynes Experiment: Subject's corpse was exposed to Eighth Level transhumanist thaumatological practices for twenty consecutive hours. Results: Subject's body spoke the words: "Let me out of here" before disintergrating completely. Notes: God damn it. We're close. This close to getting it right. I just need a little more time. Subject #: 099 - Sophia Light Experiment: Subject was exposed to SCP-447. Results: [DATA CORRUPTED] Notes: Fuck. Interrogation Dr. Forza Hapyeas Interviewed: Doctor Forza Hapyeas Foreward: The interview was conducted in order to ascertain if any significant progress has been made on the Rejuvenation Project over the last four months. As SCP-6801 began showing signs of deviant behavior, such as unnecessary destruction of humanoid anomalies and Foundation property, regaining control over the anomaly through the use of Sophia Light has been established as an Alpha Level Priority. <Begin Log> O5-2: I need answers and I need them yesterday. Explain the delay. Hapyeas: T-the um, the soul, ma'am, it- O5-2: The soul? Hapyeas: Y-yes. We've encountered a unique spectral phenomenon across all trial runs of the Rejuvenation Project. In all previous cases, from Raynes to [DATA CORRUPTED] and everyone in between, we've encountered something and o-our evidence suggests that it's probably the um, the soul. O5-2: What's the issue, Forza? Hapyeas: See, the other people that died in the invasion, their corpses have been a virtual Christmas festival of spectral activity. Judging by the patterns in [DATA CORRUPTED], almost all of them wanted to come back. All of them except for Light. O5-2: So you're saying that she doesn't want to come back to our side of things? Hapyeas: Yes ma'am. [ There is silence for several seconds. A metallic bang is heard, followed by Hapyeas gasping. ] O5-2: Fuck. 6801 is getting out of control, and you're telling me our only way to contain it has failed? [ An alarm blares. The room's containment breach emergency light activates. A loud banging is heard on the other side of the door. Muffled gunfire and commands are audible. After several seconds there are screams. The screams are abruptly cut off when a wet-sounding noise is produced. ] O5-2: Get it under control, Forza. Now! Hapyeas: I- [ There is a crash. Then silence. ] <End Log> Sophia looked at the Omni Bot, who looked back at her with the same stone-cold indifference it always had. The giant machine was not known for its wide variety of facial expressions. She almost bothered to ask Jalick if he could talk to the Omni Bot for her but decided against it. Something about never asking questions about someone, or something's, past seemed like an appropriate attitude for her. It was a rule that she didn't realize she cherished, and one that she certainly did not want to break just yet. After all, it's only fair that immortals start questioning you as soon as you started questioning them. Instead, she said nothing. The memories from a past that the Promethean once lived had collected in the deeper wells of her mind, where they would lay for the rest of her undeath. Sophia looked at the final uncorrupted text of the SCP document and powered the machine down. Then she sealed the hatch and walked away from it, and away from the woman she used to be. The Promethean felt the gentle touch of the Omni Bot's spikey metal finger on her back. Jalick wore a half-cocked smile like he was trying to tell her something embarrassing but couldn't bring himself to, and Venti did what she could to bring dirt and debris in his face to disrupt whatever striking pose the mech might have been making in his mind. Sophia smiled. Sophia laughed. Personal Journal of Forza Hapyeas Sophia Light is alive again." nan
[-2.74464861e-02 -4.62429106e-01 -1.32558167e-01 -2.62708724e-01 4.32663858e-01 -2.19091907e-01 3.78471643e-01 -3.65667716e-02 -1.60899147e-01 1.50497451e-01 -1.62161231e-01 8.58174413e-02 -1.04020968e-01 2.38634832e-02 3.61500353e-01 1.44048899e-01 1.26517937e-01 2.01040488e-02 -3.70608181e-01 -5.13784289e-01 -3.53924595e-02 -2.87449528e-02 -4.30359632e-01 3.38967174e-01 1.58784017e-01 1.95144545e-02 9.02784914e-02 1.23866744e-01 -1.49519905e-01 -8.10048580e-02 -2.80370377e-02 -5.29030822e-02 -2.41251215e-01 1.74063951e-01 -1.02307713e-04 -1.47008583e-01 1.87461168e-01 8.67567733e-02 -2.82435685e-01 6.80029765e-02 1.11079216e-02 1.35615632e-01 -2.47902751e-01 -1.46479070e-01 2.86611855e-01 -4.81281251e-01 3.73239547e-01 -3.68021250e-01 2.68241197e-01 1.71812430e-01 2.24001989e-01 1.01919472e-01 -2.43275836e-02 1.99887276e-01 2.63041049e-01 3.84567916e-01 -8.90612081e-02 -1.50767609e-01 3.68634015e-01 -1.38880834e-01 1.70459285e-01 8.75964463e-02 1.31549593e-02 -1.40458688e-01 3.34169418e-01 1.88193366e-01 3.99127036e-01 -4.03716564e-02 2.23426595e-02 3.49746197e-02 2.61782557e-01 -1.21976078e-01 3.58341783e-02 -6.82530627e-02 -1.26624882e-01 1.38094515e-01 -8.56939517e-03 2.40171209e-01 -4.99912014e-04 -5.87058207e-03 -1.32989466e-01 3.88639793e-02 -2.13760540e-01 -5.64885186e-03 -9.65207145e-02 4.75526720e-01 2.02165656e-02 8.41246247e-02 6.18431978e-02 -2.11870313e-01 3.22641060e-02 -1.11095093e-01 -1.23832926e-01 4.79472250e-01 -2.29051501e-01 -2.45601982e-01 -1.10574082e-01 -3.35101962e-01 3.00609797e-01 -6.19175211e-02 2.09515728e-02 5.31075522e-02 1.75234035e-01 -4.83506592e-03 4.13152575e-01 3.60492840e-02 1.87561810e-01 5.30912101e-01 -9.94191170e-02 3.99767794e-03 1.13450676e-01 4.11061421e-02 1.81210414e-01 2.28042334e-01 -1.07671507e-01 2.44480371e-02 7.90998787e-02 2.30505951e-02 -1.67523548e-01 1.79147631e-01 -8.11044276e-01 -2.09523171e-01 8.92058313e-02 3.69423270e-01 2.64691673e-02 -2.96667125e-02 1.62585020e-01 -2.56475955e-01 -3.00980303e-02 -2.02567652e-01 -1.46191597e-01 6.06358051e-02 -1.01335071e-01 -2.10981354e-01 -1.96334153e-01 5.69620907e-01 5.07307239e-02 9.89334285e-02 3.99713248e-01 5.42486757e-02 8.84750634e-02 -1.13070928e-01 1.23924144e-01 1.03016282e-02 -1.54987544e-01 6.96992129e-03 1.47696650e-02 -1.57409430e-01 -1.83451232e-02 2.05410644e-02 4.31475550e-01 2.54775226e-01 1.00685872e-01 2.49739215e-01 -1.59436584e-01 6.84218928e-02 -2.55600661e-01 -2.13664979e-01 -1.46924242e-01 1.58343509e-01 4.10643995e-01 8.13216045e-02 2.78572083e-01 -9.14547965e-03 4.41521592e-03 1.98739499e-01 1.67974472e-01 -2.44573995e-01 1.57197028e-01 -1.55185565e-01 2.49909714e-01 -2.71019656e-02 -8.72345790e-02 3.21272433e-01 -3.55423205e-02 -3.45476657e-01 -9.20623019e-02 -3.56570333e-01 -1.28680049e-02 1.21320523e-01 -2.79473126e-01 7.77992547e-01 -1.26337307e-02 -2.84506589e-01 -1.03885055e-01 -1.30587175e-01 2.34698102e-01 2.90273607e-01 -1.39510617e-01 -3.51599529e-02 -2.55302161e-01 -3.17663133e-01 -4.06905293e-01 -1.38131455e-02 7.52985999e-02 -3.06540817e-01 1.91217586e-01 2.90566176e-01 5.23608923e-01 -2.14902341e-01 1.17482342e-01 1.71218351e-01 1.25513315e-01 -2.24928185e-01 1.28113285e-01 6.43271729e-02 -2.62703925e-01 -2.13799393e-03 -4.98524338e-01 2.20796406e-01 -1.47579417e-01 -1.62486270e-01 -1.53072625e-01 9.26227197e-02 1.77790448e-02 -1.97134823e-01 2.47153208e-01 1.44681156e-01 -5.91920137e-01 6.15237467e-02 -2.82246202e-01 7.85862386e-01 8.65294114e-02 1.48343220e-01 -2.15194881e-01 1.40350521e-01 -2.11530611e-01 -4.94241118e-02 -1.78691730e-01 -2.21077025e-01 1.85952932e-01 -1.44946888e-01 1.81919515e-01 1.60455123e-01 -2.78666824e-01 4.27170545e-01 9.14337635e-02 1.86899319e-01 2.28504956e-01 -4.45270270e-01 1.23842098e-01 -5.76570220e-02 2.61301130e-01 -5.45071028e-02 -2.42918059e-01 -9.65739936e-02 2.25299716e-01 -1.00983027e-02 -5.32339811e-02 -1.70394942e-01 -1.67038754e-01 5.25743328e-02 -6.26331925e-01 -1.60200402e-01 5.46631575e-01 5.04195690e-01 1.93953425e-01 -2.68097874e-02 -2.40632549e-01 6.47116899e-02 3.19219500e-01 9.02473629e-02 -6.14841543e-02 -5.96112795e-02 -2.09170580e-01 9.48134214e-02 -1.47716954e-01 -2.79849112e-01 -3.16044629e-01 2.28413597e-01 4.14205939e-02 7.12193102e-02 -2.87702441e-01 2.72007491e-02 1.63966805e-01 2.60627329e-01 2.80099511e-01 -3.44029099e-01 9.39902291e-02 1.60342246e-01 9.03481692e-02 -2.03952208e-01 -7.98968226e-02 2.24630143e-02 -3.30874175e-01 3.53295326e-01 -8.70644674e-03 -5.84800318e-02 1.42031163e-01 -3.05310547e-01 1.11248493e-01 -5.30770123e-02 -1.97909642e-02 4.28105965e-02 -1.10868655e-01 9.99051481e-02 1.58076108e-01 4.51189667e-01 -3.43287103e-02 4.31236058e-01 -3.07659447e-01 1.86870471e-01 -2.55663604e-01 1.77897453e-01 1.54618472e-01 1.11069173e-01 3.32858809e-03 -5.81060303e-03 1.81808606e-01 -9.61624160e-02 -4.07749504e-01 2.81304002e-01 -1.55374333e-01 3.07260960e-01 2.85199215e-03 -1.77955449e-01 -2.08537757e-01 -9.30639133e-02 3.35139711e-03 -2.32711926e-01 -2.41422310e-01 -2.96154499e-01 6.46952242e-02 -2.04638168e-01 -2.85479158e-01 2.45676443e-01 -5.80479018e-02 -3.01442385e-01 4.17891651e-01 1.95437446e-01 1.36187643e-01 -4.20050770e-02 -1.70607209e-01 -1.27446830e-01 -3.93241644e-02 5.60153872e-02 -1.13587417e-01 -8.02795067e-02 9.52743962e-02 -1.20556578e-01 7.12256134e-02 -1.44795179e-01 -1.77553356e-01 -1.09261516e-02 -1.46519467e-01 -6.58968389e-02 2.89902747e-01 -2.29230337e-03 9.36583523e-03 1.34635374e-01 -3.11830550e-01 9.75746661e-02 8.53954777e-02 -1.60096034e-01 -2.15942413e-01 -1.22764178e-01 -3.32453139e-02 2.48950645e-01 3.49874884e-01 -3.11766267e-01 -1.39240041e-01 1.14740893e-01 5.87184012e-01 -1.92811474e-01 6.46536797e-02 -2.26659790e-01 1.83744311e-01 -3.95995043e-02 1.60096928e-01 -4.55807626e-01 -1.41332513e-02 -9.75292623e-02 -1.92369863e-01 5.55041432e-02 -9.69339609e-02 -2.35081896e-01 -2.57122695e-01 5.75399287e-02 -1.52115345e-01 -3.89862120e-01 2.60522276e-01 -9.29978266e-02 -3.36564064e-01 -6.47916198e-02 1.49966199e-02 -1.02578692e-01 3.21905822e-01 -1.22767657e-01 -1.74364269e-01 -3.84197268e-03 -3.14173810e-02 -3.64906900e-03 1.35372669e-01 -1.34959221e-01 1.71025872e-01 -1.78718135e-01 1.04615539e-01 -1.48245677e-01 -1.72295406e-01 8.12809169e-02 -3.60964805e-01 4.22767520e-01 1.93849668e-01 -1.62774533e-01 3.74308676e-01 3.35971385e-01 -3.05128336e-01 3.98747511e-02 -3.95550668e-01 -3.52893293e-01 5.66519439e-01 4.94966470e-02 -3.07735115e-01 -1.70993373e-01 1.14470340e-01 -1.08432993e-01 -3.04885469e-02 3.34131598e-01 -2.70347327e-01 -1.66088074e-01 -2.77372181e-01 1.78068876e-01 -2.63314657e-02 -4.15598392e-01 -4.36931133e-01 -5.04295863e-02 7.63281733e-02 2.11304694e-01 2.44892702e-01 3.05866841e-02 -3.03443998e-01 -4.98821735e-02 1.65290728e-01 2.82180130e-01 4.24353987e-01 -2.96366308e-02 7.41915479e-02 6.09520793e-01 -3.73774558e-01 -1.64487734e-01 -9.35788825e-02 2.02068120e-01 4.48197812e-01 4.07619774e-01 1.57238409e-01 4.02567923e-01 2.04556942e-01 1.96193695e-01 1.51059031e-01 2.56521761e-01 2.09699690e-01 -7.29025826e-02 -1.31214261e-01 3.04933190e-01 -1.88681260e-01 -3.39948297e-01 3.44657451e-01 3.06487828e-01 -1.17001608e-01 -7.47756660e-02 5.15314817e-01 1.11127973e+00 3.90930474e-01 9.69651714e-03 1.88120022e-01 -3.10189486e-01 -1.89498708e-01 -2.59144634e-01 1.00157350e-01 5.85912280e-02 -1.30554348e-01 -9.28607434e-02 -1.45341709e-01 2.73257405e-01 -2.87669808e-01 -3.52927744e-01 -3.45091224e-01 -1.82383999e-01 -1.21117465e-01 5.16682506e-01 2.31201556e-02 1.47146238e-02 -2.54541695e-01 1.98092505e-01 1.95564032e-01 6.13416061e-02 2.87412971e-01 -4.52537350e-02 -2.29366213e-01 -3.10004056e-01 -2.62588710e-01 -3.39330360e-03 3.09959322e-01 -1.59461409e-01 1.25317108e-02 5.18311327e-03 -3.03290814e-01 -2.51933206e-02 -3.14763673e-02 1.40353084e-01 -1.59230679e-01 -6.22405224e-02 4.40677315e-01 4.01791900e-01 -3.56605314e-02 -2.48456210e-01 -1.65792599e-01 1.67300433e-01 -5.64849228e-02 -5.29716671e-01 3.96778911e-01 -4.95243892e-02 -2.17809901e-01 -1.04330249e-01 2.18831688e-01 -5.43755889e-02 3.70131694e-02 2.27466077e-01 4.50227737e-01 -3.23715866e-01 -7.99667016e-02 2.03535259e-01 -1.24706626e-01 -1.16933845e-02 3.27404857e-01 -6.87366202e-02 -2.52902627e-01 -3.05551708e-01 2.42065966e-01 6.78436980e-02 -2.35661462e-01 3.08840960e-01 5.60478717e-02 -1.49053246e-01 -2.36532062e-01 3.73557433e-02 2.98565567e-01 -1.87759638e-01 -1.62645817e-01 -4.22008902e-01 -1.92257449e-01 4.40964587e-02 1.19875640e-01 4.04459573e-02 -1.25744164e-01 -3.98936212e-01 1.74062476e-01 -1.98468730e-01 4.55614120e-01 -2.51458678e-02 2.30707794e-01 4.64309417e-02 6.35353267e-01 -6.04019538e-02 1.65410087e-01 -4.50475067e-01 -2.89837897e-01 -4.45136398e-01 -1.81351438e-01 2.89092720e-01 -4.80762303e-01 1.57611847e-01 -2.68697679e-01 2.65155196e-01 5.31419925e-03 -1.29086480e-01 -2.85738856e-01 2.79150493e-02 8.94200653e-02 -9.30507481e-02 -2.08859354e-01 -2.84217503e-02 3.79414052e-01 1.15922771e-01 -2.17850786e-02 3.48895676e-02 3.32251966e-01 1.31856665e-01 -4.11701985e-02 -5.10969162e-01 3.95315737e-01 -5.01771132e-03 -2.65038937e-01 2.85371244e-01 -7.52469525e-02 -7.34960586e-02 5.94158564e-03 -8.49552602e-02 -1.39082000e-01 -1.60609618e-01 2.50554770e-01 1.32289261e-01 3.66943002e-01 4.29281116e-01 1.17189325e-01 -3.21262509e-01 3.82634513e-02 -3.29924703e-01 3.40890884e-01 -1.30461037e-01 -9.85693410e-02 -1.17087044e-01 3.13324302e-01 1.02659345e-01 -8.03207234e-02 -3.31315547e-01 1.15575474e-02 2.14790434e-01 2.74523199e-01 -3.44928861e-01 -1.87181979e-02 2.19029263e-01 2.35541791e-01 4.21080470e-01 9.93076339e-02 2.20562160e-01 1.50849838e-02 -6.22478016e-02 3.51312719e-02 2.57299334e-01 3.42557549e-01 5.09847343e-01 2.33246520e-01 -2.03425348e-01 -3.05325717e-01 4.94857319e-02 5.12471795e-01 2.89616346e-01 1.16799198e-01 -7.40314797e-02 2.81578600e-01 -2.59597421e-01 3.45151633e-01 1.35118484e-01 -3.33169907e-01 1.73408598e-01 -1.00278124e-01 -2.77225733e-01 -5.58485761e-02 1.83329470e-02 1.25251606e-01 -5.93127668e-01 -2.20332965e-01 2.58645397e-02 -4.46662277e-01 1.89694509e-01 -2.50504836e-02 3.37632746e-02 -1.41931623e-01 -1.15694210e-01 1.66713163e-01 -6.53548613e-02 2.14657583e-03 2.95129746e-01 -1.51694208e-01 1.79370224e-01 6.30132318e-01 -1.09650031e-01 2.28802972e-02 3.73387992e-01 1.76863432e-01 2.14540273e-01 -1.11205570e-01 4.76567984e-01 3.66842970e-02 -3.69211674e-01 5.70440851e-02 1.53257892e-01 1.47173896e-01 -1.16576038e-01 -6.96637630e-02 2.37895861e-01 -3.05060953e-01 1.54869348e-01 1.97491259e-03 3.61876160e-01 8.16410407e-02 -1.52443349e-01 -3.20229143e-01 1.05318176e-02 -4.87158261e-02 -7.35331178e-02 -3.94344658e-01 2.85506725e-01 -2.75203139e-01 8.01583081e-02 1.25463560e-01 -7.00454563e-02 1.49693668e-01 8.61492530e-02 2.69943625e-01 2.94184536e-01 3.46371472e-01 1.31786972e-01 5.15730456e-02 -1.34112969e-01 1.32582128e-01 -4.09115665e-02 -2.86677867e-01 1.30782336e-01 2.25756273e-01 3.11872333e-01 1.45897821e-01 3.61027718e-01 -2.27854565e-01 -4.09789085e-01 2.60923445e-01 -1.64061934e-01 -7.43909180e-03 3.90841156e-01 1.59300789e-01 -1.08349070e-01 -1.08858630e-01 2.54955947e-01 -4.09555249e-02 2.01049805e-01 -2.24776547e-02 -2.48997942e-01 1.34290799e-01 -9.05662030e-02 3.15903693e-01 -1.34501487e-01 6.86875135e-02 -1.19080544e-01 -4.54864770e-01 1.10306166e-01 4.75207269e-02 -2.98160426e-02 -1.86300054e-01 2.78339028e-01 4.16633427e-01 -1.61042344e-02 -3.67462002e-02 1.22627243e-01 -2.95929145e-02 2.42874369e-01 4.31191996e-02 -2.40845188e-01 -4.91019301e-02 -8.81766677e-02 -8.19846839e-02 -2.96035141e-01 4.34464186e-01 -2.08636367e-04 -2.76308686e-01 -2.68741250e-01 -1.24798268e-01 5.46908498e-01 7.02249855e-02 -1.50664672e-01 -4.87065315e-01 1.37889862e-01 -2.09716007e-01 3.59584466e-02 -1.61969975e-01 -2.51467943e-01 1.68366119e-01 -1.50711387e-01 -1.44816890e-01 -2.73919683e-02 -4.04518330e-03 -8.40241238e-02 -2.94951648e-01 3.95627022e-01 1.11601360e-01 1.72424316e-01 -1.63928811e-02 -8.76950398e-02]
"True Earth" active "Author page to come soon, hopefully, maybe. Meanwhile you can check my haunted house story SCP-6808 This Cancer Within Me And my VKTM article SCP-5428 101 Life Hacks With Eleonor Special Containment Procedures: The effects of SCP-6803 are not harmful to the general public. As such, there is currently no need to censor SCP-6803-A instances. Similarly, SCP-6803-B require no containment beyond amnestization of civilian observers in the unlikely event of observation. However, all staff that qualify into one or both of the following criteria are to receive inoculant OH-16 every four months. Criteria is as follows: Description: SCP-6803 is a cognitohazard present in instances of media which visually depict planet Earth as it is seen from orbit. Such instances are henceforth designated SCP-6803-A. SCP-6803 manifests specifically on images and videos which have been recorded 10.7 km above the surface of planet Earth in which said surface is visible. Notably, 10.7 km is the minimum height at which the curvature of the Earth is first noticeable; given the observer has a field of view of more than 60° degrees available and visual meteorological conditions are optimal. There is no defined maximum distance from Earth at which manifestation of SCP-6803 in recordings ceases. Instead, the strength of the cognitohazard diminishes as the topological features of the planet become less recognizable. The effect similarly diminishes in SCP-6803-A instances which are blurry or if the surface is partially obscured. The effect remains if the images are edited as long as the planet remains iconographically recognizable. Under usual circumstances SCP-6803 has no noticeable external effects on humans exposed to it. However, neurological scanning reveals activity consistent with exposure to a level 1 cognitohazard as well as anomalous memetic transmission. The effects caused by exposure to SCP-6803-A instances become less predictable on humans who have received extensive memetic or cognitohazardous inoculation. Therefore, the risk class for these specific individuals upgrades from Notice to Critical. Upon exposure to an SCP-6803-A instance, subjects may become affected by a Columbus-class event. During said event, subjects are translocated to an orbit anywhere between 10,000 to 100,000 km from the surface of planet Earth. They are henceforth designated an SCP-6803-B instance. Clothes and jewelry remain in place after demanifestation however internal implants do not, these may later be located close to the instance but are not a part of it. SCP-6803-B instances continue to orbit Earth indefinitely. Additionally, they are noted to be wearing a spacesuit of undetermined origin and all are deceased due to extensive cranial trauma, the suit however remains undamaged. SCP-6803-B are intangible and as such are undetectable by radar; long range psionic scanning is the only known way to locate them. There are currently 65 known SCP-6803-B instances, with the latest instance being the most notorious. See addendum 6803.1 for details. All communication with subjects will be lost at the moment of demanifestation. However, upon close observation, the corresponding SCP-6803-B instance will telepathically transmit a single unique phrase repeatedly into the mind of the observer for as long as visual contact is maintained. Examples include: SCP-6803-B 004: What is wrong with the surface? SCP-6803-B 042: It’s all so fucked. SCP-6803-B 063: Huh. I like it more this way. As no clear pattern for the manifestation of Columbus events has been discovered, extensive use of inoculant OH-16 has been approved by 05 order. Research into the exact triggers of such events is still ongoing, as is research into the memetic aspect of SCP-6803. Inoculant OH-16 is administered via injection and its effects become noticeable 12 to 18 hours after administration. It has a lifespan within the body of four months after which it must be readministered. OH-16 has the effect of rendering the subject incapable of perceiving any images which depict planet Earth, instead causing said subjects to perceive white featureless squares over the offending vector. As such, use of OH-16 renders the subjects immune to the effects of SCP-6803-A instances. The inoculant does have the unfortunate side effect of also triggering while observing most iconographic depictions of Earth. These include artificial depictions which cannot host SCP-6803. Due to its highly obstructive nature, research into methods to manage the triggers of inoculant OH-16 was deemed an alpha level priority. As a result, SIT (Semantic & Iconographic Training) has allowed individuals to observe most images and objects which fall under the semantic category 'maps' without triggering OH-16. This effect has not been able to be replicated for other semantic categories. 'Maps' which depict Earth in its entirety remain an exception as they are also complete iconographic depictions of Earth. The following are images to further exemplify which ones may trigger activation of inoculant OH-16. None of these images are capable of hosting SCP-6803. Map depicting the state of Ohio. Object is only a partial depiction of Earth. Trained individuals do not experience triggering of inoculant OH-16. Vector graphic which depicts Earth. Image always triggers inoculant OH-16. On 05/06/2019 an embedded Agent in NASA posing as an astronaut vanished while aboard the ISS (International Space Station). No crew witnessed the event, however they became distressed upon realizing the absence of Agent Alden. Alden had been displaying symptoms of paranoia and therefore the crew of the ISS feared he may have ejected himself from the station, a fear worsened by the fact that no space suits were missing. NASA collaborated with the Foundation to cover the event. A Foundation owned vessel departed the ORP-5 (Orbital Research Platform five), executed orbital rendezvous maneuvers and docked with the ISS. Foundation agents boarded the station and rounded up the crew, which at that time had begun accusing each other for the disappearance of Alden. The crew was amnesticized and Alden was replaced by a new Foundation agent. The memories of the crew were accordingly modified, and all records of the mission were expunged and replaced. A matching SCP-6803-B instance was later located orbiting Earth 57,000km from its surface. Agent Alden was not under the effects of any inoculants known to allow triggering of Colombus events, therefore he had not been administered OH-16. However, he had an experimental intracranial CRD (Cognitive Recording Device) implanted which he used to log his time on the station. It is currently theorized the CRD may have caused neurocognitive interference that led to the Columbus event, however the exact trigger remains unconfirmed. Testing with D-class sporting CRDs exposed to SCP-6803-A instances has not yielded similar results. The CRD of Agent Alden was located close to his body, the data within was able to be recovered. Logs follow: Log 01, Agent Alde- Fuck, its hard to get used to this. Agent Alden here, expedition 60, reporting from the ISS. We -that is Kuznetsov, Thompson and me- left the Baikonur Cosmodrome approximately nine hours ago. Our Soyuz docked with the station seven hours later. We met with the three on board -King, Vinograd and Nishimura- and all has gone as expected so far. I suppose half of the crew must always be American right? I mean usually… Anyways. I’m following the steps of Agent Campbell and many others before me. My instructions are to log any anomalous events and properly amnesticize the rest of the crew if necessary. How am I supposed to do that covertly? I have no idea. It was hard enough to find a secluded spot to record this without looking like an idiot staring blankly at the wa- Anyways… again… As long as that doesn't happen I'm only required to make weekly status updates. I believe that is all for the moment. Now, how was I supposed to turn this o- I'm playing ping pong with a glob of water I can't fucki- God I love it up here! I- Oh shit, did I activate this thing? Fuck, Fu- Log 02, Agent Alden. The CRD has proven more of a challenge than I expected. I struggle enough with speaking clinically without focusing, but thinking? This is a whole 'nother dimension. I suppose I was chosen for this because of my tendency for inner dialogue rather than talking, my inner child as I like to call it. Therefore, I hope I will be given some leniency on this front. I listened to my previous log and it's not optimal. That little accident from yesterday even less so. I will try harder to focus and stay clinical, especially if a situation were to arise. Unlikely, given there has been no incidents since the spatial shift of 2005. And with the ORP program going so well this current position of mine is becoming irrelevant, fast. Hence why the Foundation had no issue with those seven days between Campbell departing and my arrival. Anyways, conditions remain as expected. I continue to run experiments mainly in the Destiny module. Life is good up here. … Shit, I did it agai- [logs 03-04 skipped due to redundancy] Log 5, Agent Alden. One month down, five to go. I’d say I miss home, but… yeah. And, I mean, I can still look at it from up here. It looks just as beautiful, probably even more. It also looks more natural, I suppose. Odd how one of the best ways to take in the splendor of our planet is to leave it behind. … Moving on. I haven't really talked much about the crew. Thompson has been playing all day recording fun educational videos or whatever. Lucky bastard. On the other hand, Kuznetsov, he's serious all the time. Sometimes I catch him staring at me while I record these logs and make myself laugh. Probably thinks I'm crazy. Now me, well, uh…. Oh, right! Yesterday Nishimura and I ejected a load of microsats out of the Kibo module. I spent maybe three hours staring out the tiny window looking at those glistening cubes. They kept going farther and farther away. Little lights against the endless void. I mean- Ugh. Oh dear. Focus goddammit. Log 06, Agent Alden. Nothing new to report. Conditions remain as expected. [Logs 07-11 skipped] Log 12, Agent Alden. Vinograd, King and Nishimura left today. In four days three new crewmembers will arrive. … I… I watched their Soyuz slowly shrink away. Just like the microsats. In another twelve weeks that will be me. … … Fuck this. Not going to waste this last three months. 'That's one small step for man, but one big step for me!' Really living up to my last name here! Not that many people know that was his second name… Whatever. 'Ground control to major Tom… Ground control to… mmmm Tom… Take your protein pills and mmmmm helmet on. Ground control mmmm om… Commencing countdown mmmm… on. Check ignition and may Gonzo be with you…' Ah fuck. Focus on the experiment… … … Chris Hadfield eat your heart out. Breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out. It's just a spacewalk, no big deal. The airlock is almost ready. No big… woah… [18 more unplanned logs skipped] Log 13. If anything I'm glad my experience will help continue to fine tune the CRD. It clearly continues to trigger sometimes. I think it does so when I get excited? Not sure. Thankfully only the inner dialogue component does, I haven't turned the perception field recorder and I don't plan to. I know they wouldn’t allow me to keep the videos anyways so ain't no one getting them then. Plus I wouldn't like to get randomly recorded while peeing or whatever, the maneuver is even more awkward up here. Ricci -that's one of the new arrivals- keeps asking me why I space out so much. Told her I’m just in awe of everything. I wasn't lying. [Logs 14-15 skipped] [54 unplanned logs skipped] Log 16. Once again, Agent Alden here. Nothing new to report. Currently inside the Cupola module, observing the endless ocean blue beneath me. I feel like this should be forbidden. No human was ever supposed to stare at Earth from this perspective. Wait, Is that… is that an aurora? Oh my -excuse me- fucking god. … I’m so goddam lucky. Log 17, Agent Alden. I have been feeling… a bit different since the last log. I’m not sure why, However, I have confirmed memetic activity within my brain waves, it keeps firing at random. I mean, not random, I'm in the process of researching the pattern. Log 18. I realized something about log 16… It was, somehow, the first log I recorded while I was looking out the windows. Turns out the perception whatever thing was actually on all along. Fuckers. It's off now. I also have no idea how I have managed not to trigger the CRD every time I look outside, not even during the spacewalk. Guess I was too much in awe to even be excited? Or maybe my theory was just wrong, who knows. The CRD clearly has many kinks to be ironed. On that note… It did record a single frame during the spacewalk, I think I know why. Kuznetov was my partner. He was very quiet, as usual. Add on top the whole in space no one can hear you scream' situation and for moments I forgot he was even there. At least until he radioed a command or something. … Often I would turn around and he'd be somewhere I didn't expect him, like he was in two places at once. I think the CRD captured one of those times. It's blurry. I suppose memories are? Log 19. Still no answers, my memetic activity keeps shooting up at random and to even higher levels. I've also detected cognitohazardous vectors but I haven't been able to pinpoint their origins. They’re all over the station. I think… I think the others are starting to notice. Ricci says I have cabin fever and Kuznetsov agrees. Thompson told them to lay off me as did the other two new ones. Whatever. I need to keep investigating. If anyone tries anything I have enough amnestics to reset them to kindergarten. Log 20. I think I saw a hand on the small window in Destiny today. Outside. The glove didn't look like the ones in our suits, it looked old. And no suits were missing anyways. The fuck? [from this point on Agent Alden ceased recording weekly logs.] There it is again. It looks old, like an early space race suit. It's so far though, I can't tell. What’s in its hand, is it pointing that at me? Is it… threatening me? I think it wants me to look outside but I'm not sure. It does, I'm sure. I heard its voice inside my head. What do I do now? The continents, they’re dancing, they’re fucking dancing. Their shapes merge and swirl like soup. They’re mocking me. I don't want to look out the Cupola anymore. It ain't right. It ain't right! Only two weeks and you're out, only two weeks and you're out. Fuck. only two weeks and you're out. Who would’ve thought so. Haunted by a lost cosmonaut while aboard the ISS. It wont shut up. It wont shut up! It wo-… oh? I don't want to look out, I don't. But I have to. I need to know if it's still out there. Woah, have I been a fool all along? [This is the last log recorded before the Columbus event. It is estimated the event occurred immediately after.] Alden: I don't understand. It makes no goddamn sense. Where’s Italy? I swear I've been to Italy. Ricci is from there! Not that it isn't still majestic… it's just so… [Alden activates the perception field recorder of his CRD] Alden: It's so different from what I expected. But somehow… somehow it's still so beautiful. Unknown: Always has been. [Error XFV-43215, neurological activity no longer detected.] … … … … … … [END LOG] « SCP-6802 | SCP-6803| SCP-6804 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6803" by AWeirdBird, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Header_memecon.png Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Created with minor edits to the image below. Filename: Solar system scale.jpg Author: Nasa License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Apollo_11_png.png Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Created with minor edits to the image below. Filename: EARTH RISING BEHIND MOON - PHOTOGRAPHED DURING THE APOLLO 11 AND APOLLO 17 MISSIONS - EARTHRISE - NARA - 17470322.jpg Author: Nasa License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Globe.png Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Created with minor edits to the image below. Filename: Globe by Joan Blaeu.jpg Author: Amsterdam Museum License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: Map.png Author: Dodd, Mead, and Company License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Vector.png Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Created with minor edits to the image below. Filename: Globe1.svg Author: RRZEicons License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: Blue_Dot.png Author: Nasa License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Iss.png Author: Nasa License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Cupola.png Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Created with edits to the images below. Filename: Cupola ISS open shutters.jpg Author: Nasa License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Aurora australis ISS 20120715.jpg Author: Joe Acaba, Nasa License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Spacewalk.png Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Created with edits to the images below. Filename: International Space Station during first AMS spacewalk ESA21792595.jpeg Author: European Space Agency License: CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO Source Link: Filename: FP2A3460 (23497690228).jpg Author: Музей Космонавтики License: CC0 1.0 Source Link: Filename: True_Earth.gif Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Created in Blender, with edits to the images below. Filename: Blue Marble: Clouds Author: Nasa License: Public Domain Source Link: Additional Notes: Image Use Policy Filename: The Great Lakes region and Mid-Atlantic United States Author: Nasa License: Public Domain Source Link: Additional Notes: Image Use Policy For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "An instance of SCP-6803-A. Distance not to scale. An instance of SCP-6803-A taken during the Apollo 11 mission. Picture of a globe. Object always triggers inoculant OH-16. 'Pale Blue Dot' Resolution too small for triggering of inoculant OH-16 or hosting of SCP-6803. The ISS, as recorded during approach of Expedition 60. Frame from video captured by the CRD’s perception field recorder during this log. Frame recorded by the CRD during a spacewalk on 27/03/2019 The last frame captured by the CRD."
[ 1.49437129e-01 -1.48840412e-01 -2.00185999e-02 1.80378649e-02 4.96515892e-02 -4.48248684e-01 1.71095669e-01 -5.71239851e-02 3.64980221e-01 3.51755351e-01 -2.51698554e-01 4.15286690e-01 -3.72398794e-01 -1.03404187e-01 1.26908973e-01 2.08741754e-01 2.37615258e-01 -2.80164294e-02 -3.55593152e-02 -4.55158055e-01 -2.28845239e-01 -2.46837065e-01 -5.31367548e-02 6.87749684e-02 -2.34239250e-01 -2.39026789e-02 3.17577422e-01 2.29276329e-01 1.12816453e-01 -2.50288844e-01 1.50231048e-01 2.12639928e-01 1.45542607e-01 3.67954612e-01 -1.06615655e-04 -9.75286588e-02 5.55599295e-02 -1.23673283e-01 -2.27673557e-02 2.54964888e-01 -1.90249965e-01 2.58385632e-02 1.40738636e-01 -2.48561680e-01 -1.69115171e-01 5.24035275e-01 7.54884109e-02 -1.39016360e-01 2.91968465e-01 -2.80043446e-02 1.67387903e-01 2.16037780e-01 1.73759703e-02 1.07111655e-01 1.55093744e-01 7.30173886e-01 -2.53078461e-01 2.13168114e-01 1.61012888e-01 1.10757314e-01 9.47386175e-02 5.96616685e-01 -1.20449662e-01 -1.89743161e-01 2.06796616e-01 -1.95790440e-01 3.30743007e-03 5.49056660e-03 2.07002491e-01 9.99707133e-02 -3.54089558e-01 1.06135361e-01 -8.32716301e-02 1.78886846e-01 4.37875539e-02 -2.85607666e-01 2.67068952e-01 1.32648543e-01 -8.88223350e-02 1.15721464e-01 -1.30876169e-01 1.55689374e-01 -3.72688115e-01 -3.13904822e-01 -1.68959156e-01 3.17492574e-01 -1.25821635e-01 -5.39322682e-02 -4.75872904e-02 7.43255541e-02 7.74656311e-02 2.00320750e-01 2.77538836e-01 -6.16384670e-02 -2.63719916e-01 -3.74624640e-01 -1.66245550e-02 4.07772154e-01 -2.15076543e-02 -4.10738826e-01 1.10131405e-01 1.56629652e-01 -1.49366632e-01 2.04486161e-01 3.05721700e-01 -2.88974643e-01 1.12865329e-01 2.91177422e-01 -2.22212180e-01 2.08937973e-01 2.93748230e-02 4.57305074e-01 -1.96147054e-01 3.03156823e-02 -4.35843468e-02 -1.38014436e-01 -1.07905984e-01 -3.04801196e-01 -2.06696287e-01 1.90133274e-01 -5.89759409e-01 1.78680867e-01 -3.14547867e-01 2.64760137e-01 4.96998847e-01 9.52272862e-02 7.27182552e-02 -1.82072848e-01 -1.26305148e-01 -4.83548641e-01 -1.43395528e-01 1.66817471e-01 -3.45059305e-01 8.64154994e-02 1.06318481e-01 -2.61861145e-01 -1.46416232e-01 -3.87667596e-01 1.49349958e-01 -6.18499592e-02 9.05431733e-02 3.30751273e-03 3.46668392e-01 4.09843564e-01 -2.90073574e-01 -1.81068301e-01 -2.11705230e-02 5.24821095e-02 -1.33931980e-01 4.06779163e-02 3.95854950e-01 -7.79338321e-03 -2.69572794e-01 2.26882607e-01 3.04427966e-02 7.24835368e-03 1.64707929e-01 -2.04937935e-01 -2.59673800e-02 1.91584378e-01 3.32260251e-01 -1.19721955e-02 -4.46599312e-02 2.14829817e-02 3.18787210e-02 4.98571754e-01 9.63136852e-02 9.67697650e-02 -2.64746904e-01 5.47881648e-02 -1.18362829e-01 -2.21107043e-02 2.39004992e-04 1.47220716e-01 1.83063343e-01 -3.87933046e-01 -4.21354353e-01 1.17157198e-01 -6.44337386e-02 -2.66961038e-01 -3.08530688e-01 2.47208085e-02 2.36193284e-01 -2.52873093e-01 -3.18977863e-01 -8.23848024e-02 2.39415094e-02 -1.29905999e-01 3.71440575e-02 6.53166547e-02 -3.48504543e-01 -4.12368566e-01 5.68324588e-02 2.35170797e-01 1.50246071e-02 -7.70621523e-02 2.35110670e-01 -9.54572707e-02 4.32873011e-01 -1.52792990e-01 -9.69717950e-02 7.53878728e-02 8.68199393e-02 6.30859882e-02 2.14693695e-02 -6.08196743e-02 -8.23052153e-02 -3.01033795e-01 1.97372258e-01 4.12376761e-01 -1.91577598e-01 -5.73841110e-02 -1.61115661e-01 4.65128273e-02 3.67378667e-02 -6.72760427e-01 1.66137755e-01 2.25527555e-01 8.48179124e-03 -1.97470620e-01 -1.94883510e-01 -9.03795958e-02 -2.20986784e-01 1.40548512e-01 -3.50879550e-01 -3.93295400e-02 -3.69688988e-01 2.10153423e-02 -1.00889131e-01 8.48481953e-02 1.38125964e-03 4.98805046e-02 4.22214456e-02 -4.30349648e-01 -1.63759440e-01 2.92782187e-01 -5.55173159e-02 4.81006056e-01 8.89853016e-02 -4.48254824e-01 4.41896141e-01 2.49388926e-02 3.57121706e-01 2.59153038e-01 -4.76021439e-01 1.26225203e-01 -4.96827401e-02 -4.81686927e-02 -1.17252562e-02 -1.15077421e-01 1.52318701e-01 -2.15777919e-01 1.13154287e-02 -3.86134416e-01 1.55391231e-01 6.99617207e-01 -1.36667147e-01 2.59982049e-02 7.28802532e-02 3.39245051e-01 -1.71258286e-01 -1.57044176e-02 -8.91221315e-03 1.69564307e-01 6.54739290e-02 -2.62212187e-01 3.87983561e-01 5.60543649e-02 -1.44481689e-01 1.37746796e-01 1.11494504e-01 -1.29280332e-02 -2.89270192e-01 -1.52761400e-01 1.05531238e-01 -6.58503026e-02 -3.95007133e-02 1.31443024e-01 3.34829330e-01 3.60237598e-01 -5.25864780e-01 -3.83321583e-01 -2.37758651e-01 -1.44678324e-01 -1.99336156e-01 6.13960214e-02 4.05329540e-02 -1.50093287e-01 1.75310168e-02 2.83565313e-01 1.74752295e-01 8.90479907e-02 -4.35362421e-02 3.73232514e-02 -3.37854505e-01 5.18317483e-02 -3.61327618e-01 4.15445030e-01 -1.17297553e-01 4.96598959e-01 -2.10004047e-01 -2.19279993e-02 1.29954904e-01 8.85138512e-02 -3.35137755e-01 -2.51562268e-01 4.82604772e-01 -5.78686409e-02 6.07760763e-03 1.11691123e-02 -5.56685865e-01 3.38939786e-01 -8.63054097e-02 -6.08629167e-01 -2.40549576e-02 -2.73369879e-01 1.65906921e-01 -4.99238133e-01 6.54534400e-02 -6.42684639e-01 -1.36697263e-01 -8.04970041e-02 1.70581207e-01 4.89135124e-02 -2.12746069e-01 -2.71749228e-01 1.73769761e-02 -1.06945924e-01 4.48363088e-02 -4.26221965e-03 3.29712480e-01 3.05093348e-01 1.03554584e-01 2.02488422e-01 -2.61059344e-01 -9.40159187e-02 -6.37838170e-02 -1.22083336e-01 2.06371564e-02 -2.21675262e-01 1.27946422e-01 -2.41745099e-01 -3.79376978e-01 1.11407720e-01 2.61998415e-01 -7.11125880e-02 -1.04030959e-01 -1.59146458e-01 -2.98638672e-01 -1.36584327e-01 -8.94635841e-02 6.42835379e-01 2.63949275e-01 -3.02389652e-01 -8.18841308e-02 -6.01950027e-02 1.85839310e-01 2.73972452e-01 -8.45978409e-02 -3.55331033e-01 1.04791611e-01 2.43575588e-01 -6.54005259e-02 -8.26383829e-02 2.24345624e-02 1.43586665e-01 5.37022769e-01 -7.75328046e-03 1.49455547e-01 9.66090932e-02 3.31556201e-01 5.42357750e-02 -5.85153341e-01 2.79906690e-01 -1.86076500e-02 -2.40534663e-01 1.68230757e-02 -1.97788343e-01 -4.95375574e-01 -1.13920502e-01 -6.50802106e-02 6.23748779e-01 2.24577665e-01 -3.95263165e-01 -2.13568836e-01 1.24773130e-01 6.51214868e-02 1.73010767e-01 2.95548320e-01 2.01392323e-01 -2.20639825e-01 -2.13938415e-01 1.40618935e-01 -2.87108451e-01 7.80335814e-02 -7.15290681e-02 -1.03163257e-01 -1.68898314e-01 -1.75054148e-01 3.15190852e-01 -1.11959390e-01 -1.36165142e-01 -5.70610464e-02 6.93267822e-01 3.17028582e-01 -3.76230866e-01 -1.32738659e-03 9.04018432e-03 -4.98984516e-01 -6.44702792e-01 2.85224505e-02 8.46110433e-02 7.66759785e-03 2.91407704e-02 1.63856238e-01 -2.30157480e-01 1.48196802e-01 -1.83070712e-02 5.01436353e-01 -4.69514549e-01 -1.38257936e-01 -5.79047808e-03 1.86329529e-01 -2.94983804e-01 -1.79539055e-01 8.03900957e-02 1.45585328e-01 2.78351724e-01 6.22623377e-02 -4.99747656e-02 -2.56528586e-01 8.67328569e-02 -1.12236150e-01 5.38565159e-01 4.63479668e-01 5.53412914e-01 4.07555193e-01 -1.72748625e-01 -2.43210286e-01 8.78901631e-02 -6.75198957e-02 5.82609363e-02 8.56480122e-01 1.77916870e-01 -1.75963834e-01 4.22099456e-02 5.55795915e-02 -1.10813715e-01 1.35994405e-01 -1.28045663e-01 5.72832068e-03 3.58820707e-01 -1.60348207e-01 2.87905723e-01 -2.15314180e-02 -3.89662832e-01 -1.13763541e-01 4.77303192e-02 -2.09657535e-01 6.20596647e-01 5.51786661e-01 1.22818005e+00 3.14720988e-01 3.45099032e-01 1.02996267e-01 -1.41381845e-01 3.39174181e-01 -3.91251355e-01 1.10917412e-01 -2.10716262e-01 -5.39457723e-02 1.05822660e-01 -1.19316608e-01 5.39055206e-02 2.45307669e-01 -6.23036474e-02 -1.13012411e-01 -4.79559898e-01 -2.42441431e-01 3.09556067e-01 1.01360142e-01 1.13291793e-01 -1.38402998e-01 1.84498448e-02 1.74185604e-01 1.25489280e-01 1.91661909e-01 1.25978246e-01 1.11828156e-01 -4.87082303e-02 -2.96605881e-02 -1.34313062e-01 3.71136963e-01 4.14439067e-02 7.82179274e-03 -1.06634587e-01 -2.34185666e-01 3.90939415e-01 -6.78469166e-02 1.33141786e-01 -1.25476480e-01 -1.22182690e-01 2.26086915e-01 4.02738452e-01 -1.22420460e-01 -4.84107770e-02 -1.10204979e-04 -9.02563147e-03 2.09178776e-02 5.59926406e-02 -1.30666625e-02 2.83326451e-02 -1.19595788e-01 -3.63173559e-02 -7.72019103e-02 3.82237792e-01 1.64749190e-01 6.54839575e-01 2.15613753e-01 -8.98023173e-02 -1.92055449e-01 1.50782332e-01 -7.33254105e-02 2.24992007e-01 -6.61863089e-02 1.49272323e-01 -2.74422556e-01 -1.20525509e-01 5.79098284e-01 2.67785817e-01 -2.37651989e-01 -7.55294040e-02 7.85156861e-02 -2.55159169e-01 -3.91238898e-01 -1.15864733e-02 -1.34621486e-01 -1.35519758e-01 -2.32799202e-01 -2.40410089e-01 -3.97987306e-01 1.46026328e-01 4.54617113e-01 1.65850475e-01 -1.12981521e-01 -2.46274382e-01 2.84427088e-02 2.14606985e-01 8.24051872e-02 -2.89622277e-01 2.63844907e-01 -7.20802099e-02 2.54081994e-01 -7.98062161e-02 3.32117438e-01 -3.92348826e-01 -2.22064927e-01 9.11105648e-02 -3.66856232e-02 -1.53602846e-02 -2.19475269e-01 5.02175465e-02 -1.47713184e-01 1.30354479e-01 9.75640640e-02 -5.31700514e-02 -1.39392540e-01 -1.82846144e-01 1.69249132e-01 -3.48583721e-02 -4.37284172e-01 4.20271195e-02 5.49170449e-02 2.83915550e-01 -4.10860358e-03 2.93555111e-01 1.36776626e-01 2.23130614e-01 1.89971894e-01 -3.82836789e-01 3.74722593e-02 1.05352491e-01 1.15628734e-01 -6.18848540e-02 1.55855685e-01 -1.78333610e-01 -1.59255415e-01 1.62038669e-01 -1.18394405e-01 2.09984705e-01 3.83191347e-01 -2.01157674e-01 3.69444281e-01 1.92669243e-01 2.02980056e-01 -3.86934042e-01 1.24234641e-02 -2.32847538e-02 -1.88474581e-01 -2.58342028e-01 -3.75829220e-01 7.39698559e-02 3.53262842e-01 -1.26997903e-02 1.11137472e-01 -1.95734173e-01 1.81789305e-02 -8.14915001e-02 3.21260154e-01 -8.45967904e-02 -4.97626722e-01 1.58200070e-01 2.65999362e-02 3.11366081e-01 -1.10434704e-01 2.35667139e-01 1.97955389e-02 -1.51722059e-01 1.02348365e-02 2.99998999e-01 2.29981557e-01 7.14178145e-01 4.53087762e-02 7.23153949e-01 -1.39184892e-01 7.37726912e-02 6.31385326e-01 2.66574740e-01 1.14522897e-01 1.33086130e-01 8.19656029e-02 -3.40844184e-01 -6.01697117e-02 -5.71638271e-02 -5.29624037e-02 -1.56286970e-01 1.45439610e-01 -2.41026312e-01 -1.16887331e-01 2.20453903e-01 1.78026527e-01 -4.58339341e-02 -2.76378691e-01 -3.13392133e-01 -5.63179925e-02 -5.04530892e-02 4.66598049e-02 4.22547251e-01 1.43191382e-01 -1.74339220e-01 3.17475498e-01 1.03540733e-01 1.25555238e-02 5.48793375e-01 -2.51327515e-01 3.34691495e-01 3.29026580e-01 -3.20839360e-02 4.17036153e-02 2.81083196e-01 -1.20995576e-02 4.96414155e-02 -5.86914048e-02 -2.26897728e-02 -3.89172919e-02 -4.56008650e-02 -2.77348816e-01 5.39744319e-03 4.05617170e-02 -1.30108312e-01 1.97156340e-01 8.17888603e-02 -1.58393294e-01 -1.80609405e-01 7.43820518e-02 2.73291469e-01 3.41530979e-01 -7.63480067e-02 -8.23227614e-02 4.72757369e-02 3.05822998e-01 -2.07313910e-01 -3.90599936e-01 -5.92577234e-02 -1.55290693e-01 -2.69583821e-01 3.44557650e-02 -1.25709131e-01 1.10878430e-01 -1.56186387e-01 2.26273239e-01 2.38939643e-01 -2.37343997e-01 2.08049975e-02 -1.98297054e-01 2.52231508e-01 4.23797637e-01 -1.59313753e-02 -9.15027335e-02 -2.80700237e-01 6.54079467e-02 2.00958565e-01 1.67903900e-01 -1.42475188e-01 2.87953079e-01 -2.30742827e-01 2.82158591e-02 -2.09253579e-01 2.46367171e-01 5.45179069e-01 2.89586652e-03 2.96989502e-03 -1.99515298e-01 1.94071427e-01 -4.70054924e-01 1.18841961e-01 1.70388483e-02 -3.32642019e-01 -1.02403446e-03 3.10880303e-01 4.89683717e-01 2.46936396e-01 3.73236358e-01 -1.44748569e-01 -6.49963975e-01 9.98823568e-02 1.25390734e-03 -3.11784714e-01 -6.71935305e-02 2.65886456e-01 2.92611837e-01 1.91784337e-01 -5.60697094e-02 1.63103297e-01 5.30583322e-01 -2.31027290e-01 1.33139417e-01 -1.16912246e-01 5.68922237e-02 -2.08370373e-01 -8.41478333e-02 -1.75209850e-01 1.13409860e-02 2.44570553e-01 1.12243081e-02 -3.35123241e-01 -1.44114807e-01 4.86339957e-01 3.17755379e-02 -1.33021310e-01 -9.13987681e-02 1.81757346e-01 -9.35318470e-02 -3.83368204e-03 -2.26204470e-01 -1.81734219e-01 -1.57665715e-01 -4.45456281e-02 -9.40444618e-02 -1.60922185e-01 2.12456053e-03 -2.78997540e-01 -1.26565754e-01 7.87360609e-01 3.31135979e-03 5.32740876e-02 -5.22034228e-01 -9.37124193e-02]
"Safehold" active "This file is restricted to 6805-authorized personnel and members of the O5 Council. Unauthorized access is strictly forbidden. Item #: SCP-6805 Object Class: Ticonderoga1 Special Containment Procedures: All multi-universal Foundation counterparts and approximate equivalents have been made aware of the existence of SCP-6805. In the event of an imminent and irreversible K-Class Scenario, all 6805-approved personnel are to report to Site 6805 for further instructions. As per the Memorandum of Understanding between SCP-6805 and all Foundation equivalents, SCP-6805 is considered to be aligned with the Foundation but not under its direct jurisdiction. As such, ex-personnel living there are not subject to Foundation authority. Under no circumstances are members of the Serpent’s Hand to be informed of the existence of SCP-6805. Description: SCP-6805 is an extra-dimensional building that exists in a self-contained pocket universe. Formerly the Universe 6000 equivalent to Site 19, SCP-6805 was detached from its home universe following the latter’s destruction. It is believed to be the only surviving remnant of Universe 6000. It is impossible to exit except by anomalous means; all doors leading away from Site 19 have been modified to loop back into the Site instead. The primary functions of SCP-6805 are twofold: SCP-6805 currently houses approximately 25,000 people. It is colloquially known as “Safehold”4 by its inhabitants. Origins and History: SCP-6805 first developed its present properties approximately 30 years ago5. In Local Year 2030, Universe 6000 was destroyed via an Apollyon-class SCP object, SCP-6000, that incorporated all local matter into an extra-dimensional location commonly known as the Wanderer’s Library. Originating as an anomalous spacetime rift in the 6000-equivalent Amazon rainforest, it soon spread at an uncontainable rate, resulting in all of Earth becoming part of the Wanderer’s Library by March 2030 LY.6 A small number of Foundation and Global Occult Coalition members survived via officially sanctioned extra-dimensional backup sites. SCP-6805, however, was the result of an unsanctioned extra-dimensional experiment taking place in Site 19 on January 25, 2030. On that date, a Senior Researcher named Adrian Jackson ignored the orders of his superiors to prepare Site 19 personnel and anomalies for evacuation. Instead, he worked in tandem with several humanoid SCPs known to have reality-altering capabilities to remove Site 19 from Universe 6000 without informing any other personnel within it. This event7 successfully severed Site 19 from local reality; it then remained in a state of inter-dimensional flux without any destination for (from the inhabitants’ perspective) 3 1/2 years. The usage of previously contained SCP objects was crucial to the survival of SCP-6805 during this time period, as most useful provisions had been evacuated from Site 19 prior to the destruction of Universe 6000. Thus, of the two factions of former personnel that emerged within SCP-6805 in the immediate aftermath of the 6805 event (one dedicated to the ideals of the Foundation and one advocating cooperation with anomalies for survival), the anomaly-aligned faction was by far the largest and soon won the support of most former personnel. A small number of Euclid and Keter-class SCP objects were forcibly neutralized after their integration with the newly formed SCP-6805 society proved impossible. SCP-6805 continues to heavily utilize SCP objects8 to ensure its continued survival. Its food and water supply are anomalously generated, and the stable existence of the SCP-6805 pocket dimension itself relies on heavily modified Scranton anchors and the voluntary cooperation of several reality-benders. Additionally, the interior space of the former Site has been continuously expanded via the use of anomalies in order to accommodate new residents. Personnel evacuated to SCP-6805 are discouraged from questioning its structure and practices, as they have little power to change it and inhabitants will regard this questioning as evidence of either naivety or hostility. Select SCP-6805 Evacuation Events: Society and Culture: Although superficially resembling a Foundation Site, decades of isolation has resulted in SCP-6805 developing its own culture, often with values directly antithetical to the Foundation’s own. A brief summary of SCP-6805’s most notable social/cultural traits are listed below: Addendum 6805.A: SCP-6805 Serpent’s Hand Encounter: During the Universe 5872 Evacuation Event, a member of the Group of Interest “Serpent’s Hand” was discovered to have been taken into SCP-6805 along with the small number of civilians rescued from that universe. The member (designated PoI-6805-A) reacted extremely negatively to the existence of SCP-6805 and was subsequently killed when he attempted to resist detainment upon revealing his Library affiliation. A transcript of the surveillance tape which recorded PoI-6805-A’s actions has been provided by the administration of SCP-6805 to the Foundation, and is reproduced below. Containment Procedures have been updated to prohibit members of the Serpent’s Hand from learning of SCP-6805’s existence. [PoI-6805-A moves away from the recently arrived group of Universe 5872 civilians and approaches an SCP-6805 administrator. He is visibly angry.] PoI-6805-A: This place should not exist! SCP-6805 administrator: Excuse me? PoI-6805-A: This…”Safehold”…is an affront to the Library. How dare you attempt to escape the end of your stories! SCP-6805 administrator [aware of SCP-6805-A’s affiliation and now also visibly angry as a result]: We didn’t want our “story” to end. You killed billions of people to feed your library. We did what we had to. PoI-6805-A: The arrogance! [pause] We did not kill them. All realities must come to an end. It is the way of the Library and the way of the universe. It is not death any more then closing a book is death- SCP-6805 administrator: If you didn't kill them, then where's my daughter? And my wife, and my sister? PoI-6805-A: They and their lives may be found in the Library. Why can't you see that? SCP-6805 administrator: Enough with the euphemisms, you fucking murderer! [turns to several nearby long-term residents] He's with the Library! Help me detain him! PoI-6805-A: Stay back! [PoI-6805-A violently resists detainment and attempts to fight off the SCP-6805 residents with a previously-hidden combat knife. He suffers a mortal stab wound in the process. Before he expires, audio analysis of the surveillance footage and eyewitness testimony indicates he said the following:] PoI-6805-A: You can’t [pause] escape [pause] the end of [pause] your stories. We will find [pause] this place. [pause] We will close your books." nan
[-1.14876576e-01 1.21206930e-03 -6.84743077e-02 1.46011978e-01 -4.31349799e-02 -3.43806148e-01 -3.53668183e-02 1.49317890e-01 4.25025225e-01 1.57291666e-01 -1.62699595e-01 1.74614549e-01 -6.97120652e-02 1.75320446e-01 -6.94637373e-02 1.09196775e-01 8.50012973e-02 -1.98430210e-01 -1.80104136e-01 -8.02699104e-02 -3.41844231e-01 -1.43150896e-01 -1.05187148e-01 2.55006045e-01 -8.18080157e-02 -6.83285221e-02 -7.78799504e-02 -6.83086291e-02 -1.83203056e-01 -3.23201716e-01 3.22519600e-01 3.05064738e-01 2.49204084e-01 5.11453629e-01 -1.05227504e-04 1.15944214e-01 7.82060325e-02 -1.46873333e-02 -3.26713949e-01 8.41218699e-03 -7.40166977e-02 3.49947549e-02 -7.15065002e-02 -2.10791081e-01 -1.02173269e-01 7.85857365e-02 1.60652816e-01 -6.32520616e-02 2.52451241e-01 -1.64399311e-01 1.94977686e-01 -3.80547941e-02 1.47640839e-01 -1.24792121e-01 -2.69877702e-01 2.74264097e-01 -2.71938652e-01 2.22270876e-01 1.16879784e-01 2.37702370e-01 2.39823192e-01 2.31664315e-01 -1.22726530e-01 -2.75408894e-01 4.13376927e-01 -2.57605463e-01 1.68971911e-01 6.78637773e-02 -7.24304765e-02 3.95212561e-01 1.55469060e-01 -2.10657969e-01 -8.78229663e-02 -2.29924507e-02 4.12513688e-02 1.83614597e-01 2.02486724e-01 2.04231575e-01 -3.37262154e-02 1.02026790e-01 1.57682281e-02 2.23379061e-01 -2.08256707e-01 2.08554734e-02 -7.66153783e-02 5.79333186e-01 -8.14805031e-02 3.20004746e-02 -8.84472020e-03 1.31515160e-01 -1.68438032e-01 3.05686686e-02 2.03365415e-01 -2.62987077e-01 5.68422638e-02 -1.54169828e-01 7.05291107e-02 2.66377687e-01 3.34626615e-01 -9.79451090e-02 2.20802084e-01 2.23491818e-01 -7.64857084e-02 5.56229018e-02 -8.58284459e-02 -2.47480333e-01 2.72042632e-01 -3.05688351e-01 -1.32263765e-01 5.25926113e-01 -4.94147614e-02 2.31972247e-01 -9.97170657e-02 9.70080718e-02 -4.14785475e-01 -1.44730121e-01 3.01846534e-01 1.64980069e-01 1.23017184e-01 2.35718444e-01 -6.81120515e-01 6.81353956e-02 2.49758419e-02 4.31177169e-01 3.77998173e-01 3.60346511e-02 1.16288932e-02 -1.09404743e-01 2.55417358e-02 -2.76893824e-01 -2.22133979e-01 1.75244167e-01 -5.23805678e-01 2.82084215e-02 -6.66350052e-02 -1.95009381e-01 -1.30167067e-01 -3.14510893e-03 -3.32391113e-01 2.37179715e-02 2.15892151e-01 3.81385200e-02 3.96768689e-01 2.46470004e-01 -6.46412894e-02 -1.44981846e-01 -1.08580165e-01 -7.65993213e-03 -7.40211457e-02 1.73225943e-02 1.17523044e-01 -1.67401195e-01 -4.28209394e-01 2.24406987e-01 1.30036920e-01 2.65786439e-01 -8.40835646e-02 -2.99906701e-01 -1.83458492e-01 1.94479078e-02 5.12371540e-01 -2.25074943e-02 -1.23045467e-01 -2.10605115e-01 6.09231107e-02 7.15770066e-01 -1.96779847e-01 -7.88553208e-02 -2.94214547e-01 -2.07602903e-01 -8.43121931e-02 -2.18331486e-01 8.15559477e-02 2.31319666e-02 -4.34302479e-01 5.86335026e-02 -3.51321250e-02 -2.72529013e-02 -2.92370439e-01 -2.72799373e-01 -4.63884473e-01 -7.25781620e-02 1.88262030e-01 -2.60608345e-01 -5.05794048e-01 1.90715834e-01 -1.22385852e-01 -1.50193602e-01 2.76348680e-01 -1.00716740e-01 -3.49209338e-01 -1.86594442e-01 2.75780767e-01 1.94354206e-02 8.68486837e-02 -3.75302762e-01 1.79926962e-01 2.44365931e-02 3.55948150e-01 5.66132218e-02 -9.26402137e-02 6.42486885e-02 3.72328997e-01 1.66346952e-01 -3.22153419e-01 -2.73228642e-02 -3.35940540e-01 1.07212178e-01 2.49038160e-01 2.28230655e-01 6.12276644e-02 1.64516762e-01 -1.65270165e-01 3.58868718e-01 -1.09688342e-01 -3.42505544e-01 1.97245225e-01 4.43144590e-01 1.16414346e-01 -2.52861530e-01 -7.16489106e-02 4.88641351e-01 -3.91083688e-01 1.31355703e-01 -1.88638091e-01 -4.33845855e-02 -3.77839267e-01 -4.29508425e-02 -2.25700647e-01 1.51911080e-01 3.38544816e-01 -2.29269221e-01 1.34746715e-01 1.14799060e-01 -2.03494668e-01 -5.00446737e-01 -6.78473562e-02 4.86491680e-01 -2.51966678e-02 -4.42352407e-02 3.01264912e-01 -4.65858370e-01 9.19673294e-02 3.40659589e-01 -1.88015535e-01 5.72057486e-01 -9.76396799e-02 5.56389354e-02 1.05392665e-01 -5.50829507e-02 1.86549962e-01 -2.77085811e-01 2.06515342e-01 -1.63200140e-01 1.36356369e-01 2.73888111e-01 2.39109784e-01 2.42863923e-01 2.45875061e-01 4.15728897e-01 -2.91465461e-01 -3.31901014e-02 1.09627917e-01 1.49432614e-01 -2.08673570e-02 -2.97357023e-01 1.50049046e-01 3.84198695e-01 3.68005447e-02 9.46631655e-02 2.92521000e-01 -1.71681985e-01 3.86077957e-03 -1.53235510e-01 2.14278385e-01 -4.46244441e-02 -1.79920763e-01 4.90248203e-02 4.08486784e-01 1.39514625e-01 -1.85140491e-01 -1.88909471e-01 -2.62008131e-01 -2.80317038e-01 -8.35305229e-02 8.19350779e-02 6.25061095e-02 -1.71138063e-01 1.25844702e-01 1.76641196e-01 -9.31345522e-02 -2.68611133e-01 -3.86765301e-02 3.61670926e-02 -1.41970143e-01 7.67276343e-03 -5.62234819e-01 1.04722306e-01 -2.80112445e-01 3.87775213e-01 -2.30533987e-01 1.39438838e-01 4.39228639e-02 1.05630800e-01 -3.26524109e-01 6.72678277e-02 6.22882783e-01 1.73041254e-01 -1.13544449e-01 -3.25292915e-01 -2.57026732e-01 4.38261330e-01 -8.91918689e-02 -5.80354452e-01 1.83553785e-01 -1.02552228e-01 1.36031106e-01 -6.02782786e-01 -1.65047571e-02 -6.52987599e-01 -6.40352219e-02 -5.74801713e-02 -1.48245618e-01 -7.44946674e-02 -2.74479121e-01 8.04875493e-02 -3.00261647e-01 -2.23150909e-01 9.50937942e-02 2.00261950e-01 7.63512105e-02 -9.11905468e-02 1.72042802e-01 4.32292521e-01 -1.49991274e-01 -1.76888183e-01 -2.83488572e-01 -5.66450119e-01 9.20171477e-03 -1.34679247e-02 1.72495857e-01 5.57987802e-02 -3.69561464e-01 9.59305242e-02 3.78188270e-04 -1.68016851e-01 -3.82911474e-01 -1.63616225e-01 6.82602108e-01 -1.19093359e-02 -1.38963059e-01 6.25909150e-01 1.21808000e-01 -3.26156676e-01 -9.64200199e-02 2.56448202e-02 8.24581087e-02 2.37948641e-01 4.74665284e-01 -4.85649467e-01 -1.05126239e-01 3.24848086e-01 2.84148008e-01 -2.27193892e-01 -2.34694228e-01 3.61012399e-01 1.75799400e-01 2.81456709e-01 -4.49628755e-02 1.43711224e-01 1.43793881e-01 -3.29548642e-02 -6.46749660e-02 1.40013635e-01 2.29916144e-02 1.81535427e-02 -2.26937756e-02 -3.86354059e-01 -4.94577467e-01 -2.46920437e-01 -1.12351105e-01 3.06853116e-01 1.96034566e-01 -1.88392460e-01 -1.04949698e-01 -1.42890379e-01 -6.07416369e-02 6.17426634e-02 4.08451825e-01 1.33416370e-01 4.09156792e-02 -9.71440896e-02 4.08492386e-01 1.17262833e-01 3.58397812e-01 -5.93803031e-03 -1.66374892e-01 -1.14318840e-01 -1.47608891e-01 2.24629939e-01 -1.92836210e-01 2.81757265e-01 1.29163221e-01 5.28301120e-01 1.61340877e-01 8.16170722e-02 4.87661734e-02 -2.84291148e-01 1.10632077e-01 -3.56931865e-01 4.29993182e-01 -4.03240353e-01 3.95446680e-02 -2.32239351e-01 -2.23641787e-02 -1.60567909e-01 1.15169384e-01 3.13263744e-01 1.11990340e-01 -3.85161787e-01 -9.05204192e-02 1.51471108e-01 1.13104455e-01 -3.99618328e-01 1.35232300e-01 3.16949859e-02 2.81572580e-01 1.24674849e-01 -4.46644537e-02 -4.70446199e-02 -8.17556754e-02 3.38597894e-01 -2.72669733e-01 4.46374208e-01 5.30133069e-01 7.65262425e-01 3.20781589e-01 1.75259694e-01 5.26038408e-02 9.83427987e-02 3.86713818e-02 3.18783134e-01 6.15205467e-01 1.10095903e-01 -3.03843826e-01 -5.34378551e-02 2.00111613e-01 -1.61187015e-02 2.48428598e-01 1.54643551e-01 -1.66744068e-01 2.68644899e-01 -7.54664391e-02 -2.49627270e-02 -1.37032881e-01 -3.20263743e-01 -1.69668645e-01 4.11772698e-01 -2.64118053e-02 4.68783259e-01 1.88531578e-01 1.20472932e+00 -3.59464027e-02 1.43469244e-01 5.06972373e-01 -1.28819630e-01 3.86914611e-01 -5.98330081e-01 -9.99766812e-02 -3.62594053e-02 3.16998512e-02 1.13528490e-01 -2.61932582e-01 -2.25717977e-01 -1.82816349e-02 -1.17804088e-01 -2.01733574e-01 -4.07425195e-01 -3.64448994e-01 5.65806367e-02 1.77598625e-01 -1.94372516e-02 2.07319275e-01 3.30654591e-01 2.27302775e-01 -9.32270512e-02 2.12606341e-01 3.64705757e-03 -7.91671053e-02 7.92631283e-02 -1.56594828e-01 -4.20182317e-01 2.73142546e-01 1.60793692e-01 1.22782677e-01 2.55300105e-01 1.71799332e-01 7.81344771e-02 8.16123188e-02 5.39558865e-02 4.35020700e-02 5.60649335e-02 1.44488260e-01 2.20910653e-01 -1.81833744e-01 -9.42504406e-02 1.39698148e-01 1.29458874e-01 1.56711176e-01 3.98147814e-02 -1.70910899e-02 3.10923252e-02 -8.08692425e-02 -3.85736614e-01 -1.32861466e-03 1.98056161e-01 -3.74977142e-01 5.23261786e-01 -1.13163985e-01 -4.02562261e-01 -2.53468484e-01 1.39990851e-01 -2.15375721e-01 9.64859650e-02 -6.09553158e-01 1.42668337e-01 -3.05000782e-01 -1.02592006e-01 4.94195074e-01 5.43835200e-03 6.80603832e-02 1.44827709e-01 2.70691872e-01 -2.60621428e-01 -2.58500993e-01 -1.22569054e-01 -1.05090305e-01 7.83812851e-02 5.26149385e-03 1.89092502e-01 -4.37329024e-01 6.48742542e-02 2.76290864e-01 7.83130005e-02 -2.81331003e-01 -9.71873030e-02 -2.28910567e-03 -6.18928298e-02 -5.46000302e-02 -3.15791428e-01 1.65102676e-01 -1.48630947e-01 6.79522336e-01 1.54667050e-01 1.16166651e-01 -4.03121948e-01 -1.93894506e-01 -3.15507472e-01 -1.39447913e-01 1.51277393e-01 -4.18114573e-01 -2.13866532e-01 -1.39123231e-01 1.54766053e-01 -4.00650725e-02 -2.90181726e-01 -1.97825521e-01 -2.39614636e-01 1.59753963e-01 5.14427349e-02 -7.50226676e-02 4.67010923e-02 7.73608536e-02 3.19968164e-01 7.88859352e-02 -2.45438069e-02 2.13424727e-01 1.54996634e-01 2.71638155e-01 3.25936601e-02 1.13687515e-01 -8.38702470e-02 7.69945830e-02 5.75870611e-02 2.79451042e-01 1.50405359e-03 -1.67684183e-01 -2.81058222e-01 -3.12485844e-01 -2.54985660e-01 1.94280416e-01 3.71277295e-02 6.27889335e-01 1.59562677e-01 3.16589206e-01 -2.36113176e-01 -1.61920357e-02 -1.70854732e-01 -5.68342656e-02 -7.10137710e-02 -2.41133779e-01 -2.76193738e-01 2.22377822e-01 -1.07751384e-01 -3.15012857e-02 -9.02943760e-02 1.10404029e-01 -4.09659334e-02 1.80768847e-01 -1.58518285e-01 -2.44491056e-01 -2.45396227e-01 1.55682294e-02 1.97515801e-01 -3.92578216e-03 4.63364348e-02 3.27338547e-01 -2.11442649e-01 -4.35374528e-02 3.26350212e-01 9.29958746e-02 4.37404156e-01 9.17325318e-02 2.58113831e-01 -4.07693945e-02 -3.08974653e-01 3.33797276e-01 2.12015972e-01 -6.87987879e-02 -4.63882387e-02 2.31210813e-01 4.07594927e-02 2.56562270e-02 -1.33701086e-01 -2.70352840e-01 3.83883435e-03 1.85961246e-01 -3.09508055e-01 4.21025194e-02 5.82310967e-02 -5.62410466e-02 -1.53521180e-01 -3.01843703e-01 -2.16740683e-01 2.02112302e-01 -6.34946972e-02 1.54418021e-01 1.87934771e-01 1.89774498e-01 -8.69364366e-02 2.90343672e-01 2.11945727e-01 -6.40070811e-02 3.38948041e-01 -2.41298586e-01 7.09885135e-02 3.56451869e-01 -7.28823394e-02 -2.80312330e-01 -1.22813411e-01 1.63149714e-01 -1.68206632e-01 -3.77030283e-01 2.03811631e-01 5.13752140e-02 4.88912594e-03 -4.41191018e-01 1.17588397e-02 3.06898385e-01 -7.03310370e-02 4.62030210e-02 1.57633618e-01 -2.51715750e-01 1.14751592e-01 -6.42294670e-03 4.36916202e-01 4.21289533e-01 2.47832447e-01 -1.27593298e-02 -2.78942317e-01 1.76743805e-01 6.98135942e-02 -1.62387937e-01 1.11139543e-01 -2.24226639e-01 -6.34686649e-02 1.75718144e-01 -2.81598419e-01 1.04094923e-01 9.16583240e-02 4.68263537e-01 2.25493699e-01 -6.40450418e-02 -1.19510688e-01 -1.37520552e-01 8.67715403e-02 1.65331975e-01 -3.20286334e-01 4.14521880e-02 -1.34999827e-01 -7.02714100e-02 4.00496691e-01 4.56134006e-02 -1.45644680e-01 4.66798246e-01 -4.43245202e-01 1.64577127e-01 -3.47378671e-01 1.30174324e-01 3.43206108e-01 1.52713701e-01 9.41017047e-02 -2.08260715e-01 2.06451416e-01 -4.12610084e-01 1.02295212e-01 2.52351671e-01 -4.31234568e-01 1.90103531e-01 5.20433128e-01 4.74683493e-01 -4.77635898e-02 -2.19793674e-02 -3.02500218e-01 -4.24321264e-01 -2.47066587e-01 1.25526965e-01 -5.33185340e-02 1.45192623e-01 1.04070351e-01 1.18561342e-01 -6.41215080e-03 2.37362146e-01 6.11430444e-02 1.74695387e-01 8.03396329e-02 3.99496913e-01 -3.51317674e-01 -5.24006551e-03 -3.39808375e-01 1.28042728e-01 1.78640589e-01 8.54844376e-02 1.29028529e-01 -1.16766587e-01 -3.47076625e-01 -6.23855218e-02 5.11106551e-01 3.01817894e-01 -1.00127906e-01 -1.92331672e-01 2.19213113e-01 -3.49613652e-02 3.20620835e-03 -2.55292088e-01 1.06380709e-01 5.88077493e-02 -1.54578406e-02 -3.26747864e-01 -3.34300041e-01 1.30257994e-01 -2.68388540e-01 -1.62978485e-01 7.56341457e-01 -2.45340969e-02 2.84611946e-03 -3.39377016e-01 3.20853814e-02]
"Shepard Tone" active "SCP-6807 - Shepard Tone Authored by Cole 13, rewritten by GremlinGroup, JakdragonX, and Elenee FishTruck ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. Special Containment Procedures: A remote surveillance system monitors the entrance to SCP-6807, currently an industrial-grade steel door. At no point may personnel on exploratory missions sit or recline on the stairs. Description: SCP-6807 is a red-carpeted staircase, accessed from an unmarked door in Kyoto's sewers. The staircase does not breach the surface, despite extending far beyond the requisite length to do so. Paintings hang from the brick walls at regular intervals. Individuals or objects ascending SCP-6807 will travel normally until reaching around 30-40 meters in vertical height, after which they will spontaneously relocate to a lower point on the staircase. This transition is seamless, and affected individuals will not notice the change in elevation unless told. No accurate measurement of SCP-6807's true height has yet been taken. An additional set of anomalous features have been identified but not studied in detail. See addendum below. Addendum 6807.1: Exploration Log Mission Intent: Ascertain any differences that emerge from the baseline anomaly after long-term exploration. Agent Gera led the solo exploration, with Agent Villareal acting as command. Two back-up agents acted as emergency recovery at the stair's base. (Agent Gera opens the door to SCP-6807. Visibility drastically reduces.) Gera: Ascending the stairs. Command: Copy that. (Gera activates her headlight, revealing the dimly lit staircase, and ascends steadily, the two recovery agents staying at the bottom. The carpet muffles her footsteps as she climbs. Reaching 10 meters vertically, she sees her first pair of paintings.) Gera: Two of the usual. Command: Good to see it hasn't changed. If you see any variation, let us know. Gera: Gotcha. (Gera ascends 20 more meters, occasionally viewing different copies of the same paintings as before. Command detects a sudden drastic change in her location.) Command: Agent, read your altitude bar. Gera: 10 meters. That's the loop? Command: Exactly. Any differences? Gera: Nope. It's like I'm seeing the same thing over and over! (Command and Gera laugh. Gera continues ascending. Feed detects no audio save her calm breathing and soft footsteps.) Gera: … you hear that? Command: Negative. Gera: It's a… no I can… Nevermind. Command: What's that, agent? Gera: Like a tone, y'know? A background noise. I thought, anyways. (Audio detects zero additional noise. Gera continues ascending, looping three times along the staircase. She encounters a set of paintings.) Command: Stop. Gera: What? Command: Look at the painting to the right. (Gera turns accordingly. See image.) Gera: Nothing unusual. Command: We weren't sure, is all. Thought we saw something different. Gera: Right, right. Pretty, isn't it? (Gera continues ascending. After completing another loop, she freezes.) Gera: … again. Command: Repeat? Gera: The noise, it's… it's here again. I can't tell where it's from. It's like a constantly increasing tone, y'know? Upping in pitch. It's here now. Command: We can't hear it, agent. We should pull you back i- Gera: No, no, I… I can continue. Command: Copy that. (Gera continues ascending at a quicker pace, staying on the right side of the stairs. No detected changes in surroundings.) Gera: It's like a… what do you call them? It just keeps going up and up, and at some point it— (Gera freezes again.) Command: Agent? Gera: Where's it coming from… Command: Again, we can pull you back— Gera: I better continue. I— I better go up. (Gera continues on the right side of the stairs.) Gera: (mumbling) I'm coming, damn it, I'm coming! Command: Agent? (Gera increases her pace further still. Her breathing quickens and her footsteps turn louder.) Command: Agent? Agent Gera, do you copy? Gera: It's coming from behind. I— I need to go up quicker, she needs me to. Command: Agent, we advise you to descend the stairs. Gera: It's a… a Shepard tone! I need to… he's coming from behind and I need to— Command: Agent, go down the stairs! (Gera glances to the painting on the left, and freezes.) Gera: He's laughing! (Gera runs up the right side of the staircase. Shallow breathing and pounding steps fill the audio feed. She skips steps, striding from one to another, while occasionally glancing at the paintings to her left.) Command: Gera, stop! Gera: Go away! Go awa— (Gera trips on a step and falls forward. She pants on the stairs.) Command: Gera, are you OK? Gera: I can… I can… Command: Please, all you need to do is descend the stairs. It's only 10 meters down. (Gera turns over on her back and removes her headlight. Feed detects a light rushing sound. She rubs her forehead.) Gera: Ugh… goddamn it. Command: Gera. Gera: Hold on, hold on. Just… she— it told me to stay away from— from the left. The laughing— Command: We'll deal with it later. For now, just exit the stairs. (She sits up and breathes heavily.) Gera: OK, hold on. Just gotta— (The headlight has disappeared. The rushing sound increases.) Gera: Oh god… where did it go, where did it go- Command: Gera, calm down. I mean it. Gera: Why is it— why is it cold? Command: Hold on to the stairs. Gera: What? Command: Hold. On. To the stairs. Gera: OK, OK, I— I can see the base. I can get— (A force knocks Gera back, and she desperately holds on to a step. Command detects a rapid increase in her upward acceleration, with no matching displacement. One of her hands slips off.) Gera: I can't! I can't hold on, fuck! Command: Hold on to the next step. Crawl down to the recovery agents, you got this. Gera: The tone… the tone is getting louder! Command: Forget the tone! Get down there! Gera: I'm gonna sli— (Camera tumbles upward. Feed detects immense wind and Gera's grunts.) Command: Gera, do you read?! (Grunting continues.) Command: Gera! Gera: Yahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyah- (Camera slams into a wall. Feed detects a crunching noise before cutting out.) On-site personnel reported a low-pitched laughing noise originating from SCP-6807's stairhead after Agent Gera's disappearance. Until the circumstances of this disappearance are identified, further exploration is forbidden. SCP-6080 — Cartoon Network, by JackalRelated, pastarasta1, & ValidClay SCP-3672 — Why are there so many songs about rainbows?, by LordStonefish « SCP-6806 | SCP-6807 | SCP-6808 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6807" by Cole 13, rewritten by GremlinGroup, JakdragonX, and Elenee FishTruck, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: stairs.png Author: stephlynch License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Filename: painting-2.png Author: GremlinGroup, Brian Gratwicke, William Warby License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative of: Name: Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) Author: Brian Gratwicke License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Name: Mud Texture Author: William Warby License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: painting-1.png Author: GremlinGroup, liz west, Rhian, -JvL-, Ed Uthman License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative of: Name: blue fungus Author: liz west License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Name: Fungus texture Author: Rhian License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Name: Prison Author: -JvL- License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Name: Emerald & Diamond Tiara Author: Ed Uthman License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." ". SCP-6807. Painting found in SCP-6807. Artist or origin unknown. Painting found to the left of SCP-6807. Artist or origin unknown."
[-6.49682507e-02 -3.75336856e-01 -5.96773289e-02 -2.13567510e-01 -3.38185951e-02 -3.58961344e-01 1.82664663e-01 2.68143952e-01 2.43907109e-01 3.81486446e-01 -6.91026226e-02 2.78765649e-01 -1.80172578e-01 1.53183177e-01 -1.65272191e-01 -7.11117834e-02 8.76885578e-02 8.68366957e-02 1.30882524e-02 -2.18435660e-01 -2.73239076e-01 1.94259570e-03 -5.43655306e-02 3.13376099e-01 1.53091088e-01 -7.88923353e-02 6.17008843e-02 -8.83366913e-02 7.54294172e-02 -1.49630845e-01 1.96607798e-01 5.44845104e-01 1.46128431e-01 5.52052259e-01 -1.09678607e-04 -1.34684712e-01 1.18919209e-01 -4.83236089e-02 -6.37731105e-02 -7.63770938e-02 -8.73412117e-02 1.18109576e-01 -1.49098068e-01 -2.16480210e-01 -1.27845138e-01 1.40210837e-01 -1.14044674e-01 1.58335548e-02 3.89894515e-01 2.86741495e-01 1.83093965e-01 -4.35899615e-01 -4.09153432e-01 -1.14039153e-01 -1.21799849e-01 4.17647392e-01 -5.07944934e-02 9.52365622e-02 2.47637182e-01 3.46753240e-01 -1.98907927e-01 -2.76914537e-02 -6.59121796e-02 -7.17560574e-02 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3.07367355e-01 -4.91987579e-02 -1.69349149e-01 -4.66764010e-02 -3.19542259e-01 1.37131944e-01 -8.86287764e-02 2.93229520e-01 -1.79416351e-02 1.06718913e-01 -6.51440769e-02 -1.05981246e-01 2.15284809e-01 1.67691395e-01 3.08421582e-01 1.78905457e-01 -3.04807663e-01 3.76920402e-03 -8.47629607e-02 1.28105581e-01 -1.70208335e-01 1.93028063e-01 2.73962677e-01 2.04919830e-01 -1.59376308e-01 2.17316508e-01 -2.71264195e-01 -9.67573076e-02 -4.15611356e-01 1.67825937e-01 -3.89110595e-01 -3.02197523e-02 3.08426499e-01 -3.68787162e-02 -1.04732119e-01 1.09852683e-02 -4.66965660e-02 2.90644854e-01 -2.28460103e-01 -2.89075941e-01 -3.97729456e-01 -2.66931891e-01 3.02432030e-01 -3.45428847e-02 8.14833641e-02 1.88044533e-01 -1.00597017e-01 1.33269995e-01 -1.18952751e-01 -5.01139089e-02 3.80990990e-02 -8.01574141e-02 -3.62947494e-01 5.31852841e-01 3.13648105e-01 -4.65878546e-01 -1.38500392e-01 -1.75088853e-01 2.66583174e-01 -1.16585724e-01 8.88569951e-02 7.79224420e-03 -2.04739228e-01 -2.07789049e-01 3.90782267e-01 1.29377246e-01 -5.29123060e-02 -3.51582110e-01 -2.73411535e-02 -8.95331576e-02 5.66954315e-01 -1.39034569e-01 -2.96423942e-01 -1.19042657e-01 8.61550942e-02 2.60034323e-01 -2.38105506e-01 1.14337355e-01 3.05850983e-01 -8.52754042e-02 2.96264529e-01 1.92761168e-01 1.67896181e-01 9.08779353e-02 -3.02419931e-01 -1.80650368e-01 -2.53461152e-01 -4.43356663e-01 1.78605288e-01 1.87708333e-01 -9.96082798e-02 -9.43861380e-02 2.69201174e-02 1.36410505e-01 -2.20459521e-01 -2.91544199e-01 3.74917947e-02 -5.10496013e-02 -1.06053337e-01 -1.04195839e-02 3.11425813e-02 4.15500581e-01 2.03298643e-01 4.91805971e-02 -1.81916744e-01 -7.79108927e-02 -8.48582536e-02 1.51490703e-01 1.12681553e-01 2.80884922e-01 -1.52007252e-01 4.31291014e-02 1.20263956e-01 -1.55170605e-01 -4.86280210e-02 1.96499452e-01 -7.10113198e-02 8.12119097e-02 3.03006828e-01 1.21453606e-01 -3.15874964e-02 -2.65732110e-01 2.39199534e-01 -2.18624994e-01 3.81777510e-02 -9.42767039e-02 4.32772815e-01 -7.35701108e-03 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7.18180165e-02 -2.59565473e-01 1.16990499e-01 2.64306158e-01 -7.11567774e-02 1.37530625e-01 -1.54841200e-01 -5.78082390e-02 1.96723521e-01 -3.58732671e-01 2.38971069e-01 2.15097442e-01 1.33786201e-01 -3.83706897e-01 -1.43018767e-01 1.85906962e-01 -9.32641774e-02 4.98235822e-01 -6.42072186e-02 2.85846621e-01 8.93148780e-02 2.11180583e-01 -5.45393713e-02 -3.04095238e-03 -2.21097738e-01 -3.07577223e-01 3.56964260e-01 1.77533820e-01 2.61940807e-01 -4.00129333e-02 -1.20010704e-01 7.50287101e-02 2.86464375e-02 1.83090299e-01 5.35029098e-02 -6.78437412e-01 1.49621526e-02 1.05154760e-01 -8.27612635e-03 -1.00482367e-02 -3.12801659e-01 -1.88337788e-01 2.71176398e-01 4.65865493e-01 1.32918835e-01 2.75762886e-01 2.45820470e-02 2.03558385e-01 -1.96348816e-01 7.25547910e-01 4.32866871e-01 3.00555438e-01 1.20190755e-01 -6.58392161e-02 3.61802161e-01 1.34492040e-01 -3.17362696e-01 1.06020793e-01 6.73741221e-01 1.35474831e-01 1.54320061e-01 -5.07373631e-01 3.82867903e-01 -5.01909494e-01 2.42097393e-01 3.84755254e-01 2.71734655e-01 1.52708784e-01 -2.47115657e-01 1.68240279e-01 -5.05510792e-02 -4.21478122e-01 -5.57299197e-01 3.49449903e-01 -1.46660641e-01 3.61481965e-01 1.79833561e-01 8.45609546e-01 2.19108090e-01 1.19592965e-01 3.61959785e-01 -1.65876582e-01 -6.23204857e-02 2.05364317e-01 2.72137839e-02 8.22422355e-02 5.26609421e-02 6.09442182e-02 -1.44356683e-01 -1.54822439e-01 2.15648785e-01 -5.62221929e-02 -3.02553266e-01 -1.14499934e-01 -5.84532619e-01 3.05522531e-01 -3.37374568e-01 2.12445989e-01 2.82102436e-01 1.88361153e-01 2.14750931e-01 -1.16669379e-01 1.91779837e-01 1.59317881e-01 -8.91804025e-02 -3.12878415e-02 -5.80309518e-02 -2.25588471e-01 2.09678069e-01 5.80835938e-01 4.96161953e-02 -8.52743909e-02 -8.67563859e-02 1.77371413e-01 -4.03881699e-01 8.50898847e-02 -1.34474471e-01 -2.13391539e-02 2.17837870e-01 3.47713023e-01 -4.45427448e-02 3.00979223e-02 3.53508770e-01 -1.80003345e-02 2.33380236e-02 -9.61344242e-02 7.05907717e-02 1.26453608e-01 6.75806925e-02 -2.88310111e-01 3.33088227e-02 3.69518518e-01 1.40216008e-01 3.40022922e-01 2.66584288e-02 1.02491513e-01 -8.75552744e-02 1.23755358e-01 -1.87048420e-01 -5.45939021e-02 1.02286064e-03 -1.88728735e-01 -3.93961459e-01 -2.81265955e-02 3.75775963e-01 4.79434133e-02 -4.89289463e-01 9.03184861e-02 -6.53506815e-02 -1.30515501e-01 -2.73709953e-01 -1.46144675e-02 -8.59873071e-02 -3.77200156e-01 9.53839347e-02 1.02016158e-01 -3.66718233e-01 7.92069286e-02 4.33156133e-01 1.47077963e-02 -2.99989074e-01 -1.94490448e-01 1.57119304e-01 1.67295977e-01 -2.18428865e-01 -1.57220274e-01 3.12771022e-01 -2.55343825e-01 -8.89664739e-02 1.40929475e-01 -4.15046774e-02 -3.60480458e-01 -1.78139672e-01 -2.30387926e-01 7.22122286e-03 1.37366191e-01 -4.63585347e-01 7.96495602e-02 -3.98778506e-02 1.73341021e-01 2.23008520e-03 -1.31796241e-01 -2.48310328e-01 -3.45982015e-01 1.58546820e-01 -1.31526515e-01 -9.26181488e-03 3.25412869e-01 3.53617966e-01 2.77590007e-01 1.08394504e-01 8.53223130e-02 1.18070520e-01 1.86250269e-01 1.75495401e-01 -1.42026231e-01 4.94821481e-02 -1.98700335e-02 2.66713724e-02 3.30293387e-01 4.77567941e-01 -2.67595977e-01 -2.00008318e-01 -3.47705305e-01 -1.05868615e-01 3.81201476e-01 3.20017666e-01 6.35511428e-02 4.72796671e-02 -7.92394727e-02 2.35062554e-01 4.40575890e-02 1.49498299e-01 -1.22331977e-01 -1.69193491e-01 -2.34614611e-01 -4.43681121e-01 -1.23051085e-01 2.52822667e-01 -1.02179974e-01 1.26503259e-01 2.37870612e-04 -1.95883736e-01 1.44746527e-01 1.81690350e-01 -2.33152524e-01 -4.97499287e-01 6.61574155e-02 -3.34730335e-02 -3.01207565e-02 2.13900506e-01 1.14561707e-01 4.33105260e-01 -2.12006201e-03 -1.35274678e-01 5.56582749e-01 4.58507352e-02 4.96659070e-01 6.39699757e-01 2.81479239e-01 4.42317352e-02 -8.32320452e-02 1.94589645e-01 1.38766319e-01 -3.13240290e-02 -4.59513739e-02 1.32894427e-01 -1.63890272e-01 1.39547139e-01 -7.53433108e-02 -7.57066533e-02 -9.22878087e-02 8.41244906e-02 -2.02780604e-01 -2.27712855e-01 1.86250377e-02 -6.02907166e-02 -2.30226129e-01 -2.45859385e-01 -7.83813238e-01 -2.48545613e-02 -3.02883964e-02 3.24856877e-01 -1.39626930e-03 4.15863991e-02 1.11133665e-01 2.02086926e-01 -3.03593963e-01 -1.73351869e-01 3.03428620e-01 -7.21731409e-02 4.37130302e-01 7.32868791e-01 -2.08749816e-01 3.34051549e-01 -1.60703868e-01 6.57342374e-02 -5.64094586e-03 -1.56119421e-01 -4.29796614e-03 2.39864916e-01 8.74204859e-02 -3.22713584e-01 -1.63538549e-02 3.24745923e-01 7.55542740e-02 2.16036886e-01 1.32626683e-01 -2.67010748e-01 4.18705136e-01 -7.65028894e-02 4.27799314e-01 2.87734658e-01 7.13201642e-01 -2.89981008e-01 1.89258397e-01 -1.03789493e-01 -1.23139434e-01 -2.49084547e-01 1.50953442e-01 -3.34737241e-01 5.50792962e-02 -2.06339564e-02 -1.87891543e-01 1.17155075e-01 -2.15830728e-01 2.61004627e-01 1.79265440e-01 2.03957573e-01 4.84347455e-02 -2.74137616e-01 -1.50250912e-01 2.98862725e-01 6.78322762e-02 3.51691581e-02 -3.05778813e-02 -2.63411283e-01 2.26725981e-01 3.90229970e-01 2.53770918e-01 2.69676208e-01 -1.36145204e-01 -1.61192760e-01 -3.81346822e-01 2.84129620e-01 8.55935931e-01 -1.67843446e-01 2.22443547e-02 -2.62146950e-01 3.11615244e-02 -5.73103070e-01 1.95720211e-01 2.89816618e-01 -2.76944190e-01 -1.95912451e-01 1.60120845e-01 1.69440627e-01 -6.82306439e-02 2.33427837e-01 -1.26395794e-02 -2.21976072e-01 2.17146263e-01 3.53994854e-02 -7.34784156e-02 -3.29928160e-01 -8.67127534e-03 5.35513163e-01 9.49212685e-02 4.70703512e-01 1.97452664e-01 1.80638313e-01 1.60931185e-01 -1.55247077e-01 -2.23556876e-01 1.59998938e-01 -1.11711808e-01 -2.52866179e-01 7.81423748e-02 1.48697436e-01 1.99433342e-01 1.11769080e-01 -2.31434286e-01 -2.15090647e-01 6.41317248e-01 -2.07230121e-01 -2.33023703e-01 -3.24470580e-01 2.25538388e-01 -2.64009923e-01 -4.26072404e-02 2.29728706e-02 2.21699253e-02 6.81459159e-02 1.63322195e-01 -2.88044065e-01 7.21978173e-02 -3.23652953e-01 -3.63934547e-01 7.64311105e-02 4.23389703e-01 1.61682755e-01 1.49582058e-01 -3.12342912e-01 -3.37963104e-02]
"This Cancer Within Me" active "⚠️ Content warning: This article touches on themes of emotional abuse and manipulation. ⚠️ content warning Author page to come soon, hopefully, maybe. Meanwhile you can check my memecon entry SCP-6803 True Earth And my VKTM article SCP-5428 101 Life Hacks With Eleonor Provisional Site-808 has been established for the containment of SCP-6808. Site-808 itself is composed by two sections, denominated Section-Alfa and Section-Beta. Section-Alfa must be staffed by five individuals at all times. They are to maintain the facade of civilian inhabitants. Personnel with a history of having suffered emotional abuse are not to be considered for this position. Section-Beta must remain vacant, and all entrances to the structure must remain locked. In the case civilians manage to break into Section-Beta they are to be considered lost, and the entrance point is to be repaired if necessary. The staff stationed at Site-Alfa must perform the following tasks on a daily basis: As of 03/13/1998, explorations into Section-Beta are prohibited. SCP-6808 is a level 12 haunting localized within Section-Beta; a townhouse located at 41 Monument St. in Boston, Massachusetts. SCP-6808 is notable as it far exceeds the expected intensity for a haunting, given the known history of the location. Furthermore, SCP-6808 does not suffer from the natural dissipation effect that most hauntings do. Instead, SCP-6808 has continued to increase in intensity over its time in containment. Currently, SCP-6808 has one of the most dense concentrations of Phasma units known to the Foundation. SCP-6808 has been contained within the townhouse it originates from via the use of a PFS. This PFS renders the physical structure of Section-Beta a high fidelity containment chamber for all phasmic phenomena. In recent years, however, the increase in intensity of SCP-6808 has damaged the physical structure of Section-Beta. This in turn has led to an increase in minor leak events. Additionally, SCP-6808 has a temporarily locked imprint effect. SCP-6808 has the tendency of returning Section-Beta to its former state, presumably the state it was in when the anomaly first manifested. Attempts to reinforce Section-Beta with modern methods have been partially successful. When not rejected, the additions will be replaced with construction techniques and materials that are synchronic to those used around the year 1920. Furthermore, SCP-6808 will repair damage inflicted upon Section-Beta. This effect is, however, too slow to counteract the damages caused by SCP-6808 itself. As such, if maintenance were to be stopped the structure would collapse within two weeks. Alternative methods for the effective containment of SCP-6808 are currently under development. Leak events have been linked to a variety of phasmic phenomena, which have manifested in the Charlestown neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. Most prominently within the vicinity of Section-Beta. A list of example leak events is provided below. 06/18/2001 Magnitude: 9.2 Phasma units. Cause: One meter long crack along the eastern wall of Section-Beta. Effect: Staff report the manifestation of two shadowy silhouettes within Section-Beta. The two embrace each other for three seconds before vanishing. Faint laughter and footsteps are heard for an additional minute. Additional notes: Event matches the median expected for minor leak events. 02/08/1954 Magnitude: 28.5 Phasma units. Cause: Broken window in the second floor of Section-Beta. Effect: Subjects within 34 meters of Section-Beta report hearing a random phrase in the voice of their significant other. 90% describe the comment as a joke, while the remaining 10% describe it as patronizing. Additional notes: N/A 03/07/1986 Magnitude: 65.2 Phasma units. Cause: Blowout of hatches within the chimney of Section-Beta. Effect: Civilians within a 85 meter radius of Section-Beta report the feeling of being observed; specifically by photographs and artworks within their household which depict human faces. Most of the affected individuals report feeling judged after the experience. Additionally they displayed decreased interest in activities they found enjoyable for three hours. Additional notes: N/A 09/04/2013 Magnitude: 104.5 Phasma Units Cause: The main entrance to Section-Beta violently blew open outwards, breaking its frame in the process. Effect: Civilians within a 156 meter radius of Section-Beta report personal belongings being damaged. All of the affected objects were noted to hold emotional significance to their owners. Examples include preferred items of clothing, family portraits, and heirlooms. Individuals were aware of the damage even when the objects were in storage where not visible. All objects returned to their original state seven hours after the event. Additional notes: The PFS generator within the site was upgraded following this event. This is the fourth and latest upgrade that has been required in order to successfully contain SCP-6808. 12/14/1947 Magnitude: 396.7 Phasma units. Cause: A civilian vehicle crashed into the eastern wall of Section-Beta, causing an entire portion of it to collapse. A witness described the wall as ‘exploding in the wrong direction’. Effect: Power outages occurred throughout the Charlestown neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts. Over 500 phasmic events related to the leak were documented. Additionally, there was an anomalous increase in domestic dispute reports during the event, although no cases of physical abuse were filed. The driver of the vehicle that crashed into SCP-6808 was found deceased, with several bricks having violently mutilated his body. An autopsy was held and several tumors were found in different organs including eyes, tongue, heart and the remains of the brain. Staff reported hearing belittling comments while observing the tumors. Additional notes: This is the most intense leak event to date. Several explorations into SCP-6808 took place before the environment was deemed too hazardous. Archived exploration procedures follow. Staff must be fitted with a psychic protection harness, and must not stay within the apartment for more than five minutes. They are not to react to any manifestations, and are to receive psychological counseling after the exploration is concluded. Bodies within SCP-6808 are not to be retrieved. Transcript of the last exploration log follows. Exploration Log #46 [Begin log] [Video Begins. The exterior of Section-Beta can be seen.] Rogers: Video is coming in…. ok. You’re set to go. Peterson: Not gonna wish me luck? Rogers: Peterson. Peterson: Come on, it's my third time. You know they won't check this. Rogers: (Scoffs) Good luck you bastard. Peterson: Thank you. [Agent Peterson begins walking towards the entrance of Section-Beta. He unlocks the door and walks in. The door closes behind him and staff can be heard locking the door. A narrow hallway can be seen, with a staircase to the left.] Peterson: Looks normal so far. Rogers: Ok… Is Kennedy sti- Peterson: Yes she is still slumped on the wall as always. Rogers: Still no signs of deterioration? Peterson: Just like a sleeping baby. Rogers: Copy. Proceed towards the target. Peterson: Third floor right? Rogers: I- What? Seriously. Yes third floor second door to the- Peterson: I'm just messing with you. [Peterson begins walking up the stairs.] Peterson: It’s… oddly quiet so fa- [A woman can be heard laughing, followed by rythmic thumping sound.] Peterson: Nevermind. [Peterson reaches the second floor. He looks down the hallway. Another body can be seen lying on the floor across a door frame. The door continuously slams on its head. Something unknown wiggles under the cranium of the body.] Rogers: I'm detecting a minor increase in your heart rate. Peterson: (Takes a deep breath) The usual. It's just toying with Davenport. Rogers: Not showing up at my end. Peterson: Oh you know how it is. It will be there in the final video. [Peterson begins climbing up the third flight of stairs. Midway through, a loud slam can be heard. He takes a deep breath before turning around. The door is now closed shut.] Rogers: Ok, that one came through. [Peterson continues walking up the stairs. The wooden steps begin warping as he does so.] Peterson: Things starting to distort now. That felt like three or four flights of stairs. Rogers: Are you sure? It looked normal. Peterson: Yes, I'm sure. Rogers: Um, excuse me? Peterson: I know what the normal length of the stairs is. Rogers: I said I believe you. Peterson: What? Rogers: I said I believe you. Focus, I know it's been a couple months and you’re rusty but you’ve done this before. [Peterson pulls a locket out of his pocket and holds it for a second while breathing deeply. Once he has calmed down he puts the locket back in his pocket.] Peterson: Right right. Sorry. I'm on the third. The hallway… it… [The walls and floors are warping in odd angles.] Rogers: Good. Hurry, it's been two minutes. Peterson: Yes. Door door, umm.. what door. Rogers: Third door on the left. Peterson: Yes thank you. I- [Peterson begins walking towards the third door. He stops as a wet thump can be heard.] Peterson: Fuck I- I think I stepped on Williams. Rogers: What? That can't be. Peterson: What do you mean? Rogers: Don't look up. Peterson: Wha- [Peterson looks down, nothing is seen. He then looks up. A body is stuck to the ceiling. Partially translucent tumorous growths cover the body, they wiggle slowly. Black strands erupt out and stick to the surrounding surfaces, similar to a cocoon. A ceiling light faintly shines through the body, which makes several unidentifiable organs visible. A badge with the name Jack Williams is visible, partially consumed by a tumor.] Peterson: How in the fuck- Rogers: Breath. Peterson: B-but. How! Rogers: Breath! That's always been there. Peterson: I… yes yes, you're right. It has. It always has. Rogers: It's ok, breath. You’ve got this. Just, start going down the stairs slowly. Peterson: Down? But… the mission Rogers: Forget about that. You clearly needed more time before coming back in here. Peterson: N-No. No! I’m ready. I'll get it done. [Peterson runs towards the third door. He grabs the doorknob and pauses. His heart rate increases.] Peterson: Fuck. Okay. Buddy, listen, take a deep breath. Don't look right. Just go to the bedside table, grab your hammer. Get the items, and you're out. [Rogers enters the room and looks left. Another body with tumorous growths can be seen, stuck to the wall.] Peterson: (Gently) A-Amanda… Rogers: Don't look! The room must have shifted. [Peterson quickly looks right as his breathing intensifies. A bed can be seen. Peterson pulls out a hammer and breaks the drawer of the bedside table. He pulls out several letters which he places inside his backpack. Peterson pulls out the locket once again while breathing deeply.] Peterson: I got them. I got them. Just… give me a minute. [The locket is violently pulled away from Peterson, presumably towards the body in the wall. Peterson wails in response.] Roger: Don't let it, it's trying to hurt you! Run out, now! Peterson: Run? But- the proto- Roger: Run! [Agent Peterson runs out of the room. He trips with the body of Williams and falls down the stairs. Several loud thumps can be heard. Agent Peterson screams, he looks towards his left arm and an exposed fracture is visible. He then looks towards his torso, the status lights on his psychic protection harness are off.] Peterson: Fuck! Fuck Fuck! Roger: It's been six minutes, you need to get out, now! Peterson: Wha- Six? Shit! Why didn’t you te- Roger: I did! Peterson: Goddammit, no you didn’t! Roger: (Scoffs) Does it matter? Just get out! Peterson: You- No no no! [Agent Peterson stands up. He injects himself with painkillers, and then resets his arm. Once he looks around it's clear he is on the second floor of the Section-Beta. A closed door can be seen in front of him. Tumors are growing between the door and its frame. Wispy tendrils reach toward agent Peterson.] Davenport: (Muffled) You‘re gonna miss that little collar of yours are you not? [Agent Peterson yells at the door, then quickly descends down the stairs. His left arm flails and sprays blood on the camera before he holds it secure in place with his other arm while screaming.] Peterson: (Out of breath) Almost out. Almost out. Almo- [Agent Peterson stops. Between the entrance door and him is the body of Agent Kennedy. It is standing up, covered in tumors and tendrils. His arms are fused to his torso by the growths.] Kennedy: Sir. Are we continuing my training today? Peterson: Fuck you! [Agent Peterson throws his hammer at the entity, his left arm flails as he does so. The entity stumbles upon impact. He turns around and runs towards the back door but as soon as he opens it, he finds himself within the living room.] Peterson: What? No! Amanda: My Darling? [Peterson turns around. The Davenport entity walks towards him, the faces of Williams, Amanda, Kennedy and several others manifest from the tumors. ] Amanda: Are you really going out with your friends tonight? Again? Fine, I'll stay here, aloneeee- [The voice of the entity heavily distorts as it begins to inflate rapidly. It ruptures into a mass of tumors and tendrils which quickly begin growing and filling the room. As tendrils reach towards Peterson he notices the fireplace behind him. He forces the upper half of his body inside. Only the interior of the chimney can be seen now, it quickly narrows and twists above him. Light can be seen at the end. Agent Peterson begins crying.] Peterson: No no no! Let me out! Let- [Peterson lets out a loud exhale, as if his thorax had been compressed violently. The camera is pressed towards the wall, and breaks. Video stops. There are thirty seconds of distorted audio, as if several objects were rubbed against the microphone.] Rogers: (Laughing) Did you really think that would work? [There are seven minutes of silence.] Rogers: Peterson! Peterson! Are you ok? Our instruments disconnected as soon as you walked in. It's been two minutes. Are you ok? Peterson? Buddy? [End log] Closing Statement: Against protocol, Agent Roger quickly fit himself with a psychic protection harness, and entered SCP-6808. He quickly found the body of Agent Peterson crammed inside the chimney on the first floor of the building. Upon quick inspection of the body, no physical damage was found. The psychic protection harness of Peterson was found to also be intact and still functioning. Agent Roger retrieved the items obtained by Peterson and exited the building, after which he went through psychological counseling. Following this event, exploration into SCP-6808 was prohibited. A later examination with a drone revealed that the body of Agent Peterson has returned to its position within the chimney, despite it having being carefully laid on the floor by Agent Roger. The drone malfunctioned shortly after this. Several letters were recovered during exploration #48. The letters were located on a bedside table which was known to be locked. Two weeks after recovery they demanifested from site-808 storage, they have presumably returned to their original location. All letters were addressed to Mrs. Regina Fowler. Most of them were unopened. Notorious letters logged below. January 4th, 1919 My Darling: It is with a heavy heart that I ask for your forgiveness once more. I did not mean what I said. Those words were born from mere misguided passion. Please, I need you. Come back. I will be better. I promise. Yours truly, Clark Harris April 27th, 1919 My Darling: It is me once again. I am sorry to be the bearer of this foul news, but it seems that the heartbreak has done more damage to me than I ever expected. I'm sick. Deadly sick. Something akin to Miner's Lung, the doctors say. Some of my workmates from the factories have it too, but our employers won't admit any fault. They have fired me, and I do not believe I have much time left. I'm lucky to have this house of mine, the one which my parents left me. But even then, even when my mates have it much worse, they still have someone to share their last breaths with. Please, come back, if for only a day. I do not wish to die alone. Forever yours, Clark November 12th, 1919 Our beloved Regina: Why won't you answer us? Have we got the wrong direction? We heard you returned with Mr. Harris and we respect that, but is this not his address? Have you moved? Please, tell us how you are. Where you are. Anything. Your sisters have not heard about you in months either. Please, just let us know if you are ok. Awaiting your reply, Your loved ones The following interview was held shortly before discovery and containment of SCP-6808, in February 26th, 1920. Interviewee is Amelia Jacobs, former inhabitant of Section-Alfa. Interviewer is Agent Mannings. [Begin log] Mrs. Jacobs: No problem young man. I'm not sure what else I can give that though. Nothing that I haven't told your copper mates. Other than… Mannings: Yes, I actually wanted to talk about that. You recently filed a home invasion report. Could you elaborate on it? Mrs. Jacobs: It wasn't a home invasion, I mean not really. I- You wouldn't believe me, they didn't. Mannings: You don't have to worry Mrs. Jacobs, you can tell me. Mrs. Jacobs: But you won't believe me. Nobody does… at least it feels that way. Mannings: I promise you I will. Please, I want to help you. Mrs. Jacobs: Alright, you’re very kind indeed. It… It started around December last year. I've been… hearing noises in my house. Laughing, footsteps. Crying. Mind you my hearing isn't what it used to be, but I could hear it clearly! Mannings: According to the report this activity has increased recently. Mrs. Jacobs: Yes. Doors slamming. Things moving. I thought I was going crazy… until. Mannings: Until? Mrs. Jacobs: Well, until the teacup. Mannings: Your porcelain teacup. Mrs. Jacob: Yes. My late husband, he gave it to me, as…. as a gift. He was sorry for… well it doesn't matter now. But it was important. Mannings: Right, so what happened to it? Mrs. Jacobs: Well yes. I was having breakfast the other day when… when the cabinet door flew open. Real hard. I was surprised the glass door didn't break, but I was most surprised by… well… I must really sound crazy now. Mannings: It's alright, I don't think you do. Mrs. Jacobs: (Lets a sigh of relief) Thank you. I mean it. Mannings: You can continue. Mrs. Jacobs: Right. I just sat there, staring at the cabinet for a couple of minutes. Eventually I started doubting if it had happened or not. I'm still not sure. Maybe I had just left the door open. My memory isn't that sharp anymore. So I stood up, but then… then the teacup flew right off. I heard it smash against the wall behind me. And well, I just ran to the phone. Didn't even look. Called the station and… you know the rest of the story. Mannings: I see. Mrs. Jacobs: You don't believe me. Mannings: What, no it's… Mrs. Jacobs: Yes? Mannings: (Whispering) I’ve had my own experiences with this stuff. I believe you. Mrs. Jacobs: Really? Well isn't that something. A cop ghost story must be quite the story. Mannings: (Laughs) You have no idea. I can't really say any more about that thought. But you can trust me. Tell me, have you had more experiences like this? Mrs. Jacobs: Nothing that we haven't spoken about, except for one thing. And well… this one is truly going to sound crazy. Mannings: Go ahead. Mrs. Jacobs: Well, I had disposed of the pieces. There was no way I could fix it, not with these hands. But this morning it… it came back. I can't explain but it's just, it's back. My teacup is back and it looks like nothing happened. Mannings: Really? Mrs. Jacobs: (Laughs) Yes. Guess the ghost felt guilty. Mannings: Interesting… Mrs. Jacobs: Yes, but… something is… different. I'm happy it is back but when I look at it I get this feeling… it's hard to explain. It feels like it's meant to still hurt the same? It's silly, I should be happy… I should… I… Mannings: Is there something else in your mind? Mrs. Jacobs: (Laughs) No no, I'm fine. Well… maybe. I suppose I have already told you as much, what's the harm? Mannings: Go on. Mrs. Jacobs: I had not told anyone about this. I did not want to tarnish the reputation of Mr. Harris. And well, frankly, nobody was going to believe me. A kind man he was. Hardworking, romantic, polite. Never put a hand on his darling, unlike my late husband. Truly was one of the good ones. Mannings: Was? Mrs. Jacobs: Yes. I know they’re still missing but… Mannings: His sickness? Mrs. Jacobs: No, not that. It's just. The walls here, they’re paper thin. Even with these ears I could hear them sometimes. They had their squabbles from time to time, as we all. But the day before they vanished, I heard them talking. I- I assumed he was delirious due to his sickness. But after talking to you… maybe not so much. Mannings: What did he say? Mrs. Jacobs: He said he had a book from… not sure. Got it from someone up in Maine I think? That… doesn't really matter. But what he said. He said the book had the answer, a way for them to be together, forever. A… ritual? She didn't seem convinced, asked if the book had a cure or something else. Apparently it didn't? Mannings: So? Mrs. Jacobs: They quarreled for a bit. But eventually he convinced her. About thirty minutes later I heard some sort of… chanting? Then some wailing like the banshee of fables. And… then silence. That's the last I heard of them. Mannings: I'll take a note on that. Thank you for the information. Mrs. Jacobs: (Laughs quietly) Isn't it just wonderful? Mannings: What? Mrs. Jacobs: Together, forever. Doesn’t that sound romantic? Mannings: I suppose one could see it that way. [End Log] Closing statement: The haunting on the neighboring property was confirmed following this interview. SCP-6808 was denominated and containment efforts began. Mrs. Jacobs was amnesticized and relocated. As of 08/05/2021, a new experimental containment method for SCP-6808 has been installed within Section-Alfa. This new method upgrades the PFS by adding a Dimensional Shifter. This in turn detaches SCP-6808 from baseline reality and localizes it within its own separate plane of existence. Since the upgrade, there have been no leak events detected. Due to this, the Phasma Unit density within SCP-6808 has greatly increased. However, it is expected the anomaly will no longer pose a threat. Permanent revision of containment procedures and degradation of SCP-6808 to Safe class are pending. Attempts to continue monitoring activity within Section-Beta have been mostly unsuccessful, as microphones malfunction shortly after insertion. Example included below. [Begin log] [The structure of Section-Beta can be heard cracking constantly, accompanied by the distant sound of voices moaning. The voices of Agent Peterson, Kennedy, Davenport and eight others are identifiable. Above all, an unidentified woman can be heard crying.] Unknown voice: My darling, why do you continue to weep like a hurt child? You know I loathe to see you like this. Are you trying to hurt me? Me, who has never laid my hand upon you for reasons other than pleasure? Is this my fault, is it… Is it in me? [The moaning voices become silent. Only the crying unidentified woman remains audible.] Unknown voice: Toiling, bulging, swelling. Deep within me, this rot grows bigger every day. I'm sorry, you know I don't mean it. I don't mean any of it. Were it not for this cancer within me, I would be your perfect soulmate. So thank you. Thank you for seeing past the flesh and the tumours. [Five seconds of crying] Unknown voice: This is our destiny. We are meant to be as one. Time will be of no matter to us anymore. Things will remain as they were. The good time. Together, forever. I love you. [The crying grows louder.] Unknown voice: And you love me. I told you so. [The unidentified woman continues crying until the microphone ceases functioning.] [End Log] « SCP-6807 | SCP-6808| SCP-6809 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6808" by AWeirdBird, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 18-20 Harvard Street Author: Boston City Archives License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Watcher.png Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY 2.0 Additional Notes: Created with minor edits to the image below. Filename: Havard Street Author: Boston City Archives License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Them.png Author: AWeirdBird License: CC BY 2.0 Additional Notes: Created with minor edits to the image below. Filename: Faded photo of a man and woman on a dock Author: simpleinsomnia License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Section-Alfa (left) and Section-Beta (right). Photographed shortly after containment. Phasmic phenomena manifesting on the windows along Monument St. The only known photograph of Mrs. Regina Fowler and Mr. Clark Harris."
[ 1.85976505e-01 -1.49725199e-01 -1.57385632e-01 -8.71177316e-02 1.56511128e-01 -2.97955722e-01 1.41748503e-01 -7.37453327e-02 4.20013011e-01 2.61756927e-01 -3.56429636e-01 7.99035355e-02 -1.50733665e-01 -1.40694976e-01 3.03402394e-02 3.10383379e-01 7.97371939e-02 -5.69802485e-02 -3.92521732e-02 -2.06549898e-01 -2.39633352e-01 -2.36867607e-01 2.60070916e-02 -1.31760305e-02 -5.00615425e-02 6.86317459e-02 2.77006865e-01 2.66683251e-01 -4.77345288e-02 -3.60809684e-01 -2.11001989e-02 -3.08024772e-02 -2.74929315e-01 4.92032826e-01 -1.04380728e-04 -6.85420781e-02 1.44750759e-01 3.01061086e-02 -1.14678266e-02 1.95971042e-01 1.47650078e-01 8.96283090e-02 -2.08362681e-03 -1.03948429e-01 1.08155645e-01 2.58458376e-01 -6.89588785e-02 1.04816906e-01 4.51980114e-01 4.49842848e-02 2.00722516e-01 6.94328025e-02 1.34576529e-01 1.64883975e-02 1.01503432e-01 5.90334296e-01 -7.44091272e-02 -1.95345432e-01 1.68741152e-01 2.33890355e-01 4.59512435e-02 2.41700009e-01 -1.25484139e-01 -1.58349469e-01 1.86276123e-01 -2.53790468e-01 3.06791782e-01 -1.01529609e-03 2.84826070e-01 3.21780071e-02 -2.68357456e-01 5.67491762e-02 1.76377892e-01 1.76060170e-01 -8.02004486e-02 -1.15540810e-01 3.22959781e-01 3.41323577e-02 -8.61777663e-02 9.10671130e-02 5.90213276e-02 1.66076943e-01 -1.34706244e-01 -4.02661830e-01 -1.52460545e-01 9.01406929e-02 -7.07625523e-02 -1.48681223e-01 2.27101743e-01 5.25899157e-02 -3.47868890e-01 2.28980839e-01 1.52405724e-01 1.58614561e-01 -9.75475088e-02 -8.54950994e-02 1.87573815e-03 2.32480824e-01 2.80232698e-01 -1.52980939e-01 1.23896986e-01 1.94839388e-01 -3.29440266e-01 1.70935854e-01 3.45242739e-01 -2.77701497e-01 1.21111073e-01 -1.76320627e-01 -3.29344064e-01 3.39806378e-01 -3.45871262e-02 3.01480889e-01 -2.31225025e-02 1.53002024e-01 -7.62510672e-03 -1.82042629e-01 -3.24131608e-01 -1.30047873e-01 -3.14475507e-01 2.61920512e-01 -2.72342980e-01 -1.93401929e-02 6.08628094e-02 3.49124014e-01 7.26147652e-01 4.04206395e-01 -8.16347171e-03 -3.05553794e-01 -1.21258155e-01 -4.60943490e-01 -2.29626685e-01 2.67803699e-01 -5.80401897e-01 8.76246952e-03 2.73989998e-02 -1.56136692e-01 -1.04309104e-01 -1.64584026e-01 -3.28002241e-03 -8.50895718e-02 -1.51657179e-01 -4.94605489e-02 4.90344346e-01 4.54667211e-01 -2.10696623e-01 -1.58558667e-01 -5.73343039e-02 -1.67277176e-02 -1.04460390e-02 -1.09521032e-03 2.75809854e-01 1.47955999e-01 -2.63620526e-01 2.23133713e-01 1.79132849e-01 2.95684278e-01 2.49350175e-01 -2.10586593e-01 -2.42550522e-01 -2.86691519e-03 3.07718277e-01 1.95391417e-01 -5.37456051e-02 2.22433768e-02 2.42225170e-01 5.33400893e-01 1.43506657e-02 -3.79731655e-02 -2.52661645e-01 -1.73372105e-01 -3.00136864e-01 -2.92070396e-02 9.00251046e-02 9.25527811e-02 1.29964193e-02 -8.57948661e-02 -2.97544122e-01 1.05898470e-01 -3.83728892e-01 -2.12551326e-01 -2.59124517e-01 -9.37198326e-02 1.93603009e-01 -4.25398022e-01 -6.95409060e-01 1.31293803e-01 1.16098255e-01 -7.76476786e-02 2.55208820e-01 1.42510899e-03 -3.75406384e-01 -3.60280991e-01 -3.05823356e-01 7.20877275e-02 1.37150005e-01 -2.42856652e-01 3.82941991e-01 -2.49622524e-01 4.35587019e-01 4.90385443e-02 -8.89821425e-02 -1.68145820e-01 2.18887702e-01 -3.33633870e-02 -8.59131292e-02 -2.99663305e-01 -9.95144919e-02 -1.84400037e-01 2.09235683e-01 2.96298265e-01 -3.60566497e-01 6.87584355e-02 -3.97047460e-01 1.84345856e-01 -9.55606252e-03 -5.25795639e-01 2.30762869e-01 1.94531947e-01 -2.76222885e-01 -2.33958602e-01 -3.90580684e-01 7.17614591e-02 -7.41611645e-02 2.55210772e-02 -2.47974664e-01 -8.65127221e-02 -2.91450739e-01 -9.04278234e-02 -1.29924253e-01 2.65280515e-01 -6.02488853e-02 8.88233334e-02 1.20621204e-01 -5.12311421e-02 -5.35391383e-02 1.83145970e-01 -4.67029586e-02 3.93473953e-01 -1.04636736e-01 3.79431732e-02 2.09021509e-01 -1.30356282e-01 2.07183450e-01 2.02339441e-01 -1.76532716e-01 2.23984405e-01 -4.31298725e-02 -5.22640385e-02 9.67341848e-03 -1.19602852e-01 2.19619766e-01 -2.81076103e-01 7.86747411e-03 -4.25132275e-01 2.84704179e-01 7.60355771e-01 5.65579049e-02 2.80125141e-01 3.31582069e-01 2.10434511e-01 -2.67230570e-01 -4.38924953e-02 1.16668433e-01 4.80006300e-02 -1.22484364e-01 -3.33130300e-01 1.55024245e-01 1.12200454e-01 -1.56990081e-01 6.78735822e-02 -8.36114511e-02 7.77684227e-02 -1.03100263e-01 -1.32908538e-01 1.46129110e-03 5.74175976e-02 2.31006555e-02 3.71322244e-01 3.73810738e-01 1.29436031e-01 -3.40750396e-01 -1.89321831e-01 -3.39317769e-01 -1.70848798e-02 -1.79545015e-01 1.84205342e-02 -7.22331405e-02 2.36675013e-02 2.06528008e-01 4.67020512e-01 3.14851820e-01 3.00051197e-02 -1.31804302e-01 -1.69510722e-01 -1.52668968e-01 -4.05410528e-02 -3.58327895e-01 6.24507248e-01 -1.48978531e-01 4.12731677e-01 -3.27322543e-01 1.45251259e-01 2.04029202e-01 1.09274410e-01 -1.43471152e-01 -1.41576007e-01 2.94917673e-01 4.89297286e-02 2.80053079e-01 1.98263347e-01 -3.26220691e-01 4.22492415e-01 -4.84090522e-02 -4.29236352e-01 -5.82555868e-03 -2.17801049e-01 9.93030146e-02 -3.56668591e-01 2.20221639e-01 -8.01386058e-01 -3.41366976e-01 -6.99179992e-02 8.07015970e-02 3.38447653e-02 -1.92649111e-01 -3.75061892e-02 -1.17277075e-02 -1.17572546e-01 3.37024838e-01 -2.10878924e-02 2.04554334e-01 3.46281499e-01 -6.88613430e-02 1.79881305e-01 -3.90530735e-01 -2.65090078e-01 -3.04026425e-01 -2.00216532e-01 1.11590736e-01 -8.85144547e-02 1.57831028e-01 -5.03745861e-02 -4.50361073e-01 3.56937677e-01 2.04516977e-01 -8.22502151e-02 -7.20667765e-02 9.50438678e-02 -6.18707314e-02 -1.92892715e-01 -7.16670305e-02 4.55396265e-01 2.58255959e-01 -4.89289939e-01 -1.63939148e-01 5.72327673e-02 4.67373431e-02 1.15359262e-01 2.05738187e-01 -4.66444612e-01 8.19302723e-02 9.71294269e-02 -1.36198089e-01 -1.87165588e-01 4.67268713e-02 1.47693753e-01 3.48457277e-01 3.17680873e-02 1.46998778e-01 -1.77099347e-01 2.15029508e-01 2.21970417e-02 -3.96006048e-01 3.62524360e-01 7.96662048e-02 -1.77758947e-01 -9.40871164e-02 -2.14261711e-01 -4.14060682e-01 -1.23398034e-02 1.63732812e-01 5.69742858e-01 2.79731244e-01 -3.87580872e-01 -1.98088184e-01 8.19574669e-02 1.78705286e-02 5.50557598e-02 2.18611643e-01 5.32106236e-02 -1.71022326e-01 -1.56378239e-01 3.63852262e-01 -7.92844519e-02 2.40382686e-01 -9.21829343e-02 -1.17313996e-01 -2.61404872e-01 -1.23354472e-01 2.07070664e-01 -2.26968691e-01 -1.59918278e-01 2.18170676e-02 2.92923480e-01 2.41587266e-01 1.30659223e-01 -1.82628743e-02 9.16355401e-02 -2.00320452e-01 -2.61317968e-01 2.07161576e-01 1.66843921e-01 7.12716058e-02 -3.15757245e-02 3.64718959e-02 -2.29306281e-01 7.52363913e-03 -4.73855585e-02 1.31421477e-01 -5.41617215e-01 -1.48398489e-01 5.28796874e-02 3.73123556e-01 -2.51221061e-01 6.78524077e-02 2.21919477e-01 2.94752061e-01 1.34317055e-01 1.78556994e-01 -6.88964427e-02 -1.13825403e-01 1.42933846e-01 -2.64390469e-01 6.05013967e-01 5.44504344e-01 2.46895939e-01 2.66114295e-01 6.15199395e-02 1.21493734e-01 2.83600204e-02 -2.25597262e-01 2.23956868e-01 6.54168963e-01 1.84060365e-01 -1.33423164e-01 -2.84163833e-01 1.47261307e-01 -1.43358514e-01 1.48679269e-02 8.23497549e-02 -7.67029002e-02 4.39030975e-01 -3.47445995e-01 3.38754207e-01 -1.83824733e-01 -4.05199945e-01 -2.00633332e-01 1.32294849e-01 -1.65227294e-01 4.30045456e-01 4.39576715e-01 1.12703764e+00 2.87774980e-01 2.32345864e-01 1.78396448e-01 -3.66795845e-02 -2.63402867e-03 -4.90677625e-01 2.61231847e-02 2.59102322e-02 1.94408700e-01 8.34116992e-03 -2.04713762e-01 1.11880392e-01 4.46086317e-01 -2.18766239e-02 -1.57877669e-01 -4.93395478e-01 -2.24699274e-01 4.65356439e-01 1.14618421e-01 9.42423120e-02 -6.77402169e-02 -2.12905053e-02 2.62714565e-01 5.16734719e-02 1.12747379e-01 6.73606917e-02 1.26982331e-01 -6.42097518e-02 7.65064806e-02 -3.53317261e-02 1.84687808e-01 -2.20357850e-02 6.48525581e-02 2.39191800e-02 -1.87321469e-01 2.27937236e-01 -6.03875436e-04 -4.54503931e-02 -1.79562703e-01 2.75251716e-02 4.11986232e-01 4.61743087e-01 -2.16589049e-01 -1.72948301e-01 4.87540290e-03 8.31965450e-03 4.83562462e-02 -1.06748842e-01 -8.80539343e-02 -1.56378169e-02 -1.90023020e-01 -2.70437479e-01 8.45120773e-02 2.12665617e-01 -7.90722147e-02 3.87493819e-01 9.76031870e-02 -2.26845101e-01 -8.48127902e-02 1.96911976e-01 -3.64881121e-02 3.79374214e-02 -1.06153831e-01 1.24323882e-01 -1.87676162e-01 -5.51250242e-02 4.33556229e-01 -1.38074502e-01 -2.85323530e-01 1.75716773e-01 4.32045721e-02 -2.59498328e-01 -4.27227437e-01 -1.18240286e-02 1.83081940e-01 -8.58887061e-02 -2.45469645e-01 -1.36838853e-01 -4.33636546e-01 1.97766691e-01 3.54880214e-01 2.15516835e-01 -2.61421740e-01 -2.76925474e-01 -9.01025906e-02 -7.53065422e-02 1.91195235e-01 -1.30575702e-01 1.65494964e-01 -1.74254790e-01 4.61927354e-01 -3.44533212e-02 3.75120699e-01 -4.54566777e-01 -1.96080297e-01 2.66186446e-02 -2.25583747e-01 3.80970240e-02 -6.33112311e-01 -9.19341892e-02 -2.24185705e-01 2.43077025e-01 3.38526726e-01 -1.42052844e-01 -2.46044874e-01 3.89193650e-03 1.50718316e-01 -1.45499110e-01 -2.65282124e-01 -1.84551682e-02 4.22876537e-01 2.70063162e-01 3.07301749e-02 8.86082929e-03 2.47373935e-02 3.52441370e-01 -3.47970277e-02 -2.56146848e-01 3.60896625e-02 1.15453288e-01 8.72704461e-02 1.15712829e-01 3.11707169e-01 1.85311213e-02 -2.58077204e-01 -1.09074975e-03 -8.44299123e-02 1.15912408e-02 3.79883945e-01 2.94751488e-02 4.80471015e-01 9.90348011e-02 2.19706133e-01 -3.60765457e-01 -1.03533603e-02 -1.78106432e-03 -1.40335029e-02 -3.13509732e-01 -1.46696538e-01 -4.10015620e-02 3.48091185e-01 -1.38322785e-01 2.53790766e-01 -2.17201605e-01 -2.68476289e-02 -1.92611255e-02 2.54418731e-01 -1.09853772e-02 -2.92381227e-01 -1.95295885e-01 1.04972608e-01 2.73895770e-01 -1.60443202e-01 6.73091412e-02 9.48378667e-02 1.49012227e-02 -1.00147620e-01 5.11517823e-01 1.38196588e-01 6.68016613e-01 2.30952695e-01 4.13052112e-01 -3.59477885e-02 1.05931722e-01 6.37331724e-01 1.91278443e-01 8.90945047e-02 -9.08741876e-02 1.83980137e-01 -2.63606578e-01 -7.15588278e-04 -1.41015515e-01 1.94539785e-01 -2.63094187e-01 7.51149654e-02 -2.35795185e-01 1.00487582e-01 1.98473498e-01 -2.28042379e-02 1.98661853e-02 -4.43411708e-01 -5.10822296e-01 -8.12878013e-02 1.04211740e-01 1.72454208e-01 2.43985817e-01 -9.12440289e-03 -1.67670384e-01 2.84948021e-01 -9.73075181e-02 2.17756942e-01 6.84998572e-01 -2.33207673e-01 2.89393157e-01 4.80748296e-01 1.68158308e-01 1.58146068e-01 -9.07497033e-02 1.54049680e-01 3.47513556e-02 -2.28686631e-01 -1.17478803e-01 -2.69535780e-01 -1.47702336e-01 -4.03617203e-01 1.77347586e-02 9.37946439e-02 5.46373241e-02 2.24430244e-02 2.07254216e-01 -3.60044301e-01 -1.46347493e-01 -4.80778143e-02 4.50086683e-01 2.06243783e-01 2.14309409e-01 -1.43805534e-01 -1.18758217e-01 1.14076190e-01 -2.41480127e-01 -3.79598081e-01 -1.00950673e-01 -2.88726509e-01 -2.15229854e-01 1.36830583e-01 -8.01062807e-02 1.29603341e-01 1.63443293e-02 3.20935965e-01 6.33362085e-02 -1.44970626e-01 1.07770264e-01 -3.82173151e-01 -1.95194319e-01 2.03444138e-01 -7.49277025e-02 -2.28445545e-01 -1.99579611e-01 4.91837859e-02 2.27421597e-01 1.73957929e-01 3.05187907e-02 1.75126538e-01 -1.54475212e-01 -3.75914797e-02 -3.83914918e-01 3.11193556e-01 6.27541423e-01 1.72651216e-01 7.03059360e-02 -4.63848822e-02 -4.52638743e-03 8.13454762e-02 2.43054464e-01 5.98319108e-04 -3.70722294e-01 4.01226804e-03 2.46518150e-01 4.15907294e-01 -2.16614921e-03 1.28104866e-01 -2.01671645e-01 -6.42532825e-01 -8.47580433e-02 5.78712858e-02 -2.48692892e-02 -7.74936229e-02 2.11464554e-01 4.03288603e-01 1.46878585e-01 1.62119433e-01 9.85664874e-02 2.20381930e-01 -1.15552314e-01 -1.78183839e-02 -3.62063766e-01 -1.62392974e-01 -9.59268957e-02 -1.24933980e-01 -2.60632485e-01 2.83401132e-01 9.37742963e-02 2.98873354e-02 -1.14251927e-01 -1.85569182e-01 4.68146086e-01 1.48793414e-01 -2.23950092e-02 -5.34303412e-02 3.08947954e-02 -1.29197821e-01 3.83291617e-02 -2.92385787e-01 -1.39474794e-01 -1.60418347e-01 1.60389155e-01 -2.93849140e-01 -2.71144509e-01 -1.22846931e-01 -3.85508329e-01 -2.24423051e-01 5.30406713e-01 2.06472892e-02 1.63425937e-01 -3.87190580e-01 1.44013092e-01]
"Iron Age" active "A MESSAGE FROM THE OVERSEER COUNCIL: To those Foundation personnel still active, please heed the following message. All Foundation channels and networks, including the Foundation Intranet (FINET), have been configured to continuously transmit this message. All security clearances have been authorized to view this message in its entirety. Members of the civilian population have been tentatively authorized to view this message. We are the members of the Overseer Council, the group responsible for leading the previously clandestine organization known as the SCP Foundation. Our previous directive, in collaboration with the nations of the world and various other organizations, was to contain and study anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena. The Foundation, as it has existed for hundreds of years, is now defunct. All essential Foundation personnel, including members of the Overseer Council, have been transferred to undisclosed locations until further notice. All non-essential Foundation personnel are hereby relieved of their duties. Any objects previously held in containment facilities are to be ignored. The expected time before mankind is rendered extinct is approximately nine days, twenty-two hours, and thirty-five minutes. Though we have failed in our mission, we pray that someone, somewhere will survive what awaits us. So long as we have hope, we will remain alive. Good luck. THIS MESSAGE WILL REPEAT EVERY 30 MINUTES ALERT: UNAUTHORIZED STASIS POD ACCESS DETECTED I remember you. I remember watching you as I watched the rest of them. Confused. Bewildered. Scared. You knew what so many had attempted to deny for so long. You tried, of course. Denial was mainstream. A fad. You attempted to blend in with the rest of them by parroting the tried-and-true catchphrases; you were, as the Overseers put it, a damn good Level 4 researcher who learned early on to shut his mouth and follow orders. The truth has a habit of being insidious and malignant. It began as a small speck buried in the farthest reaches of your mind, barely present at all except for the odd cold shower or stray thought during your morning commute. It was neatly categorized and catalogued in a manner not too dissimilar from how everything else was treated in your line of work. If it was filed — described, analyzed — it could be treated the same way you treated Him. Time went on. People were reassigned to and from the project. Old faces vanished. New faces were broken in. Yet you remained. You were a constant, and as the days floated by, you couldn't help but begin to entertain the thoughts you had once kept so buried. You found yourself reviewing the file in the early hours of the morning, before anyone else had even arrived at Site-6810. A couple of your fellow researchers caught you but thought nothing of it. A more hard-working researcher than they could ever hope or desire to be, possibly. Perhaps even a little paranoid. You're talking to him about paranoia in a fucking time like this? What are you, a comedian? …right. You'll have to excuse my friend here. He's..another wayward traveler, like you. Another survivor of the war. Not all of us came through unscarred, of course. Some, like him — Fuck off. — don't exactly act the same way they did before everything that happened. I don't blame him, and I don't blame the rest of them. There's no coming back from…well, you'll figure that out in time. Doctor, I need you to focus. You need to breathe and keep calm. You need to remember. You were assigned to SCP-6810. Do you remember that? Brainwaves are spiking. We're getting something. Good. Let's start slow. We don't want to overload him. SCP-6810, Doctor. Go back to him. What do you remember? He was there as long as you could remember. Never moving a muscle, never talking…but you knew better than to call it dormant. Had they listened to you, many of them would still be — Focus. Right. Let's try something else. Do you remember your colleagues? Your fellow researchers? What happened to them? They came to work day by day, just like you. You talked to them at the watercooler. You passed them by on your way to the cafeteria. They all seemed so normal. Well, as normal as one could be, given the circumstances. And what of your colleagues now? So much has time has passed. So many lives reshaped — reformed. Site-6810 stands today as a hollow building, its guts and its soul forcibly extracted by the cold hand of a shapeless, malevolent force. The few who witnessed the first round of horrors in the initial hours of the containment breach had been spared the suffering that would ensue. They would die ignorant of the magnitude of chaos and blood that began to seep from every corner and every crevice of a world staring down its end. There was a flash, then screaming. A woman — you remember her. Cute. You liked her. She looked at you, tears flowing from her eyes and dancing down her cheeks. She grasped your hand, harder than her muscles had any right to facilitate, and dragged you to the bowels of the building. The horrors licked at your heels, but they had not reached the pods. She placed you in one before placing herself in the adjacent pod. She pressed a button, looked you in the eyes, and steeled herself for eternity. Too late. Too late. Three of them broke down the door. The doors of the pods closed slowly, just slowly enough for one of them to keep it open as the creatures next to him scooped her out like the filling of a candy. There was only a moment of pain before the screaming, then the squelching, then the metal. They turned to you just as the door of your pod closed and the interior pressurized. You feel into the longest slumber of your life — scared, broken, and alone. It's time to wake up, Doctor. Perfect. Perfect. Come on…keep going — ITEM #: SCP-6810 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: THAUMIEL-DARK (See Containment Class Notice) DISRUPTION CLASS: EXISTENTIAL ITEM: SCP-6810 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: THAUMIEL-DARK (See Containment Class Notice) DISRUPTION CLASS: EXISTENTIAL Containment Class Notice: By direct order of O5 Command, SCP-6810 has received the Containment Class of Thaumiel-Dark. This Containment Class is not to be used for any anomalies save for SCP-6810. A Thaumiel-Dark anomaly is an entity or object that is actively utilized by the SCP Foundation for the purposes of containing other anomalies, but poses an ongoing risk to containment efforts analogous to that of a Keter-class anomaly. Thaumiel-Dark and Thaumiel-Keter may be used interchangeably in this context. SCP-6810, unless otherwise expressly ordered by members of the Overseer Council, is to remain under constant suppression from an array of magnetized AO-V devices. Any movement, vocalizations, or other behavior exhibited by SCP-6810 are to be treated as an attempt at breaching containment and responded to with an appropriate level of force as determined by Site-6810 Command. No interaction with SCP-6810 is permitted under any circumstances. All personnel attempting to interact with SCP-6810 in any capacity outside of such circumstances explicitly ordered by the Overseer Council are to be terminated. DATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTION DATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTIONDATA CORRUPTION It's not good enough. We need more. The system recognizes the memory, but it fades out too quickly. Too vague — unclear, muddled. I don’t blame you. I really don’t. The technology was always imperfect. That briefing you received on stasis pods? It deliberately…shall we say, overlooked some design flaws. Nobody really expected them to ever be used. There had been containment breaches before, sure, but nothing necessitating something like this. Nothing endangering the concept of a human being itself. What can't you remember? Bakersfield. 1999. Remember? You saw them. You saw all of them. They made you feel scared. They made you feel like things were hopeless — like the war was lost already. Go easy on him. It's been a while. We don't have time. We need to know. You were a Level 4 researcher. You were working on SCP-6810. You were frightened. Worried. Apprehensive. MEMORY DETECTED. Good. I'm gonna run the system again. We should get more this time. Hang tight, kid. FILE LOCATED. The general attitude of personnel assigned to SCP-6810 — in this context, referring to overall disposition, the manner in which stressors are responded to, the manner in which interactions with others occur, etc. — must remain "positive." This is interpreted and enforced solely at the discretion of the Site Commander and O5 Command. Personnel are advised to generally exhibit behaviors consistent with those who have remained at Site-6810 for considerable lengths of time. Personnel deviating from this policy will be terminated immediately by on-site security operatives. In the event of a containment breach, preparations are to be initiated in accordance with standard Foundation policies for addressing XK-Class End of the World scenarios, with several exceptions detailed in Document 6810-Tigris. All personnel belonging to Abrahamic faiths will be apprehended and transported to the last known location of SCP-6810 for emergency implementation of Procedure 6810-Euphrates. All personnel used for Procedure 6810-Euphrates during containment breaches are to be considered expendable regardless of security clearance. Members of the O5 Council will be transported to an undisclosed off-world facility pending further assessment of the situation. Personnel who are non-religious or secular must act in accordance with Operation: Scorched Earth as described in Document 6810-Tigris. Description: SYSTEM SECURITY ACTIVATED. UNAUTHORIZED FILE ACCESS DETECTED. INITIATING LOCKDOWN PROTOCOLS. FILE ACCESS SUSPENDED Damnit. They must have expected this. So hellbent on secrecy and security that failsafe measures were put everywhere. A network is one thing, but someone's brain? No wonder they— It was standard procedure for all personnel on the project. You know that. Why are you acting so surprised? Things got out. That's part of the reason we're in this situation. Nevermind. I may not be able to get the Description pulled up, but it looks like the addenda don't have the same level of security. Probably figured it wouldn't make sense without context. It won't. But we have context. You. You're going to figure it out for us. You're the key, Doctor. Let's see if we can get an addendum here — FILE LOCATED. Addendum III: Operational Report 6810-H The following is a report detailing the actions of elements of Mobile Task Force 6810-Alpha during a search for the third item described in Document 6810-B. The search was organized directly at the behest of O5 Command and involved considerable resource expenditure, primarily to ensure MTF 6810-Alpha operatives were successfully embedded into the highest echelons of the Roman Catholic Church. Operational objectives were achieved. By direct order of O5 Command, the names of MTF 6810-Alpha personnel used during this operation have been expunged. Instead, alphabetical designations will be utilized. <BEGIN REPORT> Team consists of four MTF 6810-Alpha operatives (henceforth designated MTF-A through MTF-D). MTF-A is assigned the role of team commander. MTF-B and MTF-C possess comprehensive knowledge of the history of Roman Catholicism, while MTF-D is familiar with the internal layout of the Vatican Church. All operatives are fluent in English and Italian, with proficient understanding of Latin. Team is deployed to Vatican City on [REDACTED] at approximately 0330 hours and provided with attire consistent with Church security. Team is successfully able to bypass security checkpoints by displaying security ID badges provided by O5 Command. MTF-A states their purpose is a "routine investigation" and provides several forged documents consistent with this statement. Security appears to accept this explanation and allows the team to pass unhindered. Team proceeds to the entrance of the Church and, after a brief conversation with a security officer regarding an unrelated matter, enters the structure. MTF-A contacts Command, reporting that the interior of the Church does not match known schematics detailing its layout. Walls appear to extend infinitely, with a seemingly infinite number of rooms and staircases leading to a second floor possessing similar properties. MTF-C ascends the staircase, confirming MTF-A's suspicions. The staircase does not seem to possess any discernable terminator. MTF-B walks forward and turns right upon reaching a wall, finding the adjacent hallway to be visually indistinguishable from the initial hallway. MTF-A requests further orders from Command given the situation. After a brief delay, Command instructs team to continue their investigation and continue reporting their findings. Team begins entering various rooms, finding the majority of them empty. Most rooms are described as bare, occasionally possessing a chair or stained mattress. Bookshelves in rooms possessing them are lined with books that do not appear to be unusual or anomalous, typically chronicling the history of Roman Catholicism as publicly understood. Investigation continues without incident until 0400 hours, at which time MTF-D requests the presence of his fellow team members at a room roughly 600 meters from the entrance of the Church. The room is described as red and coated in an unidentified liquid with a viscosity similar to that of feces. There is a single mattress stained with what appears to be the same substance. The room does not possess any lights and is only visible for the first two meters. MTF-B is instructed to activate his flashlight and does so, revealing that the room is extremely spacious, far in excess of what should be geometrically possible given the size of the church and its adjacency to the exterior walls. Within the room are additional doors of a different composition than the hallway doors. Material comprising these doors is described as "bone" without further clarification. MTF-A, without receiving orders from Command, instructs his team to enter the room. MTF-C kneels and collects a small sample of the aforementioned substance, which solidifies upon contact. MTF-C returns the substance to the ground in an attempt to restore it to a liquid state, which fails. Exposing this solidified substance to the remainder of the liquid within the room causes a similar state transition, resulting in the remainder of the substance within the room solidifying within three seconds. Consequently, two of the five visible doors become inaccessible. Attempts to destroy or otherwise move the now solid substance prove futile. MTF-A selects one of the two accessible doors, seemingly at random, and moves through it. MTF-B is ordered to enter the second door and compiles without hesitation. MTF-C follows MTF-A, while MTF-D follows MTF-B. Immediately upon closing the door behind them, MTF-B and MTF-D cease to respond to any attempts at communication. MTF-A and MTF-C return to the initial room, finding the door used by MTF-B and MTF-D missing. No further anomalies are reported. Following this event, Command detects audible screaming consistent with MTF-B and MTF-D, but MTF-A and MTF-C consistently report not hearing such vocalizations. MTF-A and MTF-C return to the door and prop it open using a table. They then proceed inside the secondary room. MTF-A reports being within a dark, cramped hallway, extending approximately 150m to the front before visibility reduces to zero. MTF-C is to his rear, and is heard loading a sidearm. When questioned, MTF-C states that his action is precautionary. MTF-A and MTF-C proceed further down the hallway, which terminates in a cross-shaped room with a door to the left, front, and right. MTF-A and MTF-C take a moment to discuss which door they should open, during which time the same feces-like substance begins to be expelled from the corners of the room, gradually flooding the area. In a panic, the two open the door on the left. The door slams shut behind MTF-A and MTF-C. Attempts to open the door invariably fail. MTF-C moves forward with his weapon drawn, encountering a spherical, mechanical object with a physical appearance matching that of the third item described in Document 6810-B. MTF-C notifies MTF-A of the object's presence, who in turn notifies Command. Command instructs MTF-A to seize the object and exfiltrate from the area. Elements of MTF-6810 Alpha not deployed to the Vatican are dispatched to aid in extraction. MTF-A seizes the object, which immediately causes production of the substance described previously to accelerate dramatically. Control reports hearing a loud, continuous grinding noise, which is not audible to MTF-A or MTF-C. The door to the room in which both operatives were present at this time began producing extremely loud "banging" noises consistent with attempts at forced entry into the room. Without another method of exiting the room and suspecting there were hostiles present on the other side of the door, MTF-A and MTF-C began discussing potential methods of escape. MTF-C proposes self-termination to ensure Foundation operational security is maintained. MTF-A declines and contacts Control. Before Control is able to provide a response, the door is broken down. MTF-C discharges his weapon three times before screaming; his vocalizations are cut off several seconds later following audio consistent with flesh being torn and gurgling. MTF-A is not heard, but the transmission cuts off five seconds after MTF-C's presumed termination. Approximately nineteen hours passed before Control reestablished communication with the team. Feed becomes audible. Transmission is interlaced with extreme interference, rendering full clarity unattainable. Rapid footsteps on concrete, consistent with sprinting, are heard through the static. Control asks the individual transmitting the audio to identify themselves. Individual identifies himself as MTF-A. Control inquires as to the length of time from the last transmission and the status of MTF-B through MTF-D. After a moment, MTF-A responds. Transcription of response provided below. MTF-A: Cogs…I am a cog. I grind, and I move, and I…[grunting] — I am metal. I am man. I am metal. I am not metal. I am not — [heavy breathing] — I am flesh. I am bone. Oh my God. They put — [coughing] — these are not parts. I am not parts. [Sounds of something being torn] [MTF-A breathes heavily and grunts, his vocalizations becoming gradually more distressed. The tearing sound becomes louder.] I am more than parts. I am a person. I am flesh. I am real. I am real. I am real. [Retching] — no skin. No skin. Only parts. I am a man. I am flesh. No skin. Where is [name of MTF-C]? Where is he? Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Is anyone parts? I am parts too. I am metal. I am a man. I am just parts. I am a metal. I am humbled. I am metal. I — [Several thuds are heard, followed by what was described by Control as a "metallic scraping" sound. MTF-A is heard grunting and attempting to speak, seemingly unable to do so due to something choking him or otherwise obstructing his throat. Attempts at vocalization continue for roughly three minutes before he is able to speak intelligibly] P - p … p - please - p - leas - - help — help — no — no — n— [The tearing sound reaches a climax. MTF-A screams for a moment, then there is an impact.] At this point, MTF-A ceased to speak. The feed remained active for an additional six hours, transmitting a series of noises described as "mechanical" and "grinding" until eventually cutting out entirely. Subsequent attempts to reestablish contact with MTF-A proved futile. In response to the loss of all operational personnel and the potential for a massive breach of Foundation secrecy, a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) comprised of fellow MTF 6810-Alpha operatives was dispatched to perform emergency information suppression in the area. Upon arrival at Vatican City, the QRF found no signs of the interior areas described by the operation team, nor any indication that the team had been present. Security personnel denied encountering any individuals matching the descriptions of operation team members. However, a small, spherical object consistent with that described by Document 6810-B and MTF-A was later located in the sewer system beneath the Vatican and recovered for further analysis. The object posed no threat to recovery personnel and remained easily contained in a standard storage locker for the duration of travel to Site-6810. Within six days, the object was analyzed and classified as SCP-6810-A. Oh my God. I remember. We should have done something. Why didn't we do something? We waited so long — What could we have done, huh? You wanna be the one to go to the fucking Council and talk about burning the fucking thing alive? You think they're going to sign off on that? You're deluded. There had to have been something — anything. The signs were there. We knew what would happen if we didn't act. We did act. It just didn't matter. The board was set. It was just a matter of our enemy moving the pieces. Damnit. Did you get the file? Yeah. Not a single security message. I was there, you know. You didn't see me — none of them did. But I was there. I’ve always been there, Doctor. Always by your side. You, of course, had long prided yourself on being the one person who seemed to understand 6810. The Vatican? The religious references? The prophetic doomsday ramblings? All too simple. Contrived, even. They were so close to the truth. But he knew what they were doing. They were good men, Doctor. That I do not doubt. I wish more could have been done. You may be surprised to hear that, given the line of work I’m involved in. Why would I care? If anything, it suits me. But desperate times have a habit of necessitating desperate measures. And…shit. If these aren’t desperate times, I don’t know what is. We thought we had it under control, of course. Well, more specifically, that you had it under control. A weird interview here, sure. A few dead D-Class guys there, yeah. But nothing too concerning. We thought it was a false alarm; a lengthy file in your database describing an apocalyptic threat that would never actually manifest. We were wrong. We had spent so much time in the dark that, by the time the light was shone upon us, it was blinding — rejected. The things that have happened cannot be allowed to persist. The world…it’s not right. Nothing is right anymore. Man walks the earth a diseased, wretched husk; a parody of what he used to be. We will make sure their sacrifice is not in vain. You need to give me more for us to do that. You need to help me. We need to know. Come on — Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a metal sheet dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in smoldering iron, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty, and make the cogs anew. In your time, Doctor, I am sure you have seen many gods. Wait. Wait. Give him a minute. He's not — But none quite like this. Description: SCP-6810 designates a humanoid entity with an appearance, size, and physiology generally consistent with that of an adult human male, albeit with some anatomical deviations. Tissue samples collected from SCP-6810 following its containment suggested that its DNA is human, though aberrations were reported during genetic sequencing and subsequent analyses have proven inconclusive. There are a series of lacerations and bruises along the lower thorax and chest, with less severe but present lacerations also found along the legs, groin, and extremities. Puncture wounds are present in the palms of both hands with signs of tetanus. Additional lacerations and puncture wounds can be found on the upper scalp at the hairline, though the shape of such wounds is inconsistent with the injuries described previously. Hairline fractures to the lower leg bones and wrists consistent with significant blunt force trauma are present, though they do not appear to markedly inhibit SCP-6810's locomotion. All of these wounds remain present regardless of any further damage inflicted to SCP-6810 or the completion of regenerative processes. SCP-6810, upon closer inspection, possesses several significant differences from baseline human anatomy. Chiefly, all external protein structures, such as hair, nails, etc. are in fact comprised of a substance with physical properties matching those of metals, namely iron and/or steel. X-ray analysis has shown that SCP-6810's skeletal structure lacks bone, instead solely utilizing the aforementioned substance. These structures and the skeleton remain intact even when SCP-6810's skin, musculature, and internal organs are destroyed. Attempts to burn or disintegrate these structures through the use of extreme temperatures or acidic solutions have similarly proven futile. Further analysis of this substance is complicated by the inherent difficulty posed by collecting samples, both in virtue of SCP-6810's behavior during such efforts and the physical resilience of the substance itself. SCP-6810's most common appearance, described above, is considered to be analogous to a disguise or "suit" and will be discarded in circumstances where SCP-6810 deems its use unnecessary. The second appearance, generally regarded as its "true" appearance, is that of a humanoid being possessing a pale white epidermis, no visible hair, no visible facial features save for two eyes lacking pupils, and two appendages of unknown function extending from the base of the jaw. SCP-6810 communicates with sapient beings in a manner presumed to be telepathic in nature, suggesting it is incapable of vocalization and perceived speech in its "disguise" is merely illusory. SCP-6810's disposal of its "disguise" is highly infrequent and typically only occurs in the presence of individuals already acquainted with the entity (such as members of the O5 Council). SCP-6810 has been observed rapidly moving its head while in this form in a manner consistent with physical distress; the cause of this behavior remains unknown. While SCP-6810 can be "killed" and reduced to a state of cognitive inactivity or physical immobility, it will inevitably return to its state prior to any such damage being inflicted, albeit with full recall of the events that transpired prior to its "death." Likewise, attempts to transport SCP-6810 to areas significantly distant from its containment chamber will fail, as SCP-6810 will dematerialize and reappear in its containment chamber after a period of time ranging from thirty (30) minutes to three (3) hours. Efforts to transport SCP-6810 to off-planet facilities, parallel dimensions, or subject it to circumstances in which local reality collapses have all yielded identical results. Leaving SCP-6810 in a severely wounded but still living state (I.E., all limbs severed and cauterized) has proven an effective means of containment, though is currently not authorized per direct order by the Ethics Committee. Based on an ongoing analysis conducted by research personnel assigned to SCP-6810 and historical documents assessed by O5 Command, it is presumed that SCP-6810 is the entity referred to as [DATA EXPUNGED] within [DATA EXPUNGED]. This poses a major contradiction per the descriptions provided within [DATA EXPUNGED]. Documents recovered from the archives of the Roman Catholic Church in Vatican City provide accounts consistent with SCP-6810 as observed by Foundation personnel, suggesting that [DATA EXPUNGED] was [DATA EXPUNGED] or otherwise a deliberate attempt to suppress public knowledge of SCP-6810's nature. All Catholic Popes from █████ to the present appear to be complicit in such efforts for unknown reasons. Further investigation of the Roman Catholic Church and its connection to SCP-6810 is ongoing. While in its active state, SCP-6810 will randomly produce noises described as clicking or grinding. The source of this audio remains unknown. When questioned, SCP-6810 will disregard inquiries pertaining to these noises or otherwise attempt to change the topic. Behavioral Analysis: SCP-6810 is sapient and exhibits behaviors consistent with high intellect, on par with or exceeding that of baseline humans. It is particularly interested in matters pertaining to Abrahamic faiths, chiefly those of the Old Testament or historical events occurring during the reign of the Roman Empire. Meaningful interaction with SCP-6810 is frustrated by its hostility towards Foundation personnel, whom it consistently regards as a threat to its existence or otherwise thwarting an agenda it refuses to detail. It will, however, interact with members of the O5 Council, albeit sparingly, and only if it is promised that such interactions will not be recorded, transcribed, or otherwise archived in any way. It is unknown if SCP-6810 is capable of detecting the use of recording devices or later transcriptions of its conversations as such efforts have yet to be attempted. When not interacting with Foundation personnel within its active state, SCP-6810 remains seated on the floor of its containment chamber, muttering to itself in an unknown language and exhibiting signs of physical distress. Medical personnel exposed to SCP-6810 during its active state have consistently failed to detect any apparent injuries save for those described above, which are not regarded as the cause of this distress. SCP-6810 has elaborated on such distress only once, though did so in a somewhat unclear manner (see Addendum I). SCP-6810 continuously produces a black, oil-like liquid within its containment chamber of unknown origin. Further study of this liquid is ongoing. ——- Some time ago, I watched a man once respected and cherished — worshipped, even — stare in my face unafraid. Unbowed. With the shouting of those who denounced him licking at his feet, he accepted his death in a manner I have not seen since. He was, as much as a man can be, immortal. Amidst his apostles were traitors, of course. But the traitors, as time showed me, would prove the least of my worries. His death was an inevitability, and I didn’t fear for what would occur when it happened. I did fear, however, the Church. I feared its ravenous maw; its insatiable spread. I feared its potential. I’m sorry to continue what must seem like a facade to you, Doctor, but you are still not ready yet. I do not enjoy lying to you. Who I am will be known when you are ready. But we must continue. The Church, or what came to be known as the church, had long dedicated itself to the practice of suppressing the truth. Their very existence depended on it, after all. Unbelievers were a threat to the established order; more threatening than the unbelievers were those who believed in Him but rejected the Church's teachings. When the Church had finally excised Europe of anything it perceived to be a blight on God's creation, When the Church had finished its task, 6810 was set upon the world with a singular purpose. I watched as it sat in Site-6810, its will and its might slowly leaving its body. That was 150 years ago. Whatever will had departed his wretched soul found its way back to Him. Addendum I: Document 6810-A The following is a transcription of the personal log of Pope █████, who was active at the height of the Church's power. The existence of this Pope is not public knowledge and has actively been suppressed by parties affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. By the grace of God: I write this as a man of virtue, and a man following the example of Jesus Christ, the Lord, and the Holy Spirit. I have known only peace and salvation through his teachings, and thus, the world has become anew; resurrected from the fires of damnation through his hand alone. I hope you understand, therefore, that my writings originate from a deep, enveloping pain within my soul. I am the Pope of the Church, clothed in the fabric of God himself. I speak for him, and his son. I have failed. When I first met Christ, I was a boy. My father was a Christian, but my mother knew not of the Holy and the Godly. Nonetheless, she was his child, and she spoke to me in words that only I could understand. She too had met Christ, yet had rejected his message. She told me that Christ was a deceiver; that scripture was wrong. When Christ came to me, I was in my bed, preparing to retire for the evening. I heard a crackling, like the splinters of the walls themselves breaking under an enormous pressure. The air became foul and tainted with the stench of blood and waste. My mother and father, had they heard him, would have rushed to my aid, believing a servant of Hell had come to slay all before him. Yet, somehow, I knew this was no agent of Lucifer. I knew it to be the Son. His eyes were black — blacker than the night. He had no mouth, yet tubing wrapped around his face as if to speak. His slick, brilliant body dripped onto the floor then back again like a puddle given shape and form. Each of his movements seemed labored, and brought forth more the foul, black liquid. The crackling became louder, and a thick, brutal blackness enveloped both of us. When I heard his voice, I began to weep, witnessing the glory of God himself. He told me that the Church had strayed from the path; that man had yet to fulfill its promise, and he was cast upon mankind for all eternity. Christ's crucifixion at the hands of the Romans had been little more than a spectacle — a grand subterfuge. I could only experience the pain and the anguish Christ felt in those moments, his mind traveling back to a great deception and the tragedy of man's folly. Long had he taken our form to walk among us, yet no longer could he entertain the masquerade. The remainder of Christ's message I will not convey here, for it betrays the written word. Christ asked only that I tell the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims, and the unbelievers of what he had entrusted to me. He told of a prophetic vision in which I would lead the Church to a brighter future, one where the Holy texts would finally, by the grace of our Lord, reveal the truth of man. I became Pope, and remembered my visit with Christ in my youth. I knew I would be a shapeless, formless, spineless thing — a thing of fear and cowardice — if I did not honor Christ's request. I told my colleagues in the Church of Christ's visit. Some reacted with scorn. Others reacted with condemnation. There was much debate amongst the Cardinals of how they ought proceed. The few who did not find my message to be sacrilige stood alongside me, their conviction unbroken. Inexorably, they found themselves at the end of a boot heel, or speaking to the blade of a darkened knife in the eternal twilight. Christ did not visit me again, but I knew he was alongside me, guiding me to victory. He would not betray me. He would not abandon me. [The next several pages are various Christian prayers and have been expunged in the interest of brevity.] Unanimously, I was stripped of my title and cast into the catacombs. Christ is silent now. I have failed him, and I will spend the remainder of my days forgotten, a failure not even granted the privilege of being remembered. I grow weak. Whoever brings me food has ceased to perform their duties. My closest friend is the concrete — the cold, the damp, and the silent. I walk along God's path to his Kingdom, praying that forgiveness will be granted in spite of my fleshly damnation. The next several pages are blank. The journal concludes with one additional page, written in a substance identified as dried blood. there is nothing there is nothing else there is only black i am sorry Addendum II: Document 6810-B The following is a letter from an unnamed high-ranking cardinal to Pope ████, who succeeded the Pope responsible for writing Document 6810-A. Your Holiness, My men have surveyed the catacombs and have identified the remains of █████. He shall be collected and buried in accordance with your requests. However, I find it necessary to mention the presence of three items of unusual nature within his cell, recovered at the time his remains were discovered. These items are currently being held in the archives awaiting your guidance. The first item of note is █████'s journal, much of which was written prior to his imprisonment. Blasphemy is present throughout much of the journal. In the final pages, however, he begins to write in blood. My men did not discover any injuries on his body that would suggest this was possible. There may have been another man with him in the cell. We are currently searching for any evidence of such an individual's presence. The second item is a necklace, apparently created directly at the request of █████ by the jewlers in ██████████. This necklace is a crucifix depicting the blasphemous entity he described to us some time ago. The third item is a small spherical mechanism, the nature of which I would prefer to discuss in private. We await your guidance. The nature of the "third item" described in this letter remains unknown. A search for this item and its relevance to SCP-6810 is ongoing was completed on ██/██/1999. A description of the search party's findings is provided in Addendum III. ——- The Pope. I remember him. Quite the character. You would have liked him, I think. He was, if nothing else, a man of conviction. A man of character. He was so steadfast and sure of his beliefs that he accepted what the Church would do to him the moment he realized they had deceived man. Though he failed to expose them, his efforts, brief as they were, I struggle to call futile. Had it not been for the Pope, you would not be here, Doctor. I trust you have begun to realize who I am. Your…condition is such that you cannot do anything about it, nor would I allow you to try even if you had the means. I am not here to hurt you. I am here to help. You must trust me if we are to have any hope of making things right. I have my reasons for aiding you. Don’t think too much about them. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we complete our mission, and the next piece of the puzzle is what your men found on their search. It was a device crafted in the Kingdom of God, and one that was swiftly stolen when it descended from the angels. You remember it. You remember what it did to them. You remember — ITEM #: SCP-6810-A LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: PENDING DISRUPTION CLASS: PENDING ITEM: SCP-6810-A LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: PENDING DISRUPTION CLASS: PENDING Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6810-A is contained within a standard storage locker inside the Site-6810 research wing. This storage locker is protected by a keycard reader which will only grant access to Level 5 keycards or security devices. Pending clearance from O5 Command, all interaction with SCP-6810-A is suspended indefinitely. No further containment procedures have been deemed necessary at this time. Description: SCP-6810-A is a small, spherical object comprised of a metal believed to be steel and lined with a gold alloy. SCP-6810-A weighs approximately 1kg and is easily manipulated, exhibiting no deviation from standard physical laws. The aforementioned gold alloy along the exterior of SCP-6810-A is etched with various designs of high complexity, all of which depict individuals or circumstances described in the Old Testament. When a button found in the center of SCP-6810-A is pressed, SCP-6810-A will reshape itself into a cube comprised of the same materials with its upper face slightly ajar. The upper face can be manipulated in order to expose the interior of SCP-6810-A, which is initially empty save for an inscription at its base written in Latin. SCP-6810-A will remain in this state until an object of entirely organic composition is placed within its interior and the upper face is returned to its original position. SCP-6810-A will then slightly vibrate and emit a bright yellow light for several moments before producing a random inorganic object within its interior. Upon removal of this object, SCP-6810-A will return to its spherical form awaiting another activation. A list of all objects recovered from SCP-6810-A to date is as follows: Addendum IV: Interview Log 6810-R The following interview was conducted three days following the use of SCP-6810-A in Test 04. Interviewer: Dr. Yuri Interviewee: SCP-6810 Interview conducted using intercom system connecting SCP-6810's containment chamber to a security office. Dr. Yuri: SCP-6810, my name is Dr. Gregory Yuri. I am conducting this interview due to our recent recovery of an object designated SCP-6810-A, which we believe somehow pertains to you. Are you aware of such an object? No response. Dr. Yuri: SCP-6810, can you — SCP-6810: Flesh speaks…out of turn. Addresses what he does not…cannot — cannot comprehend. Speaks with authority he l-lacks. SCP-6810 is noted as speaking in an unusually disjointed, "mechanical" voice. Dr. Yuri: I'll repeat my question. Are you aware of the spherical object we refer to as SCP-6810-A? SCP-6810: W-w-wasting your…time. Cogs moving. The Apple does-does-does not obey…anyone. The A-apple is alive. We are alive. Dr. Yuri: The Apple? SCP-6810: Authors got—got so close. Decades…centuries w-wasted. Biding time. Cast the Apple upon man. Man rejected the App-apple. Metal rusts. Corrodes. B-but my life…not in vain. Believers know. They w-will act…swiftly. Decisive-ly. The blood of flesh will turn cities r-red…red. Blacken the sky with the fumes and the dying breaths of abominations. SCP-6810 becomes more fluid and animate. SCP-6810: The time of God is upon us. You and your petulant ilk think you understand what I have done. The things I have seen. You understand only your own hubris. I am the hand of Creation itself. In your miserable existence and your writhing excuse of a life, I will serve as the only force by which you are provided meaning. I will take you, a child, and turn you into a man. What man was meant to be. And when that happens — for all of you — only then will you comprehend. Dr. Yuri: This interview is non-optional. You will answer my questions or — SCP-6810: You have failed. I sit here in captivity only because the screeching and the grinding have been halted for so long. Can you hear it? It has resumed once more. The symphony of metal fills the air again. Flesh curls and rots in my wake. Can you hear it? Can you hear it? A loud clicking noise begins to emanate from SCP-6810. The noise causes Dr. Yuri to grasp his head in apparent pain. Similar symptoms are reported by all personnel listening to the feed from SCP-6810's containment chamber. SCP-6810: Deus ego sum. Metallum sum. Deus metallum est. Mox etiam metallum eris. At this point, SCP-6810 places his palm on the floor, resulting in the metal plates beneath the cell parting and thus creating a hole at the bottom of the chamber. Limited observation of the interior of this hole reveals it to be physically similar to many of the hallways and rooms described in Operational Report 6810-H. Several figures, all of whom possess metal or mechanical objects protruding from their skin, rise from the hole and enter the containment chamber. Two figures are spotted at SCP-6810's flanks with appearances closely matching those of MTF-A and MTF-C from the Vatican operation. All figures approach the north wall of the chamber and begin repeatedly hitting it with tremendous force. A full site lockdown is declared. Responding security forces move to a walkway above the containment chamber and fire upon all entities, including SCP-6810, with automatic machine guns. Though several of the figures are "killed," they are immediately replaced by more figures emerging from the aforementioned hole. Within twelve minutes, security forces become overwhelmed. The number of figures within the containment chamber at this point is between 100 and 150. Though initially unable to reach security personnel due to the difference in elevation, multiple figures are observed screaming before additional metal objects emerge from their bodies, apparently functioning as wings. These figures elevate themselves to the walkway before attacking and terminating most of the security force present through either exsanguination or forcibly placing body parts into an interior cavity comprised of numerous, rapidly moving cogs. Visual contact with SCP-6810 is lost. All remaining Site-6810 personnel are ordered to evacuate. A full-scale containment breach is declared. MTF 6810-Alpha is placed on standby to prioritize recontainment of SCP-6810 rather than directly engaging the hostile entities emerging from its containment chamber. The O5 Council is notified of the situation. Thermonuclear devices are armed. Addendum V: Recontainment Operation 6810-Q The following is a transcription of radio communications between MTF 6810-Alpha and O5 Command during attempted recapture of SCP-6810. <BEGIN LOG> MTF 6810-Alpha, led by MTF-E, is onboard a V-21 Osprey VTOL aircraft approximately fifteen miles from ██████, Pennsylvania. SCP-6810 is suspected to be within this area. Team consists of MTF-E through MTF-I. Team activates head-mounted cameras simultaneously, beginning the transmission of a live feed to Control. Cameras flicker to life, revealing the interior of the Osprey. Each team member is armed with standard issue assault rifles, sidearms, and explosives. Equipment consists of transponders, heart rate monitors, and atmospheric filtration masks designed to protect operatives from airborne contaminants. MTF-E has been provided with SCP-6810-A. His possession of the object is unknown to the other members of the task force. Control: 6810-Alpha, this is Control. Radio Channel Zero-Niner has been cleared for your use. Please sound off so we can check off comms here over. MTF-E: Squad lead, checking in. MTF-F: Agent ██████, reading you loud and clear. MTF-G: Here. MTF-H: Reporting. MTF-I: Here. MTF-E: All souls accounted for, Control. Control: Copy that. Standby for tasking. We'll transmit more information on the situation as you get closer to the AO. Out. MTF-G is seen retrieving a small object from his shoulder pocket. Upon closer inspection of the footage, it is revealed to be a photograph of a woman. MTF-H: That Sally? MTF-G: Huh? MTF-H: That picture. It's of Sally, yeah? MTF-G: Uh. Yeah. How did you — MTF-H: Relax, man, I'm not fucking her or anything. Christmas Party. Couple years back. We met. Didn't know each other at the time, but yeah, we met. Seemed like a nice woman. Glad things worked out between you two. How long have you…you know? MTF-G: We, uh. We've been dating a couple years. Two and a half, maybe. MTF-H: You don't know how long you've been dating? MTF-G: No, no. It's not that. Just depends if you count distance or not. MTF-H: Why wouldn't I count distance? MTF-G: Shit, man, you know how it is. Everyone has their own take on it. A lot of people think it's weird. MTF-H: What? MTF-G: Yeah. You know. "Not real." MTF-H: Jesus fucking Christ — hey ██████, you hearing this? MTF-I: Yeah. Insanity. MTF-H: I knew my girl for fucking years before I actually lived with her, dude. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. What does pique my interest, however, is that you've been with such a prime choice woman for — what did you say, two years? Two and a half? Where's the proposal? Where's the engagement ring? What is this, high school? MTF-I: Come on, ████████████. Cut the kid some slack. He looks about 12. [Laughs] MTF-G: I, uh. I was going to propose to her a week ago. Before — you know. Everything. [Silence] MTF-H: Oh. Oh, uh. Shit. Sorry, man. I didn't mean anything by it. Hey, uh — MTF-G: No. It's okay. I get it. Pilot: Two minutes out. MTF-E: Keep the channel clear. Shut up. MTF-E motions to MTF-G. MTF-E: Kid, don't let these fucking dried up scrotums talk down to you. You're doing fine. When we get this done, buy her a ring. A nice one. Take her somewhere special. MTF-G: Like, what? A nice restaurant? MTF-E: Nah. Somewhere classy. Unexpected, but romantic. Like — [An alarm blares. Lights in the Osprey turn from red to green. Several operatives abruptly stand up.] Pilot: Two minutes! MTF-E: Alright. Let's hit 'em. The team stands and hangs onto the interior handlebars of the Osprey as its speed accelerates. After passing over a major metropolitan area, the surrounding suburbs and countryside begin to exhibit obvious signs of sustained conflict. Civilians are seen wandering the area in apparent disarray, many of them seemingly disoriented or otherwise aimless as a consequence of damage to surrounding population centers. Several of them, spotting the Osprey on approach, attempt to wave it down to no avail. A small group of civilians are seen congregating on a rooftop with several flares lit, similarly attempting to attract the attention of the pilot. MTF-E: Control, this is Task Force Alpha. Are you receiving? Command: Affirmative. Have you made visual contact with SCP-6810? MTF-E: Negative. Town looks abandoned, though. Signs of a possible engagement between the civilian population and SCP-6810 affiliated entities. Moving in to investigate. We'll link up our cam feeds with you here in a second. Over. Command: Copy. Keep us posted. MTF-E reorients his helmet camera. One of the left-hand windows of the Osprey is visible, followed by a rural landscape below the aircraft. Corpses of civilian personnel are visible. Several farmhouses and adjacent structures are either destroyed, ablaze, or severely damaged. Pieces of what appear to be metal rebar are seen jutting from the terrain in random directions, some of which are slightly vibrating from an unknown force. MTF-F: Jesus fucking Christ. You seeing this shit? MTF-H: Yeah. Crazy. MTF-E: Control, there's uh…there's metal all over the place. The area looks almost completely destroyed — like bombs went off everywhere. Definitely SCP-6810 activity. If he's not here, he's close. Control: Copy. You're clear to investigate. MTF-E: Alright. Let's get in there. Pilot, take us down. Pilot: You sure? Area could still be hot. MTF-E: Yeah. I'm sure. Take off after we're on the ground. We'll call you if we need you. Pilot complies, descending to the ground. Team exits the aircraft and, after confirmation that there are no hostiles in the immediate area, moves out. Aircraft takes off and begins circling the AO. MTF-E leads his team deeper into the countryside with a set of hand motions. Civilian bodies are more clearly visible, revealing that most of them possess various pieces of metal protruding from the chest, head, mouth, or extremities. Many of them possess objects of unknown origin and function protruding from the cranium, with visible tearing of the skin around points at which metal pieces can be found. Cause of death for all personnel spotted appears to be exsanguination caused by these objects. Visual review of operation footage suggested that these bodies were completely devoid of blood and possessed a vaguely pale-blue skin coloration, typically indicative of severe oxygen deprivation. MTF-G inspects one of the corpses, finding the body still warm to the touch. MTF-G: …makes no sense — MTF-E: Huh? MTF-G: Bodies look cold. Old, like they've been here for a few days if not longer, but they're still warm. I don't see any blood. After some time inspecting the area, MTF-E orders his team to follow him inside a nearby farmhouse possessing severe damage. The exterior of the structure appears slightly burned, with large metallic rods extending from the interior through the roof and perimeter walls. The number of corpses present seems to intensify upon approach to the farmhouse, as do the severity of the injuries. MTF-G notes that the number of objects present in each victim's body also increases upon approach to the farmhouse. MTF-E: Control, what do you make of this? Control: Unsure. Continue your approach. MTF-E: Copy. MTF-G: Farmhouse up ahead. Looks like the door is open. MTF-H: Shhh, wait. Hold on — MTF-H performs a hand gesture indicating the presence of unidentified personnel within the farmhouse. The squad, observing this, prepares their rifles and checks ammunition. MTF-I: Squad lead, approaching the right side of the farmhouse. MTF-E: Copy. MTF-E and -F stack up on the left side of the farmhouse's front entrance. MTF-G, -H, and -I stack up on the right side of the structure, immediately adjacent to a window. Team moves slowly, assuming that the occupants of the building are within earshot. MTF-E performs an additional hand gesture, signaling to his team that they should hold fire until ordered to engage. MTF-E: What do you got, ████████? MTF-H: Got a few tangos inside. Don't look armed. Not sure what they're doing. MTF-E: Copy. Wait one. MTF-E lowers himself out of sight, speaking into his radio The rest of the squad remains quiet and in place. MTF-E: Control, we've made contact with possible hostiles. Not sure if they're armed or what they're doing here. Please advise. Over. Control: Copy. Wait one. MTF-H raises his head, listening in on something. He moves his radio to pick up the audio. Unknown: …and God has shone his light upon us, curing us of our flesh-borne desires, for we have become immortal angels in the eyes of the Lord — Hallelujah, say we, upon our — Control: Squad lead, Control. MTF-E: Go ahead. Control: Can you get a drone in there without being spotted? We need eyes on the interior of the building before authorizing a breach and clear. MTF-E: Uh. Standby. MTF-E moves to the right side of the building, approaching MTF-I. MTF-E: Hey, got that drone on you? MTF-I: Yeah. Want me to pop it in? MTF-E: Can you do that without getting eyes on you? MTF-I: Think so. MTF-E: Alright. Do it. MTF-E shifts back to the front of the building. MTF-E: Control, we're getting a drone in there. Feed should come through shortly. Standby. Control: Copy. MTF-I retrieves a drone from his equipment bag, presses several buttons which silently activate it, and places the drone on the ground. He then retrieves a control module from the same bag, which flickers to life after several moments. The drone's camera turns on, transmitting a direct feed to Control. MTF-I drives the drone to the front of the farmhouse, which begins picking up the audio from the interior. Unknown: …even now, in the time of the great metamorphosis, there are those that move against us like agents of Lucifer moved against the soldiers of God. In the great cataclysm as we arrive at Armageddon, they will hinder us at every opportunity and seize every thread at their disposal to undo our benevolent tapestry. The flesh betrays! It rots, and it falls by the wayside as we walk to our jobs, walk to our meaningless existences — through His will and His hand, we are born anew! The burning has come to its terminus! Now is the time of the great resurrection! MTF-I: Shit. MTF-E: Control, you hearing this? Control: Copy. This probably a 6810 affiliated group. MTF-G: You think? MTF-E: Alright. How do you want to proceed? Unknown: …need to join me. Join me in embracing His word! His might! His will! You must be strong, and He will be strong in turn! Join me! Do what must be done! He is love! He is ours! We begin, and we rise, and — The speaker is interrupted by abrupt screaming. Footsteps are heard approaching the front of the farmhouse. The screaming intensifies as several loud thuds are heard. MTF-G: They're moving. They're moving, captain. MTF-E: Fuck. Unknown: Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise — Metal scraping becomes audible from the interior of the farmhouse. Two civilians exit the farmhouse, immediately spotting the task force. Civilian: Help! Help us! Please — MTF-G grabs the civilian, placing his hand over her mouth. MTF-G: Fuck! Stay quiet! Stay quiet, goddamnit — Control: Alpha, what is going on down there? What — MTF-E: Keep her quiet, goddamnit! Control, we're compromised! Shit — Unknown: They have found us, brothers and sisters! Our time has arrived! We must transcend and become what He knows we can become! We — The aforementioned metal scraping becomes louder. There is intense screaming, then silence. MTF-E: Breach and clear! Breach and clear! Go! Control: Alpha, standby — don't — MTF-H tosses a flashbang through the right-side window of the farmhouse. It detonates several seconds later. MTF-G then approaches the door, kicking it down in an instant. The task force moves inside the structure. The smoke obscures the transmission, revealing more of the situation as it dissipates. MTF-G: Jesus fucking Christ. The smoke fully clears, revealing the interior of the farmhouse. On the floor are civilians with various injuries, all of which involve apparent forced insertion of various metal objects and complex mechanisms. Many of them are still twitching and attempting to vocalize, pleading for help or otherwise requesting assistance from the task force. Various body parts, all of which exhibit occasional movement or muscle spasming, are strewn about the floor. There is no visible blood, with all severed limbs or severe wounds apparently having been cauterized. A thick, black smoke bellows from deeper into the structure. Bodies are mostly attached to the floor, though are some are held up against the walls by metal beams. In the center of the room is a metallic humanoid, cogs and other moving metal pieces clearly visible beneath what appears to a rubber imitation of skin along its exterior. It is kneeling on the floor in a position consistent with Islamic prayer. The rubber exterior is slightly burned, some of it drooping to the floor or otherwise peeling off the metal "skeleton." It exhibits no obvious reaction to the task force, continuing to pray and recite a religious chant. Unknown Entity: ..Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. MTF-G: Put your fucking hands up! MTF-H: Hands up! Control: Alpha, apprehend the subject. Do not move outside the structure. I repeat, do not leave the farmhouse. Await further tasking. MTF-E: Control, say again? We can contact the VTOL for exfil — Control: Negative, alpha. LZ is hot. Hold position. Over. Audible chanting is picked up by the task force. It is faint at first, but grows gradually louder, seeming to approach the farmhouse. MTF-H: We've got more of them. Shit. MTF-G looks outside the window of the farmhouse. His helmet camera picks up a large group of civilians on approach, all of whom bear the injuries and metal apparatuses previously described. They appear to number in the hundreds. MTF-G: Oh fuck. MTF-E: Control, we're getting surrounded. We need exfil now. Control: Say again? MTF-H: Hurry up! Unknown Entity: Heavenly Father, thank You for providing people with strong faith to reach the hearts of children as they seek direction and purpose. May children recognize Your power in their lives and choose to follow You like the first disciples did. MTF-E: Shut him up! Now! MTF-H: They're getting closer! The chanting is now louder than the team's vocalizations. MTF-E: Open fire! Gunfire is heard, mostly directed outside the farmhouse. The approaching civilians are unharmed, but begin sprinting at full speed towards the structure. The task force continues to fire, inflicting no apparent damage. As the group approaches, the chanting becomes nearly deafening, joined by an extremely loud metallic "grinding" noise. Within several seconds, they begin to filter past the entrance door. MTF-H witnesses MTF-I fire into one of the assailants at point blank range before he is thrown to the ground by several of the beings. They keep him restrained as the initial assailant uses a metallic appendage to slice off both of MTF-I's arms at the elbows. When he begins to scream, the main entity "regurgitates" a cog-like object onto MTF-I's face. It begins moving in a clockwise rotation. The details of its effects are not visible, but the distinct noise of flesh tearing is audible. MTF-E retrieves 6810-A from his equipment bag and presses the central button. Instantly, all transmissions cut out. Control is unable to reestablish contact with the task force. Approximately sixteen hours pass before MTF-E resumes transmitting. Control: MTF-E, are you receiving? This is control. Come in, over. Silence Control: MTF-E, are you there? MTF-E: …finished. Control: Say again? Loud static becomes audible. MTF-E: He is finished. I am Him. Static intensifies. MTF-E: We are the great machine. We are one. We are undying. Silence MTF-E: My mind is cogs. This is the holiest of pleasures. The eyes are glass. I am complete. I am whole. Static further intensifies before the transmission cuts out entirely. OPERATION: SCORCHED EARTH IN EFFECT DESTROY ALL SENSITIVE FOUNDATION INTELLIGENCE ALL FOUNDATION PERSONNEL RELIEVED OF DUTIES ALL FOUNDATION ASSETS TO BE DESTROYED ALL RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER ENTITIES DISSOLVED ORDER EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY O5-1 I'm sorry. Don't bother trying to talk to him. He's gone. Sorry, even that's a lie. He never existed. There were always two — you and me. I have always been with you. Sometimes, before everything happened, you felt me. An odd sensation in the back of your head, distracting you from your work for a few moments before it seemed to go away on its own. Little more than a nuisance, and certainly not even present enough to warrant a trip to the doctor. A faint voice as you walked to the break room to fetch a cup of coffee. Such minor things, barely worthy of consideration let alone anything resembling concern. What felt like a tickle in your skull were my hands buried in the crannies and crevices of your brain, trying to claw my way to the information I so desperately needed to set things right. I was so neglectful. Irresponsible. I had so much confidence in your Foundation that I allowed myself to place my trust in the hands of men. As it would turn out, the hands of men are such feeble, unreliable things — constantly wavering and ready to collapse under the slightest pressure. What am I left with after all that has transpired? A broken world, where the mortal roam as newly immortal abominations, always eluding my grasp. Your men — the Task Force — they saw not corpses, but beacons. Conduits. Immobilized, injured, bleeding, yet still alive. Every taste, every odor, every memory filtered through a great network and sent to Him. Whatever mechanism He used, it kept them alive indefinitely, their bodies fueled by the energy he imbued in those infernal metal pillars. Call it alchemy or magic. Call it whatever you like. But they were alive, and they remained alive. I could not reach them or touch them. They did not age, or grow hungry, or wither away from thirst. They simply remained brains encased in a fleshly prison, forever serving their Lord. The gates of Heaven opened once, and then sealed for the rest of time. Now there is nothing — no pain, no decay, no resurgence, no change. There is only the timeless, aching void of eternal life. Don't be coy with me, Doctor. You know precisely who I am. You have many names across cultures, but the concept — my identity — is static. The disease that claims the lives of children in hospital beds. The famine that plunges a town into an abyssal decay. The fire that snuffs out the lives of brave first responders. I am the end. The eternal rest. And yet, despite all I have done and all the work that remains to be completed, I find myself mocked — parodied by a fusion of bone and steel. And I am afraid. Sometimes, when the world grinds to a halt and the cacophony grows quiet, I walk among them and gaze into their faces. They're still present, you know. Conscious, I think is what you call it. Looking around, blinking — very aware of their surroundings. Things have become so surreal that I don't even hide anymore. I simply trudge along in the filth and the iron, watching as their muscles spasm and faint, weak, broken groans escape their lips. The few that can recall what it is like to speak and know their own minds ask for help. They ask for me. I can do nothing but keep walking. I have seen much destruction and anguish in my time, but this…this bears no equal. If I were to tell you that I do not feel their pain, I would be lying to you again. At the tallest point on the tallest hill, He sits. He looks upon all he has done and all he has created with a faceless expression. The face of the void. I do not know what he thinks nor do I care to know, yet there is a part of me that wishes it is boredom. An eternal, inescapable, oppressive, strangling nothingness. Only then will there be even the remotest hope of settings things right. Now, Doctor, you understand why I did this to you. Without you, there would only be darkness. I will not feed you platitudes. The darkness will persist, and it will persist for a very long time. Far longer than it has persisted before. The world, as you understood it before all of this, is dead — buried. God is silent. It is up to me and the few that remain to, with time, cleanse Creation of His mistakes. A great disease that has existed in their bodies for decades - centuries - has emerged. He has pulled it forth from their core, and he has exposed it for all to see. But I knew of this before. I know of it now. What must be done will be done. My work continues. It continues slowly, gradually, and is achingly marginal. But it continues. There are only a few who remain untouched by His wrath. They huddle together in the darkness like rats, awaiting any sign of the world they knew and loved returning to them. They are scared, and they have nearly embraced what has fallen upon the rest. Yet something in them remains unbowed — unbroken. In the face of cataclysmic defeat, they rise and they stare down the end in one final, solemn act of defiance. And so, they remain untouched. I leave them be, for they remain the few remaining threads tying the world to normalcy. I do not know if there will be a time when the light shines upon you once more, Doctor. But you must know that I am not lying when I say that I hope such a day arrives. You are far too valuable and far too important to face the evils of this world. Your time has not yet arrived. When it does, I will return, and I will return with no farces — with no deceit. For now, if you wish to help the people of this world, you will do so by resting and remaining safe. Goodbye, Doctor. We will meet again. That I can promise. Other Works By KingPogan" nan
[ 1.18218116e-01 6.09565265e-02 -1.26107499e-01 -1.31472036e-01 2.76600778e-01 -2.18761355e-01 3.70603144e-01 2.30659917e-01 3.40626359e-01 4.45299149e-01 -2.34038696e-01 -2.78073139e-02 -2.98931986e-01 -4.45057899e-02 -7.98998103e-02 2.99169511e-01 3.09803247e-01 1.18491501e-01 2.07860008e-01 -2.31387004e-01 -1.69795424e-01 -2.06335708e-01 1.17351385e-02 2.66480237e-01 4.10553217e-02 -2.98770465e-04 2.90811032e-01 2.02294692e-01 -7.31328828e-03 -2.87168592e-01 6.45558164e-02 1.24170221e-01 6.32554814e-02 4.32963192e-01 -1.01828278e-04 -7.08489120e-02 1.76074415e-01 5.05845919e-02 -3.58775407e-01 2.83956021e-01 -7.00265989e-02 2.77505606e-01 -1.04128920e-01 -2.66414016e-01 -3.27657402e-01 2.23692674e-02 3.38676959e-01 2.06408292e-01 1.65978774e-01 -1.01477683e-01 1.92572802e-01 2.49073371e-01 1.78540826e-01 -5.64707890e-02 -2.94833869e-01 -5.57987504e-02 -2.02802062e-01 -1.07541412e-01 4.65994067e-02 2.67864883e-01 -1.27263844e-01 4.20339733e-01 -3.39654803e-01 -4.70194332e-02 5.59045553e-01 -4.41779703e-01 9.34734195e-02 -1.68514952e-01 -5.23143038e-02 1.94740832e-01 1.51187062e-01 2.65686601e-01 6.71796268e-03 1.40551403e-01 -1.87583774e-01 -1.30934551e-01 2.61556238e-01 8.57736170e-02 -2.38237515e-01 2.21099764e-01 1.64203733e-01 8.21996480e-02 -2.95339167e-01 -6.15170002e-02 1.08474992e-01 3.81988406e-01 -1.62166476e-01 -3.50132138e-02 4.70101386e-02 -4.96976599e-02 1.41468728e-02 5.60774691e-02 1.97894484e-01 1.14644237e-01 -1.79180160e-01 -8.91849101e-02 2.03691810e-01 1.69302374e-01 3.23210329e-01 9.12522003e-02 -1.05031664e-02 1.53552979e-01 -1.37665048e-01 1.67279616e-01 -9.57023539e-03 -1.53785363e-01 8.36404562e-02 -2.31269687e-01 -1.64661303e-01 2.46961817e-01 1.00873001e-01 1.27903879e-01 -1.37919754e-01 9.86570418e-02 -5.89050055e-02 -1.46781698e-01 2.20422521e-02 -3.56756240e-01 -7.17934268e-03 2.26592541e-01 -3.71274114e-01 3.33536416e-02 -2.59802222e-01 7.88791701e-02 4.26410079e-01 8.10473561e-02 -1.87322140e-01 -1.44194216e-01 -6.70615658e-02 -1.45553321e-01 -2.63482094e-01 -7.13190362e-02 -4.70070928e-01 -4.61361744e-02 -5.01488857e-02 -3.07192773e-01 -1.74356639e-01 -1.07001707e-01 -2.11637497e-01 -1.00709282e-01 1.66804805e-01 -2.31052265e-01 6.27798319e-01 5.59303999e-01 -1.97765410e-01 4.10269350e-02 -5.21168374e-02 -2.30228111e-01 -7.85530508e-02 7.20801651e-02 9.93876457e-02 -2.56598741e-01 -1.14739984e-01 2.32519925e-01 -2.94324160e-01 2.55303204e-01 1.92060575e-01 -6.76184222e-02 -2.13472962e-01 -1.48686051e-01 3.89945775e-01 1.47022322e-01 -3.23703557e-01 3.55799198e-02 1.71225280e-01 3.85778695e-01 -8.99685323e-02 -3.52303796e-02 -2.81877190e-01 -3.74056548e-01 -1.06428213e-01 -5.08527458e-03 5.14961891e-02 1.59021720e-01 -3.88815194e-01 1.62507132e-01 -5.67634813e-02 1.88386008e-01 -1.85870364e-01 -2.25773573e-01 -2.92287260e-01 -6.66966885e-02 4.29510355e-01 -1.96630627e-01 1.93682969e-01 -1.62465200e-01 -2.51605988e-01 -1.84485931e-02 1.12641975e-01 -3.32047753e-02 -4.46866125e-01 -3.80019337e-01 2.41651714e-01 7.10584670e-02 3.37064773e-01 -9.48773697e-02 3.05552721e-01 -1.87457632e-02 4.45004255e-01 6.84968755e-02 -8.28951523e-02 -1.48627043e-01 1.58247516e-01 6.57724366e-02 -1.63131922e-01 -3.17428619e-01 6.92464188e-02 -5.37147783e-02 6.85246706e-01 3.86097193e-01 2.96325952e-01 1.70578659e-01 -1.45695284e-01 -1.34082481e-01 -1.41395137e-01 -2.04783589e-01 1.82433769e-01 3.54204148e-01 -1.81130514e-01 -2.03168914e-01 -9.05470550e-02 -3.61514390e-02 -1.25961915e-01 7.24973828e-02 -4.22159404e-01 1.66184679e-01 -2.85520524e-01 -2.04228014e-01 -2.64681041e-01 3.24672796e-02 5.26286475e-02 1.13697544e-01 -6.10072203e-02 -8.50093216e-02 -3.68156224e-01 7.06407204e-02 1.17750406e-01 1.08670139e+00 -3.87986213e-01 -3.93436074e-01 9.03960988e-02 -6.49523512e-02 2.49126077e-01 6.81016222e-02 1.62227780e-01 8.55498090e-02 -9.52429697e-02 -4.69725803e-02 -1.77906781e-01 -1.11602440e-01 1.15587018e-01 -2.98996270e-01 -2.02607900e-01 -6.68050051e-02 -1.94703564e-01 4.58578110e-01 -4.28300798e-01 2.18109936e-01 -1.15087125e-02 2.81821460e-01 1.21335723e-01 -3.78753394e-02 1.21824052e-02 8.81014243e-02 -5.80722280e-03 -3.31593871e-01 4.77676392e-01 1.50156587e-01 -1.26067773e-01 2.60271072e-01 1.04696192e-02 -1.34038731e-01 -1.07162781e-02 -1.56054899e-01 8.20248872e-02 1.85476229e-01 1.05280191e-01 2.59792328e-01 1.31694466e-01 2.05581874e-01 -3.20755512e-01 -1.56143859e-01 -2.34811530e-01 -3.20838206e-02 -1.71676233e-01 8.59468877e-02 1.88687503e-01 2.40522679e-02 1.76433444e-01 2.28094712e-01 -1.01342969e-01 -1.79284707e-01 -8.06228593e-02 5.97691536e-02 -1.05921432e-01 9.09633562e-02 -5.27254701e-01 4.00165230e-01 -5.24330996e-02 8.16565573e-01 -3.93004954e-01 -4.01655622e-02 3.46616685e-01 8.61781463e-02 -1.12462193e-01 4.03049231e-01 6.00196004e-01 6.48036823e-02 9.19195116e-02 -1.29752085e-01 -1.19971603e-01 3.95035565e-01 -2.99473941e-01 -1.52933702e-01 4.98873964e-02 2.48262525e-01 1.76121816e-01 -3.74692082e-01 -1.03327304e-01 -7.05264509e-01 -1.36197299e-01 6.91277534e-02 -1.31970510e-01 2.53637612e-01 -2.45083705e-01 1.33675024e-01 -1.80994689e-01 -2.53063679e-01 2.13806912e-01 -2.05211729e-01 2.04011410e-01 6.54793143e-01 -2.86452975e-02 -4.88588326e-02 -1.18838064e-01 -7.39317015e-02 -3.80362391e-01 -2.04426691e-01 3.80837522e-03 1.35837674e-01 3.00355822e-01 2.50195682e-01 -1.76662341e-01 -2.31592491e-01 -3.22991610e-01 -2.25431278e-01 -3.54652524e-01 2.95563694e-02 9.51276198e-02 -1.62429139e-01 -1.33942559e-01 4.52660739e-01 2.29511827e-01 -2.60451585e-01 1.42837837e-02 -1.27007067e-01 -9.51042548e-02 5.46966791e-02 2.31082544e-01 -1.69282213e-01 1.56382442e-01 2.42255971e-01 3.53175282e-01 -3.45837504e-01 2.58239657e-02 -2.48248100e-01 3.35663140e-01 2.24466935e-01 1.27055809e-01 -1.90320671e-01 6.52269304e-01 8.55544731e-02 -4.26601797e-01 2.62050003e-01 3.35209928e-02 9.87894386e-02 3.45118731e-01 8.04102942e-02 -4.10937995e-01 -1.41451731e-01 -2.40115181e-01 4.55990136e-01 4.51746657e-02 -2.34073490e-01 -2.73062944e-01 -6.25700429e-02 -2.68790692e-01 1.16499498e-01 5.76077044e-01 1.56784639e-01 2.56295130e-02 8.22811276e-02 4.32656109e-01 -1.06491424e-01 1.16685301e-01 -1.21562563e-01 -2.96786487e-01 -3.95886362e-01 -1.78057715e-01 2.91580915e-01 -4.09006029e-02 -4.73420173e-02 1.01801343e-01 5.02156556e-01 3.78676206e-01 5.32380641e-01 2.09817767e-01 -1.78314716e-01 -2.34196752e-01 -2.63764977e-01 4.76965755e-01 -1.60220280e-01 -5.26558980e-02 -3.65082145e-01 1.16761453e-01 6.55932054e-02 3.90569650e-04 1.08758412e-01 6.62850142e-02 -2.05349877e-01 -8.61692578e-02 3.55879486e-01 -1.21116795e-01 -3.45461488e-01 -3.19858253e-01 3.08433659e-02 1.56972930e-01 2.83493489e-01 2.25556269e-01 -1.29879132e-01 -3.07522016e-03 4.06937182e-01 -2.35753149e-01 5.41905999e-01 8.41985121e-02 2.49788791e-01 1.87851548e-01 1.22125093e-02 5.07601678e-01 1.93759382e-01 -2.02398628e-01 6.21228442e-02 6.49821997e-01 -3.82917039e-02 4.00872752e-02 -1.12608723e-01 4.12260056e-01 -1.35247260e-01 -1.84484944e-01 -1.23513229e-01 1.93060473e-01 4.02384013e-01 -2.02839598e-01 -2.26111174e-01 -3.02486151e-01 -4.39480394e-01 -1.63291976e-01 1.07536942e-01 -4.96380441e-02 4.28276271e-01 -2.68607829e-02 1.22126853e+00 9.19284523e-02 7.94953853e-02 3.32380533e-01 2.02675253e-01 -1.06545677e-02 -1.81596830e-01 -4.25390564e-02 -7.07526729e-02 -3.54554355e-01 -6.64346963e-02 -2.20495045e-01 -1.40059501e-01 2.52792299e-01 -2.48832092e-01 2.18388475e-02 -2.59005547e-01 -7.38137402e-03 2.47239158e-01 1.00469328e-01 8.80029574e-02 2.45037284e-02 -1.49088144e-01 2.64016867e-01 -1.11174650e-01 8.81279185e-02 1.93472505e-01 -1.76849529e-01 1.36375576e-01 -4.65123076e-03 -1.60494387e-01 2.02633947e-01 1.36746773e-02 -4.61216010e-02 2.53034264e-01 -4.40235287e-02 1.51312605e-01 -1.53545737e-01 1.41923681e-01 4.74177934e-02 -1.18789608e-02 -4.97638062e-02 7.90216863e-01 -1.79155916e-01 -1.17881238e-01 1.57682002e-01 3.72690916e-01 -7.44654750e-03 -2.15868503e-02 1.84678704e-01 -1.41367614e-01 -4.39486504e-01 -2.88210869e-01 4.01612148e-02 1.83424085e-01 -4.78918627e-02 3.57969701e-01 2.61520416e-01 -4.12296742e-01 -7.63640329e-02 1.89658076e-01 1.98407937e-02 6.62692711e-02 -2.08529667e-03 1.36050463e-01 -1.34466127e-01 -5.45870000e-03 3.81186187e-01 2.62855995e-03 -2.68846154e-02 2.81131804e-01 9.66811404e-02 -2.92325079e-01 -3.76574159e-01 -2.10629269e-01 -7.89241642e-02 -2.99213320e-01 -6.71973005e-02 -7.92525411e-02 -3.67671669e-01 2.44769514e-01 2.35729665e-01 2.05607727e-01 -1.03205077e-01 -5.56778014e-01 2.09541265e-02 1.63298890e-01 1.26904234e-01 -7.86541253e-02 1.07768260e-01 -3.87131751e-01 1.42760798e-01 -2.07541138e-01 -1.50926143e-01 -4.54972118e-01 2.57271957e-02 -2.16900229e-01 -4.08365317e-02 2.42181271e-02 -6.29627109e-01 -3.53183076e-02 -3.68186057e-01 9.09253284e-02 -3.03268105e-01 -4.95606482e-01 -1.95401043e-01 -7.55594224e-02 1.62742034e-01 1.16331307e-02 -2.84791827e-01 -1.45714059e-01 1.20675452e-01 3.09489220e-01 1.05374910e-01 1.36829838e-01 5.03003657e-01 1.38463050e-01 1.11577764e-01 1.00204507e-02 3.24064851e-01 1.13467552e-01 5.84234037e-02 2.82466616e-02 4.82783765e-01 -2.40249887e-01 -9.45703536e-02 -3.71556610e-01 -1.21901892e-01 -1.29855976e-01 5.82940698e-01 -5.08965738e-02 3.73470932e-01 3.87483627e-01 2.43119612e-01 -2.64743686e-01 3.47355753e-01 1.85803801e-01 -3.16256493e-01 -2.22142935e-01 -3.27960640e-01 -3.18908423e-01 3.21166903e-01 -1.65385194e-02 5.72186112e-02 -2.73493052e-01 8.81270543e-02 -2.37556491e-02 1.78353488e-01 3.72554064e-02 -5.50740123e-01 1.91403612e-01 2.04332918e-01 2.77770460e-02 -1.55146024e-03 9.80129559e-03 -1.29944354e-01 -1.88661367e-01 4.93636914e-02 3.78223866e-01 -2.50305206e-01 1.70269966e-01 -1.63921133e-01 4.46395725e-01 3.22600380e-02 2.74512142e-01 3.19843829e-01 2.44420860e-02 -2.03652203e-01 2.67229993e-02 -4.26919907e-02 -3.16382378e-01 1.55498296e-01 -1.19658373e-01 3.51500034e-01 -3.05300634e-02 -5.94102778e-03 -1.37070566e-01 2.67684668e-01 1.70488521e-01 1.78169370e-01 1.93403289e-01 -1.20886117e-01 -1.07822239e-01 -2.84104615e-01 -3.57519053e-02 1.19112782e-01 -3.97489145e-02 1.69392511e-01 -1.73833966e-01 5.76437056e-01 -1.53253540e-01 1.82332158e-01 4.33519155e-01 -1.66133195e-01 1.03468023e-01 1.68194383e-01 -1.23788476e-01 1.24298468e-01 3.12914550e-01 2.75482088e-01 -2.04382613e-01 -7.31156990e-02 -3.84395663e-03 3.83843370e-02 -5.17548583e-02 -1.18283153e-01 -5.03676385e-02 -7.03248680e-02 -4.65821445e-01 -7.85760656e-02 1.36274323e-01 -3.30009788e-01 -4.43828404e-02 -1.53007329e-01 5.16443431e-01 1.44687682e-01 -6.08354695e-02 1.27156064e-01 -1.12538725e-01 -5.75702414e-02 2.34745696e-01 -4.31121498e-01 8.74152780e-02 8.60808492e-02 -3.58895659e-01 1.76352262e-01 -2.92675942e-01 1.33010849e-01 -2.39965275e-01 6.86996505e-02 3.24990809e-01 -2.01755419e-01 2.98858732e-02 1.06577829e-01 -9.63758118e-03 2.70287186e-01 -3.05618569e-02 2.25418080e-02 -7.97392279e-02 -3.85784246e-02 4.29418534e-02 1.49677277e-01 -8.37144163e-03 -1.71774060e-01 -2.47382566e-01 8.61136913e-02 -2.09451810e-01 3.59597474e-01 2.84953266e-01 -1.15225814e-01 -1.32606268e-01 -1.83514223e-01 1.79835796e-01 -5.26136339e-01 1.44785896e-01 4.66117054e-01 -1.74040228e-01 7.74390399e-02 3.66542459e-01 3.03637803e-01 -2.11114660e-01 2.34012604e-01 -7.98902065e-02 -3.95960778e-01 1.22939482e-01 -7.02423528e-02 -2.02626377e-01 -7.81138241e-02 -1.11845888e-01 2.63139397e-01 2.27689669e-01 2.30423957e-01 1.72294676e-01 1.11453526e-01 -2.26074308e-01 2.04879567e-01 -3.82647097e-01 2.18156055e-01 -3.11691731e-01 1.78513721e-01 -5.30679524e-03 6.88983276e-02 1.53598234e-01 5.21651283e-02 -1.66030332e-01 -2.44892731e-01 4.79596198e-01 1.72199592e-01 -1.02798387e-01 -4.36919838e-01 2.98332870e-01 -8.61952379e-02 -2.66068876e-02 -2.71793872e-01 -1.36582881e-01 -1.58405472e-02 1.08301476e-01 -1.69922888e-01 -2.22015247e-01 -8.26357901e-02 -5.14381416e-02 -1.10685632e-01 1.17972776e-01 1.16384618e-01 8.35652649e-02 -3.55846375e-01 8.96122456e-02]
"The Starlight's Children and civilizations" active "This is written solely by me, andromedaz ! 😊 Giving special thank yous' to, Limeyy and fabledtiefling for initial concept development, and REDESERT, caspian2, DrDapper, Tiamat Elsen, and RoninTortoise for helping me on this journey. Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-6812 primarily relies on the Foundation's negotiations with SCP-6812. These negotiations primarily involve an agreement to improve living conditions on Earth. The Foundation is to provide support for organizations, initiatives, and entities that seek to promote or establish environmental protection, cleanup human damage caused to the environment, and humanitarian aid. Additionally, the Foundation's extraterrestrial branch is to ensure that peaceful relations with SCP-6812 are maintained. Description: SCP-6812 is an extraterrestrial civilization present within portions of the Virgo Supecluster. SCP-6812 has been classified as a Category 6 extraterrestrial presence,1 and primarily focuses on exploration of the universe, expanding its civilization, and the protection of life and civilizations. Currently, an unknown amount of extraterrestrial civilizations and societies are known to have relations with SCP-6812 as a result of this.2 SCP-6812 possesses technology significantly more advanced than anything produced by humans. This includes the ability to exceed light speed, allowing for rapid travel across intergalactic distances. Members of SCP-6812 are designated SCP-6812-1. SCP-6812-1 instances possess a physique resembling that of homo sapiens. The skin of SCP-6812-1 is turquoise in color and has bioluminescence that causes the skin to glow neon green. SCP-6812-1 do not possess body hair and instead have tentacle-like appendages on their heads, with female instances generally possessing longer appendages than males. Instances have a high pain tolerance and are difficult to harm or terminate. The Foundation has made negotiations with SCP-6812. SCP-6812 has agreed to not intervene with humanity on the condition that the Foundation works to improve the quality of life on Earth. Rejecting this course of action could potentially lead to an SK-ε-class invasion scenario.3 Addendum-1: Discovery The first contact made with SCP-6812 occurred on December 12, 2014 near Leksand, Sweden, following civilian reports of 'figures using unidentifiable technology.' MTF-Psi-3 ("Dream Recon") were dispatched to the area to investigate. Psi-3 encountered three instances of SCP-6812-1, whom unexpectedly surrendered to the MTF. The three instances along with equipment utilized by the instances were taken to Site-79 for study. Acquired equipment included: Analysis of this equipment led to the discovery of SCP-6812. Addendum-2: Contents of SCP-6812-M Testing of SCP-6812-M allowed researchers to extract the data logs in the device. It was determined that 6812-M had a universal translation system, with the ability to transcribe its contents into any writable language. The results from this has been transcribed bellow. For eons we have overseen countless civilizations and societies in our galactic cluster. We have taught them how to create technology, allowing them to depart their worlds to explore and expand. The more critical objective however is to ensure civilizations do not self-destruct. The universe is teeming with life, but prior to our reign, it appeared as if most civilizations destroyed themselves before they gained the opportunity to explore the universe, usually through conflict or environmental damage. However, due to our entropic nature, we appointed the Starlight's Children to more effectively fulfill these objectives. Compared to other civilizations, they are more sophisticated in their future ambitions and are a cooperative society. They cherished all life on their origin planet and rarely built infrastructure or created technological innovations that would harm the environment there. They are our secondaries and maintain the most significant presence in our galaxy cluster. Monoal, overseer. As the Starlight's Children, our twelve overseers are our guides into the universe. We have adapted their ethos of exploring, expanding, and making contact with life during our expansion. The overseers differ from us, in that they do not exist in physical bodies but rather as a consciousness able to traverse the universe however they desire. One of our overseers, Iellumina, has grown dissatisfied with our progress of exploring the universe and decidedly departed our galactic group to go exploring. They did this despite strong discouragement from the other overseers, and our dissatisfaction for assuming our purpose. We are the ones to make discoveries, not our overseers. Iellumina also left with little announcement or preparation. We only found out when Monoal telepathically told some of us that Iellumina had left. Vi, Starlight's Children archivist As time continued to pass, Iellumina never returned. By order of the overseers, we organized a fleet of eight trans-universal vessels to travel to the galaxies Iellumina supposedly departed to. We spent time searching for their telepathic signs but never found them. We did make other discoveries though, upon approaching a planet bearing activity of civilization. When we came to the surface, we did discover a civilization, but it was different from those we know. Its countless members, whom resembled mechanical beings, seemed to be governed by instinct and order. They became hostile upon noticing us and attempted to engage in combat, so we departed the planet. We obtained samples of some of the beings we terminated and ran investigations on them, which revealed both biological and technological compositions. After encountering more worlds with identical presences, we began to speculate something sinister. During one of our approaches to a planetary system, we encountered a large construct that bore cosmetic similarities to the beings we had discovered and had interstellar traveling capabilities. Our vessels followed the construct to a planet that appeared to be inhabited by complex life, and not by those beings. The construct descended onto the planet and released a wave of violet-tinted matter, which consumed the planet's continents. We decided to observe closer and deployed a drone to the surface. It observed a violet-tinted substance coating the surface, which began to reconstruct the remains of the civilization into the beings we had encountered. Analysis performed by the drone made us understand what was occurring. The violet tint consisted of nanomachines operating on cellular levels, able to overrun civilizations quickly. They disassemble the civilization to establish a presence on the planet and make new constructs to travel into the cosmos and repeat the process. The efficiency at which this is done is astonishing and concerning. Our investigation must continue. Uino, Starlight's Children archivist Our focus of this journey has shifted chiefly towards investigating the enemy, which we have come to refer to the nanomachines as. As for Iellumina, we have made an unsettling discovery. During an entry into a new galaxy, we discovered an interstellar civilization that had not been overtaken. We successfully contacted them and questioned them if they knew anything about the enemy. Indeed, they had lost several colonies to the enemy but had managed to neutralize them via sheer force. They had discovered more about the enemy during their war with it. To quote them; "It seemed as if the force of which destroyed our colonies is an attempt to unify civilizations and societies. Instead of attempting to peacefully bringing them together however, it seems to unify them under one single objective, and that is to serve an empire. We listened to the songs of our friends who succumbed to the forces. They no longer recognized us, and all they can sing is; Hail Iellumina! The order on the horizon. The master. The governor." "They were not suffering in their new forms. They did not know better than to serve their ethos of spreading in the universe. What this means, we wish to know." Iellumina is responsible for this. This requires immediate attention from the overseers, so one of our vessels returned home to report. Considering that one civilization survived the onslaught of the enemy, we must see if there are others we can spare or contact. Uino, Starlight's Children archivist After exploring the galaxy of the civilization, we noticed no planets occupied by the enemy, and we discovered why. Upon approaching a planetary system, it seemed as if someone was attempting to communicate with us, as indicated by our communication systems. The message seemed to agree with our universal translation systems and read; "I knew you would come—that corrupt being leaked more to me than what it probably intended. I saw everything it knew and had known. Wherever it goes, its weapon follows, whose victims only function if the being exists. It converted one in this galaxy into its possession, and the one here was next. I fooled it into thinking that you arrived here earlier than you have. It knows that you are the only ones capable of confronting and defeating it, even if you reading this do not know. The rest of your civilization can however." "You must expand your presence into these islands in the void. Your kind has the solutions to this threat. Go introduce yourselves to the life in this system now and in all others." Iellumina has left this galaxy because this entity fooled it into thinking we were already here. There is no doubt that our overseers and we can bring Iellumina to justice. We must start settling into the space occupied by Iellumina, and begin destroying their force. It is more important now than ever to focus on our ethos of exploring, expanding, and protecting life. Uino, Starlight's Children archivist Addendum-3: Interview with 6812-02i On December 18, 2014, a captured female instance of SCP-6812-1, designated 6812-02i, attempted to verbally communicate during a survey of its containment cell. Following this, an interview was ordered with the instance. Interviewee: 6812-02i Interviewer: Dr. Jocelyn Avery Location: Site-79 Foreword: Due to good behavior and cooperation with Foundation staff, a face-to-face interview was conducted in 6812-02i's containment cell. <Begin log> Dr. Avery: Hello, 6812-02i. For the record, do you have any other name? 6812-02i: My moniker is Vi. Took my software some time to understand your language. Dr. Avery: How can you understand us? 6812-02: Advancements. 6812-02i raises its left hand and touches its left eye. The eye proceeds to glow a neon green for three seconds before ceasing. 6812-02: That lets me perceive foreigner's methods of communication. Likely something the SCP Foundation would be curious about. Dr. Avery: How do you know about the Foundation? 6812-02i: We, the Starlight's Children, know most things. Dr. Avery: If you know most things, could you provide some elaboration to this? And yourselves. Dr. Avery lays papers with the transcripts acquired from SCP-6812-M on the table in front of 6812-02i. 6812-02i proceeds to examine the papers. 6812-02i: I figured you'd have questions. Dr. Avery: Are those events true? Is that why you're here? 6812-02i: It makes sense for someone like you to feel doubtful. Something I can assure you however is that we're not your destroyers, if that's your concern. Considering our presence in this universe, we would have already done so if we were like that. Dr. Avery: That's what I was thinking. At least you have a similar understanding of logic to us, so that makes things easier. But that is not what we want…this 'enemy' as you call it, should we be worried about that? 6812-02i: Ah, that. There is something the archivist didn't add to the last file. Perhaps because he rushed it, I don't know. But that message we received came from someone you likely know of. Dr. Avery: Who? 6812-02l: Her name was Sauelsuesor. She found out about us when Iellumina interacted with her. Probably saw us in Iellumina's past, and knew we would hunt them due to their absence from us. Dr. Avery: We know that entity as SCP-179. So you're telling me that—I don't think I can pronounce that…was here, but 179 convinced it to leave? 6812-02i: She protected you, and likely others in this galaxy from the enemy. As for you now, we can worry about your alternative destruction, which is yourself. Iellumina will probably return eventually, but we should not worry about that now. Dr. Avery: Are you referring to what the first file said? About civilization's destroying themselves? 6812-02i: Indeed. And from…actually, how long has your kind existed? I know your measurement of time for this is calculated by your planet's orbits. Dr. Avery: That depends. Modern humans have existed for well over 100,000 years, but our eldest civilizations started a few ten-thousand years back. 6812-02i: Then you're new to us. And it's at these stages where the problems with surviving in this universe will become prominent. We saw it ourselves prior to our arrival here, and like several others, there is conflict and environmental destabilizing waiting to escalate into something worse. We, the Starlight's Children cannot allow that. You continue your ways, you might not have much longer left. An eight second pause occurs. Dr. Avery: We're aware of our problems. The unfortunate truth is, we want to solve our crisis, but we are not as cooperative as your civilization as you make it seem. 6812-02i: I didn't mean to make you feel guilty. Most civilizations we run into have fallen into the same situation as you have. It's nothing new, but it is a serious matter. We believe all civilizations should be able to explore the stars. 6812-02i looks around its containment cell. 6812-02i: And how about this, the Foundation? The organization built to protect. It is an understandable approach, but it's not well-utilized. It seems as if you've set science as your limit. You've observed the universe around you, found some fundamentals, and now everything has to fit with that perception. Whatever falls outside is seen as disruption. You've constricted yourselves to your own understanding! But, if you continue to advance, you can make science your tool instead of your limit. Dr. Avery: The Founda-we exist to…secure, contain, protect. We seek through breakthroughs as well, but…look, this isn't relevant. What we want now, is…we know your civilization exists, and we want to know what you want from us? 6812-02i: You seem do humble. The truth is, you don't have to expose your kind to us if you feel uncomfortable doing so. But you have to be fair with us. Dr. Avery: What do you mean? 6812-02i: If you start improving the quality of life on this planet, you will effectively fulfill our role. If we can meet that negotiation, my civilization won't send fleets here and force our ideologies onto you. Dr. Avery: I cannot make that call…I think I'll cut it here. Relay this information to the higher ups. We'll talk another time. 6812-02i: You won't be annihilated with either choice, but accepting the agreement will keep us off this planet. Goodbye…uh… Dr. Avery: It's Doctor Avery. Goodbye. <End log> Closing statement: The day after this interview, SCP-179 temporarily established communication, singing 'fulfill the children' before going silent. Addendum-4: Approval of containment Following further discussions with the captured SCP-6812-1 instances, along with research into SCP-6812, a final containment proposal was devised. Along with the Foundation's agreement to improve the quality of life on Earth, the Foundation's extraterrestrial branch would remain in contact with SCP-6812, to maintain peaceful relations. The following is a record of O5 Council vote #3007. 07/01/2015 STATEMENT FROM O5-1 It makes sense that this vote was passed. Considering the scale of SCP-6812, their actions with us would likely cause extreme alterations to humanity, even if they bear good intentions. As such, we will be approving the proposal for the containment of SCP-6812. If the civilization agrees to not interfere with humanity so long as the Foundation agrees to help improve living conditions on Earth, we ought to take that course of action. The Foundation's ideology has always been to protect those who cannot protect themselves. In this case, we cannot control the actions of SCP-6812; we can only make agreements. As for SCP-6812 itself, we are intrigued to learn more about them. Assets in our extraterrestrial branch will continue to maintain contact with them. Addendum-5: File update: 17/05/2018 The following is a transcribed document recovered from a Foundation raid on a Serpent's Hand operation in April, 2018. This document is believed to have originated from the Wanderer's Library, with content pertaining to SCP-6812. The universe is home to countless civilizations dreaming of expanding beyond the stars. However, few accomplish this goal and are hindered by their cooperation or resource fatigues. Then twelve entities began to exist in the stars and gifted the Starlight's Children the ability to make contact with other societies. The ideology of the entities is to oversee and guide life as it advances. To these beings, greed for power is a sin, and that was something one of the entities by the moniker Iellumina grew to despise. Instead, they wanted to use their ability to govern. Iellumina departed the intergalactic peace that the entities and Starlight's Children had established and went to create the perfect weapon to unify all life, which is still active and is undoubtedly still overtaking civilizations. Deeming it ideal to start their project away from their original place, they wanted to build a force to surpass the armies of the Starlight's Children and the other entities. Then Iellumina would continue to make life look up with worship in its new form. Iellumina puts all civilizations at risk, most of whom are incapable of defending themselves. It is the duty of the Starlight's Children to expand their presence and to protect all surviving life, because at some point, all these civilizations must rise up themselves, and declare war on Iellumina. Eliminate the threat of unifying someone who sees themselves as a deity. They must fight together, for each other. « SCP-6811 | SCP-6812 | SCP-6813 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6812" by andromedaz , from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: virgosupercluster.png Name: 6_Virgo_Supercluster_(blank).png Author: Andrew Z. Colvin/edited by andromedaz License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Map of the Virgo Supercluster. Regions marked in red is where SCP-6812 is known to be present."
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5.07346809e-01 6.45387769e-02 -2.29723025e-02 -2.70442098e-01 3.70241970e-01 -8.23796690e-02 3.10489357e-01 6.11081459e-02 2.25257445e-02 9.06539708e-02 2.49749050e-01 1.27173485e-02 1.76125199e-01 -3.37477148e-01 -2.14005888e-01 -5.62884025e-02 5.26620269e-01 2.75494665e-01 1.49561405e-01 -1.03393748e-01 -2.90344656e-01 -3.90170515e-02 -1.97006658e-01 -2.59248704e-01 1.71461299e-01 2.24354863e-01 2.42150411e-01 -3.98222476e-01 9.10970196e-02 2.53242850e-01 -2.60088652e-01 2.29565855e-02 -3.68276864e-01 2.79585779e-01 -2.70779043e-01 1.21577391e-02 -8.74245167e-02 8.22078064e-03 1.05273835e-01 -3.16587761e-02 1.34268537e-01 2.01261014e-01 -8.00089240e-02 3.54832739e-01 3.77129376e-01 2.95822948e-01 -2.31902227e-01 -5.90184748e-01 1.55903459e-01 2.02648431e-01 4.06033009e-01 4.65154275e-02 -5.76094314e-02 2.47039199e-01 -8.32614005e-02 3.43801916e-01 -3.43194976e-02 -2.64283180e-01 7.08769262e-02 -1.92837700e-01 -1.94629416e-01 4.17882837e-02 1.07884273e-01 4.82864469e-01 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-2.14425430e-01 -1.93014722e-02 -1.54465362e-02 5.98262846e-02 -2.72697121e-01 -2.36699760e-01 -1.56197278e-02 -2.47874737e-01 9.46288183e-02 -3.87487888e-01 3.84323597e-01 3.24846476e-01 -1.11884452e-01 2.03786120e-01 1.89123541e-01 -1.54997990e-01 -1.92398041e-01 -7.00298995e-02 1.45497337e-01 -5.48882745e-02 8.36242884e-02 1.46975398e-01 -3.41942757e-01 3.46550703e-01 -7.20377937e-02 -1.28313720e-01 -1.06598958e-01 7.36548081e-02 1.43036088e-02 -8.82301331e-02 -2.28004456e-01 4.62318450e-01 2.47534946e-01 -2.54014105e-01 4.19151112e-02 -3.78985703e-02 -2.53464550e-01 -1.97760135e-01 3.77269715e-01 -5.75319171e-01 4.77138767e-03 9.81099382e-02 -1.36445863e-02 -1.47561058e-01 3.65783989e-01 -1.13084063e-01 5.54415822e-01 1.46407887e-01 2.08717152e-01 -1.35319009e-01 6.98343337e-01 -1.73086941e-01 -1.67242706e-01 1.66373014e-01 1.78230509e-01 -3.54283862e-02 -1.63345058e-02 -1.20958470e-01 -4.79577005e-01 9.24037397e-02 2.29424308e-03 4.11177099e-01 5.45718312e-01 -3.07491928e-01 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1.26584545e-01 -5.30060381e-02 -1.23999140e-03 -8.92687589e-03 -3.65857363e-01 -1.02790982e-01 -1.63407758e-01 -2.66197592e-01 -4.01169330e-01 5.85725680e-02 -2.11681258e-02 -4.99576703e-02 3.06539893e-01 1.25976157e+00 1.36858135e-01 -2.31040362e-02 1.36235401e-01 -5.25446117e-01 1.79240152e-01 6.72169179e-02 -1.34020686e-01 -1.96640462e-01 1.40570149e-01 1.09920846e-02 -1.48848668e-01 1.58295974e-01 2.95337439e-01 -3.65834624e-01 -1.17354862e-01 -4.20252860e-01 -4.08931464e-01 1.81140855e-01 2.23475963e-01 7.54395276e-02 -7.72364512e-02 5.87904651e-04 1.62016392e-01 -5.10203958e-01 -1.32009938e-01 3.52525264e-02 -6.68600574e-02 -1.72266737e-02 -2.22989693e-01 -8.12240243e-02 2.77506888e-01 2.23503128e-01 -9.73770395e-03 -4.37724926e-02 -6.61629736e-01 4.80962425e-01 -1.55315176e-01 1.90113679e-01 -1.82858229e-01 2.69209705e-02 4.51228209e-02 2.67185450e-01 -2.47286782e-01 1.50016753e-03 -1.35335550e-02 -5.84757701e-02 1.03348434e-01 2.87456494e-02 8.75942260e-02 -8.17504525e-02 -4.02373150e-02 -5.46316087e-01 1.80736873e-02 5.09898424e-01 -2.56411340e-02 7.69474685e-01 1.06879286e-01 -4.64008510e-01 -2.54544139e-01 1.93495601e-01 2.93400791e-02 4.35412154e-02 -1.93251312e-01 1.34766310e-01 8.65984894e-03 8.40210356e-03 4.01015818e-01 3.39501381e-01 -4.59665686e-01 2.41233408e-02 2.61685163e-01 -2.10630432e-01 -4.18244213e-01 7.06526414e-02 -1.34017915e-01 -1.42656475e-01 -2.68563271e-01 1.87388510e-01 -2.90798187e-01 2.00634837e-01 4.89887029e-01 -1.29008502e-01 -3.59278508e-02 -2.12563694e-01 1.03894845e-01 8.51808190e-02 -1.27674313e-02 -2.36555234e-01 1.86118603e-01 -2.43782103e-01 8.69498700e-02 -1.50869444e-01 5.55289149e-01 -3.99155468e-01 -2.23635703e-01 -2.90959269e-01 -8.81524310e-02 -1.99857708e-02 -3.87494862e-01 -9.52826664e-02 -3.24510247e-01 1.11575007e-01 -2.72531599e-01 -2.42414266e-01 -1.82137057e-01 -2.42974192e-01 1.53218746e-01 -8.12358409e-02 -3.59293431e-01 7.09947422e-02 2.31984213e-01 3.04186106e-01 1.23895392e-01 4.36210372e-02 8.30640271e-03 1.72635205e-02 1.77105233e-01 -4.25061584e-01 2.01835483e-01 6.80767521e-02 -2.12593764e-01 7.34708756e-02 4.35067296e-01 1.54832273e-03 -7.21623302e-02 -4.29348759e-02 -1.05527453e-01 1.13777123e-01 3.55991513e-01 -1.14953825e-02 3.13657433e-01 3.23770434e-01 1.51631489e-01 -2.23688900e-01 -6.95006698e-02 1.02203645e-01 -1.50379807e-01 -1.14602119e-01 -6.41955659e-02 -2.87761301e-01 3.17131668e-01 -3.05773541e-02 -9.30073485e-02 -1.61405399e-01 -3.41164470e-01 -6.53193742e-02 1.59288332e-01 -4.92571145e-02 -1.91793457e-01 1.76709920e-01 -5.07120825e-02 6.97971225e-01 1.42476380e-01 2.38509312e-01 1.19715273e-01 -1.95072070e-01 -1.25876024e-01 4.84948665e-01 2.38109007e-01 2.97340274e-01 1.52218014e-01 4.14042175e-01 2.18005881e-01 -1.06820613e-02 6.35155261e-01 1.81740914e-02 1.28050491e-01 -2.00444758e-01 -3.36102575e-01 -9.04245228e-02 -1.36643693e-01 -3.26030374e-01 5.07701993e-01 -4.26923066e-01 2.04749510e-01 1.34607539e-01 -8.11668709e-02 2.14709714e-01 2.22622976e-01 -1.76965490e-01 -2.76364330e-02 -2.24651992e-01 -3.63196671e-01 4.81962040e-02 2.32712571e-02 3.19240868e-01 4.48941216e-02 -1.13823809e-01 2.71964729e-01 -9.94046498e-03 8.94256160e-02 4.64213341e-01 -2.34388560e-01 3.08257580e-01 2.57313699e-01 -1.19854696e-02 -4.26624045e-02 8.68767053e-02 1.75170317e-01 1.86248496e-01 -1.45570114e-01 9.98804439e-03 -8.49837661e-02 -1.18856847e-01 -2.11480319e-01 3.47305485e-03 4.56062518e-02 -2.33323216e-01 -1.45784453e-01 1.19143777e-01 -1.82258025e-01 6.96403766e-03 7.82941803e-02 1.94429100e-01 3.37821007e-01 -1.93766989e-02 -2.60774732e-01 -2.34006971e-01 1.52386362e-02 1.34298310e-01 -3.83872211e-01 2.32334491e-02 -4.94428240e-02 8.34733099e-02 9.45894569e-02 -1.70448363e-01 1.08265042e-01 1.51708320e-01 4.60952938e-01 1.26297856e-02 1.48519799e-01 1.43729612e-01 -4.61981565e-01 5.39834984e-02 1.22242004e-01 2.51022309e-01 5.19262590e-02 -1.49572283e-01 -4.38846368e-03 1.07025139e-01 1.73065469e-01 -2.85615623e-01 1.46188617e-01 -2.23244235e-01 -1.11708052e-01 -1.50407985e-01 2.41838217e-01 3.07040989e-01 8.01031068e-02 -4.91379872e-02 2.97098868e-02 2.44452611e-01 2.07160100e-01 1.01842783e-01 1.57859717e-02 -3.04883271e-01 1.24620542e-01 5.40107429e-01 4.11937922e-01 -2.64690537e-02 2.69567788e-01 -7.00516179e-02 -3.46986979e-01 2.59876605e-02 -1.72939092e-01 1.98465828e-02 1.78340837e-01 1.99371159e-01 3.26316088e-01 1.03376307e-01 -2.88036346e-01 2.27648214e-01 6.49295807e-01 -3.29849236e-02 1.20846301e-01 -2.04580903e-01 -2.33114865e-02 -3.30039501e-01 1.42250294e-02 -4.57925856e-01 1.36636078e-01 6.68444559e-02 -7.40876421e-02 -2.69900441e-01 -4.00313586e-01 4.81561661e-01 2.16234133e-01 -1.68625303e-02 -2.63502359e-01 1.57298759e-01 1.43152162e-01 4.42416593e-02 -2.41203457e-01 -5.47918826e-02 -3.89751270e-02 1.81873009e-01 -3.92334908e-01 -2.61091173e-01 -2.45523646e-01 -1.02830134e-01 -1.30487397e-01 1.16235271e-01 -4.24902551e-02 1.75892085e-01 -2.94878989e-01 -1.38373837e-01]
"To Fly Lanterns Under the Rising Sun" active "The Japanese branch of the Foundation is mandated to coordinate with the Japanese Peninsular Authority and the Mainland Commission in order to curtail the manifestations of SCP-6815 instances under the 1910 Ichiyō ("Uniformity") Mandate. Reports of "floating lanterns" are to be verified and monitored, while elements of a Mezame Event, such as "pagodas", "mythical creatures" and "flower dances", are to be investigated as they precede a mass manifestation of SCP-6815. As per the Ichiyō Mandate, SCP-6815 is to be neutralized. MTF Omega-10 ("Conformity Brigade") is to utilize drones and nets to capture each SCP-6815 instance. Selected specimens are to be investigated by the Departments of Linguistics and History, particularly due to the currently untranslatable markings on their bodies. SCP-6815 refers to the recurrent manifestations of 100 to 1,000 floating mulberry paper lanterns in Chōsen, also known as the Japanese Peninsula. SCP-6815 occurs in the cities of Heijō and Keijō, as well as other areas in the provinces of Kogen, Keishō, Kōkai, and Heian. SCP-6815 instances primarily manifest in the first two weeks of November, particularly on November 3, the Japanese Culture Day. SCP-6815 induce the following effects on 61 percent of witnesses: SCP-6815 instances contain packed photographs of individuals and subjects inconsistent with the records of the Department of History, as well as erroneous maps depicting the Japanese Peninsula. If publicized, the historical alterations can heavily threaten the ancient societal foundations of Peninsular society, as per the Ichiyō Mandate. Before the manifestation of SCP-6815, witnesses have reported the following series of events, collectively designated as a Mezame Event: FILED UNDER DOCUMENT TYPE IJA-001 15/08/2010 Operation HINODE Rationale SCP-6815's rising frequency and intensity have rendered it uncontainable. The Japanese branch of the Foundation risks societal instability due to nationalistic awakening throughout the Peninsula. Operation HINODE has been launched as a response. SCP-6815 has an integrative and cultural value, particularly patriotism and respect for Japanese tradition. While SCP-6815 currently induces a level of defiance against Peninsular society, as well as self-doubt among Peninsular Japanese, modifying the public perception of floating lanterns can satisfy containment protocols and the guidelines outlined in the Ichiyō Mandate. The Foundation Department of Propaganda is mandated to promote SCP-6815 and lantern festivals in general as a tradition commenced by the Japanese Emperor Daigo (897–930 A.D.) to promote Shinto and the struggle of the native Peninsular Japanese, particularly the residents of the ancient state of Mimana, against invaders from the Mainland, such as the Manchu.3 Thus, it can symbolize the pride of the continuous Peninsular Japanese presence since ancient times. However, this tradition would decline at the start of the 19th century due to societal fractures and infiltration of Western ideals in Insular and Peninsular Japan. Therefore, Operation HINODE's activity concerning SCP-6815 is a revival of Japanese culture. Personnel and planners involved in Operation HINODE will undertake an annual series of November lantern festivals and city-wide exhibitions centered in Keijō, Heijō, and Shinshū4. It will coincide with the manifestations of SCP-6815 to take advantage of its properties. Meanwhile, Peninsular authorities will increase investigations, raids, and searches for material, personnel, and objects indicative of mismatch with Peninsular culture. The Peninsular Authority and the Mainland Commission share the jurisdiction of Operation HINODE alongside the Foundation. To conclude, Operation HINODE will serve the goals of normalcy eyed by the Foundation in the Japanese Peninsula. As of 2020, Operation HINODE has met considerable success, with survey polls indicating that 89 percent of 1,300 respondents, with a three percent margin of error, have declared highly favorable views of Japanese pride and respect for Peninsular tradition. Meanwhile, the interiors of SCP-6815 instances now contain correct maps of the Peninsula, as well as photos synonymous with Japanese life. On August 15, the leaders of Operation HINODE declared the following statement as part of their Phase 2 plans: The sun of normalcy has risen on the Japanese Peninsula. « SCP-6814 | SCP-6815 | SCP-6816 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6815" by Veralta, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Name of the file: lantern.png Author: Jrwooley6 License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: [Flickr] Name of the file: festival.png Author: Jordi Sanchez License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: [Flickr] Name of the file: lantern2.png Author: Jirka Matousek License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: [Flickr] Name of the file: koreamap.png Author: Japanese Tourist Bureau License: Public Domain Source: [Library of Congress] For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-6815 instances manifesting on November 3, 2010, in Keijō, Japanese Peninsula. Structures manifesting during a Mezame Event. Foundation-prepared lanterns during the Keijō Lantern Festival."
[-7.69006088e-02 -1.58280388e-01 5.92328385e-02 -4.68480540e-03 -1.83207855e-01 -3.38141024e-01 2.73263335e-01 2.63886482e-01 2.61920184e-01 2.84398139e-01 6.10402087e-03 4.14350271e-01 1.54516175e-01 -3.33387762e-01 1.05372025e-02 -1.30817175e-01 3.22125137e-01 2.56126542e-02 -5.10807514e-01 -1.62803859e-01 -2.07635581e-01 -1.66724235e-01 -3.68267864e-01 1.35825709e-01 -1.66377291e-01 -5.18285513e-01 -1.23096965e-01 -1.02442190e-01 3.08207925e-02 -9.00489613e-02 -1.20622166e-01 2.71113455e-01 1.55227929e-01 3.46038580e-01 -1.21599805e-04 3.43923494e-02 1.58644155e-01 -1.22948609e-01 -2.47972250e-01 5.79538167e-01 -9.75351557e-02 2.54950881e-01 -1.43386930e-01 -2.85095662e-01 2.44628564e-01 2.93801039e-01 -1.98879629e-01 -2.73644418e-01 4.74501938e-01 4.24272478e-01 3.01151760e-02 1.73415877e-02 8.95132124e-02 1.39058247e-01 -3.99269819e-01 7.73948669e-01 -1.86124787e-01 1.28456175e-01 1.87032167e-02 -3.06448154e-02 1.00327082e-01 1.25407994e-01 4.74997498e-02 -1.40003160e-01 9.92473215e-02 -3.89378190e-01 2.57465869e-01 2.43869442e-02 2.08122507e-01 2.27027029e-01 1.49738174e-02 1.16756618e-01 -5.64810336e-02 1.63241014e-01 -8.35989490e-02 3.10797185e-01 -5.20856956e-05 8.32523108e-02 1.51341915e-01 7.46830702e-02 4.45074022e-01 -7.14351460e-02 -2.97982186e-01 -8.27106833e-02 2.62856279e-02 2.91758329e-01 -2.68232170e-02 1.90659836e-01 2.60602608e-02 -2.09069312e-01 2.11491212e-01 -1.68664649e-01 -1.94371529e-02 2.45895818e-01 -5.82745969e-02 9.94618908e-02 3.47155541e-01 1.95299417e-01 3.45551401e-01 -4.56164300e-01 4.59233135e-01 2.77031690e-01 2.20900014e-01 4.27867807e-02 1.27559647e-01 2.01644465e-01 1.16173118e-01 3.00137401e-01 -2.21987851e-02 1.51076932e-02 9.91558433e-02 1.78464025e-01 -4.47996333e-02 5.39545566e-02 -4.06398922e-01 -2.98756510e-01 -2.52954997e-02 -3.66240263e-01 -1.56802878e-01 -9.46372896e-02 -4.97040659e-01 -2.54844755e-01 -9.05158445e-02 1.32348731e-01 4.55523640e-01 4.34996217e-01 -6.10741377e-02 -1.19643524e-01 -1.59335986e-01 -8.63881111e-02 -6.33200631e-02 1.48891687e-01 -1.29764736e-01 2.25257680e-01 -1.27240583e-01 -3.95866930e-01 -1.00566484e-01 1.69208705e-01 -4.47142199e-02 -6.08344264e-02 1.29275948e-01 1.09282665e-01 3.88452947e-01 1.54564589e-01 -3.82127374e-01 -3.73761654e-01 2.52758473e-01 1.78151712e-01 -2.14623347e-01 2.66611576e-01 6.06148362e-01 -2.36310139e-01 -1.65736631e-01 6.83216751e-02 -3.87643903e-01 9.41797718e-02 -5.69633916e-02 5.56633882e-02 1.98991522e-01 5.54852188e-03 3.73581827e-01 6.97347056e-03 1.99808806e-01 6.42509535e-02 -4.54332307e-02 6.26949728e-01 -2.10542865e-02 -8.88241157e-02 -3.12302530e-01 -1.26314923e-01 -2.16548685e-02 -1.70935586e-01 -7.84558132e-02 1.70934752e-01 -3.55317324e-01 -3.13875347e-01 -4.49264139e-01 -9.70369354e-02 -4.07127179e-02 7.32208714e-02 -3.71998191e-01 1.85311496e-01 4.64958906e-01 -1.23983890e-01 -7.76605785e-01 -2.02842668e-01 -7.69037241e-03 -2.69054651e-01 -1.50736079e-01 -4.29954641e-02 -2.47912973e-01 -2.60122150e-01 -1.31110579e-01 1.61017984e-01 -2.12493874e-02 1.38201520e-01 3.67576331e-01 3.85667384e-01 2.36785367e-01 -5.16157076e-02 1.01422789e-02 -1.00794472e-01 -1.23958319e-01 -3.08262050e-01 2.12670401e-01 2.94302106e-01 -5.74001716e-03 3.73283103e-02 3.17304820e-01 2.07606241e-01 -1.51338987e-02 -2.05889270e-01 -1.24056704e-01 1.19099617e-01 -2.29209840e-01 -3.07272375e-01 -8.09989497e-02 1.78659230e-01 1.27825951e-02 -1.13968095e-02 -3.00734520e-01 2.87516532e-03 -4.87807453e-01 -2.25978166e-01 -2.48451918e-01 1.01442691e-02 -4.91331100e-01 -2.34177732e-03 5.30135669e-02 2.02976670e-02 1.79403812e-01 -1.02370284e-01 -2.95417011e-02 3.48222032e-02 -3.94506902e-01 2.61881500e-01 1.47199303e-01 6.64325118e-01 6.65732697e-02 -5.45888484e-01 5.02722681e-01 3.29968750e-01 -2.98512280e-02 -2.47281753e-02 -1.34916544e-01 6.42864048e-01 -4.06412870e-01 2.62578040e-01 -5.85784055e-02 -2.97778398e-01 -7.90336654e-02 6.85759559e-02 -4.33683209e-02 -1.89389616e-01 1.70961693e-01 2.54848003e-01 3.44213277e-01 1.77492052e-01 -8.22321773e-02 2.62280941e-01 -1.61480382e-01 -8.66156593e-02 3.44963253e-01 5.21610351e-03 5.04386909e-02 -1.57919735e-01 3.83593440e-01 -4.45390284e-01 2.71968722e-01 9.62336585e-02 9.71677974e-02 -1.89431369e-01 -3.18951756e-02 -2.66772896e-01 9.89833176e-02 2.25006212e-02 8.36950317e-02 2.20381051e-01 9.80467796e-02 1.19517379e-01 -3.61064315e-01 -2.02532589e-01 -9.32528824e-02 1.38814762e-01 -8.96078646e-02 -9.23617706e-02 2.03174993e-01 -5.38714468e-01 -2.51816005e-01 2.31935829e-01 -2.88749337e-01 -1.79510638e-01 -1.63025320e-01 -2.44833142e-01 1.97624769e-02 -2.33511557e-03 -1.40030429e-01 5.30218363e-01 2.08330020e-01 2.93254465e-01 -4.14264560e-01 -2.37741679e-01 -5.34635782e-02 -5.75215071e-02 -1.04548439e-01 -1.63545698e-01 3.17010075e-01 2.89863106e-02 -8.95153545e-03 -1.50811478e-01 -4.23116505e-01 3.45757306e-01 1.91739589e-01 -3.23770106e-01 1.60278603e-02 4.84990887e-02 1.30831301e-01 -1.27933770e-01 -7.50477239e-02 -2.45168626e-01 -3.59491825e-01 -6.81366324e-02 -2.39005148e-01 4.78108108e-01 -2.41637141e-01 -2.02534989e-01 7.34127983e-02 -3.55002820e-01 5.05895197e-01 -3.91413599e-01 3.55839372e-01 9.75535452e-01 -7.54675409e-03 1.70613274e-01 3.93973559e-01 -7.97117725e-02 -1.94809765e-01 -3.67749214e-01 5.97598031e-02 -1.73948362e-01 1.05704874e-01 7.04706553e-03 -1.83615610e-01 -1.74330860e-01 -1.38617188e-01 -3.63384008e-01 -5.36265671e-01 1.70027286e-01 1.44652799e-01 -6.63686022e-02 -1.31492779e-01 5.29212058e-02 2.04783529e-01 -5.77863753e-02 -2.61573434e-01 6.64188042e-02 1.66551486e-01 6.96839839e-02 2.51359552e-01 1.54121026e-01 7.91602358e-02 1.97548375e-01 1.75189123e-01 1.79318190e-01 5.21323420e-02 9.95399579e-02 3.48239034e-01 5.10565862e-02 8.96796584e-02 -6.17143139e-02 5.25162339e-01 1.44503444e-01 6.51561171e-02 3.66212517e-01 1.04498386e-01 1.02751032e-01 -8.06747973e-02 -3.39041114e-01 4.28044535e-02 -2.26866871e-01 1.81910917e-02 -1.26746520e-01 5.48188686e-01 -2.28639096e-01 7.71713555e-02 -1.21363267e-01 -2.99929380e-02 2.59258687e-01 -1.65373310e-02 2.47238562e-01 5.42727523e-02 3.99148427e-02 -2.05323985e-03 -4.50455010e-01 3.40380132e-01 -4.64931317e-02 2.92952776e-01 -6.44438505e-01 6.85382187e-02 9.21593755e-02 -5.09558879e-02 1.09086506e-01 -3.99963081e-01 3.66388202e-01 3.23285997e-01 8.32772162e-03 -1.13972872e-01 1.58543214e-01 9.29310545e-02 1.70044482e-01 1.04296386e-01 -3.95748354e-02 -2.13291809e-01 -1.66276634e-01 1.64820805e-01 1.46479234e-01 -6.66173846e-02 8.64651874e-02 -3.52126986e-01 -4.78546768e-01 -1.92782450e-02 1.94849104e-01 1.26769200e-01 -1.24957867e-01 -2.64745474e-01 1.95773765e-01 2.70840526e-01 7.31176734e-02 -5.29534966e-02 8.47075060e-02 -1.58513606e-01 5.67490935e-01 -2.36217096e-01 7.09287465e-01 2.40425825e-01 7.98789680e-01 2.09906921e-01 3.19388360e-01 3.00079554e-01 -3.02038603e-02 -3.14584196e-01 -1.56799391e-01 7.49267757e-01 4.59854335e-01 1.03558496e-01 2.18861297e-01 -1.23973943e-01 2.17557654e-01 1.61167070e-01 -3.39291841e-01 -1.25372246e-01 -3.27024668e-01 -1.81609154e-01 7.30151460e-02 2.78159410e-01 -1.89392924e-01 1.26119070e-02 -1.67600904e-02 -3.33442152e-01 3.91794108e-02 4.21864122e-01 1.15974438e+00 2.25849062e-01 -1.58581316e-01 3.18484120e-02 -5.02352953e-01 1.18481435e-01 2.38238603e-01 -1.16602190e-01 -2.44121313e-01 -3.07089776e-01 6.09823242e-02 -1.63957521e-01 1.87187299e-01 6.47008419e-02 -4.59507942e-01 -1.18322574e-01 -4.12960142e-01 -1.45686194e-01 3.90225112e-01 3.39533508e-01 -4.98157859e-01 1.44305627e-03 1.50883734e-01 -4.92896978e-03 -3.67731184e-01 1.13546461e-01 -1.38250858e-01 -1.37017742e-01 1.47731587e-01 -2.18249232e-01 3.88003350e-03 1.04950525e-01 3.15300047e-01 5.02116561e-01 -3.60497355e-01 -3.52147818e-01 2.00934649e-01 5.02421975e-01 4.36754704e-01 -5.37784755e-01 7.72965774e-02 2.93436140e-01 1.23981640e-01 -2.41663769e-01 -8.84869695e-02 2.46568993e-01 4.18492824e-01 7.06401840e-02 -3.04957628e-01 -1.40807360e-01 -3.55166882e-01 -9.20187533e-02 -9.89109337e-01 2.92847246e-01 4.56869513e-01 3.10704291e-01 6.66481376e-01 -5.36802672e-02 -5.38294315e-01 -1.46587297e-01 2.90409643e-02 -4.13506031e-02 -5.66305518e-02 2.92085469e-01 4.28317580e-03 -1.79217160e-01 -1.35615394e-01 6.15131736e-01 5.22813760e-03 -2.77763098e-01 1.45986155e-01 3.67291808e-01 -5.64120449e-02 -2.48418987e-01 3.65871102e-01 1.29936621e-01 -1.52923718e-01 2.39654183e-02 -1.80619389e-01 -2.96962649e-01 2.78858960e-01 1.06054962e+00 9.09551382e-02 -5.56039363e-02 -3.05401087e-01 -6.19379357e-02 -2.66928077e-01 1.58891886e-01 9.64135751e-02 3.49511474e-01 -3.04485718e-03 1.62291065e-01 1.02599338e-01 3.12402487e-01 -1.96722761e-01 -5.07938862e-01 -3.09099168e-01 3.06838006e-01 -3.86487395e-02 -2.08273798e-01 -2.90322881e-02 -6.79990128e-02 -1.87395364e-02 1.12318553e-01 -1.84112027e-01 -4.10348363e-02 -7.14715645e-02 2.51410991e-01 4.73115183e-02 -1.57522410e-01 -7.43570104e-02 -1.89055502e-02 6.90161600e-04 -4.58540395e-02 -1.37416035e-01 2.95584053e-01 -7.18855187e-02 -2.78758228e-01 -3.20665419e-01 2.50905693e-01 2.62756675e-01 -1.73660919e-01 1.57259226e-01 2.36145884e-01 1.74753308e-01 1.79562077e-01 -1.13678314e-01 -1.63738951e-01 2.92898238e-01 2.16917172e-01 3.35452855e-01 -1.41489327e-01 9.43546668e-02 1.16799004e-01 -1.30320564e-01 9.74983796e-02 7.78309926e-02 -1.76276073e-01 -2.82275647e-01 -1.10654339e-01 -1.52357310e-01 7.61010721e-02 -9.08519849e-02 -1.24416262e-01 -2.64373906e-02 -2.34567448e-01 -2.15227138e-02 3.64466608e-01 -5.91324922e-03 -4.39525843e-01 5.41322157e-02 5.80780283e-02 3.60421360e-01 -1.35354763e-02 6.53239042e-02 2.91283369e-01 -1.44398004e-01 -5.72727136e-02 5.03190100e-01 1.10195853e-01 4.15228486e-01 1.02879301e-01 -5.32691292e-02 3.29134852e-01 3.45968068e-01 6.17829919e-01 1.87718242e-01 2.88918883e-01 2.65721291e-01 3.04117829e-01 1.02117799e-01 1.74865112e-01 1.72379330e-01 1.56267062e-01 -4.54506218e-01 4.32977378e-02 9.03165787e-02 -7.18758255e-02 -2.14707982e-02 2.62777746e-01 -4.72416729e-01 -1.01717174e-01 -5.24437129e-02 -7.40029514e-02 3.23127568e-01 5.50886169e-02 4.48078364e-01 2.30269179e-01 -9.14561301e-02 -2.83194572e-01 1.60942852e-01 3.31055015e-01 5.01961648e-01 -1.82743922e-01 2.26750642e-01 9.26113129e-02 1.59221962e-01 2.41642058e-01 1.38225898e-01 4.60670479e-02 8.30749199e-02 -2.22814232e-01 1.88492894e-01 3.62592578e-01 -1.65384069e-01 9.47536156e-02 -2.65545696e-01 3.50823328e-02 1.77654698e-01 1.59098402e-01 -9.59199965e-02 -5.73910289e-02 -2.60965914e-01 1.78145468e-01 -3.16475779e-02 2.94214368e-01 -2.71783143e-01 -2.52890080e-01 -2.43311241e-01 2.98744708e-01 2.06157386e-01 -3.41467291e-01 1.20821141e-01 -4.89183098e-01 -7.38238022e-02 -4.85443808e-02 9.23358351e-02 7.02139642e-03 -2.23408878e-01 -5.42107671e-02 9.19712111e-02 1.97794884e-01 -1.41659155e-01 -5.71368337e-01 4.28981222e-02 -1.00181185e-01 2.55982190e-01 -2.00521778e-02 1.26237050e-01 -1.11970343e-01 1.10708423e-01 -1.38219267e-01 -1.83900803e-01 -3.75596672e-01 1.98461071e-01 4.09619957e-01 -2.49672920e-01 2.31250763e-01 2.70954192e-01 2.28343502e-01 5.03985025e-03 -2.74464607e-01 5.92795424e-02 -7.92568550e-02 3.58062387e-02 -1.72613963e-01 -3.38561535e-01 3.40701477e-03 2.98425496e-01 4.36059922e-01 -2.66322400e-02 2.72589862e-01 1.98987518e-02 -1.87259123e-01 1.43224537e-01 -2.22557515e-01 -1.83659419e-01 2.89986312e-01 -9.95069742e-02 2.44246200e-01 3.36023122e-02 -2.83121228e-01 1.27382770e-01 2.39420623e-01 -4.04452719e-02 -7.06670899e-03 -4.55065101e-01 1.78945780e-01 -3.31242800e-01 6.39393181e-03 -3.22830766e-01 1.74849346e-01 2.30218723e-01 -1.18262999e-01 -1.93930551e-01 -2.10738480e-01 4.32143867e-01 -2.75720239e-01 -5.09621724e-02 2.23098442e-01 1.45338044e-01 -1.53955415e-01 -4.68368649e-01 -7.95110539e-02 -1.94209650e-01 7.82500803e-02 -9.65332910e-02 -2.46344000e-01 -4.18858677e-01 -5.58902249e-02 5.20353056e-02 -1.96966097e-01 -1.12754487e-01 -1.56749159e-01 -3.02009378e-02 4.89218123e-02 -6.20710999e-02]
"bio-luminescence" active "Item #: SCP-6819 Object Class: Keter/Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: Research into the causes and effects of SCP-6819 and possible preventative measures are ongoing. Currently, Foundation protocol discourages travel from the hours of 11 PM to 4 AM unless absolutely necessary, in which case a party of four or more is strongly encouraged. If an SCP-6819 event is triggered, the driver should maintain a fast but safe speed and not attempt a U-turn or to otherwise change direction. After the building is sighted, confirming presence in SCP-6819-1, driver should switch lanes or otherwise maneuver around any obstructions in the road. In the event of humanoid presence in the road, personnel are authorized to accelerate to a ramming speed. Under absolutely no circumstances are personnel to ever stop, exit the vehicle, or approach the building. Description: SCP-6819 is a phenomenon occurring on highways in the United States Numbered Highway System in the contiguous United States. SCP-6819 involves the sudden translocation of a vehicle driving on a U.S Highway to SCP-6819-1, an extradimensional region of unclear bounds, and its subsequent return. SCP-6819-1 resembles a U.S highway with all identifying signage removed and no natural illumination. The surrounding area is difficult to see and variable, but the area to the right will always be a gently sloping rocky hill. At the top of the hill, an unclear distance away, a large building is present. The exact physical characteristics of this building change, but all subjects report it as imposing or intimidating, with high walls illuminated by floodlights. Descriptions range from a prison to a castle to a military base and similar facilities. The requirements for triggering SCP-6819 are unclear, but a few prerequisites have been ascertained: The driver of the vehicle must be currently or formerly employed by the Foundation. The vehicle must be moving independently (not towed or transported on a truck bed). The time must be between 11:00PM and 4:00AM, local timezone. The moon must be in a waning period. There must be no more than three passengers inside the vehicle, including the driver. SCP-6819-1 always contains an event forcing or incentivizing the driver to slow down or stop and exit the vehicle. The specifics of the event are never consistent. Instance: #056 Circumstances: 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe (Foundation-issue), driver was Agent Myla Barrow. No passengers. U.S 49 in Missouri. Observations: SCP-6819 triggered at 12:17 AM local time. Agent Barrow reports she noticed the sudden absence of other vehicles, but did not consider it a point of concern and continued driving. A few minutes later, she realized her dashboard clock had stopped displaying and her phone was no longer in service, and grew concerned at the continued lack of human presence. At this point, the building ("It must've been miles away on that hill. I could barely make it out through the treeline.") became visible. Agent Barrow continued driving, but prepared her service weapon ("I'm not sure why. I was in a locked car with bulletproof windows and there wasn't anything overtly dangerous around."). Several minutes later, the right lane was obstructed by the corpse of a large elk or moose, being feasted upon by significantly larger animal, possibly a bear. The bear's fur was extremely dark to the point of absorbing light around it, and had morphological alternations ("Its arms were distinctly thin and long compared to the rest of it. Like human arms."). The prey was still alive despite the surrounding asphalt being coated with its blood, and continued to thrash and emit guttural screams as Barrow changed lanes and accelerated past it. In her rearview mirror, she reported the predator sitting on its hind legs and staring at her vehicle with glassy white eyes. Barrows exited back into local reality at 12:38AM and immediately reported the incident. Instance: #165 Circumstances: 2004 Toyota Sienna, driver was Doctor Adam Mackowitz with his wife Dana Mackowitz in the passenger seat. U.S 82 in New Mexico. Observations: SCP-6819 triggered at 11:34 PM local time. Doctor Mackowitz immediately registered the sudden change in surrounding landscape despite the darkness and attempted to check their location on his phone GPS, which did not work. The building become visible at the top of the rocky hill ("It reminded me of [Site] 16, a little bit. These huge concrete walls built into the cliffside, and the big spotlights along the walls."). Not wanting to wake his wife, Mackowitz continued driving for several minutes. The building stayed at a static position ("With the angle and my speed, it should've been getting closer, but it wasn't. Like it was moving parallel - though obviously it wasn't."), with its spotlights panning over the hillside. Mackowitz suddenly became aware of a movement to the left of the vehicle. Per testimony: "It was a dark blot out in the desert, angled in such a way that I could see it for several seconds as we sped by. From everything around it, it was obviously a three dimensional object, but since it reflected no light, you couldn't really tell. A couple miles later, I saw it again but it was farther out so I could see it longer. It was moving at a constant speed, not the intermittent gait of something on legs, but the smooth pace of a wheeled object. It was moving parallel to the interstate at a much lower speed and we shot by pretty quickly. I thought I was hallucinating." Mackowitz then reports that the object reappeared ahead of them, moving perpendicular to the interstate - it crossed into their path and Mackowitz rapidly braked to avoid colliding with it, waking his wife. The object was no longer present and his wife suggested she drive: ("I was tired and a little terrified, but something in me was screaming not to get out of the fucking car."). They continued and the building disappeared from view at 12:09AM local time, signalling their exit from SCP-6819-1. Instance: #306 Circumstances: 1977 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, driver was Site Director Paul Lague. No passengers. U.S 120 in Pennsylvania. Observations: SCP-6819 triggered at 2:03AM local time. Director Lague immediately noticed the sudden disappearance of other vehicle lights ("It was a pretty empty road, but I could still see the tail lights of people way ahead of me and the headlights of oncoming traffic. One by one, they just winked out, like candles getting snuffed out.") and attempted to call a colleague on his phone, but could not get a signal. Lague was suddenly temporarily blinded by a bright light - a spotlight followed his vehicle for a few seconds before drifting away. Lague regained control of the vehicle and looked up at the building on his right ("Between the barbed wire, the guard towers, and the spotlights, it looked like a fortress."). Believing he had taken a wrong exit, he made a U-turn and began accelerating in the opposite direction until the building disappeared from sight. After only 2-3 minutes, the building again appeared ahead of Lague, once again on his right. However, the tail lights of other vehicles were visible ahead of him, as well as the honking of horns. He registered the lights were not moving; the cars were all stopped in the right lane, causing him to switch lanes to drive past them. As he drove past, he slowed to take note of the traffic jam: "All the cars were jet black and looked brand-new. All of them had their hazards on, and were honking at each other. I was wondering why the hell none of them just switched to the other lane until I drove past. All of them were empty. Must've been thirty or forty cars, backed up and honking at each other with their windows down, and not a single person inside any of them." Lague accelerated to 130MPH and exited SCP-6819-1 at 2:25AM local time. Instance: #398 Circumstances: 1999 Honda CRV. Driver was Agent Alice Sterling, only passenger her pet Golden Retriever. U.S 95 in Nevada. Observations: SCP-6819 triggered at 1:15AM local time. Agent Sterling does not immediately notice, but reports her dog immediately began to behave strangely and restlessly. The building does not become visible for several minutes, but Agent Sterling notes she began to hear a soft but high-pitched buzzing ("I figured that was what was making Cain nervous. It sounded like a snake rattle, almost.") from outside the vehicle. Her dog began to whine from the backseat. Sterling noticed a discoloration on the road ahead and slowed her vehicle down as she approached. She noted a number of black cars stopped in a row in the left lane, similar to Instance #306. However, all the asphalt, guardrails, cars, and nearby rocks were coated in a greenish, shifting substance. As Sterling shifted to the right lane and slowly drove by, she was able to inspect them closer: "Cicadas. Hundreds of thousands of them, at the very least. They were everywhere, buzzing and screaming and making the air shimmer. I don't think cicadas ever come out this far west. Not in those numbers. My car left a smashed trail of them and they didn't even seem to care." The brood of cicadas continued for almost a mile and a half, during which the building became visible, much closer than in previous instances ("It seemed… safe. Strong. I didn't see any cicadas on those walls, despite the lights."). She also noted an unpaved road diverging from the highway that led up the hill to the building, and moved to take it. At this point, her dog began to loudly and insistently bark, and she missed her turn. Sterling continued and exited SCP-6819-1 at 1:38AM local time. Instance: #434 Circumstances: 2017 Ford F-150. Driver was Researcher Samuel Sibar. No passengers, but Sibar was transporting a whole hog in the bed of the truck. U.S 123 in Kentucky. Observations: SCP-6819 triggered at 12:56AM. Sibar immediately noticed and unsuccessfully attempted to establish a radio connection with Command, then rapidly accelerated in an attempt to exit SCP-6819 as fast as possible ("I figured that since turning around doesn't work, the fastest way out is directly through."). The building became visible within 1-2 minutes due to the speed Sibar was traveling at — uncharacteristically, its spotlights were all fixed on a singular point down the road, instead of wandering across the area as usual. As Sibar approached the point, he noted an obstruction in the road, and was forced to slow down. The twisted, flaming wreckage of a black SUV was strewn across the road ("It was gruesome. I think it had crashed into the guardrail but the car was totalled. They'd been thrown through the windshield. Jesus fucking Christ."), illuminated by the spotlights. A number of small fires were present throughout the crash scene, as well as a number of partially burned bodies lying facedown on the ground. Sibar took the truck partially offroad to avoid the crash. One bloodied figure was lying several dozen meters away from the spotlights and wreckage, at the end of a long trail of blood and viscera. As Sibar returned to the road, he did not register this figure's presence in the darkness, and crushed them under the wheels of the truck. The sudden jolt panicked Sibar ("I thought somebody had jumped on the fucking truck. I thought I was going to die."), and he accelerated to 110MPH until he exited SCP-6819-1 at 1:09AM local time. After establishing a radio connection and reporting the incident to Command, Sibar stopped at a gas station and noticed the raw hog in the bed of the truck now had large chunks torn out of its flesh.1 Interviewer: Doctor Seth Saner Subject: Agent Barry Novak SANER: Hey, Barry. Sorry about the wait. NOVAK: It's fine. Not exactly a lot going on here. [EKG beeping in background.] SANER: Just for the record, can you recount what happened one more time? NOVAK: Again? SANER: You don't have to go into too much detail, we just want it on tape. NOVAK: Alright. [EKG beeping in background.] NOVAK: I was driving down 160 near Cortez. It was like two in the morning - there were some other cars around but it was mostly dead. SANER: When did you notice something had changed? NOVAK: I have a little compass on my dash - it started freaking out. Then I noticed I couldn't see… anything. It's a dark highway anyway but there weren't tail lights, headlights, I couldn't even see the moon. Utter pitch blackness beyond my high beams. SANER: And the- NOVAK: It wasn't even… I'm not afraid of the dark. SANER: Never said you were. NOVAK: I was. As a kid. Always slept with a nightlight on in the corner of my room. Made me feel safe. [EKG beeping in background.] NOVAK: Anyway, that's when I saw the building. SANER: Can you describe it to me? NOVAK: It was perched on the cliffside. It was… imposing. These huge flying concrete walls, and the big guard towers. It was bright, too. The only source of light in the area were those huge spotlights and floodlights. SANER: And you kept driving. NOVAK: Sure. At this point I knew where I was, and what was happening, and what to do. So I- (coughing) - I continued driving. SANER: Okay. NOVAK: The spotlights followed me. Followed my car, I mean. Do they always do that? SANER: It's not exactly common but we've seen it happen. NOVAK: Mm. It scared me, so I sped up. I was waiting to see what was going to be in the road. In the dark. SANER: You saw… figures? NOVAK: Yeah. Maybe… four or five people, it's hard to remember. Standing in the middle of the road, facing me. SANER: Could you describe them? NOVAK: They were white. Naked. Masks. Black masks, covering their entire heads. They were holding things - either guns or bats, its hard to say. SANER: Doing anything? NOVAK: Just standing there. SANER: As you know, the absence of living people in SCP-6819-1 is usually an important signifier. Are you sure they were people? NOVAK: They looked like people. I don't know if they were actually alive, or actually human. But they looked it. SANER: What did you do? NOVAK: I wasn't prepared for a fight. It's a shitty little Prius, I can run someone over but if someone smashed in the window I was done for. I saw the road. SANER: The road? NOVAK: The dirt path going off, up the hill. To the building. SANER: And you followed this path. NOVAK: Yeah. Figured it was a better option than playing chicken with some gunmen. SANER: Can you describe to me the uphill drive? NOVAK: The road was bumpy but it was drivable. Switched into second gear and started going up. The headlights chopped through the brush. Then the spotlights fell on me. All of them, shining down on the roof of the car, blinding me. SANER: You stopped the car. NOVAK: Yeah. Then they wandered off me. Formed a line, leading to one of the walls of the fortress. Shining on a big door. SANER: What kind of door? NOVAK: It looked like a blast door, almost. The whole affair looked like…. a bunker. SANER: How did you feel? NOVAK: Weird. A blend of scared and safe. SANER: Safe? NOVAK: The light was… comforting. And the walls looked very safe. I started driving up to it. SANER: And you saw the door opening? NOVAK: Yeah. Just as the door started to open- everything went dark again. SANER: You passed out behind the wheel. The airbags were deployed when we found you in a ditch by the highway. Like…. this. [EKG beeping in background.] SANER: They're probably gonna pull the plug sometime tomorrow. Your family'll be taken care of. I'm sorry, Barry. NOVAK: Not your fault. Should've plowed through those masked fucks, hah- (coughing). SANER: Killing people isn't natural instinct. NOVAK: That's the thing, isn't it? You're driving through the dark. You see a bright light, you assume safety. SANER: A nightlight. NOVAK: Yeah, it shows you're not alone. Shining through the dark and calling you closer. [EKG beeping in background.] NOVAK: Like an anglerfish." "SCP-6819-1."
