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First, the Governor called the Legislature back 5 times from 2015 thru 2016. They didn't agree with him so he kept calling them back. They still didn't agree with him. Next, after 2 years of attempting to follow UAA's ISER recommendations to cut the budget to sustainable levels, this legislature is increasing the budget. In ISER's recommendations for new and increased revenue sources (fees, fines, taxes, taking Permanent Fund mineral resource revenue streams, capping the PFD, etc.), they asserted that these steps should be taken incrementally to avoid adverse impacts on the private economy. We are now in a recession and the House Coalition is attempting to raise revenues by taking all of the steps at once while raising the budget. Not smart, not well-considered and no fiscal impact analysis on the populace has been done.
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To the extent that Obama's nominations got stopped; and really they didn't get stopped, it was due to his irresponsible use of PC criteria in picking them. The diversity standard has nothing to do with constitutional law. It is an invitation to judicial activism as evidenced by the way the left leaning members of the Supreme Court voted in lockstep on most issues. The "rogues" on the Supreme Court have usually been republican appointees. (O'Conner Kennedy, Roberts re Obamacare) Even some of the left leaning activist members were republican appointees, so there is no guarantee, either way. The Merrick Garland rejection, was a long overdue and rare case of the republican controlled legislative branch asserting itself and telling Obama that his politicization of every part of government had lost their trust. They decided to leave it up to the voters and the voters had already sent a clear signal by way of republican Senate/House majorities.
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Charity would also demand restraining oneself from making a statement (or a question) which implies that those who welcome the refugees are at the same time failing to welcome the strangers who are already in their midst. It may be true in some cases; but it will not be true in others. Therefore it is unhelpful, uncharitable, unChristian.
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this is a good question and I think it comes down to relaxation. we live in such a stressful world, people turn to various releases or relaxers. some better than others and organically grown marijuana is a good choice. better than pills or drink or being aggressive.... not as good as running, jogging or bowling. but it is what it is.
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No one should be 'persecuted', but ridiculed for ridiculousness yes and educated definitely. There is no place or room in this world for refusing to 'know' what science and experience has proven and re-proven a million times over.
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I much prefer Rowan Atkinson in Blackadder to his Mr Bean.
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Wow. At the very least they should refund the cost of your seat.
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"The tradition of religious sanctuary goes back to ancient times." http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2006/08/can_criminals_hide_in_church.html I didn't know Obama was president in ancient times.
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"Your comment has echoes of an animation movie made it Czechoslovakia during the Soviet occupation." Divoká Planeta?
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Somehow I don't see Theresa May re-enacting the Reichstag Fire.
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Try your best not to feed the concern troll. It's been demonstrated that when he doesn't get the attention he seeks, ...he runs off elsewhere.
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It is a huge ouch-especially was/is for those on fixed incomes. I know I inhaled fairly deeply at ours... . Lol--oh yeah, the cat! 18 years and going strong-pretty funny cat. Likes to swim, likes car rides. And likes (demands) 'Pet Me Now' too. Now the dog, on the other hand, just walks up and simply shoves the laptop closed. Equally as effective in the attention-getting division, but with no typos.
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LOL! You just can't make this stuff up.
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Yeah. He was asked a legitimate question by a legitimate reporter about a legitimate timely topic.
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Hear hear.
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Perhaps it's time to address the black privilege in the NBA and the NFL?
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Plagiarism in journalism looks to be down, right Peg?
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good time to build our own wall so sick of this man we will trade with the rest of the world!
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You ignore an important fact. The white supremacists that attacked Charlottesville, Virginia espouse hatred and intolerance. How do you defenders of hatred and bigotry possibly expect to be considered valid? You are not, and never will be.
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Mr. Phillips a member of the First Nations Summit, commenting on the ruling stated that this is why the Supreme Court of Canada needs an indigenous judge. The implication being I assume that an indigenous would vote always in favour of aboriginal regardless of past precedents or legally. If this really was true and I would like to think it wouldn't be, then it would be a good reason for not having an indigenous judge, if there are built in biases. There was also an indication in this article by the leading spokesperson that the law might not be obeyed. We live by the rule of law, and there are no exceptions, the least of which being that the law has ruled against you.
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Slick Hillary ~ Just follow her trail What difference does it make? Too corrupt for jail
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And these same so called "scientists" talk about gravity, a round earth and an expanding universe. Well they can't prove it and I can't see it so I'm not buying any of that malarkey either!