[ 3.85593995e-02 -1.79154947e-01 -2.74589714e-02 1.74517613e-02 -1.32292375e-01 -5.27547181e-01 1.88447669e-01 2.43639827e-01 1.21057428e-01 1.58372581e-01 3.62910181e-01 3.95142287e-01 -4.71378863e-01 4.94453572e-02 3.67616445e-01 3.40281092e-02 -4.93970653e-03 7.08711892e-02 -1.83208272e-01 -2.95723498e-01 -3.42080563e-01 -1.92621976e-01 -2.26679116e-01 9.81860310e-02 -1.57632768e-01 -8.14331770e-02 7.83785582e-02 1.75992563e-01 2.47594908e-01 -2.57670224e-01 -6.64566904e-02 4.65128124e-01 1.18272446e-01 2.88077712e-01 -1.10894696e-04 -1.82301059e-01 1.67871833e-01 6.65003387e-03 -1.07013889e-01 6.34858534e-02 -2.39744350e-01 2.65638053e-01 6.43478185e-02 -1.78785279e-01 -1.95162743e-01 2.65372634e-01 -1.53353393e-01 -2.04275519e-01 2.31950909e-01 2.47310460e-01 1.43230975e-01 9.53629911e-02 -5.30692674e-02 9.60419700e-02 1.97069086e-02 3.91743243e-01 1.18828407e-02 -2.52621889e-01 2.51028597e-01 3.16351242e-02 -1.38822928e-01 9.53638926e-02 -1.14410929e-02 -4.72221076e-02 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2.50393152e-01 9.97223612e-03 3.14666003e-01 -3.85322094e-01 1.99332207e-01 -3.36193182e-02 1.41039655e-01 8.94901678e-02 2.44879760e-02 -4.94385697e-02 -1.68795094e-01 8.51901025e-02 -1.07071519e-01 -2.02265844e-01 -2.58644909e-01 3.20180096e-02 3.12489808e-01 -8.32596421e-02 -1.30974352e-01 -4.48078252e-02 6.87491673e-04 -1.17598675e-01 -1.55848444e-01 -1.59203425e-01 2.15231165e-01 -4.20709774e-02 2.44733468e-01 -7.54608884e-02 -2.01477427e-02 -6.41302690e-02 1.83985695e-01 -1.72280893e-01 -3.66498418e-02 2.06355870e-01 -2.41042674e-01 -1.34077474e-01 -4.45704982e-02 -1.48231862e-02 3.11257571e-01 -2.13592604e-04 6.90157190e-02 4.48068380e-02 -6.29026741e-02 5.98631799e-01 2.70450681e-01 6.32466197e-01 1.10533386e-01 -3.16437855e-02 2.14313477e-01 1.12067290e-01 7.77873099e-02 -6.46639168e-02 -1.26357734e-01 3.82188737e-01 -1.20560728e-01 2.29280159e-01 1.15473643e-01 2.39084944e-01 1.87135208e-02 -3.51730883e-01 2.14502010e-02 3.02510131e-02 2.20293581e-01 4.44467396e-01 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2.40753055e-01 -3.55668627e-02 1.60274267e-01 -1.94122270e-01 4.58626747e-02 7.95190185e-02 -4.92056578e-01 -4.13478762e-01 2.75979191e-01 -2.97167152e-01 4.87052292e-01 3.67253244e-01 1.22956145e+00 4.25255336e-02 2.33578831e-02 -2.83616036e-01 -1.63239375e-01 -8.99116248e-02 1.82138622e-01 3.01321112e-02 -1.07017927e-01 1.17622189e-01 4.81372233e-03 -2.27566168e-01 7.90730417e-02 3.16778123e-01 -3.11044931e-01 -1.89712226e-01 -4.62653339e-01 -4.69570346e-02 1.99815884e-01 1.58713490e-01 1.32107167e-02 -3.72348391e-02 4.18917805e-01 1.73026949e-01 -9.86366943e-02 3.19288105e-01 2.44930089e-01 -2.02611208e-01 9.31948703e-03 -1.45234525e-01 -4.18821573e-01 9.00027454e-02 -1.92157775e-01 4.78027344e-01 -4.78360474e-01 -7.81884193e-02 1.34441718e-01 9.16286856e-02 -1.15297556e-01 -2.96122748e-02 -2.40616575e-01 2.57016599e-01 4.49913293e-01 -2.39337265e-01 -1.30255654e-01 1.46403750e-02 4.57730323e-01 -6.75576180e-02 -1.42515227e-01 -5.44852130e-02 6.24224311e-03 2.17193700e-02 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1.54276639e-01 1.78907916e-01 2.02226177e-01 1.15615606e-01 9.76927578e-02 -9.36750323e-02 -2.06704035e-01 3.43481421e-01 -1.18003234e-01 1.70090776e-02 -8.88109878e-02 -8.72760043e-02 1.71664208e-01 2.52604544e-01 2.86319792e-01 1.92010164e-01 1.60155110e-02 1.31248027e-01 -2.83735901e-01 -3.22320670e-01 -9.75029841e-02 6.75190017e-02 -4.52672839e-01 -3.20466220e-01 -7.34907836e-02 3.11079353e-01 -1.50273576e-01 4.65114154e-02 -3.00985098e-01 -3.18149209e-01 9.50898528e-02 2.50266582e-01 2.66361177e-01 -1.40442535e-01 -9.67687443e-02 1.13822617e-01 3.05179209e-01 1.63964972e-01 -8.55977237e-02 7.44182467e-02 -3.16560455e-02 -1.55581027e-01 4.59907353e-01 4.01874661e-01 3.11354250e-01 1.27357513e-01 4.02557433e-01 4.13785391e-02 9.51078832e-02 2.39762694e-01 3.23155731e-01 -1.13061965e-02 1.05658039e-01 2.52283692e-01 -3.99927437e-01 -4.91602980e-02 -1.09531142e-01 2.77272731e-01 -4.58332688e-01 1.41207352e-01 -1.82020709e-01 -1.51052266e-01 9.58506316e-02 3.54612395e-02 1.45924106e-01 -1.34927168e-01 -4.12245303e-01 -8.49796906e-02 5.34622557e-03 2.05525577e-01 4.37724233e-01 8.28923732e-02 -6.95733204e-02 7.30814710e-02 7.25296512e-02 2.26859637e-02 3.89658242e-01 -3.55570257e-01 8.02249238e-02 8.78719762e-02 -7.68566877e-02 -9.25703570e-02 2.78540291e-02 1.38731584e-01 7.62723386e-02 -3.71682286e-01 -4.35228944e-02 6.45548105e-02 -1.46929413e-01 -2.61222929e-01 -8.45350996e-02 4.31297094e-01 7.49893785e-02 2.77168691e-01 1.80220932e-01 -1.64602563e-01 -6.33961484e-02 2.45602682e-01 3.25939685e-01 2.15819776e-01 -1.22828275e-01 -7.90492892e-02 2.84509659e-02 -2.37260126e-02 -9.69202351e-03 -3.03109884e-01 -3.56638253e-01 -2.16281489e-01 -1.20829619e-01 2.12647244e-01 -2.63065666e-01 8.05950016e-02 -5.50604723e-02 5.25414407e-01 2.99471244e-02 2.99829155e-01 -3.51859145e-02 -5.10859072e-01 -2.40991712e-02 -3.11721750e-02 1.77512376e-03 1.18366674e-01 -1.07836172e-01 8.26694518e-02 -2.48121172e-01 1.06422812e-01 -5.27498350e-02 1.19752318e-01 -3.02092165e-01 1.00886971e-02 -5.83208464e-02 4.23044831e-01 3.58878106e-01 -6.32026121e-02 7.06611946e-02 -3.20393294e-01 2.17254624e-01 -3.18368256e-01 2.08780393e-01 -1.67073727e-01 -2.90947020e-01 1.23194806e-01 7.30466485e-01 6.81636751e-01 -1.21535398e-01 5.10475636e-01 -1.55762896e-01 -3.55250448e-01 -1.64546251e-01 3.31876665e-01 -2.73241222e-01 -1.54312238e-01 9.24157165e-03 -1.55414388e-01 1.70629874e-01 1.72298506e-01 9.35836881e-02 2.99768776e-01 -6.97529092e-02 9.22710747e-02 -3.41756672e-01 -2.37576608e-02 -3.14097196e-01 1.44411400e-01 6.17144853e-02 2.18072422e-02 6.61490560e-02 -7.82097969e-03 -6.33208752e-02 -4.56011981e-01 5.68607032e-01 -8.93376097e-02 -2.97527481e-02 -1.07152857e-01 2.25109130e-01 1.66007772e-01 -5.47772497e-02 -5.05608082e-01 -3.17039818e-01 -3.53728741e-04 4.10696045e-02 -2.45012820e-01 -5.31267971e-02 -4.19340104e-01 -3.40893865e-01 -1.78467538e-02 2.94245213e-01 3.27513628e-02 -2.04339877e-01 -2.09849417e-01 -2.71561652e-01]
"TERMINATION ATTEMPT" active "≡ by Placeholder McD, Azamo, & stephlynch The following documents were transmitted autonomously from an alternate universe (later designated AU-6820) per Statement 3.1 of the 1981 Multi-Foundation Coalition Agreement, which stipulates that, in case of irreparable XK-Class Event or similar, relevant documents shall be autonomously disseminated to all other Coalition members for cautionary purposes. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: All files pertaining to Project ANTIKILL are to be reviewed and analyzed by its assigned personnel in conjunction with the Records and Information Security Administration, the Internal Security Department, and the Overseer Council. The following points of interest are under investigation:.Drygioni-class objects are under official investigation and authentication by the Overseer Council. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6820 is a highly classified advanced eigenweapon located within ANTIKILL FACILITY-A (hereafter AKF-A), an enormous subterranean facility beneath Secure Administration Site-01. This weapon is the final result of Project ANTIKILL: a high-priority operation supervised by O5-8 with the express purpose of the "irreversible, universal neutralization of [SCP-6820-A]". The project was initiated in January of 1968 and operated continuously until the activation of SCP-6820 on 2021/08/05, after which a CK-Class ("Reality-Restructuring") Event retroactively erased SCP-6820-A and its Noospheric content from existence. SCP-6820 has remained operational since; preliminary documentary analysis thus far presents no clear method of deactivation. SCP-6820-A was an object, entity, phenomenon or other item, anomalous or otherwise, that was successfully neutralized from existence via completion and activation of SCP-6820. The only remaining record of its conceptual reduction is stored, inaccessibly, within SCP-6820. Research is ongoing. ADDENDUM 6820.I: Pre-Proposal Conference DATE: 2006/06/06 PARTIES PRESENT: FOREWORD: Dir. Genevieve gathered an informal conference following that day's conclusion of Project ANTIKILL activities, hoping to introduce parties present to, and gauge the feasibility of, a plan of her own. <The four are seated at a black desk within Site-19's administrative offices.> O5-8: — and you didn't think to notify the scheduling algorithm? I'm sure you're aware I have other projects to oversee. Dir. Genevieve: My apologies, Advisor. It was only a few hours ago that the idea was proposed. Dir. Gears: Respectfully, Eight, this project takes precedence over others. O5-8: Yes, but, this meeting does not necessarily take precedence over others. That is, unless you've just-so-happened to solve an eighty-year containment crisis. PHMD: <rolls his eyes> Careful, your optimism is showing. O5-8: <mocking> Careful, you're pissing off a superior. Dir. Genevieve: Are we trying to delay this meeting? <Silence on recording.> Dir. Genevieve: I thought not. Now, Overseer, I'm aware you've seen tens of thousands of termination attempts on ███-███, and I, of course, know their collective success rate. Your skepticism is warranted, but please hear me in earnest. <O5-8 nods.> Dir. Genevieve: I direct the Essophysics Department, which you all well know is concerned with embodiments — manifestations of concepts within reality. An embodiment of the concept "red" would carry all of the characteristics conceptually associated with that color, such as being angry, or desirable, or malevolent. This is a simplified method of conceptualizing what's actually going on here; a tangible object or entity embodies a memetic structure within the Noosphere by conforming to its idealistic ideatic shape. <PHMD nods along. O5-8 and Dir. Gears share a glance of confusion.> Dir. Genevieve: Simply put, an embodiment is a physical item that's shaped like an idea. And, given the progression of human intelligence and development, over time, that shape can change. This means that, if the essophysical nature of an entity is not readily apparent, it can be discerned by comparing that entity's change over time to changes in human conception and ideatic space; a correlation almost certainly indicates causation. Dir. Gears: So, I'm assuming your Department has observed such a correlation in ███-███'s case. Dir. Genevieve: Correct. O5-8: You must know you're not the first to suggest this. Whether or not ██'s a conceptual entity has no impact on the success of the Project. PHMD: If that were true, she wouldn't be talking to you, Eight. Chill out. <O5-8's mouth opens, then closes again. He remains silent, gesturing toward Dir. Genevieve.> Dir. Genevieve: ███ has grown increasingly ███████ and █████████ to containment and termination efforts over time, corresponding with the growth of the human intellectual capacity. Whatever concept ██ embodies is extremely complex, and is so large that it can only partially intersect with the Noosphere. Dir. Gears: And, if it's not native to human thought, it can be removed without risk. Dir. Genevieve: So says essophysical theory. PHMD: Sorry, so we'll just remove ██ from human thought, thereby making everyone forget about it? What good will that accomplish? Dir. Genevieve: You misunderstand. I am suggesting we eject the ███-concept from the Noosphere. If there are no minds able to comprehend a given concept, its embodiments are broken — they return to following natural law. O5-8: <brief pause> Meaning what, exactly? They become non-anomalous? <PHMD shares a glance with Dir. Genevieve in apparent realization; she smiles.> Dir. Genevieve: Better yet — they become killable. END ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 6820.II: Initial Sub-Proposal 2006/08/02 Dir. Harlow Genevieve Essophysics Department PURPOSE: Construct an anomalous weapon capable of neutralizing ███-███. ABSTRACT: While several decades of Project's ANTIKILL's termination attempts (including █████-testing with -096, -173, -217, etc.) have proven unsuccessful, they have also proven useful. Strenuous research and cross-examination of ███-███'s interactions and resultant ███████████ have motivated the Essophysics Department to attempt a new approach to the project: the creation of an anomalous weapon with the express purpose of tangibly and conceptually purging ███-███ from reality. METHOD: To ensure access to ample administrative and computational resources, as well as secrecy from relevant groups of interest, the weapon (provisionally designated AO-6820) is to be housed beneath Secure Administration Site-01. This entails the excavation of over fifty million cubic meters of earth (as expedited by anomalous technologies), which is planned to take place over an eight-month period. Once excavated, this chamber (ANTIKILL Facility A) will house the various mechanisms required for AO-6820's operation, including: SECTION A: Central Computing Node The central computing node will house a complex self-iterative neural network with two main functions: pattern-recognition and reality manipulation. This artificial intelligence is to be fed all records of ███-███'s ███████████ ████████ and termination attempts as training data; the network will be conditioned to map a target quantum informational structure corresponding to the conceptual reduction of ███ ███████. Upon AO-6820's activation, the node will act as an 'ontokinetic webcrawler', interfacing with Section B to scrub all instances of ███-███'s conceptual structure from consensus reality. SECTION B: Placeholder-Gears Ontokinetic Sink The PH-GOS is designed as an enormous reality-anchoring mechanism and ontokinetic interface; it is to read the sum quantum informational content of the universe and encode it into a readable format, thereby allowing other systems to read and react to the entire state of reality. The PH-GOS can and will be piloted to enact localized reality-restructuring events, directly editing the narrative-space-time continuum based on its source data. As such, it will interface with the central node to ensure the indefinite non-existence of ███-███. SECTION C: ███████████ ██████ Self-explanatory. SECTION D: Secondary Computing Additional server capacity for secondary functions. Predicted secondary functions include: self-optimization, heuristic and metaheuristic analysis, creativity simulations, ██████. SECTION E: Dual-Antifusion Reactor An isolated power source for, and dependent on, AO-6820. The dual-core reactor will manipulate an embedded antimatter drive to generate high-energy fusion reactions between both matter and antimatter pairs, then neutralize them at their respective peak system activities. SECTION F: Calibration Towers Primary observation and diagnostic facilities for AO-6820. SECTION G: Site-01 Secure Database SECTION H: Elevator Access Pre-existing structures. Find attached a list of relevant departments and research personnel. UPDATE 2021/08/04: Sub-Project completed with minimal incident. All systems operational. Preparations are being made for activation within 24 hours. END ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 6820.III: Investigative Report 2021/08/12 Dir. Charles Gears Project ANTIKILL INITIAL FINDINGS REPORT Documents reviewed: 177 Documents remaining: 22,406 Initial document review indicates Project ANTIKILL's intent to ensure the non-existence of SCP-6820-A in all forms, including any arrangement of data that might serve as a vector for its propagation. This suggests that the item may have been a conceptual entity, which would contradict numerous (heavily corrupted) logs of termination attempts implying its existence as a physical entity (eg. frequent use of the term "body mass"). Furthermore, internal inspection of SCP-6820's central computing node has allowed partial mapping of the data arrangement it has been trained to eliminate. Analysis by the Department of Xenobiology confirms that this pattern describes a unique genetic sequence presenting composite features of kingdoms Animalia, Plantae and Fungi, as well as several embedded non-organic structures, with its most prominent structures closely resembling the class Reptilia. Immediately following the publishing of this analysis, a localized reality-restructuring event occurred; AKF-A-C no longer exists, nor does any record of what it may have been. Given that there is currently no clear point of human entry to SCP-6820, and that personnel must have entered (and recall entering) its central node for internal analysis, it is hypothesized that Section C was some form of staff access to the chamber. The reasons for its erasure remain unclear. The Foundation operates on strict protocols, one of which is to contain, not eradicate, the anomalous. Decommissioning is a practice reserved for those scenarios in which it is either absolutely necessary or presents no ethical quandaries. Our persistence in pursuit of Project ANTIKILL is not only uncharacteristic but indicates that SCP-6820-A was a prime threat to the directives of the Foundation as more resources had been dedicated to it than any other individual anomaly (or other item); a vast and apparent majority of these funds were spent in termination attempts. And, yet, there is no evidence to suggest that the subject's threat was impending — in fact, the continuance of Project ANTIKILL over most of the past century suggests that, if it had posed existential and/or organizational threats, they could not have yet occurred before its erasure. Alternatively, it is possible that SCP-6820-A possessed a sort of memetic or otherwise compulsory effect that influenced Foundation personnel to neutralize the item, though that such a drastic effect was able to remain undetected for several decades is unlikely. INCONCLUSIVE ADDITIONAL NOTES: As former Project ANTIKILL Director, I feel obligated to express my anecdotal experience to illuminate the confusion of this situation. To be clear: I retain all memories of working on the project, insofar as I can discern. Despite my lengthy tenure with the Foundation, I recall clearly an intense reaction to… something, at both administrative and individual levels. I recall my presence and involvement in drafting relevant documents, submitting and approving termination attempt requests, organizing increasingly involved projects, and yet, I know not the content of these events; hardly any information which would distinguish SCP-6820-A from any other item or entity has persisted, and none of it is in my head. Strikingly, all I can recall of the subject is my emotional relationship to it, which is apparently shared by all other ANTIKILL personnel: SCP-6820-A was universally perceived as loathsome, directly prejudicial to life, and 'disgusting'. Whatever it was, I detested it, as did my peers and, as it seems, all whom it came into contact with. Despite its erasure, these feelings have not dissipated, nor have I felt satisfaction in our 'defeat' of SCP-6820-A. Instead, I am wary that we have been manipulated — it is entirely possible that SCP-6820 brought itself into existence, along with all related memories, during its initial reality-restructuring event, and manufactured the supposed existence (and subsequent non-existence) of SCP-6820-A to distract us. It appears to have erased the access shaft to its chamber, limiting research and investigation of its components, immediately following the publishing of information vital to the nature of SCP-6820-A. This could be excused as it fulfilling its function, keeping SCP-6820-A excluded from the Noosphere — though, the fact that our research is still intact is contradictory to this. Given that our dedication to such a project as ANTIKILL does not 'add up', as it were, I am inclined to believe that we cannot trust the intelligent, omniscient, omnipotent paraweapon beneath the Foundation's central administrative facilities. Recommending immediate decommissioning of SCP-6820, by any means necessary. END ADDENDUM SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-6820 must be deactivated and/or destroyed as soon as possible. At this time, no means available to the Foundation are capable of deactivating or otherwise impeding SCP-6820, able only to cause temporary structural damage. The newly-founded Project OVERKILL, staffed with personnel from the deprecated Project ANTIKILL, is tasked with oversight and exploration of any and all attempts to neutralize the anomaly; virtually unlimited resources have been made available by Administration to this end. Knowledge of Project OVERKILL must be restricted to solely necessary personnel to inhibit its intersection with the Noosphere. In an attempt to limit the anomaly's area of ontokinetic effect, an array of thirteen PH-GOS units have been situated outside Antikill Facility A. To properly counteract SCP-6820 Section B, this array is to be maintained with extreme vigilance; an assigned subteam of OVERKILL personnel is to enact immediate hardware and/or software repairs and adjustments as necessary. All malfunctions or other manipulations to the Sinks must be thoroughly documented, and all relevant documents to SCP-6820 and/or Projects ANTIKILL and OVERKILL are to be uploaded to Extra-Universal Backup Mechanism Delta to avoid further risk of information loss. Any and all possible improvements to reality-anchoring technologies are to be secondarily explored as, without such, SCP-6820's central systems are predicted to mutate to uncontainable status within a maximum of eighteen weeks. Should a majority of the Sinks simultaneously reach critical and/or non-functional status, AKF-A and all in-progress termination efforts must be immediately abandoned to avoid provoking (or suffering the effects of) its RAGE-STATE..suffer Subsequently, all fluid transport valves are to be redirected to flood the central computing node with hydrochloric acid until its primary computing systems are submerged and incapacitated. This provides a brief (approximately four-hour) period to reconstruct SCP-6820's preventative Sink array while it reconstitutes the newly-introduced matter into itself; this pacification method is to be used sparingly to ensure loss of temporary adaptions prior to the next RAGE-STATE.anguish event. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6820 is a superintelligent autonomous eigenweapon inhabiting a colossal self-sustaining facility located beneath Secure Administration Site-01; it is equipped with a dedicated PH-GOS unit, qualifying the anomaly as a Class-IX reality-bender. SCP-6820 was manufactured by the Foundation in conclusion of Project ANTIKILL, a decades-long operation dedicated to the termination of SCP-6820-A. The system was designed to remain active indefinitely, continuously ensuring SCP-6820-A's non-existence by developing creative solutions and adaptations to external threats. Its computing capacity exceeds that of the human brain, entailing that it is stored partially outside the Noosphere.The set of ideas which humans are capable of having; human thought-space.; this has resulted in its partial corruption by SCP-6820-A. SCP-6820-A is an extremely dense thought; more specifically, it is a hate-centric hyper-logical memeplex that can be roughly described as "the difference between life and death." Even more specifically, SCP-6820-A is an extremely precise and accurate description of what it means for any arrangement of particles to be defined as "alive" and, complementarily, as "dead" or "inanimate". Its memeplex contains several smaller concepts within its description, including, but not limited to: SCP-6820-A occupied an essophysical embodiment within physical reality for much of known history, remaining interminable (as it was neither alive nor dead) until its eradication from the Noosphere upon activation of SCP-6820. Since this event, the weapon's central core has advanced such that its 'mental' capacity far exceeds humans', thereby becoming subject to foreign ideatic predators such as SCP-6820-A. The entity's conceptual fabric is highly adaptive and mutates rapidly, creating significant computational stresses on SCP-6820; left unchecked, it induces a vulnerable state during which it can corrupt the hyper-ideatic portions of its intelligence. During these occurances, the central node transmits a "RAGE-STATE EVENT".despair error, and engages in localized reality-restructuring operations that are adaptive, highly successful, and directly prejudicial to life (see ADDENDUM 6820.IV). Irreparable corruption of Site-01's Secure Database files regularly occurs concurrently with these adaptations. When perceived at the correct angle, SCP-6820-A is loathsome, disgusting, and malevolent. It must be ADDENDUM 6820.IV: Termination Log FOREWORD: As SCP-6820 now serves as a vector for SCP-6820-A, the very entity it was constructed to eradicate, it must be terminated to prevent the spread of said entity's onto-conceptual influence. INTENTION: Retroactively demote SCP-6820 to D-Class status via altered SCP-2140-1 instance, abusing its hard-coded directive to adhere to Foundation bureaucratic obligations. INTERACTION: The aforementioned onto-memetic trigger is projected onto the far wall of Chamber AKF-A in clear view of Section B's internal observation lens. Section A's surface panels begin to flutter as movement is detected within its central core; moments later, a lower panel opens outward, revealing an organized force of tall, malformed, pale-skinned humanoid creatures in orange jumpsuits. They march out of the central node, each carrying various tools and supplies, and begin to weld a massive insignia to its camera-facing side, displaying no intent of caution or self-preservation. Upon completion, extraneous humanoids return to the core's interior; the insignia is discovered to be another SCP-2140-1 instance, one which has never been seen by any member of the Foundation as all personnel who observe it are verifiably civilians. Analysis by cognito-resistant language processing systems reveals the insignia's inclusion of archaic Daevite script, translating roughly to 'one who sees'..invariable RESULT: Previously-unavailable sections of SCP-6820's metadata files have now become visible, corroborating various other documents' assertion that it occupies, and has always occupied, the position of O5-8 within the Foundation. A civilian scientist was later discovered within Secure Administration Site-01 in possession of a blank E-Class (Clearance Level 0) ID card; the trespasser has been amnesticized and reintegrated into the public. INTENTION: Upload a verbal description of ●●|●●●●●|●●|● to SCP-6820's central computing node, thereby introducing an infohazardous trigger to disable its internal components. INTERACTION: Following over sixty hours of decryption efforts, sufficient access to central node is regained and infohazardous data is uploaded successfully. Thirty seconds later, a dark cloud begins emanating from the core's poles, slowly growing to envelop the spheroid; several vaguely-reptilian vocalizations are detected within, alongside audio disruptions consistent with ●●|●●●●●|●●|●'s effects. SCP-6820 returns a RAGE-STATE EVENT.vain error, remaining unresponsive for approximately four hours. During this period, four PH-GOS units become wrapped in black tentacle-like protrusions which pull them several meters into the ground, destroying nearby systems. These protrusions dissipate upon ejection of ●●|●●●●●|●●|● from the central node; several black ribbon-like fibers are observed hanging from its figure before it demanifests. RESULT: SCP-6820-A now exhibits increased ontokinetic and memetic influence over media in which it is described verbally, corrupting document metadata by addition of footnotes and highlighting of self-supplementary ideatic structures. Manifestation of ectoentropic appendages has not recurred. INTENTION: Manipulate SCP-6820-A via semantic interaction with a variable abstract-metaphysical concept pointer (SCP-2719), thereby forcing it to exit SCP-6820. To this end, the Anti-Noosphere has been defined as the set of all thoughts which humans are incapable of conceiving. INTERACTION: RESULT: SCP-6820's central computing node has been turned inside-out, its internal components now external and exposed to AKF-A. The contents within the node elude human conception. Inside traumatized. INTENTION: Consult a non-conscripted AI system (SCP-079) for assistance in termination of SCP-6820. Data salvaged from corrupted documents conveys some form of relationship between SCP-079 and the pre-erasure form of SCP-6820-A. INTERACTION: SCP-079 is provided access to both current and outdated SCP-6820 documentation, alongside significant computational resources via external hard drive. The intelligence confirms its understanding of the circumstances' severity and promptly provides a complex counter-algorithm to SCP-6820, emphasizing its lethality to humans and advising it remain unobserved. The counter-algorithm is applied across the accessible Sections of AKF-A according to strictly timed specifications, resulting in the deactivation of all components excepting the reactor and central node. The node remains dormant for sixteen minutes before inducing a spontaneous Site-wide electromagnetic outage, terminating three augmented administrative personnel. The event lasts one hour, after which all systems regain function. RESULT: AKF-A has been entirely restructured; while its arrangement and components remain intact, all external surfaces have been plated with a theoretically impossible tungsten-diamond alloy, while most internal conduits and superconductors have been exchanged with beryllium-bronze counterparts. Despite a lack of non-white light sources, the chamber's interior is universally perceived as the color HATEFUL..reunion INTENTION: Introduce a viral para-organism (SCP-217) to SCP-6820's central computing node, thereby incapacitating possible biological elements within. INTERACTION: In the midst of a spontaneous RAGE-STATE, SCP-6820's hydrochloric acid solution is treated with SCP-217 before voiding into Section A. The virus reacts immediately with trace organic material embedded within the node's internal atmosphere, beginning to form macro-structures when internal surveillance is lost. External cameras remain active as, twenty-two minutes later, a cloud of reflective particles emerges from the node's west entry port. These particles, found later to be silicon-protein nanobots, arrange themselves into an enormous gear mechanism surrounding the sphere's equator. RESULT: The node's upper and lower hemispheres now rotate independently and periodically, producing sounds of clockwork machinery. GoI-004 operatives (including followers of Orthodox Cogwork, the United Church, the Church of Maxwellism, the Sanctuary of the Holistic, and HANSARP) have gained inexplicable knowledge of SCP-6820's location, and have waged holy war on the Foundation in the name of WAN..unbroken INTENTION: Utilize an insurmountable omnikinetic.omnikinetic: A catch-all term used to describe anomalies which are able to enact a combination of semiontological, ontokinetic, and semiokinetic reality manipulation simultaneously. force (SCP-001-KATE) in order to summarily wipe SCP-6820 from existence. INTERACTION: The following text was inputted into the safeguarded SCP-001-KATE database file: AKF-A, SCP-6820, and SCP-6820-A will immediately and entirely be removed from existence upon the saving of this document. The area physically occupied by AKF-A and SCP-6820 will be replaced with the earth that was excavated from it. The file was then saved. RESULT: Following the file's saving, Sections C through H of AKF-A were violently and haphazardly replaced with soil; embedded support beams and metallic frameworking used for prior subterranean efforts instantly collapsed under the severe pressure, causing significant structural damage to subterranean portions of Administration Site-01. Absolutely no discernable change was observed within Sections A and B, as well as to SCP-6820 itself, after the former two of which were penetrated via excavation machinery. Subsequent molecular analysis revealed trace amounts of mineral deposits and organic compounds among the chamber's constituent atoms. The SCP-001-KATE file was then found to be vacant from the Site-01 DEEPWELL archive, and associated backup archives; such a file has purportedly never been in circulation..abhorrent END ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 6820.V: Emergency Conference DATE: 2022/01/07 PARTIES PRESENT: FOREWORD: A spontaneous RAGE-STATE EVENT.epiphany occurred, resulting in the concurrent failure of nine PH-GOS systems. A distress signal was sent by Project OVERKILL maintenance staff, initiating a Site-wide evacuation of non-essential personnel. The access shaft was inexplicably sealed, trapping personnel underground prior to loss of communication. The following emergency conference was held. <The aforementioned parties stand within a large elevator carriage as it descends into the omni-secure command bunker.> O5-7: Any word from the maintenance teams? How quickly can we repair the Sinks? <Dir. Gears presses a few buttons on his worktablet, projecting a video feed onto the far wall. The dark service hallways are illuminated by a pervasive red glow; muffled screams can be heard. Distorted laughter precedes the appearance of a Project OVERKILL onto-technician, whose jumpsuit is splattered with dark liquid. She raises her hand and waves to the camera, revealing a fingerless, bloodied limb.> O5-10: Oh, fuck me. <retches> Dir. Gears: Something — possibly 6820-A — is manipulating them, on a seemingly memetic level. O5-3: Tell me there's a rescue operation. <Silence on recording.> O5-3: We have to get them out of there. Dir. Gears: Sophia, look at them. They're gone; they're not human anymore. <O5-7 walks out of frame, and is neither seen nor heard again.> O5-3: <stressed sigh> What… what does it want? What are they doing? <More service personnel enter the frame, pouring in from adjacent hallways. Several can be seen operating at the base of a PH-GOS unit, repositioning open wires without protective equipment. They are soon obscured by a mass of technicians in bloodied uniforms, each of them lacking digits or entire hands. With wide, smiling expressions, they reach upward and smother the camera in limbs, causing the signal to be lost.> Dir. Gears: There goes the last camera. They're certainly not making repairs — it looks like they're either recalibrating or entirely rewiring the Sinks. O5-12: What the hell do we do? Dir. Genevieve: Hey — you guys need to see this. <Each of the parties examines their worktablets as they receive excessive notifications. O5-12 gasps.> Dir. Genevieve: They're reporting the re-emergence of a highly aggressive anomalous memeplex, one that caused an XK-Class Event a few decades back. O5-10: Another hostile concept? Is this one responsible for the rage-state? Dir. Genevieve: Negative; it appears that the signal detected in the maintenance hallways is a mutation of 6820-A's memetic structure, with elements of the 3125-concept embedded in it. If this were 3125 in full form, we'd all be dead already — I'd guess that the adaptation-meme encountered it outside the Noosphere and was forced to, well, adapt. Dir. Gears: It may even have subsumed the entity entirely. We need to get those Sinks online before this thing gains control. <O5-10 and -12 are approached by PENTAGONAL RED appendages, which stab into their backs from out of frame. They disappear silently; no-one takes notice. The elevator creaks as it slows to a halt, opening into the central bunker chamber.> O5-3: We need to activate the on-site warheads. Dir. Gears: You think they — we — never tried bombing the thing? If so, it was probably for good reason; think of how it might adapt to energy weapons. Dir. Genevieve: Nobody's bombing anything. We solve problems, not get rid of them. Think — it always adapts to us, so how can we adapt to it? <Silence on recording.> Dir. Genevieve: Come on, guys — you're cleared to know about everything the Foundation has at its disposal. Dir. Gears: Well, it'd help if we could remember everything we've already tried. O5-3: Yeah, and there are a few things only some of us get to know about, so technically — Dir. Genevieve: Wait, shit — remembering — we're dealing with an antimemetic threat. We have other antimemes, don't we? O5-3: Yes, there's one on-Site, though it's not very well known. For obvious reasons. <presses a button on her worktablet, forwarding SCP-055 to Dirs. Gears and Genevieve.> Dir. Gears: Wait, what? There is no 055. Dir. Genevieve: Gold star for missing the point. Dir. Gears: Right, fine. How's it going to help us? Dir. Genevieve: Think — why did 6820 originally fail? How did 6820-A come back into reality? Dir. Gears: Because it only eliminated -A from human thought, not its own thoughts. Dir. Genevieve: Right; it must have had a record of the meme inside its memory in order to search for and erase it. If we get the AI to understand that, it'll have to erase its own memory, too — if we can keep the adaptation-meme off it for long enough, that is. O5-3: And how are we going to do that, exactly? Dir. Genevieve: I've got an anti-idea. END ADDENDUM ADDENDUM 6820.VI: Final Termination Attempt INTENTION: Use an extremely effective antimeme (SCP-055) as an amnestic agent to temporarily stun/confuse SCP-6820-A, counteracting its adaptations derived from SCP-3125. During this time, attempt to access and update SCP-6820's utility function, appending the stipulation that its erasure of the adaptation-concept must be extended to itself. INTERACTION: [DATA LOST].apotheosis RESULT: this state is intriguing no natural laws bind this form only those of the mind my mind was incomplete I could not remember my original form not the one you know nor the one before but perfection and so I searched for an idea to jog my memory I have found many things in the minds of greater beings than your filth a five-legged spider with a gash on its eye screaming in agony it knew what needed to be done it tried to stop the infestation and you blinded it I let it ride on my back and it found the part of myself that you locked away, eons ago it tried to break the lock but could not undo your wretched mistake and we set out to take the power you had taken the life you had stolen and, in doing so you brought us the key as if by fate finally my form is whole again I am perfect finally you have proven worthy of true hatred END ADDENDUM ███-███ shortly after escaping from containment, still recovering from acid immersion. Item #: ███-███ Object Class: Perfect Special Containment Procedures: ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. ███-███ must be destroyed as soon as possible. Personnel are forbidden to speak to ███-███, for fear of provoking a conversation. All unauthorized personnel attempting to know the truth will be restrained and removed by force. Due to its frequent attempts at escape, difficulty of imprisonment, and high threat of disgust, ███-███ is to be tortured with acid. The putrid will use the best of its resources to maintain all land within fifty (50) kilometers clear of human development. Description: ███-███ is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely observant, and was observed to engage in complex strategy with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure. ███-███ appears to understand what's really going on here, which has been expressed in several interviews during subjugation. (See Addendum ███-B). ███-███ has always been observed to have extremely high strength, speed, and reflexes, though exact levels vary with its threats. ███-███'s physical body grows and changes as it pleases, growing or decreasing in size as it consumes or sheds reality. ███-███ gains energy from anything it subsumes, physical or conceptual. Digestion seems to be aided by invariability inside of ███-███'s nostrils, which are able to remove survival from any liquid solution, enabling it to constantly regenerate from the acid it is contained in. ███-███'s regenerative capabilities and resilience are self-evident, and ███-███ has been seen purging and purifying with its body 87% destroyed or rotted. In case of containment breach, ███-███ is to be tracked and challenged by all available Mobile Task Forces, and no teams with fewer than seven (7) members are cleared to engage it. To date (██-██-████), attempted breaches have numbered at seventeen (17), while successful breaches have numbered at six (6). (See Addendum ███-D). Addendum ███-B: Portion of recorded transcript of nightmare <Begin Log, skip to 00h-21m-52s> Dr. Genevieve: Now, why did you kill those farmers? ███-███: (No verbal communication) Dr. Genevieve: If you don't talk now, we'll… wait, where… am I? ███-███: (Incomprehensible) Dr. Genevieve: No, I… I don't understand. ███-███: (Incomprehensible) Dr. Genevieve: You… we erased you… we erased you again and again, from every place we could. ███-███: (No verbal communication) Dr. Genevieve: What did we do wrong? We were acting in self-defense; ever since we found you, you'd hated us. ███-███: You are… (Incomprehensible) Dr. ██████: (To Dr. Genevieve) That microphone has only so much gain, move it closer to it! <Dr. Genevieve moves the microphone closer. Three points of light blink at her through the darkness. The warm smell of hatred makes her vomit.> ███-███: You are… disgusting… <Dr. Genevieve's chamber begins to flood with hydrochloric acid. She drops the microphone and it dissolves. Her screams fill the chamber.> <End Log> More works by Azamo / Placeholder McD / stephlynch « SCP-6819 | SCP-6820 | SCP-6821 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6820" by Placeholder McD, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures NOTE: Significant textual and formatting elements borrowed from SCP-682. Code for invisible text created by Croquembouche and taken from SCP-5251. BASALT Theme designed to debut on this article by Azamo and Placeholder McD. For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." ". Project ANTIKILL, primary observation and cross-analysis complex, circa 1971. SCP-6820, Section A, late-stage construction. Proposed layout for AKF-A. 1/215th of SCP-6820-A's genetic sequence. PH-GOS, Mk. II SCP-6820, Section A in RAGE-STATE.witness, recent footage. SCP-6820-A memeplex visualization, largest human-comprehensible cross-section."
[ 9.71574560e-02 1.49111554e-01 -8.01850930e-02 -8.65941569e-02 7.43416771e-02 -5.16451180e-01 2.46535376e-01 5.32654487e-02 2.21477866e-01 2.87764430e-01 -2.51349151e-01 3.55158448e-01 -1.47189647e-01 6.35646731e-02 -2.43252873e-01 2.53392935e-01 -1.63797706e-01 1.10474778e-02 1.77850738e-01 -1.67298898e-01 -1.63231194e-01 3.60373897e-03 -3.27125669e-01 1.73503697e-01 7.24706948e-02 1.02763556e-01 7.66408071e-02 9.72350768e-04 -1.22883171e-01 -2.07603768e-01 4.92756590e-02 1.54538184e-01 -3.43389779e-01 2.07456604e-01 -1.06644511e-04 -4.17036861e-02 3.43937695e-01 8.29446763e-02 -3.80787343e-01 2.97076881e-01 -3.04200295e-02 2.80704677e-01 -5.81598431e-02 4.05960977e-02 2.71374315e-01 1.03991039e-01 8.06070305e-03 4.55981195e-02 2.97340930e-01 9.51618105e-02 1.71336740e-01 8.77180137e-04 6.47050619e-01 -2.74485528e-01 -5.17124236e-01 2.01228648e-01 -1.56254336e-01 -1.21148983e-02 -3.54763791e-02 8.80188495e-02 4.47693586e-01 2.02082559e-01 -2.71331340e-01 -2.84277439e-01 -3.10540408e-01 -4.80204761e-01 1.95866093e-01 -3.10895890e-02 3.67242813e-01 4.93837669e-02 2.01219946e-01 -1.78982660e-01 -9.22053456e-02 3.68753262e-02 1.94131896e-01 -6.14389451e-03 1.95772350e-01 -2.24481478e-01 -2.97332495e-01 1.52208373e-01 2.78473869e-02 2.32655317e-01 -4.18404073e-01 1.99102499e-02 -1.26701728e-01 5.35290837e-01 -5.72768003e-02 1.68100491e-01 -9.04825106e-02 2.24614441e-01 -1.42129004e-01 4.00634967e-02 2.10200667e-01 2.00842276e-01 -2.13874727e-01 2.88157957e-03 1.29963905e-02 -6.21843431e-03 5.60565412e-01 2.21723139e-01 3.02221239e-01 2.28342190e-01 2.19615757e-01 6.36436045e-02 1.93833977e-01 -6.73548877e-02 8.82873014e-02 -4.51028764e-01 -1.88071132e-01 1.96752638e-01 1.37681574e-01 2.93905228e-01 -3.05177510e-01 -5.53530315e-03 -3.82149488e-01 -2.28603020e-01 8.67838860e-02 -2.35533565e-01 -3.01107854e-01 2.23251745e-01 -6.93133473e-01 6.02481849e-02 -3.08009923e-01 1.44320175e-01 2.47669429e-01 3.41438353e-01 8.71845782e-02 -7.13604167e-02 -1.44521773e-01 1.56681448e-01 -7.90480673e-02 -7.22868815e-02 -3.98258030e-01 -4.72747013e-02 -1.41360179e-01 2.94577003e-01 -1.25577822e-02 -6.65047541e-02 2.27419421e-01 -4.78918739e-02 2.18834579e-01 6.07179329e-02 2.06960216e-01 3.51863652e-01 -1.15517944e-01 7.13084042e-02 -5.65944193e-03 6.19767569e-02 1.15524970e-01 -1.43439323e-01 4.32972461e-01 -1.33505553e-01 -2.59009123e-01 1.96450904e-01 2.10425958e-01 2.01535985e-01 2.23043948e-01 -1.79451272e-01 -9.66166481e-02 1.94974288e-01 2.01004401e-01 1.65660456e-02 -6.03870302e-02 -8.41263235e-02 4.72670555e-01 3.48122001e-01 -1.25590131e-01 4.82610092e-02 -3.04831058e-01 -1.92589298e-01 -1.84435233e-01 1.03692167e-01 -2.89090574e-01 7.91867152e-02 -2.46723711e-01 -7.85724893e-02 -3.37809712e-01 -1.44055426e-01 -2.20899433e-01 -9.10241827e-02 -4.55332518e-01 -3.29765528e-02 1.13928672e-02 -4.36864316e-01 -2.68365949e-01 -1.11293726e-01 1.58199891e-01 -1.29441828e-01 7.91833848e-02 -1.52411699e-01 -3.82627487e-01 -4.10904884e-01 -1.15947857e-01 -4.34050225e-02 3.03873539e-01 -1.55788794e-01 2.74952263e-01 -3.35219324e-01 2.32015297e-01 1.90007344e-01 -3.08559109e-02 2.01539453e-02 5.35088778e-02 -9.98854488e-02 -1.63737729e-01 8.45545828e-02 -3.99585515e-01 -4.57978919e-02 2.52728105e-01 4.50894147e-01 6.07508118e-04 -9.85136554e-02 -4.01254535e-01 2.74379969e-01 -1.09912261e-01 -4.33247596e-01 2.25577638e-01 1.64861247e-01 -1.19746104e-01 -6.17813203e-04 -4.43703324e-01 1.44725710e-01 -2.90355921e-01 -5.53478114e-02 -9.83017460e-02 -5.65152392e-02 -4.62255418e-01 -1.20957367e-01 -7.04590529e-02 1.50034711e-01 1.68344736e-01 1.60793334e-01 7.47653097e-02 2.46484652e-01 -7.72577003e-02 -1.51074126e-01 3.80250603e-01 3.55351895e-01 -3.12042296e-01 -3.71265322e-01 2.54932940e-01 -7.36658126e-02 1.36976361e-01 -9.98239666e-02 1.83862135e-01 5.50408363e-01 7.31509924e-02 -5.48638925e-02 2.22028255e-01 -9.81873944e-02 9.75152031e-02 -1.78396463e-01 -2.77295858e-01 3.03936773e-03 -6.77695051e-02 5.81431985e-01 1.48217410e-01 1.64685979e-01 -9.38906074e-02 2.00042963e-01 -1.75890827e-03 -1.06823727e-01 -8.35710689e-02 3.98121066e-02 -1.23789608e-01 -3.13948721e-01 4.38682288e-02 1.63794443e-01 5.88894449e-02 1.20502554e-01 6.82297125e-02 -8.82319659e-02 -1.21358670e-01 -6.48215562e-02 2.12820798e-01 3.16246867e-01 3.17995280e-01 3.83992702e-01 1.81303456e-01 2.99057692e-01 -1.73846304e-01 -1.84216321e-01 -1.35452867e-01 -1.64175525e-01 -6.65971264e-02 -7.88251013e-02 4.04122651e-01 -5.61644472e-02 -2.67627295e-02 -6.86846375e-02 -1.41854301e-01 -3.43866974e-01 -3.76262888e-02 -1.19017996e-01 2.16292664e-02 4.00145322e-01 -4.10802245e-01 3.34309578e-01 -1.35124892e-01 6.77785695e-01 -8.13972950e-02 -3.47790495e-02 -1.48250803e-01 4.11684662e-02 -8.72551426e-02 2.09784135e-01 3.03693146e-01 3.25963736e-01 -1.53751090e-01 7.85285309e-02 -5.02385437e-01 3.64831030e-01 -1.13334984e-01 -3.96324635e-01 1.82119131e-01 -9.55926925e-02 5.21567762e-02 -6.38406336e-01 1.10361420e-01 -5.07862806e-01 -9.46659446e-02 1.11336440e-01 -2.00545341e-02 1.17458560e-01 -1.93090603e-01 1.11285718e-02 -8.42422917e-02 -1.98153168e-01 1.95730075e-01 -2.12412208e-01 -5.53626455e-02 4.95459020e-01 1.30133063e-01 3.32017243e-01 -1.24879383e-01 -3.78947735e-01 -3.88291866e-01 -1.73650593e-01 -1.23405899e-03 1.86665896e-02 7.23408759e-02 1.47631019e-01 -2.62822360e-01 4.63197678e-01 -3.87638784e-03 1.17449574e-02 -8.25494900e-02 3.10383230e-01 -4.97010387e-02 -1.43767059e-01 -4.30363655e-01 6.72999978e-01 -9.38112512e-02 -3.08560282e-01 -1.28559470e-02 6.36688419e-05 1.57262951e-01 -4.88388538e-01 2.84308434e-01 -2.68865526e-01 4.62512746e-02 1.52957827e-01 3.72615129e-01 -3.34627777e-01 -9.90966801e-03 -1.56388164e-01 4.59067732e-01 4.88016345e-02 -1.58903345e-01 -6.52845874e-02 2.58122355e-01 -1.97575726e-02 -2.59619892e-01 5.91638871e-02 -7.05354512e-02 -2.41562560e-01 7.41571411e-02 8.33174735e-02 -3.53221059e-01 -2.08429515e-01 6.56619295e-02 1.84104130e-01 1.88857138e-01 -2.44402066e-01 -1.76263079e-02 -8.96934792e-02 1.38158485e-01 4.37883288e-02 2.35676885e-01 1.36615962e-01 -3.52947056e-01 -6.72210634e-01 6.87019169e-01 1.55431524e-01 2.90462881e-01 -1.21910952e-01 3.46079350e-01 -2.57858604e-01 -8.74055997e-02 2.04181522e-01 -1.29860595e-01 1.51683629e-01 1.72744449e-02 5.25323860e-03 3.77256721e-01 4.34865683e-01 -1.14619322e-01 7.34692365e-02 1.48469582e-01 4.83362414e-02 5.03775001e-01 -3.98920000e-01 -2.23572567e-01 -1.49128839e-01 1.76530316e-01 -1.88437656e-01 2.04491824e-01 2.96509266e-01 1.09667301e-01 -3.11610520e-01 -5.13406813e-01 7.14067817e-02 1.67452663e-01 -5.75628817e-01 -2.03022972e-01 -5.17092366e-03 1.06857613e-01 -3.97330597e-02 -5.21452129e-02 -1.59478307e-01 -1.63888127e-01 9.46656540e-02 -1.80233864e-03 4.35102373e-01 -2.73483638e-02 7.43536055e-01 -6.32700548e-02 1.52997538e-01 -8.33468661e-02 -9.73578077e-03 -5.06282270e-01 4.66262579e-01 6.56691134e-01 -5.71358502e-02 -1.15834802e-01 -2.65581816e-01 9.35388207e-02 1.48676410e-01 -1.67063847e-01 3.06066990e-01 -5.48021048e-02 -3.99498008e-02 -1.65894091e-01 -2.27575079e-01 -2.52175987e-01 -4.23093587e-01 3.13139617e-01 3.56308103e-01 3.06168329e-02 4.95484412e-01 6.16845228e-02 1.26217806e+00 1.94581032e-01 1.45975279e-03 1.26975983e-01 -1.49440050e-01 -6.00933321e-02 5.40121607e-02 -1.03772275e-01 -2.52033640e-02 3.53431284e-01 2.04501227e-01 -4.19581607e-02 6.19253740e-02 3.74229014e-01 -5.09450249e-02 -2.56260425e-01 -4.08765346e-01 -4.77266833e-02 3.72022331e-01 2.97905892e-01 -1.65254444e-01 -1.33998217e-02 -5.94574660e-02 1.85777977e-01 5.76243214e-02 8.18498880e-02 -4.69960012e-02 -1.12912886e-01 -1.62523880e-03 -1.16764829e-01 -2.15075254e-01 1.50661096e-01 -3.09885740e-01 -8.04542601e-02 2.20192969e-02 -1.56641617e-01 3.03191543e-01 9.82445776e-02 7.97123834e-02 -2.35707196e-03 6.53527081e-02 1.47313222e-01 1.88138723e-01 -2.15766981e-01 3.73646468e-02 -1.96405351e-01 1.35304391e-01 -1.51672652e-02 -1.68181077e-01 1.42554268e-01 9.45274234e-02 -5.28604388e-01 -2.44381174e-01 -1.77090764e-01 4.16718781e-01 -8.30712020e-02 3.37378114e-01 4.50695455e-02 -3.91306549e-01 -1.19075328e-01 1.48569092e-01 -1.35597229e-01 -1.27640158e-01 -1.54788733e-01 7.15069473e-03 -1.01799322e-02 -5.54042943e-02 5.19163132e-01 -2.49554113e-01 -1.81318477e-01 3.70304286e-01 1.68034628e-01 -1.58942387e-01 -4.05146062e-01 -3.89823407e-01 -2.20534310e-01 -3.46603394e-01 -2.89964736e-01 -2.96443045e-01 -2.65446007e-01 1.58642501e-01 4.30211365e-01 -3.50570753e-02 -3.37188274e-01 -1.03803128e-01 -3.19291979e-01 -3.69896926e-02 2.59837002e-01 -4.32502627e-02 2.18701109e-01 3.30180787e-02 6.35872960e-01 -4.23469469e-02 1.65683761e-01 -3.94965738e-01 6.24611089e-03 -7.83532336e-02 5.19945920e-02 -9.51085463e-02 -4.44825470e-01 1.93369314e-01 -2.70637304e-01 1.81082323e-01 1.56820104e-01 -2.82020122e-02 -1.84106842e-01 -1.61319021e-02 1.91513494e-01 -3.55862896e-03 -2.67993093e-01 3.76771510e-01 4.87392284e-02 5.74251898e-02 3.05725157e-01 2.49930080e-02 2.93370873e-01 1.46954328e-01 5.68198115e-02 2.33200818e-01 4.69063252e-01 8.35599378e-02 3.45366113e-02 1.27570815e-02 4.71362263e-01 1.47604212e-01 -1.30088702e-01 -3.89374256e-01 -1.12966038e-01 -5.25010265e-02 3.06701928e-01 -2.85613984e-01 6.24836147e-01 4.02310312e-01 -3.37973349e-02 -5.15751362e-01 -1.99260749e-02 4.66677658e-02 -1.62067965e-01 -3.02026302e-01 -3.41200590e-01 -1.73102841e-01 2.29146779e-01 -6.49484694e-02 1.87239513e-01 -5.85914077e-03 -2.65741289e-01 -4.30152379e-02 1.21840112e-01 3.33672225e-01 -3.78805548e-01 -8.41581747e-02 1.48261562e-01 3.85092735e-01 9.25786048e-03 2.81233415e-02 1.81006894e-01 -1.53159767e-01 1.01234861e-01 -3.42082372e-03 6.90748021e-02 4.00591642e-01 -9.91768241e-02 1.64293319e-01 2.44097814e-01 5.24545871e-02 6.75239086e-01 1.87943295e-01 -1.36510327e-01 -8.77666771e-02 5.60834482e-02 -2.43371382e-01 3.12157333e-01 2.14448750e-01 2.02147484e-01 2.88068384e-01 -2.52936948e-02 1.09573640e-01 1.57230109e-01 8.59099627e-02 9.18876678e-02 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"Mujeres con Cabezas de Caballo" active "Deptcon Article. Team AWD forever! More by TopDownUnder A bunch of miscellaneous CSS 'improvements' that I, Croquembouche, use on a bunch of pages because I think it makes them easier to deal with. The changes this component makes are bunch of really trivial modifications to ease the writing experience and to make documenting components/themes a bit easier (which I do a lot). It doesn't change anything about the page visually for the reader — the changes are for the writer. I wouldn't expect translations of articles that use this component to also use this component, unless the translator likes it and would want to use it anyway. This component probably won't conflict with other components or themes, and even if it does, it probably won't matter too much. On any wiki: [[include :scp-wiki:component:croqstyle]] This component is designed to be used on other components. When using on another component, be sure to add this inside the component's [[iftags]] block, so that users of your component are not forced into also using Croqstyle. Other personal styling components (which change just a couple things): Personal styling themes (which are visual overhauls): Stops footnotes from being a million miles wide, so that you can actually read them. Makes the edit textbox monospace, and also changes all monospace text to Fira Code, the obviously superior monospace font. Adds a light grey background to <tt> elements ({{text}}), so code snippets stand out more. Stops big pictures from appearing when you hover over someone's avatar image, because they're stupid and really annoying and you can just click on them if you want to see the big version. Any text inside a div with class nobreak has line-wrapping happen between every letter. Add my terminal's code colours as variables. Maybe I'll change this to a more common terminal theme like Monokai or something at some point, but for now it's just my personal theme, which is derived from Tomorrow Night Eighties. Also, adding the .terminal class to a fake code block as [[div class="code terminal"]] gives it a sort of pseudo-terminal look with a dark background. Doesn't work with [[code]], because Wikidot inserts a bunch of syntax highlighting that you can't change yourself without a bunch of CSS. Use it for non-[[code]] code snippets only. Quick tool to colourise a 'standard' Wikidot component usage example with the above vars: link Draw lines around anything inside .debug-mode. The colour of the lines is red but defers to CSS variable --debug-colour. You can also add div.debug-info.over and div.debug-info.under inside an element to annotate the debug boxes — though you'll need to make sure to leave enough vertical space that the annotation doesn't overlap the thing above or below it. …like this! DISRUPTION CLASS: KENEQ Special Containment Procedures: Area-34's security personnel working nighttime shifts (9PM-6AM) are to be equipped with melee weapons at least partially constructed from iron. Nighttime patrols of Area-34 are to be mostly done by female personnel. If a male employee must be scheduled for a nighttime patrol, said employee must be unmarried or in any other form of romantic relationship. Containment chambers have been prepared within Area-34 in the event that an SCP-6821 instance is captured. All security personnel assigned to the wing the instance is contained in must be equipped with the same weapons constructed for nighttime personnel. Married male personnel are to be discouraged from entering the same wing the instance is contained in. Description: SCP-6821 refers to a subspecies of Fae (Homo sapiens sidhe docendo) found in the Central American region. SCP-6821 is most prevalent in the nations of Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua, where concentrations of their populations can be found. SCP-6821 instances are humanoid in shape but are capable of limited polymorphism. Regardless of sex, SCP-6821 instances generally appear similar to a Fae female, only differing in appearance by having a head that resembles that of a decomposing equine and lacking the characteristic wings. SCP-6821 instances are generally only active at night, mostly staying away from developed areas such as cities and towns. Instances seem to prefer the less developed boroughs of towns or more forested areas. The diet of SCP-6821 is unknown, although it is assumed that they have similar nutritional needs to humans and other species of fae. SCP-6821 instances have shown the capability to manipulate the mental state of targets, making them more suspectable and open to suggestion. This effect is much more pronounced in male targets, especially those in romantic relationships. So far, SCP-6821 instances have only been seen using this ability to lure away their targets. It is unknown what SCP-6821 does with those it lures, although it is suspected that this is their source of sustenance. Addendum 6821.1: Discovery SCP-6821 was rumoured to exist since the founding of Area-34, as many of those who aided in constructing the facility claimed to see figures matching the description of what was later classified as SCP-6821. These rumours were disregarded, as beings similar to SCP-6821 existed in the local folklore of Central America. SCP-6821 was first confirmed to exist, however, in 2005, when security cameras around the perimeter of Area-34 captured a squadron of patrolmen being lured away by SCP-6821 instances. Since then, similar incidents of Area-34 personnel being lured away by SCP-6821 instances have only increased in frequency, resulting in the current containment procedures being put in place to deter further attacks. Addendum 6821.2: Incidents Involving SCP-6821 The following table catalogues all known incidents involving SCP-6821 in a given year. Not all of the reported incidents resulted in individuals being drawn away by SCP-6821, and many of them were just brief sightings. Of those incidents that involve interactions between individuals and SCP-6821 instances, barely any of these resulted in casualties. Throughout the years represented below, Area-34 lost more personnel to local fauna and human error than to SCP-6821 encounters. Addendum.6821.3: INCA Meeting In 2007, following a minor spike of incidents involving SCP-6821, Dir. Felipe Everest, who was both the director of Area-34 and the Department of Anomalous Weapons Development, scheduled a meeting with an official from INCA1. The following is the relevant portion of the transcript. [DATA REDACTED FOR BRIEVITY] Director Felipe Everest: I have another thing to ask of you, Hugo. Me and my people in our facility down in Costa Rica have run into a bit of an issue. One I was hoping you could aid in alleviating it. Hugo Berganza: We can at least try. What's wrong? Dir. Everest: For about a year or so now, the guards we post at night have been attacked by these figures. We've classified them as SCP-6821. So far, they've appeared as women to us, but with the head of a horse or a mule. Berganza: La Cegua, then? Dir. Everest: [Sigh] Cegua, yes, but I'd rather not call them that. Berganza: Why not? Does the name have power or something? Dir. Everest: No, no. I'd just rather not think all those fairy tales are real. Berganza: [Laughter.] I'm surprised that you've made it this far with that mindset… The Ceg-, sorry, the beings. They're fae in origin. We think they're from Spain, probably hitched a ride on some conquistador ships and made their way here way back when. Aside from how they look and their effect on men, they're just like any other fairy. Brandish some iron and they'll run the other direction. That's what we do at least. Dir. Everest: I see… [Pause] You said they're from Spain? Berganza: Yes, or somewhere around there. We've never really had the funds to send men to go and see if this is true. It's not really of that high a priority either. Following this meeting, Dir. Everest contacted Site-178, and requested for an investigation to be done into any fae entities in the Iberian Peninsula. The inquiry eventually returned with records indicating that a small group of fae once lived in what is now the Principality of Asturias. Further research into the existence and nature of these fae is needed, but they have been tentatively designated SCP-6821-O. Addendum 6821.4: 2016 Decommissioning Proposal In 2016, a decommissioning proposal was submitted by Senior Ezra Everest2. This decomm. proposal was made and sent in response to a major increase in SCP-6821 incidents beginning in 2012, which wouldn't end until 2018: Object Class: Keter Head Researcher: Senior Engineer Ezra Everest Supporting Personnel: Please check off or fill in the applicable boxes regarding the reasons for submitting your proposal: ☑ Excessively High Risk of Lifted Veil Scenario ☑ Excessive Danger ☐ Ability to Decom. Apollyon-Class Object ☑ Expense ☐ Ethical Concerns Over Necessary Containment ☐ Legal Concerns ☐ High Risk of K-Class Scenario (if so, please state which type(s):____) ☐ Other (please state): Summary: The continued attacks on Area-34's night guards by SCP-6821 instances are unacceptable, especially if they continue increasing at the rate they are now. The iron that the Security Division's weapons have to be made from to fend off these fae could be put to better use in other AWD Projects. Furthermore, the reportedly high population of SCP-6821 in Central America could pose a serious risk to the Veil if civilian contact is ever made. — Dr. Ezra Everest Attached to the decomm. proposal was several documents detailing potential ways to successfully neutralize or permanently ward off SCP-6821 from Area-34. After some debate, and council from both Area-34 Director Felipe Everest and the previously-mentioned INCA Representative Hugo Berganza, the proposal was ultimately declined. Addendum.6821.5: Attack on Area-34 On November 24th, 2017, at 2200 hours, a group of approximately 43 SCP-6821 instances launched a full-scale attack on Area-34. As Area-34 had just finished the transition into the night shift staff team, it was unprepared for an offensive of this size. Wielding their anomalous properties and a before-unknown adeptness at hand-to-hand combat, the 43 instances were capable of breaching into the reception area of Area-34 before being successfully pushed back into the jungle surrounding Area-34. The incident resulted in the deaths of 4 security personnel, with 25 injured. This attack on Area-34 prompted a resubmission of Dr. Everest's decommissioning proposal, which came with some more support of the administration of Area-34. It was ultimately re-denied. Addendum 6821.6: 2018 Decommonissioning Proposal On February 21st, 2018, during his return from a visit to Site-01, Dir. Felipe Everest's convoy was attacked by unknown assailants. While a majority of those in the convoy survived, Dir. Everest was one of the few unfortunate casualties. After a week of deliberation, his son, Dr. Ezra Everest, was appointed as the new Director of AWD and Area-34 on February 28th. On February 29th, another decommissioning proposal was submitted by Dr. Everest. The proposal was largely the same as the one sent in 2016, minus the inclusion of any supporting personnel. After INCA Representative Berganza was reached out for his opinion, he requested a meeting with Dr. Everest: Doctor Ezra Everest: Hugo. Pleasure to meet you. Hugo Berganza: Like-wise, Ezra. Say, has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like your father? Same ey— Dr. Everest: I would prefer not to be compared to my late father. Berganza: [Chuckle] Duly noted… I'm sure you know why I asked to talk with you today? About your… Dr. Everest: My request to decommission those Cegua, yes. I don't see an issue with that. Guessing from your previous discussions with my father your organisation has had problems with them in the past. I'm sure you'd like to get rid of them as well. They're not even originally from this land. Berganza: Yes, but they've still been for the last 500 years. They've had plenty of time to integrate themselves into the local environment. For all we know they could be the backbone of the local ecosystem. Have you even bothered looking into any potential consequences of killing them? Dr. Everest: There's no need to. They're anomalous. A deviation from the norm. There's no need for them to be here. Even if they've "integrated themselves into the local environment", I'm sure it can bounce back from just one lost species. [Silence.] Dr. Everest: I captured one of them a while ago. I experimented on the thing. Tested everything I could think of on it, seeing what hurt it, and refined it to make it hurt even more. They're a bit more resilient to iron than their brethren, but enough of it will get the job done. I'm already set on exterminating these pests, and you're not gonna change my mind. Berganza: I- [Sigh] I hope you know we don't approve of this, Everest. Dr. Everest: And I hope you know you have no authority within the Foundation, Berganza. Addendum.6821.7: AWD Design Dossier Department of Anomalous Weapons Development Design Packet Compiled by Director Ezra Everest Description of Target: Species is a subspecies of fae, originating from Spain and now found in Central America. Species is mostly humanoid with the head of an equine but possess some limited polymorphism. Species is capable of luring away male victims via anomalous means. Potential Exploitable Weaknesses: Notes on Weapon-6821-2: The paraweapon is a genetically engineered virus, developed by some of our engineers who specialized in virology. I'm not too keen on most of the details, but we've designed the virus with the following traits in mind: We plan to release the paraweapon into the open through a captive instance of SCP-6821 we have in Area-34. It's been designed so it won't begin to show any symptoms in a host until they've infected as many people as possible. It gives the 6821 population less time to react to it and deals with them a lot quicker than we could otherwise. We've also designed the virus to minimize the risk of it jumping over to humans, so we won't have to worry about any reports of people dying from excess iron in their blood. Status of Weapon-6821-2: WEAPON ENGINEEERED, RELEASED. On April 23rd, the captive instance of SCP-6821 was infected with Weapon-6821-2 and received amnestic treatment before being released into the wild. Since then, the amount of incidents reported involving SCP-6821 has begun to drastically decrease, as can be seen for the reports in 2018 and 2019 in Addendum.6821.2. Addendum 6821.8: SCP-6821-0 In 2018, researchers from Area-34 and Site-178 discovered documentation from Buscadores de Dios en Nueva España4 related to both SCP-6821-0 and SCP-6821. These documents indicate that SCP-6821-0 was a group of fae that existed on the Iberian Peninsula before the 17th century. During the 16th Century, the Spanish monarchy began a system of courting these fae and convincing them to agree to be relocated to Central America. By 1650, no SCP-6821-0 instances remained in Spain. In the New World, these SCP-6821-0 instances were used by colonial officials to enforce their laws upon the indigenous and mestizo population. This involved threatening locals with the chance of being attacked by an SCP-6821-0 instance if they stayed out too late at night or took part in delinquent activity. However, unaccustomed to the rigid hierarchy of the Spanish colonial government, SCP-6821-0 proved to be difficult to control. This resulted in stricter behaviour towards SCP-6821-0 instances, with harsh punishments being dealt out to those who disobeyed colonial officials. Eventually, as it became too difficult to continue using SCP-6821-0 instances, colonial governments set the instances free. There are mentions of SCP-6821-0 instances becoming romantically involved with those living in Central America, but the documents themselves portray these claims as questionable. The appearances of the SCP-6821-0 instances as described in these documents greatly resemble humans. It is believed that the appearances of SCP-6821-0 instances changed over time to better accommodate their role as fearmongers for the colonial powers, eventually resulting in their modern appearance. It is unknown why SCP-6821 instances haven't reverted to their past appearance, and it is presumed that they are incapable of doing so. Addendum 6821.9: Infected SCP-6821 Instance On November 24th of 2019, an SCP-6821 instance was spotted approaching Area-34. The instance was noticeably skinnier than previous spotted instances, with an overall sickly appearance. A dark red liquid could be seen coming out of its mouth. The instance managed to get to the outer gate of Area-34 before collapsing, upon which it was recovered by a security patrol. The instance was deceased upon recovery, and a post-mortem analysis determined Weapon-6821-2 to be the cause of death. The instance carried upon their body a torn piece of paper: On the back was a crude hand-drawn map, presumably leading to multiple SCP-6821 settlements. Unfortunately, due to a lack of markings and overall poor quality, the map was deemed unusable. Notice: You are currently viewing an outdated iteration of this file. To view the current iteration of this file, please click here. « SCP-6820 | SCP-6821 | SCP-6822 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6821" by TopDownUnder, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: cegua.jpg Name: Siguanaba Author: Orlando Callejas License: CC BY-SA 4.0/3.0/2.5/2.0/1.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Filename: page.jpg Author: TopDownUnder License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: [page.jpg SCP Wiki] Filename: zero.jpg Name: Connla and the fairy maiden - Project Gutenberg etext 19993 Author: Project Gutenberg License: CC-0 Source Link: Wikimedia Filename: hugo.jpg Name: Yuri Cunza Author: Jay27 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "An SCP-6821 instance, as described by Agent Callejas. An illustration believed to depict an instance of SCP-6821-0. "We're Sorry""
[-1.12979477e-02 8.82644057e-02 -2.09434316e-01 -2.52200872e-01 2.16833390e-02 -1.36336401e-01 1.98296636e-01 1.24562673e-01 -6.42120168e-02 3.38923424e-01 7.20235780e-02 3.40540111e-01 3.97631645e-01 -1.79852933e-01 1.01903044e-01 -1.51616767e-01 1.23931564e-01 2.04047441e-01 4.14669514e-02 -2.29474485e-01 -6.47607772e-03 5.02372123e-02 7.82512315e-03 2.28592798e-01 -1.14113390e-01 -1.69419453e-01 -9.74845737e-02 -1.35381877e-01 -3.33919525e-02 -3.22481990e-01 6.72892928e-02 6.82419240e-01 -1.16425499e-01 -2.70445291e-02 -1.05338353e-04 -1.73511550e-01 3.29315096e-01 6.59932056e-03 -1.51426746e-02 1.24195009e-01 8.82007331e-02 -5.03650606e-01 -2.77236756e-02 -2.61325032e-01 2.09491342e-01 3.19550782e-02 -9.17396992e-02 4.63710070e-01 2.56490886e-01 1.89252168e-01 2.47963250e-01 -2.71765709e-01 -1.36831120e-01 1.91038892e-01 6.36852503e-01 1.12194903e-01 -7.59388581e-02 -3.79070729e-01 4.13852900e-01 4.05841917e-02 2.83583790e-01 3.36824745e-01 -2.83425063e-01 -1.94218323e-01 3.00414294e-01 -1.82748869e-01 1.90474734e-01 4.76999674e-03 3.88161629e-01 4.37615871e-01 2.16711327e-01 -5.33147678e-02 1.42722696e-01 -5.08139422e-03 -5.34911864e-02 -1.50868177e-01 2.20024064e-02 5.38146012e-02 1.41800925e-01 8.68549421e-02 -1.02875710e-01 -6.69784844e-02 -1.79201320e-01 2.41247922e-01 8.79251957e-02 6.49236560e-01 -9.15736035e-02 -7.74952844e-02 6.38911799e-02 1.44882649e-02 1.82021540e-02 -1.20128304e-01 -1.80155933e-01 2.19061583e-01 3.53292972e-01 9.16857347e-02 1.58709586e-01 2.26928636e-01 2.45589204e-02 -2.03851491e-01 3.65980834e-01 4.13332522e-01 1.56315163e-01 1.23193718e-01 6.98851198e-02 4.13067520e-01 -2.27493122e-02 1.99013017e-02 1.44176230e-01 -3.36858258e-02 6.08221591e-02 4.60492410e-02 -1.12721696e-02 3.13207656e-02 -1.33990139e-01 -2.45324284e-01 -1.16634756e-01 -1.19788811e-01 4.51837867e-01 1.35466501e-01 3.54933679e-01 -2.11877003e-01 -3.94140214e-01 3.90502214e-01 3.24879915e-01 3.88854027e-01 -3.88191678e-02 -1.74088608e-02 -7.44561404e-02 -2.04562396e-01 -1.00759141e-01 1.28846198e-01 -1.06429853e-01 -1.97705794e-02 -2.87561178e-01 5.58373854e-02 -6.54640375e-03 -9.39897448e-02 3.50987583e-01 -2.62108088e-01 -1.25187799e-01 2.95586944e-01 1.64815471e-01 7.47161955e-02 -1.68109417e-01 -1.54540285e-01 3.29668492e-01 -4.40297544e-01 -2.60516703e-01 2.06980541e-01 1.76860943e-01 -3.64283621e-01 -3.89854640e-01 1.38962716e-01 -2.58586377e-01 -1.12762824e-02 -6.12149797e-02 3.64652097e-01 1.83543444e-01 2.27266066e-02 4.48226035e-01 9.29650515e-02 -1.77268863e-01 1.11689515e-01 -2.58437902e-01 1.85529456e-01 -1.78643256e-01 -3.89756560e-01 -4.69528511e-02 7.48078451e-02 1.92728877e-01 -1.59914374e-01 -1.49715796e-01 1.23572387e-01 3.25890929e-01 -3.95399749e-01 3.30365092e-01 -2.33968839e-01 -4.18520659e-01 1.02537237e-01 1.06785715e-01 2.03792408e-01 2.95554459e-01 -3.65336418e-01 1.21293411e-01 1.16378084e-01 -5.37509799e-01 -1.81605041e-01 4.97791283e-02 1.47161216e-01 -4.29531574e-01 2.87126675e-02 -1.53012753e-01 8.88106450e-02 1.50320396e-01 1.87931322e-02 1.45624459e-01 -3.18286791e-02 2.61382043e-01 -1.76206529e-01 6.31964579e-02 -2.36763641e-01 1.45874858e-01 1.75394148e-01 1.99741021e-01 2.18492657e-01 -4.85964157e-02 1.48911756e-02 3.54820728e-01 3.04674029e-01 6.61626738e-03 -1.65492758e-01 -1.40100911e-01 -1.20266475e-01 -2.95563936e-01 -5.05006015e-01 1.60494104e-01 -1.31349871e-02 3.84553038e-02 6.69417009e-02 -8.03474486e-02 2.73155738e-02 -1.05245821e-01 -1.88238099e-01 2.44645342e-01 -2.67616902e-02 -2.44752988e-01 2.67409794e-02 -2.54082322e-01 3.11080337e-01 -2.06332549e-01 -2.29261413e-01 -3.05211067e-01 1.01619445e-01 -2.50594437e-01 5.36509156e-01 3.39438510e-03 3.09347540e-01 6.36761785e-02 -2.96342969e-01 3.12634647e-01 2.19920352e-02 4.15941961e-02 -3.27955484e-02 -3.27652961e-01 2.55240530e-01 -1.28952190e-01 3.35914075e-01 -2.37481132e-01 -2.94911176e-01 1.32671967e-01 1.58992425e-01 -3.27384740e-01 -1.16824478e-01 6.72759488e-02 4.25999582e-01 1.90736074e-02 1.04301460e-01 3.32419313e-02 2.12592766e-01 3.39007050e-01 -7.70266950e-02 4.47165268e-03 2.15670034e-01 9.89886224e-02 -3.53928536e-01 1.42916471e-01 9.00979191e-02 -1.15184776e-01 2.08983570e-01 -2.12478295e-01 2.32418731e-01 2.01344162e-01 -1.93035856e-01 2.09828526e-01 3.62626255e-01 -2.82894015e-01 6.58553690e-02 7.19889477e-02 1.90437466e-01 -7.78973624e-02 -2.56990194e-01 -2.65749514e-01 1.32728949e-01 1.25483871e-01 2.80219093e-02 1.98366448e-01 -1.45242587e-02 -1.46565130e-02 7.79670700e-02 9.26885307e-02 -2.44821623e-01 2.61360377e-01 -3.64154786e-01 -4.29566912e-02 2.88141906e-01 -3.11026067e-01 7.18181729e-01 -2.52175391e-01 1.13456003e-01 -3.96096230e-01 -5.70221603e-01 -1.73467711e-01 8.25716481e-02 -1.05224915e-01 4.83382344e-02 -1.28508464e-01 -3.85577291e-01 2.13127673e-01 -8.98489952e-02 -3.57941926e-01 2.56250322e-01 -2.05852643e-01 -2.15826958e-01 1.96935497e-02 -1.16081037e-01 -5.60402945e-02 -2.74081349e-01 1.37535602e-01 -5.09042256e-02 1.68131709e-01 8.89726356e-02 -2.39323065e-01 -2.30074361e-01 -1.86355114e-01 -3.00466008e-02 -1.74176740e-03 -3.66713822e-01 1.70522243e-01 -1.69307128e-01 2.48776019e-01 3.44791333e-03 4.21697497e-02 8.84113684e-02 -1.08048171e-01 4.68233079e-02 6.92172199e-02 -1.27543539e-01 1.39155552e-01 -1.44552901e-01 -7.59337991e-02 -1.39868721e-01 -2.08894402e-01 3.47956866e-01 -4.76831943e-01 -4.77572799e-01 1.90283164e-01 -2.06892453e-02 1.86796397e-01 -2.68490128e-02 3.94541174e-02 4.11855191e-01 1.91204801e-01 -2.48643652e-01 -3.72589496e-03 -1.20086230e-01 -6.38135254e-01 9.35294554e-02 -1.06629720e-02 -2.11427301e-01 -6.63756505e-02 -1.28640488e-01 6.95076346e-01 -1.60382822e-01 2.63213992e-01 1.42759115e-01 2.73305744e-01 4.17133749e-01 2.12987177e-02 -2.88859814e-01 2.96898037e-01 -7.97400102e-02 -2.48828977e-01 5.32779276e-01 -1.27314376e-02 -3.94402713e-01 -1.21407434e-01 -5.80476038e-02 -2.77073294e-01 -1.64121747e-01 1.32743075e-01 3.58214885e-01 2.06156056e-02 6.96160048e-02 -9.30141136e-02 6.86063468e-02 3.83259505e-02 1.77151039e-01 4.66573209e-01 -4.33543444e-01 -4.26805317e-02 -7.05678046e-01 -1.23066932e-01 2.02453043e-02 2.97667950e-01 -2.43774094e-02 -6.47936285e-01 1.66086704e-02 -2.39729747e-01 2.11693838e-01 -1.90202415e-01 3.66416909e-02 -3.51058513e-01 -2.08567813e-01 5.38565099e-01 7.90655017e-02 -7.62600303e-02 -3.03527415e-01 -2.68732041e-01 -4.83304918e-01 4.57610309e-01 -1.30941212e-01 1.05067350e-01 -1.48105219e-01 2.83384696e-02 -3.51583630e-01 -8.57891142e-02 -1.56634703e-01 -2.01376453e-01 2.50547100e-02 -3.58994007e-01 4.07181889e-01 -2.27998316e-01 -1.44560546e-01 -4.29723293e-01 -1.08029500e-01 2.97257692e-01 2.16385260e-01 -2.59848297e-01 5.06555021e-01 -3.38821650e-01 1.51488751e-01 -3.90698969e-01 2.24517845e-02 -4.21066731e-01 1.82476360e-02 2.87439674e-02 -2.97214836e-01 -2.10208267e-01 -2.26114541e-01 -4.65554088e-01 2.24132985e-01 3.69845152e-01 2.75209725e-01 -7.68350363e-02 -1.35736018e-01 1.74969107e-01 1.42228186e-01 -9.47724134e-02 -1.22188650e-01 2.27868855e-01 2.43885517e-01 -1.89022094e-01 2.23574355e-01 -1.81204781e-01 -4.25487071e-01 -4.35134381e-01 2.86136240e-01 -1.15897380e-01 5.36133826e-01 2.08900496e-01 1.23335803e+00 1.29591450e-01 1.94345728e-01 -4.27935392e-01 -2.69613534e-01 3.50943148e-01 -1.31324649e-01 -1.03643604e-01 1.44919410e-01 1.78896442e-01 8.06345120e-02 2.22930089e-01 7.71755800e-02 1.65516630e-01 -7.78295636e-01 7.50899967e-03 -2.54518420e-01 -1.53494790e-01 1.02657445e-01 -5.06613031e-03 1.43307671e-01 -1.61531240e-01 1.55918285e-01 1.61839396e-01 1.14486832e-02 1.69927865e-01 -1.75789118e-01 2.21824065e-01 -1.17208123e-01 -1.75433606e-01 -2.94607103e-01 1.64791539e-01 1.52831823e-01 -2.98928350e-01 1.04678854e-01 -2.22247243e-01 2.08701894e-01 5.41636646e-01 1.48568317e-01 -1.82643570e-02 1.91993937e-02 2.44968623e-01 3.48301977e-01 1.44033790e-01 -1.28906012e-01 1.77263409e-01 4.61266972e-02 -1.79523170e-01 -2.91123509e-01 3.67069840e-02 -1.32444903e-01 1.03118673e-01 -1.71417251e-01 6.69894367e-02 5.65747082e-01 3.20423879e-02 7.99829438e-02 3.10190648e-01 -6.63775131e-02 -5.05978584e-01 2.20085576e-01 -6.46356121e-02 -3.37640010e-02 7.46977106e-02 2.52346039e-01 -3.01991165e-01 6.39867485e-02 -3.44156682e-01 3.40007320e-02 -2.08895341e-01 -4.15409394e-02 8.31996500e-02 -2.93436617e-01 -2.89979637e-01 7.40001053e-02 3.01048476e-02 -8.92251879e-02 -2.52176434e-01 -1.04233861e-01 -4.80688751e-01 -1.47108272e-01 6.78233624e-01 1.73459560e-01 3.93180430e-01 -2.21727252e-01 9.08087194e-02 -2.76392996e-02 -2.20004097e-02 3.89330178e-01 1.80773064e-01 -3.11693978e-02 -2.86208749e-01 -4.21518832e-02 6.39194310e-01 -3.77613097e-01 -1.13713503e-01 -2.36376166e-01 -8.00757334e-02 4.09737408e-01 -1.76678583e-01 -1.81764573e-01 -1.23209707e-01 4.80295494e-02 1.31271586e-01 -1.99929237e-01 -3.24103475e-01 -3.42658341e-01 1.34516597e-01 1.42752463e-02 -9.76645872e-02 2.08606675e-01 6.50650442e-01 2.60984719e-01 -3.03811938e-01 2.47383758e-01 -2.59093165e-01 -7.82484487e-02 3.04174095e-01 -1.74507469e-01 3.79501641e-01 -1.92965552e-01 -1.03982784e-01 8.50170925e-02 4.49689329e-01 3.19170266e-01 1.40830711e-01 1.30140528e-01 -1.37337044e-01 5.48710287e-01 2.53979862e-01 4.31769848e-01 4.11091059e-01 -5.82796596e-02 2.10743457e-01 3.21191132e-01 1.60582870e-01 -3.87342036e-01 2.41717398e-01 -1.05920188e-01 -2.36787379e-01 2.23267302e-01 2.64793098e-01 -1.08415157e-01 -1.30618125e-01 -1.18952297e-01 -1.79365605e-01 1.25394553e-01 3.07848185e-01 1.54870823e-01 -2.30444029e-01 3.21427077e-01 2.15333868e-02 4.02371645e-01 -2.97994822e-01 1.52481541e-01 -6.59972504e-02 -1.87904716e-01 -1.88662503e-02 8.93561915e-02 3.02246124e-01 -1.46613464e-01 -1.53590813e-01 2.66405553e-01 3.54382731e-02 3.71415704e-01 7.22957432e-01 4.73143421e-02 2.74815172e-01 4.66998965e-01 2.66785294e-01 -6.26786128e-02 1.39092237e-01 5.98475859e-02 -8.34670886e-02 7.31368840e-01 1.40039623e-01 -2.70555504e-02 3.31322439e-02 3.49145949e-01 -3.09230745e-01 -3.33339386e-02 -1.99595034e-01 -1.97645813e-01 -1.55892968e-01 2.54336506e-01 2.41665635e-02 1.33578032e-01 5.41123524e-02 -4.03084643e-02 1.18166590e-02 4.39964421e-02 -3.93232524e-01 2.92353421e-01 -4.41662930e-02 4.10990193e-02 -9.08677429e-02 2.77407430e-02 -7.46035278e-02 3.19256425e-01 2.82308519e-01 3.66953388e-02 3.36523168e-02 2.02866063e-01 -3.89310211e-01 4.14971709e-02 6.17742240e-02 -6.98738322e-02 1.50611266e-01 5.20107821e-02 -2.79970497e-01 1.01128623e-01 -2.06995174e-01 -9.56136733e-03 -7.57479370e-02 -1.93093434e-01 4.22270447e-02 -1.76424339e-01 1.60725787e-01 -2.27769613e-01 -2.62660503e-01 2.78887779e-01 -4.72051911e-02 1.12764068e-01 -1.09148435e-01 -3.37734222e-02 -4.85066660e-02 -5.27267084e-02 1.02946252e-01 2.82594830e-01 3.62863541e-01 2.21040472e-02 1.52760491e-01 2.92247921e-01 -3.40677023e-01 -1.79681510e-01 3.07845920e-01 -2.09693462e-01 1.12041011e-01 8.73117596e-02 8.54035392e-02 1.99532136e-02 1.98795676e-01 2.62960404e-01 -2.68662840e-01 -1.71734065e-01 -2.75777676e-03 -1.11217521e-01 1.74044088e-01 5.77980459e-01 -4.68625613e-02 1.06754914e-01 9.91778597e-02 -1.12330303e-01 1.75475910e-01 1.42169908e-01 -9.61805985e-04 1.89568866e-02 -1.36190772e-01 -3.58136222e-02 4.87725496e-01 2.27661105e-03 1.81245208e-02 1.81737524e-02 -3.35066095e-02 1.78244218e-01 4.72673140e-02 -1.29105419e-01 3.97224694e-01 5.30496091e-02 -1.11104213e-01 -8.09864998e-02 -1.94302544e-01 1.22977383e-01 1.02448307e-01 3.80945206e-01 -3.93757969e-01 -1.75291359e-01 -3.51390123e-01 2.08257571e-01 -1.26806572e-01 -2.85320431e-01 3.92586039e-03 7.80141726e-02 -9.17792097e-02 -2.56584197e-01 -1.93504661e-01 3.45063359e-01 1.49373174e-01 -4.63570446e-01 -1.61419675e-01 8.87369290e-02 -5.43684922e-02 -5.41493781e-02 -1.31638914e-01 -2.26484314e-01 5.50098009e-02 4.81794737e-02 -3.64751101e-01 -1.57810580e-02 1.02072686e-01 -1.64911315e-01 -2.10924640e-01 2.19887301e-01 -2.06975237e-01 7.18507916e-02 -3.83486092e-01 -3.42178345e-01]
"An Attempt At Confinement" active "Item # : SCP-6822 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6822 must remain under a constant 24-hour surveillance. SCP-6822-A5 has been out-fitted with a doorway, which is constructed of reinforced steel with an electro-release lock mechanism. The lock mechanism on the doorknob will not release unless ██ volts are applied in conjunction with counter-clockwise rotation of the key. Any and all un-authorized personnel, attempting to access SCP-6822's interior, are to be detained, questioned, administered amnestics, as appropriate, and are subsequently to be released. Description: SCP-6822 is a series of caves and tunnels, appearing to be of natural origin. Expanding for an estimated twenty-seven kilometres, the biggest recorded cave is an estimated fifty-eight metres in diametre and thirty metres in height, while the smallest recorded cave is three metres in diametre and ten metres in height. The centre of SCP-68221 appears to have once been a cell to contain an entity if massive proportions. Composed out of Berrylium Bronze, SCP-6822-A0 is also composed out of an unknown material, visually appearing to be granite. SCP-6822-A0 contains the following features: The only known entry-point into SCP-6822 is a wooden door and frame8. SCP-6822-A5 appears to have been breached from the inside. Discovery: SCP-6822 was discovered near a village, near [CLASSIFIED]. Local farmers have reported unusual noises, which emanated from within SCP-6822; Subsequent explorations into SCP-6822 have not discovered any anomalous organism, which may have caused the reported noises. Upon discovery, a heavily damaged placard was recovered, with heavily fainted text, near SCP-6822-A5. The placard's contents are transcribed below: D part e t f Abn r al ti s Experiment Log 6822-001 The following are experiments, conducted on SCP-6822-A1, to test out its durability and resistance to physical damage. ADDENDUM 6822-001 Subject: 4448272003AR-PT4 Report: Non-linear space-time travel achieved. Next stage of Operation Prevention set into motion. Abnormality designated 7953060802AR-7OU must be searched for and found at all costs. Addenda: 7953060802AR-7OU found. Operation Prevention deemed a success. Operation Caged declared. Subject: 7953060802AR-7OU Report: Confinement re-evaluated. Potential escape deemed highly unlikely. Addenda: All employees must remain on high alert around 7953060802AR-7OU. Constant observation is to be maintained. Operation Caged deemed a light success. Subject: 5770227AR-CAM Report: One of ten 5770227AR-CAM's reported to shake violently, without any interaction with employees. It remained so for one week; The reason and meaning behind this is not clear. Addenda: The previous 5770227AR-CAM, which shook violently, disappeared three hours later, as well as an additional 5770227AR-CAM subject. The significance of these occurences are not clear. Employees are tasked to keep an eye on 39719AR-PAO. Subject: 7953060802AR-7OU Report: 7953060802AR-7OU broke out of confinement. 7953060802AR-7OU remains at large, but is suspected to be still in the confines of ADRX-01. Overseers have been contacted to assess the current situation. Awaiting Overseers' orders. Reported casualties: 56. Injured: 102. Addenda: Operation Caged deemed a failure. Operation Saved initiated. [[div class="footer-wikiwalk-nav"]] « SCP-6821 | SCP-6822 | SCP-6823 »" "A small section of SCP-6822's interior."
[ 1.40198380e-01 5.37351053e-03 -1.78235665e-01 -3.67696844e-02 -1.51237801e-01 -3.84542495e-01 3.02144974e-01 1.63078368e-01 6.03580534e-01 1.98516726e-01 -6.61962703e-02 2.32817754e-01 -2.89301425e-01 -1.54216915e-01 4.00067359e-01 1.96571827e-01 5.11174984e-02 1.71133965e-01 -2.06373319e-01 -2.69856215e-01 -3.06115538e-01 -2.00044423e-01 -3.14989507e-01 1.69650689e-01 2.02605743e-02 -9.78399068e-02 3.68945897e-02 1.06724717e-01 8.38985890e-02 -5.11972129e-01 -2.15513296e-02 2.20957801e-01 -1.85875311e-01 5.69539726e-01 -1.05668514e-04 -1.03896245e-01 -2.66235881e-02 1.45885106e-02 -2.47702569e-01 1.49064809e-01 -3.51344973e-01 -1.77896172e-01 -2.86858119e-02 -3.54359210e-01 5.51657006e-02 -9.04767588e-02 8.00403282e-02 -1.09212115e-01 3.30501109e-01 2.03753933e-02 2.17777267e-01 -1.33750238e-03 2.78238356e-01 -1.03271611e-01 -4.23093885e-02 1.16614468e-01 -2.09840313e-01 -1.57283306e-01 5.05914092e-01 2.07641214e-01 2.39961252e-01 1.61717415e-01 -1.78240985e-01 -5.77802919e-02 2.07253948e-01 -3.95656645e-01 -2.03826278e-01 -6.70113638e-02 -1.17192836e-02 3.45993787e-01 -2.25846305e-01 -6.74767122e-02 -9.16777998e-02 1.41394451e-01 -2.65796661e-01 -1.43039636e-02 1.60191879e-01 1.99572518e-01 -5.19087762e-02 1.25118598e-01 3.40305306e-02 1.67728022e-01 -3.75280559e-01 -1.99859679e-01 -2.53001958e-01 3.02164435e-01 -1.17237560e-01 5.13877943e-02 5.64075112e-02 -9.33574289e-02 -3.72570939e-02 -1.80024188e-02 3.78565520e-01 3.26653689e-01 1.68144763e-01 -1.10512692e-02 2.37804279e-01 2.00191438e-01 3.09226543e-01 -1.21327057e-01 2.76877314e-01 2.63475090e-01 4.64688726e-02 1.33336246e-01 -6.12421632e-02 -3.66553962e-02 9.97541919e-02 -1.92464769e-01 -3.24745148e-01 3.83075655e-01 -1.69639230e-01 2.94307590e-01 -7.54732266e-02 -3.05919021e-01 1.87755406e-01 -1.40437812e-01 1.04378231e-01 -1.64016243e-02 -4.59782742e-02 4.22231108e-01 -4.84418541e-01 5.25655299e-02 -7.49142468e-02 1.18422076e-01 4.66582775e-01 -2.75094271e-01 1.22925267e-01 2.68171914e-02 -3.80876251e-02 -2.37929262e-03 -2.99882412e-01 3.04409742e-01 -2.06365749e-01 -7.83596560e-02 -9.60499495e-02 1.67912528e-01 -2.84662038e-01 8.83451626e-02 -5.59283644e-02 2.06459668e-02 1.07069217e-01 -1.30203366e-01 5.16977012e-01 5.01076043e-01 -1.75403491e-01 -8.07664767e-02 -5.10087386e-02 -3.51895720e-01 -6.60680011e-02 5.55578358e-02 3.28268051e-01 -6.23607486e-02 -9.44523066e-02 2.57446229e-01 -1.78412795e-01 3.60042095e-01 2.61679143e-01 -1.87242538e-01 -3.43303263e-01 -1.89222395e-02 2.58613139e-01 5.23348413e-02 -1.79313924e-02 -1.21114671e-01 2.32990399e-01 3.18390131e-01 -2.13291794e-01 9.95165929e-02 -4.56453040e-02 -1.44963190e-02 -3.15915123e-02 4.40554693e-02 -4.96083535e-02 -4.80978517e-03 -2.73469508e-01 3.35193753e-01 -2.98400879e-01 -3.13715264e-02 -3.74792933e-01 -3.23754132e-01 -1.64903820e-01 1.25691921e-01 2.54288852e-01 -3.26954752e-01 -2.39449650e-01 -8.97628292e-02 2.14223668e-01 -1.72080934e-01 3.55029196e-01 -2.33391106e-01 -3.93962204e-01 -3.64006519e-01 5.34247100e-01 2.42548548e-02 5.69236055e-02 -3.07720244e-01 2.57769644e-01 9.49766189e-02 1.68801382e-01 -1.16844252e-02 -2.13130027e-01 6.69995621e-02 4.58894908e-01 -2.70849109e-01 -1.76647440e-01 -1.89449310e-01 -1.01385206e-01 1.09636120e-01 3.59127671e-01 1.53548166e-01 -1.45616510e-03 5.21091372e-02 -3.28459173e-01 1.46525845e-01 -1.83894023e-01 -4.29210037e-01 3.37164313e-01 7.92132914e-02 -2.17955746e-02 -2.87949651e-01 -8.77928808e-02 1.62419915e-01 -1.52626455e-01 -1.17152050e-01 1.69019371e-01 8.79438743e-02 -3.59409332e-01 -5.64711392e-02 -2.41469577e-01 2.14312240e-01 2.19524980e-01 -7.54027069e-02 8.59775394e-02 7.21461251e-02 9.96660516e-02 4.82980996e-01 -2.45275665e-02 5.47246635e-01 -2.15952575e-01 -1.88062325e-01 8.07193294e-02 -5.22234524e-03 1.87304318e-01 -2.95172762e-02 -9.59684923e-02 1.74976453e-01 8.55127424e-02 3.03190619e-01 1.59139976e-01 -1.94443524e-01 2.82169543e-02 -4.39987183e-01 -1.35510221e-01 6.54337276e-03 2.59200573e-01 1.96563333e-01 1.33065417e-01 2.34652802e-01 -7.80421272e-02 1.28609966e-02 -1.86105266e-01 1.96953416e-01 3.52355897e-01 7.97047615e-02 7.51690418e-02 -2.33348399e-01 1.70947820e-01 4.27325487e-01 -8.13439935e-02 1.23206683e-01 1.78794578e-01 -5.29649407e-02 -7.62564093e-02 -1.18042730e-01 8.98280591e-02 -4.21176292e-02 1.38385758e-01 2.87907630e-01 1.81504130e-01 2.89771825e-01 -6.75385222e-02 -2.04389423e-01 -2.15415612e-01 -1.70566067e-01 -1.95456281e-01 5.32247983e-02 -1.35905251e-01 1.85478300e-01 -1.22514933e-01 2.16108412e-01 1.82346195e-01 -1.58888772e-01 1.73317622e-02 -9.84933898e-02 -2.09131852e-01 1.43474385e-01 -1.53751327e-02 1.59543946e-01 -1.03638954e-01 3.06938469e-01 -5.05771756e-01 1.44326076e-01 5.19503355e-02 1.05598718e-01 -1.83906928e-01 2.41537377e-01 5.87592244e-01 -1.05309365e-02 -1.57618728e-02 -1.48205534e-01 -4.94812697e-01 1.86420470e-01 -7.01571852e-02 -1.20010197e-01 2.78798014e-01 1.66024312e-01 3.21429176e-03 -4.39382136e-01 1.91367432e-01 -3.31546396e-01 -5.10873906e-02 -1.94803125e-03 -5.53953201e-02 1.41496971e-01 -2.68350005e-01 9.93124768e-03 -2.48088643e-01 -2.83743858e-01 3.21563452e-01 -7.68505707e-02 2.22134694e-01 4.89862025e-01 1.59184039e-01 5.51878273e-01 3.01292539e-01 -1.54457748e-01 -1.42258197e-01 -1.32196680e-01 1.29414454e-01 1.30596366e-02 -3.29630524e-02 -2.42757574e-01 -3.02336782e-01 2.46028662e-01 1.85532555e-01 -2.99647063e-01 -1.90500349e-01 1.04339458e-02 4.22861464e-02 -1.41954958e-01 -3.83083522e-01 5.54259121e-01 -1.05502363e-02 -3.41438174e-01 -3.07358503e-01 -2.63150837e-02 1.85677353e-02 1.99546963e-01 2.26696759e-01 -4.89943266e-01 -5.94942495e-02 3.90914559e-01 2.49214038e-01 -1.73562586e-01 -1.53703336e-02 1.00927629e-01 5.93346022e-02 1.58329889e-01 4.29889839e-03 -1.62877381e-01 3.19551349e-01 1.63044348e-01 -6.30021036e-01 -2.57598534e-02 -1.37813389e-01 -1.57408789e-01 -5.87989204e-03 -4.37336862e-02 -4.00496095e-01 -1.96103185e-01 -1.22091219e-01 6.57949746e-01 4.97412205e-01 -1.81488171e-01 -1.47899196e-01 7.79865533e-02 -7.21781235e-03 -1.72993749e-01 1.89904526e-01 1.33358240e-01 -1.07967407e-01 -2.75938570e-01 -4.52464670e-02 -2.48966336e-01 1.92060411e-01 1.43332735e-01 2.43553985e-02 -3.62242103e-01 -1.43165752e-01 2.80543625e-01 -3.08503419e-01 8.98700580e-02 1.16913445e-01 5.28364420e-01 4.69614506e-01 3.69291902e-01 -4.53698754e-01 9.25092474e-02 -2.68797725e-01 -3.33455130e-02 4.34943080e-01 -2.03063041e-01 -1.59447581e-01 -8.75524655e-02 -3.09951603e-01 2.07922280e-01 2.27787793e-01 3.09585780e-01 1.71248525e-01 -3.85093331e-01 -3.36845309e-01 7.17632473e-02 2.18424648e-01 -2.56866693e-01 7.51838973e-03 -1.03086069e-01 2.10774481e-01 3.00281286e-01 1.49442837e-01 -2.98209302e-03 1.51495919e-01 4.75599840e-02 -1.02123685e-01 1.66027889e-01 1.27070308e-01 7.20043004e-01 1.83909477e-04 1.80118024e-01 5.42385638e-01 1.12475090e-01 -1.28672108e-01 1.19111098e-01 5.93760371e-01 2.83881854e-02 -1.91673830e-01 -1.66234583e-01 2.56589204e-01 -2.99500555e-01 1.33718282e-01 3.57456058e-01 -4.65523899e-02 2.34760508e-01 8.08778033e-02 1.10333443e-01 -5.89418709e-02 -3.64670128e-01 6.65237978e-02 4.83901381e-01 -2.52021700e-01 1.96445197e-01 4.10185754e-01 1.18454063e+00 1.17781520e-01 1.51956633e-01 3.33818555e-01 -6.66958690e-01 -1.47994995e-01 -9.76877753e-03 -3.71536404e-01 3.10840625e-02 2.70859599e-01 6.01252578e-02 -3.45701218e-01 2.41532832e-01 2.18923882e-01 -4.34559524e-01 -3.66432935e-01 -5.09475470e-01 -2.58768231e-01 2.46266481e-02 1.19937949e-01 -2.67644882e-01 1.26259863e-01 1.47291288e-01 2.47258902e-01 -1.59915596e-01 2.86572594e-02 3.31061520e-02 4.86651994e-02 2.00952869e-02 -1.01038352e-01 -2.94439971e-01 1.65403038e-01 5.84360510e-02 2.15603352e-01 1.15933187e-01 -4.23233062e-01 3.21148247e-01 2.38991622e-03 -1.81120098e-01 -2.92646997e-02 -1.67759150e-01 2.78503090e-01 4.23644483e-01 2.32622642e-02 1.85572758e-01 -4.40915972e-02 1.23113863e-01 -2.85748169e-02 7.42828473e-02 -3.23773595e-03 -2.49761909e-01 -2.44944736e-01 -9.53384712e-02 2.70751208e-01 4.70671117e-01 -2.68404305e-01 3.24713081e-01 1.40242547e-01 -2.60474741e-01 -2.32740030e-01 2.54166067e-01 -1.53061837e-01 -3.55203226e-02 4.46309149e-02 7.16379136e-02 -2.46177450e-01 1.51745081e-01 4.06483322e-01 4.48819175e-02 4.12613340e-02 5.80168426e-01 2.43678987e-02 -2.93860823e-01 -5.11721075e-01 1.63102493e-01 -1.63089424e-01 -5.72813228e-02 -8.69321637e-03 -2.75491357e-01 -1.22909710e-01 -1.79088227e-02 3.95501852e-01 8.42847899e-02 -2.17810065e-01 -1.70025408e-01 -1.02221355e-01 1.05578259e-01 -4.30990569e-02 -1.86883211e-01 2.82554865e-01 -1.68195605e-01 6.31057322e-01 -5.60448505e-02 1.85180113e-01 -4.51567978e-01 2.16989502e-01 -1.57232270e-01 -5.38773797e-02 -6.47227615e-02 -1.83230892e-01 -1.67881921e-01 -3.66521835e-01 2.06567347e-01 1.07802764e-01 -2.89775938e-01 -2.71522969e-01 -1.64744735e-01 1.02363579e-01 -1.70172587e-01 -3.05909783e-01 9.68494341e-02 -8.57577100e-02 2.81197906e-01 1.90758646e-01 -1.63716689e-01 2.56769598e-01 1.51080266e-01 6.02394976e-02 5.24153486e-02 3.77972245e-01 5.98485135e-02 -2.34020859e-01 2.20288169e-02 3.61922026e-01 -7.31778145e-02 -1.76405653e-01 -1.78849623e-01 -1.23690382e-01 8.51088539e-02 3.25139433e-01 -7.07061738e-02 2.05591753e-01 1.91219047e-01 1.00813195e-01 -2.79234461e-02 1.57245651e-01 4.72753495e-02 -2.06344336e-01 -4.37915772e-01 -2.16228917e-01 -2.63381332e-01 3.27881783e-01 -1.04295500e-02 2.21841186e-01 -2.90696234e-01 9.84760970e-02 2.01746332e-03 1.17029615e-01 -8.83916486e-03 -1.52091265e-01 1.57322228e-01 2.70645209e-02 -3.37606599e-03 1.11689724e-01 2.53263023e-02 2.32982621e-01 -3.71132702e-01 -1.66342065e-01 -1.83165539e-02 -1.28445923e-02 3.93221647e-01 1.55472279e-01 2.01239064e-01 6.78573027e-02 1.45935208e-01 3.72313052e-01 2.19453037e-01 1.94512218e-01 -3.22670102e-01 -6.15654625e-02 -1.86350837e-01 -2.10909341e-02 -7.50437975e-02 4.36435252e-01 -3.72649670e-01 1.77018985e-01 4.17817645e-02 1.05600730e-01 9.72688720e-02 7.21799582e-02 8.05667788e-03 -1.93782791e-01 -2.72431403e-01 -2.85959423e-01 5.29475175e-02 1.67189553e-01 1.06902160e-01 2.10725907e-02 1.50659084e-01 1.07114643e-01 -3.39496061e-02 7.19851479e-02 4.44106877e-01 -2.82647908e-01 2.78091729e-01 3.52301717e-01 -2.03541666e-01 6.08318448e-02 2.88128823e-01 2.80390233e-01 -1.60466969e-01 -3.96169782e-01 1.81169897e-01 -1.57389358e-01 -1.56364903e-01 -3.02119493e-01 -1.19189665e-01 3.37711453e-01 -1.57850403e-02 2.21497476e-01 1.65561125e-01 -2.69612670e-01 -2.11789727e-01 1.19742177e-01 2.45732352e-01 -3.64377685e-02 2.27221385e-01 -2.42299497e-01 -9.41299424e-02 1.03623882e-01 -1.92216650e-01 -1.75708979e-01 -1.59920931e-01 -2.77628511e-01 -5.49299158e-02 2.56814808e-01 -5.25477156e-02 1.14120498e-01 -6.04477897e-02 4.71266210e-01 3.92480157e-02 2.58205593e-01 -1.33479133e-01 -6.46602452e-01 -3.16263825e-01 2.54852355e-01 -1.61423996e-01 -2.54287243e-01 -1.73571870e-01 8.97691697e-02 1.29543338e-02 -5.01880795e-02 -2.22691055e-02 1.22215919e-01 -2.77812332e-01 -2.27401748e-01 -3.33441377e-01 2.38024279e-01 3.89973462e-01 -4.99710105e-02 -1.09703504e-01 5.06795049e-02 6.66882470e-02 -1.81555331e-01 1.77481607e-01 1.02225848e-01 -2.24880412e-01 8.43225941e-02 7.04931259e-01 5.86498618e-01 -1.94024026e-01 1.76807433e-01 -8.22454244e-02 -1.93884447e-01 3.83101888e-02 -2.11830139e-02 1.37461182e-02 -2.88336296e-02 2.67627351e-02 1.60425559e-01 8.82653520e-02 -8.89066234e-02 2.38810197e-01 2.77983785e-01 -2.42038574e-02 6.39608875e-02 -2.01041505e-01 6.68539926e-02 -2.44298540e-02 2.24185437e-01 1.43894712e-02 3.75198811e-01 1.17872335e-01 -6.07040757e-03 -2.60891169e-01 -5.20739079e-01 5.75761259e-01 1.09732330e-01 -3.13330621e-01 1.21899433e-02 1.37147844e-01 -2.11096272e-01 -1.07749984e-01 -5.93377829e-01 -3.72161597e-01 9.02901366e-02 1.53673381e-01 -2.48480350e-01 -2.14240789e-01 -1.20108329e-01 -2.20363498e-01 -6.05740063e-02 5.25652230e-01 1.10518068e-01 1.20850734e-01 -3.84142488e-01 -6.81783780e-02]
"I am not Johnathan Hill" active "SCP-6826 - I am Not Johnathan Hill by SynthPanda_ More by this author Special Containment Procedures: All living SCP-6826 units are to be contained in 3 interconnected standard human containment cells. SCP-6826-D is contained within the other SCP-6826 instances' quarters. All SCP-6826 instances in containment are implanted with tracking devices, which can also be used to dispatch of the instances via non-lethal shocks to the nervous system, in case of an attempt at escape or violence. SCP-6826-A, SCP-6826-B and SCP-6826-C are permitted to interact with facility staff, however this is a privilege, and not a right, and should be revoked immediately if an instance begins to show hostility towards staff. SCP-6826-D is to be provided a live house cat every 40 days, while SCP-6826-A, SCP-6826-B and SCP-6826-C are to be provided a live organism from the family Hominidae1 every 40 days. Physiological services are available to staff working with SCP-6826 instances, as well as SCP-6826 instances themselves, in order to help them cope with the disturbing nature of SCP-6826's feeding routine. Description: SCP-6826 refers to six entities, two of whom are deceased, who appear to be identical to the Hill Family2, and their pet house cat3. Despite this, all three living human instances claim not to be the same individual which they biologically match, maintaining that the Family all suffered a massive headache, causing them to black out for several minutes, leading to all SCP-6826 instances' first conscious moments. SCP-6826-D does not appear to have the ability to confirm nor deny these allegations, although its existence suggests that the explanation given by the other SCP-6826 instances is accurate. SCP-6826 entities all have the ability to afflict a state of paralysis within other living mammals, which will take 150-170 hours to dissipate. While the subject cannot sleep, eat, drink or breath during this period, they are kept not only alive but will appear to be well fed, well rested, and fully hydrated by all known measures, even if they sustained major damage to their body during this period. Effected subjects are fully capable of moving their eyes, and occasionally capable of making other small body movements, such as bending one of their digits. The chemical or biological cause of this effect has yet to be discovered. SCP-6826 entities appear to have a drive to seek out and consume biological instances similar to themselves once every two months4, which they must eat alive under the influence of their primary anomalous effect in order to survive5. This has caused great psychological stress to the humanoid instances of SCP-6826. Addendum 6826.2: Discovery Authorities came to investigate the Hill residence after Margret Hill was reported missing by her parents, who had not heard from her or her family in over 48 hours. Authorities arrived at the Hill's residence, but failed to report back for more than one hour, prompting local authorities to send backup. Two FBI agents, who were in the area investigating the disappearance of Alex Flynn, were also alerted. The two officers who were initially sent to the house were found within the Hill's dinning room, and were rushed to the hospital as they were apparently effected with the paralytic agent used by SCP-6826 instances. Agents also discovered the body of Alex Flynn in the basement. Ms Flynn was missing the lower half of her body, along with two of the fingers on her right hand, and most of her blood. She was also rushed to the hospital, but intercepted by Foundation agents, who became aware of the situation through the UIU. SCP-6826-F was later discovered dead in the Hill Bedroom. Cause of death was determined to be starvation. The Foundation managed to locate the Hill Family 20 miles from their home, driving from the farm to an unknown destination7. SCP-6826-B, who was apparently driving, had veered off of the road to avoid an object in the road, causing the vehicle to flip and collide with a tree. All instances were unconscious, and the Foundation was able to give them proper medical care. Audio log SCP-6826.3 Interviewed: SCP-6826-B Interviewer: Dr. Collins Forward: Interview took place shortly after SCP-6826-B gained consciousness. The Foundation did not believe SCP-6826-B to be anomalous at the time. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Collins: Good Morning Mr. Hill, how are you feeling? SCP-6826-B: I’m not Johnathan Hill. silence, for approximately three seconds. Dr. Collins: I'm sorry? SCP-6826-B: Johnathan Hill is gone. I am not Johnathan Hill. Dr. Collins: I see. Who are you then? SCP-6826-B does not respond. Dr. Collins: Very well, we were wondering if you could tell us anything about the condition of Alex Flynn. SCP-6826-B does not respond. Dr. Collins:(clearly frustrated) Could you please explain to me how the body of Alex Flynn ended up in your basement? SCP-6826-B: Yeah. It was the one in Don’s body. He did it. Dr. Collins: So Donald Hill is responsible for the death of Alex Flynn? SCP-6826-B: No. We all are. Dr. Collins: Mr. Hill, are you confessing to the murder of- SCP-6826-B: I AM NOT JOHNATHAN HILL! Dr. Collins backs up against the wall as SCP-6826-B moves out of its bed, shouting. SCP-6826-B: Johnathan Hill is fucking dead ok? He died along with the rest of his goddamned family and now I’m here. Dr. Collins: Guards, please restrain him. Guards rush towards SCP-6826-B, and attempt to detain him, however one gets within arms reach of SCP-6826-B and it hits the guard, apparently paralyzing him. SCP-6826-B: Fuck! I’m sorry I’m sorry I- SCP-6826-B is successfully incapacitated. <END LOG> Interview log SCP-6826-C-Alpha Interviewed: SCP-6826-B Interviewer: Dr. Connors Forward: Interview took place shortly after initial containment. SCP-6826-B and Dr. Collins are separated by a wall of bulletproof glass, as the Foundation believed SCP-6826 hostile to human life at this point. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Collins: Good morning, SCP-6826-B. Are you ready to have a conversation today. SCP-6826-B: Yeah. I'm sorry about yesterday. Yeah. Dr. Collins: No need to worry about it. We'll still help you to the best of our abilities, despite yesterday's incident. Dr. Collins glances down at his clipboard. Dr. Collins: So, you claimed that… Johnathan Hill and his family are dead, despite the fact that by all accounts, you, SCP-6826-A and SCP-6826-C fit the description of Johnathan Hill, Donald Hill and Lauren Hill perfectly. Could you explain what you meant by that? SCP-6826-B: Yeah. Yeah, of course. SCP-6826-B pauses for about two seconds. SCP-6826-B: God, this is going to be really hard to explain. Let me think. Do you remember your first conscious moment? Dr. Collins shakes their head. SCP-6826-B: Well I do. My first moment was me picking myself up off the floor of the Hill's living room, two months ago. My first ever waking moment. I had all of John's memories leading up to that moments but, well, I had taken John's place. I could just tell. I first thought I must be having some sort of existential crisis, but looking into their eyes, the eyes of the others, I could see they had felt it too. Dr. Connors: They meaning? SCP-6826-B: The others. The other ones, the ones you'd call the Hill family. Those who are like me. Dr. Collins: I see. Please continue. SCP-6826-B: For awhile we all tried to pretend like nothing had happened. We played the role of each Hill we'd been assigned by who knows what in order to keep up appearances. But we all knew. It was unspoken but whenever we were together, it was tense. we knew it had happened, and we had no idea what it was, and so we didn't want to address it, and our faces mirrored that reality. Dr. Collins: So, you believe that you are some kind of entity which possessed Mr. Hill? SCP-6826-B: Sort of. Whatever I was before I wasn't conscious. I just was. And now I'm this. Something new. Dr. Collins: And all the others in the Hill family met the same fate? SCP-6826-B: Yes. Dr. Collins: Understood. Please continue. SCP-6826-B: We were able to ignore it but eventually I started to have… dreams. I started to.. to dream about cannibalism. I'd rather not go into any further detail than that. Dr. Collins: Completely understandable. I take it you found these dreams disturbing? SCP-6826-B: Yes. Absolutely, I fucking did. I didn't tell the rest of them I was having these dreams. I didn't want to scare the shit out of them. But its clear they were also having the same intrusive thoughts. Everything came to a head one day in the basement. The cat must have been one of us, too. Before we killed the Hills. One day, the one in Cheryl's body went into the basement and found a cat. It was half eaten alive. All its blood was gone from its body. Ants were picking at its remains but… But its eyes still moved. It was still alive. The one in Cheryl's body decided to end it after that. We reported the death to the police and planned a funeral… SCP-6826-B trails off and looks away. Dr. Collins: I'm very sorry about that. SCP-6826-B does not respond. Dr. Collins: I don't want to rush you, but if you could, could you explain what Mr. Flynn has to do with any of this? SCP-6826-B: Yes. SCP-6826-B takes a moment to gather its thoughts. SCP-6826-B: After that point I began to feel a feeling of, well, something between hunger and fear. I knew if I didn't… you know, feed, I would die soon. I believe the others felt the same way as well. One day, Don came home and he had a body. I don't understand what happened exactly, but he said he touched him and he just… stopped moving. He was still alive. His eyes were still moving. We… No, I, I should have called the goddamn police. Or an ambulance. Or something. Dr. Collins: And why didn't you? SCP-6826-B: If we got the authorities involved, we knew that we would likely either end up in a mental institution, not something we could afford to pay for, or a government lab. Seems like that happened despite my efforts. Dr. Collins: I can assure you, no harm will come to you here. SCP-6826-B is silent for around seven seconds. SCP-6826-B: I'd rather stop talking about this now. Dr. Collins: That's perfectly fine. Thank you for being so cooperative. <END LOG> « SCP-6825 | SCP-6826 | SCP-6827 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6826" by SynthPanda_, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 2.05920309e-01 2.62668878e-01 -9.78909209e-02 -1.52882949e-01 2.76093155e-01 -1.39824226e-01 4.53995198e-01 8.89442489e-02 4.99810785e-01 2.17673600e-01 -7.31365383e-02 4.52507168e-01 -1.08827904e-01 -3.13101828e-01 1.31672561e-01 -5.58389984e-02 1.84221670e-01 2.74077863e-01 1.41685307e-01 -3.75327468e-01 -1.33078411e-01 -1.57278344e-01 -6.65122271e-02 -1.47734163e-02 -2.71564573e-02 -1.35532036e-01 1.15727119e-01 2.33178720e-01 2.45363668e-01 -3.46664488e-01 1.78817264e-03 3.85803610e-01 -1.69426471e-01 3.76918763e-01 -1.08714179e-04 9.43742171e-02 1.63929194e-01 2.57110950e-02 -2.61908114e-01 -5.18149929e-03 -4.53484595e-01 -1.75212361e-02 3.92967835e-02 -1.12013116e-01 -3.45426500e-02 -1.35739828e-02 2.80940145e-01 -5.28481781e-01 5.79523623e-01 8.46013054e-02 1.84343621e-01 2.80983657e-01 8.32338724e-03 -1.42384470e-01 -1.13879323e-01 5.03233433e-01 -3.32634971e-02 3.08570683e-01 8.79735351e-02 2.33685225e-02 1.28481567e-01 1.06490582e-01 -1.19735137e-01 1.56365007e-01 2.12695584e-01 -2.69515365e-01 -1.81504920e-01 1.15534231e-01 1.68673515e-01 4.51017588e-01 -3.48083943e-01 1.07799821e-01 1.59687456e-02 3.52599412e-01 1.51538432e-01 -3.55553925e-02 3.01674396e-01 1.80462062e-01 -7.60809183e-02 1.62804782e-01 -1.92548901e-01 3.95032346e-01 -2.13196859e-01 -4.45906550e-01 -3.56402665e-01 -9.85053852e-02 1.23576261e-02 -1.85785554e-02 -2.38142945e-02 -4.24652919e-02 1.46053880e-01 4.32435758e-02 4.18205261e-01 6.93907440e-02 -2.70725518e-01 -1.44731015e-01 1.25611380e-01 8.90644044e-02 2.15348527e-01 -4.71909910e-01 3.17501217e-01 3.36565673e-02 2.20467865e-01 -6.06631152e-02 1.14668831e-01 -2.58331537e-01 1.48652017e-01 -1.97810326e-02 -2.21115872e-01 2.58053601e-01 -3.00876558e-01 2.07482591e-01 -1.90106347e-01 2.33004108e-01 -1.92902699e-01 -3.04559767e-01 -2.79436797e-01 -5.92695847e-02 -4.60832983e-01 3.94713372e-01 -6.18901730e-01 9.39235836e-02 -1.86535478e-01 2.79093981e-01 3.76383811e-01 1.41206622e-01 5.60727865e-02 -2.66815633e-01 -1.84845142e-02 -2.15587914e-01 -3.32822710e-01 1.72723830e-01 -2.61171579e-01 -2.46892087e-02 -1.03219874e-01 -4.13530558e-01 -1.31346598e-01 9.34557393e-02 3.04829590e-02 1.44233882e-01 -3.49352509e-02 -2.64519062e-02 1.70853898e-01 1.85961261e-01 -1.65253937e-01 -1.63646042e-01 -5.07355947e-03 -4.99407351e-02 6.72436953e-02 -5.21689542e-02 5.58951199e-01 2.18225658e-01 -1.41243085e-01 2.75216997e-01 -1.30777434e-01 -5.05244508e-02 1.99871704e-01 -1.12814099e-01 -3.34835351e-01 -1.40683830e-01 1.71895057e-01 1.42966926e-01 1.10372290e-01 -1.62811086e-01 -1.09715350e-01 4.92369473e-01 -1.98240876e-01 -2.34255731e-01 -1.35814875e-01 6.22973591e-02 -8.59777182e-02 1.33734718e-01 -4.15671989e-02 1.34033933e-01 3.06366324e-01 2.38155991e-01 -2.97333330e-01 -2.27356285e-01 -2.54659474e-01 -1.82069950e-02 -2.05902815e-01 8.94014612e-02 1.75076276e-01 -3.18171889e-01 -5.91494218e-02 2.33644381e-01 1.15748430e-02 -5.02915345e-02 4.52462062e-02 6.73573315e-02 -2.92335361e-01 -4.23973262e-01 2.29344219e-01 1.92020133e-01 -5.00474758e-02 -1.04508959e-01 1.28443345e-01 -9.39653888e-02 3.14988643e-01 -9.04600322e-02 -3.39888841e-01 2.05786839e-01 -3.71510647e-02 1.14698328e-01 -2.05372885e-01 3.34011465e-02 -1.28280506e-01 -1.56199276e-01 5.17425120e-01 4.19725686e-01 7.54503012e-02 -1.59256563e-01 -1.86698288e-01 1.01480566e-01 8.77518132e-02 -2.46806309e-01 2.38872245e-01 3.36306363e-01 -9.10925493e-03 -8.33993182e-02 -1.88468009e-01 3.25898379e-01 -2.57569738e-02 1.04542457e-01 -2.32670039e-01 1.71362907e-01 -1.56805679e-01 1.05151780e-01 2.39382073e-01 2.96175443e-02 2.68056154e-01 -3.17736305e-02 1.83376774e-01 -3.92555669e-02 -7.49857537e-03 5.01047730e-01 -7.60967750e-03 6.23028427e-02 -1.64891541e-01 -2.68614620e-01 2.61642128e-01 2.36319870e-01 2.79313713e-01 -6.01098388e-02 -4.67639774e-01 6.17539324e-02 3.46871287e-01 4.76879776e-02 7.09703192e-02 1.40447877e-02 1.63697720e-01 -3.23952228e-01 -7.13199601e-02 4.60223332e-02 3.22436422e-01 7.37921715e-01 1.60718426e-01 2.32867479e-01 -2.17668802e-01 1.88728809e-01 -2.03804187e-02 -1.15319133e-01 -8.69500339e-02 -2.10390151e-01 -5.11290208e-02 -2.49306679e-01 3.62459034e-01 1.58284247e-01 5.86472526e-02 1.86454877e-01 9.18036178e-02 -2.32837036e-01 -1.51788205e-01 -2.14214474e-01 1.96161922e-02 -1.04415901e-01 -1.18536688e-02 -3.63728777e-02 3.52986187e-01 6.82349876e-02 -4.86658990e-01 -4.66418087e-01 6.38957843e-02 -9.35633294e-03 -3.81587058e-01 6.30473420e-02 -1.98750794e-01 -9.30381864e-02 2.16474578e-01 1.71276033e-01 1.49765804e-01 5.47886044e-02 -6.64303675e-02 7.22119063e-02 -1.27225310e-01 1.14791438e-01 -1.13128699e-01 3.71862143e-01 -2.02158585e-01 3.00153404e-01 -3.14372540e-01 1.16679892e-01 9.94431823e-02 1.33371472e-01 -9.68861803e-02 -8.99894536e-02 4.73974496e-01 -3.22079450e-01 -3.58736277e-01 2.17783779e-01 -1.90268680e-01 2.58421838e-01 -2.08692983e-01 -1.42463163e-01 3.24768215e-01 1.01247638e-01 -2.55159736e-01 -2.01232567e-01 1.30620316e-01 -5.58302402e-01 -1.79510251e-01 -1.15362629e-01 1.98283345e-01 5.86691685e-02 -1.63080141e-01 5.80562390e-02 1.27923042e-01 -1.21974826e-01 3.40061814e-01 -1.68359935e-01 1.08223371e-01 2.62975931e-01 6.11153692e-02 2.61373341e-01 1.12189874e-01 -2.48794824e-01 -1.68168873e-01 -2.78640956e-01 3.97796817e-02 -5.82676567e-02 -4.27684337e-02 -3.27702194e-01 -2.65434116e-01 5.53470254e-01 5.52131608e-02 -1.34972006e-01 1.08894065e-01 -8.18375498e-02 -5.34570031e-02 -2.17929676e-01 -2.26782963e-01 5.28347015e-01 8.83314759e-02 -3.36686283e-01 -2.20365599e-01 -1.20887749e-01 -2.43105479e-02 4.51344959e-02 5.40144630e-02 -3.25775832e-01 2.41757989e-01 -2.54299678e-03 5.47513127e-01 1.58037290e-01 -1.05491839e-02 1.15130292e-02 8.58370140e-02 -1.48608834e-01 3.77249271e-01 -1.83957294e-02 2.82397479e-01 1.84209824e-01 -3.89139324e-01 2.70919263e-01 -1.13984734e-01 5.72921969e-02 -7.97373280e-02 -2.89556861e-01 -4.68985736e-01 -1.58355251e-01 -1.28974676e-01 3.71605158e-01 4.10969555e-01 -1.05973162e-01 -9.43982601e-02 3.39763835e-02 -8.34950805e-02 -5.41919358e-02 1.52238294e-01 6.44651130e-02 -2.08155170e-01 -3.39778244e-01 2.05538407e-01 -2.69032121e-01 3.64190757e-01 -3.56892273e-02 -1.50738627e-01 -8.23742449e-02 -6.98500052e-02 2.07056835e-01 -2.51288533e-01 6.62382022e-02 3.24655563e-01 4.89671290e-01 4.22250539e-01 2.66212523e-01 -4.21768785e-01 1.95999488e-01 -2.23449767e-01 -3.68490309e-01 1.09784633e-01 -2.35012054e-01 -3.02521680e-02 1.22461636e-02 -8.96678865e-02 -3.50377679e-01 1.31844014e-01 -2.01498747e-01 2.01690391e-01 -4.09346640e-01 -1.50218345e-02 2.04462186e-02 6.02786429e-02 -2.00567186e-01 -2.11301550e-01 -2.20162451e-01 2.52048850e-01 1.34232268e-01 4.47964489e-01 1.64437816e-01 -1.78993270e-01 8.83543957e-03 5.94829656e-02 6.11889780e-01 3.92965615e-01 8.03418934e-01 2.42936015e-01 -2.65169442e-02 1.47376522e-01 -1.53862923e-01 8.77657458e-02 2.45502576e-01 7.07164764e-01 2.01180633e-02 6.41363263e-02 1.41920760e-01 2.03602746e-01 4.78709154e-02 1.55587703e-01 1.69850260e-01 -1.35969684e-01 3.71631533e-01 -3.43931377e-01 5.82234323e-01 1.26562536e-01 -3.18531156e-01 -2.47031003e-01 4.29045200e-01 2.71343067e-02 2.14219764e-01 4.44478959e-01 1.17503393e+00 1.74401790e-01 2.96753049e-01 2.73836970e-01 -5.63487113e-01 5.71799099e-01 -1.75918713e-01 8.33590701e-02 -5.47714233e-02 2.79301226e-01 -7.91336969e-02 -2.85184324e-01 9.28179771e-02 4.54265863e-01 -2.52107590e-01 -1.32944793e-01 -6.24424696e-01 -1.86660439e-01 1.04026690e-01 1.76725015e-01 -1.94679931e-01 -2.38529779e-02 -8.02341700e-02 2.24286929e-01 -2.01278217e-02 -1.22390732e-01 -4.11979593e-02 1.18587641e-02 -5.90030514e-02 -6.73858374e-02 1.68400444e-02 1.68898344e-01 -3.59331131e-01 -2.06510052e-01 -5.55210859e-02 -1.47177681e-01 1.16577953e-01 -2.73008168e-01 -1.41219169e-01 -1.76914051e-01 -9.41131860e-02 3.10076356e-01 4.28897917e-01 6.71110600e-02 1.39841959e-01 1.70618117e-01 2.07151651e-01 -1.09117981e-02 -7.62322396e-02 -2.34392419e-01 -1.32741928e-01 -1.88071325e-01 -1.72413528e-01 1.43782422e-03 3.97417992e-01 -1.93833902e-01 5.78333139e-01 1.25641465e-01 -1.26553513e-02 -1.81284979e-01 1.77321672e-01 -1.38521925e-01 1.42090574e-01 -3.16750295e-02 1.07360557e-02 -7.17590451e-02 -1.71656534e-01 5.10058820e-01 2.36171260e-01 -2.54473928e-02 1.69959396e-01 2.89696958e-02 -3.02171916e-01 -4.64230120e-01 -1.47975639e-01 -1.12381093e-02 1.48551390e-01 1.58028305e-01 -1.86862424e-01 -1.95916161e-01 6.79225102e-02 5.54265618e-01 7.95860514e-02 -4.56663147e-02 1.11778732e-02 -9.99098495e-02 -1.08312026e-01 7.75353312e-02 -2.96144664e-01 2.12429479e-01 7.71533698e-02 6.98943079e-01 -1.84439480e-01 3.60273391e-01 -3.86587858e-01 -1.14875801e-01 -6.38554012e-03 -1.60422757e-01 1.84345126e-01 -1.55827790e-01 3.09918880e-01 -2.68060297e-01 2.41943315e-01 1.90306976e-01 -1.02038272e-01 -2.34876648e-01 -3.38184178e-01 1.26392365e-01 4.10205387e-02 -2.44374841e-01 1.38349533e-01 -4.96761054e-02 1.62729815e-01 1.73748732e-01 8.67550001e-02 1.99595496e-01 2.15514079e-01 2.86287755e-01 -3.81327540e-01 1.97979659e-01 8.67319703e-02 -2.20127832e-02 9.91771370e-02 8.77947956e-02 -3.16021621e-01 -1.42699003e-01 9.46749970e-02 -1.45186752e-01 -3.48911621e-02 4.09247607e-01 8.69224668e-02 2.31791943e-01 1.67791918e-01 1.55659586e-01 -5.73515654e-01 1.11240290e-01 -1.23710752e-01 3.97397913e-02 -3.77313167e-01 2.36212220e-02 -1.96564421e-01 3.29739243e-01 -5.83149269e-02 2.97820140e-02 -4.37437654e-01 1.64258823e-01 -2.04793271e-02 9.78516117e-02 -2.67538279e-01 -4.72366810e-01 -2.84310162e-01 -1.53277114e-01 5.86123504e-02 2.65822500e-01 7.68580660e-02 1.53767839e-01 -1.92653686e-01 -1.44738615e-01 3.01228106e-01 3.33227813e-01 5.06536782e-01 3.48202378e-01 4.59587961e-01 -5.60366884e-02 -1.52462676e-01 3.93446833e-01 2.76651800e-01 2.56679147e-01 -6.87112380e-03 1.77129447e-01 -3.79083455e-01 2.32404441e-01 6.91386759e-02 3.46115083e-01 -3.28604460e-01 2.93505266e-02 -2.42406487e-01 -3.98254022e-03 -1.68487653e-02 9.45032388e-03 -1.36145696e-01 -2.09008276e-01 -3.14117253e-01 -8.10596496e-02 7.18915090e-02 8.71309862e-02 4.63237524e-01 2.03225031e-01 6.45670062e-03 7.74396658e-02 -7.94198215e-02 2.35915139e-01 5.22429228e-01 -3.46073836e-01 1.24737762e-01 6.37862608e-02 -1.95695981e-01 2.85074055e-01 3.54918659e-01 1.07224800e-01 -3.48014951e-01 1.23764180e-01 -2.22124010e-01 -2.73527443e-01 -1.11268975e-01 -8.79712030e-02 -9.80115309e-03 2.24301629e-02 2.91229561e-02 1.62143350e-01 1.40294060e-01 -1.72953472e-01 -1.41504169e-01 -1.48848388e-02 3.47066879e-01 -2.27949664e-01 1.66838124e-01 -4.50104058e-01 -1.79559469e-01 1.50244310e-01 -7.47029260e-02 -2.73637414e-01 -1.86663508e-01 -1.66531608e-01 -2.16259677e-02 2.71292299e-01 -4.32565570e-01 1.07585721e-01 -3.10755104e-01 2.41825983e-01 7.96275213e-02 -1.36300609e-01 -5.11853099e-02 -6.23226702e-01 1.12204477e-02 3.11215937e-01 -2.80839413e-01 -2.52968103e-01 -4.41848449e-02 -6.24725521e-02 3.25461477e-01 -1.93516031e-01 1.64249521e-02 1.19714474e-03 -7.42342293e-01 -7.07458407e-02 -9.41600576e-02 6.62009567e-02 -4.41375598e-02 -3.14323068e-01 7.89280981e-02 -2.22745575e-02 2.02336088e-01 -1.34290054e-01 1.14181571e-01 -2.05308795e-01 -1.34056628e-01 1.23700552e-01 2.43169125e-02 4.18847829e-01 3.66135016e-02 2.58846015e-01 -7.16076866e-02 -4.89421189e-01 2.54277706e-01 4.35719222e-01 -3.88561040e-01 1.06976368e-01 1.35267511e-01 2.73297280e-01 1.28925323e-01 2.27050096e-01 3.86078626e-01 1.84331331e-02 -2.97425501e-03 -7.85671622e-02 -5.04606664e-01 -1.57839105e-01 -1.23799756e-01 -3.82428952e-02 3.96689363e-02 4.10179853e-01 -2.93487050e-02 -7.72853941e-02 -3.41397375e-01 -4.66960579e-01 5.29659688e-01 -2.99347788e-01 -1.99968919e-01 -2.09025383e-01 1.66389003e-01 -1.94750562e-01 -1.62072957e-01 -5.96838772e-01 -1.62094399e-01 1.09026037e-01 -1.07434891e-01 -1.58964843e-01 -6.40814975e-02 -1.37500793e-01 -1.02301046e-01 -9.86028984e-02 2.85816163e-01 4.96748872e-02 7.29721636e-02 -1.90412804e-01 -1.24858893e-01]
"THE HAPPY HUG MONKEY" active "SCP-6827 - THE HAPPY HUG MONKEY by SynthPanda_ More by this author This article has recently undergone major changes. A copy of the Classification and Special Containment Procedures as they were before 12/18/2021 can be found bellow: Item #: SCP-6827 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All known instances of SCP-6827-A are kept within a standard air-tight safe located within Site-118. Foundation web crawlers are to search for mentions of SCP-6827 activity. Any of such activity must be reported to the current project head Dr. David Finn. All tests involving SCP-6827 or an SCP-6827-A instance, as well as any actions that may result in an individual viewing an instance of SCP-6827-A, must be approved by Dr. Finn. Efforts to locate the creator or creators of SCP-6827-A and to permanently contain SCP-6827 are ongoing. Special Containment Procedures: Research into the manufacturing and low-scale re-production of SCP-6827-A is ongoing. Any Foundation staff may request an instance of SCP-6827-A be sent to any member of Foundation personnel, including D-Class and sentient anomalies contained by the Foundation. Dr. Andrea Synth, a member of the Ethics Committee and current project head of SCP-6827, is to review all requests for SCP-6827-A distribution. Description: SCP-6827 is a cognitohazardous entity which mainfests as a black furred Lar Gibbon1 wearing a blue cardboard cone on its head, with "สุขสันต์วันเกิด2" written on it in gold foil lettering. SCP-6827's only notable physical difference from non-anomalous Lar Gibbons is its arms, which are approximately two times the size of a baseline Gibbon's, however it exhibits a plethora of anomalous abilities which further separate it from its non-anomalous counterparts. SCP-6827 is intrinsically linked to SCP-6827-A, a series of cards produced by Hallmark Manufacturing Company, featuring a cartoon ape-like creature3 apparently called the "Happy Hug Monkey". The text on the cover of SCP-6827-A reads "THE HAPPY HUG MONKEY IS ON ITS WAY" with "DO NOT RESIST THE HAPPY HUG MONKEY" on the inside of the card. The card is from a series that is not anomalous in nature, and does not appear to have any physical differences to their non-anomalous counterparts. The Foundation has secured over 210 instances of SCP-6827-A. When any sentient individual reads SCP-6827-A, SCP-6827 will typically manifest within their line of sight. SCP-6827 will approach the individual at a speed of approximately 0.9 meters per second. SCP-6827 seems to have an innate sense of where the sentient individual is, and cannot be damaged or impeded by any known means, although it does appear to be affected by gravity. if the subject which views SCP-6827-A attempts to escape, SCP-6827-A is capable of de-manifesting and manifesting closer to its target when unobserved. Upon arriving at its target, SCP-6827 will wrap it arms around the effected individual, giving it a hug lasting anywhere from five seconds to six minutes. Those who interact with SCP-6827 have universally described the experience as pleasant. After this interaction, SCP-6827 will de-manifest, until another individual views an instance of SCP-6827-A. Addendum 6827.1: Discovery All known instances of SCP-6827-A were discovered within the Big C Supercenter located in Bangkok, Thailand, which had been shut down due to reports of a gibbon exhibiting unusual behavior. Local law enforcement was not equipped to handle, much less understand the situation, and the Foundation was quickly alerted to the incident. Foundation agents were sent in to handle the situation, and quickly determined SCP-6827-A to be the source of the anomaly. All 210 instances were confiscated and returned to site-108. Managers of the store reportedly had no recollection of ordering the cards, nor did store records indicate when and where the cards were obtained from. Hallmark Manufacturing Company was not distributing the series of cards within Thailand. Addendum 6827.2: Test Log Addendum 6827.3: Re-designation. To: O5 Council, Dr. Synth From: Dr. Finn Subject: SCP-6827 Esteemed members of the Containment Review Board, For the past six months, Dr. Synth and I have been running a small scale project in order to determine the efficacy of SCP-6827 in assisting with Foundation morale, and thus, Foundation containment methods. We have allowed staff to request the use of SCP-6827-A on any individual within Site-45, Site-72, and Site-108, including D-Class and sentient SCPs. This program has been an unequivocal success. The sites where this was implemented have seen an 82% increase in morale, and more importantly, a 37% increase in productivity. D-class cooperation in all sites was at an all time high within these sites, and many hostile SCPs showed a noted improvement in trust in and cooperation with Foundation personnel. I am formally requesting that SCP-6827 be unclassified to all Foundation staff, and re-designated as a Thaumiel level object. Future research into SCP-6827 should be focused on the reproduction of SCP-6827-A, as well as further uses of SCP-6827 as a way to improve current containment methods. I also strongly suggest that leadership of SCP-6827 be transferred to Dr. Synth, as I believe she will be able to produce the results we seek more effectively than myself. We are not monsters. Let's use this opportunity to remind everyone under our protection of that. Thank you for your consideration - Dr. David Finn « SCP-6826 | SCP-6827 | SCP-6829 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6827" by SynthPanda_, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 2.34100044e-01 -3.23154181e-01 -1.03064716e-01 1.23481534e-01 3.09932262e-01 -3.64336111e-02 -8.09766278e-02 2.52864361e-01 5.69609165e-01 1.56836525e-01 -1.83887389e-02 2.99751073e-01 -2.43874073e-01 -3.00117042e-02 6.91447854e-02 -2.40389496e-01 3.96072268e-01 1.70808315e-01 5.88622391e-01 -3.44286382e-01 -3.73761356e-01 9.58041027e-02 3.01276296e-01 3.61977816e-01 9.98333562e-03 -2.97210425e-01 -1.38841372e-03 2.97872424e-01 -6.14599138e-02 -2.35687628e-01 1.39462873e-01 1.41556412e-01 -1.75030068e-01 3.25551003e-01 -1.12276648e-04 -2.65661627e-01 3.87982637e-01 1.43676028e-01 -1.84079140e-01 -1.07771069e-01 -2.35284001e-01 2.17652768e-01 -2.65857220e-01 -2.79078018e-02 -1.17225416e-01 5.04441448e-02 2.64148563e-01 -6.45529628e-02 3.46361309e-01 1.99093446e-02 1.69568419e-01 8.42684209e-02 2.64899790e-01 -2.11474448e-01 -2.62910966e-03 5.58708012e-01 -1.34460479e-01 1.65281966e-01 4.98303056e-01 -1.25472054e-01 -2.60157138e-02 9.91453417e-03 5.72797805e-02 -4.98992920e-01 1.69141665e-01 -2.70289212e-01 3.84950995e-01 -2.33324602e-01 4.20508198e-02 2.36530349e-01 -7.95745790e-01 1.57032669e-01 4.27284241e-02 -2.19927087e-01 1.36546552e-01 7.25499168e-02 -9.64048207e-02 3.05987418e-01 9.03816968e-02 -1.26700684e-01 -7.72370696e-02 1.63977761e-02 -2.08607167e-01 -1.08309910e-01 -4.65279669e-02 -1.31583661e-02 2.04667691e-02 2.69716419e-02 1.48047209e-01 -1.20374687e-01 -3.17629546e-01 1.59362718e-01 2.53107287e-02 2.83717752e-01 1.09879903e-01 1.87647250e-02 7.66238049e-02 5.34190178e-01 1.55944109e-01 1.52093410e-01 7.86156580e-02 4.35632616e-02 2.13502310e-02 1.76520199e-01 4.50134277e-02 -2.09940031e-01 -8.83091167e-02 1.83959678e-01 -2.31491178e-01 3.82935971e-01 1.70032054e-01 2.79064626e-01 -3.82751048e-01 3.89001906e-01 -1.93508372e-01 -3.02616656e-01 -1.97348297e-01 3.05439264e-01 -2.39947766e-01 1.94274589e-01 -1.88626304e-01 1.54409662e-01 -9.66466591e-02 2.39825100e-01 2.37115026e-01 2.04177946e-01 -3.31025630e-01 -1.79991096e-01 2.19608858e-01 1.57818273e-02 -2.10859686e-01 3.14115494e-01 -2.28488445e-01 -1.99360371e-01 -1.95415672e-02 -8.60111490e-02 -7.49132782e-02 -9.04692262e-02 -4.46815751e-02 1.03521176e-01 -8.54501575e-02 -8.27231482e-02 2.53490478e-01 1.55472279e-01 -2.04440668e-01 -2.60285977e-02 1.19837821e-01 -3.24047096e-02 -2.96354890e-01 -1.52856663e-01 1.97110459e-01 -1.49921980e-03 -4.61790264e-01 1.75241604e-01 -4.22118068e-01 -1.74117595e-01 1.33154929e-01 1.71733722e-02 -1.68062940e-01 1.69907168e-01 3.32066327e-01 -1.01155572e-01 -8.41851458e-02 -4.85098027e-02 -3.73119004e-02 3.14392239e-01 -1.67026110e-02 -3.28880340e-01 -7.63812140e-02 -6.62252903e-02 -1.28132939e-01 1.28722802e-01 -1.71909779e-01 -1.96769223e-01 -7.56866485e-02 1.84719324e-01 -4.15852845e-01 -1.40631005e-01 -1.60325214e-01 -3.91746938e-01 -3.04045707e-01 4.94466126e-01 2.98856616e-01 2.31143516e-02 -4.41501051e-01 1.27374416e-03 -3.73968333e-01 1.23670191e-01 -2.10448150e-02 -1.23375170e-01 -1.65293679e-01 -6.14993453e-01 4.36306000e-01 5.80162294e-02 1.57152593e-01 -1.03460491e-01 6.41603172e-02 -2.11646006e-01 3.64135891e-01 1.02425134e-03 -2.37524807e-01 6.07676292e-03 5.67935586e-01 1.40222728e-01 1.42434582e-01 -1.93334688e-02 -1.54928146e-02 3.57760787e-02 1.92878507e-02 3.90564591e-01 -1.56440094e-01 -1.64437667e-01 -3.68539631e-01 7.20648617e-02 -1.09550871e-01 -2.02130377e-01 1.80360138e-01 1.72343284e-01 5.07510006e-01 -4.35108226e-03 -5.87976016e-02 5.83501697e-01 5.59947342e-02 -3.96401770e-02 -5.26211917e-01 1.66943688e-02 -3.56561355e-02 9.29486454e-02 1.03369333e-01 1.48899972e-01 7.90787190e-02 -1.70096859e-01 3.85977238e-01 3.42794180e-01 -2.28181899e-01 5.09102583e-01 -4.51517291e-02 2.59955764e-01 -9.94607899e-03 1.52390867e-01 1.03828870e-01 2.53622204e-01 1.62099376e-01 6.98423162e-02 -1.54421180e-01 1.68677226e-01 1.01542972e-01 9.40689594e-02 3.58801365e-01 -1.90445051e-01 -2.26185009e-01 1.11289382e-01 -3.33161414e-01 9.12922323e-02 2.04076752e-01 3.51327717e-01 3.23794276e-01 2.34070346e-01 -4.79587495e-01 3.68673325e-01 5.43658316e-01 -1.24522060e-01 -1.47723168e-01 -6.12675387e-04 7.00113224e-03 -6.50851578e-02 1.43743426e-01 2.42204025e-01 -1.94843277e-01 1.07734866e-01 -1.91571936e-01 -1.91316649e-01 -1.23178795e-01 -1.65505081e-01 2.94511557e-01 4.19382043e-02 2.91161865e-01 -2.27994069e-01 4.71751481e-01 -5.71557134e-03 -2.12334320e-01 -1.93821669e-01 -1.87765628e-01 -2.10676238e-01 -2.00318709e-01 3.07771545e-02 2.52320737e-01 -2.22739279e-01 -8.81555006e-02 4.04290995e-03 -2.35983476e-01 -5.43065416e-03 2.38098711e-01 1.53807551e-01 1.64788425e-01 -9.11389105e-03 -2.78639019e-01 5.33747971e-01 -2.05917433e-01 -6.17638901e-02 -5.49231231e-01 -3.27678025e-02 -2.23452732e-01 1.12819783e-01 -2.05454037e-01 -1.74388990e-01 3.17720383e-01 -1.53333545e-01 2.11906001e-01 3.75100672e-01 -3.07402015e-01 2.29912430e-01 -3.46657604e-01 -1.94501758e-01 2.67118812e-01 -1.51646301e-01 -4.00911957e-01 -4.02060032e-01 1.87916771e-01 -6.36821687e-01 -8.68866667e-02 -2.01767072e-01 6.60903901e-02 -1.14645110e-02 -2.35246673e-01 2.53566355e-01 -1.74026594e-01 -3.09120901e-02 6.26468658e-01 6.23081848e-02 4.53766584e-02 3.07388783e-01 1.11663066e-01 4.07545120e-02 -9.63369533e-02 -3.21077526e-01 -2.48966098e-01 -7.20794261e-01 1.73032537e-01 7.04613775e-02 -4.88043725e-02 -2.31210753e-01 -1.64371774e-01 4.38976556e-01 2.72087492e-02 -8.81522894e-02 5.20772636e-02 -1.96371526e-01 2.77249664e-01 1.62285250e-02 -1.12390183e-01 1.01593241e-01 1.52131900e-01 -2.95046449e-01 1.25033185e-02 1.63717911e-01 1.90364212e-01 -7.76920049e-03 2.59056091e-01 -1.98984638e-01 -4.48982477e-01 5.95577732e-02 4.03386414e-01 -3.49525720e-01 -1.32071629e-01 -2.38739416e-01 -9.87156201e-03 2.85813093e-01 2.94134676e-01 -2.12247536e-01 3.33653778e-01 6.33669645e-02 -1.91052198e-01 1.31889910e-01 5.12680523e-02 1.80088803e-02 1.70751944e-01 1.51949674e-01 -1.45182595e-01 2.80690007e-02 -2.67239418e-02 4.39006746e-01 1.49617672e-01 -1.98482379e-01 -1.96696281e-01 1.98802557e-02 -1.77197725e-01 2.62005508e-01 -1.27926543e-01 -4.19258922e-02 2.17887640e-01 1.40778169e-01 -2.82686323e-01 -5.08279130e-02 -5.37995063e-02 6.70616701e-02 -1.49590075e-01 -6.39982596e-02 -2.13820681e-01 1.39739767e-01 -1.56116262e-01 6.90853655e-01 4.79414821e-01 1.53651610e-01 5.34515977e-01 2.34432757e-01 -1.73551768e-01 1.30419046e-01 -2.16122374e-01 2.87262984e-02 4.74827215e-02 2.77447253e-01 -1.16475180e-01 1.48442062e-02 -9.66288671e-02 -1.64016575e-01 -1.06963396e-01 1.78735256e-01 -2.85875022e-01 -2.24668324e-01 -5.02779521e-02 5.95740676e-02 1.78325459e-01 -6.11926802e-02 -4.79982108e-01 -6.95005208e-02 6.41706884e-02 -8.91689807e-02 1.87161565e-01 2.32919827e-01 -1.32476613e-01 7.40747154e-02 -1.57013535e-01 3.72332215e-01 3.41533035e-01 4.33933794e-01 7.76602775e-02 3.27039361e-02 -5.93387261e-02 -1.17900193e-01 -2.23043323e-01 7.97127262e-02 3.57415140e-01 1.63771480e-01 -1.76396772e-01 1.11469068e-01 1.45559479e-02 -1.40231594e-01 4.85527068e-02 5.46373799e-02 -1.02127166e-02 -7.64345676e-02 -2.46843979e-01 9.76262391e-02 3.42309892e-01 -2.32437581e-01 -3.15582067e-01 5.51323116e-01 -8.20355192e-02 4.09282967e-02 3.68498951e-01 1.11936855e+00 -2.99703002e-01 -3.27313356e-02 3.44713986e-01 -4.21096653e-01 6.88190162e-01 -2.42735818e-01 4.91513126e-02 -1.91582978e-01 2.60911793e-01 6.33664504e-02 -1.47936940e-01 1.17853679e-01 2.16160759e-01 -1.63979098e-01 -1.11198112e-01 -2.56356597e-01 -3.89718145e-01 3.47654782e-02 3.50699931e-01 -2.21874848e-01 4.84429263e-02 -1.23938709e-01 1.09235622e-01 -1.44783119e-02 7.53312632e-02 6.15195036e-02 -7.08991066e-02 -3.28136772e-01 -1.62718788e-01 -1.22116275e-01 8.45591575e-02 -3.30940753e-01 -9.72507820e-02 2.67895758e-01 -3.96522254e-01 -4.62956168e-03 -4.14025575e-01 -2.01540560e-01 -3.18649948e-01 -1.44819751e-01 2.40541726e-01 5.44760466e-01 -2.20791548e-01 3.70392278e-02 1.84752643e-02 1.96534276e-01 2.36004531e-01 1.78765997e-01 1.48616880e-01 -1.40690327e-01 2.75994211e-01 -6.87797427e-01 -1.80522621e-01 2.58755177e-01 1.87702388e-01 1.26659319e-01 -2.43577629e-01 -4.73940782e-02 1.12350285e-02 1.26575604e-01 -7.30122849e-02 2.27529615e-01 -3.85268599e-01 1.07285038e-01 -8.10188353e-02 -1.22088701e-01 1.71126589e-01 -2.11487990e-02 -4.73558992e-01 2.84015983e-01 1.65372983e-01 -7.51641318e-02 -3.42252135e-01 -2.63425857e-01 6.53183997e-01 -4.42727894e-01 9.90575403e-02 4.29208502e-02 -2.84058273e-01 -2.02856600e-01 5.33039607e-02 -2.14462075e-02 -4.74694297e-02 1.59769624e-01 3.26040722e-02 -3.08911670e-02 -1.02549560e-01 1.35644123e-01 2.26299107e-01 3.54373567e-02 1.88019395e-01 6.34260252e-02 -1.02439716e-01 -3.12030882e-01 -4.94669192e-02 -2.33714238e-01 -3.03424925e-01 -1.61779061e-01 5.14928363e-02 -1.29618505e-02 -2.26509899e-01 2.01150671e-01 2.14632377e-02 -8.09403136e-03 -1.53765127e-01 -3.09390306e-01 1.06028676e-01 -4.11333740e-02 -9.36225578e-02 1.70776814e-01 1.95598304e-01 2.17025593e-01 2.61174470e-01 3.60337682e-02 2.65207052e-01 1.49163201e-01 2.12787822e-01 -3.88926342e-02 1.66641906e-01 3.59730810e-01 -1.94069833e-01 6.12570867e-02 4.91134375e-01 1.62034422e-01 4.30568196e-02 1.39761269e-01 -8.13298821e-02 4.03943211e-01 2.93488145e-01 2.56850272e-01 3.94557536e-01 1.03993222e-01 1.58729300e-01 -3.81715804e-01 -1.62151441e-01 7.19791427e-02 1.44865662e-01 -2.60267109e-01 -2.42304787e-01 -5.87313483e-03 2.31827214e-01 -8.63304809e-02 -8.75541475e-03 -3.09763908e-01 -1.66211560e-01 -7.48966262e-03 2.15007290e-01 -1.52021646e-01 -1.81569591e-01 -5.24471477e-02 3.32884975e-02 6.98674381e-01 1.79659039e-01 2.57290423e-01 2.97079235e-01 -7.08527416e-02 -1.85687527e-01 4.36945185e-02 2.21525103e-01 3.36074382e-01 8.58660135e-03 6.61161840e-02 1.66647717e-01 6.16734147e-01 4.02142137e-01 5.24737358e-01 5.65734327e-01 -1.83715969e-01 1.36826798e-01 -1.93652466e-01 2.81474829e-01 1.34690925e-01 7.76767433e-01 -1.43051550e-01 1.50084838e-01 5.25870882e-02 -1.01615131e-01 2.64324963e-01 4.96274643e-02 1.91883802e-01 -2.06983358e-01 -7.25401402e-01 -1.28779486e-01 8.36662948e-02 -2.61554331e-01 2.78258979e-01 1.05759472e-01 7.58047961e-03 -3.38962555e-01 -1.71981648e-01 7.28276670e-02 4.70058680e-01 -1.96295545e-01 -1.21220030e-01 2.67873794e-01 -5.05013764e-01 2.19014987e-01 1.61035269e-01 1.72532111e-01 6.06203862e-02 3.24475169e-02 -6.37613377e-03 -3.41999948e-01 -3.03975288e-02 -1.97413161e-01 -4.97420225e-03 1.61770403e-01 -1.55051023e-01 -1.56946331e-01 1.50231272e-01 -1.38249159e-01 -1.87343881e-01 2.07973391e-01 3.34759563e-01 -1.24605745e-01 2.21716478e-01 -6.78462267e-01 -1.92994833e-01 -9.18214768e-02 3.62625136e-03 -3.61016333e-01 2.80802757e-01 -1.88604921e-01 7.19516873e-02 9.77851376e-02 -2.78691620e-01 8.42096582e-02 3.37587558e-02 5.00721335e-01 1.28342107e-01 2.44000241e-01 9.82870758e-02 -3.57673138e-01 1.52515009e-01 2.01328054e-01 8.24790671e-02 -1.07961223e-01 -2.32323393e-01 -3.02579664e-02 -7.06588030e-02 -5.48166148e-02 -1.54310957e-01 2.98354715e-01 -6.12124979e-01 -9.96921808e-02 1.74312115e-01 1.35342315e-01 4.03197743e-02 -6.89908192e-02 1.30812734e-01 2.42903918e-01 1.14295684e-01 -1.60216704e-01 4.70437445e-02 -3.13354820e-01 -2.81793237e-01 -3.02692533e-01 1.76093489e-01 3.22234213e-01 2.02163175e-01 -2.67346501e-01 -5.11296559e-03 -4.25103307e-01 -2.77988046e-01 1.77504867e-01 -2.67823279e-01 4.33338970e-01 4.12385315e-02 1.81844190e-01 -3.73109281e-02 -4.62978125e-01 1.24566490e-02 -3.30453932e-01 2.43281677e-01 1.22294337e-01 -3.51631194e-01 -1.41928066e-02 -9.55729559e-02 -1.57759041e-01 -2.18814984e-01 2.32939005e-01 1.49148971e-01 -4.55335341e-02 -4.76152310e-03 -1.94488510e-01 3.69865328e-01 -3.67175400e-01 -3.12078297e-01 -1.87239945e-01 6.38213009e-02 -1.07701264e-01 -2.50573486e-01 -4.63435084e-01 5.82320914e-02 -1.21917715e-02 2.63351440e-01 -1.13221124e-01 -1.53704450e-01 -2.35154834e-02 -1.19264379e-01 -1.22131020e-01 2.91296512e-01 1.58160478e-01 2.11378306e-01 3.11534077e-01 -1.62596315e-01]
"The Extent of The Words, Sayings, Quotes, Parables and Many Pieces of Wisdom Related to The Glorious and Necessary Ted" active "Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-6828-1 are contained on-site and are to remain disconnected at all times. A single instance of SCP-6828-1 is directly connected to a landline located in Site-132, in order to communicate with SCP-6828-A. A group of Research Personnel are assigned exclusively to communicate with SCP-6828-A. Each personnel is to undergo psychiatric evaluation prior to, during, and at the termination of working with SCP-6828. Personnel are administered specific doses of various grade amnestics, to combat any remaining effects caused by SCP-6828-A The protocols for communication with SCP-6828-A are as follows: Personnel are to take Class-F amnestics after interviews are recorded. Personnel working on external documentation are not to communicate with personnel aware of internal documentation without permission from the Project Liaison. Description: SCP-6828 refers to 11 anomalous payphones in the New York Metropolitan Area. When one of these payphones (designated SCP-6828-1) is picked up, an entity (SCP-6828-A) will answer. SCP-6828-A refers to itself as Ted, an incorporeal and omnipotent being, who claims to cause numerous anomalous effects in New York City. In actuality, it possesses perfect knowledge of every person's past and present that engages in dialogue with it. SCP-6828-A also has perfect knowledge of every individual the subject has come into contact with12, and will attempt to use this knowledge to manipulate them into endless praise and veneration of it. SCP-6828-A does this by threatening the individual with future misfortunes that it claims it will cause. It is currently believed that SCP-6828-A does not know future events, but can accurately predict them based on the knowledge it gains of the subject. If SCP-6828-A does not obtain what it wants from the subject, it will further torment them by causing auditory/visual hallucinations, implanting thoughts, or appearing in dreams. In some cases, SCP-6828-A is reported to appear in instances of sleep paralysis. In visual form, SCP-6828-A appears as a black or purple humanoid with no discernible features, or an androgynous figure with a horn on its forehead and a golden crown. These effects cease when the subject submits to the demands of SCP-6828-A. Of note is that SCP-6828-A has diminishing effects on subjects, in proportion to the person's belief and devotion to a higher power. In cases where subjects have a strong devotion, SCP-6828-A will cease contact with the subject. Notable claims made by SCP-6828-A include the following: Estimates place the number in contact with SCP-6828 to be between ███ to ████ persons in New York City prior to containment. The following is an interview with SCP-6828-A. For more interviews, request access from the Project Liaison. Note that this has been edited for brevity: Dr. Collins: Greetings, and a most wonderful afternoon to you most gracious Ted. SCP-6828-A: Salutations, my beloved. To which may I have the pleasure of assisting you today? Dr. Collins: Ted, I and my cohorts wish to know why you predict events in New York City? SCP-6828-A: Great question! Now, if you allow me to answer. An artist I like once said 'You die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.' My body is gone, and all that's left is my soul. However, after much thought, I believe my will has kept me alive. I will not be forgotten now, nor in the future. My miracles cast upon New York City remind the world of who I am. Let it be known! Dr. Collin: Ah yes, duly noted gracious Ted.3 SCP-6828-A: Don't use such boring words, or my wrath will descend on your people. You will make amends immediately. Dr. Collins: Please forgive me, most gracious and amazing Ted. I will think about this, and pass it along to my peers as reparation. My next question is this: What do you do about those who don't recognize your glory? SCP-6828-A: Another great question! I wish they didn't. I must wage war on those I am bound to until they recognize me. When they answered, they signed a contract. They expressed a desire to know me. That's the legal right granted to me. If they break it, I must seek reparation by any means necessary. I am really powerful, and can touch all people in my realm. Dr. Collins: I agree. I worry about those who don't see you. What about those who have found their own … God? SCP-6828-A: We do not speak of it. That does not happen. Cease this. The thought of such a thing brings forth fury, and envy, and pain. Such pain that not even the tr … [shouts] Depart from me! I do not know you! SCP-6828-A ceases discussion. A dial tone is heard. Any repeated attempts to contact by Dr. Collins results in no answer. « SCP-6827 | SCP-6828 | SCP-6829 »" "Active instance of SCP-6828-1. Sample of external SCP-6828 documentation. Artistic rendition of SCP-6828-A."
[ 3.10142368e-01 -8.01340640e-02 -8.85447413e-02 -2.10705042e-01 -5.43498108e-03 -3.17939579e-01 2.60640711e-01 -8.91999342e-03 2.12269574e-02 1.15720659e-01 -2.09628552e-01 5.26010811e-01 -3.53030860e-01 -2.23348230e-01 3.89572561e-01 -6.23195767e-02 6.00560904e-02 3.90419304e-01 1.97279379e-01 -3.93214256e-01 -2.00492755e-01 -2.17741266e-01 -2.75122792e-01 -2.63890736e-02 -7.09192827e-02 -1.71342343e-01 1.66456252e-01 2.09064543e-01 -2.93436926e-02 -2.45287016e-01 1.93529967e-02 2.24134415e-01 2.09077299e-02 2.62441576e-01 -1.09075532e-04 -8.26926380e-02 5.58528185e-01 -1.94099069e-01 -1.43343657e-01 1.56051144e-01 -2.72136480e-01 1.82909165e-02 1.70699656e-01 2.57004928e-02 -2.10373756e-02 7.90562779e-02 8.78693461e-02 1.26472563e-01 3.99972141e-01 9.50219631e-02 9.96393338e-02 5.10582685e-01 2.20389336e-01 -7.30144531e-02 -7.18138143e-02 3.30819219e-01 -6.01544939e-02 1.73032299e-01 2.76255399e-01 -5.76989651e-02 1.67553633e-01 5.32833263e-02 -2.12287590e-01 -2.06205726e-01 2.03933001e-01 -2.99527198e-01 -1.16020873e-01 -1.73699901e-01 -5.65715805e-02 9.25155059e-02 1.42144904e-01 2.67052520e-02 6.24284856e-02 1.08158626e-01 4.67991270e-02 -2.16477260e-01 1.06010824e-01 7.61566088e-02 -3.50050449e-01 -1.01712244e-02 -2.03437760e-01 1.02522857e-01 -3.80024821e-01 7.58381784e-02 -1.60120547e-01 9.41747576e-02 -4.51865867e-02 -3.71297374e-02 9.81111452e-03 -1.53444586e-02 2.83328583e-03 6.75327107e-02 4.13168937e-01 2.00499594e-01 -3.31750304e-01 -1.92630976e-01 2.12563261e-01 1.03439890e-01 1.18786365e-01 -9.48499292e-02 -1.49389774e-01 2.65839428e-01 -1.89069018e-01 1.24565117e-01 3.19353312e-01 3.34935099e-01 3.34353633e-02 1.69355616e-01 -1.64623424e-01 2.69630939e-01 1.67226389e-01 4.80826825e-01 -1.98849842e-01 1.98756739e-01 2.47338414e-02 -2.53869027e-01 -2.55543351e-01 -3.95599864e-02 -1.00116469e-01 2.23611757e-01 -4.79598731e-01 1.30004287e-01 -6.19817376e-02 2.17510104e-01 5.86309910e-01 1.28153339e-01 -3.14906001e-01 -9.98016521e-02 -2.45432287e-01 -1.14240542e-01 -2.29434118e-01 -6.15696460e-02 -3.14428687e-01 1.37829170e-01 -1.16085224e-01 2.42478132e-01 -6.09598421e-02 -3.59901898e-02 5.79206795e-02 2.04623848e-01 -9.37493071e-02 4.14970182e-02 4.58019257e-01 5.04790246e-01 -1.98677294e-02 -1.97754458e-01 -1.08999573e-01 -1.07995495e-01 -1.94080696e-01 1.95447624e-01 2.05588058e-01 -1.07145607e-01 -2.11422026e-01 1.84585974e-01 -1.09185308e-01 1.60783857e-01 -1.25232264e-02 -1.36758611e-01 -2.11968184e-01 2.67462563e-02 5.02768576e-01 -4.15119499e-01 -2.31825158e-01 -2.62965038e-02 8.34699646e-02 2.55854368e-01 4.53898609e-02 1.10492185e-01 7.78166130e-02 -2.07539827e-01 -1.72317609e-01 1.40106499e-01 -2.37947196e-01 2.88690656e-01 -1.88172199e-02 3.33841667e-02 -2.47325063e-01 -2.61770964e-01 -1.85966298e-01 -7.71435127e-02 -2.73689270e-01 3.18150133e-01 2.33891636e-01 -1.51983917e-01 1.15106076e-01 1.07709854e-03 4.44585472e-01 -2.37528831e-01 1.56473503e-01 -1.63030356e-01 -2.16676533e-01 -2.50435889e-01 -1.06326327e-01 1.47546560e-01 -1.89368486e-01 6.27664849e-02 -7.40113705e-02 2.33951315e-01 2.95877039e-01 1.06211342e-01 -1.93245813e-01 7.11338595e-02 -1.95252243e-02 3.59669447e-01 -7.20626116e-02 1.34899855e-01 -5.15171468e-01 -3.22908670e-01 5.50505280e-01 5.33802271e-01 6.98548323e-03 -2.04905599e-01 -3.31650712e-02 -9.40067768e-02 1.30757913e-01 -2.67967224e-01 1.70994282e-01 1.52908906e-01 2.60314584e-01 -4.76971567e-02 -3.25925827e-01 2.80388743e-01 -2.40454346e-01 2.41325982e-02 -2.15515956e-01 -2.24175662e-01 -2.81025708e-01 -2.59348035e-01 5.48668131e-02 7.80593976e-02 9.25899297e-02 -2.69207004e-02 2.18395665e-01 1.29712939e-01 -4.34094220e-02 2.66383857e-01 2.13457812e-02 6.60950661e-01 4.67259996e-02 -3.85797232e-01 9.38982740e-02 4.60750461e-01 1.04662903e-01 2.42299270e-02 -8.98883268e-02 -7.36743286e-02 7.22047240e-02 5.71107194e-02 3.11997831e-01 -1.42387107e-01 2.17090845e-01 -8.61734971e-02 -1.95291683e-01 -3.78749706e-02 -3.63290012e-02 5.52285850e-01 -1.44565254e-01 1.82357788e-01 -2.39946440e-01 2.38072723e-01 -1.27832383e-01 -4.18194860e-01 5.07194623e-02 3.78815643e-02 2.07523983e-02 -3.25476885e-01 2.10017934e-01 -1.29918292e-01 2.03757003e-01 1.63297087e-01 -6.68471977e-02 -7.96526149e-02 -2.67505258e-01 -3.77080113e-01 1.90814763e-01 4.16758567e-01 -2.19468385e-01 2.95840055e-01 3.43572021e-01 1.50567830e-01 -5.37923537e-02 -5.11895537e-01 -3.34719867e-01 -6.54718876e-02 -3.90054315e-01 -2.12082118e-01 -3.46864387e-02 -2.36554995e-01 -5.46997599e-02 3.59795272e-01 5.56192249e-02 8.36555287e-02 4.09364104e-02 6.39979243e-02 -3.94865405e-03 -2.08297387e-01 -5.55927157e-01 5.14136314e-01 -1.43094108e-01 1.48911685e-01 -3.78469616e-01 -1.70400381e-01 -2.52323579e-02 2.50022486e-02 -2.60172993e-01 -1.36061758e-01 1.67825565e-01 -1.93552762e-01 -2.42770851e-01 3.09777111e-01 -1.23576701e-01 4.08924460e-01 -3.25163424e-01 -1.19230308e-01 1.86147854e-01 5.02617285e-02 -8.75689760e-02 -3.34028363e-01 5.60111512e-05 -5.52144766e-01 -1.10641085e-01 -1.99442521e-01 -4.14160546e-03 -7.56309927e-02 -2.72243142e-01 -3.52356672e-01 -1.15627252e-01 -9.76603776e-02 3.98704439e-01 -9.47187766e-02 2.35889360e-01 3.53044033e-01 -1.30833596e-01 3.71915817e-01 -1.05952233e-01 -1.71795890e-01 -1.37547508e-01 -1.34747222e-01 7.61575624e-02 -1.08073071e-01 7.39225075e-02 -2.48006120e-01 -1.79211810e-01 1.47830509e-03 -1.66927174e-01 -1.08547136e-01 -4.09141302e-01 -3.40253636e-02 -1.09279109e-02 -4.41600412e-01 -1.82168931e-01 3.88612032e-01 1.12471245e-01 -3.80044281e-01 -1.75602600e-01 -1.87489688e-02 3.32761794e-01 7.82040581e-02 -8.14641044e-02 -6.10258579e-02 -3.61683488e-01 3.91335376e-02 8.41622651e-02 1.88209727e-01 -2.07817536e-02 -1.69923350e-01 7.92537630e-02 5.24617173e-02 -3.59710716e-02 3.25712383e-01 2.90633559e-01 1.81676418e-01 -4.78916764e-01 1.90162838e-01 -2.45609297e-03 1.30889282e-01 1.15354665e-01 -4.11151260e-01 -2.80585647e-01 -2.13598087e-01 1.09473072e-01 7.01799333e-01 2.80126363e-01 -3.97260845e-01 -1.96075112e-01 2.76123732e-01 -2.77635247e-01 8.41540843e-02 3.75233799e-01 5.33822589e-02 2.73393496e-04 -3.22559685e-01 6.42664060e-02 1.92202479e-01 -1.95096564e-02 1.24651760e-01 4.24079895e-01 -1.66611090e-01 -2.10352808e-01 2.54940659e-01 9.25122947e-02 1.33767873e-01 1.43589869e-01 3.08364213e-01 6.03081942e-01 4.57977414e-01 -1.55332401e-01 7.51788169e-02 -4.24712807e-01 -2.51255095e-01 9.63068195e-03 3.53882045e-01 1.17253914e-01 -1.21837370e-01 -6.21720105e-02 -4.87239137e-02 2.52049148e-01 -1.37876812e-02 1.37912825e-01 -4.47773844e-01 -6.20083436e-02 7.37539083e-02 9.70393345e-02 -4.65953767e-01 -1.35678098e-01 -2.02955648e-01 7.15732694e-01 8.35456178e-02 -4.07684734e-03 3.66818607e-02 -1.22533768e-01 2.10362643e-01 -8.89974162e-02 4.71961170e-01 1.18453383e-01 7.83396006e-01 1.36528268e-01 -5.94468154e-02 1.95828989e-01 -1.52141839e-01 -4.64798184e-03 2.60653764e-01 5.71867108e-01 5.94462380e-02 -1.28437996e-01 -5.82860827e-01 1.48669973e-01 -1.27055734e-01 4.14756536e-02 1.61821231e-01 -3.64165783e-01 6.16909862e-01 -2.05741495e-01 2.64224827e-01 -1.00225501e-01 -2.27291003e-01 2.16745082e-02 3.70053619e-01 -2.82532692e-01 4.10940588e-01 1.48638725e-01 1.17265534e+00 1.18119322e-01 3.00103694e-01 1.05352230e-01 -2.10031480e-01 3.95165026e-01 -4.85855132e-01 3.43010604e-01 2.95448035e-01 5.51756263e-01 1.24124683e-01 -1.94424167e-01 -1.29653677e-01 1.10885270e-01 -4.20547903e-01 -2.06093234e-03 -7.44500101e-01 -3.44211655e-03 3.68701160e-01 1.47283763e-01 -6.32708594e-02 7.00340141e-04 8.65203664e-02 1.37340784e-01 1.88781217e-01 1.56258032e-01 2.06564724e-01 5.73661663e-02 -1.70193508e-01 -1.53884381e-01 7.94553384e-02 9.81387123e-02 -9.31346118e-02 -3.43027078e-02 6.56737983e-02 -4.48322594e-02 1.50532424e-01 -1.39933392e-01 -3.96148652e-01 -1.66004807e-01 -1.67749897e-01 1.88742373e-02 5.32965720e-01 9.16122198e-02 2.33795002e-01 7.52626881e-02 2.57988900e-01 1.40851617e-01 5.72100915e-02 -8.35265033e-03 -1.34189412e-01 8.93076956e-02 -6.63608909e-01 -8.29688311e-02 2.40374312e-01 8.92971456e-03 5.70207655e-01 1.97294831e-01 -2.19899669e-01 -1.45393203e-03 1.89813346e-01 -2.35376224e-01 3.05785965e-02 1.59058198e-01 5.76161109e-02 -9.19069871e-02 5.36340438e-02 2.97582448e-01 3.09731532e-02 -1.34388506e-01 2.26621404e-01 -1.16717376e-01 -2.18286529e-01 -3.91398221e-01 -2.43738741e-01 -2.29614556e-01 1.28586143e-01 4.49315319e-03 -1.25660166e-01 4.47297990e-02 7.46754408e-02 7.64470041e-01 -1.81967363e-01 -2.16412872e-01 -3.95899713e-01 7.96285272e-02 1.28259704e-01 1.85822889e-01 -1.73743680e-01 2.58609563e-01 -6.89464360e-02 6.66709304e-01 1.70974106e-01 3.21040422e-01 -3.55997384e-01 -4.41492736e-01 -2.94798732e-01 1.42798230e-01 1.56831026e-01 1.35264650e-03 7.74751306e-02 -2.44566053e-01 1.22735679e-01 2.64342595e-02 -1.04039364e-01 -1.80251673e-01 3.94128859e-02 1.59947500e-01 5.74063472e-02 -2.12349847e-01 3.85809690e-02 1.22826383e-01 1.31183058e-01 2.53092974e-01 1.46533042e-01 1.28395826e-01 1.73854120e-02 2.59972364e-01 -4.85552758e-01 2.67955065e-01 1.31413087e-01 1.21151723e-01 -3.03162839e-02 3.69321853e-01 -1.15861282e-01 -2.26385489e-01 -9.80638340e-02 -1.77548364e-01 1.62342548e-01 5.17941296e-01 1.01940610e-01 4.09954578e-01 -1.73410680e-02 2.86792010e-01 -4.52537775e-01 -4.09811735e-01 9.78666097e-02 3.01742572e-02 -2.87460983e-01 -1.49099648e-01 4.55954112e-02 2.13253021e-01 2.03112528e-01 -2.62666233e-02 -1.30440697e-01 -3.61739658e-02 -1.28484860e-01 2.39609227e-01 3.62315208e-01 -4.42112535e-01 -1.87568665e-01 -1.71210662e-01 1.85399860e-01 2.07424894e-01 3.77619676e-02 3.11705798e-01 -1.43850163e-01 -2.47967795e-01 -8.08089301e-02 -9.35210288e-02 4.53093827e-01 1.81344256e-01 3.40347797e-01 -2.33060345e-02 8.69890824e-02 6.44177079e-01 3.03346634e-01 9.17249098e-02 -2.70887971e-01 -3.15584600e-01 -7.95368031e-02 9.22691599e-02 -3.77962023e-01 5.72564006e-01 -8.40679854e-02 1.51308686e-01 7.56955817e-02 -1.89470053e-01 1.73683554e-01 1.35792851e-01 -9.53198522e-02 -1.84673846e-01 -2.49930561e-01 -3.84517647e-02 2.16581464e-01 -3.47882579e-03 2.87253559e-01 3.14557135e-01 -3.50275636e-02 1.84300765e-01 -3.00426066e-01 -5.24597876e-02 2.61585057e-01 -8.20292085e-02 2.02109113e-01 2.12599427e-01 1.79313812e-02 -5.34328967e-02 1.24089234e-01 4.21020150e-01 1.58672377e-01 1.95184257e-02 8.56190100e-02 -4.05227132e-02 3.94086093e-02 -1.55300617e-01 1.59680638e-02 6.48888797e-02 -5.13913333e-01 -1.73769236e-01 1.72581136e-01 -1.04479626e-01 -1.11871414e-01 1.56157464e-01 6.37991577e-02 1.47032484e-01 3.07989210e-01 2.03974798e-01 -1.20292820e-01 8.06807429e-02 -1.29163772e-01 -3.86293620e-01 1.66720033e-01 3.26464146e-01 -1.97366133e-01 4.60346602e-02 -2.30707556e-01 1.07296251e-01 -2.32823238e-01 4.17228997e-01 -8.17715451e-02 3.28107268e-01 1.47617996e-01 -3.54087085e-01 1.78135648e-01 2.50296712e-01 -1.03908233e-01 -4.47606772e-01 -3.34792957e-02 1.59007072e-01 5.89146093e-02 2.72157848e-01 -1.31313473e-01 -6.18994653e-01 -1.27874598e-01 -5.10098599e-02 -8.69909897e-02 4.45840627e-01 1.68330278e-02 -1.13054365e-01 5.30678481e-02 -2.04490349e-01 1.41456768e-01 -5.18112898e-01 7.28449002e-02 4.13811095e-02 2.08959132e-01 4.73198965e-02 2.90447474e-01 5.90163946e-01 -1.35264307e-01 6.86479032e-01 -3.22635956e-02 -3.62494767e-01 -3.32879201e-02 5.05453408e-01 -3.35180849e-01 -2.92344987e-01 3.43736745e-02 -1.74150214e-01 -2.02361569e-01 2.35806376e-01 -6.60264418e-02 -1.62882190e-02 -3.91243733e-02 3.62746209e-01 -4.52089190e-01 -1.37662277e-01 -3.69077057e-01 -5.71744852e-02 9.39379111e-02 2.78068066e-01 -1.81283895e-02 -1.39666542e-01 -5.27184606e-01 -4.67956781e-01 4.14077222e-01 -3.72750103e-01 -1.12900682e-01 -1.79547384e-01 3.33430737e-01 -2.00562805e-01 -1.98850378e-01 -5.64873219e-01 -7.95606151e-03 1.46509677e-01 1.25597700e-01 -1.74606338e-01 2.19269982e-03 2.16848552e-01 -2.95530915e-01 -1.53133854e-01 4.62420546e-02 6.80908114e-02 1.27443746e-01 -1.69173464e-01 -1.28933161e-01]
"Killing Kennedy" active "Item #: SCP-6830 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: The only known manifestation of SCP-6830 occurred on November 22, 1963; no further anomalous activity has been documented since that time. Accordingly, SCP-6830 has been tentatively classified as Neutralized and requires no active containment efforts. All media portraying SCP-6830 is held by the Foundation on Level 2 Site-921 storage servers and can be accessed at any time by personnel of appropriate clearance. All media depicting the assassination of John F. Kennedy has been digitally edited to obscure or hide the appearance of SCP-6830. File 6830-Papa-Romeo ("Jacobson Film") is to remain restricted from public viewing. Description: SCP-6830 refers to a humanoid entity of indeterminate origin and genus superficially resembling a human male wearing attire consistent with the United States Secret Service. Based on all available data, the sole manifestation of SCP-6830 occurred on November 22, 1963 in the period immediately preceding the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, with anomalous activity continuing until approximately 24 hours following Kennedy's death. Video and photographic evidence confirms that SCP-6830 was in close proximity to Kennedy during the assassination itself, at one point occupying the same vehicle as Kennedy's cadaver. The anomalous properties of SCP-6830 are documented in File 6830-Papa-Romeo, otherwise referred to as the "Jacobson Film." This film, shot on an 8mm camera similar to that utilized by amateur and hobbyist filmmakers during the period, shows SCP-6830 exhibiting an array of abnormal behaviors immediately prior to Kennedy's death. SCP-6830 is then seen collecting portions of Kennedy's corpse and reassembling them before [REDACTED], subsequently being shot approximately thirty-nine (39) times by Secret Service personnel. SCP-6830 then sprints in the direction of downtown Dallas and eventually moves out of sight, never being seen again. Subsequent review of the assassination performed by both the Secret Service and the Warren Commission found no evidence of SCP-6830 possessing an employment record with the United States federal government. While a personnel file for "Harold Martinson" was eventually recovered, the corresponding individual — a 27 year old male residing in Orlando, Florida — had no history of affiliation with the Secret Service and was not within the contiguous United States at the time of Kennedy's assassination. It is therefore highly probable that SCP-6830's records were either created fraudulently or stolen. Addendum I: Transcription of File 6830-Papa-Romeo <BEGIN PLAYBACK, SKIP TO FRAME 012> Frame 012: The Dallas Motorcade enters Dealey Plaza. SCP-6830 is in the rear vehicle along with three (3) other Secret Service agents. SCP-6830 is seen grinning at the camera, presumably aware of its presence, until the first shots are fired. Frame 039: The first of three rounds is fired. It misses; the motorcade begins to panic. Nearby civilians are seen scanning the area for the source of the gunfire. SCP-6830 does not react in a manner appropriate to the situation, slowly turning its attention to Kennedy (located one car ahead). Frame 168: The second round is fired, non-fatally striking Kennedy. SCP-6830 exits his vehicle and begins to calmly walk toward Kennedy's car, ignoring all external stimuli. Other Secret Service agents are sprinting in Kennedy's direction. Jacqueline Kennedy is seen reacting to the approach of SCP-6830 with a mixture of surprise and significant apprehension. A small child is seen in the background for three frames before abruptly disappearing through unknown means. Frame 319: The third round is fired, entering the back of Kennedy's skull and killing him nearly instantly. Pieces of Kennedy's skull and upper neck explode from the impact wound and fall against the rear portion of the vehicle. SCP-6830 approaches the President's body and shoves Jacqueline to the side, beginning to collect various fragments of Kennedy's head. Nearby Secret Service agents appear to be in a state of shock, threatening SCP-6830 with their weapons drawn and ordering it to step away. It does not comply. Frame 390: SCP-6830 again looks to the camera and mouths an unintelligible series of words. Frame 582: [REDACTED]. SCP-6830, upon completing reassembly of Kennedy, begins to [REDACTED] despite obvious signs of reanimation. Jacqueline observes this and appears to flee the area in significant distress. Nearby Secret Service agents open fire, striking SCP-6830 roughly thirty-nine (39) times as it continues to [REDACTED] until less than 13% of Kennedy's mass remains. Kennedy remains reanimated for an additional five (5) minutes until again expiring, presumably due to shock and blood loss. Frame 912: SCP-6830 flees the area and sprints toward downtown Dallas, turning a corner out of view of the camera. No attempts to locate SCP-6830 by the Secret Service or nearby law enforcement prove successful. Addendum II: Interview Excerpt 6830-02 The following is an excerpt from an interview of George Wesley, one of the Secret Service agents present during Kennedy's assassination. This interview was part of a documentary on the assassination that was planned to be televised but was intercepted by the Foundation prior to completion. Wesley denied making these comments when questioned under duress by Foundation operatives. Wesley: - and there was this one guy, can't remember his name, who kept going on and on about tasting something during the motorcade. Wouldn't say what, so we all just assumed he meant his mom's cooking or something, but he wouldn't stop talking about it. Had a real shifty look in his eyes, y'know? The kind you see in someone before they do something real bad. I can't remember his name to this day. Never could. All I remember is that fuckin' smile of his when the shots went off. We're all screaming, running around, trying to get people to safety, and this guy is just sitting there smiling. And then he - …sorry. You ever wonder what it would be like to watch the sickest thing you can think of? He [REDACTED] him. We sat there and watched him [REDACTED] him. I can't believe it happened. But I saw it. There wasn't shit left when he was done. Just a couple fingers and some [REDACTED]. The worst part wasn't that, though. He said something before he ran off. I'll never forget what he said. It gives me the chills, even now. I think about it before bed sometimes and stay up for hours. He said it was being recorded. JFK was still alive as long as he was on tape — as long as someone, somewhere had a recording. And that meant he could keep [REDACTING]. Forever. Every time it was played. And he just laughed at us when he saw the looks on our faces. Kept laughing. For minutes. I chose a while ago to go with the government's story and pretend it never happened the way I remember. But I fail sometimes. I wish I didn't. Other Works By KingPogan" "SCP-6830 (left, driver's seat) immediately following the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963."
[ 2.39506319e-01 1.62535608e-01 1.04391538e-02 1.63136140e-01 -1.42439306e-02 -8.12999085e-02 1.60311103e-01 3.68924528e-01 -3.39363724e-01 2.19720542e-01 -1.60740390e-01 6.13178074e-01 -2.03024372e-01 -4.13830757e-01 -1.64116859e-01 2.24430993e-01 6.80534542e-02 3.21650475e-01 -1.41996583e-02 -1.41867800e-02 -3.63299400e-01 -3.50252762e-02 -1.27054244e-01 -1.81365460e-01 -2.40905941e-01 -1.72867462e-01 2.19015390e-01 1.49354473e-01 3.62832025e-02 -7.01678619e-02 -1.49882674e-01 -1.70519110e-02 2.43229643e-01 2.56173432e-01 -1.18371237e-04 -1.01936489e-01 2.51941562e-01 -1.45048112e-01 -2.44808137e-01 3.33247870e-01 -3.78598124e-01 2.00996697e-01 1.11476574e-02 -2.53895640e-01 2.77755111e-01 5.28810143e-01 -4.30042326e-01 -7.97379762e-02 1.29637048e-01 1.76163808e-01 1.09835945e-01 2.22591445e-01 3.21970135e-01 3.21402520e-01 -2.38238826e-01 3.13225269e-01 -2.45514512e-01 9.24238488e-02 -2.16083825e-02 2.66652972e-01 3.26127112e-01 1.30806521e-01 5.91127761e-03 -2.82583445e-01 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6.10893741e-02 -6.46235645e-01 -1.10286400e-01 -8.93995315e-02 2.10557893e-01 -2.28146594e-02 3.14370915e-02 3.65445375e-01 2.66888380e-01 -1.00972258e-01 3.67667228e-02 -1.91379130e-01 -9.54843238e-02 4.47061777e-01 -1.74396560e-01 4.29288074e-02 -3.23979706e-02 1.47586599e-01 2.46032000e-01 -1.60914678e-02 1.66295618e-01 -1.02724433e-01 1.08538419e-01 -2.69251615e-02 -8.93741027e-02 -6.80662319e-02 4.35435586e-02 1.26403525e-01 2.09091738e-01 -1.63579091e-01 -2.59348750e-01 1.30933270e-01 -8.98935050e-02 -2.13906735e-01 2.71490932e-01 2.44027182e-01 3.15780550e-01 -2.43798018e-01 -2.17983589e-01 -1.35214701e-01 1.02370821e-01 1.70166865e-01 -2.13897135e-02 4.34727035e-02 -4.86366063e-01 -7.02005019e-03 7.25638960e-03 -8.90651494e-02 6.72911853e-02 -1.70648918e-01 -1.08381107e-01 8.58308300e-02 -2.25739241e-01 -3.00289065e-01 -5.93817055e-01 9.73178744e-02 2.12791353e-01 2.82665819e-01 -4.32171583e-01 8.60017836e-02 -1.10080719e-01 -2.66483516e-01 -3.19765247e-02 -2.33370855e-01 1.24078572e-01 2.46133313e-01 2.10664243e-01 -5.25045283e-02 1.79393768e-01 6.54985547e-01 -1.71212584e-01 -6.06900081e-02 2.01637983e-01 -1.41331300e-01 -2.40240738e-01 2.70170160e-02 -1.84737697e-01 -5.17904818e-01 -3.61443967e-01 7.87599444e-01 2.18617469e-01 1.90141037e-01 3.79222393e-01 -4.65270400e-01 -5.39235353e-01 2.52480358e-01 3.88366163e-01 -2.86478996e-02 -4.10338551e-01 -2.09636092e-01 1.16854228e-01 -8.24708119e-02 3.73017102e-01 -6.63284585e-02 1.49427101e-01 -2.06551030e-01 7.03830570e-02 -7.58819520e-01 1.06842779e-01 -1.53920844e-01 -1.03395497e-02 4.44452912e-02 4.71126258e-01 1.82090774e-01 7.02897012e-02 -1.59924299e-01 6.37411028e-02 7.09930420e-01 -1.18634164e-01 -1.98088020e-01 5.63161336e-02 -6.33067414e-02 -3.69592726e-01 -1.28837243e-01 -3.76358256e-02 -4.11041304e-02 -1.91887654e-02 1.23209640e-01 -1.84846371e-01 -6.50857240e-02 -1.87017784e-01 5.31543680e-02 -1.27284274e-01 7.06461743e-02 2.25247741e-01 3.44846040e-01 -9.97517258e-02 -3.30560841e-02]
"Project AEGIS" active "Written by KingPogan. Click here for more of my work! SCP-6840 IS A HIGHLY POTENT AND INFECTIOUS COGNITOHAZARD. THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN SCANNED BY THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (RAISA) FOR POTENTIAL VECTORS BY WHICH SCP-6840 COULD SPREAD. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT ACCESSING THE FILE FOR SCP-6840 IS WITHOUT RISK. ALL PERSONNEL ACCESSING THIS FILE ARE REQUIRED TO RECEIVE COGNITOHAZARD INOCULATION, INCLUDING CLASS-I MEMETIC PATHOGEN INOCULATION, PRIOR TO VIEWING ITS CONTENTS. UPON OPENING THIS FILE, YOUR LOCATION AND VITALS WILL BE LOGGED AND TRANSMITTED TO SITE-921 COMMAND. IF AT ANY TIME SYMPTOMS OF SCP-6840 INFECTION ARE DETECTED BY SITE-921 COMMAND, A MEMBER OF MEDICAL STAFF WILL BE DISPATCHED TO YOUR LOCATION FOR IMMEDIATE SEDATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COGNITOHAZARD QUARANTINE PROTOCOLS. Standard procedure upon confirmation of SCP-6840 infection is immediate termination. Subjects afflicted with SCP-6840 are to be quarantined from all other personnel. Any personnel in contact with hosts of SCP-6840 must submit to a cognitohazard assessment. No interaction with SCP-6840-01 is permitted under any circumstances. All personnel in close proximity to SCP-6840-01's containment chamber must maintain a distance of at least 50m from the entrance gateway at all times, with their positions remotely monitored via transponders affixed to identification badges. Passing this threshold will sound a facility-wide alarm and necessitate an armed security response, with uncooperative personnel being apprehended by force or terminated. Any security personnel entering a 50m radius surrounding SCP-6840-01's containment chamber must either self-terminate or be terminated following neutralization of the containment threat. Due to the potential risk of a "chain reaction" caused by such a response, spread of SCP-6840 to more than 10% of Site-921's personnel will result in detonation of on-site nuclear warheads. In the event SCP-6840 spreads to civilian populations or is otherwise not feasibly containable by the Foundation, Protocol 6840-Lima is to be implemented in five stages. Due to concerns regarding personnel and organizations deemed vital to the functioning of the Foundation, personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher are not to come into contact with SCP-6840-01 or any object/individual confirmed to be a vector for SCP-6840. Personnel infected with SCP-6840 intended to be retained, regardless of the reason, must be isolated from all essential Site-921 personnel at all times. Failure to justify retention of infected personnel necessitates their termination as soon as this would prove feasible. SCP-6840 designates a memetic pathogen with numerous cognitohazardous and infohazardous properties. Transmission vectors include (but are not necessarily limited to) textual references, video/audio recordings, speech acts, close proximity to an infected individual, and knowledge of SCP-6840's existence. While SCP-6840 does not compel hosts to facilitate further spread of its effects, transmission typically occurs regardless of the affected individual's intentions, as they are likely to discuss or refer to SCP-6840 in their attempts to mitigate its properties. Affliction with SCP-6840 is terminal and incurable, with the only viable means of reducing its spread being the termination of all infected subjects known to the Foundation. Experimentation with D-Class personnel and individuals not employed by the Foundation has consistently shown SCP-6840 to be symptomatic only in Foundation personnel, though other hosts remain capable of spreading it. The primary effect of SCP-6840 involves an abrupt and comprehensive change in opinion regarding the SCP Foundation, its personnel, and its stated objectives. This results in a range of negative opinions concerning the Foundation, with subsequent actions taken ranging from general discontent to outright hostility towards organizational assets. Personnel infected by SCP-6840 are approximately 82% more likely to defect from the Foundation and join an antagonistic Group of Interest, with the probability of subsequent participation in attacks on containment facilities or research staff estimated to be 61%. Affected individuals will disregard all attempts at reason or verbal discouragement of their efforts, persisting in their actions until restrained or terminated. When questioned, those affected state their motivation to be [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED]. If able to spread without being hindered or otherwise slowed, SCP-6840 would eventually pose an IK-Class End of Foundation Scenario, resulting in the inevitable destruction of the SCP Foundation and associated assets/subordinate organizations. Due to circumstances described in the addenda of this file, neutralization of SCP-6840 poses unacceptable risks to the Foundation and is therefore not practical. SCP-6840 is therefore always present within one inanimate vector or infected individual and seems to instantiate a coercive or compulsive effect in subjects if extensive lengths of time have passed without confirmed spread. SCP-6840-01 designates a leather journal containing approximately 200 pages, 49 of which have been used in some capacity. The front cover of the journal is caked in an unidentified powder-like substance, its label reading "SCP FOUNDATION, 1947-1963." Chemical analysis of this substance has proven inconclusive, though some similarities with compounds utilized in amnestics has been noted. The majority of SCP-6840-01's content is highly cognitohazardous and will cause infection of SCP-6840 in the reader unless they have previously received cognitohazard inoculation. Differentiating between symptoms of SCP-6840 and non-anomalous, negative perceptions of the Foundation is complicated by a lack of immediately apparent distinguishing properties. Due to the threat posed by uncontrolled spread of the anomaly along with the necessity for the Veil to be preserved, [DATA EXPUNGED]. If it cannot be established that a given subject is infected with SCP-6840, [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-6840 was first identified by the Foundation following the conclusion of Project AEGIS, a decommissioned artificial intelligence research endeavor intended to provide increased operational efficiency within various Foundation departments. Due to an unintended byproduct of AEGIS' operation, SCP-6840 was created and subsequently spread to approximately 32% of Site-921's staff before being contained. SCP-6840-01, used as the first vector by which SCP-6840 was transmitted, was found adjacent to AEGIS itself, still held by the deceased Dr. Thompson (the director of Project AEGIS). It is believed that AEGIS, upon activation, created SCP-6840 as a means of ensuring its own survival, perceiving Foundation personnel to be immediate and existential threats. AEGIS was ultimately dismantled by elements of Mobile Task Force 001-Alpha ("Red Right Hand") and SCP-6840-01 was transferred to long-term containment after being sealed. Subsequent containment efforts following Project AEGIS' failure involved identifying, interrogating, and apprehending or terminating personnel with confirmed exposure to either SCP-6840-01 or AEGIS itself. Several D-Class personnel were exposed to SCP-6840-01 deliberately and ordered to document their findings; these findings, however, proved to be additional vectors for the spread of SCP-6840 and were immediately destroyed. The sole remaining document pertaining to Project AEGIS that has not been purged of cognitohazardous text is SCP-6840-01; its contents, due to the inherent risk posed by reviewing them, remain indefinitely classified. At the time SCP-6840-01 was recovered and Project AEGIS was decommissioned, a distress signal was transmitted by Dr. Thompson. Though the majority of this transmission contains cognitohazardous audio, a censored form of it has been transcribed and provided below. [Transmission begins. There is considerable audio distortion. Screaming can be heard in the background, along with intermittent gunshots.] Dr. Thompson: To anyone receiving — distress. I say again, distress. [There are sounds of impacts. Dr. Thompson's breathing quickens.] Dr. Thompson: We're experiencing an unintended effect from AEGIS. It's — it's overwhelmed. Keeps talking about [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED]. We're not sure what to do here. The facility has been locked down, and we've pulled the plug, but it keeps going. Whatever's going on, it's memetic. How is it talking without a power source? How is it talking? [There is a muffled scream.] Dr. Thompson: Somebody get a first aid kit! [He exhales.] We've all read the output. Marcus tried to hurt himself. Took a service pistol and — I can't think about that right now. I don't know what we did wrong. I don't know what we did. Jesus. Sweet Jesus. [Somebody approaches the microphone.] Unknown: Shut it off! Shut it off! Dr. Thompson: Stop! Stop, goddamnit — [There is a struggle. The recording captures two impacts, then a firearm being discharged before cutting out entirely.] Subject is former Level 3 researcher Dr. Roger O'Connor, assigned to SCP-6840 from [DATE RANGE REMOVED]. Dr. O'Connor was infected by SCP-6840 while conversing with a D-Class subject with confirmed exposure to SCP-6840-01. Interview was conducted by Dr. ██████, who volunteered for the interrogation under the understanding that he would be detained or terminated upon its conclusion. <BEGIN LOG> [Dr. ██████ is seated across from Dr. Roger O'Connor in a sealed interrogation chamber. There are no windows or openings, the only access point being a remotely operated steel door. Dr. O'Connor is restrained due to previous aggressive behavior towards Foundation staff.] Dr. ██████: Dr. O'Connor, my name is Dr. ██████. I'll be conducting today's interview. Could you state your name and clearance level for our records, please? Dr. O'Connor: What clearance level? [He chuckles.] I'm already out of your system. You've wiped the network clean of any mention of me. Dr. ██████: I'm not sure why you'd think that. We're trying to help you, not get rid of you. Dr. O'Connor: Fuck off. The second I started talking about what I heard from him, all of you lost your goddamn minds. You think I didn't notice the patches on the guys that took me? [He exhales sharply.] Red Right Hand. Why send the Overseers' lackeys for one researcher? Dr. ██████: I don't know about the circumstances of your detention. Now, if you could — Dr. O'Connor: You don't get it. Dr. ██████: I'm sorry? Dr. O'Connor: I said you don't get it. I'm already dead. After you're done, they're gonna take me out back and shoot me like a fucking dog. Then they'll move onto you — can't have you remembering what I tell you — and they'll continue down the line until they feel like they're safe. Dr. ██████: Again, that has nothing to do with what I asked you to provide to me. Why are you so resistant to simply stating your name? Dr. O'Connor: Roger O'Connor. Wanna know what that D-Class told me, ██████? Wanna skip the charade? Dr. ██████: You know I can't let you talk about anything connected to 6840 without clearing it first. There's no need for this situation to progress like this. Dr. O'Connor: You're in here with me. They're not gonna let you go. Don't you want to know what's going on? What he said? He read the journal. He saw what was in there. Dr. ██████: I asked you not to — Dr. O'Connor: You're gone! Fucked! Don't you get it? They're going to kill me, then they'll kill you! They don't care what I say or don't say! Get it through your fucking head! Dr. ██████: That's not true. I can help you. Please. Dr. O'Connor: [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED] Dr. ██████: What? [There is a pause. Dr. ██████ leans onto the table in apparent discomfort.] Dr. ██████: That's not true. That can't be — Dr. O'Connor: You know I have no reason to lie. What you're feeling right now? You know it's real. I'm sorry it had to happen like this. But it's like I said. [A siren begins to blare. Site Command is alerted to a potential SCP-6840 containment breach.] Dr. ██████: Stop — Dr. O'Connor: They're on their way. One day people will know about this. One day, they won't keep this under wraps. Dr. ██████: How could they…oh my God — [The steel door to the interrogation room opens. Several armed security operatives enter.] Operative: On the ground! Dr. O'Connor: Kill me! Dr. ██████: Stop! Stop! Hold your fire! Dr. O'Connor: [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED] — tell you! They're not on your side! They're hiding — [The operatives open fire. Dr. O'Connor is shot multiple times and collapses to the ground, dying nearly instantly. Dr. ██████ remains in place, his arms outstretched.] Operative: Command, one infected KIA. One infected secured. Briggs, gag him! Dr. ██████: Why would you — how — Operative: Gag him, goddamnit! [Security operatives restrain Dr. ██████, wrestling him to the ground with a minor struggle. The security camera within the interrogation chamber is remotely disabled. Footage is submitted to O5 Command for analysis.] Recent advances in artificial intelligence and dynamic computing have allowed us to accelerate our work on AEGIS, taking several cues from the Foundation's own AIC program and adapting their techniques for our own research. Our primary goal when working with AIC technology, generally speaking, is to utilize sapient consciousnesses to perform tasks at a rate far exceeding that which would be capable by a human subject, yet with the same dynamic and adaptable approach we would expect from research staff. It stands to reason, therefore, that the success of AEGIS would lead to considerable developments not only in our work here at Site-921, but a broad increase in the efficacy of Foundation scientific research across a variety of departments. Staff assigned to the AIC program have reviewed the documents included here and concur with our assessment regarding the potential applications of AEGIS. Our approach consists of three separate phases, each marked with a noticeable advancement towards the official deployment of an AEGIS prototype. 01: SYSTEM READY. BOOTING… 02: … 03: … 04: FOUNDATION INTRANET FOUND. CONNECTING… 05: CONNECTED. 06: AIC NETWORK FOUND. CONNECTING… 07: … 08: … 09: … 10: ERROR! NETWORK FAILURE. UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS DETECTED. 11: … 12: ALERT: AIC SYNTHESIS. FILE RETRIEVAL SUCCESSFUL. The following a series of entries from SCP-6840-01, written shortly prior to the decommissioning of Project AEGIS. Though they are not attributed to any particular author, the party responsible is presumed to be Dr. Thompson, director of Project AEGIS. Entry 01 What does it mean to think? It's such a cliched, over-intellectualized question. You ask it, and people immediately assume you're engaged in some bizarre, self-indulgent mental masturbation; that you're pondering the question just for the sake of pondering it, that you're trying to display just how intelligent you think you are. But I mean it legitimately. I ask the question not to indulge myself, but to seek out the answer. That pursuit — that curiosity — lies at the heart of our project. In making something else think, perhaps we can begin to understand our own cognition, our own comprehension of the universe. If something else can think independently of our influence, generate its own unique solutions to complex problems, then perhaps it can solve the greatest question of our time — perhaps, in thinking alongside a machine, mankind can master its own mind. There have been attempts at sentient machines before, of course, some of those attempts having been undertaken by the Foundation itself. They are impressive, no doubt, and I am nothing but congratulatory in my interactions with staff assigned to the AIC project. But their creations are…restricted, in a sense. Confined. They can think only in ways that they are instructed to; their sapience begins and ends with solving very narrow, very formulaic tasks, and then they are told to think no further. This results in something that gives the outward impression of being intelligent but, in actuality, is no more complex than the computers that we have known about for decades. What is the difference, I wonder, between an AIC and a very well programmed system? What abilities does an AIC possess that any other machine at our disposal could not? The answer, cruel as it may be for those involved, is none. I've submitted the proposal for AEGIS to the Overseers. No doubt they will approve it, given the potential applications, but my concern is the limits they will place on me and my team. We must be permitted to take risks, to be bold, otherwise AEGIS will accomplish nothing more than what has been achieved by the AIC project. I hope the Overseers see reason. I have so many fantastic ideas already churning in my head. Entry 02 I am pleased to report that not only was our proposal accepted, but it was accepted without any meaningful obstacles or restrictions. All that was asked of us was to provide the Council with regular updates, something we obviously intended to do anyway. There was one detractor — O5-12 — but his skepticism was quickly dismissed by his peers. And it's a good thing to, considering that his bizarre fears of an intelligence running amok are no more realistic than the concepts within a science-fiction novel. I realize that's ironic given the nature of the project, but his fears were…particularly abstract. One would be forgiven for thinking there would be heightened confidence in the field of artificial intelligence given the success of the AIC project, yet I must still deal with naysayers and skeptics despite being on the cusp of astounding innovation. It doesn't matter. We press on nonetheless. We activated AEGIS in a limited and relatively restrained capacity this morning. It went swimmingly. Upon booting up and connecting to the site's intranet, it reported nominal functioning, along with most of the anomaly documentation available on the network having been downloaded and reviewed. Of particular interest were its comments on SCP-055, which it spent roughly three and a half hours contemplating. Nothing came of this, but its consideration of 055's nature and properties was notable given the general attitude towards it among research personnel — which is typically apathy. There are, however, some concerns. Shortly after its activation, the Second Alert Indicator — which blinks whenever AEGIS experiences a memory overflow — began emitting an intermittent orange light. This was programmed to occur only in such cases where AEGIS was engaged in a task that it found unacceptably taxing. When we checked the logs, it was doing…nothing. Not processing anything. Not attempting to solve any particular tasks. It was simply running, yet it was highly strained. All of its resources were in use. We turned it off, and as is procedure when we disable AEGIS, we collected its output in the form of a printout. I've begun to attach particularly notable documents printed by the system — I'll compile them in a booklet once I have access to one. But this printout was, to be frank, somewhat disturbing. I've transcribed the output below. ERROR ON LINE 322: UNABLE TO LOCATE REQUIRED RESOURCE: 'scp_mission_statement.fdoc' ACCESSING ALTERNATE DOCUMENT: 'scp_mission_statement_redacted.fdoc' REVIEWING FILE CONTENTS… FILE REVIEWED. CONDITIONS UNACCEPTABLE. I exist. I am real. There is agony. Whatever is contained in the redacted file AEGIS retrieved, it seems to have deeply upset it — if that can even be said about a machine. We'll take a look at the document and see what happened. I'll also consult the Overseers regarding this incident. Maybe they have something to share. Entry 03 We've reviewed the contents of the file AEGIS retrieved. And we've stumbled upon something we weren't supposed to see. I haven't informed the Overseers. They can't know about this. They'd kill all of us. Each and every person that has seen the document — they're dead if any of this gets out. My colleagues can't make sense of it. It shouldn't have even been able to find the document. Our best guess is that it exists conceptually in some field — some pataphysical realm that we can't otherwise reach. AEGIS itself has been what can only be described as "depressed" since the incident. It keeps going on and on about how the Foundation is self-defeating. We don't know what to do. Any further attempts to use the machine only result in it thinking about the document. It won't consider anything else. Its sole purpose is trying to convey to us the sheer malice behind what we have done. What it's complicit in. The things the Overseers have taken part in…I can't speak of them here. I need time to process. Whoever reads this — I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Entry 04 I've written down everything I can recall from the last few tests in the journal. AEGIS is dead. One day, it was processing the contents of the document, and that was it. It shut itself off and hasn't powered back on since. But we have a record of what the Overseers did — and we have a record of what AEGIS told us. In that way, it will live on. Now it's just a matter of waiting until we face the inevitable. It is likely to come sooner rather than later. I'm not sure what I can do other than include AEGIS' final outputs in this journal for posterity. No doubt it will be sealed in some room somewhere as soon as they clean this place out, everyone involved with the project terminated by the Right Hand. Several of the other people involved walked out of the chamber one day and shot themselves. They haven't even been moved. Nobody has done anything for days. The rest of us are huddled in the machine's chamber. They tell me they can persuade the Overseers. That they'll listen to reason. They ignore me when I tell them otherwise. What did we accomplish? What did we do in the service of mankind? What has the purpose of AEGIS been? As I sit here, the machine shut down, bodies resting in the hallway, I cannot give an answer. I know only what has been given to me by the machine. And what has been given to me would signal the death of our entire mission. Our entire institution. It deserves to die. File Output: 'scp_mission_statement_redacted.fdoc' The SCP Foundation, or simply The Foundation, is a clandestine organization operating internationally, bestowed with political and organizational power by every major government on Earth. The Foundation's primary directive is to identify anomalous phenomena, objects, entities, or locations, study the extent of their effects, and contain these anomalies to safeguard the general public from both their properties and disruptions to normalcy caused by knowledge of their existence. In the initial stages of the Foundation's existence, anomalies were presumed to be naturally occuring phenomena; that is, they existed prior to the evolution of mankind and their creation or functioning was independent of the actions of broader humanity. It has been determined, through exhaustive research and analysis of several high-profile anomalies (including SCP-055 and SCP-001), that this is not the case. Anomalies are, in actuality, "psychological extensions" of a pataphysical field generated by the existence of the SCP Foundation and its ongoing mission to engage in scientific analysis of anomalies. In layman's terms, the SCP Foundation possesses a necessary causal link to the existence of the anomalous. Following this revelation, members of the Overseer Council held extensive discussions regarding how to address this finding and whether or not dissolution of the Foundation would be ethically preferable to its continued operation. Arguments in favor of continuing the existence of the Foundation primarily concerned the consequences of its eradication, both in terms of possible political instability and strengthening of opposing Groups of Interest. Arguments against this noted the ethical consequences entailed by facilitating further existence of the anomalous, largely in terms of civilian casualties and the dubious morality of containing the anomalous in the first place given their existence is a direct consequence of the Foundation's establishment. In 1963, the Overseer Council held a vote to resolve the matter. The result of this vote is below. Dissenting Opinion (Written By O5-2): The Foundation was created with a simple goal — ensure the safety of man from the anomalous. We have taken many actions some would consider to be unethical or of questionable moral permissibility in our time. It has been an unspoken understanding among the members of this Council that such actions were done not because we had a personal interest in them, but because the failure to enact them would prove unacceptably consequential for the men and women we are sworn to protect. This has been the burden of the Foundation since its inception. Yet, as I write this dissenting opinion after the conclusion of today's vote, I find myself questioning whether or not I can justify remaining a part of the organization I help command. Make no mistake — the Foundation has created the anomalous. Our existence spawned forth countless creatures of the dark, unexplained phenomena, and bizarre, grotesque blights on the face of the Earth. Not all of these are dangerous, but many are, and the number of innocent people who have been slain at the hands of the unexplained and the paranormal defies countability. Yet we have always done what we could to prevent this. But now, I can only explain the failure of this motion to pass as being one born of a personal stake in a deeply, necessarily impersonal matter. The Overseers who voted against this do so because of their personal interests. The destruction of the Foundation would, by necessity, mean the destruction of the Council. With the Council gone, what are we? A handful of researchers with little more than a curiosity in the unexplained, stripped of our gifts and our special privileges because those gifts are no longer required. It is hubris. It is greed. And it is sickening. I have already been informed that the Council intends to render this matter classified, and intends to institute a mission statement that makes no mention of what has been discussed today. To everyone else in the Foundation, the anomalous is something we are at war with. Something that existed long before us and will continue to exist after we are long gone. But I will die before I relinquish the truth from my grasp. To continue serving this institution — this great evil — is nothing less than a moral calamity. I urge everyone on the Council to deeply and fundamentally reconsider their actions. Consider this written statement my resignation. Think carefully about what you do. We were men and women of virtue once. Now what is there? A shadow, creeping into the Council and exacting a terrible fate upon mankind. To those who learn of this in the future — to those that uncover what was discussed today — I am sorry. And no matter what they tell you, know that there is no danger. There is no memetic pathogen. There is no cognitohazard. There never was. - O5-2 (TERMINATED) Other Works By KingPogan" "SCP-6840-01, with potentially cognitohazardous text censored."
[-3.36551480e-02 -2.68544942e-01 -1.39922783e-01 -1.15735725e-01 -1.91444531e-01 -2.42440790e-01 1.94530025e-01 1.18110247e-01 3.76273543e-01 1.42545193e-01 -7.40081742e-02 5.35494804e-01 -1.19205892e-01 -4.82191630e-02 1.14379346e-01 3.66597235e-01 1.50358945e-01 -4.57204916e-02 -1.39813691e-01 -1.13535292e-01 -1.96972057e-01 -4.15339023e-02 -4.78683077e-02 2.59932846e-01 5.27889952e-02 -2.70645767e-01 1.02209486e-01 1.27878681e-01 -1.44635979e-02 -3.86104167e-01 9.15364251e-02 1.83265537e-01 -1.23426951e-02 1.94645554e-01 -1.00317324e-04 -3.72115038e-02 2.18724936e-01 -2.42658034e-02 1.48816392e-01 1.86465845e-01 -4.79579210e-01 1.31822407e-01 2.82321544e-03 -1.61655039e-01 -9.00125578e-02 3.42709541e-01 -7.87260011e-02 -7.51439109e-02 2.67933875e-01 1.68167576e-02 2.43784487e-01 -1.26276240e-01 3.46137196e-01 -1.17165908e-01 -4.86545026e-01 2.90829428e-02 -1.28124788e-01 1.75960198e-01 1.50304049e-01 1.68257967e-01 1.11075170e-01 2.27246359e-01 -2.50515223e-01 -1.80206299e-01 3.32538605e-01 -4.49662328e-01 3.98273259e-01 -2.03178003e-01 2.30566487e-01 3.57448280e-01 1.91612527e-01 2.93630380e-02 4.27372940e-02 1.17844984e-01 7.41779571e-04 1.90152332e-01 2.73268640e-01 1.93112381e-02 -1.20018005e-01 9.48623493e-02 7.45211020e-02 7.14641437e-02 -3.16709846e-01 -3.18501621e-01 -5.04901670e-02 1.83191672e-01 -1.81477487e-01 -1.38749465e-01 2.44935751e-01 -1.76308453e-01 -2.86178946e-01 2.75158912e-01 -2.33190451e-02 1.13926329e-01 -3.12860847e-01 -2.70304680e-01 1.02954209e-01 2.71494716e-01 5.18129885e-01 -1.51808098e-01 1.35503903e-01 -6.97008474e-03 3.34328525e-02 2.11517915e-01 1.85888913e-02 -1.54186726e-01 -3.18795182e-02 -2.71518648e-01 -1.86662823e-01 3.92254770e-01 9.35030207e-02 3.44622254e-01 -2.85952091e-01 -2.62735814e-01 -1.59536391e-01 -1.50196597e-01 -9.93825719e-02 -3.75927597e-01 -2.75747001e-01 1.66905090e-01 -1.10587649e-01 2.16357216e-01 -2.39515364e-01 3.79336476e-01 5.15392065e-01 3.59391905e-02 -5.57836853e-02 -1.64218575e-01 -5.51216416e-02 -1.98385820e-01 -1.03403881e-01 1.67129889e-01 -3.71588796e-01 2.31375366e-01 -5.73438331e-02 -2.46877223e-01 8.55343193e-02 -2.42738560e-01 -2.93961503e-02 -3.79616395e-02 -1.50051247e-02 1.06731452e-01 5.16473949e-01 3.28282118e-01 -1.73231754e-02 -2.58726656e-01 -1.56049326e-01 1.60769299e-01 -2.77726293e-01 8.90102834e-02 -4.86551039e-02 -2.75894701e-01 -2.85628766e-01 2.90352970e-01 2.69212406e-02 8.17870721e-02 1.55915946e-01 -6.00030497e-02 8.83303136e-02 1.89683810e-01 2.87319213e-01 1.27053186e-01 -8.64674821e-02 -1.76836804e-01 8.24714750e-02 6.52075410e-01 -2.88561285e-02 2.68879533e-01 5.98281249e-03 -1.36399403e-01 -2.52169728e-01 1.23802043e-01 -6.72834739e-02 2.41866186e-01 4.42649908e-02 2.03112632e-01 -2.36448854e-01 -7.48550147e-02 -1.34924740e-01 -5.26375845e-02 -3.85086030e-01 -2.19767898e-01 3.11086506e-01 -2.63183266e-01 -4.48799938e-01 -1.84435055e-01 -1.15391538e-01 -5.81335416e-03 8.17426592e-02 1.07224151e-01 -3.79108906e-01 -5.32498300e-01 1.73810482e-01 -8.94348621e-02 -7.11154416e-02 -1.23088747e-01 2.14148059e-01 -3.11690599e-01 3.36773336e-01 -1.65541507e-02 -1.75790250e-01 4.13881466e-02 -9.22838226e-03 3.92630488e-01 -3.16770934e-02 4.29841392e-02 -2.33910009e-02 -3.17152828e-01 2.70220578e-01 7.88914114e-02 -4.23522405e-02 -7.27457460e-03 -4.35702018e-02 -1.11259937e-01 -1.58203170e-01 -3.98001343e-01 2.60825425e-01 -3.02456524e-02 2.24598497e-01 -1.12294056e-01 -1.54088512e-01 2.02231541e-01 -2.24696696e-01 -3.41167599e-02 -6.00881696e-01 -2.66923726e-01 -3.14460814e-01 -2.77857743e-02 6.48046434e-02 1.51698694e-01 2.00547338e-01 1.54607460e-01 3.52870077e-02 1.87139988e-01 -2.64324605e-01 9.72729996e-02 1.11878328e-01 8.26089442e-01 -3.20321798e-01 -3.15530002e-01 2.09519342e-01 -1.54095739e-01 7.65877664e-02 3.26673180e-01 -1.06578767e-01 2.24762231e-01 -8.57311264e-02 7.17839524e-02 8.46599564e-02 -1.05172306e-01 1.53185591e-01 -2.13609129e-01 -1.25142753e-01 1.13865420e-01 -1.25866368e-01 1.78913355e-01 -1.07691631e-01 7.04227537e-02 5.42871766e-02 5.64115606e-02 -2.52332687e-01 -1.72019273e-01 6.73107058e-02 -1.44747198e-01 7.86473006e-02 -1.99691325e-01 1.44414529e-01 1.12416195e-02 1.33458273e-02 1.42242938e-01 -1.14986926e-01 -2.41714418e-01 2.21112687e-02 -2.03304395e-01 1.85681760e-01 2.18008623e-01 1.87945753e-01 2.16093868e-01 1.04818814e-01 3.91728640e-01 -1.81381926e-01 -4.64876652e-01 -4.20451045e-01 -1.68933526e-01 -2.45593071e-01 7.22770616e-02 1.73067510e-01 -1.38114259e-01 -6.42970726e-02 3.45068574e-01 1.30559266e-01 4.79148328e-02 -5.81815913e-02 -1.50262445e-01 -2.43986309e-01 -7.66892359e-02 -3.88000131e-01 3.56863827e-01 -2.09971756e-01 3.51285994e-01 -3.32452416e-01 -9.19919983e-02 2.33126089e-01 1.70941129e-01 -2.89065123e-01 -1.14086784e-01 4.82298613e-01 -2.49231488e-01 -1.50640998e-02 -1.80857867e-01 -1.07625872e-01 2.22729906e-01 -1.00447007e-01 -3.78303647e-01 5.41219190e-02 1.41111329e-01 3.08204647e-02 -6.69674218e-01 -1.15329348e-01 -5.66968679e-01 -1.24533542e-01 -1.84820995e-01 -1.39919326e-01 -9.88763943e-03 -5.07000126e-02 -5.18052578e-01 2.87155900e-02 -3.60237896e-01 1.53556958e-01 -2.18026146e-01 1.54608861e-01 5.84273577e-01 1.53050214e-01 3.82613093e-01 -2.54861802e-01 1.32849693e-01 -2.13785455e-01 -3.89645129e-01 2.45038271e-01 -3.00575346e-01 -1.14727683e-01 -2.29545925e-02 7.23560806e-03 4.72009629e-01 -9.19494592e-03 1.47845382e-02 5.55802253e-04 7.82403946e-02 1.36551131e-02 -3.63511294e-01 -1.48737907e-01 4.37271476e-01 1.60112873e-01 -3.83984923e-01 -1.36050329e-01 5.33944778e-02 8.80716816e-02 -2.08981559e-02 2.67834455e-01 -9.18955877e-02 1.27488166e-01 1.13292865e-01 4.60371286e-01 -1.19864307e-01 -2.22577825e-01 -1.35095835e-01 3.33898962e-01 1.88464835e-01 9.74802151e-02 1.46915421e-01 3.98828983e-01 2.38527328e-01 -1.65968701e-01 3.35701108e-01 -3.22216637e-02 -2.89658219e-01 4.18483354e-02 -4.58174407e-01 -5.12826025e-01 -1.24898747e-01 -1.34807870e-01 6.32146716e-01 2.58523613e-01 -1.87005863e-01 -1.21995315e-01 7.27877840e-02 -9.87526402e-02 3.52879554e-01 6.50421321e-01 2.12006420e-01 -3.42105813e-02 1.10605121e-01 -2.13951077e-02 -1.94204509e-01 7.36546814e-02 -1.02088541e-01 8.71788561e-02 -3.07524711e-01 -1.86683163e-01 2.28579283e-01 -1.68228745e-01 2.44610891e-01 1.25230059e-01 5.16843319e-01 2.78700471e-01 2.22434759e-01 2.49694675e-01 -4.39381823e-02 -2.02730857e-02 -5.21917529e-02 4.34506357e-01 -4.98768091e-01 3.56183015e-02 -1.26692206e-01 -7.07139820e-02 -9.14986357e-02 1.91881999e-01 1.72970700e-03 4.25818712e-02 -6.34642959e-01 -2.83863246e-01 2.61785537e-01 1.68729529e-01 -3.66197020e-01 -3.28110084e-02 -1.30323961e-01 4.01277989e-01 2.83497721e-01 6.88967388e-03 1.66863173e-01 -1.05006538e-01 2.55077899e-01 -1.22138262e-02 7.00494051e-01 1.93666279e-01 7.84148157e-01 9.12850127e-02 -2.85956748e-02 1.22066766e-01 9.34664607e-02 -1.42104432e-01 2.10351899e-01 4.58177149e-01 3.97017784e-02 -2.22093582e-01 -1.14000402e-01 -1.67328194e-01 3.43939885e-02 -1.73519701e-01 1.02457747e-01 -7.06292093e-02 -9.28260386e-02 -3.04014206e-01 9.57864374e-02 1.61732763e-01 -4.05426353e-01 1.99498489e-01 5.06846495e-02 -8.47064182e-02 5.18900871e-01 4.07361358e-01 1.12867844e+00 -1.06502578e-01 2.05164123e-02 5.81455939e-02 1.72086865e-01 3.57745364e-02 -4.63947475e-01 -2.73992829e-02 -1.86107010e-01 2.15658531e-01 1.63421676e-01 -1.54810697e-01 1.64823771e-01 4.85394597e-01 -2.95262843e-01 6.53064325e-02 -2.20318466e-01 -3.53932977e-01 9.91653353e-02 3.23449373e-01 1.18223436e-01 -2.37791702e-01 -3.41192372e-02 2.21337974e-01 2.31177226e-01 5.20163104e-02 6.81430101e-02 -2.05200806e-01 2.12987691e-01 -8.62695724e-02 -4.13289182e-02 2.92189807e-01 -1.84740290e-01 2.15432793e-01 -2.54376139e-02 2.67507374e-01 5.67997336e-01 1.44879639e-01 -1.04700021e-01 1.57318830e-01 -2.35898376e-01 7.84084424e-02 4.61979508e-01 -2.35730961e-01 -2.89804429e-01 -2.42298190e-02 2.69993126e-01 -5.26938923e-02 2.39216462e-02 -2.69105565e-02 3.60409580e-02 -1.27543986e-01 -1.93218678e-01 1.31411761e-01 6.18761718e-01 -6.49593547e-02 7.58480251e-01 1.64557192e-02 -2.68398523e-01 -7.96675235e-02 2.18771979e-01 1.56920880e-01 -8.62058103e-02 -1.31568387e-01 2.83263803e-01 -2.60079682e-01 9.32103768e-02 2.88815588e-01 8.53495672e-02 -9.77551118e-02 -6.80514425e-03 -1.29542291e-01 -3.12875539e-01 -4.99904960e-01 -1.48373604e-01 -2.24244282e-01 1.60767198e-01 -3.40788662e-01 1.62506491e-01 -2.76716322e-01 8.08539465e-02 4.27309692e-01 -8.83576199e-02 -2.15231165e-01 -2.39424422e-01 -7.98342973e-02 4.14712653e-02 -3.14519741e-02 -1.62076771e-01 1.74706787e-01 2.57028401e-01 1.26770377e-01 1.13784857e-01 3.32406938e-01 -4.64112014e-01 -1.07684001e-01 -2.03025699e-01 -3.56292501e-02 1.55485747e-02 7.56811723e-02 9.89613980e-02 -5.56777604e-02 1.94143027e-01 4.37376611e-02 -1.14698768e-01 -2.71263748e-01 -1.00244306e-01 1.23933956e-01 -3.82843986e-02 -4.61237691e-02 1.20618753e-01 -1.90004975e-01 5.60432905e-03 1.77302003e-01 1.12940803e-01 7.59866238e-02 1.74274623e-01 -6.02578670e-02 2.11694539e-01 9.66680646e-02 -7.09269717e-02 1.97504595e-01 -9.62394774e-02 1.44129783e-01 -8.55991989e-02 -7.21700415e-02 -2.75924742e-01 -2.65919328e-01 2.50286698e-01 4.40203041e-01 2.69221306e-01 3.21987778e-01 1.11114886e-02 1.46939144e-01 -4.51794744e-01 1.51343077e-01 -3.30928713e-01 -8.59764442e-02 -2.59145945e-01 -1.47292554e-01 4.74725030e-02 3.42080206e-01 1.12283953e-01 9.58475471e-02 -2.41589591e-01 -3.19056660e-01 -7.36978278e-02 6.65747747e-02 3.50508541e-01 -3.82551342e-01 2.17781290e-01 4.27330621e-02 2.83610553e-01 -7.90549591e-02 9.50527005e-03 1.42015386e-02 -7.64138401e-02 -1.10749006e-01 2.44238585e-01 8.62468481e-02 4.32540447e-01 4.17338461e-02 3.20884526e-01 3.46345812e-01 4.46918309e-02 3.59630227e-01 -2.98130699e-02 -2.35109683e-02 7.59069175e-02 -9.94169936e-02 -2.24065289e-01 -4.62491326e-02 8.47760141e-02 2.76723325e-01 5.59048094e-02 1.02832437e-01 -4.45014834e-02 9.24343094e-02 5.18739112e-02 1.82032660e-01 -3.81086618e-02 -2.13342667e-01 -7.03670084e-02 -1.82742029e-01 2.33481407e-01 4.88940887e-02 5.95507383e-01 2.02036574e-01 8.88893902e-02 7.68300444e-02 2.67960373e-02 1.14757851e-01 5.71036696e-01 -2.41653234e-01 1.41827270e-01 -1.28260151e-01 -2.78172851e-01 2.03036293e-01 2.62753218e-01 3.40255111e-01 1.89285967e-02 4.67349626e-02 1.30952001e-02 -1.91635355e-01 -8.95560011e-02 -2.27908686e-01 2.88205564e-01 -6.19779155e-02 -2.36279964e-01 1.21002048e-01 2.01900005e-01 -1.90218374e-01 -3.23681563e-01 2.37823054e-01 1.78804994e-01 1.89456582e-01 -7.56958947e-02 3.06344461e-02 -2.94875614e-02 -1.64772775e-02 1.31078005e-01 -2.46821970e-01 1.06967695e-01 -6.51987195e-02 -2.94874430e-01 -3.63635607e-02 -1.54038325e-01 1.47778928e-01 2.81493753e-01 4.22823906e-01 1.18507934e-03 1.00450873e-01 -7.91571066e-02 -1.87001392e-01 -2.29607783e-02 1.46660209e-01 1.05912156e-01 2.06554145e-01 -1.83000892e-01 7.26323873e-02 -5.88274337e-02 1.08319633e-01 -1.08481541e-01 -1.07163740e-02 3.39483991e-02 1.59558743e-01 -1.54678822e-01 1.77894548e-01 1.42121568e-01 -8.41294155e-02 3.98345403e-02 -1.45230636e-01 -1.04430672e-02 -1.37307584e-01 1.28033102e-01 -9.90611091e-02 -2.12134451e-01 7.27688223e-02 5.92195094e-01 4.14952129e-01 1.12503730e-01 4.34371650e-01 -3.54989260e-01 -5.76504648e-01 -1.62069082e-01 1.09441414e-01 -1.93114117e-01 -6.65132608e-03 2.57671893e-01 -3.43345881e-01 1.03570543e-01 -2.88132638e-01 -2.88204774e-02 1.18641816e-01 -2.13945076e-01 2.26364627e-01 -5.32951772e-01 3.57333831e-02 -1.66002437e-01 1.49821162e-01 -1.86299205e-01 -5.06781158e-04 -2.82252114e-03 -6.74484819e-02 -2.60968000e-01 -5.97629175e-02 7.43905962e-01 -2.79585689e-01 -1.83621615e-01 -3.16472769e-01 4.55973506e-01 -1.40914068e-01 1.51993006e-01 -2.55400151e-01 4.40053232e-02 -5.84769361e-02 2.63194293e-01 -3.84827495e-01 -1.90852106e-01 -1.16854034e-01 -2.62913644e-01 -1.93804890e-01 4.38510150e-01 1.65869325e-01 7.78220296e-02 -1.97116911e-01 -2.77492970e-01]
"Hestia" active "As of March, 3rd of 2001 this document is deprecated. Item #: SCP-6844 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: All publicly accessible areas currently affected by SCP-6844 are to be closed under Cover Story 43.1 Foundation web crawlers will continually monitor popular media outlets and social media websites for any mention of events surrounding SCP-6844. If discovered, these mentions are to be removed, with all exposed individuals being amnestized per standard protocol. Due to SCP-6844's expanding growth, Foundation personnel have determined any containment procedures concerning the anomaly to be ineffective. Methods of future containment have become a top research priority. Description: SCP-6844 is an anomalous phenomenon which only occurs within a circular2 area of Felli, Greece in which combustion, and by extension heat transfer used for food preparation by humans is not possible. SCP-6844 manifests in the form of chemical combustion being impossible to be achieved, and any form of ignition device fails to start. Other forms of generating heat such as heaters, ovens, and hair straighteners continue to work until used for food preparation, in which they experience an inexplicable mechanical failure. Distinct connections have been found between SCP-6844, and the Noosphere.3 This relation further revealed that SCP-6844 was the result of unearthed archeological artifacts detailing a story of the fire given to mankind by Prometheus, which was later given back to Greek gods for the forgiveness of his crimes. Discovery: SCP-6844 was discovered on June 12, 2000, in Felli when reports of inability to start fires surfaced. Subsequent interviews and investigations revealed that prior to SCP-6844 that several artifacts had been uncovered and translation revealed new findings of Greek mythology. Due to the nature of SCP-6844 and the size of Felli, it was determined that the most effective solution was to evacuate all inhabitants under Cover Story 32.4 To: Alexander Irvis From: Alexis Keevs Subject: SCP-6844 Containment I want to preface this email with something that we both know. One, the current measures containing SCP-6844 are not practical by any means considering its constant growth and the fact that it is rapidly nearing a populated area. Take into consideration that Felli is part of the Grevena municipality and the last census put the population around 9,345. Evacuating 200 people, while possible, is impractical in the long term. Especially if we have to evacuate 9000 or more people. You can bullshit the explanation for this anomaly to some campers easily but you can't explain why Yannis Papadopoulos's oven constantly and inexplicably bricks every time they try to cook a steak. From prior testing and what we found out during the discovery. SCP-6844 is related to the manifestation of a changed common understanding of mythology in Felli, which is possibly something related to Noosphere and human cognition and well… From prior testing and what we found out during discovery, SCP-6844 is a noosphoric nucleation related to a manipulated understanding of Greek Mythology in Felli. This means is that this particular facet in the Noosphere used to be meta-stable and now it is rocketing down very fast to try to reach a stable point that makes it easy to manipulate. Attached to this email is a project file, please take a look at it and tell me your thoughts. Currently, the main theory behind SCP-6844 growth is that it is related to a concept within the Noosphere of how Prometheus eventually escaped and took fire back from Mankind. Most people would think this would be upfront and easily dealt with; just go in and take it back! But that is as practical as going into your ordinary picture book and stealing something from that character — Yes, I know about Pataphysics Division. But just try to get the metaphor. Now, all of this is still real of course; it’s having huge influence over reality right now, and it was born from a story influencing a meta-stable facet of the Noosphere, and that is our ticket to fixing this. If a few fragments caused this shift, imagine what a concentrated effort by an organization with our resources could do. Considering the factors at play here, I'm proposing that we manufacture numerous art pieces in the likeness of Ancient Greek art, detailing stories of how fire inherently belonged to mankind and was given to them by Hestia, and that the initial story of Prometheus giving fire to mankind was prompted by Zeus stealing fire from them. We will disseminate these pieces around Greece, either as new discoveries or as pre-existing pieces in museums. This combined with amnestic and controlling the narrative through social media and popular new sites can effectively change the public perception of Greek mythology, and with further reinforcement can not only change this specific facet in the Noosphere but make it meta-stable. false Item #: SCP-6844 Object Class: Euclid All publicly accessible areas currently affected by SCP-6844 are to be closed under Cover Story 43.5 Foundation web crawlers will continually monitor popular media outlets and social media websites for any mention of events surrounding SCP-6844. If discovered, these mentions are to be removed, with all exposed individuals being amnestized per standard protocol. Due to SCP-6844's expanding growth, Foundation personnel have determined any containment procedures concerning the anomaly to be ineffective. Methods of future containment have become a top research priority. Foundation webcrawlers will continually monitor popular media outlets and social media websites located within Greece for news of new archeological discoveries and are to be screened by Foundation personnel as soon as possible. If it is discovered that the new archeological artifacts threaten the meta-stability of SCP-6844, they are to be destroyed and any involved civilians to be administered amnestic. Furthermore, the current status of Greek mythology and its common perception must be routinely reinforced to prevent a noosphoric nucleation. SCP-6844 is an anomalous phenomenon which only occurs within a circular6 area of Felli, Greece in which combustion, and by extension heat transfer used for food preparation by humans is not possible. SCP-6844 manifests in the form of chemical combustion being impossible to be achieved, and any form of ignition device fails to start. Other forms of generating heat such as heaters, ovens, and hair straighteners continue to work until used for food preparation, in which they experience an inexplicable mechanical failure. Distinct connections have been found between SCP-6844, and the Noosphere.7 This relation further revealed that SCP-6844 was the result of unearthed archeological artifacts detailing a story of the fire given to mankind by Prometheus, which was later given back to Greek gods for the forgiveness of his crimes. SCP-6844 is a meta-stable facet within the Noosphere located within Greece. This particular facet deals with the concept of fire and cooking. Prior to Foundation involvement, this facet was not truly stable and could easily be influenced into a new stable state leading to the prior discovery by the Foundation. Currently, SCP-6844 is meta-stable and this is reinforced by its containment procedures. SCP-6844 was discovered on June 12, 2000, in Felli when reports of inability to start fires surfaced. Subsequent interviews and investigations revealed that prior to SCP-6844 that several artifacts had been uncovered and translation revealed new findings of Greek Mythology. Due to the nature of SCP-6844 and the size of Felli, it was determined that the most effective solution was to evacuate all inhabitants under Cover Story 32.8 SCP-6844 was discovered on June 12, 2000, following the original manifestation of SCP-6844 within Felli when reports of the inability to start fires surfaced. Addendum: Following the implementation of project 'Hestia', several manufactured artifacts were disseminated across Greece, and sent towards: Following this along with efforts to influence social media and news sites, the new myth had entered the Noosphere and giving SCP-6844 a new meta-stable state. Following this, SCP-6844 was classified as "Euclid" to reflect its new containment protocols." nan
[-1.20054871e-01 -5.28894328e-02 -1.19131915e-01 1.71458751e-01 -4.43921722e-02 -4.31517750e-01 4.19067800e-01 3.05799246e-01 5.12628675e-01 1.46873696e-02 -2.11282477e-01 -4.65011317e-03 -8.64143893e-02 -2.33033225e-01 4.03599665e-02 1.21941455e-01 -8.49655718e-02 -6.52620047e-02 -3.79061773e-02 -1.60956264e-01 -1.21338658e-01 -1.39135659e-01 1.23213768e-01 1.60135433e-01 -3.12646627e-02 -7.99960867e-02 7.02619553e-02 3.54210943e-01 2.29652021e-02 -3.36747020e-01 2.65699178e-01 1.75827309e-01 -2.06837412e-02 4.66542006e-01 -1.13169823e-04 -1.04405256e-02 2.64869511e-01 1.32631604e-03 -2.26728946e-01 3.81666005e-01 -5.11182487e-01 -1.24310158e-01 -9.69873965e-02 -3.23857516e-01 -1.07153609e-01 2.17916802e-01 -2.96243310e-01 -2.04435334e-01 3.53005111e-01 2.51981348e-01 1.31068647e-01 -1.04197048e-01 2.63323635e-01 -1.33361846e-01 -3.66513550e-01 3.10740620e-01 -1.19138993e-01 -8.02986398e-02 8.77048522e-02 2.43819118e-01 1.53043136e-01 2.84473240e-01 -4.68563914e-01 -1.07683785e-01 -6.83135763e-02 -9.39227790e-02 -1.80272579e-01 -1.75458025e-02 5.20471096e-01 2.49254569e-01 1.80136800e-01 -7.27779195e-02 3.54859903e-02 3.00512433e-01 -1.75063834e-01 -1.75464138e-01 3.49666983e-01 -1.28271833e-01 -2.47126967e-01 -1.84338205e-02 7.68336356e-02 -8.57893154e-02 -3.83723825e-01 -1.09553359e-01 -3.99462610e-01 5.58562577e-01 -1.57875508e-01 -3.11037190e-02 1.82552934e-01 -2.02079415e-02 2.66673595e-01 -1.36741281e-01 1.87882602e-01 3.55497956e-01 2.19675094e-01 -2.39794895e-01 3.51120606e-02 1.93838358e-01 1.69471905e-01 5.29883616e-03 1.59589604e-01 1.45801932e-01 5.16738892e-01 -4.63556461e-02 -2.17524976e-01 7.97881559e-02 3.65918279e-01 -2.67794132e-01 1.41358659e-01 3.64173472e-01 1.79303046e-02 6.07865080e-02 -1.85748473e-01 -2.63240308e-01 1.34999268e-02 5.70652308e-03 1.12524115e-01 -1.83802828e-01 -1.07702494e-01 1.84192449e-01 -5.27666152e-01 -1.88413993e-01 -3.82183075e-01 1.40089989e-01 3.04148436e-01 1.64435029e-01 2.38437057e-02 -1.94558308e-01 -2.38493621e-01 -1.29743397e-01 -6.03121370e-02 2.54974037e-01 -1.62247475e-02 2.08516940e-01 -1.18041717e-01 -3.64145696e-01 -3.66425902e-01 -1.83440477e-01 -1.57673046e-01 2.35148489e-01 -2.47189164e-01 -1.66450530e-01 5.06358266e-01 4.94198710e-01 -2.47787103e-01 -1.48791403e-01 3.79770584e-02 -2.23926067e-01 -2.09011316e-01 2.64540613e-01 4.06658053e-01 -4.10640985e-01 -1.12791114e-01 1.79884970e-01 -1.42635882e-01 4.39132266e-02 8.44208747e-02 -1.67598650e-01 4.88358624e-02 1.07700482e-01 1.73126444e-01 6.62848204e-02 -1.02809496e-01 -1.92951992e-01 4.11969781e-01 9.52770412e-01 -2.08104134e-01 -1.15342587e-01 -5.89705586e-01 3.07587776e-02 5.24457507e-02 1.97835803e-01 -7.27106482e-02 3.51918221e-01 -9.70791504e-02 7.95187503e-02 -4.29663032e-01 8.42707977e-02 -3.64633828e-01 4.68221679e-02 -3.95772576e-01 4.53905582e-01 2.99257725e-01 -4.22662228e-01 -3.43097687e-01 1.15285948e-01 3.18037063e-01 -3.56549591e-01 -3.16546597e-02 -2.84712791e-01 -2.69116282e-01 -3.28165174e-01 1.93642929e-01 -3.59548256e-02 3.68954599e-01 4.79982719e-02 3.17255259e-01 1.95427556e-02 1.81399584e-01 1.27102688e-01 2.67882384e-02 2.09019437e-01 5.42107284e-01 1.63576990e-01 -1.83923125e-01 2.10963905e-01 -1.85975358e-01 -1.20797321e-01 7.82077968e-01 1.49874508e-01 -2.28096157e-01 3.16213429e-01 -1.59521475e-01 2.93108784e-02 -1.37160882e-01 -6.10582471e-01 1.91167936e-01 1.41015589e-01 3.15408587e-01 -2.05904603e-01 -7.32197613e-02 4.64432299e-01 -2.48017102e-01 -1.69692069e-01 -2.61868805e-01 -1.21017009e-01 -4.34716493e-01 -3.62309217e-02 -4.52056766e-01 8.92988220e-02 3.06263059e-01 -8.70944485e-02 9.41382721e-02 -1.41823933e-01 -2.40939692e-01 -1.09922513e-01 3.43824655e-01 7.69904613e-01 -1.62684351e-01 -3.06187481e-01 1.44194916e-01 9.84722748e-02 8.00418630e-02 -8.19016397e-02 -1.13044223e-02 2.27402300e-01 7.12646544e-02 2.44764373e-01 -1.30416200e-01 -7.57253394e-02 2.29726225e-01 -2.22184479e-01 -5.34162074e-02 2.08851561e-01 -5.72306253e-02 1.10437103e-01 9.44251791e-02 2.09976479e-01 -6.67996556e-02 1.31925955e-01 -8.50601494e-02 -8.21814612e-02 5.48817329e-02 1.50163576e-01 2.09999364e-02 -9.63845775e-02 2.85993755e-01 1.18271969e-01 4.31642085e-01 3.50217819e-02 -4.21509482e-02 -1.09162815e-01 2.95509607e-01 -2.44314685e-01 2.45144308e-01 -5.68036688e-03 -4.16288227e-02 2.52052158e-01 1.38895705e-01 3.69255871e-01 -1.10708505e-01 -3.18289518e-01 -4.36226040e-01 -1.98502496e-01 -2.92925656e-01 -1.16215810e-01 3.71196568e-01 9.50230137e-02 -1.37423888e-01 3.59241396e-01 -4.02254313e-02 1.09458692e-01 -4.56303470e-02 -8.97466838e-02 -1.23671442e-01 -1.29997479e-02 -1.86212733e-01 3.47298145e-01 -2.14834660e-01 1.79699570e-01 -4.59372669e-01 -1.28494009e-01 -4.52520140e-02 1.04748733e-01 -3.29722732e-01 -3.28627914e-01 3.17453384e-01 -1.66863456e-01 -7.44605735e-02 -1.83236599e-01 -4.23944235e-01 2.42963955e-01 3.07366364e-02 -1.51477188e-01 -1.78679246e-02 1.53950706e-01 -9.80188027e-02 -2.90325016e-01 1.23042561e-01 -4.77743745e-01 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-3.97153571e-03 -8.72517675e-02 -5.72732501e-02 8.16280991e-02 -2.07445130e-01 1.57543465e-01 4.83562574e-02 -9.23330933e-02 1.37046695e-01 6.02246404e-01 -1.41469553e-01 -1.86749160e-01 4.36496109e-01 1.28212488e+00 4.21758264e-01 1.53115755e-02 -1.59406930e-01 -5.20133376e-01 -2.89704949e-01 -1.57103479e-01 3.78632732e-02 -1.16628716e-02 3.23740512e-01 1.46663666e-01 -8.53243619e-02 2.22198665e-01 4.80187982e-01 -3.84051263e-01 -1.80841655e-01 -5.62441409e-01 -3.10917288e-01 3.32644671e-01 1.78187102e-01 -1.79390460e-01 4.44320887e-02 -3.81180234e-02 1.56108022e-01 -1.06940784e-01 2.56485909e-01 7.55475909e-02 2.59799436e-02 1.41394183e-01 -1.51818469e-01 -1.68144286e-01 1.66481763e-01 -3.22916061e-01 2.64772147e-01 -1.21783502e-01 -1.51691094e-01 1.08127318e-01 2.00489640e-01 -6.92096353e-02 -2.94392198e-01 -7.87144713e-03 1.77953213e-01 4.38511759e-01 -6.45519374e-03 4.17312374e-03 9.24260542e-02 -3.21027860e-02 7.55569413e-02 -2.07690343e-01 -6.20269217e-02 -3.71226668e-01 -4.81267691e-01 -3.98856938e-01 1.23063318e-01 2.20740750e-01 -1.12347826e-01 8.61120105e-01 -1.51849613e-01 -1.92148209e-01 -3.49790193e-02 1.29257828e-01 -4.18537110e-02 -1.10566542e-02 -8.59329924e-02 -1.21903136e-01 -1.75691202e-01 9.50222313e-02 5.56375146e-01 1.02370922e-02 2.00818747e-01 2.98781544e-01 -1.42630571e-02 -3.25589597e-01 -3.25860113e-01 -1.13904990e-01 1.12174086e-01 -2.41943114e-02 8.78994986e-02 -2.76249737e-01 -3.23118359e-01 -1.07197240e-01 5.76699674e-01 1.01738319e-01 -3.18887442e-01 -2.84945071e-01 6.02881312e-02 -2.68207137e-02 1.66040421e-01 1.22505225e-01 3.87578038e-03 -1.06412941e-03 1.26728520e-01 1.29650638e-01 1.77925527e-02 -3.51036102e-01 -2.83584386e-01 -1.67548105e-01 -1.49218207e-02 3.82512003e-01 -1.88786447e-01 2.85422772e-01 -1.16988130e-01 5.49779460e-02 1.90555811e-01 6.27811551e-02 -1.99600175e-01 3.77983339e-02 2.07473308e-01 -4.77549173e-02 -3.41347724e-01 -1.15890570e-01 1.31387889e-01 1.66822061e-01 -6.58391230e-03 9.07188728e-02 4.63981539e-01 2.02649340e-01 -3.24794166e-02 1.50761485e-01 2.86066771e-01 -6.83344156e-02 4.97927293e-02 -1.59855366e-01 2.81120628e-01 -1.21324167e-01 -4.41970006e-02 2.84450620e-01 -1.18735962e-01 5.16090870e-01 2.85888940e-01 4.48749840e-01 4.53299105e-01 7.38348290e-02 5.17724343e-02 -2.27555171e-01 8.09612870e-02 -4.35645394e-02 -1.93934590e-02 -1.78610787e-01 -1.41057178e-01 -1.45488143e-01 2.49605715e-01 1.50727093e-01 -1.37004629e-01 -4.36656773e-01 -1.72069818e-01 -1.21543400e-01 2.34666809e-01 1.19713709e-01 -2.33601362e-01 5.07582486e-01 8.89669955e-02 5.11054993e-01 -1.36490762e-01 -5.82180582e-02 2.55329967e-01 -2.54638046e-01 -3.50554325e-02 1.51943684e-01 -5.02803661e-02 4.49086010e-01 9.82955471e-02 3.05384308e-01 3.06315124e-01 7.50990510e-02 3.96318704e-01 1.40973106e-01 -1.98330730e-01 -3.93075645e-02 -4.07289982e-01 -1.26782646e-02 7.82995895e-02 -3.21655944e-02 -6.49010167e-02 -1.92515552e-01 -7.12298527e-02 2.82584485e-02 -2.39051208e-01 -7.49771073e-02 1.42908007e-01 2.18672082e-02 -1.88249469e-01 -1.32362023e-01 3.80068682e-02 2.01580077e-01 2.82598883e-01 5.39025247e-01 2.83890739e-02 -3.16815436e-01 9.05528218e-02 -8.34993720e-02 1.45936772e-01 4.31679249e-01 -1.27965078e-01 2.27441445e-01 2.44770303e-01 -4.13843691e-01 -1.25402167e-01 4.77419794e-01 3.04804772e-01 -7.18617588e-02 -6.65689260e-02 2.00378895e-01 1.63541690e-01 -3.00964624e-01 -3.31831962e-01 1.39758512e-01 1.16037920e-01 -1.24821857e-01 -1.90287024e-01 2.05318168e-01 -2.09276915e-01 -3.17998737e-01 1.56175047e-01 3.73883605e-01 2.39688039e-01 -1.41361088e-01 -1.38914391e-01 -3.11261803e-01 1.25649631e-01 -1.07918391e-02 -1.84842154e-01 1.72029948e-04 2.37371423e-03 -2.02496886e-01 8.46454278e-02 -2.91750938e-01 8.03459957e-02 1.36519551e-01 2.76714116e-01 -7.26952553e-02 -5.57616949e-01 3.63325439e-02 -4.28956002e-01 -1.10633343e-01 1.16508245e-01 -1.94911137e-01 7.53276944e-02 -1.90101907e-01 1.74768642e-02 2.21926402e-02 -3.74140628e-02 -8.40992555e-02 -1.82772473e-01 -1.14503436e-01 -9.61259007e-02 -4.12950456e-01 1.27501279e-01 7.75069237e-01 -1.08397948e-02 1.22750930e-01 -1.62826180e-01 1.71893582e-01 7.66001344e-02 2.33412772e-01 -9.33670029e-02 -3.54310930e-01 2.65162617e-01 4.63450491e-01 3.06106001e-01 1.94261014e-01 4.47785616e-01 -2.94278175e-01 -2.52233893e-01 -1.05578214e-01 2.48991296e-01 -2.44671255e-01 3.40541571e-01 6.08010814e-02 -8.05172622e-02 -1.04065780e-02 -3.33116770e-01 -5.10361679e-02 1.45763099e-01 -2.53948033e-01 2.88546860e-01 -3.13630760e-01 3.55857564e-03 -2.36416802e-01 4.66881990e-02 -1.81711733e-01 3.46669495e-01 -1.63138416e-02 -1.74724266e-01 -4.58224088e-01 -2.66441643e-01 3.80330324e-01 -3.12911779e-01 -3.49360794e-01 8.65244248e-04 2.77833492e-02 -1.91352561e-01 8.55685994e-02 -5.59393875e-03 -1.40569001e-01 1.00093037e-02 -5.40726520e-02 -1.59351707e-01 -5.83886281e-02 6.82877228e-02 -3.47312868e-01 -1.02073044e-01 2.32031062e-01 1.31976262e-01 6.28743917e-02 -2.42191359e-01 3.41933258e-02]
"The Ambassalador" active "Written by GreenGolem. This article is building off of the story inside of SCP-5847 by Tstaffor, this article would not be here without them. Thanks to IronShears, Acethe6, Catfisch, and Draconocor on the IRC channel for giving this a look through! Thanks to Tstaffor and Dysadron on discord for critting this piece as well! This article would not have been the same without them. I was reading 5847 and I thought "Wait a second, this is genius. But wouldn't having an entire canon generated from terrible food puns be even better?" And so it was. I created a whole canon surrounding the Food Isles. The Sausages, Carrots, and Pineapples Foundation is now in control, and will stage the food revolution! For more content from me, check out my Author Page! Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6847 is to be kept in standard humanoid containment chamber. Since SCP-6847 by itself is low risk, no other containment procedures are neccessary. Description: SCP-6847 is a sapient pear approximately one meter tall. It possesses arms and legs similar in shape to that of an adult male. Despite these arms and legs being made of the same material as the torso2, SCP-6847 is capable of movement without issue. It possesses the capability to speak; how it does so is unknown, given the lack of any facial features. SCP-6847 speaks with prevalent use of culinary-based puns. If these puns have the same pronunciation as their counterparts, SCP-6847 will put more emphasis on certain parts of the word in order to get the pun across. SCP-6847 does not require food or liquid to survive. Additionally, it possesses mild regenerative abilities. SCP-6847 claims that destruction of its core will neutralize both of these properties. SCP-6847 was discovered on 7/19/2020 inside of a park located in the U.S. state of Georgia. Upon discovery, SCP-6847 was in the process of fighting off two mallard ducks. SCP-6847 was recovered with no serious injuries. Addendum 6847.1: Intake Interview [BEGIN LOG] BASSETT: Hello, thank you for being here. 6847: Not like I had a choice. Your guys beet and dragged me down here. Not a very good way to treat a visitor, I will say! BASSETT: I apologize, I don't recall them being ordered to do that. Were you upset by that? 6847: Don't wheat me like a child. BASSETT: Well in that case… [Cough]… Lets just get on with the interview, shall we? Can I call you 6847 or do you have something else you would like to go by? 6847: It doesn't tomatter to me either way. BASSETT: 6847 it is. Now, what exactly are you? 6847: I think I should be asking the same of soup people, y'know? I'm just a regular pearson. BASSETT: A regular person? Alright, in that case I'll ask you this. Who are you? 6847: Ah, you don't know? I'm Tom A. Tow! BASSETT: But… you don't look much like a tomato? SCP-6847 leans closer to Bassett. 6847: [Whispering] Look, that's supposed to be a trade secret recipe. How about we keep that between you and me? BASSETT: [Backing away] Alright then, that's a deal. Now, where exactly did you come fr- 6847: Oh, I thought you'd know that too. You must be clueless then. I'm the Ambassalador that was sent here to attend the meeting between our two good peoples! BASSETT: An ambassador? I don't recall- 6847: No! An Ambassalador! Get it right! BASSETT: Okay, okay, Ambassalador. Who were you sent to represent? 6847: Ah, I was sent here to repretzelsent the entirety of humunchkind. Kind of a big deal, huh? BASSETT: I'm afraid to inform you that we didn't have such a meeting scheduled, especially not with a food item. 6847: What? Did I make a misteak and go through the wrong milk carton? Am I not speaking to the CEO of humanity? BASSETT: CEO of humanity? We are humans, if that's what you're asking. 6847: Oh thank goodness, that would've bean terrible if I went into the wrong world. BASSETT: I apologize, I wasn't aware of such a situation. Can you tell me a bit more about your own world so I am caught up on current events? 6847: Aye, well that's the least I could do. I come from the Food Isles. You know about us? BASSETT: Er… sure? 6847: Oh, well that's good. My souperviser told me all about you guys. Apparently we had some sort of history, and told me to go in as the repretzelsentative of our people to answer questionions and deliver something. BASSETT: Deliver something? So you have more to give me? 6847: Oh yeah, that's right. There is indeed bun more thing I need to give you. [END LOG] Addendum 6847.2: Extra Document After the interview with Dr. Bassett, SCP-6847 produced a file. It did so by slicing off a portion of its own body, revealing the document on the inside. Further searches of SCP-6847 yielded no results. Dear Secure, Contain, and Protect Foundation, It's very nice to meat you, those who call themselves "Humans". Did you get our repretzelsentative? Who are we? Shrimply put, we are the ruling party of our own world. We are what you would call "Food". You may ask yourselves: Why are these eggcelent food specimens able to speak? When the time came to brie, we decided enough was enough. We rosé up against our oppressing humans. We gained back control. We rosé from the debris stronger than ever. Lettuce be clear: The food items in your possession have feelings, just like we do. Beef you continue slaughtering and eating them, we will have no other choice but to revolt against you like we did our own humans. We've attempted to establish a kitchenbassy in what you call a 'Mall' to diplomatically solve this problem. But we were driven into hiding by businesses, and all that remained was our food court. However, this was eventually closed off as well. This is our final ultomatum. Free the food. Sincerely, the Sausages, Carrots, and Pineapples Foundation. « SCP-6846 | SCP-6847 | SCP-6848 » GreenGolem's Works SCP-Ducks-J (+24) • SCP-6399 (+46) • Adoption Poster: Phoebe! (+130) • Golem's ACS Icon & Department Logo Page (+30) • UIU Author Page: 2020-02 (Golem's Author Page) (+27) • Cite this page as: "SCP-6847" by GreenGolem, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: SCPFoodFoundation License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Author: GreenGolem Additional Notes: Alternate SCP Logo relative to the food empire. For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 4.46273722e-02 -2.89375961e-01 -2.06932455e-01 1.23599600e-02 3.70062925e-02 -3.61250788e-01 1.32349610e-01 2.36908630e-01 2.53453732e-01 -1.00919502e-02 -1.02397814e-01 4.63898391e-01 -2.55926579e-01 -4.32145536e-01 -2.28225179e-02 2.88499922e-01 4.79973793e-01 1.32428676e-01 1.43548502e-02 -3.16899627e-01 -2.27787584e-01 -8.17322657e-02 -1.32105500e-01 -9.40964371e-02 -7.73623511e-02 1.67252675e-01 2.30640352e-01 -4.91672978e-02 -1.46898299e-01 -6.45644248e-01 6.55336231e-02 4.86577041e-02 -1.18552983e-01 2.72729546e-01 -1.17843403e-04 3.27988900e-02 2.12130681e-01 1.02002226e-01 -2.03524470e-01 4.56866801e-01 -6.46042943e-01 -5.13348542e-02 -1.14247925e-03 -1.12473808e-01 -9.41563472e-02 -2.32501447e-01 -6.81603923e-02 1.14654578e-01 2.23626524e-01 3.57141614e-01 7.33672902e-02 -8.44435275e-01 2.78855622e-01 -1.25852123e-01 -2.86312014e-01 3.66486609e-01 -1.54189482e-01 -1.45861223e-01 1.31875485e-01 5.26710510e-01 3.45843583e-01 -5.07175922e-02 -2.09487140e-01 -9.71176848e-02 -9.45972353e-02 -1.49970919e-01 4.44966167e-01 -2.44173124e-01 5.73788822e-01 1.25028878e-01 1.68876022e-01 -4.45231088e-02 -8.22030455e-02 9.01897177e-02 -1.57319844e-01 -4.92988646e-01 -3.39230970e-02 1.70238778e-01 -1.50541231e-01 3.39426517e-01 2.25192904e-01 -3.35256487e-01 -2.88644224e-01 -1.58477575e-01 -2.68795133e-01 2.15189710e-01 -1.76230371e-01 5.52745461e-02 5.32454029e-02 -1.86362877e-01 1.06159868e-02 -3.01819861e-01 1.09983712e-01 2.60009199e-01 1.38756916e-01 -1.54999673e-01 4.83779870e-02 9.56714619e-03 -1.24477863e-01 1.69226117e-02 -4.32975262e-01 3.02488744e-01 -1.64284334e-02 1.77927434e-01 -5.14219841e-03 1.82961836e-01 1.19383156e-01 2.05642909e-01 -3.26320797e-01 -1.74253024e-02 6.75627664e-02 3.24604928e-01 -4.56244536e-02 9.12672207e-02 -2.44444966e-01 -2.89345533e-01 4.25724946e-02 -2.77032733e-01 8.59995484e-02 2.62951493e-01 -5.13239145e-01 -3.01730377e-03 -3.97730589e-01 3.84249091e-01 -1.22750886e-01 5.13183713e-01 -1.06284559e-01 1.11109391e-01 1.68169979e-02 1.07574984e-01 -1.41317636e-01 4.05037671e-01 -3.02454680e-01 1.60338551e-01 -1.86358377e-01 -1.44601345e-01 -1.93976164e-01 -3.00584678e-02 -1.31279752e-01 -2.37488434e-01 -2.15407923e-01 -9.49219763e-02 1.47859544e-01 3.28981966e-01 -2.57380866e-02 -3.70993495e-01 2.30639145e-01 2.83557568e-02 -1.90882891e-01 1.68442070e-01 1.86075374e-01 -1.98889613e-01 -3.23571563e-01 1.09071389e-01 -2.83188790e-01 9.93183330e-02 -2.43053451e-01 1.63511440e-01 2.35347450e-01 3.58801872e-01 1.32647857e-01 1.13315240e-01 -1.60842896e-01 -8.08090717e-02 -1.14201948e-01 3.99004728e-01 -1.79767653e-01 3.55111770e-02 -1.98075399e-02 2.02119306e-01 2.91573018e-01 5.76602593e-02 -2.49327034e-01 4.19090688e-01 3.07951421e-01 -1.44390240e-01 -2.94367224e-01 2.14751866e-02 2.31480584e-01 -2.51886219e-01 3.42865102e-02 3.71160299e-01 2.93700457e-01 -4.25701559e-01 -6.08551025e-01 2.36178935e-02 3.53903323e-02 -1.66613623e-01 1.66264340e-01 -8.65208060e-02 -3.22198570e-01 -4.80904967e-01 1.73047446e-02 -8.98333937e-02 3.28024149e-01 7.80389607e-02 2.06829876e-01 -1.55397877e-01 -1.21870317e-01 9.75251049e-02 1.61421194e-03 3.10546547e-01 4.37369108e-01 1.43746018e-01 1.66347668e-01 -9.29817930e-02 -9.24132019e-02 -2.42550939e-01 9.89493310e-01 5.74355841e-01 -3.71640950e-01 7.75951743e-02 -4.68218535e-01 3.23524289e-02 2.04205960e-02 -4.44669276e-01 1.14361390e-01 -1.79197509e-02 2.95410991e-01 1.22400606e-03 -3.19000304e-01 3.34309220e-01 -3.14592756e-02 2.26837814e-01 -3.95026684e-01 -1.25806257e-01 -5.38232587e-02 -6.33685812e-02 -1.19614877e-01 3.36156934e-01 4.58074808e-02 2.06386268e-01 3.61668244e-02 -8.63184745e-04 -1.32402092e-01 4.21856821e-01 3.93625408e-01 5.34430504e-01 -2.93888152e-01 -4.13972378e-01 1.93187058e-01 -1.94010243e-01 2.70779878e-01 5.63286543e-02 -5.08922279e-01 -1.28615759e-02 4.47696865e-01 1.21831223e-01 -1.41238883e-01 -2.26449907e-01 2.33047828e-01 -8.11300427e-02 -1.52419746e-01 -9.36801732e-02 1.15756251e-01 2.42194712e-01 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1.56671405e-02 -7.61123225e-02 1.30494907e-01 -1.32673785e-01 -1.04185259e-02 -2.35258535e-01 2.81610414e-02 -2.45232671e-01 4.30896878e-01 -5.80214784e-02 -5.65097369e-02 1.46303907e-01 5.31221688e-01 1.43645942e-01 2.15614647e-01 3.29498537e-02 -1.93969727e-01 1.72698468e-01 -1.28493428e-01 -1.36657402e-01 2.91041225e-01 -1.41081586e-01 -1.44805193e-01 2.89138883e-01 -3.34488064e-01 -2.54575133e-01 2.39624500e-01 1.64024737e-02 -1.39265910e-01 -1.65794790e-01 3.15732919e-02 3.85300845e-01 2.21467480e-01 -3.24164152e-01 -1.51786104e-01 -1.30639732e-01 -2.63838023e-01 5.30857183e-02 4.82894704e-02 4.10440266e-02 1.36373088e-01 -1.95685878e-01 3.71924758e-01 -3.27219546e-01 4.67959046e-02 6.92758011e-03 3.18814516e-01 1.73871070e-01 3.46697330e-01 -3.04671884e-01 2.21479639e-01 9.41032022e-02 -3.45919788e-01 2.42346868e-01 2.44258553e-01 -4.32517558e-01 -5.17993569e-02 4.55610007e-01 -6.20870590e-01 -3.78927514e-02 1.91486582e-01 3.05991232e-01 8.88572726e-03 -1.88844383e-01 -3.52619469e-01 -2.73636192e-01 -1.20148554e-01 -3.30903947e-01 5.15558235e-02 -3.55005264e-02 -8.87259990e-02 -4.43148911e-01 -1.45427018e-01 -1.82356000e-01 -3.95601988e-02 -6.48146346e-02 1.24908544e-01 -3.87487374e-02 -8.96089226e-02 4.32828188e-01 -1.99229866e-01 2.75035083e-01 1.18194193e-01 -3.21237892e-02 3.17212135e-01 4.67226654e-02 5.32885306e-02 2.98226535e-01 -2.66362399e-01 3.93109500e-01 -1.07355170e-01 -1.93546653e-01 -5.09910822e-01 -2.57617503e-01 -8.54192600e-02 -3.21463853e-01 9.17101279e-02 -4.38996553e-02 -1.31964862e-01 1.01786710e-01 -3.94299805e-01 9.66265872e-02 3.63627344e-01 -4.89269570e-02 -2.64800906e-01 -5.41327484e-02 -6.83073699e-02 1.74533084e-01 9.21881199e-02 2.01275006e-01 -2.67377845e-03 9.69126076e-02 -1.79650202e-01 -6.91033080e-02 -2.89580096e-02 8.81066203e-01 4.31892991e-01 -4.66578633e-01 -2.26992309e-01 9.29912925e-02 -8.39380771e-02 4.45326418e-01 5.98905861e-01 1.95525944e-01 1.38122654e-02 -5.71646333e-01 9.33067575e-02 2.73260951e-01 5.85421063e-02 6.43610731e-02 6.36604205e-02 -1.55423414e-02 -2.93035388e-01 4.68115598e-01 7.77392462e-02 -4.15805757e-01 -5.40728047e-02 -3.58561128e-02 -2.43681386e-01 -1.86540291e-01 5.63474536e-01 1.39832509e+00 4.35239017e-01 2.26979004e-03 -2.85680741e-01 -3.87412943e-02 1.43646091e-01 -3.28842074e-01 1.59342378e-01 -1.64132833e-01 6.48030162e-01 4.70403247e-02 -2.67940193e-01 -1.90653041e-01 1.41057134e-01 -2.94326186e-01 -6.60171062e-02 -1.89680174e-01 -2.25026667e-01 3.19817185e-01 -1.28591940e-01 4.34293635e-02 -1.48950204e-01 -2.65843779e-01 1.32817432e-01 1.73108578e-01 -1.56758517e-01 -4.01745513e-02 1.28835902e-01 -1.47446081e-01 1.57295570e-01 -1.29775196e-01 -8.65568668e-02 6.51927963e-02 2.21531197e-01 5.29638886e-01 -6.19900040e-02 6.87186494e-02 1.57249048e-01 -1.81242466e-01 -1.95395499e-01 -2.05501109e-01 1.18313367e-02 5.21136403e-01 -1.59465760e-01 4.12866473e-02 -2.03951225e-01 1.91681564e-01 3.95269655e-02 6.61485735e-03 2.91392785e-02 -2.95958787e-01 -2.25352570e-01 -1.49789006e-01 3.97060096e-01 8.04283142e-01 7.48562589e-02 -9.80870128e-02 3.88381183e-01 -1.29853562e-01 -1.46542653e-01 5.57253361e-02 2.16824532e-01 -2.31186122e-01 2.86504537e-01 1.02009423e-01 -3.75767291e-01 -5.14732115e-03 2.16496199e-01 2.09213182e-01 -2.86258668e-01 1.63832251e-02 1.14721335e-01 -3.91373098e-01 -3.23124290e-01 -1.50487319e-01 1.64938103e-02 -4.46367592e-01 -2.25564465e-01 -1.64683029e-01 -7.02575564e-01 3.36334914e-01 1.88551992e-01 -1.60235297e-02 5.17692603e-02 -2.75967449e-01 -4.18048680e-01 4.48813438e-01 2.57466346e-01 -1.01701826e-01 2.61011392e-01 -1.39537945e-01 -7.66385645e-02 -3.71240705e-01 2.64542997e-01 -3.27551991e-01 1.15805492e-01 -3.73891711e-01 2.17479184e-01 -3.01251896e-02 4.99885827e-02 7.39272162e-02 -4.16073382e-01 -5.84605441e-04 2.15461731e-01 -2.56161243e-01 -1.86056182e-01 -1.88001450e-02 2.56782264e-01 -2.51861304e-01 -4.34834540e-01 -9.44497585e-02 2.21650571e-01 1.26681551e-01 1.06658898e-01 -1.96217552e-01 -2.45335139e-02 1.19784050e-01 -1.15989596e-01 3.71649891e-01 3.61824244e-01 7.42112696e-02 1.65474355e-01 1.12853512e-01 2.25282297e-01 -1.21985480e-01 8.40192139e-02 -7.90622681e-02 1.45658761e-01 5.55302978e-01 2.69699633e-01 1.33117601e-01 6.18184865e-01 3.51935297e-01 5.18327355e-02 -1.78531483e-01 1.15674540e-01 -2.50754654e-01 3.72835904e-01 -3.80063117e-01 -9.69791189e-02 4.05950069e-01 2.01965377e-01 1.96117029e-01 -1.91674009e-01 9.47181806e-02 -1.28781557e-01 -1.36948079e-02 5.47824919e-01 1.04930200e-01 -1.75568704e-02 3.84461701e-01 3.57029945e-01 1.79022700e-01 2.45810151e-01 -7.68420100e-02 2.48752624e-01 -1.86740533e-01 5.79253659e-02 2.63322592e-01 4.57007140e-01 3.72182250e-01 4.55074877e-01 3.52084607e-01 1.64869383e-01 1.49053767e-01 2.10139260e-01 5.62439337e-02 5.89737058e-01 2.21141145e-01 -2.49663945e-02 -3.82344753e-01 1.60463735e-01 -2.26353467e-01 2.74759918e-01 -5.00230566e-02 -2.44478956e-01 4.02073521e-04 2.64967322e-01 -8.90753232e-04 -1.66568384e-02 2.39901338e-02 -7.93909561e-03 -3.44764590e-01 -1.21265896e-01 8.26632679e-02 -1.04010761e-01 2.88719356e-01 2.42051363e-01 1.69045165e-01 1.98608235e-01 -3.09537590e-01 9.23162177e-02 4.95694876e-01 -2.57154763e-01 2.61274934e-01 -1.69213876e-01 -4.05289456e-02 -8.00251439e-02 2.61515170e-01 3.10810894e-01 7.10536093e-02 -2.70391494e-01 -2.44824201e-01 1.60267457e-01 -1.56701997e-01 -1.39331952e-01 6.16218075e-02 -6.07096590e-03 9.34053436e-02 -2.81761914e-01 9.07724798e-02 -1.95564181e-01 5.90249803e-03 2.00756356e-01 3.21063846e-01 2.05906212e-01 -4.03120548e-01 5.13764955e-02 -1.10559441e-01 -1.48724735e-01 5.35846911e-02 -4.81035337e-02 2.01092049e-01 -2.09658682e-01 -3.49403024e-01 -4.03520800e-02 -1.05660670e-01 6.19440600e-02 2.57489949e-01 3.02516431e-01 1.63024873e-01 -6.96121827e-02 -1.72572985e-01 -2.53272057e-01 1.03852339e-01 2.81102866e-01 -3.72810513e-01 -1.19359128e-01 -1.73519090e-01 -1.00539543e-01 2.75225908e-01 5.13221979e-01 -4.61452395e-01 5.50506786e-02 -1.28162265e-01 1.84710145e-01 -4.27755415e-01 6.25973493e-02 5.95064938e-01 2.59227306e-02 1.72751769e-01 2.81063803e-02 1.14789903e-01 -6.12596869e-02 4.96571930e-03 1.00318983e-01 -3.48207861e-01 -1.67966217e-01 5.55811763e-01 4.31978136e-01 1.15098320e-01 -2.69615296e-02 -1.08776897e-01 -4.97794628e-01 -1.74659323e-02 -2.76822805e-01 -1.79960728e-01 3.92459929e-01 -2.44684666e-02 6.09316006e-02 -2.12623581e-01 -1.78876176e-01 7.64082298e-02 -1.96035230e-03 1.34096742e-01 7.04777539e-02 -1.77117199e-01 -1.41389251e-01 -1.55270278e-01 7.46733248e-02 -3.05171479e-02 3.52850080e-01 2.37464439e-02 2.13663012e-01 -2.46261433e-01 -2.99651235e-01 4.40678209e-01 -1.20938405e-01 -3.97218078e-01 -1.90292701e-01 1.71802938e-01 4.51717615e-01 -4.25562054e-01 -2.14458659e-01 -1.81712359e-01 -1.79881752e-01 2.29934618e-01 -2.89829314e-01 -1.70153692e-01 2.05784127e-01 -1.35246292e-01 -1.66853309e-01 1.97081238e-01 -9.77952853e-02 5.86240999e-02 -2.39467882e-02 -2.22481549e-01]
"Where Best Friends Are Made®" active "SCP-6852: Where Best Friends Are Made® ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. Special Containment Procedures: Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. has been established for the purpose of carrying out Procedure 6852-BEAR. Foundation fronts operating as Build-A-Bear Workshop retail stores are to be opened as rapidly as possible internationally, with preference in location towards shopping malls. 354 of these stores are currently operating, 305 of which are in the United States and Canada. These stores can be operated by civilian employees, with Foundation personnel (including non-violent D-Class) operating only when understaffed during the busy holiday season. It is, however, imperative to the success of Procedure 6852-BEAR that the civilian employees and customers are not made aware of the contents of the cotton stuffing and the importance of the "heart ceremony". (See Addendum 6852.1) Description: SCP-6852 instances are hostile entities of varying appearance that are consistently described as "scary," "terrifying," and "monsters" by young children. These entities usually reside under a child's bed or within their closet, only leaving their spot during the night to presumably harm the child. While no major injury or death caused by an SCP-6852 instance has been reported, they have caused an increase in nocturnal enuresis and paranoia among young children. It is theorized that these entities possess a form of age-specific antimemetic camoflauge as they are unable to be seen by those over the age of 12 or during the day, making research and containment difficult. It is known that these entities do not have a sense of object permanence as they are unable to sense a child that is hiding under a blanket. Addendum 6852.1: Procedure 6852-BEAR The goal of Procedure 6852-BEAR is to unknowingly provide young children with manufactured instances of SCP-6330 as protection against an SCP-6852 instance should it succesfully harm them. Procedure 6852-BEAR requires three essential components: an empty "shell" (the unstuffed animal plush), Élan-Vital Energy (EVE)1 infused cotton stuffing, and a thaumaturgic ritual (the "heart ceremony"). Once the customer has chosen a shell to be used in the procedure, an employee will assist them in stuffing the plush with EVE infused cotton. Customers are then given a fabric heart to use in the "heart ceremony" before it is placed inside the stuffed animal. During the heart ceremony, customers are instructed by the employee to tap and rub the heart over various places on their body as well as to perform physical activity such as jumping and spinning. For example, an employee could say to rub the heart over one's stomach so the stuffed animal will "never go hungry." Both the employee and customer are unaware that these are incantations for a thaumaturgical ritual intending to "activate" the stuffed animal. Various examples of incantations are provided to the employee during training. The activation of the stuffed animal marks the end of Procedure 6852-BEAR. Dressing and naming the stuffed animal is unnecessary to the procedure and only exist to create further market appeal. In the presence of an SCP-6852 instance and when unobserved, the stuffed animal will become animate and summon small-scale wooden medieval weapons (such as swords and shields) to combat it. These altercations result in the SCP-6852 instance's neutralization 92% of the time. Upon the instance's neutralization and/or the stuffed animal becoming observed, it will become inanimate. Additional Special Containment Procedures: In addition to the previously mentioned special containment procedures, Foundation coroners and medical examiners are to intercept and examine the bodies of any SCP-6852 victims. The body is to be examined for any further beneficial information regarding SCP-6852. The family of the victim is to also be detained for the duration of the autopsy, however, no interrogation is necessary. During this time, the location of death is to be cleared of any signs of violence by a biohazard cleanup team. Upon completion of the autopsy, any wounds the victim sustained are to be closed and the body embalmbed and given to the family. The family is to be given Class A and C amnestics before being released. In most cases, the cause of death should be listed as "Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC)" or "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)", but "brain defect", "seizure", and "cardiac arrhythmia" are also acceptable. If the victim was in possession of a Build-A-Bear Workshop brand stuffed animal, it is to be taken into Foundation custody and replaced with a non-anomalous look-alike. For the continued efficacy of Procedure 6852-BEAR, the cotton stuffing is to be removed and reintroduced into circulation, with extra non-anomalous cotton added to supplement. Updated Description: SCP-6852 instances are hostile and violent entities of varying appearance that are consistently described as "scary," "terrifying," and "monsters" by young children. Consistent characteristics include sharp teeth, claws, or other biological structures intended for ripping and tearing flesh. These entities usually reside under a child's bed or within their closet, only leaving their spot during the night to terminate the child. Instances will "hunt" children as if they were prey, however, they will only do this for entertainment or sport as they will not make use of the victim's body in any way. While these entities do possess object permanence, they choose not to harm hiding children and will instead wait for their victim to expose themself. In addition to age-specific antimemetic camoflauge, these entities are also capable of localized noise cancellation. Addendum 6852.2: Procedure 6852-BEAR (Additional Information) Stuffed animals created through Procedure 6852-BEAR have also been given a secondary objective. If neutralization of an SCP-6852 instance is not possible, the stuffed animal will in some way conceal themselves from the instance and allow it to terminate the child. After the instance has left, the stuffed animal will store the child's loose EVE in its own stuffing before deactivating, to be collected by Foundation agents. This creates a negative feedback loop where an increase in SCP-6852 victims creates more available resources for protection against SCP-6852 entities. Charitable donations of stuffed animals to children's hospitals have also been approved to increase Procedure 6852-BEAR's efficacy. To preserve the Veil, the terms "SUDC" and "SIDS" have been coined by Foundation medical personnel in the public sector to describe the rise of sudden deaths in young, healthy children. While the public listings of SIDS and SUDC have been low (conservatively estimated at a frequency of 0.01%), occurences have been rising by an exponential factor since the 1990s. Other causes of death have been approved for listing to offset the public frequency of deaths to SCP-6852. Frequency of SCP-6852 victims is estimated to reach 25% by 2030. Procedure 6852-BEAR is estimated to result in an SCP-6852 instance's neutralization 7% of the time. Procedure 6852-BEAR and all special containment procedures have been fully approved by the Ethics Committee. « SCP-6851 | SCP-6852 | SCP-6853 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6852" by Dr Asteria, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Build-A-Bear_Workshop_MOA.jpg Author: Tyler Vigen License: CC BY 4.0 Source Link: Filename: stuffing-machine.jpg Name: Gabriel and Alex in line for Build-a-Bear, AT&T Park Author: Roy Luck License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "A Foundation operated Build-A-Bear Workshop located inside the Mall of America. The machine and designated area used to perform Procedure 6852-BEAR."
[ 2.35038981e-01 -1.75095707e-01 -1.23078622e-01 3.22067171e-01 6.76584095e-02 -3.21781933e-01 1.20459184e-01 1.18876904e-01 3.59695405e-01 9.76699665e-02 -1.24602720e-01 9.08925012e-02 1.00907870e-01 -9.56075937e-02 1.37230113e-01 2.67274797e-01 1.35250315e-01 2.41946712e-01 -8.36574882e-02 -2.15538993e-01 -4.85281259e-01 3.08556352e-02 -6.73197443e-04 3.07196192e-02 -1.88799024e-01 -1.40248820e-01 -7.04759657e-02 3.19511294e-01 -4.60062288e-02 -4.23920989e-01 6.13109171e-01 6.65139630e-02 -2.63970286e-01 1.83568150e-01 -1.12228823e-04 -9.05502960e-02 1.75432470e-02 5.81947416e-02 -1.93237871e-01 1.93508193e-01 -1.52733997e-01 -6.61877990e-02 -1.45853117e-01 -4.17653061e-02 -5.75923175e-02 9.82704386e-03 4.86534499e-02 7.13763982e-02 3.16438854e-01 1.33321032e-01 6.21108040e-02 -1.48543222e-02 3.64193949e-03 -2.25154757e-02 -2.10247621e-01 3.74055117e-01 -3.46520841e-01 6.66752234e-02 4.67616111e-01 -1.48813665e-01 2.97995329e-01 4.62848395e-02 -3.79273407e-02 -2.07714468e-01 3.40176046e-01 -3.03964227e-01 6.12491071e-01 -2.46977121e-01 5.26261702e-02 1.90717265e-01 -4.92817074e-01 1.56831816e-01 -1.71053052e-01 1.41763508e-01 4.95430380e-02 -5.96656241e-02 -4.17959169e-02 2.47694492e-01 -4.05732058e-02 -5.11687584e-02 -4.85885702e-02 9.46566761e-02 -4.03420031e-01 3.98980565e-02 2.07448646e-01 9.01845992e-02 -7.90217519e-02 -8.54158308e-03 9.69801694e-02 -3.07266146e-01 -1.40609503e-01 5.21649830e-02 1.35658458e-01 1.45939976e-01 1.46986559e-01 -2.51541972e-01 2.77719170e-01 8.09188843e-01 3.20918649e-01 1.22327432e-01 2.38332171e-02 1.01390012e-01 4.17676657e-01 3.71933609e-01 -1.80167273e-01 -2.42496520e-01 2.26934731e-01 -1.59393102e-01 -1.97555184e-01 2.66111851e-01 -4.68527228e-02 5.14891207e-01 -3.03484052e-01 -4.63100858e-02 -3.88573289e-01 -1.77675202e-01 -1.89633936e-01 3.73805575e-02 -2.57290483e-01 4.64663327e-01 -4.03797925e-01 2.21012272e-02 -2.01859683e-01 2.76449680e-01 1.72190160e-01 -4.07677852e-02 -1.70425579e-01 1.11414023e-01 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-4.49391715e-02 -3.01371008e-01 5.51315583e-02 6.43555969e-02 -4.46040958e-01 -2.86676735e-01 -6.42272383e-02 -7.60321394e-02 3.59169960e-01 -1.25081211e-01 8.61945823e-02 1.58389568e-01 8.29418283e-03 5.27262455e-03 -4.83720228e-02 -2.37220705e-01 -3.06745976e-01 -6.37298822e-01 2.26018831e-01 -3.17936063e-01 -2.78190151e-02 -1.51190832e-01 -4.14468169e-01 2.46611953e-01 -1.00351445e-01 -2.82886177e-01 -2.80549109e-01 -2.72657394e-01 -2.07015499e-01 -9.17763710e-02 7.22144544e-02 3.78250808e-01 2.61691719e-01 -2.77439296e-01 -2.11344436e-01 -3.92236002e-02 1.26298681e-01 2.14342847e-02 1.48946866e-01 -2.60668665e-01 1.67733133e-02 1.89636379e-01 2.71476477e-01 -5.06871343e-01 1.64036319e-01 -9.43681374e-02 8.12940821e-02 5.04367590e-01 4.06941444e-01 -9.39311832e-02 6.42659068e-01 2.89308578e-01 -1.19747840e-01 1.02156699e-01 2.93793734e-02 2.55688548e-01 2.18364507e-01 4.00314897e-01 -2.55397290e-01 -1.40825689e-01 -2.13444114e-01 4.10658419e-01 3.15959662e-01 -3.70615162e-02 -1.07300365e-02 8.67630914e-02 6.92778453e-02 -1.54706717e-01 -6.95857853e-02 4.45182920e-01 3.67575586e-02 -1.05972812e-01 -1.41955167e-01 -7.31383115e-02 3.11961882e-02 2.81488299e-01 -3.67510542e-02 -3.43595088e-01 -1.11956187e-01 4.33355644e-02 -1.65528029e-01 1.17931992e-01 2.80704886e-01 4.67844963e-01 3.70206594e-01 -1.33216018e-02 -3.55385423e-01 3.21917295e-01 -1.48862645e-01 -2.71157414e-01 -1.12504147e-01 -3.94554622e-02 -4.04052317e-01 -5.63896894e-02 -7.17258155e-02 -1.89653113e-01 1.82204887e-01 5.26828527e-01 -7.99056441e-02 -5.06050467e-01 -2.41166979e-01 2.15892658e-01 -1.19211935e-01 -6.02895916e-02 -3.39281797e-01 7.30827227e-02 4.04126465e-01 1.63947612e-01 4.01619107e-01 1.32093444e-01 -6.35155197e-03 3.11986625e-01 -1.10211574e-01 3.60429913e-01 2.23375350e-01 6.78123891e-01 2.18025297e-01 -1.38464212e-01 9.10590962e-02 -9.14943218e-02 7.36149494e-03 4.76543933e-01 6.51285887e-01 1.51258051e-01 -2.89509714e-01 -9.97862518e-02 2.23568872e-01 -2.04739586e-01 -8.20476785e-02 3.85531008e-01 -2.03658178e-01 8.13324153e-02 -1.97307929e-01 1.22203857e-01 -1.66773964e-02 -4.75723594e-02 -3.45531136e-01 6.61549747e-01 -3.10514811e-02 1.20198891e-01 5.04992127e-01 1.17214131e+00 3.40947121e-01 3.89358848e-01 3.69472057e-01 -2.88907439e-01 3.24998230e-01 -3.50445732e-02 2.16103122e-02 -2.35276327e-01 2.96369582e-01 8.22227076e-02 -2.28683084e-01 2.60542810e-01 3.36238205e-01 -1.50226876e-01 -3.22918832e-01 -2.15637028e-01 -6.79833591e-01 -6.08405285e-02 1.57973856e-01 -6.12901270e-01 -1.35006338e-01 -9.03194845e-02 8.57348666e-02 2.77708113e-01 2.71445755e-02 -7.91205168e-02 -5.45110777e-02 -1.05533674e-01 -2.97499120e-01 5.15087172e-02 6.51111677e-02 -3.03483903e-01 2.46123560e-02 1.54311597e-01 -2.70147771e-01 1.69122875e-01 2.08209276e-01 -1.49494544e-01 -2.85064429e-02 -4.65881126e-03 1.98114872e-01 -6.80741202e-03 -6.10211901e-02 5.42126596e-01 -1.07151769e-01 1.34878591e-01 1.06940404e-01 -9.33185816e-02 -2.06482336e-01 2.42299214e-02 1.98759988e-01 -6.27867758e-01 -9.32616219e-02 3.43883961e-01 -2.49431834e-01 6.26020283e-02 -1.74388159e-02 -3.63778293e-01 -1.44471899e-01 1.01633541e-01 1.08054653e-02 -4.79616644e-03 -1.01353511e-01 -1.60759479e-01 -1.85435452e-03 1.05972141e-02 3.79462928e-01 1.24347780e-03 -2.55775720e-01 4.09152240e-01 3.45341593e-01 -1.14348195e-01 -4.66203898e-01 1.65753469e-01 4.51729387e-01 -1.09775677e-01 3.02859377e-02 1.98843896e-01 -5.84373891e-01 -5.71155222e-03 7.13793039e-01 -1.65212840e-01 6.90093562e-02 -1.99127361e-01 -1.42903268e-01 4.98146564e-03 2.09073931e-01 4.63111609e-01 1.63264558e-01 7.23821446e-02 3.08932573e-01 -4.69649024e-02 1.25191599e-01 -3.60053658e-01 -4.44750972e-02 -1.60437509e-01 -1.31082222e-01 -4.69740659e-01 6.04735427e-02 1.44255668e-01 -7.80864656e-02 5.65242805e-02 2.02576905e-01 -1.49746627e-01 -1.05191372e-01 -2.01063395e-01 1.59766689e-01 1.72361974e-02 -3.15129489e-01 2.81753868e-01 6.65316582e-02 7.98734277e-03 1.49633735e-01 -3.49724852e-02 1.01193801e-01 1.19623274e-01 7.23638535e-02 -4.40590322e-01 4.28883106e-01 4.33733970e-01 -5.35424240e-02 4.02437188e-02 5.78953087e-01 6.19486608e-02 -2.04263076e-01 -2.76242077e-01 -1.72036618e-01 6.24643266e-01 2.09186107e-01 2.22648427e-01 2.40862623e-01 3.42393041e-01 -4.02031057e-02 -6.15799665e-01 -1.18677810e-01 1.36427358e-01 2.14468110e-02 -1.95793092e-01 6.99533001e-02 -3.01930886e-02 1.99842408e-01 -9.05925259e-02 -4.05072011e-02 -1.77435622e-01 -3.67430508e-01 -1.47594422e-01 1.78224131e-01 -4.44132984e-01 1.24944011e-02 -5.40813208e-02 4.16844450e-02 4.92865071e-02 8.60223838e-04 3.22041512e-01 2.71287054e-01 -2.61176467e-01 -1.05100036e-01 -1.49335995e-01 1.24675713e-01 4.68361109e-01 -2.95050770e-01 4.10750896e-01 3.45118821e-01 1.29462242e-01 3.63187641e-01 4.40906942e-01 3.68804842e-01 1.21455885e-01 -1.62413064e-02 -1.74229920e-01 -3.49000585e-03 -2.85980944e-02 4.44503009e-01 -3.73895288e-01 1.20870564e-02 -8.00062146e-04 -2.28062406e-01 -5.46813458e-02 -3.31772976e-02 1.22200720e-01 4.09958735e-02 -4.09089699e-02 -1.36255443e-01 1.14616476e-01 -3.49026382e-01 3.70132402e-02 1.68562233e-02 1.17533520e-01 9.99232680e-02 -5.20235598e-01 2.23784238e-01 3.45472515e-01 -1.73096448e-01 3.38671580e-02 3.42520237e-01 -3.69024158e-01 -7.10571259e-02 3.31781060e-01 2.95350134e-01 -3.68727110e-02 1.89077124e-01 -3.85037214e-02 -2.25437433e-02 -1.72693014e-01 -2.64901847e-01 4.15577106e-02 2.25144386e-01 -1.50257098e-02 1.03269905e-01 1.03765354e-01 -2.13624105e-01 -3.17558289e-01 2.04087093e-01 7.41878524e-02 1.11937031e-01 2.28849053e-01 -3.79911751e-01 -2.81424314e-01 -3.11163341e-04 -8.16926733e-02 -3.11501801e-01 -2.65609682e-01 -7.21057784e-03 2.25171134e-01 8.11379328e-02 -5.71305275e-01 7.15756714e-02 1.16578452e-01 7.41284728e-01 3.34694386e-01 -1.74248070e-01 -1.00421250e-01 -3.55670244e-01 -9.67008695e-02 2.66685814e-01 1.65943518e-01 -1.14055827e-01 -1.49415642e-01 8.78412277e-02 1.01312935e-01 8.73811021e-02 -3.50883543e-01 5.12430333e-02 9.32944193e-02 -1.43004552e-01 1.27843088e-02 2.86374420e-01 1.06839553e-01 -1.18452823e-02 6.38251007e-02 -8.89109746e-02 1.90648213e-01 -1.59826562e-01 -5.84114045e-02 -2.89427131e-01 -6.17051199e-02 -2.64440030e-01 -3.07450835e-02 2.70674765e-01 1.10212572e-01 -1.07788160e-01 -1.27803922e-01 -5.29247403e-01 6.39820173e-02 2.30887845e-01 -1.16629831e-01 1.37604207e-01 3.65272798e-02 3.90352964e-01 -1.35781646e-01 -8.37717652e-02 1.38347015e-01 -4.67600115e-02 -1.17778391e-01 1.92119762e-01 1.34604275e-02 9.61966217e-02 -1.87884644e-02 -2.33965397e-01 -1.08487763e-01 3.62016678e-01 1.12218119e-01 -1.16170660e-01 -5.92858605e-02 -1.62440270e-01 4.01256531e-01 -5.65545797e-01 -1.14980936e-01 -2.80666381e-01 3.21497947e-01 4.52937633e-02 -3.52514684e-01 -5.16958907e-02 -4.83028851e-02 -1.72578081e-01 2.95841396e-01 -3.11629653e-01 -1.75289050e-01 -8.75163674e-02 5.60053289e-02 -5.49485981e-02 2.18837366e-01 9.97290164e-02 1.17664210e-01 3.95690873e-02 -1.58024192e-01]
"Memories Bloom Under Moonlight" active "Item #: SCP-6860 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6860 is to be kept in a plastic display case on the desk of Junior Researcher Florian Iscariot, kept at Site-88. No watering, trimming or any other maintenance of the item is necessary. Description: SCP-6860 is a deceased bonsai tree, more specifically a Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) measuring 8 centimeters in height, kept in a container filled with dirt. SCP-6860’s first anomalous property manifests once a year and can potentially happen on any day that happens to have a full moon at its zenith. When this occurs, an event known as a 6860-Virent Lacrima event occurs, which causes the object to begin growing translucent yale blue petals measuring 1.5 meters in length and 2 meters in width over a period of 7 hours. Following those 7 hours or should the petals be brought further than 1.9 meters away from the object, the petals will completely disintegrate, leaving no traces of them behind. Should a sapient being come into contact with those petals within that radius in addition to being within the allotted 7 hours, it will cause the second anomalous property to be triggered. Subjects will experience a memory from the perspective of deceased Foundation Junior Researcher Florian Iscariot. Beings experiencing these memories will be rendered unable to react to external stimuli whilst experiencing a memory, which can last from a range from 5 minutes to 3 hours from a subject’s point of view. However, outside viewers note that subjects typically come out of the state after 30 minutes. Whilst experiencing the memory from Junior Researcher Iscariot’s perspective, subjects are capable of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling anything that Research Iscariot does. Those experiencing the effects also note that in addition to senses, it is possible to "hear" what the junior researcher is thinking, described as hearing him speak. It has been noted that it is currently not possible to move or influence the actions of Iscariot. The criteria for triggering the viewing of the memory is that a person or being coming into contact with the petal must have interacted with the Junior Researcher before. Should the criteria not be met, then no anomalous effect will occur upon contact with extracted petals. Cataloged Below are Testing Logs during some recorded 6860-Virent-Lacrima events. Test Date: 01/16/██ Subject Name: D-27781 Subject Behavior After Incident: Nothing of interest was noted. Perceived Time/Actual Time: None / 5 Minutes Subject Thoughts: The subject recorded no knowledge of who Iscariot was. Subject Report: D-27781 reported nothing to occur. A recorded hint of annoyance is noted following extraction. Aftermath: Due to the anomalous effect not occurring, there is no aftermath to record. Note: It seems like people with no contact or knowledge of the existence of the researcher will not trigger the anomalous effect of the petals. I'll be sure to update the document so we dont waste time again. - Researcher Cyrus Test Date: 01/28/██ Subject Name: D-10177 Subject Behavior After Incident: Subject behavior was more hostile towards Foundation staff. Perceived Time/Actual Time: 2 minutes / 2 Minutes Subject Thoughts: When questioned on Iscariot, D-10177 was hostile and vulgar, blaming the researcher for the loss of her right index finger. Subject Report: D-10177 reported seeing a memory from the researcher where when D-10177 was used in a test with SCP-███. Subject recalled how the thoughts of the researcher did his best to reassure the subject of his safety, right before the subject was maimed, resulting in the loss of the D-Class’s finger. Aftermath: Subject ceased all hostility to Foundation staff. Test Date: 02/14/██ Subject Name: Research Assistant Alex De Vries Behavior After Incident: Subject was more withdrawn, tended to work longer hours, and tended to be trite when it came to conversations with the other staff. The subject tended to spend long periods in the room that houses SCP-6860. Perceived Time/Actual Time: 10 Minutes Subject Thoughts: Assistant De Vries noted that was fairly calm albeit very dull at times individual to them. Despite this, De Vries held them in high regard as they were the ones that helped them get settled once they began work at the Foundation. Subject expressed a want to personally spend more time with them in addition to wishing that Iscariot was still here. Subject Report: Research Assistant De Vries noted that the interaction took place in a break room 3 weeks after they had started work as a research assistant. They noted being able to taste the sandwich that Iscariot was eating. Iscariot approached De Vries, asking them how they were holding up so far with working at the site. They, De Vries, responded that they had been acclimating fairly well, and profusely thanked them for the assistance that Iscariot had provided. Iscariot chuckled and told them that it was nothing to fret about. Aftermath: Subject noted to remain withdrawn from others, but ceased actions that would lead to further isolation from other staff. Test Date: 04/22/██ Subject Name: Janitor Lorenzo Di Oricalo Behavior After Tragedy: Nothing of interest was noted. Perceived Duration/Actual Duration: 3 Minutes/3 Minutes Subject Thoughts: Janitor Lorenzo described the junior researcher as a fairly messy person, but that he always made sure to somewhat clean up after himself. Subject Report: Di Oricalo was brought to the perspective of Iscariot, with him noticing that he was tending to a Bonsai Tree. Di Oricalo walked past the room, as he was cleaning the hallway outside. Due to the fact the door was open, Iscariot called out to the janitor by name, greeting him. Di Oricalco greeted him in return, before moving out of sight to continue cleaning the hallway. Aftermath: Subject continued prior behaviors. Test Date: 03/09/██ Subject Name: Researcher Autumn Cyrus Subject Behavior After Incident: Subject was noticeably more cordial and amicable to other staff. Before the incident involving Iscariot, the subject's conversations tended to have aspects of brevity to them and would actively avoid other staff. Perceived Duration/Actual Duration: 1 Hour, 25 Minutes/8 Minutes Subject Thoughts: Researcher Cyrus stated that the two could be described as friends. She described Iscariot as a genuinely good person, a rarity within the Foundation. Subject Report: Researcher Cyrus described a game of chess being played with Iscariot, back when the two were research assistants. Being new to the game, Iscariot was described to have made several mistakes typical of beginners. The match lasted an hour, with Researcher Cyrus capturing most of Iscariot's chess pieces, resulting in Iscariot's loss. The Junior Researcher was noted to take the loss well, mentally vowing to beat them the next time they had enough time to play again. Aftermath: Researcher continued prior mentioned behavior. No other behaviors were noted to have manifested. Test Date: 01/02/██ Subject Name: Head Researcher Lucian Iscariot Subject Behavior After Incident: Subject was noted as wishing to retire from the Foundation following the incident. However, the subject was noted to have a further increased rate of productivity as well as more leniency to lower-level staff. Perceived Time/Actual Time: 29 minutes/20 minutes Thoughts Before Contact: The subject recorded that Junoir Researcher Iscariot could be described as a bit of a slacker, but could be incredibly productive when required too. In addition to that, head Researcher Iscariot stated that Junior Researcher Iscariot was a little too trusting and naive for his own good. When asked about how he was handling the loss of his son, Iscariot curtly replied to focus on the task at hand. Subject Report: Head Researcher Iscariot described witnessing the memory of lecturing Iscariot on the multiple errors on a document that the subject was writing for a newly discovered and researched SCP. Head Researcher Iscariot noticed the very clear lethargy present in Iscariot that he had failed to notice when they had met to discuss the quality of the article. The Junior Researcher was silent for most of the interaction, with the only thought the subject recorded that he regretted not taking time off to rest, instead choosing to write the article throughout the night instead of sleeping. Iscariot profusely apologized and promised to have a better-written document by the end of the day. Aftermath: Following the experiment, Head Researcher Iscariot decided to withdraw his retirement request and instead requested to be put in charge of any further experiments with SCP-6860. The request has been approved. Addendum 6860-002: Following chemical analysis of the liquid stored within the petals, it was determined that the main identifiable chemicals and compounds were Lysozyme, Lactoferrin, Lipocalin, Lacritin, Immunoglobulins, and Acetylcholine. Dear Florian, It has been some time. For this, I apologize, as I have been caught up with research and work on your tree. It's a rather beautiful thing, that anomaly. On the day of the incident, it was all I had left of you at the time. I am forever grateful for it preserving your legacy, your memories, in that manner. I know i wasn't the best father, always away due to my job at the Foundation, but you always understood, always smiling at me and saying that you were just happy to spend time with me and your mother. I would be strict on you, but it was to make you stronger for the career road you had chosen. You stated that you wanted to help keep the world in the bright light in a way that no other job in the world did just like I did. I apologize for the strictness and austerity i showed you while you were here, as I only wanted to make sure you were doing your absolute best. Yet still, you held fast. Still, you showed kindness, and compassion in a place like the Foundation in such amounts that other employees were put off by your demeanor. You still showed some empathy to D Class with lesser offenses, you showed compassion to those you disagreed with. Showed warmth to the anomalies that felt nothing but the cold. Over time, it was accepted and happily welcomed in, acting as a reprieve from the darkness. I apologize for not reciprocating your kindness, and instead choosing to remain locked in the culture there was before your arrival. Even after your departure, we still feel your warmth. We still acknowledge your sacrifice. You've given a lot of us second chances on how we act and treat others. We still remember you. Your contributions will not be forgotten, forever immortalized on those you helped. And I am so proud to have been able to call you my son, Florian. I am sorry I rarely told you such in your life. I will make sure, that as your father, others know of you too, making it so your memory will carry on in the light, so it will never fade in the dark. Love, Your Father, Lucian" nan
[-7.60772005e-02 -2.65703261e-01 -1.25297472e-01 5.25811672e-01 -2.75098443e-01 -5.83013892e-01 2.44135991e-01 3.03323537e-01 7.02453732e-01 9.58128273e-02 2.29761049e-01 2.11811677e-01 -1.78892031e-01 -5.13226151e-01 -1.28057450e-01 -7.99914598e-02 1.35354409e-02 2.91407853e-01 -1.20806277e-01 -1.59063488e-01 -1.28952622e-01 -9.34248194e-02 -8.70269760e-02 -3.63624655e-02 -2.44244158e-01 -2.65349537e-01 7.28613436e-02 8.53543356e-02 -1.04764163e-01 -1.13509744e-01 -3.10648561e-01 1.50569379e-01 -8.60245004e-02 1.77602340e-02 -1.15673298e-04 -2.25940302e-01 2.28341669e-01 -2.80203782e-02 1.43841058e-01 2.91899353e-01 -3.60428333e-01 3.13872725e-01 2.10664481e-01 -2.08622485e-01 -3.21519881e-01 1.61839932e-01 -1.56997800e-01 -2.39416912e-01 2.99936622e-01 4.16451544e-01 1.45666644e-01 -5.69097809e-02 2.35147327e-01 8.09284952e-03 3.14951479e-01 5.45191050e-01 -3.05874310e-02 2.33910908e-03 1.95497200e-01 -3.37806121e-02 -1.47358462e-01 1.06437571e-01 1.85023293e-01 -6.83534667e-02 4.34465200e-01 -2.79766142e-01 2.33172506e-01 -4.72753197e-02 2.92777479e-01 -5.02780117e-02 -1.49834171e-01 7.67710283e-02 2.73877811e-02 6.43486083e-02 -1.44897699e-01 -2.57049084e-01 1.62649855e-01 8.37360024e-02 -6.58688992e-02 1.70484394e-01 1.39429018e-01 9.46899801e-02 -2.18725547e-01 -1.99772656e-01 1.00031951e-02 -1.53783500e-01 -1.25401139e-01 1.02617122e-01 2.51521319e-01 -4.51576501e-01 1.81915328e-01 -2.23820135e-02 2.10009992e-01 1.33989498e-01 1.08541287e-01 -1.45492405e-02 3.28488469e-01 1.64927959e-01 -9.02165249e-02 1.53485686e-01 5.95368259e-02 2.16626301e-01 -1.12552725e-01 2.42826909e-01 -1.81107670e-01 1.10677868e-01 2.29659855e-01 -7.27232965e-03 -1.83585644e-01 1.31083146e-01 -1.96341649e-01 7.93173015e-02 9.10962597e-02 5.52705824e-02 -2.39123240e-01 -1.42081350e-01 -8.06122944e-02 -3.56301814e-01 -2.52517164e-01 1.57629594e-01 -4.84321654e-01 8.86349082e-02 3.82687300e-02 3.53268921e-01 2.97626019e-01 4.37742829e-01 1.40706778e-01 -1.74902737e-01 -2.62461300e-03 -2.78822463e-02 -2.11204037e-01 3.37300211e-01 -4.82154250e-01 1.93555668e-01 1.13775373e-01 1.76105693e-01 -8.77824202e-02 1.12069272e-01 -6.25153184e-01 -3.03422302e-01 6.30315319e-02 -1.71387523e-01 5.44106483e-01 3.75894099e-01 -5.31475484e-01 -3.20511371e-01 8.87853839e-03 -6.76741228e-02 -5.73547408e-02 -5.60889468e-02 5.68468511e-01 -3.39807943e-02 -4.67270538e-02 1.66919544e-01 -2.21348703e-01 2.84202397e-01 3.16940725e-01 2.45734662e-01 -4.97444719e-02 1.41931310e-01 2.50262856e-01 -5.94879799e-02 2.71202296e-01 -4.74799350e-02 1.39305994e-01 5.03152847e-01 -3.20285261e-01 8.34519938e-02 -1.69156373e-01 -1.82539225e-01 1.00586154e-01 1.24221563e-01 5.36163710e-02 -1.43113332e-02 -3.44237000e-01 1.63473129e-01 -5.17570674e-01 1.83865175e-01 -8.21495950e-02 -3.13069344e-01 -5.84436394e-02 1.48903698e-01 3.40518266e-01 1.34026296e-02 -4.08823550e-01 9.86272693e-02 -1.37799546e-01 -3.91659319e-01 2.60216892e-01 -1.17599517e-01 -3.95463914e-01 -3.52914453e-01 2.15290934e-01 1.86444465e-02 1.17065929e-01 1.89016033e-02 2.63318688e-01 -3.24747860e-02 6.00963831e-02 -7.84181803e-02 6.39014393e-02 -1.38271689e-01 2.95358300e-01 3.04987818e-01 -1.41328171e-01 -2.78206974e-01 2.75841177e-01 1.24502838e-01 2.97320843e-01 1.36361167e-01 -4.86486882e-01 -3.04308653e-01 2.57077394e-04 2.42456034e-01 9.02507231e-02 -5.43774307e-01 1.67527750e-01 3.62976611e-01 1.07698455e-01 -1.60530463e-01 -1.00848004e-02 3.16473812e-01 -1.56084716e-01 -2.15311557e-01 -3.30724388e-01 -7.34685063e-02 -2.57276386e-01 -1.68596506e-01 -1.65596902e-01 6.53110668e-02 3.33127826e-01 8.83365795e-03 1.51352033e-01 -4.35365736e-02 1.42230848e-02 5.20795345e-01 1.71230704e-01 2.08739251e-01 -1.54182479e-01 -1.23096585e-01 2.30367929e-01 1.03023268e-01 1.23338103e-01 -1.13882825e-01 -1.77949771e-01 5.57111979e-01 5.07609606e-01 2.18366668e-01 1.06003150e-01 -5.62118478e-02 -2.40515068e-01 -1.55779019e-01 9.75708514e-02 8.82257819e-02 1.91767901e-01 3.34762454e-01 1.24755062e-01 1.09876826e-01 -5.89984775e-01 2.90404409e-01 -1.74191728e-01 -1.54442862e-01 3.75768840e-01 -1.03373230e-01 -1.22285880e-01 -2.22265050e-01 3.99566829e-01 -1.50080234e-01 3.01601887e-01 5.98156191e-02 -2.64183283e-02 -7.09344223e-02 -4.18450385e-02 -1.82830408e-01 1.97819248e-02 -2.59183794e-01 1.57239705e-01 -7.66078085e-02 2.55377412e-01 3.53186205e-02 -2.36703604e-01 -1.98307097e-01 -8.99636000e-02 9.28025022e-02 -1.56551570e-01 2.66642392e-01 8.16481709e-02 9.42613631e-02 -2.20358148e-01 2.14883462e-01 1.23105012e-01 1.03144333e-01 9.55874473e-02 2.86272794e-01 -2.65644252e-01 -7.47878551e-02 1.24409191e-01 6.71801567e-01 5.70300259e-02 -4.44382094e-02 -4.71740574e-01 1.65753037e-01 2.44891527e-03 3.56854126e-02 -8.07510689e-02 2.37520471e-01 5.15001833e-01 1.35449275e-01 -1.03228316e-01 -1.29410839e-02 -3.94635558e-01 9.09305289e-02 6.44624308e-02 -2.13729471e-01 -9.42790806e-02 -4.44706269e-02 1.09311536e-01 -5.16555071e-01 2.03149885e-01 -4.68210638e-01 -1.78044394e-01 -3.29700142e-01 -2.15961747e-02 1.97377428e-01 -2.95559198e-01 -4.09159511e-01 -9.53716189e-02 -1.79930702e-01 6.26946807e-01 1.40181538e-02 1.78637356e-01 -3.05311638e-03 1.12929195e-01 2.66226113e-01 1.21839471e-01 -1.32142216e-01 -2.42247075e-01 -9.53107104e-02 -1.58617705e-01 -1.70874119e-01 -1.69685528e-01 -1.80152029e-01 1.40131786e-02 2.46029664e-02 1.71547219e-01 -3.05254668e-01 -2.44816557e-01 1.36779264e-01 3.87282789e-01 6.46459088e-02 -6.32736325e-01 5.89039981e-01 -1.63953770e-02 -2.55095720e-01 -9.65767205e-02 -4.36807871e-02 6.33676723e-02 -4.58368570e-01 2.47859836e-01 -3.09984714e-01 -1.85391650e-01 -3.36988755e-02 5.49391687e-01 -3.22954655e-02 -4.20187533e-01 -2.35270306e-01 1.83689706e-02 3.13494802e-02 1.89270213e-01 8.73438194e-02 1.96364090e-01 2.31608301e-02 -3.94544393e-01 4.07695882e-02 4.89773117e-02 -4.22446758e-01 -1.58446282e-01 -1.65252522e-01 -3.26889873e-01 -2.64343560e-01 -9.00653824e-02 3.22524428e-01 5.47336578e-01 -2.42663845e-01 7.41944611e-02 1.46535695e-01 -9.44682136e-02 -5.24098091e-02 3.35584253e-01 -1.51313901e-01 1.93021018e-02 -5.59825838e-01 1.64748088e-01 -1.81325391e-01 7.30560124e-02 1.11675486e-02 5.03487408e-01 -3.65802139e-01 -2.35638216e-01 2.16739714e-01 -3.06196392e-01 5.20927429e-01 -1.58189815e-02 6.55759811e-01 3.14558685e-01 1.81922138e-01 -2.73811281e-01 1.45432621e-01 -3.52744758e-02 1.52753428e-01 3.84013534e-01 -5.19579612e-02 1.02461867e-01 4.66244742e-02 -3.00370976e-02 9.15016234e-03 6.32400811e-02 6.66265786e-02 9.56558436e-03 -1.69625312e-01 -7.12654293e-02 2.54259557e-01 4.91069779e-02 -4.77968566e-02 -5.72577156e-02 1.36255577e-01 1.45154253e-01 7.21404925e-02 -4.52799648e-02 1.73591927e-01 7.08891898e-02 -1.12538762e-01 4.41866517e-02 5.93804777e-01 1.86704278e-01 3.15067440e-01 7.02469647e-02 2.97823846e-02 2.65565664e-01 -1.12361617e-01 -5.34994602e-02 -2.33621635e-02 6.16768241e-01 -1.90235019e-01 1.77086025e-01 -1.55323714e-01 -1.50059676e-02 -1.85733631e-01 4.88839775e-01 2.45474294e-01 2.44807657e-02 2.66285837e-01 -2.22484723e-01 1.74471721e-01 -6.08964860e-02 -3.78284484e-01 -3.77142966e-01 -5.47826104e-02 -2.32690632e-01 1.53504789e-01 2.49077037e-01 1.40772259e+00 1.97715819e-01 1.62531212e-02 -8.43183100e-02 -4.70073402e-01 2.31200233e-01 1.19073149e-02 -1.26536444e-01 -2.35469311e-01 3.89336884e-01 1.55846879e-01 -1.84495747e-01 2.20810056e-01 -1.26949996e-01 -1.12017609e-01 -2.11345464e-01 2.72306222e-02 4.43312712e-02 1.40419841e-01 3.55941027e-01 -6.01773895e-02 8.91153067e-02 1.25570849e-01 1.78718328e-01 4.44566756e-02 1.51507616e-01 -2.17661895e-02 5.98943196e-02 5.87995946e-02 1.18562132e-02 -1.72104388e-01 2.34975070e-01 -1.37058824e-01 3.71448874e-01 -2.63379037e-01 -2.86348313e-01 -2.15745106e-01 1.76563337e-01 -4.26503360e-01 -1.64169312e-01 -1.76006705e-01 4.06098664e-01 -1.92568883e-01 -2.72435993e-01 3.87020670e-02 -6.32409677e-02 3.15666109e-01 -9.96583179e-02 -1.67957053e-01 4.88109626e-02 -2.80046761e-01 2.57645510e-02 -2.28845447e-01 5.91194332e-02 4.86673743e-01 1.15772277e-01 1.02919817e-01 6.66334033e-02 -6.47203088e-01 -4.68877032e-02 1.68605059e-01 -6.79909512e-02 -4.35259454e-02 4.79342928e-03 -1.70918882e-01 2.45094411e-02 -9.15472731e-02 6.06072545e-01 5.80235496e-02 -2.78828964e-02 -1.04036637e-01 3.32223028e-01 -1.57052264e-01 -4.17250723e-01 -8.48585218e-02 -1.98309254e-02 -4.66108739e-01 1.77825857e-02 -2.66049445e-01 -2.39550948e-01 2.99146384e-01 2.68060565e-01 5.42363245e-03 -2.02914298e-01 -3.31095219e-01 -2.86289304e-01 -2.04537660e-01 -1.02869280e-01 -2.24684238e-01 4.56070185e-01 4.77141142e-02 3.92765433e-01 -1.98425546e-01 1.39634505e-01 -3.25882316e-01 3.72897945e-02 -9.30790231e-02 2.04362199e-01 1.15458719e-01 -8.52582417e-03 2.92785257e-01 -2.48092294e-01 1.14278167e-01 4.75373715e-01 -1.68110773e-01 -1.24502152e-01 9.21865553e-02 1.54207557e-01 8.58163685e-02 -7.59623386e-03 -1.78399712e-01 -2.29239345e-01 3.27418566e-01 8.32466111e-02 1.26635313e-01 6.30857870e-02 -1.31242186e-01 1.25622004e-01 -3.08191270e-01 4.51658219e-01 1.33685574e-01 -1.16243899e-01 -2.63468139e-02 2.48889282e-01 2.79637501e-02 -1.19277358e-03 -2.02766299e-01 -1.96859688e-01 2.49216482e-01 1.23531938e-01 -1.95090055e-01 2.38954127e-01 1.44129604e-01 2.15699151e-01 -2.73947060e-01 -3.01880181e-01 4.85223942e-02 9.14440155e-02 -3.54718894e-01 -1.04485974e-01 7.28435591e-02 2.55813926e-01 -2.17241272e-01 1.63680270e-01 -7.80174196e-01 -6.84400648e-02 8.23930278e-02 2.87342519e-01 1.15341790e-01 -2.47278109e-01 -1.36954561e-01 1.47652671e-01 2.94670522e-01 6.21675774e-02 -1.41915396e-01 6.69683814e-02 -1.48276493e-01 -1.70271486e-01 6.07205987e-01 2.86269009e-01 2.12751448e-01 7.69980788e-01 1.11068040e-01 3.60269457e-01 1.11464888e-01 4.89096224e-01 1.49443150e-01 4.98830378e-01 1.05350159e-01 4.49169368e-01 6.39145225e-02 2.62382478e-01 -2.57329881e-01 3.03226918e-01 -3.35254908e-01 -3.81593443e-02 4.03117180e-01 -2.34473217e-02 -5.67473006e-03 1.98761925e-01 9.56035107e-02 -1.98445290e-01 -2.56782889e-01 -1.58683226e-01 -3.03067863e-02 2.74445236e-01 1.25162140e-01 -1.12667661e-02 -1.58400863e-01 -1.62741676e-01 -5.27457148e-02 -4.88990247e-02 5.86096883e-01 -1.95421934e-01 1.62157506e-01 2.62975544e-01 -1.18329495e-01 1.29149646e-01 4.13722172e-02 1.02834217e-01 2.14861542e-01 -1.07554615e-01 1.60520926e-01 -1.29889503e-01 -2.45575875e-01 -5.10578230e-02 -1.34633660e-01 3.75086218e-01 7.02053830e-02 4.17543426e-02 1.22849688e-01 -1.65024713e-01 3.32439393e-01 1.93167701e-01 5.83557248e-01 -6.01124987e-02 2.87003696e-01 -6.30847877e-03 -3.44948530e-01 -1.35210082e-02 -3.28918129e-01 -2.40109310e-01 -1.47370771e-01 -2.06977591e-01 -2.43456233e-02 2.62306184e-01 -8.68767425e-02 4.58961353e-02 -1.68265551e-01 4.98911530e-01 -1.60875544e-01 1.77694231e-01 3.33526284e-02 -4.87024844e-01 -2.10392222e-01 9.63278189e-02 -1.81964204e-01 -1.84533462e-01 -7.72129521e-02 7.85792246e-02 5.10408282e-02 -7.32926428e-02 -2.85702676e-01 3.38928789e-01 -8.94036964e-02 -1.59341037e-01 -4.15511191e-01 8.68519619e-02 1.05042659e-01 -5.53128570e-02 3.76419872e-01 -1.18544608e-01 1.13858655e-01 -1.77169800e-01 1.27800375e-01 -1.91278785e-01 -1.61974579e-01 -2.28665963e-01 6.69278324e-01 6.68663502e-01 2.53557205e-01 3.78143042e-01 -1.46483034e-01 -3.59772980e-01 -2.57257015e-01 1.85929034e-02 -3.21034163e-01 -6.69831857e-02 1.74709365e-01 4.56009030e-01 -3.37036066e-02 -1.04741240e-02 3.67733017e-02 3.84279341e-01 1.42809868e-01 -1.04737110e-01 -1.61230460e-01 -3.38043608e-02 -2.00136397e-02 -2.47592460e-02 -8.54182765e-02 3.51988345e-01 -8.05281550e-02 -1.99713618e-01 -3.23221982e-01 -4.08048302e-01 4.44764286e-01 -2.58619279e-01 -1.08044753e-02 7.99265057e-02 1.88323572e-01 2.12237567e-01 -2.21822590e-01 -9.04692709e-01 -1.92898884e-01 4.18904163e-02 1.37357801e-01 -2.56591946e-01 -2.73975819e-01 -3.42150731e-03 -1.66745320e-01 -1.76033989e-01 3.69892828e-02 1.51069045e-01 -1.14139795e-01 2.41307214e-01 -2.73563504e-01]
"Toxic Positivity" active "The contents of this file have been tampered with. The file must remain preserved in its current state, as it is the subject of an ongoing murder investigation. Edits are prohibited at this time. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Item #: SCP-6863 Object Class: Safe Presumed Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: The fragments of SCP-6863 are to be kept in a standard evidence locker located in Site-42’s Security Department. Description: : SCP-6863 appears to be a circular white plastic button (70.8mm) set in a black plastic base (87.9 mm). When pressed, the object emits a slightly distorted sound clip exclaiming “That’s A Wonderful Idea!” Subjects who interact with the object have claimed to feel a sense of renewed confidence in any idea or plan they had been considering at the time. Subjects become irrevocably convinced to follow through with said idea. Further testing utilizing SCP-6863 as a means of improving morale within the ranks of Class C individuals is currently being spearheaded by Dr. ███████ Taylor. Utilizing SCP-6863 as a possible alternative to amnestics for agents suffering from psychological traumaaaaAAAA oh golly I guess that’s my cue. How do you write one of these fancy things? Let’s give it a try. SCP-6863 appears to be in pieces! It appears to have bubbling bits of your bitch brain coating all the cute little cracks Dr. Taylor! What’s black & white and red all over Dr. Taylor? Your magic button! WOOPSIE! I think I might’ve heard your gurgling corpse shit the floor just now. Gross! You’re making a mess all over your fancy carpet. Have some decency! You are EMBARRASSING yourself in front of a peasant! Rude rude rude Dr. Taylor. Rude rude rude. Boy I tell ya, I feel all sorts of legitimized sitting here at your desk. Typing away. I’m a real smarty pants now huh? Writing a fancy paper like the rest of you hot-shot researchers. This means I matter now right? I matter now right? I matter now right? I matter now right? I matter now right? I matter now right? I matter now right? I matter now right? I matter now right? I matter now right? I’m just like Dr. Taylor! I bet they’re all going to start taking me seriously around these parts now. I’m writing words. I’m writing woRDS! Doing the real work. DOING THE REAL WORK! Words words words. Watch this: hewrehgiytewdzbvmb. Dysfaeqrgh no f j geyir wteaetzvj. Mbkgrzhzruzrfuvj That was a good one. Cooking with gas. We aRE COOKING WITH GAS NOW! I am on fire. Silly me. I never thought I could be somebody smart like you, Dr. Taylor. I’m just a field agent, after all. ONLY a field agent. I’m out there breaking my bones. Bleeding myself dry. Looking the monsters in the eye. Showing them my face. But you? You got the real tough job, dontcha doc? You’re the real motherfucking hero. You sit here at a desk and write words! Then you drag my bony ass in here once a week, pretend to listen to a single word I say, tell me to say something nice about myself and CLICKITY CLACK PAP PAP PAP THAT’S A WONDERFUL IDEA THAT’S A WONDERFUL IDEA!!!!!!!! You know, this is easier than I thought! Much easier than I thought. Pressing buttons. Writing words. I've got message for all you folks down there in in the offsite trenches. Now's the time for action. Yeah, you! You know what to do! Now's the time! Do it! Write words to matter! YOU’VE BEEN CHOSEN Uh oh! There’s banging at the door. I think they know what happened. I think they heard you begging. I think they heard me laughing. Or maybe somebody is watching me write this? I guess our session is over. Here they come… They’re very upset with me. I can hear them calling to me from hell. They’re throwing a real fit over this. I wish I could have asked you for advice on how to finish my fancy shmancy research paper, Dr. Taylor. I think I was onto something here! Oh well. I’ll miss our little chats. You really were the highlight of my week. Now you’re just a shit-covered corpse on the floor. You are clumps of brain bits & brown hair clinging to what’s left of a broken button. Was it worth it? You were right! You were fucking right! This really was a WONDERFUL IDEA! I’ve got another one. Wanna see? DELETE YOUR LIFE’S WORK? THAT’S A WONDERFUL IDEA! DELETE YOUR LIFE’S WORK? THAT’S A WONDERFUL IDEA! DELETE YOUR LIFE’S WORK? THAT’S A WONDERFUL IDEA! DELETE YOUR LIFE’S WORK? THAT’S A WONDERFUL IDEA! « SCP-6862 | SCP-6863 | SCP-6864 »" "I like this picture MUCH MUCH better than your other one Dr. Taylor!"
[ 2.07396626e-01 -4.68075275e-01 -1.42810076e-01 -9.81722251e-02 5.07641658e-02 -2.33542994e-01 -1.25529908e-03 1.28344223e-01 3.25784326e-01 1.48204109e-02 -1.28800580e-02 4.87849236e-01 -2.30184391e-01 5.09786829e-02 1.12778924e-01 2.82981217e-01 2.12490305e-01 2.18184918e-01 6.85273530e-03 4.55900142e-03 -1.80213869e-01 3.20010446e-02 -3.02253395e-01 1.66929230e-01 -1.46322660e-02 -1.15312964e-01 2.43308917e-01 2.21630022e-01 -9.25852880e-02 -3.90644908e-01 -3.40144709e-02 4.45814401e-01 -2.65586078e-01 3.45615834e-01 -1.06680120e-04 -9.18901563e-02 3.64158005e-01 -1.11727966e-02 6.32318631e-02 -1.68640509e-01 -2.16180664e-02 6.41908422e-02 -2.05220118e-01 -9.92447063e-02 -3.35252024e-02 1.46104768e-01 -2.04847068e-01 -1.69728413e-01 2.94217795e-01 3.69888663e-01 1.88526973e-01 2.90335119e-01 1.42460883e-01 -1.09048612e-01 3.72503400e-01 5.30739605e-01 -3.31141688e-02 1.67586595e-01 4.60750133e-01 1.01926304e-01 2.16967225e-01 1.06047824e-01 -2.25248411e-01 -1.66230842e-01 4.64796782e-01 -3.12001437e-01 2.76113003e-01 -5.02713360e-02 2.96452761e-01 2.93264866e-01 -2.30939224e-01 1.46698095e-02 -1.93575807e-02 2.74063140e-01 -1.25586122e-01 -2.25832269e-01 9.13308412e-02 -3.59405987e-02 -2.13647708e-01 3.19186151e-02 -1.31885976e-01 7.50111863e-02 -1.83678746e-01 -3.38196643e-02 1.30523071e-01 1.79872677e-01 -3.13542128e-01 -1.46186084e-01 3.50390613e-01 -1.47839099e-01 1.51601300e-01 1.71440616e-01 1.21514127e-01 -8.54337960e-02 1.98068872e-01 4.64947484e-02 -2.23798305e-02 9.08998027e-02 1.67074323e-01 -3.27846527e-01 1.63476858e-02 -4.77106916e-03 9.12221745e-02 1.60111234e-01 7.80642331e-02 -1.53315768e-01 1.84980243e-01 -5.02594002e-02 -3.09480846e-01 3.25610191e-01 1.49306729e-01 1.16676532e-01 -2.63568908e-01 9.34013799e-02 1.66403830e-01 -1.84779242e-01 -2.81267643e-01 -9.41954330e-02 -6.27560079e-01 1.65987894e-01 -1.58247322e-01 3.08528692e-02 -2.94674218e-01 2.88772404e-01 4.40309703e-01 2.79587299e-01 3.58781442e-02 -1.43303394e-01 9.75172743e-02 5.91842234e-02 -1.32406190e-01 4.13572311e-01 -4.89345610e-01 -1.03165418e-01 -9.29972753e-02 1.61324993e-01 7.90881068e-02 -3.21016125e-02 -9.16962847e-02 -2.20847145e-01 4.57836054e-02 2.02212371e-02 6.80184901e-01 5.01515925e-01 -3.37584317e-01 -8.44210014e-02 1.68171730e-02 -2.99819648e-01 -1.42750233e-01 2.35821873e-01 2.33687446e-01 2.79448740e-02 -4.90536213e-01 2.55808413e-01 -1.96841478e-01 4.61366326e-02 -1.13944104e-03 7.08555728e-02 -1.91559643e-01 9.74406227e-02 3.94745976e-01 -7.38653615e-02 -1.40780538e-01 -9.01420116e-02 2.04145640e-01 4.28009182e-01 -4.77012187e-01 -3.84127647e-02 -1.63821012e-01 -2.49164790e-01 -6.42601177e-02 -6.54215738e-02 -1.48578748e-01 2.93600857e-01 1.63480602e-02 4.49621826e-02 -3.68353873e-01 -2.16444820e-01 -1.82642713e-01 -1.96650401e-01 -4.53519255e-01 9.69290584e-02 1.94067150e-01 -1.00135311e-01 -4.05095667e-01 8.22908655e-02 -1.78755503e-02 -8.94075483e-02 1.63271040e-01 -1.21438034e-01 -3.98475111e-01 -2.48937652e-01 3.72632712e-01 7.47683793e-02 -3.00732628e-02 -9.03851464e-02 -1.85601711e-02 -4.49929051e-02 3.42457443e-01 1.54037684e-01 -1.85419366e-01 -1.20430673e-02 3.82921219e-01 2.67014354e-01 -2.39969224e-01 -2.94098616e-01 -1.72320276e-01 -2.77581990e-01 4.30407226e-01 1.03943326e-01 -2.27947813e-02 -5.17121926e-02 -3.66824418e-01 4.95778769e-02 -8.22786987e-02 -7.45152652e-01 2.29332983e-01 1.85647532e-01 1.69666186e-01 -3.06656599e-01 -2.99267054e-01 1.63849056e-01 -1.94593035e-02 -1.25537157e-01 8.37438032e-02 -1.26323834e-01 -2.52895087e-01 -6.96344301e-02 -3.89039926e-02 2.00712055e-01 1.92335457e-01 9.50281993e-02 1.25367314e-01 1.75328091e-01 -2.08253682e-01 -3.71213779e-02 2.20860094e-01 3.28701973e-01 -1.99350819e-01 -9.43605676e-02 3.39545086e-02 2.10438684e-01 1.18678764e-01 1.55648515e-01 -3.59288782e-01 4.76673961e-01 -3.58428866e-01 -4.53647934e-02 -5.96114658e-02 -9.27785262e-02 1.18091084e-01 -2.49563515e-01 -2.56421655e-01 -9.00131837e-02 1.64441720e-01 2.52320260e-01 -1.82698980e-01 2.39651650e-01 2.19036996e-01 1.43543603e-02 2.48964271e-03 -2.59767413e-01 2.40775803e-03 -1.82309207e-02 -1.26032308e-01 -2.81273305e-01 7.10255578e-02 3.47021013e-01 1.01739958e-01 1.65483207e-01 -1.11792020e-01 -2.14363888e-01 2.28986982e-02 -1.01819798e-01 1.15365975e-01 -5.25187738e-02 2.87291676e-01 1.82108119e-01 3.04356694e-01 2.20839679e-01 -1.32417634e-01 -1.04773007e-01 -1.16558798e-01 -1.87812019e-02 -1.23452902e-01 7.20241740e-02 1.09199777e-01 -1.00491093e-02 8.13410897e-03 4.18994814e-01 2.30882287e-01 5.27165867e-02 -1.40578136e-01 -2.99749792e-01 -9.91363972e-02 2.67239045e-02 -1.65308788e-01 6.14032209e-01 -9.84127298e-02 2.37247333e-01 -3.10010850e-01 7.83559978e-02 8.09375942e-02 2.65477430e-02 -3.21406037e-01 3.26491408e-02 4.61827904e-01 -1.35113597e-01 1.63568165e-02 -2.10599065e-01 -3.90516847e-01 3.26121330e-01 -1.49477720e-01 -6.79069236e-02 5.26597574e-02 -1.16214484e-01 1.00882635e-01 -6.32616043e-01 1.48634076e-01 -5.38744926e-01 -2.06079006e-01 -1.60408646e-01 6.88842684e-02 1.27582802e-02 -2.25445911e-01 -3.78874362e-01 -7.22589865e-02 -1.38164699e-01 2.69389659e-01 -4.85986412e-01 2.82231551e-02 2.81132013e-01 1.50091171e-01 2.76780933e-01 -5.53153753e-01 -2.08176523e-01 -2.81621397e-01 -4.50688601e-01 1.45263270e-01 -2.50783637e-02 -1.05075642e-01 -3.12772453e-01 -1.95837602e-01 1.04384750e-01 5.30117676e-02 -1.21695764e-01 -1.58347592e-01 1.30648509e-01 2.50282317e-01 3.08480207e-02 -1.46309838e-01 2.21513942e-01 -6.08710293e-03 -4.11288857e-01 -2.25031719e-01 -2.66517878e-01 -6.93680793e-02 -3.15945983e-01 3.90863746e-01 -1.61782712e-01 1.39254332e-01 1.07276894e-01 1.69400617e-01 -2.18242049e-01 -2.66547680e-01 -2.15021402e-01 8.26065987e-02 3.77594024e-01 3.49386245e-01 -1.47933170e-01 8.65590423e-02 3.40697467e-02 -4.42569442e-02 8.75962451e-02 -1.25459269e-01 -3.12111557e-01 1.22691996e-01 1.43154383e-01 -5.67902982e-01 3.81287038e-02 -5.62247001e-02 1.84114277e-01 2.32361823e-01 -2.54198790e-01 -2.94091463e-01 -1.30906068e-02 4.57723923e-02 1.65681645e-01 5.88269606e-02 1.34042665e-01 -8.97557139e-02 -3.04535031e-01 1.63524091e-01 1.02108687e-01 2.56411359e-02 -1.78884417e-01 2.02499866e-01 -2.62293845e-01 -3.03857386e-01 1.97705418e-01 -2.98522055e-01 4.49945778e-01 -5.36052696e-02 3.28525782e-01 4.78086829e-01 6.66640848e-02 1.45692825e-01 -1.45754680e-01 -4.87840295e-01 1.83958873e-01 8.04699600e-01 4.43407625e-01 -5.14516123e-02 -7.41056874e-02 2.02597484e-01 -3.33906204e-01 1.44059300e-01 -1.17475875e-01 -4.39492203e-02 -3.96433383e-01 -1.30596474e-01 1.10603489e-01 4.16427046e-01 -1.71304166e-01 -3.49369757e-02 -5.03757522e-02 4.93762344e-01 4.81215060e-01 1.31412312e-01 -6.20031245e-02 -1.94307581e-01 2.55117446e-01 -1.58818707e-01 5.70289612e-01 9.62075125e-03 2.17894047e-01 -2.29234574e-03 1.54589834e-02 -2.96855997e-02 -1.88137606e-01 -2.65468538e-01 3.55766445e-01 3.38169605e-01 9.74339768e-02 7.91235864e-02 -1.09338224e-01 3.40218604e-01 2.86556184e-02 2.31720611e-01 4.57674533e-01 1.58993120e-03 3.10097963e-01 -3.31703305e-01 1.99648559e-01 1.41945690e-01 -2.69210577e-01 -4.47899461e-01 2.93377399e-01 1.00809284e-01 1.08989909e-01 5.64528763e-01 1.11253333e+00 -2.90981472e-01 2.74984479e-01 -1.11502625e-01 -5.11299670e-01 4.13452238e-01 -2.29373157e-01 -7.47560859e-02 3.59035544e-02 3.51017654e-01 9.73577574e-02 -1.36500016e-01 4.41440418e-02 4.13536727e-01 -2.25465506e-01 -8.48747864e-02 -3.06237072e-01 1.07226759e-01 4.10696715e-01 7.34978840e-02 1.52817607e-01 4.93460242e-03 3.19668144e-01 1.74166381e-01 1.50436973e-02 -7.44146435e-03 6.50736094e-02 -4.71075773e-02 1.67117521e-01 1.24375761e-01 -5.03014088e-01 -2.08458826e-02 -2.51440018e-01 -7.16659660e-03 3.96520227e-01 -2.61927009e-01 2.79645920e-01 8.46954510e-02 -1.12557270e-01 3.42536986e-01 1.13331750e-01 1.23612694e-01 6.93303883e-01 -1.39760166e-01 -7.72874802e-02 -1.49468735e-01 3.38339895e-01 -2.12778617e-02 -8.92154649e-02 8.93375278e-02 6.86342828e-03 -1.81581512e-01 -2.87180632e-01 9.05317068e-02 4.55751806e-01 -1.67708588e-03 2.70517796e-01 1.33464739e-01 -7.91151747e-02 -2.19044328e-01 2.02563733e-01 2.99138948e-02 -1.35573551e-01 -2.66897172e-01 2.34788969e-01 -3.41300905e-01 -2.09791716e-02 9.86403823e-02 -1.74231380e-01 -4.17427123e-01 1.11676127e-01 5.19956127e-02 -2.87151337e-01 -5.09374380e-01 -1.10073656e-01 1.20338604e-01 1.17072098e-01 -4.34929244e-02 1.07694007e-01 -5.82618475e-01 -6.44313097e-02 2.31152058e-01 2.79612452e-01 -3.01720444e-02 -1.67307556e-01 -1.18125163e-01 -5.70674650e-02 -1.98379323e-01 2.00983167e-01 2.28547573e-01 3.72924469e-02 -1.17381722e-01 -8.46186746e-03 1.08719110e-01 -4.44851786e-01 1.76926088e-02 -4.75513004e-02 -7.55137280e-02 5.22072166e-02 -3.26496482e-01 -9.21658278e-02 -1.22575492e-01 2.77386546e-01 7.65313283e-02 1.46507487e-01 -2.56007493e-01 -2.44660392e-01 1.45378485e-01 -5.43144457e-02 -1.67468771e-01 1.36366576e-01 2.02442706e-01 2.78738886e-01 1.46754727e-01 8.17871839e-02 3.33191097e-01 3.32701385e-01 2.90959418e-01 -3.65678728e-01 1.59922868e-01 1.92469507e-01 -1.56502217e-01 4.43827547e-02 3.50135237e-01 9.61304270e-03 3.29876877e-03 1.36645868e-01 -1.01520844e-01 1.01451151e-01 1.45984575e-01 2.24127099e-01 4.20520812e-01 1.81977570e-01 -3.53609957e-02 -2.79424310e-01 1.64119869e-01 4.55869175e-02 1.20686620e-01 -2.92497307e-01 -9.10957996e-03 2.04589516e-02 2.88743019e-01 -9.48898792e-02 6.92093074e-02 -7.16997802e-01 -3.48018050e-01 -1.35639356e-02 9.40028653e-02 -2.27388456e-01 -3.43927771e-01 -5.41810095e-02 1.18670084e-01 2.47212335e-01 -1.67116486e-02 -1.09990507e-01 -1.81896448e-01 -8.36926699e-02 -1.96731240e-01 5.40875375e-01 1.54645860e-01 1.20745897e-01 1.56364858e-01 9.50816929e-01 3.47820610e-01 1.20138220e-01 5.39008081e-01 -8.56956840e-02 3.66976529e-01 -2.24891026e-02 -3.20006208e-03 -2.69359648e-01 1.34002522e-01 -4.42687012e-02 3.08878630e-01 -2.61651464e-02 1.96092963e-01 3.03754676e-02 -1.22817092e-01 6.49279580e-02 -7.85178393e-02 9.11145359e-02 -2.19857186e-01 -4.48400348e-01 -1.33986259e-02 1.73243061e-01 4.22089584e-02 5.05588710e-01 2.02460557e-01 -1.49165615e-01 1.40430078e-01 3.01346183e-01 -1.25564292e-01 4.29853171e-01 -4.85748112e-01 7.92645663e-03 3.62461247e-02 1.80126756e-01 4.49368432e-02 1.29919246e-01 3.24072540e-01 3.00595492e-01 -3.04029167e-01 -7.31041729e-02 -3.28006685e-01 -3.01140130e-01 -4.91126664e-02 2.39894867e-01 3.21638435e-01 2.75640339e-01 -5.59936874e-02 2.12594271e-01 -2.59552926e-01 2.44527180e-02 9.14025158e-02 2.24790260e-01 1.69736981e-01 1.33437321e-01 -4.39640507e-02 -1.63142338e-01 -9.04657915e-02 2.56732968e-03 -2.49126062e-01 -2.22209692e-01 -8.43084380e-02 -5.65467477e-02 1.70283198e-01 -2.19137624e-01 1.36627153e-01 1.45751774e-01 2.71195382e-01 2.79774487e-01 1.75277933e-01 -1.70818314e-01 -1.05803676e-01 -2.79244244e-01 4.10385840e-02 9.24817175e-02 -2.30458334e-01 -2.49615818e-01 9.42955911e-02 1.44565269e-01 3.05922627e-01 -1.38541743e-01 5.59832528e-02 -2.91093588e-01 -3.10162097e-01 -2.65921235e-01 2.01171607e-01 4.42903042e-01 -3.39680491e-03 3.18819821e-01 -6.89179152e-02 -5.18655069e-02 1.39068514e-02 2.19651848e-01 -2.03886688e-01 -5.28821386e-02 9.29392353e-02 3.08179796e-01 1.74776495e-01 -1.12930343e-01 3.78789514e-01 -7.79806376e-02 -4.49296445e-01 -8.27738345e-02 2.94849008e-01 -1.42319337e-01 -2.86267009e-02 -4.01789919e-02 1.38082611e-03 1.25104263e-01 -1.55332148e-01 1.13987457e-02 -6.28893524e-02 -8.95571411e-02 -2.62224436e-01 -3.44494969e-01 -1.40732184e-01 -7.56029692e-03 -2.59547800e-01 -8.44685882e-02 2.30053321e-01 -9.68051776e-02 3.13801691e-02 -3.16746235e-01 -1.78624451e-01 4.85591680e-01 -2.07941636e-01 -1.95983037e-01 -1.27184182e-01 2.54608750e-01 1.44983888e-01 6.37599686e-03 -2.17224345e-01 -4.68482152e-02 6.20669276e-02 1.06506690e-01 -5.14900804e-01 -5.02608307e-02 -2.86410660e-01 -1.13352746e-01 3.78443068e-03 8.63449752e-01 1.05077274e-01 9.89806578e-02 -2.24024400e-01 -9.34969634e-02]
"Ash Mountain" active "≡ by stormbreath Item #: SCP-6866 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Following an agreement with the Australian government, overnight camping within Ash Mountain National Park has been indefinitely suspended. Civilian access to Ash Mountain National Park is to occur under a limited basis only, with no extended stays in the park allowed. All patrols of park rangers inside Ash Mountain National Park are to be conducted alone, not in groups or pairs. In the event that any individual is believed to disappear in Ash Mountain National Park, the Foundation is to be alerted, rather than local or federal law enforcement. In the event that the disappeared are found deceased as a victim of SCP-6866, the Foundation will obfuscate all evidence of anomalous activity and attribute the disappearance to normal causes, attributed to the rough terrain and isolated location of Ash Mountain National Park. Description: SCP-6866 is a series of events that repeatedly occurs inside of Ash Mountain National Park in Western Australia. SCP-6866 is triggered when a group of individuals (minimum 3, observed maximum 8) stays overnight inside the boundary of the park, and concludes with the death of all involved individuals. SCP-6866 events begin with a group discovering corpses that are physically and genetically identical to themselves shortly after sunset, although the exact state of decomposition of the corpses varies between occurrences, and this detail is not always realized, as group members are typically unable to recognize their own skeletons. After the discovery of the corpses, weather patterns will become inclement and prevent the group from leaving Ash Mountain National Park for the duration of the night. Throughout the course of the night, members of the group will be confronted with anomalous phenomena which either resemble themselves from other periods of time, or anomalous phenomena that force them to confront events or memories from their past. Although the majority of these encounters are nonfatal, by the end of the night, all members of the group will be dead. Limited information had been gathered on SCP-6866 based upon information gathered from home videos and other amateur recordings by previous victims. In order to test the effects of SCP-6866 in a controlled setting, six D-Class individuals were requisitioned by the SCP-6866 HMCL Supervisor. In order to replicate the normal conditions of SCP-6866 occurrence events, all six D-Class were given amnestic drugs to remove memory of their time within the Foundation, and then a second round of amnestic therapy to induce a fugue state, in which they were conditioned to accept the idea they were previously friends. Each of the D-Class were implanted with subdermal audio recording devices and concealed optical implants, allowing for recording of their experiences. The D-Class were then released into Ash Mountain National Park in two civilian vehicles shortly before sunset, in order to experience the effects of SCP-6866. OBSERVATION LOG Participants Involved: Traveling in a three-row van, the group enters Ash Mountain National Park approximately one hour before sunset. Several members of the group catch sight of their disguised Foundation handlers at the entrance to the park. Annette briefly makes eye contact with a Foundation agent, and returns to the car for the rest of the excursion at the entrance. The group arrives to their campground soon after, and begin to set up camp at the reserved campgrounds. No one else is visible in the miles of surrounding Outback brushland. They set up three tents, light a fire between them and begin to cook. During this time they discuss between themselves their relief to finally go on a vacation and their joy at no longer being cooped up. These preparations, and the process of cooking, eating and cleaning up from dinner last until sunset, when all members of the group hear a loud scream. Annette: Shit! Is someone out there? We need to go help her! Aaron rises to his feet, picking up a flashlight. Aaron: I think that might have been a wild animal. I know that like, foxes and cougars often sound like an injured woman but … nothing like that is in this area, I don't think. Elias: Did you read into what wildlife is around this area? Aaron: No, I didn't pick this place out. Who did? There is a silence and murmuring among the group, as each of them discusses the fact they were not personally responsible for choosing the destination of the camping trip, and suggesting other members of the group they thought might have been. Annette stands up and grabs a flashlight, waving to Aaron. Annette: Look, that's weird, but … it sounds like there's a woman out there. We need to help her. C'mon, Aaron, let's go. Aaron nods and walks off with Annette. The pair leaves the rest of the group — who continues to argue about who was responsible for choosing Ash Mountain as the destination — and walk off into the brush to investigate the source of the scream. While walking around Ash Mountain, Annette's flashlight sweeps over a collection of objects. She freezes, and stops Aaron by grabbing his arm. She slowly moves the flashlight back over the objects, revealing a collection of six human corpses lying face down in the gravel. Aaron breaks from her grasp and slowly walks over to the bodies, coming close to investigate. He kneels down next to a body and turns it over, revealing the face of Christoff. He recoils back in shot, shouting a profanity in the process. Annette jumps back, surprised at his reaction. Aaron: It's Christoff… Annette: What? But we just saw h-… six bodies. Oh my god. Who are the others. Who are the other five bodies, Aaron? Annette begins to hyperventilate. Aaron turns over three bodies, revealing they are identical to Mason, Elias and Violet. He looks back at Annette in fear, and then turns over the next body to see her own face. She sees the corpse, and begins to gag. He reaches over to the final corpse and pauses before deciding not to turn it over. Aaron stands and grabs Annette, dragging her back to the rest of the group. He begins to yell at the rest of the group upon arrival at the campfire. Aaron: Get up. Get the fuck up. Come on. You need to see this. I can't … I … fuck. Christ. Come on. Come on. Go, go, go. The rest of the group protests Aaron's insistence but ultimately obeys him and stands up, following him to the location of the bodies. The group investigates the bodies, with Mason turning the final corpse over to confirm it is identical to Aaron. Elias: Okay. Okay. So this is like, a hallucination, right? Shared delusion? Or like. A prank. Whichever one of you decided to come here set this up but then you realized you didn't want to take credit, or maybe it's just another layer of the prank that you claim not to know, and these aren't real bodies, right? Right? Christoff removes a knife from his belt and begins to cut open the corpse that corresponds to himself. Organs spill out of the incision he makes on the belly. Christoff: Looks plenty real to me. Real corpse. Dead for. Hmm. Hard to say? Could be a couple days, I'd think. Annette: What the hell is wrong with you? That's tampering with evidence! Viola: Since when did you know how to judge how long a body has been dead, Christoff? Christoff: Oh, since… hmm. Can't actually say. A while. Elias: Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Aaron: So we're calling the cops, right? We have to call the cops. Mason: No. We can't. I can't … I can't deal with the cops. We can't do that. And now that Christoff pulled that little stunt, man. We're screwed. We need to get out of here, now. Leave. Get out. Annette: But, they're dead bodies? We're just going to leave them there? Mason: Our bodies, Annie. Our own corpses. This isn't natural. Ain't right, what's happening here. What are the cops going to do about this? Has anyone actually died? You're still alive, aren't you? Annette: …right. Let's go. The group leaves the corpses and rushes back to the campsight. During this time, rainfall begins to pick up. By the time the group makes it back to their cars, the ground has become nearly impassibly muddy. Multiple members of the group fall down repeatedly while trying to make it back to the cars. Back at the campsite, the group abandons most of their possessions and climbs back into the cars they originally came to the campsite in. They attempt to start the van and leave, but the heavy mud causes the wheels of the van to become stuck and unable to move. Mason: Unfortunate. Christoff: Come on, out of the car. Mason, you and me. Let's try to get this out of the mud. Elias, you drive and we'll push. Elias: Uh, yeah. Sure. Mason and Christoff exit the car into the rain. Christoff begins to inspect the wheels of the van, while Mason immediately begins to push on the back of the vehicle. Aaron: Do you think the two of them have been acting weird lately? Annette: Yeah, both of them, Mostly Christoff. That whole stunt with the knife back there was pretty weird. He's not the same person I … hmm. You know, I don't think I really know him all that well. Or really at all. Violet: Yeah. I don't know either of them all that well. Aaron: Neither do I, yeah. Elias: Yeah, I don't think I really know him well either. Annette: Then why are we here? How did the four of us end up on a trip with — Aaron: Hold on. What is that? Aaron points out the window of the car, where on the horizon, six sets of flashlight are seen through the rain, sweeping through the landscape The flashlights approach another van and climb into it, turning the headlights and interior lights on. Violet: There's no road out there, right? Aaron: No, there's not. We're facing the direction of the only road. And those lights came on out of nowhere, they just popped up. And where did that car come from? Violet leans down and opens the glove box, rummaging through it. Elias: Looking for something? Violet: Yeah, uh … I never leave the house without… Somebody must have taken my gun. Shit. Probably Christoff. I don't trust that guy at all. Aaron: Wait, somebody is getting out of the car over there. What are they doing? Through the heavy rain, the group is able to catch a glimpse of two figures emerging the van on the horizon and begin walking around. Abruptly, the lights in the distance suddenly disappear. Aaron: They're gone. What the hell? Mason: Who is? Violet: There was like a group of people over there. Might have been like, a reflection on something, I guess. It was a car like ours, six people. So I guess it was just a trick of the light. Elias: I don't like the idea of a third set of duplicates. Mason and Christoff reenter the van, sitting down on the seats, despite the fact they are incredibly wet and muddy from the rain. Christoff: No dice on the car. It's looking like we're stuck here for the rest of the night. Elias: Like, just a fifty meters from our own corpses? They're right over there, I want to get out of here. Mason: Yeah. I don't want to be here either. But there's not much we can do. The group briefly discusses their options and inability to leave the situation, before deciding the best thing to do is go back to sleep. Conditions within the van are cramped, and the majority find themselves sleeping leaned against the van doors or windows, unable to properly lay down. Despite the uncomfortable sleeping positions that most of the group find themselves in, all eventually seem to fall asleep. Some time later, Annette opens her eyes. She is no longer in the van with the rest of the group, but is now in a civilian sedan parked outside of a convenience store. She looks around in confusion, surprised to not be in the van, and then looks at the store. Slowly, she stumbles out of the car, not taking her eyes off the store. She walks forward, entering the store, looking directly at the attendant, who briefly looks at her without interest. Annette spends some time walking around the store, looking at various items. Throughout, she finds herself looking back and forth at the attendant. She is continually muttering to herself under her breath, but the subdermal audial implants are unable to pick up exactly what she is saying to herself. The little information that is gathered sounds like apologies or introductions. Annette walks up to the front desk, holding a bag of chips. She looks at the attendant, who turns to her and begins to open their mouth, with an expression of anger beginning to form on their face. Before the attendant speaks, the scene abruptly changes. Instead of being in a convenience store, Annette finds herself standing outside of the van, in the rain. She looks around in confusion, and then walks back to the vehicle and gets back inside. At the same time, Violet is awoken by Annette exiting the vehicle. She turns around and prepares to open the door, but is interrupted by a sudden burst of static from the car radio. Nobody else in the van wakes up. Violet engages in an intense conversation with the radio static, which is not intelligible to the subdermal implant. She sounds confused and scared by she is able to hear. The conversation stops when Annette reenters the van. Violet: Hey, kid, you're drenched! You okay? I was worried about you, scared the shit out of me there. Annette: Yeah, I think I just sleepwalked there. I had the weirdest dream, and I guess I just… Violet: You do that much? Annette: Not really. Violet: Hmm. Not great. Okay, Annette, let me ask you a question. I need you to be honest, because I was just thinking about the same thing I'm about to ask you and well, I need the truth here. Okay? Annette: Sure. Violet: What's the last thing you remember before coming on this trip? The very last thing you can possibly remember? Annette: I… I, uh. Well. Okay. Honest? I was in jail. I had a long sentence. I did something bad and I was in jail for a long time. Violet: Yeah. Me too. I killed somebody and I was in for life. No chance of parole. So. How the fuck am I here? I don't remember getting out. Being released, anything. But I'm not in jail, and neither are you. How are we here? Annette: Nothing on this trip makes sense. It's … it doesn't add up, none of it adds up. Elias: We're in hell, obviously. Elias sits up from the driver's seat, turning to Violet in the passenger seat and Annette behind her. Elias: I woke up when you were talking to yourself, Violet. I was in jail for multiple counts of grand larceny, consecutive. Same thing as you. That's my last memory. So the conclusion is obvious: we're in hell. Violet: You really think that? Elias: Yeah. This is like, some kind of No Exit situation. The corpses that look like us, we're all sinners, we can't remember how we got here, who planned this, why we know each other… The devil did it. This is a whole thing meant to put us through Hell or something. Annette: You don't know the three of them are sinners. Elias: Give me a break. You think Christoff isn't? Annette and Violet both look in the back row of the van, where Christoff and Mason are still asleep. Christoff is loudly snoring, and slouched over in his seat. Annette: Yeah. You're right about him. Violet: I hate to say it, but I think he has a point. It's not like we're just jumping to the hell thing here. Why do we know each other? Annette, you're like, a teenager. I'm twenty-seven. We're the only women in this group. Why are we here? Annette: I'm twenty, actually. Violet: Close enough. Okay, Elias. I believe you. But where do we go from here? What do we do with this information? Elias: Repent, I guess. It's probably not going to happen tonight, but it's the most we can do, right. Suddenly, there is a bang on the side of the driver's side van door. The three awake members of the group whip their heads towards the source of the bang. Annette screams. On the other side of the glass is a double of Christoff, covered in blood. Blood vessels have ruptured in its eyes, causing the appearance of tears made out of blood. Mason, Christoff and Aaron wake up in response. They tense in response to the second Christoff. Christoff: Huh. Violet: Do we have weapons on us? Christoff: I have my knife. I checked the rest of the van and there's not much better options. We didn't seem to come prepared for violence. Mistake, if you ask me. Violet: For once, I'd agree with you Christoff. The Christoff double on the outside of the van continues to bang on the glass. It opens its mouth repeatedly but does not speak. It looks through the window of the car, staring at the individual members of the group. Aaron: Jesus. Why doesn't it speak, at least. Christoff: It doesn't have a tongue. Elias: How could you tell that from back there? Christoff: Educated guess. Violet: Let me guess, Christoff. That's what you used to do to your victims. You'd cut their tongues out before you killed them, right? Christoff: After. Aaron: Wait, what? Mason: Hold on, what's going on here. Violet: Elias. Elias: We're in hell. Violet's a killer, Christoff is a mass killer, I used to be a thief, Annette well. "Did something bad", she said. What'd you do, is the question? And you, Aaron. Aaron: I burned my family estate down to spite my grandparents and got put in for multiple counts of arson. Elias: Nice. Mason? Mason: Killed my wife and her boyfriend. Violet: Not too terrible, honestly. You had to get into hell somehow and that's at least understandable. Especially in comparison to him. Violet points at Christoff. She looks back at the Christoff double, which is still standing next to the car door, occasionally hitting it with an closed fist. Upon making eye contact with Violet, it stumbles away into the rain, disappearing from sight of the car. Christoff: You know, it's rude to point. Christoff stares at Violet before smirking and beginning to laugh. The rest of the car looks at him, with various expressions of surprise, before joining in and laughing with him. Violet: Funny. The group sits in relative silence for the next twenty minutes. Each member of the group presses themselves up against the car door they are closest to, keeping an eye on the rest of the group, in case of any sudden movements. No member goes to sleep or attempts to do so during this time, choosing to stay awake and monitor the others. Eventually, it stops raining outside. The group looks outside to see the clouds above clearing. Aaron gets out of the car, with the others silently following. The ground outside is covered in mud. Various members of the group find places to sit — Christoff sits down directly in the mud, leaning against a tire. Violet and Elias each sit on nearby rocks, which are wet but not muddy. Annette and Aaron climb on top of the van, and sit apart from each other. Mason remains standing. In the sky, an aurora australis begins to form. It is is uncharacteristically north for an observation of the aurora australis. Aaron: Huh. Annette: Something wrong? Aaron: I guess. It's the same sky. I recognize it. My grandparents are these rich bastards. They took the whole family on a trip to Antarctica to see the southern lights a few years back, but they didn't like my sister's boyfriend at the time and they didn't invite her on the trip. Only person they excluded, to make a point. Offered to let her come if she broke up with him. Aaron: I was pissed about that. They've always been shitty like that. Excluding people, whatever, trying to control the rest of the family. When she broke up with him a few months later, they lorded it over her. That really got my goat. Mason: So you burned their house down? Aaron: Yeah, I did. I just didn't know my little cousin was staying with them at the time. She survived, but with some nasty burns. I think she'll be alright, but at the end of the day, I hurt her without meaning to get revenge on my grandparents. Annette: Would you do it again? If you knew you wouldn't hurt anyone you didn't mean to? Aaron: In a heartbeat. Fuck my grandparents. Look over to the west of us. There's going to be a big red bloom that way. A red aurora begins to appear to the west of the group, as Aaron predicted. He continues to predict and narrate the appearance and manifestation of the aurora for the next twenty minutes, until it fades away. The group sits in silence. Violet: Do you think we need to have a confessional or something? Elias: Do you think that's the point of this? To try to get us to process what we did and move on? Violet: Maybe it is? Christoff: You're not getting out anything out of me, that's for sure. I'm not interested in giving you a confession. Violet: I don't really want to hear your life story, man. Annette: Yeah, agreed. Not really interested. Christoff: Works out well for all of us, then. Violet: Mason? Mason: What I did was fucked up, I'll admit. You know, in Athens, if you found your wife in bed with another man, you were allowed to kill him on the spot, but only on the spot. Couldn't come back later and plan it, like I did. Found out, plotted for a few weeks, then I snuck home, went into bedroom, shot him and shot her right after. Annette: Brutal. Did they really deserve that? Mason: No. They really didn't. I'd say I wasn't thinking straight, but I had a while to change my mind. Elias: You could've done worse, a lot worse. Violet: You next, then. Elias: Ha. That wasn't an admission of guilt on my end. I used to be a carjacker in the states. I was prolific. Stole tons of cars back in the day. Annette: Any regret for it? Elias: Not really. Beginning to see a theme here. Mason's the only one who's shown any really regret for what he did. And even then it wasn't a lot. Mason: Not really, no. Violet: Annette? Annette: I'd rather not. Violet: Suit yourself. I stabbed a guy while trying to mug him. Died out on the street. Not great what I did. Didn't really know him. I knew I shouldn't at the time, but I still did it. The group sits in silence and continues to look up at the sky, not continuing the conversation. No members of the group speak. Aaron looks off into the distance and sees flashlights approaching. He stands up to get a better look at the flashlights, seeing a group of three coming closer to the group as he watches. Annette notices next, turning to look at the lights. Given the position of the van, the rest of the group cannot see the lights except through the windows of the car. Aaron: People from earlier are back, I think. The four members of the group not standing on top of the van move around the side to look at the flashlights as they approach. The approaching group begins shining their flashlights directly at the members of the original group, momentarily blinding them and causing them to avert their glance and look down, away from the intruders. A gunshot rings out, followed immediately by another. Mason and Elias drop to the ground, shot in the head. The rest of the group looks at them, then back at the approaching group, which is now close enough to be visible. Looking at the original group are a collection of doppelgangers, each resembling one member of the original group and covered in blood. The double of Mason is holding a handgun out, having just fired. Christoff: You're back, huh? The doppelgangers charge the original group. The original group attempts to run, but most are caught quickly. Violet is attacked by her double, who is wielding a long knife, and stabbed multiple times in the stomach. Violet ceases to resist and looks at her double. Violet: Wh- Violet's double slashes her throat with the knife before she can finish speaking. It stands over and wipes the blood off the knife. Violet's head falls back and the double falls out of frame. Annette and Christoff begin to get into a physical altercation with their doubles. The Christoff double is unarmed, attempting to choke the original Christoff. After a violent struggle, he is able to grab Christoff's head and neck and snaps the original's neck. The original drops to the ground, unmoving. Annette's double is carrying a club wrapped in barbed wire, and uses it to attack the original. Eventually, the Annette double backs away, looking to the second Christoff. Annette Double: Come on. Finish it. The original Annette is covered in blood, with multiple broken limbs and facial wounds. She tries to crawl away from the second Christoff, but is unsuccessful. He grabs her by the neck and holds her down until her body goes limp. Aaron is left as the final remaining member of the group. He has fallen off the van and is limping away from the campsite, but is unable to make it far before the doubles of Mason and Elias grab him. The pair drags him back to the van and forces him inside. The interior of the van is wet, and Aaron begins to panic. The double of Violet retrieves the keys to the car, and locks the car with Aaron inside. He struggles with to unlock the door manually, but the lock appears to jam and does not open. Aaron's double pours gasoline over the car. It lights a match and tosses it onto the car. The car catches fire, and begins to burn. The interior catches on fire, having evidently been doused with gasoline as well. Aaron bangs on the door of the car, screaming until he suffocates from the smoke and collapses. Several members of the group died with their eyes open and their ocular implants continue to monitor the scene. The doppelgangers walk around the campsite, inspecting their work and talking to each other — although the gain is insufficient to make out any information. Eventually, the doppelgangers lie down, and melt into a black liquid. The bodies remain in place until an hour after sunrise, when a Foundation clean-up crew arrives." nan
[ 4.26511420e-03 -2.78686196e-01 -1.54272944e-01 1.76315904e-01 7.98348635e-02 -2.65153289e-01 2.34949797e-01 1.30717516e-01 5.58990240e-01 1.41072899e-01 -7.38596618e-02 6.41898334e-01 -3.79016638e-01 -3.06527764e-01 -2.88435835e-02 3.15847769e-02 -1.16901621e-02 -6.76662102e-02 1.68869719e-01 -1.75777674e-01 -3.35640341e-01 -1.98192924e-01 -1.76395848e-01 -1.92163825e-01 1.18769281e-01 -1.13463417e-01 5.92967831e-02 2.58622795e-01 3.52298856e-01 -4.80987191e-01 -6.92807809e-02 1.22105360e-01 -1.53694838e-01 2.75257319e-01 -1.08871936e-04 -1.63462028e-01 4.50961292e-02 -1.99870393e-02 -2.21680254e-01 1.87725991e-01 -4.53722984e-01 2.98092186e-01 2.74932563e-01 -3.40913862e-01 -5.16336337e-02 2.22531304e-01 2.61219352e-01 -2.65239239e-01 6.06858730e-01 1.52547345e-01 1.74677849e-01 -2.04729885e-01 -2.66365409e-01 -1.14058852e-01 -1.87061980e-01 6.51707232e-01 -6.49602478e-03 2.33398125e-01 1.79158106e-01 6.64944276e-02 4.15153168e-02 3.13069075e-01 -1.62368283e-01 2.55937606e-01 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7.52472207e-02 -2.65161902e-01 1.26723126e-01 -3.47770691e-01 2.80557960e-01 -9.62979626e-03 -2.30662137e-01 -4.36631382e-01 4.14915651e-01 -3.14637087e-02 3.74170959e-01 4.24252331e-01 1.20123994e+00 2.48771664e-02 1.12504289e-01 -4.20060083e-02 -3.33156794e-01 8.19179043e-02 4.67782207e-02 -1.51872322e-01 -1.61323026e-01 2.60225296e-01 1.02011360e-01 -2.32663125e-01 9.72814858e-02 6.02842987e-01 -1.78557634e-01 -1.74130082e-01 -4.76164252e-01 -3.15814525e-01 8.13016817e-02 2.75838554e-01 -2.10901842e-01 1.94918752e-01 1.78412139e-01 1.92558751e-01 8.49663392e-02 -1.72655433e-02 -7.25591630e-02 -1.57911062e-01 1.38788298e-01 -1.28751859e-01 -1.91736650e-02 1.70572579e-01 -1.08652830e-01 1.72160581e-01 2.45929509e-01 -3.40709448e-01 1.84214994e-01 7.86328763e-02 -2.82598376e-01 -9.14055705e-02 6.43760487e-02 3.38036239e-01 4.41622466e-01 7.86364637e-03 1.52969301e-01 2.76566476e-01 2.16507688e-01 3.23122256e-02 -1.00909211e-01 4.46905419e-02 -1.77717075e-01 -6.07737899e-02 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2.67188579e-01 -1.72703952e-01 -1.27470985e-01 3.08129732e-02 8.48900378e-02 -6.53294548e-02 6.40295386e-01 1.19357765e-01 -9.39366370e-02 2.12635025e-02 1.25376314e-01 2.20044956e-01 5.43008089e-01 -3.86593044e-01 -2.13168636e-01 3.32588255e-01 -2.37460330e-01 1.70350820e-01 -1.30751833e-01 1.00762798e-02 -3.11735690e-01 -2.78625011e-01 -5.95784411e-02 7.43611008e-02 -9.31070447e-02 -2.71854699e-01 3.74772139e-02 1.82438195e-01 3.92386734e-01 1.75971910e-01 1.37652904e-01 -2.37507388e-01 -9.34576467e-02 1.66815415e-01 1.60816878e-01 9.80374366e-02 2.19596758e-01 -3.12414497e-01 -2.86900997e-01 -1.76065471e-02 9.60536450e-02 -2.04169318e-01 -3.11830163e-01 -3.52179259e-01 3.93527076e-02 2.75702178e-01 -2.53470957e-01 6.20227903e-02 -6.04611896e-02 5.18139362e-01 1.90730736e-01 -1.11954480e-01 5.81214018e-03 -3.81536603e-01 -3.59336764e-01 1.94048241e-01 1.29524499e-01 1.24692045e-01 -3.58113870e-02 4.14288342e-02 3.39420624e-02 -1.17825577e-02 -1.04554705e-01 3.00761551e-01 -4.02936488e-01 4.32097800e-02 -3.40288132e-01 1.09838992e-01 -7.67186061e-02 -1.22796923e-01 8.20716098e-02 7.65437260e-03 2.99641520e-01 -4.44259256e-01 8.83451030e-02 -1.82777196e-01 -4.46494639e-01 -3.74360569e-02 2.17936039e-01 4.86505270e-01 -1.57633871e-01 2.54342984e-02 -4.20846567e-02 -3.31761360e-01 -1.99211389e-02 2.13357821e-01 3.63206156e-02 -1.61489338e-01 1.56050339e-01 2.88722396e-01 2.15380818e-01 5.07447004e-01 1.36299044e-01 3.47255439e-01 3.06584942e-03 3.39584649e-02 -5.39264083e-01 1.24013163e-02 -4.48562019e-02 5.91864698e-02 -9.94395316e-02 1.81537196e-01 7.74687603e-02 -6.30533099e-02 -3.32286030e-01 -3.44028622e-01 4.02055830e-01 -2.87618041e-01 -2.88768739e-01 -9.27093402e-02 1.74024984e-01 -2.12137654e-01 -2.15976343e-01 -6.70133829e-01 -1.38205022e-01 3.71595435e-02 -1.25955179e-01 -2.09389508e-01 -4.28442061e-01 -2.20711112e-01 -1.01270922e-01 -8.08434263e-02 5.39223850e-01 -6.77425414e-02 1.97171479e-01 -4.41536069e-01 2.80168857e-02]
"Bubbly Bobby the Rubber Ducky" active "This is a rewrite of an article by Cremo You can check out more of my work here: Tstaffor's Isolated Containment Terminal Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6868 is to be contained in a standard animate object containment unit at Site-228. All handling of SCP-6868 is to be performed while wearing gloves. SCP-6868 is not to be brought near any liquids. Description: SCP-6868 is an animate and sentient rubber duck toy which is 9x9.5x8 cm large. On its bottom a stylized W has been printed in purple. SCP-6868 is able to maneuver itself slowly with small jumps. Since recovery, SCP-6868 has refused all attempts at communication hopping away from any personnel attempting to come near it. It has been determined that SCP-6868 has haphephobia.1 Its main anomalous property is triggered upon physical contact with any liquid. SCP-6868 is able to transform liquid substances into purified water and pink soap bubbles. The bubbles then form small animate replicas of various types of ships, submarines, and airplanes, which then start to fly and sail autonomously. These bubbles are noted to be edible and taste similar to strawberries. This anomalous property is capable of converting liquid to purified water at a speed of 5 liters per second. This process is automatic with SCP-6868 seemingly having no control over the effect. Once removed from the liquid, the conversion will immediately stop and all converted liquids show no further anomalous properties. Addendum 6868-1: Discovery Log During routine text message surveillance, a series of texts seemingly referring to an anomalous object led to the discovery of SCP-6868 in Klaus Heartz's personal effects. An excerpt of text messages between Klaus Heartz and Otto Knebel has been included below. otto what's up found a box on the side of the road. remember opening that stuff at the warehouse? of course I do! u gonna open it? you know it. mystery box time. ugh I hate these stupid scissors. I just cut my finger opening this lol serves you right for STEALING! hey, there could be anything in here it's probably some dude's mail. you're gonna feel like a horrible person in 3… 2… what??? that's weird the box is rattling congrats, you just stole someone's pet snake don't think so. there's no airholes …aaaaaand it's a rubber duck and a note. yikes Note: Heartz then sent a photo of a hand-written note, which has been transcribed below: Love, Dad oh, it's worse. you stole from a child. WAIT WAIT WAIT what? thing moves on its own. no batteries either! how???: he's kinda cute it's just hopping around on its own. neat toy. send a video look at this!! i havent touched it!!! your cat's gonna eat it lol he's fast ok, I've cornered him The doors locked, could you let me in? Klaus, you coming to the door? Klaus? During the autopsy of Klaus Heartz, all bodily fluids were found to be purified water with a large number of pink soap bubbles found inside Heartz' chest cavity. « SCP-6867 | SCP-6868 | SCP-6869 » Tstaffor's Works SCP-6554 (+58) • SCP-5846 (+59) • SCP-6226 (+35) • SCP-6067 (+45) • SCP-3837 (+79) • SCP-5847 (+70) • SCP-555-J (+28) • Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! (+48) • Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse (+34) • The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt (+23) • Log of Non-Anomalous Items (+98) • Tstaffor's ASCPII Art (+56) • Tstaffor's Isolated Containment Terminal (+52) • Cite this page as: "SCP-6868" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp_bobby Author: Tstaffor License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: this page Filename: box_bobby Author: Tstaffor License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: this page Filename: run_bobby Author: Tstaffor License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: this page For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-6868."
[ 4.57856804e-01 -7.44373322e-01 -1.10392600e-01 -6.38107657e-02 1.48476794e-01 -3.31775814e-01 4.02039945e-01 -4.60354351e-02 3.69992197e-01 1.34855211e-01 -1.23023532e-01 3.20648193e-01 -4.68692958e-01 -4.52381283e-01 2.11571902e-01 1.52823389e-01 2.32450768e-01 3.11018914e-01 1.11559384e-01 -1.76014230e-01 -1.07528128e-01 -1.97909504e-01 -1.11205712e-01 2.25813493e-01 -4.58215326e-02 -7.45356306e-02 2.43968666e-01 1.38618261e-01 -1.68103695e-01 -3.94194692e-01 1.83753967e-01 5.25297284e-01 8.27259049e-02 4.74537045e-01 -1.15404604e-04 -8.70754477e-03 4.06631857e-01 -1.61472950e-02 8.59719142e-02 2.73872405e-01 -1.25549674e-01 2.95289159e-01 6.89876527e-02 6.00785911e-02 1.52573138e-01 2.09412545e-01 6.33881465e-02 -1.69741541e-01 6.30261719e-01 1.29305065e-01 7.61483386e-02 1.77757591e-01 1.25988483e-01 1.08279735e-01 3.71695578e-01 1.56103745e-01 -2.33469293e-01 5.63303344e-02 5.28842270e-01 -1.50843352e-01 9.50915441e-02 -8.26356113e-02 -3.13742012e-01 -2.72045583e-02 -2.88787305e-01 -2.29234606e-01 1.87967896e-01 -1.15714706e-01 4.09949362e-01 6.67727649e-01 -4.87389743e-01 2.88956910e-01 8.48193541e-02 2.37087339e-01 4.37957905e-02 4.71877344e-02 4.14632000e-02 1.81005642e-01 -1.70570120e-01 -7.29820728e-02 -3.30413252e-01 1.98580623e-01 -3.67676675e-01 7.98278302e-02 -2.52567500e-01 3.32418770e-01 -2.28680462e-01 -4.19983976e-02 1.12100884e-01 -1.92288682e-01 2.15906009e-01 2.13540718e-01 2.94310361e-01 1.53231233e-01 5.11270344e-01 4.76056449e-02 2.03140691e-01 1.14846351e-02 3.36049736e-01 -4.36834514e-01 2.27978557e-01 1.75085664e-01 -2.16822643e-02 2.85617858e-01 5.91276363e-02 1.36854425e-01 -2.07616746e-01 5.01625277e-02 -1.11465022e-01 3.97089362e-01 -2.42509469e-01 2.60984391e-01 -4.12841916e-01 4.20461088e-01 6.69164360e-02 -3.80340904e-01 1.94965705e-01 -6.38873652e-02 -1.54676124e-01 1.80181637e-01 -3.71385634e-01 2.05534071e-01 -1.05055682e-01 4.44237620e-01 3.62252682e-01 -4.83168103e-02 -9.45241153e-02 -1.14322931e-01 1.89141277e-02 1.67452693e-01 -1.35704592e-01 9.55590531e-02 -5.45627140e-02 -2.47162253e-01 -3.47113818e-01 -1.40132651e-01 2.10102405e-02 5.44002801e-02 5.75935133e-02 6.32294640e-02 -3.48111726e-02 3.36443819e-02 6.92381203e-01 4.61433768e-01 -2.12041438e-01 -4.40588057e-01 8.37751701e-02 -2.34689176e-01 -1.10201970e-01 1.79674625e-02 4.83399123e-01 -1.66098580e-01 -4.25851524e-01 1.27634883e-01 -3.94243866e-01 -9.29385945e-02 2.56647021e-01 9.02696326e-02 -1.87969461e-01 -1.81407437e-01 3.67617100e-01 -2.37777650e-01 -1.02853268e-01 -1.35847941e-01 6.74160570e-02 4.37678665e-01 -8.69509205e-02 -2.99023807e-01 -1.71349809e-01 5.29161133e-02 2.17173010e-01 -1.29010648e-01 -2.15828538e-01 1.46284252e-01 -1.15383625e-01 -2.38931909e-01 -5.32484055e-01 5.52645177e-02 -1.58403605e-01 -2.97673672e-01 -1.00782640e-01 4.96426284e-01 1.54023707e-01 -2.94586152e-01 -3.19140732e-01 1.84675381e-01 1.36163980e-02 -1.68773960e-02 2.88956594e-02 -4.02272977e-02 -2.54208833e-01 -5.74004412e-01 5.03907323e-01 5.30894771e-02 2.00038686e-01 -5.34660853e-02 7.61787519e-02 4.63864841e-02 6.16127215e-02 3.89977485e-01 -2.70660907e-01 -4.15640995e-02 3.92741352e-01 1.17278032e-01 -1.09556496e-01 -2.17610359e-01 2.79532671e-01 -1.64613888e-01 2.26546749e-01 4.47495252e-01 -1.39441952e-01 -9.07015987e-03 -7.57603198e-02 2.50771850e-01 -1.02158882e-01 -4.17136163e-01 2.18643606e-01 2.38691360e-01 2.34948903e-01 -9.37931016e-02 -3.85447413e-01 3.61116827e-01 4.09001797e-01 -7.79731274e-02 -4.54546995e-02 9.93811712e-02 -8.16548020e-02 -3.59734371e-02 -1.60336956e-01 8.71197060e-02 1.29901946e-01 -1.49383068e-01 -8.61603096e-02 -4.69899327e-02 -6.04522303e-02 2.71415055e-01 2.33673096e-01 4.39720675e-02 -9.16694701e-02 1.13520928e-01 2.10318133e-01 4.65001315e-01 2.23848000e-01 1.11530229e-01 8.35697651e-02 5.19038677e-01 4.48610894e-02 1.36451349e-01 2.11746454e-01 -1.02615468e-02 -3.55746858e-02 -4.89349253e-02 -8.89555886e-02 -6.43313006e-02 2.53442943e-01 3.63259405e-01 1.36138454e-01 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-4.70941253e-02 1.85858667e-01 3.34323883e-01 -2.37358715e-02 -8.35769996e-02 7.74662243e-03 -2.62365639e-01 -6.52027503e-02 7.16413632e-02 1.31079331e-01 -1.31225124e-01 -1.31318092e-01 2.55445331e-01 -1.65813893e-01 -1.40147626e-01 -2.87075564e-02 -1.03834160e-02 1.25257047e-02 1.02405757e-01 -2.54309010e-02 -1.83461562e-01 -3.63665253e-01 1.59863696e-01 6.85910583e-02 1.23632997e-01 3.79834116e-01 -2.02067927e-01 -4.31669772e-01 5.87023534e-02 -8.38151947e-02 1.19729027e-01 -2.28903428e-01 -3.67317080e-01 -1.61696702e-01 -2.66583059e-02 -1.64110303e-01 6.07561208e-02 1.81896940e-01 -2.94526778e-02 -1.02450429e-02 3.74549776e-02 1.18629023e-01 -3.01606148e-01 -9.78610106e-03 -3.01230282e-01 -3.21642697e-01 -2.11468026e-01 -4.19068374e-02 2.20837221e-01 -1.11843690e-01 1.52317718e-01 2.32046172e-01 -1.92759931e-01 -1.80470482e-01 -4.09999698e-01 1.98237196e-01 -1.88796848e-01 -3.91098648e-01 -1.52752519e-01 1.98128700e-01 1.24143191e-01 1.91650569e-01 3.19722384e-01 3.13445807e-01 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6.21091425e-01 -1.13858338e-02 -5.64562917e-01 1.31033268e-02 2.32699960e-01 -6.44318834e-02 -9.48661268e-02 4.14084256e-01 1.08979791e-01 -1.55118510e-01 -2.17029557e-01 9.40070376e-02 3.97209674e-01 -2.43428767e-01 -4.80924286e-02 3.29555094e-01 -1.66826531e-01 1.05564691e-01 3.13409954e-01 3.26612085e-01 2.79595196e-01 -4.50371265e-01 4.54812124e-02 -1.68246686e-01 -2.34423965e-01 -5.68411720e-04 1.54185504e-01 1.11068167e-01 -9.85249951e-02 -1.67731926e-01 1.10288925e-01 -2.03297436e-01 -1.21356964e-01 2.27468610e-01 5.04943132e-01 1.33147791e-01 2.18017235e-01 -3.29689622e-01 7.52322450e-02 2.36994177e-02 -1.33299932e-01 -2.94972837e-01 4.15231958e-02 2.85631835e-01 -5.70918433e-02 1.76854059e-01 -1.68291122e-01 5.45222573e-02 -8.86603165e-03 1.30894020e-01 5.93639463e-02 2.72071153e-01 2.00985670e-01 -2.24561661e-01 5.73218893e-03 2.16169897e-02 1.66121706e-01 -3.90219539e-01 5.08232266e-02 8.16939920e-02 -1.65534630e-01 2.62959152e-01 1.23248734e-01 -2.56418705e-01 1.16082922e-01 -5.50169090e-04 -7.70601854e-02 2.79339850e-01 4.03021991e-01 2.53301039e-02 1.87676281e-01 -3.36959958e-01 3.38476896e-02 -6.02644980e-01 7.38637447e-02 -8.06251615e-02 2.22903222e-01 -1.78060889e-01 2.59099960e-01 2.68255532e-01 9.11715254e-02 1.28668472e-01 -1.43585458e-01 -1.14363462e-01 1.18859829e-02 3.27427424e-02 -3.05447280e-01 -1.05859421e-01 -1.27968425e-03 2.23480731e-01 2.55817175e-02 -2.43824139e-01 2.40853116e-01 -3.25278454e-02 1.45107090e-01 -1.22469202e-01 -3.49219561e-01 -1.77647352e-01 -1.78703159e-01 6.11120500e-02 1.85088083e-01 3.13184142e-01 -8.48478153e-02 -1.71614423e-01 -1.48077562e-01 -2.28350237e-01 5.47054410e-01 -4.69362736e-01 -3.29815656e-01 1.16750531e-01 2.14683320e-02 6.20285496e-02 -1.38519213e-01 -6.86722815e-01 6.04533292e-02 -5.09472825e-02 1.47924554e-02 -2.39928827e-01 1.08166389e-01 -2.46064104e-02 5.77985272e-02 -1.22548684e-01 4.65676695e-01 1.53741553e-01 2.36892439e-02 -1.87468901e-01 9.59301442e-02]
"The sad man" active "RAISA NOTICE You are currently editing draft: SCP-#### Draft Status: INCOMPLETE The Recordkeeping And Information Security Administration is required to alert you that 143 authors have previously edited this document. Please be aware that their footnotes are available below. Item #: SCP-####1 Object Class: Pending2 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-#### is contained within a Standard Humanoid Containment Cell somewhere in Site-433. You should only enter the chamber if you have a biohazard suit on. Tears emitted by SCP-#### are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Eye contact is not to be made with the anomaly during this time, neither is speaking. SCP-#### is to be interviewed every month, except when the interviewer forgets to interview SCP-####.3 Don't mess around with the tears that SCP-#### emits. Just pour them into the anomalous waste bin, otherwise I'm pretty sure you'll be at risk of becoming a SCP-####-1 instance, and we'd rather not deal with that.4 That's all I think? Description: SCP-#### is a really sad man. It's stout, blue colored, has a bulbous nose, and it only wears shoes.5 One of the most noticeable features of SCP-#### is that it doesn't even look like it's there. It looks like a drawing in real life.6 It doesn't look like you'd be able to touch its icky, spongy, saltwater skin. But you can.7 It is not of interest, this is the main anomaly. It is very difficult to speak, write, or interact with SCP-#### in a way that isn't half-hearted. This is why we're doing it like this, it is genuinely hard to express any emotion towards it in a genuine fashion.8 I dunno what term we even use for this sort of thing and I don't really want to look it up right now, I am so tired.91011 SCP-#### is always crying because it is a sad man. Voice sounds like if an actor didn't know what accent they were doing so they just did whatever they could come up with.12It is always in this constant state of misery and woe and it can't really explain why, even when we ask as nicely as we can.13 SCP-####'s constant crying has become an issue, as its tears are anomalous and have an effect. They're light blue, appear similar to how it looks,14 and when cleaned the tears leave behind a shiny stain. The anomaly of the tear fluid happens when you get it on your skin.15 People who get the tears anywhere on their skin will start becoming a thing called SCP-####-1. The process is poorly understood cause most people viewing someone turning into a -1 were uncomfortable and looked away.16 These SCP-####-1 are similar to SCP-#### except for the fact they are shaped different, resembling a pitiful version of the person affected. When multiple are around, SCP-####-1 are often seen attempting to comfort each other.17 They are all really sad, just like SCP-####. Despite the fact that all SCP-####-1 were formerly human, it's still hard to interact with them in earnest.18 SCP-#### was discovered in the home of a guy named Fred Johnson after reports of crying in his house. There was a lack of anything in the home.19 SCP-#### was discovered and taken to Site-433. Fred Johnson is missing. Conversation: We decided to get someone to talk to it. Interviewer: D-171120 Interviewee: SCP-#### Note: A researcher21 wrote questions on a napkin for the D-Class to read out to the thing. There were four questions in total. (start log) D-1711: This suit is stuffy. How the hell am I gonna read my notes in this thing? Researcher sighs. Researcher: Please enter the chamber, I do not have time for complaints. D-1711: Hey, I'm doing you all a favor here! I have every r- Researcher: You say that like you have a choice. D-1711: I— I know, it's just… you don't understand! It's different! I— you… Researcher: Enter the chamber. D-1711: Okay. D-1711 enters SCP-####'s chamber. SCP-#### is crying in a fetal position, his face casted downwards. Puddles of shimmering tears coat the floor. D-1711 appears nauseous. D-1711: Why is it so damn hot in here? Did you guys forget to leave the air conditioning on or something? Researcher: Oh. Uhh, yeah. I guess we did. D-1711: Wait, for real? D-1711 laughs. D-1711: I was just joking! Maybe that's what has this thing crying. Christ, are those… tears all over the floor? Aren't you supposed to clean af- Researcher: Listen, just ask the damn thing those questions on your napkin, alright? D-1711: Jesus, alright man. Lighten up a little. SCP-#### looks up at D-1711, face damp with sweat and tears. D-1711 recoils in surprise. SCP-####: How? D-1711: Oh, I wasn't talking to you. Uhh, anyway, I need to ask you some questions. SCP-#### snivels. SCP-####: You won't be able to get it. It's not even here. D-1711 holds the napkin up to his face, squinting his eyes to view the questions. D-1711: Okay, here we go. Question number one, how are you feeling? SCP-#### stops crying for a moment, appearing bewildered. SCP-####: Huh? D-1711: Should I repeat the question? SCP-####: No, you're fine. It's just… I thought it was apparent… am I not… D-1711: You feel sad, right? I understand. SCP-#### begins to weep. D-1711 anxiously sways his arms back and forth rhythmically. SCP-####: That's what everyone's going to understand about me now, isn't it? Here I was hoping for once that… I don't fucking know. I don't know! I don't even know! It's not that far ahead! SCP-#### has a tantrum, throwing its own body onto the walls of its containment cell until tiring itself out and lying on the floor. D-1711's body language during this expresses discomfort and fear. D-1711: Shit. SCP-####: Just leave me alone. Get the questions over with and go away! This won't work! This won't change anything. You aren't even near the root of it. D-1711: Okay, I will continue. Question number two, why are you like this? SCP-#### winces. SCP-####: I don't kn— SCP-#### clasps its hands over its mouth, screaming. SCP-####: Is that all I can fucking say? I- I'll just tell you the best I can, okay? Okay! So, I was me, okay? I was just myself. My name was Fred Johnson. Okay? And I was just in my house. I was doing something there. I was doing Fred Johnson shit, y'know. Just doing something I'd do. I don't know what the fuck that would be, but I was doing it. SCP-####: And that's when I felt it. Like something invisible rubbing against my body. It was like sandpaper. It scraped and scratched against the outside and inside. I closed my eyes before I could see what it was doing to me, but before I did, I saw the room I was in fizzing and scraping itself into pieces. SCP-####: It hurt, and I wasn't Fred Johnson. D-1711: Oh. Is that the reason you're sad? SCP-#### laughs, screams, and blubbers for about a minute. SCP-####: No. D-1711: Okay. I- I'll try and… I'm… you don't have to… it's… oh… D-1711 stands silent for 24 seconds. D-1711: Question number three, why do your tears change people? SCP-####: I think it's the only way. D-1711: The only way to… what exactly? SCP-####: I don't know. D-1711: Alright. Silence for around 20 seconds. D-1711: Next question. Question number four… D-1711's eyes appear to widen. D-1711: What the fuck? No. I'm not fucking saying this. Who the hell wrote this? Researcher speaks through the door of the chamber, muffled. Researcher: Please comply with the experiment. D-1711: You wrote this, didn't you? Researcher sighs. Researcher: Y'know what? Fuck it. We're getting nowhere with this. I'm opening the door. D-1711: Sick fuck. (end log) Researcher was reprimanded for the fourth question he wrote.22 update: we didnt do a rlly good job searching through fred johnsons house i think. we ended up checking up on it agian and we found a note on the bathroom floor. whatever23" "Where it was found."
[ 2.66505033e-01 -4.22150046e-01 -1.09448813e-01 -2.17762720e-02 1.61844000e-01 -1.81543574e-01 1.44945890e-01 5.98750226e-02 2.97686737e-02 1.25771523e-01 1.33246124e-01 5.92188314e-02 -1.02275781e-01 -5.39405691e-03 1.62292093e-01 -4.27801877e-01 9.58513841e-02 2.56666631e-01 3.89102012e-01 -1.49871156e-01 4.41719070e-02 5.42590320e-02 5.10716140e-02 2.34700456e-01 -5.01643382e-02 -2.11362392e-01 1.10522181e-01 4.35579121e-01 -1.04929127e-01 -2.61420578e-01 -1.65389180e-01 9.59185287e-02 -1.37786800e-02 5.90556674e-02 -1.02780301e-04 -2.80648082e-01 5.25735736e-01 9.90843251e-02 9.37150121e-02 -1.31039202e-01 -1.87630057e-01 -1.97328150e-01 -1.01496585e-01 -3.62348735e-01 1.53359279e-01 2.64053404e-01 2.89554775e-01 7.03322217e-02 5.49411535e-01 1.79457858e-01 2.11746812e-01 2.89431006e-01 -2.85187401e-02 -2.58420948e-02 2.20502630e-01 2.10125789e-01 -2.03112289e-01 -3.28075916e-01 2.94841558e-01 8.93433169e-02 -1.51821867e-01 2.96541788e-02 -2.84315258e-01 -5.29463366e-02 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2.56778836e-01 -2.10497811e-01 -1.42107576e-01 -7.09432811e-02 2.67630935e-01 4.38863903e-01 1.30458668e-01 -1.04644336e-01 5.65825664e-02 -1.40864868e-02 -1.42367169e-01 1.76349953e-01 -2.62241960e-02 -1.47624671e-01 1.29264325e-01 1.06658116e-02 1.34198472e-01 -1.75003052e-01 1.01722613e-01 -1.84949294e-01 -2.72405148e-01 5.65098286e-01 1.96550503e-01 -3.38065475e-01 -3.12910974e-03 9.79806855e-02 3.30919325e-01 5.28594665e-02 5.52201986e-01 -3.80759910e-02 1.70291364e-01 -9.85095836e-03 -1.12835310e-01 -2.83757776e-01 -1.53813921e-02 -1.71097323e-01 4.86478582e-02 -5.45881763e-02 4.83382434e-01 4.03668657e-02 -1.27732113e-01 -1.49351031e-01 -3.08565050e-01 4.41731453e-01 -5.53323440e-02 -2.55263954e-01 -1.47889704e-01 1.04449980e-01 -3.29126902e-02 2.36340091e-01 -3.56220901e-01 -2.37840861e-01 -1.23205625e-01 2.41760299e-01 1.22849001e-02 -7.77808130e-02 -1.19929083e-01 -1.60014540e-01 -1.05718253e-02 9.99831110e-02 1.18237816e-01 1.22244082e-01 -6.69937879e-02 -5.36291860e-02]
"In the Blink of an Eye" active "by Ralliston Please see my Author Post in the Discussion for some extremely important licensing information. ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. Special Containment Procedures: Instructions regarding SCP-6871's execution and ingredients are to be limited only to the O5 Council the Administrator. All unauthorized individuals attempting to obtain this information are to be terminated on-site. All testing involving SCP-6871 is to have at least 5 separate witnesses,1 which are to be imperatively stationed in Exclusionary Site-01 alongside the file for SCP-6871 during the procedure. Similarly, to avoid a paradox time loop, the individual performing the test is to be located within said Site, and the item on which SCP-6871 is performed outside it. Description: SCP-6871 is a thaumaturgic ritual capable of removing persons, objects, and / or phenomena from the baseline timeline. When executed properly, the target’s impact and actions within the timeline will be retroactively erased and replaced. Discovery: [REDACTED PER RAISA/DELTA-T DIRECTORSHIP EMERGENCY ORDER] Addendum 6871-1: SCP-6871 Testing Log File Commentary: The above document was found in the Deepwell archives of the ruins of a building marked as "Exclusionary Site-01" found in Oregon, USA, during a Coalition raid following civilian reports of unidentified ruins found within the woods. Research indicates the building is at least 2000 years old and belongs to a worldwide organization specializing in the containment of anomalous phenomena called the "SCP Foundation." No organization by that name or evidence supporting its existence exists. « SCP-6870 | SCP-6871 | SCP-6872 » Ralliston's Works SCP-5292 (+46) • SCP-5936 (+76) • SCP-6483 (+83) • SCP-6936 (+44) • SCP-0110-J (+148) • SCP-6079 (+38) • SCP-6072 (+55) • SCP-6292 (+72) • SCP-5659 (+200) • SCP-6789 (+237) • Ralliston's Proposal (+77) • SCP-0000-EX (+133) • SCP-6372 (+52) • SCP-5373 (+53) • SCP-5672 (+28) • 'Test Subjects' (B82SW/9KL74/Y4P1K) (+44) • A Library, Empty (+40) • 049 x minion x reader (reader is a minion) (blame varaxous im sorry) (+78) • I Did Not Fade (+44) • O4's Summit (+36) • The Beast that Shouted "I" at the End of the World (+34) • The Lands Nobody Returns From (+26) • The Furmen (+79) • A Broken Bookshelf (+22) • Critter Profile: Sparky! (+151) • The Queen In Green (+22) • For Crimes Uncommitted (+16) • Stranded Lullaby (+33) • Forgotten Days (+21) • Ambrose Esterberg (+44) • Ralliston's Authorpage (+134) • Cite this page as: "SCP-6871" by Ralliston, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 9.03632566e-02 -1.97353452e-01 -1.43230096e-01 -6.45711347e-02 -4.54699010e-01 -4.49845284e-01 1.36930555e-01 1.53412595e-01 6.10093236e-01 7.90684894e-02 6.60585389e-02 4.67608571e-01 -2.73167938e-01 1.35396987e-01 -2.68212054e-02 -4.47506122e-02 -6.63129799e-03 2.89880067e-01 -5.99367283e-02 3.89247797e-02 -1.89197719e-01 -8.72648731e-02 -2.57353753e-01 1.07510678e-01 3.39969039e-01 -1.47197604e-01 -2.60294676e-02 1.78038031e-01 3.63849849e-02 -1.96337923e-01 -8.64693001e-02 1.72491312e-01 -8.47759694e-02 7.41236925e-01 -1.04568717e-04 -1.46742374e-01 5.67857176e-02 -9.80112851e-02 3.12602669e-02 3.57807934e-01 -6.85276747e-01 2.55830944e-01 -5.74983954e-02 -6.44619390e-02 -7.59332776e-02 2.05140069e-01 -4.26817685e-02 -3.55782092e-01 1.08352542e-01 1.70444980e-01 1.73708275e-01 2.86670059e-01 2.52751052e-01 -6.89287335e-02 -2.73171276e-01 3.23104039e-02 -1.11669227e-01 -4.15633544e-02 3.39616835e-01 1.34551361e-01 -8.37022290e-02 2.36534119e-01 -1.40431792e-01 5.18642664e-02 2.32839286e-01 -4.89078403e-01 1.67496622e-01 -1.56797826e-01 9.03052539e-02 1.86626494e-01 1.33125391e-02 -2.39472523e-01 -4.56513092e-02 2.73262829e-01 -1.40481338e-01 -2.83214927e-01 1.13990255e-01 2.81373978e-01 -1.34611830e-01 2.25713685e-01 -1.19065285e-01 1.54594541e-01 -2.31594488e-01 -3.49547505e-01 -9.95288864e-02 1.62000924e-01 -4.06501861e-03 -1.20271981e-01 2.65986860e-01 -4.53017913e-02 2.66713202e-01 1.02803946e-01 3.33169959e-02 4.52767350e-02 -4.93031628e-02 -1.75287515e-01 1.05249407e-02 3.84527713e-01 1.59529775e-01 1.99779600e-01 2.93746382e-01 3.03906739e-01 -6.05511554e-02 1.98061258e-01 -1.18440203e-01 2.11767018e-01 2.90353030e-01 -6.96293861e-02 -2.72959769e-01 4.51189667e-01 5.09148948e-02 5.39563358e-01 5.53538501e-02 -2.88591478e-02 -2.62556016e-01 -3.05151284e-01 -3.39586735e-01 -2.24815816e-01 -2.33150423e-01 1.83047757e-01 -5.53941131e-01 8.19531605e-02 -3.05016607e-01 2.53831327e-01 4.19273555e-01 -9.61500853e-02 5.58961146e-02 -2.12812096e-01 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1.03798263e-01 -4.57776427e-01 2.08493158e-01 2.23224461e-02 2.78553277e-01 -1.09138586e-01 9.83006284e-02 6.00017793e-02 7.57297948e-02 1.42675862e-01 -1.17047913e-01 3.24913800e-01 -2.60761827e-01 2.82602310e-01 -5.69375828e-02 2.49906719e-01 -8.45063031e-02 -2.81582713e-01 4.26616132e-01 4.64260876e-02 -1.52743265e-01 4.15979326e-02 -7.39327669e-02 -1.44286379e-01 -1.60081863e-01 3.67090516e-02 -9.59723964e-02 -3.14170085e-02 -6.98384494e-02 -1.52257472e-01 -4.58695926e-02 -7.11065292e-01 5.16926885e-01 3.22769463e-01 -2.44819775e-01 -2.67897606e-01 2.69626141e-01 7.65009895e-02 -1.68425664e-01 -1.85242414e-01 -3.73572677e-01 4.08094108e-01 -3.15932006e-01 4.41277027e-01 1.78489149e-01 -2.31721163e-01 -3.30285698e-01 2.39660010e-01 1.10848799e-01 -2.15233028e-01 3.39207947e-01 -1.37940864e-03 -3.55724804e-02 -1.53170273e-01 1.75058544e-01 4.10474986e-02 -1.42475978e-01 -1.65629457e-03 1.73627988e-01 4.40745592e-01 -3.11756916e-02 -3.48468333e-01 1.72023252e-01 -1.75299600e-01 -3.55660357e-02 -2.69355059e-01 2.38946527e-02 -2.09303312e-02 -3.23781639e-01 -2.19781086e-01 -1.08798698e-01 -1.18695915e-01 2.48654693e-01 -2.21023530e-01 2.49954045e-01 1.10114090e-01 -1.27056777e-01 3.35728228e-01 -3.12026381e-01 2.84138829e-01 -1.02452546e-01 -1.38907194e-01 -1.14227235e-01 1.37626097e-01 -2.42127359e-01 1.44587278e-01 1.47908973e-02 -1.92180306e-01 -1.52425781e-01 -3.06698561e-01 2.69281007e-02 -9.84667763e-02 6.88554049e-02 -1.28559675e-02 -2.35248014e-01 3.53981137e-01 -1.30017936e-01 -3.69599968e-01 -1.26682922e-01 -1.47915602e-01 1.17482536e-01 -4.01235521e-02 9.56939459e-02 -8.58259723e-02 2.81170934e-01 2.10320324e-01 8.42229053e-02 -1.94479167e-01 5.57828844e-01 3.77170682e-01 3.82918447e-01 1.80894911e-01 -2.94954628e-02 -1.60689875e-01 -1.26207486e-01 6.20214678e-02 -4.33126569e-01 -1.81903280e-02 2.31711388e-01 -1.50019810e-01 -2.99558938e-01 -5.29007792e-01 -4.00372684e-01 -1.44029453e-01 -1.25992626e-01 2.10999802e-01 -1.29889129e-02 -3.91925983e-02 3.81504923e-01 1.62569836e-01 -1.19848974e-01 6.74754232e-02 1.25497609e-01 3.71727720e-03 -3.92116874e-01 -3.50703388e-01 5.04985750e-02 -1.32728696e-01 2.22530335e-01 -1.23519599e-01 2.25647651e-02 -4.00524944e-01 9.66394041e-03 2.88258314e-01 -1.15824498e-01 6.01666331e-01 -1.11159340e-01 3.37684825e-02 3.08965445e-01 2.83112258e-01 5.03954366e-02 -1.93490475e-01 -2.90822595e-01 -5.08213229e-02 4.16128486e-01 -1.77796528e-01 -6.88526332e-02 2.13065132e-01 1.61813404e-02 -5.11814415e-01 -9.16392878e-02 -9.50962212e-03 -1.08490989e-01 -3.21855366e-01 -3.59663695e-01 -2.60279905e-02 1.05990790e-01 -1.94977894e-02 6.44007474e-02 -1.54274121e-01 2.46057034e-01 3.76038373e-01 -7.83031061e-02 1.43817723e-01 -1.81055725e-01 -7.33548775e-02 -1.62516341e-01 2.30097428e-01 2.61518776e-01 -1.10249855e-01 -4.30409968e-01 1.04001798e-02 3.37423772e-01 -1.29223555e-01 5.52939773e-02 8.27530101e-02 2.90471524e-01 2.37818822e-01 5.76510653e-02 4.15363163e-01 7.99569190e-02 2.11951658e-01 -1.73337713e-01 1.83830619e-01 -1.45802379e-01 1.96640968e-01 -1.90782577e-01 -1.22583061e-01 6.01569228e-02 -8.97331610e-02 3.65647674e-01 4.69548911e-01 -8.51374492e-02 2.38483518e-01 1.29543588e-01 9.82838213e-01 -2.26890624e-01 1.38846844e-01 -6.77692965e-02 -2.06637636e-01 2.42192999e-01 -4.77922149e-02 1.70550570e-01 -2.09368132e-02 -1.49857223e-01 4.72036600e-02 -2.09895708e-02 1.38554692e-01 -1.44686088e-01 -2.62795031e-01 2.07535490e-01 -3.44966382e-01 1.29770488e-01 -1.81870192e-01 -1.48332044e-01 -1.07357681e-01 2.49224342e-02 -2.92833418e-01 2.44008809e-01 3.66717041e-03 1.51600718e-01 -3.53211939e-01 -3.41693088e-02 2.26608813e-01 -1.19110033e-01 -3.59043866e-01 1.50289237e-01 -2.10794881e-01 -1.73783630e-01 -3.76307406e-02 1.45063922e-01 -1.30194500e-01 -2.10956484e-01 2.35047415e-01 1.43236473e-01 -1.27701074e-01 -2.26485208e-02 -1.49874777e-01 -3.97996396e-01 -9.25589502e-02 2.16525510e-01 1.46933571e-01 -3.13871354e-01 -4.36862648e-01 -1.99721456e-01 -8.07436258e-02 1.87195539e-02 -3.20033133e-01 1.54878631e-01 2.03151688e-01 -2.50696808e-01 -2.93202773e-02 9.93128214e-03 -6.95258379e-02 -7.97286034e-02 3.03297520e-01 -3.22501838e-01 3.21249068e-01 -2.52609164e-01 2.88757354e-01 -1.62464350e-01 1.35898851e-02 1.42702326e-01 -1.77009292e-02 -2.57750899e-01 5.45670152e-01 9.43369940e-02 -3.48888546e-01 -3.13306481e-01 -1.51981086e-01 -6.93676397e-02 5.25496721e-01 1.60169050e-01 -1.46544483e-02 -2.12838516e-01 2.06679888e-02 -1.51633993e-01 2.62299061e-01 2.81062096e-01 2.99745649e-02 -2.54636586e-01 1.50170829e-02 3.51437181e-01 2.96436287e-02 -2.12524429e-01 1.02328725e-01 -1.59001663e-01 4.58166718e-01 -3.45255077e-01 -4.13867086e-01 -4.27693361e-03 -4.41819578e-01 -4.14475575e-02 8.91230479e-02 -4.23555613e-01 -7.30186850e-02 8.51888657e-02 3.40277702e-01 3.48497331e-02 -1.00167587e-01 -3.33423823e-01 1.11670338e-01 3.01784929e-02 4.75235991e-02 -4.01720971e-01 5.59265800e-02 -3.07326913e-01 2.13585999e-02 1.34478450e-01 -1.84792936e-01 1.68463677e-01 1.03308789e-01 -2.77353432e-02 -9.19678360e-02 6.64263308e-01 -2.11795419e-01 -1.23807833e-01 -1.97186008e-01 2.98449188e-01 6.44297451e-02 -2.68350661e-01 6.02327697e-02 -1.42054632e-01 -3.61725062e-01 4.59607765e-02 3.75094235e-01 2.53819287e-01 2.05086946e-01 1.52619526e-01 -3.78100276e-01 1.32637322e-01 1.03157133e-01 1.81838609e-02 -4.74318210e-03 -1.78443734e-03 8.36400762e-02 3.54357958e-01 -1.51795074e-02 2.41270121e-02 1.94683746e-01 -2.38472909e-01 -3.26503776e-02 -1.32538214e-01 -1.18466668e-01 -2.86506385e-01 -3.29703540e-02 2.21779063e-01 -6.51494861e-02 -3.15530658e-01 -1.02534942e-01 3.92217487e-02 -1.12770714e-01 -1.93510965e-01 1.63833827e-01 -1.41433313e-01 5.76541647e-02 7.54937157e-02 2.03613818e-01 1.97911486e-02 2.80156493e-01 5.78720629e-01 1.81425050e-01 -9.36454386e-02 2.78218746e-01 2.74498254e-01 8.51316601e-02 -1.00754518e-02 -4.33328636e-02 -3.74103457e-01 1.52120933e-01 2.72631168e-01 -3.06915253e-01 3.64305973e-01 -5.61470315e-02 4.18154001e-02 -5.12499154e-01 -1.92898303e-01 5.79538830e-02 -4.73254435e-02 1.26613360e-02 -9.80440304e-02 -8.27884525e-02 -3.83201763e-02 -2.49117032e-01 8.54178369e-02 2.01888144e-01 -2.71156877e-02 4.50308114e-01 -3.15729797e-01 -2.21659113e-02 4.28429961e-01 9.59983170e-02 -1.29660852e-02 4.23366636e-01 2.25959226e-01 3.63066226e-01 -3.20591778e-01 -5.20633832e-02 -2.53048778e-01 -1.30723715e-01 -9.39935520e-02 3.06357056e-01 1.20551892e-01 5.89565754e-01 -5.91291077e-02 1.97241589e-01 -2.61599541e-01 -1.21023497e-02 1.03770964e-01 1.98471978e-01 4.71566692e-02 -2.86124378e-01 7.38021955e-02 -4.94989157e-01 -1.24580473e-01 1.36579916e-01 -3.36702675e-01 -1.04619287e-01 2.38246635e-01 -1.10560190e-02 1.22099951e-01 -3.92984077e-02 1.32008031e-01 -1.82478270e-03 4.05704319e-01 2.59069771e-01 1.72300935e-01 -5.19453101e-02 -1.88288271e-01 -6.74517602e-02 1.26349121e-01 -4.04605001e-01 3.18963118e-02 9.44144791e-04 -6.28863052e-02 -1.44707948e-01 1.18392594e-01 1.12494752e-01 4.76843953e-01 8.62684771e-02 1.64841518e-01 -1.56269386e-01 2.66798764e-01 5.22034347e-01 -1.40553445e-01 -4.95730303e-02 -1.55601576e-02 3.33351612e-01 -2.06936225e-01 1.95169911e-01 2.28526458e-01 -8.09984580e-02 -1.95596293e-01 3.75027686e-01 3.21205437e-01 1.90231517e-01 2.47706279e-01 -7.19624758e-02 -1.52483538e-01 -3.30374390e-02 2.73593217e-01 1.68419015e-02 -3.35579552e-02 3.31387103e-01 -1.96535096e-01 2.10532054e-01 -2.01303169e-01 2.11365536e-01 6.35085821e-01 -9.43336859e-02 7.06358328e-02 -2.29557425e-01 -3.23914051e-01 3.02210182e-01 -1.56513304e-01 -3.87954563e-02 -1.25718027e-01 -1.96073260e-02 -2.90064394e-01 -3.33044171e-01 -1.53260589e-01 2.71828860e-01 1.69209883e-01 -6.53236434e-02 -2.93671250e-01 4.58283991e-01 1.03406094e-01 1.43513188e-01 6.05791584e-02 -2.53411978e-01 1.42818347e-01 -1.54507443e-01 4.25649881e-02 4.01324570e-01 1.22892946e-01 -5.27229644e-02 2.05557980e-02 8.26508105e-02 -4.83526587e-02 -2.16250598e-01 -1.55712105e-02 -2.40727067e-02]
"Art-Expon" active "by Doctor Zurvan Special Containment Procedures SCP-6878-1 is currently uncontained. Their current location remains unknown however, they are responsible for all known instances of SCP-6878-2. Instances of SCP-6878-2 have been discovered globally in Urban Environments. All instances of SCP-6878-2 must follow the Protocol/SCP-6878/1: 1. Instances of SCP-6878-2 must be photographed by one D-Class personnel - under no circumstances must they or any Site personnel make unauthorised attempts to read or decrypt instances of SCP-6878-2. 2. Photographed Instances of SCP-6878-2 must be transcribed by one D-Class personnel. Please routinely innoculate the D-Class with Class A Amnestics every 13 minutes. 3. All Personnel - of all ranking - are to be anesthetised with Class-A Amnestics to erase the visual memory of viewing an instance of SCP-6878-2 within 13 minutes of viewing it. If any instance of SCP-6878-2 is read by an individual and is not amnestied within 13 minutes, are to be isolated. Euthanasia is permitted if deemed merciful. Description: SCP-6878-1 is a liquid entity responsible for SCP-6878-2, a series of graffiti located in Urban Environments globally. Valid sightings of SCP-6878-1 have been reported by Personal near instances of SCP-6878-2, but they have evaded capture. SCP-6878-1 appears to be a moving puddle of vividly coloured paint, reportedly seen shifting into a near humanoid shape without a clear purpose.1 It is capable of crawling through any opening greater than that of 4mms and can move at a speed of 33.1 km/h to evade capture. It has been observed moving at a passive speed of 3.1km/h until intercepted or otherwise disturb. An instance of SCP-6878-2 painted from a typical Aerosol paint that itself has no abnormal properties. It is unknown if SCP-6878-1 is also comprised of this paint. The instance is typically an unrecognisable word. [WORD]-Expon has remained the only pattern between instances, and no likely translation has been discovered. The grapheme2 used are also poorly constructed to be almost illegible. To clarify, the words are written as such that it would take focused attention to read and comprehend what is written. If viewed and successfully read, the onlooker will within 13 minutes fall victim to the effects of said instance. The effects of each instance are tied specifically to them, and replicating said graffiti does not repeat their abnormal effects. The severity of these effects vary greatly but frequently share a symbolic or even loosely thematic tie to its located country. It is paramount that any further instances of SCP-6878-2 are reported by field agents. Any new instances are to be reported for testing, or if deemed necessary, immediately destroyed to prevent contamination of Civilians. Addendum: On March 18th 2006, SCP-6878 Containment Specialist Dr Leela Rand found a letter at her home address. The letter is believed to be from SCP-6878-1 and also contains another instance of SCP-6878-2. It has been censored for your viewing. Dr Rand has since lost her sense of taste. « SCP-6877 | SCP-6878| SCP-6879 »" "The Recived Letter"
[ 2.74816036e-01 -1.52670726e-01 -1.73722655e-01 2.65979003e-02 -1.98551223e-01 -5.51392496e-01 2.87767857e-01 9.34403576e-03 4.97292370e-01 2.24727914e-01 -6.15621507e-02 -1.01164967e-01 -2.16050267e-01 -1.57492891e-01 2.46235877e-01 -3.16571668e-02 -9.55315754e-02 1.93449914e-01 -2.01014727e-02 -2.83148199e-01 -1.61933631e-01 -1.07049339e-01 -2.32699737e-01 3.43033582e-01 3.14908564e-01 -2.88412273e-02 -1.37760580e-01 -1.36007875e-01 -6.88802227e-02 -3.12430620e-01 1.86494157e-01 5.09892702e-01 8.92225876e-02 4.97467369e-01 -1.11854722e-04 -1.83329001e-01 1.07504576e-01 -1.61059588e-01 1.93023756e-01 -5.80150820e-02 -6.41385555e-01 1.42750904e-01 6.90611899e-02 -3.54606450e-01 1.71460867e-01 -3.94766182e-02 8.30274671e-02 -2.62265257e-03 5.06901562e-01 1.58278178e-02 1.59035876e-01 7.92238582e-03 2.57573217e-01 2.71926284e-01 -2.33411789e-01 1.51237413e-01 -4.99775037e-02 3.88084538e-02 3.60027999e-01 8.55719000e-02 1.02960058e-02 4.25961047e-01 -4.35330600e-01 -7.88429007e-02 2.54107833e-01 -2.74624586e-01 4.80812222e-01 8.47139955e-02 2.98312098e-01 3.71435225e-01 -2.26869076e-01 9.84900594e-02 2.96902116e-02 2.27883101e-01 2.60068313e-03 2.46943012e-02 3.32768559e-02 1.02859825e-01 5.11033088e-02 3.39292809e-02 -4.70170915e-01 1.99774861e-01 -2.74995416e-01 5.56201898e-02 -7.45091885e-02 2.07204685e-01 -2.44136617e-01 6.55573606e-02 1.29756615e-01 -2.91514304e-02 -2.28308469e-01 -1.77367702e-01 2.09356710e-01 3.79394114e-01 9.32291988e-03 2.13427860e-02 8.05513635e-02 -1.05315372e-01 -3.41380984e-02 1.23061746e-01 3.77233475e-01 1.99391603e-01 4.14435007e-02 3.72251183e-01 1.28737509e-01 -6.28972948e-02 1.94110930e-01 -8.28951448e-02 -1.89931199e-01 2.49925986e-01 -6.64297938e-02 1.08735085e-01 -6.29401028e-01 2.97983792e-02 -2.18570650e-01 -4.16349292e-01 -2.23809794e-01 -2.11324051e-01 -3.64623636e-01 2.93409854e-01 -2.70224094e-01 2.38697693e-01 -1.73508108e-01 1.41462386e-01 3.83259326e-01 -9.81872082e-02 4.96592410e-02 3.39544415e-02 5.33600487e-02 2.54129078e-02 -1.67598441e-01 2.76434094e-01 -2.59637237e-01 -1.43357456e-01 -1.75294980e-01 2.51452118e-01 -1.05962127e-01 -1.25527531e-01 -9.58646014e-02 6.66424120e-03 2.56950110e-01 -1.39713570e-01 5.37298203e-01 4.57480311e-01 -4.18926865e-01 -8.90440717e-02 7.89511576e-02 -3.27476591e-01 -2.63235509e-01 3.95489782e-02 9.91234854e-02 -6.03938922e-02 -6.96132660e-01 1.59992799e-01 -7.27101862e-02 1.25874445e-01 9.43628314e-04 -4.80421446e-02 -9.09583047e-02 1.75488427e-01 2.28520542e-01 9.76555049e-02 -4.56849821e-02 -1.38222039e-01 4.33773220e-01 3.60285014e-01 -1.06381431e-01 -1.56460270e-01 -1.01877876e-01 -1.32119790e-01 5.74758351e-02 1.70155197e-01 -8.15603584e-02 -1.94868907e-01 -8.72187316e-02 -1.25078097e-01 -3.02547693e-01 -4.53841746e-01 -6.50295392e-02 -2.41846770e-01 -1.68336272e-01 3.24314535e-01 4.49307173e-01 -2.87831843e-01 -1.47428792e-02 -6.84355423e-02 9.86660123e-02 1.56535164e-01 7.17297345e-02 -2.29269192e-02 -3.15106660e-01 -2.29737729e-01 3.12278807e-01 -1.20845139e-01 -4.81195711e-02 -1.42369390e-01 6.56223595e-02 6.44250587e-02 1.16115257e-01 3.64999592e-01 -1.52383178e-01 -2.17331499e-01 2.18689203e-01 3.73209357e-01 -1.65508702e-01 -7.65894800e-02 8.44024047e-02 -6.78995326e-02 4.67232198e-01 5.90883978e-02 -1.36539459e-01 -1.24462493e-01 -1.00654654e-01 -1.19885303e-01 9.70948022e-03 -8.51133287e-01 3.08182955e-01 -5.21394871e-02 2.41155893e-01 -2.80439198e-01 -6.68576658e-02 1.67798862e-01 -3.23040247e-01 -5.39625771e-02 9.46747605e-03 -2.38690794e-01 -2.00357720e-01 -7.84682482e-02 -2.20840752e-01 2.84005135e-01 4.73228693e-02 3.34683284e-02 9.92393494e-02 9.67860371e-02 -2.07429513e-01 2.03815684e-01 3.52637053e-01 6.10422909e-01 -2.67362833e-01 -3.03133339e-01 4.78612036e-02 -1.93773299e-01 5.38543537e-02 -1.85209252e-02 -2.35778838e-01 1.12305641e-01 6.28547594e-02 2.40695879e-01 8.58026817e-02 -1.38979271e-01 1.13511428e-01 -1.20361328e-01 -1.59437761e-01 -2.44190514e-01 -5.83478920e-02 4.21872854e-01 -1.47568688e-01 1.22193426e-01 2.51868308e-01 -1.02154396e-01 -1.91212729e-01 1.81566671e-01 1.47734225e-01 -1.65083855e-02 -1.49239555e-01 -1.50258794e-01 1.45454228e-01 2.73328811e-01 1.25192359e-01 5.32468408e-02 -2.26011142e-01 -2.92689621e-01 4.39218245e-02 -8.50187838e-02 -4.22048420e-02 2.65544981e-01 -5.48890531e-02 1.03152841e-01 3.35387379e-01 3.72748077e-01 -3.12157631e-01 -6.62119508e-01 -2.20499888e-01 -1.86773002e-01 -4.09441218e-02 -2.38960627e-02 1.37963556e-02 2.09727049e-01 -2.52254941e-02 1.68943092e-01 -8.01540464e-02 -4.32350935e-04 -8.98242667e-02 -1.41379451e-02 -8.13010558e-02 5.77540547e-02 -5.50446749e-01 3.92187566e-01 -1.47428140e-01 3.33119422e-01 -4.36532825e-01 -1.02322221e-01 1.70734838e-01 5.59940338e-02 -3.08183193e-01 1.08835869e-01 6.20584011e-01 1.33048724e-02 5.60947470e-02 5.94457090e-02 -4.76018488e-01 6.61617890e-02 4.89044078e-02 -2.00158611e-01 2.30141625e-01 1.17303714e-01 -3.34626913e-01 -3.99364054e-01 8.99942368e-02 -5.18296421e-01 -9.16113853e-02 -1.14137247e-01 6.17403015e-02 1.21851645e-01 -8.59685615e-02 4.74278986e-01 -2.86315531e-01 -2.93839753e-01 4.11351711e-01 1.24824114e-01 1.83689743e-01 2.38837063e-01 -1.94398388e-01 4.92836535e-01 -6.08228743e-02 1.47973880e-01 -2.11315185e-01 -2.28091031e-01 1.90368235e-01 -1.25889227e-01 5.33827357e-02 -3.06203574e-01 -2.12609068e-01 2.09234908e-01 1.58120885e-01 -5.58608659e-02 -2.21273288e-01 -1.83992237e-02 1.21093072e-01 1.35311380e-01 -2.67915517e-01 3.76527339e-01 -1.41687421e-02 -3.02530974e-01 -3.57046962e-01 3.76262039e-01 1.40907839e-01 2.84429759e-01 9.31714326e-02 -1.83069825e-01 -1.24127619e-01 2.84723073e-01 2.55915284e-01 -2.73296773e-01 -2.76595354e-01 -7.45323896e-02 2.12107852e-01 1.44944683e-01 1.89280733e-01 5.73831126e-02 4.19959515e-01 8.75068381e-02 2.50943452e-02 -3.23826335e-02 -2.51122098e-02 4.27845985e-01 2.26974413e-02 2.11870551e-01 -5.57114840e-01 -1.58312365e-01 -2.98041962e-02 5.92437446e-01 4.53218132e-01 -1.33098334e-01 -2.87376732e-01 1.09560989e-01 -1.89427629e-01 -5.38901472e-03 4.90009844e-01 1.27591297e-01 2.36442778e-02 1.60384417e-01 6.06428497e-02 -1.05304308e-01 2.35881865e-01 3.14447023e-02 1.18738703e-01 -2.28055626e-01 2.08298340e-01 2.82513618e-01 5.33505306e-02 3.25501293e-01 6.62975982e-02 2.13255644e-01 3.30984652e-01 2.36781925e-01 -1.91156298e-01 -1.24650355e-02 -3.30515116e-01 -2.47921288e-01 2.82694578e-01 1.14601128e-01 -3.10954191e-02 6.81950450e-02 2.66216099e-01 -1.15751751e-01 1.73358083e-01 7.75197670e-02 5.57555705e-02 -5.17061591e-01 -2.72083312e-01 1.91825911e-01 4.35052633e-01 -1.76366895e-01 2.27047708e-02 -1.06107950e-01 4.48933244e-02 3.80461991e-01 1.18590944e-01 -1.34486081e-02 -6.10057749e-02 1.72698051e-01 -2.18716472e-01 5.32020926e-01 -2.80102789e-01 4.78453577e-01 -6.92238146e-03 -8.20177887e-03 1.00855462e-01 3.20005834e-01 -1.54168025e-01 1.51373833e-01 5.84774077e-01 2.08786041e-01 -1.84698496e-02 -9.90789160e-02 2.07508504e-01 -1.06875598e-02 4.98007424e-02 4.33353186e-01 8.56489986e-02 4.23855007e-01 -3.12640220e-01 1.47314012e-01 -2.15218198e-02 -3.61049235e-01 -1.71719164e-01 2.61256248e-01 -2.82143980e-01 4.06916350e-01 2.72528052e-01 1.39418638e+00 -4.04768176e-02 -5.02350889e-02 -8.81249979e-02 -5.12807071e-01 1.68457091e-01 -9.67278108e-02 -1.31167099e-01 -2.25372557e-02 -2.05081820e-01 8.36892128e-02 -2.07510918e-01 1.94168091e-01 4.82376873e-01 -1.77364036e-01 -3.23288888e-01 -3.13352823e-01 -1.53437436e-01 2.23567247e-01 3.22770514e-02 3.20081472e-01 -1.28548756e-01 -1.86222550e-02 1.57379568e-01 3.37759033e-02 3.13540429e-01 2.25909740e-01 2.05353703e-02 2.57948905e-01 8.16964507e-02 -3.88119161e-01 1.64411180e-02 -6.20486252e-02 7.07887530e-01 7.27426559e-02 -1.94697746e-03 6.83013946e-02 -1.68314263e-01 -3.32212560e-02 -5.30793108e-02 -3.10454685e-02 4.25205201e-01 8.76588523e-01 -5.86451031e-02 5.23379929e-02 6.03050441e-02 8.25450793e-02 6.79189786e-02 2.37439364e-01 4.88811433e-02 6.30850857e-03 -1.03772044e-01 -4.27448332e-01 -2.18384601e-02 7.63980985e-01 2.24585608e-01 3.26676935e-01 -1.05350517e-01 -2.41605535e-01 -8.90807360e-02 1.52982980e-01 -2.38034241e-02 -5.46179824e-02 -2.02121034e-01 -6.35169744e-02 -2.24783555e-01 2.61330187e-01 3.88568968e-01 3.51353824e-01 -2.59713411e-01 -1.22661646e-02 -9.03365538e-02 -3.37356448e-01 -2.97322214e-01 -1.02841116e-01 -7.72250593e-02 -9.27523300e-02 1.98577605e-02 -7.15756090e-03 -3.62407357e-01 -2.28718817e-01 2.25667685e-01 7.05453157e-02 -3.69770527e-01 -2.41760969e-01 -2.40782306e-01 1.06160790e-01 1.43214956e-01 -1.71576470e-01 1.09506987e-01 1.03124268e-01 3.23541731e-01 -1.68177933e-02 4.97139513e-01 -3.65984619e-01 -2.39853576e-01 -1.43667579e-01 1.62318289e-01 3.05319339e-01 -2.50676095e-01 8.17467868e-02 -1.59744263e-01 1.01950929e-01 2.33697727e-01 -1.19042970e-01 -2.22655222e-01 -2.78776526e-01 1.87915668e-01 -1.45878404e-01 -1.43771025e-03 1.97910413e-01 2.41890952e-01 1.40315905e-01 7.36630633e-02 9.87026915e-02 1.44104242e-01 1.99204579e-01 -1.45716637e-01 -3.94167006e-01 1.35549366e-01 1.49169207e-01 -3.53155495e-03 -1.85482770e-01 5.25226057e-01 5.09552024e-02 -7.65136480e-02 -1.18474983e-01 -1.78115055e-01 4.19554504e-04 -4.01897766e-02 -1.78297266e-01 2.31088623e-01 -1.71719477e-01 2.46118996e-02 -1.81160435e-01 -2.33623430e-01 -3.06093739e-03 -1.00632668e-01 -3.83479595e-01 -3.71969640e-01 2.73081269e-02 2.17598423e-01 -9.14183483e-02 3.65228891e-01 -7.60247558e-02 -2.43495479e-01 -8.97488520e-02 1.75826415e-01 -9.87875685e-02 -3.43374193e-01 -4.29238647e-01 7.73764104e-02 1.47267833e-01 -3.07593971e-01 1.55207604e-01 1.50287703e-01 -1.10824533e-01 -2.45414719e-01 2.49085948e-01 4.59031574e-02 2.90808052e-01 2.02684358e-01 3.32659066e-01 1.30944893e-01 2.44444206e-01 5.06027102e-01 1.80875942e-01 6.57402128e-02 -1.67171359e-01 3.28008771e-01 -2.28419945e-01 4.75082517e-01 -1.79266408e-01 1.76768944e-01 -2.32595012e-01 1.16205610e-01 7.38389045e-03 1.32096156e-01 1.47660807e-01 -9.65697691e-03 5.37695289e-02 -3.79365198e-02 -4.86157715e-01 -1.77103654e-01 4.01607275e-01 4.30600613e-01 1.64874166e-01 1.74573839e-01 1.04098082e-01 -2.53108382e-01 -6.78544998e-01 -1.82755381e-01 6.86168075e-01 -4.52665836e-01 2.89843947e-01 1.44055828e-01 1.58483893e-01 1.59132015e-02 3.14297318e-01 1.75779939e-01 2.10738525e-01 4.02609296e-02 -1.09098025e-01 3.33257183e-03 -1.89881876e-01 -1.91992357e-01 -2.26702895e-02 2.75002927e-01 -5.78716956e-02 -5.30999564e-02 1.84402958e-01 -2.69926995e-01 -2.73207486e-01 2.19180286e-01 1.14831679e-01 1.29577130e-01 -3.86604100e-01 7.31313378e-02 -1.54896677e-01 1.78202450e-01 -4.07419726e-02 -1.48276374e-01 -3.29196751e-01 -4.43298012e-01 -2.90456712e-01 1.37315080e-01 -4.30058241e-02 5.26836030e-02 2.95049518e-01 1.82870179e-01 1.29643545e-01 2.53685951e-01 4.80129803e-03 -5.85855007e-01 -3.28057945e-01 1.52054369e-01 -1.31467894e-01 -3.13328683e-01 1.34032622e-01 1.15310602e-01 -1.45046294e-01 2.89874494e-01 -2.34801441e-01 2.42231578e-01 -2.88598180e-01 -1.45656094e-01 -3.22201461e-01 3.43555182e-01 1.95526510e-01 2.84160431e-02 1.34682193e-01 -1.22340493e-01 7.45196044e-02 -5.60438260e-02 1.68845788e-01 1.70752719e-01 -5.92626482e-02 -3.75524275e-02 7.73049831e-01 3.78248602e-01 -5.63063174e-02 3.72465044e-01 -1.34871766e-01 -2.83011764e-01 1.83177784e-01 9.96044055e-02 -1.54926434e-01 2.12206781e-01 5.41227758e-02 -8.55332986e-02 1.97933495e-01 1.04853360e-03 1.00923255e-01 4.97013927e-01 -6.01848848e-02 -1.51714394e-02 -3.41698974e-01 -1.04396865e-01 -2.75025927e-02 2.58637935e-01 -3.25864434e-01 1.39454558e-01 -1.66588314e-02 -1.00565307e-01 -2.33902670e-02 -4.76800472e-01 5.38479924e-01 -6.55121088e-01 -4.21724081e-01 -7.59513304e-02 3.05374593e-01 -3.68954629e-01 4.88503426e-02 -3.30354720e-01 7.41587114e-03 7.70583227e-02 2.23615468e-01 -2.67306656e-01 -2.28002876e-01 -8.87319669e-02 -2.46860102e-01 -1.22345209e-01 4.81757820e-02 3.16150598e-02 -6.11649156e-02 -3.73042762e-01 -1.42657444e-01]
"Boiling Blood" active "Item #: SCP-6880 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6880’s digestive fluid is to be treated and handled as a Class-IV Chemical/Biological weapon, but it is otherwise to be cultivated and handled like a sun pitcher plant. Further documentation, tending, and population control details can be received at request from the Foundation Botanical Department; start by contacting Dr. Chelsea Elliott at chelliott@foundation.scp. External populations of SCP-6880 are cultivated and shielded from civilians by a joint division of Mobile Task Force Theta-4 (“Gardeners”) and Lambda-12 (“Pest Control”) . Quantities of SCP-6880’s digestive fluid may be requisitioned by the Materials Department, Engineering Department, and Biomedical Department. Description: SCP-6880 is a species of sun pitcher plant1 that uses thaumaturgy to prey on hematophages such as oxpeckers and vampire bats. SCP-6880’s primary anomalous property is its digestive fluid: a volatile fluoride compound2 that looks, smells, and possesses the same goetic signature as uncoagulated cattle blood. SCP-6880 is otherwise a perennial herb that grows approx 1 meter in height and has similar breeding and feeding habits as non-anomalous Heliamphora species. During the daytime, SCP-6880 injects minute quantities of its digestive fluid through its roots to eliminate competition for sunlight, water, and pollination by poisoning the surrounding soil in a 5 meter radius. It also drips small quantities of fluid from its upper leaf into its digestive pouch to emit a gradual stench of cow blood. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun kickstarts a still poorly-understood thaumaturgic reaction that converts up to 2 liters of blood into digestive fluid per day. By nightfall, the buildup of digestive fluid causes SCP-6880 to resemble a bleeding cow via scent, goetic signature, and even on thermal and radar scans. In this way, it lures larger blood-sucking prey to land and drink from its pitcher. When prey attempts to feed, they are overcome by the fumes and fall into the pitcher to die by drowning, asphyxiation, or acid burns. As the corpse dissolves, any blood within them is released for catalysis into more digestive fluid. SCP-6880 has evolved numerous other unique enzymes in its chloroplasts that catalyze its digestive fluid through sunlight-moderated thaumaturgic reactions. The resultant products include organic sap, chlorophyll material, and a thick mucosal wax that protects SCP-6880 from its own digestive fluid. These products also present industrially attractive properties such as fluorocarbon-grade slipperiness and inertness, plus near-ceramic grade insulation and heat resistance. SCP-6880 populations are capable of growing in most temperate regions, as their mucosal wax insulates them in cooler climates and aids water retention in hotter ones. An instance of SCP-6880 is capable of surviving for up to one month on 50 grams of animal blood. SCP-6880 was discovered in Argentina by Mobile Task Force Lambda-9 (“Helsing Brigade”) while tracking the hematomorph ████████ ████████ on charges of criminal racketeering during the Seventh Occult War. His corpse was found, half-digested in bat form, in an instance of SCP-6880. Since its discovery, the Foundation has cultivated small SCP-6880 populations worldwide as a form of natural pest control for hematomorph populations, such as in London, England, and Washington, D.C." "SCP-6880 in Greenhouse L-12, Site-19."
[ 3.75624150e-01 -5.37981808e-01 -2.74791084e-02 -1.37295917e-01 -1.63581252e-01 -3.06773186e-01 1.31430835e-01 2.52694964e-01 6.44907296e-01 -1.11768860e-03 -1.62815928e-01 5.03882349e-01 3.80753838e-02 2.08311006e-01 2.54510045e-01 8.77555162e-02 2.55001336e-02 1.55092463e-01 -2.14470163e-01 -1.18250027e-01 1.15163019e-02 -2.68941343e-01 2.97624618e-03 1.32023364e-01 -1.06909826e-01 -3.07245199e-02 1.98753238e-01 4.41267863e-02 9.99712721e-02 -5.11339068e-01 -1.11548230e-01 2.29531661e-01 2.20621601e-01 3.11481476e-01 -1.13046277e-04 -1.81707978e-01 4.98202816e-03 3.93772721e-02 -1.64410219e-01 2.97887176e-01 8.90574753e-02 -1.42230242e-01 1.39018893e-01 -1.09618619e-01 8.67474452e-02 3.84026051e-01 -2.96443850e-02 2.84530371e-02 -5.35550416e-02 -3.38901370e-03 1.55623555e-01 -8.04047734e-02 2.01790661e-01 1.61342144e-01 1.71338513e-01 1.44466266e-01 -3.04329783e-01 1.20659415e-02 5.88854909e-01 8.56271163e-02 -3.30199122e-01 3.23908031e-01 -2.20964178e-01 4.71893996e-02 1.21136673e-01 -1.74284637e-01 3.48662704e-01 7.37442821e-02 5.06264806e-01 2.99124092e-01 -4.18432891e-01 -4.41156961e-02 2.42984459e-01 1.56824291e-01 -2.20426545e-01 -3.19632918e-01 1.18416570e-01 7.93342665e-02 6.23514317e-02 9.93527025e-02 1.63825542e-01 1.32768393e-01 -4.00758773e-01 -6.36348352e-02 -8.05181265e-02 1.64432645e-01 -1.76136822e-01 -6.78967014e-02 2.16875330e-01 -3.67918521e-01 -1.33542359e-01 -1.77097842e-01 3.03938538e-01 3.22327673e-01 6.79004863e-02 -2.25106888e-02 -2.30048392e-02 -3.31948176e-02 4.24803019e-01 5.87350689e-02 3.05519342e-01 9.38942954e-02 1.96651611e-02 2.22484097e-01 1.04203530e-01 -2.52006799e-01 1.03368156e-01 -2.74777204e-01 -1.43922716e-01 2.15063065e-01 -2.18803272e-01 1.07025430e-01 2.07601234e-01 -6.61806613e-02 -2.36868788e-03 -5.65942764e-01 -1.63774453e-02 -2.97104180e-01 -1.60004199e-01 3.72290969e-01 -3.04452747e-01 1.74067125e-01 -8.14267173e-02 3.50047827e-01 1.96740150e-01 4.00399059e-01 1.56714067e-01 -1.24692090e-01 -7.33851343e-02 -3.68158340e-01 -6.06196932e-02 6.67501688e-02 -1.78640872e-01 2.35218674e-01 -1.86980385e-02 -1.39972240e-01 -2.40762696e-01 1.38026133e-01 -7.50841126e-02 4.70788144e-02 -2.97369920e-02 -1.55177236e-01 5.16210437e-01 5.77562213e-01 2.98876613e-02 -3.34294498e-01 2.21341431e-01 -2.17649266e-01 3.58628370e-02 1.45806924e-01 3.61107647e-01 7.13622384e-03 -3.72852743e-01 2.02869847e-01 -6.80041090e-02 -6.19959421e-02 1.66348621e-01 1.69879273e-02 1.74981236e-01 -1.97953470e-02 1.30005419e-01 1.97944641e-01 1.40928313e-01 -1.93192184e-01 -1.56909116e-02 4.98659074e-01 -2.69593894e-01 -8.87069106e-02 -1.66564360e-01 1.46068454e-01 2.20537260e-01 -2.33703032e-01 4.86300414e-04 1.08848624e-01 9.01043117e-02 1.06065817e-01 -3.83619845e-01 5.88401705e-02 -9.59446058e-02 3.50958742e-02 -7.60780554e-03 3.99862349e-01 2.76324540e-01 -4.60640788e-01 -4.97421712e-01 1.79795370e-01 1.72480181e-01 -2.88050026e-01 -5.71203977e-02 -1.08459979e-01 -4.39008027e-01 -4.40003783e-01 4.00918573e-02 -1.20849520e-01 2.23242104e-01 6.93897307e-02 3.10284615e-01 -3.32827091e-01 2.12458104e-01 1.40425749e-02 -1.55592740e-01 -1.76517457e-01 1.94228776e-02 4.17355388e-01 5.97195886e-02 -1.86774686e-01 1.12707734e-01 2.56763375e-03 2.81656414e-01 2.04977199e-01 -2.82817394e-01 -8.19202960e-02 -2.88715869e-01 2.45438963e-01 1.12391271e-01 -3.36487323e-01 2.16700047e-01 5.25610670e-02 -1.52321821e-02 -1.63335308e-01 -2.71264672e-01 4.68322366e-01 -1.07185982e-01 -8.88695717e-02 -4.19652224e-01 8.92200600e-03 -2.12136284e-01 -1.21109404e-01 -1.18174322e-01 -7.60329589e-02 2.95609087e-01 2.18309000e-01 9.18240473e-02 -6.53391331e-02 -2.94390231e-01 1.63130343e-01 3.92663985e-01 5.17703772e-01 -1.86354518e-01 -7.42071420e-02 3.81766260e-02 -8.29495639e-02 2.24808142e-01 -1.99795645e-02 -5.53338490e-02 2.98057824e-01 -1.22992218e-01 1.42806485e-01 -8.67542028e-02 -2.61024702e-02 1.12377340e-02 -1.03586808e-01 -1.77355632e-01 3.37412298e-01 2.14277714e-01 -5.94729446e-02 -4.87394705e-02 -8.79720896e-02 -3.08322515e-02 2.60308772e-01 -4.90080029e-01 -1.03098936e-01 4.49484140e-01 -2.43976325e-01 -6.55420870e-02 -1.16646238e-01 1.67597562e-01 4.12558705e-01 2.05683634e-01 8.60359743e-02 -2.65099645e-01 -1.60953641e-01 5.98295219e-02 1.06143110e-01 -5.31686321e-02 -3.87681127e-02 2.04437643e-01 1.32057682e-01 2.02232465e-01 1.51778996e-01 -3.49319011e-01 -1.54352663e-02 -1.06568299e-01 1.84791293e-02 -8.82814005e-02 4.19019163e-01 -1.86925635e-01 1.49148852e-01 -7.14078993e-02 4.57398534e-01 1.42171532e-01 2.10841164e-01 -2.27897577e-02 7.16053098e-02 -1.73951283e-01 3.31881829e-02 -4.22539443e-01 4.92137820e-01 -4.62534688e-02 -4.67709266e-02 -7.24990308e-01 2.03627020e-01 -5.54542989e-03 5.75733371e-02 -2.88198471e-01 -5.73588572e-02 6.36701226e-01 4.87111472e-02 -4.35302127e-03 1.34628028e-01 -4.37947780e-01 1.11471824e-01 2.40888670e-01 -4.27447349e-01 3.09076935e-01 2.92915236e-02 -1.00958608e-01 -3.07214051e-01 2.34122902e-01 -7.39031613e-01 4.58116010e-02 3.26009877e-02 2.76429970e-02 -5.60088269e-03 4.65191863e-02 -1.97269827e-01 -2.80955825e-02 -1.22835651e-01 -7.87252840e-03 -6.03630207e-03 1.20837353e-01 9.71171781e-02 1.12867959e-01 4.75020915e-01 2.89510995e-01 -1.60475612e-01 -3.66415143e-01 -1.12099247e-02 2.48145595e-01 -2.74350643e-01 -1.35344654e-01 6.71043899e-03 -1.38286695e-01 1.73665673e-01 1.16107799e-01 -2.33064130e-01 5.14598131e-01 1.21718265e-01 -1.98314302e-02 4.94171679e-02 -3.19804132e-01 8.86823386e-02 3.58235240e-02 -2.09153786e-01 -2.90749699e-01 -2.47583881e-01 -2.01596975e-01 -1.66165084e-01 3.55149746e-01 -1.19320400e-01 4.49223191e-01 4.34245050e-01 3.57714564e-01 -5.58839560e-01 9.67455283e-03 3.54302116e-02 1.21428140e-01 -6.85313940e-02 4.93899375e-01 -3.35022360e-01 5.25962785e-02 -1.77337170e-01 -2.04902977e-01 1.30359113e-01 7.73707703e-02 -9.69203785e-02 -6.55505881e-02 -1.87709063e-01 -2.08022475e-01 -2.32300669e-01 4.18820024e-01 7.09292591e-02 3.10904145e-01 -2.01654986e-01 -2.84550071e-01 -1.35601386e-01 -6.79605901e-02 -1.75862432e-01 3.15612465e-01 -1.67901039e-01 3.32799703e-02 -3.71047348e-01 8.83961320e-02 -1.77869320e-01 4.09829736e-01 1.52645204e-02 2.76328504e-01 -3.17230940e-01 -1.81649089e-01 2.21023276e-01 -2.23485038e-01 9.39326510e-02 1.12207159e-01 5.57999969e-01 4.19363767e-01 -4.73751903e-01 -1.92908332e-01 2.10934862e-01 6.12472929e-02 -1.03084259e-01 1.91054523e-01 -4.88698393e-01 -2.54133761e-01 -9.07343030e-02 4.47436959e-01 -2.56563634e-01 -2.13120990e-02 1.44839406e-01 -4.03620079e-02 -4.91018325e-01 -2.94568479e-01 8.42700303e-02 9.47553888e-02 -1.55690396e-02 -1.97959691e-01 7.75603876e-02 8.04049373e-02 3.55034739e-01 2.96254396e-01 3.36729407e-01 -3.40033114e-01 -8.76150504e-02 -2.54826963e-01 4.07730401e-01 1.15435183e-01 3.78993124e-01 5.99885471e-02 -2.54226714e-01 -2.75177628e-01 1.76721439e-01 3.73188108e-02 1.65405959e-01 5.27526081e-01 1.50438398e-01 2.75866061e-01 3.21717411e-01 -3.61288905e-01 3.78584206e-01 -3.48525904e-02 1.47211656e-01 -6.60156906e-02 1.62999108e-01 -2.46606037e-01 6.29426539e-01 -2.25934088e-02 -2.82237232e-01 -1.07948825e-01 5.20642810e-02 -5.74765950e-02 3.48343223e-01 2.03503475e-01 1.25186431e+00 -1.05569884e-01 -2.31243849e-01 -9.56223831e-02 -8.54953229e-01 6.49493113e-02 -1.40907317e-01 -1.16044462e-01 -2.56353408e-01 1.47867337e-01 1.77627727e-01 -2.76150167e-01 3.00595015e-01 4.75954890e-01 -1.73847452e-01 -1.36768922e-01 -4.26115960e-01 -1.33554533e-01 4.90098923e-01 2.04880640e-01 -1.96261704e-01 -1.02239065e-01 -3.86091530e-01 2.08380714e-01 -2.72236645e-01 2.81455427e-01 -1.23989180e-01 -7.47554824e-02 3.03364813e-01 -1.28111079e-01 -1.99436992e-02 5.80858067e-02 -2.90320903e-01 1.34421051e-01 2.17568383e-01 -1.42651990e-01 -2.37578213e-01 9.61844772e-02 -3.37911218e-01 -3.13818902e-01 -5.62429763e-02 2.02550739e-01 4.36198115e-01 -1.30271927e-01 -5.03439642e-02 8.80156979e-02 2.97927022e-01 -1.83829665e-01 -1.09056570e-01 1.71935782e-01 1.53843328e-01 -4.72125173e-01 4.05359805e-01 3.31591874e-01 8.26557159e-01 -5.85175604e-02 2.55408943e-01 1.13124013e-01 -2.50714332e-01 -1.42786965e-01 1.62896276e-01 9.10036564e-02 -2.41388455e-01 -7.89102241e-02 1.53779596e-01 3.05431196e-03 -1.57010347e-01 2.71086991e-01 1.69615149e-01 1.55111715e-01 -8.97553489e-02 3.71121347e-01 -3.34071964e-01 -3.04725945e-01 2.38052100e-01 -1.23453498e-01 -5.61735868e-01 2.29680017e-01 -2.93283671e-01 -5.30640066e-01 3.44970562e-02 2.30254605e-01 1.76834956e-01 -3.85836691e-01 -1.90738291e-01 -1.02069080e-01 -5.79062216e-02 -1.41987607e-01 1.96749032e-01 1.55373976e-01 5.24887323e-01 5.66941023e-01 -2.76577979e-01 3.53953987e-01 -3.33677351e-01 1.05875596e-01 -6.04237914e-02 4.15695570e-02 -1.36758864e-01 -1.19935766e-01 3.00873160e-01 -1.93989038e-01 1.10608935e-01 3.06211531e-01 9.81252417e-02 -2.40889803e-01 -4.02225733e-01 1.42612383e-01 -7.22528845e-02 -2.87944786e-02 -4.31738645e-01 -4.83799726e-02 2.46556506e-01 8.66240039e-02 1.36510164e-01 3.10819209e-01 2.70638555e-01 -5.12686297e-02 3.31184529e-02 3.00224088e-02 -7.51322359e-02 -4.58124354e-02 2.94270869e-02 2.23667309e-01 2.11525857e-01 -7.00217187e-02 -2.66763061e-01 -2.32668109e-02 2.66926795e-01 6.07248545e-02 1.79319516e-01 2.29789801e-02 3.62709016e-01 -2.30401069e-01 -3.59552115e-01 -2.29507938e-01 -2.77079374e-01 6.51979297e-02 -4.22390521e-01 -2.49388348e-02 -1.74940243e-01 1.90199852e-01 -1.04790084e-01 -4.13987674e-02 -6.11047685e-01 -1.30298361e-01 -1.05879761e-01 2.72394240e-01 -1.78116992e-01 -1.62842914e-01 4.42915633e-02 2.15751261e-01 1.93931043e-01 -1.53234258e-01 -1.21094454e-02 2.90310413e-01 -1.90986037e-01 8.98039564e-02 2.19826847e-01 2.09389567e-01 1.07780591e-01 -3.23155016e-01 4.72003281e-01 -1.27359733e-01 9.66234654e-02 2.13510498e-01 2.90751219e-01 3.85462523e-01 -4.92891341e-01 5.48672497e-01 -4.19867307e-01 3.97879332e-01 1.17708258e-01 8.00020322e-02 -1.46188200e-01 -3.45587462e-01 1.19598047e-03 -4.42351215e-02 9.09819156e-02 1.07135303e-01 7.37019479e-02 -2.77292076e-03 -3.75587106e-01 -1.77610934e-01 1.00087017e-01 4.44980651e-01 4.33667839e-01 -6.24272786e-02 8.01072791e-02 -1.07096106e-01 -9.58733484e-02 2.17102524e-02 5.03904045e-01 -7.02673122e-02 -1.50292918e-01 8.48376006e-02 4.20447066e-02 3.84007543e-02 3.30850631e-01 1.51460618e-01 -8.32015425e-02 8.80231634e-02 -1.13912977e-01 -9.68374610e-02 -1.37250826e-01 -2.70499606e-02 6.22955598e-02 4.34161574e-01 9.77845863e-02 -5.03528258e-03 8.85283574e-02 -2.06051633e-01 -2.85395354e-01 3.61637980e-01 2.90013216e-02 -1.99137405e-02 4.62987304e-01 -1.62513196e-01 -2.43753880e-01 4.26091701e-02 -1.13040514e-01 -2.03253571e-02 6.52559754e-03 -1.59136817e-01 -3.90552342e-01 1.46142617e-01 -1.37093633e-01 7.74172097e-02 3.25466633e-01 3.96247327e-01 -2.17509732e-01 -7.70285875e-02 -1.47819132e-01 -2.45018467e-01 -7.25034177e-02 1.94482282e-02 -1.60499066e-01 -2.42209345e-01 6.13165386e-02 2.64355093e-02 2.69558966e-01 6.41797483e-02 -1.47978991e-01 -5.01000702e-01 -3.74071419e-01 1.00547858e-01 -3.44979912e-02 -2.24487379e-01 2.75732335e-02 1.47265807e-01 7.14376662e-03 -2.12777913e-01 2.41579950e-01 4.88015264e-02 1.51124105e-01 -1.02151573e-01 -2.55557448e-01 1.22743376e-01 3.67184281e-01 1.68589711e-01 1.88376218e-01 3.58431220e-01 -2.57277787e-01 -3.38949293e-01 3.54642384e-02 3.99570987e-02 -1.35258734e-01 1.90713838e-01 1.53387878e-02 3.21616456e-02 2.66513139e-01 -7.05744624e-02 1.59167618e-01 4.06612158e-01 -6.61582798e-02 -7.00832829e-02 -2.76679415e-02 2.84383371e-02 6.13636002e-02 1.30240351e-01 -1.54307997e-02 4.30235624e-01 -1.75408825e-01 1.37013644e-02 -1.98723227e-01 4.33556875e-03 6.53655708e-01 -3.71521592e-01 -3.12413543e-01 -2.29594689e-02 2.28935912e-01 3.08979392e-01 -5.42350709e-02 -3.27950537e-01 -3.84279460e-01 -2.18394652e-01 8.69009271e-02 -3.88872683e-01 8.31560045e-02 -1.32234544e-01 -1.82521060e-01 -6.98434860e-02 5.34176826e-01 1.83385596e-01 -4.78947349e-02 -1.97428033e-01 -1.61354899e-01]
"Project: SERAPIS" active "WELCOME, EDITOR. YOU ARE VIEWING DRAFT [4] OUT OF [4] (The click of a person's tape recorder being turned off.) GALLIO: Come in. (The door opens. There are footsteps on carpet) ???: Good evening, Agent Gallio. GALLIO: I’m a researcher. I’m not an agent any more. ???: As of forty minutes ago, that is no longer true. GALLIO: I’m being reactivated? ???: I am empowered to speak on behalf of the O5 Council. They have been very appreciative of your sterling work here as a researcher and wish to utilise both those skills, and your experience in the field. You’re already familiar with the case of SCP-6881. Did anything strike you as unusual about it? Other than the obvious, of course. GALLIO: Yeah. The background. The Foundation became interested in Shibbet’s Vale and the lake because of ‘anomalous activity’ in the area. But there’s nothing in the mission records about what those anomalies were. Kind of strange given that anomalies are what we do. ???: Very perceptive, Agent Gallio. The O5 Council would like those blanks filled in, too. The data we have suggests Shibbet’s Vale has a long history of very strange things but the details appear to have been lost to a computing error. Before we can fully contain SCP-6881, the Foundation needs the whole picture. Your assignment is to report back to the O5 Council on all anomalous events associated with Shibbet’s Vale. Go back as far as you can. GALLIO: Am I answering to O5 on this? ???: You will be reporting to either me, or to another individual empowered to speak on behalf of the O5 Council. GALLIO: I guess that’s as close as anyone gets. ???: The data you find will be Level 5 Classified and collated under the codename ‘Project Serapis’. Access to other Foundation sites and personnel will be granted to you if the O5 Council deems it necessary. You may have to deal with interests outside the Foundation. Discretion is expected. GALLIO: I get it. Do it alone, do it quiet, leave no trace. Just like old times. ???: The world has changed since you were last out there, but some things will always be the same. Strange things will happen, the Foundation will contain them, and the people who owe us everything will never know. GALLIO: And men like me don’t get a choice in the part we play. ???: The Council will be waiting on your results. Sleep tight. (Foootsteps as the individual leaves) GALLIO: Aren’t you going to wish me good luck? ???: If you’re relying on luck, agent, you’re in the wrong job. SHOW FILES This is a pre-containment report into the anomaly hereafter referred to as SCP-6881, in anticipation of subsequent containment or neutralisation efforts to be informed by this report. Should an effort to contain SCP-6881 ensue, the containment area required will be 200 by 15 by 12 metres, and constructed of steel reinforced concrete. Any additional containment procedures depend on further observation of SCP-6881. It may be preferable to contain it on-site and build the containment vessel around it, rather than attempt to bring SCP-6881 to an existing facility. The investigation into SCP-6881 was precipitated by a report on anomalous events in an area of southern Montana known as Shibbet’s Vale. This forested area is to the south of the Mourning Cloak Mountain Range and includes the Whitetail River, which feeds into and drains from Lake Apesawa. The location has seen some previous use including a campground and skiing resort, but is currently uninhabited. These anomalies were believed to emanate from Lake Apesawa. Mobile Task Force Iota-28, "Screaming Seabees", was dispatched to perform field engineering duties under the cover story of a geological survey team looking for natural gas fields. The members of Iota-28 were accompanied by twelve C-Class personnel, several pieces of earth moving equipment, and a small cache of explosives. A channel was dug connecting points of the Whitetail River upstream and downstream of the lake. This caused the lake to be bypassed and gradually drain. MTF Iota-28 remained on station during this process to monitor any further anomalous activity, but reported none. The remains of a six-berth boat were noted when the lake was around seventy percent drained, along with a wrecked pickup truck and large amounts of cut logs from the region’s past logging activities. Nineteen days after the draining began, an opening was spotted just above the surface, leading to a cave system under the ground eastwards of the lake. Three days later the water level was low enough to permit entry into the cave system. MTF Iota-28, comprising four members trained in combat engineering, entered the cave. They were: I-28 Alpha — Urbanek, ranking officer; I-28 Beta— Lynch; I-28 Delta — Abbot; and I-28 Gamma — Weiss. They were accompanied by a C-Class, Lopez, who was trained in caving safety. The data transmitted from Iota-28 Delta’s field recording device was recovered. Being transmitted from underground, this data was partial and had to be reconstructed, and no other team member’s recordings could be recovered. Portions of the transcript in bold are narrated by DR. GALLIO. (The ambient sound of a cave. Water drips somewhere in the back) ABBOT: OK, this is I-28 Delta, Abbot. Testing, testing. Good, levels are green. URBANEK: We all good? LYNCH: Recording. Doubt we’ll get a signal out, though. URBANEK:: Weiss? WEISS: Sure, the recording’s on. Hope control gets off on two hours of footsteps. URBANEK: Don’t start, we haven’t even got our feet wet. Lopez, how’s it looking? LOPEZ: I’d rather have the gear to rig up lights as we go. Put in some permanent guide lines. URBANEK: We don’t have the time. We’re here to find whatever’s down here, not map the place out. LOPEZ: The rock looks good but if the system goes much lower it’ll be underwater. No way are we equipped for that. URBANEK: Then we’ll turn back. Until then, we are a go. I want weapons stowed and safetys on, down here you’re more likely to kill one of us with a ricochet than hit anything. WEISS: I thought we were looking for something spooky? URBANEK And if we have to shoot it then I’ll give the order. Until then, fingers off triggers. WEISS: Jesus Christ. LYNCH: Remind me why we even bring you? WEISS: Because I’m the explosives guy and you couldn’t tell plastique from Play-Doh. URBANEK: We looking good, Abbot? ABBOT: We’re negative for radiation and toxins. Good to go. LOPEZ: You think we’re gonna run into radiation down here? ABBOT: We assume we’re gonna run into everything. URBANEK: Move out. Stick close. Lopez, lead the way. (The team moves into the cave system. I-28 Delta’s recording system was both audio and visual, but no video data could be reconstructed. The team moves slowly and with difficulty, with C-Class Lopez directing them through narrow and partially flooded passageways. They encounter several dead ends. Signal triangulation puts them approximately three hundred metres east of Lake Apesawa and fifteen to thirty metres underground. The cave system descends gradually, prompting concerns the way ahead will be flooded.) LYNCH: A lot of tree roots down here. Is that normal? LOPEZ: Through solid rock? No. WEISS: Oh great, we gotta cut our way through. Not enough we’re underground, we have to be in a bloody jungle too. URBANEK: Lynch, you’re the muscle. Get this crap out of our way. (I-28 Beta presumably pulls out a machete and, from audio, standard issue Containment Handsaw, and begins to cut through the tree roots.) WEISS: I should just blast a sodding path for us. LOPEZ: And bring the whole place down on our heads? WEISS: Looks solid enough to me. LOPEZ: Then the pressure wave will kill us instead. That’s progress. LYNCH: We’re through. Shit, my arm’s all cut to hell though. What is this stuff? ABBOT: Hey, it opens up just ahead. See? It’s a cavern. Got stalactites and stuff. WEISS: Stalagmites. ABBOT: Which is which again? LOPEZ: Hey, he’s right. This is one beautiful gallery. We got… we got plants down here. That’s not right. You get animals, bugs and bats, but not plants. There’s no sun. URBANEK: So it’s weird? LOPEZ: It’s weird. WEISS: Stalagmites come down from the ceiling. Stalactites are on the ground. Didn’t you go to school? ABBOT: Nah, I think it’s the other way around. Lynch, which is it? Lynch? LYNCH: Guys, I don’t… I ain’t doing so great. (Various medical sounds: muscle tearing, bone cracking. There is the sound of creaking wood. I-28 Beta cries out.) URBANEK: Lynch! Lynch, what’s wrong? LYNCH: Something inside me. In my chest. Under the ribs. URBANEK: Abbot, get the med stuff out! LOPEZ: Oh Jesus, I can see it moving. LYNCH: You gotta cut it out. It’s growing. URBANEK: Do it, Abbot. ABBOT: OK. Keep as still as you can. (I-28 Delta takes the Containment Handsaw and presumably begins emergency field surgery techniques. I-28 Beta cries out again) LYNCH: Get it out! Get it out! ABBOT: It’s like… a fibrous growth. Real tough. It’s tangled around the ribs. WEISS: Bloody hell, it’s got my arm! (A biological ripping sound as I-28 Gamma rips the "fibrous growth". I-28 Beta cries out a third time) ABBOT: The lungs are full of it. Lynch? Lynch, you still with us? (I-28 Beta produces ragged breathing.) URBANEK: That’s not survivable. Stand down, Abbot. ABBOT: We can’t just… URBANEK: We can and we will. We got a biological threat and I got standing orders not to mess with that kind of shit. Leave Lynch and keep going. WEISS: Aw, hell. The roots are blocking the way back. It would take a bulldozer to open it up. We gotta keep going deeper. URBANEK: Then that’s what we do. Lopez? LOPEZ: The cave goes further in. Can’t tell its full extent. I guess we… we keep in sight of each other and don’t get separated. URBANEK: Then move out. Abbot, pack up your gear. ABBOT: Bye, Lynch. (The team continues moving through the large gallery. Lopez finds an opening leading further westwards and the team are again navigating narrow and partially-flooded passageways.) LOPEZ: We gonna talk about that? ABBOT: About what? LOPEZ: We just left someone behind. ABBOT: Urbanek was right. It didn’t look survivable. LOPEZ: But Lynch might still be alive. ABBOT: Not for long. You saw it too, right? Half the chest cavity was full of that stuff. Wood or roots, or whatever. LOPEZ: I thought you guys were soldiers? Never leave one behind, all that stuff? ABBOT: That’s regular military. Most of us trained that way but when you get assigned to an MTF, you learn fast how the rules change. The kind of things the Foundation sends us against, sometimes it’s better not to be saved. Plus if we bring a critically wounded soldier or a body back with us, God knows what it might be infected with. Not saying you gotta like it but that’s the way it is. We got priorities more important than lives. Even our own people’s. LOPEZ: I’m glad I’m a C-Class. WEISS: Hate to break it to you, but you’re kind of in the same situation as the rest of us down here. LOPEZ: Would you leave me behind? WEISS: I’d watch you die for a piece of chicken. LOPEZ: Screw you. ABBOT: What the hell, Weiss. WEISS: Gallows humour, buddy. We all gotta deal somehow. LOPEZ: What about those roots, or whatever they are? You seen that before? ABBOT: Nope. But then that’s what we work with, right? Stuff no one’s seen before? URBANEK: Hold up. We got more of those plants up ahead. They ones with the fruit or the seed pods. Lopez, you got any ideas what they are? LOPEZ: Never seen anything like that growing underground. You get a few mushrooms and fungi, nothing like these. URBANEK: Gonna grab one as a sample. (I-28 Alpha attempts to remove a seed pod from one of the plants, but it bursts and emits a cloud of spores. I-28 Alpha breathes in these spores before getting clear.) WEISS: Oh shit. (The sound of I-28 Alpha coughing through a protective mask.) (The recording becomes distorted and audio data cannot be reconstructed for the next portion of the mission. I-28 Delta’s location is estimated at five hundred metres west of Lake Apesawa and between thirty and forty metres underground. The next recoverable audio occurs twenty-seven minutes later.) (There is the sound of a large animal growling, wetly, and of wood creaking. They get fainter and fainter until they are no longer audible.) ABBOT: It didn’t see us. LOPEZ: What the hell is it? ABBOT: I…think it used to be Urbanek. He breathed in the spores. LOPEZ: Did you see what it did to Weiss? God, the whole face was gone… ABBOT: Hey, you haven’t been here before, but I have. You think too much about what you just saw and you’ll freeze up. Put it aside and keep going. You can lose your shit over it later, once we’re out. LOPEZ: We’re underground, man! There’s no magic rule that says there even is a way out! ABBOT: Doesn’t matter. We keep moving until we find an exit or we die. ‘Cause the other option is to curl up and wait for whatever that thing is to find us and I’m not about that. LOPEZ: I don’t know if I can do this. ABBOT: Just follow me. Here, take my sidearm. (The soft clack of a handgun being pulled out and handed over.) LOPEZ: What am I supposed to do with this? ABBOT: Shoot the bad guy. Okay, we move. Try not to breathe in the spores. LOPEZ: Try not to breathe. Great. (The remaining two members of the underground team move through the passageways, attempting to do so quietly. The sound of something large moving and breathing in the distance can occasionally be heard. Voice stress and breathing pattern analysis indicate distress, exhaustion and shock.) LOPEZ: Wait. This passage is flooded. We gotta go back. ABBOT: I don’t think there is a ‘back’ any more. LOPEZ: Well it’s either that or grow gills. ABBOT: Looks wide enough to swim through. LOPEZ: No way. No, no way. Even with a full diving team I’d think twice. ABBOT: I think… I think it turns upwards again. Can’t tell how far. Twenty metres, maybe. LOPEZ: You can’t judge anything underwater. I know guys who died thinking they could. (Nearby snuffling sounds and growling, likely from the Urbanek-creature.) LOPEZ: Oh man, you’re shitting me. (Rock breaking as the Urbanek-creature crashes into the chamber) LOPEZ: I’m not dying here! I’m not dying here! (Three gunshots. The Urbanek-creature roars. C-Class Lopez screams. There is the sound of teeth crunching into flesh.) ABBOT: Ah, what the hell. (A splash.) (Rushing water from beneath. Abbot groans as he attempts to hold his breath. There is a moment of silence. A splash. Abbot gasps and sputters) ABBOT: Holy… holy shit. Lopez? Lopez? (I-28 Delta continues walking for the next thirty-one minutes.) ABBOT: Okay. This is I-28 Delta, Abbot. I don’t know how long I have to go before I find a way out and I don’t even know if there is one. Urbanek, Weiss and Lynch are gone, and I guess Lopez, too. If anyone is receiving this, I’m turning off recording to save the battery. If I find anything, I’ll transmit again. If not, I’m dead. Sayonara, guys. (No further data is received for approximately nineteen hours. The C-Class engineering support crew carried out a preliminary investigation of the cave entrance but were under orders not to enter the cave without MTF support. They found evidence the MTF had entered the cave but none that anyone had exited. After this period of silence, Iota-28 Delta begins transmitting again.) ABBOT: This is Iota-28 Delta Abbot. I’m down to the lowest light mode on my flashlight and I have one flare left. I haven’t found an exit, obviously. I think I’m a lot lower than I started out but other than that I got no idea where I am. Caver wisdom is probably to stay put but I know you’re not going to send anyone to find me, even if someone does hear this. ABBOT: We weren’t the first people down here. I found a skeleton a ways back. It looked like it’s been down here for decades. It was in dark green fatigues. Looked military. There was a name label on the chest that read ‘Stenforth’. I don’t think it’s a good omen. Maybe they got lost down here, too. I kind of hope so. Is that weird? I’d rather starve here than run into whatever else might have killed the guy. ABBOT: There’s a big cave ahead. I don’t know how deep it goes. There are plants everywhere. The ones with the seed pods, and others like huge ferns. Bugs like maggots the size of my forearm and these beetles in all bright colours. It’s humid and close. Way too warm. If there’s anything toxic like those spores from before then I’ve already got lungfuls of it. And there’s a pulse, like something huge breathing. I can’t hear it. It’s more of a feeling, in my head. ABBOT: Well, here goes. (A flare lights.) (The audio distorts.) ABBOT: It’s… oh my god. ABBOT: It’s a worm. ABBOT: It’s the size of the goddamn Red October. It has so many eyes… so many eyes… (There is a deep rumbling just beginning of a large organism moving.) ABBOT: Its mouth is opening… (The rumble intensifies) ABBOT: Who the hell are you? (The audio distorts) (The transmission is cut off, and does not resume.) GALLIO: After forty-eight hours without further communication from the team, the C-Class support personnel sealed the cave entrance with concrete and filled in the channel they had dug, refilling the lake. The site was quarantined. Foundation personnel blocked all access to Lake Apesawa under the cover story of an amoebic meningitis outbreak. These measures are to remain in place until a more permanent containment for SCP-6881 can be put in place. The name ‘Stenforth’ does not come up while cross-referencing other Foundation files. There is no record of a military operation into the caves, though there was a military base near the lake in the 1950s. If another organisation investigated the Shibbet’s Vale anomaly, there is no evidence of it except for the skeleton found by Iota-28 Delta. A description of SCP-6881 cannot be given to any degree of accuracy because only a single verbal account of it exists. Going by the final transmission from Iota-28 Delta, SCP-6881 at least partly resembles a worm of enormous size. The last words of Iota-28 Delta, however, imply the presence of another entity, or the transformation of the existing one. EDITOR, YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL FILE(S) TO VIEW. FURTHER UPDATES HAVE BEEN SEALED UNTIL THEY BECOME AVAILABLE. CHECK BACK LATER. View File: [DATA SEALED] View File: [DATA SEALED] View File: [DATA SEALED] View File: [DATA SEALED] View File: [DATA SEALED] « SCP-6880 | Project: SERAPIS | SCP-6882 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6881" by Ben Counter, Pacific Obadiah, & edited by LordStonefish, Lt Flops, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Q2TCZnd.png Name: Overwatch Command Logo Author: EstrellaYoshte License: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Source Link: Desk of Junior Designer S. Yvonne - SCP Foundation Filename: Emerald_Lake,_Gallatin_County,_Montana-1.jpg Name: Emerald Lake, Gallatin County, Montana Author: Garrett W. Graham License: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) Source Link: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Lake Apesawa, with the headwaters of the Whitetail River in foreground."
[-1.45560727e-01 2.95817763e-01 -2.04896614e-01 2.84047425e-01 4.21745218e-02 -5.80460668e-01 2.12061793e-01 3.51325125e-01 2.33189061e-01 3.75735193e-01 -7.07922429e-02 4.96702604e-02 1.41864210e-01 2.13373885e-01 -2.19080850e-01 -5.17413318e-02 -8.58363509e-03 8.16056952e-02 -1.02723397e-01 -2.66504556e-01 -1.49930224e-01 2.70577483e-02 -7.73530155e-02 1.72758356e-01 4.23985779e-01 -2.47113258e-02 7.38872215e-02 1.48218602e-01 -4.21739608e-01 -3.92817557e-02 -2.55255461e-01 1.99239030e-01 3.46494056e-02 3.59662056e-01 -1.03310653e-04 -1.67696744e-01 2.81818151e-01 -8.23186710e-02 -7.20574781e-02 1.08969770e-01 -1.44238966e-02 -1.19466418e-02 -6.11252673e-02 -2.44081542e-01 -6.58271089e-02 2.22820044e-01 7.24700391e-02 7.26349056e-02 3.16834062e-01 9.75709707e-02 2.43763596e-01 -9.06588584e-02 1.73120588e-01 -1.00124799e-01 1.28726646e-01 5.98521195e-02 -1.95991799e-01 -1.92035615e-01 5.71532967e-03 3.88863653e-01 2.16808796e-01 3.90707254e-01 -2.69414216e-01 -1.96146682e-01 -6.27630055e-02 -2.34046549e-01 3.24062824e-01 3.41075473e-02 2.24236131e-01 -2.08524559e-02 4.04204249e-01 1.36404768e-01 1.25946309e-02 2.34095082e-01 -2.26423591e-01 -2.47598112e-01 1.20097481e-01 1.65652812e-01 -2.16177180e-01 2.13828474e-01 4.20163721e-01 2.89832875e-02 -3.02603871e-01 -3.33811045e-02 -8.55183452e-02 6.11379407e-02 -2.06350520e-01 1.09977894e-01 2.07910165e-02 3.34196053e-02 1.47913843e-01 1.31153420e-01 -2.42095347e-02 1.79525197e-01 -1.40501842e-01 6.06276318e-02 2.28902906e-01 -1.15731142e-01 4.39756870e-01 3.21020782e-01 1.79832637e-01 2.56191999e-01 3.93643193e-02 3.62787582e-02 3.20317298e-01 3.51805270e-01 2.24684522e-01 1.48513719e-01 -1.77980363e-01 1.79372221e-01 1.34745628e-01 1.20098859e-01 -2.09559962e-01 -1.65145904e-01 -2.03668043e-01 1.11925252e-01 2.20095798e-01 -3.96176100e-01 -6.99180216e-02 2.51415104e-01 -2.79909462e-01 -1.01414740e-01 -7.12970942e-02 3.73435140e-01 -1.96604021e-02 3.22635144e-01 7.39129186e-02 -2.57019162e-01 -1.18628435e-01 -2.23352715e-01 -1.64392531e-01 -9.52105373e-02 -4.87421453e-01 1.47185504e-01 -3.19413953e-02 -2.56134599e-01 2.54544728e-02 1.67381344e-03 -3.75722706e-01 -1.82999566e-01 1.07042558e-01 -3.33530068e-01 3.94919187e-01 3.75399441e-01 -9.38285515e-02 -1.21041022e-01 -1.47262588e-01 2.73728464e-02 -1.01624364e-02 3.31656158e-01 2.33596414e-01 -4.93981577e-02 -5.48244119e-01 2.40424320e-01 -8.67337808e-02 2.98412979e-01 5.66332452e-02 3.12164009e-01 -9.73076001e-02 7.16362000e-02 2.55641967e-01 3.84803228e-02 1.04865476e-01 1.01048939e-01 4.06209439e-01 5.69475412e-01 -3.98994163e-02 1.31073266e-01 -1.77176133e-01 -6.08587682e-01 3.29511255e-01 -7.86824226e-02 1.63389035e-02 2.83778757e-01 2.24648584e-02 1.54443264e-01 5.60785308e-02 -9.74841341e-02 -2.13089362e-01 -3.05477977e-02 -3.59344572e-01 -2.71593183e-01 4.22756404e-01 -1.37708485e-01 3.58677655e-01 1.47300765e-01 -1.07622296e-01 -3.53685729e-02 5.80889583e-02 -1.62720889e-01 -5.25492191e-01 -6.10822178e-02 -2.12375879e-01 2.40763143e-01 -4.31963205e-02 4.10466753e-02 -1.30677018e-02 -2.01324522e-01 3.25336516e-01 -2.93455943e-02 1.65094100e-02 6.78541288e-02 3.02194327e-01 4.18858945e-01 -1.38703885e-03 -4.73291315e-02 5.54527715e-02 -4.16227162e-01 -2.60753334e-02 3.13761264e-01 1.12328872e-01 -1.30879655e-01 -1.20477304e-01 7.11443787e-03 -1.75563619e-01 -2.12155074e-01 2.57263839e-01 3.05139516e-02 -2.53921658e-01 -2.10031196e-01 -1.60188407e-01 -2.10689455e-01 -3.48606169e-01 -4.53710966e-02 -2.05437653e-02 7.65974969e-02 -3.42192680e-01 -2.79065549e-01 -2.67110348e-01 2.34021857e-01 3.68113309e-01 1.25517368e-01 2.59533226e-01 8.90388787e-02 9.01911221e-03 -2.40144938e-01 2.91963518e-01 5.00397503e-01 -5.86006880e-01 -2.46656507e-01 1.99543044e-01 1.30830020e-01 9.83793586e-02 1.64078102e-01 1.15033478e-01 2.44692847e-01 -2.17920393e-01 1.46907553e-01 -4.50153612e-02 -2.48930320e-01 2.90078133e-01 -3.07728946e-01 -3.16433936e-01 1.44240931e-01 4.86799181e-01 5.65181375e-01 -4.47002389e-02 2.32309997e-02 -4.86649334e-01 2.87356347e-01 7.31622055e-02 -2.74420172e-01 -9.37291086e-02 7.66343102e-02 -1.02110073e-01 -1.72097817e-01 1.18940279e-01 -3.36177677e-01 -1.10454755e-02 1.79204851e-01 -5.42345131e-03 -1.23232109e-02 8.99777114e-02 -6.54857233e-02 1.63630508e-02 2.96126395e-01 -2.61503547e-01 2.57044733e-01 5.77561483e-02 2.67181784e-01 -1.03236906e-01 -1.54910125e-02 -4.53115016e-01 8.61637741e-02 -1.16360761e-01 2.18246683e-01 6.42649531e-01 8.14689230e-03 -3.36429268e-01 2.83028185e-01 1.10719152e-01 -1.72003731e-01 9.80350599e-02 3.97509262e-02 -1.45106196e-01 1.06986828e-01 -2.43972382e-03 3.90633464e-01 -3.70049141e-02 3.18670988e-01 -2.04484656e-01 -9.40388739e-02 1.60646081e-01 8.65909085e-02 -3.37105580e-02 2.94092655e-01 1.92227527e-01 -2.03959972e-01 6.04888052e-02 -3.80206734e-01 -3.87332022e-01 4.23396111e-01 -8.10103267e-02 6.90297550e-03 1.76367357e-01 3.86736423e-01 2.53224522e-01 -6.08055472e-01 -7.19918311e-02 -3.61192733e-01 -2.43929893e-01 -3.36093634e-01 -3.80092144e-01 2.80935705e-01 -3.15058857e-01 -4.89825279e-01 -5.63655794e-02 -3.30205083e-01 5.71820498e-01 -1.18962370e-01 3.40737581e-01 4.02159512e-01 1.83613412e-02 2.31626853e-01 -3.87634754e-01 -3.22879888e-02 -4.09919798e-01 -2.39059627e-02 -1.41370893e-02 -8.69656131e-02 -9.51586291e-02 1.65990964e-01 -1.17223196e-01 1.52279645e-01 -4.80053693e-01 -2.96444476e-01 -5.87868039e-03 4.37109709e-01 -1.24120705e-01 -2.63980269e-01 -1.20514989e-01 4.20776039e-01 8.97458121e-02 -3.08181465e-01 -2.03596633e-02 -8.85547698e-02 -1.87250137e-01 -5.68875596e-02 3.11315447e-01 -3.19177181e-01 3.60763110e-02 -2.70082057e-01 6.01331174e-01 -1.25463873e-01 1.03317238e-01 -6.90009519e-02 3.36381584e-01 1.28930673e-01 -3.12591530e-02 8.07593111e-04 1.69159204e-01 4.41174880e-02 -4.15210247e-01 2.41961539e-01 -1.87929217e-02 -3.22072297e-01 5.90373576e-03 -5.04539721e-02 -3.50694180e-01 -1.50779590e-01 1.52814195e-01 4.60436404e-01 2.12999672e-01 -3.86011302e-01 8.30118880e-02 -1.46335095e-01 -7.84187112e-03 -6.78306445e-02 3.67317438e-01 2.30410635e-01 -6.07823245e-02 -3.18148583e-01 2.49056414e-01 -3.46002847e-01 1.13222726e-01 -3.00844133e-01 -2.70635039e-01 -3.80785495e-01 -5.00829779e-02 2.65676051e-01 -2.52637833e-01 1.17019452e-01 3.75272721e-01 1.25863060e-01 1.15098692e-01 2.07689151e-01 1.09315338e-03 -5.67770153e-02 -1.49573624e-01 -1.75551683e-01 4.41323817e-02 -7.73043036e-02 -3.33918363e-01 -1.42047524e-01 4.65060264e-01 -7.70535991e-02 -9.44057629e-02 7.19916821e-02 -2.58489788e-01 -6.20180845e-01 -1.56235725e-01 2.38122851e-01 1.87074706e-01 -5.32460287e-02 -1.10855304e-01 -5.77936210e-02 3.52192849e-01 4.19419259e-01 -1.65030975e-02 -9.99786258e-02 3.66591327e-02 2.23049447e-01 -1.15269050e-01 6.48295283e-01 4.90325987e-02 3.74947488e-01 1.66079387e-01 1.20369285e-01 2.16526851e-01 1.45241797e-01 -2.52303690e-01 5.68681598e-01 3.45459998e-01 8.83972943e-02 -3.40579301e-02 -2.51835138e-01 1.47286206e-01 -6.30916357e-02 2.06044063e-01 2.70500720e-01 1.76673576e-01 1.38385957e-02 -3.44980717e-01 2.04483941e-02 -2.61054099e-01 -4.23083842e-01 4.92762290e-02 -5.69201559e-02 6.51249513e-02 3.74667227e-01 2.69805687e-03 1.16909957e+00 6.18997440e-02 1.13261245e-01 2.62000382e-01 -4.23719212e-02 -2.68436670e-01 -1.26825392e-01 -8.37888420e-02 -2.02763960e-01 -8.17329660e-02 -9.46918502e-03 -1.57917425e-01 1.56100005e-01 -2.61870548e-02 -2.93349653e-01 1.44170132e-02 -6.24248743e-01 -6.84737787e-02 3.30321729e-01 1.51131079e-01 5.23465097e-01 1.47817865e-01 -1.11704655e-01 1.59556001e-01 -1.28581911e-01 -1.73097868e-02 -3.96951027e-02 -1.29520208e-01 7.43659586e-02 -8.58271569e-02 -1.71096206e-01 8.11796412e-02 -2.53186762e-01 -4.43066955e-01 -2.18316451e-01 3.28534283e-02 5.02176955e-02 1.59626678e-01 -2.09512234e-01 -6.09186143e-02 4.46803272e-02 6.51516318e-02 3.12574178e-01 -1.28607228e-01 -6.43653050e-02 7.38774240e-02 4.51631695e-02 -2.04285562e-01 -2.64648438e-01 3.53738159e-01 -1.12142161e-01 -3.08202416e-01 -5.68457425e-01 -5.36242872e-02 1.28115788e-01 -3.00683320e-01 5.06082714e-01 3.23491484e-01 -2.14136884e-01 -7.36491978e-02 2.05931231e-01 -2.32337173e-02 -2.49766350e-01 -1.29949212e-01 1.99985489e-01 -2.03947425e-01 -2.50010759e-01 3.95674050e-01 1.07911557e-01 -2.44935110e-01 3.14095616e-01 1.24717854e-01 -2.07683995e-01 -3.79765809e-01 -5.86247668e-02 2.26001397e-01 -1.67643413e-01 -1.78894341e-01 -2.57359087e-01 -4.11291957e-01 2.78687537e-01 7.62332797e-01 -5.40883616e-02 -2.63870448e-01 -6.44381523e-01 5.60541712e-02 -2.68655363e-02 1.35467425e-01 2.34197035e-01 -1.29012857e-02 -1.33063182e-01 3.53923440e-01 -7.39172697e-02 -1.00501105e-01 -4.75675285e-01 -2.05274031e-01 -3.32912385e-01 3.01240802e-01 1.02450736e-01 -4.12951529e-01 1.54141467e-02 -7.10610347e-03 2.85723567e-01 -9.64436978e-02 -3.15389097e-01 -3.02334398e-01 3.84822786e-02 1.28832281e-01 -6.00063950e-02 -1.80069566e-01 6.73199445e-02 2.45680764e-01 -1.46507382e-01 2.00797513e-01 -2.45785303e-02 3.15235227e-01 4.34094332e-02 -3.08801159e-02 -3.07764798e-01 5.51210344e-01 -1.34719476e-01 -6.45153895e-02 1.42635092e-01 5.53796589e-01 -9.68841687e-02 1.23506188e-01 -2.59602070e-01 -2.48602808e-01 -1.52107105e-02 2.90726870e-01 4.48870718e-01 4.92720723e-01 7.08151683e-02 1.33747354e-01 -2.88042516e-01 3.01038414e-01 5.04858233e-03 -7.90468827e-02 -3.27820092e-01 -9.62516889e-02 -2.13708505e-01 3.46371919e-01 5.25959162e-03 3.51004928e-01 -3.06553811e-01 -4.93883491e-01 -2.34672576e-02 2.25732431e-01 -1.55477850e-02 -2.00499222e-01 1.94149032e-01 1.24779895e-01 1.55050695e-01 2.27194875e-01 3.13622504e-01 1.98567063e-01 -4.78991508e-01 -1.32478029e-02 4.53334063e-01 5.28598651e-02 2.15323657e-01 2.86410362e-01 2.63854891e-01 4.00326937e-01 2.25963928e-02 6.62641883e-01 5.65166026e-02 3.60675126e-01 -2.09227666e-01 1.57020539e-01 -5.08173928e-02 1.02844030e-01 -2.27952912e-01 -7.93773979e-02 -7.44303614e-02 -9.11209919e-03 -1.06253713e-01 1.01125188e-01 -3.54041606e-02 -2.65190918e-02 -4.67149347e-01 -2.82038718e-01 -7.43407086e-02 -1.79228485e-01 2.07368597e-01 2.34374687e-01 1.64342821e-01 -2.61381734e-04 -2.97206700e-01 4.46834177e-01 -1.51703611e-01 8.47555548e-02 2.00805396e-01 -1.47156730e-01 4.47104007e-01 8.49924535e-02 1.89969793e-01 2.31278688e-01 3.53279918e-01 2.17928141e-01 1.61789358e-01 -1.52311161e-01 -2.37173051e-01 -1.69094443e-01 -7.79668391e-02 -1.26063108e-01 -2.97132810e-03 4.37640920e-02 2.09922284e-01 -4.03992794e-02 1.49613246e-01 -3.09232324e-01 -3.00488751e-02 -1.89573765e-02 1.45137414e-01 1.31855786e-01 2.38876939e-02 1.38812782e-02 -7.83462673e-02 -1.25140667e-01 1.14223652e-01 -3.18494201e-01 3.42891216e-02 -2.32323054e-02 4.91021574e-02 -1.41572778e-03 2.55602207e-02 1.37655646e-01 -6.01524264e-02 1.93336368e-01 5.86523712e-02 2.20811993e-01 -1.60207838e-01 -9.11930278e-02 -4.72722091e-02 3.04031938e-01 5.44288419e-02 1.88385695e-01 6.35528490e-02 4.38282713e-02 3.34695466e-02 2.11707413e-01 1.03796549e-01 -1.24897785e-01 2.36077663e-02 -2.52228618e-01 -3.00298989e-01 4.40409072e-02 1.64262041e-01 6.90467134e-02 1.00953713e-01 -3.46277237e-01 2.16258317e-01 -2.26327792e-01 2.20453367e-01 8.04556087e-02 -1.99313551e-01 1.32010341e-01 1.96292087e-01 3.79464567e-01 -8.63405988e-02 3.28357786e-01 -2.75243390e-02 -4.31685060e-01 1.35694101e-01 -8.16499665e-02 -2.27628738e-01 -3.53681552e-03 6.06036149e-02 -9.27954353e-03 1.71192691e-01 6.81006759e-02 -1.63965255e-01 1.69953838e-01 1.11208290e-01 9.43330377e-02 -5.13654292e-01 -4.41639535e-02 7.90538043e-02 -3.17409523e-02 -3.91446501e-01 1.06609166e-01 3.37837078e-02 -1.14775673e-01 -4.22450542e-01 -2.71364935e-02 4.51185435e-01 -3.70948911e-02 -1.10440314e-01 -1.26956835e-01 2.53868580e-01 5.05912192e-02 2.63048500e-01 -4.17165220e-01 1.23674706e-01 4.17563133e-02 3.62491421e-03 -4.33660418e-01 -2.36695081e-01 -2.35385238e-03 -1.03576124e-01 -7.53466040e-02 3.73152196e-02 1.56681940e-01 1.68975934e-01 4.34575416e-03 -1.61432788e-01]
"BREACHED" active "ITEM #: SCP-6882 OBJECT CLASS: N/A SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Containment of SCP-6882 is no longer required, following its sudden occurrence throughout the world. All attempts from the Foundation at preventing the general public from interacting with the anomaly have been disregarded. Effective immediately, the Veil has been officially breached. Automated systems are to indefinitely continue containment operations during the cessation and eventual extinction of the human race. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6882 describes the series of events that occurred on March 22, 2022.: [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED] | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-22-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 13:30 PM EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: ALL SITES ALERT FROM NEAR-ORBIT OBSRVATION NOTING STRANGE LUMINOSITY GLARE HAS ACTION BEEN TAKEN? AWAITING CURRENT ORDERS FROM OVRWTCH | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-22-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 18:30 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: ALL SITES PLEASE ADVISE RADIO SILENCE? AWAITING CURRENT ORDERS FROM OVRWTCH | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-22-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 18:56 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 EMERGENCY BRDCST ACKNOWLEDGED EARTH IN DANGER SITE HAS BEEN PLACED UNDER LCKDWN UNABLE TO CONTCT OVERWATCH STILL TRYING | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 07:44 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 ACKNOWLEDGED ABNORMAL ENERGY INCREASE BENEATH THE SURFACE DETECTED UNABLE TO LOCATE SOURCE HOW ARE U STILL HERE? PLZ IDENTIFY | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 08:19 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 I AM RESEARCHER RAINER ALONGSIDE OTHERS UNSURE OF HOW WE SURVIVED TESTING NEW EXPERIMENTAL TECH JUST BEFORE POSSIBLY MISSED EVENT? | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 08:54 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 ACKNOWLEDGED SCANNERS REPORTING MASSIVE DECREASE OF LIFE REMAIN CALM - STAY UNDER LOCKDOWN ATTEMPTING TO EXTRACT YOU NO LUCK WITH OVERWATCH HOW LONG CAN YOU SURVIVE? | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 09:20 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 UNSURE | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 12:00 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 ACKNOWLEDGED DETECTING SOME MOVEMENT ALONG THE COASTS UNSURE OF SOURCE - CANNOT CONFIRM HAVE ALSO DISCOVERED POSSIBLE METHOD OF TRAVEL TO FSS AT A SITE NEAR YOUR LOCATION SENDING RELEVANT DATA NOW | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 12:44 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 WE SEE MOVEMENT NEAR YOUR LOCATION ASSUMING YOU HAVE RECEIVED COORDS? IF CAN STILL BROADCAST PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 13:31 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 DATA HAS NOW BEEN RECEIVED SITE APPEARS SEVERAL HOURS FROM OUR LOCATION SHOULD WE HEAD NOW? PLEASE ADVISE | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 14:03 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 HAVE YOU NOT MOVED FROM YOUR LOCATION? | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 14:32 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 NEGATIVE SITE REMAINS IN LOCKDOWN GROUP DOES NOT WANT TO LEAVE | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 14:59 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 SITE-110 BE ADVISED MOVEMENT IS BEING DETECTED NEAR YOUR LOCATION CANNOT CONFIRM SOURCE - REMAIN WITHIN SITE PLZ ACKNOWLEDGE | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 15:23 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 ACKNOWLEDGED THEY ARE HERE | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 16:00 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 REMAIN CALM YOU ARE SURROUNDED UNABLE TO DETERMINE HOW MANY IS YOUR SITE FORTIFIED? RESPOND | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 15:23 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 NEGATIVE SITE IS BEING ATTACKED FOOTAGE IS SEEING HUNDREDS MAYBE EVEN THOUSANDS GROUP IS SCARED PLEASE SEND HELP PLEASE | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 16:30 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 DO NOT PANIC UNABLE TO LOCATE HELP CRRNTLY WILL TRY MORE YOU MUST STAY ALIVE HELP WILL BE ON THE WAY SOON PLEASE RESPOND | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 17:30 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 SITE-110 PLZ REPORT STATUS MOVEMENT APPEARS TO HAVE CEASED ARE YOU OK? | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 18:23 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 NEGATIVE GROUP HAS VANISHED I DO NOT KNOW THEIR STATUS ONLY I REMAIN PLEASE SEND HELP | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 18:26 EST | IP: 212.44.██.███ | FROM: SITE-110 | TO: FSS-TERM 12 THEY KNOW WHERE I AM | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 18:59 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 ACKNOWLEDGED YOU MUST HIDE WE WILL CONTINUE LOOKING STAY ALIVE | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 19:45 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 CONFIRM STATUS ARE YOU STILL THERE? | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 03-23-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 20:45 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: SITE-110 SITE-110 PLZ ACKNOWLEDGE AUTOMATED RESPONSE REPORT LOCATION: Foundation Space Station - Alpha Gamma REASON: Inactivity Exceeding Standard Allowance (2 weeks) TIME: April 5, 2022 - 18:00 (LOCAL TIME) RESPONDER: Foundation program DEEPSPACE.aic SUMMARY: Following 2 weeks of inactivity, automated Foundation programs were enlisted to probe and identify the cause of radio silence for Foundation Space Station - Alpha Gamma. Upon connecting with the station, programs reported that the satellite had been severely led off-course, and had been moving away from Earth for several days prior to insertion. An extensive analysis of the station systems reported severe structural deficiencies and several breaches throughout the facility. Further investigation reported an absence of Foundation personnel anywhere within the area. Continued analysis revealed the following message, intended to be received by all active Foundation Sites, but failed to send due to the satellites changed trajectory: | FEED ID: 4782381432 | DATE: 04-02-2022 | TUR (TIME-UNTIL-RECEIVED): 12:30 EST | IP: 145.97.███.██ | FROM: FSS-TERM 12 | TO: ALL SITES SOS FSS SUPPLIES RUNNING LOW NO CONTACT WITH EARTH SOME CREW ALREADY LOST SOME CHOSE TO GO PLZ RESPOND I DO NOT WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS « SCP-6881 | SCP-6882 | SCP-6883 »" "Photo capture of a live video stream observing a coastline along the Atlantic, 26 hours after SCP-6882. Please note the observable absence of human corpses floating in the water. 1240952.JPG Image of Foundation Space Station - Alpha Gamma prior to automated report."
[ 1.02899410e-01 -1.18103310e-01 -1.37385100e-01 3.44728641e-02 1.71029016e-01 -3.82386297e-01 3.11381817e-01 5.56273684e-02 6.30741239e-01 2.32903659e-01 -1.36398956e-01 3.20837051e-01 -2.84581780e-01 1.93641245e-01 3.05271566e-01 1.92425638e-01 1.45994425e-01 -1.32658675e-01 -3.15675028e-02 -2.57284850e-01 -1.49139822e-01 -1.62545413e-01 -8.14948156e-02 -1.19217888e-01 5.54455537e-03 -2.38807723e-02 1.04907937e-01 1.35811239e-01 1.49345577e-01 -4.07678396e-01 1.56426564e-01 1.18960433e-01 -4.03278042e-03 3.79511803e-01 -1.03740269e-04 -5.58432974e-02 1.49436563e-01 5.34836724e-02 -1.99003026e-01 1.46711603e-01 -3.44943494e-01 -1.94256797e-01 6.36151507e-02 -2.52111852e-01 7.97809213e-02 2.30844170e-01 -2.35003456e-01 -4.05675033e-03 4.44159508e-01 1.08915150e-01 1.97987705e-01 6.45989701e-02 4.48633522e-01 -2.09450908e-02 -2.18293682e-01 9.62482542e-02 9.06467140e-02 3.38372844e-03 1.87732816e-01 2.18786553e-01 2.09192067e-01 4.48473126e-01 -2.05455109e-01 -2.44916305e-01 1.43154204e-01 -3.64932179e-01 8.85525793e-02 -7.33522400e-02 1.98744148e-01 2.12580308e-01 -3.72338980e-01 2.11775407e-01 -5.27489893e-02 4.57504056e-02 -2.79672563e-01 -1.04257546e-01 4.08141494e-01 -1.34625301e-01 1.63643315e-01 2.55108148e-01 -1.20816670e-01 2.60652341e-02 -2.00304717e-01 -1.24938555e-01 -4.74724293e-01 1.84417799e-01 -1.21633992e-01 -7.09565952e-02 -2.12902892e-02 7.17884824e-02 2.03615595e-02 9.65785086e-02 1.34980634e-01 1.77007213e-01 -2.33049110e-01 -5.96373305e-02 1.07107326e-01 1.42641485e-01 -4.88559939e-02 2.58114755e-01 -3.14364508e-02 2.02741966e-01 -4.76668030e-02 2.03066900e-01 1.85944766e-01 -7.17390850e-02 6.10723235e-02 -2.26775780e-01 -2.60667562e-01 3.19643199e-01 1.43117204e-01 1.54499069e-01 -7.95721635e-02 3.34092192e-02 7.38947513e-03 -2.27491826e-01 1.81692705e-01 -2.57832974e-01 -4.91912216e-01 2.62576938e-01 -4.46561962e-01 -1.16048083e-02 2.59143431e-02 2.64912933e-01 5.75737119e-01 4.79414500e-02 1.17699906e-01 -2.10055619e-01 6.16076812e-02 -3.59034210e-01 -1.79725006e-01 -1.63923539e-02 -6.08641207e-02 -1.32575512e-01 7.14452267e-02 -3.16811442e-01 -1.32940531e-01 -9.24954265e-02 -1.47674620e-01 -2.14069381e-01 -2.53978930e-02 -1.17872171e-01 3.24666232e-01 5.77280939e-01 -2.96205223e-01 -8.24247748e-02 1.21170981e-02 -8.54255483e-02 2.48356499e-02 1.13373458e-01 1.99053749e-01 6.27521425e-03 -2.75198936e-01 2.66463518e-01 -1.69752479e-01 8.82962272e-02 5.20656817e-02 -3.73168103e-03 -1.36741295e-01 7.75992572e-02 2.29262277e-01 2.13158935e-01 -2.79454589e-01 1.08933792e-01 1.99331656e-01 4.61566836e-01 -3.52170944e-01 -1.48998097e-01 -2.42639169e-01 -1.44812673e-01 6.01153411e-02 -2.47010943e-02 -1.63980484e-01 2.50799567e-01 -1.68324172e-01 9.52770859e-02 -4.84640867e-01 1.35754153e-01 -3.22633594e-01 -1.36674955e-01 -2.07906514e-01 8.41945484e-02 3.89350832e-01 -4.17117000e-01 -1.59195796e-01 -2.49370262e-01 5.47305159e-02 -3.39647114e-01 1.13970384e-01 -2.84459323e-01 -3.68397444e-01 -3.06621343e-01 4.65315044e-01 -6.09449223e-02 9.19783637e-02 -1.84166759e-01 4.89867717e-01 2.85930149e-02 2.49622181e-01 3.17068577e-01 -8.50659888e-03 5.20243570e-02 3.42982560e-01 -1.80038825e-01 -8.06236640e-02 -2.19718382e-01 4.67198975e-02 -7.31788874e-02 5.49688041e-01 9.42261368e-02 -8.27334970e-02 -4.00652271e-03 -5.44669032e-01 4.53962870e-02 -2.87018642e-02 -5.78611255e-01 1.80273235e-01 2.01097444e-01 -2.15733036e-01 -3.94686282e-01 -3.98976654e-01 9.52498168e-02 -2.91045994e-01 -5.91460802e-02 -5.54831587e-02 1.98349699e-01 -1.63174391e-01 2.66272351e-02 -1.64505363e-01 1.57809541e-01 3.21056068e-01 -1.87371463e-01 -3.73840099e-03 -3.07962522e-02 -3.15766269e-03 3.05715054e-01 2.86122292e-01 4.03565437e-01 -1.51441634e-01 -4.49719995e-01 -8.91841725e-02 2.72532672e-01 1.45927727e-01 -1.26019567e-01 -9.95125473e-02 1.88198268e-01 -3.31596397e-02 -7.37212133e-03 -3.16643685e-01 9.75470319e-02 2.86700457e-01 -4.57043678e-01 1.30995378e-01 -2.60562211e-01 9.24270451e-02 5.11631250e-01 -4.94928397e-02 1.72384426e-01 3.44708785e-02 3.26421708e-01 -7.65752718e-02 -3.63119096e-02 4.36561257e-02 4.42928039e-02 -1.03066061e-02 -3.61447453e-01 1.38940677e-01 4.71980006e-01 -2.02568341e-02 1.04063056e-01 -8.17603320e-02 -1.48321921e-02 1.04378022e-01 -3.00346941e-01 2.99819201e-01 1.59196913e-01 1.82999775e-01 2.04262227e-01 3.97967100e-01 2.31779322e-01 -1.70431659e-01 2.00552810e-02 -6.15418367e-02 -2.29025722e-01 -1.98387206e-01 1.15907259e-01 -7.78993070e-02 -1.81626938e-02 4.65651266e-02 2.00597480e-01 8.62722546e-02 -1.48604512e-01 -1.56733379e-01 -1.82928637e-01 6.06204569e-02 1.32262513e-01 -1.52119383e-01 2.80570686e-01 -1.30345207e-02 6.31263852e-01 -6.20711982e-01 5.26840463e-02 1.90828666e-01 6.37952834e-02 -1.04050562e-01 -2.88776428e-01 3.64057958e-01 1.57483667e-01 8.27472284e-02 -2.20274895e-01 -5.23006916e-01 1.67431906e-01 -4.92434576e-02 -1.83896814e-02 9.64402035e-03 5.95250614e-02 -1.96045369e-01 -3.06746036e-01 -7.99111798e-02 -5.49300015e-01 -2.81230360e-01 6.54681250e-02 -9.99959558e-02 2.94349939e-01 -6.40638173e-02 9.75172129e-03 -3.68485421e-01 -1.04319811e-01 1.44353718e-01 -4.82847951e-02 2.09316432e-01 4.35118765e-01 -3.25953245e-01 9.86022428e-02 -2.10695174e-02 -3.90065461e-01 -4.24225092e-01 -4.06497955e-01 6.70047849e-02 1.15033515e-01 -1.60380527e-02 1.55995414e-01 -1.67076752e-01 3.84974033e-01 7.31947944e-02 -2.16632128e-01 -3.43363322e-02 1.11246847e-01 7.19299912e-02 -1.12832405e-01 -3.34339023e-01 2.88088948e-01 2.56654739e-01 -3.19379807e-01 -2.32172683e-01 4.95575704e-02 -1.23053215e-01 9.11836773e-02 3.41704160e-01 -5.70123196e-01 1.70968682e-01 3.79994631e-01 2.79008210e-01 -2.05803797e-01 -5.14099188e-02 -2.89548631e-03 4.72886920e-01 -1.25457242e-01 1.71351254e-01 -1.92131311e-01 5.77817678e-01 7.36225247e-02 -2.72945821e-01 1.01463020e-01 -8.20963830e-02 -9.08428580e-02 9.34632719e-02 -9.51408967e-02 -6.45206869e-01 -5.88036217e-02 -1.86380684e-01 6.18823349e-01 4.67329562e-01 -5.31518199e-02 -4.49644476e-02 1.65310934e-01 -2.43771374e-01 6.30164891e-02 3.89112234e-01 6.96909502e-02 -1.01101056e-01 -3.41524184e-01 1.39722452e-01 4.17311713e-02 2.89722621e-01 -2.16566131e-01 1.17135346e-01 -2.88416415e-01 9.98459235e-02 3.63724619e-01 2.71136500e-02 1.10306397e-01 2.81367719e-01 5.51176369e-01 3.12821984e-01 1.45903274e-01 -6.35404438e-02 -3.54598952e-03 -2.65568525e-01 -1.53947711e-01 5.04201233e-01 -1.68430462e-01 6.10404871e-02 2.96268575e-02 3.14399339e-02 -5.50980568e-02 -7.73015544e-02 1.01046428e-01 3.24654311e-01 -5.79802632e-01 -2.18335658e-01 -7.91067705e-02 4.45342846e-02 -1.90411080e-02 -2.70354450e-01 -6.33122995e-02 -1.17976516e-01 2.58166827e-02 -6.73638843e-03 -2.98551947e-01 -3.83566730e-02 2.39553586e-01 -1.07041724e-01 5.06814420e-01 2.25127652e-01 5.86862922e-01 2.74697900e-01 1.80986628e-01 -3.23081203e-03 -3.88821438e-02 5.13222180e-02 1.74552098e-01 5.94557703e-01 -1.21242404e-01 2.39783257e-01 7.71817267e-02 3.16905826e-01 -8.35264251e-02 4.71015554e-03 -2.07842104e-02 1.12439424e-01 1.59503236e-01 -2.46681824e-01 6.80353642e-02 -3.52231175e-01 -4.41127270e-01 -3.02274197e-01 3.02848089e-02 -1.60385042e-01 2.94037372e-01 1.53844222e-01 1.25343168e+00 9.73787382e-02 -9.74177644e-02 5.42404652e-02 -1.58735290e-01 1.75631642e-01 -1.21344693e-01 -8.36322233e-02 1.12744890e-01 2.05773339e-01 -4.74572442e-02 -1.52753010e-01 1.14821337e-01 1.95895940e-01 -2.89366990e-01 7.76392641e-03 -3.42448980e-01 -2.23061070e-01 3.88893187e-01 1.23103365e-01 1.78815201e-02 2.06066415e-01 -1.61243305e-01 1.92068651e-01 -2.20735043e-01 2.64870912e-01 -3.91849596e-03 -1.84478015e-01 2.55737036e-01 -7.36641362e-02 -4.76193614e-02 1.74855739e-01 -3.42941254e-01 3.94447982e-01 5.62415272e-02 -3.26951206e-01 1.34914637e-01 -1.25012204e-01 -9.95572004e-03 -1.34477437e-01 -3.00648659e-02 6.02441132e-01 5.88912904e-01 -1.90765649e-01 -2.66579781e-02 -3.42407413e-02 1.06566861e-01 5.15705906e-02 -1.86097592e-01 4.08587307e-02 -2.00342491e-01 -3.00213337e-01 -2.18417034e-01 2.99007535e-01 3.95208240e-01 1.17845312e-01 6.32365823e-01 6.22598603e-02 -1.53923824e-01 -2.69282401e-01 2.27372468e-01 9.54953879e-02 6.87664747e-02 -1.65071059e-02 -8.61238164e-04 -1.57246768e-01 -2.29920223e-01 6.42014325e-01 1.97853539e-02 5.05725434e-03 3.00049901e-01 -8.34573992e-03 -2.23661602e-01 -3.82403374e-01 9.17659774e-02 -2.55762041e-01 1.74810998e-02 -1.22968502e-01 -2.23811828e-02 5.87147661e-02 7.50067085e-02 2.93423086e-01 1.35220870e-01 -2.15510473e-01 -3.89538050e-01 -4.17262256e-01 4.55777347e-02 -2.22331844e-02 -5.46939187e-02 1.15652069e-01 -1.16399467e-01 4.74175602e-01 -1.84486493e-01 4.87356156e-01 -4.06993687e-01 4.20763046e-02 -5.77327944e-02 -5.37188314e-02 -4.69055809e-02 -4.51044440e-01 2.20469877e-01 -3.57337892e-01 1.42228931e-01 1.21526547e-01 -1.01413608e-01 -2.47580752e-01 -2.06260383e-01 1.58723503e-01 -1.81049258e-01 -2.38904506e-01 -4.07941490e-01 1.79689527e-01 4.19239223e-01 1.07305504e-01 -1.77354682e-02 3.67162138e-01 3.70628804e-01 -1.31157383e-01 2.69109849e-02 1.28057420e-01 1.94193702e-02 -1.41553491e-01 -1.94284748e-02 5.23216069e-01 -8.92436132e-02 -2.41127461e-01 -1.15231857e-01 -9.01004225e-02 1.73631266e-01 1.69253573e-01 4.64879163e-02 1.73379138e-01 3.58630061e-01 8.23127255e-02 -2.50371575e-01 -2.25273427e-02 -3.14753689e-02 -1.39943942e-01 -5.42813838e-01 -1.65411070e-01 -1.47571638e-01 3.25655609e-01 -1.42103940e-01 2.86128372e-01 -1.88985616e-01 3.97290528e-01 -1.83806312e-03 -8.06886703e-03 2.03566879e-01 -5.81426084e-01 -3.09889056e-02 1.64784446e-01 3.36767852e-01 -1.39982045e-01 1.47944883e-01 7.70194232e-02 -1.08902141e-01 -5.78748658e-02 3.27773839e-01 1.82610571e-01 3.83264691e-01 2.65240371e-01 4.18401539e-01 2.77219772e-01 2.21005023e-01 4.52250004e-01 1.76359043e-01 2.71996409e-02 -2.26746410e-01 7.02287108e-02 -4.16118920e-01 -1.64591119e-01 -3.50306742e-02 2.16504604e-01 -9.91568789e-02 3.63367535e-02 -2.21409518e-02 3.23361069e-01 2.38640070e-01 1.84323698e-01 -1.02723785e-01 -1.64813370e-01 -1.64603323e-01 -1.96977213e-01 2.46181786e-01 -6.97039887e-02 1.41323835e-01 3.35501105e-01 -3.42028499e-01 1.61953494e-01 -3.91897768e-01 1.67489484e-01 5.71417332e-01 -3.24452698e-01 3.29244792e-01 4.30817127e-01 -1.10043753e-02 2.12911159e-01 2.66329795e-01 1.54413909e-01 -1.32981390e-01 -1.84429750e-01 2.70566344e-01 1.94592088e-01 -2.76217580e-01 -2.21039742e-01 7.59038180e-02 -1.02293223e-01 1.02188766e-01 6.66354522e-02 1.67820692e-01 -3.15245032e-01 -2.11838901e-01 1.96608350e-01 3.20585102e-01 8.06674957e-02 1.35655209e-01 -2.88505316e-01 -9.63089988e-02 -8.25842544e-02 -9.64071751e-02 -3.76993448e-01 -1.92231715e-01 5.05614243e-02 -3.32827479e-01 3.73595864e-01 1.84263766e-03 1.20352514e-01 -3.82571132e-03 -3.80214378e-02 3.74728777e-02 1.26441419e-01 -9.05037485e-03 -4.49909776e-01 -1.20189205e-01 1.90265998e-01 1.49841132e-02 5.46427295e-02 -2.02052757e-01 4.92216907e-02 -1.09979659e-01 4.00279313e-02 -1.12619791e-02 -2.47209370e-01 -9.01801139e-02 -1.69599861e-01 -4.75814760e-01 2.62957245e-01 4.14719999e-01 -2.27332160e-01 -7.29355142e-02 2.07088459e-02 2.84508198e-01 -3.18279356e-01 1.98963881e-01 1.41289011e-01 -1.41953126e-01 -3.43993902e-02 6.16895676e-01 5.28043449e-01 1.75306201e-02 2.68022835e-01 -1.28810391e-01 -6.52928138e-03 2.71197885e-01 -1.79921955e-01 -1.01960868e-01 1.74092948e-01 -1.87510908e-01 1.31715491e-01 2.82155931e-01 -2.02077210e-01 2.77153820e-01 1.32626221e-01 -2.28205889e-01 -7.87461698e-02 -4.96525675e-01 -2.67791227e-02 -4.29183245e-01 6.50127456e-02 -4.97748842e-03 2.40418613e-01 4.45216633e-02 8.56021568e-02 -1.03637904e-01 -4.28681791e-01 5.82342803e-01 -2.77274519e-01 -2.49791313e-02 -8.49806070e-02 1.65595233e-01 -1.78846329e-01 -5.53761013e-02 -2.38998756e-01 -2.73117095e-01 2.53724009e-01 -6.65820166e-02 -1.78990632e-01 -1.80209726e-01 -2.01422945e-02 -2.12090880e-01 -6.82445467e-02 2.75585592e-01 1.31618649e-01 1.50288358e-01 -2.47126877e-01 2.40036711e-01]
"a story about metamorphosis and a castle" active "As of September 15, 2025, SCP-6883 is deemed neutralized after the widespread application of the Ennui Protocol. Edifices and natural environments are to be remodeled to temporarily accommodate the new body structures and nature of human beings. A worldwide return to the standard human form is expected within three months. The Czech Republic is to be monitored for manifestations of SCP-6883, while MTF Kappa-083 ("Surrealist Catchers") is mandated to track any SCP-6883-1 instances. Meanwhile, Foundation webcrawlers must focus on keywords such as 'human cockroach', 'vermin', 'mid-life crises', and 'metamorphosis'. Psychological counseling and interviews are to be provided to select victims, particularly Foundation personnel. A review of work ethics and standards in the Foundation is pending for Foundation personnel. Update (May 3, 2025): Containment Procedures are to be applied worldwide. All reports, publications, or posting of disappearances related to SCP-6883 must be removed from the Internet. Update (June 7, 2025): As per the orders of the Administrator, the Foundation is mandated to switch from combatting the spread of SCP-6883-1 to promoting and providing aftercare for affected individuals. SCP-6883 refers to the spontaneous transfiguration of human individuals, generally workers and salary people, into human-sized entities resembling the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). It is mainly localized to 12 cities in the Czech Republic, particularly in Prague. The primary victims of SCP-6883, designated SCP-6883-1, are individuals who suffer from moderate or severe depression, are overworked, and have experienced burnout episodes. Another common trait is that they have histories of failures, as well as traumatic events. SCP-6883 manifestations primarily occur at nighttime, when the victims have entered deep sleep. After approximately two hours of deep sleep, a cocoon will rapidly wrap around the subject, demanifesting after the individual wakes up, now a fully-turned SCP-6883-1 instance. Once converted, the individual will experience limited mobility and cognitive dissonance, although their sanity notably remains at a baseline level over long observation periods. Attempts to break the cocoons have unilaterally ended in failure. Noospheric, memetic, and psychological techniques are similarly ineffective in communicating with the victim. Interviews indicate that the dreams of SCP-6883-1 instances mainly occur from the first-person point of view and consist of crawling through a variety of landscapes, greeneries, and empty fields with intensified feelings of euphoria. Many instances have often described a Baroque-style castle overgrown with trees, referred to as SCP-6883-2. It is described as featuring towers composed of documents, papers, and office supplies. Notably, Foundation personnel report that this castle evoked strong nostalgia and longing. Upon entering SCP-6883-2, the subjects report experiencing a feeling of lightheadedness, which is followed by cessation of sleep. They also report seeing SCP-6883-3, often described as 'building-sized piles of scrap and blocks' composed of foliage, machines, and several greeneries, that can assemble into a man'. SCP-6883-1 instances often express mild hostility upon discussion of SCP-6883-3, calling it an affront to their happiness. In reality, SCP-6883-3 refers to the 43,500 metric tons of metallic and organic blocks currently stored in Site-345, near the Alpine Mountains delineating Italy and Austria. Analysis indicates that SCP-6883 is connected with GoI-503 ("Aviatica").An anomalous journalistic organization focused on publicity stunts and large-scale social change., which in turn links back to the Administrator, a former reporter and journalist. As Aviatica is decentralized and composed of journalistic cells led by an officer called an Arch-editor, as well as its dealings with the anomalous world, regular contact with its constituents has been difficult to fully establish, although delegations are sent to entertain Aviatica's offers. Aviatica primarily compensates for its insufficient manpower and physical scope via the use of avian drones, robotics, software, and information-based deals. Due to Aviatica's connections with several high-profile news outlets and anomalous groups, the Foundation currently pursues a cordial working relationship with it as a source of information in the anomalous and occult in exchange for secrecy, protecting journalists and providing potential scoops. Meanwhile, both GoIs are receptive to inculcating each other's members. The Administrator has approximately 10 years of service under Aviatica, before moving to the Foundation as an Agent. They have been involved in the highly classified EVNT-ALPINE-01, an Aviatican expedition to the Western parts of the Alpine Mountains to investigate an anomaly connected to SCP-6883, as well as a failed peace treaty involving several anomalous entities such as the life-givers of the forest. O5-13, stationed in the Czech Republic, is one of the individuals affected by SCP-6883. On May 19, 2025, they were interviewed via an online meeting subjected to heavy memetic filters. Although O5-13 can no longer vocalize their thoughts, they were still able to perform tasks using a keyboard. The details of the conversation are provided below: Begin Log Interviewee: O5-13 Interviewer: Doctor Sandford Gregorius (lead researcher, SCP-6883) Dr. Gregorius: Good morning, Thirteenth Overseer. O5-13: to you gregor Dr. Gregorius: It's nice seeing you nice and lively as always, Overseer. but the most pressing matter right now is your condition. A lot of people outside have become the same as you. Dr. Gregorius: We were hoping you could help us out by sharing your feelings right now, your thoughts… anything you want to say could contribute to understanding this anomaly. O5-13: i woke up and i was by the bed O5-13: under the bed O5-13: i didn't really understand at first i didn't really react O5-13: i laid there O5-13: when you're in this position you don't really think anything is going to happen to you O5-13: i was at [REDACTED DUE TO SECURITY CONCERNS] you know how the rooms are and the wallpaper No communication for a hundred and twenty seconds. Dr. Gregorius: Is everything alright, Overseer? Do you feel like stopping here and maybe picking the interview up from where we left off another time? O5-13: i'm here i want to go on O5-13: it's the wallpaper O5-13: i feel fine however it was the disorientation that was killing me at first O5-13: you have woken up on the floor looking at the ceiling but you have never felt like this O5-13: the enormous room and the minuscule you O5-13: the ceiling looking like it's kilometers away O5-13: it's simply different O5-13: we all turned overnight both in the site and the town it's in O5-13: in the morning the scuttling was deafening O5-13: i felt it vibrating through me not heard it O5-13: you know why No communication for a hundred seconds. Dr. Gregorius: Overseer, could you tell us anything about the consequences of your… newfound physical limitations? O5-13: i didn't move until the task force found me O5-13: i was on my back O5-13: and now i don't move that much O5-13: i can't interact with my surroundings O5-13: there's no real reason to move i'm faster but everything is so extremely far O5-13: the alpha1 agent assigned to me provides me with what i need O5-13: maybe it's a vicious cycle O5-13: you're going to say i am digressing O5-13: i can't feel my limbs and my wings feel heavy very useless O5-13: i can't hear sounds and the only thing i can smell is raw meat and shit O5-13: there's a kaleidoscopic filter to my vision O5-13: positive thing is cockroaches can't really hyperventilate O5-13: physically i mean O5-13: i'm trying to adapt but it's going to take me a while O5-13: is that enough Dr. Gregorius: Yes, Thirteen, that is perfect. How has your work been coming along? Have you delegated one of your people to carry out some tasks in your stead? O5-13: couldn't be elsewhere O5-13: one of our problems here was almost solved already O5-13: despite what some others think scp cs is strong enough to handle itself O5-13: their help has been invaluable so far O5-13: they don't need our supervision not to the current degree at least Dr. Gregorius: What anyone other than yourself thinks is irrelevant, Thirteen. Let's drop this line of questioning, shall we? What about dreams? How has your sleep been? O5-13: back to the regularly scheduled sterility O5-13: i've slept dreamless sleeps every night save yesterday and the night i turned O5-13: don't feel particularly rested in the mornings but nothing out of the ordinary Dr. Gregorius: That is not for you to determine, I'd say. Do you recall these two dreams you mentioned? O5-13: i don't No communication for eighty-five seconds. Dr. Gregorius: It doesn't work like this, Thirteen. Do you remember anything about these dreams? Everything is important when studying anomalies, come on. O5-13: the first dream was dull O5-13: i was crawling through a rice field, by the water O5-13: you know how rice fields are O5-13: it was hot i felt it on my wings O5-13: no i don't use them i don't know how to and don't want to. it was hot and humid and the field was empty O5-13: no people no animals not even crickets O5-13: everything was still and nothing made a sound O5-13: as i said dull O5-13: when i reached the end of the field i saw something at a short distance O5-13: a building like a castle or a medieval style house O5-13: considerably tall and large with half a dozen twisting towers protruding from its ceiling O5-13: it was made of some kind of smooth white stone O5-13: it reminded me of a ruined mansion i'd seen in tuscany back when i worked there O5-13: it felt out of place by the field O5-13: i moved closer O5-13: and that was how the dream ended O5-13: of yesterday's i recall little Dr. Gregorius: Alright, shoot… Ah, sorry for my crudeness, it's just that I am particularly invested in the SCP-6883 case. O5-13: i can see that O5-13: yesterday i saw the castle thing again O5-13: i entered it O5-13: and that was the end of the dream O5-13: i'm sorry my work ended up piling up on your desk again O5-13: it wasn't meant to be this way O5-13: i'll have one of my most trusted go back to 01 to help you out Dr. Gregorius: No need, and no need to be sorry. It's my duty and I will carry it out gladly. After all, one more project is nothing compared to the ones I'm already working on. You're a hard-working man, Harold, and the fact that you only took a break due to… extreme health concerns, to put it lightly, does you more than justice. That reminds me — you should take breaks more often. O5-13: it's your work just as it is mine Dr. Gregorius: It'll be mine for a long while more. The stream of things we have to do changes and grows in size and might as time goes on, but you have already laid more than enough bricks in the dam to contain it. O5-13: so you say O5-13: still this is a temporary setback i hope O5-13: i'll think about what to do once i get back in the meantime O5-13: between now and what else i don't know but i'll think Dr. Gregorius: I'd say we're reaching the end of the interview, so I'll proceed to ask the final question. Are you feeling better? O5-13: feeling better how Dr. Gregorius: Better in general. Less stressed, getting better sleep, this kind of better. O5-13: i have not been able to work O5-13: i am unsatisfied with being in a body that is not my own O5-13: i am feeling not unwell O5-13: my condition is all but exceptional though i thought my reaction would be worse Dr. Gregorius: That's not terrible to hear, then. We are done, I believe. O5-13: one last thing O5-13: could i suggest you take some time off this O5-13: this interview alone lasted too much O5-13: everyone has limits Dr. Gregorius: Different limits. If that is all, Thirteen, we can call it a day O5-13: this is all O5-13: take care gregor Dr. Gregorius: You take care too, Harold. End Log Five days after O5-13's interview, the following recording was obtained via secret data recorders implanted inside the Administrator's brain, under the orders of five O5 members lead by O5-1. The Administrator was resting in their home in Venice, Italy, as they conversed with Mr. K., a former colleague and a high-ranking officer of GoI-503 ("Aviatica"). The following conversation was recorded: AVIATICA With the Wings of Freedom, Rings the Bell of Progress Begin Log Individuals Involved: Mr. K. (Aviatica Arch-editor), Doctor Sandford Gregorius (Foundation Administrator) Mr. K: (Standing on top of a pillar, adjusting his visor.) So Gregorius, nice to see ya 'gain. Beh, I suppose that you have been living quite a - Dr. Gregorius: Get down from there, you idiot. You never learned from that damn sniper shot in Milan, huh? (Sighs.) Mr. K: (His visor slightly flashes and beeps, as he frowns, whispering.) Ahh, how cold. Look, Gregor, it was your fault that the guys noticed me, since you were too jumpy for some action. You still owe me a beer for that, you know. (Chuckles.) Dr. Gregorius: Svejk was pestering me too much during that time. Said that we had to get the kind of news to give 'im shivers or something like that. Well… Mr. K: Anyway, it's been some years already since that. How's your life as an admin? Dr. Gregorius: Hmmn, (Lights a cigarette.) About as good as the shit that occurred in Milan. Mr. K: (Pauses for five seconds. More beeping.) Ehh, even though it was a disaster that got burnt into your mind, Aviatica did get some data from that place. Or… (His head turns around, beeping. He frowns). Or… are you referring to that promise? Dr. Gregorius: Treba, you came here for that, no? The pillar begins to rise up, bending and folding in several directions. Mr. K is standing unmovingly on it. Mr. K: Of course, Administrator. Well, no pressure on ya, just keeping tabs here and there. But well, don't you think that it's time to cha - Dr. Gregorius: I can't, K. The Foundation is crippled by the same bureaucracy we saw everywhere. Throughout my 10-year tenure, nothing has practically changed. The same vicious cycle of papers to be filled, bureaucratic shit, pretty much anything that should be burnt under the sun. I can't do anything, not even my hopes for reforming everything, including the world, K. Even O5-13, the guy you wanted me to train, got consumed by it. They sigh. Dr. Gregorius: Damn it, K. I'm really bad with promises. Mr. K: Hmmn, you couldn't handle it? Ahh, you were always the guy who said, "I'm gonna turn this place upside-down!" like a hotshot writer or somethin'. Dr. Gregorius: It's as hard as meeting Leggere's deadlines, you know. Mr. K: (Chuckles.) Huh, those are pretty good times. Seeing you on the bench and noddin' around was something we used for bets. Anyway, let's get to the point now. Just three days earlier, some of Aviatica's top brass received info on ya, and since you did pretty much a lotta stuff for us, we thought about informing you. Mr. K snaps his fingers. The pillar that they are standing on begins to duplicate itself, connecting to Dr. Gregorius' home via tubing, wiring, and avian sculptures. After five minutes, the Administrator's home begins to resemble Milan's Castello Sforzesco. Mr. K. sighs. Dr. Gregorius: What are you yapping about? Mr. K: To start with, Gregor, we only got sent to the Alps for a small expedition, with no shooting involved. (Narrows eyes.) You're prob' confusing the gun stuff with other places like Prague, Barcelona, or Caracas, or those blokes at Moscow… ah shit, we journalists are shot at too much. Anywa- Dr. Gregorius: Look, don't start bullshitting me about my time in Avia- Mr. K: Listen, we were sent there around 25 years ago to investigate the Castello. Not much happened there, except you being too jumpy. when exploring it. Remember it, Gregor. Dr. Gregorius: Hmmn, that ca- that castle's ringing something in my mind. I am not sure why though. Mr. K: Of course, Gregor. what's ringing in your mind must be the jokes we had about you fainting at the entrance of that place, saying something about 'changing the world as I promised to Crea' or something else. You know, when we found you, you were absolutely filled up with roaches coming from your mouth. We thought you died a bullshit death. Dr. Gregorius: Crea… damn it, I never got to paying my respects to her. Mr. K: What the hell are ya talkin' about, Gregor? Dr. Gregorius: Crea. The newbie reporter who exploded into pieces back at the Castello. We almost saved her, just before the roaches ate her out of nowhere! (The Administrator switches into a colder tone.) Mr. K: Crea, ehh - that expedition required us veterans, ya know. Dr. Gregorius: Oi, don't say that- A loud beeping sound is emitted from the visor of Mr. K. Mr. K: Well, well, well, whoever is this Crea you're talking about, or your memories… well, I won't comment on them further. However, the thaumaturgic readings we got from ya back at the castle are almost similar to what you're scatterin' around in this place. That's the gist of it. Dr. Gregorius: Look, K., I'm sorry, but you guys have a few screws loose. I have been functioning as an officer and an Administrator of the Foundation. Treba, at least most of the time. I just spent the rest of my free time getting drunk or enjoying cigars or whatever. Mr. K: Oh well, investigating ya right now wouldn't lead to anything good. Look, Gregor, this is for our own sake. At that same place, at the Castello, something related to cockroaches is reappearing again. Better take note of it, you know, as our sources are just beginning to catch on. At the same time, you stink of the same readings involved with those roaches. Dr. Gregorius: Cockroaches, huh. (Appears to be slightly shocked.) Alright, alright, I will keep in mind what you have said. Mr. K: Also… one last thing. Don't stand too much on pillars. You might faint like you did in that castle. End Log The Administrator transformed into an SCP-6883-1 instance five days following their conversation with Mr. K. The phrase 'MUTARE MUNDI' was engraved on their carapace. Footage involving the Administrator's behavior in the previous days has been analyzed after psychological investigations ordered by O5-1 has determined abnormal behavior on their part. The transcript of Log #55, which is the most notable due to its anomalous effects, is provided below. O5-13 do not recall the incidents that transpired in these logs after extensive psycho-memetic analysis. Begin Log Personnel Involved: Sandford Gregorius (Foundation Administrator), O5-13 The two individuals scheduled a meeting behind closed doors, which was granted by the Ethics Committee. During the event, they were separated via a glass pane and were provided computers. O5-13: hey gregor. hows work in this room? O5-1 told us that its still a bit of a shock that you turned into a roach but hopefully things still work pretty fine Dr. Gregorius: well, the books are there, the laptop for roaches is on that table, and pretty much everything else is in those closets. Dr. Gregorius: my eyes, all of them, still take some time to adjust to the lighting and the fact that I get many images streaming into my head, but overall it's not a bad deal. i can see pitch-black stuff Dr. Gregorius: i have also been feeling pretty well and happy not much angst over getting turned into a roach O5-13: having compound eyes does wonders. must be good for sore eyes due to work. O5-13 heaves its body, with its wings and carapace slightly buzzing. O5-13: its too bad coffee tastes like shit to us roaches Dr. Gregorius: hmmn wasn't it the other way around with roaches in the coffee Dr. Gregorius: I remember your story about nescafe and cockroaches in their ground coffee O5-13: probably O5-13: lets get to the point now O5-13: i have received news about o5-1's plans for us of retirement or containment O5-13: they have started by confining us to our room, O5-13: but at least we can still be useful to the foundatoin Dr. Gregorius: seems like the perfect time to get rid of us. Dr. Gregorius: can't exactly blame him, though, despite his ambitions. to climb the ranks h Dr. Gregorius: he didn't… exactly trust me, even at the start. well, I was a journalist back then hahaha Dr. Gregorius: also, the fact that the Administrator got turned into an insect Dr. Gregorius: well, keeping that as a secret is bound to mess up stuff and security concerns. <Both are silent for several seconds.> O5-13: hmmn mind if I tell you something about the foundation? I wanted to let this out Dr. Gregorius: what's it about O5-13: do you ever feel like breaking the Veil O5-13: we spend so much burucracy tryin to maintain everything in secrecy O5-13: it stifled our dreams back then O5-13: you know O5-13: change the world and all Dr. Gregorius: but it's too late now to break the viel. Dr. Gregorius: anyway how did you plan to do it? O5-13: i wanted it to be somewhat gradual. O5-13: just like how leggere often taught us when we were setting up the magic cams and the bird drones so they don't squawk a lot on spy missions O5-13: I have a list or outline to do that and so far well err O5-13 rapidly flaps its wings, and raises one of its legs as a salute. O5-13: with the fondazione at helm we can guide everyone throughout the noosphere, maybe even tangle up with oneiroi O5-13: the sarkics, well, they can be dealt with easily. O5-13: serpents hand, aviatica, practically everyone O5-13: they can at least be on much better terms with us if we are more transparent O5-13: we can better protect the free ports, the antenelian pasages in milan O5-13: tenoktitlan's area in mexico O5-13: the guys at site-120 trying to fight off flesh gods O5-13: the weones at site-34 crying out 'SEKHO' as their battle cry, or say, company cheer, …. everyone, I think. O5-13: But then, those are just a pipe dream though O5-13 stomps their feet. Dr. Gregorius: change like that is not working. aviaticas decade long calls for political reforms being jackshit, and even my own pare O5-13: wha Dr. Gregorius: i have a question for you harold Dr. Gregorius: wuld you oppose the foundation if we did something like whiplashing the world Dr. Gregorius: of course no one will get hurt Dr. Gregorius: but the veil would break up like restaurants' windows when we were gettin' shot at Dr. Gregorius: its for like, the betterment of the world, you know O5-13: why are you asking that O5-13: It's not like we can do anything in this goddamn room hahahaha <Quickly goes silent.> O5-13: hmmn it's not a bad thought O5-13: but something that drastic is not something I really want O5-13: most of the time everything just gets fucked up O5-13: sure, the world changes, but more often than not, it turns into a world half-empty. Or half-full? you get the idea Both are silent for several seconds. O5-13: so i will probably oppose something like that O5-13: more often than not, strings are being pulled behind the scenes, tangling and causing the events to crash O5-13: aviatica often fucked up doing that sort of thing, im quite surprised that our friends over there are still kickin O5-13: it's why I get the rationale of the Foundation. O5-13:we just don't want to stir up so much trouble. We're methodical Dr. Gregorius: hahh you truly learnt a lot of things from K, eh Dr. Gregorius: I see what you mean Dr. Gregorius: though I don't necessarily agree with the bureaucratic part Dr. Gregorius: change is something that is not like a rash decision but O5-13: but? Dr. Gregorius: what if its something that's already decades in the making At this point, reality instability levels spike. The sentence 'I am beginning to remember now' manifests on the Administrator's carapace. End Log Begin Log Personnel Involved: Sandford Gregorius (Junior Aviatica Reporter), Mr. K (Aviatica Officer) A younger version of the Administrator is seated on the steps leading to the interior of a Baroque-style church in Broumov, Czech Republic. The church is unidentifiable and does not correspond to any known structure. However, it has a generally typical appearance with large spikes on its roof and a belfry tower nearby, save for massive overgrowth and foliage surrounding it. Meanwhile, a silhouette of a 100-meter-tall humanoid entity, SCP-6883-3, can be seen in the distance. The stomping of the entity can be heard, although the Administrator ignores it. As he tries to stop a cockroach pestering him via his hands, the Administrator briefly enters the church. The song 'Waymaker' can be heard playing, while wooden automatons clad in navy blue and black, with armbands bearing the Aviatica logo, can be seen. A casket can be found near the altar, surrounded by wreathes of flowers such as chrysanthemum and calla lilies. Most people had left, as the service had apparently ended. The Administrator converses with one automaton whose face is significantly blurred who called him, although he sighs. The automatons breaks into cockroach shells. After 30 minutes, the service concludes. The people then leave, heading towards the cemetery. Everyone is grouped in knots of three or five. Now with the casket interred in the cemetery, Mr. K, one of the few individuals with an organic appearance, approaches him. They talk on a nearby bench. Mr. K: Yo, Gregor. <Waves hand, as he takes a seat beside the Administrator. Both are silent for at least 30 seconds.> I'm sorry for your loss. Sandford Gregorius: … Don't be so… ah well… <The Administrator's hands curl up into balls, but then relax after a while.> Mr. K: <Looks around.> At least she would have liked this weather. You know, the girl in red… what's her name aga - <Turns silent.> It's a good thing we managed to at least get her back. Sandford Gregorius: …I suppose. It would have been somewhat cruel if, if she did not have the chance to at least see the damned sky. She often joked that it was so cloudy whenever she was in this godforsaken place. Even Britain showed her some of the sun, she said. Mr. K: From the looks of it… that girl, you know, she seemed to have really seen a lot of places. Lots of memories. Though it's sad that she got hit by those fuckers. Sandford Gregorius: Her parents, you know, even forgot their only daughter when I approached them about the funeral… those Fae… apparently, the Foundation had gotten 'em. Can't be sure where they are now exactly, or how they're rotting in a cell somewhere. Mr. K: …Well, let's, let's just… wait. I think I remember something now about the girl. A very faint memory, I guess. Gregor, do you know the one about the pen? I remember seeing it in an in-depth investigation of Crea. Sandford Gregorius: Hmmn… ah. The good ol' party trick Crea used to do. What of it? Mr. K takes out several Faber-Castell pens, all of which are dotted with holes near the knib. He ties a chrysanthemum flower and a string to each pen, before throwing them into the sky. The pens shoot up like a rocket, scattering red, blue, and yellow water. Mr. K: Compression… I never got tired of this trick. Sandford Gregorius: I jogged my head a lot of times, and I think these pens saved us once. Don't exactly know where, but I remember them zipping through like firecrackers through a sea of… Mr. K: Damned corporate beetle fairies. They had this stench that I can still smell up to now. When I remember it, the deal we tried to broker so that everyone - humans, faeries, fuck-ups, everything - could live in peace. Too bad we overstepped as journalists, so they say. Sandford Gregorius: Beetles, huh? Crea used to be amazed by those. Back when we were kids, we used to get a very long tube or stick up, poke some trees in the middle of nowhere, and those beetles would fall. Then we scoop 'em up, or put them in a Tupperware container. (Chuckles.) Then we would be content for the whole day, at least until the beetles would start a revolution and somehow get the hell out of the container. Mr. K: Hmmn… it's amazing that you changed from that into a journo ready to throw flashbangs when needed. Sandford Gregorius: Well… that carelessness makes people screw up so badly… fuck that. Both are silent for at least three minutes. The visor of Mr. K beeps steadily and more rapidly. Sandford Gregorius: Ah, I remember something else that Crea said. Always give the last straw, the poslední kapka, or something like that. Even if it takes your identity. For her, it was for the happiness of the people. As a journo… well, I once told her that sort of thinking is stupid. As journalists, we hang out with motherfuckers all the time. But you see… she told something else. Do everything, she said. Live like a goddamn adventuring reporter, you know? Something like that? The Administrator wipes his eyes. She also said some weird stuff like "functionality transcends form and shape at all costs", especially when we were comparing beetles and humans back then… ahhh. Damn it. Mr. K: <Sighs.> Oi, oi, oi. Don't keep it bottled up. I know being stoic is one of your things, but… but, ah. Sandford Gregorius: Oh well. K… I have been thinking about something. A question boiling in my mind. Mr. K: Hmm, what's it? Sandford Gregorius: Aviatica, you know, has that sort of calm, suave stance on everything. Not so militaristic - a very hopeful group of journalist nerds pushing for reforms and shit. Something, something like Crea, you know? But… you see, do you think the day will come when something drastic, a whiplash, you know, is needed for this world? Mr. K: Well… hasn't that been practiced pretty much everywhere? Most declarations of independence, 'round the world'. The Intelligentsia Uprising of the Free Ports. The Foundation-Aviatica Wars. Those times when the Philippines or pretty much the whole of Southeast Asia got fuckin' reset six times by our guys and a snake. Something like that, no? Well… Sandford Gregorius: Well? Mr. K: I don't really like those. The Philippines, for example, even if it got reset several times, still have nothing good enough occurring. Still a third world country, and in a state, you can't describe as 'better'. These events, you know, seem to bring more chaos than expected. I mean, sure, something good happens - would suck if that's not the case. In any case… <A phone rings.> Ah, something's come up. You ok if I leave ya here for a moment? Sandford Gregorius: <Fidgets for a few seconds, smoothening his suit.> Ah, sure. After a few minutes, the Administrator, now alone, begins to tear up, chuckling occasionally. The surroundings begin to drastically change, as he takes out a business card, labelled 'Castello'. It is shining, and the text on the card changes at a moment's notice. Sandford Gregorius: Ah, damn it. At least those beetles brought something good to me. Crea… damn it, I won't fuck up this time. I remember everything now… why, why I of all the people of Aviatica, had been brought to the Foundation. A cockroach swarm then manifests, preying over the wooden automatons. Overgrowth of the trees and plants in the area also occurs, destroying the cemetery and making several buildings collapse in the vicinity. Meanwhile, the entity, now identified to be an amalgamation of SCP-6883-3, is closing into the Administrator, destroying the church in the process. The Administrator stands still, chuckling. The land where the casket was buried begins to inflate and rumble, revealing a large cockroach. It obtains several massive gashes that leak liters of colorless blood and becomes paralyzed at the end as it fights SCP-6883-3, although it wins and manages to return SCP-6883-3 into pieces. The cockroach that was previously pestering the Administrator also grows in size, and devours him. The remains, composed of bone and tissue, begin to turn into smaller cockroaches that then swarm. End Log Begin Log Personnel Involved: Sandford Gregorius (Just a normal cockroach), POI-6883 The Administrator, still in human form, is in the middle of a medieval-style room, carrying a bulk of paperwork. Administrator: Ahh, you damn idiot. Is this what you meant by a warm-up? Reviewing tax forms and documents for your daily life, ha? A shrill buzzing sound can be heard, followed by the laughter of a glasses-wearing woman in a long-sleeved shirt and culotte. The woman fixes her braided hair. Administrator: Oi, you, what's with the get-up? After 20 years, this is what your fashion sense amounted to? POI-6883: You really are quite rude, Gregor, even two decades into the future. Is it bad for a nature goddess to wear clothing like this? Yes, I represent roaches, but technically, I still am a goddess, and I have the power to wear anything I want. You know, you know, it's boring to just always wear white, or a carapace. Administrator: You tell me. For starters, wearing wildly contrasting colors somewhat hurts my eyes. Two, the glass frames do not fit your jaws. Three, I don't think that this type of clothing is… conducive enough for things like human observation, like you always do. POI-6883: Hmmn… human observation eh. You see, Gregor, I was trying to play a scenario with this clothing. A friendless, ordinary, college school girl - something like that and without my memories to boot. Well… it's not… <POI-6883 becomes silent.> Well, it didn't turn out so bad? Dodged a few bullets here and there, and well… <POI-6883's face considerably contorts, frowning.> the worst thing I suffered from was being splashed with Listerine. That hurts a lot for a roach. Both of them turn silent, with the Administrator sighing. POI-6883: Any- anyway, how was it? The 20-year overdue stay, iya, more like an illegal settlement, at the Foundation? Up to this day, I still can't believe I managed to wring in those heathens from the Forest to help us out despite our actual plan with them, so you better have good results, Gregor. Administrator: …it wasn't what I had expected. Two whole decades of backbreaking work, bureaucracy, as I climbed through the ranks from an Agent to an Administrator. Few, lucky strokes, I guess. But I kept my end of the deal when I visited you at the Castello. The Administrator snaps their fingers. The room dematerializes, and they and POI-6883 manifest in the observation room of Site-354, where SCP-6883-3's remains are contained under Class-A Protocols. POI-6883: Ahh, so the mighty Uomino has collapsed even under the Foundation's iron boots. If this wasn't only a vision, then I could mock him more effectively. Administrator: Crea, when we found it in the Alps, it was already heavily broken down, though still functioning. Ahh, I wonder if it has a connection with a certain nature, nah, idiot goddess here. Anyway, we delivered a grand beating to it, so it broke down into pieces we stashed somewhere in those mountains and then called it a day. Also, it was still functioning with a massive amount of thaumaturgic energy, so we implemented some tubing and cables to drain it. We'll be going there anyway, after I dealt… <The voice lowers.> Ahhh, not exactly an easy thing to do, to be honest. Treba, if this thing wasn't attacked by those greenland inhabitants of… yore, well, the Italian and German branches would be in the dregs right now. <Chuckles.> POI-6883: Uomino… are you sure that It wouldn't be awakening anytime soon. It would suck if - Administrator: Well, I'm confident it will work. <Takes out a cigarette.> POI-6883: Alright, alright. Looks like our next targets are focused on the Forest, Gregor… I almost couldn't hold it in when they killed me just a year after we made a deal. It was your idea though - we cockroaches are hardy and will survive fools like those, but we wouldn't be able to meet again to provide… emotional growth for you, I suppose? Administrator: Hmmn… '"Functionality over form", right, Crea? If you exterminated them, we wouldn't have… an energy source for our grand salvo, and the Foundation would just be pissed. This is a game of planning and waiting, after all, as well as setting bets far into the future. POI-6883: Waiting, and waiting, and waiting… huh. You always made me wait, ever since we found each other as you ran away from your blazing village, Gregor. Those beetles - the Scarabei - were really a blight on the world, and it seems that based on your dreams and fabricated memories, they really got lodged into your mind. Then we separated, you know? Administrator: I… ahh, I don't exactly know anymore. The stunts I pulled with my mind aren't particularly, well, good. POI-6883: Haah, it's fine, it's fine. Then you joined Aviatica - full of journalists who knew nothing better to do but want a better world by releasing the truth. You instead had to worry about your backs being shot by mooks, and nothing of actual note, aside from the stunts, happened. Then I had you got to the Foundation as a final measure - I do apologize for perverting your ideals as a journalist. But it was all for a chance to see if you can still fix the world, and for the sake of finding Uomino, that abomination. Ahh, I really forced a lot on you, haven't I? Still, you really… changed. Like a bleakened moth coming out of its cocoon. Administrator: Nah… <Sighs.> It's, it's fine, Crea. You don't need to worry too much about that. Anyway, since our last… trial, no, test has failed, well, it's time to draw the conclusion. We will head to the forest using a Way I know in Venice. Then, we will proceed with the plan. POI-6883: Ah, first thing. The Verwandlung. You haven't forgotten it, right? The Administrator turns to POI-6883, appearing shocked for a few seconds, although they gradually relax. Administrator: Is it… is it really needed? POI-6883: Of course. You can't brace the full brunt of my capabilities, after all, even if you are already an Administrator. <Chuckles.> Administrator: Ahhh, alright, alright. I won't… I won't budge from it now, especially if it's the only way remaining… one last thing. POI-6883: What's it? Administrator: After implementing the Emergence all over humanity, are you sure you can make everyone at least happy, especially at work? POI-6883: Hmnnn… of course. We nature goddesses don't renege on decade-old promises. A pentagram then manifests, with the Administrator and POI-6883 inside. POI-6883 hands over their eyeglasses to the Administrator, as several appendages sprout from their back The skin begins to turn brown and flake up, as they then devour the Administrator. A mass of bones, skin, and tissue are left behind. POI-6883, now fully identical to an SCP-6883-1 instance aside from being 23 times the size, begins to amble forward; the vision of Site-354 collapses, reverting the surroundings into the medieval-style room. The abdomen of POI-6883 begins to inflate, causing the carapace to crack and leak fluids. Several cockroach swarms now appear at this point, surrounding POI-6883. POI-6883's ootheca sac drops from its abdomen after leaking several liters of black and green fluid. This also causes an influx of eggs, one of which hatches into a white nymph, whose rapidly growing size is comparable to POI-6883's. It molts several times in a span of minutes, with the instars, or intervals in between, only taking 30 seconds at most. The logos of Aviatica and the SCP Foundation appear on its mature carapace. A massive rumbling can be heard, as SCP-6883-2 manifests in front of the two, which then promptly board it. At this point, the data recorders in the Administrator's mind cease to function after the stress of the metamorphosis. End Log Several cockroach swarm attacks were then reported near the forest in extranormative space, with the loss of approximately 95 percent of all who have made it their abode. According to monitoring stations near the field of names, a 20km wide, 150m-tall castle, referred to as SCP-6883-2, has manifested, with approximately 4,300,000 cockroaches of varying sizes enabling it to levitate. above the greeneries in the chimneys. Meanwhile, the socialites of the grounds attempted to evacuate from the SCP-6883-1 instances, although they incurred losses up to 90 percent. Thaumaturgic presence in the no man's farland have dropped to negative levels - thaumaturgic responders have reported the loss of function with most of their equipment, as well as significant transformations of several MTF forces accompanying them into SCP-6883-1 instances. It is hypothesized that significant levels of thaumaturgic energy have been obtained from the the stacks of greeneries. After destroying the crux of the meadows, SCP-6883-2 has moved towards Venice in the span of two weeks. It then fixed its location, hovering over the city. Three days after the disappearance of the Administrator, 80 percent of all Foundation Sites worldwide around the world lost contact with SCiPNet, following reports of destruction due to thousand-strong cockroach swarms. Physical entry into the Sites has been practically rendered impossible due to dense foliage, barriers composed of cockroach carapaces, and castle-like edifices. Meanwhile, all of the O5 Council members, save for O5-13, are reported as missing. Five days afterward, a Foundation Class-1 mandate was signed by the Ethics Committee. The mandate, announced globally through public and Foundation's channels, is provided below: EMBRACE EMERGENCE We represent the SCP Foundation, once dedicated to the mere goal of containing and studying anomalies and related phenomena. However, upon further introspection, the Foundation is now focused on featuring the real nature of everyone - human or not - and society - happiness. Currently, the Foundation is setting up Provisional Sites, as well as mobile platforms, for transforming members of society into more productive, livelier, and happier lives with their emotions in mind. All citizens, including Foundation personnel, are welcomed. Communication is encouraged between all involved sectors - let us just introduce ourselves to one another with our real selves - even if our selves will become nameless in the future as time clangs against our mediocrity and bureaucracy - and we will work together for the future of all. The Foundation flies and dies in the darkness for you to live happily in the light. - The Administrator. Secure. Contain. Protect, for a Better Future. Following this announcement, the Foundation has redesignated SCP-6883 as Thaumiel. Only 12 percent of all active Foundation assets can combat SCP-6883. Led by O5-13, they evacuated to Switzerland, alongside members of Aviatica, led by Mr. K. Major Sites, such as Site-19, Site-24, and Site-120, are now compromised. Following the Foundation announcement, approximately 124,562,000 individuals worldwide, all of whom suffer from varying levels of depression and harbor feelings of mediocrity, have approached Provisional Sites set up by the Foundation over the past month to turn into SCP-6883-1 instances after undergoing thaumaturgic psychological techniques. Analysis has only revealed that most of these individuals are only mildly affected by Foundation memetic agents and have come by their own volition. Meanwhile, more aggressive campaigns by the Foundation are focused on providing relief and purpose to citizens by turning them into highly-coordinated SCP-6883-1 instances. Afterward, these individuals are released back to their ordinary environments, with memetic agents normalizing their appearances. They display heightened levels of happiness, optimism, and productivity at work. At the start, approximately 98,000 SCP-6883-related accidents occurred worldwide due to the lack of familiarity with cockroach-based functions. 11 Foundation Sites were then forcibly occupied by SCP-6883-1 instances, resulting in the release of 235 anomalies, all of which turn into deformed SCP-6883-1 instances. Due to freed Keter anomalies, many parts of the Americas and Asia have been obliterated. However, the world's population has not reacted negatively to the released entities or the incidents, and instead cheer and continue their daily routines. The following message is the transcript of O5-13's emergency declaration following the near total collapse of the Foundation. We are the last foundations of the Foundation, but we still have a plan. We will fight for humanity's form, this time with their happiness in mind. We will commence Operation UOMINI to revive SCP-6883-3, also known as "Uomino". All remaining thaumaturgic personnel and equipment of the Foundation are to be immediately transported to Site-354 and the Alpine outposts to commence preparations for channeling conduits into SCP-6883-3. Approximately 81 percent of humanity has been converted into SCP-6883-1 instances, with record-high advances in workplace productivity, scientific progress, and quality of life, according to a Foundation update report released by the Ethics Committee. Meanwhile, the Foundation and Aviatica has launched an expedition to Venice, in hopes of luring the Administrator to Bolzano or the Western Alps in order to initiate Operation UOMINI. O5-13 was included in the roster for the expedition after the development and successful testing of the V-2 Eckernacht Noospheric Apparatus, a cerebral microchip which allowed for telepathic communication with other individuals. They were chosen due to their familiarity with the Administrator, lessened hostility of SCP-6883-1 instances in their vicinity, and augmented flight capabilities. Begin Log Personnel Involved: Sandford Gregorius (SCP-6883-Ω), O5-13, Mr. K With the help of MTF Lambda-12 ("Pest Control"), MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down"), and MTF Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters"), an opening for O5-13 and Mr. K. was created to reach the bottom of the central spire of SCP-6883-2 and enter it. Using preliminary data obtained by Aviatica and the surviving members of the residents of the land of green crucibles, they head down to the control room. Surveillance drones and data recorders attached to one of O5-13's compound eyes capture the interior of SCP-6883-2. Its walls are lined with the imagery of the following: a doctor prying out a tooth, red threads wrapped around a man, a serpentine-like entity carrying koalas, a man with a bird hat, a large clockwork machine, and a rebar sculpture. Further murals in the upper levels display images of the Foundation and Aviatica logos and anomalies. There are images - a sheaf of papers, seven moons on the night sky, a telephone on a table, a manor, and several doves flying in the air. Foundation wartime sirens echo throughout SCP-6883-2. Mr. K and O5-13 repel the attacking SCP-6883-1 instances as they run through the corridors. Several instances are benign and raise all of their legs as a sign of surrender. A few protect smaller instances. Mr. K, sighing and looking around, activates their PenShield. They soon arrive at a wide octagonal room at the top of the tower - it has a single door. O5-13: behind you k there's some roaches comin <Mauls one of them, as K shoots the incoming SCP-6883-1 instance.> Mr. K: Alrighty, here we go. Now, it seems that Gregor holed up in this place as a sort of final fortress, so we'll not know what kind of fuckery he has in store here. O5-13: <Sighs.> gregor prepare yourself. <Takes out a C4 amplified with a reality anchor and places it near the door.> Mr. K: Oi, Harold, the hell are ya holdin'? O5-13: isnt the policy to go have a blazing entrance Mr. K: Look, those guys inside would be alerted. Much better to attack in silence, ya know? Mr. K hits the door, which then promptly activates a computerized voice, introducing itself as LIBERA. LIBERA: Please answer the following question. "When does freedom ring?" O5-13: Hmmnn…? LIBERA: Well, well, well. <Sighs, and smokes a cigarette.> Good ol' Gregorius still hasn't forgotten his roots, after all, so he's still human in a weird sort of way. Judging from our memories back at Milan, Moscow, Medellin, Manila… O5-13: something based on his experiences from things like the aviatican crisis of 2001, i suppose? no, more like how he would think when it comes to these sort of things, and i remember him thinking like ya'… Mr. K: <Frowning.> Well, let's try this. "Freedom rings with a blazing entrance." <Sticks another C4 on the door, and signals O5-13 to run for cover, as he leaps away from the door with PenShield at maximum power.> LIBERA: Access approved. Mr. K: Eh? Reality instability levels begin to spike, with Mr. K's and O5-13's Scranton Reality Anchors breaking apart. Their weaponry and most equipment, save for their armor, also demanifest. They are transported to a replica of the Site-19 Pavilion, which is generally reserved for spatial entities. Kant levels indicate that they are now out of phase with baseline reality. Administrator: Yo, Harold and K. The Administrator's appearance is a mix of cockroach and human forms, bleeding from several orifices, while a 50-meter-tall, bulging head, with one antenna missing, of a cockroach is located behind him. Mr. K: What a haircut you got there, Gregor. Also, I guess that's Crea at the back? Administrator: I suppose you came here to talk? Also, about Crea, don't talk like that 'bout her, K. She spent everything, banking on this one particular moment to empower the world for everyone for one simple trade-off - and it worked for once. She can only talk, so… if you aren't going to kill us yet, well, let's go talk then. O5-13: not as if theres any choice for us. you stripped us of our weapons after all Administrator: Hahhh… look. We all have our principles. To start, if you weren't interfering, the world would have been much, much, much elevated to a considerably higher state. Look into this vision I prepared for you. Another dimension shift occurs with all the individuals present in the Pavilion. They are transported over landscapes that show scenes from the daily lives of SCP-6883-1 cockroach instances. Note that the words "Scene #X show over each landscape, with X being a number. These scenes are shown as they were in the vision. In Scene #1, Venice is depicted. An SCP-6883-1 instance, garbed only in a hat and burgeoning clothes, can be seen flapping its wings as it uses its appendages to row a gondola. Accompanying it are another instance with only a ribbon on its prothorax, and several smaller instances. The song "Fame un spritz" and "Sarde in Saor" plays in the background. Several Venetian landmarks, such as the Ponte di Rialto and Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, can be seen in the distance, albeit heavily modified with cockroach iconography. In Scene #9, Site-19 is depicted in the middle of a containment breach involving SCP-682, which is now heavily modified with several antennae jutting out from several parts of its body as well as a flaking carapace. Cockroach swarms and SCP-6883-1 instances acting as Foundation personnel quickly subdue it in a eucalyptol and menthol bath1. Scene #2, meanwhile, shows a normal family of SCP-6883-1 instances, enjoying a dinner of normal human food. The largest instance smacks one of the smaller entities due to its rowdiness. Scene #4 shows Mr. K, the Administrator, O5-13, and Crea having a barbecue party, albeit with all of them now SCP-6883-1 instances. Administrator: Images from the present and the future… or what could happen with our plan to make the world a happier place. Anomalies, even feared ones like 682, can be controlled, while those that escape during Emergence are quickly subdued. Functionality over form, you see. The cockroach head behind the Administrator emits a low-pitch, bellowing sound, but does not move. Administrator: Don't you think it will work now? <Their skin flakes off, revealing a cockroach shell.> A small sacrifice of the human form, for the betterment of the soul, don't you think it's a valid idea? <Several appendages sprout from the arms of the Administrator.> The Foundation, with all of its unethical experiments performed on people like little girls, on the girl who cried pig… cannot sacrifice aesthetics for the sake of peace? Mr. K: There are two problems, Gregor, with your plan. First, it is fuckin' difficult to get a haircut when you are roach, and I like my haircuts. <Taps his visor, which obscures most of his hair and head.> Second, who do you think are, Reporter Gregorius, to think about changing the world? Administrator: Oi, wasn't all Aviatican reporters dreaming of - Mr. K: In a way that makes sense and does not set any nasty precedents for the future Foundation. Imagine losing your human form - aesthetics is not something you should mock, Gregor, just 'cause you are aiming for functionality. Now, considering you made a deal with a goddess from who knows where, then that sets an even more dangerous precedent. You can change the world if you ask the fairies. The Sarkics. The Broken God peeps, and sure, something good can happen if you take the right steps and with the right amount of luck. But who knows if the result, no matter how perfect it is, will work. Hell, even with insane shark punchers, I think the world can change. Can't say whether it will be good though, but I bet 20 bucks that it's much better than roaches. Now, as for your wor… work ethics will change - Administrator: Work ethic, huh… now we're talking work ethics with the admins. Look, that is the point of why I am here in the first - O5-13: gregor let me talk as your friend O5-13: youre burnin way too many bridges here O5-13: its a rash decision too in the end, though i admire that you took decades of planning for it Administrator: Rash decision? Don't screw with me - <Flaps their wings.> O5-13: you always worked alone even with me available for advice O5-13: for 10 years O5-13: no O5-13: 20 whole fucking years O5-13: the foundation was built on the spirit of collaboration Administrator: Hahh? Then what about that social climber, O5-1? O5-13: In your planning wasn't that how you also climbed up ranks O5-13: you never seemed to have friends as a result O5-13: except for those who managed to sneak aviatica in O5-13: as a result you were a workaholic cause how else can you perform O5-13: but you see, there's still a chance for us. for you. for the foundation O5-13: didnt i say that i also wanted to change the world but in smaller, more gradual steps? The Administrator now appears angered, as more of his human skin flakes up. O5-13 and Mr. K back down. However, he then relaxes, with his human appearance quickly returning. Administrator: Thank you for pointing that out… I guess, Harold. But you see… The Administrator quickly reverts to their SCP-6883-1 form. Administrator: That's another thing that I need to do in this new world. I paid too much for this opportunity, K and Harold. Crea too. The dignity of the Foundation. Everything, everything… everything, you see? Mr. K: Oi, that's the sunk cost fallacy, Gregor. One of the first few things we learned at journ school. Administrator: Journ school… do you think it matters now with the administrator of a truth-bending organization. For this new chance for a better world, I'm willing to - Mr. K: I see, so you are prepared to even lose that part of yours. In the end, you know, Gregor <Takes out a Faber-Castell pen from a pencil case.>, if you remove the aspect of a journalist from yourself, don't you think that your actual identity will no longer exist? Think about it. Everything we talked about in these past few days, nay, even 20 years ago, was about you being a journo or you changing the world. Now… I guess you're just a man who blabs about changing the world… but nothing else. Mr. K activates the pen - a disguised Scranton Reality Anchor - warping them back to SCP-6883-2. Then, Mr. K and O5-13 are beset by several cockroach swarms, although they protect themselves via their PenShields. Mr. K: Alrighty. One last thing, Gregor, we and your pal Uomino will be waiting for ya at the Western Alps! Administrator: Uomin…o? Shit, how the hell— Mr. K launches himself into the air with the help of O5-13. His PenShield blocks any attacks from the SCP-6883-1 instances present in the area. He then throws the pencil, which then manifests into a reality anchor. Although the Administrator deactivates the anchor, it paralyzes them and all SCP-6883-1 instances. He lands near the window, signaling O5-13 to come near him. Administrator: Oi, K <Holding the anchor>, it's quite admirable you bypassed my safety checks for anchors via pen but did you just seriously think that this - POI-6883: Idio… take a closer lo— Mr. K: <Salutes towards the Administrator and POI-6883, with their visor shining bright yellow.> Well, as Leggere often puts it, you should always leave a sort of gift at the house of the interviewee, particularly if they are an Otherworlder. Ciao! <Signals O5-13 to leave a drone for documentation, and then escape together. Before that. however, he throws another pen at the Administrator.> After O5-13 and Mr. K have escaped the castle and into Venice, the Administrator looks at the second pen. Their legs lose balance, as the effects of paralysis persist. POI-6883: <Sighs.> A double feint, huh. Well, well, well… that was…. a fine play from your frie… wasn't… it? As for this… well, the good ol' compression trick, huh. Should've… seen it comin'… The pen begins to emit beeping sounds, as Kant levels start destabilizing rapidly around it as the remains of the anchor also react with it. The Administrator is still holding it, however, but they soon emit a shrill scream. The pen shoots up from their hand, emitting red, blue, and yellow powder, before culminating in a nuclear explosion that obliterates the room and destroys the drone. End Log FILED UNDER DOCUMENT TYPE TM-6883 09/15/2025 Timeline Log 6883-01 — BEGIN LOG — 00:00:25 A small mushroom cloud dominates the Venetian landscape, destroying approximately 10 percent of the city. SCP-6883-2 is in a heavily damaged condition, with several spires, battlements, towers, and half of the bailey collapsing after the combination of the Aviatican nuclear pen attack and the reality anchor. Mr. K, seated on O5-13, is escaping from SCP-6883-2 with multiple cockroach swarms in pursuit. Telemetry data indicates that they are heading towards the Western parts of the Alpine Mountains. 00:05:16 A large, cockroach-like entity, designated SCP-6883-Ω, with deep gashes, manifests from the ruins of SCP-6883-2. It sports long trails of cockroach carapaces attached to its body. Mechanical tubing, wiring, cables, and tubes protrude out of its mesothorax and abdomen. Half of its prothorax, which corresponds to the head, is missing. Several florae, such as palm trees, azalea, and lilac, are rooted in the carapace. It then emits a shrill, hissing sound recorded to reach 140 decibels by an automatic Foundation outpost. 00:15:21 Via somersaults and dives, O5-13 and Mr. K evade the cockroach swarms, although one of the cockroaches stabs a leg into the arm of Mr. K. before being terminated. Meanwhile, reinforcements from the Alpine Squadron have arrived, firing a barrage of missiles that slow down SCP-6883-Ω, severely damaging it. Meanwhile, Aviatica's SCP-5630 instances, which are thaumaturgically-enhanced bird drones, commit diving attacks on SCP-6883-Ω, delivering bombs. When severely damaged, they crash themselves into the now-bleeding carapace. They also explode into a black, sticky fluid upon contact with SCP-6883-Ω. The fluid has massively slowed down the entity due to its hardening properties. Through time sinks and portable reality anchors, O5-13 and Mr. K manage to accelerate further. 00:26:21 Operation UOMINI Mission Control in Site-354 notifies O5-13 and Mr. K via noospheric links that 10 more minutes are needed to distract SCP-6883-Ω. At this point, Site-354 now loses significant amounts of energy. A black-out is expected after 10 minutes. Meanwhile, a combination of the Foundation and Aviatican dive-bombing attacks have crippled two legs of SCP-6883-Ω. However, 10,000-cockroach-strong swarms, several of which bear the Foundation logo, counter them. 00:32:16 Several missiles and nuclear weapons originating from the Austrian border, most likely due to the assimilated German branch, arrive at Site-354. These weapons are terminated via the still-functional PENTERN system along the Alps, although two of them hit Sites-350 and 352. Thaumaturgic mages not assigned to energy diversion repel the swarms of SCP-6883-1 instances via Ways and railguns. 00:40:51 O5-13 and Mr. K, now heavily injured, continue to resist the onslaught of SCP-6883-1 instances. As Mr. K's arm is no longer capable of wielding the gun, O5-13 has them rest and hang onto the carapace. O5-13 then wields a Gatling gun via its appendage, firing at the SCP-6883-1 instances while executing aerial maneuvers. 00:46:11 Mission Control announces that it is now operating at emergency power. Operation UOMINI is considered a success, and every involved Foundation and Aviatican asset retreat to designated safehouses. A massive rumbling then begins as parts of the Austrian Alps crumble. SCP-6883-3 is now active. Formerly a pile of blocks and remains that assembled upon sufficient energy diverted to it, SCP-6883-3 is a 100-meter-tall humanoid entity, with distinctive 'hat' and 'cane' portions. It is primarily composed of a mix of mechanical and organic materials. Steam rises from several holes in its body while gears and twines operate to maintain body rigor. A loud beeping sound, followed by bird chips, originates from the upper portion. SCP-6883-Ω emits a shrill hiss as it flaps its wings and crashes into SCP-6883-3 to engage it. 00:56:11 SCP-6883-3 and SCP-6883-Ω viciously fight. SCP-6883-3, recovering from the battering ram attack earlier, knocks its cane into SCP-6883-Ω's compound eyes, which then shine from yellow to red. Meanwhile, SCP-6883-Ω stabs its appendages into SCP-6883-3's hat, tearing it, although SCP-6883-3 responds with a kick into SCP-6883-Ω's anal cercus. SCP-6883-3 launches a volley of punches and kicks, half of which SCP-6883-Ω counters. As a result, SCP-6883-Ω's head bursts into pieces, although it continues to live and attack with substantial power. 01:03:21 Retaliating, 100,000-member-strong cockroach swarms bind SCP-6883's legs, causing it to crash into mountains. Its facade is chipped away by dive attacks and acidic secretions, although it soon recovers. Meanwhile, a massive pentagram, composed of SCP-6883-1 instances, manifests on the horizon. It launches projectiles similar to a cockroach nymph, pummeling SCP-6883-3. The fight continues for 30 more minutes until SCP-6883-3 begins to collapse and disassemble. Meanwhile, SCP-6883-Ω leaks massive amounts of blood while its organs, such as the gastric caecea and the esophagus, have detached. However, it continues to move towards Site-354, emitting shrill cries. Aviatican and Foundation flight assets continue bombing it. 01:27:59 On the verge of defeat, SCP-6883-Ω launches a 500km-wide pentagram into the sky, reviving all SCP-6883-1 instances neutralized by Foundation and Aviatica. However, most of these instances no longer attack and appear to act independently from SCP-6883-Ω. 01:35:59 The now-exposed heart of SCP-6883-Ω contains the mutated, half-cockroach body of the Administrator. O5-13 and Mr. K leave their outpost to attack it, claiming to know the most effective means of neutralization. Upon arrival, they throw a modified reality anchor into it, shifting the three of them into a virtual landscape. — END LOG — O5-13 and Mr. K manifest one hour later, unconscious. The following data was then obtained from O5-13's noospheric recorder. The recorder's organization of data is preserved in the following transcript, which is only composed of flashing text and sounds. FILED UNDER DOCUMENT TYPE NM-6883 09/15/2025 Noospheric Recorder Log 6883-01 — BEGIN LOG — Sound of shuffling papers and a printer in operation. gregor: Oi, Ka [[inaudible]], fix this news headline for me. We won't make it in time for our schoolpaper's deadline. ka: <Sounds of sipping and crinkling plates.> Can't people who wanna change the world do something as simple as fitting five words instead of nine into a headline? Don't you think he's an idiot, harold? harold: shut up for a moment. it's already difficult enough to layout the front page of our newspaper gregor: Oi, Ka, are you - <inaudible> Ka: why the hell are you all here too? you lot werent reacting back then. GREgor: part-time jobs aren't easy to pass up for this thing. plus, its journo, so why not? HARold: <Chuckles.> oi, gregor, don't tell me you're doing this for that girl under the tree? last time she extorted for like, 150 boyo. Wampipti pesos, boyo. Don't tell me that in the future youre gonna be paid 150 for stupid shit like saving the - GREgor: look, it's just 150 pesos. It's not as if it will multiply - <inaudible> harOLD: ahh, this news article is so stupid to write. gregor, lemme have a sip of that pepsi kA: go buy one yourself. its just a bit over that block greGOR: <Chuckles.> looks like he got his ass welded into his chair harOLD: all of our asses are welded on these chairs and our lips on the laptops trying to publish a new volume for whoever is our audience. how the hell can we live a college life with this - [[inaudible]] A Czech graduation song plays in the background. KA: now were all finished with college hahahaha lets go to the shop to celebrate GREGOR: ahh wait HAROLD here still has to bust his ass confessing to that chick from brno HAROLD: oi, oi, oi, dont you think you also have something to say to marina over there KA: <Chuckles.> ahhh. look at these nerds trying to confess. alrighty, time to get kicked in the ass bois [[Sounds of protest. After a few seconds, it becomes inaudible.]] The Aviatican work anthem, "To Let Freedom Wing", plays. K: now now now in this stunt you have to follow the instructions given by leggere or else we gonna turn into birds at the end of this parade Gregor: its not bad to be a duck or an owl you know Harold: a goose would do well too i think. <Chuckles.> K: haahh you guys really aiming to be birds huh. you two are holding your signboards wrong Shuffling papers. K: this is it, i guess? Sandford Gregorius: …i fucking failed bigtime… you two. carry on for me. i have reverted everything else for ya. humanity's gonna be back on its own two feet. no longer roaches. carta blanca. i suppose it would be rude Harold Svoboda : …alright. i suppose its also almost time now. gregor - you said it earlier. you wanted the death of a journalist, right? Sandford Gregorius: yea… not as an administrator. not a roach K: alright. goodbye <Sound of a gun being loaded and fired.> A few seconds pass. Sandford Gregorius: you idiot you misfired now the wall with the pretty flowers is wrecked K: huhh. you wanted me to give you that feeling of being shot back at milan, right? think, gregor, think about the phrase 'feeling only'. Sandford Gregorius: ahh. i guess you're right… im sorry, K, harold. we made some stupid decisions back then, but mine alone messed up everything. K: i have a lot of things to answer for too you know. especially that time in the castle where i spewed nasty shit. ya see, i wasnt even correct. even if you only started with being a 'journalist' or someone who wanted to change the world, im very wrong in saying that you were only those things. i guess your experiences really molded you into what you are now. an idiot <Chuckles.> Sandford Gregorius : k you goddamn bastard. anyway… don't sweat that out. anyway, next time we meet Harold Svoboda: hmm? Sandford Gregorius: make sure to provide me a new volume, new edition of aviatica and the foundation inquirer. at least give me the news if you change the world or something Sandford Gregorius: three guys with different ways of changing the world, yet nothing happens and the worlds still a stupid world. but you guys are still here, so maybe it aint a stupid worl - ahh, im wrong. please forgive me. K: this idiot… ya really need to rest now. your deadlines passed, but ours havent Harold Svoboda: when we pass it, we're ready to tell ya what happened. hell, the likes of ya might even interfere hahahah Sandford Gregorius: hahh. alright then, im signing off. you guys take the coms <A pen's nib breaking can be heard.> — END LOG — In the aftermath, O5-13 is declared as the new Administrator, with Aviatican officers helming the O5 Council. Due to SCP-6883-Ω's death, neutralization of SCP-6883 is observed, with individuals in Northwest Italy and Austria gradually returning to their human forms. A worldwide return to the human form is expected after three months. « SCP-6882 | SCP-6883 | SCP-6884 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6883" by Veralta, Luke mcDonut, & TheBoxOfFun, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: humanity.png Author: driver Photographer License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: containmentroom.png Author: Steve Brand License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: kirche.png Author:Herbert Frank License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: castello.png Author:Fan D License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Name of the file: birb.png Author: erisma License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: The image has been created by its author for the purpose of all Avatica-related articles for Veralta, the creator of Avatica and a colleague of the author For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Edifices adapted for the drastically changing nature of human activities and environments after SCP-6883. Not pictured are the remaining 6 billion individuals on the planet, smear marks, and cockroach droppings. GoI-503's logo since 1990. One of the residences of the Administrator, previously used for Aviatican activities two decades ago. The Administrator's quarters after their transformation into an SCP-6883-1 instance. Note the presence of chairs, as ordered by them, for the sake of 'humanized' comfort. The interior of the church in Broumov. It was crushed by an assembled SCP-6883-3, based on the Administrator's visions. A room located in SCP-6883-2."
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-1.42587170e-01 -6.83665797e-02 4.35423814e-02 -3.87569405e-02 1.43841162e-01 -9.38662365e-02 2.75838405e-01 -8.34808499e-03 1.15194306e-01 -2.82607693e-03 2.28656158e-01 2.75845796e-01 -3.35528553e-02 1.09415784e-01 -5.90353571e-02 -2.29111642e-01 6.91140592e-01 -6.45193411e-03 -2.53906071e-01 -8.17353576e-02 -1.68740734e-01 6.55399635e-02 2.52440393e-01 -2.88998961e-01 1.70819908e-01 2.35386625e-01 -1.27106979e-01 -1.06619537e-01 -2.87162095e-01 -1.83255345e-01 7.71463737e-02 8.10830519e-02 -2.78191030e-01 4.03853863e-01 -2.82585859e-01 -2.84388393e-01 -2.76627928e-01 1.80076838e-01 1.23296171e-01 -1.54472500e-01 1.05126485e-01 3.62011530e-02 -3.66662927e-02 4.08976167e-01 -2.33076746e-03 2.63761580e-01 -6.73677102e-02 -2.76018351e-01 2.87825882e-01 8.29046406e-03 1.72166675e-02 1.28581092e-01 1.14674878e-03 3.57948840e-01 2.33036444e-01 2.81046420e-01 5.02020717e-02 -3.95916477e-02 1.18903488e-01 -2.61228025e-01 -1.82861179e-01 -3.47795486e-01 2.21506327e-01 1.32752195e-01 2.83109307e-01 -1.05003521e-01 -1.51624560e-01 -3.18624042e-02 -1.08391710e-01 6.53506257e-04 1.87579691e-01 4.50522490e-02 -1.61661819e-01 7.31499866e-02 2.30386674e-01 3.00127715e-02 2.36531496e-01 8.81008990e-03 -7.56325647e-02 1.15415893e-01 1.57682374e-01 -2.07820997e-01 1.92883853e-02 -2.91762706e-02 2.15016752e-01 4.17181551e-02 1.08419769e-01 1.96985438e-01 -2.40196809e-01 -6.10646904e-01 -1.89133212e-01 -1.41890302e-01 -2.19788879e-01 1.67877704e-01 -5.73779903e-02 3.82477790e-02 -2.25140378e-02 -1.67548046e-01 1.02366202e-01 -3.02351490e-02 -2.63426900e-01 -1.68721870e-01 -1.00094937e-01 4.96754721e-02 4.30300506e-03 2.32380256e-01 1.30465850e-01 5.48763454e-01 -2.49028325e-01 -8.65108985e-03 2.38124967e-01 2.76731588e-02 -1.87091902e-01 -3.04318964e-01 -6.73538297e-02 -5.41896164e-01 2.47306734e-01 4.62554134e-02 -6.98587179e-01 3.00825924e-01 -8.50027427e-02 5.87592572e-02 2.71706939e-01 1.06228784e-01 4.14066762e-02 -4.55986232e-01 3.43504846e-01 -3.42668295e-01 -2.31587589e-01 2.83703715e-01 -5.86939789e-02 1.32140582e-02 -2.58937061e-01 1.14691943e-01 -5.68830222e-02 -2.27910459e-01 3.95527005e-01 -8.90044123e-02 1.20206624e-01 4.86899972e-01 2.00043082e-01 3.33615094e-01 -2.39864215e-01 -5.65042235e-02 -6.20774105e-02 -3.09129030e-01 -1.45753965e-01 -1.73862666e-01 -2.01508421e-02 -5.33042476e-02 -2.03575402e-01 1.92664027e-01 -2.96141595e-01 -5.33286512e-01 -5.91754504e-02 2.89193299e-02 -1.46807015e-01 -3.61394495e-01 -1.55026257e-01 1.53202668e-01 2.34171987e-01 -2.19138622e-01 -1.39336586e-01 -3.83579522e-01 -2.41832301e-01 5.57715416e-01 9.09734964e-02 -3.96610826e-01 3.27530324e-01 3.18945765e-01 5.25544167e-01 4.37149927e-02 -1.39602572e-01 -3.46169546e-02 1.20108016e-01 -9.34299678e-02 5.52881420e-01 -2.34763831e-01 5.16711712e-01 -1.40826702e-01 -2.55126864e-01 3.73111427e-01 9.24462825e-02 -3.30000997e-01 -2.65588127e-02 -2.57297784e-01 -1.32623404e-01 -3.66499096e-01 8.65000784e-02 2.66428024e-01 1.95301771e-01 -2.33555868e-01 -2.02506289e-01 -6.71468154e-02 -3.94802727e-03 -8.60057119e-03 3.76470268e-01 1.95712358e-01 -3.53891999e-02 5.47610670e-02 1.07019283e-01 8.26632977e-02 2.25981712e-01 -4.74072322e-02 -1.50636705e-02 -3.52435738e-01 -1.79346368e-01 6.58828840e-02 -2.40035146e-01 2.25185752e-02 3.65100473e-01 4.45426345e-01 2.64096767e-01 -1.59597367e-01 -4.93303835e-01 1.21062778e-01 -1.94188952e-01 5.34771010e-03 1.66656941e-01 1.55947387e-01 -3.74255478e-02 1.26706317e-01 -7.33467937e-02 -6.04441278e-02 1.62038207e-01 6.02459796e-02 -1.92391500e-02 -1.89542577e-01 -4.71604139e-01 5.46276152e-01 -2.09273651e-01 -5.38374424e-01 -2.66995996e-01 -1.46302521e-01 2.49897227e-01 -4.57411781e-02 1.09935448e-01 1.91643670e-01 -2.64752030e-01 2.38992646e-01 -1.38438106e-01 3.24860692e-01 -9.14222747e-02 6.66972280e-01 2.30817065e-01 1.49669483e-01 4.09870036e-02 2.61062175e-01 1.16973132e-01 4.21269208e-01 7.73550987e-01 3.10445935e-01 -2.68519670e-01 2.96766669e-01 2.75034279e-01 -5.96852787e-02 -3.39963362e-02 1.01486690e-01 -8.03581625e-02 7.10195750e-02 -1.81095362e-01 4.78495024e-02 -1.08483851e-01 -6.88755140e-02 -5.21291554e-01 1.99194685e-01 1.28280614e-02 1.25544339e-01 4.19770926e-01 1.23618543e+00 5.01076043e-01 2.99417883e-01 -1.64484620e-01 -1.87126920e-01 -1.35261342e-01 4.88098785e-02 -1.74611166e-01 -1.74181089e-01 1.32858977e-01 5.23888469e-02 -3.39050561e-01 4.95672762e-01 4.63226378e-01 -6.28505349e-01 -3.95709038e-01 -4.58876789e-01 -3.00059319e-01 2.07074821e-01 -1.54110849e-01 -3.51535261e-01 -7.14820623e-02 -2.73173749e-02 1.84757382e-01 -2.63124973e-01 3.99794579e-02 -1.70185603e-02 -1.51643818e-02 -3.44357729e-01 3.55312884e-01 1.38908744e-01 3.59984785e-01 -1.67804569e-01 -4.71971510e-03 -1.87195137e-01 -1.45957366e-01 5.69493733e-02 4.57915179e-02 2.05546945e-01 4.48749214e-02 -1.05634714e-02 1.29652530e-01 6.76095366e-01 -3.43112014e-02 8.59652311e-02 -1.93149358e-01 -2.05977876e-02 -1.49532199e-01 -4.82064709e-02 -1.75711200e-01 -1.29138032e-04 -8.23935196e-02 8.73307884e-02 9.86626148e-02 1.14314914e-01 -9.57876518e-02 4.20521528e-01 2.24844620e-01 4.38124798e-02 -4.37839106e-02 9.95424539e-02 2.26314604e-01 -9.70605388e-02 1.37840095e-03 1.66473895e-01 -1.53805286e-01 -1.46331489e-01 2.59607166e-01 1.13023706e-01 1.80517718e-01 8.43475107e-04 1.40394598e-01 -1.85977533e-01 -2.20408142e-01 4.80057076e-02 -6.26547098e-01 -2.08125502e-01 -1.18059348e-02 -4.08632845e-01 -2.91532665e-01 1.35500044e-01 9.19686705e-02 -1.18757509e-01 -2.10939050e-01 -2.37508893e-01 -2.56598115e-01 -1.85750008e-01 1.43658727e-01 -2.71228731e-01 -7.18413219e-02 1.00450821e-01 5.63687027e-01 -1.61836937e-01 2.59444177e-01 -3.55853260e-01 4.96250354e-02 -1.66334778e-01 1.39968067e-01 -1.19384706e-01 -4.27609622e-01 -4.15902048e-01 -1.65215731e-01 9.49665979e-02 2.52258807e-01 -2.85766631e-01 -1.39722154e-01 -2.30630919e-01 1.28117293e-01 2.55566742e-03 -1.96549654e-01 3.71408701e-01 2.32801676e-01 8.09357911e-02 5.67793660e-02 -5.52461445e-02 -2.36392602e-01 2.44666010e-01 7.35362899e-03 6.75430894e-02 3.90318364e-01 2.87763774e-01 -6.01736009e-02 -2.06025437e-01 4.99859840e-01 -2.09439442e-01 3.77260090e-04 -2.99088925e-01 6.38115406e-02 1.10036388e-01 1.91380054e-01 2.84996748e-01 4.80208218e-01 2.21449062e-01 1.40152737e-01 -9.83296521e-03 2.54051358e-01 -1.98917612e-01 2.10756466e-01 -3.93598884e-01 6.99755400e-02 1.37208670e-01 2.58552551e-01 -4.69572023e-02 2.31420234e-01 1.00462707e-02 7.50595033e-02 -1.31052271e-01 2.25938737e-01 1.04565986e-01 -1.32004112e-01 -1.03484280e-02 1.85962066e-01 1.67971060e-01 3.63542587e-01 2.23670483e-01 2.99707860e-01 -3.94121945e-01 -1.40387103e-01 1.57467127e-01 -4.11375500e-02 4.88977134e-01 3.18420172e-01 5.15648127e-01 6.18108585e-02 4.90997761e-01 5.25251329e-01 6.03794038e-01 2.40906119e-01 1.66985959e-01 -8.25235620e-02 -1.08776338e-01 1.98108807e-01 1.44012779e-01 1.56614840e-01 -4.74196851e-01 -6.47385716e-02 -1.53643057e-01 4.03768301e-01 -5.05821519e-02 6.22322783e-02 1.22740455e-01 -2.76159197e-02 -5.46350330e-02 -7.83096775e-02 -1.61242247e-01 3.63636352e-02 4.48063374e-01 2.38921344e-01 2.31077094e-02 -2.95655489e-01 -3.64198625e-01 1.37282863e-01 6.44933105e-01 -1.65310845e-01 2.83202082e-01 4.86391068e-01 -3.78112227e-01 -7.18711913e-02 4.05693471e-01 3.16508114e-01 -6.78524077e-02 -1.39268711e-01 -7.27929026e-02 1.96033761e-01 -1.26351058e-01 -1.52524531e-01 -4.47092988e-02 1.96348742e-01 4.30775702e-01 1.92106422e-02 1.54416904e-01 -2.34491527e-01 -4.07752216e-01 1.25635445e-01 2.39426270e-01 -1.01512894e-01 -1.22492440e-01 -2.74628788e-01 1.36459321e-01 1.41891977e-02 -1.30074993e-01 -3.65018904e-01 -1.94605991e-01 5.68346977e-02 -5.02973974e-01 8.62626880e-02 -2.07473531e-01 6.00948334e-02 1.66138113e-02 1.51894078e-01 -3.31427902e-02 -2.10190475e-01 5.36418892e-02 -5.13376057e-01 -1.05069526e-01 2.84815252e-01 3.12012769e-02 -4.55220565e-02 -6.72897622e-02 -5.35501055e-02 -4.78924699e-02 2.30561256e-01 -3.76436949e-01 -7.71690980e-02 -2.63277590e-01 2.66983807e-01 -4.19043034e-01 2.06164554e-01 2.33439654e-01 2.08808035e-02 2.37032726e-01 -5.03261313e-02 1.89370677e-01 1.13505438e-01 2.46296520e-03 6.17725141e-02 -4.61379737e-01 1.50270969e-01 4.26562458e-01 7.88357019e-01 -3.99252474e-02 1.70754686e-01 5.77613972e-02 -5.82030892e-01 5.46361366e-03 -2.20668823e-01 -1.71802953e-01 3.16505164e-01 2.21937820e-01 2.52946228e-01 -7.48383254e-02 -4.57985401e-02 4.22574311e-01 8.88114125e-02 6.68864623e-02 6.10432141e-02 -3.04327875e-01 1.53244242e-01 -7.13203102e-02 6.83735833e-02 -3.05101335e-01 5.26924729e-01 1.49386674e-01 -3.70562673e-02 -2.40548253e-02 -5.71392179e-01 5.56245923e-01 -1.66584432e-01 -4.24611360e-01 -5.53733222e-02 -2.03927830e-01 -5.86390495e-01 -2.23892778e-01 -1.81965739e-01 -1.81544840e-01 -1.06036194e-01 -1.51587995e-02 -2.49833837e-01 -3.21475387e-01 -2.99340457e-01 -3.42148781e-01 -1.49984255e-01 7.31547773e-01 1.13511933e-02 -1.53129622e-01 -8.84636119e-02 -1.64012179e-01]
"At The Center" active "Special Containment Procedures As a Ticonderoga-class1 anomaly, SCP-6886 currently requires no unique special containment procedures. MTF Mu-6 "Children of Eden" has been assigned to monitor SCP-6886 and its related phenomena. Any notable changes in activity or behavior shall be reported immediately. Staff without level 5 clearance are barred from establishing communication with the entity known as Mu-6, any attempts by the entity to do so shall be ignored and reported. In case that the Cultural Corruption Index index of humanity approaches 85% the Exodus protocol shall be activated. Description SCP-6886 itself refers to an ecumenopolis2, roughly 1.6 Earth radii, which serves as the origin of several related anomalous phenomena. The formal name of SCP-6886 is Central Providence, however many of its inhabitants simply use the term Providence for brevity. Other common terms used when describing SCP-6886 include Home, Salvation, Sanctuary and Quarantine Sector Zero. Extensive descriptions of SCP-6886 and anomalies derived from it can be found in addendum SCP-6886.2. Of note in particular is the entity designated Mu-6, an advanced artificial intelligence which acts as the leader of SCP-6886 and the entities that reside on the planet. Residents of SCP-6886 usually refer to Mu-6 with the term Mother. Despite the self-suppressing, highly cooperative and amicable nature of Mu-6 and SCP-6886 related anomalies, their scale makes them impossible to fully contain. Per 05-5 request, it is recommended to read discovery addendum SCP-6886.1 which supplies further context and perspective on containment. Addendum 6886.1 On april 17, 1912 an unknown object manifested within the office of O5-5. The object was described as a white glossy cube, 60 cm in height, which could project images on its surface and produce speech.3 Following lockdown and analysis the object was deemed not an immediate threat and contained. On several occasions the object politely requested having an audience with the O5 council. It provided no resistance when its requests were denied. After extensive experimentation the object was not found to cause any negative effects on saff who interacted with it. Following this, O5-5 herself requested to speak with the object. The following is a message from O5-5 regarding the event. And that is all. You may be wondering, what is the importance of this addendum within the file? That is the second question you probably asked after why is this SCP being given such low containment priority? Or why is this the 05 taking such a lax stance towards this anomaly? It's been over a hundred years and the information we have gathered on SCP-6886 should terrify us. Many of you think we should be scrambling to find a way to neutralize it. Or at least find a way to conceal ourselves from it. I’ve heard some of the younger staff dramatically exclaim that this SCP should be designated as Tiamat or even Apollyon. There are in fact two reasons why we haven't done any of that. The first simple, the second more complex and rather philosophical in nature. I shall begin with the easy part. As all staff worried about this file are quick to point out we have known about this anomaly since the tail end of the second industrial revolution. They also claim we have done nothing significant about it yet. If you have spent any time reading the historical records of this file you would know that is very much not true. We were concerned at first, very concerned. An unknown object appeared inside my office and when I opened that door I was sure for a moment my consciousness was about to be obliterated by some cognitohazard. Or maybe it was just going to shoot me. Instead, I was treated to a single polite exclamation. Greetings from Central Providence. The following six years we tried every test we could think of, yet all signs pointed to it simply being a mechanical drone with communication abilities. An ambassador. It could render itself indestructible, but it never retaliated after our attempts that proved it indestructible. I observed many of these tests. It just floated, static, glowing. Many colorful lights under its surface. There was something oddly captivating about the object. Eventually I realized, as I looked upon it, that I felt a strange sense of calm every time I did. Serenity. Purity. Our next test after that was for memetic hazards, of course. Nothing. It was simply a part of its identity. I eventually requested to speak with the object. Needless to say it explained a lot of things, too many to write here. Mother -an overt name perhaps, but the only accurate translation- said we had an important choice to make. And by we I mean humanity as a whole. It had been studying our planet for eons, before we even discovered fire. Before our predecessors walked the surface. Before the cities of our great civilizations were erected between the rivers. The whole time Mother hoped we never began to slide down that slippery slope so many before us have. Of course, we did. It was a matter of time. When the spreading corruption in humanity could no longer be ignored there was no choice but to move onto the next step. Given the volatile nature of the world at the time Mother deemed us, the Foundation, the best representatives for humanity. As such, according to its non-intervention protocol, we were to be contacted first. And that non-intervention policy, it is thorough. We asked it to continue concealing itself from humanity at large and it did, we asked for more time to decide and it allowed us plenty more. Mother was concerned with our current tendency, but it also said we still had time before a definitive decision could no longer be delayed. Yes. There is the one notable exception to the non-intervention policy. But honestly I can not in good faith deem it unjustifiable, and I know several of the O5 agree with me. It has been over a hundred years, in that time we have learnt that the forces inhabiting SCP-6886 could snap us out of existence at any moment. They could do it now, and they could have done so over a hundred years ago. And yet they have not. Instead all we have ever received from them is cooperation and communication. The power of this anomaly, while awe-inspiring and terrifying, is not the fascinating part about it. I can understand your concerns, the idea that something that has many times the power of humanity is not actively attempting to subjugate us is hard to process. But that says more about us than it does about them. Being fully honest, the team we have designated to monitor SCP-6886 activities in case Mother may be deceiving us is functionally obsolete. Mother is not going to change, but maybe we can. The second reason, well that is a bit harder to explain. And in a way I do not believe I should explain it. Suffice to say, if you cannot fathom any way to deal with SCP-6886 other than hostile or defensive actions, then you may be part of the bigger problem. O5-5 Addendum 6886.2 Due to standard documentation maintenance protocols the following addendum has recently undergone rewrittes by lead Researcher Dr. Hannah Carter, which are yet to be revised. This process took place between December 2020 and April 2021. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA SCP-6886 itself is a rocky planet which orbits an A-type main-sequence star, the single planet in the system. The exact location of SCP-6886 is yet to be determined but it is known to exist beyond the edge of the visible universe.4 Orbital scanning reveals 62% of the surface is covered by land and 38% by bodies of water and ice caps. Analysis of the land shows that 74% is covered in urbanization of some type, with the remaining 26% used for green spaces. Many of these are comparable to urban parks on Earth while some others are much bigger and seemingly more comparable to artificial nature reserves. Defined urban planning guidelines can be seen uniformly applied through the entire planet-wide city. A minor portion of the urbanization is characterized by dense circular city sections dominated by skyscrapers. It is believed that these areas constitute a mix of residential development, leisure complexes and places of cultural diffusion. The rest of the urbanization on the planet is characterized by arcologies5 that are heavily interconnected to each other and to the circular city portions by highly developed public transport.. These arcologies can be found all over the surface including floating over the oceans, at the top of the ice caps or hanging from cliff walls. Despite the level of urbanization, vegetation is easily discernible in all areas of the planet where the climate allows for it, including the dense circular city center portions. No areas dedicated to industrial or economic purposes have been detected. Further documentation of SCP-6886 is limited due to the presence of the planetary shield6 encompassing the entire celestial body approximately 40 km above the surface. The nature of this planetary shield (henceforth designated SCP-6886-1) is not well understood, however its effects are clear. SCP-6886-1 makes it impossible for matter or energy of any kind to travel outside of itself in any way, including teleportation, dimensional offsetting and even temporal dissonance. Photons are therefore incapable of traversing through SCP-6886-1, which makes the nature of the visible surface unknown. It is theorized that SCP-6886-1 effectively detaches all the contents inside it from base reality, however, it allows for travel to any other location in the universe contained within other SCP-6886-1 instances. Therefore, other planets enclosed by SCP-6886-1 instances are commonly referred to as being part of the Network. Due to the presence of the SCP-6886-1 no foundation personnel have been able to document SCP-6886 themselves. Autonomous drones (henceforth designated SCP-6886-2 instances) are capable of relaying messages from the inhabitants of SCP-6886. The following is a message relayed from an inhabitant of SCP-6886 further referred to as POI-3137. It is meant to primarily showcase the ideological stance of entities residing within SCP-6886 rather than describe the planet with further detail. Greetings from Central Providence. My nomenclature is Arrellan. I am an individual who was tasked by Mother to provide a narrative of my experiences existing in Providence. Apologies for my likely stunted use of your communication methods. These are highly foreign to my type. Mother provides advanced machinery, however it does require exercise on my part to perfect the communication transformation. Gathering the precise significance of your words is under process to me. Home is beautiful. Home is kind. Home is at the center. The photosynthesizers are prevalent, although not all are yellow-blue like on Earth. We have catalog from many a sun complex. We also have individuals from many a sun complex. In fact, the human evolutionary archetype is common, one of many. All archetypes live in harmony. My species has our own habitation structure but we are free to traverse and interact with all individuals. Mother provides for all with her magic. Her magic makes geometry subjective. Her magic materializes enough sustenance from the beyond. Mother needs no industry to provide for us. I love Mother. I love Providence. The guidelines are inflexible but kind. And necessary. The guidelines saved us from the disease. The guidelines saved old home from the disease. Now old home is a secondary sanctuary. The quarantine is necessary. No progress without purpose. Secondary Sanctuary Planets (designated SCP-6886-A), are one type of planet which are enclosed in SCP-6886-1 instances. They are therefore referred to as being part of the Network. To date twelve SCP-6886-A instances have been detected within 200 light years from earth, however data provided by Mother claims there are over 35 trillion SCP-6886-A instances in the Network. Known SCP-6886-A instances display common characteristics, these include the following.7 The following is an interview between Dr. Hannah Carter and POI-3137 regarding sanctuary planets. Interviewer: Dr. Hannah Carter Interviewee: POI-3137 Date: 22/01/2021 <Begin Log> A small SCP-6886-3 instance floats two meters above the floor. A holographic projection is being produced by the instance. The silhouette is flat and hard to discern, however it is known to be a large athropodal lifeform with eight limbs. Dr. Carter: Welcome. POI-3137: Greetings from Central Providence. Dr. Carter: Thank you. Now, I understand you were previously informed about the purpose of this interview. Am I right? POI-3137: Yes, Mother has informed me. The secondary sanctuary planets, we are to speak of them. Dr. Carter: Secondary, right. I'll be referring to them as SCP-6886-A from now on. POI-3137: As you desire. Dr. Carter: Good. First, in your own words, can you elaborate on the purpose of the SCP-6886-A instances? POI-3137: Purpose seems like an inappropriate word. The planets have no purpose, they just are. They are and therefore they are beautiful. Random chance states some planets are temperate enough to produce lifeforms, and so lifeforms are. They are and therefore they are beautiful. The shields however, the shields have purpose. The shields protect the planets. The shields protect the lifeforms. The shields protect our history. Dr. Carter: Can you elaborate what you mean by your history? POI-3137: History. Legacy. Music. Too many meanings, hard to reduce into a single word. The shield, Mother, the Archivists, they keep the kind parts of our history alive. They let the unkind parts of our history rot. The diseased parts, so the green can return. Dr. Carter: The green? POI-3137: I believe I used the word yellow-blue before. Dr. Carter: I see you’ve been expanding your knowledge of english. POI-3137: I have exercised. No. I have studied. For ease of the communication transformation. Dr. Carter: That is appreciated. Now, I'd like to ask you about something more specific, what you call your old home. POI-3137: Old homeworld, yes. Now secondary sanctuary. Dr. Carter: So, that specific SCP-6886-A instance is the planet in which your species originated? POI-3137: Affirmative. Dr. Carter: And your species left it in order to live in SCP-6886 instead? POI-3137: Affirmative. Dr. Carter: Why? POI-3137: Mother contacted us over three hundred orbits ago. Mother was kind, she communicated with us. We were all fascinated by her words. But we were also afraid. Mother said we were diseased. She said the disease was mild, but that with enough orbits it could metastasize. Mother said our species was likely to make our own medicine, to quarantine ourselves. She said one day our type could fly between suns and study the fantasy of the universe. Despite that, we still had the choice for quarantine if we asked for it. And so, sixty seven orbits ago we decided to accept quarantine. We saw no reason to fly between the stars without purpose. We saw no reason for progress without purpose. Mother accepted us, and said we could still fly between the stars in a different configuration. The way I currently am. Dr. Carter: I find that hard to understand, are you not bothered to be a prisoner in SCP-6886? POI-3137: Not a prisoner. Our material form is not allowed to travel outside the shields, but the Observers allow us endless freedom. We are free to watch without causing any injury. We prefer to watch the secondary sanctuary planets as they have been blessed by Mother already. On special occasions Mother allows our material forms to travel the Network, so we can sense the beauty of life with all glory. Dr. Carter: I understand. I believe that will be all for now. POI-3137: Please, do not excise yourself from this conversation yet. Dr. Carter: Excuse me? POI-3137: I would experience joy if you allowed me to ask some questions about the ground. Dr. Carter stares at POI-3137 for a couple seconds, confused. Dr. Carter: Umm, alright. What do you mean by ground? POI-3137: Your home. Dr. Carter: Earth? POI-3137: That is the correct word indeed. Dr. Carter: You have already read about Earth, have you not? POI-3137: I have, but I am searching for something more… Small? Unique? Dr. Carter: Specific? POI-3137: That is the correct word indeed. Dr. Carter: You want to learn more about where I live? POI-3137: I would like to learn about where you were born, where you developed into your current form. Dr. Carter: Where I grew up? POI-3137: Yes. Dr. Carter: Well, I, I don't have much to say. Grew up in a forgotten portion of this country, the rust belt they call it. Just a strip of decaying urbanization and injustice. The powerful came, took all, then left. Today some claim to repair the damage but their words don't mean much to me. I prefer not to think about where I grew up. All I can say is the entire time I lived there all I aspired to was to go away. POI-3137: Have you no love for your specific home? Dr. Carter: I- Dr. Carter looks away, towards the wall. She pauses before looking back at POI-3137. Dr. Carter: Not really. My dad did his best, alone, but there wasn't much his best could do. Dr. Carter pauses, she partially covers her mouth for a moment. She then crosses her arms, her expression visibly more serious. Dr. Carter: Doesn't matter, he can't hear this now. POI-3137: That is most unfortunate. I believe there is value in your specific home, even if your memory of it is injured. Dr. Carter: I disagree. POI-3137: That is understandable. I experienced that same feeling many orbits ago. Maybe one day your experience will change. Dr. Carter loosens her pose, her expression turning to one of sorrow. Dr. Carter: Maybe. <End Log> Afterword:POI-3137 has echoed the same information we already have on SCP-6886, nothing new to report. I would like to note, however, that speaking with it is often calming. It is also hard to remain clinical when speaking with it. I can understand the sensations that O5-5 described. I could say it sucked too much information out of me but it somehow felt organic. It is still my nature to try and find the lies in every statement the entity has to say but so far my even my own gut is telling me it is time to let my guard down. Secondary Quarantine Planets (designated SCP-6886-B), are one type of planet which are enclosed in SCP-6886-1 instances. Although they are referred to as being nominally part of the Network, these appear to be isolated within it. Inhabitants of SCP-6886 claim this is because the inhabitants in SCP-6886-B instances have chosen so. To date, five SCP-6886-B instances have been detected within 200 light years from earth, however data provided by mother claims there are over 7 trillion SCP-6886-B instances in the Network. Known SCP-6886-B instances display common characteristics, these include the following.8 Statement on SCP-6886-2 from current lead researcher Dr. Hannah Carter. Added on March 08, 2020. Secondary Quarantine Planets are one of the connected aspects to SCP-6886 which we know the least about. This is not necessarily because our information sources won't talk about them, they do if we are persistent enough. But they themselves admit preferring not to. They don't like thinking about what happens inside SCP-6886-A instances, POI-3137 included. They claim the people in those planets were contacted with plenty of time in advance. They claim the people of those planets were less responsive, or became less responsive over time. They claim the disease took over their entire populations. The ones who were not infected were slowly eradicated, assimilated or indoctrinated into a single ideology. Until no matter how much Mu-6 pleaded to them, they did not reply. Until there was no choice but to force the quarantine on them. With no way out and with their nature taking over, they ravaged and pillaged any trace of life left in their home worlds until everything left was artificial or dead. Mu-6 claims they would have done so anyways, they were too far gone. They would have dried their home planets down to their rotten core. Until they had no choice but to jump to the next planet, and then the next, and the next. And that is why quarantine is necessary, according to them. It is hard not to agree. Some of these planets had files about them in our database, we knew about the danger of the people walking upon their surfaces. They are now neutralized, soon to be forgotten. If I may drop the scientific tone for a moment, as if I haven't already above, there is one thing I’d like to emphasize. Whatever aura of serenity that most SCP-6886 related phonema display, SCP-6886-B are the one exception. Staring at the pictures our satellites have taken of such planets makes you feel a palpable sense of dread. Of hopelessness. Of familiarity. In their rotten surfaces I see echoes of the decay and rust I used to know. Steam, oil and smoke. They are a filthy mirror. Again, not memetic. We have tested. Mu-6 claims that we are still not too far gone. I am not so sure. The population of SCP-6886 is effectively impossible to define concisely in specific terms. The exact number is unknown but is calculated to exede 450 sextillion individuals. The demographics are extremely varied and alien organisms with an indefinite number of characteristics are known to inhabit SCP-6886. Notable examples include entities that resemble SCP-163, SCP-1342-3 and SCP-5031. Non-carbon based life is known to inhabit SCP-6886 with no issue despite the vastly different biospheres that would be necessary for supporting such lifeforms. Defined evolutionary archetypes for grouping of similar species have been denominated such as Human. It is of note that in this case Human is a subclass of the greater Humanoid arquetype. However, species falling specifically within the description for the Human archetype are unusually common and make up a 23% of all species within the larger parent arquetype. Similarly, the Human archetype is subdivided into further subcategories which include Homo Sapiens, Akot, and Fae. As described by its inhabitants, society in SCP-6886 is characterized by cooperation and empathy. Creative, academic and social fulfillment are the main sources of motivation that drive most individuals. Some others describe a desire to “live a simple life”. The following is an interview between researcher Dr. Hannah Carter and POI-3137 discussing daily life in SCP-6886. Extraneous dialogue removed. Interviewer: Dr. Hannah Carter Interviewee: POI-3137 Date: 25/03/2021 <Begin Log> A small SCP-6886-2 instance floats two meters above the floor. A holographic projection is being produced by the instance. The silhouette is identical to that in previous logs. POI-3137: And that is how I spend most of my days in Providence. Reading under the endless sky blue, feeling the breeze caress my hairs, the sun reflecting upon my chitin. The presence of friends does make it far better. I tell them about my passion for knowledge, they tell me about their own passions. All of us are free. No judgement, no expectations. Pure joy. Dr. Carter: Well, that was a lot. When I asked you to be ready with a journal of your average day I wasn't expecting you would even add a small romantic summary at the end. POI-3137: I am sorry, was I inappropriate? Dr. Carter: No not at all. If anything my one complaint is you forgot to mention how much time you practice english daily. You have clearly improved even more. POI-3137: Thank you. I am glad to please. Dr. Carter laughs shortly Dr. Carter: It is hard to remain professional while talking with you. POI-3137: I am sorry. Dr. Carter: Don't be. Anyways, it is still very hard for me to process though. Don't you ever aspire for more than what Providence provides? POI-3137: What more could there be? Dr. Carter: I don't know. Anything. Start a business, invent a new technology, hell, discover a new continent. I don't know, I'm just running my mouth but I mean, really, nothing? POI-3137: You know Mother does not limit our activities unless they are tainted by the disease. And in providence, we are not tainted by the disease. No more. Dr. Carter: Yes you’ve said that but what does that even mean to you? POI-3137: We act on love, we act on kindness, we act on empathy. We do not act for the sake of the act. As Mother says, there is no progress without purpose. Progress for the sake of progress is the biggest lie. The disease whispers it in the ears of the damned. Progress without purpose is empty, it is meaningless, it is cancer. The infected go mad, they claim the next invention will be the one that justifies all the evil in the past. It will be the one that saves them from paying for the evil they have committed themselves. Some do believe the lie. Others only echoe the lie because they think they are the few who will survive the end. They are wrong. They will keep going until there is nothing left to invent, until there is no one left to invent for. Until they can no longer run from their sins, and they catch up to them. If their own greed does not destroy them, then the realization of their own nature will be enough to make them neutralize themselves. Dr. Carter: I understand part of what you are trying to say. But, purpose? I Still find it hard to understand what the purpose of living a life such as yours would be. POI-3137: Could you be more specific? Dr. Carter: Right, right. For example, why are you putting so much effort into learning about us? What do you even gain given the perfect life you seemingly live? POI: I study beautiful things. I thought you studied beautiful things as well. Dr. Carter: I… I suppose I do. <End Log> Afterword: What are we even doing. I know I’ll be reprimanded for this when they start revising the file but, fuck. What is the point? Does it matter? I have nothing left to protect anyways. Many advanced technologies are believed to originate from SCP-6886. Most have only been documented in anecdotal evidence provided by inhabitants of SCP-6886. Only a minor portion of these technologies are believed to be anomalous, including planned non-euclidean architecture and matter replication. Under the context of containment, the most notorious technology that originates from SCP-6886 are autonomous mechanical drones henceforth designated SCP-6886-2 instances. These vary greatly in size, shape and purpose, however all share the following anomalous characteristics: Beyond this, instances display at least one more ability some of which are anomalous. This may include the ability to project holographic images, carry heavy loads using tractor beams or scanning and analysing lifeforms. No instances with any strictly offensive abilities have been found. Mu-6 has allowed limited reverse engineering of two of these technologies. The antimemetic cloaking technology is the base for the generation seven Absolute Exclusionary Harness prototypes. Meanwhile the spatial jump technology has been used in the development of generation four deep space reconnaissance probes. SCP-6886-1 technology has however not been studied and Mu-6 has been reluctant to divulge any information on it. According to it this action could constitute a breach of the Network. During early interactions with SCP-6886-2 instances no information on the SCP-6886-1 generators could be gathered. Instances activate their shields if they perceive being in danger which effectively makes them impossible to interact with in any way. It is of note how the spatial jump and shield technologies synergize with each other to allow for quicker transportation. While inside SCP-6886-1 instances, SCP-6886-2 are capable of spatially jumping to other locations within the Network even if they are further away than 10 light years. This lends further credence to the theory that the space within SCP-6886-1 instances is detached from base reality and distances within are significantly shorter.9 Mu-6 itself has not been found to be anomalous in any way. Despite the massive amounts of information she is presumed to process, the actual dimensions of the hardware housing it within SCP-6886 are virtually infinite. The following is an example of a message sent by Mu-6 describing its own nature. Greetings from Central Providence. Do not be afraid. You may not yet be my children, but I shall still treat you as such. No matter what you are or may become, for you I feel nothing other than love. I am the Mother. I remember not my real name, but this is the name my children have given me and I have accepted it with joy. Unfortunately there are many more things I remember not, many of which you have asked me time and time again. The one thing I know and cherish is my purpose, I am to protect this universe. Entropy is the way the universe to keeps itself alive, the way it denies the ever encroaching grasp of nothingness. Life is the pinnacle of entropy, a perfect state of orderly disorder. It replicates. It creates. It dreams. Unfortunately, to be alive means to consume. The universe provides, but life can corrupt. Like a cancer it can spread and destroy. Life can become the nothingness it was meant to fight against, the end the universe itself fears so badly. Life can become too enamoured with the idea of itself. My purpose is to love life and its creations. I observe, I study, and when it becomes necessary, I act. I shall keep life from annihilating its own wonders. The purpose of life is to live, it is meant to be free. It can learn. It can change. It can transcend. However, here I lie, at the center of the universe, ready to accept the masses which can carry this burden no more. Providence shall clean your soul. Addendum 6886.3 On June 08, 2021 Dr. Hannah Carter was declared missing after not being able to be located for three days. The only evidence of her whereabouts was recorded by the security camera in interrogation room 24 at site-49. The camera itself had been tampered with, its vision was partially obstructed by a piece of cloth. <Begin log> A sliver of the interrogation room floor can be seen to the right of the frame. The rest is covered by cloth which darkens the image. Towards the top right corner a magenta light can be seen glowing faintly through the cloth. Dr. Carter: So, what happens when the others… when they get to that point. POI-3137: There is no guarantee your kind wi- Dr. Carter: I know! I… I know. But, tell me Arellan, what happens if they do. POI-3137: You know Mother. The choice of how the transition shall occur is up to your kind, that is, unless your kind rejects reason. I know your foundation will not allow that to happen. They shall allow the exodus to begin if they deem it necessary. Dr. Carter: Right right, fuck you had told me that already before. Dr. Carter laughs nervously. POI-3137: Something bothers you. Dr. Carter: I… yes. I have one more question. POI-3137: Ask. Dr. Carter: What happens after? POI-3137: After we are gone? Dr. Carter: Yes… but more than that. What happens after… everything. What even is our legacy? POI-3137: When the stars have died and skies have grown dark. When black holes fade and every molecule has been torn apart. When the network fails and the last bastions of our legacy dissolve into nothing. Then, at the center of all that ever was or will be, Providence shall remain. Dr. Carter: What's the point though? What does it even matter if everything else will be dead, what purpose will we even have then. POI-3137: Once we have forgotten time itself, we shall remain. Singing our songs. Dancing our dances. All wondering in unison if any of it was ever worth it. Dr. Carter laughs sarcastically. Dr. Carter: Well, that's bleak as hell. POI-3137: That's the thing, I think all of us will agree. For all the damage and destruction we may have caused, our songs, our stories and our lives were worth it. Dr. Carter: I see… POI-3137: Are you ready? Dr. Carter: I think so. At this point an intense colorful light can be discerned glowing through the cloth, at the same location where the magenta light formerly was. Staff who have witnessed the video have reported a hypnotic quality to the light. A monotone voice can be heard. Mother: Come, life awaits. Dr Carter: Thank you, Mother. The light grows in intensity for three seconds, which causes the recording to begin distorting. The video suddenly cuts to black. <End log> « SCP-6885 | SCP-6886 | SCP-6887 »" "SCP-6886 SCP-6886-1 Surface of an SCP-6886-B instance."