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God has built an incredible world, and the people in it with the capacity to love and hate, create beauty and ugliness, bring joy and sadness, experience exhilaration and horror. His Word teaches us how to do and experience the former but does not prevent us from doing the latter of each pair and more. That is a gift, because had he created us without free will or intervened frequently we would be lesser because of it. To suppose He is filled with cruelty instead of love is to misunderstand the great gift of free will. Why are we the only creature that truly has and exercises free will (don't confuse it with instinct)? I pose many questions, and all can be answered from a perspective of God's involvement or not. For those who believe in a loving God, life contains all the same perils and difficulties as it does for others. But we experience these things differently, with a perspective on why they happen and where they are leading us that is quite different than those who don't. cont.
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Justin Trudeau admits to "admiration" for China's "basic dictatorship." Feeling very much like those who voted LPC on account of their stance on "electoral reform" before the last Federal election have been played.
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Using is head may be the last thing on his list if Things to Do. He chose to flop with the old "I don't need to respond to you because I've got you full measure now" trick. The only problem is that it doesn't suddenly make the points you made go magically away
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Jade" I've gotten a few odd looks from women when I emerge from the restroom. My standard response is "hi, just trying to get in touch with my feminine side." Having the facilities at concerts and event be "anyone" would make a lot of sense. regards, Gary Crum
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The GOP, if they hated ACA so much, had 8 years (more really, since health care reform has been in the works since before Obama took office) to create a viable, working alternative to put in place upon a repeal. Instead, they simply want to remove Obama's legacy as best they can, to hell with whether or not this negatively impacts millions of people who rely on it. But, priorities.
not toxic
No question the cash on hand seems like a hoard. But in reality it isn't that much different on a percentage basis as your average individual holding a bit of cash to take advantage of buying opportunities. As a percentage of market cap the approx $85 billion in cash at the end of 2016 represents about 20%. Sure likely higher than most people but given the potential acquisition targets probably a reasonable amount.
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How does Saudi Arabia even enter the discussion? The cartoons were published in Danish and French newspapers, and not published in a Canadian newspaper - the Globe. Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with it.
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LTD should have kept the phone. The security glass is bulletproof.
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Do you think you could at least offer a modicum of criticism in your reply? I refer you her Facebook page, something she is apparently proud of, especially her expressed distress that there were no c---s against Trump signs. This is the level of her "skill".She deserves all the criticism she gets, and despite what your fellow traveller Alceste declares, it is indeed increasing.
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Lots of small suvs are being bought for that reason. But the utility of a truck cannot be debated.
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Safeway is an awful store. The store in Florence has rotten produce and homeless are always rubbing on the fruit. The parking here at the coast has a gauntlet of homeless begging for gas money before you can get in the store. Does no good to complain to the worthless management.
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Mogale City's is a bit like the American State of Georgia under Jimmy Carter.... In the land of 'Mxxxxys' the Peanut Man is King!
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Any time I see the title or term "9th District" come up I just know its going to be a laugh. Sadly this district court is renowned for supporting every wing-ding that wanders in off the street. Right from people demanding the Earth is flat to atheists demanding that "In God we trust" be removed from American currency. The one thing we can all be assured of, the outcomes from this district will be amusing. Interesting article though and very simplistic although it does outline this particular issue quite well. What needs to be understood is exactly how judges are appointed or elected to the bench which will explain why Trump can't simply "fire" them like he did the acting Attorney General. This is another massive difference between Canada and the US. One important thought to keep in mind is that every state has it's own criminal and civil code and in effect, when it comes to the law, the US is a collection of 50 countries sharing the same federal government over all.
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My money says drug related
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Perfuntory? This is why I canceled my subscription.
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Can wait to see the phony numbers when this current batch of criminals are tossed to the curb!
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Newtie has the gall to tell Megan Kelly that she's obsessed with sex when he's been caught and reported cheating on all of his wives and mistresses at gun point? Woot, woot.
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" to cut the over bloated regulator levels" He has already started negotiations with the Auto companies about lowering Milage standards, which are already the lowest in the developed world. https://www.c2es.org/docUploads/vehicle_standards.png " but I love the right to work," Trump said. "I like it better because it is lower. It is better for the people. You are not paying the big fees to the unions. The unions get big fees. A lot of people don't realize they have to pay a lot of fees. I am talking about the workers. They have to pay big fees to the union. I like it because it gives great flexibility to the people. It gives great flexibility to the companies." You may be right. He may be the new Joseph Kennedy, a poacher turned Game keeper. The odds are low.