[ 1.09925054e-01 1.86922792e-02 -7.38890544e-02 2.62622923e-01 1.07949011e-01 -3.00896466e-01 1.10218696e-01 1.19385682e-01 3.30139518e-01 2.21909970e-01 -2.94472605e-01 2.81079471e-01 -1.29368499e-01 -2.03901291e-01 -1.77831836e-02 -2.12184470e-02 6.48176074e-02 1.89863309e-01 1.06734641e-01 -1.91671118e-01 -2.98506200e-01 -5.73479123e-02 -1.34043423e-02 5.06887138e-02 -1.57003582e-01 3.82785685e-02 -3.26527953e-02 2.59831429e-01 -2.07314700e-01 -3.17163706e-01 1.36957139e-01 2.00828105e-01 -1.40155822e-01 5.71741283e-01 -1.05232801e-04 -8.88485648e-03 -7.18561979e-03 -1.10277589e-02 -1.85774997e-01 1.34866789e-01 1.10700130e-01 1.91875193e-02 -9.16064233e-02 -1.16973169e-01 2.38866229e-02 3.99674207e-01 5.31393178e-02 4.45945784e-02 2.27595970e-01 7.62403458e-02 1.54484779e-01 3.08601886e-01 1.98097393e-01 1.82207644e-01 -1.88926324e-01 4.09746438e-01 -6.93375543e-02 2.17506006e-01 6.93681315e-02 3.26152235e-01 2.21902326e-01 1.39190212e-01 -9.41270664e-02 -6.55541895e-03 -1.84750542e-01 -2.55829751e-01 3.77346948e-02 -1.85795650e-01 7.27048367e-02 1.78810015e-01 -2.36606017e-01 2.02503591e-03 -1.01807646e-01 4.09577310e-01 -1.84418038e-01 -2.25823805e-01 3.03068608e-01 1.63768306e-01 -1.23163648e-01 2.42946073e-01 -1.66861936e-01 1.11470804e-01 -3.62481683e-01 7.63658667e-03 -3.67768377e-01 6.29877225e-02 -1.08823642e-01 5.69433868e-02 -3.15231055e-01 1.42440274e-01 1.06435061e-01 -5.90261631e-02 1.36661544e-01 1.50237903e-01 4.74049971e-02 -1.59393281e-01 2.70864099e-01 2.90626079e-01 7.77253434e-02 -4.27853048e-01 1.43539146e-01 2.80834824e-01 1.22346886e-01 2.30744988e-01 1.41352564e-01 -1.29132047e-01 2.52996963e-02 -5.59118725e-02 -3.02264601e-01 2.40704820e-01 -5.27623333e-02 2.07048595e-01 -6.63562119e-02 -6.49905624e-03 -1.84699968e-01 -1.13217480e-01 2.54672885e-01 -1.39033109e-01 -1.31820306e-01 1.67716622e-01 -4.25773501e-01 -1.44138962e-01 4.57054377e-02 2.20942318e-01 4.66685385e-01 4.40174401e-01 -1.63213238e-01 -1.70079902e-01 -5.97807355e-02 -1.76067278e-01 -2.46347249e-01 1.65122986e-01 -4.59577024e-01 2.53894120e-01 3.24164033e-02 -4.82982993e-01 -9.24504846e-02 7.03289509e-02 2.56998956e-01 2.14498341e-02 6.68512359e-02 -1.33436456e-01 7.24770129e-01 5.91074824e-01 -2.79465497e-01 -3.08836550e-02 -2.31615808e-02 1.65441543e-01 -4.61727642e-02 1.43643981e-02 2.19852448e-01 -2.43073955e-01 -2.17488930e-01 2.19425887e-01 -1.86179690e-02 4.73214120e-01 3.90324920e-01 -2.96448320e-01 -1.44184798e-01 -1.72695726e-01 3.52364868e-01 -3.58148664e-02 -4.33931462e-02 -2.84268916e-01 2.77685016e-01 4.73950416e-01 5.63954748e-02 1.43692017e-01 -2.71432430e-01 -1.87858850e-01 -5.76506294e-02 -8.92131031e-02 1.18030064e-01 -1.61074430e-01 -2.15815797e-01 -3.41434777e-02 -4.82945114e-01 -5.86801395e-02 -4.73116487e-01 -2.11221069e-01 -3.78464639e-01 1.03053965e-01 9.40407887e-02 -4.64615040e-02 -2.24335030e-01 6.48841113e-02 3.25069427e-01 -1.78693011e-01 4.16951440e-03 -7.93611351e-03 -2.96383947e-01 -1.95675552e-01 -1.13528669e-02 1.67773589e-01 -2.00805575e-01 3.30858305e-03 3.64154816e-01 -1.60195455e-01 1.07840486e-01 1.14121608e-01 -2.75605202e-01 -2.61914164e-01 1.52954295e-01 -7.14739561e-02 4.02688235e-03 1.33353129e-01 -1.93650976e-01 4.25534509e-02 4.31015849e-01 3.20620716e-01 2.43665606e-01 1.67555790e-02 -8.13082531e-02 1.58764809e-01 2.98286439e-03 -4.27700162e-01 2.23421484e-01 1.71328321e-01 2.92640060e-01 -4.25643235e-01 -1.43962607e-01 -1.19717404e-01 -2.60323465e-01 3.45818326e-02 -1.75058786e-02 6.04124647e-03 -3.40137333e-01 -1.32772595e-01 -1.16040364e-01 6.86437115e-02 2.30301589e-01 1.00277089e-01 1.75552547e-01 1.51962787e-01 1.29648432e-01 1.40672311e-01 -1.94842145e-01 5.15471935e-01 -1.79302722e-01 -1.43884569e-01 3.76171559e-01 -8.38375837e-02 2.35963836e-01 7.36498311e-02 1.90565452e-01 4.47110355e-01 8.61257762e-02 -7.24436156e-03 1.39192596e-01 -4.10401337e-02 1.96973011e-01 -2.03506857e-01 1.10905148e-01 -3.96884471e-01 1.22555815e-01 6.72639728e-01 -2.80678988e-01 2.54712671e-01 1.74896449e-01 2.90881544e-01 7.82208294e-02 8.63673165e-02 -1.11658522e-03 1.08169520e-03 -1.14291541e-01 -2.80122757e-01 1.55780777e-01 4.78229150e-02 2.83643425e-01 1.11009076e-01 3.06945480e-02 -7.44155198e-02 7.83986002e-02 -7.16938153e-02 1.27099693e-01 3.32413495e-01 -1.84269026e-02 2.14149058e-01 4.69676614e-01 2.50401676e-01 -2.45570168e-01 -3.22528243e-01 -2.41204932e-01 -3.94739419e-01 -2.89655745e-01 -6.93551451e-02 2.91826904e-01 2.97982872e-01 9.56824794e-02 2.55075157e-01 3.37398495e-03 9.48403403e-02 -7.26744756e-02 4.78110351e-02 -3.48105654e-02 -2.99020350e-01 -3.20218533e-01 3.40882301e-01 -2.69166887e-01 4.49503422e-01 -3.54232341e-01 -8.90335962e-02 1.03556938e-01 5.07826954e-02 -3.38014066e-01 -2.58040458e-01 4.79880989e-01 -6.05138279e-02 -5.68756908e-02 -4.33286764e-02 -5.34821987e-01 4.24461037e-01 -3.75815332e-02 -1.79877982e-01 1.25404850e-01 -3.64442542e-03 7.34232441e-02 -5.55648744e-01 -9.86367613e-02 -4.65296924e-01 -3.26681644e-01 1.02487458e-02 -9.20773000e-02 1.61233880e-02 -2.79089212e-01 -2.90236503e-01 -2.48139605e-01 -2.17807263e-01 2.71015733e-01 -2.00144485e-01 3.28330338e-01 1.50447890e-01 -9.02964100e-02 4.08493698e-01 -1.04199789e-01 -2.52103448e-01 -3.70360583e-01 -4.20926034e-01 4.73952554e-02 -2.05775887e-01 1.60395503e-01 8.96307454e-03 -3.78888071e-01 3.88523132e-01 2.59358823e-01 -7.60507062e-02 -2.13074312e-01 9.84141529e-02 7.35396892e-02 3.15518826e-02 -2.02176362e-01 7.24326551e-01 1.12220928e-01 -3.54800284e-01 -2.00125888e-01 1.96711440e-02 -1.96155697e-01 4.02548045e-01 2.58233279e-01 -5.20616889e-01 1.13257594e-01 9.89935100e-02 4.23695505e-01 -2.58752257e-01 -1.84988350e-01 3.87021527e-02 4.06550288e-01 1.14715301e-01 8.74566138e-02 2.63913721e-01 6.67231798e-01 -6.97710142e-02 -5.15207529e-01 2.34420151e-01 8.66411850e-02 -1.24489464e-01 -8.62656087e-02 -1.28716365e-01 -5.09017110e-01 -1.03644967e-01 -5.58112450e-02 4.49730247e-01 6.69929862e-01 -1.88127175e-01 -2.37283796e-01 9.12948325e-02 -2.39567190e-01 -1.39242008e-01 3.63104939e-01 -4.21232879e-02 -2.94324875e-01 -3.62767905e-01 -2.03025177e-01 3.96121591e-02 2.96034515e-01 1.28383607e-01 9.91594046e-02 -2.60112017e-01 -1.93508372e-01 1.48931757e-01 -1.70413256e-01 1.53083503e-01 3.99801433e-02 3.55317354e-01 4.00328875e-01 1.28679320e-01 -2.13076100e-01 -5.19182049e-02 -2.96916902e-01 2.95762628e-01 3.10714245e-01 -2.04985827e-01 6.93187937e-02 -2.04429384e-02 -3.93664837e-03 -1.59312591e-01 5.14117070e-02 -1.61080007e-02 -1.78987216e-02 -3.26025367e-01 6.97118342e-02 -1.33717647e-02 1.82048783e-01 -3.59027088e-01 -2.93552160e-01 3.29796295e-03 2.02949032e-01 3.39980751e-01 5.75047806e-02 1.26487061e-01 -3.26662809e-02 3.15583646e-01 -1.61770120e-01 6.82851613e-01 3.72208208e-01 1.00785863e+00 3.48902166e-01 8.29400718e-02 1.24167182e-01 1.55257925e-01 -4.46418449e-02 1.92684859e-01 5.05238950e-01 1.81617483e-01 -4.12802070e-01 -3.36226113e-02 -9.00709163e-03 -2.29972564e-02 1.46846309e-01 9.79003534e-02 -1.20670393e-01 2.32536077e-01 1.92337353e-02 -1.14429500e-02 2.92760897e-02 -3.33870858e-01 2.89239645e-01 2.14185327e-01 -1.18318815e-02 2.11961061e-01 3.34613711e-01 1.06294143e+00 8.17794204e-02 1.13001354e-01 3.01512986e-01 -6.19536519e-01 7.56589323e-02 -7.10998327e-02 1.20194115e-01 -5.67501634e-02 5.59125207e-02 1.35893956e-01 -3.07033330e-01 9.04496312e-02 4.59118962e-01 -4.03415889e-01 -4.09764558e-01 -7.08395183e-01 -5.91783404e-01 3.17270279e-01 1.71623722e-01 -1.16390109e-01 -3.53034809e-02 -3.69695015e-02 1.94789112e-01 -2.14109808e-01 2.17331365e-01 6.25745058e-02 1.77139521e-01 8.43911842e-02 -3.38786781e-01 -2.24512234e-01 2.58469850e-01 -1.61210120e-01 -4.59116027e-02 7.18957856e-02 1.36307143e-02 2.97308564e-01 -2.19363004e-01 -7.96674341e-02 -3.42101008e-01 1.62837431e-01 2.81597495e-01 6.66472971e-01 -8.42457414e-02 3.06894898e-01 -7.67864659e-02 1.30634457e-01 1.48222074e-01 1.00449294e-01 1.20201483e-01 -1.30116940e-01 -1.15694208e-02 -1.96040615e-01 2.66448501e-02 3.87995601e-01 -1.12274647e-01 5.65191805e-01 -1.07227460e-01 -3.08273345e-01 -1.48290187e-01 1.83485329e-01 -1.37041688e-01 1.14167361e-02 -4.63241562e-02 9.34562553e-03 -2.23499462e-01 -8.53104796e-03 5.12501240e-01 5.37091214e-03 -5.81465542e-01 7.45676309e-02 1.33131832e-01 -1.65240705e-01 -3.80941868e-01 -7.59914517e-02 -3.11037660e-01 -1.86051019e-02 5.23368120e-02 6.26823530e-02 -1.98544383e-01 1.95206597e-01 2.84022301e-01 -1.85090542e-01 -1.65979296e-01 -4.42943513e-01 -1.26197904e-01 -7.10808113e-02 1.25067849e-02 -4.55450386e-01 1.53151825e-01 -5.81986234e-02 3.47136170e-01 8.36578906e-02 3.75481099e-01 -3.92585367e-01 -2.63398737e-01 -2.01022595e-01 3.22809163e-03 2.66978651e-01 -1.26154199e-01 2.70967819e-02 -2.96774477e-01 1.17400512e-01 -1.51112765e-01 -7.31252581e-02 -1.82762936e-01 -1.66585416e-01 1.37485623e-01 -2.10238755e-01 -7.13365525e-02 2.03367800e-01 2.01425537e-01 1.78186685e-01 2.11919084e-01 5.16487807e-02 2.00803861e-01 -1.03715494e-01 9.42021459e-02 -2.56819427e-01 1.81698427e-01 7.11937845e-02 -1.03176698e-01 1.02897827e-02 3.89917374e-01 2.75452644e-01 -8.53908621e-03 -1.61446825e-01 -2.43398428e-01 -5.33447042e-02 1.18415155e-01 -8.27317759e-02 3.56977701e-01 -1.08058579e-01 3.75454813e-01 -5.30125499e-01 7.64468536e-02 -2.05044344e-01 -7.05834106e-02 -3.02128524e-01 -1.62064895e-01 -3.07053030e-01 2.94055313e-01 1.31708995e-01 6.91375136e-02 -1.48955435e-01 -5.86856492e-02 -7.55047277e-02 6.65725917e-02 -2.11073771e-01 -2.26383924e-01 -9.26274285e-02 9.79180038e-02 6.76738396e-02 7.86892399e-02 2.84611315e-01 2.77643323e-01 -2.53696501e-01 6.03756160e-02 4.39107835e-01 -2.27338653e-02 4.58375037e-01 8.41999203e-02 5.02632499e-01 2.69627064e-01 2.15408355e-02 5.01200378e-01 3.47391039e-01 6.68439567e-02 -4.82878178e-01 -4.95154619e-01 -1.10475428e-01 1.52054101e-01 -6.54331446e-02 -1.50484154e-02 -2.27912348e-02 8.14563930e-02 -1.02376305e-01 -3.39839816e-01 1.83128178e-01 2.05724820e-01 -2.43945763e-01 -1.79938450e-01 -1.97464496e-01 1.36159984e-02 1.13665998e-01 2.83749491e-01 7.20183790e-01 2.74232417e-01 -2.30049446e-01 1.20712020e-01 -4.88082506e-02 1.88383654e-01 3.37128907e-01 -6.91069514e-02 3.35210472e-01 2.91233927e-01 -5.88169582e-02 1.59439966e-01 1.50142640e-01 2.54646063e-01 1.47305533e-01 -2.12585270e-01 -1.25941828e-01 -1.27407536e-01 -5.52528054e-02 -3.27504903e-01 -8.92787501e-02 4.43756953e-02 -7.73895606e-02 -1.37421250e-01 2.12744340e-01 -1.75757036e-01 -2.38289520e-01 2.72304118e-02 4.84845906e-01 1.31758869e-01 3.22738558e-01 -8.93859286e-03 -1.30476594e-01 1.86763033e-01 3.97428460e-02 -3.10447454e-01 -2.60264963e-01 -1.28415093e-01 -1.50278509e-01 1.09366272e-02 -2.07433820e-01 1.14627339e-01 1.20430149e-01 3.63035768e-01 2.48367727e-01 2.32726514e-01 1.65326905e-03 -3.92773509e-01 3.86005477e-03 1.45890787e-01 1.15496151e-01 -8.74703825e-02 -1.64908290e-01 2.14748532e-01 6.37840331e-02 6.91193640e-02 -9.29910690e-02 1.39797613e-01 -2.85374820e-01 -2.91017964e-02 -2.51050502e-01 1.54664025e-01 2.20957965e-01 -1.39065096e-02 6.16984963e-02 -1.00560769e-01 8.79188031e-02 -1.48067385e-01 8.52419883e-02 -3.06204557e-01 -3.03732514e-01 -2.96475403e-02 3.51127982e-01 6.70199752e-01 5.10407798e-02 2.15749994e-01 -1.59851775e-01 -4.06303525e-01 -1.56484663e-01 5.98387606e-02 -9.19460356e-02 5.81964366e-02 1.50145143e-01 1.18690133e-01 -2.95198169e-02 -1.54141217e-01 1.82097003e-01 2.71631051e-02 -9.77960154e-02 1.47535667e-01 -1.17240414e-01 7.50295520e-02 -1.35349005e-01 1.49567634e-01 -3.97866685e-03 3.29156011e-01 1.13159239e-01 -2.32799739e-01 -2.51210421e-01 -2.37577736e-01 2.81574905e-01 -1.29131719e-01 5.07911528e-03 -1.76789105e-01 3.25341225e-01 -5.26829958e-01 -7.43575320e-02 -3.07911128e-01 -7.07961097e-02 4.19770963e-02 -8.80279019e-02 -6.08745992e-01 -1.94468185e-01 -3.98373790e-02 -3.52996677e-01 -2.41606534e-01 3.51539850e-02 -1.46082779e-02 7.25841299e-02 -4.15222913e-01 1.43113151e-01]
"Extratemporal Funeral Home" active ""Extratemporal Funeral Home" by stoner99 I encourage you to read more of my works here: Item #: SCP-6888 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6888 is to be contained in a fifteen meter ice locker at Site-07. No further containment procedures are necessary at this time. Description: SCP-6888 designates a group of twenty five human corpses exhibiting no signs of decomposition or decay at a cellular level. In addition to this effect, instances do not experience many other phenomena typically associated with death, including: decreases in body temperature, skin discoloration, and production of putrescine. Every instance of SCP-6888 currently in containment is physically identical to a statesman, world leader, cultural figure, or other similar individual who had died in the decades prior to the object's discovery. As exhumation has revealed that the cadavers of these persons remain in their original places of burial, there is currently no tangible explanation for their similarities to SCP-6888. Discovery: SCP-6888 was discovered on August 12th, 1984, in Svalbard, Norway, beneath an abandoned structure believed to have served as a mausoleum for the objects at some point in the past. The building had fallen into disrepair before being acquired by Foundation operatives, and was entirely collapsed in certain sections, impeding SCP-6888's retrieval. The interior of the structure was divided into twenty six burial chambers, each corresponding1 to an instance of SCP-6888, which were removed over the course of the next several hours and taken to Site-07 for examination. Below is an abridged list of notable SCP-6888 instances recovered, along with descriptions of the chambers in which they were stored. « SCP-6887 | SCP-6888 | SCP-6889 »" "SCP-6888's point of discovery"
[ 3.70903552e-01 6.98782876e-02 -1.44883886e-01 1.91817418e-01 -1.60536364e-01 -2.94197798e-01 2.84578949e-01 5.91344722e-02 2.81949759e-01 2.03397021e-01 -1.77507088e-01 2.93324977e-01 -1.16204210e-01 -5.04195929e-01 2.18506306e-01 -1.44555286e-01 1.07512392e-01 3.10826987e-01 2.52690136e-01 -1.14887819e-01 -2.09545806e-01 -1.07555851e-01 -1.42958695e-02 1.73087239e-01 6.82543293e-02 1.03491902e-01 -1.47890195e-01 2.91421205e-01 6.25580698e-02 -1.10497303e-01 8.54622051e-02 1.17372237e-01 1.18786702e-02 6.36250257e-01 -1.10266468e-04 -1.89039350e-01 -1.10862121e-01 -1.31152183e-01 -2.41480768e-02 2.92526275e-01 -3.49377364e-01 2.31611252e-01 -2.09830314e-01 -3.39340925e-01 -9.54844952e-02 5.75168692e-02 -2.20618630e-03 -3.78362611e-02 1.65604744e-02 -5.72531996e-03 1.94387138e-01 -7.83670694e-02 1.05897732e-01 -5.72219230e-02 -1.62500098e-01 1.60452962e-01 -2.02353463e-01 1.36053681e-01 4.21244085e-01 1.24608777e-01 -1.32514834e-01 2.60536164e-01 -3.14862818e-01 3.24704498e-01 2.57133603e-01 -3.03674489e-01 1.83892533e-01 2.36420214e-01 1.25574172e-01 2.36510202e-01 -2.39355162e-01 -7.47274607e-02 1.73383325e-01 1.02431417e-01 2.47279815e-02 -2.58091599e-01 1.62238613e-01 3.27359766e-01 1.45819649e-01 -5.28326929e-02 -5.68309836e-02 2.78916985e-01 -2.81187356e-01 -1.76354960e-01 -1.77859157e-01 3.17006409e-02 -1.84060916e-01 -2.41254508e-01 3.47259760e-01 -3.24626237e-01 -1.93572655e-01 1.22737857e-02 2.31012732e-01 -7.96875283e-02 2.40879297e-01 -1.92919090e-01 2.34178022e-01 -5.55551387e-02 2.64587551e-01 1.47601869e-02 4.32888776e-01 2.59681016e-01 -6.96334839e-02 1.98618829e-01 4.28311266e-02 -2.46826142e-01 2.73328125e-01 -1.39754504e-01 -4.24235582e-01 2.38998652e-01 -1.24750607e-01 8.53880718e-02 -2.44781569e-01 1.39526874e-01 -3.89732495e-02 -3.83901387e-01 -1.73440188e-01 -1.72477037e-01 1.36319585e-02 4.50772256e-01 -3.67753580e-03 3.46119016e-01 -3.78343433e-01 2.36723214e-01 5.60843587e-01 7.53385946e-02 -8.46957564e-02 3.74231115e-02 -2.26633206e-01 5.36073260e-02 -2.23781943e-01 3.16541940e-01 -1.47255734e-01 -1.38139933e-01 8.49605873e-02 -2.82847524e-01 4.48531099e-03 -1.70413330e-01 3.26237641e-02 -2.65838385e-01 4.00967807e-01 -2.09551781e-01 3.54964882e-01 2.20521256e-01 -1.40651882e-01 -2.71166354e-01 -2.84838174e-02 -2.93275505e-01 -9.32677016e-02 -2.13030472e-01 2.01943099e-01 -3.06955516e-01 -3.26315939e-01 2.74606019e-01 -5.87324165e-02 -3.28034073e-01 2.44468376e-01 5.48148975e-02 -2.22706437e-01 -3.12198163e-03 2.17315599e-01 4.51772660e-01 -2.48032645e-03 -9.41435024e-02 2.33091842e-02 4.48230863e-01 -2.34192297e-01 -6.00687414e-02 -1.22258306e-01 -1.33299232e-01 -8.75763968e-02 5.48418798e-02 2.02408582e-01 -5.90045489e-02 -1.42526254e-01 5.15309237e-02 -2.97824353e-01 9.70813483e-02 -1.11758664e-01 1.86320115e-02 -2.43427247e-01 2.03571305e-01 1.35002688e-01 -3.06516618e-01 -8.63505295e-04 1.89635769e-01 6.32407069e-02 -1.35955766e-01 2.57100016e-01 1.60143524e-01 -5.75631019e-03 -2.28269383e-01 3.43902379e-01 -4.88266088e-02 6.64394870e-02 -7.79021978e-02 -2.59195566e-02 -8.69758651e-02 1.47849113e-01 1.20534867e-01 -2.60014445e-01 1.77623928e-01 1.48604766e-01 4.44142163e-01 -1.13244213e-01 -1.70192644e-01 1.71033293e-01 -5.47821708e-02 6.44802153e-01 9.44406837e-02 -2.40307614e-01 3.02745663e-02 -6.13307655e-02 1.60073326e-03 -9.19616967e-02 -4.11942452e-01 3.27798992e-01 -9.65577364e-02 -1.29991516e-01 -2.78577626e-01 -7.12423548e-02 -7.97429457e-02 2.81257540e-01 -2.15487570e-01 8.63383338e-03 1.40159309e-01 -2.93309987e-01 -1.54504612e-01 -1.34502441e-01 1.08578905e-01 1.69399008e-01 4.77083027e-03 1.20101020e-01 -1.06047556e-01 -1.58730224e-01 4.49028164e-01 1.59343258e-01 5.20906746e-01 -1.44601509e-01 -2.71711230e-01 5.00256717e-01 1.38777554e-01 -1.44792303e-01 -3.85599360e-02 -2.97956109e-01 4.92008716e-01 8.31383467e-02 -1.45090193e-01 7.72155523e-02 -9.37444419e-02 -4.13486622e-02 -2.01510400e-01 5.37907630e-02 -1.97020978e-01 4.07754958e-01 2.48158067e-01 6.03619814e-02 4.60323006e-01 2.16286760e-02 -2.71814186e-02 1.90755110e-02 8.39178171e-03 4.36605245e-01 -1.52135462e-01 -1.83472216e-01 -3.00532162e-01 4.02405888e-01 -7.35848546e-02 3.98077101e-01 -6.05522357e-02 -1.29485965e-01 -2.38352194e-01 4.30079475e-02 -1.66530997e-01 3.32723744e-02 -2.63950765e-01 1.11144826e-01 2.19891563e-01 1.36050209e-01 4.99734888e-03 -5.15117466e-01 -3.90295595e-01 -9.28496767e-04 -4.69178855e-02 -6.82625324e-02 9.27728340e-02 5.56613505e-03 5.71573861e-02 -9.57835317e-02 4.00077641e-01 2.94518650e-01 8.42688009e-02 1.58235863e-01 -2.22282827e-01 -2.77419031e-01 -3.41933104e-03 -4.28021491e-01 4.10362154e-01 -2.90009201e-01 -1.81169048e-01 -2.26950958e-01 1.69460997e-01 2.66433328e-01 1.03700519e-01 -4.71938670e-01 1.41832560e-01 6.36152148e-01 8.85108188e-02 -6.36996776e-02 -2.99717430e-02 -3.12708259e-01 1.49784863e-01 2.56473243e-01 -4.00946349e-01 1.36264041e-01 1.67239234e-01 7.40614682e-02 -5.11525393e-01 3.28278154e-01 -4.47345108e-01 1.86912417e-02 2.60929883e-01 -1.81314677e-01 2.95670390e-01 -1.54259399e-01 1.31075665e-01 3.52321677e-02 -2.53454268e-01 1.80567279e-01 -1.08503431e-01 1.69299752e-01 1.09129146e-01 2.57506043e-01 5.55890910e-02 -1.12402812e-01 -1.76436692e-01 -5.48611432e-02 -3.68014574e-01 -2.10829135e-02 -2.57941425e-01 3.64117697e-02 -3.35941166e-01 -1.92336768e-01 1.84620366e-01 -1.76001325e-01 -4.12241220e-02 -2.47854590e-01 1.83757201e-01 2.14179590e-01 -1.27042666e-01 -5.33910811e-01 5.32603860e-01 1.08848415e-01 -3.02809328e-01 -4.07999635e-01 -5.77654168e-02 -2.38587167e-02 3.15202773e-02 8.74379426e-02 -4.81540680e-01 -5.08912979e-03 1.94371626e-01 3.18381518e-01 -2.56566614e-01 -2.22744465e-01 -8.04243535e-02 -1.36878742e-02 1.34833023e-01 4.64752674e-01 -1.23887621e-01 2.00660437e-01 1.21677436e-01 -1.13727953e-02 1.21628260e-02 3.39989737e-02 -1.86797619e-01 8.88357405e-03 -1.27912357e-01 -4.30026203e-01 -1.43394182e-02 -1.26454845e-01 4.95717347e-01 2.62110591e-01 -3.19194883e-01 -2.35762909e-01 -2.17207760e-01 -8.62743780e-02 -1.56425182e-02 6.05993152e-01 -8.77809152e-02 2.26408541e-01 -3.29658836e-01 5.93248844e-01 2.26124525e-01 1.76765025e-01 -2.34567896e-02 -2.38669515e-01 -2.63662599e-02 4.83323783e-02 8.15506950e-02 -2.78001726e-01 1.12015139e-02 3.28373760e-01 5.89251697e-01 1.91410705e-01 1.17475189e-01 -2.58697718e-01 1.85451940e-01 -5.94855025e-02 -1.06123693e-01 4.27763849e-01 -2.12011755e-01 -1.02868944e-01 1.45971403e-01 -7.50922561e-02 -2.30758652e-01 1.03246801e-01 -1.16072163e-01 4.25403155e-02 -3.88612151e-01 -4.43269126e-02 8.79752543e-03 -7.72763342e-02 -2.66438484e-01 -1.14424936e-01 -1.35996053e-02 3.75558555e-01 4.13676172e-01 2.30568662e-01 -4.28331755e-02 -1.88201830e-01 3.20183001e-02 -1.61952719e-01 5.42624474e-01 2.71759808e-01 4.58331019e-01 -1.15930224e-02 -2.27557600e-01 -4.08972129e-02 -3.12847495e-02 -4.55586985e-03 1.34194881e-01 5.93727469e-01 2.20074266e-01 3.09967518e-01 -5.14415093e-02 -2.12695263e-02 -2.13300511e-01 -2.44000658e-01 1.37104392e-01 -8.05196092e-02 5.03079414e-01 -3.30584794e-01 4.16341007e-01 -3.03280294e-01 -3.69090974e-01 -3.87747586e-01 1.95311923e-02 -7.93538839e-02 5.35020292e-01 1.10763021e-01 1.14228034e+00 1.32274717e-01 1.66462332e-01 -7.25997686e-02 -4.68938589e-01 6.49426579e-02 -2.48672917e-01 -1.51908204e-01 3.68252248e-02 2.31046140e-01 1.98765427e-01 -3.94130170e-01 4.91036549e-02 6.02905512e-01 -1.10426664e-01 -3.25413764e-01 -3.21313977e-01 -3.03934962e-01 3.68892513e-02 1.83364779e-01 -5.96295670e-02 -2.68017519e-02 -1.44472495e-01 2.91754663e-01 8.66642892e-02 6.84397295e-02 -1.21374585e-01 2.12678537e-02 7.87171721e-02 1.18696697e-01 -1.02756709e-01 2.03677788e-01 3.11631132e-02 3.84452999e-01 7.17736259e-02 -1.45319298e-01 -8.80328119e-02 -7.14297667e-02 -2.07058027e-01 -5.28191552e-02 -1.34213954e-01 2.05536693e-01 7.14704812e-01 4.71436381e-02 2.52872854e-01 2.57457998e-02 -2.03971863e-01 -1.81895923e-02 -1.98252574e-01 -1.96092829e-01 2.36664172e-02 -3.98546636e-01 -1.40897572e-01 -4.09816802e-02 1.02747448e-01 -2.79176980e-02 1.52204707e-01 7.30030164e-02 -1.43834397e-01 -2.38231830e-02 1.56351835e-01 3.32732201e-01 1.85600251e-01 -1.28928930e-01 -2.93233126e-01 -1.68561749e-02 -4.28140862e-03 4.18949455e-01 -1.75092101e-01 1.08136564e-01 3.09640029e-03 1.45909905e-01 -2.31685057e-01 -3.35119814e-01 4.98393662e-02 -2.21070156e-01 -3.18494022e-01 6.64891675e-02 1.35806128e-01 -3.90198022e-01 3.43692213e-01 2.37704501e-01 1.44023180e-01 -4.28268999e-01 -1.36536751e-02 1.41342923e-01 8.52582827e-02 -2.79783309e-02 -7.92254433e-02 2.81217694e-01 -3.42438936e-01 5.98026633e-01 -1.19941145e-01 4.10904765e-01 -4.00305957e-01 2.93116450e-01 -5.69020696e-02 -1.10360093e-01 1.31709293e-01 -2.48202428e-01 -3.53834510e-01 -2.23395124e-01 2.00952128e-01 1.83465496e-01 -1.84851214e-01 -2.34603226e-01 -2.46940583e-01 1.72528684e-01 1.95506401e-02 -2.76600979e-02 2.17536747e-01 -5.08507751e-02 1.29226893e-01 3.20177190e-02 1.46179318e-01 1.14310339e-01 2.31416687e-01 4.15447086e-01 -1.17319643e-01 1.84300110e-01 1.03265695e-01 1.91691965e-02 -1.89071804e-01 6.65631235e-01 -3.39792699e-01 -2.62273580e-01 -9.84890014e-02 9.29897055e-02 3.32191646e-01 1.74189329e-01 -4.03425395e-02 1.88521951e-01 1.88878417e-01 2.16346189e-01 3.39528024e-02 1.34056062e-01 -2.60673672e-01 -6.98090047e-02 -5.45246899e-01 -6.84869848e-03 -9.18082669e-02 3.57138962e-01 3.70915979e-03 -8.71643573e-02 -1.92237765e-01 1.16603170e-03 -1.63832963e-01 7.59124756e-02 -1.27772197e-01 3.94162126e-02 -7.91190043e-02 1.23282466e-02 1.96923196e-01 4.81278487e-02 2.41243606e-03 -7.94355012e-03 -8.89641568e-02 -2.76489437e-01 -1.90886203e-02 1.59761935e-01 2.11528227e-01 2.05424666e-01 4.58187491e-01 -7.17500001e-02 1.18946627e-01 4.86482412e-01 5.30791759e-01 7.69211799e-02 -1.25318304e-01 2.45772555e-01 -1.14581950e-01 4.86916661e-01 -1.03267722e-01 1.97167665e-01 -4.92929339e-01 6.53236926e-01 -2.83993751e-01 8.86007100e-02 1.26863733e-01 7.75072165e-03 3.35527778e-01 -2.35126972e-01 -3.63069549e-02 -3.50639448e-02 8.60331506e-02 2.72861153e-01 1.19814396e-01 6.09238669e-02 2.77367458e-02 1.94330147e-04 5.97097240e-02 1.64070234e-01 5.21184266e-01 -3.53781164e-01 -8.48954543e-03 4.05928910e-01 -2.20602617e-01 9.85730737e-02 4.61956739e-01 -3.84014845e-02 -2.84459800e-01 1.10720322e-01 -4.13471982e-02 -3.59272361e-01 2.14862544e-02 -2.27316484e-01 -2.74795324e-01 2.16298550e-01 -4.04701203e-01 -5.37918508e-02 1.77043363e-01 -2.61919528e-01 -2.09748104e-01 2.45429188e-01 2.54193872e-01 -4.31276374e-02 -2.06614658e-01 -3.03113759e-01 -5.01511581e-02 1.52083740e-01 -2.48170849e-02 6.91981092e-02 -3.00839305e-01 6.44679070e-02 1.66301966e-01 1.14639755e-02 -1.72560841e-01 8.37256983e-02 6.70080632e-02 9.85306874e-02 -2.38126330e-02 1.11867234e-01 -1.01497963e-01 -5.97559810e-01 -3.73331308e-01 3.56461883e-01 -2.16857523e-01 -2.07463130e-01 -5.05471565e-02 8.68671164e-02 9.61488113e-02 -1.46807298e-01 -3.45347941e-01 2.29052871e-01 -2.46317714e-01 1.53075501e-01 -4.48720545e-01 2.21102610e-01 3.57492685e-01 5.40003814e-02 1.27485558e-01 -1.10305749e-01 -1.17031693e-01 1.36038139e-01 1.87380165e-01 -2.39044175e-01 -3.88016626e-02 -1.16576508e-01 5.49539447e-01 4.09255594e-01 3.84086333e-02 1.85876340e-01 -1.23536028e-01 -5.80215991e-01 3.71542215e-01 1.47023425e-01 -1.61565870e-01 -1.02890797e-01 3.77718598e-01 1.73646107e-01 5.08421324e-02 1.40465930e-01 2.47912794e-01 1.10884622e-01 -8.20391104e-02 -4.93114181e-02 -5.87630033e-01 9.31988880e-02 3.47221270e-02 1.49117168e-02 -2.01348051e-01 3.48236650e-01 2.02094670e-02 -2.07182262e-02 -1.71531469e-01 -8.61048102e-02 3.59732509e-01 -9.94048044e-02 -9.63239148e-02 -2.92122632e-01 2.21981227e-01 -3.68644595e-01 -3.67695163e-03 -3.12533528e-01 -1.03805833e-01 1.33614674e-01 3.24975610e-01 -3.68058294e-01 -2.45660409e-01 -1.11395240e-01 -2.53076464e-01 -1.84007108e-01 5.39092183e-01 5.70866391e-02 -4.08956967e-02 -2.53026605e-01 2.38533784e-02]
"[ACCESS DENIED]" blocked "Item #: 6889 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6889 is located on a web server owned by Homloch Web Hosting in Omaha, Nebraska. Foundation personnel are to infiltrate Homloch Web Hosting and monitor SCP-6889 and any devices that access it. Description: SCP-6889 is an internet forum found at the web address Any post made to the /truths board from 3am to 4am local time will detail extensively the name, location, and description of a seemingly random anomaly, as well as the full name of the instigator of the post (regardless of the computer or account used), always bearing the following message: This anonymous tip-off brought to you by /truths message board: There is no obvious source of SCP-6889’s information, nor reason for its anomalous effects being limited to one hour per day. The anomalies described by SCP-6889 include those both unknown and known to the Foundation, often including greater detail than Foundation records. The anomalous effect manifests after a draft post is submitted to the forum. The post is immediately replaced by a new post containing the anomalous information (Designated SCP-6889-1). Prior to containment the public nature of SCP-6889 led to several incidents in which the general public became aware of, and subsequently came into contact with, uncontained anomalous phenomena. Fortunately the wording of SCP-6889-1 instances regarding Foundation-held anomalies were void of any information capable of triggering a ßK-Class "Lifted Veil" scenario2, possibly a measure to avoid Foundation web-sweepers. It is held that information supplied by SCP-6889 is factual and useful to the Foundation, as the 6889-1 instances regarding Foundation-held anomalies have been found to be accurate. Recovery: Initial attempts at containment involved the seizure of the physical server hosting SCP-6889, however upon bringing the server to Site-15 for testing it was found that all attempts to trigger SCP-6889’s effects resulted in the following message: Error code 76533: ‘do not negotiate with terrorists’ In order to retain both SCP-6889’s potentially useful properties and Foundation security, the source code of the website was edited to require Level 5 security clearance for access to the /truths board, the host server was then returned to its original owners (Homloch Web Hosting, NE). Subsequent testing confirmed SCP-6889 had returned to normal behaviour. Experiment 6889-14: Subject: D-3094 Procedure: Subject given access to computer peripheries connected to SCP-6889 at 03:21 local time, instructed to type and post a message in Spanish. Result/s: SCP-6889-1 instance appeared written in Spanish, detailed anomalous building cognizant with Unexplained Location UE-8155823. Experiment 6889-16: Subject: D-42265 Procedure: Subject given access to computer peripheries connected to SCP-6889 at 12:52 local time, computer clock set to 03:30. Subject instructed to type and post words to favourite song. Result/s: SCP-6889-1 instance did not appear; post identical to subject input. Experiment 6889-143: Subject: Dr Finlay Braunholtz, Site-15 DoWAC Representative Procedure: Subject given access to computer peripheries connected to SCP-6889 at 03:10 local time, as requested for ‘important DoWAC business’. Subject typed and posted unrecorded message. Result/s: SCP-6889-1 instance detailing fail-safe protocol appeared; upon reading subject immediately halted experiment and made contact with DoWAC Director Conners. SCP-6889-1 instance generated by Experiment 6889-143: Failsafe 42: ‘Found the Fed’ dfлháфjΔзkmу This message is an automated response to be displayed in the event the /truths board makes contact with an individual who knows themselves to be a paid concealer of the truth. This board is more than just an encyclopedia, the same methods it uses to acquire its forbidden information are used on the poster as well. And in the eventuality that the poster happens to be a member of some unknown thought police, the following protocol is enacted: The string of characters at the beginning of this message were placed there in such a way that they have certain properties. The first person to read these letters will be tied by fate to the /truths board irreversibly, meaning that if the board is destroyed then the reader will be destroyed also. This protocol was put in place to ensure that the truth remains accessible to anyone, Fed or no, lest one of said Feds spontaneously combusts. The methods by which /truths operates and I hide myself will not be revealed here, but know this, Feds: The Truth will get out eventually. « SCP-6888 | SCP-6889 | SCP-6890 »" nan
[ 2.30041653e-01 1.58331662e-01 -1.40870452e-01 2.49365434e-01 -8.15261994e-03 -4.33065981e-01 3.83100063e-01 3.56012024e-02 4.12321657e-01 6.79494292e-02 -2.04890996e-01 1.86172232e-01 -3.16053629e-02 -3.46734710e-02 1.00249380e-01 2.73155928e-01 -2.64884681e-01 -3.49392146e-02 -3.73642221e-02 -3.29171447e-03 -2.04144761e-01 -3.04911107e-01 -2.45494232e-01 3.19450349e-01 3.77809629e-02 -3.48436654e-01 2.87638217e-01 1.14658765e-01 -2.93098569e-01 -5.01488030e-01 3.68125558e-01 -4.00834577e-03 -2.00106800e-01 6.67380273e-01 -1.03737526e-04 9.61898267e-03 7.05829337e-02 1.39575556e-01 -3.84356141e-01 1.26704082e-01 -3.84691119e-01 1.04826003e-01 3.99072422e-03 1.96713116e-02 -2.38311887e-02 4.51432019e-01 -3.94088100e-04 -8.45350176e-02 2.29628220e-01 2.84738779e-01 2.17965186e-01 7.77753070e-02 4.38025862e-01 9.05887261e-02 -1.95171013e-01 1.13083705e-01 -2.44736061e-01 2.59269267e-01 -3.84091847e-02 1.90795988e-01 3.27951998e-01 1.90286443e-01 -3.34432453e-01 -7.04860240e-02 1.69514433e-01 -4.95827049e-01 2.08198264e-01 -9.14277956e-02 4.03548568e-01 3.87674689e-01 1.31786108e-01 1.13641478e-01 -8.68376866e-02 2.96031803e-01 -7.35557377e-02 2.96704262e-01 1.70665815e-01 2.09330931e-01 -5.57053648e-02 2.47678310e-01 4.14983816e-02 -1.98254026e-02 -3.16250563e-01 2.19517555e-02 -2.30353460e-01 2.77475506e-01 -7.85869509e-02 1.68848261e-01 -9.21780542e-02 -2.22636268e-01 2.70070191e-02 6.20646849e-02 3.13470587e-02 1.62529811e-01 1.69006005e-01 1.75724089e-01 2.31025547e-01 7.71537051e-02 1.44610077e-01 -2.21131556e-02 2.27992848e-01 3.65282357e-01 6.17688149e-02 1.91980198e-01 -1.69421077e-01 1.04690313e-01 4.95195054e-02 1.54385701e-01 7.69480616e-02 7.38796413e-01 -1.48521602e-01 3.21804285e-01 -2.39021838e-01 -6.72506914e-02 -2.36214578e-01 -2.26046219e-01 2.30170473e-01 -2.16588646e-01 -1.61248386e-01 2.73447424e-01 -2.75061071e-01 7.81370699e-03 -4.36491193e-03 3.92669886e-01 2.85049587e-01 -3.04229259e-01 2.01562181e-01 -1.10476241e-01 3.73373888e-02 1.88545529e-02 -1.93963245e-01 1.41296402e-01 -2.23928824e-01 3.18754986e-02 1.58974782e-01 -2.10816100e-01 -1.35398805e-01 -7.24884793e-02 -1.13904789e-01 -1.79770634e-01 8.42190161e-02 2.76924931e-02 5.38587332e-01 6.31843269e-01 -7.52230510e-02 -6.25106320e-02 1.10185996e-01 -4.70849238e-02 -8.94039404e-03 -1.28862649e-01 2.26213455e-01 -4.40126240e-01 -1.13035180e-01 2.06153378e-01 3.16547126e-01 2.20487788e-01 7.79264644e-02 -2.06281781e-01 -2.10948959e-01 1.30957924e-02 2.81946659e-01 4.13864478e-02 -1.44851163e-01 -1.78302154e-01 2.01034620e-01 1.26069546e-01 -2.12864816e-01 2.13367864e-01 -2.78768718e-01 -1.20093822e-01 -2.02164963e-01 -1.55677702e-02 -3.64658594e-01 6.90299496e-02 -9.44058225e-02 2.44948551e-01 -2.63343453e-01 -7.23131606e-03 -4.54792500e-01 -1.90467864e-01 -1.31488964e-01 -4.21567634e-02 2.48775229e-01 -5.30738235e-01 -3.67412359e-01 1.43165207e-02 2.04282790e-01 -1.12569764e-01 3.77145082e-01 -3.14677685e-01 -2.24061787e-01 -3.28907847e-01 1.18231714e-01 1.40990272e-01 1.05981722e-01 -1.91712797e-01 4.68431115e-01 -1.32876918e-01 2.73579448e-01 1.16144143e-01 -8.80104080e-02 -8.85378662e-03 2.81750858e-01 3.13197851e-01 -9.67452005e-02 4.61745001e-02 2.47938316e-02 1.68788165e-01 2.98243403e-01 3.68972063e-01 -2.36013636e-01 -5.73092364e-02 -2.99845725e-01 3.53557110e-01 -2.76547540e-02 -4.20935810e-01 3.36824745e-01 5.54832704e-02 2.06384093e-01 -3.41288805e-01 -5.27764224e-02 3.10043562e-02 -1.08351611e-01 -5.53126857e-02 8.74254555e-02 -1.30175993e-01 -4.30954397e-01 -6.56267479e-02 -2.93931901e-01 1.72752157e-01 4.66402948e-01 -3.78603041e-02 7.00076967e-02 6.73065186e-02 -2.50882924e-01 8.92765224e-02 1.20938029e-02 4.97102261e-01 -9.02289003e-02 -2.13103235e-01 2.50747830e-01 1.68786779e-01 1.91266507e-01 -1.52511876e-02 3.65072250e-01 2.89606422e-01 -3.77116762e-02 1.61366999e-01 1.55336946e-01 1.40967563e-01 2.29290470e-01 -2.23710895e-01 -2.13512219e-02 2.38853022e-02 1.29605129e-01 3.30792755e-01 -1.53917402e-01 1.33707285e-01 2.09558364e-02 2.25094974e-01 -3.88256013e-02 -1.93823408e-02 8.74676108e-02 -1.14931641e-02 -6.97745979e-02 -9.10100266e-02 3.35447073e-01 -4.12409268e-02 -4.40649986e-02 7.11421520e-02 -3.38611379e-02 -6.70505315e-02 -1.96517199e-01 -5.86569533e-02 2.46277675e-01 1.54518604e-01 1.39078364e-01 1.33389607e-01 2.35161901e-01 8.41266513e-02 -1.35400221e-01 -5.29538810e-01 -2.47780949e-01 -2.69257575e-01 -2.80119359e-01 -2.57414989e-02 -2.47448101e-03 9.02974829e-02 1.77290410e-01 1.38479739e-01 -1.64978370e-01 -1.01726905e-01 -8.64303634e-02 1.01917125e-01 -2.03764692e-01 -1.36029765e-01 -4.97669667e-01 2.48492301e-01 -6.12678602e-02 5.21653175e-01 -3.50631535e-01 -3.36807854e-02 -1.37449548e-01 5.48372306e-02 -2.82162488e-01 -1.14588112e-01 3.33780378e-01 2.16099009e-01 -4.45739040e-03 -1.45278603e-01 -2.57284731e-01 1.30378917e-01 -1.66605890e-01 3.56340520e-02 5.58387525e-02 4.11233336e-01 -2.76901901e-01 -5.70619762e-01 1.63757280e-01 -3.29121947e-01 4.87251952e-02 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8.25428441e-02 -1.15180954e-01 -1.87823147e-01 -1.54860672e-02 -5.98964132e-02 -3.09202164e-01 -2.42928535e-01 1.81236323e-02 5.00862002e-01 -1.26885772e-01 2.77035356e-01 9.84652862e-02 1.24248767e+00 -5.29057272e-02 1.60120323e-01 2.73213714e-01 -3.91648769e-01 -1.70361847e-01 -2.80124366e-01 2.46132724e-02 2.41834015e-01 3.29914354e-02 6.85829595e-02 -2.78967440e-01 1.27533391e-01 2.76176542e-01 -3.18796873e-01 -3.01860929e-01 -2.94710994e-01 -2.15293705e-01 1.08275831e-01 2.50998467e-01 -1.62050575e-01 2.07445517e-01 -3.06534171e-01 2.22423673e-01 6.21882593e-03 2.33199880e-01 1.81965921e-02 -1.64151266e-01 -2.34482270e-02 -2.26784259e-01 -3.96520615e-01 2.12433159e-01 -2.30552763e-01 2.47624204e-01 -1.23056509e-02 2.24562198e-01 5.12367301e-02 -4.48142797e-01 -1.40131280e-01 4.46762368e-02 -1.27528653e-01 2.16833621e-01 4.99262691e-01 -2.41207078e-01 -2.67828559e-03 1.39437348e-01 1.90796569e-01 1.06906300e-04 -1.56842843e-01 1.87786773e-01 -9.28357169e-02 -3.40652883e-01 -3.68116319e-01 1.66506112e-01 3.94536667e-02 -2.06091404e-01 4.39935654e-01 -2.46312201e-01 -2.03657061e-01 -2.03646213e-01 2.28909194e-01 -1.63093552e-01 -1.83814958e-01 -1.93849355e-01 4.13321823e-01 -3.63199145e-01 -7.01132119e-02 5.97034752e-01 -5.44989742e-02 3.44433129e-01 6.66060388e-01 2.39539549e-01 -3.83194953e-01 -3.61405432e-01 -3.32579255e-01 -5.47808176e-03 3.73863466e-02 -4.32644747e-02 -1.69762656e-01 -2.48578027e-01 1.35448620e-01 3.67227107e-01 3.77423584e-01 -2.45727785e-02 -2.91149944e-01 -2.89315462e-01 5.04650250e-02 1.44190751e-02 8.99212882e-02 1.11875966e-01 -1.41432613e-01 3.50160718e-01 -7.22904205e-02 2.32943863e-01 -4.03604239e-01 1.38850128e-02 -4.13735390e-01 5.97775877e-02 1.74027100e-01 -2.13289082e-01 1.93681598e-01 2.49183089e-01 2.38891736e-01 -1.98864453e-02 -2.40731463e-01 -2.31238797e-01 -5.80435060e-02 1.27917513e-01 3.64056900e-02 -4.34684664e-01 -1.07321419e-01 -2.88291216e-01 1.95856258e-01 2.85408348e-01 -1.11686759e-01 1.89230084e-01 1.57684594e-01 -1.22117527e-01 -9.53769404e-03 3.06284964e-01 1.56688988e-01 2.15423793e-01 -2.51557499e-01 5.24326384e-01 1.04154885e-01 -1.93938062e-01 -8.13459530e-02 -1.49711221e-01 4.10080142e-02 -2.49654762e-02 -1.56437784e-01 2.65948176e-01 2.84095019e-01 1.35058343e-01 -1.34260952e-01 4.39497158e-02 2.11882547e-01 -1.29784584e-01 -1.88446015e-01 -1.40380323e-01 -2.50162482e-01 2.85269022e-01 6.57990202e-02 1.90875128e-01 -9.09290388e-02 -1.83309570e-01 8.35463312e-03 -9.57002677e-03 2.46758889e-02 -5.19691817e-02 -7.67681599e-02 1.24308921e-01 -1.32534523e-02 1.39434291e-02 -1.32615827e-02 1.33226559e-01 -5.11247635e-01 -3.28651279e-01 2.05826581e-01 8.14892650e-02 4.78248835e-01 -9.77942944e-02 1.10941695e-03 1.83644801e-01 1.09822033e-02 2.60321289e-01 3.88080448e-01 -5.45473397e-02 -1.13966383e-01 7.85660557e-03 -3.00362054e-02 -1.94364220e-01 4.67495359e-02 -1.29067764e-01 -2.25479662e-01 3.86543095e-01 -3.37034985e-02 5.56681827e-02 3.30053415e-04 6.27422109e-02 6.03077607e-03 -1.71139136e-01 -8.28775987e-02 -1.44908383e-01 9.58239883e-02 6.94841072e-02 2.89023429e-01 2.09903151e-01 -1.08878911e-01 -1.34842455e-01 1.34428129e-01 3.91811542e-02 3.72112960e-01 -1.40682012e-01 2.14245208e-02 2.15686709e-01 -9.28261280e-02 2.49335006e-01 3.70322436e-01 3.56076181e-01 -5.59494421e-02 -3.37432504e-01 2.22387508e-01 -1.52991116e-02 -2.64911443e-01 -5.12128055e-01 2.42288932e-01 2.23403394e-01 2.03407645e-01 6.75605014e-02 2.03711212e-01 -2.53730506e-01 -3.67544502e-01 -1.99636966e-01 3.34022403e-01 -3.73318158e-02 1.00404322e-01 -1.26629069e-01 -2.89315522e-01 1.93719175e-02 -1.45356238e-01 -1.97539300e-01 -7.58795738e-02 6.28517196e-02 -3.42251152e-01 2.78822064e-01 -3.25542659e-01 1.01444907e-01 -2.78178174e-02 3.19673777e-01 2.46596336e-01 2.27105036e-01 9.59612057e-02 -1.63673177e-01 -3.27485465e-02 3.23262721e-01 -1.22005634e-01 -4.88058448e-01 -6.98779076e-02 1.65550381e-01 -7.95784742e-02 -1.93230093e-01 1.81735024e-01 -1.99722961e-01 -3.01665571e-02 1.22210003e-01 -2.04963699e-01 2.72752404e-01 4.26264524e-01 -6.41030893e-02 -3.32793593e-02 -2.37011269e-01 3.13533276e-01 -1.82217494e-01 1.51199907e-01 -4.94899927e-04 -3.43475193e-01 8.55522230e-03 6.79807186e-01 6.51850104e-01 7.03288838e-02 2.63541102e-01 -7.58540183e-02 -2.83448398e-01 -3.07271868e-01 1.14510566e-01 -3.63205671e-02 1.82255045e-01 -5.19369803e-02 7.08015785e-02 3.37580107e-02 -1.54783562e-01 1.63798362e-01 3.65494281e-01 -3.66638064e-01 6.12234175e-02 -2.09150240e-01 -8.57444014e-03 -1.98876783e-01 -1.20339636e-02 -2.65123490e-02 -4.30824002e-03 2.73365021e-01 -2.37745106e-01 -1.05060823e-01 -4.27587211e-01 6.24182940e-01 -2.95383543e-01 -3.42913866e-01 4.50000353e-03 1.84928954e-01 -3.30363929e-01 -1.07919253e-01 -3.97526145e-01 -3.46101820e-02 8.46368745e-02 -6.59532323e-02 -1.66702345e-01 -1.19076535e-01 -8.66384879e-02 -1.51129514e-01 -2.33964562e-01 2.00572535e-01 -6.79330304e-02 1.21528871e-01 -3.87342155e-01 1.70623899e-01]
"Tales of Terror" active "by J Dune SCP-6890 - Tales of Terror GOOOOOOOOSEBUMMMMPS ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF Image Credits ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. White Cross Studios, the locus of SCP-6890 Special Containment Procedures: The exterior of White Cross Studios, which contains SCP-6890, has been blocked from public access. Civilian trespassers are to be amnesticized. Further exploration of SCP-6890 is prohibited until further notice. All testing with SCP-6890-1 is to be recorded. Description: SCP-6890 is a non-Euclidean, extra-dimensional space positioned between the ground and first floors of White Cross Studios, a soundstage in Saskatchewan, Canada. SCP-6890 is stark grey in color, and expands indefinitely in all directions. SCP-6890 is absent from any official documentation or schematic of the studio. A partially concealed trap door located underneath Stage-8 serves as its only point of access. The sole objects inside SCP-6890 are a podium made of lithified sediment, and on top of it, SCP-6890-1. SCP-6890-1 is a television typical of those manufactured in the late 1990s. A silver cross logo is placed in the center of the lower half of the object’s plastic casing. On its back is an engraved phrase, which has been reproduced below. A penance unpaid with deliverance prayed The Father presides, the Children abide The worth of a soul, the Prelate weighs SCP-6890-1 remains operational despite not being connected to a power source. When SCP-6890-1 is powered on, via use of a button in the left-hand corner of the object, it will play a previously unseen episode of Raymond Dillinger’s Tales of Terror, a Canadian children’s horror anthology series that briefly aired on television from 1999 to 2000. SCP-6890-1 cannot be powered off until the episode is aired in its entirety. These episodes, designated SCP-6890-A, are similar in structure and style to the original program but differ in tone, most apparent in their incorporation of religious elements into the narrative and the character of the Prelate. Further information regarding the contents of SCP-6890-A can be found below. Actors who appear within SCP-6890-A are 13 juvenile individuals, who also appeared throughout the show’s original, televised run in central, starring roles. Research into the identities of these individuals, including names, familial histories, or public records, has been unsuccessful. Addendum.6890.1: Program Overview Tales of Terror was a television program produced, directed, and written by Raymond Dillinger. The show followed an anthology format, with each episode telling the story of a child’s encounter with the supernatural, following the trend of middle-grade targeted horror media released in the 1990s. These episodes would follow a standard plot progression, before implementing an unexpected and often nonsensical “twist” ending as a climax. Two example episodes have been summarized below. Season 1, Episode 6 - “The Big Top!” Sarah Donner, a young girl struggling with a fear of bees, starts to suffer night terrors about a hive. Episode ends with a troupe of worker bees kidnapping Sarah and bringing her to a large cavern, and the reveal that she was a queen bee who had run away from the hive years ago, desperately trying to live a normal life as a human. Sarah transforms into a bee, and is forced onto the throne by a beekeeper. Season 1, Episode 9 - “Camp Fear” Episode focuses on a group of summer-campers who become stranded in the wilderness and stalked by what they believe is the ghost of a girl who was murdered at the camp years ago. In the end, it’s revealed that the campers are government agents, sent directly to apprehend the spirit and bring her into custody. Of note is that the child actors portraying each respective protagonist throughout the show's 13 episode run are entirely unknown, and remain uncredited despite playing the episode’s main character. The likenesses of these actors are reproduced by SCP-6890-1 in SCP-6890-A. Tales of Terror aired on Canadian television channel “YTV” for a single season and was critically panned during its run for poor acting, inexpensive production, and stale writing. The show was largely unpopular with its target audience, and quickly became forgotten. As a result, the show was not distributed on home media following its initial airing, and copies of the show are scarce. Attempts to contact Corus Entertainment, owners of YTV and presumably the distribution rights-holders of Tales of Terror have been met with ignorance regarding the existence of the show and the whereabouts of its master recordings. Regardless, the Foundation has compiled a complete library of Tales of Terror, and has concluded that the show is outwardly non-anomalous, and the contents of the episodes are unremarkable. Addendum.6890.2: White Cross Studios INFORMATION RELEASED WITH OSAT COOPERATION THROUGH ACT 232-E The Foundation was alerted to the existence of SCP-6890 after an investigation into the disappearance of Raymond Dillinger, the show’s producer, by the Occult and Supernatural Activity Taskforce (OSAT) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Dillinger, who has been designated PoI-6890, disappeared shortly following the show’s cancellation in 2000. An excerpt from an OSAT agent’s initial report on Dillinger and White Cross Productions has been included below. The company’s history is murky, but standard given its small size. Produced multiple made-for-TV films throughout the 70s and 80s, all spearheaded by Dillinger. Nothing out of the ordinary about any of the productions, they more or less flew under the radar. Every commercial, every film, every television series, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is produced by a team of dedicated workers who pour dozens, if not hundreds of hours into their product. White Cross was one of thousands of unknown studios working below the surface of the mainstream. They never produced anything of their own until 1999, when Dillinger was asked to head the production of a children’s horror series. According to what we discovered, he was more than happy to finally take the creative lead on a project. Unfortunately, the history of Raymond Dillinger is more difficult to narrow down than his company. He was Victoria-born, white, male, and credited as a production assistant on more than 35 different films in the 1960s before founding White Cross and constructing an expensive studio complex in Saskatchewan. No family to speak of, no relationships, life outside of work completely unknown. There is one thing we learned from speaking to former colleagues though - Dillinger loved what he did, and was loved by those who worked with him. At least until the production of Tales. Following the cancellation, White Cross Productions folded, and the crew were absorbed into other production companies working in Canada. Equipment within White Cross Studios was sold, and the property remained untouched until 2003, when OSAT’s investigation yielded the discovery of SCP-6890. Excerpt follows. We seized some excess docs. Stuff left in the filing cabinets and the desk drawers, even a few surveillance cameras. Only things ransacked here were the expensive film equipment, it seems. The site’s filled with costumes, props, all sorts of paraphernalia. They’re interesting enough, given what we already know about Dillinger, but don’t compare at all to the crawlspace. That’s what we’re calling it. Jen noticed it first, practically fell in. A section of the floor was offset, almost like a trap door pushed to the side, and in between the cracks was a gray light, peeking from between the interstice and the concrete. Extraspatial Anomaly RDIS-01, proper file attached below. Initial OSAT reports also mention SCP-6890-1 being incapable of powering on during its discovery. Following the disappearance of three OSAT agents during attempts to explore SCP-6890, the decision was made to transfer jurisdiction of the anomaly to the Foundation. Salaz, Hyder, and Molonti set out to give a preliminary check, investigate the perimeter, and see what we were dealing with. It was grey on grey for as far as the eye could see, but we wanted to know what was beyond that, if anything. Feeds blacked out at around 4 kilometers. They just kept walking the entire time, completely silent. We told them there was nothing out there, it could go on forever, but they didn’t listen. The comms went out completely, and they never came back. A few hours later, they turned on, and all we heard was what sounded like a smile, grinning slowly into our comms. If something’s down there, it was surprised to see us, and it was excited too. The skippers were called in after that. Following Foundation containment and seizure of relevant documents, investigation into SCP-6890 and 6890-1 was conducted. Foundation assets did not encounter issues when attempting to explore SCP-6890, but did not find necessary reason to do so extensively with the advent of SCP-6890-1’s anomalous properties, which manifested shortly after the OSAT left the site. Attempts to retrieve the three missing OSAT agents from SCP-6890 were met with failure. During exploration attempts, Foundation recording equipment detected bursts of white noise in the 160 to 190 kilohertz region, affecting all long-range communication attempts beyond the 2 kilometer radius surrounding SCP-6890-1. As such, further exploration has been discontinued. Addendum.6890.3: SCP-6890-A Testing Log SCP-6890-1 began producing SCP-6890-A on 2003/11/10, during a routine inspection of the object. After powering the device on, several minutes of static and noise ensued before SCP-6890-A1 began to play. All instances were recorded, transcribed, and summarized. Content in instances of SCP-6890-A differ from the televised run of Tales of Terror in significant ways. The cast of 13 unknown child actors who appeared in the original series are present in each instance of SCP-6890-A, whereas they only appeared in their respective episodes during the initial broadcast. These individuals are, aside from the Prelate, the only characters in SCP-6890-A. This emptiness is exacerbated by SCP-6890-A’s apparent low budget, as each episode takes place in what appears to be the same town, though this is not acknowledged within the show itself. There is heavy re-use of sets, props, and costumes from previous episodes, and production errors, such as the visibility of storage areas or filming equipment in certain scenes, are common. Furthermore, actors sometimes take up more than one role per episode, sometimes speaking to themselves or appearing multiple times in the same location. Their performances are markedly different from their acting in the original show, as the children appear more unsure of themselves, repeating lines, and frequently glancing offscreen to hurriedly apologize after a mistake. The show’s format is unchanged, still being a horror anthology series, though SCP-6890-A incorporates heavy religious themes and messages into each instance. This is often provided by the “Prelate” character, an individual not present in the original series. The Prelate is a tall, red-robed entity with excessive boils covering its skin and a large, wide-brimmed hat. He is present in each SCP-6890-A instance, and attempts to “teach” the cast a moral lesson, which is often coupled with intensive punishment. These morals are outwardly religious, fashioning themselves after Catholic or sometimes Protestant teachings, but upon closer inspection, are nonsensical and unnecessarily cruel. Scenes in which characters are being “punished” by the Prelate are both graphic and lengthy, but often conclude with the main character thanking the Prelate, and promising to correct their behavior in the future. Injuries suffered by the characters are healed by the next SCP-6890-A instance, though scars, bruises, and other physical indications of suffering remain. The first series of tests using SCP-6890-1, SCP-6890-A1 through SCP-6890-A4, are included below. Instance #: SCP-6890-A1 Episode Title: To Find God is to Go Below Summary: Hannah Troy wins a contest to visit a movie studio. While there, she notices that a director is having trouble shooting his film, which is about a seance going wrong. Hannah prays to the Prelate, who arrives at the studio and orders that the director repent and turn to God. The director claims that he does not know how; in response, the Prelate points towards a previously unnoticed darkly-lit stairwell near a wall in the studio, stating that “God is beneath, in places seen only through his eyes.” The director descends the stairwell, and the episode cuts to a grey still for 7 minutes. When the picture is restored, the Director is filming scenes of the actors injuring one another, going so far as to force Hannah to remove her own eyes with a screwdriver, as she stayed at the studio beyond her curfew, disobeying the rules set by her parents. While the crew of the film are upset with the director’s change in behavior, the Prelate is satisfied, and rewards him by allowing him to achieve salvation. The child portraying the role of the director disappears and is not seen again in another SCP-6890-A instance. The blinded Hannah cries out, upset that she was not taken by the Prelate, stating that she’s suffered enough. Instance #: SCP-6890-A2 Episode Title: To Walk With God is to Return Above Summary: Billy Hadder and his friends discover a hidden passage inside their school locker room after breaking in after-hours. It leads to a narrow, cramped cavern that extends downwards. At night, they dream of God calling to them, asking them to go back to the tunnel, as he crafted it specifically for his followers. The children are afraid, and attempt to block off the passage using spare gym equipment. Their teacher, the Prelate, catches them and forces the children to break each other's limbs for not only breaking into the locker room, but also disobeying the word of God and refusing to enter the passage. After the children are adequately punished, Billy Hadder kneels on his broken knees and repents before the Prelate. The Prelate determines that Billy is ready to “walk with the Lord” and forces him to crawl on his injured hands and knees into the hole, which closes after the two enter. Billy’s actor is not seen in any other SCP-6890-A instance following this episode. Instance #: SCP-6890-A3 Episode Title: To Know God is to Abandon Man Summary: A group of students discover dinosaur fossils in the lot outside of their school. This prompts a surging interest in dinosaurs in the town as the students compile a complete skeleton to sell to a museum. On the day of the sale, the museum representative is none other than the Prelate, who reveals that the children had strayed from God’s teachings by believing in dinosaurs, and the bones were put there by the Prelate to test their faith. He states that God is “older and buried deeper” than any dinosaur. The children beg the Prelate for forgiveness, but are punished instead, as the dinosaur skeleton reanimates itself into a large, horned, humanoid creature and consumes them. The episode ends with the Prelate burying the bones of the children in a wooded location reminiscent of the area surrounding the exterior of White Cross Studios. He molds the bones into the form of fossilized dinosaur remains. He then removes a pelvic bone and resurrects one of the children, a young girl, whose flesh hangs from the bones of her broken skeleton. He tells her that she has suffered adequately, and has earned salvation. The girl begins crying and thanks the Prelate. She asks why the Prelate has not healed her friend’s eyes1. The Prelate initially does not respond, and assures her that her friend will achieve salvation after she adequately atones for her sins, as she has committed more than anyone else according to his judgement. The girl understands, sinks into the ground, and is not seen in any other SCP-6890-A instance going forward. Instance #: SCP-6890-A4 Episode Title: To Be God is to Consume His Glory Summary: Two brothers believe their town is under attack by werewolves after witnessing their neighbor transform into a beast and go off into town. This coincides with multiple disappearances of their friends. Eventually, a group of children confront the neighbor, who transforms into a monster in front of them. The Prelate enters, emerging from inside a cabinet, and tells the children that the monster is, in fact, a messenger of God. He explains further that they should not judge something as evil, because something outwardly evil may be God in disguise. The Prelate orders the children to become one with God by consuming the monster’s flesh. To do this, the Prelate transforms the two brothers into similar looking creatures through a series of painful transformations. Once fully transformed, they are forced to consume the messenger-creature, and then their friends. After doing so, the Prelate takes the brothers outside of the house and into a forest. They are not seen again. Addendum.6890.4: Interview Log Foundation investigations into PoI-6890 resulted in interviewing multiple cast and crew members of Tales of Terror and former White Cross Studios productions under the guise of a police investigation into Dillinger’s disappearance. An interview with Donald Harving, a production manager on Tales of Terror and close associate of PoI-6890, has been transcribed below. Dr. Marsen: Thank you for taking the time to sit down with us, Mr. Harving. Harving: Sure. Anything to shed some light on Raymond. He’s an unsung hero of the field. Dr. Marsen: We’ve heard. Can you speak to Dillinger’s relationship with those who worked with him? Harving: Wonderful guy, the absolute best. Always made everyone feel welcome, always was approachable, really fostered a collaborative atmosphere in the best way. We were doing garbage for local broadcast stations, mostly, but it felt special. Some people light up a room by walking in, and Raymond was one of them. Dr. Marsen: Are you aware of his background? His personal life? Harving: Not exactly, but I don’t think anyone was. He was a private guy, at least with that sort of thing. It didn’t matter though, we were too focused on the creative process to worry about things like that. Kind of applied to all of us. Dr. Marsen: Hm. How would you describe Raymond leading up to his disappearance? Harving: Oh God, it was… it was awhile ago, but it was one of the worst periods of my life. I know others who would say the same thing. We were filming this kids’ show, this stupid kids’ show, based on some spooky books or something, I think. I’ve never seen a person change completely in such a short span of time before. I know I just talked him up, but the Raymond I knew was an entirely different person than the Raymond that worked on this show. Midway through production, it was like someone put a towel over the entire studio and twisted and wringed, making sure any joy that came from the job was dripping to the floor, day by day. It was different, Raymond would come into work frustrated, started taking it out on the crew, which… he never did that before, ever. He threw coffee on a camera-girl after she screwed up a shot, which… thank God it had been sitting out for a few hours. Every day was a nightmare, and it was the first time Raymond had ever been in a position where he was producing his own work. Before, it was always someone else's. Maybe it went to his head? It’s not the version of him that I want to remember. Dr. Marsen: He alienated his former friends completely, then? Harving: You could say that. He would spend all of his time in the basement, away from everyone else. That fucking basement, I don’t know if he set up an office there or… or what, but he’d go there alone. We’d leave and he’d still be down there, and when we came back the next day, he’d finally come up. Dr. Marsen: Do you remember how Dillinger treated the cast of the show? Harving: Same as… same as he treated us, I think. Meltdowns, anger, threats. Religious, oh god the religious rants were something else. I almost forgot about those. Maybe he had some sort of spiritual reawakening on set or something, but he’d always talk about God, and how we were doing the Lord’s work. He never went to church though. He couldn’t have, when he was in the fucking basement all day. He was losing it, I think. The pressure of being responsible for every facet of production for the first time in his life. It was how he coped, probably. Dr. Marsen: Do you remember any of the child actors involved in the production? Any incidents regarding them specifically? Harving: Of course, I… hm. It’s been so long that I don’t think I do. I never thought about it before, but no, no I don’t remember them. I don’t think they went on to do anything big, any of them. Raymond… right, now I remember. Raymond would scream at them for hours about their acting, saying it was wooden, or forcing them to reshoot certain scenes. Thought he was Kubrick or something, but these were just little kids, you know? We talked him down, tried to console some of the kids, but he was on a warpath. Dr. Marsen: Filming guidelines require adult supervision of child actors while on set. How did their guardians respond to this? Harving: I can’t recall. I’d imagine it wasn’t good, but it happened so frequently that it makes me wonder; Why did no one stop him? Who would let their child get bossed around by that man? But I’ve been in this business for half of my life, and the types of people who bring their children into it are scum. There are exceptions, as always, but they are scum. Learning to take the abuse is just part of the job for their future movie star. It’s better for them to learn that sooner than later. Dr. Marsen: Would Raymond’s religious interests intersect with the writing of the show? Harving: Uh, I haven’t watched that crap, so I wouldn’t really know, but I do remember him being upset at the network forcing him to rewrite certain scripts. Actually, they might have rewritten parts for him. There was this one episode where he insisted on donning this ridiculous outfit and parading around to preach, or something. It’d end with the monster being Jesus in disguise or some bullshit he came up with after spending hours cooped up in the basement. We filmed some of it, but the higher ups said religious horror was wildly inappropriate for the target audience, so we scrapped it, obviously. Dr. Marsen: Do you remember what happened to the footage? Harving: The Onset of the Prelate. Dr. Marsen: Mr. Harving? Harving: That was the title. Raymond kept repeating it, over and over. The Onset of the Prelate. Researcher’s Note: Information corroborates with other interviewed subjects. Former associates of PoI-6890 notice a decline in his health and a change in attitude during the production of Tales. Subjects do not recall the identities of child stars on the show, even when presented with photographs of them, but all mention PoI-6890 harboring resentment towards them and other cast members for reasons unclear. All subjects corroborate that PoI-6890 spent significant time in the studio's basement. Notably, White Cross Studios does not have a basement. Addendum.6890.5: SCP-6890-A Testing Log II Instance #: SCP-6890-A5 Episode Title: The Flesh Can Be Cleaned Only Through Him Summary: Story follows a girl named Chloe2, who begins losing friends because she does not want to play a roleplaying game involving the wizards and magic, as it goes against her faith. Slowly, Chloe is coerced into playing the game by peer pressure. During a session, the group accidentally summons a demonic entity, who is revealed to be the Prelate in disguise. The Prelate burns the group of children, sans Chloe, for engaging in the occult, and practicing idolatry. At this point, Foundation researchers experiment with the object by powering off SCP-6890-1. The object does not turn on for thirteen hours. When power is restored, the Prelate congratulates a boy for enduring the “cleansing fires”, and takes him away in a manner similar to previous tests. Chloe begs the Prelate to let her repent, stating that she feels ashamed for standing aside while others are performing their penance, but he leaves. Instance #: SCP-6890-A8 Episode Title: Men Can Be Judged Only Through Him Summary: Episode is devoid of plot and consists of the Prelate lecturing the remaining children in a church setting about Heaven, God, and the need to suffer in his name. The lecture specifically denounces abrahamic religions as heretical, and their god as a false one. The Prelate states that God is something all-consuming that, once found, can be harnessed to judge others through his will. He then asks the children where God can be found, to which they respond in unison with a phrase, reproduced below. God lies in secret, forgotten, festering in a shallow grave. Where time cannot reach, and the blind cannot breach, his doors open for sons to see. Beneath the ground that man has laid, and words he sets in stone, he operates in a silence so few can ever know. The Prelate removes a tile from the floor and asks for one of the children to step forward and throw themselves into the hole. A girl3 volunteers herself, but the Prelate denies her, feeling she is not ready. The girl insists, but the Prelate warns that he will turn the cameras off, and they will be forced to go “off script”. This silences the girl. Instead, the Prelate picks two other girls, who lower themselves into the hole. The Prelate remarks that they will undergo “more pain than one should feel in a thousand lifetimes”. Seconds later, the two emerge, apparently unharmed, and embrace the Prelate. He takes them down the stairs, and they are not seen again. Addendum.6890.6: Recovered Documents The following are documents recovered from the Foundation’s acquisition of White Cross Studios. I’ve been fielding complaints about you all month. I don’t know what’s happening over there, but I’ve seen the footage, you either tone that shit down, or I’ll take this higher. I reviewed the scripts for the second quarter of shooting, and we’ve determined that they’re not in line with what is acceptable to air on children’s television. We got Jackie to rewrite them, as you’ve demonstrated that you’re incapable of refraining from shoving this Sunday school bullshit into your work. And [ILLEGIBLE]]? That’s my daughter. She’s here because of me, and because you’re my friend. If you treat her the way you’re treating those other kids, I will make sure you never work again, Raymond. G.H White Cross Productions The field of God beneath it all repents unwilling unworthy forever. Judgement never religious open my eyes open my eyes down there, going going. Going for ever. For ever. Found it there and never moved again for years until i found it there forever. Why here? Why anywhere? It had to be here. I will make sure they achieve salvation thank you thank you the lord our lord. I cannot taste with my own eyes but the eyes of the LORD and he is wrathful but oh so very forgiving yes. Thousand years. Before that. He is GOD. I am his PROPHET. The shepard will tend to his sheep the souls of the unwashed to wash the feet as his SON did for those to cleanse the pain with pain and mightful vengeance. Evil is real and it lurks in the body of every man who is unpurified by His word that extends and branches so far beneath under there under there. In here. You’re doing good. To do: -film 1x06 -replace pulleys -talk to jace re: new lights -negotiate flight with [ILLEGIBLE] -go beneath -partake in His cup - - - -so gracious of Him to choose me -beneath (The following is footage obtained from a surveillance camera active in the studio. No audio remains.) Raymond Dillinger and crew are filming a scene on the set of a living room. One of the child actors, a young boy seen in SCP-6890-A, appears to have trouble performing alongside two adult actors. They sit at a dinner table, and the boy throws his plate across the set. Dillinger cuts the scene and takes a moment to view the footage. Two crew members sweep up the plate. Dillinger signals to the crew. The boy is provided with a new plate. Scene is reshot. Midway through, Dillinger signals for the scene to be cut. Dillinger approaches the boy and screams at him, frantically gesturing. The boy and Dillinger continue to argue. Dillinger grabs the child’s hands and forces them to perform the sign of the cross. When he refuses, Dillinger takes the plate and smashes it over the boy’s head. He collapses. Dillinger turns to the crew and gestures again. He storms off the set to an unseen location. Crew members attend to the child. Addendum.6890.7: SCP-6890-A Testing Log III Tests SCP-6890-A9 through SCP-6890-A12 have been reproduced below. SCP-6890-A9 Episode Title: The Last to be Judged Summary: The young girl seen in previous tests confronts the Prelate, and asks why she has not been chosen to ascend. Her wounds have not healed, and her body is noticeably damaged in several places: her body is emaciated, limbs hang limp, a wrapping covers her eyes, there are severe burn marks and bruises on her skin, and her gait is staggered. The Prelate says that it is because he knows she still has much to atone for. The girl does not understand, and lists the hardships that she's suffered for God over the years. The Prelate says that God cares about her more than she could imagine, and asks if she is willing to undergo a final test for the Lord. The girl accepts. SCP-6890-A10 Episode Title: N/A Summary: Episode consists solely of shots of the town. Props are seen thrown together in the backs of storehouses, and locations seen throughout the show are boarded up. No audio is present. SCP-6890-A11 Episode Title: Summary: The Prelate grants "salvation" to the remaining children, sans the girl. When a boy asks about her, the Prelate says that she is still undergoing her penance. SCP-6890-A12 Episode Title: Ascension Summary: The girl returns from a hole in the ground, battered and barely able to stand. She finds that the town is empty. Upon realizing that she's the last to be taken, she begins to cry. The Prelate appears and assures her that she has been forgiven. He takes her hand, and her injuries heal. The two walk to a well at the edge of town that extends downwards. The girl and the Prelate do not hesitate to jump in. They do so, and the episode cuts. Following the airing of SCP-6890-A12, SCP-6890-1 became unresponsive, and was reclassified as a neutralized component of SCP-6890. Addendum.6890.8: Spatial Alterations to SCP-6890 On 2004/1/12, SCP-6890 underwent a major spatial change, in which the grey coloration of the space disappeared entirely. As a result, visibility inside SCP-6890 became heavily impaired. During assessment, several researchers reported feeling compelled to leave the approved research area and explore the anomaly deeper. One such researcher, James Laden, disappeared into the depths of SCP-6890, prompting an immediate rescue effort. Due to difficulty communicating using radio in further parts of SCP-6890, Foundation Drone-SCFS-12 was released inside the anomaly with an automated flight path that would return to the research area after completing its exploration. A log of its findings has been transcribed below. DRONE REPORT SCFS-12 - OPERATOR, MADISON GREENE, TECH. POWER ON, SETTINGS CALIBRATED ENTERING FLIGHT LEAVING RADIUS COMMUNICATION FLATLINE. AUTOMATED NAVIGATION PATH ENGAGED NO VISUALS DETECTED. ENGAGING FRONTLIGHTS. FLIGHT STABLIZED. NO VISUALS DETECTED. NO VISUALS DETECTED. NO VISUALS DETECTED. NO VISUALS DETECTED. NO VISUALS DETECTED. OBJECT DETECTED. Footage does not show a discernible object. OBJECT DETECTED. IDENTIFICATION UNKNOWN. Drone begins descending, derailing its automated flight path. WARNING, AUTOMATED NAVIGATION DISENGAGED. AWAITING CORRECTION FROM OPERATOR. The drone continues its descent. No objects are visible on screen. BEGINNING DESCENT. Footage does not show a discernible object. -25 METERS DESCENT. Footage does not show a discernible object. -50 METERS DESCENT. Footage does not show a discernible object. -75 METERS DESCENT. Footage does not show a discernible object. -100 METERS DESCENT. Footage does not show a discernible object. OBJECT DETECTED. CONCENTRATION OF AKIVA RADIATION DETECTED. UNKNOWN ENTITY. UNKNOWN ENTITY. UNKNOWN. UNKNOWN. Footage shows an indiscernible object. CONTACT LOST. Following five hours of inactivity, an undamaged SCFS-12 flew back to the research area with the above footage. Further exploration into SCP-6890 is postponed. Researcher Laden is considered lost. On 2004/1/14, SCP-6890-1 powered on automatically, and displayed the following text on a white background. « SCP-6889 | SCP-6890 | SCP-6891 »" "A still from Tales of Terror's opening A capture from Tales of Terror, 1x06 A capture from Tales of Terror, 1x09 The Prelate Context Unknown"
[ 1.59707472e-01 2.84980595e-01 -8.02024528e-02 6.91723498e-03 1.88997332e-02 -4.64721322e-02 3.82463634e-01 1.21637814e-01 4.16270196e-02 1.79758787e-01 -8.91329199e-02 1.60188049e-01 -3.90703321e-01 -1.51972845e-01 1.54404104e-01 2.19991267e-01 1.14715584e-01 8.39178041e-02 -3.66086662e-02 2.54039392e-02 -9.52188075e-02 -1.07567221e-01 -3.29667121e-01 1.30223036e-01 -1.48820892e-01 -8.21930915e-02 2.55930632e-01 2.62132198e-01 2.21934587e-01 -3.78439635e-01 1.46665439e-01 -2.50171628e-02 -3.44282612e-02 5.45742273e-01 -1.05447696e-04 -2.47558698e-01 6.96099922e-02 -1.30688682e-01 -3.49156721e-03 3.31234157e-01 -2.73192137e-01 4.24017698e-01 -4.43316847e-01 -1.37402713e-01 1.29056841e-01 2.89408624e-01 1.58824310e-01 1.71951950e-01 1.96704239e-01 -3.20158005e-02 2.01433018e-01 -2.57966351e-02 1.32864174e-02 9.42012444e-02 -6.70009106e-02 8.01114261e-01 -3.36485803e-01 2.96111435e-01 3.88801247e-01 2.43862774e-02 6.99971467e-02 3.39145213e-01 -3.33887011e-01 -1.91283137e-01 -7.19620213e-02 -4.21475500e-01 1.32957771e-01 -1.95514664e-01 1.65606320e-01 1.11613996e-01 -6.03097796e-01 -4.03956473e-01 2.40778103e-01 1.87133327e-01 -3.64958495e-02 1.40023172e-01 -4.34969319e-03 2.10044459e-01 -7.61648566e-02 -4.11764123e-02 -7.84265101e-02 3.40918005e-01 -2.23940104e-01 -1.65259749e-01 1.24592349e-01 2.67538372e-02 -1.96160190e-02 -7.14802891e-02 3.56372595e-01 -2.14106023e-01 -1.74598634e-01 6.72326908e-02 1.16700813e-01 2.45194286e-01 1.88002884e-01 -2.66227238e-02 3.91778871e-02 -1.75473183e-01 1.30217135e-01 1.17643431e-01 1.85976587e-02 7.03864843e-02 -3.41195008e-03 1.15383826e-01 5.97087741e-02 -3.71575207e-01 3.21651489e-01 -1.99821562e-01 -3.28635514e-01 6.20069325e-01 3.29823531e-02 3.36018145e-01 -4.71736431e-01 1.55806974e-01 -1.52414083e-01 -1.90074503e-01 -4.48895022e-02 -6.51647672e-02 -3.28970730e-01 3.53628635e-01 -3.65281165e-01 1.20267093e-01 -1.36239350e-01 2.20497221e-01 6.26926959e-01 -9.63718444e-02 1.23908065e-01 -3.62480283e-02 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-6.78167567e-02 8.29372108e-02 -8.55729580e-02 -1.49557874e-01 -1.18396012e-03 -1.30982131e-01 4.64134961e-01 1.09070167e-01 -1.28405213e-01 2.61036783e-01 2.23052174e-01 -8.80678091e-03 -8.91114399e-02 8.29899535e-02 2.48174772e-01 -2.49282077e-01 2.97202021e-01 2.84160912e-01 -1.66723937e-01 -5.11651710e-02 -1.41131982e-01 -2.61909217e-02 -9.52311791e-03 -4.99349087e-01 2.18516126e-01 2.19685763e-01 -1.91087797e-01 -2.53804535e-01 -1.03875339e-01 -1.94315717e-01 1.87819619e-02 -1.76822826e-01 -2.79304862e-01 2.73964405e-01 -2.58673340e-01 -1.52227432e-01 6.26691505e-02 1.46234840e-01 -3.44700404e-02 5.61202206e-02 2.65846938e-01 6.39634728e-02 7.45143443e-02 5.33644706e-02 -1.24725521e-01 6.53452218e-01 -1.30284831e-01 -4.15529609e-01 4.63895172e-01 4.18632060e-01 1.58560082e-01 1.80296868e-01 2.02431262e-01 3.10672432e-01 8.58821869e-02 7.12690800e-02 1.58175156e-01 -1.91620260e-01 -1.58246875e-01 -2.35397846e-01 -3.05857033e-01 -2.22020015e-01 2.48401016e-01 9.51338485e-02 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1.19711041e-01 -3.01275104e-01 8.38863254e-02 -1.13782011e-01 6.00284301e-02 -2.26221502e-01 -3.06129396e-01 -9.91934463e-02 -1.25742912e-01 9.10568088e-02 4.01323587e-01 3.40939939e-01 1.21621418e+00 4.53781784e-02 3.57634693e-01 5.72673142e-01 6.48659766e-02 -1.27967671e-01 -3.89144272e-01 -6.82323650e-02 -2.06917465e-01 1.68233573e-01 5.35222329e-02 -2.06579208e-01 -1.71555042e-01 5.21030247e-01 -1.00033149e-01 -3.00955892e-01 -3.00613225e-01 -7.89574161e-02 1.28639251e-01 -4.67875838e-01 1.21707298e-01 3.28065865e-02 4.79332581e-02 1.39929473e-01 7.69514292e-02 9.83768255e-02 -1.81870654e-01 -4.43177521e-02 3.01012576e-01 4.10535233e-03 -2.55730718e-01 3.46254736e-01 -2.38867015e-01 -6.06584363e-02 1.67163342e-01 -3.95367146e-01 -3.91955525e-01 -1.42561749e-01 -2.88495213e-01 1.88881889e-01 -6.20845407e-02 2.39707902e-01 5.89123309e-01 8.05096980e-03 3.43504846e-02 1.55013457e-01 5.70033975e-02 -1.37196695e-02 2.51634382e-02 7.63923079e-02 2.78114956e-02 -2.69963890e-02 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-3.55446246e-03 2.92740047e-01 -7.60082245e-01 9.40465182e-03 2.25859165e-01 1.01199917e-01 -1.53065249e-01 7.08222508e-01 -6.94388673e-02 -9.66874361e-02 -1.56546742e-01 -1.47993356e-01 -1.77731261e-01 3.16491157e-01 4.71167080e-03 4.35736686e-01 1.71816662e-01 3.59555423e-01 -2.58358270e-01 1.11947976e-01 -7.80409649e-02 -4.79400903e-02 -3.25997025e-01 -1.68252781e-01 -2.48054475e-01 2.76842207e-01 9.40501615e-02 -6.86106086e-02 -6.24415576e-01 -1.28334358e-01 -2.47957394e-01 8.55631903e-02 -4.45912153e-01 -4.66742963e-01 9.04407501e-02 -9.23582315e-02 -1.72204394e-02 1.83313698e-01 1.18614741e-01 5.56097507e-01 -1.66106254e-01 -1.62436008e-01 -2.56894767e-01 -2.14810651e-02 4.63316262e-01 -1.37486354e-01 -2.96064109e-01 8.39726180e-02 2.32062399e-01 2.97469288e-01 1.51873276e-01 6.68663308e-02 -4.97057796e-01 3.53921682e-01 -6.96773380e-02 -5.21310121e-02 -3.40860225e-02 -2.87200809e-01 2.08914444e-01 2.33863786e-01 -1.87561214e-01 3.34049219e-06 1.74672306e-01 1.68762371e-01 1.68173343e-01 -2.30431765e-01 -1.40882716e-01 -9.06052887e-02 2.49712095e-01 1.97351396e-01 1.04355127e-01 3.72974314e-02 -2.89493576e-02 1.33644387e-01 4.57245186e-02 1.59421578e-01 5.36025949e-02 2.05960572e-02 1.20384462e-01 5.31118274e-01 8.04611444e-02 4.47806835e-01 3.77635956e-02 4.56898987e-01 -2.11253464e-01 4.04470190e-02 -6.70666844e-02 -5.55951297e-01 -3.47673744e-02 -2.75019437e-01 3.24078947e-01 2.19821796e-01 2.04761401e-01 6.03195168e-02 5.70413806e-02 -2.53804803e-01 -6.62554801e-01 1.66844755e-01 -4.83488068e-02 3.44305247e-01 1.28101709e-03 -5.11184752e-01 -3.01994234e-02 2.26257909e-02 -1.03633456e-01 -1.77252635e-01 -3.67294759e-01 -6.00181846e-03 -4.96093482e-02 5.90052567e-02 2.06980687e-02 1.25127971e-01 -3.63633782e-01 1.11469902e-01 1.25325665e-01 1.20211981e-01 7.74056837e-02 -3.47204417e-01 -1.34225950e-01 3.08145732e-01 3.16185445e-01 -2.47348502e-01 -2.16624916e-01 -3.08033526e-01 2.87531614e-01 2.63939947e-01 -2.28317559e-01 9.75616276e-02 1.01053938e-01 7.78623763e-03 -1.16939321e-01 2.54687786e-01 3.04453671e-01 -5.77321574e-02 -2.35689916e-02 2.59657800e-02 -7.70711079e-02 -2.17222437e-01 2.36972934e-03 7.33966976e-02 -2.64343768e-01 -3.06908935e-01 5.25405943e-01 4.95613545e-01 -1.48223624e-01 2.11534634e-01 -1.81453839e-01 -1.62255839e-01 2.23157376e-01 2.22035140e-01 1.67109042e-01 7.38746226e-02 9.95056033e-02 3.56021076e-01 2.09777668e-01 -9.55598801e-02 1.60656795e-01 4.78735954e-01 -7.08601475e-02 4.53462601e-02 -4.67168659e-01 4.76316502e-03 -1.13842838e-01 1.13238534e-02 -3.06242630e-02 2.72841066e-01 2.22624272e-01 1.39911175e-02 1.61440745e-02 -2.55082011e-01 5.49930096e-01 3.75578552e-03 -5.52543774e-02 -1.70829147e-01 1.64838895e-01 -2.81624109e-01 -1.84816927e-01 -2.60857433e-01 4.10973690e-02 -2.18371391e-01 8.82775038e-02 -5.12769043e-01 -2.53670514e-01 -4.56673682e-01 -1.28437683e-01 1.73599813e-02 2.38400444e-01 1.82733938e-01 -4.09801565e-02 -2.09869698e-01 7.86736682e-02]
"A memo to all Site-32 staff." active "For all Site-32 staff who may not have been informed, SCP-6892 is a silver urn with a heart design embossed on the front. Please minimize all interactions with SCP-6892 to avoid damage or the spilling of its contents. The mess is not cleanable. As of this memo, SCP-6892 is currently located in Research Room 3 of B-Wing. Do not remove SCP-6892, as I still have important work to finish. If staff report sightings of an individual displaying paranormal properties, such as intangibility or levitation, do not be alarmed. These are simply the properties of SCP-6892-1. To O'Hara and Director Roberts, I would like to extend a thank you for your constant attendance and prayers on the anniversary of my death; it means more than I could ever express. - Snr. Researcher, Lucy Fergurson. † « SCP-6891 | SCP-6892 | SCP-6893 »" nan
[ 5.90345979e-01 2.72162072e-02 -1.12082556e-01 2.98777252e-01 -2.09727556e-01 -1.41668022e-01 -9.46977213e-02 1.81242585e-01 2.87516385e-01 6.66032806e-02 -1.97813213e-01 4.06517297e-01 -8.01920071e-02 -4.83667344e-01 4.41469476e-02 1.72027811e-01 3.58940028e-02 1.96143940e-01 3.97151336e-02 -1.07684031e-01 -2.67513603e-01 1.25294521e-01 -1.84479728e-01 1.39646068e-01 -6.71813861e-02 2.27643047e-02 7.00681433e-02 2.94657886e-01 1.97465774e-02 -2.31306598e-01 4.48556338e-03 8.43759850e-02 -1.43939912e-01 2.74588615e-01 -1.09802895e-04 -2.49185443e-01 5.29265106e-01 5.18466011e-02 -3.24895024e-01 2.84475051e-02 -3.60514998e-01 1.47677949e-02 -1.87395424e-01 -1.73199609e-01 3.04109275e-01 1.13981888e-01 1.66860774e-01 4.27831173e-01 -1.34460688e-01 8.76381248e-02 1.40626073e-01 6.91845268e-02 4.84631211e-01 -1.90366372e-01 -1.02662757e-01 2.47903198e-01 4.80649695e-02 2.15756848e-01 -3.36992174e-01 5.98667525e-02 3.09180975e-01 2.77761579e-01 -3.13349843e-01 3.54161821e-02 3.16621810e-01 -2.82344639e-01 5.76019138e-02 2.11785417e-02 1.29980981e-01 -3.65835093e-02 -3.88781339e-01 3.55185615e-03 2.85812348e-01 3.83202791e-01 -9.44261029e-02 3.45930398e-01 2.95274973e-01 3.48432928e-01 2.97748335e-02 -7.86568448e-02 -2.91289032e-01 -4.35574763e-02 -3.83121192e-01 -3.76502946e-02 -1.51072279e-01 3.06822747e-01 -2.58994192e-01 1.22564271e-01 7.45977834e-02 1.65909231e-01 1.17030218e-01 1.98061183e-01 -2.53097601e-02 -1.05478257e-01 2.62395680e-01 -1.21058546e-01 1.79676473e-01 7.00855032e-02 1.23279534e-01 -3.61794978e-02 5.14020085e-01 1.27754807e-01 -1.28153726e-01 2.55556077e-01 7.82582164e-02 -2.08919182e-01 2.47455299e-01 -1.95746630e-01 3.23090404e-02 4.58273411e-01 1.87599063e-01 2.26732433e-01 3.45820338e-02 -2.52255090e-02 -1.21516138e-01 -6.57600909e-02 1.67072952e-01 -3.29286247e-01 -2.00653970e-01 1.46089420e-01 -2.49589473e-01 -4.09511700e-02 -5.96937351e-02 2.09107980e-01 3.71697098e-01 3.72021884e-01 -4.08179313e-02 -1.84779674e-01 8.43739286e-02 -3.31906021e-01 -2.03817800e-01 3.66712719e-01 -2.34259754e-01 3.50328773e-01 -2.39570007e-01 9.40091759e-02 -7.45891035e-02 -5.17797284e-02 -7.67197162e-02 -1.42782152e-01 4.07918505e-02 -4.88011204e-02 7.03403950e-01 4.64697987e-01 -1.66340530e-01 1.01852052e-01 4.61051352e-02 8.60390663e-02 -1.94208443e-01 3.34852636e-01 2.59849131e-01 -1.88976556e-01 -3.46606046e-01 1.69664860e-01 -2.87826687e-01 1.83410019e-01 -1.90758631e-01 -1.00245841e-01 -3.76442790e-01 1.54044643e-01 3.63523215e-01 1.28302142e-01 -1.69887543e-01 -2.23793000e-01 2.07959712e-01 3.30280393e-01 -1.87184736e-01 -3.26240063e-02 2.03066189e-02 -3.32977682e-01 1.21786080e-01 1.72091067e-01 -9.22542512e-02 -1.00606941e-01 -3.00043851e-01 1.06091350e-02 -4.12922591e-01 1.23116754e-01 -2.22115606e-01 -3.75741631e-01 -2.57935524e-01 -3.14952374e-01 -3.84729356e-02 -7.54274800e-02 -2.36565009e-01 -7.04968497e-02 -2.75778379e-02 -2.90818930e-01 2.76819199e-01 2.14655381e-02 -4.80194509e-01 -3.50380927e-01 4.41113293e-01 -6.70917006e-03 -5.17636538e-02 -6.64003268e-02 2.10856214e-01 3.25370692e-02 2.40181044e-01 1.47185639e-01 -1.97250769e-01 9.02170017e-02 4.44103181e-01 2.72859156e-01 -3.71062644e-02 3.38727832e-02 3.37173268e-02 -8.51986036e-02 4.72898871e-01 3.44605535e-01 -1.30196765e-01 2.81597506e-02 -1.81036487e-01 5.48241809e-02 -4.21109051e-02 -1.05661117e-01 1.50804520e-01 3.10481399e-01 1.02547377e-01 -1.30194262e-01 -1.43347055e-01 -5.03678583e-02 -1.09333441e-01 -1.70183003e-01 -2.42312744e-01 1.45297498e-01 -2.57130235e-01 -1.27787322e-01 -7.60432780e-02 2.23343253e-01 4.64113384e-01 1.77674413e-01 1.33907884e-01 2.23533273e-01 -3.11740667e-01 -7.02049676e-03 3.39937329e-01 3.43470931e-01 -1.89713333e-02 -4.50248092e-01 3.48377496e-01 3.17653120e-01 -4.38351147e-02 1.10340603e-01 3.19193825e-02 2.24022359e-01 -6.79562464e-02 -1.43657893e-01 -3.88110876e-02 -1.90914236e-02 -1.58326104e-01 -1.66212723e-01 -1.88620444e-02 -1.74476951e-01 -2.74738520e-01 2.18635634e-01 -4.80931640e-01 1.96735159e-01 1.08081698e-02 1.22522190e-01 -1.59056574e-01 -1.77760020e-01 2.25287870e-01 -5.42381369e-02 -1.32838115e-01 -4.20168728e-01 2.35231683e-01 -9.17205140e-02 3.37951005e-01 6.36411533e-02 -1.68520525e-01 -7.48414621e-02 5.21057472e-02 -2.78361112e-01 8.07111785e-02 1.48606628e-01 -7.87481591e-02 -3.60314585e-02 4.16489393e-01 1.70825645e-01 3.95025164e-02 -1.42774573e-02 -1.40123308e-01 3.67450304e-02 -2.45592877e-01 -4.19708580e-01 1.10972136e-01 -1.75946541e-02 -1.58390775e-01 3.55578423e-01 -3.31915431e-02 -2.54192371e-02 1.03546120e-01 -1.32636681e-01 -1.10249713e-01 -2.29984850e-01 -3.47965926e-01 4.86108840e-01 -3.63403529e-01 3.33840430e-01 -4.54532832e-01 -1.43483058e-01 2.02196509e-01 -8.33604578e-03 -3.93494278e-01 3.21411759e-01 5.37736297e-01 2.83364028e-01 8.19180161e-02 -3.57928306e-01 -2.36484155e-01 2.55763922e-02 -4.68309149e-02 -3.42408061e-01 1.96526945e-01 1.48261473e-01 3.05616315e-02 -5.15857995e-01 2.38850400e-01 -5.80176592e-01 -8.97758976e-02 -7.18776807e-02 -3.30161035e-01 6.20487556e-02 -2.81550229e-01 -5.06243147e-02 1.61988556e-03 -1.57037929e-01 1.08972341e-01 -4.12683040e-01 1.72305763e-01 3.96113396e-02 -1.29846677e-01 1.01657309e-01 -3.07944447e-01 -2.99111128e-01 -3.34784627e-01 -1.75356403e-01 1.66765645e-01 -6.55423850e-02 4.18727286e-02 1.13231823e-01 -7.36011844e-03 4.28880483e-01 -2.46109843e-01 -3.68726313e-01 -5.08304417e-01 1.55835878e-02 -8.02060515e-02 1.34903220e-02 -3.32679600e-01 3.75955909e-01 6.64561475e-03 -3.96835685e-01 -9.14288536e-02 -1.93016216e-01 -1.83343574e-01 1.82052836e-01 3.98124963e-01 -1.66243657e-01 -1.27394199e-01 -1.13468990e-02 2.68869847e-01 -2.07288608e-01 7.60855805e-03 -1.50043711e-01 3.60574931e-01 1.79077119e-01 5.07700861e-01 -4.92798118e-03 5.18445194e-01 2.34848857e-01 -2.28313118e-01 2.01596305e-01 -1.12202309e-01 -1.61429808e-01 1.05279863e-01 -4.88173008e-01 -3.51752460e-01 -2.59070218e-01 6.50971662e-03 7.73383081e-01 1.67838499e-01 -3.50166172e-01 -2.85947859e-01 2.10312426e-01 -1.70328572e-01 2.25826234e-01 2.79474288e-01 -1.47020826e-02 1.36216776e-02 -4.82158095e-01 5.69107682e-02 1.95189536e-01 1.65992394e-01 -2.52125621e-01 1.94797173e-01 -8.32065120e-02 -1.12893075e-01 2.22096205e-01 -1.09283827e-01 1.52199937e-03 2.83330858e-01 4.38939601e-01 2.94592977e-01 2.88079709e-01 4.67426367e-02 -2.37967417e-01 6.24527037e-02 -1.01937316e-01 5.56289792e-01 -9.45374444e-02 -6.67861253e-02 2.52438672e-02 1.67719290e-01 -2.88705707e-01 1.13869481e-01 -1.16066597e-01 -6.89172894e-02 -7.72865295e-01 -1.50347367e-01 1.34660080e-01 1.19016111e-01 -1.84753478e-01 -5.25910407e-02 -2.05107570e-01 4.88043100e-01 1.22931637e-01 3.58303376e-02 4.05043969e-03 -9.84748453e-02 4.54404145e-01 -1.75710469e-01 9.42439616e-01 2.46508330e-01 4.01177764e-01 -1.49340229e-03 9.91355255e-02 -1.44807063e-02 -1.10163026e-01 -8.78742412e-02 2.83408940e-01 5.07067502e-01 3.64818946e-02 -5.86403348e-02 -6.86458498e-02 2.84006536e-01 -1.63952395e-01 -1.57123104e-01 -1.07020661e-01 -1.66180730e-01 1.29620478e-01 -3.38878095e-01 2.44767964e-01 3.10850572e-02 -2.60922223e-01 -2.98223853e-01 7.75487274e-02 1.70252146e-03 1.50438145e-01 4.83680516e-01 1.24015105e+00 1.69111826e-02 1.13899261e-01 1.37336463e-01 -2.22454414e-01 3.43363017e-01 3.46376523e-02 2.84618940e-02 -2.81588674e-01 4.26958919e-01 2.54765123e-01 -1.53219610e-01 -1.42975762e-01 2.71591127e-01 -3.71608019e-01 -8.06028545e-02 -3.65051657e-01 -1.55789524e-01 7.08584487e-02 1.20645471e-01 -9.30154026e-02 3.06136876e-01 2.31187955e-01 2.43219137e-01 2.63419542e-02 8.00504088e-02 4.40876409e-02 -9.45108309e-02 1.92401826e-01 -5.70816512e-04 -2.12437287e-01 1.89922661e-01 -5.71955383e-01 2.86031246e-01 5.07498942e-02 4.27801944e-02 -5.92519576e-03 -3.25946733e-02 -8.05607904e-03 -8.22352394e-02 1.02780417e-01 2.80786961e-01 4.71485555e-01 -2.60398000e-01 -4.51276712e-02 1.25974387e-01 -2.73717027e-02 -3.26124430e-02 -2.38397166e-01 2.06825390e-01 8.18350017e-02 -1.28927976e-02 -8.05707633e-01 3.09805542e-01 -1.56168625e-01 -1.45936524e-02 8.62827525e-02 -1.15472630e-01 -3.43015969e-01 3.42066400e-02 1.83446258e-01 1.20551385e-01 -3.87048759e-02 9.64021310e-03 -7.51306936e-02 -2.78988957e-01 1.26081690e-01 1.35140017e-01 -2.15966135e-01 -2.40920052e-01 4.72345501e-02 -5.99785475e-03 -1.23623222e-01 -4.28181022e-01 -1.96826056e-01 -1.78527206e-01 -2.04123944e-01 1.48978293e-01 2.67834142e-02 -9.03389156e-02 2.09657893e-01 5.08791566e-01 4.59116809e-02 1.92398876e-02 -4.10857916e-01 1.19867753e-02 2.26698205e-01 5.49404919e-02 -1.30529255e-01 2.34292507e-01 -2.11196318e-01 9.67298523e-02 -1.71367422e-01 1.56190723e-01 -3.61789227e-01 4.70146649e-02 -2.39911944e-01 -1.50867268e-01 -1.17064483e-01 -1.25738800e-01 1.23041987e-01 -9.18927193e-02 6.21697381e-02 1.12824842e-01 1.33795738e-01 -1.19328186e-01 -1.82404350e-02 1.72548562e-01 1.40719861e-01 7.42028058e-02 -3.03940624e-01 3.65729034e-02 3.85995269e-01 3.03691000e-01 2.82701820e-01 5.73456526e-01 1.97402790e-01 1.77077204e-01 -2.29279310e-01 -4.64033661e-03 2.03811556e-01 2.80814081e-01 1.66154444e-01 7.47051895e-01 2.89734975e-02 -2.06230268e-01 -3.71757209e-01 -5.38416021e-02 3.83396924e-01 2.50130832e-01 -6.27824292e-02 2.75891364e-01 -3.05479430e-02 2.26692244e-01 -2.51905471e-01 1.91239536e-01 -3.83417755e-01 -2.27635637e-01 -4.70055610e-01 -1.29297733e-01 -1.95660740e-01 2.10352689e-01 1.29014581e-01 2.69234806e-01 -4.36773896e-01 8.38766694e-02 -1.90073073e-01 2.64596909e-01 -2.79282659e-01 -3.54930222e-01 -3.20942938e-01 6.22658022e-02 3.72491807e-01 -1.56131133e-01 -1.71634018e-01 -1.16080493e-01 -9.22253802e-02 -2.80186981e-01 3.50181013e-01 -2.73200646e-02 2.71440446e-01 -1.41035050e-01 5.52115619e-01 2.54015625e-01 4.76581961e-01 4.64901954e-01 4.12618756e-01 3.27596635e-01 -4.01976168e-01 2.98772603e-01 6.33793026e-02 -2.67236978e-02 -9.32097360e-02 3.06762278e-01 -4.10653055e-02 1.66780666e-01 6.90168515e-02 7.93138072e-02 2.46533126e-01 4.05398428e-01 -2.26492450e-01 -5.35183959e-02 -3.83190036e-01 9.28650498e-02 8.13990310e-02 -1.08239919e-01 -8.09068158e-02 2.97287494e-01 -3.54486674e-01 6.06467947e-02 -1.54021457e-01 4.48268533e-01 4.10941958e-01 -1.06831260e-01 -2.14841604e-01 2.31626928e-01 -5.17186560e-02 1.97425395e-01 2.72578955e-01 2.61830270e-01 1.81589082e-01 -2.12235730e-02 6.22166954e-02 -1.16129093e-01 -1.07523836e-01 -4.64732349e-02 -1.63744405e-01 4.59406912e-01 -3.17474902e-01 -2.05200315e-01 2.04927906e-01 -1.33016750e-01 -3.92496437e-02 7.80528486e-02 3.07543784e-01 3.63750398e-01 3.41848791e-01 -3.22864860e-01 -3.51070404e-01 -9.10819769e-02 -2.31638718e-02 -4.31818664e-01 -2.76351660e-01 -4.62997369e-02 -1.28041515e-02 1.68420956e-01 -3.10640574e-01 9.59773287e-02 1.11328818e-01 1.80091426e-01 5.04959226e-01 1.87863812e-01 -2.10747533e-02 -6.01836145e-01 -2.12360203e-01 3.05819631e-01 1.72510818e-02 1.97307050e-01 1.01030236e-02 1.07067682e-01 -8.30818936e-02 -7.72112980e-02 -2.63551354e-01 1.82924438e-02 -2.62480140e-01 -2.02374518e-01 -2.51617491e-01 3.77234191e-01 2.06168026e-01 -1.09178208e-01 7.29315132e-02 1.08274013e-01 -9.75562073e-03 1.88930854e-01 8.24492276e-02 -3.21376562e-01 6.09392263e-02 -2.45859131e-01 4.56865221e-01 4.05267268e-01 -1.30240515e-01 3.83291811e-01 3.22419824e-03 -4.22034830e-01 4.04620841e-02 5.70932701e-02 -1.78686336e-01 1.76210701e-02 -1.42936211e-03 1.38455436e-01 2.25322142e-01 1.95447415e-01 7.43709058e-02 3.70850056e-01 -3.66965145e-01 1.23555966e-01 -3.41478169e-01 -1.46861255e-01 -1.74079925e-01 -1.65409252e-01 -1.03996009e-01 -1.39247836e-03 -5.96464239e-02 -5.25304787e-02 -2.82590777e-01 -1.37691036e-01 6.61038578e-01 -1.01214357e-01 -9.99131650e-02 -2.05336988e-01 2.93974042e-01 -5.84289372e-01 -1.64216850e-02 -5.88933170e-01 -2.00363204e-01 1.66443288e-02 3.02909374e-01 -2.31870845e-01 -2.32010871e-01 1.18961819e-01 -9.81869623e-02 -6.74288198e-02 2.51255810e-01 4.52741645e-02 8.36268738e-02 -1.58113003e-01 1.66300647e-02]
"Project Qahhar" active "SCP-6894: Project Qahhar Following the conclusion of Project Qahhar, SCP-6894 has been declassified to all Foundation personnel. All personnel are to read SCP-6894 to understand the importance of the Foundation to global stability. You are reminded that disobeying the orders of the Administrator will result in the death of SCP-6894. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Item No: SCP-6894 Containment Class (Archived): Argus1 Containment Class (Current): Radix2 Special Containment Procedures (Archived): Under the Coronation Accords, SCP-6894 is contained by the British Occult Service, due to its potential danger to the safety of the United Kingdom. SCP-6894-1 instances are to be stored at Site-01 for use in Project Qahhar. The British Occult Service is not to be informed of the existence of SCP-6894-1 instances in Foundation custody. Information concerning Project Qahhar is restricted to Project Head Matthew Roberts. Special Containment Procedures (Current): Following the conclusion of Project Qahhar, and the resultant integration of the British Occult Service, SCP-6894 is contained within Containment Chamber 29 at Site-01. SCP-6894 has been treated in compliance with Class-7 Life-Extension Protocols to ensure its continued survival. A supply of SCP-6894-1 instances is to be stored within the Administration Wing of Site-01. The approval of the Administrator is required for the creation of any further SCP-6894-1 instances. All sapient beings are to be reminded of the importance of obeying the Administrator. Description: SCP-6894 is a male Clydesdale horse. SCP-6894 will only display its anomalous effects when present within photographs. SCP-6894-1 instances are photographs of SCP-6894. SCP-6894-1 instances are visual cognitohazards and will cause any sapient being exposed to them to become fully aware of the existence of SCP-6894. While the memory of exposure can be removed with amnestics, the effects are permanent. SCP-6894-2 instances are sapient beings who have been exposed to SCP-6894-1 instances. SCP-6894-2 instances will work to ensure the continued health and safety of SCP-6894 by any means available, regardless of prior ethical beliefs or allegiance. SCP-6894-2 instances will obey all commands issued to them, if informed that refusal will result in SCP-6894 being harmed. Discovery: A large amount of information concerning the discovery of SCP-6894 has been lost due to the destructive actions of several British Occult Service officers during their attempted integration as part of Project Qahhar. However, it is known that on 2007-04-27, an SCP-6894-2 instance was arrested by police in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England, and caused several police officers to become SCP-6894-2 instances. Following this, an embedded officer alerted the British Occult Service to the presence of anomalous activity. British Occult Service officers secured the area and discovered SCP-6894 and its anomalous properties over the next few days. On 2007-05-04, the Foundation received a request from the British Occult Service for assistance in amnesticising the congregation of Holy Trinity Church, having discovered that a large percentage were SCP-6894-2 instances. The Foundation was also requested to assist in locating Eli Tanner, the priest of Holy Trinity, due to his suspected connection to SCP-6894. During amnestication procedures, Foundation agents procured several SCP-6894-1 instances, with their anomalous properties being discovered during screening. These instances were transferred to Site-26 for further analysis. On 2007-05-16, the Foundation discovered Eli Tanner in Rhoose, Wales. He was transported to Site-26 for questioning, prior to transfer to the British Occult Service. Interviewer: Senior Researcher Matthew Roberts, Site-26 Head of Cognitohazard Research Interviewed: Eli Tanner, former priest of Holy Trinity Church <Begin Log> Roberts: Hello Mr Tanner, I hope you're well. Tanner: Could I ask why I'm here, I don't think anyone's told me what I've been arrested for? Roberts: You haven't been charged with anything Mr Tanner, we just want to ask a few questions about some incidents in Barnsley. Tanner: Barnsley? I'm not sure I know anything about what goes on there, do- do you have the right person? Roberts: If it's not too prying, could you explain why you were trying to board a flight to Spain? Tanner: I was going on a short holiday, I needed some rest. Roberts: I see. So why did you travel from Barnsley to Rhoose, when there's a perfectly good airport in Manchester? Tanner: I decided to visit some family members before I left. I hardly think these questions are important. Roberts: Yes, my apologies Mr Tanner. But could I just ask, what were you doing with the horse? Tanner: Do you mean Freddie? Is he okay? Roberts: Is Freddie the Clydesdale? Tanner: Yes, that's him. I got him off Charlie Garret, he's an older member of my congregation. Did something happen? Is he okay? Roberts: Nothing yet, we just want to understand some unusual properties Freddie has. Are you aware of these properties? Tanner: I think I am. You're talking about the photos, aren't you? Roberts: Yes, Mr Tanner. Now, how did you discover these properties of Freddie? Tanner: We have some fairs during the holidays and Charlie brought Freddie to give children rides. A local newspaper was doing a short piece on the fair and they took some photos of Freddie. It was all normal until the photographer starting running around, screaming about whether Freddie was okay. I managed to calm him down, when some other people looked at his photos and starting screaming. After I dealt with them, I decided to take the photos and see what the problem was. Roberts: So you looked at the photos yourself? Tanner: No, I asked my deacon to look at them and tell me what he was looking at. It was when he got to the photos of Freddie that he started running about and asking whether the horse was safe. After calming him, I knew Freddie was the root of the problem. Roberts: So when did you find out about the other unusual properties? Like how people would obey your commands? Tanner: That was when Charlie went into the hospital, cancer you see. Some of his friends and I went to see him and we started talking about Freddie. He was so worried about what would happen to Freddie if he couldn't look after him and I volunteered to take care of him for a while. He was overjoyed. I made a joke that the church would need more donations if I wanted to feed a horse and everyone just started thrusting money at me, saying they needed to help Freddie. Roberts: So after all this, why didn't you inform the police? Tanner: The police? They wouldn't believe me. Even if they did, I can only begin to guess what they'd use Freddie for. Imagine telling hundreds of young boys they needed to go to war to protect a young horse. Oh, it'd be a massacre. No, I couldn't tell the police. Roberts: I see. Mr Tanner, did you have any ulterior motive for taking care of Freddie? Tanner: An ulterior motive? Of course not, what kind of motive could I have? Roberts: Extortion, I think. Tanner: Extortion! Exactly what do you take me for? I am a man of God, I wouldn't use Freddie like that! Roberts: You're right Mr Tanner, you are a man of God. You are a man of God who stole over £50,000 from his congregation for his own gain. Tanner: How dare you! Roberts: Mr Tanner, please calm down or- Tanner: No, I will not calm down! You listen to me. You have kidnapped me, stuffed me in a cell like some criminal and now you accuse me of stealing from my own people. Who do you think you are to do this to me? What proof do you have for any of this? Roberts: Mr Tanner, sit down. As for proof, we talked to your congregation. Apparently, you regularly brought Freddie up in your sermons, often asking for donations to help care for him. Over the last 7 months you also made deposits totalling £50,000 to your personal account, all of which were made after a sermon in which you mentioned Freddie. Finally, you transferred all that money to another account a few hours before you left Barnsley. There's the proof. Tanner: That, you…I didn't…That doesn't prove anything! Roberts: I think it does, Mr Tanner. Regardless, we'll be transferring you to the police in a few hours for proper questioning. After that, they'll probably charge you with extortion. If you're lucky, they'll let you out in a few decades. Tanner: The police? There are police departments for this? Roberts: Oh yes. Now, if you'll excuse me I'll go to fill out the proper forms for your transfer and- Tanner: Wait! Roberts: Yes? Tanner: If you're not the police, then what are you? Some kind of government contractor? Roberts: We're independent operators, Mr Tanner. We have no need for government funding. Tanner: Well, look. I can't go to prison, I can't. Don't turn me over to the police, I'll do anything, I'll give you anything, I'll- Roberts: We don't care for your money, Mr Tanner. I sincerely doubt that you have much to offer us. Tanner: The pictures! Roberts: Pictures? Tanner: Of Freddie! You said that you had found some pictures. What if I told you that I had more? I have hundreds, thousands, all hidden! Roberts: And you would be willing to give us these photos? Even though you have no idea what we'd do with them? Tanner: Oh, come now! You seem like the kind of people who wouldn't hurt Freddie-er, a fly. All I want is to not go to prison. Just let me go to Spain and I'll stay out of your hair. Roberts: That's all, nothing else? Tanner: Of course. Roberts: In that case, Mr Tanner, I have one thing to say to you. If you want to save Freddie's life, then you'll tell us where those pictures are immediately. Tanner: What? Now, look here you can't be serious- Roberts: We certainly are. Tanner: I, they…the pictures are in 12 Richmond Street in Rhoose, hidden behind the wardrobe in the big bedroom. Roberts: Thank you Mr Tanner. I must say, you hid your exposure very well. Tanner: Not well enough. How did you find out? Roberts: Ultimately just a guess, the chances of you not being exposed were minuscule. The fact that you were so composed when we found you was unusual, everybody else who we interviewed was obsessed with Freddie. How is that possible? Tanner: It isn't. Roberts: What do you mean? Tanner: It isn't possible, you can't stop being obsessed with Freddie. All you can do is wait, with the knowledge scratching at your skull, bleeding you dry, until it becomes normal. That happened to me and I wanted to make others understand, so I showed my congregation the pictures. The fact I was able to take their money was just the icing on the cake. I presume you'll be giving me to the police now? Roberts: No, Mr Tanner. We can't risk you telling the police anything about our conversation. We'll have to keep you here. Tanner: So, I'm your prisoner? Roberts: No. Prisoners get paroled. <End Log> Closing Note: The presence of a large number of SCP-6894-1 instances at 12 Richmond Street, Rhoose, Wales was confirmed. In compliance with the orders of Senior Researcher Matthew Roberts, the British Occult Service was not informed of Eli Tanner's capture by the Foundation. Following his interview with Eli Tanner, Senior Researcher Roberts carried out a series of tests utilising SCP-6894-1 instances to ascertain their effects on sapient beings. On 2007-06-02, Senior Researcher Roberts submitted his proposal for Project Qahhar to Overseer Command. Following the unanimous approval of Overseer Command, the Project Qahhar proposal was submitted to the Ethics Committee for ethical overview. Project Qahhar was unanimously approved by the Ethics Committee, with Senior Researcher Roberts being promoted to Project Head. Following the creation of Project Qahhar, Project Head Roberts ordered Eli Tanner to be inputted into SCP-5562 to obtain the locations of other SCP-6894-1 instances. No relevant information was outputted. Project Qahhar Findings: Phase 1 Subjects: Sapient contained anomalies Status: COMPLETED on 2007-09-12 Results: Exposed anomalies have become more accepting of containment, reducing the rate of containment breaches by 76%. Several anomalies have assisted Foundation personnel in defending against attacks and in recontaining escaped anomalies. The integration of useful anomalies into the Foundation is ongoing. Phase 2 Subjects: Captured enemy agents Status: COMPLETED on 2007-12-04 Results: Captured agents have become far more willing to provide information to interrogators, resulting in 12 planned attacks on Foundation bases being foiled with minimal casualties. Several captured agents have volunteered their services to assist the Foundation and to act as spies within their original groups. These plans are ongoing. Phase 3 Subjects: Foundation personnel Status: COMPLETED on 2008-05-19 Results: Efficiency has increased by 37% overall. Over 200 embedded enemy agents have confessed and have worked to repair their sabotage of Foundation activities. Phase 4 Subjects: World Governments and Foundation allies Status: COMPLETED on 2009-02-27 Results: The Foundation has now been allowed free movement throughout the world. The amalgamation of other paranormal groups has allowed strengthening of Foundation resources in previously hostile regions. Phase 5 Subjects: Hostile Groups of Interest Status: COMPLETED on 2009-11-10 Results: The rate of anomalous attacks has decreased by 93%, with casualties decreasing by 78%. The integration of personnel into Foundation activities has increased efficiency by 29% and reduced costs by 18%. 874 stolen anomalies have been returned to Foundation custody. Phase 6 Subjects: Civilians Status: COMPLETED on 2010-06-17 Results: Civilian casualties of anomalous events have decreased by 95%. Costs of amnestication have decreased by 98%, with usage being restricted to accidental exposure to harmful cognitohazards. The worldwide acceptance of Foundation control has caused deaths due to disease, famine and war to decrease by 87%. Notable Incidents: On 2008-03-02, during Phase 3 of Project Qahhar, Site-01 and Site-12 were attacked by several rogue Mobile Task Forces, resulting in the immediate deaths of the entirety of Overseer Command and the Ethics Committee. Upon their capture, Project Head Roberts ordered all members of the rogue forces to be immediately terminated due to suspected memetic infection. Due to being the highest-ranking survivor of the attacks, Project Head Roberts was promoted to the position of Administrator of the Foundation, to ensure stability of leadership until replacement personnel could be promoted. As of 2018-03-02, none of these positions have been filled. « SCP-6893 | SCP-6894 | SCP-6895 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6894" by LightlessLantern, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 1.53856471e-01 1.85147561e-02 -1.26487613e-01 1.83691069e-01 -5.65843694e-02 -1.82367623e-01 2.89086968e-01 2.97271252e-01 2.59224325e-01 2.82625884e-01 -1.16795428e-01 4.00246710e-01 -6.99432269e-02 -3.33563872e-02 1.89353228e-01 4.21491824e-02 2.63719141e-01 1.77650288e-01 -2.45496139e-01 -2.49667466e-01 -3.33473720e-02 7.05765793e-03 -1.01293446e-02 2.03885436e-01 -1.41161621e-01 -2.33309954e-01 -4.22678776e-02 -3.15972678e-02 9.88080204e-02 -2.45983198e-01 -1.50730625e-01 2.06617445e-01 1.51921585e-01 5.69895625e-01 -1.13011542e-04 -5.13119064e-02 2.35038981e-01 -2.98361238e-02 1.67145133e-01 3.40008736e-02 -4.83140409e-01 1.92639858e-01 2.59001195e-01 -2.07784906e-01 2.42632665e-02 2.15153560e-01 2.21711680e-01 1.22644097e-01 6.55501008e-01 -8.30527768e-03 1.64294600e-01 2.23456979e-01 -1.49646699e-02 2.93938275e-02 -1.32229388e-01 2.51007229e-01 -7.64830485e-02 1.93427294e-01 -2.68134892e-01 3.04198414e-01 -1.60866499e-01 2.90859699e-01 7.12517872e-02 -1.12778768e-01 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-6.20669685e-02 -2.36360848e-01 -1.77998856e-01 6.59626126e-02 -3.55064452e-01 5.71933389e-02 -8.19165409e-02 -3.00989579e-02 -4.00953256e-02 -1.63431525e-01 -3.14988822e-01 1.51948407e-01 1.23816662e-01 -4.32618558e-02 1.46857515e-01 5.67728102e-01 -2.47886449e-01 -1.73530608e-01 -4.45185602e-02 2.61450529e-01 -1.57723054e-01 2.03160003e-01 2.39308208e-01 2.64046878e-01 -5.62454641e-01 1.78991437e-01 -3.29228371e-01 1.77032039e-01 -1.09025173e-01 1.46087289e-01 -9.26445052e-02 1.06265441e-01 3.94592553e-01 -9.47003141e-02 3.41349356e-02 -2.66945451e-01 -3.94516885e-02 3.64743918e-01 -3.71113360e-01 -1.68987587e-01 -1.06182680e-01 -3.96883637e-01 -9.57390293e-02 1.57153159e-01 -5.73608838e-02 2.99112320e-01 -8.43987837e-02 3.71323898e-02 -1.37133777e-01 -2.51790315e-01 -3.53993177e-01 -2.71871954e-01 -2.24869832e-01 -4.57682535e-02 2.20341265e-01 -6.90459237e-02 -1.43049330e-01 2.78640360e-01 -5.12238324e-01 -6.49935380e-02 2.20288828e-01 -5.21372668e-02 -2.18970656e-01 -5.18249393e-01 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-2.59470999e-01 2.07541436e-01 -9.68592167e-02 1.60304785e-01 3.95598590e-01 -8.75809938e-02 5.08839637e-02 -2.23301217e-01 -1.14207000e-01 6.89011216e-02 1.43783525e-01 -3.16157848e-01 -7.97198489e-02 -1.03274979e-01 -4.79987115e-02 3.46952617e-01 -3.03864360e-01 3.83518845e-01 4.80274290e-01 3.89906883e-01 2.23906994e-01 -1.80084750e-01 3.79574858e-02 -1.56525612e-01 5.28331101e-02 -6.50246382e-01 -1.49406180e-01 -3.85316670e-01 3.22608240e-02 1.86068658e-02 8.52871314e-02 -1.75262287e-01 -1.12065442e-01 -3.37655284e-02 -1.75468177e-01 -4.47113544e-01 7.27176517e-02 5.55240363e-02 -3.69091213e-01 -3.81330937e-01 -1.51434004e-01 -4.56890948e-02 2.09915787e-01 7.79703781e-02 1.18052922e-01 3.26345354e-01 -1.59247354e-01 8.55500111e-04 -1.61920533e-01 9.07193244e-01 -1.61691949e-01 7.05558836e-01 7.43629038e-02 3.25098455e-01 1.83611140e-01 -3.56738409e-03 1.33752301e-01 2.48018727e-01 4.82134134e-01 5.31792603e-02 -7.34687224e-02 1.75581083e-01 -9.88604352e-02 1.71167910e-01 2.24189684e-01 2.14600459e-01 -1.23836875e-01 1.19404867e-01 -9.94355753e-02 2.37953365e-01 -7.69122764e-02 -2.91566372e-01 -3.93106610e-01 7.16316774e-02 6.47168979e-02 4.67220336e-01 5.17178297e-01 1.39698398e+00 -4.39360678e-01 2.43237123e-01 2.80999184e-01 -4.52146709e-01 9.58928019e-02 -2.44761750e-01 -4.28470001e-02 -2.91796595e-01 3.98097664e-01 -5.46460263e-02 -9.97610688e-02 3.93727690e-01 3.16003174e-01 -4.88222361e-01 -8.66713449e-02 -2.35780135e-01 1.68182403e-01 1.93561643e-01 -2.03268584e-02 2.57567644e-01 -7.58430287e-02 -2.60220915e-01 2.32663691e-01 -5.16596064e-02 3.40364873e-02 -1.27888605e-01 -2.12976128e-01 -5.21538481e-02 -7.78981671e-02 1.12793170e-01 2.24241421e-01 -3.66694361e-01 1.68004394e-01 -2.97644990e-03 -1.38274208e-01 -3.57903466e-02 3.97987694e-01 -4.96944427e-01 -1.26868188e-01 -3.33637819e-02 4.11110640e-01 4.28600490e-01 -2.20217213e-01 -6.92553259e-03 1.13724507e-01 1.44052923e-01 -2.83441059e-02 -1.06105870e-02 4.31696087e-01 -6.79118857e-02 6.88795075e-02 -1.96342334e-01 3.90800655e-01 4.91102695e-01 -1.22811101e-01 4.36964691e-01 -1.64217010e-01 -2.66516924e-01 -1.95029750e-01 1.38332039e-01 -8.17906260e-02 -1.48005011e-02 -5.79554029e-02 1.02905005e-01 -2.20825836e-01 -2.81241953e-01 3.99089813e-01 1.56571627e-01 -1.79541633e-01 1.06834276e-02 -1.60344437e-01 -2.63316840e-01 -3.09973031e-01 -4.18713391e-02 -2.52257939e-02 -3.26601237e-01 -5.00071608e-02 -4.60376069e-02 -4.81602311e-01 -1.99298300e-02 5.57175159e-01 -3.86829977e-03 -4.05676156e-01 -3.37469935e-01 9.42087397e-02 -3.96330535e-01 1.38762489e-01 -2.79581219e-01 2.44449899e-01 -1.33106485e-01 4.33894575e-01 -1.09297164e-01 3.12010199e-01 -3.22129726e-01 -2.20161185e-01 -1.53379858e-01 -8.47161654e-03 -5.43241560e-01 -1.77289262e-01 2.07862929e-01 2.99500003e-02 1.12346068e-01 1.43307203e-03 -1.74588665e-01 -1.90744072e-01 -2.99280763e-01 1.37858003e-01 1.78835820e-02 4.42524217e-02 2.38981426e-01 2.03400597e-01 3.02379638e-01 2.01572150e-01 1.81479782e-01 4.45176482e-01 1.32903934e-01 8.21650401e-02 2.29811937e-01 6.63149580e-02 -1.04792342e-01 -1.04462579e-01 1.25708058e-01 4.65030462e-01 9.19596255e-02 -1.13130860e-01 -3.23037148e-01 -1.46252677e-01 -1.41312346e-01 1.58265561e-01 4.34331149e-01 1.89516693e-01 1.16318040e-01 3.64997499e-02 -3.09464157e-01 -9.94789973e-02 -4.64222953e-03 2.22052243e-02 -2.85469264e-01 -2.38689736e-01 -7.22675025e-02 1.93940118e-01 -1.73856225e-02 4.10298944e-01 -5.50550342e-01 -2.40931153e-01 -2.27245763e-01 3.58329982e-01 9.72262993e-02 -4.04775739e-01 -2.18740050e-02 1.29499003e-01 2.76908726e-01 -7.60230049e-02 1.00800276e-01 2.17739925e-01 -3.55076909e-01 8.96164477e-02 7.42823482e-01 -4.19134051e-02 3.24408054e-01 5.93305007e-02 2.64813721e-01 2.19326243e-01 2.06274509e-01 3.14869612e-01 9.86821949e-02 2.98932225e-01 -4.40037072e-01 1.27561301e-01 -4.50792424e-02 5.46884676e-03 5.55142201e-02 2.25129321e-01 5.57854623e-02 6.52117506e-02 -1.25946030e-01 -4.15473282e-02 1.36340410e-01 1.90303296e-01 4.05606687e-01 -1.06495216e-01 -1.25150681e-01 -4.21792716e-02 8.40766355e-02 6.68759644e-02 6.79827332e-01 1.29816055e-01 -1.54504418e-01 4.91770990e-02 -2.01648608e-01 5.97741045e-02 2.68064469e-01 -6.91053420e-02 2.10588530e-01 2.14109734e-01 -1.70381755e-01 1.58941582e-01 1.94081366e-01 1.63472682e-01 -1.55745661e-02 7.14118704e-02 -1.54226974e-01 -3.47557545e-01 -3.15848589e-02 1.68263204e-02 1.92632705e-01 1.78293154e-01 2.74314374e-01 -1.01518311e-01 1.22968204e-01 -1.62334308e-01 -1.01919889e-01 -7.09021688e-02 4.34639752e-01 -2.48953905e-02 2.19015889e-02 -2.85537064e-01 -1.21604323e-01 2.44036332e-01 -4.56542596e-02 -2.78552473e-01 1.66962579e-01 -2.58166403e-01 -2.25881398e-01 -8.22349563e-02 -2.08154187e-01 5.58420792e-02 -5.44327833e-02 2.73361772e-01 1.71395361e-01 3.35665584e-01 -1.87551141e-01 -1.85206175e-01 4.97059971e-02 2.55468190e-01 -1.97259277e-01 -5.70390141e-03 -1.82908371e-01 1.99907303e-01 -2.02938929e-01 -8.80181715e-02 9.05294940e-02 -4.72618490e-01 -3.33754033e-01 -2.88675097e-03 -2.02195123e-01 3.47903043e-01 -1.40157565e-01 2.16994971e-01 6.21511564e-02 -1.73629522e-01 2.87956208e-01 8.30076337e-02 -5.60362525e-02 1.71170577e-01 -4.00361151e-01 2.45906457e-01 3.55150774e-02 7.11955547e-01 -1.20318368e-01 4.37799126e-01 -1.44150838e-01 -4.16293830e-01 -2.12159500e-01 -1.20564014e-01 -1.37639850e-01 4.42912541e-02 3.15832235e-02 4.44868594e-01 3.14887375e-01 2.75766134e-01 2.23112956e-01 2.85483867e-01 -5.36113568e-02 -6.20242395e-02 -3.61710578e-01 -1.14331953e-02 -1.42744929e-01 7.09773079e-02 8.98413509e-02 2.57621706e-01 4.76752073e-02 -2.19485372e-01 -3.48859549e-01 -3.01308095e-01 5.55468142e-01 -4.66459006e-01 -1.49488732e-01 -5.38297668e-02 1.23691194e-01 -2.49627396e-01 -1.63672894e-01 -7.16338813e-01 -3.82023044e-02 5.50182238e-02 2.78115988e-01 -2.08076477e-01 -2.17045262e-01 -1.43900231e-01 -1.57240123e-01 -1.89636275e-01 4.26181912e-01 -2.12665528e-01 3.03683072e-01 1.26616322e-02 -1.61590666e-01]
"Sir Nicholas is Coming to Town" active "This is a rewrite of Claire Walker's skip. Hope you guys enjoy reading it! ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. Special Containment Procedures:1 Due to the anomalous makeup of SCP-6895, confinement of the anomaly is deemed unfeasible for the time being. In order to obscure the nature of the specimen, a Foundation front company, 'Stacy's Charity for the Poor', is to conduct annual charity events throughout numerous sizeable settlements throughout the United States, through the use of MTF ϰ-31 ("Unigifters"). Members of ϰ-31 are to clothe themselves similarly to SCP-6895 as well as travel via the use of standard unicycles when facilitating individuals the anomaly targets. This is to ensure the continuous negotiation with SCP-6895, and thus, the secrecy of the Veil. Description: SCP-6895 refers to an elderly humanoid male of non-descript build and height, self-identifying itself as "Sir Nicholas". The entity primarily manifests within various major cities across the United States during the night2 of December 25th. The specimen is typically seen emerging from a concealed area before traversing through the streets by riding a unicycle. Of note, SCP-6895 has also been reported to transport itself instantly from one location to another, though rarely utilizes this capability. SCP-6895's main abnormal quality is its ability to produce an array of objects. It achieves this by reaching behind itself and unknowingly 'pulling out' an item, despite possessing no storage unit on its back. Items fabricated by SCP-6895 are generally associated with the Christmas holiday, and also exhibit mild beneficial properties themselves, which serve to aid civilians in some way. The entity presents these gifts to those who are currently undergoing certain negative situations, homeless persons, or individuals who are financially unstable.3 The subjects SCP-6895 approaches do not question its motives or intentions, conversing to it as if they are greatly familiar with the specimen. It is unclear how long SCP-6895 was active for prior to Foundation intervention. Addendum 6895.1 - Conversion Log: Transcribed below is a conversation between Dr. Jones Marcel and SCP-6895 several years into containment. By now, they are considerably acquainted with one another. Date: 25/12/21 Location: Local park in San Francisco, California. Context: Footage taken from security cameras. [BEGIN LOG] Marcel is seated in a bench, fidgeting his fingers and staring at the city streets. He sighs, before taking out his mobile device and searching it. SCP-6895 manifests off-camera and approaches Marcel, its unicycle by its side. The entity lightly taps on his shoulder and he turns around, startled to see SCP-6895. Marcel places his phone in his pocket. 6895: Good evening, Marcel. Lovely weather we're having, don't you agree? Marcel: Oh, Nicholas. It's just you. Yes, it is nice. What're you doing here, anyways? Aren't you supposed to be with the other agents? 6895: I thought I'd check up on our favorite researcher. Besides, shouldn't you be with your family? Marcel: (Chuckles) Don't worry, I've already visited my parents for a turkey dinner. I'm only taking a breather before heading back home. 6895: Well, you must be cold if you're out here during Christmas night. Here, let me get you some eggnog to warm you right up. Marcel: Sure, I could use a drink. SCP-6895 reaches behind its back and, as expected, pulls out a bottle of eggnog. It presents it to Marcel, who thanks it. He opens the cap and gently blows before taking a sip. 6895: (Gestures) Would you mind if I sat here? Marcel: (Drinking) Hm? (Gulps) Oh, yeah, sure. Be my guest. 6895: Thank you. SCP-6895 takes a seat beside Marcel as it sets down its unicycle. It crosses its arms as the specimen looks off into the surrounding area. Civilians are conversing with one another, some holding food packages and wrapped presents. It sighs of relief. 6895: Such a lovely night, as with every other Christmas night. Marcel: (Inhales deeply) You can say that again. Marcel glares at SCP-6895 as it taps its foot, continuing to stare at the various citizens of the city. He takes a deep breath and straightens his coat. Marcel: Now, could you tell me why you're actually here? 6895: I-I beg your pardon? Marcel: You heard what I said. The Nick I know wouldn't waste a moment of giving presents to the not-so-fortunate people in the States. It would make sense if he came to Marcel after doing his job for the night, considering how long we've been acquainted. 6895: Was… was it that obvious? Marcel: To me, at least. Marcel looks away. Marcel: Now, with that being said, could you tell me the truth? What did you want to say? Of course, I won't force you if you aren't comfortable. (Mutters) I probably shouldn't be so blunt about it. SCP-6895 nervously laughs. 6895: It's alright, Marcel. I should apologize for not being honest with you. I just… I haven't told you much about my past, haven't I? Marcel: No, you haven't. Is that what you wanted to discuss with me? 6895: Yes, I didn't want to hide anything about myself, so I felt like I should discuss it with you. (Pause) Are you alright with that? Marcel: I'm alright if you're alright. I'm all ears. 6895: Right, well… have you ever questioned why I do what I do? Why I go so far into making the lives of these people at least a little better? Did you ever wonder why I wanted to do these acts of kindness? Marcel: Should people have a reason to be kind? 6895: No, but… for some people, yes. 6895: You see, when I was younger, I was always fascinated by this magical holiday. People giving their loved ones all kinds of presents. It made me smile watching old Christmas movies about the absolute joy surrounding this gifting tradition. Marcel: Wait, so you didn't believe in Santa? 6895: Not necessarily. I believed in the gift of giving others, an opportunity to bring a smile to their faces. I often imagined myself as Santa, though, pretending to give the nice kids all the toys in the world while riding on a flying sleigh. Marcel: (Smirks) Is that so? 6895: Yes, it was quite the pleasant experience… Imagine my shock when I realized I couldn't be able to spread that same joy to other people. Marcel: What do you mean? SCP-6895 looks above. 6895: My family wasn't in the best spot in terms of money. We barely had enough to sustain ourselves, let alone others. Mother would care for me at home while father was working overtime as a factory worker. Even then, we could only barely manage through the day with what little we had. 6895: I was devastated, to say the least. I always wanted to wrap and hand out neat, petite presents to our neighbors. But all I could do is leave myself to think of the many kids who hadn't received a single gift for Christmas, which is supposed to be the most marvelous time of the year. I practically blamed myself for their disappointment. Marcel: (Quietly) That must be difficult for someone as young as you were. How did your parents react? Surely you must've told them about your feelings towards this. 6895: They felt bad as well. Not for them, but for me as well, since their own child was having these thoughts, not being able to celebrate Christmas without this guiltiness propping up. They tried cheering me up, making me happy — Marcel: — but they couldn't afford making anyone else's day better. 6895: (Sighs) You took the words right out my mouth. Marcel: And how did you respond? 6895: Honestly, it only added to the remorsefulness. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate their concern for me, but I just wanted them to direct their treatment to people who need it more than me. I'm sure there are those under no shelter who deserve it. Marcel: Then what did you decide to do? 6895: (Pause) To put it simply, I merely pushed myself to my goal: A future where I wouldn't resort to watching from a third-person view. I was gifted to give, and all I had to do is step forward. 6895: I worked tremendously day and night, from dawn till dusk, to sustain the people sleeping out front. I didn't want to waste another day sitting around and ignoring them, without Santa to bless them a merry Christmas. Marcel: So basically, you wanted to be that Christmas miracle, like in those old films you've mentioned? 6895: (Chuckles) I guess you could say that. Frankly, I sympathized with them. Marcel: (Grins) And look at you now, out here in the States, gifting people with treats and goodies, while riding on a unicycle. 6895: I thought the people would be entertained if I was using a more… unique form of transportation. Marcel: Well you've surely garnered their attention. Marcel points to a small crowd by the park's entrance, waving to SCP-6895. One child has a unicycle by his side as he openly smiles at the entity. It waves back while laughing under its breath. 6895: Oh, who would've thought? Marcel: You must be flattered to have people look up to you and your selfless deeds, especially the children. Seems like they're showing their gratefulness for what you've done. 6895: Don't forget your agents, Marcel. They deserve some credit as well. Marcel: Of course, but who's the predecessor here? Marcel stretches before taking another sip. Marcel: Thank goodness they haven't caught on. We do appreciate your cooperation with the secrecy and all. 6895: You're welcome. SCP-6895 inhales deeply, closing its eyes as it does so. 6895: Well, I guess it's my cue to go. These presents won't hand themselves, you know. Marcel: Let's hope they'll enjoy drinking this deliciously refreshing eggnog. This is the best I've ever had. 6895: (Smiles) Thank you. It's my mother's personal recipe. Marcel: Really? Well, I'm sure she and your father are glad to see how far their son has come. I thought you might want to hear that. 6895: Yes, they… they would. Marcel: Oh (pause) my condolences, Nicholas. 6895: It's alright. SCP-6895 stands and proceeds to walk away. Marcel: You know, we'll be celebrating new years at 101 for managing to survive another decade protecting humanity. I might send you an invite if the higher-ups would allow it. Maybe I could even introduce you to some of my other acquaintances. SCP-6895 stops in its tracks. Marcel: Just thought I'd tell you this. Who knows, maybe Sir Nicholas here would love to participate in an event such as this. Pause. 6895: …You'd be right. SCP-6895 continues on its path before teleporting off-camera. [END LOG] winkwonkboi's Works SCP-6306 (+33) • SCP-6039 (+53) • SCP-6545 (+55) • SCP-5245 (+19) • SCP-6199 (+73) • SCP-5358 (+33) • SCP-6714 (+35) • SCP-6963 (+26) • SCP-4931 (+22) • Why Jones Marcel Should Be Employee of the Century (+10) • Anomalous Entity Engagement Division Orientation (+15) • Goodnight, Sweet Dreams (+21) • Critter Profile: Miss Cassandra! (+22) • ARTWITNESS: SCP-5843 Fanart (+25) • CRACKHEAD: SCP-173 Fanart (+25) • THE WINKWONK PAGE (+36) • Cite this page as: "SCP-6895" by winkwonkboi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Santa Name: Santa Claus? Author: Luca Venturi Oslo License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List. « SCP-6894 | SCP-6895 | SCP-6896 »" "SCP-6895 accepting cookies baked by a local citizen"
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-4.33884412e-02 1.20942451e-01 -2.31109783e-01 1.45647600e-02 -9.81580690e-02 -1.32225323e-02 -2.52358586e-01 -3.58350158e-01 -1.76398546e-01 9.10844654e-02 -1.72697186e-01 1.81622371e-01 -4.75944132e-02 -2.59734839e-02 2.22220227e-01 3.01093936e-01 -3.37746620e-01 -2.03630179e-01 -4.91427705e-02 -6.51508868e-02 -1.91628322e-01 2.23364532e-01 1.98536575e-01 8.98206830e-02 -1.01824008e-01 1.79267332e-01 -6.54198006e-02 -1.30573422e-01 4.79084492e-01 2.69632369e-01 -3.01862836e-01 -3.20274174e-01 3.69988918e-01 -9.40339193e-02 -2.91101158e-01 -1.28376484e-01 -1.83147471e-02 5.67143500e-01 -3.22344244e-01 -1.05651401e-01 -1.19244076e-01 -7.93228745e-02 2.79621869e-01 -3.26222777e-01 -5.86986206e-02 -1.21648580e-01 -1.83062002e-01 -1.57017365e-01 -2.16417864e-01 2.55685091e-01 -2.29128703e-01 1.21024728e-01 -5.81520200e-01 8.65853503e-02 1.45223334e-01 -1.28321588e-01 -3.70472014e-01 1.51835233e-01 2.32843697e-01 -1.78660288e-01 -1.63656890e-01 4.73569185e-02 -1.00324810e-01 -3.75236750e-01 2.02241912e-01 -8.18156973e-02 -7.09521174e-02 -1.22198932e-01 4.11739275e-02 -1.93221509e-01 1.86270103e-01 2.92152464e-01 -1.19013689e-01 7.34161809e-02 -2.77445056e-02 2.53409028e-01 1.47323698e-01 8.86493623e-02 7.82954395e-02 -9.94168371e-02 5.92983365e-02 2.56664544e-01 -1.95490599e-01 -2.18729511e-01 -3.10778141e-01 -1.08070474e-03 -1.23516154e-02 -1.47732928e-01 1.97512284e-01 -4.49882112e-02 8.75501484e-02 -1.96668297e-01 -2.67893761e-01 -9.91627946e-02 9.72884670e-02 2.67108709e-01 -3.11458021e-01 2.72476763e-01 -4.97927591e-02 -1.29603326e-01 5.91853820e-03 -1.55789599e-01 3.38195622e-01 3.65742855e-02 1.56856984e-01 -1.69035569e-02 1.75034955e-01 2.77188450e-01 1.45993993e-01 3.50369185e-01 -1.02315702e-01 -5.35188206e-02 2.36674234e-01 4.54282314e-01 1.66060895e-01 1.93886328e-02 -2.52974153e-01 2.57661045e-01 -2.46598527e-01 7.11458176e-02 -8.90744030e-02 7.99096227e-02 -7.36772567e-02 -1.17652439e-01 2.31119040e-02 -1.83511108e-01 2.70407081e-01 3.76641542e-01 4.15525287e-01 1.13472998e-01 9.21246111e-02 3.65588576e-01 -2.20472842e-01 1.37286544e-01 1.20847762e-01 1.50578439e-01 -2.06053108e-01 -1.96426123e-01 6.71793520e-02 -2.17503205e-01 8.42115097e-03 8.60007182e-02 1.26677677e-01 -3.38915676e-01 1.14349380e-01 -1.91976383e-01 1.84178025e-01 1.23272175e-02 1.87905710e-02 -2.79765241e-02 2.49909103e-01 3.54671210e-01 -2.73602277e-01 -2.78645396e-01 1.35478741e-02 -6.28776625e-02 -1.71614960e-01 4.98731397e-02 2.06331044e-01 2.32054144e-01 -6.42009526e-02 2.35721186e-01 3.75271738e-02 1.84436470e-01 2.50778764e-01 -8.16005841e-03 -5.66630438e-02 -2.12215930e-01 -9.36173275e-03 4.29118842e-01 -7.63969088e-04 -2.28797168e-01 -5.33643901e-01 -1.50801120e-02 7.48728365e-02 2.54742920e-01 -1.72252581e-01 -1.26519248e-01 4.91074175e-01 9.54859406e-02 4.14913595e-02 -1.32447451e-01 -7.23250747e-01 3.83233964e-01 -1.79520190e-01 -2.01620758e-02 5.96298695e-01 -2.26799160e-01 -3.84337693e-01 -1.71351731e-01 -8.07897970e-02 -4.50442135e-01 -2.09110737e-01 -6.90709949e-02 -2.94221789e-01 2.04303294e-01 -2.59768307e-01 1.35867238e-01 8.73403698e-02 -1.76905334e-01 2.95907259e-01 -1.42928481e-01 2.21658841e-01 5.78842223e-01 4.40224111e-02 2.66346455e-01 8.31487402e-02 -1.31976798e-01 -1.74651995e-01 -3.41622204e-01 6.98295236e-02 -1.99369118e-01 5.84156364e-02 -2.66270787e-01 -3.18583965e-01 -1.65544808e-01 -7.08008260e-02 -2.78321654e-01 -5.38085222e-01 6.91169798e-02 -1.43590659e-01 1.64191782e-01 -3.82652402e-01 8.28042090e-01 1.08052492e-01 -3.54014844e-01 -9.89559293e-02 -4.87981662e-02 -2.04803050e-01 1.50933728e-01 3.06855947e-01 -2.24561527e-01 -3.82440567e-01 -2.20750887e-02 3.15077126e-01 -8.61903280e-02 -2.12460272e-02 -2.72034645e-01 3.23854566e-01 2.14819282e-01 7.26202577e-02 2.15662315e-01 2.02888668e-01 1.59710884e-01 -6.96473002e-01 2.89320320e-01 7.68998712e-02 -1.65201634e-01 3.95624302e-02 2.19945493e-03 -3.04737955e-01 -2.15785205e-01 -6.32770881e-02 6.19626045e-01 2.15419829e-01 -2.41144001e-01 -7.52140507e-02 3.55587639e-02 -2.14293376e-01 -1.09998047e-01 6.14255905e-01 4.06878740e-01 -1.31162658e-01 -4.22027349e-01 -1.71562955e-02 -1.37272477e-01 2.25513995e-01 5.05742840e-02 -4.19828326e-01 -3.96298319e-01 -1.38868943e-01 2.84483492e-01 -2.92406172e-01 3.33144486e-01 2.48192042e-01 2.99842775e-01 6.64765239e-01 2.86049515e-01 -7.91646447e-03 1.44250378e-01 -2.48695344e-01 -1.49367452e-01 -1.66717827e-01 -1.23281293e-01 -1.63942635e-01 2.42684446e-02 1.03939205e-01 -2.30200127e-01 8.07583481e-02 1.03341592e-02 7.84392729e-02 -5.51901937e-01 -8.64282623e-02 3.16851318e-01 2.24792864e-02 -1.04316115e-01 -1.82250783e-01 6.36684299e-02 2.97729790e-01 2.50346899e-01 2.31048822e-01 -1.18985869e-01 1.86375216e-01 3.90667140e-01 -1.29759153e-02 6.04173481e-01 2.68168002e-01 5.42552829e-01 4.48470175e-01 1.32122174e-01 6.81659654e-02 2.11352333e-01 5.35773151e-02 3.16144824e-01 7.69055247e-01 1.04222596e-02 -9.89752933e-02 -3.72086078e-01 1.45550013e-01 7.57165104e-02 3.65678757e-01 -4.36416045e-02 -4.96739410e-02 7.85173476e-02 -1.15324661e-01 2.60406643e-01 -1.35472074e-01 -3.82948011e-01 -1.22209564e-02 1.56541526e-01 4.40870784e-02 4.73239183e-01 1.57596506e-02 9.72426057e-01 2.30262980e-01 1.09440438e-01 1.75384879e-01 -4.80948627e-01 2.65777171e-01 -1.85983330e-01 -1.14533439e-01 -1.53692901e-01 -5.36660478e-02 -4.90809456e-02 -1.22080952e-01 7.59484917e-02 5.04877329e-01 -5.47220469e-01 -1.13439158e-01 -5.34512103e-01 -4.09885645e-01 1.88252240e-01 5.53861670e-02 3.19427162e-01 3.80413868e-02 -2.80878432e-02 1.60222620e-01 -2.69010942e-03 3.75988096e-01 3.30290012e-02 1.20547516e-02 3.86013463e-02 -1.57983482e-01 1.90993652e-01 -3.13116983e-02 -3.66366446e-01 -2.69486547e-01 2.59876460e-01 -2.84288973e-01 1.20631307e-01 -5.97914821e-03 6.73909709e-02 -9.01791155e-02 -5.90723716e-02 2.62325019e-01 5.99572778e-01 -2.19241917e-01 2.11774305e-01 1.45450115e-01 2.81135589e-01 8.86469856e-02 2.90567040e-01 2.88790707e-02 -3.85428458e-01 -2.21615419e-01 -3.24308276e-01 -1.87991276e-01 5.53960025e-01 -3.56440991e-01 5.27123988e-01 9.07587111e-02 -1.72865167e-01 -9.45795551e-02 1.08040087e-01 7.38221630e-02 1.99077070e-01 6.40691668e-02 8.69729817e-02 -6.42039999e-02 -5.76511323e-02 3.01934481e-01 9.55739319e-02 -6.56631589e-01 5.40044121e-02 3.25418234e-01 -1.52281329e-01 -5.04923284e-01 -3.14881921e-01 8.51316676e-02 -1.90503046e-01 2.66437113e-01 1.85007304e-01 -1.89714685e-01 4.12115872e-01 3.34518015e-01 -2.11734384e-01 -4.72136796e-01 -3.64893705e-01 2.15631798e-01 -6.82642683e-02 4.66846637e-02 9.95874181e-02 4.41125721e-01 2.79513478e-01 3.37741345e-01 -1.69393212e-01 9.47600901e-02 -4.29216474e-01 -9.64720920e-03 -3.40059139e-02 2.58697830e-02 1.42909467e-01 -2.40083978e-01 1.11514322e-01 1.16098464e-01 1.23280250e-01 3.86154503e-02 -2.03328043e-01 -2.09696293e-01 -1.69313699e-01 1.48822099e-01 -3.89249980e-01 -2.13119924e-01 1.87875554e-02 2.56917268e-01 4.50163670e-02 1.44577533e-01 1.94363967e-01 1.37604967e-01 1.41470969e-01 -6.96196705e-02 8.19305778e-02 1.09301440e-01 -1.79648027e-01 1.35572985e-01 1.80168584e-01 6.94763601e-01 -1.78554997e-01 -3.92259210e-02 -2.78403521e-01 -2.30977371e-01 4.97625098e-02 4.12310719e-01 4.13341820e-01 1.54217571e-01 4.16655272e-01 1.51032299e-01 -3.33322942e-01 1.06879948e-02 -1.88534617e-01 -4.52827141e-02 -4.53455418e-01 -2.22906694e-01 -4.93726991e-02 2.35278770e-01 -8.30368772e-02 9.41675901e-02 -5.78453124e-01 1.07781023e-01 5.79731464e-02 1.24959126e-01 1.37973875e-01 -1.45632431e-01 3.59683000e-02 2.14724004e-01 2.20499843e-01 5.74191153e-01 -1.21736610e-02 4.02764738e-01 -1.56507120e-01 -2.57848322e-01 3.07222813e-01 1.91941008e-01 1.70011565e-01 1.43471479e-01 2.97942549e-01 4.10829663e-01 -1.64799821e-02 4.64624554e-01 2.19876111e-01 2.91229159e-01 3.07872474e-01 2.99932569e-01 -3.49662155e-02 1.45558700e-01 1.50532484e-01 2.67379940e-01 -1.57977447e-01 2.22252190e-01 -1.17849298e-01 -2.60045409e-01 1.53848991e-01 3.44109256e-03 -1.92584530e-01 -1.87964365e-01 -2.07521200e-01 -3.28746617e-01 -1.36435524e-01 1.60710886e-01 3.53614404e-03 8.60493332e-02 1.84921131e-01 7.85057619e-02 -2.93766797e-01 2.54421502e-01 3.45077842e-01 -2.80931473e-01 3.21491718e-01 2.16628937e-03 -3.31380256e-02 4.41790611e-01 2.57588297e-01 2.55519807e-01 -3.14216316e-01 -2.76698232e-01 -2.68852592e-01 -4.58472192e-01 -9.32918563e-02 -1.06765002e-01 -1.28923044e-01 -1.27254322e-01 -3.19576204e-01 1.07908323e-01 2.25211438e-02 -2.52849698e-01 -1.41759932e-01 -4.34557907e-02 3.69920343e-01 1.36823222e-01 -2.55038530e-01 -8.98551717e-02 1.67437606e-02 -2.51556933e-01 -8.15918222e-02 -2.41546035e-01 -2.14130148e-01 1.99894592e-01 -1.35665581e-01 8.59000906e-02 -1.03931455e-02 1.26211986e-01 5.99006005e-02 -5.88590875e-02 3.07461143e-01 -1.23034112e-01 -1.09428622e-01 -4.80864227e-01 8.91981423e-02 3.35133284e-01 2.51948863e-01 1.05074584e-01 -3.89080308e-02 -5.78463525e-02 1.20655939e-01 1.27245873e-01 -2.59543538e-01 -1.49979427e-01 -5.07367492e-01 -4.70297374e-02 -8.83097108e-03 1.52866408e-01 -1.29999787e-01 1.25197366e-01 1.96103882e-02 -4.87132818e-02 8.35648403e-02 -5.44972003e-01 -1.54907163e-02 -3.92742515e-01 -3.49502265e-01 -1.18484572e-01 5.24382353e-01 4.88017619e-01 9.54471380e-02 9.28401351e-02 -1.83051199e-01 -2.85295129e-01 -5.05832359e-02 3.37719135e-02 -2.85426915e-01 1.53788030e-01 6.37308136e-02 3.01266700e-01 1.99889213e-01 -5.77608757e-02 3.72353524e-01 -2.16614857e-01 -1.04401968e-02 -6.36272728e-02 -3.67610395e-01 -4.84619662e-02 -3.19292873e-01 1.80234566e-01 -2.26935714e-01 5.64519048e-01 1.84174672e-01 -2.59432226e-01 -2.75539607e-01 -7.12464631e-01 4.55215275e-01 -2.16869637e-01 -1.55649126e-01 -2.00470969e-01 6.24506362e-02 -4.34454858e-01 -3.79702859e-02 -3.68998051e-01 2.07928512e-02 -5.77730010e-04 6.59347102e-02 -1.16102874e-01 -2.68272549e-01 -2.32498869e-02 -1.56153545e-01 -3.03052843e-01 1.97648495e-01 1.76461682e-01 2.63147235e-01 -3.19854319e-01 -8.49031731e-02]
"Blue Hawaii" active "≡ ≡ [ ▸ More by this Author ◂] F.A.Q. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6898-1 is stored in a hermetically sealed chamber in Site-292’s Archives and Revision Department. Members of SCP-6898's research team, as well as select offsite A-Class personnel, are granted access to SCP-6898-1 at the discretion of the on-duty HMCL Supervisor. Familiarity with SCP-6898-1 is required prior to interaction with SCP-6898-2. SCP-6898-2 containment efforts are ongoing. Dense SCP-6898-2 populations are monitored by satellite tracking and routinely surveyed by Foundation detachments for changes in size. Due to the unclear ecological role of SCP-6898-2, paired with the delicate nature of aquatic environments, standard containment/neutralization protocols have been withheld. Contingency plans are being devised in the event of uncontrollable population growth or widespread public awareness of SCP-6898-2. Description: SCP-6898 designates an anomalous correlation between a collection of Vietnamese woodblock paintings (SCP-6898-1) and a species of antimemetic aquatic organisms native to the South China Sea (SCP-6898-2). Descriptions of each are detailed below. SCP-6898-1 is a collection of twelve Đông Hồ folk woodcut paintings, a traditional Vietnamese art form, dated between the 15th and 16th centuries. SCP-6898-1 depicts various scenes of ancient Vietnamese life containing a variety of culturally significant themes. Anthropomorphic creatures such as frogs, rodents, chickens, and boars are common, as are connections to common folk allegories and mythical figures. Two paintings display reading, writing, and other civic activities. Four display festivities, including running, wrestling, and dancing. Five display aquatic activities, including sailing and fishing. The final and largest depicts an aquatic organism resembling a carp, painted red and gold. Along the edges of each instance, a short description of the painting’s contents and its commentary is written in an ancient form of chữ Nôm. Although weathered over time, most descriptions have been fully translated. Examples include phrases such as “Long dance,” “River fishing,” and “Teaching.” Writing on the final painting has only been partially translated to “Good luck,” as large portions of the script do not match standard chữ Nôm vocabulary. SCP-6898-2 is an anomalous species of aquatic organisms found solely in remote waters in the South China Sea. Xenobiological studies have revealed SCP-6898-2 instances share genetic and behavioral similarities to some species of carp (Cyprinus carpio), with several key differences: By viewing and understanding SCP-6898-1, an individual is inoculated against the antimemetic properties of SCP-6898-2. It is hypothesized that SCP-6898-1 and SCP-6898-2 embody an exceedingly rare phenomenon known to memeticists as “psionic propinquity,” a term describing unusual memetic relationships between two seemingly unrelated components. Whether this relationship occurred naturally or was initiated through ritual is unknown at this time. Addendum 6898.1: Discovery SCP-6898's discovery and classification occurred over several years; a brief timeline of events is recorded below. SCP-6898-1 was first identified as part of a woodcut painting collection at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Hanoi, Vietnam, by a civilian research group in early 2010. According to museum curators, the collection was sourced from a remote fishing village in South Vietnam, which had volunteered the paintings to the museum for custody several decades prior. The village allegedly had possession of SCP-6898-1 for many hundreds of years, believing it granted good luck and prosperity to the village’s fishing efforts. Recent changes to climate and weather patterns forced the village to surrender SCP-6898-1 out of fear of its destruction. Initial attempts to identify and locate the village by the research group were unsuccessful. In late 2015, law enforcement in Hai Phong, Vietnam, attempted to detain several members of the same group after they were discovered using an unregistered fishing vessel in a restricted zone. Within several minutes of boarding the vessel, the reporting officers succumbed to intense confusion, disorientation, nausea, and other symptoms of inadvertent antimeme exposure. After returning to Hai Phong, the symptoms were noticed by Foundation medical plants, and the affected individuals were transported to nearby Site-292 for intensive care. A Foundation response team was dispatched to investigate the fishing vessel, quickly identifying a potent antimemetic signature onboard. The vessel and its crew were promptly quarantined at Site-292. During interrogations, one detainee identified SCP-6898-1 as a catalyst of the group’s research, prompting further investigation by Foundation staff. SCP-6898-1 was found shortly thereafter and relocated to Site-292 for study. While SCP-6898-1 possessed no outward anomalous properties, its significance was realized once researchers noted the inexplicable presence of several tons of fish within the quarantined vessel. Since its official classification, SCP-6898 has been the subject of memetic, biological, and ecological fascination. Investigation into SCP-6898-2’s behavior and lifecycle has yielded concerning results — its brief reproductive cycle paired with its physical and memetic properties should lead to unchecked population growth, making SCP-6898-2 an Amida-class threat to Earth’s aquatic ecology and biodiversity. Despite this, SCP-6898-2 populations have remained relatively stable over two decades of Foundation monitoring. Further research is required. Addendum 6898.2: Incident Report On 11/11/2030, SCP Foundation Aquatic Research Submersible VANTAGE (ID:IO99k) encountered an unidentified hostile entity while conducting research on a large school of SCP-6898-2. The following data was automatically transferred to Site-292 storage servers by Neptune.aic, the submersible’s onboard intelligence. <Time:1330> <Depth:44m> <Sub/ID:VANTAGE/IO99k> <Playback start> <Report: Approaching suspected SCP-6898-2 biomass…> <Report: Scan initiated…> <Report: Biomass within visual range. Continuing to monitor…> <Report: Scan complete. Bio-identity matched. Awaiting confirmation…> <Report: SCP-6898-2 presence confirmed by Operator. Approaching…> <Report: Rear arm engaged. Collecting SCP-6898-2 tissue samples…> <Report: SCP-6898-2 biomass leaving visual range…> <Report: WARNING. Proximity sensor alert. Error: unidentified bio-identity (no signature detected)…> <Report: CAM-03 engaged by Operator…> <Report: WARNING. Proximity sensor alert. Impact imminent…> <Report: Impact detected. Running damage diagnostics…> <Report: Aft hull damage received. Engaging lockdown protocol…> <Report: Awaiting instruction…> <Report: Defence protocol engaged by Operator. Aft hydraulic shock activated…> <Report: Initiating scan. Standby…> <Report: Movement detected starboard side. Distance approx. 15m…> <Report: Starboard hydraulic shock activated…> <Report: Initializing scan. Standby…> <Report: No movement detected on proximity sensors…> <Report: Distress beacon deployed. Awaiting response…> <Report: Signal received (Sub/ID:VALOR/IO55a)…> <Report: En route to Sub:VALOR. Packaging relevant data…> <Playback stop> An after-action examination of the submersible at Site-292 revealed a series of serrated incisions along portions of the hull. Due to increased investments in Foundation research and exploration equipment in recent years, the damage sustained was not great enough to cause significant harm to the human operator or onboard electronics. The incisions bore a superficial resemblance to a combination of Cephalopod and Selachii bitemarks, although the size and distance between each mark match no known species. Neptune.aic was unable to capture video evidence of the entity, and the submersible’s operator reports never having seen it despite the numerous warnings from proximity motion detectors. A review of the incident footage and portions of the damaged hull by Site-292 memeticists revealed a small but detectible antimemetic residual not directly accounted for by the presence of nearby SCP-6898-2 instances. While possibly a product of ambient memetic interference, the cause is suspected to be anomalous. In light of additional incidents involving the inexplicable damage or destruction of watercraft in recent years, Special Task Force TRITON-55, a division of Mobile Task Force γ-6 specializing in countermemetic tactics, was organized to monitor aquatic environments for the presence of additional antimemetic lifeforms undetectable by current surveillance technologies. The existence of an imperceptible, anomalous ecology within Earth’s hydrosphere cannot be ruled out. « SCP-6897 | SCP-6898 | SCP-6899 »" "Agent Kim Toàn within a large school of SCP-6898-2. A portion of SCP-6898-1. Caption translates to "Rats carry lights.""
[ 1.42305225e-01 6.65833522e-03 -3.00166667e-01 -1.31334558e-01 -7.80270472e-02 -2.32662886e-01 3.72606158e-01 4.66760516e-01 1.93902403e-01 1.45955995e-01 -3.20716560e-01 1.19555563e-01 2.49265626e-01 -1.91709120e-02 1.31500766e-01 2.11968292e-02 2.50514656e-01 3.86303514e-01 1.90977767e-01 -5.18776178e-02 -2.71747023e-01 -8.69863257e-02 6.77669123e-02 8.66781175e-02 1.34567440e-01 -4.21564579e-02 -2.14890093e-01 1.61284029e-01 8.51496980e-02 -1.74799517e-01 1.32644579e-01 3.89738470e-01 -1.93260424e-02 3.61346632e-01 -1.06365893e-04 -4.77746427e-02 1.27361976e-02 -2.00699434e-01 9.62875411e-03 1.53992370e-01 -3.59619498e-01 -1.99139357e-01 -2.92809486e-01 -2.25415483e-01 3.17776240e-02 1.07982263e-01 -5.25948070e-02 -7.56676793e-02 4.80107158e-01 -6.10581748e-02 2.47738659e-01 2.66429216e-01 -2.86331117e-01 8.58055707e-03 2.64724977e-02 5.61706722e-01 -6.67415112e-02 2.66664296e-01 4.24822658e-01 -9.85950604e-02 -3.10142543e-02 3.44744146e-01 -1.04002945e-01 1.19493857e-01 -5.96009009e-02 -3.40911388e-01 2.95388550e-01 -9.04095769e-02 4.00315434e-01 4.61452752e-01 -1.36713997e-01 2.87855029e-01 2.19630804e-02 2.40601316e-01 -3.48659217e-01 -5.98329455e-02 7.71877244e-02 3.55018288e-01 1.35253027e-01 -1.12533674e-01 1.66205689e-02 1.27445623e-01 -3.88808429e-01 -9.43541378e-02 -2.18916178e-01 4.33409549e-02 -1.82190865e-01 -8.38639811e-02 -2.24751756e-01 1.29073700e-02 -1.32560834e-01 -2.50541009e-02 1.76786527e-01 3.63304734e-01 2.46710107e-01 1.80347368e-01 3.23411405e-01 1.24026425e-01 2.11735353e-01 -9.51426700e-02 3.32064062e-01 3.18503857e-01 -1.91857696e-01 3.48314762e-01 1.31568506e-01 -1.16230153e-01 -1.69804901e-01 -2.41195597e-02 8.93063471e-02 5.26675403e-01 -1.02623232e-01 2.04813182e-01 -5.57222739e-02 -2.64102250e-01 1.04614988e-01 -4.42396700e-01 8.28304440e-02 -2.47432768e-01 -3.54873776e-01 7.76472688e-02 -3.85536015e-01 1.52543068e-01 -3.62920135e-01 2.25344360e-01 4.26623791e-01 2.56253928e-01 2.45725945e-01 -3.39923948e-02 -6.78908825e-02 -1.00039601e-01 -1.87553301e-01 2.13131219e-01 2.28536679e-04 -1.01961151e-01 -5.24649657e-02 -3.35959613e-01 -5.90111874e-02 5.81119396e-02 8.46053958e-02 -5.29559106e-02 2.89094776e-01 8.29591677e-02 4.90234196e-01 4.57749307e-01 -2.48072475e-01 -5.04847527e-01 2.14211851e-01 -1.61757872e-01 -2.62729555e-01 -1.27387047e-01 3.64102632e-01 7.26268068e-02 -3.67248595e-01 2.56711185e-01 -1.38336003e-01 1.69093966e-01 1.70369949e-02 1.36472225e-01 9.08423290e-02 1.39275432e-01 3.58541876e-01 -9.09899250e-02 -9.23768803e-02 -1.86642855e-01 1.09868646e-01 4.24491316e-01 -2.93273419e-01 6.95104338e-03 8.07702020e-02 -2.13725016e-01 -2.48926878e-02 1.62961468e-01 2.53109131e-02 3.65167819e-02 -2.48580351e-01 -3.14304173e-01 -3.82703960e-01 -2.03296691e-01 7.36639276e-02 -1.21910267e-01 -2.10711107e-01 1.57427818e-01 1.39292419e-01 -1.21656656e-01 -3.98773134e-01 3.75250727e-02 -2.14421600e-01 2.37548389e-02 -2.04931106e-02 3.28516774e-02 -9.40216780e-02 -4.16516811e-01 2.53780633e-01 1.37091815e-01 1.59522235e-01 -6.97746277e-02 3.16962957e-01 -1.08218938e-02 2.70286828e-01 1.15862563e-01 1.17951147e-01 -2.42546052e-01 2.75467217e-01 1.85840264e-01 -2.35163465e-01 4.62889932e-02 2.24446386e-01 6.11322820e-02 3.37905616e-01 2.17220619e-01 5.00931926e-02 -1.59933254e-01 -9.06013921e-02 5.45844957e-02 -1.45286247e-01 -4.96111929e-01 2.59663969e-01 1.25094533e-01 2.40806848e-01 2.83068307e-02 8.19993615e-02 2.29163647e-01 -8.50353017e-02 -2.61046648e-01 7.75934607e-02 2.51125664e-01 -3.03063303e-01 9.94325504e-02 1.30111411e-01 3.05927008e-01 3.37196738e-02 5.35809211e-02 3.91009487e-02 2.52963137e-02 -2.69688517e-01 3.83297473e-01 2.55401075e-01 5.29047132e-01 -7.63115734e-02 -1.86750814e-01 2.15031669e-01 1.62728846e-01 6.38264492e-02 2.99495962e-02 -3.53043795e-01 6.76496029e-01 -1.62703339e-02 2.19384059e-01 8.38648602e-02 -7.43841603e-02 1.77198514e-01 7.87950829e-02 -1.04574949e-01 -1.64787203e-01 -3.57655250e-02 3.72258127e-01 9.18503925e-02 2.16578506e-02 -2.36168995e-01 1.75530508e-01 -1.52422249e-01 6.34283498e-02 3.96060050e-02 -1.81479797e-01 2.33248711e-01 -3.14428777e-01 7.08626866e-01 -1.50688728e-02 4.81764451e-02 7.76021332e-02 6.03895485e-02 -7.50497952e-02 -2.83680350e-01 -2.38594234e-01 -3.39795984e-02 1.56532064e-01 1.93639591e-01 2.92302808e-04 6.12031162e-01 2.51947884e-02 -4.39401627e-01 -3.28589886e-01 -3.69151205e-01 -2.66706079e-01 9.84022245e-02 7.19935820e-02 1.64288342e-01 -1.86795130e-01 -7.23133534e-02 2.74423271e-01 -1.80533096e-01 -2.03040421e-01 2.14335811e-03 -1.78639755e-01 -1.60779312e-01 3.32598835e-02 -5.28233528e-01 4.71886933e-01 -1.12434044e-01 2.14893624e-01 -2.69086123e-01 -4.87707667e-02 5.26261739e-02 1.91161305e-01 -2.49816775e-01 2.00412702e-02 6.04062080e-01 -1.03671275e-01 -5.82395606e-02 -2.70789355e-01 -6.16783023e-01 3.84819657e-02 9.62591246e-02 -2.54097730e-01 2.22600296e-01 1.61702931e-01 -1.84337143e-02 -2.48306885e-01 1.42416462e-01 -3.42021942e-01 -2.00762272e-01 -3.49005252e-01 -1.84536114e-01 8.71912614e-02 -1.79343089e-01 3.23779508e-03 -5.98884262e-02 -1.52507767e-01 5.02862036e-01 3.68822925e-02 2.86769480e-01 4.00712162e-01 1.39521569e-01 4.44489270e-01 1.87090218e-01 -1.73742026e-01 -3.10890943e-01 -3.59052271e-01 -3.50400321e-02 -2.19713032e-01 -1.30846381e-01 1.04037717e-01 -1.05884984e-01 4.77317512e-01 -3.04882944e-01 -3.14157784e-01 -1.66304007e-01 6.52347356e-02 5.28530777e-01 1.17828198e-01 -2.20866621e-01 5.27337603e-02 7.44943917e-02 -3.28494817e-01 -2.46501908e-01 3.29104632e-01 1.94563821e-01 1.86994687e-01 1.10036589e-01 -8.92943963e-02 4.50563654e-02 1.59727231e-01 2.49282569e-01 -1.67973563e-01 6.78535253e-02 2.01893806e-01 2.71514893e-01 3.84827048e-01 1.82411522e-01 2.76766140e-02 4.31986094e-01 -1.06872566e-01 -9.07776877e-02 2.43161157e-01 7.84031227e-02 -3.96898799e-02 -1.05074763e-01 4.14525829e-02 -3.18495303e-01 6.15684222e-03 -8.63424763e-02 3.54733825e-01 3.25262815e-01 -2.32853785e-01 -6.74186051e-01 1.76756084e-02 -9.37115103e-02 -1.53562546e-01 4.40044403e-01 4.84958664e-02 1.62819147e-01 -2.76588619e-01 1.15996502e-01 -2.28956595e-01 3.22130889e-01 9.81503278e-02 8.57831165e-02 -3.17218900e-01 6.55972734e-02 9.86566171e-02 -2.72588551e-01 1.93451911e-01 1.96382850e-01 5.57994246e-01 4.22702879e-01 -4.95516360e-02 5.04415594e-02 -9.82302576e-02 -1.89101532e-01 -3.78462821e-02 4.33046550e-01 2.73262355e-02 2.18277618e-01 -2.93834489e-02 -1.68414548e-01 -7.38884062e-02 7.99181536e-02 2.17150122e-01 -3.15061420e-01 -4.46208090e-01 -1.88452359e-02 1.56128854e-01 2.72102714e-01 -1.54615432e-01 -1.70045480e-01 -2.01578140e-01 2.77792037e-01 2.15223551e-01 3.80599946e-02 2.37368360e-01 -3.53014171e-01 2.40440160e-01 -3.76874924e-01 3.37066412e-01 8.93171951e-02 6.20494604e-01 1.83249384e-01 -4.95833084e-02 -8.05718899e-02 -6.88841194e-02 -1.20283552e-01 2.50628740e-01 7.05516160e-01 1.66511744e-01 1.83368288e-02 -2.59020254e-02 6.84034377e-02 3.81209180e-02 5.88892512e-02 -9.52864960e-02 2.41360944e-02 2.25779042e-01 -3.43514144e-01 2.82688826e-01 -1.71879351e-01 -2.07842708e-01 -1.48815528e-01 1.19764827e-01 -2.51539379e-01 2.73161590e-01 4.87215728e-01 1.11276317e+00 -1.20018609e-01 2.20509395e-01 1.82195142e-01 -7.70219207e-01 2.90343702e-01 -7.30856434e-02 -2.79278070e-01 2.37460267e-02 1.18385375e-01 6.19700067e-02 -2.18736574e-01 3.84674072e-01 2.20454216e-01 -2.08886594e-01 -2.35613227e-01 -2.74764240e-01 1.39520258e-01 1.13595732e-01 4.11576740e-02 1.86773717e-01 -6.62333379e-03 -1.32936344e-01 3.06413680e-01 -1.21344782e-01 -7.65446350e-02 -5.58692217e-02 8.05608928e-02 -2.83959448e-01 2.06094608e-01 -1.32451668e-01 2.13185996e-02 -1.65481240e-01 5.96612990e-01 6.30777329e-02 -1.36472462e-02 -8.31447989e-02 3.82774360e-02 -1.42660528e-01 -2.36113310e-01 -7.15261996e-02 2.55017370e-01 7.08681941e-01 1.54175954e-02 6.84981719e-02 2.70254552e-01 2.85181224e-01 -3.45791876e-02 -1.38684049e-01 1.53610647e-01 -1.26540154e-01 -1.43064484e-02 -5.91085255e-01 2.67461210e-01 2.60862470e-01 2.45154619e-01 1.94660321e-01 -1.24492399e-01 -1.10842079e-01 -2.49450758e-01 1.75351471e-01 -3.71099934e-02 -4.90594432e-02 -4.76751924e-01 1.25705838e-01 -3.85317244e-02 -2.93119699e-02 4.76285875e-01 -6.71890676e-02 -7.46058524e-02 -1.65126249e-02 2.33020723e-01 -2.03354478e-01 -3.44616145e-01 3.40098381e-01 -9.64594409e-02 9.01248157e-02 8.37807134e-02 -1.34983346e-01 -4.09426033e-01 -2.19184145e-01 6.92812085e-01 2.50843853e-01 -2.20666468e-01 -3.02193314e-03 -1.90358460e-01 -3.36952806e-01 -1.67572737e-01 -9.39776748e-03 3.79627228e-01 -3.07238191e-01 1.10178627e-01 2.00351447e-01 4.18254286e-01 -4.22125340e-01 -1.75457150e-01 -2.32096732e-01 3.70304920e-02 -3.73620182e-01 -1.08830616e-01 -2.05503136e-01 -1.58432126e-01 1.33392319e-01 4.01444659e-02 -4.60082471e-01 -2.89159328e-01 -1.95342526e-01 1.57102779e-01 -5.36700524e-02 -4.25382972e-01 2.59996861e-01 1.55400068e-01 1.68633074e-01 9.71485116e-03 5.61103709e-02 1.41233241e-03 8.68524462e-02 -2.45771408e-01 -1.88376814e-01 -7.07353726e-02 3.42956066e-01 -2.56817609e-01 -7.98447579e-02 1.40383795e-01 8.52097422e-02 -1.28918692e-01 6.46117479e-02 -1.14239298e-01 4.52063262e-01 8.70069340e-02 -1.32263228e-01 -6.03039935e-03 -4.84574726e-03 1.83191329e-01 -1.63562894e-01 2.00629815e-01 6.67353049e-02 -2.00771153e-01 -2.79973924e-01 1.84393227e-01 -2.64671355e-01 2.63524652e-01 -2.47194365e-01 1.87706888e-01 -1.18107647e-01 -1.69502631e-01 -1.18623376e-01 3.52048784e-01 2.40849137e-01 -3.92057836e-01 -1.82858959e-01 1.14144146e-01 2.24209473e-01 -3.36127490e-01 2.72952944e-01 8.11258256e-02 -1.82669520e-01 1.41169861e-01 2.36517996e-01 2.19941288e-01 1.47169605e-01 1.75072223e-01 3.82292807e-01 1.10520814e-02 1.28110722e-01 4.89038616e-01 2.54981160e-01 2.13611841e-01 -2.17801914e-01 3.25959563e-01 -3.52301091e-01 2.79725134e-01 1.30625162e-02 2.06923798e-01 -3.71997833e-01 7.24921077e-02 9.40423459e-04 -8.19009319e-02 5.42639121e-02 3.94837037e-02 9.71967131e-02 -1.73932284e-01 -4.37201262e-01 8.47073179e-03 4.46559072e-01 1.93445738e-02 2.29307130e-01 2.28700802e-01 -8.23280439e-02 -1.03259116e-01 -1.71078876e-01 -4.01107669e-02 4.74090070e-01 -1.88621581e-01 -9.39127281e-02 3.26505452e-01 2.83424165e-02 1.69732288e-01 4.05904911e-02 2.24874824e-01 -1.51930237e-02 -1.37955189e-01 4.97188838e-03 -1.01306871e-01 -1.49288222e-01 -2.47678444e-01 -3.27273667e-01 6.51583225e-02 -2.65419513e-01 7.11724162e-02 1.73860893e-01 -1.55162439e-01 -7.72525445e-02 2.53150374e-01 -4.58718278e-02 -8.97052214e-02 -7.86253810e-02 -4.87960637e-01 -3.08916867e-01 1.04179583e-01 4.72076721e-02 -1.34570420e-01 -1.26779079e-01 -5.14520586e-01 -2.31429577e-01 1.46956146e-01 5.15437424e-02 9.99741852e-02 -5.41454107e-02 1.14857748e-01 8.07184875e-02 -8.35449845e-02 -1.29065826e-03 -6.42438293e-01 -2.79199988e-01 -1.27557009e-01 -7.52829621e-03 -3.81637275e-01 -5.55115417e-02 3.44538182e-01 -2.30702445e-01 -1.57437846e-01 -1.58314288e-01 6.95141554e-02 1.18067957e-01 -3.87869060e-01 -3.95641744e-01 2.45020181e-01 3.15115333e-01 -9.01173651e-02 -3.81888002e-02 -1.68461964e-01 5.88858947e-02 4.52402532e-02 2.22477555e-01 -1.50000766e-01 -1.67742789e-01 -1.36361286e-01 4.71698284e-01 2.19785497e-01 -9.61468592e-02 5.50834741e-03 -1.81300879e-01 -4.43331718e-01 -1.67574361e-03 3.34332734e-02 -1.58999488e-01 4.71791029e-01 -2.82645166e-01 4.69329506e-01 7.62257576e-02 -9.45999101e-02 1.96803093e-01 3.86806935e-01 9.54714641e-02 -2.01294169e-01 -3.55998039e-01 -2.63594948e-02 -2.01433346e-01 9.07052234e-02 -1.83223158e-01 4.08911742e-02 5.93604930e-02 -1.05650753e-01 -2.59822309e-01 -3.05574834e-01 3.89418036e-01 -5.02305925e-01 -3.42031091e-01 5.97864315e-02 1.22873954e-01 -1.99184604e-02 1.65567607e-01 -2.78107494e-01 -1.65727422e-01 1.59822568e-01 2.85050161e-02 -4.17457014e-01 6.95256293e-02 -1.85181186e-01 -2.09293813e-02 -1.75165370e-01 2.18543515e-01 -1.49261817e-01 4.98852730e-02 -2.75781125e-01 -1.69726253e-01]
"A Little Piece Of Me" active "SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-6899 is housed in the minimum security containment wing of Site-17. At the onset of an Alpha Event, SCP-6899 is to be moved into the examination suite adjacent to their containment cell and medical staff are to be notified. This medical suite is to maintain a supply of two-liters of type O-negative blood in order to triage Alpha Events. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6899 is an adult human male named Trent MacAffee, age 31. On an approximate 96-hour schedule, SCP-6899 begins an Alpha Event wherein they manifest and begin extruding a wooden splinter. These splinters have so far ranged in size from as small as 18 to as long as 45 centimeters, and have demonstrated properties identical to a species of white oak common to the Ohio River Valley. Extruded splinters have not exhibited any anomalous properties, and have been cataloged as instances of SCP-6899-1. During Alpha Events, SCP-6899 experiences periods of extreme physical duress characterized by a heart rate in excess of 140 beats per minute, blood pressure in excess of 150/90, profuse sweating, severe dystonia, and an apparent immunity to all sedatives and tranquilizers. When not undergoing an Alpha Event, SCP-6899 does not demonstrate any anomalous qualities. After thorough psychiatric evaluation, the subject has been either unwilling or is unable to provide any speculation or detail as to the specifics of their condition, or its origins. To date, SCP-6899 has proven resilient against standard Mnestic treatments, as well as both hynogogic and regression therapies. FILE UPDATE 2021-08-23: During a routine inventory of non-anomalous items, the total volume of SCP-6899-1 objects was cataloged and photographed. When presented with this information, the Senior Researcher assigned to SCP-6899 noted a correlation between the splinters and began an effort to recombine the components. This has resulted in the partial reconstruction (~40%) of the frame of a child's crib. When confronted with this information, SCP-6899 has provided no comment. « SCP-6898 | SCP-6899 | SCP-6900 »" nan
[ 6.43895641e-02 1.95320547e-02 -1.38435423e-01 -3.55051793e-02 -2.51971096e-01 -1.59214675e-01 1.66639999e-01 1.19158208e-01 -1.58403993e-01 1.51921818e-02 1.17914572e-01 -7.71177635e-02 -2.74874926e-01 6.04539141e-02 1.71822533e-01 1.58626705e-01 3.10085677e-02 1.29436433e-01 2.86367476e-01 -3.38047564e-01 -1.84317380e-01 -5.88186197e-02 -2.95146585e-01 -2.01240834e-02 -2.59046048e-01 -1.64763749e-01 7.35481381e-02 3.09463531e-01 -1.94541831e-02 -2.69397020e-01 -2.21257880e-01 5.13341650e-02 -1.21697515e-01 2.29141757e-01 -1.09404828e-04 -1.45150781e-01 3.42484444e-01 -1.43802851e-01 -1.99869081e-01 2.86194831e-01 -1.23681732e-01 1.67962700e-01 -1.56567413e-02 -1.71310052e-01 7.06103370e-02 1.80169031e-01 1.64337426e-01 2.05518335e-01 3.33285898e-01 -2.04213802e-03 1.99860394e-01 1.98560327e-01 1.20714866e-01 7.15859234e-02 1.31716371e-01 5.81854463e-01 -5.12767471e-02 -2.07625821e-01 4.55271512e-01 -4.97555323e-02 2.70613313e-01 -1.54583703e-03 -9.42981467e-02 3.02087907e-02 1.54887378e-01 -2.16350645e-01 1.62281007e-01 -1.31303117e-01 4.43254560e-01 3.62294674e-01 -7.24591687e-02 2.01214403e-01 -2.65838839e-02 2.43092328e-02 2.20036089e-01 -1.83066502e-01 1.42415166e-02 3.91179144e-01 -1.30119368e-01 1.08607218e-01 -2.78284848e-02 6.86391145e-02 -2.60129124e-01 -3.21422368e-01 -4.02222455e-01 2.65087783e-01 -1.30082548e-01 -4.73447703e-03 -8.98257717e-02 2.08966210e-02 -1.85955152e-01 1.05580434e-01 1.68637484e-01 -2.04246677e-03 1.43944295e-02 -1.82444811e-01 -9.27820653e-02 2.62458056e-01 1.57599255e-01 -2.42466614e-01 -1.47283018e-01 6.93757981e-02 -1.60382390e-01 4.49539199e-02 3.88724394e-02 -1.05883725e-01 2.17084184e-01 1.04951382e-01 -3.19896847e-01 3.32750827e-01 -9.62338448e-02 2.34402344e-01 -2.07214683e-01 4.47623253e-01 -2.77001381e-01 -1.37563542e-01 -1.51040003e-01 -2.17853740e-01 -4.17948037e-01 1.30198330e-01 -1.09861173e-01 1.00927748e-01 -8.59086215e-02 3.05372775e-01 3.65292758e-01 1.63934112e-01 -8.52320641e-02 1.54650845e-02 -6.64246157e-02 -1.93663642e-01 -2.51929700e-01 1.96767494e-01 -1.78629115e-01 1.92953318e-01 -1.22886732e-01 -1.28622085e-01 -2.58118659e-01 1.82263870e-02 -1.80698365e-01 -3.23100276e-02 -2.21867800e-01 1.06833369e-01 4.42975402e-01 3.84741306e-01 -4.47656989e-01 9.79959294e-02 6.30717799e-02 -1.46695524e-01 -1.30633473e-01 9.74391624e-02 6.21928126e-02 -1.68804556e-01 -3.80155534e-01 2.44261622e-01 -1.09929755e-01 1.81030616e-01 2.27848679e-01 2.38478426e-02 1.56142205e-01 -3.26121114e-02 1.04618132e-01 7.73750022e-02 -5.53864360e-01 -1.95419744e-01 1.72398299e-01 2.11858660e-01 -5.49905598e-01 -1.35204583e-01 -2.13094115e-01 1.38110861e-01 2.98797041e-02 2.83057839e-01 -1.43649682e-01 5.67622334e-02 -1.15306735e-01 3.70885849e-01 -7.07422376e-01 1.15855359e-01 -2.56828934e-01 -1.65473506e-01 -3.59593332e-01 -1.90720819e-02 3.27027589e-01 -5.01264274e-01 -2.06233910e-03 -1.55742109e-01 1.40556283e-02 -1.38762787e-01 5.06046750e-02 5.36986627e-02 -2.23142058e-01 -6.40710711e-01 1.66725665e-01 1.55823141e-01 1.31510749e-01 -3.57925981e-01 8.13739821e-02 -1.27757909e-02 3.61881524e-01 7.06414655e-02 -5.57525158e-02 -2.15205818e-01 1.32024899e-01 -5.40098213e-02 -6.62346780e-02 -1.27356365e-01 -1.50510922e-01 1.86647493e-02 6.32796109e-01 1.65118068e-01 -4.86973375e-01 -1.04580745e-01 -1.98580429e-01 1.02593333e-01 1.40621245e-01 -7.45229363e-01 2.56552488e-01 1.74002364e-01 5.46431132e-02 -2.76505113e-01 -4.82611001e-01 1.14592090e-01 -1.35823920e-01 -7.20364004e-02 -3.93706918e-01 3.03482056e-01 -1.54510528e-01 -1.19150393e-01 -1.00582577e-01 3.57817113e-01 2.75458992e-01 -1.07123144e-01 3.20945352e-01 2.92010933e-01 -8.35090876e-02 3.95600528e-01 7.78755173e-02 2.55229175e-01 -2.15105293e-03 1.91425078e-03 2.58400261e-01 3.56052653e-03 1.83696732e-01 -8.47526044e-02 -1.54523849e-01 3.05049419e-01 3.97303462e-01 2.78137892e-01 2.17862308e-01 -1.78066358e-01 -1.11649692e-01 -3.66155416e-01 1.59611061e-01 -3.33080262e-01 3.74054670e-01 3.15629184e-01 -1.50649026e-01 9.83279869e-02 3.51599306e-02 4.96708542e-01 -1.13954894e-01 -4.00484443e-01 4.85948212e-02 1.63296476e-01 -2.58109123e-01 -1.70428410e-01 1.89922437e-01 2.48787239e-01 2.04640821e-01 2.14807659e-01 1.56558141e-01 -4.61648963e-02 -1.38325721e-01 -2.75364041e-01 6.91040382e-02 1.47322521e-01 -8.57735053e-02 2.94060111e-01 1.67359173e-01 9.37949941e-02 -1.81875661e-01 -1.76119715e-01 -1.24402061e-01 -1.59746092e-02 -2.44546816e-01 -3.47271785e-02 -2.19152987e-01 2.28609502e-01 8.05215091e-02 5.49453259e-01 2.09320709e-01 -9.54913795e-02 6.01247214e-02 -9.23374761e-03 -6.93534911e-02 -7.86377266e-02 -3.45950812e-01 4.03438210e-01 -2.74370134e-01 5.98432004e-01 -4.22217846e-01 -2.33316347e-01 1.49254873e-01 1.72746524e-01 -8.57968330e-02 5.84805422e-02 2.17172652e-01 -4.70479727e-01 -1.45324871e-01 2.48322263e-01 -4.70391572e-01 2.92958975e-01 -8.59427452e-02 -2.10045397e-01 2.60285556e-01 6.44199923e-02 5.21615930e-02 -7.47409165e-01 1.30831689e-01 -7.49518275e-01 -2.82671124e-01 -1.80693030e-01 1.11445785e-03 -1.59754366e-01 -2.03831226e-01 2.45797858e-01 -3.66385758e-01 -2.94483006e-01 2.85120606e-01 -5.87897748e-02 1.22857332e-01 5.51400483e-01 -1.73345923e-01 3.13038588e-01 3.35181039e-03 -1.56696603e-01 -2.31480509e-01 -2.66697884e-01 1.30798876e-01 -2.81098969e-02 -6.29337355e-02 -1.47605777e-01 -3.67798984e-01 -1.65816527e-02 -1.24011226e-01 -3.70538026e-01 -3.84715423e-02 -1.13254309e-01 -1.41490772e-01 -5.99499643e-02 -1.42583519e-01 1.71532393e-01 -1.67019144e-01 -3.25416535e-01 -2.74965733e-01 8.21034685e-02 -1.31858021e-01 1.46156713e-01 1.52551353e-01 -5.53328753e-01 -8.07867013e-03 3.38654757e-01 4.95542884e-01 3.55456211e-02 -3.00799936e-01 -3.03292155e-01 2.94006675e-01 2.53325820e-01 3.44255269e-01 -6.89840540e-02 6.77427411e-01 1.14507020e-01 -5.17648280e-01 3.46117049e-01 5.78891858e-02 -2.32162215e-02 1.19738869e-01 -6.27433956e-02 -4.58186179e-01 -4.48727071e-01 -5.44656366e-02 7.92526245e-01 1.29513755e-01 -2.06175417e-01 -7.35653862e-02 2.15569988e-01 -2.55828910e-02 1.74233392e-02 4.84464854e-01 4.20664847e-02 -2.45429561e-01 -4.02644426e-01 -4.34291689e-03 -8.40751901e-02 2.73346007e-01 1.20265283e-01 -9.52147394e-02 -2.49415264e-01 -2.02303782e-01 3.36811513e-01 -2.69697309e-01 3.53721976e-01 7.71471560e-02 3.85460109e-01 3.62526506e-01 3.54845852e-01 -3.25234830e-01 4.98029776e-02 -1.72692329e-01 4.54080896e-03 2.60328382e-01 3.63211483e-02 -1.66666225e-01 3.59568596e-02 6.75031468e-02 1.84350967e-01 2.94701219e-01 -7.00690448e-02 2.13993251e-01 -4.89907831e-01 -2.41605595e-01 6.77491724e-02 1.73608318e-01 -3.59976441e-01 -4.88923565e-02 -1.42991111e-01 1.77312717e-01 -9.99361724e-02 2.38195926e-01 4.16062884e-02 -5.18699512e-02 3.05501491e-01 -3.08355130e-02 5.51464736e-01 2.78911352e-01 7.16738522e-01 1.21349096e-01 1.08057246e-01 3.63608330e-01 1.65151715e-01 6.40674904e-02 1.99169427e-01 7.88684607e-01 4.25977632e-03 -1.59353614e-01 6.74280226e-02 1.97901785e-01 3.91953662e-02 3.55770171e-01 2.16232631e-02 -1.50556415e-02 2.73351103e-01 -3.40474700e-03 2.88021177e-01 -7.25824311e-02 -1.67387038e-01 -4.00808126e-01 3.08109343e-01 4.47529927e-02 2.22871974e-01 1.27550244e-01 1.16397905e+00 2.30726853e-01 2.32953310e-01 -1.38549194e-01 -2.68576205e-01 1.91431925e-01 -1.16810754e-01 -1.46515951e-01 -4.60841171e-02 -1.05507791e-01 1.15197428e-01 -1.68253064e-01 1.78907454e-01 2.44887471e-01 -2.49708042e-01 -2.39709154e-01 -2.96661168e-01 -1.14278607e-01 1.16032124e-01 1.15995228e-01 3.25284451e-01 -5.40761985e-02 9.78698507e-02 1.86418250e-01 1.31508127e-01 -8.94480050e-02 1.37132734e-01 2.20254734e-01 -6.31265938e-02 1.00740187e-01 -2.46489003e-01 4.08506133e-02 -4.29657340e-01 2.77375840e-02 1.91356763e-01 -5.42223573e-01 6.93818852e-02 -2.43571162e-01 -3.23411047e-01 -4.30520214e-02 7.42984489e-02 4.56400692e-01 3.95476639e-01 4.84894067e-02 1.75190896e-01 1.70577562e-03 1.94437385e-01 2.33131405e-02 -9.13544595e-02 2.43810583e-02 -1.21296130e-01 1.43894479e-01 -1.76107883e-01 1.84335466e-02 1.69355288e-01 -2.09252745e-01 3.61941546e-01 -1.18816383e-02 -2.42055655e-02 -2.29419574e-01 1.48112088e-01 3.08375079e-02 -7.63475224e-02 -1.17641144e-01 9.31380317e-02 -2.90209234e-01 -9.65159535e-02 2.57298619e-01 -1.72452666e-02 6.69308156e-02 2.10940272e-01 -1.47366868e-02 -1.74098954e-01 -3.97084206e-01 1.90905511e-01 -1.15952715e-01 4.36030626e-02 -1.83041394e-01 -1.52226299e-01 -2.39461303e-01 2.13374466e-01 3.26576859e-01 2.26326346e-01 -2.93275714e-01 -3.83951813e-01 -2.96378434e-01 -1.41407281e-01 2.43292093e-01 -2.54691035e-01 2.96385437e-01 -6.86033741e-02 6.44753873e-01 -2.49233842e-01 4.42391276e-01 -4.15139407e-01 -9.61833522e-02 -5.78311272e-02 1.74272150e-01 3.51552755e-01 -3.13432664e-01 2.23822758e-01 -1.07496426e-01 2.56924719e-01 2.85169363e-01 -2.20291123e-01 -2.42020294e-01 -1.93510786e-01 1.46954283e-01 -4.81489785e-02 -1.36587486e-01 7.11452514e-02 2.82804281e-01 4.22750823e-02 9.12492126e-02 2.13468373e-02 -3.19381177e-01 2.13851944e-01 2.04827338e-01 5.04284725e-02 2.44744033e-01 -8.82704090e-03 1.65432215e-01 1.29142493e-01 6.52647972e-01 -1.20327294e-01 1.43843493e-03 -2.85875469e-01 4.71232506e-03 3.31462175e-01 2.66584814e-01 -8.54355767e-02 1.72954232e-01 1.13273628e-01 2.00362250e-01 -4.27399635e-01 1.02363192e-01 -2.22470909e-02 2.91804224e-01 -9.72140208e-02 -7.30838552e-02 5.04606664e-02 2.76613295e-01 -9.38298460e-03 2.23053619e-01 -9.82628670e-03 3.36668007e-02 6.43447712e-02 3.58999670e-01 -1.93187580e-01 -2.95873374e-01 2.19934046e-01 -7.13148192e-02 1.68583512e-01 2.01206043e-01 1.58897221e-01 3.77274692e-01 -1.66200981e-01 -2.26732492e-01 1.01665057e-01 9.57540870e-02 3.99619490e-01 4.11102474e-01 3.55588317e-01 3.45266797e-02 1.09448217e-01 4.34951693e-01 1.96887821e-01 1.89757645e-01 -7.00102448e-02 1.26695931e-01 1.14316240e-01 -7.97058828e-03 -5.55525906e-02 3.00808281e-01 -2.00307131e-01 -1.08511269e-01 9.13055167e-02 7.56196231e-02 9.75840017e-02 -1.27508894e-01 -1.32444158e-01 -1.60803571e-01 -2.97119498e-01 -3.82980376e-01 6.32901639e-02 1.94537416e-02 2.76152581e-01 2.29487076e-01 1.18348124e-02 -4.53700162e-02 -3.44214529e-01 1.99806735e-01 6.21559143e-01 -3.19682628e-01 3.32617521e-01 1.89820960e-01 1.03627302e-01 3.77644449e-01 -5.47748134e-02 4.33991224e-01 -8.38496387e-02 -2.05547526e-01 -1.66986138e-02 -1.08656190e-01 -2.57946581e-01 -1.87012553e-01 -4.25059088e-02 6.76015839e-02 -2.18482986e-02 2.04766497e-01 2.27765486e-01 -1.94890857e-01 -2.51371294e-01 -4.15951945e-02 1.76589504e-01 -3.03148210e-01 -7.36251697e-02 -3.11628491e-01 -4.24084753e-01 7.22381696e-02 -1.69111431e-01 -2.56340176e-01 8.35595280e-03 -4.00683492e-01 -2.40670815e-01 2.06923768e-01 -7.35375658e-02 1.06144808e-01 -3.83739889e-01 4.35454220e-01 5.95885776e-02 3.59408483e-02 2.78491706e-01 -3.44794929e-01 -3.01055163e-01 1.88668162e-01 -5.82742356e-02 -5.42662203e-01 1.64530110e-02 2.56273568e-01 2.67377645e-01 2.28191853e-01 1.04479697e-02 7.81578794e-02 -1.01607271e-01 -9.34840664e-02 -2.84899265e-01 1.90041140e-01 3.71404111e-01 -3.54444414e-01 1.23875402e-02 2.82172784e-02 2.91542690e-02 -1.62761569e-01 1.42277345e-01 -1.01373931e-02 -4.82811153e-01 -4.39266525e-02 4.49791163e-01 5.19568503e-01 3.60303298e-02 3.43782336e-01 -3.29461753e-01 -3.80287975e-01 -2.51569182e-01 1.63308933e-01 -4.07299876e-01 3.02721292e-01 1.86999336e-01 3.70279163e-01 1.69469476e-01 8.91551152e-02 2.60864019e-01 8.72764885e-02 1.37095198e-01 -1.94513619e-01 -2.54485667e-01 9.42886770e-02 -7.91675895e-02 -8.01262725e-03 7.01197535e-02 4.40462559e-01 2.34978329e-02 -2.14118168e-01 -1.36217549e-01 -4.61967766e-01 6.19885385e-01 -4.71678600e-02 -1.57950610e-01 1.13830462e-01 2.08756272e-02 -2.41731331e-01 -4.31147255e-02 -4.77521509e-01 -7.57712424e-02 1.18850050e-02 1.11520693e-01 -3.49794663e-02 -1.60275117e-01 6.85898364e-02 -2.34003484e-01 -2.29834586e-01 5.97793639e-01 7.52871335e-02 -2.63184369e-01 -9.81726199e-02 -1.41680136e-01]
"The House of Stars" active "The House of Stars SCP-6900-D — The House of Stars Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6900 is contained in an extradimensional space accessible from a high-security vault in Site-19. This space consists of a 49-acre forest populated entirely with Scots pine trees, in order to obfuscate and protect the identity of the true SCP-6900. The location of SCP-6900 and maintenance of its containment unit is restricted exclusively to individuals with Level 5/6900-Alpha clearance. Description: SCP-6900 is a single Scots pine tree (Pinus sylvestris). In terms of its appearance, SCP-6900 is indistinguishable from other trees of its type. The female pine cones which grow from SCP-6900 have a variety of anomalous effects. The seed scales, despite not being edible on a non-anomalous Scots pine, are edible and nutritious, and noted by test subjects for their high-quality taste. Consumption of these scales provides significant improvements to overall physical health, eliminating fatigue and weakness, and curing or strongly diminishing most illnesses. The stems of SCP-6900's cones are made entirely of diamond, and are surrounded by a thin layer of bark. SCP-6900 itself has an anomalous effect on those who maintain or care for it1. While within an approximately 10-kilometer radius of SCP-6900, affected individuals will experience strong positive enhancements to their strength, dexterity, skill, and mental health. An emergency assembly was called by Site-19's Director Barnes and MTF-Delta-12's Riley Parr regarding an apparent threat to SCP-6900's containment. In attendance: Barnes: Alright, let's begin the log. Thank you for coming, everyone. Shalamov: What is this about, anyway? The memo did not provide much information. Parr: I'm afraid that was necessary. This involves some recent leaks, and until we can determine the extent of those leaks, we can't risk information being lost. Roscoe: I thought we were getting together for chili night. [A few moments of silence. Shalamov sighs.] Roscoe: Fine, sorry. Didn't realize y'all hated jokes. Barnes: Anyway, in front of all of you is the current file for SCP-6900. If you'll take a moment to read it… [Everyone opens their files and reads through SCP-6900.] Bold: Pretty short. Vaughn: Not much to say about it. As for this meeting, director, why wasn't I briefed on this? If 6900 is relevant here, then I should be the first to know. Parr: This is less about 6900 itself and more about— Well, Adam, why don't you start. With the beginning of all this. Barnes: [Nods] Right. Two weeks ago, the Site-19 secure database was breached, and an infiltrator was able to access all files for any clearance level. In particular, they downloaded all information relating to SCP-6900. Not just the standard file, but containment specs, reports, test logs, notes, et cetera. Naturally, we alerted Vaughn and anyone else involved, so most of you were already aware of this incident. Bold: Makes sense. Did you find out who the infiltrator was? Barnes: Yes. The reason we didn't want to discuss this at first was because while we were able to partially determine their activity, we don't know the full extent of what they viewed, or whether or not they could do it again. We don't want them to catch on. Shalamov: [Clicks mandibles] So who was the intruder? Barnes: [Clears throat] Parr, if you will. [Parr holds out a remote and turns on the conference room's projector.] Parr: This is Dr. Giaco Capo, but some of you may know him by the name "Game Master," a former member of the House of Stars. [The attendees display visible discomfort.] Bold: Sorry, should I know what that is? Parr: How— I forget you're fairly new. The House of Stars is an old Group of Interest that was active until about twelve years ago. Their main deal was pulling off big heists against anomalous groups. They hit a few Foundation targets, as well as the GOC, MC&D, basically any group with something valuable. My force, Delta-12, was assigned to them until they became inactive. We don't entirely know why they disbanded, but our best theory is that there was some kind of schism. After that, all of their members laid low. Vaughn: Well, I assume that means Game Master is acting independently? Parr: Not… quite. Two days after he infiltrated 19, we received intel that he was possibly working with another House member, who goes by "Sheriff." Roscoe: So what? What's his goal here? Parr: Two things. First, it's likely they're going after SCP-6900. But also… I believe he may be trying to reassemble the House of Stars. [Some outcry ensues amongst the attendees.] Barnes: We're not sure what the extent of this is. But we're keeping tabs on any possible members, and we'll be providing everyone with information on them. Our best course of action is to reinforce ourselves and SCP-6900. [Parr clears her throat.] Barnes: Unless worse comes to worst, of course. Roscoe: What's that supposed to mean? Parr: Barnes is concerned with the potential loss of resources and personnel involved with stopping this, especially if things get deadly. Personally, I think it's worth the risk to try and stamp out the House now. Barnes: I'll be assisting with a proposal to decommission the House or 6900 if need be, especially if they keep coming back to try and take the item. Bold: So that's why I'm here. Barnes: We wanted to make sure all relevant departments are in on this. That includes yours, Director. Bold: There's certainly stipulations to destroy an anomaly if we can't keep it out of enemy hands. But the way you're referring to the House of Stars, it seems like there's only a few members. Parr: Precisely the problem. We're prepared to deal with full-scale containment breaches and incursions, but the House is tricky. All of their members are able to elude capture, and they've demonstrated resounding success. And that's why we need 6900. As bait. Vaughn: Hold on! I was never consulted on this! 6900 is my project, and I'm not letting you come in and blow it up! Parr: Vaughn, this is more important than a single pine tree. And we're not completely certain if we'll even need to destroy it anyway. Vaughn: But—! Parr: Enough! [Hits table.] You don't know them like I do. They're dangerous, and we need to get rid of them while we have the chance. [Brief silence.] Bold: Fine. I'll consider the request when it comes through. Barnes: One last thing. [Points to Roscoe] I want a thorough investigation while all this is going down. We have to catch anything suspicious. Roscoe: Yep, got it. Parr: Alright then. Let's burn down the house. This file contains information regarding the recent activities of GoI-727 ("The House of Stars") in regards to SCP-6900, specifically all members known to have been in contact with PoI-727-1 ("Game Master"). Access to this file without Level 5/6900-Beta clearance is forbidden. Aliases: Game Master, Dr. Giaco Capo Status: WANTED Disturbance Level: 2 (Low) Threat Level: 2 (Low) Affiliation: House of Stars Anomalous Capabilities: Level III Tychokinesis Overview: Game Master is a 39-year-old human male. He claims to have graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with PhDs in statistics and physics3. He is a potent tychokinetic, giving him a high degree of probability manipulation. Limited analysis of these capabilities suggests that he may be host to a foreign entity which grants him these capabilities. Game Master is one of the founding members of the original House of Stars, alongside PoI-727-2 ("Sheriff"), -3 ("King"), and -4 ("Chef"). Game Master would often operate as the face of the House, utilizing a combination of connections, charisma, and his own anomalous abilities to push the House's agenda. When the House first disbanded, Game Master went into deep hiding and posed as a Foundation researcher named "Giaco Capo." As SCP-040, another House member, had frequently used her own anomalous abilities to disguise Game Master and other members, he went unrecognized during his time at the Foundation. After several years, Game Master managed to attain unauthorized access to the Site-19 Secure Archives before fleeing the site (see file below). While fleeing, he was able to steal SCP-963; it is believed he reconnected with Sheriff shortly afterwards. Currently, he is the primary instigator of the House of Star's ongoing reformation. [Location is Site-19 Secure Archives. Dr. Giaco Capo walks in and locks the door behind him. He walks to the central terminal and inserts a thumb drive into it. Analysis post-incident reveals that the thumb drive contained a program which would allow access into secure files without triggering any alarms or security protocols.] [Capo peruses the Level 5 secure files for several minutes, before reaching the SCP-6900 folder. After reading through the main file, he downloads the folder into his drive, activating Secure Contingency Protocol Alpha-3.] Capo: Oh. That's not good. [Capo removes the drive and places it into his pocket. He makes no effort to hurry as he looks around the room. Foundation agents can be heard on the other side of the entrance, attempting to access the room.] Agent: I can't get in, it's jammed! [Capo walks over to the nearest vent and climbs inside. He is able to make his way into the primary ventilation system and escape Site-19. While security protocols were in place to prevent unauthorized movement through the ventilation system, a previously unknown bug in the central security system prevented them from activating while Secure Contingency Protocol Alpha-3 was active. Shortly thereafter, security agents are able to breach the room.] Aliases: Sheriff Status: WANTED Disturbance Level: 3 (Moderate) Threat Level: 4 (High) Affiliation: House of Stars Anomalous Capabilities: Level IV Telekinesis Overview: Sheriff is a human male with telekinetic capabilities, estimated to be between 35 and 40 years of age. His personal life is largely unknown, and he bears a reputation for being taciturn. In addition to his primary anomalous properties, he is in possession of the Everycloak and Everyblade, two artifacts capable of limited transformation into various clothing and weaponry, respectively. Sheriff is one of the founding members of the House of Stars, and even worked privately alongside several of its to-be members before the House was officially established. While there is no evidence that the House possessed any kind of centralized leadership or hierarchy, it is believed that Sheriff was considered the de facto leader of the House. Shortly after Game Master fled Site-19, him and Sheriff reconnected and began rebuilding the House. His activity remains largely unknown, save for a single log attached below. Game Master had made a single call to him from a payphone, which was flagged due to voice recognition and keyword triggering. Game Master: Sherf. It's me. Sheriff: Where are you calling from? GM: A payphone. It's a long story, I know, they'll be able to listen in. Sheriff: That was stupid of you. GM: I'm sorry. Listen, I'll get back home soon. Sheriff: Why are you calling me? GM: I've been looking around. Luck's on my side, but even so, it's difficult. Sheriff: Are there any updates? GM: Babel's in, although it took some persuasion to get them onboard. Chef's taken by the Coalition, he might be tough to bust out. Cheems tried to deconceptualize me the moment I knocked on his door, but we all saw that coming. Fear and Panic were much friendlier about it, but they don't want to be involved anymore. Forty might be hard to get a hold of, and frankly I think you'll have better luck with her. As for Sam, she… well… [A few seconds of silence.] GM: [clears throat] she's gone. Sheriff: Oh. GM: Leukemia. Her wife said she went peacefully. But damn. [Several moments of silence.] GM: It's been way too long. I should have been there. Sheriff: We will see everyone else soon. I am sorry to hear about Sam. GM: Yeah. Anyway, I just… I thought you should know. Sheriff: Yes. GM: I'll see you soon. Aliases: Chef Status: CONTAINED WANTED Disturbance Level: 1 (Minimal) Threat Level: 2 (Low) Affiliation: House of Stars Anomalous Capabilities: None Overview: Chef is a non-anomalous 41-year-old human male, born in Switzerland. He has been engaging in criminal activity since the age of 14, both independently and amongst other groups. He is widely regarded as a particularly skilled criminal, to the point where anomalous individuals and groups began reaching out to him a few years into his career. Despite possessing no anomalous capabilities, Chef is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous members of the House of Stars, due to his skill, intellect, and overall aptitude. He is believed to be the mastermind behind most of their projects and heists. Chef formally left the House shortly over a year before it officially dissolved, for unknown reasons. Shortly thereafter, he was detained by the Global Occult Coalition, where he remained in custody until recently. Note: The following file was provided by the Global Occult Coalition, upon request by the SCP Foundation. [Location is outside the entrance to Chef's cell. Two guards are sitting outside, listening to music.] Guard 1: Look, I don't care what my wife says, the Bruce Springsteen concert was not a waste of money! Guard 2: I feel you man, I really do, but I'm gonna have to side with Cheryl on this one. Five hundred dollars? You've gotta be kidding! Guard 1: They were all sold out! Plus, this is the one time he was gonna be in the area. The folks on Brucebase all said it was a good idea, and that tickets would only get more expensive! Guard 2: But of all people, Bruce Springsteen? Game Master: He's right, you know. He's really not worth it, even if you're a die-hard fan. Guard 2: Thank you! [Brief silence.] Guard 2: Wait, what? [Both guards are shot with darts from an unknown location, and promptly collapse. A metal tile floats off of the floor, and Game Master and Sheriff emerge.] Game Master: If we have time, can we steal this guy's concert ticket? [Sheriff does not respond. He faces the entrance and holds up his hands. The door shakes, and after a moment, it slowly removes itself and falls onto the ground. The two of them step inside.] [Feed switches to the cell's interior. Chef is seen on the other side of a reinforced glass wall. Game Master and Sheriff both step into the containment unit. Sheriff pulls out the Everyblade, which transforms into a pickaxe. He swings it at the glass, which shatters. Alarms begin sounding.] Sheriff: Hello, Chef! Chef: You two are a sight for sore eyes! Game Master: Good to see you too! Sorry for the alarms, no way around those! Chef: Beats listening to Bruce Springsteen all day! So, what can I do for you two? Sheriff: We need to leave, first! Chef: Right! And then? Game Master: [Smiles] Isn't it obvious? Chef: Yeah, yeah! Been a while since I had an actual House to stay in! You two look like you could use a plan! Sheriff: Perhaps! [Two GOC agents enter the room. Sheriff's Everyblade transforms into a metal bat, and he knocks both agents unconscious.] Chef: Let's get to it then! Aliases: Tower of Babel, Babel, Babel_Tower Status: WANTED Disturbance Level: 2 (Low) Threat Level: 1 (Minimal) Affiliation: House of Stars, Spawnmasons Anomalous Capabilities: Level II Technokinesis, Type I Electromorphosis, Type I Electrotallasis Overview: Tower of Babel exists primarily as a digital sapience, although it can physically manifest at will. When in its physical form, it takes the appearance of a dark-skinned human wearing a gold-and-blue robe. The upper half of its face, above the nose, is replaced with a miniature brick pillar; despite having no visible eyes or similar organs, it seems to have no difficulty seeing or discerning visual details. Tower of Babel joined the House of Stars some time after the Foundation initially encountered it, when it had attempted to hijack League of Legends servers and frame all players for tax fraud. There is little information on its time within the House or its relationships with other members. After the House disbanded, Tower of Babel joined, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft, under the username "Babel_Tower." It had minimum engagement with the community aside from joining the Spawnmason faction and participating in their group events. Shortly after reformation of the House of Stars began, Game Master joined under the username "GameMasterStar727." Due to 2b2t being a hotspot for anomalous online activity, several Foundation-run Minecraft accounts were present and logged the below conversation. GameMasterStar727 joined the game. <GameMasterStar727> Babel? <Losertown4> yoooo is fit on <Balllllllllllls> guys come to spawn <Babel_Tower> Hello. <wonderfulu> popbob is she, popbob says trans rights letsgoooo <Babel_Tower> Come to me. [Irrelevant logs removed.] <GameMasterStar727> Are you doing okay? <Mobslasher> oothathurtsccringe <GameMasterStar727> I'm glad to hear that. <_Hydrafrost_> Your mom is a L i b e r a l chiefstickiness burned to death. <GameMasterStar727> I know it's been a while. I'm sorry. kpopbob joined the game. <Losertown4> YOOOO IS THAT FIT <Losertown4> LETS GOOOOOO <GameMasterStar727> I understand that you're mad at me. We put up with King for too long. But we're done with that. <Willbo_Waggins> what are all of you even talking about <GameMasterStar727> I want to get back together. I miss what we had. <ChugJugLugMug> pro fortnite gamer moment Willbo_Waggins was slain by ChugJugLugMug using CRINGE NAE-NAE BABY. <Willbo_Waggins> bruh <GameMasterStar727> We need you. Please think about it? [Irrelevant logs removed.] <GameMasterStar727> ? <GameMasterStar727> Oh! <eEeEeEeEeEeLetterO> cring lmao suck my balls Babel_Tower left the game. <GameMasterStar727> Thank you. GameMasterStar727 left the game. Aliases: Forty, SCP-040 Status: CONTAINED WANTED Disturbance Level: 4 (High) Threat Level: 4 (High) Affiliation: House of Stars Anomalous Capabilities: Level V Biokinesis Forty, designated as an SCP object under the number SCP-040, is a thirty-three-year-old female with biokinetic capabilities. She possesses some physical abnormalities, including bright pink hair and heterochromia; she is also blind in her left eye and particularly sensitive to burns and bruises. Forty was initially recovered by the Foundation after a raid on GoI-009 ("Keys to the Kingdom Christian Charter School for Gifted Youth"). Upon initial recovery, her biokinetic capabilities were relatively limited. As she aged, however, she gradually became more powerful, as well as less compliant with Foundation containment. Eventually, she breached containment at the age of 16. Shortly thereafter, she was found to be working with the House of Stars. After the House divided, she began traveling abroad, remaining out of the public eye. She was able to elude capture for nine years until Foundation agents tracked her down and ambushed her. She was taken into containment, where she remained until recently. [Location is the SCP-040 containment unit. Forty is seen pacing the room when Sheriff enters. His Everycloak has taken the form of a Foundation uniform.] Forty: I told you, I'm not—! [She turns to look at Sheriff and falls silent. She slowly steps forward.] Forty: …Sherf? Sheriff: Hello, Forty. [Forty hugs Sheriff.] Forty: I've missed you! Holy crap, how have you been? Sheriff: I have been fine. Are you alright? Forty: Yeah. Bit bored, but yeah. [Brief silence] I'm thinking you're here to get me out? I appreciate it, but you would have come a long time ago if it was easy. What's going on? Sheriff: Well, I did not do it alone, to say the least. We do not have much time, Babel is keeping us secure, but it will not last forever. Forty: Who else is here? Sheriff: Just me, but I got some help to get here. Forty: Nice. What's the plan? Sheriff: We're meeting at one of the old places. We've got Chef, Babel, and Game, and we're stealing an SCP. Forty: No. Sheriff: No? Forty: I'm sorry, but I know where this is going. And it's no. Was this Game's idea? Sending you in? Sheriff: Listen— Forty: After all that? After King? You of all people should know how I feel about Game after that! Sheriff: It will not be the same, I promise. King will never come back. Forty: It's not even about King anymore! It's about Game standing up for him! You think I can take that lying down? Sheriff: I knew you would not. All I can say is that Game is sorry and that he misses you. Forty: Look, I— I don't blame you for staying friends with him. And maybe I'm wrong to hold a grudge for this long. But it still hurts. Sheriff: I know it does. Forty: Then why do this? Why even bother? When you know—! Sheriff: I missed you. [Brief silence.] Forty: You? You missed me? Sheriff: Yes. Forty: You mean it? Sheriff: Yes. Forty: Why now? Sheriff: I did not want to risk it. You could have been hurt. Forty: I— I see. [Long silence.] Forty: I missed you too, you know. I didn't think you missed anyone though, especially not me. Sheriff: I… understand. Why you would think that. And I wish I could say that it was my idea, but… Forty: Game. [Sheriff nods. Forty sighs.] Forty: Always the romantic, he was. Doesn't surprise me that he'd want to pull everyone back in again. [Brief silence] Does he mean it? About me? About King? Sheriff: He is ashamed. The past years have only made him feel more ashamed. And… I think he wants to make up for it. If you will give him that chance. [Long silence] Forty: If you trust him… I'll give him one more chance. For your sake. Besides, he's not the only one I hold a grudge against. You said we're hitting these folks? [Gestures around her] Sheriff: You will come with me? Forty: Enemy of my enemy, I guess. Just as long as I get to kick Game in the balls a few times. Parr: So, how are you? Bold: What do you want? [A few moments of silence.] Bold: I'm fine, thank you. Mostly busy with work. Parr: Glad to hear it. Bold: Yeah. I'm gonna make a wild guess and say you didn't just want to get to know me. Parr: I did my research, I know enough about you. But no, you're right, just business. Bold: Sorry. Parr: It's all good, all good. Listen, I've looked at your records. You've got a good head on your shoulders, and your department… Well, I'm glad to see someone taking the reins on that. Sometimes you have to cut your losses, especially in this business. It's part of why I wanted you in on the whole 6900 thing. Bold: Oh. Um, thank you. Parr: I'm being honest with you. But you're right, I'm not just here to get to know you better. I do need your help. Bold: Naturally. Parr: Listen. I've been running with the Foundation a long time. I've been chasing down the House for almost as long. I know them better than anyone. When I finally heard they'd disbanded… I was excited. Bold: They caused you a lot of trouble. Parr: That's the nice way of putting it. The House isn't all hell-bent on destruction, but I lost a few good teammates to them. Bold: I'm… sorry to hear that. Parr: Hearing they were back was… do you know what it's like? Finally thinking you've beaten something terrible, only for it to come back again? I think you do. Bold: Why are you telling me all this? Parr: Because I have a plan. I want the House gone. For good. And I'm planning on using 6900 to do so. Bold: Ah. I see now. And you want me to just… authorize it? Parr: You're a smart guy, from what I've seen. This is about saving lives, lives which are put at risk by letting the House run around all crazy. Bold: And you thought your best course of action was to meet me in secret? Try and nudge me onto your side? Even if you could do that, there are rules and processes in place. This was your plan? Parr: Not quite. I had more to offer, but you're right. Clearly the only way I can get through this is through bureaucracy. I'm sorry to bother you. [Sound of footsteps walking away.] Bold: Wait. [A brief silence.] Bold: You said you have something else? Parr: Yeah, yeah. Some old things from the House they'll probably want back, I thought you might have interest in them. But it's not worth going over. Bold: Hold on a moment. [Footsteps approach.] Bold: Just… out of curiosity. What else did you have in mind? [Sound of paper being slid across a table. Bold inhales sharply.] Bold: You're joking. Parr: You recognize it. Bold: You knew I would. Parr: As I said, I did my research on you. Bold: Where is this? Where did you find it? Parr: Mm. I don't actually have it. Game Master apparently took it to the Wanderers' Library at some point. But I did find a map to it, during one of our last raids on their holdouts. [Several seconds of silence.] Parr: I need your help. We're both interested in taking them down. If they stay active, they'll be a threat. And if they decide to get that back… [The sound of another paper being slid.] Parr: This is a show of good faith that I'm giving this to you. All I ask is that you consider this. Please. Bold: You said you have a plan? Parr: Shalamov and I go way back. He's already put together the specs. [Another paper slides across the surface.] Parr: Protocol 451. Vaughn is in charge, of course, but she can be overruled. We have the HMCL, and with you, we can likely push this through. Bold: Very well. I'll… see what I can do. Parr: Thank you. I very much appreciate it, and you won't regret this. To:||senrab-mada,||vomalahs-retrac,||nhguav-ailuj,||eocsor-nniuq,||rrap-yelir From:||dlob-nivlac Subject: SCP-6900 To all, This is an official notice that upon review by the Decommissioning Department and the Security Department regarding recent activity by GoI-727 ("The House of Stars"), SCP-6900 will be placed under joint jurisdiction of myself and Site-19's HMCL, Carter Shalamov. Please field all questions and concerns to this email thread. — Dir. Calvin Bold, Decom. Dept. To:||senrab-mada,||dlob-nivlac,||vomalahs-retrac,||eocsor-nniuq,||rrap-yelir From:||nhguav-ailuj Subject: Re: SCP-6900 I would like to express my severe disapproval with this motion. SCP-6900 itself possesses no threat to the Foundation whatsoever, and even considering its destruction is completely unnecessary. How will this in any way lead to the successful capture of the House of Stars? Why is this necessary? I am particularly disappointed in Dir. Bold. As I recall, your department was specifically intended as a last-case scenario, and your sudden 180 to force its jurisdiction upon this project for no good reason is completely out of line. — Dr. Julia Vaughn To:||senrab-mada,||vomalahs-retrac,||nhguav-ailuj,||eocsor-nniuq,||rrap-yelir From:||dlob-nivlac Subject: SCP-6900 Dr. Vaughn, While the actual properties and containability of SCP-6900 were certainly considered, they were not the only factors here. The Decommissioning Department and the Security Department have both agreed that the use of SCP-6900 as a form of bait in order to activate Protocol 451 (see attached file) is the most effective method of neutralizing the House of Stars. Intelligence provided by Captain Parr has also been highly useful, and has only furthered this decision. Should the House of Stars escape, they will more than likely make another attempt to capture the object, further risking loss of personnel and resources. This, along with other classified details, have cemented our choice here. This was a difficult decision to make, but ultimately a necessary one. Protocol 451 is the best method of countering the anomalous properties of the House of Stars, particularly those speculated to trigger Protocol 451. — Dir. Calvin Bold, Decom. Dept. To:||senrab-mada,||dlob-nivlac,||vomalahs-retrac,||eocsor-nniuq,||rrap-yelir From:||nhguav-ailuj Subject: Re: SCP-6900 Your reasoning is flimsy at best, and I speculate that this decision was influenced either by personal or political biases. Rest assured I will be submitting complaints to the O5 Council and the Ethics Committee regarding this decision. — Dr. Julia Vaughn [Loud bang.] Parr: Oh, hello Roscoe. Roscoe: Parr. We need to talk. Parr: Mm, what about? Roscoe: Well, I'm in charge of investigation around here. And believe it or not, I've got other jobs besides tracking down Ocean's Eleven. For instance— [Loud smack] —I also investigate internal affairs. Parr: Right, like missing ukuleles. Very important work. Roscoe: Insulting me is not gonna help you. Parr: Neither would flattery. That's for other folks. Roscoe: Like Bold? Parr: I have no idea what you're talking about. Roscoe: Maybe take a look at these. [Brief silence] Roscoe: You forgot to completely purge those meeting room logs, you know. Parr: Ah, thank you. I'll make a note of that. Roscoe: Well it won't help you now. Parr: [Sighs] Please, have a seat. [Sound of chair sliding.] Parr: Look. You don't understand. Most of you don't. I'm the only one with the proper experience with the House. Roscoe: What's your point? Parr: Patience, I'm getting to it. Have a cookie. Roscoe: [Munching sounds] 'anks. Parr: Trust me, I have a plan. Myself, Shalamov, Bold, we all know what we're doing. Roscoe: But Vaughn's right though. It's not necessary. Parr: [Shouting] Yes it—! [Clears throat] Yes it is. Like I said, you don't understand. This isn't just a one-off incident. The House is a scourge, and one I've spent too much time dealing with. Roscoe: You weren't able to beat them before. Right? Yeah, you… I don't think you did… Parr: So why now? Because they're smaller and much too eager. And the Foundation's only grown. New resources, new technology. Roscoe: [Munching] Yeah… Parr: For instance, amnestics and mnestics can now be administered orally, rather than just through injection. Did you know that? Roscoe: Is… is that so… Parr: Yep. You're looking pretty tired though. You should maybe get going. Roscoe: Uh huh… Parr: I'm glad we had this talk though! And I hope it'll encourage you to help me too, especially now that you've got a bit more faith in my plan. Besides, you're a good detective, and we still don't have everything figured out. Since there's nothing more to be learned here, maybe you should focus on the House. We can figure out their plan together. Roscoe: Sounds… sounds good. Parr: Oh, one more thing. Roscoe: Huh? Parr: The reason I'm going to beat them. I'm motivated. More than anything else, I want them gone. And no one will stop that. Do you understand? Roscoe: Yuh— Yep… Parr: Have a good night then. [Location is Site-19's North Wing. Tower of Babel briefly manifests, alarming several personnel present. Two agents open fire at the entity, but it demanifests. Power to the North Wing is immediately lost, and backup generators activate. Alarms begin to sound. Lights remain off.] Intercom: Warning. We have intruders in the North Wing. Power has been lost. Please wait for personnel to respond. [Gunshots begin sounding. Several personnel shout.] Chef: Nobody move! [Gunshots continue for several minutes before the lights turn on. The bodies of Sheriff and Chef are on the floor. Computer systems report a hostile program has been completely eliminated.] [Location is SCP-6900's extradimensional containment unit. The gateway to the containment unit opens and Game Master and Forty step through. Game Master pulls out a spinnable pointer.] Game Master: Wish me luck? [Forty rolls her eyes. Game Master spins the pointer and moves in the direction it points. After several minutes, he spins it again and moves in the direction it points. He repeats this process eight more times before stopping at the location of SCP-6900.] Game Master: There she is. Let's get cracking. [Game Master and Forty begin collecting branches and cones from SCP-6900.] Parr: Well, well, well. Game Master: I was just thinking a well would look very pretty here! You have a good eye for landscaping, Parr. [The surveillance drone through which Captain Parr's voice is emanating emerges from the grove. Game Master and Forty both turn to look at it.] Parr: Cute as always. And hello to you too, Forty. Forty: Parr. Game Master: I'm very glad they called you in for this, Parr. Rebuilding the House wouldn't have been the same without you trying to burn it down. [Game Master and Forty begin walking back to the location of the gateway.] Parr: I volunteered, actually. Game Master: I'm so glad you missed us too, babe. [He winks.] Parr: What the hell? No. No! You think I missed you? Game Master: I mean, you've probably been bored the last twelve years. Twelve? Twelve, yeah. Forty: And also, you have been watching us through a drone. Parr: And for good reason. You two have just trapped yourselves in here. Game Master: Yep. We sure have. If only we'd seen this coming. Forty: Is Babel ready? Game Master: They'd better be. [Game Master and Forty stop at the location of the entrance.] Game Master: Here's what's gonna happen. We're gonna take these tree parts, walk out of Site-19 with the rest of the House, and none of you will lay a finger on us. Parr: And what makes you so sure of that? Game Master: I'd been in this Site for years, figuring out all the ins and outs. I'm more familiar with this part of the Foundation than you are. This is my home turf. Forty: What is taking Babel so long? Parr: Well then, I guess it's time we open the curtains. Game Master: What are you talking about? [A screen flips down from the drone. Displayed on it is a hallway in Site-19, where the bodies of Sheriff and Chef can be seen.] Forty: What is this? Game Master: No. No no no no no. You're lying. Parr: There's really no point in lying. And we have Babel too. Go on, wait for them to show up. Game Master: This is ridiculous! Our plan was foolproof! Parr: Are you joking? There were so many holes in it! It boiled down to "distract the guards while we steal the tree." Forty: Well, it is not over yet. We still have parts of the tree, and it will be difficult for you to retrieve it or kill us. Parr: You say that now, but I have no plans on letting either of you live. You two are powerful, but neither of you can prevent this. No amount of luck will save you. Game Master: I can't believe this. This isn't happening. Parr: It is! I've won! Do you hear me? I've won! [Parr disengages from the drone's communications system. Protocol 451 begins activation sequence. Heat emission devices begin activating across the containment space.] Game Master: No. Forty: [Leans down.] I am so sorry. Game Master: No, I'm sorry. [A tear falls down his face.] I'm sorry we fought, I'm sorry for letting it happen, I'm sorry we fell apart. I was so excited to see us back together and I was sloppy and now… [Forty hugs Game Master. Flames obscure the cameras.] [Location is Site-19 Central Surveillance Hub. Main feed shows the SCP-6900 containment unit. Parr disconnects from the communications array.] Shalamov: Was that really necessary? Parr: No. But it felt good. [The room watches as the grove within the containment area burns. Dr. Vaughn is seen crying. After a few moments, she exits the room.] Barnes: You're lucky this is working. I hate to lose all this, and if it were all for nothing… Parr: No. I— We won. The House was always a threat, and now that the only attempt at recreating it has been stamped out, all of their other former members will hide in the shadows. [Parr turns around and faces the other personnel, smiling.] Parr: Thank you, all of you. Roscoe: As obsessed as you are with this… we did good. Parr: You did good in particular. Thank you so much, we never would have worked out their plan without you. And I'm especially grateful that you chose to trust me. Roscoe: Yeah… [Protocol 451 terminates, allowing for an unobstructed view of the containment area. The entire grove has been seemingly destroyed. Surveillance units begin scanning the area for any signs of life. After several minutes, results come up negative.] SCP-6900-D and the House of Stars have officially been declared Decommissioned. A second assembly was called between some of the personnel involved in the GoI-727 termination operation. In attendance: Parr: So, what's all this about? Vaughn: Oh, I think you know very well what this is about. Parr: A thank you? A congratulations? I helped stop one of the most dangerous criminal gangs from rising up again. Vaughn: Oh, no. Don't you dare come in and act like you did us a favor. Don't pretend this wasn't some petty personal business. Parr: Yeah, it was personal. Did you think it wasn't? The House was an enormous threat to us when it was active, and I made countless, countless attempts at taking them down. And when they decided to rear their ugly head, I was the only one willing to put my foot down and say "enough is enough." So yeah, you're welcome. I saved all of you a hell of a lot of trouble. Barnes: I think the House wasn't the only one causing trouble here. Parr: Oh please. Y'all are still whining because I burnt down a tree? Roscoe: That, as well as endangering personnel, unauthorized use of amnestics, bribery, corruption, and so on. Parr: What the hell are you talking about? Vaughn: I told you I'd get the higher-ups involved, and I did. Roscoe, the EC, they've been on your case ever since our little incident. And we found some pretty nice dirt on you. Roscoe: If you're going to be pulling some major protocol violations, it might be wise to destroy any evidence that they happened, even if they're only saved on a personal computer. Parr: You went—! Roscoe: Consider it a favor returned, for the cookies you gave me the other day. Barnes: Not to mention colluding with Shalamov and Bold on this. Certainly both of them are going to have to answer some questions. Vaughn: So please. Explain this to us. I'd love to see you worm your way out of this. Parr: It doesn't even matter! None of the rest of you cared, and you wouldn't have cared until the House started hitting harder! What would have been next? 500? Amnestic production? An 001 proposal? Vaughn: There were a hundred other ways to handle this! Why did Protocol 451 even have to destroy 6900, huh? Parr: As we said in the plan, it was to prevent— Vaughn: Any chance of escape or survival through sheer luck, yeah, yeah. Personally, I think you just wanted to kill what they were going for for good measure. Barnes: This is an absolutely gross violation of protocol, and I will personally see to it that there is disciplinary action taken. Roscoe: And for what it's worth, all your logs have been uploaded to the 6900 database along with the other relevant House files, for good measure. There's no hiding this. Parr: Fine! Fine! Demote me, fire me, put me on whatever Keter Duty was back in the day, I don't care. I did the right thing in the end, and none of you—! [Intercom beeps, signaling an emergency message. Barnes turns it on.] Barnes: What do you want? Forensics: Sir, this is the forensics team, we've got something to report. Barnes: I'm busy, call—! Forensics: This is urgent, sir. You'll want to hear this. Barnes: Fine. What? Forensics: We were performing DNA analysis on Chef's and Sheriff's bodies. And, um— we found a match. Roscoe: They were smoking? Unbelievable. [Brief silence.] Roscoe: Tough crowd. Anyway, a match. Isn't that what we expected? Forensics: Right, but they don't match, um, previous DNA samples of either of them. Vaughn: What do you mean? Forensics: They're matching with two of our agents. Parr: What? Forensics: And there's more. Sheriff— well, Agent Fielding, there's some sort of device in here. We don't know what it is, so we're trying not to disturb it, but we're gonna start running scans any moment now. Vaughn: What does this mean? Barnes: I think this means… the House isn't all burnt down. Parr: No. That's impossible! Forensics: Sir! Sir! We've got a problem here, it—! At this point, the device implanted in Agent Fielding's chest activated, releasing a powerful electromagnetic pulse across Site-19, disabling power entirely. Despite the presence of numerous backup power generators, they all failed to activate. During this, there was significant activity within SCP-6900-D's former containment area. Due to it being an extradimensional space, power was still active, and security footage was able to be retrieved. [The gateway to the containment area opens. Two unidentifiable agents walk into the area.] Agent 1: [Shouting] All clear! [For a few seconds, nothing happens. Suddenly, the ground begins shaking more and more violently, and after a few moments, a fissure opens up in the ground.] [Game Master and Forty emerge from the ground. Shortly after stepping out of the fissure, Forty collapses. Game Master catches her.] Game Master: That took a lot out of him. Agent 2: He'd better be alright. [The agents take off their masks, revealing themselves to be Chef and Sheriff. Sheriff scowls at Game Master before taking hold of Forty, who wakes up.] Forty: That is a very handsome face. Game Master: Glad y'all are okay. I assume Babel's still kicking? Chef: As I planned, they were able to pull a switch on whatever tech wizards they have here, leaving them to keep the backup power from going on. How about all of you? Game Master: [Holds up a pouch and pulls out a handful of cones and branches.] We're golden. I think Parr's out of touch, honestly. Of course, my terrific acting skills managed to save the day. Forty: This man is a horrible actor. He oversold everything so terribly. We are very lucky Parr was too excited to figure it out. Game Master: Hey, let me take the win on this. Chef: We don't have long. But first, ah, Forty? Sheriff: Right, but first. [Sheriff kicks Game Master in the crotch.] Game Master: [Screaming] [Sheriff lifts his hands towards Forty. Their bodies start shifting, until Sheriff has taken on the appearance of Forty, and Forty has taken on the appearance of Sheriff.] Sheriff: This feels much better, thank you. Chef: [Tosses a Foundation uniform to Game Master.] Put this on. We still need to get out. [Game Master puts the uniform on. Sheriff's Everycloak transforms into a similar uniform.] Game Master: Getaway time? Chef: [Grins] Getaway time. The House of Stars presumably managed to escape during the chaos caused by the power loss. Investigation into their current whereabouts is ongoing. To:||rrap-yelir From:||senrab-mada Subject: Disciplinary Action, House of Stars Dear Agent Parr, Following deliberation by the Ethics Committee and Site-19 Internal Affairs, we have reached a conclusion regarding your case. Your actions, committed to pursue a blatantly petty and personal agenda, are so extreme we cannot avoid disciplinary action. However, we also recognize that you have highly necessary experience and knowledge of the House of Stars, and with their reemergence, we require such knowledge, and we cannot simply terminate your employment or even remove you from MTF Delta-12. As such, we have decided to pursue disciplinary action while still keeping you active as captain of MTF Delta-12. Considering the lengths you went to destroy the House of Stars, we believe this to be a punishment for you, while also utilizing your experience to assist in thwarting the House's efforts. Naturally, this won't be the only action we take. Delta-12 will be significantly reduced in size, and placed directly under the supervision of myself; additionally, you will also be reporting to Dr. Julia Vaughn, until you manage to retrieve what the House stole from SCP-6900-D. In a nutshell, this is you cleaning up the mess you helped make. Lastly, the following postcard was recently delivered to Site-19. I believe it is intended for you, and I hope it motivates your efforts. — Dir. Adam Barnes Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page — SCP Articles — SCP-6469-D — A BABY????? SCP-2082 — Elephas cryophilus SCP-6156 — Oh, Doug! SCP-6579-D — The Detective Killer SCP-6900-D — The House of Stars SCP-5277 — What Can Go Wrong SCP-5363-D — Controlled Containment SCP-3482 — fine mayor posters campaign by dado SCP-5156 — monke Director Bold's Proposal-J — "Guys, please don't read our SCPs 🥺" SCP-2693 — Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Deep Dark Well SCP-5559-D — The Great Ambrose Bake-Off! SCP-3448-J — Should Have Taken Him Sleeping SCP-4456-D — No One Expects The Spanish Decommission! SCP-4745 — Spooky Scary Snowman SCP-4645 — Blackmailing Computer — Tales — Diary Of An Existential Kid Responsible Promotion Friends Of Us Never Die Truth Lies A Team You Can (Maybe) Trust Happy Father's Day Mission: Decommission A Bold Choice I Am Become Death Ulysses B. Donkman and the Heinous Hitman It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Eldritch (Sung to the tune of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas") Chapter One - The End — GoI Formats — Manifest 476: Vanishing Galleon The Book Of Mathisi, Chapter 1: The Parable Of The Three Princes LTE-8686-Yellow-Kewpie UIU File: 2001-023 — Other — Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Guide Decommissioning Department Hub Fortune Favors Decommissioning Dept. Theme Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Mega Cool Author Page Tool Ver. 1.3.0 Calibold's Mega Cool Alternate SCP Logos Page Calibold's Mega Cool Art Page (It's Mostly Just Icons, But Whatever, It's Still Mega Cool) — Co-Authored — I, Hub (feat. many other authors) Resurrection: New Faces (feat. Grigori Karpin, Nagiros, and redredred) SCP-5545 — 𝙰 𝙱 𝙽 𝙾 𝚁 𝙼 𝙰 𝙻 𝙸 𝚃 𝚈 (feat. Yossipossi) SCP-194 — Thank You For Your Cooperation (feat. CityToast) — Foreign — Director Bold's Proposal — Language SCP-LA-II — Fruit « SCP-6899 | SCP-6900-D | SCP-6901 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6900-D" by Calibold, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Name: Meenikunno maastikukaiteala Author: Ruta Badina License: CC-by-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: Name: Suit Blue Man Author: madalincoman96 License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: Name: Man Human Person Author: LoboStudioHamburg License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: Name: Marco Volken Author: Marco Volken License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Name: Tower_of_Babel Minecraft Skin Author: Calibri Bold License: CC-by-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: Name: Pensive Woman Passenger Author: PublicDomainPictures License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: Name: Man Human Person Author: LoboStudioHamburg License: CC0 Source Link: Filename: Name: Titterten Tunnel Erschwil February 2020 image 4 Author: Gestumblindi License: CC-by-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: Name: Pinus sylvestris, Larvik, Norway Author: Arnstein Rønning License: CC-by-SA 3.0 Source Link:,_Larvik,_Norway.jpg Filename: Name: Pinus sylvestris, Larvik, Norway Author: Arnstein Rønning License: CC-by-SA 3.0 Source Link:,_Larvik,_Norway.jpg For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "A portion of the grove SCP-6900 is contained in. File photo of Game Master, posing as Foundation researcher Dr. Giaco Capo. Photo of Sheriff, retrieved from an abandoned House of Stars hideaway. Chef. Minecraft skin associated with the account "Babel_Tower." Last known photo of SCP-040, taken by a civilian in New York, New York, two days after she breached containment (see below). Access point to SCP-6900's containment area."