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Already making excuses if Drumpf and his cronies get charged and convicted. Project much?
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"pro active on traffic management"... HPD's idea of pro-active traffic management is to have two officers standing around BS'ing and poking at their cell-phones while a 3rd officer is in his car (with the A/C on) looking at his laptop.
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Oh - wanted to add that my Dad is old enough to have worked Pre-OHIP. In fact, when he set up practice, he saw patients for NO money if they couldn't afford it - a true doctor who was in it for the love of medicine. He had a practice that was set up as a partnership. When OHIP came along, all of a sudden, the nature of the practice changed. Younger doctors no longer were interested in working the 1 or 2 late nights a week. No weekends. No more housecalls. Even delivering babies was "not worth it". Our medical system has undergone a generational change and NOT for the better. My brother is old school. So are many of his friends and colleagues. There are a LOT of good, dedicated doctors out there - but they are given a bad name by these entitled, mercenary whiners who want more for less.
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ffscatter, I think maybe you should set down your bong for the rest of the evening.
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Your point is well taken. But only people familiar with canon law will know this pope, like the last two, is keeping the mechanisms in place and at work to protect the abusers. What most people will see is a commission and a smiling man who claims he cares. Truly, this pope is a good and true disciple of Machiavelli.
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There weren't any safety issues. It was the perception of safety. People thought the cars were accelerating under braking when it was actually a slight pulse sensation as the regenerative braking cut out. Fortunately this was never a problem in the imaginary F150's which you "own" so you might not have been aware of it.
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I was thinking the same thing but you said it first.
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You must wonder why lawyers are required to go to law school and why there are appeals courts, if all that's required is to read the law. Maybe it's time to ban religion and churches.
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a system of real time video weather cams available to pilots in route would be helpful. Especially approaching mountain passes
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Let's have it out, civil war. Racists obviously don't understand they lost the first one, may the streets run red with their blood.
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the left wing commie hate group antifa is anti american anti capitalist, they wish to make america a communist socialist utopia. they are worse than any of the other hate groups.
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Mark Shore is very polite he said "middle-aged white males" instead of the stereotype from the left - "OLD white males" or old straight white males sarcasm
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Help your kid? Sure – but don’t accept their responsibilities. If you have an adult child that is drowning in debt, give them advice and support. If it is critical to pay out some high interest debt to forestall an eviction notice, do it – with an interest free loan and set repayment schedule. Any cash should come with strings attached. Follow advice (stop with the expensive shoes, daily lattes, and travel til you have disposable income), and a clear understanding that this is a loan, not a gift. Steve M is right that in the long run Mommy and Daddy making all the problems go away is counter-productive. People need to learn from their mistakes.
not toxic
Those folks don't need any more a that book learnin anyhow.......FOX News provides all the info they need.
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I agree that alot of it is due to social media, I grew up when Myspace was huge and that caused alot of issues during my middle school and high school years. I cant imagine what the same age demographic deals with now with all these other options. But I wonder if its at the same time also not the top 40 hits and popular music that is played by everyone now days. Have you heard the lyrics to modern Hip Hop and even pop music now?? It sounds so angsty and depressive like what was popular with the "Emo" kids or the outcast kids when I was a teenager. Whenever I listen to the radio now It all sounds so cynical, miserable, somewhat suicidal(if not fully) and they talk about how they have serious issues non stop. I really cant listen to mainstream radio anymore because of this now and I still listen to "screamo" music a decade later but I cant stomach this new wave of pop music trying the same card.
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Sorry to hear your experience with matters of the heart brought you pain. Don't give up! I think you aren't distinguishing "the law" from the punishments associated with it. Ortiz admits he is an undocumented alien who came to this country when he was 15. He is guilty of breaking a law. The question now is how he should be punished. It is not about "deferring" or "suspending" a law. A law was broken, now the decision is about how to punish him. You think the punishment should break up his family. I think something that keeps his family intact would be appropriate.
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I don't disagree - in spite of what NorsNAG and Crumb say, the vast majority of these people are used to running roughshod over everyone and anyone and they desire to and have a huge chip on their shoulder as well. I have never carried in public, but just might start, we use that bike path quite a bit, as well. I have no love lost for Pete Kerns either, the Police CAN take action on this nonsense, they just CHOOSE not to. I say good riddance.
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Why does the globe and mail not tell us why the civilians of Mosul don't leave ? Is it the same reason civilians in east Aleppo don't leave ? Is it because if they try to leave they will be shot by the head choppers that control their city ?
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Hitler-like acts? How about blatantly demonizing immigrants for starters? And to such a degree that Trump supporters believe they now have license to attack.
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Assuming the vehicle isn't stolen.
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CNN is known as the Clinton News Network.
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I received both text messages and a snail mail notification. Costco, unlike some other recent food recalls, was on top of it. Sure enough, had a partial bag to toss out. I figured their promptness and concern justified my ignoring a refund of such a small amount of money. I buy enough there each year to cover my Executive Membership dues, anyway. Thanks again, Costco.
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Obama did far more than Russia did to divide us.
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There is a woman in the first photo of “men and boys”.
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Well, it doesn't tell me that.
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Your doctor isn't making decisions. Your profit-driven insurance company is.
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The Bondi thing is only the tip of the iceberg. Trump's foundation is built on a foundation of slime.
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I thought i would never ever even think about saying something like this. I wish Harper would have stayed for an other 2 or 3 year as PM. I lost total confidence in Trudeau's judgement and can't wait for an other election.
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Way to jump on politicizing a medically fragile baby's first birthday with that first comment. You are obviously very ill-informed about single payer healthcare to even ask this question. Happy birthday to baby Ryker!
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Any free blooded Canadian left in this country will shower the conservatives with funding in the next election. We aren't a slush fund for a bunch of indexed, Cafe Latte sipping elitist. You made your bed, enjoy the outcome.
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Only with the biased FPTP system, The Greens got 16% of the vote - worth a heck of a lot more than 3 seats.
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And Cooper steps up to that challenge by trying to correct misguided and anti-American screeds that seek to stifle dissent by labeling it as "disrespect", as you have. And, as mentioned previously, without your even attempting to refute his arguments beyond shrieking that they "disgust" you. Not good enough, Marine. I'll try again to explain the concept by haphazardly paraphrasing H. D. Thoreau: "There are those that serve the state with their bodies, those that serve with their minds (but without their consciences in establishing or implementing public policy), and those who serve the state with their entire beings--these last are almost invariably denounced, and frequently persecuted, as ENEMIES of the state they serve."
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Once again Sara didn't do her research, typical lib
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Longrundata.com? What happened to the annualized returns you were babbling about last week, when I listed the following: BMO -- Bought Feb. 9, 2009. Invested $3,195. Today $14,039. Return 339% ... ...which brought the response that only annualised returns mattered. Sounds like someone opening their mouth to change their feet, if you'll pardon the expression.....
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tell us buddy how this is in any way different thus reactionary by trump then when harry reid under obama used the nuclear option in the senate?
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Our AG refuses to do his ACTUAL JOB.
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If you don't know how you can lose control going 40-50 mph on a motorcycle you have no business commenting or asking the question. It is very easy to lose control of a motorcycle through no fault of your own. At any speed.
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Interesting format, reasonably well delivered. Arsenault and Hanomansigh are always on point, consummate pros. Chang can be fairly cocky but Barton is annoying. She is too opinionated and overbearing. I felt uneasy this evening after she made a sarcastic quip and laughed it up with Chang after the the first story re: Texas shooting, "that won't happen every night". What did she mean? Tone it down Rosemary, I have a Fast Forward button.
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Fed money going to keep certain voters either alive or eligible to cast votes.
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Here we go with the "media" again, who gave Trump free wall-to-wall coverage for over a year and a half. Yes, I saw and heard Trump with my own eyes and ears. Where do you go to receive accurate, non partisan coverage? Infowars? Noted.
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Maybe Duncan is taking his money out of AK before the economy tanks.
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So he invests guided by market cycles. Cycles that are defined as being long in nature. And the only discussion points in the column relate to post 2008. Further, all investment decisions are very vague in description to the point you aren't even sure if he was invested or just observing (e.g. the Brazilian ETF and Nigerian ETF). Did he invest in both, one or neither? Really the only thing you have a clear sense of is his use of hybrid bank bonds. Other than his 2 minutes of fame I am not sure this provided a lot of value to the reader.