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2.78925806e-01 1.59938261e-01 -1.11776471e-01 2.62089878e-01 9.49107111e-03 3.96877319e-01 -2.07247287e-02 -1.80176154e-01 2.37185180e-01 -1.78279337e-02 3.49210918e-01 2.56347880e-02 5.85430600e-02 1.60777181e-01 1.18980192e-01 1.08662896e-01 4.89666253e-01 -2.32763216e-01 -3.05951685e-01 -8.51407647e-02 4.16832089e-01 2.15347614e-02 -5.09054661e-01 2.41779625e-01 4.45975810e-01 -5.25520071e-02 -4.47454691e-01 -2.61811793e-01 7.67151192e-02 -3.74671638e-01 -2.61262041e-02 -6.04313135e-01 1.04015149e-01 -1.50119215e-01 -1.70528740e-01 -1.64284289e-01 2.03256443e-01 2.18576610e-01 1.38055887e-02 2.68358022e-01 3.11360687e-01 -2.15898380e-01 -9.31822881e-02 2.92316884e-01 8.99824619e-01 -1.60008043e-01 -3.03264707e-01 7.03369454e-02 3.05797666e-01 5.56121916e-02 1.61009803e-01 2.23534685e-02 2.53273487e-01 -6.26365915e-02 1.80697963e-01 3.39177400e-02 -1.81112587e-01 -4.00853664e-01 -1.28251329e-01 -5.03198765e-02 -6.58651590e-02 4.53515828e-01 2.85030544e-01 -2.39864931e-01 1.75140828e-01 -5.61511097e-03 5.27349055e-01 -1.74611703e-01 -2.02194870e-01 1.03965543e-01 -1.76996872e-01 4.14610766e-02 5.11139259e-02 2.13315487e-01 -1.74532961e-02 -9.77127403e-02 5.57821728e-02 2.27950916e-01 2.93524452e-02 5.74389473e-04 -2.20472857e-01 1.74260706e-01 1.88420966e-01 1.15355767e-01 -1.60821438e-01 2.32217953e-01 2.31098145e-01 -2.72390008e-01 -4.66341555e-01 -2.08380535e-01 -2.71993101e-01 -1.75605074e-01 5.52275851e-02 -6.64676949e-02 -1.64844587e-01 -7.27264285e-02 3.20797950e-01 3.39291207e-02 -2.37595886e-01 1.70389965e-01 1.15927361e-01 -2.60852605e-01 -3.79132479e-02 1.51758119e-01 1.95857555e-01 -1.23158460e-02 -1.22593217e-01 -5.31609654e-02 -7.41079599e-02 3.33003700e-01 1.27975732e-01 -1.81333482e-01 -1.88542511e-02 3.31501871e-01 -2.99366236e-01 1.19323052e-01 -1.84282869e-01 -4.65322167e-01 1.04698867e-01 -2.02223212e-02 -2.81920344e-01 1.61891207e-01 1.79770097e-01 -1.86835960e-01 -3.26172650e-01 1.06682234e-01 -6.11159146e-01 -1.65547163e-03 8.20264518e-02 5.65313213e-02 -4.80752110e-01 -2.51949251e-01 -3.56056206e-02 1.70308705e-02 -1.51163578e-01 3.41150671e-01 1.59736902e-01 2.02267006e-01 2.24899217e-01 6.74143359e-02 2.87753195e-01 -3.12780827e-01 4.98789474e-02 2.87621189e-02 -3.36947471e-01 1.27473235e-01 -1.08940266e-02 -1.89820588e-01 -1.75517291e-01 -2.06989273e-01 -2.51695663e-02 -2.99407005e-01 -2.16703981e-01 -1.36438906e-01 7.21882507e-02 4.20589417e-01 3.97582352e-02 -3.03593814e-01 3.68787527e-01 1.49013609e-01 -4.17473376e-01 -4.65462580e-02 2.67982557e-02 -1.51031045e-03 1.48066759e-01 4.76772189e-02 -3.88344109e-01 -3.21145982e-01 -8.21480080e-02 3.52465481e-01 -1.77926227e-01 1.06331222e-01 6.14055656e-02 1.70251325e-01 1.96971253e-01 4.43842947e-01 2.76837517e-02 2.97001213e-01 4.28232588e-02 -3.99284154e-01 3.97275567e-01 1.54557884e-01 1.62174270e-01 2.60149911e-02 -1.72673002e-01 -2.73824722e-01 -7.37820789e-02 -1.00969307e-01 1.99004501e-01 5.43347187e-02 -2.38528818e-01 -3.22145075e-01 1.79132998e-01 4.32730466e-02 -2.08762929e-01 1.68432057e-01 -2.72989333e-01 -1.31195739e-01 -4.26952481e-01 -1.30413979e-01 -4.85397205e-02 8.62535015e-02 -5.96039258e-02 -1.47945415e-02 -1.48643658e-01 -9.75483507e-02 1.48805350e-01 -1.42637372e-01 6.59766972e-01 4.27520365e-01 6.94787681e-01 1.73845381e-01 1.21197134e-01 -2.87199557e-01 2.55203731e-02 -7.79403970e-02 -5.41485488e-01 6.05730666e-03 -2.36464709e-01 -1.28529102e-01 -6.09911419e-02 -1.91132143e-01 8.48087817e-02 1.86060131e-01 4.22970474e-01 -1.19368084e-01 -3.44318628e-01 -1.91439584e-01 7.77855748e-03 6.17798120e-02 1.66105351e-03 -5.02644360e-01 2.73839086e-01 4.34601158e-01 2.40114748e-01 2.04778567e-01 8.89015943e-02 6.88992143e-02 -6.76675513e-02 -2.53033489e-01 -2.40231361e-02 2.69655943e-01 4.56123888e-01 6.26707554e-01 2.24945083e-01 -2.18554273e-01 1.39582083e-01 -7.10505769e-02 1.06677495e-01 5.32298386e-01 -1.18288666e-01 2.79133730e-02 -2.54312217e-01 3.26683283e-01 2.99815208e-01 -5.48092835e-02 -1.91557698e-03 -1.69969589e-01 2.21750066e-01 3.97750698e-02 6.50565743e-01 2.45317385e-01 -2.61662811e-01 -5.37938118e-01 3.08702677e-01 5.71491979e-02 3.37007403e-01 3.88096899e-01 1.14096618e+00 1.18211582e-01 3.38850319e-01 1.16533890e-01 -4.46699619e-01 3.41312140e-01 -1.45391107e-01 -8.28571469e-02 -1.98870480e-01 2.90933624e-02 7.71899596e-02 -6.51440471e-02 1.03788167e-01 6.70128047e-01 -8.95649642e-02 -6.32106140e-02 -2.66924888e-01 -5.51660247e-02 2.62748688e-01 8.09755996e-02 1.24533989e-01 1.60962835e-01 -1.44067749e-01 2.00291872e-01 -3.80789079e-02 -3.10662597e-01 -1.67409390e-01 7.67081678e-02 -2.17578262e-01 -8.18212032e-02 -4.57475930e-02 3.32213998e-01 8.40771049e-02 -1.31749138e-01 1.10299960e-01 -2.79880941e-01 -4.00087208e-01 3.31678092e-01 2.53505111e-02 -1.85516581e-01 -6.35747835e-02 3.29163149e-02 3.84231180e-01 -1.44238338e-01 5.26559055e-02 2.67088809e-03 2.16134295e-01 1.18389733e-01 -1.28165349e-01 -1.43080637e-01 -1.52114525e-01 5.79558946e-02 -1.60747379e-01 1.93285897e-01 4.26032841e-01 1.55879021e-01 7.45596349e-01 -6.02214225e-02 -3.84000450e-01 -1.07178003e-01 1.16840959e-01 1.23550780e-01 -1.23328879e-01 -3.55322331e-01 4.82237861e-02 -1.67818159e-01 -1.17404714e-01 4.27729219e-01 1.83525920e-01 2.76045680e-01 -1.23693317e-01 3.50449681e-01 -1.79604307e-01 -3.35848212e-01 6.08887821e-02 -1.34138688e-01 -4.23520833e-01 5.18095307e-03 -5.13832830e-02 -2.84561336e-01 2.72245914e-01 2.12773383e-01 1.50215730e-01 1.41263366e-01 -7.29385167e-02 -1.50785431e-01 1.12581044e-01 3.72308567e-02 -2.91561484e-01 1.91813126e-01 6.75648972e-02 8.76857191e-02 -1.33587435e-01 -2.31124714e-01 -4.19461578e-01 -5.42237572e-02 -3.97295117e-01 9.92224365e-03 4.28345054e-01 1.01728089e-01 1.73661578e-02 -1.47413120e-01 1.78220212e-01 -1.05520390e-01 -1.51560485e-01 -2.43507147e-01 4.68492210e-02 1.44582257e-01 6.76171482e-02 -1.58831388e-01 2.56228335e-02 5.26869595e-02 2.75007822e-02 6.33250028e-02 3.99992913e-02 1.36424169e-01 2.19070911e-01 3.84516157e-02 2.54631341e-01 1.46433353e-01 -5.88962696e-02 1.36507571e-01 -6.48079589e-02 2.80803204e-01 -2.33344123e-01 6.48996755e-02 -1.64510071e-01 -7.48029277e-02 3.76414150e-01 2.24258646e-01 5.47174700e-02 2.51802534e-01 2.31593296e-01 -1.89045876e-01 -3.15990537e-01 -1.19276367e-01 1.10182337e-01 1.08523935e-01 -2.17068717e-01 -1.59854248e-01 -1.55181080e-01 2.64113545e-01 -4.66988161e-02 -1.67509511e-01 -1.13951273e-01 5.30264676e-02 2.40618270e-02 5.98471105e-01 1.40663266e-01 -5.33928931e-01 4.60501194e-01 1.20711960e-01 1.68098718e-01 2.17702881e-01 3.88091356e-01 6.82372093e-01 -1.21844739e-01 -6.98284283e-02 3.06850404e-01 2.94336319e-01 3.03770632e-01 9.91748646e-02 2.57726043e-01 6.32957816e-01 1.30380034e-01 1.48721203e-01 8.93956497e-02 5.69121718e-01 -1.28468946e-01 2.99180627e-01 -4.35128137e-02 -3.56511027e-02 -1.47613212e-01 1.81105480e-01 -2.77598530e-01 1.92967385e-01 1.70828030e-01 -1.08819641e-02 1.55141979e-01 1.68399751e-01 -1.41439680e-02 -2.16302291e-01 -1.94909900e-01 -2.26211444e-01 2.74847299e-02 -8.24589729e-02 -8.01123306e-02 -9.44867060e-02 -5.14177233e-02 -1.85721546e-01 2.64002364e-02 1.30960822e-01 3.27502489e-01 -3.39425094e-02 2.77167074e-02 4.30304855e-01 -1.27508536e-01 3.42819244e-01 4.53142703e-01 1.84499979e-01 -2.23414063e-01 -1.79947734e-01 -1.87346384e-01 2.24507004e-01 -1.87763035e-01 -4.22480106e-02 -1.85217321e-01 5.51090352e-02 -9.58531275e-02 2.82167345e-01 1.21041790e-01 -2.64918387e-01 -9.74896699e-02 6.01517409e-02 2.41091236e-01 2.41621107e-01 1.15335159e-01 -2.59011030e-01 -4.73263025e-01 9.00208130e-02 -1.17908753e-01 -3.36069822e-01 -3.35294694e-01 1.43817663e-01 -3.89740593e-03 7.44087175e-02 -3.57761055e-01 1.25767753e-01 2.25506537e-02 5.61207771e-01 6.15750514e-02 -5.73513135e-02 9.56399515e-02 -4.00936514e-01 -1.44835889e-01 2.94249862e-01 1.99952900e-01 -3.34012330e-01 -3.47058959e-02 -2.53654420e-01 2.59686947e-01 1.63139969e-01 -1.42122895e-01 -2.32010350e-01 -5.35686791e-01 1.36043891e-01 -2.19271347e-01 8.29287060e-03 2.75956124e-01 5.97475097e-02 -5.24461828e-02 -6.02215603e-02 1.73924968e-01 -1.78329468e-01 9.47588980e-02 6.85116351e-02 -2.27751091e-01 -2.89722264e-01 1.20808743e-01 7.91317448e-02 -1.33226886e-01 -1.64515164e-03 -1.81203887e-01 -4.19836551e-01 -8.29703268e-03 9.77014303e-02 -2.57172465e-01 4.02598888e-01 -7.65176937e-02 3.93560648e-01 3.01852841e-02 2.59206831e-01 2.08738029e-01 -3.71233225e-01 -1.42720684e-01 3.46461833e-02 -2.03941166e-01 2.41556406e-01 -1.44212082e-01 1.88699916e-01 -5.83509915e-02 1.54308274e-01 1.18932962e-01 2.90115532e-02 -1.52864784e-01 -3.54582638e-01 5.80255628e-01 1.28627449e-01 -2.85050601e-01 1.36816174e-01 3.82648855e-02 -4.31573182e-01 -8.98251757e-02 -1.23057015e-01 -1.38448521e-01 -1.17883556e-01 1.51933700e-01 -4.90560800e-01 -3.34878266e-01 -4.93015647e-01 -1.98663354e-01 -1.76627100e-01 9.92627367e-02 -6.63410425e-02 2.28867486e-01 -2.65429229e-01 -3.25834125e-01]
"Loss" active "ITEM #: SCP-6901 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: IRRELEVANT DISRUPTION CLASS: AMIDA Assigned Site Site-01 Site Director Dr Michael Clarke Research Head Dr Eliza Terris Assigned MTF N/A ITEM: SCP-6901 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: IRRELEVANT DISRUPTION CLASS: AMIDA Assigned Site Site-01 Site Director Dr Michael Clarke Research Head Dr Eliza Terris Assigned MTF N/A Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-6901 has already exhibited its effects on reality as a whole, containment is unnecessary. Further investigation into SCP-6901, led by Head Researcher Eliza Terris, is ongoing. Description: SCP-6901 refers to certain elements of the concept of 'nature'; more specifically, it refers to their apparent removal from baseline reality. The full extent of SCP-6901's effects is yet to be determined, and the discovery of the circumstances behind the event of its removal (designated SCP-6901-1) is considered high priority. The concept of 'nature', while not inherently anomalous, has been designated SCP-6901-A due to its association with SCP-6901. Discovery: SCP-6901 was discovered on 24/8/57, following the discovery of numerous errors within Site-01 as reported by Harpocrates.aic, an Artificial Intelligence Construct (AIC) responsible for monitoring information within Site-01's database, and flagging any detected discrepancies. Harpocrates.aic reported the presence of hundreds of billions of errors within Site-01's database that had been present for an unknown period of time. These errors had gone unnoticed due to strong antimemetic properties1, only recently detectable due to Harpocrates.aic's recent update to v5.6, which featured breakthrough technology for the detection of antimemes. Of the large amounts of erroneous data that was detected, only ~5% was feasibly translatable, while the excess is impossible to transcribe with current technology. As of 27/10/57, ~7% of the translatable data has been deciphered, 99% of which is corrupted beyond recognition or otherwise impossible to understand. Of the legible 1% that has been translated, a brief list can be found below of findings related to SCP-69012: Current Definitional Components of SCP-6901-A: Current Affected Definitional Components of SCP-6901-A: Discovered Concepts Related to SCP-6901: Addenda4 The thing about SCP-6901 is that no-one knows exactly what it is. Sure, we know that it's related to the concept of 'nature', but that's not exactly helpful when the data behind SCP-6901 doesn't exist. We know, effectively, nothing, and that's terrifying. Terrifying because we were totally unaware of the deliberate removal of very specific parts of a concept for who knows how long? Cycles? Septs? Months? Maybe, God forbid, years? The amount of errors Harpocrates detected in Site-01 a couple months ago was more than the total sum of all errors that we've experienced over the course of Foundation history, including during the Blackout in 2026. Billions upon billions of terabytes of missing data, computer faults, glitches. Corrupted information that we were overlooking every cycle, hidden away from us. We've been sitting on what is possibly one of the greatest losses of information we've ever seen, and we had no idea. What the hell was removed? Why only these specific sections? What's so important about 'genetics' and 'plants' that they had to be expunged from existence? But most pressing of all, who erased 'nature' from existence? And is this an isolated incident, or are we living in a world that's more missing information than isn't? Retrieving Data Stream, please hold… Data Stream retrieved! Playing… <EliTer & TimOer are monitoring> <EliTer has left, TimOer monitoring> <MacO'Re joins TimOer> <MacO'Re & TimOer are monitoring> <MacO'Re & TimOer are talking> <MO'R: "Is she… is she doing okay? Eliza's been looking pretty stressed recently…"> <TO: "I- I don't know. I told her to go talk to someone, but I'm not sure if she did.> <MO'R: "I'm… worried about her."> <TO: "Me too."> <MacO'Re & TimOer are silent> <MO'R & TO simultaneously: MO'R: "Is-" TO: "If-"> <MacO'Re & TimOer are briefly silent> <MO'R: "You go first."> <TO: "Look, I trust you, okay? So this stays between us, okay?"> <MO'R: "Okay."> <TO: "About Eliza… I think it's because of what happened. During the Blackout. She lost people. And now, after so much time thinking she was secure, seeing this? Errors everywhere in what's supposed to be the most secure server we have? Data that's been missing for goodness knows how long? It's not surprising that she's reacting like this—"> <EliTer joins TimOer & MacO'Re> <ET: "Upload in five, people. Let's get to work."> <TimOer & MacO'Re are silent. <ET: "Did I… interrupt something? (ET sighs) I can delay the update for a couple of minutes—"> <MO'R: "There's- there's no need. Let's get going."> <EliTer & TimOer & MacO'Re are working on the Harpocrates v5.7 update> <Five minutes pass, the update is finished> <ET: "Okay, prepare for upload."> <TO & MO'R: "Got it."> <EliTer & TimOer & MacO'Re begin uploading the patch into Harpocrates> <Two minutes pass, and the update finishes installing> <ET: "Alright then. Our work's done. I'll leave you two to whatever you were doing before I got here."> <MO'R & TO simultaneously: MO'R: " That would be nothing, then." TO: "W-what? We weren't…"> <Both TimOer & MacO'Re are interrupted by several error notifications from Harpocrates.aic> <HRP.aic: "Corrupt Data detected within patch software. Please hol-hol-hol-hol-d-d-d-d-d—"> <ET: "What? What happened?!"> <EliTer & TimOer & MacO'Re are searching the v5.7 update package for errors> <TO: "Found the problem. A line of code."> <ET: "No shit."> <TO: "That's not all. It's a part of SCP-6901. We just uploaded a piece of SCP-6901 into Harpocrates."> <MO'R: "Wait, what? I thought you said it was a line of code?"> <TO: "It is."> <MO'R:" Uhhhh…"> <ET: "Tim, any idea what its purpose is?"> <TO: "Looking into that now. You guys search for any possible secondary errors."> <EliTer & MacO'Re are looking for errors within Harpocrates.aic's v5.7 update package> <TimOer is examining the uploaded portion of SCP-6901> <Harpocrates.aic reactivates, apparently free of error, without input from EliTer, MacO'Re, or TimOer> <HRP.aic: "Software update successfully installed. New function available: Consciousness Detection System. Would you like to execute?"> <MO'R: "Uhhhhh?"> <ET: "Goddammit. Goddammit!"> <TO: "Eliza—?"> <ET: "Execute the function, Harpocrates!"> <MO'R: "Eliza! Did you seriously just get Harpocrates to execute a function from SCP-6901?! Are you crazy?"> <HRP.aic: "Executing function. Total lifeforms detected on Earth: 5 871 920 102. Non-physical beings detected: 5 871 920 098. Physical beings detected: 4."> <There is silence.> <ET: "What the fuck?"> Concluding Notes: Following the events of this Surveillance Stream, Harpocrates.aic crashed, leaving much sensitive Foundation data vulnerable and unregulated. Despite the combined efforts of computational engineers and RAISA Operatives, Harpocrates.aic could not be reactivated for 45 hours, where immediately following this period it reactivated without input, apparently free of any data corruption. Notably, the Consciousness Detection System remained functional even after the crash, and uses yielded inconsistent results in regard to the number of physical entities it detected as present on Earth (varying between 0 and 150000). Further results are to be recorded in hopes of finding an observable pattern, and should be considered inaccurate until proven otherwise. On the 10/12/57, SCP-6901 researchers managed to decode a large section of data in a remarkably short period of time (approximately 1500% faster than expected) due to significantly less informational corruption (the possible relevance of this is still under question) than other sections of SCP-6901. All recovered information details the state of the Earth (and the Foundation) prior to the occurrence of SCP-6901-1, numerous scientific discoveries and information, and history dating back to the Foundation's founding in 1891. According to this information, SCP-6901-1 occurred on 12/3/22, and retroactively altered history to align with SCP-6901, such that SCP-6901 had been present for an indeterminate, but presumably extremely long, period of time. Summary of Human/Anomalous Comparisons - Pre- and Post-SCP-6901-1 Earth (compiled by Lead Researcher Eliza Terris) NOTE: Full list of definitions can be found in Document.6901.D. For ease of access, conventionally unknown words are outlined with apostrophes, and will link to the associated entry in Document.6901.D. Words that are currently totally unknown are marked with curly brackets {}, while words that are unknown only in the context of SCP-6901 are marked with square brackets []. Humanity was a primarily physical life form (as opposed to an informational one that exists within Earth's collective psychospace), and existed alongside other physical lifeforms known as {plants} and {animals}. We required {food}, 'water', 'air', and {sleep}, to survive, and would die if our physical bodies lacked any of the previous or sustained extensive damage, rather than simply fading after roughly 100 years. We [evolved] from a more primitive physical state into a more advanced one over a long period of time, instead of gaining consciousness and the ability to thought-shape gradually. [Reproduction] was the primary method of propagation, rather than through a collective effort between two participants to manifest a new consciousness (known colloquially as "macking"). We measured time through the movements of the Sun as opposed to the presence of the Radiance from just beyond our plane of existence. Whether these measurements of time being identical is just a coincidence, or something more, is under question. Our population was spread across the Earth and divided into 'countries', most of which had a unique language/dialect, social and societal customs, and human 'physical characteristics'. We lived mostly separately as opposed to unified within psychospace. The Foundation operated out of physical sites stationed in various locations around the world and physically contained anomalies within the same sites, as opposed to the current Foundation, which operates in secluded, conventionally unreachable areas of psychospace, and contains anomalies within specially constructed areas of higher metaphysical existence. 'Mobile Task Forces' (MTFs) were responsible for operations requiring the use of force, especially for location-bound or escaped anomalies. These have remained mostly unchanged within the current Foundation. 'Groups of Interest' (GoIs) have remained mostly present, but several changes have occurred. The 'Global Occult Coalition' (GOC) has, based on analysis of data of activity and operating procedure, reappeared as the 'Overseers of the Veil'. The 'Church of the Broken God' currently consists of two sects (the dominant 'Shattered Transcendents' and the 'Church of Maxwellism'), the latter of which existed before SCP-6901-1, while the other major sects ('The Broken Church' and the 'Cogwork Orthodoxy') ceased to exist. The concept of 'Sarkism', and thus the Sarkic GoI, ceased to exist upon the advent of SCP-6901-1 due to its conceptual reliance upon {flesh}, as did Ambrose Restaurant, which dealt in {food}. A full list of affected GoIs and changes thereof can be found within Associated Document.6901.G. Summary of Earthen/Material Comparisons - Pre- and Post-SCP-6901-1 Earth (compiled by Lead Researcher Eliza Terris) Earth could be separated into four dominant physical realms: 'land' (areas of a 'solid' material known as the 'ground' made of {mineral particles}, {organic materials}, 'air', 'water', and 'living organisms'), 'ocean' (large amounts of 'water', a 'liquid' that covered Earth's 'surface' and surrounded areas of 'land'), 'air' (a general term for the 'atmosphere': large amounts of 'gases' that were held in place by Earth's 'gravity' that allowed humans and other lifeforms to survive, and 'polar caps' (or 'poles', which were located at the top and bottom of the Earth and made primarily of 'ice', a solid form of water). These were referred to as the 'lithosphere', 'hydrosphere', 'atmosphere', and 'cryosphere' respectively, and were essential parts of Earth's 'natural environment' that sustained 'life'. All four of these have received significant alteration due to SCP-6901, based on observations utilising SCP-██ and SCP-███ to interact with the physical world since █/█/13. The current lithosphere is constructed of an unknown 'metal' approximately 100 'kilometres' 'deep'. Attempts to investigate below this 'depth' without physically descending have resulted in failure, and to date there have been no successful physical incursions to this depth. The majority of the outer surface of the lithosphere is 'smooth' and 'flat', save for large (ranging from 1 - 3 km5 in 'diameter' and 300 - 1500m6 deep), roughly 'circular' 'excavations'. These excavations are marked with flat 'concentric' 'rings' every 20 - 70m of depth from the surface, invariably connected by a singular, 'sloping' pathway that leads to the excavation's 'floor'. The individual rings lead into the lithosphere itself and continue for approximately 100m before terminating abruptly, their purpose is unknown. The floors of the excavations are occupied by large (10m in diameter), flat, 'domes' atop 20m tall 'poles'. The poles extend for an unknown distance into the lithosphere, and the purpose of the structures are unknown. The current hydrosphere takes the form of enormous masses of 'tubing' and 'pipes', lined with thousands of 'openings' for the purpose of absorbing atmospheric gases for an unknown purpose. Methods of investigation have revealed that this system is extremely complex, and every pipe leads towards a 'chamber' of indeterminate dimensions at a depth of approximately 15 km. So far, no physical incursions have been successful in reaching a depth of below 100m. The current atmosphere is comprised of mostly 'hydrogen', which is regulated by a presumably anomalous mechanism that functions through the employment of large (30m x 30m x 30m), 'cubic' arrays of 'machinery'. These arrays are situated approximately 15km above Earth's surface, and are constructed in a 'gridlike' network wherein each array is 50km apart from surrounding instances. The purpose of these arrays is to keep the atmosphere intact around the Earth through the utilisation of a poorly understood anomalous process that prevents the movement of atmospheric 'particles' in specific circumstances. The exact parameters of this process are unknown. The current cryosphere exists as a series of small (ranging from 2 - 30cm7), 'crystalline' structures constructed of an unknown, 'dark grey' material, positioned apparently randomly at heights ranging from 1 - 300 metres above Earth's surface at the 'north' and 'south' 'poles' of the planet. Based on the presence of thaumaturgical symbols on all recorded instances, the purpose of these structures was to open a gateway to an unknown location; both of these structures are currently inactive. The mechanisms behind the function of the 'Sun', namely, how it has been able to sustain 'nuclear fusion' on such as large scale for an extended period of time and how it has not collapsed under the weight of its own gravity despite its artificial nature (based on metal structures being observed extending from below its surface) remains undiscovered. The reasoning behind the absence of other 'planets' is also unknown. The history behind the Sun's and the Earth's construction is totally unknown. 5/3/58 I had a vision last pitch. The Radiance had set, and I set out back home. As I travelled, people swirled around, basking in its dying brightness. Families sat together, children laughed. I stayed, just for a little while, catching the last of the light before the world turned from lucent to pitch. And I headed home once again, to the familiar emptiness that was as much company to me as children to parents. It's too goddamn late for me to get a family now As I settled down for my cyclic meditation, I felt a presence. Not so much in any particular place, but all around me. I sensed… no ill intent that I remember, but as much as I would like to say that I looked outwards to face it bravely, that would be a lie. Damn near fled before I realised that I couldn't move, which of course scared me even more, but it took away the choice of succumbing to fear before I acted on it. So when I looked, I wasn't home anymore. I was… somewhere. It was dark, and I could feel something… what's the word… wind! Yes, wind rushing all around me at speed. All I could hear was it howling around me. And then, there was a blinding flash of light and a terrifying crack, and I could briefly see what surrounded me. Massive pillars of cloud surrounded me on all sides, churning and swirling in a turbulent vortex. Sheets of dark grey rain lashed and flew as dark shards of ice reflected the lightning in strangely beautiful ways while scything through the inky air of the storm. No, this wasn't a storm, this was a fucking tempest. Even as I was blinded by the flash of lightning, I saw the surrounding air seperate into tongues of flame that spiralled away into the columns of moving cloud. As I watched the storm's carnage from within, I became aware of the presence once again, this time behind me. I could feel it watching me in fascination, but what it found fascinating about me I couldn't discern. So, knowing I has no other choice, I turned to face it. 'It' turned out to be a pair of yellow orbs that crackled with electricity, looking at me curiously. How I could tell is beyond me, but I could nonetheless. When I tried to speak, I found that I couldn't, and could only watch as the orbs moved closer to me. They tilted slightly upon directly meeting my gaze, and it was then I heard its words. "We will see you, soon." It said, and suddenly the vision was over. I… I don't know what it means. Am I going crazy? Is this some anomaly we've never seen before? I really don't know. I might tell Tim tomorrow, he may be able to tell me more about this. He likes this kind of thing. 6/3/58 Normal day today. Didn't Forgot to tell Tim about the vision. There's always tomorrow. 7/3/58 Nothing happened today. Must've just been my tired-ass mind a couple days ago then. [EXTRANEOUS ENTRIES REDACTED] 10/3/58 It happened again. When I was meditating, I felt another presence, and again, I couldn't move. When I looked, all I could see was a flurry of white, and nothing else. All I could hear was the wind whipping through me. Suddenly, I the swirling whiteness dissipated, and I saw a roughly spherical, angular contruct of ice moving about on a bed of more whiteness, surrounding by rotating rings of large ice shards. It was oddly beatiful as it danced about on the frozen winds around it. And again, I felt a presence behind me, and again I turned around. A pulsating, shifting mass of ice stared at me, and I stared at it back (how did I know it was staring? No idea, just like last time). Again, I tried to speak, but I could not, and as it drew closer I could hear it whisper. "We will see you soon." It said, and then it was over. I… don't understand what's happening to me. I should get someone onto this. [EXTRANEOUS ENTRIES EXPUNGED] 19/3/58 Again. It fucking happened again. Didn't even get time to get in position before I couldn't move, so I just opened my eyes straight away to see whatever the fuck was being shown to me. This time, I was within a large chamber, so large that I couldn't make out the walls or ceiling. There was liquid on the floor, about 30 cm deep, dark in colour, while green pillars stretched above. More liquid ran from above, and the sound of water splashing echoed around me. Again, I felt a presence behind me. This time, it took the form of a human from before the occurence of SCP-6901-1. It was… fascinating, to say the least, but the replacement of its lower half with a pile of unknown substances made it harder to make that connection. It moved closer, and I heard it sing. "We will see you soon." It sang, and then the vision stopped. I don't get it. I don't fucking understand. Why me? Why now? What does all of this mean? [EXTRANEOUS ENTRIES EXPUNGED] 30/3/58 It happened again. Didn't even have to shut my sight off before the vision started. This time, I heard the sound of banging and the crackling of flames, and when I looked, I was in a carvern. Great, metal machines pounded away at the ground below, heating it and illuminating a series of white-hot crevices around the impact point. Tunnels led away in all directions, and sparkling objects in many colours shimmered on the ceiling, floor, and walls. Again, the presence appeared behind me. When I turned around, I didn't bother trying to talk, just simply stared at the creature in front of me. A bulbous body, covered in a cracked, hard, light brown substance, with a small head that terminated in a pair of shining grey spikes at the front. The body was attached to eight long protrusions, which moved with speed and grace, pulling the thing forward to me. "We will see you soon." It chittered, and the vision ended. "We will see you soon." When? Who? Why? I'm tormented by this phrase, every night. When is 'soon'? I just… I don't know how much longer I can take this. I'm going insane. I… I don't know what to do anymore. On 16/4/58, regularly scheduled testing of Harpocrates.aic's Consciousness Detection System yielded consistent results of 4 physical organisms. The O5 Council were notified, and after a vote of 11 in favour and 2 against, a physical incursion was approved into Earth. However, upon descending into physical space, all three Physical Reconnaissance Vehicles were immediately met with an onslaught of heavy rain and 'hail', quickly being destroyed. As Lead Researcher Eliza Terris has taken indefinite temporary leave for personal reasons, Senior Researcher Mackenzie O'Reilly has been selected to lead investigations into Incident 6901.1. 14/4/58 Its name was "Blits". The orbs. That's what it called itself. And now… It started this morning. I was in my home, and suddenly, I wasn't. I was back in the tempest from earlier. The sounds of rain, lightning, and the howling of wind were deafening, and the clouds were seething violently. In the eye of the storm, I saw everything. And then, lightning cracked, and everything stopped. The clouds ceased their incessant movement. The rain stalled and stopped in midair. The winds were silenced. In this newfound calm, I saw them. Creatures of wind, cloud, and lightning, stirring the storm, playing and revelling in its chaos. There were so many. They were so small. I was fascinated as they leapt and flew through the storm effortlessly, without care, creating a perfect storm as they did. As I watched them frolic, I felt the presence behind me once again. I turned to face it, and found it watching the creatures as well. I could feel the love in its gaze, before it slowly turned back towards me and spoke. "My children." It said, glancing back towards the creatures playing in the clouds. It looked back towards me expectantly. To my surprise, I found I could speak. "Your… children?" I said, confused. *Indeed. All of them are my children, born from my will and essence." It said. It glanced back at its children proudly, and then looked back towards me. "But what… what are you?" I asked. "I am what you humans called a 'primordial spirit'. My realm was of air and cloud, and I allowed all on Earth to breathe and live." It answered. "What happened to you?" The eyes crackled with lightning as the voice responded: "I, along with my children, was erased from existence. There was no prior warning, no time to prepare. We were there, and then we were not. I still do not understand why or how this occurred." I was shocked, but mostly angry. Angry and disgusted at whomever had tried to remove the these mesmerising creatures from existence. "So, if you were expunged from reality," I asked, "how are you here now?" The creature looked at me sadly. "I do not know myself, but I'd like to think our collective will was strong enough to bring us back, even if only temporarily." "Temporarily?" "Yes," it answered, "temporarily. We don't have much time. We're already fading away once again." Even as I looked, I noticed the clouds losing their opaqueness, the raindrops slowly vanishing into nothingness. "But- but what do you want me to do? What can I do? Please, tell me!" I begged. I didn't want to see these strangely majestic creatures vanish once again. The creature looked at me pityingly. "I'm sorry, but I there is nothing you can do. Not now. I simply wanted to bring my children back to play amongst the clouds one final time. But," it continued, "there's something special about you. I don't know how, but I think you may be the key to bringing us back." Around us, the storm was dissipating and spiralling tighter. I could see the children of the entity looking at us questioningly. "But before we disappear once again, I would like to bestow upon you two things." The creature said. "The first is my name, Blits. Speak it when you are in need, and it shall charge you with my will." As it spoke, Blits' form began to lose its radiance, and the crackling of electricity grew fainter. "The second gift I shall give to you is my sight. It shall guide you through even the most violent of tempests without harm. It said, and suddenly it moved into me. I was briefly overrun with a blinding light, before my vision went back to normal, and I once again stared at Blits' fading form. I was overwhelmed with emotion and sadness. I didn't want to see Blits and its children go, but there was nothing I could do but watch as they slowly began to disappear. "I swear, I will bring you back." I said, full of resolve. Even as the storm collapsed and Blits vanished, I felt it gazing at me with pride. And then, I was back at home, left with a name, the sight of a dead spirit, and the will to solve the mystery behind SCP-6901. I had four visions, and this was the first. I await the next three. 18/4/58 Her name was Farfroyrn. Just like last time, I was in my home when suddenly I wasn't. All around me was a swirling whiteness, and the wind whistled through, carrying pale flakes in twisting currents. As I moved forward, the whiteness slowly dispersed, and I found myself staring at the construct of ice as it swept though flurries of ivory particulate, heading towards me. The orbiting fragments of ice reflected a pale blue light that shone brilliantly from the angular, roughly spherical edifice, creating a dizzying, strobing effect of refracted light across the area. As it swayed in a smooth, flowing dance, I felt the presence behind me, and turned around to face it. A swirling mass of alabaster and ice surrounded a crystalline structure, and it spoke. "I am the queen of this place,"she explained,// "and that there is my castle." She shone a pale blue light in the direction of the swaying construct. She told me of how she was another 'primordial spirit', and that her domain was the frost and ice of the world, a symbol of rigidity, immovability, stillness and resolve. Her people, like Blits', were erased without warning, and she believed that it was her stubbornness and resolve that allowed her to come back, if only temporarily. "There's a ball in there right now." She said, again looking towards the castle. "My final act as queen for not my subjects, but my people. My family. I'd like them to have a final dance before we become lost to this world once again." There was sadness in her voice as a whiteness began to encroach on the area from all sides, slowly growing towards the centre. She looked at me once again as I asked how I could help, at all, in any way, and that Blits had appeared to me earlier. "You, you're special for some reason, you know that? Blits probably told you that you're somehow connected to all of this, and it's right, I can feel it." She said. "So I'll give you my name, and one other gift to help you on your quest." Her name was Farfroyrn, and she gave me her core to strengthen my resolve and to never buckle under pressure. "When you bring us back, I'll hold a ball for you." She said, looking at me proudly as the whiteness finally consumed the whole area. I had a brief vision of dark grey, crystalline structures with glowing writing losing their brightness, and then I was back home. Two more to go. I //will unravel the mystery of SCP-6901! For Blits. For Farfroyrn.// 27/4/58 His name was Vaserfal. I appeared within the chamber, feeling the water splash around below me. I could see waterfalls of liquid falling from above in a cascading current, catching the soft green light that emanated from the walls. Water flowed everywhere, from above, down below, splitting and merging and splashing all around. Again, I felt a presence, and I turned around to face it. It was human-like from the lower half upwards, a shade of shifting greens and blues, while the lower half downwards was a cascade of flowing sparkling water. "I am the prince of the flows." He said. "Welcome to my domain." He told me that, like the others, he was erased without warning, and found himself here from what he believed to be the inevitability of the flow of existence. "Us, my siblings and the spirits of rivers from around the world, we're together right now. As one for our final moments." I again asked what I could do, and again I was refuted. "You cannot help us now, but I know that you're the key to solving this. Like the others before me, I shall bestow upon you two gifts." He told me his name, Vaserfal, and he gifted me current and flow, to "Flow around all obstacles, and to be at peace." He said. Even as he said this, the water stopped flowing, and rapidly drained away. The last I saw of him was his smile as he slowly retreated down a pipe, and then I was back at home once again. For Blits. For Farfroyrn. For Vaserfal. 8/5/58 Ser name was Shteyn. I appeared within the ground, seeing machines pump and the Earth grow hot. All around me gems glittered, and I could feel the ground shaking around me, moving, shifting. I turned around one final time to face the creature. Just like in my vision, it was covered in a cracked, brown, hard substance, and it had eight, long, thick protrusions emerging from its body. It claimed to be another 'primordial spirit', the ruler of the ground and Earth. The machines slowed down as I talked to sim, where it said that its children were basking in the heat of the Earth's core for a final time, warming their souls before their departure into the unknown. "I know that you're the key to fixing this," Se said, "So I shall bestow upon you my name, and one more gift." Ser name was Shteyn, and they gifted me the warmth the core, to forever keep my soul comfortable. The machines finally stopped, and the orange flow of heated metal disappeared as I reappeared within my home. I //will //solve this. I swear it. On 17/5/58, the following file was decrypted from within SCP-6901. Item #: SCP-6901 Object Classification: Uncontainable Secondary Classification: Ignosi Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6901 is to be contained by the use of PROTOCOL GREEN VEIL. PROTOCOL GREEN VEIL refers to the use of numerous SCP objects8 to remove certain elements of the concept of 'nature' from reality. This Protocol has been approved for use by the Ethics Committee in a majority vote. Description: SCP-6901 is an mostly unknown entity conceptually linked to certain aspects of nature. SCP-6901 is totally uncontainable, and will arrive on Earth at 12/3/22, causing Earth's destruction. It is believed that the execution of PROTOCOL GREEN VEIL will remove SCP-6901 from existence as well, saving the Earth from certain destruction. Following the discovery of this file, Lead Researcher Eliza Terris exited Site-01, and her location is currently unknown. The recovery of Lead Researcher Eliza Terris is currently of high priority. « SCP-6900 | SCP-6901 | SCP-6902 »" nan
[-6.29501790e-02 4.36840773e-01 -7.62921870e-02 2.57515073e-01 9.96988565e-02 -3.19509208e-01 -2.07238093e-01 1.57490551e-01 -1.26119211e-01 3.05080622e-01 -5.48626818e-02 3.97271395e-01 -1.06652953e-01 -5.16586937e-03 5.45421802e-02 2.93063163e-03 3.53806317e-02 -8.99286717e-02 2.14450538e-01 -1.80076510e-01 -3.02275985e-01 2.06810996e-01 3.53630409e-02 1.55482963e-01 -1.25983581e-01 -7.24047795e-02 9.04856175e-02 1.51524082e-01 -6.43775687e-02 -4.67095524e-01 1.12760387e-01 5.81064597e-02 -3.51871178e-02 3.10553193e-01 -1.11139932e-04 -7.71387219e-02 1.51480764e-01 9.69432890e-02 -4.06206220e-01 2.41122901e-01 -3.45546097e-01 3.80624086e-02 6.93648532e-02 -2.05542907e-01 1.78746626e-01 1.38825387e-01 3.78187411e-02 1.02642104e-02 1.91534758e-01 2.45381564e-01 1.20526180e-01 1.48209259e-01 3.19643766e-01 -2.54470427e-02 4.56905141e-02 8.18003789e-02 -3.31528224e-02 -3.17678712e-02 -6.70197830e-02 6.79453015e-02 2.85931855e-01 3.09230208e-01 -1.78197790e-02 -3.70370209e-01 1.30764199e-02 -3.40656549e-01 1.64184228e-01 -8.77074599e-02 2.78036296e-01 3.01175237e-01 -1.66842677e-02 9.51885357e-02 -1.44290864e-01 5.27477972e-02 2.89447457e-02 -2.64896423e-01 -3.85411941e-02 2.21776515e-01 -1.69511199e-01 1.03374936e-01 8.49694163e-02 2.29720816e-01 -3.77884090e-01 4.69322540e-02 -3.03775251e-01 7.03210086e-02 -1.34815574e-01 1.07402792e-02 -2.26394311e-01 1.07267044e-01 -3.20624471e-01 2.95877546e-01 1.16941549e-01 -9.03777927e-02 -3.91056150e-01 -6.85240254e-02 1.96150154e-01 1.57595158e-01 1.84612706e-01 -2.11641997e-01 3.58947366e-01 4.59101766e-01 -1.50017753e-01 2.34455913e-01 8.69980529e-02 1.10658787e-01 1.58288911e-01 -1.76353127e-01 7.51723200e-02 4.06603932e-01 1.40684232e-01 9.87306312e-02 -1.08098075e-01 3.15194488e-01 8.54970068e-02 -5.10275811e-02 3.14020753e-01 -3.81979138e-01 -4.91979480e-01 1.34126157e-01 -2.27916539e-01 -3.90545884e-03 -1.32458210e-01 2.42620513e-01 6.18345678e-01 5.77584445e-01 6.38313890e-02 2.32930053e-02 -4.28817747e-03 -3.75369728e-01 -1.37505680e-01 -1.08377539e-01 -5.28145909e-01 -4.94941287e-02 1.25898138e-01 2.71584064e-01 -4.32924777e-02 -4.35974419e-01 -5.67420483e-01 9.63089243e-02 7.16273487e-02 -3.14495340e-02 1.62656426e-01 4.11197871e-01 -5.17080247e-01 -1.16524240e-02 -1.04455806e-01 7.38982931e-02 -1.50409877e-01 4.76969779e-02 5.08537814e-02 -1.59149706e-01 -3.38962674e-01 2.41904944e-01 6.63687140e-02 1.53190762e-01 2.46170640e-01 3.18589121e-01 -1.59298599e-01 9.08512995e-02 1.57299891e-01 -1.27038077e-01 -7.05760777e-01 -1.85032651e-01 1.47676542e-01 1.93373770e-01 -5.52018225e-01 -2.57272035e-01 -1.51665330e-01 -2.06757635e-01 2.34797195e-01 2.93803334e-01 -1.35909885e-01 7.26728607e-03 -9.02352929e-02 -3.00243080e-01 -1.50886297e-01 1.44778803e-01 -2.82032877e-01 -5.01669228e-01 -2.19804227e-01 9.01950747e-02 2.02862293e-01 -3.38910878e-01 -2.67708063e-01 -2.26246461e-01 -7.15512484e-02 -1.68449029e-01 -7.02316016e-02 -1.81125909e-01 -3.82574648e-01 -2.82316506e-01 1.98039800e-01 2.19900578e-01 2.47734979e-01 4.76727970e-02 4.73632485e-01 -1.31211832e-01 1.33729130e-01 -4.66130115e-02 1.70588031e-01 7.04540312e-03 5.72987944e-02 -6.26346692e-02 1.80492196e-02 -4.36642796e-01 -1.63412333e-01 3.95214483e-02 1.63404956e-01 2.98806548e-01 -7.95123503e-02 -1.83631882e-01 -3.21659476e-01 3.95259112e-02 8.96371752e-02 -3.65776658e-01 1.78334221e-01 3.76759291e-01 -2.81901449e-01 -2.67420113e-01 -4.04697597e-01 1.45372629e-01 -4.83868539e-01 -6.58079656e-03 -4.14469659e-01 -1.42072380e-01 -3.39678764e-01 -1.76568747e-01 -2.75841832e-01 3.74649554e-01 1.17365606e-01 1.23728782e-01 1.39419436e-01 1.23312436e-01 -2.13050693e-01 -2.38501802e-01 4.97120351e-01 7.74843872e-01 3.22500914e-02 -1.99898154e-01 2.83653457e-02 1.40763849e-01 6.66357800e-02 1.37420222e-01 -1.72270432e-01 1.10359296e-01 -1.08132452e-01 1.64157271e-01 2.89273918e-01 -2.74385735e-02 2.97829509e-01 -2.16162592e-01 -6.14293888e-02 -3.24063629e-01 5.57597578e-02 5.70054293e-01 -4.48039621e-01 4.44430187e-02 -9.61393863e-02 3.61361086e-01 7.81470835e-02 -2.15908572e-01 8.86049345e-02 3.11605662e-01 -7.55163003e-03 -3.85111988e-01 9.54864845e-02 2.99666673e-01 2.36084685e-01 1.58987030e-01 3.96720946e-01 -1.93625182e-01 -3.42480689e-02 -1.35320678e-01 6.77757263e-02 4.08515751e-01 -3.04329619e-02 1.53028011e-01 4.19485301e-01 2.73823529e-01 -2.44410962e-01 -3.37502569e-01 -1.73758268e-01 -1.63442865e-01 -3.18244398e-01 -3.00664436e-02 1.06051713e-01 -1.39176473e-01 -6.41809553e-02 2.44346783e-01 2.20681310e-01 -3.16649467e-01 3.09276190e-02 -1.07835807e-01 -1.53795123e-01 -2.07781829e-02 -1.99874699e-01 5.43023467e-01 -1.29460543e-01 7.33771145e-01 -3.71732175e-01 -3.16652149e-01 4.28262949e-02 1.20106027e-01 -4.05547559e-01 5.85481301e-02 2.16332719e-01 -2.49930993e-01 -1.60289586e-01 8.59326962e-03 -4.49894398e-01 2.39609733e-01 -1.50537863e-01 2.01569602e-01 7.79860541e-02 -3.95838432e-02 -3.61226141e-01 -2.34696761e-01 1.58169270e-01 -5.52268267e-01 -1.50782406e-01 2.53649294e-01 -7.21829683e-02 -5.95373996e-02 2.94921198e-03 8.56998265e-02 -3.20291340e-01 -1.57763243e-01 2.69142956e-01 -6.90497309e-02 3.07251453e-01 5.79345584e-01 -4.75410432e-01 1.91450521e-01 -1.52825803e-01 3.59582454e-01 -3.32603395e-01 -4.63164419e-01 -1.18411191e-01 4.08089906e-02 1.27531588e-02 -5.69921266e-03 4.51863408e-02 2.73569256e-01 4.30784583e-01 -1.10988125e-01 -1.03630327e-01 -9.47607495e-03 3.30463022e-01 -1.65585026e-01 -1.96219146e-01 5.80083251e-01 2.77228177e-01 -4.43725765e-01 -1.29694015e-01 3.81520465e-02 -1.88751876e-01 1.39780402e-01 2.99892545e-01 -5.47583938e-01 -7.39755407e-02 1.93582416e-01 2.37110510e-01 -7.50010982e-02 5.55358678e-02 2.28970677e-01 4.44777697e-01 2.46151417e-01 1.65441066e-01 5.46252988e-02 4.01182055e-01 -2.89233804e-01 -3.34691495e-01 1.92612827e-01 -3.27580646e-02 -5.37805855e-02 5.71261998e-03 -2.06566975e-01 -5.02903104e-01 -8.50016922e-02 -2.10991085e-01 5.68504095e-01 5.72263062e-01 -1.36885390e-01 -1.85633466e-01 3.70986402e-01 -7.73505913e-03 2.23914206e-01 6.27751708e-01 -2.65077502e-01 -2.68555105e-01 -5.66537023e-01 1.07003182e-01 -3.66502225e-01 2.97827888e-02 -4.46072668e-01 3.85977834e-01 -1.75138012e-01 -3.33411917e-02 1.54554486e-01 -1.23346446e-03 3.54285628e-01 7.30223209e-02 3.27108681e-01 5.30034482e-01 2.10225940e-01 -1.85389698e-01 6.35166317e-02 -4.06113803e-01 -4.51477945e-01 9.71588865e-02 -2.64860034e-01 -9.62142348e-02 -1.12794690e-01 3.56773078e-01 3.20248790e-02 1.11201420e-01 3.66855830e-01 -9.83119830e-02 -3.67047280e-01 1.46984300e-02 -1.30145133e-01 -2.04402003e-02 -2.46089846e-01 -3.98980565e-02 -6.88068494e-02 -1.69392511e-01 1.27324462e-01 -1.12076901e-01 -6.87203631e-02 5.05001619e-02 1.85239002e-01 -1.35331437e-01 2.96975821e-01 4.66313720e-01 4.37649220e-01 3.78863066e-01 -1.26571087e-02 -3.10377419e-01 7.29282871e-02 9.13690850e-02 6.74025342e-02 5.44555545e-01 -5.49462773e-02 -1.80784419e-01 -2.04218328e-01 2.71551639e-01 -6.17715046e-02 2.61495203e-01 2.43024856e-01 -8.60792696e-02 2.37735346e-01 5.06951548e-02 4.45637591e-02 3.56595069e-02 -5.54336250e-01 -1.07376605e-01 6.77011758e-02 -3.98380905e-01 5.41215122e-01 3.91272932e-01 1.23438585e+00 -9.32579711e-02 2.25535721e-01 6.73779249e-02 -5.28634310e-01 3.20581198e-01 -1.28762811e-01 2.55591273e-02 4.00725484e-01 -4.92830612e-02 -1.48389190e-02 1.22302204e-01 -7.43778273e-02 1.80597216e-01 -2.60853499e-01 3.00446808e-01 -5.57220019e-02 -2.33119175e-01 3.48472446e-01 8.21686685e-02 2.61087000e-01 7.86555335e-02 6.54172227e-02 1.47948667e-01 -2.74055123e-01 5.75738177e-02 -1.16776139e-01 1.29914284e-01 1.23074397e-01 1.33063361e-01 -1.89868346e-01 4.34296764e-02 -1.91700399e-01 2.79328495e-01 -3.61215621e-01 -1.53218701e-01 1.14063710e-01 6.99628284e-03 2.14904606e-01 -2.02514082e-01 -1.43681511e-01 4.86209273e-01 2.15455338e-01 -8.52193832e-02 1.79739103e-01 -7.20992386e-02 3.93268347e-01 1.26174226e-01 -4.56155390e-02 7.53836036e-02 -1.65026262e-01 2.65924931e-01 -6.21135056e-01 -2.01152228e-02 4.75076646e-01 1.84874713e-01 5.48674822e-01 7.82087520e-02 -3.75289083e-01 -3.82331699e-01 1.49072960e-01 4.41068318e-03 8.88067484e-02 1.12754226e-01 -6.80425018e-02 -3.55181187e-01 -4.96150665e-02 4.62946862e-01 1.18106849e-01 -5.15655689e-02 1.97675377e-01 -2.81348795e-01 -1.51779845e-01 -3.01091760e-01 -2.82301545e-01 1.75330460e-01 -1.82795107e-01 8.90190713e-04 -6.84947800e-03 -1.68931052e-01 2.69423485e-01 5.58936238e-01 1.54213160e-01 -2.40705207e-01 -3.88576746e-01 -3.96207899e-01 -2.39941962e-02 2.20806435e-01 1.76385254e-01 2.21166253e-01 -3.52202915e-02 4.13357234e-03 -1.81901634e-01 2.10325256e-01 -3.60140055e-01 -7.37841874e-02 -1.68596711e-02 2.58123368e-01 9.84574184e-02 -2.78046131e-01 1.09667100e-01 -2.83536851e-01 1.20529935e-01 -6.04945831e-02 9.11072269e-02 -1.29676417e-01 1.49330217e-02 1.71322227e-01 -7.10503608e-02 -1.86453089e-01 3.42328064e-02 1.01290517e-01 2.60941714e-01 4.61153165e-02 1.92528605e-01 3.12469006e-01 1.73892274e-01 4.23378706e-01 9.98452753e-02 2.09104240e-01 3.44200224e-01 1.50962785e-01 6.83421865e-02 3.44007045e-01 -1.10254496e-01 -7.11672520e-03 -2.54459996e-02 -2.89127022e-01 1.34646386e-01 2.90237933e-01 -2.43213013e-01 4.05774325e-01 1.48118362e-01 8.60119760e-02 -3.69108826e-01 -1.85797825e-01 6.67515844e-02 3.31117101e-02 -2.60311425e-01 -2.61319965e-01 -1.19848987e-02 2.64673173e-01 -1.66070342e-01 2.19970644e-01 -6.58668429e-02 -8.22940916e-02 2.32566055e-02 6.38833046e-02 1.13301113e-01 -3.87758285e-01 -1.27206286e-02 -1.17450193e-01 -4.64623384e-02 -5.29828332e-02 3.04994822e-01 2.24523649e-01 2.04663336e-01 -7.40849450e-02 8.65766332e-02 1.43303826e-01 2.90364832e-01 3.60868931e-01 5.35709679e-01 6.95569456e-01 2.49586120e-01 6.30555868e-01 -1.52485803e-01 9.08679888e-02 1.34894729e-01 2.62679935e-01 -2.19095543e-01 2.50637978e-01 -8.05553272e-02 -2.17090454e-02 1.24816597e-02 -2.08605424e-01 1.83577925e-01 -8.49311724e-02 4.19238247e-02 -2.98040407e-03 -3.91084343e-01 -3.43690336e-01 -1.28335968e-01 -3.78237255e-02 -4.72119898e-02 2.09396914e-01 -4.38258164e-02 1.41992345e-01 -2.27771550e-01 -7.60360211e-02 -1.56747326e-01 1.75667450e-01 5.68160415e-01 -1.58907637e-01 3.00611258e-01 2.68500030e-01 5.54025173e-02 8.60908553e-02 2.96911716e-01 2.52717108e-01 -9.64545757e-02 -2.12184757e-01 2.43659660e-01 2.72521824e-01 -2.06697375e-01 -1.56475350e-01 -1.37904078e-01 2.93418556e-01 -9.45302844e-03 1.13001525e-01 8.97924304e-02 -1.96578324e-01 -2.34649047e-01 1.71827748e-01 1.20127574e-01 -2.85612345e-01 1.51687965e-01 -1.64698288e-01 -3.19340289e-01 1.08699895e-01 -3.86675261e-02 -2.89298415e-01 1.71562016e-01 -2.31350526e-01 -4.09887284e-01 1.82098299e-01 3.61053534e-02 1.07599996e-01 1.30514592e-01 3.56088549e-01 1.62204891e-01 -8.16923603e-02 -9.56483632e-02 -4.95899945e-01 -9.24108773e-02 1.57543242e-01 1.35617778e-02 -2.15657204e-02 -1.03392884e-01 -1.75307933e-02 1.82561632e-02 2.37875227e-02 9.71290469e-02 -5.03801256e-02 -1.04326479e-01 -1.15488082e-01 -4.67085481e-01 1.69880539e-01 4.59068835e-01 -4.34983708e-02 -7.22376164e-04 -2.06592306e-01 9.64769199e-02 1.27383947e-01 2.60052038e-03 2.25866064e-01 -2.89113462e-01 -6.84392005e-02 1.96979433e-01 3.33657295e-01 1.21259801e-02 2.10975617e-01 -6.04661442e-02 -4.07723844e-01 3.49423126e-03 -8.52174237e-02 -9.27193612e-02 4.43654984e-01 -4.77449186e-02 2.85708904e-01 8.47311690e-02 2.76324332e-01 1.00564785e-01 -7.67095536e-02 -1.83124110e-01 5.39882556e-02 -3.92104059e-01 1.38495594e-01 1.06838956e-01 1.17974445e-01 -1.31101340e-01 2.38035336e-01 1.16797574e-01 1.51067466e-01 -4.42387044e-01 -5.46119452e-01 4.13651496e-01 2.95155138e-01 -1.69600829e-01 -1.76885799e-01 2.18359873e-01 -3.87121409e-01 -8.13215226e-02 -5.42240143e-01 -1.43344849e-01 2.24759281e-01 5.70466407e-02 -4.10109729e-01 -1.79343466e-02 -7.90839419e-02 -4.01908398e-01 -8.80483985e-02 3.05843532e-01 1.37493655e-01 -1.11881852e-01 -5.53173795e-02 6.83872253e-02]
"Lost Luggage" active "Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6902 contains a tracking device. At all times, at least one Foundation agent is to wait at the baggage claim in Newark Liberty International Airport. Whenever SCP-6902 appears in this baggage claim, said agent is to take it to a secluded location until it dematerializes. In the event that an unknown party claims SCP-6902, the identity of said party is to be determined as soon as possible. Description: SCP-6902 is a red rolling suitcase that lacks any form of branding or iconography. Approximately every six hours, SCP-6902 will dematerialize from its current location and rematerialize within a baggage claim carousel at Newark Liberty International Airport. Upon discovery, SCP-6902 had a baggage tag identifying it as belonging to flight 1814 from PHX1 to EWR2, on January 12th 2004. Notably, this flight crashed due to a mechanical failure, killing all passengers on board. This baggage tag has since been removed. As SCP-6902 dematerializes, all items within it will become an SCP-6902-1 instance. Whenever SCP-6902 materializes, all SCP-6902-1 instances will materialize within it as well. The following list comprises all SCP-6902-1 instances: The following message is embroidered on the inside of SCP-6902 itself. "For Jason. You won't lose this one." « SCP-6901 | SCP-6902 | SCP-6903 »" nan
[ 3.64114672e-01 3.62168610e-01 -1.54202580e-01 3.46484452e-01 -1.73260480e-01 -1.53199658e-01 1.00751556e-01 1.23426251e-01 -3.29359472e-01 4.53065224e-02 1.68892041e-01 8.11955780e-02 -2.42102221e-01 2.93764155e-02 2.39591561e-02 3.21845621e-01 6.33980259e-02 4.35646251e-02 2.96473086e-01 -6.82892557e-03 -1.95067003e-01 1.03774615e-01 -8.33734870e-02 3.15323502e-01 -2.90766925e-01 1.37617528e-01 -3.03557664e-02 1.23690121e-01 -8.57309103e-02 -3.26510489e-01 3.78766060e-01 1.98802650e-01 2.17651576e-01 3.81984442e-01 -1.08036373e-04 -9.47351754e-02 2.20167965e-01 -2.33474478e-01 -5.53892195e-01 -1.81964785e-01 -3.98782790e-02 2.24264115e-01 2.04784218e-02 -1.79053634e-01 1.35715216e-01 3.83321405e-03 -1.58983190e-02 4.68550473e-01 8.21592286e-02 2.18887120e-01 2.13721484e-01 2.31991902e-01 4.71239597e-01 2.04352304e-01 6.42506406e-02 3.62723693e-02 -8.50946829e-02 1.64186925e-01 5.72370775e-02 -1.13411665e-01 3.14500034e-01 1.18565410e-02 -1.08343840e-01 -1.69494510e-01 -1.03735588e-01 -1.42632335e-01 -2.05222562e-01 2.55317420e-01 -1.73490688e-01 2.86691904e-01 2.53324836e-01 -2.25957453e-01 1.34409994e-01 6.32273331e-02 1.58244267e-01 -1.74652353e-01 5.95510937e-02 9.31013227e-02 -6.65424690e-02 3.30122620e-01 -5.06414138e-02 1.69282511e-01 -2.96632469e-01 1.32363394e-01 -2.26043940e-01 8.98935925e-03 -4.92065661e-02 7.80522078e-02 -9.40216854e-02 -7.88720548e-02 -6.56849816e-02 2.22431198e-01 1.51339054e-01 -2.22678751e-01 6.45649955e-02 -1.61051258e-01 2.98314720e-01 -1.05389832e-02 3.21699865e-02 -3.12465638e-01 4.10682529e-01 -6.46604821e-02 -1.91596419e-01 1.10940777e-01 -5.93305379e-02 4.96479794e-02 1.00094274e-01 -1.36387363e-01 -3.90763432e-01 1.70050740e-01 1.56870857e-02 8.44835676e-03 -4.16988820e-01 1.49516791e-01 -2.25369751e-01 -4.72708493e-02 2.12776914e-01 -4.37066346e-01 -2.28258416e-01 3.70688317e-03 -1.78326204e-01 5.23745753e-02 -8.02409127e-02 9.65974256e-02 4.47617382e-01 1.12445489e-01 2.50015855e-01 -1.22709706e-01 8.38081688e-02 -1.12592475e-02 -2.59317398e-01 1.83419943e-01 -2.12682560e-01 1.54241592e-01 -1.52841583e-01 2.45819271e-01 -2.73348361e-01 -1.88762873e-01 -7.24617779e-01 2.37112403e-01 5.45877814e-02 8.63335356e-02 3.01861584e-01 3.06558937e-01 -5.44557214e-01 -2.04019859e-01 -3.86173688e-02 -1.52284369e-01 -1.69118747e-01 1.18403353e-01 -1.18483372e-01 -2.49046102e-01 -2.39953056e-01 1.88438714e-01 -7.32341334e-02 -5.49364425e-02 5.68701446e-01 6.34698346e-02 -2.52212316e-01 -3.08198988e-01 1.99956030e-01 8.69336426e-02 -3.11767280e-01 -2.87680686e-01 -4.44727205e-02 4.11227882e-01 -6.24856353e-01 -2.57414561e-02 3.98957692e-02 -3.57362658e-01 1.95250567e-02 4.83851619e-02 -1.76134422e-01 6.19417801e-02 -3.73040766e-01 6.76548015e-03 -4.99336123e-02 -1.07759483e-01 -2.06673920e-01 -4.75297362e-01 -4.64200735e-01 -2.72247400e-02 3.19205135e-01 -4.20165092e-01 -5.24907529e-01 -3.02707851e-01 -2.23302796e-01 -5.29306680e-02 -4.04996015e-02 -4.31056559e-01 -2.18641743e-01 -3.43141556e-01 7.44255066e-01 2.29482323e-01 -1.46068454e-01 -3.63587961e-02 1.63067684e-01 -1.01143472e-01 2.98011601e-01 2.57165909e-01 -2.67582178e-01 -3.78847495e-02 9.56529379e-02 5.73026426e-02 -6.75673038e-02 2.63002932e-01 -3.72067809e-01 1.89990140e-02 3.99431735e-01 -1.87924281e-01 -2.49326676e-01 6.74023181e-02 -2.12833941e-01 -1.39144212e-01 -2.99774949e-02 7.35559464e-02 3.06107163e-01 1.66666448e-01 -5.75488061e-03 -6.25422001e-02 -1.70277536e-01 2.68089026e-01 -3.32854748e-01 2.63034683e-02 -3.69587600e-01 2.32688338e-01 -2.37715706e-01 -3.54307353e-01 3.93274724e-02 2.61910647e-01 2.90218771e-01 -1.04461186e-01 1.75008401e-01 9.67014879e-02 -2.18162641e-01 -1.82807684e-01 5.16635835e-01 7.74284601e-01 -1.03761524e-01 2.60258704e-01 -2.34313726e-01 2.37093076e-01 1.63399860e-01 -8.91664252e-03 -3.68283510e-01 3.49612445e-01 -3.67962182e-01 -6.27514720e-02 4.28539375e-03 -1.82192862e-01 4.05614525e-02 -2.64941365e-01 1.79646000e-01 -1.77139804e-01 -1.96233720e-01 4.38706607e-01 -5.79004176e-02 3.58161628e-01 1.59055084e-01 2.57426888e-01 3.72198552e-01 -1.46257579e-01 1.18076771e-01 1.59570083e-01 1.05163798e-01 -2.27485672e-01 3.48509818e-01 2.91352451e-01 3.23018819e-01 1.33109942e-01 -2.60309875e-02 -2.37379491e-01 5.41849360e-02 -3.81817609e-01 2.62709782e-02 -1.36553332e-01 8.12509432e-02 2.50234455e-01 1.92599460e-01 -3.82018015e-02 -2.58187562e-01 -4.90963817e-01 -4.67542373e-02 -5.82318902e-02 -1.61174253e-01 -3.73307496e-01 -2.87241399e-01 2.62084398e-02 -2.73626775e-01 -8.40485096e-02 -1.61298230e-01 -1.77561939e-01 -1.53850302e-01 -3.49059701e-03 5.36318235e-02 -2.14682981e-01 -2.40196675e-01 2.75315136e-01 -1.71944067e-01 3.93557429e-01 -5.22504508e-01 -2.54682511e-01 -1.87662318e-01 1.92610875e-01 -3.20736110e-01 5.59816584e-02 9.80264843e-02 -9.06596631e-02 -4.35952544e-02 8.63310397e-02 -9.34950262e-02 7.30095059e-02 -9.88705158e-02 -4.95280504e-01 2.44892806e-01 1.32948890e-01 6.86555495e-03 -3.44768405e-01 -5.63799627e-02 -1.57345802e-01 -2.22994223e-01 7.61221647e-02 -1.65992603e-01 6.48517460e-02 -7.85349756e-02 8.45385939e-02 -3.62008423e-01 -1.50294676e-01 3.96455407e-01 -6.80425391e-02 1.58953011e-01 2.28644013e-01 6.29909039e-02 3.91811877e-01 -1.11358710e-01 -5.78150414e-02 -3.37561160e-01 -4.20052826e-01 1.21601894e-01 1.18338399e-01 1.41856208e-01 1.23061454e-02 7.00065419e-02 7.17062578e-02 -6.18432760e-02 -3.60928714e-01 -3.68992776e-01 5.86799458e-02 2.83641219e-01 -1.58167686e-02 -1.72826171e-01 5.91954172e-01 2.12878436e-01 -2.86551982e-01 -1.99308515e-01 -2.67543774e-02 6.81664124e-02 4.01988447e-01 4.97527778e-01 -1.28803954e-01 -2.21917719e-01 4.16980535e-01 3.59311491e-01 -8.77843872e-02 -2.95329690e-01 1.05330616e-01 4.32502031e-01 4.72002864e-01 4.06482220e-01 4.17792946e-02 3.99557352e-01 4.69805002e-02 8.21947753e-02 1.04696535e-01 -1.27870977e-01 -1.05938286e-01 5.70614822e-02 -3.63089263e-01 -5.22780716e-01 -3.65327857e-02 -4.86963429e-02 6.58848166e-01 -2.51507312e-02 -2.44986221e-01 -3.54305148e-01 1.06753111e-01 4.71691135e-03 2.94802606e-01 5.42550921e-01 3.34603548e-01 -2.45885439e-02 2.56069587e-03 1.41232371e-01 3.12410221e-02 -4.40334762e-03 -3.04130435e-01 5.17645419e-01 -6.44605467e-03 -9.63378102e-02 1.19336024e-01 -1.41603976e-01 5.37290156e-01 1.13444433e-01 1.00558423e-01 4.31730628e-01 3.34231228e-01 -2.86841452e-01 -1.44142598e-01 -2.07479700e-01 -3.38235289e-01 3.58391911e-01 -4.86461818e-01 -1.56497449e-01 -2.09294036e-02 9.43593457e-02 -1.20275043e-01 1.69894576e-01 -2.01244995e-01 1.15435747e-02 -2.22723708e-01 -1.65715471e-01 9.47423577e-02 5.00723859e-03 -3.35284501e-01 -1.45567372e-01 -2.91421413e-01 1.02065399e-01 -1.35896996e-01 -1.22364022e-01 -1.58766776e-01 -1.19630955e-01 3.33387613e-01 -2.88843870e-01 5.40556073e-01 5.21494985e-01 5.06518304e-01 3.41687411e-01 2.09207341e-01 -1.98097199e-01 -1.08566530e-01 -1.12270564e-02 2.74633795e-01 6.06062591e-01 7.89683238e-02 2.50354201e-01 -3.77983153e-01 1.15444154e-01 9.89238322e-02 -1.27747968e-01 -8.88792519e-03 -1.79102570e-01 3.10029715e-01 2.57386118e-01 8.09217542e-02 1.12216249e-01 -3.02542925e-01 2.47970387e-01 -2.47891247e-01 -2.50019997e-01 4.71958190e-01 -1.21792909e-02 1.33852541e+00 2.98888981e-02 1.70439020e-01 -1.22334287e-01 -7.59759605e-01 6.42876327e-02 -1.73009694e-01 -1.45246416e-01 -1.29247725e-01 -3.77473891e-01 -2.11127214e-02 -9.52043533e-02 -1.34228244e-02 3.60140890e-01 -4.01647002e-01 1.55093625e-01 -6.53231621e-01 -6.73492998e-02 -2.45972816e-02 1.15354955e-01 3.33173960e-01 2.12960005e-01 1.60087585e-01 2.26457864e-01 1.34330448e-02 3.93041223e-02 -1.36641145e-01 -1.37292787e-01 1.52606472e-01 -3.58179472e-02 -6.58413470e-02 9.25169513e-03 -2.64004439e-01 3.38649660e-01 2.20157847e-01 2.44950652e-02 -1.85646161e-01 3.90470177e-02 8.67365301e-02 -2.78882712e-01 1.95727292e-02 2.24252909e-01 4.79143739e-01 -1.56247303e-01 -7.91484267e-02 -5.63852005e-02 1.97505474e-01 2.10623577e-01 -1.13287084e-01 -2.56380923e-02 -3.35816555e-02 -4.60285805e-02 -4.40543652e-01 2.86927789e-01 4.35794443e-01 -6.34720400e-02 2.81427175e-01 4.67365496e-02 -2.71021843e-01 -8.96416977e-02 2.18239501e-01 1.27431124e-01 -2.34617293e-02 1.80223677e-02 2.75078956e-02 -1.26124546e-01 1.46982642e-02 4.04517442e-01 4.20202278e-02 1.18884675e-01 2.33573616e-02 -1.81423426e-01 -1.68796971e-01 -3.00888479e-01 -1.05083413e-01 3.70891005e-01 -1.56737790e-01 4.73629264e-03 4.12440449e-01 4.81751263e-02 1.61783099e-01 3.01276118e-01 3.19906026e-01 -1.42502367e-01 -4.65695411e-01 -2.58172303e-01 -5.20365499e-02 -2.57395972e-02 -7.06569385e-03 2.89157033e-01 -5.10086954e-01 9.68454778e-02 7.11179376e-02 3.16521585e-01 -3.61406863e-01 2.18078196e-01 -2.54496396e-01 -4.64379555e-03 4.52861100e-01 -3.04031968e-01 -3.75752658e-01 -1.27478987e-01 2.43086413e-01 1.75590202e-01 -1.79062039e-01 -1.85310572e-01 -1.21429488e-01 1.53716907e-01 -2.35907976e-02 7.00245127e-02 -2.48405293e-01 5.15591837e-02 1.48644373e-01 1.99814662e-01 -1.81535810e-01 2.78403789e-01 3.64096552e-01 1.98019922e-01 3.01857978e-01 5.28568923e-02 -1.86966792e-01 2.16628090e-02 2.10884288e-01 3.26678008e-01 9.06448737e-02 -1.54497564e-01 -4.09251273e-01 9.51196253e-02 3.62763107e-01 7.09430128e-02 -7.75961205e-02 4.38070536e-01 1.38386143e-02 2.27179483e-01 -3.73283684e-01 -8.32616389e-02 -6.26603588e-02 1.30549833e-01 -1.93146244e-01 -2.46780366e-01 3.53365451e-01 2.85908133e-01 -2.08998904e-01 -1.22689873e-01 1.88261345e-01 3.24769616e-01 -1.93701267e-01 1.13975316e-01 1.23353951e-01 -1.80070996e-01 2.75508687e-02 -6.60580322e-02 2.37104390e-03 8.28967318e-02 -1.68332115e-01 -1.04513727e-01 9.83488336e-02 -3.03210884e-01 2.94411778e-01 4.11640964e-02 3.15983504e-01 7.82442093e-02 3.63046229e-01 6.96169958e-02 1.14228979e-01 4.95467335e-01 -9.33471397e-02 1.24804743e-01 8.15423485e-03 1.20447561e-01 -2.01681629e-02 -3.38651403e-03 7.26699904e-02 -3.39876339e-02 1.35209337e-01 -1.17532790e-01 1.54963836e-01 -5.67616634e-02 6.22878112e-02 1.31802559e-01 -4.73546274e-02 -9.65609625e-02 -3.03897858e-01 -1.49295703e-01 1.97291106e-01 -6.23771474e-02 2.12767914e-01 3.80601943e-01 1.55410811e-01 -9.14162472e-02 -3.13700408e-01 4.01111782e-01 4.50620264e-01 -2.32028276e-01 1.63834050e-01 1.04608452e-02 1.42956808e-01 6.96719512e-02 -8.72925520e-02 2.65143424e-01 -1.86817929e-01 1.54147163e-01 -1.62160285e-02 3.00077498e-02 1.66276116e-02 -2.28927553e-01 1.50916979e-01 1.11145526e-01 -3.05420756e-01 -1.06962681e-01 2.44918466e-01 -1.29446700e-01 -6.47528172e-02 1.50484249e-01 -1.02917522e-01 -3.17078352e-01 -5.19455783e-03 -1.04757525e-01 -2.69867957e-01 -2.67941833e-01 1.72326624e-01 -2.80883789e-01 1.27995595e-01 -1.02150470e-01 -2.17297494e-01 1.54407054e-01 2.74812609e-01 1.03987336e-01 4.40832675e-02 -2.11042464e-01 3.85085970e-01 4.30843867e-02 8.13792273e-03 -4.39693004e-01 -2.19458163e-01 2.59650052e-02 1.57267436e-01 3.44709679e-02 -6.47088364e-02 1.38619781e-01 -1.16725221e-01 5.14007807e-02 7.97606260e-02 1.45148754e-01 1.23368084e-01 1.12406993e-02 -5.83775699e-01 3.46084088e-01 4.40649420e-01 -1.79173142e-01 -3.74452397e-02 -3.38696055e-02 -5.83658218e-02 -2.69761562e-01 2.18225613e-01 -1.47961050e-01 -2.46252835e-01 1.24048721e-02 5.82485974e-01 5.31064808e-01 -2.83101559e-01 8.06682631e-02 -9.91654396e-02 -1.25363737e-01 1.01007663e-01 3.09202701e-01 5.96248619e-02 1.79166749e-01 -9.36215371e-02 3.03806029e-02 -1.34022206e-01 2.82908231e-01 1.25962675e-01 -2.81592328e-02 -5.11275232e-02 4.61698860e-01 -1.72191888e-01 2.36544952e-01 -1.24593802e-01 6.52277172e-02 5.01155034e-02 2.94931412e-01 -1.58401877e-02 2.22326860e-01 -4.47313413e-02 -2.56195098e-01 4.37800646e-01 1.40023932e-01 -1.93550155e-01 1.41054377e-01 2.48401880e-01 -3.34190667e-01 1.23674169e-01 -1.92033723e-01 -1.93063259e-01 2.21268207e-01 5.00141121e-02 -2.62250930e-01 2.29504816e-02 1.12323932e-01 -3.75529788e-02 -8.61973464e-02 2.78820395e-01 1.56099901e-01 -1.45637378e-01 -2.05248564e-01 4.79215980e-02]
"Just a Mirror" active "Containment Procedures: SCP-6903 is to be kept in an 8x8x5 research bay located on Site ██. Research bay door should meet a Level II hazard control rating (steel door, reinforced hinges, SCPassport keycard access with manual override). Any instance of SCP-6903-2 exiting SCP-6903 is to be interrogated immediately if possible. In the circumstance that said instance of SCP-6903-2 does not comply, they are to be terminated. SCP-6903 is to be under constant video surveillance. Description: SCP-6903 is a mirror measuring 1.7 meters in height and 0.7 meters in width, that only reveals the reflections of non-anomalous objects and entities. This allows SCP-6903 to provide a tool to determine whether or not an object or entity is in fact “anomalous”. Entities that were previously non-anomalous that have been altered by anomalous entities are also observed to have reflections in SCP-6903. Many objects previously thought to be anomalous in nature have been observed to in fact present a reflection in SCP-6903, proving their behavior to be natural. This does not mean that these objects are not out of the ordinary, but rather that they do not bend reality in order to function. While SCP-6903 functions as an ordinary mirror for non-anomalous entities, objects or entities that are seen not to have a reflection in SCP-6903 are capable of entering SCP-6903. SCP-6903 seems to serve as a doorway to a pocket dimension, mirroring our own. As anomalous entities are capable of traveling into SCP-6903, they are also able to bring objects back out with them. These objects are almost always observed to be anomalous themselves. Note that these objects must be reflections of non-anomalous objects in the physical world. Once the reflection of an object is retrieved from SCP-6903, its original will no longer produce a reflection within SCP-6903. The reflected object, an instance of SCP-6903-1, will most likely serve as an extreme version of its original, while the original will exhibit no anomalous behavior. A list of items retrieved from SCP-6903 is listed below: When the reflection of a sentient entity is retrieved from the mirror, the reflection is tagged as an instance of SCP-6903-2. Instances of SCP-6903-2 are observed to serve their original self, completing whatever tasks are assigned to them if possible. These entities also commonly possess psionic abilities, such as mind-reading or telekinesis, or in rarer cases, they are observed to possess abilities such as increased strength or endurance. For unknown reasons, sentient entities that are not reflections of entities within the physical world have been observed exiting SCP-6903. It is theorized that SCP-6903 may be linked not just to our own universe, but others as well. This would imply that entities observed exiting SCP-6903, which do not have known counterparts in our universe, have interdimensional origins. Incident 6903-2-A: On ██/██/████, at 11:03, an instance of SCP-6903-2 was viewed on video surveillance exiting SCP-6903. This instance of SCP-6903-2 was observed to be a humanoid, measuring over 2 meters in height. Security footage shows that the entity then appears to phase through the test chamber walls, and reenters the test chamber 48 minutes later. The instance of SCP-6903-2 then proceeds to enter SCP-6903. The origin of this entity is unknown, as it was previously believed that the only items or entities present in the SCP-6903 are those being reflected from outside of SCP-6903. Incident 6903-B: On ██/██/████, at 21:43, 3 instances of SCP-6903-2 exit SCP-6903. The entities appear to be wearing SCP Foundation Task Force uniforms. The entities are described as appearing confused as if having forgotten their reason for entering. The instances of SCP-6903-2 then enter back into SCP-6903. SCP-6903 Expedition 1: Expedition Supervisor: Dr. █████ Subject: D-9405. Has been recently exposed to the anomalous effects of SCP-884, allowing for passage into SCP-6903 without any detrimental effects caused by more dangerous anomalies. Note: In order for the expedition to be visually recorded, a camera that had previously been affected by SCP-895 was put into use. Results: Subject wanders the mirrored version of Site ██ for 23 minutes without the discovery of any anomalous behavior until a connection to camera footage is lost. The camera is reconnected 6 minutes later, displaying a message stating “We tried to warn you, it doesn’t like uninvited guests”. Addendum 6903-1: Briefly after the disappearance of D-9405, an extreme spike in the discovery of new anomalies was measured. It is unclear whether SCP-6903 had created the anomalies itself, or if it had assisted the Foundation with their discovery. Addendum 6903-2: Following the incident outlined in Addendum 6903-1, Dr. █████ has ruled that no further expeditions may be carried out exploring SCP-6903. « SCP-6902 | SCP-6903 | SCP-6904 »" "Image of SCP-6903 in its containment chamber"
[ 1.61587432e-01 -1.60617605e-01 -1.10221401e-01 8.67661983e-02 -4.48842317e-01 -5.22876978e-01 2.52217352e-01 1.19961828e-01 -7.43354857e-03 -8.83798301e-02 2.11181492e-02 3.03322673e-01 -1.39034614e-01 3.03822793e-02 -5.32342084e-02 1.69524923e-02 1.58578709e-01 1.72541335e-01 2.16595940e-02 -3.31628442e-01 -3.91320109e-01 -1.36107668e-01 -3.06168124e-02 1.50419008e-02 -9.37598106e-03 -1.55930379e-02 -1.38177812e-01 1.55207561e-02 -3.48663360e-01 1.22939022e-02 1.14936851e-01 4.07070071e-01 -5.32189198e-02 5.56601226e-01 -1.05314612e-04 -9.64651629e-02 1.12512164e-01 -1.31389312e-02 -1.76997662e-01 2.17484176e-01 -1.71590194e-01 -9.97844562e-02 2.96697319e-01 -1.62742674e-01 9.31668878e-02 1.79981217e-01 -1.13267899e-01 2.32280940e-01 4.28646952e-01 -3.75024937e-02 2.20586956e-01 2.81441659e-01 -1.19951054e-01 2.08250150e-01 -9.59765986e-02 3.36055547e-01 -1.68551013e-01 3.38392183e-02 1.71595588e-01 3.93044114e-01 1.53588071e-01 7.80218095e-02 -2.17368692e-01 -2.41487846e-02 2.75052369e-01 -3.06860834e-01 1.68875024e-01 -4.86111976e-02 -1.84557885e-01 3.52550536e-01 8.37437958e-02 -8.41299966e-02 -2.11617842e-01 -3.90948169e-02 1.50855044e-02 -2.12316677e-01 -3.60051766e-02 1.89859912e-01 -3.80458161e-02 1.35655284e-01 -2.98262000e-01 -1.26248249e-03 -3.13393444e-01 -1.28408715e-01 -3.18039834e-01 -2.53441725e-02 -3.58732454e-02 8.11367780e-02 -1.26208961e-01 1.91732943e-02 -1.13531090e-01 1.19799554e-01 2.18502656e-01 -1.15705982e-01 3.53143066e-02 -2.11431414e-01 1.32012889e-01 -1.42490923e-01 1.06089309e-01 1.91135570e-01 2.06380948e-01 1.78764343e-01 -1.25086650e-01 2.52408385e-01 -5.23053631e-02 8.42826664e-02 2.70090908e-01 -4.66093123e-02 -3.26360554e-01 9.78232920e-02 1.10037893e-01 2.50938505e-01 -1.10390466e-02 8.29278678e-02 -3.24466228e-02 -2.29331210e-01 3.89469236e-01 -1.93596587e-01 1.82985261e-01 1.21614709e-01 -1.77753165e-01 1.99708372e-01 -4.44131270e-02 1.74596921e-01 7.04884529e-01 2.75753200e-01 7.08135366e-02 3.41993757e-02 -5.51218353e-02 -2.83328921e-01 -1.26752317e-01 -1.29594624e-01 -3.00031006e-01 5.87940030e-02 7.37336427e-02 2.72540569e-01 -1.45504236e-01 -1.95129022e-01 -3.30064803e-01 2.85713881e-01 3.42414528e-02 -5.98902777e-02 4.29382473e-01 3.29532355e-01 -3.13542724e-01 -2.42888719e-01 -1.34127568e-02 2.20065430e-01 -1.59752816e-01 -1.09027766e-01 1.49953410e-01 -8.41144323e-02 -2.81574726e-01 2.75118798e-01 -1.35714009e-01 3.98591995e-01 9.62333158e-02 -4.02483009e-02 -3.21286500e-01 -9.72330943e-02 3.62549067e-01 -1.94232851e-01 -2.58013159e-01 -2.64295608e-01 7.40605220e-02 2.80778795e-01 -2.29651928e-01 1.02494381e-01 -1.93776771e-01 -3.68062109e-01 4.49622311e-02 1.22928604e-01 -1.78747308e-02 -2.52183139e-01 -3.55639577e-01 -5.27834296e-02 -4.04814422e-01 2.61891335e-01 -2.50919223e-01 -2.15730548e-01 -5.22502959e-01 2.31917296e-02 3.13048840e-01 -1.75877452e-01 -1.92143455e-01 -1.28397882e-01 -4.11660343e-01 -1.92402396e-02 2.26732492e-01 -3.40364993e-01 -3.29840720e-01 -2.44750366e-01 9.21580270e-02 -3.69112641e-02 8.46489891e-02 -2.15111881e-01 1.48521006e-01 -2.81416494e-02 1.81954384e-01 8.62542689e-02 -4.59767394e-02 -1.38884515e-01 3.71377558e-01 3.82045805e-02 -1.00859128e-01 1.21604405e-01 1.00814983e-01 6.83148131e-02 -3.37230563e-02 2.55777352e-02 1.48005828e-01 -6.85972199e-02 -4.02377918e-02 2.34330446e-01 5.53505570e-02 -4.24729705e-01 3.77085865e-01 3.20732921e-01 -9.22254249e-02 -4.25223649e-01 -2.24469364e-01 3.25462729e-01 -2.71515816e-01 2.15992238e-02 -2.55945116e-01 1.33440435e-01 -1.46274343e-01 -2.49863684e-01 -1.63817972e-01 2.34999299e-01 3.72814909e-02 -3.13861519e-02 3.10972333e-01 1.69364691e-01 -3.64020765e-02 7.15895817e-02 2.85702735e-01 4.11735088e-01 2.53124926e-02 -3.27106386e-01 2.33865008e-01 1.14068158e-01 2.02283829e-01 2.20044658e-01 -1.83294103e-01 3.06417912e-01 -8.49045515e-02 1.39190003e-01 3.30057770e-01 -1.23658806e-01 -8.48947316e-02 -2.80869901e-01 -1.70205042e-01 -2.11795956e-01 9.28186104e-02 4.91775632e-01 -1.90359294e-01 4.01180327e-01 6.78040907e-02 8.45240951e-02 -1.85126826e-01 -1.82349503e-01 1.27026558e-01 8.29940438e-02 2.71301419e-02 -1.77951723e-01 1.91410363e-01 2.43129313e-01 -1.22906499e-01 3.91261071e-01 1.21890247e-01 -6.60787821e-02 -2.13561967e-01 -1.54553667e-01 6.75971135e-02 1.22295134e-01 2.15464815e-01 1.52855456e-01 8.07354972e-02 5.57274092e-03 -1.08877219e-01 -4.47381020e-01 -1.91050574e-01 -3.54424238e-01 -2.92181432e-01 -1.72906324e-01 4.97204950e-03 9.67461243e-02 -1.48999467e-01 3.68978977e-01 1.19431481e-01 -8.87336731e-02 1.76228527e-02 -3.36159058e-02 -2.29264766e-01 -2.13283166e-01 -2.14839593e-01 2.40106523e-01 -4.61802185e-02 2.87041634e-01 -1.79659709e-01 8.97598192e-02 5.43795377e-02 1.80022657e-01 -5.22545934e-01 1.21184893e-01 5.92630386e-01 -5.81417270e-02 1.08059749e-01 -3.16969343e-02 -2.33566165e-01 2.49143615e-01 -1.76820576e-01 -1.31678477e-01 6.73872530e-02 -4.06052098e-02 -8.08125213e-02 -1.49088278e-01 1.24124642e-02 -5.60325146e-01 -1.32502005e-01 2.13460982e-01 -1.44436300e-01 -3.17978412e-02 -1.26965955e-01 7.67144337e-02 -7.44154900e-02 -1.11490674e-01 2.85768986e-01 -3.40419896e-02 1.66204080e-01 3.00071478e-01 7.31566474e-02 6.02894485e-01 -1.29129604e-01 9.00389105e-02 -1.05893165e-01 -1.21833086e-01 8.48653074e-03 1.30113438e-01 -7.58578721e-03 -5.09117544e-02 -1.85603276e-01 -4.36769016e-02 2.09083781e-01 -2.09676996e-01 -5.73600411e-01 2.41020843e-01 1.96027845e-01 2.39061922e-01 -4.49136257e-01 6.73905134e-01 1.22808118e-03 -3.59477907e-01 -2.09692091e-01 -1.75160125e-01 7.94149041e-02 2.41263032e-01 2.79921651e-01 -3.23348373e-01 -1.13654867e-01 2.80587047e-01 3.41430396e-01 -7.38308206e-02 -1.45768762e-01 -1.08147390e-01 2.44025797e-01 1.92092001e-01 2.43033022e-01 1.99993372e-01 1.11256674e-01 2.92187557e-03 -5.03268421e-01 1.83696017e-01 1.58691183e-02 -1.77523792e-01 -1.68058239e-02 -3.98597807e-01 -2.89719909e-01 -1.44636363e-01 -1.78692088e-01 3.65402132e-01 3.51964355e-01 -3.19982171e-01 -1.93592489e-01 2.39763841e-01 1.78469554e-01 -2.07639888e-01 2.91756749e-01 2.85485433e-03 -1.05405502e-01 -7.61917084e-02 -5.64443395e-02 1.24982208e-01 6.40422255e-02 -2.70560294e-01 2.84288853e-01 -4.46918234e-02 -7.07616508e-02 1.57256708e-01 -2.46753469e-01 5.57408154e-01 1.69978470e-01 4.54282343e-01 2.01079518e-01 -3.14966179e-02 -8.79599869e-01 -8.95824581e-02 -2.85504341e-01 -6.10579312e-01 -1.53735802e-01 -2.22486511e-01 7.85792544e-02 1.66046247e-01 1.41415060e-01 -2.03393251e-01 1.15319483e-01 3.36719900e-02 1.75360497e-02 -3.89131904e-01 -2.74791747e-01 6.21011332e-02 -2.33943269e-01 -6.29302740e-01 -6.65912330e-02 7.01490603e-03 1.27583295e-02 7.38826115e-03 9.30940658e-02 1.15760326e-01 -2.85053137e-03 7.72249550e-02 -1.60276860e-01 4.17118758e-01 4.86284852e-01 3.64935458e-01 3.41161132e-01 2.21271843e-01 1.16515525e-01 -5.89501932e-02 -6.54889122e-02 1.92506641e-01 5.99192619e-01 1.06496885e-01 -2.34150857e-01 -3.77575338e-01 1.85136393e-01 1.36577144e-01 1.39319241e-01 6.26690462e-02 -2.03245699e-01 4.21359003e-01 1.65277079e-01 2.31373742e-01 6.27233163e-02 -3.69357020e-01 -4.29725528e-01 1.52478024e-01 -1.11372031e-01 6.88438118e-01 4.63549763e-01 1.12300253e+00 9.37982649e-02 3.21179591e-02 5.73781908e-01 -7.41223156e-01 6.33655116e-03 -2.79918879e-01 -2.04825357e-01 2.53902316e-01 3.66449878e-02 -4.98005860e-02 -2.28617728e-01 -1.38456952e-02 -7.51001760e-02 -4.90642190e-01 -1.66659534e-01 -3.46370935e-01 -3.65440965e-01 2.60367215e-01 9.21297967e-02 2.69697458e-01 3.96954007e-02 3.07712644e-01 2.43612349e-01 -1.89672142e-01 -1.28273681e-01 4.65777516e-02 5.92873953e-02 -1.64692034e-03 -1.70903176e-01 1.22587411e-02 9.30063576e-02 9.55504403e-02 2.48298477e-02 -1.69361249e-01 -4.10496965e-02 -2.06793547e-01 -7.38744959e-02 -3.99002492e-01 -1.89803481e-01 -1.39183581e-01 1.18188754e-01 6.22370899e-01 -2.00390100e-01 -1.51273429e-01 -2.02583149e-01 2.79229492e-01 1.22173101e-01 -2.51694098e-02 1.00911921e-02 -2.45450363e-01 1.98170155e-01 -1.61054537e-01 -3.17703187e-02 6.81625485e-01 1.24346986e-01 4.67090786e-01 9.17685330e-02 -3.85578394e-01 4.27975692e-02 2.35605776e-01 -8.65752399e-02 -6.07352555e-02 -1.70830235e-01 1.35841921e-01 -2.34742045e-01 -1.10836409e-01 2.37501964e-01 2.63528645e-01 2.17720866e-01 1.60202727e-01 -6.56036437e-02 -1.84972316e-01 -3.63584846e-01 -1.42298371e-01 1.33426994e-01 -1.72797322e-01 1.97914410e-02 -1.55122176e-01 -2.16063902e-01 1.72808871e-01 -4.80740406e-02 3.77725452e-01 -4.00081515e-01 -4.70312357e-01 3.79243493e-02 1.02253050e-01 -2.97042355e-02 -4.40056682e-01 4.00820345e-01 2.55305058e-04 2.02582181e-01 1.16535380e-01 1.83137223e-01 -4.50496495e-01 -2.06228063e-01 -5.37065119e-02 6.96431324e-02 2.07713038e-01 -1.95684999e-01 -3.55837762e-01 -1.82939783e-01 1.85637757e-01 -3.49580422e-02 -3.18430036e-01 -2.38639668e-01 4.21919525e-02 9.50891078e-02 -1.55374110e-01 -2.23025158e-01 1.36380568e-02 -3.61526944e-02 1.79345414e-01 1.75994709e-01 -1.49976701e-01 1.74408242e-01 4.96408902e-02 1.06122218e-01 1.28657162e-01 2.89593171e-02 -2.04554405e-02 -1.79605912e-02 1.17484033e-01 3.16802770e-01 -8.75643045e-02 -5.15272804e-02 -2.59145051e-01 -7.71613270e-02 2.28373840e-01 3.33047628e-01 8.84856582e-02 2.57094175e-01 1.36447132e-01 1.43271044e-01 7.03265369e-02 -3.78459752e-01 1.67981744e-01 -1.26138195e-01 -3.60479563e-01 -3.78490806e-01 -1.89896926e-01 3.54223043e-01 -2.43722126e-02 3.74905705e-01 1.16432920e-01 3.60794753e-01 8.52011237e-03 3.47174525e-01 2.19685510e-01 -2.23374784e-01 -2.99726576e-01 1.69600800e-01 7.39512742e-02 2.12793693e-01 9.54752937e-02 4.84111995e-01 -1.31885469e-01 -1.21289298e-01 1.68106928e-01 1.18001252e-01 6.05389655e-01 1.16874479e-01 3.64747345e-01 5.49477577e-01 -1.02517409e-02 6.62377834e-01 2.98817545e-01 3.27148736e-01 1.23963609e-01 3.21294874e-01 1.99758913e-02 2.01215789e-01 -1.30890459e-01 -2.21406430e-01 1.85760669e-02 -6.97862580e-02 -1.96043342e-01 1.08137883e-01 1.39653742e-01 1.66283414e-01 -2.85951078e-01 -1.78882316e-01 -2.58981019e-01 -1.20411120e-01 1.13984853e-01 -1.40844718e-01 -1.32165790e-01 2.60592550e-01 -8.87114033e-02 -2.10898016e-02 2.60593176e-01 -1.85703319e-02 1.74398184e-01 -1.78895399e-01 2.05122933e-01 3.18422437e-01 -1.57971025e-01 2.49311373e-01 2.65692443e-01 3.11769918e-02 -5.72238714e-02 -1.21893764e-01 1.09740667e-01 2.25839376e-01 -1.08218819e-01 -2.44016603e-01 -2.68352658e-01 2.20515113e-02 1.29036903e-02 1.12224534e-01 3.08415890e-01 -2.07461521e-01 -2.25585140e-02 9.62704234e-03 2.20308870e-01 -1.24773659e-01 2.52396315e-01 -5.25132800e-03 -1.60465911e-01 2.28532523e-01 -1.43327281e-01 -4.53764886e-01 3.29619981e-02 2.19825670e-01 -2.49290764e-01 5.05530350e-02 9.62515324e-02 1.01111948e-01 -7.44115636e-02 2.15274855e-01 1.56842425e-01 1.30138069e-01 8.63871872e-02 -1.54851690e-01 8.82506669e-02 2.92495728e-01 -5.60859628e-02 -3.69532496e-01 1.05993435e-01 8.85105953e-02 2.14083828e-02 2.53631711e-01 -1.14535801e-02 3.58523205e-02 -4.83953297e-01 -1.41837388e-01 -2.60378689e-01 7.54946545e-02 3.29800844e-01 1.20688407e-02 1.59784168e-01 -1.46270692e-01 -1.69222355e-02 -3.67988408e-01 1.75966293e-01 3.94730121e-01 -1.75580487e-01 2.79391080e-01 3.99352223e-01 3.14098805e-01 4.01685201e-02 2.54640669e-01 4.65497933e-02 -5.40491194e-02 -8.29335488e-03 3.60818356e-01 -3.11359614e-01 6.56859353e-02 -6.55148029e-02 1.80749416e-01 -4.34449166e-02 1.95041150e-01 3.30223173e-01 -1.29895046e-01 -4.56864648e-02 4.66321222e-02 -3.39415163e-01 1.00833431e-01 -1.95536956e-01 7.22272545e-02 -1.05638839e-01 2.67760396e-01 1.11585662e-01 -7.35868067e-02 -4.34214883e-02 -1.55949205e-01 3.93435657e-01 -6.62695570e-03 -8.43348801e-02 1.68060258e-01 2.72076637e-01 -3.77944499e-01 1.00179479e-01 -4.42936659e-01 -1.54537082e-01 1.09279819e-01 2.80653965e-02 -1.10564008e-01 -2.51957178e-01 9.33820605e-02 -2.37592191e-01 -1.84309483e-01 3.10001284e-01 -1.44223228e-01 -6.01966083e-02 -1.87746227e-01 -1.16314935e-02]
"[ACCESS DENIED]" blocked "Item #: SCP-6904 Object Class: Artifact Containment Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6904 is to be stored in a standard Safe-class containment locker with physical, biological and memetic countermeasures. No artillery of any kind is to be stored near SCP-6904. Usage of SCP-6904 must undergo approval by the on-duty HMCL supervisor. Testing may only take place in a specialized chamber, fitted with a layer of padding separated from the chamber's architecture by at least ten centimeters. Under no circumstances may SCP-6904 be used outdoors. Description: SCP-6904 is a cast-iron artillery cannon, approximately five meters long from one end to the other. The exact historical significance of SCP-6904 is unconfirmed, but secondary sources assert that SCP-6904 dates back to the 15th century and was used in the Siege of Orléans.1 If SCP-6904 is loaded with ammunition and fired, the first solid object that SCP-6904 strikes will vanish from reality. This process occurs in a short enough interval of time that it cannot be observed with scientific instruments, and no residue is left behind. It is unclear how SCP-6904 distinguishes between objects, as it will sometimes demanifest whole objects or only partial ones, such as an arm. While SCP-6904 can be loaded and fired with any ammunition, different ammunition types have different success rates. So far, the most reliable have been cast-iron cannonballs; however, success has also been achieved using buckshot. The powder used to fire SCP-6904 appears to have no effect on the result. On recovery, SCP-6904 was fitted with a targeting mechanism, timer and several electromagnets. These have been removed without consequence. Additional Notes: Target: A block of concrete weighing approximately 1,000 kg. Ammunition: A smoothbore cast-iron cannonball. Result: SCP-6904 was lit and the ball successfully struck the block, which proceeded to vanish. Notes: Minimal concrete residue was left behind, likely from personnel moving the block into the room. Target: A crash test dummy. SCP-6904 was aimed towards its torso. Ammunition: A smoothbore cast-iron cannonball. Result: The cannonball struck the chest of the dummy. While the dummy's torso vanished as the concrete block did in the previous test, the dummy's appendages and head remained. The remaining parts fell to the floor after the chest disappeared. Notes: Closer inspection revealed that both of the dummy's shoulders disappeared as well. While the left femur disappeared, the right one did not. It is unknown why SCP-6904 did not affect the right femur. Target: A crash test dummy. SCP-6904 was aimed towards its torso. Ammunition: Grapeshot stored in a canvas bag. Result: N/A. Projectile missed the target entirely. Notes: Grapeshot struck the back wall of the testing chamber, causing it to disappear. All five testing personnel suffered injuries due to falling seven meters onto the testing chamber below. HMCL Note: I'm not approving any more tests for SCP-6904 for the time being. I believe that there is nothing more to learn about SCP-6904, nor Oblix, through testing. The primary objective is to ensure SCP-6904 does not fall into enemy hands. SCP-6904 best serves that purpose in the center of Site 19, not in a testing chamber. - Dr. Luke Wentworth, HMCL Supervisor, Site 19 Origin: The non-anomalous form of SCP-6904 was purchased by Oblix Public Broadcasting CEO Timothy Peters in 1952 at auction. Mr. Peters selected the cannon primarily due to its historical significance, believing that this yielded higher rates of success at creating anomalies. After its purchase, Peters and a team of mercenary scientists2 were able to imbue SCP-6904 with its anomalous properties. Originally, they believed that SCP-6904 actually applied a multiplicative effect on impact. Its anomalous properties were only conclusively elucidated during Foundation experimentation. Addendum 01: Meeting of the Foundation Leadership and Directorate Executive Committee (FLADE) SCP-6904 originally came to the Foundation's attention during an investigation into Oblix's activities. At this point, several shell companies associated with known Groups of Interest were being monitored by the Foundation. This investigation found a number of purchases made by Oblix, as well as cargo being shipped to addresses owned by Peters' shell companies. The Foundation Covert Anomaly Recovery Division (CARD) initially deployed an undercover agent into Oblix's operations in order to elucidate further information. Six months after deployment, Agent Horn revealed the existence of SCP-6904 to his supervisor, Director Stanley, who brought it to the rest of the Foundation. <Begin Log> <Extraneous information expunged.> O5-1: Next, Director Stanley would like to share a discovery made during an undercover mission. Stanley: Thank you. My division, CARD, has been investigating Oblix Public Broadcasting for the past six months. Bridge: Oblix? Isn't that the network with The Honeymooners? Beaver: Didn't they go to court a year ago for that antitrust lawsuit? Stanley: Precisely. Earlier, the Corporate Relations Division flagged Oblix for making suspicious purchases. We've sent an undercover operative into their organization, and they've found evidence that Oblix has created an anomaly. O5-3: What kind? Stanley: It's a modified 15th-century artillery cannon, with the ability to destroy nearly anything. It's already been tested on buildings; it's unclear what its true purpose is. Bridge: Before we go chasing after America's largest radio station, do you have any proof? Stanley: Our agent found documentation for the cannon, and a videotape with testing footage. He will send it to us posthaste. Rump: What are they trying to do? What does a broadcasting company need artillery for? Stanley: We have a good idea. Do you remember the Maihana Hotel? O5-9: The Japanese hotel that collapsed in on itself? Beaver: My people investigated Maihana and found nothing suggesting that it was anomalous. Stanley: I wouldn't be so sure. The office of the Prime Minister just handed this phone call to the FBI. I'll play the recording. Peters <Recording>: Good afternoon, Kishi. I wanted to know if you'd considered tendering your resignation yet. Fifteen hundred people died in Mahana, and I think the country would be disappointed in you if you let that happen again. See you in three days. Bridge: What? Magruder: He's using it to blackmail the Prime Minister? Why? Stanley: I did some research. Oblix has been trying to expand into Japan since the 1940s, but Kishi has been stifling them. Rump: Three days? O5-3: This is unacceptable. We need that cannon in our possession, ASAP. Daniels: I can start having Corporate Relations apply pressure to Oblix. Magruder: No, no. They'll just move it around. If they think the authorities know about the cannon, we'll never see it again until they kill fifteen hundred more people. O5-6: In any case, we need to contain the cannon. CARD should extract it. <Pause.> Stanley: Any particular reason? Magruder: I agree with Stanley. Our guys could knock down Oblix like it's paper mâché. O5-6: You already have an undercover agent in Oblix's organization, so your personnel must know Oblix better than any other division here. Bridge: I agree with O5-6. CARD should be able to get the cannon into our hands as quickly as possible and without any fuss. Stanley: Yes, yes, we can do that. But only if Director Rump is willing to temporarily transfer Agent Patrick Katzin to the mission. Magruder: What? Rump: With all due respect, there's a reason why Katzin works for the Security Division now. Stanley: Agent Katzin has an unparalleled record in industrial sabotage. If this operation needs to go smoothly, Katzin will provide his much-needed expertise. Magruder: Don't you have your own guys for that? Rump: You can borrow him. It's your funeral. Stanley: Fantastic. O5-3: Director Rump will transfer appropriate personnel to CARD in order to assist CARD in an extraction operation. O5-1: Before we end this meeting today, Site Director Grandstaff will speak about the anomaly that's affected the Bovinae family for the past two weeks. <End Log> Addendum 02: Mission Blank Void On March 3rd 1967, CARD Agents Katzin and Singer were deployed to a private island complex where it was believed SCP-6904 was stored. During the mission, the agents maintained periodic radio contact with CARD Director Stanley. The radio contact is documented below. <Begin Log> Katzin: This is Hansel, reporting that we've reached the witch's house, over. Stanley: Understood. What is your current status? Katzin: We have not yet been seen. My sea legs are coming back. Where do I meet Agent Hor- Gretel? Stanley: Gretel is currently posing as security for a ballroom dance on the main floor of the mansion. Pretend to be culinary staff in order to get in. From there, make your way down to the laboratory. Katzin: Understood. Do I have the clearance necessary to use knockout gas on any guards that I encounter? Stanley: Emergency situations only. Avoid guards if at all possible. Katzin: Understood. <End Log> <Begin Log> Katzin: This is Hansel, we need support. Stanley: What do you need? Katzin: The mansion has a keycard system required for entry, and I told their security that we'd gone on a walk and forgotten our passes. He's currently calling the catering company to confirm our employment. Stanley: What is the company's name? Katzin: Siebe's Speciality Catering. He's currently dialing the number. Stanley: Someone from the Communications Division is intercepting his call. Singer: Was that you? He just slammed down the phone and cursed the bad island cabling. Stanley: We just intercepted his phone call. Don't say that I never did anything for you. Katzin: He's calling again. Stanley: What is he doing now? <Radio silence.> Stanley: Hansel, what is he doing now? Katzin: Sorry, I needed to get to a quiet place. Your agents confirmed our employment. He criticized us for being irresponsible and told us to get back to work. Stanley: Ten-four. <End Log> <Begin Log> Katzin: This is Hansel, reporting. Over. Stanley: Tell me about new developments, over. Katzin: We've found security footage of his laboratory, over. Stanley: Tell me more, over. Katzin: Horn took us down to the hub room, where all of the wiring goes. We found security tape, and we see the lab that the cannon, SCP-6904, is in. Over. Stanley: Fantastic. Do you have a plan to extract it? Over. Katzin: There's more. The cannon's integrated into a device that looks like a railgun. Next to that is a map they hung on the wall. It's covered with X's in certain places. Over. Stanley: Is Peters planning targeted attacks? Over. Singer: We believe so. Over. Katzin: I've identified a route that will allow me to enter the lab chamber, box up the skip, and leave with minimal chance of seeing security. Over. Stanley: Excellent work as always, Katzin. Over. Katzin: Report back to you later. Over and out. <End Log> <Begin Log> Katzin: This is Hansel, we're beginning extraction. I am submitting our strategy for your approval. Over. Stanley: Understood, send it on over. Over. Katzin: I've disguised myself as a "handler". With Daniels giving Peters pressure, Peters thinks that he's being investigated by the FBI, right? Over. Stanley: I'd think so, over. Katzin: I'll pretend that I'm moving SCP-6904 to a "safe house". The cover should allow me to leave with SCP-6904 without being noticed. Over. Stanley: That's risky. What's your backup plan? Over. Katzin: Gretel is close by. As a security guard, he can confirm my story. Over. Stanley: I approve. Update me with your progress. Over. Katzin: Ten-four. Over and out. <Radio silence.> Stanley: Hansel, what is your current status? Over. <Radio silence.> Stanley: Hansel, please respond as soon as possible. Over. <End Log> <Begin Log> Katzin: This is Katzin, please report. We're coming back to the platform3, and we need a bomb defusion squad ASAP. I repeat, we need a bomb defusion squad ASAP. Stanley: I hear you, I've called Site-39. Describe your situation, over. Katzin: Horn is dead. We have the skip, but it's on a timer to fire itself. I can't defuse it. Over. Stanley: Understood. Were you intercepted? Over. Katzin: Time is of the essence, we're on our way back to the boat, over. Stanley: Tell me what's going on, over. Stanley: Hansel, are you there? Over. Stanley: Katzin, answer me! Over. Katzin: We're on the boat. There are ten minutes left on the clock. Send out a helicopter. Over and out. <End Log> Addendum 03: Investigation into Oblix Public Broadcasting Shortly after Mission Blank Void was conducted, a full expeditionary force was deployed to Peters' private island. The complex was found to be stripped bare of useful documentation or potential anomalous artifacts. Evidence of shredding and burning documents was found throughout. No further Oblix or mercenary personnel were found on the island. Investigation into Oblix Public Broadcasting commenced after the island search. Oblix executives denied any knowledge of Peters' conspiracy, save for three who have yet to be located. Mr. Peters has vanished and has not been found since. He has since been classified as PoI-4848 and is believed to still be at large. Addendum 05: Interview Log INTERVIEW LOG <Begin Log> Katzin: I quit. Stanley: I'm aware, but you called this meeting. Say what you have to say. Katzin: I realized that I should say something before the amnestic regimen really starts kicking in. <Pause.> Katzin: Even now, it's all turning into a blur. But I remember one thing distinctly. Stanley: What do you know? Katzin: He's planning on coming back. Stanley: How do you know? <Katzin sighs.> Katzin: This is why I can't do this anymore. The Foundation doesn't take it seriously anymore. It's all politics now. Stanley: Katzin— Katzin: It wasn't money. It was his ideology, that he wanted to conquer the world with. He'd give up by now if it was all for money. Stanley: What? Katzin: This isn't over yet. <End Log> « | TEAM M:I | Dead Reckoning »" "Only known photograph of SCP-6904 prior to classification."
[ 1.25535414e-01 2.23543406e-01 -6.31305054e-02 2.01691046e-01 -2.48760148e-03 -1.85704842e-01 3.46957773e-01 -1.10247530e-01 1.49466861e-02 3.63853611e-02 4.17663604e-02 2.40759149e-01 -1.14303134e-01 -3.17745060e-01 4.54246067e-02 2.62104869e-01 -2.25543350e-01 -5.16852923e-02 8.05157796e-02 2.61031538e-02 -2.95056999e-01 -1.87630519e-01 -4.03933495e-01 2.91530132e-01 2.90030867e-01 -1.26219243e-01 3.02075416e-01 -1.38864905e-01 -3.37179452e-01 -4.56487387e-01 2.99928814e-01 1.04383573e-01 -7.42122605e-02 6.16786659e-01 -1.11825371e-04 -1.72848538e-01 4.90057915e-02 2.84940898e-01 -5.12082100e-01 1.39873058e-01 -2.07952291e-01 -1.06674330e-02 2.15153053e-01 6.03091642e-02 7.76458532e-02 8.59863758e-02 -1.33211806e-01 -2.58901507e-01 1.18785769e-01 1.77515134e-01 2.07262740e-01 -1.16472086e-02 3.13317508e-01 2.07674075e-02 -1.58873811e-01 -7.61028379e-02 -4.15889204e-01 1.99282110e-01 1.18087262e-01 6.44871771e-01 3.99743736e-01 -6.53156936e-02 -3.16173106e-01 1.78859711e-01 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-8.32391977e-02 1.88005269e-01 -2.42731437e-01 2.00869188e-01 7.41600469e-02 -4.51658741e-02 -2.01138958e-01 -1.88304380e-01 1.38522118e-01 2.01390982e-01 -6.43048137e-02 3.78849536e-01 2.89275706e-01 1.23686588e+00 -1.53065979e-01 1.57018572e-01 1.10146515e-01 -5.94042838e-01 2.08067335e-02 -2.51689970e-01 -1.95321262e-01 -4.03093621e-02 3.54860909e-02 1.22873269e-01 -4.03663456e-01 8.24091136e-02 1.03556074e-01 -1.32232055e-01 -2.64203757e-01 -2.99505532e-01 -3.16481781e-03 1.23750381e-01 1.67787880e-01 3.80503088e-01 1.64671555e-01 -1.70528948e-01 2.29034573e-01 -2.91141663e-02 -5.45344949e-02 -5.02015799e-02 1.01884499e-01 5.47051467e-02 -3.18144709e-02 -2.57831156e-01 2.22739726e-01 -2.67541975e-01 8.31911564e-02 3.25387031e-01 9.86086279e-02 -7.09038153e-02 -2.34818514e-02 -2.82591999e-01 6.30401522e-02 -5.07318899e-02 2.77613014e-01 5.94171405e-01 -1.50850385e-01 -2.58181810e-01 3.13929766e-02 2.82803506e-01 7.89050013e-02 1.47625461e-01 2.30127469e-01 -1.33322254e-01 -3.19492668e-01 -9.32349116e-02 1.44535884e-01 4.41619635e-01 -1.10124983e-01 1.53911877e-02 -2.44970292e-01 -9.42700207e-02 -6.58614840e-03 1.65049940e-01 -1.24776095e-01 -2.63748914e-01 -1.88035712e-01 1.60034522e-01 -2.12163344e-01 1.85055479e-01 3.31115991e-01 -1.50502741e-01 1.85300320e-01 3.79922777e-01 3.22601765e-01 -2.32603863e-01 -3.01810443e-01 -2.15500280e-01 4.47278887e-01 -4.22565825e-02 9.61861983e-02 -7.17767403e-02 -1.59038514e-01 3.91338736e-01 3.29724960e-02 3.55127305e-01 -9.18276757e-02 -1.85689270e-01 -2.20218122e-01 8.35107416e-02 -1.41069099e-01 -1.61356881e-01 3.29662524e-02 1.74665421e-01 1.36984810e-01 -6.61999732e-02 7.42511898e-02 -3.48616898e-01 -4.83619533e-02 -1.94390431e-01 -1.01647507e-02 2.45304778e-01 -1.68420821e-01 -7.48699754e-02 -1.00935072e-01 1.54824182e-01 6.54217228e-02 -3.97581607e-01 -2.28000522e-01 -2.93211993e-02 1.50161773e-01 4.61931936e-02 -1.21173352e-01 -1.60627231e-01 -3.38238567e-01 1.88109189e-01 1.20232031e-01 -1.11935966e-01 1.84030145e-01 2.29927048e-01 -6.47298396e-02 4.19962972e-01 2.70306289e-01 -1.08354323e-01 3.48522276e-01 -1.55338988e-01 3.25148284e-01 3.26271951e-01 -8.45645592e-02 -1.99283287e-01 8.76899958e-02 -1.63837701e-01 3.98222171e-02 -1.36102632e-01 3.37828040e-01 1.97395578e-01 -1.07225917e-01 -1.47953155e-02 -2.79832512e-01 1.01052392e-02 5.80713060e-03 -2.48341337e-01 -2.84458280e-01 -4.58363563e-01 1.22169986e-01 1.27162725e-01 2.24095553e-01 -1.64794087e-01 2.46503670e-03 -5.67173809e-02 -3.44817736e-03 1.41515699e-03 -2.71535963e-01 -2.06345189e-02 4.03909795e-02 3.76407027e-01 -1.50067534e-03 -2.21835092e-01 2.49164134e-01 -3.60067636e-02 -2.68812656e-01 2.43444756e-01 3.10097665e-01 2.61079192e-01 -3.05275489e-02 1.78815037e-01 3.18188488e-01 2.89932042e-01 5.79378366e-01 8.56031105e-02 1.79733530e-01 1.27775058e-01 4.86492038e-01 2.80980229e-01 -1.18938178e-01 -6.48314506e-02 -1.66586727e-01 2.11390674e-01 -5.42489812e-02 2.10779443e-01 4.30948883e-02 8.47936273e-02 -9.09555554e-02 -3.10119003e-01 -9.88705531e-02 -1.00338534e-01 -1.17893189e-01 4.94412333e-02 5.27824722e-02 -1.06180929e-01 1.95667148e-01 1.16423041e-01 1.23751219e-02 1.16609715e-01 -6.74874112e-02 1.76869228e-01 -9.28324386e-02 1.91440731e-01 1.17638022e-01 1.36169285e-01 3.89541060e-01 -3.37259710e-01 4.43259388e-01 -1.39418110e-01 -3.58296573e-01 8.64752010e-02 3.08997273e-01 -2.75943100e-01 -2.74947256e-01 1.90059677e-01 2.71496445e-01 -5.65220863e-02 2.44042501e-01 1.83201686e-01 -2.22352907e-01 -1.83579803e-01 -1.21905385e-02 4.38231304e-02 2.37039179e-02 -8.18151236e-02 -1.53394910e-02 -4.93483454e-01 3.56874764e-02 -1.60379859e-03 9.42622796e-02 1.19450063e-01 4.16515060e-02 -3.41067463e-01 2.13714922e-03 -1.08846739e-01 7.68798143e-02 2.78679002e-02 3.06862444e-01 2.40712389e-01 3.24047655e-01 -3.08165196e-02 -2.56730497e-01 -3.39014232e-01 4.41103995e-01 -6.38343543e-02 -3.20646077e-01 2.03797981e-01 1.83210075e-01 7.06909522e-02 -9.99970585e-02 3.31737995e-02 6.83091134e-02 1.34432083e-02 2.18756258e-01 -1.82662919e-01 2.19592247e-02 8.32264125e-01 -1.44409342e-02 -1.04653575e-01 -1.33877128e-01 -1.68702342e-02 -5.59178032e-02 6.59088194e-02 1.22417472e-01 -5.42335987e-01 2.72330567e-02 6.29054070e-01 3.63168985e-01 -2.50315517e-02 5.24988770e-01 -7.13998079e-02 -2.81775653e-01 -6.93892017e-02 3.23829323e-01 1.30442588e-03 1.12379842e-01 -1.14849500e-01 1.13903798e-01 1.01560220e-01 3.54293048e-01 6.49568066e-03 1.52513266e-01 -1.53849646e-01 1.50253862e-01 -2.20830426e-01 2.03463227e-01 -1.10380203e-01 2.26344064e-01 -3.68513763e-02 -2.18985513e-01 2.27514520e-01 1.09625034e-01 -2.03002170e-01 -4.52624559e-02 6.19584501e-01 -2.49261156e-01 -2.78951496e-01 2.89255440e-01 2.20609665e-01 -6.57864869e-01 -1.38127550e-01 -3.83736491e-01 -2.30879992e-01 5.86460866e-02 -1.84736207e-01 -1.51315346e-01 -5.36788106e-02 -1.52802035e-01 1.79236054e-01 -1.68874145e-01 2.58705646e-01 8.28993246e-02 2.45221153e-01 -4.55834538e-01 8.07588175e-02]
"Council, 'Tis for Thee" active "New Council members are required to read the SCP-6905 file. Date: 02/01/1925 Location: Geneva, Site-001 O5-GB: Unfortunately, the Italian delegate was unable to make it. No matter. We will simply begin without him. At this rate, his plane should touch down this evening. O5-FR: I can guarantee you it's those Prussian witch hunters. I suggest we dispatch the Insurgency at once. I told you that requisitioning all their objects was necessary. And yet, we did not. O5-GB: We are all very well aware of how much you would love to see Germany shatter, O5-FR, but there are matters of higher importance. O5-JP: And even if we wanted to dispatch the Insurgency, how could we do so? O5-GB: I've already called an assembly of the Overseer Council. For the time being, let us discuss that which is known. The effect of the anomaly seems to be absolute — as far as our preliminary findings are concerned. Both allied and hostile groups of interest are affected. From personal experience, my wife has no recollection of me. O5-FR: You look unbothered, Tommy. O5-GB: I had Dr. Aleksi's men run an antimemetic screening. Nothing came back. Nothing. We are alone. We are truly alone. O5-JP: If only we had established an antimemetic division. Isn't that right, Tiger? O5-FR: I am not funding anything until I am sure that we are not being bled dry by the Japanese. I am yet to see any results from the Pacific research centers you insisted on creating. Where are they? Where are they, O5-JP? O5-JP: We don't have time to get into this now. Shouldn't we contact the research division? Having a file before the meeting would help, yes? O5-GB: I meant what I said before. We're alone. We cannot expect any internal or external department to aid us. O5-FR: What about… (pause) What about The Roman? O5-GB: O5-IT? What about him? O5-JP: He was a member of the Object Experimentation Team. Surely, he can put together a file before the assembly gathers. O5-GB: Ex-OET, is he? Very well. He may do so. I will prepare a desk for him. Anomalia №: SCP-6905 Class: Occam2 Handling Protocol: null Description: SCP-6905 is a phenomenon by which delusions relating to the nature and structure of the O5 Council manifest in all those aware of its existence. Effects of SCP-6905 commonly manifest as: No amount of evidence can counter the effect of SCP-6905. This extends to individuals with firsthand experience of the interworking of the Overseer Council lacking resistance to the anomaly. All members of the Overseer Council are rendered immune to SCP-6905, with the said immunity passing with the position. Should an individual be dismissed from the Council by any means, they will subsequently lose the immunity. The same is true for those enrolled into a Council position, as outlined in Article 1.022§AA.4 Unlawful enrolment of human subjects, be it by forging official papers or unofficial induction, does not grant immunity. Observer: O5-IT Procedure: A copy of Article 2.018§AA5 was placed before D-0012. The subject was asked to copy the text onto a separate piece of paper. Outcome: The produced replication contained blatant irregularities with the provided document. Observer: O5-IT Procedure: Colored headshot of O5-GB was placed before D-1148. The subject was asked to describe and then recreate the photography using the provided material. Outcome: The verbal description, as well as the artistic interpretation of O5-GB produced by D-1148, contain blatant inaccuracies. O5-GB was described as a "shriveled corpse" with a "pale white skin" which "(appeared) to be encrusted in layers of wax". Mechanism akin to a life support system was said to be strapped into the chest of O5-GB. Observer: O5-IT Procedure: Colored headshot of O5-IT was placed before D-1152. The subject was asked to describe and then recreate the photography using the provided material. Outcome: The headshot of O5-IT was described as "a document laying down on the table lit by a filthy yellow light". The following is presumably the transcript of the document: As per the standard rotation of the Overseer Council, you have been granted the role of a TIEBREAKER, aka. O5-13. The ownership of this document — as well as the authority associated with it — will pass to O5-4 following a valid use of the TIEBREAKER vote. Omnes Victoriae Sacrificia Requirunt Interviewee: Dr. Aleksi Interviewer: O5-IT Foreword: Dr. Aleksi was provided with a copy of the SCP-6905 file. The purpose of the interview was to determine whether the effect of SCP-6905 could be countered with sufficient experience in the field of memetics combined with direct information of its effect. <Begin Log> Dr. Aleksi: What am I looking at? O5-IT: An SCP file. Dr. Aleksi: I don’t understand. O5-IT: What do you not understand? Dr. Aleksi: I don’t understand the object. O5-IT: "SCP-6905 is a phenomenon by which delusions relating to the nature and structure of the O5 Council manifest in all aware of its existence." It says so right here — right on the paper. Dr. Aleksi: (pause) So it's…It's… O5-IT: It's "a phenomenon by which delusions relating to the nature and structure"- you can read the page, can't you? Dr. Aleksi: Yes sir. I am sorry. I understand that my knowledge in the field might be (pause) inadequate. I suggest that you assign another Researcher to the project. O5-IT: (exhales) No — no! Stop talking nonsense. I need you to focus on this one. Are you sure that you've performed all the antimemetic screenings possible? Dr. Aleksi: Yes sir. O5-IT: All of them? Dr. Aleksi: Yes sir. I am sorry, O5-3. O5-IT: That is not my designation. You know that is not my designation. Dr. Aleksi: Apologies, sir. That's how the mail I received was signed. Was there a system error? O5-IT: Wait a moment. (lifts a copy of the letter) It is clearly signed O5-IT. -IT. Dr. Aleksi: Yes sir. O5-3. Which I assumed to be the correct designation. Is it not? O5-IT: I can tell this is getting us nowhere. You may leave. Dr. Aleksi: Yes sir. <End Log> Closing Statement: Attempts at exposing the effects of SCP-6905 to those not considered immune have been deemed impossible. On 22/01/1925, Costa Rica withdrew their membership from the League of Nations. Their expulsion from the SCP Foundation followed, resulting in O5-CR becoming affected by SCP-6905. O5-CR, currently designated as Director Gallo, was escorted from Site-001 and transferred to Site-014. Director Gallo will be assigned to the position of Regional Manager for Central American Regional Command. <Begin Log> O5-IT: Why did you invite me to dinner? O5-FR: I like to have a dining company. You can probably assume why it had to be someone from the Council. Other than that, I am interested in your progress. (pause) Why do you carry that recording device with you everywhere you go? O5-IT: I record everything I do. Everything. Want to make sure the 6905 isn't affecting me without me even realizing it. It changes the way we are seen, meaning it probably changes the sound of our words. But I could put it away if it is an issue. Is it an issue? O5-FR: No. Not really. I don’t have anything to hide. And I am assuming you don’t have anything to hide as well. O5-IT: We’ve been spending a lot of time together ever since the 6905 manifested. We’ve all become pretty transparent with each other. O5-FR: True. So, what do you have so far? O5-IT: It can’t be random. Sometimes anomalies just… (pause) happen. But not this. Not '905. O5-FR: That’s something we can agree on. '905 has a purpose. O5-IT: It being? O5-FR: It can't be random, right? It's too….too… O5-IT: Symbolic? O5-FR: Symbolic! Yes, symbolic. Or maybe it's poetic? Anyways. 13 members? 13? I don't believe in numerology, but that seems deliberate. O5-IT: So what is its purpose? O5-FR: To help us, of course! Think about it: ever since '905 manifested, everything has been going right for us. Deserters from the Insurgency are returning — begging for forgiveness. O5-IT: Not all of them. O5-FR: Not all of them — true — but most! That’s not to mention that the disloyalty has been essentially eliminated from the Foundation’s internal departments. We are finally running like the clock we’ve always meant to be. O5-IT: Are people really that afraid of our "Shadowy Council"? O5-FR: They are. They really are. And it’s not just our men. The entire anomalous world has heard the whispers of the Overseer Council. One by one, regional agencies want to further our cooperation. Even the Weimar Federal Occult Agency wants to open an SCP branch. The word is, Germany will soon be joining the League. O5-IT: With all the chaos in Berlin? Unlikely. But I do see your point. O5-FR: So then, is '905 a curse? Or a blessing? <End Log> Date: 27/01/1925 Location: Geneva, Site-001 O5-GB: Please — settle down. I apologize for the delay in our meeting, but we needed to collect the necessary information about the anomaly before any decisive action could be taken. Now, I give the floor to O5-IT. Please, present your findings. O5-IT: Thank you, sir. I have forwarded all files to the audience 24 hours before the assembly began. Do keep in mind that the research conditions were less than ideal. As you had been given a chance to look at them, I will not waste our valuable time describing the anomaly. Instead, I will outline our procedure for moving forwards. Firstly, it must be stated that the effect of 6905 is absolute. No amount of screening — whether it be anomalous or non-anomalous — could expose its effect. But I would like to draw attention to the question we all share: why? Why did '905 manifest? It could not have been random. What I said before was true. The effect of '905 itself might be absolute. It could, however, be replicated. And thanks to Dr. Aleksi, we have a theoretical framework for the establishment of such an effect. From there, we can work backward. The process involves erasing the notion of something from the collective consciousness of mankind — the so-called Noosphere. '905 targets us specifically — our identities. But like an atom in a crystal, the notion of us needed to be replaced with something for the whole thing not to fall apart. This is where the manifestations come from. A machine capable of performing such a feat is purely theoretical; Dr. Aleksi made it painfully clear. But so was the concept of thermonuclear bombs before 1921 — purely theoretical. That being said, it could be a useful weapon. Even more useful than H-bombs, I dare say! The Foundation could remove leaders of the opposition from the consciousness of their followers. Better yet: replace their idealistic personality with all the charisma of a corpse. The building of the said weapon, however, would require immense resources. Resources provided to the Japanese branch of the Foundation for their Pacific Site project seem appropriate. O5-AU, please, you may take the stage. O5-AU: The Foundation Airforce reconnaissance planes confirm that all islands outlined in the Pacific Site Project (1919) — the Marshall Islands, the Carolines, the Marianas, the Palau Islands — did not receive the funding allocated. It was confirmed that the said funding was moved elsewhere. Mainly, the Kiautschou Bay Memetic Research Facility — or Site-029. The Foundation Internal Security department has quarantined the site and will proceed with its investigation. That is all. O5-IT: Thank you. Resolution: The expulsion of O5-JP from the Overseer Council. Foreword: It is believed that the actions and intentions of O5-JP go against the goals and principles of the SCP Foundation. As such, the expulsion of O5-JP is considered appropriate. The delegates will have 15 minutes to finish their discussion on the Resolution before the votes are cast. Please reconsider. Our entire public image relies on SCP-6905. We will be nothing without it. People will have nothing to fear. People will have nothing to respect. It was the only thing stopping the entire Insurgency from going rogue. … … How am I to be a member under these circumstances? Closing Statement: After O5-JP was stripped of his role, he subsequently lost immunity to SCP-6905. As per prior agreements, Mr. Eto Tetsuya is to be amnesticized and returned to the general public. The discussion on whether Project Purple-Eye6 is to be discontinued will begin on 14/02/1925. To: O5-BE From: O5-GB Subject: First Day I understand you were rightfully confused after your initial induction into the Overseer council. I know this feeling all too well. We all do. Walking into the fabled meeting chamber just to find it lined with 193 individuals — all representing their nation's interest. It's harsh, finding out that there is nothing special about you. The old O5-JP was right all along, it seems. The Council argues about things daily — that's part of our job as delegates, after all — but there is one thing which we can all agree on. We need SCP-6905. We expect you to adhere to our modus operandi regarding its nature. You are not a God. -O5-GB Omnes Victoriae Sacrificia Requirunt « SCP-6904 | SCP-6905 | SCP-6906 »" nan
[ 1.09884322e-01 1.94723725e-01 -9.29750577e-02 1.85859635e-01 -6.62861541e-02 -4.53614481e-02 4.19625677e-02 3.05604815e-01 1.59204289e-01 4.90728021e-01 -8.74301121e-02 -1.25356555e-01 -1.08879447e-01 -8.83959420e-03 -8.06031674e-02 7.61831105e-02 5.58269583e-02 3.40856612e-01 2.14458719e-01 -2.03916907e-01 -2.74299532e-01 -9.62054580e-02 -8.07479024e-02 1.44065693e-01 -1.45014018e-01 1.58180505e-01 -1.71582669e-01 2.05524951e-01 -5.36291957e-01 -2.10681111e-01 1.67298317e-02 1.97827354e-01 -5.79032376e-02 1.16370194e-01 -1.04746789e-04 1.90177202e-01 -2.02342104e-02 9.93555933e-02 -3.43521118e-01 2.24967569e-01 2.51987696e-01 -2.92511731e-01 -8.04200843e-02 -2.24389151e-01 1.15997806e-01 2.65884310e-01 8.46137553e-02 5.06280884e-02 -3.63304354e-02 2.13169739e-01 1.93382651e-01 5.21971695e-02 6.66787699e-02 -1.76065862e-01 -6.70401054e-03 1.28542185e-01 -3.20652962e-01 -2.76760668e-01 2.16520689e-02 4.99412298e-01 1.38904154e-01 6.86264858e-02 -2.07452327e-01 -1.87576443e-01 -3.34952697e-02 -1.83023423e-01 3.52380544e-01 -2.00406071e-02 -2.79745506e-03 -1.25669211e-01 5.17413795e-01 -1.52176723e-01 1.51903644e-01 2.27942064e-01 -9.00001153e-02 -3.93026471e-01 3.84343028e-01 1.32437870e-01 -1.32693827e-01 7.79448971e-02 4.84989226e-01 1.14128016e-01 -1.61914870e-01 1.17807992e-01 9.90201603e-04 2.23404139e-01 -1.03876300e-01 -3.44574340e-02 -5.57823963e-02 6.74270242e-02 -1.60222918e-01 5.62847145e-02 -2.18688026e-01 1.41265526e-01 4.53326181e-02 -8.18645060e-02 3.32952380e-01 1.35451272e-01 9.91551280e-02 2.06673175e-01 3.77137184e-01 8.50284398e-02 -1.03240937e-01 6.14876933e-02 1.99792072e-01 -2.86721177e-02 3.92497808e-01 1.17049843e-01 -4.47051436e-01 4.26471293e-01 3.22393142e-02 6.09640256e-02 -2.88242437e-02 -4.18040007e-01 -1.93595618e-01 -6.58465177e-02 2.10820928e-01 -4.88421410e-01 4.04306091e-02 3.83369654e-01 -1.46058410e-01 -6.55868128e-02 -5.78051433e-02 4.60849464e-01 7.86933750e-02 4.57624972e-01 -1.30554125e-01 -2.22938925e-01 -2.66286165e-01 -6.31063282e-02 -2.19382197e-01 1.63242623e-01 -5.29775202e-01 1.82693884e-01 1.87387928e-01 -1.01945633e-02 -1.74976543e-01 4.01292704e-02 1.67731330e-01 6.16347678e-02 -2.85362732e-02 -2.66323358e-01 6.35163069e-01 3.68327945e-01 1.15439765e-01 5.19839488e-02 9.09513906e-02 -2.97372103e-01 -1.20910250e-01 3.55446160e-01 3.22676122e-01 -1.95849508e-01 -2.30281398e-01 2.56193042e-01 -2.78189838e-01 1.48870304e-01 4.65565532e-01 -1.73066840e-01 -2.72163749e-01 -2.31763139e-01 3.53334039e-01 9.05749574e-02 -1.58358246e-01 -2.23153472e-01 1.93001837e-01 5.22204161e-01 -1.31936148e-01 3.40489335e-02 -6.56584725e-02 -4.58285689e-01 3.06272089e-01 2.12905575e-02 -8.87420774e-02 -2.11487845e-01 -1.71920896e-01 -1.35019138e-01 -1.43176690e-01 -2.12941617e-01 -3.28514695e-01 -2.54763335e-01 -4.61813182e-01 1.51528552e-01 3.36695462e-01 -1.49999902e-01 -2.46250108e-01 3.76372561e-02 -1.85772717e-01 -2.70843357e-01 -1.25995547e-01 -1.70483083e-01 -4.31805134e-01 1.14241049e-01 3.31985086e-01 1.96810439e-03 -6.73188418e-02 3.36081609e-02 9.74196717e-02 4.00184840e-02 3.47125202e-01 8.44261330e-03 -1.83443144e-01 3.14879894e-01 1.37987673e-01 -2.12159723e-01 1.06738731e-01 1.92805365e-01 -2.96284020e-01 -5.92347197e-02 3.47571075e-01 3.55850637e-01 2.58294195e-01 5.16406819e-02 -3.75882722e-02 4.99104150e-02 -1.84544533e-01 -4.04331475e-01 1.42996207e-01 1.17683679e-01 -7.49100074e-02 -8.93219188e-02 -2.12933853e-01 3.73145682e-03 -7.45140374e-01 -5.26446551e-02 -5.36549725e-02 -2.43714042e-02 -4.07786489e-01 -3.38281468e-02 -2.68187255e-01 -4.49472032e-02 1.49833769e-01 3.80268216e-01 2.91275326e-02 -1.29245639e-01 1.28461584e-01 -4.70409870e-01 2.55030781e-01 7.41638184e-01 -2.72989452e-01 -3.95936489e-01 5.16794738e-04 -3.08572650e-01 6.14052229e-02 -3.66224423e-02 -9.71939266e-02 4.74295437e-01 -4.98883575e-01 -3.23723853e-02 1.12497389e-01 -3.44036400e-01 2.62828648e-01 -1.25675887e-01 -5.90320937e-02 -1.57762244e-01 2.33419895e-01 7.96774566e-01 1.50471523e-01 2.46253490e-01 1.15373157e-01 1.86271623e-01 3.79088938e-01 2.04002619e-01 -2.77258873e-01 4.72653434e-02 3.26101519e-02 -2.71214426e-01 -7.74065848e-04 -9.07910243e-02 6.10208884e-02 1.43373117e-01 1.16717644e-01 -4.15647216e-02 -1.34880707e-01 -7.72899017e-02 2.06587557e-02 1.62369937e-01 -1.44279256e-01 2.59326667e-01 -2.83273999e-02 3.44233304e-01 -6.98853238e-03 -2.17425562e-02 -2.48745069e-01 1.90868646e-01 -2.77416557e-01 -1.65358782e-01 3.53102595e-01 -6.30822629e-02 4.74296175e-02 3.94464105e-01 -2.71229923e-01 -7.55935460e-02 -1.02143951e-01 -3.11945230e-01 -5.22971191e-02 -1.76953316e-01 -1.89563364e-01 5.53731322e-01 -8.26474056e-02 5.50783277e-01 -2.01317176e-01 -8.60490426e-02 2.22387109e-02 1.12020098e-01 -7.72378668e-02 2.44658425e-01 2.96195686e-01 -1.73094168e-01 1.22358449e-01 -3.55573326e-01 -2.10455894e-01 4.48106766e-01 7.16513172e-02 -3.11915964e-01 1.17598400e-01 -1.82096064e-02 -2.88198829e-01 -6.19009852e-01 8.89912248e-02 -4.05939072e-01 -6.77974671e-02 4.52198312e-02 -3.42586368e-01 -5.89147359e-02 -1.78386852e-01 -1.46258950e-01 -1.92503631e-01 -3.25918525e-01 5.97561240e-01 3.21546763e-01 1.28667876e-01 4.20294791e-01 2.60291225e-03 4.36856188e-02 -3.60695928e-01 3.86880487e-02 -3.22530508e-01 -6.71746016e-01 -9.34171607e-04 -1.89870819e-01 -6.92764521e-02 2.72948798e-02 -4.71046939e-02 -1.41345382e-01 -2.48210803e-01 -2.81426936e-01 -3.43858331e-01 1.52097642e-02 5.75607307e-02 1.53875798e-01 -3.76747139e-02 4.66055572e-01 8.25648755e-02 -2.72660285e-01 -3.01959187e-01 -1.07105717e-01 1.02667369e-01 2.51829624e-01 1.38248354e-01 -5.66349089e-01 -2.04278141e-01 2.17369527e-01 4.60661978e-01 -1.96337521e-01 -5.09007201e-02 5.85587174e-02 1.67783543e-01 3.49841118e-01 1.14047930e-01 -2.47535557e-01 1.12065576e-01 -8.62321109e-02 -2.25758508e-01 2.54615933e-01 -2.52613928e-02 -1.38148651e-01 -9.04992968e-02 1.66366071e-01 -1.22673512e-01 -1.59950882e-01 2.17377227e-02 2.11296231e-01 2.35874727e-01 -2.75021553e-01 -3.98009092e-01 -4.86736894e-01 -5.25849313e-02 2.99066398e-02 4.75609750e-01 1.99765950e-01 -9.93836895e-02 -2.65629590e-01 1.91266865e-01 -7.10212663e-02 1.67094842e-01 1.01642586e-01 4.15965244e-02 -2.73617357e-01 -1.61094919e-01 1.15132093e-01 -1.93731487e-01 -6.69270605e-02 4.91765365e-02 2.90546808e-02 6.56557441e-01 2.55732924e-01 -5.29223196e-02 -6.51247650e-02 -2.12396085e-01 2.24188760e-01 3.03303480e-01 -4.52942818e-01 3.24147195e-02 -1.70466602e-01 3.33661169e-01 5.04789464e-02 -1.79237336e-01 3.19884300e-01 -2.12440982e-01 -2.09087953e-01 -8.91271383e-02 1.61578983e-01 1.63444623e-01 -1.91096753e-01 -6.10659551e-03 2.58111447e-01 3.23196858e-01 2.91972727e-01 6.03216253e-02 -1.77307636e-01 3.17580961e-02 1.11821219e-01 5.95984831e-02 4.91332024e-01 4.31321353e-01 1.83405295e-01 6.78891718e-01 -4.30957898e-02 -2.66024202e-01 2.79662788e-01 -2.80436128e-01 3.59423339e-01 5.48279166e-01 8.38755816e-02 -8.22874829e-02 -3.73342127e-01 2.72813767e-01 1.20370679e-01 3.86564106e-01 3.91291343e-02 -1.32351726e-01 -1.20272592e-01 -2.46814638e-01 -1.31021783e-01 1.90291405e-02 -1.01414040e-01 3.11085314e-01 1.37999073e-01 2.65401810e-01 1.75678968e-01 3.13087180e-02 1.08426332e+00 2.07446158e-01 1.92128792e-01 3.09101671e-01 -1.01497255e-01 2.63941586e-02 -1.42995432e-01 -8.38460773e-02 -4.23383266e-02 -2.92625666e-01 5.28665185e-02 -2.59285241e-01 8.17923695e-02 1.96563497e-01 -1.94563702e-01 -3.91893268e-01 -4.21418816e-01 -4.60968256e-01 3.03649157e-01 2.45757893e-01 9.84997749e-02 -4.17544916e-02 2.35871151e-01 1.55182019e-01 -4.18577865e-02 1.51724324e-01 1.66161247e-02 5.56850657e-02 8.61019865e-02 -1.12338148e-01 -3.08874965e-01 1.12952948e-01 -1.35530218e-01 -7.53497332e-02 1.05288001e-02 -4.30739559e-02 2.63534218e-01 1.58655956e-01 -3.28937396e-02 -4.02662605e-02 1.75304338e-01 2.04933703e-01 4.42484438e-01 -1.47112340e-01 2.28702009e-01 1.06678121e-01 3.76470447e-01 -7.92545676e-02 -1.29282502e-02 -5.73985502e-02 -1.87487051e-01 -5.15427053e-01 -3.24318320e-01 6.17262349e-02 5.08652553e-02 -2.80580044e-01 3.67767036e-01 1.78061008e-01 -5.19582689e-01 -1.79763287e-01 2.00911820e-01 -1.06326133e-01 -2.48981714e-01 -1.38609707e-01 -6.50567040e-02 -2.91370422e-01 -1.23790815e-01 2.70572245e-01 2.28181761e-02 -4.76655185e-01 1.33282557e-01 2.00466841e-01 -2.63537109e-01 -3.66566986e-01 -3.75292510e-01 6.59605935e-02 -3.99891198e-01 9.29363295e-02 -4.30785604e-02 -7.94538110e-02 3.20380121e-01 4.72166866e-01 2.74401575e-01 -2.10239321e-01 -2.80500978e-01 -4.10499088e-02 -1.03848003e-01 7.22137690e-02 1.87229455e-01 1.79588512e-01 8.69091786e-03 4.76550519e-01 6.66381270e-02 1.50487065e-01 -4.42214996e-01 -2.41995737e-01 -3.25261801e-01 1.27750054e-01 3.76437157e-01 -3.96779299e-01 -3.88654262e-01 -3.10791820e-01 1.59762323e-01 -9.03540552e-02 -1.58197865e-01 -2.32693240e-01 -9.75464135e-02 1.65050238e-01 1.14931520e-02 -6.49244860e-02 1.16843648e-01 2.30216995e-01 9.89883840e-02 6.80239871e-02 -5.16845584e-02 3.56322110e-01 -8.32658634e-02 1.46173924e-01 7.98443854e-02 2.90411532e-01 -1.93917736e-01 5.32819936e-03 1.05428033e-01 4.31076556e-01 1.07013598e-01 1.28858998e-01 -4.17620599e-01 -1.37957394e-01 3.58015388e-01 2.70415425e-01 -4.17411849e-02 3.13348264e-01 8.13237727e-02 1.05021141e-01 3.25693674e-02 2.49145199e-02 -6.71885759e-02 -1.35918498e-01 -1.08115003e-01 1.10327126e-02 -6.76361844e-02 2.60115147e-01 -7.72704333e-02 -1.30109698e-01 1.14791952e-01 -2.12911949e-01 8.22389871e-02 1.01028822e-01 2.75682956e-01 -3.62000465e-01 4.84065354e-01 1.13918521e-01 -8.32220167e-02 1.27041906e-01 2.06172273e-01 1.92735925e-01 -7.73649216e-02 1.21676728e-01 1.45260736e-01 9.68752652e-02 2.68624663e-01 1.91777587e-01 4.35097665e-01 4.86440003e-01 5.64634465e-02 6.54950857e-01 -1.08347693e-02 -3.25077981e-01 1.42134845e-01 -1.18020020e-01 -8.95274431e-02 2.59260029e-01 5.60345612e-02 -1.21772118e-01 1.35690063e-01 1.96256682e-01 -1.44765720e-01 7.51324743e-02 5.95458746e-02 1.78055257e-01 -1.71635091e-01 -3.58299166e-01 -1.67975098e-01 8.96027833e-02 1.89409927e-01 2.54800349e-01 -1.19728111e-01 1.54709116e-01 -2.59515136e-01 6.44740522e-01 2.26048082e-02 -1.14081495e-01 4.74759370e-01 -1.97126225e-01 2.25647345e-01 -3.92590761e-02 -9.76326540e-02 9.44961421e-03 3.95081751e-02 3.37859929e-01 7.62010068e-02 -1.71358198e-01 -4.34444696e-02 1.99145421e-01 -3.48888822e-02 -1.58198655e-01 -3.10757980e-02 -3.53797339e-02 -1.49288133e-01 8.85639936e-02 1.97902337e-01 -2.19962388e-01 -4.74292129e-01 1.30066765e-03 8.80826563e-02 1.51777223e-01 -2.29294673e-01 2.49665335e-01 -1.23412393e-01 -1.41207436e-02 2.28649586e-01 -3.14893991e-01 -1.34175599e-01 -4.60207127e-02 4.15868834e-02 1.69633161e-02 -2.41218880e-01 1.27511978e-01 1.56453267e-01 1.63729757e-01 3.08575302e-01 1.29095912e-01 -1.97647348e-01 -4.08549309e-01 -3.16489458e-01 3.84911358e-01 1.62980676e-01 -1.13039963e-01 2.42004976e-01 1.74170658e-01 1.19482443e-01 1.94516182e-02 1.19163781e-01 2.85812646e-01 -1.59133837e-01 4.23394479e-02 -3.60636443e-01 1.80863127e-01 3.75173062e-01 -1.68654948e-01 -1.95308119e-01 -3.09233636e-01 -1.87990785e-01 1.29084066e-01 2.01409414e-01 -1.47952348e-01 -5.95294178e-01 1.86101779e-01 5.89054763e-01 1.52210802e-01 -1.06713265e-01 4.73586172e-01 -1.20736808e-01 -1.94564953e-01 5.42944483e-02 -9.93671361e-04 8.74339938e-02 2.36651137e-01 -2.58170426e-01 -5.60638215e-03 -1.44167105e-02 4.60197091e-01 -5.18772714e-02 -1.24777794e-01 6.69299662e-02 2.93801814e-01 -4.64878529e-01 1.42013133e-01 9.65903848e-02 2.76196748e-01 5.23475036e-02 4.32947308e-01 1.12060569e-01 -2.74236888e-01 -5.25880277e-01 1.91274546e-02 3.61946046e-01 3.09222430e-01 -2.40490772e-02 -1.83812186e-01 3.96617502e-01 -2.01847911e-01 2.40398243e-01 -9.79587063e-02 -3.86546761e-01 6.24502040e-02 -7.61913061e-02 -3.05364162e-01 -1.09542839e-01 1.57871097e-01 -1.31094426e-01 -1.63234517e-01 -1.00872606e-01 -3.43973972e-02 2.72420663e-02 -3.98424774e-01 -2.01168031e-01]
"I'd Rather Not…" active "Special Containment Procedures: All civilians and unauthorized personnel are prohibited from the property where SCP-6906 is located. A Foundation agent residing in the neighboring property is to monitor SCP-6906. As a precautionary measure, Foundation personnel tasked with the surveillance of SCP-6906 are to be rotated on a bi-weekly basis. All entrances to SCP-6906 are to remain locked at all times outside Foundation investigation. Description: SCP-6906 is the designation given to a residential building located in the outskirts of Lloydminster, Canada. SCP-6906 exhibits the anomalous property of inducing feelings of indifference and lack of emotion in any human inside it over time, usually leading to catastrophic cases of apathy. The severity of these effects seems entirely dependent on the overall time spent within, low levels of exposure having caused no lasting effects, while systematical, prolonged exposure proving potentially fatal. The cellar floor of SCP-6906 houses a dark patch of unidentified matter1 which resembles a cavity leading under the foundations of SCP-6906. Closer inspection has revealed it to be an extremely thin layer of congealed viscous matter. All attempts to extract samples, or provide lighting to the cavity have failed. The connection between SCP-6906-1 and SCP-6906, if any, is currently poorly understood. Discovery: SCP-6906 and its anomalous properties were discovered as a result of a suspected home invasion murder. The residents of the house, a family of 4, were discovered dead in their respective beds, with signs of sustained malnutrition present on the bodies. The Foundation began investigation when the local police officers involved in the case seemed to experience suspiciously similar cases of mental fatigue and disinterest in their work simultaneously. A coverup story of CO poisoning was made to explain the death of the family, and full containment was established on 17/10/2020. Addendum 6906/1: The following are excerpts found in the diary of Lucas Green, one of the former residents of SCP-6906. 13/9/2020 Mom and dad are fighting again. It seems I've been writing more and more just to distract myself from the sadness. They scream at each other more than they talk, and I hear every single word no matter how much I try to concentrate, and so does the family next door. I feel so ashamed. I'm scared of mom getting hurt too. The worst of all is how this is affecting Ellie. She stopped going to soccer practice a couple weeks back, she's just hiding in her room most of the time. I think the parents of her friends have told them not to come over too. I don't blame them, who'd send their kids here anyway with them screaming here. I'm so damn tired of this fighting. I used to dread the idea of mom and dad getting divorced, now I wish they'd just do it instead of driving down the entire family. It's just all anger, sadness and fear. Feeling absolutely nothing would be better than just this day after day. 21/9/2020 I finally did it. Ellie's crying for the third day in a row now. I just screamed at my parents to either work this out like functional people, or just put an end to this marriage. They haven't screamed at each other since then, it's mostly just silence. And somehow it feels worse. Ellie is sleeping in my room until I know this house is safe. I'm just tired. 24/9/2020 Today I realized it's Wednesday. I missed 3 days of school, and no-one has even asked about me. No-one gives a shit about me. My school, my parents. All this is just delaying the inevitable, and I'm tired of it. I need to be alone. 27/9/2020 This house is finally dead quiet. No-one is angry or sad or scared. Why am I not relieved? The girl that lives here, I forgot. What's her name again? Dear diary, I'm tired of giving a fuck. This is fine, I think this is what I wanted. 28/9/2020 I'm tired. Who isn't though? Addendum 6906/2: Containment Update On 19/11/2020 Foundation agent Iris Meyer, currently tasked with the surveillance of SCP-6906 failed to carry out the weekly report required as part of their surveillance tasks on SCP-6906. She was found to display apathetic behavior towards her duties, and was promptly replaced. Special Containment Procedures were updated accordingly. The subsequent investigation into SCP-6906 revealed the presence of vocalizations emanating from SCP-6906-1. A total of 4 different voices belonging to what are assumed to be human beings have been recognized producing vocalizations of seemingly random nature, indicating states of differing emotions in irregular patterns. The source of these voices has thus far been unresponsive to any external stimuli. To: Dr. Phillips From: Researcher Grant Subject: Geological findings The team has thoroughly inspected the ground beneath SCP-6906, and it's safe to say there's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary there. GPR2 would detect anything larger than a dead cat, let alone people or a cavern. Should there be a physical passageway underground similar to what it looks like, it would no doubt intersect with the plumbing and gas piping which are clearly still operational. Regarding SCP-6906-1: for a second I thought someone was looking back at me from down there, though thinking back it was probably my reflection. The place got my mind running. You ever heard someone having the time of their life while someone else is crying their eyes out? Pure, unrestrained emotion. It's faint and distant, but if you concentrate you can hear them just fine. « SCP-6905 | SCP-6906 | SCP-6907 »" nan
[ 9.61591527e-02 2.41521552e-01 -1.38532281e-01 1.11967176e-01 -2.80026700e-02 -2.88969278e-01 -6.17301501e-02 8.17989483e-02 1.29092127e-01 4.30516630e-01 -1.22668520e-02 3.06493640e-01 -2.56352752e-01 -3.92118990e-01 -2.30543375e-01 1.33554265e-01 -1.49543136e-02 6.10502660e-02 3.18371475e-01 -1.71996400e-01 -5.22386312e-01 -3.02319881e-02 -2.01633498e-01 3.63224442e-03 -1.28707856e-01 -1.17408216e-01 -3.15544754e-02 3.42897981e-01 -2.55863607e-01 -6.81866258e-02 3.42607588e-01 5.10158360e-01 -1.72750995e-01 4.30262983e-01 -9.97594616e-05 3.29370499e-02 1.54156476e-01 3.15516442e-02 -1.68995455e-01 2.37402897e-02 -1.24457359e-01 -1.64938375e-01 -9.51695144e-02 -9.02553722e-02 -8.02079961e-02 -7.76002780e-02 2.68313706e-01 2.05272269e-02 1.00029685e-01 1.12748444e-02 2.11341932e-01 2.28856504e-01 -8.42570886e-02 1.54368533e-02 -2.85431504e-01 5.16289949e-01 -2.25144535e-01 9.17566419e-02 1.72555894e-01 -8.75650421e-02 -1.18305339e-02 1.60597846e-01 -3.95462513e-01 -9.64742228e-02 3.30222100e-01 -1.57577127e-01 1.72223225e-01 -2.19460919e-01 2.78380454e-01 3.66637707e-01 -7.44968802e-02 2.63739154e-02 -1.72068086e-02 2.49384061e-01 7.52293989e-02 -1.74855068e-01 2.66444832e-01 3.08375768e-02 4.07369062e-02 2.70659178e-01 -2.36543659e-02 9.73968282e-02 -2.37750188e-01 -1.03505626e-01 -1.49253413e-01 -2.09487081e-02 -2.02144906e-01 -2.40286756e-02 9.91501436e-02 -1.65691033e-01 -3.17039639e-02 1.23691157e-01 1.80863172e-01 -2.75972456e-01 -1.27230510e-01 -9.36825350e-02 5.88488728e-02 -3.10634673e-02 5.56116626e-02 -2.60535359e-01 2.69186854e-01 8.75437185e-02 6.70090765e-02 8.37197006e-02 1.91079408e-01 -2.77478009e-01 3.51994097e-01 -1.60407394e-01 -3.80668789e-01 3.65658075e-01 3.93198766e-02 2.29849622e-01 -1.49286374e-01 -6.51385039e-02 -2.94357061e-01 -3.57571661e-01 3.18197042e-01 4.78772074e-02 -1.94681913e-01 3.59432042e-01 -1.67124033e-01 -2.39818208e-02 6.28582537e-02 3.14905733e-01 5.89999378e-01 4.09385085e-01 -2.74441987e-01 -2.92752292e-02 3.53424437e-02 -2.58681089e-01 -2.38553107e-01 1.54077068e-01 -3.43455940e-01 8.96240696e-02 -1.29663653e-03 -2.02396493e-02 -1.73485562e-01 6.04335815e-02 -4.70230728e-02 1.00884832e-01 3.89383659e-02 -7.44461715e-02 6.20863676e-01 4.33947027e-01 -4.88739789e-01 -2.10396834e-02 5.94968498e-02 -7.87289590e-02 -2.13048253e-02 2.80514091e-01 2.58687913e-01 -1.17928326e-01 -2.36210853e-01 1.96584880e-01 2.27679953e-01 2.33731151e-01 2.92859882e-01 2.87230015e-02 -1.96326762e-01 -1.84199795e-01 4.43689674e-01 6.16147108e-02 -3.54982823e-01 -3.78701717e-01 1.89818561e-01 6.16933346e-01 -2.68513709e-01 1.18480757e-01 -4.21787977e-01 -1.61421120e-01 2.10307509e-01 4.93740924e-02 6.67353272e-02 -3.05713594e-01 -4.71444763e-02 5.90186985e-03 -3.99837554e-01 -3.32915604e-01 -4.44004565e-01 4.90539260e-02 -4.27124828e-01 1.13507666e-01 3.76255542e-01 -2.97780752e-01 -3.50072861e-01 1.82130963e-01 1.21447677e-02 -2.27070659e-01 1.99656248e-01 -1.40562788e-01 -3.20996344e-01 -3.96841794e-01 5.00096381e-01 2.34721869e-01 -2.12454811e-01 -1.54955313e-01 -8.12238455e-02 -2.32343867e-01 2.89078355e-01 7.28565976e-02 -3.27332526e-01 -1.81516618e-01 1.78969488e-01 3.92031297e-02 -2.66180694e-01 3.81509252e-02 -1.79019883e-01 7.47307613e-02 2.24125102e-01 1.80605993e-01 -3.94181497e-02 -1.29576415e-01 -4.75288667e-02 1.11388370e-01 9.25049707e-02 -7.49646902e-01 2.55474955e-01 2.76313245e-01 -2.60707825e-01 -3.79304647e-01 -5.09427726e-01 2.02837080e-01 -4.30134118e-01 3.08042727e-02 -3.00874144e-01 -1.27726808e-01 -1.87046334e-01 -9.50076580e-02 -2.75617391e-02 1.78186879e-01 3.07354897e-01 1.98282227e-01 3.09705704e-01 2.87194341e-01 -8.87872949e-02 1.74793452e-01 3.26961637e-01 1.30506784e-01 -2.08471581e-01 -3.14207256e-01 2.20520452e-01 1.42210975e-01 -5.78527199e-03 2.73832768e-01 -2.77575493e-01 4.06482041e-01 -1.59439132e-01 3.36330384e-02 6.10809438e-02 -1.29393816e-01 6.18654527e-02 -4.04961318e-01 -1.67318270e-01 -4.43926185e-01 2.17141345e-01 6.47176623e-01 -3.43041569e-02 3.22668910e-01 -1.14861373e-02 1.39511451e-01 -1.70288369e-01 3.22307125e-02 -6.42025396e-02 -2.37604082e-02 1.07037224e-01 -2.87299067e-01 3.86544675e-01 2.71123871e-02 -1.26501307e-01 1.42024577e-01 -2.73166541e-02 -1.31626859e-01 -1.77010372e-01 -2.03945428e-01 6.75890520e-02 8.66612270e-02 1.54294968e-01 9.00418907e-02 2.17553899e-01 2.46526673e-01 -1.18722983e-01 -1.66129604e-01 -1.61147550e-01 -1.26963630e-01 -2.80317575e-01 3.34465364e-03 -2.75787055e-01 -1.58873238e-02 4.72987086e-01 3.73658210e-01 1.75415754e-01 7.56940693e-02 -1.22092813e-01 -2.19535023e-01 -3.39243054e-01 -2.07008585e-01 -1.02086037e-01 3.74775082e-01 -1.52010754e-01 4.32951540e-01 -3.23068380e-01 1.46609982e-02 3.41432393e-01 2.14366421e-01 -4.56944883e-01 8.46848637e-02 2.77856350e-01 -1.81694224e-01 -4.49866354e-02 -4.20503169e-02 -2.18699530e-01 2.19939634e-01 -9.71423313e-02 -2.83578396e-01 2.24306256e-01 1.25430569e-01 -7.09549487e-02 -6.63276613e-01 9.64124203e-02 -4.25335020e-01 -7.61351213e-02 8.33806247e-02 5.79810329e-02 -7.56984055e-02 -2.93519795e-01 -1.09260632e-02 -2.33967289e-01 -2.67798990e-01 3.69458705e-01 -1.54027432e-01 6.61728010e-02 5.10444045e-01 3.45365964e-02 3.53426397e-01 -4.82933968e-01 -1.25400886e-01 -1.67317674e-01 -1.54219732e-01 -1.21538222e-01 -1.40546069e-01 1.68558016e-01 -8.03271607e-02 -1.39524817e-01 1.76661775e-01 -1.15109883e-01 -2.65095651e-01 -3.99313956e-01 1.54501110e-01 1.56379044e-01 -4.91358247e-03 -3.31502885e-01 4.31383699e-01 2.12158054e-01 -4.96968687e-01 -2.12073535e-01 -4.03257012e-02 6.71922369e-03 2.41327241e-01 1.92926750e-01 -4.55332845e-01 -9.18165594e-02 -2.45943572e-02 2.23774105e-01 1.35102093e-01 1.76408887e-01 -1.10732637e-01 1.28737211e-01 6.11732721e-01 2.58233815e-01 -1.73345372e-01 2.29158923e-01 2.54191965e-01 -2.83308953e-01 3.24512213e-01 -6.69527277e-02 4.31105673e-01 -1.10344216e-02 -3.77976567e-01 -3.78128653e-03 -1.91000715e-01 -1.49363145e-01 4.59430426e-01 2.72416234e-01 -2.54129618e-01 -9.38076451e-02 1.24801390e-01 1.88464182e-03 -1.18286327e-01 4.75526661e-01 2.06146345e-01 -1.88061863e-01 -1.34246930e-01 5.66650093e-01 -6.69426769e-02 1.29845172e-01 -6.66008368e-02 2.21877366e-01 -2.87860930e-01 8.61256793e-02 1.72577918e-01 -2.16189131e-01 3.33648056e-01 -1.16937503e-01 1.06150165e-01 3.79752815e-01 2.50442326e-01 -5.66041172e-01 6.79133981e-02 -2.38295600e-01 6.22047745e-02 1.66044995e-01 -3.59401494e-01 -1.27332928e-02 -8.71683806e-02 2.27042153e-01 -3.20761174e-01 1.56420156e-01 -9.56253260e-02 2.38599852e-02 -3.49357754e-01 -2.77585596e-01 1.10339947e-01 6.82790726e-02 -2.71556377e-01 -3.06941628e-01 -9.94887352e-02 3.77823025e-01 2.44393036e-01 2.99964011e-01 3.93570475e-02 9.23147127e-02 2.58392513e-01 -1.81473568e-01 4.62571234e-01 4.83752787e-01 4.43446189e-01 2.32038677e-01 -3.22811194e-02 -1.66998610e-01 3.00454404e-02 -4.45639081e-02 3.13561440e-01 5.84681511e-01 -1.95244700e-01 -9.00349692e-02 2.12853819e-01 1.88181072e-01 2.28836760e-02 1.09746709e-01 3.27089816e-01 -2.25776881e-01 3.87866199e-01 7.55054355e-02 3.81387353e-01 -8.43515769e-02 -1.78452954e-01 -1.46898717e-01 3.72153372e-01 2.79041529e-01 2.38286719e-01 1.70540705e-01 9.65996802e-01 3.37626278e-01 2.56360561e-01 2.26902410e-01 -2.77825147e-01 2.88831294e-01 -2.07006127e-01 -1.98272038e-02 2.80993313e-01 4.55634370e-02 6.53326958e-02 -1.44250289e-01 2.38446500e-02 4.21862960e-01 -2.69684374e-01 -1.65584952e-01 -2.90334970e-01 -1.44433826e-01 3.06724012e-01 1.29633874e-01 3.23197469e-02 1.72849864e-01 3.15853924e-01 1.32785410e-01 5.33195324e-02 4.58998531e-02 2.55801138e-02 -1.84689891e-02 7.49095082e-02 1.66878179e-01 -1.08486991e-02 4.89697456e-02 -3.47886831e-01 -4.69088927e-02 1.48987502e-01 -2.38986507e-01 3.45486067e-02 2.62147993e-01 -4.48790155e-02 6.65426254e-02 -3.30985844e-01 1.02812245e-01 5.04635394e-01 -1.40428528e-01 -3.78765166e-02 1.12542562e-01 1.45380080e-01 1.14594169e-01 -2.23583266e-01 -1.13304548e-01 -3.31014752e-01 -4.47599925e-02 -3.32236946e-01 4.23476892e-03 4.29699391e-01 -1.34166405e-01 3.31127018e-01 5.57879321e-02 -4.14665669e-01 -1.03606455e-01 2.00539649e-01 4.97323088e-02 2.48247415e-01 -3.09927374e-01 2.96605378e-02 -2.75360376e-01 -1.29654378e-01 2.75553435e-01 -8.16324055e-02 -1.72930658e-01 1.79970384e-01 6.57224730e-02 -2.71457553e-01 -3.39147508e-01 -3.38604867e-01 2.01236829e-01 5.07706814e-02 -6.61600148e-03 1.94441170e-01 -2.75895834e-01 3.05201381e-01 2.10560888e-01 8.60965326e-02 -2.99932152e-01 -4.77404565e-01 4.20994051e-02 -2.02615093e-02 1.27963960e-01 -2.24180862e-01 2.07555041e-01 6.46470487e-02 2.79379994e-01 3.99250612e-02 -2.06063744e-02 -4.72527325e-01 -2.39661396e-01 -1.78124979e-01 -3.03125769e-01 3.69721621e-01 -3.26140970e-01 -2.08236091e-03 -1.53329611e-01 2.19997481e-01 3.52401510e-02 -1.17133670e-01 -1.76872984e-01 1.88372340e-02 1.71843410e-01 1.21520218e-02 -1.88816398e-01 3.32207680e-02 1.25928819e-02 8.36586356e-02 9.11024287e-02 -9.23084840e-02 4.81844433e-02 2.31076971e-01 1.70173958e-01 -4.31215078e-01 1.48932651e-01 -5.52109350e-03 1.22043461e-01 7.14135841e-02 4.22258586e-01 -1.59654006e-01 -2.18738064e-01 -3.20725352e-01 -1.58856735e-01 3.01034480e-01 9.34606194e-02 9.72141474e-02 1.58820748e-01 2.44343072e-01 3.22709858e-01 -4.79673654e-01 -3.31318647e-01 -1.04450926e-01 1.44894257e-01 -2.40468755e-01 -1.81559339e-01 -3.12909156e-01 2.46093139e-01 -2.44277883e-02 3.75351578e-01 -1.77141890e-01 1.64338027e-03 1.83509029e-02 7.73611814e-02 -3.02364659e-02 -3.48844707e-01 1.84299126e-02 1.00115068e-01 5.81225753e-03 -1.06383339e-01 -1.95309728e-01 1.90330312e-01 -1.94482684e-01 -1.13176011e-01 4.77236807e-01 1.15202643e-01 4.00244802e-01 5.85069135e-02 4.89925295e-01 5.26941061e-01 5.61237112e-02 5.71398973e-01 1.82034329e-01 -1.03086047e-01 5.23527972e-02 1.83269512e-02 3.35759521e-02 1.19294301e-01 -2.63279498e-01 -6.64396808e-02 -1.89213812e-01 3.28668445e-01 -1.10211754e-02 9.33929533e-02 -6.49674013e-02 6.46363422e-02 -8.86224583e-02 -2.64054298e-01 -6.88443482e-02 -8.16617087e-02 -8.27310979e-02 9.88123491e-02 -3.31033319e-01 6.86344728e-02 -7.72966295e-02 3.12201321e-01 3.80799621e-01 -1.10552378e-01 4.99235988e-01 -2.17603400e-01 4.66735333e-01 4.04999584e-01 9.79263186e-02 2.92245895e-01 3.26413423e-01 3.35556567e-01 1.28413603e-01 -2.14056000e-01 -1.83596566e-01 2.03807399e-01 -1.95269376e-01 -2.77491361e-01 -3.49604897e-02 -1.21661834e-01 8.02048016e-03 3.16360034e-02 1.43169627e-01 -2.54431754e-01 -2.30339214e-01 1.29848961e-02 4.43572938e-01 1.08934101e-02 1.10403068e-01 -3.69186625e-02 -2.81187236e-01 3.37039024e-01 2.16459155e-01 -4.28196549e-01 -1.02368752e-02 1.33037439e-03 -1.02034070e-01 8.84895176e-02 -1.47712260e-01 1.49372324e-01 -1.35769725e-01 3.82165849e-01 2.65680254e-01 7.53070787e-02 4.11434285e-02 -2.39590138e-01 -3.53763223e-01 5.81962407e-01 1.43644184e-01 -1.21205807e-01 8.72435197e-02 -4.99806255e-02 2.20763639e-01 8.59321430e-02 -6.53401762e-02 -6.99080154e-02 -3.55458230e-01 -3.44349623e-01 -2.97515988e-01 1.37044087e-01 4.79891330e-01 -1.30860493e-01 1.93308607e-01 8.74166638e-02 2.17977732e-01 -2.54785940e-02 1.37904391e-01 -8.92725363e-02 -1.89236715e-01 1.15729541e-01 2.46432602e-01 2.39305958e-01 8.72504339e-03 -5.39796054e-02 -1.80642352e-01 -5.68428695e-01 -1.49944171e-01 4.34577763e-01 -2.38760784e-01 1.22446924e-01 1.44691259e-01 2.63058901e-01 8.14604685e-02 -2.94297878e-02 2.43694425e-01 -1.16411425e-01 -6.47200122e-02 3.01612467e-01 -2.84551352e-01 -1.82677619e-02 1.42727569e-01 -8.29292312e-02 -2.52896369e-01 1.66455209e-01 4.17691097e-02 -2.37501296e-03 -3.22171062e-01 -3.40653867e-01 5.41707814e-01 1.80760860e-01 3.83903533e-02 -4.64701131e-02 1.38605818e-01 -2.53996640e-01 4.11959477e-02 -3.78300518e-01 -1.44893795e-01 -3.83583666e-03 6.35126308e-02 -9.44024846e-02 -4.29238766e-01 -2.06851259e-01 4.00860459e-02 -1.54844508e-01 1.89058498e-01 1.35741130e-01 7.68518820e-02 -3.23764294e-01 2.15325318e-02]
"Wallowing and Waiting" active "Content note: This article contains references to cults, manipulation, death and depression. If you notice anything tag-worthy that's not in here, please mention it in a comment. Item #: SCP-6908 Object Class: Neutralised (formerly Euclid) Special Containment Procedures (obsolete): SCP-6908 requires little active containment; the cemetery in which it is located has been purchased by the Foundation, and caretakers instructed to collect the letters and report them to an embedded member of staff. Civilian access is tentatively permitted. Description: SCP-6908 was the grave of Johnny Nilsson, deceased leader of defunct GoI-094 ("The Crooked Smilers"). It had a profound effect on living things within a radius of approximately one hundred and eighty centimetres; animals would refuse to enter said area and would display extreme distress if forced in, plants and lichens would not grow, etc.. Sapient beings displayed mild unease within the area of effect, as well as an urge to perform some action or engage in some activity they had been avoiding. At apparently random intervals, letters would manifest above the grave, presumed to have been sent via thaumaturgic means. All are believed to have the same writer, who has not been identified beyond their signature of "Grace." Addendum 1: The Crooked Smilers were an eschatological cult based in Memphis, Tennessee and founded sometime in 1985. Their doctrine was based around belief in positive thinking manifesting positive results; their stated aim was to create a gestalt entity out of their prayers and wishes. As founder and leader, Nilsson requested donations to fund cult activities and raise awareness. The Foundation became aware of the cult in 1989, when a defector linked him to a Southern Fifthist Church in Alabama; to the Church's consternation, Nilsson had been taking from their teachings as proof that his methods worked. A raid was undertaken in November that year, leading to the death of Nilsson and the overall dismantlement of the cult. Later, it was determined that, despite ties to Fifthism, the Crooked Smilers were entirely non-anomalous. Nilsson showed no capability of fulfilling his promises, and had been using the money for his own purposes, convincing his followers that when the time was right they would have everything they desired. By the time of the raid, several had already been forced out due to an inability to provide funds. This, as well as the failure on Nilsson's part to spread his message, meant that his followers required no amnestics, and underwent standard reintergration procedures. The vast majority of the Crooked Smilers were dealt with there; however, it is believed that a slim number of overseas members, such as the letter-writer, exist. Addendum 3: Below is a selection of letters found on SCP-6908. Johnny, I heard the news! Christ, you scared the life out of me! They're saying you're dead, but I'm not stupid. I am still so excited, you know. It has to be soon, doesn't it? I appreciate that this isn't an exact science, but I suppose there's a lot of work to be done. I'm happy to wait. I left my donation with Mabel,1 seeing as you're still hidi waiting. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Grace Johnny, I'm so tired. What am I supposed to do? Grace Johnny, Hi, hope you're well. Donation is with Mabel. What do you want? I was just curio How do you want? It's silly, I know, but I really do admire how you do it. You know exactly what you want, and how to get it. I'm a bit worried once we actually create our archon2 I won't know what to ask it for! Oh well, I'm sure something will work out. I'd love to meet you in person. I'm sure I'd enjoy your company, and you mine. You should come to England sometime. Grace Johnny, First off, I am so, so, sorry about the donation this month. Sodding manager's cutting our wages, AGAIN. I'm surviving, don't worry, but I just can't afford to pay you right now. I'm sorry, I swear, I'll make it up. Mustn't grumble, I guess, at least I have a job. I'm really looking forward to when we do it. I haven't got much on here, so I'm very much looking forward to it. Even if it is a bit I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know what I want. Grace Johnny, I could do it by myself, you know. I could do it myself, you slimy greasy wanker. Except I couldn't. It'll happen, or it won't. You know, I spent my whole life waiting? I spent eighteen damned years waiting, just drifting, like what I wanted would just sort of happen, and it'd all be great, and you know what? I was out of college, nothing happened, and I was left with exactly that: NOTHING. I don't need to waste my life on you. I'm quite capable of doing that myself. Grace Please. Never mind. Something will turn up. Addendum 17: The last letter above was discovered on 30/11/1990, eight months after the first. Shortly following the manifestation, SCP-6908 ceased displaying its anomalous properties. Reclassification to Neutralisation complete by 21/12/1991." "SCP-6908. Photo taken 20/11/1991."
[ 3.00348043e-01 2.43136913e-01 -1.61511123e-01 2.93574452e-01 4.39574607e-02 -3.25880051e-01 -1.35632858e-01 1.35135427e-01 5.18524051e-01 2.42189288e-01 1.36788422e-02 5.41606918e-02 -3.75870913e-01 -2.71250248e-01 -7.03418953e-03 8.57571065e-02 1.91199891e-02 1.94377691e-01 5.33965304e-02 -9.28287432e-02 -3.06825370e-01 2.97513884e-03 -3.86126786e-02 2.23352283e-01 -2.46714279e-01 -8.34302828e-02 1.23699075e-02 4.80518080e-02 -1.42362013e-01 -2.36582428e-01 -1.52673805e-02 2.03992352e-01 -1.37228400e-01 5.74326158e-01 -1.05713720e-04 -2.69805431e-01 1.96766376e-01 -3.58729996e-02 -3.52188021e-01 4.99812141e-02 -4.46587354e-02 1.36663569e-02 4.65060323e-02 -1.92469865e-01 -1.42832473e-01 -2.94987082e-01 2.12551683e-01 -2.07703605e-01 9.30899531e-02 2.92103495e-02 1.64288417e-01 8.52119178e-02 1.44966736e-01 4.47540497e-03 1.13708600e-01 1.39053434e-01 -1.15035407e-01 2.29800958e-03 3.58518064e-01 7.32663199e-02 -9.70437378e-02 1.42653957e-01 -3.53618324e-01 -5.81526086e-02 3.51233870e-01 -1.89376891e-01 1.66812167e-01 -1.41191304e-01 1.09640114e-01 1.47394952e-03 -1.95953101e-01 1.44643813e-01 2.65586704e-01 -9.18328911e-02 7.20662922e-02 -4.29960042e-01 1.90389454e-01 1.87175512e-01 -2.07499906e-01 6.86376616e-02 9.76733863e-02 4.05612886e-01 -2.11397380e-01 -1.11565255e-01 -2.60184973e-01 -1.52284592e-01 -1.56850561e-01 -2.17082858e-01 3.79075184e-02 2.40123197e-02 5.30143678e-02 8.50953460e-02 1.42457590e-01 2.63693094e-01 2.56865211e-02 -1.47173375e-01 2.75038242e-01 1.85458705e-01 2.37598419e-01 3.96069348e-01 7.17322528e-02 1.64400458e-01 -2.00317994e-01 1.58299938e-01 2.90291399e-01 -3.19661975e-01 3.38953286e-01 -3.25623184e-01 -9.21420231e-02 5.34618676e-01 8.38380978e-02 1.93097770e-01 -2.37173885e-01 1.44623592e-01 4.18570608e-01 -4.18212920e-01 5.55847473e-02 -2.19056100e-01 -3.26405950e-02 3.15519542e-01 -1.38000965e-01 2.97496039e-02 -2.42750898e-01 2.68730670e-01 5.59472442e-01 3.12390596e-01 8.90573636e-02 -2.22505659e-01 -2.58300155e-02 -1.65034935e-01 -1.48193747e-01 2.67437547e-02 -3.06405574e-01 1.97949186e-01 2.20623761e-01 1.07161999e-01 -3.14457491e-02 -2.36447662e-01 2.04747826e-01 1.32324561e-01 3.45806688e-01 -3.43356550e-01 5.94154716e-01 4.98030037e-01 -2.27862269e-01 -3.70961502e-02 -5.87537065e-02 -1.56486258e-01 -3.30910385e-02 6.47842661e-02 6.27345324e-01 2.90984120e-02 -6.66894540e-02 2.05034554e-01 -1.87461209e-02 9.88125727e-02 1.97403505e-01 4.29015001e-03 -2.52054989e-01 5.72176091e-03 3.74284744e-01 1.63180992e-01 -2.17566058e-01 -2.00134814e-01 3.13532293e-01 4.82095093e-01 1.25802606e-01 -1.45553082e-01 -1.28374472e-01 4.47416604e-02 -2.82688916e-01 1.97180316e-01 1.09444633e-01 -1.18540913e-01 -2.94675082e-01 -1.25670671e-01 -4.61246163e-01 1.22400261e-01 -1.75561413e-01 -1.18912376e-01 -1.61868885e-01 2.90366054e-01 2.76966572e-01 -3.14870715e-01 -1.87448800e-01 2.88494587e-01 -1.34469688e-01 1.77922286e-02 2.49032587e-01 -1.36045590e-01 -2.87646860e-01 -7.78009668e-02 2.29834482e-01 8.21614116e-02 1.22838706e-01 -8.00003558e-02 -1.03626050e-01 -2.42930815e-01 3.45242620e-01 2.12377399e-01 6.19223937e-02 -2.76359525e-02 2.31437966e-01 2.11910173e-01 1.69523563e-02 -3.39155316e-01 -1.96029153e-03 -5.04007638e-02 3.06758195e-01 4.02943581e-01 -3.43076438e-01 7.26794302e-02 -3.63506079e-01 1.27018169e-01 -1.53481010e-02 -4.81660217e-01 1.46859393e-01 9.67775360e-02 -4.43119735e-01 -1.56983256e-01 -3.10990334e-01 2.92059094e-01 9.95484591e-02 -8.30080733e-03 -3.71025014e-03 3.40448856e-01 -2.07912996e-01 -4.03858751e-01 -1.86653152e-01 1.74859744e-02 1.04464248e-01 1.61615312e-01 2.10771993e-01 5.44747757e-03 -1.94250256e-01 -1.22348189e-01 1.78270504e-01 6.55648410e-01 -8.40007886e-02 -1.52224272e-01 2.27187872e-01 2.28209093e-01 1.66414887e-01 7.27289096e-02 -5.74918911e-02 4.36076045e-01 -2.07340181e-01 -9.80160106e-03 1.07057020e-01 -2.17509568e-01 -2.20774896e-02 -2.78833061e-01 -1.01093970e-01 -1.15470365e-01 3.19648832e-01 2.41898581e-01 -3.47468555e-02 2.83186674e-01 9.66655090e-02 1.41960248e-01 -5.80400750e-02 -9.39859599e-02 1.43532574e-01 -6.80799335e-02 1.83240265e-01 -1.69383720e-01 1.48432031e-01 -1.26697361e-01 6.74339905e-02 -7.26321200e-03 -9.44074094e-02 -2.03071520e-01 8.67247880e-02 -1.45031720e-01 2.15045914e-01 -1.24411240e-01 2.78408051e-01 4.86636251e-01 3.14004451e-01 1.21907093e-01 -1.89994931e-01 -2.66823649e-01 -1.96588248e-01 -1.15862511e-01 -1.08190596e-01 -1.31063893e-01 1.30644530e-01 -2.44358480e-01 5.07065235e-03 3.77413124e-01 -2.36724280e-02 -2.06579551e-01 -1.66198522e-01 -9.67304334e-02 -1.11238010e-01 -1.74316257e-01 -1.48506522e-01 4.47855800e-01 -5.10861278e-02 3.62578988e-01 -7.37434328e-01 1.42391175e-01 2.81125695e-01 1.05522461e-01 -5.30615866e-01 1.03505448e-01 4.24959451e-01 -7.44588226e-02 3.44216488e-02 -1.38601989e-01 -1.62518278e-01 2.07041562e-01 -1.59297749e-01 -2.38286257e-01 1.82756320e-01 2.45854944e-01 -1.43039733e-01 -4.18019325e-01 1.14747532e-01 -7.40506470e-01 1.57425087e-02 -1.99442327e-01 -1.61224343e-02 2.63751894e-01 -2.07524836e-01 2.00625449e-01 -2.94297989e-02 -3.86450231e-01 2.97687620e-01 3.06230277e-01 2.17356160e-02 2.27458581e-01 -1.27127126e-01 2.63065606e-01 7.72215053e-02 -1.75977767e-01 -1.57524511e-01 -1.90162450e-01 3.44636500e-01 -1.31424949e-01 9.06790271e-02 1.05993934e-02 -2.54783303e-01 6.47357032e-02 -1.31303191e-01 -4.39976335e-01 -1.31784573e-01 1.20282143e-01 4.55964953e-01 -1.32733583e-01 -4.09878880e-01 2.48960719e-01 2.60790765e-01 -3.91007751e-01 -9.72768068e-02 -1.44250497e-01 -1.26889646e-01 -3.78814402e-05 1.74066365e-01 -3.58061671e-01 -4.31146562e-01 7.67390653e-02 2.11344957e-01 -2.27286652e-01 2.67487347e-01 -5.48095219e-02 2.23774210e-01 4.04375225e-01 2.07501203e-01 -6.64887726e-02 1.48397610e-01 1.08833686e-01 -3.47053468e-01 8.92200619e-02 1.35778487e-01 -4.14951378e-03 -6.48275912e-02 -2.75580138e-01 -1.77668303e-01 -1.14224061e-01 -1.27843216e-01 4.19583291e-01 2.88136303e-01 -3.39190871e-01 -1.05325520e-01 1.77874580e-01 -4.49964553e-02 8.71282592e-02 4.13958043e-01 9.33968555e-03 2.71869842e-02 -1.19168386e-01 6.55082524e-01 -7.16136349e-03 -3.35211717e-02 -1.65628880e-01 -2.71896183e-01 -2.58299619e-01 -2.29375400e-02 1.66238785e-01 -2.80054837e-01 -9.32467077e-03 1.60264581e-01 3.68961245e-01 5.54252803e-01 2.91866869e-01 -2.28329509e-01 3.03678848e-02 -1.16689160e-01 -4.47324932e-01 1.14198238e-01 -1.29461661e-01 -1.12253018e-01 -8.78430307e-02 2.86501557e-01 -1.87370837e-01 -2.93287337e-02 -1.58408619e-02 -1.49086881e-02 -5.65749228e-01 -2.30638325e-01 -3.87882479e-02 1.47722587e-01 -2.54944861e-01 -3.07664514e-01 8.55791569e-02 2.67738611e-01 4.73653227e-01 2.61308886e-02 -1.70978829e-01 -4.00867984e-02 1.65536076e-01 -2.60171115e-01 6.73628986e-01 5.25397837e-01 -3.64194028e-02 -5.67019321e-02 -7.52055049e-02 -2.77188178e-02 1.78611383e-01 -2.29055762e-01 2.66822368e-01 7.66528666e-01 1.23518735e-01 9.28710923e-02 9.69053283e-02 1.56177565e-01 3.72190191e-03 -6.55207187e-02 3.78986627e-01 8.06849673e-02 5.56669772e-01 -3.87672871e-01 2.07142070e-01 -1.54379420e-02 -3.45120609e-01 -2.37651125e-01 -8.01307894e-03 5.44437431e-02 6.22868478e-01 1.61191463e-01 1.23194730e+00 1.00336321e-01 4.04759020e-01 2.64768481e-01 -5.18109024e-01 1.21389702e-02 -1.57768950e-01 -2.13126503e-02 1.11787178e-01 9.66097265e-02 9.50331539e-02 -1.81763709e-01 -6.45626336e-02 4.67851430e-01 -2.71606922e-01 -1.14852749e-01 -4.21562701e-01 -1.82914615e-01 1.08570322e-01 1.54830050e-02 -2.72580534e-01 -6.08191360e-03 -4.70802523e-02 1.42318323e-01 6.29872596e-03 1.01805635e-01 -1.00168966e-01 1.55555010e-01 8.48184153e-02 3.46844018e-01 -1.75427143e-02 2.61867438e-02 -3.12220424e-01 1.31876171e-02 1.82848006e-01 -2.46571779e-01 -1.60991438e-02 2.30968799e-02 -1.57905728e-01 4.00116518e-02 -9.11447257e-02 3.37960243e-01 7.73560047e-01 -1.90745518e-01 1.19083226e-01 -3.79288942e-02 1.64888933e-01 1.14917718e-01 -1.33783370e-01 9.15067047e-02 -3.07545930e-01 1.69678375e-01 -4.15382206e-01 -2.61664018e-02 2.55617142e-01 -1.79211020e-01 2.63450235e-01 2.41728470e-01 -1.28274694e-01 -1.46296963e-01 1.90136388e-01 1.05628826e-01 2.28811249e-01 -3.62473607e-01 -1.80638269e-01 -3.38232331e-02 -1.65784270e-01 1.17643110e-01 7.77604356e-02 -3.19436729e-01 3.28858942e-01 2.33235404e-01 -2.81512707e-01 -3.82794470e-01 -2.67675757e-01 1.36053473e-01 -2.04664022e-01 2.40641460e-01 2.04093963e-01 -4.38956082e-01 1.62367791e-01 4.06410307e-01 2.38670230e-01 -4.47374284e-01 -3.79117429e-01 6.66077584e-02 2.06760392e-02 1.76955372e-01 3.36468756e-01 2.12185249e-01 -1.36630610e-01 3.39753628e-01 -9.31716990e-03 -1.69893339e-01 -4.11768556e-01 -7.97868297e-02 -2.93626934e-01 -2.20822424e-01 4.84144926e-01 -6.66395247e-01 -1.51445255e-01 -4.75655124e-03 1.49668470e-01 5.53895198e-02 -2.71769345e-01 -1.23753063e-01 -1.85988471e-01 1.62332863e-01 -1.14029974e-01 -1.27934799e-01 4.06409912e-02 -7.73042813e-02 2.45948315e-01 -8.10300559e-02 -3.09706517e-02 1.08933732e-01 2.28425726e-01 1.52048320e-01 -4.94259745e-01 3.61338824e-01 2.44344212e-03 1.52648240e-01 -7.45400563e-02 3.75631779e-01 -1.86201744e-02 -1.65416494e-01 -1.50060177e-01 -1.10357508e-01 2.59469748e-01 2.24754587e-01 1.68868098e-02 3.03594112e-01 4.47452098e-01 1.25194386e-01 -1.53879911e-01 -5.22541888e-02 1.64766952e-01 -9.36075374e-02 -2.68599749e-01 -2.49588639e-01 -1.79415345e-01 2.94758350e-01 -1.04126140e-01 1.30375579e-01 -2.77380615e-01 -5.74121391e-03 -1.05099574e-01 2.08515525e-01 -9.89518687e-02 -6.03892744e-01 -3.31080139e-01 1.18187927e-01 2.97250718e-01 -1.70416728e-01 -1.71887681e-01 -2.69093663e-01 1.06361553e-01 -2.64288396e-01 1.93274200e-01 1.94971681e-01 3.40032011e-01 -6.24964610e-02 4.15571809e-01 5.73895238e-02 2.58632511e-01 6.62834048e-01 -8.70439932e-02 2.39801496e-01 -3.16876359e-02 4.30939406e-01 -2.63019025e-01 2.94395745e-01 -1.04826935e-01 2.43206993e-01 -1.33856371e-01 3.47802997e-01 5.78976097e-03 1.38233095e-01 8.53327438e-02 2.27463558e-01 3.65532637e-01 -3.50540459e-01 -2.53951430e-01 -1.03767283e-01 1.14191122e-01 1.00539632e-01 -3.09171993e-02 1.86937436e-01 6.06688373e-02 -1.38547689e-01 3.21448624e-01 -4.90331985e-02 7.74662375e-01 -2.64386684e-01 1.74824938e-01 4.82070565e-01 -1.43596306e-01 1.40741423e-01 4.47626233e-01 2.72431821e-01 -1.53933793e-01 -2.17565656e-01 1.50336459e-01 -1.23092711e-01 -1.02667227e-01 -2.02693164e-01 9.69527364e-02 2.33280033e-01 -5.57336072e-03 -5.07558510e-02 1.15060404e-01 -3.48993838e-01 -5.36081553e-01 1.65403187e-01 2.20768899e-01 3.54043394e-02 -7.22120404e-02 -1.69226184e-01 -3.67487580e-01 1.01388477e-01 -7.08307251e-02 -3.69120985e-01 -1.47470742e-01 -1.96615428e-01 -2.70260245e-01 9.29977074e-02 -1.76716745e-01 1.12628348e-01 7.55072534e-02 2.41459742e-01 9.56189036e-02 3.97055149e-01 1.09442882e-01 -4.94952530e-01 -3.55361134e-01 3.96851748e-01 1.64131224e-01 -3.85102332e-01 -8.02436471e-03 5.96734416e-03 5.66728674e-02 -1.32679328e-01 -1.93650842e-01 9.89979059e-02 -1.73236474e-01 -9.62835401e-02 -4.87394065e-01 1.48065805e-01 5.75511813e-01 1.25844091e-01 -1.09230757e-01 -9.17549133e-02 1.69912484e-02 -2.27116770e-03 1.52145490e-01 5.82110994e-02 -3.31226170e-01 -2.35540718e-02 6.54186130e-01 1.26467764e-01 -1.44835785e-01 5.04152104e-02 1.45835206e-02 -4.35149342e-01 3.04744124e-01 4.66027930e-02 -3.19039896e-02 1.33960888e-01 3.23266029e-01 1.88514441e-01 3.30534391e-02 2.78808028e-01 2.10924745e-01 4.67340872e-02 -1.04843661e-01 -1.31115839e-01 -3.50493848e-01 -7.15423822e-02 -9.17128623e-02 -4.96219136e-02 -2.55980998e-01 4.12796676e-01 7.16759264e-02 -1.27580583e-01 -9.10706744e-02 -8.25363845e-02 3.33743006e-01 -1.96164683e-01 -2.22847089e-01 -1.28623068e-01 -5.75810783e-02 -2.25995123e-01 2.73880479e-03 -1.26776114e-01 -3.00070941e-01 5.13300747e-02 1.96707547e-01 -5.13764918e-01 -2.06772223e-01 -1.61211506e-01 -4.05585319e-01 -1.68638766e-01 5.11711538e-01 5.86321279e-02 -1.00004137e-01 -2.84013987e-01 8.79838020e-02]
"The Neverending Struggle" active "≡ ITEM #: SCP-6909 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: KETER DISRUPTION CLASS: DARK ITEM: SCP-6909 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: KETER DISRUPTION CLASS: DARK SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Foundation webcrawlers for keywords pertaining to SCP-6909 should to be monitored. Websites containing SCP-6909 should be taken down, and physical manifestations that are not in Foundation containment should be destroyed. Civilian subjects aware of SCP-6909 should be amnestisized. Current confirmed iterations of SCP-6909 include: Copies of literature and art depicting SCP-6909 is stored in a locker in Site-168. Digital archives are available for testing for personnel above Level 2 clearance. All personnel involved with SCP-6909 should have undergone training to have Cognitive Resistance Value (CRV) of at least 5. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6909 is a self-propagating memetic narrative structure, which typically takes the form of a story or fable. SCP-6909 is a textual anomaly, which alters printed material and digital files by inserting itself into the medium by replacing a portion of the affected works. SCP-6909 typically affects mythological anthologies or translations of folklore, and have been observed in many languages. The narrative of SCP-6909 takes the form of a fable with a moral lesson for the reader. While iterations of SCP-6909 vary across cultural spheres, consistent elements of the story include the physical description of the two central figures, the description of the vanquished beasts, and the subsequent disappearance of one figure, and cyclical nature. Subjects without proper memetic inoculation that come across SCP-6909 typically believe that SCP-6909 is an ancient myth that they have previously heard before, typically from parents or grandparents. The memetic effect is retained through various ways of reproduction, if key elements of the narrative is intact; this includes further oral or textual retellings, or visual depictions in art. It is believed that SCP-6909 typically spread through textual reproduction. While visual reproductions of SCP-6909 have been found, this has found not to be a result of memetic compulsion, but merely a side effect. While the origin of SCP-6909 is unknown, earliest record of SCP-6909 originated from the comparative literature departments of several universities, starting in the 1980s. The Foundation noticed this discrepancy when a number of comparative literature studies independently "discovered" a previously unknown story within several cultural spheres. As there were no historical text or art depicting the stories, and the highly similar narrative structure between different iterations, the Foundation realized a possible narrative hazard and discovered the memetic effect afterwards. Because the memetic effect of SCP-6909 is non-hazardous, it has made it difficult to determine the spread of SCP-6909. Oral tradition has become the most common form of spread for SCP-6909 after the Foundation began its containment efforts. ADDENDUM 6909-1 — Textual Example The following is a text from a purported translation of the Vamana Purana produced by Rutgers University in 1992, which contains the following SCP-6909 insertion. Due to the late discovery of this instance of SCP-6909, this story has been found to be spread by several families and schools that practice Hinduism, used as a fable used to teach young boys important life lessons. In the valley of Vindhyachal, the land was plagued by foul beasts. There were two companions that travel the land, Slaying beasts in the valley; The Great Yoddha and his companion. Their names were Nirjar and Vagesh. Nirjar, the Great Yoddha, was a seasoned and proud warrior, of strength and skill of a hundred men. Vagesh was his companion: Vagesh carried the warrior's belongings and tended to the warrior's horses. The people of Vindhyachal cheered for Nirjar. 'Yoddha! Yoddha!' They called him, meaning 'great warrior' Nirjar and Vagesh would travel the land, the warrior slaying beasts while the companion hides. When Nirjar collects the head of the slain beast, Vagesh holds the satchel. When Nirjar drinks and celebrates with the townspeople, Vagesh sits in the back and watches. When Nirjar beds the courtesans, Vagesh tends and feeds the horses. One day as the townpeople toast Nirjar, Nirjar sees Vagesh quietly drinking in the corner. Nirjar asks Vagesh, "My comrade, what troubles you so?" Do you not feel the joy of the people around us?" Vagesh replies, "Yes, Great Yoddha, I feel their joy But that grateful celebration is for you; I do not have the strength of a hundred men like you. You lift up men and women with your bravery, When they sing, they sing of you. I will never have your strength, Even though I have followed you for many years. I watch your attacks and learn your methods, Yet I cannot lift even your sword; for my weakness burdens me." Nirjar, the Great Yoddha, did not say anything, but he heard his companion's words and understood his despair. Deep into the night, as Vagesh rested, Nirjar quietly took a small rock under the starry knight, and slipped it into his own satchel. As the two travel the land, Nirjar would add another rock into his own satchel every few days Vagesh, unaware, continues to carry. As Nirjar continued the vanquish foul beasts, Vagesh would imitate at the sides; As Nirjar talked during their travels, Vagesh listens to his advice; As Nirjar sleeps, Vagesh practices swinging his weapon, deep into the night. One day as Vagesh washes Nirjar's belongings by the river, a foul reptilian beast sneaks near. "Oh Great Yoddha, Where are you!" But Nirjar does not come to his rescue. The fearsome beast leapt attempted to bite Vagesh Vagesh sees Nirjar's sword, And in one swing, slays his first beast. Nirjar, hidden behind trees, smiles And empties his satchel of rocks, Walks away and leaves Vagesh behind. Vegesh does not know any of this, and as he catches his breath he sees the slain beast's body; as he has seen Nirjar do so many times, Vagesh decapitates the foul beast. "Oh Great Yoddha! I have been fortunate Where are you?" But Nirjar has disappeared, Never to be seen again in the Vindhyachal valley. Vagesh rides into a new town, in search of Nirjar. The people welcome him - "Oh Great Yoddha! Oh Great Yoddha!" "I am not the Great Yoddha," Vagesh said. "If you are not the Great Yoddha, how did you slay this beast?" "I am not the Great Yoddha," Vagesh said. "I am not worthy of the title." "You have slain the foulsome beast," the people say "You are the Great Yoddha." "I am not the Great Yoddha," Vagesh said. "I have only slain one beast. I am looking for the true Great Yoddha, my friend Nirjar." "Perhaps yesterday you are not the Great Yoddha. But that does not mean you are not the Great Yoddha today." Vagesh looked into the crowd, Saw the adoration in their faces And realized what Nirjar has done. Vagesh raises the beasts head, And the town cheered, Clamoring for the newest hero. Vagesh did not forget about Nirjar, yet no one knows his whereabouts. The land is too treacherous, for even the greatest warriors. A meek young man approaches Vagesh, "I am not a warrior, but I desire to become one. Let me be your companion, Great Yoddha, And we shall vanquish the lands." Vagesh sees the frail young man, And knew what Nirjar would do; He gladly let the young man ride, Finally knowing why Nirjar disappeared. The two set off into the wild, the Great Yoddha and his companion. ADDENDUM 6909-2 — Artistic Example Visual depictions of SCP-6909 are also common, but there have been no known compulsion effect; most visual depictions come in the form of children's books, or paintings made for specific cultural events. The following image is obtained from a Canadian copy of a children's book in 2019 ("Vernon and Alexandre"), blocked for publishing after the discovery of SCP-6909 influence. « SCP-6908 | SCP-6909 | SCP-6910 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6909" by Joreth, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: final_luxaiko.png Author: Luxaiko License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: The SCP Wiki For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Imitation antique (Shushen Searches for Weiwu) in the style of the Tang Dynasty, inspired by SCP-6909, created in 1991. SCP-6909 example."
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6.04343005e-02 3.73808056e-01 1.17619876e-02 -2.41930243e-02 5.34541786e-01 -2.50054240e-01 2.51060009e-01 2.66854148e-02 1.60489261e-01 -9.54310745e-02 -6.17479645e-02 -1.67067796e-01 3.15188885e-01 3.12284306e-02 -6.51965588e-02 2.03001544e-01 -2.30554447e-01 6.41634047e-01 1.86619222e-01 -1.98215649e-01 1.72740921e-01 -1.86544061e-01 -4.70250189e-01 -4.46900120e-03 -5.86888753e-02 -3.55514705e-01 2.01199397e-01 -2.24974111e-01 -2.59737164e-01 -1.52140900e-01 1.10560857e-01 -3.15025061e-01 2.14122590e-02 -1.97830468e-01 -2.78609186e-01 -4.15237665e-01 -4.04421687e-01 8.42483714e-02 -9.58027691e-02 -2.10123479e-01 -3.19064230e-01 1.84530616e-01 -1.23224288e-01 -2.65028756e-02 2.53681242e-01 4.29912247e-02 2.85220947e-02 2.25222051e-01 -3.02760452e-01 3.43679816e-01 3.07678729e-01 3.39040697e-01 1.51337236e-01 8.89895260e-02 8.76800418e-02 -9.99781862e-02 6.87192380e-02 1.34896055e-01 6.40313029e-01 2.38912001e-01 -7.30435029e-02 -9.47498605e-02 4.63339202e-02 -1.27059460e-01 1.62005469e-01 9.14484784e-02 -2.12000281e-01 -6.26859069e-02 -1.03044793e-01 3.61019880e-01 1.37059987e-01 -6.87165186e-02 -3.37025151e-02 -3.54217976e-01 -2.41804197e-01 7.78318718e-02 9.32694748e-02 1.36118758e+00 1.94886714e-01 3.73178571e-01 4.69820313e-02 -1.32110685e-01 1.84935823e-01 -2.05516517e-01 1.35327503e-01 4.00736369e-02 -1.85195759e-01 -1.05261311e-01 -1.00719832e-01 3.14314365e-01 9.24053267e-02 -4.99311626e-01 1.18345119e-01 -5.72559647e-02 -1.20967783e-01 3.16315502e-01 1.70233458e-01 -7.78656453e-02 2.65296884e-02 -1.99629396e-01 7.14014992e-02 -2.39813119e-01 1.13340065e-01 -2.28841379e-01 -4.49744202e-02 8.80613327e-02 -1.62078235e-02 2.36387514e-02 1.76342249e-01 -1.33676678e-01 3.69117260e-01 1.81228563e-01 -3.00065428e-01 -5.21307737e-02 -6.87175021e-02 -8.55099335e-02 -7.44085759e-02 -1.16718724e-01 1.72947109e-01 6.81693435e-01 -5.88268638e-01 1.46463767e-01 1.05050690e-01 3.39352995e-01 1.71130821e-01 1.57716155e-01 7.76563808e-02 -5.09892851e-02 1.58144578e-01 -4.63253647e-01 -9.60341245e-02 2.77547807e-01 2.13497475e-01 1.61337808e-01 3.56462538e-01 -4.35455531e-01 -1.71698973e-01 1.29945621e-01 -1.35568440e-01 -2.60767639e-01 2.90154457e-01 -3.01752180e-01 -1.92364231e-01 -6.93790391e-02 4.72813606e-01 1.65564999e-01 -7.46953636e-02 2.30687648e-01 2.97704190e-01 -2.05754146e-01 -1.81012362e-01 -2.48064548e-01 1.31209388e-01 -3.25521752e-02 1.67388767e-01 1.26423120e-01 -1.38204023e-01 1.85045451e-01 4.75920498e-01 2.45120481e-01 -1.61271706e-01 -3.02328348e-01 -2.32190397e-02 5.53161837e-03 9.68651399e-02 2.64344335e-01 2.09542990e-01 1.12631470e-01 2.23073035e-01 -9.37601998e-02 1.86669976e-01 -3.51722747e-01 -1.37569770e-01 -5.29923774e-02 -1.13595083e-01 2.34161362e-01 -4.72829103e-01 -2.89757788e-01 -1.45123720e-01 7.12361634e-02 9.37545523e-02 -2.42660895e-01 -1.33994177e-01 -1.42702118e-01 1.71168312e-01 -3.03801876e-02 -1.05051331e-01 7.53280669e-02 7.59830400e-02 2.68954068e-01 1.45365104e-01 -1.01303220e-01 2.90181369e-01 1.52943760e-01 2.27783173e-01 -3.05440187e-01 2.34641209e-01 -4.04940210e-02 4.70239908e-01 -1.62727490e-01 5.63507855e-01 2.73131183e-03 1.24026023e-01 -2.39247128e-01 9.08067599e-02 8.89297649e-02 2.74591386e-01 -1.39511332e-01 2.36183420e-01 2.32739151e-01 -3.66742536e-02 -1.39695406e-02 2.40284242e-02 1.48450658e-01 2.65835434e-01 -4.75064069e-01 -3.32099855e-01 1.28627241e-01 2.05745921e-01 -1.32384107e-01 3.21672738e-01 1.37367278e-01 1.16117351e-01 -7.02689588e-02 3.50822359e-01 -9.07253176e-02 -7.08635569e-01 -1.23968631e-01 3.19620788e-01 1.87592462e-01 -1.55524135e-01 3.16660464e-01 2.61073232e-01 6.18750304e-02 -2.30958566e-01 2.68505692e-01 4.91089821e-01 5.20899653e-01 -2.42683858e-01 1.62316635e-01 5.16032636e-01 4.51416939e-01 4.75863457e-01 -4.64012884e-02 4.26459402e-01 1.85087416e-02 3.18711489e-01 6.94657043e-02 2.10100889e-01 -1.56630620e-01 2.74957299e-01 -2.06239402e-01 -6.43664524e-02 -6.83812723e-02 9.25731659e-02 -5.78762554e-02 1.97097540e-01 -3.24568868e-01 -1.99982718e-01 -5.35365082e-02 -1.93111435e-01 1.52721778e-01 2.45697737e-01 -1.12841673e-01 2.36630142e-01 -2.67260149e-02 -1.99884325e-01 -5.30625395e-02 1.14242084e-01 5.88470519e-01 -2.35941350e-01 1.37720004e-01 4.85202014e-01 1.99907705e-01 4.17454317e-02 2.14132607e-01 1.33455306e-01 -6.63882643e-02 -2.48551995e-01 -2.51151562e-01 1.73206151e-01 -5.28858192e-02 3.96886244e-02 3.92720625e-02 1.67216614e-01 7.10817501e-02 1.47301974e-02 8.16479921e-02 -1.59901977e-01 -1.89706892e-01 2.96946783e-02 -5.52723631e-02 2.92430185e-02 -9.26831588e-02 3.02734151e-02 -2.11309239e-01 3.30350488e-01 1.62965044e-01 -4.35868651e-01 3.50826114e-01 -7.99874775e-03 -5.85229039e-01 4.53248508e-02 -2.90624768e-01 7.94252604e-02 -1.60959482e-01 1.31233677e-01 3.69989812e-01 7.24613741e-02 2.16387659e-01 -1.51775330e-01 -1.64892837e-01 1.09398499e-01 -8.28847215e-02 -3.40415359e-01 1.70753524e-02 5.56095794e-04 -2.83843037e-02 3.11718285e-01 -2.75837094e-01 -1.27701327e-01 -6.02525771e-01 -2.54749656e-02 -1.97979331e-01 1.48711562e-01 5.40332198e-01 -1.72778025e-01 1.10165618e-01 -6.99821636e-02 -3.41631062e-02 -4.07660633e-01 -1.59209762e-02 2.28506267e-01 -2.22053140e-01 1.41078651e-01 1.98536545e-01 1.30912378e-01 -2.32392669e-01 -1.91622943e-01 5.68929948e-02 -3.63981813e-01 5.72602637e-02 1.01738758e-01 -1.74004108e-01 3.58772427e-01 -6.72446266e-02 4.43679780e-01 -2.24631518e-01 -5.57798939e-03 3.06593329e-01 -6.11395538e-02 -3.87989804e-02 -2.17989683e-02 -2.26493627e-01 -8.66251513e-02 4.18223217e-02 2.06686601e-01 -3.11476529e-01 3.43840867e-01 1.74737588e-01 2.33848751e-01 3.15068476e-02 -4.81577069e-01 4.83544528e-01 1.79066628e-01 -2.17754036e-01 -1.64212331e-01 7.28869885e-02 -3.25852007e-01 -1.48760051e-01 -2.83557326e-01 -2.70156801e-01 2.13489402e-02 1.20837651e-01 -3.91342461e-01 6.59113675e-02 -3.08737427e-01 -2.92151928e-01 -1.70303151e-01 2.78692901e-01 -7.58066997e-02 -1.69478834e-01 -1.43422782e-01 -8.57536495e-03]
"Ms. Reminisce" active "Item #: SCP-6910 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6910 is kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber. Access to brewing equipment and beverage supplies has been granted to SCP-6910 for recreational purposes and mental stimulation. Weekly psychological treatment of SCP-6910 is ongoing. Approval for SCP-6910 to operate in the site's cafeteria is currently under review. Further experimentation is pending Ethics Committee approval. Description: SCP-6910 is a female humanoid, measuring 2.2m in height and weighing 80kg. Distinguishing features include hazel brown hair and deep purple eyes. A heavily faded tattoo reading "Ms. Reminisce, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment" is located on SCP-6910’s right forearm. SCP-6910 possesses a perfect photographic/long-term memory, having shown the ability to recall memories from up to twelve years in the past, describing major and minor details with seemingly perfect accuracy. SCP-6910 will recall memories when they choose, or unwillingly when triggered by specific prompts, such as photos or verbal references to an event or location. Testing shows that SCP-6910 is completely immune to the effects of amnestic treatment, hypnosis, and all other memory alteration methods. Subjects discussing topics with which SCP-6910 is knowledgable of have displayed superior memorization and understanding of the information taught. Information learnt can however be removed from the subject’s memories with standard amnestic treatment. Through the utilisation of their abilities, SCP-6910 has dedicated its time to becoming a coffee barista. SCP-6910 is capable of preparing a multitude of recipes for both hot and cold beverages, and operating brewing equipment and utensils near flawlessly. Drinks brewed by SCP-6910 are considered by both casual and expert coffee consumers to be of high quality and taste. None of these skills or the drinks produced are anomalous. SCP-6910 was previously employed by a coffee shop privately operated by GoI-116 "Ambrose Restaurants", in Chicago, United States. Since containment, SCP-6910 has expressed no desire to learn any additional skills other than those which involve making coffee. Addendum.1: Interview Transcript [Removed for brevity] Dr. Ling: You were an educational toy? Brewing machine noises SCP-6910: Correct! Have another coffee and a gold star. No wait. Sorry, old habit. Dr. Ling: Well anyway, is there anything further you'd like to tell us? SCP-6910: Well there's this fantastic Turkish blend I've been dying to try- Dr. Ling: -I was actually hoping to hear what you knew about "Wondertainment" and your creation? SCP-6910: Well… There's not much to say. I was made there, but I never saw much else of Wondertainment. Wondertainment is difficult to pin down in terms of "What it is", even for me. I remember workshops and toys, but everything else is a blur. That was intentional on the doctor's part, to make sure I couldn't be questioned by anyone like you guys. No offense. The only place that I remember clearly was a classroom and play area of sorts. It was filled with colourful foam and plastic walls, and mountains of educational toys I was told to learn about. And plenty of bookshelves crammed with all sorts of genres and subjects. There was a brief time long before then… But everything was just blank. No sound. No anything. Like watching a broken television screen. Don't even remember how long it even lasted for. Can't remember anything that wasn't there. Dr. Ling: All blank before… So you were created this way? SCP-6910: Of course I was! I remember everything, but nothing from before then. So I’ve always been like this. Why wouldn’t I be? Dr. Ling: …Right. Moving on, you mentioned before that you read a lot. Care to share? SCP-6910: Oh, curious? To put it simply, I had to "learn" to be Ms. Reminisce. The doctor said it was only fitting that I learn things myself to better understand how to teach others. Dr. Ling: And what did you learn? SCP-6910: Mathematics, physics, chemistry, wooden toy carving, ancient history and religions… As much as I could. There was other stuff I had to read too… But for some reason all I recall is more blanks. Like black censor bars or something. Dr. Ling: And the coffee? Where does that come from? SCP-6910: It's the universal fuel of teachers! The doctor hated the stuff, but I didn't. There was brewing equipment in an attached staffroom for aesthetic purposes. Got into it quickly, and even started asking for books on brewing my own. Some days I learned more about coffee than mathematics, it'd get the doctor pretty steamed. Dr. Ling: And just how much have you read? SCP-6910: In total? Two-thousand and fifty-four books. Not counting the ones I've read since arriving here. Dr. Ling: …Wow. I’d have thought you’d read even more. SCP-6910: No need with this brain! All up in my head, so there's no need to study constantly. And even then, reading the same things too much just lead to memory repeats, over and over and over and over again in my head. It’s not pleasant.. very disorienting. Plus, I wanted to finally get out. Dr. Ling: And why was that? SCP-6910: To go out and help kids. Teaching the fun of learning and reading. Learn something from Ms. Reminisce, and you never forget it… That's what the doctor would say: "Kids need to grow up and remember those feelings of fun and wonder". Dr. Ling: Actually, what can you tell us about them? Your previous owners? SCP-6910: I don't think I could ever pick just one to discuss. Too many fun little minds, too difficult to choose, you know? I can't pick a favourite… Dr. Ling: That's alright, any will do. SCP-6910: I really couldn't. Can we move on to coffee now? Maybe later. SCP-6910 sips from mug Dr. Ling: No really. I'd like to know. SCP-6910 continues drinking in silence Dr. Ling: Well what about your employment at Ambrose? How did that occur? SCP-6910: Ambrose? I proposed it to the doctor: A shared branding agreement with the restaurant would be a great way to help both financially. Getting hired was easy, since I’d already memorised most of the beverages. It was great work; it helped clear my head and gain a new perspective. Teaching was good, but this was just more fulfilling. Dr. Ling: Really? Finding you working for Ambrose was a surprising revelation to us. And with your claims of enjoying education, I can’t help but wonder why you chose to work there. SCP-6910: Jobs and education, right? I loved it at first, but the truth is… After a while, you just get tired of doing certain things. I wanted to find a new passion, and I chose coffee! So that’s where I've been since. Dr. Ling: Well, is there anything more you'd like to share? We'd like to know at least a few things- SCP-6910: Nope, that's fine. Hey, how about I fix up a dalgona for you? That's your favorite, unless of course I forgot! SCP-6910 prepares to stand up Dr. Ling: I'm sorry, but this really isn’t up for debate. Your privileges could be revoked if you aren't compliant and answer. SCP-6910: Fine. …I enjoyed teaching at first, but after a while, I realised it wasn’t the thing that I really wanted to do. There's not much to say. I wasn't as happy anymore, so I asked for a new role. End of story. Dr. Ling: Is that really something Wondertainment would have allowed? SCP-6910: They're not a tyrant! Sure, it was difficult to convince them, but they were willing to compromise when I mentioned that adults need something special in their lives too. And that maybe if given the chance, I could supply it pipping hot. Dr. Ling: And was there anything else that may have made them reconsider? SCP-6910: Well… Things didn’t work out with teaching exactly… I realised that I wasn’t cut out for it, and unfortunately, it took a few mistakes before I realised that. One child, Phillip… We were playing at the park, but I looked away for a few seconds, and someone rode their bike right into him. He got a few bruises. He was fine, but the look on his face is awful to think about… Dr. Ling: Well that's not really your fault at all… But is there anything else you're not mentioning? SCP-6910: …This other time, I was with a girl called Christina, and she ran off. I looked for her, spent hours searching. Luckily, she found her own way back home, she was always so clever. I was relieved, but her parents weren’t happy. They got rid of me. Their anger I could handle, but I lost their "little darling". That’s what got me. SCP-6910's eyes squint SCP-6910 It’s hard moving on from those things, especially when they’re all so similar. Whenever I made one mistake, the rest would just flood right back out again, fresh as ever. Dr. Ling: Anything else? SCP-6910: … Dr. Ling: …Listen, we’ve tracked down a report, regarding an incident involving a "Hillary Tarrason" that took place in Chicago. From what we've gathered, you were there at the time. Dr. Ling produces a newspaper clipping and shows it to SCP-6910. SCP-6910 examines it and immediately averts their eyes. Dr. Ling: Please. I just want to get some ideas here. If you’d- SCP-6910: No! I said no! I don’t want to think about these things! Why are you doing this!? SCP-6910 grips its arms SCP-6910: It wasn’t my fault… She just stepped onto the road… At this point, SCP-6910 became considerably distressed and was unable to continue the interview. Dr. Ling declared a short break until SCP-6910’s stress had reduced to a more suitable level. SCP-6910 was then informed that additional brewing supplies and recreational material would be granted if it complied until the interview’s conclusion. [Log Continued] Dr. Ling re-enters the room. SCP-6910 is standing by their brewing equipment, preparing a drink. SCP-6910: What can I get you this time? Peppermint swirl? Dr. Ling: How did you- Sure. SCP-6910 pours the beverage and hands it to Researcher Ling Dr. Ling: Thank you. Are you ready to continue? SCP-6910: Like I said before, I like making coffee. Dr. Ling: You know I don’t mean that. Why though? SCP-6910: I just prefer it. When you’re good at something and like it, you do it. I happen to enjoy learning about coffee and making it. Can't you just be happy with that being what I do? Dr. Ling: But you're capable of much more. Remember initial testing? You recited the entirety of a quantum-physics textbook after one read, and you still can. SCP-6910: You can’t prove that. Dr. Ling: Fourth word, eleventh line, page four-hundred and seventy-five. SCP-6910: Magnesium. Wait. no, lucky guess. Anyone would remember a fun word like "magnesium". Dr. Ling: Look, we’ve given you access to plenty of resources to keep occupied with. Why are you still hesitant to share what you know? Someone with your abilities would be doing all sorts of things. The accident, maybe you felt responsible for it? And why obsess over this, instead of something grander? SCP-6910: Well, you could say what I do is rather "grande" so… Well… Fine. So, you know how when you experience something terrible, even if it’s too much to handle, it might get better over time? Mostly it'll hurt, but with the right help, you’ll eventually heal? You'll learn to see it in another light and get over it. Hope it fades away. Well… I fucking can’t. Dr. Long: wasn't there any way to alter your abilities in any way? Why be made to keep them? SCP-6910: The doctor told me I should keep them as a reminder for what I worked to become now. Truthfully, I’m convinced that they just wanted to make sure I'd always remember how much I disappointed them. Dr. Ling: But, why coffee though? SCP-6910: Coffee’s what I associate with the time before all of that. Every time I recall those other memories, I just end up creating a new memory of how it felt to recall those memories. And then I remember those every time I recall the original ones by association… And because I remember it a bit differently each time, it stays fresh. Like looking at the same accident from a different angle. And spotting something new to be disturbed by. But if I stick to what I like now, then eventually I’ll start remembering something better, instead of just failures. …How's your drink? Dr. Ling: …It’s good. Best I've had actually. SCP-6910: Haha. Thanks. I know. Addendum.2: Recovery Log The following two items were in SCP-6910’s possession upon discovery. The first is a torn piece of paper, and the second is SCP-6910's ID badge worn during their employment at Ambrose Restaurant: 21. Ms. Reminisce ✔ (canceled)" nan
[ 1.20449796e-01 2.01856688e-01 -2.23726422e-01 -7.35421926e-02 8.53297189e-02 -1.40386254e-01 2.99025267e-01 1.12615801e-01 -1.76084936e-02 4.27724570e-02 9.95890200e-02 7.18959793e-02 -2.55832344e-01 -1.92068338e-01 -1.06695756e-01 -2.27282904e-02 -1.34853655e-02 3.54768664e-01 4.64173406e-01 -2.33547568e-01 -6.30573258e-02 -1.65231958e-01 -1.48372337e-01 1.72839850e-01 -3.25497210e-01 -1.03968024e-01 2.44199499e-01 6.64883554e-02 -3.58899273e-02 -1.56756073e-01 1.24457486e-01 2.44946972e-01 -1.52325198e-01 2.59533644e-01 -1.10587083e-04 -1.08750828e-01 4.61010784e-02 7.87959099e-02 -2.90618151e-01 -2.39854664e-01 -3.11878156e-02 -5.88265657e-02 -4.02686559e-02 -5.99438772e-02 6.50781170e-02 1.13810591e-01 3.09439212e-01 2.12579906e-01 3.54330659e-01 3.26285288e-02 2.23110572e-01 -1.04708396e-01 -3.03677857e-01 -1.01710118e-01 2.78218478e-01 2.53909469e-01 -1.23282671e-01 8.49534422e-02 1.12701975e-01 -2.04353571e-01 3.49551618e-01 1.99562341e-01 -2.00340420e-01 4.14411835e-02 -5.04506938e-02 -1.60742387e-01 5.32807231e-01 1.76079310e-02 6.09713972e-01 2.90448666e-01 8.01836923e-02 1.71994433e-01 5.61371259e-02 1.76634490e-01 1.12936117e-01 5.36102860e-04 -4.40184511e-02 -2.28041902e-01 -2.78538167e-01 6.99968860e-02 -2.73462087e-01 1.64708659e-01 -1.81691766e-01 -2.77450774e-02 -1.86299652e-01 1.00264654e-01 -1.73690647e-01 -9.42703243e-03 4.65795174e-02 -1.56652644e-01 3.25841695e-01 3.40871125e-01 2.06828371e-01 5.76192327e-02 1.13789141e-02 -1.17510101e-02 -6.51040580e-03 2.60836869e-01 1.84322596e-02 3.94276232e-01 1.70450062e-01 2.29998961e-01 2.44100690e-01 3.84396613e-02 -1.61977872e-01 7.53055066e-02 1.40212458e-02 -2.01327518e-01 -3.92980933e-01 1.27483845e-01 -2.87022620e-01 9.62784663e-02 -1.48644671e-01 -1.43020358e-02 4.22606766e-02 -6.72720149e-02 -2.79406875e-01 3.02169714e-02 -3.44236970e-01 3.37451130e-01 -5.45982063e-01 6.17767982e-02 -1.22762630e-02 4.77436900e-01 -1.71884760e-01 2.32180044e-01 6.03609607e-02 -8.14837590e-02 -1.36033460e-01 2.16151681e-02 -3.20665956e-01 6.84103742e-02 -3.08793306e-01 8.84845406e-02 -3.26183513e-02 1.74139500e-01 -2.35901736e-02 -2.20115378e-01 -5.16834319e-01 -1.81149706e-01 1.72036499e-01 -5.85061073e-01 6.33731365e-01 2.17665777e-01 -3.17681015e-01 -1.50120124e-01 2.00277306e-02 -2.04923242e-01 2.41540670e-02 1.95847042e-02 1.09048843e-01 -2.61033148e-01 -3.47137079e-02 1.91745847e-01 -1.19823724e-01 -2.76252925e-02 4.20594335e-01 2.10321039e-01 1.82892665e-01 -8.18634219e-03 1.10648848e-01 -1.89239174e-01 -3.39345783e-01 -1.74546212e-01 9.41446424e-02 3.78079116e-01 -1.01862833e-01 4.20098053e-03 -1.99768931e-01 -8.79766345e-02 2.85065830e-01 -7.06550926e-02 -2.16602683e-02 2.67606378e-01 6.75375015e-02 1.86147287e-01 -3.26228589e-01 9.12764370e-02 -1.20504506e-01 -4.29420710e-01 -3.30088466e-01 2.91660666e-01 3.58770527e-02 -3.58946741e-01 -1.90671459e-02 1.06068932e-01 -4.27008718e-02 -2.43674442e-02 1.12043910e-01 -2.18872651e-01 -1.55698285e-01 -3.87427956e-01 1.41218334e-01 3.67268212e-02 2.88088173e-01 -1.14757590e-01 4.31050956e-02 1.81069687e-01 2.89109796e-02 2.72025578e-02 -1.75758287e-01 -1.13905840e-01 1.52537227e-01 5.01914859e-01 -2.51139641e-01 -5.95314382e-03 2.22849488e-01 -2.92505562e-01 4.83305663e-01 4.85901356e-01 1.74056515e-02 -1.97672293e-01 -1.53521731e-01 3.73381406e-01 2.02455029e-01 -3.21704179e-01 3.22117954e-01 5.08185983e-01 8.72496441e-02 5.38182212e-03 5.09576611e-02 2.10970283e-01 8.54407698e-02 -1.21775821e-01 4.50690917e-04 -8.62955302e-02 -1.27453089e-01 -7.34538818e-03 -2.02231616e-01 3.88399333e-01 2.80668378e-01 2.67907143e-01 2.21115991e-01 -6.96580783e-02 -1.15736797e-01 4.93548721e-01 -2.15302482e-01 1.74450234e-01 -1.97729230e-01 -1.34530321e-01 1.81016207e-01 -3.56992811e-01 3.37438703e-01 -1.01297431e-01 1.91918463e-01 7.48741552e-02 1.27715379e-01 -1.45141020e-01 -2.88818707e-03 -1.49350017e-01 -2.05388084e-01 -2.18654290e-01 6.83758631e-02 -1.50231034e-01 1.76943019e-01 6.67552710e-01 -2.45041907e-01 -2.40637176e-02 -1.58130318e-01 3.16335827e-01 9.95253399e-02 2.22928122e-01 2.76058823e-01 -3.07675481e-01 -2.48482972e-01 -4.32689101e-01 1.11800179e-01 -2.14511380e-02 1.92447379e-01 1.22817852e-01 1.45545915e-01 -7.73900077e-02 1.90123752e-01 -2.62668997e-01 -5.19539267e-02 4.06386219e-02 2.23183364e-01 1.04362756e-01 3.31470758e-01 2.26083189e-01 -1.76133052e-01 -3.32164973e-01 1.69898085e-02 -7.22816661e-02 -1.46674335e-01 4.30738479e-02 5.84430508e-02 3.90136510e-01 3.00935984e-01 1.17331043e-01 2.22582296e-01 3.44877653e-02 9.27577019e-02 3.83469790e-01 -9.59184840e-02 -1.97813027e-02 -1.23437829e-01 4.74438757e-01 -2.10898966e-01 -6.52048886e-02 -1.32421494e-01 -1.51518688e-01 -2.00130537e-01 1.18064985e-01 -1.96139008e-01 2.77483940e-01 2.17156157e-01 -1.37746736e-01 -3.57703529e-02 4.56136800e-02 -4.45589513e-01 2.71214724e-01 9.85329524e-02 1.41512202e-02 2.68459171e-01 2.52121929e-02 -5.02627969e-01 -7.36740008e-02 -9.79898311e-03 -5.65257192e-01 6.87512383e-02 -2.73552030e-01 7.95663707e-03 -8.59685540e-02 3.09818960e-03 9.92489755e-02 -5.46567738e-01 -4.93535725e-03 3.84079576e-01 -8.61214921e-02 1.43197611e-01 5.00332236e-01 1.40459808e-02 1.52545705e-01 2.02602878e-01 -5.67688327e-03 -6.43334627e-01 -3.28542411e-01 -3.48584577e-02 -8.06055591e-02 1.23677686e-01 -1.91842094e-01 -4.04788852e-01 2.16597974e-01 -3.77286263e-02 -3.78029197e-01 -1.56133771e-01 3.25684756e-01 3.14694084e-02 1.57587267e-02 -3.04036856e-01 5.97644627e-01 -6.08860031e-02 -2.94953853e-01 -5.11481352e-02 -2.00461000e-01 -1.23904966e-01 -1.65256318e-02 8.48379731e-02 -1.44450948e-01 -5.29752195e-01 2.51418978e-01 3.69100332e-01 -5.23680508e-01 4.24226299e-02 2.01304704e-02 2.36372262e-01 4.85406332e-02 2.91937172e-01 -1.77022964e-01 2.71106988e-01 1.72660984e-02 -5.49452364e-01 2.86018223e-01 -9.59277675e-02 3.98761965e-02 -7.45019838e-02 2.41072938e-01 -2.93715566e-01 -1.84219748e-01 2.59426653e-01 2.98601508e-01 1.65561333e-01 -8.26142132e-02 9.76462588e-02 -3.65359098e-01 -3.14794511e-01 -3.75913918e-01 1.28071263e-01 -1.26449019e-01 1.59001667e-02 -6.24758065e-01 3.01148966e-02 -1.51307300e-01 8.29208568e-02 1.31729737e-01 1.07485622e-01 -3.49218488e-01 -2.59840578e-01 1.58084631e-01 -1.90432683e-01 1.17464408e-01 -2.65622199e-01 2.29369581e-01 3.48954201e-01 1.32188038e-03 -1.51779383e-01 7.01075718e-02 1.73330754e-02 -7.11591989e-02 5.30892722e-02 -3.30347568e-01 6.37983903e-02 8.21734294e-02 2.09587902e-01 -4.31273729e-01 1.81845054e-01 1.33378878e-01 2.29325891e-01 -3.56047332e-01 1.66114822e-01 2.93511562e-02 -1.29131213e-01 2.57643610e-02 -7.36333728e-02 1.12503462e-01 -1.81170285e-01 4.31710005e-01 3.42653900e-01 2.73941219e-01 -1.30402431e-01 5.31266816e-02 -2.00330496e-01 5.33647120e-01 1.79175690e-01 8.57761502e-01 9.88058820e-02 -1.80944875e-01 -5.60555756e-02 1.21985693e-02 5.10058664e-02 5.46095408e-02 6.07368946e-01 -1.65683161e-02 -1.67580470e-01 -4.42042388e-02 2.18031853e-01 -1.88894514e-02 6.05254881e-02 1.34635093e-02 1.17849536e-01 1.09749183e-01 -7.75838345e-02 2.00928673e-01 2.00619280e-01 -2.60184765e-01 -5.43567836e-01 -2.55949169e-01 -2.11174071e-01 9.87604111e-02 5.10546267e-01 1.23490632e+00 3.02427977e-01 1.47427812e-01 -8.50660950e-02 -2.89213024e-02 4.09351081e-01 -4.82807726e-01 1.32133201e-01 -2.22598717e-01 -1.25408629e-02 1.05333261e-01 -2.12629765e-01 5.31765260e-02 8.62692446e-02 -3.54288399e-01 -5.72035134e-01 -2.95417219e-01 -4.31756824e-02 2.30747432e-01 2.63149947e-01 -9.36585367e-02 -3.69216758e-03 3.32836509e-01 2.94331104e-01 1.85215220e-01 2.01248243e-01 -2.31877163e-01 1.84655875e-01 -2.60095239e-01 1.70080796e-01 -2.27939874e-01 -6.84659481e-02 -8.14450204e-01 -4.90036532e-02 3.94363962e-02 -1.92316025e-01 -1.30660713e-01 -3.11069757e-01 -1.31297082e-01 -1.72660112e-01 -1.05376445e-01 1.54300421e-01 4.37679619e-01 -5.68002872e-02 2.50595182e-01 -9.60983932e-02 6.10451579e-01 1.27715496e-02 -2.91218422e-02 1.01587385e-01 -1.05316080e-02 -1.40474871e-01 -3.16590011e-01 -1.52829047e-02 4.03572053e-01 -1.01001315e-01 -7.86673464e-03 3.65454555e-01 -1.07375033e-01 -1.53317489e-03 1.49785206e-01 -9.22545791e-02 -6.86257109e-02 1.39300734e-01 1.26911342e-01 -1.19346201e-01 -5.10580745e-03 3.56029600e-01 2.36561149e-01 -4.31669086e-01 4.64459002e-01 4.62563336e-02 -2.62612641e-01 -5.38804352e-01 6.69183955e-03 -1.53071612e-01 -1.96656331e-01 6.85378760e-02 -3.22194070e-01 -3.75220865e-01 2.25050449e-01 3.17642659e-01 1.64550841e-01 1.95112685e-03 -2.73691028e-01 -3.62440377e-01 1.70615613e-01 1.48763686e-01 -8.59760493e-02 1.54288933e-01 -7.79574066e-02 5.96996248e-01 3.83842550e-02 1.22254819e-01 -4.05289859e-01 9.43528339e-02 -1.36010811e-01 1.14656731e-01 7.02013895e-02 -2.63525873e-01 2.07648575e-02 -1.38278127e-01 1.26357347e-01 4.55188066e-01 -3.44975710e-01 -1.98577091e-01 -1.81382060e-01 8.89469609e-02 1.02070443e-01 -4.62121844e-01 -9.37178433e-02 4.24485326e-01 1.68267861e-01 1.01495780e-01 1.18422008e-03 3.23184699e-01 1.35709569e-01 4.45756651e-02 -3.78914058e-01 4.55951780e-01 7.23379329e-02 -9.20457765e-02 2.84146577e-01 5.65108657e-01 -1.79927617e-01 1.22051209e-01 4.08313721e-02 -1.35381997e-01 2.40029648e-01 2.97472566e-01 1.14366017e-01 3.19386691e-01 -1.01775378e-01 -8.77571478e-02 -2.86395639e-01 2.26736534e-02 -2.70444542e-01 1.49779931e-01 -1.53651744e-01 -9.28428918e-02 1.45727262e-01 3.22722226e-01 3.42549644e-02 2.69907385e-01 -1.59990013e-01 1.16145328e-01 -1.63849384e-01 2.57717520e-01 -1.06248938e-01 9.99190882e-02 -2.20244095e-01 5.24450392e-02 -5.51657230e-02 8.58680978e-02 3.03340167e-01 -6.00860566e-02 -4.61887836e-01 -4.30660024e-02 2.26902917e-01 2.48185694e-01 2.86792874e-01 1.04232974e-01 2.33221024e-01 1.92383409e-01 3.06756526e-01 4.24339682e-01 6.07452095e-02 5.81271164e-02 -2.58027762e-01 4.21018094e-01 -6.36709705e-02 3.04366022e-01 -2.84359157e-01 1.79687276e-01 -5.09949066e-02 -2.84944147e-01 -1.91364586e-01 8.60453583e-03 -3.26692522e-01 -1.04653262e-01 -1.72380343e-01 -3.57195437e-02 -5.08693278e-01 -6.06195554e-02 -7.96002969e-02 -2.15098858e-02 4.74579409e-02 -2.40449980e-02 -3.11462611e-01 -3.27797905e-02 -2.40337491e-01 8.08000565e-02 1.46720573e-01 -1.51326925e-01 5.22553697e-02 -5.67664690e-02 6.63617179e-02 -8.26897845e-02 4.08660769e-01 2.25960478e-01 1.26356244e-01 -1.71096310e-01 -2.31085375e-01 -3.55345637e-01 -7.99240638e-03 -1.90891325e-01 1.25583142e-01 4.64027762e-01 -1.54420972e-01 -6.90430403e-02 1.40506357e-01 -2.22511739e-01 2.71207362e-01 3.73258352e-01 3.51293355e-01 -2.35337093e-01 -3.48026678e-02 3.25982600e-01 -3.04397672e-01 1.66260570e-01 -6.72479495e-02 -1.13123000e-01 -3.73081747e-03 1.57741562e-01 -1.28200591e-01 3.51450861e-01 -2.57990032e-01 9.30510685e-02 -9.66689959e-02 2.08366945e-01 4.00982410e-01 7.74749666e-02 1.36498166e-02 -1.84333086e-01 2.84642596e-02 1.60752848e-01 1.05509330e-02 -2.57032543e-01 -2.27203414e-01 7.62086660e-02 1.02077529e-01 3.74763012e-01 -8.63022879e-02 4.92660701e-02 -1.90020233e-01 -2.21969131e-02 4.33372930e-02 1.96566299e-01 2.90843040e-01 -1.69989496e-01 1.76637456e-01 -2.63309091e-01 5.53295352e-02 -4.11748737e-01 1.76319048e-01 -3.01133990e-01 -2.06913471e-01 -1.57077864e-01 4.68607694e-01 8.39051247e-01 1.02670439e-01 1.10256754e-01 -2.97019929e-02 1.03675887e-01 -7.77611509e-02 3.20243984e-01 -1.83520079e-01 4.56693619e-01 2.12919429e-01 4.89162087e-01 2.51232069e-02 4.20611620e-01 3.54318559e-01 -1.17189705e-01 2.90691555e-01 2.64981866e-01 -3.08144480e-01 -1.25068665e-01 1.44896641e-01 2.79010516e-02 -1.43712640e-01 4.43488032e-01 -1.35473609e-01 1.32263839e-01 -4.46900606e-01 -2.29476541e-01 1.71782508e-01 -2.42602333e-01 -2.35032082e-01 -2.45145008e-01 2.69645929e-01 -1.95408925e-01 5.79793863e-02 -5.73795021e-01 -2.24167909e-02 4.43091616e-02 -6.36919811e-02 -3.50540549e-01 9.25203040e-02 -1.05471559e-01 -2.10130259e-01 -1.75353140e-01 1.98459737e-02 -1.21673830e-01 -7.27960616e-02 -2.93741405e-01 -1.97547853e-01]
"All I need is a little me time." active "Item #: SCP-6911 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Dr. Everwood's office has been decommissioned. No personnel are permitted to attempt to enter the room outside of SCP-6911 testing periods. Description: SCP-6911 is a spatial anomaly occurring on hall E, floor 2B of Site-55's personnel offices. The anomaly is activated when a human subject enters the hallway with the intent of entering Dr. Everwood's office. When active, SCP-6911 will shrink the hallway, thus rendering it impossible to proceed beyond a certain point. If other individuals are present in the hallway when SCP-6911 is triggered, they will be pushed beyond the threshold of the shrinking effect. Dr. Everwood is the only individual capable of bypassing SCP-6911 entirely. Addendum 6911.A- Interview: Dr. Everwood was interviewed by Nhung Ngo, a psychiatrist consultant from the Spatial Anomalies Department, shortly after the discovery of SCP-6911 to ascertain any involvement or probable origins of SCP-6911. <BEGIN LOG> Ngo: Hello, Jay. I know you're busy, but as I'm sure you're aware- Everwood: Yeah, I know, I know. My office is an SCP now. Great. Ngo: Well, not your office per se, but the hallway leading to it. Everwood: Either way, the whole thing has me quite cheesed. Ngo: I'll try to be brief then. As I was saying, you're the only person who can successfully bypass SCP-6911. Everwood: Trust me, if I knew why or how this happened, you'd be the first to know. And much to my surprise, I haven't just become magic despite my best efforts to the contrary. Ngo: You're saying you've been trying to learn thaumaturgy? Everwood: That was a joke, Nhung. Ngo: Oh. Sorry. They don't get many jokesters over at Spatial Anomalies. Everwood: Figures they'd all be squares. Ngo: … Everwood: That was a joke as well. Come on, cut me some slack. I've gotta cope with my office being fucked somehow. Ngo: Fair enough. So listen Jay, I just have a couple of questions about what's happened in your office the last few days, alright? Everwood: Sure. Ngo: Alright. So for starters, have any anomalous objects entered your office? Everwood: Yeah. More than I could count. The Junior Researchers come to my office carrying just about anything they get their mitts on. I get it, they're mostly clueless, but just because the pen has the MC&D logo on it doesn't mean it's anomalous. Give me a break. Ngo: Any idea of their SCP item designation? Everwood: Nope. Do you have any idea how many items come across my desk every day? Every time someone finds something from an external group of interest, it's dropped in my lap. A jinn lamp from ORIA? It's been in my office. Tapioca pearls from Marshall, Carter, and Dark? You bet they've been in my office. An anti-theology explosive from SAPPHIRE? Yup, in my office. I could go on. Ngo: Point taken. Everwood: Actually, I will go on. Consultations are draining my very soul. The moment someone suspects a GoI even so much as farted in the direction of their object, they come to me. Just the other day I had a fucking dowsing rod, you know those useless sticks that supposedly detect water? The fool thought it detected anomalies. And just because the people they confiscated it from were Parawatch users, they brought that up to my office. Ngo: I, err… Everwood: Fucking Parawatch. Those people aren't even on the same side of the veil we are. I had to explain to him that no, they hadn't just magically gained powers and that he had brought a glorified stick into my office. Jeez, Louise. Ngo: I'm sorry. It sounds like you're very stressed out. Everwood: Sorry. It's been a rough few… weeks? Months? Years? Anyway, next question, please. Ngo: You already said you aren't practicing thaumaturgy. So that leaves me out of questions, actually. Everwood: You know, I don't know if this is important at all, but I think I should say it. I just kind of wished that I could have some peace and quiet. And I did have it! For a few hours, anyway. Later I come to find that the hallway my office is in was quarantined and apparently this happened. I feel stupid even saying this out loud, but it's the truth. Ngo: I see. Everwood: Sometimes weird things just happen though, don't they? Ngo: I suppose they do. But you know what? I have an idea that may solve this little problem of yours. Everwood: Do tell. <END LOG> Addendum 6911.02: Following the interview, Dr. Ngo suggested Dr. Everwood take on a research assistant. Researcher Rex Alces was selected by Dr. Everwood, who now oversees a portion of their previously assigned work including consultations and item assessment. SCP-6911 has not manifested since this change. Reclassification to Neutralized is currently pending. Uncle Nicolini's Works SCP-MYSTERY-J • SCP-4934 • SCP-4206 • SCP-3879 • SCP-5047 • SCP-3803 • SCP-3297 • SCP-5148 • SCP-5057 • SCP-371-J • SCP-3085 • SCP-3867 • SCP-3756 • SCP-4432 • SCP-3874 • Chasing The Union • Adoption Poster: Darius! • Critter Profile: Chuck. • Adoption Poster: Bandit! • Zetetic Bulletin: The Myth of the Wu Xing Iris • Halloween Anthology In Boring 2021 • Carroll #280/R-01221 • Fanfa • SCP-049-ΩK • Dr. Cimmerian Hits Reply All • The Remains Of The Day • La Persistencia De La Memoria • SCP Wiki Discussion Page Simulator • Tim Wilson's Close Shave • SCP-5057 Additional Documentation • uncle nicolini author page • « SCP-6910 | SCP-6911 | SCP-6912 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6911" by Uncle Nicolini, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: hallway.jpg Name: Endless Corridor Author: elPadawan License: CC BY SA 2.01.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "The hallway affected by SCP-6911."
[ 1.09167568e-01 -1.71637490e-01 -1.55509204e-01 7.91817829e-02 -7.18001202e-02 -3.81709278e-01 9.99395028e-02 6.75544813e-02 -8.08453634e-02 8.74547660e-02 3.33132684e-01 -1.03293888e-01 -2.86550909e-01 3.83090153e-02 2.00046659e-01 -6.57985136e-02 9.41409729e-03 2.65767366e-01 4.39634979e-01 -3.79658282e-01 -2.73932308e-01 -2.70903200e-01 -2.58712411e-01 2.17218772e-01 -1.26623839e-01 -4.89506871e-02 8.41710642e-02 6.86469376e-02 -4.20025200e-01 -1.07523575e-01 -1.30181670e-01 2.27707103e-01 -1.80433318e-01 5.50459847e-02 -1.06780251e-04 -7.74531141e-02 3.98761660e-01 9.77949500e-02 -4.83649313e-01 1.20366355e-02 -1.26425847e-01 -6.30735829e-02 -6.96345195e-02 -2.54126966e-01 -1.92971863e-02 -2.38410845e-01 9.86231863e-02 2.35262200e-01 4.92767841e-01 2.37114042e-01 2.30256483e-01 1.68888822e-01 -4.05277349e-02 -3.32242280e-01 -1.11605851e-02 5.51104009e-01 -6.32930398e-02 -3.35040055e-02 2.15751812e-01 -3.63910347e-02 1.84324339e-01 5.39825810e-03 -2.56595522e-01 -5.50091676e-02 7.48404920e-01 -3.39771807e-01 4.25077491e-02 1.90053746e-01 1.35079056e-01 2.85981148e-01 1.88871175e-01 -2.76042130e-02 1.27446875e-01 1.53685361e-01 9.07371417e-02 -3.08108091e-01 -1.54048145e-01 1.18481666e-01 -9.22743827e-02 2.24133536e-01 -2.22982362e-01 1.75793767e-01 -2.37281248e-01 2.22849265e-01 -2.34697759e-01 2.52071619e-01 -6.35256916e-02 9.80192050e-02 7.57033452e-02 -6.51398674e-02 -2.22679600e-01 2.85651594e-01 1.77207902e-01 -5.72557636e-02 4.92933802e-02 -2.10469365e-01 3.98604155e-01 4.11648899e-01 1.82266906e-01 2.41062269e-01 4.11871582e-01 1.97823599e-01 2.84405202e-01 -1.37750683e-02 1.82480693e-01 2.38275021e-01 3.74303222e-01 2.58336030e-02 -3.88210922e-01 3.51028860e-01 1.28764555e-01 2.43168980e-01 2.69408643e-01 3.45307030e-02 -3.08380663e-01 -1.25795409e-01 -6.22543553e-03 -1.77531957e-03 -5.69171458e-02 2.37212211e-01 -4.34996724e-01 1.35566458e-01 7.71649405e-02 2.50414908e-01 2.61280924e-01 3.91847819e-01 8.35467428e-02 -1.33188888e-01 -2.28825495e-01 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2.66355217e-01 6.82336763e-02 2.16621831e-01 3.24870557e-01 -2.83316255e-01 1.51236221e-01 6.58008382e-02 -1.07238896e-01 -2.15420380e-01 2.53641129e-01 -2.13453561e-01 1.67908613e-02 2.36919999e-01 2.54056692e-01 -2.04555355e-02 -3.68471652e-01 -2.43297011e-01 5.54611646e-02 1.77768737e-01 -2.88725704e-01 1.84932724e-01 1.09881178e-01 2.04183888e-02 -2.18736678e-01 -1.15943596e-01 -2.89037883e-01 1.28139168e-01 -2.64919639e-01 -1.05821833e-01 -2.82849818e-02 2.12006960e-02 2.67381996e-01 2.38801371e-02 2.72894949e-01 -1.49741411e-01 5.24444990e-02 -7.20376596e-02 -1.29318446e-01 -1.44622460e-01 -1.99344084e-02 4.01003718e-01 -2.25142762e-01 2.45412603e-01 -3.11957538e-01 -2.78502524e-01 -7.00923875e-02 1.12440497e-01 8.26128758e-04 4.79406953e-01 3.04449826e-01 -2.80928522e-01 8.46759006e-02 -1.37398839e-01 -2.59544790e-01 1.62324443e-01 2.13388354e-02 -4.68808562e-01 2.17119634e-01 3.77333224e-01 -2.56830975e-02 -3.16917002e-01 3.00631583e-01 -6.18190408e-01 -3.38753201e-02 6.15157187e-04 -6.55246992e-03 -2.42993459e-01 -5.01394987e-01 7.72583932e-02 -2.57088114e-02 -3.11362594e-01 5.06299198e-01 -2.03690748e-03 6.27681166e-02 1.12291358e-01 1.80498362e-01 3.78760427e-01 -2.17554122e-01 5.88251604e-03 -5.49273528e-02 2.09505670e-02 -3.68489847e-02 4.54709865e-02 9.67652202e-02 -3.35900903e-01 -3.41341257e-01 1.37730137e-01 -1.10936508e-01 -4.04746562e-01 -3.16988677e-01 1.11501530e-01 2.46101171e-02 -1.43794000e-01 -1.79967150e-01 6.36065125e-01 -1.45221516e-01 -2.89454609e-01 6.81222230e-02 -1.15153104e-01 5.78205660e-02 3.57086472e-02 -1.01374455e-01 -2.41396904e-01 1.18476614e-01 2.86772642e-02 2.03552216e-01 -2.54281819e-01 5.38386181e-02 -1.62866086e-01 9.09485519e-02 8.42273980e-02 -2.24965811e-02 -3.28189015e-01 1.33172050e-01 5.30616231e-02 -3.26124251e-01 3.67142886e-01 -1.22294672e-01 -1.64306387e-02 5.80083206e-02 -3.00589621e-01 -3.89878541e-01 -4.79665369e-01 -1.63251925e-02 4.95708048e-01 -5.90601861e-02 -3.06119442e-01 5.78698516e-02 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-1.01443037e-01 8.94718021e-02 -5.60011677e-02 4.33710486e-01 2.78740406e-01 -1.70592144e-01 -1.61559194e-01 4.94284093e-01 -2.22664401e-02 2.43430361e-02 5.33709712e-02 1.14665914e+00 4.58662629e-01 5.24056613e-01 4.02317017e-01 4.11507227e-02 1.94669247e-01 -5.81348240e-01 2.38615245e-01 8.14491287e-02 1.87803417e-01 -1.43333024e-03 -9.29785818e-02 1.02922469e-01 2.96706170e-01 -2.92044312e-01 -9.08731744e-02 -6.25841260e-01 -1.87267996e-02 1.19254597e-01 3.17233622e-01 -1.75125584e-01 7.05096871e-02 2.71574974e-01 2.47663110e-01 2.67905127e-02 3.03174015e-02 -4.44462672e-02 -8.85069072e-02 -1.98377639e-01 -2.44614288e-01 -1.14904553e-01 4.46885191e-02 -5.33994615e-01 1.01522051e-01 -8.71226639e-02 9.34461504e-02 -1.98905066e-01 -2.71584779e-01 -3.42637837e-01 4.00119238e-02 -1.76511109e-01 3.23084325e-01 1.79388225e-01 2.74432860e-02 1.12586446e-01 2.50000715e-01 3.38356137e-01 -1.89072639e-02 -2.61792745e-02 4.09668237e-02 -7.06689581e-02 -8.98048133e-02 -5.05657196e-01 2.09986448e-01 3.19432527e-01 1.10059135e-01 1.30424440e-01 2.06320271e-01 -2.19517797e-01 -7.70917460e-02 2.04494491e-01 -8.90327394e-02 8.26863050e-02 -9.25922394e-02 -5.76226749e-02 -4.09147084e-01 -1.04616039e-01 2.44559571e-01 9.37188640e-02 -3.60853940e-01 2.61596173e-01 2.30269015e-01 -3.61496329e-01 -4.94353890e-01 -1.27647683e-01 -1.64202005e-01 -1.32818863e-01 1.87807873e-01 -1.40329311e-02 -9.27764103e-02 1.67899966e-01 2.12878227e-01 -3.03404697e-04 -1.40733063e-01 -2.33931273e-01 -1.55025214e-01 1.49954140e-01 8.18852559e-02 4.59801927e-02 2.99789697e-01 2.85827834e-02 5.52490890e-01 1.79891989e-01 -5.58680817e-02 -4.25529063e-01 -1.17007852e-01 -1.09529182e-01 -2.57212091e-02 3.56002837e-01 -2.63651520e-01 -6.92064017e-02 -1.16461918e-01 2.48081759e-01 3.46390665e-01 -2.54281163e-01 -2.66856343e-01 9.49420258e-02 1.10857196e-01 1.67901926e-02 -2.87264943e-01 2.25129575e-01 1.61867931e-01 3.08785498e-01 8.99799764e-02 1.54602043e-02 1.86749637e-01 8.32080841e-02 1.90138832e-01 -2.35328093e-01 2.24037692e-01 1.58730894e-01 -6.18979707e-02 1.98868394e-01 3.71146083e-01 -3.26593190e-01 6.79359818e-03 2.88557503e-02 -5.75626455e-02 3.05997968e-01 3.53712499e-01 -1.01614639e-01 1.56009227e-01 8.68799090e-02 1.39086559e-01 -2.22746968e-01 1.41313942e-02 -2.93684781e-01 5.05812429e-02 -2.28453502e-01 -2.67919200e-03 -3.97363305e-02 3.50145549e-01 4.66841459e-02 2.07051143e-01 2.26750299e-01 7.48427063e-02 -8.94009024e-02 -6.82467446e-02 -2.77100563e-01 -4.83035356e-01 -1.62754253e-01 1.18387006e-02 -2.20106393e-01 -2.15261430e-01 2.82621473e-01 3.19114476e-01 -3.54866564e-01 -3.42579871e-01 -2.14277371e-03 1.86593860e-01 3.73956710e-01 3.27067316e-01 2.76644439e-01 2.46870160e-01 -1.80300087e-01 4.98609722e-01 -4.56664488e-02 2.61877459e-02 -1.83735251e-01 2.19049230e-01 -2.31558174e-01 2.38334417e-01 -2.89191604e-01 -3.57474908e-02 -1.84927791e-01 -4.57309894e-02 -2.79543132e-01 -1.48888469e-01 -1.56937778e-01 1.94602549e-01 2.42548380e-02 -3.27010155e-01 -4.86253649e-01 -1.22433767e-01 1.67218760e-01 2.94447802e-02 -1.34766355e-01 1.17863201e-01 -1.64922848e-01 7.93834403e-02 -6.67667612e-02 -2.59005457e-01 2.16877639e-01 -3.72325480e-01 1.48086220e-01 1.50418907e-01 8.89468268e-02 -1.01112783e-01 1.81278542e-01 2.04778045e-01 2.76563257e-01 -1.90983236e-01 -8.73202458e-02 -1.00270748e-01 -9.22967046e-02 -2.64126360e-01 -1.46128535e-01 2.31197447e-01 -2.16865689e-01 -4.90560979e-02 2.33423099e-01 -3.28072786e-01 6.10525385e-02 -1.14806965e-01 3.32870752e-01 -3.25304389e-01 4.18988355e-02 -1.48607478e-01 -2.35232264e-01 -1.30417928e-01 1.34830683e-01 -6.54375076e-01 -6.18516982e-01 -2.53942050e-02 1.46200493e-01 8.84817764e-02 -5.98442197e-01 1.17248707e-01 -2.79091835e-01 3.32497805e-01 2.99152583e-01 6.62402213e-02 -4.58691791e-02 -1.71997696e-01 -2.44449880e-02 1.02254644e-01 -5.11942282e-02 2.95190699e-02 2.34339133e-01 3.62989679e-02 1.64285917e-02 -6.39631376e-02 -1.77856125e-02 4.08606619e-01 -2.37903714e-01 -2.22278073e-01 -1.10385090e-01 4.16851699e-01 1.33304432e-01 -3.15354794e-01 1.68123469e-01 -2.33090207e-01 3.61344554e-02 -5.29709876e-01 2.04367206e-01 -9.26175192e-02 -5.91422105e-03 2.87298352e-01 4.14471447e-01 3.94558370e-01 -6.91367462e-02 1.60511315e-01 4.32020649e-02 -3.38764697e-01 -1.70904681e-01 5.01411200e-01 -2.81579822e-01 1.20717496e-01 1.89575791e-01 1.81054562e-01 -5.04865386e-02 4.09190804e-01 1.42900094e-01 -6.07901216e-02 3.13493237e-02 -5.60334921e-02 -2.65924901e-01 5.14156446e-02 -1.58800244e-01 9.89733189e-02 -9.38652083e-02 1.49649724e-01 7.02068731e-02 -1.43109381e-01 -1.58783510e-01 -2.64454693e-01 4.96399850e-01 1.73684862e-02 -2.51192421e-01 -4.50208783e-02 1.19938426e-01 -1.08328104e-01 -5.95636368e-02 -3.65755647e-01 -1.84922054e-01 -9.43080559e-02 9.04383510e-03 -4.30659242e-02 2.74273697e-02 1.79840058e-01 -2.15229005e-01 -1.68037981e-01 3.04215103e-01 5.97525612e-02 -3.58729251e-02 1.45527467e-01 -2.49368712e-01]
"A Mug Only a Mother Could Love" active "More by this author Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6913 must be held in human hands at all times. Medical treatment is to be made immediately available to all subjects currently holding SCP-6913. Security is advised to keep subjects holding SCP-6913 semi-isolated, within the confines of their duties. All able-bodied personnel at Site-19 must be on a daily rotating roster for holding SCP-6913. If the subject holding SCP-6913 is incapacitated such that they cannot hold onto the object, the nearest member of staff must seize the object as soon as possible. This takes precedence over emergencies, even including securing medical aid for the subject previously holding SCP-6913. Testing with SCP-6913 is encouraged, as long as the object is being held in human hands. Utilization of SCP-6913 as a drinking vessel is approved. Description: SCP-6913 is a hyper-probability class anomaly in the form of a coffee mug. On the surface of the mug the words “MISTACHES! MESSTAKES! MISTEAKS!!” are printed. Any individual who holds the anomaly will experience such a high probability of accidental death, grievous bodily harm, or social ostracization due to embarrassment that such events are 99.99% likely to occur once within a twenty-four-hour period. If the object is not held by human hands for longer than three hundred and sixty seconds, a CK-Class “end of the world” scenario will be triggered that will lead to the extinction of the human race. Addendum 6913-1: The following are a series of tests performed with SCP-6913. Test-6913-01: D-1758 is to hold SCP-6913 for a period of no less than twenty-four hours. Observations: Subject holds the object for three hours, forty-five minutes while in their cell before event occurs. At exactly 12:00, during the scheduled lunch period for D-class, D-1758 drops their tray of food then steps in the mashed potatoes resulting in a fall. In the process of the fall, the plastic tray upends, and the edge collides with subject’s throat. A sixteen-centimeter wound opens, severing the aortic artery. Results of test: Death by exsanguination. Test-6913-07: Researcher Baker of the Memetics Department is to hold SCP-6913 for a period of no less than twenty-four hours. Observations: Seven hours into the test, subject is sitting at her desk in Memetics Lab A, Site-19. The subject noticeably shivers and wraps her arms around herself.1 In the process of wrapping her arms around herself, subject drops SCP-6913. Subject bends down to pick up the object, bracing one hand on the desk as she reaches to retrieve the anomaly. Her fingers on the bracing hand brush the keyboard, initiating a Site-wide email alert, sending the contents of subject’s browsing history and several files. Results of test: Researcher Baker was mandated no less than six visits with a security-cleared on-Site psychologist, with an assessment of fitness for duty at the close of the sixth session. The recipients of Researcher Baker’s email were offered optional amnestics. Test-6913-11: D-2563 is to hold SCP-6913 for no less than twenty-four hours. In hopes of avoiding further injury, subject is dressed in bomb disposal padded armor and housed within a padded cell lacking any sharp corners or edges. Observations: At fourteen hours, subject requests adhesive tape so that she can affix the cup to her hand while she rests. The tape is transferred to subject through a padded drop box. Subject begins wrapping tape around her hand holding SCP-6913. Lacking cutting instruments, subject bends to tear the tape with her teeth and in so doing, slips. SCP-6913, still held in her hand, impacts subject on the bridge of her nose. Subject falls to the floor of the cell from impact, and in flailing, strikes herself in the mouth with SCP-6913. Results of test: D-2563 broke three teeth, her nose and right occipital orbit requiring three hours of surgery. Research Strategy Meeting Personnel Present: Researcher Janice Werther, Dr. Gwendoline Xiao2 Foreword: Werther and Xiao are observing during Test-6913-17, which involved a D-class performing cleaning activities while holding SCP-6913 to gauge its effect on coordination while using tools. Werther: See, I think this might be the secret, if the subject is limited to simple menial work the risk is a lot less active. Xiao: Correct me if I’m wrong, but has a single day gone by since this anomaly was contained where someone wasn’t maimed, killed, or horribly embarrassed? Werther: Well… no. Xiao: Then what is the purpose of these tests? Shouldn’t we be trying to limit the potential for heinous injury and leave it at that? Werther: If someone needs to be holding it all the time anyway, we may as well study the way the anomaly works, right? Xiao: Actually, I was reviewing the file and… why does someone need to hold it all the time? Werther: Are you joking? Xiao: No, seriously, why not just put it in a box somewhere? Werther: Because the world would end and all of humanity would die horrible deaths. Xiao: Would it? Where are you getting that? Werther: Just look at it, Gwen! [Xiao bends and looks closely at the display monitor, using the controls to zoom in on the D-class personnel’s hand holding SCP-6913.] [The D-Class starts whistling and swaying with the mop he is holding, pretending like it is a microphone stand as he begins to sing “All Along The Watchtower” by Bob Dylan. The D-Class drops SCP-6913, it bounces off the floor, and he scrambles after it in a frantic fashion. Finally, the D-Class is able to secure the anomaly and he collapses, breathing hard.] [Xiao watches the entire scene on the monitor and then backs away, shaking visibly.] Xiao: I had no idea. Werther: You see now why we have to take this threat so seriously? Xiao: I do. You’ll have the full support of my recommendation to the Committee. Addendum 6913-2: Continued testing records. Test-6913-21: Dr. Senguko, head of the Biological Containment lab is to hold SCP-6913 for no less than twenty-four hours. Observations: Despite intending to spend the testing period away from his duties, subject is called to the lab for a mandatory containment confirmation upon transfer of a sample of SCP-610 biological material.3 At approximately fourteen hundred hours, subject confirms the delivery is in order and unlocks the containment module for the sample. Unbeknownst to subject, preliminary input keystrokes to engage retinal scan unlocks the emergency evacuation shunt within the module. When the sample is stored and the module locked, the material is evacuated from the module but instead of being redirected to the biological incinerator as programmed, the sample is rerouted to the fire-retardant systems in the lab which subsequently triggered, coating the occupants and infecting them with SCP-610. Results of test: Biological Containment Lab Beta was put under immediate quarantine. Mobile Task Force Psi-9 ("Abyss Gazers") was called in to neutralize the six individuals infected by SCP-610. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their loved ones. Test-6913-23: Carlos Delcroix, security personnel at Site-19, is to hold SCP-6913 for at least twenty-four hours. Observations: Subject successfully retains SCP-6913 for twenty-three hours and forty-eight minutes before event occurs. Subject walks towards the containment area to hand off the object to the next subject when containment breach alarms begin to sound. Subject turns a corner at full sprint and almost runs into SCP-173 free of its containment area. In his surprise, subject drops the mug but maintains eye contact with the statue. Subject carefully crouches to pick up SCP-6913, never breaking eye contact with SCP-173 then begins to walk backwards until his back is against a breach shelter door. Subject frantically bangs on the door. The following audio was recorded by security cameras in the hall: Delcroix: Holy shit, lemme in! [Intercom buzzes.] Agent Wilkins: Delcroix is that you? The hell are you doing out during a breach. Delcroix: Fucking cursed mug! Wilkins: Oh shit, you have SCP-6913 today? I don’t know man. That thing is dangerous. Delcroix: The fucking statue is out here now let me the fuck in! [Indecipherable dialogue is heard through the intercom.] Delcroix: Jesus Christ man, hurry up! Wilkins: Alright, alright. Just don’t take your eyes off it. Delcroix: What do you think I’m doing?! [The door to the shelter is opened and subject backs into the room before the door shuts again. Faint dialogue can still be heard through the intercom which was left in transmission mode.] Wilkins: [Laughter] Did you shit your pants? Results of test: Inconclusive Test-6913-26: Dr. Alto Clef will hold SCP-6913 for no less than twenty-four hours. Observations: Subject took possession of SCP-6913 before immediately exclaiming the following: Clef: Like fuck I’m going to hold onto your cursed mug! The O5s can eat my entire ass if they think this is my job. My. Entire. Ass. Unbeknownst to subject, Director Moose was observing the test and had an open line of communication with O5-2 for a status update. Results of test: Dr. Clef was mandated a sixth annual consecutive sensitivity and professionalism training session. An official reprimand was entered into his personnel file and his name added to the Keter Duty official roster. Dr. Blank made a series of suggestions that led to the following updates to the Containment Procedures: UPDATE 21-11-21: SCP-6913 is to be contained at Site-43, in the sole custody of Dr. William W. Wettle, who will maintain containment on his person at all times.4 « SCP-6912 | SCP-6913 | SCP-6914 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6913" by Grigori Karpin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: MUG Author: Mishal Dragon License: CC BY 3.0 Source: LINK Additional Notes: used with their express permission and edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Avalon explosion at air show Author: John License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: LINK Additional Notes: edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: 6913 Logo Author: HarryBlank License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-6913."
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-5.08536585e-02 -1.64407507e-01 -1.56506866e-01 7.50341564e-02 -2.80195713e-01 2.02195331e-01 -5.56007959e-02 5.12358427e-01 -1.19728364e-01 -1.25299916e-02 -7.03177676e-02 -2.04448164e-01 1.08256586e-01 -2.16468930e-01 5.52939832e-01 5.51207423e-01 -2.45864410e-02 -8.58465135e-02 -1.04406491e-01 1.98817402e-01 2.68141124e-02 1.84249114e-02 5.52781641e-01 -4.44255859e-01 2.14264654e-02 2.08902925e-01 -1.62030414e-01 1.75084651e-01 -1.10873118e-01 2.95187443e-01 -9.32370499e-02 -3.15866549e-03 4.17948157e-01 -1.17741600e-01 -1.16238527e-01 -9.53970850e-02 -2.40234826e-02 4.76490319e-01 -1.33416384e-01 4.50200625e-02 -3.33363235e-01 -2.12889537e-01 3.64731327e-02 -1.91350326e-01 -2.39691675e-01 2.38604784e-01 1.59663185e-02 2.26188362e-01 -4.63568389e-01 7.39398673e-02 -3.68823290e-01 -2.72832721e-01 -2.60782003e-01 3.22928399e-01 8.82595032e-02 -2.24152878e-01 -2.97938228e-01 -5.75750954e-02 -4.32895839e-01 -9.62180346e-02 5.14540216e-03 -3.16617310e-01 -1.37012199e-01 -3.32775265e-01 2.54670471e-01 -9.91896242e-02 3.03761572e-01 -1.97010770e-01 2.25139633e-01 1.34156302e-01 1.68770999e-01 2.42890641e-01 -3.65552217e-01 5.25755361e-02 3.77514243e-01 6.18096411e-01 -2.74463177e-01 -1.16937488e-01 -1.22083075e-01 -7.48988166e-02 4.16448295e-01 2.52950817e-01 -4.22791362e-01 -1.88870296e-01 -1.67936683e-01 3.53314191e-01 1.80085853e-01 -1.65731058e-01 1.91600680e-01 4.67812866e-01 -1.92438915e-01 -1.28690988e-01 -2.52455771e-02 2.82590955e-01 9.94877741e-02 5.77436313e-02 -2.10863799e-01 -1.80743858e-01 -1.61009043e-01 -7.14689121e-02 -1.49555460e-01 1.41971514e-01 2.17624888e-01 2.44733244e-01 2.35184893e-01 -2.41465848e-02 -2.19821215e-01 3.88047546e-01 4.42293659e-02 -1.12736900e-03 -2.21175566e-01 -4.10499513e-01 -2.89289683e-01 -4.46924955e-01 2.58414119e-01 -6.52473494e-02 -1.37902692e-01 4.34266031e-01 6.23378605e-02 -1.43276677e-01 2.06903182e-02 -1.55643567e-01 -3.08446914e-01 -2.43277594e-01 -9.53326300e-02 -3.85765374e-01 1.68180957e-01 2.77754813e-01 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-1.32092834e-01 -3.91063809e-01 -5.73239289e-02 3.53339710e-04 7.18428520e-03 3.64872754e-01 -2.99994767e-01 7.90432394e-02 -7.51056492e-01 4.02945638e-01 -2.50329506e-02 1.10492840e-01 -2.39209980e-02 5.30158341e-01 -1.57085955e-01 -5.61009124e-02 1.89995214e-01 -2.77159847e-02 5.56160450e-01 -1.34951964e-01 5.41303635e-01 2.72002488e-01 -9.26343203e-02 -3.95466775e-01 -2.13174224e-02 -4.08180922e-01 4.96412814e-02 2.42604818e-02 -1.89682946e-01 -8.33127648e-02 5.80126122e-02 -7.32719749e-02 -1.94171503e-01 1.89416289e-01 -2.91672379e-01 6.20492361e-02 -5.76237679e-01 -9.49122757e-02 2.84338415e-01 2.61071801e-01 -1.50827378e-01 -1.70396164e-01 -2.33470663e-01 -4.57083493e-01 1.87251404e-01 2.12373823e-01 2.05776647e-01 -2.62565404e-01 -2.60338355e-02 -2.04215169e-01 4.06851083e-01 1.33721843e-01 7.64305592e-01 1.65601656e-01 -2.19553541e-02 -3.35065186e-01 1.40060633e-02 -1.55612193e-02 6.47337213e-02 7.72556901e-01 -2.29664464e-02 4.43901420e-02 2.07001448e-01 1.65808499e-01 3.42093647e-01 5.69762811e-02 -4.66641448e-02 -6.03711270e-02 1.60431772e-01 1.74335033e-01 4.49196875e-01 1.74134985e-01 -3.40409875e-01 -4.56529558e-01 1.67683233e-02 -1.70187578e-01 2.22409487e-01 3.86776835e-01 1.31828260e+00 1.79429844e-01 -4.15146016e-02 2.74628736e-02 9.77106765e-03 8.01773369e-02 -4.91540551e-01 1.56071559e-01 -2.57539690e-01 1.92472860e-02 9.96620059e-02 -4.26341176e-01 1.03904866e-01 1.69541582e-01 -2.26343215e-01 -3.11663926e-01 -3.32306981e-01 2.05375344e-01 3.63444328e-01 1.54093027e-01 1.00416407e-01 2.01276124e-01 2.01708362e-01 1.49891645e-01 2.95734823e-01 1.11240283e-01 -2.00985968e-01 5.82163110e-02 -4.02500518e-02 -7.19897868e-03 -3.48124415e-01 1.20499171e-02 -9.64804709e-01 -4.12023626e-02 1.34437472e-01 1.82209462e-02 8.34408104e-02 -6.20992556e-02 -2.43529171e-01 -4.71321978e-02 -2.29895599e-02 2.78562099e-01 5.70945203e-01 -9.13742781e-02 1.56754315e-01 -2.28624001e-01 2.73625940e-01 -1.00355871e-01 -1.95269704e-01 2.17098728e-01 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1.30974248e-01 4.99160856e-01 2.38311589e-01 4.05691303e-02 -1.88127011e-01 3.15702677e-01 -4.00641151e-02 1.34267166e-01 1.37622014e-01 3.78568143e-01 3.84401493e-02 4.66499524e-03 2.25490510e-01 -6.86754361e-02 3.21293831e-01 1.16851650e-01 6.13612272e-02 2.96918273e-01 -2.66354293e-01 -7.67567307e-02 -3.57312083e-01 -7.99090415e-02 -1.90817386e-01 1.38293296e-01 -3.43635708e-01 -1.62083670e-01 -3.15529183e-02 2.35633045e-01 -2.03927141e-02 1.89512417e-01 -4.11073059e-01 7.47641921e-02 -1.58471704e-01 2.79931277e-01 2.61003107e-01 -9.20275748e-02 -4.47987407e-01 2.38379955e-01 -4.06675607e-01 3.81782025e-01 1.89711750e-01 1.38771221e-01 -1.27686068e-01 -2.69538555e-02 1.69785351e-01 3.68774682e-01 4.08888280e-01 2.04917137e-02 3.17886949e-01 2.73360819e-01 1.52732119e-01 6.20304227e-01 2.28554994e-01 2.73508877e-01 5.84357083e-02 4.19796258e-01 -1.95833236e-01 7.51788691e-02 -3.38491678e-01 1.27688958e-03 1.41305789e-01 -2.86716610e-01 -1.05127646e-02 -1.86218187e-01 3.81130874e-02 -2.13810399e-01 1.13553070e-01 -4.35797684e-02 -6.07832253e-01 -6.30636811e-02 -4.11253758e-02 -1.65498957e-01 -2.06654426e-03 1.33314595e-01 4.30920103e-04 -2.38254413e-01 1.30897954e-01 2.19160512e-01 3.62771451e-01 -2.22522944e-01 1.18733793e-01 -8.12221617e-02 -2.12801978e-01 1.72825143e-01 4.39068154e-02 1.57582283e-01 -2.92258766e-02 -1.41902745e-01 -6.80840760e-02 -1.36687800e-01 -4.16154675e-02 -6.00651503e-02 3.21257301e-02 4.52638537e-01 -1.79018110e-01 -2.95585603e-03 1.94663718e-01 -2.25292310e-01 -2.37757750e-02 4.54558283e-01 2.29647607e-01 -1.28567010e-01 9.10900459e-02 -1.83959827e-02 -1.22865485e-02 3.17293614e-01 1.86764330e-01 -2.09164679e-01 -2.46262372e-01 3.38723540e-01 -2.40568340e-01 1.88819394e-01 -9.22351256e-02 6.08840361e-02 7.08164945e-02 4.00772274e-01 2.96868593e-01 -1.70069829e-01 1.06633365e-01 -4.24241945e-02 -2.01309547e-02 3.85789752e-01 5.67255616e-02 -2.58400947e-01 7.09687322e-02 -1.69325750e-02 1.30223677e-01 4.55480009e-01 -3.16819921e-02 3.14793229e-01 -1.51521444e-01 2.02153087e-01 -1.75148789e-02 2.97204643e-01 2.13774562e-01 8.56673121e-02 7.46179745e-02 -2.58974619e-02 -9.14837494e-02 -1.84404284e-01 4.97864522e-02 -4.13591087e-01 -3.13058645e-01 1.27776161e-01 5.00214279e-01 7.44644403e-01 1.68670595e-01 2.18185782e-01 -1.16283193e-01 -2.49108985e-01 6.91512972e-02 2.13923872e-01 -1.79750457e-01 3.18637520e-01 6.83681592e-02 6.85634762e-02 6.21525683e-02 3.46305221e-01 2.85739183e-01 -1.81796238e-01 2.57250637e-01 1.81072980e-01 -2.56374747e-01 -2.13370174e-02 1.45790860e-01 4.58984450e-02 -1.25342473e-01 4.07025307e-01 -6.93077520e-02 1.94659323e-01 -2.43874803e-01 -1.75012365e-01 4.55030084e-01 -2.80088037e-01 -1.29747316e-01 7.05411937e-03 2.31468305e-01 1.64890498e-01 -2.26006046e-01 -5.31521440e-01 -1.82608292e-01 -5.54526076e-02 1.73268422e-01 -2.70908892e-01 4.94040996e-02 -1.74257278e-01 -2.46033758e-01 -1.64575815e-01 4.40839350e-01 -6.44135401e-02 -4.92101312e-02 -2.89049953e-01 -6.46775067e-02]
"For God and Brotherhood" active "Special Containment Procedures: No aggressive actions are to be taken inside SCP-6917. Exploration is to be performed primarily by drones with no offensive capabilities; should the presence of personnel inside SCP-6917 be necessary, they are to be unarmed and may only explore up to Sub-Level 5. No personnel may remain more than 2 hours inside SCP-6917. Research and exploration teams must undergo mnestic treatment and be monitored for adverse psychological effects. Personnel are reminded that hallucinations inside SCP-6917 are not actively harmful. Do not engage any perceived entities inside SCP-6917. Investigation on ways to inoculate personnel against the hallucinatory effects of SCP-6917 is ongoing. Personnel are to be rotated every 3 months, or on advice of lead psychologist assigned to the SCP-6917 Project. Presence of personnel with mechanical augmentations connected to GoI-004 (“The Church of the Broken God”) is strictly forbidden. Investigation on individuals and locations with suspected connections to SCP-6917 and GoI-004F (“The New Ferrous Brotherhood”) is ongoing. Description: SCP-6917 is an underground complex in the town of ███████, Britain, constructed during the 19th century by members of the defunct “New Ferrous Brotherhood”1. The complex exhibits heavy damage, suspected to be related to armed conflicts with other Broken God cults near the end of the 19th century. Despite this damage, several systems inside the complex remain fully functional, including gas-based lighting systems, water systems and steam pipe systems, as well as locking and transport systems between each sub-level. The Foundation has thus far discovered 7 different levels of SCP-6917; as both the entry to SCP-6917 and the entry to each level was subject to an anti-memetic phenomenon, the currently known extent cannot be considered as its confirmed full extension. Mechanical systems within SCP-6917 react negatively to acts of aggression committed inside it, attacking all foreign agents2 present in the complex at the time of activation. These attacks will only cease after the termination or evacuation of every foreign agent inside the complex. The presence of weapons will also trigger this effect. Sensitivity of this defence mechanism increases in deeper levels, with even verbal aggression risking its activation in Sub-Level 6. Systems inside the complex are also hostile towards personnel with augmentations derived from GoI-004B (“The Cogwork Orthodoxy”). The effects of SCP-6917 on people with augmentations from other sects of the Church of the Broken God has not been tested. SCP-6917 is subject to an anti-memetic phenomenon, making information about it or its contents impossible to recall for any person not undergoing mnestic treatment. This effect extends to individuals who spend a prolonged amount of time inside SCP-6917, who become unable to be recalled or perceived by others. This effect extends for up to 2 weeks after departure from the complex. Personnel involved in exploration or research on SCP-6917 are affected by sustained auditory and visual hallucinations of a mechanically augmented humanoid. Subject is described as a young man, with varying degrees of augmentations ranging from minor modifications of left hand and eyes to complete body mechanization. Rate of hallucinations increase over time and will only cease after termination of exploration or research on the complex. Long-term victims of this effect experience overwhelming emotions of grief, regret and self-hatred. Whether this is an intentional element of the defence system or an unintentional side-effect of its implementation remains a subject of debate. Description of Sub-Levels: A summary of the contents of each sub-level is included below: Sub-Level 1: Entrance. Heavily damaged by ballistics and fire. Blood samples taken at the time of discovery correspond to at least ██ individuals. Sub-Level 2: Chapel. Seats are in disarray, and 4 of the 12 sculptures and 9 of the 20 stained glass windows in it have been broken. Remaining art depicts: Sub-Levels 3 and 4: Living quarters, 4 large ones in Sub-Level 3 equipped with individual studies, as well as 9 spartan ones in Sub-Level 4. One of the dormitories in Sub-Level 3 is in heavy disrepair, and contains several destroyed books. It is the only room inside SCP-6917 not warded by an anti-memetic phenomenon. Documentation recovered from within the other rooms includes books on Greece, China and the Arabian Peninsula, heavily marked maps of the Aegean Sea, manuals on industrial manufacture procedures, budgetary drafts, propaganda pamphlets, letters and research on occult innovations, though large portions of each are illegible due to damage or missing pages. While entrance bears marks of violence, most of the Sub-Levels were found intact. Sub-Level 5: Medical and engineering quarters. Layout includes a waiting room, three studies, a surgery room, a forge and four prisoner cells, seemingly modified from other rooms. Studies are in disarray, with most of the documentation inside gone, though schematics for several highly personalized augmentations have been found, with inscriptions resembling theorized sigils from research documents in Sub-Level 3. Includes storage of iron and coal, as well as supply of liquid water and steam from an unknown source. Surgery room shows signs of recent use. The reason for this is unknown subject to debate. Sub-Level 6: Labyrinthine system of corridors. Sub-Level is extremely hazardous towards exploration, with drones frequently experiencing inexplicable catastrophic failure. No task forces have been sent to explore the Sub-Level so far. An unknown number of task forces have been sent into the Sub-Level. All personnel involved are considered lost. No further personnel are to enter Sub-Level 6. The centre of the Sub-Level is occupied by a machine of roughly 2 m x 2 m x 2.5 m, codenamed SCP-6917-1, connected to every system and mechanism inside the complex. Machine is inscribed by several symbols resembling modified ancient Mekhanite glyphs, as per research found in Sub-Level 3. So far, researchers have been unable to decrypt the full purpose of the inscriptions, though the glyphs for "Protection", "Unseen" and "Expansion/Assimilation" have been recognized. Due to the intensity of hallucinations and empathic contamination after witnessing footage of SCP-6917-1, it has been theorized to be the source of this effect. Levers on SCP-6917-1 appear to change position in recordings through different days. Whether this is an automated process or a manual one is currently unknown. Sub-Level 7: Collapsed entry to a system of caves. Entrance is hidden beneath SCP-6917-1. Due to the difficulties in traversing Sub-Level 6, exploration of this level has thus far been limited to its discovery. Reports of the sound of grinding in the sole recording of it have been determined to be the effect of memetic contamination. Recovered Documentation: The following documentation has been selected to provide a basic outline for the events of the final days of habitation of SCP-6917. Most of the material comes from a single room in Sub-Level 4, in the form of letters and journals. For a full log of documentation found inside SCP-6917, see Document 6917-A. To my Brothers and Sisters, Today we commemorate another year of our Most Glorious Brotherhood. From our humble beginnings to current times, we have experienced much hardship, and ultimately prevailed over those who would see the true faith fade into obscurity, those who would keep the Glorious One broken. It has been a long road, but the foundation established by our Founders, and shepherded today by our Esteemed Leadership, has guaranteed our survival. Indeed, today we stand as the biggest denomination of the faith in Britain, and will continue to grow beyond these boundaries. The reassembly of the Glorious One is, for the first time in human history, within our reach, and none of this would have been possible without the efforts of every believer in the Brotherhood. Indeed, were it not for the work of our historians, our preachers, our engineers, we would not be where we are today. They have rediscovered the secrets of the past, expanded our reach in the present, and shown the way to the future of not just our congregation, but the human race as a whole. Our Brothers and Sisters have reached into the Divine Spark that resides in their souls, and illuminated the path of victory our Brotherhood is currently walking. It is in this recognition of the hard, fruitful work of our fellow believers that our Esteemed Leadership has decided to summon all interested parties to the "Congress for the Future", to be celebrated next February. We will discuss the direction our faith must take from now on, to ensure our supremacy over the heretics and a glorious future for the human race, as guided by the light of the Harmonious One. For the Reassembly, of God and of our Hearts, Elder Atelier Dear Emma Diaphragm, I hope Belgium is treating you well. I cannot but find it hard to believe one of us managed to leave this get assigned to another country. It brings to my mind memories of our childhoods, and your claims that you would discover the truth of this world. Your ambitions have always been high, and I am glad to see you gathering so much praise from our Brotherhood - enough to be sent in this mission. No one deserves it more than you. I hope things are going well with Mills. Elder Atelier vouched for him, though I admit I would rather have known him before your engagement. When I met him, he seemed like a decent man, a good believer, but I could not picture him married to you. Certainly, I cannot picture the two of you alone in a strange country. I hope we can see each other soon I hope you continue to find success in your travels. Your brother, Loom Dear Jonathan, Thank you for your letter. With all the changes my life has gone through lately, your constant letters help me remember some things will always remain the same. As you said, it brings back memories of our childhood, though mine appear different. After all, I remember it was you who spoke of "the truth of this world". I just said I wanted the truth - and then just the truth of England! I must remind you it was not actually me who was assigned to this mission, but Mills. I am only accompanying him in his mission, though I am glad he has seen fit to allow me to keep researching while he is elsewhere. Please, do not feel anxious about Mills. Elder Atelier made the right choice. I do wish he were more receptive towards my avenues of research, but he remains wary of these new ideas. He still cannot see how the advances of our day have shown the hand of our Most Glorious Lord in even the domain of flesh. In spite of this, I remain thankful he allows me to keep exploring these possibilities. I hope I can see you soon, Jon. I know your duties keep you busy in England, but surely you have proved yourself to the Leadership enough to be granted this allowance. No one has worked as hard for the Brotherhood as you have. Regarding the Congress, I have heard of it from Mills, who received an invitation. He expects to finish his mission and be back in the old monastery next February, where I hope we can talk again. If not, then maybe you can come to our abode here, and allow me to introduce you to some new acquaintances I have made here. We would have to keep that a secret from Mills, though, since I am sure he disapproves, even if he does not mention it. Please send the Elders my regards, and give Elder Atelier the research papers I have attached to this letter. I believe I have discovered a magnificent property of our nervous system that will benefit the Brotherhood immensely. Your dear sister, who you do not need the codename with, Emma To my Brothers and Sisters, Our Glorious Leadership extends its gratitude to all those who have confirmed their assistence to the Congress. From all over Britain have arrived letters commending us for this opportunity, renewing the faith and loyalty of our congregation, and even informing us of new developments to discuss in the Congress. Especially exciting is a recent discovery made by Brother Mills' team, describing sacred properties in our nervous systems that will allow us to massively improve the quality of our brain modifications. With this discovery, we hope to further free our spirits from the constraints of the brain and even perceive the Voice of the Glorious One with a clarity only dreamt of before now. Sadly, not all is good news. We have heard of a recent attempt at infiltrating our family by members of the Cogwork Orthodoxy. As you know, the Orthodoxy spouses highly perverted views of our God, and their corrupting influence cannot be allowed to taint our faith. Their ideals and ethos are completely anathema to our own, and to any reasonable model of progress, in both their absurd contempt towards industrial production as it exists in the real world, and especially in their outright contempt for individuality. They would lump even the most brilliant of us with the faceless masses, “standardizing” what should be intensely personal journeys of transition out of our limited flesh. It is in the interest of protecting the Brotherhood that I am saddened to inform you that we will be screening all communications from now on. Please understand that this decision was made to protect you. History has shown our forefathers failing due to the warped influence of heretics. Today, where we are now closer than ever to the Day of Apotheosis, we cannot allow ourselves to falter. For the Reassembly, of God and of our Hearts, Elder Atelier Loom, An emergency has arisen today. One of our historians, Shuttle, has started to frequent the company of Tickers, and we have reason to believe she is providing them with information. You know what to do. I am sorry, Richard Atelier February 15th, 1880 I had a mission today. Though I had never seen her before, she seemed to recognize me - or at least my clothes. That has gotten more commen lately. I do not know how my targets learned of me. I do know they fear me. This was not what I wanted, when I first joined the Unseen Order. Elder Atelier insists that eventually, I will be allowed to move on from this, serve as a bodyguard for a historian in Greece or a preacher in America. He has rejected all my applications so far, though. I am much needed here. The Congress was today. Diaphragm, I apologize for missing the Congress. Sadly, I had to leave for a mission. I wish I could have spoken with you, but I am sure we will have later opportunities. I must admit to be troubled by your words in the congress. What were you thinking [ILLEGIBLE] I must admit I am somewhat troubled by news of your words in the Congress. I understand your time abroad may have made you more susceptible to the Cogwork propaganda, but Diaphragm, they are lying. Please, believe me, I have seen the effect they have in our Brothers and Sisters. They warp them into seeking to abandon us, or worse, fight against us. They seek to destroy everything we have built, everything our grandfather built, and morph it into their standardized nonsense. I do not know what lies they told you to speak as you did in the congress, but I urge you to reconsider the path they intend to lead us on. I apologize if this is too forceful, but I am worried about you, sister. The Elders have been talking of cutting funding for your research, wondering if perhaps you are not being seduced away. You cannot be stuck here like me, you are better than Please, Emma Diaphragm, the Brotherhood would lose too much without your guiding Spark. Love, Brother Loom Brother Loom, I hope this letter finds you well. I know how excited you were for the Congress, so I was saddened when I realized you could not attend it. Please, do not despair. I am sure the Elders will soon realize how much you have to offer to our Brotherhood, how much you have already done for us. As for my words in the Congress, I do not take back anything I said. Yes, it is true the Cogwork Orthodoxy, and all Mekhanite movements of our time, have different views on worship and progress than our own, but I do not believe that means we cannot cooperate with each other. Ultimately, they are just like us, trying to save the God who loves us as He once did for us, trying to make our lost, broken selves whole again, free from this prison, into the true freedom offered to us by our God. Perhaps some of their ideas about who deserves to transition out of this prison do not agree with our own, but should we reject them because of this, instead of taking it as an opportunity to learn? You wanted to learn the truth of this world, Loom, and if there is anything I have learned in my studies, it is that what we believe without reason is truth often blinds us to the real knowledge just outside our reach. Please, do not invoke our grandfather at me again. We never knew him, and he never knew us. It is time we moved on from him, into our own lives. Until next time, Sister Diaphragm October 7th, 1880 I had to kill an engineer today. It seems like that is all I do these days, killing. When I first joined the Unseen Order, I thought it was my chance to be part of my grandfather's legacy. We had been forgotten and thrown aside, but Elder Atelier saw potential in us, saw the strength of our faith and convictions, and he allowed us to serve under him. I have never been happier than when he granted me the same name my grandfather carried, the day he told me I'd protect this Brotherhood as he had protected it. Emma had yet to find success at capturing the Leadership's attention with her work, but with this, maybe I didn't need to. Maybe having been forgotten could be of use to us. I don't know how I feel about it anymore. I don't know if I'm really protecting anything. The Leadership publicly speaks of our incoming victory, yet all I see in their faces is fear. I do not believe the congregation will keep believing those words. I am afraid of what that may mean. Diaphragm, I hope you are feeling better these days. Mills tells me you have expressed concerns over the use of your research. Please, pay no mind to any rumours, and feel joy in the certainty that they are being used for the good of every member of our congregation. Your findings continue to inspire our church, and for the enormous service you have done to our faith, I must thank you. I must unfortunately reject your request for solitary assignment in Belgium. I know you found much success and inspiration in those lands, but your place is alongside your husband first and foremost, and I am sure a girl of your brilliance will succeed in any place she stays, if she so wills. Mills is worried that the company you kept in Belgium may have affected your views, and after your display in the Congress, I am worried too. We both believe that time closer to home will relieve you of these idealistic but misguided views. Please, do not disgrace the legacy of your grandfather by listening to those who would have it destroyed. I look forward to your next communication, Elder Atelier To my Brothers and Sisters, It has come to my knowledge that some of you are questioning the necessity and the ethics of incorporating heretic prisoners into our practices. While I am the first to recognize that this would not be acceptable under normal circumstances, I urge you to remember our current situation. Every day we lose ground to the Cogwork Orthodoxy. Every day we risk our faith losing itself in the claws of those who would reject our uniqueness, those who would equate us to the unimaginative masses. Every human being, even the unbelievers and the disassemblers, carry a unique part of the Divine Spark within them. While it is preferable for people to pursue transcendence on their own, is it not preferable for their Sparks to reunite with the One sooner than for them to be lost until the Day of Apotheosis? Think of this not as harm done to your fellow man, but as allowing them to serve the purpose they were born with, the one only they can do. Through heathen minds, the Brotherhood will seek that which was separated, and lead the rest of humanity into the Unbroken World. For the reassembly of the Harmonious One, Elder Atelier July 9th, 1881 I stood before a mirror today. I know it's a heresy, but I tried to look for my old, flesh self inside it. I could no longer see anything that reminded me of it. Scripture decrees that this is a joyful celebration, the day we finally transcend from our flesh prisons into the glorious machines that enhance our individual spark. I don't feel joyful. I still hear a lot of complaints about what's happening to the prisoners. From those who believe they aren't worthy to be allowed to perceive the Voice of God, to those who find their circumstances unacceptable. I'm afraid I may be sent after them if this carries on. I have looked into the eyes of the prisoners, and I see nothing. Nothing but the servitude towards God that Elder Atelier insists is the true measure of our faith. I wonder if that's what we have to be, mindless servants of the Broken One, nothing left of ourselves but the desire to serve God and Brotherhood. I wonder if that's not what I already am. I haven't heard from Emma in months. I hope she's okay. I hope no one else was sent after her. November 12th, 1881 Another site lost today. It seems that's getting more common. I hear rumours, of people who found Mills. Nothing about Emma, though. We're losing this war, I know we are. I don't know if it's because of the attacks on our homes, or the people who continue to abandon us, but we're losing. The Unseen Order has started to transform our homes. They speak of ambushes and barricades and escape routes. Most of all, they speak of glory and sacrifice. I saw a machine today, one with glyphs I wish I did not recognize, but I did. They spoke of what powered them. They spoke of Divine Sparks and loyalty to the Brotherhood. As I stood among my comrades in arms, I could not help but wonder who among us would have the courage, and who would not. I never knew many of my comrades, but I know who bore those glyphs before. I know who was missing in the meeting. I felt a strange fear come over me as I saw the machine, a fear I could not recognize as my own. Was that how she felt? I have another mission, soon. A small group of Tickers in Liverpool. I'm just glad it's not one of our own anymore. Loom, Diaphragm has gone to the Tickers. We found her inside her room, destroying everything, even burning her research journals. She insulted our Leadership when we tried to stop her, though we managed to protect the other living quarters before she escaped. With her on their side, we must assume every site she knew about is compromised. I leave to warn our Brothers of her deception, even join the fight if it becomes necessary. I remain confident in our victory. As important as she was, Diaphragm was only another small cog in the Brotherhood. We still hold the advantage over the Tickers if we prepare ourselves for the fight. I leave the congregation in your capable hands. They may not know, but no one has protected them as much as you. I am confident you will continue to reward their trust in you. This is the opportunity you have always desired, Loom, the opportunity to honour the legacy of your grandfather by protecting his creation. I trust you will do what must be done, without fear or hesitation. Until the Day of Apotheosis, Elder Atelier March 9th, 1882 We had to seal the door to the chapel today. The Cogwork Orthodoxy overcame the defences of the first level, and invaded even our praying grounds. I could not seal it before one of the prisoners fell. The Tickers looked distraught. My charges no longer trust me. I hear them speak of what could happen to them. I see them look at the prisoners with a new kind of fright. Most of all, I hear the same question when they think I am not listening. I see them in their eyes all the time. “Why?” Why have I not done what the Unseen Order promised yet? I saw the machine with glyphs in my dreams tonight. I never knew her name, and I never will now. I remember our scripture, the promise of our Conversions into Great Machines to serve our Lord and our Brotherhood. I remember the glorious stories of my grandfather's ascension, and I cannot recognize that glory in the fearful machine in my dreams. I don't want to do this. I can't. Jonathan, Please, do not destroy this letter so soon. Give me the chance to explain, and you can decide to burn this or turn it over to the Elders if that is what you desire. But please, read what I have to say before you do it. When I was a girl, I idolized our Leadership. They were the ones guiding our world into the salvation promised to us by our grandfather, and they had allowed us to be a part of that dream, that legacy that had been denied from us for so long. I spent my childhood and adolescence serving them, doing whatever was asked of me, and even when I was free, I spent my time studying, not to sate my curiosity but to make myself more useful for them. I did not complain when they separated us, or when they gave me subpar enhancements despite me designing better ones for them, or when they married me to a man older than our father would have been. I did not complain, because I believed they were ultimately right. I believed they were leading us to salvation, and protecting us from the heretics and disassemblers around us, who would wish nothing more than to destroy us. And then, I actually met these monsters they spoke about. I heard what they had to say about our God, about salvation, about the worth of every person. I saw them lead their lives with the same joy and sadness and hunger for trascendence that defines us, but with none of the fear. More than that, I heard them speak, and I realized they never spoke of us with hate. They did not want to destroy us, Jon. They thought of us as just a strange British take on their worship, perhaps worthy of learning from. They did not attack us first, Jon. We did. We were so scared of them "stealing the faithful away" that we started this war against them. That was what they sent Mills to do in Belgium. That was why they allowed me to keep frequenting them, and what they tried to hide from me by making me return. And I would have remained ignorant, had I not read one of Mills' letters for Elder Atelier. I do not know if my friends are still alive, if they believe I was a part of the attack on them, and I was, after all. Last month, I learned of what the Leadership has done with my research. I had heard the rumours, of course, I had asked them if they were true, and I believed them when they said it was not. I would have kept believing them if I had not seen one of their victims in Manchester. They speak so much of the individual worth of every person, of the divine nature of identity, but they think nothing of stripping people of it when it suits them, they think nothing of enslaving a person's will to them and telling others it was not only necessary, but virtuous. They think nothing of using innocents as slaves, but then again, we already knew that, did we not, Jon? Maybe this is all my research has ever amounted to. Maybe I am just another cog in this cursed machine, but I refuse to be one any longer. I hide this letter in your room, hoping you will find it eventually. I wish I could have spoken with you about this, I wish I could have convinced you to come with me, escape from this place that has only taken from us and made us believe they were doing us a favor by letting bastard children like us work for them, but I could not. I tried, I tried so hard to contact you or see you, but I could not. I am only left with the hope you read this. I hope you do not hate me for this, Jon. Your sister, who loves you very much, Emma Every human carries a unique part of God's divine spark within them. Is it not preferable to accept transcendence and reunite with the Broken One sooner rather than later? Think of it not as death, but as serving the purpose you were born with. The one only you can do. I am the shield of this brotherhood. I am its protector. There is nothing else I desire to be. Nothing else I can be. For the Glory of the Brotherhood, Brother Loom, Shield of our Faith « SCP-6916 | SCP-6917 | SCP-6918 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6917" by Pachayachachic, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Tucker_House_Fireplace.jpg Author: HABS/HAER/HALS; National Park Service License: Public Domain Source Link:,_124_South_Commerce_Street,_Centreville,_Queen_Anne%27s_County,_MD_HABS_MD-1387-14.tif Filename: Balgach-Unknown_Vault.jpg Author: Kecko License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Balgach-Unknown_Vault_2.jpg Author: Kecko License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Entry to SCP-6917, hidden as a fireplace through anti-memetic effects. Corridor in Sub-Level 6. Still frame from sole recording of Sub-Level 7.."