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I know it doesn't seem like it, but Eagle River is actually part of the mighty Municipality of Anchorage -- stretching from Portage to Peters Creek!
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Posturing old " Honest" Conservative--London has everything those places do not have--ever been in a Paris transit strike ! Frankfurt- hot dog ! --but no thanks !
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Not a peep from western leaders condemning this. ISIS is all ours and no criticism will be forthcoming.
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The heir and successor to Anne Coulter. Her schtick was "oh, we can't get mad because she'd an educated and empowered women slagging women and minorities". His seems to be "oh we can't get mad, he's a flamboyant homosexual and apparently a victim of child sexual assault, slagging LGBQT, women and minorities". A bizarre man. Spewing whatever he needs to in order to get attention and generate sales.
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He must be related to Garth Turner who called for an imminent housing crash in 2008 of 40%, and go to cash. That crystal ball guess didn't work out for him very well either. I always laugh when someone thinks they can predict the future, with a smug attitude, like they are smarter than everyone else.
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My view on protests are that there is no such thing as a peaceful protest. Marching through streets without the proper permits or security measures don't make it peaceful. In fact, it is unlawful! It has the potential of becoming a riot and usually attracts non-law abiding types....
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*smiles* Now he's catching on. They are comical, or perhaps the better word is satirical. That's what I do, inspired by Colbert, but different. What sort of character is this?
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None of the faculty members is whining. Running a university is the job for professional educators and researchers, but not for bloody amateurs. There are numerous absurd decisions. Here is an example: After five years as superintendent of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, where he was named Alaska’s 2013 Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Steve Atwater, was hired by UA Statewide in 2014 to lead the K-12 Outreach team as associate vice president. Eventually, he was named Interim Dean of UAF's School of Education. And now, the Board of Regents is processing to locate its single statewide College of Education at the University of Alaska Southeast. Since the National Council on Teacher Quality has ranked the elementary education program at UAF among the best in the United States, such a decision is absurd. This decision is only politically motivated, the best way to destroy the reputation of UAF won in a long-term period of numerous decades.
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Are you the one who keeps saying this and nothing but this in the comment section of just about every article? If so, are you related to Bob Atkinson?
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I love my country, but I have become disgusted with what it has come to "stand for" lately. It truly bothers me, especially that we have become so hateful.
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There were 67 citations for DUII and speeding combined for the weekend. There were more than 45,000 people attending. That still seems like a very low number.
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I'm highly disappointed in the anti-expansion video referenced in this article. That kind of hyperbole is totally unnecessary to support the viewpoint. I'm also amazed at the misinformation expressed in so many of the comments that have accompanied articles on the topic. Ultimately, I think that regardless of whether you love poke, hate commercial fishing, want the whole ocean to be 'protected'... it is a bad idea to make an action without basing it on sound science. The article also makes it seem like all scientists are in the pro monument camp which is untrue by the way. Again let me just re-state: There is simply no scientifically based proof that expanding the monument will significantly protect the species caught either intentionally or unintentionally by the fleet. The quantity of the latter by the way is worth looking into. It sounds good... kapu this area and we'll secure food for the long term... show me the science, spare me the rhetoric.
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it is a sin to harp on intolerance for views that are opposed to yours
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As you believe in universal salvation what was the point of Our Lord criticising the Pharisees behaviour if He was going to save them regardless of it? In fact what was the point of all His preaching and teaching if He was going to save us all whether we took any notice of Him or not?
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What do you think the upstream carbon foot print of the Nigerian/Middle East oil used in Quebec is ?? Truly the lies and hypocrisy are breathtaking!!! We could use some Canadian pride and leadership that stands for more than vote getting.
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You've cherry-picked the passages from those documents to suit yourself. The bishop accurately presented the Church's teaching on conscience. As for the "powerful, moneyed classes" being able to divorce and remarry, go tell that to Henry VIII.
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If you can summarize your idea, get back to me.
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I think I only read one or two posters who blamed it *all* on Harper, but they were immediately corrected. However, Harper did contribute to the problem, keeping Khadr in Guantanamo years more than he should have, and fighting every possible legality that he could. The last decision that Harper appealed all the way to the SCC had so little merit that the Court ruled against him on the spot, something it seldom does.
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