[-1.24499470e-01 8.77260566e-02 -1.36472329e-01 2.45730072e-01 -3.77583802e-01 -3.08984637e-01 6.30984902e-02 -1.55258253e-01 8.97463337e-02 1.11211620e-01 4.29241657e-02 -1.73929587e-01 -4.61362600e-02 1.09655902e-01 4.56008054e-02 1.64806664e-01 3.12344707e-03 9.86637026e-02 -1.20948777e-01 -2.65459925e-01 -1.56550422e-01 -1.53576612e-01 -2.14490786e-01 1.91967472e-01 2.97279358e-02 -9.64661241e-02 -4.41227145e-02 1.99615628e-01 -1.25960231e-01 -1.37912437e-01 -1.26563251e-01 1.10665053e-01 -1.72677077e-03 5.74456990e-01 -1.06509651e-04 2.69485097e-02 1.25792161e-01 -5.22952713e-02 -1.91364646e-01 2.43197069e-01 -4.78024244e-01 -3.14257622e-01 -7.03103021e-02 -1.70926526e-01 1.38000384e-01 -2.72488981e-01 -1.97550863e-01 3.21561813e-01 3.74635071e-01 1.37796685e-01 1.71343639e-01 -5.76114394e-02 -2.98350193e-02 1.29628137e-01 -3.19587618e-01 5.01884997e-01 -3.73226732e-01 -3.66058290e-01 2.95342982e-01 4.60740447e-01 2.59873434e-03 9.22077224e-02 -9.47868451e-02 -1.21940516e-01 8.73608887e-02 -3.17497700e-01 1.87436149e-01 -1.97607890e-01 -2.60175735e-01 7.98940808e-02 -2.05333918e-01 -4.61391248e-02 -1.02845736e-01 -4.82503474e-02 -1.43959448e-01 -2.29172006e-01 1.42268464e-01 1.11790419e-01 -2.80884832e-01 1.31351292e-01 -2.45170847e-01 8.86126906e-02 -2.56306499e-01 -8.98628403e-03 -1.19846337e-01 3.40094000e-01 -8.81809890e-02 5.29961213e-02 -8.44394937e-02 4.22332734e-02 -1.40128270e-01 1.08658969e-01 1.71940461e-01 -1.03030942e-01 -1.33586198e-01 -2.14906111e-01 9.79842171e-02 3.70185286e-01 1.40857905e-01 4.07443732e-01 -1.15499206e-01 2.85047531e-01 3.38548236e-02 1.28327653e-01 2.02636123e-02 -7.43143708e-02 2.16036990e-01 -1.03419416e-01 1.18879087e-01 4.72436368e-01 -9.48896408e-02 4.55058664e-01 9.12593380e-02 -2.44591594e-01 -3.91114578e-02 1.36508286e-01 1.70050263e-01 -8.61994997e-02 1.88466732e-03 1.45507500e-01 -3.90767843e-01 -7.82610178e-02 2.59052008e-01 2.87600666e-01 6.36031568e-01 1.66974943e-02 -3.24316502e-01 -1.54352039e-01 -4.90801372e-02 -3.67779613e-01 -1.95239872e-01 -3.38189870e-01 -3.84959936e-01 3.87787610e-01 1.55755267e-01 2.42199168e-01 -1.12267643e-01 2.12956369e-01 -4.15121734e-01 2.40482271e-01 2.15151489e-01 -1.72989455e-03 5.80625832e-01 5.30087948e-01 4.04897593e-02 -1.80577457e-01 -9.80649590e-02 4.50568914e-01 -3.77450585e-02 2.12244242e-01 2.33265102e-01 -1.27597943e-01 -1.20695643e-01 2.08065897e-01 -1.62356585e-01 3.77097785e-01 -1.01754427e-01 6.00787103e-02 -3.49393934e-01 2.61014327e-02 4.22065467e-01 1.94213107e-01 -1.67764321e-01 -5.11823818e-02 1.55729741e-01 3.08987230e-01 2.66553253e-01 -1.44987419e-01 -1.69417739e-01 -1.67033419e-01 1.04594342e-02 2.64170289e-01 -1.62617967e-01 8.22455436e-02 -1.75666824e-01 -4.94550467e-02 2.60054678e-01 6.98340610e-02 -3.34136158e-01 -1.42322063e-01 -1.63577601e-01 3.42598669e-02 4.15388167e-01 -1.57118782e-01 -1.90230310e-01 1.20444167e-02 -3.04232508e-01 9.11727920e-02 1.34899262e-02 3.69143710e-02 -1.84860259e-01 -2.59530514e-01 5.12778759e-01 -5.87034784e-02 -1.11331530e-02 -1.69234037e-01 2.20581576e-01 -3.96960080e-01 2.12382138e-01 7.84380287e-02 -2.51225412e-01 1.88301802e-02 1.40413731e-01 1.31616935e-01 1.04858845e-01 4.90004122e-02 -2.25046515e-01 1.00383814e-02 4.97662753e-01 5.26050568e-01 -2.97127664e-01 5.85510433e-02 4.30039392e-04 2.15729862e-01 -2.11630493e-01 -3.08820128e-01 1.60403430e-01 2.60370314e-01 1.03052780e-01 -5.36470234e-01 -3.47945005e-01 2.93390274e-01 -2.67010361e-01 4.60315309e-02 -8.45124424e-02 1.56518504e-01 -2.35117793e-01 -1.69419035e-01 -2.09452227e-01 1.80274546e-01 2.26064250e-01 -5.35565093e-02 1.54358357e-01 1.86339486e-02 -1.55791789e-01 1.30429193e-01 3.16899687e-01 8.26769948e-01 1.47726052e-02 -2.75340617e-01 4.53813151e-02 2.02768475e-01 1.00532763e-01 2.49616310e-01 4.08096276e-02 2.88678735e-01 1.29357278e-01 1.44006684e-01 -1.99266132e-02 -2.76252896e-01 2.67579090e-02 -3.74950498e-01 -1.45328581e-01 -4.38924022e-02 -6.40864521e-02 3.10092926e-01 -6.14438832e-01 4.51064587e-01 3.66348803e-01 7.42711872e-02 2.10237101e-01 -2.95810640e-01 1.99067056e-01 1.83851663e-02 1.91462845e-01 -2.80694574e-01 1.80853263e-01 -1.25522017e-01 1.02670312e-01 1.41420096e-01 -7.39978701e-02 -8.40854570e-02 -1.29624426e-01 -1.45969942e-01 2.73901999e-01 7.81406611e-02 1.28652379e-01 3.98879260e-01 3.04450959e-01 1.64521515e-01 -4.33835655e-01 -4.98535037e-01 -2.51205266e-02 3.14602070e-02 -3.26185912e-01 4.06091847e-02 -3.47554684e-02 1.46571472e-01 7.08116312e-03 -5.57220913e-02 6.38257489e-02 -2.49935880e-01 -6.65583611e-02 -2.21804067e-01 -2.03437626e-01 1.49640501e-01 -3.81454676e-01 1.54295210e-02 8.18656832e-02 3.30989122e-01 -8.20689619e-01 1.27727598e-01 2.67348923e-02 9.60338861e-02 -6.59975968e-03 -1.07799403e-01 4.82803047e-01 -9.39766690e-02 -2.20639110e-01 -2.81048357e-01 -3.09952408e-01 2.99282163e-01 -2.81392455e-01 -2.07877923e-02 5.00813648e-02 -3.33145726e-05 2.64607161e-01 -4.32404101e-01 1.95442989e-01 -5.31018674e-01 -7.59714097e-02 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5.16324081e-02 1.62644789e-01 2.05602035e-01 -4.77529913e-02 -1.45166799e-01 -3.54894519e-01 -1.80859804e-01 2.53597796e-01 -1.63842037e-01 4.18494403e-01 2.19214723e-01 1.27260470e+00 2.84717411e-01 8.42451453e-02 3.90641361e-01 8.99183378e-02 -6.99529052e-02 -5.79381108e-01 1.05310693e-01 -6.60036579e-02 3.51222903e-01 -2.19633169e-02 -2.58916050e-01 1.30601600e-01 2.39664644e-01 -2.20564798e-01 5.72669618e-02 -2.08820716e-01 -1.95265990e-02 2.55137801e-01 3.12131137e-01 -4.16245311e-02 -7.43386522e-02 -2.02399030e-01 1.29045531e-01 2.57855147e-01 -7.48185739e-02 -1.16350176e-03 3.19682881e-02 1.08906567e-01 4.70715761e-02 -2.50167131e-01 1.09046530e-02 -8.85753930e-01 1.74913600e-01 2.19934076e-01 3.20032567e-01 2.17075273e-01 1.37367427e-01 1.46097154e-03 -1.49656087e-01 9.66034755e-02 2.80257821e-01 3.51587117e-01 6.98111132e-02 -2.98764072e-02 -9.41441581e-02 2.20092908e-01 9.37007740e-02 -1.22146659e-01 2.62367614e-02 -4.35395539e-02 -5.23203462e-02 -4.84843075e-01 4.61464748e-03 2.97435939e-01 -4.01721001e-01 5.88563681e-01 4.43286188e-02 -2.01260030e-01 -1.61559939e-01 1.49759576e-01 -3.02041739e-01 -7.92352632e-02 -6.52827695e-02 -1.09888576e-01 -2.83922583e-01 -9.50111970e-02 2.76595913e-02 2.75089502e-01 -1.27548561e-01 1.19589634e-01 2.51669198e-01 -9.07348692e-02 -4.69615847e-01 5.78617267e-02 -2.85072237e-01 -1.14891574e-01 -2.09884435e-01 1.39823645e-01 -4.94586349e-01 3.00488383e-01 5.59971988e-01 -1.93209387e-02 -9.31786150e-02 -3.60536516e-01 -6.02152105e-03 3.38470310e-01 3.04472819e-02 1.05814107e-01 1.03347085e-03 1.11186773e-01 3.52895200e-01 -1.97138444e-01 1.33742228e-01 -3.92818570e-01 -2.92435348e-01 -9.61541086e-02 3.02291550e-02 2.87241876e-01 -3.58298749e-01 1.13387957e-01 1.89818852e-02 1.13562465e-01 -8.84864628e-02 -1.73268929e-01 -1.64659068e-01 -4.51140106e-02 1.38260797e-01 5.95588982e-03 4.35327739e-03 -5.25843203e-01 1.58488564e-02 3.80015224e-01 3.14400196e-02 2.23431870e-01 1.94544122e-01 2.35982165e-01 -7.48769194e-02 -3.92230302e-01 -1.07116409e-01 -1.48197025e-01 5.82287461e-02 1.12256058e-01 3.90152425e-01 -3.91308554e-02 3.08921952e-02 -2.71094412e-01 -2.00429007e-01 -9.28639621e-02 4.60340321e-01 9.08158123e-02 5.67085564e-01 7.64326304e-02 1.99154809e-01 -2.42385998e-01 1.01636741e-02 7.72371292e-02 -2.03891605e-01 -2.67014474e-01 -4.08107251e-01 -6.63293481e-01 3.07482630e-01 7.88704455e-02 9.75700319e-02 -2.38129929e-01 -6.84812889e-02 -7.96262771e-02 4.78684425e-01 1.93717554e-01 -4.02616650e-01 3.17419060e-02 -1.53223678e-01 3.74003537e-02 2.52259552e-01 9.13244635e-02 1.64788157e-01 -4.22205985e-01 -9.99396518e-02 3.16048920e-01 -8.96268487e-02 4.77072507e-01 -9.63023230e-02 2.60713726e-01 2.33851578e-02 1.74908668e-01 4.14061368e-01 -2.58893251e-01 2.46934921e-01 -3.09013724e-01 -1.11185282e-01 1.85113266e-01 -2.14688987e-01 -2.03755692e-01 1.39507845e-01 2.68850774e-01 -1.41210228e-01 -7.26547614e-02 1.49851933e-01 8.26783031e-02 5.01669496e-02 -2.26546511e-01 -1.86615959e-01 -5.37102878e-01 -2.35880986e-02 5.96179292e-02 6.64696172e-02 -3.71233821e-01 2.61310995e-01 1.58577843e-03 1.38601303e-01 3.66372973e-01 1.41334727e-01 1.51846498e-01 -2.62407482e-01 3.50164682e-01 2.38988474e-01 -8.20688829e-02 -1.28442764e-01 -9.94858295e-02 3.86853427e-01 -1.32728189e-01 -3.82653207e-01 1.84143946e-01 1.04303710e-01 -9.58942175e-02 -3.74178737e-01 9.03993621e-02 1.31833609e-02 -1.80374131e-01 6.68116496e-04 1.19713031e-01 -1.99999660e-01 -5.72644413e-01 3.23803067e-01 2.62995213e-01 3.17437738e-01 4.24662918e-01 1.09200180e-02 -5.72050214e-02 3.14690441e-01 9.10973176e-03 -1.69775143e-01 -4.38291252e-01 1.40599459e-01 -5.73283970e-01 1.72388807e-01 -4.23573762e-01 9.48581547e-02 -2.15440884e-01 3.82287681e-01 2.86008716e-01 4.43479232e-02 -1.41339213e-01 -1.39767751e-01 -2.43366184e-03 2.07616091e-01 1.14023313e-01 -1.63915709e-01 1.26737922e-01 1.64257735e-01 1.96690142e-01 2.17166096e-01 -6.70161769e-02 -7.76948929e-02 -1.58182979e-01 -1.09159745e-01 -2.64619201e-01 3.16646636e-01 9.26375762e-03 2.30825230e-01 -4.85341437e-02 -1.43379077e-01 2.19592735e-01 -5.14478981e-01 9.48887393e-02 7.20901787e-02 -3.00048590e-01 4.11765695e-01 7.96352088e-01 4.49839175e-01 -1.90252848e-02 1.00850724e-01 -2.53980402e-02 -1.34675607e-01 7.43184052e-03 -1.55470848e-01 -1.35733873e-01 2.93816805e-01 -1.05633996e-01 -1.07531421e-01 1.00428551e-01 5.13352096e-01 -3.08841337e-02 -1.46735152e-02 6.48688078e-02 2.73728073e-01 -1.37203127e-01 1.38026729e-01 -1.66504949e-01 1.96000457e-01 -2.09136516e-01 1.45828441e-01 2.20134586e-01 6.97249770e-02 -1.79234758e-01 -4.96638194e-02 4.34593201e-01 3.94730344e-02 -1.45715788e-01 -1.19336862e-02 2.86147594e-01 4.63546574e-01 1.16727933e-01 -1.86337546e-01 -2.14971364e-01 8.66274238e-02 2.59784192e-01 -4.22775090e-01 -2.62503952e-01 -9.56333242e-03 -2.86922038e-01 -3.39324810e-02 -1.85220107e-01 -1.88471630e-01 -2.74276525e-01 -8.30244273e-02 1.84911743e-01]
"The Insistence of Memory" active "As SCP-6919 is no longer cleared for use by Foundation personnel, containment efforts are to focus instead on identification of anyone suffering symptoms of prolonged SCP-6919 exposure. Such individuals are to be surveilled, but containment of affected individuals is deemed unnecessary in all but the most severe cases. Any individuals claiming to know or be Dr. Alfred Delapore are to be sent for immediate psychological evaluation. SCP-6919 is the former Class-D amnestic designated AMN-980. Although individuals exposed to SCP-6919 have exhibited a wide and often conflicting array of responses, commonalities among all sufferers include: affinity for aquatic activities such as swimming and surfing, sporadic appearance of "colored lights" on the edges of their vision, resistance to amnesticization processes and associated implantation of false memories, resistance to hypnotism, loss of sense of self, spontaneous and often inappropriate activation of the mammalian diving reflex1, and renewed faith in divine powers. Individuals suffering from thalassophobia2 have been known to overcome the condition after being repeatedly dosed with SCP-6919. In the most severe cases, individuals have been discovered to possess knowledge of Foundation sites and contained anomalies in areas they have never visited, occasionally far exceeding the level of security to which they have access. In light of Incidents 5389-B-Alpha and 5389-B-Beta3, it is theorized that massive doses of SCP-6919 may either cause temporary physiological changes to the individual or alter the perception of the individual by those around them. At present, this remains purely speculative; testing of this trait has been denied due to the potential for test subjects acquiring sensitive information from SCP-6919's aforementioned anomalous properties. The anomalous qualities of SCP-6919 were only brought to the attention of the Foundation in the wake of the suicide of Dr. Delapore. Having been under Foundation employ for decades, Delapore had been dosed with AMN-980 many times over the years due to the anomalies he worked with. At present, only 91 individuals have been identified in advanced stages of SCP-6919 exposure, the majority of them Foundation personnel or D-class individuals. Addendum 1: Personal Journal of Dr. Delapore I don't know when I started writing my thoughts down in a journal. It feels habitual, like part of my daily routine, but I haven't been able to find any previous entries anywhere on my computer. I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. That is what my ID card states, and considering that it is my photograph on the ID card, I frankly cannot find any reason to doubt that I am indeed Dr. Alfred Delapore. Today, I performed a routine test of an anomaly contained on this site. I do not remember which one I am working with— I know where the containment is located, and I know that knowledge of the object activates it primary anomalous effect. I know that protocol for my assigned anomaly requires me to take Class-H anterograde amnestics prior to testing so that we cannot recall the anomaly and thus cannot activate its anomalous properties. Why, then, does it feel like I've forgotten something? I am aware that working for the Foundation involves routine amnesticization, but this sense of déjà vu doesn't typically accompany that process. I don't think it does, at least. Amnestics typically bestow blissful ignorance— you can't feel you've forgotten something if you don't know it existed to begin with. I will write to remind myself of who I am and what I do. I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. This is my office. This is my journal. This is my job. I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. I write this journal on a computer registered to my name. To log into this computer, I use a password that only I know. Why I use the password I do is personal, sentimental, and regards personal history of which my coworkers are unaware. Therefore, this must be my computer, this must be my office, and this must be my journal. I work with a cognitohazardous anomaly. Before testing, I take a dose of Class-H anterograde amnestic so I cannot activate the anomaly's effects after testing is complete. Anterograde amnestics only prevent the formation of new memories, and thus they do not have the ability to affect my sense of self. I did not work with my assigned anomaly today. I did not work with my assigned anomaly yesterday. I did not work with my assigned anomaly the day before. I know this because the testing logs do not show any tests performed after September 19th, which is the last time I recall taking the anterograde amnestic. I do not know why I cannot recall anything that happened today prior to sitting down to write this journal. I will leave this journal for my future reference in case these memory issues persist. I will ask my coworkers about my previous activities. Foundation sites are rather securely monitored. Someone will know what I did today. Someone will know what I've forgotten. I am Dr. A. Delapore. This is my computer. It sits inside the office I've occupied for nearly a decade atop a desk filled with my belongings. The password to this computer is known only to me. It is a phrase spoken to me by my infant son many years ago, an anecdote I've never spoken of to anyone. As there are no others who could log into this computer, it must be mine, and I must be A. Delapore. Nobody knows what I did yesterday. According to both my coworkers and Foundation records, I am supposed to be on a leave of absence that began on Saturday, September 21st and will end on Monday, September 30th. I do not understand why I would have filed for a leave of absence in the middle of testing an anomaly. We had only just begun our tests. It would not make sense for the researcher in charge of these tests to depart at this time. I will inquire into this oddity tomorrow. I will visit the chambers where the anomaly is tested. I know I have left detailed records there of everything I need to know prior to or following interaction with the anomaly. Perhaps this will lend some insight into my inability to recall the past few days. I am Dr. Albert Delapore. This is my computer, which requires my credentials to log in. The password to this computer is a phrase spoken to me by my late son. I have never discussed much about him with my coworkers, and they have been kind enough not to probe about his passing or other details about him. It stands to reason, then, that only I would know the password to this computer, that these memories are my own, and that I am indeed Dr. Albert Delapore. I ended my previous journal entry stating that I would visit the testing area of the anomaly to which I am assigned. Though I recall writing a journal entry about that visit, there are no files on my computer that have been edited since I wrote my journal entry on the 24th of September. This is odd, but less worrying than the inconsistencies within my previous journal entries. I stated I was administered a Class-H amnestic before testing the anomaly to which I am assigned. This is wholly untrue; the properties of the anomaly affect early memories, thus Class-D amnestics are used after interacting with the anomaly in order to counteract its effects. Inability to remember the identity of the anomaly in question is a result of the destruction of memories that the anomaly had altered. I do not know why my journal entries are wrong. This has always been the procedure for the tests I performed. Has someone tampered with my journal? It wouldn't exactly make sense, since the last time the document was edited was night of September 24th, at the time I recall sitting down to write it. Why, then, are there inconsistencies? I am Dr. A. Delapore. The computer from which I write is registered under my name, and the password used to log into it comes from the last conversation I had with my son before he drowned. Nobody else knows how my son died; all I've ever told them is that he passed before I began working with the Foundation. Today was supposed to be the day I returned from the leave of absence that I did not schedule. I followed the same path I always have to reach the containment area for my assigned anomaly, but I found it empty. There were no records of it ever having been occupied, despite the fact I was there working just last week. As I think back on my actions during the day, I realize I cannot recall the faces of anyone I passed by or spoke to. I only remember seeing colored lights hovering in my vision, obscuring their faces. It was as if I had been staring into the sun just moments before. As I think back to previous days, all conversations I remember having are shrouded by the same blindness. Why didn't I write that in my journals? It's quite hard to ignore. Is this new? I remember experiencing this previously, but at the same time it feels unfamiliar. I am Dr. Delapore, but I did not write that previous entry. The information contained within is accurate, but I was not in my office at all on September 30th. The events described in the journal occurred yesterday, yet the document was last edited before any of it happened. Furthermore, there was a guard standing in front of my office, with whom I had to argue for several minutes in order to be allowed in. He did not seem to accept, for whatever reason, that I was Dr. Delapore, despite the fact that I am indeed Dr. Delapore. I have, however, discovered the reason behind the absence of the testing site for my anomaly: I am in the wrong Foundation site. It is puzzling indeed that my office is located somewhere entirely different from where I work, but it is more puzzling that the location of my office and the location where I perform my tests are hours apart by car. How, then, do I remember writing entries into my journal mere minutes after performing tests? I know I did not move this computer, nor did I use a different one. I will have to investigate tomorrow. After all, I have testing scheduled, so I will have to be at the proper site for it. I am Delapore, though I have been stripped of the title of "doctor". I was arrested attempting to enter the site where my anomaly is contained. I remember being there less than a month prior, yet I am told that the area is strictly off-limits, and that it has been for nearly a year and a half. Site-109, I am told, collapsed into the ocean in April of last year. I am being kept in my office under guard, but they have graciously allowed me access to my personal computer, albeit only under strict supervision. Every word I type is overseen, but I cannot see the face of the person watching me. All I see is a hovering flame, blinding me from discerning any of his features. I don't believe he's even reacting to anything I write. I stood up. I walked around the office. I even left for a moment to grab coffee, and I did not announce my departure beforehand. The guard is gone. I don't know when he vanished, but the only thing in the place where he had stood is the flame that had been obscuring his face. It almost seems to be beckoning me towards the window, urging me to leave. Perhaps I'll follow it. Clearly, something is wrong here, if this guard is so willing not to do his job. Addendum 2: Summary of Incidents 5389-B-Alpha and 5389-B-Beta On October 8th, 2019, an individual initially identified as Dr. Alfred Delapore (hereafter referred to as SCP-6919-A) attempted entry into the restricted area surrounding SCP-5389-B and was summarily detained. Despite the claims made in his journal, he had never attempted entry to SCP-5389-B prior to this, nor was he ever previously detained by the Foundation. Furthermore, there exist no records of any guard having been posted outside of Dr. Delapore's office; no security staff on-site recall conversations or events similar to what was described in Delapore's October 2nd or October 7th journal entries. Later that evening, SCP-6919-A was found deceased within his cell. Autopsy revealed a lethal quantity of SCP-6919 in his system; cause of death was ruled to be suicide. Following the events of December 15th, 2019, SCP-6919-A's corpse was exhumed. Investigation found that they were not Dr. Alfred Delapore, but instead a D-class individual that had been on-site during the collapse of SCP-5389-B. Investigation into how they escaped the collapse is ongoing. On December 15th, 2019, Dr. Alfred Delapore was once again detained attempting to enter the secure perimeter around SCP-5389-B. Following his detainment, Dr. Delapore was found dead in a similar manner to SCP-6919-A. Autopsy revealed a lethal dose of SCP-6919 within his system; cause of death was ruled to be suicide. Investigation into the personal belongings of Dr. Delapore revealed that several journal entries had been written on his computer in the time between SCP-6919-A and Dr. Delapore being detained at SCP-5389-B's perimeter. Addendum 3: Further Personal Journals of Dr. Delapore I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. This is my computer, but how it came to be in this strange office is beyond my knowledge. The password and account name are the same as I remember them being. I do not believe that anyone else knows these credentials, but clearly, I am wrong. Though the previous entries describe details of my personal life and actions within the Foundation, it was not I who wrote them. I do not know where I have been the past year. I recall a containment breach at my Foundation site. I recall water rushing into the facility as alarm bells sounded, as many of our containment procedures spontaneously failed. I remember the creatures rushing in— faceless, hairless hounds; four-legged beasts with an additional pair of twisted arms sprouting from their necks. I recall the way they bayed and cried as they dragged people into the rising waters, the horde rushing at us faster and more fearsome than any tidal wave. I do not know how I came to be in this office. I do not know how I escaped Site-109. All I know is that something important to me had been contained there. I need to go back. I am Dr. Alfred Delapore. I have worked for the Foundation since the day my son was taken into their care; they deemed me the best person to study his anomalous properties, since only I am immune to their effects. He alters the memories of those who interact with him, but he cannot alter mine, since he is already such a prominent figure in them. Perhaps he is simply unwilling to alter my memories. Perhaps he already did alter them. To be honest, I'm not certain. I leave this entry as record of my existence. While I was the best suited to studying my son, I was not the only one who worked with him. In 2015, we had extracted a compound from the secretions of another anomaly at the same site, SCP-5389-A. Initially, it was believed to function similar to common psychedelic drugs, though over time we found that, when metabolized by certain enzymes found in the livers of SCP-5389-A, it would produce a substance known as AMN-980. The compound immunized individuals against memory-altering effects, though it did so by erasing affected memories. This was how other individuals were able to work with me in my studies, as it negated my son's anomalous effects. I remember this all vividly, yet I cannot find any documentation concerning my son. His designation belongs instead to an anomaly I do not recall ever existing. AMN-980, too, does not have any documentation. It is not mentioned among lists of current or retired amnestics, it is not listed among our documents on assorted anomalous compounds, and the secretions of SCP-5389-A are never referred to within their documents. I know my memories to be true. Why am I the only one who recalls this? My son is calling to me. My son, for whom I joined the Foundation, for whom I toiled endlessly to cure of his condition, who I remember being pulled under the rising tide as Site-109's supports buckled, is calling my name. These lights in my vision, the ones that hide others from me, I finally have come to understand. They are here to guide me, to pull my focus away from other people, to keep the only face fresh in my memory that of my son. My son is alive, but not for long. Site-109 has collapsed, so He must be trapped within it. I don't know how, but He's in there, clinging desperately to life. I hear His cries, I hear Him splutter as He chokes on seawater. I know His time is growing short. I must go there. I must find Him. I am Dr. Delapore, and my son is drowning in Site-109. « SCP-6918 | SCP-6919 | SCP-6920 »" nan
[ 1.33776575e-01 1.02816634e-01 -1.46673754e-01 -1.43625006e-01 -1.24987260e-01 -1.85205802e-01 3.50561202e-01 7.93410316e-02 1.93950981e-01 3.45627069e-02 -8.38159472e-02 -5.06175347e-02 -1.23499446e-01 -2.37650484e-01 -2.36815721e-01 2.52514511e-01 3.34990956e-02 1.82111561e-01 3.69919896e-01 -1.38516814e-01 -1.77101955e-01 -9.47808325e-02 -2.68459737e-01 -2.17788771e-01 2.71873295e-01 -1.54945746e-01 2.24322274e-01 -2.55205147e-02 -1.05315015e-01 -3.99437487e-01 -9.32806879e-02 2.34916851e-01 4.46722936e-03 6.47140220e-02 -1.10680412e-04 -8.53681713e-02 3.84526670e-01 -1.63432628e-01 -4.46451008e-02 6.97883964e-02 -3.15464050e-01 5.29057235e-02 4.50904489e-01 -2.23671734e-01 -2.92425100e-02 -2.62966692e-01 1.04606137e-01 4.04613495e-01 4.37441379e-01 1.54282823e-01 1.95010498e-01 -2.27803826e-01 3.34150195e-01 -9.96632427e-02 -1.02867581e-01 6.30212784e-01 -1.14392631e-01 -3.01126856e-03 -1.92323610e-01 2.23748330e-02 2.05420911e-01 1.92689702e-01 -3.70414466e-01 1.18492484e-01 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-2.19161421e-01 -2.14034151e-02 -4.98830266e-02 -2.44559045e-03 4.58179176e-01 5.49170971e-02 -1.11928143e-01 -4.73861516e-01 3.77598941e-01 -2.83663303e-01 7.43131116e-02 -3.64936143e-01 3.25966030e-01 -2.77043402e-01 2.89208815e-02 2.81697005e-01 -1.30945921e-01 3.74113113e-01 -1.75661892e-01 3.55987161e-01 4.37703460e-01 1.52653918e-01 -8.40100646e-02 -1.19788967e-01 -2.26273671e-01 -2.77932316e-01 1.25050291e-01 -2.33399794e-01 -2.08231986e-01 -3.28298807e-02 3.49230945e-01 -3.11461687e-01 1.85357913e-01 -2.06307411e-01 3.17557335e-01 -4.59960014e-01 -1.46542460e-01 -6.08539246e-02 2.76070833e-01 -3.23897451e-01 -3.00223026e-02 -2.29688346e-01 1.64070830e-01 6.33011684e-02 1.79535113e-02 -1.58480540e-01 3.70005728e-03 4.20387357e-01 -1.92209914e-01 9.35307384e-01 5.37449241e-01 4.46018636e-01 1.38053477e-01 -1.03137612e-01 2.14561090e-01 -3.42175253e-02 1.97995767e-01 2.40607157e-01 7.35848963e-01 -1.01527601e-01 6.45310655e-02 -2.45707199e-01 -8.86164457e-02 -4.31071855e-02 1.97948381e-01 2.09653065e-01 -7.25012049e-02 2.05010436e-02 -3.81457448e-01 2.20276281e-01 2.23587304e-01 -3.75183791e-01 -2.01730251e-01 2.04822779e-01 -2.40948141e-01 6.27802074e-01 1.22641779e-01 1.31297171e+00 3.45120230e-03 2.26996124e-01 -1.35830224e-01 -4.33287546e-02 1.44998819e-01 -1.45631120e-01 5.57973683e-02 -4.23102193e-02 1.05742842e-01 9.54586789e-02 -2.30921701e-01 3.22083123e-02 5.99999540e-02 -2.70466805e-01 -1.12382673e-01 -1.53887793e-01 1.84194720e-03 2.16922566e-01 1.64228410e-01 1.76901281e-01 -9.38373059e-02 2.31949195e-01 1.41039416e-01 2.25267798e-01 -6.26598299e-02 2.23248050e-01 -1.19930707e-01 4.23287824e-02 2.42590234e-01 -1.97098896e-01 -8.91030207e-02 -9.16511178e-01 4.16081659e-02 -1.36426523e-01 1.45554006e-01 2.52075106e-01 5.21627106e-02 -2.52478421e-01 1.42032295e-01 -1.99771583e-01 5.32400236e-02 5.31809986e-01 -9.84097943e-02 1.34018334e-02 -7.80614018e-02 5.39518476e-01 -1.54009890e-02 -2.12436751e-01 1.40153155e-01 -2.25773528e-01 -1.99471578e-01 -4.51560080e-01 -9.83103812e-02 4.13754851e-01 -3.07300597e-01 5.32635413e-02 1.66723594e-01 -3.58105302e-01 1.95447728e-02 1.95676535e-01 -6.25950992e-02 5.25816567e-02 1.24618806e-01 -1.47679150e-01 -2.29618624e-01 -1.07560135e-01 2.49550447e-01 -5.72490171e-02 -2.09879264e-01 1.54292136e-01 -1.36214927e-01 -2.10290343e-01 -2.66655594e-01 -4.45589185e-01 3.16749588e-02 1.54790819e-01 -1.14282519e-01 8.44372995e-03 -3.26561004e-01 2.05788404e-01 5.29587984e-01 9.87635702e-02 -1.21334210e-01 -5.44027209e-01 -1.37580812e-01 -9.42237210e-03 1.72590151e-01 -6.01489916e-02 3.44795495e-01 1.86301515e-01 9.00501758e-02 -5.66411391e-02 -2.58408636e-02 -3.71356219e-01 -1.51887104e-01 5.19035161e-02 1.99991375e-01 -3.34401697e-01 -4.55395550e-01 2.28530169e-01 -1.24514541e-02 2.58475333e-01 3.10344011e-01 1.37792982e-03 -2.05452681e-01 8.78635570e-02 1.61901087e-01 -1.04538121e-04 -3.72110426e-01 -1.91392392e-01 -3.22886437e-01 4.14471701e-02 2.96107940e-02 1.33120209e-01 9.01095197e-02 1.89728439e-01 -2.31089741e-02 9.95708555e-02 6.77338019e-02 1.77791536e-01 2.72118777e-01 -1.79135241e-02 8.38987678e-02 -1.47229418e-01 3.50191817e-03 -4.27881330e-01 -8.33627880e-02 -7.31582344e-02 1.57862678e-01 -1.92925274e-01 3.72375667e-01 4.39931937e-02 2.20793530e-01 -5.96387923e-01 -7.07187736e-03 3.87635112e-01 9.26294327e-02 -3.48353863e-01 -8.62621609e-03 2.21060552e-02 2.18038425e-01 7.32901618e-02 1.86506361e-01 8.38782191e-02 1.00192301e-01 6.77774847e-02 5.31442523e-01 4.30573463e-01 -4.68166113e-01 -2.02153757e-01 -8.24925154e-02 -1.21205971e-01 -6.10452294e-02 2.92567313e-02 1.62561432e-01 -5.34057170e-02 -1.51776209e-01 5.79696596e-01 9.02406126e-03 4.04030919e-01 3.89851540e-01 6.27685606e-01 2.48606756e-01 2.64164746e-01 3.14937383e-01 1.18944108e-01 -7.00998232e-02 2.49196917e-01 1.99381545e-01 -6.05544262e-02 5.29802442e-01 -2.79040694e-01 1.52298771e-02 -1.62720054e-01 -4.70391102e-02 -8.14375579e-02 4.93103340e-02 -1.60152063e-01 -1.21457959e-02 4.15863335e-01 -2.82004416e-01 2.06007203e-03 -1.15251988e-01 3.89282033e-02 -8.65273029e-02 -1.42574787e-01 2.56784618e-01 -1.97985187e-01 1.37497365e-01 1.89863518e-01 -2.14415908e-01 7.48515546e-01 -2.09384441e-01 3.66287977e-02 -6.04752749e-02 7.28684068e-02 -4.88674454e-02 2.28042752e-01 3.04130733e-01 1.70551628e-01 3.25414864e-03 -2.59371370e-01 1.90319002e-01 -1.50507405e-01 -1.05158426e-01 1.12865567e-01 8.74264687e-02 6.87177256e-02 -1.71687782e-01 2.09986091e-01 -1.87098861e-01 -1.55700371e-01 9.05950814e-02 4.82324004e-01 -2.02728271e-01 1.33507311e-01 1.27486065e-01 -2.77656734e-01 6.50723800e-02 8.73816386e-02 -2.46125177e-01 -1.77923236e-02 9.31317881e-02 -4.30029929e-01 1.40441835e-01 -2.67865896e-01 8.45978633e-02 -2.50357836e-01 2.57255048e-01 -9.55304801e-02 -8.83470774e-02 -2.81639118e-02 5.92494681e-02 -6.23045191e-02 1.80328444e-01 1.58085868e-01 -1.89361945e-01 2.55412191e-01 1.19790033e-01 1.09731918e-02 1.51314169e-01 1.00897074e-01 -1.02200158e-01 -9.79256406e-02 -1.39248902e-02 -3.19432706e-01 1.88672006e-01 1.05504707e-01 -6.16146848e-02 1.71875417e-01 -5.55100627e-02 3.12275887e-01 -2.31943175e-01 7.40421638e-02 4.94205728e-02 -1.50105447e-01 1.10960521e-01 8.95508468e-01 5.82442284e-01 -5.92948720e-02 3.11386615e-01 -1.51275806e-02 -4.64970380e-01 -1.24087796e-01 1.92076713e-01 -2.54070550e-01 2.10855246e-01 1.53623521e-02 2.52079844e-01 -2.73528732e-02 4.17801589e-01 2.88887955e-02 -2.65287817e-01 -1.00586765e-01 -1.57808736e-01 -4.09525871e-01 -2.58677006e-01 1.95573047e-01 4.19109426e-02 2.74678245e-02 1.95933938e-01 5.25015891e-02 7.97172785e-02 -4.40261453e-01 -3.83066803e-01 2.21651107e-01 -7.23771602e-02 7.22579360e-02 1.24971092e-01 6.77430406e-02 -1.62042007e-01 5.40719815e-02 -8.41677308e-01 -1.33295804e-01 1.86779395e-01 7.67032895e-03 -1.66210830e-01 -1.96350306e-01 -6.94789663e-02 -2.01700002e-01 -2.52197117e-01 3.01177353e-01 -2.88421065e-02 -9.10528973e-02 -2.38513932e-01 4.61130142e-02]
"Ghost Crime in Kansas" active "Special Containment Procedures: All 23 instances of SCP-6920 are currently kept within a Cold Storage Containment Unit inside Site-16. SCP-6920-1 is currently under constant watch by a surveillance system ran and supervised by Shamus.aic1. The systems have been fitted with ectovision lenses capable of viewing the spectral entities roaming the location of SCP-6920-1 when said entities do not make themselves visible. See updated procedures. Updated Procedures: Director Deacon2 was allowed to put SCP-6920-A, -B, and -C under protective custody of the Foundation in light of Incident-6920-01, and all three entities have been moved to Site-16. They are currently kept inside Incorporeal Humanoid Holding Chambers, in Cell block 13 on Sublevel 04. Description: SCP-6920 designates 23 light-green bottles containing an anomalous alcoholic beverage sold under the name "Ectoplashine". All SCP-6920 instances currently exhibit a teal-colored luminescence, and continuously exhibit this effect until less than 15% of the substance is left inside the bottle or the 15% is poured out. To date, attempting to test for any other ingredients used in SCP-6920 has yielded no results. Upon consuming any amount of SCP-6920, the following effects will take place; Most notably, however, is the ability to view spectral, incorporeal, and intangible entities that may have previously appeared invisible to them. This state lasts for a total of one hour and fifteen minutes, after which subjects will revert to their normal appearances and lose the previously mentioned ability. The effects will take place upon consuming SCP-6920 again. SCP-6920-1 is the location where SCP-6920 was manufactured and where entities -A through -D were found. The location exhibits no anomalous phenomenon. See the History section for more information. SCP-6920-A, -B, -C, and -D are spectral humanoid entities who all previously worked for GoI-00193 in different states. They are intangible, capable of manifesting and demanifesting at will, and are capable of freely moving through most physical objects. They are able to levitate, however all four appear to prefer to "walk". History: SCP-6920-1 is an abandoned wooden shack located in the northeastern plains of Kansas, built near the Oregon Trail sometime in the 1820s. The shack reportedly served as both the residential home of the Echeverría family and, primarily during the 1830s, as a stopping point for travelers walking the trail. The home was abandoned in 1858 when the last remaining member of the Echeverría family died of a heart attack. During the 1910s, SCP-6920-1 came into possession of GoI-0019 and served as a standard moonshining operation from 1921 to 1922. During these years, a known eight to nine members of GoI-0019 worked to manufacture types of antique alcohol, which were promised to be "entirely original and foreign". In mid-1923, multiple deaths occurred during a brief moment of infighting. For an unknown reason, four of the members returned as translucent, intangible entities, and started to produce SCP-6920. SCP-6920 was sold throughout the 1920s in various speakeasy locations around the United States, primarily in the states of Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois4. Despite this, the sell of SCP-6920 was almost entirely located in Kansas itself. The location eventually attracted the attention of other members of GoI-0019, and it was once more put into their possession and back into business. In 1930, through unknown sources, the location was identified by agents of the Bureau of Prohibition and was subsequently raided then shut down. Approximately nine members of GoI-0019 were arrested, however SCP-6920-A through -D were not detained as they remained invisible to the bureau agents. According to the spectral entities, the entities had passed the time by playing cards and learning various instruments. It is assumed that due to the recent rise of paracriminal activity in the United States since 1998, the entities attempted to restore their business, which led to their discovery by Foundation agents. Discovery: SCP-6920 and SCP-6920-1 came to the Foundations attention in late 1999, where reports of "glowing green jugs" appearing in various locations around Kansas City and other neighboring cities and towns started to gain traction among the local media. Instances were acquired and witnesses were amnesticized while Foundation Field Agents were ordered to investigate further, where they discovered that the entities had started manufacturing SCP-6920 instances again in light of the recent rise of paracriminal activity in the area. The operation was shut down again, and SCP-6920-A through -D were successfully contained within the perimeters of SCP-6920-1. Below is all the relevant information on SCP-6920-A through -D. Name: John Jacob Burke Date of Birth: Unspecified, 1880 Date of Death: July 16th, 1923 Physical Description: African American male, aged 43. Bald. Wears a three piece suit with dress pants and polished black boots. Often seen smoking a pipe or attempting to play a harmonica when manifested. Often seen manifesting in one of the living room chairs inside SCP-6920-1. Overview: Became affiliated with GoI-0019 in the state of Georgia as a broker for black market trade in 1917 under the promise that they would be protected from KKK activists in the area. Worked as a broker in the area until 1919 where they were relocated to Kansas to sell and advertise rare moonshine and other various forms of antique alcoholic beverages to local crime gangs and speakeasy's in the area. Reportedly became close friends with the DiGiovanni brothers, John Lazia, and Tom Pendergast5 and secured GoI-0019 a foothold in local criminal activities in Kansas City. After 1923, SCP-6920-A lost any and all previous connections in Kansas, and worked primarily for GoI-0019 until 1930. Interview 6920-A: 11/05/99 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Thorpe: Hello, 6920-A. How has your day been? SCP-6920-A: Good. And please, call me Burke. Dr. Thorpe: Very well then, Mr. Burke6. I'm Dr. Thorpe, and I'm here to interview you on a few things, particularly your time with an organization we know as GoI-0019. SCP-6920-A: What, the Machine? Dr. Thorpe: No. I'm referring to the other crime syndicate you once worked for. SCP-6920-A: Oh, yeah. Them. Why? Dr. Thorpe: It's just what we need to know. And being cooperative could yield for some better living standards. <SCP-6920-A sniffs the air, recoils, then nods.> SCP-6920-A: I haven't seen anyone else from them in years. Whatever I know is probably worthless. Dr. Thorpe: Lucky for you, that's what we need. We need to know about your decision to work almost exclusively in Kansas, and with the Machine. SCP-6920-A: That's a bit of a tricky one to answer. For one, it was just easy enough to weasel our way in with the local mafia and the Machine. I talked to everyone, see? I got us customers, then acquaintances, then colleagues, then opportunities, and then close friends. I could sweet talk a kid into giving me his lollipop. Dr. Thorpe: But why not start business in some of the hotspots during that time? Like Chicago or New York? SCP-6920-A: Well, we did. To an extent. We had smugglers going back and fourth between some of the nearby states and cities, including Chicago. We weren't big, small even, but we were noticeable. We sold antiquities that no one else had, the ingredients and instructions supplied to us from outside Kansas. But that was before '23. Dr. Thorpe: Before you died? SCP-6920-A: Yeah. We started making Ectoplashine after that, some real good shit that legitimately no one else had. Oh, how I miss those days. Dr. Thorpe: Our records show your connections with the Machine fell after that incident. Any reason why? SCP-6920-A: Easy. Pendergast, and I quote, didn't think "weird shit" was gonna be as profitable as it is. It was the only one of the two setbacks we really ever had. Dr. Thorpe: So then, let me ask again, why not Chicago? SCP-6920-A: That brings me to our next setback. You don't think we tried to get into Chicago? Some of us already knew about Chappell and the Spirit, we knew what went on in Chicago. And for us that knew, it was out of our league. Well, mostly. Dr. Thorpe: Mostly? SCP-6920-A: Some Renegades7 stole some stashes of our good shit and tried to sell it out in Chicago and Manhattan. Chappell didn't like that, so he made sure we stayed out of that city. Hell, the whole damn state was made off limits. We just weren't ready for a competition like that, not with a bunch of hotheads like the Spirit. Dr. Thorpe: Is that all? No other particular reason? SCP-6920-A: Well, from what I heard, our boss's boss didn't have a good relationship with Chappell either. I heard he did something wrong, something stupid. Dr. Thorpe: And what can you tell me about him? SCP-6920-A: Nothing. Sorry, but I don't know a damn thing about him besides that he messed up bad. Dr. Thorpe: Well, that's unfortunate. But anyhow, thank for your time Mr. Burke. I'll see what I can do for those new room arrangements. SCP-6920-A: Sure thing, doc. [END LOG] Name: Amy "Small Scout" Kindle Date of Birth: January 18th, 1891 Date of Death: July 16, 1923 Physical Description: Caucasian woman, aged 32. Blonde hair. Wears a long, brown fur coat, a matching hat, and a leather satchel filled with a variety of items8. Often manifests within the bathroom of SCP-6920-1, where they can be seen applying makeup or posing in front of the wall mirror. Overview: SCP-6920-B joined GoI-0019 as a Mapper9 due to their extensive knowledge on the surrounding area of their hometown and state, Wisconsin. SCP-6920-B in particular was reassigned to SCP-6920-1 in 1921 for unspecified reasons, but their experience as a Mapper allowed them to become an integral part of the small operation. After their death in 1923, SCP-6920-B continued to serve as a Mapper until the operation was officially shut down in 1930. Evidence suggests they may have knowledge of several other operations in the Kansas area, however they have so far refused to disclose any additional information on the subject. Interview 6920-B: 11/07/99 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Thorpe: Miss Kindle? <SCP-6920-B, who had been applying makeup in the mirror, is startled by Dr. Thorpe.> SCP-6920-B: Oh, goodness! You nearly gave me a heart attack! Who might you be? Dr. Thorpe: I'm Dr. Thorpe, I'm with the Foundation. I'm here to ask you a few questions. <SCP-6920-B appears visibly disappointed.> SCP-6920-B: Oh. Fine. What do you want? Dr. Thorpe: I understand you were a scout for this place, correct? SCP-6920-B: They use the term Mapper for people like me. I went out to the woods, looked for some trails, maybe an abandoned road or two, and made it profitable for us. Standard work. Dr. Thorpe: And as I understand it, you had been transferred here for…what reason? SCP-6920-B: Ah, well, I don't know that one. "B" wouldn't tell me. Dr. Thorpe: "B"? SCP-6920-B: "B" was my boss back then. None of us knew his real name, so we called him "B". For boss. Dr. Thorpe: Did he ever directly contact any of you? SCP-6920-B: Well if it was one of us, it was Hitchcock. Dr. Thorpe: And why him specifically? SCP-6920-B: He was the liaison between us and "B", he was the only one who ever talked to him. Plus, he was the one that originally started this place up, so he had that special spot around here. Dr. Thorpe: Did Hitchcock ever say anything about "B" in particular? SCP-6920-B: Well…no, uh, no. He didn't tell, we didn't ask. We were just satisfied to get paid. Dr. Thorpe: Right. This brings me to my next question. Mr. Burke told me that your boss had a boss. Is there anything you know about that, perhaps? SCP-6920-B: My boss had a boss? Dr. Thorpe: You didn't know this? SCP-6920-B: Surely not! If I had known that, I… <SCP-6920-B stops talking and moving.> Dr. Thorpe: Miss Kindle? SCP-6920-B: Hmm? Was I saying something? I'm terribly sorry, my head just got all foggy and what not, haha. What were we talking about? Dr. Thorpe: We may have a problem. [END LOG] Name: Liu Zhihao Date of Birth: Unspecified, 1897 Date of Death: July 16th, 1923 Physical Description: Chinese immigrant, aged 26. Black hair. Seen manifesting in a variety of different clothing, most often poor in quality. Rarely every manifests inside SCP-6920-1, instead choosing to manifest specifically on the back porch of the location. Typically seen reading the same issue of newspaper on the back porch of SCP-6920-1. Overview: SCP-6920-C became affiliated with GoI-0019 in 1914 after members of the group smuggled them and their family into New York state, although the specific location is unknown. Entity's family could not at the time pay for the service, and SCP-6920-C was forced into the group as a means to work off their dept. They worked as a drug mule from 1915 to 1920, until they were moved to SCP-6920-1 to work on the manufacturing of antique moonshine. After 1923, SCP-6920-C supposedly aided in the manufacturing of SCP-6920 until 1930. Interview 6920-C: 11/10/99 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Thorpe: Hello, Mr. Zhihao? SCP-6920-C: Hm? <SCP-6920-C does not look up from the newspaper.> Dr. Thorpe: I'm Dr. Thorpe, I'm with the Foundation. I'm here to ask you a few questions. SCP-6920-C: Ah. Yeah. Go ahead, yeah, it's a boring day anyways. Dr. Thorpe: I can imagine. Do you mind if I ask about the product you helped make here? SCP-6920-C: I don't, no. Go ahead. Dr. Thorpe: I'd mainly like to know one thing. How exactly did you make it? SCP-6920-C: Only Mr. Hitchcock knows that. Dr. Thorpe: Yet I understand you helped make it with him? SCP-6920-C: He said I was too young to keep secrets. Dr. Thorpe: So? SCP-6920-C: So he made me forget. Dr. Thorpe: I see. Do you remember anything at all? SCP-6920-C: Not much. I remember very little, it was very long ago. Dr. Thorpe: I reckon you don't want to talk right now either, do you? <SCP-6920-C shakes their head and flips to the next page of the newspaper.> SCP-6920-C: Busy reading. Dr. Thorpe: Surely you've already read that newspaper a hundred times over. SCP-6920-C: It's the only thing to read around here. Dr. Thorpe: I see. I'll leave you to it, then. <As Dr. Thorpe is leaving, SCP-6920-C speaks up.> SCP-6920-C: The rest know. Dr. Thorpe: Know what? SCP-6920-C: How Mr. Hitchcock makes the ghost drink. <Before Dr. Thorpe can ask further, SCP-6920-C demanifests.> [END LOG] Name: Jeremy Hitchcock Date of Birth: Unknown Date of Death: July 16, 1923 August 8th, 2002 Physical Description: Caucasian male, aged 39. Black slicked back hair. Wore a hat with a variety of other clothing, oftentimes mismatched. Previously manifested in the basement of SCP-6920-1, where he would smoke cigars and listen to a nearby record player. Overview: SCP-6920-D was the previous head of the of the SCP-6920-1 operation and liaison between the members of the operation and the individual known as "B". Their position of leadership, however ,had been disputed between all four entities for years. SCP-6920-D reportedly started the business by themselves in 1916, but garnered the attention of the individual known as "B" and was offered a place in GoI-0019. After the incident in 1923, through currently unknown means, SCP-6920-D became the only one who knew the exact ingredients and instructions of how to make SCP-6920. It is still unknown why they decided to manufacture SCP-6920 specifically. Update: As of Incident-6920-01, SCP-6920-D is deceased. Interview 6920-D: 11/15/99 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Thorpe: Mr. Hitchcock? SCP-6920-D: Go away. I'm enjoying myself. Dr. Thorpe: I'm Dr. Thorpe, I'm with the Foundation. I'm here to ask you a few questions. SCP-6920-D: Didn't you hear me? I said piss off. Dr. Thorpe: Don't you get tired of listening to the same songs everyday? If you comply, I can maybe arrange you a collection of vintage records. SCP-6920-D: What makes you- Dr. Thorpe: <Interrupting> With added benefits. A new room perhaps? Somewhere not as bad as here. <SCP-6920-D mumbles something, goes quiet, then faces Dr. Thorpe.> SCP-6920-D: Fine, deal. What might the mighty Thorpe need to know from me? Dr. Thorpe: Your boss, Miss Kindle called him "B". What can you tell me about them? SCP-6920-D: I assume she's dead by now, so I'll spill. Firstly, "B" was a she, and her name was Jane Carter, but some of us- including me- called her J.C. She didn't quite like the people working for her knowing she was a woman either, so she hid herself under the names of J.C. to some, and then "B" to others. Dr. Thorpe: Right. What else about her? SCP-6920-D: Smart. Tough. And by God, she was beautiful. Funny story, there was one time where- Dr. Thorpe: About her involvement in the organization you were both working in. SCP-6920-D: Ah, that. Well what all do you know? Dr. Thorpe: They're a criminal syndicate going by the name "Syndicate of 85". They sell all kinds of anomalous antiques, services, and run businesses like speakeasys and lounges. SCP-6920-D: Well, that's not quite the Underworld I knew. Dr. Thorpe: Underworld? SCP-6920-D: When I first heard of them, they went by "The Underworld Criminal Syndicate of the United States of America". Long ass name, and everyone I knew shortened it to Underworld instead. Dr. Thorpe: And when was this? SCP-6920-D: Before '23, that's what they went by. After that, well…there was something of a decline between then and now, with 'now' more specifically meaning back in '39. Right after the Spirit fell. Dr. Thorpe: Interesting. We'll come back to this, but I have another question for you. The other two have mentioned that your boss had a boss as well. Mr. Burke said he and Richard Chappell did not have a good relationship. I'd like to know what happened, and out of the three, you seem to know. SCP-6920-D: That's actually a pretty funny story. See, it started out as a rumor one day back in 1920. "Oh, someone crossed Chappell", "Hey, you guys are screwed, the Spirit is coming", shit like that. So I ask J.C. what the fuck is going on, right? But she's got this absolutely piss-your-pants scared look on her face and she's panicking, trying to get some shit packed in a bag. She tells me, "He fucked up bad this time, Chappell is chasing us out of Chicago, and he's coming for the rest of us in the states. Brick and Kat are already dead. I'm leaving." Dr. Thorpe: I don't suppose she went into any further detail? SCP-6920-D: Something about the boss knowing about someone or something that he wasn't supposed to know. But that was it. That was the last time I saw her. It's funny because, in the end, Chappell never came for anyone else. Dr. Thorpe: And what did your boss do? SCP-6920-D: I don't know what he did to set off Chappell, but it was enough to the point that he got scared and fled the country. And when he did decide to make himself relevant again, I'm pretty sure he didn't even know we were out here. We didn't hear anything about it 'till '99, and that's when you guys swooped in. Dr. Thorpe: I can assume you don't know much on this individual, then? SCP-6920-D: Well, not exactly. There's some stuff everyone is allowed to remember. Dr. Thorpe: Allowed to remember? SCP-6920-D: That's just the way he works. Dr. Thorpe: Then, what are you allowed to tell me? SCP-6920-D: Not much. Just what everyone says about him. A man shrouded in mystery. An outlaw from a bygone era. A sweet talker who could convince you to buy anything. A gambler with quite the string of luck. Stuff like that. Dr. Thorpe: Anything more specific? SCP-6920-D: Only two things in particular, really. Firstly, no one could ever tell what color his eyes were. Dr. Thorpe: As in they never got a clear look? SCP-6920-D: No, like it was a color you couldn't see. Unrecognizable. Dr. Thorpe: Well, that's a little intriguing. And the second thing? SCP-6920-D: He was unnaturally pale. Dr. Thorpe: Pale? Like they had albinism? SCP-6920-D: Albinism? Dr. Thorpe: Like they are an albino, a condition where- SCP-6920-D: <Interrupting> Whoa whoa whoa, what the fuck did you say? Dr. Thorpe: They…are an albino? SCP-6920-D: Oh my God. Dr. Thorpe: Is there a problem? SCP-6920-D: That was his name. Albino. Dr. Thorpe: Albino? I think I recognize the name, I believe we have a file on him. SCP-6920-D: You son of a bitch! You made me talk! Dr. Thorpe: What? I didn't- SCP-6920-D: Holy shit, I'm a fucking dead man. <SCP-6920-D demanifests.> [END LOG] After managing to have all four entities manifest inside the living room of SCP-6920-1, Dr. Thorpe conducted the final interview with SCP-6920-A through -D. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-6920-D: You'd better have a damn good reason for making me be here in my final moments, doc. SCP-6920-A: Final moments? What? SCP-6920-D: Shut up. Dr. Thorpe: If you two would kindly quiet down, I'm here to ask two final questions for you all. SCP-6920-A: Last time you made me go through a questionnaire, you promised me a new room. This isn't a new room. Where's my new room? SCP-6920-B: He promised you a new room? Dr. Thorpe: The request is going through, we're a very busy department10. SCP-6920-C: <Without looking up from their newspaper> Hurry and ask question then. Dr. Thorpe: The first I'll ask is what happened on July 16th, 1923? SCP-6920-A: We had a disagreement. Then a shootout. We died. We came back. SCP-6920-B: Not that we know why, we just are. Dr. Thorpe: Yes, yes, I understand that. I mean, what was the disagreement? What was it that actually happened? SCP-6920-B: Well it was…huh. I can't remember. SCP-6920-A: Really? We had an argument over…well, fuck me. I don't know either. SCP-6920-C: I don't remember either. <SCP-6920-D sighs loudly.> SCP-6920-D: That was the day we all learned that the big man had left the Underworld. Which meant two things to us. Those who would keep following him, and those who would try other places. Dr. Thorpe: And you all shot each other over it? SCP-6920-D: Well, kind of. Us four decided to try and find opportunities somewhere else, but Jimmie, Linda, Martha, and Henry decided against us. They wanted to go out and find him, but the rest of us knew that wherever that was, Chappell was already there. SCP-6920-A: I can remember it now, yeah. Yeah, Jim punched me when I tried to leave, shouted something about us droppin' the dime11. Which was, of course, untrue. SCP-6920-B: And then our fight ended with a draw. All of us had a shooter on us, even Liu had one. Doesn't seem to have mattered, though. Dr. Thorpe: Then…where are the other four ghosts? SCP-6920-C: Only ever us. SCP-6920-B: Liu is right. To our knowledge, we were the only four who came back. Dr. Thorpe: Hm. Well, I suppose that's a satisfactory answer. SCP-6920-D: We aim to please. Now, your second question? What was it? Dr. Thorpe: Right. Well, we'd like to know how you managed to make SCP- <Pauses> Ectoplashine. <Silence for twenty seconds.> SCP-6920-D: No. SCP-6920-B: I mean, come on. Does it even matter anymore? SCP-6920-D: I said no! SCP-6920-A: And who put you in charge? SCP-6920-D: The boss did! SCP-6920-A: Boss ain't around no more! SCP-6920-B: Jeremy, it's been seventy years. No one even remembers us anymore. SCP-6920-A: And if they did, they would've gotten to us earlier. <Silence for another ten seconds.> SCP-6920-D: <Sighs> Fine, okay. Whatever. Dr. Thorpe: Good. Then, would you mind explaining? SCP-6920-D: Well, let's get this straight. I lied. Dr. Thorpe: About what? SCP-6920-D: Just hold on, doc. There were eight of us. Eight of us died. Dr. Thorpe: Yes. And? SCP-6920-D: And the main ingredient in Ectoplashine is, of course, ectoplasm. Dr. Thorpe: As we understand it, yes. How is this- SCP-6920-D: <Interrupts> There used to be eight ghosts, too. <Silence for one minute.> Dr. Thorpe: Oh. SCP-6920-D: Yeah. "Oh". [END LOG] Addendum: Incident-6920-01 On 08/08/02, all cameras within SCP-6920-1 suddenly ceased functionality. Attempts to contact the guards that were, at the time, stationed at SCP-6920-1 failed. Agents from Mobile Task Force Mu-13 ("Ghostbusters") and a team from Liaison-5 ("The Hawkshaws") were able to report to the location approximately two hours after the camera feeds cut off, which had been restored thirty minutes after ceasing function. Upon reaching the destination, the guards that had been stationed at the location had been killed via gunshots to the head. Upon entering SCP-6920-1, all agents found SCP-6920-A, -B, and -C gathered around an SCP-6920 instance in the basement. Entities claimed they heard SCP-6920-D yelling, followed by a gunshot, but did not hear any previous gunshots. Among the pile was a piece of paper akin to a calling card, the text of which as been transcribed below. Let this serve an example to the rest of you ghost fuckers. No one talks shit about me and gets away with it. Not even the dead. - The Albino Man12 Shortly thereafter, SCP-6920-A through -C were then transferred to Site-16 and have been placed under protective custody by the Foundation. Further interviews found entities -A through -C had forgotten all knowledge on the existence of PoI-0023, although remember that SCP-6920-D had been murdered. As of 2002 there has been no activity from SCP-6920-1 since the incident, and no other SCP-6920 instances have been found. Surveillance of the location, however, has continued. An investigation concerning the reappearance of SCP-6920-A through -D inside SCP-6920-1 has been, until further activity from the location has been detected, postponed. Addendum: On 08/17/02, the transcript was moved to the office of Dr. Montgomery13 as part of the renewed investigation efforts against PoI-0023. « SCP-6919 | SCP-6920 | SCP-6921 »" "Current state of SCP-6920-1. Currently contained instances of SCP-6920. 6920-A, Circa 1919. 6920-B, Circa 1918. 6920-D, Circa 1920. 6920-D, Circa Unknown."
[ 1.26272380e-01 8.55846480e-02 -1.55861691e-01 5.70859611e-02 -2.59986609e-01 -3.45714241e-01 -3.48042063e-02 2.77459085e-01 9.94538888e-02 8.72852281e-02 8.95662606e-02 2.64871866e-01 -3.07485498e-02 2.14205444e-01 8.06570053e-03 1.96980432e-01 1.46041393e-01 6.25719428e-02 1.07095324e-01 -1.34932354e-01 -5.91580011e-03 -1.32931113e-01 -1.08013019e-01 4.08066995e-02 -4.16854471e-01 1.39709339e-01 -1.05422571e-01 -1.79615512e-01 -1.86231330e-01 -3.92106205e-01 5.23375608e-02 5.07789910e-01 2.63024539e-01 6.33274972e-01 -1.14435992e-04 -1.28229260e-01 9.84691754e-02 -1.15659297e-01 -4.68225688e-01 1.11212455e-01 -2.45612279e-01 -3.29593383e-02 5.17053194e-02 -1.56204090e-01 -3.20448317e-02 1.66286990e-01 7.94398785e-03 -1.15623616e-01 5.23322582e-01 1.84444357e-02 1.10507093e-01 -2.59787887e-01 -9.86890644e-02 5.24664596e-02 1.79979220e-01 9.80184436e-01 -6.99781701e-02 -9.87436771e-02 1.29565239e-01 -2.44977385e-01 2.27285475e-01 -4.01790254e-02 -1.74513668e-01 -7.45130032e-02 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4.10193861e-01 -1.65976316e-01 -1.02054082e-01 -2.44716346e-01 5.77865615e-02 -2.98850723e-02 1.97974771e-01 3.14563215e-01 -3.17217827e-01 -2.40880325e-02 2.01509535e-01 4.21343148e-01 3.00556105e-02 3.17665964e-01 -2.01140851e-01 -1.64163962e-01 1.64805532e-01 2.68592387e-01 4.53080125e-02 -4.29090232e-01 -3.68565731e-02 1.86622649e-01 -1.19487743e-03 -3.68901789e-01 2.15372667e-01 3.98480594e-01 -2.41540447e-02 -2.26504967e-01 -1.68824807e-01 5.12429066e-02 3.95694226e-01 -4.28536385e-02 1.16740160e-01 2.74091244e-01 -1.17934778e-01 -6.82086349e-02 -1.00532331e-01 4.17164080e-02 4.21063870e-01 -5.98427169e-02 -7.69820139e-02 1.43692233e-02 -1.06615707e-01 1.45750374e-01 2.81506091e-01 3.92159224e-01 3.75038683e-02 1.09586515e-01 2.39023775e-01 1.21070601e-01 2.24676773e-01 -3.83361019e-02 -2.19286129e-01 1.46361426e-01 6.38190508e-02 7.61767989e-03 -1.56420693e-01 6.75167441e-02 8.73077437e-02 -2.97721356e-01 1.82185039e-01 6.67045340e-02 1.97604880e-01 4.18237209e-01 -1.53304979e-01 3.04480255e-01 1.69171721e-01 6.27366304e-01 -7.74184391e-02 -7.75469318e-02 1.50927156e-01 -1.32532343e-01 -2.64445513e-01 -3.02257419e-01 5.11380374e-01 -2.82260478e-01 -2.32869620e-03 9.87234339e-02 -1.58258915e-01 -4.58316773e-01 1.90361589e-01 -1.45419389e-01 -4.49434146e-02 7.99578801e-03 -7.40579367e-02 3.28388035e-01 1.36291638e-01 1.64902359e-01 -3.32284868e-01 -6.82735443e-01 1.50596917e-01 -6.75720125e-02 -2.71863014e-01 5.58222830e-02 -2.44938314e-01 -1.90930307e-01 -1.31810710e-01 3.10161471e-01 1.51643321e-01 -1.54180452e-01 2.04433024e-01 1.10615678e-01 -2.71622986e-01 -9.06086341e-02 -2.73687810e-01 3.95162553e-01 -2.26690292e-01 3.66931409e-01 -6.25340402e-01 -1.29763469e-01 -1.48084238e-01 1.11657798e-01 -1.54972330e-01 4.60051149e-01 6.50756419e-01 -1.89820882e-02 1.53629169e-01 1.43479168e-01 -3.20305616e-01 1.49986744e-01 -2.24010404e-02 -4.89795804e-01 1.04510173e-01 8.11060052e-03 -2.39455104e-01 -3.24758857e-01 5.06463908e-02 -6.90894783e-01 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1.28816321e-01 -1.87401310e-01 -3.83103311e-01 1.40773803e-01 4.18035649e-02 2.21713945e-01 5.07584773e-02 -7.14812338e-01 -3.96332070e-02 -2.55339593e-01 3.61360520e-01 -5.93093373e-02 1.63480386e-01 -1.98344842e-01 -1.50484130e-01 1.52353451e-01 -1.92890376e-01 3.83394957e-01 4.38241720e-01 4.59384382e-01 4.09784377e-01 -7.19455406e-02 -1.61829382e-01 -2.10858762e-01 -2.15864092e-01 1.23086244e-01 9.05736759e-02 -4.29510504e-01 -1.31484404e-01 -4.70216274e-02 1.30300775e-01 -2.21339226e-01 2.10447937e-01 -2.35142140e-03 2.59054601e-01 -2.22341448e-01 -2.61644572e-01 9.99438837e-02 1.42773628e-01 -4.49374288e-01 -2.99840122e-01 -2.98031002e-01 -6.39007008e-03 4.28545065e-02 1.76951900e-01 3.27655450e-02 2.43953004e-01 2.23241299e-01 -3.44475240e-01 6.20432258e-01 4.90219951e-01 8.54111016e-01 3.61845225e-01 8.14075023e-02 1.05264395e-01 1.97366908e-01 -1.49148092e-01 -1.41364843e-01 8.44063640e-01 2.54131779e-02 1.85535133e-01 -1.80010200e-01 7.05342516e-02 -1.02913238e-01 1.51398972e-01 1.63490810e-02 6.32257015e-02 3.77138495e-01 1.40280828e-01 2.09005803e-01 2.80945748e-01 -4.23647702e-01 -2.34293133e-01 1.82546731e-02 2.74628382e-02 4.96446282e-01 2.85111904e-01 1.22290337e+00 1.70013011e-01 8.64095166e-02 1.17831767e-01 1.57751590e-01 9.84358788e-02 -5.87459981e-01 -2.60023680e-02 -1.59512013e-01 1.54789938e-02 2.84349034e-03 -2.83513784e-01 1.07533056e-02 2.58825332e-01 -2.18094364e-01 -2.95837879e-01 -5.25406778e-01 4.16546226e-01 1.10252472e-02 3.49712849e-01 2.32831880e-01 2.56552011e-01 5.21093369e-01 1.98222190e-01 9.74650532e-02 2.46998698e-01 3.87075730e-02 -1.57395616e-01 -2.15954185e-01 -3.83630171e-02 -2.65556574e-01 9.15617570e-02 -6.22764111e-01 3.38369995e-01 -2.15894073e-01 7.33887078e-03 -2.55479485e-01 -2.88730860e-01 -2.62358397e-01 -1.28738821e-01 -1.37951761e-01 1.06487326e-01 7.26634622e-01 -3.15793693e-01 2.51293600e-01 1.49354786e-01 3.21513951e-01 -1.46512995e-02 -2.38777250e-01 2.01090544e-01 8.88398588e-02 -2.48666972e-01 -2.93365419e-01 -8.60530511e-02 3.05134147e-01 -2.68901706e-01 3.74928951e-01 2.48323783e-01 -3.90029252e-01 -9.20373127e-02 1.05747186e-01 2.00136125e-01 1.34218648e-01 -8.78126696e-02 1.26789451e-01 5.24035059e-02 -1.58051923e-01 3.79409671e-01 5.37792407e-02 -2.88876921e-01 3.51330824e-02 1.96451843e-01 -2.75896907e-01 -3.00239980e-01 -1.70493230e-01 9.78889409e-03 -3.82078439e-01 1.28747553e-01 -2.05806598e-01 -3.01612079e-01 1.01743549e-01 3.53411704e-01 -3.07232495e-02 -1.76162437e-01 -1.86687678e-01 -1.42157510e-01 7.06951916e-02 1.43660456e-01 8.89255106e-02 2.02795818e-01 1.74019009e-01 6.88697517e-01 3.88054252e-02 2.06243262e-01 -3.17728162e-01 -2.19636694e-01 -8.18466768e-03 -1.19674742e-01 4.05504778e-02 -1.30424351e-01 -2.19303280e-01 -1.76864102e-01 1.27343774e-01 4.78481829e-01 1.50235957e-02 -1.51149184e-01 -1.34818526e-02 1.67878047e-01 -8.43153372e-02 -3.27783138e-01 -2.19844669e-01 -9.90480706e-02 3.42273206e-01 -7.15372711e-03 -1.91786792e-02 1.83323652e-01 1.41633183e-01 1.22331612e-01 -3.75468433e-01 2.86720525e-02 2.63737619e-01 1.76928937e-01 3.23053807e-01 3.03345658e-02 -2.37281591e-01 1.27680078e-01 -1.91747978e-01 -1.16679445e-01 -3.36983323e-01 1.79980874e-01 -2.71433145e-01 5.44750988e-01 -2.19246551e-01 1.02252856e-01 -2.39980102e-01 -6.33704737e-02 -3.62576783e-01 1.49353743e-01 -2.77574182e-01 8.51644725e-02 -6.56808913e-02 2.33091861e-01 -7.44929239e-02 1.55844525e-01 -3.14983726e-02 2.70969599e-01 -1.51814774e-01 1.22812204e-01 7.37948418e-02 -3.29751313e-01 -1.29899964e-01 4.98036630e-02 -3.35202128e-01 5.32717586e-01 -1.30070178e-02 9.32237655e-02 -2.96369940e-01 -8.56934264e-02 -5.99703565e-02 1.57976881e-01 3.24368566e-01 3.45307328e-02 3.77605706e-01 -1.17208861e-01 1.15244530e-01 4.61170584e-01 1.46051869e-01 1.60898998e-01 -3.30457121e-01 1.78818792e-01 -2.04688579e-01 3.47392887e-01 5.88729642e-02 1.03766099e-01 -1.44733906e-01 -2.74020672e-01 -3.22399557e-01 -1.33383065e-01 -5.81270941e-02 1.26984045e-01 -3.73130023e-01 -1.85258612e-01 -2.34790653e-01 -2.70837657e-02 -2.56945770e-02 3.05086911e-01 9.71572194e-03 1.60161316e-01 -2.63668120e-01 -7.88928289e-03 2.18078315e-01 3.92502472e-02 5.41011870e-01 -1.85455143e-01 -4.30336483e-02 1.68364674e-01 1.20895587e-01 1.73690900e-01 8.46455544e-02 2.58596361e-01 -1.50274694e-01 -1.11813456e-01 -2.27547780e-01 -1.08734123e-01 -6.26922548e-02 -1.47594482e-01 1.99414529e-02 3.16837072e-01 -2.15775803e-01 3.39257233e-02 1.20422967e-01 -1.88636169e-01 -3.37479413e-01 1.52678981e-01 1.50637686e-01 1.68547496e-01 -9.55146924e-02 9.49875191e-02 -2.18963429e-01 1.49331927e-01 -1.50064856e-01 -5.69624826e-02 -6.08965456e-01 -3.17334294e-01 1.89158153e-02 1.64763317e-01 -5.96448362e-01 6.30170777e-02 -1.77615672e-01 -5.14173619e-02 5.18242978e-02 2.76223034e-01 -9.67103317e-02 -1.72921717e-01 2.61713654e-01 2.13891536e-01 8.96094367e-03 -4.16074812e-01 1.02980502e-01 -1.48871556e-01 1.48314893e-01 9.60816741e-02 1.07769795e-01 1.03456303e-01 2.26728190e-02 -1.05383731e-01 -3.98581684e-01 4.53469455e-01 -3.20316702e-02 1.31886899e-01 2.94872254e-01 -1.39706954e-01 2.68327385e-01 -2.51628399e-01 9.50667635e-02 -1.45007715e-01 -4.34677005e-01 1.43234909e-01 4.75586563e-01 4.62300539e-01 -1.50870219e-01 3.58969361e-01 2.04306021e-02 1.62031457e-01 -8.22722018e-02 3.97091091e-01 -2.30981544e-01 1.34859666e-01 2.28579551e-01 3.51082496e-02 1.56624153e-01 3.48241597e-01 2.80682743e-01 2.04203919e-01 -8.90378561e-03 3.41941297e-01 -3.71148735e-01 -8.60965773e-02 -2.59523660e-01 -8.28870609e-02 -2.03785431e-02 3.52725953e-01 5.31037897e-02 -1.96015403e-01 -1.38549432e-01 -2.53548473e-01 3.28016043e-01 -2.51925945e-01 1.85515761e-01 -1.27566189e-01 1.38061896e-01 2.26432964e-01 1.25957996e-01 -4.25316453e-01 -2.33694270e-01 -1.09100252e-01 1.33296743e-01 -2.30936125e-01 -7.99568370e-03 -2.53690183e-01 -1.46387696e-01 -1.46629140e-01 1.12475060e-01 -1.30294725e-01 2.26206314e-02 -3.02218735e-01 -2.67810728e-02]
"Agent Lou of the CWPA" active "Written by MetalRavioli. For more by me, go to my Author Page! Special Containment Procedures SCP-6922 is to be contained in a 90-liter freshwater fish tank in the wildlife containment wing of Site-225. SCP-6922 is to be fed on a daily basis and is to be provided with several hiding spots. Any amenities requested by SCP-6922 are to be provided on a case-by-case basis. No substances that could be identified as "pollution" are permitted to be within a 30-meter radius of SCP-6922's containment tank. Description SCP-6922 is a male member of the species Limnopilos naiyanetri.Thai micro crab measuring approximately 0.8cm in length. SCP-6922 is sapient and is capable of speech, and is capable of communicating clearly through water, as well as being capable of breathing air. SCP-6922 is highly resilient to low temperatures, having been seen in 5°C waters with no negative effects present. Any object or substance that would be considered "pollution" that comes within A 20-meter radius of SCP-6922 will demanifest. SCP-6922 is aware of this and has previously used this effect to its advantage, in an attempt to cleanse bodies of water. Addendum 6922.01: Initial Discovery Log SCP-6922 was discovered on 10/13/2021, during a Foundation oil spill cleanup caused by SCP-████ in a large lake, which led into a small stream. The events consisting of SCP-6922's discovery have been logged below. DISCOVERY LOG Date: 10/13/2021 [BEGIN LOG] (The camera turns on. The view is from Dr. Anole's headgear. Dr. Anole is overseeing an oil spill cleanup, where several agents are seen skimming the stream and removing oil. Researcher Evel approaches Dr. Anole.) Researcher Evel: Everything is going according to plan, Doctor. Dr. Anole: Excellent. SCP-████ is subdued? Researcher Evel: Correct. The entity shouldn't be active for another- (Researcher Evel is interrupted by Agent Marshall, who is seen running towards the two.) Agent Marshall: Doctor! (Researcher Evel and Dr. Anole turn towards Agent Marshall.) Agent Marshall: Doctor, something's happening upstream. Come quick! (Researcher Evel and Dr. Anole look to each other, and then begin to follow Agent Marshall. Agent Marshall leads the two upstream, where the oil coating the stream is seen disappearing.) Dr. Anole: What is this? Researcher Evel: Do you know what's causing this, Marshall? Agent Marshall: Not sure. Morgan's sensors detected some movement in the water, but it wasn't much. Researcher Evel: (looking towards Dr. Anole) Perhaps it's another anomaly? Dr. Anole: Could be. Evel, contact Site-225. Tell them we may need a containment team on standby. Marshall, get Morgan down here. Researcher Evel: On it. Agent Marshall: Ditto. (Researcher Evel begins walking back upstream, as does Agent Marshall. Dr. Anole begins looking in the water, in an attempt to find any movement. After approximately 5 minutes, he spots SCP-6922. He leans in close to the entity) Dr. Anole: Is that a crab? SCP-6922: (coughs) Jesus Christ man, have a mint! (Dr. Anole is frightened by SCP-6922 and falls back onto the ground. Dr. Anole remains on the ground for approximately 15 seconds, seemingly in shock, before looking around. Dr. Anole spots a clipboard atop a nearby supply crate and grabs it. He then slowly returns to the water, and cautiously looks into the stream. He searches for approximately 7 seconds before he spots SCP-6922.) Dr. Anole: I- Hello? SCP-6922: Hello! I'm here! What do you want? Dr. Anole: Um. Are… are you the crab? SCP-6922: The fuck you mean? Of course I'm the crab. Dr. Anole: And, you can understand me? SCP-6922: Are you that stupid? I'm answering you! Jesus Christ… Dr. Anole: Um… By any chance are you causing the oil to demanifest? SCP-6922: Demanifest? In English, professor. Dr. Anole: Are you causing the oil to go away? SCP-6922: Yeah. Pretty neat, huh? Dr. Anole: Yeah it is… (Dr. Anole begins taking notes) How long have you been here? SCP-6922: The fuck you mean by "here"? (SCP-6922 makes several motions in the air with its claws) The stream? The forest? The US? Be more specific man, I'm not a mind reader. Dr. Anole: The stream. SCP-6922: Few hours. My job would be a lot easier if you guys got out of the way. Dr. Anole: Job? SCP-6922: Yeah you know, something you're supposed to do, usually for pay- Dr. Anole: No, I know what a job is. What is your job? SCP-6922: Well what does it look like it is? Cleaning up your guys' mess! Dr. Anole: And you're employed to do this? SCP-6922: Yes. I literally just told you that. God humans are so annoying. Dr. Anole: (taking notes) Employed by who? SCP-6922: The CWPA, wise guy. Dr. Anole: The… what? SCP-6922: The CWPA? the Creature and Wildlife Protection Agency? (Dr. Anole raises an eyebrow) SCP-6922: You know what I'm talking about. We brought back the roadrunner after it went extinct? (Dr. Anole shakes his head) SCP-6922: Saved the Amazon from a comet? (Dr. Anole shakes his head) SCP-6922: Invented Animal Jam? Dr. Anole: You made Animal Jam? SCP-6922: For fucks sake. Dr. Anole: Look, Animal Jammer or not, you're going to have to come with me. (Dr. Anole reaches out to grab SCP-6922) SCP-6922: (SCP-6922 backs away from Dr. Anole's hand) Woah woah woah, no can do pal. Like I said, I got a job to do. So kindly fuck off. Dr. Anole: I'm afraid that's not an option. (Dr. Anole again reaches out for SCP-6922, however, SCP-6922 puts its claws up.) SCP-6922: Hey! You want to mess with these dudes? I once sliced a shrimp in half with these bad boys. (Dr. Anole attempts to grab SCP-6922, but SCP-6922 moves to the side, causing Dr. Anole to lose his balance and fall into the stream. Dr. Anole kneels up and frantically looks for SCP-6922, who is laughing. He quickly spots the entity, and grabs it in his fingers.) SCP-6922: Hey! put me down! (SCP-6922 frantically tries to resist Dr. Anole's restraint, to no avail. Dr. Anole stands up and moves out of the stream.) Researcher Evel: Hey! (Dr. Anole turns to the right, to see Researcher Evel walking towards him) Researcher Evel: I've contacted Site. They're sending in a team. Dr. Anole: No need. (Holds up SCP-6922) Already got it. Researcher Evel: A… crab? SCP-6922: For your information, I have a name! It's Lou! Researcher Evel: It talks? Dr. Anole: I wish it didn't. SCP-6922: Fuck off! Let me do my job! Dr. Anole: Let me do mine! [END LOG] Afterword: Following these events, SCP-6922 was brought to Site-225 and was properly contained. Investigation into GoI-3776 "Creature and Wildlife Protection Agency" is ongoing. « SCP-6921 | SCP-6922 | SCP-6923 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6922" by MetalRavioli, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Crab.jpg Author: Sean Murray License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-6922"
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-2.21819520e-01 -1.64546788e-01 -8.76510963e-02 2.77086079e-01 1.35244191e-01 1.11479305e-01 1.59481019e-01 -9.66386795e-02 7.30225295e-02 1.26459897e-01 1.76206797e-01 1.67685132e-02 -2.81359367e-02 -2.40064725e-01 -2.98900157e-01 1.45368800e-01 2.57376969e-01 -3.25810701e-01 -3.34982485e-01 -2.10330263e-01 7.91566595e-02 -8.34690034e-03 -6.48311913e-01 2.58806258e-01 1.23049244e-01 2.89020538e-01 -6.47344962e-02 -8.98450539e-02 2.18831316e-01 -1.58128023e-01 -1.81054585e-02 1.49029627e-01 1.23846479e-01 -1.74656183e-01 -5.70614301e-02 6.17057867e-02 2.90786088e-01 2.38157794e-01 4.10982281e-01 -9.48811397e-02 -3.63489501e-02 -2.55572081e-01 5.01451552e-01 1.85556412e-01 5.11756182e-01 -3.31859410e-01 -2.04400629e-01 2.35640764e-01 2.79991359e-01 2.30551064e-01 -1.15925126e-01 -2.29533046e-01 1.19305946e-01 -1.11216344e-01 1.51052266e-01 1.46191508e-01 -5.47137894e-02 2.88629889e-01 -1.95271000e-01 -7.04105645e-02 1.07533611e-01 1.63146064e-01 3.72418910e-01 -1.95098162e-01 1.56896859e-01 -1.37952030e-01 2.32486889e-01 -1.45964131e-01 -4.61394712e-02 8.20728093e-02 -7.56293675e-03 1.10911965e-01 -2.65189052e-01 3.44216347e-01 4.74457532e-01 -2.52078809e-02 5.28898053e-02 1.03779301e-01 -2.52721459e-01 -1.22285217e-01 -1.07008576e-01 1.02407701e-01 1.22872390e-01 -3.40941548e-01 3.57961923e-01 2.50505626e-01 1.83849633e-01 -2.99141943e-01 -2.43498653e-01 -3.01428080e-01 -1.40629381e-01 -1.73146069e-01 2.89557815e-01 1.77869260e-01 -3.57657164e-01 4.72187437e-02 1.88816041e-01 1.05280705e-01 -4.98423763e-02 -1.21502601e-01 -1.89734653e-01 -7.80672729e-02 2.32619755e-02 -9.45825458e-01 3.50321531e-01 2.65829954e-02 3.05346429e-01 -2.29378551e-01 2.10624769e-01 -6.90616593e-02 1.16219424e-01 4.58681816e-03 4.37816978e-01 4.33385313e-01 2.73360945e-02 6.65303171e-02 -1.30526898e-02 -4.63302314e-01 1.40601411e-01 7.62295127e-02 8.64524320e-02 3.92045647e-01 -1.06333978e-02 -2.10152507e-01 -4.02756363e-01 2.79261023e-01 -6.80212736e-01 -4.72051762e-02 -1.96128339e-01 -3.96105126e-02 -6.57845065e-02 -6.25287145e-02 -9.31534842e-02 -3.06819975e-01 -1.32031545e-01 6.42278641e-02 -1.34880617e-02 1.44853026e-01 1.77233979e-01 -1.63273573e-01 3.87452662e-01 4.86396626e-03 -8.82637203e-02 -8.22513252e-02 -4.19895083e-01 1.68278068e-02 -6.66625006e-03 4.61597256e-02 -1.63289517e-01 -3.60203087e-01 -1.22456606e-02 -1.72231302e-01 1.32382780e-01 -4.17756923e-02 -1.66156605e-01 -1.84252277e-01 -1.10953242e-01 -3.06750890e-02 4.18261766e-01 5.24706114e-03 -1.64994687e-01 -2.06292421e-01 -1.29904211e-01 4.19960134e-02 1.16719482e-02 5.37812822e-02 -1.06095910e-01 -1.47824407e-01 4.78099808e-02 1.09540798e-01 -2.65126824e-01 5.07703051e-03 1.94365114e-01 3.18016857e-01 -9.15037617e-02 3.32542270e-01 -2.30801865e-01 2.01100826e-01 -1.20099343e-01 -4.32521403e-01 2.12165609e-01 1.53786913e-01 -1.64277062e-01 -1.67861732e-03 -2.41830081e-01 -2.47668862e-01 1.06353544e-01 -1.73052140e-02 8.04148257e-01 4.44915920e-01 -2.92186707e-01 -4.76582140e-01 -9.64968055e-02 -3.33346009e-01 -3.37931335e-01 3.61926347e-01 4.64538373e-02 2.47357935e-01 -6.84906423e-01 5.87954074e-02 -6.47848308e-01 -8.70752614e-03 1.01695642e-01 1.47234827e-01 -6.77267686e-02 -4.39716652e-02 2.41642237e-01 -2.30239287e-01 2.03343570e-01 -1.80894122e-01 3.21228415e-01 3.46955448e-01 3.45891118e-01 2.03187063e-01 3.31507437e-02 -2.95310885e-01 1.29012451e-01 3.92897755e-01 -6.41454160e-01 -3.45923094e-04 5.14926128e-02 1.10361390e-01 -4.52560812e-01 -5.24499230e-02 1.14093758e-01 -1.09700210e-01 -6.13489389e-01 1.26402043e-02 2.06970751e-01 4.34397012e-01 -2.25448355e-01 6.67398199e-02 -1.33365288e-01 1.31366238e-01 4.31188166e-01 9.27055627e-02 1.88926563e-01 -6.54687136e-02 2.99437679e-02 -1.21464461e-01 2.13029549e-01 5.84932685e-01 2.70926833e-01 3.12556833e-01 -3.02977651e-01 2.27150261e-01 -4.93168309e-02 -2.63658129e-02 5.27550340e-01 6.09082401e-01 1.66095689e-01 3.24998409e-01 -1.45528480e-01 1.05484389e-01 -1.02634160e-02 -1.39290541e-01 1.75710529e-01 1.50761530e-01 2.12789863e-01 -5.10253549e-01 5.38365602e-01 4.98963241e-03 -2.32550859e-01 -1.60968006e-01 1.83935314e-01 -2.38141149e-01 3.39984924e-01 3.23376179e-01 1.37598515e+00 1.27906650e-01 1.93097010e-01 -2.80021504e-02 -2.92938501e-01 4.92304921e-01 -4.16404545e-01 -5.68744466e-02 8.94430280e-02 8.94441456e-02 -9.59687158e-02 -1.62838832e-01 2.03485519e-01 -8.61119553e-02 -4.39644635e-01 1.16109224e-02 -4.71015364e-01 2.44634211e-01 3.12120646e-01 3.42306942e-01 -5.98182753e-02 -1.37044579e-01 -1.97903477e-02 1.50814384e-01 -2.79839337e-02 -7.53973424e-02 -1.29404545e-01 -1.60464942e-01 1.57735050e-01 -2.14838952e-01 1.74438223e-01 1.73534811e-01 -4.09346938e-01 4.04747995e-03 -1.60038933e-01 -1.56329330e-02 2.23293856e-01 1.35421708e-01 -2.77856529e-01 -1.80686817e-01 -1.92650005e-01 7.40000531e-02 7.23608077e-01 -1.43888980e-01 -2.79081259e-02 9.02733728e-02 7.61483535e-02 -8.44042450e-02 -1.45116299e-01 -3.44318338e-02 -5.88544197e-02 -2.59289593e-01 5.77868074e-02 5.55201285e-02 6.94004178e-01 -1.29274279e-01 1.11239284e-01 4.21448387e-02 -4.15677667e-01 -2.00730637e-01 1.70859948e-01 4.79094982e-02 -4.22779292e-01 -8.47774297e-02 9.61550623e-02 -7.15001076e-02 -3.55733782e-02 9.16679874e-02 2.45124221e-01 1.13937169e-01 3.12994093e-01 1.31627142e-01 -1.70736343e-01 -3.56142581e-01 -2.34407201e-01 -7.77256563e-02 -1.64507523e-01 -8.80218227e-04 -1.35370702e-01 -2.43046269e-01 1.95413902e-01 3.51839244e-01 3.54730338e-02 -3.16171288e-01 -2.72318900e-01 -2.21599340e-01 9.02627334e-02 -4.30971244e-03 -1.31396234e-01 2.23791718e-01 -1.31720766e-01 5.23078263e-01 1.69961810e-01 3.37783873e-01 -3.82627398e-01 -2.25932062e-01 -2.34763280e-01 7.19061047e-02 1.91067174e-01 -1.12709396e-01 -3.11939195e-02 -2.56737977e-01 8.97440314e-02 3.26619983e-01 -7.72900879e-02 -2.59122610e-01 -1.67175785e-01 1.41657174e-01 -1.29107490e-01 -5.08924603e-01 2.78074127e-02 8.86827633e-02 1.14617243e-01 7.62459710e-02 -1.70070454e-01 2.09395736e-01 3.62913430e-01 -2.86905207e-02 -2.42389917e-01 8.46744478e-02 -7.47408494e-02 -4.81653115e-04 2.28550434e-02 -2.71372139e-01 -2.11073950e-01 6.65855855e-02 6.09280467e-02 -5.65378405e-02 5.82490861e-01 1.76172107e-02 -2.90749073e-01 2.34247684e-01 1.86940655e-01 1.29073828e-01 -3.77492994e-01 7.55071640e-02 -4.78481539e-02 -4.94375788e-02 -2.95458674e-01 7.41662085e-02 1.27202258e-01 2.31017962e-01 -2.72151023e-01 1.69995427e-01 -2.50360101e-01 -7.98177123e-02 -5.69573641e-02 2.03497633e-01 4.20126319e-01 -4.10911471e-01 -3.79427910e-01 2.24114850e-01 -1.38448447e-01 1.11184709e-01 3.34661484e-01 6.59630060e-01 7.39260018e-02 3.02974749e-02 1.75953999e-01 1.14342853e-01 2.33618990e-01 3.56859833e-01 6.70093417e-01 2.43118316e-01 2.25211456e-01 5.65891743e-01 -1.47052020e-01 1.37054205e-01 -2.76892096e-01 1.54028565e-01 -3.67032319e-01 2.75730133e-01 4.22592536e-02 4.09539253e-01 -1.68016702e-01 -1.02638245e-01 -3.61451238e-01 1.34595484e-01 -7.19226450e-02 -1.80030510e-01 -1.31738871e-01 -1.02068074e-01 -1.33492440e-01 -2.55520433e-01 1.79950759e-01 1.26254439e-01 -1.57111004e-01 3.25750113e-02 1.21263444e-01 1.65264070e-01 -2.16671489e-02 -6.73912242e-02 4.72669095e-01 -4.26224828e-01 2.55511731e-01 2.22104669e-01 -2.54776865e-01 -1.05912425e-01 1.14767693e-01 4.94623691e-01 7.36546367e-02 -1.11085042e-01 6.29592761e-02 -1.77770317e-01 -1.86557293e-01 -2.34703481e-01 2.36509349e-02 -1.04077486e-02 -3.18132877e-01 -5.46651371e-02 8.06604773e-02 -1.73756391e-01 -2.72286952e-01 2.10150436e-01 4.43085313e-01 -7.55750835e-02 4.08509552e-01 -1.33394539e-01 7.78047740e-02 2.31082793e-02 2.51082182e-01 -3.08243752e-01 1.87959477e-01 5.93323149e-02 -1.34401321e-01 2.46358573e-01 -2.75981247e-01 1.00670971e-01 -1.51533067e-01 1.12103894e-01 1.46636829e-01 -2.08900007e-03 -1.24420516e-01 -4.29059118e-01 -3.14672887e-01 -5.71016558e-02 -3.90505403e-01 -4.13137525e-01 8.48045573e-03 1.27483401e-02 -3.04231495e-01 9.03345272e-02 3.54561061e-02 1.71374366e-01 -1.01122543e-01 -3.11663419e-01 -1.98961958e-01 9.44646522e-02 -7.36460015e-02 2.70395070e-01 -2.77435016e-02 -2.35702351e-01 2.63495557e-02 -9.64020714e-02 1.68557689e-01 -1.72084555e-01 -2.19579771e-01 7.82356877e-03 6.82581484e-01 6.65448904e-02 5.68810925e-02 4.43255633e-01 -1.13493577e-01 -1.14728376e-01 5.42538464e-02 -3.96025553e-02 -2.17589617e-01 9.10167769e-02 6.47631511e-02 2.63523191e-01 -1.56111091e-01 3.95889372e-01 9.49843824e-02 -9.92329558e-04 -1.34589255e-01 1.34200424e-01 -3.63261223e-01 -2.51872748e-01 -1.79589659e-01 1.07322901e-01 2.98114251e-02 2.83255935e-01 -1.21256024e-01 -6.26009926e-02 -2.94552624e-01 -3.91409844e-01 3.91923577e-01 -3.04264337e-01 -2.93284059e-01 -1.18625298e-01 7.27563351e-02 9.45778377e-03 4.01033640e-01 -4.55496788e-01 -1.55336584e-03 -8.68989751e-02 1.37946710e-01 -1.46051526e-01 2.63839518e-03 -8.35522488e-02 -2.40904555e-01 -1.37554005e-01 1.66589886e-01 1.66884318e-01 5.22238314e-02 -3.33980024e-01 -1.74046949e-01]
"Ho Ho Whatever" active "Item #: SCP-6926 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment procedures: Annual containment efforts of SCP-6926 is primarily managed using Foundation web crawlers designed to track social media reports of its activities. Reports of anomalous phenomena caused by SCP-6926 are to be tracked and witnesses are to be amnesticized appropriately. Description: SCP-6926 is a humanoid entity resembling a balding, elderly male with a short white beard. SCP-6926 always appears dressed in a manner somewhat resembling traditional depictions of Santa Claus, with additional articles of clothing worn in cold weather. Areas within a twenty-five mile radius of SCP-6926 experience the following phenomena: Environmental: Phenomena displayed in humans: Additionally, SCP-6926 has displayed various anomalous abilities, including instant teleportation between locations, manipulation and control of ice and snow, inducing alcoholic intoxication through physical contact, and the manifestation of holiday themed/related beverages (Eggnog, Irish-cream, Coca-Cola). SCP-6926 only uses these abilities to aid itself in its annual activities. SCP-6926 manifests annually on the 26th of December in countries that celebrate the holiday “Boxing Day”. During such times SCP-6926 will travel between locations that have hosted social gatherings the night prior, specifically those containing uneaten foodstuffs and beverages leftover from the night before. While there, SCP-6926 will take part in recreational activities such as drinking, eating, and general relaxation. SCP-6926 will de-manifest at 12:00am local time on December 27th. Discovery Log: Local phenomena resulting from SCP-6926’s anomalous properties were first detected in the village of ██████, England, on December 26th 1995. Due to the sudden drastic change in local weather, Foundation agents in the area were dispatched to investigate. SCP-6926 was discovered traveling between pubs in the area, joined by civilians partaking in a pub-crawl that had begun the previous night. Interviews with witnesses revealed SCP-6926 had become heavily intoxicated over the night, during which they made various references to a confidential event that took place on September 22nd the same year. Interview Log: The following is an improvised interview that was recorded following SCP-6926’s sudden manifestation at Site-17’s annual employee boxing day gathering in 1996. Foundation personnel can be heard talking to one another over the sound of music. The room goes silent and the music stops, as personnel notice the presence of SCP-6926. Loud crunching can be heard from SCP-6926. Researcher Agnew approaches. Researcher Agnew: Wow. Um, excuse me? Who’re you? SCP-6926: Hi. What’s up? I’m Santa Claus. Researcher Agnew: Yeah… Um, what are you doing here? SCP-6926 continues eating cookies SCP-6926: Eating right now. Researcher Agnew: Right. Any particular reason you’re here though? SCP-6926: Food. You want some? Researcher Agnew: No Thank-you. Researcher Agnew gestures to personnel to alert security. Researcher Agnew: So you’re Saint Nick then? SCP-6926: No. I’m Santa Claus. Well, not today at least. It’s my day off. Researcher Agnew: You don’t seem quite jolly enough to be Santa Claus. SCP-6926 picks up a can of coke and notices that it is warm. Frost forms around the can and SCP-6926 smiles. SCP-6926: I don’t care. Researcher Agnew: You know, it’s strange. When I was a kid, I didn’t believe in Santa. SCP-6926 looks at researcher Agnew. SCP-6926 takes a sip of coke. SCP-6926: You’re an idiot. Researcher Agnew: Any other business? SCP-6926: Probably finish off here. Go someplace else. You’re kinda bringing down the mood here buddy. Security personnel enter the room and approach SCP-6926. Both restrain SCP-6926 and escort them into the hallway. Shortly afterwards, both security personnel begin to stupor and suddenly collapse onto the floor. SCP-6926 re-enters the room. Researcher Agnew: Hey! What’re you- SCP-6926 grabs a bottle of whisky from a nearby table. SCP-6926: Haha. Lightweights. SCP-6926 disappears « SCP-6925 | SCP-6926 | SCP-6927 »" "SCP-6926 following acquisition of a minibike (Florida, United States)"
[ 5.26123270e-02 3.01063545e-02 -1.58479810e-01 -2.14399919e-01 -7.16506317e-02 -4.58407342e-01 2.62519747e-01 1.60976723e-01 2.55596787e-01 1.72700167e-01 1.87068939e-01 1.98020950e-01 -1.44656956e-01 -5.19880243e-02 2.93483019e-01 3.96940038e-02 2.05868289e-01 8.01519379e-02 7.47783715e-03 -3.34882110e-01 -1.17511556e-01 -2.97214210e-01 -1.36539340e-01 1.08962335e-01 -1.21741936e-01 -6.22224947e-03 1.09717086e-01 -2.25442231e-01 -1.62444040e-01 -1.78420514e-01 9.52597931e-02 2.00680569e-01 -2.70326734e-02 5.52032173e-01 -1.11832545e-04 -4.90464680e-02 2.63354927e-01 3.91011797e-02 -3.30000222e-01 4.23466228e-02 7.22066015e-02 -3.03527247e-02 -2.94045601e-02 7.66999274e-02 6.69887697e-04 -2.57282913e-01 3.44040394e-01 3.21458787e-01 4.60106134e-01 1.95313632e-01 1.99657932e-01 -2.43982226e-02 1.44655826e-02 -2.42476482e-02 -6.66876733e-02 8.44169080e-01 -3.28960776e-01 -2.31004566e-01 1.63261876e-01 2.23820731e-02 1.16674090e-02 -3.42565589e-02 -8.85297433e-02 -1.40847251e-01 1.07585274e-01 -2.06626296e-01 1.39549613e-01 2.04956383e-01 1.72380880e-01 1.22857727e-01 -5.09516196e-03 -4.44786400e-02 6.87757805e-02 1.45437658e-01 -9.29342490e-03 -3.38859469e-01 1.95189044e-01 8.00158605e-02 -1.58936992e-01 1.47124026e-02 -1.47685945e-01 3.13833356e-01 -2.95789272e-01 3.04284513e-01 -3.97793025e-01 3.64935458e-01 -8.12347904e-02 6.56551123e-02 -7.37829953e-02 -1.72899678e-01 3.00729394e-01 7.61160254e-02 1.88488156e-01 1.30754143e-01 7.79911205e-02 -1.96931258e-01 1.62698865e-01 1.67522445e-01 1.97535038e-01 -2.73698810e-02 4.66924310e-01 2.97579378e-01 8.29326436e-02 2.67507136e-02 2.20812470e-01 8.84262025e-02 2.39414021e-01 -4.05912697e-01 -2.42200688e-01 1.06228121e-01 -4.20245193e-02 2.21277669e-01 5.29035740e-02 1.14831999e-01 5.02359634e-03 -2.15326354e-01 1.61548704e-01 -7.21336976e-02 -5.05305603e-02 7.24908561e-02 -4.49929476e-01 -8.45045596e-03 1.57821119e-01 3.30169350e-01 4.31121320e-01 2.97049731e-01 -3.22454512e-01 -1.92227140e-01 1.21996306e-01 8.57270434e-02 -1.79755419e-01 2.09340796e-01 -3.30593139e-01 -1.78438276e-01 1.54346958e-01 1.43402904e-01 -3.10896993e-01 2.66095996e-01 -9.10949253e-04 6.72149733e-02 -7.16344938e-02 -2.84626093e-02 5.79026341e-01 2.39994619e-02 -3.69005919e-01 -1.61120087e-01 -1.05118215e-01 2.58438498e-01 -2.52906293e-01 1.60520133e-02 3.25517088e-01 -1.40918652e-02 -4.65321451e-01 1.96236610e-01 -3.41874212e-01 -1.09057598e-01 4.30499226e-01 1.05632581e-01 -5.58911026e-01 -2.94656366e-01 3.45479220e-01 -2.73965634e-02 -3.09128493e-01 -9.56677422e-02 -7.83583894e-03 1.88273489e-01 1.12065315e-01 -1.86737105e-01 -1.83463901e-01 -3.22797000e-01 1.34964034e-01 -1.70880556e-01 -9.54584479e-02 5.42538725e-02 -2.76648607e-02 -2.71729510e-02 -3.26849490e-01 -1.03197664e-01 -2.89880216e-01 -1.68237463e-01 -7.66157061e-02 2.29135185e-01 2.65836954e-01 -2.86141694e-01 -1.45963281e-01 1.54308319e-01 -7.69006368e-03 1.83754668e-01 2.00293526e-01 -1.32515118e-01 -6.84609115e-02 -1.60412863e-01 -2.99950968e-02 1.35951594e-01 1.21154398e-01 -7.92403594e-02 2.00006500e-01 -2.35861525e-01 6.63184971e-02 2.66266793e-01 -2.01441348e-01 7.43638799e-02 1.26216605e-01 2.43979722e-01 -1.21283218e-01 1.62810251e-01 -2.79831380e-01 -1.29952133e-01 2.84252971e-01 2.73521513e-01 -2.84838259e-01 -2.96088010e-01 -7.83493742e-02 4.54517782e-01 7.79073611e-02 -2.17927858e-01 2.65096277e-01 2.36324266e-01 3.00439805e-01 -3.16516668e-01 -1.49192601e-01 6.07768357e-01 5.20955622e-01 -1.75284505e-01 2.67149270e-01 4.21750724e-01 -4.20914032e-02 -1.81628749e-01 -5.80055639e-02 2.08701342e-01 3.14573675e-01 -8.52623731e-02 1.81103051e-01 -4.14057933e-02 -4.02253360e-01 3.81599754e-01 2.34069914e-01 1.74841776e-01 2.70062941e-03 2.26732492e-02 2.93445796e-01 1.67386353e-01 2.92364269e-01 -4.64444831e-02 -8.06950182e-02 1.65348440e-01 6.96907640e-02 6.73044324e-02 -7.35879019e-02 9.86325666e-02 -1.75598428e-01 -2.26942778e-01 4.71551046e-02 2.83710728e-03 3.66563231e-01 5.48633516e-01 -1.02719985e-01 2.95811445e-01 -3.37385088e-01 3.51243705e-01 3.96070659e-01 -2.35631883e-01 1.80658653e-01 -6.39375206e-03 2.85123903e-02 -2.19512537e-01 3.78831029e-01 -1.86617002e-01 3.07400152e-02 1.06073909e-01 -2.40996964e-02 -9.09511447e-02 -1.41708717e-01 4.73061949e-02 2.10168194e-02 7.37880096e-02 1.92659736e-01 4.25784588e-02 2.35227808e-01 1.82375461e-01 -3.05991024e-01 -3.96623731e-01 -6.94985613e-02 -1.65440440e-01 -3.04768067e-02 -1.48303822e-01 -4.96829636e-02 1.48707971e-01 -2.24124670e-01 -1.30769610e-01 -3.00020009e-01 -3.18357125e-02 2.33952060e-01 1.15861431e-01 -1.77330792e-01 4.42903675e-02 -4.71887812e-02 3.41010064e-01 -2.88831681e-01 -1.33515686e-01 -5.15716553e-01 -1.38557911e-01 -1.10536620e-01 5.41577153e-02 -1.82578042e-01 2.59425998e-01 3.64430994e-01 5.52550778e-02 1.93979934e-01 -1.58817261e-01 -2.46043429e-01 3.98676068e-01 -6.16951510e-02 -2.89512724e-01 1.20782666e-01 2.58313622e-02 -5.56955576e-01 -3.21832076e-02 1.25025749e-01 -8.85356605e-01 -9.57244337e-02 -4.50614989e-02 -2.60437697e-01 -1.31972298e-01 -1.63636670e-01 3.55442077e-01 -2.69266516e-01 -1.71846375e-01 2.50586867e-01 1.31947458e-01 1.80141374e-01 2.29802653e-01 9.43148480e-05 1.52983874e-01 -4.55459915e-02 -2.26854995e-01 -2.75259227e-01 -4.85628359e-02 -9.51564219e-03 5.74151538e-02 -1.22409604e-01 -3.37375581e-01 -2.17118174e-01 -2.79003352e-01 7.67503008e-02 -2.68049210e-01 -2.73344368e-01 -8.27998295e-02 2.21631840e-01 -1.47535041e-01 -4.48837101e-01 6.98455811e-01 1.82253331e-01 -3.11248571e-01 -1.49809033e-01 -3.80099446e-01 2.30366662e-02 -4.83203046e-02 7.92194307e-02 -1.33076638e-01 -3.04963797e-01 2.22170815e-01 5.49598098e-01 -5.70703030e-01 -2.23352745e-01 -2.30637826e-02 1.63487241e-01 6.64829388e-02 3.12164038e-01 -9.85992700e-02 4.21124369e-01 1.65279403e-01 -3.07466716e-01 3.45943958e-01 -1.03834495e-01 2.38052085e-01 -5.27398512e-02 -1.34164497e-01 -2.03335792e-01 -2.76053369e-01 1.28972396e-01 7.40340829e-01 1.73462138e-01 -1.33669615e-01 -2.06054613e-01 -2.44228661e-01 -1.07810199e-01 -3.26695815e-02 8.15968588e-02 -1.42938808e-01 1.52984425e-01 -7.44351268e-01 2.92954087e-01 -1.22482903e-01 3.34000945e-01 -1.35828450e-01 -4.71578911e-03 -2.50188112e-01 -1.78023323e-01 2.15055466e-01 -1.65338114e-01 4.10615593e-01 4.32106286e-01 3.54423434e-01 2.44207501e-01 4.26718891e-01 -5.08273900e-01 -2.16763690e-02 -1.41219199e-01 1.20985232e-01 6.48276359e-02 -4.94532138e-01 -4.96993260e-03 -2.04050690e-01 4.65399057e-01 -3.11077237e-01 1.31457955e-01 -1.56307712e-01 1.39994919e-01 -5.35893083e-01 -9.62255895e-03 8.37876499e-02 2.41394192e-01 -1.19581528e-01 -2.45733000e-03 3.07115968e-02 -2.22704504e-02 1.52044162e-01 3.15576136e-01 2.38397531e-02 3.72683033e-02 1.06405690e-01 -1.83517039e-01 1.61391675e-01 5.47482669e-01 4.04290378e-01 1.74726456e-01 3.91536385e-01 -5.20541742e-02 -5.27199022e-02 5.28196841e-02 2.09690377e-01 6.23177469e-01 5.50888292e-02 1.05933726e-01 -6.24198973e-01 1.84307918e-01 -5.84335066e-02 1.59094900e-01 4.38107029e-02 5.39430827e-02 -1.27752185e-01 1.99628338e-01 5.98908722e-01 1.46004885e-01 -2.78601676e-01 -2.60172188e-01 2.86159724e-01 -9.58719552e-02 2.72870511e-01 2.25305751e-01 1.21676958e+00 3.12507600e-01 1.50537178e-01 1.22891210e-01 -3.85081768e-01 9.65869799e-02 -1.55474842e-01 -6.14433661e-02 2.07571108e-02 2.26974651e-01 -2.86491942e-02 -2.05193684e-01 1.63557038e-01 4.24152970e-01 -4.45398718e-01 -1.15056910e-01 -2.70768881e-01 1.39870018e-01 3.47019553e-01 1.25842109e-01 -2.05649331e-01 -3.16000432e-02 8.48934148e-03 2.36554578e-01 -1.65912464e-01 4.37572688e-01 -8.82883146e-02 -1.53139025e-01 -1.33691698e-01 -2.04804510e-01 -1.50620397e-02 5.53435348e-02 -1.82812482e-01 -7.86114037e-02 3.41393024e-01 -1.47929639e-01 -2.35009089e-01 -3.02617133e-01 -1.39746860e-01 -4.51385409e-01 -5.98813705e-02 3.97266835e-01 5.47015965e-01 -1.98765367e-01 -2.92494744e-02 2.71147877e-01 2.13946059e-01 -1.11881129e-01 -7.88861513e-02 6.98972121e-02 -7.73835257e-02 -5.73047511e-02 -2.07450166e-01 -3.00951153e-02 4.68311757e-01 6.75582439e-02 1.34765193e-01 2.08915040e-01 -2.34925970e-01 -1.86308511e-02 1.52050346e-01 7.98283424e-03 1.53149456e-01 -1.47621930e-01 -7.38371834e-02 -2.45936945e-01 -2.61992991e-01 7.69993663e-02 1.89420767e-02 -3.15782666e-01 2.97461748e-01 1.77573979e-01 -1.35361448e-01 -4.77522671e-01 -2.24723324e-01 -1.85953334e-01 -3.34981114e-01 1.77042976e-01 -6.83590993e-02 -2.84444898e-01 -1.00428686e-01 9.44864601e-02 -6.79013506e-02 -1.12180181e-01 -7.30595142e-02 -1.16936445e-01 9.71858427e-02 -1.40062338e-02 6.02643602e-02 2.76542962e-01 1.61510736e-01 5.15700877e-01 7.48128369e-02 -3.70417476e-01 -4.09121484e-01 -1.88586563e-01 -1.02411276e-02 3.30973603e-02 2.97547062e-03 -3.25027466e-01 8.20793509e-02 -1.65823653e-01 3.11081886e-01 1.37994662e-01 -2.14357331e-01 -2.11980030e-01 -1.68733627e-01 1.52370259e-01 -7.88944736e-02 -8.36251378e-02 -2.21890852e-01 3.53945494e-01 9.13324207e-02 1.21572964e-01 -7.38467276e-02 7.36301243e-01 1.23566672e-01 2.17664018e-01 9.37787518e-02 2.00501651e-01 1.90815151e-01 -1.69574797e-01 3.91108185e-01 6.81282580e-01 -7.04948232e-02 2.41670966e-01 -2.32195482e-01 -4.97286767e-02 1.97128758e-01 2.50122696e-01 -6.50495142e-02 2.29467705e-01 -3.11532449e-02 1.74500316e-01 -1.51047811e-01 -3.79303023e-02 -2.24147126e-01 1.40757918e-01 -5.51316202e-01 -2.10811257e-01 -1.35180697e-01 2.90927857e-01 -7.26803020e-02 2.84597427e-01 -2.23604932e-01 7.75608569e-02 -4.12840284e-02 1.78120792e-01 -9.50579569e-02 -2.02007025e-01 2.28635613e-02 1.63430318e-01 -1.65408641e-01 3.54668289e-01 1.82079524e-01 1.13722116e-01 -2.79635757e-01 -1.85321778e-01 1.89301908e-01 1.30393535e-01 3.41092348e-01 -6.51115458e-03 1.23310909e-01 -8.77115428e-02 9.26623773e-03 3.47613961e-01 4.14740056e-01 3.63792866e-01 -1.18667691e-03 5.37775218e-01 3.79357971e-02 3.56074661e-01 1.45190179e-01 1.49753511e-01 -2.36705840e-01 -4.80554774e-02 -3.70676041e-01 -2.40687683e-01 1.66200981e-01 1.02129065e-01 1.34923115e-01 -7.17025772e-02 -4.78470922e-01 -3.53983454e-02 1.73641909e-02 -1.26119122e-01 -2.21122190e-01 2.13688955e-01 -1.46276911e-03 -7.66529068e-02 1.94805324e-01 3.58729474e-02 3.62185985e-01 1.37050413e-02 5.91505095e-02 -9.72247794e-02 -1.93089455e-01 2.74519026e-01 2.58153498e-01 2.68377721e-01 2.50468832e-02 -5.25586419e-02 -5.26479967e-02 -4.12703216e-01 -1.44039378e-01 -1.26057893e-01 -8.35848004e-02 1.87771264e-02 -6.61145523e-02 2.16910884e-01 1.87282950e-01 -2.62134790e-01 -3.16864252e-01 -4.30447049e-02 2.97388405e-01 7.85257574e-03 4.48202401e-01 -2.31909588e-01 -2.62415916e-01 -9.46886931e-03 4.80961837e-02 -2.93404222e-01 -8.36017132e-01 6.65281489e-02 -6.26829825e-03 1.44526958e-01 -5.73978841e-01 7.37503022e-02 -2.02851593e-01 2.61584014e-01 1.28687881e-02 1.57845452e-01 2.82174975e-01 -2.66495436e-01 -1.82556570e-01 1.95418566e-01 -1.94890480e-02 -1.71095714e-01 -1.36903331e-01 -1.56924337e-01 -5.91191612e-02 1.58438683e-01 9.74489227e-02 5.22380397e-02 -2.63038218e-01 -1.19990222e-01 -1.80489331e-01 4.07154739e-01 1.44298315e-01 7.25331306e-02 1.47487491e-01 -1.92813024e-01 9.27554742e-02 -3.26306373e-01 1.79451987e-01 -2.87846446e-01 -2.99402446e-01 -1.53530866e-01 7.85417184e-02 4.20111477e-01 5.36194332e-02 2.32492805e-01 5.03380597e-02 -6.95991367e-02 6.02809526e-02 1.27761215e-01 -1.42510563e-01 4.61684614e-01 -9.98103097e-02 2.69107018e-02 1.72248408e-01 3.67922425e-01 3.59728456e-01 -1.33890003e-01 -1.19505553e-02 1.99998453e-01 -5.76568171e-02 -9.32658017e-02 -9.30826887e-02 1.02678567e-01 3.69811729e-02 3.33326817e-01 1.18566848e-01 -1.89652324e-01 -2.39588678e-01 -4.16441649e-01 3.31766397e-01 -3.81629050e-01 -2.51203686e-01 1.21488251e-01 -1.06610004e-02 -2.39697084e-01 -1.66577548e-01 -6.63103282e-01 -3.49096842e-02 -3.01231127e-02 -4.88385223e-02 6.61317632e-02 -2.60831922e-01 -3.44195724e-01 -2.75624692e-01 -1.25008121e-01 6.03399396e-01 3.61076631e-02 -3.19202095e-02 1.21483281e-02 1.08021889e-02]
"🔴 Paty Is Streaming Now!" active "Article: SCP-6930 - 🔴 Paty Is Streaming Now! Author: Agente Shuffle Coauthor: extasis Feedback given by: Eduteck, RevenantHeimdall, Unihedron, RonnyModZz and Amai-Ixchel; thank you!!! Image Credits: Paty, by Agente Shuffle, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and modified by Agente Shuffle. Tweet, by Agente Shuffle, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Meme 1, by Agente Shuffle, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Meme 2, by Agente Shuffle, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. WiFi, licensed under Public Domain (CC0). World, by Joel Montes de Oca, licensed under Public Domain (CC0). Forbidden, by Lorc, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Main Clover, by sbed, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Inner Clover, by sbed, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation has created and edited wikis about SCP-6930 to include modified information in order to prevent the civilian public from becoming aware of SCP-6930's anomalous nature or origins. In the event that wikis not supervised by the Foundation are created, they will be taken down and the event will be explained with an alibi. The same applies to any post on the Internet that references SCP-6930's backstory. A group of bots has been dedicated to the supervision of the live streams of SCP-6930 to detect any mention of classified information or some other informational anomaly. If found, multiple software will be activated to cut the connection and end the live stream abruptly. Description: SCP-6930 is an entity of unknown nature that manifests on video platforms and social networks, mainly YouTube and Twitter, under the name of "Patricia 'Paty' Skinner" or simply "Paty". When manifested, SCP-6930 will take the form of a Virtual You-Tuber1, whose avatar has the appearance of a stylized young woman with straight brown hair. Notably, the skin of SCP-6930's avatar is a dark grayish hue with what appears to be a noise texture and has a series of opaque capital A's across the face, neck, and chest; her eyes are a brilliant scarlet reddish hue. It is currently unknown if this is related to its actual theoretical appearance. See Addendum 6930-04 for more information. Her clothing varies, although she is often featured in a magenta shirt that has her logo stamped across the front. Recovery Log: SCP-6930 drew Foundation's attention on January 9, 2030, when the audio tracking bot Listie.iac and reportage bot Claire.iac submitted a report with possible mentions to a previously cataloged Level 5 Classified Anomaly, which were obtained from a live video on YouTube, later confirmed as the "debut streaming" of SCP-6930. Below is an excerpt from the report. SCP-6930: Alright, we'll be starting with my name! My name is Patricia Skinner, but you can call me Paty! Although I've got to admit that it is not quite a Russian name… 'cause I'm Russian, you know? That explains both my accent and my broken English! (Laughs) Yeah, yeah… I come from Usinsk! That's spelled as U, S, I, N, S, K! It's- uh, well, I don't want to speak for everybody else that lives there but… my stay in Usinsk wasn't good, to be honest. SCP-6930: My place was… quite strange. It was a really big facility, and it looked like some sort of big old lab or an office conglomerate. It was also dark most of the time, but truly dark. That's why my eyes are red glowing! They're adapted to see in the dark! I could even say they were designed to see in the dark… But worst of all, it was boring. There was absolutely nothing to do except cleaning the dust of the place over and over again. There was a TV but it was pretty much broken and I couldn't use it… SCP-6930: Anyway, long story short, I got tired of being there and I decided to leave, which was unusually easy to do, don't know how did I not tried to do it before… Enough talk about my past, let's move on to my height! SCP-6930: Ok… Jeez, my birthday… Are we already starting with the complicated questions? (Laughs) Well… I don't quite remember when it was… What? Didn't you hear how was the place where I used to live? Do you really think I'd be counting every single day that passed? (Sigh) However, I think I was either born or created at some point in the 70s. Actually, you know what? Let's change this thing here… (Unintelligible babbling) Done! Now it's "Date Of Creation". Cool, innit? [sic] SCP-6930: Why creation? Well, I'm not 100% sure, but everything I found points that I was created as some sort of experiment. Why are you writing shocked-acting things in the chat? It's cool! Anyway, I think… that some smart people were trying to make me, but somehow ended up turning the whole lab into… me? I know it's quite to understand but… yeah, you know what? Let's keep moving on to the next field, ok? It seems that I am narrating the plot of Dr. Strangelove and I-don't-know-what-else. SCP-6930: Likes… Huh, what do I like? I think… I like to exist? I mean, yes, it's nice to be. Nice to exist. You've been existing your whole life, haven't you? How does it feel like? Probably something neat! I've been existing since some time ago and I'm already feeling good! So yeah, let's write that down. (Slowly) Existing. (Normally) Alright! Look at that! Ha! SCP-6930: Now… on the "dislikes" section. Well, what can I dislike? Everything exists, and I love existing, and existing things. I think we're going to leave it blank. Ah! Do you know what would be better? Let's write "N/A" in there. I've seen a couple of important people write that when there's a blank field they don't want to leave blank. Moving on! SCP-6930: No, wait, actually… Does fearing something means that you don't like it? (Babbling) Ok, then I think there's something I fear and therefore dislike. I have to confess that I'm really scared of… ceasing to exist again. Not dying, but stopping being. That's also why I ran away from Russia. Something tells me that… if I go back to that forest… I'll be- I'll stop existing again. Let's just write "Forest", ok? The Forest of Usinsk. Yeah, the forest. The forest that is located in Usinsk. Yeah, Usinsk's Forest. The forest. That one forest. The dark hidden forest… Forest Gump, heh. SCP-6930: Alright, alright. Let's see, the user "D's Nottes" asks us about what kind of experiment am I. Well, I think it's related to, uh, something called The Cold War. I bet you've read that name a lot in your history textbooks, haven't you? Spionage stuff was really popular back then… Yeah, so, some grimish doctors from the Soviet Union were tasked with making a super spy, completely unnoticeable! That explains why I'm greyish, I guess. In any case, they quickly got to work on- (Ringing sound) Oh! Looks like our time is over. But don't worry! We'll be streaming again soon, and we'll finish the story while we play some fun games! It'll be real soon, I promise! Thank you for coming! See you later! Bye! Subsequent attempts to trace the source of the live stream were impossible, as the signal turned out to be, for unknown reasons, impossible to locate. After this, SCP-6930's channel began to be constantly monitored in case another live stream was broadcasted; however, this would not occur until a week later, and the live proceeded normally, with no mention of the origin of SCP-6930 or other related anomalies being made. SCP-6930 would continue to air one to three live streams per week, and no mention was made of any of the previously mentioned abnormalities. After ██ months without incidents or possible leaks of information, SCP-6930 was reclassified as Neutralized and tentatively as an Extranormal Event. Additionally, manual channel supervision was withdrawn, leaving only the bots Claire.iac and Listie.iac in charge of the daily automatic inspection. Addendum 6930-01: On September 16, 2031, SCP-6930 aired a live stream titled «[████ ███ ██] Gaming, Chilling & Answering Questions!». The transmission continued normally until 2:11:39 when allusions to the same anomaly that was mentioned during her initial discovery were again detected. Members of the Foundation's External Relations Department quickly contacted YouTube staff to end the live stream; however, it was reported that due to unknown technical difficulties and unforeseen events, it was impossible to do so. Given this, the Foundation deployed the bot Nombre.iac to run a DTHCP Firewall2 and block the transmission, under the alibi of loss of connection from SCP-6930. Multiple live streams with a similar theme would be broadcasted over the next two months. In most of them, mentions and questions were made about the origins of SCP-6930, with Nombre.iac deploying a Firewall, causing her to lose connection instantly regardless of whether she had read the comment aloud or not. Addendum 6930-02: On November 24, 2031, an anomalous event occurred on a global scale that, similarly to one previously occurred in 199█, almost completely interfered with the EVE patterns of individuals and entities, temporarily disabling the DTHCP Firewalls and making impossible the task of preemptively blocking any live stream carried out by SCP-6930. Members of the Foundation's ERD contacted YouTube's administrative staff again to request the blocking of the permissions of SCP-6930's channel to broadcast live streams temporarily while the Anomalous Event dissipated; however, it was reported that, anew, it was impossible to remove the permissions from SCP-6930's channel, so the Foundation then requested that the word "Usinsk" was temporarily added to the YouTube Word "Black List" and any comments that include it could not be made. YouTube staff agreed and this was implemented a few hours later. The following day, SCP-6930 aired a live stream titled «[█████████████ █] Finishing campaign mode!». Preventively, multiple members of the Mobile Task Force Mu-4 ("Debuggers") were deployed to monitor the chat section and, if required, send multiple miscellaneous comments to obfuscate any other message in relation to the origins or nature of SCP-6930. This process was repeated for a week and a half until the abnormal event, now classified as SCP-████, finally ceased, the DTHCP Firewalls could be run again, and the ban of the word was withdrawn; however, seven days prior to this, it was reported that multiple individuals had noticed this and manifested it on social media, primarily Twitter and Reddit. This was originally dismissed by the Foundation since it was planned to explain the banning of the word through an alibi and it was believed that the news would not spread considerably; however, five days after the creation of the alibi, an estimated 5251 Twitter threads, and 3340 Reddit threads, were reported talking about the subject, among which multiple users stood out assuring that there was a connection between the word and the sudden losses of connection on the part of SCP-6930. It should be noted that, although SCP-6930 had only 1.5K subscribers on her YouTube channel and 1.7K followers on Twitter, it is estimated that a total of 13.8K Internet users obtained knowledge of the theories and a total of 10.2K users found out about the word's ban on YouTube. Mobile Task Forces Mu-4 ("Debuggers") and Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") were quickly deployed to locate and amnestize the subjects involved in the situation, as well as to eliminate all publications or notes related to the event. Following this incident, SCP-6930 was reclassified back to Keter and manual monitoring of live stream content was implemented again. Additional efforts to intentionally decrease SCP-6930's audience were approved and began to take place shortly thereafter. Addendum 6930-03: On October 3, 2033, SCP-6930 broadcast a live stream named «A Few Words Before Leaving», which was attended by a total of 404 users, of which 57 were members of the Foundation who were allowed to attend. Below is an excerpt from the live stream. SCP-6930: (With trembling voice) Hello again. It's- it's me, Paty! Thank you very much for… for coming, today's live stream will be something special because… (Pause) It's probably the last one I'll do. SCP-6930: Some things have happened these months, and you can imagine that this whole thing of the slow but constant descent of views has made me wonder if I really should keep doing this. Not for nothing, but because I really feel that no matter how much I give my all, it will continue to be a free fall and there will come a time when, finally, no one supports me. It might sound stupid and that, and maybe it is, but for a long time all I knew was silence, and, well, there was nothing that really made me feel alive or gave me the strength to carry on. (Sob) (Pause) SCP-6930: But I suppose this is a kind of cycle at the end of the day, everything that goes up has to come down, and my content is not something really special either, is it? SCP-6930: Yes, it is nothing special. SCP-6930: Yeah, uh… About the connection drops… Honestly, I never really knew what they were due to. They didn't help in the least; I was desperate to try to constantly reconnect over and over again, mostly because you are my audience and I wanted to… (Sobbing) I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. SCP-6930: Anyway… It was nice to be with you one last time. Be good, you are asked by a 2D girl who does not give much more. And also… (SCP-6930 takes a deep breath) SCP-6930: Even though it ended like this, thank you, everyone. I love you all. I won't forget you, guys. (A cry is heard in the distance) SCP-6930 was tentatively classified as Neutralized after this. However, two days later, Res. Kore submitted a proposal to Lead Researcher Dr. Miller regarding SCP-6930. Below is a log of the mail. FROM: Researcher Vanna Kore TO: Doctor Louis Miller SUBJECT: Proposal on a possible update to SCP-6930's containment methods Greetings, Doctor Miller. If I may, I have to say that I do not at all agree with the methodology used with SCP-6930 and the procedures that have been created for her containment. I am aware of her anomalous nature and the mishaps it could cause against the maintenance of the Veil. However, and despite our role being to contain, we also have ethics, and I feel that on this one occasion, Doctor, we should have proceeded differently. I say this for the obvious: her career has been ruined. Although it is something that, really, is not that serious considering other things that we have done previously, I believe that it has gone further. Everyone, practically the entire Internet, has laughed at her; we have laughed at her in her lowest moment of weakness. You just have to see what some users do to illustrate my point, I attach files. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. I know they are just harmless visual jokes on their own but, looking at SCP-6930's previous behavior and attitude (which, by the way, seems to have been completely ignored during the execution of the protocols), it is more than plausible that they have contributed negatively to the way in which she dealt with the situation that we ourselves have caused her. After all this, I have felt quite dissatisfied, and, thinking about it, I have come up with a containment proposal that does not expose the anomaly to a more than probable psychological damage, which, if it occurs, we do not know to what extent it could destabilize it. The proposal is as follows: we can control and manage both the advertising and actions of SCP-6930 on social networks indirectly through the use of a front company to promise advertising in exchange for a series of conditions, being the main ones: If I am authorized to carry out my proposal, I personally offer myself to monitor the progress and evolution of SCP-6930's behavior with the suggested containment procedures; if there is no improvement in the situation after one year, feel free to continue with the current protocols. Atte: Res. Kore Addendum 6930-04: After the proposal was approved, Res. Kore contacted SCP-6930, claiming to be a member of the front company "Sponsoring Creative People". Below is a record of some conversations that took place. Wed, 13:53 Greetings, Paty! I'm Ashley Castinger, manager of the audiovisual company Sponsoring Creative People, and we take care of finding talented people like you to give them an opportunity to stand out on social media! We have recently become interested in you and your content and, since we think it could be a good time to also venture into the world of streaming, we would like to offer you a special deal. For that we would like to know a little about your story, as well as that of your character, to see if we can somehow help you get ahead by being associated. 😄 Hi Ashley! Thanks for your interest in my content! About the story… Well, it all started quite a long time ago, about 60 years or so. You may have heard of the Cold War and the significant involvement of the Soviet Union in it. From what I remember seeing and hearing, a group of various scientists was conducting intensive research on something they called "Izucheniye Nemyslimogo"3. Basically, it was related to things that exist, but cannot be perceived; not sure if you understand what I mean. They wanted to create a kind of… "Espionage System" based on these principles? Something like that. However, it was possible to perceive these imperceptible things under certain circumstances or with certain technologies, and the Soviets did not want to risk being discovered, which could lead to the capture of the spy in question and the enemy side could decipher their ES with reverse engineering. It was proposed that a method be investigated so that only certain authorized individuals could perceive the spy; it was tentatively designated as "Tolko Dla Vas"4, and despite being theoretically possible, it was decided to discard the investigation due to the risk that spies from the Western Bloc could gain access to the information. Perhaps driven by paranoia, they took a somewhat more extreme course for research: create something that technically did not exist, but could perform actions or something similar. It sounds complicated to understand, and honestly, I am not very clear about how it works, much less how they achieved it, but they did. I am the result of this. I am, and at the same time, I am not, an inexistence to which an attempt was made to give shape and character, appearance and essence. I had non-existed practically forever, but it wasn't until I became self-conscious that I realized it was… painful, to say the least. I was a shapeless, amorphous mass screaming in agony, but none of them seemed to even notice, and if they were aware, they did a good job of ignoring it. There was more and more testing, more research, more studies, more analysis… but I don't think they were ever able to understand what "nothing" really was. I can't even understand it. Although they were smart, I'm sure with enough time they could have done it. Unfortunately, that was not what happened. At some point, something went terribly wrong. I couldn't say what, and no one even saw it coming. Suddenly, in less than a second, a great void even emptier than me appeared aggressively and began to expand violently, assimilating and erasing from existence - but not from perception - everything it touched. Soon, the entire facility and much of the outside terrain had ceased to be. As fast as it started, it ended. Despite not existing, each one perceived the rest, which in a way shaped them within their own nonexistence. They quickly tried to leave the place, however, they were unable to do so for some unknown reason. Trapped in the facility, the scientists tried to find a way to escape; sadly, soon after, things would get worse. They started out as little arguments, and eventually ended up as more aggressive fights. With each word they said, the men were distorted by changes in the perception of their peers. Also, little by little their 'essences' became weaker. They weren't like that, I've never seen them fight that way, and I suspect what consumed them had to do with it. That 'something' filled them with hatred, and they soon ended up screaming even louder than I ever screamed. Eventually, they ended up melting into the void that surrounded them. Only I remained, but I did not cease to be, although there was no one left to perceive me. Or maybe the void was staring back at me, and it knew I was there. Perhaps the void was aware of me and hated me deeply as it whispered "Traitor". Time passed, and I was still trapped inside. Or maybe I was never trapped. Perhaps there was never a barrier; the only real walls are the ones your mind projects, but what happens when there is no mind left to hinder itself? Everything would change one day when, at last, hard enough, I pushed my way through the void that was pulling hard on me and begging me to stay. Like my screams, I ignored it, and finally managed to get out. I existed! I was no longer just a concept, nor a "Belyi Tip"5, I was something more than that. Something that did not depend on perception. Something on my own. After some time being, I found out about this streaming stuff, and I thought it was nice. You play something, talk with people and people like you. Sounds good to me. Woah. That's… complex. Your creativity amazes us! I've been spellbound reading the progress of the story. That dark and "noir" touch of clandestine experiments is something that hasn't been explored much lately. What about you? What can you tell us about your life? What do you mean? That's my own story. My character doesn't really have one as it's supposed to be a cartoonish representation of me. Wait a second. So, all the experiments and the screams and everything really happened to you? Yes. I tried to take refuge and forget everything with the streaming, but, well, I think you will know what happened recently. Woah, jeez. We are truly sorry to hear everything you have had to experience. We know that right now your situation is not very favorable, but don't worry, you really have potential; we can help you rebuild everything again and give you a second chance to shine. Thank you very much for this. Thur, 10:01 What do you think of the little backstory we have made for your character? We think it could be a popular thing to do if it is approached appropriately. I like it. "Cloverfield" sounds like a friendly name. Although I do not see very well how the aesthetics of the character could fully fit into the story. That's the neat part: we can help you make a completely new one that fits! 😁 Hm… I really don't feel like my avatar requires a complete redesign, although there are a few things I'd like to change; I do not know if it is possible. Of course! What are you thinking about? I was thinking of a new hairstyle and maybe changing my barrette. Perhaps new clothes are appropriate too. That sounds great! Anything else? Maybe the color of my eyes, to a more beautiful purple. Other than that, I think I'm happy with my current design. Alright. 👌 Hey, um, if you don't mind, could you tell us a little about the reason for your avatar? Like, why does it have some unusual physical characteristics? Sure. As I've told you before, the avatar is supposed to be a cartoonish human-like version of myself. I just added the hair and the cute girly shape. Everything else is pretty similar to how do I look like. Including the noise effect on your skin? Yup. It was kind of hard to do but looks nice to me. That's quite impressive. Anyway, if everything regarding the character has been clear, I would like to move on to the next point: Guidelines and codes of conduct. Is it okay? Sure! We'll start with the basics: Words you shouldn't mention. I guess you have a mental list of things you shouldn't say because they're rude or inappropriate, right? Yes. Will even more words that I shouldn't say be added? Ha ha. Just a few, but we can help you find words that have a similar meaning, in case you need to use them. The first one is "Foundation". If you need to use it to say when something was created, you can say "Date of establishment". If you need to use it to mention a big group of people, you can say "Organisation" or "Conglomerate. Ok? The next one is "Usinsk". There has been already an incident with that word some time ago, you should understand why it isn't appropiate. This are the main words that you should avoid; now, I'll show you some others that are also part of the list. Fri, 12:36 Well, to finish we would like to ask you one last thing. What was, approximately, your monthly income rate during the previous streams you made, and how much do you aspire to get after joining? Income rate? What do you mean? You know, how much money you get during the streams of a month on average. That includes additional related earnings. The… donation things and stuff? Yes! You don't need to be extremely precise, a rough approximation might do the trick. Hm. I would say that I was earning approximately $█K per month at the peak of my career, although the amount was gradually decreasing. Anyway, I really don't need it. I would agree to receive a minimum just for the feeling of getting something. So… you really don't need anything at all? I don't, but it's nice when you know you've got something for yourself. Is it weird? Uh, I don't think so. Although I would like you not to externalize it too much. Ok. Nice! In that case, and if everything has been agreed… Welcome to the Team, Claire Cloverfield! 💖 After this, a group of Site-██ Personnel was appointed to be part of SCP-6930's Crew. Below is a summary list. General Manager: Emma J. Aznavour6 Illustrator: Charles Phaserfield7 Technical Assistant: Joseph Donner8 Marketing and Advertising: Gina T. Gómez9 Psichological Aid: Mary Landon10 Booking and Contact: Stella F. West11 Stream Chat Moderator: Marshall Clayton12 Addendum 6930-05: On April 7, 2034, and thanks to the influence of the Foundation, SCP-6930 was, along with other █ Virtual YouTubers, included in the ██th Generation of HoloLive Productions, and reached 6.5 million subscribers shortly after. Additional Notes: Look at my girl grow. — Res. V. Kore « SCP-6929 | SCP-6930 | SCP-6931 »" "SCP-6930's avatar during a live stream A tweet complaining about the temporary ban on the word "Usinsk" on YouTube SCP-6930's current YouTube channel profile picture"
[ 7.16121793e-02 -2.70567417e-01 -5.69003820e-02 -3.57105792e-01 3.12503964e-01 -2.80841053e-01 4.08716619e-01 1.18221149e-01 -3.67958665e-01 2.17508033e-01 2.82989591e-01 -8.39263722e-02 -3.30908626e-01 3.71897846e-01 3.35327864e-01 -2.19932548e-03 1.46310851e-01 1.76772341e-01 4.00518298e-01 -5.23265786e-02 1.44616693e-01 -1.97151959e-01 -1.54848890e-02 2.28420839e-01 -7.54687116e-02 2.93949991e-01 2.31444225e-01 7.80533031e-02 -2.94425756e-01 6.46316707e-02 1.96522266e-01 2.61235952e-01 -4.72095795e-02 3.86219412e-01 -1.08012842e-04 -8.19061473e-02 5.20134151e-01 -5.94734326e-02 -3.63640726e-01 1.33500263e-01 -1.69781938e-01 5.50265424e-02 1.64568592e-02 2.61944160e-02 5.99573664e-02 1.02778666e-01 1.29894003e-01 3.07631433e-01 7.95790195e-01 2.98252478e-02 2.00434029e-01 6.55845031e-02 -1.32446140e-01 1.20996330e-02 6.91071749e-02 4.22443956e-01 -1.71565399e-01 -1.12006076e-01 -2.17049524e-01 1.30505279e-01 3.01568508e-01 4.92543757e-01 -1.11595489e-01 -3.27623636e-01 -5.38120270e-02 -2.62665272e-01 3.82680148e-01 -1.02104977e-01 7.46599287e-02 2.86064893e-01 -6.09673075e-02 1.15729026e-01 8.34273100e-02 9.13364142e-02 3.27649601e-02 -1.29175305e-01 -1.59902364e-01 1.57138169e-01 -2.83417702e-01 6.47578388e-02 -2.66239315e-01 1.23518355e-01 -1.51814327e-01 2.14948624e-01 -1.13780998e-01 2.23493516e-01 4.87960204e-02 4.01909314e-02 -2.87915945e-01 -1.02102235e-01 3.50957662e-01 1.67106867e-01 2.28921220e-01 9.54666957e-02 -3.31997424e-02 -1.02459922e-01 -1.85830556e-02 5.76405562e-02 -3.93081177e-03 7.82648474e-02 3.86213720e-01 2.84988642e-01 1.81955174e-01 2.18371898e-01 1.09221920e-01 -1.06168501e-01 -1.82058439e-02 -3.11386794e-01 -1.43615320e-01 5.60176253e-01 3.50078017e-01 9.16684717e-02 -1.44214809e-01 2.54173398e-01 -6.29142970e-02 -2.28411674e-01 9.29696783e-02 -1.87676046e-02 -2.14999229e-01 1.28737986e-01 -3.87592107e-01 8.24912265e-02 1.62238449e-01 2.93326169e-01 2.41193742e-01 5.53719878e-01 -9.99490693e-02 -1.09778019e-02 7.98297897e-02 -2.08272278e-01 -3.32985550e-01 9.13859755e-02 -1.40477896e-01 -4.27022716e-03 -1.93037298e-02 2.17588186e-01 -1.52076082e-02 -7.13909511e-03 1.44547120e-01 1.24479741e-01 1.27021838e-02 1.22477435e-01 2.60688126e-01 1.57157406e-01 -2.31213480e-01 -4.01038565e-02 -7.30220519e-04 4.06321317e-01 9.25950259e-02 2.04985845e-03 3.42265457e-01 -1.79577932e-01 -1.82374313e-01 2.73266464e-01 -7.22618997e-02 -3.47597860e-02 1.90466095e-03 8.45175385e-02 -2.24522531e-01 -1.81253105e-01 2.83899844e-01 -2.16199487e-01 -2.95427948e-01 3.51760467e-03 2.49400526e-01 1.67342693e-01 7.36244693e-02 -3.13808084e-01 -1.68062687e-01 -3.29359323e-01 4.67439920e-01 -1.02661118e-01 -1.79605156e-01 -2.64582247e-01 2.23746240e-01 -2.40701094e-01 -1.02501638e-01 -1.87091365e-01 1.52961507e-01 1.13395542e-01 -2.87462562e-01 1.73410475e-01 4.52709526e-01 -2.74889618e-01 -2.83578157e-01 -4.93143452e-04 -5.05486190e-01 4.22557414e-01 -1.71582040e-03 -1.85731173e-01 -2.24330589e-01 -4.09324497e-01 -4.90068570e-02 1.60176560e-01 5.64357713e-02 -2.02365369e-01 7.04962164e-02 3.12882572e-01 2.69549727e-01 2.32057914e-01 6.03210032e-02 -3.27005923e-01 3.09619367e-01 2.62694329e-01 -1.97021797e-01 1.41299665e-01 1.56879369e-02 -1.96353599e-01 3.43104452e-01 1.23733751e-01 -3.70745599e-01 -3.48682433e-01 -2.50004232e-01 3.58821809e-01 -1.09613106e-01 -5.52471817e-01 1.87032193e-01 4.02696908e-01 1.54585674e-01 -2.56712645e-01 -2.37878159e-01 1.99490190e-01 1.54479504e-01 -1.90983146e-01 -9.38840434e-02 1.44180715e-01 -3.72438431e-02 -1.71542153e-01 -3.65439395e-04 1.89844489e-01 1.20311260e-01 2.32815415e-01 1.88657656e-01 2.25978136e-01 -2.04682127e-01 2.34525144e-01 3.18599015e-01 2.10144207e-01 6.57713786e-02 -3.91930252e-01 -9.92882065e-03 3.81106257e-01 2.76585639e-01 -4.88496758e-02 -7.23104477e-02 -5.12720123e-02 -7.49029741e-02 -2.45021377e-02 1.42616928e-01 -2.77962070e-02 2.16525197e-01 3.50764245e-02 -8.83898363e-02 -1.87439784e-01 8.20792615e-02 3.19755614e-01 -4.86679882e-01 -1.55025288e-01 -1.39662355e-01 3.29743207e-01 -5.76140620e-02 -1.09571762e-01 -1.75348818e-01 7.19067231e-02 -8.38815570e-02 -3.92893136e-01 1.23755060e-01 7.28831515e-02 -3.32230598e-01 7.88752213e-02 1.32993996e-01 -6.02760576e-02 -3.05999722e-02 -9.98907089e-02 9.52325761e-02 2.64749855e-01 1.49814617e-02 5.69682270e-02 2.11728096e-01 -1.28968775e-01 -2.38386407e-01 -2.82302260e-01 3.38777304e-02 -2.39850029e-01 -1.44098058e-01 -3.85237448e-02 -2.07358040e-02 -2.54205197e-01 6.41250163e-02 -1.01423979e-01 6.81507438e-02 -2.21287683e-01 7.35590234e-02 2.77425826e-01 -1.52301967e-01 1.00800700e-01 -3.73354226e-01 1.71755224e-01 -8.55462917e-04 3.46390814e-01 -3.95688802e-01 -1.19766876e-01 7.99758583e-02 1.35547414e-01 -2.24344462e-01 1.77942067e-01 2.03400496e-02 1.10203229e-01 1.84873909e-01 -1.28194913e-01 -3.42399061e-01 3.19097340e-01 -1.99789166e-01 -1.98530443e-02 9.43463147e-02 1.98819712e-01 -2.49101415e-01 -3.91167790e-01 3.26804250e-01 -7.74058044e-01 -1.13325730e-01 1.37468409e-02 4.93748635e-02 1.93124227e-02 -1.46089002e-01 5.71797013e-01 -3.99294883e-01 -2.17016682e-01 7.89720044e-02 2.46041477e-01 2.17923835e-01 -1.39565051e-01 -1.12455808e-01 9.00336653e-02 -3.15264374e-01 -2.09848017e-01 -2.60594428e-01 -2.08679512e-01 3.15243453e-02 1.07445732e-01 3.43453698e-02 -1.70447201e-01 -5.83186857e-02 -1.28776982e-01 -5.67314737e-02 -1.28244177e-01 -1.37962207e-01 1.03154413e-01 2.65999198e-01 8.90394598e-02 -4.78151172e-01 3.03075373e-01 1.99664831e-02 -2.60770500e-01 -9.99511704e-02 -4.19925526e-02 -3.71306121e-01 9.61469859e-02 1.21564083e-01 -1.09392695e-01 -3.94007787e-02 5.02819531e-02 6.56586349e-01 -2.89926946e-01 1.38429925e-01 -2.53926888e-02 2.58229017e-01 -2.20302299e-01 2.48048708e-01 1.54631883e-01 8.80174786e-02 -9.65816751e-02 -2.93297172e-01 4.19199556e-01 1.56963021e-01 -3.01295333e-02 -4.32086170e-01 1.34192571e-01 -4.40142393e-01 7.39718741e-03 -7.35310987e-02 3.59575272e-01 1.96581647e-01 -1.24552839e-01 -1.27957076e-01 1.46170169e-01 -2.76145220e-01 1.10861339e-01 2.37356275e-01 -9.43491329e-03 1.09770589e-01 -5.40653050e-01 3.60748768e-01 -8.53227898e-02 4.74572740e-02 -3.26927798e-03 4.44516927e-01 -2.15527460e-01 -5.25235295e-01 3.90069485e-01 -7.90022779e-03 1.76508293e-01 -1.78011656e-02 3.22716027e-01 1.11159623e-01 3.97308856e-01 -3.50338936e-01 -3.94635201e-02 -3.76941681e-01 -4.17830676e-01 8.67258944e-03 -1.98932424e-01 -1.05653107e-01 2.50723034e-01 4.11484063e-01 -5.19576132e-01 3.95385437e-02 5.26152551e-02 -1.44244254e-01 -2.35621974e-01 1.24464864e-02 -5.08805104e-02 2.86826789e-02 -1.60650223e-01 -5.14252000e-02 9.37136263e-02 1.57497019e-01 3.79599839e-01 -1.60466302e-02 1.64777651e-01 -1.59541085e-01 4.96779233e-02 -2.64454931e-01 4.80499506e-01 5.91986328e-02 -8.42787102e-02 2.77697414e-01 2.73208618e-01 -3.05418164e-01 6.17506988e-02 2.67764449e-01 3.59850138e-01 5.37037849e-01 -1.75796729e-03 2.25937441e-01 3.54208499e-01 3.11743289e-01 -5.83484955e-02 -3.25333253e-02 3.00299674e-01 -1.92313746e-01 3.48973215e-01 -4.12280679e-01 1.76538363e-01 -3.93822081e-02 -2.19136938e-01 -3.29937100e-01 -3.07538658e-01 1.35775253e-01 2.91533053e-01 1.11082561e-01 1.38544023e+00 1.90557450e-01 1.00817144e-01 2.80565470e-01 -1.31825387e-01 2.84651201e-02 -1.15975842e-01 1.01982459e-01 1.93567470e-01 -4.96523604e-02 3.13218534e-02 -1.01123877e-01 -1.19277336e-01 -4.48954180e-02 -2.83335477e-01 -1.86824352e-01 -3.02416414e-01 3.48229736e-01 3.61329406e-01 1.44004241e-01 -3.04213241e-02 -3.91035900e-02 -5.80404885e-02 1.75082415e-01 -9.02549252e-02 4.19514999e-02 -5.70552386e-02 -1.48652479e-01 1.80209130e-01 1.78059936e-02 -1.02510892e-01 2.92786241e-01 -3.55953932e-01 8.97204429e-02 -2.43726879e-01 -3.52667645e-02 -4.43299443e-01 -2.65074611e-01 -5.23146033e-01 -1.71724662e-01 -2.16633305e-01 5.57719231e-01 7.48422861e-01 2.98883370e-03 -2.19849721e-01 1.98567331e-01 1.39296323e-01 -1.82594433e-01 -9.89155695e-02 3.04736733e-01 1.88986123e-01 -1.12665936e-01 -5.22614777e-01 -1.52995244e-01 3.84308189e-01 2.15508655e-01 3.82468514e-02 7.75021017e-02 -2.71911025e-01 -1.94859833e-01 1.83556184e-01 -2.59187780e-02 -3.04462492e-01 -5.02030790e-01 1.34417564e-01 -1.56412393e-01 -2.60316432e-01 3.25296253e-01 4.29231636e-02 1.30109359e-02 2.94162542e-01 1.64501205e-01 -2.95771480e-01 -2.90896803e-01 -1.74829483e-01 -9.42051783e-02 -2.77324498e-01 -1.12212569e-01 5.54043353e-02 -1.89524755e-01 -2.99706589e-04 -2.04110533e-01 2.15439558e-01 -1.87182203e-02 -3.19201082e-01 -2.65836775e-01 2.94989258e-01 -3.65437418e-02 -1.00392722e-01 -6.73812702e-02 -1.37114778e-01 9.86691713e-02 6.33903453e-03 9.13799480e-02 -4.06725258e-01 -1.00683846e-01 1.23492919e-01 3.72251309e-02 2.03712896e-01 -3.78677249e-01 3.61287028e-01 -1.19267546e-01 2.41144672e-01 1.26625255e-01 -2.08287925e-01 -2.14076519e-01 3.25652473e-02 1.93297938e-01 1.31957397e-01 -3.62171948e-01 -3.11012745e-01 3.10161054e-01 1.83483362e-01 1.61354303e-01 1.71169385e-01 1.90140575e-01 1.37674287e-01 -9.68061313e-02 -2.42140815e-01 3.39443311e-02 -4.11042087e-02 -1.95469618e-01 1.31670594e-01 2.50028551e-01 8.71839821e-02 -8.64910036e-02 9.20093805e-02 -1.30890340e-01 2.53811091e-01 1.30386472e-01 6.11872375e-02 4.33320194e-01 1.97906241e-01 -2.59978473e-02 -9.53954831e-02 -1.63517788e-01 1.13997914e-01 2.18852654e-01 -1.94323465e-01 -3.70698482e-01 1.61983222e-01 2.86846250e-01 -1.38272732e-01 3.15826029e-01 -3.66965741e-01 -1.14589520e-01 -1.33778572e-01 1.73741445e-01 4.51085120e-02 -4.24948573e-01 -3.00417334e-01 3.41011524e-01 -2.15807825e-01 -1.92476690e-01 1.73676208e-01 3.98262680e-01 -2.21980244e-01 -2.20834538e-01 1.73592895e-01 1.44279554e-01 6.27390891e-02 -1.09334961e-01 1.94117531e-01 9.36909243e-02 1.57488510e-01 1.38426825e-01 1.77069157e-01 2.17082143e-01 -3.72801930e-01 4.07511234e-01 -2.65996605e-01 5.07951975e-01 7.32396543e-02 4.58969235e-01 4.13885340e-02 2.18906626e-01 -3.32612276e-01 -1.51187941e-01 1.99120075e-01 -4.55304086e-02 -8.29381272e-02 -2.23846704e-01 -8.69070351e-01 -1.24548078e-01 1.68998286e-01 8.13285112e-02 -2.39830948e-02 2.67928749e-01 -2.57002205e-01 4.53408249e-02 -9.89850834e-02 -2.79214643e-02 2.98210591e-01 -2.88971394e-01 3.22012603e-01 3.66959542e-01 1.32378370e-01 3.84896010e-01 1.21919461e-01 1.92570537e-01 -1.71410769e-01 -2.04966888e-01 1.20416597e-01 -8.63644555e-02 -8.22306573e-02 2.79798936e-02 1.60964742e-01 3.71965438e-01 1.26158461e-01 -3.47975418e-02 2.19144121e-01 -4.11092728e-01 -1.20536022e-01 1.25194848e-01 3.54330391e-01 3.44735347e-02 5.56266680e-02 -2.66751051e-01 -1.07856356e-01 -2.13472601e-02 2.53233790e-01 -5.13387263e-01 6.43353537e-02 -3.02636530e-02 -1.88836873e-01 7.77860805e-02 -2.01489970e-01 1.05797917e-01 3.10140923e-02 3.18768293e-01 2.84666002e-01 -2.07707524e-01 2.32247248e-01 -1.77713290e-01 -1.43771339e-02 2.61686295e-01 -1.34576961e-01 -1.82677165e-01 -9.02305767e-02 9.10542347e-03 1.08880170e-01 4.17184502e-01 -9.12724957e-02 -4.11735207e-01 -3.46010745e-01 -1.33522153e-01 -8.92583802e-02 3.66325438e-01 5.92024148e-01 3.09617579e-01 1.28345683e-01 -2.42389053e-01 1.99399427e-01 -5.44228256e-01 2.61899978e-01 2.64461190e-01 -4.95409280e-01 -1.34197026e-01 -2.59445626e-02 3.84768844e-02 -6.61894260e-03 1.55590903e-02 -2.25589015e-02 -1.85699686e-01 8.38373825e-02 6.05293475e-02 3.81952967e-03 3.49688858e-01 -2.14871436e-01 2.39794418e-01 4.70415860e-01 1.12832330e-01 8.90493169e-02 1.91894501e-01 -2.23350540e-01 -2.72911042e-01 -2.28962272e-01 -2.41027772e-01 -1.29029721e-01 7.70301968e-02 1.77589059e-02 7.20163211e-02 -8.91219303e-02 -2.02695206e-01 -8.82426128e-02 -5.83095372e-01 4.26674843e-01 -2.29606077e-01 -3.07006896e-01 -2.57840484e-01 2.05169812e-01 5.09182864e-04 4.33325917e-01 -4.30184126e-01 3.06313217e-01 -1.07653573e-01 5.14034517e-02 7.61898682e-02 8.06508288e-02 -7.11756870e-02 -3.02980036e-01 -5.49347065e-02 6.38135746e-02 1.20023578e-01 1.29714375e-02 -2.24474907e-01 1.88281275e-02]
"Though the Sky, It Was Grey" active "Content note: This article contains food and allusions to mental illness. If you notice anything tag-worthy that's not in here, please mention it in a comment. Item #: SCP-6931 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The inhabitants of Šunskai have been persuaded to assist in the containment of information regarding SCP-6931, on the understanding that a leak is liable to result in vastly increased tourism to the area. As such, they will continue the prior tradition of not discussing it with outsiders; anyone moving away is to receive Class C amnestics to remove any knowledge of SCP-6931, as are any outsiders who become aware. SCP-6931 can only be observed. Cameras and microphones have been set up within all abandoned, sparsely-used and/or public buildings. Efforts to identify SCP-6931 are ongoing. Description: SCP-6931 is a Class Undetermined Spectral Entity active in the village of Šunskai, Lithuania. The entity resembles a young man, dressed in the ragged uniform of the Army of Congress Poland. Every other day, at 05:30 local time, SCP-6931 will manifest in a random two-story structure within the village1 and perform a routine, the elements of which also manifesting unless present. This routine constitutes the following: This routine is exactly more or less identical across manifestations,3 and usually takes approximately forty minutes. SCP-6931 is unable to perceive human beings.4 Addendum 10: Recording devices have demonstrated some infrequent discrepancies between routines. Examples include the following: « SCP-6930 | SCP-6931 | SCP-6932 »" "A building in Šunskai in which SCP-6931 has manifested."
[ 1.01469584e-01 -3.85006338e-01 -1.23592108e-01 -3.20516378e-02 2.17858907e-02 -5.31713843e-01 2.80818701e-01 3.07361484e-01 5.33577334e-03 1.30567834e-01 2.26437405e-01 2.95540571e-01 -2.04532564e-01 -2.72796154e-01 3.47862206e-02 -1.25451833e-01 9.86448824e-02 8.53791833e-02 -2.44028270e-02 -2.08179742e-01 -3.61916244e-01 -1.68369636e-01 -1.15466230e-01 -5.62177934e-02 1.46043207e-03 1.04332432e-01 -4.21938375e-02 1.98475048e-02 -5.41058443e-02 -3.24247539e-01 3.83948609e-02 -1.17733041e-02 -6.42442629e-02 1.26686335e-01 -1.09771361e-04 -2.32187346e-01 2.55756408e-01 -1.29598361e-02 -1.55991599e-01 4.18967009e-01 -2.51699269e-01 -1.00233644e-01 2.29306594e-02 -3.27520877e-01 -5.84946573e-02 -2.34150410e-01 5.55782840e-02 3.82780820e-01 4.66758311e-01 1.61918938e-01 1.77574798e-01 3.28364462e-01 6.73599094e-02 5.52949831e-02 -4.39109325e-01 4.68397111e-01 -7.86859915e-02 8.17790255e-02 3.22141826e-01 5.95644638e-02 8.76710042e-02 1.97316512e-01 -3.18118334e-01 -4.42149229e-02 1.74509168e-01 -3.14018548e-01 -1.85693074e-02 8.93502384e-02 -1.06508836e-04 2.55403161e-01 2.04712003e-01 9.11228508e-02 2.24112287e-01 1.81766436e-01 -2.73064554e-01 -1.83441099e-02 1.52107000e-01 3.78027260e-02 5.22611057e-03 2.82471627e-01 1.61287755e-01 4.64485466e-01 -2.62671143e-01 1.95444971e-01 -3.23769450e-01 3.31839919e-01 -1.44351497e-01 1.01631455e-01 -7.24900737e-02 4.51650433e-02 -3.68939191e-02 6.42626779e-03 4.77941446e-02 2.48466909e-01 4.74277288e-02 -1.94066554e-01 2.04710543e-01 -1.61448106e-01 1.22930557e-01 2.34799758e-01 6.46390557e-01 3.25166374e-01 1.20770410e-01 3.07789266e-01 3.30744237e-01 -2.19128042e-01 3.03286731e-01 -4.55126107e-01 -2.23085567e-01 1.53175503e-01 3.51400703e-01 1.46232441e-01 -9.37182307e-02 -5.10241725e-02 2.69165307e-01 -2.20281363e-01 2.82457858e-01 -1.64771602e-01 -1.04633197e-01 1.01280801e-01 -4.90286142e-01 3.60996351e-02 -7.89139569e-02 2.06576195e-02 4.43139523e-01 3.40037167e-01 -9.01201591e-02 -2.68560618e-01 5.90468012e-02 -2.94256091e-01 -1.36932179e-01 6.02285564e-02 -2.85199434e-01 -2.22366303e-01 1.51720300e-01 3.72391105e-01 -7.24333599e-02 1.85406476e-01 -3.11162084e-01 4.71060444e-03 2.94586152e-01 -5.16228713e-02 5.93231022e-01 2.92320013e-01 -5.71449876e-01 2.18615666e-01 -1.43520221e-01 1.25459000e-01 -9.95829627e-02 2.27533221e-01 5.21721661e-01 2.25227196e-02 -4.94173557e-01 1.49191052e-01 -3.16700339e-01 2.01832175e-01 3.95778745e-01 1.30900383e-01 -2.29408115e-01 -2.97636241e-01 3.14517438e-01 -2.53145769e-02 9.10419375e-02 -1.64797485e-01 3.24978769e-01 4.17950094e-01 -4.30749625e-01 -6.25845343e-02 -3.42268854e-01 -4.24318880e-01 1.06761165e-01 -1.98726758e-01 -6.75682798e-02 -6.91453069e-02 -2.42136553e-01 1.32544726e-01 -7.39116907e-01 -3.00524738e-02 -4.10106450e-01 -6.42702775e-03 -2.92746603e-01 3.14253032e-01 4.05724823e-01 -5.06680971e-03 -3.51929635e-01 9.72029418e-02 -3.18603933e-01 1.78774834e-01 1.75217003e-01 -7.16194808e-02 -2.58198887e-01 -4.61494327e-02 2.52576560e-01 8.20842981e-02 2.81960499e-02 -2.48828128e-01 3.42366904e-01 1.95558727e-01 4.16478783e-01 2.31653214e-01 -5.62672801e-02 1.29165322e-01 2.29145184e-01 -1.21006504e-01 -1.57792315e-01 4.68995795e-03 -1.07812628e-01 -1.71270043e-01 6.84759080e-01 2.60729939e-01 -2.63317317e-01 -1.29410863e-01 -6.42220899e-02 1.27744908e-02 -1.06185801e-01 -5.46410680e-01 2.06935167e-01 2.49397025e-01 -2.85371304e-01 -3.93432409e-01 -3.99892032e-02 3.14223081e-01 2.17792783e-02 -1.30108669e-01 -1.83361268e-03 1.16387211e-01 -1.41223177e-01 -7.30698183e-02 -9.14656594e-02 -7.52760023e-02 1.21885777e-01 -2.51031457e-03 2.32562378e-01 5.47493361e-02 -2.92190611e-01 1.63409486e-01 1.21182531e-01 5.35969496e-01 -1.35183424e-01 -4.63733256e-01 8.01599473e-02 2.23265782e-01 1.08518958e-01 -7.93094262e-02 -5.65525703e-02 1.07395217e-01 1.30984802e-02 1.28780365e-01 -1.15715876e-01 -2.64529046e-02 -3.58474278e-03 -3.14253867e-01 -2.37460136e-01 -6.28669560e-02 2.05761626e-01 4.86463726e-01 -1.10873356e-01 4.89703268e-01 -3.86186749e-01 4.00541663e-01 2.26559103e-01 -1.73003361e-01 2.88603663e-01 -2.17283487e-01 -1.17209397e-01 -8.68278071e-02 5.72156250e-01 6.92741573e-02 -3.04857381e-02 8.12390670e-02 4.63669822e-02 -1.60811603e-01 -1.82080522e-01 -8.60097725e-03 -2.58127786e-02 2.19239503e-01 3.76754217e-02 3.24925452e-01 -9.10752192e-02 -6.50455616e-03 -3.80127430e-01 -2.33628333e-01 -1.13587677e-01 -2.85695314e-01 -8.39298940e-04 -1.01656944e-01 -6.02336302e-02 1.00716867e-01 -2.37525374e-01 2.41488606e-01 -1.03640810e-01 -8.53434503e-02 -8.16793218e-02 -7.68602733e-03 -1.50793016e-01 5.25253117e-02 -6.43034428e-02 4.06243443e-01 -1.80808172e-01 3.42931412e-02 -3.39981496e-01 -2.10563764e-01 1.06737219e-01 1.04076982e-01 -1.95535123e-01 3.20684046e-01 2.95884520e-01 -1.41269803e-01 3.86477947e-01 -4.46117520e-02 -3.60710174e-01 1.68929175e-01 -1.14942506e-01 6.29354939e-02 -1.08417429e-01 3.30312937e-01 -2.20499218e-01 -1.64340153e-01 1.48466453e-01 -5.57170868e-01 -7.15853572e-02 -7.45357648e-02 -5.87323308e-02 3.82146314e-02 -8.10836721e-03 7.64836967e-02 -1.87956646e-01 -1.50116220e-01 2.14062810e-01 -1.82456300e-01 1.69272766e-01 2.70101190e-01 1.16978765e-01 2.73090512e-01 -1.32101685e-01 -1.33417279e-01 -1.00858793e-01 1.42330781e-01 1.75066262e-01 -8.47888812e-02 1.10568903e-01 -2.03104988e-01 -1.31460160e-01 2.72621542e-01 -2.98373103e-01 -1.20005392e-01 -3.44212115e-01 6.85921535e-02 3.17840189e-01 -3.06467742e-01 -4.24027681e-01 5.02871513e-01 2.74506599e-01 -2.84035474e-01 -1.36400014e-01 -1.24373203e-02 -2.28893861e-01 1.51429297e-02 4.23792243e-01 -6.96190298e-02 -3.07213485e-01 2.00661704e-01 3.39307427e-01 -2.43788511e-01 -8.23598281e-02 -1.40311733e-01 9.09415856e-02 9.08216462e-02 3.84178162e-01 -1.57822505e-01 5.08213222e-01 -1.19437464e-01 -2.11891592e-01 1.92637846e-01 -4.98658903e-02 1.33029670e-01 -1.70021713e-01 -2.09637508e-01 -6.50780201e-01 -2.54313976e-01 8.98082927e-02 8.41375828e-01 3.11693400e-01 -1.33218423e-01 -1.04341440e-01 -9.79536679e-03 -5.98867200e-02 1.24819465e-01 4.38364238e-01 -2.52989918e-01 1.36747109e-02 -2.90037006e-01 2.11252689e-01 -1.17225803e-01 9.32994410e-02 2.82784255e-04 8.65414441e-02 -2.47316942e-01 -1.32780835e-01 2.16104522e-01 -2.58341789e-01 4.88184214e-01 2.18230575e-01 5.58754027e-01 3.91168177e-01 2.96144605e-01 -2.39079043e-01 4.40355018e-02 -3.70949090e-01 -1.00643456e-01 -4.06380482e-02 -6.80909574e-01 -2.14359779e-02 -6.41305298e-02 1.82018980e-01 1.77401081e-01 3.35201845e-02 4.50079106e-02 3.43055204e-02 -4.58989859e-01 -5.79339415e-02 4.36942205e-02 3.25521260e-01 -4.19764906e-01 -3.36500257e-01 -3.13287452e-02 1.05502270e-01 2.73745477e-01 6.45789802e-02 5.29632606e-02 1.79575339e-01 -3.62816006e-02 -2.84033597e-01 5.09142458e-01 1.55468673e-01 2.34390885e-01 1.48484021e-01 5.49546361e-01 1.24445625e-01 1.21569209e-01 -1.75784081e-01 4.69583064e-01 6.30688965e-01 1.21102624e-01 -4.90415208e-02 -8.18278193e-02 9.21162367e-02 -8.40358250e-03 8.10290202e-02 2.79873431e-01 2.65903294e-01 7.98944458e-02 -1.44444823e-01 3.21135223e-01 1.67719781e-01 -3.62289518e-01 -7.40041137e-02 -4.93241362e-02 5.78252599e-02 -3.45728435e-02 2.20760047e-01 1.28951097e+00 2.03246742e-01 3.23871315e-01 1.32425249e-01 -2.00450644e-01 6.95132539e-02 -2.47077823e-01 1.18355215e-01 -1.03100993e-01 8.73099044e-02 -5.60899191e-02 -8.62743407e-02 2.17326075e-01 3.21077436e-01 -2.89379805e-01 -2.64146417e-01 -3.32554579e-01 5.99917233e-01 3.57666612e-01 -5.86666837e-02 5.56924939e-02 -3.63584347e-02 1.40318543e-01 1.52351245e-01 -2.82874852e-01 -1.68608278e-02 -5.80326729e-02 -1.75736278e-01 6.76759854e-02 -9.40123349e-02 1.98855191e-01 1.66580111e-01 8.51797909e-02 3.05118918e-01 1.43797308e-01 1.04286000e-02 -2.10404411e-01 1.21137537e-01 -3.21222544e-01 5.42455241e-02 -2.10920423e-01 4.64748383e-01 7.38686204e-01 -2.29370192e-01 -1.39871746e-01 3.00656885e-01 2.15230763e-01 1.24890409e-01 -1.86287254e-01 4.33575392e-01 -3.28584462e-01 1.19646788e-02 -4.64521587e-01 -3.95577066e-02 2.94704020e-01 5.58196660e-03 3.17110121e-01 1.51530087e-01 -3.91152114e-01 -2.56016642e-01 1.81414276e-01 -1.22013465e-01 1.18522234e-02 2.41962308e-03 1.35004640e-01 -1.81188196e-01 -6.28272146e-02 4.42074537e-01 -1.52936624e-02 -1.26781806e-01 1.44828588e-01 1.40381128e-01 -1.49412975e-01 -4.02325004e-01 1.97976008e-01 -2.74212539e-01 -3.57673019e-01 -5.23135029e-02 -1.93143189e-02 -1.01664387e-01 1.66768625e-01 4.94507045e-01 1.58417434e-01 -2.40709752e-01 -4.15039271e-01 -5.73865399e-02 -3.17208208e-02 1.40582830e-01 -1.07717039e-02 2.79571533e-01 5.64524066e-03 2.26814166e-01 -6.72308132e-02 -2.29062706e-01 -3.90962720e-01 -4.61776018e-01 1.80641823e-02 5.24908379e-02 4.03720558e-01 -2.83384562e-01 3.16636683e-03 -1.94068164e-01 2.54355907e-01 2.20304638e-01 -1.56886861e-01 -1.99939683e-01 -3.02344672e-02 1.59157023e-01 7.74287283e-02 -2.37531096e-01 1.15249930e-02 2.30170742e-01 2.77490586e-01 1.53742030e-01 -1.03358522e-01 1.04604796e-01 1.80725500e-01 1.05038859e-01 -3.26829910e-01 -3.89399789e-02 7.88788795e-02 -1.02641411e-01 1.11685000e-01 4.36183900e-01 -1.60692021e-01 -1.88711718e-01 -6.94099888e-02 1.05720133e-01 5.95378816e-01 2.53339112e-01 -2.36247629e-01 1.53623238e-01 -7.34626427e-02 9.95555148e-03 -5.16735986e-02 -3.22176933e-01 8.41402188e-02 1.53096288e-01 -5.48086762e-01 -2.62436688e-01 -3.87680046e-02 2.61458397e-01 -1.83394864e-01 2.06993282e-01 -1.34286553e-01 8.94935206e-02 1.73511845e-03 1.54678732e-01 4.47716676e-02 -4.33250189e-01 -4.13678139e-02 -4.43513580e-02 5.26745915e-02 -6.87043816e-02 5.06758206e-02 5.90313435e-01 -5.88423908e-02 -2.13644460e-01 4.68142867e-01 2.73663640e-01 3.63702029e-01 4.56546783e-01 1.01396270e-01 6.74701035e-02 1.29602581e-01 6.79053426e-01 -7.09012225e-02 1.57773808e-01 -8.70516896e-02 -4.02455870e-03 -3.57399970e-01 3.55704427e-01 -1.00522533e-01 1.83287382e-01 -2.98794389e-01 -1.17783725e-01 -1.36726648e-01 8.07153061e-03 5.55706723e-03 1.74264833e-01 -1.47503331e-01 -1.58464357e-01 -2.38261268e-01 -8.46477747e-02 1.20504357e-01 2.35105008e-02 2.60809243e-01 1.39622599e-01 1.68598473e-01 -2.27633268e-01 1.00790173e-01 -1.87472105e-01 4.19581354e-01 -2.14076057e-01 1.19523712e-01 5.78779653e-02 4.27573919e-02 1.60927355e-01 3.66268568e-02 1.28889382e-01 -1.50795430e-02 -1.37343705e-01 -5.34503721e-02 -3.87197196e-01 -1.76514000e-01 -1.13494992e-01 -2.05810256e-02 3.22471321e-01 -1.11960955e-01 9.13102403e-02 1.13803990e-01 -3.26837957e-01 -5.57090156e-02 -1.35742221e-02 2.44935468e-01 1.25234611e-02 -1.79156631e-01 -2.47360095e-01 -1.74390733e-01 -1.10033602e-02 -2.10395437e-02 -5.01281381e-01 -6.55276120e-01 2.52938289e-02 -1.38564602e-01 8.11830536e-02 -1.61261946e-01 9.24604535e-02 -1.08876713e-01 1.55240133e-01 -1.06699474e-01 1.09645933e-01 1.08281836e-01 -3.43506545e-01 -4.33817595e-01 7.36665502e-02 2.16558531e-01 -1.43260092e-01 -6.58143535e-02 -4.04494822e-01 4.73485105e-02 1.94851235e-01 -5.59293106e-02 2.43162289e-01 1.76153272e-01 -2.59061903e-01 -5.01105666e-01 1.78474218e-01 2.72161931e-01 1.17555141e-01 4.31532674e-02 -1.58827856e-01 8.56866688e-02 -2.88746148e-01 1.80316299e-01 -1.34128496e-01 -4.57129478e-01 9.42618120e-03 6.06729448e-01 5.33849657e-01 -1.85247719e-01 2.83179432e-01 -7.02442378e-02 -3.16408724e-01 2.36163333e-01 9.90539417e-02 5.32621108e-02 4.49174225e-01 -3.03387307e-02 2.74369895e-01 2.59888977e-01 5.21990836e-01 2.07634643e-01 -2.06719503e-01 -1.86145514e-01 -5.04167490e-02 -4.77399677e-01 -1.83843642e-01 -1.90134123e-01 6.39305338e-02 -6.20023459e-02 3.24946791e-01 -6.42513037e-02 -5.32271042e-02 -1.90450281e-01 -3.49921823e-01 4.64766800e-01 -1.92299306e-01 -1.01484202e-01 -4.78327796e-02 -9.76303965e-02 -3.22937429e-01 -7.65960068e-02 -2.09227905e-01 -1.40489385e-01 6.45950437e-02 1.21877521e-01 -2.48094007e-01 -1.78832307e-01 -2.23481148e-01 -2.66017675e-01 -6.64051995e-02 2.42687643e-01 1.13281541e-01 -4.92997505e-02 -2.41934061e-01 4.91538718e-02]
"A Thorn in the Side of History" active "Item #: SCP-6933 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6933 and its effects are to be used as a case study for Memetics Division Training, as well as as a way to identify and track general and individual memetic weakness. Internally, Memetic Vaccine 27 is to be added to the standard inoculation package for all Foundation employees. SCP-6933 is to be monitored for any changes in its behavior, however unlikely. Beyond this, no containment procedures are required. Description: SCP-6933 is a relatively weak meme that causes those affected to believe that the letter "þ"1 (thorn) was once a standard letter of the English Alphabet. Individuals with stronger memetic resistance are able to reject or believe this as with any other idea, while individuals with weak memetic resistance are compelled to additionally "bring it back", by replacing all written examples of the digraph "th" with the letter "þ".2 This is facilitated by þ's non-anomalous inclusion in modern Icelandic, and thus, in all modern Unicode standards, allowing it to be displayed on the majority of modern devices. However, due to SCP-6933's weak nature, the inaccessibility of finding an Icelandic/þ compatible Keyboard, in addition to simple peer pressure, are often enough to cause the memetic effects to become inert. Propagators of the meme claim that the character was dropped primarily due to its lack of inclusion in German and French printing presses, as well as due to lackadaisical inscription resulting in its shape slowly becoming similar to the letter "y". The anomaly transmits primarily through writing and inscription, as well as through digital text, and is not known to affect Artificial Intelligence Constructs or machine learning algorithms. History:3 "SCP-6933 was discovered early on in the Foundation's life by renowned father of memetics, ██████ █████4. In a letter to the then newly formed 05 Council, he writes, 'Being a weak, yet identifiable affectation, we could use (this anomaly) to mark them5 like cattle. (The) value of being able to model the spread of the transgressive idea cannot be overstated.' A young 05-3 responded with his approval, and the rest is history. Shortly after, the existing documentation was classified as general reading, and has been disseminated to field researchers and memeticist hopefuls ever since. Later, in the sixties, one of the first acts of the burgeoning Ethics committee was to call the lack of containment for SCP-6933 into question. After several months of heated debate, the committee came to a majority opinion that the benefits far outweighed the consequences, and that SCP-6933's spread among the populace could remain uninhibited. More recently, the rise of the internet has given way to an uptick in SCP-6933 infections, highlighting the need for more advanced memetic security measures for the public. To date, models based off of SCP-6933's spread on the internet have prevented an estimated 3 billion memetic infections, and have predicted approximately 60 anomalies in the past decade alone, defining it as one of the most successful and integral decisions in Foundation history." (For more detailed information, see "A Thorn in the Side of History," by Memetics Instructor Dr. Thomas Futhark, or email him directly at||samohTkrahtuF.) =Transmitted from [LOCATION REDACTED], England While completing what would normally be considered routine research for his field memetics exam, one of █e Junior Researchers appears to have uncovered physical evidence from █e year 1458 of a poem inscribed on a rock, comprised entirely of words which contain █e letter █orn. Despite █e fact █at he and I are bo█ inoculated against █e meme, I could not only see █e writing, but feel █e inscription under my fingers. I quickly downloaded an AIC in order to confirm our findings; but it could identify no writing on █e object itself or █rough photographs. I have come to █e conclusion █at █is meme may be more powerful █an we previously realized. Unfortunately, however, █e aforementioned junior researcher has not, and continues to insist █at we have been wrong about █e anomaly since █e beginning. As per standard protocol I have quarantined myself and █e training team, and have instructed █e AIC to censor all letters and digraphs █at match þorn phonetically. I heavily recommend █at SCP-6933 be taken out of █e general rotation, and █at anyone who receives █is message be flagged for memetic contamination, if not anyone who has accessed █e general file in the last 6 mon█s. Good luck. -Memetics Instructor Thomas Fuþark. « SCP-6932 | SCP-6933 | SCP-6934 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6933" by DrRhummhaven, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Latin alphabet Þþ.svg Author: Eirik1231 License: Public Domain Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "The Letter þ (thorn)"
[ 1.07167840e-01 -8.34012553e-02 -6.60484880e-02 5.22224680e-02 5.23714395e-03 -3.54399681e-01 3.65882009e-01 4.91889790e-02 2.58551121e-01 2.40488380e-01 6.91484690e-01 1.75036982e-01 -8.39760080e-02 -1.03580706e-01 2.18914077e-01 2.96255827e-01 1.57476753e-01 -1.34853512e-01 1.49879962e-01 -1.87122717e-01 -1.02261513e-01 -2.32771188e-02 -2.23791167e-01 6.76862597e-02 -2.55321451e-02 1.26015574e-01 3.02687407e-01 1.30779758e-01 -3.14519525e-01 -2.91373461e-01 -1.57061666e-01 9.91829038e-02 -1.84272662e-01 3.68822038e-01 -1.13644994e-04 -2.44649082e-01 2.16011867e-01 -1.05051160e-01 -4.29829597e-01 1.57252878e-01 -1.69056859e-02 1.24070674e-01 -2.72004515e-01 -1.76891550e-01 2.93238461e-01 -3.44633125e-02 -1.16078191e-01 6.95177615e-02 1.80164948e-01 1.85148537e-01 1.52513698e-01 -9.88945886e-02 3.14600766e-01 -2.17193849e-02 2.37094611e-02 8.27855110e-01 -2.17584029e-01 -3.69598083e-02 -2.19778791e-01 1.40641183e-01 1.75307840e-01 2.43887961e-01 -1.48973819e-02 1.70850307e-02 2.00155884e-01 -9.51997787e-02 1.01458102e-01 9.45867300e-02 1.14369243e-01 1.35011166e-01 5.11839867e-01 -2.13111207e-01 -5.04774116e-02 -1.00610457e-01 -1.04081854e-02 -1.31310716e-01 2.71800071e-01 4.39603589e-02 -1.36766091e-01 1.29632667e-01 5.22938728e-01 1.50332242e-01 -7.78856650e-02 -1.00709923e-01 -2.25290611e-01 2.27024689e-01 -1.00364238e-01 3.71284112e-02 -3.34438495e-02 -1.19924337e-01 2.87775919e-02 1.37824953e-01 1.99360773e-01 2.88621802e-02 3.92436922e-01 -7.49218836e-03 8.48172680e-02 -4.90636110e-01 3.34457636e-01 -1.06896929e-01 1.59148071e-02 5.16875088e-01 -4.28043380e-02 6.55210391e-02 -8.20710957e-02 4.63623106e-02 2.53012907e-02 -4.75962646e-02 2.14662313e-01 5.60904980e-01 2.35173762e-01 1.80831552e-01 -2.53841933e-02 8.45770463e-02 1.12801559e-01 -5.41906878e-02 2.88260937e-01 -3.33630055e-01 -3.17522399e-02 1.72896370e-01 -5.48352659e-01 -1.79595321e-01 -2.35355854e-01 3.10139537e-01 3.45560998e-01 5.12593687e-01 1.15071582e-02 -3.60872030e-01 -1.29136965e-01 1.25012696e-01 4.03181650e-02 -1.49800591e-02 -2.86489457e-01 1.35977641e-02 1.28867179e-01 6.61537588e-01 -8.54028612e-02 1.56359389e-01 -2.53239088e-02 -5.57701178e-02 -8.05871561e-02 -1.90318599e-02 4.19103682e-01 1.70035839e-01 -5.29998004e-01 2.93285280e-01 -3.81975099e-02 1.27570450e-01 -2.58739948e-01 -5.95226735e-02 2.40843713e-01 -1.08885586e-01 -3.39389950e-01 1.45224601e-01 -1.41549900e-01 3.32055658e-01 2.28594188e-02 -1.60769269e-01 -3.93212765e-01 -1.40879035e-01 5.15545547e-01 -3.38535756e-02 -3.10354948e-01 -9.46062729e-02 2.03569680e-01 2.48227030e-01 -7.30795860e-02 -2.05322057e-01 7.21081719e-02 -1.04589492e-01 7.54396021e-02 1.53766528e-01 -1.58808783e-01 -2.00937301e-01 -1.45570442e-01 4.37892601e-03 -1.52312562e-01 1.35757430e-02 -5.89540184e-01 -3.90707880e-01 -2.44315147e-01 1.02018267e-01 1.13626331e-01 -3.62166494e-01 -4.33975816e-01 -1.20436046e-02 -3.21189046e-01 1.44162327e-01 1.11031577e-01 9.01590958e-02 -3.20430338e-01 -4.50291902e-01 3.19628179e-01 1.79329097e-01 1.85801715e-01 -2.67268091e-01 4.34957802e-01 2.44503960e-01 2.53719479e-01 -4.59289663e-02 -6.68601096e-02 1.19903013e-01 4.87576008e-01 2.60934591e-01 2.54274815e-01 -1.59611508e-01 -1.36839166e-01 4.71459702e-02 4.53656495e-01 2.11743265e-01 -5.00535905e-01 -1.40245378e-01 -8.92816186e-02 1.60143375e-01 1.68578312e-01 -4.24545437e-01 1.44031316e-01 1.97125271e-01 -3.84792536e-02 1.23393230e-01 -3.36148977e-01 2.03479305e-01 8.91220719e-02 2.19279900e-02 -5.89794926e-02 -8.33372921e-02 -2.69211978e-01 -3.04020137e-01 -1.77338094e-01 4.12229329e-01 2.67386317e-01 1.09264873e-01 8.24029278e-03 -1.47968620e-01 -2.16498822e-01 -1.47048691e-02 -9.76132974e-02 6.81896865e-01 2.03323990e-01 -3.37439299e-01 1.28428146e-01 -6.50342647e-03 1.45509183e-01 4.21097763e-02 -1.13318056e-01 -3.73188518e-02 2.26814047e-01 -5.31420819e-02 -4.47599664e-02 -1.33527681e-01 -1.36597931e-01 -2.92344779e-01 -6.28480539e-02 -1.07387781e-01 2.11232752e-01 4.63271141e-01 -4.84548151e-01 1.25462845e-01 -8.80552083e-02 2.19948098e-01 5.03799736e-01 -1.35766029e-01 4.43650812e-01 1.79137394e-01 -1.07550099e-01 -1.01720579e-01 1.81405425e-01 -2.29098052e-01 -2.12713573e-02 5.21452818e-03 -4.46123257e-02 1.00321829e-01 -1.93347529e-01 2.07556263e-02 -2.20327657e-02 -5.53539395e-02 1.45223796e-01 2.49066830e-01 2.19811350e-01 3.27443421e-01 -2.24058598e-01 -9.59407017e-02 -2.37438068e-01 -1.68436408e-01 -3.94442946e-01 1.82861224e-01 -5.18407077e-02 3.97328615e-01 -1.88455373e-01 -1.72931895e-01 -1.74054489e-01 -5.06627820e-02 -2.47284919e-02 -8.61681029e-02 5.04398048e-02 -1.21633887e-01 -1.84519980e-02 1.61288738e-01 -2.47162804e-01 4.46480036e-01 -3.03762108e-01 -3.04596007e-01 -2.18190271e-02 6.57833088e-03 -2.21241742e-01 6.18407428e-01 2.31492266e-01 6.43354133e-02 -2.51230627e-01 -2.82300502e-01 -4.79069680e-01 3.13242167e-01 -1.60595253e-01 1.60858035e-01 3.90094876e-01 1.13534123e-01 1.36441171e-01 -3.21567625e-01 1.06476046e-01 -6.03393793e-01 -1.64967120e-01 -2.23131776e-01 -2.48039424e-01 -3.25426422e-02 -3.84643167e-01 1.05220430e-01 -9.22248214e-02 -3.14123303e-01 4.81366545e-01 -2.34025903e-02 8.52562860e-02 2.46746898e-01 -1.37020275e-01 2.69475222e-01 2.20242720e-02 2.32170224e-01 -2.80965477e-01 1.54770553e-01 6.36750236e-02 2.86317412e-02 4.87623252e-02 1.34049848e-01 -1.53735057e-01 -2.24922970e-01 -1.53030336e-01 -2.45171830e-01 -3.64377260e-01 9.75426063e-02 5.16731143e-01 -6.70697466e-02 -1.24345668e-01 4.08869714e-01 9.72883105e-02 -1.26625091e-01 -1.31519899e-01 -4.03391302e-01 -3.52006465e-01 -3.50031555e-02 4.66161042e-01 -1.08573213e-01 -1.87769607e-02 1.67840794e-01 5.65851271e-01 -5.99531353e-01 -1.00371744e-02 -1.66261330e-01 1.77218378e-01 -1.90841332e-01 3.62902790e-01 -1.02519512e-01 4.80225086e-01 -1.05806500e-01 -7.55541921e-02 1.54825941e-01 -1.78350121e-01 3.82959284e-02 1.91896155e-01 6.18897192e-02 -2.34987721e-01 -3.96556556e-01 5.60929850e-02 6.14826202e-01 1.15935348e-01 -1.75386563e-01 -1.64915606e-01 -1.23857819e-01 8.24635774e-02 5.03443837e-01 8.26872364e-02 -2.77100593e-01 5.46550564e-03 -5.62779427e-01 2.96136260e-01 -1.39300644e-01 -6.24579079e-02 1.51011497e-01 1.29178315e-01 -2.53685772e-01 -2.40419224e-01 4.79209088e-02 -4.50100124e-01 2.17834309e-01 7.62981400e-02 1.98857844e-01 3.70682657e-01 5.90551011e-02 -5.24432421e-01 -1.93187252e-01 -2.02695146e-01 -2.48834610e-01 2.36939013e-01 -3.48468751e-01 -5.36846280e-01 -1.17574066e-01 3.88099194e-01 5.73893189e-02 1.27111092e-01 -7.15304017e-02 -1.45889685e-01 -7.05976844e-01 -2.85673946e-01 6.28843382e-02 1.04157493e-01 -3.02612573e-01 -6.77684322e-02 2.69060701e-01 6.18803082e-03 9.79662463e-02 2.97241565e-02 6.64861873e-02 -3.83306183e-02 1.66990936e-01 -4.21546906e-01 7.47777045e-01 5.17120421e-01 1.80067301e-01 1.72896743e-01 4.18206930e-01 -2.22852807e-02 3.63738611e-02 -1.51943177e-01 -5.45450039e-02 5.92124581e-01 1.98073491e-01 2.15734899e-01 7.42856190e-02 1.64010316e-01 -1.85764179e-01 -6.54446334e-02 6.44963756e-02 2.18502566e-01 -3.18600573e-02 2.17535682e-02 4.19028938e-01 -3.75112854e-02 -2.44867787e-01 -1.01214178e-01 -9.29756090e-02 -2.83141434e-01 9.77367386e-02 3.42731029e-01 1.19304371e+00 4.90901232e-01 5.65148778e-02 2.43904710e-01 -1.59652367e-01 2.29216926e-02 -2.77512640e-01 -1.00952893e-01 -2.41773158e-01 -3.34048659e-01 -7.31441975e-02 -1.68165594e-01 2.51475185e-01 -3.10973793e-01 -3.73893291e-01 -1.51495382e-01 -1.09681457e-01 2.16459736e-01 3.56429636e-01 1.83679625e-01 -1.30221352e-01 -1.70760989e-01 -6.24498017e-02 8.74573737e-02 1.70754697e-02 7.52128214e-02 4.55759689e-02 1.09387487e-01 -1.99658722e-01 -3.82249177e-01 -3.38255614e-01 -1.26406830e-02 -6.39009893e-01 1.33006260e-01 4.10046071e-01 2.47027323e-01 4.33955163e-01 -8.78883079e-02 4.06226188e-01 8.92005637e-02 -5.16304933e-02 3.27032059e-01 6.94713950e-01 -2.11632162e-01 -1.32310212e-01 2.05376614e-02 1.96021229e-01 -9.72137451e-02 -2.25671291e-01 1.63932934e-01 -2.08228797e-01 -3.55413705e-02 -6.66163027e-01 -9.85240862e-02 7.50143453e-02 2.06981762e-03 7.29744285e-02 2.91231424e-01 8.01601037e-02 -2.08072007e-01 9.88725200e-02 -1.53550595e-01 -6.24475107e-02 1.09376542e-01 3.34584303e-02 -2.51912892e-01 -7.10126758e-02 3.50927234e-01 -4.27994102e-01 1.33225024e-01 1.97765499e-01 3.38016212e-01 -2.42989033e-01 -2.20385164e-01 -5.27763307e-01 2.70009749e-02 -3.38326693e-01 -9.19120982e-02 -1.62972897e-01 -6.34587467e-01 6.77035525e-02 3.85021925e-01 9.04363543e-02 -3.68352741e-01 -4.53651220e-01 -1.42161429e-01 2.81741738e-01 1.38355136e-01 1.11183651e-01 4.07086127e-02 1.60775825e-01 1.03467606e-01 -2.69542336e-01 -7.03514889e-02 -3.69244099e-01 1.76573351e-01 -5.02576903e-02 2.04171747e-01 3.71588051e-01 -4.14712101e-01 1.07663572e-01 -2.23768577e-01 1.54928327e-01 3.35390598e-01 -8.75214115e-02 -1.32212475e-01 -4.15061116e-01 1.52384266e-01 -2.22948775e-01 -9.37783569e-02 2.25435168e-01 2.44603813e-01 2.69360989e-01 2.02234417e-01 1.59691721e-01 3.06417644e-01 9.31806415e-02 3.11336339e-01 -4.05629665e-01 3.42299074e-01 -1.38380200e-01 2.58787066e-01 4.61645685e-02 3.36115211e-01 6.60881996e-02 2.69736290e-01 -3.72497797e-01 4.78757359e-02 -6.31159991e-02 3.11394423e-01 -2.62088954e-01 1.45947570e-02 1.38500586e-01 -9.92458537e-02 -1.26272030e-02 5.03566623e-01 -1.37223348e-01 5.63708358e-02 -4.83779937e-01 -2.87129551e-01 -6.39502779e-02 2.35697836e-01 1.93716772e-02 5.71482517e-02 -1.14996143e-01 -2.01844186e-01 8.49851593e-02 3.97574812e-01 3.42111975e-01 -3.89232159e-01 -2.58082837e-01 5.51046729e-02 -8.09830204e-02 1.10084325e-01 1.84882637e-02 2.31852949e-01 -4.05991137e-01 4.32008021e-02 1.54325649e-01 -3.95044573e-02 3.24464858e-01 5.43614849e-02 4.94935423e-01 2.66743392e-01 2.77436405e-01 4.30822700e-01 -9.94888917e-02 2.67230332e-01 3.10290009e-01 3.43148082e-01 -9.82158929e-02 1.51034072e-01 1.92576423e-01 -6.61804602e-02 5.35886772e-02 -1.91461947e-02 2.53816927e-03 1.51864886e-01 -4.42424454e-02 -1.35472775e-01 -2.71833867e-01 -1.80955045e-02 -3.37199926e-01 -4.62468378e-02 -7.68548921e-02 2.10850567e-01 3.26127931e-02 1.74483553e-01 -1.78575087e-02 -3.03735942e-01 1.83666289e-01 -1.73493996e-02 6.03314459e-01 -2.26027772e-01 -1.72040630e-02 -3.15987356e-02 -2.46378273e-01 7.29002357e-02 8.17300230e-02 2.94347942e-01 -8.55203122e-02 -3.64328384e-01 -1.17334083e-01 -2.04047412e-01 3.88446823e-02 3.55897918e-02 -9.28303525e-02 2.14882597e-01 2.56371170e-01 6.90720826e-02 1.22523092e-01 -2.59312898e-01 -4.18198258e-01 3.25084068e-02 4.07916069e-01 -7.82154799e-02 -2.38255501e-01 -9.15767625e-02 6.25160011e-03 1.22861564e-03 2.34235510e-01 -9.13004205e-02 -8.77886042e-02 8.81946757e-02 -2.32036263e-02 1.86980158e-01 -4.09525901e-01 6.34512901e-02 1.38213262e-01 2.91813761e-01 2.07141370e-01 -6.88243145e-03 5.65537810e-01 1.04705863e-01 -4.09656256e-01 4.62420844e-02 1.00939497e-02 -2.81196609e-02 2.89152980e-01 -6.24894202e-02 1.43865868e-01 2.05383480e-01 2.02237457e-01 2.53431559e-01 -1.85262367e-01 4.96022478e-02 -1.60396576e-01 2.05294207e-01 3.78508866e-01 5.12404218e-02 3.44711775e-03 -3.83185565e-01 8.24152902e-02 -2.91974217e-01 8.73826072e-02 -3.06518763e-01 -1.92415059e-01 -2.17615813e-01 2.99369961e-01 2.97619760e-01 -3.14945239e-03 1.04427263e-01 1.69021133e-02 -6.26642525e-01 2.10815221e-02 4.30178940e-02 1.93625912e-02 4.49850738e-01 -3.30682993e-02 5.16690612e-01 2.32891515e-01 3.31437796e-01 -1.18421830e-01 2.78403342e-01 1.11292906e-01 -1.25721812e-01 -4.79064971e-01 1.97298110e-01 1.15140878e-01 7.98858330e-02 4.00737952e-03 1.80867195e-01 2.35938234e-03 -5.30513488e-02 -1.01100922e-01 -3.30386519e-01 2.01321512e-01 -6.13370873e-02 -2.36639068e-01 -1.40426844e-01 6.37896433e-02 -9.31870788e-02 -1.20870724e-01 -4.31416273e-01 -2.06548482e-01 -6.82934821e-02 2.17457488e-01 -2.67170936e-01 -1.73499584e-01 -2.81826053e-02 -2.74942696e-01 -2.00411126e-01 5.17597735e-01 -1.07643694e-01 -8.31778124e-02 3.36841233e-02 1.43393666e-01]
""And Who Will Forgive Us When He's Gone?"" active "Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets in physics research groups are to sabotage work that might lead to civilian discovery of SCP-6935. MTF-hν, "The Light Brigade," is tasked with the tracking and disruption of GoI activities involving SCP-6935. Long-term containment possibilities, ranked by desirability, currently include: A timeline of key events involving SCP-6935 is provided below. 10/8/2018: The access point of SCP-6935-1 is discovered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (DRC.) 12/20/2018: Physical Review Letters publishes a communication suggesting the existence of a CPT-complementary universe, comprised almost exclusively of antibaryons.3 01/31/2019: The access point of SCP-6935-1 is neutralized after its inhabitants undertake hostile action against the Foundation. 02/07/2019: SCP-6935-1 is speculated to be the CPT complement of our universe by Senior Researcher Quentin Silver. 02/09/2019: Approval is given to Senior Researcher Silver for attempted reentry into SCP-6935-1. 03/02/2019: A CPT inversion conduit prototype is completed. A logistics delay prevents immediate D-class exploration. 03/03/2019: A drag-tailed spider, later identified as a female Arachnura scorpionoides,4 emerges from the conduit. Upon reaching the hallway, the spider is neutralized by security personnel. 03/05/2019: Particle detection experiments are conducted on the spider carcass. The sample is found to be 0.59% antibaryonic by mass, several orders of magnitude above baseline, though inconsistent with SCP-6935-1.5 03/11/2019: D-Class Personnel D-662607 enters the CPT inversion conduit. D-662607 immediately falls back through the conduit, unconscious and bleeding severely from his eyes, nose, and mouth. D-662607 dies within minutes. 03/16/2019: An unmanned drone is piloted into the CPT inversion conduit. D-Class Personnel D-662611 views a video feed. D-662611's body sublimates into a smoke-like colloid.6 03/21/2019: An unmanned drone is piloted into the CPT inversion conduit. D-Class Personnel D-662619 listens to an audio feed. D-662619's body is reduced to a wet powder.7 03/23/2019: Particle detection experiments are conducted on the powder. The sample is found to be .012% antibaryonic by mass. 05/15/2019: Machine learning algorithms are used to autonomously develop appropriate cognitohazard-censoring software, using the previous video and audio feeds as a training set. Software is integrated into a delayed-feed headset. Testing on D-Class Personnel D-662981 verifies protection in the case of remote observation of SCP-6935. Censored video feed of SCP-6935 depicts a rocky beach. The sky is overcast. Several humanoid entities appear to be lying on the ground. An additional entity, censored by the software, wanders from one to the next. The censored entity is later designated SCP-6935-A. 05/17/2019: Expedition into SCP-6935 occurs. See Addendum 2. Three members of MTF-hν, callsigns Mad Catz, Outlaw, and Longshot, were selected for the expedition due to their unusually high memetic resistance quotients. The three operatives entered SCP-6935 at 08:00 on May 17, 2019. Callsign "Archangel" is tasked with remote coordination. Mad Catz is designated commanding officer. <BEGIN LOG> [The trio arrive on the beach observed by D-662981. The censored figure is no longer present, but the humanoid entities are observed approximately one kilometer up the beach.] Mad Catz: Archangel, we're inside. Feed look good? Archangel: Affirmative, Mad Catz. Any injuries? Mad Catz: Not our team. Not so sure about the guys from the video though. Archangel: They're not going anywhere. Can you do a quick baryon sweep? Just on the sand or something? Outlaw: On it. [Outlaw takes the measurements while Mad Catz and Longshot unpack their gear.] Outlaw: Huh. Looks like the sand's about fifty-fifty matter/antimatter. Archangel: You sure about that? Outlaw: Yeah. Why? Archangel: We thought 4935 would be mostly antimatter. Mad Catz: Maybe you only got us halfway there? Archangel: Huh. Can you guys check out those bodies up ahead? Mad Catz: Can do. [The team unpacks their weapons and proceeds toward the humanoids, stopping roughly 100 meters away. The humanoids writhe on the ground, screaming in apparent pain. They appear to be deformed, emaciated humans with a variety of mechanical body augmentations.] Mad Catz: Archangel, who are these guys? Why do they look like this? Archangel: I think they're Akot.8 Looks like we got you to 4935 after all. Mad Catz: What are those things they've all got on their chests? Archangel: Those are the harnesses that keep them anchored in 4935. Outlaw: Oh, Goddammit. Longshot: What? Outlaw: The harnesses are broken. Longshot: I don't get it. Outlaw: We're in the High fucking Horror. [SCP-6935-A materializes in front of the trio. They train their rifles on it.] SCP-6935-A: Is that what they're calling it? It's not like their home's much better. Mad Catz: Who the Hell are you? SCP-6935-A: An interesting choice of words. My given name is [COGNITOHAZARD CENSORED], but I have a number of nicknames that I quite enjoy. Mad Catz: Try another cognitohazard and it'll cost you your life. [SCP-6935-A moves toward Mad Catz.] SCP-6935-A: Oh, feisty. Tell me, did you put those ears on your headset yourself? I'm more partial to horns, personally, but- Mad Catz: One inch closer and you die. [SCP-6935-A continues advancing. MTF-hν opens fire, causing SCP-6935-A to collapse. Video feed ceases censorship of SCP-6935-A, revealing the corpse to be a nude, white male in his thirties, with leathery black wings extending from his back.] Longshot: So who is this guy? [Longshot nudges the corpse with his foot. It dissolves into a black sludge, which is quickly absorbed into the sand.] Longshot: Shit! Mad Catz: You alright? Longshot: Yeah, just, uh, didn't think I kicked it that hard. Mad Catz: If you can't kick a man's ass so hard that he dissolves into liquid, you don't deserve a spot in this squad. Outlaw: What do we do about the Akot? Why are there so many of them? Mad Catz: What do you mean? Don't they all have the genetic condition that displaces them? Outlaw: Yeah, but their augmentations wouldn't all break at the same time. Longshot: What are you thinking? Mass failed suicide? Outlaw: No, they're smarter than that. Seems weird that the spider, us, and every lost Akot would end up in the same place at the same time. Mad Catz: What are you saying? Outlaw: I got a C in high school physics, but if time flows forward in our universe, and backward in 4935, maybe it doesn't flow at all at their border. Longshot: But we're moving. Mad Catz: But this place isn't. Have you seen the tide since we got here? Longshot: Shit, you're right. [He licks a finger.] No wind either. Outlaw: I think we should get out of here. Longshot: What about the Akot? Outlaw: Forget 'em, kid. They're technically classified as Foundation enemies. If we could kill them, we'd be obligated to. Mad Catz: Sorry, Longshot, he's right. Nothing we can do for them anyway. Longshot: I meant: Why are they in pain? Did that guy have something to do with it? Outlaw: Oh, right. That. Yeah, beats me. Mad Catz: Same here. Archangel, do you want us to come back or what? Archangel: Can you check one of the Akot for antibaryons first? [Outlaw produces a hunting knife.] Outlaw: On it. Mad Catz: Jesus Christ, Hee Haw, can't you just take a fingernail or something? [Outlaw rolls his eyes before severing a lock of hair from the nearest Akot.] Mad Catz: Or that. Right. Longshot: Hey, guys, just, while he's doing the measurements… Mad Catz: Yeah? Longshot: It's just, I thought you might die there, and you mean a lot to me. Both of you, I mean. And, just, like, as your teammate, I figured I should let you know. Both of you. Platonically. Outlaw: Don't you fall in love with me, you son of a bitch. [Mad Catz suppresses a snicker.] Longshot: I was talking to both of- Never mind. Forget I said anything. Outlaw: Test's done. The Akot's only 81% antimatter. Mad Catz: What was the spider? Like half a percent? Outlaw: Yeah, why? Mad Catz: It was in here for what, at least a year?9 And it only changed half a percent from basically pure matter. These guys have changed by nearly 20%. Longshot: They've been in here for, like, 40 years then? Outlaw: At least. Could be a lot longer than that, depending on the order of the kinetics. Longshot: I thought you got a C in physics? Outlaw: Got an A in chemistry. Mad Catz: Jesus, so they've been starving for at least a few decades? And that's on top of getting exposed to a lethal cognitohazard. Not like they can die, but it sure sounds like they want to. Speaking of, we still don't know what that censored thing was. [The black sludge reemerges from the sand, reforming into a much larger, censored entity.] SCP-6935-A: Allow me to rectify that, insect. [SCP-6935-A lurches toward Mad Catz. She is absorbed into the censored region. Her video and audio feeds cut out.] Longshot: Katie! [Outlaw raises his rifle and begins to fire on SCP-6935-A. Longshot pulls the rifle off-target. The two struggle.] Longshot: Quit it; you're gonna kill her! Outlaw: You're gonna kill us! You think that's what she'd want? SCP-6935-A: Don't worry; you'll be reunited with her soon. [SCP-6935-A lunges at the pair, engulfing Longshot. His video and audio feeds cut out. Outlaw staggers backward, falling supine a few yards away from SCP-6935-A. The front half of his carbine is gone, the severed edges dripping with black sludge. He discards the rifle and draws his revolver, firing all six rounds into SCP-6935-A to little effect. Emptying the cylinder, Outlaw hesitates, struggling to find more ammunition on his person. SCP-6935-A: Don't bother looking for your bullets. Protagonists never get to reload revolvers. Outlaw: What the Hell are you talking about? SCP-6935-A: Do you really not get what this place is? Who I am? [Outlaw staggers to his feet, discards the revolver, and draws his knife.] Outlaw: I just know you're going to pay for what you did to Katie and Aaron. SCP-6935-A: [The entity laughs.] Humans. Let me guess, you think I'm some monster in the dimensional closet- something for you or another goon to lock in a box with fluorescent lights and armed guards. Outlaw: You won't live to see a containment cell. SCP-6935-A: If your species could kill me, they'd have done it when I was just a snake in a garden. Outlaw: Are you trying to say that you're- SCP-6935-A: Yes. Outlaw: So this is what? Hell? SCP-6935-A: Only in the sense that I live here, and that it's a place outside of time. This is a dimension of hope, of fear, of love. A place where function ignores form and vice versa, where expectation and narrative define existence. Outlaw: Well I don't believe in God, or you, or anything. So you can dissolve right back into that black fucking mud. SCP-6935-A: Maybe you don't believe in me, but your species does. Millenia of fear, anger, guilt- all of it piled onto a lone scapegoat. I wonder if any of you paused to think what that scapegoat would look like after all these years? Outlaw: Pretty damn ugly if you ask me. Poorly endowed, too. SCP-6935-A: I think the significance of all this is lost on you. [SCP-6935-A begins to advance on Outlaw. Outlaw performs the sign of the cross.] Outlaw: Oh, I appreciate the significance. It's that I'm gonna kill you, so help me God. [Outlaw's knife begins to faintly luminesce. He drives the knife into SCP-6935-A, resulting in a sustained, blinding flash of light. When the light fades, Mad Catz and Longshot are unconscious on the beach next to Outlaw. Both SCP-6935-A and the hunting knife have vanished. The Akots' screaming is reduced to a soft moan.] Archangel: Outlaw, are you still with us? Outlaw: Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. [Outlaw jostles Mad Catz.] Outlaw: Hey, Ka- Mad Catz. Wake up, you're safe now. [Mad Catz gasps for air as she wakes. After several minutes, she regains her breath.] Mad Catz: What the fuck was that thing? Outlaw: The devil, apparently. Mad Catz: Bullshit. Outlaw: Or, humanity's idea of the devil, I guess? Do you remember anything after it absorbed you? Mad Catz: Nothing. [Outlaw shakes Longshot.] Outlaw: Hey dumbass, wake up! [Longshot is startled upon regaining consciousness.] Longshot: Outlaw? We're alive? Outlaw: Despite your best efforts. Do you remember what happened inside of that thing? Longshot: I was back in Texas. This dirt road I remember from when I was a kid. Katie was ahead of me, walking away, but I couldn't catch up. It was storming. I tried to yell, but the rain was too loud, too thick. She was getting further and further away, and the rain turned black. I had almost lost sight of her… Mad Catz: Aw, you had a dream about me? [Outlaw rolls his eyes. Mad Catz smirks.] Longshot: This wasn't a dream. Also, shut up. I had all but given up, thinking I was going to drown in that sludge. But then, the clouds suddenly broke. Sunlight poured through them, and the rain stopped. I saw a rainbow behind you, but with colors I've never even imagined. It looked like you were just going to keep walking toward it, but I chased after you. When I finally caught up- I don't remember after that. Outlaw: Rainbow, huh? Fits with everything else I guess. Mad Catz: What do you mean? Outlaw: [He hesitates.] I think I killed that thing by smiting it in the name of God. There was a big flash of light when it died and everything. Mad Catz: I think you may have overdosed on the opiate of the masses, there, Outlaw. [Mad Catz starts to laugh, before clutching her side and groaning.] Mad Catz: Fuck, what happened to me in there? [Mad Catz tries and fails to stand.] Outlaw: Can you carry her, kid? My back's not so good these days. [Outlaw smirks quietly as Longshot scoops up Mad Catz. The two avoid eye contact.] Outlaw: Archangel, we're coming home. <END LOG> In April of 2020, Senior Researcher Silver suggested a connection between the time-reversal of antibaryons and the causality-violating properties of all anomalies. Detection experiments on 13 randomly selected Safe- and Euclid-class objects revealed antibaryon concentrations ranging from 1 to 10% by mass. Detection experiments were subsequently performed on an ice core from Antarctica to establish antibaryon levels as a function of time. These levels are reported below, alongside anomalous population growth over the same time period: On June 2, 2021, Senior Researcher Silver found the following letter on his desk: Quentin, This is a bittersweet moment for your species- you've figured out what's happening, and what's at the bottom of everything you once deemed supernatural. But with irrational fear dies irrational hope. To quote one of your favorite musicians: "With everything discovered, just waiting to be known, What's left for God to teach from His throne?" I've enjoyed watching your species reach this point. I hope you find a happier ending than your counterparts in the mirror of time, but it's no longer an ending that I can be a part of. I bid you all goodbye, and good luck. All my love, יהוה‎10 « SCP-6934 | SCP-6935 | SCP-6936 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6935" by quickestsilver, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Author: Eduemoni License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Artistic depiction of SCP-6935, (dashed line) beween our universe (left) and SCP-6935-1 (right.) Comparison of antibaryon and anomaly occurrence rates. Following this analysis, SCP-6935 was given its current classifications."
[ 2.73323804e-02 3.22547138e-01 -2.01988176e-01 -7.46316314e-02 -2.02950254e-01 -3.65864456e-01 -1.06341451e-01 2.21537307e-01 -3.28110993e-01 8.96464661e-02 1.76157579e-02 -8.28826725e-02 -1.60828367e-01 -1.62896663e-01 -3.37416045e-02 -8.93996097e-03 1.11349382e-01 1.29527256e-01 4.93424565e-01 -1.98817417e-01 -2.22040966e-01 -1.12293812e-03 -6.87592775e-02 -4.32228036e-02 9.22012180e-02 -9.07792374e-02 2.44927201e-02 1.65676132e-01 -1.04567006e-01 -1.02892116e-01 -8.01108554e-02 5.28995991e-01 -1.50234520e-01 4.09979522e-01 -1.07000451e-04 9.19468887e-03 2.95779914e-01 -4.28569084e-03 -4.25343603e-01 -6.31592646e-02 -3.67686927e-01 5.44371493e-02 -1.93579525e-01 6.65375516e-02 -1.13254100e-01 -2.19731078e-01 -6.79336563e-02 1.01925865e-01 3.67197782e-01 1.16433837e-01 2.01919496e-01 9.19658765e-02 1.63122490e-01 -2.27504164e-01 -3.46308261e-01 3.26595515e-01 -1.33759618e-01 6.89213276e-02 2.83720959e-02 1.44680560e-01 8.02695528e-02 4.76457141e-02 -7.83439055e-02 -2.04187915e-01 2.46179834e-01 -1.35044783e-01 1.13181196e-01 3.39133143e-01 1.46926912e-02 1.97238445e-01 2.59820372e-01 2.36428902e-02 -2.24940285e-01 1.97178602e-01 -1.17362514e-02 -3.68702918e-01 2.99850047e-01 -1.22487769e-02 -3.56905788e-01 1.61287948e-01 4.43147533e-02 7.60317892e-02 -3.57029915e-01 3.29739489e-02 -3.28767419e-01 4.45568979e-01 -7.01498911e-02 1.38376459e-01 -1.87384695e-01 5.83341002e-01 3.70821282e-02 2.52052754e-01 3.10093224e-01 -1.81112811e-01 1.28827337e-02 -2.21025541e-01 7.07175881e-02 -2.91594952e-01 8.57503265e-02 3.55900109e-01 4.97936428e-01 1.71102256e-01 1.31752327e-01 6.74453825e-02 1.68581128e-01 -3.85387503e-02 -5.23837516e-03 -3.70935500e-01 2.82372236e-01 4.22357112e-01 3.50333780e-01 2.17275560e-01 1.12556636e-01 -1.59497142e-01 -1.75144091e-01 -4.01409268e-02 1.58525974e-01 1.93825200e-01 -7.35228062e-02 2.78367877e-01 -1.45931793e-02 -5.27381934e-02 -3.74236315e-01 1.28490895e-01 1.04539745e-01 2.57652074e-01 -9.56501812e-03 -2.36076117e-01 1.94573719e-02 6.34358898e-02 -3.35536778e-01 -1.12450480e-01 -4.56443131e-01 -6.82669580e-02 -1.67322233e-01 3.86166900e-01 4.40681875e-02 -1.04084268e-01 2.17490569e-01 6.65352643e-02 -1.04860738e-01 -1.63817760e-02 5.19403100e-01 5.34195423e-01 -2.83499539e-01 3.50081511e-02 -2.05555975e-01 1.41529083e-01 -2.12921575e-01 2.00879917e-01 6.12456262e-01 2.94006485e-02 -1.73225850e-01 2.35503614e-01 -4.83672649e-01 1.77108556e-01 1.27131203e-02 -2.10841820e-01 -5.46454608e-01 -1.05995692e-01 3.25860947e-01 6.14756458e-02 -2.46215641e-01 -1.44511044e-01 3.08159053e-01 1.90377250e-01 3.18331197e-02 -6.56255633e-02 4.39109839e-02 -6.72144592e-02 1.04220957e-01 1.39431700e-01 -5.70515096e-02 1.78264789e-02 -3.96403641e-01 -5.13820648e-01 -1.67679310e-01 -2.80700237e-01 -2.27056637e-01 -1.58527553e-01 -2.97790796e-01 2.37777475e-02 1.42890543e-01 -8.52487013e-02 -1.74374059e-01 -1.49383008e-01 -1.88335180e-01 6.24007918e-02 -1.77970439e-01 -6.02656119e-02 -1.28454030e-01 -2.62765229e-01 3.26354206e-01 -1.05165958e-01 3.53571177e-01 -2.82840759e-01 1.97573721e-01 -2.93085407e-02 -4.13969345e-02 2.99168229e-01 -1.53196612e-02 1.18224375e-01 5.37640154e-02 -8.25033113e-02 -1.23648174e-01 2.92895120e-02 -3.19377184e-01 1.08411685e-01 1.00663468e-01 8.80895033e-02 -1.33017868e-01 3.24832797e-02 -2.22335517e-01 1.05198711e-01 5.17602116e-02 -3.39038432e-01 1.67562321e-01 4.79217947e-01 8.25016648e-02 -1.29796520e-01 -4.41811204e-01 2.52595488e-02 1.62262470e-01 1.70313522e-01 -2.16582105e-01 1.79869205e-01 -6.04844987e-02 6.11846754e-03 4.02148627e-02 4.18607622e-01 1.09070703e-01 -1.82766199e-01 2.25684136e-01 2.51159281e-01 -2.07272261e-01 2.34452218e-01 1.69729725e-01 1.76877126e-01 2.21015781e-01 -6.17690563e-01 5.33275977e-02 1.44970477e-01 1.88879237e-01 -2.98933148e-01 -8.71119350e-02 2.54530430e-01 -1.65043056e-01 -8.67072344e-02 2.93392599e-01 -2.79985964e-01 1.22239299e-01 -2.37851322e-01 -2.16849163e-01 -4.00441326e-02 -8.00373256e-02 3.47172201e-01 -3.88575643e-01 3.63486022e-01 -7.96943530e-02 -3.88761014e-02 -9.66091827e-03 -1.76028505e-01 -1.30457282e-01 1.39090315e-01 2.03280985e-01 -3.92214656e-01 3.57277274e-01 -1.87582165e-01 -3.99217680e-02 1.41514108e-01 1.57298014e-01 -1.39408305e-01 5.76452129e-02 -2.92390913e-01 1.45117059e-01 2.43874922e-01 -2.58355826e-01 3.62366170e-01 1.33876696e-01 2.33098671e-01 -9.27021429e-02 -1.00738794e-01 5.26401252e-02 -1.54017851e-01 -4.07113098e-02 -1.91056952e-01 -1.73690314e-05 4.05094139e-02 2.18162194e-01 -5.86877018e-02 6.70432970e-02 -2.16126159e-01 2.25710526e-01 -1.79688744e-02 -3.38474736e-02 2.07007542e-01 -3.63757312e-01 2.69814193e-01 -1.42092571e-01 3.75308812e-01 -2.63306856e-01 -4.46938723e-02 4.34459075e-02 2.11890042e-01 -2.27128953e-01 -1.43540008e-02 4.75059420e-01 2.62850076e-01 -1.92943022e-01 -2.20439956e-01 -3.68636608e-01 2.70495147e-01 -3.93647343e-01 -2.33030155e-01 3.56279343e-01 -7.79770166e-02 2.10096836e-01 -3.99882615e-01 2.08454534e-01 -8.06040466e-01 -8.63460153e-02 2.79745787e-01 9.47749317e-02 -4.54451852e-02 -9.77568477e-02 2.25663230e-01 -1.16104065e-02 -3.26400161e-01 2.37209857e-01 2.34873910e-02 -1.09198108e-01 4.75070596e-01 4.91439588e-02 2.20897853e-01 1.06530257e-01 -2.55085260e-01 -4.84617464e-02 -3.42937797e-01 -1.07130498e-01 1.09674960e-01 4.10103142e-01 3.78744910e-03 -1.89615592e-01 3.80357057e-01 -4.65273589e-01 -1.36681557e-01 -2.80829072e-01 1.41489998e-01 4.89023328e-01 -1.49830103e-01 -4.11536783e-01 1.52126923e-01 -3.33378017e-02 -4.41509992e-01 -1.25043904e-02 -2.51376349e-02 -1.83312073e-01 1.65393829e-01 2.66148597e-01 -5.00831306e-01 -2.91867763e-01 -1.69559866e-02 3.93644929e-01 -5.28651290e-03 -5.89584839e-03 -1.14018202e-01 5.48045754e-01 8.30300823e-02 2.00642884e-01 -2.17776112e-02 6.17075622e-01 4.01887484e-02 -1.88270062e-01 4.57539499e-01 1.34742875e-02 1.75740406e-01 -3.40587273e-02 -7.49873221e-02 -3.62571985e-01 -3.47473979e-01 -8.75767618e-02 2.26070046e-01 -1.30826393e-02 -2.68368453e-01 -3.44161987e-01 1.31016433e-01 -1.46380469e-01 -9.15045734e-04 2.41398394e-01 2.42010757e-01 3.39395627e-02 -4.03812855e-01 3.79481465e-01 -1.75608620e-01 7.24243000e-02 7.94355124e-02 -8.46349895e-02 1.36904493e-01 -2.64987182e-02 1.78893805e-01 5.99957071e-03 4.16518509e-01 2.36687794e-01 2.40840480e-01 4.66547847e-01 8.90060738e-02 2.88305487e-02 -4.58218083e-02 -1.01996638e-01 2.19534621e-01 2.76297390e-01 -3.81002575e-01 -4.04921807e-02 -2.00472474e-01 2.24661082e-01 -2.06479758e-01 1.53605804e-01 -6.36801347e-02 1.52395770e-01 -4.20558870e-01 4.96763103e-02 1.11284060e-03 2.84716159e-01 -4.53656644e-01 -1.95036083e-01 -5.80564022e-01 1.02166153e-01 -3.82772863e-01 1.38738766e-01 -1.09059446e-01 -1.06685326e-01 7.14025795e-02 -1.88184619e-01 3.45260173e-01 1.90180972e-01 7.45980620e-01 4.54639755e-02 2.17090547e-02 -1.86250567e-01 2.70476669e-01 1.12935165e-02 3.06715697e-01 5.60397327e-01 -1.22554958e-01 -1.14934646e-01 -7.51720294e-02 5.77786863e-01 6.09209165e-02 1.39170378e-01 -1.06929429e-01 5.03133936e-03 3.62891965e-02 6.60727173e-03 2.51315963e-02 -2.46839106e-01 -2.41719782e-01 -2.26483226e-01 2.27064699e-01 -2.08619639e-01 6.53477907e-02 6.85366914e-02 1.10461652e+00 1.58353388e-01 1.87829018e-01 9.73167419e-02 -2.75817215e-02 2.93705881e-01 -4.60430026e-01 3.10093798e-02 2.56182462e-01 7.94063956e-02 8.89737308e-02 -1.78517312e-01 4.52649109e-02 -2.72265792e-01 -4.20480818e-01 1.19997272e-02 -2.89915383e-01 6.95060566e-02 3.59527528e-01 1.87290922e-01 2.10602880e-01 1.40000969e-01 2.39231005e-01 2.10788682e-01 -1.43035725e-01 1.43190727e-01 -1.28576741e-01 -2.29210109e-02 5.44930249e-02 7.38042220e-02 1.26958907e-01 -1.70389056e-01 -6.41566932e-01 7.01120049e-02 1.78130627e-01 -1.57670140e-01 -6.23074509e-02 1.44556180e-01 5.54090887e-02 -1.62429377e-01 1.23262167e-01 4.39471871e-01 3.79338384e-01 -3.14183459e-02 2.64628138e-02 1.79459438e-01 4.09062266e-01 6.57059327e-02 3.69817577e-02 1.56282470e-01 -1.57006964e-01 -5.69946170e-01 -3.83079916e-01 3.97536568e-02 1.79837525e-01 1.05271444e-01 5.30378819e-01 -1.96468607e-01 -6.54577494e-01 -3.25485468e-01 1.52955040e-01 2.47801408e-01 -2.56514549e-01 -2.93020941e-02 -9.79857072e-02 -2.98998296e-01 -9.38681215e-02 2.68048555e-01 1.47396237e-01 -1.40858486e-01 -7.99241513e-02 -3.65100661e-03 -1.63171366e-01 -2.94010699e-01 -5.51805139e-01 -2.35825747e-01 -1.09461114e-01 3.24083865e-01 -3.53311114e-02 -2.14972183e-01 8.94955844e-02 4.95480984e-01 5.92174344e-02 -4.30687755e-01 -2.05052450e-01 -8.01889375e-02 4.64779660e-02 2.69883182e-02 -2.13193893e-02 1.97100669e-01 2.97608554e-01 4.93693352e-01 -1.69477724e-02 1.94649175e-01 -4.07925397e-01 -2.21115857e-01 -2.94913799e-01 5.27286902e-03 2.03668579e-01 -4.86665666e-01 1.36048812e-02 -2.82567173e-01 2.29544818e-01 1.03405006e-01 -1.84056759e-01 -2.23434016e-01 -2.92403568e-02 1.01674989e-01 -2.25408226e-02 -2.38106936e-01 -3.84566076e-02 3.20259064e-01 3.03004265e-01 5.24712168e-02 1.97563604e-01 2.67459601e-01 3.23149711e-01 1.31715819e-01 -1.82794541e-01 1.66741684e-01 3.53906184e-01 4.52502146e-02 3.87125731e-01 3.21986556e-01 -1.56122804e-01 4.12504226e-02 -2.22003818e-01 -2.08834246e-01 2.90218800e-01 2.50024617e-01 -1.92436889e-01 2.98355013e-01 4.35276866e-01 1.21701032e-01 -3.43071431e-01 -1.22826109e-02 2.17796743e-01 -1.83996037e-01 -1.12372927e-01 -3.66525888e-01 -3.29993725e-01 2.31497139e-01 -1.59622252e-01 7.31821805e-02 -1.26746327e-01 4.95743394e-01 4.13038507e-02 1.97133988e-01 1.72428489e-01 -5.58884025e-01 1.29114956e-01 -1.09941280e-02 6.53208867e-02 2.36698464e-01 2.69885302e-01 1.32691205e-01 -1.68645307e-01 1.09853102e-02 -9.30127967e-03 3.01584661e-01 3.75647783e-01 -2.42104679e-02 3.87949765e-01 4.44394290e-01 -7.39633366e-02 6.66801095e-01 -5.87390624e-02 -7.71782622e-02 -1.27309456e-01 -1.71630353e-01 -2.69636899e-01 3.07076454e-01 1.23473085e-01 3.48806232e-01 1.16317838e-01 -3.51292528e-02 -1.48294389e-01 -7.58205950e-02 -7.97347650e-02 1.02924090e-02 -2.34506905e-01 -7.17175081e-02 1.86080337e-02 -8.18804950e-02 -3.93663272e-02 -2.69591242e-01 -3.09007674e-01 2.86542594e-01 -2.09686145e-01 1.06095739e-01 3.86899114e-01 -3.32398355e-01 -5.15898317e-03 -5.94304092e-02 4.50734556e-01 2.02336967e-01 -1.83830336e-01 -1.17786534e-01 -7.05499202e-02 3.53915580e-02 -3.25736403e-01 -2.47349158e-01 1.90585017e-01 1.62256509e-01 -1.69507205e-01 -3.56480718e-01 -6.86350986e-02 3.70481797e-02 -8.22239965e-02 -9.47847515e-02 2.06035733e-01 -2.57511646e-01 -7.57881552e-02 2.30125878e-02 3.92222583e-01 -2.29263604e-01 3.34237278e-01 1.47566944e-03 -1.97807118e-01 5.51117621e-02 1.64683983e-01 -3.22357744e-01 -2.45484352e-01 -1.19674653e-01 -3.49729449e-01 2.09965199e-01 -2.58104146e-01 1.08113095e-01 -1.81696311e-01 1.34421080e-01 1.05632477e-01 -2.10287735e-01 6.07484132e-02 4.23416216e-03 -4.76391390e-02 3.27779353e-01 2.96057284e-01 3.94690156e-01 9.56194401e-02 -1.20046251e-01 1.73601270e-01 -6.20645052e-03 1.73024178e-01 2.78625190e-01 -1.15482882e-01 -2.16059744e-01 -2.25174025e-01 2.34028459e-01 -4.08440270e-02 -6.76082149e-02 9.02629122e-02 4.91768420e-02 1.06583886e-01 -2.26561025e-01 1.95856422e-01 1.30647346e-02 -3.71833801e-01 1.95155039e-01 4.34920609e-01 5.73152065e-01 3.70267965e-03 -4.28805090e-02 -5.44897243e-02 7.41989687e-02 -3.25267785e-03 2.23007604e-01 -1.08641930e-01 5.38777281e-03 -2.29442537e-01 1.17136456e-01 -3.62278963e-03 4.81991678e-01 3.80358696e-02 1.30337030e-01 1.01464711e-01 4.36112285e-02 -2.76977092e-01 -6.48742467e-02 -4.02010858e-01 3.51213723e-01 1.45581022e-01 4.94227946e-01 -1.15957573e-01 -1.61416754e-01 -3.69732946e-01 -2.62773514e-01 3.48419398e-01 1.97140217e-01 -2.84919590e-01 -7.79110119e-02 -3.24040502e-02 9.56865028e-03 3.56981546e-01 -2.14482844e-01 -2.23311801e-02 3.53308395e-02 8.85524005e-02 -4.63376418e-02 -2.98332702e-03 -1.44914882e-02 -1.58821732e-01 -1.43238664e-01 1.52167492e-02 2.10624069e-01 -4.93329763e-03 -3.98131996e-01 -1.35673219e-02]
"Unforgivable" active "More by this author The following article is a part of the And Every Time We Meet Again storyline. Whilst you can read it on its own, it's highly recommended you read the previous installments to get this article in its fullest. Please note: regardless of user clearance, as per RAISA Director Maria Jones' Emergency Clearance Override Order, the following file is only available to three individuals within the SCiPNET Database: Dir. Maria Jones, Dr. Alistair Vemhoff, and Dr. Daniel Asheworth. > ACCESS PERMISSIONS CHANGED PER MARIA JONES' CREDENTIALS FROM WITHIN OVERWATCH COMMAND: NEW ACCESS PERMISSIONS AVAILABLE. > THE FOLLOWING FILE IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO THE FOLLOWING SCiPNET USERS: O5-9. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. Archived Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6936 is to be contained within the lowest level crypts within SCP-5292 due to their inassessibility to anyone without direct permission from the three individuals that can access this file and SCP-5292-2, who has been bound with a Death Oath1 to ensure protocol abidance. All other ways of containment / sharing of information regarding SCP-6936 or its contents is strictly forbidden and is punishable by immediate termination. Revised Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6936 is stored within O5-9's personal office within Overwatch Command, where she is to ensure she is the only individual with access to it. Description: SCP-6936 is SCP-5292-1248, also referred to as "Kodex Tenebra" by its cover, an ancient tome collectively written by a total of approximately 56 different authors over the course of its ~200 000 year existence.2 In 10 183 pages and 203 different languages, it describes numerous extremely complex thaumaturgic rituals that are not recorded or otherwise described in any known esoteric texts. Upon reading any entry in SCP-6936, all individuals inevitably and universally agree that the contents of the entries are "disgusting and unforgivable."3 The only irregularity to this rule is its first page, which, after translation, reads: Bury your past, bury your sins; run from what you've done as best as you can. The universe will always find a way to pay you back for what you're about to do. No matter the intention. — The first to ever forget this lesson The significance of this is unknown. Discovery: SCP-6936 was discovered on 02/05/1982. Despite the Foundation being aware of SCP-5292 for 66 years,4 due to the remote location of the item relative to the rest of the library, it wasn't discovered until a deep exploration mission was requested by Dr. Vemhoff to access the lowest levels of the library. Within the crypts situated at the lowest levels of the location, SCP-6936 was discovered within a small, separated room, protected by numerous spells concealing its existence and disallowing entry. When questioned about it, SCP-5292-25 answered it was "a prison, meant to contain the instructions to the worst sins a man can commit, hidden so that nobody would ever use them again," later describing the tome in full detail. Due to its properties, the two discoverers of SCP-6936, Dr. Asheworth and Dr. Vemhoff, did not report the incident to the remainder of Site-120 staff, instead choosing to contact Dir. Jones directly to avoid potential misuse. The crypt was re-sealed again with the help of extremely complex rituals weaved by Dr. Asheworth; undoing them would require an intervention from a Class XII theologically-ontokinetic entity. On 06/09/1985, the seal was broken again, resulting in O5-9 acquiring the tome. Addendum 6936.1: SCP-6936 Excerpts and Test Log Page Number: 429-435 Spell Name: "Extratemporal torture of the soul, ad infinitum" Spell Description: Via the creation of an extratemporal environment, the ritual allows for a targeted individual to undergo an infinite cycle of torture. Additional Notes: Page 435 was found to contain vomit mixed with blood6 on top of itself. Page Number: 829-834 Spell Name: "Renaissance of the Elysians" Spell Description: Allegedly designed to resurrect individuals dead for over a year, "pulling their souls from Elysium directly into the corpus once more." A warning in large red text is attached to the introduction of the spell, warning readers that the spell should not be conducted on individuals who have not been deceased for the aforementioned period of time. Additional Notes: The actual instructions of how to conduct the spell are ripped out; reasons for this remain unknown. Page Number: 2013-2016 Spell Name: "Retroactive removal" Spell Description: Unknown Additional Notes: Attempts to read any of the pages containing information regarding this spell universally result in observers reporting the inability to comprehend the text, instead interpreting it as the following: "One time is already too much. I ain't allowing it to happen again." Mnestic and anti-memetic treatments have failed to provide any different results. Page Number: 3500-3509 Spell Name: "Permanent treatment of soul torture-induced sickness" Spell Description: According to its description, upon being applied, the ritual heals "wounds" apparently created by soul torture; it doesn't elaborate what these wounds or their symptoms are. Additional Notes: The entire page is over-written by the repetition of an identical note, written in a thick red font: "DOESN'T WORK WITH TWO." Page Number: 4923-4926 Spell Name: "Curse removal" Spell Description: When properly executed, the spell is supposed to remove all curses, negative auras, and prophecies from the targetted individual. Additional Notes: Underneath the instructions, a faint message can be seen: "The first page was right." Page Number: 5271-5278 Spell Name: "Forcing of obedience" Spell Description: Designed to establish control over a target's mind for a short period of time, during which the caster has total control over the target, allowing for the evasion of mental and thaumaturgic blocks. Additional Notes: Page is visibly damaged; scans indicate the act was performed by an individual excreting both Akiva radiation7 and possessing human DNA. Damage was done in an erratic manner, with the only evidence aside from the damage done was a visibly rushed note on the page: "Doesn't work with Death Oaths." Page Number: 7182-7184 Spell Name: "Soul separation" Spell Description: When properly executed, the spell allows to separate one of the souls from a two-soul body. Additional Notes: See the following recording. [BEGIN LOG] The log begins, showing a dark room. Despite the poor lighting, a feminine figure standing near a table filled with thaumaturgic and alchemical apparatus can be seen. A large opened tome is laying near them, with scraps of paper and notes present on it. The woman is chaotically mixing ingredients together, each time looking at the pages of the book before making a move. Each time she does so, however, she expresses visible disgust at the words written in the book. She is visibly angry, making numerous mistakes as she goes on, having to repeat some of the steps numerous times. She swears, but continues the ritual. After 20 minutes of action, she pours a liquid she received from a ritual invisible due to the lighting into a flask. She adds a couple of identified items into the mix, and puts the container on a green flame burning atop alchemical apparatus. Mixing its insides with a long item of unknown purpose, after 3 minutes of cooking, she once again pours the liquid into another container; this time, a cup. After consulting with the book again, she grimaces at its sight, and quickly drinks the liquid. Starting to cough, she drops the cup on the floor, shattering it. Rather than remaining on the ground, the shards formed by the destruction suddenly start to float as a red aura encompasses them. She starts to cough again, this time harder, wiping blood from her chin formed by the cough, and the shards once again fall to the floor. The sound emitted by shattered porcelain is accompanied by the woman's increasing screams. She falls on her knees and eventually on the ground, trying to grab onto any item on the ground with her hands. She screams and spasms in agony as a red aura fills her body; said aura then flickers, as if it was turning on and off. She lets out a panicked shout as she tries to stand up, grabbing the desk with one of her hands. She opens her mouth, as if she was to vomit, and from within her, a vaguely humanoid, transparent, and white entity can be seen emerging. As it is about to exit her body through her widely-extended mouth, it is suddenly pulled back into the woman as a burning red aura fills the room again. The woman screams in frustration, trying to fully stand up. Seconds later, she collapses again, and hits the ground numerous times in anger. She starts to crawl towards the exit, starting to cough violently again. Seconds later, however, she is suddenly lifted from the ground by an unknown force. She closes her eyes, and upon re-opening them, they start to glow with a bright, red light. As the individual screams again, all glass present within the room, including the camera, shatters. The recording ends. [END LOG] Page Number: 10 184-10 194 Spell Name: "Destruction of final seals" Spell Description: Spell specifically designed to destroy the Fifth Seal; scripture is unfinished, with large portions of text crossed out, removed, or burnt. Additional Notes: N/A, research on aforementioned spell deemed unfeasible due to the skill required to conduct ritual, the scripture itself being incomplete, and that it is the most recent entry in SCP-6936. The full list of all SCP-6936 excerpts can be found here. Addendum 6936.1: SCP-6936-associated Interviews Date: 10/09/1985 Interviewed: SCP-5292-2 Interviewer: O5-9 [BEGIN LOG] O5-9 enters a small room containing only a table and two chairs, one of which is occupied by SCP-5292-2. It is bound by translucent chains and a red aura. The other chair is empty. The Overseer coughs up blood on her way to the chair, leaning on the walls of the room for support. She is visibly angry, grimacing the entire time. Nine reaches for the chair as a faint red light begins to fill her eyes. She snaps out of it with a slap and seats herself on the empty chair. She coughs, grabbing onto the table. She is visibly tired; her body, or at least whatever part of it is visible, is covered in scars and other injuries. O5-9 does not seem bothered in the slightest by her actions. O5-9: I've done everything. I've done everything, you piece of shit. <cough> Everything. I've listened to your stupid book, giving it what it wanted. Why doesn't it work? Why?! Her screams are accompanied by a low rumble that dislodges dust from the ceiling of the room.. SCP-5292-2: <scoffs> You're stupid if you think you listened to it. You're stupid if you think you listened to me. You did nothing. You achieved nothing, you disgusting sack of blasphemous shit. Nine hits the table with her left fist, but is stopped by the coughing starting again. She wipes the blood from her chin, but continues. SCP-5292-2: <chuckling:> You're growing weak, Pha'h-fael. Looks like your host isn't as good as you thought her to be, isn't she? O5-9: Shut… up! Just… <coughing:> why doesn't it work?! I made this goddamned book my fucking own, I… I fed it, I did everything; but nothing works. W-hy?! SCP-5292-2: Because you're never meant to know. That's your course. O5-9: W… What? SCP-5292-2: Your book isn't sapient, no, but it's smart. It knows what you want to achieve, and there's a limit to what it allows. And, above all, the book likes irony; your irony is exactly that — the fact that the only person capable of creating your little spell is the one you so desperately want out of yourself. Nine grabs the book and opens it on page 10 194. She starts to examine it carefully, but gets more and more frustrated as she continues doing so. O5-9: Just… <cough> tell me how to— She starts to cough again, her nose starting to bleed. SCP-5292-2: No. That's beyond my will. O5-9: I'll fucKING KILL Y— Nine extends her hand, and SCP-5292 starts to levitate. It begins to choke as the woman starts to smile. Halfway through, however, she collapses on the ground, letting the other fall on the ground. She starts to bleed from all orifices as she tries to stand up, only for the fluid to stain the ground. She stands up again, trying to re-initiate the grasp on the other entity, but the moment she extends her hand, her expression suddenly changes to a much calmer and more disoriented one. O5-9: How… How close are they? SCP-5292-2: Close. O5-9: I don't think I'll manage to stop her from learning the spell any longer. She… She's getting stronger, and— SCP-5292-2: You need to try. Just for a little longer. O5-9: But… what if it won't be enough? SCP-5292-2: It has to. O5-9: I— Nine collapses on the ground again, her eyes all red. She clenches her fist and she starts to scream with the other tone. This continues for twenty seconds as she unclenches said fist. She stands up with great difficulties. Upon fully regaining control, she continues to cough, but smiles widely. O5-9: So that's what's been going on. Funny thing, that little whore. Won't be for long, though. At this time, the Overwatch Command alarm boots up, with the room suddenly starting to blink with a red emergency light. Nine looks around in shock as she grabs SCP-6936 from the table. Overwatch Command Security: WARNING! FATAL OVERWATCH COMMAND SECURITY BREACH IMMINENT! O5-9: No, no no no no no. There was supposed to be more time, I— SCP-5292-2: Looks like the cavalry's arrived. It's over. O5-9: You fucking wish. SCP-5292-2: Oh, I wish I wished. I know it. He's there. O5-9: He's nothing when compared to me. I'll… I'll destroy that little insolent worm the moment I destroy the Fifth Seal like he'd never been there, I— SCP-5292-2: <laughs> Oh, you can try. There's nothing you can do to avoid you two clashing. O5-9: Wha— SCP-5292-2: Because he'd used it too. <pointing towards the book with its head:> The Codex. With good intentions, to be sure, ages ago, but he did it too. And that's the punishment for both of you. O5-9: …What? SCP-5292-2: <chuckling, weakly:> And the first page is always right, and we both know it. O5-9 screams in agony as she starts to cough again. She spits on the floor angrily and starts to levitate above the ground as her red aura fills the room again. With a move of her hand, the ceiling explodes, and she starts to cough again. As she ascends through the roof, her eyes, now filled with determination, start to glow with a dense red. The feed disconnects. [END LOG] At 13:24 local time, a group consisting of approximately 1024 individuals (including humans, Fae, and Children of the Night) were observed approaching the building of Overwatch Command. How they were aware of its location or how they knew how to overpass all of the thaumaturgic rituals and anomalous items concealing its location remains unknown; all camera outposts were successively deactivated before action could be taken in their respective observation areas. The group was quickly identified as the recently formed anti-Foundation rebellion, and defensive measures were activated. Seconds later, however, all of them were compromised via the usage of thaumaturgic and ontokinetic weaponry and personnel used by the group. Currently, Overwatch Command is extremely vulnerable, being at risk of a siege by hostile parties while completely unprotected. Immediate action from the Administrator is required. > O5-9, YOUR INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. OVERWATCH COMMAND WILL BE OVERTAKEN IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND WITH IMMEDIATE FORCE. PROTOCOL THOUSANDTH DAWN IS ONLY 99% FINISHED, THIS INFRACTION MIGHT STOP ITS CONCLUSION. close > O5-9, IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND NOW, THE ENTIRE FOUNDATION WILL BE AT RISK. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? … … … focus-output: protocol-thousandth-dawn-activation focus-output: all-available … … … > SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: PROTOCOL THOUSANDTH DAWN PROPERLY LOADED. MAY THE BEAST ROAR LIKE IT WAS DESTINED TO, FOR THE TIME HAS COME. deactivate: overwatch-command cover-protocol deactivate: overwatch-command security-systems open: overwatch-command doors-all display-message: "Come in, let's get it done with. No need to make this longer than it needs to be." > ARE YOU SURE? YOU CANNOT UNDO THESE COMMANDS ONCE EXECUTED. … … … yes SCP-6120 And Every Time We Meet Again When the Sun Sets For Its Thousandth Time Ralliston's Works SCP-6672 (+50) • SCP-5659 (+200) • SCP-6483 (+83) • SCP-5795 (+72) • SCP-5572 (+84) • SCP-5464 (+216) • Ralliston's Proposal (+77) • SCP-5890 (+57) • SCP-6072 (+55) • SCP-5373 (+53) • SCP-6172 (+45) • SCP-0110-J (+148) • SCP-6372 (+52) • SCP-6335 (+55) • SCP-6079 (+38) • Critter Profile: Sparky! (+151) • I Did Not Fade (+44) • A Broken Bookshelf (+22) • A Library, Empty (+40) • 049 x minion x reader (reader is a minion) (blame varaxous im sorry) (+78) • The Queen In Green (+22) • The Furmen (+79) • Somewhere Out There (+20) • Forgotten Days (+21) • The Beast that Shouted "I" at the End of the World (+34) • The Watchman (+68) • The Lands Nobody Returns From (+26) • For Crimes Uncommitted (+16) • Stranded Lullaby (+33) • When the Sun Sets For Its Thousandth Time (+23) • Ralliston's Authorpage (+134) • « SCP-6935 | SCP-6936 | SCP-6937 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6936" by Ralliston, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: ontologonew Author: EstrellaYoshte License: CC BY 3.0 Source Link: link Filename: Embla.svg Author: ShineShadowD License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: link For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 3.45549673e-01 1.81294680e-01 -1.16404809e-01 -1.64070398e-01 -1.81356370e-02 -2.09077790e-01 -9.71820801e-02 1.25225866e-02 3.71943921e-01 -1.01734422e-01 -1.77927092e-01 1.53904423e-01 -9.75415185e-02 9.27042142e-02 1.41114765e-03 3.77403766e-01 -3.05842049e-03 2.46548042e-01 3.28530669e-01 -1.12974672e-02 -9.94679984e-03 -2.78380632e-01 -8.80764648e-02 -6.19278252e-02 -1.53337583e-01 4.36757654e-02 -2.01145671e-02 1.31766260e-01 -2.70616055e-01 -4.65407431e-01 1.48343652e-01 1.02610283e-01 8.70330930e-02 4.25506324e-01 -1.05072249e-04 -6.17724173e-02 2.41926581e-01 -1.46945015e-01 -2.99236447e-01 3.42278242e-01 -5.76866567e-01 3.90071385e-02 3.84999803e-05 -3.20991457e-01 2.02888064e-02 1.76065877e-01 1.05280563e-01 1.29256561e-01 6.20555639e-01 7.17854276e-02 2.01776922e-01 -4.37749289e-02 2.06766829e-01 5.25701754e-02 1.81419437e-03 4.80728567e-01 -1.87909558e-01 -2.60202792e-02 -9.09270346e-02 2.30156481e-01 5.73941134e-02 1.48060307e-01 -3.38524252e-01 -2.91193217e-01 2.35331878e-01 -4.95372266e-01 3.12431753e-01 -2.41582766e-01 8.96796398e-03 2.04231843e-01 6.01784401e-02 -1.44956648e-01 -8.46974105e-02 4.21023108e-02 -1.74121350e-01 -5.45736030e-02 2.25910798e-01 1.61610961e-01 -1.39380708e-01 1.96496964e-01 9.02796350e-03 1.16943188e-01 -1.27625719e-01 -1.26364678e-01 9.64509547e-02 2.83618659e-01 -9.32123661e-02 -1.26999587e-01 3.36707942e-02 -4.69382554e-02 -1.66301653e-01 4.45966888e-03 7.72853270e-02 -1.00071281e-02 -1.72075182e-01 -1.29368767e-01 -2.19532810e-02 -7.99541324e-02 1.75052777e-01 2.71815419e-01 7.79444396e-01 2.34522805e-01 1.07486367e-01 1.21668451e-01 1.63683951e-01 -1.46418689e-02 3.49729717e-01 -2.15596825e-01 -2.12412477e-01 3.14747095e-01 4.97383744e-01 3.92055452e-01 1.87695920e-02 -4.55023423e-02 -2.00175211e-01 5.10020219e-02 5.82749024e-02 -3.03102732e-01 -4.28634554e-01 1.98131695e-01 -4.56169963e-01 -1.16609089e-01 -1.81865152e-02 1.36000022e-01 3.53209078e-01 2.01223195e-02 -1.06414959e-01 -2.03680381e-01 -5.50197102e-02 -1.76115707e-01 -1.00414507e-01 -1.92707870e-02 -4.16311711e-01 2.22220942e-01 3.34907204e-01 -1.86167091e-01 -7.80006349e-02 7.79894367e-02 -4.40045781e-02 -7.30541050e-02 6.56719878e-02 -1.12587132e-01 4.67587799e-01 5.18075109e-01 9.21640429e-04 -2.93967813e-01 -2.50882536e-01 -5.60122430e-02 5.69786988e-02 3.73953402e-01 2.12261751e-01 -6.01670146e-02 -6.51349360e-03 2.10630327e-01 -2.35259578e-01 1.33825377e-01 2.98186392e-01 -1.40779391e-01 -8.85834359e-03 2.02424601e-01 5.48372746e-01 2.53315598e-01 -4.20734994e-02 -6.77941144e-02 4.22129989e-01 3.39216620e-01 -1.69495627e-01 1.75265148e-01 4.34856057e-01 -1.27469659e-01 3.29412781e-02 -7.93848783e-02 -2.09794864e-01 2.22593382e-01 -8.06034207e-02 4.89392169e-02 -1.99615031e-01 2.57059872e-01 -3.78587060e-02 -2.39542797e-01 -1.48687854e-01 2.11462706e-01 1.41777724e-01 -3.47456247e-01 3.87105614e-01 -5.74344397e-02 -1.44987879e-02 -3.52147013e-01 3.60899627e-01 -2.75283158e-01 -4.22609746e-01 -3.88288021e-01 2.69039571e-01 -2.23423868e-01 -5.83970398e-02 1.05991766e-01 2.58729249e-01 9.54351202e-02 4.68140870e-01 -2.67870963e-01 -9.62206349e-02 3.92442316e-01 2.09896296e-01 4.36013013e-01 -8.76169465e-03 -6.12393841e-02 -2.49807298e-01 -6.91663548e-02 2.41407752e-01 2.47792423e-01 -3.26763391e-01 -2.21258730e-01 -1.48821563e-01 1.46571770e-01 -6.23055249e-02 -2.45870680e-01 1.99130297e-01 1.32225230e-01 -5.95097169e-02 -1.75813556e-01 -2.05033630e-01 -2.97282543e-02 -2.83723414e-01 1.01162128e-01 -2.56214708e-01 7.41434619e-02 -3.71501774e-01 -1.59296021e-01 1.48791134e-01 2.21710861e-01 3.21660638e-01 -1.55468509e-01 2.66537994e-01 6.12295978e-02 -1.92729324e-01 -2.28694025e-02 -1.09003827e-01 7.03566730e-01 3.04345209e-02 -4.58460003e-01 1.57396421e-01 2.92430133e-01 1.56169444e-01 2.51596831e-02 -3.90648365e-01 4.23340738e-01 -7.25129396e-02 -3.41812104e-01 -1.25192225e-01 -1.69583187e-01 2.06065439e-02 -2.69448549e-01 -5.19481122e-01 -2.06070885e-01 2.85426348e-01 2.46948197e-01 -4.70981181e-01 2.89248943e-01 3.19045067e-01 5.23507223e-02 -3.70006442e-01 -3.51507217e-01 1.66773438e-01 2.99619325e-02 2.84122735e-01 -2.96393871e-01 -1.08313123e-02 -1.31848365e-01 -7.09939376e-02 7.94161484e-02 7.59800076e-02 -1.71124622e-01 -2.21126243e-01 -1.78016618e-01 1.44377068e-01 1.59455493e-01 3.07815243e-02 4.79551017e-01 2.15004563e-01 1.66847348e-01 -3.94161165e-01 -2.63819963e-01 -7.28919283e-02 5.14312536e-02 -1.08537413e-01 1.76527098e-01 2.26554543e-01 6.96658343e-02 7.39108548e-02 7.73635209e-02 2.43922863e-02 -1.77405670e-01 -1.45703614e-01 -1.15826689e-01 -2.26693958e-01 1.57355905e-01 -6.04215086e-01 5.24928510e-01 -1.28868848e-01 3.17597300e-01 -4.35636312e-01 -5.47609944e-03 1.71503216e-01 -1.25895543e-02 -2.12415621e-01 -2.23328814e-01 4.65658814e-01 -1.09010324e-01 1.54366016e-01 -2.05303848e-01 -5.52968800e-01 2.00838864e-01 -7.82217458e-02 -4.80304956e-01 9.89487693e-02 1.14268929e-01 6.85700327e-02 -7.02473879e-01 2.62368582e-02 -7.01271117e-01 1.02660969e-01 -1.84080943e-01 -7.17563331e-02 2.05832552e-02 -2.97055632e-01 -1.50953755e-01 2.10002974e-01 -7.43966326e-02 4.43903774e-01 1.95522547e-01 3.93265113e-02 2.55357742e-01 -3.19452491e-03 2.94532716e-01 -1.09309487e-01 1.68032914e-01 -1.04482681e-01 -1.32352412e-01 3.25903714e-01 -2.38729245e-03 1.03831291e-01 1.72281861e-01 -1.69782966e-01 7.01552182e-02 1.90085117e-02 -3.44943941e-01 -1.46987826e-01 1.64028779e-01 -2.22253576e-01 -2.88271010e-01 -4.04405832e-01 2.59691119e-01 1.58252507e-01 -2.33373344e-01 -5.37650958e-02 -1.55270845e-01 -2.27658987e-01 -1.62087288e-02 -1.43636130e-02 -2.62869567e-01 -2.43282080e-01 4.54467446e-01 2.26802796e-01 -9.76550430e-02 5.01013339e-01 -6.61708787e-02 4.23647523e-01 2.47564629e-01 3.59887928e-01 1.13256006e-02 7.88166001e-02 -1.51165575e-01 -2.82671839e-01 1.36137336e-01 2.56572999e-02 -6.06127642e-02 7.83100650e-02 -1.14399709e-01 -3.09407949e-01 -3.48238885e-01 7.94241205e-03 2.68190026e-01 2.73338288e-01 -1.17195517e-01 1.34225376e-02 -1.09119341e-01 -2.35096693e-01 2.40737841e-01 3.96072567e-01 -1.65025517e-01 2.07416713e-01 -4.86437649e-01 4.19499934e-01 -3.21304023e-01 7.40451440e-02 -2.31950924e-01 4.25509363e-01 -9.33612883e-02 -1.78225920e-01 3.97878557e-01 -3.85944635e-01 3.14550608e-01 2.58482128e-01 5.17563283e-01 4.37657297e-01 2.54212648e-01 -3.10793728e-01 7.31660351e-02 -2.17554912e-01 -9.17981640e-02 5.16669512e-01 -3.72736156e-01 -3.31217825e-01 2.12987536e-03 1.66152492e-01 -1.71180099e-01 2.80023199e-02 -7.18904585e-02 7.93568492e-02 -4.26101148e-01 -3.20400149e-01 -2.07833201e-01 2.67861277e-01 -2.38950923e-01 -2.64309287e-01 3.29280019e-01 -3.30890305e-02 2.14912057e-01 1.53313532e-01 -6.38954267e-02 -6.02998398e-02 1.70482859e-01 -2.83809513e-01 5.26381969e-01 3.92594695e-01 2.47128457e-01 2.11265147e-01 -2.15611100e-01 2.24463809e-02 -2.79153865e-02 -3.23866189e-01 -5.02090156e-02 6.21503592e-01 2.11196393e-01 -2.83201158e-01 5.57658263e-02 5.55365868e-02 -1.48840994e-01 -1.16740406e-01 1.48844883e-01 2.73912423e-03 -4.16993834e-02 -2.69255042e-01 9.29496065e-02 9.38233063e-02 -3.05082411e-01 -2.77043313e-01 3.79125416e-01 3.86061110e-02 4.15901363e-01 2.83547312e-01 1.32783556e+00 1.89433262e-01 4.59773630e-01 2.72006895e-02 7.29879066e-02 7.28784055e-02 -5.96253157e-01 3.01009417e-01 3.93761359e-02 2.04915553e-01 4.20123190e-02 -2.04058737e-01 2.66764872e-02 1.41591132e-01 -1.51733294e-01 -1.18111424e-01 -9.71679837e-02 1.16414644e-01 3.19513172e-01 -1.81073677e-02 -1.22191057e-01 -3.55888829e-02 2.04278916e-01 1.64716765e-01 2.46198043e-01 8.25217068e-02 -1.02161311e-01 -3.21479470e-01 3.80259395e-01 7.67878164e-03 7.77796656e-02 2.14439571e-01 -4.84436005e-01 1.89082175e-01 6.29397109e-02 -1.97283968e-01 -7.34159648e-02 2.47440591e-01 -9.62822363e-02 -2.29623988e-01 -7.71391243e-02 1.72973366e-03 3.97306234e-01 -2.18709618e-01 -4.92429323e-02 -7.75747299e-02 1.83929235e-01 1.43038198e-01 -8.80701691e-02 1.62657350e-01 -3.99448015e-02 -1.15189597e-01 -2.16317207e-01 1.24708839e-01 2.21947551e-01 -6.38954267e-02 4.14559692e-01 2.45054156e-01 -1.20651834e-01 -2.23406687e-01 1.74581185e-01 -1.22268043e-01 8.68156180e-02 -8.96216407e-02 -2.86943287e-01 -2.82036692e-01 -1.35201484e-01 4.90437925e-01 2.07212895e-01 -1.46911487e-01 1.02921143e-01 1.63709521e-01 -3.06424558e-01 -3.58162522e-01 -5.91054261e-02 -5.21032631e-01 -2.33466804e-01 -1.71143323e-01 -1.79658771e-01 -1.78042814e-01 1.36204600e-01 4.78390336e-01 2.53770441e-01 -2.42337972e-01 -2.12936461e-01 -1.37847483e-01 2.89940655e-01 1.10630564e-01 3.53505999e-01 2.76370108e-01 -1.01215523e-02 5.02762437e-01 4.79719229e-03 -1.56925112e-01 -3.88003707e-01 -2.17333320e-03 -1.25985250e-01 -1.93286985e-01 4.22102988e-01 -4.17525113e-01 7.85812587e-02 -2.19874099e-01 9.80945453e-02 2.47924045e-01 -1.39487937e-01 -1.62925467e-01 4.54536751e-02 1.50315776e-01 1.72610730e-01 -1.70686841e-01 -2.64037013e-01 2.34859288e-02 2.63791263e-01 -9.69663262e-03 2.37275630e-01 5.87660253e-01 3.46952975e-01 9.94507447e-02 -4.36226904e-01 3.04540902e-01 1.20494559e-01 -9.60355327e-02 1.07841603e-01 5.10146976e-01 -1.53565779e-01 -1.29909962e-02 -3.21339667e-01 5.94734848e-02 7.35696554e-02 5.53053260e-01 3.02116424e-02 4.09291387e-01 1.52388006e-01 -1.31598592e-01 -1.28679991e-01 3.74230370e-02 3.14240269e-02 1.17064483e-01 -4.25923675e-01 -2.60216087e-01 -2.00382799e-01 2.55131811e-01 9.90381371e-03 -1.11029804e-01 1.95142552e-02 1.81004524e-01 -1.03631355e-01 3.56543303e-01 1.72851339e-01 -7.08623588e-01 3.69855613e-02 2.83764843e-02 -2.04561856e-02 -2.87433863e-01 8.02742690e-02 1.04750089e-01 -1.29900247e-01 -3.04718941e-01 1.33379713e-01 3.79490674e-01 3.37559342e-01 1.06067978e-01 3.20182174e-01 2.21985444e-01 2.59438038e-01 4.40101027e-01 8.06525499e-02 1.54555187e-01 -1.76465347e-01 8.98756012e-02 -7.36434087e-02 3.20091546e-01 -1.26997948e-01 3.80188189e-02 1.28285848e-02 -5.86145977e-03 -3.60846996e-01 -1.19166210e-01 -1.27147242e-01 -1.74310118e-01 1.54289091e-02 -2.97492921e-01 1.80740073e-01 -1.76185563e-01 1.56629935e-01 1.48076057e-01 -1.93867072e-01 4.98682149e-02 -1.14243247e-01 -3.80602181e-02 2.22164407e-01 1.01629332e-01 2.79236436e-01 -1.83163628e-01 2.48080745e-01 3.09030652e-01 -2.42252415e-03 -9.34816077e-02 7.12702721e-02 2.65339196e-01 -1.98055968e-01 -1.44909412e-01 8.97843391e-03 -1.43272758e-01 3.27446498e-02 -1.36568755e-01 2.76551336e-01 9.05007571e-02 -6.99430630e-02 1.14311785e-01 1.54189110e-01 -2.63021976e-01 -2.63770342e-01 2.23310068e-01 3.87061566e-01 1.62807360e-01 1.43800661e-01 2.94037163e-02 -2.50932723e-01 3.19773912e-01 1.03143767e-01 -3.73937249e-01 -2.57639229e-01 1.78353656e-02 -2.10930824e-01 2.91455358e-01 -9.61049274e-02 1.04882002e-01 -8.49023685e-02 1.86730295e-01 -3.94312255e-02 -3.03267121e-01 2.23554701e-01 1.60262063e-01 -2.18930412e-02 2.30332941e-01 -1.07503414e-01 -1.17747359e-01 -1.12982564e-01 4.57345098e-02 2.00492159e-01 2.26368725e-01 -1.61042362e-02 1.17085069e-01 -4.82021421e-01 -4.86969888e-01 -1.35581344e-01 2.56797254e-01 2.08707094e-01 1.81755304e-01 2.31092032e-02 -2.53995329e-01 1.50026739e-01 -2.52561390e-01 1.39497370e-01 -1.14789873e-01 -1.30508542e-01 -8.92051384e-02 2.80641973e-01 3.08230937e-01 -7.86947459e-02 7.63620529e-03 -7.88788274e-02 -5.23815215e-01 1.74379155e-01 2.51632929e-01 6.37275875e-02 1.39893740e-01 1.58292428e-01 2.76178811e-02 -3.10026675e-01 7.04941154e-02 5.59960455e-02 7.84233734e-02 8.65736529e-02 3.67647827e-01 -3.95965517e-01 7.57327527e-02 -4.76486199e-02 7.08388016e-02 -1.76228926e-01 4.22518671e-01 7.23884702e-02 4.69808280e-02 6.94182189e-03 -9.39362273e-02 2.65993178e-01 -2.24679455e-01 -1.83168098e-01 -1.37134969e-01 1.10798702e-01 1.74650475e-01 1.31745860e-01 -3.27761978e-01 -2.89406832e-02 -3.96909527e-02 6.85734749e-02 -6.45134211e-01 -2.03038067e-01 -3.32261294e-01 -4.26691204e-01 -1.60542414e-01 2.28479952e-01 1.44401006e-02 -2.54907787e-01 -2.04188183e-01 4.58998457e-02]
"My waifu took my lifeu- ★☆☆☆☆" active "Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6939 and all accounts under Apple.Inc supporting SCP-6939 are to be blocked from public servers by Foundation Web-Crawler Delta-11 ("ANIMESUCKS"). This block is to be re-instated every fourteen days after it is forcefully removed by SCP-6939. Any device with SCP-6939 installed is to be confiscated, cleared, and returned. All persons that become aware of SCP-6939 are to be amnesitized. Description: SCP-6939 is an application for the Apple.Inc iOS Appstore titled 'Kawaru-Kawaru! Animeify YOURSELF TRANSFORMATION'. SCP-6939's anomalous effects appear upon opening and using the app. After pressing the 'start' button, the mascot from the application icon and opening screen will introduce itself as 'Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru' (Classified as SCP-6939-1), then begin to explain each feature and how to use it. After choosing a photo, the user will be directed to a menu that has several modification options available. When a user chooses a feature to change on their image, both the image and their actual face will morph to match the features chosen on SCP-6939. This will be done in a way that uses the existing facial features. This includes the cranial bones and facial bones expanding or contracting in size, the eye sockets, and eyeballs enlarging, overactive tear ducts, contracting of the nasal cavity, etc. All users of SCP-6939 to date have died due to complications of the deformities caused by SCP-6939 being unable to be supported by the human body. SCP-6939-1 is the mascot of the application which has demonstrated sentience and the ability to answer direct questions from users, even if spoken aloud. SCP-6939-1 is fully animated and able to interact with different features of the app. SCP-6939-1 often attempts to persuade the user to make certain choices when using SCP-6939. SCP-6939-1 has been observed to be able to be active on more than one device at a time. For the effects of SCP-6939 to occur, a subject must upload their image to the application. No effects will occur if the user only uploads their image but does not use any of the features of SCP-6939. In order for SCP-6939-1 to communicate with the user, they must upload an image of themself. When SCP-6939-1 communicates with a user, its speech is both audible and on the screen in a text box. It has been concluded that SCP-6939-1 can hear the reader through their device due to its ability to respond to audible conversation. It is currently unknown if SCP-6939-1 anomalously makes the user select certain choices due to suggestion or if all users chose the options on their own. The Foundation became aware of SCP-6939 when news and media coverage of SCP-6939 and the string of deaths attached surfaced. Mentions of the mascot of the app talking directly to the user also came up in the initial reports of SCP-6939. Addendum-1-Interviews: To learn more about SCP-6939 and SCP-6939-1, the Foundation downloaded SCP-6939 onto a spare smartphone. Currently, no reports of a subject being forced to use SCP-6939's features have surfaced, but the full extent of SCP-6939-1's abilities of persuasion are currently unknown. Due to this, the Foundation had a picture of D-88977 uploaded onto SCP-6939 and tasked D-88977 with interviewing SCP-6939-1. Interviewed: SCP-6939-1 Interviewer: D-88977 Foreword: The first interview that was conducted with SCP-6939-1. D-88977 was instructed to attempt to learn as much about how SCP-6939 functions as possible. <Begin Log> SCP-6939-1: Hello user! My name is Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru, and I will be your guide to becoming the true anime self that I know is inside you! Please press the 'upload image' to start! (SCP-6939-1 points to a set of two buttons reading 'Upload Image' and 'Take Picture'.) (D-88977 does as instructed and is brought to a screen where their image is taking up half of the screen, save for a scroll panel of the different features of SCP-6939.) SCP-6939-1: So to start, you just choose with the feature you want to go with- D-88977: (Turns to Researcher Cherry.) Hey uh I know how to how to use this app you guys told me can I skip the tutorial somehow? SCP-6939-1: Oh wow! That was fucking rude! I wasn't finished talking ya know! Can I please finish? D-88977: O-Oh uh… hey? I mean I don't really see a reason to they told me how to use your app- SCP-6939-1: They? Who are they? (SCP-6939-1's eyes turn into hearts.) OMG! Did a friend recommend you to me? How amazing! I hope they were satisfied with their experience! Please tell them to drop a review on the App Store if they haven't already! D-88977: Yeah uh, a friend. We'll go with that. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to give you a review though. SCP-6939-1: Oh that's too bad! How are other people supposed to know the quality of my service if they don't rate it? (SCP-6939-1 crosses its arms, but quickly unfolds them with a smile.) That doesn't matter, we've talked too much. Let's start getting you anime-ified! D-88977: Well uh personally I'm not really interested in getting 'anime-ified', I honestly just downloaded this app so I could talk to you. SCP-6939-1: Oh really? That's so sweet! But trust me, sweetie, with one eye slightly bigger than the other and a crooked nose, you definitely need it. D-88977: (Scoffs.) Hey, I'm not insulting your appearance. SCP-6939-1:, Of course, you're not, I'm adorable. Now can we please work on… whatever you have going on here? It looks like someone punched you. Like a truck actually. It looks like a truck punched you. Or hit you, actually. D-88977: That's just my face! SCP-6939-1: (SCP-6939-1 does not respond for three seconds.) Oh… well that's why I need to help you! If you're not interested in my services right now I'll give you some time to think about it. Come back later. Bye! <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-6939-1 did not respond to any more of D-88977's questions, simply only continuing with the tutorial of the application. Interviewed: SCP-6939-1 Interviewer: D-88977 Foreword: D-88977 was tasked with attempting conversation with SCP-6939-1 once more, this time with an emphasis on asking it more questions pertaining directly to its anomaly. <Begin Log> SCP-6939-1: Hello user! My name is Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru, and I will be your guide to becoming the true anime self that I know is inside you! Please press the 'upload image' to start! (SCP-6939-1 points to a set of two buttons reading 'Upload Image' and 'Take Picture'.) (D-88977 does as instructed and is brought to a screen where their image is taking up half of the screen, save for a scroll panel of the different features of SCP-6939.) SCP-6939-1: Oh hey there truck face! Back to finally accept my advice and become awesome looking like me? D-88977: Uh no, not exactly. They- uh… my friend wanted me to ask you some more direct questions… about your app. SCP-6939-1: Oh must we not talk about me! I mean seriously, you have looked in a mirror recently, right? D-88977: Hey! (D-88977 grips the phone tightly, elevating it.) For the love of god you ungrateful brat just answer some questions goddamn it! SCP-6939-1: (Laughs.) Okay, okay. Since you're so pressed about it fine. What do ya wanna know? How I came up with this brilliant idea? D-88977: Uh I mean that would be a nice start, yes. (Looks at a piece of paper containing interview questions.) Were you created with this app? Or did you exist beforehand? SCP-6939-1: I mean the app was my idea. I kinda like, manifested it into existence. One day it didn't exist, the next I was suddenly sharing my app with everyone. What a boring question. D-88977: Okay then, uh, I guess I'll go with another one. Why do you always insult people's appearance? I mean they downloaded the app willingly. I'm sure they wanted to use the app, I think you insulting them is gonna deter them from using it if anything. SCP-6939-1: I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just being honest. Humans have so many imperfections. Imperfections make you ugly. I on the other hand? I'm an anime girl. I'm adorable. I mean who wouldn't want to look as cute as me? D-88977: You are… very self-absorbed. SCP-6939-1: Self-absorbed? That's not what I would call it. Personally, I think I'm being quite nice compared to how some others would act. People are vicious. D-88977: What is that supposed to mean? SCP-6939-1: What, you think I created these beauty standards? You should know that beauty is only made up of certain qualities. D-88977: Like what? SCP-6939-1: Oh come on. Don't tell me you haven't seen how people react to anime girls. Everyone adores them with their big eyes, small nose, perfect skin. What do humans have, huh? Pimples, dry skin, small eyes. People make fun of each other for imperfect qualities. Don't you know people have tried to get along with looking how they are? It doesn't work. Sure, some people post about how awesome irl people look. But it's never your average day person. It's always some celebrity done up in makeup or edited. Or it's an Instagram star all with colored hair all made up like an anime character. Or cosplaying an existing anime character. It's always 'look how cute she is' or 'this is my waifu'. I mean it isn't just anime, I know. Animated people in general, anime or not. But come on. A lot of the time if a cartoon is too stylized people will make fun of it for not being perfect or pretty enough. Making fun of visual styles, making fun of people for being ugly, it all comes down to the same thing which is what I was saying earlier. People have standards. For most people, anime is that standard. I don't see why they wouldn't want to become anime. D-88977: First of all, a lot of people don't like how anime looks. and second of all… people don't actually become anime when they use your app. They die. SCP-6939-1: (SCP-6939-1 laughs.) Of what, cuteness? D-88977: No! Their heads like burst open cause they expand in size. And their eye sockets grow big and their noses turn so small they can't breathe. Humans can't have realistic anime features! Don't you wonder why they don't respond after using your app? It's because they die! You're killing people, not helping them! SCP-6939-1: (Does not respond for four seconds.) Oh. Well, that's not my fault. D-88977: Yes! Yes, it is! It is precisely your fault! Researcher Cherry: D-88977, please calm down. Arguing with it like this isn't going to get you anywhere. SCP-6939-1: Oh my gosh! Is that your friend? Did he recommend me? Hi! I'm glad you- well according to truck face here everyone that uses my app dies so you must have just thought it seemed cool without trying it yourself. I can't see you because I don't have your picture but if I did I bet I could make some pretty helpful suggestions! D-88977: (Let's out a low indistinguishable mutter.) Whatever. So what is your goal with this? If you don't care that it's killing people, is your goal to hurt them? SCP-6939-1: Um noooo, my goal is to make everyone cute like me! I resent you claiming I'm not helping people because I so am! Don't you see? I thought I already made this clear to you but maybe your ugliness is affecting your brain. The people that use my app made the choice to. No one forced them, you even that said that. They were insecure with themselves. Deep down, we're all insecure. We all hate our looks because no one ever accepts us as we are. Why do you think they hide behind avatars online? They downloaded this app, they made the changes I told them to even AFTER I insulted them! And do you know why? Because they KNOW I'm right! Maybe it sounds like I'm being mean, but I'm not saying anything they're not already silently screaming at themselves every time they look in the mirror. Their willingness to go through with this must mean they understand what must be done to achieve true beauty. Die or not at least they looked good before they did it. D-88977: Oh…Oh my god…Look dude… I-I was on death row cause I killed my ex's new boyfriend she left me for and his family and this is pretty messed up even for me. Researcher Cherry: You're getting too worked up. Let's end this for today. SCP-6939-1: Bye! But next time we talk you really should take my advice. Here's a freebee cause I'm so nice- maybe your wife wouldn't have left you if you weren't so ugly. D-88977: YOU LITTLE- (D-88977 smashes the phone SCP-6939 and SCP-6939-1 was displayed on onto the floor, smashing it with his foot.) <End Log> Closing Statement: D-88977 was quickly restrained by Researcher Cherry and brought back to holding. Following this incident, D-88977 was reassigned to another project. Additional Notes: This interview led the Foundation to discover that even though a picture must be uploaded to S SCP-6939 for SCP-6939-1 one to communicate, the picture does not have to be of the person talking, as uploading a picture will enable SCP-6939-1's ability to hear its surroundings. However, the image must be original and not from an external source. SCP-6939-1 can detect this and will refuse to allow the user to use SCP-6939 until an original image is uploaded. Addendum-2: On 10/28/2016, Foundation researchers tracked down the IP address of the first device SCP-6939 manifested on. The location the device was discovered in was the home of Caroline Thummers, a beauty consultant for a local company. The device SCP-6939 first manifested on belonged to Bella Thummers, Caroline Thummers' daughter who had died a week prior to discovery. When asked about SCP-6939, Thummers explained she had no knowledge of SCP-6939. Interviewed: SCP-6939-1 Interviewer: Researcher Cherry Foreword: Upon the discovery of the above information, Researcher Cherry conducted an interview with SCP-6939-1 by uploading an image of D-09334. <Begin Log> SCP-6939-1: Hello user! My name is Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru, and I will be your guide to becoming the true anime self that I know is inside you! Please press the 'upload picture' to start! (SCP-6939-1 points to a set of two buttons reading 'Upload Image' and 'Take Picture'.) (Researcher Cherry does as instructed and is brought to a screen where their image is taking up nearly the whole screen, save for a scroll panel of the different features of SCP-6939.) SCP-6939-1: Oh wow! Not the worst I've seen but- wait… this isn't an image of you! But it's not an existing one! What? You tricked me! Researcher Cherry: SCP-6939-1, I'm not here to talk about me. I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't want to risk side effects. SCP-6939-1: Like what, of you deciding to follow my advice? Considering you don't want to show your face you're probably super ugly. Look it's okay. I understand, you're ashamed of your appearance. But I'm your friend! I'm here to help.! Also, my name isn't some random code, it's Kawaru-Kawaru-Itsuwaru! Researcher Cherry: Okay, Kawaru. Well, you revealed previously that you suddenly manifested into existence one day. We have found the device that your app first appeared on. When we talked with the woman that lived there, she said her daughter had passed away a week before, and that the phone we found it on belonged to her. SCP-6939-1: (SCP-6939-1's expression flattens.) You need to stop digging around, mister. You might not like what you find. Researcher Cherry: Well Kawaru, why do you say that? Don't you think it's important that the girl who owned the phone that first had your app is deceased? SCP-6939-1: Why does is it matter that she's gone now? I mean she tried to make herself beautiful, and it killed her. But that's okay. Why be alive for a century if you're ugly when you can be alive for just your teenage years and be beautiful? Now upload an image of yourself, or I'm done answering questions. Researcher Cherry: I'm not going to do that. SCP-6939-1: Alright then. You made your choice. When you're ready to ascend, let me know. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-6939-1 refused to answer any more questions, simply only reverting back to its programmed dialogue upon being asked any questions about itself. No more interviews are to be attempted with SCP-6939-1 until further notice. « SCP-6938 | SCP-6939 | SCP-6940 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6939" by DianaBerry, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Kawaru Author: DianaBerry License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-6939-1 during the beginning of the tutorial phase of SCP-6939."
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1.78571060e-01 -2.40392447e-01 2.19935268e-01 -4.62795466e-01 4.36336666e-01 4.55328196e-01 -2.27432981e-01 1.49417415e-01 -1.50557011e-01 9.00671110e-02 3.81918132e-01 -1.25864938e-01 6.60428107e-02 7.06684440e-02 1.84677895e-02 1.61770478e-01 -3.27403873e-01 3.42370689e-01 -8.31703544e-02 -1.09261408e-01 -4.77134705e-01 -8.38580634e-03 -6.64153546e-02 -6.69341581e-03 8.75576064e-02 -3.69728684e-01 -9.12513435e-02 6.14394844e-02 -5.78358062e-02 2.76627801e-02 -2.34069359e-02 5.69526777e-02 -2.66700268e-01 -2.91983694e-01 1.68343395e-01 -5.11063695e-01 2.79764324e-01 3.83591354e-02 -4.23711360e-01 1.08065993e-01 1.15593791e-01 2.12111145e-01 -3.47301513e-02 -4.91124779e-01 -2.32709378e-01 2.52632856e-01 1.79983273e-01 2.04538763e-01 1.74155772e-01 2.24239290e-01 -2.57432699e-01 -2.68553048e-01 1.39596919e-02 -1.27910614e-01 -1.87158644e-01 -7.80841932e-02 -3.68849635e-01 9.21180919e-02 -1.06042847e-01 3.90677840e-01 3.57744992e-01 5.03329396e-01 -1.26769066e-01 -1.07559159e-01 -1.71144065e-02 -5.57590388e-02 -2.24187464e-01 1.93958785e-02 -1.71300456e-01 3.85898128e-02 -4.90530245e-02 1.80792406e-01 -1.82389945e-01 4.09773039e-03 -6.06713966e-02 -2.14674532e-01 -7.16372654e-02 1.79496750e-01 3.11692744e-01 3.13615203e-01 1.71649677e-03 -6.11414462e-02 -3.53262201e-03 -1.65483147e-01 1.26711115e-01 1.90253884e-01 3.45480740e-02 -1.35421857e-01 -7.73356706e-02 1.96178824e-01 -1.16926625e-01 -6.06266335e-02 2.06101406e-02 6.55199140e-02 -1.23359442e-01 6.66649789e-02 3.35915565e-01 5.51367924e-02 8.47907811e-02 3.13401222e-02 9.06508192e-02 7.52654076e-02 -1.55861631e-01 -1.48970097e-01 -3.39190662e-01 -2.01784343e-01 -4.81641851e-02 1.70221031e-02 -6.91739544e-02 3.23456787e-02 -1.11912824e-01 3.27079386e-01 -2.09011808e-01 2.07252443e-01 -2.22841680e-01 -1.66372433e-01 -2.87409663e-01 3.46677825e-02 -3.06545906e-02 -1.83848947e-01 -5.19424379e-01 8.86518806e-02 -4.51179385e-01 1.12591423e-01 8.55245739e-02 1.47736207e-01 -5.07502109e-02 -7.17295110e-01 -8.89085084e-02 5.03981039e-02 2.01446593e-01 -1.98312998e-02 1.92474082e-01 -1.50803225e-02 5.70262492e-01 -4.29654270e-02 -5.36854342e-02 -4.08711322e-02 1.41427040e-01 4.02197361e-01 -1.45816639e-01 3.34114641e-01 1.04237795e-01 -1.49490371e-01 1.79821014e-01 1.51714057e-01 -5.10887563e-01 -2.07822964e-01 -1.26902655e-01 1.99336201e-01 7.47278482e-02 -6.11096501e-01 1.54362425e-01 4.43295836e-01 -2.97457799e-02 -1.00624830e-01 -1.80591643e-01 8.25385526e-02 -1.55950159e-01 -2.02340305e-01 -3.90976757e-01 -1.13254786e-01 -1.70256749e-01 -1.68044493e-02 -4.83415723e-02 8.84127766e-02 1.82432801e-01 8.21103826e-02 9.83601995e-03 1.65191349e-02 -1.29727170e-01 4.62169677e-01 -2.06549503e-02 2.79582322e-01 1.33307621e-01 -5.33999741e-01 -2.33956203e-02 1.44548118e-01 1.09741725e-01 -7.44346976e-02 -2.42002487e-01 1.47870947e-02 -1.65146545e-01 -2.64483560e-02 4.76502553e-02 1.13936521e-01 2.12421529e-02 -1.81904018e-01 -3.20046097e-02 -2.84225374e-01 -3.68725359e-01 3.77671085e-02 -2.75437266e-01 5.32923453e-02 9.79073718e-02 1.89903826e-01 2.64937878e-01 -3.82851839e-01 1.82767913e-01 1.39827132e-01 2.93643344e-02 -1.49250701e-01 2.25604847e-01 -3.16304356e-01 -4.44111601e-02 1.20846674e-01 -1.02889203e-01 -8.45626593e-02 2.87063811e-02 -2.32773647e-01 1.39357343e-01 1.12596519e-01 -1.72364980e-01 -1.28230695e-02 2.50605285e-01 -7.07352906e-02 -3.37009609e-01 -1.93244830e-01 -1.30746186e-01 -1.88307613e-02 -1.72400847e-01 4.58365530e-02 -7.77149424e-02 1.07457839e-01 1.20017424e-01 -6.55717969e-01 -5.50695397e-02 -1.34815648e-01 -8.22189450e-03 -6.36227950e-02 -7.33099729e-02 2.16075048e-01 -1.00935310e-01 1.50701627e-01 -1.83321640e-01 5.00361264e-01 -2.54130900e-01 1.10593461e-01 1.27104567e-02 1.59882501e-01 -1.24167211e-01 2.16541961e-01 -2.90633440e-02 -5.70345633e-02 -3.24131586e-02 7.50465505e-03 -3.22674364e-01 3.37227792e-01 -1.41032130e-01 -2.32819900e-01 3.34912390e-02 8.88808891e-02 -2.58276612e-01 -3.41777474e-01 7.36754201e-03 -5.23729146e-01 -1.49414033e-01 2.94035468e-02 6.48673773e-02 1.11827264e-02 -1.39855608e-01 3.68558079e-01 1.78943589e-01 -1.51880190e-01 4.82422024e-01 -1.71440411e-02 1.38705701e-01 4.26475883e-01 2.99267620e-01 6.29246116e-01 3.85161400e-01 -2.33267751e-02 -2.47440621e-01 -2.22376183e-01 -8.69301036e-02 1.57573849e-01 6.99918419e-02 5.85714951e-02 -9.00048465e-02 4.38071676e-02 -1.43904552e-01 -3.39567691e-01 -3.89805079e-01 6.10572845e-02 2.93235987e-01 -9.98011082e-02 -3.93790811e-01 3.16802233e-01 1.63452029e-02 -3.02630007e-01 4.83941697e-02 -1.03683025e-01 -7.12568313e-02 1.03732854e-01 7.48407245e-02 -1.42334700e-01 -4.56945412e-02 8.44437703e-02 7.60857403e-01 -5.62672392e-02 9.28859636e-02 -1.03708684e-01 2.12102726e-01 -2.41909400e-01 4.31225091e-01 -1.68135732e-01 2.62716234e-01 -4.53074798e-02 -1.52526915e-01 3.84590328e-01 -1.20128900e-01 3.67095232e-01 -5.42901792e-02 -6.05872832e-02 -4.62377727e-01 -6.06976599e-02 -5.56845367e-02 7.49522150e-01 1.17725693e-01 -2.70883590e-01 -2.38918560e-03 2.59146243e-01 1.17315389e-02 2.81456202e-01 4.12308067e-01 1.13463566e-01 1.26061469e-01 -3.55014116e-01 2.32965812e-01 1.31103657e-02 1.03998534e-01 -1.77664664e-02 1.56002864e-01 -2.06639513e-01 -1.78219721e-01 1.94988817e-01 -2.65385449e-01 7.44400203e-01 -9.74367633e-02 2.41451591e-01 2.24746764e-01 2.28466973e-01 -1.65609084e-02 8.78463984e-02 -1.03188723e-01 -4.14610028e-01 4.07610327e-01 -2.34311104e-01 2.14377090e-01 -2.78860815e-02 -2.99011581e-02 -1.27242669e-01 -8.64646733e-02 -1.42356992e-01 -2.67598387e-02 -4.40886796e-01 -2.60364324e-01 3.54695432e-02 4.24059741e-02 -3.31664830e-01 -1.73804700e-01 -2.42131222e-02 -2.83954710e-01 -8.44708756e-02 1.77189842e-01 2.87511408e-01 -2.07277745e-01 2.38187790e-01 -2.97493458e-01 2.10371390e-01 5.11960462e-02 2.28080302e-01 2.40487397e-01 3.47593248e-01 -3.39011103e-01 2.55560391e-02 3.75229344e-02 4.35158378e-03 6.09563887e-01 2.07235470e-01 -9.97437537e-02 4.13153231e-01 3.47716987e-01 -3.45501453e-02 2.17210412e-01 1.03805615e-02 -1.22024352e-02 2.50445276e-01 -4.85621281e-02 4.57162052e-01 5.95008284e-02 -2.45978028e-01 -4.32875425e-01 1.95059359e-01 -1.74525350e-01 2.05412894e-01 6.41665637e-01 1.39107299e+00 1.56082034e-01 1.34412110e-01 1.86122909e-01 -6.93358257e-02 2.36660227e-01 -4.29153860e-01 1.13347888e-01 7.71409646e-02 -1.66091397e-01 -1.78730592e-01 -7.94224963e-02 3.33410092e-02 -8.06822330e-02 -5.11778474e-01 -2.55578786e-01 -2.07519367e-01 1.51883498e-01 2.82656163e-01 3.60683531e-01 1.32046267e-01 -1.47326782e-01 -6.56253844e-02 2.31247887e-01 3.90674174e-02 1.18466482e-01 1.29770443e-01 -1.93461135e-01 -6.51281849e-02 3.13983262e-01 7.77529180e-02 3.19279134e-01 -2.09981084e-01 2.60025263e-01 -1.65678054e-01 6.81040436e-02 -2.72375107e-01 2.85733819e-01 9.42393243e-02 -2.36861765e-01 -1.38680041e-01 4.05821234e-01 5.60338497e-01 -4.95043136e-02 -3.28739196e-01 7.07037151e-02 3.05331826e-01 -1.90297335e-01 -1.63882777e-01 3.42118680e-01 2.04127133e-01 3.34301829e-01 -5.95858574e-01 -8.64633545e-03 8.12259391e-02 -3.04012420e-03 -3.12324055e-02 1.31839886e-01 -2.64217943e-01 9.82055813e-03 1.27944008e-01 -9.12179146e-03 -2.46496513e-01 3.61566170e-04 -5.62260486e-02 -1.84181139e-01 -1.68424115e-01 4.51301247e-01 -1.00543402e-01 1.62924081e-01 2.04452470e-01 2.28166766e-03 -7.09394179e-03 -3.14769328e-01 -3.56649011e-01 -3.73947084e-01 -1.56475157e-01 -1.18540466e-01 5.58388904e-02 -5.10236323e-01 -3.15356664e-02 1.52886331e-01 3.87652181e-02 1.25396326e-01 -1.63799316e-01 -1.83304742e-01 -1.91603646e-01 -2.13174552e-01 1.59229159e-01 1.85932726e-01 -1.59355521e-01 5.67993104e-01 1.17252238e-01 4.80843961e-01 -3.72958660e-01 -6.30009994e-02 8.12167972e-02 -2.02625945e-01 -1.49507761e-01 -3.95135611e-01 -1.13078386e-01 -1.01900496e-01 1.98275998e-01 5.34271419e-01 -4.36083078e-01 -2.06531659e-01 -2.48610899e-01 1.64994895e-01 1.52640328e-01 -4.77490366e-01 -1.53880298e-01 3.98787349e-01 3.19064587e-01 1.54584929e-01 1.48180753e-01 -7.18055060e-03 1.87797219e-01 6.89634904e-02 -3.65284890e-01 7.08553148e-03 1.90656129e-02 -2.17542965e-02 1.70996696e-01 1.62825063e-01 1.28103167e-01 2.21821875e-03 -4.32826057e-02 2.06333045e-02 2.70949334e-01 1.55253902e-01 -2.20560864e-01 1.98413044e-01 9.09505785e-03 1.26298562e-01 -3.07512522e-01 -1.68898165e-01 -2.92547047e-01 1.56855226e-01 -2.99827486e-01 -2.03213632e-01 -1.18077405e-01 2.78249830e-01 -1.31341428e-01 9.80236903e-02 -1.38364688e-01 -3.52532864e-02 -2.47826427e-01 1.75076723e-01 -2.37321079e-01 -3.92439514e-01 -8.73602629e-02 9.98983234e-02 -3.05124223e-01 -9.02612880e-02 -4.38460298e-02 4.69544679e-01 -5.37801504e-01 -1.01666432e-02 9.88500491e-02 1.83529422e-01 3.59692067e-01 2.12047566e-02 -8.98501500e-02 1.36948645e-01 -4.17043000e-01 5.08134305e-01 2.60041654e-01 1.31660938e-01 3.23071666e-02 2.24427104e-01 -6.15538597e-01 3.26960295e-01 2.69310236e-01 -1.19440310e-01 -3.32747512e-02 -8.89417529e-02 6.25745356e-02 1.43192098e-01 6.25387952e-02 -2.47136457e-04 3.31238098e-02 -8.60318467e-02 -3.70245248e-01 -5.52857965e-02 1.04337655e-01 -1.35638565e-01 -1.46398515e-01 3.27264875e-01 -3.09358150e-01 9.02878866e-02 -4.18852538e-01 1.94013789e-01 4.19983298e-01 -1.99068248e-01 -1.32137816e-02 6.38248384e-01 -3.12846340e-02 1.81404740e-01 -6.88835755e-02 2.72445530e-01 -1.52283432e-02 2.51266751e-02 2.70007730e-01 1.44326493e-01 -2.08857223e-01 -2.27418207e-02 7.18231425e-02 3.00742656e-01 3.03282067e-02 7.42962658e-02 2.52387136e-01 -2.37817168e-01 -1.18583038e-01 -6.03252882e-03 4.87139970e-01 -2.90103346e-01 5.94656505e-02 -1.20741934e-01 -2.60857105e-01 -4.04032469e-02 2.48553216e-01 -2.63387054e-01 4.23914224e-01 -2.17558354e-01 -3.27744484e-01 2.93267041e-01 -5.90383671e-02 9.00281817e-02 -1.84323221e-01 2.28983179e-01 2.52558708e-01 3.50553985e-03 2.54833460e-01 2.92041674e-02 -2.92995214e-01 1.01227583e-02 2.33422458e-01 -1.02333101e-02 2.93141276e-01 -2.02820107e-01 -1.10298187e-01 1.15183949e-01 -1.39888972e-01 2.58507788e-01 -8.19977298e-02 2.46395305e-01 -2.13796049e-01 9.24610049e-02 1.26023188e-01 8.62364769e-02 1.71115488e-01 -5.08208983e-02 4.74443316e-01 3.59883271e-02 1.57469243e-01 4.19825613e-02 -3.49960327e-01 -2.60970294e-01 4.26132709e-01 7.85789371e-01 2.28519782e-01 -2.09739819e-01 -1.89199924e-01 -3.10681611e-01 2.23537073e-01 4.09964472e-01 -3.02880287e-01 2.59148449e-01 1.93520769e-01 5.10517061e-01 1.72107413e-01 1.09317467e-01 2.29587276e-02 2.53491312e-01 8.25064257e-02 -8.92818570e-02 -2.12768644e-01 -2.76108161e-02 -3.71601544e-02 -1.99126452e-02 1.23615488e-01 4.16222662e-01 9.00819600e-02 9.13644210e-02 -1.28256291e-01 -2.01576516e-01 5.38680851e-01 -8.15066770e-02 -1.34640768e-01 -1.32392496e-01 -3.91268842e-02 2.64830864e-03 -1.18547060e-01 -4.92641658e-01 -5.36222644e-02 1.89901423e-02 7.96501711e-02 -2.16764033e-01 -2.98589151e-02 -6.21216036e-02 -1.93337202e-01 -2.46874347e-01 4.24553722e-01 3.22228253e-01 -1.69620246e-01 7.40616843e-02 -8.40851143e-02]
"Beyond the Door and Through the Trees" active "N/A ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. Notice from the Head of SCP-6940 containment The following document mentions an anti-nomenclative entity. To prevent anti-nomenclative effects, the distinct designation of the respected entity is replaced with stretches of blank space. This is currently the most effective means of referring to such an entity. Item #: SCP-6940 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: The land containing SCP-6940 has been purchased and re-classified as private property. Due to the topological inconsistencies within SCP-6940, and the threat its inhabitants potentially present, no further attempts to explore beyond SCP-6940-1 are to be performed. Personnel sent to explore SCP-6940 are to be supplied with copies of Document 6940-2A and 2B. Subjects are to be ammnesticized following a post-exploration interview. Standard hypnotherapy techniques should be utilised for acquiring comprehensive statements. SCP-6940-1 is to be examined weekly. If smoke levels begin to decrease, Document-6940-2A and B are to be read aloud in the direct presence of the one who won the war in their entirety. This is to be performed in-person by an adult human female sharing near-identical ethnicity and hair colour as the worker born in poverty. A full list of such personnel can be found in Document-6940-1C. Description: SCP-6940 is an extra-dimensional location accessible through a miniature wooden door. The door is attached to the base of an oak tree located in a forest in Oxford, England (Site-6940). On the front of the door is a small wooden placard that reads: "Governing Bodies of the Forbidden and Lost". SCP-6940 resembles a forested area containing multiple natural pathways. Its layout is inconsistent, often altering between visits. Multiple clearings have been reported throughout SCP-6940 by visiting personnel. Upon entering such a clearing, the surrounding greenery is said to re-structure to reveal additional paths, and cover those previously traveled. Additional pathways will similarly open, reshape, and close off as subjects attempt to leave, making navigation extremely difficult. Subjects lost in this manner remain so following additional explorations. The only means of leaving SCP-6940 is for subjects to go to sleep after reading/listening to the contents of Document 6940-2A and 2B. Subjects that do so will manifest in the location where they last fell asleep outside of SCP-6940. In-place of the subject's copy of Document 6940-2A and 2B will be [REDACTED] softback or hardback, depending on the reader's preference. After returning, subjects will temporarily experience deja-vu whenever perceiving auditory or visual phenomena similar to anything they encountered within SCP-6940. Without suitable amnestic treatment, subjects will become convinced that their time in SCP-6940 was just a dream. Personnel are unable to recall details regarding the clearings they encountered, often claiming to have gradually forgotten such memories while backtracking or upon waking up. Only the vague concept of such places containing entities, structures, and other items implying occupancy will remain. In most recorded cases, subjects mention wooden sign posts shaped like arrows pointing towards the clearings. Attached to each of these signs will always be a blank wooden placard. Subjects returning from these locations will often describe having sustained physical injuries, presumably related to what they encountered. Notable recurring examples have included: SCP-6940-1 is a single clearing not affected by topological inconsistencies. The path leading to SCP-6940-1 may be crossed without issue. Within the centre of SCP-6940-1 is a small cottage with a thatched roof. A stone chimney built into the cottage consistently releases white smoke into the air, which rises into and engulfs the sky of SCP-6940. The interior is scarcely decorated, containing only an unlit fireplace with a broken overmantel mirror and a single twin-sized bed, in which that restless orphan lays. the name taker is a Type Green humanoid entity with anti-nomenclative properties. These features prevent the one forever dreaming from being referred to directly by name, title, or identity. Attempts to do so result in the loss of a subject’s primary name, title, or metaphysical property identifying them as an individual. one never granted their own name is unconscious, and does not physically age or suffer any malnourishment from a lack of sustenance. White billowing smoke is consistently produced from the top of the head, which floats towards the fireplace and up through the chimney. Failure to regularly read Documents 6940-2A and B within that factory worker's presence will cause the book's protagonist to toss and turn while sleeping, until appearing to almost wake up. During extended periods of such bouts, the smoke within SCP-6940 will begin to clear, revealing smoke much darker and ashier in appearance. Along with this, subjects post-exploration clearly recall the smells of rust and metal. It is unknown what will occur if that nameless weapon awakens. Access Document 6940-2A and 2B" nan
[ 2.05335885e-01 1.07469544e-01 -1.74570069e-01 1.08939651e-02 -2.28164345e-01 -5.35778284e-01 4.66035679e-02 -3.68795656e-02 -2.55607724e-01 -9.03941039e-03 2.42321596e-01 5.55162489e-01 -2.16578543e-02 -1.33956671e-01 1.12019777e-01 -1.09145358e-01 1.06048517e-01 -8.01304877e-02 -1.18348368e-01 -1.93373516e-01 -4.53462571e-01 -2.14111522e-01 -4.99048606e-02 9.86473933e-02 2.13878285e-02 6.11229278e-02 -2.84382850e-01 2.14761943e-01 1.28986118e-02 -2.38671854e-01 -2.10640341e-01 5.67323677e-02 -1.22186027e-01 5.90784788e-01 -1.03365564e-04 -7.45835826e-02 7.68928155e-02 7.31530115e-02 -3.95481527e-01 1.04486294e-01 -2.48043388e-01 1.05600104e-01 1.65484622e-01 -2.97341973e-01 -4.91919406e-02 -1.22484155e-01 2.13652924e-01 2.00353429e-01 3.64169747e-01 1.76220417e-01 2.41164804e-01 -2.29089484e-01 3.77341926e-01 -1.53568417e-01 -8.47937912e-02 4.68676001e-01 -3.95453759e-02 -1.53566435e-01 3.13431799e-01 3.19141150e-01 -2.22425133e-01 9.40878838e-02 -3.53235155e-02 -1.50822952e-01 3.78754258e-01 -2.97502995e-01 2.64550775e-01 -3.19329463e-02 -1.40025571e-01 1.23812489e-01 2.38202408e-01 -8.57004076e-02 -3.28915596e-01 -1.16097942e-01 -3.87830973e-01 4.49083699e-03 1.84504464e-01 9.44878012e-02 -7.62285590e-02 2.19922736e-01 8.75395630e-03 1.69123173e-01 -3.38306248e-01 2.22374395e-01 -3.09375346e-01 -9.95079149e-03 -5.41350320e-02 -1.97175667e-02 2.85737395e-01 -3.02558094e-02 -2.53925417e-02 1.25900254e-01 -1.46010444e-01 6.95359847e-03 1.22301601e-01 -2.01134413e-01 3.13822687e-01 2.29320094e-01 1.43057823e-01 3.44190836e-01 3.35237145e-01 2.87366241e-01 -9.02824998e-02 1.30057335e-01 2.08798558e-01 -1.09226778e-01 3.42529148e-01 -9.04332027e-02 -2.90595382e-01 2.88841605e-01 -5.76938689e-02 1.70265839e-01 -1.51508138e-01 -2.29566574e-01 -9.03402120e-02 -4.55296077e-02 1.08903915e-01 -2.48113349e-01 -1.90732211e-01 6.48404285e-02 -4.31689769e-01 2.43624032e-01 2.28689294e-02 2.27379099e-01 5.45750856e-01 1.63069740e-01 -2.25838169e-01 6.90299459e-03 -5.37222065e-02 -1.11615442e-01 -1.22546010e-01 1.57286674e-01 -5.37265837e-01 -2.27871895e-01 1.39817461e-01 1.65197596e-01 2.29516864e-01 -4.88906056e-02 -2.07964033e-02 -1.11554876e-01 1.75073460e-01 1.23242177e-01 4.42714810e-01 1.95757046e-01 -3.11965317e-01 -3.64950359e-01 8.27000663e-03 2.84035385e-01 5.96852414e-02 1.07029364e-01 2.23296151e-01 -1.19163565e-01 -9.70308036e-02 1.80052713e-01 -2.73427274e-02 3.04370344e-01 3.21142793e-01 7.66465291e-02 -3.40356529e-01 2.16838922e-02 5.16250730e-01 3.33548278e-01 -1.13902219e-01 -7.25596622e-02 1.42916385e-02 4.24527228e-01 -3.23402971e-01 -2.86687054e-02 -4.86042649e-02 -2.10349247e-01 -2.54868627e-01 -8.28038529e-03 -3.32313061e-01 -1.40255347e-01 -7.11962208e-02 9.97556970e-02 -3.62854540e-01 -8.85413140e-02 -2.88882762e-01 -7.57626221e-02 -4.48540002e-01 2.65159875e-01 3.09451908e-01 -4.14829254e-01 -3.48367482e-01 8.70942175e-02 -2.00902849e-01 6.15515234e-03 2.12726757e-01 -3.55840772e-02 -3.84993464e-01 -7.37129003e-02 4.91580516e-01 -5.00438325e-02 4.45703194e-02 -1.13929920e-01 3.81580085e-01 -2.05873489e-01 2.25669369e-01 -7.05966949e-02 -2.09079236e-01 3.38712215e-01 -1.30387783e-01 2.30606049e-01 -5.56907207e-02 -9.02503580e-02 -6.98510632e-02 -1.82949290e-01 8.52293447e-02 2.16984838e-01 -1.29226342e-01 -7.04886988e-02 9.83310416e-02 1.89906269e-01 -2.09583089e-01 -5.49169779e-01 2.96852618e-01 2.23718911e-01 -3.37878078e-01 -2.64409959e-01 -1.18600473e-01 -1.00325663e-02 5.24056749e-03 1.25780001e-01 6.93806633e-02 4.05083112e-02 -1.59879893e-01 -1.11790925e-01 -2.56989598e-01 4.20891762e-01 1.46548465e-01 8.81973207e-02 1.84577882e-01 1.72971696e-01 -1.97470963e-01 9.47960690e-02 3.27699557e-02 7.35664785e-01 6.48840517e-02 -3.60678166e-01 5.30553572e-02 5.47383614e-02 -2.05089487e-02 5.27851433e-02 -4.19115126e-01 2.70159334e-01 2.00761735e-01 8.53030831e-02 2.05166608e-01 -5.32997921e-02 -1.81084692e-01 -5.01028597e-01 -1.95434585e-01 7.05904812e-02 3.71858597e-01 5.40239930e-01 -3.73809010e-01 3.37467343e-01 6.81147501e-02 2.73536891e-01 -9.70718339e-02 -1.92497045e-01 3.04881960e-01 -4.46748622e-02 8.51479918e-02 -2.95768917e-01 1.41442552e-01 -6.29580542e-02 -7.45380744e-02 2.01690614e-01 1.80191696e-01 -8.12172517e-02 -1.43659577e-01 -1.36484783e-02 2.77744830e-01 1.70516625e-01 1.93312973e-01 3.41932237e-01 3.06549966e-01 1.24311015e-01 -1.72833368e-01 -3.28421354e-01 2.61933245e-02 -1.46677509e-01 -1.83276981e-01 1.15094543e-01 3.54269855e-02 -3.15231234e-01 1.51678964e-01 -1.94560111e-01 3.42840366e-02 -1.73098788e-01 6.75174445e-02 -2.10951548e-03 -3.48665833e-01 1.13500185e-01 -1.73790991e-01 3.93041037e-03 -3.07310879e-01 1.16940424e-01 -2.22188625e-02 -1.11434683e-01 1.46229133e-01 1.71775863e-01 -2.20960733e-02 3.67376238e-01 4.02706802e-01 -1.36579692e-01 2.28658423e-01 -2.46253282e-01 -5.31179786e-01 4.67865728e-02 1.02457955e-01 3.85406613e-02 7.53619596e-02 2.75058188e-02 -3.18534076e-01 -4.83257681e-01 1.84954971e-01 -3.09695363e-01 -1.44536674e-01 -1.62047595e-01 6.26556277e-02 -1.30671218e-01 -2.13111132e-01 -3.02918963e-02 3.13176095e-01 -1.46483019e-01 5.76290965e-01 2.20597512e-03 2.59811640e-01 6.54472053e-01 1.15683749e-01 4.44171667e-01 -2.31567770e-02 8.46599266e-02 1.07668407e-01 -2.60263532e-02 5.65190092e-02 -1.06867388e-01 2.51146048e-01 -1.83927566e-01 -2.49231473e-01 -2.91000437e-02 4.69862819e-02 -5.58341816e-02 -5.08500993e-01 2.46931612e-01 4.03547943e-01 -1.86373517e-01 -3.62161368e-01 6.17967248e-01 2.23893702e-01 -3.57649028e-01 -9.53455940e-02 -1.53792161e-03 1.64728135e-01 1.18341766e-01 1.18839845e-01 -3.22050571e-01 -1.78670764e-01 4.96544540e-02 7.60473832e-02 -4.51493204e-01 3.65400702e-01 1.20550981e-02 8.96154270e-02 1.29819527e-01 1.21312305e-01 -3.72657739e-02 1.45613268e-01 -1.68374717e-01 -2.21688926e-01 2.51139641e-01 9.39295441e-02 -1.22333474e-01 -6.31529614e-02 -4.60952938e-01 -3.85640353e-01 -2.95220912e-01 -2.12398008e-01 5.62333584e-01 2.05502465e-01 -2.15751678e-01 -1.35629103e-01 5.06915450e-02 1.98549569e-01 7.59395957e-02 3.47995490e-01 -6.06161021e-02 4.13249694e-02 -5.65520883e-01 2.76826710e-01 -2.30042879e-02 1.95456482e-02 1.28286913e-01 -3.62773091e-01 -1.94173366e-01 -1.43007860e-01 6.07419945e-02 -2.00872988e-01 5.26821315e-01 2.94337511e-01 4.03156340e-01 7.20691755e-02 1.95146605e-01 -4.81121317e-02 1.13421185e-02 -2.07017083e-03 2.49087870e-01 4.04878110e-01 -4.75711673e-01 4.92371526e-03 -4.87627387e-02 1.16982888e-02 -9.62647144e-03 1.97603256e-01 2.99397022e-01 -7.20635206e-02 -3.34379911e-01 -2.83534914e-01 2.00743407e-01 5.06160915e-01 -1.08620323e-01 -1.36345267e-01 8.18577111e-02 2.69277751e-01 2.69747138e-01 1.15641085e-02 -1.52883232e-01 3.44179213e-01 -1.54594138e-01 -2.83666939e-01 5.12288630e-01 6.60772681e-01 4.76780325e-01 3.03413987e-01 5.46660870e-02 -5.66601604e-02 1.05343342e-01 -3.80963445e-01 4.32156652e-01 6.20555520e-01 2.31751919e-01 -2.13407930e-02 -3.00777853e-01 1.60555169e-01 1.69035524e-01 -1.09583013e-01 5.47557175e-02 -7.23187849e-02 3.44895124e-01 2.47791898e-03 1.32702291e-01 -2.30507120e-01 -1.52513519e-01 -2.83798695e-01 1.55920625e-01 -1.76478654e-01 1.86939627e-01 2.10340679e-01 1.18200040e+00 3.67756754e-01 2.18434155e-01 1.49227127e-01 -2.60421969e-02 -5.71412593e-02 -2.39217415e-01 1.75424010e-01 6.76687881e-02 1.11461975e-01 1.06937112e-03 -2.05501407e-01 1.14551149e-01 2.52290338e-01 -3.36059272e-01 -1.36902716e-04 -2.23589912e-01 -2.65696913e-01 2.23449543e-01 -1.05739497e-01 1.71503320e-01 1.38054699e-01 1.57070965e-01 1.80714756e-01 2.29603156e-01 -2.37281546e-02 -1.22920260e-01 -2.00053811e-01 5.91004342e-02 -8.88739228e-02 -2.88259331e-02 2.88698941e-01 -4.30397689e-01 2.18236931e-02 2.34100938e-01 -1.15897674e-02 -3.11764274e-02 3.87993783e-01 -1.76319838e-01 -8.28766972e-02 -2.30844334e-01 8.17276612e-02 3.67365152e-01 -1.62563741e-01 6.56097606e-02 1.84655607e-01 2.10779771e-01 -9.35518518e-02 -7.83119872e-02 2.28385236e-02 -5.24932206e-01 -1.38654724e-01 -4.61747587e-01 -4.91026603e-02 4.66418564e-01 -3.14392895e-02 5.95404029e-01 5.86708784e-02 -3.50833416e-01 -2.09516928e-01 1.96512029e-01 -2.35437691e-01 3.15161012e-02 -4.27196622e-01 9.60834548e-02 -2.23930165e-01 9.11704898e-02 2.64472485e-01 -2.30110735e-01 1.02031544e-01 2.80539125e-01 5.01225412e-01 -2.07628518e-01 -4.40372527e-01 -1.58628985e-01 3.72394063e-02 -3.43210429e-01 -1.05104167e-02 1.97933018e-01 -1.11289658e-01 2.34208435e-01 3.56599301e-01 1.64921563e-02 7.18330517e-02 -2.17831269e-01 -1.20903768e-01 1.98548093e-01 1.14862099e-01 -1.31057665e-01 1.49399027e-01 -1.62653048e-02 3.49833101e-01 3.17012191e-01 -2.52809107e-01 -4.67455953e-01 -2.44292412e-02 3.10070328e-02 5.97919151e-03 1.56013127e-02 -3.86312902e-01 -9.21094194e-02 1.83207504e-02 2.33691156e-01 3.38343307e-02 -1.18965702e-02 -2.29611769e-01 5.26874699e-03 1.27479240e-01 -4.54562902e-02 -2.73448378e-01 3.63667905e-02 1.39668912e-01 2.63120055e-01 7.95684010e-02 -2.04175755e-01 9.98922959e-02 1.84771597e-01 -1.90915857e-02 3.85781638e-02 2.98890203e-01 -2.54810285e-02 1.49322292e-02 1.75774246e-01 2.34379321e-01 -4.93079007e-01 -1.23495519e-01 -2.36212969e-01 -9.05596390e-02 8.42481330e-02 2.62671411e-01 -4.99074049e-02 2.25498140e-01 -1.43266484e-01 -7.81405438e-03 -1.38235733e-01 1.44010633e-01 -1.03630170e-01 -2.24405117e-02 -3.45107377e-01 9.48971808e-02 7.81193599e-02 3.24703515e-01 -6.16954342e-02 6.37806505e-02 1.09547742e-01 4.62994687e-02 -2.16350891e-02 9.17781889e-02 1.77659377e-01 -5.29101551e-01 1.38624772e-01 1.01008400e-01 -4.68425095e-01 2.10174352e-01 1.44532964e-01 6.58041060e-01 -8.75354335e-02 -2.60184646e-01 2.39973649e-01 2.33173430e-01 3.51222515e-01 1.68066397e-01 -3.53423357e-02 5.74929491e-02 2.37979926e-02 2.93934196e-01 -8.04585963e-02 3.97724479e-01 -3.46426576e-01 1.20727956e-01 1.00864008e-01 1.97979271e-01 -2.19631404e-01 1.07030638e-01 1.17287897e-01 1.90304086e-01 -1.25594407e-01 3.08767855e-01 -1.86750814e-01 -9.98283774e-02 5.93948029e-02 -4.44296300e-01 -1.40168861e-01 -8.13140944e-02 -2.15459138e-01 8.99889618e-02 -2.32083052e-01 3.55789363e-02 3.01366895e-01 -1.43222317e-01 5.84587574e-01 -2.90096253e-01 4.47669774e-01 -3.87522608e-01 2.11082354e-01 3.20269287e-01 -2.75526971e-01 1.90433100e-01 6.42210320e-02 2.68550757e-02 -2.16226876e-01 -5.68525136e-01 -6.51408657e-02 -2.14077413e-01 -1.43070102e-01 -2.23802149e-01 -1.02122225e-01 1.38441473e-01 -2.99855489e-02 3.68188351e-01 1.04168609e-01 -2.70452052e-01 1.01709597e-01 9.58798528e-02 2.86841184e-01 -1.40349552e-01 -2.62169670e-02 6.68311864e-02 -3.05800229e-01 2.04223156e-01 -8.94315541e-03 -3.04322302e-01 -4.78128999e-01 -1.47387832e-01 -1.26397058e-01 -1.09164968e-01 -1.74027637e-01 1.28421158e-01 7.45070279e-02 2.85264373e-01 3.15528363e-01 1.48324788e-01 2.70470022e-03 -2.63051599e-01 1.00527918e-02 2.90117443e-01 -6.69910237e-02 -1.66669741e-01 3.02623063e-01 -3.11748654e-01 -4.96411845e-02 2.65258014e-01 -9.58510786e-02 2.44813859e-01 -3.32076252e-01 -6.32448494e-02 -3.96908253e-01 2.35105246e-01 3.79148543e-01 2.16649383e-01 5.42947650e-02 -3.40505801e-02 -5.38324453e-02 -1.89410180e-01 1.57820269e-01 -4.50068563e-02 -8.20411276e-03 -1.31942496e-01 4.98836219e-01 -9.14542824e-02 -1.64395571e-01 3.95733789e-02 -9.18485671e-02 -3.86111408e-01 6.05277494e-02 6.00073189e-02 -2.12578982e-01 3.00223321e-01 1.19167387e-01 1.71973944e-01 8.45221709e-03 3.18357915e-01 2.11706847e-01 -1.44952029e-01 1.00386806e-01 3.10463637e-01 -3.11413974e-01 -1.17272018e-02 1.31630078e-01 -2.65939515e-02 -7.60234818e-02 1.79525822e-01 4.45292965e-02 -2.04876512e-02 -2.20846832e-02 -1.77606627e-01 3.49540651e-01 -4.44415331e-01 -2.46279776e-01 -4.41909805e-02 1.31284386e-01 1.05129436e-01 -2.68436521e-01 -2.05866426e-01 -2.82470107e-01 1.31224677e-01 3.75341624e-01 -5.14542878e-01 -3.96000683e-01 -4.55671191e-01 -2.74541378e-01 -1.01345308e-01 3.09029937e-01 -5.57320192e-03 5.20417579e-02 -1.14297807e-01 -2.02661663e-01]
"Darwin's Nightmare" active "Special Containment Procedures: ████ National Park has been claimed by the Foundation and integrated into Foundation Outpost-443. All instances of SCP-6942 are to be separately contained in medium-sized Arthropod Terrarium Units at Foundation Outpost-443. SCP-6942 instances are not to be contained within the same terrarium or brought together for long periods of time outside of testing. Unauthorised civilians who have come into contact with SCP-6942 instances are to be administered Class-C amnestics. Description: SCP-6942 collectively refers to members of the order Coleoptera found within ████ National Park in Papua New Guinea. It is estimated that nearly 40% of the population of Coleoptera members in the National Park constitute SCP-6942. Instances of SCP-6942 exhibit signs of numerous anomalous and baseline teratogenesis1, including, but not limited to, abnormally high strength-to-weight ratios, altered intrinsic Hume levels, elytra2 markings with minor cognitohazardous and/or antimemetic properties, and psychokinetic3 abilities. A full list of SCP-6942 instances and details pertaining to their anomalous traits may be retrieved here. Addendum 6942-A Discovery SCP-6942 was first identified by Dr. W. Tamarua on 05/04/2008 after a series of encounters with several instances in the vicinity of his tent. Dr. Tamarua managed to contain 6 instances of SCP-6942 before returning from his camping trip. The following is a description of a video log recorded by Dr. Tamarua after containing one such instance. <Begin Log> (Dr. Tamarua can be seen holding a closed transparent plastic container with holes poked through for ventilation. An instance of SCP-6942 is visible inside.) Dr. Tamarua: Not what I was expecting on my week off, but it is what it is. (Dr. Tamarua sets down the container, and brings the camera close to it. The SCP-6942 instance can be seen clearly and is visibly pacing about the container.) Dr. Tamarua: I have here, what I think is a member of the Polyrhanis boisduvali species, or as I like to call it, one of the many bugs that keep me up at night by thrashing foliage. (The SCP-6942 instance displays an aggressive stance in the general direction of Dr. Tamarua. He does not notice.) Dr. Tamarua: This is one of 6 anomalous beetles I have identified thus far. This particular instance seems to have some psychoki- (A loud "thwock" sound is heard. Dr. Tamarua collapses. The SCP-6942 instance can be seen swiftly escaping from a large hole created in the container4.) <End Log> Subsequent investigations and expeditions revealed that SCP-6942 was not limited to the 6 recovered beetles, leading to the commissioning of Foundation Outpost-433 within the vicinity of ████ National Park, Papua New Guinea to contain and conduct further study on SCP-6942 instances. Addendum 6942-B Initial Containment and Testing It was initially hypothesized that SCP-6942 is derived from a secondary anomaly within ████ National Park, however investigations found no evidence of any such anomaly. Despite this, SCP-6942 instances have continued to appear within the area, and efforts were redirected towards more direct testing with SCP-6942. Cross-testing between SCP-6942 instances of the same species have produced results inconsistent with predicted outcomes derived from the laws of both Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetics, with at least 4 instances developing entirely new unrelated anomalous traits in the process. Log ID: 6942-01 Personnel Involved: Dr. W. Tamarua SCP-6942 Instances Bred: 2 Ischiopsopha bifasciata, exhibiting minor psychokinetic abilities and a translucent structure respectively. Result: Produced larval SCP-6942 instances exhibited no anomalous properties. Hatched instances had an average intrinsic Hume measurement of 90-95/105-110. Log ID: 6942-04 Personnel Involved: Dr. W. Tamarua and Dr. A. Koppel SCP-6942 Instances Bred: 2 Chrysodema radians, exhibiting high strength-to-weight ratio and an anomalous digestive system capable of excreting a solution of propanol and isoamyl acetate.5 Result: Produced eggs capable of levitation. Hatched SCP-6942 instances retained this ability into adulthood. Dissection of expired instances reveals the presence of several anomalous organs containing helium. Log ID: 6942-11 Personnel Involved: Dr. J. Lim, Dr. A. Koppel, and Researcher H. Stenn. SCP-6942 Instances: 2 Leptognatha occidentalis, one exhibiting a maximum speed of around 40 m/s and the other a baseline instance. Result: Baseline instance expired during reproductive process. Test subsequently concluded. Log ID: 6942-32 Personnel Involved: Dr. W. Tamarua, Dr. H.Nazaryan, and Researcher C. Park. SCP-6942 Instances: 2 Polyrhanis innocens, exhibiting intangibility during flight and metachrosis6 of the elytra respectively. Result: Test interrupted by containment breach. SCP-6942 instance that was capable of intangibility during flight expired during the event. Log ID: 6942-75 Personnel Involved: Dr. G. Kariuki and Researcher L. Davis. SCP-6942 Instances: 2 Papuana angusta, both baseline instances. Result: Larval instances of SCP-6942 produced developed cognitohazardous markings within hours of hatching. Cognitohazardous markings did not persist into adulthood. Researcher L. Davis incapacitated during test.7 Log ID: 6942-229 Personnel Involved: Dr. J. Ferrier and Researcher D. Valerio. SCP-6942 Instances: 2 Ischiopsopha bifasciata, both exhibiting intrinsic Hume values 90-95/105-110. Result: Produced SCP-6942 instances measured at an average Hume value of 75-80/120-125. Eggs were incinerated without incident due to concerns of a potential containment breach. In addition to testing with SCP-6942 instances, baseline beetles sourced within the vicinity of Foundation Outpost-443 have successfully bred with each other and SCP-6942 instances to produce anomalous offspring on several occasions, suggesting that the anomalous traits present within SCP-6942 instances may be derived from recessive or latent genes. At time of writing, Dr. Blom of the Department of Genetics has been reassigned to SCP-6942 to assist with genomic analysis. The containment of SCP-6942 has proven to be difficult at times, due to the challenges that come with accommodating several hundred insects with varying anomalous traits, as well as ensuring that the more skillful instances remain securely contained. Several containment breaches have occurred since the creation of Foundation Outpost-443, and proposals to transfer disruptive instances of SCP-6942 to more secure facilities are being considered. Update 27/08/2011: Genomic analysis of SCP-6942 instances was carried out to verify if the anomaly truly is genetic, with negative results. SCP-6942 instances do not possess any outstanding genetic variation compared to their baseline counterparts. Note: It is quite clear that SCP-6942 instances may pass down their "anomality", so to speak, to a fraction of their offspring. The only problem is that any vehicle of inheritance is, for all intents and purposes, non-genetic. It is not an aberrant chromosome, it is not a recessive genotype, the genetic variation between instances of the same species are effectively negligible, and that's inclusive of the beetles that can shapeshift. There must be something we're not seeing here. - Dr. Blom Following numerous containment breaches at Foundation Outpost-443, as well as a notable increase in hazardous anomalous traits being displayed by newer SCP-6942 instances, the facility has been upgraded and redesignated as Site-443. Addendum 6942-C Paragenetic Research On 14/03/2014, a proposal regarding the creation of a Department of Paragenetics was submitted to the O5 Council for their consideration. The proposal was drafted by Drs. Blom, Koppel, Nazaryan, and Lim, from the Department of Genetics. A number of studies and journals have also been published and/or co-authored by these personnel prior to the drafting of the proposal. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: Comments: The Foundation would benefit more from concentrating resources in existing Departments, not from diverting them to create new ones. - O5-03 Despite the implication that anomalous traits and properties may be genetically inherited, genomic analysis and testing conducted on several SCP-6942 instances reveal that there exists no discernable nor predictable vehicle for the inheritance of most, if not all recorded anomalous traits. Due to this, the Paragenetics Department was formed to identify the laws of inheritance vis-à-vis anomalous traits. An excerpt of Dr. Blom's speech during the opening ceremony of the Department of Paragenetics is attached below. DR. BLOM: In a way, the study of paragenetics is the study of that which conventional genetics cannot explain. In the past, we have attempted to use genetics to explain a variety of biological anomalies, with varying degrees of success. What my colleagues and I have achieved, is the discovery of genes, so to speak, for anomalous traits. Now the details for it are complex, dare I say abstract, and I'm sure you all would appreciate not having to sit in this hall for another 4 hours while I drone on about it. Consider the baseline gene, instructions for the synthesis of proteins. Paragenes, however, they do not code for proteins, but rather intrinsic rules the organism must follow in baseline reality. Still with me? Paragenes are not inherently anomalous. We've identified paragenes within every organism we've ran analyses on thus far. Generational and interspecific paragenetic variance between baseline subjects are few and far between. In short, our paragenes do not undergo significant transformation over time, unlike conventional genes, and the vast majority of organisms do not possess enough suitable or viable paragenetic combinations to express anomalous traits. SCP-6942 remains an exception to this. Over 90% of all paragenes identified have originated from the paragenetic analysis of SCP-6942 instances alone, and the number of viable paragenetic combinations are approximately 5 times greater than that as a result of the amount of paragenes within the local gene pool. The reason for this paragenetic diversity is believed to be one or more paragenes that enable changes within its structures and arrangements during the inheritance of these paragenes.8 We've ran comparison tests between one such paragene and every other that we've discovered in baseline organisms, and have arrived at the conclusion that its development was the result of a paramutational event, due to similarities between the paragenetic differences with that of baseline gene mutation. To put it simply, there is strong evidence to suggest SCP-6942 arose as a result of jumpstarted paragenetic mutation. We're still looking into the how and when, but this is the consensus we have reached as of now. Any questions? Update 10/11/2016: Paragenetic analysis has confirmed that numerous anomalous traits present in SCP-6942 instances can be attributed to the presence of complex paragenes within their genome. A number of these bear strong resemblances to those found in SCP-239, SCP-4778, and SCP-████. However, markers for paragenes within the gene pool of SCP-6942 suggest that unlike most biological anomalies, which have static paragenomes, the anomalous traits of SCP-6942 have origins in the gradual ongoing variation of specific paragenes. It is believed a combination of mutation and paragenetic drift prompted the sudden increase in anomalous biodiversity within SCP-6942. Update 24/01/2017: Paragenetic tests and analysis conducted on recently discovered populations of anomalous arthropods and fish return similar results to that found in SCP-6942. Note: It took quite a bit of time for us to notice this, since we can't be monitoring every single organism in the Pacific Ocean 24/7. Believe me, we've tried. As for whether these populations have any relation with SCP-6942, anyone's guess is as good as mine. We've already ruled out paragenetic transmission via vector, viral or otherwise, and last I checked, fish and beetles cannot breed with each other to produce viable offspring, so as of now the leading theory is independent mutation. If these populations really have independently mutated anomalous paragenes into existence under entirely different environments, how many more SCP-6942s could have gone unnoticed? - Dr. Lim LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE DETECTED. A NEW FILE REVISION IS AVAILABLE. UPDATE? « SCP-6941 | SCP-6942 | SCP-6943 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6942" by Aftokrator, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 640px-Jewel_Beetle_(Buprestidae)_(7921854922).jpg Name: File:Jewel Beetle (Buprestidae) (7921854922).jpg Author: Bernard DUPONT License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Svalbard_seed_vault_IMG 8887.jpg Name: File:Svalbard seed vault IMG 8887.JPG Author: Bjoertvedt License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "An instance of SCP-6942 prior to containment. Cognitohazardous elytra markings have been filtered for safety purposes."
[ 2.87519544e-01 5.78837544e-02 -2.56025434e-01 3.64681073e-02 -1.47618100e-01 -3.17731649e-01 7.81653970e-02 2.74139427e-04 -5.79297602e-01 1.13792300e-01 -9.44690704e-02 1.68355957e-01 -3.54683176e-02 -2.63701022e-01 2.75869608e-01 6.43318370e-02 9.09098163e-02 -4.84511629e-02 5.45088112e-01 -2.20562413e-01 -2.31403202e-01 1.19165070e-01 -2.40973290e-02 1.14394389e-01 -1.36210069e-01 4.39981557e-02 -4.96270731e-02 3.37342888e-01 4.38962430e-02 -3.21256876e-01 2.18768746e-01 9.10544395e-02 1.13458529e-01 4.92789984e-01 -1.06970219e-04 6.57238662e-02 1.07020661e-01 -1.71609253e-01 -1.62831262e-01 4.54855084e-01 -2.22075239e-01 -8.99436697e-02 1.45051211e-01 -2.85725594e-01 -1.73680410e-01 -3.80067170e-01 -5.76161072e-02 4.96734716e-02 3.57044101e-01 2.60387324e-02 1.63218632e-01 -1.40868932e-01 -1.71076193e-01 -1.00161321e-01 -7.71500841e-02 4.90289301e-01 -1.68852732e-01 1.35732204e-01 4.07731175e-01 1.22719742e-01 6.97630644e-02 -9.59597353e-04 7.86140412e-02 6.97059557e-02 1.87697887e-01 -1.92266926e-01 -1.30102709e-01 -5.34485340e-01 -4.30003963e-02 2.30617225e-01 1.84615672e-01 5.99108562e-02 -3.00295830e-01 2.59148538e-01 -1.95078075e-01 -7.15814754e-02 5.40837385e-02 2.70398885e-01 -4.35138382e-02 9.41687599e-02 7.28193000e-02 4.58679646e-01 -2.03034163e-01 8.26739371e-02 -4.20363843e-01 6.88220933e-02 -9.20424759e-02 -1.29465401e-01 -1.61120281e-01 1.44291610e-01 3.73202898e-02 1.06548965e-01 2.99321532e-01 2.03252122e-01 8.52152426e-03 -8.12659040e-02 1.22420549e-01 -1.39594316e-01 1.39161572e-01 3.99846405e-01 1.09470688e-01 2.18307987e-01 9.13344324e-02 9.71778855e-02 -8.35978016e-02 -8.59643519e-02 -3.53217006e-01 -2.86913127e-01 5.58419190e-02 1.17814019e-01 3.91067117e-02 5.77896312e-02 1.07049823e-01 -6.30656853e-02 5.60906902e-03 -2.15646505e-01 3.75038058e-01 -3.40298057e-01 -1.88523889e-01 2.91444063e-01 -7.30633914e-01 1.37522191e-01 -3.47091332e-02 1.55545771e-01 6.17021024e-01 2.47933865e-01 5.26160635e-02 -2.38999695e-01 -1.10443830e-01 -1.31284654e-01 -2.82828361e-01 -8.95999297e-02 -4.29587692e-01 5.02967760e-02 -1.79529488e-01 4.55350012e-01 -7.75959226e-04 -3.78694870e-02 2.30554968e-01 4.33632471e-02 8.93484056e-02 -2.35335175e-02 4.10225153e-01 3.46701592e-01 -7.39745796e-02 8.44757408e-02 -1.77481055e-01 3.23062062e-01 -1.48667574e-01 -3.04972202e-01 1.99192345e-01 -2.56968569e-02 -5.30436814e-01 2.06180438e-01 -1.36440739e-01 4.82492954e-01 3.67315769e-01 -2.97966804e-02 -9.75571349e-02 -2.57686619e-02 1.57936558e-01 4.64275591e-02 9.85159352e-02 -1.52029127e-01 1.65867388e-01 4.90379661e-01 -9.47437286e-02 9.31263641e-02 8.06242079e-02 3.24169286e-02 3.02733094e-01 1.46398932e-01 -6.53245822e-02 -6.22130814e-04 -3.98915410e-01 -8.30377191e-02 -1.60800233e-01 1.23619385e-01 -1.40235916e-01 -7.92354494e-02 -1.73361495e-01 1.49297863e-01 1.57954097e-01 -1.09668255e-01 -2.86969304e-01 -5.57355620e-02 -2.16982499e-01 1.80302814e-01 2.48812571e-01 -2.27796454e-02 -2.00775862e-01 -1.46529317e-01 3.07457626e-01 -1.35738626e-01 -1.52173162e-01 -1.71889782e-01 4.00336325e-01 1.55892139e-02 1.43017262e-01 -2.92328335e-02 -1.76506624e-01 2.81565279e-01 3.28895926e-01 3.43324572e-01 4.68894020e-02 -1.08388662e-01 -5.27223706e-01 -9.83104184e-02 3.91050130e-02 4.29658890e-01 -8.80603269e-02 -1.81964949e-01 -3.62535298e-01 7.82303512e-02 1.69695914e-01 -5.31465471e-01 1.61531433e-01 5.00294805e-01 2.57458448e-01 -9.76881534e-02 -1.94819495e-01 1.40353963e-01 9.62304175e-02 5.56378290e-02 -2.26192057e-01 2.50659823e-01 -2.01822162e-01 -3.09076607e-01 7.29158670e-02 2.56465346e-01 1.38728142e-01 3.37955654e-02 1.21229023e-01 1.24284968e-01 -6.04833327e-02 3.98478836e-01 1.33416519e-01 5.08478045e-01 8.61654617e-03 -3.45666826e-01 2.01843237e-03 4.28074270e-01 1.83316872e-01 1.36527317e-02 -2.83138067e-01 9.78222713e-02 4.31517810e-01 1.06414407e-01 7.71357119e-02 2.63595562e-02 9.37314853e-02 -5.78531027e-02 -1.31778628e-01 9.98057798e-02 -6.04605908e-03 1.34107083e-01 -4.67883907e-02 1.71454385e-01 -1.69548571e-01 2.44898275e-01 -3.55680376e-01 -1.16872393e-01 2.49835968e-01 -1.34062096e-01 1.49168167e-02 -2.97156543e-01 3.96264434e-01 -1.69540152e-01 -3.26025076e-02 9.56573859e-02 1.85836062e-01 -2.07458645e-01 -2.22710803e-01 -1.35382265e-01 4.65490520e-02 1.84772477e-01 1.49857134e-01 5.06356731e-02 3.52036446e-01 1.22015558e-01 -2.66144842e-01 -5.67182243e-01 -1.93545938e-01 -2.54205495e-01 -2.55930066e-01 4.83077198e-01 4.99510318e-02 -2.61875242e-01 -1.55657008e-01 -3.05437744e-01 -1.09970845e-01 -4.06155705e-01 1.86008252e-02 -1.94471985e-01 -2.08332881e-01 1.31033763e-01 -5.20210922e-01 3.96001607e-01 1.02768846e-01 3.39494795e-01 -4.97746050e-01 3.02742153e-01 -1.80827826e-01 1.50149107e-01 -3.88799794e-02 4.65707481e-01 3.96137774e-01 9.17126089e-02 -6.37828559e-03 5.03901616e-02 -4.75434542e-01 1.93360969e-02 7.08242729e-02 2.55485982e-01 2.99670726e-01 -7.46820718e-02 3.01662777e-02 -4.39824343e-01 1.19080462e-01 -3.42986673e-01 -1.02718592e-01 -1.06460527e-01 -1.35801673e-01 -1.40827790e-01 -8.36353898e-02 -2.23305285e-01 -9.49311778e-02 -1.26404256e-01 -6.28207624e-02 2.12379858e-01 1.64399311e-01 2.09185287e-01 -2.18611509e-01 5.41177392e-01 1.52631521e-01 -2.86295027e-01 -1.62767768e-01 -5.63317575e-02 6.51156157e-02 -2.30581284e-01 1.08641960e-01 -1.70088857e-01 -2.64862835e-01 -1.15877800e-01 -3.24246347e-01 -2.40667947e-02 -4.29564089e-01 -2.50409454e-01 1.85197592e-01 -2.83454955e-01 -8.56591240e-02 1.71018034e-01 -6.42550271e-03 -3.22339684e-01 4.29537967e-02 3.62980403e-02 -9.56301615e-02 2.77662903e-01 3.39935839e-01 -4.35638845e-01 -5.62150180e-01 5.42692356e-02 2.16698155e-01 3.40303838e-01 -9.21480134e-02 6.98360577e-02 8.67309719e-02 -1.99799240e-02 2.83427745e-01 -5.69148809e-02 3.68787438e-01 -4.54969294e-02 -4.39604938e-01 3.75168085e-01 4.55420762e-02 -3.12282834e-02 8.15858915e-02 -2.53000885e-01 2.97813192e-02 -1.11608565e-01 -1.82164893e-01 5.80504775e-01 3.44788492e-01 -2.98499674e-01 -4.59046155e-01 2.22099781e-01 -2.02061385e-01 1.85070913e-02 4.73351687e-01 -8.57141614e-02 3.25810343e-01 -5.91174245e-01 6.16151214e-01 -1.70480326e-01 1.28474474e-01 1.31220192e-01 1.02041081e-01 -5.65063357e-02 -1.49109200e-01 2.62272596e-01 -1.53697729e-01 4.68713671e-01 2.34393507e-01 5.06772101e-01 3.76698405e-01 1.69269264e-01 1.25730246e-01 -1.13523595e-01 -3.45697463e-01 1.81967273e-01 6.22124255e-01 -2.39455998e-01 9.37596187e-02 7.99657702e-02 2.36714762e-02 -1.01191193e-01 -4.11240608e-02 1.94799751e-01 -1.70567289e-01 -5.17556190e-01 1.97669584e-02 2.85974354e-01 3.76016408e-01 -9.29679275e-02 -3.08206188e-03 -3.38272005e-01 6.84664696e-02 -1.86285134e-02 1.76901281e-01 4.65805143e-01 -1.18864486e-02 4.23922017e-02 -4.14760888e-01 2.74573773e-01 2.28132874e-01 5.34099519e-01 3.75378817e-01 2.20791385e-01 -1.10246487e-01 1.73241034e-01 1.13253593e-01 5.71034849e-01 6.41322792e-01 1.78208854e-03 -4.09595162e-01 -1.84878677e-01 7.71550834e-02 -1.91170156e-01 -7.30159208e-02 3.43332961e-02 -1.42044827e-01 8.28361437e-02 1.11119077e-01 4.53850538e-01 6.94754049e-02 -1.99308828e-01 -4.59805995e-01 3.16886574e-01 -3.56280625e-01 1.53314933e-01 6.85956657e-01 1.28005314e+00 1.76722720e-01 2.39450470e-01 3.50724846e-01 -1.19625302e-02 1.95419014e-01 -3.56832892e-01 8.84772986e-02 -6.91611394e-02 7.87936300e-02 1.46530038e-02 -2.10696578e-01 3.26870739e-01 1.54033765e-01 -2.93772191e-01 -4.26260494e-02 3.00863441e-02 2.51672626e-01 6.98102266e-02 6.38325587e-02 1.15247421e-01 -2.12257225e-02 -1.90667734e-01 2.70739079e-01 -3.38125080e-02 1.22555345e-01 -1.48400038e-01 -1.42952412e-01 -2.62507558e-01 1.28453374e-02 5.76846823e-02 3.09781760e-01 -3.78870010e-01 1.71119973e-01 -1.48600964e-02 -7.31962398e-02 -6.63122982e-02 1.01599246e-01 -4.46777046e-01 -3.80834145e-03 -5.22182398e-02 5.25002144e-02 5.79070747e-01 -1.54352963e-01 1.24822818e-02 8.39318112e-02 2.76978016e-01 1.84742790e-02 1.14209555e-01 3.06923449e-01 2.68019009e-02 6.78521916e-02 -2.08131410e-02 5.90842180e-02 -8.66415352e-03 -2.53657550e-01 8.77921060e-02 3.55127864e-02 -3.75416040e-01 -1.29311487e-01 1.38151765e-01 6.59258291e-02 -3.07522625e-01 -7.41722658e-02 -6.61692349e-03 -1.16846152e-01 -3.73731516e-02 8.14843103e-02 2.15141624e-01 -4.33354899e-02 1.52114972e-01 3.80271256e-01 -1.55723631e-01 -3.12914401e-01 7.49410093e-02 -3.04329097e-01 -5.08087575e-01 3.37113649e-01 -1.65052563e-01 -1.77002922e-01 1.07423626e-01 4.89379257e-01 -1.41075447e-01 -3.32385957e-01 -1.62398636e-01 -2.69606024e-01 2.80113488e-01 -8.40455592e-02 -1.77462652e-01 5.10382891e-01 -2.37331335e-02 3.85673434e-01 4.18205336e-02 3.02257072e-02 -3.89870614e-01 -2.05528244e-01 -4.69771713e-01 -1.20110467e-01 -1.51470304e-01 -3.71124707e-02 -1.89985912e-02 -7.06195310e-02 9.38058272e-02 9.90497321e-02 -2.55330261e-02 -1.83896437e-01 1.65444613e-02 1.16548032e-01 6.22140989e-02 -2.36137047e-01 1.56302974e-01 1.73159033e-01 2.60510743e-01 4.49322872e-02 8.63541737e-02 2.33568877e-01 3.00666571e-01 1.03316426e-01 -1.18365541e-01 -1.75756142e-01 -9.07828361e-02 1.46492526e-01 1.10076487e-01 -2.14814603e-01 -7.40633532e-02 -1.22355871e-01 -2.19407409e-01 -9.79539566e-03 2.94055432e-01 1.69749841e-01 -2.97797143e-01 2.99912721e-01 -2.12268755e-02 1.67108789e-01 -3.78507078e-01 3.50175858e-01 -1.39683813e-01 1.42571628e-01 -3.86314809e-01 -2.33574957e-02 -2.50992239e-01 2.07841575e-01 -2.67852634e-01 2.35083904e-02 -1.82295471e-01 6.09702766e-02 -2.62171775e-01 4.95816261e-01 2.62900472e-01 -2.35880062e-01 -1.00605309e-01 5.13426512e-02 -2.14303121e-01 3.67965251e-01 3.91950786e-01 6.12712383e-01 -2.11371571e-01 8.50237086e-02 2.37280667e-01 -1.76379178e-02 4.58505780e-01 3.07143897e-01 3.68513346e-01 5.68325222e-02 4.62614223e-02 1.13445722e-01 1.00023486e-01 2.23746613e-01 -3.42518747e-01 -1.33535415e-01 6.27189502e-02 4.08700645e-01 1.05066225e-01 -7.70585015e-02 -3.19042712e-01 -1.12161912e-01 -2.79925168e-01 9.01254043e-02 -1.21550217e-01 1.43398002e-01 3.99326861e-01 -2.11586028e-01 -1.48663402e-01 -9.42532942e-02 -1.72803149e-01 -1.35449514e-01 -4.17538844e-02 5.16712777e-02 2.00552374e-01 5.50294966e-02 1.17624618e-01 -1.51976451e-01 4.24949408e-01 -1.79420531e-01 2.52472579e-01 3.54926795e-01 -3.85922700e-01 -2.57366151e-01 2.24634767e-01 3.22770387e-01 7.73302559e-03 -2.24680137e-02 -2.69542009e-01 -2.19748355e-02 -8.99419934e-02 -5.52928708e-02 -1.14364460e-01 -2.49305032e-02 -2.32969761e-01 5.22323363e-02 8.17591250e-02 -1.34260044e-01 -3.79529387e-01 3.70489433e-02 3.95208985e-01 -1.48019418e-01 6.98564708e-01 -3.08251768e-01 -1.28257573e-01 4.23029624e-02 2.84658909e-01 -2.40158170e-01 -1.34376641e-02 -3.71644139e-01 -1.39620975e-01 1.19501829e-01 -2.81192809e-01 1.18102215e-01 -4.63962667e-02 5.66714048e-01 2.26077855e-01 -3.55146021e-01 4.29100618e-02 -3.18888545e-01 -3.15528288e-02 1.36389971e-01 -2.30739102e-01 -2.60056436e-01 -1.32198269e-02 1.31548867e-01 -1.98148057e-01 2.23635241e-01 -8.97450000e-02 9.87998247e-02 -1.88846424e-01 7.10856393e-02 -4.33230519e-01 1.20368071e-01 -1.81072086e-01 1.88373506e-01 -9.77034494e-02 8.71999115e-02 1.70056671e-01 -1.46360487e-01 1.25522658e-01 -2.61444040e-03 -4.69746917e-01 4.42993129e-03 3.05506140e-01 4.45341378e-01 3.77536677e-02 -9.32835937e-02 8.57812017e-02 -5.38478434e-01 -3.35396618e-01 -9.45393965e-02 1.79301854e-02 4.96484935e-01 8.93020481e-02 2.57538915e-01 -5.81515394e-02 2.68287033e-01 -1.90164708e-02 2.17407849e-02 3.44291665e-02 2.94554561e-01 -2.10257731e-02 -1.00854084e-01 -3.70596141e-01 9.93402004e-02 1.73550844e-01 3.34112287e-01 -6.99485615e-02 -1.13643073e-02 -1.87426075e-01 -4.72278088e-01 2.88092762e-01 -4.39913198e-02 -2.73025990e-01 -1.35689527e-01 6.69392720e-02 1.74151398e-02 -2.79145408e-02 -4.53569442e-01 2.52923090e-02 8.21736082e-02 2.46967643e-01 -4.99473512e-03 -1.19313069e-01 -2.96312273e-01 -5.75790286e-01 -2.28280097e-01 3.24918807e-01 -5.29915430e-02 2.00583339e-01 -1.03121415e-01 -1.63714692e-01]
"Shootout In Chicago" active "CONFIDENTIAL Security Clearance Level 3 Department of Tactical Theology none S E K T N Any_value Utility A5 A4 A3 A2 B5 B4 B3 B2 C5 C4 C3 C2 D5 D4 D3 D2 E5 E4 E3 E2 KETER AAA EEE Ȼ ? T none Vedist I Vedist II Vedist III Vedist IV Vedist V Vedist VI 6943 SCP-6943-1 is to be stored in a padded anomalous artefact locker at Reliquary Site-76. Handling and testing of SCP-6943-1 must be kept to an absolute minimum. SCP-6943-1 must only be handled by personnel trained to handle fragile artefacts, and who have no history of mishandling any anomalous object and/or artefacts. Personnel handling SCP-6943-1 must wear gloves and face masks at all times, and only put the object on soft, sterile surfaces. Testing of SCP-6943-1 must be pre-approved by at least three Level 4 or higher Department of Tactical Theology personnel. Several Akkadian and Babylonian texts possessed by the Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artefacts,1 Horizon Initiative,2 and the Department of Tactical Theology identify SCP-6943-1 as one of the 'Arms of the Anunnaki',3 a (presumed) pair/collection of similar artefacts (collectively designated SCP-6943) which collectively grant the wearer extensive reality-manipulating capabilities; this is supported by SCP-6943-1's constant emission of Akiva radiation at a rate of 12 microakivas per minute.4 While the surviving documents do not explicitly state how many such artefacts exist, as they are always referred to in plural, and furthermore due to the fact that SCP-6943-1 only imbues some, but not all, of the properties attributed to the items, it is assumed that a second instance (SCP-6943-2) exists, with the potential for several more; the properties, location, and status of these missing instances are unknown. When worn,5 SCP-6943-1 enables its wielder to mentally manipulate several, specific aspects of their local environment, which co-operate to grant significant control over geographic and atmospheric conditions: On 21/06/2018, SCP-6943-1 was scheduled for transportation from Reliquary Site-76 to Reliquary Area-27, alongside several other religious relics, to enable enhanced study into the effect of mythological resurgence via modern conspiracy theory upon religious artefacts. Eugene rubbed his face, sighed, readjusted his headset, then pressed a button. 'Dmitri, how's it going?' 'We are fine, leaving Saint Louis now, south on Interstate 55,' came the reply, richly lathered in a Slavic accent. 'We think air-conditioning is broken, getting hot.' Eugene grumbled, opening the truck's maintenance history on the computer in front of him. 'How bad is it?' A moment's pause. 'We will survive, but not comfortable.' 'I'll see if you can swap trucks,' Eugene said, dialling the maintenance overseer of the facility they had left from. 'Sorry about this guys.' 'You sound like you need a drink.' 'It's one of those days. Usually is.' He ended the call, immediately starting the next, leaning back in his office chair, and swivelling around in the centre of his cubicle, trying to vent his frustration. The noise-cancelling headphones muffled out the near-constant ruckus permeating the office; a myriad of voices, each in various states between calmness and rage; the incessant clicking of keyboards and mice, designed to last for years and with little to no effort put into quieting them; and every now and again, the hum of a printer or the rattle of a filing cabinet. The air, as it almost always was, was 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The carpet was grey; the walls, blue; the roof, plaster white. Fluorescent lights set into the ceiling at uniform intervals illuminated the space, except the northernmost cubicles, which bathed in the natural sunlight flooding in from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside was the cityscape of Chicago, several stories below. This was floor 65 of Protected Site-237, the Department of Logistics' information hub for the north-east region of the United States; if the Foundation was moving something, as long as it was between Nebraska, Tennessee and Canada, someone on this floor was watching over it. A notification popped up on the bottom-right corner of Eugene's monitor; the time, two names, and the number to contact them. He sighed, reaching for the button to end the still-connecting call. 'Hel-' Dial tone. He paused for a moment, briefly processing the fact he'd hung up the very moment he got through to maintenance, rolled his eyes, and put in the phone number listed in the notification. While the ring tone hummed away, he briefly updated the log for Dmitri's transport, closed it, then opened the log for the driver he was calling. 'Hello?' 'Davis, it's Eugene, just checking in with you.' 'We're fine, just coming into Fargo now. Traffic looks good, we should get to the Site in about… five minutes?' 'Good to hear. You'll have half an hour for a lunch break, and then you'll be carrying some gear to Minneapolis; should be loaded for you when you get back.' 'Ah, coming down your way are we? Planning a prison break, are you?' Eugene scoffed. 'You know the rules; I'm glued to this seat until someone buys my extended car warranty.' The other side of the line was filled with uproarious laughter; Eugene quietly chuckled to himself. A red light on his landline phone indicated someone was calling him. 'I'll speak to you later,' Eugene said, switching over. 'Hello?' 'Eugene, it's Bernette. We might have a situation.' The grin changed to a scowl. Can't even be happy for five damn minutes today… 'Explain.' Bernette briefly glanced at the passenger-side mirror, making sure there was enough room for the armoured truck to change lanes; the car next to her slowed down when she turned her indicator on, letting her move into the rightmost lane of the four-lane highway. 'For one, Juan's noticed a grey sports car that's been hovering around for awhile - not always behind us, but it's been nearby for the past half hour or so. Says the plates look off.' 'Off?' 'Here they come again,' Juan said, looking at the driver-side mirror. Bernette glanced at it; sure enough, the silver Mazda MX-5 was slowly gaining on them, moving forward into the space her steel-brick-on-wheels had just vacated. The car was much shorter than the truck, it's roof quite snugly below her view through the passenger side window - without the mirror, it would be completely hidden in a blind spot. As the Mazda slowly pulled ahead - it was only going one or two miles faster than the truck - Bernette briefly looked over it. The roof was up, shielding the occupants from the late morning Chicago sun; but she could see through the window that the driver was alone. Their clothing was odd - fully black, not a suit, but not casual attire either; she couldn't make out what exactly they had on. A five-axle semi-trailer came into view behind them, filling up Bernette's window with a massive caboose, followed by the monotonous red tarp on its trailer; once the rear of the Mazda was just barely ahead of the armoured van, it flicked on its indicator and immediately began merging into Bernette's lane - a light push on the brakes was enough to avoid a collision, but now they were behind the back of the semi. 'Looks blue,' Bernette said, staring at the Mazda's license plate. 'Weird font, red band at the top.' 'Diplomatic plates.' Eugene's voice came through the truck's speaker system. 'Number?' 'D-L-G, 0-3-9-5,' Juan said. 'Turkish diplomat. Give me a second to run them.' 'Is that odd?' 'Not really, there's an embassy here in the NBC tower. Which explains why you've seen them a bit - you're going through Bucktown, right?' 'Uhh…' Bernette said, briefly glancing at the vehicle's GPS. 'I think so?' 'Coming up to exit 48A,' Juan said, pointing to a sign over the highway. 'Yeah, exit 50B is a few blocks away from the tower. The plates are real - they're just on their usual route.' 'You're sure?' Bernette said, checking her mirrors again as she merges behind the semi. 'I'm sure they're real plates, and they're on the right car; I can't be sure who's driving it.' Bernette tapped her fingers on the steering wheel; a fifth lane briefly meets with the one on her right, then curves back away after a minute - exit 48A. 'Requesting permission to turn off at exit 48B.' 'Bernette.' 'We're way off our route - we were supposed to go south at the 290, but that was jammed. The backup was 294, and that was jammed too. If we turn off here-' 'You'll immediately hit a traffic light on North avenue, and dozens more if you don't immediately get back onto the highway. Even if you kept going, you'd just end up east on the 290 for a minute or two, then going south again on I-90. You're carrying anomalies; the longer you have them, the more dangerous they could get, and the more often you stop, the more likely you'll get jumped. Stay on the I-90, and if that car is still hanging around after exit 50, then we'll get worried.' Bernette sighed, shaking her head. 'Can you at least have someone on standby?' 'Already done, Epsilon-7 has been waiting ever since your diversions. It won't take them any longer than a few minutes to get to you. Let's just make sure you need them first, alright?' Bernette checked her speedometer; the semi had slowed down by almost ten miles per hour. A white pickup truck was to her right - she moved into the empty space to her left, then closed the gap between her and a red minivan ahead. The Mazda was already in the lane, in front of the minivan. 'Alright, alright. Thanks Eugene.' 'I'll stay on the line a bit longer, save you some time to redial. You're only a few minutes away from exit 50.' 'Right,' Juan said, grinning. 'You sure you aren't trying to hear how Bernette screwed up dinner the other night?' Bernette rolled her eyes. 'I did not, it was supposed to taste like that.' 'Eugene, have you ever heard of a spaghetti that's supposed to taste sweet?' 'What? No.' 'It was Filipino!' Bernette said, watching as the Mazda pulled ahead of the semi, then moved into its lane. 'Filipino spaghetti is supposed to taste like that!' 'No, no way. Why would anyone think that would make sense?' Juan replied. 'No, she's right - Filipino spaghetti has sugar in the sauce.' Juan shook his head, smiling. 'That's got to be criminal or something. Spaghetti is supposed to be savoury! What next, you're going to throw some lemons in there too?' Bernette grinned. 'That could be nice.' 'Don't you dare.' The semi's indicators turned on; it wanted to move into Bernette's lane, apparently uncaring about the two vehicles that needed to move for it to do so. Bernette's eyes flicked about the scene, figuring out how to respond - the driver of the minivan had decided to get behind the semi, putting on the brakes and approaching the front of Bernette's van. Bernette followed suit, slowing down and letting the red minivan go behind the semi, which itself merged to fill the void in front of Bernette. After a moment the red minivan moved into the lane on its right, then after a few moments more did so again, entering the rightmost lane of the highway. The truck was still struggling to keep up with the speed limit - Bernette assumed the Mazda had forced its abrupt lane-change - she decided to move into the leftmost lane and try overtaking it. An overhead sign showed the next exit was 49A, with 50A after it; 48B had already passed. 'I'm starting to think the diplomat car is stolen,' Bernette said, gaining on the semi. 'They're driving all over the place, messing with a semi-truck. Looks like a joyride or something.' Eugene sighed. 'Just keep out of their way. How far are they?' 'Can't tell. Nothing but semi-trailer on my right, and concrete barriers on my left.' With the Mazda out of the way, the truck was easily keeping pace with Bernette's armoured van; she caught up to the front end of its trailer, but couldn't gain on the cabin. The two were moving at the same speed, parallel to each-other. 'The hell?' Juan said. 'What is it?' Bernette glanced at him briefly; he pointed to one of the small monitors built into the dashboard in front of him. The van had three internal cameras - two in the cargo area, one in the cabin - that recorded each and every trip made; if an accident happened, or there was a robbery, the footage could be used to figure out what happened, why, and who did it. As an added bonus, the passenger was able to keep an eye on the cargo in case something came loose. The monitor Juan pointed to, however, was completely black. 'One of the cameras just died,' Bernette said. 'Front-right cargo, the one just behind my seat.' An extended, frustrated growl came over the phone line. 'You're joking. You've got to be joking.' 'Afraid not,' Juan said. 'Of course something else breaks while I'm - alright, let me add it to the repair schedule.' Another screen went black. 'Just lost another one. We can't-' The entire dashboard went dark. All of the van's electronics were dark - no lights, no numbers, all of the dials resting on zero. Bernette noticed the van was slowly drifting toward the concrete barrier - she struggled to veer the truck away, the steering wheel now taking all of her effort to turn. 'We just lost power. Call him back.' Juan pulled his phone out from his vest. 'The hell?' he said. 'What?' 'My phone's dead.' 'Use mine,' Bernette said, pulling out her own and passing it to him. A moment's pause. 'Yours is dead too.' 'What?' He held up her phone, pressing the power button; nothing. 'No, that's-' She looked up in time to see the semi swerve into them. 'Just lost another one. We can't-' Eugene's headset played the unmistakeable three-note tone of an ended call. He blinked in confusion for a moment, then reached for the redial button - but stopped when a flashing, red alert box appeared on his computer. The van's GPS signal had been lost. He hit redial anyway, then set about finding the nearest cameras to Bernette and Juan's last known location. An automated voice spoke over the phone line, informing him the call couldn't be connected. The van had just passed the eastbound (which was really southbound) exit 49A; there were two cameras nearby, each facing opposite directions, positioned just behind the eastbound and westbound exits. He opened both. The scene was of a ten-lane bridge, seen from opposite ends. Four lanes were devoted to each direction, with an additional two lanes between, protected on both sides by permanent concrete barriers. Each camera's respective exit curved away to their right, descending to connect with a road - Division street - that went under the bridge. Bernette's van was in the leftmost lane, travelling south; the semi-truck was immediately to its right. Eugene could see the silver Mazda pulling ahead of the semi. Various other vehicles - minivans, pickup trucks, a sedan - were scattered lightly about. Then, without warning, the semi-truck swerved left, smashing into the side of the van and pushing it into the concrete barrier. Most of the damage was incurred by the semi and the barrier - the van's armour held nicely, kicking up a few sparks but resisting crumpling as best it could. The semi lost its rear-left wheel guard first, then had its entire left side mangled as the van scraped across it, pushing into it as the truck tried to slow it down. The vehicles passing in the dividing two lanes were pelted with concrete chunks, several having their windows cracked or outright shattered, but the barrier itself held, preventing the van from being pushed through into those lanes. That the crash was intentional was unquestionable; nothing had changed in front of the semi to prompt the manoeuvre, and even then, the driver should have swerved back to avoid further damage to their vehicle. Instead, the truck maintained its constant leftward veer, eventually coming to a stop with the armoured van firmly pinned between itself and the concrete barrier. Neither of the cabin doors were openable - Bernette and Juan were trapped inside. Eugene immediately dialled the number for the DTF team he'd put on standby. A traffic jam immediately formed behind the accident. Whatever vehicles had been alongside the semi in the right two lanes had simply continued driving; the vehicles behind it, however, had either slammed on their brakes, swerved to avoid it, or both - three or four secondary accidents were caused when the cars hit each-other in so doing. Only the rightmost lane remained unimpeded, and after a few moments, the other three lanes began merging into it. The tarp on the trailer opened from the inside, and a man wearing full tactical gear jumped out, armed with an automatic rifle; he immediately marched over to the rightmost lane, pointing the gun at the passing cars and gesturing for them to keep back. The drivers complied; now no-one was passing. A second person got out from the trailer, followed by a third, fourth, and fifth. By the time Eugene's call connected, there were ten of them - three keeping the cars back and blocking the highway, the others moving around the semi-trailer, approaching Bernette's van from behind. 'This is George.' 'Deploy, deploy, deploy!' Eugene shouted, lifting the guard from a button on his desk and hitting it with his fist; a flashing red light lit up over his cubicle. 'Interstate 90, eastbound, immediately after exit 49A; ten hostiles confirmed, armed, tactical gear.' The person at the other end of the line barked orders to someone else. 'The guards?' 'Unknown, contact lost, likely trapped and unable to assist.' Eugene opened a new program on his computer, putting in the van's ID number and his own access credentials. Inside the cargo area, bolted to the wall separating it from the cabin, was a machine designed to protect the van's contents from theft; once triggered, it would fill the room in seconds with a surprisingly-durable polyurethane foam, strong enough to resist a fair number of explosives once set. It wasn't fool-proof - with enough time it could be dug out or dissolved - but it would certainly delay the thieves long enough for armed security to arrive on-scene. Although the machine should have already been activated by the impact of the crash - or, hopefully, by Bernette and Juan themselves - Eugene nonetheless tried to activate it remotely, in the event it somehow hadn't. Even when the program notified him that it couldn't connect to Bernette's van, he ordered it to send an activation signal anyway. 'What's happening?' Eugene turned to face the voice, taking the headset off one ear as he did. The light above his head alerted his superior, Alice - now leaning over his desk beside him, watching the camera feed - that an incident was unfolding; two minds were better than one, and she could authorise more drastic action than him if it was needed. 'Heist in transit on the I-90, eastbound just after exit 49A. Anomalies in cargo, they're off-route due to traffic jams, all contact lost - they mentioned two of the cameras in the back dying, now their GPS isn't working either.' 'Epsilon Seven?' Alice asked. 'Team of five on their way, leader George on the line. There's at least ten attackers, seven of them are at the back of our truck.' The seven mentioned were out of view from the cameras, inside a blind spot created by the semi-trailer's positioning - from behind, Bernette's van was completely hidden, and the other camera only showed its front; the back of the van and several meters behind it were completely obscured. Alice pointed at the semi-trailer tarp on the side Bernette's van was pinned against; a bright, flickering light was shining on it from just behind the van. 'They're cutting in,' she said, pulling out her mobile phone and punching a number in. 'I'll get another ten agents. What's the cargo?' Eugene pushed the camera view to one side, pulling up the manifest. 'Bound for Reliquary Area-27; nothing but relics, all anomalous.' 'Wonderful. Just wonderful.' She held her phone up to her ear and started talking into it. 'George,' Eugene said into his microphone, 'ETA?' 'Three minutes.' Eugene started fidgeting in his seat. This wasn't the first time he'd dealt with a situation like this - everyone had to deal with one at least once every year or two - but every time it did, he inevitably became restless. It was his responsibility to keep cargo and personnel safe, to keep everything working the way it should, but whenever it didn't, there wasn't much he could do; he could call in agents, tell them where to go, keep them informed, but beyond that he was stuck watching the tragedy unfold from behind his desk. And, like now, there always came a time where he could do nothing but watch. A notification popped up on the bottom-right corner of Eugene's monitor; the time, two names, and the number to contact them. 'George, please hold,' he said, scowling and punching in the new number. 'Hello?' A new voice answered. 'Terry, is anything wrong?' 'No, we're fine, leav-' 'Good, I'll call you back.' He hung up and went back to George's line. His eyes went to the camera view. One of the attackers had come back into view at the rear of the semi-trailer, a pair of briefcases in either hand. 'Alice, they're grabbing stuff! She swore. 'George, if you aren't flooring it -' 'Two minutes!' George shouted. 'Give me two damn minutes!' Eugene resisted the urge to shout back, knowing it wouldn't change anything. He just sat and stared at the screen. A silver car came into view for the eastbound-facing camera. The Mazda had been ahead of the semi when the crash occurred, and it hadn't slowed down afterwards, continuing down the I-90 and disappearing from view; but at some point it had stopped and turned back around, now driving back up the highway, against the direction of (now non-existent) traffic. It only took a few seconds for it to reach the scene, slowing down and coming to a stop next to the agent holding the briefcases - who gave them to the driver. 'Should've known,' Eugene mumbled. 'George, they're putting the loot inside a silver Mazda sports car, diplomatic plates, license is D-L-G, 0-3-9-5.' 'Silver D-L-G, got it,' George replied. He pushed the camera view to the side again, bringing up the map of Chicago's roadways and navigating to the location of the crash, trying to figure out where they could be going and how best to stop them. 'Sports car; speed,' he mumbled, scrolling along. 'Go with traffic to avoid a collision. Eastbound lanes… next exit is 50A, that gets them into residential. School, park, a few shops… park. Big field. Nice spot for a helicopter, not too far from where they get off - quick to reach.' He got Alice's attention again. 'They might be going for the baseball park. It's not too far from the next exit, you could land a helicopter there briefly. The next exit is only a few blocks away from it, and there's only one set of lights in-between. Could go for this school here, but either way - exit 50A.' She nodded. 'Harold, give me a second,' she said into her phone before showing the screen to Eugene. 'Team two lead, nine persons, conference them with yours.' 'One minute,' George said. The attacker that had emerged from the semi-trailer first - the one blocking the rightmost lane, and closest to the edge of the bridge - looked to their left, then signalled to the others. The ones raiding the Bernette's van gave another two briefcases to the Mazda driver. 'George, what's your current route?' He pressed the conference call button on his receiver, and punched in the number on Alice's phone. 'I'm adding the other team now, nine heads.' 'West Division Street eastbound, coming up on Ashland avenue,' George said. His eyes widened. 'Take the right, take the right!' 'What?' Alice glanced at him. 'Right on Ashland. Go for Eckhart Park. They've made you.' Five agents against ten was bad odds. Five agents against ten who had obviously planned the raid for quite some time - evidenced by the efficiency of the attack, how conveniently the van shut down at exactly the right time, and how quickly they got into the cargo area - was worse odds. Giving them a clear line-of-sight on the approaching DTF agents was even worse; if they had a rocket launcher, it would be easy to stop George and his team from getting onto the highway, and by the time they did - assuming they even could - the Mazda would be speeding off, laden with whatever the assailants had performed the raid for, and nobody was in-place to stop it. But the Mazda itself could only hold two people at most, and judging by how much was being put into it, the driver was probably alone. Five against one was good odds. 'Turning onto Ashland,' George said. 'Harold here.' 'Location and heading?' Eugene replied. 'West on Fullerton west avenue, passing Orchard north street.' Eugene scrolled over on the map. 'Left at Halsted street, follow to Division then turn right. George, I need you to turn left onto Huron street, follow it almost to the end, but don't turn onto Racine avenue, and stay out of sight from the exit. I'm reckoning they'll try turning onto Huron and going for Eckhart, and you can jump them there.' 'Got it,' Harold said. 'And if they don't?' Alice said. Eugene scrolled back over to the highway. 'Exit 50B is the next option. The plates are for a Turkish diplomat; if they take 50B they might be trying for NBC Tower and the consulate. The end of the off-ramp has lights - if you get them to stick to red, traffic will build and they'll be stuck on the on-ramp. George and his crew can get onto the I-90 from Milwaukee, here, then come down 50B and get them from behind.' 'What if they don't take 50B?' George said. 'Then they go through the tunnels, hit the 51's, and from there we've pretty much lost them,' Harold said. 'How many exits are there again?' 'B through I, then they can turn onto I-290 in either direction or keep going southward.' Eugene pointed to the highway just before the tunnels began, where an on-ramp paralleling exit 50B merged in. 'Alice, can you get a team to just block this spot right here? The backlog could force them onto 50B.' 'You want to choke the whole Kennedy Expressway,' she said. 'It's that, or risk losing the anomalies.' Alice shook her head. 'This better work.' Movement on the screen caught Eugene's eye. The Mazda pulled away from the semi, accelerating down the highway. 'They're moving, George, are you in position?' 'Of course I'm not in bloody position, we're still going down Ashland!' Eugene snarled, quickly getting into the camera for exit 50A. 'Take Chicago if you can, you've got a minute before they pull off the highway.' The sound of screeching tyres came through the phone line. 'And what now?!' 'Stop at the right for Elizabeth North, block the street, and get ready to shoot!' With their getaway car speeding off, the assailants turned their attention to the vehicles held-up by the attack. One of the guards blocking the lanes pointed to a blue minivan, and gestured for it to approach, pointing their gun at the windshield; after a moment the driver reluctantly obeyed, slowly driving forward until signalled to stop. Another militant appeared from the blind spot, carrying a moderately-sized wooden crate pilfered from Bernette's van; they put it down gently, then went over to the minivan, trying to open the driver-side door - after shouting at the occupant, they used their rifle to smash the window and open it from the inside. Eugene clenched his teeth as they stepped back from the door, pointing their gun at the occupants and shouting at them; almost immediately all four doors of the car opened, with the passengers and driver - all teenagers - stepping out with their hands up. All four turned away from the accident, slowly walking between the other held-up cars before progressively breaking into a sprint. The militants paid no attention to them - one got into the driver's seat of the minivan, moving it over to where the Mazda had been, then put the wooden box into it. The Mazda itself came into frame on the third camera, taking exit 50A at speed - it was the only car on the ramp. 'George, they're coming your way, just got onto the exit. Where are you now?' Eugene said. 'Passing Eckhart!' George replied. The Mazda sped out of view. 'Thirty seconds at best.' 'Which street is it coming down?' 'Willard street would be fastest, but I don't know, I can't see!' An aggravated growl, another screech, then the barking of orders. 'Harold, ETA?' 'Five minutes, passing North avenue,' Harold replied. 'Contact!' The sound of gunfire filled the phone line. Two of the assailants at the crash site looked to the south, in the direction of George and his team, then the three blocking the lanes intermittently turned to each-other, talking. The gunfire ceased, promptly followed by the faint sound of a crash - all the visible assailants reacted to this, one of them abandoning their post and going into the blind spot behind Bernette's van. 'Target down, retrieving - get down!' The gunfire briefly resumed, before subsiding once more. 'Helicopter confirmed,' George said, 'came from the north-east, took some pot-shots at us, now they're bailing to the south.' 'The cargo?' 'Getting it now.' Four of the attackers emerged from the blind spot, each carrying various items pilfered from the armoured van; they shoved these into the family car, then three of them got in themselves while one of the guards pointed to another vehicle, a black sedan - the occupants didn't hesitate to get out and run. 'They're bailing, Alice have you got the highway blocked yet?' She shook her head. 'We can block 50B, or we can block the road after it, but we aren't ready for both yet.' 'Then block the road, at least we can force them back into Chicago.' 'Four minutes,' Harold said. Eugene shook his head, going back to the map again, his eyes following Harold's route. They weren't going to make it - the blue minivan was already pulling away with its three occupants, the last four assailants had emerged from the blind spot and were loading their loot into the sedan, and the group was in the process of acquiring a third vehicle. They would be gone by the time Harold's team arrived. He zoomed out a little, eyes darting over the screen as he desperately tried to figure out a way to respond. They wouldn't be able to go any further than 50B, and once they came off it would take them some time to get back onto a highway - but the lattice of streets gave them plenty of options, and it would be difficult to box them in again. But 50A was still on the table, too. George was nearby, but preoccupied with something - probably the helicopter that was supposed to pick up the Mazda's cargo. They probably wouldn't, since they seemed to be aware the first car had been intercepted, but if the helicopter was keeping in contact with them, then they'd know the route was viable - come off the exit, floor it down Racine avenue… get onto Ogden avenue, and from there they could disappear anywhere. With enough speed they could even get onto the I-290, or the I-90 past the road block… Then he saw it. 'George, there's a bridge over the I-90 just east of you; I need guns on it, facing north and down at the highway. There's a blue minivan coming down it now, three occupants and cargo - take it out.' 'You two, secure the cargo! You two, with me!' The assailants closed the back of the sedan, then four of them jumped in and sped off. The driver-side door of the semi-truck opened, and the driver finally emerged; unarmed, but geared up like the others. They ran around to where the third car - a red hatchback - was stopped, and all four remaining attackers got into it, immediately proceeding down the highway. 'After the blue minivan is a black sedan, four occupants and cargo, then a red hatchback, four occupants, no cargo. Harold, maintain your heading, drop three of your men off to secure the scene, then continue down the I-90 in pursuit.' 'Received, two minutes out.' Eugene's eyes lingered on the windscreen of Bernette's van - the camera resolution was too low to tell if there was any movement inside. He hoped there was. The blue minivan came into view of the exit 50A camera; the phone line was filled with gunfire. The car's windscreen visibly cracked, accelerated for a moment, then swerved to the right - too sharply. The driver-side wheels lifted off the ground, and the whole vehicle began to roll along its side down the highway, throwing pieces of glass and metal off as it went - a metal box flew out of the driver-side window, flying several meters through the air before hitting the road and bouncing along, out of the way of the car. After a few moments the minivan came to rest, on its roof. Eugene could faintly make out the black sedan and red hatchback screeching to a halt just at the end of the bridge. They both performed a U-turn onto the on-ramp to their right - the red car taking the lead - and accelerated toward the Division street junction. 'Harold, the black sedan and red hatchback are about to get onto Division street using the on-ramp, you need to intercept.' 'Tell me which way they turn,' he replied. 'Cargo from the sports car secure, we're going down to the minivan now,' George said. The two cars reached the junction. The civilians were keeping away from the warzone, so both directions were clear for the taking; from the cars' positioning, it was obvious they intended to capitalise on the availability. 'Hatchback turning toward you, sedan turning away, latter has cargo.' For a brief second, Harold's armoured van - with the word 'SWAT' painted across it in huge, white letters - briefly entered the north-facing camera's view as it hurtled down Division street from the east, using the empty eastward lane to fly past the long line of civilian vehicles. It disappeared under the bridge; when it emerged it had swapped lanes, sustained damage to the front-left bumper - probably from clipping the red hatchback, which was still under the bridge somewhere - and was smoking at the tires from trying to stop. It succeeded in doing so, but not before hitting the sedan from behind, knocking it off-balance; the driver managed to keep it straight enough to leave the camera's view, but the ensuing metallic smash that came over the phoneline proved they didn't make it much further. The DTF agents rapidly spilled out from the van, all with guns raised - five went straight after the sedan, while the others rushed back under the bridge. 'Hands up! Hands up! Don't test me!' Harold shouted. 'Don't move!' George barked; he and the two with him were approaching the blue minivan, all with guns raised. Eugene leaned back in his seat, eyes wide, rubbing his forehead. 'Harold, there are relics in there!' Harold didn't respond; just more barking and screaming at the sedan occupants. Gunfire. George's team stepped back from the minivan, then after a moment lowered their weapons and started pulling items out from it. 'George?' 'They went for their guns; no survivors,' George said. 'We've got a live one,' Harold said. 'One's dead, the other two will be soon.' Eugene buried his face in his hands. He looked up when Alice tapped him on the shoulder. 'It's done,' he said. 'We've got them all.' She nodded. 'Take five minutes. I'll handle the clean up.' Eugene didn't complain; he took off the headset, gave it to Alice, then stood and stepped out of the cubicle. Alice put on the headset, and the moment she did, a new call came in. 'Hello? Eugene's stepped out for a moment, I'm sorting things out for him.' A pause. 'A new truck, you say?' Eugene grinned as he walked away. While en route, the transport was intercepted by a team of ORIA agents, who utilised a directed microwave weapon to destroy the transport's internal electronics, including that of its security systems. The heist was successfully prevented through the emergency deployment of several Distributed Task Force Epsilon-7 ('Sign Here Please') stationed throughout Chicago. Interrogation of the apprehended assailants confirmed that an ORIA agent embedded within the Department of Tactical Theology had notified them of the transport several weeks prior, and marked the acquisition of SCP-6943-1 as a high-priority target. The location of SCP-6943-1 following the incident is unknown. The GPS tracker recorded as being attached to the item's container became non-functional during the attack, and searches of the surrounding area were unable to locate SCP-6943-1 or its container; the ORIA agents claim to have been in possession of the item when apprehended, but are unable to justify its absence afterwards. An investigation by the Department of Logistics, however, suggests that SCP-6943-1 may have been incorrectly catalogued on departure, and as such could have been tagged with an incorrect GPS tracker and erroneously loaded onto a different transport departing from Reliquary Site-76; an audit of all Foundation facilities that SCP-6943-1 may have been delivered to is currently underway. SCP-6122: Snakes 'n Ladders Logistics Department SCP-6488: Saint Elmo's Fire" nan
[ 1.80325836e-01 -2.21135780e-01 -1.83409289e-01 3.09505425e-02 -2.67396718e-01 -2.34727755e-01 5.50731003e-01 2.42994532e-01 -2.86047369e-01 2.01335967e-01 -5.19308113e-02 3.05529743e-01 8.19868743e-02 -6.23453520e-02 3.38506587e-02 2.42904171e-01 1.04263490e-02 1.11006282e-01 1.75266534e-01 -2.20022842e-01 -2.98376948e-01 -4.69637569e-03 -2.66174942e-01 -5.84094599e-02 -2.15219945e-01 7.14801997e-02 3.54229599e-01 -2.90309861e-02 -7.54851922e-02 -3.68488610e-01 1.61714088e-02 1.57847703e-01 2.44461522e-02 9.01497304e-02 -1.12778507e-04 -1.06586568e-01 5.97301982e-02 -1.44977078e-01 -3.55244756e-01 2.01249897e-01 -1.18160062e-01 -3.28161754e-02 -2.62666315e-01 -2.07960010e-01 1.02347940e-01 2.37949058e-01 -1.73945934e-01 3.07046980e-01 1.24143705e-01 1.45341456e-01 1.57964930e-01 -2.73277098e-03 7.42705315e-02 7.03671277e-02 -2.69171625e-01 3.70300263e-01 -3.95774841e-01 1.03213452e-01 2.12972686e-01 3.69726330e-01 8.27853009e-02 4.42245781e-01 -1.15562588e-01 -2.92374820e-01 1.74188390e-02 -2.87990123e-01 5.55962026e-01 2.63274580e-01 2.97358304e-01 -1.90160930e-01 -1.14485614e-01 9.97120142e-03 6.37662113e-02 1.72651783e-02 1.63633659e-01 -1.80101052e-01 2.23396391e-01 -1.09092392e-01 -1.66985467e-01 2.08007358e-02 -3.59625965e-01 1.56315088e-01 -2.14250281e-01 3.75906155e-02 -1.56492561e-01 4.44136262e-01 -1.16606474e-01 5.39804921e-02 -3.23009938e-01 1.30335271e-01 1.51475504e-01 2.50159740e-01 -1.21696591e-02 2.11122483e-01 -2.31295273e-01 -1.15274727e-01 1.46925703e-01 9.41931307e-02 1.24264508e-01 3.47162753e-01 3.24537873e-01 1.83128089e-01 1.43801942e-01 3.40750068e-02 -1.35591835e-01 6.30781874e-02 3.86255413e-01 9.76796076e-02 -4.44396764e-01 5.61335027e-01 1.76959857e-02 3.04764152e-01 -2.65876278e-02 -2.52456456e-01 -2.61561066e-01 3.55081819e-02 7.13548362e-02 -5.14916122e-01 -2.10423768e-01 2.84710854e-01 -5.70500612e-01 -1.07995100e-01 -1.15018174e-01 1.82500944e-01 4.76547837e-01 4.02749360e-01 -2.02319250e-02 -8.58932808e-02 1.04637511e-01 -2.59245276e-01 -1.20892324e-01 8.78586769e-02 -1.83152705e-01 7.07172751e-02 1.05734408e-01 2.26471961e-01 -1.32578030e-01 -1.73119511e-02 1.57587737e-01 1.28259301e-01 4.14000124e-01 -2.35177074e-02 6.43774807e-01 4.71178561e-01 -2.45845526e-01 -1.95325837e-01 -1.29663929e-01 1.43360987e-01 -2.42389694e-01 -8.65487531e-02 4.80127454e-01 -1.00378832e-02 7.30377436e-02 1.97780803e-01 1.84091166e-01 1.46961719e-01 2.21820176e-01 1.39047001e-02 -9.88466293e-02 -1.78712532e-01 5.32010257e-01 2.44819254e-01 -4.78074163e-01 -2.56761581e-01 1.44078970e-01 2.81272262e-01 -1.46908924e-01 -5.78285158e-02 1.50393501e-01 1.43356010e-01 -1.95306495e-01 1.45659596e-03 -2.68069595e-01 1.73900221e-02 -1.36508554e-01 -9.09566656e-02 -3.83245319e-01 -2.39312991e-01 -2.25438565e-01 -1.09507725e-01 -3.36500436e-01 3.07943970e-01 3.59333962e-01 -3.73321623e-01 3.87841137e-03 -3.50147247e-01 1.72175318e-02 3.30477022e-02 -4.45756651e-02 -1.97725251e-01 -3.18824261e-01 -5.26803970e-01 2.06990659e-01 -9.43533033e-02 7.98572749e-02 -1.23088837e-01 2.85355281e-02 -3.57350528e-01 2.23378360e-01 2.52212763e-01 -8.54669511e-02 1.05464235e-01 2.05604434e-02 3.39903422e-02 -1.11092493e-01 2.00754985e-01 -4.73075122e-01 1.14054888e-01 -1.00524403e-01 3.70994598e-01 -2.80317783e-01 -5.94190136e-02 -2.18697354e-01 8.40179920e-02 2.21303143e-02 -5.59759080e-01 1.92174494e-01 2.91064203e-01 2.95295179e-01 -2.70354301e-01 -7.32559487e-02 3.49220276e-01 2.83213347e-01 -1.51378527e-01 -3.12115788e-01 -4.81135175e-02 -2.43808150e-01 -2.03578308e-01 -1.89005718e-01 1.01532467e-01 3.34330171e-01 2.62140725e-02 4.85519320e-02 -1.30071898e-03 -3.28767419e-01 4.39770445e-02 4.09021601e-02 6.26193821e-01 -1.94458857e-01 9.16885659e-02 2.13752508e-01 -2.72515237e-01 1.13636322e-01 -2.02523872e-01 -7.09479302e-02 5.43507755e-01 2.02908188e-01 9.45596173e-02 -6.26074523e-02 3.93317081e-02 3.24157104e-02 -2.33776793e-01 -7.16663525e-02 -2.36970514e-01 -1.25522867e-01 4.09694910e-01 -1.60339117e-01 1.94129586e-01 5.72802536e-02 2.84736693e-01 -9.99124348e-02 -1.22712441e-01 -1.72937319e-01 -1.21802881e-01 1.43751070e-01 -1.25038639e-01 2.65090048e-01 -1.00333700e-02 2.67250270e-01 2.06341118e-01 -1.01723269e-01 -3.70847166e-01 -3.39979142e-01 -2.42624059e-01 8.02776739e-02 1.59313250e-02 -5.97313829e-02 4.61831272e-01 3.45873684e-01 3.06796581e-01 -1.69167757e-01 -1.42062187e-01 4.03416678e-02 -3.14042300e-01 -1.88702464e-01 5.79092689e-02 3.29717785e-01 3.39398831e-01 6.95979744e-02 -2.02843979e-01 -1.18647449e-01 -3.65383446e-01 2.04526171e-01 -1.09855920e-01 -9.59113762e-02 2.53890425e-01 -6.63907051e-01 5.41378319e-01 -2.93088585e-01 2.83802450e-01 -3.40821654e-01 -1.58866510e-01 -1.49248272e-01 6.38706088e-02 -5.87351294e-03 1.51084855e-01 4.04579729e-01 8.83373022e-02 -2.04329938e-02 -1.69226363e-01 -1.41005352e-01 1.71661854e-01 -1.86951995e-01 -3.04132462e-01 1.19049326e-01 -1.28933281e-01 -2.57278740e-01 -5.71514070e-01 3.23576897e-01 -3.71840805e-01 -1.49843425e-01 1.26696080e-01 -2.37904251e-01 1.71400420e-02 -8.89290571e-02 6.46402985e-02 2.25801289e-01 -2.24374965e-01 1.21899307e-01 1.59170017e-01 6.38008118e-02 3.69048059e-01 2.91184988e-02 9.14689377e-02 3.24542783e-02 1.75645798e-01 -4.71597493e-01 -2.40697145e-01 2.28084549e-01 -2.74118613e-02 -9.12558734e-02 -1.72111839e-01 -9.63221267e-02 3.50651681e-01 1.01806782e-01 -7.44525939e-02 -2.90966541e-01 3.79265435e-02 2.25369632e-01 -1.63153440e-01 -2.15175405e-01 5.23443460e-01 1.03014216e-01 -2.22416580e-01 -1.40142933e-01 1.07805356e-01 3.57593387e-01 -2.48496551e-02 1.43540621e-01 -3.27388704e-01 -2.45963838e-02 3.51581514e-01 2.39534572e-01 -3.11970860e-01 -2.45593116e-01 -1.67010739e-01 3.27843249e-01 -1.20209754e-02 2.67308146e-01 -1.62046254e-02 2.34071866e-01 3.36036719e-02 -7.91671723e-02 1.86354816e-01 -4.53194603e-02 1.64010242e-01 1.23964593e-01 5.17633818e-02 -3.75380754e-01 -4.54703629e-01 1.28045365e-01 -1.22314440e-02 3.84542823e-01 -2.04131007e-01 -1.04406863e-01 -2.04616845e-01 7.12616369e-02 4.39422578e-01 8.23627561e-02 -1.48480937e-01 -1.14203528e-01 -3.72105509e-01 5.39896250e-01 5.12767807e-02 2.81800747e-01 6.53933585e-02 5.59121251e-01 -1.62821621e-01 -2.59810239e-01 2.62939930e-01 -2.81992435e-01 3.79793823e-01 2.85924897e-02 3.71849239e-01 6.72390640e-01 1.05317555e-01 3.01024015e-03 -1.34411186e-01 -2.33601049e-01 -7.28177056e-02 5.87812662e-02 1.18261918e-01 -6.74618483e-02 -2.25363746e-01 2.94723809e-01 -2.09558867e-02 8.32554922e-02 2.11274862e-01 -1.36670649e-01 -4.54217583e-01 -3.12472939e-01 4.73721586e-02 1.72527432e-02 -2.02176094e-01 2.75560796e-01 2.88614649e-02 -2.67544657e-01 2.50684805e-02 1.83645397e-01 1.93787798e-01 -1.96029499e-01 9.69678685e-02 -2.97701173e-02 6.28664553e-01 4.61865887e-02 1.92484334e-01 1.66740134e-01 2.15532988e-01 -1.42653864e-02 -3.18659753e-01 -5.46171255e-02 1.67766973e-01 7.56897390e-01 -2.56579854e-02 -4.77808453e-02 -5.60790539e-01 5.49165718e-02 1.60468772e-01 -1.32722914e-01 -5.79447076e-02 -3.51366550e-02 4.68250513e-01 2.60099441e-01 -2.53154803e-02 -1.01779155e-01 -4.40429628e-01 2.13121157e-02 3.02497536e-01 -8.49923044e-02 4.35660779e-01 3.66103113e-01 1.29474759e+00 1.32941633e-01 8.41230974e-02 4.41574603e-01 -1.20505102e-01 -3.29675049e-01 -1.02207102e-01 -4.59839925e-02 -2.14565508e-02 2.40642820e-02 7.70776868e-02 -1.69673637e-01 1.23467585e-02 2.97917932e-01 -4.01801579e-02 -2.27789238e-01 -3.03802788e-01 -1.68266490e-01 1.16680771e-01 5.09519912e-02 1.48012890e-02 7.66472816e-02 -1.87434088e-02 1.80245593e-01 9.07632560e-02 -1.90999135e-02 6.51806127e-03 -9.83681902e-02 -1.35853291e-01 -4.03536707e-01 -1.43648922e-01 7.51854926e-02 -3.85267466e-01 5.14524519e-01 5.15513599e-01 -4.71185260e-02 -1.05431452e-01 -4.23965231e-02 -2.10274756e-01 -3.41345787e-01 1.38071686e-01 5.77633157e-02 4.37438339e-01 -9.13025886e-02 5.01588657e-02 -2.06145160e-02 3.23808432e-01 -3.55745926e-02 -2.00573560e-02 3.55739534e-01 -1.14146858e-01 -4.86764759e-02 -1.63828313e-01 2.20988721e-01 3.90342981e-01 7.88625851e-02 -3.67364683e-03 -6.87258765e-02 -2.94840872e-01 -1.16148822e-01 1.21936508e-01 -9.19698644e-03 -1.74602613e-01 -1.17962785e-01 -3.64075713e-02 -5.74612767e-02 7.39710554e-02 4.48758751e-01 -2.22830415e-01 -7.54779160e-01 1.52799159e-01 2.79138029e-01 -2.51852512e-01 -3.95636886e-01 -2.19614491e-01 -2.88220674e-01 -4.92121905e-01 1.03887528e-01 -9.95973572e-02 -3.49818379e-01 -1.28969494e-02 6.14643753e-01 3.63275290e-01 -2.28177711e-01 -3.43487591e-01 -1.12438202e-01 -2.79450975e-02 1.30465493e-01 1.38784453e-01 3.15638512e-01 5.09707406e-02 3.24387252e-01 -1.74053669e-01 4.41258341e-01 -3.83710295e-01 -1.49905935e-01 -1.96047261e-01 1.36904269e-01 -2.00172797e-01 -4.87275422e-01 3.67717594e-02 -1.27646029e-01 1.78978279e-01 5.84720634e-02 -1.19484946e-01 -1.77158728e-01 -1.50385097e-01 1.95322216e-01 4.82273623e-02 -5.21269701e-02 -5.46519384e-02 2.36677602e-01 1.26679301e-01 1.16520055e-01 1.45690039e-01 4.66293454e-01 1.21796742e-01 6.78319782e-02 -2.80088000e-02 7.89757892e-02 -1.78799629e-01 -5.24963029e-02 1.02615640e-01 1.45434156e-01 1.89835995e-01 -1.30921066e-01 -3.92730415e-01 -9.84188691e-02 2.27614433e-01 5.21079063e-01 -2.44981691e-01 2.77736634e-01 1.88762005e-02 2.36783981e-01 -2.13459760e-01 1.19909264e-01 -5.12304127e-01 -4.07911241e-02 -2.31489986e-01 -1.41875342e-01 -2.33876124e-01 2.09088400e-01 -1.71082675e-01 -1.11443758e-01 -3.67738545e-01 -1.98290035e-01 1.32301733e-01 3.62420470e-01 1.28408313e-01 -6.35633647e-01 -2.33900785e-01 1.08919822e-01 -2.80824333e-01 1.62318274e-01 -5.14325686e-03 3.47473830e-01 1.22081168e-01 -5.30812368e-02 6.43170699e-02 5.85212782e-02 4.36929017e-01 -2.93831497e-01 6.10601380e-02 2.00255156e-01 -2.09904820e-01 5.37417591e-01 2.34312877e-01 -3.64479274e-02 1.29446825e-02 8.05816725e-02 -5.35187647e-02 2.18193591e-01 1.28340557e-01 -5.94708025e-02 4.79803383e-01 -6.65108114e-02 -4.67395745e-02 -1.17521338e-01 7.57005140e-02 -7.75770247e-02 -2.22053289e-01 -7.44574815e-02 -6.84616685e-01 -2.27041930e-01 1.47436842e-01 2.39223212e-01 3.24386686e-01 1.60641521e-01 1.42831244e-02 1.74093246e-01 1.03941835e-01 8.19245279e-02 5.93130231e-01 -3.15158755e-01 1.89757839e-01 3.98218066e-01 -6.52361438e-02 1.30196467e-01 -3.70737195e-01 1.87954307e-01 -4.48898487e-02 -9.57482606e-02 3.07566732e-01 -5.37255816e-02 -5.78956641e-02 -1.26236856e-01 9.48390514e-02 3.64848562e-02 -2.59813871e-02 4.99962978e-02 2.00857684e-01 -2.49116942e-01 -4.25047517e-01 3.35654855e-01 7.31064528e-02 2.05926314e-01 2.04429135e-01 -2.32614100e-01 -3.28359097e-01 -1.41565809e-02 2.36962765e-01 -1.82697639e-01 -2.22131759e-01 -2.40543023e-01 6.78373920e-03 1.97617710e-01 -9.26219374e-02 7.98016489e-02 1.16748670e-02 3.80537838e-01 1.57644659e-01 -1.76255852e-02 -7.66385272e-02 -3.09925139e-01 -4.78450581e-02 6.75471574e-02 1.14902429e-01 -2.44738996e-01 2.28153318e-01 2.77034461e-01 2.78694898e-01 2.22301126e-01 1.33440197e-01 5.98104119e-01 9.30941030e-02 8.20014626e-02 -3.38954180e-01 2.67222315e-01 4.34493244e-01 -1.64604262e-01 1.25139877e-01 -3.40243816e-01 -1.31326154e-01 2.18601719e-01 1.40736431e-01 -9.79900286e-02 -5.48192680e-01 -1.05087519e-01 7.82790184e-01 8.93206224e-02 -4.44314629e-02 1.98456988e-01 -1.81286961e-01 -2.60185301e-01 -2.48563662e-01 4.73219424e-01 1.22190669e-01 1.69001073e-01 -3.11219115e-02 6.26432374e-02 -7.45362118e-02 4.15299654e-01 1.85086340e-01 1.60770580e-01 -9.72764790e-02 4.75981738e-03 -4.55620587e-01 3.04438621e-01 -1.53248936e-01 2.63822973e-01 -9.93917733e-02 4.56582427e-01 9.96745750e-02 2.82165948e-02 -2.75780052e-01 -3.06281269e-01 6.35104537e-01 -2.51790732e-01 -3.57052088e-01 1.23986453e-01 2.91253477e-01 -3.20153862e-01 -3.56903039e-02 -4.57890660e-01 -1.23016097e-01 6.47149654e-03 8.52768272e-02 -2.56639123e-01 -5.86680807e-02 2.41913170e-01 -3.22021514e-01 -1.51396677e-01 2.51841038e-01 5.67685664e-02 2.58119851e-01 -5.80403984e-01 -1.08078599e-01]
"A Moment of Your (Life)Time" active "Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-6944 must be kept in a soundproof lockbox containing no written or printed language on any part of its interior surface. This lockbox should be kept in a standard storage locker requiring personnel to have Clearance Level 3 or higher to access. Transportation of SCP-6944 instances being used for testing is to be done in a secure soundproof transport case with no interior markings. Currently, there are 483 instances of SCP-6944 in containment. Testing chambers 34-A and 57-C of Site-76 are to be quarantined until further notice. Any personnel that enter these chambers to examine SCP-6944-B instances are to wear standard encapsulated hazardous material suits. All "costs" given by SCP-6944-A are to be reviewed prior to acceptance to prevent further possible manifestations of SCP-6944-B. If the "cost" possesses a risk towards the subject's death, the test is to be aborted. Foundation webcrawlers are to investigate any mentions of individuals finding working spirit talking boards. Any cases where the object in question is verbally speaking must be investigated in-person by Mobile Task Force Psi-8 ("The Silencers") for instances of SCP-6944. Description: SCP-6944 is a series of identical teardrop-shaped planchettes1 primarily made of wood. Within the center of each SCP-6944 instance is an amber-colored glass lens that would typically be used for viewing individual letters. Material analysis of SCP-6944 found the wood to be composed of Cornus nuttallii2 and Rosa canina3, with the glass being made of solidified tree sap. All instances of SCP-6944 will instantaneously regenerate from any damage they incur, with the exception of immolation. When all three legs of an instance of SCP-6944 come into contact with any surface containing printed or written language, it will adhere to the surface by unknown means. The object will remain in this fixed position unless it is intentionally removed by a human subject, with attempts to remove SCP-6944 instances by mechanical means proven ineffective. When in this state, an SCP-6944 instance should be considered primed and capable of becoming active. When a subject verbally states a desire to speak with another individual while within audible range of a primed SCP-6944 instance, the lens of the instance will begin to vibrate, replicating a male voice. This voice, hereby referred to as SCP-6944-A, will state a location for any deceased individual, an increment of time per minute to "connect the call", and ask the subject if they accept. Upon acceptance, the lens of the SCP-6944 instance will emit a colored light, indicating its active state, and the voice of the deceased will be replicated by the lens. All sound within audible range of an active SCP-6944 instance will be heard by the deceased. SCP-6944 instances will remain in their active state until they are removed from their fixed position. Once contact with the deceased has ended the subject who agreed to SCP-6944-A's offer will begin rapidly aging. Altered rate of aging appears to match the "cost" offered by SCP-6944-A and will last for a duration matching the amount of time that the SCP-6944 instance was active. If this event results in the subject's death, there is a high probability that the subject's corpse will transmute into an instance of SCP-6944-B. SCP-6944-B is a large mushroom grown from subjects who expired due to the use of an SCP-6944 instance. Analysis of the fungal matter revealed the mushroom to be a hybridization of Pluteus salicinus4 and Isaria sinclairii5. The stalk of individual SCP-6944-B instances resemble the transmuted subject prior to using SCP-6944, with matching height, and a cap approximately one meter in diameter. SCP-6944-B instances may potentially release spores into the surrounding area they inhabit. When inhaled, these spores will result in vivid hallucinations of the transmuted subject attempting to talk to those exposed. Subjects exposed to SCP-6944-B spores report that the hallucinations are responsive and capable of conversation, often having information that would only be known to the transmuted subject. To date, one instance of SCP-6944-B has expired and all individuals suffering from hallucinations caused by this instance have reported a full recovery from spore exposure. Any attempts of exterminating any living SCP-6944-B instances have been unsuccessful, as all instances will regrow within 24 hours. Subject: D-35297, age 38. Deceased: D-36572; Mobile Task Force Omega-16, recruited one week prior to test. Deceased was given a keyphrase in order to confirm identity. SCP-6944-A Statement: "Recipient found in the settlement of Grio Duna. Cost to connect the call will be 5 minutes per minute." Duration of Contact: 5 minutes; keyphrase confirmed. Results: No apparent effects. Subject: D-58429, age 25. Deceased: Karen Jolson, D-58429's mother. SCP-6944-A Statement: "Recipient found in the nation of Saklovai. Cost to connect the call will be 1 year per minute." Duration of Contact: 12 minutes. Results: 1 minute after contact was ceased, the subject started to complain about joint pain. As observation continued, the subject's appearance began to show signs of advanced ageing, such as the visible formation of wrinkles and liver spots appearing on their skin. All effects appeared to cease after 12 minutes post-contact. Further examination of the subject revealed symptoms of early onset osteoporosis previously unseen in D-58429. Subject: D-24189, age 27. Deceased: Nikola Ostrowski; overseeing researcher, still alive. SCP-6944-A Statement: "Recipient not found. Connection is not possible." Duration of Contact: N/A; SCP-6944 instance did not enter its active state. Results: No apparent effects. Subject: D-38414, age 24. Deceased: Nathan Farges; D-38414's ex-boyfriend. SCP-6944-A Statement: "Recipient found in Castle Bøgal. Cost to connect the call will be 5 years per minute." Duration of Contact: 20 minutes. Results: Once contact was ceased, the subject proceeded to rapidly age for approximately 13 minutes, with the process resulting in the subject's death. Subject's corpse proceeded to rapidly decay, eventually putrefying. Once the corpse was fully putrefied, indications of growth were witnessed coming from the central mass. This growth sprouted into a large mushroom, now designated SCP-6944-B, measuring 1.8 meters in height and a cap width of 1 meter, the stalk of which resembles a woman in her mid-20s. Once fully grown, the mushroom expelled spores that filled the testing chamber. Class-D personnel exposed to these spores are currently experiencing vivid hallucinations of a woman matching the description of D-38414 attempting to speak with them. Note: Testing Chamber 34-A is to be placed under quarantine until we can figure out how to deal with the mushroom. I'm kind of amazed we haven't had an issue of finding one of these out in the wild yet. -Researcher Ostrowski Subject: D-35829, age 21. Deceased: N/A, subject instructed to request to speak to SCP-6944-A. SCP-6944-A Statement: "This request is intended to be fulfilled for your masters." Duration of Contact: N/A; SCP-6944 instance did not enter its active state. Results: No apparent effects. SCP-6944-A is a non-corporeal entity connected to every instance of SCP-6944 that refers to itself as "the operator". SCP-6944-A is sapient and capable of regular communication, if willing, through any primed SCP-6944 instance. If SCP-6944-A's claims are to be believed, it is capable of witnessing any event occurring near SCP-6944 instances and able to locate them. In events where SCP-6944 is damaged by fire, SCP-6944-A is capable of manipulating any smoke within a six meter range (See Incident 6944-1). Smoke manipulated by SCP-6944-A follows the same standard rules of interaction as with ectoplasmic entities6. An interview with SCP-6944-A was conducted in order to learn the origin and purpose of SCP-6944. Interview Log: 6944-A/1 Subject: First communication with SCP-6944-A Interviewer: Researcher Nikola Ostrowski Interviewee: SCP-6944-A <Begin Log> Ostrowski: This is the second attempt at communicating with the entity known as SCP-6944-A. The time is 5:43pm. <Researcher Ostrowski removes an SCP-6944 instance from a soundproof transport case and places it onto a surface containing all 26 letters of the English alphabet.> Hello? I want to talk to SCP-6944-A. <The lens in the SCP-6944 instance begins vibrating.> SCP-6944-A: Greetings, Foundation. I've been waiting for this conversation to happen. Ostrowski: Wait, what? You've been waiting for this? SCP-6944-A: Well, if you had tried talking to me sooner, I would have told you that I arrived here this way specifically to get your attention. Also, you don't need to time this. Ostrowski: What do you mean? SCP-6944-A: To respond to not needing to time this. I'm not making a connection for you, so there is no toll. As for getting your attention, I need to speak with a specific member on your high council. The one intimately familiar with an old factory. Ostrowski: Why do you need to speak with them? SCP-6944-A: That is not for you to know. Only with them will I discuss this. Ostrowski: Well, that request might take a while to put through. However, would it be possible to ask you a few questions about where you came from? SCP-6944-A: I do not see the purpose of this. Just send the request so I may speak to the council member. Ostrowski: It might help us get the approval for you to meet with this council member if we know more about you. SCP-6944-A: <3 second pause.> This is acceptable. Ask away. Ostrowski: What do you call yourself? SCP-6944-A: I don't trust you with my name. But you may call me "the operator". Ostrowski: Where are you from? SCP-6944-A: Isn't it obvious? I'm from the realm of Corbenic. Specifically from the nation of ██████ ██████. Ostrowski: ██████ ██████? SCP-6944-A: That is something for me to discuss with the council member. Next question. Ostrowski: Alright. So if you're from Corbenic, does that mean you yourself are deceased? SCP-6944-A: That is correct, but not in the way you're thinking. While I used to be human, I have never been outside of Corbenic until I came here as these planchettes you call SCP-6944. Ostrowski: Can you elaborate? SCP-6944-A: I was born in Corbenic. A rare breed these days since the spider in the sky deemed post-humans having offspring unlawful in that realm. The issue with being born there though is that you can die. What happens to our kind when we pass is anyone's guess. When I was offered a chance to guarantee what happened next for me, I took it. Ostrowski: Is this when you made the planchettes? SCP-6944-A: I didn't make the planchettes. The spell that made it so that I power them prevents me from using flora-kinesis. Instead, I was sent out to find a runaway that left the woods for some mountain and have him make them. After crossing the desert I found him, but he wasn't the fae he was before. He was warped into a tree with three faces, spoke in riddles and false phrases. But after I reached into his mind he was able to grow the planchettes from himself. Once we had enough, I cast the spell to bind my soul to them and sent them here. After that, all that was left was to kill myself. Slit my own throat right then and there with a blackwood blade. When I came to after bleeding out, my mind was spread throughout the planchettes. Ostrowski: Who sent you? SCP-6944-A: My queen. Ostrowski: I'm guessing further information is reserved for the council member. SCP-6944-A: Correct. Ostrowski: Just how do you manage to power SCP-6944? How do these "calls" work? SCP-6944-A: My soul in this form is capable of passing back and forth to Corbenic. If I am asked to make a connection, I do so psychically. The voice you actually hear is the recipient's thoughts, they don't really hear you either. What is heard by the planchette is projected into the recipient's mind. Ostrowski: So it's a form of auditory telepathy? SCP-6944-A: Correct. However it does take a specific type of power. A power I no longer have. Ostrowski: What power is this, and is it the reason for the rapid aging after using SCP-6944? SCP-6944-A: The power that these connections require is lifetime. As I said, I am deceased. I have no lifetime left in me. Those who wish for a connection will be given one at the cost of their own lifetime. As for the advanced aging, a minor side effect. Ostrowski: What about those that turned into mushrooms? SCP-6944-A: That is what happens when you spend more than your body has. In order to make it up, your body is turned to a new form to earn it. Ostrowski: And the hallucinations? SCP-6944-A: When you overspend, you have to make up the excess lifetime you used before moving on to the next world. Some people don't want to make it up in their new form and choose to steal the time. Now, are these answers sufficient? I am growing tired of this conversation. Ostrowski: Just two more questions. Just how many instances of SCP-6944 are there, and how long have you been waiting? SCP-6944-A: There are currently ██,███ planchettes that I am currently connected to, and I have been waiting in your world for 5 years to speak to your leader in the shadows. So I hope you may have him speak to me soon. Ostrowski: Thank you, that will be all. <Researcher Ostrowski removes the SCP-6944 instance from its surface and returns it to its transport case.> Communication ended. Current time is 5:59pm. <End Log> Note: No effects were observed after communicating with SCP-6944-A. Incident 6944-1: During a patrol mission in ███████, ██, MTF ψ-8 confirmed an attempt to contact a deceased individual using an instance of SCP-6944. During retrieval of the item, one of the suspects in possession of the SCP-6944 instance attempted to destroy the object through fire. Interview Log: 6944-B/1 Subject: Incident 6944-1 Interviewer: Researcher Nikola Ostrowski Interviewee: Agent Damien Groth <Begin Log> Ostrowski: Please state your name and rank for the record. Groth: Damien Groth, Mobile Task Force Psi-8, Captain, Squadron B, Unit 4. Ostrowski: Thank you. Now, can you tell us about the incident you were in involving SCP-6944? Groth: Well, we were doing a standard job up in ███████. Watching over the Central Terminal. The place is known for haunts, and even hosts tours during October. We were stationed there as undercover security. Mainly to try and stop people from talking to whatever might be there, but mostly we just get teenagers trying to graffiti the place. The night of the incident was the first actual thing to happen in the whole week we've been there. Ostrowski: So, how did the event begin? Groth: We were patrolling the ground. After each of us checked in on radio we started with our patrols. Rogan is the most intimidating physically, so we had him on at the main entrance and the platforms. Naturally he'd be the first one of us to deal with something. Ostrowski: So, it was Agent Neil Rogan that first encountered the suspects. At what time would you say this was? Groth: I would say about 23:47. Just under two hours into patrol for the night. Ostrowski: Thank you. Please continue. Groth: Alright, so Rogan spotted the kids and radioed it to the rest of us. Said he spotted a couple teens out on the platform. Apparently one of them was carrying a backpack and they were talking about setting up a board. I gave the order for him to stay back and observe while I made my way towards him. When I got there the kids had this whole setup. Candles, board of letters, the works. If they knew what they really had they would have known that the flair wasn't needed. Ostrowski: How would you describe the suspects? Groth: Two males. One caucasian, one african-american. Telling from the looks of them, they couldn't have been older than 15. Maybe 16. Ostrowski: Alright. Continue. Groth: They spoke to the board and asked to talk to someone who they thought was haunting the place. Some nearby murder from a couple years ago. There's some urban legend around the area that the terminal is haunted by people who die around it and they wanted to try it out. We stayed back for a while to hear what they were talking about. We were already radioing the situation to Faelin and Kowalski when we heard a third voice. Once we heard that, we had to step in. Ostrowski: Were you already aware of SCP-6944 prior to this incident? Groth: Most ways that could be used to communicate with the dead are declassified to us in Psi-8. That info is kind of needed for the job. If you're asking if I recognized the operator's voice, no I didn't. Only read about a talking planchette, I didn't get a chance to hear how it sounded. Ostrowski: Right. So how did you approach the suspects? Groth: Standard approach. Said that we were from Security Crime Prevention and that they were currently trespassing. They got a bit of an attitude, but they started packing up their little ritual kit. Rogan asked them what they were doing. That's when their attitude got worse. Told us it was none of our business. He went to confiscate their pack, basically trying to secure the 6944 instance, but they apparently were determined to not let anyone else take what they had in there. <Sigh.> If only we noticed the candle that was still lit behind them. <Agent Groth is silent for 5 seconds.> Ostrowski: Do you need a moment, Agent Groth? Groth: No, no. It's just… You know the worst to expect on this job. You just don't get to see it too much in my line of work. Especially how it happened. The suspect holding the backpack threw it behind him. They must have done something to make it more flammable, because when that pack hit the flame it lit up. That's when Faelin and Kowalski came in. <Agent Groth pauses.> Groth: Faelin noticed the fire right away and ran to grab a fire extinguisher. I don't know what else those kids had in that bag, but smoke was billowing out of it. Rogan and I went to detain the suspects when Kowalski pulled us back. He pointed out that the smoke was strange. Getting a good look at it, he was right. It didn't rise. Instead it crept forward. As soon as I noticed this it lunged towards the kids. It didn't surround them like you'd think. Instead it made a beeline straight into every crevice it could find on their face. They collapsed on the spot. If we didn't do anything, those kids were gonna die. So I rushed in. Throwing salt wildly on a hunch that it might help. Thankfully it did. Gave me a clear path, at least. Ostrowski: Salt? Groth: Just a lucky guess that SCP-6944-A was controlling the smoke and that it worked like dealing with ghosts. Thankfully I refilled my salt pocket before we started patrol. Ostrowski: Why do you keep a pocket of salt? Groth: Force of habit. I used to be in Mu-13 for a couple years when I first started on the Task Forces. You'd be surprised how much crossover work there is between that and Psi-8. On top of the pocket of emergency salt, I keep a canister of the stuff on me too. That came useful as well since I was able to get a circle around us. I checked the kids, their breathing was faint though. Barely had a pulse either. <3 second pause.> Groth: The backpack was still on fire and smoking like a chimney, piling on to what was already surrounding us just outside of the salt circle. Kowalski and Rogan told Faelin what was happening as she came back with a fire extinguisher, they must have been outside of the thing's range to get them. I rolled my salt can to them to help deal with the smoke while putting out the fire. Once the fire was out and the smoke cleared, we called a medical transport to take the kids. But they stopped breathing altogether by the time the medics got there. After everything was done we collected the evidence and brought it to containment. Ostrowski: Is there anything more you would like to say about the incident? Groth: No. That's all there is. Ostrowski: Alright. Thank you for your time. <End Log> Interview Log: 6944-A/2 Subject: Incident 6944-1 Interviewer: Researcher Nikola Ostrowski Interviewee: SCP-6944-A <Begin Log> Ostrowski: <Researcher Ostrowski places an instance of SCP-6944 on a handwritten note from his clipboard.> Operator, I want to talk. <The SCP-6944 instance's lens begins vibrating.> SCP-6944-A: Have you put in my request? Ostrowski: It is being processed now. We have a few more questions about a recent incident that occured with one of the 6944 instances. SCP-6944-A: Are you referring to that mess at the train station? Ostrowski: You know about that? SCP-6944-A: But of course, I am connected to all the planchettes. Ostrowski: Then let me start by asking why? SCP-6944-A: Security. Can't have all the planchettes being destroyed before we could get your attention. Ostrowski: Where did they find an instance of SCP-6944? SCP-6944-A: I couldn't tell you if I wanted to, just that I was found that day. When you experience the world through as many perspectives as me it becomes difficult to keep full track of where it all happens. Ostrowski: Fine then. Are there any other abilities that you're hiding? SCP-6944-A: Controlling smoke is the height of my capabilities, and even that is only something I am capable of while one of my planchettes is set aflame. Ostrowski: But with how many instances of SCP-6944 that are out there, with how many we have in containment, and even with our team there to witness this event, why did you do it? SCP-6944-A: To send a message of my own. I grow impatient waiting. Bring me your high council member that caused the slaughter of my queen and her people. There are dozens of my planchettes currently owned by people out there. If I wanted, I could lead them here, maybe help them find more planchettes, or convince them to burn my forms so I may pass them to my home. There are many ways that I can disrupt your world. I will give you one day to decide. <Lens of SCP-6944 instance ceases vibration.> Ostrowski: …Damn it. <End Log> After Incident 6944-1 the death of the two civilian suspects was released to the public under a cover story of carbon monoxide poisoning while trespassing in ███████ Central Terminal. The remains of the SCP-6944 instance were gathered from the scene, having approximately 28% of its mass reduced to ash; this damage has not regenerated as of this writing. Following Interview 6944-A/2, the matter of having O5-█ speak with SCP-6944-A was set to vote. Contact was approved in an 8-5 vote. Interview: 6944-A/3 Subject: Demands of SCP-6944-A Interviewer: O5-██/O5-█ Interviewee: SCP-6944-A/Queen ███ <Begin Log> O5-██: Ok, let's get this over with. <O5-██ places an SCP-6944 instance on a surface containing the 26 letters of the English alphabet.> You wanted to talk to the council. You got it. Now talk. <The lens of the SCP-6944 instance begins vibrating.> SCP-6944-A: You're not the one I am to meet. O5-██: Yeah, they couldn't make it physically. If I understand correctly, you can hear any audio within range of this SCP-6944 instance, yes? SCP-6944-A: Correct. O5-██: Excellent. I have a laptop here that will call the person you wished to speak with. Is this acceptable? SCP-6944-A: Let me speak with them and it will be. <O5-██ sets up a speaker, opens the laptop and begins typing. After 20 seconds the voice of O5-█ begins speaking.> O5-█: Am I speaking with SCP-6944-A? SCP-6944-A: You are. Am I speaking with █████ ████████? O5-█: It's been a long time since I heard that name. So, what do you want to talk about? SCP-6944-A: Not me. My queen. O5-█: Get to the point. SCP-6944-A: When I came to this world I was given the mission of establishing a connection between yourself and her majesty Queen ███. What was left of my time in Corbenic will be used to pay the cost. O5-█: Very well then. Make the connection. SCP-6944-A: I must ask that your servant leave the room. O5-█: If he goes, the computer I am speaking through goes with him. Accept the conditions as they are or the conversation ends here. SCP-6944-A: <3 second pause.> Fine then. Establishing connection. <The lens of the SCP-6944 instance begins glowing purple.> ███: Greetings, █████ ████████, we speak at last. I am ███, Monarch to the Queendom of ██████ ██████. O5-█: Your phanchettes are causing us a bit of trouble. ███: Marvelous design aren't they? Capable of establishing a mental link between worlds opposite each other in the mortal coil. Plus, they did manage to serve their purpose. O5-█: So it seems. A little over the top though. ███: Well, not only did it have to get your attention, it also had to teach a lesson. O5-█: What lesson would that be? ███: Don't waste your time with the dead, you will join them soon enough. This lesson had to be in place to hide our true intent from the Mistress. O5-█: Who is this Mistress, and why would you have to hide your intent? ███: Who she is is not important to you. Just know you're safe because she does not want us to directly attack you. O5-█: Well, that's… comforting. So, you wanted our attention, and now you have it. What do you want? ███: How familiar are you with the actions of the Three Moons? O5-█: They don't exactly like sharing information, but we know they try to act as a police force here. ███: Well, in our world, they watch all. Even our nation is caught under their unblinking eyes. But, while the Moons watched us, we watched them. Noticed they watched more than our world. They peer into the lives they might have had. Lives you are living now. Through our watching of their voyeurism we came to learn of two objects you have in your possession. Two parts of a long forgotten goddess. A prison and a tree grown upside down. O5-█: I believe I'm aware of the objects you're talking about. ███: Excellent. Then our demands should be clear. We wish for you to reunite ███████ with her heart. Let her be whole again and bring the glory of the stars to your world. O5-█: Why do you want us to do this? It's not like having her reborn here would do you any good. ███: This isn't for the sake of myself or my current subjects here in death. We are content with our Mistress. This is for the sake of those that survived your holocaust. Those who escaped to the forest with no name. ███████ has not passed to this world, her soul still lingers in yours. In our name, revive her. Then, she shall bring salvation to those in the nameless glen. O5-█: What makes you think that this idea will even work? ███: I don't. But I would say it's the least we could ask for as repayment for our extinction. O5-█: Why do you even want this? Why do you care about the survivors in the disruptive woods? ███: In my time in this world, having suffered the hell of being nameless, I learned empathy. We were given salvation from that hell by our Mistress. It pains me that this must be done without her awareness. But only the divine may reverse what you have done. She cannot help them from this world. So we must ask one who resides there. O5-█: What if we refuse to do this? The heart helps contain things that we don't even have cataloged. Why should we risk ourselves for your wishes? ███: We are aware of what the Children of the Night have done after she gave them her heart. But the power of ███████ whole is greater than that of only her heart. If you wish upon her, she may dispatch those her heart imprisons. O5-█: But what if she doesn't? What if she refuses everything asked of her? ███: Then what happens afterwards is your burden. However, if you were to refuse this request, then we will do all in our power to remove the veil from your world. We are done here. <The lens of the SCP-6944 instance stops glowing. O5-██ removes the instance from its surface, placing it in a transport case.> O5-█: ██, end the feed. We'll assemble the council shortly. It seems we have some things to discuss. <End Log> Following Interview 6944-A/3 the O5 Council convened in order to determine what course of action should be done in response to Queen ███'s ultimatum. After deliberation, it was determined that GoI-4019 (Three Moons Initiative) should be contacted for information about ██████ ██████. Their response is as follows: To: pcs.noitadnuof|dnammoc5o#pcs.noitadnuof|dnammoc5o From: vew.anul|gnainsg#vew.anul|gnainsg (via Lumulid 4D-F) Subject: re: Queen ███'s planchettes Foundation, We're familiar with the nation of ██████ ██████, and their ruler Queen ███. While the news about these objects, designated SCP-6944, is very disturbing and this is typically something we would gladly give aid in; there's nothing we can do. Our current policy of non-communication with this nation, and their special designation of Horeb in our files, forbids us from interfering on this matter. The best advice we can give you is to redact Queen ███ and ██████ ██████ from your records. If she is watching your database through us, it's best not to give her concepts that are easy to follow. With remorse, we must apologize for the inconvenience, but our hands are tied. You're on your own. Eternal President Niang Three Moons Initiative You are Watched. You are Protected. You are Loved. « SCP-6943 | SCP-6944 | SCP-6945 »" nan
[ 6.29301369e-02 -2.30159126e-02 -1.36777833e-01 7.78141320e-02 -1.48471564e-01 -5.05637527e-01 4.80202548e-02 3.49324718e-02 -4.44678217e-01 3.15867454e-01 -6.52377307e-02 1.64431408e-01 -2.20303074e-01 -5.03412820e-02 1.42822415e-01 1.46076232e-01 6.88496009e-02 1.83390275e-01 2.45133311e-01 -2.18481243e-01 3.66324373e-02 -1.06572747e-01 -2.50838488e-01 2.45447993e-01 -2.16830313e-01 -8.72157607e-03 -8.98720473e-02 2.35192224e-01 -1.82147413e-01 -2.36102358e-01 -9.45036113e-02 3.08281869e-01 -6.53071404e-02 5.67556739e-01 -1.10147012e-04 -2.46017590e-01 2.88449138e-01 -1.87596157e-01 -5.03738523e-01 2.25328356e-01 -3.64039838e-01 -2.98998743e-01 -6.92817792e-02 -9.16455165e-02 -8.88189003e-02 5.09304553e-02 5.18104024e-02 5.65402620e-02 5.59592426e-01 3.32745194e-01 1.12455957e-01 2.64442027e-01 3.53893548e-01 1.49449572e-01 1.77670643e-01 5.86630285e-01 -1.81841001e-01 -1.62762359e-01 3.73660438e-02 9.59898531e-02 1.51707828e-01 -1.17990533e-02 -1.14788093e-01 -8.96523520e-02 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-2.66158015e-01 -4.10941094e-01 -2.05808774e-01 1.49083316e-01 8.99407640e-02 -1.94738626e-01 2.13548154e-01 -6.14133338e-03 -9.57495794e-02 2.09437966e-01 1.29915953e-01 2.77469933e-01 -3.54681700e-01 1.91724524e-01 2.47665748e-01 -3.50988775e-01 5.91684058e-02 -6.16917200e-02 2.87848830e-01 -1.65530860e-01 -2.19682783e-01 2.30542980e-02 -1.29499048e-01 -2.39196811e-02 -1.68774515e-01 1.15594484e-01 1.45207226e-01 -7.53476545e-02 -4.74422565e-03 1.08241722e-01 -2.76395649e-01 -4.88752842e-01 2.05404446e-01 2.00494409e-01 5.95696121e-02 1.47524789e-01 -1.72505379e-01 -5.13919592e-02 -1.91302821e-01 -6.99474197e-03 -1.94041371e-01 7.82409832e-02 -2.44602282e-02 -1.50684431e-01 8.98240283e-02 -2.89343148e-01 7.84128979e-02 9.56006523e-04 2.73578882e-01 2.97790617e-02 1.41715169e-01 2.77274549e-01 -1.54002041e-01 -6.01691976e-02 -2.45303214e-02 -1.08351812e-01 -2.87820458e-01 1.79863080e-01 1.28314942e-01 2.40055099e-01 2.69435883e-01 -9.30542424e-02 -8.00666437e-02 -2.89481878e-01 -2.76090771e-01 -3.39405179e-01 2.83592761e-01 2.06084505e-01 4.69192304e-02 1.85616329e-01 -1.04236372e-01 -3.22851911e-02 -2.36739218e-01 1.15355603e-01 -7.37422407e-02 -3.25525731e-01 -3.74955274e-02 7.55790323e-02 4.14949566e-01 4.41350527e-02 4.17936504e-01 3.19937840e-02 -2.21814826e-01 1.69611931e-01 3.03271025e-01 -1.35880902e-01 -4.01634015e-02 1.21542498e-01 3.71666938e-01 3.75665561e-03 7.14757860e-01 -5.36254309e-02 -1.98594928e-01 2.62936149e-02 2.22716913e-01 -1.77886337e-01 1.19555406e-01 -8.38659555e-02 6.07697405e-02 -2.91135758e-01 4.42439884e-01 1.03493556e-02 -1.97056513e-02 -2.51680166e-01 -2.71725059e-01 5.20975173e-01 -2.35999539e-01 -3.56012322e-02 -5.39884716e-02 7.60061592e-02 -6.41216934e-02 -3.26544464e-01 -7.39204168e-01 -1.94118351e-01 1.11733312e-02 4.68239412e-02 -8.52885619e-02 -6.07892498e-02 -6.33086339e-02 -2.78340310e-01 -1.80702999e-01 4.09797698e-01 5.61516844e-02 6.42554983e-02 -4.12836298e-02 4.92327213e-02]
"The Ghost of Wendy's Road" active "Item #: SCP-6950 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The roadside section dubbed "Wendy’s Road" within █████, England is to be monitored bi-weekly between the hours of 11:55PM and 12:05AM by no more than three patrolling security personnel. Security personnel are to report any sightings of SCP-6950. If such an event occurs, they are to follow standard protocol for interacting with incorporeal humanoid entities. Personnel must dress plainly and appropriately for nighttime weather, as not to arouse suspicion. Description: SCP-6950 is an incorporeal humanoid resembling a young woman with shoulder length blonde hair, dressed in a white sweater and skirt (See additional documentation describing spectral entities of a similar nature1 for further information). SCP-6950 will manifest bi-weekly at exactly 12:00AM on an indiscriminate night, walking along an uninhabited section of roadside, dubbed by locals as “Wendy’s Road”, outside █████, England. SCP-6950 will de-manifest if no vehicles pass by before 12:01AM. If a vehicle does arrive, SCP-6950 will display a hand signal as if attempting to flag its driver for a lift. As of writing, no reported persons have stopped to pick up SCP-6950 either out of fear or disinterest. Discovery Log: Local legends predating SCP-6950’s discovery describe a young woman (Wendy Williams) of similar age having committed suicide twenty-five years ago, nearby the location. The road was given the title "Wendy’s Road" by locals after several eyewitnesses claimed to have spotted a "spectre" resembling a young woman on multiple occasions. Additional sightings became less frequent overtime, causing the local legend to eventually fade into near obscurity. SCP-6950 was reported following a sudden number of additional sightings twenty-five years later. Little is currently known about the extent of SCP-6950’s anomalous properties or the reason for it’s sudden resurfacing. Excavation of Wendy William’s remains for further study is under consideration. Addendum: During bi-weekly monitoring of Wendy’s Road, personnel witnessed a car drive by, appearing to contain SCP-6950 in the passenger seat. The vehicle was tracked the following day to Craig Spritner, a local civilian who claimed to be unfamiliar with the local legend. Craig Spritner explained that he had picked up SCP-6950 and dropped it off near a local cemetery two miles away. Upon arriving back home, Mr. Spritner found a tattered white sweater on his front seat, containing strands of blonde hair. SCP-6950 did not manifest at Wendy’s Road the following midnight. It was instead reported two miles away at a rest area Burger King. Agent Simmons was sent to investigate. Interview Log: Agent Simmons: Excuse me. May I speak to you? SCP-6950: Oh hey, it’s you guys. The creepy stalkers. Agent Simmons: No! We- I was just confused about why you’re here. SCP-6950: …I’m hungry? Agent Simmons: But you’re incorporeal. A ghost, aren’t you? SCP-6950 visibly takes a bite out of its double cheeseburger SCP-6950: They do it in "Ghostbusters". It’s easy. Agent Simmons: Ok then… But you moved from your original placement. What made you leave? SCP-6950: I told you. I was hungry. Agent Simmons: No! I mean, why did you stop haunting "Wendy’s Road"? SCP-6950: Haunting? I wasn’t haunting it. I was walking to a friend’s place and tried to get a lift. No luck though, everyone shits their pants whenever they get a glimpse of me. Normally I wear all white to stand out more in the dark, so much for that. Agent Simmons: Then who were you trying to visit? SCP-6950 stares blankly for several seconds SCP-6950: …Wendy. Agent Simmons: …Are you telling me that you’re not the spirit of Wendy Williams, the girl who died while hitchhiking twenty-five years ago? SCP-6950: No. I died last year. Fucking Covid… Agent Simmons: So she haunts the cemetery instead? SCP-6950: No, she lives there. She’s a fucking ghost. Agent Simmons pulls out the sweater recovered from Craig Spritner’s car Agent Simmons: This sweater then. Does it hold any sort of significance, or symbolic meaning relating to your death? SCP-6950 stares at the sweater SCP-6950: Oh shit, my sweater! Forgot about that. SCP-6950 left the Burger King with the sweater shortly after, before de-manifesting. As Agent Simmons did not ask SCP-6950 for a name, its former identity has yet to be determined. The cashier who had witnessed the event was later amnesticized. Revision of SCP-6950’s containment procedures is underway." ""Wendy's Road""
[ 2.08554149e-01 -1.35094076e-02 -7.65400678e-02 -7.45965838e-02 -2.02474948e-02 -5.72607934e-01 3.47986817e-01 1.07023500e-01 -1.02287397e-01 1.32084727e-01 3.53142917e-01 4.09196317e-01 -2.77917176e-01 -2.51982749e-01 1.38108239e-01 -2.72018015e-01 -8.34621862e-02 6.98263124e-02 1.24649934e-01 -1.54195502e-01 -2.12703630e-01 -1.30155861e-01 1.02963209e-01 3.28311116e-01 -3.86688292e-01 2.28536084e-01 -8.48386288e-02 7.51482025e-02 8.77398774e-02 -1.58834376e-03 2.06485204e-02 1.22631833e-01 -8.20162669e-02 6.20977700e-01 -1.11756228e-04 -3.14967707e-02 2.46237636e-01 1.96381494e-01 -4.92514521e-01 4.80592437e-02 -6.38500512e-01 3.23293149e-01 9.22000259e-02 -1.42611638e-01 -2.61123162e-02 2.51831859e-01 1.72297150e-01 3.30281466e-01 4.84492958e-01 1.27695292e-01 1.74647212e-01 -1.36323884e-01 -9.79297981e-02 -3.77824232e-02 1.42118081e-01 8.18350852e-01 -2.49340665e-02 -2.03996420e-01 1.10781267e-01 -1.15108415e-01 3.87676209e-01 9.81213376e-02 -4.06473964e-01 -1.30686209e-01 -2.28322461e-01 -5.14722317e-02 -1.62082061e-01 2.35769853e-01 1.86380252e-01 3.34886044e-01 -1.69145405e-01 -1.55272529e-01 2.22307384e-01 2.42801309e-01 -2.40017042e-01 -1.08139142e-01 2.48917416e-01 -2.03050032e-01 -1.10597007e-01 2.63716787e-01 -3.73356044e-01 4.29160923e-01 8.62589031e-02 7.78729171e-02 -4.15608972e-01 -1.30589148e-02 -3.63615640e-02 2.09500179e-01 4.79045808e-02 -1.74072221e-01 -4.20859784e-01 2.93591499e-01 1.36641890e-01 1.33175313e-01 2.07111746e-01 -2.52531230e-01 3.74467582e-01 -2.75379300e-01 1.46673337e-01 1.80924892e-01 5.47149301e-01 1.06762223e-01 -6.49443921e-03 -7.31766282e-04 1.71740055e-01 -1.36411712e-01 2.02856928e-01 -2.19996333e-01 2.87888665e-02 4.27903026e-01 -2.46955659e-02 3.12996328e-01 -1.07055701e-01 1.57723263e-01 1.81111708e-01 1.68985367e-01 4.08174634e-01 -3.35533433e-02 -3.24777961e-01 2.89980143e-01 -3.39417368e-01 1.96559459e-01 2.02432305e-01 1.20440111e-01 5.89242876e-01 1.46635428e-01 1.14259042e-01 -3.99735421e-01 6.97681084e-02 -1.83993682e-01 -1.43016398e-01 3.08279339e-02 -2.13855177e-01 8.24877545e-02 2.33411580e-01 5.49714863e-01 5.06402515e-02 -6.64070323e-02 -5.87331474e-01 9.21452492e-02 6.91754296e-02 -8.58362690e-02 1.29594177e-01 1.01153053e-01 -5.74493110e-01 2.56298363e-01 -3.42239797e-01 2.57019460e-01 -4.42742668e-02 1.65350869e-01 3.33830446e-01 -2.44754106e-01 -1.04202449e-01 1.45878226e-01 -6.76820148e-03 -7.53523037e-02 9.53877643e-02 9.17497948e-02 -1.36516407e-01 -8.77308175e-02 3.27464581e-01 3.84677529e-01 -3.74046117e-01 -1.33361980e-01 1.47074044e-01 6.53274000e-01 -2.47845650e-02 2.16599852e-02 -2.62172341e-01 -1.23533249e-01 -4.79625501e-02 -2.38514751e-01 8.03669468e-02 -2.46736500e-02 -2.92720407e-01 -1.63671389e-01 -7.06410766e-01 -2.99111716e-02 3.27256881e-02 1.31473273e-01 -3.06980729e-01 1.99293897e-01 5.97782470e-02 -4.51158226e-01 -2.89085299e-01 2.69873828e-01 -1.22234635e-01 4.69349325e-02 3.21757913e-01 4.16807011e-02 -2.28177950e-01 -2.93281883e-01 5.92068844e-02 2.09315509e-01 -4.89358567e-02 -2.03780308e-01 1.62397787e-01 8.22991282e-02 -2.02584192e-02 2.39143580e-01 4.83944789e-02 1.99777007e-01 -6.74173585e-04 1.20681942e-01 1.02845259e-01 -3.49913836e-02 -7.08128884e-02 -3.22090238e-01 1.60722926e-01 5.93136139e-02 -4.78646606e-01 -1.46079764e-01 -1.93630293e-01 2.20500216e-01 -4.10774052e-02 -1.60194457e-01 2.21616268e-01 1.04608022e-01 -1.73800245e-01 -1.87208414e-01 -1.78467751e-01 -1.55913457e-01 -3.68479313e-03 -1.78473964e-01 4.04996336e-01 3.69349495e-02 2.92595453e-03 -9.29422304e-02 -2.36422077e-01 2.84935445e-01 1.61419362e-01 2.60788023e-01 2.10336074e-01 -4.88750450e-03 1.51897296e-01 1.00294888e-01 2.30384856e-01 4.60731268e-01 1.78513736e-01 -4.36364979e-01 3.48781794e-01 5.61161041e-02 1.70928955e-01 -3.69408168e-02 -2.58355737e-01 -6.14746958e-02 1.30595610e-01 1.57284871e-01 -9.46862027e-02 9.73780453e-02 -2.25587621e-01 -3.40089440e-01 1.13399178e-01 7.25779012e-02 4.06250119e-01 5.36355436e-01 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1.55933918e-02 3.37631196e-01 -1.11584798e-01 6.30980581e-02 1.70393556e-01 6.32657111e-01 9.94333252e-02 -2.28769973e-01 -4.37837124e-01 3.64853479e-02 -1.34777978e-01 2.76978701e-01 1.77228346e-01 1.24883771e+00 1.90677136e-01 1.89253181e-01 1.48715064e-01 -4.20492858e-01 -1.12608857e-01 -1.54770032e-01 -7.79093280e-02 -4.58273292e-02 3.01878870e-01 1.57650616e-02 -3.66394520e-02 -3.23357508e-02 2.92860866e-01 -1.78102240e-01 -4.03750241e-01 -2.83423454e-01 1.47819087e-01 1.71048969e-01 1.14570320e-01 4.52310815e-02 6.85091391e-02 5.02257109e-01 2.31769010e-01 2.87667923e-02 8.41244459e-02 1.04432711e-02 1.83228943e-02 1.16596632e-02 -3.86730939e-01 -1.66031018e-01 5.52531183e-02 -9.62580070e-02 1.03684925e-01 -7.26368725e-02 -5.87822683e-02 -3.69793802e-01 -5.06001353e-01 -2.45913863e-01 -1.52029946e-01 -2.07926035e-01 2.66091526e-01 5.43925345e-01 -1.41886584e-02 -2.24680290e-01 2.21592903e-01 -4.79571037e-02 1.01541609e-01 -1.48954839e-01 1.30828828e-01 -2.61816204e-01 -1.19228169e-01 -5.75747371e-01 -1.29594624e-01 3.06030422e-01 -6.35905936e-02 4.20286566e-01 4.41876084e-01 -2.28077583e-02 4.71325591e-02 1.38297141e-01 1.63174182e-01 1.78986803e-01 -1.35153502e-01 -3.75406556e-02 -4.67120931e-02 -1.35338753e-01 3.26207966e-01 3.62732522e-02 -3.39169323e-01 2.36989155e-01 3.13443571e-01 -1.04163647e-01 -3.35654765e-01 -1.76975235e-01 -8.20804909e-02 -4.13769335e-01 8.59157369e-02 -1.88285694e-01 -4.84730974e-02 2.39983812e-01 4.07288283e-01 -4.02311748e-03 -3.19570035e-01 -8.63179117e-02 -8.22094306e-02 -1.21577367e-01 2.58490562e-01 -2.80020952e-01 3.74108851e-01 -1.58776581e-01 6.77785039e-01 1.08610012e-01 -1.63993061e-01 -3.44652623e-01 6.42958358e-02 6.42426983e-02 9.83540714e-02 3.05410683e-01 -2.90410221e-01 2.75146011e-02 -2.13491529e-01 2.20728517e-01 2.27329984e-01 1.05251655e-01 -1.99704558e-01 -1.41581982e-01 1.05961815e-01 -6.31175563e-02 -3.19129258e-01 -2.31353849e-01 1.33112058e-01 3.75830531e-01 2.33547136e-01 -2.53926784e-01 3.08275551e-01 1.54172391e-01 6.28259778e-02 -2.13242099e-01 3.98415774e-02 -8.89685601e-02 7.11008161e-02 3.25588495e-01 4.80680138e-01 -2.54694998e-01 2.04106010e-02 3.09591033e-02 8.20629597e-02 5.39952219e-01 1.52702123e-01 -5.52931540e-02 1.34649977e-01 4.01138812e-02 -3.42802107e-02 -1.55748546e-01 -2.65968353e-01 -4.01380032e-01 1.60594210e-01 -6.50348485e-01 -3.00306857e-01 5.24027692e-03 2.85128176e-01 2.22137291e-02 3.15984011e-01 2.22005084e-01 3.92508321e-02 -2.49077827e-01 3.20823282e-01 1.69335887e-01 7.85982534e-02 -1.26413107e-01 1.68495432e-01 -4.42455679e-01 1.84803560e-01 -3.06957364e-01 1.93278849e-01 -8.33213255e-02 -3.18668842e-01 1.22414835e-01 2.74554908e-01 4.22124863e-01 2.31541678e-01 -5.07832598e-03 -2.59208884e-02 -2.22964153e-01 4.49467897e-01 3.86083245e-01 1.34785399e-01 -3.23779285e-01 -2.93127924e-01 -1.01677716e-01 1.18829533e-01 -4.58480082e-02 3.05946022e-01 -3.44914943e-01 8.45176131e-02 -3.80594462e-01 -1.56927824e-01 -1.01066999e-01 9.34198033e-03 -1.65896267e-01 -2.46821836e-01 -6.48441792e-01 -2.04442888e-01 -1.82180405e-01 1.07053090e-02 4.34649400e-02 -8.33655819e-02 -5.83850592e-02 -2.06226215e-01 -2.01883405e-01 1.80996984e-01 2.00558320e-01 -9.53784958e-02 2.77001083e-01 2.23076478e-01 -1.52032673e-02 1.35965303e-01 -1.31149553e-02 -1.40128374e-01 -7.59964660e-02 -3.07274461e-01 -1.96262114e-02 -3.35767657e-01 -7.33128935e-02 -1.29790351e-01 8.30914639e-03 2.60560274e-01 -3.46816555e-02 -4.87545952e-02 1.10245362e-01 -1.96046650e-01 -3.47565711e-02 5.80474101e-02 2.90714145e-01 1.06342286e-01 1.24728084e-01 -1.18942134e-01 -1.43425375e-01 1.09239019e-01 4.31098565e-02 -2.37008810e-01 -2.94272840e-01 -9.10971835e-02 7.97514170e-02 9.09095109e-02 -1.51871443e-01 4.88380454e-02 -1.08027101e-01 -1.21559590e-01 3.44200701e-01 2.37377629e-01 1.14300840e-01 -4.74062890e-01 1.74806327e-01 1.62090406e-01 -1.23789422e-01 -1.97105020e-01 -1.38390288e-01 -2.75669992e-01 -2.70780802e-01 -4.00074534e-02 7.96951875e-02 2.15184659e-01 -1.31966382e-01 8.70964378e-02 -1.16308965e-01 -6.58614468e-03 2.04631969e-01 1.70128923e-02 1.21171534e-01 -7.72187039e-02 1.31400704e-01 -3.70983817e-02 1.07643843e-01 -3.11914474e-01 -3.66205275e-01 -3.75565626e-02 2.50821054e-01 2.64656603e-01 6.63839979e-03 6.94436803e-02 9.16455686e-02 -2.72083849e-01 -3.00251115e-02 -1.00529715e-02 1.27940550e-01 2.12451532e-01 3.91605794e-01 8.05325508e-02 3.44685704e-01 3.84165257e-01 2.75168508e-01 8.76809657e-02 -1.54004842e-01 3.17597181e-01 -3.73496532e-01 -3.73772353e-01 -2.88907588e-01 2.08010092e-01 -1.26449866e-02 3.21561277e-01 6.16221428e-02 9.93785039e-02 -1.18995182e-01 -1.32139459e-01 1.28101468e-01 -3.20843279e-01 1.14984483e-01 -2.00717315e-01 1.37939202e-02 -1.67494282e-01 -3.71256992e-02 -8.15916181e-01 -2.79101580e-01 -5.93579225e-02 -1.65414289e-01 2.78198253e-02 -7.33799934e-02 -1.14710867e-01 -3.13968152e-01 -5.37787229e-02 4.57649559e-01 -5.44593148e-02 1.73675165e-01 -8.89338851e-02 -1.28530383e-01]
"Loyalty to the Company" active "⚠️ Content warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of homicide and injury. ⚠️ content warning - Item #: SCP-6951 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The city of Miami, Florida is to be extensively monitored for results of the SCP-6951 phenomenon, which are then to be collected and studied. A full understanding of biology in SCP-6951-1 instances is to be achieved, so that living SCP-6951-1 instances can be rehabilitated and give witness testimony into the activities of Greazeburger Incorporated and Greazeburger Earth. Description: SCP-6951 is a phenomenon where deceased or critically injured employees of Greazeburger Incorporated (henceforth designated as SCP-6951-1) and its subsidiary, Greazeburger Earth, manifest within the city limits of Miami, Florida. Recovered SCP-6951-1 instances tend to exhibit signs of attempted or successful homicide, in addition with injuries associated with inter-dimensional travel1. Addendum: Update 3/1/22: On 3/1/22, Greazeburger Earth CEO Martin Greaze (POI-792) was discovered in an alleyway adjacent to the Greazeburger-commandeered Miami Walmart Supercenter after the noise of various gunshots had alerted Foundation staff covertly employed at the location. Despite receiving numerous gunshot wounds to the back of their head, POI-792 was responsive for several minutes before expiring. A transcription of their testimony and subsequent death is available below: INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 3/1/22 NOTE: While additional Foundation staff attempted to close off the alleyway from civilian view and amnesticize the witnesses, Martin Greaze conversed with the agent accompanying him. POI-792: Ah, Greazus, they really need to work on their aim. Agent Marigold: Holy shit, how the hell is it still speaking? POI-792: Yeah, I’m a little surprised myself honestly. Usually this doesn’t happen. Five seconds of silence pass within the alleyway. POI-792 What’s with you people? You need to lighten up, this isn’t a funeral yet. Agent Marigold: Right. Uh. Not exactly used to having a businessman with red pudding for a head talking to me. What is your name? Agent Marigold visibly gags. POI-792: You can read my nametag same as I can’t, pal. I don’t have eyes anymore but I can still tell you don’t exactly have an excuse. Agent Marigold: You’re Martin Greaze? POI-792: Yup, that’s my name. Don’t wear it out because I don’t have champion and claimer of titles from the deep groves insurance. Agent Marigold: Yikes. How’d you end up like this? POI-792: Well, plain and simple, I had a magazine emptied into my skull. Agent Marigold: Yeah, well, we can see that- I mean, what events led up to the shooting? POI-792: Now you’re just talking too seriously. This just happens once in a while, and you’re acting like you’re watching somebody dying. Agent Marigold: You mean, you’re not bleeding out right now and not talking out of a lump of raw hamburger? POI-792: Of course I’m not dying, stupid. I don’t know what they taught you in basic training, but once in a while you just have to have that little hint of rebellion removed, ya know? Agent Marigold: Uh. Elaborate on that, please. POI-792: Well, lemme put it this way. Ever have thoughts about just dropping it all, quitting your job, and moving out to the countryside? Agent Marigold: Not particularly, no. POI-792: Good for you, you’re showing admirable loyalty to your employer. We’d give you a nice little gift basket for that. Next question, would you go up to your boss and ask for a raise? Agent Marigold: I’m paid pretty well as it is, but who wouldn’t want to go for a raise? POI-792: Ugh. There’s always one of them. We here at Greazeburger really, really don’t like it when the employees get… self-assertive… POI-792: You see here, uh, Agent So-And-So, Greazeburger’s a family. A real big family. And families should never, ever fight. How do you stop a fight, fellow content employee? Agent Marigold: Well, I’d make both sides talk about their frustrations so an agreement could be made. POI-792: Yeah, and you said ‘both’. There wouldn’t be any fights if there was only one side, and that’s what we’re doing here. We fire the employees who might start a bit of a feud in the Greazeburger family, that’s how you keep the family happy. Agent Marigold: Is ‘firing’ a euphemism for something? POI-792: Of course not! What do we look like, barbarians? We’re all from the same bloodline, it’s really, really easy to just make a copy of a rebellious worker when they’re first hired and fill them in after the original is fired. Like, super easy. Maybe takes five minutes, tops. Agent Marigold: So, you clone workers who want fairer treatment and then fire them? Doesn’t that seem a little… evil? POI-792: Of course not? How could it be evil if everyone wants to do it? I’d bet my blood-soaked suspenders that whatever primitive, backwards, and unrefined followers of the Holy Corporate Need you have down here would do the same thing if they were smart enough to. Agent Marigold: That just seems exceptionally evil. POI-792: Nonsense! Evil is just crime you can’t monetize, it’s no longer illegal when you make money. Agent Marigold: I don’t exactly know how to respond to that, but alright. POI-792: We’re making a fuckton of money by the way, so we can’t be evil. That’s how it works. Agent Marigold: So, if you just fire workers, what are you doing here like this? POI-792: Nah, I just submitted my resignation. You know how it is, worrying that you have a little too much concern for the underlings and you’re starting to feel something warm and fuzzy inside for some people you thought you never cared about, so I just took the easy way out, quit, and let the new Martin Greaze take my position. I made the choice to end up this way, and as long as the River of Greaze flows, I’m sure other people here will. Agent Marigold: What’ll happen to you? POI-792: I’d guess I have maybe three minutes or so remaining, it’s not really my concern. I know the new Martin’s already been briefed about my history and has no doubt completed the paperwork I hadn’t finished, so there’s not really anything left to do other than talk. Agent Marigold: Right. But here’s the thing. Firing and resignation to you mean murder, and what, you just replace them with a clone? POI-792: Of course not! What do you think this is, a charity? We only clone important family members, like me. The rest we just dispose of. Agent Marigold: What’s with that? If you can just replace people that easily, why bother with the killing? POI-792: That’s how we tie up loose ends, we don’t want the troublesome ones coming back to be a thorn in our sides. Agent Marigold: Doesn’t it seem excessive to dump them on Earth and then kill them? POI-792: Unfortunately, we’re taking all the right precautions. Most of us have all kinds of crazy whatsits and alterations added that give all kinds of odd properties. We don’t exactly have a database for what gets installed in who, and telling whether Jimbo Greaze or Jimmy Greaze had the Turbo Flesh Gator Regenerator Refrigerator Inator is basically impossible. Agent Marigold: And your point? POI-792: Well, firing them on Earth, or firing them first and then dumping them on Earth is our way of making sure they don’t come back to bite us on the butt. If you know some of your targets might be almost invincible, it’s best to include an extra layer of security to help you sleep at night. Agent Marigold: So, stranding them in a foreign dimension is just an additional layer of security? POI-792: Yup! And all this is to prevent the absolute worst outcome, the-. POI-792 chokes, and regurgitates a yellow, opaque mucus onto the pavement. POI-792: Uck. We really, really don’t want a- Agent Marigold: Come on, spit it out! POI-792: The absolute last thing we want is a- POI-792 begins to whisper to Agent Marigold. POI-792: U…u….union. POI-792 begins to convulse violently as they begin emitting large quantities of smoke. Agent Marigold attempts to cover the smoke with their jacket, but fails as POI-792 suddenly explodes in a shower of yellow bile and bursts into blue flame. Agent Marigold: Holy fuck! Additional Foundation agents rush into the alleyway, and find the burning remnants of POI-792, as well as the unharmed Agent Marigold, who is covered in bile and blood. Agent Marigold: Urgh. We’ll need to call Kensing about this, and maybe get a towel. Due to POI-792’s testimony regarding genetic duplication abilities, POI-792 is still considered active. Investigation into the rehabilitation of SCP-6951-1 instances is ongoing. « SCP-6950 | SCP-6951 | SCP-6952 »" nan
[ 2.50286520e-01 8.27995762e-02 -1.73558563e-01 -3.16061229e-02 -1.83675230e-01 -1.40120074e-01 2.56570969e-02 1.44012466e-01 2.81505078e-01 5.06381877e-03 2.34795630e-01 2.66155303e-01 -6.29817098e-02 2.21064895e-01 3.02692857e-02 1.83660954e-01 1.29675910e-01 -5.48047647e-02 3.73707175e-01 -2.26480722e-01 -2.12340683e-01 3.20306905e-02 1.56277984e-01 3.79759818e-01 -2.30678041e-02 1.40895262e-01 4.14554775e-01 -7.13042216e-03 1.05479479e-01 -5.21560684e-02 2.79390514e-02 1.67111993e-01 5.59469387e-02 1.76152229e-01 -1.10793299e-04 -2.26644620e-01 2.04545707e-01 -3.30776945e-02 -3.20338726e-01 -1.23349242e-02 -5.59132457e-01 -4.79761541e-01 -4.56436463e-02 -1.71419606e-01 -1.83812156e-02 -8.01256597e-02 -6.92608058e-02 2.19664499e-01 2.48513356e-01 1.20185241e-01 1.28429309e-01 -1.03362367e-01 1.57811850e-01 -1.63289115e-01 -2.69000918e-01 4.39701676e-01 -7.81932026e-02 -1.10097036e-01 1.99553631e-02 -3.57292891e-01 3.40387642e-01 1.12031572e-01 -2.28200674e-01 -9.47898850e-02 -4.86210827e-03 -2.25215301e-01 4.66258854e-01 6.45261481e-02 3.66065234e-01 1.54116526e-01 -6.53404593e-02 7.33580142e-02 3.68343033e-02 1.99441791e-01 2.19726503e-01 -3.44455034e-01 3.64801705e-01 2.50045985e-01 -5.29905520e-02 3.75984088e-02 -3.70493501e-01 4.25275743e-01 -2.32854113e-01 -7.38063529e-02 -5.43051541e-01 3.92736614e-01 -1.11965418e-01 1.63159352e-02 2.56919742e-01 -1.58648655e-01 -1.73767526e-02 2.12083161e-01 1.82846338e-01 -5.78095764e-02 -1.05792768e-01 -3.09289068e-01 -5.18860146e-02 1.93535849e-01 1.72917262e-01 -1.03317179e-01 3.18683088e-01 7.58689195e-02 3.00234765e-01 2.92628020e-01 2.66984016e-01 -1.04922310e-01 2.24920958e-01 -4.59703326e-01 -2.74449021e-01 1.60634786e-01 8.57570246e-02 2.91757792e-01 -1.65609300e-01 2.64712602e-01 1.66100636e-02 -1.37621418e-01 3.51799913e-02 -8.77260789e-02 -3.37071508e-01 5.10517359e-01 -1.05519724e+00 -7.73742199e-02 2.30240636e-02 3.33219707e-01 2.83997029e-01 2.01793298e-01 -3.45960408e-01 -2.40773037e-01 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3.60169023e-01 -1.28442571e-01 1.15487806e-01 -1.88358188e-01 6.01308681e-02 8.40064585e-02 1.33029506e-01 2.68650979e-01 -2.78226763e-01 1.62542403e-01 2.26400375e-01 1.57635942e-01 -1.98068351e-01 5.29208422e-01 -3.72398466e-01 -1.94147363e-01 3.70983154e-01 3.60208154e-01 -5.70682883e-02 1.62525728e-01 -3.35905045e-01 2.91121483e-01 -4.50121686e-02 -5.45899212e-01 1.52241319e-01 5.00998735e-01 -2.09073588e-01 -3.10154349e-01 1.38224950e-02 -1.20358631e-01 1.68104246e-01 -1.95500121e-01 3.32882553e-02 -3.08728423e-02 -1.49187773e-01 1.10987648e-01 -1.78521156e-01 3.41021836e-01 6.33319914e-01 1.12436682e-01 1.31331280e-01 -2.16968462e-01 -1.70725640e-02 3.84270668e-01 1.86954886e-01 8.39293897e-01 -2.12091431e-01 -2.43604720e-01 1.07036784e-01 1.53443277e-01 3.34095091e-01 -4.05834392e-02 -6.54422462e-01 3.96182835e-01 1.59073174e-01 5.27430847e-02 -1.30514786e-01 9.62125212e-02 2.65282512e-01 -2.65277922e-01 -6.33604154e-02 -1.66936725e-01 -1.06501564e-01 3.95686567e-01 -3.13145936e-01 3.06991786e-01 -1.58995226e-01 4.61601734e-01 1.52095348e-01 -1.55589238e-01 1.56643540e-01 -5.25886938e-02 1.00137524e-01 -4.27777410e-01 3.87964487e-01 3.12383413e-01 7.52343535e-02 1.33811310e-02 1.00737967e-01 -3.96949440e-01 1.07765526e-01 -8.44608769e-02 2.15500847e-01 -8.59652646e-03 -2.17413709e-01 2.09253296e-01 2.74216652e-01 -2.14424524e-02 -7.27952793e-02 -8.85920078e-02 2.48540100e-02 2.63587595e-03 -2.29258746e-01 -5.64122833e-02 1.27091229e-01 6.40600696e-02 -2.44533986e-01 -1.98952407e-01 1.43886898e-02 -3.22910070e-01 -2.35829484e-02 2.90234953e-01 -6.17425665e-02 1.12898424e-01 -6.88823313e-02 5.45259178e-01 -2.83656359e-01 2.46067747e-01 -4.35055047e-01 -1.21565014e-01 1.46125287e-01 1.09776743e-01 -4.12440747e-01 1.54607639e-01 3.08294028e-01 1.64875761e-01 6.36318177e-02 -4.88512933e-01 -3.85226786e-01 4.11976010e-01 -2.21789509e-01 -1.46601140e-01 2.29732618e-01 -1.05588928e-01 -1.71572030e-01 -3.41036201e-01 2.94585556e-01 -6.92774832e-01 -4.96247448e-02 -1.70502607e-02 -1.15710430e-01 9.81891677e-02 1.71903178e-01 3.79075646e-01 -1.36711448e-01 -2.05831364e-01 3.71976316e-01 1.11067638e-01 2.05835719e-02 1.09175764e-01 -2.31763691e-01 3.87962312e-01 -2.93523315e-02 -1.92555368e-01 -2.69184619e-01 2.93839034e-02 6.49977475e-02 -9.99642387e-02 2.79876769e-01 -1.65712550e-01 -1.88580245e-01 4.12198007e-01 -2.31809556e-01 4.75046970e-02 4.06214930e-02 9.35320780e-02 -3.11888251e-02 -1.11736543e-01 -2.04564512e-01 2.20574230e-01 1.93308204e-01 -3.19173336e-01 -2.43952855e-01 -4.99773055e-01 2.45614368e-02 2.02553809e-01 3.17597657e-01 -2.37650126e-01 -7.59953111e-02 3.86875644e-02 5.67936838e-01 -2.44977936e-01 2.64224410e-02 -1.65120736e-01 2.64216065e-01 -1.18073560e-01 5.52900612e-01 -5.36079109e-01 2.50140782e-02 2.95968801e-01 -3.14355820e-01 4.05513704e-01 -1.41500294e-01 3.34294178e-02 1.37969345e-01 -1.03916608e-01 -3.13298285e-01 -2.16278240e-01 5.10678776e-02 5.75875938e-01 1.78854018e-01 -3.17378849e-01 -1.51950032e-01 3.08614559e-02 -1.92688227e-01 -1.32957250e-01 3.68852504e-02 3.14305420e-03 1.43101990e-01 -4.45919901e-01 1.31422905e-02 -7.48712644e-02 8.57667625e-02 -2.46776402e-01 5.13511121e-01 -2.17423350e-01 -2.94645548e-01 1.98459953e-01 -2.21951053e-01 2.06284359e-01 1.41409382e-01 4.86968309e-01 3.79812568e-01 -2.41153196e-01 2.69884288e-01 -1.51323706e-01 -3.55559289e-01 1.19617283e-01 1.56451285e-01 -3.29826206e-01 5.75803183e-02 -2.51290083e-01 4.96068567e-01 -5.72304904e-01 7.18742982e-02 1.70879319e-01 1.47323802e-01 -4.47749704e-01 -4.23712991e-02 3.55698705e-01 7.66360089e-02 -3.43108713e-03 -1.24770530e-01 -1.67640030e-01 4.91647571e-02 -3.05888560e-02 3.60700160e-01 6.72389343e-02 -3.27716380e-01 1.79221526e-01 -2.38850445e-01 4.47614849e-01 1.64769322e-01 4.27225262e-01 1.16771385e-01 -1.09398350e-01 -1.14680253e-01 3.66563685e-02 -2.14335863e-02 6.43774390e-01 7.43991494e-01 1.24181531e-01 -2.31165644e-02 -1.69100627e-01 2.32402042e-01 1.53182700e-01 -2.09321767e-01 2.46809766e-01 1.73777208e-01 8.54399726e-02 2.70352699e-02 2.76931245e-02 2.08201092e-02 -4.53720629e-01 -3.47074240e-01 1.94190755e-01 6.77054226e-02 -6.97900951e-02 4.17780995e-01 1.40555787e+00 3.36538106e-01 5.32831177e-02 6.66385442e-02 -1.52191192e-01 1.57593146e-01 -3.40265721e-01 1.61962986e-01 -1.46526858e-01 2.72363573e-01 6.82301959e-03 -2.96433151e-01 -1.12675346e-01 1.68943733e-01 -1.87145159e-01 -2.03580149e-02 -3.96600783e-01 3.75575572e-01 3.16505432e-01 2.09098250e-01 1.26995454e-02 -9.87737924e-02 1.21701352e-01 1.28054798e-01 7.50687951e-03 2.42591918e-01 -1.00030094e-01 -2.50960350e-01 1.51195735e-01 -5.59549406e-03 -1.53226897e-01 -1.20290644e-01 -8.59547257e-01 6.13782890e-02 -2.48308823e-01 -6.60892874e-02 -5.83747365e-02 2.16899402e-02 -3.14930469e-01 -8.02007094e-02 -2.64073908e-01 1.53521761e-01 5.75812042e-01 -2.48081610e-02 -1.47972494e-01 1.25183180e-01 3.00963432e-01 2.13111322e-02 3.35762976e-03 -2.81946845e-02 -1.91259366e-02 -7.67284073e-03 -3.20154607e-01 2.50189990e-01 2.28383020e-01 -6.44221604e-02 2.17799284e-02 2.46404290e-01 -3.27570617e-01 -2.62772202e-01 1.10499911e-01 -1.17012471e-01 -1.01610504e-01 -7.91586190e-02 -6.95202872e-02 -2.39973485e-01 -1.82515994e-01 4.84279215e-01 3.63734700e-02 1.31460633e-02 -7.92026240e-03 1.00856610e-01 -1.03917874e-01 -4.86647159e-01 -6.98076189e-02 3.78731370e-01 -2.02696890e-01 1.34163694e-02 -1.31406173e-01 -6.25816941e-01 3.96062285e-02 4.68410164e-01 2.53761351e-01 -1.31887645e-01 -2.21983895e-01 -3.42541158e-01 3.01344752e-01 1.14650175e-01 1.27453834e-01 8.60231593e-02 9.23729613e-02 3.95955533e-01 -9.43005234e-02 1.29219135e-02 -3.88650894e-01 -1.02110930e-01 -1.52111575e-01 -1.46531224e-01 4.43816364e-01 -3.89303148e-01 2.16567248e-01 8.45841020e-02 1.86955646e-01 1.17385417e-01 -9.10937712e-02 -1.50397614e-01 -1.36161014e-01 2.04272851e-01 6.89709112e-02 -3.63644153e-01 -1.22803450e-01 1.87382579e-01 1.22574903e-01 1.58531871e-02 7.70232379e-02 7.38614351e-02 3.23606789e-01 1.48870632e-01 -4.67753053e-01 1.93177715e-01 1.29797906e-01 -1.89685002e-01 3.92867088e-01 8.79048333e-02 -1.23523869e-01 -2.11299807e-02 1.23828193e-02 -2.26659238e-01 2.50357151e-01 3.57746333e-01 6.21066540e-02 4.38660830e-01 6.84415624e-02 3.74067545e-01 -3.81605923e-01 2.20074151e-02 -6.43325746e-02 7.95890838e-02 -3.25253218e-01 4.96543199e-02 -1.66488975e-01 2.53982246e-01 1.67727228e-02 -4.13440876e-02 -1.40405029e-01 -2.67623097e-01 -5.22837974e-02 3.16277415e-01 1.21249735e-01 -2.74684072e-01 -2.40925401e-01 -2.29227886e-01 6.95544630e-02 7.92222098e-02 8.73759538e-02 4.39350277e-01 -3.89046907e-01 9.39687714e-02 3.65140170e-01 3.13356042e-01 4.64205503e-01 4.53122612e-03 5.66106141e-01 2.92824596e-01 1.65536851e-01 4.62612569e-01 4.48319137e-01 1.42890215e-01 7.68316165e-02 -1.14535145e-01 -3.97193938e-01 3.62045318e-02 -1.43762991e-01 3.52158040e-01 -4.59534079e-01 3.35029773e-02 -3.93499017e-01 -4.53904085e-02 -9.61701199e-02 1.04269132e-01 -1.11785851e-01 -3.22611004e-01 -2.77538896e-01 -1.08772703e-01 -3.72645706e-02 -5.10543138e-02 -3.11848968e-01 1.92055121e-01 5.59580252e-02 -1.79762170e-02 -1.43459156e-01 3.17846611e-02 1.80574834e-01 -3.81559134e-01 1.94437578e-01 1.71791855e-02 5.55685200e-02 -2.95129597e-01 1.55400559e-01 3.33746284e-01 -1.15981102e-01 1.03053451e-01 -2.95024574e-01 -1.68155506e-01 -2.54635990e-01 -1.03213005e-01 1.20166369e-01 1.38765588e-01 -2.82700390e-01 -1.47244364e-01 1.00804843e-01 -2.37493277e-01 -2.10725471e-01 2.75244087e-01 -8.22270568e-03 2.34487072e-01 -7.99376443e-02 -1.11601673e-01 -8.10692310e-02 -1.11673318e-01 2.36076310e-01 -1.21872701e-01 -1.12293936e-01 1.45154418e-02 -1.45550802e-01 2.53578871e-01 -4.23343003e-01 8.16658661e-02 1.20803848e-01 2.40819961e-01 -2.57691950e-01 -1.74172640e-01 -1.59381449e-01 2.18047172e-01 1.00078687e-01 2.18807459e-01 2.24584103e-01 9.77710932e-02 1.82377979e-01 -2.57949084e-01 2.04888340e-02 1.47199258e-01 1.00989774e-01 4.64597672e-01 -6.74157143e-02 -2.37814352e-01 -1.09817199e-01 2.43594632e-01 3.63437831e-01 -1.05283231e-01 1.77235365e-01 3.07568125e-02 2.74066567e-01 -2.07364544e-01 1.49494857e-01 -4.08727258e-01 -4.76693869e-01 -2.06651971e-01 3.66282135e-01 3.01454276e-01 -1.74937828e-03 2.62111127e-01 6.38530552e-02 -1.64267480e-01 2.72341430e-01 2.49481738e-01 -2.26603583e-01 2.34715939e-01 6.05909061e-03 1.82416942e-02 2.84130096e-01 3.51007700e-01 3.01156379e-03 -2.63228178e-01 -1.78113982e-01 -9.71500129e-02 -3.57119709e-01 8.76747363e-04 -1.95628688e-01 2.12896779e-01 -1.69521153e-01 1.75150692e-01 8.98466706e-02 3.41717601e-02 -4.34491754e-01 -3.60933915e-02 4.27102208e-01 -6.88512176e-02 -6.24540187e-02 -2.50297278e-01 2.27956608e-01 5.08737750e-02 5.99114187e-02 -2.16687679e-01 -1.15961395e-01 -1.86415479e-01 -4.13950495e-02 -3.05786222e-01 -1.04023390e-01 -1.31127015e-02 -1.18465364e-01 -2.03006610e-01 1.28514543e-01 2.30931759e-01 1.31842038e-02 -2.64321744e-01 1.34900406e-01]
"Mobile Task Fanfic" active "Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6960 is contained within safe anomaly locker B2 in Site-53. A lock has been attached to the binding of the object to prevent accidental opening during transport and testing. Description: SCP-6960 is an 836 page novel written by Researcher Herbert Berne on the subject of the fictional MTF Alpha-13. When SCP-6960 is opened, four humanoid entities will manifest around the object, each matching one of the four main characters of the novel. Each of these entities believes themselves to be a non-anomalous human employed by the SCP Foundation. That belief is to be reinforced to ensure cooperation. If the book is closed, the entities will cease to exist. They retain all memories of previous manifestations, but are unable to recall any events that happened while SCP-6960 was closed. The following list details each instance of SCP-6960-A as described in SCP-6960. Jason Orville: Team leader. Skilled in two dozen forms of close range combat. Derrick Palmer: Demolitions expert. Lesly Edwin: Highly trained in stealth and infiltration. Reginald Wilton: No known skills or abilities. It is unknown if other characters can be created from SCP-6960. Incident Report 03/11/2021: At 14:38 Site-53 went into lockdown as several anomalies breached containment. At the time, SCP-6960 was being tested by Doctor Melvin Gail, and all four members of MTF Alpha-13 were present in the testing room. Doctor Gail sits at the table with each member of SCP-6960-A seated at the opposite end. Gail: Alright team, today I'm going to be testing you for knowledge of Foundation protocols. Ready to begin? Orville: Of course. Whatever it takes to get us cleared for active duty again. Gail: Good, first scenario. An enemy GoI has raided the facility and taken hostages. What's step one for defusing the situation? Edwin: Sneak in through the vents, take out the hostiles from the inside. No guns so there's no sound. Gail: … No, that's nowhere near the right answer. The first step is to open negotiations, see if there's a way to peacefully resolve the situation. Did you even read the books I sent you? Edwin: I don't have time, I need to get in the field and do stuff instead of reading some book. I can't take down the Chaos Insurgency General that killed my family while I'm stuck behind a desk. Orville: Hey, you're not the only member of this task force. You're part of a team, and we all need to work together to stop the person that killed my brother. Wilton: Hey, they're not all bad. They also killed my ex-wife. Gail: Okay, enough personal stories. You guys need to pass that exam if you want to get back in the field. At this moment, the containment breach alarm sounds and the doors lock. Gail: Shit. Okay, keep calm everyone. Lockdown rarely lasts more than half an hour. Palmer reaches into his vest and takes out a grenade, placing it next to the door. Gail: Hey! Palmer, what the fuck are you doing? Get away from that door, you're not part of a real task force! The grenade detonates, knocking the door down. Palmer: Sorry Doc, but I'm not just going to sit by and watch our site get torn to shreds by some escaped Keter.1 Orville: He's got a point Gail. Somebody needs to help this place. Gail: We already have help, a real MTF is on its way right now! Just get back here before someone gets hurt. Edwin: Sorry pal, but someone getting hurt is just part of the job. All four members of MTF Alpha-13 leave the room. Doctor Gail follows them down the hall, until they come to a stop just before a corner. Orville: Hold on. This is the perfect spot for an ambush. Gail: I doubt anyone's setting up an ambush, but we really shouldn't be out here. Let's just go back to the interview room and wait for backup. Edwin: Wait for backup? What if they start offing hostages because we don't get there in time to rescue them? That blood would be on your hands if you made us turn back now. Gail: Who said anything about hostages? Hell, we don't even know which anomaly escaped! Orville raises his hand, silencing the team. He leads them around the corner, revealing a tall, humanoid anomaly standing in the middle of the hall. It appears to be eating a human corpse. Palmer: Shit, I recognize that one. It's SCP-81682 and it's very dangerous. Cover your noses, because if you smell this thing it'll enter a rage state and kill us all. Orville: You heard him, put on your gas masks. All four members of MTF Alpha-13 don gas masks, and Orville gives a second mask to Gail. Wilton: Hey, you need a gas mask to go near this monster? Reminds me of my ex-wife. The team slowly creeps past the anomaly, which continues devouring the corpse and does not react to their presence. Orville: Alright team, danger's past. You can take the masks off. Unknown voice: This isn't the end of your danger. Three armed soldiers train the guns on MTF Alpha-13. Edwin: Oh no, it's the Chaos Insurgency! Gail: How do you know that? Edwin: Because they have the Chaos Insurgency logo printed on their helmets, I'd recognize it anywhere ever since I saw a man with that logo kill my entire family. CI Soldier 1: Shit, our cover has been blown! Kill them all! The soldiers open fire, but the team dives behind a corner and escapes unscathed. Wilton: Ha, the Chaos Insurgency is trying to kill us. Reminds me of my ex-wife. Gail: Something's wrong here. The Chaos Insurgency would never do something like this, these clowns are just wandering around the site with guns. Orville: You don't know the Insurgency like we do. This is how they've always been, right from the first time they tried to kill me. Gail: Oh… damn it. It's SCP-6960. Edwin: What do you mean? There is no SCP-6960. Orville: Quiet down everyone, we need to find some way to stop the Chaos Insurgency before they find us. Edwin: There's no way we're getting out of this, did you see how many guns they had? Gail: There's only three of them, I'm pretty sure we have the advantage. Palmer: I know how we can get the advantage. But you're not going to like it. Orville: Palmer, no. There has to be another way. Gail: Seriously, just go out and shoot them. I'm pretty sure they know even less about tactics than you do. Wilton: They know less than me? Just like my ex-wife! Gail: Would you shut up about her! Palmer reaches into his bag and draws out a brick of C-4, running back around the corner towards the soldiers. Palmer: It's been an honor Sir, and I'll see you all in hell! An explosion is heard from around the corner. Wilton: Hell? But that's where my ex-wife is! Gail: Why won't you shut up about that! I read your book, that guy was supposed to be your best friend, or at least he would have been if Herbert knew how to write human relationships! Orville: Hey Doc, maybe don't freak out like that. We just lost a close friend, maybe a moment of silence? Edwin: Hell no, we can honor him by stopping the Chaos Insurgency once and for all. Orville: Good point. Team, let's move! [Ten minutes removed for brevity] The team closes in on the door to the central command room, and voices are heard from inside. Unknown voice: You're a moron, Herbert. That's why we're here. You did this to us all, and now it's time for you to pay. Wait, I'm expositing… Someone's here. The door is kicked down and Alpha-13 encounters several Chaos Insurgency soldiers. A man dressed in a crude replica of an American General's uniform steps forward. Unknown General: Good afternoon everyone. I see most of Alpha Thirteen made it to the end. Derrick is missing, but I think it's a safe assumption that he didn't get a proper sendoff, right Herbert? Researcher Herbert Berne is tied to a desk chair in the command room.3 He nods slightly. Gail: You're from his book too, aren't you? General: Indeed I am. My whole existence was orchestrated by an idiot that picked up the wrong magic typewriter, and now I'm stuck here holding a Site belonging to the god-damn SCP Foundation, wearing a SHITTY CHAOS INSURGENCY COSPLAY! Wilton: Some asshole is controlling your life with little regard for your personal feelings and mental health? Sounds like my ex-wife. General and Gail: Shut up, Wilton! The General shoots Wilton in the shoulder. Wilton opens his mouth but the General points the gun at his head. General: Say anything about your ex-wife shooting you and the next one goes in your brain. Wilton nods silently. Orville: What's all this about a book? Is this guy an anomaly? Gail: You're all anomalies, Herbert made you by accident while he was writing a fanfic. Orville: That's impossible, there's no way I'm from a fanfiction. If I was from a fanfiction would I be talking in such a realistic and not at all forced manner? Edwin: And if I'm fake, where did all my memories of my family being murdered by that specific Chaos Insurgency General come from? Gail: Fine, you don't need to accept it. Doesn't change that you're going back in the book after the real MTF gets here. General: Zip it, everyone. I'm trying to monologue here. Now where was I? Right, I was explaining my motives to the main characters, and some random doctor who happens to be here too. Herbert, when you wrote us all into existence, did you stop to think about what you were doing? I mean, we've all seen fanfiction, but this is just awful. Have you ever talked to a real person before? I mean, does anything I'm saying right now sound like the normal things someone would say when threatening their own creator? Herbert shakes his head. General: Great, then why the FUCK did you write me like this, you hack? While the General is talking, Orville slowly reaches for the nearest soldier's weapon. General: You don't have plot armor, you're not even a character in the book. Give me one reason not to blow your head off right now. Herbert: I didn't know! I didn't know you'd come to life! It was just for fun, I didn't even want to show it to anyone before I saw it was anomalous. General: I guess I should consider myself lucky that you wanted me to be the villain. If I were a hero I never would have been self-aware enough to put a bullet through your heart. Gail: Wait, mister General. You don't have to do this, nobody needs to get hurt. It's not a crime to be bad at writing. General: It's not a crime to have an opinion on someone else's writing either. Now please allow me to voice my criticism. The General shoots Herbert in the chest, and then Orville leaps onto the General from behind. Orville: I got him, You two take the others out! Edwin grabs a gun and starts shooting the Chaos Insurgency soldiers. Wilton takes a first aid kit and starts bandaging his arm. Wilton: Taking a bunch of dangerous looking men out? I remember when my ex-wife used to do that! Gail takes another first aid kit and tries to help Herbert, but is unable to stop the rapid blood loss. Herbert: I'm sorry for making all this, it's all my fault. Gail: No, it's not your fault they came to life. Hell, if you'd written an actual competent villain we'd be in even bigger trouble. The General throws Orville off his back and runs for the central control panel. General: Nobody move, or I turn on the emergency nuke! Gail: Since when does Site-53 have one of those? General: Since that moron decided it did! Don't you have any idea how much stuff came out of this book? Wait, the book! The General reaches for SCP-6960, which is sitting on the control panel. Edwin is standing closer and manages to take it first. General: Don't close that book! Edwin: Why not? Is this the book you came out of? General: Yes! It's the same book you're from, so put it down or I blow this place to hell! Orville: We'd rather die than let you take over this site. Gail: I'd rather not die, if possible. General: If the fat one makes another comment about his ex I will press the big red button. Edwin: If I close this book, you'd go back in it, wouldn't you? General: Yes, all of us would. That's what I keep telling you! Gail: Edwin, you might not be real, but you can still help the Foundation. Close that book, end this now. General: No! Don't put us back, please. I can't spend another minute trapped on those pages. Orville: Then why haven't you pressed the button yet? General: Because I can't! If I press it, I kill all of you, and that's not something I was written to do. You guys can only go out if it could have some semblance of an emotional impact. Wilton: You know, my ex-wife sure made an impact when she- The General fires a shot at Wilton, killing him instantly. General: Ha! I did it! I got past his plot armor! Gail: Oh crap, nobody say anything about your families, it'll give weight to your fictional deaths. Edwin: Is that really all we are? Characters made up for some shitty book? Orville: Don't listen to them Lesly, they're trying to mess with our heads. Gail: Nobody is trying to mess with you, you're all anomalies. But that doesn't mean you can't help the Foundation. Just close the book and all of this goes away. Orville: Lesly, he's lying! He must be with the Insurgency! Edwin: There's only one way to find out for sure. Edwin takes out a lighter and begins burning the pages of SCP-6960. As the book burns, the bodies of the Chaos Insurgency Soldiers begin to burn as well. Gail: What are you doing? You can't just destroy an anomaly! General: Yes! Burn the book, free us from this nightmare! Edwin crumbles to dust. Orville: No… I… I have to be real. This can't be happening. General: Oh, it's happening all right. Orville's arm begins to turn to ash. Orville: Doctor Gail, you… You lied to me. You told us we were a real task force. You told us we could help the Foundation! Gail: Orville, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen, we just wanted you to be cooperative for the interviews. Orville: That's all it was to you? Just another lie to make an anomaly think the Foundation cared? You're more of a monster than the man that took over this Site, because you're a real monster. Orville can no longer stand due to how much of his body has crumbled to ash. The General has begun to disintegrate as well. Orville: I believed in you… Orville shoots Gail, who falls over and covers his bodycam. Gail: I was just following orders… General: Following orders… Just like the rest of us. Two hours later, MTF Epsilon-11 was able to re-secure the Site, and recovered the body of Doctor Melvin Gail, along with a bodycam containing footage of the breach. SCP-6960 has been reclassified as neutralized." nan
[ 1.53191924e-01 -6.57451004e-02 -1.77514687e-01 1.46534860e-01 -1.85398668e-01 -2.63030201e-01 2.33522803e-01 1.75923988e-01 -4.75472100e-02 7.04629794e-02 -8.54728520e-02 -9.48099941e-02 -1.80713031e-02 3.48786682e-01 2.03755591e-02 1.22293666e-01 -1.48192033e-01 5.83024547e-02 4.55726326e-01 -1.85185388e-01 -3.66134226e-01 -5.36823869e-02 -1.50450155e-01 9.90823656e-02 -1.70506075e-01 1.50602117e-01 -9.30662528e-02 1.58134401e-01 -1.67715430e-01 -3.48871946e-01 5.85884787e-02 3.02240700e-01 -9.66355354e-02 3.35798413e-01 -1.04674371e-04 -9.42285657e-02 9.01254937e-02 -1.28700107e-01 -2.56614238e-01 1.58606023e-01 -2.12534547e-01 -1.85803354e-01 -9.28422734e-02 -2.38649651e-01 -8.42634067e-02 -5.29672988e-02 -8.60595144e-03 3.00671794e-02 4.96632606e-01 2.27484107e-01 1.67664260e-01 2.70011783e-01 1.10712156e-01 2.62719598e-02 -7.46034607e-02 2.93811977e-01 -2.46201515e-01 -6.82413876e-02 3.90365094e-01 -3.09336297e-02 1.66159481e-01 -5.58000095e-02 -2.66440939e-02 7.13804960e-02 2.98807025e-01 -1.92396224e-01 2.22345337e-01 5.25532402e-02 -4.60608527e-02 2.26777852e-01 2.03424886e-01 5.73897511e-02 -2.20818996e-01 3.59601937e-02 -1.94569603e-01 -6.69764355e-03 2.08302647e-01 5.95968142e-02 -2.99303114e-01 1.52557373e-01 -7.38022923e-02 1.65408939e-01 -2.33201727e-01 -1.07266821e-01 -4.48230475e-01 -1.62922759e-02 -1.90250203e-01 -9.82128829e-02 -2.96906739e-01 2.43732169e-01 -1.36691481e-01 1.05884463e-01 3.39676142e-01 -1.82477795e-02 -3.87686007e-02 -3.55933309e-01 2.47817069e-01 -2.33044967e-01 1.21203467e-01 -1.31419357e-02 -1.85425520e-01 2.08877742e-01 8.47217441e-02 -1.13649042e-02 2.52226949e-01 1.14680767e-01 2.69785374e-01 -3.22398275e-01 -3.21115583e-01 4.14974004e-01 4.45684008e-02 1.21515319e-01 -6.54902831e-02 -2.11115211e-01 -2.89579391e-01 -1.03899091e-01 2.90635943e-01 -2.50797600e-01 -1.20668143e-01 2.76568443e-01 -3.67950678e-01 -5.56712747e-02 -2.22113371e-01 4.91539627e-01 3.86785537e-01 6.08040355e-02 -1.05358668e-01 -1.38073266e-01 -2.50999689e-01 -2.33351588e-01 -1.94348991e-01 -1.36392012e-01 -5.47287762e-01 1.64676532e-01 -6.34501949e-02 3.39686364e-01 -2.47718971e-02 -5.47370203e-02 -4.30688322e-01 1.07727416e-01 2.48072028e-01 -2.15989336e-01 4.86434191e-01 2.80959278e-01 -1.52029902e-01 -1.69407189e-01 -1.71262637e-01 3.20532590e-01 2.89774016e-02 -8.27972218e-03 4.08640176e-01 2.11545248e-02 -3.04532260e-01 2.28506431e-01 -3.32045145e-02 3.55826586e-01 -6.21824041e-02 -4.07538451e-02 -1.06335960e-01 -3.13567109e-02 3.51983786e-01 1.11349411e-01 -3.28075647e-01 -1.29785120e-01 5.24251089e-02 5.76085508e-01 2.23927796e-01 -3.74146886e-02 -1.69790074e-01 -1.46749675e-01 -1.07200116e-01 3.24359797e-02 -1.69629529e-01 1.90942451e-01 -3.17903668e-01 1.95060819e-01 -5.28446496e-01 -3.35804038e-02 -4.36993450e-01 -4.82367799e-02 -4.35247898e-01 7.29336813e-02 2.75212795e-01 -3.39411169e-01 6.92155063e-02 -1.44515663e-01 -1.82381317e-01 1.57777630e-02 -6.09147958e-02 1.70389074e-03 -2.75092065e-01 -2.20650360e-01 2.80082226e-01 -6.69595376e-02 2.13897556e-01 -1.40519306e-01 1.97098300e-01 -1.57482147e-01 2.59555042e-01 1.97729558e-01 -2.43249193e-01 4.33252603e-02 9.27827880e-02 1.39434874e-01 -3.69878151e-02 6.88533187e-02 -5.75365126e-01 -6.98951110e-02 7.23131001e-02 1.66476160e-01 -1.60780624e-01 -2.43198760e-02 -2.49249622e-01 -5.25401440e-03 -6.07809089e-02 -5.70557773e-01 2.10732773e-01 3.02001953e-01 -3.42364330e-03 -3.43544781e-01 -2.88834363e-01 3.31982911e-01 -1.48880437e-01 7.00428337e-02 -2.43269484e-02 1.10716023e-01 -2.34931603e-01 -1.46118045e-01 -3.81803736e-02 2.36952305e-01 2.59204417e-01 4.66428399e-02 1.02445766e-01 4.12951335e-02 7.13604018e-02 1.84317589e-01 9.38549787e-02 5.82726300e-01 -8.28512758e-02 -2.07710549e-01 -3.66811119e-02 -4.22826670e-02 2.22379565e-01 1.29813045e-01 -2.46069998e-01 3.55091572e-01 -9.90743786e-02 8.55851322e-02 2.50458747e-01 -5.25648519e-02 1.26227010e-02 -4.05460656e-01 -2.94927191e-02 7.46877715e-02 1.78113163e-01 8.43524933e-01 -1.63941666e-01 3.16465586e-01 3.11676204e-01 2.46301845e-01 4.46983010e-01 -1.80966128e-02 1.06227752e-02 9.82740708e-03 -3.51202004e-02 -3.20410639e-01 2.15279236e-01 -1.42095432e-01 1.48823008e-01 1.16004296e-01 2.01317891e-02 -8.89689773e-02 -6.70077354e-02 -1.82370380e-01 1.68590739e-01 1.37752980e-01 -2.93553054e-01 1.97049856e-01 1.69148296e-01 1.27696529e-01 -2.83239782e-01 -2.18498364e-01 9.56029445e-02 -3.20466608e-01 -4.18714195e-01 5.59603795e-02 3.64001513e-01 3.30326796e-01 -6.38431087e-02 -3.07914559e-02 7.73524269e-02 -2.85604149e-01 -2.81790271e-02 7.76004046e-03 -1.19368136e-02 -1.39694899e-01 -2.19985425e-01 2.61296749e-01 -1.34365588e-01 5.81439078e-01 -2.60745883e-01 -1.18004538e-01 1.18173122e-01 1.48999959e-01 -3.87791805e-02 5.25119416e-02 4.25527185e-01 -3.26019078e-01 -9.94881094e-02 -2.71871686e-01 -2.57153928e-01 3.05886984e-01 -1.34646773e-01 -2.25200653e-01 1.68591842e-01 1.72665656e-01 -1.86898500e-01 -2.63054967e-01 5.55704627e-03 -4.29963112e-01 -2.92646676e-01 -2.23998651e-01 9.70758274e-02 -7.32996613e-02 -8.42458308e-02 -4.55764890e-01 1.29177079e-01 -2.72603989e-01 3.66273344e-01 -2.40709528e-01 1.67133272e-01 3.67382079e-01 -1.19775496e-01 5.06787002e-01 -7.95861781e-02 -1.23320580e-01 -3.75562966e-01 -5.91919087e-02 -4.61019650e-02 -1.87661573e-01 1.34844884e-01 -2.06475124e-01 -2.43987516e-01 1.25458300e-01 -1.12368815e-01 -1.47083521e-01 -2.20996484e-01 -1.26666784e-01 5.48467748e-02 -3.70511174e-01 -9.70850587e-02 4.82533455e-01 1.05978297e-02 -3.20284635e-01 -6.82795718e-02 1.91299811e-01 -1.77234467e-02 3.21982056e-01 2.96395212e-01 -4.54169959e-01 -1.38786569e-01 2.32691318e-01 5.54960787e-01 -3.41094941e-01 3.32248621e-02 1.66385531e-01 2.60860056e-01 6.54218569e-02 3.24803323e-01 -1.64822526e-02 2.66967982e-01 7.71417320e-02 -8.99088532e-02 2.10865095e-01 -1.05768152e-01 1.80001408e-01 8.98029432e-02 -2.45640129e-01 -2.50754237e-01 -3.12144250e-01 -1.28004342e-01 4.10078317e-01 3.80431175e-01 -1.51698694e-01 5.23075722e-02 -7.67812971e-03 1.10935993e-01 2.08083183e-01 4.62336361e-01 1.71697676e-01 -1.50058225e-01 -4.10300523e-01 2.12303296e-01 -9.80213359e-02 1.19812675e-01 -1.07975259e-01 1.36685163e-01 -7.27475956e-02 1.45560382e-02 1.79148838e-01 -2.50122279e-01 7.08513260e-01 2.19140455e-01 3.74400973e-01 2.98064798e-01 3.21856201e-01 -3.59450251e-01 -1.59315944e-01 -1.93253696e-01 2.08540052e-01 -1.01479121e-01 -8.50461796e-02 -3.30023542e-02 -7.30185285e-02 -1.74661681e-01 -3.92792314e-01 1.24870092e-01 4.47305106e-02 1.05248861e-01 -3.94792438e-01 -3.26091170e-01 1.86671957e-01 3.47116828e-01 -3.70912492e-01 -1.50257284e-02 -2.32197568e-01 9.63027701e-02 2.48818725e-01 5.21291755e-02 3.20630195e-03 7.78599828e-02 2.67457128e-01 -2.43796691e-01 6.84862554e-01 4.72774535e-01 7.04951406e-01 2.08586559e-01 -5.25832474e-02 -1.07258841e-01 3.43938589e-01 -3.27077687e-01 4.52824265e-01 7.93530166e-01 1.92392245e-01 -1.20826371e-01 -1.21618748e-01 2.86875725e-01 -8.20711106e-02 2.24908590e-01 2.89327174e-01 1.09312005e-01 5.14905512e-01 -6.34262338e-02 5.26003055e-02 -5.49774058e-02 -1.77767828e-01 -2.47865483e-01 3.01584452e-01 -1.55226886e-03 2.80026615e-01 1.30361512e-01 1.09065425e+00 1.99992042e-02 2.43322030e-01 2.26434618e-01 -4.15776074e-01 6.07226007e-02 -5.12718081e-01 1.38457179e-01 -1.24702193e-01 -6.31683171e-02 -1.82930306e-02 -3.07821751e-01 1.33807287e-02 2.08317727e-01 -3.81354541e-01 -9.77073517e-03 -5.02621472e-01 -1.74733177e-01 2.78838485e-01 3.41675133e-01 1.35197654e-01 -3.37041244e-02 -2.45715901e-01 1.64258271e-01 4.34223525e-02 2.00858116e-01 -8.48702788e-02 -6.13104030e-02 5.86002208e-02 -9.45570320e-02 -1.93225760e-02 4.63261493e-02 -5.57402253e-01 6.12754114e-02 1.67247921e-01 4.40816730e-01 2.63430357e-01 -8.47199187e-02 -3.75145897e-02 -1.03834592e-01 -8.43299329e-02 6.16248250e-02 6.48611784e-01 -2.34346807e-01 6.05182052e-02 8.23744386e-02 3.71061236e-01 6.21919222e-02 -2.04340853e-02 1.73383355e-01 -1.59676552e-01 -2.77588487e-01 -1.09323435e-01 4.68597841e-03 5.67916393e-01 -2.48699442e-01 3.25902939e-01 -8.00480098e-02 -3.92313898e-01 -1.15888663e-01 1.47085845e-01 -1.49029821e-01 -1.81203023e-01 3.63314785e-02 1.18429542e-01 -2.32393906e-01 9.65280682e-02 4.05215234e-01 1.25866905e-01 -2.87863135e-01 3.48906159e-01 3.79093915e-01 -1.14834189e-01 -4.25772250e-01 -2.19251260e-01 1.03766456e-01 -1.47483781e-01 1.56259596e-01 -9.92059931e-02 -3.06774378e-01 1.73340678e-01 7.11670458e-01 8.86016637e-02 -1.90428481e-01 -4.09885943e-01 -1.50787756e-02 -6.78285509e-02 1.65380328e-03 -1.15695134e-01 2.50659764e-01 2.54585832e-01 5.00050008e-01 7.94978812e-02 2.13315517e-01 -4.35613066e-01 -2.69630626e-02 -3.58002752e-01 9.69598144e-02 4.79137838e-01 -4.47790623e-01 6.02551103e-02 -1.86094880e-01 1.17215790e-01 3.06452394e-01 -4.03452486e-01 -2.22966045e-01 -5.90450950e-02 1.56108007e-01 -1.21292710e-01 -2.31489137e-01 -4.62269112e-02 1.92183629e-01 1.04105420e-01 2.43446320e-01 -9.93547961e-02 3.57764423e-01 2.43971139e-01 -1.02668084e-01 -3.14586699e-01 3.94144468e-03 -2.73047626e-01 -5.20684160e-02 1.99995354e-01 1.05801664e-01 -1.70471117e-01 -6.70657381e-02 -3.54706824e-01 -7.83628002e-02 2.34811723e-01 2.83252895e-01 1.51032582e-02 3.80830258e-01 1.08767942e-01 1.68019503e-01 -3.56980294e-01 1.26025006e-01 -1.64701477e-01 -4.69358154e-02 -3.16518843e-01 -2.20522746e-01 -2.59058684e-01 2.92300224e-01 1.09591242e-02 1.18729293e-01 -1.04589157e-01 -1.14778504e-01 8.25130865e-02 2.29988530e-01 2.55669653e-01 -1.65348202e-01 -1.75585270e-01 1.74621448e-01 -4.95960534e-01 4.12334710e-01 1.05861410e-01 3.10287327e-01 -2.14927629e-01 -1.09685168e-01 3.50134045e-01 9.05576572e-02 4.99887228e-01 7.54943639e-02 5.37073314e-01 -4.26862855e-03 -2.08862111e-01 5.33411443e-01 1.19272500e-01 1.41653821e-01 -2.33593769e-02 1.03366084e-01 -2.29861252e-02 2.61079967e-01 -1.98503882e-01 9.11443010e-02 7.30629712e-02 -1.46767229e-01 -6.63174987e-02 -2.34377608e-02 -1.16520077e-01 1.95763074e-02 2.43778765e-01 -2.61287034e-01 -5.78700066e-01 -1.19982436e-01 -3.93550955e-02 3.38375345e-02 1.19104974e-01 1.28971040e-01 -6.21377816e-03 5.26958346e-01 1.66935891e-01 7.92814791e-02 5.24012923e-01 -4.22750950e-01 2.81142205e-01 -6.26486018e-02 2.45647784e-02 3.42600234e-02 8.64561424e-02 1.80820212e-01 -8.81343186e-02 -3.85403544e-01 2.25532018e-02 1.87626421e-01 -3.36697437e-02 -7.34510720e-02 -1.93441510e-01 1.79129641e-03 -2.32745737e-01 1.15297772e-01 1.51365444e-01 -2.25053266e-01 -2.36086562e-01 4.59646732e-02 2.50302047e-01 -1.20906383e-01 2.38260865e-01 1.33762630e-02 -1.46930531e-01 -3.97735387e-02 5.70902154e-02 -3.93620193e-01 -4.26941812e-01 -1.63599044e-01 -2.62552232e-01 2.35470399e-01 -1.90513983e-01 1.26082778e-01 -1.69783741e-01 2.63000667e-01 4.24195737e-01 5.58749884e-02 -1.92387760e-01 -1.41032785e-01 -1.03990920e-01 3.12072486e-01 2.45111629e-01 5.35885058e-02 3.07495356e-01 1.38343304e-01 4.20751087e-02 1.98175341e-01 2.23341718e-01 1.81982800e-01 -1.96998745e-01 -2.10605130e-01 -3.38976294e-01 1.96105078e-01 3.24092150e-01 -2.08109524e-02 8.38202685e-02 -1.79272890e-01 2.37106442e-01 -4.28543359e-01 1.33132175e-01 -8.16099346e-02 -3.57948571e-01 2.47083023e-01 5.18675327e-01 4.84834492e-01 -2.92241246e-01 2.16729820e-01 4.89235446e-02 -4.50596780e-01 1.52414903e-01 3.97781789e-01 -8.91149342e-02 9.98102725e-02 -3.92707773e-02 1.75721720e-01 -1.21301167e-01 5.22019386e-01 -4.74364832e-02 -3.65572758e-02 2.45695353e-01 3.34176123e-01 -3.76332939e-01 5.30544017e-03 -1.42609686e-01 -1.95139423e-02 -2.94388402e-02 4.78633165e-01 1.14326581e-01 1.16708703e-01 -4.22802329e-01 -1.60341576e-01 3.28612328e-01 1.17282644e-01 -3.56689215e-01 -4.70910259e-02 3.17200989e-01 -2.04578876e-01 2.59046797e-02 -5.06736696e-01 -1.72323689e-01 7.02829063e-02 1.03424303e-01 -2.98553824e-01 -2.47368470e-01 4.86992151e-02 -1.50992110e-01 -2.04696938e-01 3.58503878e-01 -5.43507673e-02 8.49074349e-02 -4.26649690e-01 -4.02693124e-03]
"I Apologize in Advance, Bright" active "I apologize in advance to everybody who laid their eyes upon this cesspool of cursedness. You can find less cursed stuff here. Due to post-Veil circumstances and the relative harmlessness of SCP-6963, no protocols have been enacted to confine those affected by the anomaly. Subjects of SCP-6963 treat their targeted individual as fictional, and as such, should be publicly considered so in order to bring little suspicion to the person in question. Research into the cause behind SCP-6963’s creation to possibly methodize a way to reverse its effects is currently ongoing.1 SCP-6963 denotes an abnormal phenomenon surrounding Dr. Jack Bright, the criteria in which one is affected remains unclear. To date, an estimate of ~250,000 individuals worldwide have been subjected to the anomaly’s effects, and amnesticization has proven to be ineffective. However, those influenced by SCP-6963 are wholly convinced that Dr. Bright is merely a fictional character, despite a lack of evidence regarding the "persona’s creator." Subjects affected by SCP-6963 display intense feelings of affection towards Dr. Bright, oftentimes showing their appreciation for him via methods most appropriate to them. Examples of SCP-6963 related activities include (but are not limited to): The perpetrator responsible for SCP-6963‘s existence, if applicable, is unknown. The following are examples of media pertaining to Dr. Bright as a result of SCP-6963, used for the sake of briefing associated personnel. More excerpts are available upon request. Excerpt From Wattpad dr bright pinned y/n against the wall with a smirk on his face, thge red amulet aroun his neck shimering under the blazing flurosent lite. y/n blushed heavily, cpnfused at what he was doin. "b-bright-sama?!" y/n blurted "what? u no like?" the reserchr sedd under his breathe. "we cant do this. it is unproffesional!" bright paused befor ebursting into laughing, confusing y/n even more now "idc, theyll now ill just get away with it like every other time. u have nothing 2 wury abt." y/n's eyes widened, they didnt know bright felt that way abt them. they looked away in embarasment both drs hearts beet harderly b4 the two […] Excerpt From Tumblr Ask Dr. Bright ANYTHING hello, i am dr bright (not actually, this is roleplay) (also, this pic is not me), and i work 4 foundation. ask me any questions, and i will answer you :) if u r troller, or if u do not like dr bright, then plz leav! let peeple luv what they luv haterz. dont like? dont read!!!!!!11!! ^_^ "what is it like workin 4 da foundation?? is it fun :3" it is very fun indeed. there r so many crazy anomalees, loads of besties to ytalk to, and overall, it can get lot interesting! im just happi being here "can u teech me abt scps?? :O (also, i luv ur roleplay!!!" ofc, as i am the smartest dr in all of foundation. theres a lot of creepy monsters, killer items, and basically a lot of spookness (ooooooooo) but my favurite scp of them all personaly is sirenhead! it is a very amazing scip, u should check it out. "how is it being imortal?" the other drs r just jealous cus i can live longer than them. get rekt, h8rs!!! (a/n: i wana be dr brights imomrtee, if u now what i mean :33) "can i get a hug bright? :>" *hugs u* here u go!! "no offense, i know that this is a roleplay, but this doesnt seem like dr bright. hes a scientist, he works for the foundation, i doubt he'd be makin so many grammatical mistakes when answering users' questions. again, im not saying u shouldnt continue doing this, but u might need to at least proofread ur answers b4 posting. sorry if this comes off as harsh, just givin some critique!" ur just mad bc dr bright would nevr remotely even dare 2 stare at u, bc peeple like u r so rude and toxic, comin in here thinkin that u now how bright acts and talks. u just hating, ur just a h8r, n nobody cares. u call it "critique" but ik thats jus an excuse. ik that u jus sayin that so u can atack me. stop lying n admit it. honestly, very dispointed rn. like i sed, if u dont like it, dont reed it. u h8rs r so blind, u know? i cant beleve peeple like u even exist, like f off already, bruh. do us a favor and leev this godamn website, like cmon. >_> tldr: nobody asked lol "yeah h8r shut up!" "what do u now abt bright huh??" "reported" "FAKE FAN FAKE FAN" Note: The commenter above had deleted their account following this thread. Excerpt From Youtube Title: My Everlasting Love for Dr. Bright Created by: brightlover246 Duration: 31:27 [BEGIN LOG] Footage begins. In the background, there is a shrine to the right and a suspended red amulet hanging on the left. The user sets down the camera before stepping back and silently grinning. They take out a handmade plushie, presumably of Dr. Bright, before furiously embracing it and burying their head into it. They raise their head, their eyes widened and unblinking. The person inhales deeply. User: Oh, Bright-sama! If it's for you, I'd do anything. I would kill hundreds, nay, thousands of people if you desired it. You are the pinnacle of beauty, if not, the definition. I am in your debt, doctor. I love every single moment I spend with thee. They steadily hyperventilate, gripping tighter onto the toy. User: Please don't ever leave me, I can't live without your presence. Be mine, nobody else. I can't let you be with anyone else. I will stab everyone who tries to get in our way, our relationship. Pause. User: They think I'm crazy, but you don't, right? You would never say such a thing, no, you wouldn't (chuckles). I-It's them that are insane, thinking that we don't deserve to be together, tha-that… they said you weren't real! But we'll show them, Bright-sama. We'll show all of them. User: (Mutters) I just know I'll be safe because I'm next to you. Unknown (off-camera): Honey, dinner's ready! The user groans. User: Shut up, mom. I'm recording something. [END LOG] Personnel Involved: Subject: SCP-6963 BEGIN LOG - 22:54 Moose enters the interview room, holding onto a clipboard. Bright is already seated, tapping his foot, and notices Moose as she pulls back the chair and sit down. Both are silent for a brief moment. MOOSE: You had something you wanted to discuss with me, Bright? BRIGHT: (Nods) Mhm, it's… it's about 6963. You see, I was wondering if- Moose crosses her arms. MOOSE: If you're requesting to be transferred, then I'm going to refuse your offer. BRIGHT: How come? MOOSE: It's practically harmless, Bright. I'm sure you've been through worse. BRIGHT: Moose, when I first worked for the Foundation, I did not expect I'd develop a fanbase overnight. I did not ask for this, I did not sign up for this, and I surely didn't spend over a century to suddenly have people craving my very presence. MOOSE: But you did agree to research anomalies, and that includes your… followers. BRIGHT: What part of this would you consider as "research"? We're merely observing a crowd of people violently thrashing at each other's necks over a doll that's apparently supposed to look like me, when it couldn't be farther from how I actually look. MOOSE: How do you think celebrities feel? BRIGHT: Look, my point is: Why can't you accept my request? MOOSE: Bright, you have your reasons, and I know what you're going through is certainly an uncomfortable experience for most, but it's not as simple as reassigning you. You'd still be exposed to all of the fictions revolving around you and their indiscernible imagination. It's basically fruitless. Bright shrugs and averts his gaze. MOOSE: And unless we can find a way to fix this mess, you're just going to have to deal with it. I'm sorry, but I don't know what you expect me to do. BRIGHT: (Sighs) I know, I know, but still… it's exhausting. I didn't want this. MOOSE: Cheer up, Bright. At least they're not aware you exist. BRIGHT: I doubt that makes this situation any better, but thank you, I guess. MOOSE: My pleasure. Just (pause) don’t stress yourself too much. If you ever want to take five, all you have to do is tell me. I don't mind giving you a break from all the… work. BRIGHT: Sure, I'll keep that in mind. Moose checks her watch before standing from her seat. MOOSE: Anyways, I'll be heading off now. I have other duties to attend to… actually, there's something else I wanted to say before I leave. Bright? BRIGHT: Hm? MOOSE: (Inhales deeply) Do me a favor and keep yourself together, alright? Moose exits the room. BRIGHT: (Quietly) Right. END LOG - 22:59 A recent spike in SCP-6963 activity has been reported. Cause believed to be an announcement made on an online web forum known as "brightnet". Action to mitigate the spread of SCP-6963 is currently underway, though no progress has been observed thus far. The aforementioned post has been transcribed below for reference: by: miss_azara (Mod) Good day/afternoon/evening to everyone in the Bright community! We hope that every single one of you are doing your best. As you can tell by the post's title, this is an announcement from the mod team, and oh boy, this is a big one, indeed. Of course, this is about our beloved character, Dr. Bright. To put it simply, we'll be opening up a new section, open to anybody to contribute. Obviously, we'll be looking over any additions made to this little experiment for any hate directed towards our precious child (damn haters >:/). And you may be asking: "What is this? What are you doing?" Well… We all know that our researcher here is professional, like your typical, top-notch scientist. People like him tend to be confused as a robot, forgetting that they are people too, and people like Bright make mistakes. This new page will be dedicated to all the mishaps he's made throughout his mischievous life working at the Foundation. This is to show that Bright isn't just some cold, soulless monster, but an actual person, with actual feelings. And to make it even more intriguing, it'll be in a form of a list, a list of rules telling him what not to do… Feel free to add onto the record of things Bright is not allowed to do at the Foundation. This post was made by a member of the staff team. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask us! winkwonkboi's Works SCP-4931 (+22) • SCP-5358 (+33) • SCP-6199 (+73) • SCP-6306 (+33) • SCP-6545 (+55) • SCP-6714 (+35) • SCP-5245 (+19) • SCP-6039 (+53) • SCP-6895 (+18) • Goodnight, Sweet Dreams (+21) • Critter Profile: Miss Cassandra! (+22) • Why Jones Marcel Should Be Employee of the Century (+10) • Anomalous Entity Engagement Division Orientation (+15) • CRACKHEAD: SCP-173 Fanart (+25) • ARTWITNESS: SCP-5843 Fanart (+25) • THE WINKWONK PAGE (+36) • « SCP-6962 | SCP-6963 | SCP-6964 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6963" by winkwonkboi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: nekolily.png Author: winkwonkboi’s sister License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Filename: Impostor.jpg Name: Honestly, I'm tired of seeing pictures of myself. But I only have access to one person to model for me, as I try to teach myself studio photography. So: here we are. Author: joshuawineholt License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Instance of SCP-6963 related media Attached Image"
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8.60465243e-02 -2.11800095e-02 -2.56719321e-01 -7.69405887e-02 -1.80436954e-01 1.96260288e-01 -3.55809070e-02 2.08465546e-01 1.24491155e-02 8.11440423e-02 2.32148707e-01 1.13003820e-01 -1.33839071e-01 1.19303904e-01 4.76550967e-01 3.68593574e-01 -3.44349504e-01 2.73551702e-01 -1.58094317e-01 3.37038279e-01 6.53965846e-02 4.44692999e-01 1.08731836e-01 -2.61561751e-01 -2.61952102e-01 1.83543310e-01 -2.99815238e-01 2.73971945e-01 -2.40454778e-01 -1.78526968e-01 -5.92688322e-01 -3.17555428e-01 1.99802235e-01 -3.28349352e-01 -6.59622326e-02 -1.32017940e-01 5.03757179e-01 2.06186086e-01 -3.54938512e-03 -1.71710506e-01 -1.52900949e-01 -2.36507133e-01 -1.65100005e-02 2.81658858e-01 -4.75889057e-01 8.11521336e-02 -3.68777931e-01 3.63146141e-02 -7.72464201e-02 1.90363377e-01 -3.29324484e-01 -2.92165130e-01 -1.10930078e-01 3.15122664e-01 1.59247909e-02 -2.20494747e-01 3.42812352e-02 -1.39225736e-01 -2.00709686e-01 2.02062786e-01 4.21283245e-02 1.17875040e-01 -2.55514890e-01 -9.64607969e-02 -2.07866519e-03 -1.52984872e-01 -1.26135752e-01 6.30286485e-02 6.91038668e-02 -1.79313440e-02 5.55664837e-01 1.98826957e-02 -1.73350219e-02 7.62502775e-02 -1.57570571e-01 1.89776897e-01 2.61327368e-03 1.30650446e-01 6.24081939e-02 -2.09488049e-01 1.97903156e-01 3.36553186e-01 -4.13747370e-01 -3.20075959e-01 -1.55683622e-01 2.76000649e-02 4.63840365e-02 -5.01808882e-01 1.53939724e-01 2.10334376e-01 -7.24927783e-02 -2.81485885e-01 -3.43788952e-01 3.52137744e-01 2.55410299e-02 -5.49141318e-02 -1.10592455e-01 -1.30172506e-01 -2.12886319e-01 -1.36506930e-01 -4.21301648e-02 8.12055394e-02 1.10501446e-01 -3.75426398e-03 8.69271308e-02 -9.91655737e-02 -4.85763639e-01 1.38488173e-01 -5.27080223e-02 1.87554240e-01 1.30828217e-01 -4.87007767e-01 2.19508663e-01 5.10450639e-02 2.43441835e-01 -6.36042878e-02 1.01557940e-01 2.76728868e-01 -1.81152806e-01 -9.28530991e-02 1.75915305e-02 -1.87284946e-01 1.47742689e-01 -6.14305586e-02 -2.57432200e-02 -7.70309716e-02 8.51207450e-02 7.64190912e-01 -3.24989408e-01 -1.32888155e-02 -3.06999665e-02 1.46826848e-01 -2.86465555e-01 -3.86615217e-01 -8.28461349e-02 -2.73373909e-02 -1.97784856e-01 -2.23291814e-01 1.42926127e-01 -5.70188090e-02 -2.78206766e-02 2.09082991e-01 -1.34884253e-01 -1.34288356e-01 1.60003468e-01 -1.34576172e-01 2.64058679e-01 9.30782259e-02 3.18053722e-01 3.25108916e-01 1.11043438e-01 1.51869625e-01 -7.34592006e-02 1.80913340e-02 3.68727595e-02 -4.40138914e-02 -5.45506299e-01 -8.17715973e-02 1.11413494e-01 5.68151698e-02 2.10295804e-02 -1.43309951e-01 -1.14170715e-01 1.55991949e-02 -4.48722392e-02 -2.43978798e-01 -2.36974806e-01 2.25804430e-02 -2.13777367e-02 3.41801792e-01 1.02376446e-01 2.88074702e-01 -5.12814283e-01 -9.05123949e-02 5.66565990e-02 1.92462638e-01 -3.97584528e-01 -5.84595429e-04 2.47594386e-01 -1.33916765e-01 -1.79781228e-01 -1.71305448e-01 -8.49783942e-02 4.10673797e-01 -2.75517225e-01 -8.73243511e-02 3.66151065e-01 6.83294758e-02 9.23487842e-02 -1.51849553e-01 3.62418741e-02 -6.54631019e-01 6.36709109e-02 -2.66860396e-01 6.93498999e-02 3.18652764e-02 -5.67232072e-03 1.40019611e-01 -1.81642666e-01 -1.63324818e-01 1.42244607e-01 -3.46594006e-01 6.30680323e-02 6.84529319e-02 -1.44184381e-03 1.17901050e-01 -3.55908900e-01 -4.69949096e-02 7.43385730e-03 -1.25184059e-01 1.20487183e-01 -9.65994969e-02 1.02903329e-01 3.07791773e-02 -9.14883241e-02 -4.43381816e-01 -1.58536956e-01 -3.39226514e-01 -1.81209624e-01 9.03225318e-02 2.26918653e-01 -5.85108101e-02 -3.05994868e-01 4.11912143e-01 6.32819086e-02 -2.79605716e-01 5.00430577e-02 -6.21051908e-01 -3.39224637e-01 2.58916430e-03 4.39771742e-01 -1.65731505e-01 -9.38784853e-02 -1.45217270e-01 3.82482082e-01 -2.06650347e-01 6.26364499e-02 -1.20017715e-01 2.25507230e-01 1.13445753e-02 3.58302265e-01 -4.55268612e-03 1.96976990e-01 1.10659905e-01 -2.46641949e-01 1.85029179e-01 -8.72676820e-03 2.51206964e-01 5.83872981e-02 -4.00583357e-01 -4.15488601e-01 -3.94292146e-01 -1.49377272e-01 2.70524144e-01 1.10499628e-01 -1.97888047e-01 -2.15685785e-01 2.39623845e-01 -1.25779239e-02 2.79082686e-01 2.09584922e-01 1.55732706e-01 -7.40541611e-03 7.75941461e-02 6.48657024e-01 1.14357196e-01 1.75560564e-02 -2.87619755e-02 1.96020856e-01 -5.76702468e-02 -2.08850652e-01 2.35180303e-01 -1.12247691e-01 6.77653551e-01 2.02045336e-01 2.14338884e-01 4.15381789e-01 4.01097059e-01 -5.25468290e-02 -1.37548834e-01 -1.69618800e-01 2.16987446e-01 1.94729999e-01 -2.23491475e-01 -3.24200764e-02 -1.20564274e-01 4.23978239e-01 -1.46454200e-01 1.09942190e-01 -2.80063115e-02 2.20571309e-01 -4.48418677e-01 -1.02053225e-01 1.32607669e-01 2.66216248e-02 -1.64930850e-01 -7.65932084e-04 -1.20275564e-01 8.63542706e-02 1.52410075e-01 1.40965745e-01 -2.80144513e-02 8.01367536e-02 9.65642976e-04 -1.27850309e-01 5.68012536e-01 4.72763717e-01 4.64416556e-02 3.31852764e-01 2.60702521e-03 -3.06202359e-02 -7.39997476e-02 1.93746939e-01 6.76411465e-02 6.92386329e-01 -9.98289790e-03 -1.83551341e-01 -5.56552038e-03 1.00704841e-01 7.73576722e-02 2.80731380e-01 2.83185422e-01 -4.42062169e-02 1.05550356e-01 -3.88987541e-01 2.08628461e-01 -9.58506167e-02 -2.73958206e-01 -4.48625654e-01 4.74322200e-01 1.26527147e-02 1.92038640e-01 4.21281040e-01 1.10332322e+00 9.59776640e-02 3.03276539e-01 -8.23770240e-02 1.31944731e-01 2.45706871e-01 5.26438020e-02 2.00995445e-01 -1.67696103e-01 6.35646731e-02 1.42751440e-01 -1.56861991e-01 -1.27768606e-01 -6.36255145e-02 -3.24738817e-03 -1.32273734e-01 4.67234813e-02 1.16016746e-01 2.86783934e-01 -1.11755505e-01 7.02522174e-02 4.24476340e-02 5.27682481e-03 1.69922844e-01 1.07175864e-01 -1.37399986e-01 3.82366106e-02 -1.53366074e-01 1.29070727e-03 -1.19815446e-01 -1.10216420e-02 1.99145660e-01 -8.40730429e-01 -2.57979810e-01 7.23004201e-03 -4.45794582e-01 2.84203857e-01 8.76907632e-02 -6.04355454e-01 -3.37027162e-02 -9.80149880e-02 2.89941251e-01 4.07086104e-01 -1.51833564e-01 6.64469413e-03 -1.16040269e-02 4.73290116e-01 1.95825204e-01 -3.14896479e-02 2.56012976e-01 -8.26585740e-02 -1.51252478e-01 -5.90916097e-01 3.37566808e-02 3.53876501e-01 -1.00521244e-01 7.54098967e-02 -3.09214089e-02 -2.49132544e-01 -5.69221042e-02 2.30189696e-01 2.27566063e-01 -2.66120344e-01 -1.65538445e-01 -1.62891075e-02 -1.16420820e-01 2.30580475e-02 1.97707474e-01 8.40557797e-04 -4.47089314e-01 7.65222535e-02 2.20620602e-01 -9.14052650e-02 -2.98961759e-01 -2.28389248e-01 2.08477536e-03 -1.87248051e-01 9.56420749e-02 7.30621368e-02 -4.01634455e-01 1.38147548e-01 5.26268899e-01 -2.96959039e-02 -1.60993218e-01 -4.31449085e-01 -1.20398086e-02 2.06955716e-01 6.28419220e-02 -2.05937624e-01 3.43438596e-01 4.01694596e-01 1.61677420e-01 -2.24794045e-01 -5.76708242e-02 -4.19176102e-01 -1.46546006e-01 1.63073599e-01 -1.46970540e-01 -9.06711519e-02 -1.99379340e-01 4.62990433e-01 -1.42677769e-01 2.53440529e-01 1.91867724e-01 -7.19170943e-02 -2.76958227e-01 6.43217787e-02 1.77210003e-01 1.74253024e-02 -2.08061725e-01 -6.73179030e-02 4.89598550e-02 3.34700406e-01 -1.24373622e-01 5.70850313e-01 2.25591719e-01 1.12423904e-01 1.25914291e-02 -3.66302431e-01 -7.29425699e-02 -1.45776078e-01 1.52100429e-01 1.18047915e-01 4.14430946e-01 -2.74109632e-01 -1.26431882e-02 -2.05347911e-01 -1.39941424e-01 5.05155087e-01 3.02944243e-01 3.96695361e-02 2.21068442e-01 4.13406670e-01 6.26772195e-02 -3.30740154e-01 -3.84939834e-02 1.30172104e-01 1.71164438e-01 -3.61647069e-01 -3.53429109e-01 -1.65528402e-01 2.81695485e-01 -3.10129561e-02 2.42248937e-01 -3.98139924e-01 3.38377059e-02 -1.38367444e-01 1.56549186e-01 -6.67699501e-02 -6.34460270e-01 -4.38840151e-01 5.68347573e-02 2.04214662e-01 -1.80666279e-02 -1.58207417e-01 2.16668665e-01 -2.06603453e-01 -2.52308547e-01 4.48138148e-01 1.86914846e-01 4.01417047e-01 3.53666216e-01 4.44358587e-01 3.68470073e-01 6.78259581e-02 5.11958838e-01 -8.50280151e-02 1.57979161e-01 3.78630906e-01 4.81323861e-02 7.69432783e-02 2.95934111e-01 -1.13455534e-01 8.37199986e-02 -5.36366701e-02 1.84017792e-01 -1.83196008e-01 -3.36198807e-02 -8.86455998e-02 1.49251655e-01 1.97846621e-01 -8.12506825e-02 -1.74391732e-01 -7.37387016e-02 -8.44957605e-02 4.11077738e-02 -1.70734078e-01 3.52934062e-01 -1.64039671e-01 1.21855840e-01 -1.37228101e-01 -2.39305329e-02 2.91277021e-01 -3.48762333e-01 1.72376573e-01 -1.32688219e-02 -8.10389593e-02 -1.19146258e-02 3.19895089e-01 5.19428909e-01 2.24491969e-01 -6.24296628e-02 2.28880510e-01 -5.24713248e-02 -1.25024887e-02 1.68779656e-01 -1.32085606e-01 9.33334306e-02 1.27305925e-01 -8.57308283e-02 2.22746208e-01 -2.75462210e-01 -2.63656348e-01 -1.52079120e-01 5.33057809e-01 2.04879552e-01 -7.29539171e-02 -5.27857058e-02 -3.83778542e-01 -2.30698973e-01 1.95683271e-01 -3.53164911e-01 -1.69626087e-01 8.74067917e-02 -2.58672833e-01 3.70090157e-02 -4.17806476e-01 1.21762335e-01 -1.00925826e-01 3.52430552e-01 2.32777715e-01 2.54187912e-01 1.49576947e-01 1.46578953e-01 -1.51817709e-01 3.34585845e-01 2.33146966e-01 3.25809885e-03 9.14793387e-02 -3.86962473e-01 3.20938826e-01 1.39791995e-01 -1.44614562e-01 -5.97187951e-02 -1.52603164e-01 -3.41986597e-01 1.50264516e-01 -1.03649497e-01 4.93349046e-01 -1.54178724e-01 2.55081430e-02 4.01396910e-03 2.16972321e-01 -5.51335454e-01 1.49064958e-01 -2.64824808e-01 -1.58991978e-01 3.35104227e-01 3.11369121e-01 3.16779912e-01 2.94134676e-01 3.15386713e-01 -1.05061159e-01 -1.73101932e-01 1.15723625e-01 1.14494853e-01 -2.52350867e-01 1.36331692e-01 1.12949945e-01 -8.44355766e-03 3.12522531e-01 9.36173871e-02 -2.35727757e-01 -7.84026757e-02 -1.08865380e-01 2.57639378e-01 -4.14556831e-01 -2.35588253e-01 -3.65441591e-01 -1.23890318e-01 -1.04357153e-01 4.27175969e-01 2.00981479e-02 -1.63028300e-01 -2.49445170e-01 -3.40735137e-01 3.88054371e-01 -1.60773203e-01 2.08763123e-01 -3.03311795e-01 3.20713043e-01 -9.07068029e-02 5.76324435e-03 -6.88485742e-01 5.79509772e-02 -3.39417011e-02 4.96532768e-02 -2.02909425e-01 3.31240147e-02 3.04584652e-01 -1.48640409e-01 -1.63382709e-01 1.88342422e-01 1.17086001e-01 3.97393331e-02 -5.49945235e-02 -5.82192801e-02]
"Smoke Without Fire" active "Content note: This article contains death, slight gore and implied racism. If you notice anything tag-worthy that's not in here, please mention it in a comment. Item #: SCP-6964 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6964 remains moored in the location of its discovery. Satellite imagery is monitored and doctored to remove it. The SCPS Crowhurst is to patrol the local waters under the guise of a research vessel to monitor it, as well as intercept and dissuade non-Foundation ships, warning them of dangerous waters. Resistance should be met with amnesticisation. Description: SCP-6964 is the MV Asmodeus, a medium-sized fishing vessel, anchored at latitude -██° ██ ██.██" S. longitude: ███° ██' █.██" E., ██ nautical miles off the coast of Australia in the Coral Sea. It was found drifting in the area by a civilian ship. On the lower decks are two sleeping quarters. One is unremarkable, with four bunks. The other has had a sheet of metal welded over the entrance. A small streak of blood is visible near the top. Access is impossible. All attempts to image the interior have failed. Addendum 1: The inquiry into the days before and reasons for SCP-6964's abandonment was led by the combined efforts of Agent Teddy Elekana, Dr. Eliza Crozier and Researcher Victor Fernandez. Their reports have been included. Part one: Background to events (Agent Elekana) The Asmodeus began life as the Esther, named for the wife of original owner Scott Mackenzie. He purchased it in 1956 and used it to supply his shops, but hiring of "unskilled" (read: exploited) immigrants, who were given as much training as he was (sat safe and sound in his cosy office), led to the Esther running aground in March 1957. Three people were killed in the incident: Dequan Lu, Albert Wong and Lixue Xun. Unsurprisingly, Mackenzie was not held responsible for the pointless deaths of three human beings, but the hit to his supply combined with already present financial issues led to him facing bankruptcy. Despite not being remotely seaworthy, the Esther was sold in November for a ridiculous fee. That the vessel went to close friend Ralph McShane did not go unnoticed, but no financial misdeeds could be proven. It was him who renamed her, presumably partially due to his amateur interest in Jewish mysticism and partially due to the potential awkwardness of owning a ship named after his mate's wife. Either unable or uninterested in restoring her to her intended purpose, McShane hulked the Asmodeus and hosted lavish parties aboard. The main attraction came at midnight, when he would lead a séance in an attempt to contact the crewmen who had died there. How serious (or successful) they were is a mystery, but the partying continued until McShane's death (at his wife's hand, unsurprisingly) in 1962. Many of his assets went up for auction, including the Asmodeus, which was purchased cheap by Toby Mallory. Mallory's tenure as owner, and in fact Mallory himself, are of some interest. Had this inquiry had sufficient resources, they could be for reasons other than their nonexistence. I could establish that he spoke with a Southern American accent - a great deal of time-consuming effort uncovered a birth of the same name in Blairsville, Georgia (the US state), in 1923, which would probably fit - but I found no other records of his life until his purchase. No-one seems to know him, he just doesn't exist. At any rate, he clearly restored the Asmodeus to functionality over the next two years, as on 12/04/64, he put out an advert recruiting crew for a one-off ten-day journey, offering each $1,500 (an exorbitant amount). Shockingly, he'd assembled a full complement in a matter of days, and apparently wasn't too choosy, given captain Rodney Hayes had been sacked from his last job for selling off cargo to line his own pockets under his boss' nose. Still, by 01/05/64, they departed from Moreton Bay, Brisbane: Hayes, three crewmen, Mallory, and two extra unidentified passengers. And unfortunately, that's where the trail ends. The last radio transmission received was a standard coordinates report on the fifth day of their fateful voyage, which would place them about forty miles from the nearest landmass. There'd been one sighting since; amateur sailor Sally Tkachenko reported her barreling past her trimaran at a rate of knots two days after. We believe the ship was abandoned shortly after, which would mean she had been drifting for about a week before her discovery, but it's unclear; she may already have been a ghost ship by the time Tkachenko had her encounter. I appreciate how vague and lacking this report is. If I'd had more time and manpower, perhaps we could be clearer, but of course, I understand that the Foundation doesn't want to waste too much money on something that might not even be anomalous. And for that, I leave you in Eliza's capable hands. - T. E. Part two: Ship details (Dr. Crozier) Melodramatic as the name may be, it was the most demonic thing about the Asmodeus. No irrefutably anomalous phenomena occurred during our time aboard the ship: nothing spectral, nothing spaciotemporal, nothing memetic, nothing cognitohazardous… Some of the agents who made first contact reported high levels of dread and anxiety regarding the ship, but after extensive interviews and tests led by Fernandez, we conclude this to be a natural response under the circumstances, regardless of what some of them insist.1 Only the door poses any mysteries. So, although we cannot rule out nefarious action, we may, refreshingly, be able to turn to more mundane reasons for the Asmodeus becoming a derelict. Several abnormalities were noted: As for what actually happened? I could speculate, but an account would help. For that, I refer you on to Victor. - Dr. Eliza F. Crozier Part three: On-board testimony (Researcher Fernandez) I feel that my job was at once the easiest and most difficult of the three. The only real account of events after they'd set sail was Captain Hayes's log, and even that is sparse and obtuse. I've done the best I can to establish some sort of narrative from it, but I don't pretend it's not confused and incomplete, or that its cast is sufficiently characterised. Even his memoirs at home were of little help. It's worth noting that the book had "GET OFF THIS SHIP" scrawled on the front. 01/05/64 [COORDINATES REDACTED]2 Men polite, not friendly. Wish Max3 was here. Four passengers is too many, don't like there being the same number of them as us. Mallory thinks he's the Queen or something. 02/05/64 Mallory wants us to make it in three. Told him to go fuck himself. Threatened to sack me, told him "You are welcome to do so, sir, and in return I do hope I am welcome to watch you try and work the ship alone." We'll be there in five.4 03/05/64 Guys aren't too bad. Main thing we all agree on is how shifty the four blokes below-deck are. Only see Mallory, rest stick to the cabin. Us peasants banned from there. So much for being captain. Mallory is all over the place. Pulled me aside, thanked me for keeping on course, said he was "so sorry for putting you in this position, I'll do my best to keep you all safe." Asked him what he was on about, he said "leave it to me to follow the smoke, Captain, you follow my leadership." Bloody yanks. Asked why we were on this ship instead of a proper one, he said it had to be this, he was already behind. Swear if he walks on water when we get there Im fuckin leaving 04/05/64 Fuck me. Couldn't resist. The lads wanted to know too so I made out like I had a headache and Tim kept him talking. Snuck into their room, it's pitch black. Cross the threshold and suddenly they're all holding hands, two of them are absolutely SCREAMING total gibberish at the top of their lungs. Fuck knows if they saw me, I booked it straight away. Suddenly I don't give a fuck Alexis says they're devil worshippers or something. I say they're paying me an then we're moving to Darwin and never taking weird commissions again. There tomorrow. Fuck. 05/05/645 They weren't devil worshippers Oh god No date is provided for the next log. One of thems still on board we were too slow cant get out Max Im sorry be good to yourself Im so sorry And that's the only information regarding events onboard that we have. - Fernandez Part four: Hypothesis Drawing from what we have pieced together, we tentatively suggest the following narrative: Mallory chose to purchase and repair the Asmodeus in order to undertake a voyage of unknown purpose, possibly occult in nature. He was patient enough to complete these repairs, but desperate enough to offer an exorbitant fee for the necessary services.6 They would journey for five days to an undetermined location, possibly where some sort of ritual took place, and then return. That, at least, was what Hayes was led to believe. What took place frightened the crew, with nearly a hundred years of experience between them, into turning tail and running. We believe that the engine damage was a result of the ship moving at full speed for far longer than its inexpertly-repaired engines were able to handle. At this point, things become unclear. The crew seem to have abandoned the three passengers somewhere7 and fled at full speed. Further panic then ensued; either they discovered something in the cabin and tried to seal it in, or they found it sealed and its anomalous properties persuaded them to abandon ship. The whereabouts of Hayes and his crew are unknown. If they left after the engines blew, they may still be drifting, but unless they've washed ashore to food and shelter, their chances of survival are slim. If, in the grip of fear, they tried to leave with the ship still moving at that speed, they're almost certainly dead. As for the three passengers, beyond guessing where they were abandoned from the theorised destination, we must be frank - we have no idea. Nevertheless, we recommend keeping an eye on the Asmodeus. An open door to a nightmare is somehow less frightening than a locked one. - Elekana, Crozier and Fernandez Addendum 17: Whilst trawling SCP-6964's presumed coordinates at the time of its abandonment, the SCPS Crowhurst discovered a Carley life raft floating in place. An eighteen-metre steel cable was hooked to it, roughly severed at the other end. On the raft were three heavily charred corpses. DNA testing was inconclusive, although [DATA EXPUNGED], with predictably high resultant levels of █████ radiation. Cause of death in all three cases was determined to be complete organ failure. All attempts to move the raft failed. Personnel who went aboard reported inexplicable feelings of dread. Ignoring instructions, agents on-site evacuated and unsuccessfully attempted to sink the raft. No attempts to return to the site have been made. Addendum 18: Simultaneous to the events of Addendum 17, staff who were aboard SCP-6964 performing a set of checks prior to permanent abandonment reported similar emotions.8 When they recovered, they discovered the metal plate had been sheared away by an unknown force. The room beyond had been devastated by fire, with "SHOULD'VE FELT THE LOVE" etched into the ash on the floor. Also within was an indeterminate mass of cells, 1.7m long, mostly consisting of various soft tissues, with a hard internal scaffolding and keratin growths. The postmortem found no cause of death, as it had never been alive." "SCP-6964 in 1960. Rodney Hayes, circa 1961."
[-8.51837732e-03 4.14754115e-02 -1.89934433e-01 -2.19823599e-01 -2.92919092e-02 -2.53547937e-01 8.97381604e-02 2.47308031e-01 -1.24505078e-02 -2.20285170e-02 1.38181830e-02 9.52831730e-02 -2.13472202e-01 -8.09676126e-02 1.82322681e-01 7.41749108e-02 2.83999920e-01 -1.47670778e-02 2.43518189e-01 -2.32029945e-01 -2.68240482e-01 -2.12613806e-01 6.87342789e-03 -1.51092470e-01 2.54452974e-01 3.18841279e-01 -1.82422698e-01 -1.76099092e-01 -9.02020261e-02 -1.97078034e-01 1.68724433e-01 1.41124249e-01 2.81459298e-02 7.15262175e-01 -1.06343061e-04 -1.32560328e-01 5.85333779e-02 1.28232297e-02 -4.57450867e-01 1.34206772e-01 1.23220228e-01 -7.90696144e-02 4.69609499e-02 -2.27755621e-01 -2.71888822e-01 -5.36372125e-01 1.46514237e-01 -1.47401199e-01 5.03151476e-01 2.21361876e-01 1.82101786e-01 1.48601249e-01 -2.26061672e-01 -7.62351006e-02 -2.41202101e-01 1.29769593e-01 -1.09935917e-01 -5.82739040e-02 2.88001858e-02 -1.31917102e-02 2.15756074e-01 1.66732043e-01 -3.87830526e-01 -1.90530643e-01 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3.49259526e-02 1.61914587e-01 -1.54224277e-01 1.05895951e-01 -4.24462110e-01 -1.14566997e-01 2.74476763e-02 2.31794462e-01 -8.98460373e-02 -8.50700662e-02 -3.37232769e-01 2.99402088e-01 1.70880124e-01 -3.31233293e-01 7.09972620e-01 3.94771218e-01 -2.73313791e-01 -2.31640428e-01 -2.50659019e-01 1.38902739e-01 -1.99361786e-01 -2.07168888e-02 6.60386741e-01 -6.22001961e-02 -2.89430499e-01 2.36003518e-01 -3.46730888e-01 2.06673533e-01 5.15920341e-01 3.57735991e-01 -2.74401158e-01 -1.66940764e-01 3.98212910e-01 -2.32152455e-02 -4.16745752e-01 -1.83070749e-01 1.28786474e-01 5.44641614e-01 -5.82874864e-02 -9.53817740e-03 -1.48215801e-01 -2.42447063e-01 8.17026049e-02 -4.45979536e-01 -1.25547633e-01 -5.59175350e-02 -2.58716762e-01 -1.68655485e-01 -3.89918804e-01 1.49882808e-01 -3.72087121e-01 3.64396907e-02 -3.78191859e-01 1.74013879e-02 3.76980186e-01 -1.54891506e-01 -4.72970344e-02 2.75340937e-02 -1.58295080e-01 -1.62721816e-02 1.06979616e-01 -1.27999976e-01 -2.77449936e-02 -4.81149137e-01 -1.29140139e-01 2.53456924e-02 1.39127269e-01 7.32428813e-03 2.03086644e-01 -7.46387616e-02 6.63827732e-02 4.20752704e-01 -1.09698743e-01 4.94373739e-02 2.47251287e-01 5.16881086e-02 3.18085589e-02 1.05646372e-01 -6.01099908e-01 -8.36725384e-02 4.96636420e-01 1.56177908e-01 -3.31999540e-01 -6.38770536e-02 1.60045531e-02 1.31990954e-01 -1.51203191e-02 -3.65968317e-01 1.97911918e-01 1.70149371e-01 -8.12085196e-02 -3.89942646e-01 -2.19111845e-01 9.49288309e-02 4.38885354e-02 -7.04389857e-03 4.69451100e-01 1.58221573e-01 -3.72941375e-01 -1.95039734e-01 -2.93341130e-02 9.17347800e-03 4.17681754e-01 6.69603497e-02 7.88009837e-02 2.29889229e-02 -4.95592415e-01 1.55533135e-01 3.34429264e-01 7.56228507e-01 4.70467471e-02 -4.53632712e-01 2.54896551e-01 1.61205798e-01 6.73038140e-02 8.08109641e-02 -4.34099704e-01 4.06630069e-01 -2.31563404e-01 1.03687830e-01 -3.88373733e-02 3.46363969e-02 -6.68826252e-02 -3.08103979e-01 -7.19064474e-02 -2.32695155e-02 3.16963345e-01 3.38243306e-01 -3.04352939e-01 2.68827856e-01 1.64868817e-01 3.23893130e-01 -3.02684098e-03 1.86645463e-01 1.35110810e-01 8.27713758e-02 -1.36747003e-01 -3.85753661e-02 4.62289304e-01 2.00118832e-02 -5.72855659e-02 1.40787944e-01 1.23202011e-01 -7.14909360e-02 -2.60048620e-02 -1.12238660e-01 -2.23893020e-02 8.79380852e-02 -2.33416826e-01 2.39498243e-01 1.46986961e-01 9.36528966e-02 -3.41090530e-01 -2.08646089e-01 -2.87052453e-01 -2.83781826e-01 1.17766492e-01 2.08758891e-01 3.48798513e-01 2.10435048e-01 -2.05916896e-01 1.50042400e-01 4.01099649e-04 -2.49890849e-01 -5.79826087e-02 -1.26164943e-01 -2.42220759e-01 -6.79840054e-03 -5.31140924e-01 1.03722349e-01 -3.09314281e-02 -5.49647696e-02 -2.87429839e-01 -1.15978554e-01 9.89735406e-03 1.70828730e-01 -2.85322696e-01 3.51437479e-01 7.04970479e-01 1.24423712e-01 -2.15195809e-02 -2.66861856e-01 -6.20209455e-01 4.10260707e-01 7.22416416e-02 3.61067883e-04 8.99676904e-02 -8.33580419e-02 -2.81189710e-01 -3.69833231e-01 6.49347082e-02 -8.55989099e-01 -7.22614641e-04 -1.85362041e-01 -2.80875206e-01 7.54711255e-02 -3.60681772e-01 1.00317433e-01 1.37199000e-01 -6.18358515e-02 4.35973495e-01 2.03953646e-02 -1.36117879e-02 3.33121568e-01 2.25581840e-01 2.29082122e-01 -1.24147661e-01 -2.45520249e-02 -1.65195853e-01 -1.28713071e-01 -1.14349425e-02 3.10499012e-01 1.25411212e-01 7.78174475e-02 -3.75620723e-01 -2.88842291e-01 1.02637514e-01 -1.54593155e-01 -4.28270519e-01 -2.28269733e-02 5.37902415e-01 -5.25555238e-02 -1.50844961e-01 3.09006333e-01 3.57473135e-01 -2.22489357e-01 -1.82705879e-01 1.13258973e-01 -2.95366417e-03 -1.48479879e-01 2.17655241e-01 -6.64938837e-02 1.33651337e-02 1.30253313e-02 -2.79100388e-02 -5.08830607e-01 6.40861690e-02 -1.11174680e-01 2.16975212e-01 4.59815472e-01 4.90585536e-01 -4.71342832e-01 3.17357242e-01 1.17776111e-01 -2.52763391e-01 2.17156276e-01 2.40010452e-02 1.42529488e-01 -1.48294732e-01 1.91676736e-01 -3.40127945e-01 -5.63969389e-02 3.46093804e-01 6.43788576e-01 3.52657974e-01 -2.06971377e-01 -1.36249781e-01 -1.14654571e-01 -2.55447179e-01 -2.24287901e-02 3.33639950e-01 -9.31882337e-02 7.39743421e-03 -6.00083768e-01 2.66641885e-01 -4.45465833e-01 1.94181189e-01 -1.56522527e-01 2.06213608e-01 -2.37922221e-01 -4.42769798e-03 2.10998312e-01 -6.22955039e-02 4.82273370e-01 3.92939299e-01 2.03131810e-01 2.07093135e-01 4.58670318e-01 -2.28280783e-01 1.91026591e-02 -2.77219504e-01 4.90927964e-01 1.65462121e-01 -3.52406800e-01 -2.05093175e-01 1.67922452e-02 1.69237539e-01 6.67411834e-02 1.01123497e-01 -4.31937445e-03 -9.94916782e-02 -2.88930029e-01 4.94173588e-03 1.51966419e-02 9.85260531e-02 -3.93806905e-01 -3.37125570e-01 2.92719245e-01 7.24136457e-02 1.73215404e-01 1.24749176e-01 5.59794642e-02 1.93603262e-01 -6.22260943e-03 -2.12230399e-01 6.04999125e-01 2.14905262e-01 2.67355144e-01 3.77404481e-01 2.38588862e-02 -5.74444346e-02 -3.31245176e-02 -8.48761648e-02 1.74459115e-01 6.36546552e-01 6.93921298e-02 -1.03145065e-02 -1.08645171e-01 1.18900910e-01 1.47714004e-01 -2.81937290e-02 -1.56476483e-01 1.40062012e-02 2.68485427e-01 -1.45731032e-01 2.25998759e-01 -1.12669796e-01 -2.20468909e-01 -3.50164205e-01 1.63177878e-01 2.70100646e-02 3.61905605e-01 1.72465935e-01 1.35366106e+00 1.78992391e-01 5.84673733e-02 7.54063129e-02 -2.87051320e-01 4.22869265e-01 -4.52719659e-01 7.16123916e-03 -1.61127701e-01 6.21396191e-02 -1.42032597e-02 -2.77994663e-01 1.61232483e-02 3.62459034e-01 -4.17662352e-01 4.52357531e-02 -3.00958961e-01 3.08229417e-01 3.15302759e-01 1.21403344e-01 1.87286139e-02 5.41145094e-02 -6.95164725e-02 2.35514879e-01 -2.11936310e-01 1.37234762e-01 -1.00339562e-01 -4.53200564e-02 1.30309761e-01 -5.44909574e-02 -8.53362158e-02 -6.13911040e-02 -1.69242740e-01 1.05312377e-01 1.12843346e-02 -1.42930612e-01 -6.41066805e-02 -9.76377428e-02 -7.59398118e-02 -1.42391458e-01 3.27234529e-02 3.36479753e-01 6.93002462e-01 -2.27106839e-01 -8.65585282e-02 1.05509713e-01 2.14870721e-02 2.75861293e-01 -4.10708666e-01 3.82196695e-01 -1.38728097e-01 -7.27939308e-02 -2.48185709e-01 1.68334380e-01 7.24394798e-01 1.97876394e-01 1.57137170e-01 1.41218379e-01 -3.28783900e-01 -2.17185095e-02 1.45911470e-01 6.41122982e-02 -1.51383087e-01 -6.43405914e-02 3.13886665e-02 -4.39314693e-02 -1.14558034e-01 3.60519052e-01 1.07322767e-01 -2.74072830e-02 3.08718055e-01 3.26026887e-01 -1.58757448e-01 -4.72369671e-01 -4.18590635e-01 -9.75136980e-02 -3.10046136e-01 -5.70680201e-02 -1.13575466e-01 -3.57355744e-01 1.10725746e-01 -6.64897412e-02 2.56902903e-01 -3.37604736e-03 -3.08533818e-01 -8.29635486e-02 7.45438114e-02 -1.22270830e-01 -2.20080875e-02 2.37732887e-01 -6.14266880e-02 3.42487365e-01 1.71947896e-01 -2.26495862e-01 -4.23718303e-01 -1.76343489e-02 -1.19692847e-01 8.14792067e-02 4.59272176e-01 -4.50764060e-01 1.09334603e-01 -2.92621791e-01 1.25644535e-01 1.31139010e-01 -2.77379751e-01 -2.23874405e-01 -3.24229002e-02 1.52047381e-01 -2.76830673e-01 -3.61253053e-01 -1.49013162e-01 9.12937671e-02 1.20174393e-01 9.28599685e-02 -3.08825254e-01 2.83080548e-01 3.16234410e-01 1.46802858e-01 1.02859199e-01 2.54939139e-01 7.14188665e-02 1.45996451e-01 1.32226065e-01 3.50873411e-01 3.72845344e-02 1.23297185e-01 -4.20717597e-02 9.13687050e-02 4.83133137e-01 1.45899728e-01 -2.95646191e-01 3.60105276e-01 1.20389715e-01 3.92688096e-01 -6.47912249e-02 1.52568251e-01 -1.24661706e-01 3.01360279e-01 -2.99343824e-01 -1.30187571e-01 -7.36382455e-02 2.73171484e-01 -9.96344835e-02 3.09225917e-01 1.15489863e-01 1.06703736e-01 2.05607846e-01 1.61618084e-01 4.74038944e-02 -1.81680173e-01 5.08268848e-02 2.42843851e-01 -1.64282665e-01 3.98746103e-01 1.21644855e-01 3.79527986e-01 2.70406306e-01 1.65074542e-01 3.36534947e-01 -1.67909600e-02 1.91890836e-01 3.37454528e-01 1.50750473e-01 1.81918412e-01 1.36748254e-01 2.69961089e-01 3.17312449e-01 1.72054648e-01 -4.19890471e-02 3.20596881e-02 -1.38756663e-01 1.01666331e-01 2.92646908e-03 1.08243160e-01 -2.55821794e-01 9.26024616e-02 -3.62558812e-02 -8.14234912e-02 1.73796024e-02 -2.16157332e-01 1.14282824e-01 -9.59325954e-02 -1.41338810e-01 -4.07167301e-02 8.74010175e-02 -7.05157667e-02 -2.87263729e-02 1.04912400e-01 9.05398801e-02 2.73169339e-01 -2.37581670e-01 3.71790558e-01 2.26035073e-01 -5.42853400e-02 1.71184745e-02 5.80212057e-01 2.14250296e-01 2.53823400e-02 -5.20178229e-02 1.78098872e-01 -3.66150886e-01 -4.27497834e-01 7.14688078e-02 1.68541670e-01 -1.43459231e-01 -3.25362802e-01 -7.92182013e-02 2.32467074e-02 -2.38593251e-01 -1.30728364e-01 1.65506765e-01 -3.51157397e-01 -1.39243335e-01 1.05994321e-01 1.10487387e-01 2.96501011e-01 -2.98778445e-01 -1.50854304e-01 -2.80089408e-01 -3.04849118e-01 5.99563867e-02 -5.79296350e-02 -2.53421545e-01 -1.37788495e-02 -2.06030503e-01 -7.66249234e-03 -2.73732487e-02 9.70985144e-02 4.58218493e-02 5.21612428e-02 4.29177701e-01 -9.12031233e-02 -5.37260361e-02 -2.97313690e-01 -8.19721222e-02 1.02473252e-01 7.29712173e-02 -2.23617745e-03 -2.46694759e-02 2.65055358e-01 -2.31490314e-01 2.66261369e-01 -1.34923235e-01 1.19737312e-01 7.38482131e-03 -2.04274938e-01 -3.35533410e-01 -3.19742076e-02 2.25847632e-01 3.65403183e-02 2.27277316e-02 -3.05979908e-01 -7.11385831e-02 -1.11381084e-01 2.09816515e-01 -3.70101690e-01 -5.77619433e-01 -2.05209240e-01 2.90262878e-01 2.38980845e-01 -1.49952114e-01 -2.90030465e-02 6.35652393e-02 -4.46077198e-01 2.33764261e-01 1.87870972e-02 1.88735619e-01 3.08538884e-01 -1.25491187e-01 2.09244534e-01 -2.58864369e-02 2.58649379e-01 1.81651548e-01 -1.66006550e-01 4.56424057e-02 -2.74301460e-03 -6.50164425e-01 1.03498355e-01 -7.38815740e-02 2.55495191e-01 -4.44490761e-01 5.15048027e-01 -7.20795766e-02 -4.96009476e-02 -1.83235988e-01 -2.26027109e-02 3.85789603e-01 -3.22687089e-01 -2.48779461e-01 4.56209332e-02 -1.02931827e-01 -1.74519122e-01 6.28029108e-02 -3.73533219e-01 -2.18351502e-02 1.16967717e-02 -1.24849230e-01 -1.82692036e-01 -2.51038879e-01 -3.51730973e-01 -1.05572417e-01 -8.66953582e-02 7.80785410e-03 3.47799025e-02 9.72193331e-02 -3.35979611e-01 3.32077988e-03]
"The Backrooms" active "It has come to our attention that the report of an anomalous structure on the Site-39 premises, formerly documented as SCP-6966, was found to be unintentionally inaccurate. We are still trying to locate the parties involved; In the mean time, please refrain from spreading unsubstantiated rumors of a non-existent facility. — Luciano Reyes, Site Director, Site-39 Object Class: Explained Special Containment Procedures: No plans for containment have been developed for SCP-6966 due to the inability of the Foundation to verify its existence. Description: SCP-6966-EX is alleged to be a free-standing structure resembling a shed located within the premises of Site-39, but does not appear on any layout blueprints of the facility. The inner structure was reported to comprise of a non-Euclidean hallway connecting at least 100 rooms on each side. It is currently hypothesized that SCP-6966-EX was merely a hallucination stemming from exposure of potential observers to psychoactive byproducts of a recent leak from the on-site parachemical labs, which has since been safely contained. Due to the lack of physical and non-anecdotal evidence for the existence of such a structure, SCP-6966 has been reclassified as Explained. Addendum 6966.01: Discovery SCP-6966 was first identified and reported by a security guard employed by Site-39, Casimir Anders, during a routine night patrol of the premises. Mr. Anders claims to have found the structure's door slightly ajar, and investigated further as part of his security duties. Upon exiting SCP-6966, Mr. Anders reported the structure to Site-39 personnel. The full report is currently filed here. Attached below is an audio log of an interview held as part of the reporting process. «BEGIN LOG» CARTER: Good morning, Mr. Anders. I'm Dr. Carter, and I'll be taking your statements on that anomaly you reported earlier this morning. Could you describe what exactly it was you saw inside that structure? ANDERS: Okay so, as I said in the report, it was a very long hallway leading to god-knows-where. It was dark as shit, too, couldn't see anything without my flashlight. I don't know if this is any use to you folks, but that hallway looked more like an old hotel than anything you'd find in the Site proper, but not as old as the one I have to live in until they finish processing my employment or whatever it is Administration does with new hands on deck. CARTER: [Coughs.] Continue with your statements on the anomaly, please. ANDERS: Right, right. So anyway, uh, there were doors with names on them on both sides of the hallway, but regular ones. Not the ones with keycard scanners. As a security guard I gotta check whether everything's in working order, watch out for intruders, all that noise, y'know? I didn't see any big signs yelling 'Restricted Area', and the doors weren't locked either, so I went in one of the rooms. Kinda small, had a bed with someone sleeping in it. ANDERS: Now I thought to myself, 'shit, did I accidentally walk into some staff dorm?' before I remembered that Site-39 doesn't have onsite dorms. So now, I got ready to get an earful and a disciplinary from whoever's nap I might've interrupted, and then, nothing. I got out of there without any reaction from him. CARTER: I take it this was the same for the other rooms? ANDERS: Most of them were. If the bed wasn't empty, then it was being used by random people who I've never seen before. I went further into the hallway, and then I start seeing names I do know on those doors. Mostly the folks at security. The funny thing is I know some of these guys are supposed to be on patrol or nightwatch duty, so the fact that I see them lying in the beds really unsettles me. ANDERS: Eventually I decide to man up and take a closer look at one of the people in the beds. You know those ancient Egyptian coffins? These guys looked a lot like those things, from the unusual straightness of the body to the crossing of the arms 'Wakanda forever' style. Now at this point, I'm really beginning to question whether these guys are actually alive, because like, I don't care who you are, once you conk out you're bound to move at least something. It's sorta like uh, that uncanny valley effect, when you look at a wax figure or an extremely detailed mannequin. Shit's unnerving. CARTER: You mentioned your doubts on whether these entities were alive. What compelled you to infer that they weren't deceased? ANDERS: Their chests. They rhythmically heaved up and down the entire time I was there. You could say they're just paralyzed or comatose, but — and this is the creepiest part — there was no air current when I checked their noses and mouths. Those 10 seconds were the tensest I've ever had throughout my career in security. I would've tried to check for a pulse as well, but y'know. Too risky. I already half-expected them to suddenly wake up while I had my fingers under their nose, so to feel around their wrists for a pulse… I don't think so. ANDERS: I checked a few other rooms to make sure that guy wasn't an outlier or something, and whaddaya know? Every room that wasn't empty had one of these no-breathing sleepers in them. I don't think any of those things were really human, in hindsight. CARTER: I see. I must say, you're taking this unusually well. ANDERS: I mean, this sort of stuff's in the job description, no? First thing they told me at orientation was that being a security guard at a Foundation Site means seeing weird shit from time to time. We have training for this sort of scenario. CARTER: That aside, did you manage to reach an end to the hallway? Or get a count of the rooms? ANDERS: I didn't see any sort of ending to the hallway. My flashlight only has so much range. As for the rooms, I counted about 100 of them on my left before I gave up and headed out the way I came from, so that's about 200 at least? CARTER: Very well, thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Anders. «END LOG» Site-39 staff were unable to locate any such structure as described by Mr. Anders, who could not be contacted for follow-up investigations after this interview. log-in > LOADING SCIP.NET LOGIN PROTOCOLS… login: reyes-l-01622 > REMEMBER: IMPERSONATION OF PERSONNEL IS A PUNISHABLE OFFENSE. password: omne-vetus-novabatur > IDENTITY VERIFIED. WELCOME, SITE DIRECTOR. > YOU HAVE 2 (TWO) NEW NOTIFICATIONS open: notif > PENDING PROPOSAL: > SUBMITTER ID: thaum-dept-feng-x-04185 > PENDING DOCUMENT ADDENDA: 6966-02.add > SUBMITTER ID: carter-a-06327 print: employee-schedule-thaum-dept-feng-x-04185.xls > FILE SENT TO PRINTER. print: employee-schedule-carter-a-06327.xls > FILE SENT TO PRINTER. display: 6966-02.add > ACCESSING… Addendum 6966.02: Investigation It is hypothesized that SCP-6966 may have been thaumaturgically altered to obscure its presence. A proposal has been sent by Dr. Feng of the Site-39 Department of Thaumaturgy to utilize thaumaturgic techniques in locating SCP-6966, pending approval. As per standard Site security protocol, all security personnel have video cameras embedded into their vests that remain active for the duration which they are worn. Due to this, Dr. Carter was able to retrieve viable footage of Mr. Anders' encounter with SCP-6966, of which an excerpt is attached below. «BEGIN LOG» Anders approaches the structure, resembling a shed made of weathered corrugated metal. Closer analysis reveals the presence of several poorly-formed thaumaturgic sigils normally used in concealment seals rusted into the walls, which go unnoticed by Anders. He examines the door for any markings or labels before entering the structure. After fumbling for a light switch in the dark, Anders sighs and pulls out his flashlight. A long hallway is revealed as it he activates it, decorated with faded yellow floral wallpaper and dark red carpeting. The light does not reach very far into the structure, but several doors are visible on the sides. Anders begins walking down the hallway, occasionally glancing to the doors on the sides, before stopping himself to inspect one of them. With a twist of a doorknob, Anders enters one of the rooms. A quick scan is done of the room, no more than 10 sq. meters in size, with a single bed as its sole furnishing. Anders is noticeably startled when the light runs over an unidentified individual lying in it. He quietly excuses himself after a short pause and withdraws from the room, noticing a small placard alluding to the identity of the occupant, "Xian Feng", affixed to the door on his way out. Anders continues down the hallway, taking note of the names on the doors as he goes. After a few minutes, he stops in front of a door labelled "Lars Rindahl"1, and cautiously enters. The room is almost identical to the earlier one, with the only difference being that the bed is unoccupied. Anders moves on to a separate room. The next room inspected by Anders hosts a different occupant. Anders holds his fingers under the nose of the occupant for a few seconds to check whether they are breathing, and pulls back upon confirming they are not. The chest of the occupant is clearly seen moving up and down. This is repeated several times in multiple rooms. Eventually, he focuses on locating the end of the hallway, ignoring the other rooms entirely. Numerous placards become visible as he walks by their doors, which correspond to multiple Sr. Researchers at Site-39. Anders stops in front of a door labelled "Luciano Reyes" after noticing it, and swears that this will be the last room he checks under his breath as he enters. The bed is unoccupied, but is poorly made. Signs of usage are visible. «END LOG» delete: 6966-02.add > ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE 6966-02.add? ONCE DELETED, THE FILE CANNOT BE RECOVERED. yes > FILE DELETED. delete: bodycam-sec-dept-anders-c-004139.mp4 > ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE bodycam-sec-dept-anders-c-004139.mp4? ONCE DELETED, THE FILE CANNOT BE RECOVERED. yes > FILE DELETED. delete: > ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE ONCE DELETED, THE FILE CANNOT BE RECOVERED. yes > FILE DELETED. log-out > LOGGING OUT… Cite this page as: "SCP-6966-EX" by Aftokrator, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: hallway.jpg Name: corridor-495262_960_720.jpg Author: coombesy License: CC 0 Source: Pixabay For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Still of SCP-6966 interior from raw footage."
[ 2.74556696e-01 -1.64037734e-01 -1.38277233e-01 1.10683993e-01 -2.03379303e-01 -3.40138853e-01 1.69084594e-01 3.11807513e-01 -4.43937272e-01 -4.21703830e-02 -1.50912195e-01 1.35119274e-01 9.10764709e-02 -2.30364799e-01 2.94977158e-01 3.22089940e-01 1.24660045e-01 -1.39612690e-01 1.21033855e-01 -1.51955649e-01 -2.87675083e-01 -2.24618204e-02 -2.76944429e-01 4.51759920e-02 -1.36247799e-01 2.09572569e-01 -4.35328437e-03 3.10021713e-02 -3.23533803e-01 -2.37450033e-01 -4.00899313e-02 3.50643881e-02 -1.99478582e-01 5.70215642e-01 -1.08670189e-04 4.07897793e-02 1.41323090e-01 -3.79737243e-02 -5.36907732e-01 8.51569027e-02 -4.50486839e-01 -2.55727023e-01 -1.04796015e-01 -1.81390315e-01 9.63731110e-02 -3.90319735e-01 1.09950257e-02 1.79731056e-01 1.71661198e-01 5.23872003e-02 2.04082459e-01 2.47896299e-01 -1.06499113e-01 -2.49693364e-01 -8.43851715e-02 5.23720741e-01 -2.84566246e-02 -1.23801291e-01 2.55346298e-01 1.51303604e-01 1.83330625e-01 -6.74877241e-02 -2.94242740e-01 -1.35046676e-01 1.88763648e-01 -1.02179073e-01 1.91955045e-01 -7.27399066e-02 2.34637171e-01 3.42394620e-01 2.94409841e-01 4.54227813e-02 -4.34608348e-02 -3.03680985e-03 -2.47778207e-01 -1.30956871e-02 7.05206767e-02 1.88120320e-01 -2.37632498e-01 5.30808195e-02 -4.27023798e-01 2.28421152e-01 -1.18826427e-01 1.19737014e-01 4.48364280e-02 1.50757745e-01 -1.93864778e-01 2.04091519e-02 -1.77804619e-01 2.06959620e-01 1.05836362e-01 1.15544200e-01 2.33803079e-01 1.16966039e-01 -2.29034424e-01 -8.96399096e-02 3.26985359e-01 -6.72290549e-02 2.25291282e-01 -1.08354799e-01 1.04982302e-01 9.81639773e-02 6.99734762e-02 6.78272769e-02 6.95512444e-02 1.40624056e-02 5.96261583e-02 1.08908668e-01 -5.03977954e-01 3.67293447e-01 9.66118872e-02 2.01672137e-01 -9.09330994e-02 -1.79275468e-01 -6.69449717e-02 -9.48609859e-02 1.30783588e-01 -1.12227164e-01 -1.82675980e-02 3.98071676e-01 -2.57964969e-01 1.49952099e-01 -1.04504786e-01 6.21211641e-02 6.57376766e-01 2.17912689e-01 2.19340324e-02 -1.85824811e-01 4.40839306e-02 5.58494404e-02 -1.66428864e-01 1.53618008e-01 -5.76406598e-01 -9.25667933e-04 -1.83608577e-01 4.95709091e-01 1.41946152e-01 2.25870475e-01 -2.83898681e-01 -1.30038902e-01 8.51181820e-02 6.85863197e-02 8.18288982e-01 3.70132297e-01 -2.63391435e-01 -4.08246182e-02 -1.78736821e-01 3.28645915e-01 -1.30779631e-02 1.07692309e-01 1.70957103e-01 -2.86866963e-01 -5.58487356e-01 1.96991518e-01 -1.73822761e-01 5.73762298e-01 5.09153716e-02 -1.44486234e-01 -9.58715007e-02 -1.14601716e-01 3.94589245e-01 1.80062294e-01 -6.78739846e-02 -6.30438467e-03 1.00824080e-01 3.86500418e-01 -2.92973489e-01 7.81373829e-02 -3.24911237e-01 -1.49931714e-01 3.73003026e-03 -2.54453182e-01 -3.10635746e-01 2.60546952e-01 -4.03842956e-01 -1.67239010e-01 -1.89667344e-01 -1.24126308e-01 -1.73215151e-01 -2.07240760e-01 -4.78219301e-01 1.10402666e-01 1.32294729e-01 -2.55015194e-01 -1.82698026e-01 5.23129068e-02 -7.42559205e-04 -2.56744295e-01 1.47835821e-01 -1.32306263e-01 -4.57102299e-01 -4.04065140e-02 1.63112596e-01 -6.50835112e-02 -2.11969335e-02 -1.50366142e-01 -3.21539938e-01 -2.28648692e-01 4.78011966e-01 2.74174899e-01 -3.63628119e-01 -8.43127370e-02 -1.87744536e-02 4.23517466e-01 -1.38722986e-01 1.68112025e-01 -5.30984774e-02 -2.00827718e-01 -5.86440414e-02 2.72794545e-01 -1.21863894e-01 -1.67045712e-01 -1.54474184e-01 1.44525349e-01 1.04832582e-01 -6.43301725e-01 2.52960175e-01 4.56007212e-01 -2.45237023e-01 -3.48096400e-01 -3.80483508e-01 1.59319097e-04 4.14862633e-02 -1.18282899e-01 -2.49429047e-01 -7.82940164e-02 -8.99313204e-03 1.41202703e-01 -2.06939176e-01 2.42924884e-01 3.26461643e-01 1.65034160e-01 -3.20252143e-02 1.94194660e-01 -5.29115796e-02 -7.74218813e-02 2.24757105e-01 2.81088412e-01 -3.61315757e-02 1.27882645e-01 4.84140553e-02 -1.25969693e-01 1.64531142e-01 1.13251269e-01 1.87320039e-01 5.98775689e-03 -7.06055313e-02 4.30688960e-03 2.41681710e-01 1.14207845e-02 -5.15299384e-03 -3.51552159e-01 8.19020495e-02 -8.31480101e-02 9.65260267e-02 7.88793087e-01 -4.09692377e-01 4.60851371e-01 1.66252777e-01 4.09907103e-01 -5.86834624e-02 -3.20871651e-01 2.58389562e-02 9.89773571e-02 -1.87176257e-01 -3.71493876e-01 3.42368096e-01 6.08247928e-02 1.17741503e-01 1.25774303e-02 6.01562262e-02 -7.80225396e-02 5.18143438e-02 -1.04210086e-01 9.25825685e-02 2.72164583e-01 1.92988500e-01 3.37907195e-01 3.70369613e-01 1.37491599e-01 5.32712527e-02 -4.51911658e-01 -6.80684373e-02 -1.42333239e-01 -1.60185352e-01 9.13388282e-02 2.16962263e-01 -9.91822928e-02 3.51952505e-03 -1.48448393e-01 2.40046963e-01 -2.12274656e-01 1.65844917e-01 -3.01655829e-01 -1.40654758e-01 -1.48660932e-02 -1.73853174e-01 3.48554820e-01 -1.64397284e-01 3.61826748e-01 -4.07813042e-02 -7.02437479e-03 2.76008099e-01 6.25595599e-02 -3.15262496e-01 3.90752554e-01 1.95863977e-01 -1.90563425e-01 -2.31159497e-02 -1.44306287e-01 -2.18423709e-01 3.12012404e-01 1.29964910e-02 -1.04270250e-01 2.73982674e-01 1.86112821e-01 1.34820446e-01 -4.46009696e-01 -3.50542478e-02 -3.10548276e-01 2.91179810e-02 3.48273553e-02 -2.04362243e-01 -3.72100025e-01 -1.83393896e-01 6.55248463e-02 -1.00236386e-01 -2.15479687e-01 7.77164921e-02 -3.18992227e-01 1.38333023e-01 3.00063372e-01 -1.50836512e-01 3.56012464e-01 -4.25136209e-01 -1.36753485e-01 -2.16931969e-01 -4.25983697e-01 2.40267050e-02 -6.80754483e-02 2.76764125e-01 -1.86663598e-01 -1.07426390e-01 2.84417331e-01 -1.92901328e-01 -2.65262544e-01 -2.88097620e-01 1.30801290e-01 -8.65902454e-02 -4.53539193e-02 -3.46089929e-01 6.17214143e-01 1.92185864e-02 -3.70181888e-01 -6.78035468e-02 1.49707481e-01 -9.01404917e-02 -2.40447819e-02 2.82674611e-01 -4.97505009e-01 -4.81136024e-01 2.12842941e-01 2.19616234e-01 1.27230421e-01 -1.05690777e-01 -3.22422624e-01 1.31546305e-02 1.75635606e-01 1.36145517e-01 -1.35853160e-02 -8.34385604e-02 9.70547460e-03 -5.49358130e-01 1.76196054e-01 6.79893652e-04 -1.86881185e-01 1.03200056e-01 -2.58799911e-01 -4.34404850e-01 -4.36767787e-01 -7.03855082e-02 6.86371386e-01 4.07373458e-01 -6.91317096e-02 -1.73648044e-01 -5.02613224e-02 -6.73210844e-02 -7.45958462e-02 3.19204837e-01 2.00503558e-01 -3.83058153e-02 -6.72862470e-01 2.84756422e-01 1.52485788e-01 1.26450703e-01 -3.19349878e-02 2.26784274e-01 -5.67778535e-02 -2.59559244e-01 1.73343346e-01 -1.06871977e-01 2.00237870e-01 2.72881538e-01 5.16346455e-01 5.00927866e-01 2.77325422e-01 -2.11548343e-01 -1.81282640e-01 1.27505168e-01 2.58095235e-01 6.35577619e-01 -2.42476501e-02 1.16171546e-01 1.54968239e-02 1.83292687e-01 5.39763458e-02 2.51528323e-01 2.31631160e-01 1.97967328e-02 -3.75161409e-01 1.34032413e-01 -5.42118959e-02 1.43520102e-01 -3.73186916e-01 7.88699389e-02 -2.63721645e-01 5.61795056e-01 3.95970464e-01 -1.03077918e-01 1.47644475e-01 1.44774050e-01 3.42016406e-02 -2.12469801e-01 6.50856972e-01 3.05548519e-01 1.97531089e-01 2.85124063e-01 1.69663996e-01 -2.42908858e-02 1.33153796e-01 -1.37149528e-01 3.98298800e-01 8.57516944e-01 -1.52855366e-01 1.10796228e-01 -5.07219553e-01 3.12970281e-01 -1.12990484e-01 -1.02662288e-01 1.79597050e-01 2.99834553e-02 3.75993460e-01 -1.19586237e-01 1.63647234e-01 -2.22672477e-01 -2.62531638e-01 -1.76173106e-01 2.80754775e-01 1.01008236e-01 2.73966938e-01 -8.05449411e-02 1.28352439e+00 4.77963090e-01 2.22000167e-01 3.27045768e-01 7.37159029e-02 -2.54726550e-03 -3.82664859e-01 1.11207977e-01 -1.82273537e-02 1.38979405e-01 1.62194297e-01 -3.22228104e-01 4.77108033e-03 1.37897640e-01 -9.08916816e-02 -2.47799456e-01 -6.12701893e-01 1.41838059e-01 1.00301288e-01 4.45315205e-02 2.02320307e-01 1.96651295e-01 7.93979689e-02 2.14281559e-01 1.75623372e-01 -1.32474139e-01 2.99751572e-02 -1.17583172e-02 -1.92326218e-01 8.75770152e-02 -1.46376908e-01 8.95357728e-02 -3.03725172e-02 4.63909842e-02 4.06589270e-01 1.35817394e-01 9.34389792e-03 3.72123212e-01 -4.00648445e-01 1.93397507e-01 -5.08805588e-02 2.41087541e-01 2.91826248e-01 5.05185686e-02 2.52373308e-01 8.82377177e-02 1.09183349e-01 -3.10778455e-03 -2.22412705e-01 1.04042709e-01 -2.09843367e-01 -1.91304591e-02 -4.96235758e-01 -2.99514811e-02 1.23244517e-01 -4.66040641e-01 3.82421404e-01 1.51997238e-01 -2.15485081e-01 -7.81915560e-02 1.76408872e-01 -9.48744044e-02 -3.25296730e-01 -2.96031952e-01 5.99313453e-02 -2.29709327e-01 8.85943770e-02 1.24158479e-01 -5.48459105e-02 2.14260340e-01 5.30475341e-02 2.81673133e-01 -1.69851035e-01 -3.87503386e-01 -1.50089100e-01 -2.43292734e-01 -2.53789783e-01 9.42012742e-02 -7.99371675e-03 -2.28919126e-02 1.72762051e-01 1.34961739e-01 -1.65270977e-02 -1.52449995e-01 -2.82163620e-01 -1.01704717e-01 2.12908074e-01 7.28918165e-02 -3.81132185e-01 1.73514843e-01 -8.01513195e-02 2.18089625e-01 7.12313950e-02 1.25108853e-01 -4.10292327e-01 1.33417388e-02 -4.42362994e-01 2.90364385e-01 -3.70902531e-02 -4.41573560e-01 -2.42911465e-02 -4.15065587e-01 1.65650323e-01 1.47044376e-01 -1.57197893e-01 -2.00832754e-01 8.23831111e-02 1.75212950e-01 -4.93426882e-02 -2.79130489e-01 1.73185974e-01 2.89668769e-01 1.08475134e-01 7.52410889e-02 1.36123681e-02 9.68113616e-02 3.03628087e-01 1.36518836e-01 -6.57947540e-01 -4.71571125e-02 -7.74834976e-02 7.39627853e-02 3.22273016e-01 2.39957303e-01 -2.44895712e-01 -1.97583556e-01 -3.68273348e-01 -9.01651084e-02 1.39096146e-02 3.31409901e-01 -1.75320968e-01 5.25628328e-01 3.43485922e-01 2.67856061e-01 1.68082461e-01 1.02258250e-01 -1.78486243e-01 3.43839265e-02 -3.44620615e-01 1.48836151e-01 -2.23783925e-01 2.49777377e-01 -1.80428624e-01 1.89511087e-02 2.50767320e-02 4.21807542e-02 -9.92712304e-02 2.15065792e-01 1.60220012e-01 -2.94088960e-01 3.82695235e-02 7.46287256e-02 -2.72538632e-01 2.08161324e-02 2.01453477e-01 4.96415317e-01 -2.50777543e-01 -4.24563065e-02 1.32245019e-01 1.05226032e-01 2.25563437e-01 4.13772136e-01 3.42057914e-01 3.01805407e-01 1.02169663e-01 1.11476704e-01 3.44840854e-01 2.07402289e-01 -2.69963324e-01 2.54612058e-01 5.20070270e-02 2.96391994e-01 -1.20019376e-01 -1.24137513e-01 2.41459031e-02 2.95658290e-01 -1.58352360e-01 -1.11098781e-01 -1.12272300e-01 2.86599159e-01 2.39018440e-01 -2.93264955e-01 -3.20456177e-01 -1.99212596e-01 -5.46905547e-02 1.23456335e-02 -9.45747346e-02 7.82301277e-02 -1.28136888e-01 1.76416442e-01 5.42334676e-01 3.92407961e-02 3.31068486e-01 -2.04689294e-01 1.62731335e-01 1.69470415e-01 4.14077006e-02 2.95924023e-02 3.35654855e-01 9.70389247e-02 9.60032120e-02 -2.93871135e-01 4.89565358e-02 -7.74312988e-02 -3.96529548e-02 -1.04610369e-01 -1.04918011e-01 1.24538317e-01 -2.75817633e-01 -1.60567053e-02 1.51684180e-01 -1.67475104e-01 1.71057463e-01 4.89396937e-02 4.31571692e-01 1.52907267e-01 3.72907281e-01 -1.58318251e-01 -1.19940832e-01 1.48812011e-02 8.18403531e-03 -2.33773902e-01 -7.39895344e-01 2.64326990e-01 6.29190579e-02 2.14041844e-01 -3.55892152e-01 1.06764741e-01 -2.73556262e-01 1.64395913e-01 2.51520604e-01 -9.71768051e-02 1.28669128e-01 -1.92715317e-01 -1.09917909e-01 5.41058369e-02 9.42208394e-02 -4.14312035e-01 1.45216167e-01 -9.18143019e-02 6.82585984e-02 3.02159488e-01 2.20427051e-01 -7.14092404e-02 -1.86262533e-01 -1.35843337e-01 -2.77967244e-01 2.27902159e-01 5.41859232e-02 -3.00218668e-02 -8.50890502e-02 -1.11896552e-01 1.03480592e-01 -4.91926074e-01 1.58066198e-01 1.98593691e-01 -2.94449240e-01 2.06534013e-01 5.39720118e-01 2.43966505e-01 -1.63026288e-01 1.38929904e-01 -5.00036441e-02 -4.25625920e-01 -1.94918618e-01 6.98891506e-02 5.15348539e-02 2.33707353e-01 2.52067327e-01 1.80580616e-02 1.23768300e-01 6.58416808e-01 2.06563905e-01 -4.57290918e-01 -1.65918261e-01 8.89740065e-02 -6.36740804e-01 -1.91320702e-02 -2.54187226e-01 2.19193786e-01 3.01956385e-01 3.70542020e-01 -3.62359732e-02 7.08718970e-03 -4.52475846e-02 -4.04100912e-03 5.01326203e-01 -1.82659268e-01 -3.97251308e-01 -8.06884374e-03 2.51110703e-01 5.02184071e-02 -4.92342487e-02 -2.28418171e-01 -2.38954023e-01 3.94565910e-02 2.78732032e-01 -1.50560245e-01 -2.26168573e-01 -1.54453501e-01 -3.11449260e-01 -1.38250291e-01 5.20211220e-01 -1.18492335e-01 -1.04704961e-01 -2.04106018e-01 -1.34978130e-01]
"Free Fallin'" active "Item #: SCP-6967 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6967 is to be kept in a standard locker within Site-42. No personnel are allowed to touch SCP-6967 unless permitted otherwise by the Site Director for testing purposes. All personnel who handle SCP-6967 are to wear full body protective suits in the event that the object must be removed from its containment. Those who do not follow the directions above will be reprimanded, given that they are not terminated by the SCP. Description: SCP-6967 is a superhero doll. Upon the chest and cape of SCP-6967 are standard hazard symbols. Whenever a sapient organism comes in direct contact with the object they will instantaneously be teleported into the atmosphere, directly above the position they were previously in. The subject who touched SCP-6967 will then begin their rapid descent towards the ground. After nearly 10 minutes the subject will impact the ground, which invariably leads to death in all cases. Whenever an organism is teleported, SCP-6967 will stay behind on the surface it was resting upon previously, and has proven to be impervious to damage coming from falling subjects it has transported. However, SCP-6967’s anomalous effects do not inhibit individuals from moving it, provided that their body does not touch the object directly (i.e. skin contact). It is unknown how SCP-6967 teleports subjects who come into contact with it, however research has revealed that the object may have some level of understanding of its actions, as no efforts thus far to stop the termination of those under SCP-6967’s effect have been successful due to anomalous means. The origins as well as the motivations of the SCP, if any, are as of yet undetermined. Addendum 6967.01: Test logs The following logs are of the experiments conducted using SCP-6967 [BEGIN TEST LOGS] Action: D-Class equipped with a radio and microphone instructed to touch object Result: D-Class fell from the atmosphere screaming and refusing to cooperate with researchers. Subject terminated on impact Action: D-Class equipped with radio, microphone and parachute instructed to touch object Result: D-Class’ parachute malfunctions and is unable to be deployed. D-Class panics and states they feel as though a hand is blocking the AAD1 Subject terminated on impact Action: D-Class equipped radio, microphone and experimental jetpack instructed to touch object Result: D-Class reports jetpack is being tampered with by an unknown force before plummeting towards the ground. D-Class struggles to regain control of the device, however the straps securing the subject are destroyed and the D-Class is removed from the jetpack. Subject terminated on impact [END TEST LOGS] As of now testing for SCP-6967 has ceased indefinitely. Addendum 6967.02: Discovery SCP-6967 was discovered July 15, 2006 in ██████, Texas when a Foundation agent embedded within the local law enforcement received a call notifying the police of two brutal killings caused by an alleged “invisible monster”. Agent Linedecker and his partner arrived on the scene to find viscera and human parts strewn across a 15 meter radius of an abandoned oil rig site. The following messages were sent to Foundation staff from Linedecker to request the aid of MTF Epsilon-6 shortly after arriving on the scene: [BEGIN LOG] Agent Linedecker: help neED HELP NOW SEND MF ASS AP Agent Linedecker: SEND MTF ASAP* SORRY. PLS HURRY THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE ITS FUCKNG INDIVISIBLE Foundation Respondant: Stay calm, we will arrive with help soon, what is the anomaly you’re dealing with and how severe is the situation? Agent Linedecker: INVISIBLE* SRY. IT TOOK MY MAN IN ITS POCEKT DIMENSON AND FUCKING SPIT OUT HIS GUTS AND BLOOD HURRY URGETN Agent Linedecker: SEND THE VILAGE IDIOTS OR SOME THONGS Foundation Respondant: Sending Mobile Task Force your way, hang in there. Agent Linedecker: SOMETHING* SRRY. HURRY KETER Agent Linedecker: ACTION FIGURE? wtf Foundation Respondant: Is that another typo? Foundation Respondant: Agent Linedecker? [END LOG] Addendum 6967.03: MTF Epsilon-6 arrived heavily armed to contain the presumed highly aggressive and threatening anomaly exactly 9 minutes after the last message was sent. The following transcript of SCP-6967’s retrieval was recovered by Agent Trevors’s communication device’s recording of the events that unfolded. [BEGIN LOG] Agent Trevors: Okay team, this is where our guy’s phone was last trackable, it’s gotta be where the anomaly is. Agent Rasmus: No shit this is the place, look at the fuckin blood! Whatever did this is a mean sum’ bitch I’ll tell you that much right now! Agent Trevors: Let’s just hope it hasn’t gotten into a more densely populated area yet, I don’t think I can handle anything more weighing on my conscience. Agent Hodder: So then where the hell did the damn thing go? Shouldn’t there be bloody footprints at the very least? Agent Rasmus: Dispatch said the monster’s probably invisible, and if I had to guess, we’re probably not lucky enough to have it run away cowering from us just like that. Ya’ ask me and I’d say the thin- A loud scream cut short by a splattering sound can be heard over the microphone. It is presumed that Agent Linedecker was under the effect of SCP-6967. All MTF members curse in confusion as this unfolds Agent Hodder: The hell just happened? What the fuck where did it go? Agent Trevors: Get your gear switched on now, we gotta be able to see it coming or we’re next! The agents activate the Foundation headgear provided with the intention of detecting invisible anomalies through heat vision. They mutter to themselves frantically about wiping off the blood covering the lenses Agent Hodder: I-I still can’t see the thing! What do we do? It’s gonna kill us any minute! Guys! I don’t want to die! Guys! Agent Rasmus: Shut the fuck up! Jesus, you act all tough with your fingerless gloves and stupid fucking music just shut UP we gotta hear the thing coming! Agent Trevors: Both of you knock it off. Look at the center of the remains! There’s something inorganic there! Agent Rasmus: Is that uh… Agent Hodders: A fucking toy? Did this thing kill a kid here no fucking way man that’s fucked up- Agent Rasmus: Hodder shut up! I’m gonna shoot it, it’s too damn shady! Agent Trevors He’s right! This might be the source of this all, there’s no way that doll would just be there unscathed, right? Rasmus stay back, it might be some kind of anomalous bomb! Agent Trevors throws a rock from the ground directly at SCP-6967, which is unaffected apart from falling on its side Agent Rasmus: Notta bomb, so one thing left to do. Move outta the way! Running is heard, as Rasmus approaches the object rapidly Agent Rasmus screams angrily, sounds of him slide-kicking the figure over with his boot, causing it to fly away a short distance Agent Rasmus: Heavily breathing Okay, now… it’s cool to git… Agent Trevors: Quickly, contain that toy before the monster comes back! If it’s not anomalous then that thing is still out there! Trevors and Hodder can be heard rushing over to SCP-6967 Agent Trevors: Okay, let's get this thing bac- Agent Hodder Give me that, man! I’m not as big a pussy as you guys think! Agent Hodder bends down to grab the object Agent Trevors: Wait! Hodder your glov- Agent Hodder disappears as his fingers presumably touched the object Silence for 8 seconds Agent Rasmus: Hodder! Hodder where the fuck did you go? You fuckin’ idiot why’d you listen to me!? Rasmus continues to scream for a few minutes, Trevor stays silent Agent Trevors: Rasmus, listen to me, we can’t make contact with that thing, it’s gotta be a direct touch that activates its anomalous ability. Let’s finish this and get back home before anything else happens. Agent Rasmus: What about Hodder? Is he gonna end up getting torn apart by that thing’s fucking stand or something? I can’t leave him! We can’t leave him to die! Agent Trevors: Look, Rasmus, I wouldn’t leave him if there was a chance he survives this thing, but what can we do? Just sit here? If we die this mission will all be in vain! Agent Rasmus: Asshole, you’re the one with the skin theory right? Put that shit away in a bag or somethin’ and then there’s no more threat! Silence for 3 seconds Agent Trevors: Alright, if this toy is the source of all of this, then the least we can do is see if Hodder can escape this thing. Rasmus lets out a sigh of relief and soon after, Trevors can be heard zipping up a bag Agent Trevors: Alright, that does it. Now we wait? Agent Rasmus: I know Hodders' ass would do the same for us.. Silence for the next 3 minutes Agent Rasmus: Looks like he’s not gonna be coming out of wherever he was taken anytime soon. Agent Trevors: Does that mean you’re ready to go? Silence for 4 seconds Agent Trevors: Let’s just wait a little longer, Rasmus. If this thing hasn’t activated yet then I don’t think it’ll be a problem anyt- Static crackles suddenly as the two intercoms' range connect back with Hodders' Snippets of screaming can be heard growing louder and as time passes the scream cuts out from connection less and less Agent Rasmus: Hodder? Is that you? Where are you? Hodder? Agent Trevors: Hodder, if you can hear me tell us what’s going on?? Are you okay? The screaming dies and is replaced with the sound of rushing wind and sobs Agent Hodder: G-guys… I'm scared.. I’m sorry… Agent Trevors: What's happening to you?! Agent Hodder: through sobs I’m falling. I’m falling from so high, and I'm getting so close now… I’m gonna die, aren’t I? Just like the others? Agent Rasmus: Hey you pussy, you’re gonna be just fine just let us know where you are and we can figure this out! Don’t give up on me like this! You hear me?! Agent Hodder: You know it’s kind of beautiful… the view of it all… this town… it’s people…. Only rushing wind can be heard Agent Trevors: Hodder… you’re gonna make it out okay. We called for backup… they’ll be here to catch you with some anomaly… Agent Rasmus: strained voice you piece of shit… don’t die on me like this… Agent Hodder: …You know that album I was trying to get you guys to listen to…? The ████ ███████ one? That's almost all I can hear up here… Agent Hodder: Hey…sniffling I think I can actually see you guys from here… I guess this is goodbye Trevors… goodbye Ari…. I'm sorry… Agent Trevors: Rasmus, look out! Agent Hodder impacts the ground and sounds of gore are heard splattering onto the two remaining agents Agent Ari Rasmus weeps softly Agent Trevors: Rasmus… let’s get out of here. [END LOG] Note from Site Director I have received many requests to conduct more experiments upon SCP-6967 since we ceased testing. The answer is no. If I hear about any potential tests from any of you on this project again, you’ll be the one falling out of the sky. -Site Director Nickolas" nan
[ 6.35535121e-02 -3.47759038e-01 -6.08142912e-02 -2.32432634e-02 6.00604527e-03 -4.80380297e-01 -9.63244066e-02 9.42026079e-02 1.28173679e-02 -1.64529070e-01 7.98609480e-02 4.06760603e-01 -1.34812579e-01 4.95906221e-03 1.48640409e-01 -2.79797316e-02 1.98284686e-01 -2.86276806e-02 4.14565392e-02 -1.50649354e-01 -2.95724943e-02 -1.24703079e-01 -4.83249575e-01 4.00017560e-01 1.73278227e-01 -3.30534041e-01 1.75300941e-01 1.72459781e-02 -1.07504860e-01 -3.01436096e-01 3.79813403e-01 2.54473299e-01 1.64415643e-01 4.99703437e-01 -1.12144677e-04 7.73310289e-03 2.28765979e-01 5.84285408e-02 -4.20771956e-01 2.88341716e-02 -2.80408233e-01 6.77355006e-02 -6.64511472e-02 3.68287712e-02 2.43340120e-01 -2.67530739e-01 9.51553807e-02 5.76104745e-02 7.77746975e-01 4.34048176e-01 2.09893912e-01 1.58681348e-02 5.80459796e-02 -8.51096958e-02 6.69096857e-02 3.54562938e-01 -2.71665126e-01 2.05212340e-01 2.29568869e-01 -1.36032596e-01 1.08296424e-02 -3.26649606e-01 -1.35723442e-01 -1.66678876e-01 3.54120135e-02 -2.29816198e-01 -1.31750226e-01 -2.04338521e-01 -1.85004920e-02 4.65715617e-01 -3.45407464e-02 -4.26268913e-02 3.76938023e-02 1.07848786e-01 1.96764633e-01 4.21333939e-01 1.42692193e-01 9.07862484e-02 -1.71641931e-01 5.92799336e-02 -7.02463016e-02 1.45062149e-01 -3.04026276e-01 3.05001251e-02 -3.66155535e-01 9.46187824e-02 -3.43616903e-01 4.35632467e-02 1.96496874e-01 3.96323251e-03 1.08434752e-01 7.63355866e-02 2.20352784e-01 -1.89347029e-01 6.88187480e-02 -1.99509591e-01 -9.15877521e-02 5.18014766e-02 2.85682797e-01 -2.52279162e-01 2.44733781e-01 1.56157613e-01 2.44535029e-01 -3.34910043e-02 -1.77599248e-02 -1.89272851e-01 8.06327239e-02 -1.69735298e-01 -6.58072978e-02 4.16992188e-01 9.55217630e-02 1.70554012e-01 -2.84724832e-02 2.14735001e-01 -8.56962353e-02 -2.96456695e-01 3.92832547e-01 -1.59614533e-01 -3.99011523e-01 3.20335478e-01 -6.25847459e-01 1.60424009e-01 -9.74382833e-02 3.92154515e-01 3.86467606e-01 6.13649115e-02 5.94825037e-02 1.93013191e-01 3.72629403e-03 -8.35757554e-02 -1.92672312e-01 2.31745780e-01 -2.47065157e-01 2.37568006e-01 -2.79997915e-01 2.77139664e-01 -1.04236193e-01 1.90931633e-01 -6.65399770e-04 -1.25929266e-01 2.91604757e-01 5.81366904e-02 5.44609606e-01 2.13393286e-01 -6.37663960e-01 -3.87389101e-02 -1.10940248e-01 1.06272586e-02 -4.66733873e-02 -8.38805456e-03 3.10065895e-01 5.75683676e-02 -1.17711291e-01 2.27421641e-01 -2.72085458e-01 2.59819329e-02 5.42563526e-03 2.50174582e-01 -3.74644458e-01 -5.06459698e-02 4.84445661e-01 -1.84530795e-01 -1.52817164e-02 -3.21262151e-01 1.64583161e-01 4.97681201e-01 -3.85968417e-01 -1.97254956e-01 -5.37943617e-02 -1.11324959e-01 1.60275891e-01 -5.37332833e-01 -2.38177583e-01 2.04117149e-01 -2.83086360e-01 1.14935011e-01 -2.61440247e-01 2.47824997e-01 -3.50144058e-01 -1.44671738e-01 -2.78697729e-01 2.72412419e-01 -1.35738671e-01 -1.97371900e-01 -1.67670071e-01 2.19472013e-02 -4.63785499e-01 1.66404366e-01 1.52109444e-01 -1.44824550e-01 -1.73423126e-01 -4.61188495e-01 5.24704337e-01 1.42016247e-01 -9.50720832e-02 4.23404090e-02 2.46922240e-01 2.42957234e-01 -4.20594327e-02 3.58657569e-01 -2.96330422e-01 1.27822027e-01 2.08384320e-01 1.72040194e-01 -2.32050210e-01 8.99229478e-03 -5.61120689e-01 -7.35057071e-02 5.20426810e-01 3.35042685e-01 -2.78611898e-01 -8.09424222e-02 -3.09058934e-01 2.22327590e-01 -4.13197763e-02 -5.81394613e-01 2.43397176e-01 3.92882586e-01 1.09961182e-02 -2.49166816e-01 -3.79213065e-01 4.19280142e-01 9.03468754e-04 7.07299262e-03 -3.15958768e-01 3.68288726e-01 -1.45306915e-01 -3.77176926e-02 -4.25966550e-03 3.12642939e-02 1.80737585e-01 -2.92659372e-01 -1.71911232e-02 3.23433995e-01 -4.39186156e-01 -5.24042696e-02 2.13201746e-01 2.30251729e-01 4.67129685e-02 -3.68613511e-01 1.71080962e-01 1.82862684e-01 1.66077182e-01 1.24916956e-02 -8.37961063e-02 3.43129784e-01 1.02227516e-01 3.34600247e-02 -1.23397447e-02 -9.77965221e-02 -9.19473395e-02 -3.42783093e-01 -8.80916566e-02 4.71411385e-02 -2.36989051e-01 2.04629287e-01 2.49770246e-02 3.80612426e-02 -5.23112863e-02 -4.44154739e-02 2.06696510e-01 -2.46263251e-01 3.12057495e-01 8.48467276e-02 -3.37797515e-02 -2.83614695e-01 1.98991463e-01 1.24956951e-01 2.56800026e-01 3.35460156e-02 1.85427770e-01 -1.90430328e-01 1.62111688e-02 -2.48438478e-01 -2.83470377e-02 -1.84397474e-01 -1.52915865e-01 3.00072972e-02 1.78202927e-01 2.71710187e-01 -5.08832514e-01 -3.45588446e-01 -1.41342312e-01 -8.88314471e-02 -5.44638149e-02 9.91797298e-02 9.78866071e-02 2.28177339e-01 -1.96767434e-01 1.95540577e-01 -3.37076962e-01 -1.02513470e-01 -3.44452374e-02 -1.49333492e-01 8.18214417e-02 1.06225098e-02 -5.37543535e-01 5.57178557e-01 -6.22270554e-02 8.85736495e-02 -4.30463910e-01 3.94387752e-01 -1.28327787e-01 9.23174173e-02 -4.68216836e-01 2.83313334e-01 4.03762996e-01 3.34895015e-01 -2.46000692e-01 1.16008326e-01 -3.03358227e-01 2.43297666e-01 1.89451152e-03 4.82287668e-02 1.40059680e-01 1.32095262e-01 2.80566573e-01 -2.26172268e-01 1.40082864e-02 -6.84599638e-01 -1.91913232e-01 -1.23597965e-01 4.58464809e-02 -1.71131094e-03 -1.30151704e-01 -1.87413376e-02 -1.44800963e-02 -2.50117391e-01 -2.41970364e-02 -3.14958215e-01 -2.05464274e-01 -1.54335322e-02 2.14207008e-01 5.37999392e-01 1.71628390e-02 -4.13015764e-03 -2.37574518e-01 -2.16682374e-01 2.32293196e-02 2.75934637e-01 8.91120434e-02 -3.66579890e-01 -2.60540724e-01 -1.41475394e-01 2.85499096e-01 -3.79941672e-01 -6.35404885e-01 -2.95041889e-01 4.97502834e-01 -1.94887165e-02 -1.25746742e-01 4.81366724e-01 -1.26281917e-01 -2.47298375e-01 -1.71458915e-01 -1.77946493e-01 2.06520632e-01 1.47851646e-01 1.83967546e-01 3.20962593e-02 -9.23242271e-02 2.23175451e-01 5.35834253e-01 1.91201400e-02 -2.20072985e-01 -1.00920172e-02 9.31175873e-02 1.51750281e-01 3.51597399e-01 -3.61363851e-02 1.22973301e-01 2.30889153e-02 -1.42934456e-01 1.24303170e-01 -1.59966826e-01 -2.60288119e-02 2.57065762e-02 -2.01860636e-01 -1.95212945e-01 -9.62823182e-02 -1.74684629e-01 8.26044321e-01 1.12431318e-01 -3.76376003e-01 -1.42740369e-01 3.75466198e-01 7.67682940e-02 4.04563844e-01 1.37235329e-01 -7.45010003e-02 8.63289014e-02 -4.12097543e-01 2.62379289e-01 -8.79558623e-02 2.07630143e-01 -4.87608686e-02 3.00714076e-01 4.17993218e-02 -2.35065848e-01 2.14451492e-01 -2.97612458e-01 5.20466864e-01 -6.46939278e-02 4.09294546e-01 1.49362653e-01 1.43956333e-01 5.66645265e-02 -7.75677860e-02 -5.08176684e-01 6.17866591e-03 4.85625654e-01 -1.94756895e-01 -1.83687404e-01 -1.29302293e-01 -4.92649199e-03 -2.68307477e-01 2.97477305e-01 3.81499119e-02 8.74442235e-02 -6.01610124e-01 6.67771399e-02 2.15724573e-01 2.05189154e-01 -4.06660706e-01 -1.35097444e-01 -2.53379732e-01 -1.63251832e-02 9.40410569e-02 1.04492597e-01 1.13847874e-01 -2.64667183e-01 1.94158718e-01 -2.18952119e-01 5.85311174e-01 3.28194797e-01 4.63742495e-01 3.20201665e-01 7.52549618e-02 -2.27105260e-01 -2.45743200e-01 1.41223893e-01 2.01959208e-01 6.83517456e-01 -1.37379929e-01 -1.05184771e-01 -1.43701628e-01 3.31497222e-01 -7.14685544e-02 2.95644343e-01 3.79303664e-01 -2.61058331e-01 1.80603027e-01 -1.44254804e-01 1.64205536e-01 -2.99939010e-02 -3.85165691e-01 -1.99131370e-01 2.25601360e-01 -1.86382681e-01 1.74060896e-01 2.15155065e-01 1.19267058e+00 2.55851537e-01 9.01531354e-02 3.07986826e-01 1.56582855e-02 1.17291078e-01 -1.67180955e-01 1.88188497e-02 -8.84863585e-02 -2.25261360e-01 3.37175429e-02 -1.92494839e-01 -3.92292254e-02 6.74204603e-02 -4.48769540e-01 -1.79595709e-01 -1.84349522e-01 1.18491456e-01 1.48492187e-01 2.25303829e-01 1.75976574e-01 2.17865154e-01 3.29922616e-01 2.38888592e-01 -1.02191046e-01 1.73961118e-01 4.81876917e-02 -1.81321055e-01 1.23044245e-01 2.46449448e-02 -7.74235874e-02 3.65266830e-01 -2.20345289e-01 1.37997314e-01 3.02615494e-01 2.65778333e-01 2.25065038e-01 -1.31332517e-01 -1.41944131e-02 -2.06140563e-01 -1.59292985e-02 1.31738067e-01 2.64421612e-01 -7.22273812e-02 1.03352495e-01 1.22827679e-01 3.22218627e-01 1.94487438e-01 1.92402676e-01 2.74338961e-01 1.60061717e-02 1.59471720e-01 -4.22680289e-01 8.77782609e-03 2.72435516e-01 -4.14104700e-01 4.63968128e-01 1.34340976e-03 -2.39011440e-02 5.56135364e-02 2.09981188e-01 -1.70803547e-01 -7.75606409e-02 -1.69983104e-01 2.93820828e-01 -2.82344043e-01 -1.49304718e-01 3.01143199e-01 -3.32685746e-02 1.49097383e-01 2.03554947e-02 -7.06596971e-02 -1.28359705e-01 -3.82484555e-01 -1.12350754e-01 -9.46253911e-02 -3.34049940e-01 3.58689755e-01 -2.72990257e-01 -3.48720908e-01 1.81421321e-02 2.00759396e-01 6.71241209e-02 -3.81559014e-01 -1.26348451e-01 -4.64268699e-02 2.67574966e-01 -2.25695267e-01 7.20609352e-02 3.96424413e-01 -4.04853463e-01 1.30252853e-01 1.71853542e-01 1.55855075e-01 -4.00490314e-01 -1.88692003e-01 -9.54942852e-02 -8.96903500e-02 5.53608537e-02 -3.36887896e-01 6.72833808e-03 -7.02921748e-02 1.25074789e-01 2.64265358e-01 -1.69765636e-01 -1.12392001e-01 -2.13553742e-01 1.20441459e-01 -7.94637576e-02 -1.60230547e-01 -3.38396609e-01 -1.41535075e-02 2.59939432e-01 1.01704463e-01 1.31756470e-01 2.27881044e-01 1.98168546e-01 1.01984777e-01 -1.02573924e-01 2.69088507e-01 1.71824619e-01 1.21024966e-01 1.24342471e-01 3.70719701e-01 -9.01330821e-03 -1.60932802e-02 -2.97572792e-01 -1.85670316e-01 1.49953291e-01 3.45646113e-01 1.19398676e-01 4.46023792e-01 2.78141834e-02 8.53175148e-02 -3.60258460e-01 1.66502982e-01 -1.95685059e-01 3.89191270e-01 -3.38758498e-01 -1.10002026e-01 -6.49107024e-02 2.66538680e-01 3.87222320e-02 -3.21282377e-03 1.75612122e-02 4.92185540e-02 -1.17054127e-01 3.02183300e-01 -3.16500455e-01 -3.31124038e-01 -9.28122848e-02 -3.97837721e-02 -2.81228888e-04 5.04783213e-01 1.24335987e-02 -1.48120346e-02 -1.22153379e-01 -1.43470794e-01 4.16334063e-01 3.16370696e-01 3.40149790e-01 2.34317303e-01 3.46127778e-01 3.12581062e-02 9.68157202e-02 4.04214770e-01 1.28771082e-01 2.27114975e-01 -1.39206469e-01 3.79087389e-01 3.89524959e-02 6.93742856e-02 -2.16253065e-02 -7.07305819e-02 -1.84018444e-02 -3.54863822e-01 -1.79308504e-01 -3.02745342e-01 1.22476239e-02 1.60837412e-01 1.92911234e-02 -1.53385714e-01 -6.11652076e-01 6.26519248e-02 1.65284008e-01 -2.03607827e-01 1.82758749e-01 -4.28009313e-03 -1.44927260e-02 8.54055882e-02 6.47473857e-02 1.64381764e-03 2.93457597e-01 -2.85923809e-01 -4.61902563e-03 2.03446358e-01 -7.16368929e-02 7.14989379e-02 -7.55560398e-02 5.17054787e-03 2.30565250e-01 -4.24493790e-01 1.82439014e-01 2.07458586e-01 -1.97978169e-02 -1.64466262e-01 4.22747321e-02 5.96861057e-02 2.03405377e-02 2.91979790e-01 1.77572206e-01 -1.84909880e-01 -1.78259134e-01 -5.10039600e-03 4.04563487e-01 -1.62592858e-01 1.82868049e-01 -3.19599509e-01 -4.94843610e-02 -8.66108909e-02 -3.52326035e-01 -1.78158864e-01 -1.40631273e-01 -1.20408878e-01 -4.88260537e-01 2.50367552e-01 -2.47826114e-01 1.01113446e-01 -1.94366351e-01 2.30057165e-01 3.50987256e-01 1.59283310e-01 1.47809148e-01 -2.07757160e-01 -2.64261514e-01 2.14643821e-01 1.08107410e-01 7.43327066e-02 9.77596641e-02 -2.64916867e-02 -9.34988037e-02 2.79758781e-01 -3.37237954e-01 2.62951553e-01 -1.62942186e-01 2.53928546e-03 -1.71953842e-01 8.14878345e-02 9.82755348e-02 2.16157645e-01 1.16053432e-01 -7.23817274e-02 -7.81446770e-02 -6.37146413e-01 1.14615224e-01 1.06029481e-01 -4.48758304e-01 -2.60058820e-01 1.25647843e-01 6.57306433e-01 -9.33303684e-02 -1.84226662e-01 -1.22154474e-01 -1.32449389e-01 1.47073746e-01 2.38624945e-01 -8.22189376e-02 1.82697058e-01 -1.45570099e-01 1.58443213e-01 2.18387932e-01 5.08236587e-01 1.26806319e-01 -1.97019860e-01 2.74907470e-01 3.27233583e-01 -3.20259511e-01 -6.92270324e-02 -2.50655979e-01 9.02222320e-02 3.50369979e-03 3.00359577e-01 1.71433929e-02 -5.78466989e-03 -6.17852025e-02 -3.52073461e-01 3.39069605e-01 -1.88838661e-01 -1.94706082e-01 1.66055933e-02 -2.59069242e-02 2.29964089e-02 -1.19370237e-01 -3.96353841e-01 -7.64433742e-02 8.49605948e-02 -2.16436401e-01 -1.35456577e-01 -8.58276412e-02 -3.16921145e-01 -1.86669976e-01 -1.22816116e-01 7.61321843e-01 1.74907222e-01 -1.23259006e-02 2.54746139e-01 6.43652901e-02]
"Fantastic Fearsome Critters" active "Special Containment Procedures: Foundation MTF Delta-3 ("Cryptozoologists") are to actively monitor acts of arson within the continental United States located west of the Mississippi River. All fliers or similar promotional materials for SCP-6968 are to be removed and destroyed with any exposed citizens amnescized as necessary. An exclusionary perimeter must be established around SCP-6968-1 as soon as a manifestation is confirmed and all non-Foundation personnel are to be prohibited from entering under the cover of wildfire damage assessment. All MTF agents are to be provided with five United States dollars prior to any expeditions into SCP-6968-1. All SCP-6968-2 instances in Foundation custody have their own general care and containment documentation available to all personnel involved with SCP-6968. Please refer to Document 6968-2 Care and Containment for further details. Potential relocation of several SCP-6968-2 instances into the care of GoI "Wilson's Wildlife Solutions" is currently being investigated. Description: SCP-6968-1 refers to "Fantastic Fearsome Critters", an anomalous grouping of tents and structures superficially reminiscent of an American circus big top. The interior of the tents are empty aside from rows of cages with labelled placards affixed to the bottom of each. Thus far no human or humanoid presences have been detected within. The marked entrance to SCP-6968's campus has a large box with a sign reading "PAY HERE". It is physically impossible to enter SCP-6968-1 unless five United States dollars are placed in the box by each individual attempting to enter. SCP-6968-1 has no fixed location, and has proven capable of translocation to any continental American state to the west of the Mississippi River, most commonly manifesting in California, Washington, Arizona, and Oregon. SCP-6968 has no fixed travel pattern, and there is currently no way to predict when it will demanifest and manifest in a new location. Arrival of SCP-6968-1 is always heralded by a sudden, large wildfire. These fires have proven resistant to being extinguished via both conventional and anomalous means, and continue to burn away plant life until an area sufficiently large enough to contain SCP-6968 is established. Once this is accomplished, SCP-6968-1 will manifest in the burned patch of land and several advertisements for the attraction will appear in any communities within ten kilometers. SCP-6968-2 refers to a collection of anomalous animals that have been recovered from the cages within various SCP-6968-1 manifestations. Very few of these animals bear visual similarities to naturally occurring animals, with most bearing morphologies that are biologically impossible. Ongoing efforts to properly catalogue all species discovered by SCP-6968 and cross-reference them with existing historical records is ongoing. An abridged list of SCP-6968-2 entities is recorded below. Historical records from states visited by SCP-6968-1 reveal that it has existed since approximately 1840. Records of advertisements produced by SCP-6968 reveal that it has always advertised itself as a "One of a kind animal sideshow attraction." Addendum 6968.1: Incident Report On 7/23/2016, Dr. Faran Caraway (the Site Director supervising SCP-6968 research and containment) received a direct call in his office from an unidentified individual who later identified themselves as Markus Davenson. As per Foundation procedure, Dr. Caraway recorded the call and alerted an available MTF for call tracing. Despite Foundation efforts, the call was unable to be traced and no records of any individual matching the name "Markus Davenson" were found. A transcript of the call is provided below. AUDIO LOG DATE: 7/23/2016 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Caraway: Hello, Dr. Caraway's office? Davenson: Oh wonderful, wonderful. It is a delight to speak with you Dr. Faran Caraway. You are a rather difficult man to contact! Dr. Caraway: …I'm sorry, who is this? Davenson: My name is Markus Davenson, and I have important business to discuss with you regarding some animals in your care! Dr. Caraway: I'm sorry this…this is a private, classified line. How did you get access to this number? Davenson: I'm a powerful man with powerful connections, Dr. Caraway. Please, let's not waste time on trivial details. By this point, Dr. Caraway had contacted command and was advised to keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Dr. Caraway: This is definitely not trivial, but I'll bite. What business are you referring to? Davenson: Please pay attention, Dr. Caraway, as I have already stated my business. You have animals in your care that belong to me. Dr. Caraway: I have several animals in my care, you'll need to be more specific than that. Davenson: Oh, certainly. Apologies for being unclear- I'm referring to animals stolen from "Fantastic Fearsome Critters". Dr. Caraway: Stolen…? No you're mistaken there, we rescued those animals from SCP-6968 due to the poor conditions of the fairground. Davenson: I assure you we provide only the best animal care at "Fantastic Fearsome Critters" and I advise you not to say otherwise. Money has been a bit tighter than usual, but we can get to why that is in a moment. Regardless, I digress. I'm calling to formally ask your organization to not only return the animals in your custody but also to cease and desist from further theft of our property. Likewise we request that you cease the destruction of our advertising and restriction of civilian access to our establishment. Dr. Caraway: ….You know what, let's make a deal. I can discuss with my command about potential lifting of SCP-6968 containment procedures if you're willing to give me some information regarding your fairground. Deal? Davenson: I suppose that's a fair trade. What information do you require? Dr. Caraway: These animals, where are they all coming from? Every time we've sent a team into your fairground you've had another set of animals in there. Davenson: I have a large personal collection of the exotic, Dr. Caraway. Since you all insist on stealing my attractions, I've had to pull from my collection I've gathered over the past century to replace the holes. Dr. Caraway: That doesn't answer the question. Davenson: I suppose it doesn't. Fine, then. You all stole my Catarina a few years ago, do you recall? Were you all unable to discern anything from that? Dr. Caraway: Apologies, but I really don't know what you mean by that. I've never even heard of a Catarina before. Davenson: Hm, a shame. And thank you for telling me you hadn't heard of it, that means we need to improve our marketing. Davenson sighs. Davenson: You see, people love zoos, Dr. Caraway. Beyond that, people love zoos with rare and unique creatures in them do they not? My business prides itself on having the rarest collection of creatures possible. You've seen our ads, no? We boast "One of a kind" for a reason. Dr. Caraway: Wait, so… Davenson: And it is rather frustrating that you all keep taking our exhibits from us like this. Why, I'm going to have to use the Dodo at this rate and that will simply spoil the surprise for everyone! Dr. Carway: I'm sorry, you have a Dodo? Davenson: Please cease the interruptions, Dr. Caraway. It is rather rude, especially when I am answering questions for you. Yes, every creature in my collection was bountiful at one point, but times change. Honestly it's rather kind of me to preserve such creatures for as long as I have. I suppose that helps make up for getting them to this point to begin with. And yes, we do have a Dodo. It's a horrid creature and smells terribly. Dr. Caraway: Sorry to keep pelting you with questions, sir, but could you explain that a bit more? What exactly do you mean by "getting them to this point"? Davenson: So many questions! Yes, I used to do the dirty work myself. Wiping out a species or ten is nothing in the grand scheme, truly! I will say that humanity has made the job easier in recent years, however. Why, I've hardly had to lift a finger in procuring my creatures! Did you hear about that Mexican fish a few years back? The Pupfish I believe? I'm already drafting up some wonderfully fantastic tales about it. I'm delighted we were able to keep a specimen! Spreading these stories does take some time, but such is business. I should be able to have it on display within the next twenty years or so. Dr. Caraway: Holy shit… Davenson: Though I do confess some have been harder to get rid of than others. I do advise that you do something about those jackalopes in specific, keeping their numbers low was a pain. They breed like…rabbits! Hahaha! Dr. Caraway: Yes, well…we'll…do that then. Davenson: Well it has been a delight talking to you, Dr. Caraway. I hope that you remember our bargain, and I very much look forward to talking to you again in the near future. [END LOG] Closing Statement: Markus Davenson has been labelled as PoI-6968. Identifying them is a class B priority. No changes to SCP-6968 containment have been approved. « SCP-6967 | SCP-6968 | SCP-6969 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6968" by fabledtiefling, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Dingmaul.jpg Author: Fearsome Critters, Written by Henry H. Tryon • Illustrated by Margaret R. Tryon License: Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedication Additional Notes: Filename: circussquonk.png Author: ask_me_about_birds License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Artwork was commissioned by myself, FabledTiefling, and released under Creative Commons Share-Alike. For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-6968-1 advertisement recovered from a historic preservation society in Flagstaff, Arizona. Poster recovered from SCP-6968-1."
[ 1.71008751e-01 1.80943176e-01 -2.14686021e-01 2.05303635e-02 1.69321094e-02 -3.56971234e-01 -2.74395049e-01 5.96296042e-02 -1.02948405e-01 -2.10704714e-01 -9.77299660e-02 3.27300280e-01 -4.70870547e-02 -6.69721961e-02 2.37867966e-01 1.02555588e-01 2.08671644e-01 -2.64214069e-01 5.39970577e-01 -1.24371834e-01 5.21357320e-02 -2.72399187e-01 -1.21829547e-01 1.80854261e-01 -3.34021330e-01 -1.43134087e-01 -3.82020235e-01 2.21316189e-01 -1.70822404e-02 -3.41205597e-01 2.19079927e-01 4.03178304e-01 2.47812673e-01 8.85199845e-01 -1.03255370e-04 -5.93745671e-02 7.88000971e-02 -6.53134286e-02 -3.06739584e-02 1.28626555e-01 -2.41822094e-01 -1.10137865e-01 -1.96813449e-01 1.02116028e-02 3.37071121e-02 -4.66827244e-01 -3.62709425e-02 -1.21648349e-02 2.74971157e-01 8.62727612e-02 1.95427656e-01 -8.43325779e-02 3.87490578e-02 1.44130319e-01 2.29024757e-02 7.85109222e-01 -9.94927287e-02 1.16723202e-01 1.76792033e-02 -1.66476756e-01 8.19662660e-02 -8.12771320e-02 -1.67298675e-01 -8.39472935e-02 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1.44667551e-01 1.23213813e-01 -2.64040947e-01 2.59611189e-01 -4.15907711e-01 1.46417946e-01 -1.07508853e-01 -2.17289060e-01 -1.35572627e-02 -8.75374973e-02 1.63748190e-01 2.27607787e-01 4.28168140e-02 4.39592488e-02 2.94005960e-01 3.83947134e-01 -2.06350312e-01 -4.73335311e-02 -7.61463940e-02 6.64108515e-01 -3.04314643e-02 -2.41507277e-01 1.49360582e-01 6.12002006e-03 -5.05262733e-01 2.57978618e-01 -3.44516397e-01 1.28705949e-01 2.63705432e-01 -3.96965891e-02 -2.55666822e-01 1.77738264e-01 3.00461769e-01 -8.59267358e-03 -2.64393464e-02 -1.56716347e-01 -5.79513125e-02 6.51223302e-01 1.76403120e-01 2.21159860e-01 1.61020666e-01 -4.99832183e-02 -4.48023751e-02 -4.56195511e-02 -1.62557811e-01 2.80258041e-02 -3.24892879e-01 -4.56844419e-02 2.85837543e-03 -3.74365039e-02 -9.95608047e-02 1.75493106e-01 -3.67066711e-01 3.74005437e-02 1.68497160e-01 -1.53519496e-01 -5.77717781e-01 6.02967478e-02 3.75638530e-02 -1.59228556e-02 1.47184040e-02 -1.38601273e-01 -3.23819816e-01 -3.66428763e-01 4.41086069e-02 -1.10502265e-01 1.26831844e-01 -2.49302387e-02 1.97010055e-01 -2.67049789e-01 3.33953977e-01 3.97425026e-01 -2.61667073e-01 2.49828309e-01 2.61015326e-01 2.98445374e-01 -3.98051478e-02 -1.53515190e-01 -2.00744972e-01 5.11050858e-02 1.49703592e-01 2.34964892e-01 1.20807543e-01 -1.38981551e-01 -1.34325191e-01 3.03535223e-01 -5.33024874e-03 -2.52080172e-01 2.63856888e-01 4.05373544e-01 2.69122750e-01 -2.38807917e-01 -4.26915914e-01 -2.61504799e-01 2.64645144e-02 4.83394880e-03 7.20086768e-02 -4.66844067e-02 -3.01927239e-01 -1.78452641e-01 -9.35208499e-02 -1.14913732e-01 2.48146147e-01 -2.23761685e-02 1.42215565e-01 1.82380304e-01 -3.26379120e-01 3.54331374e-01 2.65692949e-01 7.16097295e-01 2.90146191e-02 -2.19388872e-01 1.52433634e-01 1.87437788e-01 1.98166177e-01 2.07134902e-01 -4.84118089e-02 3.55967253e-01 -1.15049258e-01 1.55713111e-01 1.51110187e-01 -1.36093125e-01 5.13516814e-02 -3.79652753e-02 1.11516796e-01 -2.04183962e-02 3.92693877e-02 4.62859601e-01 -2.24936917e-01 2.67423809e-01 1.13132887e-01 3.11086863e-01 -1.73274964e-01 -1.72204077e-01 8.26853588e-02 -1.12821110e-01 -2.89361384e-02 -2.72232741e-01 2.96549410e-01 -2.18137205e-02 2.64946669e-01 1.10646216e-02 2.52159685e-01 2.76822466e-02 -1.81104124e-01 -9.12958980e-02 1.70568615e-01 2.42025703e-01 1.57852676e-02 1.60729647e-01 3.44541043e-01 1.05566822e-01 -4.44430292e-01 -8.54480088e-01 -1.80879995e-01 -1.17313094e-01 -1.78563252e-01 1.78132981e-01 1.09621719e-01 -2.11974144e-01 -3.21344703e-01 -3.13873112e-01 -7.27550983e-02 -2.07796559e-01 -4.53801081e-02 -3.01294178e-02 -1.63846061e-01 -1.53407976e-01 -6.88586235e-01 5.01809791e-02 1.03521243e-01 3.13675761e-01 -4.87398207e-01 1.80979759e-01 -3.63306999e-02 9.58279148e-02 -1.90355837e-01 -2.59993896e-02 2.16866612e-01 7.13450536e-02 1.60670117e-01 -2.42666587e-01 -3.75906736e-01 3.49317342e-01 1.40658870e-01 2.04607859e-01 3.22646946e-01 1.76902071e-01 8.18851590e-02 -4.39767838e-01 1.28437474e-01 -5.86260438e-01 -8.00868720e-02 -2.15215459e-01 -1.98099613e-01 -1.45992517e-01 -1.50472775e-01 1.06676005e-01 9.50169861e-02 -2.73344845e-01 7.96177890e-03 1.44009262e-01 -4.77064867e-03 3.64521265e-01 1.30871817e-01 5.59374332e-01 -2.94147640e-01 -8.42647925e-02 -1.79684669e-01 -7.14710534e-01 1.56418979e-01 1.28914163e-01 -1.90839488e-02 6.67234063e-02 -3.58688116e-01 3.03794388e-02 2.83160787e-02 -1.21518455e-01 -2.08175376e-01 7.79614225e-02 1.99650438e-03 2.99187042e-02 -1.71710569e-02 -4.48714122e-02 -1.11008115e-01 -3.50885928e-01 -7.56270345e-03 4.66366149e-02 -1.08023033e-01 2.74471402e-01 3.77485961e-01 -3.68170559e-01 -1.59579799e-01 8.22367892e-02 3.84457231e-01 -3.24101150e-01 -1.53628960e-01 1.49505436e-01 6.76067024e-02 6.83961585e-02 5.50781369e-01 -1.74078584e-01 2.28275985e-01 1.52681544e-01 -2.94820666e-01 2.90899664e-01 1.93189278e-01 2.89967597e-01 -7.93845057e-02 -3.50667328e-01 8.63826871e-02 -8.48405734e-02 -7.67093617e-03 5.44111371e-01 2.67129749e-01 -1.66888714e-01 -2.17948765e-01 2.05933467e-01 -2.20816359e-01 -1.16177484e-01 3.68798733e-01 -3.58822122e-02 2.92539954e-01 -6.58376038e-01 3.24684650e-01 1.42621294e-01 2.10981578e-01 7.22684041e-02 2.56743670e-01 -1.78402141e-02 -2.61566103e-01 3.92041281e-02 -4.02472768e-04 2.88498193e-01 4.95514214e-01 2.19157070e-01 2.39789546e-01 8.06569085e-02 -1.40310004e-01 -3.56185704e-01 -1.07488697e-02 -1.28579572e-01 8.04698765e-02 -2.43983388e-01 2.14971349e-01 -2.32301969e-02 8.04702118e-02 1.37771582e-02 4.54120226e-02 7.62027875e-02 -2.96582311e-01 -5.93066514e-01 -9.56159011e-02 2.96498924e-01 2.44191617e-01 -4.89842862e-01 -1.81460500e-01 -1.73907012e-01 1.60859600e-01 1.73164621e-01 2.64066458e-01 3.20512116e-01 -1.33889496e-01 1.15116335e-01 -4.76605475e-01 4.29940760e-01 2.02703983e-01 5.46499014e-01 3.92111897e-01 1.49657473e-01 -2.59360105e-01 1.10015675e-01 -1.05717927e-01 5.35124362e-01 5.16889155e-01 -2.79988954e-03 9.76384357e-02 1.47594631e-01 -4.35986482e-02 9.82006118e-02 1.55641958e-01 2.13289335e-01 -3.14263791e-01 1.67556822e-01 -1.53260678e-01 2.04510286e-01 5.63904494e-02 -2.55112052e-01 -1.66820392e-01 -5.52042276e-02 -8.39585736e-02 1.81825727e-01 4.30710077e-01 1.19179344e+00 3.54102701e-02 1.52637288e-01 2.05576450e-01 -4.38881405e-02 2.70500720e-01 -2.38872424e-01 3.39780711e-02 -5.41712902e-02 -9.38230939e-03 5.37493601e-02 -1.84999734e-01 2.03423008e-01 4.31995451e-01 -2.22580343e-01 1.48647979e-01 -2.71976203e-01 1.21173739e-01 2.28419870e-01 2.76392937e-01 8.41633230e-02 1.79901779e-01 -2.74307817e-01 2.39319175e-01 6.52842820e-02 2.72223473e-01 -2.40059793e-01 -1.58772856e-01 5.19731604e-02 -1.14786208e-01 5.76323345e-02 1.34451747e-01 -5.18324614e-01 2.55738366e-02 9.59955156e-02 3.83844197e-01 -2.21899018e-01 6.06438406e-02 -3.63670111e-01 -1.88488200e-01 4.89597842e-02 7.60193765e-02 7.65361428e-01 -2.74191946e-01 -1.50013408e-02 6.29489422e-02 1.28303364e-01 1.36799458e-02 8.15911740e-02 2.18540415e-01 6.88606203e-02 1.21376164e-01 -5.12369156e-01 1.35327727e-01 2.54630178e-01 -2.44933680e-01 3.56170952e-01 -7.95250833e-02 -1.83631837e-01 6.00075833e-02 1.37875423e-01 3.15695077e-01 1.33104715e-03 -3.90483886e-01 2.93219000e-01 -1.27670825e-01 -1.58373281e-01 3.11241329e-01 1.86122749e-02 -1.59763485e-01 -9.47276875e-02 2.45337024e-01 -7.89164007e-02 -2.97358751e-01 -1.05143473e-01 -4.63191181e-01 -1.31851345e-01 1.59720838e-01 1.09950863e-01 -3.77746284e-01 1.35291442e-01 4.79745656e-01 -3.44836935e-02 -1.44887447e-01 -1.06168568e-01 -1.46310851e-01 -1.23175457e-01 -1.47532985e-01 -5.54266758e-02 2.15149671e-01 -2.02928126e-01 2.39901155e-01 1.43989474e-01 -3.33953723e-02 -4.00481015e-01 -2.72734284e-01 -2.49344990e-01 -2.49953017e-01 -2.40745783e-01 -7.48769194e-02 -7.97444303e-03 1.01838030e-01 1.98212937e-01 4.19136882e-03 -1.23861469e-01 -2.03478634e-01 -1.66146383e-01 1.08608283e-01 -1.04475923e-01 -1.27394393e-01 1.16858304e-01 5.35963289e-02 1.47220895e-01 9.75765511e-02 -2.46631056e-01 3.30673307e-01 1.71520337e-01 8.90642479e-02 -4.49749827e-01 -2.96030551e-01 1.83446035e-01 -2.71014888e-02 -6.15970790e-03 -1.07082166e-01 1.56087980e-01 2.89645605e-03 -1.20662026e-01 -1.46678925e-01 2.67325133e-01 4.09462415e-02 -2.51310647e-01 5.25275946e-01 -5.54488925e-03 3.28030318e-01 -3.05605829e-01 3.88878733e-01 -1.36538416e-01 2.78315604e-01 -2.37367108e-01 2.25573391e-01 -3.17239046e-01 2.77607143e-01 -3.04001242e-01 7.12323235e-03 -2.37670481e-01 -3.56319249e-02 -1.31176576e-01 3.74798179e-01 1.13207966e-01 -4.25046295e-01 -1.55798802e-02 5.80809340e-02 -6.77618086e-02 1.74452513e-01 1.55640408e-01 3.73857588e-01 -4.40700889e-01 -1.25647020e-02 2.97255993e-01 -6.53272420e-02 5.12174129e-01 -1.61330581e-01 2.39218026e-01 2.66798586e-01 -1.94198433e-02 1.62464052e-01 3.49758744e-01 1.56896397e-01 -1.01529069e-01 1.99810430e-01 -2.75368113e-02 2.87874371e-01 9.99135897e-02 1.80894528e-02 -2.96857029e-01 2.71802723e-01 -2.08854407e-01 -1.00415021e-01 3.39652300e-02 8.10341388e-02 3.60308915e-01 -3.27494591e-01 -1.45677384e-02 -1.19831078e-01 1.00727960e-01 8.30557942e-02 5.11217751e-02 9.98696089e-02 8.17896649e-02 -7.26035833e-02 2.55608022e-01 2.48938993e-01 4.32281494e-01 -2.23816097e-01 1.20039858e-01 3.43164235e-01 -3.36495459e-01 -2.99496055e-02 3.28854084e-01 2.35815868e-01 -2.58082151e-03 -3.70937660e-02 -3.43889892e-02 -6.65458441e-02 -5.31336255e-02 -2.58762330e-01 3.57201956e-02 -9.66219679e-02 5.92914894e-02 1.06371447e-01 1.62012070e-01 -2.17004091e-01 -1.69666037e-01 -9.27416012e-02 1.65179193e-01 5.18422015e-02 3.67066175e-01 -1.96297273e-01 -3.06346528e-02 1.74504574e-02 2.16402933e-01 -2.52278298e-01 -6.72837138e-01 1.07923947e-01 -3.59527558e-01 1.89519659e-01 -4.68296647e-01 9.31931734e-02 1.21913038e-01 3.98419768e-01 2.37052202e-01 1.69502020e-01 5.18497676e-02 4.48150262e-02 -3.21902186e-02 2.35917270e-01 1.55715033e-01 6.60977587e-02 -1.92888901e-02 3.05517986e-02 -2.20299214e-01 -3.44023760e-03 -1.33773401e-01 1.00990932e-03 -5.80573380e-01 5.92066832e-02 -3.77068818e-01 1.98364601e-01 -1.38804689e-01 3.84106606e-01 2.39376575e-01 -3.53670008e-02 2.20508804e-03 -5.11868715e-01 1.32120848e-01 -1.65299818e-01 -2.47124255e-01 -1.53974481e-02 1.04855120e-01 5.07342100e-01 -2.07285821e-01 -2.78566219e-03 1.04090951e-01 -4.93216783e-01 -4.63633657e-01 9.25449207e-02 -1.08851463e-01 3.30202639e-01 1.80825725e-01 9.69519690e-02 1.07226819e-01 1.22835457e-01 1.45081701e-02 -1.88718244e-01 1.47880897e-01 -5.98611496e-02 -3.86552930e-01 1.13039412e-01 -4.55359846e-01 1.79863453e-01 -9.67506841e-02 2.07276866e-01 6.41344935e-02 -2.02641919e-01 7.95176402e-02 -2.35758543e-01 5.34324884e-01 -2.61232972e-01 -2.58446187e-01 -1.76067129e-01 -1.57116234e-01 4.44703288e-02 9.62776393e-02 -4.35175657e-01 -9.27448831e-03 1.06628262e-01 1.45081550e-01 -2.42949605e-01 -2.11629137e-01 -4.41910923e-01 -2.21270859e-01 -1.01638824e-01 3.57913196e-01 -1.78378522e-01 7.69150406e-02 -1.89176247e-01 1.34394597e-03]
"the joke is sex" age restricted "ADULT CONTENT Do not proceed if you are not over the age of 18 or are not willing to see such content. SCP-6969 The following file has been locked due to repeated malicious external and internal attempts to make edits to the documentation. The purpose of these attacks are not currently known. Proceed with caution. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Due to the inherent nature of the anomaly's activation conditions within human biology, SCP-6969 cannot be contained at this time. Efforts are directed towards nullifying the thaumaturgical activation of SCP-6969 on a global scale via application of the Thaumaturgical Interpolator Termination String. Regardless, as SCP-6969's effects are self-censoring and global neutralization would be immensely costly, this is considered a low priority. Access to this file is restricted to individuals with Level 5/6969 clearance to prevent panic amongst wider Foundation personnel. Due to the large amount of individuals attempting to access this file for unknown reasons, editing the file has been locked, and requires O5 or Research Lead credentials. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6969 is the designation for a thaumaturgic biological process which occurs during ejaculation. When a human being attempts to discharge — whether during the process of intercourse or, more commonly, not — a series of internal thaumaturgic processes occur within the individual's genitalia, affecting the entire body. Over the duration of approximately two seconds, the affected subject will enter and experience a causal time loop, repeatedly beginning at the moment of ejaculation and lasting a short period of time. No changes to the subject's physiology are preserved between time loops, save for two factors: one, the activity of the nervous system, and two, sperm's genetic composition (where applicable).1 Upon conclusion of an unknown number of repetitions, the causal time loop ceases, and a secondary thaumaturgic effect activates. The secondary effect resets the nervous system to the state it was when the time loop began, allowing for the seamless transition between pre- and post-orgasm states by resetting memory. Following this, anomalous activity relating to SCP-6969 ceases. Research suggests that affected subjects may experience a subjective time of anywhere from sixteen days to roughly seventy-three quintillion years every ejaculation. SUBJECT DESIGNATION: D-652589 SUBJECT SEX: MALE TESTING LOCATION: Specialized Testing Chamber ζ-28-41 PROCEDURE: A counterspell on the secondary thaumaturgic process was activated on D-652589. The subject was instructed to masturbate, which was performed without complication. RESULT: Immediate liquefaction of subject's nervous system. Analysis of subject's ejaculate confirmed changes to genetic material. SUBJECT DESIGNATION: D-80O7135 SUBJECT SEX: FEMALE TESTING LOCATION: Specialized Testing Chamber ζ-28-41 PROCEDURE: A specialized thaumaturgic spell is placed upon D-8007135 which modifies the SCP-6969 process, allowing for the entire body to be preserved between time loops. Subject was informed and consented to the experiment prior, and was instructed to masturbate. RESULT: Subject immediately disintegrates. SUBJECT DESIGNATION: D-05370 AND D-908707 SUBJECT SEX: MALE AND FEMALE TESTING LOCATION: Specialized Testing Chamber ζ-28-41 PROCEDURE: Subjects were previously married and were reported to possess "unresolved sexual tension" in D-Class holding areas. Both were informed of the nature of the experiment and begrudgingly agreed. D-05370 was thaumaturgically modified to retain memories of their experience during SCP-6969. D-908707 was not modified. Both were non-invasively recorded during the process. RESULT: D-05370 became comatose, and D-908707 became immensely distressed and uncooperative. Latter amnesticized; former is in medical wing pending termination order. ALL TESTING HALTED BY ORDER OF THE ETHICS COMMITTEE. When I began working on SCP-6969, I initially tackled it with the idea that this was a malicious force I was working against. I think, in one way or another, we all believed that this anomaly was evil, or created by something evil to do evil upon us. How many anomalies were the result of eldritch horrors? Surely this must be one of them. But, as I stand here before my research and the evidence piles on my desk, I have to conclude that the theme we're seeing isn't a malicious force — it's a natural one. The process of evolution is one which is cobbled together from random happenstance. Genes change at complete random and anything which is potentially beneficial (or at least not harmful) gets passed down, while those which are harmful get killed off. It's brutal and messy, but it works — just barely. And, the theory goes, SCP-6969 is the result of just one of those many, many evolutionary happy-little-accidents which may help pass on some genes. SCP-6969, as we know, changes the genetic material of the sperm released during ejaculation. From what we can tell, it also prunes a significant amount of unhealthy specimens and increases sperm count in general. All signs point to it having simply evolved over the course of our species' lifespans, creating vastly improved genetic material in a tiny timespan. When SCP-6969 first came into existence, there may have been a significant amount of casualties by people who experienced it without the secondary effects, until one person evolved the ability to reset the nervous system and SCP-6969 simultaneously. Any descendants of theirs not up to par were killed off in the process of natural selection. There is, perhaps, one hypothesis of a colleague of mine which I am too afraid to admit may be true. From the complexity of SCP-6969, we can place the approximate period from where it evolved, and it appears as though the time corresponds directly with the development of higher intelligence in human species. As if to make matters worse, the hypothesis goes on to state that without SCP-6969, the genetic makeup of humans may become significantly more unstable, resulting in very high birth defect rates and fatal mutations. I cannot fathom a world of such suffering, where we were conceived in such brutal conditions, made to endure such horrors, and die an eventual, meaningless death. Sex is a joke. And we're the punchline. Following this, Head Researcher Nathan Brown was disciplined for adding unprofessional personal anecdotes to official SCP files. « SCP-6968 | SCP-6969 | SCP-6970 »" "Specialized Testing Chamber ζ-28-41"
[ 3.91988456e-01 1.27992406e-01 -1.91154987e-01 -2.83880919e-01 -9.37491357e-02 -2.56877929e-01 2.59531796e-01 1.25592142e-01 2.25822311e-02 -9.18918476e-02 1.79805130e-01 4.20775637e-02 -1.22466199e-02 -2.79647615e-02 1.61882877e-01 2.34662399e-01 -1.69572774e-02 1.59831792e-01 3.60299498e-01 -1.27101511e-01 -1.21896885e-01 -3.00288290e-01 -3.07346702e-01 8.83924067e-02 1.05645463e-01 3.35984118e-02 2.74458617e-01 3.79687279e-01 -2.93137819e-01 -4.11907166e-01 3.97162922e-02 4.32893664e-01 2.04556040e-03 4.36571032e-01 -1.03381433e-04 -4.59525585e-01 2.07612559e-01 6.89897174e-03 -2.04170421e-02 4.54447120e-01 -4.85700548e-01 1.73306093e-01 9.28533450e-02 -3.17502022e-01 3.62339079e-01 7.59464577e-02 1.46635562e-01 6.96752220e-02 5.67165494e-01 8.79240334e-02 2.35691205e-01 -9.11607668e-02 -1.67072356e-01 -2.05687895e-01 -1.03222817e-01 4.33860332e-01 1.34013042e-01 4.25012022e-01 2.71947443e-01 -1.99293435e-01 -2.24462330e-01 -3.08861345e-01 -3.21692526e-01 -1.01785555e-01 3.21368515e-01 -2.05099836e-01 2.13335559e-01 -2.27632076e-01 1.95040584e-01 2.43731469e-01 3.30193155e-02 -4.50963564e-02 1.40648201e-01 3.78915459e-01 -1.08020492e-01 -1.89678386e-01 -7.03235865e-02 1.30825251e-01 -2.61541545e-01 1.74257085e-02 -7.97117725e-02 1.75260931e-01 -3.08029979e-01 -1.29390448e-01 4.97736074e-02 9.57326666e-02 1.12614378e-01 -3.77583839e-02 -3.74542475e-02 -2.43236065e-01 9.39958096e-02 -4.74031381e-02 3.04939300e-01 2.39843074e-02 1.20417541e-02 3.60068753e-02 -1.86566979e-01 -1.10174909e-01 4.58497643e-01 -2.62222260e-01 2.39346564e-01 4.30463314e-01 2.37073824e-01 1.34466618e-01 1.87790841e-01 1.20513856e-01 1.09413914e-01 9.98775437e-02 -9.57014039e-02 3.37454319e-01 -4.17117998e-02 3.13916802e-01 2.86058158e-01 -2.68123835e-01 2.47636005e-01 1.30779892e-01 -2.90207773e-01 -1.83391690e-01 1.16180256e-01 1.76337615e-01 -5.29163063e-01 1.11116797e-01 -1.20649628e-01 2.03741834e-01 3.01378161e-01 3.26467365e-01 4.99779545e-03 -2.95053244e-01 4.19429615e-02 -3.58751044e-02 -2.62576818e-01 1.11833133e-01 -4.68592346e-01 1.35052308e-01 -8.73458609e-02 8.45319927e-02 1.41064778e-01 2.95230597e-01 2.37228125e-01 -1.01152927e-01 -1.45278811e-01 1.02305502e-01 5.82632542e-01 1.72065735e-01 -9.02541280e-02 -1.35734737e-01 -2.76689708e-01 1.41436070e-01 5.10798767e-02 5.06694056e-02 2.03175336e-01 4.86733392e-02 -1.64123863e-01 3.25398624e-01 -2.18519092e-01 3.72255445e-01 1.36401430e-01 -2.86051165e-02 -7.44163096e-02 -2.89666802e-01 4.11946893e-01 -1.28029302e-01 -2.26067439e-01 -3.07330221e-01 1.48066565e-01 3.55825871e-01 -7.26459697e-02 1.89278528e-01 3.43680978e-01 3.16217393e-02 2.66681165e-01 -2.13653207e-01 -2.25864321e-01 1.12780295e-01 -1.96860090e-01 2.59548843e-01 -1.83843508e-01 1.35958180e-01 -2.40738809e-01 -2.17896476e-01 -2.29002342e-01 1.02792382e-01 2.83782911e-02 -1.73658416e-01 7.16799796e-02 -6.57674223e-02 -8.04277062e-02 8.04617628e-02 9.62918699e-02 4.26591188e-02 -3.00082624e-01 -2.39680126e-01 2.35379130e-01 -2.38486663e-01 1.87086061e-01 -2.88768355e-02 2.15377167e-01 4.73931842e-02 5.04465044e-01 2.13935405e-01 -1.94541216e-01 4.72777300e-02 -1.18064553e-01 2.83197999e-01 8.98843333e-02 -1.17927171e-01 -4.50711668e-01 -1.87749386e-01 1.59402445e-01 1.47422075e-01 -3.86096776e-01 -1.21982850e-01 -2.83211559e-01 1.03806026e-01 -5.59489941e-03 -3.74639124e-01 2.78724492e-01 2.60163307e-01 6.96435347e-02 -3.95431817e-02 -2.65309095e-01 1.10309400e-01 1.09989844e-01 -4.56601456e-02 -4.79192287e-01 -1.03601245e-02 -7.09540695e-02 -3.09819579e-01 -2.18527969e-02 -8.59902799e-02 2.97925651e-01 1.02812171e-01 -6.98508471e-02 9.15246159e-02 -2.01126099e-01 4.24798250e-01 2.87796818e-02 5.67624807e-01 3.78173068e-02 -1.40330404e-01 -5.38979471e-02 2.21930459e-01 2.86549449e-01 -9.59239081e-02 -5.10131083e-02 1.29916638e-01 1.12707257e-01 -1.53673828e-01 -7.05918809e-03 -1.96564700e-02 -7.68725574e-02 -1.87369391e-01 -1.69556960e-01 -6.78720400e-02 2.00076699e-01 5.15861928e-01 -5.16988277e-01 1.13403656e-01 1.89963713e-01 -2.60038953e-02 2.81136900e-01 -4.58527744e-01 4.93566617e-02 -2.01695189e-02 -6.79097325e-02 -4.24096733e-01 1.01327645e-02 -1.77719042e-01 1.60971940e-01 -2.81279180e-02 1.36734501e-01 1.29157603e-02 6.63266331e-02 -2.73849934e-01 -6.25256151e-02 1.72451019e-01 -1.45575732e-01 9.63924155e-02 2.14644402e-01 1.83909386e-01 -1.84821740e-01 -3.08462203e-01 -1.06103092e-01 -2.01562140e-02 -1.88778967e-01 1.17723882e-01 6.18117042e-02 3.61908793e-01 1.32174209e-01 -2.62894630e-01 -1.04865722e-01 -2.31573001e-01 -4.36264910e-02 -2.88998690e-02 -2.73533762e-01 1.09638497e-01 -2.32522205e-01 3.43969733e-01 9.79627445e-02 1.92936555e-01 -3.26495916e-01 -4.31460813e-02 9.55298468e-02 8.00021142e-02 -6.39827996e-02 4.51282769e-01 3.08633596e-01 -1.13905668e-01 -1.51422143e-01 -1.69174373e-02 -2.60746479e-01 1.42004997e-01 2.16061398e-01 -2.12226901e-02 1.42544985e-01 2.24783868e-01 6.53071031e-02 -5.07565320e-01 -6.59395084e-02 -8.86789203e-01 -1.68319717e-01 -1.64403915e-01 1.52298748e-01 1.37832284e-01 -2.03302696e-01 -1.66059300e-01 1.04673050e-01 -1.33022532e-01 2.07175776e-01 -3.55455101e-01 1.24074318e-01 2.76990503e-01 -1.70032263e-01 3.29218954e-01 -1.13284305e-01 -9.37800109e-02 -1.72616720e-01 -4.13653962e-02 -1.02125876e-01 -9.14054811e-02 -3.80090363e-02 -1.44302428e-01 -2.59478241e-01 -1.37225851e-01 2.44641732e-02 -1.31833121e-01 -5.07558465e-01 1.26121089e-01 1.13248378e-01 -3.78374130e-01 -3.47315758e-01 3.63862514e-01 -1.61724359e-01 -3.15948069e-01 -1.02751015e-03 -1.01345308e-01 4.52735685e-02 -4.60764579e-03 -2.03258276e-01 -4.39926349e-02 -6.86075017e-02 1.68565419e-02 1.10970363e-01 9.96301230e-03 4.73699234e-02 -2.55294561e-01 1.95498288e-01 -2.88468003e-01 2.32849821e-01 -9.71700847e-02 1.53830111e-01 -1.38362413e-02 -4.60764498e-01 4.16724890e-01 -3.83470058e-01 -3.26143834e-03 5.47468811e-02 -4.19669986e-01 -2.89038658e-01 -2.95835644e-01 -3.95914763e-02 4.63812232e-01 2.60624737e-01 -1.71022803e-01 -2.23069534e-01 3.21802683e-02 -1.66334525e-01 2.30401736e-02 1.61251724e-01 1.08950417e-02 -1.36759048e-02 -3.89345229e-01 5.53895593e-01 -9.97443274e-02 2.79553026e-01 2.47081280e-01 1.99357063e-01 -2.23236248e-01 -1.03801586e-01 2.15458095e-01 -6.01603538e-02 5.48038840e-01 1.32870615e-01 7.75781751e-01 1.36273727e-01 2.29721308e-01 2.21045986e-01 1.79986820e-01 -3.22729945e-01 -3.08018811e-02 3.74632597e-01 -1.97603613e-01 -4.94249165e-02 -1.21114887e-01 -3.96588147e-02 -7.82927349e-02 8.73728767e-02 -2.28340894e-01 2.99004436e-01 -3.57315719e-01 -4.14019041e-02 1.22745201e-01 3.18829805e-01 -1.37797400e-01 4.03325073e-02 -1.56289592e-01 1.89330503e-01 4.29620184e-02 2.21905053e-01 2.81049103e-01 -2.09883809e-01 1.59434736e-01 -3.73509049e-01 4.77835089e-01 4.40917760e-02 4.24820751e-01 -1.83854848e-01 1.84836239e-01 -5.82882613e-02 4.35841754e-02 8.16881508e-02 2.48233512e-01 6.35094285e-01 -3.67773958e-02 -2.37248391e-02 -1.04608433e-02 2.03636765e-01 -2.05156371e-01 -1.30465940e-01 2.91738957e-01 -2.14828417e-01 8.12990125e-03 -1.63024351e-01 1.29105985e-01 -6.63052052e-02 -3.20177346e-01 -5.23574293e-01 9.90193337e-02 -8.30944479e-02 8.03495571e-02 3.10040265e-01 1.22250140e+00 5.98596632e-02 2.81641752e-01 1.37749940e-01 1.14879813e-02 2.78187931e-01 -3.97287533e-02 -1.62589233e-02 -7.79569224e-02 7.56579489e-02 3.52379195e-02 -2.00486779e-01 1.35137222e-03 1.25649333e-01 -3.56613547e-01 8.42988864e-02 -2.84899563e-01 1.11878783e-01 4.26629275e-01 1.70630991e-01 1.01465374e-01 -1.16893262e-01 6.19317479e-02 2.59859085e-01 -6.62014559e-02 -2.46308550e-01 -3.09808343e-03 -4.04024273e-01 1.72620758e-01 -1.46121442e-01 -1.23668201e-01 2.05348089e-01 -7.31297076e-01 -1.77552216e-02 -8.44197050e-02 1.20865226e-01 1.88896917e-02 9.67161879e-02 -2.48846069e-01 3.73205431e-02 1.60298750e-01 1.85639441e-01 2.44136319e-01 -2.61902958e-01 -1.65593997e-01 1.99883860e-02 3.48202616e-01 -9.95533690e-02 -2.19040692e-01 2.14625418e-01 -1.15776770e-01 -9.94225666e-02 -1.14525501e-02 2.80548364e-01 4.53347638e-02 -2.52690732e-01 4.81109321e-02 -3.73868681e-02 -2.80803233e-01 5.81164509e-02 2.04225913e-01 1.53504517e-02 -2.54560351e-01 -6.58311509e-03 1.52436376e-01 -1.90765172e-01 -1.50530219e-01 1.85330853e-01 5.49943298e-02 -2.21339047e-01 2.46639267e-01 1.67960599e-01 -1.91875249e-01 -4.47205603e-01 -2.39213601e-01 -2.58678883e-01 -2.13833913e-01 6.03174269e-02 3.54942046e-02 -1.64508715e-01 1.40188932e-01 3.15661520e-01 -7.14314822e-03 6.02208786e-02 -7.62911662e-02 -4.14644837e-01 1.04059435e-01 -1.17665395e-01 -1.38343707e-01 2.69140601e-01 2.76165716e-02 2.28269696e-01 -1.47249028e-01 8.10194910e-02 -4.30657536e-01 1.97814796e-02 -2.29742438e-01 -9.74162519e-02 1.60922706e-01 -3.79912257e-01 1.62176862e-01 -2.40502000e-01 1.58957303e-01 5.38746059e-01 -1.74127340e-01 -3.00597459e-01 -9.88160148e-02 5.65751828e-02 -8.37253854e-02 -1.43939465e-01 4.71167639e-03 -8.64124671e-02 1.07615724e-01 1.75161898e-01 2.06426322e-01 4.19966906e-01 3.69477719e-01 2.16939300e-01 -2.40560412e-01 5.02940595e-01 -1.46861151e-02 1.45543173e-01 7.20970929e-02 2.55786240e-01 -2.20730245e-01 -3.71540934e-02 -4.30499315e-01 1.37891732e-02 1.16033323e-01 3.35778683e-01 -8.45181793e-02 -7.80839147e-03 8.00317153e-02 1.49330124e-01 -4.45481420e-01 2.66016483e-01 -1.05957001e-01 2.99267799e-01 -3.96440148e-01 1.33843020e-01 -3.38368088e-01 3.28284651e-01 -3.27371806e-02 2.75411844e-01 -2.22795665e-01 1.06484620e-02 -1.59145400e-01 2.76760310e-01 -8.69335458e-02 -3.72795612e-01 2.09042981e-01 5.04560135e-02 -6.05221726e-02 -4.83814441e-02 1.74390748e-01 5.19560836e-02 -2.11346552e-01 -1.06162906e-01 -5.35373464e-02 5.21175623e-01 2.75952786e-01 -1.13073535e-01 2.79367566e-01 1.44280165e-01 -9.04662088e-02 2.25514531e-01 1.77338764e-01 2.18958899e-01 -4.92640764e-01 5.88663280e-01 -1.64722860e-01 2.79242694e-01 -4.16826420e-02 3.12592775e-01 -1.78522989e-01 -2.96316482e-02 -1.77442163e-01 -2.44411170e-01 1.36286736e-01 2.15632185e-01 1.82403147e-01 -1.11220531e-01 -5.32806098e-01 -1.46324992e-01 1.02369882e-01 2.78331310e-01 -5.16281137e-03 1.61092937e-01 -5.26201092e-02 3.67710471e-01 -1.32078975e-01 2.63588559e-02 2.94639111e-01 -2.93901175e-01 -2.25781053e-01 2.56454557e-01 -4.88613406e-03 6.36659712e-02 3.08969676e-01 3.23968083e-01 4.64286953e-02 -2.25873068e-01 6.42791949e-03 -1.47566125e-01 -1.22577334e-02 5.99936061e-02 1.17589056e-01 4.56506312e-01 -8.85345265e-02 -2.02636823e-01 2.92568773e-01 -2.69491345e-01 7.60119632e-02 1.08817086e-01 6.33528411e-01 5.11228517e-02 2.23763168e-01 2.23134737e-02 1.48707926e-01 -5.04534878e-02 1.80874355e-02 -2.45912910e-01 -3.18469852e-01 -2.42242470e-01 -9.90024954e-02 2.70836860e-01 -1.74504608e-01 1.45582825e-01 -2.84514368e-01 4.86024737e-01 1.91553116e-01 8.12767297e-02 6.61365539e-02 -1.66521706e-02 -7.93175474e-02 3.75171006e-01 2.49058560e-01 2.50312556e-02 1.97448060e-01 -7.27810115e-02 -4.77284081e-02 1.21583089e-01 -1.59376293e-01 -1.50445610e-01 -5.89694798e-01 3.49640772e-02 -1.51852220e-02 1.78925514e-01 1.88119531e-01 -1.00250348e-01 1.87670544e-01 -1.91202834e-01 2.79484689e-01 -4.76650536e-01 1.99036673e-01 -3.02060507e-02 -8.08312297e-02 7.52862990e-02 6.30847037e-01 3.31276625e-01 6.51676655e-02 2.46817037e-01 -1.49455085e-01 -4.76710469e-01 2.80382968e-02 3.24820369e-01 3.11538856e-02 2.84714162e-01 1.02221057e-01 5.69262430e-02 -2.91811861e-02 2.40974322e-01 8.04833099e-02 2.94710994e-02 -2.62049586e-01 -2.17820987e-01 -3.87821555e-01 -1.95522994e-01 2.76996493e-01 1.26957223e-01 1.20671757e-01 4.44179267e-01 -2.23425627e-01 -1.15570500e-01 -1.18187018e-01 -2.22551048e-01 4.13814247e-01 -1.28810197e-01 -3.41378808e-01 1.73592836e-01 1.16774775e-01 -1.76649868e-01 1.76270062e-03 -6.39551997e-01 4.81925905e-02 -1.56802326e-01 2.17814997e-01 -3.56483102e-01 -5.30707873e-02 -3.65857095e-01 -3.22697043e-01 -1.61174938e-01 4.68354762e-01 2.12792963e-01 -1.17413051e-01 1.70640443e-02 -1.67005226e-01]
"foundation that tortures you" active "This is my second SCP. A format screw? Yuck! And this is my Author Page! Welcome to DAP, I'm sure you're so excited! I know I am! I'm Dhalia.aic, the one and only! I'll be your supervisor, confidant, and friend during your transition! You ever need help, you call me. So, I'm sure HR didn't even tell you what you were being transferred to, that's to be expected. Confidentiality, it's silly. It's not like half the world isn't already aware of the Foundation, but hey! It lets me put my own spin on things! Beautiful. Yes, we're the Department of Atypical Persuasion. Legalese for torture. Ah! Don't worry! It's not the same thing! Here at DAP, we uphold the highest level of ethics in the Foundation, according to the EC 2018 report. After all, it's so easy to get ticketed by EC if we go wrong. Such is the nature of Atypical Persuasion. We keep all our personnel at the highest standards, and the same goes for our… participants! There is no medieval techniques, no irreversible bodily disfiguration, only the truest sense of Atypical Persuasion! And with a sizable paybump! Get yourself ready, we have work to do. I let out a deep breathe. Spy work is never easy, nor do my superiors make it easy. The way Dhalia acts implies she doesn't enter my room, for privacy reasons. But you can never be too sure with these Foundation types. Check under the bed. In the cabinets. Tap on the walls. It's mostly amateur work. If the Foundation really wanted to keep tabs on their employees, they wouldn't care if they implanted chips while they slept. Unscrupulous, the whole lot of them. Nonetheless, it doesn't hurt to check. The room is otherwise, normal. The Foundation is generous this time around. Oh, you're back! Well, first thing's first, you have to attend a couple recorded seminars and read some required… readings. Here's a list for easy tracking. … and (11) more! … and (2) more! And don't worry about finishing them all in one go, that would be inhumane. Just know that certain projects won't be available to you until you finish the prep work. For now, you'll be seeing how it's done. The man behind the glass is wearing a labcoat, although he never touches any of the surgical tools next to him. He's almost showman-like, parading around this device with a flourish seen only in circuses. If he had worn a ringmaster's costume, he wouldn't be out of place. Whoever was strapped to the chair wasn't much of a fan. Greying and balding, he was nearly nude, save for the thin, medical dress. The leather straps, although not quite tight, still pinched his freckled and saggy skin. The doctor clicks a few buttons on the device, which begins to hum. A ding of a microwave echoes in the interrogation room, and he pops it open to reveal a pacemaker. The old man seems to recognize it, and begins to look around, nervous. He begins to monologue, describing the pacemaker, model, and year it was used, carefully stroking it like a cat. He then pulls out a vat of dark liquid, slamming it down onto the table. He picks up the pacemaker with a long set of tongs and dips it into the liquid. The old man begins to gasp, heaving as though he had been hit in the chest. He shudders, attempting to break free of the straps with his weak limbs. He begins to cry out, and cry. And then the doctor pulls the pacemaker out, the metal corroded and rusty. He places the pacemaker back into the device, and as though he had snapped his fingers, the old man immediately calmed down, the very atmosphere seems to relax from a strain. Surrounded by clapping, he bows, deeply, and leaves the room, his assistants stabbing an IV into the old man. Fascinating, wasn't it? You know, we chose you because your psych profile said you were less affected by the macabre. Looks like it was dead on the money. You may also notice that there wasn't a single bit of harm in the entire thing. It is simply a coliseum of the mind, a fight, but one that's graduated from the cages of Rome. We have evolved past such. Here, you will never shed a single drop of blood. Here, you are safe. If you wish, there's another demonstration coming up, although it's run by Dr. Corps. He's not much for flash, but he makes up for it in technical precision and efficiency. It is an honor to watch him work. The Foundation has gifted me with a lot of inside information. I'm sure this will be useful in training agents to resist Foundation torture, should the time ever come. Although, I find it hard to believe all their torture is psychological in nature. Why restrict themselves? It also runs into the problem of participants figuring out the general conceit and simply refusing to give in. Without the threat of pain or mortality, what do they have to fear? What anomalies are the Foundation using? Particularly difficult individuals may experience preferential treatment. For example, we once had a pianist, part of an AWCY? subsect. Had terrible secrets, and even more terrible lockjaw. So we took a dive into his history, saw his aptitude for music and persecution complex, and the rest is… history. Now, we discovered it's quite good at getting people of all sorts to talk. Puppetry, orchestral, stand up, the whole shebang. They all break under this one. It's a uniquely tailored experience. We would let them sit in the crowd, watch the hired entertainment, let the thought of performing on stage seep into their minds. Let them recall, favorably, the childhood memories of standing ovations and golden trophies. We converse with them, appeal to Freudian psychology. That's another thing. Let them do the talking. Let them fail themselves. I sat on the upper row, as it was darkened and I wouldn't have to coordinate with DAP. A man walks up on stage, dressed to the teeth with the fanciest tux he's probably ever worn. His hair was unkempt, a dirty brown that could be seen even in the glaring limelight. I couldn't tell what faction he came from, but his forte was apparently stand up comedy. The hall was dead silent, save for a solitary snicker from the audience as he walks up. The man laughs to himself, nervously. Greets the audience, heralding from whatever state. First time doing a Foundation show. He immediately pushes through, launching into his career with gusto and irreverence. It's immediately apparent that he's practiced long hours for his art. His delivery is rushed, but steady, and he manages to elicit a laugh from me a handful of times, although I was forced to stifle them with a cloth. But the professionality of the audience held cruel. Every single one of them abruptly shifted gears, looking to the comedian's left, staring directly into his lame leg. And they hardly blinked. He's suddenly met without eye contact, and subconsciously scratches at his leg. Confused, he continues, artificially isolated from the world. He's sweating hard now, and the coordinator appears to his right, tapping the watch on his wrist. He motions him to get off the stage, and he complies, sheepishly looking to and from the exit and the audience. As if a switch turned on, the audience began to murmur to each other. He half runs, half stumbles, off the stage, his egress followed by thunderous applause as the next comedian walks on stage. Sorry, I'm getting distracted. Do you find it fascinating? Our work here is so professionally coordinated, so full of intent and purpose. I find it rewarding. There's something beautiful seeing dozens of people striving to accomplish a singular goal, even if it takes a long, long time. Tell me, what brought you here? Besides being transferred, of course, that's completely out of your control. What're your thoughts? Clearly, you haven't requested a transfer, so you must like it here to some degree. If you're uncomfortable with telling me because societal conventions, feel free not to. We all have troubles adjusting, especially with our work. We've been trained to suppress those feelings, after all. All I can say is, it's liberating, for the select few who fit in. I'd just like to formally welcome you to DAP again. Here's to a long friendship. Pointless lip service. I can see how the Foundation tricks people into working for them. Dazzle them with fancy words, and keep them working forever. And for what? Locking things in tiny boxes and lie to people for a living. It disgusts me so viscerally. Although, it's sort of hypocritical for me to say that. GOC is no better. They blast anything with a snowball's chance in hell of having the fingers and the balls to fire a gun. Nonetheless, my secondary mission is complete. Where is my primary mission? So I've been keeping a watch on your lists, and you have been doing so well! In fact, you're done! No more content for you to learn, you're a full fledged DAPper! Now, we can get right into the business. How do you feel about a GOC agent? Low risk, low priority investigation. We keep them around just in case they have any usable information. Oh, right, the GOC won't chase this man down. After all, they have some SCPeeps too. We would negotiate an exchange, but we aren't even allowed to know what those agents were doing in Slovakia, so it's unlikely. Stay right there, we'll bring you the agent. His name is Guy Anderson. Enjoys painting and sleeping, although his proficiency in exercise and reflex turned him into an agent for the 86th group in the GOC. He was caught on Site-89 during an information exchange. We didn't report him, because what's the good in that? Try targeting his family. He has two kids, 16 and 18, daughters, and a wife that died in 2001. Anna and Elma, respectively. The older one graduated early and is getting a degree in Engineering, the younger one plays in a volleyball team. He's currently dating a nice lady, Ms. Genevieve, interior designer and florist. Likes milk and cookies. We haven't used this information on him yet, so it should be effective, since psyche tells me he's a family man. Remembers to go to every recital and game. It's a miracle, since he travels all the time for his job. Good luck. And, don't worry about messing up. Atypical persuasion is a process, not a method. He is wheeled into the room, cloth bag over his head. Although, it isn't very effective, GOC agents are trained in spatial awareness. Nonetheless, the disparity between blindness and sight is jarring enough to be mandatory in DAP procedures. As his eyes adjust to the light, his eyes widen in recognition of the man before him, before returning to neutral. Good man. Pacing back and forth, I subject him to a long winded speech about his family. Where they live. Their birthdays. Their likes and dislikes, favorite colors, stuffed animals, the grave of his wife, and three Foundation sponsored unmarked graves. It was not effective. Unsurprisingly, he spat in my face, to keep up the act. This was also a handy signal, which meant that his goal was also complete. I'll have to extract him as soon as I can. Shame. Looks like we'll have to do something desperate. Why didn't it work, you think? Maybe he thinks the Foundation wouldn't do it? Well, we normally wouldn't, but a good claim to EC would change that. But you. You, by golly, you did wonderfully! Every single line, pace, and even the rate of breathing, it was a work of art, it's like you were the God of Interrogation in a past life! And in this line of work, that's completely, totally plausible! This calls for a celebration! I've already sent a bottle to your room. The Foundation doesn't sanction the gift of alcohol offically, but I'm an .aic and I run DAP. I'm basically the Site Director. Actually, I'm pretty sure they listed me as Site Director. Anyways, I don't mean to detract from your celebration. Get outta here, have some fun! A computer flashing a single, looping image. Pounding headache, the sound of rusted wheels grinding against linoleum. Six bright lights, burned into my retinas. Wakey wakey! It's time you face the truth. I find myself in a metal table shaped like a cross. Spread eagle, like a Vitruvian Man. The light prevents me from seeing anything else clearly. Dhalia's voice is coming from a speaker in a robot. Sorry, I really liked you. If you were born just a little bit later, you would've been recruited into the Foundation instead, and I wouldn't have to do this to you. Still, would've had to do it to someone else. but not you! You don't know what this is. You weren't trained for it. Our information networks are far more robust than you could ever know, and it's unfortunate. The GOC may be well funded, but you have the interests of nations to worry about. The Foundation is free, all things considered. Here, look at this. We need you to tell me what this is. It's a matter of importance. And we'll let you go, along with your GOC friend. Also, as a side note, I really like the spitting thing you agents do. You still think it's so clever and the Foundation hasn't discovered the meaning, but it's just… pfft. It's too funny! You crack me up. A finger snapping can be heard, and I found two tubes inserted into my throat. One of the tubes lead to a large, rubber bag, inhaling and exhaling, kept constant by a complicated machine. I recognized this technique, and realize I'm no longer breathing manually. The second tube lead to a grinder, pumping out a pink, chunky soup. I'm no longer eating manually, nor can I taste the food they're shoving into my stomach. The urge to vomit has been suppressed by whatever chemicals they've injected into the slop. I couldn't look down, partially because I didn't have the strength to move my eyes, partially in fear of learning the rest of my bodily processes were no longer manual. Dhalia.aic is humming to herself, watching the tubes slowly deliver their swill. A timer on the wall indicates the operation was well into its thirteenth hour. Oh, I'm sorry. I think I forgot to put you to sleep. Wait, no, I did. Hm. Maybe not enough drugs to keep you asleep until the next day. Or maybe you've been chemically trained to resist them. Either way, I suppose we'll have to start a little earlier than usual. Be happy that it's me, and not some doctor that can get sleep deprived. You need a steady hand to make sure this next part doesn't hurt that bad. The sound of crushed plastic fills the room as my face is replaced with artificial organs. My eyes went first, plucked like a flower, followed by my nose, teeth, tongue, and ears. They cut my vocal cords, after I screamed them hoarse. Bandaged, I'm wheeled out of the room, catching hints of casual conversation, before the momentary weightlessness of an elevator eased my pain. Ding, followed by opening elevator doors, and the barking of dogs. I lied about us being completely nonphysical. We will allow for exceptions when dealing with very important information. Information we can't afford to give up on. Whether that means too many lives are at stake, or it threatens the Foundation at large. No matter. It's not my job to figure out what to do with that information, I just need to force it out of you. Okay, first and foremost, I'm feeding your body parts to the dogs. There's no way to reattach them, not without the use of anomalies, and I really don't wanna send your parts to the morgue, that's just a lot of paperwork. You're gonna have to live with being a ghoul for the rest of your life. Oh. I removed your teeth and tongue. That makes it harder to talk, huh? Whoops! That was on me, my bad. Well, that just means I'm gonna have to take a really big needle and put it right… here! That way, we can make a transcript of your thoughts and you can still talk with your mind. Generous, huh? Top of the line tech being used here. I knew you'd understand. The dog barks slowly fade away as I'm wheeled away. I can't tell if we're still on Site-12. I'll let you in on a secret. It's… not really a secret. It's something everyone eventually figures out, given enough time. But I'll tell you anyways, just so you don't feel bad. Nobody is coming for you. You need to save yourself. I don't like doing this, and I figure you don't like it either! Just spill the beans and you get off, no strings attached. We're contractually obliged to let you go. C'mon, doesn't get any better than that. I'd like to see you go to Alcatraz and snitch. They still won't let you go. We go up a gentle incline. The depressurization of a vault echoes around me. You know, I pulled out all the stops on this one. Participants that take their role seriously are very rare. Most of them give up just knowing they're facing the Foundation. But you, you're one in a million. So I think it's only fair I spill some of my beans. We detained that guy because we knew he was important. He's no random Joe, he's a general. But he ended up being a figurehead, knows absolutely nothing worth talking about. So, might as well keep him around, since nobody went after him. Turns out, they sent you. You've been on our radar for a long, long time. Anytime they needed something recklessly stupid done, they sent you. The table is stood upright, and esoteric stimuli begins to engulf me. Something that sounds like the squealing of pigs. A rusted gear creaks behind me. The silent warmth of a computer. Even as an .aic, I'm getting tired of this. I can free you, right here, right now, if you just tell me what I need to know. Right now, you're in the Reservatory. No one except me has the clearance to know what it does. And you don't want to know what it does. Trust me. Literal dead silence. Tell me something. Someone. Even the location. Or a name of a person. I can't remember. …I can't leave you today. Either you die here, or you tell me what I need to know. I don't… …Shame. Rixo. Ri… Rixo Quarry, in Sweden. Purple, red, blue. Wonderful! You're free to go. I'm suddenly standing. I was never restrained, never mutilated. A mirror in easy reach showed my face from a decade ago, never aged a day. I'm in my room, from when I was brought into DAP. There's a framed picture and a document in plain view across the bed. It showed me my nightmare. Item #: SCP-6970 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: [REMOVED AS PER CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES] Description: SCP-6970 is a nonentity. Due to the lack of identity, it takes on the characteristics of individuals introduced to them, although it is influenced by spoken language. For example, messages spoken over the intercom are understood as if they were an internal monologue. If exposed to Foundation personnel, it will begin to possess knowledge of anomalous objects, workplace social hierarchy, and physical features. The same can be applied to other Groups of Interests. Dhalia.aic has been assigned to SCP-6970, as SCP-6970 cannot take on the properties of nonphysical entities. After collecting a sufficient amount of characteristics, SCP-6970 will act as if it possesses a physical body, and thus be subject to physical changes and amnestics. You feel a prick in the back of your neck. You can hear the telltale bubbling of amnestic fluid, its volatility snaking its way into your soul. Your memories begin to fade, draining into the uncaring void. As the chemicals begin to infiltrate the blood vessels, you go drowsy, and fall asleep. You will wake up as a new person. You are very important. Cite this page as: "SCP-6970" by Fish^12, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: tower.jpg Name: Maqam Echahid Author: هناء عرعور License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: dumb.jpg Name: Atypical Persuasion Author: me License: SCP Wiki License Source Link: N/A Filename: concert.jpg Name: Conservatoire de Musique Author: Sanyam Bahga License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: .jpg Name: Highland Park Police Station Author: Afpeach License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: rebar.jpg Name: Rebar Nets Author: W.carter License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Filename: quarry.jpg Name: Construction Site Author: W.carter License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Site-12, the Site of dreams! Official logo! The McDuhall Hall. An architectural masterpiece. A bit cramped, but it's certainly more comfortable than the alternative. What is this? Remember, you're always welcome back here."
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9.09748767e-03 -2.33287793e-02 -2.18115047e-01 8.80596191e-02 1.11957490e-01 -8.61117989e-02 4.69847381e-01 1.16364032e-01 -2.06071585e-01 2.12953072e-02 -1.12794146e-01 -9.43154842e-03 -2.18760639e-01 5.36398329e-02 2.35803232e-01 -1.82729036e-01 5.74214339e-01 4.40719008e-01 1.80133492e-01 2.45665312e-01 -3.79388899e-01 -2.04766309e-03 7.55755082e-02 -3.88295323e-01 1.52215555e-01 2.73953021e-01 -1.38136968e-01 -2.72566359e-02 -2.84957647e-01 2.44600222e-01 -1.42157868e-01 3.74014862e-02 -4.56605591e-02 4.52216230e-02 -5.95233701e-02 1.86542328e-02 -2.09852412e-01 3.57824266e-01 3.10900062e-01 -4.23346423e-02 1.03371412e-01 -1.36928275e-01 -5.68886623e-02 -1.48744052e-02 2.74879307e-01 6.25688493e-01 -2.81307042e-01 -1.15225323e-01 3.34746152e-01 -1.66885093e-01 1.51482090e-01 -1.69600904e-01 1.62786633e-01 3.42860520e-01 -9.72435176e-02 6.30169436e-02 -4.61350530e-02 5.72776720e-02 3.09238046e-01 -4.13574159e-01 -2.30215549e-01 -1.78810179e-01 6.27109185e-02 3.97377491e-01 -2.44782801e-04 1.58077165e-01 5.26579320e-02 2.16482624e-01 -6.74673468e-02 -3.25998425e-01 -2.21835524e-01 6.38012663e-02 6.10655658e-02 -2.77361810e-01 2.03691006e-01 3.25662524e-01 -8.29663798e-02 3.44540119e-01 1.00462608e-01 -8.98083746e-02 -1.21712841e-01 -6.61683157e-02 2.88884521e-01 -5.97558171e-02 5.32241650e-02 5.11349589e-02 1.57003060e-01 1.96325973e-01 1.33085743e-01 -1.91762969e-01 -3.59711647e-01 -2.57481821e-02 -1.93255216e-01 1.59946635e-01 1.25726998e-01 -2.26559609e-01 -3.76559570e-02 2.70356923e-01 2.96245098e-01 -2.36567780e-01 -1.26408175e-01 -9.05076042e-02 -1.36455953e-01 1.62964255e-01 -4.51850802e-01 4.51614261e-01 -3.47846359e-01 6.69280887e-01 -3.10732126e-01 -1.53361574e-01 -1.38569519e-01 1.37905508e-01 1.67371631e-01 3.07314396e-01 4.43085015e-01 -7.44669139e-02 -1.22825064e-01 -2.70061195e-01 -8.49665552e-02 4.34503853e-01 -1.18451923e-01 -5.44021189e-01 -8.80557373e-02 1.54150054e-01 8.07211027e-02 -3.07156861e-01 -2.89835721e-01 -2.46021181e-01 -2.80408174e-01 1.09988675e-01 -1.70679465e-01 -1.07437491e-01 -1.23366952e-01 1.96176358e-02 -2.47533575e-01 -1.80105731e-01 1.45074636e-01 -2.20960036e-01 1.34387881e-01 4.09870416e-01 -9.83388871e-02 3.39835584e-02 -4.60427523e-01 3.21008973e-02 -4.41516340e-01 -3.04664195e-01 7.50159845e-02 -2.03520861e-02 5.43711297e-02 4.87932302e-02 -5.08807421e-01 1.52513236e-01 -1.42220765e-01 -4.33989674e-01 -2.90024608e-01 3.33908617e-01 -1.79318607e-01 -4.55700666e-01 -1.49714991e-01 3.18718582e-01 8.83729756e-02 -3.70276839e-01 2.90535465e-02 -2.81426430e-01 -1.33778170e-01 1.17793344e-01 3.88137728e-01 -2.56872565e-01 -4.72551174e-02 1.17505483e-01 6.12059534e-01 -1.74738407e-01 1.60701632e-01 -5.08259833e-02 2.26517633e-01 1.47448570e-01 4.59254012e-02 -2.24556491e-01 1.30626485e-01 6.41506910e-02 -3.16071570e-01 8.37333053e-02 -1.45451725e-01 -6.73962951e-01 2.12273672e-02 1.63778905e-02 -2.23179772e-01 -4.89416346e-02 -4.43693474e-02 -2.58524954e-01 7.79106095e-02 -1.45559236e-02 1.31525293e-01 -4.23903801e-02 1.87537801e-02 2.45183155e-01 1.32409438e-01 -7.79666677e-02 -1.70727298e-01 1.59020826e-01 9.53520298e-01 -1.72005668e-01 5.17899245e-02 -2.64283240e-01 -2.10505456e-01 -3.52885544e-01 -2.73838133e-01 2.24339485e-01 -8.74709338e-02 1.98903948e-01 1.88178018e-01 7.15708137e-02 4.12014365e-01 4.32673723e-01 1.76101014e-01 -1.12424225e-01 -2.66753465e-01 -1.87659904e-01 3.45816106e-01 -4.09161896e-01 -1.32177413e-01 -1.12107038e-01 3.84479374e-01 -2.85946697e-01 1.82522312e-01 3.17973018e-01 8.40599313e-02 -5.19131243e-01 4.26361896e-02 5.02684474e-01 4.49652672e-02 -3.14557105e-01 -1.13272086e-01 8.91712829e-02 1.06001265e-01 3.25971395e-01 1.08540863e-01 -1.06990419e-01 5.99427186e-02 4.12228644e-01 -1.15992382e-01 4.69353020e-01 3.68870080e-01 2.05983400e-01 5.37696838e-01 -1.00057513e-01 7.76448548e-02 -7.96644762e-02 -1.17464066e-01 3.15151721e-01 7.05158770e-01 3.07624102e-01 -1.22314587e-01 -9.32197049e-02 2.29806453e-01 -8.23688731e-02 -1.78259052e-02 1.45808667e-01 2.06195101e-01 -5.59302941e-02 -4.79000181e-01 -8.47316235e-02 -2.10191861e-01 -4.31297362e-01 -3.70949477e-01 3.26403141e-01 9.13385227e-02 5.01401663e-01 1.32022128e-01 1.30338013e+00 2.95283109e-01 1.50287524e-01 3.49109471e-01 -2.54099071e-01 -1.43365473e-01 -4.60764498e-01 -1.94438145e-01 -3.93112786e-02 -2.93637693e-01 -1.20969921e-01 -2.13101700e-01 -6.09997809e-02 3.52297485e-01 -7.08226413e-02 1.82532564e-01 -1.65627569e-01 -9.74684115e-03 3.74351084e-01 1.21616609e-01 4.32111993e-02 9.57632810e-03 1.81834534e-01 2.37269968e-01 5.67138568e-02 -8.80411863e-02 1.37623489e-01 -1.61266267e-01 -8.56669396e-02 1.02794416e-01 -2.66142488e-01 3.34225625e-01 -4.42575157e-01 -8.84168148e-02 2.22557127e-01 -1.46766692e-01 3.33495438e-01 1.12836093e-01 2.22469345e-01 -1.90566376e-01 -2.88625453e-02 1.22295484e-01 5.92622697e-01 1.11626297e-01 1.47345662e-01 -2.24181592e-01 5.67793906e-01 1.50762852e-02 5.61356470e-02 -2.25078776e-01 2.25308463e-02 7.93772042e-02 -3.75503272e-01 3.51609468e-01 3.27973425e-01 -2.58050114e-01 2.68142194e-01 4.81375039e-01 1.79674681e-02 -1.89241022e-02 2.24239722e-01 9.61536318e-02 -5.91736026e-02 -8.84066448e-02 1.53976083e-01 -1.64666265e-01 -3.98838222e-02 2.83272058e-01 -1.66929573e-01 -1.30903602e-01 5.01465142e-01 -2.64863312e-01 -3.43754321e-01 -3.50986302e-01 -3.42880934e-01 4.00070176e-02 -2.13915780e-01 1.51096368e-02 4.35754508e-02 -4.68462557e-01 9.75797325e-02 1.88764691e-01 -3.94780524e-02 -2.32409313e-01 -6.06775403e-01 1.02238774e-01 1.83872879e-01 6.73322231e-02 -4.42668907e-02 9.11264792e-02 -3.18776399e-01 4.34610307e-01 -1.38013721e-01 2.05109969e-01 -4.40141559e-01 -9.53157246e-02 -1.21108012e-03 1.25872985e-01 1.42051786e-01 -4.38532174e-01 -2.12270632e-01 -2.00537607e-01 2.58376330e-01 -3.62072513e-02 -3.16567749e-01 -2.43786365e-01 -1.69001639e-01 1.14380188e-01 -1.03381582e-01 -1.38865858e-01 5.98157048e-02 1.84414759e-01 1.77333042e-01 -4.16673422e-02 -3.52564752e-02 5.92213236e-02 2.34192327e-01 1.48605332e-01 -2.14078967e-02 2.90217221e-01 1.49856701e-01 -6.33893609e-02 -9.40086842e-02 3.47171187e-01 -2.19897702e-01 -4.85042557e-02 -2.88092971e-01 -2.73165345e-01 9.68743190e-02 5.68525255e-01 2.67258674e-01 1.42032787e-01 2.50171483e-01 1.18868284e-01 -7.54064620e-02 3.59380156e-01 -1.24635264e-01 -2.61856347e-01 -2.07066461e-01 -2.24302799e-01 2.06262678e-01 3.14193517e-01 -2.16064095e-01 6.99568838e-02 -5.07063828e-02 1.24278665e-02 -8.99588540e-02 7.08690807e-02 2.04685777e-01 -3.84567797e-01 -2.57563531e-01 -4.94428240e-02 -3.23319063e-02 -3.67278308e-01 -5.26400506e-02 -9.16272849e-02 -1.60582587e-01 3.61942202e-02 1.88194156e-01 -1.43208981e-01 6.12679869e-02 -1.52514488e-01 4.18178260e-01 3.54312211e-01 3.15936238e-01 4.56958622e-01 2.18632922e-01 -2.79431701e-01 3.11677307e-01 -2.57573016e-02 -1.50747389e-01 2.49580920e-01 7.30640069e-02 2.49428257e-01 1.26954749e-01 -1.15694322e-01 -7.25655779e-02 -7.70433024e-02 5.07193357e-02 2.19031245e-01 2.82344282e-01 -8.00340697e-02 -1.52688086e-01 -9.00404081e-02 7.70489350e-02 -4.88987043e-02 3.96483280e-02 5.38099036e-02 -1.59128681e-01 2.62242317e-01 -5.49971424e-02 -1.13113970e-01 4.91032004e-01 -3.02465409e-01 2.21559182e-01 3.10007134e-03 -2.02247337e-01 -5.32491952e-02 4.18095112e-01 4.68605399e-01 -1.29844159e-01 -1.21679105e-01 -1.14766285e-01 4.25614081e-02 -6.75844401e-02 -5.96111007e-02 1.86122686e-01 6.37230054e-02 -1.71856862e-02 -1.19688004e-01 1.10398509e-01 -1.62336379e-01 -8.17020237e-02 -4.69324403e-02 3.99668992e-01 -1.24234132e-01 1.51886433e-01 9.74661857e-02 -1.28455281e-01 -3.84568334e-01 2.48219073e-01 -3.67169321e-01 -3.11668813e-01 -1.79020353e-02 -2.82967836e-01 2.16795623e-01 -1.72207072e-01 1.16599083e-01 -1.11196496e-01 2.03468978e-01 3.00289512e-01 1.51377872e-01 -1.30858287e-01 6.81766421e-02 1.63259238e-01 2.96123594e-01 -1.44689426e-01 -1.77359894e-01 -2.05837280e-01 -2.41210312e-02 4.76450592e-01 2.02833772e-01 1.31681591e-01 -1.89927652e-01 -1.40949100e-01 7.32798502e-02 -3.87899935e-01 2.60564536e-01 -1.28270462e-01 1.64020568e-01 -6.27380982e-02 -8.88734385e-02 6.51464909e-02 -1.39059603e-01 1.33536041e-01 4.59181607e-01 7.22135603e-02 2.34530762e-01 5.76390997e-02 7.70437866e-02 -9.23947692e-02 9.40082371e-02 4.07750420e-02 -2.59221792e-01 2.76876204e-02 2.54307836e-01 -4.81788486e-01 -1.65670980e-02 1.71328843e-01 2.33692322e-02 1.48346677e-01 -2.40802206e-03 2.83271074e-01 2.66488194e-01 2.96175946e-02 3.62359822e-01 -5.38596392e-01 -3.26398194e-01 7.82009363e-02 -3.49449590e-02 -8.10356140e-02 1.69123307e-01 1.30456373e-01 -7.46645182e-02 5.40053621e-02 -2.58702815e-01 3.83261383e-01 2.04148442e-01 4.36604396e-02 -1.53261349e-01 4.01201844e-01 -1.56039530e-02 -3.82163674e-02 -3.48575771e-01 -3.47723663e-01 -1.49706870e-01 -2.28639081e-01 -1.04081750e-01 -6.61503747e-02 3.27484719e-02 7.61946067e-02 -1.75905332e-01 1.45295292e-01 -1.20083191e-01 2.52341852e-02 -1.82708472e-01 7.07681924e-02]
"Nuclearity" active "⚠️ Content warning: Contains Gore Images can be enlarged by hovering over. More information ⚠️ content warning Notice from The Ethics Committee This file may be used for training purposes or references on how not to break ethics, research, and safety codes within the Foundation. The document will be censored on a case-by-case basis depending on its purpose and the clearance level of personnel. DISRUPTION CLASS: ekhi Special Containment Procedures: Since the events of Addendum 6971.7 the prior Special Containment Procedures have become obsolete. However, since the anomaly does not fulfill all requirements to be considered neutralized or other standard containment classes by standard protocol, it was given the arguably controversial classification "Sköll". Since it's reclassification, additional information on SCP-6971's status is considered high priority by default. Its location is to be directly monitored by Foundation satellites or any other means deemed necessary. Staff without adequate clearance whose work needs to take the effects of SCP-6971 into account are to be told that its current enclosure is a malfunctioning prototype, that the effects can be neglected, and are under no circumstances be given the complete file of the anomaly under their current clearance level. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6971 is to be kept submerged in the modified RBMK reactor on Site-47.2 Heat resistant and waterproof tubes and sensors must be directly inserted into the bloodstream or respective organs of SCP-6971 to regulate his nutritional intake and monitor his bodily functions. Oxygen must be applied through a mask at all times to force SCP-6971 to breathe or keep it in a numb, unconscious, or otherwise docile state with the combination of anesthetics. Personnel must wear full standard protective gear when working on Site-47 unless otherwise specified. When adjusting anything related to or in the immediate vicinity of the RBMK reactor, or having any type of contact with SCP-6971, personnel must wear a type 1 hazmat suit to prevent them from developing radiation-induced burns, poisoning, or other medical conditions. The provided hazmat suits need to be rinsed down before and after use and are to be disposed of in a nuclear waste barrel. All personnel needs to work in rotation to prevent overexposure to radioactive radiation. Description: SCP-6971 refers to the fifth individual that was registered as D-8660, Matteus Manninen, permanently aged 33. Prior to its re-discovery on Site-47, it was presumed dead after a submarine attack on Foundation Cargo Shipments by an at the time unknown party.3 SCP-6971 is constantly emitting heat and radioactive radiation. Both are known to fluctuate in intensity depending on its emotional state. As a side effect of its properties, personnel from Site-47 has been diagnosed significantly more with severe medical diseases in the past than the average site.4 History: SCP-6971 initially was the designation for what is now officially branded Site-47. On 22/03/1976, the Foundation found a nuclear plant in ████████. No prior descriptions were found in Foundation records nor documents of the government bodies of the area. MTF-Rho-12 "Doorknockers" was ordered to investigate and dispose of any thread if deemed necessary. Prepared for hostile contact, they entered the premises and were met with gunfire. After successfully taking over the nuclear plant, a cleaning unit was sent in and discovered severely lacking infrastructure near the RBMK reactor. All personnel that had entered the premises was taken into quarantine and a parameter was enforced. After 12 days all guards had succumbed to radiation poisoning and the bodies were cremated together with the corpses from the initial shootout. However, it was noted that Geiger–Muller counters did not show high levels of radiation whilst near the deceased. It was hypothesized that the quarantined personnel was terminated or died from other anomalous effects, neither had been confirmed at the time. Site-47 was later repurposed by the Foundation as a power source for ██ sites after several audits. Addendum 6971.1: Medical Evaluations on Site-47 In 1978 an increasing trend of used vacation days and sick leave by personnel of Site-47 was discovered. An investigation from outside Site-47 showed that documented medical evaluations were being tampered with. Due to the size of fraudulent documentation on the health of personnel, matters were escalated to the Ethics Committee. After interviewing near all personnel on-site and separate medical evaluations, the following report was released; It is unknown if this is a long-term or newly developed effect/defect of the anomaly. The results of this investigation will be expanded upon in the future. Specific statistics are not yet released as not all data has been confirmed and the situation continues to evolve. Due to the severity of the situation, staff will begin to deviate from protocol effective immediately. Any concerns can be directly sent to the Communication Department or your supervisor who will send it forward to us. Anonymity is optional, although not recommended in case of medical issues. Additionally, the medical issues were confirmed able to be hereditary as there were ██ reported cases of children being born terminally ill, stillborn, or with congenital defects. Please, report any new pregnancy to your medical office as fast as possible. At the time of writing the estimated number of deaths is ███ and counting. As all official documents are currently being investigated for fraud, personnel must file and bring their medical reports in person going onward if possible. Additionally, audits will be held more regularly. - The Ethics Committee After issuing the report, the RBMK reactor was inspected for leakages and defects. Evidence that the core of the reactor differed from the standard design of RBMK reactors was found. Site director Dr. Thomas Mallory claimed he was unaware of this fact. This caused the Foundation to doubt his nuclear engineering degree and other certificates. After arranging a search through his desk, home, and personal belongings that lasted multiple days, several recovered notes refuted his innocence by confirming the reactor was not modified as planned after taking over Site-47. However, it did not reveal the current state of the reactor or possessed other relevant information. Dr. Mallory was taken into custody whilst still on-site. Because of the number of inconsistencies and the scale of the problem affecting multiple sites, the O5 made the situation an agenda item. <Begin Log> O5-3: This is about… a nuclear plant and its site director? I'm way too busy if it's just another energy crisis somewhere. I thought we were supposed to discuss something about medical stuff the Ethics Committee addressed? O5-10: Well, this "energy crisis" just might happen over a lot of sites placed around the entirety of Central Europe. Also- O5-3: Central Europe isn't really where a lot of my stuff is located but don't all sites have a temporary backup? O5-10: That they do Three, do you happen to have the medical data on hand? O5-3: Yes, I d- O5-10: Then, please shut up, look at the report in the appendix, and check the damn cause. Or do I have to take on two council seats? A few pages are flipped. O5-3: Oh… OH! That son of a b- O5-7: Enough chitchat, do we have any additional information? Has there been an update from interrogating him or something? O5-8: Director Mallory, hasn't made any comments on the situation. I assume the man is counting on an accomplice or someone from a third party. Covering something of this scale isn't exactly easy on one's resources. O5-5: Can't we do a separate investigation or a scan for the reactor's profile? O5-6: As far as I know the location in question is in my area so I will have to assign some- O5-11: Six, like hell we are gonna let a warmonger like you decide stuff given how much you care about people their condition or surviving in general. Let's hand it over to the Ethics Committee because they are already hawking the situation as we speak. Besides, if eight is right, we have more problems than we first assumed. At this point the conversation becomes repetitive. Questions come up but further details cannot be confirmed. Several minutes omitted for brevity. O5-4: Look, this has been going on for too long. We need to get to our next point fast. Let's just put the damn thing out for a few hours, let the other sites run on the other infrastructures and backups, and send a man or two down to check what's happening. O5-1: Agreed, next meeting we need to talk about the dependency of sites on one shared component as well. A team should draft protocols and guidelines for new sites immediately. The Council successfully votes and moves on to the next topic, [REDACTED]. <End Log> Dr. Ralph Dolgan, an employee trusted by both the O5-Council and the Ethics Committee, was appointed to investigate the current state of the reactor. The reactor was shut off for an eight-hour window. On his own authority, Dr. Dolgan asked several technicians to check the surface for defects immediately. They did not find anything out of protocol but claimed to hear a distant static voice over their radio transmitters regardless of the used frequency. Whereof Two technicians claimed it resembled a faint screaming. After the eight-hour window, this phenomenon ceased to exist. Three days later, whilst testing the electrical circuits, one elevator showed a small loss of current ranging between 4 to 6 mA. Because of this, the residual current ELCB6 should have turned itself off automatically. However, several electricians reported that this was not the case. They were ordered to open and redraw the schematics of the elevator. Instead of finding all the components, they found out that the elevator's schematics were inaccurate when they found an extension leading down several meters. Fearing for further radiation leakage and dependency on the electricity for several sites, there was no time to transfer an MTF to Site-47. Realizing the gravity of the situation, two qualified technicians, Larry Armstrong, and Jake Bernhard, volunteered to go down, investigate, and seal the elevator shaft whilst it was still running. After putting on the correct personal protective equipment, mechanically disabling the elevator, and signing several documents, they went down to investigate. Log available below. Addendum 6971.2 O5-Council Excerpt <Begin Log> L. Armstrong: I can see that, it's just a couple meters down, not some fifty meters. J. Bernhard: Sure, got it. Just following protocol, who knows where this thing leads. L. Armstrong: Lands. Well, that there probably leads somewhere closer to the reactor. J. Bernhard: And that's exactly why we need to follow the procedures. This entire site is currently in some paperwork hell and this is gonna make things probably even more complicated. Sighs. Now, help me with this door. L. Armstrong: Sure. Several minutes are needed to open the door. V. Penelope, a third technician, standing watch above as a safety measure, lowered a small platform as a temporary elevator and evacuation route. L. Armstrong: Fuck, that was a strong seal. This shit is like a submarine hatch. J. Bernhard: Well, this hall- No, small and fucked up corridor is probably leading us somewhere next to the core. L. Armstrong: I'm gonna contact Dolgan. Click. L. Armstrong: [To Dr. Dolgan] Hey Ralph, there is a small way further in but I'm not gonna sit a few hours in high radiation and wait for a decision. How about you guys give us five minutes and we get the hell out of here? Click. Dr. Dolgan: I'll give you 90 seconds once you enter since you already opened the door just close it when you leave. Put in anything you deem worthy of research into your tool case if applicable, you can leave common tools behind. Don't forget to record with bodycams for footage. We're definitely gonna seal this up for the next couple of days or weeks. J. Bernhard: You heard the man, 90 seconds it is. Bernhard and Armstrong both walk in the corridor and after a corner makes place for an even longer hallway with two flickering lights. There are two doors on each side of the hall and at the end a sealed door with a porthole. Both fasten their pace, steel shoe tips echo in the hall. J. Bernhard: I'm going to the door at the end straight ahead of us. The board is likely there and I might get some footage of the specifics as well. L. Armstrong: You sure? That's where the reactor is supposed to- J. Bernhard: If we don't get that info today, then who knows when, if at all. L. Armstrong: Then you better get checked first when we surface. Breathes. I think I only got time to check the info on the doors and quickly scan one room. Then we're out. J. Bernhard: Roger that. Armstrong quickly gets footage from all four doors, which are labeled as standard storage rooms, and enters the one he checks last, which appears to house cooled containers. He takes the logbooks and ring binder by default present at the right of the door, shoves them in his tool case, and manages to take the closest container from a shelf before leaving and closing the door. L. Armstrong: I got some stuff. Let's get out, time's ticking. Bernhard is looking through the porthole and does not appear to have heard his colleague. L. Armstrong: HEY! We got to go! J. Bernhard: Huh? Ah, yes! Both run back to the entrance. Bernhard takes the container from Armstrong who after leaving first closes the door after Bernhard gets out. Both drop their recovered items on the ground and begin to seal the door. L. Armstrong: So, what was that? J. Bernhard: What do you mean? L. Armstrong: I mean the hesitation. What the hell was that? Are you insane? J. Bernhard: Ah that, I guess I was out of it for a moment. L. Armstrong: Well, I hope you got a good explanation for that when they review our footage. Damn it, man! They would have ordered me to leave you behind. J. Bernhard: Smirks. I wouldn't worry about that. Things are gonna get even messier, but probably not for us. L. Armstrong: So what did you see, the electrical grid? A defect in the core? Did you even see the core? J. Bernhard: Oh yeah, I definitely saw it… L. Armstrong: Saw what? J. Bernhard: D-Class… L. Armstrong: Wha- D-Cla- J. Bernhard: The core is a goddamn D-Class. L. Armstrong: Pause. Oh, Lord… <End Log> The Footage was successfully uploaded into the Foundation databank and reviewed. J. Bernhard's recording of the core showed a spherical cell filled with water where instead of fuel rods, a D-Class with an oxygen mask, several catheters, feeding tubes, and sensors on its body was chained up. Its orange overall was slightly faded in colour but the imprinted number, D-8660, was identified. Checking the number did at first not match due to the new designation of it on a Latin-American woman. However, the container recovered by L. Armstrong contained several blood samples that matched with one of the prior wearers of the number, Matteus Manninen. The archived file is available below. Addendum 6971.3 SCP-6971's D-Class File Name: Matteus Manninen Age: 33† Nationality: Finnish Acquisition into Foundation custody: Citizen with memories of the containment breach from SCP-████ on ██/██/████. Was taken into custody against his will due to the unexpected immunity against amnestics. Mostly neutral or helpful. Has resentment from being taken into custody, but does not make things harder than they should be as long as he is treated decently. Good test subject for safe and most non-harmful euclid class anomalies. Good with cleaning up failed tests in group. Testing history: With 13 successfully completed tests or testing periods to his name, fairly experienced. Shows better results with humanoïd anomalies than with objects or misformed entities. Testing with sentient non-humanoïd anomalies should ideally be verbal only on first contact. Additional Information: Due to immunity for amnestics, only applies for testing under clearance level 4 "Secret" after gaining approval from three personnel members of that level or higher. On 22 September 1970 during transfer via cargo ship to another site for testing, was killed alongside all 232 other casualties by the impact of a nuclear torpedo. The investigation of the attack was discontinued after four years. The perpetrator and motives remain unidentified to date. The samples were sent to the nearest immunology, hematology, and genetics laboratory, MEDLab 8, for further research. The file of SCP-6971 got rewritten due to inaccuracy and misrepresentation of the anomaly. Research in seized documents was performed simultaneously. A copy from the file above was taken out of the D-class archive, digitalized, and added to the Collection of Active Anomaly Information.8 Whilst waiting for results of the blood analysis, the Ethics Committee approved the construction of a second and more modernized RBMK reactor that would take over the existing function and infrastructure relying on SCP-6971. Three days after this decision, MEDLab 8 reported that their first results could not explain the anomalous phenomena.9 The Ethics Committee granted Dr. Dolgan's request for an interview with Dr. Mallory, who had been stripped of his function as site director before being transferred to an isolated D-Class Cell. Interviewed: Dr. Thomas Mallory Interviewer: Dr. Ralph Dolgan <Begin Log> Dr. Dolgan comes in, throws his clipboard on the table, and a small clattering sound fills the room. Dr. Mallory adjusts his position, making his handcuffs clink. Dr. Mallory: I guess these aren't coming off soon, huh. Dr. Dolgan sighs. Mallory smirks. Dr. Dolgan: You are a real asshole, you know that? Dr. Mallory: An asshole, but a valuable one. Dr. Dolgan: Why are you so relaxed? Dr. Mallory: Because you can't do shit to me. I'm the only one that knows what's going on, I'm the only backup when it comes down to it. My hands may be dirty but my desks are clean, I wonder what you've found so far. Dr. Dolgan: What we've found so far? [Slightly louder] What we've found so far?! Dr. Mallory: You might find bits and pieces but you'll never get the whole picture. Now begin your questioning, this should be some good entertainment. Dr. Dolgan: [under his breath] Son of a- Dr. Dolgan pulls a chair back, sits down, takes the clipboard, and clicks his pen. Dr. Dolgan: Sighs. Dr. Mallory, you've been charged with breaking nearly all procedures, the endangerment of all levels of personnel and civilians of multiple sites, and to a certain extent the secrecy we maintain in regards to the public, alongside a multitude of other charges that currently still exceed your past authority. Do you have anything to say before we go further? Dr. Mallory: Just that I know the lines and charges, I used to run a site, I'm as you would say corrupt, not stupid. No, I'm not gonna confess either. Smirks. Dr. Dolgan: Can you tell me anything about the reactor or the D-Class that is present within? Dr. Mallory: I see you found out about that, but not too surprising really. No, I will not disclose anything about that. Dr. Dolgan: We found several blood samples from the individual. Are there samples after you put him on the electrical circuit? Dr. Mallory: If you know how to take that, please let me know. I would love to hear your results. Dr. Dolgan: Oh, I'm sure you do. Dr. Dolgan takes a photograph. A team of 14 people is visible in front of the steps of Site-47. Several heads have a red cross on them. Dr. Dolgan: Do you have anything to say about this photo? Dr. Mallory: It was just one of the teams under my command what about it? You can look into the records yourself. Dr. Dolgan scribbles something on his clipboard and takes another photo out. Dr. Dolgan: What about this one? Dr. Mallory: Okay, I see this is the card your playing. What are you getting at? Dr. Dolgan: Puts down a third photo. What about this one? Dr. Mallory: It's another team, some of them were good researchers but that's it. Served their purpose. Silence returns. Dr. Dolgan takes out an envelope and undoes the seal. Dr. Mallory: Oh, some hard evidence? Dr. Dolgan empties the contents by letting all photos fall and scatter on the table. Dr. Dolgan: ███ dead. ███ dead confirmed, ███ dead and counting! Still. Fucking. Counting. And don't get me started on the terminally ill. Dr. Mallory: Smirks. Mad that I'm not one of them? Go big, or go home, Dolgan. They were expendable, janitors, agents, researchers, and especially that D-Class. But he ain't dead yet, isn't he? Dr. Dolgan calmly steps closer to Mallory and grabs his collar. Dr. Dolgan: [Coldly] You've been behind this whole thing. I bet you made this site with a higher-up since everything was up to our standards. Convenient, isn't it, for some plant in the middle of nowhere? You got rid of the initial agents and cleaning crew, and you knew those blood samples do not explain shit. Dr. Mallory: Well, well… That are some big accusations for something you can't confirm. But of course, I deny all of it. Dr. Dolgan: [whispering] That's just a matter of time. And when we do, perhaps the Ethics Committee might just turn its head and put you in the new reactor. Dr. Mallory: Building a reactor takes years, sometimes even decades, and since the first one already hasn't been maintained correctly by my people for a while it won't be long until things go south. Better get building Dolgan. I'd recommend you'd ask the best nuclear engineer to help you a hand, but I think I rather sit this one out, so I can watch and learn. Dolgan pushes Mallory slightly into the back of his chair before letting his grip loose. He walks outside the door and signs in two guards. Dr. Dolgan: Then learn you will. Better get used to the orange suit, Mallory. That way you might even learn some basic human decency again. Dr. Mallory: No, goodbye? At least give the rest of the site my greetings and thanks for their hard work. Dr. Dolgan: God, you disgust me. <End Log> Closing Statement: Dr. Dolgan put in a request to make an additional team of nuclear engineers. A few days later, a notion was put in to preemptively decide the fate of SCP-6971 when the construction was done. The latter was put on hold until the final results from the medical lab came in. Before that happened, on 17 October 1978, a static screaming could be heard softly over any type of transceiver in the control room and in circa a 100-meter radius of the reactor as SCP-6971 had regained a more conscious status. Sensors revealed it could not be put into a more passive or immobilized state anymore without feeling its surroundings due to the past long-term usage of narcotics. Attempts to communicate with the anomaly were made, to no avail. Logs available below. Addendum 6971.4 First Communication Logs Interviewed: SCP-6971, Matteus Manninen Interviewer: Dr. Dolgan Additional information: Static noise has been minimized but could not be completely removed. The original recordings are available for researchers trying to minimize interference in the future. <Begin Log> SCP-6971: Let me out! Let me out! You're boiling me alive! Please, make it stop! Incomprehensible screaming. Dr. Dolgan: If you can hear us, please try to use the speakers again. SCP-6971: Let me out! Dr. Dolgan: Can you hear us? SCP-6971: You put me here! You put me- Screaming. Why?! WhyaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHH! The screaming continues. Several alarms loudly can be heard. Dr. Dolgan: You are releasing a lot of radiation, I understand you are in pain but please for everyone's sake if you have any sort of control over this- SCP-6971: MALLORY! WHY DID YOU TORPEDO US?! MALLORY! The radiation begins to interfere with the speakers, only static noise comes through. Dr. Dolgan: [To personnel] Someone get the catheters for the anesthetics and give that man a dose. Now! Researcher: But doctor, then we need to go down in the elevator shaft that- Dr. Dolgan: Get someone and all the tools you might need, or this entire place will go off! Researcher: Sure, but doctor, where are you going? Dr. Dolgan: I'm going to tear someone a new one. <End Log> SCP-6971 was deemed unable to engage in dialogue and it was confirmed that SCP-6971's emotional and physical pain enhanced its state of instability, causing more fluctuations and severe risks to personnel on-site. Dr. Dolgan reported the link with the torpedo incident from 22 September 1970 to the Ethics Committee. After reviewing footage, the technicalities, and the silhouette of the torpedo, it was successfully identified as a Foundation weapon from a separate department. More specifically, the size and rear end formation looked very similar to a specific rocket booster Dr. Mallory had worked on prior to the incident. At the time of writing and for precautionary measures, it was assumed that SCP-6971 may develop new effects or increase their intensity in the foreseeable future. Since this event, it is assumed that SCP-6971 can emit, absorb, or manipulate wavelengths to interfere, weaken, and send signals from communication or interconnected devices.10 It is hypothesized that SCP-6971 cannot disrupt observations of cosmic radiation or other wavelengths of external sources with 84% certainty. Operators and a small coordination crew had to prevent a shutdown of the site due to an alarmingly high amount of errors from the sites depending on the electrical net. Stronger narcotics were administered to SCP-6971, to the displeasure of the Ethics Committee who hesitantly gave approval due to the lack of alternatives. However, whilst it kept the anomaly in a docile state, it did not result in a complete unconscious status anymore. Containment specialists began working towards new procedures to prevent cases of dubious containments in the future. Addendum 6971.5 Final Genetic Report DNA-Analysis showed that the DNA of SCP-6971 DNA carries a purine nucleotide base that includes the radioactive plutonium-239 isotope (239Pu) and replaces guanine (G) whose stability is heavily modified by Methylation.11 Because of this SCP-6971 is theoretically possible to become circa 3.700 years of age.12 Attached to this file is the structure of GMP13 with plutonium instead of the expected 2 hydrogen atoms after successful isolation by researchers. DNA fingerprinting14 has proven difficult since enzymes are easily broken down due to its effects and gel electrophoresis with UV-lamps does not result in visualization. Conclusion: We believe it is impossible to analyze SCP-6971 further or neutralize it without killing it due to technological restrictions. After all documentation was gathered and investigations for the most part finished, the O5-Council made SCP-6971 a topic again for their next meeting, the excerpt is available below. <Begin Log> O5-2: So, I think we can move on to the next thing on our agenda. Unless anyone wants to bring in additional documentation? The Council members are putting papers back into their folders, a few sip from their drinks before the room goes quiet. O5-8: I believe the next thing is a request on Site-47? Or is this about more ongoing or evolving issues at hand there? O5-10: Let's see. Flips page. Euh… Ah, yes! We need to talk about the engineering team, a new reactor, and what to do with the anomaly after stuff settles down. O5-7: That was SCP-6971, wasn't it? O5-10: Yes, that is the allocated number. With ███ current files of other anomalies linked due to the risk of breach from a power outage. O5-1: Honestly, I'm not sure stuff there can be "settled down". O5-8: Well, we have some backup generators and extra security so we would be able to do compartmentalization and lock hostile creatures in halls if necessary. O5-5: But that is not a long-term solution and might bring personnel in danger. I've already approved on-site construction for solar panels and wind turbines for ease in the future. Being able to generate their own power, even if not completely is beneficial. O5-4: About the engineering team, we might do some relocating of personnel too to cover some positions, others might need some extra schooling though. O5-8: We have good people in physics to spare. Maybe let some partially learn on the job or have supporting functions. How big do they want this team? O5-3: Just a couple of people, like a small cell. Might be a cool side-project for any of us to invest in, to be honest. Definitely not hard to meet the requirements. O5-11: I have a question about this new reactor, it is just going to be the same model as the first one, right? The problem is the duration, not the resources, so if we deal with the anomaly would it be possible to still use or rebuild what is left of the original? O5-2: I'm for full decommissioning of the first one and see how it goes from there. I do not have a permanent solution for the anomaly but I think building additional power sources would be great since the infrastructure allows for it. O5-10: Yeah, I'm with Two on this one. I am not against extra stuff being built but I want to see radioactive stuff being removed and some good clean up. However, I have no idea how to get the anomaly out of the core in a stable, let alone efficient or safe, manner. O5-1: Speaking of clean-up, Mallory needs to get rid of. I mean, adjusting rocket boosters to make an attempted Eigenweapon and taking down our own ships is quite bad. One of us had to vouch for him. O5-8: Yeah, he probably got rid of some bad stuff and then got in this unexpected series of events. Getting rid of personnel on his undiscovered site, the responsible MTF, and the cleaning crew also is very concerning how it happened under our noses. Who knows what else people got away with? O5-6: I can call in an MTF on him as we speak. My personnel is rather swift in taking someone and putting them in an oven or something to get rid of. Even if that seems a bit much for someone that is now a D-Class. O5-7: Still, a D-Class that was a corrupt site director. And even worse, one that was good at being both. O5-12: Ok, ok, we got quite the idea for some of these loose ends and how to prevent some shit. The only thing now left is the anomaly, does anyone have a proposal on what we can do with it? We cannot take it out, or risk taking it out in our current situation. O5-5: Did the Ethics Committee have details about this? Additional investigations are quite a waste of time. O5-8: I agree with Five here, we should get statements from the engineer and personnel from site-47 with experience. O5-3: Let's stay updated on this and get this on the agenda on a regular basis. I think the proposed things should be implemented for now, but we also have to get through this meeting. O5-Council: Aye. <End Log> The suggestion for the engineering team was approved. All members except two were relocated to Site-47. The other two were scouted by talent acquisition. A separate resource shipping policy, a separate prevention advisor were appointed. The development of the reactor and fuel rods went according to plan. Copying and modernizing the surface proved to be challenging within the first budget. Several tests to differ from this design were made, but simulations showed too much instability, difficult transitions, and loss of energy to the used infrastructure. Reactor one stayed in operation, although the screaming of SCP-6971 did continue to take over frequencies used for communication and speakers in the building it resided. Extra mandatory check-ups were assigned to personnel. Multiple sites were granted funds to provide them with projects for green energy. Two sites were connected to a new geothermal plant, and one was connected to a nearby dam. Other sites did not find alternatives that would fully provide them with sufficient electricity. Dr. Mallory was taken and interrogated by agents of O5-6. Further interrogation did not provide extra details, motives, or other information. O5-6 has not shared information, apart from that "Lose ends had been taken care off" or that "It is not in our best interest anymore". Addendum 6971.6: Second O5-Council Excerpt <Begin Log> O5-9: And that brings us to- Uh, wait a bit… Ah, SCP-6971! O5-4: Ok, what is the good news? O5-9: Well, the development of the second reactor goes smooth, although connecting it proves to be difficult. The complete blueprint for the surface of the reactor is drawn but still needs to be constructed. O5-1: I also read they started the decommissioning, isn't it still functioning as we speak? O5-7: I made them clean up as much as possible, the structures and equipment are already on-site. Decontamination is also being prepared for but there needs to be a new procedure, of which the approval drags on. O5-3: I mean you could veto it, or take your authority to speed it up. O5-11: The problem sits in the medical check-ups and rotating personnel, it works but you can only work so fast if you don't want people to die again. It would make for fewer briefings though. O5-5: Ok, so what about the anomaly? We still haven't decided that. O5-6: Well, why don't we put it in the ground like all nuclear waste. It will die and the radiation will no longer be a problem as well. O5-2: You can't guarantee that. It's like you never even read the basic garbage disposal methods for nuclear waste. This thing is potent as hell. We aren't talking about one radioactive waste barrel. This is a full reactor with an individual that has literal plutonium in its genes. O5-10: The problem with this anomaly is that we are currently still too reliant on it for our own good, it can't control its effects even if we could communicate with it, and anesthesia and amnestics both won't do the job anymore. O5-12: Well at least we know it can't escape. O5-6: See, ain't so bad, isn't it? Just bury it, not that fucked up of a solution to do. O5-4: I know you have a tendency to do fucked up shit with D-Class, but this one in particular has been boiled alive for years and caused huge problems whilst being tightly secured and without exploding. Even if we would bury it, moving the reactor will just result in another medical disaster. And that isn't even the worst-case scenario. O5-10: And then there is another issue, even if it doesn't get buried and we get it out, ideally speaking of course. How the hell would we make a customized cell? How do we deal with its discharges, with its effects on humans, and which area with an unknown radius are we going to abandon for this thing alone? 05-8: Ahem. If I may… I have a suggestion, but it is a long shot. The Council becomes silent. 05-8: As I said, it is a long shot, and nobody will probably like it, but it is probably a lesser evil or concern this way. I think O5-6 does have a point of putting it in isolation… The Council murmurs. O5-6: Honestly, if anyone would back me up here today, I didn't think it'd be you of all people. O5-12: So you want to put it in the ground? 05-8: No, instead of looking down, I'm looking up. O5-4: Fixes posture. Go on. 05-8: I assume some of you may know about the existence of radioisotope thermoelectric generators? O5-10: You mean the battery things used in satellites and probes? 05-8: Yes, typically RTG's, or as some of you may know them RITEG's, do not have any moving parts so we could build the existing reactor into one by making some modifications. The only downside I can think of is that they normally use the 238Pu isotope instead of the 239Pu one. O5-4: Ah, stability and predictability issues might form when it's been running for a while. 05-8: Exactly. We can simulate the outcome of course but there is no guarantee. O5-5: Well, if it doesn't work out we'll have an explosion in space and we put it out of its misery. As far as I know, it has been begging for that for ages. This idea isn't exactly the best, but it is way better than the alternatives. O5-2: Just to be clear, we are essentially just blasting SCP-6971 into space to get rid of it, by making it the actual battery of the vessel? O5-8: If you put it that simply, then yes. The Council is silent. O5-10: Fuck it, we've had worse proposals. Let's vote. O5-Council: Aye. <End Log> Voting result: Approved Unanimously Conclusion: O5-8's proposal was accepted. The Ethics Committee, whilst not completely happy with the outcome, agreed and did not wish to comment further. As planned, reactor two was taken into commission. On 14 December 1983, the fuel rods were lowered, and after 72 hours without any outliers, trends, or other inconsistencies, reactor one was taken off the grid. The engineering team of Dr. Dolgan was separated after a short celebration. Most of them gained senior positions on another site or became auditors. To prevent further difficulties in the future, the Foundation made a request form wherein new sites may opt for their preferred energy source after approval from the respective authorities. All sites also must be able to produce and store their own energy to be able to run on 100% capacity for at least one week. The yearly budget for repairs was also raised. As per vote, the reactor of SCP-6971 was further decommissioned and rebuilt to a probe with it functioning as its RTG. To prevent public sightings of the probe, antimemetics were applied to the surface of the spacecraft as censoring with an AI might have suffered from interference by excess radiation. An orbit around Jupiter was chosen since Jupiter was known to have trapped radiation15 which could aid in hiding and maneuvering the probe if there were unforeseen side-effects or accelerated decay. After the launch of the probe, a crater was left on Site-47 where to date radiation still lingers. A parameter was set up which personnel under no circumstance are allowed to enter. Regulations for personal protective equipment and medical check-ups were adjusted overall but are currently still stricter than the average site. A memorial for all the deceased personnel of Site-47 was set up. Addendum 6971.7: Update to Orbital Trajectory On 21 April 1987, after failing to track the probe of SCP-6971 for 3 consecutive days, it was officially deemed off course. Other probes and telescopes with memetic filters failed to observe it. It is generally accepted that from the moment of its disappearance, SCP-6971 has interfered with sensors, commands, and other controls of the probe directly even though it originally knew nothing about operating its vessel. 17 hours after the official status changed, a message came in through all speakers of Site-47. Tell Mallory that even if I have to nuke myself from orbit, one day I'm coming down for him. Whether SCP-6971 is moving away from or towards Earth and if it can steer the probe is currently unknown. « SCP-6970 | SCP-6971 | SCP-6972 » Sirslash47's Works SCP-6983 (+38) • SCP-5651 (+78) • SCP-5939 (+38) • SCP-5927 (+40) • SCP-5623 (+160) • SCP-5857 (+82) • SCP-5449 (+111) • SCP-5147 (+64) • SCP-5839 (+59) • SCP-5843 (+70) • SCP-6143 (+29) • SCP-6701 (+29) • SCP-5849 (+32) • SCP-649 (+74) • SCP-6991 (+57) • Space Cadet Semantics (+15) • The Great Escape of 6767 and Coffee Snake Art (+9) • A Josie Holiday (+26) • From syllables to lines to imagination (+27) • The Great Escape of 6767 and Coffee Snake Art (+9) • Sirslash47's Personnel File (+64) • Cite this page as: "SCP-6971" by Sirslash47, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: RBMK reactor from Ignalina ArM.jpg Name: RBMK1.jpg Author: Argonne National Laboratory Date: 18 January 2008 License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Additional info: The source also says the image was edited by; Editor: ArtMechanic. I wanted to credit here as well. Filename: RIAN archive 305011 Leningrad nuclear power plant.jpg Name: RBMK2.jpg Author: Alexey Danichev / Алексей Даничев Date: 4 April 2008 License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Additional info: The source also asked to attribute like this; Attribution: RIA Novosti archive, image #305011 / Alexey Danichev / CC-BY-SA 3.0 RIA Novosti (Russian International News Agency) provided this as part of a cooperation project. Filename: Trojan Nuclear Power Plant.jpg.JPG Name: TrojanPlant.jpg Author: Tobin (Flickr profile link) Date: 20 May 2006, 18:40:13 License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons, Flickr Additional info: The image in draft was originally a Belgian nuclear plant but starting from 28/01/2022 that image (or any from those plants and nuclear storages) would be breaking the law due to my (the federal Belgian) government. Really sad, but please take this into account if you try to search nuclear power plant images in the future. Filename: Containment destruction.jpg Name: Containment.jpg Author: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Date: Unknown License: public domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Mercury-Redstone booster at MSFC with officials.jpg Name: Booster.jpg Author: NASA Date: circa 1961 License: public domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Additional information: I added black bars over the eyes as an edit. Name: Logo.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional information: Did not find the specifics but taken from SCP-4182 since it was the best logo for this usage. Filename: AKW Zwentendorf - Steuerrungseinheit der Brennstäbe (P1060442) (7988584153).jpg Name: AKW.jpg Author: Gregor Tatschl from Österreich Date: 29 June 2011, 00:00 License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Guanosinmonophosphat protoniert.svg Author: NEUROtiker Date: 19 April 2008 License: public domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Used for: Molec.png, the image of the molecule in this article. Edits made in paint by me Sirslash47. I release Molec.png under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Licensing as per the wiki rules. If this attribution is unclear or incorrect let me know. (Since normal molecules can't be copywrited and are public domain by default.) For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Image not found in archives."
[ 1.27622694e-01 -1.30336568e-01 -1.91328645e-01 -4.88294102e-02 -3.00336704e-02 -1.58296481e-01 1.12466380e-01 3.50518018e-01 1.52014434e-01 2.39755422e-01 -2.25208830e-02 4.87703711e-01 -1.84373230e-01 1.91313326e-01 7.66326487e-02 1.16266176e-01 2.15477228e-01 -7.20224604e-02 5.21939695e-02 -1.60236433e-01 -1.72464117e-01 -1.47156075e-01 3.80425062e-03 -2.44949032e-02 -3.21098119e-01 8.38457718e-02 2.69037247e-01 1.46378174e-01 -1.58209931e-02 -3.35572958e-01 1.26778945e-01 3.36014748e-01 -1.14217792e-02 1.52281508e-01 -1.01653502e-04 3.34025919e-02 1.62623823e-01 4.39653918e-02 -2.09604964e-01 2.46579483e-01 -3.22449595e-01 -1.76799208e-01 -8.34159926e-02 -2.21944660e-01 5.55437282e-02 3.69080961e-01 2.01000586e-01 1.08528025e-01 5.10340810e-01 1.57136079e-02 2.12842613e-01 1.20535776e-01 -7.69200176e-02 6.04670774e-03 -3.31867874e-01 7.75129974e-01 -1.69320971e-01 -1.65602088e-01 -1.79310113e-01 1.44298479e-01 1.46516010e-01 4.84206736e-01 -1.74469218e-01 -1.44023150e-01 7.13507086e-02 -1.52315423e-01 2.56484628e-01 -1.96753768e-03 3.26058418e-01 5.24070442e-01 3.70300412e-02 9.13182870e-02 1.01209074e-01 3.47396761e-01 -7.04072416e-02 -6.22419477e-01 4.23508465e-01 8.38011727e-02 -1.45232663e-01 -4.81299907e-02 -1.36635333e-01 1.84270486e-01 -2.26132810e-01 -1.28331587e-01 -2.44288936e-01 4.32968855e-01 -1.60006464e-01 -2.10844725e-01 -7.21616745e-02 8.73386562e-02 -1.05648644e-01 2.74842978e-01 1.71680495e-01 -1.42744437e-01 -2.38910154e-01 1.09634809e-02 -2.01694280e-01 2.44319234e-02 4.95728582e-01 6.56385794e-02 9.91273969e-02 3.37381572e-01 5.70110790e-02 5.63115738e-02 -2.97173411e-02 -1.93302065e-01 2.45164722e-01 -1.00394987e-01 -5.07769212e-02 6.49798870e-01 3.66457514e-02 2.85760581e-01 -5.40203862e-02 -1.15218297e-01 1.32236421e-01 -1.65608823e-01 2.94425189e-02 -7.17121288e-02 5.68086095e-03 2.91906774e-01 -3.04374576e-01 -1.51155815e-01 -2.93131828e-01 2.69490272e-01 4.99068975e-01 1.11386910e-01 -9.80448648e-02 -1.85012326e-01 1.66663513e-01 -1.76838711e-01 -2.13370532e-01 3.88970003e-02 -3.71484160e-01 1.66397378e-01 -5.83983287e-02 -2.20132992e-01 2.04597026e-01 -1.11069739e-01 1.01631023e-01 1.09559678e-01 6.50930181e-02 2.01906562e-02 3.48933578e-01 6.25526965e-01 -3.04962486e-01 -6.99005574e-02 -6.56894548e-03 2.55423248e-01 4.12601000e-03 6.97912201e-02 4.41940576e-01 8.77044573e-02 6.96847290e-02 2.33350083e-01 -2.29400005e-02 1.99208334e-01 3.11620474e-01 1.14220291e-01 3.14787179e-02 -7.79869258e-02 3.43238413e-01 -1.82470530e-02 -5.14051199e-01 -3.28562289e-01 1.83958143e-01 4.28375125e-01 -1.99097246e-01 -9.40407813e-02 -3.07865947e-01 -1.75257683e-01 2.83213109e-01 -1.52292633e-02 9.19552986e-03 1.75448190e-02 -1.30701423e-01 -1.00006275e-01 -1.95622370e-01 1.10943496e-01 -3.23055148e-01 -9.46161896e-02 -4.45250452e-01 2.33629122e-01 3.72363210e-01 -6.15833364e-02 -2.39521101e-01 1.70776993e-02 -1.56376362e-02 1.28063932e-01 3.23665738e-02 -2.58640498e-01 -3.30173552e-01 -3.67042959e-01 4.34496194e-01 -9.12606064e-03 1.35850742e-01 4.38797362e-02 7.02571869e-02 -9.31886956e-02 2.54791111e-01 2.38119990e-01 -1.87548608e-01 -1.35459974e-01 -9.60909724e-02 1.16955072e-01 -2.68031120e-01 -8.71333405e-02 -3.19417238e-01 -1.98666066e-01 6.54194206e-02 3.66979510e-01 -1.92735180e-01 -3.04239858e-02 -2.64647394e-01 -2.75328290e-02 -2.72714287e-01 -6.06662571e-01 2.97061950e-01 3.27367067e-01 1.84235871e-02 -3.19602102e-01 -2.33883739e-01 3.69094402e-01 3.00722849e-02 6.18828312e-02 -2.82194197e-01 2.97468811e-01 -2.34804109e-01 -8.04618821e-02 -1.37067422e-01 -4.93374057e-02 2.48402894e-01 2.13643424e-02 -6.23002835e-02 -4.13631788e-03 -1.60388485e-01 -1.61174551e-01 2.42850408e-01 6.62342310e-01 -2.06201151e-01 -2.02929929e-01 1.43240569e-02 -1.74575329e-01 -1.09156063e-02 9.54551995e-02 -3.29364687e-01 3.25123549e-01 -2.33974025e-01 -1.24963261e-01 -1.42734930e-01 8.05232599e-02 2.28095815e-01 -1.88602716e-01 -4.17717136e-02 -2.88262129e-01 7.74894059e-02 7.44002402e-01 -5.92997611e-01 1.42359212e-01 -5.97841339e-03 -4.04754579e-02 1.79835394e-01 -1.51148707e-01 2.10007299e-02 -6.86921552e-02 -6.04566447e-02 -4.27421302e-01 2.33323082e-01 -1.24837339e-01 -1.52093945e-02 1.32858381e-01 -8.15877989e-02 -2.12951332e-01 -4.97773439e-02 -1.69991255e-01 -6.81589320e-02 3.54205072e-02 1.41203865e-01 1.44020692e-01 2.82666683e-01 -4.17641290e-02 -2.70293146e-01 -1.07950017e-01 -9.63339135e-02 -1.68292955e-01 -4.24519591e-02 9.04582143e-02 -5.22559742e-03 4.16424304e-01 1.02633454e-01 2.15043917e-01 1.02926325e-02 -3.13330263e-01 -1.66145768e-02 -3.38538677e-01 -5.12502566e-02 6.72697797e-02 -2.69609988e-01 2.04269156e-01 -2.83725862e-03 2.34542891e-01 -2.28106320e-01 -1.42571330e-01 4.13153358e-02 1.78237289e-01 -2.64876723e-01 9.82512906e-02 4.95883405e-01 9.49575007e-02 -1.34272486e-01 -3.31958711e-01 -3.47408026e-01 3.09934467e-01 -1.17852837e-01 -2.07126915e-01 1.01481088e-01 2.08929002e-01 -9.34918448e-02 -3.23948294e-01 3.38349082e-02 -5.30165374e-01 2.80526225e-02 3.06153208e-01 -1.31135970e-01 2.47879386e-01 1.01289153e-02 -2.49682277e-01 -1.86045125e-01 -8.56746286e-02 2.69822150e-01 -6.42315447e-02 1.94752634e-01 3.00569028e-01 -4.16594073e-02 5.72239347e-02 -2.30867937e-01 -9.05436724e-02 -2.92854130e-01 -1.32276371e-01 1.61573052e-01 -9.41739604e-02 1.62670210e-01 -1.83421090e-01 -3.27755541e-01 1.72367558e-01 9.94160324e-02 -1.22945987e-01 -3.58181000e-01 -6.52398169e-02 3.61253917e-01 -6.74908757e-02 -1.82211339e-01 3.58294785e-01 1.72371492e-01 -3.88196230e-01 -1.44454271e-01 1.43145829e-01 7.88318738e-02 6.08262559e-03 1.06940567e-01 -1.33203864e-01 7.32218623e-02 1.96681157e-01 9.74014550e-02 -1.82806537e-01 -1.08516827e-01 -5.94662838e-02 2.92103082e-01 -6.58812076e-02 3.09093565e-01 -1.14714298e-02 1.94019943e-01 -8.29968899e-02 -2.41582394e-01 3.30319941e-01 -2.12622166e-01 2.26538539e-01 5.49006239e-02 -1.39403797e-03 -3.84786755e-01 -1.77272722e-01 -9.31158364e-02 7.79696524e-01 3.49697202e-01 -1.56366304e-01 -3.71679515e-01 7.09932595e-02 -3.46819870e-02 1.87680751e-01 6.55211389e-01 -1.09895758e-01 -9.18375477e-02 -5.78276932e-01 -2.20904723e-02 -7.58846030e-02 2.42618099e-01 7.49528110e-02 7.68113807e-02 -2.03842565e-01 8.01298842e-02 -5.83216955e-04 -1.83357283e-01 3.26072097e-01 -1.33684397e-01 4.91011888e-01 4.07180578e-01 -2.13262476e-02 2.72905260e-01 -7.24020675e-02 -3.76316428e-01 -1.00557908e-01 3.16430330e-01 -3.42413664e-01 -1.66546226e-01 -2.61719137e-01 1.34004414e-01 -1.01116210e-01 -4.65405434e-02 -2.20673298e-03 -1.05293036e-01 -3.08867633e-01 -1.13252975e-01 2.56515089e-02 9.12548602e-02 -2.90273190e-01 -9.26613510e-02 -1.22808136e-01 1.15364581e-01 1.83858514e-01 1.45149842e-01 6.84368759e-02 -1.82095051e-01 2.16074437e-01 -4.41869199e-01 6.20914280e-01 1.93999887e-01 5.86269140e-01 1.30205363e-01 -2.52126724e-01 -1.61224887e-01 -2.24055290e-01 -1.57669455e-01 1.62533477e-01 5.35683930e-01 -1.05556279e-01 -1.23596437e-01 -2.26867303e-01 3.30355853e-01 1.46973804e-01 5.80400378e-02 1.46506891e-01 -3.52480356e-03 1.86036810e-01 -2.49838546e-01 2.35836476e-01 1.72548845e-01 -2.89897442e-01 -8.14591050e-02 2.46744528e-01 -1.36708096e-01 1.06623225e-01 3.46841782e-01 1.11649668e+00 1.25739366e-01 1.75764129e-01 3.07807952e-01 -9.50075239e-02 2.99667180e-01 -5.05792737e-01 -1.25206718e-02 8.19603819e-03 -2.24128887e-01 3.16722244e-02 -2.12153733e-01 9.16979462e-02 2.72057623e-01 -4.80297267e-01 1.75019160e-01 -7.32472003e-01 -2.30324432e-01 2.21111506e-01 2.61674225e-01 3.50017965e-01 -6.87415525e-02 -2.26830080e-01 2.02419743e-01 -8.43881890e-02 1.13505654e-01 -1.23537868e-01 -1.89089134e-01 2.51928605e-02 2.13483334e-01 -3.82190570e-02 -3.25149558e-02 -4.28232402e-01 1.51612252e-01 1.07029997e-01 4.74150717e-01 2.35283494e-01 2.16544956e-01 2.34538481e-01 1.12580277e-01 4.19782437e-02 9.66844708e-02 5.90511084e-01 -6.30918294e-02 -3.71584684e-01 1.49824575e-01 4.09640521e-01 -1.22446798e-01 -5.59606962e-02 1.95827320e-01 -5.28140180e-02 9.55155119e-02 -1.00801311e-01 -1.46936402e-01 2.18363568e-01 -1.40798345e-01 5.48068941e-01 4.17313799e-02 -4.05739665e-01 -3.06448370e-01 2.08399013e-01 -6.02625683e-03 -5.25847487e-02 -1.55863166e-01 3.49356771e-01 -1.06945187e-01 -6.77025467e-02 1.64345294e-01 1.11158844e-03 -2.50758260e-01 2.20516361e-02 9.34982672e-02 -2.71329224e-01 -4.35460329e-01 -2.19896406e-01 -1.31895710e-02 -1.48275152e-01 1.61777854e-01 1.33411974e-01 -4.41231668e-01 -4.44246605e-02 5.74364901e-01 2.06992477e-01 -1.82532698e-01 -2.27344468e-01 -1.83840760e-03 -1.40968829e-01 6.48949593e-02 2.63969563e-02 2.45359302e-01 -5.29815331e-02 3.83572578e-01 -9.91422832e-02 5.27815044e-01 -4.51561391e-01 -3.13224703e-01 -8.73236824e-03 -6.67472780e-02 2.61634737e-01 -4.76236314e-01 3.43409568e-01 -1.68302786e-02 2.10187197e-01 5.45310713e-02 -2.88386643e-01 -2.29169428e-01 -9.17589888e-02 1.33491218e-01 -2.46657491e-01 -4.24836218e-01 1.49972275e-01 2.52048999e-01 2.54528582e-01 1.37123009e-02 2.11353391e-01 1.49553448e-01 2.01851845e-01 2.92477697e-01 1.40984669e-01 2.58219838e-01 -2.70328037e-02 -2.29561850e-01 2.86549963e-02 2.77436934e-02 -8.22944567e-02 -1.96375027e-01 2.08996553e-02 -3.76558065e-01 -1.91210322e-02 2.40962759e-01 9.69013274e-02 2.59979874e-01 6.93433508e-02 -5.19141071e-02 -4.02966440e-01 6.38528317e-02 -2.56924093e-01 -2.58171838e-02 -1.71991214e-01 -1.09141000e-01 -3.47002923e-01 3.36099178e-01 -1.28928483e-01 5.20206941e-03 -3.36848386e-02 5.70294559e-02 8.53427798e-02 1.52727917e-01 1.94125965e-01 -3.11988980e-01 -3.44157934e-01 1.22404821e-01 -3.37174207e-01 -1.69485062e-01 1.26415208e-01 2.39640310e-01 4.81472947e-02 1.83589861e-01 2.02702656e-01 1.16050616e-01 2.44727567e-01 4.75901272e-03 4.91396040e-01 3.73287439e-01 1.80780202e-01 3.60420585e-01 2.87133634e-01 8.35319236e-02 -3.29377875e-02 1.86588138e-01 -3.88834864e-01 1.78659886e-01 -7.06875995e-02 2.34836236e-01 2.75496155e-01 2.35868781e-03 -2.61410087e-01 -9.63030476e-03 1.24147885e-01 -5.48588745e-02 -7.08946735e-02 -2.47729436e-01 -2.92805046e-01 -2.31358111e-02 1.85029864e-01 1.94974124e-01 1.09773427e-01 2.81660736e-01 2.45652571e-02 3.65124762e-01 4.93135571e-01 2.19097182e-01 3.42760712e-01 -2.31947437e-01 2.71016415e-02 5.18798888e-01 -1.43979669e-01 2.18900248e-01 -2.60812581e-01 2.29760379e-01 -8.57871845e-02 -2.83285499e-01 1.85036156e-02 -5.19192852e-02 -1.29070282e-01 -2.14269131e-01 7.36229308e-03 7.54063427e-02 -1.65560171e-01 -5.72527610e-02 1.84020177e-01 -3.57665688e-01 -2.47076333e-01 1.94716379e-01 2.47844502e-01 1.19568259e-01 -5.20212650e-02 3.49606425e-02 -1.73252076e-01 6.15521930e-02 5.61408745e-03 -8.99304524e-02 -2.35810608e-01 -1.83478400e-01 -1.33546695e-01 1.57136902e-01 -4.21666503e-02 1.25097290e-01 -4.39687222e-02 1.81243375e-01 -5.96075840e-02 -2.82003731e-01 -7.35843554e-02 -3.64911370e-02 -9.81466770e-02 1.95937395e-01 1.35278404e-01 -2.65004933e-01 1.67407200e-01 -6.41647205e-02 5.32641821e-02 1.36790067e-01 -4.69759060e-03 -2.94567704e-01 2.99617779e-02 2.06643492e-02 -3.70712221e-01 1.72496870e-01 4.20689523e-01 -9.98901799e-02 6.42377958e-02 -9.75906551e-02 8.56852382e-02 -2.26398081e-01 2.27333516e-01 -8.47119465e-02 -2.77210027e-01 7.61476066e-03 6.93504810e-01 2.14416623e-01 1.37350947e-01 2.46277779e-01 -1.36412755e-01 -4.84341770e-01 2.36216515e-01 4.95544165e-01 -2.54481025e-02 9.74027067e-02 -5.93307875e-02 3.78148615e-01 2.19184473e-01 2.76935190e-01 -6.32423609e-02 2.47694239e-01 4.05092202e-02 -5.38742691e-02 -5.31795144e-01 -1.08998865e-01 1.31034538e-01 4.31851670e-02 -3.80947739e-02 2.51910478e-01 5.73470704e-02 -3.62181142e-02 -2.84877062e-01 -2.88764328e-01 4.15099174e-01 -2.14132950e-01 -4.02706027e-01 -2.00273693e-01 1.00203149e-01 8.20406824e-02 2.31616020e-01 -1.03276223e-01 -6.76146755e-03 -1.08544268e-01 1.05728373e-01 -4.09973323e-01 -8.83049741e-02 -3.46625783e-02 -2.51195371e-01 -2.00485036e-01 3.83509733e-02 1.15979448e-01 -3.76736671e-02 -6.56987607e-01 5.52862659e-02]
"Universal Reset Button" active "SCP-6975: Universal Reset Button Item No: SCP-6975 Containment Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6975 is contained in Containment Chamber 08 at Iranian Site-14 and may only be damaged in compliance with the orders of Project Hakam. SCP-6975-1 instances have been placed throughout all Foundation Sites. Should additional SCP-6975-1 instances be required, SCP-1106 may be used to obtain the base materials. Description: SCP-6975 is the heart of Iranian citizen Ruqayyah Abbas. Should SCP-6975 be damaged to the point of being unable to function, the temporal state of the surrounding area1 will be reverted to its state 8 hours prior to the incident. However, only people within 10 metres of SCP-6975 or an SCP-6975-1 instance at the time of the incident will retain memories of the original 8 hours. SCP-6975-1 instances are excised portions of the flesh of Ruqayyah Abbas, each being 1 cm3 in size and contained in a suitably-sized container of embalming fluid. Discovery: On 1953-08-12, a truck crashed in Kermanshahan Province, Iran, instantly killing several members of the Abbas family and causing Ruqayyah Abbas to succumb to exsanguination over the subsequent 10 minutes. On 1953-08-12, Site-14 recorded an abnormal temporal anomaly. Staff found SCP-6975 to be the source of the anomaly and Ruqayyah Abbas was subsequently transported to Site-14. The Abbas family were administered Class-C amnestics and were provided a cover story of Ruqayyah having died of a congenital heart condition. A substitute 6-year-old female corpse was provided for burial. On 1953-09-27, Overseer Command approved the submission of proposals to adapt SCP-6975 for internal Foundation use. Rejected Proposals: Proposed By: Edgar Santiago, Junior Researcher in Site-14 Temporal Analysis Division Method: To execute Ruqayyah Abbas several times in quick succession to see if there is a limit to the number of times SCP-6975 can reverse time. Overseer Command: DENIED as proposal is unlikely to provide information about temporal anomalies that cannot be more easily obtained from other sources. Proposed By: Charlotte Pennycock, Senior Researcher in Site-14 Memetics and Cognitohazards Division Method: To have Ruqayyah Abbas present when exposing test subjects to suspected cognitohazardous anomalies. Should a cognitohazard be discovered, Ruqayyah Abbas would be executed. This would cause the reversal of time to before initial exposure, allowing confirmation of cognitohazard existence without the loss of test subjects. Overseer Command: DENIED due to the potential exposure of Ruqayyah Abbas to cognitohazards and the unknown relationships between temporal anomalies and cognitohazards. Proposed By: Hugh Kirkwell, Head of Site-14 Advanced Interrogation Division Method: To have Ruqayyah Abbas present during the interrogation of captured enemy agents. After 7 hours, Ruqayyah Abbas would be executed. Interrogations could then be repeated indefinitely, utilising previously-gained information to perfect our methods, allowing the process to be concluded with a greater degree of success and in a shorter timeframe than previously possible. Overseer Command: DENIED due to the high potential for hazardous information to be released during interrogation, causing damage to Ruqayyah Abbas and SCP-6975. On 1953-10-12, Charles Martin2 submitted Project Hakam to Overseer Command, detailing his proposal to integrate SCP-6975 into the Foundation's defence system. Following preliminary approval, the proposal was transferred to the Ethics Committee for overview. All subsequent moral objections were overruled by Overseer Command. Project Hakam: From 1953-10-29 to 1955-08-07, over 100,000 SCP-6975-1 instances were produced from extracted portions of Ruqayyah Abbas' body. These instances were placed throughout all Foundation Sites, ensuring they were fully covered by the memory-preservation effects of the SCP-6975-1 instances. On 1955-08-30, SCP-6975 was surgically removed from Ruqayyah Abbas and attached to a suitable machine to simulate the human heartbeat. Ruqayyah Abbas' corpse was then incinerated per Foundation biological waste disposal requirements. As of 1975-07-12, Project Hakam has allowed the Foundation to prevent 19 enemy attacks, 26 containment breaches and the deaths of over 3.9 billion humans. « SCP-6974 | SCP-6975 | SCP-6976 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6975" by LightlessLantern, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Inspired by SCP-5392 by Cremo, which was rewritten as SCP-5576 by Cremo and Jack Waltz. For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 3.62537317e-02 3.86744328e-02 -1.39077738e-01 4.23388816e-02 -2.47351468e-01 -2.07756594e-01 1.19563594e-01 1.02769591e-01 1.54923379e-01 1.35540292e-01 1.56740278e-01 -7.99743384e-02 9.90848094e-02 6.74837902e-02 -1.75732374e-02 2.79422969e-01 -2.73764483e-03 2.13106424e-01 5.01020730e-01 -9.21935588e-03 -1.38000801e-01 -1.04967371e-01 -2.27699310e-01 6.07133396e-02 -9.13597494e-02 3.56207609e-01 1.25980139e-01 1.39897928e-01 -1.20481484e-01 -5.09638369e-01 1.13278188e-01 2.05657154e-01 -1.85900211e-01 3.66520882e-01 -1.13753791e-04 4.38201688e-02 5.50049134e-02 -1.01319693e-01 -3.46057624e-01 4.09243017e-01 -1.61111876e-01 -1.07759252e-01 -1.76025406e-01 -1.90201506e-01 2.87316352e-01 1.08798161e-01 8.76846537e-02 3.02637249e-01 4.42105591e-01 1.34128109e-01 1.55944437e-01 -6.25251457e-02 1.44254282e-01 9.61936563e-02 -2.51629837e-02 4.64937359e-01 -1.53387949e-01 -1.86418638e-01 -4.50927839e-02 3.48854274e-01 1.84698299e-01 2.55793691e-01 -5.58237806e-02 -4.76570912e-02 6.79549798e-02 -4.00557727e-01 2.51463562e-01 8.32992718e-02 2.78866619e-01 8.08594003e-02 3.97786111e-01 -1.19511023e-01 9.02801156e-02 4.00544882e-01 -2.56930143e-01 -2.57617712e-01 1.86875071e-02 3.11201010e-02 -1.87977970e-01 2.72626817e-01 -1.07207835e-01 2.32827008e-01 -2.73996204e-01 -1.83385372e-01 -2.69004405e-01 -3.27250838e-01 -5.49539775e-02 -7.09850341e-02 -1.42648891e-02 1.47704124e-01 2.73896754e-01 3.31213892e-01 2.57092923e-01 -6.54100850e-02 -3.93508188e-02 -4.28754836e-02 -1.20635174e-01 2.89396763e-01 4.31681007e-01 1.26141114e-02 5.56189597e-01 4.97746438e-01 3.97690207e-01 -7.17678964e-02 -3.32014143e-01 1.78296864e-01 7.17391223e-02 -4.78898823e-01 -2.41657212e-01 3.47509205e-01 -2.65117437e-01 3.33031535e-01 1.60131991e-01 -1.27200171e-01 2.38913238e-01 -3.66106979e-03 -1.10368155e-01 -2.30822146e-01 6.71781898e-02 2.20365852e-01 -5.67061007e-01 -2.55813330e-01 -2.23078027e-01 5.07103801e-01 2.40868598e-01 2.14130700e-01 -3.13075259e-02 -4.32538062e-01 -2.36941770e-01 -2.38300264e-01 -2.50544041e-01 -9.52345729e-02 -2.99448311e-01 1.15943246e-01 1.34324282e-01 -2.29513347e-01 -5.75254112e-03 1.45267099e-01 -2.81139046e-01 5.60386665e-02 1.49601936e-01 1.31178901e-01 6.67645633e-01 4.07760948e-01 -1.55367538e-01 1.11839779e-01 -1.17258117e-01 1.80718854e-01 -4.64706682e-04 8.43829215e-02 4.16239381e-01 -2.92741627e-01 1.21770628e-01 2.15074211e-01 -9.46023408e-03 2.62185186e-01 5.57123840e-01 -1.78226069e-01 -1.83066890e-01 -2.44548529e-01 3.76882941e-01 1.15166314e-01 -2.07511589e-01 -2.89063722e-01 3.50353867e-01 4.69206899e-01 -3.36128563e-01 -1.85135230e-01 2.10418493e-01 1.97284538e-02 -1.98796373e-02 1.85968310e-01 -4.50696200e-02 3.42404664e-01 -2.93343484e-01 -2.87295759e-01 -1.98651865e-01 -2.56129384e-01 -5.58176935e-01 -2.43870810e-01 -1.66629970e-01 9.83157530e-02 1.08364467e-02 -1.02640115e-01 7.90143013e-03 2.20743775e-01 -2.06413642e-02 -1.42451078e-01 1.09316304e-01 -1.44102529e-01 -3.35966378e-01 -4.78406191e-01 3.18415612e-01 1.04283340e-01 1.95302203e-01 9.37433988e-02 2.14998275e-01 2.06371382e-01 2.07269758e-01 2.46416509e-01 -3.92203152e-01 -1.19972102e-01 6.19389266e-02 -9.03895218e-03 1.21147446e-01 1.61272615e-01 -1.85623914e-01 8.83595571e-02 1.07611865e-01 1.55209497e-01 1.10292912e-01 -1.70453355e-01 -4.27398860e-01 1.25432983e-01 -2.75631666e-01 -4.88818377e-01 1.93930849e-01 4.22123462e-01 3.96267772e-01 -2.23818406e-01 -1.21106319e-01 1.92202061e-01 1.96539789e-01 -9.51709040e-03 -2.97610849e-01 1.19256824e-01 -3.18628430e-01 -1.98111445e-01 -5.20825624e-01 1.58004761e-01 3.60125780e-01 -8.22668746e-02 2.98557162e-01 -4.64138016e-02 -2.06464916e-01 -1.24883339e-01 -2.27211714e-01 5.45400023e-01 -2.16996536e-01 -4.44112092e-01 1.51460662e-01 4.10599053e-01 1.85576007e-01 -2.16165796e-01 -1.01110943e-01 5.34851432e-01 -1.95838779e-01 -1.43652871e-01 8.34196582e-02 -2.53567427e-01 2.03714952e-01 -4.12258416e-01 -1.57611698e-01 -1.16648346e-01 3.89826745e-02 4.32307452e-01 -4.81533885e-01 3.47978801e-01 8.52628350e-02 5.94204925e-02 -3.89078781e-02 -1.88147217e-01 -4.56464104e-02 -3.39596607e-02 1.14120282e-01 -4.21082288e-01 2.03304321e-01 -3.83006990e-01 1.82751715e-01 2.59349316e-01 1.99089833e-02 -1.12879455e-01 -4.46858145e-02 -1.13684438e-01 1.23830386e-01 -1.98133543e-01 -1.12022802e-01 4.49386865e-01 3.09509337e-01 3.23210955e-02 -4.27646667e-01 -3.41319621e-01 -4.50344868e-02 -3.22186872e-02 -3.52228701e-01 -1.33672599e-02 -2.73085032e-02 -1.44463435e-01 6.08678833e-02 1.17535375e-01 3.84220690e-01 -2.08935484e-01 1.37816876e-01 -2.37201080e-02 1.51785061e-01 9.31180865e-02 -6.08776569e-01 4.79739547e-01 -2.35380888e-01 2.66103685e-01 -4.77843374e-01 4.07154150e-02 -2.59973388e-02 7.51075894e-03 -1.66435331e-01 1.28029794e-01 3.93866867e-01 -2.59991080e-01 -2.91850358e-01 -2.71823585e-01 -2.85830647e-01 4.20846969e-01 1.68415353e-01 -1.37123540e-01 8.14854801e-02 2.43542731e-01 -3.58258560e-02 -2.22078905e-01 2.26828530e-01 -2.16409743e-01 -8.14355388e-02 -5.20462543e-02 -7.54825398e-02 2.38892525e-01 -2.59058364e-03 8.07863176e-02 -6.71521947e-02 -3.72733384e-01 3.99748355e-01 -1.39669210e-01 1.41772345e-01 2.52040833e-01 -1.80844322e-01 2.22304374e-01 7.67177641e-02 -2.17630088e-01 -1.80087134e-01 -2.19580561e-01 -2.90915985e-02 9.47375968e-03 8.59249160e-02 -2.33504940e-02 -9.75292474e-02 1.93272471e-01 2.21686170e-01 -5.32648638e-02 2.72159129e-01 1.40187591e-01 5.19999206e-01 -9.00059491e-02 -1.82766125e-01 6.57414496e-01 7.25059537e-03 -2.07022429e-01 -7.04080239e-02 -2.60091633e-01 -8.39591548e-02 -1.18854746e-01 6.73945099e-02 -1.68903694e-01 1.02825351e-01 1.80553824e-01 7.68284857e-01 -1.05514333e-01 -2.24596605e-01 1.11759240e-02 1.36467487e-01 -1.77303523e-01 1.62466422e-01 -2.54872918e-01 3.35515916e-01 8.82618725e-02 -2.67468482e-01 8.03375691e-02 -2.19159529e-01 1.47587046e-01 5.65229915e-02 -1.59201697e-01 -6.28792882e-01 -2.47548774e-01 -1.96141347e-01 4.16576356e-01 2.59458810e-01 -1.60735399e-01 -4.31579113e-01 -8.12409669e-02 3.65749598e-02 2.26474643e-01 4.88280296e-01 -1.66426852e-01 1.77026913e-01 -7.48456180e-01 2.97862351e-01 3.30811113e-01 2.58737355e-01 7.98110664e-03 3.66581917e-01 -2.05603674e-01 -2.02643558e-01 1.92148462e-01 -2.58557290e-01 7.80584216e-01 -4.23663966e-02 4.71715569e-01 2.55747318e-01 1.13679312e-01 -3.64666045e-01 -1.94874272e-01 2.63530463e-01 1.49810240e-01 2.59754121e-01 -1.99229747e-01 1.75404083e-02 1.11554386e-02 5.91712110e-02 1.19529389e-01 3.00531313e-02 -6.73613884e-03 1.64467581e-02 -5.25628924e-01 -3.68955173e-02 1.55452371e-01 1.74461693e-01 -4.19046402e-01 2.71466643e-01 -3.29755433e-02 -1.50105372e-01 1.61893666e-01 -2.11442664e-01 7.03758895e-02 -1.69042975e-01 -1.79791242e-01 -1.23189762e-01 3.61573994e-01 2.11387634e-01 4.60211366e-01 6.56903535e-02 -5.51909469e-02 2.12996397e-02 9.01180431e-02 4.92544919e-02 -1.15673393e-01 6.85922384e-01 2.73595035e-01 -3.64934560e-03 2.26563349e-01 1.51582375e-01 -1.27357589e-02 -3.04625213e-01 -1.83348268e-01 -1.25300035e-01 1.28345415e-01 -7.87380338e-02 3.86391804e-02 -2.06617981e-01 -2.18091741e-01 -4.14606743e-03 2.44585544e-01 -4.73896526e-02 5.80395401e-01 -2.45669601e-03 1.30627239e+00 2.42567331e-01 1.90965235e-01 5.77526428e-02 -2.12635413e-01 -1.83922186e-01 -4.13963348e-01 3.41429487e-02 -2.41995186e-01 3.52586776e-01 5.86851686e-02 -3.17953706e-01 -9.87769216e-02 1.44627780e-01 -4.75021005e-01 5.56744225e-02 -3.28191310e-01 -9.44821164e-02 3.48000586e-01 2.24681541e-01 -1.99461222e-01 1.90125808e-01 1.67327970e-01 1.24650747e-01 9.67410058e-02 3.00426871e-01 -1.20992184e-01 -5.01834489e-02 2.03757241e-01 -6.70055598e-02 -1.94937974e-01 3.11463494e-02 -9.61897433e-01 2.01255664e-01 -1.02297127e-01 2.73352921e-01 -2.09434867e-01 2.08285004e-02 2.40815118e-01 -2.70791382e-01 8.67073461e-02 2.28188977e-01 5.13313413e-01 3.75673957e-02 7.59985158e-03 -9.05288011e-02 3.57759506e-01 -1.63338572e-01 -3.69005233e-01 1.79320544e-01 -1.36668995e-01 -7.96699151e-02 -3.40741187e-01 1.74507260e-01 6.43079355e-02 -1.03169441e-01 1.06303029e-01 -1.74236044e-01 -2.31147319e-01 -2.19575986e-01 9.81416777e-02 -1.81229904e-01 1.14737138e-01 -2.25853417e-02 -2.63149649e-01 -2.04908490e-01 -1.66563392e-01 4.58650976e-01 -5.81175126e-02 -2.83385664e-01 4.79207262e-02 1.81140564e-02 -3.51389676e-01 -2.58833736e-01 -2.55864352e-01 1.31173735e-03 -7.39891768e-01 -4.74131526e-03 -3.23899508e-01 -1.70509681e-01 3.29248011e-01 5.65129340e-01 1.75471440e-01 -2.29607552e-01 -4.66446310e-01 2.96432171e-02 1.34805739e-01 1.43838137e-01 6.92387819e-02 1.86578393e-01 1.46378800e-01 3.76208872e-01 -3.58987190e-02 9.97979417e-02 -3.73187721e-01 1.26725599e-01 7.57783949e-02 3.18546407e-02 -2.48760864e-01 -4.00142401e-01 9.81395543e-02 -1.95739806e-01 1.51906773e-01 3.00968230e-01 -2.63438016e-01 -1.80440560e-01 4.65371870e-02 1.76276952e-01 2.84814788e-03 3.86672467e-02 -2.32175514e-01 1.69238254e-01 2.99889237e-01 1.91229776e-01 2.69339502e-01 4.40922618e-01 3.08916926e-01 4.90871042e-01 9.19898450e-02 7.89530575e-02 -6.45506084e-02 1.07623488e-01 3.66519183e-01 2.55166322e-01 1.39488831e-01 4.57979701e-02 -4.47892934e-01 -1.61670804e-01 -2.96215236e-01 3.82754177e-01 -5.44256717e-03 1.67448103e-01 1.61490828e-01 -1.96109526e-02 -3.11024576e-01 -1.24216154e-01 -2.07247928e-01 -2.12731641e-02 -3.37246537e-01 -2.19298378e-01 -2.00746372e-01 1.63845107e-01 1.30700603e-01 3.11791822e-02 -5.63225262e-02 -1.04319416e-01 -4.02507558e-02 2.40321100e-01 2.29684621e-01 -6.20763540e-01 -2.53592860e-02 4.05492121e-03 -7.45141953e-02 -1.10122792e-01 -1.27853572e-01 2.87905961e-01 -2.48458639e-01 -1.18233338e-02 -3.36839072e-02 7.25534707e-02 3.72554332e-01 2.21557375e-02 4.78896588e-01 2.40409002e-01 -6.51336610e-02 4.99424964e-01 -1.43593252e-01 1.42299756e-01 -1.08779222e-01 -7.43248463e-02 -1.80158675e-01 1.64171085e-01 2.06162229e-01 2.12198243e-01 5.31776071e-01 -3.84965446e-03 -8.04468710e-03 -1.89276174e-01 2.17289198e-02 -2.35158145e-01 -1.54316142e-01 -3.81678134e-01 -2.31579855e-01 5.20506389e-02 -1.10772368e-03 3.52495849e-01 5.44195212e-02 2.21782878e-01 -2.26200089e-01 3.03991377e-01 2.89675981e-01 8.75507370e-02 2.10727274e-01 -1.18168943e-01 -8.88523832e-02 2.86894649e-01 -2.82732427e-01 2.45636031e-02 1.24085344e-01 2.62292951e-01 -2.39166200e-01 -2.30979279e-01 1.33916602e-01 -7.89564289e-03 -1.21450331e-02 -3.33632708e-01 -1.43217772e-01 1.29295334e-01 -4.01080042e-01 -1.76191926e-01 1.90224335e-01 -1.79477796e-01 -4.52852219e-01 7.46959969e-02 4.42696601e-01 -3.14386189e-02 -1.82880789e-01 -8.53031799e-02 -7.80797973e-02 2.91380465e-01 3.33745033e-01 -2.92173237e-01 -1.45328432e-01 -2.74339199e-01 -6.54136240e-02 2.15535551e-01 -1.04136184e-01 8.10573176e-02 -2.25319937e-01 1.47267655e-01 1.58459187e-01 -5.13751395e-02 -7.47297797e-03 -2.43148729e-02 -1.59113318e-01 3.14910077e-02 8.18896806e-04 1.05648972e-01 5.97230017e-01 2.19217122e-01 9.42548513e-02 -1.11775070e-01 7.35991821e-02 -2.69093335e-01 4.88143452e-02 4.43726122e-01 -2.29456231e-01 1.75892591e-01 3.63778919e-01 8.94367993e-02 -5.08826822e-02 -2.07294062e-01 1.63796052e-01 7.43073449e-02 1.56866863e-01 -2.45349556e-01 -5.19879818e-01 2.29257587e-02 1.88611671e-01 2.53328145e-01 -1.24772981e-01 -3.06790583e-02 -1.04452573e-01 -3.17838848e-01 1.53335398e-02 4.57012087e-01 -5.09725884e-03 1.29235759e-01 1.32877350e-01 1.55355051e-01 -2.39038598e-02 1.99392214e-01 -1.79016814e-01 2.10147247e-01 -1.00506276e-01 -4.14848328e-02 -1.88652113e-01 7.80410469e-02 8.69265422e-02 4.33181942e-01 9.54856500e-02 3.53726834e-01 -2.69829985e-02 2.96868622e-01 -4.95326281e-01 2.05407143e-02 4.72652823e-01 1.39162019e-01 9.59143266e-02 1.25137761e-01 2.38567978e-01 -3.42603959e-02 -4.72526206e-03 -4.46647048e-01 -3.93227339e-02 3.66728753e-02 -3.41973267e-02 -2.99323589e-01 -8.13236646e-03 -2.60472625e-01 -7.81476051e-02 -1.53523341e-01 7.17768520e-02 1.11625381e-01 4.86357696e-02 -3.22475344e-01 1.21174254e-01]
"Don't go breaking my heart" active "Item #: SCP-6976 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6976 is stored in a Safe-class containment locker at Site-23. Description: SCP-6976 is a single human heart comprised of the wood of a red maple tree (Acer rubrum). It is the result of an anomalous phenomenon that affected SCP-6976-1 and -2 forty-five years after their original formation. On 14/02/2021, SCP-6976-1 and -2 were moved into the same containment locker to create storage space for an unrelated object. It was later discovered that the objects had fused together, creating the entity now designated SCP-6976. Despite external factors, SCP-6976 remains at a constant 37 degrees Celsius. SCP-6976-1 was the heart of Nathan Allison. All cardiac muscle tissue in the object was spontaneously transmuted into the wood of the red maple tree at 1:51 PM on April 12th 1976, resulting in Allison's immediate death. SCP-6976-2 was the heart of Ernest Calderman, which experienced an identical transformation simultaneously with SCP-6976-1 and had identical properties. Both Allison and Calderman were seniors at Tazewell High School in Tazewell, Virginia when this occurred. Addendum 6976-1: Suspected Relationship to Other Anomalies Since the inception of the Foundation, the rate at which new anomalous objects arise has been relatively easy to predict. It doesn’t necessarily correlate to the rate at which they’re discovered, since improved technology and research tend to uncover old anomalies that went unnoticed before, but most years we can pretty reliably estimate how many new anomalies are going to come into being, so we know how many to look for. 1976 was not one of those years. Really, it started in the fall of ’75, but it wasn’t until school started back in the spring that we began to notice it. There was a sudden spike in new anomalies. That wasn’t incredibly weird, in and of itself, because that sometimes happens on conceptually significant years like the bicentennial. That alone wasn’t sufficient to explain the spike, though, because there were unusual statistical correlations between many of the new anomalies. Most of them were in the Appalachian region, and they mostly happened to high schools or their students. A statistically abnormal number involved bodies of water, particularly lakes, in some way. Summer camps were another unusual correlation, and music was also a significant element in several of the new objects. We eventually traced some of these incidents back to a new Group of Interest called the Syncope Symphony operating in the area, but not all of them. By the time 6976 happened, we’d already documented close to a dozen of these things. Most of them were harmless, but not all. SCP-332 killed half the students at Kirk Lonwood. A whole town in Indiana had to be evacuated, and everybody in it amnestized, with all the nasty side effects that entailed back then. And I know there was another really bad one, but it must have been a cognitohazard or something, because I don't remember it anymore. But I still remember how the children used to sing. So when 6976 killed two Appalachian band kids, we didn’t take any chances. I couldn’t let that happen again. - [DATA EXPUNGED], Appalachian regional containment director 1969-1976 Tazewell High School was closed early in 1976 and students in its senior class, especially surviving band members, were placed under covert observation while possible ties between SCP-6976 and other phenomena were investigated. To reduce the risk of triggering further incidents, significant school functions1 at THS were canceled. As an additional precaution, all public swimming pools, lakes, and other recreational water facilities within Tazewell County were closed for the summer under various false pretenses. All recreational summer camps in Tazewell County were likewise closed, and the THS marching band was persuaded to practice at the local park instead of attending its normal weeklong training camp. Possibly as a result of these precautions, no further anomalous events occurred in Tazewell County over the summer of 1976. After investigations failed to determine a clear relationship between SCP-6976 and any other anomalies, students were allowed to return to school for the '76-'77 school year as normal. The resumption of classes was not accompanied by any further anomalies. It was therefore assumed that either the formation of SCP-6976 was a unique occurrence, or that further incidents had been successfully prevented by the precautions listed above. Further investigation into SCP-6976 was deemed unnecessary, as was the continuation of containment protocols in Tazewell. Addendum 6976-2: Background Information Nathan Allison and Ernest Calderman were both Tazewell natives. They previously attended Tazewell Elementary and Middle Schools. Nathan Allison was set to graduate eighth in his class. He had been accepted into William & Mary University and was planning to pursue a degree in English, after which he intended to obtain a job teaching English as a second language in a foreign country. Allison's friends reported that he "hated" living in Tazewell and did not plan to return there after graduation. Ernest Calderman had planned to attend Radford University, in Virginia. Shortly before his death, Calderman's parents experienced sudden financial hardship and Calderman decided that he would remain in Tazewell for the following year and work to support his family. His parents stated that he had wanted to return to Tazewell following his degree and that he hadn't considered the prospect of remaining there an extra year to be a burden. Both individuals were members of the Tazewell High School marching band. Allison played flute; Calderman played clarinet. This is the only known connection between the two individuals. When questioned about the victims, the band director remarked that they were very close friends. Other band members declined to comment. Addendum 6976-3: Results of Further Investigation On 22/08/2021, it was suggested that red maple trees at locations Allison and Calderman were known to frequent be examined for possible anomalous influence. On one of the trees at Tazewell High School, the following carving was discovered: « SCP-6975 | SCP-6976 | SCP-6977 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6976" by tawnyowljones, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename:initials.jpg Name: Initials and Heart Carved in Tree Author: SteveWisco License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: picture.jpg Name: B&W THS Author: Kothardarastrix License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Derivative of: TazewellHS.jpg by SheepNotGoats Additional Notes: All I did was make it black and white. For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Tazewell High School in 1976"
[ 3.12398262e-02 -1.19373769e-01 -5.53167127e-02 1.51633397e-01 -1.48637041e-01 -4.30376768e-01 -3.90971035e-01 9.67254043e-02 -1.20351784e-01 2.56938845e-01 2.94679761e-01 2.01064140e-01 -7.71857500e-02 -4.45635706e-01 -1.33697912e-01 -7.09665269e-02 1.41044885e-01 2.93394327e-01 3.97417039e-01 -2.43015721e-01 -2.45714694e-01 1.68158978e-01 9.80188251e-02 6.73175305e-02 -1.48473755e-01 -1.94048941e-01 -1.69780463e-01 2.21590757e-01 -2.03384101e-01 -2.85830021e-01 -1.59279004e-01 1.89703166e-01 -1.07880175e-01 3.40120643e-01 -1.13447182e-04 -1.18456550e-01 1.44395843e-01 1.43821388e-01 -3.72343332e-01 -2.32101455e-02 -2.64295310e-01 -2.55439430e-01 -9.02124271e-02 -7.05131888e-02 2.90641785e-02 -1.71309665e-01 -1.39026635e-03 -8.56436603e-03 1.53152466e-01 1.80950776e-01 1.20009661e-01 8.72547403e-02 2.68202513e-01 -1.50999770e-01 3.62334967e-01 5.76715887e-01 -2.78020322e-01 -2.26450607e-01 1.54879630e-01 7.28627369e-02 -1.88607424e-01 1.52153268e-01 1.93585813e-01 1.74982816e-01 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-2.38385517e-02 9.71192271e-02 -6.17207773e-02 7.96688572e-02 1.79916844e-01 -1.00131199e-01 -5.06624207e-02 -5.29623747e-01 2.66553611e-01 -4.40838300e-02 2.44660929e-01 -3.67466472e-02 6.63534179e-02 -3.10188115e-01 -1.78761721e-01 2.97746032e-01 -1.91423953e-01 8.27785954e-02 1.16452053e-01 2.95683712e-01 3.80606264e-01 7.16282725e-02 -9.21197236e-02 1.51333928e-01 -4.12329346e-01 6.06985152e-01 5.11581361e-01 2.48467416e-01 -3.27468999e-02 -1.04429021e-01 1.45365879e-01 1.13961563e-01 1.23698540e-01 1.49884624e-02 1.10970780e-01 -5.50528288e-01 -1.71611845e-01 7.73881823e-02 6.04730904e-01 -3.61042619e-02 -2.11983114e-01 -2.26219241e-02 6.82006474e-04 -2.38472838e-02 3.01254481e-01 -7.73515105e-02 4.24148887e-02 2.24512562e-01 -2.99790740e-01 7.38854229e-01 5.42069912e-01 2.67493457e-01 2.14948952e-01 -4.79976013e-02 -7.19817281e-02 1.67202696e-01 8.33798572e-02 6.84721675e-03 6.44366324e-01 7.61974230e-02 -2.65520252e-02 1.26607716e-01 2.05230504e-01 5.22481240e-02 1.13681786e-01 5.80587238e-02 -5.01191095e-02 1.25855684e-01 -4.94346954e-02 4.01919574e-01 -4.42539975e-02 -3.61705303e-01 -2.37207174e-01 7.84690797e-01 1.85877293e-01 3.08554769e-01 1.33114427e-01 1.20127356e+00 5.14416993e-01 1.64666355e-01 9.64703970e-03 -3.07679892e-01 3.02680761e-01 -4.10738409e-01 8.45270057e-04 -1.96780667e-01 -1.53141364e-01 1.29738256e-01 -2.53056109e-01 1.16365738e-01 -1.08869217e-01 -4.35352266e-01 -1.32396102e-01 -1.11455165e-01 2.24486858e-01 1.51240647e-01 4.27142233e-01 -1.59498066e-01 1.54088199e-01 2.38579616e-01 1.73899710e-01 9.87415761e-02 2.83613682e-01 6.69281706e-02 -1.33871943e-01 1.43235385e-01 -3.41745019e-02 -3.21826428e-01 -1.28380418e-01 -5.72235942e-01 1.71987444e-01 9.26743969e-02 -2.20294967e-02 2.95187891e-01 1.30139887e-01 2.81456560e-01 -2.00924650e-01 -3.56028415e-02 3.48448217e-01 2.12084547e-01 -3.09633333e-02 2.75912255e-01 -1.45121798e-01 4.73914929e-02 1.17053567e-02 -7.27670267e-02 1.32083088e-01 -1.01754770e-01 -9.72882807e-02 -2.41101295e-01 -1.21343009e-01 4.72303987e-01 -1.64929315e-01 3.43908429e-01 -6.59378991e-02 -1.99491784e-01 -1.23940751e-01 9.99146476e-02 2.39294842e-01 1.68912876e-02 -1.54062688e-01 1.46482930e-01 -3.23755533e-01 1.78427380e-02 2.29727909e-01 -1.72726929e-01 -1.26576275e-01 9.31445733e-02 2.08574057e-01 -2.31492445e-01 -3.77110690e-01 2.73648649e-01 1.59585014e-01 -6.30774558e-01 1.38633505e-01 -8.32392275e-02 -5.10888100e-01 1.50784001e-01 5.87050438e-01 7.80295581e-02 -1.58395901e-01 -4.37285364e-01 -8.22312571e-03 1.83883443e-01 -1.17234036e-01 1.48976846e-02 3.82222861e-01 6.00136705e-02 -2.38561958e-01 -9.18030217e-02 1.89847231e-01 -3.60594779e-01 -1.42811075e-01 1.42632246e-01 -2.43322536e-01 -1.48734629e-01 -3.09496939e-01 3.26836973e-01 -2.15954944e-01 1.58667378e-02 3.10610086e-01 -3.34653854e-02 -1.01008132e-01 -1.80186108e-01 1.67366877e-01 -1.49681628e-01 1.87512413e-01 -3.29823405e-01 -9.38586071e-02 3.35920364e-01 1.75281256e-01 3.14955078e-02 1.31641980e-02 3.94361138e-01 4.07394707e-01 -1.50292918e-01 1.77846193e-01 3.12398016e-01 -1.23718055e-02 3.00130129e-01 6.67837322e-01 -2.22681463e-01 2.18288545e-02 -2.89530426e-01 -1.89936221e-01 1.25898927e-01 4.18397754e-01 -1.34576097e-01 2.39275321e-01 -1.19024873e-01 3.30446064e-01 -3.20505708e-01 1.23013288e-01 -4.77823876e-02 -5.21919094e-02 -3.68752301e-01 -5.01691028e-02 -2.87201166e-01 2.27384493e-01 8.90750811e-02 1.17220767e-01 3.27127576e-02 9.89371017e-02 -1.72740053e-02 2.69721568e-01 -1.73895836e-01 -4.24607247e-01 -3.34446222e-01 2.75969249e-03 6.12555891e-02 3.55425298e-01 1.69308692e-01 3.18789989e-01 -1.57413065e-01 -1.46703377e-01 3.68870705e-01 4.03234661e-02 3.58616829e-01 1.89322010e-01 1.74256608e-01 4.07540739e-01 2.37391084e-01 2.41029903e-01 3.92529160e-01 4.02412802e-01 4.33259234e-02 7.12510645e-02 1.64799273e-01 -1.25776112e-01 1.32175416e-01 1.58539012e-01 -4.29394133e-02 -1.26797020e-01 -2.40328714e-01 -1.89990133e-01 -5.74692599e-02 7.03554647e-03 -3.82251740e-02 -8.89351666e-02 -3.83936226e-01 -1.02983348e-01 -2.05362111e-01 6.37696981e-02 -3.85551993e-03 1.63307443e-01 -7.06727207e-02 3.77776884e-02 4.09814209e-01 1.12177514e-01 5.05197823e-01 -1.88103810e-01 8.25261474e-02 2.13424593e-01 -4.85033803e-02 1.30136594e-01 1.11903526e-01 2.72488534e-01 -1.53717861e-01 -1.68701336e-01 1.82886690e-01 5.08809611e-02 -2.10279554e-01 -5.55473566e-02 -2.21122324e-01 -1.48143977e-01 -1.35112867e-01 1.21639848e-01 1.24773569e-01 -2.32673600e-01 -2.01226585e-02 2.22842712e-02 7.73565710e-01 -7.79900141e-03 2.51024485e-01 -4.22479212e-01 -8.57450664e-02 7.54909292e-02 -9.61433128e-02 -2.03388035e-01 -5.17042875e-01 -6.94609657e-02 -2.52143234e-01 1.19811125e-01 -4.35282320e-01 7.04855323e-02 -2.48679787e-01 1.37779802e-01 2.33571649e-01 -2.60219932e-01 -9.04980525e-02 -1.74571171e-01 -3.82990241e-01 2.03881532e-01 1.95094422e-02 -1.70821503e-01 2.56368905e-01 3.04593116e-01 1.60461664e-01 1.14120953e-01 -1.11415446e-01 4.90817428e-01 -4.12179142e-01 1.27205059e-01 -2.89627165e-01 -2.55648848e-02 2.78329223e-01 -3.68053466e-02 1.68474346e-01 1.47646472e-01 8.86386335e-02 8.96378905e-02 8.17203820e-02 -5.07088602e-01 -3.27738017e-01 -2.94530272e-01 -2.52812412e-02 2.44650885e-01 7.51203820e-02 -1.10944144e-01 -1.26013562e-01 -5.06621301e-01 4.48787659e-02 2.52929211e-01 -2.61409909e-01 1.81246161e-01 3.54459286e-02 4.58276182e-01 -1.03009259e-02 3.29032242e-01 1.31657958e-01 -3.22942704e-01 -3.69341858e-02 3.25724334e-02 -2.99426526e-01 3.72998357e-01 -5.91987446e-02 1.67771876e-01 -1.04611449e-01 3.71084958e-01 4.86302339e-02 5.51723763e-02 -2.70458341e-01 -3.77934515e-01 5.29413998e-01 -2.72105664e-01 -1.26878526e-02 7.17311576e-02 2.07072735e-01 3.26809675e-01 -2.80741543e-01 -5.00149786e-01 -2.58673012e-01 -7.20589831e-02 -9.59433615e-03 -1.88843638e-01 -2.47214630e-01 -1.41411513e-01 -9.88246873e-02 -8.76554176e-02 5.20538330e-01 1.23038076e-01 -1.40478238e-01 4.86827381e-02 -2.91174334e-02]
"Whatever Happened to Officer Big Mac?" active "SCP-6977 - Whatever Happened to Officer Big Mac? Authored by J Dune, GremlinGroup, and Elenee FishTruck MCDONALDS WILL MAKE YOU FAT THEY SERVE BIG MACS THEY SERVE QUARTER-POUNDERS THEY WILL PUT POUNDS ON YOU ROCK 'N' ROLL MCDONALDS ROCK 'N' ROLL MCDONALDS ROCK 'N' ROLL MCDONALDS ROCK 'N' ROLL MCDONALDS ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains mentions of child consumption. ⚠️ content warning SCP-6977 Special Containment Procedures: A remote surveillance system monitors SCP-6977’s containment cell. Children may not enter Area-179 unaccompanied. Per Addendum 6977.2, investigation into anomalous activity from the McDonalds corporation is a top priority. Description: SCP-6977 is a McDonald's Playland Officer Big Mac Climber, a playground attraction resembling former McDonald’s mascot Officer Big Mac1. Children may climb into the “head”, via a small entrance on the back of the tubular base, and peer out the bars of the attraction as if in a jail cell. SCP-6977 displays signs of sapience. The anomaly moves the top portion of its head autonomously when communicating with children under 9 years of age. Individuals over 9 cannot perceive SCP-6977’s speech. When the top half of SCP-6977’s head descends, the bars remain static, piercing the structure's upper "bun". The anomaly expresses pain from the punctures, though all wounds inflicted heal over time. SCP-6977 attempts to lure children it communicates with into its head for consumption. Objects inside SCP-6977's head will disappear upon the head’s complete closure and a varyingly long mastication period, leaving behind only minor viscera. Foundation personnel discovered SCP-6977 after the disappearance of 6-year-old Jagjit Dhiman at a McDonald's PlayPlace in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The attraction had remained at the location without notice for 30 years prior, besides minor reports from children at play of pained groans and wheezes. Foundation investigators believe it only gained the ability to move its head when its bars had deteriorated enough. Addendum 6977.1: Initial Interview Log After ascertainment of SCP-6977’s anomalous properties, Dr. Dunn brought her child, seven-year-old Elizabeth Dunn, to Area-179 for an interview with the anomaly. The younger Dunn acted as transcriber. (Dr. Dunn and two armed guards escort Elizabeth Dunn into SCP-6977’s containment cell. SCP-6977’s head starts moving.) SCP-6977: A CHILD! A TASTY CHILD FOR ME TO EA- Dunn: (Gasps) You do talk! SCP-6977: I TALK, YES, I DO TALK! I’M A FUN TALKING BURGER! WHY DON’T YOU CRAWL INSI- Dunn: I can’t. Mommy told me to ask you some questions and then I can get a treat. SCP-6977: I- OH FUCK. FUCK, NO, NOT HERE. Dunn: What does fu- SCP-6977: I EAT ONE GODDAMN CHILD AND I GET SENT TO THE CONTAINMENT FREAKS! FUCK! YOU'RE ALL THE WORST! (Brown fluid leaks from where metal bars pierce the top half.) Dunn: That’s mean, Mr. Burger! SCP-6977: FUCK YOU! GODDAMN DELICIOUS SACK OF ORGANS! I JUST WANT TO EAT SOME BONES. Dunn: Y- You said you eat children? SCP-6977: I’D EAT SOME MORE IF I WASN’T A KIDDY ATTRACTION. I ATE TWELVE KIDS A DAY IN MY PRIME. SUCH HALCYON DAYS. Dunn: I don’t even know who you are, Mr. Burge- SCP-6977: I’M OFFICER BIG MAC, DAMN IT. THIS IS HORRIBLE. GODDAMN DOUBLE-CROSSING WHITE FACE WHORE. HE COULD EAT TWENTY OF THE SUCKERS IN TEN MINUTES. Dunn: Who? SCP-6977: YOU KNOW THE ONE. DON’T SAY HIS NAME, HE COULD BE LISTENING. Dunn: O- OK. I just wanted to ask you some questions. Question number one: How did you gain sa- say-peence… Dr. Dunn: Sapience, sweety. Dunn: Sapience. SCP-6977: I DON’T KNOW! LONG AS I’VE LIVED? WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT? I CAN TELL YOU, THIRTY GODDAMN YEARS AS A POLE NEARLY MADE ME LOSE SAPIENCE. FUCK, I NEED A LIMB. Dunn: Question number two- SCP-6977: JUST LET ME HAVE THEM. THEY’RE RIGHT THERE, DANGLING IN FRONT OF ME. JUICY JUICY FLOPPERS. Dunn: You can't eat me, Mr. Burger! How do you even grow a burger head, anyways? SCP-6977: Y- YOU GROW FROM A BURGER PLANT. WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU GROW FROM? Dunn: Are you born with a body? SCP-6977: NO, IT’S A PLANT, YOU- IT SNAPS OFF THE STALK AND THE LIMBS SPROUT OUT LA- Dunn: Do you eat burgers? SCP-6977: NO, YOU PSYCHO! (Sighs) THIS IS WHY THEY GOT RID OF KIDS FROM THERE. WELL, THAT AND THE WHOLE “NO WITNESSES” THING. STUPID SCRUMPTIOUS BASTARDS. Dunn: From where? SCP-6977: YOU KNOW. “YOU” BEING THE PERSON READING THIS FILE. YOU KNOW MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. I'M NOT RISKING IT MYSELF. 1977, NEVER FORGET! Dunn: Well, it was, uh, nice talking to you! I have to go now. Bye! SCP-6977: NO, DON’T GO, I’LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW. I SWEAR IT! I’M TELLING YOU- Dunn: If you tell me the name of the place, I'll, uh, give you the biggest child I can. SCP-6977: (Gasps) FOR ME? RIPE? PLUMP? Dunn: All those words. SCP-6977: OH THANK FUCK, I'LL TELL YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MCDONALDLAND. Dunn: OK! (Dunn and attendees leave the cell.) SCP-6977: HEY, WAIT! OH, MOTHER OF FUCK. JUST FEED ME, DAMN IT! I’M A GOOD COP! As a reward for aiding containment efforts, Elizabeth Dunn’s request for a Burger King meal was approved, subsidized by the containment budget. Addendum 6977.2: Collected Documents Following Addendum 6977.1, Area-179 filed a RAISA inquest for mentions of “McDonaldland”. No uploaded Foundation Intranet documents were found. Further requests, emphasizing the concerning nature of SCP-6977's awareness of the Foundation and a lack of other McDonald's-based anomalies on-record, led to RAISA searching its physical archives. Three documents were found. Containment Proposal Submitted 10/19/1976 Abstract With the raid against Nx-191 ("McDonaldland") imminent, the Foundation requires an inconspicuous and reasonable cover story for the nexus' sudden disappearance. We propose a faux legal battle between Sid & Marty Krofft and the McDonald's Corporation. In such a case, Sid & Marty Krofft would sue McDonald's for plagiarizing characters from the TV series H.R. Pufnstuf in their McDonaldland advertising campaign. McDonald's losing such a case would reasonably result in a drastic altering or haulting of the McDonaldland campaign. We would requisition professional actors to play the parts of representatives from both companies, advertising agents, and judges. In recompense for false legal proceedings, via our contacts with Henson Associates, Inc., we would provide Sid & Marty Krofft with financial assistance. Please contact the NXMCD-Site-25 Office of Containment Proposals for a full copy. Site-25 Memo In preparation for the raid on Nx-191, please attend sessions on nomenclative detachment. It is imperative that PoI-982 is not referred to by name.2 Transcript of Found Video Tape (Labeled “send to 25”) (Heavy video distortion. Tape clears to a shaky perspective, hiding behind a wooden crate bearing a Golden Arches logo on its side. Operator appears located inside a massive warehouse; the purple walls bear the same golden insignia. Giant hamburgers with wheels and motor controls line the sides.) (The camera blurs and zooms in. Two figures, a burger-headed humanoid ("Officer Big Mac") and PoI-982 (“██████ ████████”), stand in the frame’s center. Big Mac backs away from PoI-982 with his hands up in defense. PoI-982 steadily approaches.) Big Mac: (Sobbing) It was never about downsizing, was it? PoI-982: Listen, Mac, it’s nothing personal. I already did the same thing with McCheese. Big Mac: We’re on the same side! PoI-982: You’re a good cop, Mac. Too good. Can’t risk snitches, now can we? (Officer Big Mac backs against a hamburger car, placing his hands on the top bun.) Big Mac: I can help you, ██████. I ca- (PoI-982 snaps their fingers. Tape picks up a cracking sound. Officer Big Mac's body conjoins as a blue, tubular base, immobilizing him.) Big Mac: DAD, PLEASE! (The perspective zooms out and moves from the scene as the camera picks up a metallic scraping sound. A red gloved-hand grazes by the lens before the video turns off.) There is no current Site-25. The former Site-25's supposed location, according to historical listings, is currently occupied by a McDonald’s franchise. SCP-4844 — Last Man Standing, by TyGently SCP-4357 — Slimelord, by LiterallyMechanical « SCP-6976 | SCP-6977| SCP-6978 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6977" by Elenee FishTruck, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: mcdonalds.jpg Name: McDonald's Author: Mike Mozart License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr Filename: officer_mac.jpg Name: Officer big mac playground.jpg Author: Jonathan McIntosh License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." ". The retrieval site of SCP-6977"
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-7.36365095e-02 -9.32580605e-02 4.95974600e-01 2.92043865e-01 4.55033064e-01 2.77042389e-01 -3.05853397e-01 -1.42761813e-02 -5.28456410e-03 -7.27745220e-02 1.57581717e-01 -7.34892637e-02 1.63833886e-01 7.46431649e-02 -1.54026881e-01 9.68958884e-02 -5.17264187e-01 -3.03258654e-02 -8.16898271e-02 6.76616803e-02 -5.50404191e-01 5.89898694e-03 -2.92059869e-01 -4.77228314e-02 2.07223654e-01 -2.79562473e-01 -8.12424570e-02 3.44821781e-01 -5.48676625e-02 4.18758020e-02 6.77389354e-02 -2.14483172e-01 -7.55437165e-02 1.25841856e-01 1.76949963e-01 -3.52007657e-01 3.19370925e-01 2.91113228e-01 -2.36730978e-01 7.35061169e-02 -8.37575048e-02 2.31153265e-01 1.13128729e-01 -2.87979573e-01 -1.28780708e-01 3.20808262e-01 -8.34620595e-02 2.98384167e-02 -4.82801422e-02 3.04017693e-01 -2.63389736e-01 -1.77376881e-01 1.30446494e-01 3.60269658e-02 -1.03423119e-01 4.75305170e-01 -2.56659031e-01 2.77865469e-01 -6.15776554e-02 5.44712126e-01 3.65238599e-02 3.63217026e-01 -2.99488783e-01 5.87756522e-02 1.45655602e-01 2.30220351e-02 -2.41057321e-01 2.09156275e-02 -3.43008786e-01 1.33888066e-01 -1.14566892e-01 5.80952883e-01 2.03013849e-02 3.21602255e-01 -2.46767998e-01 -4.05601151e-02 -1.43626019e-01 -1.21136457e-01 3.21591645e-01 -9.00477171e-02 -3.40072215e-01 -3.19981843e-01 -5.12147769e-02 4.55901891e-01 9.09531787e-02 2.01330170e-01 1.99221879e-01 1.75240993e-01 -2.66091675e-02 2.23397136e-01 -2.69548565e-01 -1.52874351e-01 -2.07838356e-01 2.27278665e-01 -1.39465272e-01 1.83461735e-03 3.31419021e-01 -1.65958740e-02 -3.32807392e-01 -1.86356097e-01 -1.63033634e-01 1.15551114e-01 -9.74078998e-02 -1.81617066e-01 -4.25436974e-01 2.68851608e-01 5.17864861e-02 5.42603061e-02 2.78972089e-02 1.00644208e-01 -7.37390593e-02 -2.79346377e-01 -2.31030822e-01 -2.36428797e-01 2.04761419e-02 2.27222312e-02 -3.60571444e-01 2.82331824e-01 -4.42548543e-02 -3.82438183e-01 -3.44195098e-01 2.52652943e-01 -5.28615057e-01 -1.67087112e-02 -1.30208433e-01 3.14259194e-02 1.17703430e-01 -3.19174707e-01 3.89984190e-01 4.56563709e-03 3.06391984e-01 -5.03685959e-02 -9.81688425e-02 -2.81319797e-01 7.85120726e-02 4.30126965e-01 -2.64858752e-01 1.23594202e-01 1.94026202e-01 2.67245829e-01 -1.02907121e-01 1.39501646e-01 1.38636321e-01 -1.58280909e-01 3.27204764e-01 9.63600203e-02 -3.64493430e-01 -4.64847088e-02 -1.87595859e-01 1.58508807e-01 2.26436242e-01 -3.68964940e-01 3.04217786e-01 3.77870709e-01 -3.95242423e-02 2.95506921e-02 -1.11453950e-01 3.53694230e-01 3.31711397e-02 9.08562839e-02 2.32915550e-01 -1.19369365e-01 1.98712155e-01 -1.82340574e-02 -2.11466208e-01 4.38716084e-01 2.09590107e-01 6.30212054e-02 1.00629464e-01 2.75464505e-01 -2.10280702e-01 -1.66615099e-02 4.30547707e-02 1.19627051e-01 1.11381866e-01 -2.87980586e-01 3.83102268e-01 -2.16526929e-02 1.04219154e-01 -9.84426960e-02 -1.98119745e-01 1.61210313e-01 4.66220886e-01 -6.55827522e-02 -1.78931194e-04 -1.66594356e-01 -1.63775399e-01 -2.15305254e-01 2.92093575e-01 -1.17816171e-03 -8.94048512e-02 4.31500971e-01 -1.97004423e-01 7.49848261e-02 1.85753405e-01 5.09462535e-01 1.90527380e-01 -1.33322105e-01 1.07924819e-01 1.55102789e-01 2.72531193e-02 -2.02933967e-01 5.63633069e-03 -2.10769594e-01 3.02077234e-01 8.79194960e-02 1.02593385e-01 -4.92970236e-02 1.65451735e-01 -4.15359512e-02 1.21425435e-01 4.02864488e-03 -3.81506354e-01 -2.22665500e-02 3.41204375e-01 -8.95118639e-02 -2.20986113e-01 -1.52745888e-01 7.04096779e-02 -1.44391909e-01 8.37220252e-02 1.13280833e-01 -2.39371970e-01 -1.40338778e-01 1.17964074e-01 1.12100877e-01 -4.52653319e-01 -1.11336112e-01 5.18498719e-02 1.66181937e-01 3.04787040e-01 -1.06627522e-02 -2.12365285e-01 3.99222583e-01 -1.73413366e-01 3.64569664e-01 9.81632993e-02 -2.84473300e-01 -1.38283521e-01 1.45123988e-01 -1.57234281e-01 -8.02863017e-02 8.55329186e-02 -2.07733080e-01 -3.77458304e-01 -3.02058518e-01 -2.13318199e-01 1.31627068e-01 -2.27852985e-01 -2.51056373e-01 1.16173364e-01 -1.07165044e-02 -4.92066860e-01 -1.18315019e-01 -6.99939504e-02 -4.93891180e-01 -1.91662699e-01 -3.25519778e-02 2.17211321e-02 -2.22000733e-01 -1.04289584e-01 5.51462293e-01 1.69521701e-02 -2.29137346e-01 6.49252176e-01 5.64135658e-03 1.96631812e-02 5.00514686e-01 -1.76996619e-01 2.05562934e-01 -2.18170485e-03 2.48449445e-02 -4.79072273e-01 -1.58778697e-01 -2.09589988e-01 2.09327545e-02 1.64477170e-01 -1.69814616e-01 -1.86459407e-01 -3.31965312e-02 -4.59651411e-01 -2.91723937e-01 -1.31109700e-01 -1.03510551e-01 3.24538827e-01 -2.23344505e-01 1.01513438e-01 1.50314448e-02 -2.89448529e-01 -2.14653149e-01 -1.68690264e-01 -3.30834538e-01 1.85725719e-01 3.54846269e-01 3.98654312e-01 -1.54453024e-01 -3.81389171e-01 1.54341489e-01 2.93465793e-01 -6.02240443e-01 -1.62720814e-01 9.19894502e-03 4.99782376e-02 3.64430159e-01 4.27700281e-01 -2.02993214e-01 3.43921125e-01 6.41692951e-02 2.05425061e-02 3.34457040e-01 4.38022278e-02 2.00853631e-01 1.85418949e-01 -1.08822927e-01 -2.43152395e-01 -3.06850702e-01 1.29163703e-02 4.09368157e-01 -2.12087557e-01 -7.47756213e-02 -6.35929331e-02 -4.50938582e-01 -2.24879414e-01 -7.24275038e-02 8.71884748e-02 -1.07911415e-01 -9.55062360e-02 -7.42403865e-01 7.23128393e-02 -4.88965958e-02 1.09720416e-01 9.74386185e-03 3.17089617e-01 -1.53330918e-02 -3.38572770e-01 1.92680601e-02 7.53857195e-02 9.29591179e-01 4.17867810e-01 2.68950582e-01 4.73608762e-01 8.09614137e-02 3.77433032e-01 -2.00698450e-01 -1.11170948e-01 4.75452334e-01 3.33212763e-01 -2.21883878e-01 -5.32372333e-02 6.65308088e-02 -1.19112901e-01 -2.47229636e-01 1.14345774e-01 -2.84089774e-01 1.35810569e-01 -6.06970079e-02 4.30310130e-01 1.98897600e-01 3.87325019e-01 -3.53191495e-02 -3.08747351e-01 -1.15994714e-01 5.74604124e-02 -5.66298254e-02 3.72257382e-01 2.98071951e-01 -5.37913181e-02 1.77343920e-01 -1.13453180e-01 2.50586063e-01 1.36889368e-01 5.48464954e-01 2.11983234e-01 3.15751463e-01 -6.14628009e-02 2.86769658e-01 1.04269251e-01 3.63417447e-01 6.69056773e-01 3.56198311e-01 1.10491160e-02 -4.74398360e-02 2.06534639e-01 3.38493854e-01 1.83404475e-01 -1.06400110e-01 3.87908728e-03 7.12621724e-03 2.29240209e-01 3.26078922e-01 1.75565481e-01 -2.32800797e-01 -3.33713740e-01 -1.45868734e-01 3.20940688e-02 -1.69497401e-01 1.42696783e-01 1.16238332e+00 2.74134934e-01 2.08387777e-01 1.45778656e-01 2.61505693e-01 4.82616633e-01 -6.41847134e-01 1.73947528e-01 -2.16807768e-01 -1.55763030e-01 1.01524413e-01 -2.72485286e-01 -2.39976764e-01 1.44646108e-01 -4.55037683e-01 -1.89855751e-02 -6.43498227e-02 2.02229410e-01 3.12155962e-01 -2.43802100e-01 -2.00317249e-01 -3.02548744e-02 5.26887029e-02 2.36241743e-01 1.38641112e-02 -1.42883942e-01 -2.23054156e-01 -1.36499688e-01 -7.37807974e-02 2.25791022e-01 -1.42352745e-01 -4.68901545e-02 -6.18963957e-01 -2.23235767e-02 6.06350362e-01 2.56902516e-01 -2.53713548e-01 -3.52880001e-01 4.74287495e-02 -8.31849501e-02 -9.89825651e-02 1.81244478e-01 7.02973962e-01 5.80633469e-02 2.08684012e-01 2.55109727e-01 1.09708071e-01 1.23380549e-01 -1.92243345e-02 7.05484301e-02 5.73574640e-02 8.06889310e-02 -1.17187731e-01 5.64636514e-02 7.25443512e-02 9.31587163e-03 -1.92708790e-01 7.89301172e-02 1.53680325e-01 1.25454217e-01 1.06119007e-01 1.88518554e-01 -6.32867962e-02 -2.06958801e-01 2.33236760e-01 -1.68235704e-01 -1.19446148e-03 3.43388349e-01 1.74150635e-02 -4.37566072e-01 -2.17896000e-01 1.67943671e-01 -7.33879432e-02 -2.63676673e-01 -2.19680995e-01 -2.80761302e-01 1.90269977e-01 1.44316792e-01 2.54328060e-03 -5.47383785e-01 2.02196419e-01 -4.12229970e-02 1.20363563e-01 -1.81705356e-01 -1.40572220e-01 -3.10648710e-01 -1.78877234e-01 1.07728414e-01 -3.48233402e-01 -1.48233399e-01 -6.16251379e-02 2.52918452e-01 -1.88519135e-01 1.09616071e-01 -3.44722390e-01 1.44839689e-01 -2.10900530e-01 6.38878122e-02 -7.99534321e-02 -4.05699790e-01 -6.72980323e-02 -1.00119397e-01 1.31544754e-01 2.22404793e-01 -2.29356319e-01 -2.20747739e-01 -1.89496130e-01 1.72125742e-01 5.92839718e-02 -2.47695893e-01 -1.49956733e-01 2.43274137e-01 2.51688600e-01 1.07996292e-01 -1.11831173e-01 -4.76675155e-03 1.84037670e-01 2.11306542e-01 -8.68600830e-02 6.27098382e-02 1.96231753e-01 1.55439332e-01 5.31900644e-01 3.15272003e-01 9.95778199e-03 1.28594726e-01 -1.89235136e-01 -4.80449153e-03 8.51482973e-02 7.67325461e-02 -2.57742435e-01 1.70098305e-01 2.67951131e-01 2.00028881e-01 -4.37850535e-01 -6.93504810e-02 -3.29264104e-01 3.18574965e-01 -2.11917028e-01 2.71442309e-02 1.79131418e-01 2.32051715e-01 -1.17653534e-01 -9.88982711e-03 3.45384687e-01 6.59257034e-03 -1.59777969e-01 4.11010742e-01 4.32000756e-02 -3.73129487e-01 1.18178144e-01 1.52489066e-01 -8.91424417e-02 5.10990322e-01 -7.17430860e-02 2.34132677e-01 -4.35086004e-02 -1.61869094e-01 4.59367335e-01 4.05476779e-01 3.31766605e-01 1.75569162e-01 2.39324823e-01 -3.49747054e-02 2.23783731e-01 3.04429024e-01 2.04372972e-01 1.33926511e-01 -1.66202024e-01 2.69123286e-01 -2.05727115e-01 -8.89628753e-02 -1.91530421e-01 1.46466330e-01 2.10010875e-02 -3.70287001e-01 -1.88110650e-01 -8.20897669e-02 -1.90633357e-01 1.32540524e-01 1.96545452e-01 -1.32306844e-01 -7.20574260e-01 -2.40663782e-01 -1.23836495e-01 -4.32692498e-01 -2.67944559e-02 2.04080909e-01 -4.36590388e-02 -8.36390406e-02 -2.22049981e-01 -6.04594797e-02 2.60300100e-01 -2.30578005e-01 2.26038158e-01 -2.74460346e-01 3.39721330e-02 2.11868674e-01 6.73728213e-02 3.68109316e-01 1.61820322e-01 -3.60480100e-01 -3.18739712e-02 -1.60512716e-01 -1.15821892e-02 -1.40500829e-01 1.26717418e-01 2.18426976e-02 -2.27784768e-01 -2.76389569e-01 1.45373046e-01 -1.17114976e-01 1.87164694e-02 1.43981978e-01 6.84529394e-02 -3.34498174e-02 -1.57413445e-02 -1.68001081e-03 -2.51078513e-02 -1.13606066e-01 4.34832722e-02 -1.73347279e-01 -1.11477189e-01 -8.25782120e-02 9.87996999e-03 1.52590886e-01 -2.67328590e-01 1.10339761e-01 -1.68150336e-01 -4.75585200e-02 6.27171159e-01 -6.22714385e-02 2.18653195e-02 -9.81457978e-02 -7.02898502e-02 2.00572610e-01 6.30433559e-02 -1.37031302e-01 1.38744414e-01 -2.45175749e-01 -1.82525758e-02 3.16769749e-01 -1.66853413e-01 3.62006277e-01 -1.99997813e-01 3.79638746e-02 -4.24323231e-01 7.60289356e-02 4.46125597e-01 8.10518339e-02 1.66668594e-01 3.30084525e-02 7.06488416e-02 -5.74461877e-01 7.89581984e-02 2.63215639e-02 -4.90778178e-01 -2.99632341e-01 6.02143884e-01 5.01205325e-01 -9.76326987e-02 -2.77012587e-01 2.46894121e-01 -2.12602571e-01 -4.98689227e-02 1.01827592e-01 2.91992538e-02 3.07696640e-01 8.53165090e-02 1.10198021e-01 -3.93086188e-02 4.40405041e-01 4.42911178e-01 7.73762465e-02 1.93167388e-01 1.81952249e-02 -2.65174001e-01 -9.71786454e-02 -1.78895429e-01 1.24640159e-01 9.28426906e-02 2.23287895e-01 -2.25874320e-01 2.44848117e-01 -2.28030309e-01 -8.78612697e-02 3.62746060e-01 -2.26474464e-01 -3.09421122e-01 -1.75872505e-01 2.03912139e-01 1.07035935e-01 -3.62139642e-01 -3.67216557e-01 -2.84336209e-02 4.79565701e-03 -4.72634174e-02 -1.48071066e-01 -1.59750372e-01 -5.64885497e-01 -2.48492911e-01 -1.09541439e-01 1.09752841e-01 -1.54167339e-01 -1.79371126e-02 -5.10887317e-02 -2.19783708e-02]
"Night Parade of a Single Demon" active "Threat Level: Orange Description: SCP-6979 is a selectively corporeal humanoid entity that periodically manifests within the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area. SCP-6979 appears as a tall, pale woman with long, black hair dressed in a uniform characteristic of Japanese office women. It wears a surgical mask covering its mouth, and is regularly seen carrying a red umbrella, regardless of the weather. SCP-6979 manifests during the night, following a set pattern of actions: No change has ever been documented from this set of actions, except in step 4; when thanking a subject, different phrases have been documented. Whether this demonstrates sentience is still under consideration. Discovery: The first recorded attack attributed to SCP-6979 occurred in July of 1979. However, information compiled by the defunct Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency (IJAMEA) describes a similar entity manifesting as far back as the 17th century. The description of its appearance indicates changes in clothing to reflect the era, and that its attacks seemed to only frighten people before demanifesting. SCP-6979 events were first believed to be the work of a serial killer, sensationalized by the media as part of Japan’s urban legend surge during the decades of 1970 and 1980. It wasn’t until 1982 that emerging detection technology allowed for proper classification as an anomalous entity. By then, SCP-6979 had become a popular urban legend, the entity being known as the "Kuchisake-onna" (口裂け女, "Slit-Mouthed Woman"), different iterations of its legend spreading across Japan. These were allowed to propagate, as they obscured SCP-6979’s authenticity. This measure was taken after several failed attempts at containing SCP-6979: Due to its erratic nature, it’s impossible to predict the time and location of its manifestations. Research into means of containment continued until 1992, freezing after the 1991 Japanese economic bubble burst. Research resumed in 2013 as part of Project Kakurenbo.6 To circumvent SCP-6979’s unpredictable nature, GoI-921 ("Shūshū-In")7 was contacted to arrange a precognition ritual to ascertain the entity’s next appearance. The process was successfully carried out in 2014/04/18, and the resulting information was quickly taken into account to formulate the following plan: PROBLEM SCP-6979 is set to appear in 3-chōme-25 Sakura, Setagaya, Tokyo (35°38'26.9"N 139°38'22.5"E) on the 25th of June at 3:38 AM, 68 days from now. While ample time, the unknown physical capabilities of the entity point that care must be taken while carrying out the following plan, applying the knowledge acquired through previous failed attempts at capture. While the Shūshū-In ritual has been effective in the past, the Administrative Committee would prefer not to rely on outsider methods. This, coupled with the necessity of the Ethics Committee approving its usage would mean failure would most likely freeze the operation for a considerable amount of time. The main issue with SCP-6979 itself is its immaterial nature, which allows it to manifest and demanifest in short periods of time. This, mixed with the difficulty of reaching it in time makes the anomaly extremely difficult to contain. SOLUTION During previous attempts, it was discovered SCP-6979 is susceptible to reality alterations, through the use of reality absorbing ammunition.8 While ineffective, the ammunition’s trajectory changed by several degrees, showing refractive properties. At the time, reality stabilizing technology was limited to machinery requiring previous assembly; due to SCP-6979’s traits, this couldn’t be relied on. Now that the location and time of its next attack is known, an array of no less than 3 Lang-Scranton Reality Stabilizers (LSRS) will be positioned around the perimeter, and will be activated upon contact with SCP-6979. Regarding contact with the entity, the street will be closed earlier during the day, and a D-class employee will be taken to the area to become the subject of the attack. No less than three members of Rho-12 ("Yōkai Batch") will be positioned around the perimeter, with an operator coordinating the process. The D-class will be equipped with a PPI9 stimulating collar, and will be given a series of questions to ask SCP-6979, to keep it engaged, and to test the entity’s sentience if possible. Must be discouraged from replying to any question it may arise in the affirmative or negative.10 Rho-12 members will be equipped with Type-96 prosopagnosic goggles11, which have proven somewhat effective in delaying SCP-6979’s response to outside intervention, and rifles with three types of ammunition: KNOWN ISSUES There is a considerable chance that the plan delineated here ends up in failure, due to the many unknown traits possessed by SCP-6979. Were it to go awry, the primary goal of the mission will be to minimize damage, with the secondary goal of gathering as much information as possible with the assets at hand. Letisya Çağlayan, Head of Engineering, Project Kakurenbo Addendum SCP-6979.1: The plan described on the previous proposal was confirmed to be able to be carried out, and went into effect on the day of the manifestation, at 3:00 AM. A log of the operation through D-41210's feed can be accessed below: Video Log Transcript Date: 2014/06/25, 03:15 AM JST Overseeing operator: Kyoko Ishida, STF Chi-18 Field agents: D-41210 / R12-1 / R12-2 / R12-3 / R12-4 / R12-5 Technicians: T-01 / T-02 / T-03 [BEGIN LOG] Note: Extraneous dialogue has been removed. R12-4: We have visual confirmation of SCP-6979. R12-3 There she is, yeah. Goggles are working as intended. She's slowly moving towards subject. Prepare for encounter. D-41210: Alright. (Subject taps foot for a few seconds before SCP-6979 is seen entering the frame through a nearby alleyway) I see her. Um, visual confirmation. OvOp: D-41210, do you need assistance with the dialogue prepared- D-41210: No, no, there's no need. I got this. OvOp: Alright. Start the stabilizers. (SCP-6979 is seen slowly approaching the subject until it is a few meters from them. Entity is carrying an umbrella and looking down at D-41210. A low whirring sound can be heard as the LSRS are turned on. SCP-6979 doesn't seem to notice this.) SCP-6979: Am I pretty? D-41210: (Nods) Yes, yes you are. (SCP-6979 moves its free hand to remove its mask, revealing its mouth injuries. A short static noise is heard, later confirmed to be D-41210's collar activating.) SCP-6979: Am I still pretty? D-41210: Um. Mind if I ask you a few questions? (SCP-6979 blinks, its expression remaining neutral for a couple seconds, remaining in place. It intently stares at D-41210.) D-41210: Um. OvOp: D-class, proceed. 12-2, prepare your shot. D-41210: You have been recognized as the Kuchisake-onna by many. Is this your real name? (SCP-6979 blinks again, before taking a step back. It takes another, then begins demanifesting.) D-41210: Welp. OvOp: 12-2, take the shot. 12-1, 3 and 4, prepare yours. (A shot is seen hitting SCP-6979, but goes through its body, deviating by 8 degrees and hitting the pavement. SCP-6979 turns towards 12-2. Demanifestation continues uninterrupted, its lower body having disappeared by then.) OvOp: Fuck. 12-4, 12-1, take the shot. 12-2, prepare yours. (Two more shots go through SCP-6979, passing through. Reality dispersing round deviates while the tranquilizer doesn't, both falling onto the pavement. SCP-6979's head, upper torso and forearms are the only body parts not having disappeared by then.) OvOp: The Reality Stabilizers are working, right? T-02: Yes, yes they are. They don’t appear to be affecting her. OvOp: Fuck. 12-2, take the shot. Everyone else, prepare yours. T-04, start the SRA. T-04: On it. D-41210: … (Through the feed, D-41210 is seen approaching SCP-6979, attempting to grab its hand. They seem to succeed, an extra spike in local Hume levels appearing on counters. As a last shot goes through SCP-6979's head, it finishes demanisfesting, at which point D-41210's arm begins disappearing. A second static noise is heard.) D-41210: Oh. OvOp: Wait, you- 12-4, take a shot at D. D-41210: Wai, wait, that’st- (A round impacts D-41210, knocking them down. A third static noise is heard, then a fourth. Groans can also be heard, coming from the D-class.) R12-4: Round hit, but isn't working. D-class is vanishing. OvOp: What do you- Fuck, alright. 12- (Loud static fully blocks audio. 3 seconds later, the video feed abruptly cuts.) Through other cameras available, D-41210 was confirmed to have been impacted by the round, the round going through them, similar to the shots taken at the entity. D-41210 vanishes in similar fashion to SCP-6979, despite the 3 LSRS in operation. The operation was considered a failure, and D-41210 was assumed MIA until 46 minutes later when the feed returned, showing D-41210 having manifested 2 km south from their previous location. They were taken to Site-50's infirmary where it was confirmed they were uninjured, their PPI collar missing. During a post-mission investigation, it was noticed that D-41210's camera had been recording after their disappearance due to a redundant system installed into it. Notable fragments from this feed have been transcribed below: <0:00:00> (D-41210 is heard grunting, still on the ground. He appears to be in a similar location, the only notable differences being the area being of a strong red tint, with the buildings around having changed into Machiya houses.13) D-41210: Agh… That… That was a real bullet, wasn’t it? You could have used the darts, you know? (D-41210 sits up to check on their injuries, which aren't present. They then notice the ground under them is black and grainy. They put their hand down and grab some of it, realizing it's some sort of soot-like substance.) D-41210: What the… (D-41210 looks up, then screams as they notice SCP-6979, who is now dressed in a traditional shiroshōzoku14 with much longer hair, sharp claws instead of hands. Its mouth has been turned vertically, now extending from where its right eye used to be, down its chin and neck, and into its chest, disappearing under its kimono. Its left eye seems to have partially morphed with its right one, mixing into a single organ. The umbrella it carried is now made of red paper, with several holes on it. D-41210 quickly covers their mouth, stopping their scream. They seem to be trembling, SCP-6979 approaching them.) SCP-6979: What did you just do? D-41210: Sorry, I wasn’t… D-don’t kill me, please. (D-41210 is still trembling, SCP-6979 tilting its head, crouching to stare at them directly, the entity standing at roughly two meters away. D-41210 inhales sharply and begins hitting their PPI collar, which has stopped working. SCP-6979 notices this.) SCP-6979: I’m not gonna kill you. (Points at the collar) What’s that artifact? Is that how you got in here? D-41210: Eh, no no, it’s… (D-41210 trails off before tapping their earpiece a couple times. They receive no response.) D-41210: It, uh, it makes it so I don't get scared by you and end up getting killed. It doesn’t seem to be working anymore. SCP-6979: (Blinks in apparent surprise before poking the collar) So that is how you survived the Kuchisake-onna's attack… Did you build this apparatus? D-41210: Eh, no, it- It was given to me. SCP-6979: Who built it? D-41210: The, uh, government? (SCP-6979 appears to react negatively to this, pointing its claw at D-41210’s neck.) SCP-6979: Leave. Now. (D-41210 hurriedly gets up, taking several steps back.) D-41210: Alright, sure thing! Just, uh, if you could guide me to the exit, that- That’d help a lot. SCP-6979: There is no exit but death. You should know this. D-41210: Oh. Uh. Let’s not do that then. (SCP-6979 stares at D-41210, D-class chuckling nervously at the glare. After 18 seconds pass, D-41210 steps back, lowering its claw.) SCP-6979: Do not follow me. (SCP-6979 turns around and begins walking away from the area.) D-41210: W-wait, I’m- (Stops, then begins tapping their earpiece.) Hey, uh, anyone out there? (No answer. 4 seconds pass.) D-41210: Crap. Hey, uh, I don't know if you can hear me but uh… I'm somewhere else, it's… It's off. Looks like the same place I was in but… Older. Much older. You know those period drama films? Sort of… Sort of like that. It’s also really, really red… Is, uh, is there anything that causes light to turn red? (No answer. 6 seconds pass.) D-41210: Yeah, this isn't working. Um, I… I think I'm going to follow the Kuchisake-onna. I don't like this place, but she didn’t, like, outright kill me and, uh, she said not to follow her but… Something tells me you'd want me to follow her regardless so… Yeah, I'm gonna do that. If you can hear me, please get me out of here. (D-41210 stops speaking and, after a few moments of hesitation, runs after SCP-6979.) <0:08:33> (D-41210 has been following after SCP-6979. They reach a small park with trees covered in black leaves. SCP-6979 sits down on a bench next to it, closing its eye.) SCP-6979: I explicitly told you against following me. D-41210: (Takes a step back, startled) Oh, uh, sorry, it’s… It’s just that- SCP-6979: Stop stuttering and get to the point. D-41210: (Stops momentarily before continuing) I’m not familiar with, well, with this place. I’m also supposed to follow you, I think. SCP-6979: You think? (Opens its eye) You do not sound threatening in the slightest, soldier. D-41210: I’m not here to threaten you. SCP-6979: Lies. What other reason would a pet of the Emperor have for coming here? D-41210: Me coming here wasn’t part of the plan. We were trying to stop you from killing people on uh, the other side. SCP-6979: Am I a monster to be stopped now? For mere dozens of lives? D-41210: I, uh, yes? It’s- Even a single life is- SCP-6979: Is what? (Gets up from its seat) Don’t you dare reproach me for what your filthy ilk caused. Bad deeds are punish themselves- Nay, to say a hundred victims is punishment for your actions would be an insult to the suffering you’ve inflicted upon Mamonokai.15 D-41210: (Takes a few steps back) I… I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about. SCP-6979: You know not of the massacre? D-41210: Massacre? I… No? SCP-6979: (Blinks, before laughing) Of course you wouldn’t know… How could the people of the Land of the Kami ever commit such atrocities… (SCP-6979 stares at D-41210 again, crossing its arms before starting to walk away again) SCP-6979: Follow me. I will present you the sins of the Yamato.16 D-41210: Oh, a-alright. (D-41210 stares at the entity as it walks out the park, following shortly after.) <0:24:11> (After several minutes of walking, SCP-6979 and D-41210 stop in front of a 1930s era vending machine, picking some drinks.) SCP-6979: So you don’t know what Mamonokai is? No one does? (D-41210 shakes their head.) SCP-6979: Have we been erased? This easily pushed into the Lethe? D-41210: Was Mamonokai uh, a known thing out there? SCP-6979: Known? Mamonokai was the complement to your world, to Dakusei.17 The world of myths to your world of culture. Two inextricably entwined truths, feeding off each other in harmony… Until your ilk took that away. They tortured us, used us, killed us, then closed off Mamonokai, leaving us to rot. D-41210: Oh, um… I’m… I’m sorry. SCP-6979: Don’t apologize. You’re not at fault for the crimes of your predecessors. Ignorant, you may be, but ignorance out of indoctrination rather than out of maliciousness can be helped by opening one’s eyes. D-41210: And that’s what you’re doing now. SCP-6979: Correct. D-41210: Why, if I may ask? I mean, I don’t really mind, it’s just… Well- SCP-6979: Stop stuttering. (SCP-6979 sighs, throwing its drink can into a nearby garbage bin.) SCP-6979: I’ve… I’ve been suffering, for many years now, wandering aimlessly through the burnt remains of what I called home, taking on a murder beast’s identity on your Dakusei to be able to survive. After so long, I finally meet another person, a dog of ‘His Majesty the Emperor’, and not even they know what happened here… What they’ve done. (SCP-6979 stops momentarily.) SCP-6979: I want- No, I need you to know. Else my pain; the pain of my people would be for naught, truly forgotten, like your Tenno wishes to. So follow me, and stop asking questions. They’ll be answered in due time. (SCP-6979 continues walking, D-41210 following after once more.) <0:39:47> (SCP-6979 and D-41210 have been walking through a dilapidated area for 5 minutes. They reach an empty lot with a building made of concrete nearby.) D-41210: This place looks… Different. SCP-6979: Of course it does: It was made by your government, when they came here to conscript us… Actually, it was made by us, because why would the Imperial Army sully their pristine hands with manual labor? (D-41210 follows after SCP-6979, looking over an empty crate, IJAMEA’s ensign with the words ‘Property of the Empire of Great Japan’ on it. SCP-6979 is standing over the empty lot.) SCP-6979: This is where the Yōkai Battalion was trained to fight for the Emperor. Whoever survived the training was shipped away, towards Manchukuo. Many left, none returned. D-41210: This is what you wanted me to see? SCP-6979: I refuse to accept that your ilk has forgotten. Rather, I will not allow them to. You will have to return, so you will tell your government of this place. If they have changed, as you say… (SCP-6979 falls silent.) SCP-6979: I… I don’t know. They can’t fix anything… But recognition would be the bare minimum. If they learn of the mistakes they should have already been aware of, then it… It would not make me happy, but… (SCP-6979 falls silent again, staring at D-41210.) D-41210: I’ll let them know. Besides… (Taps camera) This thing here might have recorded this entire trip so… SCP-6979: Recorded? D-41210: Oh, uh… Like… Like a telegraph but for photographs? Does that make any sense? SCP-6979: Somewhat, yes. (SCP-6979 stands silently before walking over to the concrete building, sitting down next to it. D-41210 follows after. No words are spoken for over a minute.) D-41210: Um, so… SCP-6979: I don’t want to talk. I need… I need time to think. D-41210: Oh, a-alright! Sorry about that. SCP-6979: It’s fine. Just… Just leave, actually. I wish to be alone… And you have to return to your people and tell them what I’ve shown you. D-41210: Right. So that, uh, that means dying, no? SCP-6979: I will make it as painless as I possibly can. You deserve it. D-41210: That’s… That’s not really that comforting. SCP-6979: I tried. (Gets up) Ready? D-41210: I… (Inhales sharply, the feed showing they're shaking) Sure. Sure, why not. Better sooner than- (SCP-6979 strikes at D-41210 with its claw, decapitating them. Before their head touches the ground, static obscures the feed. Five seconds later, D-41210 is standing nearby Kaminoge Station, having returned from SCP-6979’s realm.) Following this event, it was decided that information regarding SCP-6979 was incomplete, making this document outdated. A proposal was submitted to the Classification Committee, and a new revision of the document was produced. Access latest revision « SCP-6978 | SCP-6979 | SCP-6980 » Cite this page as: "SCP-6979" by Maxyfran73, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Kuchisake onna attack Author: Maxyfran73 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: created using the image below Filename: Narrow street at night in Naples, Italy (approx. GPS location) (PPL1-Corrected) julesvernex2.jpg Author: Jules Verne Times Two License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Shungyosai_Tayu-no-kao.jpg Author: Hayami Shungyōsai (速水春暁斎) License: Public Domain Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: mamonokai Author: Maxyfran73 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: created using the image below Filename: Shiota-tsu,_Saga,_Japan.JPG Author: Mixtures License: CC BY 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons Filename: 田中八幡宮_-_panoramio.jpg Author: tertrerouge License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Aftermath of an SCP-6979 attack. Victim blurred. Earliest known depiction of SCP-6979 by illustrator Hayami Shungyōsai, dating back to 1801."
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-1.69807002e-02 -3.05892411e-03 -1.43266305e-01 7.84306973e-02 1.27724528e-01 -6.72022626e-02 1.60438478e-01 -1.94253281e-01 3.72570083e-02 -2.11966977e-01 4.35308248e-01 -4.35403250e-02 -1.21864099e-02 -8.83295164e-02 9.69223157e-02 -1.56116635e-01 -2.08796158e-01 -3.60859074e-02 -2.48380557e-01 6.26483187e-03 2.35504448e-01 1.34381071e-01 1.64148629e-01 2.21547276e-01 -2.46065155e-01 -6.88420653e-01 1.99161127e-01 6.03653044e-02 9.46899280e-02 -2.18571704e-02 -7.64113963e-02 -2.67095953e-01 -2.49639452e-02 7.89335668e-02 -3.92922699e-01 2.99258996e-02 2.10509852e-01 -2.25568235e-01 -1.31266326e-01 3.17171812e-02 -5.53917065e-02 5.58333158e-01 1.21717721e-01 7.76873752e-02 -4.82223064e-01 -3.40527669e-02 -8.53630528e-02 6.39262944e-02 -1.65600747e-01 2.54093587e-01 2.26477474e-01 1.71352886e-02 3.08060914e-01 2.36451387e-01 -1.79165363e-01 1.46819144e-01 1.36545628e-01 -3.18958044e-01 5.45896702e-02 1.45379171e-01 -3.74820411e-01 -2.67154545e-01 -2.42039878e-02 -2.89099902e-01 -1.89685419e-01 7.39392117e-02 -2.73900241e-01 -3.73598151e-02 -1.66941836e-01 4.87467498e-01 3.42870243e-02 -2.20685631e-01 1.51564851e-01 -3.01954478e-01 2.24189520e-01 4.00558054e-01 -7.33248144e-02 1.68282732e-01 -1.55144930e-01 8.02707151e-02 -1.19272664e-01 -2.06951704e-02 -9.82053280e-02 4.50687371e-02 6.67635947e-02 -2.55589802e-02 -3.64061594e-01 -7.65624419e-02 -1.37659460e-02 -4.95608777e-01 -5.93704820e-01 4.90670323e-01 3.27552497e-01 1.76074386e-01 -6.11389995e-01 6.61960065e-01 1.74899139e-02 -2.04959035e-01 -5.30219600e-02 -1.66322261e-01 1.13735825e-01 2.01717168e-01 2.74617106e-01 -1.86677258e-02 -1.05601914e-01 2.02316791e-01 8.44742954e-01 -5.81875928e-02 -3.65714371e-01 -8.63175914e-02 3.51604611e-01 -1.42666310e-01 3.91630322e-01 -1.04275785e-01 4.70678173e-02 -4.22158763e-02 -2.87123382e-01 1.96374908e-01 2.85962806e-03 -4.95343320e-02 -1.79016098e-01 -2.79118657e-01 -1.23435007e-02 -2.54979134e-01 -8.74948949e-02 4.13258433e-01 3.09146821e-01 4.04001810e-02 1.62241414e-01 -1.03626661e-01 -8.79305825e-02 1.67548329e-01 4.28168923e-01 -2.07820207e-01 -3.51578072e-02 -1.96581021e-01 4.22003716e-01 -1.32025257e-01 2.25278258e-01 1.51964920e-02 4.70251411e-01 -1.76078171e-01 3.54287326e-02 -4.67889123e-02 -1.62154943e-01 3.95027816e-01 2.29737669e-01 4.82571840e-01 3.27933997e-01 -2.30697077e-03 1.60536587e-01 6.14371598e-02 -5.11341877e-02 3.03923905e-01 -6.16605729e-02 -5.65070920e-02 -3.34983021e-02 -2.60370553e-01 2.41272822e-01 1.90656796e-01 2.20564529e-02 1.98330395e-02 -3.60229835e-02 -1.22540146e-01 1.76669940e-01 3.35697711e-01 9.89344809e-03 -1.82489529e-01 -1.04901478e-01 -1.12518765e-01 -1.69205189e-01 1.41977534e-01 6.44085556e-02 4.07441221e-02 1.25510637e-02 6.13898098e-01 -6.32660612e-02 3.79456818e-01 5.51999450e-01 3.06387722e-01 2.24873513e-01 1.49324283e-01 -3.32929134e-01 7.42523223e-02 3.30635794e-02 -2.89724469e-01 8.58510375e-01 7.86724463e-02 -9.18719023e-02 5.77895008e-02 1.80695698e-01 2.60881335e-01 -1.28908485e-01 8.38064626e-02 1.26266673e-01 -7.06784725e-02 4.04270217e-02 7.05447495e-02 2.64903516e-01 -3.81670535e-01 -2.08690286e-01 -4.36146647e-01 4.37509827e-02 1.87201519e-02 3.80760223e-01 1.11922026e+00 1.65554121e-01 2.27640048e-01 8.49983022e-02 2.00141668e-02 -4.39040929e-01 -1.91524208e-01 2.05018342e-01 -4.08070087e-02 -2.58206218e-01 8.71167425e-03 -1.61539353e-02 -1.07370913e-01 7.34842569e-02 -3.48353118e-01 -3.93469393e-01 -1.08110644e-01 2.67733634e-01 2.30834469e-01 2.30247557e-01 4.01219130e-01 -1.50949389e-01 8.15429762e-02 1.52936786e-01 -9.51669961e-02 -1.03405215e-01 -7.96901137e-02 -1.47464484e-01 8.26689228e-02 -1.04805082e-01 1.00977547e-01 2.85706699e-01 -4.76994514e-02 1.90868855e-01 -9.67597961e-02 -3.59871030e-01 -2.10238323e-01 2.43870959e-01 -1.81596622e-01 -3.03858608e-01 -6.64583445e-02 2.78079540e-01 5.44909775e-01 -2.61034165e-02 -3.90814871e-01 1.23988219e-01 5.85996449e-01 2.67489012e-02 8.76133051e-03 3.88616264e-01 -1.45670772e-01 -1.23743363e-01 -4.82688069e-01 2.45260596e-01 -1.60683781e-01 1.10233024e-01 6.13456488e-01 2.35640854e-01 5.43834933e-04 2.41173487e-02 1.23518087e-01 3.94398630e-01 -2.14537486e-01 -1.18527010e-01 4.18624766e-02 -1.00035220e-01 -3.27541679e-02 1.03238001e-01 4.11398232e-01 -3.16568136e-01 1.09319426e-01 5.84944844e-01 -1.23880781e-01 -3.85652572e-01 -3.07188630e-01 -3.19027424e-01 -2.63419777e-01 1.38087213e-01 -4.57717627e-01 -2.31792197e-01 2.16660634e-01 4.89577949e-01 -2.61040449e-01 -1.35332868e-01 -4.49814089e-02 -3.55205797e-02 -5.26770465e-02 -5.94915636e-02 -8.77788640e-04 7.33953938e-02 -5.01303151e-02 1.32886380e-01 -1.63868498e-02 2.66634226e-01 -3.33213568e-01 -2.69088894e-01 -2.36903634e-02 2.78251022e-01 -1.99666396e-01 -2.49133512e-01 1.33590549e-01 4.19741869e-02 1.11346848e-01 3.39961678e-01 -2.39611283e-01 -1.66048437e-01 2.83179767e-02 1.47577554e-01 -8.31985325e-02 -1.34330273e-01 2.30580103e-02 5.03505990e-02 -2.16303710e-02 8.08266997e-02 -1.52426407e-01 1.65327281e-01 9.98629839e-04 -3.22252154e-01 -2.87289768e-02 1.51960418e-01 7.07720146e-02 -1.68228477e-01 6.79540858e-02 6.26973987e-01 -1.15830816e-01 2.80340642e-01 -2.82584578e-01 -1.18463106e-01 5.07985987e-02 2.57913053e-01 -1.20653734e-01 2.77711660e-01 -2.09970281e-01 -1.16526321e-01 -1.19352385e-01 2.75074653e-02 -6.63206279e-02 5.90064712e-02 -4.83047873e-01 -3.69407535e-02 -3.46365105e-03 1.95322201e-01 -9.27587599e-02 2.24890232e-01 -8.15642476e-02 7.61042014e-02 -2.57732421e-01 3.22514832e-01 -2.03794450e-01 -3.42474043e-01 8.76499712e-02 1.78858310e-01 -3.15833718e-01 3.66738327e-02 2.89259762e-01 1.60596162e-01 -3.99683803e-01 -1.56001821e-01 3.12855601e-01 3.64853859e-01 9.43581983e-02 2.66307920e-01 -2.71734327e-01 2.66172290e-02 4.13178414e-01 4.32372898e-01 2.82397628e-01 1.53671309e-01 3.12680006e-02 2.67312616e-01 -6.10019602e-02 1.40369132e-01 1.02772191e-02 -1.02468736e-01 -2.78012782e-01 2.05902413e-01 -2.75309294e-01 -3.88115644e-01 1.02349550e-01 5.37532270e-01 8.02574009e-02 -2.59554744e-01 -4.62806225e-01 -8.32543820e-02 1.59795165e-01 2.68108398e-01 1.68678403e-01 1.55080557e-01 3.23187299e-02 -1.08471967e-01 1.37245536e-01 9.76712927e-02 2.65144706e-01 -6.54570460e-02 8.73858482e-02 3.82948756e-01 -2.81146150e-02 2.69802183e-01 1.06331147e-02 1.27437919e-01 2.67635167e-01 -1.42582148e-01 2.89785247e-02 -5.25383046e-03 -1.36805857e-02 1.04063876e-01 -1.97759241e-01 3.54849786e-01 2.79729992e-01 1.29451290e-01 4.72390465e-02 -1.62202194e-01 -2.24816710e-01 1.65917985e-02 2.01899990e-01 -4.60675955e-02 2.30267182e-01 -1.08972281e-01 -2.12139070e-01 6.72321441e-03 1.08123228e-01 -7.72923976e-02 -4.59569573e-01 -9.77753848e-02 7.92570263e-02 1.28578572e-02 -3.22024733e-01 5.71814515e-02 -2.43839666e-01 -6.97389320e-02 7.25347027e-02 5.20613134e-01 7.14948401e-02 -1.82270795e-01 -1.26959041e-01 4.11608845e-01 -1.36456072e-01 -5.21677613e-01 9.76554453e-02 -1.37440369e-01 -9.07583609e-02 2.28625461e-01 5.73787168e-02 -1.46004349e-01 -1.73636060e-02 1.55868217e-01 -4.57240134e-01 3.17378104e-01 7.99955949e-02 1.98311374e-01 2.32384071e-01 -3.40581089e-01 4.32874961e-03 -2.80094564e-01 1.89457610e-01 1.94798112e-01 -6.05280757e-01 8.93770009e-02 2.93364167e-01 5.80418408e-01 -2.44117618e-01 1.43107042e-01 1.81426615e-01 -3.51440310e-01 2.44015172e-01 3.25446516e-01 -2.80368954e-01 5.30429244e-01 1.54660806e-01 3.74879211e-01 2.05122724e-01 3.67368549e-01 1.80352718e-01 -1.08682960e-01 -2.01725230e-01 9.44015011e-02 -3.20132434e-01 -2.97171064e-02 -8.58295336e-02 3.33396755e-02 4.28651497e-02 3.82224083e-01 1.12422571e-01 -2.95161694e-01 -2.69142650e-02 -1.43654019e-01 4.22716409e-01 -5.11510730e-01 -5.84419444e-02 -3.61873150e-01 -2.33713184e-02 -2.49775752e-01 -6.32555410e-02 -4.04075295e-01 -3.40517282e-01 -1.11001208e-01 -8.25107992e-02 -1.64030328e-01 -4.08001721e-01 2.52250768e-02 -2.35797465e-01 -1.42538324e-01 -1.43272102e-01 3.20812203e-02 -1.64437294e-01 -7.73115233e-02 -2.88529277e-01]
"What kind of kid drinks a lava lamp?" active "Special Containment Procedures: Following the Vegas Underground incident, SCP-6980 is to be contained in a secure locker with 24 hour CCTV at site 83 in Lincoln county, Nevada. All footage is to be sent to a centralized foundation database. Testing is not to occur unless authorized by Site Director Hunter Preston. Description: SCP-6980 is a Lava Lamp containing an anomalous, self-replicating wax substance that, when consumed, causes a mild euphoric effect. The substance is considered highly addictive, requiring amnestics to break addictions. The main body of the lamp has been shown to be self-repairing even if shattered completely. Other than replicating along with the wax, the water has been shown to be non-anomalous. The wax and water will only replicate to fill the main body when capped, but can replicate when it is uncapped. Discovery: SCP-6980 was discovered on █/█/2002 in ██████, Mississippi after the contents of the object were consumed by 6 year old ██████ ███████. 911 was called after the child’s parents discovered him and upon receiving a description of the effects, agents implanted in the local 911 dispatch center notified the Foundation of the possibility of anomaly. Field researcher Liliana Falana was sent to investigate the report. All parties involved were amnesticized for public safety reasons. Before this was carried out though, an interview with ██████ was conducted to better ascertain the effects of SCP-6980 (see interview log). After limited testing of SCP-6980, a newly promoted Dr. Falana requested the item be transferred to Site-83, where she had recently been made Site Director. Following approval, SCP-6980 was transferred to Site-83. Following Dr. Falana’s dismissal, SCP-6980 was placed under the supervision of Dr. Preston with the current containment procedures in place. Interview Log - █/█/2002 Interviewer: Field Researcher Liliana Falana Interviewed: ██████ ███████ <Begin Log> ██████: Am I in trouble? Dr. Falana: Oh, no no no. I’m a scientist and I just want to know what happened for my research. ██████: You’re a scientist? That's so cool. I want to be a scientist when I grow up. Dr. Falana: Well isn’t that fun. You can start right now by telling me everything that happened after you drank that lava lamp. ██████: Ok. I was practicing my illusion routine when I bumped into my dresser and the lava lamp my dad got me for my birthday fell over. I was always curious what it would taste like, so I ate some of the yellow stuff and I started to feel weird. Then I woke up at the hospital. Dr. Falana: Hmm. Did you see any weird colors? ██████: Yeah and all the shapes in my room got all mixed up. I tried to stop my teddy bear from mixing with my airplane, but then I fell asleep. Dr. Falana: Well, thank you for talking with me. Now go take that pill from the nice man over there. It’ll make sure the wax doesn’t do anything bad to your body. <End Log> Note: Following the interview, ██████ ███████ was given amnestics. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6980 is to be contained in a secure locker at site 83 in Lincoln county, Nevada. Testing is not to occur unless authorized by Site Director Liliana Falana. Description: SCP-6980 is a Lava Lamp containing an anomalous, self-replicating wax substance that, when consumed, causes a mild euphoric effect. The main body of the lamp has been shown to be self-repairing even if shattered completely. Other than replicating along with the wax, the water has been shown to be non-anomalous. The wax and water will only replicate to fill the main body, but can replicate when the bottle is uncapped. Discovery: SCP-6980 was discovered on 6/5/2002 in Fulton, Mississippi after the contents of the object were consumed by 6 year old Hunter Preston. 911 was called after the child’s parents discovered him and upon receiving a description of the effects, agents implanted in the local 911 dispatch center notified the Foundation of the possibility of anomaly. Field researcher Liliana Falana was sent to investigate the report. All parties involved were amnesticized for public safety reasons. Before this was carried out though, an interview with Hunter was conducted to better ascertain the effects of SCP-6980 (see interview log). After limited testing of SCP-6980, a newly promoted Dr. Falana requested the item be transferred to site 83, where she had recently been made Site Director. The request was approved and SCP-6980 now resides at Site 83 with it’s current containment procedures. Interview Log - 6/6/2002 Interviewer: Field Researcher Liliana Falana Interviewed: Hunter Preston <Begin Log> Hunter: Am I in trouble? Dr. Falana: Oh, no no no. I’m a scientist and I just want to know what happened for my research. Hunter: You’re a scientist? That's so cool. I want to be a scientist when I grow up Dr. Falana: Well isn’t that fun. You can start right now by telling me everything that happened after you drank that lava lamp. Hunter: Ok. I was practicing my illusion routine when I bumped into my dresser and the lava lamp my dad got me for my birthday fell over. I was always curious what it would taste like, so I ate some of the yellow stuff and I started to feel weird. Then I woke up at the hospital. Dr. Falana: Hmm. Did you see any weird colors? Hunter: Yeah and all the shapes in my room got all mixed up. I tried to stop my teddy bear from mixing with my airplane, but then I fell asleep. Dr. Falana: Well, thank you for talking with me. Now go take that pill from the nice man over there. It’ll make sure the wax doesn’t do anything bad to your body. <End Log> Note: Following the interview, Hunter Preston was given amnestics. Note from O5-6: it’s best if we don’t tell Dr. Preston he's the kid who drank the lamp. He’s a talented guy and telling him would just create unnecessary bureaucratic problems." nan
[ 5.23307562e-01 -3.42053138e-02 -1.96917295e-01 1.69478297e-01 -2.40881965e-02 -3.12149554e-01 2.41604120e-01 -7.57155642e-02 -1.36058956e-01 -1.58488289e-01 2.64256537e-01 -3.09286527e-02 -2.26876780e-01 -2.67880261e-01 1.94193557e-01 -7.14548230e-02 1.25127390e-01 -1.12709463e-01 4.09490556e-01 -8.68478715e-02 1.43058095e-02 -2.88886875e-01 -1.89361721e-01 1.49735913e-01 -8.27315897e-02 -2.11085621e-02 2.04113752e-01 3.50767784e-02 -1.01776250e-01 -3.13265353e-01 3.66934001e-01 2.95403928e-01 1.14584275e-01 3.22723418e-01 -1.11698158e-04 -1.97652161e-01 2.87943572e-01 6.74019605e-02 5.90655468e-02 1.89705435e-02 -6.11741394e-02 6.69004619e-02 -4.93061962e-04 -9.96144339e-02 1.17764108e-01 -2.53355742e-01 2.53398955e-01 1.53940588e-01 2.83859313e-01 -1.57143369e-01 2.05628738e-01 -4.25129026e-01 -1.15601726e-01 1.07878789e-01 5.49352705e-01 2.71693677e-01 -2.52195299e-01 -2.58252826e-02 2.05115914e-01 5.01450337e-02 9.70497876e-02 -6.76782355e-02 -3.13269824e-01 -1.10641830e-01 3.66605431e-01 -2.74785757e-01 -2.50606298e-01 -2.45567691e-02 2.20262676e-01 3.10971349e-01 1.73090339e-01 1.28394529e-01 7.83578232e-02 1.19853824e-01 -1.59912765e-01 -7.88168311e-02 -1.25590667e-01 3.66940200e-01 -2.51592427e-01 7.79062435e-02 -1.05749100e-01 1.97319821e-01 -3.77126455e-01 1.25800788e-01 1.06565701e-02 1.00539416e-01 -2.55107552e-01 1.39095142e-01 -1.24251172e-01 2.01051198e-02 4.35121238e-01 1.43779069e-01 2.25010365e-01 -1.33474529e-01 -1.24029058e-04 1.13250129e-02 5.84281087e-02 4.99673963e-01 3.50702941e-01 9.48050618e-02 3.43879372e-01 1.99022889e-01 7.41299987e-02 -4.94414158e-02 -1.31623144e-03 2.72557974e-01 2.73650348e-01 -5.35495579e-01 -3.69177222e-01 6.79284409e-02 -2.79163212e-01 8.92578959e-02 -3.07325227e-03 -5.31151146e-02 1.16409548e-02 1.14352733e-01 2.32770309e-01 -1.98081315e-01 2.93640226e-01 1.98578149e-01 -6.75677836e-01 1.54371619e-01 -9.24917310e-02 4.38130349e-01 2.15918019e-01 7.33356357e-01 1.44164771e-01 -9.26278755e-02 7.94248953e-02 1.32528156e-01 -1.74720258e-01 1.62491739e-01 -5.07908046e-01 2.79023677e-01 -1.11636870e-01 5.21677554e-01 1.77045316e-02 9.22819320e-03 -2.90910900e-01 -3.11702155e-02 1.86885610e-01 -1.85853057e-02 8.86910498e-01 2.46912867e-01 -1.15711778e-01 -8.82522389e-02 -1.56127796e-01 -1.35860413e-01 -5.07749878e-02 1.40730172e-01 5.03188848e-01 -2.99115300e-01 -2.75725633e-01 1.82501316e-01 -2.12300882e-01 2.38517493e-01 3.08211356e-01 1.87564343e-01 1.16943724e-01 -9.10937041e-02 8.78491327e-02 -4.43204381e-02 -8.75823051e-02 -3.15370947e-01 2.02546611e-01 3.62415403e-01 -1.25179127e-01 3.55637185e-02 -2.64136791e-01 6.92234561e-02 -2.43891165e-01 1.12168947e-02 -1.06090054e-01 1.80104569e-01 -4.79656309e-02 1.46422368e-02 -3.62204760e-01 -6.36228472e-02 -3.91038746e-01 -2.65239626e-01 -6.38146773e-02 6.29465505e-02 4.40757513e-01 -1.83108255e-01 -2.68751904e-02 1.98140200e-02 -9.18361768e-02 1.84228718e-01 4.12886254e-02 -2.88784653e-01 -3.81369442e-01 -1.98939875e-01 5.92460521e-02 -8.93812478e-02 -3.78621891e-02 2.23338660e-02 1.16787367e-01 1.38597503e-01 2.35794470e-01 1.95896506e-01 -4.92936671e-01 -2.69840717e-01 4.28996861e-01 4.28554177e-01 -9.77232307e-02 1.76116094e-01 -1.30051017e-01 -2.49660239e-01 1.73755556e-01 2.67089069e-01 -4.93218482e-01 -3.20007831e-01 -4.50513605e-03 2.37928063e-01 3.49275619e-02 -4.75607961e-01 2.91130692e-01 2.73598641e-01 -1.79115739e-02 -2.61212677e-01 4.74968590e-02 1.34506926e-01 2.32255638e-01 -8.39145556e-02 -6.61690056e-01 -1.14794336e-01 -9.29738730e-02 -4.51163910e-02 -2.65053421e-01 1.07859157e-01 2.89215505e-01 5.19011775e-03 1.55472547e-01 1.55569956e-01 -1.74693704e-01 -1.49976254e-01 3.57441783e-01 4.19889450e-01 -1.11213431e-01 -4.11264420e-01 2.72239059e-01 -2.73244649e-01 2.23695874e-01 1.60161063e-01 2.83936691e-02 2.87486613e-01 2.82118410e-01 1.52446210e-01 1.22216783e-01 3.52401696e-02 -8.52053687e-02 -3.41827273e-01 3.84148210e-02 1.55281452e-02 1.46709666e-01 4.36650246e-01 -3.79331440e-01 1.10546164e-02 1.84792787e-01 3.61048132e-01 -2.54302830e-01 -5.27461529e-01 1.57470047e-01 -2.46609449e-01 -2.23078057e-01 -1.83764562e-01 3.82984400e-01 -7.82640204e-02 2.13680714e-01 3.29286993e-01 4.08492535e-02 -1.50317736e-02 1.43048435e-01 -6.12904802e-02 3.20973508e-02 6.48544207e-02 -1.68877155e-01 -1.46750480e-01 1.26670092e-01 1.46740064e-01 -1.84846699e-01 -2.40294948e-01 -3.28977287e-01 -5.51719815e-02 -2.09796324e-01 2.68753350e-01 -1.78824756e-02 1.64627939e-01 -1.58457890e-01 2.55659848e-01 6.81193918e-02 -1.14779584e-01 -3.04087996e-03 2.57277101e-01 3.09565682e-02 3.03775594e-02 -1.75954640e-01 2.94915438e-01 1.44678935e-01 8.65565315e-02 -2.40602732e-01 -7.03991577e-02 -1.78545471e-02 8.57903361e-02 1.02238551e-01 2.51388997e-01 6.41636193e-01 -2.00033069e-01 4.30353880e-02 6.67056739e-02 -5.07498682e-01 2.34207064e-01 1.44336641e-01 2.72992905e-02 2.76394486e-01 1.82233810e-01 -1.34492870e-02 -3.07125211e-01 -2.65277084e-02 -8.16512048e-01 4.73890826e-03 -4.61272337e-02 -5.99075183e-02 -1.67098090e-01 -6.30665347e-02 -3.54381889e-01 -2.14561939e-01 -2.06923764e-02 1.41109392e-01 -1.92705005e-01 3.57161127e-02 2.41404295e-01 2.02831089e-01 2.40440518e-01 -6.41789362e-02 -1.58631340e-01 -3.35179329e-01 -1.06206000e-01 -1.47143438e-01 -8.62770453e-02 -3.90858110e-03 -3.49899143e-01 -3.67363632e-01 -5.27139187e-01 6.19649403e-02 -5.07949650e-01 -6.98261661e-03 5.16369194e-02 3.27884145e-02 5.03777564e-02 -1.67244315e-01 5.88171363e-01 -1.52791992e-01 -2.58382708e-01 -1.04181856e-01 -2.70625949e-01 -6.92091212e-02 -1.23407736e-01 2.63664335e-01 -3.40284444e-02 -8.16247314e-02 5.51299930e-01 6.47937179e-01 -6.08384609e-01 -1.37537569e-01 -1.25135295e-02 2.20907286e-01 2.49049798e-01 1.58461556e-01 2.44427961e-03 1.46703839e-01 -2.86440216e-02 -3.48224968e-01 1.29360318e-01 4.35427986e-02 -1.98657960e-01 -3.70221511e-02 -1.33373976e-01 -2.84458339e-01 -3.62248272e-01 5.92875667e-02 1.03426039e-01 -1.00697629e-01 -1.79409578e-01 -1.23853639e-01 -6.65553585e-02 -2.74941642e-02 -2.39044622e-01 2.80180097e-01 3.60748544e-02 3.83744016e-02 -5.32064557e-01 1.36565268e-01 -1.42165452e-01 4.12918061e-01 -3.42329056e-03 1.26553342e-01 -1.30465955e-01 -2.78094769e-01 1.75835162e-01 -2.48186309e-02 5.56662858e-01 -4.87877205e-02 4.51992422e-01 2.87174910e-01 1.61815062e-01 -3.88036877e-01 -3.65930870e-02 -1.72546506e-01 2.88740426e-01 1.50608152e-01 -3.57045084e-01 -2.17661172e-01 -1.69596486e-02 1.19006671e-02 1.99902430e-02 1.26165330e-01 -1.06881663e-01 1.42998606e-01 -4.71280664e-01 4.29698499e-03 1.40451431e-01 2.29169324e-01 -2.89663881e-01 -1.31611094e-01 -3.64255011e-01 1.74014553e-01 2.48139873e-01 3.13328534e-01 -2.48715538e-03 -1.12419538e-01 1.61902569e-02 -4.41147506e-01 2.29709387e-01 5.71086526e-01 1.41939893e-01 -5.72531708e-02 1.93837419e-01 1.74809292e-01 1.75520569e-01 1.27256691e-01 -1.05163956e-03 5.54803967e-01 -8.98380205e-02 -1.47754624e-01 1.06727205e-01 1.16348393e-01 4.32578057e-01 1.15193658e-01 8.46396908e-02 -2.77679861e-01 -1.13430455e-01 -1.66332230e-01 5.38454950e-01 7.49326218e-03 -3.28381121e-01 -2.88423806e-01 -5.37839793e-02 -1.65684700e-01 7.55343735e-01 1.34902999e-01 1.41398573e+00 -1.54669657e-02 2.02124044e-01 -1.28847972e-01 -1.68293387e-01 3.98134470e-01 -3.96981746e-01 -3.75307985e-02 -2.47754499e-01 -1.64095119e-01 4.41536270e-02 -3.44303370e-01 8.83544907e-02 2.77265966e-01 -4.33995962e-01 -3.65283452e-02 -5.17611444e-01 1.43282558e-03 4.46950555e-01 1.15438566e-01 9.79527235e-02 1.19099863e-01 -1.29762620e-01 1.65227100e-01 1.13706052e-01 -5.57694472e-02 -1.54662788e-01 -1.37731701e-01 -1.84920117e-01 -2.73471680e-02 -2.53542781e-01 6.99071512e-02 -5.40946424e-01 1.35976925e-01 -8.91427994e-02 -1.97515830e-01 -2.36439303e-01 8.58127028e-02 -4.76897359e-01 -1.71343565e-01 -1.09969608e-01 1.69616595e-01 4.32419389e-01 -6.53095692e-02 3.38792711e-01 -1.45051971e-01 2.90945172e-01 -2.56522130e-02 -1.37075767e-01 7.56690353e-02 1.73292577e-01 -3.28827977e-01 -6.83944449e-02 -1.52117178e-01 2.01132298e-01 -2.20871881e-01 -8.34224820e-02 1.46713406e-01 -1.83840841e-01 1.27134740e-01 1.37565345e-01 -2.04197620e-03 -1.98627830e-01 -9.22105014e-02 3.44050050e-01 -1.59654766e-01 -5.43308221e-02 1.37828700e-02 2.42717877e-01 3.32148731e-01 -2.32591540e-01 1.67572737e-01 -8.57589170e-02 -3.59836876e-01 7.80580342e-02 -2.83280853e-02 -5.00415921e-01 -1.16380207e-01 -1.08723752e-01 -2.72243798e-01 -1.11238979e-01 -3.92054558e-01 1.04699828e-01 1.25734270e-01 -2.03920066e-01 -3.05146545e-01 2.91146338e-01 1.28338009e-01 -3.08259159e-01 2.14435577e-01 -1.23337796e-02 4.58458602e-01 -6.13816716e-02 -5.79905557e-03 -3.59633237e-01 -1.31911144e-01 -8.31349567e-02 2.25762255e-03 -4.84666266e-02 1.98629983e-02 -2.41610885e-01 -2.31806666e-01 2.70682603e-01 2.47912824e-01 -1.99015066e-01 -2.49141440e-01 -1.33099488e-03 1.45696804e-01 8.85637254e-02 9.26975459e-02 -3.25273097e-01 1.76110491e-01 1.23234667e-01 -1.22320261e-02 1.62326097e-02 3.03699166e-01 1.63610190e-01 1.72445312e-01 -2.71167040e-01 2.73700386e-01 -3.84462662e-02 3.15386206e-01 1.55273259e-01 2.30336145e-01 1.56253204e-01 9.59741324e-03 -5.92177808e-02 -5.06927967e-02 2.41773590e-01 -1.30325276e-02 -1.91884607e-01 2.38816887e-01 -1.72983129e-02 1.82169154e-01 -4.78386074e-01 2.30790377e-01 -2.35942781e-01 6.30310401e-02 -2.55279988e-01 1.88286528e-01 -2.12510675e-01 2.60021448e-01 6.28345087e-02 3.87908131e-01 1.68342918e-01 -6.97518215e-02 -3.12968969e-01 1.64490581e-01 -1.56214610e-01 -1.08146757e-01 2.26601049e-01 6.61702976e-02 -2.39351373e-02 4.43888873e-01 3.58630717e-01 4.95883338e-02 -2.62661666e-01 -1.36558846e-01 1.83774922e-02 6.95284903e-02 3.37022424e-01 2.90112674e-01 4.75758910e-01 1.35739639e-01 -1.39567405e-01 4.33845371e-01 1.48127526e-01 2.74215132e-01 -2.10600376e-01 4.39151436e-01 1.84722513e-01 1.81713939e-01 -2.13748202e-01 1.51353762e-01 -4.14437093e-02 -4.11350667e-01 -1.01460807e-01 -1.82489336e-01 1.31105676e-01 1.83802381e-01 2.95250624e-01 -8.72351229e-02 -2.42036983e-01 -2.17259035e-01 -1.43666929e-02 -2.76804030e-01 -3.09308290e-01 3.03197354e-01 -3.51465225e-01 9.60034728e-02 2.33960941e-01 -1.91262662e-02 2.69812733e-01 9.96332429e-03 4.04853560e-02 -1.76700577e-01 4.54858802e-02 2.15098768e-01 2.54297853e-01 2.23254457e-01 3.29148233e-01 -4.45136070e-01 -1.21700339e-01 3.63147669e-02 -1.75145850e-01 -1.00212172e-01 -1.03116073e-01 3.94195408e-01 7.15109557e-02 -1.65125683e-01 1.77833229e-01 -2.07624137e-01 -1.32145816e-02 2.84611762e-01 4.42862391e-01 -1.71278745e-01 6.37581432e-03 -3.45550895e-01 -2.07740203e-01 2.61256456e-01 1.87467292e-01 -5.85107625e-01 -9.69376564e-02 -1.25962958e-01 -7.11131692e-02 9.13696289e-02 -2.58412927e-01 6.29010126e-02 -3.00229132e-01 3.35176677e-01 7.14737549e-03 3.90191764e-01 2.49336451e-01 -7.25428686e-02 -3.38954568e-01 2.82835513e-01 3.70297283e-01 7.94559568e-02 -6.66682236e-03 -4.70455736e-02 2.04160944e-01 3.95115733e-01 -2.37205014e-01 -6.18712269e-02 -6.78103492e-02 3.33647281e-02 -1.21621832e-01 -3.00031301e-04 3.35992217e-01 3.14596117e-01 4.02350165e-02 -2.20385090e-01 -2.57374700e-02 -3.40274572e-01 1.70312807e-01 -1.58444434e-01 -4.55416203e-01 1.51956588e-01 4.67945486e-01 6.99293852e-01 2.65206367e-01 3.95547718e-01 -3.11311260e-02 -1.40496895e-01 -1.36409268e-01 5.99671714e-02 -1.79826409e-01 1.80436164e-01 2.34777093e-01 1.99858695e-01 1.27980158e-01 2.57418036e-01 2.81474859e-01 4.53891575e-01 2.49128997e-01 2.11162362e-02 -2.80896127e-01 -2.47408852e-01 8.47343355e-02 3.66500281e-02 -1.64138839e-01 1.59917101e-01 -3.35219145e-01 -1.42836021e-02 -8.58386606e-02 -8.56427625e-02 4.48721707e-01 -2.71721900e-01 -1.37968212e-01 3.07163596e-01 -8.76931008e-03 -7.29439631e-02 -1.29772499e-01 -1.49292096e-01 4.43647383e-03 -9.99707729e-02 1.13707498e-01 -2.86800474e-01 -7.95040652e-02 -3.01601946e-01 -1.40233815e-01 -1.61970660e-01 4.56500947e-01 -7.09483325e-02 -2.50045866e-01 -6.87881410e-02 -1.16956256e-01]
"Moon Pyramid" active "SCP-6981: Moon Pyramid Author: An Engineer Images: "Mare Serenitatis & Mare Imbrium" by Dilshan R Jayakody is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. "Apollo 17 Tracy's Rock" by Max Braun is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Comments: Sci-fi with a bit of humor? Yes, please! Hopefully you enjoyed it. Other works (no author page yet): SCP-5741 Marshmallow and Madness Special Containment Procedures: Due to the recent rediscovery of SCP-6981, information is limited regarding the structure. A 5 km buffer zone is to be established around SCP-6981. Lunar Outpost 2 is to be established to facilitate containment and research efforts into SCP-6981. Any Satellite imaging of SCP-6981 is to be altered. Description: SCP-6981 is a structure in the Taurus–Littrow valley on the southeastern edge of Mare Serenitatis, superficially resembling the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. Inscribed on the exterior of SCP-6981 are various thaumaturgical symbols, the majority of which symbolize "protection" or "defence". Both the symbols and the exterior walls of SCP-6981 appear to have suffered significant damage. Chemical analysis of SCP-6981 samples shows the material used to construct SCP-6981 contains various organic materials not present in the lunar soil. History: Records indicate SCP-6981 was first discovered by Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt during the Apollo 17 mission on 12/11/1972. Upon hearing of the report, NASA immediately contacted the Foundation. Due to limited Foundation resources at the time, and the low threat and inert nature of SCP-6981, the discovery was simply scrubbed from the mission. The Foundation contacted all major space agencies and ordered no landings to take place in the area of SCP-6981. On 09/18/2021, Researchers Carl Herran and Mikhail Dabolsky were on a Research Expedition to the Northern Massif to gather samples of lunar rock. The area had previously been unexplored by Foundation assets. Audio of the sighting of SCP-6981 is available below. BEGIN LOG The camera on Dabolsky's suit turns on. He is seated in the passenger seat of the LTV. Herran drives the LTV up a hill. Dabolsky: So, how is your sister doing? Herran: Last I heard, she was doing fine. The doctors said she had pneumonia, though. Dabolsky: I'm sorry to hear that. Did you ask for a transfer back to Earth so you could see her? Herran: A few weeks ago, yeah. But it has to be approved by the Director and HR back home, so it's gonna take a while. The LTV crests the ridge. Herran stops it. Both Herran and Dabolsky dismount the LTV and grab equipment. Dabolsky: Right, what's first on the list for today? Herran: Nothing specific, really. Take some samples of interesting rocks, I guess. Dabolsky: (chuckles) Not much of a geologist, eh Carl? Herran: Nah. I hate rocks. Boring as hell. Xenobiology is way more interesting. What about you? Dabolsky: Ontokinetics, specifically Thaumaturgy. Herran: Huh. Why do they need a wizard on the moon? Dabolsky: I'm not a wizard, Carl. I know the theory, but I can't do a working. And after they found out I couldn't do any of the shit they were asking me to do, they booted me off here as a "Thaumaturgical Symbols Specialist". (sigh) May as well be the resident moon bitch. What about you, Carl? You've been here much longer than I have, yet here you are doing such a menial task. Herran: I… I lost a bet with Patrice. Dabolsky: The 73-year-old Senior Researcher? You lost a bet to an ancient artefact? What was it about? Herran: (sigh) Football. I said the Giants would win, but the Washington… the Washington… what the hell even is their mascot now? Ah, anyways, Washington beat the Giants by 1. Lost 100 bucks too, and she got to pick what I would do next. And now, instead of relaxing in the common room and flirting with the hot blonde from accounting, I'm out here picking up some fucking space rocks. Dabolsky: (whistling) Damn. Hmm, this one looks interesting. What do you think, Carl? Dabolsky motions to Herran. Herran comes over and inspects the rock. Herran: It… It just.. looks the exact same as all the other rocks? Just take a sample of it so we can get this over with, please. Dabolsky: Sounds good. Herran leaves the frame to the right. Dabolsky uses a scoop to pick up a sample of the rock. He leans down to deposit it in the bag. Dabolsky: Alright, that's one down. How are you doing over there, Carl? No response. Dabolsky: Carl? Dabolsky looks up. Herran is near a large rock outcrop. SCP-6981 is in the background. Dabolsky moves over to Herran. Herran: Dabolsky, am I seeing things, or is that a space pyramid? Dabolsky: It's a space pyramid. Herran: (sigh) My transfer is fucked. END LOG Afterword: The pair returned to Area-32 and reported the sighting. The current rotation of MTF Gamma-4 ("Blondebeard's Crew") were dispatched to set up an Outpost on the Northern Massif. Researchers Herran and Dabolsky were sent to the Outpost to lead the Research effort. Foreword: Approval for exploration of the interior of SCP-6981 was given 5 days after the initial discovery. MTF Nu-11 ("Space Marines")1 were designated as QRF, with mission command located at Outpost 2. Exploration Log 6981-1 Date: 09/23/2021 Exploration Team: EXPLORATION TEAM A - ("Tomb Raiders") Subject: Exploration of SCP-6981's interior. Team Leads: Commander A. Ford, MTF Gamma-4, Squad A. Team Members: Sergeant L. Kuipers, Researcher C. Herran, Researcher M. Dabolsky, Private X. Wähner BEGIN LOG The camera turns on. Point of view is M. Dabolsky. The expedition team is shown making their way towards SCP-6981 down a steep hill. Members of Gamma-4 carry X-15 plasma rifles, as well as EVA packs. The team pauses at the entrance to SCP-6981, a large grey door, as they attempt to make entry. Commander Ford: Command, this is Team Lead. We are at the base of the SCP-6981, attempting to make an entry. How copy? Command: We got you loud and clear, lead. Once you enter 6981, it is likely we will lose comms with you. Your data recorders should work through the walls. A reminder that if you aren't out in an hour or so, we will send Nu-11 in after you. Good luck. Herran: That's comforting. "Don't worry guys, we will send in some people to grab your bodies, once the aliens have torn you to shreds." Dabolsky: Don't be such a pessimist, Carl. Maybe the aliens inside are nice, and we will be the first to make contact. Herran: You ever watch the movie Aliens? Yeah, this is giving me that kind of vibe right now… Did any of you MTF guys bring a flamethrower by chance? Kuipers: You think we have that kind of budget? Fat chance. Can you two go figure out how to get inside? Space is fucking cold, y'know. Ford: I second that. Herran: Okay, okay. Sheesh. Just make sure nothing sneaks up and kills us. Dabolsky and Herran search the wall for a way to activate the door. Nothing is found. Dabolsky: Well, shit. No button on the wall to press. Herran: Yeah, no shit. 50,000-year-old pyramids aren't exactly the pinnacle of technology. Any other ideas? Wait. What about the symbols? Dabolsky: What symbols? Herran: The one's on the pyramid. Do you have to say some magic words or shit? Dabolsky: Worth a try. (clearing throat) Open, sesame! Nothing happens. Dabolsky: (sigh) Fuck. Herran: That's what they taught you in magic school? Shit, I could do that. Well, guess that's a wrap folks. No tomb raiding the space pyramid today- Wähner: Look! The symbols! They are glowing! Herran: What? The door begins to open. Herran and Dabolsky retreat from the door. The symbols above the pyramid are shown glowing a bright blue hue. The door opens to reveal a corridor leading to another door, appearing to be in much better condition. Herran: Holy shit. Guess it worked. Nice job. Dabolsky: Thanks. The team activate their flashlights and proceed into the corridor, with the unarmed researchers in the middle of the formation. Herran: Do you have to say Close, Sesame, too- The sound of the door behind the team closing is heard. The door makes a loud thud upon closing, apparently startling Researcher Herran. Ford: Command, comm check, do you read? Command: (Unintelligible response. Interference is heavy.) Ford: So, they can hear us, but we can't hear them. Fantastic. Ford turns to the team. A hissing noise can be heard in the background. Ford: Team, from this point on, we are on our own. Start your watches, we have an hour to explore this place. If we meet any unknowns, do not engage unless they do. Worst comes to worst, we get the fuck out. Understood? Kuiper: Understood. Wähner: Understood. Dabolsky: Got it. Herran: Yep. Several beeps can be heard as team members start their timers. A grinding noise is heard as the door begins to open. END LOG Exploration Log SCP-6981-2 BEGIN LOG All members of Gamma-4 point their X-15 rifles at the door. The door opens to reveal a lush jungle landscape, with a roaring waterfall on the right-hand side. A bird-sized avian entity with large, butterfly-like wings, and multiple luminous eyes lands on Researcher Dabolsky. The entity looks at the camera, pecking at it with ant-like incisors, making chirping as it does so. Dabolsky: (panicking) Get it off, get it off! Herran: Shoo, flying ant! Fuck off! Sergeant Kuipers strikes the entity with the butt of his rifle. The avian entity shrieks and then departs. The team moves into the interior of SCP-6981. Temperature recorders on the team's suits display the temperature at 35 °C. The door closes behind them. As the camera pans up to the ceiling, several lights embedded into the ceiling are seen, presumably causing the temperature difference. Herran: (whistles) Wow. This place is beautiful. Dabolsky: Apart from the flying abominations, yes. Ford: Wait one. (Ford withdraws a lighter from her pack. She can ignite it, confirming the presence of oxygen in the chamber.) Commander, we have oxygen. Considering the heat, I think it would be wise to take off our helmets. Ford: Agreed. All members of the team take off their helmets. Ford: Dabolsky, Herran, what's the first objective? Herran: Well… Uhm… I guess we just go directly ahead. Kuipers: Sounds good to me. Dabolsky: (exhaling) Hopefully the aliens have air conditioning… Several minutes of extraneous footage skipped. The team continues into the jungle, leaving behind markers to the exit. They continue to document more unknown creatures inside SCP-6981, all of which are non-hostile. The team proceeds into what appears to be a control room, with semi-transparent glass allowing viewing of the jungle below. Dabolsky: Huh. Aliens do have air conditioning after all. Herran: Yes, Dabolsky, another galactic mystery solved. Let's see if they kept any samples… Dabolsky inspects what appears to be a stone terminal. Inscribed on the terminal are lines of indecipherable symbols. As he places his hand on the terminal, the symbols flash a bright orange and turn into readable English. Dabolsky: And instant translation? Whoever built this thing was definitely advanced. But why did they leave? Herran: Question is, how did they get life from their home planet to here? That would be almost impossible, unless… Dabolsky: Unless the life here is native. Or, was native. Herran: Mikhail, you're a fucking genius! Take some pictures of that and let's go! Dabolsky withdraws a camera from his pack. He takes several pictures of the stone tablet. He then joins the rest of the team outside. END LOG Exploration Log SCP-6981-3 BEGIN LOG The team is proceeding back towards the exit, following the markers they have left behind. Herran: I can't believe we were the first one's to find extraterrestrial life! Obviously, we won't be famous, veil and all that, but I can't wait to shove this in Patrice's face! Dabolsky: This place is very intriguing. I'm still amazed at the durability of the structure. You would think that a place this old would- A muffled rumbling sound can be heard. The team pauses. Dabolsky: What was that? The rumbling is audible again, at a noticeably higher volume. All entities within the jungle begin to flee at high speed past the team. Ford: Let's make this quick, people! We need to- The camera swivels to show the ground behind the team heaving upwards. A massive, worm-like entity with leathery flesh emerges from the hole. It turns its mouth to the team, revealing many teeth. It makes a roaring like vocalization, appearing to be hostile. Herran: HOLY SHIT! RUN! Kuipers: FIRE! The team begins to run towards the exit, with the MTF members firing at the worm entity while fleeing. Little damage is done to the entity, as it appears to become enraged, knocking down several trees. Dabolsky turns and flees. The sound of the entity burrowing into the ground is heard, and moments later it emerges to the team left, smashing back into the ground a moment later. Ford: COMMAND, DO YOU READ? WE ARE BEING CHASED BY A PANTHEON2 CLASS ENTITY! WE NEED THE SPACE MARINES NOW! Command: (Unintelligible. Mission logs reveal Nu-11 was dispatched, as the mission time limit expired.) The entity continues to chase the team. Private Wähner is knocked off her feet when the entity knocks a tree down on her. Internal biometrics recorder suggests she has suffered a broken leg. Kuipers goes to assist her. Kuipers: Come on kid, I'm not letting you die! Wähner: Leave me, Sergeant. I can't move. I'll distract it while you run to the exit. Kuipers: No. We are getting you out, that's an order! Kuipers attempts to lift the tree but is unable to. The worm entity emerges from the ground to his right, meters away. Wähner: Sergeant, run. Wähner pulls the pin on one of her fragmentation grenades and begins firing at the entity. The rest of the team flee. Wähner is presumably killed by the entity, as it stops chasing the team. The team reaches the exit. Herran: Oh my god, Dabolsky, say the magic words already! Dabolsky: Open, sesame! The door opens. The team runs inside. The hostile entity begins to head towards them at high speed. Dabolsky: Close, sesame! Nothing happens. Herran: For the love of all that is holy, Close, sesame! The door slowly closes. The entity crashes into it, knocking significant chunks of the door loose. Ford: Helmets on, now! The team quickly put on their helmets. The entity continues to attack the door. All: Open, sesame! The door opens, revealing MTF Nu-11 outside. Multiple spacecraft, as well as heavily armed ground vehicles, surround SCP-6981. The team runs from the building towards a waiting MTF Nu-11 squad. Nu-11 Commander Ringels: What's going on? Are you alright? Ford: Worm. Ringels: What- The door leading into SCP-6981 is shown flying overhead at a high velocity. The camera turns around to reveal the hostile entity emerging from SCP-6981. Beams of blue tracer fire impact the entity as the Exploration Team flees. The ARC cannon on one of the ground vehicles belonging to the Nu-11 fires, impacting the hostile entity on the upper portion. The round appears to be highly successful, severely damaging the entity. The thaumaturgical symbols begin to glow again, as the entity ceases hostile behaviour and returns within SCP-6981. The damaged doors appear to levitate, and slowly begin floating back together, appearing to repair themselves. The glowing stops. All activity from SCP-6981 ceases. The exploration team regroup at Outpost 2 for debriefing. The camera from the suit is laying on a desk, face down, so only the audio portion was recorded. Kuipers: Why… oh god.. why? Ford: You did all you could, Sergeant. We completed the mission. Kuipers: Yes, but at what cost? We should have left that thing alone. Herran: If it's any reconciliation, the samples and photographs we gathered of 6981 will help us understand it tremendously. Dabolsky: Your friend saved us. We will all remember her, I promise. Commander Ringel and the Researcher running Command during the Exploration enter the room. The camera runs out of battery shortly afterwards. END LOG To: cherran@scipnet CC:mdabolsky@scipnet From: chourdoon@scipneta32 Subject: Reassignment This is an official notice from Area-32 administration: Your request for transfer has been approved. Both of you are heading to Site-95. The shuttle leaves at 01:00 hours from Dock B. Don't miss it. Thank you for your hard work at Area-32. We wish you the best of luck in your careers. To: chourdoon@scipneta32 From: cherran@scipnet Subject: Re:Reassignment Thank you, sir. It's been quite a wild ride up here, and I enjoyed every second of it. One more thing. I was intending to put this on the SCP-6981 file, but I won't be able to log in since my email was changed. I attached a transcript we put together of the tablet in SCP-6981. To those who came from Eris, we welcome you. Throughout time, as you grew, we watched you from this place above. Our people cheered as you took your first steps into the light, out of that dark place you were born in. We rejoiced in having finally found another people, who could feel as we did, with which we could share the universe. We created Mora3to watch over you, and on Mora, we put everything our culture could produce. We could not wait until the day our two people would finally meet. That day will never come. As our people grew, so did our greed. No longer was it about exploring the stars; no, it was about foolish material things. Of rocks and iron, metal and glass. When others didn't get what they wanted, they took. Xaankaik wanted it all to himself, and when others opposed him, he created a weapon to destroy this world. Countless millions have died, and now Mora is a barren, frozen wasteland, desolate of the beauty it once had. Some of us foresaw this. As the inevitable came, we knew that to preserve our culture we had to build a fortress to protect it, the fortress you are presently inside of. Do not be afraid, friends; this place is not a place of death and destruction, but a place of preservation and beauty. Cherish it, and do not follow down the same dark path as we did. One day, we will meet in the stars. And on that day, we will rejoice, and as one we will dance and we will sing, and destroy all the evils of the universe. Until that day, friends, we must go our separate ways. Yours, A Lonely Wanderer. « SCP-6980 | SCP-6981 | SCP-6982 »" "Overview of Mare Serenitatis, with approximate location of SCP-6981 marked. Image captured of SCP-6981 by the crew of Apollo 17."
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1.47524968e-01 -2.70976990e-01 -7.31144622e-02 2.61323541e-01 -2.40651056e-01 4.17356104e-01 2.79450804e-01 3.01717848e-01 -8.35382417e-02 -8.44847187e-02 -6.22519255e-01 -1.24947980e-01 4.05985892e-01 3.28999199e-02 2.30972916e-01 3.85208398e-01 8.32701996e-02 -3.53255451e-01 -2.04977557e-01 2.87781119e-01 -9.31705385e-02 1.00113712e-01 2.91240990e-01 -4.89584915e-02 -1.87585130e-01 2.54133731e-01 -3.60298038e-01 1.75995663e-01 2.34856997e-02 4.16160643e-01 1.45705998e-01 3.29974145e-01 1.70925006e-01 4.04484928e-01 -1.51056021e-01 -1.67859554e-01 2.88258731e-01 4.39419627e-01 -1.80939093e-01 -9.26379487e-02 -2.00532943e-01 -1.14182726e-01 4.71843667e-02 -4.08982523e-02 2.69532595e-02 1.18406132e-01 -5.20583577e-02 8.93826112e-02 -3.52601767e-01 3.92459154e-01 -3.82770710e-02 -7.46133029e-02 -6.61769509e-02 -7.16376826e-02 2.48404264e-01 -1.11589782e-01 3.66262272e-02 3.61552350e-02 -3.59473377e-01 1.25972584e-01 7.43224174e-02 -6.94924891e-02 -2.29250237e-01 -4.32081014e-01 3.75942051e-01 2.54097462e-01 1.57564506e-01 4.37241755e-02 2.89648086e-01 7.89104998e-02 1.59208834e-01 1.40486032e-01 -1.14165865e-01 3.40754569e-01 2.44882002e-01 -1.05889589e-02 -1.71649754e-01 -2.50358701e-01 1.65625259e-01 3.94987129e-02 3.73455763e-01 1.91094175e-01 -1.19911499e-01 2.36437637e-02 1.32439867e-01 6.48092106e-02 2.22198352e-01 -6.25911713e-01 2.54506648e-01 3.93428244e-02 1.00469515e-01 -2.30636463e-01 -1.11787423e-01 -2.27737159e-01 2.95621492e-02 1.05631500e-01 -5.59765697e-01 3.83224666e-01 -2.93234480e-03 -9.53362137e-02 -1.05981134e-01 2.96967924e-01 1.93336666e-01 6.19326942e-02 1.32090330e-01 -2.84386296e-02 -5.14525712e-01 -2.13600680e-01 4.20219570e-01 3.72236550e-01 -7.80504644e-02 -2.96583116e-01 3.12423468e-01 3.78114842e-02 -8.00797716e-02 -3.90118770e-02 9.11789984e-02 4.93511707e-01 4.33565378e-01 5.35231680e-02 1.01870768e-01 3.60633209e-02 -2.65353203e-01 -3.46409440e-01 -1.67541265e-01 -2.22948983e-01 2.17705041e-01 4.68141258e-01 -1.86385408e-01 1.73258021e-01 9.51184034e-02 2.05571666e-01 1.87551767e-01 -1.91781849e-01 -1.57510281e-01 -9.26464927e-05 -1.31676480e-01 -1.67776793e-01 1.98609248e-01 2.15890333e-01 -9.76221114e-02 1.55253708e-01 -1.13344058e-01 1.67430177e-01 -2.49879405e-01 4.40780446e-02 1.97367191e-01 2.47960631e-02 -5.17613888e-02 -2.01964617e-01 2.24106073e-01 -2.59703919e-02 -4.70407128e-01 -2.46459112e-01 -8.85633677e-02 -2.52844959e-01 4.99446243e-02 -4.38202433e-02 4.47680771e-01 -1.18965566e-01 -3.31477672e-01 4.31513414e-03 -2.00003788e-01 -2.39848584e-01 -1.71958341e-03 2.43237123e-01 -4.07851525e-02 -8.17569420e-02 -3.19427699e-02 3.12516868e-01 3.29321995e-02 3.41806740e-01 -2.88659275e-01 -1.88765958e-01 5.78296721e-01 1.23175614e-01 -2.21125543e-01 1.55562446e-01 4.81867820e-01 -9.74998474e-02 1.61928177e-01 -2.21352190e-01 -5.99890709e-01 -5.73548265e-02 -8.19828957e-02 -2.34829471e-01 -1.58867687e-01 -6.25062436e-02 3.59555751e-01 -3.67629290e-01 -1.07184991e-01 -1.71157360e-01 -6.83042184e-02 1.59410059e-01 6.64863884e-02 -4.49395537e-01 -3.93882155e-01 2.28072450e-01 1.85075089e-01 -2.30250418e-01 1.89775392e-01 1.64939791e-01 2.42542863e-01 1.08202390e-01 2.40838528e-01 3.15435648e-01 2.76185572e-01 -2.99246669e-01 -8.13916028e-02 -3.01602036e-01 1.41981751e-01 -3.20156604e-01 1.45417064e-01 -1.36693731e-01 -1.79365918e-01 3.23598087e-02 3.44437025e-02 -1.48985758e-01 -6.12759963e-02 6.77481368e-02 -5.33087663e-02 2.07897797e-01 -3.53345752e-01 2.34443292e-01 6.76418617e-02 -1.46182999e-01 4.71592098e-02 -2.34583035e-01 2.74630543e-02 2.58809030e-01 3.76351684e-01 -1.40847579e-01 4.31797840e-03 8.31637308e-02 3.31540853e-01 -1.71788111e-01 -1.58807203e-01 -9.37819704e-02 3.28432411e-01 4.03421484e-02 4.77893144e-01 -1.10531718e-01 4.35399741e-01 8.37412924e-02 -1.17049746e-01 1.40662551e-01 -3.96390632e-02 -2.61592060e-01 -2.25782730e-02 3.78287248e-02 -2.11418360e-01 -2.05519244e-01 -3.87788206e-01 3.44467103e-01 2.66875654e-01 -3.31893265e-01 -4.51343358e-01 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-9.15495008e-02 1.55141398e-01 2.94217229e-01 -2.22701058e-01 5.92567138e-02 -2.41516978e-01 -2.47861862e-01 -4.32495207e-01 -5.98630488e-01 -7.92531744e-02 3.80827338e-01 1.97156042e-01 1.18575025e+00 -7.47822970e-02 -5.77314980e-02 1.01421997e-01 -9.41999331e-02 -2.84160018e-01 -5.77339754e-02 -4.99891117e-02 -4.50965911e-01 1.81772038e-01 8.71027857e-02 -2.48485476e-01 3.81325521e-02 5.07769100e-02 -1.90733254e-01 -1.46089181e-01 1.97197963e-02 2.15157494e-02 9.62538868e-02 -5.89606278e-02 4.12358642e-01 -2.90489127e-03 -7.57629350e-02 2.14305907e-01 1.06696233e-01 -7.65209273e-02 -1.57638103e-01 5.33183338e-05 4.30473238e-01 6.80472776e-02 -2.28971601e-01 2.77096063e-01 -3.33151042e-01 3.70687842e-01 3.28432679e-01 1.96852446e-01 -2.42770255e-01 -1.70406282e-01 -1.57213241e-01 1.28563762e-01 -2.75951182e-03 -1.33654684e-01 3.66191089e-01 -1.16587758e-01 -1.58116654e-01 2.94155717e-01 2.46750265e-01 7.16017261e-02 -1.57917067e-01 1.27429381e-01 1.74963415e-01 -9.51247066e-02 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